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The Final Doom box cover

Final Doom is a compilation of two standalone episodes: TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment , which include full sets of new levels (both of them use the same level structure as Doom II with 30 regular levels and 2 secret levels), new graphics and textures, and new text interlude screens in addition to most of the resources from Doom II and some from Doom. TNT: Evilution contains a mostly new soundtrack, while The Plutonia Experiment uses music from Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth. It was released on June 17, 1996, by id Software under the initiative of John Romero and developed by members of the fan community belonging to TeamTNT .

TNT: Evilution was developed independently by TeamTNT, and was purchased by id Software when it was practically complete. The Plutonia Experiment, on the other hand, was created specifically for Final Doom after its authors showed some of the id Software developers an incomplete set of levels. Its two authors, while part of TeamTNT and also contributors to TNT: Evilution, produced The Plutonia Experiment independently.

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Technical
  • 5 External links
  • 6 References

Background [ ]

This is it. The end. The end of the undead marines, the acid-drenched hallways and the hell-spawned hordes. The final chapter in the legendary Doom series. This is Final Doom. It's two new 32-level episodes complete with new stories (The Plutonia Experiment & Evilution), new frightening realistic graphics and new pulse-pounding music. It's time to finish what you started. Final Doom. End of story.

The Playstation Doom and the Final Doom sequel installment follow a rather more elaborate storyline and immersive progression of breathtaking adventure through the entire game, meeting up with the alerting precense of hell and demons at the Nukage Processing point of the game, and progress and transgress further into a downward spiral into gut wrenching and demon head blasting immersive survival, this whole idea is a favorite of Audrey Hodges, a very iconic Final Doomer in the Doom community.

Each of the two standalone IWADs is presented as a sequel to Doom II, referencing events from the original game in their background stories, particularly the invasion of Earth, but without referencing each other in any way.

The Doom Custom Playstation Edition's player marine " Flynn Peter Taggart " is referenced with Jimmy Lee from the Double Dragon series, shown on the box art similiarly to him appearing as Codename Bart in the Prisoners of War by SNK Playmore.

The Playstation Final Doom's player marine " B.J. Blazcowizc III " is referenced with action star Michael Biehn(Dwayne Hicks in the Aliens series), and is not shown at all.

The Master Levels player marine " General Hayden " is referenced with Ty Halderman, the founder of the Team TNT affiliate to ID Software, and is shown mentioned in the games credits.

Technical [ ]

Since the Final Doom IWADs each contain most of the resources from Doom II, and replace the rest, they can be used along with add-ons made for Doom II, notwithstanding some possible visual inconsistencies of minor importance.

It is not clear who made the modifications to the engine. Final Doom uses the sources from The Ultimate Doom , being identical to the engine from the expansion of Doom in most respects (and is likewise marked as v1.9 regardless of differences). It is even capable of running Thy Flesh Consumed if used with the corresponding IWAD , but also detects the new Final Doom IWADs and adds the necessary text strings for the intermission screens and level names when needed (and without losing the data needed to run Doom II ). If a user places various IWADs in a single directory the engine selects the new IWADs before Doom II or Doom , and The Plutonia Experiment before TNT: Evilution.

Since it is derived from the source used for The Ultimate Doom, it may also display incompatible lost soul behavior when playing demos recorded with Doom version 1.9. There is, however, one additional minor difference that may also affect compatibility, a bug in the teleportation behavior where the altitude of a teleporting thing is not checked.

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Final Doom box art next to a ammo box.

  • When using Final Doom's engine, setting joyb_speed to 31 in the configuration file doesn't make the player always run as in version 1.9 , though the value of 29 works in all versions.
  • Final Doom, a 64-level follow-up to Doom 2 released in 1996, was neither "final," nor did id consider it a proper numbered sequel, though the game does fit into Doom canon. [1]
  • Final Doom is listed in the history of the Doom series in the Prima's Official Doom 64 Strategy Guide, as the last Doom game produced/published by ID games directly (it does bring up that outside level designers were commisioned to make the campaigns), before the release of Doom 64.

External links [ ]

  • A Final Doom page on the website of TeamTNT , maintained by one of the designers of TNT: Evilution .
  • A Final Doom page on the website of id Software , the publisher of Final Doom.

References [ ]

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is the plutonia experiment canon

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Final Doom (Video Game)

In TNT: Evilution , the UAC are continuing their research on inter-dimensional travel on one of Jupiter's moons. Their initial experiments go well thanks to an army of space marines managing to keep the forces of Hell at bay. However, the demons soon create their own spaceship to overrun the facility and launch another invasion.

In The Plutonia Experiment , the governments of Earth restructure the UAC to put a stop to any future invasions from Hell. Scientists create a Quantum Accelerator to shut down any Dimensional Gates connected to Hell, but the demons overrun the facility and steal the Accelerator under the command of the Gatekeeper.

In both cases, humanity's last hope once again falls upon the Doom Marine to do what he does best; slaughter the demonic hordes by any means necessary.

Both WADs , while perfectly capable of being loaded as PWADs for Doom II using the latter's IWAD file, are IWADs in their own right and thus do not in fact require DOOM II for one to run them. Of course, those who are unfamiliar with DOOM II are likely to find these WADs back-breakingly difficult.

A PlayStation port that combined the games into one and included maps from the Master Levels of Doom II was released later that same year. This port removed most of the levels from the combined games (especially on the Plutonia end, where only 6 of its 32 maps were included), as well as the Arch-Vile and functionally the Spider Mastermind (the latter still exists in the game data, just going unused in any of the included maps), in addition to reducing the difficulty significantly. The traditional rock soundtrack was also replaced with more ambient pieces by composer Aubrey Hodges that gave the game a more sinister atmosphere, and included the redone sound effects and colored lighting from the Ultimate Doom + Doom II Playstation port.

On January 9, 2020, both halves of Final Doom were re-released as free add-ons at the launch of the curated add-ons feature for the Unity ports of Doom and Doom II .

This video game provides examples of:

  • 100% Completion : The end of each stage gives a kill, item, and secret percentage.
  • If you're pistol-starting a Plutonia level for an extra challenge, chances are (depending on the level), you'll find a cache of health, armour, weapons and ammo nearby, showing that the Casali Brothers were accommodating to players wishing to start a level from square one. If you're playing levels in a marathon-like session, the extra supplies ensure that you're unlikely to struggle with ammo and just need to worry about staying alive. Dario Casali would later admit though that while they tried catering to pistol-starting, they only played continuously and never tried pistol-starting their maps, so some maps aren't balanced too well for pistol-starting (e.g. Aztec lacks a Super Shotgun pickup, making the frequent close-quarter combat within the map a lot more difficult to manage on pistol-starts).
  • The Casali brothers would test each map while intentionally avoiding getting the secrets, to ensure their maps were beatable without players finding any of the secrets, making the secrets a nice bonus to help rather than being something necessary to survive.
  • Attract Mode : Like the other games in the series, Final Doom plays a demo if left on the title screen for a second or two. However, the original revisions of the game would crash because it's IWADs don't include a 4th demo recording.
  • Beef Gate : Plutonia's first map, "Congo", serves this role in a meta sense; instead of being an easy quaint map like typical map 1 fare, Plutonia starts with a map that puts most other IWAD maps to shame, while immediately busting out high tier enemies (including Arch-Viles ) and some of Plutonia's favorite devious tricks (such as Arch-Viles reviving sniping Chaingunners). The map serves to turn off players who do not have the skills yet to handle Plutonia, or at least beat it into them that they need to turn down the difficulty instead of immediately jumping in on Ultra-Violence.
  • Bookends : TNT: Evilution 's level Ballistyx opens with the player standing before a marble altar outside a building infested with demons. After delving deep into the hellspawn-plagued underground, the map ends with an image of the altar from the very start of the level, and approaching it will warp the player back to the start — and lower the altar, which enables the player to leave the level through it.
  • "Cyberden" is a rough surprise for newcomers to Plutonia who are more used to Doom II difficulty. The level presents you with four Cyberdemons behind barriers overlooking the central court right at the start. The level progression is indicated by the release of each Cyberdemon one at a time, and to release them, you must progress through challenging side rooms. Complete the level and you are taken to...
  • "Go 2 It": It's packed tight with very dangerous monsters , and isn't even above unleashing multiple Arch-Viles on you. It has even more Cyberdemons than the previous map - in fact, there are more Cyberdemons in this one map than there are across Ultimate Doom and Doom II combined - and will truly put your dodging skills to the test. This map's sheer difficulty helped set the standard for super-hard custom map packs such as the Hell Revealed series. Betcha wondered just what was the hardest level we had ready for ya? Now you know. No one gets out alive.
  • Canon Discontinuity : For what little story there is in Doom, the events described in Evilution and Plutonia would be ignored in Doom 64 , with its story picking up where Doom II left off, while Doom 64 would be tied into the canon storyline by Doom Eternal , rendering the story events of Final Doom noncanon.
  • Cliffhanger : The ending for TNT: Evilution . After you kill the Demon Spitter (another Icon Of Sin) the text crawl describes the sky turning from red to blue and all the monster corpses disappearing, implying you've been teleported back to Earth. The text then says a blue glow is coming from the remains of the Spitter and you approach ... only to abruptly cut to the same "monster roll-call" that was at the end of Doom II and end with no explanation as to what would happen. Plutonia doesn't continue that story either, and later Doom games don't reference either at all , so what that was supposed to be will be a mystery for the ages.
  • Container Maze : TNT Evilution features two in Map 11: "Storage Facility", as a homage to the original from "Containment Area" in the original Doom. Map 19: "Shipping/Respawning" also features a crate maze, though much larger and not as maze-like.
  • Dark World : Level 4 of TNT Evolution , Wormhole , starts off in a brightly - lit techbase, and to complete the level, you have to go through a teleporter to a dark, more foreboding and empty version of the same base.
  • The final boss of TNT: Evilution was expected to require the player to jump down the stairs and fire a rocket during the fall. Instead, the player can simply stand on one of the stairs and fire rockets for a quicker kill.
  • Map 16: The Omen in Plutonia can be rendered easier, even on a pistol start, if you hold off on firing your weapons in the arena where you find the first key and on the connecting elevator platform along with the adjacent step-up from the green nukage. This way, the Revenants and Mancubi lying dormant outside the map's playable area don't wake up and teleport into the arena and you can BFG the next two Arch Viles in peace so they don't do any significant reviving of monsters.
  • Establishing Series Moment : Plutonia 's very first map, Congo, askews the traditional wisdom of the first map being an easy map with only lowly Imps and Zombies meant to ease the player in, and instead immediately throws the player to the wolves with a map harder than most of the other IWAD maps. It has a shotgunner ambush right from the get-go, a room where you can get the Rocket Launcher as a non-secret item (which also ambushes you with Revenants), as well as two Arch-Vile ambushes (one of which is an Arch-Vile designed to constantly resurrect a Chaingunner, a trick that Plutonia loves). It immediately sets the tone for the increased difficulty of Plutonia compared to Doom 2, which isn't going to get any easier after that map.
  • Evil Smells Bad : One of the text scrawls in TNT:Evilution says that Hell smells like "fried excrement."
  • Fake Difficulty : TNT: Evilution is notorious for its maps frequently containing large and rather empty rooms filled with excessive Hitscan enemies, where you can't avoid their fire and you're sure to take damage from them as you won't be able to kill them all before they hit you without getting lucky. So while Plutonia's difficulty is derived from enemy placement that best utilizes their traits and nasty ambushes, TNT's difficulty is largely derived from the player's health being constantly drained by unavoidable hitscan fire from hitscanners in these large rooms.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck! : Level 28 of TNT: Evilution , near the end of the Hell levels, is called "Heck".
  • Hope Spot : In Plutonia 's first secret level Cyberden, an exit teleporter lies behind a yellow key door, marked as such via adjacent signs. An unobservant player might not notice that all of Plutonia 's level exits are shaped in a very specific way, and this "exit teleporter" is not that . Attempting to take the teleporter opens up a door with an army of Revenants ready to flood out into the main area, guarding true level exit.
  • Insurmountable Waist-Height Fence : In "Ballistyx", level 26 of TNT: Evilution , the exit linedef is on a chest-height altar that's supposed to be lowered into the ground near the end of the level. If you're playing a source port that allows the player to jump, you can finish a normally six-minute or so map in under two seconds by simply jumping up onto it.
  • Kaizo Trap : TNT: Evilution gets in on the fun on the first level - what looks like the exit switch instead lowers you into a basement with shotgunners and a pair of Chaingunners, with the real exit behind them.
  • Mission-Pack Sequel : While Doom II was just mostly a mission pack sequel for Doom I (adding several new enemies and a new weapon alongside the new levels) Final Doom is the real deal, as it has no mechanical differences from Doom II whatsoever — both IWADs ( TNT: Evilution and The Plutonia Experiment ) qualify - in fact, TNT was supposed to just be a regular free PWAD for Doom II before a publishing deal was struck at nearly the last minute.
  • MAP26 of The Plutonia Experiment contains a secret surrounding a teleporter, but the player is too thin for the secret to register. It is only reachable by using the noclip cheat, or by exploiting an esoteric glitch where a pain elemental attempts to create a lost soul on the player when they're on the edge of the teleporter.
  • It's technically impossible to collect 100% items on MAP28 of The Plutonia Experiment in single player because of the presence of two Computer Area Maps, which you cannot collect if you already have one (Co-op doesn't have this problem if another player takes the 2nd Computer Area Map).
  • In the PlayStation port, the Spider Mastermind is in the game's ending cast call, despite not appearing anywhere in the game's levels. This has led players unaware of her nonexistence to fruitlessly search everywhere in the game for her, believing she was hidden away in some secret they missed.
  • Also in the port's version of Ballistyx, in the caged area near the end of the map, you can see another clearly labelled exit in the inaccessible area outside the cage. This led players to believe it was a secret exit that led to a secret map, perhaps containing the aforementioned missing Mastermind, and so would search all over the map for some way to access that outside area with the second exit. The back of the game's case claiming there were over 30 maps, while the game ended after exactly 30 maps, added fuel to this fire that there was a secret map and that this exit was tied to it. It is additionally a common Doom mapping practice codified by Romero himself to have clearly visible secrets in initially out of reach areas, to spur on players to explore and find the access to those secrets, thus Doom players are inherently conditioned to think this second exit was a secret. However, it is just a normal exit added for deathmatch (as the outside area is the arena players spawn in during deathmatch, with them being unable to access the rest of the map), and triggering it will just send the player to the next map as normal, while the back of the game case lied as there are no secret maps in the port .
  • Level 18: "Neurosphere" pays homage to Level 14: "The Inmost Dens" from Doom II . The concept is castle-like masonry structures built over moats of liquid, with wood-metal doors around.
  • Level 24: "The Final Frontier" and Level 27: "Anti-Christ" are both very similar in theme to Level 29: "The Living End" in Doom II with a huge underground cavern that features side chambers up above a vast lake of hazardous liquid. Like their inspiration, both levels climax with a boss monster encounter, featuring a Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind respectively.
  • Level 32: "Go 2 It" is a harder remake of Map 01: "Entryway", the very first level of Doom II .
  • "Baron's Lair" would suggest a map containing a ton of Barons, yet it does not contain a single Baron of Hell on any of the difficulties. According to Dario Casali, the name was meant to refer to the Cyberdemon at the end of the map.
  • "Neurosphere" is especially nonindicative, as it's a scientific term for a culture of free-floating clusters of neural-stem-cells, while the level is an ocher-brick world with rivers of blood.
  • "Impossible Mission" doesn't live up to its name, being challenging but nowhere near as difficult as the secret levels .
  • "Odyssey of Noises" makes for an unusual name, but the level's concept has more in common Doom II's "Downtown" level, being a grid-like city of sorts with roads running between the structures.
  • Packaged as Other Medium : You may have noticed the cover art resembles an ammo box. It is in fact modeled after a cartridge for the M242 Bushmaster autocannon, albeit flipped upside down.
  • TNT: "Shipping/Respawing" = Shipping/Receiving
  • Plutonia: "NME" = Enemy, naturally.
  • Schizophrenic Difficulty : Whereas The Plutonia Experiment keeps a consistent difficulty that fluctuates but never substantially, TNT: Evilution is very inconsistent, with it ranging from being around Doom 2 in difficulty, up to sudden difficulty spikes as hard as Plutonia, back to being easy again. Of particular note, the first map is typical map 1 fare but the second map, Human BBQ, introduces a rough hitsccan hell map with little health, before going back to being around higher end Doom 2 difficulty. Then maps 7-9, Prison, Metal, and Stronghold, are a huge difficulty spike with some of TNT's hardest maps, before dropping back down to several mundane maps. Then maps 18-21 are huge with many tough sections and are quite the grind, while the next several maps after that are much smaller and again easy to mundane in difficulty. Then map 27, Mount Pain, is suddenly a Marathon Level harder than many Plutonia maps, and while the final three maps aren't easy, they're a big dropoff in difficulty and scale from Mount Pain.
  • Series Fauxnale : As the title implies, this game was promoted as the last installment of the series, since id was about to move on to Quake (released the very next month). Despite this, Doom 64 - which wasn't developed by id, but was certainly licensed by them, and continued on from Doom II while ignoring Final - was released less than a year later.
  • Set a Mook to Kill a Mook : The secret level of The Plutonia Experiment Map 32: "Go 2 It", has so many enemies (at least 206) and open spaces that it is literally impossible to not have monsters infight each other, especially with 13 Cyberdemons and a Spider Mastermind.
  • Suspicious Videogame Generosity : If the pre-level text didn't alert players to the difficulty in Plutonia 's second secret level, Go 2 It, that it gives the player all the guns at the very start should.
  • Tele-Frag : "Last Call" ( MAP30 of TNT: Evilution ) has a second Player 1 start in a sealed-off area — and most of the islands in the lake between the start and the main part of the level have teleport linedefs which take you to this area, so if you don't take exactly the right route across the lake, you telefrag yourself .
  • Trial-and-Error Gameplay : Well of Souls ( MAP02 of ''Plutonia Experiment) has a corridor of switches. Two of them are essential to complete the map, while others open a monster closet.
  • The War Sequence : "Go 2 It" from The Plutonia Experiment , which is a remixed version of the first stage from Doom II with over 200 enemies, including 19 Arch-Viles and 13 Cyberdemons (fortunately, you don't have to fight them all at the same time; unfortunately, you do have to fight up to 4 at a time).
  • Doom II: Hell on Earth
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is the plutonia experiment canon

  • TNT: Evilution


TNT: Evilution , released on June 17, 1996 , forms one half of Final Doom , a commercial product which consists of two 32-level Doom II IWADs (the other being The Plutonia Experiment ). It was completed in November 1995, and was to have been released for free. However, a publishing deal was brokered by John Romero the night before its planned release, resulting in the commercial publication of Final Doom by id Software . This commercialization of TNT: Evilution caused a certain amount of controversy within the Doom community, and Evilution is consequently one of Doomworld 's " Top 10 Infamous WADs ", albeit not for reasons of gameplay or level design.

According to Dario Casali , the "TNT" in the title originally stood for "Trials 'N Tribulations", [1] but later it officially became known as "The New Technology", representing the name of the mapping team, TeamTNT , who created it.

Eleven levels from the IWAD are featured in the Sony PlayStation version of Final Doom.

In 2023, TNT: Evilution was included in Doomworld 's Doot Eternal music feature for Doom's 30th anniversary.

  • 4.1 Current Compet-n records
  • 4.2 Current DSDA records
  • 5 File specifications
  • 8 External links
  • 9 References

Story [ edit ]

In TNT: Evilution the UAC , now under strict government supervision, are once again intent on developing and experimenting with dimensional gateway technology. With hopes that increased distance would help protect the Earth , they set up a base on Io [ citation needed ] , one of the moons of Jupiter, with a solid detachment of marines from the United States Space Marine Corps for protection. The marines do their job well: when the first experimental gateway is opened they annihilate the forces of Hell . Anything that came through the gateway was immediately destroyed by the marines, and so research on the gateways continued. The marines are all awarded the Silver Star by the government in gratitude. Research went on, less cautiously than before.

A few months later, the yearly supply ship came earlier than expected, and looked strange and unusually large on the radar. The personnel of the base went out to behold the terrible truth: it was a spaceship from Hell , built of steel, stone, flesh, bone and corruption. The ship's enormous gates opened to unleash a rain of demons on the base. Quickly, the whole base was overrun, and everyone was slain or zombified .

The Doomguy , now in command of the marine deployment, had been away on a walk, and thus escaped death or zombification. After being attacked by an imp he rushes back to the base, where he sees the demonic spaceship still hovering above it and realizes what has happened. Then he swears that he will seek revenge for his slain troops, and sets out to slay as many evil creatures as possible.

Levels [ edit ]

As in Doom II, the levels can be divided up into four sets. There are three loose episodes each defined by its own sky texture (1-11, 12-20 and 21-30) and two secret levels (31-32). The player is presented with a text screen in between the episodes (before levels 12 and 21). Additional textual interludes appear before level 7, before each secret level, and at the conclusion of the game. The designers of each map were unveiled by Ty Halderman in a post at the Doomworld forums in 2004, showing that several level designs were shared between multiple authors.

MAP01 to MAP06 ; experimental labs levels:

  • Level 1: System Control by Tom Mustaine
  • Level 2: Human BBQ by John Wakelin
  • Level 3: Power Control by Robin Patenall and John Minadeo
  • Level 4: Wormhole by Ty Halderman
  • Level 5: Hanger by Jim Dethlefsen
  • Level 6: Open Season by Jimmy Sieben and Ty Halderman

MAP07 to MAP11 ; military base levels:

  • Level 7: Prison by Andrew Dowswell
  • Level 8: Metal by John Minadeo
  • Level 9: Stronghold by Jimmy Sieben
  • Level 10: Redemption by Tom Mustaine
  • Level 11: Storage Facility by Dean Johnson

MAP12 to MAP20 ; nighttime levels:

  • Level 12: Crater by Jim Lowell
  • Level 13: Nukage Processing by Brian Kidby
  • Level 14: Steel Works by Robin Patenall
  • Level 15: Dead Zone (Exit to secret level) by William D. Whitaker
  • Level 16: Deepest Reaches by Andre Arsenault
  • Level 17: Processing Area by Tom Mustaine
  • Level 18: Mill by Dario Casali and Ty Halderman
  • Level 19: Shipping/Respawning by Ty Halderman
  • Level 20: Central Processing by Drake O'Brien

MAP21 to MAP30 ; hellish levels:

  • Level 21: Administration Center by Drake O'Brien
  • Level 22: Habitat by Christopher Buteau
  • Level 23: Lunar Mining Project by Paul Turnbull
  • Level 24: Quarry by Dean Johnson
  • Level 25: Baron's Den by David J. Hill
  • Level 26: Ballistyx by Mark Snell and Jim Lowell
  • Level 27: Mount Pain by Drake O'Brien
  • Level 28: Heck by Milo Casali
  • Level 29: River Styx by Jimmy Sieben
  • Level 30: Last Call by Jimmy Sieben

MAP31 and MAP32 ; secret levels:

  • Level 31: Pharaoh (Exit to super secret level) by Dario Casali
  • Level 32: Caribbean by Dario Casali

Music [ edit ]

Unlike Plutonia, most maps feature new music, composed by Jonathan El-Bizri , Josh Martel , L.A. Sieben and Tom Mustaine .

Speedrunning [ edit ]

Current Compet-n records [ edit ]

The Compet-n episode records for TNT: Evilution are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
, MAP01-MAP10 15:58 2002-08-28
UV speed episode, MAP11-MAP20 13:30 2002-09-08
UV speed episode, MAP21-MAP30 15:18 2003-05-08
UV speed run 55:34 2002-02-17
, MAP01-MAP10
NM speed episode, MAP11-MAP20 24:41 2002-08-14
NM speed episode, MAP21-MAP30 32:12 2008-01-13
NM speed run
, MAP01-MAP10 47:46 2009-05-11
UV max episode, MAP11-MAP20 1:51:27 2007-12-30
UV max episode, MAP21-MAP30 1:31:32 2009-05-01
UV max run 4:10:09 2009-05-16
, MAP01-MAP10
NM100S episode, MAP11-MAP20 44:36 2012-07-07
NM100S episode, MAP21-MAP30
NM100S run
, MAP01-MAP10 1:12:34 2011-08-08
UV -fast episode, MAP11-MAP20 1:49:30 2012-08-04
UV -fast episode, MAP21-MAP30
UV -fast run
, MAP01-MAP10
UV -respawn episode, MAP11-MAP20
UV -respawn episode, MAP21-MAP30
UV -respawn run
, MAP01-MAP10
UV Tyson episode, MAP11-MAP20
UV Tyson episode, MAP21-MAP30
UV Tyson run
, MAP01-MAP10
UV pacifist episode, MAP11-MAP20
UV pacifist episode, MAP21-MAP30
UV pacifist run

The data was last verified in its entirety on November 22, 2020.

  • No qualifying run verified and published, as of the most recent Compet-n database update.
  • Recorded with the Final Doom executable; desyncs with the Doom II executable on MAP06 .
  • Recorded with the Final Doom executable.

Current DSDA records [ edit ]

The DSDA episode records for TNT: Evilution are:

Run Time Player Date File Notes
, MAP01-MAP10 12:56 2015-12-04
UV speed episode, MAP11-MAP20 13:08 2022-04-12
UV speed episode, MAP21-MAP30 15:19 2003-05-08
UV speed run 34:36 2023-05-12
, MAP11-MAP20 21:14 2015-06-18
NM speed episode, MAP21-MAP30 21:17 2015-06-22
NM speed run 1:23:36 2016-10-03
, MAP01-MAP10 35:36 2021-04-18
UV max episode, MAP11-MAP20 1:17:07 2022-06-13 Plays back with tnt31.wad
UV max episode, MAP21-MAP30 46:09 2024-01-25
UV max run 2:23:06 2021-03-02 Plays back with tnt31.wad
, MAP01-MAP10 38:35 2022-07-13
NM 100S episode, MAP11-MAP20 34:10 2020-12-20 Plays back with tnt31.wad
NM 100S episode, MAP21-MAP30 27:39 2021-03-25
NM 100S run 1:50:40 2023-04-17 Plays back with tnt31.wad
, MAP01-MAP10 54:47 2022-11-06
UV -fast episode, MAP11-MAP20 1:32:40 2022-11-09 Plays back with tnt31.wad
UV -fast episode, MAP21-MAP30 1:16:43 2022-11-11
UV -fast run 3:35:50 2022-11-16 Plays back with tnt31.wad
, MAP01-MAP10 2:18:02 2015-03-08
, MAP01-MAP10 08:30 2022-12-03
NoMo run 29:09 2021-04-05

The data was last verified in its entirety on February 6, 2024.

File specifications [ edit ]

TNT: Evilution is contained in an IWAD file named TNT.WAD . The most common version is 18,195,736 bytes in size and contains 3,101 entries. It has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code

See also [ edit ]

  • Built-in demos
  • The Plutonia Experiment
  • TNT: Revilution
  • TNT: Evilution MIDI Pack

Sources [ edit ]

  • This article incorporates text from the open-content Wikipedia online encyclopedia article Final Doom .

External links [ edit ]

  • TNT MAP31 yellow keycard bug fix by TeamTNT
  • TeamTNT's Final Doom site (archived 🏛 )
  • id Software's Final Doom site (archived 🏛 )
  • TNT: Evilution  at Compet-n
  • TNT: Evilution full-game runs  at the Doom Speed Demo Archive
  • Interview with Dario Casali (1998) by Doomworld
  • Review  at ONEMANDOOM: WAD Reviews

References [ edit ]

  • ↑ Dario Casali (6 November 2022). "Final Doom: Evilution. What's it like 28 years later? Map 15 - Dead Zone." YouTube. Retrieved 9 November 2022.
  • Articles with unsourced statements
  • Official add-ons
  • Doot Eternal
  • Articles with main image override
made an edit on unless otherwise noted. ( )

Screen Rant

The entire doom timeline explained: when each game takes place.


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DOOM: The Dark Ages Official Trailer

Doom eternal review: let the giblets hit the floor, why i'm not excited about honkai: star rail's dating sim leaks.

  • DOOM has three main timelines, each with unique interpretations of the Doomguy and his mission.
  • The original series focuses on Mars and Earth's invasion by hellish creatures.
  • The reboot introduces the Doom Slayer, a warrior from ancient times who combats demonic forces on Earth.

The DOOM series has been a high-profile franchise since the original installment in 1993. While not the first first-person shooter game, DOOM ushered the genre into the mainstream in brilliant, gory fashion. Since its debut in the early 1990s, DOOM has spawned numerous sequels and spin-offs, as well as films, books, and many other forms of media. Naturally, the story of DOOM has branched off into numerous directions, creating its own universe of lore in which the Doomguy has been reimagined many times over. With DOOM: Dark Ages recently announced, now is a great time to get the story straight.

If excluding all media outside of the video games, DOOM essentially has three core timelines. Of course, each timeline is packed full of blood-hungry hellions, but how the Doomguy is portrayed, as well as his backstory, changes vastly with each. Another factor that differs in each timeline is why the space marine is on Mars in the first place. From mad scientists and corporate villains to cosmic battles between the angelic and demonic, the space marine has truly seen it all. Get ready to go to Hell and back as we examine the three main timelines of the DOOM games.

Doom The Dark Ages Trailer Thumbnail

Announcing DOOM: The Dark Ages in a trailer revealed at Xbox Games Showcase, June 2024. Wishlist on Xbox GamePass, Xbox Series X|S, PC or PlayStation.

The Original DOOM Timeline

The timeline that started it all.

In the original DOOM , an unnamed space marine toils on Mars and its moons for the UAC (Union Aerospace Corporation). The marine was stationed there as punishment for assaulting a senior officer after refusing an order to harm unarmed civilians. On the surface of Mars and its moons, Deimos and Phobos, the UAC conducts clandestine experiments regarding interdimensional travel. Disregarding safety measures, Hell literally breaks loose when the UAC’s experiments accidentally open a rift in dimensions, allowing the denizens of Hell to escape into humanity's reality. Carnage ensues, and the Doomguy travels to Hell itself to crush the invading hordes.

According to Tom Hall and John Romero, the original DOOM Marine was the grandson of Commander Keen and great-grandson of William J. Blazkowicz, though this may not be canon in the modern version.

The sequel, DOOM II: Hell on Earth , sees Doomguy return to Earth only to find his homeworld invaded by demonic forces. Much of humanity has been destroyed, with a few fortified cities housing the few living that remain. The game features the space marine blasting his way through various suburban and urban locations as he hunts for the source of the infernal siege. In the game’s climax, Doomguy encounters the “Icon of Sin,” an immensely powerful demonic entity responsible for the invasion of Earth. After a brutal battle, Doomguy is victorious, ending Hell’s threat to Earth for the time being.

1996’s Final DOOM expands the lore of the original two games with a pair of new storylines, “TNT: Evilution” and “The Plutonia Experiment.” The UAC has established a new base on Io, one of Jupiter’s moons. Things, once again, go awry, and the armies of Hell pour into the human realm. The timeline comes to its bloody conclusion in 1997’s DOOM 64 , in which a retired Doomguy is called back into action to defeat the forces of Hell for good. After defeating the Mother Demon in the game's climax, Doomguy elects to remain in Hell to prevent further demonic invasions.

Screen Rant interviewed John Romero , co-creator of the Doom series, about his new book.

DOOM 3 Is A Timeline All Its Own

Doom 3 reimagines the original doom.

Doomguy Encounters A Demon In Doom 3

DOOM 3 is an interesting installment in that its timeline begins and ends within a single game. Whereas the games before it were fast-paced shooters, 2004’s DOOM 3 leaned into the horror elements of the franchise, placing more emphasis on atmosphere and survival. Rather than a purely demonic final boss, the game’s main antagonist is the corrupt Dr. Betruger, who transforms into a demonic specter, Maledict, by the game’s end. DOOM 3 distinguishes itself from other entries in the series by pondering the ethics of science run amok, primarily through the actions of Dr. Betruger, whose work disregards human life.

The DOOM Reboot Timeline Fleshes Out The Protagonist & His Mission

Doom 2016 re-introduces doomguy.

Doom Slayer From The Doom Reboot

The reboot of DOOM in 2016 sees the series continue the story of Doomguy. Gaining the title of “Doom Slayer,” the protagonist was sealed away in a sarcophagus for centuries , only to be awakened by the UAC in their Mars facility. The UAC’s Dr. Olivia Pierce is attempting to harness the energy of Hell in an effort to solve an energy crisis on Earth. However, she allows the hordes of Hell to invade our reality, and once again, the Doom Slayer must crush these otherworldly invaders to ensure humanity's ultimate salvation.

DOOM Eternal picks up after the events of DOOM (2016), and once again, demons have overrun Earth. However, what distinguishes DOOM Eternal from its predecessors is how it builds out the backstory of the Doom Slayer, a character that has largely remained one-dimensional in most prior titles. Numerous elements are introduced that enrich the game’s story, such as the Seraphim, the Sentinels, and the Divinity Machine. The Doom Slayer is recruited by the Sentinels of the dimension Argent D'Nur , another realm fallen under demonic invasion. Through the use of the Divinity Machine, the Doom Slayer is transformed into a near-immortal.

DOOM: The Dark Ages Will Expand The Backstory Of The Doom Slayer

Doom dark ages acts as a prequel to doom (2016) & doom eternal.

The Doom Slayer In DOOM: The Dark Ages.

With DOOM: Dark Ages officially announced at the recent Xbox Summer Showcase , the little that is known about the upcoming prequel seems to promise a deep exploration of the Doom Slayer’s ancient origins. Placed in a medieval setting, the series protagonist fights Hell’s legions with an incredible arsenal of weapons in Dark Ages . Most notable are the Shield Saw and the Skull Crusher, a gun that chews up the skulls of the dead and fires out lethal bone chips at enemies. Perhaps the boldest addition that Dark Ages brings to the table is mech warfare, a first for the series.

DOOM Eternal Battle

DOOM Eternal is to DOOM 2016 what the Brutal DOOM mod is to the original, and if it wasn't for the lack of multiplayer options it would be perfect.

For decades, Doomguy was little more than a vessel for carnage. While the original DOOM titles are still a blast even today, the added depth of the space marine’s backstory has made the reboot that much more engaging . DOOM: Dark Ages was a highlight of the Xbox Showcase, and iD Software seems poised to take the series in exciting new directions. Whether it's in an industrial facility on the surface of Mars or an ancient medieval castle, crushing demons will never stop being fun. The various timelines of the DOOM series only become more exciting to explore with each iteration.


DOOM: The Dark Ages

Editors Note: The original version of this article incorrectly stated that the 2016 continuation of the DOOM franchise was a different version of the original Doomguy, Beast, Doom Slayer, DOOM Marine, or the other variations and aliases the protagonist has had over the franchise's history, but he is actually the same character from the original trilogy. The article has since been amended.

PC Games

is the plutonia experiment canon

DOOM + DOOM II Release Notes

By: Joshua Boyle


The legendary action FPS is enhanced, combined, and now available on modern platforms!

Developed by id Software, and originally released in 1993, DOOM pioneered and popularized the first-person shooter, setting a standard for all FPS games. The critically acclaimed sequel, DOOM II, followed in 1994.

Now the definitive, newly enhanced versions of DOOM + DOOM II are available in a single combined release on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch, in addition to PC platforms and Game Pass (subscription required). This definitive enhanced version is our biggest effort yet with online cross-platform deathmatch and co-op for up to 16 players, community-published single-player mod support (with in-game mod browser), optimized renderer, accessibility options, optional modern IDKFA soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult (including brand-new DOOM II recordings) selectable alongside the original midi soundtracks, presented in up to 120hz in 4K on supported platforms (see the below FAQ for details) and a brand-new episode “Legacy of Rust” with new weapons and demons made in collaboration by individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames.

Note: Existing owners of DOOM (1993) and / or DOOM II on any of the above platforms receive a free upgrade to the new combined game, and can still access their previously owned versions (See FAQ for more details)

DOOM + DOOM II Includes

Owners Receive

  • Master Levels for DOOM II
  • TNT: Evilution
  • The Plutonia Experiment
  • No Rest for the Living
  • Legacy of Rust (a new episode created in collaboration by individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios and MachineGames)
  • A new Deathmatch map pack featuring 25 maps (to accompany the existing 18) bringing the total Deathmatch levels to 43
  • Microsoft Windows Store
  • Epic Games Store
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Nintendo Switch

Supported Languages (text only)

  • English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

New Features and Improvements

  • Online, cross-platform deathmatch and co-op for up to 16 players
  • Community-published single-player mod support with an in-game mod browser
  • Chose to play the original midi DOOM and DOOM II soundtracks or the modern IDKFA versions by Andrew Hulshult (including brand-new DOOM II recordings)
  • Improved performance with multithreaded rendering supporting up to 4K resolution and 120 FPS on Xbox Series X|S, PC and PlayStation 5
  • Now on the KEX engine
  • BOOM source compatibility makes it possible for hundreds of community-created mods from the past 25 years to be published in-game
  • Accessibility options
  • Translated into 8 new languages: Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Tradition Chinese and Simplified Chinese

Brand New "Legacy of Rust" Episode

Legacy of Rust Logo

Created in collaboration by individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames, Legacy of Rust is the newest episode for DOOM, and the first official episode since DOOM II to feature new demons and weapons.

"Vassago's Rest", the ancient inscriptions called it. With the meaning of the name lost to time, it wasn't long before the interlopers began calling the land by another: "New Eden". Just like the Garden of old, mankind's exile from this newly settled realm was swift and brutal.

This remote region of Hell, overflowing in (un-)natural resources as it were, was almost entirely devoid of demonic presence. The Union Aerospace Corporation, never one to shy away from hubris and excess, learned the hard way that even the demons feared something greater, something deeper. When the Ones Beneath awoke, the UAC's crown jewel was swallowed in a cascade of blood and fire.

Three hours -- all it took to reduce New Eden to a sea of molten glass.

Three minutes -- all it took before the UAC's top brass played their ace.

Three seconds -- all it took for you to weigh the risks before accepting the job.

Your orders are clear: reclaim the lost base and preserve the UAC's Legacy.

Or die trying.

Dive into the id Vault and explore concept art from DOOM + DOOM II’s development, early versions of monsters, weapons, items, props, FX, HUD + Menus and textures left on the cutting room floor.

Enhanced Cooperative Gameplay

New rules have been added to improve cooperative mode. If all players die, you will lose, and the level will restart. Respawn teammates by clearing all enemies in the area or finding a safe place to hide. Teammates will spawn near you, letting you get back into the fight quickly

Split-Screen Multiplayer

DOOM + DOOM II includes 4-player split-screen multiplayer on all platforms, with 8 player split-screen available on Xbox Series X|S and PC. Fight against your friends in Deathmatch or with your friends in Cooperative mode, available in seven campaigns

Online Multiplayer

Frag with friends and strangers alike across 43 different Deathmatch levels or play any of the episodes in co-op. Play alone or play online with local split screen players. LAN play is also supported across all platforms, and Nintendo Switch players can frag locally through ad-hoc wireless multiplayer

CrossPlay Multiplayer

Play with friends no matter which platform they prefer. Crossplay is available on all platforms, so you can play DOOM + DOOM II with everyone. Join your friends quickly using our room code system for finding lobbies

New Deathmatch Map Pack

A new Deathmatch map pack featuring 25 maps was added thanks to community mappers: Luis “DX-Chain” Armacanqui, Luca Ciriaco, Ralph "Ralphis" Vickers, Matthew "RottKing" Cibulas, Colton "Arrowhead" Murchison, Andrew "Saar" Bouvé & Joshua "tokyopunchout" Boyle. This new pack compliments the existing 18, bringing the total Deathmatch levels to 43

Existing Enhancements

  • Upgraded visuals
  • Modern controller support including:
  • Weapon carousel (for faster weapon switching)
  • Gyroscopic aiming on Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5
  • Improved mouse and keyboard controls
  • Local split-screen deathmatch and co-op for up to 4 players
  • Featured community mods, including:
  • REKKR, Syringe, Double Impact, Arrival, Revolution and over a dozen more…
  • 60 FPS and native 16:9 support – up to 1080p
  • Restored original in-game music using original hardware
  • Quick Save/Load support
  • DeHacked mod support
  • Game Pass (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and Microsoft Store [PC]) and xCloud Support (Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One)

About the Included Games

doom titlepic widescreen

DOOM (1993) - Original Version 

The demons came and the marines died...except one. You are the last defense against Hell. Prepare for the most intense battle you’ve ever faced. Experience the complete, original version of the game released in 1993, now with Episode IV: Thy Flesh Consumed.

doom II titlepic widescreen

DOOM II – Original Version  

Hell has invaded Earth, and to save it, you must battle mightier demons with even more powerful weapons. This beloved sequel to the groundbreaking DOOM (1993) introduced players to the brutal Super Shotgun, the infamous Icon of Sin boss, and more intense FPS action. 

tnt titlepic widescreen

TNT: Evilution  

The UAC relocated their experiments to one of the moons of Jupiter. A spaceship, mistaken for a supply vessel, was granted access. But when it got close to the base, demons poured out. All your comrades were slaughtered or zombified. This time it's not about survival. It's about revenge.

plutonia titlepic widescreen

The Plutonia Experiment  

Every effort has been made by the nation's top scientists to close the seven interdimensional Gates of Hell, but one portal remains open. Alone, you must infiltrate the ravaged base, defeat the demon Gatekeeper, and seal the last Hell portal before the undead take over the world. 

master levels titlepic widescreen

Master Levels for DOOM II

This expansion includes twenty additional levels, all with the same hell-spawned horrors and action of the base game. Each level was created by independent designers and supervised by id Software.

sigil titlepic widescreen

Created by id Software co-founder, John Romero, and released as an episode-sized mod consisting of 18 new maps, Sigil fits in between the timelines of DOOM (1993) and DOOM II. Baphomet, the gatekeeper of Hell, “glitched the final teleporter with his hidden sigil, whose eldritch power brings you to even darker shores of Hell. You fight through this stygian pocket of evil to confront the ultimate harbingers of Satan, then finally return to become Earth’s savior.”

legacy of rust titlepic widescreen

Legacy of Rust

Created in collaboration with individuals from id Software, Nightdive Studios, and MachineGames, Legacy of Rust is the newest episode for DOOM, and the first official episode since DOOM II to feature new demons and weapons. This 16-map Episode is broken up into two 8-map acts: The Vulcan Abyss and Counterfeit Eden.

Accessibility Features

With this release, we are adding new accessibility features so DOOM + DOOM II can be enjoyed by even more players

Accessibility Options Notification

After installing the game/update, you will be presented with an Accessibility Options notification. Read through the available options to make sure they are set to your preference. Once in-game, these options can be accessed from the Options/Accessibility sub-menu via the Main and Pause Menus


(Note: All Accessibility options default to ON during first launch after install - but can be easily toggled OFF/ON via Disable/Enable All Settings)

Accessibility Options


High Contrast

Changes the default text field backgrounds to improve User Interface legibility


High Contrast OFF

High Contrast ON

Alternate Typeface

Changes the original in-game font to a more modern one for improved legibility


Alternate Typeface OFF


Alternate Typeface ON

Screen Flash Effects

Decreases opacity of onscreen effects to reduce flash intensity

Notification Message Time

Changes the display duration of HUD messages

Read Chat Out Loud*

Converts incoming multiplayer text chat into a synthesized voice

Transcribe Voice Chat

Converts incoming voice chat to text in the multiplayer chat window

Speak For Me in Voice Chat*

Converts outgoing multiplayer text chat into a synthesized voice audible to other players

*Voice profiles can be selected from the Accessibility menu when connected to an online multiplayer session

*Text-to-Speech menu narration is not supported

Chat Message Time

Changes the display duration of multiplayer text chat messages

PC Specs Minimum Spec (1080p/60 HZ)

  • Win 10 64-bit version
  • Intel Core i5-3570 @3.4 GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X @3.5 GHz
  • 8GB System RAM
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 TI (2GB) or AMD HD 7750 (1GB)
  • 1920x1080 Resolution
  • Minimum 2GB free space on hard drive
  • High speed broadband connection required for online play

Recommended Spec (*4K/120 HZ)

  • Intel Core i5-6600k @3.5 GHz or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 @3.2 GHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB) or AMD RX Vega 56 (8GB) or Intel Arc A 280
  • 3480x216 Resolution

*Compatible display required

I already own DOOM or DOOM II. How do I access the new release?

Previous owners of DOOM or DOOM II on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Epic Game Store, the Microsoft Store, Steam and Good Old Games will automatically receive the new version with a free update. It may already be updated by the time you read this!

How do I access the original versions of the game?

Users on the below PC platforms will be able to access the original version of DOOM + DOOM II as follows:

  • Steam users can use the Beta Participation property option to download and launch the original versions, or the last version that we launched in 2019 labeled"previous-re-release"
  • Good Old Games users can install the original version of DOOM or DOOM II from “My Collection” via the GOG website and your “Owned Games” via the GOG Galaxy launcher. Once installed the original version can be launched directly from the installed Windows folder or shortcut, or the GOG Galaxy launcher
  • If you already owned DOOM or DOOM II on the Microsoft Store before today, you will be able to access the original version via “My Library” on the Windows Xbox app. Users who purchase the game from the Microsoft store from today-on after on only have access to the enhanced version
  • If you already have the original version of DOOM or DOOM II installed on PC Game Pass, it will still be available in your My Games library

Users on all other platforms will receive the enhanced version of DOOM + DOOM II and still be able to access the previous versions of each game in their corresponding platform game libraries

If I already own DOOM or DOOM II on Steam, GOG or the Microsoft Store will my saves carry over?

Save games from the original version aren’t compatible with the enhanced version of DOOM + DOOM II. The original versions of the games are available if there are any saves you want to continue (see above for instructions). The enhanced release also allows you to play any campaign in any order, or you can use Level Select to play a specific unit

How do I play with friends on other platforms?

The easiest way to join a cross-play match with friends is using the room code system. The room code is a 4-letter code that can be seen inside the pre-game lobby. Send this to your friends over text message, Discord, or yelling very loudly, and they'll be able to join through the multiplayer menu without having to search through the match browser or enter passwords. Note that on some platforms, cross-play can be disabled at the system level. If you have problems joining cross-play matches, ensure that this is enabled

What resolutions and framerates are supported for each platform?

PC: Maximum supported by video card/display

Switch: 720p at 60 FPS in handheld mode, 1080p at 60 FPS docked

PlayStation 4: 1080p at 60 FPS

PlayStation 4 Pro: Native 4K at 60FPS *

Xbox One: 1080p at 60 FPS *

Xbox One X: Native 4K at 60 FPS *

PlayStation 5: Native 4K at 120 FPS *

Xbox Series X|S: Native 4K at 120 FPS *

* Compatible display required

What input devices are supported?

Controller, keyboard, and mouse are supported on all platforms, including consoles. Split screen is available with mixed mouse/keyboard and controller

Do I need an always online connection to play the game?

DOOM + DOOM II only requires an online connection to play online multiplayer game modes. The single player campaigns and multiplayer via split screen, LAN, or ad-hoc multiplayer on Switch can be played while offline

Can I send and receive game invites from the Epic Games Store launcher?

Sending and receiving game invites from the Epic Games Store is not supported. You can send and receive invites to your friends from the DOOM + DOOM II multiplayer menu

Is the Steam controller supported?

DOOM + DOOM II does not support the Steam controller

How do I create a mod?

  • DoomTools , which offers a wide array of utilities that will be useful or critical towards creating a Doom wad file (requires Java)
  • Ultimate Doom Builder for level editing (requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2)
  • SLADE for WAD file editing

...and become familiar with online DOOM community wikis, such as , and Discords, such as UDBs and SLADE’s .

How do I upload a mod?

Mod uploading is only available on PC. To begin the process, select a game from the main menu, like DOOM II for example. Then select "MODS" from the menu, and select "UPLOAD" and follow the instructions!

How come I only see Featured mods on Switch?

Only Featured Mods are available on Switch due to platform policies

On the Minimap, why do the Kill, Item, and Secrets totals not increment for the Host when completed by another player?

For the host player, Kills, Items, and Secrets don't count on the Minimap if another player adds them. This is intended. The minimap shows only your total kills, items, and secrets, not the total for the entire party

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Critic’s notebook

Know What’s Funny About Getting Old? These Movies Do.

Star-studded with leading ladies, who are all a bit older, recent comedies like “The Fabulous Four” and “80 for Brady” are establishing a popular new genre.

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Susan Sarandon and Megan Mullally sitting across from Sheryl Lee Ralph and Bette Midler in a carriage in a scene from the movie “The Fabulous Four.” Midler wears a wedding dress with a veil.

By Esther Zuckerman

There are two new films this year in which Academy Award-nominated actresses in their 70s whip out tiny sex toys. In “Summer Camp,” Kathy Bates offers up wee vibrators to Alfre Woodard and Diane Keaton. In “The Fabulous Four,” it’s Bette Midler giving Susan Sarandon a kegel ball that she later flings at a bike thief.

You might confuse these comedies with “Book Club” (2018), where Keaton, again, finds herself in the company of fellow older luminaries (Jane Fonda, Mary Steenburgen and Candice Bergen). Or with “Poms” (2019), which places Keaton on a retirement community cheer squad with Jacki Weaver, Rhea Perlman and Pam Grier. Then, again, there’s also “80 for Brady” (2023), where Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Sally Field and Rita Moreno go to the Super Bowl.

Though the circumstances are different, the similarities in plot, casting and themes make the films easy to classify but tough to label. “Legendary ladies of cinema do a light romp,” is a little long; “Old lady comedies” might seem demeaning, but that is, essentially, how the films identify themselves. In the “80 for Brady” trailer , Moreno sums it up by saying: “The Super Bowl is no place for four old women.”

Regardless of the label, this growing genre of star-studded comedies has become popular in recent years, with “Four,” which hit theaters on Friday, becoming the latest installment in the canon.

You can usually see the same types of characters in each film. At least one of the women is a stick in the mud. In “The Fabulous Four” that’s Sarandon’s job. As Lou, she’s a serious doctor who loves cats and is holding a grudge against Midler’s character over a long-ago offense. Often Keaton, with her turtlenecks, is the most uptight of her group. And Fonda, when she appears, plays sexually adventurous characters, prone to making off-color jokes. Megan Mullally has that gig in “Four,” with an assist from the famously bawdy Midler. There are usually high jinks involving behavior that one might not expect from seniors. They get high. They go on adventurous excursions like parasailing or ziplining. They experiment with technology and social media. (“The Fabulous Four” has a whole bit about Midler on TikTok.)

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Is this the total canon for the life and times of Doomguy?

By LucidLocomotive , May 15, 2020 in Doom General Discussion

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Lucidlocomotive   .

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Link to post, dmslr   .


22 minutes ago, LucidLocomotive said: Knee-Deep in the Dead The Shores of Hell Inferno Thy Flesh Consumed Sigil   Hell on Earth No Rest for the Living Master Levels   Evilution The Plutonia Experiment    Doom 64 Lost Levels   Doom Doom Eternal

Sigil is an  unofficial continuation of the Ultimate Doom.

No Rest for the Living and Master Levels are just non-story addons.

Final Doom wads are more like 'fillers'; they maybe considered as canon but at the same time they are not the main games of the series.



from the official canon, you rounded it perfectly.

From what we all know, add this and you will have it even better.

After sigil: 

-no end in sight

(i don't include double impact as it isn't starred by doomguy)

-every wad made for UD

After plutonia and before doom64:

-every doom 2, tnt, and plutonia wad ever made.

after doom 64 and before lost levels:

-every wad made for doom64 absolution and EX.

I suggest to add this because, if i remember right, doom 2016 made doomguy and interdimensional being who fought endless battles in infinite multiverses.

or something like that

11 minutes ago, P41R47 said: from the official canon, you rounded it perfectly. From what we all know, add this and you will have it even better.   After sigil:  -no end in sight -deathless (i don't include double impact as it isn't starred by doomguy) -every wad made for UD   After plutonia and before doom64: -every doom 2, tnt, and plutonia wad ever made.   after doom 64 and before lost levels: -every wad made for doom64 absolution and EX.   I suggest to add this because, if i remember right, doom 2016 made doomguy and interdimensional being who fought endless battles in infinite multiverses. or something like that

It would not make sense to have every Doom 2 wad after Plutonia and before Doom 64. Doomguy is still a normal human in Doom 64, with PTSD from Doom/Doom2/FinalDoom. It isn’t until after he decides to stay in Hell at the end of Doom 64 that he becomes the inter dimensional Doomslayer. 

28 minutes ago, dmslr said: Sigil is an  unofficial continuation of the Ultimate Doom. No Rest for the Living and Master Levels are just non-story addons. Final Doom wads are more like 'fillers'; they maybe considered as canon but at the same time they are not the main games of the series.

I disagree about Final Doom, it was officially published by id software, with its own storyline. I definitely count that one. And the story manuals from Final Doom indicate that Doomguy has been having many nightmares about the demons ever since saving Earth in Doom II, so I assume the Master Levels are a collection of Doomguy’s dreams. The Final Doom manuals also say that there have been a few little “clean-up” operations on Earth after the Icon of Sin had been killed, and the backstory for No Rest for the Living basically says the exact same thing, so I assume that is just one of those smaller-scale cleanups. 



1 hour ago, LucidLocomotive said: Knee-Deep in the Dead The Shores of Hell Inferno Thy Flesh Consumed Sigil   Hell on Earth No Rest for the Living Master Levels   Evilution The Plutonia Experiment    Doom 64 Lost Levels (Every pwads within reasons)   Doom Doom Eternal



Wait, where's DooM 3? Isn't that meant to be before DooM 1?

6 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:  

Yeah now that’s what I’m talking ‘bout!

2 minutes ago, DynamiteKaitorn said: Wait, where's DooM 3? Isn't that meant to be before DooM 1?

Reboot, for some, and not part of the same storyline

3 minutes ago, DynamiteKaitorn said: Wait, where's DooM 3? Isn't that meant to be before DooM 1?

No, not in any official capacity. Some fans have theorized that it could be, but officially speaking, even id software themselves said that Doom 3 is a remake or reimagining of the first game. So Doom 3 is not the same Doomguy as the other games. The games I listed above all follow the same main character

19 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said: Doom 64 Lost Levels (Every pwads within reasons)
12 minutes ago, LucidLocomotive said: Yeah now that’s what I’m talking ‘bout!

I think that it makes sense, but also i always feel that for some reason, Doomguy, or ''us'', players, we  were dancing on and endless game controlled by who knows by, even before Doom 64.

The events of Doom 64 leads to the storyline of how Doomguys become to be know as the Doomslayer. Canonically speaking, Doom 64 only names the events of the official games. The events of the oficial games might be seen as major events on the doom universe, knowledged by everyone, and the pwads might be seen as as minor events.

Thats why i arranged every reasonable pwad after their respective entries. We as community make it official, as we kept Doom alive all along the time.

And choosing a ''definitive way to tell the story'' might come as somewhat impossible, because we continually make it move forward.  

For me every pwad comes after the entry IWAD for what it was made.



the TNT Truck better be canon or we riot



12 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said: Wait, where's DooM 3? Isn't that meant to be before DooM 1?

Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil and The Lost Missions (by extension the on-rails shooter Doom Resurrection as well) is a part of their own timeline.

Mystic 256   

Mystic 256

i always personally thought of doom having multiple timelines/alternate universes

I don't think the games could fit in a single timeline

1 hour ago, Mystic 256 said: i always personally thought of doom having multiple timelines/alternate universes I don't think the games could fit in a single timeline

Why not? The classic trilogy, doom 64, and the 2 newest games all do have a coherent timeline. Its only doom 3 that would require a differrnt timeline



3 hours ago, LucidLocomotive said: Why not? The classic trilogy, doom 64, and the 2 newest games all do have a coherent timeline. Its only doom 3 that would require a differrnt timeline

The Classic games and 64 are able to fit nicely into one continuous timeline. They do form a "timeline" with the newer games, but it's a bit contradictory at first glance. Doomguy's time after 64 spent in Hell and Argent D'Nur makes things unclear, it's implied he's been fighting for hundreds or even thousands of years (the Slayer Testaments in 2016 mention "eons" of conflict with the Doom Slayer). Earth in Eternal is implied to have been invaded for the first time, there's no mention in any of the Codex entries that Earth suffered a demon invasion in the relatively recent past.

This is an entry from 2016's lore regarding the establishment of the Mars base by the UAC:

" Despite the discovery of liquid water on Mars in the early 21st century, the colonization of Mars had little appeal beyond exploration for the next century. With the discovery of the Argent Fracture (a transdimensional stream of unrefined Argent plasma) in 2095, settling and mining Mars became both practical and essential to meet the vast energy demands of Earth... Through their diligent dedication to technological advancement and forward-thinking, an outpost was established in MTC 2096 to extract Argent plasma from the Fracture .

If Doom 2016 takes place in 2149 and the UAC built its first colony on Mars in 2096, that gives only 53 years between Doomguy's assignment to Mars in the first Doom game to the events of Doom 2016. That's a lot of WADs to go through in a short time. Hayden, chairman of the UAC and later leader of the ARC resistance on Earth in Eternal, is said to be "over 130 years old" by 2149, so he would definitely remember if Earth was already invaded once before, but he makes no mention of it.

Plus, there's this unused voiceline from Eternal:

" Stop your foolish war now and I will give you what you desire. I will send you back to your home. The Earth world in the seventh dimension. Before the time of the demons. You may live there again as before. No memory of all the suffering you have been through. All your loved ones will be there, waiting to embrace you again as if you have never left. "

So while it's true the classic and new games make a coherent timeline, compared to Doom 3 anyways, it's likely that Doomguy slipped across timelines when spending a bit too much time in Hell after Doom 64's ending.

Doom 3 exists on its own, mostly. That game does mention a "nameless Hero" that fought alongside a dying alien race, which could just be Doomguy's legend spilling over to other timelines. I actually made a post a while back about how Doom 3 could connect to the new/classic games' storyline in more detail, if anyone's interested in reading it:

6 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:   The Classic games and 64 are able to fit nicely into one continuous timeline. They do form a "timeline" with the newer games, but it's a bit contradictory at first glance. Doomguy's time after 64 spent in Hell and Argent D'Nur makes things unclear, it's implied he's been fighting for hundreds or even thousands of years (the Slayer Testaments in 2016 mention "eons" of conflict with the Doom Slayer). Earth in Eternal is implied to have been invaded for the first time, there's no mention in any of the Codex entries that Earth suffered a demon invasion in the relatively recent past.   ---   This is an entry from 2016's lore regarding the establishment of the Mars base by the UAC:   " Despite the discovery of liquid water on Mars in the early 21st century, the colonization of Mars had little appeal beyond exploration for the next century. With the discovery of the Argent Fracture (a transdimensional stream of unrefined Argent plasma) in 2095, settling and mining Mars became both practical and essential to meet the vast energy demands of Earth... Through their diligent dedication to technological advancement and forward-thinking, an outpost was established in MTC 2096 to extract Argent plasma from the Fracture .   If Doom 2016 takes place in 2149 and the UAC built its first colony on Mars in 2096, that gives only 53 years between Doomguy's assignment to Mars in the first Doom game to the events of Doom 2016. That's a lot of WADs to go through in a short time. Hayden, chairman of the UAC and later leader of the ARC resistance on Earth in Eternal, is said to be "over 130 years old" by 2149, so he would definitely remember if Earth was already invaded once before, but he makes no mention of it.   Plus, there's this unused voiceline from Eternal:   " Stop your foolish war now and I will give you what you desire. I will send you back to your home. The Earth world in the seventh dimension. Before the time of the demons. You may live there again as before. No memory of all the suffering you have been through. All your loved ones will be there, waiting to embrace you again as if you have never left. "   ---   So while it's true the classic and new games make a coherent timeline, compared to Doom 3 anyways, it's likely that Doomguy slipped across timelines when spending a bit too much time in Hell after Doom 64's ending.   Doom 3 exists on its own, mostly. That game does mention a "nameless Hero" that fought alongside a dying alien race, which could just be Doomguy's legend spilling over to other timelines. I actually made a post a while back about how Doom 3 could connect to the new/classic games' storyline in more detail, if anyone's interested in reading it:    

Oh yeah I definitely agree that at some point during Doomslayer’s escapades in Hell, the UAC from a universe that is not his native one found his sarcophagus. I thought that was pretty much canon though, and I thought the guy I replied to was saying that the games from UD to DE couldnt all fit together in one chronology

On 5/16/2020 at 3:33 PM, LucidLocomotive said: ...I thought the guy I replied to was saying that the games from UD to DE couldnt all fit together in one chronology

Well, he already said that UD to DE forms a ''timeline'', but  after D64 it gets a little tricky at best:

On 5/16/2020 at 9:13 AM, AtimZarr1 said: The Classic games and 64 are able to fit nicely into one continuous timeline. They do form a "timeline" with the newer games, but it's a bit contradictory at first glance. Doomguy's time after 64 spent in Hell and Argent D'Nur makes things unclear, it's implied he's been fighting for hundreds or even thousands of years (the Slayer Testaments in 2016 mention "eons" of conflict with the Doom Slayer). Earth in Eternal is implied to have been invaded for the first time, there's no mention in any of the Codex entries that Earth suffered a demon invasion in the relatively recent past.

That explanation is suggesting this:

Mystic 256, said:

''i always personally thought of doom having multiple timelines/alternate universes

I don't think the games could fit in a single timeline.''

Only thing i would add is that Hell its not a place, more like a dimensional layer, where time, maybe, pass at a different pace. Hence the ''aeons of battles''. But this is just a reference to the demential amount of wads out there.

25 minutes ago, P41R47 said:   Well, he already said that UD to DE forms a ''timeline'', but  after D64 it gets a little tricky at best:     That explanation is suggesting this:   Mystic 256, said: ''i always personally thought of doom having multiple timelines/alternate universes I don't think the games could fit in a single timeline.''   Only thing i would add is that Hell its not a place, more like a dimensional layer, where time, maybe, pass at a different pace. Hence the ''aeons of battles''. But this is just a reference to the demential amount of wads out there.

yeah I agree with you. i just thought he meant multiple universes as in like how the toby maguire spiderman movies are in a different universe from the new spiderman movies. with a different doomguy and all that. and yes I agree about the wads, but I believe the multitude of community doom ii wads that exist, if they are canon, take place between doom 64 and doom 2016



On 5/15/2020 at 11:17 AM, LucidLocomotive said: It would not make sense to have every Doom 2 wad after Plutonia and before Doom 64. Doomguy is still a normal human in Doom 64, with PTSD from Doom/Doom2/FinalDoom. It isn’t until after he decides to stay in Hell at the end of Doom 64 that he becomes the inter dimensional Doomslayer. 

I don't get why people insist that DOOM 64 comes after Final DOOM. Chronologically, yes, but the manual doesn't even mention Final DOOM, these ideas were just made up by fans of the series. who knows, maybe DOOMguy was cloned and his clone is in Final DOOM.

40 minutes ago, LiT_gam3r said: I don't get why people insist that DOOM 64 comes after Final DOOM. Chronologically, yes, but the manual doesn't even mention Final DOOM, these ideas were just made up by fans of the series. who knows, maybe DOOMguy was cloned and his clone is in Final DOOM.

i thought it was just a given since final Doom is after Doom II and then Doom 64 is vague enough for it to work just fine. you are a hardened, traumatized lone survivor of a number of hell related events, and now the first one turns out to be incomplete. thats pretty much it 



Who said the all Doom games can't fit into one timeline?? 

The Doom timeline so far:

  • Doom/UD/SIGIL
  • Doom2/NRFTL
  • Final Doom (Doom2 expansions) 

Here the Doomguy remained in Hell, this is what Hell wanted since Doom 1: contain you in Hell, but something happened to him that his decision couldn't be accomplished:

Doomguy escaped the eternal arena by killing the Vadrigar, now Doomguy is free, he decides to go back home to see if things are still good on Earth but he ended up traveling throughout many dimensions :

  • Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Doomguy was a skater in his life, he enjoyed this place but that wasn't his home, there were no demons so he kept on traveling :

Doomguy reached these two different dimensions to stop the demons there which was a success but that wasn't his home yet, more dimensions arrived:

  • Every single wad is canon

Here Doomguy has and had and will experience many different realms created by a immense community from the Doom cosmos, until the Supreme Rulers of Doom from the id  sent him to another dimension where he hadn't reached so far in Argent D' Nur where a new story will be written... Again:

I wonder how next Doom game will be named: Doom... Immortal, maybe?? 

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    is the plutonia experiment canon

  2. Plutonia Experiment Title Screen Remastered

    is the plutonia experiment canon

  3. THE PLUTONIA EXPERIMENT [Maps 01-05] (UV Pistol Start)

    is the plutonia experiment canon

  4. The Plutonia Experiment

    is the plutonia experiment canon

  5. The Plutonia Experiment

    is the plutonia experiment canon

  6. The Plutonia Experiment

    is the plutonia experiment canon


  1. The Plutonia Experiment

    The Plutonia Experiment is an IWAD released on June 17, 1996, which forms one half of Final Doom (the other half being TNT: Evilution). The name comes from the word Plutonian, meaning something associated with the Underworld/Hell. Brothers Dario and Milo Casali, who had contributed four levels each to TNT: Evilution, were assigned the task of creating what became The Plutonia Experiment (after ...

  2. The Plutonia Experiment

    The Plutonia Experiment is one of the two official 32-level Doom II IWADs which make up Final Doom. It was created by brothers Dario and Milo Casali under contract with id Software, and was released alongside its counterpart TNT: Evilution on June 17, 1996 .

  3. Are the other Classic Doom WADs canon? : r/Doom

    Are Sigil, No Rest for the Living, The Master Levels for Doom II , Final Doom: TNT Evilution, Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment, and Doom 64: The Lost Levels canon? I know Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, and Doom 64 are canon but are all these other ones canon also? Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.

  4. What's the canon timeline of all games included in DOOM + DOOM II

    Personally, I think the canon timeline is: DOOM Sigil DOOM II DOOM II Master Levels No Rest for the Living TNT Evilution The Plutonia Experiment Legacy of Rust I know that the point of the DOOM series isn't the story, but the lore-accurate order of the games is bugging me.

  5. What's generally considered "canon" in DOOM's continuity?

    Can be considered canon but not necessary to see for the story. Plutonia is yet another reboot from a sister company after TNT that is more focused on action and nice visuals (better budget aka map design), but still falls short of the original. Yet again, not necessary but can still be considered canon.

  6. Final Doom

    The Plutonia Experiment, on the other hand, was created specifically for Final Doom after its authors showed some of the id Software developers an incomplete set of levels. ... though the game does fit into Doom canon. Final Doom is listed in the history of the Doom series in the Prima's Official Doom 64 Strategy Guide, as the last Doom game ...

  7. The Plutonia Experiment (Series)

    Doom: The Plutonia Experiment is a series of horror novellas written by Mike MacDee (Impie), based on the original Doom.It is comprised of three first-person stories told in an epistolary style (i.e., a collection of documents) which dramatize the events of Doom's three original episodes: Knee Deep in the Dead, The Shores of Hell, and Inferno.It incorporates and expands upon the story featured ...

  8. Is TNT and Plutonia canon?

    Pretty sure everythin' but Doom 3 is ca n non. Doomguy dooms in 1, 2, No Rest for the Living, TNT, Plutonia, 64 and then traps himself in hell to do ultra mega pew pews onto the demons for all eternity, then he fucks up and gets shoved in a coffin, enter Doom 2016, then Doom Eternal. Doom 3 has its place too. The dimension hopping madman known ...

  9. Final Doom (Video Game)

    Canon Discontinuity: For what little story there is in Doom, the events described in Evilution and Plutonia would be ignored in Doom 64, with its story picking up where Doom II left off, while Doom 64 would be tied into the canon storyline by Doom Eternal, rendering the story events of Final Doom noncanon.; Cliffhanger: The ending for TNT: Evilution. ...

  10. Plutonia: The Way We Remember It (RELEASE)

    After another year of development, the Plutonia Experiment, recreated from memory, is finally done. 32 new maps, new graphics, and even some recreations of the Plutonia Midi Pack. After all these years this will be my final community project in this series, and I hope this is the best outing yet!...

  11. Following the timeline- The Plutonia Experiment gave Doomguy PTSD

    Following the timeline- The Plutonia Experiment gave Doomguy PTSD. Classic Doom. If the canon order of games is Doom 1, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom 64, Doom 2016, and then Doom Eternal... Doom 64 is the first game that radically shifts the tone. In many ways, the game is centered around Doomguy's trauma. It is heavily implied in Doom 64 that ...

  12. The Plutonia Experiment

    My WAD playthrough of THE PLUTONIA EXPERIMENT from a pistol start, single segment (no saves), all kills and all secrets, on ultra violence difficulty, with l...

  13. TNT: Evilution

    TNT: Evilution, released on June 17, 1996, forms one half of Final Doom, a commercial product which consists of two 32-level Doom II IWADs (the other being The Plutonia Experiment). It was completed in November 1995, and was to have been released for free. However, a publishing deal was brokered by John Romero the night before its planned release, resulting in the commercial publication of ...

  14. The Entire DOOM Timeline Explained: When Each Game Takes Place

    DOOM 3 is an interesting installment in that its timeline begins and ends within a single game. Whereas the games before it were fast-paced shooters, 2004's DOOM 3 leaned into the horror elements of the franchise, placing more emphasis on atmosphere and survival. Rather than a purely demonic final boss, the game's main antagonist is the corrupt Dr. Betruger, who transforms into a demonic ...

  15. The Plutonia Experiment (100%) Walkthrough

    A 100% Walkthrough of Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment for the PC, played through ZDoom, on the Ultra-Violence difficulty setting. 100% kills, 100% items,...

  16. Has anyone else played the Plutonia Experiment? : r/Doom

    Plutonia is the best Doom game, hands down. It has such a masterful knowledge of how the game works and how to screw you over the most. It has a ton of hilarious things coming at you later like Chaingunners walking out from behind fake walls so you can't see them, Arch-viles burning you from behind fake walls so you can't see them, Arch-viles constantly resurrecting Chaingunners, an Arch-vile ...

  17. Final Doom

    Final Doom plays identically to Doom II: Hell on Earth, and even features the same weapons, items, and monsters. [6] It is widely considered to be significantly more difficult than its predecessors Doom and Doom II.. The gameplay in the computer version of Final Doom is nearly identical to that found in the PlayStation version of Doom, and, in addition, it was compatible with the PlayStation ...

  18. Steam Community :: Final DOOM

    The Plutonia Experiment: Every effort has been made by the nation's top scientists to close the seven interdimensional Gates of Hell, but one portal remains open. Alone, you must infiltrate the ravaged complex, defeat the demon Gatekeeper and seal the last Hell-hole before the undead are prepared to, once again, take over the world. ...

  19. DOOM + DOOM II Release Notes

    The Plutonia Experiment Every effort has been made by the nation's top scientists to close the seven interdimensional Gates of Hell, but one portal remains open. Alone, you must infiltrate the ravaged base, defeat the demon Gatekeeper, and seal the last Hell portal before the undead take over the world. Master Levels for DOOM II ...

  20. why is plutonia's difficulty so overstated?

    Posted May 2, 2021. It was quite challenging for its time, and it still is the most difficult of the IWADs. Additionally, Plutonia has a wonky difficulty curve; some of the hardest maps are in the first episode, but it doesn't get much harder from there. So if you're a new player just coming from Doom and Doom II, you're in for a rude awakening.

  21. If I found thy flesh Consumed and Sigil both to be pretty easy ...

    The TNT evilution is not so hard but it does increase the challenge and The Plutonia Experiment is a pain thanks to the ungodly amount of chaingunners also you can try custom megawads like Hell Revealed 2 ... I am just wanting to do a 100% run of all of the canon games and wads, so ultimate doom and sigil I just finished and loved so so much ...

  22. I think we can all agree that the Plutonia Experiment is ...

    Very few levels have meaningful adjustments, and some levels (21, 23 and 32) have no changes whatsoever. It's not. You said we can all agree that it's unnecessarily difficult. I don't think it is. In terms of all the WADs out there, Plutonia is generally considered medium difficulty.

  23. Steam Community :: Guide :: Final Doom

    Final Doom - The Plutonia Experiment (100%) Ultra-Violence Walkthrough. By spidermastermind100 and 2 collaborators. A playthrough of The Plutonia Experiment on the Ultra-Violence difficulty. This is played through ZDoom. 100% kills, 100% items, and 100% secrets. Award.

  24. Play DOOM + DOOM II

    Owners Receive: - DOOM - DOOM II - TNT: Evilution - The Plutonia Experiment - Master Levels for DOOM II - No Rest for the Living - Sigil - Legacy of Rust (a new episode created in collaboration by id Software, Nightdive Studios and MachineGames) - A new Deathmatch map pack featuring 26 maps Altogether, there are a total of 187 mission maps and 43 deathmatch maps in DOOM + DOOM II.

  25. Know What's Funny About Getting Old? These Movies Do

    From left: Susan Sarandon, Megan Mullally, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Bette Midler in "The Fabulous Four." Casting and themes make films like this one, with older characters, easy to classify but ...

  26. Is this the total canon for the life and times of Doomguy?

    from the official canon, you rounded it perfectly. From what we all know, add this and you will have it even better. After sigil: -no end in sight -deathless (i don't include double impact as it isn't starred by doomguy) -every wad made for UD After plutonia and before doom64: -every doom 2, tnt, and plutonia wad ever made.

  27. DOOM + DOOM II ダウンロード版

    任天堂の公式オンラインストア。「DOOM + DOOM II ダウンロード版」の販売ページ。マイニンテンドーストアではNintendo Switch(スイッチ)やゲームソフト、ストア限定、オリジナルの商品を販売しています。