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25 Money Word Problems for Year 2 to Year 6 With Tips On Supporting Pupils’ Progress

Emma Johnson

Word problems with money are first introduced in the Maths Curriculum in Year 2. At this stage, children learn to recognise the different coins and the symbols for pounds and pence; find different combinations of coins and begin to solve simple addition and subtraction word problems.

As pupils progress through primary, they continue to encounter money and word problems involving money, right through to upper Key Stage 2. By Year 6 money is no longer specifically identified in the curriculum. However, pupils continue to be exposed to money word problems, through a range of mathematical concepts and word problems including: addition and subtraction word problems , division word problems , multiplication word problems decimals, fractions, percentages, ratio and algebra.

Money word problems in Year 2

Money word problems in year 3, money word problems in year 4, money word problems in year 5, money word problems in year 6.

  • Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of money

How to teach money word problem solving in primary school

Money word problems for year 2, money word problems for year 3, money word problems for year 4, money word problems for year 5, money word problems for year 6, more word problems resources.

When children are first introduced to money problems, it is important for them to physically have the money to hold and manipulate, to help solve the problems. As students progress through the school, there is less of a need to have the money physically in their hands. Once they have built confidence in using written calculation methods, they are able to solve more complex problems involving money.

All Kinds of Word Problems

All Kinds of Word Problems

Download this free pack of word problems covering a wide range of maths topics. Perfect for developing your class' problem solving skills!

Children benefit from regular exposure to word problems, alongside any fluency work they are doing. To help you with this, we have put together a collection of 25 money word problems, which can be used with pupils from Year 2 to Year 6.

Children are also exposed to money word problems in Third Space Learning’s online one-to-one tutoring programmes. Adapted to the needs of each individual students, our programmes help to build maths skills and grow confidence in our young mathematicians.

money problem solving questions year 6

Money word problems in the national curriculum

In Year 2, pupils are introduced to the different coins; learn the symbols for pounds and pence and combine amounts to make a particular value. They work on simple problems in a practical context involving addition word problems , and subtraction word problems of money of the same unit, including giving change.

Pupils in Year 3 continue to build on their understanding of money and its use in a practical context. They progress from adding and subtracting money of the same unit, to working with both pounds and pence; adding and subtracting amounts and giving change. Pupils in Year 3 start to solve simple 2-step calculations, by finding totals and working out how much change would be given.

In Year 4, the curriculum no longer mentions money under measures, but pupils continue to work with money through fractions and decimals. At this stage, pupils are expected to solve simple measures and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places.

Pupils in Year 5 are becoming more confident with the formal written methods for the four operations and are exposed to money word problems involving all four. They also continue to build on the knowledge of fractions and decimals and are first introduced to percentages through a range of word problems.

By Year 6, money is no longer explicitly mentioned in the curriculum, however pupils are exposed to word problems across a range of concepts, including: the four operations, fractions, decimals and percentage word problems , ratio word problems and algebra.

Why are word problems important for children’s understanding of money

Word problems are essential to children’s understanding of money, because they enable students to use money in a range of contexts they will be using in real-life. Confidence with money is a key life skill and it is important children have plenty of exposure to using it in a wide range of contexts. Money problems give children the opportunity to utilise the skills they have learnt in the maths lessons and put them into context, in a situation they understand and can relate to.

Pupils need to be taught the skills needed to solve word problems. It is essential they understand the importance of reading questions carefully, making sure they fully understand what is being asked. They then need to identify which calculation is required and whether there are any concrete resources or pictorial representations they can use to help them, alongside the coins, such as place value counters and bar models.

Here is an example:

An adult’s ticket to the water park costs £15.50, whilst a children’s ticket cost £9.50.

How much would it cost for 2 adults and 2 children to visit the water park and how much change would they get from £100?

How to solve:

What do you already know?

  • We know that an adult ticket costs £15.50 and a child ticket costs £9.50.
  • To calculate the cost of both adults, we are going to need to multiply the £15.50 by 2, or add £15.50 and £15.50.
  • We will also need to do the same with the child’s ticket, costing £9.50.
  • Once we have calculated the total cost of both adults and both children, we’ll need to add these answers together, to establish the total cost for the whole family.
  • To calculate the amount of money from £100, we will need to subtract the total cost for the family from £100.

How can this be represented pictorially?

money bar models

  • We can draw bar models to represent the cost of the adult tickets, child tickets and the total for the family.
  • We can then use the answer from the third bar model to represent finding how much change from £100.
  • We can see from these bar models that there would be £50 left once the family had paid to enter the waterpark.

Money word problems in Year 2 require students to recognise coins and use the symbols for pounds and pence. Children solve real world problems –  finding totals and calculating change when working with the same unit (pounds or pence). 

Mason buys a pen for 14p and a rubber for 8p. How much does he spend altogether?

Answer: 22p

14 + 8 = 22

Maisie gets 20p from the tooth fairy. She already had 16p.

How much does she have now?

Answer: 36p

20 + 16 = 36

Maisie has 3 coins.

She has 16p in total.

Which 3 coins must she have?

Answer: 10p, 5p and 1p

10 + 5 + 1 = 16

Maryam spends 28p on a bag of sweets.

She gets 12p change.

How much did she pay for the bag of sweets?

Answer: 40p

28 + 12 = 40p

Hamza has two 20p coins.

He buys a chocolate bar for 30p.

How much change does he get?

Answer: 10p change

20 + 20 = 40

40 – 30 = 10

Word problems for year 3 build upon the knowledge from year 2,  solving word problems involving both pounds and pence together and calculating change. At this stage, children should be using decimal notation for amounts of money and using both formal and informal methods to add and subtract money amounts in pounds and pence.

(Pictures of 1p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p and £1 coins here)

Jamie has the coins above in his wallet. If he takes out 3 coins, what is the highest amount he could take out of his wallet?

Answer: £1.70

£1 + 50p + 20p

Noah buys 2 chocolate bars for £1.35 each and a packet of crisps for 45p.

How much does he spend altogether?

Answer: £3.15

1.35 x 2 = 2.70

2.70 + 45 = 315

Tickets for the school fair are £1.50 for children and £2.50 for adults.

How much will it cost for family of 2 adults and 2 children to go to the fair?

1.50 x 2 = 3

2.50 x 2 = 5

Jackson buys 4 apples for 30p each and 2 bananas for 25p each.

30 x 4 = 120

25 x 2 = 50

120 + 50 = 170

Amaya had £10 to spend at a carboot sale.

She bought 2 books for £1.20 each and a pack of pens for £1.50,

How much money did she have left at the end?

Answer: £6.10

Children should be able to solve each part mentally, by adding the pounds and then the pence.

1.20 +1.20 = 2.40

2.40 + 1.50 = 3.90

To work out how much change Amaya would get, children can count up from £3.90 to £10.00. They will find this easier than subtracting £3.90 from £10.00.

10.00 – 3.90 = 6.10

With word problems for year 4 , pupils need to be able to order amounts of money, using rounding to estimate and calculate using the four operations. They also encounter money maths problems through other concepts, such as fractions.

Sam bought a T-shirt for £18.50 and a hoodie for £24.99. How much did he spend in total?

Answer: £43.49

Show as column method: 18.50 + 24.99 = 43.49

  • Pizza: £2.99
  • Burger: £2.50
  • Hot dog: £1.80
  • Fries: 1.25

Chloe took her best friend out to celebrate her birthday.

She bought a pizza, a burger and 2 portions of fries.

How much did she spend altogether?

Answer: £7.99

Show as column method:

2.99 + 2.50 = 5.49

1.25 x 2 = 2.50

5.59 + 2.50 = 7.99

Mason won £500 in a competition.

He decided to give ⅕ of the prize to his sister, ⅕ to his brother and ⅕ to his parents.

How much money did he keep for himself?

⅕ of 500 = 100

He gave ⅗ away and kept ⅖ for himself. ⅖ of 500 = 200

A school paid 4p for every worksheet printed out on the photocopier

Teachers printed out 560 maths worksheets in one week.

How much did the school spend, printing out the worksheets?

Answer: £22.40

560 x 4 = 2240

2240p = £22.40

Sara had £100 to spend on clothes. 

She bought a pair of jeans for £44.50 and a top for £35.99

How much money did Sara have left?

Answer: £19.51

44.50 + 35.99 = 80.49

100 – 80.49 = 19.51

Word problems for year 5 include the four operations, but with larger numbers than pupils were working with in Lower Key Stage 2. They are also presented to students through fraction word problems , decimal and percentages topics 

Mr Smith spends £5,999 on a car and £3,899 on a caravan.

Answer: £9,898

Show as column addition:

5999 + 3899 = 9898

Oliver is saving to buy a laptop costing £1250.

He has saved ⅖ of the money he needs. How much more does he need to save to buy the laptop?

Answer: £750

⅕ = 1250 ÷ 5 = £250

Mason saves £9 every week, from carrying out jobs around the house.

He is saving to buy a new phone, costing £370.

How many weeks will it take him to save enough money to buy the phone?

Answer: Mason will need to save for 42 weeks

Show as bus stop division: 370 ÷ 9  =   41 r1

Amber is at the fun fair.

Her favourite ride costs £2.75. She goes on that 5 times and buys a packet of doughnuts for £1.80.

If she had £20 to spend, how much money does she have left at the end?

Answer: £4.45

2.75 x 5 = 13.75

13.75 + 1.80 = £15.55

20.00 – 15.55 = 4.45

Jemma is calculating how much it will cost her to buy party bags for all the friends who come to her party.

Each party bag costs £3.75 and she has 9 friends coming to her party.

How much will she need to pay for the 9 party bags in total?

Answer: £33.75

Show as column multiplication: 3.75 x 9 = 33.75

With word problems for year 6 , pupils encounter multi-step word problems and those involving larger amounts of money and cover a range of concepts, including: the 4 operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and algebra. Money word problems are often included in the KS2 reasoning SATs papers.

Mr and Mrs Jackson are buying a new house. 

The house costs £425,999 to buy and they have a deposit of £84,000 from the sale of their last house.

How much more will they have to borrow, to be able to buy the house?

Answer: £341,999

425,999 – 84,000 = 341,999

The cost for all 90 Year 6 pupils to visit the outward bounds centre for the day is £2,430

How much does it cost per child?

Answer: £27

Show as long division:

2430 ÷ 90 = 27

A car decreases in value by 23% in one year. If it was worth £10,000 when it was bought. How much is it worth now?

Answer: £7,700

10% of 10,000 = £1,000

20% of £10,000 = £2000

1% of £10,000 = 100

3% of £10,000 = 300

10,000 – 2300 = 7,700

Mr Lampard was budgeting for the month,

He needed to pay: 

  • £240 council tax
  • £150 for gas and electricity
  • £45 for water
  • £38 for internet and phone line
  • £125 petrol

After tax he earns £3200 per month.

How much does he have left over for food, social activities and saving.

Answer: £1802

Total spent:

800 + 240 + 150 + 45 + 38 + 125 = 1398

3200 – 1398 = 1802

£60 is shared between Abbie, Ben and Carly, as a ratio of 2:3:7

How much does each person get?

Answer: Abbie: £10, Ben: £15, Carly: £35

60 ÷ 12 = 5

Looking for more word problems on a range of topics? Take a look at our collection of time word problems .


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Solving Problems - Money (Year 6)


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Solving Problems - Money (Year 6)

In KS2 Maths, Year Six kids become money masters! They learn to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division like superheroes. They can work out change, find costs, deal with percentages, and even switch between currencies. Now, they tackle bigger money challenges!

Money problems mean using addition for total costs, subtraction for change, and division/multiplication for saving secrets. Imagine saving £1.50 each week – how long to get £10? Ready for a fun quiz to test your money skills? Let's dive in!


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money problem solving questions year 6

Money Prodigy

16 Money Word Problems with Solutions and Answers (By Grade)

By: Author Amanda L. Grossman

Posted on Last updated: January 9, 2024

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Develop students’ money life skills plus work on math concepts with real-life money word problems with solutions and answers.

Bell ringers, math centers, classroom money pickles, daily warm-ups…you can sneak these money word problems with solutions and answers into your student’s day in lots of different ways.

group of high school students with teacher around table working, text overlay

Or, make them the highlight of your 30-minute personal finance session – use whatever time you’ve got.  

The exciting thing about using money word problems and consumer math worksheets is you’re giving your students the chance to practice both math AND money life skills they’ll be able to use out in the wilds of the “real world” (like in the produce section of the super market).

Awesome! Let’s dig in.

Money Word Problems with Solutions and Answers

Money word problems can begin as early as 2 nd grade with simple addition and subtraction.

And they get increasingly more complex – two steps, then multiple steps, and more complex thinking – as students go through middle school and then high school.

We’ll start with the easier money word problems, and move into more complex ones, by grade.

Psst: do your students need a refresher on counting money or identifying coins? Here are free 2 nd grade money worksheets , 14 money counting games , and a bunch of free consumer math worksheets .

Money Word Problems Grade 3

While there’s no mention of money for Grade 3 Common Core Standards , you can relate several of the math standards to money word problems.

Teaching students math AND money life skills at the same time? #winning.

For example:

  • Number and Operations in Base Ten (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NBT.A.2) : Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.OA.D.8) : Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.

Here are some worksheets with money word problems to help your students practice these concepts.

1. Money Task Cards + Scavenger Hunt

This free set of money task cards each has mostly one-step money word problems on them.

You can cut them out, and do a scavenger hunt around the room to get students up and moving. OR, she has lots of other ideas for how to use them. There’s also a worksheet asking students to come up with their own money word problem using specific amounts.

Very helpful!

2. Money Shopping Word Problems

Scroll down on this page, and you’ll find a nice collection of shopping money word problem worksheets for free.

Students will work through:

  • Adding up the cost of ordered items from a menu
  • Calculating their change after an order
  • Calculating sales tax

They’ve also got some good free worksheets on Wage word problems, simple and compound interest calculation word problems, etc.

Hint: there’s worksheets in here for older grades, too.

Two-Step Money Word Problems for 3 rd Graders

You likely saw above that third graders are supposed to be doing two-step word problems.

Two-step money word problems require two calculations to complete them. They’re not entirely straightforward – your students will need to think things through a bit more before they can come up with the correct answer.

3. Money Within $100 Word Problems

Get your set of 5 free, two-step money word problems within $100. Each word problem has space to draw and work through the problem.

4. Simple Two-Step Money Word Problems

Here’s a three-page set of two-step money word problems that have students add up the total amount of spending, then figure out how much change they should get back.

There are spaces for students to work out each of the two steps.

Hint: this is a free set of money word problems, but you’ll need a free Teachers Pay Teachers account to access it.

5. August Problem Solving Path Worksheets

I just love the real-world approach this packet of word problems takes.

She includes a math journal for each problem (there is one money word problem, and the rest are word problems involving other common core standards for 3 rd graders), and a rubric on the math journal sheet so that you can easily grade based on your student’s work.

There’s both a US and a UK version.

6. Two Simple Two-Step Money Word Problems

And here’s another set of two-step money word problems for 2 nd -4 th graders. Again, kids are asked to add up the total cost of items purchased, then calculate how much change they would get back.

7. Can I Buy It? Word Problems

If you’re looking for an easier set of two-step word problems for your bunch of students, then you should check these out.

8. Mix of One-Step and Two-Step Money Word Problems

Here’s a simple worksheet that has a mix of both two-step and one-step money word problems for 3 rd graders. The theme is around ordering food items.

Money Word Problems with Solutions and Answers Grade 5

There are no Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM) specifically for money math at the 5th grade level.

However, you can relate the math concepts in the CCSSM to real-life money scenarios with these money word problems.

  • Number and Operations in Base Ten (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.B.5 – B.7) : Students should be able to perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths (which is an essential skill when working with money).
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking (CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.OA.A.2) : Students should be able to understand and write expressions and equations and solve real-world and mathematical problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

1. Bertie’s Big Win

Students are tasked with figuring out how much money Bertie won through the lottery, based on the fractional amounts he spent on various things (like a house, a trip to space, a luxury yacht, etc.).

Answer sheet is included, which is good – because this is a tough one!

Hint: they say on the website that the 4 th grade versions of his money word problems are a bit easier than the 5 th grade ones, so you might want to try those if this seems too hard for your class.

2. YMI’s Healthy Meal, Healthy Budget Worksheets

Grab your free teaching kit (for grades 3-5, then 6-8) that pairs healthy eating lessons with 5 money math word problems you’d find in the real world.

For example, the first word problem asks students to plan a meal for two people using chicken tenders as the base. They’re given the serving size for each person, then two different options to buy and asked to calculate which is the best money (by calculating the per-unit cost and then comparing that with what they get). 

Answers and explanations are provided.

3. Mixed Practice Money Word Problems

Students are given three paragraphs describing a real-life scenario that is going to cost money. Then, students are asked a series of questions below it, and will need to use multiple kinds of calculations to solve them (subtraction, addition, multiplication, etc.).

4. Value Your Power Word Problems

Here’s a set of money math worksheets tied to electricity use in the household.

In the first activity, students are asked to decipher an electricity bill. They’ll chart the kilowatts used each month of the year, and then work through a series of questions based on that information (such as calculating an average monthly cost).

There’s also a Value Your Power Scoreboard worksheet students can take home as a family challenge.

Hint: it says it’s for 4 th grade – but I suspect these would be great for some 5 th grade students anyway.

5. Thanksgiving Dinner PBL

This project for grades 3-5 starts with the following driving question:

“ I need to feed my family of six for Thanksgiving. For my meal I need an appetizer, main dish, two side dishes, a dessert, and a drink (at least). I have $175 to spend on all the ingredients and any decorations I may want. What should I make?”

Students are tasked with creating a meal plan, recipes, and a grocery list with prices.

Hint: you’ll need a free account on to download this free lesson plan and rubric.

Advanced Money Word Problems for Older Students

Got a group of high schoolers, or advanced middle schoolers to find money word problems for? These multi-step money word problems and money-thinkers might be just the thing.

Money Word Problem #1: Ad Sale Decode

Money Lesson : Ads aren't always truthful, or as good of a deal as they first seem.

Norgay Sherpa, a mighty Everest climber who has personally climbed to the top of Everest three times (called summitting), saw a television commercial for a pair of Black Diamond Trail Pro Shock Trekking Poles. They have non-slip grips + are collapsible (something that would be very helpful on future climbs).

He wants to purchase them, but is confused about how much his total cost will be. Here are the details for a pair of trekking poles:

  • Two easy payments of $127.05
  • $9.95 Shipping & Handling
  • Get one extra pair free (an incredible deal!), just pay Shipping & Handling (S&H)

What is Sherpa Norgay's total cost going to be?

Answer : $274. How you get there is adding the two “easy payments” of $127.05 + $127.05 + $9.95 S&H + $9.95 S&H (for the second “free” pair).

Money Word Problem #2: Car Insurance Snafu

Money Lesson : How auto insurance works.

One of your expedition partners, Sandy, is facing a money dilemma. She called her husband over Base Camp's satellite phone and found out he was in a car accident. Don't worry, he's okay! But their family car looks like it was in an Avalanche.

Here are the details:

  • The accident was her husband's fault, meaning he hit the other car.
  • Her family has a liability auto insurance policy that insures both of their vehicles.
  • They pay a monthly premium of $96/month.
  • They took the vehicle to a repair shop, and the quote to repair their car is $875.
  • They have an auto insurance deductible of $500.

How much is this car repair going to cost Sandy and her family out of their own pocket?

Answer : $875. They don't have comprehensive car insurance, and Liability Only insurance means costs to repair the other person's car will be paid, but not their own car. So, they're left to pay the full $875.

Money Word Problem #3: Foreign Currency Mix Up

Money Lesson : How to figure out the value of a US Dollar against one of the other 168 currencies in the world.

Mingma Sherpa has been an outstanding partner for your expedition team. He's done all of his duties to help you on Everest − such as setting up your tents and cooking some of your meals − and was paid 360,908.33 Nepalese Rupees for doing so.

It is common courtesy to tip your Sherpa, especially when they've done a great job. If you were to tip Mingma 51,593.24 Nepalese Rupees, how many US Dollars would that be?

Assume that 1 US dollar = 103.186 Nepalese Rupees.

Answer : $500 US Dollars. That's 51,593.24/103.186.

I hope you've found some helpful money word problems with solutions and answers. I think these can open up some fun and helpful discussions with and between students that will help them manage their money as adults.

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Free Printable Money Math Worksheets for 6th Year

Money Math: Discover a comprehensive collection of free printable math worksheets for Year 6 students, designed to enhance their understanding of money-related concepts and problem-solving skills.


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Money Math - Printable Money-math Worksheets Year 6 - Quizizz

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Explore printable Money Math worksheets for 6th Year

Money Math worksheets for Year 6 are an essential tool for teachers looking to enhance their students' understanding of financial concepts and mathematical skills. These worksheets provide a wide range of engaging and challenging problems that cover topics such as calculating percentages, understanding simple and compound interest, and working with decimals and fractions. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can ensure that their Year 6 students develop a strong foundation in money management and math, preparing them for more advanced concepts in the future. With a variety of formats and difficulty levels, Money Math worksheets for Year 6 cater to the diverse learning needs of students, making them an invaluable resource for teachers.

Quizizz offers an extensive collection of interactive worksheets, including Money Math worksheets for Year 6, that can be easily integrated into a teacher's curriculum. This platform not only provides a vast array of worksheets but also allows teachers to create their own quizzes and assessments to further engage their students and track their progress. In addition to Money Math worksheets, Quizizz offers resources for various other subjects, such as science, social studies, and language arts, making it a one-stop solution for teachers looking to diversify their teaching materials. By utilizing Quizizz, teachers can ensure that their Year 6 students receive a well-rounded education, while also making learning fun and interactive. - Thousands of printable math worksheets for teachers, home schooling or general study!

Core Math Worksheets

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These money word problems worksheets engage students with real world problems and applications of math skills. The problems are grouped by addition and subtraction (appropriate for second or third grade students), or multiplication and division (appropriate for fourth or fifth grade students who have mastered decimal division), or combinations of all four operations. Click one of the buttons below to view the individual worksheets in each set.

Addition and Subtraction

28 money word problems worksheets.

Addition and subtraction word problems for money.

Addition Worksheet and Subtraction Worksheet Money Word Problems Worksheet

Multiplication and Division

20 money word problems worksheets.

Introductory word problems for multiplication and division.

Multiplication Worksheet and Division Worksheet Money Word Problems Worksheet

Mixed Operation Money Word Problems

16 money word problems worksheets.

Mixed operation word problems with money.

Money Word Problems Worksheet Mixed Operation

Addition and Subtraction with Extra Facts

Addition and subtraction word problems for money with extra unused facts in the problem.

Addition Worksheet and Subtraction Worksheet with Extra Facts Money Word Problems Worksheet

Multiplication and Division with Extra Facts

Word problems for money multiplication and division with extra unused facts in the problem.

Multiplication Worksheet and Division Worksheet with Extra Facts Money Word Problems Worksheet

Mixed Operation Money Word Problems with Extra Facts

Mixed operation word problems with money with extra unused facts in the problem.

Money Word Problems Worksheet Mixed Operation with Extra Facts

Word Problems to Introduce Money Skills

Money is a powerful and familiar application of basic math operations, and the money story problem worksheets on this page are perfect for grade school age children to start putting their basic arithmetic skills to work.

The worksheets start with sets that have exactly the information needed to solve particular money word problems, but an important skill is to learn to identify excess or unused facts in the problem description. Because money problems in the real world appear in the context of lots of information you may not need to solve a problem, recognizing what information is important is often as critical a skill as being able to do the basic arithmetic. The money word problems worksheets marked as having 'extra facts' on this page are appropriate for 3rd or 4th grade students who can confidently solve other problems.

The word problems are grouped into sets focusing on addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division, or combinations of all four operations. If you are learning basic math facts, worksheets appropriate to the operations you are working on may help solidify concepts and can be used alongside math fact practice for extra support. Because these are all money story problems, they typically involve both dollars and cents, so students will need some familiarity with decimal arithmetic to solve them.

For a visual introduction to money, check out the Money Worksheets page, which includes Making Change and a really nice set of Printable Play Money that can be a great manipulative aid when solving money word problems and more!

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Money and Financial Mathematics Worksheets - Year 6

Updated:  20 Jun 2020

2 money and financial mathematics worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  4 Pages

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  AUS V8, VIC, AUS V9
  • Year Level Displayed (pdf) Sign up to Plus
  • No Year Level Displayed (pdf) Sign up to Plus

Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies

Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems, involving rational numbers and percentages, including in financial contexts; formulate the problems, choosing operations and efficient calculation strategies, and using digital tools where appropriate; interpret and communicate solutions in te

Money and Financial Mathematics Worksheets - Year 6 teaching resource

This teaching resource  could be used in a variety of ways when teaching money and financial mathematics . Some suggestions include:

  • pre- and post-testing
  • independent classwork

This teaching resource pack includes worksheets addressing the following concepts:

  • purchase percentages.

Answer sheets are also provided.

Download options include:

  • the year level displayed at the top of the sheet
  • no year level displayed at the top of the sheet to use for differentiation.

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Maths help for parents of children aged 5 to 11

Year 6 money problems

money problem solving questions year 6

As a preview to answering SAT questions this page asks for all working out to be shown and tips on the answer page will help decide whether an extra mark can be given for showing suitable working out, even if the final answer is incorrect. (Be very suspicious of any answers which are written down without showing any working as they may well have been answered using a calculator.)

Money problems

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  • 6th Grade Math

Fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th Grade learners

Understanding and using money math skills is vital for 6 th Grade learners as it prepares them for solving real-world money problems and some advanced math topics. Hence, if you are looking for resources to teach your students how to solve their financial transactions confidently, you are in the right place. This article has prepared some fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th-Grade learners to practice and confidently apply their money skills to many real-life scenarios.

6th Grade money math worksheets: How they can help your kids develop essential skills for the Future

As one of our primary objectives in this article, we will introduce you to , an outstanding website with remarkable 6th Grade money math worksheets . You may be wondering how these worksheets will help your kids develop essential skills for the future . Worry less. Just try them out and see how your 6 th Grade math students can make smart financial decisions now and in the future.

Money math is an important topic for 6th graders to learn and practice because it helps them develop essential skills for managing their finances, such as budgeting, saving, and investing.

It also prepares them for more advanced math topics, such as algebra and geometry, that involve money and decimals.

In this article, however, we will review some basic money concepts, introduce money math skills for 6th grade, and provide fun and engaging money math activities and worksheets for 6th graders to try at home or in the classroom.


Download free worksheets, grade 6 math topics.

  • Whole numbers


  • Exponents and square roots
  • Number theory
  • Add & subtract decimals
  • Multiply & divide decimals
  • Fractions & mixed numbers
  • Add & subtract fractions
  • Multiply fractions
  • Divide fractions
  • Operations with integers
  • Mixed operations
  • Rational numbers
  • Problems solving
  • Ratio & proportions
  • Percentages
  • Measuring units
  • Consumer math
  • Telling time
  • Coordinate graph
  • Algebraic expressions
  • One step equations
  • Solve & graph inequalities
  • Two-step equations
  • 2D Geometry
  • Symmetry & transformation
  • Geometry measurement
  • Data and Graphs
  • Probability

Fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th Grade learners - adding and subtracting money amount

Start practice on Sixth Grade here

Why money math matters for 6th graders.

Money math matters for 6th graders because it helps them understand the value of money and how to use it wisely. Money math teaches them how to compare prices, calculate discounts, sales tax, and interest, and make intelligent decisions about spending and saving.

Money math also helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills useful for many other subjects and situations. By learning money math, 6th graders can become more confident and responsible with their money and prepare for their future financial goals.

Review of basic money concepts: coins, bills, and decimal notation

Before diving into money math skills for 6th grade, let's review some basic money concepts that 6th graders should already know. These include:

  • The names and values of coins and bills in the U.S. currency system
  • How to count, add, subtract, multiply, and divide money amounts using coins and bills
  • How to write money amounts using decimal notation (e.g., $3.25)
  • How to compare and order money amounts using decimal notation (e.g., $3.25 < $4.50)
  • How to round money amounts to the nearest cent, dime, or dollar using decimal notation (e.g., $3.27 ≈ $3.30)

Also, if your 6th grader needs a refresher on these concepts, you can download the following fun and educational money math worksheets from and give them to practice:

  • Coin Recognition Worksheets : These worksheets help students identify and count coins by their names and values.
  • Money Addition Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice adding money amounts using coins and bills.
  • Money Subtraction Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice subtracting money amounts using coins and bills.
  • Money Multiplication Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice multiplying money amounts by whole numbers or decimals.
  • Money Division Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice dividing money amounts by whole numbers or decimals.
  • Money Decimal Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice writing, comparing, ordering, and rounding money amounts using decimal notation.

Money Math Skills for 6th Grade learners: Calculating Discounts, Sales Tax, and Interest

Now that we have reviewed some basic money concepts, let's move on to some money math skills specific to 6th-grade learners . These money mathskills4kids’ skills include:

  • How to calculate discounts using percentages (e.g., 20% off)
  • How to calculate sales tax using percentages (e.g., 8% sales tax)
  • How to calculate simple interest using the formula I = Prt (where I is the interest amount, P is the principal amount, r is the annual interest rate, and t is the time in years)
  • How to apply these skills to real-world scenarios involving shopping, banking, and investing

These skills are essential for 6th graders because they help them understand how money changes over time due to various factors. They also help them evaluate different options and make informed choices when buying or selling goods or services or borrowing or lending money.

To help your 6th grader master these skills, you can download the following fun and educational money math worksheets from to help them practice:

  • Discount Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice calculating discounts using percentages.
  • Sales Tax Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice calculating sales tax using percentages.
  • Simple Interest Worksheets : These worksheets help students practice calculating simple interest using the formula I = Prt.
  • Money Word Problems Worksheets : These worksheets help students apply their money math skills to real-world scenarios involving shopping, banking, and investing.

Money math activities for 6th Grade: Budgeting, Saving, and Investing

Another way to help your 6th Grade students learn and enjoy money math is to engage them in fun and interactive money math activities involving budgeting, saving, and investing .

These activities can help your 6th grader develop essential life skills such as planning ahead, setting goals, tracking expenses, making trade-offs, saving for the future, and growing their wealth.

Some examples of these activities are:

They will also adjust their budget according to unexpected events such as emergencies or windfalls. This activity helps students learn how to manage their money and live within their means.

They also have to consider different saving options such as bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or bonds. This activity helps students learn how to save for their future and appreciate the power of compound interest.

They also have to monitor the performance of their portfolio and calculate their profits or losses. This activity helps students learn how to invest in the stock market and understand the risks and rewards of investing.

How to help your 6th Grader master money math

As a parent or teacher, you can play a vital role in helping your 6th grader master money math . Here are some tips on how you can support your 6th grader's money math learning:

  • Encourage your 6th grader to practice money math regularly using the resources provided in this article or other online or offline sources.
  • Make money math fun and relevant by connecting it to your 6th grader's interests, hobbies, or aspirations. For example, you can use money math to plan a family vacation, buy a gift for a friend, or start a business.
  • Involve your 6th grader in real-life money situations such as shopping, banking, or investing. For example, you can let your 6th grader compare prices, calculate discounts or sales tax, or choose a saving or investing option.
  • Praise your 6th grader's efforts and achievements in money math and celebrate their progress and improvement. For example, you can reward your 6th grader with a certificate, a sticker, or a treat for completing a money math worksheet or activity.

Bonus: More money math resources for sixth-Graders practice

If you want to give your 6th grader more practice and fun with money math, here are some web links with descriptions of online games, videos, and worksheets that you can use.

  • Math Playground : Money Games . This website has a variety of interactive games that let your 6th grader practice money skills such as counting change, making change, comparing prices, calculating discounts, and more. Some of the games are also available as apps for mobile devices. .
  • Khan Academy : Money . This website has videos and exercises covering money topics such as decimal notation, place value, rounding, adding and subtracting decimals, multiplying and dividing decimals, and converting between fractions and decimals. The videos are clear and engaging, and the exercises provide instant feedback and hints. .
  • Math Goodies: Percent and Proportions Worksheets . This website has a collection of printable worksheets that help your 6th grader practice calculating percentages, proportions, discounts, sales tax, interest, and more. The worksheets have answer keys and worked-out solutions. .
  • Practical Money Skills : Financial Literacy for Kids . This website has a wealth of resources that teach your 6th grader about financial literacy concepts such as budgeting, saving, investing, credit, debt, and more. The resources include games, videos, comics, articles, quizzes, calculators, and lesson plans. .
  • Math Blaster : Money Math Problems . This website has a fun and challenging game that tests your 6th grader's money math skills. The game involves solving money problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, and percentages. The game has different difficulty levels and rewards your 6th grader with coins that can be used to buy items for their virtual space station. .

Thank you for sharing the links of with your loved ones. Your choice is greatly appreciated.

Money math is an essential skill for 6th graders to learn and master. It helps them understand the value of money, make smart financial decisions, and prepare for the real world.

By reviewing the basic money concepts, learning the money math skills for 6th grade, doing the money math activities and worksheets for 6th grade, and using the bonus money math resources for sixth-graders practice, you can help your 6th grader become a money math whiz!

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Maths Genie

Calculation Money Problems

In these problems we are using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in the context of money questions.

We need to work out which operation to use for each question.

Example 1: You buy 7 bananas for 23p each. Work out the total cost.

Here we have a multiplication question.

Each banana costs 23p and we have 7 bananas. We need to work out 7 × 23 We can use long multiplication.

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with 7 × 3 7 × 3 = 21 The one goes in the ones column and the 2 is carried over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

Next is 7 × 2 7 × 2 = 14 We add on the 2 we carried over 14 + 2 = 16 The 6 goes in the tens and the 1 is carried over to the hundreds

money problem solving questions year 6

The total cost is 161p We can convert pence to pounds and pence by dividing by 100 161p = £1.61

Example 2: You buy 8 oranges for 29p each. You pay with a £10 note. Work out how much change you should get.

Each orange costs 29p and we have 8 oranges. We need to work out 8 × 29

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with 8 × 9 8 × 9 = 72 The 2 goes in the ones column and the 7 is carried over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

Next is 8 × 2 8 × 2 = 16 We add on the 7 we carried over 16 + 7 = 23 The 3 goes in the tens and the 2 is carried over to the hundreds

money problem solving questions year 6

The total cost is 232p

To find the change we need to take 232p away from £10 £10 = 1000p The change will be 1000 - 232

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with the column on the right, the ones. We do not want to take 2 away from 0 so we need to take a ten and move it to the ones We do not have any tens or hundreds We can take one thousand and move it to the hundreds, the take one hundred and move it to the tens, then take a ten and move it to the ones. 1000 = 900 + 90 + 10

money problem solving questions year 6

We can now subtract each column, starting with the ones 10 - 2 = 8

In the tens we have 9 - 3 9 - 3 = 6

In the hundreds we have 9 - 2 9 - 2 = 7

money problem solving questions year 6

We can convert pence to pounds and pence by dividing by 100 768p = £7.68

Example 3: You buy: 2 burgers for 1.49p each. 3 portions of chips for £1.15 each 5 drinks for £1.28 each Work out the total cost.

We need to work out the cost of the burgers, the cost of the chips and the cost of the drinks. We can then add them all together.

For the burgers we have 2 × 149 (I will do the working out in pence and convert back to pounds at the end).

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with the ones. 2 × 9 = 18 The 8 goes in the ones and we carry the 1 over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

Next is the tens. 2 × 4 = 8 We add on the 1 we carried over 8 + 1 = 9

money problem solving questions year 6

The final column is the hundreds. 2 × 1 = 2

money problem solving questions year 6

2 × 149 = 298

For the chips we have 3 × 115

money problem solving questions year 6

The first column is the ones. 3 × 5 = 15 The 5 goes in the ones and we carry the 1 over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

The next column is the tens. 3 × 1 = 3 We add the 1 we carried over 3 + 1 = 4

money problem solving questions year 6

The last column is the hundreds. 3 × 1 = 3

money problem solving questions year 6

3 × 115 = 345

For the drinks we have 5 × 128

money problem solving questions year 6

The first column is the ones. 5 × 8 = 40 The 0 goes in the ones and we carry the 4 over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

The next column is the tens. 5 × 2 = 10 We add the 4 we carried over 10 + 4 = 14 The 4 goes in the tens and we carry the 1 over to the hundreds.

money problem solving questions year 6

The next column is the hundreds. 5 × 1 = 5 We add the 1 we carried over 5 + 1 = 6

money problem solving questions year 6

5 × 128 = 640

We can now add together the cost of the burgers, chips and drinks to find the total cost.

We need to work out 298 + 345 + 640. We can use column addition

money problem solving questions year 6

The first column is the ones. 8 + 5 + 0 = 13 The 3 goes in the ones and we carry the 1 over to the tens.

money problem solving questions year 6

The next column is the tens. 9 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 18 The 8 goes in the tens and we carry the 1 over to the hundreds.

money problem solving questions year 6

The next column is the hundreds. 2 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 12 The 2 goes in the hundreds and the 1 goes in the thousands.

money problem solving questions year 6

298 + 345 + 640 = 1283 1283 ÷ 100 = 12.83 The total cost is £12.83

Example 4: You buy a car for £9000 You pay a deposit of £3200 and the rest in 25 monthly installments. Work out the amount of each installment.

The first step in this question is to subtract the deposit of £3200 from the price to see how much is left to pay.

We need to work out 9000 - 3200

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with the ones. 0 - 0 = 0

In the tens we also have 0 - 0 = 0

money problem solving questions year 6

In the hundreds we have 0 - 2 We need to take one thousand and move it to the hundreds. 9000 is the same as 8000 + 1000

money problem solving questions year 6

We now have 10 - 2 in the hundreds 10 - 2 = 8

money problem solving questions year 6

In the thousands we have 8 - 3 8 - 3 = 5

money problem solving questions year 6

9000 - 3200 = 5800

We have 5800 left to pay. We need to divide 5800 by 25 to work out the monthly payment. 5800 ÷ 25

We can use short division. We can write the 25 times table down the side to make the division easier.

money problem solving questions year 6

We start with the biggest column, the thousands. 25 does not go into 5 so we carry the 5 over to the hundreds where it is worth 50.

money problem solving questions year 6

Next is the hundreds. 25 goes into 58 twice. 25 × 2 = 50 58 - 50 = 8 We carry the 8 over to the tens (where it is worth 80).

money problem solving questions year 6

Next is the tens. 25 goes into 80 three times. 25 × 3 = 75 80 - 75 = 5 We have 5 left over to carry over to the ones.

money problem solving questions year 6

In the ones we have 50 25 × 2 = 50 5800 ÷ 25 = 232

money problem solving questions year 6

The monthly installments are £232

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OML Search

Money Word Problems

First, we will look at a money word problem involving calculating Simple Interest. Simple Interest word problems are based on the formula for Simple Interest and the formula for Amount. Then, we will look at a money word problem that involves coins and dollar bills.

Simple Interest Formula

Simple Interest Word Problems

Formula for Simple Interest

i represents the interest earned. p represents the principal which is the number of dollars invested. r represents the interest rate per year. t represents the time the money is invested which is generally stated in years or fractions of a year.

Formula for Amount

A represents what your investment is worth if you consider the total amount of the original investment ( p ) and the interest earned ( i )

James needs interest income of $5,000. How much money must he invest for one year at 7%? (Give your answer to the nearest dollar)

5,000 = p (0.07)(1)

p = 71,428.57

Dollar and Coin Word Problems

Paul has $31.15 from paper route collections. He has 5 more nickels than quarters and 7 fewer dimes than quarters. How many of each coin does Paul have?

Let x be the number of quarters x + 5 be the number of nickels x – 7 be the number of dimes

25 x + 5( x + 5) + 10( x – 7) = 3,115 25 x + 5 x + 25 + 10 x – 70 = 3,115 40 x = 3,160 x = 79

Algebra Money Word Problems

Coin Word Problem

Mathway Calculator Widget

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money problem solving questions year 6

The focus of this activity to challenge students to apply their knowledge of the four operations to solve a problem involving money. Students also need to demonstrate their ability to explain using evidence which option is the best.

  • Estimate solutions to problems
  • Use the four operations and brackets to record a number sentence
  • Apply knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve problems involving money
  • Multiply decimals (money) by whole numbers
  • Perform divisions of whole numbers where the result is a decimal
  • Use calculations to compare options and explain which one is the best and why
  • Show the strategy used to solve the problem
  • Explain the strategy used to find a possible solution
  • Check the solution to a problem using a model, visual method or calculations

Curriculum Connections: NSW SYLLABUS K-10 – STAGE 3

Whole numbers 1.

  • Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of millions


  • Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems (ACMNA291)


  • Select and apply efficient mental and written strategies and appropriate digital technologies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction with whole numbers (ACMNA123)


  • Solve word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals, with and without the use of digital technologies, including those involving money
  • Multiply decimals by whole numbers and perform divisions by non-zero whole numbers where the results are terminating decimals, with and without the use of digital technologies (ACMNA129)
  • Compare, order, add and subtract integers (ACMNA280)

At the end of this lesson students should be able to answer the following questions

  • How can we represent this problem?
  • Which option do you think is better? Why?
  • What strategy can you use to find a solution?
  • Is there a more effective strategy?
  • How can you check that your strategy is correct?
  • Is there another method that could be used to find a solution to this problem?
  • Could digital technology help? A calculator or a spreadsheet
  • Can you use what you have discovered to explain which solution is better and why?

For more information, please download the attached lesson plan .


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Year 6 Maths Worksheets UK Hub Page

Welcome to our Year 6 Maths Worksheets area.

Here you will find a wide range of free printable Year 6 Maths Worksheets for your child to enjoy.

Come and take a look at our rounding decimal pages, or maybe some of our adding and subtracting fractions worksheets. Perhaps you are looking for some worksheets about finding angles in a triangle, or need some ratio problem worksheets to help your child learn about ratio?

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Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser .

  • This page contains links to other Math webpages where you will find a range of activities and resources.
  • If you can't find what you are looking for, try searching the site using the Google search box at the top of each page.

Year 6 Maths Learning

Here are some of the key learning objectives for the end of Year 6:

  • know and use Place value up to 10 million
  • Counting on and back in steps of powers of 10 from any number up to 10 million
  • Round numbers to any given degree of accuracy.
  • Count forwards and backwards through zero with positive and negative numbers.
  • Read Roman numerals to 1000 and recognise years written in Roman numerals
  • solve multi-step problems using addition and subtraction in a range of contexts
  • identify multiples and factors including common factors
  • multiply and divide up to 4-digit numbers by up to 2 digits
  • Use their knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations.
  • Identify common factors, common multiples and prime numbers.
  • solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • simplify fractions
  • compare and order fractions including mixed numbers
  • add and subtract fractions with different denominators including mixed numbers
  • multiply simple fractions together and simplify the answer
  • divide proper fractions by whole numbers
  • recall and use equivalence between simple fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • Multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals up to 3dp by 10, 100 or 1000
  • read, write, order and compare numbers up to 3dp
  • round decimals with up to 3dp to the nearest whole
  • solve problems with numbers up to 3dp
  • work out percentages of different amounts
  • solve problems using percentages
  • use simple formulae
  • express missing number problems using algebra
  • find pairs of numbers that satisfy equations with two variables
  • solve problems involving simple ratios
  • solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is known
  • use, read, write and convert between standard units of measure
  • measure, compare and calculate using different measures
  • know that shapes with the same area can have different perimeters
  • find the area of parallelograms and right triangles
  • find the volume of cubes and cuboids
  • convert between miles and km
  • name and understand the parts of circles - radius, diameter and circumference
  • draw 2D shapes accurately using dimensions and angles
  • compate and classify 2D shapes by a range of properties
  • find missing angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and regular shapes
  • use coordinates in all 4 quadrants
  • draw and translate simple shapes in all 4 quadrants
  • interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs
  • calculate the mean as an average

Please note:

Our site is mainly based around the US Elementary school math standards.

Though the links on this page are all designed primarily for students in the US, but they are also at the correct level and standard for UK students.

The main issue is that some of the spelling is different and this site uses US spelling.

Year 6 is generally equivalent to 5th Grade in the US.

On this page you will find link to our range of math worksheets for Year 6.

Quicklinks to Year 6 ...

  • Place Value Zone
  • Mental Math Zone

Word Problems Zone

Fractions percents ratio zone.

  • Percentages Zone
  • Measurement Zone

Geometry Zone

Data analysis zone.

  • Fun Zone: games and puzzles

Coronavirus Stay At Home Support

For those parents who have found themselves unexpectedly at home with the kids and need some emergency activities for them to do, we have started to develop some Maths Grab Packs for kids in the UK.

Each pack consists of at least 10 mixed math worksheets on a variety of topics to help you keep you child occupied and learning.

The idea behind them is that they can be used out-of-the-box for some quick maths activities for your child.

They are completely FREE - take a look!

  • Free Maths Grabs Packs

Place Value & Number Sense Zone

Year 6 number worksheets.

Here you will find a range of Free Printable Year 6 Number Worksheets.

Using these Year 6 maths worksheets will help your child to:

  • use place value with numbers up to 10 million;
  • use place value with up to 3 decimal places;
  • understand how to use exponents (powers) of a number;
  • understand and use parentheses (brackets);
  • understand and use multiples and factors;
  • extend their knowledge of prime and composite (non-prime) numbers up to 100;
  • know and be able to use the PEMDAS (or PEDMAS) rule.
  • Place Value Worksheets to 10 million
  • Place Value to 3dp
  • Ordering Decimals Worksheets
  • PEMDAS Rule Support Page
  • PEMDAS Problems Worksheets
  • Balancing Math Equations
  • Roman Numerals worksheets

Ordering Large Numbers and Decimals to 3dp

The sheets in this section involve ordering lists of decimals to 3 decimal places and also large numbers up to 100 million.

There are sheets with decimals up to 10, and also sheets with numbers from -10 to 10.

  • Ordering Large Numbers up to 100 million
  • Ordering Decimals to 3dp

Rounding Decimals

  • Rounding to the nearest tenth
  • Rounding Decimal Places Sheets to 2dp
  • Rounding Decimals Worksheet Challenges

Year 6 Decimal Counting Worksheets

Using these sheets will support you child to:

  • count on and back by multiples of 0.1;
  • fill in the missing numbers in sequences;
  • count on and back into negative numbers.
  • Counting By Decimals

Year 6 Mental Maths Zone

Each worksheet tests the children on a range of math topics from number facts and mental arithmetic to geometry, fraction and measures questions.

A great way to revise topics, or use as a weekly math quiz!

  • Year 6 Mental Maths Tests

Top of Page

Year 6 Addition Worksheets

  • add decimals including tenths and hundredths mentally;
  • add a columns of multi-digit numbers, including decimals.
  • Decimal Addition Fact Worksheets
  • 5th Grade Addition Worksheets BIG Numbers
  • Decimal Column Addition Worksheets
  • Money Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 6 Subtraction Worksheets

Using these sheets will help your child to:

  • subtract decimals including tenths and hundredths mentally;
  • subtract multi-digit numbers, including decimals using column subtraction.
  • Subtracting Decimals Worksheets (mental)
  • Subtraction Worksheets up to Billions (columns)
  • Column Subtraction with Decimals

Year 6 Multiplication Worksheets

  • extend their knowlege of multiplication to decimals;
  • use their multiplication tables to answer related facts, including decimals;
  • multiply a range of decimals with up to 2 decimal places (2dp) by a whole number;
  • multiply different money amounts by a whole number.
  • Multiplying Decimals by 10 and 100
  • Multiplication Fact Sheet Decimals
  • Decimal Multiplication Worksheets to 1dp
  • Decimal Multiplication Worksheets to 2dp
  • Free Multiplication Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Multiply and Divide by 10 100 (decimals)
  • Multiplication & Division Worksheets (randomly generated)
  • Multiplication Word Problems

Division Worksheets 5th Grade

Using these Year 6 maths worksheets will help your child learn to:

  • divide any whole number up to 10000 by a two digit number;
  • express any division with a remainder in the form of a mixed number (a number with a fraction part).
  • Long Division Worksheets (whole numbers)
  • Long Division of Decimal Numbers
  • Decimal Division Facts
  • Division Facts Worksheets (randomly generated)

Year 6 Maths Problems

  • apply their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills;
  • apply their knowledge of rounding and place value;
  • solve a range of problems including "real life" problems and ratio problems.

These sheets involve solving one or two more challenging longer problems.

  • Year 6 Math Problems (5th Grade)

These sheets involve solving many 'real-life' problems involving data.

  • Year 6 Math Word Problems (5th Grade)

These sheets involve solving a range of ratio problems.

Year 6 Fraction Worksheets

Year 6 percentage worksheets, year 6 ratio worksheets.

  • compare and order fractions;
  • add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers;
  • understand how to multiply fractions by a whole number;
  • understand how to multiply two fractions together, including mixed fractions;
  • understand the relationship between fractions and division;
  • know how to divide fractions and mixed fractions;
  • convert decimals to fractions.
  • Comparing Fractions Worksheet page
  • Adding Fractions Worksheets
  • Adding Improper Fractions
  • Subtracting Fractions Worksheets
  • Adding Subtracting Fractions Worksheets
  • Improper Fraction Worksheets
  • Converting Decimals to Fractions Worksheets
  • Fractions Decimals Percents Worksheets
  • Multiplying Fractions Worksheets
  • Dividing Fractions by Whole numbers
  • Divide Whole numbers by Fractions
  • Simplifying Fractions Worksheets
  • Free Printable Fraction Riddles (harder)

Take a look at our percentage worksheets for finding the percentage of a number or money amount.

We have a range of percentage sheets from quite a basic level to much harder.

  • Percentage of Numbers Worksheets
  • Money Percentage Worksheets
  • Percentage Word Problems

These Year 6 Ratio worksheets are a great way to introduce this concept.

We have a range of part to part ratio worksheets and slightly harder problem solving worksheets.

  • Ratio Part to Part Worksheets
  • Ratio and Proportion Worksheets

Year 6 Geometry Worksheets

  • know how to find missing angles in a range of situations;
  • learn the number of degrees in a right angle, straight line, around a point and in a triangle;
  • know how to calculate the area of a triangle;
  • know how to calculate the area of a range of quadrilaterals.
  • learn the formulas to calculate the area of triangles and some quadrilaterals;
  • write and plot coordinates in all 4 quadrants.
  • (5th Grade) Geometry - Angles
  • Area of Quadrilaterals
  • 5th Grade Volume Worksheets
  • Coordinate Worksheets (1st Quadrant)
  • Coordinate Plane Worksheets (All 4 Quadrants)
  • Parts of a Circle Worksheets

Measurement Zone, including Time & Money

Year 6 measurement worksheets.

Using these sheets will help your child understand how to:

  • learn how to read a standard scale going up in different fractions: halves, quarters, eighths and sixteenths;
  • learn how to read a metric scale going up in 0.1s, 5s, 10s, 25s, 50s & 100s;
  • learn how to estimate a measurement of length, weight or liquid;
  • convert temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  • (5th Grade) Measurement Worksheets

Time Puzzles - harder

Here you will find our selection of harder time puzzles.

  • Time Word Problems Worksheets - Riddles (harder)

Using these sheets will help you to:

  • find the mean of up to 5 numbers;
  • find a missing data point when the mean is given.
  • Mean Worksheets

Fun Zone: Puzzles, Games and Riddles

Year 6 maths games.

  • Year 6 Math Games (5th Grade)

Year 6 Maths Puzzles

The puzzles will help your child practice and apply their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts as well as developing their thinking and reasoning skills in a fun and engaging way.

  • Printable Math Puzzles

Math Salamanders Year 6 Maths Games Ebook

Our Year 6 Maths Games Ebook contains all of our fun maths games, complete with instructions and resources.

This ebooklet is available in our store - use the link below to find out more!

  • Year 6 Maths Games Ebook

Other UK Maths Worksheet pages

See below for our other maths worksheets hub pages designed for children in the UK.

How to Print or Save these sheets 🖶

Need help with printing or saving? Follow these 3 steps to get your worksheets printed perfectly!

  • How to Print support

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Money (Paying) Practice Questions

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  1. Money (problem solving)

    money problem solving questions year 6

  2. Solving Word Problems Involving Money Worksheet

    money problem solving questions year 6

  3. Year 6 money problems

    money problem solving questions year 6

  4. Calculate with Money

    money problem solving questions year 6

  5. Year 5 / 6 Money Reasoning and Problem Solving Tasks

    money problem solving questions year 6

  6. Solving Money Word Problems Worksheet by Teach Simple

    money problem solving questions year 6


  1. YEAR 6 Mini-maths Video Tutorial

  2. Class-6 Maths / Half Yearly Exam Question Paper || Cbse Sample Paper Session 2023-24 ||

  3. Many got scared to solve this! #find #indices #explore #maths #mathsproblems

  4. How to solve this exponential problem with different bases and indices? #find #indices #explore

  5. An interesting math problem! #find #indices #explore #maths #mathsproblems #mathspuzzles #algebra

  6. Many could not solve this! a ÷ b= 0.75 then a + b= ? #explore #maths #mathsproblems


  1. Free Printable Money Word Problems Worksheets for 6th Year

    Money Word Problems worksheets for Year 6 are an essential resource for teachers looking to challenge their students and enhance their mathematical skills. These worksheets focus on real-life scenarios that require students to apply their knowledge of math concepts in order to solve problems involving money. By incorporating these Year 6 Math ...

  2. 25 Money Word Problems for Year 2 to Year 6

    25 word problems using money to help your primary students develop their understanding of money as well as their problem solving skills. Maths Tutoring for Schools. ... Money word problems in Year 6. By Year 6, money is no longer explicitly mentioned in ... Question 2. The cost for all 90 Year 6 pupils to visit the outward bounds centre for the ...

  3. Solving Problems

    Solving Problems - Money (Year 6) In KS2 Maths, Year Six kids become money masters! They learn to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division like superheroes. They can work out change, find costs, deal with percentages, and even switch between currencies. Now, they tackle bigger money challenges!

  4. 16 Money Word Problems with Solutions and Answers (By Grade)

    Here are some worksheets with money word problems to help your students practice these concepts. 1. Money Task Cards + Scavenger Hunt. This free set of money task cards each has mostly one-step money word problems on them. You can cut them out, and do a scavenger hunt around the room to get students up and moving.

  5. 240 Top "Money Word Problems Year 6" Teaching Resources ...

    How to Teach Problem Solving Strategies in Year 6 CPD Video . 1 review ... Year 6 Maths Multi-Step Questions Activity Pack 1 . 2 reviews ... Explore more than 240 "Money Word Problems Year 6" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Money Word Problems" ...

  6. Money Printable Worksheets

    Here you will find a selection of First Grade Counting Money printable worksheets designed to help your child count different amounts of money using coins of the same value. Using these sheets will help your child to:-. count by a range of coins up to $1; add up quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies.

  7. Free Printable Money Math Worksheets for 6th Year

    Money Math worksheets for Year 6 are an essential tool for teachers looking to enhance their students' understanding of financial concepts and mathematical skills. These worksheets provide a wide range of engaging and challenging problems that cover topics such as calculating percentages, understanding simple and compound interest, and working ...

  8. Money & Financial Maths

    Money and Financial Mathematics Lesson Resources Designed For Upper Primary. Help children learn how to manage money and solve currency problems with our range of Money and Financial Mathematics worksheets and activities for Year 5 and Year 6. Featuring topic information in all formats, from PowerPoints and worksheets to games and group tasks ...

  9. KS2 Maths Money Problems Worksheets

    In addition to consolidating basic maths skills, this KS2 money word problems worksheet introduces children to using maths in real-life scenarios.&nbsp;So why not give children a head start when it comes to handling money in their adolescence with this editable worksheet?The money word problems in this resource are suitable for Year 3 - Year 6 children, so simply download the PDF and get ...

  10. 112 Top "Money Year 6" Teaching Resources curated for you.

    Year 6 (Ages 10-11) Calculating with Money: Video Lesson 3. PlanIt Maths Year 6 Fractions Lesson Pack 26: Divide Decimals by Integers (Money) 3 reviews. Spanish: At the Shops: Money Year 6 Lesson Pack 4. PlanIt Maths Year 6 Fractions Lesson Pack 22: Multiply Decimals by Integers (Money) 2 reviews.

  11. 953 Top "Money Problems Year 6" Teaching Resources curated for you

    telling the time. Explore more than 953 "Money Problems Year 6" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Money Problems". Check out our interactive series of lesson plans, worksheets, PowerPoints and assessment tools today! All teacher-made, aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

  12. Money Word Problems

    Money Word Problems. These money word problems worksheets engage students with real world problems and applications of math skills. The problems are grouped by addition and subtraction (appropriate for second or third grade students), or multiplication and division (appropriate for fourth or fifth grade students who have mastered decimal division), or combinations of all four operations.

  13. Money and Financial Mathematics Worksheets

    2 money and financial mathematics worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum. Non-Editable: PDF. Pages: 4 Pages. Curriculum: AUS V8, VIC, AUS V9. Year: 6. Investigate and calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% and 50% on sale items, with and without digital technologies. Use mathematical modelling to solve practical problems, involving ...

  14. Year 6 money problems

    Year 6 money problems. There are not many questions on this page but they are tricky with some requiring several stages to answer. They are all to do with money and involve addition, multiplication and division. As a preview to answering SAT questions this page asks for all working out to be shown and tips on the answer page will help decide ...

  15. Fun and educational money math worksheets for 6th Grade learners

    Now that we have reviewed some basic money concepts, let's move on to some money math skills specific to 6th-grade learners.These money mathskills4kids' skills include: How to calculate discounts using percentages (e.g., 20% off); How to calculate sales tax using percentages (e.g., 8% sales tax); How to calculate simple interest using the formula I = Prt (where I is the interest amount, P is ...

  16. Maths Genie • Money Problems

    Calculation Money Problems. In these problems we are using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in the context of money questions. We need to work out which operation to use for each question. Example 1: You buy 7 bananas for 23p each. Work out the total cost.

  17. Money Word Problems (solutions, videos, examples)

    He has 5 more nickels than quarters and 7 fewer dimes than quarters. How many of each coin does Paul have? Solution: Let x be the number of quarters. x + 5 be the number of nickels. x - 7 be the number of dimes. 25 x + 5 ( x + 5) + 10 ( x - 7) = 3,115. 25 x + 5 x + 25 + 10 x - 70 = 3,115. 40 x = 3,160.

  18. 986 Top "Year 6 Money Problems" Teaching Resources curated for you

    Year 6 The Maths Mystery of the Missing Football Referee. Explore more than 986 "Year 6 Money Problems" resources for teachers, parents and pupils as well as related resources on "Money Problems Year 6". Instant access to inspirational lesson plans, schemes of work, assessment, interactive activities, resource packs, PowerPoints, teaching ideas ...

  19. Money Year 5 & 6

    Apply knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve problems involving money. Multiply decimals (money) by whole numbers. Perform divisions of whole numbers where the result is a decimal. Use calculations to compare options and explain which one is the best and why. Show the strategy used to solve the problem.

  20. Year 6 Maths Worksheets

    Year 6 Maths Worksheets

  21. Money (Paying) Practice Questions

    The Corbettmaths practice questions on Money - Paying. GCSE Revision Cards. 5-a-day Workbooks

  22. 1,001 Top "Money Problems Year 6" Teaching Resources curated ...

    PSHE and Citizenship UKS2 Money Matters Learning Journey Record Resource Pack. Twinkl Move PE - Year 6 Leadership in PE: Unit Overview. Year 6 (Ages 10-11) Calculating with Money: Video Lesson 1. Multi-Step Word Problems Worksheet 66 reviews. Year 6 Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA): Unit Pack.