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Christianity: Foundations and Beliefs

Published by Gabriella Gibson Modified over 6 years ago

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Christianity: Foundations and Beliefs

For Students. Introduction Christianity is the world's biggest religion, with about 2.2 billion followers worldwide. It is based on the teachings of Jesus.

presentation christianity

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

presentation christianity

Christianity. Early Christianity Roots lie in Judaism, the teachings of John the Baptist, Jesus, and the apostles. Unapproved religion Christianity grew.

presentation christianity

Facts About Christianity

presentation christianity

CHRISTIANITY Kelsey, Ellie, Lexi and Amiee. THE RELIGION  Christianity is a popular religion worldwide.  2 Billion Adherents worldwide  Around 42 Million.

presentation christianity

Unit 1 Introduction to World Civilizations and New Ideas Sub Unit 1 Introduction to World Religions Lesson 2 Beliefs of Christianity.

presentation christianity

Christianity The world’s largest religion with over 2 billion followers (almost 30% of all people) A religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

presentation christianity

What percentage of people in the world say they follow:

presentation christianity

Christianity. History– The Life and Times of Jesus †Beginnings around 0 AD †Centers around the Life of Jesus of Nazareth †Life story told in the four.

presentation christianity

By: Mason Nixon. Christianity  Originating in the Eastern Europe during 3oo’s A.D. in the Roman Empire it quickly spread all throughout in Europe and.

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Christianity.  World’s largest faith  2.1 billion followers  Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived over 2,000 years ago  Worship in churches.

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Class Agenda  Today we are going to:  Practice taking notes  Learn new vocabulary words.

presentation christianity

People from different ethnic groups may share the same religion; through they may be from very different cultures. Religion has been important to the.

presentation christianity

Middle Eastern Religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

presentation christianity

Vocabulary Judaism p 32p72-75 Monotheismp32p73 Covenant p32p73 Torahp32p72 Exodusp73 Jewish Diasporap33p155 Polytheismp33 Abraham (LFID)p32p72 Mosesp33p73-74.

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World Religions Christia nity Christianity Video.

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Monotheistic Religions Christianity, Islam, Judaism.

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Chapters 36 & 37 The Origins and Spread of Christianity & The Learning about the World Religions: Christianity.

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presentation christianity

Christianity. The cross is the central symbol of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross and three days later rose from the dead.

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Who was Jesus?

Most Christians think of their history as a special plan of God that reached its apex in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as Christ.

Christians emphasized a “new covenant” … on that replaced the “old covenant.” This “new covenant” was for the new chosen people, those who accepted Jesus as the Messiah, or Christ .

Jesus of Nazareth

Our knowledge of Jesus is based on the accounts in sacred Christian writings, many of which make up the New Testament.

Minus the birth stories (many of which are believed to have been composed last), we know little of Jesus’ youth. He begins to be come prevalent when he was 30 years old.

He attended one John’s (known as “The Baptist”) gatherings in which John proclaimed that kingdom of God was at hand. John was the son of a Jewish priest and had been using water a symbol to his listeners to “wash away their sins” and to “repent and hear the good news.”

It is believed that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus as he came from the water a voice came from heaven saying, “Thou art my beloved Son, with thee I am well pleased.” (Mark 1:11)

Jesus then spent time fasting and in prayer. The gospels claim that he spent time in dialogue with Satan before returning to public life. Following the imprisonment of John by King Herod, Jesus appeared in public and declare that the kingdom of God was at hand.

Jesus than chose disciples to learn his teachings. Alongside his teachings, he would often proclaim the forgiveness of the sins of some, and also performed miracles.

The Teachings of Jesus

The general theme of Jesus’ teaching was the kingdom of God.

  • What is the kingdom of God? It could begin when any two like-minded people at any time and place.
  • God’s perfection was the standard for personal conduct
  • The mercy of God = how humans should treat each other

Jesus emphasized the personal side of religion:

  • God = “The Father”
  • Followers = “children of the Most High
  • Kingdom of God was composed of people having childlike faith
  • ALL people were welcome to be a part of the kingdom
  • Emphasis on love
  • Jesus was “the Way”

“The Spirit of Lord is Upon Me”

  • Life is more like a mind than a machine.
  • The term “spirit” is emphasized.
  • Spirit could be known though invisible.
  • Connection between holy spirit and physical world.
  • The Spirit became Jesus and thus empowered in the world.

Jesus also emphasized piety:

  • piety = the inner spirit that motivated good deeds
  • Piety did not equal a series of rituals just to please god (which is the way Jesus felt about some of Mosaic Law)
  • God knows a person’s heart
  • Forgiveness of others allows forgiveness from God.
  • Prayer was an emphasis

How Jesus Taught

  • Jesus taught in parables
  • He taught from a position of authority
  • How was this authority earned?
  • Healing the sick
  • Raising the dead
  • Creating food
  • Aura of love

“By The Spirit of God I Cast Out Demons”

  • It is believed that Jesus had some level of power beyond charisma
  • This is difficult for the modern mind to fully grasp
  • Indisputable that Jesus was healer and exorcist
  • Wanted to heal more than individuals, he wanted to heal humanity.
  • This made him very different from others of this time.

“Thy Kingdom Come, On Earth”

  • Desperation existed for the Jews politically during this time.
  • There were four responses to this predicament:
  • Sadducees – make the best of a bad situation and assimilate into Roman and Hellenistic culture completely
  • Essenes – the world was too corrupt and they simply gave up and decided to wait for God’s judgment. Developed isolated communes.
  • Parisees – sought to revitalize Judaism by strictly following Mosaic Law.
  • Zealots – rebels against the current order.

Jesus offered a fifth option.

The Last Week of Jesus’ Life

  • The focus of the gospels is on the last week of his life.
  • Palm Sunday recalls Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem for Passover
  • This spectacle upset many religious leaders but his actions the next day sealed his doom
  • He drove out the sellers and money changers from the temple
  • Lord’s Supper
  • Went to the Garden Pray
  • Betrayed by Judas
  • Taken to the High Priests home and charged with claiming to be the King of the Jews
  • Claimed he was inciting revolt of Jewish leadership (Zealot)
  • Delivered to Pontius Pilot
  • Tortured and scourged

The 14 Stations of the Cross

  • Jesus is Condemned to Die
  • Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross
  • Jesus Falls the First Time
  • Jesus Meets His Mother
  • Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
  • Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face
  • Jesus Falls the Second Time
  • Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
  • Jesus Falls the Third Time
  • Jesus is Stripped
  • Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
  • Jesus Dies on the Cross
  • Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross
  • Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

After the Crucifixion

  • Male disciples forsaken Jesus
  • Females stayed at the cross
  • Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple, wrapped the body in a linen shroud and placed it in his own, new tomb.
  • Some say they saw Jesus and other identified the tomb as empty.
  • At times he was readily identifiable.
  • Other times some took time to be sure it was Jesus.

What is the Nature of Christ?

  • Nestorians – believe in a dual nature of Christ. Human and spiritual parts of Christ are loosely connected.
  • Monophysites – believe that Christ is fully divine and of spirit. Human nature of Christ is fully absorbed into spiritual nature.
  • Arianism – believe that Christ is subordinate to God.
  • Orthodox – one person with two natures. One will.
  • Catholic – not concerned with the nature of Christ. Focus on human sinfulness and redemption.
  • Protestant – end corruption of the Church. Christ’s nature mostly irrelevant.

The Growth of the Church

  • Jewish pilgrims had crowded the streets to celebrate Pentecost (Feast of Weeks).
  • The Spirit descended on the apostles in tongues of fire.
  • They began speaking in a spiritual language and they went into the streets to proclaim that Christ was indeed the long-awaited deliver of God’s promise.
  • This proclamation was known as kerygma .
  • About 3000 people immediately joined the church as a result of this.
  • Persecution, i.e. the stoning of Stephen, only led to an expanding church.
  • Saul of Tarsus transformed the church in a world of faith.
  • He was struck blind as he sought to persecute Christians.
  • He then had his sight restored and he changed his name to Paul.

The Language of Jesus

  • Many are aware of what Jesus did. Less are aware of what he said (or how he said it).
  • Much debate over the originality of Jesus’ teachings.
  • Read portions on page 324
  • His words have been described as “gigantesque”
  • It carried an invitational style.
  • Instead of telling what to do or what to believe, he invited them to see things differently.
  • He spoke with the confidence that his words were truth.
  • He used something called “momentum of assent”.
  • The listener’s hearts are what prove his teachings to be true.

What Jesus Said

  • Can be spoken in two hours.
  • Probably the most repeated man in history
  • More than likely he spoke in Aramaic
  • At the time his teachings were astonishing. Today they have been repeated so often that their subversiveness has been dulled.
  • So what was the underlying theme?

The Message of Love

  • He taught two basic messages:
  • God’s overwhelming love of humanity
  • And the need for people to accept that love and let it flow threw them to others.
  • Protestant Reformation
  • 16 th Century Europe

Luther’s 95 Theses

  • 1517 – Luther nails his protests against the Roman Catholic Church to the door of the Church in Wittenburg.


  • 1534 – Henry VIII breaks with Rome. Political move to make Henry head of the Catholic Church in England.
  • 1549 – Book of Common Prayer. Thomas Cranmer, author.
  • 1559 – Elizabethan Settlement. Elizabeth resolves bloody disputes between Catholics and Reformers. Episcopal polity, Catholic liturgy informed by Reformed theology.

John Calvin

  • 1536 – The Institutes of the Christian Religion.
  • French Reformer exiled to Geneva, Switzerland. Modern Day Presbyterianism is Calvin’s legacy.
  • Sacraments of baptism and Lord’s Supper
  • Baptism – initiation into the body of Christ where Christians receive forgiveness, mortification of sin, communion with Christ.
  • Lord’s Supper – Christ is present in the Lord’s Supper through the work of the Holy Spirit.

Huldrych Zwingli

  • Swiss Reformer
  • Established church in Zurich
  • Simple worship focused on baptism, preaching and Lord’s Supper.
  • Lord’s Supper as “thanksgiving” or memorial.
  • Democratic not hierarchical authority in the church.
  • 1539 – Countered Luther’s theology of Lord’s Supper.
  • 1536 – Founder of modern day Mennonites.
  • Led anabaptist movements in Holland.
  • Believer’s baptism
  • Refusal to participate in politics
  • Communal nature of Christian congregation
  • Congregational authority within Christian community
  • Non resistance to violence

Justification By Faith

  • Central Tenet of Reformed Theology – individuals are forgiven their sins and considered righteous by God through faith in Christ. This faith is a gift from God and cannot be earned by the believer.
  • Scripture as source of Christian Authority – interpretations of Scriptural authority varied among denominations.

Main Issues

  • Polity – Hierarchical vs. congregational, presbyteral or synodal.
  • Degree of involvement of church in politics and affairs of state.
  • Authority – Sola Scriptura vs. Tradition and Reason.
  • Sacraments – two or seven? And what do they mean?

Protestantism Today in USA

  • “Mainline” Protestants
  • Episcopalians
  • Presbyterians
  • American Baptists are similar today to “Mainline” although probably not considered part of traditional “mainline.”

Evangelical/Pentecostal Christianity

  • Fastest Growing Churches in US and abroad.
  • Southern Baptists
  • Various non-denominational Christian congregations
  • “Megachurch”

Issues that Divide

  • Social issues
  • Human Sexuality
  • Marriage and Divorce
  • Death Penalty
  • Pluralism and response thereto
  • Separation of Church and State
  • “Liberal” vs. “Conservative”
  • Ecumenical issues re sacraments and polity.
  • Who can participate in the Lord’s Supper in who’s church?
  • Whose orders of ministry are valid?
  • What are legitimate sources of “authority” for a Christian? Issues of Scriptural interpretation.

Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints

  • A truly “American” religion.
  • Founded in Palmyra, NY in 19 th century
  • Post Christian religion.
  • Highly evangelical and fast growing both in USA and abroad.

Contemporary Christianity

  • Enormous shift to “Global South” – Latin America, Asia and Africa.

21 st Century Christianity

  • 1. POSTCOLONIAL . In 1900, 81% of all Christians were White, by AD 2025 this will drop to 30%.
  • 2. INDEPENDENTS . A huge new Christian nonconfessional megabloc, the Independents/Postdenominationalists, is growing rapidly and numbers 21% of all Christians.
  • 3. EUROPE . In 1900, 70% of all Christians lived in Europe, by 2025 this will drop to only 20%.
  • 4. UNAFFILIATED . People who call themselves Christians but who are unaffiliated with any church, number over 100 million globally.
  • 5. LEADERS . The fastest growing churches in North America and Europe are led by Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans.
  • Source: World Christian Database.
  • Philip Jenkins – Professor of History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University. Analysis of emerging “global Christianity.”

Global Christianity in 21 st Century

  • But in its variety and vitality, in its global reach, in its association with the world's fastest-growing societies, in its shifting centers of gravity, in the way its values and practices vary from place to place—in these and other ways it is Christianity that will leave the deepest mark on the twenty-first century.

Gobal Christianity

  • Worldwide, Christianity is actually moving toward supernaturalism and neo-orthodoxy, and in many ways toward the ancient world view expressed in the New Testament: a vision of Jesus as the embodiment of divine power, who overcomes the evil forces that inflict calamity and sickness upon the human race.

Global Christianity

  • Today across the global South a rising religious fervor is coinciding with declining autonomy for nation-states, making useful an analogy with the medieval concept of Christendom—the Res Publica Christiana—as an overarching source of unity and a focus of loyalty transcending mere kingdoms or empires.
  • Christendom was a primary cultural reference, and it may well re-emerge as such in the Christian South—as a new transnational order in which political, social, and personal identities are defined chiefly by religious loyalties.
  • Christians are facing a shrinking population in the liberal West and a growing majority of the traditional Rest. During the past half century the critical centers of the Christian world have moved decisively to Africa, to Latin America, and to Asia. The balance will never shift back.
  • “World Christianity [is falling] increasingly under the sway of anti-intellectual fundamentalism." But the cultural pressures may be hard to resist.
  • The denominations that are triumphing across the global South—radical Protestant sects, either evangelical or Pentecostal, and Roman Catholicism of an orthodox kind—are stalwartly traditional or even reactionary by the standards of the economically advanced nations.
  • It is Pentecostals who stand in the vanguard of the Southern Counter-Reformation. Though Pentecostalism emerged as a movement only at the start of the twentieth century, chiefly in North America, Pentecostals today are at least 400 million strong, and heavily concentrated in the global South. By 2040 or so there could be as many as a billion, at which point Pentecostal Christians alone will far outnumber the world's Buddhists and will enjoy rough numerical parity with the world's Hindus.
  • The most successful Southern churches today speak openly of spiritual healing and exorcism.
  • In the contemporary South, however, the success of highly supernatural churches should rather be seen as a direct by-product of urbanization.
  • In Africa, struggle against witchcraft is significant.
  • The desperate public-health situation in the booming mega-cities of the South goes far toward explaining the emphasis of the new churches on healing mind and body. In Africa in the early twentieth century an explosion of Christian healing movements and new prophets coincided with a dreadful series of epidemics, and the religious upsurge of those years was in part a quest for bodily health.
  • Alongside the fast-growing churches have emerged apocalyptic and messianic movements that try to bring in the kingdom of God through armed violence. Some try to establish the thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
  • On present evidence, a Southern-dominated Catholic Church is likely to react traditionally to the issues that most concern American and European reformers: matters of theology and devotion, sexual ethics and gender roles, and, most fundamentally, issues of authority within the Church.
  • On moral issues, too, Southern churches are far out of step with liberal Northern churches. African and Latin American churches tend to be very conservative on issues such as homosexuality and abortion.
  • Yet the more we look at the Southern Hemisphere, the more we see that although supranational ideas are flourishing, they are not in the least secular. The parallels to the Middle Ages may be closer than anyone has guessed.
  • Across the global South cardinals and bishops have become national moral leaders in a way essentially unseen in the West since the seventeenth century.
  • Cardinal Francis Afrinze, Nigeria
  • The most significant conflict is in Nigeria, a nation that by rights should be a major regional power in this century and perhaps even a global power; but recent violence between Muslims and Christians raises the danger that Nigerian society might be brought to ruin by the clash of jihad and crusade. Muslims and Christians are at each other's throats in Indonesia, the Philippines, Sudan, and a growing number of other African nations; Hindu extremists persecute Christians in India. Demographic projections suggest that these feuds will simply worsen. Present-day battles in Africa and Asia may anticipate the political outlines to come, and the roots of future great-power alliances.
  • As the media have striven in recent years to present Islam in a more sympathetic light, they have tended to suggest that Islam, not Christianity, is the rising faith of Africa and Asia, the authentic or default religion of the world's huddled masses. But Christianity is not only surviving in the global South, it is enjoying a radical revival, a return to scriptural roots. We are living in revolutionary times.
  • But we aren't participating in them. By any reasonable assessment of numbers, the most significant transformation of Christianity in the world today is not the liberal Reformation that is so much desired in the North. It is the Counter-Reformation coming from the global South. And it's very likely that in a decade or two neither component of global Christianity will recognize its counterpart as fully or authentically Christian.

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 Presentation with christian - Glowing cross in front of sky, Christianity, Christian, religion, faith, church

Glowing cross in front of sky, Christianity, Christian, religion, faith, church

 Presentation with christian - A female human hand holding a lit match stick

A female human hand holding a lit match stick

 Presentation with christian - A bluish background with a cross

A bluish background with a cross

 Presentation with christian - Colorful slide set enhanced with christian - torn paper words of religion backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with torn paper words of religion with focus on word jesus

 Presentation with christian - Christian cross against pink sunrise pink yellow blend background

Christian cross against pink sunrise pink yellow blend background

 Presentation with christian - A candle beside a Holy Bible and a Christian quote

A candle beside a Holy Bible and a Christian quote

 Presentation with christian - An Easter egg with a blur background

An Easter egg with a blur background

 Presentation with christian - Colorful theme enhanced with christian - empty tomb of jesus backdrop and a black colored foreground

Theme enhanced with empty tomb of jesus with crosses on far hill backdrop

 Presentation with christian - Christian religious faith metaphor with cross at sunset

Christian religious faith metaphor with cross at sunset

 Presentation with christian - Slides having christian - priest with old bible background and a black colored foreground

Slides having priest with old bible on black background closeup background

 Presentation with christian - Christian religion theme with white cross and pink cloth, blue and black background

Christian religion theme with white cross and pink cloth, blue and black background

 Presentation with christian - Hand holding cross over with light glow in background

Hand holding cross over with light glow in background

 Presentation with christian - Beautiful presentation theme featuring religious christian girl and her backdrop and a violet colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring religious christian girl and her mother praying over bible indoors

 Presentation with christian - Audience pleasing slide set consisting of christian - hands reaching for the sky backdrop and a blonde colored foreground

Slide set consisting of hands reaching for the sky

 Presentation with christian - Christian cross with animated lights, religious

Christian cross with animated lights, religious

 Presentation with christian - Beautiful presentation theme featuring religious - bible new testament christian teachings backdrop and a dark gray colored foreground

Presentation theme featuring bible new testament christian teachings gospel acts of apostles

 Presentation with christian - A cross with a holy book in the background

A cross with a holy book in the background

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Slides enhanced with closeup of wooden christian cross necklace next to holy bible

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Theme featuring biblical scene when jesus says let the little children come to me blessing a little girl historical reenactment at an old water well

 Presentation with christian - Colorful slide set enhanced with christian - vintage rosary beads on old backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with vintage rosary beads on old books

 Presentation with christian - Theme featuring christian - open book with grass background and a cream colored foreground

Theme featuring open book with grass and a way walking towards a cross

 Presentation with christian - Presentation theme enhanced with christian - jesus writing on the sand background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with jesus writing on the sand with his finger

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Glowing Christian cross with crucifixion statues in background, water reflection, Christianity, church, faith

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Yellow flowers in front of stone cross

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Slide set having crown of thorns christian concept of suffering

 Presentation with christian - Slide deck with christian - priest with old bible background and a wine colored foreground

Slide deck with priest with old bible on black background closeup

 Presentation with christian - Slide set enhanced with christian - hands together praying in bright background and a cream colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with hands together praying in bright sky

 Presentation with christian - Audience pleasing theme consisting of christian - praying woman backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Theme consisting of praying woman

 Presentation with christian - Theme consisting of christian - crown of thorns background and a light gray colored foreground

Theme consisting of crown of thorns on a white background easter religious motif commemorating the resurrection of jesus- easter background

 Presentation with christian - Theme consisting of christian - portrait of smiling african american background and a ocean colored foreground

Theme consisting of portrait of smiling african american people standing with bibles in the church

 Presentation with christian - A short religious video of three tiles showing crosses - widescreen format

A short religious video of three tiles showing crosses - widescreen format

 Presentation with christian - Colorful presentation design enhanced with cross on sky background christian backdrop and a light blue colored foreground

Presentation design enhanced with wooden cross on sky background christian religion

 Presentation with christian - Beautiful theme featuring shining light concept for christian backdrop and a gold colored foreground

Theme featuring hands cupped and holding or showing cross or crucifix with bright glowing shining light concept for christian christianity catholic religion divine heavenly celestial or god black background

 Presentation with christian - Christian crucifixion glowing cross with quote about Jesus Christ, black background, religion, spiritual

Christian crucifixion glowing cross with quote about Jesus Christ, black background, religion, spiritual

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Presentation theme consisting of high resolution christian cross cut in an old grungy or vintage paper over a wood background ideal for religion christian grunge or conceptual designs

 Presentation with christian - Key to happiness metaphor with Christian cross, families, children, students and professionals

Key to happiness metaphor with Christian cross, families, children, students and professionals

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Theme consisting of christian wooden cross in blooming meadow at sunset religion theme

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This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter B by giving a summary of the story of Moses and the Exodus.

Chapter A The Bible: The Patriarchs

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter A of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 8 The Bible: Covenants

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 8 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 7 The Human Person

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by exploring what it means to be human.

Chapter 6 Creation

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 6 by exploring creation and the existence of evil.

Chapter 5 The Bible: The Old Testament

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 5 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 4 The Holy Trinity

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 4 by exploring the central mystery of the Catholic faith: the Trinity.

Chapter 3 God the Father

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 3 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 2 The Bible: God’s Plan for Salvation

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 2 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

Chapter 1 Revelation, Sacred Scripture, and Sacred Tradition

This PowerPoint follows along with the concepts presented in Chapter 1 of The Old Testament and the Trinity.

The Liturgy of the Word and the Lectionary

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of the Lectionary as it is used in the Liturgy of the Word.

Praying the Rosary

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5 by providing an overview of how to pray the rosary.

The Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Acts of the Apostles and Saint Paul.

The Miracles of Jesus

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of Jesus’ miracles.

Introduction to the Gospels

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4 by providing a brief overview of the Gospels.

Reflecting on Wisdom Literature

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the Books of Wisdom.

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the prophets.

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Kings.

Joshua and Judges

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the books of Joshua and Judges.

Moses and the Exodus

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief summary of the book of Exodus.

The Early Leaders of Israel

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing a brief overview of the early patriarchs of Israel.

Introduction to the Book of Genesis

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3 by providing an introduction and overview of the book of Genesis.

Biblical Exegesis

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how to interpret the Bible.

Learning to Navigate the Bible

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of the structure and organization of the Bible.

What Is the Bible?

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an overview of the Bible.

How the Bible Came to Be

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2 by providing an explanation of how the Bible came to be what it is today.

Introduction to Salvation History

This supplemental PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1 by providing an introduction to Salvation History.

God’s Presence in Nature

This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us through nature.

Finding God and Being Found by God

This supplemental PowerPoint summarizes Unit 1 by discussing how God reveals himself to us.

Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Individual

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 17 by discussing the key role Sacred Scripture plays in the life of individuals.

Sacred Scripture and the Life of the Church

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16 by discussing the key role that Sacred Scripture plays in the life of the Church.

Acts and Letters

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 15 by giving a brief summary of the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters in the New Testament.

Revelation in and through Jesus in the Gospel of John

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 14 by giving a brief summary of the Gospel of John.

Revelation in and through Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 13 by giving a brief summary of the Synoptic Gospels.

The Gospels

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12 by giving a brief summary of the Gospels.

Wisdom Literature

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 11 by giving a brief summary of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament.

The Prophetic Books

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 10 by giving a brief summary of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament.

The Historical Books

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 9 by giving a brief summary of the Historical Books of the Old Testament.

The Book of Exodus

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8 by giving a brief summary of the book of Exodus.

The Book of Genesis

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7 by giving a brief summary of the book of Genesis.

Overview of the Old and New Testaments

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 6 by giving a brief overview of the Old and New Testaments.

Interpreting Sacred Scripture

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 5 by exploring how the church teaches to interpret the Sacred Scripture.

Understanding Sacred Scripture

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4 by exploring how the Holy Spirit guided the writing and formation of Sacred Scripture.

Divine Revelation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 3 by exploring how God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus Christ, Scripture, and Tradition.

Natural Revelation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2 by exploring how God is revealed to us in the beauty and perfection of His creation.

The Desire to Know God

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by exploring our desire to know God and how best to do so.

Our Response to Jesus

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 16, by discussing what our response to Jesus is as we pursue eternal life with Him.

We Respond through a Life of Discipleship

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 15, by discussing what we can do to become true disciples of Jesus.

What Is Faith?

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 5, Chapter 13, by discussing more deeply the meaning of faith and its connection to religion and belief.

Jesus Reveals Our Call to Holiness

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 12, by discussing our call to holiness as told by Jesus’ parables and teachings.

We Are Children of God

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 11, by discussing God’s plan for each of us as His children.

Jesus Reveals Our Inherent Dignity

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 10, by discussing the inherent dignity of all life as shown to us by Jesus.</p>

Jesus Reveals a Vision of Authentic Humanity

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 4, Chapter 9, by discussing Jesus’ example of what it means to live as a perfect human being.

Jesus and the Church

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 8, by discussing Jesus’ presence in Church history and today.

The Two Natures of Jesus: Human and Divine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 7, by discussing the society and life of Jesus and how it these related to the nature of his humanity and divinity.

The Incarnation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 3, Chapter 6, by discussing the Incarnation, which brought about the full connection of humanity and divinity.

Discovering God in Creation

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through creation, prayer, and the saints.

Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 4, by discussing the revelation of God through Scripture and Tradition.

The God-Human Relationship

<p>This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 2, Chapter 3, by discussing the relationship between God and humans.</p>

The Development of Trinitarian Doctrine

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 2, by discussing the development of Trinitarian Doctrine in the early church.

God Is One: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

This PowerPoint accompanies Unit 1, Chapter 1 by discussing the mystery of the Trinity.

This PowerPoint reflects on faith and how it ties in with religion and beliefs.

Being Human

This PowerPoint reflects on what it means to be human and uses Jesus as the model of how to live well.

The Parables of Jesus

This PowerPoint presents images of some of Jesus’ parables and asks students to reflect on and recall each one.

The Greatest Commandment

This PowerPoint looks at the Greatest Commandment and how it summarizes all of Jesus’ teachings.

Mary, Our Mother

This PowerPoint looks at the faith and love of Mary, our mother.

What Is the Incarnation?

This PowerPoint explores the meaning of the incarnation.

This PowerPoint discusses and gives examples of ways that humans discover God.

God’s Existence

This PowerPoint presents common questions and doubts about the existence of God before showing the way to sources that provide guidance.

Finding God, Being Found by God

This PowerPoint explores the ways we look for God and the numerous places God reveals himself to us.

Mystery of the Trinity: God Is Three-in-One

This PowerPoint identifies the three persons of the Trinity.

The Development of Catholic Trinitarian Theology

This PowerPoint covers the development of Trinitarian Theology during the early church.

The Trinity: Unpacking the Nicene Creed

This PowerPoint reflects on the statements of faith in the Trinity found in the Nicene Creed.

Introducing the Trinity: Central Mystery of Faith

This PowerPoint provides an introduction to the mystery of the Trinity in the Catholic faith.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 14 by giving an overview of Islam.


This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 13 by giving an overview of Christianity.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 12 by giving an overview of Judaism.

Ancestors of the West

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 11 by giving an overview of the Ancestors of the West.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 10 by giving an overview of Shinto.

Zen Buddhism

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 9 by giving an overview of Zen Buddhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 8 by giving an overview of Taoism.


This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 7 by giving an overview of Confucianism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 6 by giving an overview of Sikhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 5 by giving an overview of Jainism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 4 by giving an overview of Buddhism.

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 3 by giving an overview of Hinduism.

Indigenous Religious Traditions

This PowerPoint accompanies Chapter 2 by giving a brief look at several indigenous religions.

Studying the World's Religions

This PowerPoint gives a brief introduction to the basics of studying the World's Religions.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 38, The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Glory.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 37, Praying Together.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 36, Praying with Scripture.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 35, Personal Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 34, The Forms of Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 33, Introduction to Prayer.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 32, The Moral Life.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 31, Respecting Truth.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 30, Respecting Material Goods.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 29, Respecting Sexuality.

Chapter 28: In-Depth

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 28, Life Issues: War.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 27, Honoring Family.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 26, Honoring God.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 25, Sources of Moral Truth.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 24, Social Justice.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 23, Introduction to Christian Morality.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 22, Sacraments at the Service of Communion.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 21, Sacraments of Healing.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 20, The Eucharist.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 19, Confirmation.

A PowerPoint presentation with information from The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 18, Baptism.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 17, Introduction to the Sacraments.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 16, Introduction to the Liturgy.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 15, The Last Things.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 14, The Organization of the Catholic Church.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 13, The Mission of the Catholic Church.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 12, The Holy Spirit.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 11, Jesus’ Resurrection.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 10, Jesus’ Death.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 9, Jesus’ Message and Mission.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 8, Jesus Christ: True God and True Man.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 7, The Promise of a Messiah.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 6, The Human Person.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 5, God Our Father.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 4, Faith.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 3, The Bible’s Big Picture.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 2, Knowing God: Reason and Revelation.

A PowerPoint on The Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth, Third Edition Chapter 1, Being Catholic: The “Cliff Notes” View.

Vatican Council II

A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 8 on the Vatican II Council.

Catholics Come to America

A PowerPoint presentation from Church History, Unit 7 on Catholics Come to America.

The French Revolution

A PowerPoint presentation on The French Revolution from Church History, Unit 6.

Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council

A PowerPoint presentation on Pope Pius IX and the First Vatican Council from Church History, Unit 5.

The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period

A PowerPoint about The Dominican Missionaries in the Spanish Colonial Period from Church History, Unit 5.

The Popes of the Renaissance

A PowerPoint on The Popes of the Renaissance from Church History, Unit 4.

Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church

A PowerPoint on Martin Luther and His Complaint against the Church from Church History, Unit 4.

The Council of Trent

A PowerPoint on the Council of Trent from Church History, Unit 4.

The Crusades

A PowerPoint on the Crusades from Church History, Unit 3.

Medieval Teachings on the Eucharist

A PowerPoint on medieval teachings on the Eucharist from Church History, Unit 3.

Western Monasticism

A PowerPoint for Church History, Unit 2 Western Monasticism.

Church Councils and Doctrinal Development

A PowerPoint for Church History, Unit 2 Church Councils and Doctrinal Development.

Early Christian Worship in the West and East

A PowerPoint from Church History, Unit 1, Early Christian Worship in the West and East.

A PowerPoint on Chapter 39 about the Lord’s Prayer.

Vocal Prayer, Meditation, and Contemplation

A PowerPoint that defines and discusses vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplation as ways of discerning God’s will.

The Formation of a Priest

A PowerPoint about a priest’s formation through their family, discernment, the vocations director, minor seminary, and theology studies.

The Three Degrees of Holy Orders: Deacons, Priests, and Bishops

<p>A PowerPoint about the roles of Deacons, Priests, and Bishops within the Catholic Church.</p>

Marriage: A Call to Fruitfulness

A PowerPoint about marriage, children, natural family planning, in vitro fertilization, and abortion.

presentation christianity

Final Performance Task Options for Unit 4

Options of final task performances for students to choose from to demonstrate their knowledge about the Sacrament of marriage.

Marriage: Contract or Covenant?

PowerPoint that contrasts the meaning of contract and covenant, and describes how marriage should more so resemble a covenant.

Lay Ecclesial Ministries

An informational presentation to share high school students on lay ecclesial ministries.

God's Call in the New Testament

A presentation on 'call stories' in the New Testament.

The Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue

A PowerPoint presentation on the Fourth Commandment and the Decalogue.

The Book of Revelation: Message to a Persecuted Community

A PowerPoint presentation on how the message of the Book of Revelation pertains to a persecuted Christian community.

Overview of Late First-Century New Testament Writings

A PowerPoint giving an overview of late first-century New Testament writings.

The Format of a First-Century Letter

A PowerPoint presentation on the format of a first-century letter.

The Missionary Journeys of the Apostle Paul

A PowerPoint presentation on the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul.

Introducing the Acts of the Apostles

A PowerPoint presentation introducing the Acts of the Apostles.

The Structure of John's Gospel

A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Gospel of John.

The Gospel of John: Myths and Facts

A PowerPoint presentation on the myths and facts of the Gospel of John.

Matthew's Christology

A PowerPoint presentation on Matthew’s Christology.

Luke's Christology and the Reign of God

A PowerPoint presentation on Luke’s Christology and the reign of God.

Mark's Christology

A PowerPoint presentation on Mark’s Christology.

The Development of the New Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on the development of the New Testament.

Exegesis and Sociohistorical Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and sociohistorical analysis.

Exegesis and Literary Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and literary analysis.

Exegesis and Ideological Analysis

A PowerPoint presentation on exegesis and ideological analysis.

Liturgy of the Hours

A PowerPoint presentation on the Liturgy of the Hours, from “The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus Christ.”

Levels of Authority in Church Teaching

A PowerPoint presentation on the levels of authority in Church teaching.

The Sacrament of Pardon and Peace: Part 1

A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of pardon and peace.

The Ministries at Mass

A PowerPoint presentation on the ministries at Mass.

What's in a Name? The Dynamism of the Eucharist

A PowerPoint presentation on the dynamism of the Eucharist.

Promoting Peace

A PowerPoint presentation on promoting peace.

Examining Economic Justice

A PowerPoint presentation on examining economic justice.

Respecting Human Life and Dignity

A PowerPoint presentation on respecting human life and dignity.

Climate Change

A PowerPoint presentation on climate change.

Rain Forest Destruction

A PowerPoint presentation on the destruction of the rain forest.

Care for the Earth

A PowerPoint presentation on caring for the Earth.

Living Justly

A PowerPoint presentation on living justly.

Creating a Just Society

A PowerPoint presentation on creating a just society including an awareness of sin, the structures of sin, the circle of social action, and media literacy.

Defining Justice

A PowerPoint presentation on defining justice.

The Social Doctrine of the Church: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: The USCCB

The Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Doctrine of the Church: Papal Social Teachings.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

A PowerPoint presentation on the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Water Symbols

A PowerPoint presentation on water symbols that are used in the Sacraments.

Social Teaching in the New Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the New Testament.

Social Teaching in the Old Testament

A PowerPoint presentation on Social Teaching in the Old Testament.

The Social Dimension of the Paschal Mystery

A PowerPoint presentation on the social dimension of the Paschal Mystery.

The Social Justice Principles Found in the Creation Accounts

A PowerPoint presentation on the Social Justice principles that are found in the Creation accounts.

The Seven Catholic Sacraments

A PowerPoint presentation on the Seven Catholic Sacraments.

The Structure of the Liturgy

A PowerPoint presentation on the structure of the Liturgy.

A PowerPoint presentation on Grace.

Life, a Precious Gift

A PowerPoint presentation on the precious gift of life.

Finding Your Way

A PowerPoint presentation on finding your way.

The Eighth Commandment

A PowerPoint presentation on the Eighth Commandment.

The Art of Iconography

A PowerPoint presentation on the Art of Iconography

Commitment to the First Commandment

A PowerPoint presentation on commitment to the First Commandment.

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mosaic: Christianity

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Christianity , major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of Nazareth (the Christ, or the Anointed One of God) in the 1st century ce . It has become the largest of the world’s religions and, geographically, the most widely diffused of all faiths. It has a constituency of more than two billion believers. Its largest groups are the Roman Catholic Church , the Eastern Orthodox churches, and the Protestant churches. The Oriental Orthodox churches constitute one of the oldest branches of the tradition but had been out of contact with Western Christianity and Eastern Orthodoxy from the middle of the 5th century until the late 20th century because of a dispute over Christology (the doctrine of Jesus Christ’s nature and significance). Significant movements within the broader Christian world and sometimes transcending denominational boundaries are Pentecostalism , Charismatic Christianity, Evangelicalism, and fundamentalism . In addition, there are numerous independent churches throughout the world. See also Anglicanism ; Baptist ; Calvinism ; Congregationalism ; Evangelical church ; Lutheranism ; Oriental Orthodoxy; presbyterian ; Reformed and Presbyterian churches .

This article first considers the nature and development of the Christian religion, its ideas, and its institutions. This is followed by an examination of several intellectual manifestations of Christianity. Finally, the position of Christianity in the world, the relations among its divisions and denominations, its missionary outreach to other peoples, and its relations with other world religions are discussed. For supporting material on various topics, see angel and demon ; Bible ; biblical literature ; canon law ; creed ; Christology ; doctrine and dogma ; ecumenism ; eschatology ; exegesis ; faith ; grace ; heaven ; hell ; heresy ; Jesus Christ ; liturgical movement ; millennialism ; miracle ; monasticism ; monotheism ; New Testament ; Old Testament ; original sin ; papacy ; prayer ; priesthood ; purgatory ; sacrament ; salvation ; schism ; scripture ; theism ; theology ; and worship .

The church and its history

The essence and identity of christianity.

At its most basic, Christianity is the faith tradition that focuses on the figure of Jesus Christ . In this context , faith refers both to the believers’ act of trust and to the content of their faith. As a tradition , Christianity is more than a system of religious belief. It also has generated a culture , a set of ideas and ways of life, practices, and artifacts that have been handed down from generation to generation since Jesus first became the object of faith. Christianity is thus both a living tradition of faith and the culture that the faith leaves behind. The agent of Christianity is the church , the community of people who make up the body of believers.

To say that Christianity “focuses” on Jesus Christ is to say that somehow it brings together its beliefs and practices and other traditions in reference to a historical figure. Few Christians, however, would be content to keep this reference merely historical. Although their faith tradition is historical—i.e., they believe that transactions with the divine do not occur in the realm of timeless ideas but among ordinary humans through the ages—the vast majority of Christians focus their faith in Jesus Christ as someone who is also a present reality. They may include many other references in their tradition and thus may speak of “God” and “human nature” or of the “church” and the “world,” but they would not be called Christian if they did not bring their attentions first and last to Jesus Christ.

Christ as Ruler, with the Apostles and Evangelists (represented by the beasts). The female figures are believed to be either Santa Pudenziana and Santa Praxedes or symbols of the Jewish and Gentile churches. Mosaic in the apse of Santa Pudenziana, Rome,A

While there is something simple about this focus on Jesus as the central figure, there is also something very complicated. That complexity is revealed by the thousands of separate churches, sects, and denominations that make up the modern Christian tradition. To project these separate bodies against the background of their development in the nations of the world is to suggest the bewildering variety. To picture people expressing their adherence to that tradition in their prayer life and church-building, in their quiet worship or their strenuous efforts to change the world, is to suggest even more of the variety.

Given such complexity, it is natural that throughout Christian history both those in the tradition and those surrounding it have made attempts at simplification. Two ways to do this have been to concentrate on the “essence” of the faith, and thus on the ideas that are integral to it, or to be concerned with the “identity” of the tradition, and thus on the boundaries of its historical experience.

Modern scholars have located the focus of this faith tradition in the context of monotheistic religions. Christianity addresses the historical figure of Jesus Christ against the background of, and while seeking to remain faithful to, the experience of one God. It has consistently rejected polytheism and atheism .

A second element of the faith tradition of Christianity, with rare exceptions, is a plan of salvation or redemption. That is to say, the believers in the church picture themselves as in a plight from which they need rescue. For whatever reason , they have been distanced from God and need to be saved. Christianity is based on a particular experience or scheme directed to the act of saving—that is, of bringing or “buying back,” which is part of what redemption means, these creatures of God to their source in God. The agent of that redemption is Jesus Christ.

It is possible that through the centuries the vast majority of believers have not used the term essence to describe the central focus of their faith. The term is itself of Greek origin and thus represents only one part of the tradition, one element in the terms that have gone into making up Christianity. Essence refers to those qualities that give something its identity and are at the centre of what makes that thing different from everything else. To Greek philosophers it meant something intrinsic to and inherent in a thing or category of things, which gave it its character and thus separated it from everything of different character. Thus, Jesus Christ belongs to the essential character of Christianity and gives it a unique identity.

If most people are not concerned with defining the essence of Christianity, in practice they must come to terms with what the word essence implies. Whether they are engaged in being saved or redeemed on the one hand, or thinking and speaking about that redemption, its agent, and its meaning on the other, they are concentrating on the essence of their experience. Those who have concentrated from within the faith tradition have also helped to give it its identity. It is not possible to speak of the essence of a historical tradition without referring to how its ideal qualities have been discussed through the ages. Yet one can take up the separate subjects of essence and identity in sequence, being always aware of how they interrelate.

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  • Presentations

24 Free Religious & Church PowerPoint PPT Templates With Great Backgrounds 2024

Brenda Barron

Are you making a presentation for your church or other religious service? You need an attractive church PowerPoint background or template. 

Pozea Religious and Church PowerPoint templates

A great church PowerPoint template makes your presentation more appealing. It also helps keep your audience engaged. 

Luckily, there's no shortage of amazing church PowerPoint templates available online. If you can't find the right church PowerPoint templates, there are plenty of high-quality multi-use church templates for PowerPoint available.

In this article, we’ll showcase the best free church PowerPoint templates to download now. We'll also share church and religious PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver.

Modern Church PowerPoint Templates on Envato Elements (With Unlimited Use)

Before we get into free church PowerPoint templates, let’s look at a few premium church PowerPoint templates . Premium church PowerPoint templates have more variety and customization options. They usually include all the necessary slides to create a powerful and compelling church PowerPoint presentation. 

Explore Modern PowerPoint Templates for Church

Envato Church PowerPoint Templates

If you’re looking for the best church PowerPoint templates , look no further than Envato Elements. It's a subscription-based marketplace with a compelling offer. For a low monthly fee, you get access to christian PowerPoint templates and other design assets. This includes web templates, church PowerPoint backgrounds, mockups, stock photos, and more. 

You can also find dozens of beautiful premium church PowerPoint templates on GraphicRiver if you prefer to buy PowerPoint templates for church individually.

Best Premium Church PowerPoint Templates From Envato Elements

Envato Elements is the best choice for top church PowerPoint templates. You also get access to thousands of other design assets on a regular basis. Take a look at the best premium church PowerPoint templates from Envato Elements:

1. Church PowerPoint Presentation Template  

church powerpoint template

The Church PowerPoint template has a classy and timeless design. It's got a dark color scheme, but you can easily customize the colors as well as the fonts. These PowerPoint religious templates include 50 unique slide designs.

2. Revara: Church, Charity, Fundraising, Social PowerPoint

Revara Church Charity Fundraising Social Powerpoint

The Revara religious PowerPoint templates have a clean and modern design. You can use it for your sermons and to create church PowerPoint presentations that highlight your church’s charity work. The church PowerPoint templates include 100 different slides in total.

3. Guvana: Church, Event, Seminar, Conference PowerPoint  

Guvana Church Event Seminar Conference Powerpoint

The Guvana PowerPoint template for church is a modern and trendy church PowerPoint template. It  can be used for all kinds of church PowerPoint backgrounds and presentations. It includes 100 unique slides and two color schemes to choose from. 

4. Adiva: Social, Fundraising, Charity PowerPoint Template For Churches

Adiva Social Fundraising Charity Powerpoint Template For Churches

The Adiva church templates for PowerPoint are beautifully designed. It comes with 100 slides and was designed in full HD resolution. The church PowerPoint templates are easy to customize and come with two premade color schemes.

5. Pozea: Webinar, Seminar & Conference PowerPoint Template for Churches  

Pozea Webinar Seminar  Conference Powerpoint Template For Churches

The Pozea PowerPoint templates for church have a simple and minimal design. You can easily customize fonts and colors. You can also quickly replace the images with your own thanks to image placeholders. The template has also church PPT backgrounds designed in full HD resolution. 

Top Premium Church PowerPoint Templates on GraphicRiver

Another place to find great premium church PowerPoint templates is GraphicRiver. This is the perfect place to find a church PowerPoint template when you know exactly the type and the style of the religious PowerPoint templates you need. 

Here's a look at the top church PowerPoint templates available on GraphicRiver:

1. Hope - Church PowerPoint Presentations

Hope Church Template

These PowerPoint religious templates feature a spacious design. The cream, white, and black color scheme look clean and modern. If you need to deliver a church PowerPoint presentation, these religious PowerPoint templates work well: 

Here are a few notable features for the christian PowerPoint template:

  • 80+ unique & creative slides
  • full business slides
  • easy editable content
  • 500+ vector icons free 
  • PowerPoint backgrounds for church

2. Embrace - PowerPoint Templates for Church


Embrace is a multipurpose design that can be used for all types of church PowerPoint presentations. The slides are very diverse and contain different elements. This makes it very customizable for your presentation needs. 

Here is what you can expect from this design:

  • 30 unique slides
  • used and recommended free web fonts
  • based on Master Slides
  • 16:9 wide screen ratio

3. Clean Church Templates for PowerPoint

Clean Powerpoint Template

If you’re looking for a clean and minimal church PowerPoint template, this clean christian PPT PowerPoint template will come in handy. It includes 350 unique slides, five color themes, and is fully animated and easy to edit.

4. Charity & Donations PowerPoint Template for Church Presentations  

Charity  Donations Powerpoint Template For Church Presentations

These PowerPoint templates for church have a fresh and colorful design. Easily customize fonts, colors, and images. The template includes PowerPoint backgrounds for church presentations and 30 unique slides that are beautifully animated. 

5. Miracle - Religious PowerPoint Templates

Miracle Religious PPT Template

Create a presentation that touches people with these PowerPoint religious templates. They include 50 unique content slides and PowerPoint backgrounds for church, pre-made color themes, free fonts, and more! Get these amazing church PowerPoint templates.

24 Top Free Church & Religious PowerPoint PPT Templates to Download for 2024 

Before looking for a free religious or church template on the web, check Envato's free offerings first. Try out various premium church PPT background template files (not always church PowerPoint templates) at no cost to you.

Free Files from Envato

Here's the deal: 

Every month Envato Elements offers 12 different hand-selected files, (fonts, presentations, videos, and more). Create a free account to download this month's free premium files now. You may find a template for your church PPT backgrounds. 

Or try Envato Market for free. They offer seven handpicked monthly freebies. Log in with your Envato Market account to get this month's handpicked premium freebies . 

Having trouble finding PowerPoint religious templates? Here are some of the best free church and religious PowerPoint templates available to download in 2024:

1. Free Original PowerPoint Template for Church and Religious Presentations  

Free Original PowerPoint Template For Church And Religious Presentations

This free christian PPT template has a clean and minimal design. Use these free religious PowerPoint templates for sermons as well as charity or fundraising presentations.

2. Free PowerPoint Template for Church with Cross  

This free church and religious PowerPoint template is a good starting point. If you’re looking for religious PowerPoint templates that can be used for a regular Sunday sermon this might be it.

3. Free Church PowerPoint Templates with Cross

Here’s another free christian PowerPoint presentation featuring a cross. It includes a black and white color scheme, but you can customize the colors to your liking. 

4. Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Presentation

This free christian PowerPoint template features a silver cross. This template also includes church PowerPoint backgrounds for any type of church or Christian religious presentation. It includes a cover and two internal slide designs. Download these free PowerPoint templates for your church presentations. 

5. Ceramic Angel - Free PowerPoint Backgrounds for Church  

This simple free religious PowerPoint template features a ceramic angel. The free worship PowerPoint slides include one master background and one internal slide design. Give these free PowerPoint backgrounds for church a try.

6. Animated Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Worship

Animated PowerPoint Template For Religious Presentations

If you’re looking for an animated free religious PowerPoint template, this template will be a good starting point. It includes 100 slides. This is your sign to download these free PowerPoint templates for church worship, it doesn't get better than this. 

7. Virgin Mary - Free PowerPoint Templates for Church  

If you’re working on a presentation about Virgin Mary, this church PowerPoint template is a good starting point. Use it to create presentations on verses from the Bible or miracles of the Virgin Mary. These free PowerPoint templates for church are one of the best options online. 

8. Simple Angel - Free Church PowerPoint Templates  

This free christian PowerPoint template features a light blue background with an angel centered at the bottom of the slide. It’s a good starting point for any church PowerPoint presentation about the angels or general Bible verses. These free church PowerPoint templates will make all your information look amazing!

9. Church PowerPoint Templates for Free

Use these PowerPoint templates for church for all kinds of religious presentations. The free worship PowerPoint slides feature hands folded in prayer over a book and includes one cover and two internal slide designs. Download these church PowerPoint templates for free to keep your audience engaged and entertained. 

10. Black Bead Rosary - Church PPT Templates With Free Download

This free church PowerPoint template features a black bead rosary. The church templates for PowerPoint includes one cover slide and two internal slide designs. If you're looking for church PPT templates with free download, this is the option to try. 

11. Pattern - Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Presentations  

Free Pattern PowerPoint Presentation For Church Presentations

Consider this free religious PowerPoint template if you’re looking for a minimal PowerPoint design. These church PowerPoint templates include 80 slides and over 40 colors. These are the best free PowerPoint templates for church presentations from this list, you should definitely give them a try!

12. Free Church PowerPoint Templates  

This free worship PowerPoint slides template was designed in a widescreen resolution. It includes a cover slide and two internal slide designs. 

13. Easter Eggs Template & Free PowerPoint Backgrounds for Church  

Consider this free christian PPT template if you’re creating an Easter presentation. The PowerPoint templates for church come with one cover slide and two internal slide designs. These templates and free PowerPoint backgrounds for church are perfect to showcase easter content and activities. 

14. Christian Cross Necklace - Church PowerPoint Backgrounds for Free  

This free Christian PowerPoint template can be used for all kinds of religious presentations. It's got two internal slide designs and comes in a widescreen resolution. 

15. Religion - Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Presentations  

Try this free religious PowerPoint template if you’re making a presentation. The free christian PowerPoint template includes one cover and two internal slide designs in widescreen resolution.

16. Minimalist & Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Presentations  

Religious Presentation Templates PowerPoint

Here’s another free minimalist free religious PowerPoint template. It's suitable for all kinds of religious presentations. 

17. Christianity Cross - Church PowerPoint Templates for Free

This free Christian PowerPoint template has a simple design. The main image on all slides are hands held together in prayer. These church PowerPoint templates include one master background and one internal slide design. 

18. Free PowerPoint Templates for Church Worship  

This free worship PowerPoint slides template has a classic design with plenty of space to include the contents of your presentation. Try these free PowerPoint templates for church worship.

19. Holy Bible - Free PowerPoint Templates for Church  

This free christian PowerPoint template is great for a Bible study presentation. This file includes a bible and a cross illustration that will enhance your free PowerPoint templates for church. 

20. Colorful Church PPT Templates With Free Download

This is another multipurpose design that can be used for christian PowerPoint templates. It features a multi-colored background. 

PPT multicolored background

21. Baptism - Free Church PowerPoint Templates  

If you’re making a presentation about baptism, use these free worship PowerPoint slides as the starting point. If you'd like to explain to people what a baptism is, try these free church PowerPoint templates. 

22. Ten Commandments - Free PowerPoint Backgrounds for Church  

Use this free christian PowerPoint template if your subject is the ten commandments. The PowerPoint templates for church are fully customizable. 

23. Cross Template & Church PowerPoint Backgrounds for Free

Use this free christian PPT template for all kinds of religious presentations.  

24. Rose Bud Cherry - Church PPT Background  

This free religious PowerPoint template includes four different slides. Use it for all kinds of religious presentations. 

Five Ways You Can Customize Your Church PPT Template

After you’ve chosen which church PPT template you want to use, you’ll want to customize it. Here's the premium church PowerPoint template we’ll be using in this tutorial:

Church PowerPoint Template

For this tutorial, we'll use slide 11. Here's what it looks like without any edits:

Slide 11 Without Edits

Let's get started:

1. How to Add an Image

How to add an image

To add an image to your church PowerPoint templates, begin by clicking on the Insert tab. On the Insert tab, click on the Pictures button.

Choose the next option depending on where your image is located. Once you've found your image, double-click on it to add it to your template.

2. How to Change the Font

How to change the font

Select the font on your PPT template by highlighting the words that you want to change. Then click on the Home tab in the toolbar. When you click on the arrow next to a font in the font menu,  A menu will drop down.

3. How to Change the Color of the Font

How to change the color of the font

To begin changing the color of the font on your church PowerPoint, highlight the text that you want to change. Next, select the Home tab above the toolbar. On the Home tab, select the Font Color button. Then click the arrow next to the Font Color button to cause a color menu to drop down. Select your color from the color menu.

4. How to Add New Text

How to add new text.

To add new text to your worship PPT template, you need to add a text box. To add a text box to your slide, click on the Insert tab. In the toolbar, select the Draw a Text Box button. Next, click where you want to add new text and draw a diagonal line. Type your new text.

5. How to Delete an Object

How to delete an object

You may want to get rid of an object on your church PPT template to make more room, or if you simply don’t like the object.

Begin by selecting the object that you want to get rid of. After the object is selected, press Delete on your keyboard. The object is gone.

5 Quick Design Tips to Create Great Church Presentations in 2024

Congratulations on picking out your template or PowerPoint backgrounds for church. Now it's time to create and design your presentation. Here are five quick design tips that'll help you create great church presentations in 2024:

1. Use a Great Church PowerPoint Template

Revara Multipurpose and Religious Template

The first tip might seem obvious. Great PowerPoint templates for church will save you a lot of time as you’re creating a great presentation. Look for church templates for PowerPoint that have a variety of slides to choose from so you can include all the necessary details and information in your presentation.

2. Add Flowcharts and Infographics

Consider adding flowcharts and infographics to your presentation. This will make it more visually appealing and more interesting for your audience.

3. Use Legible Fonts

Flato Church and Multipurpose Presentation

Keep in mind that not everybody will be close to the screen where you share your presentation. As such, you need to make sure to not only increase the font size but also to use fonts that are easy to read. 

4. Add Animations But Don’t Go Overboard

Another way to make your presentation more visually appealing is to add animations. Don't overdo it or you run the risk of your audience being too distracted by the animations. 

Learn how to add animations in this post:

presentation christianity

5. Finish Your Presentation With a Strong Close

Karbon PowerPoint Template

At the end of the presentation, be sure to give your audience a clear invitation for the next step . This can include attending a special mass, making a donation, or signing up to be a volunteer.

Five Religious PowerPoint Template Trends

To look contemporary, you'll want to look at other church PowerPoints. Here are five of the latest religious PowerPoint templates trends:

1. Try Muted Colors

In past PowerPoint trends, vibrant and bright colors were in. Now muted pastels and muted colors are taking over. Muted colors can be soothing and comforting. Muted colors also work well with either white or black font. This makes your church PPT template more versatile.

Huzia premium template

2. Add Illustrations

Illustrations can be really helpful when presenting your church PowerPoint. Illustrations can include maps, charts, and infographics. Maps can be helpful if you're talking about another country.

This article features graphics to add to your PowerPoint backgrounds for church:

presentation christianity

3. Use Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes are a fun design that can give your presentation a retro feel. The geometric-themed designs give your presentation a more light-hearted vibe. If you’re looking for a fun church PPT template, try looking for one with a geometric design.

Twister premium template

4. Minimalism

A minimal presentation is all about making sure that your worship PPT template has only the important information on it. The speaker presents all the information that isn’t on the slide, and the main points are on the slides.

Here are some modern minimal templates for your church PowerPoint presentations:

presentation christianity

5. Add Animation

Animated designs have become a new trend. Animated designs make infographics more interesting for the audience. Animations not only engage your audience, but they can also tell a little story. The template below has 40 animated slide designs that can help elevate your church PowerPoint backgrounds and slides. 

Animated premium template

Discover More Top Microsoft PowerPoint Template Designs

The PowerPoint templates for church shown above are just a small fraction of what’s available online. If you want to see even more great PowerPoint designs and use them as an inspiration, check out the articles below:

presentation christianity

5 Benefits Using the Best PowerPoint Presentation Templates (In 2024)

Not sure if you should use a premium church PowerPoint or a free religious PowerPoint template? 

In general, premium church PPT templates have more to offer. Here are five benefits to using a premium religious PowerPoint template for your next project:

  • Premium church templates for PowerPoint save time. You don’t need to do much to the premium church or religions PowerPoint template. Most of the work is already done when you use a premium template. All you need to do is add your information and make any customizations.
  • Premium church PowerPoint templates give you a great quality presentation . Professionals designed the premium worship PPT templates. Most people can’t design as well as professionals can. Since professionals designed the PowerPoint templates for church, you'll have a high-quality base to start with.
  • The slides have built-in ideas . Pre-built slides can serve as an outline. This outline can help you make sure that you don’t miss anything.
  • You can still customize . You won't be giving up on customization at all. Pre-built PowerPoint religious templates allow you to make as many customizations as you need to.
  • Premium church PPT templates stand out . Most people don't use pre-built premium religious PowerPoint templates. If they do use pre-built templates, they use the free ones from Microsoft. Our Premium church PowerPoint backgrounds and templates from Envato Elements are designed to stand out.

Benefits of Envato Elements (The Power of Unlimited Use)

Envato Elements is a subscription service with a single flat-rate price. When you subscribe, you get unlimited access to christian PowerPoint templates and other design assets.

church templates on envato elements

Sign up for Envato Elements. You'll get access to thousands of unlimited use graphics and PowerPoint templates for church. Choose from web themes to presentation templates , and more—all for one low price.

Common PowerPoint Questions Answered (FAQ)

Did you just download or are you thinking about downloading some christian PowerPoint templates? We've gathered some of the most commonly asked questions and their answers to get you started:

1. Can You Change Templates in PowerPoint?

You can easily change your church PowerPoint templates. We've got a tutorial that walks you through the entire process:

presentation christianity

2. What Are PowerPoint Layouts?

PowerPoints layouts are a pre-built set of slide designs. They help you save time with your slide designs. This also helps you reduce the PPT file size if space is a concern.

Learn how to use layouts with the help of this tutorial:

presentation christianity

3. What Is the Best Way to Add Images to Your PowerPoint?

Images are a must when creating a presentation and are easy to add. But your file size can get out of control when adding images. To find out the optimal way to add images to your PowerPoint, check out the tutorial below:

presentation christianity

4. How Can I Keep My Audience Engaged?

This is the most important thing to consider when creating a PowerPoint. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to engage your audience. You can add questions, videos, or animation to slides. 

One way to keep your audience's attention is to use text animation. Learn how to do it in this tutorial:

presentation christianity

5. Can You Collaborate With Other People?

Absolutely! There are several ways to share your church PowerPoint presentation with others. Learn more here: 

presentation christianity

Looking to learn more about making great church PowerPoint presentations? Check out the next section!

Learn More About Making Great PowerPoint Presentations in 2024

PowerPoint is a very in-depth piece of software. 

Luckily, we've got plenty of PowerPoint tutorials to help you take your church PowerPoint skills to the next level. Get started with these tutorials below:

presentation christianity

Design a Great PowerPoint Presentation for Your Church Quickly

Designing a great-looking presentation for your church in PowerPoint isn't that hard. If you've a great church PPT backgrounds or template to use as a starting point, you are ready to go. If you’re just getting started with presentations, a free church PowerPoint template is a good place to start. 

To create a professional-looking presentation, consider using a premium church PowerPoint template from Envato Elements. You'll also get access to thousands of other design assets. 

For a single PowerPoint church template to use right now, head over to GraphicRiver. Explore our single-use PowerPoint church templates . 

Editorial Note: This article has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy , Daniel Strongin , and Gonzalo Angulo . Sarah and Daniel are freelance instructors for Envato Tuts+. Gonzalo is a staff writer with Envato Tuts+.

Brenda Barron



Jul 21, 2014

1.23k likes | 3k Views

Christianity. Christianity is a monotheistic religion and is the world’s biggest religion with over 2 billion followers worldwide. Monotheistic means a belief in one god (usually referred to as God). Believe in a Trinity: God the Father (God) God the Son (Jesus) God the Holy Spirit.

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  • jewish faith
  • holy spirit portrait
  • sacred scriptures
  • lutheran martin luther


Presentation Transcript

Christianity • Christianity is a monotheistic religion and is the world’s biggest religion with over 2 billion followers worldwide. • Monotheistic means a belief in one god (usually referred to as God). • Believe in a Trinity: • God the Father (God) • God the Son (Jesus) • God the Holy Spirit Portrait of Jesus

Key Beliefs • Based on the teachings of Jesus Christ who lived in the Holy Land (modern day Israel) 2,000 years ago. Christians also believe that Jesus was the messiah (savior) promised in the Old Testament of the Bible. • Believe that Jesus is the son of God. Christians also believe that God sent Jesus to earth to save humans from sin, through his sacrifice (crucifixion), and through his resurrection three days later. The Shield of the Trinity of traditional Western Christian symbolism.

Key Beliefs (cont.) • Christians believe in one baptism into the Christian faith (either as a child or as an adult, depending on the denomination). • The Eucharist, also known as a communion meal in some churches, is central to the church, and is thought to bring unity amongst Christians. • Christians believe in a Day of Judgment, where people will be judged to either go to heaven or hell. The Eucharist, meant to represent the body (bread) and blood (wine) of Christ, following instructions from the Last Supper.

Christianity at a Glance • There are approximately 2.1 billion Christians worldwide, with approximately 247 million Americans that refer to themselves as Christians.

Holy Book • The Christian holy book is the Bible, which consists of an Old Testament and a New Testament. • The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible (Torah), the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD.

Worship Services • Christians worship at a church, with the holy day being on Sunday (a departure from Judaism, where the holy day is on Saturday). • Christian leaders go by different titles, depending on the type of church. Some common titles are: • Preacher/Minister • Priest St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, Italy (Vatican City) Pope Francis Billy Graham (Preacher)

Practices, Rituals, and Holidays • Christians believe that they communicate with God directly through prayer. • The Christian religion has a number of important holidays. Two of the most important are: • Christmas – A Christian holy day that marks the birth of Jesus. • Easter – Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion. A child praying Easter Celebration in Vatican City

Christian Sects or Denominations • Christianity is divided into numerous sects or denominations. Three of the largest are: • Catholic • Protestant • Lutheran Martin Luther – German Monk and Catholic preacher, who began the Protestant Reformation (protesting the Catholic Church), which led to a split in Christianity Catholic believer praying in a church in Mexico

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Contents. One GodThe TrinityThe FatherThe Son: Jesus' death, resurrection and AscensionThe Holy SpiritJudgement and the world to comeSummary. One God. Beliefs in God are expressed in ?creeds' ? statements of belief. The two traditional forms of the creed are called the ?Nicene creed' and the

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3. Christianity. for Beginners. The Bible. Mike Mazzalongo. Bible = “ Biblia ” = Books. Origin of Bible. Bible = “ Biblia ” = Books 39 + 27 = 66. Origin of Bible. Origin of Bible. Moses – 1500 BC. Origin of Bible. Moses – 1500 BC Pentateuch – first 5 books. Origin of Bible.

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Believing Jesus. Christianity. Kamila Gabitova Division 7. Christianity. How do they practice their religion?. Go in the church Pray to God Live the way God told them to live Trying to live following the Golden rules Celebrate different holidays which are part to their religion.

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Largest religion today. Christianity. . 2 billion followers!. I mean really beliefs, not history. Beliefs. Christian Texts. Old Testament Hebrew Bible Comes from Jews New Testament New scripture. Parts of New Testaments. First four: Gospel View Jesus is four points

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Christianity. Christianity Basics. L argest religion ~2 billion followers All over the world. Christianity Basics. Trinity 1 god, 3 forms Father, Son, Holy Ghost Followers of Jesus called apostles 12 closest followers called disciples. Christianity Basics. New Testament

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Christianity. Cults &amp; Religions. Jehovah’s Witnesses. William Miller . Born 1782 Was a 19 th Century Baptist preacher Started Adventism Through lengthy and elaborate calculations he reached the conclusion that Jesus Christ would return in 1843. Recalculated and said no it was Oc. 1844

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Christianity. The Old Testament known as the Hebrew Bible The New Testament Has 27 books written after Jesus' earthly mission Gospels: Jesus' life and teachings based on biblical texts in the first four books of this testament Three Synoptic Gospels are Mathew, Mark, and Luke

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Christianity. Ethics // sexual ethics. The plan. How do you define Christian ethics? Where does ethics ‘fit’ into the HSC Course? Some worthwhile activities Developing a good response for Section II and III – what’s the difference? Examination tips. Your turn:.

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Christianity. By Charlie W hite. Capital Punishment.

133 views • 6 slides


CHRISTIANITY. Who is followed and Important Teachings. A 2,000 year old religion based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christians have faith in one God as the creator and father of all. They believed God became man in his son Jesus Christ.

252 views • 11 slides


CHRISTIANITY. CHRISTIANITY: Where it’s practiced. christianity. The religion centered on belief in JESUS as the Son of God. CHRIST – from the Greek word “ christos ” meaning “anointed” or messiah. 1 st Century AD – Christianity grew slowly 2 nd Century AD – “ took root

349 views • 9 slides


Christianity. Chapter 6- Rome. Setting the Scene. Appeared during Pax Romana Church took the over the role of Roman Empire upon its destruction Christian Church was the center of power for almost 1,000 years. Religious Diversity. Mystery Ritual Cult of Isis- offered women equal status

274 views • 17 slides

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Faulkner University News – Incorporating Inclusion in Presentations

Faulkner University

A Christian University


Incorporating inclusion in presentations.

presentation christianity

Incorporating inclusion in presentations has a variety of benefits for both the presenter and the viewer. Taking time to ensure accessibility and inclusion are woven throughout a presentation helps create a welcoming environment and decreases the chance of unintentional viewer exclusion.


The development and planning of a presentation is a multifaceted task, combining content and design while also incorporating engagement components. This process can be lengthy. However, accessibility and inclusion should be key components of presentation preparation. When planning visuals, keep in mind how they can affect students. For instance, a fast, recurring image on a slide could create an environment that causes some students to lose focus. Likewise, when selecting images, consider their implications. Resources like Unsplash or Pexels offer free, high-quality, and diverse images. Ensuring diverse image representation promotes a more inclusive class environment and can reduce bias. Lastly, check presentation color combinations. Colors are a key feature of presentations. Ensure your color combinations are inclusive; for example, pairing red and green would be challenging for color-blind students. These are just a few ideas to consider when planning your next presentation.

When presenting, it is important to keep the audience in mind. Be thoughtful about facing the students in your class when speaking. This helps your voice carry in a strong tone, aids students who lip-read, and makes the interaction more engaging overall. Ensure that you speak clearly, and if applicable, repeat questions that students ask during the presentation. Typically, other students in the class can benefit from a question asked by their classmate. Restating the question allows another opportunity for students to hear it and focus on the conversation redirection. Likewise, when discussing a topic represented on a PowerPoint slide, be sure to explicitly connect the two. Simply telling students to look at the slideshow differs greatly from directing them to a specific graph or image as you discuss it. If providing a handout, it never hurts to have various options available. For example, you could supply a large-print handout as an alternative option. Lastly, emotional diversity is vital to a classroom community. One way to incorporate this into a presentation is to include feedback from the audience. Platforms like Poll Everywhere are great for obtaining quick audience responses. Including feedback opportunities can be done before, during, or after the presentation.

Incorporating inclusion into presentations does not require a significant amount of additional time. Small changes and thoughtful planning can make a presentation with meaningful content accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable for all.

Equal access: Universal design of your presentation (2022) Equal Access: Universal Design of Your Presentation | DO-IT. Available at:

How can you incorporate emotional diversity into your presentation visuals? (2023) How to Incorporate Emotional Diversity in Presentation Visuals . Available at:

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Presentations (2022) . Available at:

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Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus Christ, claims both convicted felons

by JACKSON WALKER | The National Desk

FILE - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., waves while former President Donald Trump points to her while they look over the 16th tee during the second round of the Bedminster Invitational LIV Golf tournament in Bedminster, N.J., July 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

LAS VEGAS (TND) — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Monday claimed recent treatment of former President Donald Trump is comparable to that of Jesus Christ.

The comment came as Rep. Greene addressed a crowd at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Invoking Trump’s own rhetoric, the representative condemned the “fake news media” in its coverage of the former president's felony conviction .

“The Democrats and the fake news media want to constantly talk about ‘oh, President Trump is a convicted felon,’” she said.

The conviction, she argued, should make no difference in the eyes of Christians across the country as Jesus Christ faced what she described as similar treatment.

Well, you want to know something?” Rep. Greene asked, pointing two fingers toward the sky. “The man that I worship is also a convicted felon, and he was murdered on a Roman cross.”

The Republican claimed the death of Jesus is an example of the same sort of political corruption Trump faces. Rep. Greene used this example as a reason why Republicans must vote in the upcoming November election.

READ MORE | Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus, Nelson Mandela ahead of arraignment

Christians traditionally believe Jesus’s death on the cross represents a sacrifice made in exchange for a renewal of their relationship with God.

Follow Jackson Walker on X at @_jlwalker_ for the latest trending national news. Have a news tip? Send it to [email protected].

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Orthodox Christianity

It seems that you like this template, orthodox christianity presentation, premium google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Orthodox Christianity is one of the oldest and most traditional branches of Christianity. Dating back to the early days of the church, it has preserved many of the ancient rituals and practices that are often lost in other denominations. With a strong emphasis on the power of prayer and the significance of icons, Orthodox Christianity seeks to create a deeply spiritual and meaningful worship experience for its members. Give a presentation about this branch of Christianity and place an emphasis on its main features and possible differences between other branches. Of course, we expect you to use this editable template to create that presentation. It has a formal design and contains illustrations of candles.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 35 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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Orthodox Church presentation template

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Electronics Arts

We Inspire the World to Play

Electronics Arts

Press Release Details

Ea sports™ unveils christian mccaffrey as the madden nfl 25 cover athlete.

Madden NFL 25 Launches Worldwide on August 16 With a Full Feature Reveal Coming Soon

Pre-Order* the MVP Bundle Now To Receive Big Rewards

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: EA) and EA SPORTS™ today revealed San Francisco 49ers superstar and reigning NFL Offensive Player of the Year Christian McCaffrey on the cover of the all-new EA SPORTS™ Madden NFL 25 , launching worldwide August 16. The full feature set for PlayStation ® 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC versions of Madden NFL 25, including details on the next level of FieldSENSE™, new commentary and presentation, and updates across Franchise and other beloved modes will all be announced soon. Madden NFL 25 will be available on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation ® 5, Xbox One, PlayStation ® 4, PC via EA app for Windows, Steam ® and Epic Games Store.

San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey graces the Standard and Deluxe Edition covers of Madden NFL 25. (Photo: Business Wire)

San Francisco 49ers running back Christian McCaffrey graces the Standard and Deluxe Edition covers of Madden NFL 25. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Christian McCaffrey is a human highlight reel on NFL Sundays and our players love his dynamic abilities in Madden NFL , scoring more than 450 million touchdowns with him last year and making him the most popular running back in Madden NFL 24 ,” said Mike Mahar, Senior Production Director, Madden NFL . “Christian’s electrifying, dynamic and physical play style perfectly represents the gameplay innovations we’re bringing to Madden NFL 25 and made him the ideal fit for this year’s cover.”

McCaffrey led San Francisco to Super Bowl LVIII last season and further cemented himself as one of the league’s most consistent and explosive players in the process. His 339 total touches, 2,023 scrimmage yards and 21 total touchdowns all represented NFL bests on the year, and he tied a league record with 17 straight games with a touchdown.

“To be on the cover of Madden NFL is a career achievement and an honor I share with all of my teammates, coaches and 49er Faithful who have helped make it possible,” said McCaffrey. “I'm pumped to get back on the field this year to give Madden players more reasons to keep scoring touchdowns with me in Madden NFL 25 .”

Pre-order the Madden NFL 25 Deluxe Edition * today to receive numerous perks including 3-day early access, 4600 Madden Points, and much more. Make game day every day by pre-ordering the EA SPORTS™ MVP Bundle ** on PlayStation ® 5 and Xbox Series X|S, which includes the deluxe editions of EA SPORTS™ College Football 25 and Madden NFL 25 with 3-day early access and a multitude of additional benefits across both titles. Additionally, EA Play † members get a 10-hour early access trial as well as monthly Madden NFL 25 in-game rewards.

Stay tuned to the Madden NFL website and social media pages ( Instagram , Twitter , TikTok and YouTube ) for the latest Madden NFL 25 news. Madden NFL 25 is developed in Orlando, Florida and Madrid, Spain by EA SPORTS.

*Conditions & restrictions apply. See for details.

**Conditions & restrictions apply. See for details.

†Conditions, limitations and exclusions apply. See EA Play Terms for details.

For Madden NFL 25 assets, visit: .

About Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA) is a global leader in digital interactive entertainment. The Company develops and delivers games, content and online services for Internet-connected consoles, mobile devices and personal computers.

In fiscal year 2024, EA posted GAAP net revenue of approximately $7.6 billion. Headquartered in Redwood City, California, EA is recognized for a portfolio of critically acclaimed, high-quality brands such as EA SPORTS FC™, Battlefield™, Apex Legends™, The Sims™, EA SPORTS™ Madden NFL, Need for Speed™, Titanfall™, Plants vs. Zombies™ and EA SPORTS F1 ® . More information about EA is available at .

EA, EA SPORTS, EA SPORTS FC, Battlefield, Need for Speed, Apex Legends, The Sims, Titanfall, and Plants vs. Zombies are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc. John Madden, NFL, FIFA and F1 are the property of their respective owners and used with permission.

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  2. Christianity

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  3. Christianity: Foundations and Beliefs

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  5. God in Christianity

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Creating a presentation about God in Christianity can be a daunting task, but this elegant template can help you bring your ideas to life. This template is full of pictures and resources that are related to the holy topic, making it easy to create an engaging and ...

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  7. Christianity Powerpoint

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  8. Free Bible-themed Google Slides & PowerPoint templates

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  10. Lesson 5 CHRISTIANITY

    Lesson 5 CHRISTIANITY. This document provides an overview of key concepts in Christianity, including its history, beliefs, sacred texts, important figures, rituals and observances, and divisions. It discusses how Christianity began with the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Trinity belief in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  11. Free

    Christian Presentation Slide. Christianity is a monotheistic religion with over 2 billion followers worldwide. Various individuals and organizations such as churches, religious institutions, Bible study groups, Christian schools, and individuals use the Christianity template to present information related to Christianity.

  12. Presentation of Jesus

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  14. Christianity

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  15. 24 Free Religious & Church PowerPoint PPT Templates 2024

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  16. Christianity Slides

    Sep 19, 2016 •. 80 likes • 75,295 views. AI-enhanced description. S. Sam Georgi. Christianity began in Judea, which was controlled by the Roman Empire. Jesus Christ was born in Judea and taught a new form of Judaism emphasizing God's love. He had twelve apostles as disciples. Some Jews believed Jesus was the messiah, but Roman authorities ...

  17. Christianism Minitheme

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  18. What is Christianity?

    • The classic presentation of Christianity for non-Christians is still C. S. Lewis, "Mere Christianity". It gives a good feel for what Christianity is about. However it does not emphasize theological detail. • For an introduction to theology, I recommend Alister McGrath's "Christian Theology: An Introduction".

  19. PPT

    What Is Christianity?. A Review of the Essentials Prof. Felix Just, S.J. Introduction: . Christianity is a major world religion , A"Western" religion (w/ Judaism & Islam) The largest world religion today (ca. 2 billion) Slideshow 154078 by Mercy ... An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: ...

  20. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Christianity • Christianity is a monotheistic religion and is the world's biggest religion with over 2 billion followers worldwide. • Monotheistic means a belief in one god (usually referred to as God). • Believe in a Trinity: • God the Father (God) • God the Son (Jesus) • God the Holy Spirit Portrait of ...

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  22. Faulkner University News

    Preparation. The development and planning of a presentation is a multifaceted task, combining content and design while also incorporating engagement components. This process can be lengthy. However, accessibility and inclusion should be key components of presentation preparation. When planning visuals, keep in mind how they can affect students.

  23. RCCG( Royal Christian Center)

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  24. Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus Christ, claims both

    LAS VEGAS (TND) — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., on Monday claimed recent treatment of former President Donald Trump is comparable to that of Jesus Christ. The comment came as Rep. Greene addressed a crowd at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. Invoking Trump's own rhetoric, the representative condemned the "fake news media" in its coverage of the former president's felony conviction.

  25. Orthodox Christianity

    Premium Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Orthodox Christianity is one of the oldest and most traditional branches of Christianity. Dating back to the early days of the church, it has preserved many of the ancient rituals and practices that are often lost in other denominations. With a strong emphasis on ...

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    Christianity ppt. The document summarizes the creation stories and key figures from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It describes how all three Abrahamic religions share the same creation story of God creating the world over 7 days. It then discusses Adam and Eve living in the Garden of Eden until eating the forbidden fruit, Noah and the great ...

  27. Electronic Arts Inc.

    "Christian McCaffrey is a human highlight reel on NFL Sundays and our players love his dynamic abilities in Madden NFL, scoring more than 450 million touchdowns with him last year and making him the most popular running back in Madden NFL 24," said Mike Mahar, Senior Production Director, Madden NFL.. "Christian's electrifying, dynamic and physical play style perfectly represents the ...