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What is WordCounter?

Apart from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above. The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won't lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later. Tip: Bookmark this page now.

Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

In addition, WordCounter shows you the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you're writing. This allows you to know which keywords you use how often and at what percentages. This can prevent you from over-using certain words or word combinations and check for best distribution of keywords in your writing.

In the Details overview you can see the average speaking and reading time for your text, while Reading Level is an indicator of the education level a person would need in order to understand the words you’re using.

Disclaimer: We strive to make our tools as accurate as possible but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

essay word counting

  • 0 Unique Words
  • 0 Characters
  • 0 Characters (no spaces)
  • 0 Sentences
  • 0 Longest Sentence (words)
  • 0 Shortest Sentence (words)
  • 0 Avg. Sentence (words)
  • 0 Avg. Sentence (chars)
  • 0 Avg. Word Length
  • 0 Paragraphs
  • 0 Syllables
  • 0 Words (Publisher)
  • N/A Reading Level  
  • N/A Reading Time  
  • N/A Speaking Time  
  • N/A Hand Writing Time  
  • More ( 0 ) Share

Keyword Density x1   x2   x3

Keep track of the number of words you write each day using the activity button.   ACTIVITY

This button helps you clean up your document by removing funky characters, unneeded new lines, etc.

  • Email Fix (Remove word wrapping)
  • Microsoft Word Document Fix (Remove invalid characters)
  • Remove multiple new lines

My Writing Details

  • N/A Reading Level
  • N/A Reading Time
  • N/A Speaking Time
  • N/A Hand Writing Time

Step 1. What do you want to share?

  • Unique Words
  • Characters (no spaces)
  • Longest Sentence (words)
  • Shortest Sentence (words)
  • Avg. Sentence (words)
  • Avg. Sentence (chars)
  • Avg. Word Length
  • Words (Publisher)
  • Reading Level
  • Reading Time
  • Speaking Time
  • Hand Writing Time

Step 2. What do you want to say?

Step 3. Where do you want to share it?

  • Keyword Density

Step 1. What do you want to say?

Step 2. Where do you want to share it?

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Click the upload button below to select a text document. Supported formats are PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, ODT.

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Use this button to save your current writing to Google Drive

You can turn on or off different counting options here.

  • Hand Writing Time Letters Per Minute Slow Normal Fast
  • Reading Time Words Per Minute Slow Normal Fast
  • Speaking Time Words Per Minute Slow Normal Fast

You can turn on or off different buttons provided for different functionalities.

  • ACTIVITY Keeps track of your word and character count.
  • AUTO-SAVE When turned on, WordCounter will automatically save your document every 30 seconds. You can then switch back to previous versions of your document at any time.
  • CASE Gives different case options. Applies to your entire document or only the text you select.
  • CLEAN TEXT After pasting a document into WordCounter, this will clean it up by removing invalid characters, word wrapping issues and unneeded new lines.
  • CLEAR Delete all of the text in your document.
  • DOWNLOAD Download your written text (PDF, TXT, DOC) to your device.
  • FIND AND REPLACE Find and replace any words or sentences you want.
  • GOAL Set writing goals (such as 500 words) and WordCounter will let you know when you've reached them. You can also share and embed your goals.
  • PRINT Print your document quickly and easily.
  • PROOF READ   WordCounter reads your document back to you. Make sure to turn up your volume! Rate Valid values are 0.1 to 10 Pitch Valid values are 0 to 2 Voices
  • REDO Redo your last changes. Click multiple times to redo multiple changes.
  • SAVE Saves your text for later retrieval. Be sure and click the SAVE button each time you want to save.
  • SAVE TO DRIVE Saves your document to Google Drive. Great for backup purposes.
  • SPEED Use a timer to see how fast you're typing.
  • SPELL A powerful spelling and grammar checker for your document.
  • TALK TO TYPE   Speak into your microphone and WordCounter will type for you. Language Country
  • THESAURUS Select (with your mouse) a word in your document and click the thesaurus button to get a list of synonyms.
  • UNDO Undo your last changes. Click multiple times to undo multiple changes.
  • UPLOAD Upload your existing document (PDF, TXT, DOC, DOCX, ODT) into WordCounter.

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Word Counter

— Count words, check grammar and improve your writing. Learn more

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Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level.

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How many pages is 800 words.

How many pages will 800 words yield? Just slightly longer than a more common word count of 750 words, 800 words is about one and three-fifths of a page single spaced, and a little over 3 pages double spaced.

How Many Pages is 6000 Words?

How many pages does 6000 words produce? If you're single spacing your work, 6000 words is close to 12 pages; double spaced around 24 pages.

How Many Pages is 3500 Words?

How many pages is 3500 words? A word count of 3500 yields around 7 pages single spaced and roughly twice that—14 pages—double spaced.

How Many Pages is 4000 Words?

How many pages does 4000 words equal? Single spaced, 4000 words would produce about 8 pages; double spaced around 16 pages.

About Word Counter

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Get started by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content from elsewhere. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

You can also use Word Counter to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). If your text is longer than 360 characters the counter will show you the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages instead; useful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations and other long-form content.

Word Counter

The Word Counter tool allows you to quickly and accurately count the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in your text. This tool is perfect for writers, students, and professionals who need to meet specific word count requirements for essays, reports, articles, or any other written content. The process is straightforward, providing detailed statistics about your text to help you stay on track.

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Efficient word counter: track your text's length & enhance writing quality.

Need to nail the perfect word count for your essay, blog post, or tweet? A word counter is the swift solution to your writing challenges. This indispensable tool not only provides immediate word and character counts but also helps refine your content for clarity and impact, essential whether you’re meeting strict character limits on Twitter or aiming for SEO-friendly article lengths.

Key Takeaways

Word counters are more than just a tally; they guide pacing, content optimization, and SEO, ideal for a variety of writing contexts like academic essays, social media, and blog posts.

Word count affects readability and user engagement; long-form blog posts are favored, and for social media, fitting key messages within platform-specific limits is crucial.

Beyond word count, editing for efficiency, avoiding redundancy, and enhancing writing style are key to impactful writing; auxiliary tools like plagiarism checkers and proofreading software further refine content quality.

Unlocking the Power of Word Count

Illustration of a word count tool with a magnifying glass analyzing text

Word count is the heartbeat of your content, dictating its length and scope. It’s not just about hitting a target; it’s about pacing your narrative, balancing detail with brevity, and making every word count. Whether you’re a researcher stretching your thesis to meet a minimum word count or a student trying to squeeze your thoughts into an essay limit, word count can be a tricky balancing act.

But what if we told you there’s a secret weapon to help you tackle this challenge? Enter the word counter tool, a digital ally that provides vital metrics like word and character count, readability, and keyword suggestions. From setting daily writing goals to aligning your content with community or competitive standards, these tools can be your roadmap to successful writing.

So, the next time you’re aiming for that sweet spot of about 500 words per page, let a free online word counter guide you, or try using a free word counter for a quick and easy solution.

The Essentials of Word Counting

So, what exactly does an online word counter tool do? It’s simple yet super powerful. At its core, it tallies the total number of:

characters with or without spaces

in your text.

And the best part? These tools are designed for ease of use. You can either type directly into the tool or copy-paste your text from word processors or online platforms like Microsoft Word or Google Documents. It’s like having a personal assistant who’s always ready to count words and characters for you!

Beyond Just Counting Words

But wait, there’s more to word counters than just counting words and characters. These tools go beyond the basics, offering a wealth of insights to enhance your writing. For instance, they can provide measures such as words per sentence, syllables per word, and letters per word. In comparison to other word counters, some may even offer additional features to further improve your writing skills.

Some advanced word counter tools even offer features like readability scores and tone of voice assessments to gauge text quality. Imagine knowing the exact number of sentences in your text or having a comprehensive breakdown of your word, paragraph, sentence, and character counts at your fingertips. Yes, that’s the power of a robust word counter tool!

Crafting Perfect Social Media Posts with Word Limits

Cartoon depiction of social media icons with word and character limits

In the world of social media, word count plays a crucial role too. Every platform, from Twitter to Google Ads, has specific word and character limits. This means your content needs to be tailored to fit these constraints. But how do you craft a captivating story in just 280 characters or sell a product within a 30-word limit?

That’s where online word counter tools come in. They offer suggestions for optimal content length on different platforms, helping your posts stand out and engage your audience. So, whether you’re a social media specialist refining content for maximum impact or a newbie trying to get your tweets just right, a word counter tool can be your secret weapon.

Character Counts for Precision Writing

We’ve talked about counting words, but what about characters? Characters represent numbers, symbols, and letters that form words, phrases, and sentences. The character count includes all the characters in your text, such as spaces and punctuation. It gives you the total number in the text. In certain contexts, like Twitter, character count is king!

Twitter initially set a 140-character limit, reflecting the SMS limit of 160 characters minus space for commands and usernames. Later, it expanded the limit to 280 characters to allow for more expressive content. But remember:

In tweets, URLs are counted as 23 characters due to t.co links

Attached media don’t count towards the limit

Emojis are generally counted as two characters on Twitter

Keep these quirks in mind when crafting your tweets.

The Role of Word Count in SEO Strategy

Artistic representation of SEO strategy with word count balance

Word count is a critical player in the field of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well. While Google doesn’t consider word count as a direct ranking factor, search engines tend to favor extensive and informative posts. Articles over 1,000 words generally achieve higher rankings, with top-ranking pages often having 2,000 to 2,500 words.

But remember, the focus should always be on producing high-quality content that satisfies the reader’s needs and provides value, rather than just meeting a specific word count. Keyword density is another crucial component of SEO optimization, and online word counter tools can assist in maintaining optimal keyword frequency and providing insights compared to top organic competitors. So, when strategizing for SEO, remember it’s a delicate dance between word count, content quality, and keyword density.

Mastering Microsoft Word's Built-in Tools

Let’s not forget about the good old Microsoft Word, a staple in every writer’s toolkit. It comes with its own handy word count feature, easily accessible on the status bar or via the Menu Bar under Tools > Word Count.

But Microsoft Word offers more than just a word counter. It’s packed with built-in tools that can make your writing process smoother and more efficient. Some of these tools include:

Style templates, which enforce consistent formatting throughout your document

Themes, which can quickly give your document a professional and cohesive visual appearance

The ‘Find and Replace’ function, which streamlines text editing by allowing you to search and substitute words or phrases throughout the entire document with ease.

These features can greatly enhance your writing experience and help you create high-quality documents.

Now, that’s what we call a power-packed tool!

Achieving the Ideal Blog Post Length

So, what’s the ideal length for a blog post? The answer depends on your goal. Recommendations vary from 1,000 to 2,500 words to maximize reader engagement. On average, English-speaking adults read at a pace of 300 words per minute, suggesting blog post lengths of about 2,100 words for optimal engagement.

Long-form content exceeding 1,500 words trends among bloggers due to its many advantages, like increasing reader time on site by 40% and significantly boosting social media interactions. Detailed blog posts encourage readers to explore additional content on your site and provide more opportunities for including hyperlinks, attracting a larger audience.

So, while the ideal blog post length can vary, it’s always a good idea to make your words count!

Adapting to Different Formats & Requirements

The art of mastering word count extends to various writing formats, from novels and screenplays to academic essays. Each format comes with its own genre expectations and requirements, influencing how you adapt your word count.

For extensive documents like novels or screenplays, you can utilize tools like Google Docs’ Word Count feature. A larger word count allows for greater structural complexity and detailed world-building in storytelling, especially in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

And for academic essays, the Essay Structure tool is instrumental in logically organizing your ideas to enhance readability and coherence.

Streamlining Your Writing with Online Word Counters

Creative illustration of a streamlined writing process with an online word counter

In an era where time is of the essence, online word counters like the Word Counter by PagesTools.com offer a quick and efficient way to assess text details. These tools provide a snapshot of your content, including:

Sentence count

Paragraph count

Character count

Reading time

Regular use of online word counters can keep your attention focused on daily writing tasks and harness previously successful content as a benchmark for productivity. For academic purposes, efficient word counting is crucial, and the free Word Counter tool provides an accurate and quick solution for adhering to strict writing requirements.

In short, online word counters can be a game-changer for your writing process, contributing to the creation of high-quality text.

Enhancing Readability with Word Count Insights

Word count tools do more than just count words; they enhance readability. These tools evaluate attributes like word length, syllables, and sentences to measure your content’s overall readability. For instance, the Flesch Reading Ease test is a readability measure where higher scores indicate easier readability, and the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level test rates readability according to U.S. school grades.

Word counters also provide insights into the readability and tone of voice, offering guidance for refining your content’s impact on readers. So, whether you’re writing a blog post, an academic essay, or a social media caption, enhancing text comprehensibility by breaking up content with headings, bullet points, and lists can help make your words more impactful.

Navigating Google Docs Word Count Features

If you’re a Google Docs user, you’re in luck! Google Docs comes with a built-in word count feature. To access it, simply navigate to the ‘Tools’ menu and click on ‘Word count’. And if you want to continuously view your document’s word count while you’re typing, check the box beside ‘Display word count while typing’ in the word count window. It’s as easy as that!

The Intersection of Word Count and Writing Style

Word count and writing style go hand in hand. Your choice to write in a concise or elaborate style will directly impact your word count, shaping your approach to expressing ideas and describing scenes. Different writing genres set different expectations for word count, compelling authors to adapt their writing style to meet these norms.

Using analysis tools to evaluate unique word count can reveal the need for a greater diversity in word choice to enhance style and counteract monotonous repetition. Moreover, moderating sentence length, averaging between 20 to 25 words, contributes to a readable and engaging writing style.

And remember, expressing points directly without superfluous content can help maintain a potent narrative while reducing overall word count.

Efficient Editing: Trimming Excess Words

Efficient editing is an art, and it often involves trimming excess words. The strategy is to focus on crucial points and cut out non-essential ones, decreasing word count while maintaining the essence of the content. This can involve omitting unnecessary usage of ‘the’, reducing excessive use of ‘that’, and eliminating superfluous adverbs and adjectives.

To streamline your text without losing meaning, try the following:

Replace lengthy phrases with concise alternatives

Use shorter synonyms

Avoid redundant transitional words

Simplify sentence structures

Minimize punctuation use

Lastly, identifying and eliminating duplicate information can effectively decrease word count without sacrificing content quality.

Maximizing Writing Impact Within Word Limits

Maximizing writing impact within word limits might seem like a tough task, but with regular practice, it becomes second nature. The key is to make every word count.

One or two-sentence paragraphs can be highly effective and add impact to your writing, making each word count. So, the next time you’re up against a word limit, remember to make each word deliver a punch!

Utilizing Word Count Tools for Academic Success

For students, word count tools are a lifesaver. They assist in keeping writing within specified word limits, crucial for guidelines set for college and graduate school admissions essays. Maximum word count limitations are commonly imposed on academic assignments, necessitating the use of word count tools to ensure compliance.

Word count tools, such as a word count checker, can even help improve academic writing by suggesting the inclusion of examples to meet required word counts. Plus, with features like the Flesch Kincaid readability test, these tools can measure text readability, offering valuable insights for refining your academic essays.

Word Count Benchmarks for Various Text Types

Different text types come with their own word count benchmarks, and you might wonder how many words are typical for each type. For example:

Contemporary novels typically range from 60,000 to 90,000 words

Dystopian novels can extend from 60,000 to 120,000 words

Memoirs usually fall within the range of 45,000 to 80,000 words

Self-help books vary between 30,000 and 70,000 words.

Recognizing these standard word count ranges for different types of texts is critical for authors to accurately structure their work, from articles to novels. Understanding and applying these word count benchmarks can significantly aid writers in meeting genre expectations and improving writing quality, underlining the importance of word counter tools.

Complementary Tools to the Word Counter

Whimsical illustration of complementary writing tools including a word counter

While word count tools are a must-have for any writer, they’re not the only ones in the toolkit. Several complementary tools can enhance your writing. For instance, tools like Proofreading Online can enhance academic writing by identifying and correcting grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Additional tools that can enhance the overall writing quality include:

Character Counter and Mind Map offered by the Word Count Tool website

Paraphraser, text summarizer, and AI-powered Flow feature provided by PagesTools.com

Plagiarism checkers, crucial for maintaining originality and avoiding copyright infringement

So, why not explore these complementary tools and give your writing a boost?

We’ve embarked on an enlightening journey through the world of word count, exploring its essential role in various writing contexts, from blog posts and social media captions to novels and academic essays. We’ve discovered the power of word counter tools, packed with features that not only count words and characters but also enhance readability, maintain SEO strategies, and meet genre expectations. Coupled with complementary tools like grammar checkers and text summarizers, the possibilities for refining your writing are endless. Remember, it’s not just about counting words; it’s about making every word count!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can word count tools enhance my writing.

Word count tools can enhance your writing by providing readability scores, tone of voice assessments, and keyword density insights, helping you maintain word limits, improve readability, and optimize your content for SEO. Try using them to take your writing to the next level!

What word count should I aim for in a blog post?

You should aim for a blog post length of 1,000 to 2,500 words to cater to your audience and meet your content goals. Remember, quality matters more than quantity when it comes to blog posts.

How do I access the word count feature in Google Docs?

You can access the word count feature in Google Docs by going to the 'Tools' menu and selecting 'Word count'. To see the word count while typing, just check the box next to 'Display word count while typing'. Hope this helps!

How can I trim excess words from my writing?

Focus on crucial points, cut out non-essential words, and replace lengthy phrases with concise alternatives to trim excess words from your writing. Simplify sentence structures and eliminate duplicate information for a more streamlined result.

What are some complementary tools to the word counter?

Some complementary tools to the word counter are grammar checkers, plagiarism checkers, and text summarizers. They can help improve the quality and originality of your writing.

What is Word Counter?

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool that can help you quickly and accurately count the number of words in your text. Suppose you're a student working on a paper, a writer crafting a novel, or a professional preparing a presentation. In that case, we can help ensure you stay within your word limit and keep your text understandable to the audience you are focusing on. You will see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them.

WordCounter has a simple and intuitive interface that allows you to paste your text and instantly calculates the number of words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, reading time, reading level, and any other metric to help you achieve your goals. Understanding the text word count holds significance. As a case in point, an author must meet a specific word range for an article, report, story, book, or any writing piece.

In addition to basic word counting, it offers advanced features such as keyword density analysis, readability scores like Reading Level , and the ability to compare texts side-by-side. These tools can help you improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing and ensure you are communicating your ideas clearly and concisely.

Disclaimer: We try to make our tools as accurate as possible, but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

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Top Keywords

Welcome to our Word Counter , the ultimate tool for writers, students, and professionals seeking precision in their texts. In a world where every word counts, our tool offers you the power to measure and refine your content with ease. Whether you're crafting the perfect tweet, fine-tuning an essay, or optimizing your website content, our Word Counter is your reliable companion. Elevate your writing and meet your word count goals effortlessly. Plus, for a deeper analysis, explore our Text Summarizer to distill your content into its most impactful essence. Start counting today and unlock the full potential of your words!

Recommended Word Counts

Wondering about the ideal length for your text? Here's a quick guide to typical word and character counts for various types of content:

Social Networks

  • Twitter post: 71-100 characters
  • Facebook post: 80 characters
  • Instagram caption: 100 characters
  • YouTube description: 138-150 characters
  • High school: 300-1,000 words
  • College admission: 200-650 words
  • Undergraduate college: 1,500-5,000 words
  • Graduate school admission: 500-1,000 words

Blogs, Work, and Literature

  • LinkedIn article: 1,900-2,000 words
  • Blog posts: 500-800 words
  • Cover letters: 200-400 words
  • Resumes: 400-800 words
  • Short stories: ~7,500 words
  • Novellas: ~17,500-40,000 words
  • Novels: ~70,000-120,000 words

Popular Works

  • A Game of Thrones: 298,000 words
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: 76,944 words
  • Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: 187,790 words
  • Animal Farm: 29,966 words
  • Infinite Jest: 483,994 words
  • Ulysses: 265,222 words
  • Of Mice and Men: 29,160 words
  • Pride and Prejudice: 122,685 words
  • Atlas Shrugged: 561,996 words
  • The Great Gatsby: 47,094 words
  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: 38,421 words
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: 30,644 words


900,000+ users

OVER 83 MILLION checks completed

8 BILLION words counted

Word Counter: Fast and Easy

Enter (by typing directly or using copy paste) your text and find out how many words and characters it contains.

Why would you need an online word counter?

Online word counters are a perfect tool for anyone who needs to keep a count of their words and characters, but doesn’t use Microsoft Word. Imagine writing a piece and having to manually count the words! Not only will it take forever, but there’s a chance you won’t be wholly accurate.

This tool is also a good way to assess your words per minute typing rate. Simply time yourself timing for five minutes. Type into the box on the online word counter. When the time is up, divide your total word count by five, and you have your average words per minute rate.

How is our tool different from the other word counters?

All word counting is made on the go, there is no need to press any "submit" buttons to make the calculation and therefore no time is lost for this procedure. You can type the text and instantly see how many words you got so far. Also, we do not store any information that is typed or pasted in the word counting box.

Whom is this word counting tool for?

  • Bloggers/Content Writers

You could be writing an article for someone else where the word count is important, but even if it’s for your own site, this tool can be fantastic for your SEO. For example, the body of text should be a minimum of 300 words, and the title should be less than 70 characters to rank effectively.

  • Students/Teachers

As a student, you will often be expected to write assignments with specific word counts. Although a bit of leeway is usually given, if you are well off the count either way, you could lose marks. What a waste of you time and effort! Also, you may find it extremely useful to use professional writing help from custom writing services such as Academized that offers one of the best write my essay services you can find on the Web. This will come in hand in case you are required to write a really difficult assignment.

As a lecturer, you can use this tool to ensure your students’ assignments are the correct length.

In many work places, you will be expected to write pieces of certain lengths at times, for example, lawyers, secretaries etc.

© EasyWordCount.com, 2024

Word Counter

Sentences count, characters count, what is word counter.

Our word counter is a free online tool for effortlessly tallying the word count, character count, and sentence count of any piece of text. Whether you're crafting an essay, drafting an email, or composing a social media post. Paste or type your text into the provided field , and our word counter will instantly generate detailed statistics.

How do I use the word counter?

Using the word counter is easy. Begin by typing or pasting your text into the input field above on this page. Below the input field, you will find three statistics displaying the word count, character count, and sentence count of your text.

How are words counted?

To calculate the number of words within a piece of text, we split the text by spaces and then count each individual word . Our calculation ignores spelling mistakes, grammar, and double spaces.

For example, the sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" comprises of 9 words in total.

How are characters counted?

Characters are counted by totalling the number of letters, punctuation marks, and spaces within the text. E.g., "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" has 43 characters altogether.

An additional count for characters without spaces is provided. E.g., "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is 35 characters without spaces in total.

How are sentences counted?

A sentence is any string of text that is separated by either a full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark . We treat back-to-back punctuation as a single sentence (e.g., "?!" or "!." is only one sentence).

For example, the sentence "Hello John! How is the weather today?" would count as two sentences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this word counter free to use.

Yes, our word counter is 100% free to use . We believe everyone should have access to great word tools and, therefore, will not charge for a simple word counter.

Is this tool suitable for academic or professional use?

Absolutely! Our word checker is suitable for various writing tasks , including academic essays, professional documents, translation work, and casual writing.

It can also be used for checking if a piece of text is within the limit for social media networks’ maximum post lengths such as Facebook or X (formerly Twitter).

Can I use the word counter on any device?

Yes. The word counter is accessible on any device , from desktops to tablets and mobiles. You will need an internet connection to initially load the page.

Do we store inputted text?

No. We understand that you may want to use our word counter for checking personal and private pieces of text. Therefore, we do not store any input text entered into our word counter.

Whilst we do not store the text you input on this page, we do collect standard analytical events on this page, such as page views and interactions, in line with our privacy policy .

Is there a limit on the maximum length I can enter?

No, we set no hard limit on the maximum length of your input. However, please allow the tool additional computational time for larger pieces of text.

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Online Word Counter | Count Words, Characters and Sentences

Fast, Accurate, User-Friendly Online Free Word Counter Tool that counts Words, Characters, Sentences, and Paragraphs.

Word Counter Tool

What is a word counter.

Word Counter is a useful online tool that counts text words, sentences, characters, and paragraphs. It helps writers, students, bloggers, and teachers track their text words, paragraphs, sentences, and characters in the shortest time possible and ensure that they meet their requirements, like articles, essays, and social media posts. User can count their text words and characters in less than 30 seconds without counting manually. Online Word counter tool not only counts the words in words but also counts sentence length and word length and some other insights.

Related Tools:

Fancy Text Generator

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How to Use Word Counter Tool?

Here are some steps to use our tool:

1)   First, enter your desired text in the text area.

Online Free Word Counter Tool

2) Then, click on the Count Metrics button and that it.

Online Free Word Counter Tool


Our online word counter is specially developed by developers for you to determine the words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in your provided text. Our tool designs are user-friendly and easy to use. To precisely count words, our tool algorithm works in a straightforward and fast method. Here’s a brief explanation of how our took works:

1. Input Text: Users can put their documents or text in the word counter tool or they can directly write into the tool.

2. Processing: When the text is entered and the user presses the count button. The tool will process the text, find spaces between the words, and count words, characters, sentences, and punctuation in the given text.

3. Word Count: The tool algorithm then counts the words in the text by identifying the spaces, words, and punctuation between them. It counts the words and shows the user the total.

4. Additional Analysis: Our online free word counter tool provides additional information that includes character count, sentence count, paragraph count, average word length, and commonly used words. This tool also has a character count online.

5. Privacy: A reliable tool prioritizes user privacy, ensuring that the content entered for counting is not stored or accessed after the counting process is complete.

Overall, the tool’s algorithm finds and counts words in text input, providing users with an exact word count and occasionally additional useful data for their writing needs.


1) No Words Limit

Unlikely other tools, our free word counter tool has no limits. You can use 100, 500, 1000, or 5000 words according to your needs to calculate words and characters in your text.

2) 100% Free Of Cost

Our tool is the perfect solution for your needs, and the best part? It’s 100% free of cost! Yes, you read that right – absolutely zero charges. With our user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can accomplish your tasks effortlessly without spending a dime. Try it today and experience the freedom of our cost-free tool!

3) Compatible for All Devices

No need to worry about compatibility issues anymore! Our word counter tool is designed to work seamlessly on all devices. Whether you’re on your laptop, tablet, or smartphone, our tool adapts effortlessly to provide you with a consistent and user-friendly experience. Count words hassle-free across all your devices!

4) Instantly Count Words

Counting words has never been easier! With our tool, you can instantly tally the number of words in your text. No more manual counting or guesswork. Just paste or type your content, hit the button, and voila! Get an immediate word count. Say goodbye to time-consuming word counting and hello to instant results!

5) Accessible from Anywhere

Access our tool from anywhere, anytime! Whether you’re at home, in the office, or on the go, our tool is accessible round the clock. No need to download or install anything—simply visit our website from your browser, and you’re all set. Count words conveniently, no matter where you are!


A Word Counter Tool serves a wide range of individuals across various professions and interests:

1. Writers and Authors: Writers often use word counters to track their progress, adhere to word count limits for articles, essays, or novels, and ensure they meet publishing guidelines.

2. Students: Students use word counters to manage the length of their assignments, essays, research papers, and theses, ensuring they meet specific word requirements set by instructors or institutions.

3. Translators: Translators may use word counters to measure the length and complexity of texts during the translation process.

4. Social Media Managers: Individuals handling social media accounts might use word counters to optimize captions or content length for different platforms.

5. Bloggers and Content Creators: Bloggers and content creators use word counters to maintain consistency in their posts, optimize SEO by reaching target word counts, and gauge the readability of their content.


Hey there! Just like you, We highly value privacy. Unlike some other online word counter tools, we don’t store any of your documents or personal work. Your text is yours. Once you’ve used our tool and received your word count or analysis. We assure you that your content is not stored on our Website . Your privacy matters to us, and we’re committed to keeping your data secure and confidential. Count words worry-free with our tool!


We try our best to ensure that our tools are as precise as possible but we cannot promise that they will always be.

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essay word counting

Word Count Tool

What is the word count checker tool.

A word count checker tool is a tool or software that counts the number of words in a given piece of text. It’s commonly used by writers, students, and professionals to determine the length of their documents or to meet specific word count requirements. This tool can be helpful for academic papers, essays, articles, or any other type of writing where a specific word count is necessary. Many word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, have built-in word count features. Additionally, there are online word count tools available where you can copy and paste your text to quickly get the word count.

Enhance Your Writing Experience with the Best Word Counter Tools

In the digital age, where content creation is at its peak, maintaining an accurate count of words and characters is crucial. Whether you’re a blogger, a student, or a professional writer, having access to reliable word counting tools can significantly enhance your writing experience. In this article, we’ll explore the top word counter tools and how they can benefit you in various linguistic contexts.

1. Word Counter Online: Many writers prefer the convenience of online word counters. They provide a quick and easy way to analyze the length of your text. If you’re writing in different languages, such as Chinese, Arabic, or Hindi, a reliable online word counter ensures accurate results.

2. Unique Word Counter: For those who strive for linguistic diversity and creativity in their content, a unique word counter is invaluable. It helps you identify and celebrate the variety of words you use, enhancing the richness of your writing.

3. AI Word Counter: The integration of artificial intelligence in word counting tools brings a new level of accuracy and efficiency. An AI word counter adapts to different languages and writing styles, making it an ideal choice for versatile content creators.

4. Blog Word Counter: Bloggers understand the significance of word count in optimizing their content for search engines. A specialized blog word counter ensures that your posts meet SEO standards while maintaining readability and engagement.

5. Word Count Checker: Accuracy is key when it comes to word counting. A reliable word count checker helps you eliminate any discrepancies, ensuring that your content aligns with your intended message.

6. Copy and Paste Word Counter: Streamline your workflow with a copy and paste word counter. Easily analyze text from various sources without the need for manual input, saving you time and effort.

7. Best Word Counter: Choosing the best word counter involves considering factors like accuracy, ease of use, and language support. We’ll explore some of the top contenders in this category to help you make an informed decision.

8. Word Counter Command: For those who prefer command-line interfaces, a word counter command can be a powerful tool. Learn how to integrate it into your writing process for a seamless experience.

9. Word Counter Character: In addition to word count, understanding character count is crucial for meeting specific writing requirements. Discover tools that excel in both word and character counting, offering comprehensive insights into your text.

10. Word Counter Calculator: Effortlessly calculate word and character counts with the help of a word counter calculator. This tool simplifies the process, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your writing.

By incorporating these word counter tools into your writing routine, you can optimize your content for better readability, SEO, and overall impact. Choose the ones that align with your specific needs and witness the positive difference they make in your writing journey.

essay word counting

Word Counter

  • Character Counter
  • Words Per Page
  • Word Unscrambler
  • 5 Letter Words

Word Counter

A brief overview of word counter.

As the users’ demand for writing and editing develops day by day, counting words and characters, checking sentences, detecting grammar mistakes, and plagiarism cannot be done manually. As a result, the need for an online tool that helps writers as well as editors to utilize the above tasks is the major premise for creating the useful free tool, Word Counter.

Frankly speaking, Word Counter is a free online tool that can calculate how many words are in a paragraph and even the total word count for an essay, book, or novel.  

The Word Counter’s main functions

To meet the users’ demands from basic to advanced, Word Counter is featured with some main functions:

- Word count.

- Character count.

- Sentences.

- Paragraphs.

- Reading Level: Reading Time & Speaking time.

- Keywords density.

How to make use of Word Counter’s functions:

1. word count.

To calculate the number of words in a document, this function was created to find out the accurate indicator that helps the author/writer reach the specific requirement of length in their document.

  • Difference between Word Count and Character Count:

Word count is the number of words contained in the text or documents. 

Character count is the number of characters in the text or document, including special characters like dots, commas, semi-commas, and blank spaces.

The number of words is always fewer or at least equal to the number of characters.

For example, in the word "hello," there is only one word, but the number of characters is up to five.

  • How to use Word Count:

To calculate the number of words in a document, you simply place your cursor into the text box and start typing. You'll immediately see the number of words change (increase or decrease) when you do the typing, deleting, and editing. On the other hand, you can also copy and paste text from the document into the mentioned box above. Afterward, the number of words will appear quickly.  

2. Character Count  

Knowing the number of characters in a text is very important. For example, if a writer has to write an article, report, story, book, or essay that meets the specific requirements of length, this function will help them to make sure its character count doesn’t go beyond the limit.

  • How to use Character Count:

Similar to the instruction of using Word Count, you may calculate the number of characters in a text by directly typing into the text box or doing a copy-paste of the available paragraph instead. Then, the Character Count function will indicate the number of characters in the document.   

3. Sentences  

This function was created and developed to satisfy the need to count the number of sentences in a paragraph, essay, report, or book.

  • How to use Sentences in Word Counter:

To use the Sentence’s function, the writer just copy-paste the paragraph/essay/report... into the text box. No matter how long the text is, the tool can indicate the number of sentences quickly and accurately.  

4. Paragraphs  

Besides the number of words, characters, and sentences, the number of paragraphs in an essay, report, or book is considered an important piece of information that writers need to know.

This free function will help you to find out how many paragraphs are in your document.  

  • How to use Paragraphs in Word Counter:

To utilize this function, you simply put the document into the textbox. Subsequently, the number of paragraphs will appear quickly and precisely.   

5. Pages  

In the printing industry, the demand for knowing the number of pages is a key factor before printing and publishing a document. With this function, you can easily estimate the exact number of pages in your document with the following simple instruction:

  • How to use Pages in Word Counter:

Simply copy-paste your document into the content box, The number of pages will be shown in real-time, along with spelling and grammar checking.

6. Reading Level: Reading Time and Speaking Time  

  • The importance of Reading Level’s usage:

Have you ever wondered how long a speech lasts? How long does it take to finish an interesting book? This words per minute (WPM) calculator can assist you in converting the number of words and the amount of time needed to read or speak them. You will be able to estimate how many words a small speech has as well as how long it takes you to read a text with a thousand words if you do this.

  • How to use this function:

Foremost, select the Reading speed or Speaking speed. There are three modes for each function: Slow, Average, and Fast. The tool will calculate the time needed to accomplish the document based on your chosen mode.   

7. Keywords Densit

There is a fact that the frequency of keywords appearing in your text on the web page can affect the page's ranking.

The percentage of times a keyword appears is referred to as "Keyword Density."

That means using a keyword or phrase too many times will make the search engines undervalue your site. However, repeating it at a too low frequency can’t bring the desired effect.

The Keywords Densit function in Word Counter can help you accurately indicate how many times keywords appear on a website or a post.  

In a nutshell, you can use Word Counter to track your text length to meet specific requirements like the number of characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and grammar check as well . If you are looking for a useful and free online tool to help you handle the above tasks, Word Counter is definitely a good choice.

Reading Time0
Speaking Time0

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Students’ best word counter tool

Use Word Counter Tool to Count Number of Characters, Words, Sentences, and Paragraphs in the Text

Type your text directly into our tool or copy and paste it

The system automatically counts all the symbols

Get complete info about the number of words and characters in your paper

What is the online word counter?

The count of words is a vital metric to track in a variety of situations. It plays a huge role in essays and other academic papers. At the same time, word count is vital in some professional writing fields, such as publishing, advertising, and legal proceedings. It becomes especially important when the text is meant for Google Ads, social media, apps, Google meta titles and descriptions, and other cases when certain word count limitations apply. The word counter online by Studyfy is a free tool designed to help you calculate the count of words in your documents. Also, it can help you define the number of paragraphs, sentences, letters, and characters. And the best part of it is that there are absolutely no limitations on the number of attempts or words you can count with our tool!

essay word counting

What makes Studyfy word counter tool the best?

Our tool is the best choice for students and professionals due to the intuitiveness, user-friendliness, high speed, and accuracy. See other advantages of our tool.

Free word counter & no sign up

How often do you decide to use a free tool and stumble upon a long and tedious registration process? Forget about this with Studyfy! Our tool is free and you can use it without registration.

Fast speed & ease of use

The two most significant pros of our online tool are that it works fast and is super intuitive in use. All you need is to paste or type your text into the box and click the button. And that’s all, only a few simple steps!

One tool to calculate everything you need

Students, writers, bloggers, and other professionals who have to deal with certain word counts, will find all metrics they need in our tool. Although it is called a word calculator, it can also help you define the number of characters, sentences, and paragraphs. It is one tool for multiple purposes!

Free features

Service that helps make your papers perfect.

Studyfy is your perfect destination for flawless texts! With a dedicated team of qualified essay editors and proofreaders, we offer art essay writing service , philosophy essay writing (including " write my philosophy essay " requests), term paper writing , and nursing essay writing . Our experts are always ready to proofread and edit your works, helping you with your homework and leaving a lasting impression on your professor. Don't hesitate to rely on Studyfy for all your academic writing needs!

How does online word counter tool work?

Insert the text.

Type your text in the box of our tool or simply paste it. You can use our tool for your essay and any other type of text, with no word or other limitations.

Real-time results

You don't need to click any buttons since our tool works on a real-time basis. It will give you instantaneous results.

Get your words counted

Get a report on the number of words, and characters both with and without spaces, sentences, and paragraphs!

Tell Us Your Instructions

Who is our text word counter designed for?

Bloggers and marketing specialists, students and teachers, content writers, other users, our customer reviews.

Thousands of users have already tested our top word counter tool for academic, professional, and personal purposes and loved it thanks to a high speed, user-friendliness, and other pros. Here’s what they say:

I prefer to write essays by my own. And it always need to be the right lenght by words and by paragraphs.This tool helps a lot in such case: here is everything I need calculated in one click.

It helped me to be more productive in writing papers as a freelancer at my free time out of studying. It very quick and simple with everything that is needed to be in such tool.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it really free, will i see the characters count with or without spaces, how many times can i use your tool without registration, will it count the sentences or paragraphs, get the most out of studyfy essay word counter.

  • Using the free tools by Studyfy, you can rest assured that your data is not being collected or stored. We ensure that your papers remain unique.
  • We also guarantee complete confidentiality to everyone who requests the help of our professional writers and editors.
  • We only help you calculate your text parameters and help with writing.
  • All personal data remains confidential.
  • Users’ safety is our top priority!
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  • Word Counter

What is Word Counter?

A word counter is a tool that helps you count the number of words and characters in a document. The tool also works as a sentence counter and calculates the number of sentences, phrases, and paragraphs in a document as well. For those of you concerned about the reading or speaking time for the text you're working on, the tool will also offer you that. It is also capable of calculating the frequency of a particular word in a document. For example, the frequency of the word 'word' in this document is 8.8%.

Online Word Counter vs. Word Processors

The job of an online word counter is similar to that of a word processor. However, word processors are great for writing your articles but do not provide adequate measures to optimize your writing. Word counter has a word frequency counter that helps you measure your article's primary keywords and how to use them better. It also has a sentence counter that lets you understand whether your piece has the right number of sentences for its length. 

For example, if a 1000-word article doesn't have a lot of sentences, it means that the reading can be very complicated and hard for the audience to understand. 

Word Count in Word and Office Suite

The word count offered by Word and Office Suite counts the number of words in your document. It also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters. This essay word counter offered by Word checks the document thoroughly and gives you the number of characters with and without spaces as well. You can check the number of words in your essay on the status bar of your document. 

However, the status bar shows the number of words in the entire document. To check the number of words in some lines or paragraphs, you can select them and check the status bar. If you click on the status bar, you will also get information about the lines, paragraphs, and characters. 

Word Count in PDF Document

Unlike Word or Office Suite, a PDF document doesn't display the number of words in the status bar. It also doesn't have a menu that lets you see the word count in the file. Therefore, one of the options is to convert the file into a Rich Text Format (RTF) and then count its words. Another option is to upload the file onto an online word count calculator and calculate the number of words in the document. 

Word Count in Google Docs

Google Docs also doesn't have a status bar that shows the number of words in the document. However, you can click on the Tools tab in the Menu bar, under which you will find the word count option. It also allows you to choose the option to show word count all the time while you're writing your article. Unlike the word count checker tool, Google Docs only counts the number of pages, words, characters, and characters without spaces in the document. It doesn't tell you about the word frequency or the number of sentences. 

How to Use the Word Count Tool - Step by Step Guide

The word count tool is an easy online helper that helps you check the number of words in your document and the frequency of specific keywords in them. Here's how you can use the Word Count Tool online. 

  • Open the webpage of the online word count tool.
  • The page has a text box where you can start typing your essay or paste the text from a document on your computer. 
  • Once you have pasted the content or have typed it up, the number of words and characters would be displayed near the text box. 
  • You will also get the frequency of all the words in your document to see if you need to make any changes to it. You will also be able to check the number of sentences, paragraphs, and pages in the document.
  • Finally, you can export the list of the words in .txt or.csv format.

The Word Counter is a helpful tool to make your documents ready to be put up online. Not only do they help you stay under your word-limit, but they also help you find the right keywords for your document and use them wisely.

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Word Counter

Learn how to master your assignments within a short amount of time and increase the word count in your essay. Furthermore, you will find plenty of free word counter tools in this post.

So, you’ve been assigned to write 5 or 10-page essay and don’t know where to start and how to meet how to hit this number of pages? Don’t worry. Just read this post and follow our advice to boost your writing skills. Here, you will find:

⚙️ 15 Word Count Tools

✅ step-by-step guide on how to write your 10-page essay, 📝 6 tips on how to increase a word count in your writing.

You may be wondering, why it is important to know the word count in your academic paper or blog post. Here’s the thing: some professors may assign both minimum and maximum word limit for your paper.

As for blogging, it’s simple: if you write 4,000 words post, chances are that your reader would never reach it to the end. On the other hand, if you write it too short, you won’t be able to catch the reader’s attention, and it’s likely that Google won’t rank it high. And, according to Brian Dean , the ideal blog post length is 1,000-2,000 words.

So, let’s analyze your writing, using the tools below:

1. WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing

This tool would be helpful to any writer. The analytics it provides shows the word, characters, sentences, and paragraphs count. The service will also analyze reading level using Dale–Chall readability formula , as well as reading and speaking time.

2. Word Counter – Count Words and Check Grammar

The service would be helpful for both bloggers and students. This tool will help you to analyze your blog post or academic paper, check the word count, determine the keyword density, and even check your grammar.

3. Count of Words

The free calculator allows you to count words within two simple steps: type or paste your text into the box and press the “Count Words” button. Bonus: this website also can help you to get the accurate character number and learn how to spell words.

4. Easy Word Count

The word count app would help you to determine the number of words, characters and characters without spaces. This tool would be helpful for both students and freelance writers.

5. Character Count Tool

This tool will help you to find the answer on the question “How to see how many words you typed?” The app would provide you with detailed statistics on word count: syllables, sentences, unique words, average word and sentence length, difficult words, etc. You will also find all the necessary stats on your text readability.

6. Word Counter | KeywordTool

Here’s another service that will count text length online. The tool will immediately provide you with word and character count. This website would be helpful not only for academic writing but also for blogging, SEO and SMM.

7. Doc Word Counter

If you don’t want to copy and paste your text from the document to determine the number of words, try this tool. The service supports all major document file formats to provide you with the most accurate results. It also supports Japanese and Chinese languages.

8. Word Counter | Grammica

Here’s another great service for all writers. It will count the number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs. The website also offers free popular SEO tools that would be helpful for students too. For example, online grammar checker, spell check, paraphrasing tool, etc.

9. Word Count Tool

This free online word counter provides you with immediate accurate results. It will calculate words, characters, sentences, and readability index. As a bonus, you can find words-to-pages table.

10. Number of Words

Another word count app to find out how many characters, words, and paragraphs. It will also tell you the number of pages, both single and double spaced.

11. Free Word Counter | Grammar

Check this online character and word counting tool. You’ll get results immediately. It will show the number of characters, words, sentences, etc. Additionally, this website provides free grammar and punctuation check. Also, you can install a browser extension to check your writing for style, spelling and grammar problems.

12. Online Word Counter | Textfixer

TextFixer is a well-known online service for writers, SEO specialists and marketers. Among other tools like Random Word Generator or Word to HTML Converter, you will find a Word Count Checker. All you have to do is just paste your text into the box and click “Count Words” button.

13. WordCounter | DataBasic

Here’s another simple tool to analyze your texts. You can paste your text or a link, upload a file, or use a sample. The online app is available in English, Spanish, Portugese and Danish languages.

14. Word Counter for Android

If you’re looking for an essay word counter to use on your Android smartphone or tablet, you should try this free tool. It would count number of characters, sentences, words and paragraphs as you type. You can save drafts and access to the stats: unique words, average word and sentence length, etc.

15. Word Count App for iOS

Well, you’ve been assigned to write a 2,500 - 3,000 words. It would not be easy, but we’ve prepared a step-by-step guide that will help you to cope with this task within just one day:

  • Eat your meals. Choose a healthy breakfast to fuel your body and mind. If you’re caffeine addict, it is acceptable to drink a cup of coffee. However, avoid drinking it too much of it as you may find yourself crashing after a few hours. Check out our post to find a list of products that would help your brain to function well.

Remember, you should be able to stay focused as long as possible, so turn off your phone and avoid constantly checking Facebook and Twitter updates. There are plenty useful apps that can help you to block distracting websites and apps.

  • 8 AM – 9 AM: Have breakfast and do your morning exercise. This would help you wake up and get a lot of extra pep in your step.
  • 9 AM – 9:20 AM: Choose your essay topic and approach. Choose only one essay question you have the most knowledge about or have some strong opinions. The next step you should take is to decide how you are going to tackle the question.
  • 9:30 AM – 11 AM: Plan your essay. Write a plan and essay outline. Determine key points you will use in your main argument. Make a list of supporting arguments and counterarguments.

11 AM – 11:45 AM: Write an introduction. Now, when you know what and when you’re going to write in your essay, it’s time to start your intro. Introduce key argument and tell your readers how you will support it. Make a short outline in your introduction so you indicate exactly what it is you’re planning to argue.

Remember, don’t get stuck into your essay introduction – you would be able to improve it at the editing stage.

  • 11:45 AM – 1 PM: Make a research. Use the next hour to do your research and find quotes and references to support your arguments. You can use Google Scholar to find quotes for your paper without wasting time going through endless paragraphs. Don’t forget to note your sources and format them for the bibliography. This will save you a lot of time and help to avoid plagiarism.
  • 1 PM – 1:45 PM: Take a break and have a lunch.

1:45 PM – 6 PM: Write the essay body. You’ve already done the research to support ideas you set out in your outline. So it’s time to use these evidence and put them into your paper. If you still don’t believe you can write a 10 page essay, here’s the trick: pick out a single point and head back to your research. We’re sure that there will be additional quotes that you could throw in to make your point even clearer.

If you decide to use many quotes from other sources, remember to paraphrase your arguments. This would give the paper your own voice. Moreover, you will be able to determine which words are someone else’s and which are yours. Use the proper citation!

One more thing we would like to discuss is the conclusion. It shouldn’t be too long, even if you still don’t meet the word count. All you have to do is just summarize the arguments you discussed in the body and explain how they all support your response to the essay question.

  • 6 PM – 6:45 PM: Don’t forget about your dinner!
  • 6:45 PM – 10:30 PM: Polish your paper. Well, congratulations. You’re almost there. All you have to do is read through your essay, check if it flows nicely and how your paragraphs are linked. Revise your grammar and spelling mistakes. Make sure that your paper meets all professor’s requirements.

Now, you know how to write a 10 page essay within just one day. However, we do not recommend to procrastinate and leave your assignments to the last day.

If you find out that your paper doesn’t meet the word count set by professor, we’ve got some tips on how to increase the wording without making the essay weak:

Add more examples

Scan your essay and find out if there is any any place where you can insert example to support your thesis statement. You may also provide additional cases which will make your essay stronger and show your understanding of the topic.

Present different viewpoints

Another effective approach to increase word count and improve your essay is to provide different viewpoints to your own. You can discuss these alternative attitudes and explain why you think your conclusions are exceptional.

Doing this simple exercise will make your essay more powerful and show that you have considered a range of different opinions. Bonus: you will add more words.

Clarify thesis statement

In case if adding examples and presenting counter arguments doesn’t make sense, perhaps, you may try to clarify the thesis statement. How to do this? Just add a couple specific statements to explain the original one.

Add more sources

Here’s the deal: the more sources you have in your essay, the stronger it would be. So spend some time searching for additional sources you haven’t mentioned in the paper to support the statements and conclusions you’ve made.

Add quotations

You’ve might already placed appropriate quotations in your essay. In this case, you can skip this suggestion. However, if you haven’t used any, using quotations that support your statements can become an outstanding way to add more words to your paper and improve it at the same time.

Rewrite your introduction and conclusion

If all the methods mentioned above still haven’t enabled you to reach your word count minimum and you still need to add some filler, take a look at your introduction and conclusion. If you tried everything else, it’s better to add words it to these two sections than in the essay body.

Now you know that it is possible to write a 3000 word essay in just one day, increase the word count in your essay and have all the necessary tools to calculate the number of words in your writing. We hope these guidelines would be helpful for school, college, and university students, as well as for bloggers and content marketers.

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

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This page is for everyone interested in getting one of the most important metrics for any paper — word count. Not only does it include reviews with links for 15 word count tools, but will also give you tips on how to increase the length of your paper. Apart from that, it has a guide on writing a 10-page essay.

Word Count 2

Word Counter Tool

Word Counter

A Simple & Free online Word Counter Tool


Word Count: 0

Character Count: 0

Sentence Count: 0

  • What is Word Counter?

Whether you are a Student or somebody who is into writing stuff, you would have definitely wondered how many words are in a piece of text you are writing. Well, a word counter is just the tool you need! It’s a digital companion that effortlessly calculates the number of words in your writing. Say goodbye to manual counting and hello to accurate and instant word counts. Whether you’re working on a short paragraph or tackling a lengthy essay or article, a Word Count takes care of the technicalities so you can focus on your content.

History of Word Counting tool

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In the 1960s, as computers began to gain popularity, early word-processing software was developed. These early tools allowed users to create, edit, and save documents electronically, but they lacked the feature of word counting. The actual word count had to be manually calculated, which was cumbersome and prone to errors.

In the 1980s, with the advent of more sophisticated word processors and the rise of personal computers, word-counting functionality began to be integrated. Writers could now easily track the number of words in their documents, making it more convenient to meet specific word requirements for assignments or publications.

As the internet expanded in the 1990s, word counting tools found their place in online platforms and word processing software. Online editors and blogging platforms incorporated word counting as a basic feature, catering to the needs of a growing online writing community.

In the 2000s, word counting tools became even more refined and user-friendly, often providing additional metrics such as character count, reading time, and average word length. These tools allowed users to gauge the readability and complexity of their writing.

Today, word-counting tools have reached new heights with the advent of cloud-based applications and advanced algorithms. Some even offer real-time collaboration and integration with project management tools, catering to the needs of professional writers and teams working on complex projects.

Word count tools offer unparalleled accuracy, eliminating the possibility of human errors when manually counting words. They rapidly process large texts, saving time and effort for writers.

For writers dealing with word-limited assignments or character-restricted platforms, word-counting tools are lifesavers. These tools enable precise adjustments to reach the required word count without sacrificing the essence of the content.

A balanced and well-structured piece of writing can significantly impact its effectiveness. Word counting tools encourage writers to be concise and eliminate unnecessary fluff, leading to improved overall writing quality.

For content creators, bloggers, and marketers, maintaining an optimal keyword density is essential for SEO. Word counting website can analyze the frequency of keywords in the text, helping writers fine-tune their content for better search engine rankings.

Writers often set personal goals for daily or weekly word counts. Word-counting tools assist in tracking progress, motivating writers, and boosting productivity.

Search engines often favor content that meets specific word count requirements. Utilizing Word counting tools ensures that content creators optimize their articles for improved SEO and readability, ultimately attracting a larger audience.

With a plethora of Word counting tools available, selecting the most suitable one for individual needs is crucial. Consider factors like ease of use, additional features, and compatibility with different file formats.

Using a word count tool is straightforward. Simply paste or upload the text into the tool’s interface, and it will instantly display the word count, character count, and other relevant statistics.

Once the word count results are available, writers should interpret the data in the context of their specific goals. This may involve making adjustments to meet required word limits, improving keyword density, or reorganizing content for better readability.

To maximize the benefits of word counter tools, writers should make them an integral part of their writing routine. Regularly assessing word count during the writing process can help maintain focus and ensure adherence to length requirements.

Gone are the days of manual word counting, which was both time-consuming and prone to errors. Thanks to technology, we now have efficient digital tools that handle this task seamlessly.

One option is to use online word count tools. These tools are readily available and offer convenience and accuracy. Simply copy and paste your text into the designated area, and with a single click, you get an instant word count. Many online word counters even provide additional features like character count, reading time estimation, and frequency analysis. It’s like having a writing companion who offers valuable insights into your writing style and content structure.

Word Counter sample

If you prefer working with word processing software, you’re in luck! Most word processors, such as Microsoft Word , Google Docs , and Pages, include built-in word count features. These features allow you to track the number of words, characters and sentences in real-time as you write. It’s like having a live word count display right in the corner of your screen. This visibility helps you monitor your progress effortlessly and make adjustments to your writing as needed. Additionally, these tools often offer the option to exclude specific sections from the word count, such as headers, footnotes, or references. This ensures accurate calculations and saves you from unnecessary counting headaches.

It is a user-friendly online tool designed to count words, characters, and sentences in a given text. It offers real-time statistics and analysis, allowing users to track their writing progress and improve content quality. Additionally, the website provides insights into keyword density and readability, making it a valuable resource for writers, bloggers, and students alike.

This versatile word-counting tool is catering to various writing needs. Users can easily determine word and character counts in their texts, whether it’s a short paragraph or an entire document. The platform also includes advanced features like keyword analysis, sentence and paragraph counting, and estimated reading time. With a sleek and intuitive interface, WordCounter.io is an excellent companion for writers and content creators aiming for precision and efficiency.

This is a comprehensive online word-counting platform with a focus on enhancing writing productivity. Beyond simple word and character counts, this website offers grammar checking, spell correction, and vocabulary enrichment tools. Writers can gauge the readability of their texts using the Flesch-Kincaid reading score and access synonym suggestions for varied expressions. With an array of useful writing aids, TheWordCounter.com aims to empower users to create engaging and error-free content.

SmallSEOTools.com presents a feature-rich Word Counting tool designed to assist writers, bloggers, and SEO professionals. By offering precise word and character counting, it enables users to optimize content length for search engine rankings. Moreover, the tool includes bonus features like a keyword density checker and a unique article rewriting system to improve SEO performance. With its range of SEO-focused utilities, SmallSEOTools.com is a valuable resource for online content creators.

WordCount.com is a straightforward online word-counting tool, providing a quick and reliable way to count words and characters in text. Geared towards simplicity and efficiency, the website serves as a convenient resource for students, journalists, and anyone requiring word-related metrics. Though minimalistic in design, WordCount.com excels at its primary function, delivering accurate word and character counts without unnecessary complexity.

Word counter tools play a crucial role in various writing contexts, catering to distinct needs across different domains. In academia and essay writing, these tools are invaluable for students and academic writers, ensuring they meet specific essay and assignment requirements, such as word limits and guidelines. By accurately tracking word counts, students can maintain conciseness and clarity in their academic work.

For professional content creation, word counter tools become indispensable tools for content creators and marketers. These tools aid in optimizing blog posts, articles, and promotional content by adhering to SEO best practices and enhancing audience engagement. By striking the right word balance, content creators can attract and retain readers effectively.

In the realm of social media and marketing, word counter tools empower social media managers and marketers to craft impactful and concise posts tailored to various platforms’ limitations. Maintaining brevity while conveying powerful messages is essential for capturing audiences’ attention amidst the vast social media landscape.

Additionally, bloggers and SEO specialists benefit from word count tools to improve their content’s visibility and search engine rankings. Search engines often favor well-structured and informative posts, making word count optimization a vital aspect of successful blogging and content marketing strategies. In conclusion, word counting tools cater to the diverse requirements of academia, professional content creation, social media management, and SEO, offering valuable support to writers and marketers in their respective fields.

  • Set writing goals: Use your word count tool to set realistic word count goals for yourself. Break down larger projects into smaller, achievable targets. This not only keeps you motivated but also helps you track your progress effectively.
  • Analyze your writing patterns: Take advantage of the data provided by your word count too. Review your word count history to identify patterns in your productivity. This self-awareness allows you to fine-tune your writing process and overcome any obstacles that may hinder your progress.
  • Overcome writer’s block: If you ever find yourself struggling with writer’s block, turn to your word count tool. Instead of focusing on perfection, concentrate on the number of words you’re writing. This shift in mindset can help break through the block and get your creative juices flowing.
  • Improve writing speed: Remember the old saying, “Practice makes perfect”? The more you write, the faster you become. Challenge yourself to increase your word count gradually. Your word count tool will be there to motivate you and celebrate your progress as you develop faster writing skills.

Before we wrap up, don’t forget to bookmark this page ! Having a word count readily available will be a game-changer for your writing endeavors.

A word count tool is an invaluable tool for any writer. It simplifies the process of determining word count, helps you track your progress, ensures you meet word count requirements, and boosts your productivity and efficiency. So, embrace this digital companion and let it empower you on your writing journey.

You’re welcome to download and utilize the HTML code presented below. By doing so, you’ll gain access to the identical Word Counter tool that is prominently showcased on this website. We sincerely hope that this tool proves to be beneficial for addressing your specific requirements and objectives. Don’t hesitate to explore its functionalities and make the most of its capabilities. Your positive experience with this tool is our utmost priority, and we’re delighted to offer you this resource for enhancing your word-counting endeavors.

Q1: Are word counters accurate? Absolutely! Word counters provide accurate word counts for your text. However, slight variations may occur due to factors like formatting or specific algorithms used by different tools.

Q2: Can I use a word count tool for languages other than English? Certainly! Word counters work with various languages, including those with different character sets or non-Latin scripts. They adapt to your writing needs.

Q3: Are there offline word counters available? Yes, many word counters offer offline versions that you can download and use without an internet connection. You can enjoy the convenience and accuracy of word counting anywhere, anytime.

Q4: Can a word count tool detect plagiarism? No, word counters focus solely on counting words and don’t have the ability to detect plagiarism. To detect plagiarism, specialized software or services should be used.

Q5: Are there word counters specifically tailored for academic writing? Absolutely! Some word counters cater specifically to academic writing, allowing you to exclude references, footnotes, or bibliographies from the word count. They help you meet the specific requirements of academic institutions.

Remember, bookmark this page and make the most of your word counter experience!

Read about How to Make an Online Word Count Website and Earn Money

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  • Knowledge Base
  • College essay

How Long Should a College Essay Be? | Word Count Tips

Published on September 29, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on June 1, 2023.

Most college application portals specify a word count range for your essay, and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit. If no word count is specified, we advise keeping your essay between 400 and 600 words.

You should aim to stay under the specified limit to show you can follow directions and write concisely. However, if you write too little, it may seem like you are unwilling or unable to write a thoughtful and developed essay.

Table of contents

Word count guidelines for different application types, how to shorten your essay, how to expand your essay, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Each university has a different suggested or required word count depending on which application portal it uses.

Some application portals will allow you to exceed the word count limit, but admissions officers have limited time and energy to read longer essays. Other application portals have a strict limit and will not allow you to exceed it.

For example, in the Common App , the portal will not allow you to submit more than 650 words. Some colleges using the Common App will allow you to submit less than 250 words, but this is too short for a well-developed essay.

Application portal Word count Strict limit?
Common App 250–650
Coalition App 500–650
UC App Four 350-word essays

For scholarship essays , diversity essays , and “Why this college?” essays , word count limits vary. Make sure to verify and respect each prompt’s limit.

Don’t worry too much about word count until the revision stage ; focusing on word count while writing may hinder your creativity. Once you have finished a draft, you can start shortening or expanding your essay if necessary.

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On some application portals, you can exceed the word limit, but there are good reasons to stay within it:

  • To maintain the admissions officer’s attention
  • To show you can follow directions
  • To demonstrate you can write concisely

Here are some strategies for shortening your essay.

Stay on the main point

It’s good to use vivid imagery, but only include relevant details. Cut any sentences with tangents or unnecessary information.

My father taught me how to strategically hold the marshmallow pierced by a twig at a safe distance from the flames to make sure it didn’t get burned, ensuring a golden brown exterior.

Typically, my father is glued to his computer since he’s a software engineer at Microsoft. But that night, he was the marshmallow master. We waited together as the pillowy sugary goodness caramelized into gooey delight. Good example: Sticks to the point On our camping trip to Yosemite, my family spent time together, away from technology and routine responsibility.

My favorite part was roasting s’mores around the campfire. My father taught me how to hold the marshmallow at a safe distance from the flames, ensuring a golden brown exterior.

These college essay examples also demonstrate how you can cut your essay down to size.

Eliminate wordiness

Delete unnecessary words that clutter your essay. If a word doesn’t add value, cut it.

Here are some common examples of wordiness and how to fix them.

Problem Solution
We had done a lot of advance planning for our science project. We had done a lot of planning for our science project.
I didn’t know whether or not I should tell the truth. I didn’t know whether I should tell the truth.
When I was a child, I came up with an imaginary friend named Roger to get away from my parents’ fighting. When I was a child, I invented an imaginary friend named Roger to escape my parents’ fighting.
Unnecessary “of” phrases The mother of my friend was Marissa, who was a member of our church. My friend’s mother Marissa was a fellow church member.
False subjects “There is/there are” There are many large-scale farms in America, but there is a local sustainable farm preserved by my family. America has many large-scale farms, but my family preserves a local sustainable one.
Unnecessary qualifiers I pretty much just wanted a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone from Baskin Robbins. I wanted a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone from Baskin Robbins.
Passive voice Most of the German chocolate cake was eaten by me. I ate most of the German chocolate cake.
Unnecessary helping verbs I am going to be attending my school’s annual carnival. I will attend my school’s annual carnival.

Use a paraphrasing tool

If you want to save time, you can make use of a paraphrasing tool . Within the tool you can select the “short” mode to rewrite your essay in less words. Just copy your text in the tool and within 1 click you’ll have shortened your essay.

If you’re significantly under the word count, you’re wasting the opportunity to show depth and authenticity in your essay. Admissions officers may see your short essay as a sign that you’re unable to write a detailed, insightful narrative about yourself.

Here are some strategies for expanding your essay.

Show detailed examples, and don’t tell generic stories

You should include detailed examples that can’t be replicated by another student. Use vivid imagery, the five senses, and specific objects to transport the reader into your story.

My mom cooks the best beef stew. The sweet smell of caramelized onions and braised beef wafts from the kitchen. My mother attends to the stew as if it’s one of her patients at the hospital, checking every five to 10 minutes on its current state.
The shepherd’s pie reminded me of familiar flavors. Reminding me of the warm, comforting blanket from my childhood, the shepherd’s pie tasted like home.
His hands were cracked and rough. His hands were cracked and rough like alligator skin.

Reveal your feelings and insight

If your essay lacks vulnerability or self-reflection, share your feelings and the lessons you’ve learned.

Be creative with how you express your feelings; rather than simply writing “I’m happy,” use memorable images to help the reader clearly visualize your happiness. Similarly, for insight, include the follow-up actions from your lessons learned; instead of claiming “I became a hard worker,” explain what difficult tasks you accomplished as a result of what you learned.

After my best friend Doug moved away, it was really hard. Before, we used to always talk about video games, barter snacks during lunch, and share secrets. But now, I’m solo. Before my best friend Doug moved away, we used to do everything together. We would spend countless bus rides discussing and strategizing sessions. At lunch break, we would barter Oreos and Cheez-Its while confiding in each other about whom we wanted to ask to the school dance. But now, I’m Solo, like Han without Chewbacca.
My mother’s death was difficult. My father’s grief made it difficult for him to take care of me and my brothers, so I took care of them. After my mom passed, my grief was overwhelming, but my father’s was even deeper. At 13, I cooked, cleaned, and took care of my two younger brothers. Although the household responsibilities were tiring, I liked一and needed一the stability and purpose I derived from the new routine.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

Most college application portals specify a word count range for your essay, and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit to write a developed and thoughtful essay.

You should aim to stay under the specified word count limit to show you can follow directions and write concisely. However, don’t write too little, as it may seem like you are unwilling or unable to write a detailed and insightful narrative about yourself.

If no word count is specified, we advise keeping your essay between 400 and 600 words.

If you’re struggling to reach the word count for your college essay, add vivid personal stories or share your feelings and insight to give your essay more depth and authenticity.

If your college essay goes over the word count limit , cut any sentences with tangents or irrelevant details. Delete unnecessary words that clutter your essay.

You can speed up this process by shortening and smoothing your writing with a paraphrasing tool . After that, you can use the summarizer to shorten it even more.

There is no set number of paragraphs in a college admissions essay . College admissions essays can diverge from the traditional five-paragraph essay structure that you learned in English class. Just make sure to stay under the specified word count .

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Courault, K. (2023, June 01). How Long Should a College Essay Be? | Word Count Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 4, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/college-essay-length/

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Essay Tools

Free Word Counter Tool

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Use our tool at your convenience! Just type in or insert the text in the field below and get what you need – the number of characters, words, sentences and paragraphs.

Characters: 0

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Paragraphs: 0

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Magic Word Counter Tool

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Detail Information

Keyword Density

Magic word counter the ultimate word counter tool., do you ever struggle to gauge the length and complexity of your writing.

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Getting started is simple. Just copy and paste your document into the text box on our site. In seconds, our online word counter tool scans your content and delivers key statistics like word count, unique words, reading time, and more. You can even view the number of paragraphs, sentences, and individual words within your writing.

One of the most useful metrics is word count in words. Knowing the full word count helps ensure your articles, essays, or other texts meet length requirements. Our tool displays the total next to handy guides showing pages, minutes, and complexity based on word volume.

Of course, size isn’t everything. Our free word counter tool also checks for keyword density, overused words, and patterns indicating plagiarism. The detailed results allow writers to fine-tune their work for maximum impact.

For example, you may learn that your word calculator identifies too many complex words for the intended audience. Or find repeated keywords that sound unnatural. With this feedback, you can simplify language or diversify vocabulary while preserving your message.

Why Our Word Counter Stands Out. Our magic word calculator tool offers significant advantages over other options: Word Counter Online Accessibility. As an online resource, our word counting tool works seamlessly across devices. There’s no software to download or install. Just open the site in your web browser to get writing recommendations in seconds. Customizable “Favorite” Metrics. While we display key statistics by default, you can also bookmark specific measurements like syllables, consonants, emoji count, and more. Building a personalized dashboard takes no time at all. Flexible Export Options. After using our best word counter tool website, save your results in a variety of convenient formats. Export to PDF, Excel, Google Docs and others without sacrificing the original text. Printouts also make it easy to include word count details in your work. Secure Encrypted Platform. Never worry about privacy when using our tool. Submitting writing for analysis is 100% confidential thanks to high-grade encryption protecting all activity on our best word counter tool website 2023. Core Word Count Features. Word Count. Our tool’s flagship feature allows you to see the total number of words in your text at a glance. This metric offers a quick way to check if your writing meets specific length requirements. Character Count. In addition to overall word count, we also provide the total number of characters. This gives you further insight into the length and depth of your content. Keyword Density. This percentage indicates how often your primary keywords appear compared to the total number of words. Striking an optimal keyword density improves findability. Readability Scores. Our tool generates industry-standard readability scores like Flesch Kincaid Grade Level. These quantify the ease with which readers can comprehend your text. Advanced Insights. Average Words Per Sentence. Simply put, this metric demonstrates your sentence complexity. Short, punchy sentences typically have higher readability. Average Characters Per Sentence. Similar to the above statistic, a higher number of characters per sentence often correlates with reduced readability. Longest/Shortiest Sentences. Getting a handle on your longest and shortest sentences allows you to smooth out inconsistencies in sentence length. Paragraph Count. Quickly see how your text breaks down into paragraphs with this handy metric. Well-structured content employs regular paragraph spacing. Unique Words. Understanding how many different words you use reveals opportunities to diversify vocabulary for enhanced engagement. Save and Export Results.If needed, easily save reports as PDFs and .csv spreadsheets to reference metrics for different versions of content later. Additional Convenient Features. Print Results. Forget taking manual notes! Our build-in printing capability lets you save trees and have a physical copy of statistics. Select All Text. Speed up making widespread edits with the ability to highlight all of the input content at once. Undo/Redo. Made an accidental change? Undo or Redo options are available here. Cut/Copy/Paste. These basic but indispensable options facilitate moving text around so you can try out different structures. Find/Replace Searching for specific words and phrases or replacing them entirely takes just seconds with search and replace. One/Two/Three/Four/Five Word Highlighting. Still working on variable sentence structure? Empower yourself to spot overused short sentence lengths.When it comes to optimizing readability, punching up engagement, and driving search visibility, our multifaceted word counter provides all the data you need to excel. Stop wasting time guessing if your writing hits the mark. Instead, leverage our smart word count tool to engineer content that truly resonates with and converts readers. Focus Keywords: word counter, character counter, paragraph counter, word count checker , free online word counter, seo copywriting tool Put Our Word Counter to the Test. Our dedication to continuous development means regular upgrades with new and improved metrics. See why customers praise our online word calculator as the best in class for in-depth statistics at a glance. The insights can strengthen academic papers, marketing copy, technical documentation, and various other projects. If you need to understand complex texts quickly, try our intelligent word calculator online today. The sheer wealth of available data will change how you approach writing assignments. Why struggle to perfect prose when our magic word calculator now can do the heavy lifting? Sign up for free to get word counting now!

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Why You Should Use EduBirdie’s Essay Word Counter?

The design team at EduBirdie has created a word counter tool that you can use to improve the quality of a paper. Our team created this tool because we know how important it is for you to stay within the page limits established by a professor. Read this quick description to find out how our character count calculator helps.

A Brief Overview of How Word Counter For Essays Works

Our online word count calculator counts the written words in an essay so that you can avoid going over a professor’s character and word count limit and avoid using redundant text and language. Here is a small guide on how to use it: 

  • Copy and paste a text into the field provided on the web page.
  • Allow the online word counter program to analyze your text and retrieve results. It takes less than a second.
  • To the right of the field, there is a section that tells how many characters and words there are in a paper.
  • Click ‘clear all’ at the bottom of the field to delete the copy-pasted text when you are done.

Why Our Word Count Tool is the Best

First of all, it’s free, as well as other essay writing tools by EduBirdie.com: free paraphrasing tool , plagiarism checker, case converter tool and many others. When submitting an essay to be checked, you do not pay a dime. Use it as many times as you want without worrying about how much it costs, it is free. Moreover, our character count and word count for essay check tool always works; you will never be left in the lurch. Never worry again about glitches or bugs preventing you from getting your work done. In case  any help is needed, 24/7 Customer Support will immediately give an answer. That's mean that If there are any questions about how to use our online device, contact our customer service specialists. They are always available to assist you!

How Character Count Can Help

Don`t worry about the limits of text, we keep you within a page limit through all the process. Most, if not all, professors give their students a page limit. Going over a professor’s page or word limit will result in a lower grade than you would normally get. Thankfully, our word counter tool tells how many words, pages, and characters are in an essay so that you can avoid upsetting your professor.

We will help you avoid redundant phrases to make a paper  perfect match to requirements. No one likes a long-winded essay that says the same thing over and over again. That is another reason why we have created this word counter software, because staying within a character limit helps keep an assignment short and to the point. By eliminating superfluous language, and keeping your paper short and to the point, you will make it easier for the reader to understand and appreciate your ideas. Sometimes less is more and more is less.

Also, Edubirdie character counter has Auto-Save function. Now you won`t get distracted too to save your footage. This keeps you much more concentrated and saves time and text, so you`ll never lose any bit of your work.

The Benefits of Using our Online Word Counter Tool

  • Fast Results: When submitting an assignment to be checked, you get the number of words or characters in as little as a few seconds.
  • Easy way to count how many characters are there in your assignment.
  • Access to Extra Services: If you need more help, find affordable editing, proofreading, and conclusion maker  services here on EduBirdie. Contact our customer service agents to find out more!

This is a perfect tool for speeches. It helps identify the length of your written speech in minutes, not exceeding the time allocated for your oral presentation.

Teacher gave you an assignment and you don’t know how many pages make 1,000 words? Use this tool to convert words to pages!

Identify the percentage of plagiarism in your paper using this tool. It also highlights areas that should be paraphrased or cited properly.

No matter what type of essay you need, we’ll get it written, so let’s get started.

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Essay Word Counter by WowEssays – Robust Free Writing Tool

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  • Free Educational Tools

Usually, written assignments go with a word limit that you're not supposed to overdraw. If you're working in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, you can easily track the word count in real-time. However, if you take, for example, a PDF file, the task is not that simple as, generally, PDF readers don't have a built-in word counter. In WowEssays.com's collection of writing assistance utilities, you will find a super simple and extremely helpful word counter tool online. It is meant to help you with multiple aspects of any text's quantitative analysis absolutely for free!

How to Find Out How Many Words Are in My Paper

Using the WowEssays.com's words counter tool is as far from rocket science as it only gets – all it takes is three easy steps:

  • Copy and paste or type in the text you want to analyze in the utility's window.
  • The number of words
  • The number of characters – with spaces
  • The number of characters – without spaces
  • In case you need to get another paper or essay word count, just hit the "Clear All" button and paste the new chunk of content.

That's it! Such a simple operation will let you stay within the assignment's word count limit. On the other hand, it can let you see that you should add more text in order to adhere to teachers' requirements.

Features of the WowEssays Words Counter for Essays

Now, when you know how to count words and characters in a text fast and easily, let's take a closer look at the features our free online word counter possesses and the benefits it provides.

  • It's fast – the results are presented in a blink of an eye as soon as you paste the text or as you type the words in.
  • It's free – you mustn't pay a dime to use our word counter – or any other educational or writing assistance tool, for that matter.
  • It's precise – every letter, every number, every punctuation mark, every symbol will be counted and included in the calculation results.
  • It handles multiple text formats – any chunk of text that can be copied and pasted into the counter's window – be it in MS Word, Google Docs, PDF, etc. – will be cleared from formatting elements and analyzed properly.
  • It's safe –we display the counting results instantly without saving the texts you type in or paste, hence ensuring complete content security and users' confidentiality.

The combination of the above-mentioned features and benefits makes WowEssays.com's online word counter arguably the best option to use if you need to see how your high school project, college essay, or university coursework is represented in numbers.

Word Count for Essay Is Just One of WowEssays' Free Tools

In case you haven't noticed, let us stress out that our essay service has far more to offer than just a character and word counter for essays – this is a full-fledged writing assistance resource. The collection of helpful and easy to use utilities students of all academic levels can exploit to improve their writing counts almost two dozen items, including but not limited to:

  • Topic Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Essay Editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Readability Checker
  • Spell Checker
  • Case Converter
  • Grade Calculator
  • and other free educational tools !

Also, there's no way we can overlook the WowEssays' vast essay examples database. Actually, our entire project started as a free sample collection that students could use as a source of inspiration, content presentation ideas, and high-end writing practices.

Such comprehensiveness makes WowEssays.com a valuable support resource for students from all walks of life who need versatile and effective yet absolutely free writing assistance tools. Whether you need to figure out how many words does my essay have, put citations in line with the required format, check the grammar and readability, or calculate your grades, WowEssays.com is arguably the best place to go to!

Going Beyond Free Word Counter Online: WowEssays' Paid Services

Not only is WowEssays more than just a word counter website with dozens of other free utilities. It also provides a wide range of advanced writing assistance services at a reasonable cost. These features would be highly appreciated by students who find themselves in desperate need of quick practical help. Upon your request, we can:

  • Deliver unique model papers and original academic samples crafted from scratch by experienced writers according to customer's instructions.
  • Professionally edit and thoroughly proofread any paper users send us to bring it in line with the strictest standards and best writing practices.
  • Run any piece of content through a powerful anti-plagiarism checker and send back a report.

In case you wish to learn more about how fast and easy it is to get effective writing help from pro writers and editors, just get in touch with our customer managers. They will gladly explain to you all the nuances 24/7.

In case you are ready to address WowEssays' affordable and practical writing services right now, just hit the button below and fill out a simple online form!


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  • Free Online Word Counter for Essays

Free Online Word Counter for Essays

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Backed by qualified writers, we provide unique academic papers tailored to clients specific needs. Have an expert compose a customized paper from the ground up.


Take your writing to a whole new level with our editing and proofreading services. Our academic proofreaders will polish your text considering the number of words you need.

Why Choose StudyCrumb


Word Counter Online & Character Counter


Word Count Checker

It’s very important to stay on the top of your page word count. Students may think that several slips every here and there won’t cause much harm. But your school may have strict requirements to the acceptable limit for every academic work. While you are expected to write 150 words in an essay introduction, this amount won’t suffice in an introductory part of your research paper. So if you need to know how many words are in an essay or its particular section, use our tool for a quick result.


Character Count Without Spaces

Things get trickier if you need to find out the number of characters without spaces. No worries! With our character calculator at your fingertips this won’t be a problem. Our free character counter can exclude the spaces so you can enjoy accurate results. This is a perfect feature for writers, translators and students who have a very peculiar requirement. Just copy-paste any passage in an online character counter and it will handle everything in seconds.


Character Count Tool

Sometimes, the limit is measured in characters. That’s when you may need a tool that can handle character count online. We’ve got you covered! Our team saw that situation coming and did our best to provide you with this option. You can use our advanced tool to count characters in your document. And if the actual number doesn’t fit in the expected limit, you can easily modify your text in a respective field.

StudyCrumb’s Essay Word Counter: Handy Tool

Count my words in my essay for me.

Before you submit your newly-written paper, we advise you to count the number of words in it! StudyCrumb’s online tool can help you keep track of the number of words in your paper. It will allow you to concentrate on important topics. Now you won’t need to give yourself a headache wondering “how to check word count?” Just use StudyCrumb’s profitable tool that is always useful to keep handy. After all, knowing your word count can help to improve your work.  Hot tip: A nice way to establish a good word count is by determining whether the headings should be counted. And when headings do not count, they can be included in words in direct quotes. The quality of any essay might suffer if it is too long. Instead, aim for brief and catchy headings. And let a tool do all the counting the words for you!

Online Words Counting Generator for Different Types of Writing

Access our tool if you need counting number of words that you've written. It encourages every student to follow their word limit! This can be important for public speaking or speech preparation. Every guru at our speech writing services suggest finding balance especially when it comes to oral presentation. It is helpful if writing for advertising and academic goals is a big deal. Our tool also determines the word count limit. It is useful for writing social media headlines and Google meta descriptions.  Looking at your presentation and think “how many words is this text?” Try to count them to assess the word density. For some papers, it's common to submit up to a thousand words. But many writers end up over the limit or falling short. Knowing that you’re using count words in text for free is a great way to avoid such problems. Any argumentative essay writer will appreciate such a tool. It can become an essential metric for content writers, whether they are college students or professional authors. Calculate word length in many different ways. But keep in mind — our tool will help you determine it best. It's easy to use. So, save your time and avoid any stress. You can reuse it at any time.

Count the Words in My Essays & Papers

When composing essays and other kinds of written work, your first concern can be “how many words are in this essay?” It is important that students meet all requirements. Consequently, they should know how to count essay words accurately. Word count dendends on the depth of your project. That is why you may need professional essay help .  The first thing you should do is check what the instructor has suggested as a word count. An essay might require fewer words depending on the subject. If it turned out shorter than the assigned word count, you may want to focus on providing a high-level overview of the topic, especially if you need to write my dissertation . Longer papers can delve into more details. However, in both cases, it is important to keep an outline to guide your writing process. Next, check how many words in essay you wrote line by line. StudyCrumb’s tool lets you count the words beneath charts, graphs, and photos. Now you can use it instead of thinking “how many words is my paper?”

Why Is It so Important to Count the Words in an Essay Correctly?

Why is it so important for you to “count how many words are in my essay”? Why do you browse different sites? Looking for one to “count my essay words”? There are few answers to these questions. A critical aspect of knowing essay word limit is how you use the words. The time your audience has to read through your essay is limited. Therefore, it's important to organize your thoughts in a clear and concise way. Make a list of the key points and then spend some time on the important topics. Don't forget that StudyCrumb is essentially an academic service where you can buy essay on any subject and have all requirements met. So, using an online tool when you must know how to count how many words in an essay when writing is simply necessary. And StudyCrumb is here to help you out in whatever way you need!

Paragraph Word Count by StudyCrumb's Free Online Words Counting Tool

StudyCrumb's online tool is perfect when you want to know how many words in this paragraph! You don’t have to do anything otherworldly to use the paragraph word counter. All one should do is follow a simple instruction. This word counting program works well for longer text categories such as articles and novels. It works by dividing a text into several parts. This way you won’t have to do this yourself and wonder how many words are here. You can check the length of your text by using an online helpful tool! You can immediately check your characters and page count, as well as run a spelling check or free grammar check . A paragraph or sentence can also be counted! Remember that one can enable or disable the feature of counting spaces. Punctuation marks will be counted automatically.

Counting Words in a Sentence

Have you ever wondered how many words are in this sentence that you just wrote? StudyCrumb’s tool aims to help you just with that. Students can easily check the quality of their writing and the number of words calculator whenever they need it. Our tool can be accessed from any device, such as a computer or smartphone. It can calculate number of words in your sentences and paragraphs. So don’t waste your time! Save this page as your device’s bookmarks and check your texts when your professors demand it! It won’t cost you anything. The text you wrote would look even more beautiful. Having a handy word count scanner is consistently another latest useful feature!

Important Features of Our Word Count Estimator: Find Word Count Easily!

Every calculator for words list has a bunch of quality features. And StudyCrumb’s is not different. How do you get word count of a document with its help? It's quite straightforward. Copy and paste the desired text into a box. That’s it, that’s the total guide. Use our number of words counter online for free to determine how many pages, paragraphs, and sentences you've written. Moreover, you’ll be able to see the approximate time it would take the audience to read your text. Our words counting software provides only accurate results that one can get online. Moreover, it is 100% free! You don’t have to set up a new account, register, or post any credit card number to use our tool. Just paste your text and check its length as many times as you need. If your academic work has space for improvement or it lacks some sections, contact our thesis writing service . 

Writing Word Count With Spaces

Do you need to set up the word counter including spaces? It is one of the features our online words calculator has. Their number will be shown under the status bar below the text you paste in a box. This is a useful feature when you don’t feel like writing more content and can pass the spaces as an additional number of characters. Our word count tool online for free breaks the number of words based on the number of spaces that were used. It adds that number to the overall quantity of words in your paper. Simple math!

Word Count Without Spaces

StudyCrumb’s word calculation without spaces feature is useful. Test it if you wish to calculate word count of a document without any extra spaces. Everything is displayed under your input text box in the result section. Why would one need to check a writing word count without spaces though? It can help determine whether you should add anything to the paper or delete any content from it. After all, in this case, you won’t be able to use the “space number” excuse to nope out of writing more parts of your essay!

The Most Famous Word Counting Machine of All Time

StudyCrumb offers you one of the best word count tools and words to pages converters that can greatly assist you in writing an essay. Our website that counts words can help you with even the toughest assignments. It ensures that your essay is the correct word count. Our website to count words for free will also be useful for anyone who works in writing, academic or otherwise. It could be used to create a wide range of writing projects including in-app messages, meta descriptions, targeted content marketing, and social media threads. If you’re writing your paper, it will remind you that every word serves a purpose. Each one is placed there for a reason. Moreover, it will show you how long it would take for your audience to read your paper. So get checking right now! Be sure to use our plagiarism detector before submitting your composition.

Benefit From Our Online Essay Word Counter

StudyCrumb’s word counter for essay offers a whole pool of benefits. As our document word counter is free, it’s not the only benefit you can appreciate:

  • It’s free and extremely simple to use.
  • Our word calculator processes a large amount of data in a very short time.
  • The tool will save much of your precious time.
  • You can alter your text right in our tool.

Needless to say, while writing in Microsoft Word, Excel, or Google Documents, you can easily see word and character count. But if you are dealing with a pdf file, you should put in some extra effort. Luckily, with our paper word counter, you can solve this issue effortlessly.


Get help from academic experts!

How our word count checker works.


Tick the box to proceed further – your text won’t be saved in our system.

Enter the text to check how many words or characters it contains.

Have word count calculated automatically and get your result instantly.


Features of Our Word Counter Tool


Our online word counter is an excellent option for everyone who doesn’t like distractions and extra manipulations. Just input your text and it will immediately calculate the words.


There is no need to pay – we offer a free word counter with unlimited checks. You can start using it without registration and run as many checks as required.


Our essay word counter shows the number of words, characters, and symbols without spaces. It’s a one-stop instrument if you need a detailed report.

FAQ About Essay Word Counter

1. do i need to register to use the word count checker.

No, StudyCrumb’s word count checker can be used without registration. We did our best to make the process as smooth as possible. You can check count values without creating an account.

2. Does your word counter check spelling?

Sure! Our instrument works like a spell checker and word count tool. This way, you can count symbols in your document and detect spelling errors, if there are any. Our tool will underline the areas that need extra attention.

3. Does this character counter include spaces or not?

Our character counter will show the count values both with and without spaces. Once you enter your text, you will get in-depth results where you will see characters including and excluding spaces.

4. Does your word counter tool save my text?

No, StudyCrumb’s word counter tool doesn’t save your text to the database. Your privacy is our top priority. We designed a tool that doesn’t store content you enter.

5. Do spaces count as words in an essay?

Yes, they do. Our word counter for free online will show you the number of words with or without spaces in a result section below the input box. These numbers will be vastly different. It only means that spaces count as words in an essay.

6. How do you find out how many words did I write?

Our tool is powered by an AI. So, it obviously knows how to count words. It divides the entire text by spaces and then counts the resulting pieces which are the words. Then it will show you the number of words it counted in a section below, as well as this number plus the number of spaces found in your text.

7. How do I check my word count on an essay quickly?

Just use our tool if you need to count the words in a document! It has a fast mode with an intuitive interface that delivers only accurate results. It is completely free, which means that you won’t have to suffer through a trial period or set up an account in order to use it.

8. Can you count the words in my document if it’s 50 pages?

When using a words count online, you should take into consideration your text’s font and formatting. For example, a page made of Times New Roman 14 is not the same as Arial 12. That said, our tool can handle a text of >100.000 characters and >15.000 words.


Other Tools You May Like


Use our word counter to check how many words are in an essay instantly.

StudyCrumb is a go-to platform helping students with academic writing. Entrust your paper to our professionals and they will take your writing to a totally new level!

Our tool goes beyond a simple text word counter. It works like a word character counter and offers multiple options. In case you have a special requirement from your professor, for example, a character limit, this tool will definitely come in handy. Likewise, you may need to find out the amount of characters without spaces. Our high-end instrument will be an all-inclusive solution. Just input the necessary part and calculate the number of symbols in your text.

We have developed this essay word counter to help students count the words and characters in their papers and academic texts. Are you writing an essay and want to make sure that your word count is precise? Or, maybe, you have a research paper or dissertation with a strict character limit requirement? Whatever your case is, our word count checker will be an irreplaceable instrument in your arsenal of writing tools. And the best part about this tool is its simplicity. Finding out how many words is this will no longer be a struggle. What’s more, you can make changes right in the editor field. You don’t have to switch between our tool and your document to meet the right limit. All results of word character count will be displayed instantly.

Whether you need to write a paper or have your essay edited, our experts will handle everything quickly and efficiently.

Count words or characters in your essay, paper, or any other academic text in a few clicks. Insert your text and enjoy accurate results – it’s as simple as that!

StudyCrumb’s word counter is loaded with features that you will undoubtedly find pleasant. With the benefits you get, it definitely wins over any word counter tool online.

Have any unanswered questions about our word frequency counter? Check out the answers below and find a flash answer.

StudyCrumb offers you more than just a word counter. We’ve designed a whole bundle of free writing tools that can improve your academic experience. Check them out below!

7 Effective Strategies to Expand Your Essay

Description : Learn how to expand your ideas, add depth to your arguments, and make your writing more engaging, all while boosting your word count. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply looking to improve your writing skills, these tips will help you write longer, more substantial essays that leave a lasting impression.

Your Guide to Longer Essays

Have you ever stared at your essay and thought, “Is this it?” We’ve all been there. Trying to squeeze out a few more words can feel like pulling teeth, and let’s be honest, no one wants to read an essay full of fluff and filler. But here’s the good news: there are smarter ways to beef up your writing.

Think of your essay like a house. You wouldn’t slap on an extra room without a plan, right? Your writing should prioritize meaningful content over simply filling up the page. This could mean diving deeper into your arguments, backing up your points with solid evidence, or using more descriptive language. And if you ever feel stuck, remember there are resources out there, like MyPaperHelp , that can give you a helping hand.

essay word counting

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-using-laptop-computer-Hcfwew744z4

We will walk you through seven tried-and-true effective ways on how to make your essay longer and more engaging. These tips will help you take your essays to the next level.

TIP 1: Expand Your Main Points

Think of your main points as the skeleton of your essay. They provide the basic structure. But to add substance, you need to flesh them out. Don’t just state your argument. Take it further. Explain why it matters. You could even explore different perspectives.

The “so what?” method is an effective technique to expand paragraph. After making a statement, ask yourself, “So what?” Answer that question in your next sentence. This pushes you to think critically about the significance of your point. 

For example, don’t just say, “Climate change is a serious issue.” Explain why it’s serious. What are the potential consequences? By doing this, your writing becomes more informative and engaging. And as a bonus, your essay naturally gets longer.

TIP 2: Use Anecdotes and Examples

Humans are wired for stories. We connect with narratives, remember them, and learn from them. Weave stories and real-world illustrations into your writing to make it more captivating. Illuminate your arguments and establish a deeper connection with your audience. Instead of simply stating your points, actively demonstrate them through vivid narratives and concrete examples, inviting your readers to experience your message rather than just hear it.

For instance, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of perseverance, don’t just state that it’s a valuable trait. Share a personal story about a time you faced and overcame a challenge through perseverance. Or, use a historical example of someone who succeeded despite facing setbacks. By weaving stories into your essay, you create a more engaging reading experience and add depth to your arguments.

TIP 3: Add Relevant Details and Descriptions

Throwing in any random detail you can think of can be tempting when trying to make paper longer. But remember, quality over quantity. Instead of adding fluff, focus on relevant details and descriptions that enhance your main points. Think of it like painting a picture – the more vivid and specific you are, the more engaging and informative your writing will be.

Instead of saying, “The food was delicious,” describe the aroma of the spices, the texture of the ingredients, and the burst of flavors on your tongue. 

TIP 4: Include Evidence and Citations

Whether referencing research studies, citing experts, or quoting relevant texts, incorporating evidence adds credibility and substance to your essay. It also naturally expands your word count. When introducing evidence, take the time to explain its significance and relevance to your argument. This demonstrates a deeper understanding of the topic and strengthens your overall thesis.

If you’re struggling to find relevant sources or need help incorporating them into your writing, consider using a longer text generator or expanding tool for writing. These tools can help you identify credible sources, generate citations, and summarize complex information, making integrating evidence into your essay easier. Well-researched and supported essays are longer, more persuasive, and impactful.

TIP 5: Professional Writing Services

Sometimes, even with the best intentions and effort, you might struggle to reach your desired word count. In such cases, Professional Writing Services can be a valuable resource. Platforms like MyPaperHelp offer various services, including essay writing, editing, and proofreading, that can help you expand your essay’s length and improve its quality.

The best speech writing service can bring a fresh perspective to your work, identifying areas where you can elaborate on your arguments, add relevant details, or strengthen your evidence. Collaborating with a professional writer who can expand word count while gaining valuable insights and feedback will benefit your future writing endeavors.

Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, structuring your essay, or simply polishing your final draft, professional writing services can provide the support and expertise you need to make your essay longer, stronger, and more impactful. 

essay word counting

Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-using-macbook-pro-npxXWgQ33ZQ

TIP 6: Use Descriptive Language

Words are powerful tools. They can transport your reader into the world you’re creating. Using descriptive language creates a more vivid and engaging reading experience. This can help you expand essay, too. Instead of simply stating facts, paint a picture in your reader’s mind. Use metaphors, similes, and sensory details. 

Instead of saying, “The sunset was beautiful,” describe it in detail. Think of the fiery orange and pink hues that painted the sky. Picture the long shadows stretching across the landscape. Feel the cool breeze that signaled the end of the day. By incorporating descriptive language, you can lengthen a paragraph. You can also transform your essay into a captivating narrative.

TIP 7: Cut the Fluff, Add Where Needed

After you’ve written your first draft, take a step back and look at your essay with a critical eye. Are there any sentences or paragraphs that seem repetitive or unnecessary? Cut them out. Are there any areas where you could provide more details or an explanation? Add words to essay where it makes sense. Remember, the goal is not just to make this text longer but to make it better.

Look for opportunities to rephrase sentences, clarify your points, or provide additional evidence. You can also try using a thesaurus to find synonyms for commonly used words, which can help to vary your language and add a bit of flair to your writing. 

Elevate Your Essay Beyond Word Count

Remember, writing a longer essay isn’t about filling space with empty words or repetitive phrases. It’s about delving deeper into your subject matter, exploring nuances, and providing your readers with an enriching experience. To expand your essay means to expand your thinking.

By implementing these seven strategies – from expanding your main points to seeking professional help – you’re making essays longer and better. You’re transforming it from a simple recitation of facts into a well-crafted piece of writing that resonates with your audience. 

Essay writing is a discovery journey for you and your reader. By taking the time to explore, elaborate, and refine your work, you’re meeting a word count and unlocking your ideas’ full potential. So, embrace the process, experiment with these techniques, and watch your writing evolve into something remarkable. The journey to a longer, more impactful essay starts with a single step – and that step is yours to take.

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Student's 19-word Fight Club essay given perfect grade by teacher

Student's 19-word Fight Club essay given perfect grade by teacher

While the rest of us struggle to meet the word count, this woman completely got away with it.

Jess Battison

A student’s 19-word essay on Fight Club ended up getting a perfect grade.

Yep, just 19 words - not even the maximum allowed to send a post on X.

For most of us, (you know those that don’t enjoy sitting and writing endless pages of work on a weeknight) essays are the source of absolute dread.

Anyone who has had to spend a night in a library churning one out for a school exam or university assignment will know the stress of trying to condense every key bit into a few hundred words. Or worse, having to somehow waffle on for thousands about just one thing.

But, despite the odds, students tend to muster up a way of saying the same thing in 10 different ways to rack up the required word count. Although, this ballsy one went for a different approach to write about the legendary film .

She decided to base her essay on the 1999 cult hit with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt , in which their characters decide to form a masochistic underground fight club.

And somehow, the student managed to do it in just 19 words - despite how much you might be able to chat about the movie - earning an impressive score from her teacher.



Sharing this big win on X, Allison Garrett wrote: "The assignment description for essay 5 was to write a review of a movie that we had seen. The opportunity arose, and I took my chances."

So, what ground-breaking analysis did she demonstrate to earn such rave reviews?

Quoting the film's most iconic line, she opened her essay with: "The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club."

She didn't have much to write about the film. (20th Century Fox)

Adding at the bottom of the page: "That's it, that's my essay."

I mean, round of applause for the bravery there.

In the comment section, she wrote: "I cannot say that I am sorry because that would be a lie. Am I Proud? Yes."

Proving this was no joke, Allison also posted a screenshot of the comments made by her teacher after reading her 'essay'.

Now, most of us would be terrified after writing an essay like this, waiting to receive the mother of all bollockings from our teacher, but Allison's professor was just impressed - though they warned about trying the same thing with another member of staff.

Pretty genius, to be honest. (X/@allisonbdelk)

They wrote on the comments section of the submission page: "I struggled over this grade for a long time. I finally decided you get a grade for a laugh and how relevant your review is for this particular movie.

"Let me warn you: do NOT try this kind of thing with other professors; they may not have my sense of humor."

Since it was shared, Allison's post gained a lot of attention online.

One person wrote: "I was always told life is about taking risks... I was scared to say the least."

Allison later added: "I got a 100 on the paper and passed the class with an A."

Topics:  Education , Film , Students , TV and Film

Jess is an Entertainment Journalist with a love of all things pop culture. Her main interests include keeping up with the Twitter girlies, waiting for a new series of The Traitors and losing her voice at a Beyoncé concert. She graduated with a first in Journalism from City, University of London in 2021 and has previously worked at MyLondon.

@ jessbattison_

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Netflix viewers 'deleting app forever' if 'must-watch' series with perfect Rotten Tomatoes series isn't continued

It's safe to say the show is pretty damn popular.

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The Boys creator was ‘left with no choice’ as X-rated sauna scene banned in India

We asked the boys creator about the tough decision to allow an x-rated sauna scene to be cut in india.

  • People want to rewatch Fight Club after realising one prop features in 'almost every scene'
  • Baby Reindeer could be knocked off Netflix top spot by gritty drama with perfect Rotten Tomatoes score
  • Netflix viewers are loving ‘gory’ movie which is the ‘perfect film’ directed by horror icon
  • Jason Manford sparks debate after calling for homework to be banned


  1. How To Put A Word Count In An Essay

    essay word counting

  2. Essay Word Count Rules References

    essay word counting

  3. Essay Tips: Word Count Advice

    essay word counting

  4. Essay Word Count Rules References

    essay word counting

  5. How to Add Numbers to Paragraphs in Word

    essay word counting

  6. How to do a word count of the body of your essay

    essay word counting


  1. Counting Letter Words

  2. When you're trying to reach the word count on your essay

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  4. Counting kids essay step|Reyansh kids learning playing11

  5. Easy Word Counting with Python: Step-by-Step Guide!

  6. Learn 1 to 20 Numbers| 1234 counting for kids|123 Number Name| Tran animation for kids


  1. WordCounter

    Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

  2. Word Counter

    Copy and paste any text or URL into our free online word counter to count its words and characters, fix grammar, summarize text, extract keywords and more. ... Essays Words. High school 300-1,000. College admission 200-650. Undergraduate college 1,500-5,000. Graduate school admission 500-1,000.

  3. Word Counter

    Quickly check word count and writing mistakes by pasting your text into our free online word counter. Great for essays, papers, Google meta tags and more. ... Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. ...

  4. Free Word Counter Tool: Count Words of Any Length—QuillBot AI

    QuillBot's Word Counter is a free, easy-to-use tool for tracking the word count in your writing. Our online word count tool provides data for words and lets you simply change whether spaces should be counted as words. It also displays restrictions for social networking platforms with character limits.

  5. Word Counter Online

    Word Counter. The Word Counter tool allows you to quickly and accurately count the number of words, characters, sentences, and paragraphs in your text. This tool is perfect for writers, students, and professionals who need to meet specific word count requirements for essays, reports, articles, or any other written content.

  6. Word Counter

    Word Counter is an easy to use online tool that can help you quickly and accurately count the number of words in your text. Suppose you're a student working on a paper, a writer crafting a novel, or a professional preparing a presentation. In that case, we can help ensure you stay within your word limit and keep your text understandable to the ...

  7. Free Online Word Counter

    Welcome to our Word Counter, the ultimate tool for writers, students, and professionals seeking precision in their texts. In a world where every word counts, our tool offers you the power to measure and refine your content with ease. ... Essays. High school: 300-1,000 words; College admission: 200-650 words; Undergraduate college: 1,500-5,000 ...

  8. Free Online Word Counter Tool: Any Length

    Word counter for all your needs! Instantly count words, characters with and w/o spaces by typing or copy-pasting your text in our online word counter tool. ... to use professional writing help from custom writing services such as Academized that offers one of the best write my essay services you can find on the Web. This will come in hand in ...

  9. Word Counter

    Our word counter is a free online tool for effortlessly tallying the word count, character count, and sentence count of any piece of text. Whether you're crafting an essay, drafting an email, or composing a social media post. Paste or type your text into the provided field, and our word counter will instantly generate detailed statistics.

  10. Online Word Counter

    1. Input Text: Users can put their documents or text in the word counter tool or they can directly write into the tool. 2. Processing: When the text is entered and the user presses the count button. The tool will process the text, find spaces between the words, and count words, characters, sentences, and punctuation in the given text. 3.

  11. Word Count Checker

    This tool can be helpful for academic papers, essays, articles, or any other type of writing where a specific word count is necessary. Many word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs, have built-in word count features. Additionally, there are online word count tools available where you can copy and paste your text to ...

  12. Word Counter

    Frankly speaking, Word Counter is a free online tool that can calculate how many words are in a paragraph and even the total word count for an essay, book, or novel. The Word Counter's main functions. To meet the users' demands from basic to advanced, Word Counter is featured with some main functions: - Word count. - Character count ...

  13. Word Counter

    The count of words is a vital metric to track in a variety of situations. It plays a huge role in essays and other academic papers. At the same time, word count is vital in some professional writing fields, such as publishing, advertising, and legal proceedings.

  14. Word Counter

    Word Count in Word and Office Suite. The word count offered by Word and Office Suite counts the number of words in your document. It also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters. This essay word counter offered by Word checks the document thoroughly and gives you the number of characters with and without spaces as well.

  15. Best Online Word Counter

    If you're looking for an essay word counter to use on your Android smartphone or tablet, you should try this free tool. It would count number of characters, sentences, words and paragraphs as you type. You can save drafts and access to the stats: unique words, average word and sentence length, etc. ...

  16. Word Counter Tool

    Academia and Essay Writing. Word counter tools play a crucial role in various writing contexts, catering to distinct needs across different domains. In academia and essay writing, these tools are invaluable for students and academic writers, ensuring they meet specific essay and assignment requirements, such as word limits and guidelines. ...

  17. How Long Should a College Essay Be?

    Revised on June 1, 2023. Most college application portals specify a word count range for your essay, and you should stay within 10% of the upper limit. If no word count is specified, we advise keeping your essay between 400 and 600 words. You should aim to stay under the specified limit to show you can follow directions and write concisely.

  18. Free Word Counter Tool

    We've designed a Word Counter Tool to make sure you have exactly the amount of text you need. You won't need to worry about the length of sentences. You won't fail to post your article just because it's too long or too short. You even don't have to open MS Word to know how many words you've written. Use our tool at your convenience!

  19. Magic Word Counter Tool

    Knowing the full word count helps ensure your articles, essays, or other texts meet length requirements. Our tool displays the total next to handy guides showing pages, minutes, and complexity based on word volume. Of course, size isn't everything. Our free word counter tool also checks for keyword density, overused words, and patterns ...

  20. Word Counter

    A Brief Overview of How Word Counter For Essays Works. Our online word count calculator counts the written words in an essay so that you can avoid going over a professor's character and word count limit and avoid using redundant text and language. Here is a small guide on how to use it: Copy and paste a text into the field provided on the web ...

  21. Free Word Counter Tool: Get Word Count for Essays and More

    The calculator will instantly display the results - you don't even have to press any buttons. You will get: The number of words. The number of characters - with spaces. The number of characters - without spaces. In case you need to get another paper or essay word count, just hit the "Clear All" button and paste the new chunk of content ...

  22. Word Counter: Get Word & Character Count in Essay for FREE

    01. Check the box. Tick the box to proceed further - your text won't be saved in our system. 02. Paste your text. Enter the text to check how many words or characters it contains. 03. Get accurate results. Have word count calculated automatically and get your result instantly.

  23. 7 Effective Strategies to Expand Your Essay

    Essay writing is a discovery journey for you and your reader. By taking the time to explore, elaborate, and refine your work, you're meeting a word count and unlocking your ideas' full potential. So, embrace the process, experiment with these techniques, and watch your writing evolve into something remarkable.

  24. Student's 19-word Fight Club essay given perfect grade by teacher

    A student's 19-word essay on Fight Club ended up getting a perfect grade.. Yep, just 19 words - not even the maximum allowed to send a post on X. For most of us, (you know those that don't ...

  25. Ideal Word Count for Content

    The best-selling manuscript of all time had a word count of more than 700,000 words. On the other hand, one of Time Magazine's best-ranked blogs was under 200 words. The lesson here is that there is no one-length-fits-all answer. But what is clear is that word count matters and depends on your objective for a particular piece of content.