The Borderless Classroom

Empowering global learning through technology

My Quipper Journey Says

  • Educational Technology
  • 27th January 2021

In December, I joined an essay writing contest hosted by Quipper Southern Mindanao. Quipper is an e-learning platform that originated in Japan. It provides powerful features for teachers, students, and parents, and is easy to use. It has been used by schools in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico.

Here’s the excerpt of my essay.

One thing that I always consider in using a digital learning platform, aside from security, is the User Interface (UI) – the look and feel of the application. Looking at Quipper ‘s UI for the first time has amazed me. It is not only intuitive but also efficient. In minutes, I was able to learn how to navigate the platform. Also, students quickly became proficient with the dashboard a day or two after introducing it to them. The user-friendly interface made my students focus on their learning rather than navigating the platforms in and out. Instantly, the experience head over heels. Quipper is a complete package and ahead of its time in delivering digital, updated content aligned with the Department of Education standards.

Creating a borderless classroom

I began implementing a blended learning approach in my classroom then. As a result, there was an increase in students’ engagement and participation in class discussions and activities. As a teacher, it is imperative to understand how our students learn. Students right now, being a GenZ, have different learning profiles, styles, and needs. Providing them a platform to access content 24/7, I personalized their learning and addressed the learning gap. In a short time, I created a borderless classroom where students can learn anytime, anywhere.

quipper essays for students

Quipper ‘s rich digital content focuses on authentic and relevant learning that provides students with choice and voice. It also allowed me to focus on the more essential aspects of the classroom, such as student engagement and immediate feedback. Moreover, the platform incorporates student self-assessment to master content allowing students to retake the quiz and review previous lessons. Furthermore, the platform provides a correct explanation in each question when taking a quiz or an assignment. These help students improve performance and of course, do more.

Aside from bringing up-to-date content, Quipper’s statistics and assignment analysis features are tools that you’ll never want to miss out on as a teacher. The ability to look into each student’s performance on assignments, quizzes and examinations allowed me to adjust and further tailor my lessons. It also enabled me to offer support and help to those students who are struggling. These empowered me to decide to move to the next lesson or design more activities to understand and master the content altogether. I had benefitted from all these in the free account. Subscribing to the premium version made it more interesting—more functionalities and features were unlocked.

Resilience in times of the Pandemic

When the COVID-19 pandemic strike, it made clear that technology and learning management systems are essentials in the classroom. Educational institutions looked for more effective ways to ensure the continuation of learning for all students.

Our school is no different; we examined the best ways to connect with students remotely and explore numerous educational models to meet our students’ needs. With Quipper on our side, we were able to keep the learning going. Transitioning from blended to full remote online education was seamless.

Quipper is very flexible and efficient in any learning model, such as blended, hybrid, or fully remote learning. It provides student-centered approaches that meet diverse learners’ needs. My students could download the student guide, which is not available in the free version, and view it offline. It is perfect for students with a slow or intermittent internet connection. For my students with different learning styles, the video lectures accommodated their learning differences and needs giving them more time to focus on the subject’s core concepts. Quipper is available in the web browser and as an Android app, making it much more accessible to students eliminating accessibility issues.

Preparing lesson plans and class materials, aside from checking papers, are the most challenging work in a teacher’s life. And during this pandemic, conducting classes remotely online has become a burden to all as well. Despite this, I have managed well with the help of the ready-made teaching guides, worksheets, presentations, and assessments readily provided by Quipper on its platform. When no content for students is available, I can easily create it with its Q-Create tool. This creation tool allowed me to embed videos, upload photos, audio, pdf document, Word document, and PowerPoint presentations aside from the rich-text formatting feature embedded already in the platform.

Apart from the assignment and quiz features mentioned earlier, administering online examination is also stress-free. Quipper allows time-bounded assessments and caching in case your net is temporarily down. You can also create essay assignments to elicit, share thoughts and opinions, and promote student’s voice in the classroom.

Another promising feature of Quipper is its inclusion of a parent platform. Keeping parents in the loop by providing an app that allows real-time viewing of students’ progress is ideal, especially in this pandemic. The parent app platform supports robust communication and oversight between home and school, promoting more parent-to-teacher collaboration. Beyond the great features of Quipper’s offering for the students, teachers, and parents, I believe the most important, is its untiring customer support staff. Unlike other e-learning solutions providers out there, Quipper’s customer support is exceptional. Regardless of the time, you can contact them for support and get a prompt reply. When I needed help transferring a student account from our main campus to our branch, the tech support has done right away. The support staff will even walk you through the step-by-step instructions if you don’t know how to access a particular feature. Furthermore, you can see them visit the campus regularly, offering assistance, and keeping you updated.

Being a 21st-century teacher

I know that it is now more important than ever to create an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Using Quipper, for five years, as a learning management system enables me to help students develop future-ready skills, building them to become problem-solvers, innovators, inventors, and logical thinkers. Training them to be self-reliant, instilling initiative, and self-motivation to learn at their own time and space will help them gain confidence as they set and work in the future. As a teacher, I need to create a learning environment that enriches the mind, sparks creativity, and promotes students’ voices by providing experiences, tools that support interdisciplinary and activity-based learning, therefore empowering them to reach their full potential.

Have you used Quipper in your classroom? Comment your experiences below.

Tags: 21st Teaching Quipper Resilience

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Students’ Perceptions Toward the Implementation of Quipper School as an E-Learning Platform in Teaching English

Profile image of Bunga Febriani

2020, Jadila: Journal of Development and Innovation in Language and Literature Education

This article reports the students’ perceptions in implementing Quipper School as an e- learning platform in teaching English and to know the advantages and disadvantages of it. This study took two sample classes with the overall fifty-three students by using cluster sampling technique and focusing on the survey study method. Twenty questionnaires provided to identify the students’ perceptions about quipper school. A depth information appear to be as important to gain more information and continuous responses to explore the advantages and disadvantages of implementing quipper school that have been undertaken by interviewing the students. The findings revealed that the students are comfortable learning with technology and also prefer to use IT. More significantly, The advantages of quipper school keep interaction between teacher and student in and out of the classroom, students still get lesson or review the material even though the teacher is not present in the classroom, and enhanc...

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The COVID-19 epidemic has made it more thought-provoking for students to learn in higher education institutions. Therefore, it seems that Quipper is an e-learning platform solution that encompasses a ready-to-use online learning management system (LMS) in addition to video lectures, study materials, and assessments. Quipper is a straightforward yet powerful LMS that millions of users utilize all over the world. It is an online resource that is frequently updated to give teachers, students, and parents the best possible experience. With the support of this descriptive correlational study, it was possible to establish a significant correlation between Quipper usage and efficacy among BSED-English students in the New Normal and academic success. The results showed that the two variables do, in fact, have a strong association, with a relationship value of 0.59 and a significance value of 0.00043. Since students can access courses and assessments whenever they want, have a gamified learning experience, and repeat lessons until they are proficient, it is strongly advised that teachers use Quipper LMS successfully. In order for students to understand an individualized learning area, teachers and the academic institution must also be sensitive to and responsive to their strengths and problems.

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This paper evaluates the affordability of Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL). It focuses on the extent to which features available in Quipper may correspond to fundamental components of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy, as suggested by Chapelle (2003), including L2-input exposure, interaction and linguistic production. The evaluation results indicate that Quipper is affordable for use as an online teaching and learning EFL platform. More importantly, it corresponds to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy, thus making it a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning foreign language. Keywords: Online platform, learning management system (LMS), teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL), computer-assisted language learning (CALL).

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This paper evaluates the affordability of Quipper as an online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL). It focuses on the extent to which features available in Quipper may correspond to fundamental components of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy, as suggested by Chapelle (2003), including L2-input exposure, interaction and linguistic production. The evaluation results indicate that Quipper is affordable for use as an online teaching and learning EFL platform. More importantly, it corresponds to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy, thus making it a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning foreign language.

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This research was done to find out if students' skills in ESL writing could be improved by using Quipper School with Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Also, it was aimed to identify factors that could trigger improvements in the ESL writing skills of students through using CALL. Participatory Action Research (PAR) was used as the methodology in this study. The study attempted to overcome some language problems faced by students at SMKN 1 Langsa, in eastern Aceh, particularly in mastering ESL writing skills. The researchers introduced the teacher and the class of students to be involved in the use of Quipper School for the teaching-learning of ESL writing. Quipper School is a popular internet-integrated virtual classroom that can be used for ESL teaching-learning. Several tests were done with the aim of testing the students' achievements using Quipper School. A multiple choice questionnaire was given to the students to find out their responses to the use of Quipper School with CALL for teaching ESL writing. Field notes were made to record relevant observations: In particular the field notes recorded the manifold troubles that occurred with the school's computer laboratory. The findings of the study proved that almost all of the students achieved the highest score (100) in the three tests. In addition, more than half of the students agreed that Quipper School improved their skills in English, especially their writing skills. From the questionnaire, they also agreed that Quipper School offered them enjoyment, willingness, and easiness to learn English.

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Quipper all set to support teachers and students this back-to-school

With the start of the new school year this August, teachers, and education leaders are now gearing up to ensure a smooth transition to face-to-face classes. 

quipper essays for students

Schools have previously fully embraced distance-learning strategies to maintain unhindered learning. The Department of Education (DepEd) recently mandated that educational institutions return to conducting five days of in-person instruction starting in November. 

Whether the chosen modality is face-to-face or blended, there is a need to ensure high-impact learning recovery programs for learners. A recent report by the World Bank Group noted that school closures in the last two years resulted in long-term impact and learning losses on schoolchildren.

Given these challenges, the same report recommends that educators monitor and assess students’ learning, which is critical in implementing learning recovery programs. This may include just-in-time assessments of each student’s learning levels and intensive tutoring. On the other hand, teachers must receive training in adaptive learning, which prioritizes children’s acquisition of essential skills while adapting instruction and pedagogical techniques to students’ abilities and requirements.

Because learning gaps are anticipated to vary among children, teachers must also be ready for lower and higher levels of learning inequality in their classes. Meanwhile, students can carry on studying through multiple modalities to maximize learning.

Unlocking possibilities, ensuring smooth transition using edtech

For Quipper , one of the leading edtech platforms present in the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia, Learning Management Systems (LMS) have proven that they support educators’ adherence to the changing demands of students and educators  in all modalities – whether in-person classes or blended learning. 

“The evolving needs of today's tech-savvy learners have pushed schools to adopt modern classroom setups that support adaptive learning strategies. At Quipper, our goal is to help bridge today’s learning gaps by providing teachers with an easy-to-use platform with comprehensive content aligned to the DepEd curriculum. Quipper lets teachers monitor and evaluate their students' learning levels. It also provides them with relevant and engaging learning materials for their in-person classes and blended modules,” said Yusuke Takagi, CEO of Quipper Philippines. 

Leveraging Quipper edtech for multiple learning modalities

Working closely with schools nationwide, Takagi noted that edtech platforms could help teachers create more fun, meaningful, and engaging learning experiences for their students. The Quipper School platform, for instance, provides features that cater to every educator’s needs, complementing today’s classrooms. 

Through Quipper School, teachers can take advantage of the ready-made teaching guides, editable presentation slides, and other resource materials to support their daily lessons. More than 4,000 downloadable study guides can be used as alternatives to textbooks, and more than 1,000 video lessons can cater to all learners. 

All these comprehensive materials and content are aligned to the K-12 DepEd curriculum. They are also developed to empower teachers to ensure that they can teach schoolchildren, whether they are visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or reading/writing learners. 

Meanwhile, teachers can also track their students’ learning performances using the platform, enabling them to become more adaptive in the lesson plans and materials they prepare to help their students.

“Our platform offers features that allow educators to manage multiple classrooms through a personalized dashboard, schedule assignments, and evaluate student performance. Along with a new Essay app for writing assignments, it also offers a content management tool, enabling teachers to create and publish their own materials,” added Takagi.

In addition, the Quipper School platform can also complement blended learning approaches that teachers may adopt for their in-person classes, like the station rotation and flipped classroom models.

Station Rotation is a blended learning strategy in which students alternate between different classroom-based learning modes on a set timetable or at the teacher's discretion within a specific course or subject. At least one station for online learning is part of the rotation. On the other hand, the other stations concentrate on whole-class or small-group instruction, group projects, one-on-one coaching, and pencil-and-paper assignments.

Meanwhile, the Flipped Classroom approach refers to a rotation-model implementation in which students alternate on a set schedule between face-to-face teacher-guided practice on campus during the regular school day and online delivery of instruction and content of the same subject at home after school. Unlike students who only practice their homework online at night, students in a Flipped Classroom receive most of their subject instruction online.

Updates in Quipper School

As part of its commitment to helping today’s educators, Quipper constantly updates its Quipper School platform. These latest updates include:

  • Live Class. Teachers can now set up synchronous classes from LINK through the Live Class feature. Teachers can connect with students on a Zoom Meeting directly on the Q-Link platform without having to create a Zoom account. Q-Link is a platform that enables educators to assign activities directly to their students and easily track their progress online. On the Quipper LEARN (Q-Learn), a feature in the LMS platform where the students study, learners can locate and join these Live Class sessions directly on the platform as an embedded window or switch to the Zoom app, as desired. These integrations with Zoom are the outcome of the recent ISV Partner Program that Quipper entered into with Zoom.
  • Flexible Content Structure. Teachers can now create and publish courses, units, and topics without questions, which previously required at least one question, on the Q-Create, our content management  platform that allows teachers to create their lessons and quizzes and upload study guides. This enhancement is also reflected on Q-Link, where teachers can see indicators on questionless topics before sending them as an assignment. On Q-Learn, students can access the topics without questions as assignments; completing the topic by viewing all the lesson pages and finishing the “Complete Topic” response panel will mark them as “Mastered.”
  • Flexible Points System. Lastly, teachers can now assign a point value per question on their content in Q-Create. With this enhancement, the student’s score or grade calculations and how they are displayed on the student’s result page on Q-Learn, downloadable reports, and several Q-Link pages were updated. 

Quipper has an array of content, including over 5,982 videos and 69,752 quiz questions. It also caters to 316,239 teachers and over five million students globally. 

To learn more about Quipper Philippines, visit . 

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Guest Essay

So They Can Do Better, Let High Schoolers Do Less

A young woman wearing a colorful backpack waits along the curb of a street.

By Tim Donahue

Mr. Donahue teaches high school English at Greenwich Country Day School in Connecticut.

To earn the distinction of valedictorian at Sunny Hills High School in Fullerton, Calif., a student must maintain a straight-A average and take at least 32 honors-level, semester-long classes. One weak “Gatsby” essay during these four years, one math test taken after an ankle sprain, one poorly conjugated verb can put a leak in the boat. And yet this past May, 39 of the 606 graduating seniors maintained the buoyancy to become valedictorians.

This is hardly unusual. In 2022, Edison High in Fresno, Calif., had 115 valedictorians in the class of 558. In 2017, Central Magnet School in Murfreesboro, Tenn., had 48 out of 193. And in 2019, Washington Liberty High in Arlington, Va., had 213 earning the top honor in their class of 595.

In the way some teachers sniff out A.I.-generated essays, some colleges engage in “countermeasures” to decode the truth behind the ever-increasing numbers of ever-improving transcripts they read. But the bigger truth is that many colleges just throw up their hands and don’t factor in weighted G.P.A.s (scaled according to the difficulty of the class) at all. So the same students who are now sweating on the too-hot turf during early-season practices are going to sweat through lots and lots of classes whose contents they can’t possibly retain in order to simply tread water.

We have pushed high school students into maximizing every part of their days and nights. Those who take the bait are remarkably compliant, diluting themselves between their internships and Canva presentations. We condition students to do a so-so job and then move on to the next thing. We need to let them slow down. Critical cognition, by definition, takes time.

The underbelly of grade inflation is that now the ambitious student must clear more time in their schedule for the stuff that really makes a difference. Harvard’s dean of undergraduate education, Amanda Claybaugh, said: “Students feel the need to distinguish themselves outside the classroom because they are essentially indistinguishable inside the classroom. Extracurriculars, which should be stress-relieving, become stress-producing.”

“When we are overloaded with mental activity,” wrote Leidy Klotz, the author of “Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less,” “we are less likely to think about taking things off of our plates. So, this overload that students get into creates a feedback loop that is hard to get out of. The more overloaded they are, the more likely they are to rely on heuristic thinking, and that heuristic thinking is going to tell them to add things first.”

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    Student. Take learning into your own hands and create the future you've always dreamed of. Whether you're using Quipper School, Quipper School Premium, or Quipper Video, you can expect a whole new experience that changes the way you learn. Access your lessons conveniently from any device, then answer and submit your assignment in just few clicks.

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    Writing and submitting an essay for Quipper students is a quick and easy task to do. With its simple and user-friendly interface, students can surely accomplish their essay activities in a jiffy. Here's how: 1. Select an essay activity with a "Not Started" status and click on the "Open" button. If the activity is a timed essay, a ...

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    Quipper is an e-learning platform that originated in Japan. It provides powerful features for teachers, students, and parents, and is easy to use. It has been used by schools in Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico. Here's the excerpt of my essay. One thing that I always consider in using a digital learning platform, aside from ...

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    ould be applied to your lesson plan. In Quipper's study guide, Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction was applied in which. eachers can use inside the classroom. For example, the first event of instruction is. gain the attention of the students. The equivalent part of it in the study.

  8. PDF Grade 8 Unit 10: Paragraph Writing

    e in any situation in your life. Use a graphic organizer. organize the topic of your choice. Write a persuasive paragraph with at least 100 words bas. on the graphic organizer made. Print your output on a short. d paper, font calibri font size 12. Present your paragraph as a s.

  9. Students Archives

    For this next one, the spotlight is on our Quipper Essays portal for students. Here are its key features and how to use them: Quipper Essays for Students Logging in to Quipper Essays for students Similar to the teachers' essay portal, students can… March 5, 2021. Quipper Philippines Blog.

  10. Quipper

    Login for students. Learn online with Quipper's lessons, quizzes, and tutorial videos of Quipper School and Quipper Video.

  11. Quipper School LINK

    Welcome to Quipper School LINK. Engage students into online learning. Manage classes, prepare lessons and assignments with ease, and access reports that evaluate students' performance.

  12. PDF Students' Opinions of the Use of Quipper School as an Online Learning

    Quipper School is one of the online media learning options now available. Because it was discovered that the teachers still had issues with their instructional media in teaching English, this study tries to learn what the high school students think about Quipper School in order to determine whether it can be used as an e-learning platform[6].

  13. (PDF) Students' Perceptions Toward the Implementation of Quipper School

    This article reports the students' perceptions in implementing Quipper School as an e- learning platform in teaching English and to know the advantages and disadvantages of it.


    Chapelle (2003) highlights three types of interaction that teachers should promote within language learning tasks: interpersonal interaction, learner-computer interaction, and intrapersonal interaction. In Quipper, teachers and students are given an opportunity to get engaged into interpersonal communication.

  15. Students' Perceptions of Learning Platform: The Advantages and

    Quipper School is an online learning platform that consists of two. portals, namely Learn for students and Link for teachers. The purpose. of this study was to evaluate students' perceptions of ...

  16. Quipper School and Its Effectiveness in the Academic Performance of

    The COVID-19 epidemic has made it more thought-provoking for students to learn in higher education institutions. Therefore, it seems that Quipper is an e-learning platform solution that ...

  17. Product Highlights: Quipper Essays for Teachers

    Other features of Quipper Essays for Teachers include: Filtering of essay assignment list; Editing of essay assignments - teachers can still edit the essay activity details as long as there's no submitted work yet from the students in the class. Download scores as CSV file. Continue to this link to know about Quipper Essays for Students!

  18. How to Properly Attach Link in Quipper Essays

    Dear students, watch this video on how to attach LINK in the Essay portal so that your teachers can click the link directly.

  19. Quipper Philippines Blog

    Here are its key features and how to use them: Quipper Essays for Students Logging in to Quipper Essays for students Similar to the teachers' essay portal, students can… March 5, 2021. Product Highlights: Quipper Essays for Teachers Need an online tool for your classes' writing tasks? Check out our new Quipper Essays portal for both ...

  20. (PDF) Quipper Utilization and Its Effectiveness as a Learning

    As of the 24 students present and active, 2 students still have difficulty in using e-learning quipper. Thus, more than 95% of participants can use the e-learning quipper. View

  21. (PDF) Students' Perceptions Toward the Implementation of Quipper School

    The quipper school allows students to still access or get a lesson even though the teacher is not present to provide direct instruction in the classroom, the students can indicating technology inside or outside classroom. This is line with the theory by Rahmawati. (2015) which stated that "Teacher and students can interact directly ...

  22. Quipper all set to support teachers and students this back-to-school

    Along with a new Essay app for writing assignments, it also offers a content management tool, enabling teachers to create and publish their own materials," added Takagi. In addition, the Quipper School platform can also complement blended learning approaches that teachers may adopt for their in-person classes, like the station rotation and ...

  23. (PDF) Students' Opinions of the Use of Quipper School as an Online

    In conclusion, the students of SMAN 3 Mandau dominant disagree with the disadvantages of Quipper School and they assumed that Quipper School is an online learning platform that suitable for ...

  24. Opinion

    Students are spending slightly more time in classes than in the past. In 1965, for instance, public school students in Arizona met for 175 days, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 3 p.m. In 2022 ...