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presentation phrases english

35 Powerful Presentation Phrases in English for Engaging Your Audience

Your palms are sweating. 

For a moment, your mind goes blank. 

All eyes are on you.

That moment right before you start presenting – as you take in your audience – is usually the scariest. The nervousness lessens with practice, but even the most frequent public speakers still get butterflies in their stomach sometimes. Whether you’re facing an entire room of people or looking at everyone through your laptop screen, giving a presentation can still be intimidating – or exciting, once you move beyond the fear. 

There’s an extra layer of challenge too if you have to speak in your non-native language. For a more professional-sounding and engaging presentation, we’ve compiled some of the most useful English presentation phrases below.

We’ll also explore what else you can do to make even more of an impact on your audience. With the right intonation, body language, and gestures, you’ll really be able to catch their attention and emphasize your points. 

If this sounds interesting to you, you should check out the Creativa business meeting mastery course . There’s an entire video episode about giving a stunning presentation. You’ll learn about how to structure your ideas, deliver a report, and conclude a discussion. It covers not only fluent native phrases but also body language demonstrations that you can apply to your work right away. 

On top of this, the course has plenty of other engaging, high-quality video episodes that help you present your best self in English. Curious about it? You can access a free video here . 

Delivering a Powerful Presentation 

To lay the groundwork for your presentation in English, here’s what you’ll have to do first:

Consider the audience  

You’re probably always going to need slides, but every presentation will be different – and the audience that you’ll be presenting to won’t always find the same points interesting. Because of this, you’ll have to tailor your message to them. What style of presentation would be a good fit? For example, some audiences would want to see a lot of number-crunching, while others might be looking for more personal storytelling .

Prepare a structure 

Structure is key in presentations. People have short attention spans, and they can be forgetful. At the end of the day, your goal is for them to remember at least the main points in your presentation. What message do you want to convey? Since you might be discussing a lot of information, you can make it more digestible by ensuring that there’s a logical progression and then ending with a summary. 

Whatever your topic is, it’ll benefit from having a well-defined structure to guide your audience from start to finish. For a cheat sheet on this, scroll down here to download a free PDF worksheet with exercises about structuring your presentation so you can be clear and convincing. This way, you can have a presentation that’s strong in all sections – beginning, middle, and end. 

Key Business Phrases

Once you’ve decided on the style and message of your presentation, you can take it up a notch by including certain English presentation phrases all throughout. Let’s break it down from start to finish: 


This is when you’ll be warming up your audience before you proceed to your main points. 

Greeting the audience

If you’re presenting to people who aren’t too familiar with you, you can quickly introduce yourself and mention your role or company. 

  • Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to be able to present to all of you. 
  • Hello, everyone! It’s nice to see all of you today. I’m [name], the [position] from [company].

Describing your topic

After greeting the audience, you’ll be explaining to them what your presentation is all about. To set their expectations, you might show them an outline of the talk and mention if there’ll be any activities such as breakout discussions.

  • I’ll be talking about…
  • I’ll be talking about our financial metrics over the past year.
  • The topic of this presentation will be…
  • The topic of this presentation will be major trends in the logistics industry.
  • I’ll be discussing first the [first topic], next [second topic], and finally [third topic].
  • I’ll be discussing first the project’s ideation process, next our initial trial, and finally, presenting our results.

Addressing questions and technical concerns

People might be wondering if they can ask questions during your presentation, so you can clarify this at the start. If you’re providing handouts or presenting online, it’s useful to ask people to alert you about any technical concerns. 

  • Please feel free to ask any questions during the talk.
  • For questions, there will be a Q&A section at the end.
  • Can all of you see and hear me properly? Please let me know if you have any technical difficulties during the presentation.  

The body will make up the bulk of your presentation. Ideally, you would go through each of your points logically while letting your audience know when you’re moving on to the next section. 

The longer your presentation, the more important it is to use sequencing phrases. These act as cues that let your audience know where you are in the presentation. You can think of these as similar to detour signals that make the audience much more likely to get your meaning. 

  • First, let’s discuss the…
  • First, let’s discuss the initial spark for this idea.
  • Moving into [the next item / point] …
  • Moving into item 4, we can see that this is a major pain point for our target market.
  • This leads us to the next…
  • This leads us to the next section, where we’ll be looking at the facts and figures.

Linking is closely related to sequencing. Similar to writing, you can have a smoother presentation by connecting your ideas rather than suddenly jumping from one point to another. You can also refer back to points that you’ve mentioned before to make your presentation more cohesive. 

  • In connection to what I said earlier…
  • In connection to what I said earlier about growing our online presence, we can now look into potential social media campaigns.
  • What this means is…
  • What this means is that most of our growth is coming from a certain sector. Let’s analyze the data for this in the next section.
  • This ties in with…
  • This ties in with our survey findings about user reactions. I’ll go into detail about changes we’ve made to the app as a result.

Giving examples

To fully convey your point, you can bring up specific examples and case studies. These are much more memorable as well as engaging because you can tell these in the form of a story.

  • For example…
  • For example, costs were reduced significantly when we switched to the following materials.
  • To demonstrate this point…
  • To demonstrate this point, I’ll be showing you a video of a business that used this problem-solving method.
  • Here’s an example of…
  • Here’s an example of a seasonal product that our customers loved.

Showing visuals 

Visuals naturally attract people’s attention. If you’re using slides for your presentation, take the opportunity to include images, diagrams, infographics, or even charts. 

  • As you can see from this…
  • As you can see from this photo, we’ve redesigned our office space.
  • Here’s a diagram / picture / chart that shows…
  • Here’s a diagram that shows a high percentage of people are comfortable with online shopping.
  • If you look at this…
  • If you look at this infographic, you can see that the new color palette comes off as fun and casual.

Citing data

Citing data from research makes your presentation more persuasive. When you’re talking about results that you’ve achieved, try to bring up actual numbers – this can go a long way towards impressing your audience. 

  • According to this study…
  • According to this study from [journal], 65% of eCommerce companies are looking for more efficient payment methods.
  • Based on our research…
  • Based on our research, the most enthusiastic buyers of wellness products in this city are in the 20 to 30 age range.
  • Looking at the data…
  • Looking at the data, you’ll notice that there’s been an 18% spike in sales since we migrated our platform.

Restating an idea

Sometimes you’ll want to restate an idea so it’s easier to understand. This also serves to emphasize it. Because of the repetition, people are more likely to remember it compared to if you’d only mentioned it once. 

  • In other words…
  • In other words, partnering up with this client can make our operations more efficient and seamless.
  • Another way of saying this is…
  • Another way of saying this is that there might actually be more demand than supply by next year.
  • What I mean is…
  • What I mean is we’re already more than halfway to our business objective.

Handling technical issues

When you’re presenting on video call, all kinds of glitches can happen. Someone might have connection issues, you might have to figure out an app feature you’ve never used before, or background noises might keep interrupting your call. The phrases below can be very handy in these kinds of situations.

  • If you can’t hear me, can you type in the chat, please?
  • Could everyone mute their mic? There’s a lot of background noise.
  • Sorry. The call dropped. I’m back through.

Concluding the Presentation 

By this time, the hardest part is already over! Still, you’ll have to wrap up your presentation nicely by going over the key takeaways during the conclusion. Your audience might also have questions that they’ll want you to address.

Summarizing the presentation

Out of everything that you’ve discussed, what would you like people to get out of it? A short summary towards the end serves to highlight your main ideas. 

  • To wrap up…
  • To wrap up, I’d like to point out three major takeaways.
  • As a summary…
  • As a summary of this report update, I would say we have seen a positive uptick in our workflow and productivity.
  • All in all…
  • All in all, we believe we’ve seen good results for this stage of our progress.

Thanking the audience

Similar to your greeting at the start, it’s common to address your audience again towards the end by thanking them for their time. 

  • Thank you for listening!
  • Thank you to everyone for being here. 
  • I’d like to thank you all for coming here.

Addressing questions

If you’re open to questions from your audience, you can have a short question-and-answer session after your presentation. 

  • Do you have any questions or clarifications?
  • Feel free to ask me about any of the points I made during the presentation.
  • Let me know if you have any questions. 

Practice is Crucial

When you’re all set with the content of your presentation, the next step is to practice your delivery. Regardless of how well you know the topic of your presentation, practicing it at least once will help you be more confident. You’ll discover potential issues that you can fix too before you go live. 

Do a run-through

The most basic way to practice is to do a run-through of your entire presentation . Set a timer on your phone, open up your slides, then start talking – all while imagining that you’re already presenting to your audience. Since you’re acting as if it’s in real-time, this means avoiding any pauses where you have to look up information. 

A run-through can pinpoint any weaknesses in your presentation, and you’ll notice any parts where you might be uncomfortable talking. You’ll also be able to see how much time you’ve spent so you can pace yourself accordingly.  

Record yourself

A more intensive version of the run-through basic would be to record yourself presenting. You can either record your voice or take a full video of yourself. People often notice that they use filler words a lot such as “um” or “uh.” You’ll also be able to check your pronunciation and whether you sound confident and natural all throughout.

Since body language can make or break your delivery, watching a video of yourself presenting is an incredibly effective way to improve your performance. Do your facial expressions match what you’re saying? Are you maintaining good posture throughout and making efforts to connect with the audience?   

When you combine a confident, approachable body language with the right business vocabulary, your ideas shine through better than ever. You can get a play-by-play of how exactly to do this with the Creativa business meeting mastery course . It features video sections that are all about making powerful transitions and expressing your points clearly during presentations. You’ll learn about specific native English phrases and gestures so you can move fluidly from one idea to the next. 

Together with the other episodes, the course dives deep into how you can be a strong communicator during professional meetings. For a preview, check out this free episode .  

Presenting on Video Call

Technical issues happen often enough in face-to-face presentations, but they’re even more frequent during video calls. To avoid any awkward delays when you’re presenting, get comfortable with the platform that you’ll be using. 

If it’s a face-to-face presentation, double-check your slides and make sure any images or videos are showing properly. For video calls, try doing a test call on the app or even call up a friend to practice. You can also get familiar with the app’s basic features, such as screen-sharing or inviting people to breakout rooms. 

But sometimes, even when you’ve practiced your presentation perfectly on video call, the unexpected can still happen. Scroll down here to download a free worksheet that we made precisely for dealing with technical issues in presentations. You’ll get an extensive list of English phrases to use for all sorts of video call glitches, along with practical tips for handling them in the moment. With enough preparation, you’ll be able to roll with surprises and conquer even video call presentations. 

Let’s explore some of the most common glitches (and how you can deal with them gracefully!):

Situation 1: You’re having a hard time hearing other people because of their laggy connection. 

For a presentation to work, everyone needs to have a decent internet connection. If someone’s connection drops, they won’t be able to see or hear you properly, and you won’t understand what they’re trying to say, either. In this case, let them know right away that you can’t hear them. You can also ask them to talk to you over chat instead. 

Example Phrases:

  • [Name], you’re cutting in and out. Would you mind reconnecting?
  • Audio problems – can you type it on chat instead?

Situation 2: You get disconnected from the call. 

In the case that it’s your connection that’s faulty, you might have to disconnect then reconnect your call. This can be awkward because it interrupts the flow of your presentation. Alerting your audience using certain English phrases can reassure them while getting you back on track with what you were saying.

  • Sorry, guys, dropped call. But I’m back.
  • Connection problems, everyone. Gonna log out and back in. 

Situation 3: People are having a hard time figuring out how to turn on their audio or video.

Another reason why you’d want to be really familiar with the video platform is you might have to coach people when they experience glitches. It’s almost expected that a few people might accidentally forget to turn on their mic while speaking. Alternatively, they might have issues with turning on their camera.

  • I can’t see you, [name]. [Give instructions on how to turn on their video.]
  • I can’t see you, Fatima. Look for the camera icon and make sure there’s no red line through it.
  • Typing in chat: “Make sure your mic’s unmuted.” [Clarify how they’ll know if they’re unmuted.]
  • Typing in chat: “ Make sure your mic’s unmuted. There should be no red lines through it.

The best presentations excel in all three areas: content, structure, and delivery. 

Including some of the key English phrases above will upgrade your performance. Aside from setting a professional tone, these English presentation phrases set the pace for your audience so they’re aware of where you are in the discussion. Your message will sound clearer, and your audience will be able to follow your ideas better.

The basic rules for presentations are the same, whether you’re on a video call or stepping in front of a stage. With the tips above, you’re all set to prepare an amazing presentation in English.

Face-to-face synonyms

What is another word for face-to-face .

  • opposite directly facing
  • direct directly facing
  • confronting directly facing
  • face to face

other words for face presentation

  • unequivocally
  • without prevarication
  • in the flesh
  • mano a mano
  • tete-a-tete
  • word for word
  • point-black

Synonyms for face-to-face

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Synonyms and antonyms of face-to-face in English



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Speaking about Presenting

The 6 reasons why face-to-face presenting is more persuasive

by Olivia Mitchell | 3 comments

Seth Godin recently posted that as online methods of engaging and interacting improve, the expectations for face-to-face interactions such as sales calls, presentations and conferences will increase:

In other words, “I flew all the way here for this?” is going to be far more common than it used to be.

This got me thinking about whether we will continue to have face-to-face presentations. Does face-to-face presenting have an edge over video-conferencing and other online presentation technology?

I think so. Face-to-face presenting is inherently more persuasive. For many of us this is intuitive . If you want to persuade someone, going to see them is likely to be more effective than the phone, and the phone is likely to be more effective than sending them an e-mail.

Social psychologist Robert Cialdini in his classic work Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion identifies six weapons of influence . Here’s how these factors can be more effective in a face-to-face setting:

1. Reciprocation – we feel some obligation to return favors.

If a person has made the effort to prepare and deliver a face-to-face presentation, we are likely to reciprocate by carefully considering what they say. We owe them that. When I watch a presentation online and the presenter fails to engage me I have no hesitation in clicking away.  I’ve only once left a live presentation – and I felt awful doing it.

2. Commitment and consistency – if people make a commitment, they are likely to follow through on it.

Attending a live presentation and devoting time to it, is a form of commitment. So in order to act consistently with that commitment, audience members may be more likely to take action based on the presentation.

3. Social proof – we look to other people as guidance on how to act.

Being part of an audience is a very different experience to watching a video of the same presentation online by yourself. Could this be because the behaviour of other people helps us form our own response to the presenter.

4. Authority – we tend to obey authority figures.

Are we more likely to judge someone as authoritative when we see them face to face? I think this is likely.

5. Liking – we’re more easily persuaded by people we like.

Deciding whether we like someone we’ve seen or met online, takes time. Meeting people face-to-face, we can make millisecond judgments about whether we like them.

6. Scarcity – believing something is scarce makes us want it.

A live presentation is by definition scarce – being part of it is to feel part of something exclusive and special. When we see something on the internet, in most cases, we know that it’s also available to millions of other people – nothing special or exclusive about that.

You’ve likely visited the TED website. Hundred of good quality videos of fantastic presentations. It’s almost like being there! But it’s not. And despite the fact that I can watch all the presentations online, I would still love to be invited and I would pay to go.

Humans evolved in a face-to-face world.  We are optimised for the face-to-face situation. I believe face-to-face presenting will continue to have a persuasive edge. What do you think?

I wrote all this and then I read Guy Kawasaki’s post about amazing new technology from Cisco and Musion Systems. See it in action here . Three people on stage in Bangalore, India, but only one of them is really there – two of them are “holographic presences” beamed in from San Jose, California. From an audience point of view, there appears to be no distinction between the three men. I believe we would be fooled into reacting as if they were all face-to-face with us.

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Comment from Terry Gault

You are definitely right: face-time is more persuasive for the reasons you gave.

It is much easier to form accurate general impressions of a speaker in person, even if we may not be able to articulate the behaviors and techniques that led us to form them. After all, we’ve all spent a good portion of our lives gaging the truthfulness of the people with whom we interact.

In his book, “Strangers to Ourselves,” Timothy Wilson of the University of Virginia notes that the brain can absorb about 11 million pieces of information a second, of which it can process about 40 consciously. The unconscious brain handles the rest.

Our unconscious brains are gathering up thousands of subtle signals from the speakers that we observe regularly and forming general impressions such as, “He’s lying.” or “She’s arrogant.”

Body-language is often lost on-line, as is tone of voice in e-mail. Thus, we lose a lot of information about a speaker which makes it much harder to be persuaded by them.

Thanks for the post!

Susan RoAne

Today’s technology does keep us connected. We can attend video conferences, webinars, Second Life events, etc. They serve a purpose.

But they are substitutes that can never supplant the depth, the ability to hear what isn’t being said and opportunity to “read” people that face to face contact offers. We just need to become adept at it. And I am biased as my new book will be out in October: Face to FAce: How to REclaim he Personal Touch in a Digital World.

One techie blogger wrote that there is no such thing as sharing a “virtual beer”.

We must all be digitally adept but those who succeed in the 21st Century will be the people who can “talk to other people” according to Dr. Nathan Keyfitz, of Harvard. Whether it’s the sales call, the delicate conversation, the chance meeting —face to face communication reigns.



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Synonyms of face

  • as in to front
  • as in to confront
  • as in to clad
  • as in to encounter
  • as in looks
  • as in front
  • as in grimace
  • as in exterior
  • as in appearance
  • as in person
  • as in assurance
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Thesaurus Definition of face

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • look (toward)
  • point (toward)
  • look down (on)
  • stand up to
  • face up (to)
  • contend (with)
  • square (off)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

Thesaurus Definition of face  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • countenance
  • physiognomy
  • first blush
  • resemblance
  • implication
  • demonstration
  • representation
  • insinuation
  • affectation
  • make - belief
  • make - believe
  • Potemkin village
  • human being
  • personality
  • presumption
  • audaciousness
  • presumptuousness
  • self - confidence
  • overconfidence
  • self - assurance
  • inconsideration
  • impoliteness
  • inconsiderateness
  • ungraciousness
  • impertinence
  • discourteousness
  • bashfulness
  • timorousness
  • faintheartedness
  • graciousness
  • mannerliness
  • courteousness
  • satisfaction
  • positiveness
  • assuredness
  • doubtlessness
  • cocksureness
  • determination
  • authoritarianism
  • resoluteness
  • decisiveness
  • purposefulness
  • uncertainty
  • incredulity
  • incertitude
  • indecisiveness
  • irresolution
  • nonconfidence

Examples of face in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'face.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Phrases Containing face

  • blue in the face
  • egg on one's face
  • fall on one's face
  • make a face
  • pull a face

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Thesaurus Entries Near face

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“Face.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/face. Accessed 10 Aug. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on face

Nglish: Translation of face for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of face for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about face

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noun as in appearance

Strongest matches

  • presentation

Strong matches

  • countenance

noun as in complexion

  • pigmentation

Weak matches

noun as in countenance

  • physiognomy

noun as in features

Example Sentences

As a means of preventing tooth decay in those cities that do fluoridate, the practice certainly looks like a success.

He looks like a man who should have had kids, but now never will.

But there is no consensus about what the attrition of ISIS looks like.

Parliament looks at measures to monitor toddlers for anti-Semitic speech.

When you see somebody who looks like you doing something you never thought you could do, then that thing becomes possible.

She observed his pale looks, and the distracted wandering of his eyes; but she would not notice either.

A gentleman expatiating upon the good looks of women, declared that he had never yet seen an ugly woman.

“It looks better than any house around here now, since you fixed it up and painted it,” said Sol.

After all, here was a babe equipped to face the exigencies of a censorious world; in looks and apparel a credit to any father.

One, a man of distinguished looks and military bearing, was a little in advance of the other two.

Related Words

Words related to looks are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word looks . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

noun as in outward aspect, characteristic

noun as in appearance, usually of the face

noun as in facial characteristics

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Towards a Competent Public Health Workforce for Multi-Hazard Public Health Emergency Risk Management at Points of Entry in Sri Lanka & Maldives: A joint WHO-IOM training initiative

Preparing a well- trained public heath workforce to manage health emergency risks and foster inter-country cooperation for enabling compliance to International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 at airports, seaports , and onboard conveyances in Sri Lanka & Maldives through a joint WHO-IOM competency-based training.

Group photo of joint WHO-IOM training

August 2024

A landmark training on International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) core capacities at airports, seaports, and onboard conveyances – airplane and ships, concluded in Sri Lanka on Friday, 2 August 2024. The training was aimed at strengthening the competencies of public health officials in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, focusing on IHR linked legal requirements and assessments to enhance core capacities at these two types of Points of Entry (PoEs) and conveyances. This is a first-of-its-kind joint initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), exemplifying collaboration between UN agencies through sharing of expertise and resources provided by a bilateral development partner to support countries to prepare a competent national health human resource.

The training, which was held from 29 July to 2 August 2024, was supported by the Ministry of Health, Government of Sri Lanka and generously funded by the Government of Japan.

Dr. S.M. Arnold, Deputy Director General (PHS I) of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, highlighted the training’s significance by stating - “ The essence of this training is to ensure that personnel at our PoEs, our gateways to the world, are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to handle health emergencies effectively. Additionally, it seeks collaboration and information sharing among public health professionals, ensuring a more coordinated response to health threats.”

The Role of PoEs in Global Health Security

Points of entry play a crucial role in global health security as frontline defences against the spread of infectious diseases and other health threats. Effective management of these points is essential for safeguarding health of the community at both national and international scales. However, managing PoEs presents several challenges, including the need for strong cross-sectoral coordination among all stakeholders involved, adequate resources, trained PoE officials, advanced technological tools and adequate infrastructure, and the capacity to handle high volumes of travellers, conveyances and cargo efficiently. Competent personnel at PoEs are vital to respond to public health events and prevent cross-border spread of infections by implementing the core capacities of IHR (2005). Therefore, a sustainable public health system with highly qualified health and non-health personnel equipped with appropriate technical training and skills is of utmost importance.

Enhancing Knowledge and Skills

The joint WHO-IOM training aimed to strengthen the knowledge of border health officials on IHR (2005) core capacities, recent amendments to the IHR, and effective use of standard assessment tools at PoEs, with a special focus on conducting ship sanitation inspections. The training was attended by 29 public health officials, including eight from the Maldives and 21 from Sri Lanka. Four international expert trainers from a Port Health Authority of the United Kingdom and the three levels of WHO (Geneva, WHO South-East Asia Regional Office, Country Office - Timor Leste) and one observer also participated.

HE Mizukoshi Hideaki, Ambassador of Japan to Sri Lanka, emphasized Japan's commitment to supporting preparedness for future health emergencies. “As we move beyond the pandemic, Japan remains committed to supporting countries’ preparedness for future health emergencies. This training will provide valuable tools to strengthen Sri Lanka and Maldives’ public health management , improving their response to future challenges.”

Hands-On Experience

The training included both face-to-face and interactive practical sessions, allowing participants to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. The classroom component introduced participants to IHR (2005) requirements at PoEs at routine times and during public health emergencies and WHO assessment tools through presentations, exercises, and group activities. Participants then visited Bandaranaike International Airport for a simulated assessment as well as a simulated scenario on the management of public health events onboard an aircraft, and Colombo Port for a Ship Sanitation Certification inspection on board an international vessel and a simulated port health assessment. In preparation, participants were required to complete two online trainings on the WHO Ship Sanitation Inspection and Issuance of Ship Sanitation Certificate; and the WHO Public Health Event Management in Air Transport.

Perspectives of the organizing UN agencies and participants

Dr. Shalala Ahmadova, Public Health Administrator- OIC WHO Sri Lanka remarked that “This gathering signifies our collective commitment to strengthening health security and our dedication to ensuring the health and well-being of people and communities.” Similarly, Dr. Simeonette De Asis-Chief of Mission ai- IOM Sri Lanka and Maldives emphasized on the collaboration between the UN agencies “ This training is a testament to the powerful collaboration, tying our efforts with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health has been instrumental in bringing this program to a successful conclusion.” 

collage of joint WHO-IOM training

Participants enthusiastically shared on how this training was beneficial for them:

  “ I was particularly impressed by how Sri Lankan port health officers meticulously inspect the food being loaded onto vessels. I’m eager to recommend this practice to my colleagues at the Health Protection Agency in the Maldives ,” said Dr. Mohamed Ahzam, Public Health Officer at the Health Protection Agency in the Maldives.

Dr. Yasoma Weerasekara, Deputy Director of Port Health in Colombo, Sri Lanka, also found the training invaluable. “It’s just been few months into my new role working for the port health office. This training has been a great learning platform for me to improve my knowledge , especially on coordination and communication and the assessments of core capacities at the ports. However, having more regional examples reflecting best practices would have made it even better ,” said Dr. Weerasekara.

Strengthening Core Capacities

A significant achievement of the training was the introduction to assessment tools aimed at strengthening core capacities at PoEs. The simulated public health capacity assessment at the airport and the simulated ship inspection and issuance of a ship sanitation certificate on board an international vessel at Colombo Port were particularly noteworthy. This training helps bolster health security capacities at PoEs, as highlighted in the WHO South-Esat Asia Regional strategic roadmap on health security and health system resilience for emergencies 2023-2027, by providing border health officials with a thorough understanding of IHR and essential core capacities and assessment tools. Such cross-country training reinforces collaboration among nations, enabling them to network effectively to manage and mitigate health risks, thereby safeguarding the well-being of everyone.

As the world continues to face emerging health threats, the role of border health officials and PoEs remains central to safeguarding global health security. Training officials stationed at PoEs to ensure compliance to IHR is crucial for this.

JO de Paris 2024 - Basketball : France - Allemagne, une rivalité naissante et une demi-finale olympique historique | Présentation et analyse


Photo de 2024 Getty Images

À l'Arena Bercy , l'équipe de France de basketball hommes a rendez-vous avec l'histoire, ce jeudi 8 août.

Elle vise une seconde finale olympique consécutive après celle perdue lors des Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo 2020 contre les États-Unis d'Amérique (82-87).

En quart de finale, la France a réalisé une prestation de haut niveau, retrouvant son identité défensive et son intensité contre le Canada, qui n'avait pas perdu un match dans le tournoi (82-73).

Au rêve d’un nouveau sommet olympique, se dresse devant Les Bleus , les champions du monde allemands. Une équipe en pleine ascension dans l'échiquier mondial et qui a dominé dans les grandes largeurs la France lors de la phase de poules à Lille.

« On a de l'espoir pour le match de jeudi. On pourrait penser que cette équipe allemande nous est très largement supérieure, je pense qu'elle a un petit avantage, mais en tout cas pas à ce qu'on a pu voir vendredi dernier (Défaite 71 à 85). Donc on va essayer d'inverser la tendance », analyse Vincent Collet , le sélectionneur de l'équipe de France après la qualification en demi-finale.

La France sera poussée par tout un peuple face à l'Allemagne, qui n'a plus perdu en phase finale depuis la demi-finale du dernier Eurobasket, le 16 septembre 2022 contre l'Espagne (91-96).

Présentation d’un duel qui s’annonce épique, prévu ce jeudi à 17h30

LIRE AUSSI : Les réactions des Bleus après leur qualification en demi-finale des Jeux Olympiques

JO de Paris 2024 | Présentation de la demi-finale : France - Allemagne

Souviens-toi vendredi dernier.

« L'Allemagne est une équipe qui nous a malmené. C'est incroyable d'avoir une opportunité de les revoir dans cette compétition. C'est l'une des meilleures équipes au monde et ça va être un gros challenge pour nous. »

S'il existait encore un doute, Rudy Gobert vient de l'effacer. Le match du vendredi 2 août est bel et bien encore dans toutes les têtes françaises. Au stade Pierre-Mauroy de Lille le vendredi 2 août, Les Bleus n'avaient pas répondu présent dans le choc du groupe B.

Dominés dans le combat et amorphes en défense, les vice-champions olympiques n'avaient pas réussi à arrêter le duo Dennis Schröder et Franz Wagner, auteurs de 52 points à eux deux. Il faudra donc montrer le même visage que contre le Canada pour envisager une nouvelle finale olympique.

Isaïa Cordinier et Guerschon Yabusele, de nouveau titulaires ?

À la révélation du cinq titulaire bleu lors du quart de finale France - Canada, surprise. Isaïa Cordinier et Guerschon Yabusele décrochent leur première titularisation du tournoi tandis qu'Evan Fournier commence sur le banc des remplaçants. Un pari qui a porté ses fruits avec un impact immédiat des deux joueurs, meilleurs marqueurs de la rencontre côté français. (20 points pour Cordinier, 22 pour Yabusele).

« On a imposé notre jeu dès le début, on a mis les coudes dès le début. Les premières actions ont été décisives. Au bout de cinq minutes de jeu, je les regarde, ils avaient l’air fatigués (les joueurs du Canada). Quand j’ai vu ça, j’ai dit à tout le monde, il faut continuer à les pousser. »

Dans un rôle de sixième homme, Evan Fournier est apparu plus confortable. Avec la balle plus souvent en main, le numéro 10 des Bleus a pu donner de la créativité à l'attaque française, réussissant son meilleur match du tournoi.

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L'heure de Victor Wembanyama ?

En panne d'adresse, Victor Wembanyama n'a pas réussi à passer la barre des dix points pour la première fois du tournoi. Pour sa première compétition internationale, Wemby a énormément de pression sur les épaules mais rien que sa présence permet aux Bleus de monter d'un cran en défense. En attaque, il faudra réussir à servir le rookie de l'année près du panier à l'image de son match contre le Brésil où il avait été inarrêtable par séquence.

Bien défendu par la paire Mo Wagner et Daniel Theis , en poules, le prodige devra être prêt pour le combat face à des intérieurs moins grand mais plus physique que lui. Les fans français rêvent de le voir réaliser son premier match au-dessus des 20 points de la compétition.

Qui pour arrêter Dennis Schröder ?

Le meilleur joueur de la dernière Coupe du monde FIBA rayonne lors de ces Jeux Olympiques. Rapide, très bon finisseur près du panier et distributeur d'exception, Dennis Schröder est le moteur de l'équipe allemande. Un chef d'orchestre, meilleur passeur du tournoi olympique qu'il faudra limiter. Après avoir réussi à enrayer l'attaque canadienne menés par des joueurs tels que Jamal Murray , Shai Gilgeous-Alexander et R.J. Barrett , Vincent Collet a un nouveau défi en ligne de mire.

Mais le coach français est ressorti renforcé du quart de finale contre le Canada. Disposant de meneurs spécialistes des missions défensives (Albicy, Ntilikina), ainsi que d'ailliers pouvant défendre contre des joueurs de petites tailles (Batum, Cordinier) Collet a le matériel pour limiter le porte-drapeau de la délégation allemande.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Équipe de France de Basket (@equipedefrancebasket)

Résultats de l'équipe de France de basketball hommes aux JO de Paris 2024

Tour préliminaire - groupe b.

  • France 78-66 Brésil : le résumé
  • France 94-90 Japon : le résumé
  • France 71-85 Allemagne : le résumé

Quarts de finale

  • France 82-73 Canada : le résumé

LIRE AUSSI - Médailles de la France aux JO de Paris 2024

Résultats de l'équipe d'Allemagne de basketball hommes aux JO de Paris 2024

  • Allemagne 97-77 Japon
  • Allemagne 86-73 Brésil
  • France 71-85 Allemagne
  • Allemagne 76-63 Grèce

Comment regarder le basketball en direct aux JO de Paris 2024

En France, les JO de Paris 2024 sont à suivre sur France Télévisions ou Eurosport .

Découvrez tous les diffuseurs des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024

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