History Extended Essay: Definition, Outline, Assessment CriteriaWelcome to the guide on history extended essays. This guide is designed to provide you with an understanding of what a History Extended Essay is, outline the components that need to be included in your paper and provide tips on how to write a successful essay. This guide will cover: Definition of a History Extended EssayOutline of a history extended essay, assessment criteria for history extended essays. Writing StrategiesAdvice on ReferencingEvidence analysis and synthesis, proofreading and finalizing. By the end of this guide, you should be able to confidently write and submit a History Extended Essay that meets the criteria and will get you the grades you want. You will learn how to develop great research questions, structure your essay, analyze evidence, and use the right referencing system. We’ll also provide guidance on how to proofread your work and finish it to a high standard. We hope this guide helps you on your journey to success! A History Extended Essay is an essay form that requires a student to provide an in-depth analysis of a chosen topic or event. It typically requires research, evidence collection, and thoughtful reflection on the part of the student. The essay should be structured logically, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The goal is to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the chosen topic or event and to provide original insights and argumentation. The essay should contain a thesis statement that sets out the main argument, and the body should then provide evidence and discussion to support the thesis. The essay should have a conclusion that summarises the findings, arguments, and evidence presented. Additionally, it should contain appropriate citations to sources throughout and a bibliography section at the end. History Extended Essay essays can be written from many different perspectives, including geographical, chronological, political, social, and economic. Good research questions should be open-ended and enable exploration and discovery of multiple viewpoints. Constructing an effective outline for your History Extended Essay is essential to ensure that you create a clear and cohesive essay. The following advice will help you to create an outline that will enable you to craft a well-structured and successful essay. Your essay should include three main sections: the introduction, main body, and conclusion. Each section has a particular purpose and contributes to the overall structure and argument of the essay. IntroductionThe introduction of your essay should serve two key purposes. First, you should provide a brief overview of the topic of your extended essay and its context. Second, you should introduce your research question and make it clear to the reader why this is an interesting area of study that is worthy of further investigation. The main body of your essay should be dedicated to outlining and elaborating upon the evidence that you have gathered in support of your research question. This should include both primary sources such as documents, photographs, and artifacts, and secondary sources such as scholarly works and historical analyses. By carefully examining, analyzing, and interpreting this evidence, you can develop your own arguments and insights in order to answer your research question. The conclusion of your essay should bring your main argument to a close and suggest future avenues for study. You should also link back to the introduction, summarizing the main points of the essay. This is an important part of the essay because it shows readers what the main point of the essay was and how it reaches a conclusion. By using these tips, you can ensure that your History Extended Essay has a clear and concise structure that allows you to clearly express your argument. With careful planning and preparation, you can be certain that your essay will be well-written and successful. Good luck! Understanding the criteria by which your History Extended Essay will be judged is essential to achieving the highest mark. The assessment criteria splits into 5 categories: knowledge and understanding; problem-solving ability; critical thinking; research skills; and writing and presentation. In this section, we will explain each of these criteria in detail. Knowledge and UnderstandingIn assessing knowledge and understanding, markers will look to see how well you have absorbed information and facts related to your research question and topic. They will want to know to what extent you have engaged with content which goes beyond the scope of the research question. Further, they will be interested in how you have used that knowledge in constructing a compelling argument in your essay. Problem-Solving AbilityThis criterion focuses on two things: how well you have identified and defined the key problem in your essay and how effectively you have created a solution. Markers will be looking to assess your ability to think pragmatically and solve problems logically. You should pay particular attention to the evidence you present and the structure of your essay when trying to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. Critical ThinkingTo score highly for critical thinking, markers will want to see that you have considered both sides of the argument. Demonstrating critical engagement with the sources you use and providing evidence in support of your own views will be important here. Your essay should also show independent and creative thought, as well as an awareness of wider contexts, such as international or political implications. Research SkillsTo excel at this criterion, you must demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of different source materials and an understanding of how to best utilize them. You should strive to come to conclusions independently and provide clear evidence in support of those conclusions. In addition, you must ensure that this evidence has been transcribed accurately. Writing and PresentationFinally, your essay should be presented impeccably and be free of spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. The essay should have been carefully proofread before handing it in. The content should be clearly structured and organized and the language should be concise and even-toned. Depending on the task, diagrams and illustrations might be necessary, as well as references and bibliography. Brainstorming Process: How To Develop Brilliant IdeasBrainstorming is an essential part of writing a successful History Extended Essay. It involves researching, identifying, and analyzing the facts, evidence, and arguments as well as coming up with interesting ideas and research questions. The first step to brainstorming is to start by asking yourself questions, such as: What would be an interesting topic? What key arguments can I make? What evidence do I need to support those claims? Such questions will help guide your research. Next, you should research your topic. Start by searching online, reading books, and watching videos or documentaries related to the subject. This will provide you with the necessary information to develop your research question or topic. Once you have gathered sufficient information, it’s time to analyze it. Ask yourself questions such as: What are the main points? What evidence does each point have? What opposing views exist? By identifying and questioning the different arguments, you will be able to develop more robust and thorough ideas. Finally, once you have carefully examined the available materials, you should create a list of potential research questions or topics. You should also think of ways to defend or challenge any of the points you have identified. Doing so will help you develop brilliant research questions, evidence and arguments for your essay. Writing is an essential skill and being able to write effectively with structure, clarity and focus is an invaluable part of success in essay writing. Being able to convey arguments, ideas and facts in a succinct and clear manner is essential for an extended essay . Here are some tips to help you write clearly and effectively. A well-structured essay is the key to an effective paper. You should start by creating an outline that shows what you plan to cover in each section. Your introduction should be succinct and give a brief overview of the main points of your argument. The body section should include evidence and analysis, using examples when necessary. Finally, your conclusion should draw everything together, summarize the points you have made and provide your reader with any conclusions you have reached. It’s important to ensure the sentences you use are concise and easy to understand. Make sure to use straightforward language, avoid overly complicated phrasing and make sure each sentence expresses one clear idea. It’s also imperative to break long sentences up into shorter ones and use active voice as much as possible. In order to write clearly, you must maintain a clear focus throughout your essay. Stick to the point and avoid drifting off topic. Make sure each paragraph has a purpose and don’t engage in digressions or include irrelevant information. You should also ensure that each paragraph connects logically to the one before it and the one after. Using these strategies when writing your history extended essay can help make sure that your essay is clear, organized and informative. Being aware of these tips and taking the time to incorporate them into your writing process can help you create a successful essay. 🎓✍️ Struggling with your IB Extended Essay? ✍️🎓 Let our team of expert IB Writers be your guiding light! With an extensive track record of excellence in IB education, we are well-versed in the requirements and expectations of the IB Extended Essay. 🌟 Our accomplished writers are all experienced professionals who will provide you with a personalized and original masterpiece.We do not use AI! We take pride in delivering unique, high-quality extended essays that will impress your professor. Unlock your academic potential with our IB Extended Essay Writing Service today! 💡📚🔝 Citing Sources – Accuracy and IntegrityWhen writing a History Extended Essay it is essential that you cite the sources you use in the correct way. Doing so not only strengthens your essay, but also prevents any accusations of plagiarism. Citing your sources accurately shows your reader that you understand the ideas you are writing about and that you have conducted your research responsibly. By citing your sources you will allow other scholars to identify and verify the information you have gathered for your essay. Every time you refer to a source that is not your own words or ideas, you should acknowledge it by providing a proper citation. Citations are also important when quoting someone else’s ideas, using statistics or any other type of evidence or data. Failure to accurately cite your sources can lead to accusations of plagiarism, which can have serious consequences. The most common form of plagiarism occurs when you fail to cite a source or incorrectly cite a source. There are several different citation styles that you need to be aware of before beginning your essay. You should make sure to review each one and decide which will be best for your essay. This guide provides an overview of the different citation methods along with advice on how to use them effectively. In short, citing your sources accurately and with integrity will ensure that your work is taken seriously and will help to prevent any accusations of plagiarism. It is essential that you familiarize yourself with the different citation styles, and practice citing your sources correctly throughout the writing process. It is important to reference the sources you use when completing a History Extended Essay. This will demonstrate that you have done your research and allow your essay to be accepted as an academic piece of work. There are several different referencing systems available and it is important to understand how each one works and how to use them effectively. One common system is the Harvard referencing system. This system requires you to cite the source in the body of the text, followed by a full reference in the bibliography. The ‘in text’ citation should include the author’s name, the year of publication and the page number (if applicable). The full reference should include all the relevant details such as the author’s name, year of publication, specific book title and publisher. Another popular referencing system is the American Psychological Association (APA) system. This system also requires an ‘in text’ citation and a full reference. The ‘in text’ citation should include the author’s name and year of publication, as well as the page number. The full reference should include all the relevant details, including the author’s name, year of publication, specific book title, place of publication and publisher, as well as any other relevant information. It is important to make sure that all of the references included in your extended essay are accurate and up-to-date. To make sure this is the case, you should use reliable sources and check the most recent editions of any books you consult. It is also important to check that you have correctly cited the sources in your extended essay, as failure to do so can lead to accusations of plagiarism. By understanding and correctly using different referencing systems, you can ensure that your extended essay is properly researched and cited. This will help to demonstrate your academic integrity and ensure that your essay is accepted as the pieces of work that it is. When it comes to writing a History Extended Essay, it’s important to understand the different methods of examining, interpreting, and making use of evidence. Evidence analysis and synthesis can help you to more effectively support your argument when writing an essay. To begin any analysis and synthesis of evidence, you’ll need to identify the source of the evidence. Ask yourself “Where does this evidence come from?” Is it primary or secondary? What is the author’s perspective? Then, take into account the reliability and accuracy of the source. Also consider the relevancy to your particular topic or argument. Once you have identified the source, you can start examining and interpreting the evidence. Begin by asking yourself what is being said, and what is the overall opinion of the author? How do they back up their opinion or point of view? Is there bias or any other potential conflict of interest present in the source? Next, you’ll want to synthesize the evidence. Compile all sources that are related to your argument and look for similarities and differences. You can also compare and contrast different interpretations of the same evidence. This will help you to develop your own opinion on the topic and will enable you to better articulate your argument. Finally, once you’ve analyzed and synthesized the evidence, make sure that you are able to explain how the evidence ties into your argument. Make sure to cite your sources properly so that your readers can verify where you got your information. Additionally, think about the implications of the evidence and how it might be applicable to other topics or arguments. Evidence analysis and synthesis is an important part of writing a successful History Extended Essay. By understanding and utilizing these techniques, you will be able to better support your arguments and draw stronger conclusions from your evidence. Get Help With Your PaperWriting a strong conclusion. Now that you have completed your history extended essay, it is time to write a strong conclusion to wrap up all of the points discussed. A conclusion should summarize all points made in the essay without introducing new ideas or evidence. Making sure to review and edit following the completion of your first draft is also an important part of the essay-writing process. When summarizing the points of your essay, it is helpful to revisit the thesis statement and main argument of your paper. Make sure to include the key points and conclusions that you’ve reached in your research. Additionally, be sure to demonstrate how the argument you set out to make in the introduction ties together in the end. Editing and revising are important steps in creating a great essay. Read over each sentence, making sure that your arguments make sense and flow logically. Check for any grammar and spelling mistakes, and pay special attention to the structure of your sentences. If you feel stuck or confused during this process, looking at model essays can be helpful. Finally, make sure to follow the citation rules. Be sure your sources are correctly cited and the references are accurate. Citing your sources correctly shows that you have done your research and supports your argument. Conclusion writing can be tricky, but with the right approach and some practice, you can create a strong conclusion for your History Extended Essay. 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Appendix: Examples of Extended Essay Outlines and Evaluation CriteriaIncluded in the appendix section is an optional resource of sample examples that can help guide you in writing your extended essay. It will include a list of extended essay outlines, evaluation criteria and a recommended reading list. This resource can be beneficial to student’s when brainstorming topics, developing research questions or revising your paper before submission. Extended Essay OutlinesAn extended essay outline will help students define the structure of their paper and organize their argument. The outline will provide a framework for the student to follow and ensure that the points discussed clearly explain the topic question. The outline should also include evidence, analysis and synthesis. - The introduction should explain the context of the essay and the research question.
- The main body of the essay should include the literature review, analysis of evidence and conclusion.
- The end of the essay should wrap up the argument and discuss the implications of the research.
Evaluation CriteriaWhen it comes to evaluating an extended essay, there are certain criteria that students should be aware of. The essay should be evaluated based on the research question, the quality of evidence presented, the relevance of the sources used and the way in which the student has synthesized and analyzed the evidence. - The essay should answer the research question clearly and accurately.
- The source of evidence used must be reliable and up-to-date.
- The evidence should be used to support the argument and conclusions of the essay.
- The structure and language of the essay should be clear and concise.
- Analysis and synthesis of the evidence should be detailed and accurate.
Recommended Reading List and Other ResourcesIt is important to keep up to date with the latest publications and resources available in order to write an effective extended essay. Here is an example of possible resources that can be included in your reading list: academic journals, books, reports, websites, and interviews. To ensure accuracy, accuracy and integrity of sources, it is important to cite each resource clearly in your paper. Recommended citation style vary depending on the course being studied, so it is best to check with your professor which citation style to use. In conclusion, a comprehensive appendix section can be a great asset for writing a successful history extended essay. It can provide additional knowledge and resources for students to refer to in the organization of their paper and to evaluate the success of their writing. Proofreading and finalizing your History Extended Essay before submission is a crucial step that can mean the difference between success and failure. It is important to take the time to proofread your essay to ensure it is of the highest possible quality. Before you begin proofreading, read through the essay and assess it for any possible errors. Take the time to review for mistakes in terms of accuracy, spelling, grammar, and style, as well as any incomplete information or incorrect facts. Once you have identified potential errors and mistakes, begin making corrections where necessary. Pay attention to errors in punctuation and formatting, as well as facts that may need to be revised. Also, check for consistency in style, structure, and formatting throughout the document. It is also important to check that all sources are cited correctly, and that any quotations used are accurate and referenced properly. Then, review the essay one last time to make sure that all corrections have been made. Finally, be sure to check the essay against the criteria outlined by the assignment and make any necessary adjustments. Once you have proofread the essay and made all necessary corrections, you should feel confident that your History Extended Essay is complete and ready for submission. Nick RadlinskyNick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field. Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field. What Is the IB Learner Profile? Attributes and BenefitsIt’s more than just a framework; the IB learner profile is a list of ten traits that are meant to help students become well-rounded, globally aware people. As an IB writer, I can say that these characteristics, like thinking, communicating, and keeping an open mind, help students grow mentally and socially. 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This process of self-reflection ensures that your CAS experience is more than just a list of things to do; it’s a valuable path of growth. Best Effective Time Management Strategies in IB DiplomaFor the IB Diploma, where homework, projects, and tests can quickly pile up, learning how to handle your time well is essential. I believe that coming up with good ways to handle your time is not only helpful, it’s necessary. How to Develop a Research Question for IB IA?The most important thing for a good IB Internal Assessment (IA) is coming up with a good research question. As a former IB writer, I can promise you that a well-written research question will not only help you with your research, but it will also help you keep your analysis on track and make sense. © 2024 I Bstudenthelp.com. This website is owned and operated by Udeepi OU Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasnamäe linnaosa, Sepapaja tn 6, 15551. Disclaimer : Services we provide are only to assist the buyer like a guideline to complete any kind of writing assignment. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions Cookie Policy Revision Policy Refund Policy - How to Structure an IB History Extended Essay: A Comprehensive Guide
The Extended Essay ChallengeThe IB History Extended Essay (EE) is a significant academic undertaking that requires you to conduct independent research on a topic of your choice. Structuring your essay effectively is crucial to presenting your research in a clear and coherent manner. This guide will help you organize your IB History EE to ensure that it meets the IB criteria and showcases your analytical and research skills. The Importance of StructureA well-structured essay not only helps you present your arguments clearly but also makes it easier for the examiner to follow your line of thought. Imagine reading an essay where ideas are jumbled and key points are lost in the confusion. Proper structure is key to avoiding this pitfall. Key Elements of an IB History Extended Essay1. Title Page - Title : Should be concise and focused on your research question.
- Candidate Details : Include your name, candidate number, and session.
- Subject : Specify that the subject is History.
- Word Count : Provide the total word count of the essay.
2. Abstract (No longer required in the new EE guidelines) - The abstract is no longer a requirement as per the updated IB guidelines. Ensure you are following the latest requirements by checking the IB Extended Essay guide.
3. Table of Contents - Headings : List all major sections and subsections with corresponding page numbers.
- Clarity : Ensure the table of contents is clear and accurately reflects the structure of your essay.
4. Introduction - Research Question : State your research question clearly and succinctly.
- Context : Provide background information and context to your research question.
- Significance : Explain why the topic is significant and worth researching.
- Thesis Statement : Present your main argument or thesis statement.
- Scope : Outline the scope of your essay, including what you will and will not cover.
- Overview of Sources : Summarize the key sources you have used.
- Historiography : Discuss different historical interpretations and debates related to your topic.
- Thematic or Chronological Organization : Organize your analysis either thematically or chronologically, depending on what best suits your topic.
- Detailed Analysis : Provide a detailed analysis of your primary and secondary sources.
- Evidence and Examples : Support your arguments with specific evidence and examples from your research.
- Critical Evaluation : Critically evaluate the sources and interpretations, highlighting strengths and weaknesses.
- Constructing Arguments : Develop clear and coherent arguments that support your thesis.
- Linking Sections : Ensure each section logically follows from the previous one and leads into the next.
6. Conclusion - Restate Thesis : Summarize your main findings and restate your thesis in light of the evidence presented.
- Implications : Discuss the broader implications of your findings.
- Further Research : Suggest areas for further research or questions that remain unanswered.
7. References and Bibliography - Citation Style : Use a consistent citation style (such as Chicago, MLA, or APA) as recommended by your supervisor.
- Comprehensive List : Include all sources cited in your essay in a comprehensive bibliography.
- Primary and Secondary Sources : Differentiate between primary and secondary sources in your bibliography.
8. Appendices (if applicable) - Supplementary Material : Include any supplementary material such as maps, charts, or images that are relevant to your research.
- Referencing in Text : Ensure that all appendices are referenced in the main body of your essay.
Tips for a Successful Extended Essay1. Choose a Focused Topic - Narrow Scope : Select a specific and focused research question that allows for in-depth analysis.
- Interest and Relevance : Choose a topic that interests you and has sufficient available resources.
2. Conduct Thorough Research - Primary Sources : Seek out primary sources such as letters, diaries, official documents, and contemporary accounts.
- Secondary Sources : Use secondary sources such as books, journal articles, and scholarly critiques to provide context and analysis.
3. Draft and Revise - Initial Draft : Write a complete first draft, focusing on content and argumentation rather than perfection.
- Feedback : Seek feedback from your supervisor and peers.
- Revisions : Revise your essay based on feedback, focusing on clarity, coherence, and depth of analysis.
4. Proofread - Grammar and Spelling : Carefully proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
- Formatting : Ensure that your essay adheres to the required formatting and citation guidelines.
Steps to Implement Your Structure- Plan Your Research : Create a research plan and timeline to ensure you cover all necessary areas.
- Organize Your Notes : Keep your research notes organized by theme or chronological order.
- Outline Your Essay : Create a detailed outline before you start writing.
- Write in Sections : Write your essay in sections, focusing on one part at a time.
- Review and Edit : Continuously review and edit your work to ensure it meets the IB criteria.
Crafting a Compelling Extended EssayStructuring your IB History Extended Essay effectively is crucial for presenting your research clearly and coherently. By following this guide, you can ensure that your essay is well-organized, thoroughly researched, and analytically robust. Embrace the challenge, stay focused, and enjoy the process of exploring your chosen historical topic in depth. Related Articles:- Tips for Writing IB History Essays: A Comprehensive Guide
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History- Sample A Extended Essay: Exemplar Commentary | Subject | History | If applicable, theme for WSEE | | | If applicable, category for language essays | | If applicable, subjects used for WSEE | | | Title of essay | To what extent was Molotov a driving force behind Stalin’s foreign and domestic policies in the 1930s? | Essay number | A | Examination session | May 2018 | | Assessment of extended essay | Criteria | Mark awarded | Commentary | A: Focus and method [6] | 6 | The topic is communicated accurately and effectively along with the purpose of the research. The research question is clearly stated and appropriately focused. The methodology is mentioned in the introduction and is complete, with an appropriate range of relevant sources. The methods outlined are applied consistently and arguments are posited with frequent references to the research question. The mark band 5-6 (upper end) is the best fit for this criterion as the essay meets all the requirements. | B: Knowledge and understanding [6] | 5 | Good knowledge is demonstrated throughout, but there are some lapses of understanding. The use of appropriate terminology and concepts is good. The topic is placed within the broader historical context of Stalin’s rule. Overall, the level of knowledge is borderline good/excellent, but understanding best reflects the indicators in the 3-4 mark band (upper end). The use of terminology and concepts is sufficient for the 5-6 band. The best fit would be the lower end of the 5-6 band. | C: Critical thinking [12] | 8 | The level of research is good and clearly relevant to the research question and so meets the indicators of the 7-9 band. Analysis is adequate/good with individual points partially supported by the evidence, so this strand barely meets the 7-9 band indicators. There is some evaluation, but this is insufficient to go beyond the upper end of the 4-6 band. Overall, the level of research and analysis brings this essay to the 7-9 mark band, but at mid-range. | D: Presentation [4] | 4 | This is well presented. There is clear structure. Referencing is appropriate with footnotes used for citing sources correctly and consistently. The layout is clear and supports the reading, understanding and evaluation of the essay. It meets all the indicators for this 3-4 mark band. | E: Engagement [6] (not included) | | The assessment of an accompanying RPPF will affect the overall mark awarded and the grade achieved. | Total marks awarded | 23/28 | The topic is identified and the research question is appropriate and stated clearly. Context is given and its significance explained. A focus on the research question is maintained effectively throughout the essay with frequent linkage to the topic. The structure is clear and, for the most part, each argument is explained and supported with sources used effectively, as indicated in the introduction. The knowledge demonstrated is relevant and of a good standard, but not always as thorough as it might be given the quantity of material that has been published on this period of Soviet history. Molotov’s adherence to ideology, for example, could be better explained and more fully supported. Similarly, a better understanding of Stalin’s inner circle (not just Molotov) would have been useful, to add further context. Appropriate terminology is used accurately and effectively. The level of research carried out is good and the material is analysed in a way that is clearly relevant to the question. Conclusions for individual points of analysis are stated, but not always effectively with some assertions rather weakly supported. There is an effective and reasoned argument attempted throughout, but the evaluation of sources is somewhat neglected. Several opportunities to strengthen analysis are missed. The formal presentation is very good and the layout supports the reading and understanding of the essay. Please note: as a result of modifying existing extended essays for illustrative purposes, not all exemplars have an accompanying RPPF for assessment under criterion E (this is a mandatory element for all essays as of 2018). As a result, this essay has been marked out of 28 rather than 34. | History- Sample B Extended Essay: Exemplar Commentary | Subject | History | If applicable, theme for WSEE | | | If applicable, category for language essays | | If applicable, subjects used for WSEE | | | Title of essay | How did the US media reporting of Vietnam War events out of context influence the American public? | Essay number | B | Examination session | May 2018 | | Assessment of extended essay | Criteria | Mark awarded | Commentary | A: Focus and method [6] | 3 | There is a research question, but the wording is not very coherent and it is not entirely clear what the investigation will aim to achieve or how this will be done. An RQ is stated but not clearly expressed. The intent is more or less understood, however. The types of sources to be used are mentioned in the introduction and are generally relevant and there is some evidence that their selection was informed. For the most part, there is some adherence to the method and some focus is kept on the research question. Best fit is the low end of the 3-4 band. | B: Knowledge and understanding [6] | 3 | There is some knowledge of the topic, with reference being made to events in the Vietnam War, and so this is relevant and appropriate. There is limited/some understanding of the sources used but their application is only partially effective. There is some historical context. Low end of the 3-4 band is the best fit. | C: Critical thinking [12] | 3 | Although there is some research, the analysis is limited. An argument is outlined but is incomplete with little attention paid to possible counter-arguments or alternative interpretations. The candidate sets out to state an argument and to select material/state opinions to support it. This suggests limited understanding (see B).There is no explicit evaluation of sources beyond, perhaps, a blanket rejection of the reliability of media reporting. | D: Presentation [4] | 2 | The formal presentation is acceptable but there are weaknesses in the structure that inhibit the reading and understanding of the extended essay. The presentation of the photographs is poor, lacking referencing, and there are no sub-headings to indicate how the argument is structured. Under the new requirements this essay must be referred as a possible case of academic misconduct due to incorrect and inconsistent citing and referencing. | E: Engagement [6] (not included) | 2 | The reflections are mainly descriptive, although there are glimpses of an insight into issues with sources. | Total marks awarded | 13/34 | A weak extended essay that is hampered by a poorly worded research question. Also, clearly, the intention is to support a hypothesis with selective arguments that do not consider any alternative interpretation of events. There is little here on how the impact of reporting on the American public is measured, beyond rather general assertions regarding the impact of television news. Understanding of the events of the war that are mentioned is rather poor and sources are not evaluated. There is limited application of critical thinking and analysis is weak. Overall, there is an absence of source evaluation and a limited attempt to support a dubious argument with weakly supported assertions. | History- Sample C Extended Essay: Exemplar Commentary | Subject | History | If applicable, theme for WSEE | | If applicable, category for language essays | | If applicable, subjects used for WSEE | | Title of essay | Under what circumstances did the March 1 st Movement develop? | Essay number | C | Examination session | May 2018 | Assessment of extended essay | Criteria | Mark awarded | Commentary | A: Focus and method [6] | 4 | The topic and the research question are communicated and are appropriate. There is a focus on the research question and links are made to it as the essay proceeds. The methodology is explained. Sources used appear to be appropriate and there appears to be some evidence that their selection has been informed. The best-fit is top end of the 3-4 mark band. | B: Knowledge and understanding [6] | 4 | The knowledge and understanding is fair (rather than “good”). The selection of source material is mostly relevant (this is assumed from the content, as the titles of sources are all in Korean). The terms used are adequate, although these could, at times, have been better explained. For the most part, they demonstrate an adequate level of the context for the March 1 st movement. | C: Critical thinking [12] | 4 | The application of some research is relevant to the research question, but the level of analysis is rather limited. Although analysis is attempted and some of the arguments posited are reasonable and quite logical, there is almost no supporting evidence offered, beyond referencing. It is implied that the sources would include evidence. There is some limited attempt to evaluate sources but this is not very effective. Conclusions on individual points are made but, again, not well supported. The best-fit is the lower end of the 4-6 band. | D: Presentation [4] | 4 | The layout is quite correct and applied correctly, for the most part. The bibliography could have been structured more coherently, but sub-headings are used and this assists with the reading and understanding of the EE. | E: Engagement [6] (not included) | | The assessment of an accompanying RPPF will affect the overall mark awarded and the grade achieved. | Total marks awarded | 16/28 | There is an attempt here to convey the importance of the March 1 st movement, with some structure that allows for the development of a reasonable argument that is linked to the Research question. It is rather descriptive, for the most part, with many assertions that are not supported with specific evidence and a tendency to resort to sweeping generalizations rather than a careful analysis of sources. Research has been undertaken and some effective engagement has been attempted. There is some knowledge and understanding of the topic in the wider context of this period of Korean history and this is mostly relevant. Partially relevant analysis has been attempted but conclusions are not well supported. Please note: as a result of modifying existing extended essays for illustrative purposes, not all exemplars have an accompanying RPPF for assessment under criterion E (this is a mandatory element for all essays as of 2018). As a result, this essay has been marked out of 28 rather than 34. | | - Last Updated: Oct 14, 2021 3:31 PM
- URL: https://keystoneacademy-cn.libguides.com/extended-essay
No. 11 An Fu Street Houshayu, Shunyi District Beijing, China 101318 (86 10) 8049 6008 Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay- Reflections
- Choose a Subject
- Choose a Topic
- Draft a Research Question
- Develop Your Search Strategy
- Computer Science
History EE OverviewBroad vs. focused topics, recommended databases. - Visual Arts
- World Studies
- Introduction
- Academic Integrity
- Common Questions
- For Supervisors
- EE Examples
- History EE: Workflow and Expectations
When choosing a topic, avoid merely describing a significant event or person. The goal is to craft an essay that is analytical and critically evaluates the issue in question. Use the key concepts of causation, consequence, change, continuity, significance, perspectives to frame your analysis. Instead of asking "What", or "How," ask: - "How significant..."
- "How successful..."
- "To what extent..."
10-Year RuleAnything within the last 10 years is considered "current affairs" and is not acceptable. Be sure to choose a topic that is outside of the 10-year range. The EE vs. the IAYou are permitted to choose the same time period or a similar topic for your EE as you did for your IA. However, you must use different sources or, in the case that you use a few of the same sources, you must use additional, different sources. History EE examples The following is a comparison of History EE topics to demonstrate the focus and specificity your topic should have. (Taken from " History Subject-specific guidance " by the IB) - << Previous: Geography
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- Last Updated: Jun 12, 2024 3:38 PM
- URL: https://yorkschool.libguides.com/extendedessay
Extended Essay: Criterion E: Engagement (Reflection)- Kick Off Day
- Define Topic
- Locate Resources
- Annotated Bibliography
- Evaluating Sources
- Integrating Quotes
- Citations & Referencing
- Evaluation Criteria & Examiner Reports
- Criterion A, B, C: Assessment of Research
- Criterion D: Presentation
- Criterion E: Engagement (Reflection)
- The Viva Voce
- EE Draft Feedback Template for Supervisors
- Language of Analysis
- Approaches to Learning (ATL)
- Roles and Responsibilities
Criterion E: Reflection (6 pts max) Examples of the levels of reflection Descriptive (limited reflection) | Analytical (good reflection) | Evaluative (excellent reflection) | | | | Remember to include discussion of the Approaches to Learning (ATL's) in your reflections. This discussion needs to be specific and well-illustrated with clear examples. For specific language related to each of the ATL's, please click here . Reflection One- Initial StageThis will be after one of the early sessions with your supervisor where you outline: - Your ideas regarding the topic in general
- The research question you have in mind
- Initial background reading or research you may have conducted
- Possible approaches
- Initial thoughts about the answer to your research question
- Roughly 100 words in length
Guiding Questions: What exactly do you want to find out? What resources do you plan to use? What problems do you anticipate in your research? What writing and research have you done since last session? Have you found any sources with conflicting viewpoints? Have you been able to find relevant sources from different eras? What challenges did you encounter in finding relevant sources? How do you think you might use your sources? Have you collected sufficient data? Have you finished note taking from your text? - What am I interested in researching and why?
- What are my motivations for undertaking research in this area?
- How will I begin the research process?
- Is my chosen topic appropriate for the subject I have chosen to complete it in?
- Do I have sufficient knowledge of the subject area to fulfill the criteria of an EE?
- What possible question(s) might I research?
- How might I go about undertaking this research?
- Do I have access to appropriate sources?
- Are my chosen research methods appropriate for the subject I have chosen to complete it in?
- Are there any ethical issues I need to consider before pursuing this area of research?
- Is there sufficient focus to my research area?
Examples of Reflection One- Sample History EE Reflection
I was attracted to Anna Comnena's The Alexiad as a result of some extra readings which formed part of my IB History course (Crusades). As the first female historian, she stands in a unique place in terms of historiography, something which appealed to me as both a woman and budding historian. I was initially considering writing about her accounts of the First Crusade but quickly found the topic to be far too wide in scope. A reading of Paul Magdalino's article "The Pen of the Aunt" helped refocus me on the issue of historical purpose, i.e., why she wrote the history she did. I have now allocated time to reading historical accounts of Manuel I's reign to decide how closely the events Anna mentions in her history of her father's reign (Alexius) so as to validate my current hypothesis- that Anna intended the work as a celebratory account of her father so as to cast a negative light on the rule of her nephew Manuel I. My current list includes Runciman, France, Macrides, Christomides, and Hill. Reflection Two- Interim StageThis reflection session will usually fall somewhere in the middle to latter half of your EE process, usually before the first draft is completed. - Discuss how the research question has become more refined.
- Comment on any challenges you have encountered & what solutions you have attempted.
- Discuss how your thinking on your topic has evolved.
- Roughly 200 words in length
Where was I? Where I am now? Where am I going? What sources do you find helpful? How have you evaluated your sources? Have you adopted a structure for writing based on what the IB requires? What do you need to do next? Examples of Reflection TwoI was finding it hard to come up with a satisfactory counter to the question of accuracy and authenticity which feature prominently in modern readings of her work. Historians ranging from Edward Gibbon and John France to the more direct Howard-Johnson paper which completely challenges her authorship effectively negated my hypothesis entirely. Using Magdalino and Hill as a focus point, I re-read key sections of The Alexiad and mapped out her account against the policital events of Manuel I's reign and quickly discovered some interesting overlaps (building works, military campaigns, relations with the West, etc.). Though occasionally obscure and subtle, the criticisms emerge by means of an unspoken comparison which Byzantine readers of her account would have well understood. This approach is providing me with a suitable counter to the aforementioned criticisms. I have also begun structuring my work accordingly with sections devoted to historical context followed by a section on The Alexiad which compares and contrasts events from Alexius' time with those of Manuel's. I am considering a chapter on the historiographical tradition of Byzantium but may integrate it into the main body in the end. Reflection Three- Looking BackThis final reflection should be written BEFORE the Viva Voce meeting. It should: - Offer your final reflections on the process
- Discuss any achievements realized or challenges overcome
- Discuss elements that allowed you to complete the task that may not be readily apparent in the essay itself.
- Discuss any relevant ATL's (Approaches to Learning) that you have developed through the process & be ready to provide good examples.
Guiding Questions What did you discover that surprised you? Is writing the EE mainly about process or product AND why? What would you have done differently and why? What advice would you give to a student just beginning this process? What have been the high and low points of the research and writing processes? What would you have done differently? What is the most important thing that you learned? What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it? What would you change if you did another EE? What was the most valuable experience that you took away from the process? What was your greatest challenge and what did you do to overcome it? What IB learner profile attribute would you say helped you through the process (communicator, risk-taker, etc.)? Would you like to continue reading on this topic? What questions did this process raise? What conclusions have you drawn about the topic? Examples of Reflection ThreeI am very pleased with how the essay has turned out. Skills wise, I had no problems with referencing which I picked up quickly though integrating source analysis did prove a challenge at times due to my narrative tendencies. I believe I've been able to challenge the orthodox interpretations of Anna's work as a piece of fantasy fiction at the hands of a disgruntled woman by showing that Anna was effectively using one of the few weapons still permitted her in her diminished political state- the power of words- to criticize the existing leadership. Hill's works proved of particular use to me as they examined female power in a broader context and thus gave me a framework for interpreting what Anna was able to do within the context of her time. IB-provided exemplars of "Reflections on Planning and Progress"- Lang. Lit. Examplar #1
- Lang. Lit. Exemplar #2
- Lang. Lit. Exemplar #3
- History Exemplar #1
- History Exemplar #2
- Psychology Exemplar
- Biology Exemplar
- Math Exemplar #1
- Math Exemplar #2
- Visual Arts Exemplar #1
- Visual Arts Exemplar #2
- World Studies Exemplar #1
- World Studies Exemplar #2
Reflection Sentence Starters and Key WordsClick here or on the image below to go to the list of sentence starters you can use to help you write up your reflections. Regarding word count, we recommend 100 words for first reflection, 200 words for second reflection, and 200 words for third reflection (roughly). - << Previous: Criterion D: Presentation
- Next: Group 1 >>
- Last Updated: Aug 28, 2024 11:10 AM
- URL: https://ismanila.libguides.com/extendedessay
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How Has The Standard Of Maternal-perinatal And Under 5 Healthcare In The Public Healthcare Sector Of Kenya Been Influenced By The Policies Being Implemented By The Kenyan GovernmentExplore How Kenyan Government Policies Influence Maternal-Perinatal And Under 5 Healthcare Standards In Kenya's Public Healthcare Sector. Learn About Key Impacts To What Extent Does Lack Of Support Influence The Development Of Depressive Symptoms In Transgender People Among Other Sociocultural Factors?Explore the impact of support on transgender mental health in this insightful IB Psychology HL Extended Essay. Discover sociocultural influences and more. ¿En Qué Medida Fueron Efectivos Los Mecanismos De Control De Parte Del Nazismo Sobre La Pintura A Lo Largo Del Gobierno De Hitler (1933 - 1945) En Alemania?Uncover The Effectiveness Of Nazi Control Over Art In Hitler's Germany Through This Sample IB History Core EE. Delve Into The Period From 1933 To 1945. 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An In-Depth Sample IB History SL Extended Essay Analysis Awaits. Explore Now! To What Extent Did The Influence Of The British Raj Prove To Be Beneficial For Karachi?Discover How The British Raj's Influence Shaped Karachi's History In This Compelling Sample IB History SL Extended Essay. Dive Deep Into The Benefits And Impacts Today. To What Extent Did Ideological Differences Instigate The Deterioration Of Sino-Soviet Relations Thereby Leading To The Sino-Soviet Split Of 1963Discover How Ideological Differences Fueled The Sino-Soviet Split Of 1963 In This Sample IB History SL Extended Essay. Explore Key Events And Influential Factors. To What Extent Can Anne Boleyn Be Regarded As The Key Figure In Henry VIII’s Reformation Of The Church In England?Discover How Anne Boleyn Shaped Henry VIII’s Church Reformation. Explore Her Influence And Role In England’s Historic Religious Transformation. Perfect For IB History SL. A Reflection Of The Cold War Or A Soviet Attempt To Meddle In A Sovereign Nation’s Affairs?Explore The Cold War's Impact On Sovereign Nations Through This Sample IB History EE – A Compelling Analysis Of Soviet Influence And Political Intrigue. The Aims, Process And Effects Of Collectivisation Of Agriculture, 1940-1949Unlock The Secrets Of Agricultural Collectivisation: Dive Into The Aims, Process, And Effects From 1940-1949 In This Comprehensive IB History SL Sample EE. To What Extent Was The Nationalists’ Victory In The Spanish Civil War The Result Of Foreign Assistance From Adolf Hitler And Benito Mussolini?Unlock The Secrets Of The Spanish Civil War: Discover How Foreign Aid Influenced The Nationalists' Victory In This Sample IB History SL Extended Essay. Was The Hitler Youth Successful In Providing Supporters For The National SocialistsDiscover How The Hitler Youth Shaped Future National Socialist Supporters In This Comprehensive IB History SL Extended Essay Sample. To What Extent Did King George VI & Queen Elizabeth’s Policy Strengthen British Morale During The Second World War?Discover How King George VI & Queen Elizabeth’s Policy Boosted British Morale During WWII In This Sample EE For IB History SL. For What Reasons Was Margaret Thatcher Able To Win The 1983 General ElectionExplore Why Margaret Thatcher Won The 1983 General Election Through This Sample IB History SL Extended Essay. Discover Key Factors And Historical Insights. An Evaluation Of The Causes Of The Barcelona May Days 1937 According To Contemporary Commentators & Later HistoriansExplore The Causes Of The Barcelona May Days 1937 Through The Eyes Of Contemporary Commentators And Later Historians. Discover Unique Insights And Historical Perspectives. An Assessment Of The Apartheid Years, Leading To The Insurrections Of 1983- 1986, And Second State Of Emergency On June 12, 1986Explore An In-Depth Assessment Of Apartheid Years, Leading To The Insurrections Of 1983-1986, And The Second State Of Emergency On June 12, 1986 An Investigation Into Salvador Allende’s Effectiveness As PresidentDiscover An Insightful Sample EE On IB History SL: An Investigation Into Salvador Allende’s Effectiveness As President. Explore Detailed Analysis And Critical Evaluations. To What Extent Is There A Correlation Between The Number Of Employees And The Marginal Profit, The Number Of Employees And The Total Profit Over The Period From The Year 2010 To 2019, Determined Using Differentiation, Integration Of Logarithmic, Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Exponential, Polynomial Functions And Regression AnalysisDiscover The Role Of Financial Mathematics In Correlating Employee Count, Marginal Profit, And Total Profit With This Comprehensive IB Mathematics AI SL Sample EE. Time Frame Analysis Of Stock Prices At Amazon Using Financial MathematicsExplore The Time Frame Analysis Of Amazon Stock Prices Using Financial Mathematics In This Sample IB Mathematics AI SL Extended Essay. Unlock Insights Today. To What Extent Mathematical Analysis Of Variation Of Stock Prices In The Time Domain Can Be Used To Predict The Ideal Business Transactions In Stock Market For Amazon Inc. Using Differentiation, First Order And Second Derivative & Calculus?Unlock The Secrets Of Financial Mathematics: Discover A Sample IB Math EE On Amazon Stock Price Time Frame Analysis. Perfect For IB Math AA SL Students Seeking Insights. To What Extent Is There A Correlation Between The Number Of Employees & The Marginal Profit, The Number Of Employees & The Total Profit Over The Period From The Year 2010 To 2019, Determined Using Differentiation, Integration Of Logarithmic, Trigonometric, Inverse Trigonometric, Exponential, Polynomial Functions & Regression Analysis?Explore How Financial Mathematics Uncovers The Correlation Between Employee Count, Marginal Profit, And Total Profit In This Sample IB Math AA SL Extended Essay How Does The Magnitude Of Critical Micellization Concentration(CMC) Of Anionic Detergent, (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate ) Depends On Temperature, Determined Using Conductometric Analysis?Discover How Temperature Affects Anionic Detergent CMC Using Conductometric Analysis in This Sample IB Chemistry SL Extended Essay. Is There Any Correlation Between The Freezing Point Of A Mixture Of Naphthalene And 4-nitrophenol And The Composition Of The Mixture (In Terms Of Mole-fraction), Determined Using Temperature Versus Composition Diagram?Discover The Impact Of Mixture Composition On Freezing Point In This Sample IB Chemistry SL EE. Explore In-Depth Analysis And Insights To Ace Your Chemistry Extended Essay. How Does The Magnitude Of Upper Critical Solution Temperature (Ucst) Of Phenol(Hydroxy Benzene)-aqueous Nacl System Depend On The Molar Concentration (Moldm -3 ) Of The Aqueous Solution Of Nacl Added To It, Determined Using Mutual Solubility Curve?Discover How The UCST Of The Phenol-NaCl System Varies With Molar Concentration Through Mutual Solubility Curves In This Sample IB Chemistry SL EE. To What Extent Has The Vape Ban Been Effective In Reducing The Welfare Costs Of Tobacco Consumption In Bangalore?Discover How Bangalore's Vape Ban Impacts Tobacco Consumption Costs. Dive Into This IB Economics SL Sample EE To Explore Detailed Insights And Welfare Analysis. To What Extent Do Various Economic Forces Contribute To The Optimum Allocation Of Resources In The Passenger Car Market Of Bangalore, After 2018?Discover How Economic Forces Shape The Allocative Efficiency Of Bangalore's Passenger Car Market. Explore Key Insights In This Sample EE For IB Economics SL. To What Extent Has The Procurement Of Cotton From The Cotton Farmers In Maharashtra, India By The Cotton Corporation Of India (Cci) Been Impacted By The Global Pandemic Of Covid-19 And Subsequent Lockdown?Discover How The Global Pandemic Impacted Cotton Procurement By The Cotton Corporation Of India In Maharashtra, India – An In-Depth IB Economics SL EE Analysis. How Does The Antimicrobial Effect Of Neutral Alcoholic Extract Of Ocimum Tenuiflorum (Tulsi Leaves), On The Growth Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (Yeast), Measured In Terms Of Percentage Inhibition Of Growth Of Yeast Depends On The Percentage Strength Of The Tulsi Extract Used – 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% And 50%, Determined Spectrophotometrically?Explore How Tulsi Inhibits Yeast Growth: A Detailed IB Biology Sample EE. Discover Antimicrobial Effects And Gain Insight For Your Own Research! How Does The Rate Of Alcoholic Fermentation (In Cm 3 Min -1 ), Measured In Terms Of Volume Of Co 2 Produced Depends On The Type Of The Sugar Unit-sucrose, Glucose, Fructose And Starch Used As Substrate, Determined Using Gas Collection Method?Unlock The Secrets Of Alcoholic Fermentation: Discover How Substrate Nature Influences Fermentation Rates In This Comprehensive IB Biology SL Sample Extended Essay. How Does The Terminal Velocity In Cm S -1 Of An Object Falling Through A Liquid Depends On The Density Of The Liquid It Is Falling Through, Determined Using Velocity-time Graph?Discover How Fluid Density & Object Shape Influence Terminal Velocity In This IB Physics SL Sample EE. Boost Your Understanding With This Comprehensive Guide. To What Extent Has The Acquisition Of Essar Oil By Rosneft Helped Them Attain Profitability?Unlock The Secrets Of Profitability: A Deep Dive Into Rosneft's Strategic Acquisition Of Essar Oil For IB Business Management SL. How Does The Interference Fringe Width (Distance Between Two Maxima i.e. Two Bright Spots) Depend On The Diameter Of The Slits (Behaving As Source), Refractive Index Of Medium Present Between The Source Of The Light (Double Slit) & The Screen?Discover How Interference Fringe Width Relates To Slit Diameter And Medium Refractive Index In This Sample IB Physics SL Extended Essay. Explore Key Insights And Analysis. ToK Exhibition Objects GeneratorGenerating ToK exhibition objects was hard. QBIX AI makes it easy. IB Extended Essay: Past Essays- Research Questions
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History Extended Essay: Definition, Outline, Assessment Criteriaby Antony W June 9, 2024 History Extended Essay is an assignment that gives you the opportunity to conduct in-depth research in an area of your interest – and of local, regional, and global significance. Your research should clearly demonstrate a structured essay that addresses your research question in-depth. The research question should encourage investigation that leads to in-depth analysis and critical commentary. Rather than focusing on the “how” or “what” type of questions, focus on the “how successful” or “how significant” questions because they get you involved in comprehensive analysis of the issue you want to investigate. Writing an extended essay in history isn’t hard, but it can be challenging if you struggle with history topic selection , extensive research, and writing. That’s why we’re here to help. Don’t let your IB History Extended Essay give you sleepless nights or wait until the last minute. Hire our team of IB experts to help you write and score an A in the subject. - Get 100% unique history EE written on any topic and completed on time.
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However, if you have the time to write your History EE and you need a complete guide to help you through the process, keep reading. What is IB History Extended Essay? What is IB History Extended Essay?An IB History Extended Essay is a 4,000-word long essay that offers a more in-depth exploration of a topic of your interest with an emphasis on primary sources. The Extended Essay in History requires thorough, independent research of the topic. As you work on the essay, you’ll develop and sharpen your research, analytical, and communication skills. By the time you complete this assignment, you’ll not only have a clear idea of the kind of research professors will expect you to do in university but also develop the capacity to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize knowledge. How to Write a History Extended Essay Based on the Assessment CriteriaThe following assessment criteria will help you to write a comprehensive, A-level Extended Essay in History: 1. Focus and Method (6 Points)Your research issue must be historical, confined to a specific period, country, people, or events that took place 10 or more years ago. Make the research question specific and straightforward to allow in-depth analysis and wide enough for the word limit. To get an A, ensure your history essay topic is accurate, properly focused, and clearly stated. Your research methodology must be exhaustive, effective, and credible. 2. Knowledge and Understanding (5-6 Points)Demonstrate that you understand the research question you selected in the wider historical context. Also, you should show a proper use of relevant historical terms and concepts and, while you’re at it, stick to the ten-year rule. To get a 6, show in your History Extended Essay an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the selected topic. Then, use the methods learned in the coursework and textbooks to explore the topic effectively. 3. Critical Thinking (12 Points)To get 12 points for critical thinking, your History Extended Essay should demonstrate a crucial engagement with the past . Don’t quote what you read from other sources. Instead, go as far as to explore and analyze the sources to come up with a compelling argument supported by analysis of the research material followed by consistent conclusions. Examiners are interested in your analytical skills, not your ability to describe historical events. Once you’ve identified your position relative to your sources, draw convincing arguments for or against it. Follow that by giving an analysis of the evidence, making sure you explain how reliable and/or accurate you think the evidence is. Overall, your essay must have: - A reasoned argument developed from your research
- A critical evaluation of your research
- A structure and coherent argument where minor inconsistencies don’t hinder the main argument or invalidate the conclusion
- A conclusion consistent with the material analyzed
4. Presentation (4 Points)Presentation evaluates how well you’ve structured your essay in relation to the acceptable academic standards. - Include section structure with a logical arrangement and the required formatting.
- Use charts, graphs, tables, and related figures ONLY where you feel they illustrate points more clearly, and make sure you name and explain them well.
- Acknowledge figures, calculations, text, and any other element used directly from a source.
Because your intention is score good marks for presentation, your History Extended Essay should have a clear layout that supports and simplifies the reading and evaluation of the work. 5. Engagement (6 Points)Engagement evaluates how well you interact with the research process. To score a six, you need to demonstrate a high level of engagement with clear insights so that your supervisor can clearly see your thoughts and decision-making process. To do this, give clear evidence for your conclusions without making assumptions. The best way to explain personal engagement is y being critical with your own methods and conclusion, even to the extent where you show where you think you should have done better. If you can describe the challenges you face and the solutions you adopted, you’ll score a six. Your reflections also count as far as engagement is concerned. If anything, you need to make sure they communicate a high degree of intellectual and personal engagement with the research question developed during the initial stages. Lastly, ensure you us your own voice to show authenticity, a creative approach, and an intellectual initiative. History Extended Essay Format/OutlineWhat remains now is to write your essay. But first, since organization counts towards the total points for presentation, we need to outline the essay in an acceptable extended essay format. Here’s one example. You should note that the title page, table of contents, bibliography, appendix, and the various figures do not count towards the word count. However, figures with a lot of words will be added. Also, anything past 4000 words will not be read or graded. We already have a full article on how to choose a history EE essay which you can check out here on our blog's article section. You will also find lots of sample topics to help you get started. About the author Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments. |
High scoring IB History Extended Essay examples. See what past students did and make your History EE perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! ... Home. EE. History. IB History EE examples. Filter. Filter exemplars. IB College. Category. IA. EE. TOK. Notes. Subject. Type a subject. Type a subject. Grade. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. A. B. C ...
Sample IB EE's - 2016-2017 IB Extended Essay
Body of the essay. Conclusion. References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences.
These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are: "An analysis of costume as a source for understanding the inner life of the character". "A study of malnourished children in Indonesia and the extent of their recovery ...
The IBO publishes two volumes of 50 Excellent Extended Essays, covering all Diploma Programme groups -- and all scored a top A grade. Click on the link below to access PDFs of the essays. 50 Excellent Extended Essays; All 50 essays are also available in electronic form in the QD Library on the iPads. Look for the display at the circulation desk.
skepticism with something more constructive. The Extended Essay is your chance to go beyond taking things apart and begi. o figure out how to put something together. Essays are in. rpretive or argumentative pieces of writing. Your job is to write a persuasive essay gathering, applying, repurposing, questioning evidence in.
The opportunity to write an Extended essay in history is one of the great opportunities in the IB programme and what sets it apart from many other educational programmes. The following examples are taken from those that I have supervised over the last 20 years. These were mostly awarded 'A' grades and a significant number were awarded the full ...
A History Extended Essay is an essay form that requires a student to provide an in-depth analysis of a chosen topic or event. It typically requires research, evidence collection, and thoughtful reflection on the part of the student. The essay should be structured logically, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
The IB History Extended Essay (EE) is a significant academic undertaking that requires you to conduct independent research on a topic of your choice. ... Evidence and Examples: Support your arguments with specific evidence and examples from your research. Critical Evaluation: Critically evaluate the sources and interpretations, highlighting ...
The extended essay in history is a 4000-word essay written after thorough, independent research on a chosen historical topic. It is designed to prepare students for the undergraduate research they will be expected to do in university. Apart from this, it is also designed to develop and sharpen the student's research, analytical, and ...
EE Biology A. Fast track your coursework with mark schemes moderated by IB examiners. Upgrade now 🚀. Promoted. Advertise with Clastify. To what extent do phytochemicals such as resveratrol, glyceollin and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) possess comparable antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria to a non-prescription ...
A good History Extended Essay topic should meet the following requirements: 1. The Topic Should Focus on History Dating Back 10 Years or More. ... Sample History Extended Essay Topics . As promised, here is a list of topic ideas for the IB extended essay in history.
An extended essay in history provides students with an opportunity to undertake in-depth research in an area of history of genuine interest to them. The outcome of the research should be a coherent and structured essay that effectively addresses a particular issue expressed as a research question , or, if this is unsuitable, a hypothesis.
The mark band 5-6 (upper end) is the best fit for this criterion as the essay meets all the requirements. B: Knowledge and understanding. [6] 5. Good knowledge is demonstrated throughout, but there are some lapses of understanding. The use of appropriate terminology and concepts is good.
Extended essay - International Baccalaureate® ... Extended essay
Example IB History Extended Essay - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains an extended essay on the Myall Creek massacre of 1838 in Australia. It discusses how the public response to the trials of the colonists who committed the massacre cemented the unequal treatment of Aboriginal people under Australian law.
History EE: Workflow and Expectations. When choosing a topic, avoid merely describing a significant event or person. The goal is to craft an essay that is analytical and critically evaluates the issue in question. Use the key concepts of causation, consequence, change, continuity, significance, perspectives to frame your analysis.
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides several resources for IB World Schools. These include support materials for the extended essay. Items in the IB store are available to everyone. Publications include: 50 more extended essays, a DVD of essays submitted in the DP that all fulfil the requirements for an 'A' grade in the current ...
Criterion A: Focus and method - 6 points. The main aspects of this criterion are the topic, research question, and methodology. At the beginning of your essay, you should describe the topic of your investigation and provide the context. You must choose a specific historical event/issue that you will deeply analyse in your EE.
Reflection Two- Interim Stage. This reflection session will usually fall somewhere in the middle to latter half of your EE process, usually before the first draft is completed. Discuss how the research question has become more refined. Comment on any challenges you have encountered & what solutions you have attempted.
An In-Depth Sample IB History SL Extended Essay Analysis Awaits. Explore Now! History SL. A. 139 Likes. 20 mins read. 3885 words. English. May. 2023. History ...
IB Extended Essay: Past Essays
The following assessment criteria will help you to write a comprehensive, A-level Extended Essay in History: 1. Focus and Method (6 Points) Your research issue must be historical, confined to a specific period, country, people, or events that took place 10 or more years ago. Make the research question specific and straightforward to allow in ...