presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

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  • Annual Fees ₹ 10000
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Mahadev Public Senior Secondary School

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Hebron Mission School

Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Presentation Convent Hr. Sec School is located at Srinagar is a well-established school with a legacy period of 84 years of service in the-field of education. The idea of pride and gratitude prospers when the school examines the potential it possesses in changing so many students’ lives. This great institution challenges everybody to explore some of the traditions that can be traced to Ireland. Presentation Convent reveals the experience of erudition and personality development made over the decades and nurturing young minds and reproduces feelings of togetherness and achievement. Particularly, such great value as holistic education is still significant, and the school goes on carrying out its work, helping the young people become successful and valued by society like in the days of its creation.

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Indoor Sports

Outdoor Sports

Outdoor Sports

Religious Minority School

Religious Minority School

Trust/Society Affiliation

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Subjects taught.

  • Mathematics
  • Social Science
  • Computer Science

Admission Information (Admission Date Status : Ongoing)

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Important Dates

01 April 2022

30 April 2022

15 April 2022

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Documents required.

  • Adhar card of parents & student
  • Report Card of previous grade
  • One copy of self-attested date of birth certificate

From Principal's Desk

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Sr. Regi Joseph

To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to give of one’s self, to leave the world better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived-that is to have succeeded - Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Exchange programs, alumni     2003 2004 2005.

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Computer Labs

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Activity Rooms

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Science Labs

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Fire Extinguishers

Medical centre, examination centre.

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Swimming Pool


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Lawn Tennis

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Table Tennis

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Martial Arts

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Aerobics & Yoga

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Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Near Jhelum River, Rajbagh, Srinagar

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Education policy.

The policy of education for the Presentation Schools is derived from the life, love and compassion of Jesus and from the dedicated life of Nano Nagle. Education in our schools aims at awakening the consciousness of the pupils of the dignity and right of every person. We impart education in such a way as to promote development of knowledge and skills to equip the students for life to be resourceful for oneself, the society and the nation .We endeavor to provide quality education to end poverty in all its forms which influences Sustainable Development Goals like healthy living, clean water, health for all and gender equality by empowering all girls. In this way our students become an agent of change and contribute towards the establishment of Gods reign on earth. In our schools, we cater to all sections and classes of society irrespective of caste color or creed, leaving no one behind so that the type of education imparted may be a channel of integration. Our school offers special attention to the Christian children and those made poor. We provide qualitative, technology and value based teaching learning process. We provide students with the best of infrastructure. We aim at awakening their social and environmental consciousness. We aim at moulding the young to be resourceful, competent, responsible and worthy citizens of the society. We aim at making them agents of transformation. We foster critical thinking. We foster our rich and spiritual heritage for peaceful co- existence. We make them spiritually oriented, emotionally balanced and physically fit. We enable them to uphold the sacredness and inter-dependency of humanity, the Earth and all life forms. We create awareness among students about life and education through various clubs like Nano club, eco club, health club, peace club, science and maths club, literary club etc


presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


We, at Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School Srinagar, regard Environmental protection and preservation as our prime responsibility. We shall help our students in becoming environmentally knowledgeable, skilled and dedicated citizens who are willing to work individually and collectively towards achieving and maintaining a dynamic equilibrium between the quality of life and the quality of environment. We shall investigate environmental issues, evolve alternative solutions and work towards sustainable development. We aim at making our school an Eco- Friendly oasis and strive for continual improvement in our environmental performance by setting appropriate goals and periodically reviewing our objectives and targets. We shall take initiatives to promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to cover a broad range of social issues, such as education, poverty, hunger, climate change, social justice and gender equality. We shall document, maintain and communicate this policy to all our stake holders.

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


Pupils are expected to show gentleness and courtesy to others at all times. Refinement of manners should distinguish every pupil of this school. Students should always remember that school is judged by their conduct. The school designed uniform, made according to the school pattern, must be worn daily with the I-Card for the session, as part of the school discipline and no other patterns are allowed. Students wearing old, discoloured or badly fitting uniform will not be allowed to attend classes. Parents are requested to read the contents of the School Diary carefully in the interest of the child, and abide by the rules and regulations laid down by the school. Parents should fill and sign the three personal memo pages in the diary within a week of commencement of the new session. Parents should carry out their responsibilities as joint educators by instilling in their children respect and strict obedience for all school rules and regulations. Pupils are expected to take good care of their books and personal belongings. The books should be covered and marked distinctly with the pupil`s name, class and section with their Roll Number/Admission number. Students must remedy at their cost any damage to school property including ink stains or writing on the wall. Each child will be responsible for the desk and chair that she uses. Children who travel by bus must carry their bus pass daily. In- disciplined behavior in the bus will make a student ineligible to use the school bus. Pupils must have the textbooks and stationery prescribed for their respective classes before the school reopens.All pupils should carry their books in a canvas or a cloth bag. Borrowing of books, pens, pencils, etc will not be allowed. Students are advised not to bring valuables like Gold chains, finger rings, bangles, expensive pens, watches, jewelry, etc. to school. The school is not responsible for goods or money lost by students. Use of polythene is strictly banned in the school. Any confiscated material like lotions, creams, lip balms etc from the bags of students will not be returned. Students are allowed to enter school premises in their school uniform only. Do not keep long nails nor apply nail polish on them. Do not dye hair. It is strictly forbidden. Tattoo on any visible part of your body is not permitted. Applying of henna / decoration of hand or shaping of eyebrows is not allowed. While in school, all the students should have a white ribbon tied on their hair. Multiple piercing of ear lobes is discouraged. Wearing earrings is not allowed. Ear tops may be worn in place of earrings. More than one ear top is not allowed. No gadgets such as iPods, mobile phones or cameras are allowed in the school. Your uniform should be clean and ironed, shoes polished and socks should be clean. Long hair should be plaited. Every student is expected to maintain an attendance record of at least 90% during the academic year, failing which she may not be allowed to appear in the final examination. Apart from the training given by the school, parents should devote quality time regularly with their ward at home and supervise her private study at home. Any problem relating to home work should be recorded in the school diary by the parents. Parents are requested to sign the reports, test papers, teacher`s remarks in the school diary in order to show that they have seen the same. Parents are also expected to visit the teachers whenever requested and on PTMs. Encourage healthy eating habits, especially a healthy breakfast and give home cooked food in your ward`s tiffin and regulate their sleeping hours to at last 8 hours a day.

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


Kindly check the school diary/snap homework/ of your ward regularly to find out the assignments that have been given or any feedbacks by the Principal/ Vice Principal/Headmistress or Teachers. Parents and teachers need to inculcate in students to learn the pragmatic application of the things that study rather than rote learning or bookish knowledge. Parents are encouraged to provide your ward with a light school bag to carry to school, with only the required things for the day. Parents are requested to take proper care while arranging school transport for your ward by checking the road worthiness of the vehicle and that the vehicle is transporting not more than the legally allowed number of students in the vehicle in which your ward travels. Kindly ensure that your child pays particular attention to the neatness in her person and in her work. Circulars will be given from time to time regarding meeting, change in uniform etc. Please act on these notices in time. The Management and Staff will play a very important role in the development of your child, but kindly ensure that your child studies systematically and completes her assignments in time to enable her to make satisfactory progress in her studies. The report cards will be given only to the parents. Representatives/relatives /tuition teachers will not be allowed at meetings or allowed to take the report cards. Parents are requested to be vigilant regarding the literature, friends and companions that your child chooses. Spend time with your ward to supervise the television programs your child views and the amount of time spent on social media and monitor the use of internet daily. Discipline shall be enforced in the best interests of the school. Unauthorized absence, objectionable behavior, disobedience to teachers, staff members, students, possession of objectionable literature, books, letters etc. shall invite trouble for parents as well as students to visit the office of the principal causing embarrassment and waste of time for all. The Principal will not meet any parent without prior appointment except the time mentioned for the meeting. Parents or guardians are not allowed to enter classrooms or meet teachers during school hours unless they have written permission from the Principal. No student is allowed to remain absent without authorization. If a child is absent from school, a proper leave application must be submitted in writing by the parents supported by a medical leave in case of sick leave. Any student who remains absent from school for more than 15 days without any intimation will be struck off from the school records. Office shall remain closed on all Sundays and on all public holidays. Students will not be granted permission to leave the school during school hours, except for a very serious reason. Parents are requested to discourage private tuitions as this makes child unduly dependent on the tutor for her work. However where there is need for remedial tuition for a period of time may be arranged with the written permission from the principal. Parents are requested to intimate any change in the address or telephone number in writing to the office without delay. As the medium of instruction in the school is English students should be helped with regular English conversation practice at home so that they can keep pace with the class. Half days leave on assessment/exam is strictly forbidden. The decisions of the Principal will be final in all matters related to the school. No pupil should be sent to school if suffering from a contagious or an infectious disease or if there are any such cases in her house or the child is too sick to attend the class. Students are admitted to class Lower Kindergarten after fulfilling the admission procedure. Sisters of students who seek admission in L.K.G in the school will be selected only if they qualify. The child seeking admission should be introduced by her parents or guardians who shall remain responsible for their fees, regular attendance and good conduct. No intermediaries or donations or recommendations are accepted for admission. The decision of the Principal will be final in all matters relating to the school.


The motto of the school is "VIRTUE" and "LABOUR". The students are expected to strive for these ideals and to practise justice, charity, honesty, truthfulness, generosity, loyalty and gratitude. They must work hard in school and at home and realize the dignity of labour.


Do the right act...Think the Right Thought...Communicate right speech. The school is committed to developing positive inter personal relationships between members of the school community and outside. Any disruptive activities are un-acceptable and will be dealt with accordingly.


Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year`s work of the pupil, hence the importance of regularity in work and attendance. Results declared are final in all cases. No re-tests will be held at any time. The general criterion for promotion is that a student has grasped the subject matter of her present class sufficiently well to follow the subject in a higher class. Mere book knowledge is not enough to be promoted to the next class. All round development child is taken into account for promotion..


1. Passing marks in all subjects is 40%. 2. A percentage of 40 in the aggregate for the academic years average must be obtained. 3. Students must pass in all compulsory subjects, namely: English, Hindi, Urdu, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Third Language. 4. If a student fails twice in the same class, she will not be allowed to continue in the school. 5. Every student must be present for all the Exams and students will be promoted on the basis of the result obtained in the overall grade, provided 40% is obtained in each subject. In case of serious illness, the child may be promoted based on the results of the Units and Term in consultation with the teachers concerned and the consent of the Principal.

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


School business will be transacted only during school hours, which as of now are: Principal Summer 10:00 AM 11:00 AM Winter 11:00 AM 12:00 PM School Office Summer 10:00 AM 11:30 PM Winter 10:30 AM 12:00 PM The Principal can be met only by prior appointment on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. For appointments please call school office landline two days in advance. Parents and guardians will not be allowed to visit their wards or meet the teachers in the class room during school hours. Office will remain closed on all Sundays and on all public holidays. Any change in school timings will be notified through the students. Visitors will not be allowed to enter school premises during the lunch break and except the above mentioned timings.

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Jacques Philips

Awesome services.

Explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you completed.

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Venanda Mercy

Great & talented team.

The master-builder of human happines no one rejects, dislikes avoids pleasure itself, because it is very pursue pleasure.

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James Fernando

Wonderful support.

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presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Presentation Convent School

Presentation Convent School is a Premier school for girls in Rajbagh, on the banks of Jhelum River, Srinagar. It was started in 1936 and run by the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as Presentation Sisters.

The school was founded by the Venerable Nano Nagle in Cork, Ireland.

The founding members of the school in Srinagar were Mother Peter Conway, Mother Annunciata, and Mother Sacred Heart. The valiant nuns from Presentation Convent High School, Rawalpindi traveled to Kashmir via Uri, in a journey of three days, on the invitation of the Maharaja, Hari Singh. The Maharaja had requested the Bishop of Srinagar to invite the nuns to set up a school in Kashmir for the education of his only son and the Crown Prince, Dr. Karan Singh. The sisters rented a building on the banks of the Dal, and started their school on March 17, 1936, while the construction of the actual school was underway at Rajbagh, on the banks of River Jhelum. The Maharaja granted the school a number of endowments including the 12 acres of land on which the school is built. The cost of building the school was borne by the ruler. On June 15, 1939 the school building was officially inaugurated.

In its initial days the school was boarding and had a separate building for a boys school. The school was co-educational until 1977, when all male pupils were transferred to Burn Hall School, Sonwar. Most of the pupils were children of the Britishers settled in the valley, along with a few students from distinguished Kashmiri families.

The school was granted recognition for providing Bachelor of Arts degrees for women, but the college department was closed down in 1947, after the Indian government took over the administration of the valley.

The school was devastated by a fire on January 12, 1965 that completely destroyed the school building and part of the sisters’ residence. The impressive clock tower remained to tell the tale. The school was rebuilt and flourished as the leading girls’ school of the valley.

Presentation Convent celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in 2011 when the school was upgraded from a high school to a secondary school in the academic session 2009-2010.

The Nagle Block was inaugurated in 2009 and the Jubilee Block was started in 2011 to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of the school. [

Address: Near Jhelum River, Rajbagh, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190008

Grades: LKG–12 Gender: Single-sex education (Girls) Founders: Mother M. Peter Conway; Sr. M. Annunciatia; Sr. Xavier Founded: 1936 Motto: Virtue and Labour Phone: 097978 03757

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Presentation Convent High Sch Senior Secondary School Logo

Presentation Convent High Sch Senior Secondary School Srinagar

School Name
Address / Location Bms Raj Bagh 5 - Raj Bagh India 190008
Block Name Srinagar
Number of Instructional Days (Primary) 202
Number of Instructional Days (Upper Primary) 202
Student Hours in School (Upper Primary) 6
Approachable by All-Weather Roads Yes
CCE Curriculum No
Pupil Cumulative Records Maintained No
Text Books Received Yes
Mid-Day Meal Not Provided
Kitchen Devices Grant No
No. of Male Teachers 7
No. of Female Teachers 50
School Building Type Private Building
No. of Class Rooms 62
Computer Aided Learning Yes
Separate Room for Head Teacher/ Principal Yes
Electricity Connection in School Yes
School Building Boundary Wall Pucca
Books Library Yes
Playground Yes
Drinking Water Type Tap Water
Medical Check-Up Yes
Disabled Friendly Ramps Yes
Location Type Urban
Medium of Instruction English
Founded In Year 1936
Pre-Primary Section Yes
Residential School No
School Management Private Un-Aided
Classes Starts from Class 1
Highest Class Offered Class 12
School Category Primary with Upper Primary and Secondary/Higher Secondary
School Type Girls Only
School Building Part of Shift School? No
Residential School Type Non-Ashram type (Govt.)
No. of Books in Library 12000
No. of Computers 70
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Provisional Rating 4.8/5 Based on 11 ratings by visitors
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Humidity 30%
Max Temp 27.81 °C
Min Temp 27.81 °C
Sunrise 5:18 AM
Sunset 7:42 PM
Wind Speed 15.048 km/h
Visibility 10 km
Cloudiness 9%

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Learning begins with us.

We, at PCHSS offer supportive and inspirational environments for young enquiring minds to learn and grow with us. Our passion for learning means we achieve more than outstanding results. We strive to build confident and creative thinkers and aim at delivering an education that is truly relevant to their future.

Our School at a Glance

Reji - a - joseph — principal, curriculum overview.

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Computer Science

Hands-on experience with the latest programming languages and technology.

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Giving wings to the artists who’d like to take it up as a career or just a hobby.

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Physical Education

To educate our body through physical activities.

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The study that encourages scientific reasoning, discoveries and inventions.

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Understanding the game of numbers and logic to solve real-world problems.

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Learning more modes of communication from different parts of the world.

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Our Co-curricular Activities

Our students are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up.

In-house Publications

We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines.

Performing Arts & Music

With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art forms like dance, drama, painting and more.

Wish to know more about admissions and updates? Subscribe now!


Presentation Convent School

This is where we teach students skills they need to transform themselves, others, and our global communities.

Learning Begins With Us

We believe that every child is an individual with unique learning potential and we encourage them to embrace learning and explore their strengths, throughout their educational journey.

We follow a curriculum, which is in accordance with the specifications of the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education. It aims at the attainment of the highest order of academic excellence.

Presentation School at a Glance

Current Enrollments

Qualified Staff

Clubs & Activities

Active PTFA Members

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The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Our Co-curricular Activities

Our students are passionate about sports and athletics and have the freedom to choose the one they like and wish to take up.

In-house Publications

We have several writers who are encouraged to come up with creations that are regularly published in our in-house magazines.

Performing Arts & Music

With professionals on board, we take pride in training our students in art forms like dance, drama, painting and more.

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Presentation Convent High School, , Srinagar, 5 information. Presentation Convent High School admissions info, Presentation Convent High School fee structure, Presentation Convent High School ratings, Presentation Convent High School reviews, Presentation Convent High School affiliation type, Presentation Convent High School contact number, Presentation Convent High School address, Presentation Convent High School online admission form, Presentation Convent High School fee details, Presentation Convent High School admission procedure, Presentation Convent High School age eligibility criteria, Presentation Convent High School entrance exam and other top schools in Srinagar.

Presentation Convent High School Building Image

Phone Number: N/A

Presentation Convent High School , Srinagar, 5 Raj Bagh

Official Website: N/A

Email Address: N/A

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CREST Olympiads invites students of Presentation Convent High School to participate in International Olympiad Exams

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Presentation Convent High School

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The location of Presentation Convent High School is 5 - Raj Bagh , Srinagar. The year of establishment of Presentation Convent High School is 1936 . Presentation Convent High School is a Girls school. The student teacher ratio of Presentation Convent High School can be approximated to be 1 teacher for every 34 students . It is a Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12) , where lowest class is 1 st and highest class is 12 th . You can check other important information regarding the school like Presentation Convent High School fee , their transport facility and other important information that you need to know regarding Presentation Convent High School admission. Browse below to read everything you need to know about Presentation Convent High School. Schools Square provides you with the up to date information of every school across India and world.

State Board

1 st to 12 th

Not Applicable

Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12)

Key Achievements

Key Achievements of Presentation Convent High School, , Srinagar, 5 Raj Bagh, Srinagar - 190008 is not available right now. If you are a person from school management, admin staff, principal or head teacher kindly contact with our support team on contact details given below to update information about school.

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Presentation Convent HSS Srinagar to start LKG admission for 2021-22 session soon

The management of presentation convent higher secondary school (pchss) srinagar is scheduled to start the online admission of students in lkg for 2021-22 session soon.….

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


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The management of Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School (PCHSS) Srinagar is scheduled to start the online admission of students in LKG for 2021-22 session soon.

A notification issued, the school management has informed the parents to remain connected with the official website of the school .

As per the notification issued, the children born between November 1 of 2017 and October 31 of 2018 will be eligible to apply for the admission.

“Ensure that you have a photograph of the child applicant in jpg and the Jpg format to be uploaded should not be more than 20Kb,” the notification reads.

The parents have been asked to keep their separate photographs available at the time of applying for admission.

“Photocopy of Date of Birth Certificate in jpg, not more than 500 Kb size and a valid e-mail ID of the parent and mobile number should be available,” the notification reads. The parent must produce a Date of Birth certificate of the student issued by the Municipal Corporation or any authorized competent authority besides a discharge certificate of the mother issued by the hospital where the candidate was born.

“Parents can produce an affidavit in case the candidate is born at home,” it reads.

The parents have to submit an undertaking on Rs 100 stamp paper duly attested by judicial magistrate (first class) from the parents or guardian.

“Wards claiming consideration under single parent will produce proof that either the father or the mother of the ward is no longer alive and the second marriage has not taken place and or the parent of the ward has irrevocably separated,” the notification reads.

“Recent income certificates of both Parents from the competent authority should be produced. In case of business class, the certificate from the Chartered Accountant only will be accepted,” it reads.

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08:00 AM - 03:00 PM

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Facilities available at Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School.


Computer Lab

Fire Extingusher

Fire Extingusher

First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

Information Desk

Information Desk


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Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School Contact Details:

Address : Rajbagh,Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India, 190008

Phone No. : 01942-313-457

Email : [email protected]

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  • Presentation Convent School

presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

Presentation Convent School , Nerul , Navi Mumbai : Fee Structure

Presentation convent school , nerul , navi mumbai fee structure, fee structure for class 1 | 2024-2025.

Total Monthly fees for Class 1 is Monthly fees ₹ 4,700 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 1 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 64,800 help See Calculation

Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 4,700
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 8,400

Fee structure for Class 2 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 2 is Monthly fees ₹ 4,700 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 2 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 64,800 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 3 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 3 is Monthly fees ₹ 4,525 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 3 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 62,700 help See Calculation

Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 4,525
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 8,400

Fee structure for Class 4 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 4 is Monthly fees ₹ 4,525 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 4 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 62,700 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 5 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 5 is Monthly fees ₹ 4,525 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 5 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 62,700 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 6 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 6 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,090 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 6 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 71,880 help See Calculation

Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 5,090
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 10,800

Fee structure for Class 7 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 7 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,090 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 7 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 71,880 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 8 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 8 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,090 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 8 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 71,880 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 9 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 9 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,090 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 9 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 71,880 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 10 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 10 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,090 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 10 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 71,880 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 11 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 11 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,370 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 11 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 74,640 help See Calculation

Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 5,370
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 10,200

Fee structure for Class 12 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 12 is Monthly fees ₹ 5,370 help See Calculation

Total yearly cost for new admission in Class 12 is Yearly cost for new admission ₹ 74,640 help See Calculation

Fee structure for Class 1 | 2025-2026

Info:- Fees for the session 2025-2026 are not available. The fees mentioned below are for the session 2024-2025 for this class.

Fee structure for Class 2 | 2025-2026

Fee structure for class 3 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 4 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 5 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 6 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 7 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 8 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 9 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 10 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 11 | 2025-2026, fee structure for class 12 | 2025-2026.

**These fee structures are according to the best of our knowledge.

Fee Structure

Fees Fee structure for Class 1 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 1 is Monthly fees ₹4700

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 1 is ₹64800

Type Frequency Refundable Amount
Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 4700
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 8400

Fees Fee structure for Class 2 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 2 is Monthly fees ₹4700

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 2 is ₹64800

Fees Fee structure for Class 3 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 3 is Monthly fees ₹4525

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 3 is ₹62700

Type Frequency Refundable Amount
Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 4525
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 8400

Fees Fee structure for Class 4 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 4 is Monthly fees ₹4525

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 4 is ₹62700

Fees Fee structure for Class 5 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 5 is Monthly fees ₹4525

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 5 is ₹62700

Fees Fee structure for Class 6 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 6 is Monthly fees ₹5090

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 6 is ₹71880

Type Frequency Refundable Amount
Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 5090
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 10800

Fees Fee structure for Class 7 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 7 is Monthly fees ₹5090

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 7 is ₹71880

Fees Fee structure for Class 8 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 8 is Monthly fees ₹5090

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 8 is ₹71880

Fees Fee structure for Class 9 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 9 is Monthly fees ₹5090

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 9 is ₹71880

Fees Fee structure for Class 10 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 10 is Monthly fees ₹5090

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 10 is ₹71880

Fees Fee structure for Class 11 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 11 is Monthly fees ₹5370

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 11 is ₹74640

Type Frequency Refundable Amount
Tuition Fees Monthly No ₹ 5370
Annual Fees Annually No ₹ 10200

Fees Fee structure for Class 12 | 2024-2025

Total Monthly fees for Class 12 is Monthly fees ₹5370

Total yearly Yearly cost for new admission in Class 12 is ₹74640

Fees Fee structure for Class 1 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 2 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 3 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 4 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 5 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 6 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 7 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 8 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 9 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 10 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 11 | 2025-2026

Fees Fee structure for Class 12 | 2025-2026

These fee structures are according to the best of our knowledge...

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    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

  2. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School Srinagar

    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

  3. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School,Srinagar-overview

    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure

  5. Jobs || private|| presentation convent || Hr sec. school || srinagar

    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


    presentation convent school srinagar fee structure


  1. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School, Srinagar has a history of 84 glorious years in the field of education. We look back with a sense of gratitude and satisfaction at the enormous contribution this institution has made in the lives of all those who have passed through the portals of their Alma Mater. ... Srinagar. It was started in 1936 and ...

  2. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School located in Rajbagh, Srinagar. Find details for fee structure, reviews, admission process 2022-23. ... Presentation Convent Hr. Sec School is located at Srinagar is a well-established school with a legacy period of 84 years of service in the-field of education. The idea of pride and gratitude prospers ...

  3. PDF Fee Fixation

    School, Rajbagh, Srinagar. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Rajbagh, Srinagar submitted file for fixation and regulation of fee structure of the School, which has been registered in FFRC office under No. FFRC/FF/2021/Sgr/470. The Committee vide No.FSPEI-I/159/2013 dated 15.10.2013 followed by Oder No. 151-FFC of 2017 dated 23.10. ...

  4. Fee Structure of Presentation Convent High School, , Srinagar, 5 Raj

    Fee Structure of Presentation Convent High School, , Srinagar, 5 Raj Bagh, Srinagar - 190008 is not available right now. If you are a person from school management, admin staff, principal or head teacher kindly contact with our support team on contact details given below to update information about school. School Square Support Team

  5. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School is a selective K-12 independent day school for girls in Rajbagh, on the banks of Jhelum River, Srinagar.It was started in 1936 and run by the Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also known as Presentation Sisters.It was started to educate Dr. Karan Singh, then Crown Prince of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir.

  6. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. 11,299 likes · 529 talking about this · 506 were here. Welcome to the official Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School page!...

  7. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    The founding members of Presentation Convent School, Srinagar were Mother Peter Conway, Mother Sacred Heart, Mother Annunciata and Mother Xavier. After receiving the invitation, the Sisters travelled from Rawalpindi via Uri and reached Kashmir after the journey of three days. On reaching Kashmir, the sisters rented a house on the banks of the ...

  8. PDF Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School


  9. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Respond effectively to allegations and suspicions of abuse. 5. Report allegations where there is reasonable cause for concern and cooperate with the civil authorities. 6. Take just and appropriate action in relation to Presentation personnel who have abused. 7. Take effective measures against future risk of abuse. 8.

  10. Presentation Convent School

    Contact Info: 71, Jawahar Nagar Near Anytime Fitness. Opposite DAV School, Srinagar, Email : [email protected]. Gmail: [email protected]. Phone: +91 9419002878. whatsApp: +91 700 640 1927. Presentation Convent School is a Premier school for girls in Rajbagh, on the banks of Jhelum River, Srinagar.

  11. Presentation Convent High Sch Senior Secondary School Srinagar

    Presentation Convent High Sch Senior Secondary School (PCHSSSS) located at Srinagar Srinagar Bms Raj Bagh 5 - Raj Bagh is one of the best schools in India. The School has been rated by 11 people. This School is counted among the top-rated Schools in Jammu and Kashmir with an outstanding academic track record. Find details on Photos, Admissions, Reviews, Map Location, Address, Application Form ...

  12. PCHSS

    PRESENTATION CONVENT HR. SEC. SCHOOL. This is where we teach students skills they need to transform themselves, others, and our global communities. ... The Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life ...

  13. Presentation Convent School, Nerul

    Presentation School at a Glance. 2K+ Current Enrollments. 90+ Qualified Staff. 80+ Clubs & Activities. 100+ Active PTFA Members. ... The Presentation Convent School. PLOT NO. 85, SECTOR 27, NERUL, NAVI MUMBAI 400706. Main Office. 022-27705353, (M): 8424952363 EMAIL ID: [email protected] Attendance.

  14. Presentation Convent High School, Srinagar 5 Raj Bagh Srinagar

    The location of Presentation Convent High School is 5 - Raj Bagh, Srinagar.The year of establishment of Presentation Convent High School is 1936.Presentation Convent High School is a Girls school. The student teacher ratio of Presentation Convent High School can be approximated to be 1 teacher for every 34 students.It is a Sr. Secondary School (Class 1-12), where lowest class is 1 st and ...

  15. Presentation Convent HSS Srinagar to start LKG admission for 2021-22

    July 11, 2021 7:30 am. The management of Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School (PCHSS) Srinagar is scheduled to start the online admission of students in LKG for 2021-22 session soon. A ...

  16. Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

    Reading the signs of time we have adopted E-Learning to assist students to avail knowledge as well as use time constructively though this cannot be replaced for class room learning.

  17. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar

    Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School, Srinagar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. 4,892 likes · 12 talking about this · 50 were here. Unofficial page of PCHSS

  18. PRESENTATION CONVENT SRINAGAR (@pconventsgr_official)

    713 Followers, 2 Following, 24 Posts - PRESENTATION CONVENT SRINAGAR (@pconventsgr_official) on Instagram: "Official Account of the School"

  19. Presentation Convent School Delhi

    Web site created using create-react-app

  20. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School Srinagar

    Upload Image. Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School in Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir. Get complete business information of Presentation Convent Higher Secondary School Srinagar Contact number , photos, opening closing times, maps and location on Joonsquare India.

  21. Unveiling Qandeel...

    Unveiling Qandeel (2017-18) The School Magazine, The Symbol Of Pride For Us And A Miniature Representation Of The School. Unveiling Qandeel... - Presentation Convent Hr. Sec. School

  22. Presentation Convent School, Navi Mumbai Fees Structure

    Explore Presentation Convent School Nerul, Navi Mumbai fees structure for 2024-25. Check class-wise admission, monthly & yearly fees etc. ... Fee Structure location_on. Plot No 85, Sector 27, Nerul, Navi Mumbai - 400706. book_2. ICSE. local_library. 1 - 12 Class. push_pin. Estd. NA. visibility. 6510 views. Enquiry add_circle Compare ...