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Why Study for a Mathematical Finance PhD?

I was emailed by a reader recently asking about mathematical finance PhD programs and the benefits of such a course. If you are considering gaining a PhD in mathematical finance, this article will be of interest to you.

If you are currently near the end of your undergraduate studies or are returning to study after some time in industry, you might consider starting a PhD in mathematical finance. This is an alternative to undertaking a Masters in Financial Engineering (MFE), which is another route into a quantitative role. This article will discuss exactly what you will be studying and what you are likely to get out of a PhD program. Clearly there will be differences between studying in the US, UK or elsewhere. I personally went to grad school in the UK, but I will discuss both UK and US programs.

Mathematical finance PhD programs exist because the techniques within the derivatives pricing industry are becoming more mathematical and rigourous with each passing year. In order to develop new exotic derivatives instruments, as well as price and hedge them, the financial industry has turned to academia. This has lead to the formation of mathematical finance research groups - academics who specialise in derivatives pricing models, risk analysis and quantitative trading.

Graduate school, for those unfamiliar with it, is a very different experience to undergraduate. The idea of grad school is to teach you how to effectively research a concept without any guidance and use that research as a basis for developing your own models. Grad school really consists of a transition from the "spoon fed" undergraduate lecture system to independent study and presentation of material. The taught component of grad school is smaller and the thesis component is far larger. In the US, it is not uncommon to have two years of taught courses before embarking on a thesis (and thus finding a supervisor). In the UK, a PhD program is generally 3-4 years long with either a year of taught courses, or none, and then 3 years of research.

A good mathematical finance PhD program will make extensive use of your undergraduate knowledge and put you through graduate level courses on stochastic analysis, statistical theory and financial engineering. It will also allow you to take courses on general finance, particularly on corporate finance and derivative securities. When you finish the program you will have gained a broad knowledge in most areas of mathematical finance, while specialising in one particular area for your thesis. This "broad and deep" level of knowledge is the hallmark of a good PhD program.

Mathematical Finance research groups study a wide variety of topics. Some of the more common areas include:

  • Derivative Securities Pricing/Hedging: The technical term for this is "financial engineering", as "quantitative analysis" now encompasses a wide variety of financial areas. Some of the latest research topics include sophisticated models of options including stochastic volatility models, jump-diffusion models, asymptotic methods as well as investment strategies.
  • Stochastic Calculus/Analysis: This is more of a theoretical area, where the basic motivation stems from the need to solve stochastic differential equations. Research groups may look at path-dependent PDEs, functional Ito calculus, measure theory and probability theory.
  • Fixed Income Modeling: Research in this area centres on effectively modelling interest rates - such as multi-factor models, multi-curve term structure models as well as interest rate derivatives such as swaptions.
  • Numerical Methods: Although not always strictly related to mathematical finance, there is a vast amount of university research carried out to try and develop more effective means of solving equations numerically (i.e. on the computer!). Recent developments include GPU-based Monte Carlo solvers, more efficient matrix solvers as well as Finite Differences on GPUs. These groups will almost certainly possess substantial programming expertise.
  • Market Microstructure/High-Frequency Modeling: This type of research is extremely applied and highly valued by funds engaged in this activity. You will find many academics consulting, if not contracting, for specialised hedge funds. Research areas include creating limit order market models, high frequency data statistical modelling, market stability analysis and volatility analysis.
  • Credit Risk: Credit risk was a huge concern in the 2007-2008 financial crisis and many research groups are engaged in determining such "counterparty risks". Credit derivatives are still a huge business and so a lot of research goes into collateralisation of securities as well as pricing of exotic credit derivatives.

These are only a fraction of the total areas that are studied within mathematical finance. The best place to find out more about research topics is to visit the websites of all the universities which have a mathematical finance research group, which is typically found within the mathematics, statistics or economics faculty.

The benefits of undertaking a PhD program are numerous:

  • Employment Prospects: A PhD program sets you apart from candidates who only possess an undergraduate or Masters level ability. By successfully defending a thesis, you have shown independence in your research ability, a skill highly valued by numerate employers. Many funds (and to a lesser extent, banks) will only hire PhD level candidates for their mathematical finance positions, so in a pragmatic sense it is often a necessary "rubber stamp". In investment banks, this is not the case so much anymore, as programming ability is generally prized more. However, in funds, it is still often a requirement. Upon being hired you will likely be at "associate" level rather than "analyst" level, which is common of undergraduates. Your starting salary will reflect this too.
  • Knowledge: You will spend a large amount of time becoming familiar with many aspects of mathematical finance and derivatives theory. This will give you a holistic view into the industry and a more transferable skill set than an undergraduate degree as you progress up the career ladder. In addition, you will have a great deal of time to learn how to program models effectively (without the day-to-day pressure to get something implemented any way possible!), so by the time you're employed, you will be "ahead of the game" and will know best practices. This aspect is down to you, however!
  • Intellectual Prospects: You are far more likely to gain a position at a fund after completing a PhD than without one. Funds are often better environments to work in. There is usually less stress and a more relaxed "collegiate" environment. Compare this to working on a noisy trading floor, where research might be harder to carry out and be perceived as less important.

I would highly recommend a mathematical finance PhD, so long as you are extremely sure that a career in quantitative finance is for you. If you are still unsure of your potential career options, then a more general mathematics, physics or engineering PhD might be a better choice.


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Quantitative Finance MS and PhD  

Implied Volatility Surface

Figure: Implied Volatility Surface


Most of the Applied Mathematics faculty teaching quantitative finance courses have extensive experience building quantitative trading systems on Wall Street. Because of their Wall Street backgrounds, our faculty are able to place many of their QF students in  internships  during the summer and the academic year at hedge funds and major investment companies. Few other QF programs offer internships. There is limited use of adjunct faculty who come to campus one or two evenings a week after work.

Merger Arbitrage New Image

Figure: Merger Arbitrage Strategy

In the world of finance, the name 'Stony Brook' is famous for Renaissance Technologies, which is located a mile from the Stony Brook campus and headed by the former chairman of the Stony Brook Mathematics Department. Renaissance's flagship Medallion Fund has been the best performing hedge fund in the world for the past 20 years. One of the key creative minds at Renaissance, Robert Frey, Stony Brook Applied Mathematics PhD 1986, returned to Stony Brook in 2005 after early retirement at Renaissance to develop a Quantitative Finance program in the Stony Brook Applied Mathematics Department. Frey is chairman of the advisory committee to the University of Chicago's mathematical finance program, the country's best-ranked program in this area. 

The Stony Brook Quantitative Finance program is unique among mathematical sciences departments in its very practical focus on 'alpha generation', Wall Street term for trading strategies for making money. Courses are centered on projects where students use real tick data to analyze and predict the performance of individual stocks and commodities, market indices and derivatives. Also, Stony Brook is one of a small number of quantitative finance programs offering PhD as well as MS training. Our PhDs have taken positions both in Wall Street firms and in university quantitative finance programs. For more information about our quantitative finance courses and faculty, see  QF Courses  and  QF People .

Wall Street

Figure: New York Stock Exchange

Course Requirements for the Quantitative Finance Track

The standard program of study for the M.S. degree specializing in quantitative finance consists of : 

AMS 507   Introduction to Probability AMS 510   Analytical Methods for Applied Mathematics and Statistics AMS 511   Foundations of Quantitative Finance AMS 512   Portfolio Theory AMS 513   Financial Derivatives and Stochastic Calculus AMS 514   Computational Finance AMS 516   Statistical Methods in Finance AMS 517   Quantitative Risk Management AMS 518   Advanced Stochastic Models, Risk Assessment, and Portfolio Optimization AMS 572   Data Analysis

Quantitative Finance Track Electives (students must take at least  2 elective courses  to achieve at least  36  graduate credits along with the required courses):  AMS 515 Case Studies in Machine Learning and Finance  AMS 520 Machine Learning in Quantitative Finance AMS 522 Bayesian Methods in Finance AMS 523 Mathematics of High Frequency Finance AMS 526 Numerical Analysis I  AMS 527 Numerical Analysis II  AMS 528 Numerical Analysis III  AMS 530 Principles of Parallel Computing  AMS 540 Linear Programming AMS 542 Analysis of Algorithms AMS 550 Stochastic Models AMS 553 Simulation and Modeling AMS 560 Big Data Systems, Algorithms and Networks AMS 561 Introduction to Computational and Data Science AMS 562 Introduction to Scientific Programming in C++ AMS 569 Probability Theory I AMS 570 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics AMS 578 Regression Theory AMS 580 Statistical Learning AMS 586  Time Series AMS 595   Fundamentals of Computing AMS 603   Risk Measures for Finance and Data Analysis

Elective courses in the QF program are split in five focus areas. Students can follow one of the following course sequences depending upon their interests.

(A) Typical course sequence:   Modelling and risk management in finance

  • First Semester - AMS  507 ,  510 ,  511 , 572 ( or Electives: AMS 520 for those who have already taken an equivalent data analysis course before and have experience with Python)
  • Second Semester - AMS  512 ,  513 ,  517 (Electives: AMS 515 , 522 , 523 , 603 )
  • Third Semester - AMS  514 ,  516 , 518 (Electives: AMS 553 )

 (B) Typical course sequence:   Machine learning and big data

  • First Semester - AMS  507 ,  510 ,  511 , 572 (or Elective AMS 520 for those who have already taken an equivalent data analysis course before and have experience with Python)
  • Second Semester - AMS  512 ,  513 ,  517 (Electives: AMS 515 , 560 , 580 )
  • Third Semester - AMS  514 ,  516 , 518 (Electives: AMS 586 )

 (C) Typical course sequence:   Statistics and data analytics

  • First Semester - AMS  507 ,  510 ,  511 , 572 (or Elective AMS 520 for those who have already taken an equivalent data analysis course before and have experience with Python)
  • Second Semester - AMS  512 ,  513 ,  517 (Electives: AMS 515 , 570 , 578 (with pre-requisite 572  )
  • Third Semester - AMS  514 ,  516 , 518 (Electives: AMS 553 , 586 ) 

  (D) Typical course sequence:   Stochastic calculus, optimization, and   operation research

  • Second Semester - AMS  512 ,  513 ,  517 (Electives: AMS 515 , 542 , 550 , 569 )
  • Third Semester - AMS  514 ,  516 , 518 (Electives: AMS 540 , 553 )

(E) Typical course sequence: Computational methods and algorithms

  • Second Semester - AMS  512 ,  513 ,  517 (Electives: AMS 515 , 527 , 528 , 561 )
  • Third Semester - AMS  514 ,  516 , 518 (Electives: AMS 530 , 562 , 526 (co-requisite or pre-requisite 595 or 561 )

Note 1 : If you have poor programming skills take the following electives (instead of electives recommended in sequences) : AMS 595  Fundamentals of computing (Fall semester) or AMS 561 Introduction to computational and data science (Spring semester). Programming skills are critically important for industrial jobs. Note 2: If a 4th semester becomes necessary, a required course will be needed to continue.

For Ph.D. requirements please click here .

Quantitative Finance Opportunities for Applied Mathematics Graduate Students in Other Tracks Any strong student (3.5+ GPA in first-semester core courses) in another track may enroll in AMS 511 , Foundations in Quantitative Finance.  Selected students, with the permission of the Director of the Center for Quantitative Finance, may take additional quantitative finance courses. Students are eligible to earn an  Advanced Certificate in Quantitative Finance . You must formally apply for the secondary certificate program prior to taking the required courses. Only a maximum of six credits taken prior to enrolling in the certificate program may be used towards the requirements.  The 15-credit advanced certificate requires AMS 511 ,  AMS 512 ,  AMS 513 ,  one additional Quantitative Finance Graduate course  elective, and one additional Applied Mathematics course chosen with an advisor’s approval.

To apply, download the registration form, please click here .

For gainful employment disclosure information for our Quantitative Finance Program, please contact the AMS Department.

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phd positions in mathematical finance

SoE Main Quad

The Mathematical and Computational Finance Program at Stanford University (“MCF”) is one of the oldest and most established programs of its kind in the world. Starting out in the late 1990’s as an interdisciplinary financial mathematics research group, at a time when “quants” started having a greater impact on finance in particular, the program formally admitted masters students starting in 1999. The current MCF program was relaunched under the auspices of the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering in the Stanford School of Engineering in 2014 to better align with changes in industry and to broaden into areas of financial technology in particular. We are excited to remain at the cutting edge of innovation in finance while carrying on our long tradition of excellence.

The MCF Program is designed to have smaller cohorts of exceptional students with diverse interests and viewpoints, and prepare them for impactful roles in finance. We are characterized by our cutting edge curriculum marrying traditional financial mathematics and core fundamentals, with an innovative technical spirit unique to Stanford with preparation in software engineering, data science and machine learning as well as the hands-on practical coursework which is the hallmark skill-set for leaders in present day finance.


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Front of Andrew Wiles Building, Mathematical Institute, ©OUImages/Ian Wallman

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DPhil (PhD) studies in Mathematical Finance @ Oxford

The Mathematical and Computational Finance Group (MCFG) at Oxford is one of the largest and most dynamic research environments in mathematical finance in the world.

We combine core mathematical expertise with interdisciplinary approach. We foster lively interactions between researchers coming from different backgrounds and a truly impressive seminar programme, all this within one of the world's top universities, singular through its tradition and unique environment.

If you are passionate about mathematics and research and want to pursue a DPhil in Financial Mathematics, Oxford simply offers one of the best and most exciting places to do it!

 Research Topic and Supervisor Allocation

We welcome students with their own particular ideas of research topic as well as students with a broad interest in the field of Mathematical Finance. You have an opportunity to tell us about your research passions, and indicate potential supervisors, in your application form. This will be followed up during the interview.

In light of this, if you are offered a place, an appropriate supervisor will be proposed prior to your arrival in Oxford. However, there can be some flexibility over this once you arrive.  Keeping with the Oxford tradition, we offer our students independence and respect as early researchers, and always aim to match students with the most appropriate supervisors.

Outstanding students with a strong background in analysis, probability and data science are welcome to apply for our DPhil program. Each year we receive a large number of excellent applications. The selection process is extremely competitive and we can only admit a handful of candidates each year.

In order to apply for DPhil studies in Mathematical & Computational Finance, please indicate your interest in Mathematical and Computational Finance on your application form. Selected applicants will be invited for an interview -- either in person or by video call.

For general information on DPhil please consult our  Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) admissions pages .

For the CDT Mathematics of Random Systems please consult our  the CDT website .

Or please contact  @email .

Funding for DPhil students is available from a variety of sources. Please note that some funding opportunities have deadlines: it is advised to apply before the deadline in order to maximise your chances of receiving funding.

Funding is also available through the  Centre for Doctoral Training in Mathematics of Random Systems . To apply for this program please How to Apply .

Email:  @email Phone:  +44 (0)1865 615234

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DPhil Graduates

DPhil Alumni: Martin Gould

phd positions in mathematical finance

Mathematics (PHD) – Financial Mathematics Track

Program at a glance.

  • In State Tuition
  • Out of State Tuition

Learn more about the cost to attend UCF.

U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges - Most Innovative 2024

The Financial Mathematics track in the Mathematics PhD program is designed to prepare students for research and leadership positions in industry, government, non-governmental organizations, and academia requiring employment of financial mathematics.

The Mathematics PhD program consists of at least 75 credit hours of course work beyond the bachelor's degree, of which a minimum of 48 hours of formal course work, exclusive of independent study, are required. The program requires 36 credit hours of core courses and 15 credit hours of dissertation research (7980).

Total Credit Hours Required: 75 Credit Hours Minimum beyond the Bachelor's Degree

Application Deadlines

  • International

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University of central florida colleges.

phd positions in mathematical finance

Request Information

Enter your information below to receive more information about the Mathematics (PHD) – Financial Mathematics Track program offered at UCF.

Track Prerequisites

Bachelor's degree in related field.

Students entering the graduate program with regular status are assumed to have a working knowledge of undergraduate calculus, differential equations, linear algebra (or matrix theory), boundary value problems, statistics, computer programming, and maturity in the language of advanced calculus (at the level of MAA 4226).

Degree Requirements

Required courses.

  • All students are required to complete the following courses with grade of "B" or better.
  • MAA5237 - Mathematical Analysis (3)
  • MAS5145 - Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (3)
  • MAP5641 - Financial Mathematics I (3)
  • MAP6642 - Financial Mathematics II (3)
  • MAP5612 - Computational Methods for Financial Mathematics I (3)
  • MAP6616 - Computational Methods for Financial Mathematics II (3)
  • MAP6646 - Risk Management for Financial Mathematics (3)
  • MAP5606 - Differential Equations for Financial Mathematics (3)
  • MAP6195 - Mathematical Foundations for Massive Data Modeling and Analysis (3)
  • MAP6207 - Optimization Theory (3)
  • STA6857 - Applied Time Series Analysis (3)
  • MAP5931 - Proseminar for Financial Mathematics (1)
  • MAP5933 - Seminar in Financial Mathematics (2)
  • The remaining credit hours consist of additional dissertation research (7980 or 7919), at least 15 credit hours of regular classroom elective courses, and at most 12 credit hours of independent study or independent directed research. Students who pass the qualifying examination may substitute some of the core courses with the approval of the adviser and the graduate program director.

Elective Courses

  • Earn at least 24 credits from the following types of courses: Elective courses require the approval of the adviser and the graduate program director; up to 12 credit hours of elective courses may be taken outside the department. At least one-half of the program courses must be taken at the 6000 level. At least 12 hours of elective course work must be formal course work, exclusive of independent study. Electives are chosen in consultation with the student's advisory committee and may be chosen from the suggested options: Discrete Mathematics, General Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Computer Tomography, Image Processing and Computer Graphics, Mathematical Finance, Mathematical Physics, Pure Mathematics, Data Science, and Mathematical Statistics. A list of elective course options can be obtained from the graduate program director. Courses that are taken outside the Mathematics department must be approved by both the adviser and graduate program director. These courses are selected in consultation with the student's advisory committee.


  • Earn at least 15 credits from the following types of courses: MAP 7980 - Dissertation Research 15 Credit Hours (minimum) After passing the candidacy examination and meeting the other requirements that are required for admission to candidacy, the student can register for Doctoral Dissertation (MAP 7980). A minimum of 15 Doctoral Dissertation credit hours are required for the degree.


Qualifying examination.

  • The qualifying/comprehensive examination is based on the core course work. To continue in the PhD program, students must pass the examination at the PhD level. Two attempts are permitted. The examination will be administered twice a year: one in the Fall semester and the other in the Spring semester. To take the examination, students must have earned a "B" or better in each core course, must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (out of 4.0) in the program, or must obtain permission from the graduate program director. Students will normally take the examination after the first year and are expected to have passed it by the end of the second year of study, unless a written request for a postponement has been approved by the Graduate Committee at least two months before the examination date. The student must pass the Qualifying Examination in at most two attempts. It is strongly recommended that the student select a dissertation adviser by the completion of 18 credit hours of course work, and it is strongly recommended that the student works with the dissertation adviser to form a dissertation committee within two semesters of passing the Qualifying Examination.

Candidacy Examination

  • The Candidacy Examination consists of a written examination based on the materials from two selected two-semester sequence courses taken by the students. A committee formed or selected by the Graduate Committee or the graduate program director is responsible for preparing and grading the written examinations. Each sequence that is selected for the candidacy examination must be approved by the dissertation adviser, the dissertation committee, and the graduate program director. Students in the Financial Mathematics Track will ordinarily select one of the sequences for their candidacy examination to be MAP 5641/MAP6642 Financial Mathematics I and II, and MAP5612/MAP6616 Computational Methods for Financial Mathematics I and II. The Candidacy Examination can be attempted after passing the qualifying examination. The Candidacy Examination must be completed within three years after passing the qualifying examination. A student must successfully pass the Candidacy Examination within at most two attempts.

Admission to Candidacy

  • The following are required to be admitted to candidacy and enroll in dissertation hours: Completion of all course work, except for dissertation hours. Successful completion of the candidacy examination. The dissertation advisory committee is formed, consisting of approved graduate faculty and graduate faculty scholars. Submittal of an approved program of study.

Dissertation Proposal Examination

  • After passing the candidacy examination, the student will prepare a dissertation proposal and orally present it to the dissertation advisory committee for approval. The proposal will include a description of the research performed to date and an agenda for the research planned to be completed for the dissertation. In addition to standards of correctness, indicating a suitable level of mastery of the material of the area of the dissertation, and suitability of the proposed dissertation topic, the presentation must meet current standards for professional presentations within the discipline of mathematics. For the successful completion of the Dissertation Proposal Examination, the presentation must be judged as passing the requirements for the examination by the majority of the dissertation committee. This exam must be passed within 18 months of passing the candidacy examination and not later than the end of the sixth year of graduate study. A candidate must pass this examination within at most two attempts.

Dissertation Defense

  • Upon completion of a student's research, the student's committee schedules an oral defense of the dissertation. Most students complete the program within five years after obtaining their bachelor's degree. Students are expected to complete the dissertation in no more than seven years from the date of admission to the program.

Independent Learning

  • The required 15 credit hours of dissertation will provide ample opportunities for students to gain the independent learning experience through studying published research papers and deriving, on their own, new and meaningful research results.

Grand Total Credits: 75

Application requirements, financial information.

Graduate students may receive financial assistance through fellowships, assistantships, tuition support, or loans. For more information, see the College of Graduate Studies Funding website, which describes the types of financial assistance available at UCF and provides general guidance in planning your graduate finances. The Financial Information section of the Graduate Catalog is another key resource.

Fellowship Information

Fellowships are awarded based on academic merit to highly qualified students. They are paid to students through the Office of Student Financial Assistance, based on instructions provided by the College of Graduate Studies. Fellowships are given to support a student's graduate study and do not have a work obligation. For more information, see UCF Graduate Fellowships, which includes descriptions of university fellowships and what you should do to be considered for a fellowship.

The department offers over 20 Graduate Teaching Assistantships every year on a competitive basis. A few Graduate Research Assistantships are also available for qualified students.


» » » Prospective Doctoral Students

Can I study financial mathematics in the doctoral program?

Yes, we have previously had several theses on financial mathematics, written from an academic perspective.  Financial mathematics is one of many topics studied in the doctoral program.  However, students seeking a professional qualification in finance should also consider the .


Can I study applied mathematics in the doctoral program?

Theoretically, but such students would be better off in the .


I am applying in December to the doctoral program. Is it all right if I take the GRE on the November test date?

  Yes. Your GRE November test scores should become available by late December. You must file the rest of your online application on time, by the December deadline. Leave the GRE portion of the application blank (or enter your previous scores), but then update the application with your GRE scores immediately when you learn them. Also have an official score report sent to Columbia. If we receive the GRE scores by January 1, there should be no adverse consequences for your application.


Are both the GRE General Test and Mathematics Subject Test required for the application?

The GRE General Test is recommended, but not required. The GRE Mathematics Subject Test is required.* As above, you may apply prior to receiving the test results, provided you update your application immediately upon receiving the official scores. If we receive the GRE scores by January 1, there should be no adverse consequences for your application.

*Please Note: GRE Subject Exam scores are required of all applicants. However, in light of continued difficulties scheduling these exams, Fall 2024 applications without GRE Subject Exam scores will receive full consideration, provided all other application materials are received by the deadline.


Do you accept transfer students, and if so, do you accept transfer credits from their prior institutions?

  We welcome applications to the doctoral program from current graduate students. However, we treat them much the same as applications from current undergraduates. We want all Columbia doctoral students to take Columbia first-year courses and hence will not normally accept transfer credits. Rather, we would encourage students with a graduate record to choose from among our those which complement their prior study.

Department of Mathematics

Financial mathematics.

A pioneer in its field, the Financial Mathematics Program offers 15 months of accelerated, integrated coursework that explores the deep-rooted relationship that exists between theoretical and applied mathematics and the ever-evolving world of finance. Their mission is to equip students with a solid foundation in mathematics, and in doing so provide them with practical knowledge that they can successfully apply to complicated financial models. Financial Mathematics students become leaders in their field; program alumni have gone forth to find success at companies like JP Morgan, UBS, and Goldman Sachs. Read more

phd positions in mathematical finance

Doctoral Program

Doctoral program in mathematics.

The UCF Math PhD program started from Fall 1993 with a Financial Mathematics track added in Fall 2017  and it has awarded 95 PhD degrees. Currently the program has 51 active PhD students with 49 graduate teaching/research assistantships  (Fall 2021).

The  program has awarded  95 PhD degrees since 1993 ( Fall 2021 ).

The program admitted 16 new PhD students in the 2021 Spring/Fall semesters.

PhD degree is conferred for 2 students in the spring/summer semester 2021, and  for 30 students  since 2016.  They have tenure-tracked position at Middle Tennessee State University (2021), and postdoc positions at State University of New York(2021(, Boston College(2020), Washington University at Saint Louis (2020, now tenure-track position at University of Memphis), Michigan State University (2020), University of Maryland (2019), Southern University of Science and Technology (China, 2019), University of Wyoming (2019),  KTH Royal Institute of Technology(Sweden, 2019), Duke University (2017), College of William and Mary (2017, now at Kennesaw State University), University of  Stuttgart (Germany, 2016, now at Indian School of Mines), and  King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi, 2016, now at University of Southern Denmark). They also have professorship in university or community college, and  jobs in government agencies and  the industry.

The UCF Math PhD program provides broad based training in pure, applied and industrial mathematics.  The program consists of at least 75 credit hours of course work beyond the bachelor’s degree, of which a minimum of 39 hours of formal course work, exclusive of independent study and directed research.  Students are required to take  several core courses and at least two course sequences, and also electives outside the department. Students must pass the cumulative qualifying examinations at the PhD level after taking core courses, and pass candidacy examinations after taking two course sequences. By the third year, a student should have selected an advisor, formed a committee and started a research  program.  In the semesters following the candidacy examination, a student takes at least 15 credit hours of dissertation research and engages original and creative mathematical research that pushes back the frontier of knowledge.  A PhD is awarded after a successful dissertation defense.

Wu Jing

The UCF Math PhD program produces students who attain distinction in their fields of research. The faculty in the program are dedicated to the graduate education and many of them are recognized as outstanding scholars. Our faculty members include an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematics,  a Marcus Wallenberg Prize winner, Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, and a National Science Foundation Career awardee. Students in the UCF Math PhD program can specialize in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, including Approximation Theory, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Big Data and Mathematical Statistics, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, Control and Optimization, Differential and Symplectic Geometry, Differential Equations, Fluid and Plasma Dynamics,  Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Finance, Nonlinear Waves and Nonlinear Dynamics, Numerical Analysis, Orthogonal Polynomials, Real and Functional Analysis,  Probability and Stochastic Analysis, Tomography and Medical Imaging, Topology, and Wave Propagation.

Students in the UCF Math PhD program are encouraged to interact with other departments, institutions, and industries.  For students to pursue research in a variety of disciplines, the program offers flexibility in the composition of the core courses as well as the qualifying examination. Many faculty members in the UCF Math Department conduct interdisciplinary research and supervise graduate students in other departments, research institutes and centers within the university. Graduates in the UCF Math PhD program regularly go on to successful positions in academics, government agency and industry.

Haimei Shao

For additional information about the UCF Math PhD program such as curriculum, application requirements, admission procedure,  financials  etc, please explore   Math PhD program including financial math track in the ucf graduate catalog and the  program’s Q&A website, or contact the program director at [email protected]

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BOSTON UNIVERSITY Questrom School of Business Rafik B. Hariri Building 595 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215

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MS in Mathematical Finance & Financial Technology

If you are passionate about quantitative finance, financial technology, statistics, data analysis, and programming, and you have the determination to take on a demanding curriculum, the Master of Science in Mathematical Finance & Financial Technology (MSMFT) is meant for you.

You will be guided by faculty members, world-renowned authorities in the subject areas comprising the curriculum, to develop a skill set that will set you apart in the highly competitive quantitative finance and fintech job markets. Whether your sights are set on working in financial technology, financial data analysis, financial engineering, risk management, asset management, or quantitative analytics, you will have what it takes to succeed.

At A Glance

The three-semester program takes you to the cutting edge of financial engineering. The curriculum starts with tools such as stochastic calculus, derivatives, or computational methods necessary in most aspects of our fields. It then lets you explore your special interests, be it quantitative portfolio or risk management, fixed income or equity, You will be exposed to the latest techniques use in financial technology and statistical data analysis. You can explore exciting new frontiers such as machine learning and algorithmic trading.

Career Support

Your career is our top priority, we’ve got you covered..

Everyone attends the mandatory course, MF 610: Mathematical Finance Career Management. The weekly Friday session includes resume, interview, and coding training, presentations by quantitative finance leaders, many of which regularly hire our students. In addition, the Team; the Executive Director, the Associate Director for industry relations, our quantitative interview skills coach and our soft skills coaches follows you every step of the interview process. Advice is available for course choice, comparing multiple job offers, and more.

Our students

At Questrom, community is at the core. We’re collaborative, not cutthroat. We’re honest, thoughtful, and eager to see one another succeed. Everybody benefits from others’ success. Faculty, staff, students, or alumni, form a motivated and ambitious, but also welcoming and inclusive community.

MSMFT students hail from around the globe, but they have one thing in common—drive! They are all diligent students, eager to learn, grow, and change the world. Meet a few of our students.

Ready to settle in? You’ll find everything you need to know about on-campus housing on  BU’s Housing website . Or,  check out this guide  with tips on finding off-campus housing nearby.

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Faculty Spotlights

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Eugene Sorets has a BS from Cornell and a PhD from the NYU Courant Institute, both in Mathematics. Sorets has been a research mathematician at UC Irvine, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and Yale University.

He has 20 years of financial industry experience, ranging from fintech startups to establishing hedge funds. He is currently the director of research at Bracebridge Capital, a fixed income arbitrage fund based in Boston.

phd positions in mathematical finance

Steven Kou is Allen Questrom Professor in Management and Professor of Finance at Boston University Questrom School of Business. Previously, he was the Provost’s Chair Professor of Mathematics at National University of Singapore, and Professor at Columbia University (2008-2014).

Professor Kou teaches  courses on the Economics of Financial Technology course in the MSMFT program. At NUS, Kou was the Director of the Risk Management Institute. Currently he is a co-area-editor for  Operations Research,  co-editor for  Digital Finance , and  associate editor at Mathematical Finance, and has served on editorial boards of several other journals, such as Management Science, Mathematics of Operations . He is a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, a recipient of the 2021 Shadadpuri Faculty Research award, and won the 2002 Erlang Prize from INFORMS. Kou’s PhD is in Statistics from Columbia.

phd positions in mathematical finance

Philip Sun is a fintech entrepreneur, investment manager, and leader of quantitative research and investment teams with over 25 years of professional experience. Philip is currently the CEO and co-founder of a fintech startup, Adaptive Investment Solutions, LLC. and a Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship at Hult International Business School.

Philip teaches Algorithmic and High-frequency, where he is working to reshape the class to combine both mathematical rigor and in-depth exposure to real-world data and trading applications.

Philip holds an MBA from the Wharton School, a PhD in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University, and dual Bachelor Degrees in Physics and Mathematics from Stony Brook University. Philip is a Chartered Financial Analyst.

class profile

*While we understand sex and gender may not be binary, this information is based on reporting requirements to the US Federal Government

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Assistant Professor, Applied Math

, probability, optimal control, ordinary, partial, and stochastic differential equations, and dynamical systems; and applications of mathematics to biology, finance , and industrial problems. Annual research

Research Associate - Mathematics and Statistics

, Biostatistics and Ecology, Combinatorics, Computational Mathematics , Data Science, Dynamical Systems and Integrability, Finance and Risk Analysis, Fractional Calculus, Functional and Harmonic Analysis, Geometry

Research Fellow (Director of Investment Operations)

to the applications of mathematics in cryptography, computing, business, and finance . PAP covers many areas of fundamental and applied physics, including quantum information, condensed matter physics, biophysics, and

One or more integrated(4+4) PhD positions in Advancing Real-Time and Trustworthy Autonomous Systems in Unexplored Environments

regardless of personal background or belief. Wages and employment Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of 15 December 2021 on the Collective Agreement

PhD Stipend in non-terrestrial open radio access networks for 6G

qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief. Wages and employment Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of 15 December 2021

Postdoctoral Fellow - Mathematics & Statistics

, Biomathematics, Biostatistics and Ecology, Combinatorics, Computational Mathematics , Data Science, Dynamical Systems and Integrability, Finance and Risk Analysis, Fractional Calculus, Functional and Harmonic

University assistant Predoctoral

research project "Universal structures in Mathematical Finance " Job vacancy starting: 01.10.2024  | Working hours:  30h/week  | Classification CBA: §48 vWGr. B1 Limited contract until: 30.08.2026 Job ID

University assistant Postdoctoral

: Completed Master in Mathematics , PhD in an area related to the themes of the project Excellent background in stochastic analysis, probability theory, statistics and mathematical finance and an open mind

PhD Fellowship in Spatial Algorithms for Morphogenetic Patterning in Biological and Artificial Systems

PhD Fellowship in Spatial Algorithms for Morphogenetic Patterning in Biological and Artificial Systems The Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in biocomplexity under

University Assistant postdoctoral

the exchange between disciplines, cultures and generations? We are looking for a/an University assistant Postdoctoral in the START research project "Universal structures in Mathematical Finance " Job vacancy

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PhD in Applied Mathematics

Phd in applied mathematics degree.

Applied Mathematics at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the creation and imaginative use of mathematical concepts to pose and solve problems over the entire gamut of the physical and biomedical sciences and engineering, and increasingly, the social sciences and humanities. The program has focuses on understanding nature through the fusion of Artificial Intelligence, Computing (classical to quantum), and Mathematics. We value foundational contributions, societal impact, and ethics in our work. Our program uniquely interfaces with diverse fields, including physics, neuroscience, materials science, economics, biology and fluid mechanics, to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time, such as sustainability, responsible digital transformations, and health and well-being.

Working individually and as part of teams collaborating across the University and beyond, you will partner with faculty to quantitatively describe, predict, design and control phenomena in a range of fields. Projects current and past students have worked on include collaborations with mechanical engineers to uncover some of the fundamental properties of artificial muscle fibers for soft robotics and developing new ways to simulate tens of thousands of bubbles in foamy flows for industrial applications such as food and drug production.

Our core mission is to provide students with individualized programs tailored to their interests, needs, and background. We welcome students from diverse technical backgrounds. Our program is dedicated to the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We celebrate and value differences among our members, and we strive to create an equitable and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds.


Applied Mathematics PhD Degree

Harvard School of Engineering offers a  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Applied Mathematics conferred through the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . Doctoral students may earn the masters degree en route to the Ph.D. Prospective students apply through Harvard Griffin GSAS; in the online application, select  “Engineering and Applied Sciences” as your program choice and select “PhD Applied Math” in the Area of Study menu.

The Applied Mathematics program does not offer an independent Masters Degree.

Applied Mathematics PhD Career Paths

Our graduates have gone on to careers such as start-up pioneers, social innovators, and a range of careers in industry in organizations like the Kingdom of Morocco, Meta, and Bloomberg. Others have secured faculty positions at Dartmouth, Imperial College in London, and UCLA. More generally, students with a PhD in Applied Mathematics can go on to careers in academia, banking, data science, bioinformatics, management consulting, government/military research, and more. Also, r ead about some of our Applied Mathematics alumni .

Admissions & Academic Requirements

Please review the  admissions requirements and other information  before applying. Our website also provides  admissions guidance ,   program-specific requirements , and a PhD program academic timeline .

Academic Background

Applicants typically have bachelor’s degrees in the natural sciences, mathematics, computer science, or engineering. 

Standardized Tests

GRE General: Not Accepted

Applied Mathematics Faculty & Research Areas

View a list of our  Applied Mathematics faculty and applied mathematics  affiliated research areas , Please note that faculty members listed as “Affiliates" or "Lecturers" cannot serve as the primary research advisor.  

Applied Mathematics Centers & Initiatives

View a list of the research centers & initiatives at SEAS and the Applied Mathematics faculty engagement with these entities .

Graduate Student Clubs

Graduate student clubs and organizations bring students together to share topics of mutual interest. These clubs often serve as an important adjunct to course work by sponsoring social events and lectures. Graduate student clubs are supported by the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin School of Arts and Sciences. Explore the list of active clubs and organizations .

Funding and Scholarship

Learn more about financial support for PhD students.

  • How to Apply

Learn more about how to apply  or review frequently asked questions for prospective graduate students.

In Applied Mathematics

  • First-Year Exploration
  • Areas of Application
  • AM & Economics
  • How to Declare
  • Who are my Advisors?
  • Secondary Field
  • Senior Thesis
  • Research for Course Credit (AM 91R & AM 99R)
  • AB/SM Information
  • Peer Concentration Advisors (PCA) Program
  • Student Organizations
  • PhD Timeline
  • PhD Model Program (Course Guidelines)
  • Oral Qualifying Examination
  • Committee Meetings
  • Committee on Higher Degrees
  • Research Interest Comparison
  • Collaborations
  • Cross-Harvard Engagement
  • Clubs & Organizations
  • Centers & Initiatives
  • Alumni Stories

Graduate News

Harvard SEAS students Sudhan Chitgopkar, Noah Dohrmann, Stephanie Monson and Jimmy Mendez with a poster for their master's capstone projects

Master's student capstone spotlight: AI-Enabled Information Extraction for Investment Management

Extracting complicated data from long documents

Academics , AI / Machine Learning , Applied Computation , Computer Science , Industry

Harvard SEAS student Susannah Su with a poster for her master's student capstone project

Master's student capstone spotlight: AI-Assisted Frontline Negotiation

Speeding up document analysis ahead of negotiations

Academics , AI / Machine Learning , Applied Computation , Computer Science

Harvard SEAS students Samantha Nahari, Rama Edlabadkar, Vlad Ivanchuk with a poster for their computational science and engineering capstone project

Master's student capstone spotlight: A Remote Sensing Framework for Rail Incident Situational Awareness Drones

Using drones to rapidly assess disaster sites

Get the Reddit app

/r/matheducation is for discussions of math teaching and pedagogy.

What to expect after completing a PhD in Mathematical Finance ?

Hello. I have the opportunity of starting a PhD in Mathematical Finance next year in a top Canadian school. However, I'm a little unsure about it since I've never worked in anything related to finance. Instead my past experience in research has been related to different areas of applied math such as signal processing, control theory, and machine learning. My potential advisor, who is already a full professor, says that I shouldn't worry about my lack of experience in finance because I could learn that by just 'reading journals and magazines'. He even says that if the word 'finance' in my degree bothers me, I can have my PhD in Applied Mathematics instead, but we would be basically working in applying stochastic calculus to models that show up in finance.

The university I might be attending has a strong Computer Science department and active groups in Machine Learning and Scientific Computing which I find appealing, but I don't know if I could join them in any project because I'd be from a different department.

The idea of going back to school is exciting to me since I've always liked learning and applying math to solve problems. I also know that there is huge overlap between all of the topics I've mentioned in this post. Nevertheless, my biggest concern is if my degree would make my job prospects to be limited to the finance industry or professor of finance/economics.

phd positions in mathematical finance

Chairman and CEO Letter to Shareholders

Annual Report 2023

Latest news

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An Ohio-Based Company is Protecting First Responders Around the World

With support from JPMorganChase, Fire-Dex is providing protective equipment to firefighters in 100 countries and all 50 states. 

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The changing demographics of retail investors

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Veteran’s Unconventional Path to Landing her Dream Job in Tech 

U.S. Army Veteran Ashley Wigfall transitioned to a civilian role and charted her path to technologist through mentorship and skills training at the JPMorgan Chase tech hub in Plano, Texas.

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My global coding career in Bournemouth

From graduate to vice president, Shree Aggarwal’s passion for coding shines at J.P. Morgan.

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Want to build an app to connect young people around the world? Start by asking young programmers what they'd want to see...and how they'd build it!

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Salaries for masters graduates in finance sector power ahead

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Andrew Jack , Leo Cremonezi and Sam Stephens

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Salaries for graduates of leading masters in finance programmes have grown much faster for those working in financial services compared with other sectors, in a sign of the industry’s strength. 

The latest Financial Times ranking shows that, among those who completed a masters in finance degree three years previously in one of 65 ranked schools, the average salary was $98,000 this year for those working in finance — up 12 per cent compared with 2023. For the third of graduates who chose to work in other sectors, the rise was 3 per cent to $78,000. 

Masters in Finance ranking 2024

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This year’s FT ranking of courses

Of those who do not go on to work in the finance sector, the largest share are in consulting, followed by technology, manufacturing and energy.

The trend pointed to a fresh boost in the relative attractiveness — in salary terms — for graduates working in finance, and marked the largest pay differential in at least eight years.

The average salary of female graduates working in finance jumped to $91,000, narrowing the gap to men’s slightly, to 8 per cent, highlighting the still considerable disparity in what is traditionally a male-dominated career.

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Chris Connors of Johnson Associates, a New York-based financial services remuneration consultancy, notes that the surge in earnings was also seen in his firm’s data. He says it was caused by higher initial pay amid fierce competition for recruits, subsequent increases linked to high inflation and a recent rise in bonuses after two stable years.

“The sector was hiring like crazy and the war for talent was very pronounced, with way higher turnover,” he says. “Since 2021, base salaries have risen far more than historical rates in financial services.”

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For the second year, ESCP maintained its position at the top of the FT ranking of “pre-experience” courses — for students with little or no prior professional work — while three other French-based schools were in the top four: HEC Paris , Skema , and Essec . London Business School retained its top position among the few institutions that offer a “post-experience” course for those who already have sector experience, ahead of the University of Cambridge: Judge and the University of Amsterdam — Amsterdam Business School . 

Among alumni of “pre-experience” courses who then go to work in finance, graduates who take a job in trading had the highest average starting salaries at $80,000, while those in non-financial sectors earned the least at $55,000. Three years after graduating, the top earners were those in private equity, venture capital, and hedge funds, earning an average of $120,000.

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Since 2017, nearly three-quarters of these courses’ graduates have entered financial sector employment and, in each year, have earned more than those who go into non-financial sectors. The salary gap between graduates working in the financial and non-financial sectors has increased to $20,000, up from $6,000 in 2017.

The 2024 rankings were compiled using data from business schools and alumni who completed their masters in 2021. Participation by institutions is voluntary, and the list is weighted according to factors including salaries, gender balance and value for money.

The ranking data shows that there is still a significant majority of men, both as students and teachers. Just three of the 65 ranked schools had gender parity among faculty — IE in Spain, and Grenoble Ecole de Management and Iéseg in France. The proportion of female staff was as low as 17 per cent at Università della Svizzera italiana in Switzerland.

Among student cohorts, just Toulouse School of Management and Skema Business School in France had gender parity, while on average just over a third of the classes were female. The figure was as low as 11 per cent at Lucerne School of Business in Switzerland. 

The strength of the earnings increases is one possible reason for the continued demand for finance masters, despite a wider stagnation in less specialised business and management degrees, notably in Europe and North America.

Disruption of traditional finance jobs by artificial intelligence — with changes to both basic data entry and more sophisticated analytical work — has also sparked a restructuring by recruiters and a likely shift in students’ interests.

At the same time, several business schools say employers are increasingly demanding so-called “softer” skills, such as teamwork, communication and critical thinking, alongside “harder” quantitative skills, including coding and financial analysis.

Students are keen for greater hands-on project-based “experiential” learning with companies, too, and are pushing to learn about newer technologies such as cryptocurrencies, as well as ways to engage with sustainability and societal impact.

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The FT ranking takes account of business schools’ approach to sustainability through their campus commitments to net zero emissions and publication of carbon emissions audits. Here, SDA Bocconi/Università Bocconi in Italy performed best, followed by BI Norwegian Business School and IE in Spain.

Across the ranked schools, alumni rated their strongest courses as corporate finance, investments and statistics. Compliance received the lowest rating from the graduates.

North American courses were the most expensive per month on average, while those taught in continental Europe were the cheapest — below the price for UK and Asia-based schools.

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  • University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
  • Posted on: 13 June 2024

Phd 2024/25 in MATHEMATICS

he course aims to train students capable of carrying out highly qualified mathematical research, both at universities and other public or private bodies, using mathematical research in any form. The training can occur either in pure mathematics, i.e. fundamental research and with outlets mainly in the academic sphere, or in applied mathematics, with outlets both in applied research in the academic world and in the industrial, financial, commercial, and public domain. The central part of the course consists of the dissertation work, during which the students develop cognitive tools that allow them to deal autonomously, originally, and innovatively with the theoretical and practical problems they will have to face in their future work environments. To provide a solid knowledge base on which to develop these skills, during the initial two years, Ph.D. students attend specialized courses held by internal and external lecturers, usually in English. In addition, Ph.D. students attend seminar series within the department and participate in conferences and workshops in Italy and abroad. Ph.D. students are also encouraged to spend training periods abroad of one or more semesters at centers with which the Ph.D. program has scientific links. This achieves another objective, essential for the modern labor market, to train individuals capable of operating effectively and smoothly in an international environment.

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At least 35 of America’s billionaires are PhDs. As academic jobs become scarce, doctorates should get down to business

Ph.D. graduates are increasingly choosing careers in the private sector.

Samantha Dewalt is managing director of the Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, an exclusive education-industry partnership between Lehigh University in Pennsylvania and the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center in San Francisco .

Traditionally, a doctoral degree is regarded almost exclusively as a passport to scholarly distinction and academic tenure. Any person who committed the time, energy, and expense to attain a PhD appeared inevitably destined for the academy, free to pursue knowledge without commercial intent.

So goes the standard rationale—and training—for a doctorate. Candidates are groomed for careers in academia, where they will research, teach, and publish. That tradition, though well-intentioned, is overdue for a drastic expansion.

Saving research from ‘the valley of death’

Such an expansion has already begun. In December, the National Science Foundation awarded $100 million to 18 academic institutions all across the U.S. to “speed and scale research into products and services that benefit the nation.” The first-ever Accelerating Research Translation awards are designed to enable university scholars to convert academic innovation into commercial value and societal purpose. Each school awarded will partner with a mentoring institution of higher education already equipped with “a robust ecosystem for translational research.”

Lehigh University is among the recipients of the abovementioned National Science Foundation awards, with Carnegie Mellon University acting as its peer mentor. The $6 million award will be earmarked specifically to increase the translation of scientific discoveries in engineering, science, health, humanities, business, education, and other disciplines—by faculty, graduate students and postdoctoral researchers into prototypes, products, and programs that will benefit society.

Meanwhile, as the supply of jobs in academia struggles to keep up with the demand, more PhDs are turning to careers in industry. In 2020, The Princeton Review warned, “If it’s your ambition to become a professor, you should be aware that the PhD. track is no guarantee of a life in  academia .” As such, candidates will need to be prepared differently. 

Make no mistake: Some college graduates bearing PhDs have proven highly enterprising. It is estimated that the private sector now employs about as many PhD graduates as educational institutions.

Most research finds that between one-third and one-half of all PhD graduates globally stay in academia , while others may migrate to the private sector. Almost daily, some entrepreneurial PhDs launch new ventures that eventually hit the jackpot. Indeed, Forbes  has reported that “at least” 35 U.S. billionaires obtained a PhD before plunging into business.

But let’s face it: Academics are rarely trained to be entrepreneurs. They typically focus on conducting research, publishing manuscripts, and at times, developing intellectual property, but without cultivating the business knowledge or resources to turn innovations into viable market solutions. And it’s a shame when university research languishes on the shelf, never reaching the market—the so-called “valley of death”.

How America’s top universities are doing it

Universities are amping up efforts to educate PhD students about how to better capitalize on a doctoral degree. At Lehigh University, we have conducted a competitive analysis of what other higher education institutions, particularly those highly regarded for entrepreneurial activity, are doing to engage PhD students in entrepreneurial courses and programs. Among the schools we studied were Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Dartmouth, and UC Berkeley. Overall, our analysis identified a need—and opportunity—to transform PhD education.

More particularly, we found that although most of these top-tier universities offer entrepreneurship education for graduate and undergraduate students alike, few target PhD students. We also learned that because most of the graduate courses in entrepreneurship originate in business or engineering schools, few are truly interdisciplinary. We also found that PhD students are more likely to participate in entrepreneurial activity if they have faculty advisors who are themselves entrepreneurs or at least entrepreneurial-minded.

Stanford University particularly stands out as an exemplary entrepreneurial environment for students. It benefits from education-industry partnerships that provide access to the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley. UC Berkeley distinguishes itself, too, for its emphasis on interdisciplinary entrepreneurial development and close collaboration with nearby startup incubators.

Dartmouth College pioneered the first engineering   PhD innovation program  that provides entrepreneurial training to turn research discoveries into market solutions. The PhD fellows take additional coursework in business, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and spend up to six months at an industry internship. 

Entrepreneurship education should be democratized. Other universities should follow the examples set by the top-tiers. All students—even those on a budget—should have access to the equivalent of an Ivy League experience.

Our university is taking a step in this new direction, to better expose our PhD students to entrepreneurial experiences and career pathways. Last fall, we introduced a hands-on, real-world, interdisciplinary course on entrepreneurship for PhD students. Built on a model designed by the National Science Foundation, the course is offered for credit and available to graduate students across disciplines through Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, partnering with the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Lehigh’s Office of Technology Transfer. 

It’s time for doctorates to get down to business. More PhDs should treat the ideas that emerge from scholarship as entrepreneurial opportunities. But first, they must know how to harness all that valuable education in the service of both our society and our economy.

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