Terrorism - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Terrorism, defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims, is a global issue that has seen a significant rise in the 21st century. Essays on this topic could explore the root causes of terrorism, its various forms, and the measures taken by different countries to counter terrorist activities. A deeper analysis could delve into the psychology of terrorists, the impact of terrorism on global politics, and the ethical considerations surrounding counter-terrorism measures. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Terrorism you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Impact of Terrorism on International Business

Terrorism is known as the best approach to influence the general population of all over world to panic. Terrorism based oppressors are those individuals, who are reason of the psychological warfare. These days, it is the basic issue of over the world. In the current scenario, Pakistan has come in those nations, which are confronting this issue at abnormal state. Pakistan is one of those nations, which were built up on the name of Islam yet because of terrorism based […]

A Problem of Cyber Terrorism

Since the inception of the internet, our world has become more and more connected than ever before. Many companies have moved from a paper focused system to a virtual world of computers that allows their reach to international customers. The internet has opened the doors by given us the ability to freely share information among millions of people. As good as the internet has been for mankind there is also groups who have used it to spread terrorism across the […]

Political Problem

The rapid development of the modern world in regards to political growth and independence has resulted in political problems and particular political terrorism and state-sponsored violence. Nations together with their governments are faced with security problems caused by the nuclear proliferation leading to misuse of this materials through wars and violence and terrorism. State-sponsored terrorism occurs when government regime forces or oppresses the minority group. Terrorism is the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror to […]

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Issues of Bioterrorism and Biowarfare

Bioterrorism is a form of terrorism in which terrorists purposely spread deadly or harmful biological agents with the intention to scare a population. Biowarfare deals with bacteria, biological toxins, viruses, and fungi that are used to kill and/or immobilize a large group of people. Biological agents are some of the fastest-advancing, and deadliest weapons of mass destruction known to man, and although biological attacks have been occurring for centuries, they have recently become more prevalent and more concerning. There is […]

Can Islamic and Global Terrorism Ever be Defeated

Terrorism is a word which is often talked about in the modern day due to events which have happened in the recent past. In this essay I will discuss about the factors which explain the rise to Global Terrorism and Islamic Terrorism. The main question which is posed to people everyday is that, can terrorism ever be defeated? Over the last 30 years, we have seen devastating acts of terrorism occur all around the world. 9/11 being a good example […]

September 11th 2001 Attack

The attack of September 11th 2001 was one that really shock America. It left many people dead and other wounded. The total number of people who died in the attack was 2,996 while those got serious injuries were more than 6000. People who died in the incidence included those who were in the building, outside, firefighters and also some terrorists. It was a shock to many people how so many people could die within a very short period of time. […]

Political Terrorism in Europe

There is no universal agreement on the definition of terrorism. Various legal systems and government agencies use different definitions. Governments have been reluctant to formulate an agreed upon and legally binding definition. These difficulties arise from the fact that the term is politically and emotionally charged. There are many reasons as to why there is no universal consensus regarding the definition of terrorism. The United Nations attempts to define the term foundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various […]

How Terrorism Effects Non-Muslim

What is terrorism The word terrorism derived from the word terror which meaning is 'affright'. In simple words terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Common definitions of terrorism refer to violent acts which are intended to create fear. They may be done for a religious, political, or ideological goal, and often target civilians. Explain Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a […]

How Technology has Affected on Crime

Explain how technology has affected globalization of crime as it applies to organized crime. Technology has made organized crime much more difficult for law enforcement to stop as it happens across the entire globe and deals with many forms of trade and destruction.  To look at the reasons for this to happen, one needs to see how technology is used in regular society and how those same platforms can be used by organized crime organizations.  For example, countries and companies are […]

Definitions of Terrorism and Counterterrorism

Terrorism can never be justified is an act of violence that relies on psychological effects of fear, shock, horror, and outrage although it produces a great deal of physical harm as well, used to promote an individuals or groups agenda that is usually political, religious, or nationalism. Terrorists direct their violence towards civilians killing many men, women, and children in hopes of disrupting people's lives and a countries government while pushing and legitimizing their agenda. While terrorists may believe they […]

The Issue of Gender in Terrorism

According to Bloom (2011), terrorism is widely used by the weak in the struggle against the strong. Terrorism is non-conventional battle to resist strong and conventional armies' of the countries. Modern armies are well armed in terms of equipment and labor; however, most of the terrorist groups lack the resources or labor to fight such a war. Instead, terrorism is an attractive option because it focuses on soft targets, specifically the civilians that are hard to protect but they cause […]

Arsenal of Democracy – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Propaganda has been used as a weapon in war either to suppress enemies and hide next course of action or manipulate citizens so that they can support government decisions during times of war. Propaganda is simply used to alter or manipulate people's’ beliefs and attitudes towards a given subject. Therefore, it is important to understand the mechanisms of propaganda and how it has been used successfully by leaders such as Hitler and George W. Bush to shape public opinion. In […]

The Relationship between the Growth of Globalization and Radical Islamist Terrorism

Research Question: How has the growth of globalism changed the way that Islamist terrorist groups have operated? Introduction Society, since its beginnings, has been undergoing globalization, which relates to the creation of new technologies, new and more effective methods of transportation, as well as many other developments that have moved society forward to a more connected and rapid future in terms of forms of communication such as social media and the development of technology. For these purposes, the spread and […]

Terrorism: a Problem of Modern World

Terrorism now and forever will be a problem in our world. Since the attacks against the United States on September 11th, 2001, more and more effort has been made in hopes to slow terrorism. Yet, in most cases throughout the world it has only shown to grow. In fact, the Global Terrorism Database reported that over 3,000 Americans have been killed due to terrorist attacks from 2001 to 2014. Now that there is a bigger spotlight shining down on terrorism, […]

Why does Western Europe Experience more Terrorism than America?

Introduction The act of terrorism is defined as "intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government" (Cornell, 2001). Acts of terror have always existed but have been gaining popularity within extremist groups in recent history. While every country may experience some type of terrorism, America and Western Europe have historically coincided with major terrorism activity. A high number of these terror […]

Domestic Terrorism in the Land of the Free

Abstract Banks (2017) defined terrorism as "a systematic use of coerce intimidationit is used to create and explicit fear among a wider target group and to publicize a cause, as well as to coerce a target to acceding to the terrorists' claims (p. 286-287). Terrorism has been a tactic used since the twentieth century. The attack of September 11, 2001, on the North American soil was considered a terroristic attack from foreign enemies. There have been recent terror attacks including […]

What is the most Difficult Prejudice to Overcome in America Today?

Across the nations of the whole world, millions of Americans of any race always turn on their television or even read their newspapers and see great images of well dressed, articulate black people advertising their different products as represented by their companies. The black individual professionals in all arenas of work has been seen rising to a point when you see a black attorney, physician or even a college professor is a common sight. Many black people in United States […]

Can Terrorism Ever be Justified?

Terrorism-noun, the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism is not acceptable, no matter what you are trying to prove, politically or religiously. Terrorism usually is used by extremists of a religion and those who wants to spread hate. Terrorism philosophy goes, "One's terrorist is another's freedom fighter But why should innocent citizens put their lives in peril for others beliefs? Terrorism shouldn't be judged by just their effects or aftermath […]

Bioterrorism: the Modern Warfare

Bioterrorism is the new era of starting a war. It is an intentional way of releasing harmful biological agents such as bacteria, viruses and harmful toxins. In some cases, these viruses and toxins are created and then released in to the outside world. Bioterrorism has been disregarded for a long time and the risk it caused throughout the years must be openly tended to. It could occur without being noticed by the experts and it must have immediate attention to […]

Al-Qaeda Terrorism in US

Al-Qaeda or "The Base developed from the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan in the 1980s. As the Soviets were getting ready to withdraw their forces and end the problematic conflict, Osama Bind Laden "decided to capitalize on the network he had built to take jihad global (Byman 2015). Bin Laden's goal was clear. He wanted to create an army of trained jihadist that for the purpose of overthrowing corrupt Muslim regimes in the Middle East and replace them with true Islamic […]

Causes of Terrorism in Modern World

Michael Mousseau argues that the economy is the driving cause of terrorism and believes that the lowest rung of economic ladder are most vulnerable to negative consequences associated with globalization. He discusses the three myths about terrorism since 9/11: (1) to win hearts and minds of people struggling, U.S. must signal friendly intentions, (2) terror can arise in the absence of democracy and U.S. should push for democratic change in developing countries, and (3) people who detest the U.S. only […]

Osama Bin Laden’s Death

In every article the message is derived from the language used, context of the paper and the opinion that the writer forwards in an article. The story on Osama Bin Laden was written in different contexts and depending on one's opinion over the whole issue, there were different headlines and story lines that were developed. This paper assesses two articles one if from Islamabad Pakistan and has a heading of Closure At Last and the other from Canada titled The […]

How America Prevents Terrorism

A CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) operative that was just recently rescued  by members of Seal Team Six from being held captive by a radical organization overseas, comes home and see the black site that worked at, Abu Ghraib, plastered all over the news. The news is saying American operatives have been torturing their prisoners, and that there is a fine line between interrogation and torture. However, they do not realize how the United States uses espionage, the CIA black sites, […]

War on Terrorism Yvonne Morales Saint Leo University Abstract

The war on terror illustrates the many ethical hurdles the criminal justice system encounters in relation to terrorism and counterterrorism. Professionals in this field often face decisions that test their moral values, including questions around citizen security, freedom, privacy, and human rights. Ethical decision-making plays a crucial role in counter-terrorism efforts. Although there have been many changes in the intelligence agency since 1947, the most significant ones occurred after the harrowing attacks on September 11, 2001. This day, forever etched […]

Bomb Vacations: the Impact of International Terrorism in the Travel Industry

Introduction The study will be focused on how terrorist activities influences tourism. Examining the issue of terrorist attacks in foreign countries, civil unrest and how this affects international travels on tourism. This is a significant issue because other countries' economic status is going down due to travel issues. For example, the Caribbean Islands are dependent on tourists, especially in the cruise line industry. If they were to have a terrorist act, one could suspect a sharp decline in economic revenue. […]

Connection between Terrorism and the Media

The Boston Marathon bombing attack took place on April 15th, 2013 after two bombs went off close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon carried out on a yearly basis. The two homemade bombs caused the deaths of three people and caused injuries to over 260 people. At around 2:49 p.m while there were about 5,600 people still running in the competition, the two pressure-cooker bombs packed inside the backpacks with nails and bearings detonated within 12 seconds apart. […]

Was the Reign of Terror Justified Essay

According to an history editor in 1789 the French revolution started as a watershed modern European history when the French revolution ended in the 1790s the Napoleon Bonaparte. The citizen of the country destroy their own country's political landscape, removing long age institutions like absolute monarchy and feudal system. This disaster was ignited by an extensive act of discontent with the French monarchy and also with the bad and poor policies made by Louis XVI in his economy sector, though […]

The Reality of Islamic Terrorism

The United States is generally viewed as a very safe country, both by its citizens and people from different countries. This view may hold since the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world, being that it has "the world's largest economy and biggest military budget" according to a study carried out by the US News and World Report . There is also plenty of security and order (compared to other less-developed countries), which causes the […]

What is Counter Terrorism?

Unfortunately, the provisions of the new act, the U.S.A. FREEDOM Act fail to address a lot of the remaining and pressing problems of the privacy rights fight nowadays. It did replace the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act; however, it certainly does not solve the problems present in it. This is clearly being represent in the EU reaction and the legal safeguards the EU proceeded to undertake. While the EU is not a perfect political organism, having itself some problematic background regarding data […]

Global Terrorism and New Media

“The post – Al Qaeda generation” Philip Seib and Dana M. Janbek in their book Global Terrorism and New Media have relied on years of research to provide this insightful insight into how terrorist groups have comprised and exploited the new media, and its “success has been enabled in part by clever use of new media, principally the numerous tools provided by the Internet” (p. viii). “Philip Seib is Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy, Professor of International Relations, and […]

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116 Terrorism Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Terrorism has become a major global issue in recent years, with attacks happening all around the world. It is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a deep understanding of its causes, consequences, and potential solutions. If you are tasked with writing an essay on terrorism, it can be challenging to come up with a topic that is both interesting and relevant. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of 116 terrorism essay topic ideas and examples that you can use as inspiration for your own writing.

  • The rise of terrorism in the 21st century
  • The impact of terrorism on global security
  • The role of technology in modern terrorism
  • The psychology of terrorism: understanding the motives of terrorists
  • Terrorism and religion: exploring the link between faith and violence
  • The effectiveness of counterterrorism strategies
  • The role of social media in promoting terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on tourism and the economy
  • The ethics of using drone strikes to combat terrorism
  • The role of the media in shaping public perceptions of terrorism
  • The relationship between terrorism and organized crime
  • The impact of terrorism on human rights and civil liberties
  • The role of intelligence agencies in preventing terrorist attacks
  • The history of terrorism: from the French Revolution to the present day
  • The impact of terrorism on mental health and well-being
  • The role of propaganda in promoting terrorist ideologies
  • The impact of terrorism on children and families
  • The role of education in preventing radicalization and extremism
  • The impact of terrorism on refugee populations
  • The role of women in terrorist organizations
  • The impact of terrorism on religious minorities
  • The role of NGOs in providing support to victims of terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on the environment
  • The role of cybersecurity in preventing cyberterrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on healthcare systems
  • The role of international organizations in combating terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on social cohesion and community relations
  • The role of law enforcement agencies in preventing terrorist attacks
  • The impact of terrorism on freedom of speech and expression
  • The role of diplomacy in addressing the root causes of terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on the education system
  • The role of the United Nations in promoting peace and security
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of indigenous peoples
  • The role of technology in detecting and preventing terrorist attacks
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals
  • The role of the private sector in preventing terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on urban planning and infrastructure
  • The role of the judiciary in prosecuting terrorists
  • The impact of terrorism on cultural heritage and monuments
  • The role of community policing in preventing radicalization
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of migrants and refugees
  • The role of the European Union in combating terrorism
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of prisoners and detainees
  • The role of social movements in countering extremist ideologies
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of persons with disabilities
  • The role of interfaith dialogue in promoting peace and understanding
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of women and girls
  • The role of emergency response agencies in responding to terrorist attacks
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of older persons
  • The role of non-state actors in promoting violent extremism
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of children and youth
  • The role of cultural diplomacy in countering terrorist narratives
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of indigenous women
  • The role of intelligence sharing in preventing terrorist attacks
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of journalists and media workers
  • The role of religious leaders in promoting peace and tolerance
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of refugees and asylum seekers
  • The role of civil society organizations in countering violent extremism
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of persons with HIV/AIDS
  • The role of peacebuilding initiatives in preventing conflict and violence
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of persons with mental health conditions
  • The role of youth engagement in promoting social cohesion and resilience
  • The impact of terrorism on the rights of persons with albinism
  • The role of gender equality in countering extremist ideologies

These essay topic ideas and examples cover a wide range of issues related to terrorism, and can serve as a starting point for your research and writing. Whether you are interested in exploring the causes of terrorism, analyzing the impact of terrorist attacks on different populations, or evaluating the effectiveness of counterterrorism strategies, there is a topic on this list that will pique your interest. Remember to approach your essay with an open mind, and to consider multiple perspectives and sources of information as you delve into this complex and challenging subject.

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Essay Samples on Terrorism

The menace of terrorism around the world: emerging threats and issues.

The menace of terrorism has been increasing over the years though there have been several efforts to counter it. The evils of terrorism have become widespread, and the world has become too familiar to them. There has been a lot of debate on the definition...

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The Increased Violence in New Terrorism: What Is Going On

The 1990s recalls a series of extremist acts that ushered a new and more violent form of terrorism. Propelled by religious motivations, decentralized organization, and technological advancement, the new terrorism distinguished itself from old terrorism with its inclination to indiscriminate killing and mass casualties. Rapoport’s...

Terrorism as a Threat to Society: How It Affects Our Lives

Terrorism has been around for thousands of years. Domestic terrorism and destructive terrorism are the two main types of terrorism. Domestic terrorism is the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator's own country against their fellow citizens. An example of destructive terrorism is 9/11. Before...

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The Causes and Effects of Terrorism: a Comprehensive Analysis

Terrorim is the use of violent means to achieve political or social and religious gain effects global citizens. Terrororism can affect individuals and nations across the globe in numerous different ways. The mental and economic effect are some of the most severe impacts of terrorist...

The Issue of Terrorism: Emerging Threats and Responses

One may ask what is terrorism? Terrorism is a very hard phenomenon to describe in one sentence only. Throughout the years there have been various definitions of terrorism as everyone has its own opinion regarding this matter, depending on their own individual perspective. The United...

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Does Terrorism Really Work: an Analysis of Its Historical Context

From hijacked planes, school shooting and car bombings, it's seeming that nowadays it is impossible to read the news without hearing of a recent terror attack. Yet despite the prevalence of terrorism, it can be rather difficult to define. Terrorist activity comes from formal groups...

  • World History

Best topics on Terrorism

1. The Menace of Terrorism Around the World: Emerging Threats and Issues

2. The Increased Violence in New Terrorism: What Is Going On

3. Terrorism as a Threat to Society: How It Affects Our Lives

4. The Causes and Effects of Terrorism: a Comprehensive Analysis

5. The Issue of Terrorism: Emerging Threats and Responses

6. Does Terrorism Really Work: an Analysis of Its Historical Context

  • Gender Equality
  • Gender Inequality
  • Pornography
  • Women's Rights
  • Discrimination
  • Dare Program
  • Death Penalty
  • Assisted Suicide

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Home / Essay Samples / Social Issues / Terrorism

Terrorism Essay Examples

Terrorism is a topic that encompasses a wide range of issues, including its causes, effects, and strategies to combat it. Essays on this subject can be informative, persuasive, argumentative or a combination of these types.

These essays demand thorough research and critical thinking, as they explore complex and often controversial issues. The goal is not only to present facts but also to make a compelling argument, drawing on evidence and logical reasoning

The structure of an essay on terrorism generally follows the traditional essay format, which includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, the specific content within these sections may vary depending on the type of essay (e.g., informative, argumentative, persuasive, etc.).

The Importance of Essays About Terrorism

Essays about terrorism play a crucial role in understanding one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. The purpose of such essays is to analyze the motivations, methods, impacts, and countermeasures related to acts of terrorism. By examining the complexities of terrorism, these essays contribute to informed discussions, policy decisions, and efforts to prevent and counteract terrorism.

One of the primary goals of essays about terrorism is to understand the motivations that drive individuals and groups to engage in acts of terrorism. These essays explore factors such as political, religious, ideological, and social grievances that may contribute to radicalization.

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Amritsar Massacre: Response to the Gandhi and Indian Nationalist Movement

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The Taliban and Its Impact on the War

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Genocide, Holocaust, Or Dehumanization: Causes and Consequences

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Taliban and Evolution of Terrorist Groups in Afghanistan

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Operation Anaconda: Mission to Destroy the Taliban

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Tajfel’s Social Identity Theory Explaining the Discrimination Malala Yousafzai Faced by the Taliban

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Suicide Bombing as an Aspects of Terrorism

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The End of Torure: Why the Guantanamo Bay Should Be Closed

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Change of the Concept of Sovereignty: 9/11 Attack, War on Terror, and Guantanamo Bay

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