Wedding   Seating Chart

Use our unique wedding seating chart tool to effortlessly plan the arrangement of your reception or ceremony.   Create your personalized wedding plan. No hidden fees!   No sign-up required!

How to Make a Seating Chart for a Wedding

Creating your own wedding floor plan has never been easier with our user-friendly free tool. Whether you’re organizing the seating chart for your reception, or the wedding ceremony, you’ll find our template makes the whole process so straightforward. And not just for marrying couples. Wedding venues, planners, and catering teams will all find our seating chart maker streamlines the entire planning experience. With food choices, allergies and specific requirements all displayed on the chart in a style that makes it quick to understand what is required.

Illustration interface seating chart builder

How to Use Our Seating Chart Template to Build Your Own Arrangement

The beauty of our wedding table and ceremony seating chart tool, is that once your guest list is ready, you can simply import it onto our template. And quickly start placing guests in their correct positions, while dropping and dragging decor elements of your reception or ceremony. When you feel everyone is sitting in their appropriate places, you can simply download your seat map as a PDF. Ready to be sent to your caterer, venue, stationer, or whoever requires your guest seating information.

Illustration seating chart result

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Our Seating Chart Maker

To help you get started with our seating chart tool, we thought we’d share a simple step-by-step guide.

  • Upload your Excel guest list  to your private project, or manually add your guests.
  • Open our wedding reception seating chart, and  browse the items already on the template .
  • Click the ‘edit’ button  to open up the template.
  • Click the ‘add element’ button and select straight wall  from the dropdown.
  • Give your chart 4 surrounding walls , using the measurements from the floor plan provided by your wedding venue.
  • Add any inner walls, columns or dividing walls using the dropdown.
  • Place the relevant number of tables  required for your guests.
  • Begin adding guests to each table  by clicking the circles with numbers inside, and  selecting a name from your guest list  on the right.
  • Drop and drag the tables, and organize them using the ruler tool  and floor plan provided by your venue. Creating an accurate representation of the reception space.
  • Decide on where the  dance floor, stage and any large reception decor items  will be.
  • Add in miscellaneous decor,  safety points and utilities .
  • Download your floor plan as a PDF , including or excluding different presentation options, which can be found in ‘Export Settings’.

Tick off this wedding planning task in your project, and start onto the next!

What is a Wedding Seating Chart?

Creating a seating chart for any kind of event (especially a wedding) makes the whole process of visualizing where guests will be positioned within a space, so much more straightforward. It allows you to take a list of names and turn it into an accurate depiction of how the room will actually look. This graphical representation is almost a must for any large-scale event, especially when organizing a something as grand, and important as a wedding.

Illustration seating chart catering

Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

Diplomacy is key when arranging wedding guests for a reception, or ceremony. Not all guests will know, get on with, or even like each other! Which is why it’s critical to think clearly, and carefully, about where each guest will be seated. Otherwise, you may end up with little pockets of anarchy, rather than a room full of celebrations!

Beyond dealing with any tricky relationships, it’s wise to consider family first when seating guests. For instance, yourselves, your parents and your partner’s parents should share a table at the reception, unless you opt for a sweetheart table for just the two of you.

Grandparents, siblings not in the wedding party, and the officiant and their spouse should also join the head table. That is assuming your parents aren’t divorced, which may mean you need to create another ‘head table’, which’ll allow parents to sit apart.

How to Arrange Wedding Guests

If you’re unsure of the personalities, or interests of all your guests, gather your close family together when preparing ideas for your seating layout. As they’ll be able to enlighten you on just what everyone is like. Getting a clear picture of who knows each other, and who will get along, is key to creating a harmonious reception.

A lot of your guests will not know each other well before sitting down together at the reception. This can be discouraging for some, but it often can’t be helped when arranging such a large number of people.

Wedding seating chart builder

To help guests quickly spark up conversation with one another, consider the work, interests, and ages of loved ones when pairing people together. By thoughtfully matching guests up, you’ll quickly find that on the night they have lots in common. And that’ll hopefully avoid any awkward silences.

If you’re struggling to remember which guest should, or could go with another type of guest, consider starting a color coded system on your invite list. By having a multicolored excel template and a wedding seating chart maker such as ours, that allows you to easily incorporate colors into the template, you’ll be able to quickly match up compatible guests.

How to Organize Wedding Reception Tables

A massive benefit of using a seating scheme, is that it allows you to clearly see which type of table arrangement will work best for your reception. Rectangular and circular are the two most popular table shapes. But there are many others, such as family style, which is great for informal weddings. Or there’s the U shape design, an arrangement that lends itself to intimate celebrations.

Consider thoroughly the type of table arrangement you choose, as it will greatly affect the interactions guests can have with each other.

Seating plan template

For instance, round tables are much-loved as they, depending on their size, allow all guests to interact with each other. Whereas rectangular tables, due to their long shape, often create two or more groups of guests. But, this shape of table is perfect if you have a large guest list, as it’ll allow you to fit numerous guests on one table, and not take up too much space within the room.

How to Organize Wedding Ceremony Seating

There are many ways you can configure your wedding ceremony seating chart , but typically the style you select will depend on how formal you want the occasion to be. And importantly, where it’ll be taking place. As some wedding ceremony venues, such as churches, will have set, structured seating in place.

If this is the case, then all you need to worry about is seating guests appropriately within the space. With VIP’s such as parents, grandparents, close family and the wedding party all sitting in the first and second rows. Typically, each family sits on either the left or the right-hand side of the marrying couple.

Illustration edit wedding ceremony chart

In the rows after immediate family and the wedding party, sits the rest of the guests, in order of importance or closeness to the couple. With this in mind, it’s good to use a wedding seating chart when planning your ceremony, as it helps to alleviate any confusion your guests may feel when they arrive. Unsure of exactly where, and which side they should be sitting on.

Illustration ceremony layout

By having a clearly laid out seat map, you’ll also be able to evenly distribute your loved ones. Something couples often regret not doing when they look back at their pictures, and see big gaps of guests, or uneven spaces.

Organize people ahead of time using a wedding seating chart app or tool, and you’ll find the whole ceremony experience is a lot smoother.

How to Use a Wedding Seating Chart for your Reception

Starting any kind of project with a blank page is typically pretty daunting. Which is why we created our wedding seating chart template. A useful starting off point that shows straight away the types of elements usually included in a wedding reception, and a suggestion as to where guests could be placed. From there you’re free to customize as you wish.

The best place to start when assembling your wedding reception seating chart , is with the layout of your tables and chairs. As the style you choose will determine what else can be placed within the space, while also dictating the guest experience.

When deciding between table shapes, it’s important to reach out to your wedding venue, and request the full layout specifications of the reception space. That way you’ll know how much room you have, not just for tables, but also the dance floor, stage, decor elements etc.

When you’re ready to place guests at their tables, you’ll quickly realize how powerful a wedding seating chart tool can be. A huge advantage of our seating chart maker, in particular, is that it allows you to simply import your guest list spreadsheet from Excel, and then instantly place invitees at their appropriate tables.

Example of interface for catering layout

Before, or after guests are positioned on the floor plan, you can personalize their avatars to better represent each guests’ individuality. For example, you can highlight the age group each guest is in, such as adult, teen, or infant. Following that, you can signify skin color, gender, and which side of the couple invited them — this final selection automatically gives avatars a signifying color.

Once guests are seated around the tables, and you’re happy with the arrangement, it’s time to place the rest of your decor! With our online wedding seating chart tool, you can drop and drag all the major focal points and elements you’d expect to find at a wedding reception right onto your chart!

To get you started, our template features items most couples would consider standard, such as a dance floor, stage, and restrooms. So all you have to think about is adding the fun stuff! Like smoke machines, DJ booths and your cake table!

Why a Wedding Seating Chart is Such a Useful Tool

Every guest is different, and when planning a wedding with lots of loved ones, that can lead to confusion. Food choices and intolerances are the perfect example, as each of your guests will likely need to choose their main course and could potentially be allergic to something on the menu. This information is vital for those in your catering team, and should be presented in a style that can be understood quickly by them.

By having a clear seating scheme for your reception, with all the important information about each guest clearly visible, the organization of your wedding will run a lot smoother than without.

Moreover, by utilizing the seating chart, it becomes effortless to create table seating cards for each layout's table. Afterward, you can produce an attractive grid of cards and display them on the wall, aiding guests in finding their designated places with ease.

Interface of editor table seating cards

This is an example of how the final result will look.

Example table seating cards

Table numbers will be automatically generated based on the table layout, and of course you can customize design.

Example of table number cards

Name cards are also automatically generated based on the seating layout.

Example of name cards

With our free wedding seating chart template, you can quickly and easily download your finished board using whichever details you need it to feature. Meaning, individual seating charts can be created for each of your respective vendors. Eliminating any confusion between them.

The Benefits of an Online Wedding Seating Chart Maker

When planning a wedding, at the very least, there will be two people organizing things (hopefully!). But typically, a wedding is not simply planned by the marrying couple. Mom, Dad, best friends, brothers, and sisters are all usually drafted onto the big day team to help in some way.

What’s great about using an online wedding seating chart, such as ours, is that everyone can share their input in real-time.

Wedding Planning Assistant is an online, cloud-based tool that helps couples plan every aspect of their celebration, not just their seating arrangement. From creating a free wedding website, to organizing a checklist and preparing place cards – you can do it all on our site, for free!

Each member of your wedding team, including planners and vendors, can be provided access to your online project. Anyone can get involved, whenever and wherever works best for them. Helping you to throw the best wedding ever!

Illustration editor of seating chart

When it comes to the seating chart for your wedding, being online, with all the information synchronized in real-time, is a game changer. For instance, whenever there’s an update to your guest list, anyone on your team will instantly be able to see it.

Maybe Mom has finally got an RSVP from your cousin in London, and has now found out she’s gone vegan. Mom can easily update that guests’ RSVP status, adding in her dietary requirements and potentially the meal choice too.

Having a wedding seating chart that’s online and instantly updatable by your whole team, stops anything being forgotten, and helps everyone stay on the same page, at all times. Key when trying to organize such a large group of people, each with needs and desires.

Ensure that Everything Fits in the Room Without Estimating

Experimenting with a seating chart, placing guests around tables and dropping elements of decor is fun. But without real-world measurements, there’s no way of knowing if your table design will actually fit within the space. Which would be a disaster!

Thankfully, our wedding seating chart tool allows you to easily, and accurately construct a scaled down version of your reception room. While also giving you the ability to precisely measure just how far each element (table, stage, large piece of decor) actually is from one another.

Then, once you’ve mapped out exactly where everything should be, there’s no need to worry about scaling your wedding table seating chart to fit on a poster board. Because our tool will automatically scale your plan to fit on either a portrait or landscape A1 page. The perfect size for your caterers, planners, venue or yourselves to print it out on .

All the key information will be visible, and you’ll get a clear feel for how the space will actually look.

Export Your Wedding Seating Chart Template to Excel

To serve your wedding guests successfully, your vendors will need as much information as possible, and have it displayed in a format that works for them. Usually, a wedding seating chart will work perfectly for them, as it’ll allow them to explore the room and get a fantastic overview of your guests.

Interface of seating chart Excel

But occasionally, it’s more useful for vendors to scan through a list of your guests, and filter out the information they require. And that’s precisely what our wedding seating chart template can do, with its export to Excel function via your guest list! This straightforward to use tool allows you to download your full list of guests, with all the information clearly laid out in pre-formatted columns.

Interface of seating chart PDF

Your caterer will love how easy it is to access the information they need about each of your guests, and it’ll (almost) eliminate any possibility of mistakes in service. But it’s not only your caterer who will benefit greatly from having your wedding seating chart template exported to Excel . Your planner, coordinator, and your wedding stationers will all do better at their jobs with this function.

Create Your Wedding Seating Chart Poster in No Time

Couples typically find piecing together their guest list and the seating assignment the most time-consuming, and arduous tasks during wedding planning. And we understand why! It’s hard to pick and choose who, and who not to invite to your wedding. But this painful task has to be done. And while we can’t make the job emotionally easier to deal with, we can make its operation, and subsequent application onto the seating chart, seamless.

From the moment you receive your first RSVP, to exporting the finished floor plan, you’ll wonder how else you could’ve got the job done. Couples often start their reception, and potentially wedding ceremony seating chart roughly 3 weeks before the big day. Once all the RSVP’s have been received.

By hand, pen on paper, this task can take days. And involve countless do-overs, scribbling out and frustrated nights. But when putting together a wedding seating chart using an online tool, you remove all of that stress.

Seating chart board

Suddenly, late RSVPs can be easily dropped and dragged into position. Table configurations can be altered at the click of a button, and you’ll instantly get a full picture of how your reception, or ceremony will look as soon as your guest list is uploaded.

Every guests’ icon can be quickly customized to represent their gender, race, or age bracket. While color coding is also available, allowing you to easily mark people according to their jobs, interests, or personality type. A huge advantage when attempting to pair up single guests, or create a harmonious table.

The entire process of using our wedding seating chart maker has been designed to be accessible. Easy for all to use. Meaning, no matter your experience level with online tools, you’ll be able to create a professional wedding seating chart board in much less time than it would to piece it together on paper, DIY style. And when planning a wedding, if any task can be made easier or quicker, that’s a massive plus!

Professional Seating Chart App Designed for Couples & Vendors

All the tools available on Wedding Planning Assistant have been designed thoughtfully, with both engaged couples, and professional vendors in mind.

Created to be useful to those busy planning their big day, in need of templates to help them work out their budget, or somewhere simple to build a wedding website.

While also being invaluable to wedding professionals who require a space to create a seat map, find other vendors and share their work with clients.

Sharing is a key part of why couples love creating not just their wedding seating chart with us, but many of the other vital parts involved in planning a big day. Because our platform has been designed to be collaborative. A place to build something together, with family, friends, but also wedding professionals.

If you’re at the very beginning stages of wedding planning, and you’ve recently hired a planner, or coordinator to help you put things together. You’ll understand how vital communication is when trying to keep things on schedule. Without regular check-in’s and confirmations, things can get forgotten, and a once well-planned timeline can begin to slide.

Avoid over-running your schedule, and always be up-to-date with what your planner is doing, by creating a project together on Wedding Planning Assistant. And our wedding seating chart app offers the perfect example for why you should.

This task in particular is typically completed within the final stages of wedding planning, and the process usually goes through many iterations before it’s ready. These last couple of weeks are frequently a stressful time for couples, with guests often sending RSVPs back at different times, dropping out last minute, or suddenly requesting special requirements. It’s a lot to deal with and can be hard to keep track, especially when you have a planner or coordinator who also needs updating.

Source: video example how to create seating chart

By using our online wedding table seating chart , you’ll be able to keep your whole team in the loop, including professionals, at all times. As soon as someone confirms their attendance, you or your planner can place them in the appropriate place on the seating scheme. Along with their unique set of requirements. Nobody skips a beat, nothing gets forgotten.

Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

Our wedding seating chart is an incredible reference to have when wedding planning, and your vendors will love its usability. But on the day, your guests will need something that’ll show them where their seats are. And there are so many ways you can present your reception plan that’ll not only coordinate nicely with your theme, but also delight your guests.

After only a quick Google search for wedding seating chart ideas , we’re sure you’ll discover a limitless amount of inspiration for your reception, or ceremony. And that’s without even looking at Pinterest! Having such a wealth of decor ideas at your fingertips can be a massive bonus when trying to find the perfect look. But it can also become a little confusing.

Our advice is to start, and concentrate on functionality. First and foremost, your wedding seating chart is there to direct guests to their place. It needs to be clear, obvious and enable loved ones to find their name and corresponding table in seconds. If not, you may end up with a lot of confused guests and a bit of a bottleneck, as people desperately try to find their name on the board .

Typically, the best way to avoid having lost guests is to simply list out your tables in numerical order, with the names of each guest under their corresponding table number. Whether you’ve got three tables or twenty tables, this system works. As does listing guests alphabetically, alongside their table number.

As long as the sign is big enough, and the font is clear. An A1 size board is typically a good size, but it will depend on your space and the number of tables/guests.

Once you’ve formatted the reception plan, found a font that works and maybe added a background or floral element. It’s time to find a pretty frame, an easel, and set it up somewhere guests will spot it easily.

Floor plan creator

Seating plan, seating arrangement, seating diagram, seating layout, seating scheme, seating assignment, seating chart generator, digital seating chart, electronic seating arrangement, seating chart builder.

Build your wedding seating chart effortlessly with our intuitive wedding seating chart builder.

The Wedding seating chart builder , along with all the accompanying tools on the Wedding Planning Assistant, have been meticulously designed to cater to the needs of engaged couples and professional vendors alike.

Seating Chart Builder

The seating chart builder empowers you to effortlessly create and customize your wedding seating chart. This intuitive tool provides a user-friendly interface where you can easily drag and drop tables, arrange seats, and assign guests with just a few clicks. With the seating chart builder , you have the flexibility to experiment with different layouts, seating arrangements, and guest assignments until you achieve the perfect seating plan for your special day. Simplify the process of designing your seating chart and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for your wedding guests with this powerful tool.

The floor plan creator is an essential tool that allows you to visualize and design the layout of your wedding venue. With this innovative tool, you can easily map out the arrangement of tables, dance floor, decorations, and other elements to create a comprehensive floor plan that aligns perfectly with your vision.

Crafting a well-organized seating plan is crucial for ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for your wedding guests. The seating plan tool enables you to assign guests to specific tables, strategically grouping them based on relationships, preferences, or any other criteria you choose. With this tool, you can easily create a seating plan that maximizes comfort, interaction, and overall guest satisfaction.

The seating arrangement feature allows you to arrange individual seats within each table of your wedding reception. With this tool, you can precisely position and assign seats to ensure optimal seating arrangements for your guests. Whether you prefer a traditional or alternative seating arrangement , this tool provides the flexibility to accommodate your unique preferences and guest dynamics.

Visualize your wedding seating arrangements with ease using the seating diagram tool. This tool generates a clear and comprehensive diagram that illustrates the seating layout of your venue. It helps you visualize the relationships between tables, seating positions, and the overall flow of your reception space, ensuring that every guest has a designated place in your seating plan.

The seat chart tool assists you in creating a detailed chart that displays the seating positions of individual guests at each table. This tool allows you to assign specific seats to guests, providing a precise and organized representation of your seating plan. Utilize the seat chart tool to efficiently manage guest seating and ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone.

With the seat map tool , you can generate an interactive map that showcases the seating arrangement in your wedding venue. This tool allows you to view the layout of tables, designated seating positions, and even provides additional information about each seat if desired. Use the seat map to assist guests in locating their assigned seats easily and efficiently navigate your reception space.

Designing the perfect seating layout is made effortless with the seating layout tool. This feature enables you to create a visual representation of your desired seating arrangement , illustrating the arrangement of tables, chairs, and any additional elements. With this tool, you can experiment with different seating configurations until you achieve the ideal layout for your wedding reception.

The seating scheme tool provides a systematic approach to planning your wedding seating arrangements. With this feature, you can organize and allocate guests to tables, ensuring a harmonious blend of relationships and preferences. The seating scheme tool offers flexibility and efficiency in creating a well-balanced and enjoyable seating plan for your special day.

Efficiently manage guest seating assignments with the seating assignment tool. This tool enables you to assign specific guests to designated seats or tables, ensuring a personalized and organized seating plan. With the seating assignment feature, you can effortlessly accommodate individual preferences, relationships, or any other criteria to create a memorable and enjoyable seating arrangement for your wedding guests.

The seating chart generator is a dynamic tool that effortlessly creates personalized seating charts for your wedding or event. With its intuitive interface, you can quickly input guest information, designate table layouts, and optimize seating arrangements. Whether you prefer traditional or unique seating styles, the seating chart generator allows you to experiment and refine until you achieve the perfect arrangement. Save time and eliminate stress as this powerful tool streamlines the seating planning process, ensuring a harmonious and enjoyable experience for your guests. Create a seamless seating chart with ease using the seating chart generator , and make your special occasion truly memorable.

A digital seating chart refers to a virtual or electronic representation of the seating arrangement for an event, such as a wedding, conference, or performance. Instead of using traditional paper charts or physical table layouts, a digital seating chart is created and managed using software or online tools.

Overall, a digital seating chart streamlines the process of planning and organizing seating arrangements, making it more flexible, efficient, and convenient for event organizers and attendees alike.

An electronic seating arrangement , also known as a digital seating plan or electronic seating chart, refers to the use of technology to create, manage, and organize the seating layout for events, gatherings, or venues. Instead of using traditional paper-based seating charts or physical diagrams, an electronic seating arrangement is created and manipulated using software, applications, or online tools.

Electronic seating arrangements are particularly useful for events with large numbers of attendees, such as weddings, conferences, banquets, and performances. They offer a modern and efficient way to manage seating logistics and enhance the overall event planning experience.

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Andy Hammond

Wedding expert and writer working for wedding industry

Uncover other relevant topics that are associated with the seating chart

The online Wedding Planning Assistant comprises a comprehensive collection of professional tools designed to assist you in independently organizing your celebration seating chart.

We offer an international wedding planner service , open to all. Soon we hope to make our software available in all languages, so far, we have created versions for these languages:

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Create your perfect Wedding Seating Chart with Paperlust

Wedding seating chart | create customize and print online.

When preparing for your wedding, seating charts may just seem like another thing you can’t be bothered with, but we’ve made a one stop shop for your seating chart for a wedding, so sit back and relax as we tell you everything you need to know and some great seating chart wedding ideas, to help you get this job ticked off the list ASAP. If you’re wondering who makes a wedding seating chart, which design to choose or even why to have a wedding board at weddings, we’ve got the answers.   

Why have a wedding seating chart?

Why are seating charts important? Let’s discuss a few ideas for and against wedding seating charts. The downside to using seating charts for a wedding is that they are usually time-consuming, stressful and complicated to organise (by that we mean deciding who sits where). A wedding table seating chart can also seem a little bit formal for a small, afternoon, casual or cultural wedding.

However, we firmly believe that the ‘fors’ outweigh the ‘against’ when it comes to the wedding table seating chart. Here are some of the reasons why you should strongly consider table seating charts at a wedding:

  • They prevent awkwardness (especially for single people) and confusion.
  • If your reception has a buffet, they help avoid a bottleneck at the end of the food table when people can’t decide where to sit - or with whom.
  • Efficiency - getting everyone seated is far quicker when chairs (or at least tables) are assigned. This saves time for more important things and your day runs more smoothly (i.e. bridal party and ushers aren’t answering as many questions).
  • Wedding Seating charts help when a large number of guests have dietary requirements or the reception provides multiple courses/meal options.

Wedding Seating charts on a budget

Free printable seating charts may seem like a good idea initially, but in reality, printing in a large format is too difficult to manage without the help of professional printers. Smart wedding planners choose a stress-free wedding seating chart template with Paperlust. Simply pick the style and type (including round table wedding seating chart templates), add in the guest names, and we’ll do the rest. Maybe you’re an artist yourself and are wondering where to get seating charts printed. With Paperlust you can print your own design and see it come to life on this most special of days. 

DIY Wedding Seating Chart

For those who have time and resources on their hands, there are plenty of ways to make a cheap DIY wedding seating chart. One popular way is to print wedding seating arrangement cards and organize by table number or in alphabetical order in each card, string them up, frame each chart and display them at the entrance to your reception to guide your guests to their seat! If you have picked up some calligraphy skills somewhere along the way, here’s a chance to put that skill to use, you can write out your seating chart on a chalkboard or even use a mirror with the right tools! Be warned however, wedding seating chart diy isn’t for the faint hearted and can end up much more time consuming than using a professional printer. 

Wedding Seat Signs

Wedding seat signs are normally placed at the entrance of the wedding ceremony but not before the Wedding welcome sign. It is there to let guests know which side they should be seated as traditionally the groom’s guest and the bride’s guest are separated. But in the modern day, it is much more common for all guests to mix and mingle among each other. Alter any wedding seating chart or welcome sign design into a wedding seat sign to let your guest know the seating arrangements during the wedding ceremony. If there is no traditional seating plan, use cute phrases like “Choose a seat, not a side. We’re all family once the knot is tied” or “Pick a seat, either side, you’re loved by both, the groom and bride” allowing your guests to get the idea!

Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

Arranging family and friends at the wedding reception is simpler than most think, simply follow the basic wedding seating chart etiquette to get the rundown on where everyone should sit. There are two ways to display your guests names, either alphabetically or by table numbers. If you have a bigger wedding it's best to display each guest's names alphabetically starting with surnames, this ensures that your guest finds their table fast and it won’t gather a crowd at the sign. Arranging your guest by table numbers is a fun way for your guests to mingle while looking for their seat and if each guest has designated seats, be sure to add a place card there to avoid any awkward collisions!

A note on reception seating etiquette

Seating charts for your wedding don’t have to be overly stressful if you pick up a few tips on setting etiquette. Here are some do’s don’ts for reception venue seating charts that will help you avoid any social minefields on such an important day:

  • Position parents and immediate family in a place of prominence (usually close to the bridal table) and be considerate of grandparents, especially if they need someone to take care of them.
  • Don’t force anyone to sit with a table of strangers unless they literally don’t know anyone else present. If you have guests from out of town or who don’t know anyone except you and your spouse at the wedding, ask a friend or family member around their age or who share similar interests beforehand to look out for these guests and introduce themselves as early in the day as possible (or better yet, at the rehearsal dinner) and then place them at the same table.
  • Seat divorced parents separately where they can each host a table of family members you know they will get along with.
  • If you choose not to include plus ones, try to avoid a singles table and instead mix two or three single people into each table (the exception to this would be a teenager table).
  • When it comes to parents’ friends, if you’re unsure about where to seat them, let your mum and dad arrange those tables.

There are some seating charts templates that you can print off or photocopy so that you allow yourself a few practice runs at the layout. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. The other option is to write every guest name on a separate piece of paper then place them on a practice seating chart and you can shuffle them around until you find the winning combination.

Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

When it comes to wedding reception seating chart ideas, paperlust has many for you to choose from. And while your wedding seating chart is one of the most practical items and that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative with it! This is the one sign that everybody is guaranteed to look at, so your seating chart needs to be substantial, easy to read, while also fitting seamlessly with your wedding theme and color palette. There are plenty of creative wedding seating chart display ideas that you can incorporate into your big day. Whether you're looking for rustic wedding seating chart ideas, modern, elegant, bohemian, DIY or unique wedding seating chart ideas, Paperlust will have the perfect wedding seating chart ideas templates for you to choose from. Here are some of our favorite ways that you can display your wedding searching chart so take a seat! And let our wedding seating chart display ideas to give you all of the inspiration you’ll ever need! 

Final tips for best wedding seating charts

Wedding reception seating charts are a dreaded task on many a groom or bride’s list so why not take all the help you can get? Here are our final tips for seating charts for weddings:

  • For a large guest list, having two signs for table seating charts (either half and half or duplicates) is a good idea so that the flow of the day isn’t slowed down by a crowd gathering around one sign.
  • Ensure the area is well lit and that names are easy to read.
  • Choose a design that matches the style of your wedding - for creative seating charts for weddings browse our collection above.
  • Listing names alphabetically makes it easier for your guests or the other option is escort cards that contain guest names and table number.
  • If your wedding is less formal, you don’t have to put place cards. Just use your seating chart to direct people to tables and let them pick a seat from there.

Above all, try to be thoughtful and sensitive. Giving yourself sufficient time (we recommend 3 weeks) to organise where everyone is sitting is the best way to avoid mistakes, hurt feelings or awkward situations. Also, a separate kids table is okay - even advised. 

Seating charts for your wedding reception are one of the best ways to help create a seamless flow - everyone gets to their correct seat on time - no one feels awkward (hopefully) and everyone with dietary requirements are fully catered for. Browse our exclusive collection of seating charts for your wedding to find the one that suits your personal style.

Making a table seating chart for a wedding: Choosing the right wedding seating chart template

Choose a Paperlust wedding reception seating chart template because they are very easy to personalize online with our wedding seating chart tool. Using the Paperlust wedding seating chart maker you can edit all the written content on the sign, and even add new text field boxes. As an alternative you can request a wedding seating chart template in excel from our accounts team and we can merge it for you that way. Round table wedding seating chart templates are also available on request. 

Can I match my wedding seating chart board to my table cards?

Yes you can find matching wedding place cards and menus , and you can even find matching wedding invitations here . Using the Paperlust wedding seating chart maker you can edit your template in as little as a minute with a fast checkout and proof service from our team.

Can I print my own wedding table seating chart template?

Many online marketplaces offer free wedding seating chart templates or printable blank wedding seating chart templates. One of the questions we get all the time at paperlust is can I print my free wedding reception seating chart template on paperlust polycore board? And the answer is yes! This includes wedding seating chart templates with round tables and templates in excel, microsoft word and google docs. The only limitation is that we have standard sizing so one of our design team may need to resize your blank wedding seating chart template to fit our standard sizes:

Seating chart wedding template sizes are as follows:

A1: 841mm X 594mm (23-3/8 x 33-1/8 in)

A2: 594mm X 420mm (16-1/2 x 23-3/8 in)

Small Circle: 600mm X 600mm (23.622 x 23.622 in)

Large Circle: 800mm X 800mm (31.5 x 31.5 in)

Need help merging the data to your printable blank wedding seating chart template? Our customer service team is more than happy to assist you.

Wedding Seating Chart Poster

Instead of displaying your seating chart for your wedding on an easel, paperlust can also print seating chart posters for wedding receptions. Choose from any wedding seating chart poster templates that Paperlust offers and get us to print it on Paperlust polyboard or on light and durable paper. If you are planning on hanging these wedding seating chart posters, you can also request for holes in the corners for easy assembling. Hanging wedding seating charts should ideally be indoors only to avoid being blown away by any winds and like any other seating charts for weddings, should be displayed at the entrance of the reception so that guests can find their seats with ease! Paperlust offers a range of wedding seating chart posters that caters all types of weddings, from minimal and modern wedding seating charts to down to earth or vintage wedding seating charts.

Wedding Seating Chart Frame

Add a little extra to your printed wedding seating chart by adding it to a frame. Different types of frames and easels can be used to tie in your wedding theme while giving it a wow factor. There are plenty of beautiful and cheap frames you can source from local second hand stores or online marketplaces that sell used items. Frame your seating chart in an antique frame with gold, rose gold or copper finishes to bedazzle your guest back to an era of glamour and elegance. Using a wooden frame will add to the rustic theme and a simple black or white frame will create a formal look for your wedding seating chart.


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  • How to Create a Wedding Seating Chart

Don't let creating your wedding seating chart stress you out. Keep it simple with Zola's rundown of exactly how and where to place all of your wedding guests.

By Emily Forrest

outdoor wedding seating chart

The First Look ✨

  • A wedding table seating chart isn’t mandatory, but it can help you, your guests, and your catering staff maximize your reception venue space.
  • Consider your venue size and decide, based on your desired reception vibe and your guests, the type of tables you need and the floor map that best suits them.
  • Start your seating chart with the head table then seat your relatives, friends, coworkers, and others. Make sure you consider guests' relationships and personalities when you sketch your plans.

What's New: Table Numbers at Zola!

Shop Zola's latest addition to your full suite of day-of wedding paper— Table Numbers! Mix and match your favorite designs with your place cards , menus , and programs , and customize eveything from paper types, colors, fonts, shape, and style to create the ultimate personalized guest experience at your wedding reception.

Whether it's rustic , modern , or vintage , you can add a personal, diy touch to your wedding table, centerpieces, and table setting settings with unique wedding table numbers that stand out. Plus, Zola makes it easy to manage all your Day-of Paper , integrating details from your Guest List, RSPVs and Seating Chart seemlessly into your wedding planning process. Shop Zola's new table numbers today!

Where your guests will sit at your reception probably isn’t the first thing on your wedding planning checklist —and it doesn’t have to be. Once you receive those RSVPs , though, it’s time to start mapping out your wedding seating chart. Like lunch tables in high school, seating arrangements can carry a lot of weight. There are plenty of variables to consider, but making a chart for your wedding seating doesn’t need to be overwhelming—and can actually be fun. Here’s everything you need to know about your wedding table seating chart.

Why do I need a wedding table seating chart?

Well, you technically don’t. While open seating is always an option, many couples will create an assigned seating chart for their wedding. It’s traditional, sure, but a clear seating arrangement benefits everyone from the guests to the catering staff and helps you maximize your reception venue space . Assigned seats just tend to make things simpler. (You can always assign tables and let each guest choose their individual seat, too.)

Here are a few reasons to create wedding seating charts:

  • It ensures each table will be filled to its maximum capacity.
  • It makes it easy for servers to locate guests and provide them any previously requested meals or meal substitutes. (Some wedding venues may even require reception seating assignment for this reason.)
  • Wedding guests actually like to know where they’re sitting—it cuts confusion and any potential awkwardness.

How do I even begin making a guest list seating chart?

Before you even think about each wedding guest and their needs, first you need to consider the size of the space and of your tables. The size and shape of the tables will tell you how many guests can sit at each table. Wedding tables come in four basic shapes: round, rectangle, oval, and square, which should be discussed during the wedding planning process.

Square and rectangular tables make it easier for guests to chat across the table and next to one another. You can also typically fit more of these shapes into the space. Round tables, on the other hand, provide guests more legroom. These tables also may make your job easier as you’ll only need to pay attention to who’s sitting directly next to one another.

Once you choose your tables, map them out in the space, and know how many each will hold, then it’s time to start filling in your wedding seating chart with your guest names list.

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How To Make Wedding Seating Charts

Now the fun begins. Whether your wedding venue is big or small, organizing your wedding guests into tables comes with a number of considerations. So, before you start making your name cards, consider these factors. Here are some things to think about as you create your wedding seating plan.

1. Start with the head table.

It’s a good idea to seat the two of you first at your wedding table. Decide if you want to sit at a traditional head table made up of your wedding party or if you would prefer to sit together as a couple at your own private sweetheart table.

Traditionally, a head wedding table is long and straight. The couple sits in the center and the wedding party (and sometimes their dates) fills in the rest. If you go the sweetheart table route, you can place the wedding party at one or two other tables nearby. It’s up to you, but be sure to place yourselves first.

2. Place your parents and grandparents.

Next, it’s a good idea to figure out where your parents and grandparents will sit. If they’re not sitting with you (some couples will include their parents at the head table), be sure to keep them close. It’s common for both sets of parents to share a table at the reception so they can bond and bask in their children’s newly wedded glow. This table will also typically include both sets of grandparents and any siblings that aren’t in the wedding party.

In the case of divorced parents, things can feel a little more sensitive. You likely know the situation best so proceed with care. If things between your parents are comfortable—meaning, they can spend quality time together without any palpable tension—you may feel fine placing them together at a table.

If things are a little more strained, be sensitive. Consider letting each parent host their own table (if space allows) of close family and friends. Be sure to keep these tables equally close to yours so everyone feels included. Depending on each family’s situation, this could mean potentially four parents’ tables. If you feel unsure, talk to your parents. They most likely want what's best for you and will do what it takes to help you figure out a solution that works for everyone.

3. Figure out your family and close friends.

Once the key players and planners involved in your wedding are situated, it’s time to move on to your extended family and friends. Barring any significant unrest, your family should be pretty easy to place. Traditionally extended family members sit together with their immediate family members. So, your aunt will sit with her partner and their children, grandchildren, etc. Each family group can cover a full table or, depending on family size, you can, of course, combine families into one table.

It’s more common to place members of your respective families together, but feel free to mix it up if you want. Why not set one of your extended family groups with one of your partner’s? You’re all family now after all.

You know the saying “keep your friends close.” Well, that same sentiment works at your wedding. Simply put, sit your close friends together—and definitely mix them in with your partner’s BFFs, too. More likely than not, many of your friends already know each other and are eager to reunite to celebrate your fresh union.

4. Categorize the rest of your guests by groups.

Beyond your family and best friends, weddings also usually include other attendees from the various parts of your life. This mix is a little more random and, therefore, can be a bit more challenging to place in your wedding seating chart. The easiest way to handle the last handful of guests is to separate them by groups. For example, these wedding guests may fall into the following categories:

  • Your boss and colleagues
  • Your parents’ friends
  • High school friends

When seating your remaining guests, it’s nice to consider things like backgrounds, personalities, and interests. Many of these people will end up at tables together so it’s best to always take a moment to think about who could really mesh well together. Here's how we recommend handling each of these groups.

Boss and Colleagues

This group is totally dependent on your relationship with your boss and coworkers. It’s also important to consider your coworkers' relationship with your boss—they may or may not want to spend the night sitting next to their daily manager or colleague. Hopefully, though, if you invited people from your work life, you did so because you know they’ll have a fun time together and with the rest of your wedding guests.

If that’s not the case, you can seat your coworkers with a group of your close friends or high school friends. You can place your boss with a group of your parents’ friends or even with members of your extended family, depending on how the tables work out.

Parents’ Friends

Instead of stressing over this as a couple, let your parents take the reigns here—they’ll be happy to be involved. Trust us. They may even invite some of their closest friends to join them at their table. Either way, they’ll be the best judge of where to seat and how to group their attendees.

Additionally, you should also include your parents in any decisions about placing non-family members at family tables. If there are seats to fill at tables with your families, they’ll likely have an opinion about who should fill those places.

High School Friends

Depending on how many high school friends you invite to your wedding, they may take up a table of their own or you can likely combine forces with your partners’ friends from back in the day. However, if you don’t have enough old friends in attendance, find seats for them at tables with your college friends or even your coworkers. As always, consider personalities and interests. Presumably, though, anyone you put on your wedding guest list is there to celebrate you and your new spouse so there shouldn’t be any weirdness regardless of their setting assignment.

This group can go a number of ways. Typically, the vendors you'll include and feed at your reception include the DJ or band, your photographer(s) , and your wedding planner. Depending on your relationship with any other vendors, though, that could increase. If your wedding florist is a family friend, for example, you’ll, of course, include him or her, too.

In the case of vendors who don’t qualify as family friends, it’s best to simply ask each vendor what they would prefer. Many DJs will eat at their station because they usually play music during the cocktail hour and dinner. Similarly, wedding photographers are still on the clock. They may also prefer to grab a plate and eat somewhere quickly before getting back to work.

However, if you have a group of vendors that you would like to include in your wedding seating chart, offer them a table. If you are tight on space and need to fill in remaining seats, seat some friends or colleagues with them. Maybe you have a friend with an interest in photography or floral design—he or she could enjoy discussing these crafts with the experts behind your big day.

If you choose to include children at your wedding reception—and many people do—it’s best to consult your parents and the kids’ parents. These kids are likely your cousins so you can sit them with their parents at family tables. Alternatively, if you have a large number of kids in attendance, consider setting up a designated kids’ table. Have some crafts or activities at each place to keep everyone occupied.

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Wedding Seating Chart Etiquette

As you plan your wedding seating chart, there are a few considerations to keep in mind while you’re placing all of your guests for your wedding day.

Think about past relationships and histories.

There will undoubtedly be a few wedding guests that share some kind of tense history—exes or old frenemies or even family members who don’t get along. Stay cognizant of these past relationships and be considerate when making your seating plan. Yes, it’s your day, but don’t throw people together who really don’t mesh. It will only create an awkwardness that you don’t want at your reception.

Avoid the singles’ table.

It’s tempting to throw single guests into a table with the hopes that they’ll mingle and maybe even match up throughout the night. However, try to skip the singles’ table altogether. It could be embarrassing for your guests once they realize where they landed on your wedding seating chart. Similarly, don’t place your unmarried friend at a table of married couples. Try to use your best judgment and make everyone feel comfortable.

Consider personalities and interests.

We touched on this before, but keep your guests’ personalities and interests top of mind as you create your wedding seating chart . Don’t sit your more subdued coworkers with your rowdy college friends, for example. It might take some more thought and a few last-minute shuffles to really accommodate all of your wedding guests, but, again, it’s all in the name of a stress-free and fun reception.

Ultimately, your wedding seating chart should create a fun and comfortable atmosphere. Don’t let the seating plan drive you crazy, though. This is your celebration, and your wedding guests will treat it as such, regardless.

Even more answers

  • The Small Wedding Checklist You Need
  • Wedding Checklist for the Bride
  • 3 Month Wedding Checklist–The Ultimate To-Do Guide
  • The Ultimate Wedding Weekend Timeline + 5 Sample Schedules
  • 25 Small Wedding Details You Don't Want to Forget
  • Wedding Planning 101: Ultimate Guide to Planning a Wedding
  • Vow Renewal Checklist
  • Why You Need A Designated Wedding Email Address
  • The Ultimate Guide for LGBTQ+ Wedding Planning
  • The Ultimate Destination Wedding Checklist for Couples
  • Wedding Alcohol Calculator: How Much to Buy

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Seat Puzzle logo

Seat Puzzle

Available on the App Store

Wedding Seating Chart Made Simple

Seat Puzzle makes it easy to plan where everyone's going to sit, whether it's a wedding ceremony, reception, social gathering, trivia night, or conference. Make table assignments and seating arrangements for any event.

Example of a seating chart on iPad

  • Place tables where you want them. Seat your guests at tables, highboys, or standalone chairs.
  • Pick between circular, square, or rectangle shaped tables, and resize to your dimensions.
  • Customize table colors, center pieces, rotation, and name your tables.
  • Select multiple tables to edit them in bulk. Change common features like color or size at the same.
  • Quickly see who is sitting at the table, switch seats, change how many seats per table.
  • Easily copy, rotate, or lock an item into place. Control the z-position with stack movement.
  • Drag and drop guests between tables and seats.

Example of floor plan

Seat Puzzle is designed for iPhone, iPad, and macOS.

Download on the App Store

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In This Article

  • Wedding Reception Seating Chart For All Types Wedding Themes

Wedding Reception Seating Chart Tips And Etiquette

  • Wedding Party & Reception

Wedding Seating Chart Ideas For 2024 With Examples

Oksana Skorobohatykh

Unless you’ve already planned a bunch of weddings it’s easy to underestimate how much of an impact your wedding seating chart can make to your reception. If you’re the type of person who likes a challenge, you’re going to have fun balancing making room for all your guests, allowing natural flow through the room, making it easy for your guests to identify their assigned space, and making the wedding reception seating chart match your theme.

Read on for seating chart basics and creative guidance for all types of wedding themes.

Quick Navigation

How do I make a seating chart for a wedding?

To make a seating chart for a wedding, create a list of guests and assign tables based on relationships and interests. Then, use creative displays like vintage frames or natural elements to showcase seating assignments.

Wedding Seating Chart Ideas For All Wedding Themes

When designing your seating charts, borrow queues from the immediate area just like these wedding seating chart examples.

Wedding Reception Seating Chart For Country Wedding

best wedding reception seating layouts rustic window frame

liliaflowerboutique via instagram

blossombaydesign via Instagram

The first piece of advice is to create a wedding seating chart poster that’s front and center for all your guests to see. Make your table cards equally accessible. For a country-themed reception seating stick with the definitions. Rural, unfinished, and specific to the area are the calling cards of the country style.

  • Burned text on raw local wood. Find a large plank of gorgeously textured wood and write out the names and assignments using a wood-burning kit.
  • Stretched leather and black ink. You don’t have to skin a hide yourself, but a large unfinished pelt will seem as though it came from the farm next door. Creating a wooden frame and handwriting names and assignments are a perfect DIY wedding seating chart project.
  • Even destination weddings can indulge in a country theme since it’s defined as drawing from the local heritage. A Hawaiian ceremony, for example, can feature a transparent plexiglass box (where the writing sits) filled with luminous volcanic rock. Accompany this by table charts made from stone statues of Laka – the Hawaiian goddess of love.

Get your DIY materials here:

  • Leather Pelt: Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Live Edge Pine Slab: Lowes
  • Volcanic Rock: Amazon
  • Fibreglass Casing: Bed Bath & Beyond


Seating Chart For Stylish Chic Wedding

best wedding reception seating layouts mirror glasses

designmill_co via Instagram

phuket_wedding_planner via Instagram

Next up in our series of wedding seating chart tips is to make a firm decision about the shape of your table and how many guests will be at each table.

Knowing how many people are sitting at each table really helps you plan where to seat your guests. If it’s a chic wedding theme you’re after, consider more tables and smaller groups so that conversations can be a bit more intimate.

Chic and stylish are a beautiful combination of trendy and trendsetting. Typically chic designs use time-tested elements with unique and creative spins, just like these table setting chart examples.

  • Print your seating assignments on a sheet of metal like brushed aluminum or copper and set it on a delicate artist’s easel.
  • Instead of one giant seating chart, choose an elegant frame for each table and hang them next to each other in an artistic arrangement.
  • Many chic wedding themes feature generous use of lighting. Blend in your wedding seating chart decor by feature a plain, clean text backlight by LEDs.

Buy materials:

  • Brushed Aluminum Sheet: China aluminum metal
  • LED String Lights: Wish

Modern Wedding Seating Chart Ideas

best wedding reception seating layouts rose gold flowers

The next step to creating successful wedding seating charts is to priorities your VIPs. You want your biggest fans as close as possible, which include both sets of parents, grandparents, and siblings. You also want your bridal party and their dates to sit nice and close too. Once you’ve coordinated their seats you can start to plan around them.

Modern wedding seating chart ideas take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. It can be something as simple as a wide board with your choice of fonts, or an everyday item artfully repurposed.

  • Rent an oversized touchscreen or use a tablet that you already own. Simply have your guests type in their name which populates a screen showing an image of their table and highlights their seat. If you can spring for it, opt for facial recognition so that your guests can skip the name typing.
  • For an outdoor wedding reception, set up a mock indoor space complete with an armchair, throw rug, and a bookshelf to house your seating plan.
  • Use a printed map and name your tables as a state. For example, mom and dad will be assigned to the New York table while cousin Jesse and the party will be seated at the Chicago table.

Buy supplies:

  • TouchScreen Rental: Oneworldrental
  • Furniture Rental:
  • Printed Map:

Beach Wedding Seating Chart Examples

best wedding reception seating beach

Once you have your VIPs seated, start filling the tables behind them. This is much easier if you break them into groups – distant relatives, work friends, etc.. – and ask your trusted advisors for some help. Making sure that everyone has a great seat and that each table has a good mix of old friends and new acquaintances is much easier as a group.

A beach wedding has the flexibility of being traditional, wild, and crazy, or anything in between. Whatever your choice of themes, it’s best to borrow from your surroundings.

  • Stick a surfboard in the sand and write out your arrangements. It’ll be easy enough to find one that matches your color scheme.
  • Adorn an arch with as many local plants and flowers as you can, and hang your table arrangements from a delicate string. This will look beautiful and natural as it flutters in the breeze.
  • Write your wedding seating chart details in white on top of a slab of glass that sits on a thick wooden base. This looks natural by itself, but also allows it to blend in with natural surroundings.

Find materials here:

  • Surfboard:
  • Wicker Arch: Wayfair
  • Glass Slab: fabglassandmirror

Vintage Seating Chart Ideas


heatherbengeofficial via Instagram

mymagicdreams via Instagram

Once your guests have found their tables, make it easy for them to confirm their seats with easy-to-find, easy-to-read Table Cards. These can be mini versions of the larger seating charts that you have out front. Or, they can be their own design so that it fits the table better. If you’re going this route, make sure that they integrate with your overall theme.

Vintage seating charts only work if you’re planning a wedding that draws from a specific era or decade. If this is your wedding theme of choice, you can have a lot of fun with your seating chart.

  • Use an old window frame
  • Use an old vintage suitcase. Open it up, stand it on its side, and decorate the inside.
  • Find an old piece of wood and mount vintage kitchen knobs or vintage keys to hand the seating arrangements from.

For authenticity and the best bargain, head to your local thrift or antique store.

Whimsical Wedding Seating Chart

best wedding reception seating layouts cards metallic greenery

pasion_eventos via Instagram

Now that everyone has their seat, it’s time to think about Name Tags. Some think name tags are lame – you’re excused if you fit into that group – but a lot of your guests won’t know each other, and this is a really non-abrasive way to break the ice.

If your theme and design allow for it, try to make your table cards double as name tags your guests can pin to their tops.

A whimsical wedding theme is exactly how it sounds – a plunge into the odd and unexpected. Match your wedding seating chart template to your wedding theme by creating something eccentrically amusing.

  • Indoor wedding? Bring a live tree inside and dangle the seating arrangements from the branches. This will look fantastic and force your guests to interact with the decor by poking through it to find their names and places.
  • Create a wall of wine by mounting wine glasses to a garden wall. The glasses can either be stuffed with paper that carries seating instructions, or the glasses can be full of your best chardonnay with a label hanging from it.
  • Fill balloons with helium and let them dance in the air as seating assignments dangle from each string. Not only will this force your guests’ eyes upwards to take in the entire venue, but the splash of color also makes for excellent wedding photos.

Get the stuff here:

  • Decorative Tree: Wayfair
  • Wine Glass Rack: Wayfair
  • Bunch of Balloons: BargainBalloons

Seating Chart For Rustic Wedding

best wedding reception seating layouts wooden greenery flowers

jennyyoonyc via Instagram

When creating your wedding seating chart make sure it’s at the front end of your wedding reception timeline . The first thing your guests should be doing is finding their seats, getting settled, and then socializing. Otherwise, you’ll have friends and family wandering around for far too long which throws off your speech, dance, and other timing.

Rustic weddings are fun to plan for. Use the same aesthetics in your wedding seating chart etiquette as you do for the rest of your ceremony and reception. Favor simplicity over beauty, and be proud of nature and Southern values.

  • Repurposed pallets can be stood on their end and decorated with plants. Wood and greenery go great with the rustic look.
  • Hang Horseshoes with attached seating tags from some weathered nails. This can be hung from a wall, but it’s best if you erect something temporary so that you’re not damaging anything.
  • Write names and seating arrangements on the Old Door that’s placed front and center of your reception area entrance. This should blend into the “old barn” feel that you’ve established.

Get materials here:

  • Wood Pallet: Businesses are constantly paying to get rid of these. Make a few calls and you can get one for free.
  • Vintage Horseshoes: Etsy
  • Old Door: Wayfair

Amazing Boho Seating Chart Ideas

best wedding reception seating layouts macrame boho

jasmine_brida via Instagram

That’s all for how to do a wedding seating chart, but we have plenty more examples and resources for different styles and themes. Keep clicking or swiping to find the inspiration you need for your wedding seating charts.

The bohemian wedding style forms a firm connection with nature and draws from the hippy lifestyle of the 1960s.

  • Adorn a Chalkboard with lace and other boho cues to create a simple yet elegant seating chart.
  • Simulate the quintessential boho garland headpiece by decorating a Hula Hoop with feathers and flowers, and stringing the seating arrangements through its center.
  • Stretch natural Burlap fabric over a base with alphabetized seating arrangements for a clean and simple design. For extra flavor, create a lace border.

Find DIY materials:

Seating Chart For Casual Wedding

best wedding reception seating layouts flowers pot

jasmine_bridal via Instagram

Many couples choose to forego the glitz and glamor either to save a few dollars or to separate themselves from the fuss. Gowns, suits, menus, and decor are simplified in order to focus on the ceremony, the couple, and the company. These 3 wedding seating charts follow suit.

  • Cut out the first letters of the bride and groom’s name. Post the bride’s guests’ info in her letter and do the same for the groom.
  • Find the plainest Sign that you can. This can be a simple whiteboard atop a simple artist’s easel or posted on an easy-to-find wall.
  • Make use of one of the most practical household items; a Corkboard. Pin your seating assignments and allow your guests to find their tables with ease.

Things to buy:

  • Cut-out Letters: Amazon
  • Plain Sign: Wayfair
  • Corkboard: ULINE

Art-Deco Seating Charts

best wedding reception seating layouts art deco modern

shawnayamamoto via Instagram

goodseedfloral via Instagram

If you’re not familiar with Art-Deco, think Great Gatsby. The style that swept Western design through the ’20s and ’30s is defined by strong geometric patterns and bold, contrasting colors. Use this style for your wedding theme for unmistakable decor.

  • Create a simple board, but in the characteristic Gold and Black theme with art-deco fonts to match. Or, go with a classic Art-Deco print and write on top of that.
  • Create a Geometric Archway where your guests will find their seating arrangements strung from.
  • Collect 6-8 frames and paint them calling-card Gold to create one giant assemblage of frames.

Supplies for your theme:

  • Art Deco Printed Board: Wayfair
  • Art Deco Archway: Amazon
  • Painted Frames: Indigo

Eco-Friendly Wedding Seating Chart

best wedding reception seating layouts eco friendly

Eco-friendly is a way of life, not just a design theme. If this sounds like you, your decor of choice will have to have a 0-waste policy and should have some connection with nature.

  • Burn your guests’ names and details into the ends of Wood Logs. This looks great, easy to find, easy to read, and when you’re done you can create a lovely bonfire to sit around.
  • Etched Stones make a beautiful eco-friendly wedding seating chart. It’s best if you can find large stones that are naturally polished, they’re much easier to read than small rough stones.
  • Reclaimed and Reused is just as good as zero-waste sometimes, which makes an Open Ladder a perfect seating chart option. Choose a few rungs at eye level to represent a table.

The great thing about eco-friendly designs, they’re mostly free! As long as you have a saw, wood logs are mother nature’s gift. The same goes with stones, and it’s very likely you already have access to an old ladder. Put a little time and effort into these little projects and they’ll look like a million bucks.

DIY Wedding Seating Chart

best wedding reception seating greenery pots flowers

joyproctor via Instagram

Some couples prefer DIY to save a few dollars, and some feel a sense of genuine pride working as a team and completing a project. Whichever version describes you, these 3 wedding seating chart examples are gorgeous, easy, and low-cost.

  • Write your guests’ details on a ьirror. Try to make sure the frame matches your theme, and make sure to practice your calligraphy before attempting the final product.
  • Choose an assortment of Planters and hand-craft your guests’ cards to sit inside like feeding instructions. Take it a step further by creating homemade shelves or platforms for them to sit on, or create a giant planter that sits on the ground.
  • Create a lattice wedding seating chart where simple cards sit in a nice arrangement. This is great for outdoor, rustic, and casual-themed weddings.
  • Mirror: Bouclair
  • Planters: Walmart
  • Lattice: Wayfair

best wedding reception seating layouts vintage flowers boxes

missstellayork via Instagram

To make your life simple and your wedding seating charts a great success, just follow the advice we listed above.

  • Choose your overall wedding theme first, your charts and cards should match.
  • Create your entire guest list so you know how many people you have to accommodate, then decide on a table shape/size so you know how many guests a single table can handle.
  • Place your VIPs upfront, and break the rest of your tables into groups to make their experience social and fun.
  • Make sure your seating chart is immediately visible when your guests enter the venue so they don’t have to walk around looking for it. Place table cards at their seats so they can confirm they have it right.
  • Work your seating chart into your overall wedding timeline and budget so you know what you can afford and have enough time to do it right.

Like everything else on your wedding planning to-do list, a wedding seating chart becomes simple and beautiful if you put in a little research and planning ahead of time. We hope that these samples triggered your imagination and that our guidance inspires you to create the wedding of your dreams.

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A Template For Your Wedding Seating Chart and Tips

April 10, 2022

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Whether you’re a couple about to get married or you’re a wedding planner, you would probably love to find a template for your wedding seating chart to make the table assignments process easier and stress-free. If so, you may be wondering:

  • Where can I download a template for my wedding seating chart?
  • How do I assign the table assignments in my wedding seating chart?
  • Who should I assign to a table first in my wedding seating chart?
  • How should I set up the template for my wedding seating chart?

Wedding table and seat assignments can be a dramatic endeavor fraught with tension and disorganization. Lucky for you, in today's blog post, we're reviewing the basics of wedding table seat assignments. I'm also providing you with a template for your wedding seating chart!

If you're new around here, hi, I'm Desiree. I'm a wedding planner based in Rochester, New York and the host of the podcast Ask the Planner . I've been doing seating for events and weddings for longer than my skincare routine would have me admit). I can't wait to help you with this important topic for wedding planning.


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EPISODE 61HIGHLIGHTS:  Wedding Table & Seat Assignments 101

To fast-forward to a specific part of the podcast episode, check out the timestamps below:

  • Life update: Waterpark mishaps  [07:55]
  • Paper and pencil Approach [12:58]
  • Social Tables Tactic  [17:56]
  • How to Organize your Guests  [22:00]
  • Seating Chart Etiquette [25:07]
  • Personal Account: Don't Separate Couples [27:54]
  • Tips for the Wedding Day! [32:17]
  • Episode recap [34:24]

Links Mentioned in the Episode

  • The Ultimate Wedding Planning checklist
  • Visit the ASK THE PLANNER Wedding Planning Templates Shop 
  • @AskthePlannerPodcast on Instagram
  • Book a 90-minute Clarity Call to get wedding planning help specific to your unique situation

Thank you to our podcast sponsors! 

  • LoveStream – Get 10% off ANY virtual wedding package with my code Ask10 !

And if you prefer to read, here's the summary of the podcast episode!

I’m excited to share this blog with you because I personally love seating. Making a wedding seating chart feels like a big giant puzzle to me. I find it very cathartic to put together different floorplans in the space. And then I think it’s actually kind of fun to plop each little body into their seat. But I get not everyone’s like me.

So today we’re going to talk about 4 main things when planning your wedding seating chart:

  • Tools to make your wedding seating chart, whether you’re a paper and pencil or tech-savvy type of person, I have a solution for you.
  • The seat assignment process – who you should seat first, second, and so on.
  • Etiquette to consider for your wedding seating chart
  • Organizational tips for your wedding day

1: Templates for Your Wedding Seating Chart

Before we dive into the actual seating, first I’m going to talk about what you’ll need to track your seating.

  • Paper and Pencil
  • Excel Spread Sheet
  • Social Tables

Okay, now the old-fashioned way to do seating was with paper and pencil. Some people like to do it this way because they’re visual and they don’t like tech. I personally think this is the slowest, but if you're tackling seating all in one weekend with your parents, this method could work.

To do this, type out each person’s name and put them on a strip of paper that you will then cut out. You could also write them all on small sticky notes. I recommend putting one name per sheet, instead of by couple so you can see quickly how many you have at each table.

Next, you would either draw circles on a poster board or use paper plates. These circles or paper plates represent your tables. Hopefully, they’re laid out like the floorplan of the room where your wedding reception will be. 

Then you would move the sticky notes to each plate based on where you want them to sit. Once you're done assigning each sticky note to a plate, you would then record them in a spreadsheet to give to your calligrapher or to upload to Minted for your escort cards.

2: Spreadsheet for Your Wedding Seating Chart

The next way to set up your wedding seating chart is with a spreadsheet. Across the top of the columns, you have Seat #, Table Number, First Name, Last Name, Meal Selection, and Notes.   Next, you would look at your floorplan and number each table.   I like to start with Table 1 closest to the main doors. Table 2 is next to it on the right, and so on. However, the important thing here is not to number your tables based on rows. Instead, you need to snake the numbers around the room.

So for example, say I had 3 rows of 5 tables each. Table 1 is on the far left. Table 2 is next, all the way to table 5 on the far right.

Table 6 would be right next to Table 5 in the row adjacent to it. It would NOT be under Table #1 because guests don’t move around the room like that.

Next you would go down the first and second columns and number them by the number of seats at each table. So if Tables 1 and 2 had 8 seats each and table 3 had 10 seats, you would number it as follows.  

First seat, table 1.  

Second seat, table 1.

Third seat, table 1. etc etc. 

You would do the same for Table 2.

You would do this for as many tables you have in the room – not based on how many guests you will because some tables will have 1 or 2 open seats depending on how the couples and singles shake out. 

3: Using Social Tables for Your Wedding Seating Chart

The third and final template or tool to set up your wedding seating chart is my favorite and uses a tool called Social Tables . 

Social Tables is a seating platform that I’ve been using since I can remember – over a decade now. I used to actually appear on their marketing videos long, long ago when I lived in D.C. as they were just starting out and my company worked with them closely to get the platform up and running. 

Social Tables is great because they have a spreadsheet import tool that takes your guest list and adds it to the platform before you assign everyone to a seat. 

Then, you take each little person and just drag and drop them to a table. So it’s like our Analog version of paper plates and sticky notes, but much faster and wastes less paper. 

Once you’ve dragged and dropped each person onto a table, you can export the list and give it to your calligrapher to write out your wedding seating chart.

You can either track all your RSVPs in social tables with everyone’s meal selection or you can track it outside of Social Tables and import it into the platform so that when it spits out your report, it also has everyone’s meal selection with their table assignment.

Here's a video on the Social Tables website to help you get started.

Wedding Seating Chart How-To

Okay, now that we’ve talked about the ways to set up your seating chart, let’s talk about how to go about assigning everyone to a table.

1) Assign Your VIPs to a Table

Naturally, you'll want to assign yourself and your partner to a table. Will you be sitting with your wedding guests or at a sweetheart table?

Next, decide if you’ll be sitting with your wedding party or your family. 

There’s no right or wrong way to assign this. It will really depend on how big your wedding party is and how big your family is.

I’ve had it where the couple sat with their siblings and their parents all at the head table and they only needed 10 seats. Then their wedding party, which was small, sat at the tables next to them.

You could also do the reverse and sit with all of your wedding party. Then, your parents can sit together to allow them more time to visit with one another and bask in their children's nuptials. 

If there are too many at the head table because some of your parents have remarried, consider giving each of your parents their own tables to host. Then, they can sit with their siblings or your godparents, their siblings, etc. It’s up to you as you know the family dynamics.   If your parents aren’t seated next to you, make sure all their tables are equidistant to yours so no one feels slighted. You can even make it so that the parents are seated so that they face your table so they get the best view of you. It all depends on how much you thought you want to put into it.

2) Assign Family or Friend Groups to a Table Second

After you've assigned your VIPs to their tables, next you and your partner should assign friend groups and important family members. Start with whoever is more important and where you want them to sit. Do you want your friends to sit closer to you or do you want to give them a seat closer to the bar?

Do you want your family to be close to your parents or will they want to be closer to the dance floor? Do you want to prioritize your aunts and uncles over third cousins? There are lots of different scenarios to consider.

3) Assign Your Remaining Guests

These are the people that you care less about where they sit but they need a place to sit. You can use them to fill in holes in the tables, or they get their own table. It really depends on how many there are. 

If the remaining people are friends of your parents, ask them to help guide you on where and with whom they should sit. 

Other than that, just be patient and be open to moving people around based on how many you can seat at a table.

Seating Chart Etiquette

Of course we can't discuss table and seating chart assignments without touching on etiquette and do’s and don’ts of seat assignments.

1) Seat people together that have like or common interests.

You don’t always have to seat all your high school friends with only other high school friends. Definitely make sure someone has a friend at each table, but consider mixing it up so that guests can get to know other guests at the wedding. 

2) Avoid Having a Singles table.

Even if they’re part of your “leftovers” meaning they didn’t fit into a specific category or they don’t know a lot of people, make sure you take them into consideration and seat them with people of similar interests or backgrounds. Or if someone is particularly quiet or shy, seat them with someone that will be warm and inviting. I’m not advocating for seating them with the most gregarious and talkative of the group, but putting them with someone that will engage them and include them in the conversation will make them feel appreciated and thought of, which will go a long way in how they enjoy the evening. 

3) Consider Having a Kids Table

It can be nice for younger guests to be seated with their peers. They’ll enjoy having company with people near them in age. You can even provide them with coloring sheets or another age-appropriate activity. This will also help the servers avoid unknowingly setting a glass of champagne at their seat if they know it’s a kids table.

Just try not to seat them too far from their parents so they can keep a close watch on them and avoid any mishaps from taking place. 

4) Avoid Separating Couples

I’ve talked about this in past blog posts, but please DO NOT SEPARATE COUPLES. Do not seat one person in your wedding party at your head table and then put their spouse, partner, or date at another table. 

First of all, it’s rude. You’re basically telling the other person that they’re second class and they don’t get to sit with their husband, wife, or girlfriend. While they’re there to celebrate you, they’re also there to  enjoy a nice evening with their significant other. Nothing will ruin that faster than making them sit at different tables.

This happened to me once and I will never forget it. My husband, to whom I’d been married for seven years, was seated with the bride and groom. I was seated at a table with my back to him you know so I could turn around all night and talk to him and not talk to the people at my table. 

The couple also sat another wife next to me because her husband was also seated at the head table (my husband was a long-time friend and the other husband was a cousin / close friend). But if I’d known I wasn’t going to sit with my husband, I might not have hired a babysitter and stayed home with the kids.  

Maybe that’s selfish on my part, but I’ve mentioned this on Instagram and other places and other people have passionately agreed with me that they hated it when it happened to them. 

Remember: People remember how you make them feel, so make sure you consider this when you assign people to their tables. 

Tips for Wedding Day

And that brings us to our final segment, which is tips for the wedding day.

1) Bring Extra Copies of Your Wedding Seating Chart

I’ll keep this part brief. The main thing is to have extra copies of your seating chart for your caterer and wedding planners so they know where guests are in case they need to locate them.

2) Note Allergies and Dietary Restrictions on Your Wedding Seating Chart

Make sure you note any allergies or dietary restrictions in your seating chart. Your calligrapher likely won’t need this, but your caterer definitely will.

3) Note the Open Seats on Your Wedding Seating Chart

Finally, make sure you note ahead of time where there are open seats at tables. For example, if most of your tables can seat 8 but you had a couple that only needed 7 seats, make sure you note that in case you have any last-minute guests show up and you need a place for them. This will let you know where you can shuffle some guests around and avoid putting guests at an already full table.   And seriously, pay attention to the seating chart. You can only physically fit so many at a table. There’s only so much room for china, flatware, and glassware. At a certain point, it will be comical and messy. So try to avoid overloading one table.

If you have questions about any of this, I would love to know. Just leave a r eview of the podcast on Apple Podcasts and write your questions in the review and I’ll incorporate them into a future episode.  If there are specific guests you want me to interview or topics you want me to cover in a future episode, let me know who that is in your review, too! 

If you want even more help with your wedding planning, I’m only a phone call away, and you can schedule a 90-minute clarity call with me where we’ll talk through a specific issue or question you have. 

For those of you that are excited to plan your wedding on your own, check out my Ultimate Wedding Planning checklist in the Wedding Planning Templates Shop . It’s one of my most popular items and for a good reason!

If there’s something that you’re looking for that’s not in the shop, just let me know. I want to create resources that you want and that will help you!


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23 Creative Wedding Seating Chart Ideas That Will Stop Guests in Their Tracks

Guide guests to their seats in serious style.

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Photo by Tenth and Grace

Sure, mapping out your wedding seating chart may seem like a tough task at first glance but it doesn't have to be that way. Once you start thinking outside the box (ahem, this is where Pinterest comes in), guiding your guests to their seats can actually be tons of fun. If you've ever attended a wedding reception before, then you know how difficult it can be locating your seat—or maybe that's just us? Eliminate the confusion altogether by creating a seating chart that's functional and easy on the eyes. When done correctly, your seating chart will seamlessly be integrated into the wedding décor.

There are countless ways to create a reception seating sign that will stop wedding-goers in their tracks. If your wedding style leans towards boho or ethereal, fabric flag signs are the perfect accoutrement to a charming barn venue. If your wedding theme is more rustic, try penning your wedding seating chart in classic calligraphy on a blackboard. Meanwhile, the romantically inclined will want to take note of the wedding seating chart ideas featuring lucite and mirrors with pretty white lettering for their reception space .

Ahead, we're sharing 23 of our favorite creative wedding seating chart ideas from real weddings that will serve as major conversation starters at the dinner table.

Consider a Chalkboard Design

Photo by Carrie Patterson Photography

Who says blackboards and chalk were just for your grade school days? This contrasting, rustic style featuring an overview of all the attendees and their designated tables will fit so many different wedding themes . Find a friend who knows calligraphy (and has a steady hand) to mimic the look of this elegant seating chart.

Get Reflective

Photo by Courtney Simpson Photography

Mirror, mirror on the wall... this seating arrangement situation may just be the fairest of them all. ICYMI: Wedding mirror signs aren't going anywhere.

Recreate this idea by sourcing a vintage mirror with an ornate frame and use a white paint pen to write out your guests' names.

Fly Your Banners

Photo by Towards the Moon

These elegant flags will bring a pop of color into any bohemian, outdoor wedding. Now to add a string of fairy lights for a bit of intimacy.

Be Transparent

Photo by Jana Williams Photography

As much as we adore calligraphy, there's something about a clean, crisp font that just looks so polished and modern. The stylish lucite backdrop coupled with white blooms further conveys a sense of matrimony.

Keep Things Minimal

Photo by Hannah Costello

This minimalist blackboard sign is complemented by a copper stand, fitting in perfectly with the restaurant reception venue at this real wedding. The "Please Be Seated" signage will beckon guests to do just that: Take a seat!

Incorporate a Celestial Touch

It was written in the stars: This astrology-inspired series of tarot card-inspired signs is a striking way to inject a dark and moody color palette into your wedding reception or after-after party.

Unravel Rustic Scrolls

Photo by Meghan Mehan

These stunning, rustic scrolls are the perfect accent to barnyard nuptials . We especially love the design for longer-than-long guest lists that create a sizable trail.

Utilize High Ceilings

Shout it from the rooftops: Let your seating arrangement hang from the ceiling for an enchanting addition to your venue's décor.

Play Into Your Theme

PHOTO BY RICHARD SKINS PHOTOGRAPHY ; Event Planning by Natalie Bentley at Soho Farmhouse

For a rustic wedding, consider using wooden crates to hang seating chart cards from. Adding accents of wildflowers is the perfect finishing touch to this shabby-chic display.

PHOTO BY BIANCCA WALLACE; Event Planning by After The Engagement

We love how this retro-inspired seating chart is all about the typography. The simplistic design complemented by the copper detailing is minimalist yet statement-making.

Work With Watercolors

PHOTO BY AMY & STUART ; Event Planning by Alison and Bryan

Utilizing watercolor is perfect for spring and summer weddings. Plus, if you have an artistic friend, they can add a special touch to your day by hand-painting your seating arrangement. 


Seating charts don't always have to be hung. This crafty display uses miniature clothespins on a wooden palette to set the tone.

Sprinkle In Pressed Flowers

PHOTO BY JUSTIN LEE ; Event Planning by Davis Row

Spice up your acrylic seating chart with pressed flowers for an elegant and memorable design. We love how it creates the illusion of vibrant blooms dancing in the wind.

Spell It Out With Letter Boards

PHOTO BY RYAN HORBAN ; Event Planning by After The Engagement

Spelling out guests' names on letter boards is the perfect seating chart design for a more intimate wedding. Plus, it's an unexpected nostalgic twist that everyone will adore.

Make It Something Blue


Still looking for that special something blue ? This alpine seating chart keeps with tradition while honoring the locale with bleached Aspen leaves attached to escort cards .

Frame Your Chart

PHOTO BY JONNIE AND GARRETT; Event Planning by Modern Day Events & Floral

For a timeless and elegant look, consider framing your seating chart in an ornate piece. The design can feel vintage or it can look sleek if you opt for a simpler frame.

Herd Everyone With Horseshoes

Photo by Michelle Beller Photography

Horseshoes are considered good-luck charms and we can't think of a more auspicious way to start a life together. This Montana ranch wedding fully embraced the theme with horseshoe escort cards that doubled as wedding favors.

PHOTO BY JENNINGS KING ; Event Planning by Fox Events

Make your seating chart a statement piece by placing escort cards on an oversized wooden board. This is a brilliant way to utilize larger spaces for elevated visuals.

Hang From Silk Strings

PHOTO BY JILL DEVRIES ; Event Planning by Detroit Cultivated

This modern farm wedding featured escort cards hanging from hand-dyed silk for a humble and romantic optic . It just doesn't get any more poetic than that.

Throw It on Pottery

Photo by Mallory Dawn

For an ultra unique take, this Coachella Valley wedding showcased the seating chart on hand-calligraphed pottery. We're totally smitten, to say the least.

Say It With Ceramics

Photo by Alicia King Photography

Speaking of ceramics, this verdant Hudson Valley wedding tucked segments of the seating chart into gorgeous, flower-filled vases. In fact, it took the newlyweds over two yeas to collect the ginger jars which they consider their shared "labor of love."

Shake Things Up

Photo by Anna Delores Photography

Is it even a party without tassels? This autumnal boho-chic wedding in California definitely got the memo with a tassel-adorned seating chart that looks right at home amongst a backdrop of greenery.

Blend Into Florals

Photo by Belathée Photography

Seating charts don't always have to take center stage. The beautifully famed signage plays a supporting role to the generous floral focal point at this moody, Bridgerton-inspired wedding in Connecticut .

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Free Wedding Seating Chart Templates

Templates to Help You Seat Your Guests

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  • B.S., Business Education, Emporia State University

These wedding seating chart templates will help you plan one of the most important yet overlooked aspects of planning a wedding, where your guests will sit at your reception and who they'll sit with. A good seating chart will make sure that the reception goes smoothly and everyone has a lot of fun.

All of these wedding seating chart templates are free and can be printed out from your home computer. Some of the seating charts are completed first on the computer and then printed, while others allow you to print first and then arrange the tables and guests for a more hands-on approach.

After you've completed your wedding seating chart template, it's easier than you think to find more wedding freebies and templates for planning your big day.

Wedding Seating Chart Tool


Wedding Wire has designed an easy-to-use online application that will help you plan the seating chart for your reception. 

You begin by designing your floor plan with the types of tables and the amount of seating you'll have, as well as where the DJ, gift table, dance floor, and cake table will all go.

After you've set your floor plan, you can enter your guest's name and then use a simple drag and drop method to place them at tables. Wedding Wire makes it very easy to make changes during this process.

When you're finished, you can print, export, or email your floor plan as well as create reports of your guests.

Wedding Seating Chart Template

Style Me Pretty

Style Me Pretty has a free wedding seating chart template that you can download and edit in Google Docs.

This is one of my favorite seating chart templates ​because it works for any type of table structure you might have for your reception. Just click and type to enter who you want sitting at which table, and use copy and paste to make changes.

While it's lacking a floor layout, this is an excellent way to making a seating chart if you're not sure about table sizes and layouts yet.

Wedding Seating Chart Program


AllSeated has a fantastic online wedding seating chart program that lets you create a floorplan for your ceremony or reception. 

There are tons of options for table shapes and sizes, along with other furniture and features you have in your venue. The drag-and-drop system makes it easy to place and move items around.

When your floorplan is complete, you can view it in 3D and share it with others.

Other tools like a guest list manager are included, making this a great program to manage your guests from start to finish.

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FREE Wedding Seating Chart Printable

free printable seating chart

Assigned seating isn't a wedding day must, but in order to ensure your reception runs like clockwork, assigned seating is highly recommended.

If you go the assigned seating route your guests won't second guess where to sit, and all your tables will be filled. 

There are of plenty of ways to let your guests know where they are seated and we've seen them all, but we'd have to say the most budget-friendly option is a seating chart. Why? You only have to have one item printed and it literally takes seconds to set up. So, we are excited to introduce our  FREE Wedding Seating Chart Printable!    All you need to do is go in and start filling in your guests' names.  Here's how to start.

Count all of your RSVPs and then determine how many tables/table sizes you need. 72" Round Seats 10-12 Adults 60" Round Seats 8-10 Adults 48" Round Seats 6-8 Adults 8" X 30" Rectangle Banquet Seats 8 -10 Adults 6" X 30" Rectangle Banquet Seats 8-10 Children 

After determining the number of guests and tables, start putting all your guests in ABC order with the table after their name. It's much more time efficient to list alphabetically so your guests can easily spot their name. Now you can fill out our  Free Wedding Seating Chart Printable . 

Once you've filled out the poster hit the download button and save it to your desktop. You can take it to your local printer or have it printed here on Zazzle. Simply upload and print. 

Download your free seating chart here

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Wedding Planning Guide

How to create your wedding seating chart.

Everything you need to know about wedding seating chart etiquette and how to seat your guests at the reception.

  • How to Create

By Minted | Last Updated: March 14, 2024

Congratulations on making it this far! You must have sent out your save the date cards and your elegant wedding invitations , checked and rechecked your budget spreadsheet, updated the details on your wedding website and so much more. You should be proud of yourself. While letting the guests’ responses trickle in, you can start thinking about the seating chart.

Creating a wedding seating chart may feel like a quick and easy task, but finding the right spot for each guest and a table arrangement that works well for your venue can be surprisingly time-consuming. In this article, we'll try to help clear up some wedding seating chart confusion and provide you with some tips to make this aspect of event planning a breeze!

wedding seating chart

Seating chart: "Someone Like You" by Design Lotus

How To Create Your Wedding Seating Chart

1. seat yourselves.

You and your new spouse will be the center of attention all evening, so seat yourselves in a central location where all your guests can see you. This is the first wedding seating chart etiquette to note.

One option would be to sit at a table with your wedding-party members (often called the "head table"), with your seats in the middle. Or, you could sit with your parents and let that be the head table, with the wedding party scattered at different tables with their dates.

Another popular option is to sit with your new spouse at a table reserved for just the two of you. This arrangement is often called a "sweetheart table."

wedding reception tables

Photo: Lauren Gabrielle

2. Seat the Wedding Party

Figuring out where to seat your wedding party members depends on how big your entourage is and how many of them attended the wedding with dates. Depending on your wedding party's size, one option would be to place all members at a long head table with the newlyweds positioned in the middle (as described in the previous step).

A drawback of this seating arrangement is that attendants' dates and spouses will have to sit at separate tables, which might not be ideal (separating dates and partners is never a good idea). A more preferred option would be to place wedding-party members at several VIP dinner tables near you and your new spouse.

Do you want to seat your guests based on how you know them or according to their interests? There is nothing wrong with placing your bridesmaids and groomsmen at tables with other guests around the reception. They'll have spent the first part of the day together, so it will be great for them to socialize with others.

3. Seat Parents and Grandparents

Wedding seating chart etiquette states that you and your partner's parents will share a table at the reception, along with grandparents, siblings not in the wedding party, and the officiant and their spouse if they're attending the reception. However, if either of you have divorced parents who would prefer to sit separately, a solution would be to have each parent host their own table of close family and friends.

This arrangement could mean up to four parents' tables, depending on your situation. You can also try seating them at the same rectangular table, but at opposite ends. If you're unsure of how to proceed, it's probably best to talk to your parents about what they might prefer before you make your final seating decisions.

4. Make Family Tables

When planning the seating assignments, consider placing geographically spread-out family at a table together. If you or your partner have large families that don't get together often enough, it might make everyone's night to sit together and catch up over food, drinks, and dancing. Family tables are also great for guests with multiple kids.

glasses toasting at wedding

Photo: Vicki Grafton

5. Make a Kid's Table

Children are much more comfortable around other children (as opposed to adults), so if there will be kids at your wedding, seat them together at a separate kids' table. Provide activities and crafts at their table to keep them occupied. Entertaining the children means their parents can take a break and enjoy the festivities. If your flower girl and ring bearer are the only children present, seat them with their parents.

6. Mix and Match Guests

Weddings are for bringing people together and are the perfect opportunity for you to introduce friends and family who may not have met before. Mixing and matching guests in your arrangements can encourage friendships you've wanted to happen.

A bonus is that they'll already have common ground to bond over; you and your partner! Of course, if you're going to encourage connections even more, you can set out getting-to-know-you games or prompts at each table.

One of our favorite event planning tips is if you aren't sure where to place someone, ask. Do you have no idea where to seat your parents' friends? Let your folks arrange those tables. They'll be happy to be included in the process and to have a say in seating their pals.

Tips on Creating Wedding Seating Charts

1. start early..

Before all the RSVP responses come in, you can find inspiration from wedding blogs, social media, and your vendors for a seating chart design and layout that will fit your theme, colors, and venue.

You'll need to set your RSVP deadline for at least two to three weeks before the wedding. Once you have a better idea of how many guests you will have (and who they will be), you can start using a wedding seating chart website or app like Allseated . This tool is one of our favorite wedding planning services. It allows you to design your wedding layout to scale so you can envision where your guests will sit during your ceremony, or at your wedding reception.

2. Spreadsheets will save your life.

Use a spreadsheet to track RSVPs as they come in. If you are using Minted’s online RSVP on the wedding website , export the list from the website. Next, insert a column into your RSVP spreadsheet categorizing and color-coding all guests by relationship. Color coding is an easy way to visually sort your guest list and break it down into more logical table groupings.

If you work based on the invitation list, don't forget to remove the guests that can't attend from the spreadsheet who can't attend, and make sure to add in plus-ones!

wedding reception tables

"Love Story" escort cards by Liz Conley Photo: M Place Productions

3. Finalize the reception layout.

Once you have a finalized headcount and the square footage of your dining area, it’s time to start drawing up your layout. Work with your caterer/venue to figure out the most optimal table layout, so guests won’t be bumping into each other and servers can easily cater to each guest. Maximizing the space means guests won't feel crowded, and servers will have enough space to cater to each guest efficiently.

Another consideration is the table shape. Round tables are the standard option. This shape is also the easiest to work with since you'll only need to consider who each guest will sit next to on their right and left sides. Longer rectangular tables take a bit more planning to figure out how to seat guests, as there are guests to the left, right, and across from you.

4. Physically Map Out Wedding Seating.

If you are struggling with settling on a layout or would prefer to plan on paper rather than using a wedding seating chart app or website, physically mapping out your wedding seating using sticky notes on a piece of paper is a great alternative.

You can color code them using the method described above (and start making them as you send out invitations). Pro tip: use scaled paper cut-outs to visualize the tables. This way, you can move everyone around the room as you consider space, photography, and aesthetics.

wedding table number

"Field" table number by Toast & Laurel Photo: Ryan Ray

5. Bring Seating Charts.

The final step is to figure out how you'll tell guests where they're seated. Tented escort cards—individually printed with each guest's name and table number—is a simple way to do it.

Carefully arranged escort cards are a great photography moment, too! Or, you could get creative with more prominent seating-assignment signs or charts. Use your creativity to look for some escort card inspirations .

Arrange guests' names in alphabetical order by last name, so folks can easily find their table assignment. Also, be sure to use a large, readable font, so there's no confusion.

Do you want to ensure that each of your guests gets a nice photo at your wedding? Set up a station with your photographer so guests can collect their cards and have their picture taken before the festivities begin.

Check out our favorite seating chart ideas !

bride and groom sitting at table

Photo: Jessa Schifilliti

6. Share Your Wedding Seating With Your Vendors.

Event planning can be stressful, but that is why it is critical to work with vendors to help you achieve your goals! Keeping everyone in the loop is essential as you set seating assignments, so be sure to share your wedding seating chart with the vendors working on catering, music, location, and photography. Once you have physically mapped everything out, share it with your team. If you have a physical drawing, take a picture or scan it. If you're using an app or website, you can share the link with your team or invite them to view it with a few clicks.

No one knows the space better than your venue hosts. Ask your venue about what has previously worked in the space, or what definitely won't fit, check with them.

wedding dinner table

Photo: Jenna Greenawalt Photography


Should a seating chart list names alphabetically by guests' first names or last names.

For clarity and ease, it's best to arrange guests’ names in alphabetical order by last name, followed by his or her assigned table number. Resist the urge to group guests by table, that will take guests a very long time to find their name and will result in a bottleneck as guests crowd around to get their table assignment.

Who sits at the head table at a wedding?

The "head table" refers to the table where the newlyweds will be sitting. You could decide to sit with your new spouse at a table just for two, which is sometimes called a "sweetheart table." If you prefer to sit with your guests, you could sit with your wedding-party members (with you and your new spouse positioned in the center) and designate that table as the head table. Or, you could opt to sit with your parents and let that be the head table.

Does the bride sit to the right of the groom?

Traditionally, the bride sits to the right of the groom. However, if you are not worried about keeping things traditional, you and your partner should feel free to sit however you want to! Chances are, you won't be spending too much time seated anyway.

Do the parents of the bride and groom sit together?

This all depends on your family situation, but traditionally, your parents and your partner's parents would share a table at the wedding reception. Additional VIPs would also be seated at the same table, like grandparents, siblings who aren't already in the wedding party, and other close family friends.

However, if your or your partner's parents would prefer to sit separately, then each set of parents could host their own table of close family members and friends; the same applies if your or your partner's parents are divorced—each parent could similarly host their own reception table. But if you're truly stumped about where to seat your parents, it's best to talk with them directly to find out what they would prefer.

Do the bridesmaids and groomsmen sit together?

At many weddings, the wedding party sits together, either at a table with the newlyweds or nearby (this also depends on how big your wedding party is!). In the end, you know your guests best, and there are no hard rules for where everyone should sit.

What's the difference between an escort card and a place card?

These small, tented cards look very similar but serve two different purposes. Escort cards are printed with a wedding guest's name and their table number assignment. This card lets the guest know which table they will be sitting at. Place cards are printed with just the guest's name and indicates which seat at the table has been assigned to them.

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  1. Free Table Seating Chart Template

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  3. Alphabetical Seating Chart Template, Wedding Seating Poster, Seating

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  4. Download Printable Wedding Seating Chart Template

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  5. Wedding Table Assignment Template Seating Chart Download

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  6. 5x7 Wedding Seating Chart Template Calligraphy table Seating

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  1. Wedding Seating Chart Idea


  1. Seating Chart Template

    Open our wedding reception seating chart, and browse the items already on the template. Click the 'edit' button to open up the template. Click the 'add element' button and select straight wall from the dropdown. Give your chart 4 surrounding walls, using the measurements from the floor plan provided by your wedding venue.

  2. Free custom printable wedding seating chart templates

    All our wedding seating chart templates are free and editable so your special event can have your creative stamp. Get your custom printable wedding seating chart template into a reality. Simply download and email it to your printing supplier. Or you can order them as high-quality prints from Canva, and we'll deliver them right to your doorstep.

  3. Wedding Seating Chart Tool

    With our wedding guest seating tool, you can drag and drop tables to mimic your reception layout. This will help you visualize where the tables will be, and where guests will sit at each table. Create the seating plan. How do you make sure all your guests have seats? Our Seating Chart tool lets you sync your Guest List with the floor plan.

  4. Wedding Seating Chart

    There are four table shapes: round, rectangle, oval, and square. Select a wedding table seating chart for 4, 6, 8 or 10 people per table. We also offer a wedding seating chart maker that seats people according to the wedding guest list. Once someone has RSVP'd they will automatically appear in the wedding table seating chart.

  5. Wedding Seating Chart Templates to Simplify Planning

    Wedding planner Annie Lee advises couples to take into mind a few tips before working on their wedding seating chart templates. First, get a spreadsheet organized that you can work from. "When you ...

  6. Free Online Wedding Seating Chart Maker

    Mix and match elements from multiple templates. Choose a background, color scheme and font style. Keep experimenting until your chart feels finished. Download and save. Share your wedding program seating chart online in a few simple clicks or download as a print-ready PDF. Make high-quality copies of your design with Canva Print.

  7. Wedding Seating Chart & Floor Plan Maker

    Wedding Seating Chart & Floor Plan Maker Create seating chart diagrams for weddings, receptions, events, conferences, and parties. ... You can even label the tables and add your guest list to make your seating assignments." ... Create templates for your common floor plans to quickly reuse your venues. Try It Today for Free. Seat Puzzle is ...

  8. Wedding Seating Chart

    Seating chart wedding template sizes are as follows: A1: 841mm X 594mm (23-3/8 x 33-1/8 in) A2: 594mm X 420mm (16-1/2 x 23-3/8 in) Small Circle: 600mm X 600mm (23.622 x 23.622 in) Large Circle: 800mm X 800mm (31.5 x 31.5 in) Need help merging the data to your printable blank wedding seating chart template? Our customer service team is more than ...

  9. 60 Wedding Seating Chart Ideas That'll Inspire You

    Floral Design: Revel Floral. This wedding seating plan was framed by a trio of greenery arches. 10. Wall of Ivy. Natalie Probst Photography. A wall of ivy ensconced this DIY seating chart written on brown kraft-style paper. 11. Freestanding Seating Chart. Amanda K Photography.

  10. Wedding Seating Charts & Table Assignment Boards

    Next to each guest's name you can list their table assignment. This is recommended if you have guests more than 80 people. What is the size of a wedding seating chart? Minted offers two sizes of weddings eating charts: 16" x 20" and 18" x 24". Choose based on your space and the number of guests.

  11. How to Create a Wedding Seating Chart

    1. Start with the head table. It's a good idea to seat the two of you first at your wedding table. Decide if you want to sit at a traditional head table made up of your wedding party or if you would prefer to sit together as a couple at your own private sweetheart table.

  12. Wedding Seating Chart Made Simple

    Wedding Seating Chart Made Simple. Seat Puzzle makes it easy to plan where everyone's going to sit, whether it's a wedding ceremony, reception, social gathering, trivia night, or conference. Make table assignments and seating arrangements for any event. Place tables where you want them. Seat your guests at tables, highboys, or standalone chairs.

  13. Wedding Seating Chart Ideas For 2024 With Examples

    Gowns, suits, menus, and decor are simplified in order to focus on the ceremony, the couple, and the company. These 3 wedding seating charts follow suit. Cut out the first letters of the bride and groom's name. Post the bride's guests' info in her letter and do the same for the groom.

  14. Free custom printable seating chart templates

    Skip to start of list. 325 templates. Create a blank Seating Chart. Black and White Minimalist Wedding Seating Chart. Seating Chart by Mai Kreativ Designs. Green and White Soft Watercolor Wedding Seating Chart. Seating Chart by Mai Kreativ Designs. Black White Minimalist Aesthetic Wedding Seating Chart. Seating Chart by Lucie Sindelkova.

  15. A Template For Your Wedding Seating Chart and Tips

    Tools to make your wedding seating chart, whether you're a paper and pencil or tech-savvy type of person, I have a solution for you. The seat assignment process - who you should seat first, second, and so on. Etiquette to consider for your wedding seating chart; Organizational tips for your wedding day; 1: Templates for Your Wedding Seating ...

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    Here, we've created the ultimate guide to planning out your wedding seating chart. Keep reading below for all the expert advice you need. 5 Free Digital Wedding Seating Chart Templates to Simplify ...

  17. 23 Creative Wedding Seating Chart Ideas That Will Wow Your Guests

    Guide guests to their seats in style with these creative wedding seating chart ideas, from chalkboards to mirrors. 90 years of expert advice and inspiration, for every couple. Subscribe

  18. Free Wedding Seating Chart Templates

    Style Me Pretty. Style Me Pretty has a free wedding seating chart template that you can download and edit in Google Docs. This is one of my favorite seating chart templates because it works for any type of table structure you might have for your reception. Just click and type to enter who you want sitting at which table, and use copy and paste ...

  19. FREE Wedding Seating Chart Printable

    Step One. Count all of your RSVPs and then determine how many tables/table sizes you need. 72" Round Seats 10-12 Adults. 60" Round Seats 8-10 Adults. 48" Round Seats 6-8 Adults. 8" X 30" Rectangle Banquet Seats 8 -10 Adults. 6" X 30" Rectangle Banquet Seats 8-10 Children.

  20. Free Seating Chart Maker

    Color code and label your seating chart. Make your seating chart clear and easy to read by adding labels. You can assign names for each chair or, for larger events, assign a number for each table then create a list or legend of names or groups assigned for each table. Easily change your font color, size or style using the tool bar.

  21. How to Create Your Wedding Seating Chart

    Aprons & Mitts. Tea Towels. Wrapping paper. Stockings. Tree Skirts. Now that the RSVPs are in, it's time to figure out where everyone will be sitting at the wedding reception. Here's our rundown of where everyone should sit and how to get them to their seats.