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  • Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:

  • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a 5- or 6-slide narrated PowerPoint that presents a comprehensive plan to implement changes you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Alternate Submission Method

You may also use Kaltura Personal Capture to record your narrated PowerPoint. This option will require you to create your PowerPoint slides first. Then, follow the Personal Capture instructions outlined on the Kaltura Media Uploader guide found in the left menu of your classroom. This guide will walk you through downloading the tool and help you become familiar with the features of Personal Capture. When you are ready to begin recording, you may turn off the webcam option so that only “Screen” and “Audio” are enabled. Start your recording and then open your PowerPoint to slide show view. Once the recording is complete, follow the instructions found on the “Posting Your Video in the Classroom Guide” found on the Kaltura Media Uploader page for instructions on how to submit your video. For this option, in addition to submitting your video, you must also upload your PowerPoint file which must include your speaker notes.

Change Implementation and Management Plan – NURS 6501: Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership – Walden University

  • Executive Summary of the Healthcare Issue

oEffective communication and collaboration are necessary for functioning of interprofessional clinical teams

oCommunication flaws and a lack of teamwork skills increase the odds of medical errors.

oIn our L&D unit, interprofessional miscommunication and strained teamwork are associated with:

oUncivil behaviors

oJob dissatisfaction and nurse turnover

oPatient dissatisfaction

oDecreased quality of maternal care

Effective communication and collaboration among interprofessional teams are fundamental to the delivery of safe, quality patient care (Yu et al., 2020). Numerous medical flaws are allied to a lack of teamwork skills and communication failures within clinical teams (Yang et al., 2017). In our hospital, cases of interprofessional miscommunication and strained teamwork have contributed to incidences of uncivil behaviors among members of the L&D interprofessional team, which, in turn, led to job dissatisfaction, reduced patient satisfaction with care provided by obstetricians, midwives, and nurses, and ultimately, decreased quality of maternal care.

  • Simulation-Based TeamSTEPPS Training and Impact

oThe proposed change:

oTeam Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) training

oEnhances teamwork skills and communication in interdisciplinary teams with the aim goal of optimizing patient outcomes

oFacilitates team building and synergistic behaviors

oAllows  the L&D team to exercise active listening, compassion and honesty, and effective conflict resolution

The proposed change to strengthen teamwork and improve interprofessional communication, and subsequently address incivility in our L&D interdisciplinary team is the implementation of simulation-based Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) training. TeamSTEPPS is a systematic methodology and set of instruments formulated by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the Department of Defense (DoD) designed to enhance teamwork skills and communication among medical professionals with the principal goal of optimizing patient outcomes (AHRQ, n.d.). TeamSTEPPS facilitates team building and synergistic behaviors grounded on clearly defined purpose, active listening, demonstration of compassion and honesty, flexibility, and dedication to conflict resolution, all of which are necessary for fostering inter-professional collaboration and mutual respect

  • Type and Scope of the Change

oStakeholders: Obstetricians, midwives, physicians, and aestheticians involved in maternal care.

oTraining modality: In-situ simulation Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

oSimulated activities: Group-based management of postpartum hemorrhage

oTarget TeamSTEPPS skills: Mutual support, situation monitoring, leadership, and communication

The training program will involve obstetricians, midwives, physicians, and aestheticians involved in maternal care, including vaginal and cesarean delivery, as well as in the management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). The above stakeholders will actively participate in simulated activities, mainly focusing group-based management of PPH, which will allow them to replicate clinical care in a safe setting while learning the TeamSTEPPS principles, namely: mutual support, situation monitoring, leadership, and communication (Buljac-Samardzic et al., 2020).

  • Change Management Team
  • As outlined previously, the management of PPH-associated complications is a shared effort requiring the L&D team to team-up and maintain open communication channel. Thus, the implementation of the simulated-based TeamSTEPPS training will involve nursing staff, obstetricians/gynecologists, certified nurse midwives, and anesthesia providers in the L&D unit.   Others include a nurse educator to provide training, Information & Technology staff to provide, support in the integration of the training information into the simulator, the hospital’s CEO, chief obstetrician, and the chief nurse to offer leadership support the evaluation of the project.
  • Communication Plan

Project manager, the nurse leader, and the nurse manager will play a critical role throughout the intervention implementation process. Therefore, they will be involved in communicating all aspects of the proposed intervention including the need for interprofessional collaboration and communication, the proposed solution, evidence, resources required, assessment strategies, and the impact on maternal outcomes

  • Risk Mitigation Plans

oThere is no anticipated risks associated with the implementation of the in-situ simulation-based training

oExpected barriers

oBurnout of obstetricians and/or midwives

oHeavy workload

oInadequate finances and educational resources

oInvolvement of the hospital executive and all the L&D staff in every step of the intervention implementation will mitigate the barriers

There is no anticipated risks associated with the implementation of the in-situ simulation-based training; however, a diversity of barriers expected to impede the successful enforcement.  Burnout of obstetricians and/or midwives and heavy workload are likely to obstruct efforts to inspire them to participate in the in-situ simulation-based TeamSTEPPS workshop. Besides, inadequate finances and tools to educate the L&D interprofessional team may reduce the capacity for executive support (Seacrist et al., 2018). Involvement of the hospital executive and all the L&D staff in every step of the intervention implementation will mitigate the barriers

oAHRQ. (n.d.). About TeamSTEPPS ® . Retrieved August 2, 2022, from

oBuljac-Samardzic, M., Doekhie, K. D., & Van Wijngaarden, J. D. H. (2020). Interventions to improve team effectiveness within health care: A systematic review of the past decade. Human Resources for Health , 18 (1), 1–42.

oSeacrist, M., Bingham, D., Scheich, B., & Byfield, R. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of a multistate collaborative to reduce maternal mortality from postpartum hemorrhage. JOGNN – Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing , 47 (5), 688–697.

oYang, L. Y., Yang, Y. Y., Huang, C. C., Liang, J. F., Lee, F. Y., Cheng, H. M., Huang, C. C., & Kao, S. Y. (2017). Simulation-based inter-professional education to improve attitudes towards collaborative practice: A prospective comparative pilot study in a Chinese medical centre. BMJ Open , 7 (11), 1–11. Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

oYu, J., Lee,  woosuck, Kim, M., Choi, S., Lee, S., Kim, S., Jung, Y., Kwak, D., Jung, H., Lee, S., Lee, Y. J., Hyun, S. J., Kang, Y., Kim, S. M., & Lee, J. (2020). Effectiveness of simulation-based interprofessional education for medical and nursing students in South Korea: A pre-post survey. BMC Medical Education , 20 (1), 1–9.

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How to Make a Change Management Plan (Example & Template Included)


A change management plan is a critical part of any project plan and can be the difference between project success and failure. Let’s break down how to create one so you can better manage project change, no matter where it shows up in your project life cycle.

What Is a Change Management Plan?

A change management plan is a document that describes how change is planned, implemented and monitored in a project or across an organization. You can think of a change management plan as a roadmap that shows all the steps you need to take from identifying the change to realizing it. This plan not only sets the course by which you can execute the change but asks how it will impact the project or organization, how workflows will be affected and whether it will alter your relationship with your customers or teams.

By using an effective change management plan, you can manage the process and be more productive in its execution. It helps you control the budget, schedule , scope and resources. It even impacts your communication process. In fact, the change management plan is systemic, touching on all aspects of project management. When done correctly, it will minimize the impact on your project or organization.

assignment change implementation and management plan

Get your free

Change Management Plan Template

Use this free Change Management Plan Template for Word to manage your projects better.

What Are the Key Elements of a Change Management Plan?

Define the following elements below to create an effective change plan for your project.

Change Management Documentation: A change management plan should include documents and forms that will facilitate the process of evaluating, approving and implementing changes.

  • Implementation plan
  • Communication plan
  • Change impact assessment
  • Change readiness assessment
  • Change orders and change request forms
  • Change management log

Change Management Team: Define who will be doing what in your change management plan. Who has the authority to submit a change order request, who reviews them and who authorizes them? You’ll need to define roles and responsibilities for effective change control.

  • Change Control Board: Staff your change control board with people who will receive the change requests and have the authority to approve or veto them.
  • Change Champion: These are employees tasked with communicating the change, advocating for it and sharing information with others through the implementation process.
  • Change Agent: Change agents have more accountability than champions as they’re involved in the process of planning the execution of change management activities.
  • Change Management Software: A project planning software can help you keep track of changes through every project phase until it’s finally resolved.

Project management software can help you execute your plan. ProjectManager has an award-winning Gantt chart that can be used to create your change management plan: organize tasks, link dependencies, set milestones and even filter for the critical path. The plan can be shared with your team, who can use our multiple project views to collaborate better. You won’t find an easier-to-use or more powerful change management software. Get started with ProjectManager today for free!

ProjectManager's Gantt chart

Change Management Plan Example

This change management plan example covers key areas you’ll need to look for when managing project or organizational changes.

1. Change Description

Begin by defining the purpose of your change, areas of impact, key goals and objectives, the change management model that will be used and any assumptions, risks and constraints that might affect its execution.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

Describe the different change management roles that will help execute the change. Ideally, there should be a change control board in charge of approving or rejecting changes along with other roles such as change agents and change champions.

3. Stakeholder Map

A stakeholder map is a simple chart that helps change management teams identify key stakeholders and prioritize communication efforts based on their level of interest and influence over a project.

assignment change implementation and management plan

4. Gap Analysis

A gap analysis helps contrast the current state of a process, project plan or organization and a desired future state that will be reached through the proposed change.

assignment change implementation and management plan

5. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Depending on the scale of your change, you might need to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether the benefits of your change outweigh the cost of the resources that will be required.

assignment change implementation and management plan

6. Change Readiness Assessment

A change readiness assessment consists of creating a matrix that evaluates key areas of your organization and assigns them a numeric value to measure how prepared the organization is to implement a change initiative.

assignment change implementation and management plan

7. Change Impact Assessment

A change impact analysis gauges the potential impact of a proposed change based on its scope, cost, timeline and priority, among other things.

assignment change implementation and management plan

8. Implementation Plan

You need an implementation plan to effectively submit, evaluate, authorize, manage and control the change requests. This is an action plan that explains the steps that will be taken to implement a change and a timeline for their execution.

assignment change implementation and management plan

9. Risk Matrix

This risk analysis tool allows organizations to list all the potential risks associated with the change implementation plan and analyze their potential impact and likelihood.

assignment change implementation and management plan

10. Communication Plan

Describe how changes will be communicated by defining what channels of communication will be used and the frequency in which stakeholders will receive status reports , among other important details.

assignment change implementation and management plan

11. Change Order Request Form

A change management document that allows internal team members, clients or any other stakeholder to suggest changes to a project or organization.

assignment change implementation and management plan

12. Change Order Form

Once the change control board approves the change order request, a change order form can be issued to begin executing the change as soon as possible.

assignment change implementation and management plan

13. Change Log

A change log is a document that helps document any changes that have been implemented over time.

assignment change implementation and management plan

This change management plan template for Word combines all the templates above in one document. Download it for free so you can make a change management plan template for a project or organization just like the example above.

change management plan template

How to Make a Change Management Plan

Jennifer Bridges, PMP, breaks down how to create a change management plan in the following video. She explains how change is measured against the project baseline , which is the detailed description of the time, cost, scope and quality of the project that you have determined when planning. Therefore, a change management plan will take that baseline and ask how, what, when, where, why and how to figure out change and how to manage it.

After you watch the video, be sure to try some of our free templates below to help you manage change and your project.

Pro tip: There are different types of change management, and the best way to get a holistic understanding of it is through the triple constraint. There are processes established to help with the change management process , and it’s crucial to know them. Also, keep in mind that change management procedures vary depending on the industry you’re in. For example, change order forms are used primarily in construction to change the scope of projects.

Take it further: Sometimes, when tough changes happen during execution, technical debt can be accrued. Learn all about it and how to minimize it.

Go Beyond Change Management Templates with ProjectManager

ProjectManager is cloud-based work and project management software that connects hybrid teams to help implement change across an organization or project. Real-time data makes it collaborative to the core and multiple project views mean anyone in any department, no matter how, when or where they work can use it the way they want, whether in a task list, Gantt or kanban board.

You’ve seen how a Gantt chart can organize the change management plan but when that plan is assigned to teams that maybe work in a more agile environment, then they need a different tool. Kanban boards visualize workflow and workflows can be customized to automate task approvals, for example. Managers have control and transparency, while team members can manage their backlog and collaborate when planning sprints.

Task management on the kanban board

Track Change on the Dashboard

Monitoring change is how you make sure your actual progress is aligned with your change management plan. Our real-time dashboard gets live data and crunches the numbers to display metrics on time, cost and more in easy-to-read graphs and charts. It’s a status report whenever you need one so you can catch issues and resolve them before they cause problems.

Dashboard in ProjectManager

ProjectManager is award-winning work and project management software that connects teams for greater productivity. Manage change without impacting your schedule or budget. Get started with ProjectManager for free today!

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Developing an Effective Change Management Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Developing a change management plan - a step by step guide | Changemethod

Key Takeaways

  • Navigate the complexities of organizational change with a step-by-step guide to crafting an effective change management plan that ensures stakeholder buy-in and lasting success.
  • Discover the essentials of creating a robust change management plan, from stakeholder analysis to communication strategies , and learn to steer your organization towards success amid change.
  • Master the art of change management planning with this comprehensive guide, covering key components and best practices to help you achieve organizational transformation with confidence.

A change management plan is a crucial component of any organization’s change management process . It outlines the sequence of tasks, activities, deliverables, and resources required to execute a change strategy while applying project management discipline through phases, workstreams, decision points, and milestones.

A well-defined change management plan is essential for successful change initiatives. It ensures alignment between the change strategy and the solution, facilitates stakeholder engagement, and reduces the risk of project failure. Without a proper plan, stakeholders may become disengaged, leading to increased costs and a higher likelihood of project failure.

In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to develop an effective change management plan. This includes reviewing the change impact assessment, defining workstreams, tasks, and timelines, calculating resource requirements, outlining assumptions and risks, creating the change management plan, and developing a detailed change management work plan. By following these steps, organizations can ensure a smoother transition from their current state to their desired future state.

1. Review Change Impact Assessment

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Review Change Impact Assessment | Changemethod

a. The role of change impact assessment in change management planning

Change impact assessment plays a significant role in change management planning. It helps identify the potential effects of a change initiative on people, processes, and technology within an organization. A thorough assessment lays the foundation for a successful change management plan by pinpointing areas that require attention and resources.

b. Key components of change impact assessment

Key components of change impact assessment include identifying affected stakeholders, understanding the nature and extent of change, and evaluating the impact on business operations. This assessment should also consider the readiness of stakeholders to adopt the change and any potential barriers to successful implementation.

c. Assessing and addressing stakeholder commitment, adoption, and business benefits

Assessing and addressing stakeholder commitment, adoption, and business benefits are crucial elements of the change impact assessment. By understanding the level of stakeholder commitment, organizations can develop targeted strategies to move them along the commitment curve. Evaluating adoption rates helps identify areas that may need additional support or resources to facilitate a smoother transition. 

Lastly, assessing the potential business benefits of the change initiative ensures that the organization can achieve the desired outcomes and justify the resources and efforts invested in the project.

2. Define Workstreams, Tasks, and Timeline

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Define Workstreams, Tasks and Timeline | Changemethod

a. Identifying phases, workstreams, and milestones

In developing an effective change management plan, it is crucial to identify the phases, workstreams, and milestones that outline the change journey. Phases represent the overall stages of the change initiative, while workstreams consist of the specific activities and tasks required to achieve the desired outcomes.

Milestones serve as checkpoints to track progress and ensure the project remains on schedule. Identifying these elements early on helps to establish a clear roadmap for the change management process .

b. Developing a realistic and manageable timeline

Creating a realistic and manageable timeline is essential for successfully executing a change management plan. Factors to consider include the complexity of the change, the availability of resources, and the urgency of the initiative. A well-defined timeline ensures that stakeholders have a clear understanding of the project’s duration and can allocate resources accordingly.

To create a realistic timeline, break down each phase and workstream into smaller, manageable tasks and estimate the time required to complete each one. Remember to account for potential delays, such as unforeseen challenges or changes in priorities.

c. Best practices for organizing and prioritizing tasks

Organizing and prioritizing tasks is vital for maintaining momentum and ensuring the project stays on track. Some best practices for organizing tasks include grouping related activities into workstreams, assigning deadlines for each task, and delegating responsibilities to appropriate team members. Prioritizing tasks can be done using various methods, such as the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance.

By effectively organizing and prioritizing tasks, change managers can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and that the most critical aspects of the change initiative are addressed promptly.

3. Calculate Resource Requirements

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Calcultae Resource Requirements | Changemethod

a. The importance of accurate resource estimation

Accurate resource estimation is a critical component of the change management process . Proper resource allocation ensures that the change initiative has the necessary personnel, equipment, and budget to succeed. Underestimating resource requirements can lead to project delays, increased costs, and stakeholder dissatisfaction.

Conversely, overestimating resources can result in inefficiencies and wasted resources. To minimize these risks, change managers must carefully assess the resources needed for each task and phase of the project.

b. Utilizing the Change Management Resource Estimate template

The Change Management Resource Estimate template is a valuable tool for calculating the resources required to deliver a change management plan. This template helps change managers assess the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) effort needed for each task by estimating the length of time required to complete it.

By using this template, change managers can create a detailed resource allocation plan that aligns with the project’s timeline and objectives.

c. Tips for determining Full Time Equivalent (FTE) effort for each task

To determine the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) effort for each task, consider the following tips:

  • Break down tasks into smaller, manageable components to facilitate accurate time estimation.
  • Consult with subject matter experts or team members who have experience in similar projects to gain insights into resource requirements.
  • Factor in any dependencies or constraints that may impact resource allocation, such as the availability of personnel or equipment.
  • Adjust resource estimates as needed throughout the project, accounting for changes in scope or unforeseen challenges.
  • Monitor and track actual resource usage to compare against initial estimates, and use this information to refine future resource planning.

4. Define Assumptions and Risks

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Define Assumptions and Risks | Changemethod

a. Identifying potential risks and challenges in the change management plan

Change management initiatives often face risks and challenges that can impact their success. Identifying potential risks early in the planning process enables change managers to develop strategies to address them. Common risks include resistance to change, lack of stakeholder buy-in, inadequate communication, and insufficient resources.

Additionally, assumptions about the project’s scope, timeline, or required resources can also pose risks if they prove to be inaccurate.

b. Developing strategies for addressing risks and mitigating their impact

Developing strategies to address risks is a crucial aspect of the change management process . Risk mitigation strategies may include:

  • Engaging stakeholders early and often to address resistance and build commitment to change.
  • Implementing a robust communication plan to keep stakeholders informed and maintain their support.
  • Ensuring adequate resources are allocated and adjusting resource estimates as needed.
  • Continuously monitoring risks and updating mitigation strategies in response to changing circumstances.

c. Tips for managing assumptions and staying adaptable throughout the change process

Managing assumptions and staying adaptable throughout the change process are key to successful change management. Consider the following tips:

  • Document assumptions at the beginning of the project and revisit them regularly to ensure they remain valid.
  • Create a culture of open communication and encourage team members to share concerns and insights that may challenge existing assumptions.
  • Be prepared to adjust plans and strategies if assumptions prove incorrect or if new information becomes available.
  • Encourage a mindset of continuous learning and improvement to promote adaptability and resilience in the face of change.

5. Create Change Management Plan

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Create Change Management Plan | Changemethod

a. Utilizing the Change Management Plan template

A Change Management Plan template can be an invaluable tool for organizing the various elements of your change initiative. The template should outline the timeline, tasks, activities, dependencies, and milestones that will guide the transition from the current to the future state.

Utilizing a template ensures a consistent, organized approach to change management planning, making it easier to track progress and make adjustments as needed.

b. Integrating the Change Impact Assessment and Change Management Strategy deliverables

To create an effective Change Management Plan, it is essential to integrate the insights gained from the Develop Change Strategy and Change Impact Assessment processes.

The deliverables from these processes help identify areas that require attention, resources, and stakeholder engagement. By incorporating the findings from these assessments, the Change Management Plan becomes a dynamic, responsive document that addresses the specific needs of your organization.

The Change Management Plan should focus on activities that:

  • Move stakeholders along the commitment curve, ensuring they understand and embrace the change.
  • Facilitate adoption of the change solution, providing necessary training and support.
  • Achieve anticipated business benefits, tracking progress and adjusting the plan as needed to realize the desired outcomes.

c. Continuously reviewing and refining the plan throughout the program

A Change Management Plan should not be viewed as a static document. Instead, it should be continuously reviewed and refined throughout the program to adapt to evolving circumstances, stakeholder feedback, and changing priorities. Regularly revisiting the plan allows change managers to:

  • Monitor progress against milestones and adjust timelines as needed.
  • Identify emerging risks and challenges, developing mitigation strategies to address them.
  • Assess the effectiveness of communication and engagement efforts, making improvements as needed.
  • Ensure that the change initiative remains aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives and delivers the desired business benefits.

6. Develop Detailed Change Management Work Plan

Developing an Effective Change Management Plan | Develop Detailed Change Management Work Plan | Changemethod

a. Purpose and benefits of a Change Management Work Plan

A Change Management Work Plan is a detailed document that describes the specific tasks and activities required to execute the Change Management Plan.

It provides greater granularity and focus, allowing for more effective management of resources and timelines. The benefits of developing a Change Management Work Plan include:

  • Improved clarity and understanding of each task and its dependencies.
  • Enhanced ability to track progress and measure success.
  • Greater accountability among team members and stakeholders.
  • More effective identification and management of risks and challenges.

b. Utilizing the Change Management Work Plan template

A Change Management Work Plan template can streamline the process of creating a detailed work plan by providing a structured format and a list of common tasks and activities.

The template should be adaptable to the unique needs of your change initiative, allowing for customization as necessary. When utilizing a Change Management Work Plan template , be sure to:

  • Include all tasks identified in the Change Management Plan.
  • Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of team members.
  • Specify dependencies, prerequisites, and contingencies for each task.
  • Establish clear, measurable milestones and deadlines.

c. Tips for successfully executing and monitoring the work plan

To ensure successful execution and monitoring of the Change Management Work Plan, consider the following tips:

  • Assign ownership and accountability for each task to specific individuals or teams.
  • Implement a robust communication plan to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.
  • Use project management tools to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and address issues as they arise.
  • Continuously evaluate and adjust the work plan based on feedback, changing priorities, and lessons learned.

In conclusion, the key steps to developing an effective change management plan involve reviewing the change impact assessment, defining workstreams, tasks, and timelines, calculating resource requirements, identifying assumptions and risks, creating the Change Management Plan, developing a detailed Change Management Work Plan, and continuously reviewing and refining the plan.

Throughout the change management process , it is crucial to remain adaptable and committed to continuous improvement. Change initiatives often involve unforeseen challenges and shifting priorities; therefore, a flexible and agile approach is necessary for success.

As you embark on your change management journey, consider applying the steps outlined in this article to create a comprehensive, well-structured plan that addresses the unique needs and challenges of your organization. By doing so, you will be better positioned to successfully navigate the complex landscape of change and drive meaningful, lasting results.

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Change Management Plan What is it with Example and How to Create Yours?

Published: 26 December, 2023

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Stefan F.Dieffenbacher

Organizational Development

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Table of Contents

Plenty of businesses and business people claim they want to generate change in their companies and industries, but despite having big dreams, very few succeed. We believe the main reason these ventures fail is that they lack a Change Management Plan.

A Change Management Plan is an explicit description of how the different segments of a business will navigate innovation and transformation. The way we talk about change is often metaphorical, or aspirational. Your Change Management Plan will distil your vision into actionable processes that enable the advances you’re looking to make.

In this article, we will discuss how a Change Management Plan is an effective tool for innovation, and how you can use your own Plan as an engine for transformation and growth.

What is a Change Management Plan

The change management plan is a structured approach that an organization follows to successfully introduce and manage changes within the company. It is typically used for significant or complex changes that have a significant impact on job roles and require a more strategic approach to implementation.

The plan outlines the steps necessary to transition from the current state to the desired future state and includes a plan for monitoring and measuring the success of the change.

One popular model for managing change is the 8-Step Change Model, which consists of eight steps that guide an organization through the process of implementing and managing change. The model begins with identifying the reason for change and gathering and analyzing data to understand the current situation.

It then moves on to developing a vision and strategy for the desired future state, communicating the change to stakeholders, empowering employees for success, creating a detailed plan for implementation, and executing the plan. Finally, the model includes a step for evaluating and adjusting the change as needed to ensure its success.

For a more tangible understanding, consider this change management plan example , A multinational company decided to transition from its legacy project management software to a more modern, cloud-based solution. Recognizing the need for change, they conducted extensive surveys and data analysis, revealing widespread dissatisfaction with the current system.

The vision was to improve collaboration among global teams and enhance project visibility. The change was communicated transparently to all stakeholders, and employees were empowered through comprehensive training programs. The implementation plan included a phased rollout, starting with smaller teams before company-wide adoption. Regular evaluations were conducted, and adjustments were made based on user feedback. The new software significantly improved project efficiency, reduced delays, and fostered better collaboration across departments, demonstrating the success of the change management plan.

The 8-Step Change Model provides a structured approach for managing change and can be used in conjunction with a change management plan to ensure a smooth and effective transition.

8 Step Management Change Process

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You can now access the complete 8 Step Change Process Package, including a full presentation, related models and instructions for use.

The 8-Step Process For Leading Change

Change management importance, change management can help organizations to:, (1) minimize resistance and increase support for change initiatives..

By having a well-structured change management plan, organizations can reduce resistance to change by effectively communicating the reasons for change and addressing potential concerns.

(2) Ensure that changes align with the organization’s overall strategy and goals.

A change management plan helps ensure that changes align with the overall business strategy and business goals and that the changes are aligned with the organization’s vision and mission.

(3) Enhance the effectiveness and success of change initiatives.

A change management plan helps organizations to implement changes more effectively and increases the chances of success.

(4) Minimize disruption to operations and minimize the impact of change on employees.

By effectively managing change, organizations can minimize the impact of change on employees and reduce disruption to operations, ensuring that the change process is smoother and more efficient.

(5) Improve communication and collaboration during the change process.

A change management plan helps improve communication and collaboration between different stakeholders during the change process, ensuring that everyone is working towards a common goal.

(6) Ensure sustainability of changes by embedding new practices into the organizational culture.

A change management plan helps organizations embed new practices into the organizational culture, ensuring that changes are sustained over time.

(7) Increase the chances of success by anticipating and addressing potential problems before they arise.

By anticipating and addressing potential problems before they arise, organizations can increase the chances of success and reduce the risk of failure.

How do you Write a Change Management Plan?

As you set to write a Change Management Plan, it’s important to remember why you’re writing it to begin with: you want to control the chaos that accompanies any major overhaul of an organization’s way of doing business. Managing the fear and uncertainty that people feel at this time will help change occur far more smoothly; having a clear roadmap of how you’ll bring that change to life is a big help.

Below we walk through the steps involved with writing a Change Management Plan that you can use to move your business forward.

Create the Need for Change

Step (1): Identify the Reasons for change & create urgency

  • Create Awareness of the need for change
  • Articulate a powerful rationale and business case.
  • Open the Dialogue and Create Urgency

Step (2): Form a Powerful coalition and build the guiding team

Assemble and nominate a team with enough power and influence to lead the change effort

Change the Direction

Step (3): Develop a Vision & Strategy for Change

Develop a clear vision of how the future will be different and define a roadmap toward achieving that vision.

Step (4): Communicate the Vision and Strategy

  • Use every possible vehicle to communicate the vision and gain buy-in
  • Address concerns, lead by example, and reward people
Change Behavio r

Step (5): Empower Actions & Remove Barriers

  • Eliminate barriers that impede transformation & empower people to take actions
  • Align resources, systems, and structures to support the vision and strategy

Step (6): Create Quick Wins & Celebrate Achievements

  • Create visible quick wins
  • Identify and Reward change agents involved
Change Sustainability

Step (7): Secure Successes, Accelerate & Build on the Change

  • Consolidate and build on the change
  • Define goals that ride on the momentum
  • Use credibility to change policies and procedures that don’t fit the vision.

Step (8): Make Change Stick & Anchor Change in the Corporate Culture

  • Continually articulate the connections between the new way of working & corporate success.
  • Weave new corporate culture and style into leadership development and succession planning

Change Management Processes

Change management processes and systems pave the way for successful change management. It is important to be able to submit a change request, and then track, schedule, and manage that request through delivery. A change management system will allow a single storage location for all data associated with organizational changes, standardization of procedures, analysis of trends and activity, and easy access anywhere at any time.

Look for a system that offers the following functionality:

  • Ability to break work down into tasks
  • Configurable change request forms
  • Budgeting and cost controls
  • Change log for historical tracking
  • Role assignment
  • Configurable change management processes
  • Schedule of changes (Forward Schedule of Change)
  • Ability to classify as a change and reclassify as a defect
  • Ability to change the assignment to individuals, teams, and/or Change Advisory or Change Control Board
  • Updating changes
  • Change monitoring
  • Change approvals

Change is inevitable.

No marketplace survives intact forever, and successful businesses adapt as necessary to ensure their growth and prosperity. Additionally, businesses should change purposefully for innovation that makes better use of their resources and competitive advantage.

Following an articulated Change Management Plan will help guide your organization successfully through the decisions you make today for the opportunities you’ll find tomorrow.

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Change Implementation and Management Plan


It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:

  • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Create a 5- or 6-slide narrated PowerPoint that presents a comprehensive plan to implement changes you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Requirements: all part answered

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by ella | Apr 13, 2024 | Uncategorized

NURS 6053 Week 11 Assignment – Change Implementation And Management Plan

by ella | Apr 11, 2024 | Walden

Module 5: Organizational Change (Weeks 10-11)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Forecasting Organizational Change [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Recommend strategies to lead organizational change
  • Justify plans for implementing and managing organizational change in organizational/workplace settings
  • Create plans for communicating proposed changes to stakeholders
  • Recommend risk mitigation plans when managing organizational changes
Read the Learning Resources.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Deadline to submit your Assignment.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter 8, “Practice Model Design, Implementation, and Evaluation” (pp. 195–246)

Cullen, L., & Adams, S. L. (2012). Planning for implementation of evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 (4), 222–230. Retrieved from

Pollack, J., & Pollack, R. (2015). Using Kotter’s eight stage process to manage an organizational change program: Presentation and practice. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28 (1), 51-66.

Note: You will access this article from the Walden Library databases.

Seijts, G. H., & Gandz, J. (2016). Transformational change and leader character. Business Horizons, 61 (2), 239-249.

Tistad, M., Palmcrantz, S., Wallin, L., Ehrenberg, A., Olsson, C. B., Tomson, G., …Eldh, A. C. (2016). Developing leadership in managers to facilitate the implementation of national guideline recommendations: A process evaluation of feasibility and usefulness. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 (8), 477–486. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2016.35. Retrieved from

Required Media

TEDx. (2013, January). Six keys to leading positive change: Rosabeth Moss Kanter at TEDxBeaconStreet [Video file]. Retrieved from

Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:

  • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change implementation and management plan.

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Sample Paper – Week 11  Assignment

Nurs 6053 – change implementation and management plan.

By Day 2 of Week 11

Submit your narrated Change Implementation and Management Plan.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

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  • Click the Week 11 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Week 11 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open .
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database .
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.

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Submit Your Assignment by Day 2 of Week 11

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NURS 6053 Module 5 Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

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(NURS 6053 Module 5 Assignment )

It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires … without rival.

As a professional, you will … called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

(NURS 6053 Module 5 Assignment)

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NURS 6053: Change Implementation And Management Plan





Please carefully review the grading rubric, especially the first column that says, “Excellent”, and please include each component in the assignment requirements.


It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:

  • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

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Top Nursing Papers

NURS 6053 Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan


  • This presentation will include:
  • Issues currently affecting my health organization
  • Change proposal to address the issues
  • Justification for the change
  • Type and scope of the proposed change
  • Stakeholders impacted by the change.
  • Change Management Team
  • Plan for communicating the change
  • Risk mitigation plans

Top nursing paper writers on hand to assist you with assignment : NURS 6053Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan

Issues Currently Affecting My Organization


Based on suggested finding by the American Nursing Association (ANA) a major contribution factor towards a safe and healthy work environment in nursing practice is the staffing patterns of the organization, it is imperative that qualified nurses are well staffed based on the acuity and needs of the patients (Marshall, E., & Broome, M. 2017). Change Implementation and Management Plan discussion essay assignment

Detrimental effects of under staffing nurses include,

  • Low productivity
  • Burnout and stress
  • A reduction in staff retention rates
  • Organizational culture incivility

An assessment of our organization’s workplace using the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory revealed that we have a mildly healthy workplace with a score of 73. The major issues currently affecting my organization is inadequate staffing and sufficient resources for safety and productivity.

Employees primarily, health professionals have complained that the organization’s management does not provide them with opportunities for growth and development in their career. As a result, most of the staff feel that they have stagnated in their careers and have not attained their short-term and long-term professional goals. Unlike other health care organizations, our organization has put minimal effort into helping its employees: pursue advanced certifications relative to their clinical practice area and seek advancement opportunities.

For instance, employees providing health services to patients with NCDs such as Diabetes, HTN, cancers, and diseases such as HIV/AIDs are rarely provided with continuous education on the new diagnosis and treatment guidelines. Consequently, they are not well-versed with new guidelines of treatment and treat patients using outdated protocols.

The organization HR has not prioritized continuing education and advanced learning opportunities for physicians and nurses, which is key to quality improvement and patient safety initiatives.  As a result, employees complain that they have difficulties remaining focused on their career path.

It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

To Prepare:

  • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

NURS 6052 Week 11 Assignment Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

By Day 2 of Week 11

Submit  your narrated Change Implementation and Management Plan.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the  Week 11 Assignment Rubric  to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the  Week 11 Assignment  link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the  Browse My Computer  button. Find the document you saved as “WK11Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click  Open .
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for  I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database .
  • Click on the  Submit  button to complete your submission.

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 11 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment Draft for Authenticity:

Submit your Week 11 Assignment draft and review the originality report

Submit Your Assignment by Day 2 of Week 11

To participate in this Assignment:

Week 11 Assignment

Congratulations! After you have finished all of the assignments for this module, you have completed the course. Please submit your Course Evaluation by Day 7.

Get assistance with nursing assignment

Module 5: Organizational Change (Weeks 10-11)

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018).  Forecasting Organizational Change  [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Recommend strategies to lead organizational change
  • Justify plans for implementing and managing organizational change in organizational/workplace settings
  • Create plans for communicating proposed changes to stakeholders
  • Recommend risk mitigation plans when managing organizational changes
Read the Learning Resources.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Deadline to submit your Assignment.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

  • Chapter 4, “Practice Model Design, Implementation, and Evaluation” (pp. 99–154)

Cullen, L., & Adams, S. L. (2012). Planning for implementation of evidence-based practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42 (4), 222–230.

Pollack, J., & Pollack, R. (2015). Using Kotter’s eight stage process to manage an organizational change program: Presentation and practice.  Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28 (1), 51-66.

Seijts, G. H., & Gandz, J. (2016). Transformational change and leader character.  Business Horizons, 61 (2), 239-249.

Tistad, M., Palmcrantz, S., Wallin, L., Ehrenberg, A., Olsson, C. B., Tomson, G., …Eldh, A. C. (2016). Developing leadership in managers to facilitate the implementation of national guideline recommendations: A process evaluation of feasibility and usefulness. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 (8), 477–486. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2016.35. Retrieved from

Required Media

TEDx. (2013, January). Six keys to leading positive change: Rosabeth Moss Kanter at TEDxBeaconStreet [Video file]. Retrieved from

Rubric Detail

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Name: NURS 6053 Module05 Week11 Assignment Change Implementation and Management Plan Rubric

· An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (this can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment).

· A description of the changes being proposed.

· Justifications for the changes, including why addressing them will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace.

Points Range: 32 (32%) – 35 (35%)

Presentation provides an accurate and detailed executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace.

Presentation accurately and completely describes in detail the changes being proposed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly details justifications for the changes, including a thorough and complete explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

Points Range: 28 (28%) – 31 (31%)

Presentation provides an accurate executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace.

Presentation accurately describes the changes being proposed.

Presentation accurately justifies the changes, including an accurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

Points Range: 25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

Presentation provides an executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation describes the changes being proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation vaguely or inaccurately justifies the changes, including a vague or inaccurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 24 (24%)

Presentation provides an executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting an organization/workplace that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation describes the changes being proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation vaguely and inaccurately justifies the changes, including a vague and inaccurate explanation of why addressing these changes will have a positive impact on the organization/workplace, or is missing.

· Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

· Identification of a change management team (by title/role).

· A plan for communicating the changes you propose.

· A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the changes you propose.

Points Range: 27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

Presentation accurately and thoroughly details the type and scope of the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately and clearly identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

Presentation accurately and completely identifies a change management by title/role that is detailed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately and thoroughly describes in detail risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed.

Points Range: 24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

Presentation accurately details the type and scope of the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes.

Presentation accurately identifies a change management by title/role.

Presentation accurately proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed.

Presentation accurately describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed.

Points Range: 21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

Presentation details the type and scope of the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation identifies a change management by title/role that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Presentation describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed that is vague or inaccurate.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

Presentation details the type and scope of the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation identifies the stakeholders impacted by the changes that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation identifies a change management by title/role that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation proposes a detailed plan for communicating the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Presentation describes risk mitigation plans recommended to address the risks anticipated by the changes proposed that is vague and inaccurate, or is missing.

Points Range: 27 (27%) – 30 (30%)

Narrated presentation accurately and completely summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording is professional in nature and thoroughly addresses all components of the presentation. Presentation should be aesthetically organized and easy to follow with an introduction, purpose statement, and conclusion

Points Range: 24 (24%) – 26 (26%)

Narrated presentation adequately summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording is professional in nature and adequately addresses the components of the presentation.

Points Range: 21 (21%) – 23 (23%)

Narrated presentation vaguely, inaccurately, or incompletely summarizes the presentation responses. Audio recording may be professional in nature and somewhat addresses the components of the presentation.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 20 (20%)

Narrated presentation vaguely and inaccurately summarizes the presentation or is missing. Audio recording is not professional in nature and inaccurately and incompletely addresses the components of the presentation, or is missing.

Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation

Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)

Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 3.5 (3.5%) – 3.5 (3.5%)

Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 3 (3%)

Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.

Name: NURS_6053_Module05_Week11_Assignment_Rubric

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    By Day 2 of Week 11. Submit your narrated Change Implementation and Management Plan. Submission and Grading Information. To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following: Please save your Assignment using the naming convention "WK11Assgn+last name+first initial. (extension)" as the name.

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    NURS 6053 Interprofessional Organizational and Systems Leadership. $20.00. Buy Now. Overview. (NURS 6053 Module 5 Assignment) It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires … without rival.

  14. NURS 6053: Change Implementation And Management Plan

    Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following: An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.) A description of the change being proposed.

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    NURS 6052 Week 11 Assignment Change Implementation and Management Plan. Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 5 or 6 slides with video that presents a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose. Your narrated presentation should be 5-6 minutes in length. Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the ...

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