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220 Economics Essay Topics You Can Explore in Your Research

Updated 20 Jun 2024

Economics Essay Topics

Economics is one of the most important social sciences. As it discusses and studies the flow of value in our society, it impacts almost every aspect of our lives. It can also be effectively used to improve our modern society.

The list of economic essay topics is endless – the field focuses on multiple areas of human interactions on different scales. Choosing one of the economics topics for an essay relevant to your task and interesting to research can be hard. That’s why our essay writing service is here to help you.

💡 Tips for Choosing Interesting Economics Topics

Let’s review the main steps you can take to make the selection of topic ideas easier for you:

  • Select the relevant field of study – economics is a broad field, so it is often divided into several subcategories, including micro- and macroeconomics, social economics, and many more. If you want to select relevant economics paper topics, first you need to determine the field you’re focusing on;
  • Find something interesting to you – even the most interesting topics will not make for a good essay if they are not delivered well enough. Find something that you’re interested in learning more about and focus on economics essay questions connected to it;
  • Make sure there are enough trustworthy data sources on the subject – like many other social studies, economics is often manipulated to prove a point or an agenda. Make sure the sources you use are relevant and trustworthy;
  • Ensure you can keep the reader engaged – if most of your research will consist of raw data, it will most likely not be interesting to read. Make sure that the topic you choose is interesting and engaging enough for you to grasp the reader’s attention.

Among the main topics you can discuss in economics research are:

  • Fundamental economics, cost to benefit analysis, and importance of decision-making;
  • Macroeconomics , supply, and demand;
  • Microeconomics, market structure, and strategies, competition;
  • International economics, trade, market, and more;
  • Personal economics, spending habits, personal investment;
  • Social economics, class structure, the cultural impact of economics.

📈 List of Economics Essay Topics

These general topics explore the specifics of the field, its difference from other studies, and relevant questions in the modern state of this science.

  • The Role of Cryptocurrencies in Modern Economics
  • Impact of Globalization on Emerging Economies
  • Behavioral Economics: How Psychology Influences Economic Decisions
  • The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainable Development
  • Universal Basic Income: Pros and Cons
  • The Effect of Trade Wars on Global Economic Stability
  • Gig Economy: Transforming Traditional Labor Markets
  • Economic Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Automation
  • The Future of Work: Economic Perspectives on Telecommuting and Remote Work
  • Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Complex Relationship
  • The Economics of Renewable Energy: Costs and Benefits
  • Healthcare Economics: Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Public Health Policies
  • The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Targeted Countries
  • Economic Strategies for Combating Poverty and Homelessness
  • The Role of Central Banks in Managing Economic Crises
  • Economic Analysis of the Student Loan Debt Crisis
  • The Economics of Internet Privacy and Data Security
  • Supply Chain Economics: Lessons from Global Disruptions
  • The Role of Innovation and Technology in Economic Growth
  • Economic Impacts of Immigration: A Balanced View

🌎 World Economics Essay Questions

  • How do international trade agreements affect emerging economies?
  • What are the economic impacts of climate change on global agriculture?
  • How does the rise of China affect the global economic balance?
  • What role does the World Bank play in shaping the economies of developing countries?
  • How do economic policies in developed countries impact global poverty?
  • What are the effects of global economic sanctions on the targeted nations?
  • How does the digital economy influence global economic disparities?
  • What are the economic consequences of Brexit for the European Union and the UK?
  • How do multinational corporations influence economic policies in developing countries?
  • What is the impact of global pandemics, like COVID-19, on international trade and economy?
  • How does the global shift towards renewable energy sources affect oil-dependent economies?
  • What are the economic challenges and opportunities in Africa's rapidly growing economies?
  • How do remittances from migrants impact the economies of their home countries?
  • What are the economic implications of the increasing global population?
  • How does political instability in the Middle East affect global oil markets and economies?
  • What is the role of emerging technologies in shaping the future of global finance?
  • How do global economic inequalities impact international relations and security?
  • What are the economic effects of international tourism on small island developing states?
  • How do trade wars, particularly between the US and China, reshape global economic dynamics?
  • What are the economic strategies for sustainable development in underdeveloped regions?

📊 Macroeconomics Essay Topics

Macroeconomics deals with economic systems as a whole. It is extremely important to discuss, as it can help to learn more about how well the system is performing and what can be done to improve it.

  • Analyzing the Long-term Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • The Role of Fiscal Policy in Managing Economic Recessions
  • Inflation vs. Deflation: Causes, Consequences, and Control
  • The Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth
  • Globalization and Its Effects on National Economies
  • The Economics of Income Inequality in Developed Countries
  • Understanding the Phillips Curve: Inflation and Unemployment
  • The Role of Government Spending in Stimulating Economic Growth
  • Exchange Rates and Their Impact on International Trade
  • The Effects of National Debt on a Country's Economic Health
  • Economic Indicators and Their Role in Policy Making
  • The Relationship Between Consumer Confidence and Economic Performance
  • The Impact of Oil Prices on the Global Economy
  • Quantitative Easing: Benefits and Risks
  • The Economics of Climate Change Policies in Developed Nations
  • Housing Markets and Their Influence on the Economy
  • The Role of Central Banks in Modern Economies
  • Supply-Side Economics: Theory and Practice
  • The Impact of Technological Innovation on Economic Growth
  • Demographic Changes and Their Macroeconomic Implications

📉 Microeconomics Essay Topics

Microeconomics, on the other hand, deals with the economy on an individual scale. Discussing the importance of personal decision making and how it impacts the system is actually just as important as paying attention to the large scale, so let’s take a look at the topics you can explore:

  • The Impact of Consumer Behavior on Market Demand
  • Price Elasticity of Demand: Analysis in Different Markets
  • The Role of Competition in Shaping Market Outcomes
  • Monopolies and Oligopolies: Their Impact on Consumers and Prices
  • Behavioral Economics: How Irrational Behaviors Affect Economic Decisions
  • The Economics of Labor Markets and Wage Determination
  • Supply Chain Economics: The Microeconomic Perspective
  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Preferences and Market Trends
  • Game Theory and Its Application in Competitive Business Strategies
  • The Economics of Healthcare: Demand, Supply, and Pricing
  • Environmental Economics: The Cost of Pollution and Its Microeconomic Impacts
  • The Role of Government in Market Failures: Subsidies, Taxes, and Regulations
  • Resource Allocation in Different Economic Systems
  • The Economics of Education: Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes
  • The Impact of Technological Change on Small Businesses
  • Consumer Choice Theory and Its Implications for Marketing
  • Risk and Uncertainty in Microeconomic Decision-Making
  • The Microeconomics of Urban Development and Housing Markets
  • The Role of Information Asymmetry in Market Transactions
  • The Economics of Agriculture: Supply and Demand in Food Markets

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🏥 Healthcare Economics Essay Topics

  • The Economic Impact of Universal Healthcare Systems vs. Private Healthcare Systems
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Public Health Campaigns
  • The Role of Health Insurance in Shaping Healthcare Economics
  • Economic Implications of Aging Populations on Healthcare Systems
  • The Impact of Pharmaceutical Patents on Drug Prices and Accessibility
  • Healthcare Expenditure: A Comparison Between Developed and Developing Countries
  • The Economics of Mental Health Care and Its Funding
  • Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Medicine
  • The Role of Technology in Reducing Healthcare Costs
  • Economic Analysis of the Opioid Crisis in the United States
  • Healthcare Economics in the Context of a Pandemic
  • The Impact of Lifestyle Diseases on Healthcare Systems
  • Economic Challenges in Providing Rural Healthcare
  • The Effects of Healthcare Policy Reforms on Service Delivery
  • The Role of Private Sector Investment in Healthcare
  • Analyzing the Price Elasticity of Demand in Healthcare
  • The Economics of Emergency Medical Services and Critical Care
  • Healthcare Workforce Economics: Challenges and Solutions
  • The Impact of Medical Tourism on Domestic Healthcare Economics
  • Evaluating the Economic Efficiency of Telemedicine Services

Consumerism Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Consumerism on Global Environmental Sustainability
  • Consumer Culture: Its Evolution and Impact on Society
  • The Psychology Behind Consumer Buying Behavior
  • The Effects of Advertising and Media on Consumer Choices
  • Ethical Consumerism: Balancing Profit and Social Responsibility
  • The Role of Branding in Modern Consumerism
  • Consumerism and Its Impact on Personal Debt and Financial Health
  • Fast Fashion: Consumerism and Its Environmental Footprint
  • The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Trends and Behaviors
  • Minimalism as an Antidote to Consumerism: Pros and Cons
  • The Relationship Between Consumerism and the Throwaway Culture
  • Consumerism in the Digital Age: Online Shopping and Its Impacts
  • The Effects of Globalization on Consumerism and Local Cultures
  • Consumer Rights and Protection: A Historical Perspective
  • The Impact of Consumerism on Mental Health and Well-being
  • Sustainable Consumerism: Is It Achievable in a Capitalist Society?
  • The Role of Government in Regulating Consumer Markets
  • Consumerism in Developing Countries: Trends and Challenges
  • The Evolution of Consumerism in the 21st Century
  • The Intersection of Consumerism and Technological Advancements

💰 Finance Paper Topics

  • The Impact of Cryptocurrency on Traditional Financial Systems
  • Behavioral Finance: Understanding the Psychology of Investing
  • The Role of Fintech in Shaping the Future of Banking
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Financial Decision-Making
  • The Effects of Interest Rate Changes on the Economy
  • Risk Management in Financial Institutions
  • The Global Impact of the US Federal Reserve's Monetary Policy
  • Sustainable Finance: Investing in Environmental and Social Governance (ESG)
  • The Evolution of International Financial Markets
  • Financial Inclusion: Strategies for Bridging the Gap in Developing Countries
  • The Role of Credit Ratings in Financial Markets
  • Impact of Financial Regulations on Banking Sector
  • Analysis of Stock Market Bubbles and Crashes
  • The Future of Digital Banking and Online Financial Services
  • Private Equity and Venture Capital: Their Role in Economic Growth
  • The Economics of Debt: National and International Perspectives
  • Financial Derivatives: Uses and Controversies
  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services
  • Microfinance and Its Impact on Poverty Alleviation
  • The Challenges of Pension Fund Management in an Aging Society

✏️ Socio-Economic Essay Topics

  • The Impact of Economic Inequality on Social Mobility
  • The Role of Education in Bridging the Socio-Economic Divide
  • Gender Disparities in the Workplace: Economic and Social Implications
  • The Effects of Urbanization on Socio-Economic Development
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Combining Economic Goals with Social Impact
  • The Relationship Between Poverty and Crime Rates
  • Economic Policies and Their Impact on Social Welfare
  • The Socio-Economic Challenges of Aging Populations
  • Income Inequality and Its Impact on Health Outcomes
  • The Role of Technology in Shaping Socio-Economic Trends
  • Child Labor: Socio-Economic Causes and Consequences
  • The Impact of Globalization on Local Cultures and Economies
  • Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Voter Behavior
  • The Economics of Immigration: Social and Economic Perspectives
  • Socio-Economic Implications of Climate Change
  • The Digital Divide: Socio-Economic Impacts of Internet Access
  • Racial and Ethnic Economic Disparities in Urban Areas
  • The Socio-Economic Effects of War and Conflict
  • Socio-Economic Determinants of Health in Developing Countries
  • The Role of Government in Addressing Socio-Economic Inequalities

📖 Economic History Topics

  • The Economic Consequences of the Industrial Revolution
  • The Great Depression: Causes and Global Impact
  • The Role of Trade and Commerce in the Ancient World
  • Economic Factors Leading to the American Revolution
  • The History of the Gold Standard and Its Economic Impact
  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Economy
  • The Economic Implications of European Colonialism
  • The Silk Road: Economic and Cultural Exchange
  • The Impact of the Agricultural Revolution on Societal Development
  • Mercantilism and Its Role in Shaping Modern Economics
  • The Economic Causes and Consequences of World War II
  • The Bretton Woods System and the Post-War Global Economy
  • The History of the Global Oil Economy
  • The Economic Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
  • The Evolution of Central Banking and Its Role in Economic Stabilization
  • The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997: Causes and Effects
  • The Economic History of the European Union
  • The Role of Innovation and Technology in Economic Growth Through History
  • The Economic Impacts of the Cold War
  • The History and Development of Global Trade Agreements

💲 Tax Topics for an Essay

  • The Economic Impact of Progressive vs. Regressive Tax Systems
  • Tax Evasion and Avoidance: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
  • The Role of Taxation in Income Redistribution
  • Comparative Analysis of Tax Systems in Different Countries
  • The Impact of Corporate Taxation on Business Decisions and Growth
  • Carbon Taxes and Their Effectiveness in Combating Climate Change
  • The History and Evolution of Income Tax
  • Value-Added Tax (VAT): Pros and Cons
  • Tax Incentives for Small Businesses: Benefits and Drawbacks
  • The Relationship Between Tax Policies and Economic Growth
  • Digital Taxation: Taxing the Tech Giants
  • The Ethics of Taxation: Balancing Government Needs and Taxpayer Rights
  • Property Taxes and Their Impact on Housing Markets
  • Tax Havens: Economic and Legal Implications
  • The Effect of Sales Taxes on Consumer Behavior
  • Tax Reforms: Case Studies and Their Outcomes
  • The Role of Taxes in Healthcare Financing
  • Estate Taxes and Wealth Distribution
  • The Impact of Taxation on Investment and Savings
  • Sin Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco: Economic and Social Perspectives

Human Development Essay Topics

  • The Role of Education in Human Development
  • Impact of Early Childhood Development on Later Life Outcomes
  • Gender Inequality and Its Effects on Human Development
  • The Influence of Family Structure on Child Development
  • Economic Growth and Its Impact on Human Development Indices
  • The Role of Nutrition in Cognitive and Physical Development
  • Cultural Influences on Personality and Identity Formation
  • The Impact of Technology on Adolescent Development
  • Mental Health and Its Importance in Human Development
  • Social Policy and Its Effects on Vulnerable Populations
  • The Role of Play in Child Development
  • Adolescent Brain Development and Behavior
  • The Effects of Poverty on Human Development
  • The Impact of Globalization on Cultural Identity and Development
  • Environmental Factors and Their Influence on Human Growth
  • The Role of Language in Cognitive Development
  • The Impact of War and Conflict on Children's Development
  • Social Media and Its Influence on Youth Development
  • The Role of Community in Shaping Individual Development
  • Human Development and Disability: Challenges and Opportunities

Final thoughts

In summary, this list of economics essay topics covers a lot of important areas. From big-picture issues like world economies to smaller, everyday things like how we make choices about buying stuff, each topic helps us understand more about how money and business affect our lives and the world. Writing essays on these topics isn't just about schoolwork; it's also a way for students to really get into how economics works and how it touches everything we do. By studying these topics, students aren't just learning; they're getting ready to be smart and thoughtful members of society who understand the big economic issues that we all face. Selecting compelling economics essay topics can be challenging, but if you need help, you can always find a service to write my essay and ensure a well-structured and insightful paper.

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economics essay ideas

Economics Essay Topics: Valuable Tips

economics essay ideas

Economics is a subject that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It deals with interesting economics topics like the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Moreover, it is a social science that provides insights into how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions that affect the overall economy. Given its importance, economics essays have become a crucial part of the curriculum for students pursuing various degrees.

Short Description

In this article, our essay writer will take you on a journey through various exciting topics in economics. We'll cover everything from big-picture concepts like macroeconomics to more focused ideas like microeconomics, international trade, and economic policy. Our goal is to help you find the perfect topic for your economics essay—one that matches your interests and demonstrates your understanding of how economics affects the real world.

🎓 What is Economics: Understanding the Importance

Before we dive into the different economics essay topics, it is crucial to understand what economics is and its importance. Economics is a social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It is concerned with how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about allocating resources to satisfy their unlimited wants and needs.

Economics as a science provides a framework for analyzing society's production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It helps us understand how markets work and how they can be improved to increase efficiency and welfare. Moreover, economic principles have significant implications for various social issues, including poverty, inequality, environmental sustainability, and public policy. By studying economics essay topics, we can gain insights into these issues and develop policies that promote rapid economic growth and social welfare.

what is economics

When it comes to economics, the range of essay topics is vast and covers various aspects of human interactions on different levels. With so many possibilities to explore, we understand the difficulty of narrowing down your options. That's why our ' write me an essay ' experts are here to offer their guidance and support. We're ready to help you select the ideal topic if you wish to learn how to write informative essay on economics.

economics paper

🧩 Tips for Choosing Your Ideal Topic

Choosing a topic is the first and most crucial step in writing an economics essay. Your topic will determine the direction and scope of your essay. Here are some tips for choosing the ideal topic from our finance essay writing service :

Tip 1: Understand the relevance of economics to daily life and choose a topic with practical applications.

Recognize that economics plays a significant role in our everyday lives, as it encompasses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Therefore, when selecting a topic, ensure its societal relevance. For instance, you might consider exploring 'The Impact of Automation on Employment Rates' or 'The Role of Government Regulations in Controlling Inflation.'

Tip 2: Opt for narrow economics research topics to make them more manageable and allow for in-depth exploration.

Instead of tackling broad subjects like 'International Trade,' narrow down your focus to something like 'The Effects of Tariffs on Small Businesses in the Agriculture Sector' or 'The Relationship Between Exchange Rates and Export Performance in Developing Countries.' By delving deeper into a specific aspect, you can provide more detailed financial analysis and insights.

Tip 3: Conduct preliminary research to identify current topics, debates, and research gaps.

Before finalizing your topic, engage in preliminary research to gain an understanding of recent trends and issues in economics. Explore academic journals, news articles, and books to discover areas that warrant further exploration. For example, you might come across intriguing research gaps such as 'The Impact of Cryptocurrencies on Financial Markets' or 'The Role of Behavioral Economics in Shaping Consumer Decision-Making.'

Tip 4: Seek input from peers or professors to enhance your topic selection process.

Collaborate with your peers during brainstorming sessions to generate fresh ideas and gain different perspectives on potential topics. Additionally, seek guidance from your professor, who can offer valuable insights and feedback to refine your chosen topic. For instance, you can discuss your ideas with classmates and receive suggestions like 'The Influence of Economic Policies on Income Inequality' or receive expert advice from your professor on 'The Implications of Globalization on Developing Economies.'

And if you want expert assistance in applying theoretical concepts to practice and creating an exceptional paper, then address your request to our custom essay writing services .

topic ideas

🗒 Economics Essay Topics: A Comprehensive List

If you are looking for a comprehensive list of interesting economics essay topics, you have come to the right place. Here are some ideas that you can consider:

economic essay topics

  • Central Banks in Fiscal Policy : Examine central banks' roles in setting interest rates, regulating money supply, and managing inflation.
  • Automation and Labor Market : Analyze the impact of automation on jobs, including worker displacement and new job creation.
  • Immigration and Labor Market : Explore immigration's effects on wages, job opportunities, and economic growth.
  • Economics of Climate Change : Discuss the costs and economic impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • Economics of Healthcare : Investigate healthcare costs, the role of insurance, and the impact of healthcare policies on the economy.
  • Government's Economic Role : Examine how government policies, both fiscal and monetary, affect the economy.
  • Globalization's Economic Impact : Analyze how globalization affects industries, trade, and employment.
  • Poverty and Inequality : Explore the causes and effects of poverty and inequality and the role of government interventions.
  • Economics of Education : Investigate education costs, its impact on economic growth, and the government's role in education.
  • Marketplace Competition : Discuss how competition promotes economic growth, innovation, and consumer welfare.
  • Economics of Entrepreneurshi p: Examine factors promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on the economy.
  • Quantitative Easing and Recovery : Analyze how large-scale asset purchases influence inflation, employment, and economic stability.
  • Renewable Energy Economics : Assess the costs, benefits, and challenges of transitioning to renewable energy.
  • Technological Innovation : Explore how R&D and digitalization impact productivity, job creation, and economic competitiveness.
  • Behavioral Economics and Decision-Making : Investigate how cognitive biases and heuristics influence consumer behavior and market outcomes.

Ready to Advance Yourself in the Economics Field?

Get the essay that will have even experts in awe!

🧮 Macroeconomics Essay Topics

Macroeconomics is a fascinating and complex field of study that aims to understand the overall performance of an economy. It takes into account various factors such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and trade policies. If you are looking for some thought-provoking macroeconomics essay topics, here are a few that you might find interesting:

  • The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic Growth
  • Monetary Policy and Inflation Control: Case Studies from Different Countries
  • The Role of Central Banks in Modern Economies
  • The Effects of Globalization on National Economies
  • Unemployment Rates and Economic Stability
  • The Influence of Political Stability on Economic Development
  • The Economics of Recession and Recovery
  • Debt Crisis: Causes and Solutions
  • The Relationship Between Exchange Rates and International Trade
  • The Future of Cryptocurrencies in the Global Economy

📉 Microeconomics Essay Topics

Microeconomics focuses on the behavior of individual consumers and businesses in the market. The principles of microeconomics are used to analyze how these entities make decisions, interact with each other, and influence the overall economy. If you're interested in exploring this field further, here are some microeconomics essay topics that you might find interesting:

  • The Theory of Consumer Choice and Its Applications
  • Market Structures: Comparing Perfect Competition, Monopolies, and Oligopolies
  • Price Elasticity of Demand: Importance and Calculation
  • The Role of Government in Market Failures
  • The Economics of Labor Markets and Wage Determination
  • The Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on Small Businesses
  • Behavioral Economics: How Human Psychology Affects Economic Decisions
  • Game Theory and Its Applications in Business
  • The Economics of Information and Market Efficiency
  • The Impact of Technology on Production and Costs

🎏 International Economics Essay Topics

International economics deals with the economic interactions between countries, including trade, investment, and migration. Here are some international economic relations topics:

  • The Pros and Cons of Free Trade Agreements
  • The Impact of Tariffs and Trade Wars on Global Economies
  • Exchange Rate Dynamics and International Trade
  • The Role of International Organizations in Global Trade
  • Economic Integration: Case Studies of the EU and NAFTA
  • The Economics of Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Foreign Direct Investment: Benefits and Risks
  • Global Supply Chains and Their Economic Implications
  • The Role of Multinational Corporations in Globalization
  • The Impact of Currency Crises on Emerging Markets

📉 Behavioral Economics Essay Topics

Behavioral economics combines psychology and economics to analyze how people make decisions. Here are some behavioral economics essay topics:

  • The Role of Cognitive Biases in Economic Decision-Making
  • How Social Preferences Influence Market Outcomes
  • Behavioral Insights into Consumer Credit Usage
  • The Impact of Behavioral Economics on Public Policy
  • Nudging and Its Effectiveness in Changing Economic Behavior
  • The Psychology of Saving and Investment Decisions
  • The Influence of Emotions on Economic Decisions
  • Behavioral Economics and Health-Related Decision-Making
  • The Economics of Happiness: Measuring Well-Being
  • The Role of Heuristics in Financial Decision-Making

🚑 Healthcare Economics Essay Topics

Healthcare economics analyzes how the healthcare system operates, including the costs and benefits of healthcare interventions. Here are some healthcare economics essay topics:

  • The Economics of Universal Healthcare Systems
  • The Impact of Health Insurance on Medical Costs
  • The Role of Government Regulation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis of Preventive Healthcare
  • The Economics of Aging Populations and Healthcare Demand
  • The Effectiveness of Public Health Interventions
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Healthcare Costs
  • Healthcare Disparities: Economic Causes and Solutions
  • The Economics of Mental Health Services
  • The Role of Economic Incentives in Health Behavior Change

🌎 Consumerism Essay Topics

Consumerism refers to the cultural and economic mindset that encourages the acquisition of goods and services. Here are some consumerism essay topics:

  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
  • Consumerism and Its Effects on the Environment
  • The Role of Credit in Modern Consumerism
  • The Psychology Behind Impulse Buying
  • The Economic Implications of the Sharing Economy
  • The Relationship Between Consumerism and Economic Growth
  • Ethical Consumerism: Trends and Economic Impact
  • The Influence of Social Media on Consumer Spending
  • The Role of Consumer Protection Laws in Market Economies
  • The Impact of Globalization on Consumer Choices

📚 Economic History Topics

Economic history is a field of study that examines the historical development of economic systems, policies, and institutions, as well as the social, political, and cultural factors that have influenced economic outcomes over time. Here are the 10 interesting topics:

  • The Great Depression: Causes, Consequences, and Recovery
  • The Economic Impact of World War II
  • The Industrial Revolution and Economic Development
  • The Evolution of Trade and Commerce in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Economic Effects of Colonialism
  • The Rise and Fall of the Gold Standard
  • The History of Banking and Financial Institutions
  • Economic Reforms in Post-Soviet States
  • The Role of Agriculture in Early Economic Systems
  • The Economic History of the Silk Road

📊 Public Finance Research Topics

Public finance research focuses on the study of the government's role in the allocation, distribution, and management of resources within an economy. It encompasses the analysis of public revenues, expenditures, taxation policies, and the impact of government interventions on economic outcomes and social welfare. Here are 10 relevant economics papers topics:

  • The Role of Government in Economic Stabilization
  • The Impact of Taxation on Economic Growth
  • Public Debt and Its Implications for Future Generations
  • The Economics of Social Security Systems
  • Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality
  • The Effectiveness of Government Spending on Education and Healthcare
  • The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure Development
  • The Economic Impact of Environmental Taxes
  • The Challenges of Pension Fund Management
  • The Role of Fiscal Rules in Economic Governance

Closing Remarks 

To wrap up, economics is a subject that offers insights into how the world works. It provides a framework for analyzing complex social issues, including poverty, inequality, and public policy. Therefore, exploring economics essays topics is an excellent way of understanding the subject's relevance in the real world.

By following the tips for choosing your ideal topic and exploring the comprehensive list of economics topics for an essay, you can write an insightful and inspiring paper that contributes to the ongoing dialogue on economics.

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Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

economics essay ideas

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

Updated Topics

essay topics

120+ Interesting Economics Essay Topics to Impress Your Instructor

Essay writing is hard. It is hard even for the most skillful academic writers and genius economists. There is no single recipe for a good economics essay: you have to learn it through constant practice. First of all, to write an essay, you need to find a good topic. What does this mean? The topic should be interesting, manageable, and relevant. Most of the beginner writers face the problem of coming up with the right topic for their papers wasting hours and even days on finding the right one. It is important to generate as many ideas as you can, then write them down in one place and only then decide which topic will suit your assignment the best.

Don’t simply hope that your adviser will give you a good idea, as only you know what topics will be interesting to you. To help you a bit, our economics essay writer has created a list of interesting economics essay topics. We have divided topics into such categories: macroeconomics, microeconomics, healthcare, interesting, easy, general, and world economics. Let’s check them out!

Economics essay topics to impress your instructor in December 2023

  • Modern financial landscape and cryptocurrencies.
  • The effects of globalization on emerging marketplaces.
  • An economic view on telecommuting and other forms of remote work: jobs of the future.
  • Rise in the standard of living and income disparity: A complex relationship.
  • Renewable energy’s economic effects: denefits and drawbacks.
  • Economic decision-making and the function of psychology (behavioral economics).
  • Economists view sustainable development in the context of climate change.
  • Effects of artificial intelligence and robots on the economy.
  • In times of economic recession, what role do Central Banks play?
  • How efficient is public health policy? Health care cost analysis.
  • Economic impact of sanctions on chosen nations.
  • Programs to alleviate poverty and put an end to homelessness.

Easy essay topics on economics

  • Analyze the economic situation in Hong Kong and China and give forecasts for the future .
  • Describe 10 principles of economics. Explain what questions economics addresses, as well as the principles of how the economy works. Touch such points as gross domestic product (GPD), the flow of money and goods, and the consumer price index (CPI).
  • Explain the differences between long-term and short-term economic growth. Define the features of long-term growth. What is the impact of long-term economic growth on business?
  • Explain the role of government in managing the economy and economic development. You can approach this topic from a historical perspective and describe the role of government in economic history. Make connections of issues from the past and connect them with present issues.
  • Explore the economic situation in one of the countries in Africa (your choice). Define the most urgent economic issues that should be solved in the near future. Find out the citizen engagement level in the economic system, the level of corruption, and its effects on the domestic environment.
  • Analyze the recessions in the US economy and define its causes. What fiscal and monetary policies were implemented to deal with the recession? How have they affected the society and economy? How do you understand these actions?
  • Describe economic phases and turns on the example of US economics. Analyze the existing literature on this topic and define the main economic phases in US economic history. Why is it important to understand this?
  • Find out pros and cons of the current money system in the US.
  • Describe the ideal capitalist and socialist economy. Define the indicators that will measure goods and services.
  • How can Marx’s theories be applied to today’s economy? How does it differ from current economical analysis?
  • Define the place of small and family businesses in the economics of your state. What is their role in modern business?
  • Create a research project on economic stock. Decide what company (choose three) and decide what stock is best to buy.
  • Analyze the economic events in the US or any other country related to poverty. Recommend actions that should be done to prevent future impacts.
  • Write a persuasive essay about why it is important to know and understand economics for every person.
  • Conduct research and find out the impact of energy economics on the chosen industry.
  • Define the economic impact of biofuel. What kinds are already used in the US? What is the future application in the US?
  • Analyze the economic policy tool (to your choice) and its effectiveness.
  • Show by example how to choose the best option for investing $10,000.
  • Explain why the history of US economics should be taught in high schools.
  • Explain why less women are majoring in economics than men.

Interesting economics essay topics

  • Find out how Switzerland became a rich country. When did it happen?
  • Find out the relationship between income and the happiness of an individual. Explore the existing information about the economics of happiness and define whether income influences the level of well-being of the person.
  • Define the relationship between economics and the housewife. What is the economic value of the housewife’s work? Analyze the existing information about this issue from sources.
  • Analyze the beer industry in a country (of your choice). Provide basic information about the peculiarities of beer manufacturing. Consider such points as consumption volumes, as well as levels of import and export. Define the level of concentration and the power market.
  • Analyze “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” from an economic point of view. Consider such points: scarcity, supply and demand, international trade, medium of exchange, etc. Support your points with examples from the movie.
  • Analyze the economics of pornography. Define how the internet has changed the pornography business. Analyze the market, distribution, and amount of revenue.
  • Find out how economics can be connected to sex. Define how demand and supply have changed over time.
  • Analyze how innovations influence economics and give several examples of such influence. Philosophy of economics. What are the most important questions in the philosophy of economics?
  • Explain the economics of slavery in the US. Find out the profitability of slavery and its contribution to the world economy.
  • Define whether economics is an experimental science or not.
  • Evaluate the impact of financial incentives for teachers on student achievements.
  • Find out the future of economics in regards to inventions like robotics and artificial intelligence.
  • Evaluate the effects of marijuana legalization on the economics of your state.
  • Evaluate the impact of Big Data on the banking sector from an economics perspective.
  • Explain the phenomenon of the housing bubble. Describe the causes and impact of a housing bubble on the economy. How should it be approached?
  • Explain how online shopping has influenced the economics of the chosen state or country.
  • Define how Marvel heroes were affected by economics and politics.
  • Analyze “Sea of Poppies” and “Robinson Crusoe” from an economic point of view.

Macroeconomic paper topics

  • Make a macroeconomic analysis of the Greek crisis . What are the main causes of this crisis?
  • Analyze a low-income economy (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, North Korea, Ukraine, etc.). Provide basic facts like location, population, industries, finance, climate, income, and brief political and economic history. What recommendations of actions can you give? State your own opinion and support it with evidence.
  • Select one industry and find out a macroeconomic policy or indicator that may impact it (e.g. GDP, inflation rates, interest rates, trade policy, taxation, and unemployment). Explain why this macroeconomic indicator or policy is important. How may it impact the chosen industry?
  • Analyze the Icelandic economic crisis of 2008 from a macroeconomic perspective. First, you will need to write about the historical fact about the country and analyze the possible causes of this crisis. Describe its impact on the world economy and actions that were taken for stabilization.
  • Compare and contrast the features of classical and Keynesian macroeconomics. Define its application in modern economics (e.g. how they can be used as theories successfully in today’s environment). Compare the main features of each system and anything else you think is important to compare.
  • Analyze the main policies of the Trump administration and its influence on international equity markets. Think about Trump’s economic policies in relation to globalization. How does it relate to economic development? Support your thoughts with evidence from reliable sources.
  • Analyze the state of the US economy from the last decade from a macroeconomic perspective. Consider such measures as GDP, unemployment, inflation rates, etc. Discuss the current situation in terms of households, businesses, and the entire society as a whole.
  • Define the macroeconomic effect of China’s economy. Describe the most recent developments in the economy, government regulations, and the availability of raw materials. Define the macroeconomic effect of this country. What role will this country play in the future?
  • Find out how NAFTA affects global economics. First, describe what NAFTA is and its initial purpose. Second, explain the functions of NAFTA and its effects on the US economy.
  • Analyze one market or macroeconomic event that has occurred this year.
  • Analyze the situation of the Tobin Tax for the Euro and Brexit.
  • Analyze the Great Recession in the US (2007) from a macroeconomic perspective.
  • Analyze homelessness in a particular state or country from a macroeconomic perspective.
  • Compare and contrast macroeconomics in two countries (e.g. Haiti and Spain). Provide brief background information, main partners, GPD, inflation, imports and exports, etc.
  • Conduct a macroeconomic analysis of Japan. Touch such points as economic growth, demography, current economic issues, inflation, etc.
  • Describe the meaning of the macroeconomic short-run and long-run equilibrium.
  • Think how knowledge of macroeconomics can assist you in a future career and life.
  • What do you think about the future of macroeconomics? Is the main goal of macroeconomics on managing the economy applying a sustainable development policy?
  • Choose a personal economic decision of an event and apply macroeconomic concepts to it.
  • Define the impact of macroeconomic variables on the stock market in Saudi Arabia.
  • Explain how Bitcoin may change macroeconomics in the future.

Microeconomic paper topics

  • Compare and contrast two organizations that face elastic demand and inelastic demand (according to your point of view). Choose companies in different industries. Think on what pricing strategy should be used and prove your point of view.
  • Analyze the water supply industry in Australia using a microeconomics approach. Describe the background information about Australia’s urban water sector and its objectivity. Consider such points as water supply services, pricing, and demand.
  • Define the economic potential of Africa. Provide brief information about Africa and current projects that are already in development. You can touch such spheres as agriculture, technology, sustainability, etc.
  • Describe what a cartel is and support it with examples from real industries. Find out why cartels are illegal in the US. Can a cartel manipulate the market? What are the economic consequences of categorization on consumers?
  • Explain whether the IT security industry is an oligopoly. First, you will need to define what an oligopoly is. Then you will need to conduct an analysis of the IT security industry in your country. Define the level of competition, pricing, and demand.
  • Analyze the elasticity of the coffee market in the US. You will need to consider such points as coffee demand, supply, and price elasticity. Analyze the existing data about coffee consumption in your region and find out how supply and demand influence price and quantity.
  • Find out how the price of bananas has changed due to Cyclone Debbie.
  • Explain the relation of forests to food security from a microeconomics approach.
  • Urban economics: Define the benefits and costs of land use planning in the example of your state.
  • Compare and contrast demand side economics and supply side. What side is better?
  • Define the profitability of recycling particular waste: plastic, glass, paper fibers, and metals.
  • Analyze the motel business in the US from a macroeconomic approach.
  • Find out the cost of delivering education in colleges and universities.
  • Explain the relation of long-run cost and perfect competition. Provide examples.
  • Explain several behavioral economics concepts (of your choice) and give examples.
  • Define the effect of oil prices on UAE economics.

Healthcare economics essay topics

  • Find out the effects of obesity on the global economy. Obesity has a high rate in many countries. Explore existing information on the topic and state your point of view.
  • Reimbursement for services in the healthcare delivery. Compare the fee-for-service approach and the case-based service approach. What reimbursement strategies usually apply in healthcare organizations? What strategies best apply to your organization?
  • Define the level of spending on healthcare in the US. What factors impact finances of healthcare organizations? What will be the effect of rising costs on payers, providers, and the general population?
  • Explore the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) from an economic perspective.
  • Make an overview of the Children’s Health Insurance Program and supporting legislative documents. What are the problematic issues related to CHIP? Define market forces that have an impact on the issue.
  • Explain your own point of view on healthcare economics based on previous scholarly readings. Analyze existing legislation acts and publications of experts.
  • Define how economics relates to healthcare. How are principles of economics applied in the healthcare system? How do economic growth and decline influence healthcare? Does investment in healthcare lead to economic growth?
  • Analyze an existing healthcare system from an economic point of view. Imagine that you have a possibility to create a new healthcare system or improve one. How will you organize financing, production, and reimbursement?
  • Explain the economics of blood supply in the US. Explain how demand and supply influence the business cycle. What will happen in the long run?

World economics essay topics

  • Analyze the reasons why the Philippines moved from a progressive country to a third-world country.
  • Explain how Brexit affects the EU economy. Define the economic impact of Brexit. Consider such points as trade, agriculture, fishing, and migration. Make an outlook on the future possible consequences.
  • Find out the causes of a financial crisis in a developed country (such as in Sweden, Spain, Finland, etc.) and define the effect of economics. First, you will need to make a brief economic overview of the chosen country. Then, analyze what has caused the crisis and how the country has overcome it.
  • Define the role of small and medium enterprise (SME) in the economics of the Middle East. What does SME mean? What contribution does it have to the economy? What challenges does it face? Think of what perspectives small and medium enterprises have in the Middle East.
  • Find out why low unemployment doesn’t lead to higher wages in the example of the UK (or another country). Define the meaning of wage inflation and effects of a minimum wage. What are the solutions to unemployment?
  • Discuss the influence of behavioral economics on globalization. What is behavioral economics? What global economic problems can be solved with the help of behavioral economics?
  • Describe the relationship of economics and education in Saudi Arabia (or any other region). Analyze the European economies in the 15th century with an example of a particular country.
  • Define the benefits of cheap foreign labor costs in the context of globalization.
  • Analyze the influence of economic effects of globalization in a particular country.
  • Explain the phenomenon of the “gig economy” and its influence on the global economy.
  • Define the role of population growth on global economic growth.
  • Think about how environmental economics can solve the problem of climate change.
  • Define the importance of renewable energy for international economics.
  • Analyze an economic issue in Mozambique (e.g. poverty) and suggest effective measures for its solution.
  • Find out the recent developments of emerging economic powers of the world. What future projections can you state?
  • Analyze the economic system of Portugal. What economic issues are the most urgent? How can these issues be solved?
  • Define the role of financial planning in business economics. How did companies survive the economic crisis in 2008?

General economics essay topics

  • Discuss bank marketing in India. Make a brief historical overview of the banking sector and the effects of marketing in banking .
  • Make an overview of the US international economics in the 1980s. What is the nature of the US balance of payments? Explain why the balance of payments is an accounting measure. How does a deficit of traded goods influence the balance of payments?
  • Analyze the cassava production in a particular area in Nigeria. First, you will need to describe what cassava is and its importance. Analyze the existing data of cassava production. What factors are influencing productivity of cassava?
  • Describe the mechanism of monetary and fiscal policy with a particular example. For example, you can discuss government fiscal policy and issues related to budget deficit, taxation, and government spending.
  • Explain the role of home economics in providing financial education to people. How will this benefit the world economy? When did this movement start?
  • Explain what approaches to international economics (liberal, static, radical) is the most appealing for a developing country (of your choice).
  • Describe how economics affects individual and organizational behavior. How does altering the incentives alter the behavior?
  • Find out how school quality affects the price of housing in a metropolitan area.
  • Explain the difference between economics and finance.
  • Define the reasons why the value of the environment is less than the value of economics in many countries.
  • Find out how economics has been influenced by other disciplines.
  • Explain the meaning of alternative economic approaches and where they can be applied.
  • Compare real-world economic issues with Neoclassical economics.
  • Explain the paradox of value: the economics of diamonds and water.
  • Discuss whether Soviet socialism was an alternative model of capitalism.
  • Define the effects of African American economics in the US.
  • Compare the economies of Nigeria and South Africa. Which economy is the biggest and why?
  • Explain how Adam Smith has contributed and influenced modern society.
  • Describe the economic development of Algeria. What factors explain poor economic growth performance?

economics thesis statement examples

We sincerely hope that our list of economics essay topics will help you to find a topic for your paper, or at least give you a couple of workable ideas. We have collected the most interesting and feasible topics available. On our economics essay writing service you can find several samples of completed economics essays and a complete guide about the principles of academic writing.

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Economics Essay Examples

Barbara P

Ace Your Essay With Our Economics Essay Examples

Published on: Jun 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

economics essay examples

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Are you struggling to understand economics essays and how to write your own?

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We’ve got the solution you've been looking for. Explore quality examples that bridge the gap between theory and real-world applications. In addition, get insightful tips for writing economics essays.

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What is an Economics Essay?

An economics essay is a written piece that explores economic theories, concepts, and their real-world applications. It involves analyzing economic issues, presenting arguments, and providing evidence to support ideas. 

The goal of an economics essay is to demonstrate an understanding of economic principles and the ability to critically evaluate economic topics.

Why Write an Economics Essay?

Writing an economics essay serves multiple purposes:

  • Demonstrate Understanding: Showcasing your comprehension of economic concepts and their practical applications.
  • Develop Critical Thinking: Cultivating analytical skills to evaluate economic issues from different perspectives.
  • Apply Theory to Real-World Contexts: Bridging the gap between economic theory and real-life scenarios.
  • Enhance Research and Analysis Skills: Improving abilities to gather and interpret economic data.
  • Prepare for Academic and Professional Pursuits: Building a foundation for success in future economics-related endeavors.

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If you’re wondering, ‘how do I write an economics essay?’, consulting an example essay might be a good option for you. Here are some economics essay examples:

Short Essay About Economics

Fiscal policy plays a crucial role in shaping economic conditions and promoting growth. During periods of economic downturn or recession, governments often resort to fiscal policy measures to stimulate the economy. This essay examines the significance of fiscal policy in economic stimulus, focusing on two key tools: government spending and taxation.

Government spending is a powerful instrument used to boost economic activity. When the economy experiences a slowdown, increased government expenditure can create a multiplier effect, stimulating demand and investment. By investing in infrastructure projects, education, healthcare, and other sectors, governments can create jobs, generate income, and spur private sector activity. This increased spending circulates money throughout the economy, leading to higher consumption and increased business investments. However, it is important for governments to strike a balance between short-term stimulus and long-term fiscal sustainability.

Taxation is another critical aspect of fiscal policy. During economic downturns, governments may employ tax cuts or incentives to encourage consumer spending and business investments. By reducing tax burdens on individuals and corporations, governments aim to increase disposable income and boost consumption. Lower taxes can also incentivize businesses to expand and invest in new ventures, leading to job creation and economic growth. However, it is essential for policymakers to consider the trade-off between short-term stimulus and long-term fiscal stability, ensuring that tax cuts are sustainable and do not result in excessive budget deficits.

In conclusion, fiscal policy serves as a valuable tool in stimulating economic growth and mitigating downturns. Through government spending and taxation measures, policymakers can influence aggregate demand, promote investment, and create a favorable economic environment. However, it is crucial for governments to implement these policies judiciously, considering the long-term implications and maintaining fiscal discipline. By effectively managing fiscal policy, governments can foster sustainable economic growth and improve overall welfare.

A Level Economics Essay Examples

Here is an essay on economics a level structure:

Globalization, characterized by the increasing interconnectedness of economies and societies worldwide, has brought about numerous benefits and challenges. One of the significant issues associated with globalization is its impact on income inequality. This essay explores the implications of globalization on income inequality, discussing both the positive and negative effects, and examining potential policy responses to address this issue.

Globalization has led to a rise in the demand for skilled workers in many sectors. As countries integrate into the global economy, they become more specialized and engage in activities that utilize their comparative advantages. This shift toward skill-intensive industries increases the demand for skilled labor, resulting in a skill premium where high-skilled workers earn higher wages compared to low-skilled workers. Consequently, income inequality may widen as those with the necessary skills benefit from globalization while those without face limited employment opportunities and stagnant wages.

Globalization has also led to labor market displacement and job polarization. Developing countries, attracted by lower labor costs, have become manufacturing hubs, leading to job losses in industries that cannot compete internationally. This displacement primarily affects low-skilled workers in developed economies. Moreover, advancements in technology and automation have further contributed to job polarization, where middle-skilled jobs are declining while high-skilled and low-skilled jobs expand. This trend exacerbates income inequality as middle-income earners face challenges in finding stable employment opportunities.

To address the implications of globalization on income inequality, policymakers can implement several strategies. Firstly, investing in education and skills development is crucial. By equipping individuals with the necessary skills for the evolving labor market, governments can reduce the skill gap and provide opportunities for upward mobility. Additionally, redistributive policies, such as progressive taxation and social welfare programs, can help mitigate income inequality by ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources. Furthermore, fostering inclusive growth and promoting entrepreneurship can create job opportunities and reduce dependency on traditional sectors vulnerable to globalization.

Globalization has had a profound impact on income inequality, posing challenges for policymakers. While it has facilitated economic growth and raised living standards in many countries, it has also exacerbated income disparities. By implementing effective policies that focus on education, skill development, redistribution, and inclusive growth, governments can strive to reduce income inequality and ensure that the benefits of globalization are more widely shared. It is essential to strike a balance between the opportunities offered by globalization and the need for social equity and inclusive development in an interconnected world.

Band 6 Economics Essay Examples

Government intervention in markets is a topic of ongoing debate in economics. While free markets are often considered efficient in allocating resources, there are instances where government intervention becomes necessary to address market failures and promote overall welfare. This essay examines the impact of government intervention on market efficiency, discussing the advantages and disadvantages of such interventions and assessing their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.

Government intervention can correct market failures that arise due to externalities, public goods, and imperfect competition. Externalities, such as pollution, can lead to inefficiencies as costs or benefits are not fully accounted for by market participants. By imposing regulations or taxes, the government can internalize these external costs and incentivize firms to adopt more socially responsible practices. Additionally, the provision of public goods, which are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, often requires government intervention as private markets may under provide them. By supplying public goods like infrastructure or national defense, the government ensures efficient allocation and benefits for society.

Information asymmetry, where one party has more information than another, can hinder market efficiency. This is particularly evident in markets with complex products or services, such as healthcare or financial services. Government intervention through regulations and oversight can enhance transparency, consumer protection, and market efficiency. For example, regulations that require companies to disclose accurate and standardized information empower consumers to make informed choices. Similarly, regulatory bodies in financial markets can enforce rules to mitigate risks and ensure fair and transparent transactions, promoting market efficiency.

While government intervention can address market failures, it can also create unintended consequences and distortions. Excessive regulations, price controls, or subsidies can result in inefficiencies and unintended outcomes. For instance, price ceilings may lead to shortages, while price floors can create surpluses. Moreover, government interventions can stifle innovation and competition by reducing incentives for private firms to invest and grow. Policymakers need to carefully design interventions to strike a balance between correcting market failures and avoiding excessive interference that hampers market efficiency.

Government intervention plays a crucial role in addressing market failures and promoting market efficiency. By correcting externalities, providing public goods and services, and reducing information asymmetry, governments can enhance overall welfare and ensure efficient resource allocation. However, policymakers must exercise caution to avoid unintended consequences and market distortions. Striking a balance between market forces and government intervention is crucial to harness the benefits of both, fostering a dynamic and efficient economy that serves the interests of society as a whole.

Here are some downloadable economics essays:

Economics essay pdf

Economics essay introduction

Economics Extended Essay Examples

In an economics extended essay, students have the opportunity to delve into a specific economic topic of interest. They are required to conduct an in-depth analysis of this topic and compile a lengthy essay. 

Here are some potential economics extended essay question examples:

  • How does foreign direct investment impact economic growth in developing countries?
  • What are the factors influencing consumer behavior and their effects on market demand for sustainable products?
  • To what extent does government intervention in the form of minimum wage policies affect employment levels and income inequality?
  • What are the economic consequences of implementing a carbon tax to combat climate change?
  • How does globalization influence income distribution and the wage gap in developed economies?

IB Economics Extended Essay Examples 

IB Economics Extended Essay Examples

Economics Extended Essay Topic Examples

Extended Essay Research Question Examples Economics

Tips for Writing an Economics Essay

Writing an economics essay requires specific expertise and skills. So, it's important to have some tips up your sleeve to make sure your essay is of high quality:

  • Start with a Clear Thesis Statement: It defines your essay's focus and argument. This statement should be concise, to the point, and present the crux of your essay.
  • Conduct Research and Gather Data: Collect facts and figures from reliable sources such as academic journals, government reports, and reputable news outlets. Use this data to support your arguments and analysis and compile a literature review.
  • Use Economic Theories and Models: These help you to support your arguments and provide a framework for your analysis. Make sure to clearly explain these theories and models so that the reader can follow your reasoning.
  • Analyze the Micro and Macro Aspects: Consider all angles of the topic. This means examining how the issue affects individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole.
  • Use Real-World Examples: Practical examples and case studies help to illustrate your points. This can make your arguments more relatable and understandable.
  • Consider the Policy Implications: Take into account the impacts of your analysis. What are the potential solutions to the problem you're examining? How might different policies affect the outcomes you're discussing?
  • Use Graphs and Charts: These help to illustrate your data and analysis. These visual aids can help make your arguments more compelling and easier to understand.
  • Proofread and Edit: Make sure to proofread your essay carefully for grammar and spelling errors. In economics, precision and accuracy are essential, so errors can undermine the credibility of your analysis.

These tips can help make your essay writing journey a breeze. Tailor them to your topic to make sure you end with a well-researched and accurate economics essay.

To wrap it up , writing an economics essay requires a combination of solid research, analytical thinking, and effective communication. 

You can craft a compelling piece of work by taking our examples as a guide and following the tips.

However, if you are still questioning "how do I write an economics essay?", it's time to get professional help from the best essay writing service -

Our economics essay writing service is always ready to help students like you. Our experienced economics essay writers are dedicated to delivering high-quality, custom-written essays that are 100% plagiarism free.

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Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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economics essay ideas

Economics - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. An essay could explore economic theories, discuss contemporary economic challenges like inflation or unemployment, or analyze the impact of economic policies on societal wellbeing and global interactions. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Economics you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Apple in Microeconomics

As inter-specific competition increases between companies, especially in the same product line, there is need to come up with better and innovative ways to market their brand. These product enhancement techniques need to meet the current consumer demands and tastes and preferences. However, there are other factors like quality, quantity, and price that also affect how consumers view an individual product and its purchasing power. Proper market intelligence is very crucial to an enterprise especially in the early development stages […]

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Tata Motors Limited located in India and in different countries all over the world. where economic growth has started for decades. Still, there are some challenges that can affect the growth rate in all respect. Like GDP; growth; business cycle; inflation; unemployment; political stability; trade balance. Real GDP or Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant (2011-12) prices in the year 2016-17 is likely to attain a level of 121.65 lakh crore INR, with a growth rate of 7.1 percent over […]

Unemployment as a Social Issue

Introduction. Unemployment is real issue in the modern society and has devastating impact on people's lives. The effects are not limited to the unemployed individual but also family members and the wider community. As unemployment is time bound, with the duration of unemployment have far reaching effects even affecting the living standards in retirement 2. The loss of an income by a parent can potentially damage the prospects of the next generation. In additional to the personal impact, unemployment is […]

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Unemployment Within the Economics

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Fact Vs. Opinion: the Positive-Normative Divide in Economics

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What are Private Property Rights?

Property and prosperity rights are inseparably linked. The significance of having strongly protected and clearly defined property rights is currently widely recognized among policymakers and economists. A private property right provides people the exclusive right to utilize their resources as they see appropriate (Calandrillo, et al., 2015). That power over what belongs to them leads property users to be responsible of all the costs and benefits of employing those assets in a certain way. The process of weighing between benefits […]

Deciphering the Circular Flow Model in Economics

In the discipline of economics, the Circular Flow Model is a cornerstone that offers a basic comprehension of the inner workings of the economy. This model illustrates the movement of commodities, services, and monetary transactions while simplifying the many relationships inside an economy into a system that is simple to comprehend. The goal of the article is to explore the complexities of this model by looking at its composition, the functions of its main actors, and its wider applications in […]

Youth Unemployment

Exploring factors hindering the implementation of youth development package in addressing youth unemployment:) CHAPTER ONE 1. Introduction 1.1. Background of the study The reason for investing in young people is clear. Today, 1.2 billion adolescents stand at the challenging crossroads between childhood and the adult world (UNICEF, 2011). Youths represent 25 per cent of the working age population and account for 47 per cent (88 million) of the world’s unemployed people. An estimated 515 million young people, nearly 45 per […]

Unemployment Analysis

The U.S. Government considers a person unemployed if they are at least 16 years of age, willing and able to work, and who are actively seeking employment, but have not found a job. To be considered unemployed, someone does not have to lose a job. The unemployment rate also includes people who are returning to work, for instance, a stay at home parent returning to work. A person entering the job market for the first time, like a recently graduated […]

What are Taxes?

What are taxes, and why do people have to pay? Taxes are financial charges from our government in order to pay for our public needs, and in 2016 the government collected 3.9 trillion dollars in taxes to spend. There are many different types of taxes like income tax, federal income tax, sales tax, property tax, estate tax, and more. Twenty percent of households pay around seventy percent, and the top one percent has to pay a quarter of taxes. The […]

View of Students about Unemployment

This study considers the effectiveness of public and private sector SME-development programs and the current development of SMEs in AJK. The study presents several major findings and includes a brief review of international literature. To examine the status of small and medium-sized enterprises and their developmental strategies, a questionnaire survey was conducted among owners and top managers. A Chi-square test was used to analyze the information. The results reveal that SMEs face numerous challenges, including burdensome business rules and regulations, […]

How does the Unemployment Rate Effect the Economy?

The rate of unemployment is more than a percentage of unemployed people, it is used as key a macroeconomic indicator when determining the health of an economy. The unemployment rate is found by taking the labor force and dividing it by the number of people who are currently searching for a job, also know as the number of unemployed people. The unemployment rate is composed from three types of unemployment: frictional, cyclical, and structural. This could create a potentially serious […]

Rule of Law and Political Stability in Nigeria’s Governance and Economic Policy

Institutional qualities are the major determinant of good governance within every aspiring country. Factors such as voice and accountability, regulatory control, control of corruption, government effectiveness, rule of law, and political stability come into play. This study will focus on the rule of law and political stability as proxies for good governance. Good governance of a nation pertains to the management of the public sectors of the economy in terms of accountability, efficiency, and effectiveness, along with the free flow […]

Unemployment in the Country

An adage says "an idle hand is a devil's workshop". The enormous growth of unemployment in our society today calls for alarm, and it is expedient for all nations to figure out what leads to this great dilemma. Unemployment has messed up our society because of three major factors, such as increase in population, lack of encouragement for self-employment, and change in technology. One of the major causes of unemployment is increase in population. Increase in population is an event […]

Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Pakistan

In time series data, which indicates that increasing income inequality is likely to spur higher levels of GDP, certain examples become apparent. For instance, Shahbaz (2010) employed a time series data on Pakistan for the period 1971-2005, using the ARDL bound test approach, to determine the relationship between income inequality and economic growth in Pakistan. The results show that income inequality is positively and significantly related in both long-run and short-run with economic growth in Pakistan. Gelan and Price (2003) […]

Main Issues of American Taxes

Taxes are something every American has to do in their life. It's a responsibility that every American file their taxes. A lot may not agree with the idea of taxes up, so they don't pay them. Should I pay them? Is a popular tax question and, should taxes be the same for everyone? My goal in this paper is to see both sides of the two questions and figure the reason behind them and get a further understanding of taxes. […]

Examining GDP and Unemployment

Research over the years has shown that unemployment rates and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) figures go hand in hand. This paper aims to define and discuss GDP, and its relation to economic growth. Additionally, the paper will discuss how the use of fiscal or monetary policies can effectively battle recession and aid in the growth of the economy, and how losing a battle to a recession can severely impact unemployment and the unemployment rate, along with other factors leading to […]

Unemployment in the U.S

As indicated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the rate of unemployment in the United States has increased at an alarming rate. Approximately six million people in the United States are unemployed, according to This has negatively affected the nation's economy. The statistics reveal the unemployment rates for various groups of people in the country. The rate of unemployment among men was at 7.0 percent, and approximately 6.4 percent among women. The increase in the rate of employment among […]

The Problems on Income Inequality

In this part, we continue to briefly summarize our empirical analyses based on the ARDL model techniques adopted. The findings of this study are summarized below. Firstly, the objectives of the study were analyzed using cointegration analysis tests and the ARDL bound test on the national level data, covering the period of 2004-2016. The first step taken in the cointegration test involved carrying out a unit root test for each variable and determining their order of integration. The results indicated […]

GDP and Unemployment

The gross domestic product (GDP) is the measure of goods and services produced in a country during a year (Boone 2016). When GDP is increasing, the economy is in expansion mode. When GDP is decreasing, the economy is in a recession. Economic growth occurs when the GDP increases over time. When economists use the term "economic growth," they are normally referring to sustained increases that occur over a substantial time period, rather than the quarterly changes often discussed in the […]

Unemployment in Society

When workers become involuntarily unemployed, there are several costs associated which they will unquestionably have to bear. These could come from the fact that there are certain firm-specific skills that an individual has, thus leading to scarce opportunities for individuals searching for jobs matching their specific skills (Lazear, 2003). Moreover, the costs could be associated with the model proposed by Harris and Holmstrom (1982), in which they stated that the workers have to be assumed to be risk averse and […]

An Issue of Tobacco Taxes

Tobacco tax increases could drive youth smoking into near-nonexistence if done correctly. Sin taxes are a series of taxes aimed at products deemed not beneficial or otherwise destructive ("Sin Taxes" par. 1). Taxes aimed at tobacco products, sometimes referred to as tobacco taxes, create numerous benefits for the country. Money generated by tobacco taxes is produced at the local, state, and federal levels (par. 2). Tobacco taxes create incentives to quit usage because of health benefits deriving from it (Campaign […]

Long-term Unemployment

Long-term unemployment is when workers are jobless for the time set by the federal government which may enable some to receive unemployment benefits. In order to receive unemployment benefits by the Bureau of Statistics, they must actively seek employment for at least 4 weeks prior to receiving unemployment benefits. Many unemployed people become disheartened about the possibility of receiving unemployment benefits that they just lose hope. Everyone may not be recognized in this area to show the true numbers of […]

Unemployment in Zimbabwe

Unemployment rate is equivalent to the economically active group of people that is unemployed and more so looking for jobs. During the precolonial era, Zimbabwe had one of the strongest economies in Africa and at one point dubbed the "Bread basket of Africa". The British colonized Zimbabwe and therefore in the process; managed to bring investors into the country that was rich in minerals such as gold, platinum and silver. Health sectors, education and agriculture were by far the best […]

Workforce Performance

Background The work will cover the company MyEmploysure. Its main aim is to help Australian businesses establish the workplace structures that will be compliant to the needs of the employees. Furthermore, it helps other businesses grow in what they do by managing their human resources. The service provided involves getting to know all of the legislation that has become available in the country and provide the best service in terms of differing needs of the employees. The main aim of […]

Discussion of Government and Unemployment Insurance

Discussion 1 a). Medicare is a program by the federal government in US, which offers health cover to its citizens. The package is extended to cover old people who have 65 years and above as well as young individuals who have disabilities. The health cover plays a major role in providing financial plus health security paying many medical health services to persons it covers (Edwards, 2014). Major characteristics of this program include; many people using the program have medical problems […]

Production Planning Processes

Founded in 1944, Burgmaster took a stable market position in the machine tool industry. Its stability was propagated by its turret-head drill, which was based by Fredrick Burg. Its capacity and ability to reduce production costs made the Burgmaster drill a favorite tool in the then budding aerospace industry. With the early market, dominance came bigger plans. The Burg family publicized the company in 1961 by issuing stock on over-the-counter market (Misa & Thomas 174). Five years down the line, […]

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How to Write Essay About Economics

Economics and finance are closely related fields of study within the STEM subjects in college, often presenting a significant challenge to many students due to their complex theories and intricate mathematical models. The similarity in their foundational concepts can sometimes lead to confusion and difficulty in grasping the distinct nuances of each discipline. However, students facing these struggles have a reliable ally in Papersowl, an academic support platform that specializes in providing expert finance assignment assistance , economics homework help and other STEM subjects.

Crafting an essay on economics requires a clear understanding of economic theories, principles, and their real-world applications. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you write a well-structured and insightful economics essay:

Understanding the Essay Topic

Begin by thoroughly understanding the specific aspect of economics you're discussing. Economics covers a wide range of topics, from microeconomic concepts like supply and demand to macroeconomic issues like inflation or international trade. Determine the nature of the essay – is it analytical, argumentative, or descriptive? This will shape your approach and style of writing.

Conducting Comprehensive Research

Research is key to a successful economics essay. Utilize credible sources, including academic journals, economic textbooks, and reputable online resources. Focus on gathering data, statistics, case studies, and expert opinions that are relevant to your topic. Understanding both historical contexts and current economic trends can provide a comprehensive perspective on the subject.

Developing a Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly articulate the main argument or perspective of your essay. In economics, this might be a stance on a particular economic policy, an analysis of an economic trend, or an argument about a specific economic theory. Ensure your thesis is concise, direct, and lays the groundwork for your argument.

Planning the Essay Structure

Organize your essay in a clear, logical manner. Start with an introduction that sets the context and outlines your thesis statement. In the body, divide your main points into paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of your argument. Use examples, data, and economic theories to support your points. Conclude by summarizing your main arguments and restating your thesis in light of the evidence you've presented.

Writing the Essay

Use clear and precise language in your writing. Economic concepts can be complex, so it's important to explain them clearly and avoid unnecessary jargon. Present your arguments logically, supporting them with data and examples. Be analytical and critical, especially when discussing economic models and theories.

Incorporating Data and Analysis

Economics essays often rely on data and statistical analysis. Ensure that any data used is relevant, up to date, and accurately interpreted. Graphs and charts can be effective in illustrating economic trends and relationships. Analyze the data to demonstrate how it supports your argument or provides insights into the economic issue you're discussing.

Citing Your Sources

Proper citation is essential in academic writing. Use an appropriate citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) and consistently cite all your sources, including data, theories, and quotations.

Editing and Proofreading

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Check for accuracy in your economic arguments and ensure that your analysis is thorough. Proofread for grammar, spelling, and formatting issues. It can be beneficial to have someone else read your essay for feedback, especially if they have knowledge in economics.

Writing an essay on economics involves balancing in-depth understanding of economic theories and real-world examples, critical analysis, and effective communication. By carefully researching your topic, structuring your essay logically, and presenting your arguments with clarity and precision, you can create a compelling and informative economics essay that demonstrates your grasp of this dynamic field.

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Last updated 17 Dec 2019

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Essay Plan: Limits on Monopoly Power

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Market for Electric Vehicles (Revision Essay Plan)

Mergers and consumer welfare (revision essay plan), air pollution and policies to control (revision essay plan), policies to improve competitiveness (revision essay plan), economic effects of higher interest rates (revision essay plan), current account deficit & policies (revision essay plan), unemployment and policy trade-offs (revision essay plan), case for cutting the national debt (revision essay plan), micro-finance (2019 revision update), essay on advertising and economic welfare, essay on oligopoly and collusion, policies to control inflation.

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Why is high inflation a problem?

Revision essay: exchange rate depreciation and macroeconomic objectives, to what extent should full-employment be the main macro policy objective, housing supply (revision essay plan), minimum alcohol pricing (revision essay plan), oligopoly and collusion (revision essay plan), building confidence in writing synoptic 25 mark essays (edexcel), behavioural and neo-classical economics (revision essay plan), barriers to entry and economic profit (revision essay plan), micro and macro impact of a plastic tax (revision essay plan), edge revision webinar: market failure and government intervention, farm subsidies (revision essay plan), competitiveness of the uk motor industry (revision essay plan), labour migration (revision essay plan), financial market failure (revision essay plan), tariff on chinese steel (revision essay plan), policies to improve food affordability (revision essay plan), reducing a trade deficit (revision essay plan), museums and government subsidy (revision essay plan), fiscal policy and inequality (revision essay plan), globalisation and inequality (revision essay plan), economic inactivity (revision essay plan), competition and consumer welfare (essay technique video), essay plan: is the euro the main cause of the crisis in greece and italy, china: successes and failures essay plan, our subjects.

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How to Write a Good Economics Essay

Governor November 28, 2019 Real World Applications 3 Comments

Many students ask “How to write an economics essay?” This Guide to Writing a Good Economics Essay is applicable to both IB economics as well as the Singapore JC A-Level H2 economics examinations. Many of the pointers here are also applicable to large-mark case study questions.

6 Steps to Writing a Good Economics Essay

Step 1: dissect the question.

Make sure you analyse and fully understand the KEYWORDS and REQUIREMENTS of the question. This is a very important skill that is taught in our economics tuition classes .

For example, “Best”, “Most Effective” are closely related but mean different things.

Paraphrase the question to make it simpler if necessary.

Take note of the command word (eg: Explain, Discuss) as it determines the approach needed for the essay, for example, whether two sides are needed or one side is sufficient. Below are some common examples found in economics essay questions:

Command Words                                      Action Required

Account for                                                 Explain why

Analyse                                                        Break it down into step-by-step explanations

Assess                                                          For & Against. Consider other factors.

Compare                                                      Identify Similarities & Differences

Distinguish                                                   Point out differences

Discuss                                                        Explore both sides

Evaluate                                                       The Good and The Bad.

Explain                                                          Show why and how

Explain whether                                            Cover both possibilities

Examine                                                        Look closely. How so and how not so?

To What Extent                                              Yes…..But….Judgment

Remember to look out for the context in the question. This is usually given in the form of a country (eg: Singapore). The examples in your essay must be tailored to this particular context (for example, do not suggest interest rate policy for Singapore as that is considered infeasible in the Singapore context). If no context is given, any real-world example can be used.

Keep in mind the question throughout the essay and remember to always answer the question. Don’t go off-point!

Common Examiner’s Comment :  Not Answering Question (NAQ))

Step 2: Plan Your Answer

Take some time to consider what economic framework you will use to approach the question. Scribble down your main thesis and anti-thesis points. Ensure they ANSWER THE QUESTION.

Step 3: Essay Introduction

In the introduction, include definitions of keywords in the question and spell out the economic framework you will employ for your answer as well as key definitions.

Step 4: Body of Essay

In the body , there will be several paragraphs. 

The number of points/paragraphs depends on the question. It is common to require 2 main points for each 10 mark essay and similarly for 15 mark essay questions. Under each main point, there may be 1-2 sub-points.

Use one paragraph for each sub-point you are making.

However, do not be too focussed on the number of points or paragraphs. The key is to answer the question.

For each body paragraph , use TET’s PEEL(ED) structure. Include only one main idea per paragraph.

  • Point – Write your point in the first sentence so that markers will know what the paragraph will be about. The topic sentence must directly answer the question!
  • Explanation – Explain what you mean
  • Elaboration – Provide further analysis with clear step-by-step economic reasoning. This part may be done with examples as well as diagrams.
  • Link – Link your explanations back to the Point and to answer the question.
  • Exemplification – Give an example to support your reasoning. It can be statistics or real-world examples (for Case Studies, evidences from the Case must be uncovered!)
  • Diagram – Where possible, araw an appropriate diagram with correct labelling and refer to it in your answer. This is crucial to show economic reasoning. Diagrams are very important for economics essays!

These are of course much easier said than done! Thus, students in our economics tuition classes are regularly honed to achieve such output including with tips and tricks to spark off the correct thinking process.

Our resources including the Study Guides for A Level and IB economics also provide a very powerful and handy reference on the depth of analysis required to score the highest marks.

Common Examiner’s Comment :  Mere statements and claims. No economic rigour.

Step 5: In-Body Evaluation

This applies especially to the 15 mark essays for A-Level Economics. A total of 5 marks is catered for Evaluation. Students should attempt to achieve about 2-3 in-body evaluation marks by pointing out how the thesis and anti-thesis points may not be true due to certain assumptions made that may not hold. Students may write “However,….may not necessarily happen……It would depend on whether….”. This statement can be written after the associated sub-point has been made.


This only applies to the 15 mark essay questions.

Earn more evaluation marks by making a reasoned judgement. Deliver your verdict like a Judge! 

Check back on the question before you embark on this. Ensure your judgement answers the question.

So the question now is, how does a judge arrive at and deliver a verdict? Certainly, you should not be summarising or merely paraphrasing your main points in the conclusion. Obviously, you cannot expect more marks by saying the same thing over and over again!

After a verdict and reasons have been provided, consider providing further relevant insights and/or recommendations.

Common Examiner’s Comment :  Repetitive. Mere Summary.

Here are some quite common types of Concluding Sections 

  • Consider the relative importance of thesis and anti-thesis factors. Which factors are most important or pertinent in the given context? For example, certain policies better fit specifc types of economies.
  • Consider short-term vs long-term pros and cons. Do the short-term benefits outweigh the long-term costs? Is the policy more effective in the long-term, and if so, how pressing is the problem that needs to be addressed?
  • Suggest a multi-policy approach, in which each policy has strengths and weaknesses that allow them to complement each other.

There is no way to really memorise evaluation points as every question and context is different. After all, you are being tested on higher-order thinking!

There are other evaluation tips that our students will receive but the key point here is that the training of the mind to think and apply economics is essential. That is where our weekly economics lessons come into play and that is why our students are often asked questions in class and trained to think on their feet. As ex-student Xue Min from YIJC testified, Chief Tutor Mr. Kelvin Hong does not just spoon-feeds our students but mentors them in their thinking to arrive at the answers. This was different from other tutors that her classmates experienced and eventually this was the key to Xue Min’s A grade.

In your essay, write in simple and clear sentences. Everything you write should be value-adding. You do not have to spend time showing off vocabulary as no extra points are awarded for language. Focus on economic reasoning. Use succinct and effective examples which support the point you are trying to make as well as accurate diagrammatic analyses.

For samples of great economics essays, please check out our free Economics Model Essays and sample Past JC A-Level Economics Questions and Answers .

For our econs publications that are sold worldwide, please check out our A Level & IB Economics Study Guides and Model Essays Publications

About The Economics Tutor

Founded by Kelvin Hong in 1998, The Economics Tutor is one of the leading economics tuition in Singapore . We provide a comprehensive program to guide students in understanding complex economic concepts and applying them through case study analyses, essay writing and discussion of real world events.

For 24 years, the way we teach JC Economics Tuition (A Level Economics Tuition) and IB Economics Tuition classes helped learners appreciate economics and everything it entails on a much larger scale. We take things step-by-step, implement effective techniques in memorising frameworks and give every student the chance to nurture their ideas. 

We don’t just solely focus on helping you get stellar grades and perfect scores. We make sure that we also hone the critical thinking skills and investment / business decisions you can use outside the four walls of your classroom.

Looking for a fun, engaging and probably the best economics tutor in Singapore? Look no further—check out our extensive and high quality economics resources on the website such as our IB and A Level Economics Publications

Book your lesson today and master the nuances of economics in our next class!

its good knowledgeable post regarding ib economics commentaries. i just wanted to admin can i use your blog as reference to my students .

Go ahead. We are all for helping students learn economics well.

Thank you, A lot of info!

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Economics Extended Essay Topic Ideas for IB Students


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The International Baccalaureate Extended Essay in Economics can cover a wide range of topics. However, the choice of topic must enable the student to apply a range of economic theories and concepts to address a research question. 

This will be a long read, but everyone will likely find a good idea of the topic and research question for their Economics extended essay.

Extended essay in Economics topic categories

The IB Economics EE is expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the subject and the application of economic theory to real-world situations .

Btw…if you need assistance, you can always count on our extended essay writing service at Writing Metier. We will help you with your Economics extended essay.

economics extended essay topics

Here are 12 potential categories for IB Economics Extended Essay topics:

  • Market Structures (e.g., Monopolies, Oligopolies)
  • Market Failure (e.g., Externalities, Public Goods)
  • Elasticity (e.g., Price Elasticity of Demand/Supply)
  • Economic Cycles (e.g., Business Cycles, Economic Growth)
  • Fiscal Policy (e.g., Government Spending, Taxation)
  • Monetary Policy (e.g., Interest Rates, Money Supply)
  • Trade Policies (e.g., Tariffs, Trade Agreements)
  • Exchange Rates (e.g., Currency Fluctuations, Foreign Exchange Markets)
  • Balance of Payments (e.g., Current Account, Capital Account)
  • Measures of Development (e.g., GDP, HDI)
  • Poverty and Inequality (e.g., Income Distribution, Poverty Alleviation Strategies)
  • Sustainable Development (e.g., Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability)
  • Consumer Behavior (e.g., Bounded Rationality, Heuristics)
  • Nudge Theory (e.g., Choice Architecture, Incentives)
  • Market Behavior (e.g., Bubbles, Herd Behavior)
  • Wage Determination (e.g., Minimum Wage, Bargaining)
  • Labor Markets (e.g., Unemployment, Labor Mobility)
  • Human Capital (e.g., Education, Training)
  • Resource Management (e.g., Renewable Resources, Conservation)
  • Environmental Policies (e.g., Carbon Tax, Emissions Trading)
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis (e.g., Environmental Impact Assessments)
  • Healthcare Systems (e.g., Insurance, Public vs. Private Provision)
  • Health Outcomes (e.g., Life Expectancy, Quality of Life)
  • Health Policies (e.g., Regulation, Subsidies)
  • Government Expenditure (e.g., Public Goods, Welfare)
  • Taxation (e.g., Progressive vs. Regressive Taxes)
  • Fiscal Federalism (e.g., Central vs. Local Government Finance)
  • Firm Behavior (e.g., Mergers, Acquisitions)
  • Market Regulation (e.g., Antitrust Laws, Competition Policy)
  • Innovation and Technology (e.g., R&D, Patents)
  • Financial Markets (e.g., Stock Markets, Bond Markets)
  • Financial Instruments (e.g., Derivatives, Futures)
  • Financial Regulation (e.g., Banking Regulation, Financial Crises)
  • Economic Thought (e.g., Classical, Keynesian)
  • Economic History (e.g., Historical Economic Development, Historical Crises)
  • Methodological Issues (e.g., Econometrics, Qualitative vs. Quantitative Analysis)

Each of these categories can be further refined into specific research questions suitable for an extended essay . Below, I’ll be providing some ideas for your ease.

The choice of topic should be such that it allows for a systematic investigation that can be effectively analyzed using economic theories and data. 

It’s also essential to ensure that the topic is narrow enough to be addressed within the word limit and broad enough to allow for an in-depth analysis.

Economics IB EE Topic Ideas and Research Questions

Starting with Microeconomics, we’re zooming in on the nitty-gritty of individual markets and how they tick. 

economics extended essay ideas

Microeconomics Topics and Research Questions

We’ve got our classic battles of market structures—monopolies holding the fort, oligopolies playing chess with each other, and perfect competition being the ideal we rarely meet.

Then there’s the whole drama of market failure, where things get messy with externalities and public goods, and no one’s quite sure who should clean up the mess. 

And elasticity? It’s like the pulse check of the market, seeing how it reacts to price changes. It’s all about the small scale, the details, the fine print.

Market Structures

Topic:  The impact of local monopolies on consumer choice in rural areas.

Research Question:  How do local monopolies in rural areas affect consumer choices and prices?

Topic:  The competitive strategies of oligopolies in the smartphone industry.

Research Question:  What competitive strategies do oligopolies in the smartphone industry use to maintain market share?

Topic:  The prevalence of monopolistic competition in the fast-food industry.

Research Question:  How does monopolistic competition influence product variety in the fast-food industry?

Market Failure

Topic:  The role of government in addressing negative externalities in urban transport.

Research Question:  How effective are government interventions in reducing traffic congestion as a negative externality in urban areas?

Topic:  The effectiveness of public goods provision in rural education.

Research Question:  How does the provision of education as a public good affect educational outcomes in rural areas?

Topic:  The impact of plastic bag taxes on environmental externalities.

Research Question:  Have plastic bag taxes significantly reduced the environmental externalities associated with plastic waste?

Topic:  Price elasticity of demand for organic produce in urban markets.

Research Question:  How does the price elasticity of demand for organic produce affect consumer purchasing patterns in urban markets?

Topic:  Cross-price elasticity between electric cars and fossil fuel vehicles.

Research Question:  What is the cross-price elasticity of demand between electric cars and fossil fuel vehicles, and what does it imply for future sales?

Topic:  The elasticity of supply in the housing market during economic booms.

Research Question:  How does the elasticity of supply in the housing market respond to economic booms?

Macroeconomics Topics and Research Questions

But then we step back and look at the big picture with Macroeconomics. Here we’re talking about the economy’s heartbeat—those business cycles that keep us on our toes, wondering if we’re heading for a boom or bracing for a bust. 

Governments step in with their fiscal policies, wielding taxes and spending like surgeons trying to fix the economy without making it bleed out. 

And let’s not forget the central banks, playing with interest rates and money supply like some high-stakes game of poker.

Economic Cycles

Topic:  The impact of economic cycles on unemployment rates in industrial sectors.

Research Question:  How do different phases of economic cycles affect unemployment rates in the manufacturing sector?

Topic:  The correlation between economic growth and income inequality.

Research Question:  Is there a significant correlation between economic growth and the level of income inequality in developed countries?

Topic:  The role of technological innovation in driving economic cycles.

Research Question:  To what extent does technological innovation influence the length and magnitude of economic cycles?

Fiscal Policy

Topic:  The effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in recession recovery.

Research Question:  How effective are fiscal stimulus packages in accelerating recovery from recessions?

Topic:  The impact of taxation on small businesses and economic growth.

Research Question:  What is the impact of changes in small business taxation on economic growth?

Topic:  Government spending priorities and their impact on long-term economic growth.

Research Question:  How do government spending priorities influence long-term economic growth?

Monetary Policy

Topic:  The effects of interest rate changes on consumer spending.

Research Question:  How do changes in the central bank’s interest rate affect consumer spending patterns?

Topic:  The relationship between money supply growth and inflation.

Research Question:  What is the relationship between the growth of money supply and the rate of inflation in emerging economies?

Topic:  Central bank policies and their impact on currency exchange rates.

Research Question:  How do central bank policies in developed countries affect their currency exchange rates?

Each of these topics and research questions can be tailored to fit the specific requirements of an IB Economics Extended Essay , including the availability of data, the scope of the research, and the word count limitations. 

It’s important to conduct preliminary research to ensure that there is enough material to support the investigation.

Next stop, International Economics. This is where countries shake hands or sometimes wrestle over trade policies. 

International Economics Topics and Research Questions

Tariffs, trade agreements, and who gets the better deal—it’s like a global marketplace where everyone’s trying to haggle their way to prosperity. 

Exchange rates bounce around like ping pong balls, and the balance of payments tells us who’s spending too much on their credit card and who’s got money in the bank.

Trade Policies

Topic:  The impact of trade tariffs on the domestic automobile industry.

Research Question:  How have recent changes in trade tariffs affected the competitiveness of the domestic automobile industry?

Topic:  The effectiveness of free trade agreements in promoting economic growth.

Research Question:  What has been the impact of free trade agreements on the economic growth of member countries?

Topic:  The role of trade policies in protecting local agriculture.

Research Question:  How do trade policies affect the sustainability and profitability of local agricultural sectors?

Exchange Rates

Topic:  The effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the tourism industry.

Research Question:  How do exchange rate fluctuations impact the number of international tourists and tourism revenue?

Topic:  Currency wars and their impact on global trade.

Research Question:  What are the consequences of competitive devaluations, often referred to as ‘currency wars’, on global trade dynamics?

Topic:  The relationship between commodity prices and currency strength in exporting countries.

Research Question:  How do fluctuations in commodity prices affect the exchange rate of commodity-exporting countries?

Balance of Payments

Topic:  The impact of remittances on the balance of payments in developing countries.

Research Question:  What role do remittances play in the balance of payments of developing countries?

Topic:  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and its effect on the current account balance.

Research Question:  How does FDI influence the current account balance of emerging economies?

Topic:  The effects of tourism on the balance of payments in small island economies.

Research Question:  What is the significance of tourism revenue in the balance of payments of small island economies?

Then we get into the meaty issues with Development Economics. 

Development Economics Topics and Research Questions

It’s all about asking, “Are we getting better?” We measure development with things like GDP and the Human Development Index, but they don’t always tell the full story. 

We’re also tackling the tough stuff like poverty, inequality, and whether we can keep growing without trashing the planet. It’s about making sure progress today doesn’t rob tomorrow.

Measures of Development

Topic:  The correlation between GDP growth and improvements in Human Development Index (HDI) scores.

Research Question:  Does GDP growth have a significant correlation with improvements in HDI scores?

Topic:  The effectiveness of Gross National Happiness (GNH) as an alternative development measure.

Research Question:  How does GNH compare to GDP as a measure of development, and what are its implications for policy-making?

Topic:  The impact of technological advancement on economic development indicators.

Research Question:  What is the impact of rapid technological advancement on traditional economic development indicators?

Poverty and Inequality

Topic:  The effectiveness of microfinance in reducing poverty in rural areas.

Research Question:  To what extent has microfinance contributed to poverty reduction in rural communities?

Topic:  Income inequality and educational outcomes in urban environments.

Research Question:  How does income inequality within urban areas affect educational outcomes?

Topic:  The role of gender inequality in economic development.

Research Question:  What is the impact of gender inequality on economic development in developing countries?

Sustainable Development

Topic:  The economic impacts of transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Research Question:  What are the short-term and long-term economic impacts of transitioning to sustainable energy?

Topic:  The role of sustainable agriculture in promoting food security.

Research Question:  How does sustainable agriculture contribute to food security and economic development?

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of environmental conservation measures.

Research Question:  What are the economic benefits and costs associated with environmental conservation measures?

Behavioral Economics Topics and Research Questions

Now, let’s talk about what makes people tick with Behavioral Economics. This is where we realize that humans aren’t always the rational robots some theories make us out to be. 

We’ve got our quirks—bounded rationality, heuristics, and sometimes we follow the herd off a cliff in a market bubble. It’s fascinating because it’s about the psychology behind the economics.

Consumer Behavior

Topic:  The influence of social media on consumer purchasing decisions.

Research Question:  To what extent does social media influence consumer behavior in the fashion industry?

Topic:  The impact of brand loyalty on price elasticity.

Research Question:  How does brand loyalty affect the price elasticity of demand for consumer electronics?

Topic:  Behavioral factors influencing impulsive buying behavior.

Research Question:  What behavioral factors are most significant in influencing impulsive buying behavior in online retail?

Nudge Theory

Topic:  The effectiveness of nudges in promoting healthy eating habits.

Research Question:  How effective are nudging strategies in changing consumer eating habits in school cafeterias?

Topic:  The role of default choices in retirement savings plans.

Research Question:  What is the impact of default options on the participation rates in employer-sponsored retirement savings plans?

Topic:  The use of framing effects in environmental policy compliance.

Research Question:  How do framing effects influence compliance with environmental policies among households?

Market Behavior

Topic:  The impact of investor sentiment on stock market bubbles.

Research Question:  To what extent does investor sentiment contribute to the formation and bursting of stock market bubbles?

Topic:  Herd behavior and its influence on cryptocurrency markets.

Research Question:  How does herd behavior manifest in the trading patterns of cryptocurrency markets?

Topic:  The role of overconfidence in financial market trading.

Research Question:  What is the role of overconfidence bias in the decision-making processes of individual investors in financial markets?

Each of these topics and research questions should be carefully considered and refined to ensure that they are feasible for an extended essay , with a clear focus and available data for analysis.

Labor Economics Topics and Research Questions

Shifting gears to Labor Economics, we’re in the world of work. Wages aren’t just about money; they’re about bargaining power, fairness, and sometimes just sticking to the minimum. 

The labor market’s a tough crowd, with unemployment and the quest for the right job in the right place. 

And human capital reminds us that it’s not just about filling positions but nurturing talent through education and training.

Wage Determination

Topic:  The impact of minimum wage increases on small business employment levels.

Research Question:  What is the effect of minimum wage increases on employment levels in the small business sector?

Topic:  Wage bargaining and gender pay disparity in the technology sector.

Research Question:  How does wage bargaining contribute to the gender pay gap in the technology industry?

Topic:  The influence of trade unions on wage determination in the automotive industry.

Research Question:  What role do trade unions play in shaping wage determination in the automotive industry?

Labor Markets

Topic:  The effects of automation on unemployment rates in manufacturing.

Research Question:  How has the increase in automation impacted unemployment rates in the manufacturing sector?

Topic:  Labor market flexibility and its impact on economic resilience during recessions.

Research Question:  How does labor market flexibility affect a country’s economic resilience to recessions?

Topic:  The role of labor mobility in regional economic development.

Research Question:  What is the impact of labor mobility on economic development in economically depressed regions?

Human Capital

Topic:  The return on investment in higher education for various fields of study.

Research Question:  What is the comparative return on investment in higher education across different fields of study?

Topic:  The impact of vocational training programs on employability in the service sector.

Research Question:  How do vocational training programs affect employability and income levels in the service sector?

Topic:  The correlation between educational attainment and labor productivity.

Research Question:  How does the level of educational attainment correlate with labor productivity in the tech industry?

Breathing in some fresh air, we move to Environmental Economics. 

Environmental Economics Topics and Research Questions

Here’s where we figure out how to play nice with nature. Managing resources, setting up environmental policies like carbon taxes, and doing the math to see if the benefits of saving a forest are worth the cost. 

It’s economics going green.

Resource Management

Topic:  The economic viability of renewable energy sources in rural communities.

Research Question:  What are the economic challenges and benefits of adopting renewable energy sources in rural communities?

Topic:  The impact of water resource management on agricultural productivity.

Research Question:  How does effective water resource management influence agricultural productivity and economic sustainability?

Topic:  The effects of conservation policies on the forestry industry.

Research Question:  What economic impact do conservation policies have on the forestry industry?

Environmental Policies

Topic:  The effectiveness of carbon taxes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Research Question:  How effective have carbon taxes been in achieving their intended reductions in greenhouse gas emissions?

Topic:  The economic impacts of emissions trading schemes on heavy industries.

Research Question:  What are the economic consequences of emissions trading schemes for heavy industries?

Topic:  The role of environmental regulations in shaping the automotive industry.

Research Question:  How have environmental regulations influenced innovation and economic outcomes in the automotive industry?

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of urban green space preservation.

Research Question:  What are the economic costs and benefits of preserving urban green spaces?

Topic:  The economic evaluation of flood defense systems in coastal cities.

Research Question:  From an economic perspective, how do the costs and benefits of flood defense systems in coastal cities compare?

Topic:  The financial implications of biodiversity conservation programs.

Research Question:  What are the economic trade-offs associated with biodiversity conservation programs?

Health Economics Topics and Research Questions

Health Economics brings us to the crossroads of wealth and well-being. Healthcare systems are complex beasts, and we’re trying to tame them so that they can heal without causing financial heartache. 

We’re measuring health outcomes and life quality, all while navigating through the maze of health policies.

Healthcare Systems

Topic:  The economic effects of public versus private healthcare provision on quality of care.

Research Question:  How does the mode of healthcare provision (public vs. private) affect the quality of care and economic efficiency?

Topic:  The impact of insurance coverage on healthcare utilization rates.

Research Question:  How does the level of insurance coverage influence healthcare utilization rates among different socioeconomic groups?

Topic:  The cost-effectiveness of universal healthcare systems.

Research Question:  From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, how do universal healthcare systems compare to multi-payer systems?

Health Outcomes

Topic:  The economic burden of chronic diseases on healthcare systems.

Research Question:  What is the economic impact of the rising prevalence of chronic diseases on healthcare systems?

Topic:  The relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes.

Research Question:  How does socioeconomic status affect health outcomes across different regions?

Topic:  The impact of mental health services on workplace productivity.

Research Question:  What is the economic impact of providing mental health services on workplace productivity?

Health Policies

Topic:  The economic implications of pharmaceutical regulation on drug prices.

Research Question:  How do pharmaceutical regulations affect drug prices and the availability of new medications?

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of preventive healthcare measures.

Research Question:  What are the long-term economic benefits of investing in preventive healthcare measures?

Topic:  The effects of subsidies on the consumption of health-related goods.

Research Question:  How do subsidies for health-related goods (e.g., gym memberships, healthy foods) affect consumption patterns and health outcomes?

Public Sector Economics Topics and Research Questions

Public Sector Economics is where we see how the government tries to steer the ship. They’re spending on public goods and welfare, trying to keep the economy afloat without springing too many leaks. 

Taxation is a hot topic—progressive, regressive, who’s paying their way, and who’s getting a free ride? And with fiscal federalism, it’s a tug-of-war between local needs and central control.

Government Expenditure

Topic:  The impact of government spending on public goods on economic growth.

Research Question:  How does government expenditure on public goods such as infrastructure contribute to economic growth?

Topic:  The effectiveness of welfare programs in reducing poverty.

Research Question:  What has been the impact of welfare programs on poverty levels in developed countries?

Topic:  The economic consequences of military spending.

Research Question:  How does military expenditure affect the allocation of government resources and economic growth?

Topic:  The economic effects of progressive taxation on income distribution.

Research Question:  Does progressive taxation lead to a more equitable distribution of income?

Topic:  The impact of value-added tax (VAT) on consumer spending.

Research Question:  How does the implementation of VAT affect consumer spending patterns?

Topic:  The role of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy investments.

Research Question:  How effective are tax incentives in encouraging investment in renewable energy projects?

Fiscal Federalism

Topic:  The challenges of fiscal coordination between central and local governments.

Research Question:  What are the main challenges in achieving fiscal coordination between different levels of government?

Topic:  The impact of fiscal decentralization on local economic development.

Research Question:  How does fiscal decentralization affect economic development at the local level?

Topic:  The role of intergovernmental transfers in balancing regional disparities.

Research Question:  How do intergovernmental transfers help to address regional economic disparities?

Industrial Organization Topics and Research Questions

We’re watching firms and their power moves—mergers, acquisitions, and the regulatory hoops they have to jump through. 

It’s about keeping the market fair and innovative, making sure the big fish don’t eat all the little ones and that new ideas get a chance to grow.

Firm Behavior

Topic:  The economic rationale behind mergers and acquisitions in the tech industry.

Research Question:  What economic factors drive mergers and acquisitions in the technology sector?

Topic:  The impact of corporate governance on firm performance.

Research Question:  How does the quality of corporate governance affect firm performance and economic outcomes?

Topic:  The effects of vertical integration on market competition.

Research Question:  Does vertical integration by large firms lead to less competition in the market?

Market Regulation

Topic:  The effectiveness of antitrust laws in promoting fair competition.

Research Question:  How effective are antitrust laws in maintaining competitive markets?

Topic:  The economic impacts of deregulation in the airline industry.

Research Question:  What have been the economic outcomes of deregulation in the airline industry?

Topic:  The role of competition policy in fostering innovation.

Research Question:  How does competition policy influence the rate and direction of innovation in high-tech industries?

Innovation and Technology

Topic:  The relationship between R&D investment and economic performance in pharmaceuticals.

Research Question:  How does R&D investment correlate with economic performance in the pharmaceutical industry?

Topic:  The economic implications of patent laws on innovation.

Research Question:  What is the impact of patent laws on the rate of innovation in renewable energy technologies?

Topic:  The role of government subsidies in technological advancement.

Research Question:  How do government subsidies affect technological advancement in emerging industries?

Financial Economics Topics and Research Questions

Financial Economics is where the money’s at—literally. Stock markets, bond markets, the exotic world of derivatives—it’s all about the flow of money. 

And with financial regulation, we’re trying to keep the party responsible so that the financial hangover doesn’t hit too hard.

Financial Markets

Topic:  The impact of stock market volatility on economic decision-making.

Research Question:  How does stock market volatility influence corporate investment decisions?

Topic:  The role of bond markets in public debt management.

Research Question:  What role do bond markets play in the management of public debt?

Topic:  The effects of quantitative easing on financial markets.

Research Question:  How has quantitative easing affected financial markets post-2008 financial crisis?

Financial Instruments

Topic:  The use of derivatives in risk management by corporations.

Research Question:  How do corporations use derivatives to manage financial risk?

Topic:  The impact of futures trading on commodity price stability.

Research Question:  Does futures trading contribute to the stability of commodity prices?

Topic:  The role of cryptocurrency in the financial portfolio diversification.

Research Question:  How do cryptocurrencies affect the diversification of financial portfolios?

Financial Regulation

Topic:  The effectiveness of banking regulation in preventing financial crises.

Research Question:  How effective have banking regulations been in preventing another financial crisis?

Topic:  The economic effects of capital adequacy requirements on banks.

Research Question:  What are the economic effects of increased capital adequacy requirements for banks?

Topic:  The impact of international financial reporting standards on market transparency.

Research Question:  How do international financial reporting standards improve market transparency and economic outcomes?

Economic Methodology and History Topics and Research Questions

Lastly, we’ve got Economic Methodology and History. It’s a bit like time travel, seeing how past thinkers shape our current policies and how historical events steer us towards new economic shores. 

And methodology? It’s the toolbox that helps us figure out if what we’re doing actually makes sense, with all the number crunching and case studies that help us understand the why behind the what.

Economic Thought

Topic:  The influence of Keynesian economic policies on modern fiscal strategies.

Research Question:  How have Keynesian economic principles shaped contemporary fiscal policy-making?

Topic:  The relevance of classical economics in today’s market economy.

Research Question:  To what extent are the principles of classical economics applicable in the current market economy?

Topic:  The impact of behavioral economics on traditional economic models.

Research Question:  How has behavioral economics challenged the assumptions of traditional economic models?

Economic History

Topic:  The economic consequences of the 1970s oil shocks.

Research Question:  What were the long-term economic consequences of the oil shocks of the 1970s?

Topic:  The role of economic policies in the Great Depression.

Research Question:  How did economic policies contribute to the onset and duration of the Great Depression?

Topic:  The economic impacts of the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Research Question:  What were the economic impacts of the dissolution of the Soviet Union on Eastern European countries?

Methodological Issues

Topic:  The application of econometrics in evaluating fiscal policy.

Research Question:  How can econometric models be used to evaluate the effectiveness of fiscal policy?

Topic:  The challenges of qualitative analysis in economic research.

Research Question:  What are the main challenges associated with using qualitative analysis in economic research?

Topic:  The comparison of case study and statistical methods in economic analysis.

Research Question:  How do case study methods compare to statistical methods in the analysis of economic phenomena?

So, there you have it—a whirlwind tour through the interconnected world of economics extended essay topics. 

Each piece of the cake tells part of the story, and it’s only when you put them all together that you see the full tasty picture. What’s your take on all this?

If you need some other IB EE topic options, we also have many other articles with various extended essay topic ideas . Do not miss a chance to check some that may interest you.


I would have continued with other options, but I believe this list of Economics extended essay topic ideas are quite enough for today. Good luck with your RQ selection, research and writing .

If you find a better article that provides more comprehensive and detailed suggestions for Economics extended essay topic ideas, share it with me 😉

If you need topic suggestions with outlines or assistance with writing a custom IB Economics EE, our IB experts at Writing Metier are always ready to assist you.

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Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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Free Economics Essay Examples

2705 samples of this type

Economics essays often examine how governments can manage resources to promote economic growth. In addition, economics essays may also analyze the impact of government policies on the economy. For example, an economics essay might discuss the pros and cons of a particular tax policy.

By understanding the principles of economics, students can develop critical thinking skills that will help them understand personal and societal issues. Although economics essays can be challenging to write, they provide an essential perspective on how economics affects our everyday lives.

Micro Economics Essay

Microeconomics deals with individual decisions of households, entrepreneurs, and separate companies in the market of goods and services. In your microeconomics essay, you can report the current microeconomic situation in your domestic market. Then, you may suggest the best money-saving and spending practices for households and individuals.

The study of price-making is a challenging but rewarding title for your microeconomics essay. How does the activity of companies in your city support the well-being of its population? Is it always reasonable to maximize a company’s production? These and other questions are discussed in our essay samples below.

Economics Essay Format

This format is too broad to prepare a fit-all template. Still, as any five-paragraph essay, it shall contain the following sections:

  • Why is the problem or phenomenon you will analyze so topical or essential?
  • What is the pre-history of the problem you tackle?
  • How did the state of things you discuss emerge?
  • Thesis statement (last sentence in the introduction).
  • Make your opinion and principal argument clear in a single sentence. What is your essay about?
  • Paragraph 1.  Start with your strongest argument and explain why it supports your thesis statement.
  • Paragraph 2.  Continue with another, less evident argument. Why do so few people worry about it, and why is it so decisive?
  • Paragraph 3.  Give a counterargument and analyze why it is not valid.
  • Conclusion.
  • Remind the reader of the main points of your paper. Then summarize them in a sentence or two that reiterates your thesis statement.

We hope that you’ll find the provided information helpful. For more inspiration, consult our selection of samples below. They will bring you to an understanding of what to write in your own economics essay.

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Credit Card or Cash: Which To Use?

Introduction In its many thousands of history, society has had various forms and has evolved through different types and regimes, but one thing has always remained. This thing is money. Once people discovered barter, they invented money, which has undergone much change since then. It has transformed through shells, beads,...

Consumer Decision-Making Process: Case Study

Introduction At different points in life, people make expensive purchases, which necessitate rational decision-making. My most recent big-ticket purchase was a smartphone, Samsung Galaxy s20 Plus 5g. As a low-income African American single mother of two children, I had many factors influencing my decision when making this purchase. The combination...

Contemporary Globalization and Its Impact

Are you looking for contemporary globalization essay examples? This paper explores contemporary globalization, its features, issues, and impacts. What is contemporary globalization? Find out the answer with the help of our essay sample! What is contemporary globalization: Introduction As Shakespeare predicted a long time ago, the world is shrinking into...

Monopoly: Types, Elements, Effects

Introduction A monopoly is an economic situation in which only a single seller or manufacturer makes and supplies a commodity or service. In order that a monopoly is effective one of the preconditions that should exist is that there should not exist a practical substitute for the product or service...

Economy of Scale in Transportation Industry

Introduction The economy of scale is a common phrase that applies to many organizations, especially those engaged in manufacturing. The term mentioned above refers to the economic benefits obtained from large scale manufacturing operations (Harrison, 2010). The operational cost will reduce with an increase in the level of production. Advantages...

The Inflation Impact on Society

Different events occur every day and every hour; some phenomena operate a twenty-four hours a day. They have the most significant impact on society because they transform society at different levels. Inflation is the depreciation of money due to rising prices, which affects and transforms society around the clock. Inflation...

International Finance. Motivation and Management

Introduction The purpose of this report study is to determine the reason as to why the United Kingdom decided to stand apart from the unification of European currencies as well as to determine as to whether the decision was beneficial to the United Kingdom.Also the purpose of the study determines...

PESTEL Analysis of India: Political Factors

India is one of the world’s most powerful economies. India’s capital is New Delhi. Two major nations border it: China and Pakistan. Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka are some of the neighboring nations. India is one of the largest countries in the world. It should also be noted...

  • Performance
  • Unemployment
  • Economic Growth
  • Microeconomics

Globalization Impacts on Trade and Employment

Abstract Globalization refers to the integration of the world markets. It facilitates smooth movement of goods and people from one country to another. Globalization has numerous impacts on trade and employment. Establishment of commerce agreements enables multinational corporations to engage in foreign direct investment. The companies relocate the production processes...

The Effects of Globalization on Sports

Introduction Many years have passed over with worlds states struggling for better ways in which they can bring about beneficial integration through the globalization of many fields. The results of such struggles have yielded numerous changes mostly in the fields of technology and communication. The introduction of such globalize ways...

Fundamental Financial Analysis: A Case of Adidas

Abstract Adidas is a multinational corporation operating in the Global Sportswear Industry. The company has recorded remarkable success in the sportswear and sporting apparel business. It is driven by the mission of being the leader in manufacturing and marketing sports shoes, accessories, and equipment. In 2015, Adidas developed an initiative...

The Kitchin Cycle in Modern Economy

Business cycle can be characterized as the economy-wide fluctuations in the economic activities or production over certain period of time, involving shifts in growth, decline, stagnation and recession. There are a number of cyclical theories of economic development, concentrating on the analysis of these business phenomena, cyclic measurements and stages;...

Consumer Spending and Choices

Introduction With the endless demands that life has and the scarce resources consumers are endowed with, consumers are faced by challenges in making choices on what to spend and on what can wait for another time depending on the urgency of the need. Thus, it is important to note that...

Low-cost Economy: Companies Benefits and Drawbacks

Plan To reduce the cost of manufacturing goods, companies seek strategies for ensuring that the prices of their products are low enough. In this quest, organizations that are established in developed nations outsource not only production but also customer services such as customer care by transferring call centers in nations...

Reasons Behind Creation of Equity

Introduction Equity was developed more than hundred years ago to settle the claim of the dissatisfied litigants which arised from the harsh inflexible rules of law, which made the justice not prevailing. Equity is a set of legal principle of English law, which evolved from the English common law. The...

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy

Since it was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, COVID-19 has caused massive human suffering and undermined the global economy. The lives of billions of the world’s populations have been turned upside down by the pandemic, which has significantly affected the social, environmental, health, and economic domains. By now,...

The Global Citizenship Concept

Introduction The concept of global citizenship represents the idea that an individual can possess extensive knowledge revolving around what goes on in the wider world. Therefore, sustainable and equitable action is taken by global citizens to improve the wellbeing of all people across the globe (“Globalization at a crossroads,” n.d.;...

Globalization’s Role for Developing Countries: Zambia

This paper is a reflection of the module about the global environment of business. No doubt, such tendencies as globalization and the continuous extension of corporations are gaining popularity and have already revealed some results. In this paper, the results of globalization and its positive and negative consequences are discussed...

  • Real Estate
  • Economic Crisis

The Difference Between Standard Loan and Discounted Loan

Capital investment is fundamental for any organisation to help in promoting the effectiveness of its operations. However, the investment usually requires a lot of capital. Therefore, organisations have to find ways of raising adequate monies for that purpose. Jay-Hyung et al. (2020) state that capital funds can be raised in...

Impacts of Globalisation on Domestic Business

Introduction Globalisation refers to process of relations and integrations among organisations, people and governments across the globe. In business world, this concept represents the free flow of data, technology, capital, goods and services between nations. In the past, Western nations viewed globalisation as an essential phenomenon, since it promoted economic...

Starling Bank’s Environment and Resource Analysis

Introduction Banks in the United Kingdom are generally associated with the Big Four and the traditional banking and financial accounting approach. However, since 2015, applicant banks have been actively obtaining a license, often without physical offices to serve clients occupying specific niches in lending, clearing, mortgages, and business financing (Blomstrom,...

Consumer Behavior: Person’s Age or Generation

Introduction Consumer behavior can be “defined as the study of when, why, how and where people do or do not buy a product” (Torocsik, 2003, p. 2). The study tries to comprehend what drives buyers to decide on what to or what not to purchase (Murray, 2002). Several studies conducted...

The United Arab Emirates Exchange Rate Regime Analysis

Introduction Exchange rate refers to the “price of one country’s currency expressed in another country’s currency” (Boyes and Melvin 253). The exchange rate is an important macroeconomic variable since it influences the competitiveness of a country’s exports and imports (Boyes and Melvin 156). It also influences the returns on different...

Perfect and Monopolistic Competition

There are four various market structures that differ in their attributes, demand curves, and the basis on which their firms compete. These structures include perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, and oligopoly. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the perfect and monopolistic competition and their differences. Moreover, the list...

Maritime Economics and Shipping Industry

Introduction In the shipping industry, there are four inter-linked markets which relate to each other in various capacities. For example, the transportation services being offered in sea transport are dealt with in the freight market. Ships that have been newly built and are being ushered into the market for the...

The Importance of International Trade

International trade is a valuable way of a country’s domestic market. This is due to the fact that with its help, labor productivity increases, and the total volume of production increases. Moreover, States whose enterprises and organizations export their products to other countries have a significant economic advantage due to...

National Differences in Political Economy

Political economy is one of the issues that can impact the growth and development of a country. In most cases, leaders ensure that a nation engages in different activities such as international trades to guarantee that more revenues are acquired and used to enhance various sectors. Typically, political economy involves:...

Competitive Market Hypothesis: Croatian Companies

Introduction This paper reports on time series analysis of the persistence of profits of 97 Croatian Companies from 1995 to 2005. This report is unique in the way it is conducted in Croatia. Although, many such researches are conducted in various parts of the US and Europe, a study of...

  • Competition
  • Minimum Wage
  • Corporation

Bretton Woods System, Its Pros and Cons

Bretton Woods or adjustable pegged system can be described as a “semi-fixed exchange rates system” (Carbaugh 460) that has allowed tying different currencies to each other thereby facilitating interracial financial transactions. The main advantage of the adjustable pegged system is the elimination of uncertainty and risk related to fluctuations in...

Luxury Cars Consumerism in the Middle East

Introduction Modern dictionaries define luxury goods as items whose price is worth more than the functional properties of the product itself. The luxury market continues to grow exponentially. In 20 years, from 1985 to 2015, its market size grew from 20 billion to 250 billion (Global luxury good industry n.d)....

Bank Reconciliation: Theft and Control Deficiencies

Introduction Internal control is a vital process because it gives reasonable assurance about the activities of a company and compliance with laws and regulations. Control activities seek to minimize the risks that companies face. The management often comes up with internal control measures depending on the risk level of each...

Supply and Demand of Healthcare and Automobiles

Introduction The healthcare market, and the health care system in general, is unique and very different from markets for other goods and services. The recent collapse of the global healthcare system associated with Covid19 has highlighted the need for a more detailed and in-depth study of the healthcare market. Understanding...

Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations

Introduction In the 21st century, global economic activities have acquired an unprecedented scope, which is enabled by rapid technological progress. Communication and transportation have become easier than ever, bringing nations closer together and promoting the international exchange of goods and services. In this regard, prosperous companies have been actively developing...

Netflix: Macroeconomics Research

The given macroeconomics research paper will focus on the multimedia service provider Netflix. The company’s structure is a subscription-based streaming platform, where viewers have an opportunity to watch both Netflix’s original films and other contracted ones. The primary attention will be paid to the macroeconomic structure of Netflix as a...

The Economy of Japan

State of Economy Japan has been known as one of the countries with the most advanced economy and the best-developed entrepreneurship. In 2017, Japan’s GDP reached $4.873 trillion, which made it the world’s third most economically prolific country in the world (Central Intelligence Agency). Similarly, other economic indicators have proven...

How Urbanization Affected Istanbul’s Residential Development

Introduction Over the decades, Turkey has become one of the most rapidly urbanizing countries in the Mediterranean region. Istanbul has become the epicenter of urbanization for Turkey that exponentially expands every year. Increased rates of population raise a higher demand for housing needs; therefore, there is a vital need to...

Business Relationship With Its Stakeholders

Executive summary Stakeholders can be defined as people who are interested and directed by a business’ actions. They stand to either lose or gain from a business’ operations and many times influence its decisions. A business’ stakeholders include preferred and common shareholders, creditors, manufactures of its products, employees, suppliers, customers,...

Information Technology and Banking Sector

Executive summary The consumption of information technology (IT) resources by employing the functions of computers has elucidated incredible intensification in service industries. The effect on banking is evident in enhanced competence and output. This achievement comes from the introduction of products related to IT. This encompasses internet banking, electronic payments,...

  • Accountancy
  • Relationship

The Impact of the Internet on Banking

Introduction The advent of the Internet has provided some major breakthroughs. VoIP and visio-conferences eliminate the limitations businesses encounter due to geographical boundaries largely. These provide opportunities for various business houses to advertise, share information with their collaborators, receive feedbacks on their products, equipping them with the cutting edge technologies...

The Types of Economic Systems

Introduction Any system that involves the mechanism for production, distribution and exchange of goods apart from consumption of the goods and services within the different entities can be classified as an Economic System. The various kinds of economic systems and their classifications broadly follow the methods by which means of...

Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Adam Smith was a pioneering economist who used the metaphor of ‘the invisible hand’ to describe how unrelated human actions can benefit the overall social and economic welfare. The invisible hand, as defined by Adam Smith, is a guiding principle that has an immense impact on the concept of...

“Where Does the Money Go?” by Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson

Summary of the book In their book, Scott Bittle and Jean Johnson discuss various financial problems that currently affect the United States. Overall, the authors focus on such an issue as the growing national debt of the country (Bittle and Johnson 4). In their opinion, this tendency has long been...

Market Segmentation Methods of House Cleaning Service

House cleaning service includes a window, floor, rug, upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning administrations utilized by private residential owners. Geologically, the market is arranged into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific like China and Japan, and a few pieces of Latin America and the Middle East. The demand for such services is...

How Social Influence Affects Consumer Behavior

Abstract Consumer behavior is affected by numerous things. For example, it can be argued that a consumer’s purchasing behavior can be affected by his or her access to disposable income. This can change often based on whether someone has a job and, at times, even with the increase in responsibility...

Celebrity Endorsement and Consumer Purchase Intentions

Abstract This research aimed to examine the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intentions. The analysis was based on a survey of 300 participants between 18 and 54 years. They were from the University of Hull and surroundings, which were American consumers. The study focused on celebrity endorser characteristics,...

Barclays Bank’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction Barclays Bank is among the largest financial services providers in Europe, America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Australia. The bank deals mainly in offering retail banking, corporate banking, credit and debit cards, wealth management, and investment banking. The bank comprises global corporate and investment banking, international wealth management,...

Blood Banana, Root and Cause of the Problem

Root and Cause of the Problem Chiquita paid terrorist groups in Columbia from 1997 until 2004. The industry problems in the case of Chiquita were connected to the increasing purchasing power of retailers, meaning that the company was in an inferior position and could not negotiate as effectively. Additionally, the...

Hospitality Industry in Economic Growth and Development

Introduction Hospitality is mainly considered as the act of being hospitable. It is also termed as the relationship between the visitor / guest and the host. In general, hospitality is defined as the practice of creating and offering important and distinctive customer services to a guest. Hospitality industry is an...

  • Discrimination
  • Developing Countries

“The World is Flat” by Thomas Friedman

Introduction Nobody can convince Charles Johnson that the world is not flat. Not when it looks that way from his front yard. His home in South California stands on a hillside. Everything within several miles of his home is visible from this position. He can see the Mojave Desert, Lancaster...

Globalization: More Positive Effects Than Negative Ones

Globalization refers to the “increasing interconnectedness of people and places through the converging process of economic, political and cultural change.” Currently, the rate of Globalization has continued to increase; the continued increase in the globalization rate can be associated with technological changes and advancements, among other factors. Globalization has brought...

Banking Merger, Its Benefits and Consequences

Introduction The trend of forming mergers in business has become very popular in the banking industry lately. In simple terms, a merger occurs when two different firms join their operations to firm one single organization (Braggion, Dwarkasing & Moorey, 2010). One of the fundamental effects of mergers is that it...

The Roles of Competition and Antitrust Laws in the Future of Quality Measurement

Quality measurement refers to the standard set of parameters that help measure the quality of a healthcare provider’s performance. In fact, quality is quite a subjective concept that is difficult to calculate and define reasonably (OECD, 2013). Therefore, the quality is rarely analyzed by competition authorities (OECD, 2013). Another problem...

Is Globalization a Threat or an Opportunity to Developing Countries?

Introduction Through technological, economic, and social development within world economies, the resent time phenomena demonstrates a state where integration in these areas is increasingly binding countries and economies together such that the world becomes more or less a global village. Thai, Rahm and Coggburn (2007, p.2) indicates that globalization involves...

How Brand Image of Digicel and Flow Affects Customer Loyalty

Introduction Digicel and Flow are telecommunication companies that provide mobile networks and home entertainment. Digicel has covered more than 33 countries worldwide, including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Fiji, and Haiti (Golding & Tennant, 2017). On the other hand, Flow, commonly written as FLOW, is known for marketing cable television, telephone,...

Resource Based View Strength and Weakness of a Firm

Resource based view (RBV) deals with the internal strength and weakness of a firm. In the concept of RBV, a firm’s performance and profitability are determined by the assets of the firm and managerial abilities of the people working in the firm which it can use as a cutthroat competitive...

Vicious Circle of Poverty

Underdeveloped countries These are countries that have low income per capita. They experience low standards of living. Mainly, they are characterized by high population growth, high mortality rates, primitive production methods, low levels of technology and also extreme inequality of wealth and income. The Vicious circle of poverty: This is...

Impact of Globalization on Australia

The Meaning of Globalization Globalization can be described as an economic system that is open and allows the international movement of people, goods, services, and capital. It involves greater integration of economic systems of countries through international trade, the flow of capital, and international investments. Economic globalization connotes the interrelationship...

Apple’s iPhone and Watch Consumer Behavior Trends

Introduction Apple Inc., a California-based corporation, develops, manufactures, and sells laptops, mobile phones, and media devices through digital stores, retail outlets, and third-party agents globally. The company also offers related consumer and professional software, apps, digital content (Apple music, TV, and e-books), and diverse accessory services. Among Apple’s top brands...

  • American Politics
  • Environment
  • Income Inequality

Future of International Business Environment

Introduction International management involves the process of monitoring business activities in different parts of the world where the business operates. It consists of studying and understanding the business environment of various countries and understanding the culture and currencies of the country where the company is operating. Business representatives in multiple...

Regression Analysis of Keynesian Consumption Function

Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. Regression models are used to predict trends of...

Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model Relevance

Introduction Investing in the financial markets is very risky and investors face the possibility of losing their money. Risk in the financial markets refers to the possibility that an investor will not get the expected returns. There are some risks which the investor can do nothing about such as recession,...

Public-Private Partnership

Introduction Popular and emerging trends in modern times in the implementation of civil engineering projects are public-private partnerships. Public-private partnership (PPP) is an approach that has gained popularity both in developing and developed nations calling for a detailed study of the approach that is used for developing public service infrastructure....

Policy Analysis According to Bardach

Introduction This paper will summarise the book A practical guide for policy analysis: The eightfold path to more effective problem solving (2nd ed.) by Eugene Bardach. Discussion Part I Based on old models to research and systems analysis, Bardach (2005), took-off and proposed the eightfold path to more effective problem...

The Cournot Model Definition

Cournot Model of Competition Cournot competition, also called Cournot duopoly, is an economic model of imperfect competition in which firms making homogeneous and undifferentiated products compete on the amount of the output they will produce (McAfee et al. 234). Importantly, both firms independently and simultaneously decide on the output. The...

High Taxes’ Benefits for Education and Healthcare

Developed countries have sophisticated institutions operating to maintain prosperity and expand the opportunities for their populations to receive high-quality education and healthcare for free. The financial aspect of these conditions includes considerable taxes for the citizens, and not every individual supports such a requirement from the public system. However, the...

Application of Some Economic Principles to Real Life Economic Situation

Introduction A household, a society, and an economy are all faced with certain decisions. Since human beings form a part of the groupings, they make key resolutions on behalf of the community. The conclusions that I make are important because of the scarcity of resources. Resolutions that I make must...

Consumerism and Materialism

Masoom, Muhammad Rehan, and Md Moniruzzaman Sarker. “Rising materialism in the developing economy: Assessing materialistic value orientation in contemporary Bangladesh.” Cogent Business & Management 4.1 (2017): 1345049. Web. This journal article provides research into the rising materialism in the developing economy and its impact on influencing materialistic value orientation in...

Functions of Modern Commercial Banks

A bank is an incorporated institution, the business of which is to receive money on deposit, cash, drafts and checks, make loans, discount commercial paper, make loans, as well as issue banknotes. Banks are monetary organizations that serve the interests of their depositors by ensuring the security of the deposited...

  • Financial Management
  • European Union

Global Development: Core Concerns for the 21st Century

Abstract The nature of development and its primary concerns vary from time to time. The issues that were considered as most significant in past may not be a part of today’s key concerns. As the world crosses the premises of a new millennium, the nature of global development has considerably...

Price, Income, and Advertising Regression Analysis

Introduction As a definition, regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop and approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. The model generated is...

Malaysia’s Inflation

The move by Prime Minister Najib Razak’s government to apply cuts on subsidies in 2013 to reduce Malaysia’s fiscal deficit and high debt burden is part of the reason for the faster increase in prices of essential commodities. So high was the inflation that the consumer price index surpassed the...

Uber’s Business Model and Economic Concepts

Introduction Transportation firm Uber Technologies was formed in San Francisco by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009. Its founders ascribed the idea to a previous incident in Paris when they could not get a taxi. Transportation, delivery, and courier services are areas where Uber has a strong availability. The...

Pros and Cons of Globalization

Trade has been the driving force of the global economy and interaction of communities since ancient times. With the technological advancement and evolution of society, international commerce is heightened. Currently, one can order goods from abroad and receive them anywhere around the world. The interconnectivity of the countries results from...

12th Five-Year-Plan and Its Results in India

Abstract India uses a system of five-year plans to ensure the economic growth of the country. The 12th five-year plan was implemented from 2013 to 2018. However, within each of the plans, there are both achievements and failures, which can be assessed only after its implementation is completed. This study...

Escalating Global Fuel Prices and Its Effects

Abstract Despite many attempts to control the escalating global fuel prices, the efforts have proved to be fruitless. This study proposal examines the history of fuel prices, how they have changed over the years and the subsequent effects that are likely to come along with these increased fuel prices.1 The...

Globalisation Impact on Mobile Communications

Introduction Critically review (i.e from academic, commercial, governmental and other relevant sources ) to support the view that the process of Globalisation is likely to have the significant impact upon the competitive environment of the mobile communications sector for the near future. What is Globalisation? Globalization can be defined as...

The Efficient Market Hypothesis

Introduction In economic theory, there is a concept of market efficiency; the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is one of the basic ideas of finance theory. There are three forms of market efficiency: weak, semi-strong and strong. The criterion of efficiency is determined by the access of its participants to information....

Is the Right Price a Fair Price

“Prices should reflect the value that consumers are willing to pay. Prices are often set to satisfy demand or to reflect the premium that consumers are willing to pay for a product or service.” The pricing strategy of firms is influenced by the type and lifecycle of the product. Consumers’...

  • Forecasting
  • Great Depression
  • Agriculture
  • Acquisition

Impact of British Colonialism on Indian Economy

Introduction The epoch of British colonialism in India was characterized by considerable changes that influenced Indian life and still echo nowadays. Today’s Indian economy is the result of a complicated period, where traditional order mixed with the British one and dissolved in it forever. The problem of the impact of...

The Budgeting Process: Planning and Control Cycle

Introduction The budgeting process is the way toward outlining, executing, and operating spending plans. It is the administrative procedure of budget spending and planning, budgetary control, and the related strategies. Budget planning requires volumes of the bookkeeping regarding the firm’s operations (Okpanachi & Mohammed 2013). In summary, spending plan is...

Renting Apartment Versus Buying a House

Shelter is one of the primary needs in life. Certainly, it is acknowledged by Abraham Maslow as a physiological need, which plays a huge role in motivating a person’s behavior. Inferring from this, housing is one of the essential aspects that defines the life of an individual. It helps one...

Importance of Standard Costing System in the Modern World

Standard Cost System: Introduction Standard costs are set (target) costs expected to be incurred when a company operates under efficient conditions (Drury, 2008). The main function of standard costing is to eliminate wastage of resources during operation and increasing efficiency during operation. Standard costing is generally best applied to companies...

Economic Development of Bangladesh

Introduction Bangladesh had many reasons for economic stagnation after the war of independence. The general destruction after the hostilities, the lack of developed infrastructure, and natural resources, political instability, and corruption. Such example had a significant impact on the development of the newly emerging state, slowing it down (Bair et...

Impact of Globalization on Netflix Company

Introduction Netflix made two significant strategic moves that led to its success. First, the company did not explore all the available markets at once but in phases. It ensured that the market it exploits has been analyzed and is suitable for expansion. For instance, the first phase of its entrance...

JD Sports Fashion Plc’s Financial Analysis

Accounting and Managerial Finance JD Sports Fashion Plc., established in 1981, has shown great success since it’s an FTSE 250-listed sportswear retailer in the UK and Ireland (Rapley, 2017). The organization’s headquarters are in the UK. The company has developed an online platform for marketing activities where products are displayed...

Supermarkets: Psychology of Marketing

The world is full of things which a man likes or adores. In supermarkets, for example, people try to choose something about food or about household; in galleries one cannot but admire the pictures of different painters; on railway stations one can be astonished with well-run work of the administration...

Perfect and Monopolistic Competition in Markets

Perfect Competition: The Egg Market I do not remember seeing an individual egg producer’s advertisement and I do not anticipate coming across one in the near future. This is primarily because the egg market is a perfectly competitive market. In this regard, the producers of eggs (and consumers too) are...

Economic Value and Social Value

Economic value is a measure of the benefit that a service or product provides to a group of people. It is measured in relation to the units of money in the economy. My understanding and opinion are that economic value occurs when a company, for instance, has all of its...

  • Manufacturing
  • Outsourcing
  • Immigration

Published Financial Statements and Their Objectives

Introduction Financial reporting in the corporate world is both a necessity and requirement. According to Woefel, financial reporting is done in the form of financial statements that in some cases are referred to as monetary statements (1994, p 48 ). Financial statements help investors to determine the health of a...

Attention and Consumer Behavior

The phenomenon of attention might seem as a fairly simple concept to define, yet a closer analysis will prove that attention is a rather difficult notion to approach. It appears that attention can be described as the ability to notice details that will inform one’s future choices and decisions. In...

Economic Crisis and Its Impact on People

Introduction There is hardly any person on this Earth whose life was not affected by the economic crisis which hit the entire world in 2008. The economy of every single country was greatly influenced by the crisis which resulted in high unemployment rates, increased prices for food, a subprime mortgage...

Banking and Inventory Management

Executive Summary Effective inventory (cash) management is crucial for achieving optimised supply chains and cost reductions to remain competitive and resilient in turbulent times. Retail banks must efficiently process and deliver cash to customers to lower inventory levels and reduce costs. They employ demand/supply strategies to ensure optimised replenishment of...

The Advantages of Globalization

Introduction The world is fast becoming a global village, seemingly smaller than it was a decade ago. This scenario has resulted from the development of trade and transport systems, thus making it conducive for movement of people, goods, services, and ideas and creating diversity in social, economic, political, and cultural...

Do Computer Technology Make Financial Intermediaries Extinct?

Financial intermediaries are institutions providing indirect means for funds from a party that wants to lend or save to a party that wants to borrow or invest. These are commercial banks, government programs, pension funds, mutual funds, investment banks, rating agencies, etc. Some experts note that advances in computer technology...

Inflation: Causes, Problems, Impacts on Economy

Introduction Inflation measures how expensive a particular category of goods and services has become in a certain period, usually a year. It is a rate of increase in commodities prices over a certain period. It is usually measured broadly, such as the increase in the cost of living or the...

Marx’s Four Types of Alienation

Marx alienation focuses on the capitalist mode of production and an objective approach resulting from the reality that evolves in an individual’s knowledge in capitalist society (Lavalette & Ferguson, 2018). Alienation is the loss of control over one’s attributes whereby the participant’s relationship with the attribute is disconnected. The product...

Unemployment, Its Types and Government Intervention

Introduction Unemployment is among the most significant challenges that influence contemporary economies. Indeed, even global economic giants suffer from the problem. For example, the 2008 to 2009 economic crisis in the US left the nation suffering from the problem of unemployment. After the recession, Rothstein and Valletta (2014) assert that...

Microsoft Company’s Monopolistic Pricing

Introduction The Microsoft Corporation stands out in its market position as the number one supplier of computer operating systems whereas the company holds a significant market share worldwide. In the course of its operations, Microsoft has faced legal problems in connection to its monopolistic tactics. In 2003, a United States...

  • Construction
  • Industrialization

International Monetary System and Its Importance

The international monetary system is an international convention. It stipulates the rules that should be applied in international trade. The system also clarifies the means of payment that should be used in international trade. Generally, the international monetary system was set in order to promote international trade and investment (Hill,...

The UAE and the United Kingdom: Economies Comparison

Abstract This paper is a comparison of two economies, the UAE and the UK, using variables that made them similar or different from each other. First, the two countries are members of their respective regional integration, the Gulf Co-operation Countries and the European Community. The GCC and the EC have...

Consumer Analysis of the Charmin Brand

“Charmin” is an American toilet paper brand manufactured by Procter & Gamble. It has a wide range of products, business strategy, and active promotion, which creates a competitive advantage, allowing it to occupy a leading position in the sales market. A variety of choices makes it possible to attract different...

World Trade Organization’s History, Achievements, and Challenges

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the global international organization that regulates trade between nations; that was established in 1995 and consists of 164 members. More precisely, this organization ensures that trade flow is smooth and that none of the countries imposes a tariff or non-tariff trade barriers. The role...

Governmental Role in Influencing International Trade

Introduction As the international economy is being integrated, business opportunities, as well as challenges, continue to ensue. Such challenges affect different nations around the globe, including those with stable economies. In this regard, even the local corporations/companies and the multinational corporations are not immune to the business challenges present in...

Globalization Affecting the Role of Leaders in Organizations

Introduction Globalization is influencing leadership because of the way it affects society through its processes. Because the transformations brought about by globalization are not always easy to identify precisely and promptly, they may be hard to take in and even where they are detected, be hard to cope with. Globalization...

World Economy Problem and World Economic Crisis

During 2007 the world economy grew at 5.2 percent which was mainly powered by the rapid economic growth in the emerging economies of China, India, and Russia at 11%, 9% and 8% respectively. Hence, during the year 2007, the economic condition of the world appeared to be very bright and...

India’s Economic and Social Progress

Introduction India is the second-most populous country in the world. Its population is over 1.3 billion people, which makes the state the biggest democracy in the world.1 According to the United Nations, India will have the largest population in the world by 2028.2 Its area is 1.2 million square miles,...

Circular Economy as an Emerging Trend

Introduction The trend that appears one of the most significant for organizational and societal future on the global scale is circular economy. Simply put, it is a mode of production that makes the most use of recycling, eliminating waste and reusing it in a fashion that can be described as...

Globalization and Its Ethical Implications

Introduction Globalization is the modern reality that influenced humanity from economic, social, and cultural perspectives and changed how diverse nations perceive one another. The outcomes of the process are a decrease in manufacturing costs with simultaneous expansion of production volume and overall quality of life improvement as more goods become...

  • Ukraine and Russia War
  • Barack Obama

Capital Budgeting Techniques and Processes

Introduction Capital budgeting entails identifying projects that will bring value to a business. It can encompass a wide variety of activities, from land acquisition to the acquisition of fixed assets such as a new truck or piece of machinery (Mohan & Narwal, 2017). Businesses are often obligated, or at the...

Behavioral Economics: The Proposal

Initial Situation and Motivation The topic of behavioral economics is interesting and relevant because it outlines the possibility of deploying mechanisms that could affect a number of essential business variables, such as labor markets, private finance, and personal health. Knowing that financial regulations and healthcare provisions are being developed at...

Demand and Supply Curves

It is important to comprehend the critical idea of Demand versus Quantities Demanded prior to examining different hypotheses of financial aspects. The law which is working behind the scene and conveys mostly about interest. A law which reveals to us how much interest of a customer or gathering of buyers...

Cryptocurrency in the Modern Economy

Information technology is constantly developing, building on previous innovations, adjusting not only to market trends but also to the changing economic environment. The digital economy is a key factor in the development and rise of the global economy in modern realities. Therefore, there is a growing interest in cryptocurrency, which...

The Rising Power of China

China is one of the oldest countries in the world and it also hosts the world’s oldest civilization. Traditionally China has been a very influential country with its cultural, technological, economic and religious sphere extending over whole of East Asia including neighbours such as Vietnam, Korea and Japan. In the...

Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures

Introduction Cross-border investment has become a popular approach to expanding the market share in the current competitive business environment. According to Shenkar et al., advancement made in the fields of transport and telecommunication has made it easy for firms to explore new markets (52). Venturing into new markets requires an...

The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

Globalization’s Impact on Education

Existing Knowledge Globalization, as a complex process of increasing connectedness and interdependence of different countries, economies, and cultures, has had a significant impact on multiple spheres of human life. In particular, one of the decisive fields where the influence of globalization might have far-reaching effects is education. Indeed, research shows...

Uber’s Effect on Taxi Companies

Uber’s innovative format of transportation services affects companies in the taxi market. Specifically, its pricing strategies and the ability to damage the reputation of taxi drivers deserve attention in this regard. This essay will examine the cause-and-effect connections between Uber’s activity in the transportation industry and its meaning for more...

Collusion in Oligopoly and Game Theory

Oligopoly is a market structure in which a relatively small number of companies or organizations serve a large number of consumers. Along with monopoly, oligopoly as a structure exists in imperfect competition. Because the number of firms in oligopoly is usually extremely small, the profit of each participating company does...

  • Infrastructure
  • Climate Change
  • Global Issues

Return on Investment (ROI) and Economic Value Added (EVA)

Although ROI and EVA are the techniques used to evaluate a company’s performance, comparing and contrasting them can help understand why managers choose one over the other depending on particular situations. Both approaches measure organizations’ profitability and value, vital in making the decisions related to planning management incentives, compensation strategies,...

Generation Z and Their Purchasing Decisions

Introduction Nowadays, companies do not only have to assess the demographics of their target consumers but pay close attention to their values, habits, and lifestyles. Dividing people by generations may seem oversimplified at first. However, this is an efficient method, which provides insights into a certain group’s psyche and behavioral...

Investment. Net Present Value vs. Payback Period

Net Present Value (NPV) is a better indicator than Payback Period (PBP) because it tells precisely which value would be earned by the investors if they decide to undertake it. In general, NPV as an investment appraisal method is based on the idea that the project would be beneficial if...

Zero Based Budgeting in Municipalities

Introduction Zero-Based Budgeting is an operational planning and budgeting process that requires managers to justify their entire budget request in detail from scratch. Zero-based budgeting is that technique of decision-making that is the inverse of the current traditional working process. In the standard traditional incremental budgeting, to which ZBB is...

Monopoly, Its Definition and Characteristics

Definition Monopoly refers to a market where a particular individual has enough control over the production or supply of a certain product or service to the extent that he can determine the terms under which other parties who are in the market can access the goods and services (Varian, 2003)....

Modes of International Trade Payment

Prepayment The importer pays for the goods before they are shipped for export. The supplier is fully protected from nonpayment for the goods as it gets done in advance. The importer is at a greater risk since the exporter may receive the payment, and either fails to deliver the goods...

D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company’s Housing Price Prediction Model

Introduction This report was commissioned by the CEO of D. M. Pan National Real Estate. The purpose of this report is to provide a benchmark price for square foot of real estate based on the statistical analysis of the real estate prices in the US in 2019. The central question...

Consumers’ Buying Behavior and Social Media

Introduction Individuals contribute item reviews, information about a service, food or wellness advice, admonitions regarding things, instructions on how to use certain items, and more aspects as customers. The purpose of this work is to investigate the impact of social networks on the decision-making activities of customers. The use of...

Credit Cards: Benefits and Disadvantages

Benefits of Using Credit Cards One advantage of credit cards is that they help in building creditworthiness. Information about credit card usage is obtained by card companies and relayed to credit bureaus. If a person uses their card responsibly, it will enhance their credit score. Secondly, credit cards provide one...

Economic Concepts and Daily Life

Introduction Economics is a wide field of study, one that has produced many important and interesting theories on how society should operate. Depending on the economic conditions one finds themselves in, a variety of theories, mechanisms, and assumptions can be relied on. This includes potential explanations of the free market’s...

Home / Essay Samples / Economics

Essays on Economics

An economics essay could focus on any of the following fields: agriculture, industry, services, the financial sector, trade, stock exchange. It could also investigate the factors underlying economic development for individual nations and evaluate the prospects of economic flourishing. It could focus on various businesses, companies, corporations and analyze their reports, operations, accounting data. Last but not least, such an essay could also explore what it is like to study economics during higher education and what career paths it opens. A healthy economy is the engine of good infrastructure, generous social welfare, high-quality healthcare, and education, all of which are prerequisites of a high standard of living. All these justify the study of economics with all its sub-fields.

Industrialization and Urbanization: the Transformative Journey of Societies

Industrialization and urbanization have played pivotal roles in shaping the course of human history, dramatically altering the social, economic, and cultural landscapes of nations. This essay delves into the profound impact of industrialization and urbanization, exploring their interconnectedness, challenges, and the enduring legacy they leave...

Organic Farming Vs. Conventional Farming: a Comparative Analysis

Modern agriculture has evolved over the years, giving rise to two prominent approaches: organic farming and conventional farming. These two methods represent different philosophies and practices in agricultural production, each with its own set of benefits and challenges. In this essay, we will explore the...

Capitalism and Inequality: a Complex Relationship

In the landscape of economic systems, capitalism stands tall as a defining pillar of modern society. Rooted in private ownership, free markets, and individual entrepreneurship, capitalism has propelled nations toward prosperity and progress. However, this intricate economic tapestry is also interwoven with concerns of inequality,...

Spiritualism Vs Materialism: a Comparative Analysis

The philosophical debate between spiritualism and materialism has been a topic of contemplation for centuries, as individuals seek to understand the nature of reality and the essence of human existence. This essay delves into the fundamental concepts of spiritualism and materialism, examining their differences, implications,...

Eliminating Pennies: Examining the Debate

The ongoing debate over whether pennies should be eliminated from currency circulation is a topic that raises questions about practicality, economics, and historical significance. This essay delves into the arguments for and against the elimination of pennies, considering factors such as production costs, transaction efficiency,...

My Ambition to Pursue a Career in Real Estate

Real estate is a dynamic and lucrative industry that has always fascinated me. As a specialist in the subject, I have come to appreciate the numerous opportunities and rewards that come with being a real estate agent. In this essay, I will outline the reasons...

Understanding the Dynamics of an Economic Crisis

An economic crisis is a severe and prolonged downturn in the economy of a country or region, characterized by a sharp decline in economic activity, widespread unemployment, and financial instability. It is a situation that disrupts the normal functioning of an economy and can have...

Philippine Economic Crisis: Unveiling Realities

The Philippines has faced several economic crises throughout its history, each presenting unique challenges and implications for the nation's growth and development. This essay will explore the causes of economic crises in the Philippines, their impact on various sectors, and the measures taken to address...

The Global Economic Crisis: Ripples and Repercussions

A global economic crisis is a daunting and far-reaching event that brings severe downturns in the world's economic activity, affecting numerous countries and industries simultaneously. In this essay, we will delve into the defining features of a global economic crisis, its underlying causes, and the...

Effects of War on Economy

War has a profound impact on the economy of any nation involved. The economic consequences of war can be far-reaching and long-lasting, affecting various sectors and aspects of a country's financial well-being. In this essay, we will explore the effects of war on the economy...

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  • Industrialization
  • World Economy
  • Cosmetology
  • Income Inequality
  • Consumerism
  • Materialism
  • Comparative Advantage
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Cost Benefit
  • Cultural Capital
  • Economic Crisis
  • Economic Development
  • Economic Inequality
  • Economic Problem
  • Economic System
  • Freakonomics
  • Housing Market
  • Income Wealth Gap
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Keynesian Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Mercantilism
  • Microeconomics
  • Opportunity Cost
  • Penny Debate
  • Price Gouging
  • Socioeconomic Status
  • Supply and Demand
  • Universal Basic Income
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