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Arab-American influencers Furrha Family share secrets of their success

Salem furrha and his eight children @thefurrhafamily on tiktok and instagram represent a large movement of american arabs who have turned to social media as a means of breaking up the boredom of coronavirus restrictions and sharing their lives showcasing a popular and positive  image of arab family life and culture. the furrha family was among several social media influencers showcased in a recent panel, by ray hanania.

راى حنانيا. Ray Hanania

Some of the Arab-American community’s leading social media influencers shared the strategies they use to build millions of followers during a panel discussion hosted Thursday by the Arab America Foundation.

The panelists said they strived to be authentic and blend humor and honesty into their content.

Chicago food blogger Mai Kakish, who posts at, said she put her recipes into the context of Palestinian culture, everyday life in the US and in occupied Palestine.

“I try to tell how much Palestinian food holds a special place in my Palestinian identity and share that,” Kakish said. “I want to take people not just for the recipes (because) our cuisine is often over-simplified in this industry. It’s never labeled as Palestinian cuisine. I started realizing people love our food. I use Palestinian food as a reflection of the fabric of our life.”

The Furrha Family, major social media influencers on TikTok and instagram

Her posts transported readers to a place they had never been, she added.

“I want to transport them to that place where my grandfather and grandmother were from,” said Kakish, whose grandparents still live in Israeli-occupied Palestine. “People talk about our food all the time, but they don’t talk about the back stories, which is often misunderstood.”

Salem Furrha and his eight children turned to social media as a means of breaking up the boredom of coronavirus restrictions. The family account on Tiktok quickly attracted millions of followers.

“We got into social media because of COVID,” said Furrha. “We started doing family skits that were fun. We got joy out of seeing people laugh. It was really a good feeling and we decided to continue it.”

The @theFurrhaFamily account has 3.2 million followers and 95 million likes on TikTok.

Furrha said people recognized him in stores even though he wore a face mask, asking him: “Aren’t you the guy on TikTok?”

Rocky Furrha, Salem’s son, said “We post at least two times a day.”

Salem added, “… our skits are relatable to everyday family life … and they realize that is what they have in their households …” He said, “It is hard to come up with content … but once you find that one, you can go viral with that it is all worth it.”

One post on TikTok he said, attracted 35 million views. “It was going 3,000 and 4,000 views a second,” Salem Furrha said.

It helps to go on vacation and do things outside of your home 

Salem is Palestinian and his wife is Palestinian and Lebanese. He wa born in Kuwait and lives not he West Coast.

Faiza Rammuny used her presence on YouTube, Instragram and TikTok as a relationship adviser for Muslim and Arab clients. She started her platform,, in 2015 on Instagram sharing her stories “and the stories of others who were voiceless.”

furrha family biography

She described her 370,000 Instagram and 400,000 TikTok followers as “a tribe of misfits.”

“I use my platform to give a voice to people who don’t have one, who can’t speak up because of their family cultural restrictions, or because of where they come from in the community or society. The platform gives them the ability to showcase or I share their stories,” Rammuny said. “We are human beings. We have to show our vulnerabilities and put the human aspect of what it means to be an Arab out there and I feel my work does that.”

Syrian-Canadian influencer Saif Shawaf became popular when he posted the “The Chicken Wing Arab Zaffe” song.

It features the lyrics “Chicken wing, chicken wing. Hot dog and bologna. Chicken and macaroni. Chilling with the homies” and is sung to a Palestinian tablah beat. The video shows him and his friends with black and white Palestinian keffiyehs draped over their shoulders.

Shawaf acknowledged that, while the song may sound silly, it had brought a lot of attention to his stories about Arab culture and life. Saif has more than 2.3 million followers and more than 46 million TikTok views under the handle @SaifShawaf.

“I want to show people what being an Arab really is,” said Shawaf, who was born in Saudi Arabia and lived in Dubai before settling in Canada.

The panel discussion was moderated by Shereen Ahmed, an Egyptian singer and actress who is currently starring as Eliza Doolittle in a production of “My Fair Lady.”

The panelists said their social media following generated income from sponsors seeking to use their platforms for product promotion.

This article originally appeared in the Arab News newspaper. Click here to see the story .

Here are the links to all of the five stories Ray Hanania wrote about the Arab America Foundation panel discussions including the one on social media influencers like the @TheFurrhaFamily (Follow them on TikTok and Instagram) , with more to follow.

Panel 1 on Arab American political activism. Click here to read that story .

Panel 2 on Arab American cultural activism. Click here to read that story .

Panel 3 on Arab American business entrepreneurs. Click here to read that story .

Panel 4 on Arab American social media influencers. Click here to read that story .

Panel 5 on Arab American entertainers. Click here to read that story .

For more news and information visit the Arab News Newspaper, the Arab World’s leading English language newspaper with bureaus in Riyadh, Dubai, London, Japan, France, Pakistan and in the United States.

(Ray Hanania is the U.S. Special Correspondent for the Arab News. Email him at [email protected] . His personal website hub is )

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The Furrha family: what it takes to be among the Arab American Influencers

The Furrha family

Probably, for you, a celebrity is just a money-making machine that has established itself through power, money, and beauty skills. But that’s not all. The entertainment industry is like a sea where fish of every size exists.

Gladly this entertainment industry is not just confined to the movie or drama industry, as it was before. Social media is now extremely huge, including more than one platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Among all of these platforms, TikTok is the most hyped-up platform, gathering millions of followers and has become a unique source through which people can show their extraordinary abilities. One of the families that have gained the attention of so many people is the Furrha family .

The Furrha family

The Furrha is a family, residents of Irvine, California, who became a TikTok star after one of their videos at TikTok went viral. The family consists of 10 family members, including Salem Furrha, his wife, and 8 children are Arabic in origin. When their first video went viral.

They decided to create some more stuff. Since then, they have been posting videos on TikTok and have earned almost 4 million followers TikTok. Later, watching their success becoming huge within days, they created their youtube channel, which gains 500k subscribers just within four months.

Salem Furrha, a Palestinian is a 55-year-old guy who was born in Kuwait. After they migrated to the US, his first residence was Michigan; after that, they moved to California. His wife is a native of Lebanon named Samah, and their eight kids, including 5 sons and 3 daughters. Everybody is boresome due to undergoing pandemics, and people are always seeking to spare their free time somehow. Furrha family was going through the same situation. So they decided to create an account at TikTok, where they decided to post some interesting videos.

Reason for their immense success

During an interview, Salem Furrha said:

“We got into social media because of covid. We started doing family skits that were fun. We got joy out of seeing people laugh. It was a really good feeling, and we decided to continue it’.

Any social media platform arrives with some quirks, i.e., not everyone can get the fame they are looking for. Plus, sometimes following the same borderline also make people lose interest in anything. But Furrha family decided not to use the TikTok already existing trends. Rather than, they decided to create their constructive way of presenting something. The thing they focused on was the everyday life of Arab Americans residing in us. The content they chose was unique and attracted millions of people.

A conflict among the Arabs and Muslims has been known for decades, and this super malicious content is all over social media, either it is news channels or any other social media platform. The particular hate debates add fuel to the fire; at that point, the Furrah family is spreading the message of positivity and some influence, thus inspiring both the Arabs and Muslims.

The strategy family used to build millions of followers.

Being among the Arab American leading personalities, the Furrha family shared the secret of their success. the strategy includes building a huge number of followers and then maintaining the number. Unlike the fake and just fun-based content, they came out with a mixture of both humor and honest thoughts, the true feelings that people can hardly avoid while falling for.

Due to their constructive behavior, both the national and international organizations are picking them up as an influencer for revealing the positive image of Arabs all around the world. Arab Americans, the biggest Arab representing organizations, have chosen the Furrha family as their icon and worldwide ambassador under a long-term contract.

The immense popularity of this family is not just confined to TikTok and youtube, but they are also taking over Facebook massively. Salem Furrah revealed the secret of their huge success while stating that.

“We like to portray our everyday life in a comedic way. He furthers added, “There is a lot of stereotypical stuff about Arabs that is not true… we want to show who we are.”

Impact of Furrha family on social media and vise-versa

Haters are everywhere, and in fact, sarcasm is something that proves you that you are doing something unique. Where there are fans, there are also people who can criticize you, no matter if there is a solid reason or not. Not each one, but some personal attacks can be based on racism, a disease that is eating our society alive. Their response to all of that malicious hate was priceless.

“We concentrate on positive comments. We ignore negative comments. We don’t pay attention to them. We try to respond to the comments on the chat and interact and engage with our followers.” Salem Furrah explained his point of view when he was asked about the negativity they get.

Self-respect belongs to everyone equally, and any harm to it can trigger people, especially when it’s not your fault. But the Furrah family has shredded the shoulders and has proved that they are spreading the peace no matter how much it takes to control themselves over hate.

So simply, whenever it comes to the positive social media influencers, the Furrah family will proudly have their name among those. They have proved that success is possible, and it just needs a little effort. No hate or sarcasm can stop you from spreading the message of positivity. They have come up with a unique and positive image of Arabs that has changed the perspective of the world regarding Arabs.

The Furrha family

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Copyright © 2024 Arab America

Salem Furrha of @thefurrhafamily

posted on: Jun 29, 2021

Amid these sorrowful times, wonderful things have come to the surface during the COVID era.

Odds are, if you’re an Arab-American millenial you know Salem Furrha, “The Furrha Dad” of Tiktok ‘s @TheFurrhaFamily. Active on Tiktok and Instagram, Furrha and co. have spread joy from their home in California–from a safe, social distance, of course.

Born to a Muslim, Palestinian family, Salem Furrha came to the United States in 1966. Originally from Ramoun in the south side of Palestine, next to Ramallah, Salem’s father, an engineer, migrated from Kuwait to the U.S. when Salem was very young. He was raised in Ann Arbor Michigan as an Arab-American.

After earning his Bachelor’s of Science in Industrial Engineering from Western Michigan University, Furrha opened up a coffee shop. A true entrepreneur, Furrha brought the new “cappuccino bar” to the east coast in Eastern Michigan. He later went into real estate.

Coach Furrha proudly coaches high school football, as he has done for the past 25 years.

How the Furrha Family Became “@ TheFurrhaFamily “

The TikTok Dad and his family have recently captured the hearts of Arab American fans from coast to coast, and neighboring Canada, of course. American families and Middle Eastern fans alike reach out from all over the world.

“During COVID,” started Furrha, “sitting at home bored, you find something to do. Everyone’s in the house together, my daughter was playing around with TikTok. After a while, one of her videos went viral.

It looked like fun, so we did a family one for kicks. It blew up from there. People wanted more.”

“You do things on Arab culture” he continued, “some Arab skits—we keep it mostly normal, family skits. We have fun, we make people laugh.”

Furrha’s reach has known no bounds. With over 2.7 million followers they receive messages daily: “Thank you for making my day!” “You guys make me laugh”. For Furrha, these are reminders of just how much his family’s become a sensation on a day to day basis.  

“It reminds me of coaching, being a good person, athlete, the necessities of life. If you make someone laugh that day, you did something good in the world. Especially in this time when people are having a rough time.”

“I made a family account, they all have a personal one. It’s nice to show people what it’s like to really be Muslim Arabs, it shows a different side of how a muslim arab family lives on a day to day basis, and teach them not to listen to the media.”

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Everything about The Furrha Family Members

The Furrha Family are internet-famous families who have succeeded in pleasing people with their content all over social platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

The family first came into the limelight through their fun TikTok content. There are 10 people in the Furrhas family, including the patriarch Salem Furrha, his wife Samah, and their eight kids. They are all descended from Arabs.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Furrha Family (@thefurrhafamily)

The family has become a TikTok viral famous people.  They have 393.5 million likes and 11.8 million followers as of this writing. On YouTube, they have 4.98 million subscribers, and they have 1.6 million Instagram followers.

During the COVID shutdown in 2020, the family first began to create videos on TikTok. One of the daughters initially shared a TikTok with her family members, including her parents and siblings. After one of their videos went viral, they started making more relatable content that showed the daily lives of an Arab family in California.

They quickly began publishing their content on more online platforms, including YouTube and Instagram. Most of their videos hilariously portray them as a dysfunctional family. Their programming is mostly concentrated on humorous comedy, from funny sibling rivalry to parents showing favoritism to their children.

Further Family’s social handle:

Instagram : @thefurrhafamily

YouTube : @thefurrhafamily

TikTok : @thefurrhafamily

This Article Contents

Ages of The Furrha Family Members

The Furrha family is a big family of ten people. The following are the members of the Furrha Family:

  • Kies Furrha- 17 years 
  • Rocky Furrha- 21  years
  • Linda Furrha- 23 years 
  • Sammy Furrha – 27 years
  • Hanna Furrha – 28 years 
  • Rush Furrha- 30 years
  • Fifi Furrha- 31 years
  • Nader Furrha- 32 years 
  • Samah Furrha- 43 years
  • Salem Furrha- 58 years 

Salem Furrha is the father of the family

Salem, also known as Coach Furrha, is the father of the Furrha family. He has been coaching high school football for more than 25 years.

Salem was born on January 12, 1965, in Kuwait to a Palestinian family. He is now 58 years old. When he came to the US in 1966, he was only one year old. Salem and his parents settled in Michigan after moving to the US. He decided to study engineering, following in his father’s footsteps.

The Furrha Family Father Salem Furrha

Salem focused on industrial engineering and earned his engineering degree from Western Michigan University.

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However, he didn’t stick with engineering for long and eventually started a coffee business in Eastern Michigan. Alongside his business, Salem also worked part-time as a football coach at Ann Arbor Pioneer High School. Later on, he decided to pursue a career in real estate and built a successful business life.

Samah Furrha is the second wife of Salem Furrha

Samah Furrha is a Lebanese-American woman who is the mother of the Furrha family. She was born in Lebanon on January 6, 1980 , and is currently 43 years old.

Samah raised three of Salem Furrha’s youngest children from his previous marriage as her own. Their names are Kies Furha, Rocky, and Linda. She treats them as her own children and doesn’t think of them as stepchildren.

The Furrha Family Salem Furrha Wife Samah Furrha

Before marrying Samah, Salem and the rest of the family made a funny video about him having five children. In the video, Salem proposes to Samah and promises to travel the world with her. But when he mentions his five children, she jokingly runs away.

Samah and Salem met when she went to a nearby store to buy cosmetics. They started off as good friends and their relationship eventually turned into dating and then marriage.

Samah is well-known for being one of the pioneers of family-focused YouTube and TikTok channels. She also has her own Instagram account with over 376k followers, where she goes by the username @ samahfurrha .

Kies Furrha is the youngest Furrha child

Kies was born on September 8, 2005 , in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Right now, he is 17 years old.

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Furhha is a popular person on YouTube and TikTok. He often shows up in family videos as Samah’s favorite child.

The Furrha Family Members Kies Furrha

Currently, Kie is going to Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, California. He will finish high school in 2024.

Rocky Furrha

Rocky is a 21-year-old, who was born on February 22, 2002 . He goes by the name Rekan Furrha in his everyday life and is currently studying at the University of Michigan. He is working towards a degree in Business Administration with a focus on Mental Health.

The Furrha Family Members Rocky Furrha

Furrha is a committed Muslim and finds joy in spending time outdoors. He has had the opportunity to visit countries like Kenya and the United Arab Emirates because he loves to travel. Within the United States, he has also explored various states such as Utah, Hawaii, California, and more.

Linda Furrha

Linda is a 23-year-old social media influencer. She was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan on May 6, 2000 .

Kind is Salem and Samah’s first child together. Linda is her father’s favorite kid and is the family’s youngest daughter.

The Furrha Family Members Linda Furrha

With more than 115k followers, Linda is a well-known user of the social media platform Instagram (@linda_furrha) . With more than 337k followers and 4 million likes on her personal account (@lindafurrha1), she is also quite well-liked on TikTok.

Sammy Furrha 

Sammy was born on September 21, 1995 , and is now 27 years old. Furrha is a well-known TikTok individual and an authorized realtor.

Sammy oversees Offercity, a real estate company. Properties in Irvine, Riverside, Orange County, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino are offered for sale by the corporation.

The Furrha Family Members Sammy Furrha

On May 16, 2023, sammy got engaged to Jalileh Awad. The pair wed one month after being engaged. Their close friends and family members attended their Arab wedding ceremony.

Hanna Furrha 

Hanna Furrha is a 28-year-old woman from Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is well-known on Instagram with over 50.9k followers.

The Furrha Family Members Hanna Furrha

Hanna got married to Hamzah Sukkar on July 1, 2020, and they have a daughter together. Hamzah is a former student of the University of Michigan, but we don’t know much about his current job or professional background.

Rush Furrha

Rush Furrha is currently 30 years old. He was born in the United States on June 7, 1993 .

Rush graduated from the University of Michigan . He works in Riverside, California, as an insurance agent for State Farm. Based on his Facebook posts, it seems like Rush has a daughter.

The Furrha Family Members Rush Furrha

However, there is no information on his social media accounts about a wife or partner.

Fifi Furrha

Fifi was born on March 10, 1992 , so she is currently 31 years old. She creates content on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Fifi often shares videos of her cats on the internet with her partner Kareem Khalil, and their videos have become very popular.

The Furrha Family Members Fifi Furrha

They also have an online store called dontstopmeowing . One of their most popular videos is about their cat feeling jealous of their new baby.

Kareem and Fifi have one child together, but they have not revealed the child’s name or gender yet.

Nader Furrha

Nader has been working as the West Coast Operations Manager at RNA Facilities Management since January 2018. Before that, he used to play football. He was born on September 22, 1990.

The Furrha Family Members Nader Furrha

In high school and college, Nader played as a quarterback. He went to Ann Arbor High School and then completed his degree at Morgan State University in Baltimore.

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Nader’s wife, Reem Khalil, and their oldest child have a joyful marriage. Nader’s wife is the office manager at The SRA Group. Together, Nader and his wife have three children named Salem, Ella, and Jenna.

Tags: family Family Members The Furrha Family

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Simran Subba

Simran Subba is a writer with a passion for celebrity news and entertainment. With 2 years of experience in the industry, Simran has covered a wide range of stories, from high-profile celebrity interviews to in-depth investigations of the latest entertainment trends. Simran Subba has a keen eye for detail and an ability to uncover exclusive stories. With a background in both print and digital media, She has a strong understanding of how to create engaging content that resonates with readers. In addition to Simran Subba's work with Latestcelebarticle, Simran has also been published in several other major media outlets.

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Sammy Furrha is an American TikTok star and social media personality. His interesting videos on TikTok and performances on The Furrha Family YouTube channel made him famous. Sammy joined TikTok in March 2020 and has since amassed a significant following.

Sammy Furrha is the fifth child of Coach Furrha and Samah Furrha , who are also TikTok stars and social media personalities. The Furrha Family, which includes Coach Furrha, Samah, and their eight kids, has become famous for making funny and realistic videos on TikTok and YouTube.

Over 15 million people have watched one of Sammy’s most popular TikToks, in which he flinches at his family to see how they respond. In his family’s movies, which show their daily lives and adventures, he often appears with them.

5 ft 10 in
86 kg
September 21, 1995
Jalileh Furrha

Sammy Furrha

Sammy Furrha as seen in a selfie that was taken in February 2023, at Burj Khalifa, Dubai

The United States of America

Orange County, Irvine, and Los Angeles.


TikTok Star, Realtor, YouTuber

  • Father – Salem Furrha
  • Fifi Furrha (Sister)
  • Sammy Furrha (Brother)
  • Rush Furrha (Brother)
  • Nader Furrha (Brother)

The Furrha Family, Sammy is represented by Viral Nation.

5 ft 10 in or 178 cm

86 kg or 189.5 lbs

Girlfriend / Spouse

Sammy got married to Jalileh Furrha on May 20, 2023.

Sammy Furrha as seen in a picture with his wife Jalileh Awad on the day their wedding at Orange County, California in July 2023

Race / Ethnicity

Sexual orientation, distinctive features.

  • His thick wavy hairstyle and thick eyebrows

Sammy Furrha as seen in a picture taken on the day of his wedding in July 2023, at Orange County, California

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Coach Furrha Age, First Wife, Height, Daughters, Net Worth

Coach Furrha

Salem Furrha popularly known as Coach is a businessman, high school football coach, and now a social media personality. He became popular after he and his family began creating funny TikTok family content where they shared the joy and perks of a large family.

About Salem Furrha

Coach Furrha together with his family has been bringing joy and happiness to many TikTok users around the world with their relatable videos. Known as the Furrha Dad, he and his wife and eight children grew a following initially on TikTok and later on Instagram and YouTube through their entertaining videos.

The Furrha Family Tik Tok now has over 10 million followers with their Instagram having over 1 million followers. They began posting TikTok videos during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown out of boredom.

Salem Furrha Age

Coach is 59 years old as of 2024. He was born on January 12, 1965, in Kuwait. His birth sign is Capricorn.  Coach was born Salem Furrha.

Furrha stands at a height of 5 feet 11 inches tall.

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Salem Furrha Background

Salem was born and raised by his parents in Kuwait to a Muslim, Palestinian family. His family moved to the United States in 1966 and settled in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Salem’s father was originally from Ramon on the south side of Palestine, next to Ramallah.

He was an engineer and moved to Kuwait and later the United States after Salem was born. He graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering. His father was also an engineer. Coach became a real estate agent for a while and soon after he began coaching high school football.


The Furrha is of Arabic origin. Coach is Palestinian born in Kuwait while Samah was born in Lebanon. They now live in Irvine, California.

Coach Furrha Wife

Salem has been married to Samah Furrha for over 25 years. Samah is also famous in her own right as the matriarch of the Furrha Family. She is currently 44 years old born on January 6th, 1980. She also shares prank videos, family skits, and challenges on her TikTok account.

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Coach Furrha Children

Salem has a total of eight children. His children are Nader, Fifi, Rush, Hanna, Sammy, Linda , Rekan ‘Rocky’, and Kies. His sons Nader and Rush have children while his two daughters Fifi and Hannah are married.

Fifi is married to Kareem; together they run the TikTok and YouTube channel Dontstopmeowing. They mostly share funny videos of their cat Chase. They also have several grandchildren and four inlaws.

Salem Furrha Ex-Wife

Even though he does not talk much about it, Coach was previously married to his first wife and had five children in his first marriage. He went on to marry Samah Furrha his current wife.

Coach Furrha Job

After graduating from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering, Salem opened up a coffee shop. He brought the new “cappuccino bar” to the east coast in Eastern Michigan.

Salem later joined the real estate business and was also a high school football coach for over 25 years. He has added to his resume a social media entrepreneur as his family does brand deals and advertisements on their videos.

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Salem Furrha Religion

Furrha is a Muslim. Through his videos with his family, he can show their culture as an Arab Muslim family living in America.

Coach Furrha Net Worth

Furrha is an entrepreneur apart from being a social media personality. He is also a real estate agent and a coach for high school football. Salem has an estimated net worth of about $ 500k as a football coach and social media influencer.

Coach Furrha on TikTok

Salem and his family began sharing TikTok videos during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. During lockdown with nothing to do at home, they decided to try making videos after one of her daughter’s TikTok went viral.

The Furrha Family has now grown to have over 10 million followers on TikTok, 3 million subscribers on YouTube, and over one million followers on Instagram.

Among the videos they share are pranks, challenges, vlogs, and family skits on all their social media platforms. Coach and his family were shocked by how fast their following grew.

They received messages from their fans saying how they make them happy with their videos which encouraged them to continue making videos. They continue showcasing what an Arab-American family of 10 sometimes with grandchildren looks like and their fans love it.

Coach Furrha Socials

furrha family biography

Dora is an experienced senior writer at She has vast knowledge of the entertainment scene and loves being an entertainment blogger. While not working on articles, Dora loves to binge watch Netflix reality shows and stay up to date on the latest series.

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Great family, although the scripts show plenty of feud, and differences within the family, we all see that there is a lot of love in that group, and this is why the americain people took to it so much, continue, we are watching and loving it.

I love their family I wish that my family was like that their family is very peaceful.

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The Furrha Family Biography: all you need to know about them

The Furrha Family Tree, Members, Ages, Net Worth, Wiki, Bio, Religion

For you, a celebrity is probably just a money-making machine that has gained notoriety through strength, wealth, or attractiveness. That’s not all, though. The entertainment sector is comparable to a sea that contains fish of all sizes.

It’s a good thing that, unlike in the past, the entertainment sector is not merely limited to the film or television industries. Nowadays, social media is very popular and includes multiple platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

TikTok is the most popular platform out of the bunch, gaining millions of followers and developing into a one-of-a-kind platform where people can display their remarkable talents. The Furrha family is one of the groups of people who have attracted a lot of attention.

The Furrha Family

Who are The Furrha Family: A family from Irvine, California named The Furrha gained fame on TikTok after one of their videos there went viral. There are 10 people in the family, including Salem Furrha, his wife, and 8 kids, who are all of Arabic descent. when their initial video became a hit.

They made the decision to produce more things. They have been publishing videos on TikTok ever since, and they now have nearly 4 million fans there. Later, after seeing how quickly their business grew, they decided to start a YouTube channel, which quickly racked up 500k subscribers in just four months.

The Furrha Family Biography

A 55-year-old Palestinian man named Salem Furrha was born in Kuwait. His first home in the US was in Michigan; after that, they relocated to California. Samah, one of his eight children and a native of Lebanon, is his wife.

They have five sons and three daughters between them. Due to the pandemics, everyone is boring, and people are constantly looking for ways to spare their free time.

The Furrha family was experiencing the same thing. They therefore made an account on TikTok and proceeded to post some amusing videos there.

The cause of their enormous success, In a conversation, Salem Furrha stated:

“Covid is the reason we started using social media. We started performing enjoyable family skits. We like watching people laugh. We decided to keep going since it felt so amazing.”

Every social media network has inherent drawbacks, such as the fact that not everyone can get the popularity they desire. Plus, sometimes following the same borders also cause people lose interest in something.

However, the Furrha family made the decision not to follow the current TikTok trends. Instead, they made the decision to develop their own useful means of delivering something.

They concentrated on the daily activities of the Arab Americans living here. Millions of people were drawn to the content they selected because it was original.

There has been a war between Arabs and Muslims for many years, and there is a ton of extremely harmful stuff on news channels and other social media sites.

The specific disputes on hatred fuel the fire, but at that time the Furrah family is inspiring both Muslims and Arabs by spreading their message of positivity and impact.

The family tactics employed to amass millions of followers.

The Furrha family revealed their success secret as one of the prominent Arab Americans. The plan calls for accumulating a sizable following and then keeping it up. They released a blend of comedy and honest thoughts, the actual feelings that people can difficult ignore while falling for, as opposed to phony and purely fun-based stuff.

Both national and international organizations are recognizing them as influencers for promoting the positive image of Arabs throughout the world as a result of their positive behavior. The Furrha family has been appointed as its icon and global ambassador under a long-term contract by Arab Americans, the largest Arab-representing group.

This family’s enormous fame extends beyond TikTok and YouTube; they are also rapidly gaining control of Facebook. While saying thus, Salem Furrah revealed the key to their enormous success.

“We enjoy using humor to describe our daily lives. The speaker continued, “We want to show who we are since there are many stereotypes about Arabs that are untrue.”

The Furrha Family effect on social media, and vice versa

Haters are commonplace, and using sarcasm actually shows that you are doing something special. Where there are supporters, there are also detractors who may criticize you, whether or not they have a valid point.

Not all of them, but some of them may be motivated by racism, a disease that is destroying our society. It was priceless how they responded to all of that vicious hatred.

“We focus on remarks that are favorable. Negative comments are ignored. We don’t give them any thought. We make an effort to engage with our fans by responding to their chat comments. When asked about the criticism they face, Salem Furrah clarified his viewpoint.

Everyone has an equal right to self-respect, and any damage to it can inflame emotions, especially if it wasn’t your fault. The Furrah family, however, has shrunk shoulders and demonstrated that they are spreading peace despite whatever it takes to restrain themselves from hatred.

So, to put it simply, the Furrah family will be happy to be listed among the pro-social media influencers. They have demonstrated that success is attainable with a little work.

You can continue to preach the message of optimism in the face of hatred and sarcasm. They have created a distinctive and admirable representation of Arabs that has altered how the world views Arabs.

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Salam Kane

Salam Kane is a blogger at He loves writing about entertainment news, celebrity lifestyles, and trending stories around the globe. It is always his top priority to deliver accurate information to his readers. His hobbies include music, writing, and a little bit about sports. Email: [email protected] .


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furrha family biography

Linda Furrha

Instagram Star

Birthday May 6 , 2000

Birth Sign Taurus

Birthplace Ann Arbor , MI

Age 24 years old

#9842 Most Popular

Instagram content creator and social media personality who is recognized for sharing comedy, lifestyle, and family videos on her linda_furrha account. She frequently posts photos from her travels around the world. Her popularity on the platform led to her amassing more than 130,000 fans.

Before Fame

She began making TikToks in 2019. One of her oldest archived videos featured a scene from  Hannah Montana . 

In late 2020, she posted a video shopping at Louis Vuitton . The video was set to music by  Ariana Grande . 

Family Life

She is the daughter of  Coach  and  Samah . Her brothers are  Sammy Furrha , Rocky Furrha, and Kies Furrha.

Associated With

She posted a tribute to the late actor  Chadwick Boseman  after his passing in 2020. 

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  2. The Furrha family names and ages

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  3. Who is The Furrha Family First Wife? What is Her Name?Wikipedia

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  4. The Furrha Family Members, Net Worth, Cast, Ethnicity & More

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  5. Sammy Furrha: Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Wife

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  6. Everything about The Furrha Family Members

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  1. Who are The Furrha Family? Family Tree, Members, Daughters

    The Furrha Family Members Oldest to Youngest. As of 2024, members of the Furrha family are listed below together with their ages.; - Salem Furrha 'Coach' - 59 years old (January 12, 1965) - Samah Furrha -44 years old (January 6, 1980) - Nader Furrha -33 years old (September 22, 1990)

  2. The Furrha Family

    The Furrha Family About. Arab-American family of ten who rose to fame through their shared TikTok account. They are known for sharing relatable family comedy and lifestyle content. They have more than 12 million fans on TikTok. Trivia.

  3. Samah Furrha Family

    Salem Furrha was born in Kuwait but then moved to the US. He first lived in Michigan and then shifted to California. He has 8 children, three daughters and five sons. He is a social media personality who rose to fame through The Furrha Family TikTok account. The family has over 12.1 million followers on the platform for their popular, comical ...


    Hey Furrha Fam!! In this video we decided to ANSWER some questions that a lot of you have been asking about! Hope this helps and we love you guys for 700k!In...

  5. Arab-American influencers Furrha Family share secrets of their success

    Salem Furrha and his eight children @theFurrhaFamily on TikTok and Instagram represent a large movement of American Arabs who have turned to social media as a means of breaking up the boredom of coronavirus restrictions and sharing their lives showcasing a popular and positive image of Arab family life and culture. The Furrha family was among several social media influencers showcased in a ...

  6. Who are The Furrha Family?

    The Furrha Family, comprising Salem Furrha, his wife Samah, and their 7 children, leads a dynamic and closely-knit personal life that resonates through their engaging social media presence. Salem Furrha, the patriarch, brings a blend of humor and wisdom to their videos, reflecting his role as a guiding figure within the family.

  7. The Furrha family: what it takes to be among the Arab American

    The Furrha family. The Furrha is a family, residents of Irvine, California, who became a TikTok star after one of their videos at TikTok went viral. The family consists of 10 family members, including Salem Furrha, his wife, and 8 children are Arabic in origin. When their first video went viral. They decided to create some more stuff.

  8. Sammy Furrha

    It has gained over 15 million views. He often appears on The Furrha Family YouTube channel, where he and his siblings post challenge, vlog, and Q&A videos. Family Life. He has four brothers and three sisters, including Linda Furrha. His parents are Coach and Samah Furrha. He married Jalileh Awad on May 20, 2023.

  9. The Furrha Family

    The Furrha Family. 164,662 likes · 163,377 talking about this. Family of 8 follow us for a laugh or two! Business: [email protected]

  10. The Furrha Family (@thefurrhafamily)

    2M Followers, 425 Following, 778 Posts - The Furrha Family (@thefurrhafamily) on Instagram: "Business: [email protected] Tiktok/Snap/YouTube: @thefurrhafamily"

  11. Nader Furrha

    One of the family's most popular TikToks is a skit about a parent-teacher conference over zoom. One of their most popular videos focuses on revealing family secrets. It has earned over 11 million views. Family Life. His wife Reem Khalil and children, Jenna, Ella, and Salem, have appeared on his social media. Associated With

  12. Family values: parents and their kids present a positive portrayal of

    The Furrha family have attracted more than 3.3 million followers on TikTok and other social-media platforms with their amusing videos about everyday life; Updated 18 February 2021 .

  13. Salem Furrha of @thefurrhafamily

    Odds are, if you're an Arab-American millenial you know Salem Furrha, "The Furrha Dad" of Tiktok's @TheFurrhaFamily. Active on Tiktok and Instagram, Furrha and co. have spread joy from their home in California-from a safe, social distance, of course. Born to a Muslim, Palestinian family, Salem Furrha came to the United States in 1966.

  14. Everything about The Furrha Family Members

    Later on, he decided to pursue a career in real estate and built a successful business life. Samah Furrha is the second wife of Salem Furrha. Samah Furrha is a Lebanese-American woman who is the mother of the Furrha family. She was born in Lebanon on January 6, 1980, and is currently 43 years old.

  15. Sammy Furrha: Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Wife

    The Furrha Family, which includes Coach Furrha, Samah, and their eight kids, has become famous for making funny and realistic videos on TikTok and YouTube. Over 15 million people have watched one of Sammy's most popular TikToks, in which he flinches at his family to see how they respond. In his family's movies, which show their daily lives ...

  16. The Furrha Family (@thefurrhafamily) Official

    original sound - The Furrha Family. Furrha Family Rima. Meet The Furrha Family. Furrha Family. Furrha Family Tree. Furrha Family Explained. Furha Family. Gala Dress. Furrha Family Hanna. Furrha Family Story. Furrha Family Daughter. 73.6K. Likes. 337. Comments. 419. Shares. 1.7M. Even in Dubai Linda gets what she wants..

  17. Coach Furrha

    Social media star who has gained popularity for appearing on The Furrha Family TikTok account alongside his children. Their comedy and prank videos have earned them over 12 million followers on the platform. His family members are recognizable for their distinct, over-the-top personalities. Before Fame. He appeared in his first TikTok in March ...

  18. Salem 'Coach' Furrha's First Wife, Net Worth, All Children

    The Furrha Family has now grown to have over 10 million followers on TikTok, 3 million subscribers on YouTube, and over one million followers on Instagram. Among the videos they share are pranks, challenges, vlogs, and family skits on all their social media platforms. Coach and his family were shocked by how fast their following grew.



  20. Samah Furrha

    Social media personality and TikTok content creator who rose to fame as the matriarch of The Furrha Family. She and her family members have more than 12 million followers on their shared account. Before Fame. She started making TikToks with her family as a means to pass time during the COVID-19 quarantine in 2020. Trivia

  21. The Furrha Family Biography: all you need to know about them

    The Furrha Family Biography. A 55-year-old Palestinian man named Salem Furrha was born in Kuwait. His first home in the US was in Michigan; after that, they relocated to California. Samah, one of his eight children and a native of Lebanon, is his wife. They have five sons and three daughters between them.

  22. Kies Furrha

    Outside of the content he creates with his family, he also launched his own solo kiesfurrha TikTok account with over 20,000 followers. A popular TikTok from the summer of 2022 features him choosing his mother over his father. The video has gained over 25 million views. Family Life. He is the son of Salem Furrha.

  23. Linda Furrha

    Instagram content creator and social media personality who is recognized for sharing comedy, lifestyle, and family videos on her linda_furrha account. She frequently posts photos from her travels around the world. Her popularity on the platform led to her amassing more than 130,000 fans. Before Fame. She began making TikToks in 2019.