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Medieval Studies @ Harvard

  • Ph.D. dissertations in Medieval Studies, 1990-2016

The lists provided here offer a guide to the hundreds of dissertations on topics in Medieval Studies completed at Harvard University during the last three decades. Please inform Sean Gilsdorf of any omissions, errors, or necessary corrections.

Dissertations by Author

Rahim Acar (NELC, 2002): Creation: A comparative study between Avicenna's and Aquinas' positions

Catherine Adoyo (Romance Languages, 2011): The order of all things: Mimetic craft in Dante's Commedia

Panagiotis Agapitos (Classics, 1990): Narrative structure in the Byzantine vernacular romances: A textual and literary study of Kallimachos , Belthandros and Libistros

Ahmad Ahmad (NELC, 2005): Structural interrelations of theory and practice in Islamic law: A study of Takhrīj al-Furūʻ ʻalá al-Uṣūl literature

Aslıhan Akışık (History and Middle Eastern Studies, 2013): Self and other in the Renaissance: Laonikos Chalkokondyles and Late Byzantine Intellectuals

Yasmine Al-Saleh (History of Art, 2014): "Licit Magic": The Touch and Sight Of Islamic Talismanic Scrolls

Dimiter Angelov (History, 2002): Imperial ideology and political thought in Byzantium, 1204-ca. 1330

Diliana Angelova (History of Art, 2005): Gender and imperial authority in Rome and early Byzantium, first to sixth centuries

Zayde Antrim (History, 2005): Place and belonging in medieval Syria, 6th/12th to 8th/14th centuries

Sinān Antūn (NELC, 2006): The poetics of the obscene: Ibn al-Ḥajjāj and Sukhf

Francesco Aresu (Romance Languages, 2015): The Author as Scribe: Materiality and Textuality in the Trecento

Kirsten Ataoguz (History of Art, 2007): The apostolic commissioning of the monks of Saint John in Müestair, Switzerland: painting and preaching in a Churraetian Monastery

Sarah Axelrod (Romance Languages, 2015): Umorismo and Critical Reading in Boccaccio’s Vernacular and Latin Opere ‘Minori’

Fatemeh Azinfar (Comparative Literature, 1999): Doubt , dissent and skepticism in the literary tradition of the medieval period

Patrick Baker (History, 2009): Illustrious men: Italian renaissance humanists on humanism

Timothy Baker (Religion, 2015): “Be You as Living Stones Built Up, A Spiritual House, A Holy Priesthood”: Cistercian Exegesis, Reforms, and the Construction of Holy Architectures

Abigail Balbale (History, 2011): Between Kings and Caliphs: Religion and Authority in Sharq al-Andalus, 542-640 AH/1145-1243 C.E.

Bridget Balint (Classics, 2002): Hildebert of Lavardin's "Liber de querimonia" in its cultural context

Henry Bayerle (Comparative Literature, 2004): Speakers in the Latin historical epics of twelfth-century Italy

Dianne Bazell (Religion, 1991): Christian diet: A case study using Arnald of Villanova's De esu carnium

Alexis Becker (English, 2015): Practical Georgics: Managing the Land in Medieval Britain

William Bennett (English, 1992): Interrupting the word: Mankind and the politics of the vernacular

Jessica Berenbeim (History of Art and Architecture, 2012): Art of Documentation: The Sherborne Missal and the Role of Documents in English Medieval Art

Robert Berkhofer (History, 1997): Monastic patrimony, management and accountability in Northern France, ca. 1000-1200

Persis Berlekamp (History of Art, 2003): Wonders and their images in late medieval Islamic culture: "the wonders of creation" in Fars and Iraq, 1280-1388

Gabriella Berzin (Near Eastern Languages, 2010): The Medieval Hebrew version of psychology in Avicenna's Salvation ( Al-Najāt )

Janna Bianchini (née Wasilewski) (History, 2007): Regina : The life of Berenguela of Castile, 1180-1246

Noël Bisson (Music, 1998): English polyphony for the Virgin Mary: The votive antiphon, 1430-1500

Josiah Blackmore (History, 1992): Fernão Lopes and the Writing of History in the Crónica de D. João I

James Blasina (Music, 2015): Music and Gender in the Medieval Cult of St. Katherine of Alexandria, c. 1050-1300

Emmanuel Bourbouhakis (Classics, 2006): "Not composed in a chance manner": The epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos by Eustathius of Thessalonike: text, translation, commentary

Matthieu Boyd (Celtic, 2011): The source of enchantment: The Marvels of Rigomer ( Les Mervelles de Rigomer ) and the evolution of Celtic influence on medieval francophone storytelling

Nancy Breen (Celtic, 1999): Towards an edition of Di astud chirt ⁊ dligid

Benjamin Bruch (Celtic, 2005): Du gveras a.b.c/An pen can hanna yv d : Cornish verse forms and the evolution of Cornish prosody, c. 1350-1611

Christopher Cannon (English, 1993): The making of Chaucer's English: A study in the formation of a literary language

Nicola Carpentieri (NELC, 2012): The Poetics of Aging Spain and Sicily at the Twilight of Muslim Sovereignty

William Carroll (Germanic Languages, 1995): Latin education and secular German literature: An analysis of Latin grammar instruction and its influence on middle high German poets

Gary Cestaro (Romance Languages, 1990): The whip and the wet nurse: Dante's De vulgari eloquentia and the psychology of grammar in the Middle Ages

Kathryn Chadbourne (Celtic, 1999): The otherworld procession in Irish and Welsh literature and folklore

Christina Chance (Celtic, 2010): Imagining empire: Maxen Wledic, Arthur, and Charlemagne in Welsh literature after the Edwardian conquest

Horacio Chiong Rivero (Romance Languages, 2002): Maker of masks: Fray Antonio de Guevara's pseudo-historical fictionalizations

Jeffrey Cohen (English, 1992): The tradition of the giant in early England: A study of the monstrous in folklore, theology, history and literature

William Cole (Romance Languages, 1991): Romance to tragedy: A comparative study of the Tristan poems of Béroul and Gottfried

Jonathan Conant (History, 2004): Staying Roman: Vandals, Moors, and Byzantines in late antique North Africa, 400-700

Kassandra Conley (Celtic Languages, 2014): Looking towards India: Nativism and Orientalism in the Literature of Wales, 1300-1600

Alan Cooper (History, 1998): Obligation and jurisdiction: Roads and bridges in medieval England (c. 700-1300)

Michael Cooperson (NELC, 1994): The heirs of the prophets in classical Arabic biography

Jason Crawford (English, 2008): Personification and its discontents: Studies from Langland to Bunyan

Barbara Croken (NELC, 1990): Zabîd under the Rasulids of Yemen, 626-858 AH/ 1229-1454 AD

Michael Cuthbert (Music, 2006): Trecento fragments and polyphony beyond the codex

Philip Daileader (History, 1996): The medieval community of Perpignan, 1162-1397

Jennifer Davis (History, 2007): Patterns of Power: Charlemagne and the Invention of Medieval Rulership

Robert Davis (Religion, 2012): The Force of Union: Affect and Ascent in the Theology of Bonaventure

Anthony D'Elia (History, 2000): In praise of matrimony: Italian renaissance humanists on marriage and sexual pleasure

Susan Deskis (English, 1991): Proverbial backgrounds to the sententiae of Beowulf

Mark DeStephano (Romance Languages, 1995): Feudal relations in the Poema de mío Cid : Comparative perspectives in medieval Spanish and French epic

Alnoor Dhanani (History of Science, 1991): Kalām and Hellenistic cosmology: Minimal parts in Basrian Muʻtazilī atomism

Giorgio DiMauro (Slavic Languages, 2002): The furnace, the crown, and the serpent: Images of Babylon in Muscovite Rus'

Saskia Dirkse (Classics, 2015): The Great Mystery: Death, Memory and the Archiving of Monastic Culture in Late Antique Religious Tales

Rowan Dorin (History, 2015): Banishing Usury: The Expulsion of Foreign Moneylenders in Medieval Europe, 1200-1450

Carol Dover (Romance Languages, 1990): Nature, nurture and the hero: Narrating identity in the old French prose Lancelot

Simon Doubleday (History, 1996): The Laras: An aristocratic family in the kingdoms of Castile and León, 1075-1361

David Drogin (History of Art, 2003): Representations of Bentivoglio authority: Fifteenth-century painting and sculpture in the Bentivoglio Chapel, San Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna

Ivan Drpić (History of Art, 2011): Kosmos of verse: Epigram, art, and devotion in later Byzantium

Mary Dunn (Religion, 2008): Sainte-Anne-du-Petit-Cap: The making of an early modern shrine

Leslie Dunton-Downer (Comparative Literature, 1992): The obscene poetic self in Rutebeuf and Chaucer

Koray Durak (History, 2008): Commerce and networks of exchange between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Near East from the early ninth century to the arrival of the Crusaders

Nadia El Cheikh (History, 1992): Byzantium viewed by the Arabs

Ahmed El Shamsy (Middle Eastern Studies, 2009): From tradition to law: The origins and early development of the Shāfi‘ī School of Law in ninth-century Egypt

Daphna Ephrat (NELC, 1993): The Sunni ʻulama ʾ of eleventh-century Baghdad and the transmission of knowledge: A social history

Charlene Eska (née Shipman) (Celtic, 2006): An edition of Cáin Lánamna : An Old Irish tract on marriage and divorce law

Pauline Eskenasy (NELC, 1991): Antony of Tagrit's Rhetoric book one: Introduction, partial translation, and commentary

Marilina Falzarano (Romance Languages, 1999): Il volgarizzamento dei seitte salmi penitenziali di Simone Da Cascina

Lianna Farber (English, 1998): Legitimacy in late medieval England

Feng Xiang (English, 1990): Chaucer and the Romaunt of the Rose : A new study in authorship

Justine Firnhaber-Baker (History, 2007): Guerram publice et palem faciendo : Local war and royal authority in late medieval southern France

Timothy Fitzgerald (Middle Eastern Studies, 2009): Ottoman methods of conquest: Legal imperialism and the city of Aleppo, 1480-1570

Hugh Fogarty (Celtic, 2005): A critical edition of the Middle Irish saga Aided Guill meic Carbada ocus Aided Gairb Glinni Rígi

Sheryl Forste-Gruppe (Comparative Literature, 1996): Signifying acts: Writing in the Middle English romances

Katherine Forsyth (Celtic, 1996): The Ogham inscriptions of Scotland: An edited corpus

Elizabeth Fowler (English, 1992): The contingencies of person: Studies in the poetic and legal conceits of early modern England

Shirin Fozi (History of Art, 2010): The body recast and revived: Figural tomb sculpture in the Holy Roman Empire, 1080--1160

Brian Frykenberg (Celtic, 1994): Poetry of Suibne Geilt and St. Mo-Ling from Brussels Bibliothèque Royale MS. 5100-04

Bruce Fudge (NELC, 2003): The major Qurʼān commentary of al-Ṭabrisī (d. 548/1154)

John Gagné (History, 2008): French Milan: Citizens, occupiers, and the Italian Wars, 1499-1529

Sophia Georgiopoulou (Classics, 1990): Theodore II Dukas Laskaris (1222-1258) as an author and an intellectual of the XIIIth century

Kelly Gibson (History, 2011): Rewriting History: Carolingian Reform and Controversy in Biographies of Saints

Clare Gillis (History, 2010): Illicit sex, Unfaithful Translations: Latin, Old High German and the Birth of a New Sexual Morality in the Early Middle Ages

Luis Girón Negrón (Religion, 1997): Alfonso de la Torre's Visión deleytable : Philosophical rationalism and the religious imagination in fifteenth-century Spain

Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas (Romance Languages, 1990): Predicación y Narrativa en Ramón Llull: De Imagen a Semejanza en Blanquerna

Jennifer Gordon (History, 2014): Obeying Those in Authority: The Hidden Political Message in Twelver Exegesis

Sara Gorman (English, 2013): Transformative Allegory: Imagination from Alan of Lille to Spenser

Margaret Marion Gower (Religion, 2015): The Heart of Peace: Christine de Pizan and Christian Theology

Stefanie Goyette (Romance Languages, 2012): Indiscriminate Bodies: The Old French Fabliaux in Relation to Thirteenth-Century Medical and Religious Cultures

Rachel Goshgarian (History, 2008): Beyond the social and the spiritual: Redefining the urban confraternities of late medieval Anatolia

Jeffrey Gross (English, 1991): "Such stuff as dreams are made on": The poetics of narrative voice in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess

Rosemary Hale (Religion, 1992): Imitatio Mariae : Motherhood motifs in late medieval German spirituality

Leor Halevi (Middle Eastern Studies, 2002): Muhammad 's grave: Death, ritual and society in the early Islamic world

Cynthia Hall (History of Art, 2002): Treasury book of the passion: Word and image in the Schatzbehalter

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch (History, 1998): Family, property, and power: Women in medieval Montpellier, 985-1213

John Harkness (Linguistics, 1991): An approach to the metrical behavior of Old English verbs

Kyle Harper (History, 2007): Slavery in the late ancient Mediterranean

Margaret Healy-Varley (English, 2011): Anselm's fictions and the literary afterlife of the Proslogion

Erik Heinrichs (History, 2009): The plague cure: Physicians, clerics and the reform of healing in Germany, 1473--1650

Eva Helfenstein (History of Art, 2012): The Goblet of Philip the Good: Precious Vessels at the Court of Burgundy

Georgia Henley (Celtic Languages and Literatures, 2017): Monastic Manuscripts of the Anglo-Welsh March: A Study in Literary Transmission

Samantha Herrick (History, 2002): Imagining the sacred past in hagiography of early Normandy: The Vita Taurini , Vita Vigoris and Passio Nicasii

Seth Hindin (History of Art, 2011): History and ethnic commitment in the visual culture of medieval Bohemia, ca. 1200-ca. 1420

Elisabeth Hodges (Romance Languages, 2002): City views: Writing and the topography of Frenchness and the Renaissance

Megan Holmes (History of Art, 1993): Frate Filippo Di Tommaso Dipintore : Fra Filippo Lippi and Florentine Renaissance religious practices

Katharine Horsley (English, 2004): Poetic visions of London civic ceremony, 1360-1440

Gregory Hutcheson (Romance Languages, 1993): Marginality and empowerment in Baena's Cancionero

John Hutton (History of Art, 1992): Rural buildings in Netherlandish painting, ca. 1420-1570

Sarah Insley (Classics, 2011): Constructing a sacred center: Constantinople as a holy city in early Byzantine literature

Kathryn Izzo (Celtic, 2007): The Old Irish hymns of the Liber Hymnorum : A study of vernacular hymnody in medieval Ireland

Angela Jaffray (NELC, 2000): At the threshold of philosophy: A study of al-Fārābī's introductory works on logic

Paul Jefferiss (Celtic, 1991): Literary theory and criticism in medieval Ireland

Geraldine Johnson (History of Art, 1994): In the eye of the beholder: Donatello's sculpture in the life of Renaissance Italy

Aled Jones (Celtic, 2011): Ol wrth ol attor ar eu hennyd: Political Prophecy in the Earliest Welsh Manuscripts, c. 1250-c. 1540

Lars Jones (History of Art, 1999): Visio divina, exegesis, and beholder-image relationships in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Indications from donor figure representations

Danielle Joyner (History of Art, 2007): A timely history: Images and texts in the Hortus Deliciarum

Jakub Kabala (History, 2014): Imaginging Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages: Frankish, Roman and Byzantine Concepts of Space and Power in the Slavlands, c.750-900

Kathryn Karczewska (Romance Languages, 1996): In days of future past: Prophecy and knowledge in the French vulgate grail legends

Dimitris Kastritsis (Middle Eastern Studies, 2005): The Ottoman interregnum (1402-1413): Politics and narratives of dynastic succession

David Keck (History, 1992): The angelology of Saint Bonaventure and the harvest of medieval angelology

Craig Kennedy (History, 1994): The Juchids of Muscovy: A Study of Personal Ties Between Émigré Tatar Dynasts and the Muscovite Grand Princes in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries

Alexander Key (NELC, 2012): A Linguistic Frame of Mind: ar-Ragib al-Isfahani and What it Meant To Be Ambiguous

Elaheh Kheirandish (History of Science, 1991): The medieval Arabic tradition of Euclid's Optika

Nuha Khoury (History of Art, 1992): The mihrab concept: Palatial themes in early Islamic religious architecture

Ji-Hyun Kim (Romance Languages, 2005): For a modern medieval literature: Gaston Paris, courtly love, and the demands of modernity

Margaret Kim (English, 2000): Visions of theocratics: The discourse of politics and the primacy of religion in Piers Plowman

Bettina Kimpton (Celtic, 2006): An edition of Brislech mór maige murthemni

Irit Kleiman (Romance Languages, 2003): Traitor, author, text: Four late medieval narratives of betrayal

† Elka Klein (History, 1996): Power and patrimony: The Jewish community of Barcelona, 1050-1250

Yaron Klein (NELC, 2009): Musical instruments as objects of meaning in classical Arabic poetry and philosophy

Jennifer Knight (Celtic, 2011): Self and society in early Irish literature

Adam Kosto (History, 1996): Making and keeping agreements in medieval Catalonia, 1000-1200

Thomas Kozachek (Music, 1995): The repertory of chant for dedicating churches in the Middle Ages: Music, liturgy, and ritual

Aden Kumler (History of Art, 2007): Visual translation, visible theology: Illuminated compendia of spiritual instruction in late medieval France and England

Demetrios Kyritses (History, 1997): The Byzantine aristocracy in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries

Justin Lake (Classics, 2008): Rhetorical and narrative studies on the Historiae of Richer of Saint-Remi

Christian Lang (Religion, 2006): Executing justice in Sunnī Islam: Historical, poetical, eschatological and legal dimensions of punishment under the Saljūqs (1055-1194 CE)

Heather Larson (Celtic, 1999): The Women's Voice in Gaelic Poetry

Rena Lauer (History, 2014): Venice’s Colonial Jews: Community, Identity, and Justice in Late Medieval Venetian Crete

Marc Laureys (Classics, 1992): An edition and study of Giovanni Cavallini's Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum

Eric Lawee (NELC, 1993): "Inheritance of the fathers": Aspects of Isaac Abarbanel's stance towards tradition

Lisa Lawrence (Religion, 2002): The Irish and the incarnation: Images of Christ in the Old Irish poems of Blathmac

F. Dominic Longo (Religion, 2011): Spiritual Grammar: A Comparative Theological Study of Jean Gerson's Donatus moralizatus and Abd al Karim al-Qushayri's Nahw al-qulub

William Layher (Germanic Languages, 1999): Queen Eufemia's Legacy: Middle Low German Literary Culture, Royal Patronage, and the First Old Swedish Epic (1301)

Anne Lea (Celtic, 1995): Contextualizing the Gorhoffeddau : A Study in the Intellectual Background of Two Medieval Welsh Poems

Christine Lee (Comparative Literature, 2011): Renaissance Romance: Redrawing the Boundaries of Fiction

Isabelle Charlotte Levy (Comparative Literature, 2014): The Poetics of Love in Prosimetra across the Medieval Mediterranean

Christina Linklater (Music, 2006): Popularity, Presentation and the Chansonnier Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Benjamin Liu (Romance Languages, 1996): Equivocal Poetics and Cultural Ambiguity in the Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer

Yan Liu (History of Science, 2015): Toxic Cures: Poisons and Medicines in Medieval China

Christopher Livanos (Comparative Literature, 2001): Greek and Latin traditions in the work of George Gennadios Scholarios

Sally Livingston (Comparative Literature, 2008): Owning property, being property: Medieval and modern women shape the narratives of marriage

Diana Luft (Celtic, 2004): Medieval Welsh translation: The case of Ymddiddan Selyf a Marcwlff

Bernard Lumpkin (Comparative Literature, 1999): The Making of a Medieval Outlaw: Code and Community in the Robin Hood Legend

Amanda Luyster (History of Art, 2003): Courtly Images Far From Court: The Family Saint-Floret, Representation, and Romance

Evan MacCarthy (Music, 2010): Music and Learning in Early Renaissance Ferrara, c. 1430-1470

Patricia Malone (Celtic, 2009): "Entirely Outside the World": Rhetoric, Legitimacy, and Identity in the Biography of Gruffudd ap Cynan

† Laurance Maney (Celtic, 1999): High-Kings and Holy Men: Hiberno-Latin Hagiography and the Uí Néill Kingship, ca. 650-750

Craig Martin (History of Science, 2002): Interpretation and Utility: The Renaissance Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's Meteorologica IV

Fay Martineau (Divinity, 2006): Envisioning Heaven with Faith, Imagination, and Historical relevance: Selected Writings from Early and Medieval Christianity

Zachary Matus (Religion, 2010): Heaven in a Bottle: Franciscan Apocalypticism and the Elixir, 1250-1360

Maria Mavroudi (Byzantine Studies, 1998): The so-called Oneirocriticon of Achmet: A Byzantine Book on Dream Interpretation and its Arabic Sources

Anne McClanan (History of Art, 1998): Empress, Image, State: Imperial Women in the Early Medieval World

Nancy McKinley (English, 1991): Poetry vs. Paraphrase: The Artistry of Genesis A

James McMenamin (Romance Languages, 2008): The Sequence "Beginning-Middle-End," Dante and Petrarch

Joseph McMullen (Celtic Languages and English, 2015): Echoes of Early Irish Influence in Anglo-Saxon Literary Landscapes

Lawrence Morris (Comparative Literature, 2002): Veritas and literary fiction in the hagiography of the pre-Norman British Isles

Paula Molloy (Anthropology, 1993): Cod , commerce, and climate: A case study from late medieval/early modern Iceland

Alexander More (History, 2014): At the Origins of Welfare Policy: Law and the Economy in the Pre-Modern Mediterranean (AD 1150-1350)

Elizabeth Mozzillo-Howell (Romance Languages, 1998): Dante 's Art of Reason: A Study of Medieval Logic and Semantics in the Monarchy

Aisha Musa (NELC, 2004): A Study of Early and Contemporary Muslim Attitudes toward Hadīth as Scripture with Translation of al-Shāfi ʹ ī's Kitāb Jimāʹ al-ʹIlm

Emire Muslu (Middle Eastern Studies, 2007): Ottoman -Mamluk Relations: Diplomacy and perceptions

Erez Naaman (NELC, 2009): Literature and literary people at the court of Al-Ṣāḥib Ibn 'Abbād

Alexander Nagel (History of Art, 1993): Michelangelo , Raphael and the altarpiece tradition

Rae Ann Nager (Comparative Literature, 1990): The Poetria nova as a Poetics: Geoffrey of Vinsauf's Lex sit danda poetis

Nevra Necipoglu (History, 1990): Byzantium Between the Ottomans and the Latins: A Study of Political Attitudes in the Late Palaiologan Period, 1370-1460

Leonard Neidorf (English, 2014): The Origins of Beowulf: Studies in Textual Criticism and Literary History

Ingrid Nelson (English, 2010): The Lyric in England, 1200-1400

Mark Nevins (English, 1993): The Literature of Curiosity: Geographical and Exploration Writings in Early Northern Europe

Lena Norrman (Germanic Languages, 2006): Women's Voices, Power, and Performance in Viking Age Scandinavia

Barnaby Nygren (History of Art, 1999): The Monumental Saint's Tomb in Italy, 1260-1520

Joshua O'Driscoll (History of Art, 2015): Image and Inscription in the Painterly Manuscripts from Ottonian Cologne

Lisi Oliver (Linguistics, 1995): The language of the early English laws

Katharine Olson (Celtic, 2008): Fire from heaven: Popular religion and society in Wales, c. 1400--1603

Julie Orlemanski (English, 2010): Symptomatic subjects: Diagnosis, narrative, and embodiment in Middle English literature

Ada Palmer (History, 2009): Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance

Cameron Partridge (Divinity, 2008): Transfiguring sexual difference in Maximus the Confessor

Stephen Partridge (English, 1992): Glosses in the manuscripts of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales : An edition and commentary

Gregory Pass (History, 1996): Source studies in the early secular lordship of the bishops of Mende

Jennifer Paxton (History, 1999): Charter and chronicle in twelfth-century England: The house-histories of the Fenland abbeys

Bissera Pentcheva (History of Art, 2001): Images and icons of the virgin and their public in middle Byzantine Constantinople

Kristin Peterson (History of Science, 1993): Translatio libri Avicennae De viribus cordis et medicinis cordialibus Arnaldi de Villanova

Susan Phillips (English, 1999): Gossip's work: the problems and pleasures of not-so-idle talk in late medieval England

Simone Pinet (Romance Languages, 2002): Archipelagoes: insularity and fiction in medieval and early modern Spain

Prydwyn Piper (Celtic, 2001): Mabinogi Iessu Grist : An edition and study of the Middle Welsh translations of the apocryphal Latin Pseudo-Matthaei evangelium

Amy Powell (History of Art, 2004): Repeated forms: Rogier van der Weyden's Descent from the Cross and its "copies"

Francisco Prado-Vilar (History of Art, 2002): In the shadow of the Gothic idol: The Cantigas de Santa Maria and the imagery of love and conversion

Debra Prager (Germanic Languages, 2003): Orienting the self: Encounters with the Eastern other in German narrative fiction

Jennifer Pruitt (History of Art, 2009): Fatimid architectural patronage and changing sectarian identities (969-1021)

Ghada Qaddumi (NELC, 1990): A medieval Islamic book of gifts and treasures: Translation, annotation, and commentary on the Kitāb al-Hadāyā wa al-tuḥaf

Tahera Qutbuddin (NELC, 1999): Al-Mua̓yyad fī al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī: Founder of a new tradition of Fatimid Dawa poetry

Lynn Ramey (Romance Languages, 1997): Christians and Saracens: Imagination and cultural interaction in the French Middle Ages

Emmanuel Ramírez-Nieves (Comparative Literature, 2015): Repenting Roguery: Penance in the Spanish Picaresque Novel and the Arabic and Hebrew Maqama

Chase Robinson (History, 1992): The early Islamic history of Mosul

James Robinson (NELC, 2002): Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Nicolas Rofougaran (History of Science, 2000): Avicenna and Aquinas on individualism

Maria Roglieri (Romance Languages, 1994): "Uror, et in uaco pectore regnat amor": The influence of Ovid's amatory works on Dante's Vita nuova and Commedia

Panagiotis Roilos (Classics, 1999): Generic modulations in the medieval Greek learned novels

Maria Romagnoli (Romance Languages, 1996): Andreas Capellanus: Issues of identity, reception and audience

John Romano (History, 2007): Ritual and society in early medieval Rome

Elizabeth Ross (History of Art, 2004): Picturing knowledge and experience in the early printed book: Reuwich's illustrations for Breydenbach's Pereginatio in terram sanctam (1486)

Gidon Rothstein (NELC, 2003): Writing Midrash Avot: The Change That Three Fifteenth Century Exegetes Introduced to Avot Interpretation, Its Impact and Origins

Leyla Rouhi (Romance Languages, 1995): A Comparative Typology of the Medieval Go-Between in Light of Western-European, Near-Eastern, and Spanish Cases

Steven Rozenski (English, 2012): Henry Suso and Richard Rolle: Devotional Mobility and Translation in Late-Medieval England and Germany

Elisha Russ-Fishbane (NELC, 2009): Between Politics and Piety: Abraham Maimonides and his Times

Stephen Ryan (NELC, 2001): Studies in Bar Salibi's Commentary on the Psalms

Claire Sahlin (Religion, 1996): Birgitta of Sweden and the Voice of Prophecy: A Study of Gender and Religious Authority in the Later Middle Ages

Elizabeth Scala (English, 1994): Absent Narratives: Medieval Literature and Textual Repression

Rebecca Schoff (English, 2004): Freedom from the Press: Reading and Writing in Late Medieval England

Iklil Selcuk (Middle Eastern Studies, 2009): State and Society in the Marketplace: A Study of Late Fifteenth-Century Bursa

Mark Sendor (NELC, 1994): The Emergence of the Provençal Kabbalah: Rabbi Isaac the Blind's Commentary on Sefer Yeẓirah

Daniel Sheffield (NELC, 2012): In the Path of the Prophet: Medieval and Early Modern Narratives of the Life of Zarathustra in Islamic Iran and Western India

Maryann Shenoda (History, 2010): Lamenting Islam, Imagining Persecution: Copto-Arabic Opposition to Islamization and Arabization in Fatimid Egypt (969-1171 CE)

James Skedros (Divinity, 1996): St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki: Civic Patron and Divine Protector (4th-7th c. CE)

Ewa Slojka (Comparative Literature, 2006): The Pious Knight: Crusading Ideals, Purgatory, and Grail Romances

Rachel Smith (Religion, 2012): Exemplarity and its Limits in the Hagiographical Corpus of Thomas of Cantimpré

Laura Smoller (History, 1991): History, prophecy, and the stars: The Christian astrology of Pierre d'Ailly, 1350-1420

Theoharis Stavrides (History, 1996): The Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453-1474)

Daniel Stein Kokin (History, 2006): The Hebrew question in the Italian Renaissance: Linguistic, cultural, and mystical perspectives

Gregg Stern (Religion, 1995): Menahem Ha-Meiri and the second controversy over philosophy

Kristen Stilt (Middle Eastern Studies, 2004): The Muḥtasib, Law, and Society in Early Mamluk Cairo and Fustat (648-802/1250-1400)

David Strain (English, 1992): Occasional poetics: The politics and poetics of fiction in Chaucer's House of Fame , Parliament of Fowls , and Legend of Good Women

Anne Stone (Music, 1994): Writing rhythm in late medieval Italy: Notation and musical style in the manuscript Modena, Biblioteca estense, Alpha.M.5.24

Justin Stover (Classics, 2011): Reading Plato in the twelfth century: A study on the varieties of Plato's reception in the Latin west before 1215

Carol Symes (History, 1999): The makings of a medieval stage: Theatre and the culture of performance in thirteenth-century Arras

Emily Tai (History, 1996): Honor among Thieves: Piracy, Restitution, and Reprisal in Genoa, Venice, and the crown of Catalonia-Aragon, 1339-1417

Adena Tanenbaum (NELC, 1993): Poetry and Philosophy: The Idea of the Soul in Andalusian Piyyut

Nathaniel Taylor (History, 1995): The Will and Society in Medieval Catalonia and Languedoc, 800-1200

Anne Thayer (Religion, 1996): Penitence and Preaching on the Eve of the Reformation: A Comparative Overview from Frequently Printed Model Sermon Collections, 1450-1520

Lucille Thibodeau (Comparative Literature, 1990): The Relation of Peter Abelard's Planctus Dinae to Biblical Sources and Exegetic Tradition: A Historical and Textual Study

Jane Tolmie (English, 2001): Persuasion: Blood-feud, Romance and the Disenfranchised

Timothy Tomasik (Romance Languages, 2003): Textual Tastes: The Invention of Culinary Literature in Early Modern France

Deborah Tor (Middle Eastern Studies, 2002): From holy warriors to chivalric order: The Ayyars in the eastern Islamic world, A.D. 800-1055

Nicolette Trahoulia (History of Art, 1997): The Venice Alexander romance, Hellenic Institute codex Gr. 5: A study of Alexander the Great as an imperial paradigm in Byzantine art and literature

Nicolas Trépanier (History, 2008): Food as a window into daily life in fourteenth century Central Anatolia

Elly Truitt (History of Science, 2007): From magic to mechanism: Medieval automata, 1100—1550

Ece Turnator (History, 2013): Turning the Economic Tables in the Medieval Mediterranean: The Latin Crusader Empire and the Transformation of the Byzantine Economy, ca. 1100-1400

Raquel Ukeles (Religion, 2006): Innovation or Deviation: Exploring the Boundaries of Islamic Devotional Law

Phillip Usher (Romance Languages, 2004): The Holy Lands in Early Modern Literature: Negotiations of Christian Geography and Textual Space

Claire Valente (History, 1997): Generations of Revolt: Reform, Rebellion, and Political Society in Later Medieval England, 1258-1415

Bruce Venarde (History, 1992): Women, Monasticism, and Social Change: The Foundation of Nunneries in Western Europe, c. 890-c. 1215

Paolo de Ventura (Romance Languages, 2003): Dramma e Dialogo nella Commedia di Dante

Marco Antonio Viniegra (History of Science, 2013): Neoclassical Medicine: Transformations in the Hippocratic Medical Tradition from Galen to the Articella

Nargis Virani (NELC, 1999): "I am the nightingale of the merciful": Macaronic or Upside-down? The mulammaʻāt of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

Alicia Walker (History of Art, 2004): Exotic Elements in Middle Byzantine Secular Art and Aesthetics, 843-1204 C.E.

Laura Wang (English, 2014): Natural Law and the Law of Nature in Early British Beast Literature

Jeffrey Webb (History, 2009): Cathedrals of Words: Bishops and the Deeds of their Predecessors in Lotharingia, 950-1100

Jessica Weiss (Comparative Literature, 2003): Herbert of Bosham's Liber melorum : Literature and Sacred Sciences in the Twelfth Century

Amanda Wesner (Music, 1992): The Chansons of Loyset Compère: Authenticity and Stylistic Development

Dan Wiley (Celtic, 2000): An Edition of Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill from the Book of Uí Maine

Ryan Wilkinson (History, 2015): The Last Horizons of Roman Gaul: Communication, Community, and Power at the End of Antiquity

Emily Wood (History, 2009): The Execution of Papal Justice in Northern France, 1145-1198

Jeffrey Woolf (NELC, 1991): The Life and Responsa of Rabbi Joseph Colon b. Solomon Trabotto (Maharik)

Annelies Wouters (Classics, 2003): The Meaning of Formal Structure in Peter Abelard's Collationes

Lisa Wurtele (née Karp) (NELC, 1992): Sahl b. Hârǔn: The man and his contribution to 'adab

Suzan Yalman (History of Art, 2011): Building the Sultanate of Rum: Memory, urbanism and mysticism in the architectural patronage of 'Ala al-Din Kayqubad (r. 1220-1237)

Hikmet Yaman (NELC, 2008): The Concept of Hikmah in Early Islamic Thought

Julian Yolles (Classics, 2015): Latin Literature and Frankish Culture in the Crusader States (1098-1187)

Anna Zayaruznaya (Music, 2010): Form and Idea in the Ars Nova Motet

Sarah Zeiser (Celtic Languages, 2012): Latinity, Manuscripts, and the Rhetoric of Conquest in Late-Eleventh-Century Wales

Dissertations by Ph.D. - Granting Department


Paula Molloy (1993): Cod , commerce, and climate: A case study from late medieval/early modern Iceland

Committee on Byzantine Studies

Maria Mavroudi (1998): The so-called Oneirocriticon of Achmet: A Byzantine book on dream interpretation and its Arabic sources

Celtic Languages and Literatures

Paul Jefferiss (1991): Literary theory and criticism in medieval Ireland

Kaarina Hollo (1992): A critical edition of Fled Bricrenn ocus loinges mac nDuíl Dermait

Brian Frykenberg (1994): Poetry of Suibne Geilt and St. Mo-Ling from Brussels Bibliothèque Royale MS. 5100-04

Anne Lea (1995): Contextualizing the Gorhoffeddau : A study in the intellectual background of two medieval Welsh poems

Katherine Forsyth (1996): The Ogham inscriptions of Scotland: An edited corpus

Barbara Hillers (1997): The medieval Irish Odyssey Merugud Uilixis meic Leirtis

Nancy Breen (1999): Towards an edition of Di astud chirt ⁊ dligid

Kathryn Chadbourne (1999): The otherworld procession in Irish and Welsh literature and folklore

Heather Larson (1999): The women's voice in Gaelic poetry

† Laurance Maney (1999): High-kings and holy men: Hiberno-Latin hagiography and the Uí Néill kingship, ca. 650-750

Dan Wiley (2000): An edition of Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill from the Book of Uí Maine

Prydwyn Piper (2001): Mabinogi Iessu Grist : An edition and study of the Middle Welsh translations of the apocryphal Latin Pseudo-Matthaei evangelium

Diana Luft (2004): Medieval Welsh translation: the case of Ymddiddan Selyf a Marcwlff

Benjamin Bruch (2005): Du gveras a.b.c/An pen can hanna yv d : Cornish verse forms and the evolution of Cornish prosody, c. 1350-1611

Hugh Fogarty (2005): A critical edition of the Middle Irish saga Aided Guill meic Carbada ocus Aided Gairb Glinni Rígi

Charlene Eska (née Shipman) (2006): An edition of Cáin Lánamna : an Old Irish tract on marriage and divorce law

Bettina Kimpton (2006): An edition of Brislech mór maige murthemni

Kathryn Izzo (2007): The Old Irish hymns of the Liber Hymnorum : A study of vernacular hymnody in medieval Ireland

Katharine Olson (2008): Fire from heaven: Popular religion and society in Wales, c. 1400-1603

Patricia Malone (2009): "Entirely outside the world": Rhetoric, legitimacy, and identity in the biography of Gruffudd ap Cynan

Christina Chance (2010): Imagining empire: Maxen Wledic, Arthur, and Charlemagne in Welsh literature after the Edwardian conquest

Matthieu Boyd (2011): The source of enchantment: The Marvels of Rigomer ( Les Mervelles de Rigomer ) and the evolution of Celtic influence on medieval francophone storytelling

Aled Jones (2011): Ol wrth ol attor ar eu hennyd: Political Prophecy in the Earliest Welsh Manuscripts, c. 1250-c. 1540

Jennifer Knight (2011): Self and society in early Irish literature

Panagiotis Agapitos (1990): Narrative structure in the Byzantine vernacular romances: A textual and literary study of Kallimachos , Belthandros and Libistros

Sophia Georgiopoulou (1990): Theodore II Dukas Laskaris (1222-1258) as an author and an intellectual of the XIIIth century

Marc Laureys (1992): An edition and study of Giovanni Cavallini's Polistoria de virtutibus et dotibus Romanorum

Panagiotis Roilos (1999): Generic modulations in the medieval Greek learned novels

Bridget Balint (2002): Hildebert of Lavardin's "Liber de querimonia" in its cultural context

Annelies Wouters (2003): The meaning of formal structure in Peter Abelard's Collationes

Emmanuel Bourbouhakis (2006): "Not composed in a chance manner": The epitaphios for Manuel I Komnenos by Eustathius of Thessalonike: text, translation, commentary

Justin Lake (2008): Rhetorical and narrative studies on the Historiae of Richer of Saint-Remi

Sarah Insley (2011): Constructing a sacred center: Constantinople as a holy city in early Byzantine literature

Justin Stover (2011): Reading Plato in the twelfth century: A study on the varieties of Plato's reception in the Latin west before 1215

Comparative Literature

Rae Ann Nager (1990): The Poetria nova as a poetics: Geoffrey of Vinsauf's Lex sit danda poetis

Lucille Thibodeau (1990): The relation of Peter Abelard's Planctus Dinae to biblical sources and exegetic tradition: A historical and textual study

Leslie Dunton-Downer (1992): The obscene poetic self in Rutebeuf and Chaucer

Sheryl Forste-Gruppe (1996): Signifying acts: Writing in the Middle English romances

Fatemeh Azinfar (1999): Doubt , dissent and skepticism in the literary tradition of the medieval period

Bernard Lumpkin (1999): The making of a medieval outlaw: Code and community in the Robin Hood legend

Christopher Livanos (2001): Greek and Latin traditions in the work of George Gennadios Scholarios

Lawrence Morris (2002): Veritas and literary fiction in the hagiography of the pre-Norman British Isles

Jessica Weiss (2003): Herbert of Bosham's Liber melorum : Literature and sacred sciences in the twelfth century

Henry Bayerle (2004): Speakers in the Latin historical epics of twelfth-century Italy

Ewa Slojka (2006): The pious knight: Crusading ideals, purgatory, and grail romances

Sally Livingston (2008): Owning property, being property: Medieval and modern women shape the narratives of marriage

Divinity School

James Skedros (1996): St. Demetrios of Thessaloniki: Civic patron and divine protector (4th-7th c. CE)

Fay Martineau (2006): Envisioning heaven with faith, imagination, and historical relevance: Selected writings from early and medieval Christianity

Cameron Partridge (2008): Transfiguring sexual difference in Maximus the Confessor

English Language and Literature

Feng Xiang (1990): Chaucer and the Romaunt of the Rose : A new study in authorship

Susan Deskis (1991): Proverbial backgrounds to the sententiae of Beowulf

Jeffrey Gross (1991): "Such stuff as dreams are made on": The poetics of narrative voice in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess

Nancy McKinley (1991): Poetry vs. paraphrase: The artistry of Genesis A

William Bennett (1992): Interrupting the word: Mankind and the politics of the vernacular

Jeffrey Cohen (1992): The tradition of the giant in early England: A study of the monstrous in folklore, theology, history and literature

Elizabeth Fowler (1992): The contingencies of person: Studies in the poetic and legal conceits of early modern England

Stephen Partridge (1992): Glosses in the manuscripts of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales : An edition and commentary

David Strain (1992): Occasional poetics: The politics and poetics of fiction in Chaucer's House of Fame , Parliament of Fowls , and Legend of Good Women

Christopher Cannon (1993): The making of Chaucer's English: A study in the formation of a literary language

Mark Nevins (1993): The literature of curiosity: Geographical and exploration writings in early northern Europe

Elizabeth Scala (1994): Absent narratives: Medieval literature and textual repression

Lianna Farber (1998): Legitimacy in late medieval England

Susan Phillips (1999): Gossip's work: The problems and pleasures of not-so-idle talk in late medieval England

Margaret Kim (2000): Visions of theocratics: The discourse of politics and the primacy of religion in Piers Plowman

Jane Tolmie (2001): Persuasion: Blood-feud, romance and the disenfranchised

Katharine Horsley (2004): Poetic visions of London civic ceremony, 1360-1440

Rebecca Schoff (2004): Freedom from the press: Reading and writing in late medieval England

Jason Crawford (2008): Personification and its discontents: Studies from Langland to Bunyan

Julie Orlemanski (2010): Symptomatic subjects: Diagnosis, narrative, and embodiment in Middle English literature

Ingrid Nelson (2010): The lyric in England, 1200-1400

Margaret Healy-Varley (2011): Anselm's fictions and the literary afterlife of the Proslogion

Germanic Languages and Literatures

William Carroll (1995): Latin education and secular German literature: An analysis of Latin grammar instruction and its influence on middle high German poets

William Layher (1999): Queen Eufemia's legacy: Middle low German literary culture, royal patronage, and the first old Swedish epic (1301)

Debra Prager (2003): Orienting the self: Encounters with the Eastern other in German narrative fiction

Lena Norrman (2006): Women's voices, power, and performance in Viking Age Scandinavia

Nevra Necipoglu (1990): Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins: A study of political attitudes in the late Palaiologan period, 1370-1460

Laura Smoller (1991): History, prophecy, and the stars: The Christian astrology of Pierre d'Ailly, 1350-1420

Josiah Blackmore (1992): Fernão Lopes and the writing of history in the Crónica de D. João I

Nadia El Cheikh (1992): Byzantium viewed by the Arabs

David Keck (1992): The angelology of Saint Bonaventure and the harvest of medieval angelology

Chase Robinson (1992): The early Islamic history of Mosul

Bruce Venarde (1992): Women, monasticism, and social change: The foundation of nunneries in Western Europe, c. 890-c. 1215

Craig Kennedy (1994): The Juchids of Muscovy: A study of personal ties between émigré Tatar dynasts and the Muscovite grand princes in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

Nathaniel Taylor (1995): The will and society in medieval Catalonia and Languedoc, 800-1200

Philip Daileader (1996): The medieval community of Perpignan, 1162-1397

† Elka Klein (1996): Power and patrimony: The Jewish community of Barcelona, 1050-1250

Adam Kosto (1996): Making and keeping agreements in medieval Catalonia, 1000-1200

Gregory Pass (1996): Source studies in the early secular lordship of the bishops of Mende

Theoharis Stavrides (1996): The Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelovic (1453-1474)

Emily Tai (1996): Honor among thieves: Piracy, restitution, and reprisal in Genoa, Venice, and the crown of Catalonia-Aragon, 1339-1417

Robert Berkhofer (1997): Monastic patrimony, management and accountability in Northern France, ca. 1000-1200

Demetrios Kyritses (1997): The Byzantine aristocracy in the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries

Claire Valente (1997): Generations of revolt: Reform, rebellion, and political society in later medieval England, 1258-1415

Alan Cooper (1998): Obligation and jurisdiction: Roads and bridges in medieval England (c. 700-1300)

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch (1998): Family, property, and power: Women in medieval Montpellier, 985-1213

Jennifer Paxton (1999): Charter and chronicle in twelfth-century England: The house-histories of the Fenland abbeys

Carol Symes (1999): The makings of a medieval stage: Theatre and the culture of performance in thirteenth-century Arras

Anthony D'Elia (2000): In praise of matrimony: Italian renaissance humanists on marriage and sexual pleasure

Dimiter Angelov (2002): Imperial ideology and political thought in Byzantium, 1204-ca. 1330

Samantha Herrick (2002): Imagining the sacred past in hagiography of early Normandy: The Vita Taurini , Vita Vigoris and Passio Nicasii

Jonathan Conant (2004): Staying Roman: Vandals, Moors, and Byzantines in late antique North Africa, 400-700

Zayde Antrim (2005): Place and belonging in medieval Syria, 6th/12th to 8th/14th centuries

Daniel Stein Kokin (2006): The Hebrew question in the Italian Renaissance: Linguistic, cultural, and mystical perspectives

Janna Bianchini (née Wasilewski) (2007): Regina : The life of Berenguela of Castile, 1180--1246

Jennifer Davis (2007): Patterns of power: Charlemagne and the invention of medieval rulership

Justine Firnhaber-Baker (2007): Guerram publice et palem faciendo : Local war and royal authority in late medieval southern France

Kyle Harper (2007): Slavery in the late ancient Mediterranean

John Romano (2007): Ritual and society in early medieval Rome

Koray Durak (2008): Commerce and networks of exchange between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Near East from the early ninth century to the arrival of the Crusaders

John Gagné (2008): French Milan: Citizens, occupiers, and the Italian Wars, 1499-1529

Rachel Goshgarian (2008): Beyond the social and the spiritual: Redefining the urban confraternities of late medieval Anatolia

Patrick Baker (2009): Illustrious men: Italian renaissance humanists on humanism

Erik Heinrichs (2009): The plague cure: Physicians, clerics and the reform of healing in Germany, 1473--1650

Ada Palmer (2009): Reading Lucretius in the Renaissance

Jeffrey Webb (2009): Cathedrals of words: Bishops and the deeds of their predecessors in Lotharingia, 950-1100

Emily Wood (2009): The execution of papal justice in northern France, 1145-1198

Maryann Shenoda (2010): Lamenting Islam, imagining persecution: Copto-Arabic opposition to islamization and arabization in Fatimid Egypt (969-1171 CE)

Kelly Gibson (2011): Rewriting history: Carolingian reform and controversy in biographies of saints

History of Art and Architecture

John Hutton (1992): Rural buildings in Netherlandish painting, ca. 1420-1570

Nuha Khoury (1992): The mihrab concept: Palatial themes in early Islamic religious architecture

Megan Holmes (1993): Frate Filippo Di Tommaso Dipintore : Fra Filippo Lippi and Florentine Renaissance religious practices

Alexander Nagel (1993): Michelangelo , Raphael and the altarpiece tradition

Geraldine Johnson (1994): In the eye of the beholder: Donatello's sculpture in the life of Renaissance Italy

Nicolette Trahoulia (1997): The Venice Alexander romance, Hellenic Institute codex Gr. 5: A study of Alexander the Great as an imperial paradigm in Byzantine art and literature

Anne McClanan (1998): Empress, image, state: Imperial women in the early medieval world

Lars Jones (1999): Visio divina, exegesis, and beholder-image relationships in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Indications from donor figure representations

Barnaby Nygren (1999): The monumental saint's tomb in Italy, 1260-1520

Bissera Pentcheva (2001): Images and icons of the Virgin and their public in middle Byzantine Constantinople

Cynthia Hall (2002): Treasury book of the passion: Word and image in the Schatzbehalter

Francisco Prado-Vilar (2002): In the shadow of the Gothic idol: The Cantigas de Santa Maria and the imagery of love and conversion

Persis Berlekamp (2003): Wonders and their images in late medieval Islamic culture: "The Wonders of Creation" in Fars and Iraq, 1280-1388

David Drogin (2003): Representations of Bentivoglio authority: Fifteenth-century painting and sculpture in the Bentivoglio Chapel, San Giacomo Maggiore, Bologna

Amanda Luyster (2003): Courtly images far from court: The family Saint-Floret, representation, and romance

Amy Powell (2004): Repeated forms: Rogier van der Weyden's Descent from the Cross and its "copies"

Elizabeth Ross (2004): Picturing knowledge and experience in the early printed book: Reuwich's illustrations for Breydenbach's Pereginatio in terram sanctam (1486)

Alicia Walker (2004): Exotic elements in middle Byzantine secular art and aesthetics, 843-1204 C.E.

Diliana Angelova (2005): Gender and imperial authority in Rome and early Byzantium, first to sixth centuries

Jenny Ataoguz (2007): The apostolic commissioning of the monks of Saint John in Müestair, Switzerland: Painting and preaching in a Churraetian Monastery

Danielle Joyner (2007): A timely history: Images and texts in the Hortus Deliciarum

Aden Kumler (2007): Visual translation, visible theology: Illuminated compendia of spiritual instruction in late medieval France and England

Jennifer Pruitt (2009): Fatimid architectural patronage and changing sectarian identities (969-1021)

Shirin Fozi (2010): The body recast and revived: Figural tomb sculpture in the Holy Roman Empire, 1080--1160

Ivan Drpić (2011): Kosmos of verse: Epigram, art, and devotion in later Byzantium

Seth Hindin (2011): History and ethnic commitment in the visual culture of medieval Bohemia, ca. 1200-ca. 1420

Suzan Yalman (2011): Building the Sultanate of Rum: Memory, urbanism and mysticism in the architectural patronage of 'Ala al-Din Kayqubad (r. 1220-1237)

History of Science

Alnoor Dhanani (1991): Kalām and Hellenistic cosmology: Minimal parts in Basrian Muʻtazilī atomism

Elaheh Kheirandish (1991): The medieval Arabic tradition of Euclid's Optika

Kristin Peterson (1993): Translatio libri Avicennae De viribus cordis et medicinis cordialibus Arnaldi de Villanova

Nicolas Rofougaran (2000): Avicenna and Aquinas on individualism

Craig Martin (2002): Interpretation and utility: The renaissance commentary tradition on Aristotle's Meteorologica IV

Elly Truitt (2007): From magic to mechanism: Medieval automata, 1100--1550


John Harkness (1991): An approach to the metrical behavior of Old English verbs

Lisi Oliver (1995): The language of the early English laws

Committee on Middle Eastern Studies

Leor Halevi (2002): Muhammad 's grave: Death, ritual and society in the early Islamic world

Deborah Tor (2002): From holy warriors to chivalric order: The Ayyars in the eastern Islamic world, A.D. 800-1055

Kristen Stilt (2004): The muḥtasib, law, and society in early Mamluk Cairo and Fustat (648-802/1250-1400)

Dimitris Kastritsis (2005): The Ottoman interregnum (1402-1413): Politics and narratives of dynastic succession

Emire Muslu (2007): Ottoman -Mamluk relations: Diplomacy and perceptions

Nicolas Trépanier (2008): Food as a window into daily life in fourteenth century Central Anatolia

Ahmed El Shamsy (2009): From tradition to law: The origins and early development of the Shāfi‘ī School of Law in ninth-century Egypt

Timothy Fitzgerald (2009): Ottoman methods of conquest: Legal imperialism and the city of Aleppo, 1480-1570

Iklil Selcuk (2009): State and society in the marketplace: A study of late fifteenth-century Bursa

Amanda Wesner (1992): The chansons of Loyset Compère: Authenticity and stylistic development

Anne Stone (1994): Writing rhythm in late medieval Italy: Notation and musical style in the manuscript Modena, Biblioteca estense, Alpha.M.5.24

Thomas Kozachek (1995): The repertory of chant for dedicating churches in the Middle Ages: Music, liturgy, and ritual

Noël Bisson (1998): English polyphony for the Virgin Mary: The votive antiphon, 1430-1500

Michael Cuthbert (2006): Trecento fragments and polyphony beyond the codex

Christina Linklater (2006): Popularity, presentation and the Chansonnier Saint-Germain-des-Prés

Evan MacCarthy (2010): Music and learning in early Renaissance Ferrara, c. 1430-1470

Anna Zayaruznaya (2010): Form and idea in the Ars Nova motet

Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Barbara Croken (1990): Zabîd under the Rasulids of Yemen, 626-858 AH/ 1229-1454 AD

Ghada Qaddumi (1990): A medieval Islamic book of gifts and treasures: Translation, annotation, and commentary on the Kitāb al-Hadāyā wa al-tuḥaf

Pauline Eskenasy (1991): Antony of Tagrit's Rhetoric book one: Introduction, partial translation, and commentary

Jeffrey Woolf (1991): The life and responsa of Rabbi Joseph Colon b. Solomon Trabotto (Maharik)

Lisa Wurtele (née Karp) (1992): Sahl b. Hârǔn: The man and his contribution to 'adab

Daphna Ephrat (1993): The Sunni ʻulama ʾ of eleventh-century Baghdad and the transmission of knowledge: A social history

Eric Lawee (1993): "Inheritance of the fathers": Aspects of Isaac Abarbanel's stance towards tradition

Adena Tanenbaum (1993): Poetry and philosophy: The idea of the soul in Andalusian Piyyut

Michael Cooperson (1994): The heirs of the prophets in classical Arabic biography

Mark Sendor (1994): The emergence of the Provençal kabbalah: Rabbi Isaac the Blind's Commentary on Sefer Yeẓirah

Tahera Qutbuddin (1999): Al-Mua̓yyad fī al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī: Founder of a new tradition of Fatimid Dawa poetry

Nargis Virani (1999): "I am the nightingale of the merciful": Macaronic or upside-down? The mulammaʻāt of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

Angela Jaffray (2000): At the threshold of philosophy: A study of al-Fārābī's introductory works on logic

Stephen Ryan (2001): Studies in Bar Salibi's commentary on the Psalms

Rahim Acar (2002): Creation: A comparative study between Avicenna's and Aquinas' positions

James Robinson (2002): Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes

Bruce Fudge (2003): The major Qurʼān commentary of al-Ṭabrisī (d. 548/1154)

Gidon Rothstein (2003): Writing Midrash Avot: The change that three fifteenth century exegetes introduced to Avotinterpretation, its impact and origins

Aisha Musa (2004): A study of early and contemporary Muslim attitudes toward Hadīth as scripture with translation of al-Shāfi ʹ ī's Kitāb Jimāʹ al-ʹIlm

Ahmad Ahmad (2005): Structural interrelations of theory and practice in Islamic law: A study of Takhrīj al-Furūʻ ʻalá al-Uṣūl literature

Sinān Antūn (2006): The poetics of the obscene: Ibn al-Ḥajjāj and Sukhf

Hikmet Yaman (2008): The concept of hikmah in early Islamic thought

Yaron Klein (2009): Musical instruments as objects of meaning in classical Arabic poetry and philosophy

Erez Naaman (2009): Literature and literary people at the court of Al-Ṣāḥib Ibn 'Abbās

Elisha Russ-Fishbane (2009): Between politics and piety: Abraham Maimonides and his times

Gabriella Berzin (2010): The Medieval Hebrew version of psychology in Avicenna's Salvation ( Al-Najāt )

Committee on the Study of Religion

Dianne Bazell (1991): Christian diet: A case study using Arnald of Villanova's De esu carnium

Rosemary Hale (1992): Imitatio Mariae : Motherhood motifs in late medieval German spirituality

Gregg Stern (1995): Menahem Ha-Meiri and the second controversy over philosophy

Claire Sahlin (1996): Birgitta of Sweden and the voice of prophecy: A study of gender and religious authority in the later Middle Ages

Anne Thayer (1996): Penitence and preaching on the eve of the Reformation: A comparative overview from frequently printed model sermon collections, 1450-1520

Luis Girón Negrón (1997): Alfonso de la Torre's Visión deleytable : Philosophical rationalism and the religious imagination in fifteenth-century Spain

Lisa Lawrence (2002): The Irish and the incarnation: Images of Christ in the Old Irish poems of Blathmac

Christian Lang (2006): Executing justice in Sunnī Islam: Historical, poetical, eschatological and legal dimensions of punishment under the Saljūqs (1055-1194 CE)

Raquel Ukeles (2006): Innovation or deviation: Exploring the boundaries of Islamic devotional law

Mary Dunn (2008): Sainte-Anne-du-Petit-Cap: The making of an early modern shrine

Zachary Matus (2010): Heaven in a bottle: Franciscan apocalypticism and the elixir, 1250-1360

F. Dominic Longo (2011): Spiritual grammar: A comparative theological study of Jean Gerson's Donatus moralizatus and Abd al Karim al-Qushayri's Nahw al-qulub

Romance Languages and Literatures

Gary Cestaro (1990): The whip and the wet nurse: Dante's De vulgari eloquentia and the psychology of grammar in the Middle Ages

Carol Dover (1990): Nature, nurture and the hero: Narrating identity in the old French prose Lancelot

Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas (1990): Predicación y narrativa en Ramón Llull: De imagen a semejanza en Blanquerna

William Cole (1991): Romance to tragedy: A comparative study of the Tristan poems of Béroul and Gottfried

Gregory Hutcheson (1993): Marginality and empowerment in Baena's Cancionero

Maria Roglieri (1994): "Uror, et in uaco pectore regnat amor": The influence of Ovid's amatory works on Dante's Vita nuova and Commedia

Mark DeStephano (1995): Feudal relations in the Poema de mío Cid : Comparative perspectives in medieval Spanish and French epic

Leyla Rouhi (1995): A comparative typology of the medieval go-between in light of Western-European, Near-Eastern, and Spanish cases

Kathryn Karczewska (1996): In days of future past: Prophecy and knowledge in the French vulgate grail legends

Benjamin Liu (1996): Equivocal poetics and cultural ambiguity in the Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer

Maria Romagnoli (1996): Andreas Capellanus: Issues of identity, reception and audience

Lynn Ramey (1997): Christians and Saracens: Imagination and cultural interaction in the French Middle Ages

Elizabeth Mozzillo-Howell (1998): Dante 's art of reason: A study of medieval logic and semantics in the Monarchy

Marilina Falzarano (1999): Il volgarizzamento dei seitte salmi penitenziali di Simone Da Cascina

Horacio Chiong Rivero (2002): Maker of masks: Fray Antonio de Guevara's pseudo-historical fictionalizations

Elisabeth Hodges (2002): City views: Writing and the topography of Frenchness and the Renaissance

Simone Pinet (2002): Archipelagoes: Insularity and fiction in medieval and early modern Spain

Irit Kleiman (2003): Traitor, author, text: Four late medieval narratives of betrayal

Timothy Tomasik (2003): Textual tastes: The invention of culinary literature in early modern France

Paolo de Ventura (2003): Dramma e dialogo nella Commedia di Dante

Phillip Usher (2004): The Holy Lands in early modern literature: Negotiations of Christian geography and textual space

Ji-Hyun Kim (2005): For a modern medieval literature: Gaston Paris, courtly love, and the demands of modernity

James McMenamin (2008): The sequence "beginning-middle-end," Dante and Petrarch

Catherine Adoyo (2011): The order of all things: Mimetic craft in Dante's Commedia

Slavic Languages and Literatures

Giorgio DiMauro (2002): The furnace, the crown, and the serpent: Images of Babylon in Muscovite Rus'

  • Undergraduate Studies
  • Ph.D. Secondary Field in Medieval Studies
  • Special Graduate Program in Byzantine Studies
  • Graduate Students in Medieval Studies

Welcome, History of Art and Architecture Students!

The Departmental Writing Fellow (DWF) is a resource for all undergraduates enrolled in History of Art & Architecture (HAA) courses who would like help with their writing. I am available to answer questions and provide feedback regardless of where you are in the writing process: from developing initial ideas to formulating an argument, editing a draft, and understanding the conventions of writing and scholarship in HAA.

The Fall 2024 DWF in HAA is Sarah Rosenthal

[email protected]

Hello! I am a sixth-year PhD Candidate in HAA with a focus on Northern Renaissance art, that is, Flemish, Netherlandish, and Germanic art from 1400-1650. My research tends to focus on questions of agency, institutions, and the sociopolitical dimensions of artistic practice. I’m currently writing a dissertation about the Swiss artist and mercenary soldier Urs Graf (c. 1485-c. 1528). At the center of my research are Urs’s strange, violent, and surprising drawings and the question of what artistic practice offered a man who killed for pay. This study allows me to consider the ethical boundaries of art as the Renaissance cult of the artist intensified and as new theorizations of political authority grappled with humans’ limitations.  

As your DWF this semester, I am here to help with your writing in any subfield and on any research topic, no matter the geographic origin, time period, or methodology. I know what a challenge writing can be, and I am thrilled to help, so please be in touch.

Schedule an Appointment

Please sign up for an in-person or Zoom meeting using the Writing Center Scheduler . Appointments are available on Wednesdays (9am – 12pm, 1-3pm). Feel free to book two consecutive meetings if you wish. If none of the available times work for you, send me an email, and I’ll be happy to find another time.

I aim to hold a few group workshops and/or writing sessions when deadlines are approaching; please write to me if you would like to participate.

When we meet, we can work on whatever needs attention at the moment. We can spend the session developing ideas and strategies for your upcoming assignment or review a draft you’ve already written. If discussing a draft, I’d ask that you send it to me a day or two in advance. Examples of other topics we can discuss:

  • how to write reading responses/ response papers
  • note-taking strategies
  • formal and visual analysis
  • image research
  • articulating an argument
  • organizing the components of your argument in your paper
  • editing strategies
  • unconventional or experimental writing styles

Resources to get started with writing

Writing about art

  • If you struggle with motivation or knowing where to start, check out these tips intended for thesis writers but helpful to anyone 
  • If you are new to art history, you can find additional information about the practice of visual and formal analysis in Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing about Art , 6th ed., Short Guide Series (New York: Longman, 2000).

Style & Citation

  • I recommend Zotero for keeping track of sources and generating citations and bibliographies
  • From there, use Chicago Style notes and bibliography. It’s worth looking through the Chicago Manual Style to understand what that means and to see the other expectations for your work, in terms of grammar and style.

Harvard Research Tools

  • This list of Harvard Library Resources is a great place to start your research.
  • Your first search should be on HOLLIS , the Harvard library catalog.
  • JSTOR’s Images tab and Digital Image Collections Databases are helpful websites for image collections, and so is Hollis Images for high-quality photographs of art objects. You can look at Facsimiles of rare manuscripts at the Fine Arts Library.
  • Harvard University Libraries also offer Research Guides categorized by Library, Subject and Type. There’s a general one for Art History , along with others that could speak more directly to your field. Go explore!
  • You can also reach out to the FAL librarians with any questions about finding resources. They will be delighted to help.
  • Harvard’s many museums are a great resource for finding artworks to study. You can find the complete list of Harvard Museums here .
  • Harvard Art Museums’ collection is available online in its entirety, which you can browse through. The Houghton Library also has digitized many of its holdings of rare manuscripts and archival materials.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]

History of Art and Architecture

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This program prepares you for a career in college-level teaching, in museum work, and for independent research and writing. Your studies will cover the breadth across the discipline, both in terms of field distribution and methodology.

You will access an amazing array of resources including the Harvard museums’ collections of Western, Asian, and ethnographic art; the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies; and Harvard’s extensive library system, which includes 200,000+ books on art and archaeology, 80,000+ photographs and slides, and a rich collection of rare books and manuscripts. The many colleges, museums, and commercial galleries in the greater Boston area offer an additional wealth of resources for study and research.

Examples of student theses and dissertations include “American Painting and the Systems of World Ornament,” “Art, Machine, and Learning in Eighteenth-Century China,” and “Bruegel and the Lost Art of Cloth Painting.”

Graduates have secured faculty positions at institutions like Harvard University, Boston College, and Ohio Wesleyan University. Others have gone on to careers at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, and Menil Drawing Institute in Houston.

Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of History of Art and Architecture , and requirements for the degree are detailed in Policies . 

Areas of Study

17th Century | Architecture (19th and 20th Century) | Architecture (Renaissance) | Africa (historic, diaspora, contemporary) | African American | American | Ancient | Chinese | Contemporary | Early Christian and Byzantine | Islamic | Japanese | Latin American | Medieval | Modern (18th and 19th Century) | Modern (20th Century) | Northern Baroque | Northern Renaissance | Photography | South Asian and Indian | Southern Baroque | Southern Renaissance | Other | Unspecified

Admissions Requirements

Please review the admissions requirements and other information before applying. You can find degree program-specific admissions requirements below and access additional guidance on applying from the Department of History of Art and Architecture .

Academic Background

A strong language background helps to strengthen an application and students who lack it should be aware that they will need to address these gaps during their first two years of graduate study.

Writing Sample

A writing sample is required and should not exceed 20 pages. Do not send a longer sample with instructions to read a particular section. Make sure that your file is in PDF format and does not exceed 2.5 MB (2,500 kb) in size.

Personal Statement

Standardized tests.

GRE General: Not Accepted

Theses and Dissertations

Theses & Dissertations for History of Art and Architecture

See list of History of Art and Architecture faculty


Questions about the program.

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Ph.d. degrees.

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Using the Archives

From 17th century international trade to 21st century student protest movements, whatever your interest, the Harvard University Archives has collections that can enhance your scholarship. 

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The Harvard University Archives collections range from institutional to personal archives, cross five centuries, and represent materials across all formats, from paper to websites to ephemera. 

Harvard's Institutional History and Records

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Whether you're embarking on a new research project, or in the middle of an existing one, archivists can help you navigate our collections. We’ll work with you to ensure you're making the most of the materials available in the Harvard University Archives, or help you access materials available online. 

Start your historical research on Harvard University with these guides:

Research Consultations

Research help for harvard offices, hollis for archival discovery, hollis special request, hollis images, collection development and records management services.

Records Management Services, part of the Harvard University Archives, provides guidance to University staff, faculty, and administrators on how to understand their responsibilities for stewarding and managing their Harvard materials and records.

Our world-class collections are built on generous donations of materials by Harvard community members across the world, and we work with University faculty and staff, as well as individual donors, to identify materials for donation. 

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Historic Humor

University Archives to preserve Harvard Lampoon materials

Lee Smith stands in front of a black and white photograph of a man

One of few dozen Black students on campus, he brought his camera everywhere

Former yearbook editor, Lee Smith '69, has donated two boxes of images of College life from his perspective in turbulent mid-’60s.

Teaching with the Archives

We welcome and encourage teaching with our collections and can provide engaging archival experiences for students. Whether in person or virtual, our staff is ready to connect students to our collections.

Students examine materials in the Archives as part of a class.

Archivists are ready to collaborate with instructors to create interactive, hands-on experiences with archival materials. We offer:

  • help with finding archival material for your course
  • customized course sessions
  • research guides tailored to topics and assignments
  • individual research consultations with students

For more information or to schedule a session at the University Archives for your class, please use the A rchives and Special Collections Class Request Form .

Welcome Message from Virginia Hunt, University Archivist 

Virginia Hunt, University Archivist

Welcome to the Harvard University Archives! 

Containing 400 years of Harvard, American, and world history, our collections are open to the public and accessible through visits to our Reading Room and exhibition gallery in Pusey Library—both situated right in Harvard Yard—as well as via the constellation of Harvard Library access and discovery portals.

As the primary repository for Harvard’s records and personal archives, you will find over five centuries of innovation, exploration, revolution, and introspection—the soul of Harvard—on campus and worldwide.  A product of careful stewardship, community engagement, and interconnectedness, our vast and inclusive collections provide opportunities for remote and hands-on teaching and learning, public and educational programs, individual and scholarly pursuit, and opportunities for interaction between the creators and users of the University Archives. 

We invite you to come and experience the people, discoveries, change, and history that make up the Harvard University Archives.

Accessibility of the Harvard University Archives

  • The closest accessible entrance to the Harvard Map Collection and Pusey Library is the main entrance to Lamont Library. This entrance can be accessed via Quincy Street and is accessible by automatic door and ramp. There are two elevators that go down to level B of Lamont that connects to Level 1 of Pusey Library and the Harvard University Archives.
  • Lamont Library is not open to the public. If you don’t have a Harvard ID please let us know you are coming and will be entering through Lamont so we can alert the guards.

Contact Hannah Hack, [email protected] , with questions about accessibility of elevators, study spaces, meeting rooms, and restrooms.

The Harvard University Archives, a unit of the Harvard Library, has authorization derived from votes of the Harvard Corporation. The Archives supports the University's mission of education and research by preserving and providing access, to the greatest extent possible, to Harvard's historical records; gathering an accurate, authentic, and complete record of the life of the University; and promoting the highest standards of management for Harvard's current records.

Authorized by a vote of the President and Fellows of Harvard College in 1851, the Harvard University Archives is believed to be the oldest institutional archives in the United States established by a corporation.

The mission and the authorization for the work of the Harvard University Archives derive from a succession of votes by the Harvard Corporation . 

Staff Directory


  • Virginia Hunt , University Archivist
  • Juliana Kuipers , Associate University Archivist for Collection Development and Records Management Services
  • Sarah Martin , Associate University Archivist for Community Engagement
  • Hannah Hack , Administrative Coordinator 

Public Services

  • Koukouy Chery , Reference Archivist/Librarian for Archives and Special Collections
  • Edward Copenhagen , Reference Archivist 
  • Pamela Hopkins , Head of University Archives Reference Services
  • Caroline Tanski , Collections Coordinator

Technical Services

  • Kate Bowers , Collections Services Archivist for Metadata, Systems, and Standards
  • Erin Clauss , Collections and Public Services Archivist 
  • Dominic Grandinetti , Processing Archivist
  • Ginny Leightner , Processing Archivist for Global Collections
  • Jennifer Pelose , Interim Head of Collections Services 
  • Jehan Sinclair , Processing and Digitization Archivist
  • Bryan Sutherland , Digital Content Management Archivist for Institutional Collections
  • Emily Atkins , Archivist & Curator for Institutional Collections 
  • Abigail Burns , Collection Development and Survey Diversity Fellow and Archivist
  • Sean Crawford , Collection Development and Records Management Coordinator
  • Bailey Culpepper , Project Appraisal and Inventory Archivist
  • Alexandra Dunn , Collection Development Archivist
  • Curtis J. Hill , Senior Digital Records and Information Manager
  • Skip Kendall , Senior Collection Development and Electronic Records Archivist
  • Alison Macdonald , Records Manager/Archivist for Operations
  • Jason Wood , Senior Collection Development Curator/Archivist

Community Engagement

  • Ariana Cook , Community Engagement Diversity Fellow and Archivist
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Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality

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2024 Government
2024 History and Literature
2024 Government
2024 English

Detransition, Baby  Nevada

2024 History and Science
2024 History and Science

2023 Classics
2023 Government
2023   History & Literature
2023  Century Imperial Russia History & Literature
Social Studies
Social Studies
2023 Social Studies
2023 Social Studies
2023 :    Sociology

2023 Theater, Dance & Media
2023 Theater, Dance & Media

2022 African and African-American Studies
2022 African and African-American Studies
2022 Government
2022   Government
2022 History
2022 History and Literature
2022 History and Science
2022 Social Studies
2022 Social Studies
2022 Social Studies

Gender Codes: Exploring Malaysia’s Gender Parity in Computer Science

Computer Science

The Voice of Technology: Understanding The Work Of Feminine Voice Assistants and the Feminization of the Interface

Computer Science

Whose Voices, Whose Values? Environmental Policy Effects Ofextra-Community Sovereignty Advocacy

Environmental Science and Public Policy


“Felons, Not Families”: The Construction of Immigrant Criminality in Obama-Era Policies and Discourses, 2011-2016

History and Literature


Seeing Beyond the Binary: The Photographic Construction of Queer Identity in Interwar Paris and Berlin

History and Literature


Iconic Market Women: The Unsung Heroines of Post-Colonial Ghana (1960s-1990s)

History and Literature: Ethnic Studies


From Stove Polish to the She-E-O: The Historical Relationship Between the American Feminist Movement and Consumer Culture

Social Studies


“Interstitial Existence,” De-Personification, and Black Women’s Resistance to Police Brutality

Social Studies

#Metoo Meets #Blm: Understanding Black Feminist Anti-Violence Activism in the United States

Social Studies


"Why Won’t Anyone Fight For Us?”: A Contemporary Class Analysis of the Positions and Politics of H-1b and H-4 Visa Holders

Social Studies

2020 A  Feminist Scientific Exploration of Minority Stress and Eating Pathology in Transgender Adolescents  
2020 From Decolonization to LGBTQ + Liberation: LGBTQ+ Activism, Colonial History and National Identity in Guyana   
2020 La Pocha, Sin Raíces / Spoiled Fruit, Without Roots: A Genealogy of Tejana Borderland Imaginaries Anthropology
2020 Capturing Authenticity in Indian Transmasculine Identity: Design of a Novel Penile Prosthesis Biomedical Engineering
2020 More Than Missing: Analyzing Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women Policy Trajectories in the United States and Canada, 2015-2019 Government
2020 “Almost Perfect”: The Cleansing and Erasure of Undocumented and Queer Identities through Performance of Model Families and Citizensh History & Literature
2020 "He Needs a New Belt:” Queerness, Homonationalism, and the Racial and Sexual Dimensions of Passing in Israeli Cinema History & Literature
2020 Our Healthy Bodies, Our Healthy Selves: Community Women's Health Centers as Collaborative Sites of Politics, Education, and Care  History of Science
2020 “No Way to Speak of Myself”: Lived and Literary Resistance to Gender in French  Romance Languages and Literatures
2020 Through Eastern European Eyes and Under the Western Gaze: The (Un)Feminist Face of the Russo-Ukrainian War Slavic Languages and Literatures
2020 Subversion and Subordination: The Materialization of the YouTube Beauty Community in Everyday Reality Social Studies


Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Why Can’t I See Myself At All?: A Close Reading of Children’s Picture Books Featuring Gender Expansive Children of Color

African and African-American Studies


Dilating Health, Healthcare, and Well-Being: Experiences of LGBTQ+ Thai People

Biomedical Engineering


The Consociationalist Culprit: Explaining Women’s Lack of Political Representation in Northern Ireland



Queering the Political Sphere: Play, Performance, and Civil Society with the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in San Francisco, 1979-1999    



Playing With Power: Kink, Race, and Desire

History and Literature


“Take Root:” Community Formation at the San Francisco Chinatown Branch Public Library, 1970s-1990s

History and Literature

Fetal Tomfoolery: Comedy, Activism, and Reproductive Justice in the Pro-Abortion Work of the Lady Parts Justice League



And They're Saying It's Because of the Internet: An Exploration of Sexuality Urban Legends Online

Folklore and Mythology

(In)visibly Queer: Assessing Disparities in the Adjudication of U.S. LGBTQ Asylum Cases


Enough for Today 



Radical Appropriations: A Cultural History and Critical Theorization of Cultural Appropriation in Drag Performance


Surviving Safe Spaces: Exploring Survivor Narratives and Community-Based Responses to LGBTQ Intimate Partner Violence


“The Cruelest of All Pains”:  Birth, Compassion, and the Female Body in


Virtually Normal? How “Initiation” Shapes the Pursuit of Modern Gay Relationships

Social Studies

How Stigma Impacts Mental Health: The Minority Stress Model and Unwed Mothers in South Korea


The Future is Taken Care of: Care Robots, Migrant Workers, and the Re-production of Japanese Identity

Visual and Environmental Studies

Bodies on the Line: Empowerment through Collective Subjectification in Women's Rugby Culture


"In the Middle of the Movement": Advocating for Sexuality and Reproductive Health Rights in the Nonprofit Industrial Complex


Breaking the Equator: Formation and Fragmentation of Gender and Race in Indigenous Ecuador

Social Studies


Deconstructing the American Dream: in Kodak Advertisements and Shirley Cards in Post World War II American Culture

Visual and Environmental Studies

Imposing Consent:  Past Paradigms, Gender Norms, and the Continuing Conflation of Health and Genital Appearance in Medical Practice for Intersex Infants   



And I am Telling You, You Can’t Stop the Beat: Locating Narratives of Racial Crossover in Musical Theater

History and Literature

Reality® Check: Shifting Discourses of “Female Empowerment” in the History of the Reality Female Condom, 1989-2000

History and Science

Dialectics of a Feminist Future 


Lesbian Against the Law: Indian Lesbian Activism and Film, 1987-2014


Talking Dirty: Using the Pornographic to Negotiate Sexual Discourse in Public and Private


Wars Are Fought, They Are Also Told: A Study of 9/11 and the War on Terrorism in U.S. History Textbooks

Social Studies

Yoko as a Narrator in Nobuyoshi Araki’s and



Reading at an Angle: Theorizing Young Women Reading Science-Fictionally

English and American Literature


“Are you Ready to be Strong?”: Images of Female Empowerment in 1990s Popular Culture

History and Literature


Constructing the Harvard Man: Eugenics, the Science of Physical Education, and Masculinity at Harvard, 1879-1919

History and Science


Sex, Science, and Politics in the Sociobiology Debate

History and Science


"A Little Bit of Sodomy in Me”:  Disgust, Loss, and the Politics of Redemption in the American Ex-Gay Movement



Art of Disturbance:  Trans-Actions on the Stage of the US-Mexico Border

Romance Languages and Literatures


“Too Important for Politics”: The Implications of “Autonomy” in the Indian Women’s Movement

Social Studies


Yes, No, Maybe: The Politics of Consent Under Compulsory Sex-Positivity

Social Studies


Inside the Master's House: Gender, Sexuality, and the 'Impossible' History of Slavery in Jamaica, 1753-1786



Illuminating the Darkness Beneath the Lamp: Im Yong-sin’s Disappearance from History and Rewriting the History of Women in Korea’s Colonial Period (1910-1945)

East Asian Languages and Civilizations


"How to Survive a Plague": Navigating AIDS in Mark Doty's Poetry

English and American Literature


Respectability's Girl: Images of Black Girlhood Innocence, 1920-2013

History and Literature


Defining Our Own Lives: The Racial, Gendered, and Postcolonial Experience of Black Women in the Netherlands

Social Studies


Beyond Victim-Blaming: Strategies of Rape Response through Narrative



From “Ultimate Females” to “Be(ing) Me”: Uncovering Australian Intersex Experiences and Perspectives



Modernity on Trial: Sodomy and Nation in Malaysia



: Woven Accounts of Gender, Work and Motherhood in South Korea



Sexual Apartheid: Marginalized Identity(s) in South Africa's HIV/AIDS Interventions



The Pornographer's Tools: A Critical and Artistic Response to the Pornography of Georges Bataille and Anaïs Nin



Cerebral interhemispheric connectivity and autism: A laboratory investigation of Dkk3 function in the postmitotic development of callosal projection neuron subpopulations and a historical analysis of the reported male prevalence of autism and the “extreme male brain” theory

Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology


"Let's Just Invite Them In" versus "We Just Don't Have the Resources to Support You": Selective and Non-Selective College Administrators as Creators of Alcohol Policies and Practices, Campus Cultures, and Students' Identities, and Implications for Opportunities in Higher Education



Plaintiffs' Role in Reinventing Legal Arguments for Same-Sex Marriage



Facing Tijuana's Maquilas: An Inquiry into Embodied Viewership of the US-Mexico Border

Romance Languages and Literatures


"The Woman Who Shouts": Coming to Voice as a Young Urban Female Leader

Social Studies


Closet Communities: A Study of Queer Life in Cairo

Social Studies


Redefining Survival: Statistics and the Language of Uncertainty at the Height of the AIDS Epidemic



A Genealogy of Gay Male Representation from the Lavender Scare to Lavender Containment



More Than "Thoughts by the Way": Young Women and the Overland Journey Finding Themselves Through Narrative Voice, 1940-1870



Que(e)rying Harvard Men, 1941-1951: A Project on Oral Histories



When Welfare Queens Speak: Survival Rhetoric in the Face of Domination

African and African American Studies


ACT UP New York: Art, Activism and the AIDS Crisis, 1987-1993

Visual and Environmental Studies



"Gay, Straight, or Lying?": The Cultural Silencing of Male Bisexuality in America




"I had never seen a beautiful woman with just one breast": Beauty and Norms of Femininity in Popular Breast Cancer Narratives



Diego Garcia: Islands of Empire, Archipelagos of Resistance



Zion Sexing Palestine



Are You Sisters?: Motherhood, Sisterhood, and the Impossible Black Lesbian Subject

African and African American Studies


Girl Interpellated: Female Childhoods and the Trauma of Nationalist Subjectivity

History and Literature


Breaching the Subject of Birth: An Examination of Undergraduate Women's Perceptions of "Alternative" Birthing Methods



Biomedicalizing the Labor of Love: Narratives of Maternal Disability and Reproduction


Dis/locating the Margins: Gloria Anzaldúa and New Potential for Feminist Pedagogy


Mommy, Where Do Babies Come From? Egg Donation and Popular Constructions of Authentic Motherhood


Parallel Histories and Mutual Lessons: Advocates Negotiate Feminism and Domestic Violence Services in Immigrant Communities in Boston


SILENCE=DEATH: (Re)Presentations of "The AIDS Epidemic" 1981-1990


The "Sparrow in the Cage": Images of the Emaciated Body in Representations of Anorexia Nervosa


Theater of the Abject: The Powers of Horror in Sarah Kane's


Toward a Participatory Framework for Inclusive Citizenship: Haitian Immigrant Women's Claim to Civic Space in Boston


"Keepin' it Real," Queering the Real: Queer Hip Hop and the Performance of Authenticity

African and African American Studies


On the Surface: Conceptualizing Gender and Subjectivity in Chinese Lesbian Culture

East Asian Languages and Civilization


Viewing Post-War Black Politics Through a New Lens: Tracing Changes in Ann Perry's Conception of the Mother-Child Relationship, 1943-1965

History and Literature


Silent Families and Invisible Sex: Christian Nationalism and the 2004 Texas Sex Education Battle

Social Studies


White 2.0: Theorizing White Feminist Blogging

Social Studies


Do Mothers Experience The Mommy Wars?: An Examination of the Media's Claims About the Mommy Wars and the Mothers Who Supposedly Fight In Them



On The Offense: The Apologetic Defense and Women's Sports



Stop Being Polite & Start Getting "Real": Examining Madonna & Black Culture Appropriation in the MTV Generation



The Inviability of Balance: Performing Female Political Candidacy



The Money Taboo



Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nation: The Dynamics of the Gay and Lesbian Movement and the Countermovement After a Decade of Democracy in South Africa



Facing The Empress: Modern Representations of Women, Power and Ideology In Dynasty China



Re-Evaluating Homosexuality: Extralegal Factors in Conservative Jewish Law

Social Studies



Who's Producing Your Knowledge?: Filipina American Scholars

Social Studies


"The Potential of Universality": Discovering Gender Fluidity Through Performance



Coming Out of the Candlelight: Erasure, Politics, and Practice at the 2005 Boston Transgender Day of Remembrance



May Our Daughters Return Home: Transnational Organizing to Halt Femicide in Ciudad Juarez


She Let It Happen: An Analysis of Rape Myth Acceptance among Women



"This is no time for the private point of view": Vexing the Confessional in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton

History and Literature


Relying on the Experts: The Hidden Motives of Tampon Manufacturers, Feminist Health Activists and the Medical Community During the American Toxic Shock Epidemic from 1978- 1982

History of Science


(In)visibility: Identity Rights and Subjective Experience in Gay Beirut

Social Studies

2006 Popular Feminism in the Dominican Republic

Social Studies

2006 Redefining the 'Crisis in Citizenship': The Emergence of Immigrant Women as Political Actors in the United States

Social Studies

2006 The New Goddess: Women, Progress, and Patriarchy in the Hindu Nationalist Movement

Social Studies


"Takin' Back the Night!" Buffy the Vampire Slayer and "Girl Power" Feminism


Bread Winners or Bread Makers? The Professional Challenges for Working Women


Power to the People! Or Not: The Exceptional Decrease in Women’s Formal and Informal Political Participation in Slovenia During Democratization


To Whom Many Doors Are Still Locked: Gender, Space & Power in Harvard Final Clubs


Coca Politics: Women's Leadership in the Chapare



Redressing Prostitution: Trans Sex Work and the Fragmentation of Feminist Theories



The Media Coverage of Women, Ten Years Later, in the 108th Congress, Has Anything Changed Since 'The Year of the Women' in 1992



Divided Designs: Separatism, Intersectionality, and Feminist Science in the 1970s

History of Science


Completing the Circle: Singing Women's Universality and the Music of Libana



Attitudes, Beliefs and Behavior Towards Gays and Lesbians



Beauty and Brains: The Influence of Stereotypical Portraits of Women on Implicit Cognition



"Rational Kitchens" How Scientific Kitchen Designs Reconfigured Domestic Space and Subjectivity from the White City to the New Frankfurt

Social Studies


Begin By Imagining: Reflections of Women in the Holocaust


Feminism within the Frame: An Analysis of Representations of Women in the Art of Americas Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

History of Art and Architecture


The Fluid Body: Gender, Agency, and Embodiment in Chöd Ritual



Parodic Patriotism and Ambivalent Assimilation: A Rereading of Mary Antin's The Promised Land

Romance Languages and Literatures


Virgin, Mother, Warrior: The Virgin of Guadalupe as an Icon of the Anti- Abortion Movement

Romance Languages and Literatures


Feminist Evolutions: An exploration and response to the disconnect between young women and contemporary dominant feminism

Social Studies


Public Enemies: South Asian and Arab Americans Navigate Racialization and Cultural Citizenship After 9/11

Social Studies



The Blue Stockinged Gal of Yesterday is Gone: Life-course Decision-making and Identity Formation of 1950s Radcliffe College Graduates

Social Studies



At the Narrative Center of Gravity: Stories and Identities of Queer Women of Color




Embodying the Psyche, Envisioning the Self: Race, Gender, and Psychology in Postwar American Women’s Fiction




From Many Mouths to Her Mind: Pursuits of Selfhood, the American Woman, and the Self-Help Book




Out of Love: The Permissibility of Abuse in Love and Self Development




Promising Monsters, Perilous Motherhood: The Social Construction of 20th Century Multiple Births




Sexing the Gender Dysphoric Body: A Developmental Examination of Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood




The Specter of Homoeroticism: Recasting Castration in David Fincher's 'Fight Club'




Women's Occupational Health: A Study of Latina Immigrant Janitors at Harvard




Accidental Bodies




Transformations in the Polish Female Gender Model from Communism to Democracy

History of Science



Between Nation and World: Organizing Against Domestic Violence in China

Social Studies



The Process of Becoming: Cultural Identity-Formation Among Second-Generation South Asian Women in the Contexts of Marriage and Family

Social Studies



A Turn of the Page: Contemporary Women’s Reading Groups in America




Bordering Home




Canary in a Coal Mine: The Mixed Race Woman in American History and Literature




Reflections in Yellow




My Rights Don't Just Come to Me: Palestinian Women Negotiating Identity




“Progressive Conservatism”: The Intersection of Boston Women's Involvement in Anti-Suffrage and Progressive Reform, 1908 - 1920




“What Can a Woman Do?”: Gender, Youth, and Citizenship at Women's Colleges During World War I




Building Strong Community: A Study of Queer Groups at Northeastern, Brandeis, and Harvard




Taking Care: Stereotypes, Medical Care, and HIV+ Women




Of Tongues Untied: Stories Told and Retold by Working-Class Women




On Display: Deconstructing Modes of Fashion Exhibition




The Un-Candidates: Gender and Outsider Signals in Women's Political Advertisements




Tugging at the Seams: Feminist Resistance in Pornography




Witnessing Memory': Narrating the Realities of Immigrant and Refugee Women




“La Revolution Tranquille”: Concubinage: The Renegotiation of Gender and the Deregulation of Conjugal Kinship in the Contemporary French Household




What is “natural” about the menstrual cycle?




Multi-Drug Resistance in Malaria: Identification and Characterization of a Putative ABC-Transporter in Plasmodium falciparum




“We Was Girls Together”: The Role of Female Friendship in Nella Larsen's and Toni Morrison's




Pom-Pom Power--The History of Cheerleading at Harvard




Conception of Gender in Artificial Intelligence

History of Science



“Hysterilization”: Hysterectomy as Sterilization in the 1970s United States

History of Science



What's Blood Got to Do with It? Menarche, Menstrual Attitudes, Experiences, and Behaviors




Facing the Screen: Portrayals of Female Body Image on Websites for Teenagers




They're Not Those Kinds of Girls: The Absence of Physical Pleasure in Teenage Girls' Sexual Narratives




(Re)Writing Woman: Confronting Gender in the Czech Masculine Narrative




“Like a Nuprin: Little, Yellow, Queer”: The Case for Queer Asian American Autobiofictional Performance




Sex, Mothers, and Bodies: Chilean Sex Workers Voicing their Honor




Mapping his Manila: Feminine Geographies of the City in Nick Joaquin's




Precious Mettle: Margaret DeWitt, Susanna Townsend, and Mary Jane Megquier Negotiate Environment, Refinement & Femininity in Gold Rush California




From to : Analyzing the Aesthetics of Spoken Word Poetry

History and Literature



The Hymeneal Seal: Embodying Female Virginity in Early Modern England

History of Science



Suit Her Up, She's Ready to Play: How the Woman-in-a-Suit Tackles Social Binaries

Social Studies



"From the Bones of Memory": Women's Stories to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission




"When We Get Married, We'll Live Next Door to Each Other": Adolescence, Girl-Friends, and "Lesbian" Desires




Healthy Bodies, Healthy Lives: The Women's Health Initiative and the Politics of Science




Adah Isaacs Menken, The [Un]True Stories: History, Identity, Memory, Menken, and Me

Afro-American Studies



Situated Science: Margaret Cavendish and Natural Philosophical Discourse




From "Sympathizers" to Organizers: The Emergence of the Women's Liberation Movement from the New Left at Harvard-Radcliffe




Re-(e)valu[ate/ing] Madonna: Understanding the Success of Post-Modernity's Greatest Diva




"Let's Not Change the Subject!": Deliberation on Abortion on the Web, in the House and in Abortion Dialogue Groups

Social Studies



A Socialist-Feminist Re-vision: An Integration of Socialist Feminist and Psychoanalytic Accounts of Women's Oppression

Social Studies



Common Visions, Differing Priorities, Challenging Dynamics: An Examination of a Low-Income Immigrant Women's Cooperative Project




"I Don't Want to Grow Up - If It's Like That": Carson McCullers's Construction of Female Adolescence and Women's Coming of Age




Another Toxic Shock: Health Risks from Rayon and Dioxin in Chlorine Bleached Tampons Manufactured in the United States, a Public Policy Analysis




Damned Beauties of the Roaring Twenties: The Death of Young, White, Urban, American Women and




Just Saying No? A Closer Look at the Messages of Three Sexual Abstinence Programs




The Cost of Making Money: Exploring the Dissociative Tendencies of College Educated Strippers




Whose Sexuality? Masochistic Sexual Fantasies and Notions of Feminist Subjectivity




That Takes Balls…or Does it? A Historical and Endocrinologic Examination of the Relation of Androgens to Confidence in Males and Females




black tar/and honey: Anne Sexton in Performance




Redefining the Politics of Presence: The Case of Indian Women in Panchayati Raj Institutions




The Psychic Connection: The historical evolution of the psychic hotline in terms of gender, spirituality, and talk therapy




Visions and Revisions of Love: and the Crisis of Heterosexual Romance

Visual and Environmental Studies



"I Feel it in My Bones That You are Making History": The Life and Leadership of Pauli Murray




"Reports from the Front: Welfare Mothers Up in Arms": A Case Study with Policy Implications




All the Weapons I Carry 'Round with Me: Five Adult Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse Speak about Their Experiences with Impact Model Mugging




: Manufacturing Multiplicity from American Fashion Magazines




Listening to Stories of Prison: The HIV Epidemic in MCI-Framingham




The Communicating Wire: Bell Telephone, Farm Wives, and the Struggle for Rural Telephone Service




When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Good Girl: Adolescent Fiction and Patriarchal Notions of Womanhood




Out of the Courtroom and onto the Ballot: The Politicization of the 1930s and '40s Massachusetts Birth Control Movement




"The Role For Which God Created Them": Women in the United States' Religious Right

Social Studies



Potent Vulnerability: American Jewry and the Romance with Diaspora

Social Studies



"I Certainly Try and Make the Most of it": An Exploratory Study of Teenage Mothers Who Have Remained in High School




In Their Own Words: Life and Love in the Literary Transactions of Adolescent Girls




Math/Theory: Constructing a Feminist Epistemology of Mathematics




Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…" Nella Larsen, Alice Walker, and the Self-Representation of Black Female Sexuality




Racial Iconography and Feminist Film: A Cultural Critique of Independent Women's Cinema




Real Plums in an Imaginary Cake: Mary McCarthy and the Writing of Autobiography




Single-Mother Poverty: A Critical Analysis of Current Welfare Theory and Policy from a Feminist, Cultural Perspective




Intra-household Resource Allocations in South Africa: Is There a Gender Bias?




Vision and Revision: The Naked Body and the Borders of Sex and Gender




Are Abusive Men Different? And Can We Predict Their Behavior?




Racial Iconography and Feminist Film: A Cultural Critique of Independent Women's Cinema

Visual and Environmental Studies



"What Does a Girl Do?": Teenage Girls' Voices in the Girl Group Music of the 1950s and '60s




Continuing the Struggle: Gender Equality in an Egalitarian Community




Elements of Community: Re-entering the Landscape of Utah Mormonism




Loving and Living Surrealism: Reuniting Leonora Carrington and Max Ernst




Reading the Body: The Physiological Politics of Gender in Charlotte Bronte's , Margaret Oliphant's , and Mary Braddon's




Searching for a Place Apart: A Journey into and out of Bulimia Nervosa




The Flagstad Case




The Sound Factory




Visual Strategies of the Contemporary U.S. Abortion Conflict




Working Women, Legitimate Lives: The Gender Values Underlying 1994 Welfare Reform




The Hormone Replacement Therapy Decision: Women at the Crossroads of Women's Health




The Economic Consequences of Domestic Violence




"It's My Skin": Gender, Pathology, and the Jewish Body in Holocaust Narratives




Essentialist Tensions: Feminist Theories of the "Maleness" of Philosophy




Differences Among Friends: International feminists, USAID, and Nigerian women




Helke Sander and the Roots of Change: Gaining a Foothold for Women Filmmakers in Postwar Germany




On Dorothy Allison's and Literary Theory on Pain and Witnessing




Redefining : A Study of Chicana Identity and the Malinche Image




The Feminist Critique of the Birth Control Pill




The Re-visited: Women Villains in Contemporary Hollywood Cinema




The Framings of Ethel Rosenberg: Gender, Law, Politics, and Culture in Cold War America




Tradition and Transgression: Gender Roles in Ballroom Dancing




When Pregnancy is a Crime: Addiction, Pregnancy and the Law




Strategic Sentiments: Javanese Women and the Anthropology of Emotion




Engendering Bodies in Pain: Trauma and Silence in Dorothy Allison's




The Flowers of Middle Summer




Conceptions of Self, Relationships and Gender Roles in Japanese American Women in California and Hawaii




Bad Mothers and Wicked (wo)Men: Facts and Fictions about Serial Killers




Child of Imagination: Literary Analysis of Woolf, Steedman, Rich & Gilligan




Gender Roles on Trial During the Reign of Terror




Grief and Rage: The Politics of Death and the Political Implications of Mourning




Jewels in the Net: Women Bringing Relation into the Light of American Buddhist Practice




Mamas Fighting for Freedom in Kenya




Rethinking "Feminine Wiles": Sexuality and Subversion in the Fiction of Jane Bowles




Sexing the Machine: Feminism, Technology, and Postmodernism




Sisterhood is Robin? The Politics of the Woman-Centered Feminist Discourse in the New Ms. Magazine




"Thank God for Technology!" Taking a Second Look at the Technocratic Birth Experience




Where She Slept These Many Years




Women's Narratives of Anger: Exploring the Relationship between Anger and Self




Edith Wharton's : Gendered Paradoxes and Resistance to Representation




Sociocognitive and Motivational Influences on Gender-Linked Conduct




Conceptions of the Female Self: A Struggle Between Dominant and Resistant Forces




Objectified Subjects: Women in AIDS Clinical Drug Trials




Re-membering the American Dream: Woman in the Process of Placing a Beam in a Bag




: Voices of Resistance




Women and War




Women of the Cloister, Women of the World: American Benedictines in Transition




The Changing Lives of Palestinian Women in the Galilee: Reflections on Some Aspects of Modernization by Three Generations




Blending the Spectrum: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Women and HIV Disease




Maestra: Five Female Orchestral Conductors in the United States




Negotiating Identity: Multiracial People Challenging the Discourse

Social Studies



Pain, Privacy, and Photography: Approaches to Picturing the Experiences of Battered Women

Visual and Environmental Studies



Incest and the Denial of Paternal Fallibility in Psychoanalysis and Feminist Theory




Sex and the Ivory Girl: Judy Blume Speaks to the Erotics of Disembodiment in Adolescent Girls' Discourses of Sexual Desire




Women's Secrets, Feminine Desires: Narrative Hiding and Revealing in Frances Burney's , Emily Bronte's , and Mary Braddon's




Workers, Mothers and Working Mothers: The Politics of Fetal Protection in the Workplace




Appalachian Identity: A Contested Discourse




Half-Baked in Botswana: Why Cookstoves Aren't Heating Up the Kitchen




"Management of Men": Political Wives in British Parliamentary Politics, 1846-1867




re:Visions of Feminism: An Analysis of Contemporary Film and Video Directed by Asian American Women

Social Studies



A Mini-Revolution: hemlines, gender identity, and the 1960s




Feeding Women and Children First: A Study of the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children




On Refracting a Voice: Readings of Tatiana Tolstaia




Private Lives in Public Spaces: Marie Stopes, The Mothers' Clinics, and the Practice of Contraception




: Meaning and Community Re-orient/ed




With Child: Women's Experiences of Childbirth from Personal, Historical, and Cultural Perspectives




Representing "Miss Lizzie": Class and Gender in the Borden Case

History and Literature



Seductive Strategies: Towards an Interactive Model of Consumerism

History and Literature



Nancy Chodorow's Theory Examined: Contraceptive Use Among Sexually Active Adolescents




Choosing Sides: Massachusetts Activists Formulate Opinions on the Abortion Issue

Social Studies



Influence of Early Hollywood Films on Women's Roles in America




Rethinking Sex and Gender in a World of Women without Men: Changing Consciousness and Incorporation of the Feminine in Three Utopias by Women




A Different Voice in Politics: Women As Elites




The Lady Teaches Well: Middle-Class Women and the Sunday School Movement in England, 1780-1830




The Analytical Muse: Historiography, Gender and Science in the Life of Lady Ada Lovelace

History of Science



The Tragic Part of Happiness: The Construction of the Subject in




The Ideology of Gender Roles in Contemporary Mormonism: Feminist Reform and Traditional Reaction




La fonction génératrice: French Feminism, Motherhood, and Legal Reform, 1880-1914.


  • Concentration Requirements
  • Junior Tutorial
  • Senior Tutorial
  • Undergraduate Secondary Field
  • Career Paths
  • Forms and Downloads


  1. Graduate

    Letters of Recommendation. The Faculty in the Department of History of Art and Architecture has decided to adopt and implement a consistent practice in preparing letters of recommendation for graduate Pre-doctoral and Postdoctoral fellowship competitions as well as internships and jobs. If you wish a faculty member to write letters for you ...

  2. Harvard University Theses, Dissertations, and Prize Papers

    The Harvard University Archives' collection of theses, dissertations, and prize papers document the wide range of academic research undertaken by Harvard students over the course of the University's history.. Beyond their value as pieces of original research, these collections document the history of American higher education, chronicling both the growth of Harvard as a major research ...

  3. Online Research Resources

    Oxford Art Online: Oxford Art Online provides access and cross-search functionality to Oxford's art reference works, including Grove art online and Benezit dictionary of artists. It includes over 2000,000 articles that span ancient to contemporary art and architecture, as well as over 15,000 images. Databases for Asian Studies - South and ...

  4. Concentration

    The senior thesis offers a student the opportunity to apply in greater depth one or more of the methods and aims developed in courses and tutorials, although, of course, theses often deal with subjects not included in class work. ... The Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, is situated on the traditional and ...

  5. Admissions

    Application Deadline: January 5, 2024. Special Requirements: Writing Sample. Applications to the doctoral program in the Department of History of Art and Architecture are submitted to the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Do not send any materials to the Department of History of Art and Architecture.

  6. Emma Harutyunyan

    The Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Massachusett People and it strives to honor this relationship. ... Writing a Thesis Alumni. Internal Resources Department Intranet. RESOURCES Navigating HAA & Harvard FAS Academic Calendars Digital Image ...

  7. Senior Thesis Posters AY 2022-2023

    Senior Thesis Posters AY 2022-2023 Writing a senior thesis provides HAA concentrators with an opportunity to independently research a topic of their own choosing. ... The Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Massachusett People and it strives to honor ...

  8. Graduate Timeline

    Note: In order to receive summer stipends, G4s must have completed all course work, languages, the Qualifying Paper, general examination, and thesis prospectus. G5 YEAR + Continue teaching (unless on a term-time or completion fellowship) or working through an internship at the Harvard Art Museums. Continue researching and writing the dissertation.

  9. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in History & Literature

    Director of Studies to write a thesis that exceeds 20,000 words. Typical theses run somewhere in the range of 15,000-20,000 words. • All candidates for an honors degree in History & Literature must prepare a senior thesis. Students who do not complete a thesis are not eligible to graduate with honors in History & Literature.

  10. PDF List of Recent Senior Theses in the History Department

    of the topics pursued by recent thesis writers. Theses awarded Hoopes Prizes are listed at the end. The range of places, eras, themes, and peoples suggests the latitude you have in identifying your own topic. NB: thesis titles of joint concentrators with another department as their primary concentration are sometimes not listed below.

  11. Ph.D. dissertations in Medieval Studies, 1990-2016

    Dissertations by Author. Rahim Acar (NELC, 2002): Creation: A comparative study between Avicenna's and Aquinas' positions. Catherine Adoyo (Romance Languages, 2011): The order of all things: Mimetic craft in Dante's Commedia. Panagiotis Agapitos (Classics, 1990): Narrative structure in the Byzantine vernacular romances: A textual and literary ...

  12. Faculty

    Seth Estrin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard... Read more about Seth Estrin. 485 Broadway RM 407 Cambridge, MA 02138. [email protected]. Cécile Fromont ... Writing a Thesis Alumni. Internal Resources Department Intranet. RESOURCES Navigating HAA & Harvard FAS Academic Calendars ...

  13. History of Art and Architecture

    The 2023-2024 DWF in HAA is Vaishnavi Patil. I, Vaishnavi, am a Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art and Architecture (HAA) Department at Harvard University, writing my dissertation on goddess imagery from the first to the tenth century CE. My work seeks to understand the evolution of the "mother-child" iconographic type in South Asia and ...

  14. History of Art and Architecture

    Others have gone on to careers at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, and Menil Drawing Institute in Houston. Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of History of Art and Architecture, and requirements for the degree are detailed in Policies. Areas of Study

  15. Ph.D. Degrees

    See also: Graduate. 485 Broadway. Cambridge, MA 02138. Contact us. The Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University, is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Massachusett People and it strives to honor this relationship. Join the HAA Mailing List.

  16. Doctoral Dissertations in Art History

    Carla G. Lord *"Ovid in the Renaissance" George Mauner *"The 'Nabis'-French Paint- Margaret Luchars "Piero della Francesca and ers of 1890's". Flanders" Barbara Reise "Turner and Venice". Saul Levine "Art in Florence under the Re- Howard Rodee "An Iconography Study of Cornelius Chang "Evolution of the Pictorial.

  17. Harvard University Archives

    Welcome Message from Virginia Hunt, University Archivist . Welcome to the Harvard University Archives! Containing 400 years of Harvard, American, and world history, our collections are open to the public and accessible through visits to our Reading Room and exhibition gallery in Pusey Library—both situated right in Harvard Yard—as well as via the constellation of Harvard Library access and ...

  18. PDF Senior Thesis Writers in History

    of your academic career at Harvard. Over the course of several months, you will work in a one-on-one relationship with an adviser and participate in ... senior thesis in History . We will discuss many of the common hurdles and pitfalls that past students have encountered . over the course of the year, we will

  19. PDF List of Recent Senior Theses in the History Department

    of the topics pursued by recent thesis writers. Theses awarded Hoopes Prizes are listed at the end. The range of places, eras, themes, and peoples suggests the latitude you have in identifying your own topic. NB: thesis titles of joint concentrators with another department as their primary concentration are sometimes not listed below.

  20. Past Thesis Topics

    2013. Inside the Master's House: Gender, Sexuality, and the 'Impossible' History of Slavery in Jamaica, 1753-1786. 2013. Illuminating the Darkness Beneath the Lamp: Im Yong-sin's Disappearance from History and Rewriting the History of Women in Korea's Colonial Period (1910-1945) East Asian Languages and Civilizations.

  21. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in History and Literature

    For my senior thesis in History and Literature next year, I am planning an expan-sion of my junior paper, and it is for this project that I am applying for funding from the Harvard College Research Program. I will extend my examination of body politics to other works by Wyndham Lewis, particularly his 1937 novel The Revenge for Love. I also

  22. History of Art/Architecture (@harvardhaa)

    The Claire Martin Fairman Prize for best thesis of modern art was awarded to Ryan Durando for her thesis "Monumental Expressions of Classicized Identity in Contemporary Art: Jean-Michel Basquiat's Visualized Counter-Classicism." ... This issue includes a conversation with Professor Felipe Pereda about the history and future of Harvard's ...

  23. PDF Senior Thesis Writers in History

    Writing a senior thesis in the History Department of Harvard College is a specific kind of intellectual experience. As you consider different research options, remember that a senior thesis is neither a ... being written and more about the general art of writ-ing history. Therefore, you do not need to worry about how much (or little) you know ...