how does aleks homework work

Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an adaptive learning system that provides students with an individualized mathematics learning experience. ALEKS uses artificial intelligence to customize the learning for each student, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses and delivering precise instruction when needed. It has been proven to raise grades, and improve retention and pass rates.

ALEKS is the product of thirty years of research by software engineers, mathematicians, and cognitive scientists in the application of Knowledge Space Theory.

how does aleks homework work

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ALEKS Reviews

ALEKS Reviews

Website: ALEKS

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ALEKS is completely Horrible. I was forced to use it in my 7th grade class and if i didnt i would ger a 0% as a TEST grade. Everyone using this program will be MADDER at ALEKS than not getting Ice Cream. The questions are hard and requires you to KNOW IT BEFORE YOU START A LESSON! The knowlege checks are worse, it gives you 20-30 questons of topics you have learned and these are supposed to help your aleks pie fill up but it does almost nothing. LIKE I GOT ONLY 1 LESSON MASTERED FROM A KNOWLEGE CHECK! It does not help students learn, it makes them learn nothing. A survey done by vocal media said 88% OF STUDENTS DID NOT LEARN FROM ALEKS!!! I am done with this app grades 6-12 so THANK GOODNESS!!!

I bought ten subscriptions for my highest ten performing students to work on while I worked independently with my struggling learners. Unfortunately i had to go on MFLA medical leave because my moms health declined to the point of hospice services. The company stated some biull crap about a ten day policy. My students had never even used the product. Poor service and greedy publishing company wins over their paying customers. Highly recommend you find another alternative to McGraw Hill products any of them most especially ALEKS!

I've used this for two semesters of chemistry, and unlike most of the other students I actually managed to complete all of the required-450-or-so topics. The only other bigger time sink I've had was WebAssign, an equally garbage "online curriculum" for a mathematics class. This will test your patience. This will push you to your limits. This will bring you down to the brink of insanity with the only thread of hope that your professor will count all of your completed topics towards your grade.

Also, what's with the penalties and progress checks? Imagine if your teacher ripped out entire pages off your notebook for answering a question wrong... which is exactly what it is.

Protip: You can "game" the system for hard topics by rerolling the "Explanation" button for easier questions. If you actually want to learn, old school paper and penciil all the way (which is how I studied and got A's on my actual tests).

Aleks is mostly bad. The biggest problem I have with this is the terrible UI, how time-consuming it is, and the explanations. Not only is it time-consuming, but it's also frustrating. If you mess up, it removes a point or two, so if you don't fully understand a topic, you're screwed unless you learn it irl or search it up. The explanations do NOT work whatsoever, I actually think they only make your experience more frustrating. It makes you think, "I have the explanation but I still don't get it??" They actually do NOTHING. 99.99 repeating% of the time, they don't explain ANYTHING, even though it's called a, well, EXPLANATION? I remember one time, I was doing some topic, and I messed up ONCE. It then lead me to the explanation page and it told me to do something. With no explanation. No explanation of, well, IDK, WHY that works, HOW that works, or ANYTHING like that, it just told me to do something. Bruuuh. It's not teaching you anything, and in fact, it fails miserably at it. The explanations are absolute trash, not to mention the fact that you lose a point or two when you mess up. (I already mentioned this but still.) Mhm. Yup.

Aleks be like: "You don't understand a material? Suffer."

So dissatisfied with this program. No explanation or examples are given to students. Does not align to many state standards but rather to homeschool based learning which has a completely different approach when learning many concepts.This proves to be very confusing and frustrating to many children/students when it comes time to take state tests. These students are being penalized because Aleks taught them to solve and work out math problems in a completely different manner. It is AWFUL very boring and dated. Does not engage students in learning whatsoever. No fun or interesting graphics, no wonder children do not enjoy this but rather dread doing this.

I put my 10 year old son in 5th grade math through Aleks. It was vastly superior to a) public school b) other online learning systems that either aren't graded, or use multiple choice. With Aleks, there's no multiple choice, a student has to figure out the work and input the right answer. I've never had a bad technical problem with the program - HOWEVER, there is a logistical issue with using Aleks.

Aleks allows students to move through topics, even if they don't understand the material. I'll give an example. Aleks takes a grade of math, like 5th grade, and breaks it into topics (improper fractions, simplifying fractions, decimal multiplication, etc.) If a student is in a topic (i.e. fraction multiplication), and fails to get a correct answer, after some time Aleks will move them to the next topic! If a student happens to get 3 right answers in a row, Aleks moves them to the next topic!

The problem becomes that my son has completed the entire 5th grade curriculum with Aleks, but when I have Aleks test him, his test scores varry widely (D to B+). Specific topics are not mastered or understood.

Aleks would be greatly improved if they held a student in a topic, until they can pass an assessment for that topic (10 point quiz). The passing grade should be definable by the parent/teacher account. That way my son wouldn't move on to Geometric shapes if he's still struggling with a topic on fractions.

Hello I am using this program on a "self paced" class. In my opinion, this is a terrible program and should be avoided at all cost. I follow their "instructions", then enter the answer and ALEKS tells me I am wrong. I print up the "explanation" and see the same answer I entered. I was told the program is "smart based" so when you miss an answer ALEKS makes do the problem over and over again for practice. The problem is ALEKS is not smart enough to realize when you enter correct answers. This program will discourage your student and will make them doubt their ability to think. If I did not need this class for work, I would have dropped it.

ALEKS is terrible. I'm currently using it in a general college chemistry course. I have had several issues of ALEKS marking my right answers wrong, which in turn forces me to redo the problem. (I can't even make this up. It has happened several times and in the explanation literally shows the answer that I put in.) ALEKS has confused me so much on rounding and significant figures- it literally doesn't do them right at all. (Again, I can't even make this up- I have never had trouble with significant figures or rounding until using this product.) Explanations are close to terrible as well. Long, repetitive, and hard to understand the general concept. I honestly recommend using Pearson instead. ALEKS is a waste of time and money and may be the reason I don't pass my chemistry class this semester.

Teachers, if you do decide to use this software for any of your classes, PLEASE test it out first!! So many flaws in this software. At least if you try the software out before assigning lessons to your students, you can warn them or possible flaws or not assign that specific topic on ALEKS.

I am a college student struggling with this software, I can't imagine being any younger and having to fight with this software. Especially if you are currently teaching topics that include significant digits or rounding, you will be setting your students up for failure if you don't at least double check the topics before you assign them.

What happened to the teach part in the word Teacher? Where is it Aleks? Where is it? Oh yeah that's right you killed it and disposed of the body. You cant call the teacher a teacher anymore because they are just there to walk around the room and provide basically mediocre help. The teachers have a third of the responsibilities of before, to a point where they could do practically nothing. OH and the "personalized learning" i gotta draw the line right there, IT IS NOT PERSONALIZED AT ALL. False advertising and it will be the worst thing you will ever experience

Absolutely terrible. ALEKS gives me so much stress. The time limit does not make enough time for students to solve the problem. It gives me nightmares,

I’m a different case, I did not use ALEKS in a homeschool setting, yet still am traumatized by it. I went to public elementary, middle, and high school, and a state college. I was in remedial math in college, the two remedial classes my college offered. One was ALEKS, one was classic instruction. I failed both. I have Cerebral Palsy and a Vision Impairment, with those complications math and science is hard. In both of those classes and math overall, I struggled hard. In both college classes, I drew in a notebook to pass time because I didn’t grasp the material. In the ALEKS based class, held in a computer lab, I used my laptop with my zoom software for my vision. The teacher was okay wifh that. The teacher just sat there unless anyone needed help. He just sat there.

Knowing what I did, I tried my best. The ALEKS program is “self paced”, this is such a lie. At the end of the semester, you have a final exam. This is typical of any subject. The ALEKS final however, takes both pie charts of information, customized information at that, based on the placement test you take at the beginning of the semester. I completed one pie chart by time the final rolls around. I go to the final only to get points for attendance, I know I’m failing the class already, I attempt the final, half of the info which I didn’t even get to due to only finishing one pie chart of custom info. In the end, the five minute walk from my dorm room to the math building I drank 3 bottles of water to keep myself from hyperventilating. Once there, I sign in for attendance , boot up my computer, attempt the final for ten minutes hyperventilating the whole time. I leave the room to refill my water bottle, come back, shut down my laptop, and leave mid-final. I was failing the class even if I passed the final which I wouldn’t have done anyway as I only got to one pie chart being finished before the final.

I now have a college degree from a different school, but had to go through the state of Texas’s equivalency test to skip remedial math classes. I passed on the third try, then had a college level non-ALEKS math class to do. I passed it with an A, but I bet it was an A for effort.

In the end, I think the ALEKS program gave me PTSD, I was in college from fall 2016-spring 2021, the remedial math was in the 2016-2018 years. I had a problem that had the right answer, but ALEKS counted it as wrong, just because of an accidental space bar press. The ALEKS program gives more problems of the same type when you get one wrong, how is this helpful to anyone? It isn’t. If you get one wrong, and it gives you more of that same type, logic says you’ll get those new ones wrong too. It is an endless cycle.

The ALEKS program is not worth it. Never. Not now, not in the future, not in the past. Homeschooling any grade, or college, do not take this. Save your time, save your money. I went to college on a scholarship, but even still, don’t take this class. I only took it as I had only two remedial options. In the end I took, and failed, both options.

I subscribed to ALEKS for my homeschooled teenage son, after struggling with math topics for years using books. We have found it incredibly effective at moving him through high-school math subjects at a remarkable pace. His ACT score in math improved from 19 to 25 in six months. You read that right. He's been able to mostly teach himself in Algebra I, Algrebra II and Geometry, with 90%+ scores in each topic. When he hits a snag and is having difficulty, I've been able to help him work through it, entirely by studying the ALEKS teaching resource with him. Having read some other negative review, I can only conclude that ALEKS is GREAT for my son, but perhaps not for everyone. Important - disciplined time management so that he completes about 10 topics every day.

It is frustating and confusing. This might be even worse than I ready. In quick tables, it only gives you like two seconds to answer the question and if you do a typo even if you didn't submit it, it will say you did it wrong.

ALEKS is amazing. If I had access to it in high school, I may have learned to love math as a kid. I've just gone back to school online for my B.S. and am using ALEKS for my math courses. You have the option to study topics with either a video, or by reading the provided notes, depending on what works for you. You are then able to practice topics with immediate feedback, either positive feedback or, when necessary, explanations. I never considered myself to be particularly good at math but with this software, I wonder if I just never had the access to a teaching style that was better suited to me as a person.

I wouldn't suggest ALEKS as a blanket recommendation for every single student ever, because some students truly benefit from live instruction. However, I see why ALEKS has won awards. It has helped me to an exceptional degree.

ALEKS is absolutely terrible. It is such a waste of time (and if you pay, money). ALEKS teaches students nothing, expects students to magically understand everything & pass, but then for no reason the software changes answers & explanations in the middle of a topic. I would not recommend this to any homeschool parents or students, even if they were my worst enemy! Extremely frustrating.

Aleks is probably the worst online school website I have ever used in my life and it truly isn’t close

All ALEKS does is make you stressed out, and makes you waste your time on random topics that we haven't even learned yet. It only helps you find calculators for different subjects. Would not recommend it to any school.

everyone in my class complains because it takes so long and it gives you the dumbest topics. literally nobody likes this

This website is HORRIBLE! All it teaches you is how to find different calculators for different things! It glitches a lot, and it just makes you feel bad! It takes me 30 minutes just to do 1 topic!

its super hard and stfressful

This is a solid, well-constructed learning platform. It was mandated by my school for remedial algebra (required for Math 111), and I was skeptical that it would be as helpful to me as a teacher. I was pleasantly surprised.

In each lesson, you get a walk-through of how to work a problem. Any terms are highlighted in blue, and when clicked you get a pop-up that explains the term in-depth. Also, if there is more than one way to approach a problem, there's a button you can click to see a pop-up with the other way(s) to work the problem.

There's no drilling. Once you master a concept (usually by working 2-3 problems), it moves you on to the next concept. If you can't get it, it will move you on to another concept and loop back around to the one you had trouble with.

I tried to get my middle school kiddo into this program, but the online school we go through wouldn't allow it for credit. Bummer. It works so well!

My Chemistry professor choose this as the platform we would partly use for homework this semester. I have to say but I never hated a program to this extend but Aleks. The program had now consumed almost the entirety of my study time, is a source of untold anger and annoyance. Some of the question lacked clarification causing mistake and the mistake was never followed up with more detailed explain other than that it just wrong. Every mistakes no matter how tiny redacted your progress and lengthen what would have been a 20-30 mins work to over an hour. Not to mention I had to date received only a few works out of many that actually do have something to do about Chemistry. I get where they are coming from but I am in here to study Chemistry specifically not to dabble in other subjects. Worst part is you can't even skip their annoying assessment tests and those other subjects because then you can't advance work that the class you are in requires. I am ready to quit this class because of Aleks alone and hope that there are another Chem class that don't requires this garbage of a program to be a part of.

There is no explanation and by far the loosest definition of "AI" present in the world its cause and effect if then statements totaling probably 5 lines in excel would complete their "AI". They are selling a buzz word.

There is nothing to support any "Explanation" the only way to learn is to self teach with YouTube or something or bludgeon the program by identifying cause / effect from their chemistry or math problems. NO TEACHING AT ALL its a skills quantification do not expect any help form ALEKS.

Absolute garbage.

this is the worst website i have used for math. i’m currently a senior in high school trying to get my credit and this program has not helped one bit. i have to keep looking up answers in order to complete topics. i’m so stressed and i just want to be done with this. don’t recommend at all.

This program is absolutely atrocious. This is not a student fresh out of high school speaking to this, but a 30 year-old full-time student that has no social life and no children. This program only teaches in the learning style for a person that is visual or read/write. There are no videos to assist with learning and the program itself is difficult to navigate. I have sat hours working on an assignment so I could just be done with this course for the day for it to come back to the home page and say there was additional work to be done. The information itself would not be that difficult to grasp if the textbook that goes hand in hand with Aleks actually taught everything that is in the homework. However, it does not and you spend hours trying to grasp a concept via other means on the internet. The only positive thing I can say about this program is you revisit the information you have already gone over, but it creates that much more homework.

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How Does ALEKS Grading Work?

How Does ALEKS Grading Work?

If you are preparing for the ALEKS exam, you need to know how ALEKS grading works. We review ALEKS scoring in this post.

ALEKS is a research-based, online learning application that offers course products from chemistry, statistics, math, etc. ALEKS offers your score immediately after finishing your work. The result of your ALEKS is a number between 0 and 100. It represents the percentage of topics that ALEKS has identified as your mastery. This does not mean that you have answered several questions correctly! The more you master the topics, the better prepared you will be for math and science courses.

The Absolute Best Book to Ace the ALEKS Math Test

Aleks math for beginners 2024 the ultimate step by step guide to preparing for the aleks math test.

In most cases, a score of 36 or higher is needed to take a college-level course. Therefore, if your score is 0-35, we strongly recommend that you work through the learning modules provided by ALEKS and retake the test.

The table below helps you determine your placement, based on your score on the ALEKS Math Placement Test.

You must retake the placement test.
After studying the basic concepts of ALEKS mathematics, you are strongly encouraged to retake.
A score of 50 or higher allows you to enroll in some introductory math courses. If you want to enroll in higher-level math courses, you need to review the advanced concepts of algebra and precalculus and retake ALEKS for a score above 75.
At most universities and colleges, a score above 75 allows you to take a College Level Calculus course.

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  • How to finish ALEKS topics fast and easy: Handy...

How to finish ALEKS topics fast and easy: Handy ways to succeed


ALEKS is an online tutoring and assessment platform. It comprises the study of four main courses: Mathematics, Business, Statistics and Chemistry. The platform's contents are ideal for offering online teaching to high school and K-S levels. 

Have you ever enrolled on an ALEKS course and faced a problem completing its topics? If so, you are in the right place. This article intends to discuss valuable tips to help you finish ALEKS topics fast and easy. They will also be instrumental in helping you pass your ALEKS topics with flying colours.

How does ALEKS work?

ALEKS uses artificial intelligence to precisely evaluate what a student knows, does not know and their readiness to learn in a particular course. 

So, when you log in as a new user on ALEKS, you take the mandatory knowledge check compromising 25 to 30 questions. ALEKS chooses the questions based on your answers to the previous question. Each set of questions is unique, so you cannot predict them. 

After completing the mandatory knowledge check, ALEKS generates a pie chart demonstrating how well you know the course. The chart provides details of the topics you have mastered and those you have not. ALEKS uses the pie chart to determine the topics you will study, and once you complete a topic, the chart is automatically updated and your progress assessed.

How do you master ALEKS topics?

The first step of mastering ALEKS topics is learning the topic. It involves learning, studying and mastering the concept. Luckily, ALEKS provides the option to filter the topics you are ready to learn, especially if you want to focus on a particular area of the course or wish to review topics you learned previously. 

The second step of mastering a topic on ALEKS is tackling problems and exercises without help. This step helps you evaluate yourself and how well you have mastered the concept. 

Is there a way to skip knowledge checks on ALEKS? 

ALEKS has another feature, the timeline view, which helps evaluate the student's weekly progress and time management. The Next Knowledge Icon details when the next knowledge check will occur. Nonetheless, if you need more time to review the course, you can delay the test for 24 hours. 

How to finish ALEKS topics fast and easy

How long does it take to complete a topic in ALEKS? On average, most students commit to spending at least 40 hours to complete a topic. On the extreme, students spend 100 hours or more going through a topic.

However, this duration depends on how well the student grasps a concept and the capacity of their initial knowledge. Nonetheless, these are the steps anyone should take to save time and maximize how much they learn. They will help you finish ALEKS topics fast and easy.

1. Prepare yourself psychologically before enrolling

Enrolling on ALEKS can be demanding. It can also be demoralizing, especially with the numerous tests. Therefore, most students opt out along the way. So, it is paramount to have the right mindset before enrolling.

2. Avoid procrastinating

Procrastinating is an enemy of progress, especially with ALEKS, which has a timeline view. Procrastinating also leads to demotivation, which counters your productivity.

3. Do not cheat

Is there a way to cheat on ALEKS? Cheating is unethical and illegal in the academic community. While you can get help with your homework and assignments, you cannot cheat while appearing for an assessment. ALEKS detects when you are cheating since it is an electrical webpage.

4. Consider it an actual course

Taking an examinable online class requires you to be determined and dedicated. ALEKS courses demand the same amount of commitment. Therefore, treating them as an actual course helps you stay on track and be disciplined.

5. Accountability

The numerous knowledge checks and progress reports reflect how much you are grasping. Therefore, being accountable to yourself helps you stay determined to improve your performance. It also helps you remain focused on the goal.

6. Work on your time management skills

If you wish to score better during assessments, you ought to be good at managing your time. This enables you to spend less time mastering a concept. It also helps you devote enough time to your assignments and prepare adequately before assessments. 

Better time management helps better the quality of knowledge grasped at the end of the course. It also helps you avoid cramming before a test or class.

7. Pay attention to details

Ensure you understand the notations expected or used by the program since computers are incredibly stubborn in their entry requirements. If you do not do it the right way, ALEKS will assume you did not understand the concept and assign more work to your exercise.

8. Avoid using the "I do not know" button.

If possible, when taking an assessment, avoid clicking on the "I do not know" button. Doing so makes ALEKS assume you did not understand the concept, making you learn them again. 

9. Review your work

When logging in, did you receive a notification to review some topics? Did you know there is no penalty in reviewing a topic? However, when you use the review function, ALEKS notices that you are practising and is less likely to ask you questions about the reviewed topics during the assessment. 

The more you review related topics, the more ALEKS will probe your other knowledge and add topics to your progress pie chart. So, knowing this secret about the review function helps you have a bit of control over the scope of your assessment. It also impacts your progress pie chart positively.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. However, these tips shared above are instrumental if you are looking for secrets on how to get ALEKS done fast. Remember, ALEKS is determined to ensure a student is well conversant with concepts. So, adequate preparation is vital during the process, and it is a cocktail of all the points mentioned above. 

The best part is that ALEKS provides progress reports, and an impressive progress report is the motivation you need to commit more time and attention to your studies.

Meanwhile, I would like to introduce you to Acemyhomework . We are a team of competent and reliable experts focused on helping you improve your academic performance. We render our services to students, regardless of their academic level or discipline.

At Acemyhomework, we tailor-make your assignment, paper or essay to suit your needs. We guarantee quality work, and our rates are student-friendly. Our return policy favours the client, and the client decides whom they want to work with after receiving bids for their assignments. So, if you need any academic-related help, do not hesitate from reaching out to us. Our doors are open, and be sure someone will come to your rescue.

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ALEKS question regarding due dates

Does anyone that uses ALEKS know whether or not homework assignments can still be done after the due date? I had heard that on occasion if you do knowledge checks incorrectly for a topic you can redo the topic. My professor didn’t assign all of the ALEKS topics from chemistry to Carmen so some of them I just didn’t complete. Would appreciate some insight. Thanks!

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  2. Solving an exponential equation by using logarithms: Decimal answers, advanced

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  1. PDF Quick Start Guide

    Why non-adaptive homework, quizzes and tests? The ALEKS Student Experience 3 GETTING STARTED 6-7 Logging In and Navigating the ALEKS Instructor Module 6 Managing Your Instructor Account 7 CLASS CREATION 8-9 Creating A Class 13 ... Practice to work on topics that they missed on a Knowl-

  2. How to study for a test using Homework in ALEKS

    This video shows you how to use a Homework in ALEKS to prepare for a test.

  3. About ALEKS

    ALEKS always knows what each student is ready to learn. ALEKS is an artificially intelligent learning and assessment system that has been used by over 25 million students for Math, Chemistry, Statistics and Accounting. After quickly and accurately determining each student's precise knowledge of a subject, ALEKS helps the student work on the ...

  4. Learning with ALEKS

    Learning with ALEKS. ALEKS helps students master course topics through a continuous cycle of preparation, knowledge retention and positive feedback. Each student arrives to your math or chemistry course with a unique set of knowledge and prerequisite gaps to fill. By determining a baseline of knowledge, ALEKS creates an individualized path to ...

  5. How ALEKS Works

    ALEKS uses artificial intelligence (AI) to map the details of each student's knowledge. ALEKS knows, at each moment, with respect to each individual topic, w...

  6. ALEKS Assignment & Exam Support

    Monday-Thursday: 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM EST. Friday: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST. Phone: (800) 331-5094. Online: Submit a Support Request. Chat: Chat with a Representative. McGraw Hill has support at every step for assignments and exams in your ALEKS course.

  7. PDF Teacher's Guide

    ALEKS may be used in a variety of classroom situations|whether in a traditional classroom, or in a self-directed or distance-learning environment. Once you purchase ALEKS, you will receive a Teacher Access Code. Using this Teacher Access Code, you can register as a teacher with the ALEKSsystem at the ALEKSK-12 website.

  8. ALEKS

    ALEKS | McGraw Hill Education. Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is an adaptive learning system that provides students with an individualized mathematics learning experience. ALEKS uses artificial intelligence to customize the learning for each student, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses and delivering precise ...

  9. ALEKS

    ALEKS is the only proven chemistry and math learning platform that is a true blend of personalized instruction and traditional homework assignments. Instructors can reduce the equity gap in education by providing underprepared students with customized learning paths to achieve successful outcomes.

  10. Using ALEKS after the Initial Knowledge Check

    What to expect after completing the Initial Knowledge Check in ALEKS, what the "pie" represents, and how to skip around between homework assignments and home...

  11. ALEKS

    ALEKS is an adaptive online learning program for math, chemistry, statistics, and accounting. Learn at your own pace and master math facts with ALEKS QuickTables.

  12. ALEKS Reviews

    ALEKS (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces) is a research-based, web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning online math program for grades 3-12. ALEKS provides the advantages of one-on-one instruction 24/7 for a fraction of the cost of a human tutor and is accessible from virtually any computer with Internet access. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to Continue reading »

  13. How Does ALEKS Grading Work?

    The Ultimate ALEKS Math Course. ALEKS is a research-based, online learning application that offers course products from chemistry, statistics, math, etc. ALEKS offers your score immediately after finishing your work. The result of your ALEKS is a number between 0 and 100. It represents the percentage of topics that ALEKS has identified as your ...

  14. ALEKS General Chemistry How it works

    Find out more: Stay connected:LinkedIn: EMEA McGraw HillTwitter: @mhe_emeaFacebook @mheducationemeaAbout McGraw HillMcGraw Hil...


    ALEKS. does not necessarily reflect how much work a student has completed. For this reason, it is important to grade on student progress as well. Part Two—Progress: The instructor has set a progress goal of 12 topics this week. We will use the report to compare John's progress . with this goal. Note:

  16. ALEKS

    ALEKS is the most effective adaptive learning program. ALEKS is a research-based, online learning program that offers course products for Math, Chemistry, Statistics, and more.Rooted in 20 years of research and analytics, ALEKS is a proven, online learning platform that helps educators and parents understand each student's knowledge and learning progress in depth, and provides the individual ...

  17. How to finish ALEKS topics fast and easy: Handy ways to succeed

    Nonetheless, these are the steps anyone should take to save time and maximize how much they learn. They will help you finish ALEKS topics fast and easy. 1. Prepare yourself psychologically before enrolling. Enrolling on ALEKS can be demanding. It can also be demoralizing, especially with the numerous tests.

  18. ALEKS question regarding due dates : r/OSU

    Nuculu. •. Hi! I'm using ALEKS this semester too, and while it's the first time for me I think I can answer. After the due date, the % of the topics you got done for that assignment will show to your professor. So if you had done the topic the first time around but after the knowledge check had to redo it, the prof won't dock points.

  19. PDF User's Guide

    complished. ALEKS will always help you select the ideal topic to work on now. That way you learn concepts in the order that's best for you. ALEKS provides individualized, one-on-one instruction that fits your schedule. It is available wherever you access the Web. ALEKS was developed with support from the National Science Foun-dation.

  20. How to Teach with ALEKS in the K-12 Classroom

    ALEKS provides a math solution for any afterschool program. Students can work in ALEKS to reinforce topics learned in class, fill in any knowledge gaps, progress at their own pace, or review previously learned topics in preparation for a test. Through individualized learning and assessment, ALEKS strengthens students' math skills and builds ...

  21. ALEKS Grading & Reporting Support

    Visit the ALEKS Customer Support contact page or contact us below: Hours of Operation: Sunday: 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM EST. Monday-Thursday: 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM EST. Friday: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST. Phone: (800) 331-5094. Online: Submit a Support Request. Chat: Chat with a Representative. McGraw Hill has support at every step for assignments and exams ...

  22. Where is my ALEKS Homework

    Less than 2 minutes to show you where to go to access your homework that is worth points in my class in ALEKS.

  23. Syncing ALEKS with Canvas

    Hours of Operation: Sunday: 4:00 PM to 1:00 AM EST. Monday-Thursday: 7:00 AM to 1:00 AM EST. Friday: 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST. Phone: (800) 331-5094. Online: Submit a Support Request. Chat: Chat with a Representative. Use review objectives in ALEKS to refresh your student's memory on concepts they've already learned leading up to each assignment.