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21 Easy JavaScript Projects for Beginners (Code included!)

Looking to get some practice with JavaScript or to build your portfolio to impress hiring managers? You can level up your JavaScript skills with our instructor approved, curated project tutorials.

21 JavaScript Projects for Beginners (Code included!)

According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, JavaScript has spent eleven years in a row as the most commonly used programming language, with 66% of developers using it extensively. If you’re interested in becoming a web developer ( front end, back end, or full stack ), JavaScript is one of the best programming languages you can learn. One way to do that is to do some JavaScript projects for beginners.

Vanilla JavaScript, also known as “plain” JavaScript — meaning without any frameworks — is one of the foundations of coding and web development. Most web pages you see are built using a combination of HTML, CSS, vanilla JavaScript, and API calls.

Getting familiar with JavaScript basics means using those JavaScript skills to build JavaScript practice projects. Luckily, we know some fun JavaScript beginner projects you can do to hone your skills from the thousands of students we’ve trained in our front end development job training program, Break into Tech .

What we see with our successful students who have landed jobs at companies like GoDaddy, Toast, Asics Digital, 1Password, Figure and Apple is that they all have JavaScript practice projects, portfolios that show off their front end developer skills , and are very well versed in JavaScript. Doing JavaScript projects for beginners is a great way to get some practice and build your portfolio.

If you want to practice your front end developer skills, we’ve put together a list of 20+ JavaScript beginner projects you can start working on right now. When you find a JavaScript practice project that piques your interest, follow the project link. Each of these open source JavaScript projects for beginners (and above) have their source code listed on their homepage for you to use as a guide.

Lisa Savoie, one of Skillcrush’s JavaScript instructors, recommends reading the source code out loud to understand it better, looking for features to incorporate into other projects , or even retyping it to work on your muscle memory of how to write functions, variables, and loops.

She says, “You can Google methods you’re unfamiliar with to learn more about them or even break the code and fix it — It’s fun to break things😀.”

Table of Contents

  • JavaScript Projects Common Mistakes
  • Beginner JavaScript Projects
  • Mouseover Element
  • Magic 8 Ball
  • Build a To-Do List
  • Epic Mix Playlist
  • Speech Detection
  • Sticky Navigation
  • Geolocation

Intermediate JavaScript Projects

  • Election Map
  • Login Authentication
  • Guess the Word
  • Terminalizer
  • Tic Tac Toe Game
  • Hotel Booking App
  • Advanced JavaScript Project

woman in glasses with hand on face, thinking

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JavaScript Beginner Projects Common Mistakes

  • Read what the console is telling you, especially if you keep getting error messages
  • Are you working with the right type of variable? Is var, let, or const the right choice?
  • Is your logic sound? Are you properly using your array methods (when those are appropriate)?
  • Are you factoring in edge cases like empty inputs or negative integers?
  • Are you passing the right kind/type of argument to a function?

JavaScript Projects for Beginners

1. mouseover element.

Why do this project?

  • You’ll see how JavaScript functions work and practice your JavaScript logic
  • It’s a fun beginner JavaScript project to do to liven up your user experience
  • Learn more about using random, functions, and event listeners.

colorful dots on a blue background

Mouseover Element Source Code

Key concepts covered:

  • Functions and if-else statements
  • Event listeners

What to do:

  • Copy the source code from CodePen.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you hover your mouse over a colored ball, it gets bigger.

Bonus Challenge:

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the mouseover element, your bonus challenge is this custom cursor project .

2. JavaScript Clock

  • You get hands-on with the kind of actual work you’ll be doing as a JavaScript developer
  • You’ll apply key JavaScript concepts and have an adorable project for your portfolio
  • Practice concepts like variables, conditional logic, and date API

lolcat meme on a Skillcrush pink background with clock elements

JavaScript Clock Source Code

  • Conditional logic
  • Program flow
  • DOM elements
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that every time you click the “Party Time!” button in the time range that you specify, you get a different LOLcat. You can set different times to see different images — there are four images total.

Bonus challenge: Now that you’ve mastered the Lolcat JavaScript clock, challenge yourself by building your own countdown timer.

3. Magic 8 Ball

  • It gives you a solid foundation for how to use Math.random to produce randomized results for JavaScript projects
  • You can use this project to impress your friends and make small life decisions
  • Learn more about how to use the random function, nested functions, and event listeners

Magic 8 Ball with hands on a light pink background

Magic 8 Ball Source Code

  • Math.random
  • Nested functions
  • Copy the source code from GitHub for HTML and CSS.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can grab the 8 ball, ask it a question, shake it, and have the 8 ball respond with a somewhat enigmatic, somewhat applicable answer.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the Magic 8 Ball, your bonus challenge is this dad joke generator.

4. To-Do List

  • You’ll beef up your skills at coding interactive lists, which lets users add, remove, and group items
  • You can use this beginner JavaScript project in your daily life and add it to your portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use arrays, nested functions, and local storage API

work to do list on a turquoise background

To-Do List Source Code

  • Local storage API
  • DOM manipulation
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can add new items and use the buttons to toggle completed items, edit items, or delete items.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the To-Do list, your bonus challenge is this JavaScript grocery list.

5. Epic Mix Playlist

  • It helps you practice core JavaScript skills, such as forEach loops and event listeners, and work with functions and lists
  • You can use this project to show people looking at your portfolio your great taste in music
  • Learn more about how to classList, innerHTML, forEach, and template literals

the words "epic mix" with a "show me" button on a dark purple background

Epic Mix Playlist Source Code

  • Array loops (forEach)
  • document.createElement
  • Append to an array
  • Template literals
  • Copy the source code from CodeSandbox.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create an auto-generated list of your favorite songs and their indexes.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the epic mix playlist, your bonus challenge is this favorite movie list.

6. Pet Rescue

  • It gives you a solid foundation for understanding factory function patterns and parameters
  • You can use this project to contribute to pet rescues or display inventory for products on a ecommerce site
  • Learn more about how to use factory functions, parameters, methods, and objects

"Sharon's Pet Rescue" text with light purple button and cat image on a white background

Pet Rescue Source Code

  • Factory functions
  • Object methods and properties
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can accept an animal’s name, species, and energy level as a parameter and indicate each animal’s status (whether they are sleeping or awake).

To test your understanding of the concepts behind Pet Rescue, your bonus challenge is this inventory system.

7. Drum Kit

  • You can see the interaction between seeing elements on the page and listening to sound and learning how to add and remove elements
  • You can use this project to practice your drum skills with your JavaScript skills
  • Learn more about how to use audio tags and document.querySelector

Grey keyboard letters on a white background

Drum Kit Source Code

  • Event Listener
  • document.querySelector
  • Clone the GitHub repo.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can play the drums by pressing specific keys in the browser.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the drum kit, your bonus challenge is this JavaScript piano player.

8. Speech Detection

  • It gives you a basis for understanding how speech detection works, which is good (and very cool!) to know
  • You’ll have a nifty notetaking method straight in your browser
  • Learn more about speech recognition, text content, and event listeners

white notebook paper in front of yellow background

Speech Detection Source Code

  • Window.SpeechRecognition
  • .textContent
  • Copy the source code from GitHub.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you speak, whatever you say is transcribed on the lined paper on your screen.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind speech detection, your bonus challenge is this text to speech in different languages.

9. Sticky Navigation

  • It teaches you how to keep your elements in a fixed position on a page, which is a skill you might need in your front end developer role
  • You can use this to upgrade the design of your website or portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use query electors, event listeners, and offsetting

Blog header with water background on top of blog page

Sticky Navigation Source Code

  • .querySelector
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that when you scroll up or down the page, your navigation bar remains in a fixed and visible position.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind sticky navigation, your bonus challenge is to create a sliding navigation.

10. Geolocation

  • You can learn more about how to develop for mobile, how geolocation works, and how to test your code using simulators or a different device
  • You can use this project in your daily life (if you get lost easily)
  • Learn more about how to use query selectors, watch position, and coordinates

white compass on black background

Geolocation Source Code

  • .watchPosition
  • Install packages with npm and run your local server.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you see your location in real time. You will need iOS or an iOS simulator to test whether or not your code works.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind geolocation, your bonus challenge is this weather forecast tool.

11. Movie App

  • It gives you a solid foundation of how JavaScript works with HTML, CSS, and other tools
  • You can use this project to make your own custom movie app
  • Learn more about how to use JavaScript with jQuery, Bootstrap, and API calls

Window with the poster for The Fate of the Furious and movie times

Movie App Source Code

  • On click event
  • You’ll need to get yourself an API key!
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can make your own movie app that lets you view the most popular movies, sort them by genre, and search for other movies.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the movie app, your bonus challenge is to build an ecommerce landing page.

12. Name Tags

  • As a beginner JavaScript project, it lets you practice using React to create a practical and useful tool
  • You can use this project to hone your React skills and key concepts
  • Learn more about how to handle user input, work with stateful components, and render array data models

12 red name tag stickers with names on them

Name Tag Generator Source Code

  • Handling user input
  • Stateful components
  • Render array data models
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can build a text box and button to let users input text and have it respond to the input by generating a new name tag!

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the name tag generator, your bonus challenge is this Pokemon React generator.

(Back to top.)

13. Tone.js

  • You’ll learn how to create interactive web browser music with advanced scheduling capabilities, synths and effects, and intuitive musical abstractions built on top of the Web Audio API
  • You can use this project to be your own personal DJ and music producer, for free!
  • Learn more about how to use event listeners, triggerAttack, triggerRelease, and different kinds of synths

grey bars on a white background

Tone.js Source Code

  • triggerAttack and triggerRelease
  • Copy the source code from the Tone.js page.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create interactive music in your own browser.

14. Election Map

  • It gives you a solid foundation of the difference between JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, especially what JavaScript does and how it does it
  • You can use this project in your daily life and add it to your portfolio
  • Learn more about how to use arrays and nested functions

US election map text with red and blue states and a counter at the bottom

Election Map Source Code

  • If-else and function practice
  • Parent-child relationships
  • getElementById
  • Copy the source code from JSBin.
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can add two candidates running for president and display the number of votes they received from each state, both in a table on the bottom right and when you mouse over a state.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the election map, your bonus challenge is this interactive map.

15. Login Authentication

  • It introduces you to Angular JS and more advanced JavaScript concepts
  • You can see how login authentication works behind the scenes
  • Learn more about how to use function states, app controllers, and dependencies

AngularJS Login Sample text with green login button

Login Authenticator Source Code

  • State management
  • App controller
  • Dependencies
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can enter an email address and password, and have the system tell you if the email address is invalid when you press the “Submit” button.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the Login Authenticator, your bonus challenge is this password generator.

16. Guess the Word

  • It gives you a solid foundation for methods, creating global variables, and working with event listeners
  • You can use this project as a party game or challenge with your friends and coworkers
  • Learn more about how to use methods, functions, and regular expressions

Guess the Word in a white box with light blue background and an orange Guess button

Guess the Word Source Code

  • Methods like match(), split(), trim(), and join()
  • Regular expressions
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that players start by entering a letter. If they guess correctly, the letter appears in the word. If they guess incorrectly, they learn how many guesses they have remaining. The player can also see which letters they’ve already guessed. The game lets the player know if they’ve already guessed a letter or entered a non-alphabetic character!

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the Guess the Word game, your bonus challenge is this Wordled game.

Warning: the difficulty level for this is advanced, so if you’re having trouble with it, it’s not you!

17. Terminalizer

  • It teaches you how to record your terminal screen and share your work with others
  • You can use this project to debug and work on coding projects with friends
  • Learn more about how to use recording files, frame delays, and set idle times

Terminalizer terminal screen with colorful text

Terminalizer Source Code

  • Recording files
  • Using frameDelay
  • Setting idle time
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can record your terminal and generate animated GIF images or share web player links.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind Terminalizer, your bonus challenge is to figure out how to play/pause GIFs.

18. Chat App

  • It gives you a solid foundation of how JavaScript and its front and back end libraries can be used to create applications
  • You can add this project to your portfolio to show your knowledge of programming concepts as a full stack developer
  • Learn more about how to use ReactJS, NodeJS, and sockets along with JavaScript

blue and white chat application windows with Real Time Chat Application text

Chat App Source Code and YouTube tutorial link

  • You won’t be able to clone and run the project straight from GitHub because there is no package.json file, but you can build this using the YouTube tutorial
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can build a real time chat application that lets you send and receive messages using web sockets

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the chat application, your bonus challenge is this React text editor.

19. Tic Tac Toe Game

  • This project will test your HTML semantics and your JavaScript logic skills
  • You can use this as a practice project and for something to do while your code compiles
  • Learn more about how to use arrays, grid methods, and event listeners

white tic tac toe game on black background with win loss tie record

Tic-Tac-Toe Source Code

  • Implement the JavaScript code so that the player can set difficulty level as easy or hard, choose whether to play as X or O, play a game with the computer, have it remember who won or drew, and play again.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the Tic-Tac-Toe game, your bonus challenge is this hangman game.

20. Hotel Booking App

  • You’ll get to practice key concepts in JavaScript ES6 and React JSX
  • You can use this project to practice building sites with more functionality and use some of your creativity by making it look really spiffy
  • Learn more about how to manage data flow and manipulate the DOM

hotel booking app screen with room pictures and number of rooms remaining

Hotel Booking App Source Code

  • ES6 and React JSX practice
  • Managing data flow
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can create a sample booking on a hotel site, complete with filtered search results, room inventory display, and hotel ratings.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the Hotel Booking App, your bonus challenge is this ticket booking app.

Advanced JavaScript Projects

21. maze game.

  • It gives you a solid idea of how JavaScript core skills and functions can be used to create interactive games
  • You can put this project in your portfolio and challenge friends
  • Learn more about how to use JavaScript math concepts, create elements, and use loops

Maze game with Pickle Rick and lettuce

Maze Game Source Code

  • Random and Floor
  • Element creation
  • Implement the JavaScript code so that you can get the pickle from one end of the maze to another using the arrow functions (or AWSD) on your keyboard, have it display the number of steps it took to complete the maze, and be able to set the difficulty level.

To test your understanding of the concepts behind the maze game, your bonus challenge is this Tetris game.

Author Image

Justina Hwang

Category: Blog , Coding Languages and Tools , Entry Level Tech Jobs , Front End Developer , Full Stack Developer , JavaScript , Learn to Code

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javascript assignment project

16 Best JavaScript Projects for Beginners [With Source Code]

If I could go back in time to help my younger self learn JavaScript, I'd tell him to build more JavaScript projects!

That's exactly why I wrote this article: to share 16 JavaScript projects to help beginners like you.

Whether you’re looking to start a career in web development or enhance your portfolio, these JavaScript projects are perfect for leveling up your JS skills.

I’ve also personally designed the first seven JavaScript projects to be step-by-step tutorials so you can follow along with me using our online JavaScript compiler , to get hands-on and code some cool stuff.

You can think of these tutorial projects as taking a free JavaScript course while growing your JavaScript portfolio!

I'm also regularly adding new JavaScript projects with step-by-step tutorials, so make sure you bookmark this page and check back for the latest JavaScript projects to grow your skills.

Without further ado, let’s dive in and start building with JavaScript !

  • 16 Best JavaScript Projects in 2024

1. JavaScript Countdown Timer

What is this JavaScript project?

In this JavaScript project, you'll build a dynamic countdown timer, which is ideal for websites featuring upcoming events or sales.

I really like this project because it's a practical example of how the JavaScript programming language brings interactivity to web pages. Plus, it's a solid addition to your portfolio if you want to break into web development, thanks to its wide applicability and real-world focus.

If you're brand new to JavaScript, grab a JavaScript book in case you need extra help, and start here!

JavaScript Skills Covered:

  • Date Object Manipulation: Utilizing JavaScript's Date object to set and manage target dates and times.
  • Dynamic HTML Content Update: Using DOM manipulation to dynamically update the web page in real-time.
  • Interval Handling: Implementing setInterval and clearInterval to create and manage a real-time countdown effect.
  • Conditional Logic: Applying conditional statements to handle different states of the countdown, such as completion.
  • Event Handling: Managing browser events to make the timer interactive and responsive to user actions.
  • JavaScript Best Practices: Writing clean, efficient, and well-structured JavaScript code.

Build This JavaScript Project Here

2. JavaScript Tic-Tac-Toe Game

In this JavaScript project idea, you'll create a Tic-Tac-Toe game, which is not only fun to play but also a classic project for basic game development.

I find this project particularly effective for showing how JavaScript enhances user experience on web pages.

It's also a great addition to your portfolio, especially if you're looking to make a mark in web development or you're eyeing up a JS certification , as it demonstrates key programming concepts in a familiar and relatable context.

  • Game Logic Implementation: Develop the core logic of a tic tac toe game, including handling player turns and determining win or draw conditions.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Using DOM manipulation to dynamically update the game board front end and display game status messages in real-time.
  • Event Handling: Manage browser events to capture user interactions like clicking on the game board.
  • Conditional Logic: Applying conditional statements to handle game flow, such as switching between players and checking for the end of the game.
  • Array Manipulation: Manipulating arrays to represent and update the game board state.
  • JavaScript Best Practices: Writing clean, efficient, and well-structured JavaScript via best practices to enhance readability and maintainability.

3. JavaScript To-Do List

In this JavaScript project, you'll build a To-Do List app, a practical and highly useful application that is a staple in many people's daily productivity routines.

This project is not just about creating a functional tool; it’s also a brilliant demonstration of how JavaScript can be used to enhance the interactivity and responsiveness of web pages.

It's an excellent addition to your portfolio, especially if you're aiming to showcase your skills in web development, as it highlights essential programming concepts in a context that is both familiar and widely applicable.

I'd also recommend having a JavaScript cheatsheet handy in case you need some quick refreshers on rusty concepts.

  • Task Management Logic: Develop the core logic of a To-Do List, including adding, editing, deleting, and marking tasks as complete.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Use DOM manipulation to dynamically update the list of tasks and reflect changes in real-time, enhancing the user experience.
  • Event Handling: Manage browser events to capture user inputs like adding a new task or interacting with existing tasks.
  • Conditional Logic: Apply conditional statements to handle different aspects of task management.
  • Local Storage Utilization: Implement local storage to save tasks, allowing the data to persist even after the browser is closed, demonstrating data persistence in web applications.
  • JavaScript Best Practices: Write clean, efficient, and well-structured JavaScript code, adhering to best practices for readability and maintainability.

4. JavaScript Drum Kit

In this JavaScript project, you'll create a Drum Kit app, an engaging and musical web application that lets users play drum sounds using their keyboard or mouse clicks.

This project goes beyond simply triggering sounds; it's a vibrant showcase of how JavaScript can bring dynamic content and interactivity to life on web pages.

I think this is a fantastic piece to add to your portfolio, particularly if you're keen on demonstrating your prowess in web development.

It encapsulates fundamental programming concepts within an entertaining and creative framework that's sure to capture attention.

Plus, you can do all of this with vanilla JS and without using JavaScript frameworks .

  • Sound Playback Logic: Craft the underlying logic of a Drum Kit, enabling the playing of different drum sounds in response to user actions.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Employ DOM manipulation to provide immediate visual feedback for each interaction, making the app more intuitive and engaging.
  • Event Handling: Implement event listeners to handle user inputs, such as keyboard presses and mouse clicks, allowing for a rich, responsive user experience.
  • Animation and Effects: Integrate CSS and JavaScript animations to enhance the visual appeal and feedback of the drum pads, making the app feel more alive.
  • Responsive Design: Apply responsive design principles to ensure the Drum Kit app looks great and functions seamlessly across a variety of devices and screen sizes.
  • JavaScript Best Practices: Embrace clean, efficient, and well-organized JavaScript coding practices, emphasizing readability and maintainability, crucial for any web development project.

5. JavaScript Calculator

In this JavaScript project, you'll construct a classic calculator app. While it seems simple, calculator apps are an indispensable and universally utilized tool, in both personal and professional settings.

Plus, this project is more than just functional; it's also a fantastic way to showcase JavaScript's capability to not only elevate web page interactivity but also to build useful everyday tools that appeal to a broad user base.

If you're a beginner and you want to grow your portfolio, this is a solid starting point, especially if you want to boost your web development skills while also using fundamental programming principles in a relatable and widely relevant context.

  • Arithmetic Logic: Write the fundamental logic of a calculator by executing basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Dynamic UI Updates : Leverage DOM manipulation to dynamically update the calculator's display, ensuring real-time reflection of user inputs and calculations.
  • Event Handling : Employ browser event listeners to capture and respond to user actions such as number entry and operation selection, facilitating a seamless interactive experience.
  • Input Validation and Error Handling : Implement input validation and error handling to manage user inputs, ensuring robust and fault-tolerant operation handling.
  • State Management : Manage the calculator's state, including current value, previous value, and chosen operation, to support complex calculations and continuous operations.
  • JavaScript Best Practices : Craft clean, efficient, and well-organized JavaScript code, adhering to best practices to ensure code readability and maintainability.

6. JavaScript Quiz App

In this JavaScript project, you'll create a really useful and widely applicable quiz app. This is a really engaging and interactive application that you can use to test knowledge across various subjects.

I've chosen to make my quiz about JavaScript, so feel free to take the test and check on your JavaScript progress!

This project also goes beyond merely crafting a functional tool, as it showcases the power of JavaScript in making web pages dynamic and interactive, providing immediate visual feedback and challenging users in real time.

It's also a fantastic portfolio piece, particularly if you want to highlight your real-world abilities in web development with a skill that's broadly relevant and helpful.

  • Question and Answer Logic: Develop the foundational logic of a quiz app, including presenting questions, selecting answers, and navigating questions.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Employ DOM manipulation to dynamically update the quiz content and feedback based on user interactions
  • Event Handling: Implement browser event listeners to manage user actions like choosing an answer and moving to the next question.
  • Conditional Logic: Use conditionals to manage quiz flow, such as determining when the quiz ends and displaying results.
  • Enhancing User Experience: Integrate optional features like timers for each question and animations for transitions between questions.
  • JavaScript Best Practices : Write clean, efficient, and well-organized JavaScript code, adhering to best practices to ensure code readability and maintainability.

7. JavaScript Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

In this JavaScript project, you'll create the timeless classic Rock Paper Scissors game. It really needs no introduction, but this is an engaging and interactive application that brings a classic game to your web browser.

But this JavaScript project goes beyond merely replicating a well-known game; it's also a fantastic showcase of JavaScript's power to create dynamic and responsive web experiences.

It's also a solid portfolio piece, particularly if you want to highlight your web development prowess by using core programming principles in a context that's both enjoyable and easy to understand

  • Game Logic Development: Build the foundational logic, including processing player selections, generating computer choices, and determining the outcomes of rounds.
  • Dynamic UI Updates: Employ DOM manipulation to dynamically refresh the game interface, reflecting the ongoing actions and results.
  • Event Handling: Implement event listeners to capture and respond to user interactions, such as choosing rock, paper, or scissors, fostering an interactive gameplay environment.
  • Conditional Logic: Utilize conditional statements to navigate the various game scenarios, from comparing choices to determining round winners and managing game progression.
  • Score Tracking and Round Management: Introduce game features like scorekeeping and round-based play to add structure and competitive elements.
  • JavaScript Best Practices: Craft clean, effective, and well-organized JavaScript code, following best coding practices to ensure your project is both functional and maintainable.

8. Hangman Game

Hangman Game

Try It Yourself »

Hangman is a well-known game, and one of our simple JS projects. You can develop it in a jiffy using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Note that the main functionality is defined using JS. HTML is for display, and CSS does the job of beautifying the contents. 

Many methods are defined in the JS code, so it may seem a bit complicated, but you will realize it is simple once you read the code thoroughly. You can also run the code and see the execution line by line.

Check the code and execution  here .

9. JavaScript Weather App

JavaScript Weather App

Weather apps are also popular JavaScript projects. Once you change the location name in this project, the weather display changes immediately without a page refresh. The UI is also quite sleek. 

Note that most weather apps use an API that gets the weather data. We will use the popular and most common API, OpenWeatherMap. 

Check out this Youtube video that explains the weather app code and functionality in detail. There are three files, as usual: index.html, main.js, and main.css. Although you can put all the code in a single file (HTML), it is more convenient to maintain separate files. 

10. Build a Shopping Cart for Order Fulfillment

Build a Shopping Cart for Order Fulfillment

So far, we have run through small projects with pure JS, HTML, and CSS. Here, the author builds a full-fledged shopping cart for order fulfillment, and the project also uses jQuery. 

You can use this as an opportunity to learn the important concepts of jQuery . This will be a good project to build because shopping websites are extremely popular today, as digital shopping has become quite popular. This project will take time, but it is worth it!

11. Single Page Application

Single Page Application

Here, the page won’t reload upon navigating the side links, but the content will change. Again, we will use eventListeners to change the view from one link to another. Check out the code and explanation on this YouTube video .

12. JavaScript Browser Code Editor

JavaScript Browser Code Editor

While you already have an ample choice of JS code editors, it’s always nice to be able to create your own. JS allows you to create an in-browser code editor, which is what this project is about. It makes use of some useful JS methods - and even features syntax highlighting!

The source code for this project is available here .

13. Real-time Chat Application

Real-time Chat Application

Chat applications are comparatively simple to make and you can create one yourself using JavaScript. This project makes use of both React and Node.js, so it might be a little intimidating. However, it’s a good way to get your hands dirty and learn how to work with these invaluable tools. 

You can view the source code on GitHub.

14. 2D Platforming Game

2D Platforming Game

Games are an excellent and fun way to learn JS. It’s why you’ll see so many projects revolving around games. This project teaches you how to create a 2D platformer game — all using JS, HTML, and CSS. You’ll make use of OOPs concepts and an API, both handy skills to have.

Check out the source code here .

15. Photo-sharing App

Photo-sharing App

Everyone knows Instagram. It has a lot of features, but fundamentally, it’s a photo-sharing application. You can create a similar but smaller-scale version of it using JS. This is a hefty project and you’ll find yourself using React, Node.js, and Postgres, among other things.

Take a look at the source code here .

16. File Sharing App

File Sharing App

Learning how to share files is another useful skill to have. You’ll be using the Virgil Crypto Library in JavaScript to create this app. It’s secure, and you’ll be able to download, decrypt, and view encrypted media files.

  • How To Setup Your JavaScript Environment

Before you start coding in JavaScript, it's essential to have your coding environment properly set up and ready for action.

Being an interpreted language that runs in web browsers, you don't need to worry about having a compiler.

That said, setting up a good development environment can really help to enhance your coding efficiency and provide you with powerful tools to debug and test your code.

If you want to dive straight in, I'd recommend following along with me using our online JavaScript compiler. This is pre-populated with the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files you need to build any JavaScript project without switching on an IDE.

Equally, if you're already equipped with a basic setup on your own computer, you might want to skip this.

If not, let me walk you through how to set up a JavaScript development environment. You can even use these steps for any of the most popular operating systems.

Install a JavaScript Code Editor

First things first, you'll need a code editor that supports JavaScript syntax highlighting and potentially IntelliSense for code completion.

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular choice among developers for its extensive feature set and vast library of extensions. That's why it's one of my favorite web development IDEs .

Assuming you have VSCode installed, follow these steps to enhance your JavaScript development experience:

Open VSCode and navigate to the VSCode Extensions tab (you can use the shortcut `Ctrl+Shift+X` on Windows/Linux or `Cmd+Shift+X` on macOS) and search for JavaScript-related extensions like:

  • ESLint for linting and maintaining code quality.
  • Prettier for code formatting.
  • JavaScript (ES6) code snippets for handy code snippets.

You can install these extensions by clicking the install button next to each.

Install a Web Browser with Developer Tools

Modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge come with built-in developer tools, which are indispensable for web development.

These tools allow you to debug JavaScript, inspect the DOM, view network requests, and much more.

Install Node.js and npm [Optional]

While JavaScript runs in the browser, Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on your computer as a standalone application, which is particularly useful for development. You can download Node from the official website .

I'd also recommend choosing the LTS (Long-Term Support) version for stability.

Next, we have npm (Node Package Manager), and luckily for you, this comes with Node.js! The more you dive into JS development, the more npm is essential for managing JavaScript libraries and packages.    After installation, I'd also recommend verifying that Node.js and npm are correctly installed by opening your terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Terminal app) and running the following commands:

These commands should display the versions of Node.js and npm, respectively, indicating a successful installation.

Install Git [Optional but Recommended]

If you're really new to coding, you might want to skip this step, but even then, I'd really recommend becoming familiar with Git as soon as you can.

If you want the TL-DR, Git is a version control system that lets you track changes in your code and collaborate with others.

While this step is not strictly necessary for JavaScript development, it's a best practice, especially for larger projects or when working in a team.

Simply download Git from the official Git website , and during installation, you can accept most default settings. That said, you might want to choose your preferred text editor and ensure that Git is added to your system's PATH.

  • Wrapping Up

And there we have it! If you've taken the time to build these 16 JavaScript projects, you should be feeling much more competent and confident with JavaScript.

You'll also have a burgeoning JavaScript portfolio that's packed full of interesting and practical JavaScript projects, each demonstrating your dedication and abilities.

I also hope you enjoyed following along with my step-by-step tutorials in the first seven JavaScript projects! Which one was your favorite? I'll confess that I really enjoyed making all of them, especially the drum kit!

My motivation with these JavaScript tutorials was to guide you through the nuances of JavaScript development while also giving you hands-on experience that you'd usually only get when taking a JavaScript course.

Here at , we're huge fans of project-based learning, so I hope these JavaScript projects have bolstered your confidence and sparked a deeper interest in web development or any other form of JavaScript development.

Remember, the journey doesn't end here!

With new projects and step-by-step tutorials regularly added to this page, be sure to check back often for new opportunities to refine your JS skills and expand your portfolio.

And remember, you can do all this using our online JavaScript compiler , so get creative, have fun, and happy coding!

Want to sharpen up your JavaScript and web development skills? Check out:

Dr. Angela Yu's Complete Web Development Bootcamp

javascript assignment project

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In this article

  • Top 20 Open Source Projects: Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++ Projects
  • HTML vs JavaScript: Which Should You Learn? Programming Languages JavaScript HTML
  • What is JavaScript? Introduction To JavaScript For Beginners JavaScript Programming Languages

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Top 15+ JavaScript Projects With Source Code (2023)

Javascript projects ideas (2023), javascript projects for beginners, intermediate javascript projects with source code, advanced javascript projects with source code, javascript projects: why are they so important, frequently asked questions, additional resources.

JavaScript is one of the web’s most powerful and adaptable programming languages. It powers most websites’ dynamic behavior. JavaScript is a lightweight object-oriented programming language that is used to script web pages by several websites. When applied to an HTML document, it is an interpreted, full-featured programming language that enables dynamic interactivity on websites. It was first released in 1995 to allow users to add programs to web pages in the Netscape Navigator browser.

Since then, all other graphical web browsers have embraced it. Users can use JavaScript to create modern web applications that interact immediately, without having to reload the page every time. JavaScript is used on a standard website to provide many sorts of interactivity and simplicity. Companies are continuously looking for experienced JavaScript Developers who can create unique GitHub JavaScript projects. Working on some real-time JavaScript projects is the best thing you can do if you’re a JavaScript programming newbie.

Let’s have a quick look at some features of JavaScript:

Confused about your next job?

  • Because it has built-in execution environments, all popular web browsers support JavaScript.
  • The grammar and structure of JavaScript are based on the C programming language. As a result, it is classified as a structured programming language.
  • JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that inherits through prototypes rather than classes.
  • It’s a simple and interpreted language.
  • The language is case-sensitive.
  • JavaScript is compatible with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • It gives consumers complete control over their web browsers.

If you’re seeking JavaScript practice projects, we’ve compiled a list of JavaScript project ideas you can get started on right now (whether you’re looking for JavaScript projects for beginners, intermediate programmers, or experienced coders). This is an excellent compilation of projects for both beginners and advanced users. Follow the project link when you locate a JavaScript project that catches your interest and is at par with your skill level. The source code for each of these open-source JavaScript projects has been provided in this article for you to use as a reference.

Below are a few exciting JavaScript Projects to try. We have divided projects based on beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

1. JavaScript Calculator

Calculators are fun, so, to begin with, we will build a simple Calculator using JavaScript. We’ll utilize fundamental JavaScript functions to make all the components work, as well as simple HTML and CSS. We’ll use HTML to display buttons and numbers, and CSS to make them more appealing. Furthermore, we’ll utilize JavaScript to make the buttons do their jobs. 

The source code link of a simple JavaScript Calculator is given below-

Link to the source code

2. Build a Clock using JavaScript

Who does not use a clock? It would be great if you can build a clock using JavaScript. There’s a good possibility you’re on a webpage or using a web application that has a self-updating time component (like a clock), and it’s powered by JavaScript code. This implies that JavaScript clocks aren’t just useful for creating JavaScript projects; they also allow you to practice the type of work you’ll be doing as a JavaScript developer. The source code of a very nice and interactive clock has been provided below for your reference.

3. Hex Color Application

With this basic hex colors application, you can make the web a little prettier. With a single button press, this software changes the backdrop color and shows the color’s hexadecimal value on the screen. Pretty simple, ain’t it?

You can learn how to utilize click to connect a function to a button while working on this project. In this project, a function was to generate a random hex color and set it as the backdrop color. Since practically every modern web application includes buttons, learning this would be beneficial.

4.Random Quote Generator

If you’re looking for some inspiration, we’ve got you covered. You’ll make an app that displays random famous quotes every time a button is pressed in this project. A quote from a prominent athlete, politician, or historical figure can be displayed:

To finish this project, you’ll need to know fundamental JavaScript syntaxes, such as variables, loops, and object literals. This project will allow you to practice fundamental JavaScript skills in a fun and effective way. It also includes a small interactive portfolio piece that you may use to demonstrate your knowledge of JavaScript.

5. Tip Calculator

With this tip calculator, you won’t have to look around the table to determine who’s responsible for the tip. This tip Calculator is made with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to help you figure out how much to tip at restaurants when the need arises. The design might seem simple but is quite hard to implement.

Building a simple timer turns out to be more difficult than it appears. One would expect that displaying the proper time would be as simple as utilizing the same setInterval method as in the digital clock project. It turns out that the method doesn’t work in this case. We establish variables to hold various time-related information for this project, such as when the time was begun, when the time was stopped, and how long the time was paused. Our digital clock would simply be unable to display the time elapsed without these variables and the calculations we conduct with them.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s build our timer using JavaScript. Ready, Set, Go.

Link for the source code

7. Grocery List

Hungry? Let’s go some grocery shopping with our grocery list. This is a cool app using which you can keep a list of items you need to buy, you just have to add the items needed. You can also delete the item/items which are not required. 

8. BMI Calculator 

You can create BMI Calculator for all the fitness freaks out there. The BMI Calculator takes your height and weight as input and gives BMI (Body Mass Index) as an output. The source code link of a BMI calculator is provided below.

9. Happy Bouncing Balls

Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a bouncing ball may be generated, and some bouncing actions can be performed on it. Seeing the colored dancing balls around the screen might actually make someone happy.

Here is an example of happy bouncing balls

A link for the GitHub source code of the project is given below.

Link for the source code.

10. JavaScript Form Validation

Many websites utilize form validation for client-side validation of user details, card details, address details, and other information. If a mandatory input field name exists, the user can type a number, leave the field blank, type only one letter, and so on. All of these validations are simple to implement using JavaScript. Let’s look at an example of a simple form validation project. HTML elements will be required as well, as is customary.

11. Guess the number game

The objective of this fun game is to code a game where the user must guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. You, too, can build this game. The source code for the project is provided below.

Link to the source project

12. Whack-a-mole game

I think everyone has once in his lifetime played this game. A standard Whack-A-Mole machine has a waist-level cabinet with a play area and a display screen, as well as a huge, soft black mallet. Five holes in the top of the play area are stuffed with small plastic moles that appear at random. Whacking each mole as it appears earns you points. The higher the score, the faster the reaction. To create this game, one has to keep in mind these functions-

  • A function that generates a random length of time for the mole to peep.
  • A function that selects a random hole for the mole to peep from.
  • Using the two functions above, create a function to make the mole emerge out of the random hole.
  • A start-up function for the game.

The objective of this project is to create a Whack-a-mole game using JavaScript. The source code has been given below.

13. Rock Paper Scissors game

Anyone who has not been living under the rocks must have heard about the game Rock Paper Scissors game. Rock paper scissors is a classic two-person hand game in which each participant forms one of three shapes with their outstretched hand at the same time. Wouldn’t it be nice if we can implement it using JavaScript? The project given below is a simple DOM (Document Object Model) rock scissors paper project.

14. Real-time Weather app

This project will show you how to create a weather app using Vanilla JS, HTML, and CSS. For getting meteorological information, the instructor uses the Dark Sky API, which is a terrific opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with APIs, which is another great thing you can do with JavaScript. The only issue you might have is figuring out how to use JavaScript to interact with an API. But believe me when I say that won’t be an issue.

In this app you’re going to make: our weather app will display weather data from the API like this: an icon that represents the current weather status, the temperature value (18°C) in Celsius units, the weather description (clear sky), and finally the user’s city and country (London, GB).

The temperature value will be converted from Celsius to Fahrenheit when the user clicks on it.

15. Movie App

This is a movie app made with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap using API calls from The Movie Database. It uses API calls to get movies from The Movie Database. Users can view the most popular movies, arrange them by genre, or use the search function to find other titles.

16. Real-Time Chat Application

How about we build our own chat application? We’ll make a full-fledged real-time chat application. On the front end, we’ll use React, and on the back end, we’ll utilize NodeJS and the web socket library. By the end of this project, you’ll know how to use web sockets and to send and receive messages in order to create any real-time application.

Covered topics: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, and

17. File Sharing App 

You need a file-sharing app every time you want to share files from one device to the other. This is a demonstration app that illustrates how to utilize the Virgil Crypto Library in JavaScript to construct a secure file-sharing app. You will be able to download, decrypt, and view encrypted media files from a browser after completing the procedures in the setup section.

18. Instagram Clone

Instagram is a famous social media site used to share photos. After completing this project, you will be able to create a perfect clone of Instagram. However, there is a challenge. Users should be able to enjoy features comparable to those found on Instagram. For instance, image upload, tagging, and likes.

The source code given below is of an Instagram clone. This app features all the latest tools and practices in web development-

  • React JS — A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Node JS — A web framework for Node JS
  • Postgres — A cross-platform and open-source document-oriented database
  • Redis — A platform for caching
  • JWT — A library for authentication of users
  • Context — A state handler

The fact that JavaScript is currently used by 94.5 percent of all websites demonstrates its relevance as a web technology. JavaScript is a client-side programming language that allows web developers to write customized client-side scripts to make web pages more dynamic and interactive. At the same time, developers can create server-side code in JavaScript using cross-platform runtime engines like Node.js. They can even integrate JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to produce web pages that are compatible with all browsers, platforms, and devices. There are a number of other reasons why any modern web developer should be familiar with JavaScript and how to take advantage of all of its features.

JavaScript’s skills may lead to a variety of hard and exciting employment opportunities, such as designing mobile and desktop apps, creating dynamic websites from scratch, working as a UI/UX designer, or even working as a full stack developer . If you know the fundamentals of JavaScript, projects are the next logical step in boosting your resume’s star rating. If you have no prior programming knowledge, you can enroll in some fundamental JavaScript classes and then return to these projects. Most JavaScript projects with the source code listed above will be understandable if you know a little HTML and CSS.

We have suggested some JavaScript projects categorized into beginner level, intermediate level, and advanced level projects. These projects will enhance your JS skills and will add a lot of value to your portfolio. They cover practically all of the major JavaScript principles. 

Q. What kind of project is JavaScript used for? JavaScript is a programming language primarily used by developers to create dynamic and interactive web projects.

Q. Where can I get JavaScript projects? We have recommended some great JavaScript projects in this article along with their source code links. You can also explore some great projects on GitHub.

Q. How do I start a project in JavaScript? If you are a beginner in JavaScript, start with learning the language first. After you have learned the language to its perfection, you can try to create a beginner-level project with JavaScript.  If you already know the language, then you can try to build an advanced-level project in JavaScript language.

Q. Is JavaScript that difficult?  No, JavaScript is not that difficult. You can easily get the hang of it. Here is a free course on JavaScript by Scaler Topics that can assist you in getting started.

  • Javascript Interview Questions
  • Online Javascript Compiler
  • JavaScript Features
  • Top JavaScript Libraries
  • JavaScript IDE
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • JavaScript Applications
  • JavaScript Books
  • Difference Between HTML and JavaScript
  • Javascript vs JQuery
  • Javascript Vs Python
  • Java vs Javascript
  • Typescript vs Javascript
  • JavaScript Projects

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Top 15 java projects with source code [2023], top skills to become a full stack developer (2023).

Top 9 Beginner JavaScript Practice Projects (Yes, Code Included!)

Jacinto Wong

Jacinto Wong

hero image

In This Guide:

#1. random quote generator, #2. create a calculator, #3. light/dark mode, #4. to-do list, #5. countdown timer.

  • #6. Random password generator

#7. Color palette generator

#8. memory game, #9. magic 8-ball, what's next.

Are you a budding Web Developer who's looking to improve your JavaScript skills? Maybe you need a project idea that can really boost your portfolio to help secure that first dev role ?

Or perhaps you’re already employed but want some practice projects so you can test yourself, broaden your JavaScript knowledge , and get more experience to go from Junior to Senior ?

Well, good news!

In this guide, I’ll share 9 of my favorite beginner friendly to intermediate JavaScript projects that you can use to level up your JavaScript skills.

Everything from a dark mode visual display, a calculator, a password generator, and more.

I’ll share the source code, you check it out, follow my advice, and then build it on your own.

Want to complete even more projects?

If you want to make it even easier on yourself and boost your portfolio even further, (and perhaps even try some more advanced projects), then I also have a follow-along video course where I guide you step-by-step on building 20 of the best beginner to advanced JavaScript practice projects .

advanced javascript projects

We actually cover the first 3 projects in this article, inside of the course!

Each project is mobile-friendly, uses HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, and is great for anyone with a basic understanding of JavaScript but wants to dive deeper.

You just follow along with the steps in the videos, create, experiment, and go from a beginner to an advanced Web Developer.

Want a sneak peek of that course?

Here's the first 6 hours of it - completely for free!

With that out of the way - let’s dive into these free JavaScript projects below.

random quote generator

This first project is to create a simple quote generator with a sleek user interface that you could embed on a website or blog.

It's built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it's an excellent project for beginners to learn and practice their skills.

Fun fact... this is actually a project that I first worked on when I was learning web development!

Here's what's happening under the hood:

The HTML structure

The quote container is divided into three sections - quote-text, quote-author, and button-container. These divisions help display the quotes and their authors, and the buttons to generate new quotes and share them on Twitter.

Styling with CSS

The CSS part sets the overall look of the project, including font styles, colors, and positioning. The Google Fonts API is used to import the 'Montserrat' font, which adds a nice touch to the design.

Loader animation

The loader div is a simple element that shows a loading animation while fetching new quotes, providing users with visual feedback.

You can grab the source code here .

javascript quote generator project

To get started and learn from this project on your own, try to:

  • Understand the HTML structure and how the elements are organized
  • Then, study the CSS rules, learn how they affect the appearance of the elements, and experiment with different styles to customize the design
  • Add JavaScript to fetch random quotes from an API or a predefined array, update the quote container, and enable the Twitter sharing functionality

If you're feeling stuck or want follow along with me step-by-step for this first project, then lucky for you, I've made this first JavaScript project tutorial completely free for everyone and anyone (no signup or credit card or anything required).

Skills you'll gain from this project:

By working through this project, you'll gain hands-on experience in creating web interfaces, learn how to apply CSS styles effectively, and practice using JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, retrieve data, and handle user interactions.

All of which are vital skills to have in Web Development!

create a calculator - javascript project idea

The second project on the list is a fun little calculator project. But don't let this simple project fool you, it's a great learning experience for beginner developers.

Let’s take a deeper dive.

The calculator's HTML structure is clean and efficient. You'll find a primary div that houses two other divs - one for the display and another for the buttons.

We've also got all the essential features to make it interactive and useful, such as numbers, operators, a decimal point, and a handy clear button.

It's the perfect foundation for an interactive and user-friendly calculator.

CSS Styling

The linear-gradient background adds a touch of elegance, while the calculator itself boasts a crisp white background, rounded corners, and a subtle box-shadow, all of which help it pop off the screen and make it more compelling to click on.

The display also rocks a bold black-and-white color scheme, and the buttons have varying colors and hover effects to keep things lively and engaging.

The heart of this project lies in its JavaScript code, which really brings the calculator to life.

The script starts by defining key variables and selecting elements from the DOM. You'll find several functions that handle various operations:

  • sendNumberValue - Takes care of number inputs and keeps the display up to date.
  • addDecimal - Throws in a decimal point when needed, making sure there's only one.
  • calculate - An object brimming with functions for all your mathematical needs.
  • useOperator - Manages operator inputs, performs calculations, and freshens up the display.
  • resetAll - Whisks the calculator back to its original state.

To top it all off, event listeners are added to the buttons, ensuring smooth and responsive user interactions.

Grab the code here .

javascript calculator project

This project is a great jumping-in point for beginners who want to learn more advanced features.

You'll learn how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript work in harmony to create a functional and visually stunning web application.

It's also the perfect playground to learn about event listeners, DOM manipulation, and essential programming concepts like functions, objects, and conditional statements.

light dark mode javascript project idea

For this project, you’ll create a snazzy, responsive, single-page website template, complete with a dark mode switch, navigation bar, and a bunch of awesome sections like home, about, projects, and contact.

It's all crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to give users an engaging and seamless experience.

Here are some of the things you'll learn from this project:

🌟 HTML Structure

Discover how to create sections and use Hero Patterns SVG background to design an eye-catching layout.

🎨 CSS Styling

Master the art of blending custom CSS and Google Fonts to make your website look sleek and contemporary. You'll get to know variables, selectors, and a range of styling techniques such as font sizing, backgrounds, borders, and more!

💪 CSS Flexbox

Unleash the power of the CSS Flexbox layout model to create responsive and flexible layouts for different sections. Trust me, it's a must-have skill for modern web design!

🌓 Dark Mode Switch

One of the coolest aspects of this project is the dark mode switch. By examining the JavaScript and CSS code, you'll learn how to whip up your own theme switcher and apply unique styling based on user preferences.

📱 Responsive Design

Create a website that looks fabulous on any device or screen size! You'll learn about media queries, breakpoints, and other techniques to make your website adapt gracefully to different devices.

🌬️ Smooth Scrolling

This template features smooth scrolling when navigating between sections, adding a touch of elegance to the user experience. It's a simple yet powerful way to boost your website's interactivity.

light and dark mode visual display javascript project

In a nutshell, this project code is an incredible chance to learn key web development concepts and create a visually stunning and interactive website!

Again, these top 3 projects are all covered in detail in my JavaScript Web Projects course and you can build the first project with me here .

You have the code above if you want to dive into them for free on your own, or you can check out my course and watch the video training if you want a step-by-step walkthrough!

to do list app

This To do List app is a great way to learn and practice essential web development concepts.

This project's code is a blend of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it focuses on:

  • Creating a visually appealing To do List layout
  • Implementing user interactions like adding, toggling, and deleting tasks
  • Mastering event handling and DOM manipulation

Here's an onveriew of what you'll learn and how you can benefit from this project.

You'll get to create a basic structure that includes a container, form, input field, button, and an unordered list. It's a great starting point for building more complex web applications!

The project demonstrates how to style your Todo List to look clean and modern. You'll pick up cool techniques like flexbox, transitions, and hover effects to jazz up your project's appearance.

This is where the magic happens! The code showcases the power of JavaScript to:

  • Capture user input
  • Add new tasks to the list
  • Toggle the completion status of tasks
  • Delete tasks from the list

Event Handling

You'll learn how to use event listeners to handle user interactions, such as submitting forms and clicking buttons. It's an essential skill to develop interactive web applications.

DOM Manipulation

Explore the wonders of creating, modifying, and updating elements on the fly. This project will help you understand the basics of DOM manipulation and how to apply these techniques to other projects.

You can grab the code here .

to do list javascript project

This project is great for learning about JavaScript Date objects, as well as a perfect opportunity to sharpen your skills in handling numerical user inputs!

This Countdown Timer project focuses on:

  • Building an attractive and user-friendly timer layout
  • Managing user input to set the countdown
  • Implementing start and stop functionality
  • Tackling event listeners and DOM manipulation

Let's quickly explore the benefits you'll gain from this project.

Create a neat structure that incorporates a container, title, timer display, and a form with input fields and buttons. This sets the stage for more complex web applications.

Discover how to style your Countdown Timer with a sleek and modern design. You'll explore techniques like flexbox, transitions, and hover effects to make your project visually stunning.

Here's where the real excitement begins! You'll learn how to:

  • Capture user input for the timer duration
  • Start and stop the countdown
  • Update the timer display in real-time
  • Handle edge cases, like invalid input

Grasp the importance of event listeners to manage user interactions, such as button clicks and form submissions. Mastering event handling is essential for building interactive web applications.

Unleash the power of updating elements on the page as the timer counts down. This project will boost your understanding of DOM manipulation fundamentals and help you apply these techniques to other projects.

build a countdown time in javascript project

#6. Random Password Generator

random password generator

This project has loads of practical uses and will help you level up your web development game in no time.

Here's what you'll learn.

Build a clean and organized structure that includes a container, title, password display, form with input fields, and a button. This robust foundation sets the stage for more advanced web applications requiring user data input.

Give your Random Password Generator a modern and stylish design. Hone your skills in techniques like flexbox, transitions, and hover effects to create a visually stunning and user-friendly project.

This is where the magic truly comes alive! You'll learn how to:

  • Capture user input for password length and character types
  • Generate random characters based on user preferences
  • Create a robust and unique password
  • Handle edge cases, such as invalid input and character type selection

Mastering event handling is essential for designing engaging web applications, and this project will help you grasp the significance of event listeners for managing user interactions, like button clicks.

build a random password generator in javascript

Get the source code here .

javascript colour palette generator

Get ready to learn something new and fun with this Color Palette Generator project! This code will teach you a ton of valuable concepts while allowing you to create fantastic color palettes on the fly.

In this project, you'll come across the following concepts.

You'll see a structured layout with containers, headings, input elements, and a button, which makes up the user interface for the Color Palette Generator.

Notice how the styling is done with elegance, using modern techniques to create a visually appealing and user-friendly experience. You'll see the use of Flexbox for layout, transitions for smooth animations, and responsive styles.

The true magic (of course) lies within the JavaScript portion! This code covers an array of essential skills:

  • DOM manipulation: selecting elements, creating elements, and adding/removing classes
  • Event listeners: capturing user inputs and clicks to trigger the color palette generation process
  • Functions: breaking down the color generation process into smaller, reusable, and easy-to-understand functions
  • Algorithm implementation: generating color palettes based on different color schemes (monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split-complementary, triadic, and tetradic)

Clipboard API

You'll also experience the power of the Clipboard API, allowing you to copy the color values to your clipboard with just a click.

javascript colour palette generator

Get the code here .

memory game

Get ready for some fun with this Memory Game project code! This simple yet engaging game is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a grid of cards with matching icons.

The game's objective is to find and match all pairs of cards as quickly as possible, so let’s look at what this requires.

HTML Structure

The game board is constructed using a single <div> element with the class "game-board". This container will later be populated with card elements generated through JavaScript.

The CSS code provides a clean and straightforward design for the game. It uses Flexbox and Grid layout to arrange the game board and cards, creating a responsive and organized structure. The card-flipping effect is achieved through CSS transitions and 3D transformations.

The main logic of the game is implemented in JavaScript. Here are the key concepts:

  • Card Generation: Cards are created dynamically, with each card containing a Font Awesome icon. The array 'icons' stores the class names of these icons, and it is duplicated to create pairs
  • Shuffling: The 'shuffle' function is used to randomize the card order, ensuring a unique experience in each game session
  • Card Flipping: The 'flipCard' function handles the card flipping action. It uses a lock mechanism to prevent more than two cards from being flipped at once
  • Matching: The 'checkForMatch' function compares the icons of flipped cards. If they match, the 'disableCards' function is called, which removes the click event listeners from the matched cards. If they don't match, the 'unflipCards' function is called to revert the cards to their original state
  • Reset: The 'resetBoard' function resets the variables 'firstCard' and 'secondCard', and the lock state, preparing the board for the next interaction

build a memory game in javascript

By studying this project code, you can learn about DOM manipulation, event handling, array manipulation, and more.

It's a fantastic way to practice your web development skills and build a fun game at the same time. Have a blast exploring this code and see if you can improve or customize the game further!

Taking any of these projects a step further by customizing them and making them your own in some way is the real trick to truly learning JavaScript.

magic 8ball

Get ready for a mystical adventure with this Magic 8-Ball project code! This interactive game is brought to life using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, offering curious minds a digital oracle to reveal cryptic answers to their burning questions.

Let's explore the bewitching concepts and learn how you can benefit from them!

The sorcery begins with an <h1> tag for the title and a <div> element with the ID "container" to hold the Magic 8-Ball and the answer display. The 8-Ball itself consists of another <div> element, while the answer appears in a separate <div> beneath it.

The CSS code weaves a magical design, complete with a dark background, crisp white text, and an alluring 8-Ball that calls for a click. The captivating answer reveal is achieved with a smooth transition and transform effect.

  • Answers Array: The 'answers' array holds a collection of arcane responses, waiting to be unveiled by the Magic 8-Ball
  • Generating Answers: The 'generateAnswer' function selects a random response from the array, guided by the hands of fate
  • 8-Ball Rotation: The 'rotateBall' function sets the 8-Ball in motion, spinning it with random rotations to heighten the suspense
  • Answer Reveal: The 'showAnswer' function unveils the chosen response, displaying it within the designated answer element
  • Event Listener: The 8-Ball springs to action when clicked, thanks to the 'click' event listener, which triggers the rotation and answer reveal sequence

Grab the source code here .

build an 8-ball app in javascript

By delving into this project code, you'll gain invaluable insight into DOM manipulation, event handling, array manipulation, and more.

It's an extraordinary way to sharpen your web development skills and create an interactive, mystical game at the same time!

So there you have it. 9 free JavaScript practice projects for you to build and boost your portfolio.

Each of these projects will help you work on some of the most important JavaScript features that you need to know, so go ahead and build them today!

Then if you want to take it even further and blow your interviewer's mind, check out my 20 JavaScript Projects course , and learn to build some epic projects that you can add to your portfolio!

And remember - we’ll actually build the first 3 projects on this list during the course, so you can follow along with the videos, and make them even easier to create.

If you find you’re getting stuck on the projects in this guide, and feel like you’ve missed some crucial steps in your journey to learn JavaScript, then don’t worry because we’ve got your back!

Be sure to check out the Complete Web Developer course , as it will teach you everything you need to know to go from complete beginner to advanced Web Developer, as well as how to get hired.

Once you take that course, learn what you’ve been missing, then come back and you'll have no problem building these projects!

The Complete Web Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery

The Complete Web Developer in 2024: Zero to Mastery

Learn to code from scratch and get hired as a Web Developer in 2024. This full-stack coding bootcamp will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Machine Learning & more.

JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio

JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio

Get hired or your first client by building your dream portfolio of modern, real-world JavaScript projects. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore!

JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts

Learn modern, advanced JavaScript practices to become a top 10% JavaScript Developer. Fun fact: this course is even used as a reference for some FAANG company interview processes.

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24 JavaScript Projects You Can Build to Perfect Your Coding Skills

javascript assignment project

updated Jul 9, 2024

Are you looking for the best JavaScript projects for beginners?

If you are serious about becoming a web developer , you need to start applying your JavaScript skills to real projects as soon as possible.

If you are new to coding, start learning JavaScript with these free coding courses and tutorials . Once you finish your first lessons, you should start working on your first small pet project.

I know it’s sometimes difficult to find JavaScript project ideas that match your skill level and are fun to build.

To help you get started, I’ve put together this list of 24 fun Javascript projects you can start working on right now. I included both beginner-level and intermediate level ideas to make sure things won’t get boring.

Browse through the list and click through to any JavaScript project you find intriguing. If you find a project idea that matches your goals and skill level, start building it right away!

Each of these projects is open-source, meaning you can use the source code for guided learning as you go.

Let’s go!

To master JavaScript faster, here are a few helpful articles for you:

  • What Is JavaScript and How to Learn It Fast
  • Best Way to Learn JavaScript For Beginners (Free and Paid Tutorials)
  • 8 Free JavaScript Practice Websites: The Best JavaScript Exercises for Beginners
  • 30+ HTML and CSS Projects for Beginners (With Source Code)

How to choose the right JavaScript project to learn faster

Now, the best way to learn JavaScript – or any other programming language – is to put in the time and effort to build tons of projects.

Your time is limited, so you want to build JavaScript practice projects that are not too easy.

After all, if you keep repeating things you already know, you are not making any progress towards your long-term coding goals.

At the same time, you want to choose projects that are not too difficult, either. The trick is to find a project idea that is just a tad above your current skill level.

Hence, the key is to start small and set realistic expectations for your learning path. The last thing you want is to start with an ambitious project and end up feeling frustrated when you get stuck.

For more smart tips, check out these tips for choosing the best coding project to learn faster .

JavaScript projects for beginners in 2024

Here are 24 JavaScript projects with source code you can start building right now:

  • Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch
  • JavaScript clock
  • JavaScript calculator
  • JavaScript drum kit
  • Guess the Color game
  • Hangman game
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Platformer game
  • Tip calculator
  • Palindrome checker
  • JavaScript timeline
  • JavaScript animated nav toggle
  • JavaScript quiz
  • JavaScript mouseover effect
  • JavaScript weather app
  • JavaScript browser code editor
  • Rock Paper Scissors game
  • Dynamic JavaScript quiz
  • Star Wars opening crawl

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Beginner-level JavaScript coding project ideas - MikkeGoes

1: Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch

Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch project

Coding a JavaScript stopwatch is an easy little project you can build in one day even as a beginner. Your stopwatch needs three buttons for user interaction:

Play around with some CSS to make it look pretty, and you’re all done!

You will find an example vanilla JavaScript stopwatch project here.

☝️ back to top ☝️

2: JavaScript clock

JavaScript digital clock project

Building your own digital clock with JavaScript is a relatively easy small project to practice variables and simple if loops.

Again, you want to use some CSS to customize the design and make your JavaScript clock look amazing.

Click here for an example JavaScript clock project.

3: JavaScript calculator

JavaScript calculator project for beginners

Coding a good old calculator is excellent practice for your JavaScript skills. Create a clean interface with HTML and CSS and then add different features with JavaScript.

Start with just a few basic operators and buttons for:

  • Subtractions
  • Multiplications

You will find an example JavaScript calculator here.

4: JavaScript drum kit

JavaScript drum kit project

If you want to build a JavaScript project that is tons of fun but still allows you to learn quite a bit, you’re going to love this example.

I discovered this JavaScript drum kit a while back, and I fell in love with it instantly. Seriously, it’s such an entertaining and fun project to build, trust me!

You will find an example JavaScript drum kit project here.

5: JavaScript Guess the Color Game

JavaScript RGB color guessing game

Coding a color guessing game with JavaScript is quite straightforward:

  • You build a game where the player will see a single RGB value for a color.
  • The player has to click on a color they think matches the RGB value displayed.

You can easily add more features to the game to make it more difficult.

For example, you could limit the number of guesses or give the player three “lives”. With every wrong guess, they would lose one, and the game would be over when they run out of lives.

You will find an example JavaScript RGB color game project here.

6: JavaScript Hangman Game project

JavaScript hangman game

Building a Hangman game is one of the best JavaScript project ideas for beginners who want a bit of a challenge.

If you’re not familiar, the hangman game is about guessing a random word by guessing letters one by one. If the player runs out of guesses, the game is over.

Although the gameplay may sound simple, you need to consider a few critical elements in your JavaScript code:

  • Set a maximum limit for guesses.
  • Display the remaining number of guesses to the player.
  • Provide the player with an interface to input their guesses.

This beginner JavaScript project will probably take you a bit longer, but it’s great practice. You will need to think about random choice, variables, boolean values, inputs and outputs, strings, lengths, and more.

You will find an example JavaScript Hangman game here.

7: JavaScript Tic Tac Toe

Build your own JavaScript Tic Tac Toe game

Building a simple Tic Tac Toe game with JavaScript is another excellent project idea you can finish in a single day.

You will create a 3×3 grid where two players will take turns marking the grid with cross and circle symbols. The first player to get three marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game.

Although the game seems simple, you need to figure out how to create the logic that follows the game rules in JavaScript.

Hence, before you start writing any code, break down the flow of the game into logical steps first.

For a simple game like Tic Tac Toe, I find it helpful to draw a small flow chart to visualize the different outcomes of the game. When I can see the flow on paper, it’s easier to start writing actual code.

You will find an example Tic Tac Toe JavaScript project with its source code here.

8: JavaScript Pong Game

JavaScript pong game

Pong was one of my favorite video games back in the day!

Did you know that it was the very first commercially successful video game ever?

Building the game in JavaScript takes some work, but the end results can is tons of fun to play.

Again, start by thinking about the rules of the game and map out the different events your code needs to cover.

As you build the game, you will probably come up with a few ideas on how to make it more fun.

Also, you may want to create different difficulty levels for your game. For example:

  • The ball could move faster after a given number of rounds
  • To make things trickier for the player, allow for the computer to move the paddle more quickly

Pong is a rather complex project if you are entirely new to JavaScript. I think the most difficult part of this project idea is to make sure the computer doesn’t always win.

Hence, make sure you have a couple of easier projects under your belt before tackling this one.

You will find an example JavaScript Pong game here.

9: JavaScript Pairs Game

JavaScript pairs game

Coding a JavaScript memory matching game or pairs game is another fun project you can build for fun (and for your portfolio!).

The logic of the game is simple:

  • There are a given number of cards on the table facing down.
  • The player needs to find all the pairs.

However, you may want to add more difficulty by limiting the number of guesses or by setting a time limit for the game to be finished.

This is another great project for practicing not just your JavaScript skills but your HTML and CSS, too.

The easiest way to create the matching cards is to put different colors on them that the player needs to match. But you can also use images, icons, or numbers, for example.

You will find an example pairs game JavaScript project here.

10: JavaScript Maze Game project

JavaScript maze game project idea

I was a huge fan of drawing my own maze games when I was a kid in the early ’90s. Therefore, learning how to code my own maze with JavaScript was so much fun.

As for the difficulty of this JavaScript project, it is somewhat more demanding.

Thus, if you are just getting started, make sure you feel comfortable enough with the language before you start building this game.

You will find an example JavaScript maze game project here.

11: JavaScript Simon game

In this video tutorial from freeCodeCamp, you will build a classic Simon game from scratch using JavaScript.

12: JavaScript platformer game

In this fun video tutorial from freeCodeCamp, you will learn how to build a tile-based platformer game with JavaScript .

This JavaScript project is great for intermediate students who want to practice their model-view-controller skills. Thus, you will learn how to organize your code to build a strong foundation for the project. This is something you definitely want to learn for the future.

13: JavaScript tip calculator

JavaScript tip calculator

Calculating tips can be tricky sometimes – especially after a long day of coding.

If you want to save the trouble of calculating your tips manually, just build your own tip calculator you can use whenever, wherever. Plus, this tool never makes mistakes or errors in calculations.

When you’ve built a simple tip calculator, you can always add more features to make it more user-friendly.

For instance, let’s say you want to travel abroad soon. Find out what’s an appropriate tip level there and add a country selection option to your calculator.

You will find an example JavaScript tip calculator here.

14: JavaScript palindrome checker

JavaScript palindrome checker

A palindrome is a phrase or a word that reads the same backwards and forwards.

Building a simple palindrome checker is great practice for working with strings and manipulating them with JavaScript. Plus, checking for palindromes can be a lot of fun!

You will find an example JavaScript palindrome checker function here.

15: JavaScript to-do list

JavaScript to-do list

JavaScript is a wonderful tool for coding dynamic, interactive lists where users can add, edit, delete, and move items. It’s something you can’t achieve with just HTML and CSS.

If you are anything like me, you have a running list of seemingly never-ending to-dos:

  • Dealing with e-mails
  • Managing projects
  • Learning new things
  • Maintaining your portfolio
  • Knowing what groceries to buy
  • Places to visit on your next holiday
  • Movies to watch on Netflix

To make your life easier, you can build your own custom-coded to-do list as a JavaScript project right away. Start small and create a single list where you can simply add and delete items.

As your skills improve, you can add new features to help you manage your to-dos more efficiently.

For instance, you could use multiple lists next to each other to categorize your to-dos.

A particularly handy feature would be to enable a drag-and-drop feature for moving to-dos between the different lists and columns.

You will find a sample JavaScript to-do project here.

16: JavaScript timeline

JavaScript vertical timeline project

If you want to become a front-end web developer, a custom-made JavaScript timeline can be a great feature for building websites for freelance clients, for instance.

Businesses and start-ups often want to display their most significant milestones on their website.

Also, you can use the code from your JS timeline for other similar applications.

For example, let’s say you want to break down important steps into bite-sized portions for your website visitors.

With a JavaScript timeline, you can display small bits of a specific story or piece of content to your readers without overwhelming them with too much information at once.

You will find an example vertical timeline JavaScript project here.

17: JavaScript animated nav toggle

JavaScript projects with source code for beginners – Build an animated navigation toggle and menu

JavaScript is a powerful tool for creating interactive navigation toggles such as this one. It’s simple and easy to code, but it can make your website more interesting and engaging.

If you want to pursue front-end web development, this is a must-have skill to add under your belt!

You will find an example JavaScript nav toggle and menu project here.

18: JavaScript quiz

JavaScript quiz

Everybody loves a good quiz! Luckily, building a small quiz with JavaScript is quite easy – and they can be super helpful.

If you want to make money freelancing, you can build a portfolio website to showcase your projects. Use a quiz on the site to help potential clients find the right services for their problems, for example.

Or, if you blog about coding (go you!) , you can help your readers find the right resources and articles based on what they want to learn.

Simply create a small quiz to determine what their goals are and direct them to tutorials and blog posts to help them get started.

Here is a simple JavaScript quiz project idea for you.

19: JavaScript mouseover effect

JavaScript project for beginners – Happy bouncing balls

Mouseover effects are a routine part of web development with JavaScript – and they are a lot of fun!

A mouseover effect simply means adding interactivity to certain elements and sections of your web page. For instance, in this project you will create an area of happy bouncing balls that expand when you hover your mouse over them.

This is a JavaScript project you can build over an afternoon or during a weekend of JavaScript coding. And once you are done, I bet you have a few further ideas for building more mouseover effects with JS!

You will find an example mouseover effect JavaScript project here.

20: JavaScript weather app project

Building a weather app is a great project idea if you are new to JavaScript and you don’t have too many projects in your portfolio just yet.

This project will teach you how to pull data from an API and display it dynamically on your web page.

Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for building a JavaScript weather app from Dev Ed on YouTube.

21: JavaScript browser code editor

JavaScript micro browser code editor project

Wouldn’t it be cool to code your own mini code editor in JavaScript? I think this is a cool project idea for beginners!

Here are a few ideas for additional features for your code editor:

  • Use CSS for syntax highlighting
  • Allow the user to switch between languages
  • Add another screen next to your editor where the user can run the code

You will find an example JavaScript browser code editor here.

22: Rock Paper Scissors Game in JavaScript

In this free YouTube tutorial, you will build a fun Rock Paper Scissors game .

Follow Tenzin as he shows you how to write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code step-by-step.

23: Dynamic JavaScript Quiz

The Dynamic JavaScript quiz project is a great starting point for more advanced quizzes of your own.

You will practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and end up with a fantastic little portfolio project to showcase your skills.

Dynamic JavaScript Quiz project for beginners with source code

24: Star Wars Opening Crawl

Star Wars opening crawl JavaScript project idea

If you are Star Wars fan like me, you will love this Star Wars opening crawl JavaScript project .

This is something for intermediate learners. You will practice the following topics:

  • CSS animations and transforms
  • HTML audio for the opening theme
  • SVG for the Star Wars logo
  • JavaScript to sync the animation with audio

For more details, check out the author’s article on how this this JavaScript project works.

General FAQ: JavaScript projects for beginners

You can use JavaScript to build both front-end development projects as well as back-end projects on the server side using Node.js framework. If you are new to programming, start with an easy JavaScript project idea for beginners, such as a simple stopwatch, a tip calculator, or an animated navigation toggle.

Here are 10 best beginner-level JavaScript projects: 1. JavaScript clock 2. JavaScript calculator 3. Tic Tac Toe game 4. JavaScript tip calculator 5. Pong game 6. JavaScript to-do list 7. JavaScript quiz 8. Hangman game 9. JavaScript weather app 10. JavaScript palindrome checker

First: know why you’re using JavaScript to build a project to begin with. Do you want to become a front-end developer ? Or is it just for fun? Then, find a JavaScript project idea that suits your long-term goal. If you want to become a web developer, find a web-based project, for example. Install a code editor to use, and remember to break down your project into smaller milestones to track your progress more easily. Follow a tutorial if you need to, but as your skills improve, make sure you build small JavaScript projects on your own as soon as you can.

Yes, JavaScript is one of the easiest programming languages for beginners . All you need is a code editor and a web browser to write and test your scripts with. Since JavaScript is so popular worldwide, it’s easy to find beginner-level tutorials and resources online for free . Also, when you need help, troubleshooting your code is relatively easy thanks to the enormous global community.

If you are entirely new to programming, use a free online tutorial or course to learn the fundamentals. Codecademy , freeCodeCamp , and Udemy are great places to start. Also, check out these top YouTube channels to learn programming from scratch. If you enjoy working with JavaScript, consider investing a few bucks in a paid course. They often offer more up-to-date content, practical projects to build for your portfolio, and better support from the instructor.

Final thoughts: JavaScript project ideas with source code for beginners

There you go! If you want to start a career as a web developer, building your own JavaScript projects is the best way to learn the language.

Working on projects of your own helps you understand how the syntax works and how you can solve different problems with JavaScript.

For even more ideas, check out my guide with t h e best JavaScript practice websites for beginners , too.

As you start learning JavaScript and you finish your first beginner-level projects, you will quickly feel more comfortable working independently. Also, you will surely find more fun project ideas as you go.

So, which projects are you going to build next? Let me know in the comments below!

To get started with learning JavaScript, here are my favorite resources for beginners:

  • Introduction to JavaScript on Codecademy
  • The Complete JavaScript Course on Udemy
  • freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

To see results even faster, check out the best way to learn JavaScript from scratch .

Here are a few helpful articles to help you learn JavaScript faster:

  • How to Finish Your Coding Projects Faster? 15 Smart Tips for Beginners
  • 8 Things You Must Know Before Learning to Code
  • 17 Helpful Tips for Teaching Yourself Programming and Web Development

If you liked this article, please drop me a line in the comments below! Also, share it with others! Thanks!

Happy coding! – Mikke

24 JavaScript Projects You Can Build to Perfect Your Coding Skills

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About mikke.

javascript assignment project

Hi, I’m Mikke! I’m a blogger, freelance web developer, and online business nerd. Join me here on to learn how to code for free , build a professional portfolio website , launch a tech side hustle , and make money coding . When I’m not blogging, you will find me sipping strong coffee and biking around town in Berlin. Learn how I taught myself tech skills and became a web dev entrepreneur here . And come say hi on Twitter !

Leave a reply:

Thank you so much, Mikke! You don’t know how much you helped me. I will follow you and recommend your guides to my friends who are learning programming.

Greetings from erick boniface in Tumaini school

That’s so great! I’m happy to hear that you’re finding helpful tips on my blog, yay! Let me know if you run into any questions – I’d be happy to answer them in my upcoming articles.

Cheers, Mikke

This is a really informative article with lots of great ideas. Could you please tell me what software you use to run your incredibly fast website? I also want to create a simple website for my business, but I need help with the domain and hosting. Asphostportal reportedly has a good reputation. Are there any other choices available, and if so, what would you suggest?

thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and questions 🙂 I’d recommend these tools for setting up a fast website:

  • Hosting: Bluehost offers great value for your money, but if you want blazing fast page speed, go with a managed WordPress hosting provider like Kinsta .
  • Domains: For simplicity, I usually register my domains with the hosting provider. Again, Bluehost is quite affordable and their intuitive dashboard is very easy to use. If you’d rather use a separate registrar, Namecheap is one of my go-to providers.
  • Content Management System: WordPress is a user-friendly CMS for managing all your website pages, articles, media, and more.
  • Page speed: Once your website is up and running, you can speed up your page speed even more with a good WordPress caching plugin and a Content Delivery Network (CDN). I use WP Rocket and Rocket CDN for this.

I hope these resources help a bit. Let me know if you run into any questions along the way 🙂

I’m really happy to hear you found a few helpful tips for building cool JavaScript projects and learning more about programming here! 🙂

Thank you so much, Mikke! You don’t know how much you helped me. I will follow you and recommend your guides to my friends who are learning programming.

Greetings from Azerbaijan!

thanks for your lovely feedback! I am happy to hear that you found a few helpful tips and perhaps a couple JavaScript project ideas here 🙂

Happy learning!

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Practice Projects in JavaScript

Solidify concepts with guided practice., adopt a pet, animal fun facts, arrays: rgb generator, authorization form, black lives matter, bolt network 1, bolt network 2, bouncing balls, bug invaders.

javascript assignment project

19 Simple JavaScript Projects for Beginners [Updated for 2024]

By Zulie Rane on October 8, 2021

Last updated on December 4, 2023

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Really good JavaScript projects for beginners can be tough to find. Sometimes they’re too hard, or assume too much prior knowledge. Sometimes they’re actually too easy, and don’t push you to develop any solid JavaScript skills. (Cough cough, that tic-tac-toe game I know you’ve probably seen recommended about a thousand times by now.)

I highly recommend projects in general as a way to learn to code: they’re more hands-on and can be more rewarding than watching a lecture or reading a textbook. Interactive learning by actually doing the coding is more effective for faster learning than lecture. The learning curve can feel steeper, but the skills you learn will be much stickier.

I wrote this article to give you actually good beginner projects:

  • Not too hard or easy
  • Contribute a skill you can put on your resume
  • Help you build an employable portfolio

If you’re reading this article, I’m assuming:

  • You want to get a job that requires JavaScript
  • You have some idea of what JavaScript is and how it works
  • You’re not looking for an easy “learn JavaScript fast” kind of answer. You understand learning a new coding languae takes work, and you’re ready to do it.

If that’s you, this article will be a useful resource in your job hunt.

What is JavaScript? 🔗

OK, I’m not going to assume too much prior knowledge. I want to quickly cover the basics so we’reon the same page.

TL;DR: JavaScript makes interactive web pages. That’s it. But it’s one of the most commonly-used programming languages and the most-desired language , according to StackOverflow’s 2023 Developer Survey.

JavaScript is ubiquitous, so it’s not only good to learn how, but also kind of fun. If you know JavaScript, you feel a little bit like you’re peeking behind the veil of the world wide web.

This guide is going to be what I wish I had when I started learning JavaScript . These are fun, interesting, slightly challenging JavaScript projects for beginners.

JavaScript has a bunch of different frameworks (we’ll get into what frameworks are in a second), so I’m going to section this article into vanilla JavaScript, Vue.js, and Angular. All of these are free JavaScript projects - all you’ll need to invest is your time.

Warning: They’re tricky. You won’t be able to finish them in one sitting. They’re going to require a little bit more than copy-paste-enter, but when you do them, you’ll have a much greater feeling of satisfaction.

Ready for 19 fun and interesting JavaScript practice projects? Let’s jump in.

Section 1: Vanilla JavaScript Projects 🔗

A framework is basically a prepackaged chunk of code that does something specific. Think of it as a cheat, or a shortcut. Frameworks rise and fall in popularity.They’re definitely worth knowing about, but I wanted to start with some vanilla, simple projects. These don’t rely on any frameworks.

1. Build a Simple Web Crawler 🔗

This project tutorial will walk you through building a simple web crawler on the command line using Node.js. It might sound tricky, but if you have a basic understanding of JavaScript it’s actually quite simple. A web crawler is a useful tool that SEO experts use to audit their websites. There is even an hour-long YouTube video where the author builds the entire project on camera!

Subscribe to my YouTube channel if this video was helpful!

2. Complete a guided course 🔗

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a stand-alone project, but an interactive course that forces you to write a lot of code can get you started on the right foot.

JavaScript ideas for beginners don’t only have to come in video or article form, and in fact, I recommend you don’t . Interactive sandbox-style courses are better. If you’ve skimmed through the tutorials on this list and you’re already kind of feeling lost, there’s no shame in learning JavaScript with some help – like by taking an interactive course that you gradually build up your skills with as you progress through lessons and modules.

Our own JavaScript course from is free to audit, and it takes you from a complete beginner and teaches you the skills you need to progress as a programmer. I recommend it because it’s kinda like a project in the sense that you’ll solve many individual coding challenges in JavaScript.

3. Build a weather app. 🔗

The weather app is genuinely useful and has a chance of being used in your day-to-day life. This tutorial that I’m linking to is perfect for beginners because it’s going to help you understand the core basics of the DOM and teach you how to use the fetch API to call and get data from a third-party service.

The app tutorial will walk you through building a location-based weather app. Based on your current location, the app will show you the weather there.

Warning: the tutorial says that the prerequisites are basic HTML, basic CSS, and basic JavaScript , but they also link to the guides to all those below. I really believe that the best learning is taught by doing, so feel free to check it out and only read the guides if you have to.

4. Build a landing page for your website. 🔗

Building a whole website is a massive endeavor. Let’s start with one of the small project ideas for beginners instead: a landing page. If you want to get a job using JavaScript, it’s always a good idea to have your own website built using JavaScript. This YouTube tutorial is 35 minutes long and will teach you to build a home page or landing page that you can interact with, and save your name/focus to local storage.

The guy making the videos has 1.62 million subscribers and tons of positive comments. I found his teaching style to be really engaging and straightforward. He also offers the full code so you can check it out and poke around for yourself.

5. Build a restaurant menu page 🔗

Maybe I’m hungry as I write this because this is the first of several food-based tutorials we’re going to be looking at.

This tutorial is one of 15 total tutorials from a YouTube video called build 15 easy JavaScript projects walking through vanilla JavaScript. It takes you through how to make a restaurant menu page that will filter through different food menus.

It’ll teach you higher-order functions like map , reduce , and filter . Higher-order functions are great to learn because they have really high reusability, so you’ll get to code smarter, not harder.

6. Make a grocery list 🔗

This basic JavaScript project tutorial will teach you to update and delete items from a grocery list, which walks you through the process of creating a simple CRUD. (CRUD just means create, read, update, and delete.)

It’s another project from the same person who did the restaurant menu page tutorial, so maybe he was hungry as well. If you’ve got the time and inclination I recommend checking out all eight hours of his 15 JavaScript projects. It’s the kind of content that I can’t believe he gives away for free, it’s so in-depth and valuable.

javascript assignment project

Screenshot from the YouTube video tutorial .

7. Create a platformer game 🔗

I don’t know about you, but I definitely had an angry bird phase. If you’ve ever wanted to make your own platformer game this great JavaScript project tutorial is for you. This tutorial runs you through the concept of object-oriented programming, and the model-view-controller software pattern. You’ll pick up a lot of concepts in this tutorial like for loops, switch statements, and OOP principles.

It’s one of the longer tutorials - this one goes on for nearly three hours. But it’s super well-organized and laid out, so you won’t only have a really cool game at the end of it, but you’ll understand a lot of the underlying principles of JavaScript.

Section 2: Vue.js JavaScript Projects 🔗

There are so many different frameworks you can use that do very similar or overlapping things in JavaScript. Vue.js is one of them. Vue.js is great for making applications and interactive user interfaces.

While React does a similar thing and is more popular (and some would say more useful) in the long run, Vue.js is billed for beginners so that’s why I chose it for this section. This section contains six JavaScript projects for learning Vue.js.

8. Recipes app 🔗

Yes, we’re back on food JavaScript projects. If you love cooking, or if you’re disorganized and struggle to keep all your recipes in one place, this recipes app from Hackernoon is a great tutorial for JavaScript beginners. There are three elements for this app:

  • the listing with all the recipes
  • a form to add a new recipe
  • a detailed view of the selected recipe.

(It’s also full of tantalizing pictures of chicken fajita pasta.)

It uses a lot of frameworks - you’ll be using vue2, vuex, vuetify, and Cosmic.js. It’s definitely on the more ambitious side. But it’ll create something really cool, beautiful, and potentially useful.

9. News Website 🔗

If you like to keep up-to-date in these trying times, good for you. Here’s a tutorial that will teach you to build a web application for reading the news with Vue.js.

This tutorial uses the API from It’s definitely more self-guided than some of the other tutorials on this list - the video just shows the guy typing and he doesn’t explain anything - but I still found it useful.

Especially compared to some of the other tutorials above, this one’s on the shorter side only: 16 minutes. If you like this guy, you’ll be pleased to hear that he has a whole playlist of 14 videos of JavaScript starter projects for learning how to use Vue.js.

10. To-do app 🔗

I love this tutorial because it’s short, sweet, and simple. The creator, CJ, writes clean and easy-to-understand code, so it’s great to learn good JavaScript coding habits from.

If you want a JavaScript project that will help you stay on top of things, this tutorial will show you how to create a to-do app even as a beginner. Throughout the process, you’ll also learn the core concepts of Vue.js.

javascript assignment project

11. User registration and login 🔗

I’m now getting into some more complex concepts that not only boost your skills, but start to get into tasks you might be responsible for at an actual JavaScript job. This tutorial walks you through how to build a simple user registration and login system. Just like Python projects for beginners being able to create a login is a great project because it’s a pretty necessary job. If you want to get into JavaScript careers, you’ll be doing this.

You can read the article I linked above, and you can also check out the GitHub repo that has all the details.

12. Trello clone 🔗

A great way to learn to code JavaScript for beginners is to create clones of things that already exist. That’s why I recommend a tutorial that teaches you to build a Trello clone built with Vue.js. You have a target you can aim for, so you can see what needs tweaking or even improving! I love Trello, and use it practically every day, so I found this tutorial really interesting.

This tutorial is heavy on learn-by-doing and low on guidance, so keep that in mind as you dive into the GitHub repo.

13. Temperature converter app 🔗

When I was eighteen, I moved to England and found that everybody there uses Celsius. Did I know what 18 degrees C felt like? Absolutely not . This confusion led to me dressing either very warmly or very coldly for the weather. (Sure, I could have Googled it, but I was lazy.)

A JavaScript temperature converter website tutorial could have saved me that pain. I love this tutorial , because it will show you several different solutions that other developers implemented, what tools they used, and how they did it. If you’re more interested in mobile apps, you can see the tutorial on how to build a temperature converter there instead. It really drives home the point that there’s not one correct way to code,and encourages more lateral, flexible thinking.

Section 3: Angular JavaScript Projects 🔗

Angular is both a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. It’s good for scalability. I’ve added it to the end of this list because it’ll probably be something that only dedicated JavaScript beginners want to look at, but it is really worth getting familiar with. It shores up a lot of JavaScript’s weaknesses for single-page applications, which are only getting more popular.

Because Angular is a more complex concept, I’ve kept most of these tutorials on the simpler side of things.

14. Build an audio player 🔗

This is the kind of project that would be very difficult with vanilla JavaScript. However, Angular and Angular Materials make it a little easier to tackle these challenges.

This tutorial would probably be beyond the reach of most JavaScript beginners, except that it’s so well-written and detailed that anybody can pick this up.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have developed an audio player app. You will have handled audio operations and application state. You also have even secured your application using Auth0. The writer of the tutorial also included all his code on his GitHub repo .

15. Bare Bones 🔗

Remember how I said I don’t like Hello World projects because they’re too basic and don’t teach you JavaScript skills?

This project for JavaScript beginners is the one exception. Especially since Angular can be tricky to get to grips with, this barebones project is kind of like a starter pack for angular. I think of this as the hello world project – with a few more bells and whistles.

It’s a GitHub repo with a very short readme file and has the npm modules, configuration, scripts, folders, and routing in place. It’s a minimal app - perfect for poking around. Get it up, get it running, and see where you go next.

16. Budget calculator 🔗

This JavaScript tutorial is about two hours long and focuses on designing the user interface. It covers topics like Angular forms, displaying dialogues, and component interaction. Like any self-respecting coding tutorial creator, he also linked to his GitHub repo for that project. JavaScript projects with example code are the best to learn from.

javascript assignment project

Screenshot from the video

17. Create a Google map powered by Angular 🔗

Who doesn’t love maps? This tutorial teaches you to create interactive Google Maps powered by Angular. That’s a pretty cool idea!

The tutorial walks you through instantiating the map, geocoding by address and location, working with markers, and programmatically adjusting the radii (plural for radius, of course) of circles for location. There’s also a GitHub repo where you can snag the code.

The written tutorial is pretty comprehensive. It runs at about a 9-minute read, but of course, you’ll spend much longer implementing the code. I love this tutorial because it gave you all the code, but also explained what the code was doing, why it was important, and even how you could tweak it yourself.

18. The front end of a personal blog 🔗

Having a personal blog is something I am very passionate about. I believe anybody can benefit from creating a blog. Most of us use Squarespace or WordPress, but you can also do it with Angular. This is one of the best beginner projects you can do with JavaScript.

This tutorial walks you through creating the front end of a personal blog. It’s a little beyond what I would consider beginner, but it’s still a great passion project. It’s something you can work on more than once, with no real end date,so you can tweak and improve your personal blog as your JavaScript skills improve. You can also use your personal blog as a portfolio of sorts.

The style of this written tutorial assumes that you don’t know anything. That’s why I like it for beginners, even though creating the front end of your blog is pretty advanced.

19. The Google homepage 🔗

Scrimba has a great list of JS projects, my favorite is their suggestion to clone the Google homepage! It’s not too hard and it’s something you can get started on with just a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript . You can check that out here .

FAQs about Beginner JavaScript Projects 🔗

What are some javascript projects for beginners 🔗.

Generally, you want a project that doesn’t assume or require any prior knowledge, but that will still stretch you and challenge you. All the tutorials in this article fit that bill.

How do I start a basic JavaScript project? 🔗

Once you’ve got a project in mind, treat it like baking a new recipe. Start by reading through all the requirements. Get your “ingredients” all set up – any IDE you might use, any frameworks, anything like that. Then take it one step at a time, troubleshooting as you run into issues. By the end, you will have a beautiful finished project you can add to your portfolio with pride.

Can I learn JavaScript by building projects? 🔗

Building projects are one important component of learning JavaScript, but it’s not everything. Learning the fundamentals that underpin computer sicnece are critical if you want to really get JS and understand how it works, how to debug, and how to use JavaScript to get an actual job.

How can a beginner practice JavaScript? 🔗

The best way for beginners to practice JavaScript is by building things. These projects are a good way to start, but as your skills develop, you’ll start to find you want to do other things with JavaScript. Maybe you want to helpyour friend design her storefront. Maybe you want a better clock app. Don’t feel limited by these projects – the best way to practice JavaScript, and any coding language, is to try new things and follow what excites you.

These JavaScript projects are a good place for beginners to start 🔗

There are so many more libraries and frameworks beyond what I’ve provided you in this article, but this is a good starting point for beginners. If you caught any of the other frameworks I referred to, you might be interested in checking out more about them once you’ve worked your way through those tutorials.

As you dive deeper into JavaScript, you’ll be exposed to more and more project ideas. There are practically countless small JavaScript projects for practice you can find, using any of the frameworks that appeal to you.

JavaScript is an amazing language to learn, whether you’re a beginner programmer or a seasoned coding veteran. As the internet plays a bigger role in our lives, the foundations that it is built on are remarkably interesting to learn about. These projects allow you to look a little bit behind the curtain, and learn more about the websites you look at every single day.

These great JavaScript practice projects can all be tricky to do. I’m not going to pretend they’re simple, but that’s what makes them so great. When you complete this project, you’ll have built something you’re proud of. There’s no better feeling in the world.

Other resources 🔗

For beginners : we recommend our Learn Python for all brand-new coders looking to learn computer science. It’s the first course in our curriculum and starts right from the beginning as you interactively code your first basic project – a video game.

For coders with some experience: our more advanced JavaScript courses include our Intro to Functional Programming course , which mixes JS with PureScript. We also recommend our Learn Go courses for anyone looking to learn Golang, as well as our Learn Python course .

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How to Build a Beginner-Friendly JavaScript Application

Tapas Adhikary

JavaScript is a popular programming language for building web, mobile, and desktop applications.

There are many frameworks and libraries that have been built around JavaScript, with more likely being developed even as you are reading this article. If you plan to start learning JavaScript, some of them are worth learning as well.

Like with any programming language, getting a grip on JavaScript has two vital parts: understanding the key concepts and practicing what you've learned. You need to build up familiarity with the main concepts of the language, and at the same time, you need to start hands-on practice coding projects using the concepts you've learned.

I recently published an article on How to Learn JavaScript Effectively with Tips and Learning Strategies . You should check it out if you haven't already.

In this article, we will focus on the hands-on practice part. We will build a beginner-friendly JavaScript application that will teach you the basics of creating HTML structure, working with CSS, and finally adding dynamic behaviour using JavaScript.

All set? Let's get started.

If you like to learn from video content as well, this article is also available as a video tutorial here: 🙂

What Are We Building Today?

We will be building a project called Colorify . It shows a coloured circle on the web page and has some buttons that let you change the colours by clicking on them.

The image below shows a red circle with three buttons labeled Red, Green, and Yellow. When you click on the Red, the circle colour will turn Red – the same for Green and Yello, respectively.


We will use the following concepts of web development while creating this application:

  • Basic DIV styling with border-radius and centering
  • Laying out Buttons
  • Usage of Template Literals
  • Adding Click Handlers
  • DOM manipulation to set values

How to Create a JavaScript Project Structure

First things first, let's create the project structure. Create a folder called colorify and create these empty files inside it.

  • index.html : The HTML file that will contain the skeleton and markup of the application.
  • index.css : All the styles and beautification code of the application goes into this CSS file. We will include the CSS file in the HTML file created above.
  • index.js : The JavaScript code goes into this file. We will create functions to provide dynamic behaviour to the application. Like the CSS file, we will also include this file in the index.html file.


How to Build the HTML Structure

Let's create the HTML page structure. We need a circle and three buttons as part of the project requirements. Copy the following code and paste it inside the index.html file:

The HTML file has two primary sections:

the <head> section

The <head> section includes meta information like the supported character set, what version of Internet Explorer the page should be rendered using the X-UA-Compatible value, and the viewport information. We also provided a title to the web page.

We have included the CSS file using the link tag. We used the href attribute to point to the index.css file. Last, we added the index.js script file using the script tag.

Note that we used the defer attribute to add the script to the HTML. You can tackle the script loading performance with attributes like defer and async.

If you are new to this, you can check out this article: JavaScript Performance – How to Improve Page Speed with async and defer .

The <body> section

The section defines what will be visible to the users through the browser's rendering process. In the code below, we have first created a container div (a simple div tag with a class called container ) that wraps all the HTML elements we plan to show on the web page.

First is a heading that renders our application name. Next, a paragraph shows some text about the application. Then we have a div with an id called circleID . We will use this div to draw a circle. Last, we have three buttons wrapped inside another div.

Also notice that each of the buttons has a click handler associated with it using the onClick .

Let's run the application at this stage and see the output.

Note that there are multiple ways to run the application. The simplest method is to navigate to the project folder and open the index.html file on a web browser. But this approach may only work for some scripts.

The recommended approach is to run the project as part of a web server . You can use the Live Server extension in the Visual Studio Code editor for this.


Hang on! Where is the circle? We do not see the circle because we have just created a container for it but not provided the style elements to make it look like a circle.

Also, we can do a far better job aligning the HTML elements on the web page. Let's fix these issues using CSS.

How to Use CSS to Style the Code

Open the index.css file and add the following content to it:

We have provided a flex layout to the outer container div specifying to centre the elements inside it in a column. We have provided an equal height and width to the circle div to make is appear like a square. Now we curve all side of the border with the the border-radius property to make it look like a circle.


Now the app looks much better!

Let's click on the buttons. Oh! We see that an error gets logged into the console panel. The reason is, we have added the click handlers to the buttons but haven't defined the paint() function to execute when user clicks on these buttons.


It's time to define the paint() function and get things working.

How to Add Dynamic Behaviour using JavaScript

Now open the index.js file and copy paste the following code snippet to it:

We have now defined a paint() function that we have passed to the onClick handlers of the buttons. You may have noticed (in the index.html file), we have passed the respective colours to the paint() function when user clicks on a button.

Let's dive into the paint() method and understand things.

  • First we access the div element that represents the circle. We can identify the element using the id attribute value provided to it, that is circleID . We use the DOM method called document.getElementById to get it.
  • Once we have the element, we can add a style to it. We are adding a background colour style based on the colour name passed to the function. Note that we are using the template literal expressions here over a regular string concatenation. This article will help you to get a grip on template literals if you are new to them.

That's it. Now every time a user clicks on a button, the respective colour gets added as a background colour to the circle. It works like the following example:

Task for You: Complete the QUIZ

Alright, so you have learned how to create a color changer project using HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript. Let's take it to one level further. Here is a task for you to complete.

  • Add another button called Random beside the existing buttons.
  • When user click on the Random button, you must add a random background colour to the circle.
  • You should reuse the existing random() function we have seen in the index.js file.

If you complete this task and want me to review your code, feel free to create a Tweet/LinkedIn post using the link to your code by tagging me. I'll make sure to review and comment.

Before We End...

That's all for now. I hope you found this article informative and insightful. All the source code used in this article can be found on this GitHub repository .

Let's connect.

  • SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel if you want to learn JavaScript, ReactJS, Node.js, Git, and all about Web Development in a practical way.
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  • Check out my Open Source work on GitHub .
  • Follow on Showwcase for community-based learning.

See you soon with my next article. Until then, please take care of yourself, and stay happy.

Demand-Stack Developer. I teach on YouTube how to level up your tech career. An Open Source Enthusiast, Writer.

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10 Best JavaScript Project Ideas For Beginners in 2024

In a world where everyone wants to become a developer, let’s also talk about the skills required for development. When we talk about development, JavaScript comes on top of the list for programming languages. With so much demand for JavaScript that is used by many developers (65% of the total development community), the number is increasing day by day. JavaScript is one such programming language that is preferred over any other programming language by most developers. Also, major tech companies like Microsoft, Uber, Google, Netflix, and Meta use JavaScript in their projects. 

Since JavaScript is a highly demanded programming language , every newbie who’s trying to get into the development field must try his/her hands on JavaScript. And to understand anything better, it is a must to have a practical idea of its functioning. Hence, this can be achieved by building projects. Worried about which kind of JavaScript project ideas can be implemented as a beginner? This article is purely meant for beginners who’re entering the development field and want to know about Best JavaScript Project Ideas For Beginners . 

Table of Content

What is JavaScript?

Best javascript project ideas for beginners, 1. single page app, 3. gaming app, 4. calculator, 5. notes/to-do list app, 6. budget application, 7. resume generator, 8. e-commerce, 9. a form page, 10. quiz app.

JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web development . It is a versatile language that allows developers to create interactive and dynamic websites. JavaScript is essential for front-end web development as it enables the creation of interactive elements like forms, buttons, animations, and more. It is also used in back-end development with Node.js , allowing developers to build server-side applications.

Looking to master JavaScript from beginner to advanced level? Check out the “ Master JavaScript – Complete Beginner to Advanced ” course. This comprehensive course is designed to take you from the basics of JavaScript programming to advanced concepts, helping you become a proficient JavaScript developer. Start your journey to mastering JavaScript today!

Here are some JavaScript project ideas for beginners that you can try out to improve your coding skills and build your portfolio. These projects range from simple to intermediate and cover a variety of applications, including web development , game development , and utility apps . Working on these projects will not only help you gain a better understanding of JavaScript but also showcase your skills to potential employers.

Top 10 JavaScript Projects Ideas For Beginners 2023

When you’re new to JavaScript, it’s obvious to start your journey by implementing something small. Because when you implement something and it works well, it gives you self-confidence and motivation to learn more and work on some of the best JavaScript projects. A Single Page App is a web app that contains a single webpage having limited features, with no refresh option. All the functionality of the elements of the website can be loaded in only one click. 

The best example of a single-page app is Netflix which most of us use today. You have to open the application and you get options to explore there. In just a single refresh, the entire page gets loaded. 

“Time is precious”, as said time should be valued, and keeping this thing in mind, implementing a clock would be the best JavaScript project idea for beginners. A clock is something that every one of us uses in our daily routine. The most important thing on which every one of us relies is an alarm clock, we also schedule our time based on our routine using an alarm clock. A clock has several features such as setting an alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, and second and minute hands. 

Beginning your JavaScript learning by working on a clock project will help you and your mates successfully achieve certain goals. 

Building a game app is fun and is the best JavaScript project idea every beginner can think of. While building a game, you’ll learn concepts of JavaScript more clearly. A Scramble would be the best project idea , it is a fun game in which a single player has to re-arrange jumbled alphabets to form a meaningful word. In this way, you also tend to learn a few words which were unknown to you before. This would be the best game as it is not age-bounded.

This is a single-player game in which the player has to form a word from a given set of characters. If the word found has some meaning, you pass the level, and if not the error message displays, “Sorry, Please try again” . This could be an exciting project idea for JavaScript beginners.

The next JavaScript project idea is a calculator. A calculator is an app that has a display having numbers from 0-9, a plus sign, subtract, multiply, divide, and various other mathematical icons which can be used for arithmetic operations and calculation purposes. It can also be for gaming purposes in which you’ve to manipulate numbers using different operations. This app can be used in several domains, be it school-level, college-level, and also in industries while working on a big project.

Being in a college, you need to have a notes app to keep a record of your daily work. You get so busy with the daily chores that you forget about upcoming tasks, hence, a notes app would be of great help. Therefore, it is considered to be the best JavaScript project idea. It is similar to building a To-Do list app in which you assign yourself daily tasks and as soon as they’re done, you put a checkmark. The concept of eventListener will get clear after implementing such a project.

It also comes with brilliant and easy-to-use features like edit, deletes, cut, copy, and a save option. You can work on adding a login page in which different user will have their personal tasks which no one else can access. After logging in, you just have to go to -> create task -> add task1 -> add task2 -> save. The concept of event listeners will help while working on this project.

While spending money, it’s not easy to check daily on your expenses. And there comes a time when before the month ends, you run short of money. In that case, the budgeting application will help you to plan your monthly budget prior and use them accordingly. Working on implementing a budget application will not only help beginners but people of any age group. 

In this application, you need to work on features such as a login page (for individual users), enter the month and the monthly expense for that particular month, and a plan to use it precisely and wherever needed. 

“A Perfect Resume” is one which everyone desires to get the best job. As a beginner, you should be well-known for the pointers that recruiters check on your resume. Also, you should have an ATS-friendly resume to add all the pointers while working on a project which is “Resume Generator. This can be a very simple JavaScript project idea that every beginner must work on.

You can take help from FREE Online Resume Builder in case you are not aware of which points has to be added to a resume. 

Say it anything, E-commerce will always be on the list of the best JavaScript project ideas. Similar to Amazon, Flipkart, etc, you can work on building a small similar app that allows users to order anything by being at their comfort place and pace. It is okay if you don’t add all the functionalities. Since you’re a beginner, you can just work on a few features which include a list of products, a search button, an order button, ordered items, and a payment gateway to buy the product. This could be the best JavaScript project idea for any beginner.

To get the user’s/employee’s data, a form is created which contains questions to be answered. Some questions are also being mandated using *. Such pages can be implemented to hold records of individuals. For example, a company can send a google form to all employees so as to have their records saved. The form can have a set of questions ( like name, e-mail id, contact no, and address ), which all the employees of the company have to answer. Also, include a SUBMIT button at the end to keep the records saved. This is a very simple and best JavaScript project idea for beginners.

An app that handles quizzes in a time period will be much beneficial to the candidates appearing for online exams. Implementing something similar to that will be fun for JavaScript beginners. They are made for educational and also entertaining purposes. Also, you can make a simple quiz app that contains 5-10 questions based on any domain , and as per users’ entries for the answers, marks will be evaluated. The app should also display the incorrect answers and the correct answers to those after submitting the test. This is the best project idea any beginner can work on. 

Must Read: Top 7 NodeJS Project Ideas For Beginners 7 Best React Project Ideas for Beginners Top 12 Spring Project Ideas For Beginners

So, here we have discussed the top JavaScript project ideas for beginners, and building projects will help you clear your concepts and thus makes you industry-ready . Do give them a try and add them to your resume to make it worth reading. Since the placement season is on and so you should be ready with some good projects in hand so as to increase the chance of getting hired. 

Related Video: 10 Javascript Projects For Beginners

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FREE PDF: 50 JavaScript Coding Challenges for Absolute Beginners

Hi Dev.To Community,

I'm sharing a PDF with 50 JavaScript coding challenges (and their solutions). All solutions are presented in classic JavaScript syntax in order to appeal to beginners.

Advanced users can have fun too!

Download link:

Happy coding!

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10 JavaScript Project Ideas for Beginners


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JavaScript is one of the most important programming languages used in web development today. With the creation of frameworks like Express.js and Vue, it seems the language will continue to revolutionize web programming.

So if you're a beginner, sit tight. These JavaScript project ideas will boost your skills and familiarize you with the basic concepts of the language.

1. A Simple To-Do List App

While building a to-do list using JavaScript , you'll learn the basic logic behind CRUD actions. You'll also explore the event handling functions of JavaScript. In this project, you'll craft a script to create, read, update, and delete tasks.

Using event handlers, you'll handle form submissions to enter each task, then display them after creation. Once the JavaScript code for controlling your app's functionality works, you can use the CSS grid display method to organize each task. Then assign priority to them using the JavaScript conditional statement and date methods.

Although it's not mandatory, you can take this further by saving tasks into a local database. For instance, storing each input in a JSON file on your local machine allows you to practice CRUD operations work on real-life JSON objects.

2. Create a Simple Timer

A timer is one of the easiest projects you can complete using JavaScript. Although it sounds pretty basic, it teaches you how to change the state of an element at timed intervals.

To add a bit of creativity, you can build a countdown timer that stops at a user-specified value. You don't need to store anything in a database or JSON object, as this is an instance that users can tweak as they wish.

While coding the timer, you'll familiarize yourself with JavaScript functions and time-bound events. You'll also learn how to write JavaScript code for basic math conversions to handle different time parameters.

3. Build an Image Carousel From Scratch

A carousel is one of the most visually appealing elements of a website's UI. When coupled with great UX, it can make your website more user-friendly. Plus, it lets you manage space and display images or items in various layouts.

You'll need to get your hands dirty with the JavaScript loop to build a responsive carousel. You can get your images from the DOM and push them into an empty JavaScript array. You'll then add click events to a next and a previous button to display images successively, either to the right or the left.

That's not the only approach, though. You can handle this task using any method that works best for you.

If you're curious and want to go the extra mile, you can even animate your display to make it more compelling and easy to use.

4. Web Calculator

Building a responsive web calculator is another interesting JavaScript beginner project idea.

JavaScript, like other programming languages, supports numerous mathematical operations. So, while coding this project, you'll learn how to use these operators dynamically. You'll also add click events to custom HTML buttons or divs and learn how to organize your UI using CSS. That's all it takes to build a responsive calculator that displays in the browser.

If you're unfamiliar with JavaScript operators, you'll get an opportunity to start playing around with them. You'll then wrap your head around event handlers to better understand how they work.

While it's more verbose, you can start by writing your script procedurally. But consider refactoring it into functions once your calculator starts working.

You can approach the design by creating a CSS flexbox . Then assign values and operators to the calculator buttons using HTML. Ultimately, you can call your event handling function on each element in the flexbox using a JavaScript loop .

5. Resume Generator With JavaScript

Although you might be a bit confused about how to start on this one, there are a couple of resume-building web apps out there to feed your idea.

Ultimately, you'll make a reusable resume builder that can accept new information and drop or update existing ones.

Coming up with more resume templates isn't difficult once you understand the basic logic. So, you can start with a single template and scale up to more catchy designs as time goes on. Of course, you also want to add a download button so users can get their resumes as PDFs.

A resume-building project helps you understand basic JavaScript CRUD operations. You'll also learn how to use loops, event handlers, conditions, and some built-in functions. You can also save users' information in a JSON object, so your program can reference it later.

6. Build a Browser Extension

Building a browser extension for a starter project might look complex. But it's not once you understand the requirements for coding a functional one.

It's a worthwhile task, especially if you already have a basic knowledge of JavaScript and want to try a more challenging project.

There's a lot of effort involved in getting your extension to work across browsers. But you can start with a browser-specific extension and you don't have to build a complex one. Yours can be a simple file downloader, an image resizer, or an extension to prevent certain content on Chrome.

While building your extension, you also need to make it installable. This is where you specify your app's information in a "manifest.json" file so the browser can recognize and accept it. Overall, the project takes you further into solving real-life problems with JavaScript.

7. Build a Budgeting Application

We all want to monitor how we spend our money to avoid overshooting the budget. A budgeting app lets you track your expenses—so you don't spend more than you bargained for.

Whether you build this for yourself or others, it's a treasure worth stashing in your repository. Creating a DIY budget app with JavaScript doesn't just improve your knowledge of DOM rendering. You'll also learn to apply JavaScript operators to solve real-life problems.

While writing your code, you'll collect form inputs and subtract expenses from your budget. You can take this further by writing code to set an auto-alert for the user whenever they're about to overshoot their budget.

8. Unit Converter

Want to play around with basic mathematical operations and conditional statements in JavaScript? Creating a unit converter affords you that flexibility. It can be a length, weight, pressure, or temperature converter.

As well as writing mathematical formulas to convert units, you'll learn how to tweak outputs and render them on the client side. Since your app will likely handle multiple conversions, you can create a dropdown where users can select their choice units.

Logical statements then handle how your script converts the parameters based on the user's choice. Indeed, a unit converter is one of the easiest JavaScript projects you can tackle.

9. Create a Diary

Here's a pretty handy JavaScript project for those who love to keep a tab on their daily routines. A diary app with JavaScript is a versatile but simple project suitable for beginners.

Because it's a note-taking app, you'll want to pin down dates according to activities. You can store these inputs in a file, as JSON objects, and reference them later when you need to track your history and saved inputs.

Although it might prove a little complex, you can save users from having to select activity times with code to store them automatically. Like a to-do app, this also teaches you how to build a CRUD application using JavaScript.

10. Brick Breaker Game

In case you didn't know, you can also build a simple game using vanilla JavaScript. If you're familiar with 2D games, you must have played or seen a breakout game before.

While it may require some foresight and thought, one of the positives of this project is the fun it brings in the end. Although it's not a sure path into game development, you'll learn about much of the functionality of JavaScript while working on this task.

Functionality is the goal. But you might need to combine some CSS with JavaScript here to arrange your bricks evenly. Ultimately, your program will dictate when a player wins or loses and what happens afterward.

JavaScript: Keep Learning by Doing

Taking on JavaScript projects is the best way to learn. These beginner project ideas will boost your skills and prepare you for real-life JavaScript projects.

That said, while styling is essential in most of these projects, be careful not to get distracted by it firsthand. Instead, focus more on the JavaScript functionality, and you'll be building responsive websites before you know it. Happy coding!

  • Programming

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Js versions, js functions, js html dom, js browser bom, js web apis, js vs jquery, js graphics, js examples, js references, javascript assignment, javascript assignment operators.

Assignment operators assign values to JavaScript variables.

Operator Example Same As
= x = y x = y
+= x += y x = x + y
-= x -= y x = x - y
*= x *= y x = x * y
/= x /= y x = x / y
%= x %= y x = x % y
**= x **= y x = x ** y

Shift Assignment Operators

Operator Example Same As
<<= x <<= y x = x << y
>>= x >>= y x = x >> y
>>>= x >>>= y x = x >>> y

Bitwise Assignment Operators

Operator Example Same As
&= x &= y x = x & y
^= x ^= y x = x ^ y
|= x |= y x = x | y

Logical Assignment Operators

Operator Example Same As
&&= x &&= y x = x && (x = y)
||= x ||= y x = x || (x = y)
??= x ??= y x = x ?? (x = y)

The = Operator

The Simple Assignment Operator assigns a value to a variable.

Simple Assignment Examples

The += operator.

The Addition Assignment Operator adds a value to a variable.

Addition Assignment Examples

The -= operator.

The Subtraction Assignment Operator subtracts a value from a variable.

Subtraction Assignment Example

The *= operator.

The Multiplication Assignment Operator multiplies a variable.

Multiplication Assignment Example

The **= operator.

The Exponentiation Assignment Operator raises a variable to the power of the operand.

Exponentiation Assignment Example

The /= operator.

The Division Assignment Operator divides a variable.

Division Assignment Example

The %= operator.

The Remainder Assignment Operator assigns a remainder to a variable.

Remainder Assignment Example


The <<= Operator

The Left Shift Assignment Operator left shifts a variable.

Left Shift Assignment Example

The >>= operator.

The Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (signed).

Right Shift Assignment Example

The >>>= operator.

The Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Operator right shifts a variable (unsigned).

Unsigned Right Shift Assignment Example

The &= operator.

The Bitwise AND Assignment Operator does a bitwise AND operation on two operands and assigns the result to the the variable.

Bitwise AND Assignment Example

The |= operator.

The Bitwise OR Assignment Operator does a bitwise OR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise OR Assignment Example

The ^= operator.

The Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator does a bitwise XOR operation on two operands and assigns the result to the variable.

Bitwise XOR Assignment Example

The &&= operator.

The Logical AND assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is true, the second value is assigned.

Logical AND Assignment Example

The &&= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ||= Operator

The Logical OR assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is false, the second value is assigned.

Logical OR Assignment Example

The ||= operator is an ES2020 feature .

The ??= Operator

The Nullish coalescing assignment operator is used between two values.

If the first value is undefined or null, the second value is assigned.

Nullish Coalescing Assignment Example

The ??= operator is an ES2020 feature .

Test Yourself With Exercises

Use the correct assignment operator that will result in x being 15 (same as x = x + y ).

Start the Exercise

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