• Analytical Chemistry

Paper Chromatography

What is paper chromatography.

Chromatography technique that uses paper sheets or strips as the adsorbent being the stationary phase through which a solution is made to pass is called paper chromatography. It is an inexpensive method of separating dissolved chemical substances by their different migration rates across the sheets of paper. It is a powerful analytical tool that uses very small quantities of material. Paper chromatography was discovered by Synge and Martin in the year 1943.

Table of Contents

Paper chromatography principle, paper chromatography diagram, paper chromatography procedure, paper chromatography applications.

  • Types of Paper Chromatography
  • Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

The principle involved can be partition chromatography or adsorption chromatography. Partition chromatography because the substances are partitioned or distributed between liquid phases. The two phases are water held in pores of the filter paper and the other phase is a mobile phase which passes through the paper. When the mobile phase moves, the separation of the mixture takes place. The compounds in the mixture separate themselves based on the differences in their affinity towards stationary and mobile phase solvents under the capillary action of pores in the paper. Adsorption chromatography between solid and liquid phases, wherein the solid surface of the paper is the stationary phase and the liquid phase is the mobile phase.

Diagram of Paper Chromatography

Below we have explained the procedure to conduct Paper Chromatography Experiment for easy understanding of students.

  • Selecting a suitable type of development: It is decided based on the complexity of the solvent, paper, mixture, etc. Usually ascending type or radial paper chromatography is used as they are easy to perform. Also, it is easy to handle, the chromatogram obtained is faster and the process is less time-consuming.
  • Selecting a suitable filter paper : Selection of filter paper is done based on the size of the pores and the sample quality.
  • Prepare the sample: Sample preparation includes the dissolution of the sample in a suitable solvent (inert with the sample under analysis) used in making the mobile phase.
  • Spot the sample on the paper: Samples should be spotted at a proper position on the paper by using a capillary tube.
  • Chromatogram development: Chromatogram development is spotted by immersing the paper in the mobile phase. Due to the capillary action of paper, the mobile phase moves over the sample on the paper.
  • Paper drying and compound detection : Once the chromatogram is developed, the paper is dried using an air drier. Also, detecting solution can be sprayed on the chromatogram developed paper and dried to identify the sample chromatogram spots.

There are various applications of paper chromatography . Some of the uses of Paper Chromatography in different fields are discussed below:

  • To study the process of fermentation and ripening.
  • To check the purity of pharmaceuticals.
  • To inspect cosmetics.
  • To detect the adulterants.
  • To detect the contaminants in drinks and foods.
  • To examine the reaction mixtures in biochemical laboratories.
  • To determine dopes and drugs in humans and animals.

Types of paper chromatography:

  • Ascending Paper Chromatography – The techniques goes with its name as the solvent moves in an upward direction.
  • Descending Paper Chromatography – The movement of the flow of solvent due to gravitational pull and capillary action is downwards, hence the name descending paper chromatography.
  • Ascending – Descending Paper Chromatography – In this version of paper chromatography, movement of solvent occurs in two directions after a particular point. Initially, the solvent travels upwards on the paper which is folded over a rod and after crossing the rod it continues with its travel in the downward direction.
  • Radial or Circular Paper Chromatography – The sample is deposited at the centre of the circular filter paper. Once the spot is dried, the filter paper is tied horizontally on a Petri dish which contains the solvent.
  • Two Dimensional Paper Chromatography – Substances which have the same r f values can be resolved with the help of two-dimensional paper chromatography.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

What are the advantages of paper chromatography.

Paper Chromatography Has Many Benefits Simple and rapid Paper chromatography necessitates a minimal amount of quantitative material. Paper chromatography is less expensive than other chromatography methods. The paper chromatography method can identify both unknown inorganic and organic compounds. Paper chromatography takes up little space when compared to other analytical methods or equipment. Outstanding resolving power

Why water is not used in paper chromatography?

It is preferable to use a less polar solvent, such as ethanol, so that the non-polar compounds will travel up the paper while the polar compounds will stick to the paper, separating them.

What are the limitations of Paper Chromatography?

Limitations of Paper Chromatography are as follows- Paper chromatography cannot handle large amounts of sample. Paper chromatography is ineffective in quantitative analysis. Paper chromatography cannot separate complex mixtures. Less Accurate than HPLC or HPTLC

What is the importance of paper chromatography?

Paper chromatography has traditionally been used to analyse food colours in ice creams, sweets, drinks and beverages, jams and jellies. Only edible colours are permitted for use to ensure that no non-permitted colouring agents are added to the foods. This is where quantification and identification come into play.

Is paper chromatography partition or adsorption?

A type of partition chromatography is paper chromatography.

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paper chromatography experiment procedure

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paper chromatography experiment procedure

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Paper Chromatography

How does paper chromatography work, stationary and mobile phases, paper chromatography experiment, applications.

Paper chromatography is a simple and cost-effective separation technique that separates and identifies different components in a mixture. [1-4]

In paper chromatography, a specialized paper acts as the stationary phase, while a liquid solvent is the mobile phase. The mixture to be analyzed is applied to the paper. As the solvent moves up through capillary action, it carries along the individual components of the mixture at different rates based on their solubility and affinity for the stationary phase.

The principle behind paper chromatography lies in the differential partitioning of compounds between the stationary and mobile phases. The stationary phase typically consists of cellulose fibers embedded in filter paper or thin-layer chromatography plates. These fibers provide an adsorbent surface for compounds to interact with.

Understanding the mechanism behind paper chromatography requires knowledge of several key processes. [1-4]

The first process is capillary action, which refers to the ability of liquids to flow through narrow spaces against gravity. In paper chromatography, capillary action allows the solvent to move up the paper strip due to its attraction to the fibers in the paper. As the solvent moves up, it carries the solutes in the analyzed mixture. This migration of solutes is driven by two main mechanisms: adsorption and partitioning.

Adsorption occurs when solute molecules adhere to the fibers or other surfaces within the paper. It can be influenced by polarity and molecular size, with more polar or larger molecules having stronger interactions with the stationary phase.

Conversely, partitioning involves solute molecules distributing themselves between two immiscible phases – in this case, between the stationary phase (paper) and mobile phase (solvent). The extent of partitioning depends on factors such as solute polarity and affinity for either phase.

As solutes migrate up through capillary action, they may experience different degrees of adsorption and partitioning along their journey. This results in their separation based on their characteristics. By analyzing how far each component migrates on a chromatogram – a visual representation of separated components – scientists can determine properties such as retention factor (R f ) values and identify unknown substances based on known reference compounds.

Paper Chromatography

Stationary and mobile phases play crucial roles in separating components of a mixture. [1-4]

The stationary phase refers to the absorbent material fixed on the chromatography paper. It can be made of cellulose or other materials with high absorbency. The stationary phase acts as a substrate for the sample mixture to interact with during separation.

On the other hand, the mobile phase is the solvent or liquid that moves through the stationary phase, carrying the sample components. The mobile phase must have good solubility with the components of interest. It should be able to flow easily through the paper.

As the mobile phase moves through the stationary phase, it interacts differently with each mixture component based on their solubility and affinity for both phases. This differential interaction leads to separation as different components travel at different rates along the paper.

Choosing an appropriate combination of stationary and mobile phases is important for effective separation in paper chromatography. Factors such as polarity, viscosity, and compatibility between phases must be considered to achieve optimal results.

Performing a paper chromatography experiment involves several essential steps to ensure accurate results. The process begins with preparing samples for paper chromatography, then spotting the sample on the paper strip, and finally, developing the chromatogram. [1-4]

Preparing the samples is crucial in obtaining reliable data. It involves selecting appropriate substances to analyze and ensuring they are suitable for chromatography. Samples can be liquid or solid and must be dissolved or crushed into a solution before application.

Next, spotting the sample on the paper strip is done carefully to ensure accurate separation. A small spot of the prepared sample is placed near one end of a designated area on the filter paper strip. It is essential to use a capillary tube or micropipette for precise and consistent application.

Once all samples are spotted on the filter paper strip, it is time for the development of the chromatogram. This step involves placing one end of the strip into a solvent traveling up through capillary action. The choice of solvent depends on factors such as solubility and desired separation distance.

As the solvent moves up through the filter paper strip, it carries different components in each sample. These components separate based on their affinity for stationary (filter paper) and mobile (solvent) phases. The separation occurs due to differences in molecular size, polarity, or other physical properties.

Throughout this process, it is important to maintain controlled conditions such as temperature and humidity to ensure reproducibility. Further analysis can be conducted once an optimal separation has been achieved, which can take several minutes or hours depending on various factors, including solvent choice and sample composition.

The diverse applications of paper chromatography across various fields are listed below. [1-4]

  • It plays a crucial role in forensic analysis by separating and identifying different components in complex mixtures, such as blood or ink samples.
  • Aids in the analysis of crime scene evidence, allowing forensic scientists to determine the presence of specific substances and identify potential suspects based on chromatographic patterns
  • Enables the separation of different dyes used in food coloring, helping to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and quality control measures
  • Determines the authenticity and safety of food products by identifying and quantifying specific components present in complex food matrices
  • Separate and identify active ingredients, impurities, and by-products in pharmaceutical formulations.
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Paper Chromatography - Principle, Procedure, and Applications


Paper chromatography is a powerful and simple separation technique that has been used for many years in the scientific community. This technique involves separating a mixture of different substances by their movement along a paper strip.

The movement of the substances is due to the differences in their solubility in a given solvent.

In this article, we will explore the principle, procedure, and applications of paper chromatography in detail.

Principle of Paper Chromatography

Paper chromatography is based on the principle of differential solubility. The stationary phase in this technique is a piece of filter paper, and the mobile phase is a liquid solvent. A small spot of the mixture to be separated is placed on the filter paper, and the paper is then placed in a solvent.

The solvent moves up the paper by capillary action, and as it moves, it carries the different components of the mixture along with it.

The movement of the different components is based on their solubility in the solvent. The more soluble a component is, the further it will move up the paper. The less soluble a component is, the less it will move up the paper.

paper chromatography experiment procedure

Procedure of Paper Chromatography

The procedure for paper chromatography is simple and straightforward. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to perform paper chromatography.

Step 1 : Prepare the Stationary Phase

Cut a piece of filter paper to the desired size. The size of the paper depends on the amount of the mixture to be separated. The paper should be long enough to hang over the edge of the container holding the solvent.

Step 2 : Spotting the Sample

Using a capillary tube or micropipette, spot the mixture onto the filter paper. The spot should be small and concentrated. The spot should be allowed to dry completely before proceeding.

Step 3 : Preparing the Mobile Phase

Prepare the mobile phase by pouring a small amount of the solvent into a container. The level of the solvent should be below the spot on the filter paper.

Step 4 : Placing the Paper in the Container

Place the filter paper in the container with the solvent. The paper should be held in place so that it does not move.

Step 5 : Developing the Chromatogram

Allow the solvent to move up the paper by capillary action. The solvent will carry the different components of the mixture along with it. Once the solvent has reached the top of the paper, remove the paper from the container and allow it to dry completely.

Step 6 : Analysing the Chromatogram

The chromatogram can be analysed visually or using other methods such as UV or fluorescence spectroscopy. The different components of the mixture will appear as spots on the paper. The distance travelled by each component can be measured and used to identify the component.

paper chromatography experiment procedure

Applications of Paper Chromatography

Paper chromatography has many applications in various fields, some of which are discussed below.

Separation of Amino Acids

Paper chromatography is commonly used to separate amino acids. Amino acids can be identified by their characteristic Rf values, which are the distances travelled by the amino acid divided by the distance travelled by the solvent.

Forensic Analysis

Paper chromatography is used in forensic analysis to identify drugs, poisons, and other substances. The characteristic spots on the chromatogram can be used to identify the substance in question.

Food Analysis

Paper chromatography is used in the food industry to analyze food additives and identify any contaminants present in food. This technique is also used to identify the different pigments present in foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Environmental Analysis

Paper chromatography is used to analyze environmental samples such as soil and water to identify pollutants and other contaminants.

Pharmaceutical Analysis

Paper chromatography is used in the pharmaceutical industry to analyze and identify different compounds and their impurities. This is particularly useful in drug development and quality control.

Chemical Education

Paper chromatography is a common experiment in high school and college chemistry courses. It provides students with hands-on experience in separation techniques and can help them better understand the principles of chromatography.

Advantages of Paper Chromatography

There are several advantages of using paper chromatography, which include:

Simple and Inexpensive

Paper chromatography is a simple and inexpensive technique that can be performed with basic laboratory equipment. This makes it accessible to a wide range of users, including students and researchers with limited resources.

High Separation Efficiency

Paper chromatography can separate a wide range of compounds with high efficiency. This is due to the high surface area of the filter paper and the ability of the solvent to penetrate the paper and interact with the compounds.

Rapid Analysis

Paper chromatography can provide rapid analysis of a mixture, with results obtained within a few minutes. This makes it useful in time-sensitive applications, such as in clinical or forensic analysis.

Non-Destructive Analysis

Paper chromatography is a non-destructive technique, which means that the sample can be recovered after the analysis. This is particularly useful in cases where the sample is rare or expensive.

Disadvantages of Paper Chromatography

There are also some disadvantages to using paper chromatography, including:

Limited Separation Power

Paper chromatography has a limited separation power compared to other chromatographic techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC). This means that it may not be suitable for complex mixtures.

Limited Quantitative Analysis

Paper chromatography is not a quantitative technique, meaning that it cannot be used to determine the exact amount of a compound in a mixture.

Sensitivity Issues

Paper chromatography may not be as sensitive as other chromatographic techniques, meaning that it may not be able to detect low levels of a compound in a mixture.

Paper chromatography is a powerful and simple separation technique that has many applications in various fields, including forensic analysis, food analysis, and pharmaceutical analysis. It is a versatile technique that can be performed with basic laboratory equipment and provides rapid analysis of a mixture.

However, it also has its limitations, including its limited separation power and quantitative analysis capabilities. Overall, paper chromatography is an important tool in the analytical chemist's toolkit and is likely to continue to be used for many years to come.

Anusha Karthik

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Paper chromatography

Introduction to paper chromatography.

Paper chromatography is a chromatography technique used to separate mixture of chemical substances into its individual compounds. Paper chromatography is used to teach TLC or other chromatography as it is very similar to TLC.

Principles of paper chromatography

All chromatography follow the same principle. Paper Chromatography consists of two phases: one mobile phase and one contiguous stationery phase. The stationery phase a paper and the mobile gas is solvent. The compound mixture moves along with the mobile phase through stationery phase and separates depending on the different degree of adhesion (on the paper) of each component in the sample or the compound mixture.


The stationery phase.

The paper chromatography is very similar to Thin layer chromatography. Difference is, instead of using a thin layer of silica on metal, it uses a special type of chromatography paper as stationery phase. This paper is made of cellulose. Cellulose is a polymer of simple sugar, glucose.

Cellulose contains -OH group similar to the silica or alumina on the TLC plate. The surface of cellulose is thus very polar. So the compounds can form hydrogen bond or can interact by van der waals dispersion forces and dipole dipole forces.

Paper chromatography works in few steps:

Step 1:  A horizontal line is drawn near one end (about 1.5 cm from the bottom edge) of the paper. In figure below 6 is the horizontal line.

By No machine-readable author provided. Dubaj~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims). [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Step 2:  The sample needs to be separated is placed as a small drop or line on to the paper using capillary tube. Labelling the drop by a pencil with an alphabet or number help to identify the compound later. In figure above 3 and 4 are the drops labelled. The drops are then soaked on the paper and dried.

Step 3:  The paper is then placed into a sealed container with a swallow layer of  suitable solvent. The solvent level must be lower than the pencil line or drop on it. The container need to be covered to stop the solvent to evaporate.

Paper chromatography 6

Step 4:  The solvent rises up the paper chromatography taking each component of the sample with it. The components travel with the solvent depends on three things:

  • The polarity of the sample molecule. The non polar components travel faster than the polar component.
  • The attraction between the sample molecule and the solvent or solvent mixture.
  • The attraction between the sample and the silica.

Suppose any sample compound mixture contains three colored molecules  green, blue and red. According to their polarity, the order of these compounds is green<blue<red. Thus the most non polar green will travel first along with the mobile phase. Then blue and at last most polar compound the red one.

Step 5: When the solvent rises near the end of the paper then the paper should be taken out from sealed container and air dried. The paper with separated bands of components are then observed under UV-light.

By L26 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

The compounds in the sample travels along with solvent to give separate bands on the paper. The distance travelled by same compound with respect to the solvent is always constant. Thus the ratio of the distance that the compound travelled and the distance that the solvent travelled is denoted as R f . And mathematically expressed as:

  • Paper chromatography is an chromatography technique used to separate mixture of chemical substances into its individual compounds.
  • Paper chromatography consists of two phases: one mobile phase and one contiguous stationery phase.
  • Paper used in paper chromatography is made of cellulose.
  • A suitable solvent (mobile phase) is moved along with a compound mixture through the paper according to the polarity and the degree of adhesion of each component on the stationery phase.
  • The ratio of the distance that the compound travelled and the distance that the solvent travelled is denoted as R f .

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Paper Chromatography- Definition, Types, Principle, Steps, Uses

Table of Contents

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What is Paper Chromatography?

Paper chromatography (PC) is a type of planar chromatography whereby chromatography procedures are run on a specialized paper.

PC is considered to be the simplest and most widely used of the chromatographic techniques because of its applicability to isolation, identification, and quantitative determination of organic and inorganic compounds.

It was first introduced by German scientist Christian Friedrich Schonbein (1865).

Paper Chromatography

Types of Paper chromatography

Paper adsorption chromatography.

Paper impregnated with silica or alumina acts as adsorbent (stationary phase) and solvent as mobile phase.

Paper Partition Chromatography

Moisture / Water present in the pores of cellulose fibers present in filter paper acts as stationary phase & another mobile phase is used as solvent In general paper chromatography mostly refers to paper partition chromatography. 

Principle of Paper chromatography

Principle of Paper chromatography

The principle of separation is mainly partition rather than adsorption. Substances are distributed between a stationary phase and a mobile phase. Cellulose layers in filter paper contain moisture which acts as a stationary phase. Organic solvents/buffers are used as mobile phase. The developing solution travels up the stationary phase carrying the sample with it. Components of the sample will separate readily according to how strongly they adsorb onto the stationary phase versus how readily they dissolve in the mobile phase.

Instrumentation of Paper chromatography

  • Stationary phase & papers used
  • Mobile phase
  • Developing Chamber
  • Detecting or Visualizing agents


  • Whatman filter papers of different grades like No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.20, No.40, No.42 etc
  • In general the paper contains 98-99% of α-cellulose, 0.3 – 1% β -cellulose.

Other modified papers

  • Acid or base washed filter paper
  • Glass fiber type paper.
  • Hydrophilic Papers – Papers modified with methanol, formamide, glycol, glycerol etc.
  • Hydrophobic papers – acetylation of OH groups leads to hydrophobic nature, hence can be used for reverse phase chromatography.
  • Impregnation of silica, alumna, or ion exchange resins can also be made.


  • Pure solvents, buffer solutions or mixture of solvents can be used.

Hydrophilic mobile phase

  • Isopropanol: ammonia:water 9:1:2
  • Methanol : water 4:1
  • N-butanol : glacial acetic acid : water 4:1:5

Hydrophobic mobile phases

  • dimethyl ether: cyclohexane kerosene : 70% isopropanol
  • The commonly employed solvents are the polar solvents, but the choice depends on the nature of the substance to be separated.
  • If pure solvents do not give satisfactory separation, a mixture of solvents of suitable polarity may be applied.


  • The chromatographic chambers are made up of many materials like glass, plastic or stainless steel . Glass tanks are preferred most.
  • They are available invarious dimensional size depending upon paper length and development type.
  • The chamber atmosphere should be saturated with solvent vapor.

Steps in Paper Chromatography

In paper chromatography, the sample mixture is applied to a piece of filter paper, the edge of the paper is immersed in a solvent, and the solvent moves up the paper by capillary action. The basic steps include:

Selection of Solid Support

Fine quality cellulose paper with defined porosity, high resolution, negligible diffusion of the sample, and favoring good rate of movement of solvent.

Selection of Mobile Phase

Different combinations of organic and inorganic solvents may be used depending on the analyte.

Example. Butanol: Acetic acid: Water (12:3:5) is a suitable solvent for separating amino acids.

Saturation of Tank

The inner wall of the tank is wrapped with filter paper before the solvent is placed in the tank to achieve better resolution.

Sample Preparation and Loading

If the solid sample is used, it is dissolved in a suitable solvent. Sample (2-20ul) is added on the baseline as a spot using a micropipette and air dried to prevent the diffusion.

Development of the Chromatogram

Different types of development techniques can be used:


  • Like conventional type, the solvent flows against gravity.
  • The spots are kept at the bottom portion of paper and kept in a chamber with mobile phase solvent at the bottom.


  • This is carried out in a special chamber where the solvent holder is at the top.
  • The spot is kept at the top and the solvent flows down the paper.
  • In this method solvent moves from top to bottom so it is called descending chromatography.


  • A hybrid of above two techniques is called ascending-descending chromatography.
  • Only length of separation increased, first ascending takes place followed by descending.


  • Spot is kept at the centre of a circular paper.
  • The solvent flows through a wick at the centre & spreads in all directions uniformly.

Drying of Chromatogram

After the development, the solvent front is marked and left to dry in a dry cabinet or oven.

Colorless analytes were detected by staining with reagents such as iodine vapor, ninhydrin, etc.

Radiolabeled and fluorescently labeled analytes were detected by measuring radioactivity and fluorescence respectively.

Some compounds in a mixture travel almost as far as the solvent does; some stay much closer to the baseline . The distance traveled relative to the solvent is a constant for a particular compound as long as other parameters such as the type of paper and the exact composition of the solvent are constant. The distance traveled relative to the solvent is called the Rf value.

Rf values

Thus, in order to obtain a measure of the extent of movement of a component in a paper chromatography experiment, “Rf value” is calculated for each separated component in the developed chromatogram. An Rf value is a number that is defined as the distance traveled by the component from the application point.

Applications of Paper Chromatography

  • To check the control of purity of pharmaceuticals,
  • For detection of adulterants,
  • Detect the contaminants in foods and drinks,
  • In the study of ripening and fermentation,
  • For the detection of drugs and dopes in animals & humans
  • In analysis of cosmetics
  • Analysis of the reaction mixtures in biochemical labs.

Advantages of Paper Chromatography

  • Paper Chromatography requires very less quantitative material.
  • Paper Chromatography is cheaper compared to other chromatography methods.
  • Both unknown inorganic as well as organic compounds can be identified by paper chromatography method.
  • Paper chromatography does not occupy much space compared to other analytical methods or equipments.
  • Excellent resolving power

Limitations of Paper Chromatography

  • Large quantity of sample cannot be applied on paper chromatography.
  • In quantitative analysis paper chromatography is not effective.
  • Complex mixture cannot be separated by paper chromatography.
  • Less Accurate compared to HPLC or HPTLC
  • http://frndzzz.com/Advantages-and-Disadvantages-of-Paper-Chromatography
  • https://www.slideshare.net/shaisejacob/paper-chromatography-pptnew?next_slideshow=1
  • https://www.slideshare.net/shaisejacob/paper-chromatography-ppt-new
  • https://www.biochemden.com/paper-chromatography/
  • http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~rochefow/K-12%20Outreach%20Activities/Microfluidics%20&%20Pregnancy%20Test%20Kit%20Lab/paper%20chromatography_Chemguide.pdf
  • https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ac60051a002

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Sagar Aryal

6 thoughts on “Paper Chromatography- Definition, Types, Principle, Steps, Uses”

Examples of substances that can be effectively separated by paper chromatography is necessary.

I enjoy this write up, but the definition of Rf Values just mention distance traveled by the solute from the point from the point of application of the sample, how about the total distance traveled by the solvent? Some examples of how Rf value can be calculated is necessary.

Pls how is charging a disadvantage of filter paper in chromatography

Hi! I enjoyed reading it. Hmm just wanna know somepoints.

Why it is best to use the farthest distance traveled by a sugar if and when the solvent went over the paper and what is the purpose of heating the chromatographic paper after running the procedure?

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Chromatography is used to separate mixtures of substances into their components. All forms of chromatography work on the same principle.

They all have a (a solid, or a liquid supported on a solid) and a (a liquid or a gas). The mobile phase flows through the stationary phase and carries the components of the mixture with it. Different components travel at different rates. We'll look at the reasons for this further down the page.

In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is a very uniform absorbent paper. The mobile phase is a suitable liquid solvent or mixture of solvents.

You probably used paper chromatography as one of the first things you ever did in chemistry to separate out mixtures of coloured dyes - for example, the dyes which make up a particular ink. That's an easy example to take, so let's start from there.

Suppose you have three blue pens and you want to find out which one was used to write a message. Samples of each ink are spotted on to a pencil line drawn on a sheet of chromatography paper. Some of the ink from the message is dissolved in the minimum possible amount of a suitable solvent, and that is also spotted onto the same line. In the diagram, the pens are labelled 1, 2 and 3, and the message ink as M.

The chromatography paper will in fact be pure white - not pale grey. I'm forced to show it as off-white because of the way I construct the diagrams. Anything I draw as pure white allows the background colour of the page to show through.

The reason for covering the container is to make sure that the atmosphere in the beaker is saturated with solvent vapour. Saturating the atmosphere in the beaker with vapour stops the solvent from evaporating as it rises up the paper.

As the solvent slowly travels up the paper, the different components of the ink mixtures travel at different rates and the mixtures are separated into different coloured spots.

The diagram shows what the plate might look like after the solvent has moved almost to the top.

It is fairly easy to see from the final chromatogram that the pen that wrote the message contained the same dyes as pen 2. You can also see that pen 1 contains a mixture of two different blue dyes - one of which be the same as the single dye in pen 3.


Some compounds in a mixture travel almost as far as the solvent does; some stay much closer to the base line. The distance travelled relative to the solvent is a constant for a particular compound as long as you keep everything else constant - the type of paper and the exact composition of the solvent, for example.

The distance travelled relative to the solvent is called the R value. For each compound it can be worked out using the formula:

For example, if one component of a mixture travelled 9.6 cm from the base line while the solvent had travelled 12.0 cm, then the R value for that component is:

In the example we looked at with the various pens, it wasn't necessary to measure R values because you are making a direct comparison just by looking at the chromatogram.

You are making the assumption that if you have two spots in the final chromatogram which are the same colour and have travelled the same distance up the paper, they are most likely the same compound. It isn't necessarily true of course - you could have two similarly coloured compounds with very similar R values. We'll look at how you can get around that problem further down the page.

In some cases, it may be possible to make the spots visible by reacting them with something which produces a coloured product. A good example of this is in chromatograms produced from amino acid mixtures.

Suppose you had a mixture of amino acids and wanted to find out which particular amino acids the mixture contained. For simplicity we'll assume that you know the mixture can only possibly contain five of the common amino acids.

A small drop of a solution of the mixture is placed on the base line of the paper, and similar small spots of the known amino acids are placed alongside it. The paper is then stood in a suitable solvent and left to develop as before. In the diagram, the mixture is M, and the known amino acids are labelled 1 to 5.

The position of the solvent front is marked in pencil and the chromatogram is allowed to dry and is then sprayed with a solution of . Ninhydrin reacts with amino acids to give coloured compounds, mainly brown or purple.

The left-hand diagram shows the paper after the solvent front has almost reached the top. The spots are still invisible. The second diagram shows what it might look like after spraying with ninhydrin.

There is no need to measure the R values because you can easily compare the spots in the mixture with those of the known amino acids - both from their positions and their colours.

In this example, the mixture contains the amino acids labelled as 1, 4 and 5.

And what if the mixture contained amino acids other than the ones we have used for comparison? There would be spots in the mixture which didn't match those from the known amino acids. You would have to re-run the experiment using other amino acids for comparison.

Two way paper chromatography gets around the problem of separating out substances which have very similar R values.

I'm going to go back to talking about coloured compounds because it is much easier to see what is happening. You can perfectly well do this with colourless compounds - but you have to use quite a lot of imagination in the explanation of what is going on!

This time a chromatogram is made starting from a single spot of mixture placed towards one end of the base line. It is stood in a solvent as before and left until the solvent front gets close to the top of the paper.

In the diagram, the position of the solvent front is marked in pencil before the paper dries out. This is labelled as SF1 - the solvent front for the first solvent. We shall be using two different solvents.

If you look closely, you may be able to see that the large central spot in the chromatogram is partly blue and partly green. Two dyes in the mixture have almost the same R values. They could equally well, of course, both have been the same colour - in which case you couldn't tell whether there was one or more dye present in that spot.

What you do now is to wait for the paper to dry out completely, and then rotate it through 90°, and develop the chromatogram again in a different solvent.

It is very unlikely that the two confusing spots will have the same R values in the second solvent as well as the first, and so the spots will move by a different amount.

The next diagram shows what might happen to the various spots on the original chromatogram. The position of the second solvent front is also marked.

You wouldn't, of course, see these spots in both their original and final positions - they have moved! The final chromatogram would look like this:

Two way chromatography has completely separated out the mixture into four distinct spots.

If you want to identify the spots in the mixture, you obviously can't do it with comparison substances on the same chromatogram as we looked at earlier with the pens or amino acids examples. You would end up with a meaningless mess of spots.

You can, though, work out the R values for each of the spots in both solvents, and then compare these with values that you have measured for known compounds under exactly the same conditions.

You will find the explanation for by following this link.

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Paper is made of cellulose fibres, and cellulose is a polymer of the simple sugar, glucose.

The key point about cellulose is that the polymer chains have -OH groups sticking out all around them. To that extent, it presents the same sort of surface as silica gel or alumina in thin layer chromatography.

It would be tempting to try to explain paper chromatography in terms of the way that different compounds are adsorbed to different extents on to the paper surface. In other words, it would be nice to be able to use the same explanation for both thin layer and paper chromatography. Unfortunately, it is more complicated than that!

The complication arises because the cellulose fibres attract water vapour from the atmosphere as well as any water that was present when the paper was made. You can therefore think of paper as being cellulose fibres with a very thin layer of water molecules bound to the surface.

It is the interaction with this water which is the most important effect during paper chromatography.

Suppose you use a non-polar solvent such as hexane to develop your chromatogram.

Non-polar molecules in the mixture that you are trying to separate will have little attraction for the water molecules attached to the cellulose, and so will spend most of their time dissolved in the moving solvent. Molecules like this will therefore travel a long way up the paper carried by the solvent. They will have relatively high R values.

On the other hand, polar molecules have a high attraction for the water molecules and much less for the non-polar solvent. They will therefore tend to dissolve in the thin layer of water around the cellulose fibres much more than in the moving solvent.

Because they spend more time dissolved in the stationary phase and less time in the mobile phase, they aren't going to travel very fast up the paper.

The tendency for a compound to divide its time between two immiscible solvents (solvents such as hexane and water which won't mix) is known as . Paper chromatography using a non-polar solvent is therefore a type of .

A moment's thought will tell you that partition can't be the explanation if you are using water as the solvent for your mixture. If you have water as the mobile phase and the water bound on to the cellulose as the stationary phase, there can't be any meaningful difference between the amount of time a substance spends in solution in either of them. All substances should be equally soluble (or equally insoluble) in both.

And yet the first chromatograms that you made were probably of inks using water as your solvent.

If water works as the mobile phase as well being the stationary phase, there has to be some quite different mechanism at work - and that must be equally true for other polar solvents like the alcohols, for example. Partition only happens between solvents which don't mix with each other. Polar solvents like the small alcohols do mix with water.

In researching this topic, I haven't found any easy explanation for what happens in these cases. Most sources ignore the problem altogether and just quote the partition explanation without making any allowance for the type of solvent you are using. Other sources quote mechanisms which have so many strands to them that they are far too complicated for this introductory level. I'm therefore not taking this any further - you shouldn't need to worry about this at UK A level, or its various equivalents.

If I have missed something obvious in my research and you know of a straightforward explanation (worth about 1 or 2 marks in an exam) for what happens with water and other polar solvents, could you contact me via the address on the page.

If this is the first set of questions you have done, please read the before you start. You will need to use the BACK BUTTON on your browser to come back here afterwards.

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© Jim Clark 2007 (modified July 2016)

Biochemistry Den

What is Paper Chromatography? Principle, Procedure, Types, and Applications

Paper chromatography has proved to be very successful in the analysis of chemical compounds and lipid samples in particular.

In paper chromatography, the sample mixture is applied to a piece of filter paper, the edge of the paper is immersed in a solvent, and the solvent moves up the paper by capillary action.


It is the simplest and commonest form of liquid-liquid chromatography.

Whatman filter paper or commercially prepared cellulose plates are used for chromatographic separation.

The basic principle of this procedure was described for the first time by  Consden ,  Gordon , and  Martin (1944).

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Components of the mixture are carried along with the solvent up the paper to varying degrees, depending on the compound’s preference to be adsorbed onto the paper versus being carried along with the solvent.

The paper is  composed of cellulose to which polar water molecules  are adsorbed, while the solvent is less polar, usually comprising a mixture of water and an organic liquid.

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The paper is called the stationary phase while the solvent is referred to as the mobile phase.

To get a measure of the extent of movement of a component in a paper chromatography experiment, we can calculate an “ Rf value ” for each separated component in the developed chromatogram .

An Rf value is a number that is defined as the distance traveled by the component from an application point.

Table of Contents

Nature of Paper

The paper commonly used consists of highly purified cellulose. Cellulose, is a homopolysaccharide of glucose. It contains several thousand anhydrous-glucose units linked through oxygen atoms. The paper exhibits weak ion exchange and absorptive properties.

Modified forms of paper have been produced in which the paper has been impregnated with alumina, silica gel, and ion-exchange resin , etc.

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The chemical composition of Whatman filter paper no: 1 is: a-cellulose (98 to 99%), b-cellulose (0.3 to 1%), Pentosans (0.4 to 0.8%), Ash (0.07 to 0.1%) & ether soluble matter (0.015 to 0.1%).

The apparatus required for paper chromatography are

  • Support for paper
  • Solvent trough
  • Airtight chamber
  • Whatman filter paper number 1
  • Capillary tubes
  • Samples–Amino acids (or) Pigments
  • Platinum loop

Paper Development

There are two main techniques, which may be employed for the development of paper Chromatograms.

1. Ascending techniques

assending paper chromatography

The filter paper is then dried and equilibrated by putting it into an airtight cylindrical jar, which contains an aqueous solution of a solvent.

The most widely applicable solvent mixture is n- B utanol: A cetic acid: W ater (4:1:5), which is abbreviated as BAW .

The sheet of paper is supported on a frame with the button edge in contact with a trough with a solvent.

The arrangement is contained in an airtight tank lined with paper saturated with the solvent to prove a constant atmosphere and separations are carried out in a constant temperature room.

Thus, the solvent will ascend into the paper this process is, therefore, termed “ Ascending Chromatography ”.

2. Descending techniques

Descending Paper Chromatogrpahy

The end of the filter paper may be put into the solvent mixture contained in a narrow trough mounted near the top of the container.

In this chromatography, the solvent will descend into the paper and this process is then termed “Descending Chromatography”.

This method is convenient for compounds, which have similar Rf values since the solvent drips off the bottom of the paper, thus giving a wider separation.

3. Two-dimensional chromatography (2D)

2-D paper Chromatogrpahy

The mixture is separated than the first solvent, which should be volatile: then after drying, the paper is turned through 90 0 and separation is carried out in the second solvent.

After locating the migrated unknown sample along with a standard known sample, a map is obtained and comparing their position with a map of known compounds can identify compounds

Locating the compounds:

The strip is removed when the solvent has migrated over most of the available space.

The distance to which the solvent has run is marked. In most cases, the completed Chromatogram is colorless with no indication of the presence of any compounds.

Such a chromatogram is said as “Undeveloped” for locating the various compounds.

Amino acids migration points in Paper chromatography

The filter paper strip is first dried, then sprayed with 0.5% Ninhydrin in acetone and at least heated for a few minutes at 80 to 100 0 C.

The reaction occurs and the colored spots appear at the sites of the amino acids, such as Chromatogram is now called “ Developed ”.

In paper chromatography, the stationary cellulose phase is more polar than the mobile organic phase.

Identifying the compounds:

The ratio of the distance traveled by a component (i.e. amino acid) to that traveled by the solvent front, both measured from the marked point of the application of the mixture, is called the “Resolution front (Rf)” value for that component.

   Distance from origin run by the compound

Rf = —————————————————————————–

Distance from origin run by the solvent

Rf value of Compounds

The filter paper strip may be sprayed with ninhydrin and heated so that the colored spots showing the location of amino acids may develop. The color densities of these spots may be measured with a recording(or) reflectance photometer device.

ninhydrin reaction

  • Ninhydrin test or Ninhydrin reagent

Ninhydrin Test:

  • Amines (including α-amino acids) react with ninhydrin to give a colored product.
  • It can be used qualitatively ( e.g.  for chromatographic visualization) or quantitatively ( e.g. for pep tide sequencing).
  • The α-amino acids typically give a  blue-purple product .
  • Proline, a secondary amine, gives a  yellow-orange product .
  • The test is sensitive enough that ninhydrin can be used for the visualization of fingerprints.

Applications of Paper Chromatography

By using this technique

  • To check the purity of pharmaceuticals under control,
  • To the detection of adulterants,
  • To detect the contaminants in foods and drinks,
  • In the study of ripening and fermentation,
  • For the detection of drugs and dopes in animals & humans
  • The analysis of cosmetics
  • To the analysis of the reaction mixtures in biochemical labs.

Reference: Read for more details

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Paper Chromatography Experiment

March 17, 2021 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

This simple felt tip pen paper chromatography experiment is a great way to learn about this particular method of separating mixtures .


Chromatography   is a technique used to separate mixtures. Information from a chromatography investigation can also be used to identify different substances.

In chromatography, the mixture is passed through another substance, in this case, filter paper. The different-coloured ink particles travel at different speeds through the filter paper, allowing the constituent colours of the pen ink to be seen.

All types of chromatography have two phases: a mobile phase where the molecules can move and a stationary phase where they can’t move. In the case of paper chromatography, the stationary phase is the filter paper, and the mobile phase is the solvent ( water ).

The more soluble the ink molecules, the further they are carried up the paper.

The video below shows chromatography in action.

You’ll need:

Filter paper or paper towel

Felt tip pens – not washable or permanent

A container – glass, jar or plate

a paper chromatography experiment in action


Pour a small amount of water onto a plate or into the bottom of a jar.

Find a way to suspend the filter paper over the water so that just the very bottom touches the water. If you do the experiment in a jar, the easiest way to do this is to wrap the top of the filter paper around a pencil, clip it in place, and suspend it over the top of the jar.

Our LEGO holder worked well, too!

DUPLO stand for a chromatography experiment

Use the felt tip pens to draw a small circle about 1cm from the bottom of the filter paper with each colour pen you want to test.

Suspend the filter paper in the water and watch as the ink moves up the filter paper.

You should end up with something like this! The end result is called a chromatogram.

paper chromatography results

What happens if you use washable pens?

If the inks are washable, they tend to contain just one type of ink, so there is no separation of colour.

Below, only a couple of the inks have separated compared to the non-washable pens above.

chromatography with washable pens

Why does chromatography work?

When the filter paper containing the ink spots is placed in the solvent ( in this case, water ), the dyes travel through the paper.

Different dyes in ink travel through the chromatography filter paper at different speeds. The most soluble colours dissolve and travel further and faster than less soluble dyes, which stick to the paper more.

I’ve created a free instruction sheet and chromatography experiment write up to make the activity even easier.

Felt tip pen chromatography science experiment instructions

Extension task

Experiment with different types and colours of pens. Depending on the type of ink used, some will work better than others.

Try chromatography with sweets .

Steamstational also has a great leaf chromatography investigation.

More separation experiments

Clean up water by making your own filter .

Water filtering - stone filter

Separate water and sand by evaporation .

Make colourful salt crystals by separating salt and water.

Separate liquid mixtures with a bicycle centrifuge .

paper chromatography experiment procedure

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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Practical videos | 14–16 years

  • 1 Access free videos to support your teaching
  • 2 Paper chromatography
  • 3 Rates of reaction
  • 4 Simple distillation
  • 5 Enthalpy change of combustion
  • 6 Conservation of mass
  • 7 Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
  • 8 Halogen displacement reactions
  • 9 Identifying ions
  • 10 Preparing a soluble salt
  • 11 Reactivity series of metals
  • 12 Simple titration
  • 13 Temperature change (neutralisation)
  • 14 Potable water

Paper chromatography

Sandrine Bouchelkia

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Investigate the separation of inks using paper chromatography

The value of experiencing live practical work cannot be overstated. Numerous studies provide evidence of its value in terms of learner engagement, understanding, results and the likelihood of continuing to study chemistry or work in a related field.

Use this video to complement live practical work, or to help learners understand the methods, equipment and skills when they cannot access the lab.

Source: © Royal Society of Chemistry

Investigate the separation of inks using this paper chromatography video, including a step-by-step method, animation and calculation support for learners

Chapter titles: 00:10 Introduction to chromatography; 00:44 Carrying out the experiment; 03:59 Results; 04:43 Animation; 05:11 Alternative phases; 06:05 Calculating R f values.

  • Teacher notes

Full teacher notes are available in the  supporting resources booklet  (also available in  MS Word ), including ideas for  how to use this video  and the accompanying activites and answers to use as part of your teaching. 

Get the resources

Preview of the Paper chromatography supporting resources on a blue-green background

Supporting resources

Detailed teacher notes, learner activities and answers

Preview of the Paper chromatography slides on a blue-green background

Learner slides

Integrated instructions, Frayer models and Johnstone's triangle

Preview of the Paper chromatography technician notes on a blue-green background

  • Technician notes

Equipment, chemicals, hazards and disposal information

Notes on running the practical experiments

This experiment is designed to cover most of the questions asked in a variety of syllabuses. You or your school’s technician will have to do some trial and error to get the ink composition correct to get the desired results. The suggestion is that one ink is not soluble in the water (solvent) and so doesn’t move, one colour moves to the top of the paper (learners can identify this as the most soluble) and there is a colour in common between two of the samples. Although the video and worksheets refer to particular colours seen in the video, the actual colours don’t matter and it is their characteristics that are key to the success of the practical.

Use the video’s animation and  Johnstone’s triangle , available in the PowerPoint slides , to help learners link their observations to what’s going on at the submicroscopic level.

Health, safety and technical notes

You may want to demonstrate the experiment using a different solvent, such as ethanol ( CLEAPSS student safety sheet 60 ). Use a lid and wear eye protection (safety glasses to EN166 F) when using the alcohol. To show a different stationary phase, use a TLC plate.

Read our standard health and safety guidance and carry out a risk assessment before running any live practical. Refer to SSERC/CLEAPSS Hazcards, recipe books and student safety sheets. Hazard classification may vary depending on supplier. Download the technician notes for the full equipment list, safety notes and tips.

  • Cut a piece of filter paper to fit inside a beaker (size of the beaker is not relevant) so that it does not curve and lies flat, not touching the edges of the beaker.
  • Using a pencil, draw an origin line on the paper and label 1, 2 and 3 at equal distances below the line.
  • Using a separate capillary tube for each ink, transfer a small spot onto the correct labelled position on the origin line.
  • Add a small amount of the solvent to just cover the bottom of the beaker.
  • Check the paper is the right length by lining it up on the outside of the beaker so that the water is below the origin line. Roll the paper round a splint and hold it with a paper clip.
  • Place the paper inside the beaker. Make sure it just touches the water and it is vertical.
  • Remove the filter paper from the beaker when the solvent has nearly reached the top of the filter paper.
  • Leave the filter paper to dry or use a hairdryer.
  • Measure the distances from the origin line to the middle of the colours and from the origin line to the solvent front to find the R f values.

Find the integrated instructions for this experiment in the PowerPoint slides . 

Real-world contexts

  • Highlight real-world uses of chromatography with the article Poisoned by milk .
  • Complete this project on the chemistry of food in a sequence of timetabled chemistry lessons, STEM clubs or during an activity day to provide context to analytical techniques.
  • Engage younger learners with this investigation to solve who stole a famous painting.
  • Watch this  video to see how senior science manager Paul uses liquid chromatography in his job at British Sugar.

Learners will need to have a clear understanding of the following scientific terminology:

  • Chromatography – a technique for separating mixtures of soluble substances.
  • Chromatogram – the results of separating mixtures by chromatography.
  • Mixture – two or more different substances, not chemically joined together.
  • Solvent – the substance a solute dissolves in to form a solution.
  • Solute – a substance that will dissolve in a solvent.
  • Dissolve – when a solute mixes completely with a solvent to produce a solution.
  • Solution – a mixture formed by a solute and a solvent.
  • Soluble – a substance that will dissolve.
  • Insoluble – a substance that will not dissolve.
  • Pure – a substance made of only one element or compound.
  • Impure – a substance made of more than one element or compound.
  • R f value – the ratio of the solute’s distance travelled to the solvent’s distance travelled.
  • Stationary phase – the substance that does not move, eg paper.
  • Mobile phase – the solvent that moves up the stationary phase, eg water.
  • Origin line – the mark you add the samples to at the start of chromatography.
  • Solvent front – the distance travelled by the solvent.
  • Volatile – evaporates easily.

You will find a template, example Frayer model and suggested answers for the terms: ‘chromatography’, ‘mobile phase’, ‘stationary phase’, ‘origin line’ and ‘solvent front’ in the PowerPoint slides . Find more examples and tips on  how to use Frayer models  in your teaching. 

Cross-curriculum links and skills

Learners will use key maths skills in the practical including:

  • Measuring distances accurately.
  • Giving answers to a specified decimal place.

Common misconceptions

Using pen to draw the origin line. Bring attention to using pencil and encourage learners to think why pens might interfere with the separation.

Putting too much solvent so learners submerge the origin line. Ensure the solvent is below the origin line and learners understand why.

Allowing the solvent to travel too far up the paper. The solvent front will be lost meaning the R f value cannot be calculated.

All mixtures are separated using only one separating technique . Practise a range of techniques with learners and highlight that chromatography is a method of separation for analysing a mixture but does not achieve separation of the entire test mixture. Carry out further methods once purity has been determined and/or the impurities identified.

The solvent/mobile phase can only be water . Use different solvents, such as sodium chloride solution and ethanol.

The stationary phase in chromatography can only be paper . Introduce alternatives, such as thin layer chromatography using silica on a plastic backing or aluminium oxide coated plates.

Dyes have a preference or ‘like’ to be in the stationary or the mobile phase . Avoid anthropomorphising as analogies like this can be a barrier to deep learning. Use ‘is attracted to’ or ‘hydrophobic/philic’ instead.

More resources

  • Do this chromatography practical  using dye from different coloured sweets with your 11–16 year-old learners and read the accompanying article to find out more about baking with sprinkles.
  • Make cross-curricular links to biology and investigate the pigments in a leaf .
  • Practical planning: spot the mistakes  includes an exam-style answer on chromatography and is part of the  Teaching science skills series.

Paper chromatography supporting resources

Paper chromatography technician notes, paper chromatography slides, additional information.

The original video script, supporting resources and slides were written by Karen Marshall. The technician notes were adapted by Sandrine Bouchelkia.

Sandrine Bouchelkia

More Sandrine Bouchelkia

A hand is lighting a spirit burner with a match and there is a colourful border around the edge of the image

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Rates of reaction

Simple distillation experiment set up, showing a conical flask containing a black coloured solution sitting on a gauze and tripod over a Bunsen burner. A bung is in the flask and a delivery tube connects it to a test tube in a beaker of ice water

Simple distillation

A hand is lighting a spirit burner with a match and there is a colourful border around the edge of the image

Enthalpy change of combustion

Conical flask with calcium carbonate chips on mass balance

Conservation of mass

Simple electrolysis experiment set up with power pack and electrodes in beaker of blue solution

Electrolysis of aqueous solutions

Microscale halogen displacement experiment with drops being added to a spotting tile

Halogen displacement reactions

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  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Practical skills and safety
  • Observing and measuring
  • Recording data
  • Applications of chemistry
  • Chromatography


  • the distance travelled by the substance divided by the distance travelled by the solvent
  • the Rf value should be the same if it is the same substance (under the same conditions)

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Paper Chromatography – Principle, procedure, Applications

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What is Paper Chromatography?

Paper chromatography definition explains that is an inexpensive and powerful analytical technique, which requires a piece of paper or strips serving as an adsorbent in the stationary phase across which a particular solution is allowed to pass.

For the separation of dissolved chemical substances and lipid samples (in particular), paper chromatography is found to be very trustable. This analytical tool employs very few quantities of material.

Principle of Paper Chromatography

Paper chromatography is a form of liquid chromatography where the basic principle involved can be either partition chromatography or adsorption chromatography.

In paper chromatography separation of component is distributed between phases of liquid. Here, one phase of liquid is water that is held amidst the pores of filter paper and the other liquid is the mobile phase that travels along with the filter paper. Separation of the mixture is the result that is obtained from the differences in the affinities towards the water and mobile phase when travelling under capillary action between the pores of the filter paper.

Though in a majority of paper chromatography applications, the principle is based on partition chromatography but sometimes, adsorption chromatography can take place where the stationary phase is the solid surface of the paper and the mobile phase is the liquid phase.

Paper Chromatography procedure

  • Selection of the ideal type of development: Based on factors such as the complexity of the solvent, mixture, paper, etc. the development type is chosen. Mostly either Radial or Ascending type of paper chromatography is employed because of the easiness they offer while handling and performing which ultimately leads to obtaining the chromatogram faster within a shorter duration of time.
  • Selection of Filter paper: As per the pores’ size and the sample quality.
  • Sample preparation: This involves the dissolution of the sample in an ideal solvent that is being utilized in developing the mobile phase.
  • Sample loading or spotting on the paper: With the help of a capillary tube, micropipette, the sample is spotted on the paper at an accurate position. This promotes the interpretation of the chromatogram more quickly and easily.
  • Chromatogram development: This is carried by the paper immersion in the mobile phase. The mobile phase crosses over the sample on the paper because of the capillary action of the paper.
  • Drying of paper and detection of the compound: With the aid of air drier, the paper is dried as soon as the chromatogram is developed. On the chromatogram developed paper, the detecting solution is sprayed and dried thoroughly for the identification of the sample chromatogram spots.

Types of Paper Chromatography

Ascending Paper Chromatography As per the name, the developing solvent is found to be moving in an upward direction. Here, a sufficient quantity of mobile phase is poured into the development chamber. Sample and reference are spotted on the line drawn a few centimetres from the bottom edge of the paper suspended from a hook or clip at the top.

Descending Paper Chromatography Here, the solvent front travels down the length of paper suspended from the top inside the developing chamber. The mobile phase is kept in a trough in the upper chamber. The paper with spotting on the line drawn a few centimetres from the top is clamped to the top. Before elution, the jar is covered and equilibrated with the mobile phase vapour.

Ascending – Descending Chromatography It is a mixed type of chromatography where the solvent first travels upwards on the paper that is folded over a rod and after crossing the rod it moves downwards. 

Horizontal or Circular Paper Chromatography This allows the separation of sample components in the form of concentric circular zones through the radial movement of the liquid phase. 

Two-Dimensional Chromatography This helps in resolving substances that have similar Rf values.

Where, Retardation factor (Rf) = The distance travelled by the solute/ distance travelled by the solvent front

Applications of paper chromatography 

In the analysis of different classes of compounds namely:

  • Amino acids and organic acids
  • Polysaccharides
  • Proteins and peptides
  • Natural and artificial pigments
  • Inorganic cations
  • Plant extracts

Applications of paper chromatography in different key areas

Paper chromatography uses are not confined to any particular field. A number of the necessary areas include:

  • Reaction monitoring – The progress of the reaction can be estimated by developing the chromatogram over different time intervals by spotting the reactants.
  • Isolation & Purification – This technique is useful in the purification and isolation of components of mixtures. Here, the separated components on the paper are cut, dissolved in suitable solvents and using spectroscopic methods, their absorption is characterised at specific wavelengths.
  • Foods – Analysis of food colours in synthetic drinks and beverages, ice creams, sweets, etc. Only edible colours are permitted for use, this is why identification and quantification are of utmost importance.
  • Forensics – Provides a basis for identification and comparison against reference standards for drugs and their metabolites. Paper chromatography offers a vital role in the viable analysis of samples that are available in milligrams or microlitre quantities. 
  • Pharmaceuticals – Provides information related to the development of new drugs molecules, reaction completion and progress of manufacturing processes. This process is cost-effective and hence used as an alternative method in monitoring the active ingredients present in the drug forms. Paper chromatography is also applicable in colour identifications of pharmaceutical formulations.

The technique of Paper Chromatography is being extensively used for the last several years and still have preserved their ground associated with the separation of different classes of compounds.

  • https://byjus.com/chemistry/paper-chromatography/
  • https://biochemden.com/paper-chromatography/
  • https://laboratoryinfo.com/paper-chromatography/

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  • Paper Chromatography

One of the first-ever practical experiments you probably carried out in chemistry at school is a simple example of paper chromatography : separating a coloured ink. You draw a pencil line across the bottom of a sheet of paper, place a dot of ink on the line, and place the paper upright in a beaker of solvent. The solvent travels up the paper, carrying the ink with it, and the ink separates out into all of its different coloured components. 

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What is the mobile phase in paper chromatography?

What is the stationary phase in paper chromatography?

In paper chromatography, the starting solvent level should be _____.

In paper chromatography, components that travel faster up the paper have a greater affinity to the ______.

In paper chromatography, more soluble components have a _____ affinity to the mobile phase.

What are the units for Rf values?

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This is a simple but effective way of separating mixtures. You'll learn exactly how it works here.

Paper chromatography is an analytical technique used to separate and analyse mixtures of soluble substances. It is a type of chromatography.

  • This article is all about the type of chromatography known as paper chromatography.
  • We will start by looking at the principles of chromatography before applying them specifically to paper chromatography.
  • We'll then run through the method, and you'll be able to calculate Rf values using an example to guide you through the process.
  • After that, we'll explore how you read chromatograms and interpret the results.
  • To finish, we'll look at the advantages and uses of paper chromatography.

Principles of paper chromatography

All types of chromatography follow the same basic principles.

  • We use a solvent, called the mobile phase, to dissolve a sample of a soluble mixture. The solvent carries the mixture up a solid called the stationary phase .
  • Some components of the mixture are carried up the solid by the solvent more quickly than others. We say that components that travel faster have a greater affinity to the mobile phase. This separates the mixture out into its component parts and produces a chromatogram .
  • We then use the distances travelled by the components to work out Rf values. These help us identify the component.

If you haven't already done so, we'd recommend looking at Chromatography for a more detailed explanation of these ideas.

Let's now look at some of those ideas in terms of paper chromatography.

Stationary phase

The stationary phase is a static solid, liquid, or gel. In chromatography, the solvent carries the soluble mixture through the stationary phase.

In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is - as the name suggests - paper. However, it's a bit more complicated than that. Paper is made of cellulose, a polymer of glucose. Cellulose fibres bind to water vapour in the air, alongside any water that was around when the paper was made. You can actually think of the stationary phase as being a complex matrix made of water and paper, not just the paper itself.

Mobile phase

The mobile phase is the solvent used to carry the mixture analysed through the stationary phase.

The stationary phase - the paper - is placed in a solvent. This is our mobile phase. In paper chromatography, we typically use a nonpolar solvent. The solvent travels up the paper, carrying the different components within the mixture with it.

Retention factors

The components of the sample mixture travel up the stationary phase at different speeds. This means that in a given time period, the different components will all travel different distances. We'll look at why this is in just a second.

You'll see these components as spots on the chromatogram , which is the name for your paper once the experiment has finished. The ratio between the distance travelled by each component and the total distance travelled by the solvent gives us Rf values .

To calculate an Rf value, divide the distance travelled by the component - in other words, the distance from the starting pencil line to the coloured spot -by the distance travelled by the solvent.

Rf values are important because each component has a fixed Rf value under a specific set of conditions. If you repeated the experiment again, keeping the mobile phase, the stationary phase, and the temperature exactly the same, you would get the same Rf value for the same component. We can then compare Rf values to ones in a database to identify the components in the mixture.

Relative affinity

What determines how quickly a substance travels up the paper? This is all to do with relative affinity .

In chromatography, relative affinity describes how well a component is attracted to either the stationary or mobile phase. It determines how quickly the component moves through the stationary phase.

Components with a greater affinity to the mobile phase will move faster up the plate than those with a greater affinity to the stationary phase. They are more soluble in the solvent and travel a greater distance in a given time period.

Let's look more closely at the mobile and stationary phases in paper chromatography to work out why some components have a greater affinity to one or the other.

Remember how the stationary phase is a matrix of cellulose and water? This means that it is polar and can experience permanent dipole-dipole forces . The water molecules can also form hydrogen bonds with suitable substances. In contrast, the mobile phase in paper chromatography is typically nonpolar . It can only form weak van der Waals forces. From this we can deduce the following:

  • If any of the components within the sample mixture are polar, or contain chemical groups that can form hydrogen bonds, they will bond more strongly to the polar cellulose-water structure than to the nonpolar solvent. This means that they have a greater affinity to the stationary phase and will travel more slowly up the paper. These components give lower Rf values.
  • However, nonpolar components will bond more strongly to the nonpolar solvent than to the polar paper. They are more soluble. They, therefore, have a greater affinity to the mobile phase and will travel more quickly up the paper. These components give higher Rf values.

Check out Intermolecular Forces for more on permanent dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonds, and van der Waals forces.

Method for paper chromatography

That's enough of the technical details - how do you actually carry out paper chromatography?

  • Draw a pencil line along the bottom of a sheet of chromatography paper.
  • Place a spot of the mixture you want to analyse on the middle of the line.
  • Place the sheet of paper in a beaker filled with a shallow layer of your solvent of choice. Make sure the level of the solvent is below the pencil line.
  • Place a lid on the beaker and leave the solvent to travel up the paper, carrying the components of the mixture with it.
  • When the solvent level almost reaches the top of the paper, remove the paper from the beaker and mark the position of the solvent with another pencil mark. Your chromatogram is now ready to be analysed.

What's the importance of, say, drawing the line in pencil? Here are some of the reasons behind particular steps in the method.

  • We draw the line in pencil because pencil is insoluble. This prevents it being carried up the paper with the mobile phase. If we were to use ink, for example, the ink would also dissolve in the solvent and travel up the paper, producing confusing results.
  • The solvent level must be below the spot of your mixture to prevent the spot fully dissolving in the solvent and being washed away.
  • You should also make sure that you handle the paper by its edges, to avoid getting fingerprints on it. This could dirty the paper and give misleading results.
  • We use a lid to keep the environment saturated with solvent and to prevent the solvent from evaporating. You could also line the sides of the beaker with filter paper soaked in the solvent to saturate it even more.

paper chromatography experiment procedure

At the end of the experiment, the setup should look a little something like this:

Paper Chromatography setup end results StudySmarter

The dot of ink has travelled up the paper and separated into several spots. Each spot represents a different component found in the original mixture. Each component moves up the paper at a different speed, depending on its relative affinity to the stationary phase and its relative affinity to the mobile phase.

We can now use these results to calculate Rf values for each spot.

Calculating Rf values

Earlier in the article, we mentioned Rf values. These are values that show the ratio between the distance travelled by each component and the total distance travelled by the solvent.

Let's look at calculating Rf values for the chromatogram we showed above.

  • Measure the distance between the base pencil line and one of the coloured spots on the chromatogram. This is the distance travelled by the component that produced that spot.
  • Measure the distance between the base pencil line and the pencil line you used to mark the solvent front. This is the distance travelled by the solvent.
  • Divide the distance travelled by the component by the distance travelled by the solvent. This gives you your Rf value.
  • Repeat for all of the coloured spots.

Rf value = distance travelled by solute distance travelled by solvent

Paper Chromatography Rf values StudySmarter

Let's calculate the Rf value for the green spot. The green spot has travelled 3.0 cm whilst the solvent front has travelled 9.8 cm. Divide 3.0 by 9.8 to get your answer:

3 . 0 ÷ 9 . 8 = 0 . 306

We tend to round Rf values to two decimal places. this gives us an overall answer of 0.31

Remember that the distance travelled by a substance all depends on its relative affinities to each of the stages. A substance with a greater affinity to the stationary phase will travel more slowly up the paper and will travel less far in a given time period. This means that it will have a lower Rf value. In contrast, a substance with a greater affinity to the mobile phase will travel more quickly up the paper and will have a higher Rf value.

Analysing chromatograms

Chromatograms show us two things.

  • The number of different components in our starting mixture.
  • The identity of each component in our starting mixture.

Number of different components

Remember, each spot represents a different component found in the original solute mixture. In our example above, we have three different spots on our chromatogram. We, therefore, know that we have three different substances present.

Identity of each component

There are two ways of identifying substances in a chromatogram. Firstly, when setting up the experiment, you could also place a small dot of a known substance, such as a particular amino acid or organic molecule, on the pencil line to the side of your solute dot. This known substance acts as a reference molecule. It will also be carried up the plate by the solvent, producing a visible spot. If any of the spots from your mixture match the known substance's spot, you know that substance is present in your mixture.

Sound a little confusing? Here's what it looks like in practice.

Paper Chromatography identifying components StudySmarter

The red spot on the left is from a known substance. One of the spots produced by our mixture matches it exactly. We can therefore deduce that the mixture contains this particular substance.

But there is another way of identifying components. We also mentioned earlier that, provided you keep the conditions the same, a particular component will always produce the same Rf value. Let's say that a particular component has an Rf value of 0.4. If we look in a database, we should be able to find a substance that also produces an Rf value of 0.4 under the same conditions - the same mobile phase, stationary phase, and temperature. These two substances are one and the same.

Two-way paper chromatography uses two different solvents, one after the other, on the same sample. It is useful for separating out components with similar Rf values.

To carry out this technique, place a small spot of your mixture at one edge of the base pencil line. Place the paper in a beaker with your first solvent, removing it when the solvent front has almost reached the top of the paper. Mark the position of this first solvent front.

Your paper should look a little something like the diagram below.

Paper Chromatography two-way chromatography StudySmarter

You'll notice that two components produce one merged spot - they haven't clearly separated. This is because they have similar relative affinities to the stationary and mobile phases and so have travelled at similar speeds up the paper.

Now, rotate your paper by 90° so that the separated spots now lie along the bottom of the paper. Choose a different solvent and repeat the experiment again. It is very unlikely that the two substances that produced the merged spot will also have similar affinities to the stationary and mobile phases in this solvent. Therefore, they will travel at different speeds up the paper and separate out into clear, distinct spots.

Paper Chromatography two-way chromatography StudySmarter

Advantages of paper chromatography

Paper chromatography is a relatively simple technique. However, it does have its advantages.

  • It is cheap and easy to run, with a simpler setup than other types of chromatography.
  • It only uses small amounts of the sample mixture.
  • It can analyse organic and inorganic compounds.

However, compared to other chromatography techniques such as gas chromatography and thin-layer chromatography , paper chromatography is less accurate. This is one of its main disadvantages.

Uses of paper chromatography

Paper chromatography is more than just a way of making pretty coloured patterns. It has a variety of different uses, many of which it shares with other chromatography techniques. These include:

  • Separating mixtures. For example, in the early 20th century, paper chromatography was widely used to separate plant extracts.
  • Obtaining pure compounds and removing impurities.
  • Analysing drugs.
  • Testing wastewater.

Paper Chromatography - Key takeaways

Paper chromatography is an analytical technique used to separate and analyse mixtures of soluble substances.

  • In paper chromatography, the stationary phase is a sheet of paper and the mobile phase is a solvent.
  • You can identify components in paper chromatography by calculating their Rf values and comparing them to those in a database.
  • Two-way chromatography is a variation of paper chromatography that uses two different solvents to separate out components with similar Rf values.
  • Paper chromatography is cheap, simple, and uses small sample sizes.

Flashcards in Paper Chromatography 6

Chromatography paper.

Below the pencil line containing the spot of mixture.

Mobile phase.

Paper Chromatography

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Frequently Asked Questions about Paper Chromatography

What is paper chromatography?      

How does paper chromatography work?

In paper chromatography, a sheet of paper known as the stationary phase is placed in a solvent, known as the mobile phase. A small spot of a soluble mixture is placed on the paper. The solvent carries the mixture up the paper. Different components of the mixture have different relative affinities to the stationary and mobile phases and so travel up the paper at different speeds. This separates the components out.

What is paper chromatography used for? 

Paper chromatography is used for separating mixtures, obtaining pure compounds, and analysing drugs.

What is the principle of paper chromatography? 

Different components within a mixture have different affinities to the stationary phase - the paper, and the mobile phase - the solvent. This means that they travel up the paper at different speeds. Some will travel much further than others in a given time period. This separates the components.

What is an example of paper chromatography? 

An example of paper chromatography is separating the different dyes within an ink.

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Paper Chromatography

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  1. Paper chromatography/Radial paper chromatography (Principle, procedure, visualization & application)

    paper chromatography experiment procedure

  2. Paper Chromatography- Definition, Types, Principle, Steps, Uses

    paper chromatography experiment procedure

  3. What Is Paper Chromatography and How Does it Work?

    paper chromatography experiment procedure

  4. Paper chromatography

    paper chromatography experiment procedure

  5. Paper Chromatography Science Projects & Experiments

    paper chromatography experiment procedure

  6. Paper Chromatography

    paper chromatography experiment procedure


  1. Paper Chromatography and its principle

  2. paper chromatography experiment #shorts #youtubeshorts #experiment

  3. Chromatography Tutorial Series: The Basics of Preparative Chromatography

  4. Paper Chromatography Set Up

  5. Paper Chromatography Experiment

  6. Paper chromatography: Separation and identification of amino acids


  1. Paper chromatography

    Paper Chromatography Procedure. Below we have explained the procedure to conduct Paper Chromatography Experiment for easy understanding of students. Selecting a suitable type of development: It is decided based on the complexity of the solvent, paper, mixture, etc. Usually ascending type or radial paper chromatography is used as they are easy ...

  2. Paper Chromatography: Definition, Procedure, & Applications

    The principle behind paper chromatography lies in the differential partitioning of compounds between the stationary and mobile phases. The stationary phase typically consists of cellulose fibers embedded in filter paper or thin-layer chromatography plates. These fibers provide an adsorbent surface for compounds to interact with.

  3. Paper Chromatography

    The procedure for paper chromatography is simple and straightforward. The following is a step-by-step guide on how to perform paper chromatography. Step 1 : Prepare the Stationary Phase. ... Paper chromatography is a common experiment in high school and college chemistry courses. It provides students with hands-on experience in separation ...

  4. Paper Chromatography Definition, Principles, Procedure And Theory

    Process. Paper chromatography works in few steps: Step 1: A horizontal line is drawn near one end (about 1.5 cm from the bottom edge) of the paper. In figure below 6 is the horizontal line. Step 2: The sample needs to be separated is placed as a small drop or line on to the paper using capillary tube.

  5. PDF Paper Chromatography

    Also, make sure that the chromatography paper doesn't touch the bottom of the cup. Tape the other end of chromatography paper to a pencil and place it on the cup. 5. Wait for about 15 minute. Then, take out the chromatography paper. 6. Using the same set up, repeat the experiment with different types of black ink pen/ marker. Procedure (drawn ...


    Obtain a strip of chromatography paper about 2.5 cm wide by 10 cm tall. Along one of the shorter sides, draw a horizontal line in pencil about 1.5 cm from the edge of the strip. This will be your "base line", the starting line where the samples will be spotted. Graphite will not be carried up the chromatography paper.

  7. Paper Chromatography- Definition, Types, Principle, Steps, Uses

    Paper chromatography (PC) is a type of planar chromatography whereby chromatography procedures are run on a specialized paper. ... Thus, in order to obtain a measure of the extent of movement of a component in a paper chromatography experiment, "Rf value" is calculated for each separated component in the developed chromatogram. ...


    PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY. This page is an introduction to paper chromatography - including two way chromatography. Chromatography is used to separate mixtures of substances into their components. All forms of chromatography work on the same principle. They all have a stationary phase (a solid, or a liquid supported on a solid) and a mobile phase (a ...

  9. What is Paper Chromatography? Principle and Procedure

    Principle, Procedure, Types, and Applications. Paper chromatography has proved to be very successful in the analysis of chemical compounds and lipid samples in particular. In paper chromatography, the sample mixture is applied to a piece of filter paper, the edge of the paper is immersed in a solvent, and the solvent moves up the paper by ...

  10. Paper Chromatography Experiment

    Instructions. Pour a small amount of water onto a plate or into the bottom of a jar. Find a way to suspend the filter paper over the water so that just the very bottom touches the water. If you do the experiment in a jar, the easiest way to do this is to wrap the top of the filter paper around a pencil, clip it in place, and suspend it over the ...

  11. Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black?

    The video gives an overview of what paper chromatography is, shows how it is done, explains the separation processes involved, and also provides tips and tricks for troubleshooting your experiment. In this science project, you can use a simple paper chromatography setup to see if black ink is just one component or a mixture of several components.

  12. Paper chromatography

    Roll the paper round a splint and hold it with a paper clip. Place the paper inside the beaker. Make sure it just touches the water and it is vertical. Remove the filter paper from the beaker when the solvent has nearly reached the top of the filter paper. Leave the filter paper to dry or use a hairdryer.

  13. PDF Paper Chromatography: Is Black Ink Really Black?

    Experimental Procedure To make sure you can compare your results, as many of your materials as possible should remain constant. This means that the temperature, type of water used, size of paper strips, where the ink is placed onto the paper etc. should remain the same throughout the experiment. 1. Cut the chromatography paper into strips ...

  14. Paper Chromatography

    Paper Chromatography procedure. Selection of the ideal type of development: Based on factors such as the complexity of the solvent, mixture, paper, etc. the development type is chosen. Mostly either Radial or Ascending type of paper chromatography is employed because of the easiness they offer while handling and performing which ultimately ...

  15. PDF Experiment 11 Paper Chromatography

    Experiment 11 - Paper Chromatography Discussion In addition to recrystallization and distillation, chromatography can also be used to separate the components of a homogeneous mixture. Initially, chromatography was used to separate ... Procedure CAUTION! 2% ninhydrin in ethanol will strongly stain the amino acids on your skin.


    Small-Scale Experiment for text Section 8.3 OBJECTIVES • Separate mixtures of compounds, using the technique of paper chromatography. • Identify compounds contained in some common ink dyes. • Compare formulations of inks in various brands of pens. INTRODUCTION Chromatography is a technique for separating mixtures of compounds. It is a

  17. Paper Chromatography: Definition, Method & Diagram

    Paper Chromatography. One of the first-ever practical experiments you probably carried out in chemistry at school is a simple example of paper chromatography: separating a coloured ink. You draw a pencil line across the bottom of a sheet of paper, place a dot of ink on the line, and place the paper upright in a beaker of solvent.