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126 Physical Education Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Physical education is an important aspect of education that focuses on the development of physical fitness and skills through various physical activities. It helps students understand the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle while also promoting teamwork, sportsmanship, and discipline. When it comes to writing essays on physical education, there are a plethora of topics that students can explore. Here are 126 physical education essay topic ideas and examples to help you get started:

  • The benefits of physical education in schools
  • The role of physical education in promoting mental health
  • The impact of physical education on academic performance
  • The importance of physical education for children with disabilities
  • The history of physical education in schools
  • The relationship between physical education and obesity
  • The benefits of incorporating technology in physical education classes
  • The role of physical education in promoting lifelong fitness
  • The importance of physical education for overall well-being
  • The benefits of team sports in physical education
  • The impact of physical education on social skills development
  • The role of physical education in preventing chronic diseases
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s cognitive development
  • The importance of physical education for stress management
  • The impact of physical education on self-esteem
  • The benefits of including dance in physical education classes
  • The role of physical education in promoting healthy lifestyle choices
  • The importance of physical education for motor skills development
  • The benefits of outdoor activities in physical education
  • The impact of physical education on physical literacy
  • The role of physical education in promoting gender equality in sports
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s emotional well-being
  • The importance of physical education for developing leadership skills
  • The impact of physical education on academic motivation
  • The benefits of incorporating mindfulness in physical education classes
  • The role of physical education in promoting cultural diversity
  • The importance of physical education for teaching sportsmanship
  • The benefits of including yoga in physical education classes
  • The impact of physical education on body image
  • The role of physical education in promoting inclusivity in sports
  • The importance of physical education for teaching teamwork
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s social development
  • The impact of physical education on physical fitness levels
  • The role of physical education in promoting environmental awareness
  • The benefits of including nutrition education in physical education classes
  • The importance of physical education for teaching resilience
  • The impact of physical education on time management skills
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s creativity
  • The role of physical education in promoting healthy competition
  • The importance of physical education for teaching conflict resolution skills
  • The benefits of including mindfulness in physical education classes
  • The impact of physical education on academic achievement
  • The role of physical education in promoting emotional intelligence
  • The importance of physical education for teaching goal setting
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s self-regulation
  • The impact of physical education on self-efficacy
  • The role of physical education in promoting teamwork skills
  • The importance of physical education for teaching decision-making
  • The impact of physical education on self-confidence
  • The role of physical education in promoting creativity
  • The importance of physical education for developing problem-solving skills
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s resilience
  • The impact of physical education on emotional regulation
  • The role of physical education in promoting positive body image
  • The importance of physical education for teaching conflict resolution
  • The impact of physical education on social skills
  • The role of physical education in promoting empathy
  • The importance of physical education for developing leadership qualities
  • The benefits of physical education for children'''s teamwork skills
  • The impact of physical education on communication skills
  • The role of physical education in promoting problem-solving abilities
  • The importance of physical education for developing resilience

In conclusion, physical education is a crucial component of a well-rounded education that promotes physical fitness, mental health, social skills, and overall well-being. By exploring these physical education essay topics and examples, students can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of physical education and its impact on various aspects of their lives. Whether you choose to focus on the benefits of physical education for cognitive development, social skills, or physical fitness, there are endless possibilities for exploring this important subject in your essays.

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My Experience In Physical Education Essay

Physical education, often abbreviated as PE, is an integral part of the educational curriculum. It involves activities that promote physical fitness, health, and wellness. As a student, my experience with physical education classes has been transformative, positively impacting both my physical health and mental well-being. This essay aims to share my experiences and insights gained through physical education.

Table of Contents

The Beginning: Embracing Physical Education

When I first started physical education classes, I was apprehensive. The thought of vigorous exercises and sports was daunting, but I soon realized that PE was much more than just physical exertion. It was about learning new skills, understanding the importance of teamwork, and fostering a sense of discipline and responsibility towards one’s health.

Discovering the Importance of Fitness

Through PE, I discovered the importance of maintaining physical fitness. Regular exercise not only improved my stamina, strength, and agility but also had a profound impact on my mental health. I felt more energetic, focused, and positive. The activities in PE classes, such as running, playing basketball, or doing yoga, were not just exercises but a means to enhance overall well-being.

Learning Teamwork and Sportsmanship

Physical education also offered me the opportunity to participate in various team sports. Through these experiences, I learned the value of teamwork, cooperation, and mutual respect. I understood that winning wasn’t everything; what mattered more was how we played the game, the effort we put in, and the sportsmanship we displayed.

Developing Discipline and Responsibility

PE classes instilled in me a sense of discipline and responsibility. Following a regular exercise routine, adhering to rules during games, and respecting others’ rights and safety taught me important life skills. I learned that being disciplined and responsible not only benefits individual growth but also contributes to societal well-being.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience

Physical education was not without its challenges. There were times when I struggled, whether it was mastering a new sport or pushing myself to improve my physical fitness. However, these challenges helped me build resilience. I learned to persevere, to keep trying despite failures, and to push beyond my comfort zone, which are invaluable lessons that extend beyond the sports field.

The Impact of Physical Education: A Personal Perspective

The impact of physical education on my life has been profound. It has not only improved my physical health but also contributed significantly to my personal development. The discipline, teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship I learned in PE classes have been instrumental in shaping my character and outlook on life.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Journey of Health and Fitness

In conclusion, my experience in physical education has been a journey of learning, growth, and self-discovery. It has instilled in me a lifelong commitment to health and fitness, and the values I have learned extend far beyond the classroom or sports field. Physical education is not merely a subject; it is a vital aspect of holistic education, cultivating healthy habits, building character, and fostering life skills. My experience with PE underscores its importance in the curriculum and its role in shaping well-rounded, healthy individuals.

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Essay on Physical Education in School for Students in 1000+ Words

Essay on Physical Education in School for Students 1000+ Words

In this article, we have published an essay on physical education in school. It includes its meaning, importance, and benefits. Also, how is physical education good for our  health?

Table of Contents

Essay on Physical Education in School (1000 Words)

Physical education is essential because it improves the fitness of youngsters, makes them  disciplined  and active. It helps them to find out teamwork, test their decision-making capabilities too.

Adults spend their whole day in air-cooled offices; they eat food, don’t find time to exercise. It’s getting to be very tough for our generation.

The education system should be proactive and make it mandatory in schools. So allow us to see why do children need physical education?

Healthy Habits

It helps students to make good habits from an early age. Running, jogging, weight training, eating, and sleeping on time are a few habits that can help them in the future.

Interpersonal Skills & Team Work

Physical education teaches the way to communicate messages effectively and the way to figure them together.

Stress Buster

Makes you confident.

With improved interpersonal skills, relaxed and calm composure, and healthy habits, one becomes more confident. Physical education plays a notable role during this too.

Alternate Career Opportunity

Health is wealth.

Our current generation is affected by obesity from an early age. They also get spectacles at an old age. Obesity comes with related illnesses too.

Research has proven that children who regularly play different types of sports lead to high self-confidence, which is essential for building a person’s character.

Physical education helps one gain knowledge about the general aspects of physical health. Teenagers face many health-related problems like obesity, anemia, bulimia, and even diabetes, which are rampant amongst teenagers.

It won’t be wrong to mention that children, who learn the importance of health and hygiene at an early age, tend to get older to be responsible and healthy adults who are conscious of the advantages of a healthy lifestyle.


The bottom line.

Habits formed with the assistance of education tend to remain with us for an extended time. We should bring skilled coaches and needed equipment to colleges.

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Physical Education Schools

What is the impact of physical education on students’ well-being and academic success?

Decreasing time for quality phys-ed to allow more instructional time for core curricular subjects – including math, science, social studies and English – is counterproductive, given its positive benefits on health outcomes and school achievement.

by: Lee Schaefer , Derek Wasyliw

date: June 25, 2018

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What is the impact of physical education on students' well-being and academic success?

Research confirms that healthier students make better learners. The term quality physical education is used to describe programs that are catered to a student’s age, skill level, culture and unique needs. They include 90 minutes of physical activity per week, fostering students’ well-being and improving their academic success. However, instructional time for quality phys-ed programs around the world are being decreased to prioritize other subject areas (especially math, science, social studies and English) in hopes to achieve higher academic achievement. However, several studies have identified a significant relationship between physical activity and academic achievement. Research also demonstrates that phys-ed does not have negative impacts on student success and that it offers the following physical, social, emotional and cognitive benefits:

Quality phys-ed helps students understand how exercise helps them to develop a healthy lifestyle, gain a variety of skills that help them to participate in a variety of physical activities and enjoy an active lifestyle.

Quality phys-ed provides students with the opportunity to socialize with others and learn different skills such as communication, tolerance, trust, empathy and respect for others. They also learn positive team skills including cooperation, leadership, cohesion and responsibility. Students who play sports or participate in other physical activities experience a variety of emotions and learn how to better cope in stressful, challenging or painful situations.

Quality phys-ed can be associated with improved mental health, since increased activity provides psychological benefits including reduced stress, anxiety and depression. It also helps students develop strategies to manage their emotions and increases their self-esteem.

Research tends to show that increased blood flow produced by physical activity may stimulate the brain and boost mental performance. Avoiding inactivity may also increase energy and concentration in the classroom.

Therefore, decreasing time for quality phys-ed to allow more instructional time for core curricular subjects – including math, science, social studies and English – is counterproductive, given its positive benefits on health outcomes and school achievement.

Additional Information Resources

PHE Canada (2018). Quality daily physical education . Retrieved from https://phecanada.ca/activate/qdpe

  Ontario Ministry of Education. (2005).  Healthy schools daily physical activity in schools grades 1 ‐ 3. Retrieved from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teachers/dpa1-3.pdf

Ardoy, D. N., Fernández‐Rodríguez, J. M., Jiménez‐Pavón, D., Castillo, R., Ruiz, J. R., & Ortega, F. B. (2014). A Physical Education trial improves adolescents’ cognitive performance and academic achievement: The EDUFIT study.  Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports ,  24 (1).

Bailey, R., Armour, K., Kirk, D., Jess, M., Pickup, I., Sandford, R., & Education, B. P. (2009). The educational benefits claimed for physical education and school sport: An academic review.  Research papers in education ,  24 (1), 1-27.

Beane, J.A. (1990). Affect in the curriculum: Toward democracy, dignity, and diversity . Columbia: Teachers College Press.

Bedard, C., Bremer, E., Campbell, W., & Cairney, J. (2017). Evaluation of a direct-instruction intervention to improve movement and pre-literacy skills among young children: A within-subject repeated measures design.  Frontiers in pediatrics ,  5 , 298.

  Hellison, D.R., N. Cutforth, J. Kallusky, T. Martinek, M. Parker, and J. Stiel. (2000). Youth development and physical activity: Linking universities and communities. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

  Ho, F. K. W., Louie, L. H. T., Wong, W. H. S., Chan, K. L., Tiwari, A., Chow, C. B., & Cheung, Y. F. (2017). A sports-based youth development program, teen mental health, and physical fitness: An RCT.  Pediatrics , e20171543.

Keeley, T. J., & Fox, K. R. (2009). The impact of physical activity and fitness on academic achievement and cognitive performance in children.  International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology ,  2 (2), 198-214.

Kohl III, H. W., & Cook, H. D. (Eds.). (2013).  Educating the student body: Taking physical activity and physical education to school . National Academies Press.

Rasberry, C. N., Lee, S. M., Robin, L., Laris, B. A., Russell, L. A., Coyle, K. K., & Nihiser, A. J. (2011). The association between school-based physical activity, including physical education, and academic performance: a systematic review of the literature.  Preventive medicine ,  52 , S10-S20.  

Sallis, J. F., McKenzie, T. L., Kolody, B., Lewis, M., Marshall, S., & Rosengard, P. (1999). Effects of health-related physical education on academic achievement: Project SPARK.  Research quarterly for exercise and sport ,  70 (2), 127-134.

Strong WB, Malina RM, Blimkie CJ, Daniels SR, Dishman RK, Gutin B, Hergenroeder AC, Must A, Nixon PA, Pivarnik JM, Rowland T, Trost S, & Trudeau F (2005). Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth.  Journal of Pediatrics . 146(6):732–737.

Trudeau, F., & Shephard, R. J. (2008). Physical education, school physical activity, school sports and academic performance.  International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity ,  5 (1), 10.

Beane, J. A. (1990). Affect in the curriculum: Toward democracy, dignity, and diversity . Columbia University, New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Meet the Expert(s)

Lee schaefer.

Assistant Professor in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Department at McGill University

Lee Schaefer is an Assistant Professor in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Department at McGill University. His work is generally focused on teacher education and teacher knowle...


Derek Wasyliw

Master’s student in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Program at McGill University

Derek Wasyliw is a second-year Master’s student in the Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Program at McGill University. He is the proud recipient of the 2017-2018 SSHRC Jo...

student essay about physical education

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Essay on Physical Education

Students are often asked to write an essay on Physical Education in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Physical Education

What is physical education.

Physical Education, often called PE, is a class in school where students do exercises, play sports, and learn about keeping their bodies healthy. It’s not just about playing games; it’s also about learning the rules of sports, teamwork, and staying active.

Benefits of PE

PE helps children stay fit and healthy. It makes their hearts and lungs strong and helps them to move better. Kids also learn to work with others and follow rules. This class can make them feel happier and help them do better in school.

Activities in PE

In PE, children play soccer, basketball, and other games. They might run, jump, or learn dances. Sometimes they also learn about healthy food. PE is fun because it’s a break from sitting in the classroom.

Skills from PE

PE teaches skills like how to throw a ball or swim. But it also teaches kids to be fair and to not give up. These lessons are important in life, not just in sports. PE can help kids become good adults.

250 Words Essay on Physical Education

Physical Education, or PE for short, is a subject in school where students get to be active and learn about sports and exercises. It’s not just about playing games; it’s also about understanding how to keep our bodies healthy and strong. In PE, teachers show kids how to move their bodies in different ways and play various sports.

Benefits of Physical Education

PE is very important for many reasons. First, it helps students to stay fit and healthy. When kids run, jump, and play sports, they build stronger muscles and bones. It also helps them to stay at a good weight. Second, PE can make your mind sharper and help you focus better in other classes. Lastly, it teaches teamwork and how to get along with others.

What You Learn in PE

In PE, you learn more than just how to play sports. You learn about the rules of games, how to be safe while playing, and how to respect other players. Teachers also talk about healthy eating and how to take care of your body by getting enough sleep and not eating too much junk food.

Fun and Games

PE is also about having fun. When you play games and sports, you can enjoy yourself while exercising. It’s a time in school when you can laugh with friends and enjoy being active.

In conclusion, Physical Education is a key part of school that helps kids learn about staying healthy, working with others, and having a good time. It’s not just about sports; it’s about taking care of your body and mind.

500 Words Essay on Physical Education

The importance of staying active.

Staying active is very important for everyone, especially for students like you. When you move around and play, your body gets stronger, and you feel better. Exercise helps your muscles grow and keeps your heart healthy. It also makes you feel happy because when you exercise, your body releases something called endorphins, which are like natural happiness boosters.

Learning New Skills

In Physical Education, you learn a lot of new skills that can be useful in life. You learn how to throw, catch, jump, and run properly. These skills are not only for playing sports but also for daily activities. For example, being able to catch something quickly can help you in many situations, like catching a bus or even a piece of fruit falling from a table.

Teamwork and Sportsmanship

Health and fitness knowledge.

PE is not just about playing; it’s also about learning. You learn why eating healthy foods and staying active is good for you. Teachers show you how different exercises can help different parts of your body. For example, jumping rope is good for your heart, and stretching can make you more flexible.

Fun and Enjoyment

Physical Education can be a lot of fun! It’s a time in school when you can play with friends and enjoy different activities. You might play soccer, basketball, or even dance. It’s a break from sitting in a classroom, and it’s a chance to laugh and have a good time.

Challenges and Achievements

Physical Education is an essential part of school. It helps you stay healthy, learn new skills, work with others, and have fun. It’s not just about being the best at sports; it’s about feeling good and living a healthy life. So next time you have PE, remember it’s helping you in many more ways than you might think!

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Keeping Physical Education in Schools Essay

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Physical education aids in significant health benefits, physical education improves academic performance, physical education is not hard to maintain.

Physical education is a process geared towards physical development through exercise instructions which one applies to achieve a healthy lifestyle. These exercises range from sports, games, dance, aerobics and other gymnastic programs. Both quality and quantity of physical education programs are important in schools in forming an all-rounded student.

Schools should incorporate effective physical education programs for all learners on a daily basis to ensure fitness in the students. Young children require creative exercises to avoid boredom, and the trainers should involve the children in coming up with the programs to ensure that their ideas are incorporated in the regimen. This will make the physical exercises fun to carry out.

Apart from participating in the physical education programs, the students need to be taught on the importance of the various exercises so that they inculcate the culture of physical fitness into their life-time fitness programs.

Most health experts recommend an average of one hour of moderate to strenuous exercises for school going children (Marion, 2009). Physical education is an important activity in the public schools and should be allowed to remain an integral part of the curriculum.

Physical education is an important aspect of a child’s comprehensive growth process. The incorporation of the program into the school curriculum will impact positively the school children and help them adopt the activities taught as an integral part of their endeavor to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Regular physical activities have been found to result in healthier life with lowered risk of preventable conditions such as high blood pressure, some forms of cancers and diabetes. Physical exercises on a regular basis lead to a better cardiovascular endurance and also lower blood pressure to normal homeostatic levels.

With the emergence of new modern forms of entertainment such as computer games, play stations and internet based games, many children have neglected the physically demanding entertainment programs. This has increased the number of those with cases of child obesity to epidemic levels in America and other European countries (Marx & Wooley, 1998).

It would be advisable to incorporate a culture of involvement in physical exercises in young children to avert such disasters as chronic, cardiovascular diseases and disabilities. Many studies have shown that exercise helps greatly reduce unnecessary body fat and a corresponding increase in lean muscle mass which being elements of good health.

As schools aim to achieve high academic success, they should also focus on improving the welfare of the learners by encouraging healthy lifestyles which is achievable through physical activities and healthy diets. Physically fit learners have low incidences of depression, anxiety and also show high levels of self-esteem as well as improved socialization ability in comparison to their peers (Carlie, 2011).

According to research carried out by Active Living Research group, on how policies and environmental factors affect the performance of learners in schools, the less the time is allocated for physical education, the lower the academic performance is recorded. All schools under the study which had comprehensive exercise and physical training programs had a better performance in academics even with less instruction time in class work.

There is a wide range of exercise models learners can use that do not require expensive facilities. For instance, learners can involve in activities such as aerobics, running and playing. The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) needs to be reviewed to ensure learners have adequate time for exercise as opposed to long hours in classwork (University of Michigan Health System, 2011).

The NCLB completely failed to capture the importance of exercise in the general development of school going children. The anticipated improvement in academics has not been realized. This has been attributed to academic fatigue and decreased physical fitness in children among other factors, which always improve concentration capacity.

A controlled exercise program by adults or trained instructors ensures the school going children carry out their exercises in well protected environments and only according to outlined guidelines.

As numerous studies have shown a link between good academic performance and exercising, schools should strive to invest in physical education. Furthermore, many talents in children such as football skills and athletics prowess are discovered through these programs (Stewart, &Mars, 2010).

Apart from the improved academic performance, physical education contributes to developing responsible citizens. Many studies have indicated a drop in cases of indiscipline in children involved in physical fitness programs in comparison to those who do not.

Drug abuse is also rampant among idle students as compared to those who take part in exercise programs. The benefits accrued from physical activity go beyond academic performance and positive results have been recorded in psychosocial component of life, too (University of Michigan Health System, 2011).

The No Child Left behind Act (NCLB) is one of the reasons the physical education program has received little attention. This has in turn resulted in higher rates of obesity in the country with the government spending billions of dollars to counter obesity-related complications in school going children. It is estimated that by 2018, the United States will have spent up to $344 billion to counter obesity related complications.

This constitutes about twenty one percent of the health sector’s budgets. This can be effectively avoided by investing in physical education among the school going children who make up the greatest percentage of obesity cases. Ironically it would only cost $ 500, 000 to reintroduce the physical education programs in schools.

Schools facing budgetary constraints to purchase physical education facilities could easily overcome this challenge by soliciting for funds from well wishers or organize fund raisers (Marion, 2009). The government needs to allocate funds for physical education in schools in addition to constituting legislation that would make physical education as part of the curriculum.

In the United States, deaths arising from poor diet and inactivity hit the 300,000 mark annually. Studies indicated that this problem begins in early childhood and adolescents stages of life. This is the time most people are schooling and, therefore, investing in physical education as an integral part of the curriculum, would have tremendous impact on changing the lifestyles of millions of American citizens.

The government should prioritize in areas of creating awareness among school going children, teachers, parents and guardians to inculcate a culture of healthy living among all people. The government should also involve medical and physical fitness experts in formulating policies and making recommendations regarding physical education programs in schools.

As has been indicated by the united states department of health and human services, physical activeness would lead to lowered expenditures by the government in matters health since the benefits accrued from it reduce the risks of disease incidences.

In one swing, a constant physical activity which is apparently an enjoyable experience has numerous health benefits that only a fool can ignore. Improved strength and endurance, controlled weight, healthy bones and muscles, reduced anxiety and stress as well as improved self-esteem, maintenance of low levels of cholesterol and blood pressure (Marx & Wooley, 1998).

The benefits associated with physical activities surpass the disadvantages. From improved health to improved academic performance and the improved socialization powers, the advantages of physical education are limitless. It is the prerogative of the parents and guardians to ensure that the children involve in responsible physical activities and remove the fear of injuries or time wasting from the element of physical education.

It is wrong to presume that for effective physical fitness, one has to own state of the art facilities as there are many forms of physical exercises. To also assume that for better academic performance, a learner requires long study hours is wrong and as the old adage goes “All work without play makes Jack a dull boy”

The importance of physical education can not be underestimated. There is a need to ensure both quality and quantity of physical education in school programs. The government should also formulate policies and legislation geared towards promotion of physical fitness. Guidelines given by expatriate bodies should be followed since their advice is based on reliable studies.

For instance, the American Heart Association and the National Association of State Boards of Education recommend no less than two hours of physical education each week. The government ought to offer training techniques to instructors and post them to all schools.

In addition it should avail any necessary facilities to ensure successful physical training programs. Owing to the reluctance displayed by both school administrations and the learners themselves in matters of physical education, the government could make it compulsory and examinable.

Carlie, D. (2011). Physical Education (P.E.). Education/Budget Cuts . Web.

Marion, S.C. (2009). OTL: PE Left Behind . Web.

Marx, E. & Wooley, S. (1998). Health Is Academic: A Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs. New York: Teacher’s College Press.

Stewart, G.T.&Mars, H. (2010). Why We Should Not Cut P.E. Educational Leadership . 67(4). pp.60-65.

University of Michigan Health System (2011). Gym gone but not forgotten? Parents want more physical activity at school for kids. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, July 3). Keeping Physical Education in Schools. https://ivypanda.com/essays/keeping-physical-education-in-schools/

"Keeping Physical Education in Schools." IvyPanda , 3 July 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/keeping-physical-education-in-schools/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Keeping Physical Education in Schools'. 3 July.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Keeping Physical Education in Schools." July 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/keeping-physical-education-in-schools/.

1. IvyPanda . "Keeping Physical Education in Schools." July 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/keeping-physical-education-in-schools/.


IvyPanda . "Keeping Physical Education in Schools." July 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/keeping-physical-education-in-schools/.

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Valley students share their future goals as education essay competition kicks off

student essay about physical education

PHOENIX — September marks the beginning of college savings month in Arizona. Arizona’s state treasurer Kimberly Yee is kicking it off with an essay competition asking students to write about their dream jobs.

Twenty winners from all across Arizona will get $529 for their AZ529 account.

At the Boys and Girls Club of the Valley, there are a lot of kids with big dreams.

“I want to be a volleyball coach and a teacher of either math or ELA," sixth grader Bellamar Scott-Ramos said.

“I want to be a soccer player and a lawyer. Because I’m good at arguing," Charles Strand-Flores said.

To achieve those goals, these fifth and sixth graders want to pursue a college degree.


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Treasurer Yee is telling them about the essay contest they can submit to so they can get a jump start.

“It’s a very short paragraph you need to write about what you want to be when you grow up," Yee said. "That will give you a chance to submit it and give you a chance to win $529 for your future education.”

Yee is trying to reach as many kids and parents as possible, heading across the state again to promote the contest and the savings plan.

“We have seen so much growth in this program. In just 46 months, we have seen 44,500 new families sign up for an education savings plan," Yee said.

Strand-Flores says he plans to take what he learned today and start saving.

“If you save, you have it when you need it. And when you have a lot, you can give it to other people.”

Yee adds if your child eventually decides college isn’t for them, the saved money can be spent on other types of education like vocational schools, trade programs, and workforce development.

The essay contest runs through October 6 and submissions can be made online. Learn more here.

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Importance of Physical Education in Schools. (2016, Apr 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay

"Importance of Physical Education in Schools." StudyMoose , 7 Apr 2016, https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Importance of Physical Education in Schools . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay [Accessed: 4 Sep. 2024]

"Importance of Physical Education in Schools." StudyMoose, Apr 07, 2016. Accessed September 4, 2024. https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay

"Importance of Physical Education in Schools," StudyMoose , 07-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay. [Accessed: 4-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Importance of Physical Education in Schools . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/importance-of-physical-education-in-schools-essay [Accessed: 4-Sep-2024]

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Importance of Physical Education in Schools essay

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UMass Study Identifies Factors that Predict Physical Activity for Nursing Students

Capan Chung

This story was first published by the UMass News Office.

New research from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, in collaboration with the Elaine Marieb Center for Nursing and Engineering Innovation , is helping to identify barriers to physical activity in nurses. Published in PLOS ONE , the study reports that the key factors influencing exercise include intrinsic motivation, certain types of social support, certain demographic identifiers and the use of health-tracking technology.

Nursing is a notoriously exhausting career, marked by irregular and long shifts and high physical demands. At the same time, prior studies show that about half of nurses fail to meet physical activity recommendations.

Joohyun Chung , associate professor in the Elaine Marieb College of Nursing and an author on the new paper, highlights how failing to meet physical activity recommendations negatively impacts nurses’ overall well-being. “This is connected to self-care,” she says. “When you work, it’s different [physical activity] than when you go swimming or skiing.” Considering that there are 4.2 million nurses in the U.S. and this field has high rates of burnout, improving nurses’ well-being is an important priority.

“And, indirectly, we want to improve the health care that they deliver to their patients,” says Muge Capan , assistant professor of industrial engineering at UMass Amherst and lead study author. “[Health] trickles down through the nurses to patient: If the nurse’s health is compromised, we know it impacts burnout, it impacts retention, it impacts diagnostic errors. If they are not at their healthiest, highest potential, then it impacts the care they give to their patients.”

It is very challenging for nurses to begin new healthy habits after they enter the workforce. So the researchers saw an opportunity to preserve or encourage new healthy physical activity habits in nursing students. “What we’re hoping is that they can take care of themselves first before they take care of others,” says Chung.

“This population is the future,” Capan adds. “If we understand the barriers to physical activity now in this population and target them with specific tailored solutions, then in the future, we can predict who is going to be at higher risk of continuing these [sedentary] behaviors. Maybe by preventing [inactivity], we are making an impact as they transition into the actual workforce.”

With this in mind, the research used validated questionnaires to identify the subsets of nursing students at greatest risk for physical inactivity and define the barriers they’re experiencing. 

On an individual level, high intrinsic motivation to exercise corresponds to low barriers to physical activity. 

Next, the researchers found a strong influence of social support on physical activity — and that not all social impacts are helpful. High emotional support (advice, encouragement) predicted a low barrier score, but high validation support (social comparison, competition, status) predicted a high barrier score.

“I am a member of a fitness app, for example, and you can give high-fives to each other or give encouragement,” says Capan. “That would be an example of emotional support, whereas validation support would be a leaderboard because you want other people to see where you are in the rank.” She believes that this kind of status comparison generates unhelpful stress, which creates more of a barrier.

Another important factor was family income. “We found that, for every $10,000 or greater in family income, the barrier score moved down significantly,” she says.

Finally, the researchers found that fitness trackers were a strong predictor. “If they were not tracking their activity, they were experiencing more barriers,” she says.

While it is difficult to draw direct cause-effect conclusions based on these results, it does give Capan and her team important insight into where to start focusing their efforts. “Hopefully, this is the beginning of a research branch that focuses on early recognition of barriers and addressing those in a targeted way, whether it’s a wearable device or platform or some sort of personalized health information technology,” she says.

Chung also sees the importance of shifting the way that nurses are trained. “It’s a more holistic way of thinking — how can they take care of themselves? How can they balance their work and life?” she says.

“This work is just one example of what can be done if we —if nurses and engineers — approach a problem together and bring in additional key expertise, like we did from the UMass Amherst Department of Kinesiology,” says Capan.

Data science, statistical analysis, and decision modeling in health care to develop smart and connected clinical decision support systems.

Muge Capan

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student essay about physical education

Teachers' Day 2024: Ten Lines, Short and Long Essays For School Students

Published By : Suramya Sunilraj

Trending Desk

Last Updated: September 04, 2024, 09:00 IST

New Delhi, India

student essay about physical education

Students celebrate their teachers’ dedication and arduous work on this day by participating in exciting activities (Representative Image/ Shutterstock)

This special day encourages students to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers, who have a significant impact on their lives and future

Teachers’ Day is an occasion set aside to celebrate and appreciate their hard work, dedication and contributions. Teachers’ Day is held every year on September 5 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent scholar, teacher and India’s second president. This special day encourages students to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers, who have a significant impact on their lives and future.

Students celebrate their teachers’ dedication and arduous work on this day by participating in exciting activities and events such as delivering speeches and writing essays, making cards and posters, reciting poetry and slogans, engaging in fun games, and singing and dancing. Here are some simple essays to write and share with your adored teachers.

10 Lines Essay on Teacher’s Day (Primary Level):

– Teachers play an important role in our lives.

– In India, people celebrate this day on September 5 of every year.

– The Teacher’s Day celebration was started in 1962.

– The day is commemorated to honour Dr S Radhakrishnan, the first vice president and second president of India, on his birthday.

– In addition to being a renowned scholar, diplomat and President of India, he was also acommitted teacher.

– He stated that people shouldcelebrate September 5 as Teacher’s Day rather than his birthday.

– The teaching community is respected on this day and is widely observed across the country.

– To show love and appreciation for teachers, students make greeting cards and give presents.

– Schools and other institutions host a variety of events and programmes on this day.

– A few exceptional teachers get awarded with National Awards from the Ministry of Education in recognition of their outstanding work.

Teacher’s Day 2024: Short Essays 150 words (Secondary Level)

Every year on the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, India observes Teachers’ Day. He was deeply committed to the teaching profession. Some kids reportedly approached him and asked whether he wanted to celebrate his birthday on September 5. He then suggested that they honour all teachers on this day to mark their outstanding efforts and accomplishments. Teachers are the genuine builders of the nation’s future, influencing the lives of students, who in turn shape the nation’s destiny.

Teachers have an essential role in nation-building. However, one hardly recognises the necessity of teachers in the community. Teachers’ Day has been honoured on September 5 each year since 1962. Our teachers not only teach us, but they also help us develop our personalities, confidence and abilities. They assist us in overcoming whatever hurdles we may encounter in life. Here’s a Happy Teachers’ Day to all the hardworking teachers across India!

Teachers’ Day 2024: Long Essays 250 words (Higher Secondary Level)

Every year on September 5, students observe Teacher Day. It honours the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, India’s first Vice President and a dedicated teacher. He was a staunch promoter of education and was well-known for his work as a scholar, diplomat, educator and former President of India.

Teachers’ Day is a wonderful time to honour and cherish the relationship between teachers and students. Nowadays, students and instructors in schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions exhibit their enthusiasm and excitement. Students often wish their teachers a long life. The relationship between teachers and students is something to be thankful for and treasure for a lifetime. These days, students and professors gladly participate in the celebrations at schools, colleges, universities and other educational institutions.

Students organise several events on Teachers’ Day to show respect for their teachers. These activities include cultural programmes, lectures, poems and small expressions of gratitude. Some students show their gratitude through heartfelt comments or notes. In some schools, senior students serve as instructors for the day, gaining experience with the problems and responsibilities of teaching.

We should recognise and cherish the teachers in our lives, and we should celebrate Teachers’ Day every year to express our gratitude for their work. Teachers, like our parents, help us develop our minds to thrive in life. And, it is our responsibility to honour them by adhering to all of their lessons and teachings. Happy Teachers’ Day to all!

student essay about physical education

  • Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
  • teacher's day
  • Teachers day celebrations


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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Physical Education — The Importance of Physical Education to Maintain a Healthy and Happy Life


The Importance of Physical Education to Maintain a Healthy and Happy Life

  • Categories: Physical Education

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Words: 441 |

Published: Aug 10, 2018

Words: 441 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Anderson, K. (2019). The Role of Physical Education in Promoting Holistic Health: A Review of Literature. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(3), 123-145.
  • Collins, M. A. (2018). Integrating Physical and Mental Health Education in School Curricula: A Comprehensive Approach. International Journal of Health Sciences Education, 5(2), 67-82.
  • Davis, R. T. (2017). The Impact of Physical Education on Social Skills Development in Children. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(1), 89-104.
  • Garcia, S. M. (2019). Physical Education as a Means of Promoting Emotional Well-being: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of School Health, 89(5), 356-363.
  • Johnson, L. C. (2018). The Effects of Physical Education on Cognitive Functioning in School-age Children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 110(3), 456-471.
  • Martinez, A. B. (2020). The Role of Physical Education in Promoting Positive Body Image in Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(4), 567-574.
  • Nelson, J. P. (2016). The Relationship between Physical Education and Academic Performance: A Meta-analysis. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 87(2), 152-161.
  • Roberts, T. S. (2017). The Benefits of Physical Education in Enhancing Motor Skills in Children with Developmental Disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 34(3), 277-291.
  • Thompson, R. M. (2019). The Role of Physical Education in Promoting Lifelong Physical Activity: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 16(6), 456-465.
  • Wilson, E. D. (2018). Physical Education and Moral Development: Fostering Ethical Decision-making through Sports and Games. Journal of Moral Education, 47(2), 214-230.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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    Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 22(1), 89-104. Garcia, S. M. (2019). Physical Education as a Means of Promoting Emotional Well-being: A Cross-sectional Study. Journal of School Health, 89(5), 356-363. Johnson, L. C. (2018). The Effects of Physical Education on Cognitive Functioning in School-age Children.