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Research Institute of Information and Computing Sciences

Phd programme: information and computing sciences.

The nearly limitless availability of computing power has led to new approaches in science, great innovations in business and industry, and unprecedented ways of working with information in the public and private sphere. As information technology inspires and enables new ways to conduct almost any human activity, the development of more sophisticated ways of handling information is one of the great challenges of the 21st century.

In our focus area we aim, on the one hand, at supporting the development of virtual worlds. This allows professionals to train by using simulations based on breakthroughs in game and agent technology. On the other hand, our research is directed towards the structuring and manipulating of large sets of data. We study fundamental issues in algorithm and software development in order to allow users of information technology in science, business and culture to handle and exploit the enormous flood of data they are facing.

Mission statement en objectives van het PhD-programma ICS

Our PhD program is devoted to top-level research in information and computing sciences (ICS) for IT, as the cornerstone of modern science and the Information Society. We value our connections and cooperation’s with many excellent research institutes, universities, IT-companies and industries inside The Netherlands and abroad.

To perform excellent research in these areas of our mission based on the recruitment of excellent students and principal investigators and to educate the new generation of scientist.

International status

The research in the school is of the highest international standards as indicated by the regular publications in the highest ranking international journals and by the international recognition of the core scientists in the program. The considerable number of foreign students in our program underscores the international reputation of the program.

Programme Coordinator

Scientific director Utrecht Research Institute for Information and Computing Sciences: Prof. dr. Judith Masthoff Department of Information and Computing Sciences

After your Masters

The training program for PhD students (see below) consists of a number of coursers on academic skills, PhD courses, colloquia, and conference presentations. The PhD courses are typically organized by national research schools, but can also be implemented as relevant master program courses.

Conditions of Entry

For each PhD student in the PhD program a Training and Supervision Agreement must be submitted and approved by the scientific director, see the appendix.

Training and Supervision Agreement

PhDs are required to propose and follow an educational program consisting of a minimum of 20 ECTS. Below is an overview of the number of ECTS that can be obtained by taking the various parts of the PhD program. An education/training program indicated in the Training and Supervision Agreement is mandatory for each student. The TSA also indicates deficiencies of a student for which courses should be taken.

Description of Educational Features of the Programme

The individual training program has to be specified and can consist of the following elements:

  • PhD or master courses of at least 4 ECTS points or summer schools of at least 2 ECTS points depending on its duration and the amount of work involved. The PhD courses are typically organized by a research school such as ASCI, SIKS, IPA, Helmholtz, or Imago.
  • Participation in local discussions of work progress, seminars, colloquium, or lectures on literature. This element equals 6 ECTS points.
  • A supervised literature study, which counts for 4 ECTS points.
  • Presentations at scientific conferences or workshops. Each presentation counts for 2 ECTS points.
  • One or more courses on scientific writing or presenting. A course on writing or presenting  counts for 2 ECTS points.

The total number of ECTS points in the educational program must be at least 20.

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

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phd in computer science in netherlands

Graduate School of Science

Computer Science

PhD candidates carry out a programme of independent research and additional (limited) course work, culminating in production of a PhD thesis in typically 4 years.

A detailed description of the research projects can be found on the website of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) .


Specific requirements of the PhD programme depend on the specialisation chosen and are determined in agreement with the supervisor of the thesis. The students actively participate in national and international meetings as a part of their training. The PhD thesis is written in English, the language commonly used in the research groups.

An MSc degree is required for admission to the PhD programme. If appropriate, the PhD project will be a continuation of an MSc research project. Every year, the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science has paid positions available for PhD candidates, that are filled on a merit basis.

A paid position includes limited assistance in undergraduate teaching. It may also be possible to enter the PhD programme with self-obtained grants. Grants must provide for costs of living and for a bench fee.

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PhD at TU/e

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  • I'm a PhD candidate at TU/e
  • Defenses and ceremonies
  • Chat with our students
  • Becoming a PhD candidate
  • Life as PhD
  • After your PhD

Do you have a master's degree, and do you aspire to a career in scientific research? Then consider a PhD position at TU/e. For four years, you will conduct (paid) in-depth research within a specific field of research. At a top international university known for its strong ties with industry, right in the middle of Brainport (the smartest region in the world).

What does a PhD at TU/e entail?

In four years, you will become an excellent, independent researcher. A professor will assist you in conducting in-depth, groundbreaking research in the field of your choice. You will work together with other research groups, industrial partners, and research institutions, depending on the subject of your research. After successfully defending your dissertation, you will be awarded the PhD title.

A PhD program offers you a great deal of freedom to conduct research into socially relevant topics. You can develop your ideas in an environment with state-of-the-art research facilities. 

  • Explore our research groups

Why become a PhD candidate at TU/e?

If you choose to pursue a PhD at TU/e, you will be given the space and support to excel in your field. In addition, our small-scale and personal approach makes it easy to communicate and collaborate with other departments and research groups. Also, PhD candidates are valued employees at our university. Most have an employment contract and therefore receive a salary during their training.

Meet some of our PhD candidates

Open culture.

The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different countries, who come together in one of the many communities. We embrace diversity and inclusion, as it adds to our success and pleasure in education and research. TU/e is a university where students and lecturers know each other on a first-name basis and work together on innovative projects with real-life significance.   

State-of-the-art research facilities

To conduct groundbreaking research, to attract outstanding scientific talent, and to train new generations of engineers, we have ultramodern research labs and facilities at our disposal. Some of our labs are unique in the Netherlands, or even in the world.

PROOF program

As a PhD candidate, you will plunge into an intensive learning experience over a period of four (or five) years. Learning takes place all the time, both consciously and subconsciously: on the job, when interacting with others, while (informally) researching, and during courses and workshops. To support and facilitate the development of your competences, TU/e offers a dedicated training program for PhD candidates.

Is a PhD track right for me?

To successfully pursue a PhD, you must be able to work and write independently. In addition, you have an above-average interest in technology, are a go-getter, and can think analytically. Of course, you enjoy doing research and finding out the underlying cause of things. Finally, you need to have a suitable prior education. 

  • More information about requirements

Or an EngD (Engineering Doctorate)?

Do you want to continue your education, but not spend four years doing in-depth research? In that case an EngD program might be something for you: a two-year, paid, full-time program to become a technological designer. You will expand your technological knowledge, gain practical experience with the latest methods, and work on your professional skills. The main difference between an EngD program and a PhD track is its focus. A PhD is aimed at establishing yourself as an independent researcher. On the other hand, an EngD prepares you for a high-level position in industry. 

  • More information about EngD


They are happy to answer your questions and share their experiences!

Events and information for PhD's

Watch the program video where a PhD candidate and an EngD trainee will tell you more about their experiences at TU/e. Ask your question(s) directly to one of our PhD students. Or visit our Graduate School Event on campus!


Program videos

Want to know more about our bachelors, masters, EngD or PhD programs? Watch one of our program videos presented by our staff and students.

Master's Open Day

Visit the TU/e during the open day of our Graduate School

Fact & Figures PhD candidates

1650 phd candidates.

About 1650 people are working as a PhD candidate at TU/e.

PhD Defenses

Every year about 225 PhD’s defenses take place.

Male Female Ratio

About 33% of the PhD candidates are women, 67% are men.

International environment

About 60% of our PhD candidates have an international background. The other 40% have Dutch nationality. English is our working language.

Average duration

On average, the duration of the PhD trajectory at TU/e is one of the shortest in the Netherlands.


PhD candidates assess their PhD trajectory on average with a 7.5 (on a scale of 1-10).

Twente Graduate School

Twente Graduate School(TGS) coordinates all doctoral programmes at UT.

You can either pursue a career in scientific research, leading to a PhD degree or opt for a more practical, design-oriented Engineering Doctorate (EngD). 

Each programme centres on topics closely related to the work going on at our research institutes and is taught and supervised by expert researchers and designers. Find out more about the research-driven PhD opportunities or our  design-oriented EngD programmes . The EngD page also explains the differences between PhD and EngD programmes .

  • PhD Charter ( English  /  Dutch )
  • Doctoral Regulations of the UT ( English  /  Dutch ) 
  • Guidelines for 30 EC in doctoral education
  • University of Twente PhD profile
  • Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity ( English  /  Dutch )
  • EngD Charter ( English  /  Dutch )


  • Qualifier workshop for PhDs/EngDs 
  • Workshop Supervising PhDs
  • Training Reactions to feedback and to a negative PhD qualifier outcome

Useful documents

  • UT Guide to Supervision of Doctoral Candidates
  • Expectations regarding the supervision of doctoral candidates

Annual education report 2023

  • List of mandatory PhD courses
  • List of all PhD/EngD generic courses

overview Joint and Double PhD Agreements

This overview presents the current Joint and Double PhD Agreements between the University of Twente and the partner universities as listed below. Please note that the duration and specific terms of each agreement may vary. For further details, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at: [email protected]




Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)



Prince of Songkla University



South China Normal University (SCNU)





Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWUM)



Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)



Universitas Padjadjaran



Macquarie University



Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP-FEA)



Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP-EESC of EPUSP)



University of Oulu



University of the Western Cape (UWC)


Current vacancies

The overview below shows all current vacancies as listed on the UT vacancies website. We also provide detailed information about the  admission and application process for PhD candidates and application and admission for EngD candidates . Please note: there are more options to start a PhD or EngD position, for example,  company funded . For a full overview of options, see the TGS vacancy page . 

39 Best universities for Computer Science in the Netherlands

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in the Netherlands ranked based on their research performance in Computer Science. A graph of 17.7M citations received by 566K academic papers made by 39 universities in the Netherlands was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Amsterdam

For Computer Science

University of Amsterdam logo

2. Delft University of Technology

Delft University of Technology logo

3. Utrecht University

Utrecht University logo

4. Radboud University

Radboud University logo

5. University of Groningen

University of Groningen logo

6. Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

7. Leiden University

Leiden University logo

8. Free University Amsterdam

Free University Amsterdam logo

9. University of Twente

University of Twente logo

10. Erasmus University Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam logo

11. Maastricht University

Maastricht University logo

12. Wageningen University

Wageningen University logo

13. Tilburg University

Tilburg University logo

14. Rotterdam University

Rotterdam University logo

15. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education

Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Professional Education logo

16. HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht logo

17. Nyenrode Business University

Nyenrode Business University logo

18. Zuyd University

Zuyd University logo

19. HAN University of Applied Sciences

HAN University of Applied Sciences logo

20. Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen logo

21. Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Fontys University of Applied Sciences logo

22. Breda University of Applied Sciences

Breda University of Applied Sciences logo

23. University of Humanistic Studies

University of Humanistic Studies logo

24. Hague University of Applied Sciences

Hague University of Applied Sciences logo

25. Saxion University

Saxion University logo

26. INHolland University of Applied Sciences

INHolland University of Applied Sciences logo

27. Hogeschool Leiden, University of Professional Education

Hogeschool Leiden, University of Professional Education logo

28. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences logo

29. Codarts University of the Arts

Codarts University of the Arts logo

30. AVANS University of Applied Sciences

AVANS University of Applied Sciences logo

31. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences

NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences logo

32. TIAS School for Business and Society

TIAS School for Business and Society logo

33. Utrecht School of the Arts

Utrecht School of the Arts logo

34. University of Aruba

University of Aruba logo

35. Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences logo

36. Hotelschool The Hague

Hotelschool The Hague logo

37. HZ University of Applied Sciences

HZ University of Applied Sciences logo

38. Ede Christian University

Ede Christian University logo

39. American University of the Caribbean - School of Medicine

American University of the Caribbean - School of Medicine logo

The best cities to study Computer Science in the Netherlands based on the number of universities and their ranks are Amsterdam , Delft , Utrecht , and Nijmegen .

Computer Science subfields in the Netherlands

736 Computer-Science PhD positions in Netherlands

Filtered by.

  • Netherlands
  • Computer-Science

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  • Last-24-hours 8
  • Last-3-days 6
  • Last-7-days 19
  • Last-30-days 151
  • Scholarship 715
  • Research Job 23
  • Delft University of Technology 140
  • University of Groningen 87
  • Eindhoven University of Technology 71
  • University of Amsterdam 67
  • Wageningen University and Research Center 50
  • Radboud University 44
  • Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) 37
  • University of Twente 30
  • AcademicTransfer 27
  • Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) 26
  • Leiden University 23
  • University of Twente (UT) 21
  • Amsterdam UMC 15
  • Utrecht University 14
  • Wageningen University & Research 13
  • Maastricht University (UM) 11
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) 11
  • University of Amsterdam (UvA) 9
  • Radboud University Medical Center (Radboudumc) 5
  • Erasmus MC (University Medical Center Rotterdam) 4
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) 4
  • Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) 3
  • Tilburg University 2
  • University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG) 2
  • ; Utrecht University 1
  • Radboudumc 1
  • Stichting Deltares 1
  • University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) 1
  • Vrije Univeriteit Amsterdam 1
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 1
  • Computer Science 257
  • Economics 78
  • Engineering 59
  • Medical Sciences 53
  • Education 34
  • Chemistry 25
  • Psychology 20
  • Environment 17
  • Humanities 15
  • Electrical Engineering 14
  • Arts and Literature 13
  • Materials Science 13
  • Mathematics 12
  • Linguistics 8
  • Social Sciences 8
  • Philosophy 7
  • Sports and Recreation 7
  • Earth Sciences 5
  • Statistics 2

PhD on neuromorphic computing & engineering: algorithms & hardware architectures

processors for efficient autonomous agents. Job Description We offer an exciting Ph.D. opportunity for a pioneering approach to neuromorphic engineering and computing , drawing inspiration from neural

PhD in Computational Chemistry

: •    Perform research in the computational chemistry theme of the van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences ; •    Be an active member of the computational chemistry theme ; •    Take part actively in

of the project (2x per year); •    Provide assistance with teaching at HIMS. Requirements Your experience and profile: •    A recent MSc degree in Chemical engineering, Physics , Scientific Computing or Applied

PhD research fellow immuno- informatics in inflammatory bowel disease

16 May 2024 Job Information Organisation/Company Amsterdam UMC Research Field Medical sciences Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country Netherlands Application Deadline 1 Jun 2024 - 21

PhD Position in Computational Biology: Using Machine Learning to Understand the Immune System

computer vision ? Would you like to apply AI and machine learning for fundamental research in biology? Then you have a part to play as a PhD candidate. By combining simulations and machine learning, you will

aspiring data science researcher with an interest in human immunology, causal inference in dynamical systems, and/or computer vision ? Would you like to apply AI and machine learning for fundamental research

PhD Position on Wide Bandwidth Baseband techniques for 6G

( [email protected] ). About the organisation The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) uses mathematics, electronics and computer technology to contribute

PhD position on CRISPR diagnostics on-chip to improve cervical cancer screening

Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) uses mathematics, electronics and computer technology to contribute to the development of Information and Communication Technology ( ICT ). With ICT present

PhD on the topic: Privacy Preserving Computer Architectures (1.0 FTE)

to implement privacy-preserving computing platforms using emerging technology, such as resistive random-access memory (ReRAM), phase-change memory, magnetic memory, and ferroelectric memory. The project explores

PhD Candidate, Brain-inspired LLM for Edge Devices: A Hardware-Algorithm Co-design Framework

Apply now The Faculty of Science and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) are looking for a: PhD Candidate, Brain-inspired LLM for Edge Devices: A Hardware-Algorithm Co-design

Searches related to Computer Science

  • postdoctoral
  • engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • machine learning phd
  • mathematics
  • machine learning
  • image processing


PhD research

PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

phd in computer science in netherlands

PhD vacancies

phd in computer science in netherlands

Getting your PhD at the UvA

phd in computer science in netherlands

UvA Staff Housing

The guide to doing your PhD at the UvA brings together all kinds of information about the PhD process, from the regulations and different steps in the process to terms of employment and facilities you can make use of as a PhD candidate.

Doctoral programme: from admission to completion

Documents and forms, phd contact information, central phd council, cookie consent.

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PhD Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

System and network engineering: forensics.

University of Amsterdam logo

University of Amsterdam

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is the only global university performance table to judge research-intensive universities across all of their core missions: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.

Computer Science

Delft University of Technology logo

Delft University of Technology

Computer engineering, software science (major of computer science).

Eindhoven University of Technology logo

Eindhoven University of Technology

Electrical and electronic engineering — advanced sensor applications.

Hanze University of Applied Sciences logo

Hanze University of Applied Sciences

Logistics management engineering (english).

Fontys University of Applied Sciences logo

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Advanced technology.

University of Twente logo

University of Twente

Creative technology, information and communication technology (english), technology of nuclear fusion, computing science.

University of Groningen logo

University of Groningen

Free University Amsterdam logo

Free University Amsterdam

Software technology, computer science and engineering, computer science: computer science and science-based business.

Leiden University logo

Leiden University

Parallel and distributed computer systems, sensor system engineering, computer science: computer science and advanced data analytics, computer science: bioinformatics, game design, internet science and technology, cyber security.

Radboud University logo

Radboud University

Master in game technology.

Breda University of Applied Sciences logo

Breda University of Applied Sciences

Data science.

Tilburg University logo

Tilburg University

Computer science and economics, information technology.

Stenden University logo

Stenden University

Game design and development.

Utrecht School of the Arts logo

Utrecht School of the Arts

Technical computer science.

Utrecht University logo

Utrecht University

Knowledge engineering.

Maastricht University logo

Maastricht University

Vision and strategy building for cities and regions, social and cultural science, bioinformatics and systems biology, software engineering, actuarial science, deadline information, best universities with computer science & it in netherlands.

best universities with computer-science-it programs

Bachelor Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

bachelor computer-science-it programs

Master Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

master computer-science-it programs

Most Popular Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

most popular computer-science-it programs

PhD Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

phd computer-science-it programs

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phd in computer science in netherlands

Applied Data Science

For students interested in research, the MSc degree provides the opportunity to start a PhD research project in any of the related topics at a university in the Netherlands or abroad. Such positions are regularly available within Utrecht University. There are ample contacts with other universities as well, partly through the nationwide Dutch research school SIKS (School for Knowledge and Information Systems). Some positions are sponsored by companies or the Dutch research council. Graduates may also find challenging positions in R&D departments of international companies, governments, and the banking and insurance sectors.

Doing a PhD

If you have completed your Master's programme, and you are enthusiastic about doing research in your field, then maybe doing a Doctorate (PhD) will interest you. A Doctor’s degree is the highest academic degree awarded by a Dutch university. You start as 'assistant in training' (aio) or 'researcher in training' (oio).

At Utrecht University

At Utrecht University you take part in education in one of the Graduate Schools and often also teach students. During the four-year PhD programme you work under the guidance of a professor on creating a research project that results in a dissertation or a series of articles in scientific journals. You can search for positions on research projects on offer or a position whereby you are free to submit your own research proposal. Read more on doing a  PhD  at Utrecht University. 

Other options

The best way to find a PhD position is through networking with the professor in the field you wish to specialize. Another option is to search via . Here you can also find more information on doing PhD research in the Netherlands. 

Follow Utrecht University

Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 8 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel. +31 (0)30 253 35 50

Best PhD Degrees in Computer Science at Universities in Netherlands

There are 5 study programs available at 3 schools and universities in the world , according to Erudera.

Erudera aims to have the largest and most updated database of study programs available in the world , and new study programs are being added weekly. You can use the filters to narrow down your search or sort your results based on popularity and top rankings to find more specific study programs. Once you filter your results, you can save your chosen programs to a personal list so you can do more research or contact the universities later.

Here are the best Netherlands universities for Computer Science :

University of Amsterdam

Vrije University Amsterdam

University of Groningen

University of Amsterdam logo

PhD Position in Learning Analytics


University of Groningen logo.png

2 Ph.D. positions in Software Architecture

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo.jpeg

4 Assistant / Associate Professors in Computer Science (Tenure Track)

Assistant professor business informatics (tenure track), phd position in in-situ optomechanical breathomics.

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87 Computer Science jobs in Netherlands

Find Computer Science jobs in Netherlands here. To have new jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts.

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  • Computer Science jobs in Enschede (21)
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  • Computer Science jobs in Delft (1)
  • Artificial Intelligence jobs in Netherlands (33)
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  • Cyber Security jobs in Netherlands (8)
  • Software Engineering jobs in Netherlands (8)

Search results (87)


Assistant Professor in Computational Biodiversity

Vacancy number 15029Job type Academic staffHours (in fte) 0,8-1,0External/ internal ExternalLocation LeidenPlaced on 16 July 2024Closing date 15 September 2024 60 more days to applyThe Faculty of Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Scie...


PhD on Microkinetic Modeling for Water Splitting

DIFFER (Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research) and Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, are looking for aPosition PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Electrical EngineeringFTE 1,0Date off 20/08/2024Reference ...

Assistant Professor In Software Engineering

Position Assistant ProfessorIrène Curie Fellowship YesDepartment(s) Mathematics and Computer ScienceFTE 1,0Date off 31/08/2024Reference number V32.7501Job descriptionAre you our next Assistant Professor in Software Engineering? The Software Engine...

Assistant Professor In Verification of Cryptographic Implementations

Position Assistant ProfessorIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Mathematics and Computer ScienceFTE 1,0Date off 08/09/2024Reference number V32.7500Job descriptionWe have an opening for an Assistant Professor in Verification of Cryptographic imp...


Postdoctoral Researcher: Sensorimotor Neuroscience at the Donders Centre for Cognition

Employment 0.8 - 1.0 FTEGross monthly salary € 4,332 - € 5,929Required background PhDOrganizational unit Faculty of Social SciencesApplication deadline 31 August 2024We are looking for a motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest and exper...


PhD position on a Virtual 3D Human Bone Shape Processing Platform for Orthopedic Applications

Job descriptionThe Department of Biomechanical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET) at the human-tech oriented University of Twente is seeking a highly motivated PhD candidate ...


Postdoc: Machine learning for imaging and metrology

The goal of the project is to develop new machine learning frameworks for high-resolution optical imaging and metrology. You will use the new methods to image complex wafer metrology targets and to...

PhD Candidate in Trustworthy Analysis of Stochastic Timed Systems

Job descriptionWe offer two Ph.D. positions within the TruSTy project on “Trustworthy Analysis of Stochastic Timed Systems” funded by NWO, the Dutch Research Council. The project’s goal is to creat...


AMOLF: Postdoc

The Soft Robotic Matter group at AMOLF is seeking a Postdoc who will work together with the Holland Hybrid Heart (HHH) consortium on the design, fabrication and analysis of an artificial soft heart...


PhD student on the subject of collaborative AI (m/v/x)

PhD student on the subject of collaborative AI (m/v/x)Are you inspired by building human-centric, explainable, and collaborative AI? There is a vacancy for a 4-year PhD position in the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems research group at Centrum W...

PhD position on physiological wearables to detect Early Life Stress

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Postdoc position on Federated Analytics in Clinical Research

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phd in computer science in netherlands

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Welcome to r/StudyInTheNetherlands, the largest online community for all Dutch and International students studying in the Netherlands!

Doing a phd in the Netherlands

tl;dr I want to do a phd in c.s./data science/ml in the Netherlands, particularly at tu delft or university of amsterdam. Do you have any advice?

I’m currently studying a master’s of data science at the University of Bristol in the UK, for my bachelors I hold a first class honours degree (the highest grade) in computer science from Cardiff University.

After doing my bachelors degree, particularly my thesis, I fell in love with data science/ml and research. After looking online a phd started to sound incredibly appealing, especially as many research jobs after university require it.

I let go of the idea a few months back because in the UK getting a phd, or any university qualification, is surprisingly financially straining, especially if it’s a notable university which are all in expensive cities.

I then found that in the netherlands many phd’s are not only affordable but are paid. I have researched about everything I can find online, but still have many questions.

How hard is it to get a paid phd position, is it at all realistic to assume that I could get one?

If it’s possible, how many applications should I expect to send before I get a bite?

Can I apply to a phd during my masters to start after my masters finishes, or do I have to take an awkward gap year?

What can I do to increase my chances of getting an offer?

When’s high time for phd applications, is it rolling throughout the year, or are there a few months where a ton of positions open up?

Any advice, links, or contacts would help a lot, thanks in advance! :)

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Career Guide: Electrical and Computer Engineer Jobs with a PhD

A person sits at a desk in front of multiple monitors displaying images of cars and technical diagrams, with a high-tech industrial background.

A PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering is an elite credential.

It opens up a world of advanced technical roles at the forefront of innovation. Upon graduation, ECE doctorates can pursue fulfilling careers as research scientists, respected university professors, senior engineering experts, and executive-level technical leaders. 

With unparalleled knowledge and valuable research abilities, PhD graduates in electrical and computer engineering can elevate their earnings potential while preparing for coveted senior technical and academic positions.

If these opportunities interest you, it’s time to explore the top career paths and opportunities awaiting those with a PhD in electrical and computer engineering.

Overall ECE Salary Potential for PhD Graduates

According to Payscale , electrical and computer engineering PhDs have an average salary of $149,000 in 2021.

While the PhD journey requires substantial effort, this elite credential pays in the long run. ECE PhDs can expect premium salaries along with accelerated advancement into leadership roles thanks to their elevated expertise.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Jobs for PhD Grads

A woman works on a piece of machinery at a workstation with computer monitors. Other individuals are visible in the background, also focused on similar tasks.

Research Scientist

As research scientists, ECE doctorates pearhead cutting-edge studies and development projects to solve complex technical challenges. Their primary responsibilities involve:

  • Identifying problems or knowledge gaps
  • Formulating hypotheses
  • Designing and executing experiments
  • Analyzing data
  • Developing or enhancing technologies based on their findings.

Professionals with a PhD in electrical engineering earn an average salary of $137,525 per year as research scientists according to PayScale.  

Employers eagerly seek the extensive research training and specialized technical prowess that ECE PhDs gain through years of intensive study culminating in their doctoral dissertations. Their proven hands-on experience planning and executing original research from conception to publication gives them a distinct edge for research scientist roles.

Where you can work

  • Major technology leaders like Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Apple, and Qualcomm
  • Government agencies like NASA and the Department of Defense
  • Top research universities and national laboratories
  • Medical and biotech firms

Earning a PhD is a requirement for securing a tenure-track faculty position. As professors in university ECE departments, PhDs can:

  • Teach courses
  • Develop curricula
  • Advise students
  • Conduct research
  • Publish scholarly papers
  • Secure research grants
  • Serve in administrative roles. 

Most especially, electrical and computer engineering professors impart advanced technical knowledge across areas like electronics, telecommunications, computer architecture, embedded systems, VLSI, photonics, and more — while earning an average of $144,115 per year, according to .

Many top-ranked engineering programs actively recruit PhDs for ECE professor roles. Smaller colleges and universities also hire these doctorates to teach and conduct research.

Senior Hardware/Software Innovator

Senior hardware and software engineers are elite technical experts who lead complex, pioneering projects. With a PhD in ECE, engineers may head teams developing next-generation computer hardware including:

  • Quantum hardware
  • Biometric hardware
  • Wearable ecosystems
  • Sustainable technologies
  • Embedded IoT devices
  • Groundbreaking software for AI, machine learning, robotics, cybersecurity and more. data shows senior hardware engineers with PhDs earn $114,930 per year on average, while their senior software counterparts with doctorates average $120,906 to $126,967 annually .

The rigorous, hands-on doctoral research required provides hardware and software engineers with the specialized knowledge and advanced problem-solving abilities to succeed in senior technical roles. Their proven capacity to tackle complex challenges through novel research makes PhD holders very attractive hires.

Innovative technology leaders like Apple, Google, Nvidia, Qualcomm, AMD, and others aggressively recruit PhDs for elite senior engineering roles to accelerate the development of products and services.

Engineering Leader

At the director and VP levels, engineering leaders must have skills (and the credentials to prove it), so they can carry out their important work:

  • Managing large technical teams
  • Spearheading strategic initiatives. 
  • Providing vital technical vision, guidance and mentorship in areas like computer architecture, hardware design, networking, embedded systems, and beyond.

According to Glassdoor, a Vice President of Electrical Engineering earns an average base salary of $140,000 to $241,000 per year.

Through expertise gained in their doctoral research, ECE PhDs position them well for executive engineering leadership at major corporations including:

  • Lockheed Martin

Taking Advantage of Career Opportunities in ECE: Keys to Success

When launching their careers, ECE PhDs should look beyond the obvious company types and roles. Their rare combination of deep technical knowledge, research abilities, analytical skills, and problem-solving expertise has remarkable value across diverse industries.

  • Networking: Building connections through your academic network can prove invaluable. Alumni associations, advisors, and professors can facilitate introductions to companies of interest
  • Attending conferences: Events related to your specialization fosters great connections too.
  • Nailing interviews:  Highlighting tangible achievements like published papers, patents, products, implemented solutions, and other concrete examples showcases your capabilities you bring employers.

A rewarding career is possible with the right education: SMU Moody's PhD in ECE program has you covered

Earning your PhD in computer engineering and electrical engineering is a “high-reward” degree. 

With the right information, a well-chosen program, and strong advocates by their side, ECE doctorates are perfectly positioned for professional success across academia, government, and virtually every industry in need of elite engineering expertise.

Looking for those things doesn’t have to be a hassle — download our resource, A Complete Guide to Earning Your Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering , and take the next step towards earning the degree that’s propelling society forward.

Download the Guide

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  • MyU : For Students, Faculty, and Staff

2024-25 Instructional Recruiting

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is seeking full-time instructional faculty with a wide variety of backgrounds, experience, and education. Please read the descriptions below and apply for the position that most closely matches your own experience and education. Note the teaching professor category is for applicants with a PhD, teaching experience, and strong evidence of teaching excellence; the lecturer category is for other candidates with a PhD; and the teaching specialist is for candidates with an MS but no PhD. We welcome applicants in all three categories.

Teaching Professor (all ranks) - Must have (i) a PhD in computer science or a closely related field, (ii) at least two years of teaching and course design experience, and (iii) documentation of very high quality teaching. The duties for this position are to teach five courses per year, design courses as needed, and engage in departmental service and outreach.  Internal applicants click here . External applicants click here .

Lecturer - Must have a Ph.D. in computer science or a closely related field. The duties for this position are to teach five courses per year; lecturers generally have no service or outreach obligations. 

Internal applicants click here . External applicants click here .

Teaching Specialist - Must have at least an MS in computer science or a closely related field. The duties for this position are to teach five courses per year; teaching specialists generally have no service or outreach obligations.

Internal applicants click here . External applicants click here .   

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Graz University of Technology

  • Graz University of Technology
  • Posted on: 30 July 2024

3 PhD positions in the LEAD project DigiBioTech at Graz University of Technology in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science

Job Information

Offer description.

The LEAD project DigiBioTech is an excellence program funded by the Graz University of Technology, Austria, and seeks 3 PhD candidates in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and 7 PhD candidates in the field of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology.

DigiBioTech aims to create a leading hub for the application of Artificial Intelligence in Biotechnology. It joins the expertise of researchers from the Graz University of Technology in biotechnology, bioinformatics, process engineering, and computer science to break new ground in the prediction of catalytic properties of enzymes and understanding complex interactions in bioprocesses. In this interdisciplinary framework, PhD students will collaborate with scientists from various disciplines to understand the broader implications of the research. 

Generative Probabilistic Models for Design of Enzymes for Bioremediation Applications (DigiBioTech PhD-#02)

The PhD candidate will develop novel generative probabilistic models using the forward-backward diffusion algorithm, which has received much attention recently for its ability to provide high-quality samples from high-dimensional probability distributions learned from training data. The aim is to employ these techniques for the design of novel enzymes for the removal of chlorinated environmental pollutants.

A Bioinformatics Approach to Analyzing Epistatic Interactions in Enzymes using Long-read Sequencing Data (DigiBioTech PhD-#04)

This Ph.D. project will investigate the influence of distant amino acid interactions on enzyme function through the analysis of deep mutational scanning (DMS) data generated using Oxford Nanopore sequencing (ONT) within the LEAD project “DigiBioTech”. While ONT sequencing offers the advantage of capturing full-length enzyme sequences, its high error rate limits its application in DMS. To overcome this limitation and accurately identify mutations within individual protein molecules, the project will employ Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs) together with machine learning approaches. 

Development of Bayesian optimization techniques for predicting improved enzymes for defluorination (DigiBioTech PhD-#06)

This project will employ Bayesian optimization techniques, including classical Gaussian process functional priors, as well as innovative generative models and probabilistic programming to systematically explore and predict enhanced enzymes within an evolutionary favored sequence space using wet-lab data by PhD#5. The goal is to develop efficient enzymes for the defluorination of environmental pollutants. 

Candidate profile and requirements: 

Applicants must hold a completed master’s degree. Students who have not yet finished their masters' degree can apply but must graduate before their appointment. 

Application deadline:  August 31st, 2024

Hours per week: 30 h/w

Employment Start: November 2024

Contract Duration: 3 years

We offer a minimum annual gross salary based on full-time of € 50.103,20, overpayment possible depending on qualification and experience. 


Please note that the specific job profiles and tasks may be published separately on the job portal at Graz University of Technology. Please visit the website for more information.

Graz University of Technology aims to increase the proportion of women, in particular in management and academic staff, and therefore qualified female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to women if applicants are equally qualified.

Graz University of Technology actively promotes diversity and equal opportunities. Applicants are not to be discriminated against in personnel selection procedures on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, age, sexual orientation (Anti-discrimination).

People with disabilities and who have the relevant qualifications are expressly invited to apply.

Where to apply

Requirements, additional information, work location(s), share this page.

PhD Proposal: On Provable Robustness against Data Poisoning

IRB IRB-4105 In data poisoning, attackers maliciously manipulate training data to influence the behavior of learning algorithms. In this talk, I will present the progress my coauthors and I have made in provably mitigating the threat of data poisoning. First, I will introduce aggregation-based certified defenses against general data poisoning. Next, I will discuss the Lethal Dose Conjecture, a theoretical framework that targets the fundamentals of robustness against data poisoning. This conjecture connects optimal robustness to few-shot learning with clean distributions, and I will provide theoretical results that verify the conjecture in multiple cases. I will also explain the significance of this conjecture: If it holds true for a given task, aggregation-based defenses will be asymptotically optimal. Essentially, if we have the most data-efficient learner, we can transform it into one of the most robust defenses against data poisoning, thereby reducing the challenge of data poisoning defense to few-shot learning. Considering that defending against general data poisoning can be theoretically very difficult, where should we go from here? I will present an idea that employs temporal concepts to measure attack budgets, leading to novel threat models of data poisoning that are applicable in practical scenarios where traditional threat models fall short.

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Impact of the Venezuelan Crisis on the Country’s Internet

Aqualab researchers examine venezuela’s declining connectivity landscape.

Over the last decade, the multidimensional Venezuelan crisis has profoundly impacted the country’s public and private sectors, from political and economic destabilization to the deterioration of public health services and extended energy blackouts .

Fabian E. Bustamante (L) and Esteban Carisimo (R)

“Understanding the repercussions of the crisis on such a critical component of modern society as the Internet becomes imperative for charting a path to recovery,” said first author Carisimo, a postdoctoral scholar in computer science at the McCormick School of Engineering.

Carisimo and Bustamante, professor of computer science at Northwestern Engineering, will present the paper at the flagship Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Data Communication conference , to be held August 4 - 8 in Sydney.

Leveraging several complementary datasets, the project team, including computer science PhD students Rashna Kumar and Caleb Wang and collaborators at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, revealed the significant impact of the crisis on the state of Venezuela's Internet. They reported findings of bandwidth stagnation, limited network infrastructure growth, and high latency compared to average service in Latin America.

The team studied core infrastructure to access networks, evaluating metrics including bandwidth measurements, changes to the submarine cable network, and routes to root Domain Name System (DNS) servers.

“While the rest of Latin America has seen substantial growth in network infrastructure, such as an increasing number of submarine cables and peering facilities, Venezuela has been left behind,” said Bustamante, who directs the AquaLab , a research group that investigates large-scale networks and distributed systems.

The expansion of submarine cable networks (SCN) in the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses Registry (LACNIC) region. From 2000 to 2024, the total number of SCNs increased from 13 to 54, while Venezuela only established the ALBA cable, which connects the country with Cuba.

Carisimo explained that, while the region has added numerous submarine cables, Venezuela has established only one new connection to Cuba. Similarly, countries such as Argentina and Brazil have expanded their interdomain connectivity and increased Internet speeds by creating multiple Internet exchange points — key network infrastructure critical to optimize local network traffic exchange.

“Venezuela has seen no such expansion, leaving its state-owned Internet provider, CANTV, without US-based transit routes and increasing its reliance on domestic markets,” Carisimo said. “The consequences of these discrepancies are stark. For instance, while global download speeds have improved significantly, Venezuela’s average download speed has stagnated below 1 Mbps for over a decade, lagging far behind the rest of Latin America, where median speeds are around 20 Mbps.”

The evolution of the median download speeds in the LACNIC region. Venezuela (VE) stagnated most of the decade at below 1Mbps and the current speed is 16% of the median regional speed.

The research team also found clear signs of decline in Venezuela’s DNS infrastructure. Efficient DNS servers, Carisimo noted, should be in proximity to users to minimize response time and ensure resilience. Their investigation demonstrates that Venezuela predominantly relies on overseas resources for DNS services, with most of these servers located in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, and the Netherlands.

“Users relying on Google's popular public DNS service face latencies twice as high as the regional average,” Bustamante said. “As networks constantly evolve to support increasing traffic and the demand for a better quality of experience, Venezuela’s crisis likely impedes capital investments to match the pace of growth seen in its Latin American peers.”

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    Studying Computer Sciences in Netherlands is a great choice, as there are 7 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 125,000 international students choose Netherlands for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  7. Computing Science

    You will develop and expand your in-depth knowledge within the areas of Data Science and Systems Complexity, Intelligent Systems and Visual Computing, or Software Engineering and Distributed Systems. All our courses offer insightful lectures covering both theory and practice. As well as the acquisition of core computing science skills, the ...

  8. PhD at TU/e

    A PhD program offers you a great deal of freedom to conduct research into socially relevant topics. You can develop your ideas in an environment with state-of-the-art research facilities. ... The Netherlands has an open, friendly culture and a population that speaks English well. At TU/e you will find students from more than 80 different ...

  9. Research

    Twente Graduate School (TGS) coordinates all doctoral programmes at UT. You can either pursue a career in scientific research, leading to a PhD degree or opt for a more practical, design-oriented Engineering Doctorate (EngD). Each programme centres on topics closely related to the work going on at our research institutes and is taught and ...

  10. Best Computer Science universities in the Netherlands [Rankings]

    Below is a list of best universities in the Netherlands ranked based on their research performance in Computer Science. A graph of 17.7M citations received by 566K academic papers made by 39 universities in the Netherlands was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

  11. PHD Computer Science Doctorate Programs in Netherlands

    Best Computer Science Graduate Doctorate Programs in Netherlands Review requirements for Computer Science degrees and accredited schools 2024 - 2025. ... How long is a PHD Computer Science Doctorate Programs? A PhD in Computer Science will usually take four years. This is after completing a masters program in two to three years.

  12. 1,259 computer-science-phd positions in Netherlands

    1,259 computer-science-phd positions in Netherlands. Filters Search Sort by. relevance listed; Filtered by; Netherlands computer-science-phd Remove All ; Refine Your Search. Listed. Last-24-hours 6; Last-3-days 35; Last-7-days 41; Last-30-days 247; Category. Scholarship 759; Uni Job 254; Research Job 249; Program. PhD 774;

  13. 788 Computer-Science PhD positions in Netherlands

    PhD on the topic: FPGA-based computing system design (1.0 FTE) University of Groningen | Netherlands | about 13 hours ago. interdisciplinary PhD position is available at the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. The candidate will become a member of Dr. Farhad Merchant's Research Group working.

  14. PhD research

    PhD research. PhD research is at the heart of what we do as a University. Around 2000 PhD candidates are involved in research and education at the UvA and around 400 doctorates are conferred each year. Two-thirds of these are in the Sciences or Medicine.

  15. PhD Computer Science & IT programs in Netherlands

    University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam , Netherlands. Study mode: On campus Languages: English. Local: $ 1.86 k / Year (s) Foreign: $ 13 k / Year (s) 66 place StudyQA ranking: 5021. Similar programs. Choose an adviser Ask Admissions. Master.

  16. 7 Ph.Ds in Computer Science & IT in Netherlands

    Ph.D in Computer Science & IT in Netherlands. Programmes Universities Scholarships. Page 1 | 7 PhDs. Filters 3. Filters 3. 7 PhDs. Sort . ... PhD candidates at Leiden University carry out a Computer Science programme of independent research and additional (limited) course work, culminating in production of a PhD thesis in typically 4 years ...

  17. Industrial PhD positions in Computer Science, in the Netherlands

    The European Doctoral Network "QUARC" is an Industrial Doctorate, offering 8 positions to immerse in research and development teams at NVIDIA.The positions are mixed academia and industry; this means you will spend 18 months in Eindhoven (The Netherlands) or Copenhagen (Denmark) and 18 months in Yokneam (Israel) or Roskilde (Denmark). ...

  18. 130 PhD jobs in Netherlands

    Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment (s) Mathematics and Computer ScienceFTE 1,0Date off 25/08/2024Reference number V32.7638Job descriptionAre you fascinated by application-oriented research in mathematics and would you like to b... Published 6 days ago. Closing in: 2024-08-25. PhD.

  19. PhD

    At Utrecht University. At Utrecht University you take part in education in one of the Graduate Schools and often also teach students. During the four-year PhD programme you work under the guidance of a professor on creating a research project that results in a dissertation or a series of articles in scientific journals.

  20. Best PhD Degrees in Computer Science at Universities in Netherlands

    Best PhD Degrees in Computer Science at Universities in Netherlands. There are 5 study programs available at 3 schools and universities in the world, according to Erudera.. Erudera aims to have the largest and most updated database of study programs available in the world, and new study programs are being added weekly.You can use the filters to narrow down your search or sort your results ...

  21. 83 Computer Science jobs in Netherlands

    Find Computer Science jobs in Netherlands here. To have new jobs sent to you the day they're posted, sign up for job alerts. Career network for academics, researchers and scientists. ... Position PhD-studentIrène Curie Fellowship NoDepartment(s) Industrial Engineering and Innovation SciencesStrategic area(s) HealthFTE 1,0Date off 15/08 ...

  22. Doing a phd in the Netherlands : r/StudyInTheNetherlands

    You can start with applying for the jobs, probably they have a preferred start date in 3 months. So if you are nearing the end of your MSc you can get the applications out there. There are 4 technical universities with AI, computer sciences and machine learning topics. Delft, Twente, Wageningen and Eindhoven.

  23. Career Guide: Electrical and Computer Engineer Jobs with a PhD

    A PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering is an elite credential. It opens up a world of advanced technical roles at the forefront of innovation. Upon graduation, ECE doctorates can pursue fulfilling careers as research scientists, respected university professors, senior engineering experts, and executive-level technical leaders.

  24. 2024-25 Instructional Recruiting

    The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is seeking full-time instructional faculty with a wide variety of backgrounds, experience, and education. Please read the descriptions below and apply for the position that most closely matches your own experience and education. Note the teaching professor category is for applicants with a PhD, teaching experience, and strong evidence of ...

  25. 3 PhD positions in the LEAD project DigiBioTech at Graz University of

    The LEAD project DigiBioTech is an excellence program funded by the Graz University of Technology, Austria, and seeks 3 PhD candidates in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science and 7 PhD candidates in the field of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology.

  26. Computer Science, Ph.D.

    The Computer Science research programme at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is concerned with understanding the foundations, the mechanisms, and the technologies for developing and deploying advanced information-processing systems. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amsterdam , Netherlands. Top 1% worldwide.

  27. PhD Proposal: On Provable Robustness against Data Poisoning

    PhD Proposal: On Provable Robustness against Data Poisoning. Talk. Wenxiao Wang. Time: 08.09.2024 10:00 to 12:00. Location: IRB IRB-4105. URL: ... Department of Computer Science Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering University of Maryland 8125 Paint Branch Drive College Park, MD 20742

  28. Impact of the Venezuelan Crisis on the Country's Internet

    Leveraging several complementary datasets, the project team, including computer science PhD students Rashna Kumar and Caleb Wang and collaborators at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, revealed the significant impact of the crisis on the state of Venezuela's Internet. They reported findings of bandwidth stagnation, limited network infrastructure ...