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What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

What is Quantitative Research? Definition, Methods, Types, and Examples

terms to use in quantitative research

If you’re wondering what is quantitative research and whether this methodology works for your research study, you’re not alone. If you want a simple quantitative research definition , then it’s enough to say that this is a method undertaken by researchers based on their study requirements. However, to select the most appropriate research for their study type, researchers should know all the methods available. 

Selecting the right research method depends on a few important criteria, such as the research question, study type, time, costs, data availability, and availability of respondents. There are two main types of research methods— quantitative research  and qualitative research. The purpose of quantitative research is to validate or test a theory or hypothesis and that of qualitative research is to understand a subject or event or identify reasons for observed patterns.   

Quantitative research methods  are used to observe events that affect a particular group of individuals, which is the sample population. In this type of research, diverse numerical data are collected through various methods and then statistically analyzed to aggregate the data, compare them, or show relationships among the data. Quantitative research methods broadly include questionnaires, structured observations, and experiments.  

Here are two quantitative research examples:  

  • Satisfaction surveys sent out by a company regarding their revamped customer service initiatives. Customers are asked to rate their experience on a rating scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent).  
  • A school has introduced a new after-school program for children, and a few months after commencement, the school sends out feedback questionnaires to the parents of the enrolled children. Such questionnaires usually include close-ended questions that require either definite answers or a Yes/No option. This helps in a quick, overall assessment of the program’s outreach and success.  

terms to use in quantitative research

Table of Contents

What is quantitative research ? 1,2

terms to use in quantitative research

The steps shown in the figure can be grouped into the following broad steps:  

  • Theory : Define the problem area or area of interest and create a research question.  
  • Hypothesis : Develop a hypothesis based on the research question. This hypothesis will be tested in the remaining steps.  
  • Research design : In this step, the most appropriate quantitative research design will be selected, including deciding on the sample size, selecting respondents, identifying research sites, if any, etc.
  • Data collection : This process could be extensive based on your research objective and sample size.  
  • Data analysis : Statistical analysis is used to analyze the data collected. The results from the analysis help in either supporting or rejecting your hypothesis.  
  • Present results : Based on the data analysis, conclusions are drawn, and results are presented as accurately as possible.  

Quantitative research characteristics 4

  • Large sample size : This ensures reliability because this sample represents the target population or market. Due to the large sample size, the outcomes can be generalized to the entire population as well, making this one of the important characteristics of quantitative research .  
  • Structured data and measurable variables: The data are numeric and can be analyzed easily. Quantitative research involves the use of measurable variables such as age, salary range, highest education, etc.  
  • Easy-to-use data collection methods : The methods include experiments, controlled observations, and questionnaires and surveys with a rating scale or close-ended questions, which require simple and to-the-point answers; are not bound by geographical regions; and are easy to administer.  
  • Data analysis : Structured and accurate statistical analysis methods using software applications such as Excel, SPSS, R. The analysis is fast, accurate, and less effort intensive.  
  • Reliable : The respondents answer close-ended questions, their responses are direct without ambiguity and yield numeric outcomes, which are therefore highly reliable.  
  • Reusable outcomes : This is one of the key characteristics – outcomes of one research can be used and replicated in other research as well and is not exclusive to only one study.  

Quantitative research methods 5

Quantitative research methods are classified into two types—primary and secondary.  

Primary quantitative research method:

In this type of quantitative research , data are directly collected by the researchers using the following methods.

– Survey research : Surveys are the easiest and most commonly used quantitative research method . They are of two types— cross-sectional and longitudinal.   

->Cross-sectional surveys are specifically conducted on a target population for a specified period, that is, these surveys have a specific starting and ending time and researchers study the events during this period to arrive at conclusions. The main purpose of these surveys is to describe and assess the characteristics of a population. There is one independent variable in this study, which is a common factor applicable to all participants in the population, for example, living in a specific city, diagnosed with a specific disease, of a certain age group, etc. An example of a cross-sectional survey is a study to understand why individuals residing in houses built before 1979 in the US are more susceptible to lead contamination.  

->Longitudinal surveys are conducted at different time durations. These surveys involve observing the interactions among different variables in the target population, exposing them to various causal factors, and understanding their effects across a longer period. These studies are helpful to analyze a problem in the long term. An example of a longitudinal study is the study of the relationship between smoking and lung cancer over a long period.  

– Descriptive research : Explains the current status of an identified and measurable variable. Unlike other types of quantitative research , a hypothesis is not needed at the beginning of the study and can be developed even after data collection. This type of quantitative research describes the characteristics of a problem and answers the what, when, where of a problem. However, it doesn’t answer the why of the problem and doesn’t explore cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Data from this research could be used as preliminary data for another study. Example: A researcher undertakes a study to examine the growth strategy of a company. This sample data can be used by other companies to determine their own growth strategy.  

terms to use in quantitative research

– Correlational research : This quantitative research method is used to establish a relationship between two variables using statistical analysis and analyze how one affects the other. The research is non-experimental because the researcher doesn’t control or manipulate any of the variables. At least two separate sample groups are needed for this research. Example: Researchers studying a correlation between regular exercise and diabetes.  

– Causal-comparative research : This type of quantitative research examines the cause-effect relationships in retrospect between a dependent and independent variable and determines the causes of the already existing differences between groups of people. This is not a true experiment because it doesn’t assign participants to groups randomly. Example: To study the wage differences between men and women in the same role. For this, already existing wage information is analyzed to understand the relationship.  

– Experimental research : This quantitative research method uses true experiments or scientific methods for determining a cause-effect relation between variables. It involves testing a hypothesis through experiments, in which one or more independent variables are manipulated and then their effect on dependent variables are studied. Example: A researcher studies the importance of a drug in treating a disease by administering the drug in few patients and not administering in a few.  

The following data collection methods are commonly used in primary quantitative research :  

  • Sampling : The most common type is probability sampling, in which a sample is chosen from a larger population using some form of random selection, that is, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. The different types of probability sampling are—simple random, systematic, stratified, and cluster sampling.  
  • Interviews : These are commonly telephonic or face-to-face.  
  • Observations : Structured observations are most commonly used in quantitative research . In this method, researchers make observations about specific behaviors of individuals in a structured setting.  
  • Document review : Reviewing existing research or documents to collect evidence for supporting the quantitative research .  
  • Surveys and questionnaires : Surveys can be administered both online and offline depending on the requirement and sample size.

The data collected can be analyzed in several ways in quantitative research , as listed below:  

  • Cross-tabulation —Uses a tabular format to draw inferences among collected data  
  • MaxDiff analysis —Gauges the preferences of the respondents  
  • TURF analysis —Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis; helps in determining the market strategy for a business  
  • Gap analysis —Identify gaps in attaining the desired results  
  • SWOT analysis —Helps identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a product, service, or organization  
  • Text analysis —Used for interpreting unstructured data  

Secondary quantitative research methods :

This method involves conducting research using already existing or secondary data. This method is less effort intensive and requires lesser time. However, researchers should verify the authenticity and recency of the sources being used and ensure their accuracy.  

The main sources of secondary data are: 

  • The Internet  
  • Government and non-government sources  
  • Public libraries  
  • Educational institutions  
  • Commercial information sources such as newspapers, journals, radio, TV  

What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

When to use quantitative research 6  

Here are some simple ways to decide when to use quantitative research . Use quantitative research to:  

  • recommend a final course of action  
  • find whether a consensus exists regarding a particular subject  
  • generalize results to a larger population  
  • determine a cause-and-effect relationship between variables  
  • describe characteristics of specific groups of people  
  • test hypotheses and examine specific relationships  
  • identify and establish size of market segments  

A research case study to understand when to use quantitative research 7  

Context: A study was undertaken to evaluate a major innovation in a hospital’s design, in terms of workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single-room hospital accommodations. The researchers undertook a mixed methods approach to answer their research questions. Here, we focus on the quantitative research aspect.  

Research questions : What are the advantages and disadvantages for the staff as a result of the hospital’s move to the new design with all single-room accommodations? Did the move affect staff experience and well-being and improve their ability to deliver high-quality care?  

Method: The researchers obtained quantitative data from three sources:  

  • Staff activity (task time distribution): Each staff member was shadowed by a researcher who observed each task undertaken by the staff, and logged the time spent on each activity.  
  • Staff travel distances : The staff were requested to wear pedometers, which recorded the distances covered.  
  • Staff experience surveys : Staff were surveyed before and after the move to the new hospital design.  

Results of quantitative research : The following observations were made based on quantitative data analysis:  

  • The move to the new design did not result in a significant change in the proportion of time spent on different activities.  
  • Staff activity events observed per session were higher after the move, and direct care and professional communication events per hour decreased significantly, suggesting fewer interruptions and less fragmented care.  
  • A significant increase in medication tasks among the recorded events suggests that medication administration was integrated into patient care activities.  
  • Travel distances increased for all staff, with highest increases for staff in the older people’s ward and surgical wards.  
  • Ratings for staff toilet facilities, locker facilities, and space at staff bases were higher but those for social interaction and natural light were lower.  

Advantages of quantitative research 1,2

When choosing the right research methodology, also consider the advantages of quantitative research and how it can impact your study.  

  • Quantitative research methods are more scientific and rational. They use quantifiable data leading to objectivity in the results and avoid any chances of ambiguity.  
  • This type of research uses numeric data so analysis is relatively easier .  
  • In most cases, a hypothesis is already developed and quantitative research helps in testing and validatin g these constructed theories based on which researchers can make an informed decision about accepting or rejecting their theory.  
  • The use of statistical analysis software ensures quick analysis of large volumes of data and is less effort intensive.  
  • Higher levels of control can be applied to the research so the chances of bias can be reduced.  
  • Quantitative research is based on measured value s, facts, and verifiable information so it can be easily checked or replicated by other researchers leading to continuity in scientific research.  

Disadvantages of quantitative research 1,2

Quantitative research may also be limiting; take a look at the disadvantages of quantitative research. 

  • Experiments are conducted in controlled settings instead of natural settings and it is possible for researchers to either intentionally or unintentionally manipulate the experiment settings to suit the results they desire.  
  • Participants must necessarily give objective answers (either one- or two-word, or yes or no answers) and the reasons for their selection or the context are not considered.   
  • Inadequate knowledge of statistical analysis methods may affect the results and their interpretation.  
  • Although statistical analysis indicates the trends or patterns among variables, the reasons for these observed patterns cannot be interpreted and the research may not give a complete picture.  
  • Large sample sizes are needed for more accurate and generalizable analysis .  
  • Quantitative research cannot be used to address complex issues.  

What is quantitative research? Definition, methods, types, and examples

Frequently asked questions on  quantitative research    

Q:  What is the difference between quantitative research and qualitative research? 1  

A:  The following table lists the key differences between quantitative research and qualitative research, some of which may have been mentioned earlier in the article.  

Purpose and design                   
Research question         
Sample size  Large  Small 
Data collection method  Experiments, controlled observations, questionnaires and surveys with a rating scale or close-ended questions. The methods can be experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive, or correlational.  Semi-structured interviews/surveys with open-ended questions, document study/literature reviews, focus groups, case study research, ethnography 
Data analysis             

Q:  What is the difference between reliability and validity? 8,9    

A:  The term reliability refers to the consistency of a research study. For instance, if a food-measuring weighing scale gives different readings every time the same quantity of food is measured then that weighing scale is not reliable. If the findings in a research study are consistent every time a measurement is made, then the study is considered reliable. However, it is usually unlikely to obtain the exact same results every time because some contributing variables may change. In such cases, a correlation coefficient is used to assess the degree of reliability. A strong positive correlation between the results indicates reliability.  

Validity can be defined as the degree to which a tool actually measures what it claims to measure. It helps confirm the credibility of your research and suggests that the results may be generalizable. In other words, it measures the accuracy of the research.  

The following table gives the key differences between reliability and validity.  

Importance  Refers to the consistency of a measure  Refers to the accuracy of a measure 
Ease of achieving  Easier, yields results faster  Involves more analysis, more difficult to achieve 
Assessment method  By examining the consistency of outcomes over time, between various observers, and within the test  By comparing the accuracy of the results with accepted theories and other measurements of the same idea 
Relationship  Unreliable measurements typically cannot be valid  Valid measurements are also reliable 
Types  Test-retest reliability, internal consistency, inter-rater reliability  Content validity, criterion validity, face validity, construct validity 

Q:  What is mixed methods research? 10

terms to use in quantitative research

A:  A mixed methods approach combines the characteristics of both quantitative research and qualitative research in the same study. This method allows researchers to validate their findings, verify if the results observed using both methods are complementary, and explain any unexpected results obtained from one method by using the other method. A mixed methods research design is useful in case of research questions that cannot be answered by either quantitative research or qualitative research alone. However, this method could be more effort- and cost-intensive because of the requirement of more resources. The figure 3 shows some basic mixed methods research designs that could be used.  

Thus, quantitative research is the appropriate method for testing your hypotheses and can be used either alone or in combination with qualitative research per your study requirements. We hope this article has provided an insight into the various facets of quantitative research , including its different characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages, and a few tips to quickly understand when to use this research method.  


  • Qualitative vs quantitative research: Differences, examples, & methods. Simply Psychology. Accessed Feb 28, 2023.  
  • Your ultimate guide to quantitative research. Qualtrics. Accessed February 28, 2023.  
  • The steps of quantitative research. Revise Sociology. Accessed March 1, 2023.  
  • What are the characteristics of quantitative research? Marketing91. Accessed March 1, 2023.  
  • Quantitative research: Types, characteristics, methods, & examples. ProProfs Survey Maker. Accessed February 28, 2023.  
  • Qualitative research isn’t as scientific as quantitative methods. Kmusial blog. Accessed March 5, 2023.  
  • Maben J, Griffiths P, Penfold C, et al. Evaluating a major innovation in hospital design: workforce implications and impact on patient and staff experiences of all single room hospital accommodation. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2015 Feb. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 3.3.) Chapter 5, Case study quantitative data findings. Accessed March 6, 2023.  
  • McLeod, S. A. (2007).  What is reliability?  Simply Psychology.  
  • Reliability vs validity: Differences & examples. Accessed March 5, 2023.  
  • Mixed methods research. Community Engagement Program. Harvard Catalyst. Accessed February 28, 2023.  

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A Practical Guide to Writing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Questions and Hypotheses in Scholarly Articles

Edward barroga.

1 Department of General Education, Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke’s International University, Tokyo, Japan.

Glafera Janet Matanguihan

2 Department of Biological Sciences, Messiah University, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA.

The development of research questions and the subsequent hypotheses are prerequisites to defining the main research purpose and specific objectives of a study. Consequently, these objectives determine the study design and research outcome. The development of research questions is a process based on knowledge of current trends, cutting-edge studies, and technological advances in the research field. Excellent research questions are focused and require a comprehensive literature search and in-depth understanding of the problem being investigated. Initially, research questions may be written as descriptive questions which could be developed into inferential questions. These questions must be specific and concise to provide a clear foundation for developing hypotheses. Hypotheses are more formal predictions about the research outcomes. These specify the possible results that may or may not be expected regarding the relationship between groups. Thus, research questions and hypotheses clarify the main purpose and specific objectives of the study, which in turn dictate the design of the study, its direction, and outcome. Studies developed from good research questions and hypotheses will have trustworthy outcomes with wide-ranging social and health implications.


Scientific research is usually initiated by posing evidenced-based research questions which are then explicitly restated as hypotheses. 1 , 2 The hypotheses provide directions to guide the study, solutions, explanations, and expected results. 3 , 4 Both research questions and hypotheses are essentially formulated based on conventional theories and real-world processes, which allow the inception of novel studies and the ethical testing of ideas. 5 , 6

It is crucial to have knowledge of both quantitative and qualitative research 2 as both types of research involve writing research questions and hypotheses. 7 However, these crucial elements of research are sometimes overlooked; if not overlooked, then framed without the forethought and meticulous attention it needs. Planning and careful consideration are needed when developing quantitative or qualitative research, particularly when conceptualizing research questions and hypotheses. 4

There is a continuing need to support researchers in the creation of innovative research questions and hypotheses, as well as for journal articles that carefully review these elements. 1 When research questions and hypotheses are not carefully thought of, unethical studies and poor outcomes usually ensue. Carefully formulated research questions and hypotheses define well-founded objectives, which in turn determine the appropriate design, course, and outcome of the study. This article then aims to discuss in detail the various aspects of crafting research questions and hypotheses, with the goal of guiding researchers as they develop their own. Examples from the authors and peer-reviewed scientific articles in the healthcare field are provided to illustrate key points.


A research question is what a study aims to answer after data analysis and interpretation. The answer is written in length in the discussion section of the paper. Thus, the research question gives a preview of the different parts and variables of the study meant to address the problem posed in the research question. 1 An excellent research question clarifies the research writing while facilitating understanding of the research topic, objective, scope, and limitations of the study. 5

On the other hand, a research hypothesis is an educated statement of an expected outcome. This statement is based on background research and current knowledge. 8 , 9 The research hypothesis makes a specific prediction about a new phenomenon 10 or a formal statement on the expected relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. 3 , 11 It provides a tentative answer to the research question to be tested or explored. 4

Hypotheses employ reasoning to predict a theory-based outcome. 10 These can also be developed from theories by focusing on components of theories that have not yet been observed. 10 The validity of hypotheses is often based on the testability of the prediction made in a reproducible experiment. 8

Conversely, hypotheses can also be rephrased as research questions. Several hypotheses based on existing theories and knowledge may be needed to answer a research question. Developing ethical research questions and hypotheses creates a research design that has logical relationships among variables. These relationships serve as a solid foundation for the conduct of the study. 4 , 11 Haphazardly constructed research questions can result in poorly formulated hypotheses and improper study designs, leading to unreliable results. Thus, the formulations of relevant research questions and verifiable hypotheses are crucial when beginning research. 12


Excellent research questions are specific and focused. These integrate collective data and observations to confirm or refute the subsequent hypotheses. Well-constructed hypotheses are based on previous reports and verify the research context. These are realistic, in-depth, sufficiently complex, and reproducible. More importantly, these hypotheses can be addressed and tested. 13

There are several characteristics of well-developed hypotheses. Good hypotheses are 1) empirically testable 7 , 10 , 11 , 13 ; 2) backed by preliminary evidence 9 ; 3) testable by ethical research 7 , 9 ; 4) based on original ideas 9 ; 5) have evidenced-based logical reasoning 10 ; and 6) can be predicted. 11 Good hypotheses can infer ethical and positive implications, indicating the presence of a relationship or effect relevant to the research theme. 7 , 11 These are initially developed from a general theory and branch into specific hypotheses by deductive reasoning. In the absence of a theory to base the hypotheses, inductive reasoning based on specific observations or findings form more general hypotheses. 10


Research questions and hypotheses are developed according to the type of research, which can be broadly classified into quantitative and qualitative research. We provide a summary of the types of research questions and hypotheses under quantitative and qualitative research categories in Table 1 .

Quantitative research questionsQuantitative research hypotheses
Descriptive research questionsSimple hypothesis
Comparative research questionsComplex hypothesis
Relationship research questionsDirectional hypothesis
Non-directional hypothesis
Associative hypothesis
Causal hypothesis
Null hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis
Working hypothesis
Statistical hypothesis
Logical hypothesis
Qualitative research questionsQualitative research hypotheses
Contextual research questionsHypothesis-generating
Descriptive research questions
Evaluation research questions
Explanatory research questions
Exploratory research questions
Generative research questions
Ideological research questions
Ethnographic research questions
Phenomenological research questions
Grounded theory questions
Qualitative case study questions

Research questions in quantitative research

In quantitative research, research questions inquire about the relationships among variables being investigated and are usually framed at the start of the study. These are precise and typically linked to the subject population, dependent and independent variables, and research design. 1 Research questions may also attempt to describe the behavior of a population in relation to one or more variables, or describe the characteristics of variables to be measured ( descriptive research questions ). 1 , 5 , 14 These questions may also aim to discover differences between groups within the context of an outcome variable ( comparative research questions ), 1 , 5 , 14 or elucidate trends and interactions among variables ( relationship research questions ). 1 , 5 We provide examples of descriptive, comparative, and relationship research questions in quantitative research in Table 2 .

Quantitative research questions
Descriptive research question
- Measures responses of subjects to variables
- Presents variables to measure, analyze, or assess
What is the proportion of resident doctors in the hospital who have mastered ultrasonography (response of subjects to a variable) as a diagnostic technique in their clinical training?
Comparative research question
- Clarifies difference between one group with outcome variable and another group without outcome variable
Is there a difference in the reduction of lung metastasis in osteosarcoma patients who received the vitamin D adjunctive therapy (group with outcome variable) compared with osteosarcoma patients who did not receive the vitamin D adjunctive therapy (group without outcome variable)?
- Compares the effects of variables
How does the vitamin D analogue 22-Oxacalcitriol (variable 1) mimic the antiproliferative activity of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D (variable 2) in osteosarcoma cells?
Relationship research question
- Defines trends, association, relationships, or interactions between dependent variable and independent variable
Is there a relationship between the number of medical student suicide (dependent variable) and the level of medical student stress (independent variable) in Japan during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Hypotheses in quantitative research

In quantitative research, hypotheses predict the expected relationships among variables. 15 Relationships among variables that can be predicted include 1) between a single dependent variable and a single independent variable ( simple hypothesis ) or 2) between two or more independent and dependent variables ( complex hypothesis ). 4 , 11 Hypotheses may also specify the expected direction to be followed and imply an intellectual commitment to a particular outcome ( directional hypothesis ) 4 . On the other hand, hypotheses may not predict the exact direction and are used in the absence of a theory, or when findings contradict previous studies ( non-directional hypothesis ). 4 In addition, hypotheses can 1) define interdependency between variables ( associative hypothesis ), 4 2) propose an effect on the dependent variable from manipulation of the independent variable ( causal hypothesis ), 4 3) state a negative relationship between two variables ( null hypothesis ), 4 , 11 , 15 4) replace the working hypothesis if rejected ( alternative hypothesis ), 15 explain the relationship of phenomena to possibly generate a theory ( working hypothesis ), 11 5) involve quantifiable variables that can be tested statistically ( statistical hypothesis ), 11 6) or express a relationship whose interlinks can be verified logically ( logical hypothesis ). 11 We provide examples of simple, complex, directional, non-directional, associative, causal, null, alternative, working, statistical, and logical hypotheses in quantitative research, as well as the definition of quantitative hypothesis-testing research in Table 3 .

Quantitative research hypotheses
Simple hypothesis
- Predicts relationship between single dependent variable and single independent variable
If the dose of the new medication (single independent variable) is high, blood pressure (single dependent variable) is lowered.
Complex hypothesis
- Foretells relationship between two or more independent and dependent variables
The higher the use of anticancer drugs, radiation therapy, and adjunctive agents (3 independent variables), the higher would be the survival rate (1 dependent variable).
Directional hypothesis
- Identifies study direction based on theory towards particular outcome to clarify relationship between variables
Privately funded research projects will have a larger international scope (study direction) than publicly funded research projects.
Non-directional hypothesis
- Nature of relationship between two variables or exact study direction is not identified
- Does not involve a theory
Women and men are different in terms of helpfulness. (Exact study direction is not identified)
Associative hypothesis
- Describes variable interdependency
- Change in one variable causes change in another variable
A larger number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the region (change in independent variable) will reduce the region’s incidence of COVID-19 infection (change in dependent variable).
Causal hypothesis
- An effect on dependent variable is predicted from manipulation of independent variable
A change into a high-fiber diet (independent variable) will reduce the blood sugar level (dependent variable) of the patient.
Null hypothesis
- A negative statement indicating no relationship or difference between 2 variables
There is no significant difference in the severity of pulmonary metastases between the new drug (variable 1) and the current drug (variable 2).
Alternative hypothesis
- Following a null hypothesis, an alternative hypothesis predicts a relationship between 2 study variables
The new drug (variable 1) is better on average in reducing the level of pain from pulmonary metastasis than the current drug (variable 2).
Working hypothesis
- A hypothesis that is initially accepted for further research to produce a feasible theory
Dairy cows fed with concentrates of different formulations will produce different amounts of milk.
Statistical hypothesis
- Assumption about the value of population parameter or relationship among several population characteristics
- Validity tested by a statistical experiment or analysis
The mean recovery rate from COVID-19 infection (value of population parameter) is not significantly different between population 1 and population 2.
There is a positive correlation between the level of stress at the workplace and the number of suicides (population characteristics) among working people in Japan.
Logical hypothesis
- Offers or proposes an explanation with limited or no extensive evidence
If healthcare workers provide more educational programs about contraception methods, the number of adolescent pregnancies will be less.
Hypothesis-testing (Quantitative hypothesis-testing research)
- Quantitative research uses deductive reasoning.
- This involves the formation of a hypothesis, collection of data in the investigation of the problem, analysis and use of the data from the investigation, and drawing of conclusions to validate or nullify the hypotheses.

Research questions in qualitative research

Unlike research questions in quantitative research, research questions in qualitative research are usually continuously reviewed and reformulated. The central question and associated subquestions are stated more than the hypotheses. 15 The central question broadly explores a complex set of factors surrounding the central phenomenon, aiming to present the varied perspectives of participants. 15

There are varied goals for which qualitative research questions are developed. These questions can function in several ways, such as to 1) identify and describe existing conditions ( contextual research question s); 2) describe a phenomenon ( descriptive research questions ); 3) assess the effectiveness of existing methods, protocols, theories, or procedures ( evaluation research questions ); 4) examine a phenomenon or analyze the reasons or relationships between subjects or phenomena ( explanatory research questions ); or 5) focus on unknown aspects of a particular topic ( exploratory research questions ). 5 In addition, some qualitative research questions provide new ideas for the development of theories and actions ( generative research questions ) or advance specific ideologies of a position ( ideological research questions ). 1 Other qualitative research questions may build on a body of existing literature and become working guidelines ( ethnographic research questions ). Research questions may also be broadly stated without specific reference to the existing literature or a typology of questions ( phenomenological research questions ), may be directed towards generating a theory of some process ( grounded theory questions ), or may address a description of the case and the emerging themes ( qualitative case study questions ). 15 We provide examples of contextual, descriptive, evaluation, explanatory, exploratory, generative, ideological, ethnographic, phenomenological, grounded theory, and qualitative case study research questions in qualitative research in Table 4 , and the definition of qualitative hypothesis-generating research in Table 5 .

Qualitative research questions
Contextual research question
- Ask the nature of what already exists
- Individuals or groups function to further clarify and understand the natural context of real-world problems
What are the experiences of nurses working night shifts in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic? (natural context of real-world problems)
Descriptive research question
- Aims to describe a phenomenon
What are the different forms of disrespect and abuse (phenomenon) experienced by Tanzanian women when giving birth in healthcare facilities?
Evaluation research question
- Examines the effectiveness of existing practice or accepted frameworks
How effective are decision aids (effectiveness of existing practice) in helping decide whether to give birth at home or in a healthcare facility?
Explanatory research question
- Clarifies a previously studied phenomenon and explains why it occurs
Why is there an increase in teenage pregnancy (phenomenon) in Tanzania?
Exploratory research question
- Explores areas that have not been fully investigated to have a deeper understanding of the research problem
What factors affect the mental health of medical students (areas that have not yet been fully investigated) during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Generative research question
- Develops an in-depth understanding of people’s behavior by asking ‘how would’ or ‘what if’ to identify problems and find solutions
How would the extensive research experience of the behavior of new staff impact the success of the novel drug initiative?
Ideological research question
- Aims to advance specific ideas or ideologies of a position
Are Japanese nurses who volunteer in remote African hospitals able to promote humanized care of patients (specific ideas or ideologies) in the areas of safe patient environment, respect of patient privacy, and provision of accurate information related to health and care?
Ethnographic research question
- Clarifies peoples’ nature, activities, their interactions, and the outcomes of their actions in specific settings
What are the demographic characteristics, rehabilitative treatments, community interactions, and disease outcomes (nature, activities, their interactions, and the outcomes) of people in China who are suffering from pneumoconiosis?
Phenomenological research question
- Knows more about the phenomena that have impacted an individual
What are the lived experiences of parents who have been living with and caring for children with a diagnosis of autism? (phenomena that have impacted an individual)
Grounded theory question
- Focuses on social processes asking about what happens and how people interact, or uncovering social relationships and behaviors of groups
What are the problems that pregnant adolescents face in terms of social and cultural norms (social processes), and how can these be addressed?
Qualitative case study question
- Assesses a phenomenon using different sources of data to answer “why” and “how” questions
- Considers how the phenomenon is influenced by its contextual situation.
How does quitting work and assuming the role of a full-time mother (phenomenon assessed) change the lives of women in Japan?
Qualitative research hypotheses
Hypothesis-generating (Qualitative hypothesis-generating research)
- Qualitative research uses inductive reasoning.
- This involves data collection from study participants or the literature regarding a phenomenon of interest, using the collected data to develop a formal hypothesis, and using the formal hypothesis as a framework for testing the hypothesis.
- Qualitative exploratory studies explore areas deeper, clarifying subjective experience and allowing formulation of a formal hypothesis potentially testable in a future quantitative approach.

Qualitative studies usually pose at least one central research question and several subquestions starting with How or What . These research questions use exploratory verbs such as explore or describe . These also focus on one central phenomenon of interest, and may mention the participants and research site. 15

Hypotheses in qualitative research

Hypotheses in qualitative research are stated in the form of a clear statement concerning the problem to be investigated. Unlike in quantitative research where hypotheses are usually developed to be tested, qualitative research can lead to both hypothesis-testing and hypothesis-generating outcomes. 2 When studies require both quantitative and qualitative research questions, this suggests an integrative process between both research methods wherein a single mixed-methods research question can be developed. 1


Research questions followed by hypotheses should be developed before the start of the study. 1 , 12 , 14 It is crucial to develop feasible research questions on a topic that is interesting to both the researcher and the scientific community. This can be achieved by a meticulous review of previous and current studies to establish a novel topic. Specific areas are subsequently focused on to generate ethical research questions. The relevance of the research questions is evaluated in terms of clarity of the resulting data, specificity of the methodology, objectivity of the outcome, depth of the research, and impact of the study. 1 , 5 These aspects constitute the FINER criteria (i.e., Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, and Relevant). 1 Clarity and effectiveness are achieved if research questions meet the FINER criteria. In addition to the FINER criteria, Ratan et al. described focus, complexity, novelty, feasibility, and measurability for evaluating the effectiveness of research questions. 14

The PICOT and PEO frameworks are also used when developing research questions. 1 The following elements are addressed in these frameworks, PICOT: P-population/patients/problem, I-intervention or indicator being studied, C-comparison group, O-outcome of interest, and T-timeframe of the study; PEO: P-population being studied, E-exposure to preexisting conditions, and O-outcome of interest. 1 Research questions are also considered good if these meet the “FINERMAPS” framework: Feasible, Interesting, Novel, Ethical, Relevant, Manageable, Appropriate, Potential value/publishable, and Systematic. 14

As we indicated earlier, research questions and hypotheses that are not carefully formulated result in unethical studies or poor outcomes. To illustrate this, we provide some examples of ambiguous research question and hypotheses that result in unclear and weak research objectives in quantitative research ( Table 6 ) 16 and qualitative research ( Table 7 ) 17 , and how to transform these ambiguous research question(s) and hypothesis(es) into clear and good statements.

VariablesUnclear and weak statement (Statement 1) Clear and good statement (Statement 2) Points to avoid
Research questionWhich is more effective between smoke moxibustion and smokeless moxibustion?“Moreover, regarding smoke moxibustion versus smokeless moxibustion, it remains unclear which is more effective, safe, and acceptable to pregnant women, and whether there is any difference in the amount of heat generated.” 1) Vague and unfocused questions
2) Closed questions simply answerable by yes or no
3) Questions requiring a simple choice
HypothesisThe smoke moxibustion group will have higher cephalic presentation.“Hypothesis 1. The smoke moxibustion stick group (SM group) and smokeless moxibustion stick group (-SLM group) will have higher rates of cephalic presentation after treatment than the control group.1) Unverifiable hypotheses
Hypothesis 2. The SM group and SLM group will have higher rates of cephalic presentation at birth than the control group.2) Incompletely stated groups of comparison
Hypothesis 3. There will be no significant differences in the well-being of the mother and child among the three groups in terms of the following outcomes: premature birth, premature rupture of membranes (PROM) at < 37 weeks, Apgar score < 7 at 5 min, umbilical cord blood pH < 7.1, admission to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and intrauterine fetal death.” 3) Insufficiently described variables or outcomes
Research objectiveTo determine which is more effective between smoke moxibustion and smokeless moxibustion.“The specific aims of this pilot study were (a) to compare the effects of smoke moxibustion and smokeless moxibustion treatments with the control group as a possible supplement to ECV for converting breech presentation to cephalic presentation and increasing adherence to the newly obtained cephalic position, and (b) to assess the effects of these treatments on the well-being of the mother and child.” 1) Poor understanding of the research question and hypotheses
2) Insufficient description of population, variables, or study outcomes

a These statements were composed for comparison and illustrative purposes only.

b These statements are direct quotes from Higashihara and Horiuchi. 16

VariablesUnclear and weak statement (Statement 1)Clear and good statement (Statement 2)Points to avoid
Research questionDoes disrespect and abuse (D&A) occur in childbirth in Tanzania?How does disrespect and abuse (D&A) occur and what are the types of physical and psychological abuses observed in midwives’ actual care during facility-based childbirth in urban Tanzania?1) Ambiguous or oversimplistic questions
2) Questions unverifiable by data collection and analysis
HypothesisDisrespect and abuse (D&A) occur in childbirth in Tanzania.Hypothesis 1: Several types of physical and psychological abuse by midwives in actual care occur during facility-based childbirth in urban Tanzania.1) Statements simply expressing facts
Hypothesis 2: Weak nursing and midwifery management contribute to the D&A of women during facility-based childbirth in urban Tanzania.2) Insufficiently described concepts or variables
Research objectiveTo describe disrespect and abuse (D&A) in childbirth in Tanzania.“This study aimed to describe from actual observations the respectful and disrespectful care received by women from midwives during their labor period in two hospitals in urban Tanzania.” 1) Statements unrelated to the research question and hypotheses
2) Unattainable or unexplorable objectives

a This statement is a direct quote from Shimoda et al. 17

The other statements were composed for comparison and illustrative purposes only.


To construct effective research questions and hypotheses, it is very important to 1) clarify the background and 2) identify the research problem at the outset of the research, within a specific timeframe. 9 Then, 3) review or conduct preliminary research to collect all available knowledge about the possible research questions by studying theories and previous studies. 18 Afterwards, 4) construct research questions to investigate the research problem. Identify variables to be accessed from the research questions 4 and make operational definitions of constructs from the research problem and questions. Thereafter, 5) construct specific deductive or inductive predictions in the form of hypotheses. 4 Finally, 6) state the study aims . This general flow for constructing effective research questions and hypotheses prior to conducting research is shown in Fig. 1 .

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Object name is jkms-37-e121-g001.jpg

Research questions are used more frequently in qualitative research than objectives or hypotheses. 3 These questions seek to discover, understand, explore or describe experiences by asking “What” or “How.” The questions are open-ended to elicit a description rather than to relate variables or compare groups. The questions are continually reviewed, reformulated, and changed during the qualitative study. 3 Research questions are also used more frequently in survey projects than hypotheses in experiments in quantitative research to compare variables and their relationships.

Hypotheses are constructed based on the variables identified and as an if-then statement, following the template, ‘If a specific action is taken, then a certain outcome is expected.’ At this stage, some ideas regarding expectations from the research to be conducted must be drawn. 18 Then, the variables to be manipulated (independent) and influenced (dependent) are defined. 4 Thereafter, the hypothesis is stated and refined, and reproducible data tailored to the hypothesis are identified, collected, and analyzed. 4 The hypotheses must be testable and specific, 18 and should describe the variables and their relationships, the specific group being studied, and the predicted research outcome. 18 Hypotheses construction involves a testable proposition to be deduced from theory, and independent and dependent variables to be separated and measured separately. 3 Therefore, good hypotheses must be based on good research questions constructed at the start of a study or trial. 12

In summary, research questions are constructed after establishing the background of the study. Hypotheses are then developed based on the research questions. Thus, it is crucial to have excellent research questions to generate superior hypotheses. In turn, these would determine the research objectives and the design of the study, and ultimately, the outcome of the research. 12 Algorithms for building research questions and hypotheses are shown in Fig. 2 for quantitative research and in Fig. 3 for qualitative research.

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  • EXAMPLE 1. Descriptive research question (quantitative research)
  • - Presents research variables to be assessed (distinct phenotypes and subphenotypes)
  • “BACKGROUND: Since COVID-19 was identified, its clinical and biological heterogeneity has been recognized. Identifying COVID-19 phenotypes might help guide basic, clinical, and translational research efforts.
  • RESEARCH QUESTION: Does the clinical spectrum of patients with COVID-19 contain distinct phenotypes and subphenotypes? ” 19
  • EXAMPLE 2. Relationship research question (quantitative research)
  • - Shows interactions between dependent variable (static postural control) and independent variable (peripheral visual field loss)
  • “Background: Integration of visual, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensations contributes to postural control. People with peripheral visual field loss have serious postural instability. However, the directional specificity of postural stability and sensory reweighting caused by gradual peripheral visual field loss remain unclear.
  • Research question: What are the effects of peripheral visual field loss on static postural control ?” 20
  • EXAMPLE 3. Comparative research question (quantitative research)
  • - Clarifies the difference among groups with an outcome variable (patients enrolled in COMPERA with moderate PH or severe PH in COPD) and another group without the outcome variable (patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH))
  • “BACKGROUND: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in COPD is a poorly investigated clinical condition.
  • RESEARCH QUESTION: Which factors determine the outcome of PH in COPD?
  • STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: We analyzed the characteristics and outcome of patients enrolled in the Comparative, Prospective Registry of Newly Initiated Therapies for Pulmonary Hypertension (COMPERA) with moderate or severe PH in COPD as defined during the 6th PH World Symposium who received medical therapy for PH and compared them with patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) .” 21
  • EXAMPLE 4. Exploratory research question (qualitative research)
  • - Explores areas that have not been fully investigated (perspectives of families and children who receive care in clinic-based child obesity treatment) to have a deeper understanding of the research problem
  • “Problem: Interventions for children with obesity lead to only modest improvements in BMI and long-term outcomes, and data are limited on the perspectives of families of children with obesity in clinic-based treatment. This scoping review seeks to answer the question: What is known about the perspectives of families and children who receive care in clinic-based child obesity treatment? This review aims to explore the scope of perspectives reported by families of children with obesity who have received individualized outpatient clinic-based obesity treatment.” 22
  • EXAMPLE 5. Relationship research question (quantitative research)
  • - Defines interactions between dependent variable (use of ankle strategies) and independent variable (changes in muscle tone)
  • “Background: To maintain an upright standing posture against external disturbances, the human body mainly employs two types of postural control strategies: “ankle strategy” and “hip strategy.” While it has been reported that the magnitude of the disturbance alters the use of postural control strategies, it has not been elucidated how the level of muscle tone, one of the crucial parameters of bodily function, determines the use of each strategy. We have previously confirmed using forward dynamics simulations of human musculoskeletal models that an increased muscle tone promotes the use of ankle strategies. The objective of the present study was to experimentally evaluate a hypothesis: an increased muscle tone promotes the use of ankle strategies. Research question: Do changes in the muscle tone affect the use of ankle strategies ?” 23


  • EXAMPLE 1. Working hypothesis (quantitative research)
  • - A hypothesis that is initially accepted for further research to produce a feasible theory
  • “As fever may have benefit in shortening the duration of viral illness, it is plausible to hypothesize that the antipyretic efficacy of ibuprofen may be hindering the benefits of a fever response when taken during the early stages of COVID-19 illness .” 24
  • “In conclusion, it is plausible to hypothesize that the antipyretic efficacy of ibuprofen may be hindering the benefits of a fever response . The difference in perceived safety of these agents in COVID-19 illness could be related to the more potent efficacy to reduce fever with ibuprofen compared to acetaminophen. Compelling data on the benefit of fever warrant further research and review to determine when to treat or withhold ibuprofen for early stage fever for COVID-19 and other related viral illnesses .” 24
  • EXAMPLE 2. Exploratory hypothesis (qualitative research)
  • - Explores particular areas deeper to clarify subjective experience and develop a formal hypothesis potentially testable in a future quantitative approach
  • “We hypothesized that when thinking about a past experience of help-seeking, a self distancing prompt would cause increased help-seeking intentions and more favorable help-seeking outcome expectations .” 25
  • “Conclusion
  • Although a priori hypotheses were not supported, further research is warranted as results indicate the potential for using self-distancing approaches to increasing help-seeking among some people with depressive symptomatology.” 25
  • EXAMPLE 3. Hypothesis-generating research to establish a framework for hypothesis testing (qualitative research)
  • “We hypothesize that compassionate care is beneficial for patients (better outcomes), healthcare systems and payers (lower costs), and healthcare providers (lower burnout). ” 26
  • Compassionomics is the branch of knowledge and scientific study of the effects of compassionate healthcare. Our main hypotheses are that compassionate healthcare is beneficial for (1) patients, by improving clinical outcomes, (2) healthcare systems and payers, by supporting financial sustainability, and (3) HCPs, by lowering burnout and promoting resilience and well-being. The purpose of this paper is to establish a scientific framework for testing the hypotheses above . If these hypotheses are confirmed through rigorous research, compassionomics will belong in the science of evidence-based medicine, with major implications for all healthcare domains.” 26
  • EXAMPLE 4. Statistical hypothesis (quantitative research)
  • - An assumption is made about the relationship among several population characteristics ( gender differences in sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of adults with ADHD ). Validity is tested by statistical experiment or analysis ( chi-square test, Students t-test, and logistic regression analysis)
  • “Our research investigated gender differences in sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of adults with ADHD in a Japanese clinical sample. Due to unique Japanese cultural ideals and expectations of women's behavior that are in opposition to ADHD symptoms, we hypothesized that women with ADHD experience more difficulties and present more dysfunctions than men . We tested the following hypotheses: first, women with ADHD have more comorbidities than men with ADHD; second, women with ADHD experience more social hardships than men, such as having less full-time employment and being more likely to be divorced.” 27
  • “Statistical Analysis
  • ( text omitted ) Between-gender comparisons were made using the chi-squared test for categorical variables and Students t-test for continuous variables…( text omitted ). A logistic regression analysis was performed for employment status, marital status, and comorbidity to evaluate the independent effects of gender on these dependent variables.” 27


  • EXAMPLE 1. Background, hypotheses, and aims are provided
  • “Pregnant women need skilled care during pregnancy and childbirth, but that skilled care is often delayed in some countries …( text omitted ). The focused antenatal care (FANC) model of WHO recommends that nurses provide information or counseling to all pregnant women …( text omitted ). Job aids are visual support materials that provide the right kind of information using graphics and words in a simple and yet effective manner. When nurses are not highly trained or have many work details to attend to, these job aids can serve as a content reminder for the nurses and can be used for educating their patients (Jennings, Yebadokpo, Affo, & Agbogbe, 2010) ( text omitted ). Importantly, additional evidence is needed to confirm how job aids can further improve the quality of ANC counseling by health workers in maternal care …( text omitted )” 28
  • “ This has led us to hypothesize that the quality of ANC counseling would be better if supported by job aids. Consequently, a better quality of ANC counseling is expected to produce higher levels of awareness concerning the danger signs of pregnancy and a more favorable impression of the caring behavior of nurses .” 28
  • “This study aimed to examine the differences in the responses of pregnant women to a job aid-supported intervention during ANC visit in terms of 1) their understanding of the danger signs of pregnancy and 2) their impression of the caring behaviors of nurses to pregnant women in rural Tanzania.” 28
  • EXAMPLE 2. Background, hypotheses, and aims are provided
  • “We conducted a two-arm randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate and compare changes in salivary cortisol and oxytocin levels of first-time pregnant women between experimental and control groups. The women in the experimental group touched and held an infant for 30 min (experimental intervention protocol), whereas those in the control group watched a DVD movie of an infant (control intervention protocol). The primary outcome was salivary cortisol level and the secondary outcome was salivary oxytocin level.” 29
  • “ We hypothesize that at 30 min after touching and holding an infant, the salivary cortisol level will significantly decrease and the salivary oxytocin level will increase in the experimental group compared with the control group .” 29
  • EXAMPLE 3. Background, aim, and hypothesis are provided
  • “In countries where the maternal mortality ratio remains high, antenatal education to increase Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) is considered one of the top priorities [1]. BPCR includes birth plans during the antenatal period, such as the birthplace, birth attendant, transportation, health facility for complications, expenses, and birth materials, as well as family coordination to achieve such birth plans. In Tanzania, although increasing, only about half of all pregnant women attend an antenatal clinic more than four times [4]. Moreover, the information provided during antenatal care (ANC) is insufficient. In the resource-poor settings, antenatal group education is a potential approach because of the limited time for individual counseling at antenatal clinics.” 30
  • “This study aimed to evaluate an antenatal group education program among pregnant women and their families with respect to birth-preparedness and maternal and infant outcomes in rural villages of Tanzania.” 30
  • “ The study hypothesis was if Tanzanian pregnant women and their families received a family-oriented antenatal group education, they would (1) have a higher level of BPCR, (2) attend antenatal clinic four or more times, (3) give birth in a health facility, (4) have less complications of women at birth, and (5) have less complications and deaths of infants than those who did not receive the education .” 30

Research questions and hypotheses are crucial components to any type of research, whether quantitative or qualitative. These questions should be developed at the very beginning of the study. Excellent research questions lead to superior hypotheses, which, like a compass, set the direction of research, and can often determine the successful conduct of the study. Many research studies have floundered because the development of research questions and subsequent hypotheses was not given the thought and meticulous attention needed. The development of research questions and hypotheses is an iterative process based on extensive knowledge of the literature and insightful grasp of the knowledge gap. Focused, concise, and specific research questions provide a strong foundation for constructing hypotheses which serve as formal predictions about the research outcomes. Research questions and hypotheses are crucial elements of research that should not be overlooked. They should be carefully thought of and constructed when planning research. This avoids unethical studies and poor outcomes by defining well-founded objectives that determine the design, course, and outcome of the study.

Disclosure: The authors have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

Author Contributions:

  • Conceptualization: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Methodology: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Writing - original draft: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.
  • Writing - review & editing: Barroga E, Matanguihan GJ.

terms to use in quantitative research

Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Glossary of Key Terms

This glossary provides definitions of many of the terms used in the guides to conducting qualitative and quantitative research. The definitions were developed by members of the research methods seminar (E600) taught by Mike Palmquist in the 1990s and 2000s.

Members of the Research Methods Seminar (E600) taught by Mike Palmquist in the 1990s and 2000s. (1994-2022). Glossary of Key Terms. Writing@CSU . Colorado State University.

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research

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Quantitative methodology is the dominant research framework in the social sciences. It refers to a set of strategies, techniques and assumptions used to study psychological, social and economic processes through the exploration of numeric patterns . Quantitative research gathers a range of numeric data. Some of the numeric data is intrinsically quantitative (e.g. personal income), while in other cases the numeric structure is  imposed (e.g. ‘On a scale from 1 to 10, how depressed did you feel last week?’). The collection of quantitative information allows researchers to conduct simple to extremely sophisticated statistical analyses that aggregate the data (e.g. averages, percentages), show relationships among the data (e.g. ‘Students with lower grade point averages tend to score lower on a depression scale’) or compare across aggregated data (e.g. the USA has a higher gross domestic product than Spain). Quantitative research includes methodologies such as questionnaires, structured observations or experiments and stands in contrast to qualitative research. Qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of narratives and/or open-ended observations through methodologies such as interviews, focus groups or ethnographies.

Coghlan, D., Brydon-Miller, M. (2014).  The SAGE encyclopedia of action research  (Vols. 1-2). London, : SAGE Publications Ltd doi: 10.4135/9781446294406

What is the purpose of quantitative research?

The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world. Quantitative research is used by social scientists, including communication researchers, to observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. Social scientists are concerned with the study of people. Quantitative research is a way to learn about a particular group of people, known as a sample population. Using scientific inquiry, quantitative research relies on data that are observed or measured to examine questions about the sample population.

Allen, M. (2017).  The SAGE encyclopedia of communication research methods  (Vols. 1-4). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc doi: 10.4135/9781483381411

How do I know if the study is a quantitative design?  What type of quantitative study is it?

Quantitative Research Designs: Descriptive non-experimental, Quasi-experimental or Experimental?

Studies do not always explicitly state what kind of research design is being used.  You will need to know how to decipher which design type is used.  The following video will help you determine the quantitative design type.

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  • What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition & Methods

What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition & Methods

Published on 4 April 2022 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on 10 October 2022.

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analysing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalise results to wider populations.

Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative research , which involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data (e.g. text, video, or audio).

Quantitative research is widely used in the natural and social sciences: biology, chemistry, psychology, economics, sociology, marketing, etc.

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Table of contents

Quantitative research methods, quantitative data analysis, advantages of quantitative research, disadvantages of quantitative research, frequently asked questions about quantitative research.

You can use quantitative research methods for descriptive, correlational or experimental research.

  • In descriptive research , you simply seek an overall summary of your study variables.
  • In correlational research , you investigate relationships between your study variables.
  • In experimental research , you systematically examine whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between variables.

Correlational and experimental research can both be used to formally test hypotheses , or predictions, using statistics. The results may be generalised to broader populations based on the sampling method used.

To collect quantitative data, you will often need to use operational definitions that translate abstract concepts (e.g., mood) into observable and quantifiable measures (e.g., self-ratings of feelings and energy levels).

Quantitative research methods
Research method How to use Example
Control or manipulate an to measure its effect on a dependent variable. To test whether an intervention can reduce procrastination in college students, you give equal-sized groups either a procrastination intervention or a comparable task. You compare self-ratings of procrastination behaviors between the groups after the intervention.
Ask questions of a group of people in-person, over-the-phone or online. You distribute with rating scales to first-year international college students to investigate their experiences of culture shock.
(Systematic) observation Identify a behavior or occurrence of interest and monitor it in its natural setting. To study college classroom participation, you sit in on classes to observe them, counting and recording the prevalence of active and passive behaviors by students from different backgrounds.
Secondary research Collect data that has been gathered for other purposes e.g., national surveys or historical records. To assess whether attitudes towards climate change have changed since the 1980s, you collect relevant questionnaire data from widely available .

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Once data is collected, you may need to process it before it can be analysed. For example, survey and test data may need to be transformed from words to numbers. Then, you can use statistical analysis to answer your research questions .

Descriptive statistics will give you a summary of your data and include measures of averages and variability. You can also use graphs, scatter plots and frequency tables to visualise your data and check for any trends or outliers.

Using inferential statistics , you can make predictions or generalisations based on your data. You can test your hypothesis or use your sample data to estimate the population parameter .

You can also assess the reliability and validity of your data collection methods to indicate how consistently and accurately your methods actually measured what you wanted them to.

Quantitative research is often used to standardise data collection and generalise findings . Strengths of this approach include:

  • Replication

Repeating the study is possible because of standardised data collection protocols and tangible definitions of abstract concepts.

  • Direct comparisons of results

The study can be reproduced in other cultural settings, times or with different groups of participants. Results can be compared statistically.

  • Large samples

Data from large samples can be processed and analysed using reliable and consistent procedures through quantitative data analysis.

  • Hypothesis testing

Using formalised and established hypothesis testing procedures means that you have to carefully consider and report your research variables, predictions, data collection and testing methods before coming to a conclusion.

Despite the benefits of quantitative research, it is sometimes inadequate in explaining complex research topics. Its limitations include:

  • Superficiality

Using precise and restrictive operational definitions may inadequately represent complex concepts. For example, the concept of mood may be represented with just a number in quantitative research, but explained with elaboration in qualitative research.

  • Narrow focus

Predetermined variables and measurement procedures can mean that you ignore other relevant observations.

  • Structural bias

Despite standardised procedures, structural biases can still affect quantitative research. Missing data , imprecise measurements or inappropriate sampling methods are biases that can lead to the wrong conclusions.

  • Lack of context

Quantitative research often uses unnatural settings like laboratories or fails to consider historical and cultural contexts that may affect data collection and results.

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to test a hypothesis by systematically collecting and analysing data, while qualitative methods allow you to explore ideas and experiences in depth.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question .

Data collection is the systematic process by which observations or measurements are gathered in research. It is used in many different contexts by academics, governments, businesses, and other organisations.

Operationalisation means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations.

For example, the concept of social anxiety isn’t directly observable, but it can be operationally defined in terms of self-rating scores, behavioural avoidance of crowded places, or physical anxiety symptoms in social situations.

Before collecting data , it’s important to consider how you will operationalise the variables that you want to measure.

Reliability and validity are both about how well a method measures something:

  • Reliability refers to the  consistency of a measure (whether the results can be reproduced under the same conditions).
  • Validity   refers to the  accuracy of a measure (whether the results really do represent what they are supposed to measure).

If you are doing experimental research , you also have to consider the internal and external validity of your experiment.

Hypothesis testing is a formal procedure for investigating our ideas about the world using statistics. It is used by scientists to test specific predictions, called hypotheses , by calculating how likely it is that a pattern or relationship between variables could have arisen by chance.

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Bhandari, P. (2022, October 10). What Is Quantitative Research? | Definition & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved 18 June 2024, from

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  • Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research | Differences, Examples & Methods

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research | Differences, Examples & Methods

Published on April 12, 2019 by Raimo Streefkerk . Revised on June 22, 2023.

When collecting and analyzing data, quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Both are important for gaining different kinds of knowledge.

Common quantitative methods include experiments, observations recorded as numbers, and surveys with closed-ended questions.

Quantitative research is at risk for research biases including information bias , omitted variable bias , sampling bias , or selection bias . Qualitative research Qualitative research is expressed in words . It is used to understand concepts, thoughts or experiences. This type of research enables you to gather in-depth insights on topics that are not well understood.

Common qualitative methods include interviews with open-ended questions, observations described in words, and literature reviews that explore concepts and theories.

Table of contents

The differences between quantitative and qualitative research, data collection methods, when to use qualitative vs. quantitative research, how to analyze qualitative and quantitative data, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about qualitative and quantitative research.

Quantitative and qualitative research use different research methods to collect and analyze data, and they allow you to answer different kinds of research questions.

Qualitative vs. quantitative research

Quantitative and qualitative data can be collected using various methods. It is important to use a data collection method that will help answer your research question(s).

Many data collection methods can be either qualitative or quantitative. For example, in surveys, observational studies or case studies , your data can be represented as numbers (e.g., using rating scales or counting frequencies) or as words (e.g., with open-ended questions or descriptions of what you observe).

However, some methods are more commonly used in one type or the other.

Quantitative data collection methods

  • Surveys :  List of closed or multiple choice questions that is distributed to a sample (online, in person, or over the phone).
  • Experiments : Situation in which different types of variables are controlled and manipulated to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Observations : Observing subjects in a natural environment where variables can’t be controlled.

Qualitative data collection methods

  • Interviews : Asking open-ended questions verbally to respondents.
  • Focus groups : Discussion among a group of people about a topic to gather opinions that can be used for further research.
  • Ethnography : Participating in a community or organization for an extended period of time to closely observe culture and behavior.
  • Literature review : Survey of published works by other authors.

A rule of thumb for deciding whether to use qualitative or quantitative data is:

  • Use quantitative research if you want to confirm or test something (a theory or hypothesis )
  • Use qualitative research if you want to understand something (concepts, thoughts, experiences)

For most research topics you can choose a qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approach . Which type you choose depends on, among other things, whether you’re taking an inductive vs. deductive research approach ; your research question(s) ; whether you’re doing experimental , correlational , or descriptive research ; and practical considerations such as time, money, availability of data, and access to respondents.

Quantitative research approach

You survey 300 students at your university and ask them questions such as: “on a scale from 1-5, how satisfied are your with your professors?”

You can perform statistical analysis on the data and draw conclusions such as: “on average students rated their professors 4.4”.

Qualitative research approach

You conduct in-depth interviews with 15 students and ask them open-ended questions such as: “How satisfied are you with your studies?”, “What is the most positive aspect of your study program?” and “What can be done to improve the study program?”

Based on the answers you get you can ask follow-up questions to clarify things. You transcribe all interviews using transcription software and try to find commonalities and patterns.

Mixed methods approach

You conduct interviews to find out how satisfied students are with their studies. Through open-ended questions you learn things you never thought about before and gain new insights. Later, you use a survey to test these insights on a larger scale.

It’s also possible to start with a survey to find out the overall trends, followed by interviews to better understand the reasons behind the trends.

Qualitative or quantitative data by itself can’t prove or demonstrate anything, but has to be analyzed to show its meaning in relation to the research questions. The method of analysis differs for each type of data.

Analyzing quantitative data

Quantitative data is based on numbers. Simple math or more advanced statistical analysis is used to discover commonalities or patterns in the data. The results are often reported in graphs and tables.

Applications such as Excel, SPSS, or R can be used to calculate things like:

  • Average scores ( means )
  • The number of times a particular answer was given
  • The correlation or causation between two or more variables
  • The reliability and validity of the results

Analyzing qualitative data

Qualitative data is more difficult to analyze than quantitative data. It consists of text, images or videos instead of numbers.

Some common approaches to analyzing qualitative data include:

  • Qualitative content analysis : Tracking the occurrence, position and meaning of words or phrases
  • Thematic analysis : Closely examining the data to identify the main themes and patterns
  • Discourse analysis : Studying how communication works in social contexts

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Chi square goodness of fit test
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to systematically measure variables and test hypotheses . Qualitative methods allow you to explore concepts and experiences in more detail.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question .

The research methods you use depend on the type of data you need to answer your research question .

  • If you want to measure something or test a hypothesis , use quantitative methods . If you want to explore ideas, thoughts and meanings, use qualitative methods .
  • If you want to analyze a large amount of readily-available data, use secondary data. If you want data specific to your purposes with control over how it is generated, collect primary data.
  • If you want to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables , use experimental methods. If you want to understand the characteristics of a research subject, use descriptive methods.

Data collection is the systematic process by which observations or measurements are gathered in research. It is used in many different contexts by academics, governments, businesses, and other organizations.

There are various approaches to qualitative data analysis , but they all share five steps in common:

  • Prepare and organize your data.
  • Review and explore your data.
  • Develop a data coding system.
  • Assign codes to the data.
  • Identify recurring themes.

The specifics of each step depend on the focus of the analysis. Some common approaches include textual analysis , thematic analysis , and discourse analysis .

A research project is an academic, scientific, or professional undertaking to answer a research question . Research projects can take many forms, such as qualitative or quantitative , descriptive , longitudinal , experimental , or correlational . What kind of research approach you choose will depend on your topic.

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Streefkerk, R. (2023, June 22). Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research | Differences, Examples & Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved June 18, 2024, from

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Quantitative research methodologies.

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What is quantitative research.

Quantitative methodologies use statistics to analyze numerical data gathered by researchers to answer their research questions. Quantitative methods can be used to answer questions such as:

  • What are the relationships between two or more variables? 
  • What factors are at play in an environment that might affect the behavior or development of the organisms in that environment?

Quantitative methods can also be used to test hypotheses by conducting quasi-experimental studies or designing experiments.

Independent and Dependent Variables

In quantitative research, a variable is something (an intervention technique, a pharmaceutical, a temperature, etc.) that changes. There are two kinds of variables:  independent variables and dependent variables . In the simplest terms, the independent variable is whatever the researchers are using to attempt to make a change in their dependent variable.

Table listing independent and dependent variables.
Independent Variable(s) Dependent Variable
A new cancer-treating drug being tested in different dosage strengths The number of detectable cancer cells in a patient or cell sample
Different genres of music* Plant growth within a specific time frame

* This is a real, repeatable experiment you can try on your plants.


Researchers will compare two sets of numbers to try and identify a relationship (if any) between two things.

  • Köse S., & Murat, M. (2021). Examination of the relationship between smartphone addiction and cyberchondria in adolescents. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35(6): 563-570.
  • Pilger et al. (2021). Spiritual well-being, religious/spiritual coping and quality of life among the elderly undergoing hemodialysis: a correlational study. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 33(1): 2-15.


Researchers will attempt to quantify a variety of factors at play as they study a particular type of phenomenon or action. For example, researchers might use a descriptive methodology to understand the effects of climate change on the life cycle of a plant or animal. 

  • Lakshmi, E. (2021). Food consumption pattern and body mass index of adolescents: A descriptive study. International Journal of Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 11(4), 293–297.
  • Lin, J., Singh, S., Sha, L., Tan, W., Lang, D., Gašević, D., & Chen, G. (2022). Is it a good move? Mining effective tutoring strategies from human–human tutorial dialogues. Future Generation Computer Systems, 127, 194–207.


To understand the effects of a variable, researchers will design an experiment where they can control as many factors as possible. This can involve creating control and experimental groups. The experimental group will be exposed to the variable to study its effects. The control group provides data about what happens when the variable is absent. For example, in a study about online teaching, the control group might receive traditional face-to-face instruction while the experimental group would receive their instruction virtually. 

  • Jinzhang Jia, Yinuo Chen, Guangbo Che, Jinchao Zhu, Fengxiao Wang, & Peng Jia. (2021). Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of hydrogen-methane premixed gas in complex pipe networks. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1–11.
  • Sasaki, R. et al. (2021). Effects of cryotherapy applied at different temperatures on inflammatory pain during the acute phase of arthritis in rats. Physical Therapy, 101(2), 1–9.


Researchers will attempt to determine what (if any) effect a variable can have. These studies may have multiple independent variables (causes) and multiple dependent variables (effects), but this can complicate researchers' efforts to find out if A can cause B or if X, Y,  and  Z are also playing a role.

  • Jafari, A., Alami, A., Charoghchian, E., Delshad Noghabi, A., & Nejatian, M. (2021). The impact of effective communication skills training on the status of marital burnout among married women. BMC Women’s Health, 21(1), 1-10.
  • Phillips, S. W., Kim, D.-Y., Sobol, J. J., & Gayadeen, S. M. (2021). Total recall?: A quasi-experimental study of officer’s recollection in shoot - don’t shoot simulators. Police Practice and Research, 22(3), 1229–1240.

Surveys can be considered a quantitative methodology if the researchers require their respondents to choose from pre-determined responses. 

  • Harries et al. (2021). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical students: A multicenter quantitative study. BMC Medical Education, 21(14), 1-8.
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terms to use in quantitative research

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Quantitative Research: What It Is, Practices & Methods

Quantitative research

Quantitative research involves analyzing and gathering numerical data to uncover trends, calculate averages, evaluate relationships, and derive overarching insights. It’s used in various fields, including the natural and social sciences. Quantitative data analysis employs statistical techniques for processing and interpreting numeric data.

Research designs in the quantitative realm outline how data will be collected and analyzed with methods like experiments and surveys. Qualitative methods complement quantitative research by focusing on non-numerical data, adding depth to understanding. Data collection methods can be qualitative or quantitative, depending on research goals. Researchers often use a combination of both approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of phenomena.

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques. Quantitative research collects statistically significant information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods and sending out online surveys , online polls , and questionnaires , for example.

One of the main characteristics of this type of research is that the results can be depicted in numerical form. After carefully collecting structured observations and understanding these numbers, it’s possible to predict the future of a product or service, establish causal relationships or Causal Research , and make changes accordingly. Quantitative research primarily centers on the analysis of numerical data and utilizes inferential statistics to derive conclusions that can be extrapolated to the broader population.

An example of a quantitative research study is the survey conducted to understand how long a doctor takes to tend to a patient when the patient walks into the hospital. A patient satisfaction survey can be administered to ask questions like how long a doctor takes to see a patient, how often a patient walks into a hospital, and other such questions, which are dependent variables in the research. This kind of research method is often employed in the social sciences, and it involves using mathematical frameworks and theories to effectively present data, ensuring that the results are logical, statistically sound, and unbiased.

Data collection in quantitative research uses a structured method and is typically conducted on larger samples representing the entire population. Researchers use quantitative methods to collect numerical data, which is then subjected to statistical analysis to determine statistically significant findings. This approach is valuable in both experimental research and social research, as it helps in making informed decisions and drawing reliable conclusions based on quantitative data.

Quantitative Research Characteristics

Quantitative research has several unique characteristics that make it well-suited for specific projects. Let’s explore the most crucial of these characteristics so that you can consider them when planning your next research project:

terms to use in quantitative research

  • Structured tools: Quantitative research relies on structured tools such as surveys, polls, or questionnaires to gather quantitative data . Using such structured methods helps collect in-depth and actionable numerical data from the survey respondents, making it easier to perform data analysis.
  • Sample size: Quantitative research is conducted on a significant sample size  representing the target market . Appropriate Survey Sampling methods, a fundamental aspect of quantitative research methods, must be employed when deriving the sample to fortify the research objective and ensure the reliability of the results.
  • Close-ended questions: Closed-ended questions , specifically designed to align with the research objectives, are a cornerstone of quantitative research. These questions facilitate the collection of quantitative data and are extensively used in data collection processes.
  • Prior studies: Before collecting feedback from respondents, researchers often delve into previous studies related to the research topic. This preliminary research helps frame the study effectively and ensures the data collection process is well-informed.
  • Quantitative data: Typically, quantitative data is represented using tables, charts, graphs, or other numerical forms. This visual representation aids in understanding the collected data and is essential for rigorous data analysis, a key component of quantitative research methods.
  • Generalization of results: One of the strengths of quantitative research is its ability to generalize results to the entire population. It means that the findings derived from a sample can be extrapolated to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions for improvement based on numerical data analysis.

Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research methods are systematic approaches used to gather and analyze numerical data to understand and draw conclusions about a phenomenon or population. Here are the quantitative research methods:

  • Primary quantitative research methods
  • Secondary quantitative research methods

Primary Quantitative Research Methods

Primary quantitative research is the most widely used method of conducting market research. The distinct feature of primary research is that the researcher focuses on collecting data directly rather than depending on data collected from previously done research. Primary quantitative research design can be broken down into three further distinctive tracks and the process flow. They are:

A. Techniques and Types of Studies

There are multiple types of primary quantitative research. They can be distinguished into the four following distinctive methods, which are:

01. Survey Research

Survey Research is fundamental for all quantitative outcome research methodologies and studies. Surveys are used to ask questions to a sample of respondents, using various types such as online polls, online surveys, paper questionnaires, web-intercept surveys , etc. Every small and big organization intends to understand what their customers think about their products and services, how well new features are faring in the market, and other such details.

By conducting survey research, an organization can ask multiple survey questions , collect data from a pool of customers, and analyze this collected data to produce numerical results. It is the first step towards collecting data for any research. You can use single ease questions . A single-ease question is a straightforward query that elicits a concise and uncomplicated response.

This type of research can be conducted with a specific target audience group and also can be conducted across multiple groups along with comparative analysis . A prerequisite for this type of research is that the sample of respondents must have randomly selected members. This way, a researcher can easily maintain the accuracy of the obtained results as a huge variety of respondents will be addressed using random selection. 

Traditionally, survey research was conducted face-to-face or via phone calls. Still, with the progress made by online mediums such as email or social media, survey research has also spread to online mediums.There are two types of surveys , either of which can be chosen based on the time in hand and the kind of data required:

Cross-sectional surveys: Cross-sectional surveys are observational surveys conducted in situations where the researcher intends to collect data from a sample of the target population at a given point in time. Researchers can evaluate various variables at a particular time. Data gathered using this type of survey is from people who depict similarity in all variables except the variables which are considered for research . Throughout the survey, this one variable will stay constant.

  • Cross-sectional surveys are popular with retail, SMEs, and healthcare industries. Information is garnered without modifying any parameters in the variable ecosystem.
  • Multiple samples can be analyzed and compared using a cross-sectional survey research method.
  • Multiple variables can be evaluated using this type of survey research.
  • The only disadvantage of cross-sectional surveys is that the cause-effect relationship of variables cannot be established as it usually evaluates variables at a particular time and not across a continuous time frame.

Longitudinal surveys: Longitudinal surveys are also observational surveys , but unlike cross-sectional surveys, longitudinal surveys are conducted across various time durations to observe a change in respondent behavior and thought processes. This time can be days, months, years, or even decades. For instance, a researcher planning to analyze the change in buying habits of teenagers over 5 years will conduct longitudinal surveys.

  • In cross-sectional surveys, the same variables were evaluated at a given time, and in longitudinal surveys, different variables can be analyzed at different intervals.
  • Longitudinal surveys are extensively used in the field of medicine and applied sciences. Apart from these two fields, they are also used to observe a change in the market trend analysis , analyze customer satisfaction, or gain feedback on products/services.
  • In situations where the sequence of events is highly essential, longitudinal surveys are used.
  • Researchers say that when research subjects need to be thoroughly inspected before concluding, they rely on longitudinal surveys.

02. Correlational Research

A comparison between two entities is invariable. Correlation research is conducted to establish a relationship between two closely-knit entities and how one impacts the other, and what changes are eventually observed. This research method is carried out to give value to naturally occurring relationships, and a minimum of two different groups are required to conduct this quantitative research method successfully. Without assuming various aspects, a relationship between two groups or entities must be established.

Researchers use this quantitative research design to correlate two or more variables using mathematical analysis methods. Patterns, relationships, and trends between variables are concluded as they exist in their original setup. The impact of one of these variables on the other is observed, along with how it changes the relationship between the two variables. Researchers tend to manipulate one of the variables to attain the desired results.

Ideally, it is advised not to make conclusions merely based on correlational research. This is because it is not mandatory that if two variables are in sync that they are interrelated.

Example of Correlational Research Questions :

  • The relationship between stress and depression.
  • The equation between fame and money.
  • The relation between activities in a third-grade class and its students.

03. Causal-comparative Research

This research method mainly depends on the factor of comparison. Also called quasi-experimental research , this quantitative research method is used by researchers to conclude the cause-effect equation between two or more variables, where one variable is dependent on the other independent variable. The independent variable is established but not manipulated, and its impact on the dependent variable is observed. These variables or groups must be formed as they exist in the natural setup. As the dependent and independent variables will always exist in a group, it is advised that the conclusions are carefully established by keeping all the factors in mind.

Causal-comparative research is not restricted to the statistical analysis of two variables but extends to analyzing how various variables or groups change under the influence of the same changes. This research is conducted irrespective of the type of relationship that exists between two or more variables. Statistical analysis plan is used to present the outcome using this quantitative research method.

Example of Causal-Comparative Research Questions:

  • The impact of drugs on a teenager. The effect of good education on a freshman. The effect of substantial food provision in the villages of Africa.

04. Experimental Research

Also known as true experimentation, this research method relies on a theory. As the name suggests, experimental research is usually based on one or more theories. This theory has yet to be proven before and is merely a supposition. In experimental research, an analysis is done around proving or disproving the statement. This research method is used in natural sciences. Traditional research methods are more effective than modern techniques.

There can be multiple theories in experimental research. A theory is a statement that can be verified or refuted.

After establishing the statement, efforts are made to understand whether it is valid or invalid. This quantitative research method is mainly used in natural or social sciences as various statements must be proved right or wrong.

  • Traditional research methods are more effective than modern techniques.
  • Systematic teaching schedules help children who struggle to cope with the course.
  • It is a boon to have responsible nursing staff for ailing parents.

B. Data Collection Methodologies

The second major step in primary quantitative research is data collection. Data collection can be divided into sampling methods and data collection using surveys and polls.

01. Data Collection Methodologies: Sampling Methods

There are two main sampling methods for quantitative research: Probability and Non-probability sampling .

Probability sampling: A theory of probability is used to filter individuals from a population and create samples in probability sampling . Participants of a sample are chosen by random selection processes. Each target audience member has an equal opportunity to be selected in the sample.

There are four main types of probability sampling:

  • Simple random sampling: As the name indicates, simple random sampling is nothing but a random selection of elements for a sample. This sampling technique is implemented where the target population is considerably large.
  • Stratified random sampling: In the stratified random sampling method , a large population is divided into groups (strata), and members of a sample are chosen randomly from these strata. The various segregated strata should ideally not overlap one another.
  • Cluster sampling: Cluster sampling is a probability sampling method using which the main segment is divided into clusters, usually using geographic segmentation and demographic segmentation parameters.
  • Systematic sampling: Systematic sampling is a technique where the starting point of the sample is chosen randomly, and all the other elements are chosen using a fixed interval. This interval is calculated by dividing the population size by the target sample size.

Non-probability sampling: Non-probability sampling is where the researcher’s knowledge and experience are used to create samples. Because of the researcher’s involvement, not all the target population members have an equal probability of being selected to be a part of a sample.

There are five non-probability sampling models:

  • Convenience sampling: In convenience sampling , elements of a sample are chosen only due to one prime reason: their proximity to the researcher. These samples are quick and easy to implement as there is no other parameter of selection involved.
  • Consecutive sampling: Consecutive sampling is quite similar to convenience sampling, except for the fact that researchers can choose a single element or a group of samples and conduct research consecutively over a significant period and then perform the same process with other samples.
  • Quota sampling: Using quota sampling , researchers can select elements using their knowledge of target traits and personalities to form strata. Members of various strata can then be chosen to be a part of the sample as per the researcher’s understanding.
  • Snowball sampling: Snowball sampling is conducted with target audiences who are difficult to contact and get information. It is popular in cases where the target audience for analysis research is rare to put together.
  • Judgmental sampling: Judgmental sampling is a non-probability sampling method where samples are created only based on the researcher’s experience and research skill .

02. Data collection methodologies: Using surveys & polls

Once the sample is determined, then either surveys or polls can be distributed to collect the data for quantitative research.

Using surveys for primary quantitative research

A survey is defined as a research method used for collecting data from a pre-defined group of respondents to gain information and insights on various topics of interest. The ease of survey distribution and the wide number of people it can reach depending on the research time and objective makes it one of the most important aspects of conducting quantitative research.

Fundamental levels of measurement – nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales

Four measurement scales are fundamental to creating a multiple-choice question in a survey. They are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales without the fundamentals of which no multiple-choice questions can be created. Hence, it is crucial to understand these measurement levels to develop a robust survey.

Use of different question types

To conduct quantitative research, close-ended questions must be used in a survey. They can be a mix of multiple question types, including multiple-choice questions like semantic differential scale questions , rating scale questions , etc.

Survey Distribution and Survey Data Collection

In the above, we have seen the process of building a survey along with the research design to conduct primary quantitative research. Survey distribution to collect data is the other important aspect of the survey process. There are different ways of survey distribution. Some of the most commonly used methods are:

  • Email: Sending a survey via email is the most widely used and effective survey distribution method. This method’s response rate is high because the respondents know your brand. You can use the QuestionPro email management feature to send out and collect survey responses.
  • Buy respondents: Another effective way to distribute a survey and conduct primary quantitative research is to use a sample. Since the respondents are knowledgeable and are on the panel by their own will, responses are much higher.
  • Embed survey on a website: Embedding a survey on a website increases a high number of responses as the respondent is already in close proximity to the brand when the survey pops up.
  • Social distribution: Using social media to distribute the survey aids in collecting a higher number of responses from the people that are aware of the brand.
  • QR code: QuestionPro QR codes store the URL for the survey. You can print/publish this code in magazines, signs, business cards, or on just about any object/medium.
  • SMS survey: The SMS survey is a quick and time-effective way to collect a high number of responses.
  • Offline Survey App: The QuestionPro App allows users to circulate surveys quickly, and the responses can be collected both online and offline.

Survey example

An example of a survey is a short customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey that can quickly be built and deployed to collect feedback about what the customer thinks about a brand and how satisfied and referenceable the brand is.

Using polls for primary quantitative research

Polls are a method to collect feedback using close-ended questions from a sample. The most commonly used types of polls are election polls and exit polls . Both of these are used to collect data from a large sample size but using basic question types like multiple-choice questions.

C. Data Analysis Techniques

The third aspect of primary quantitative research design is data analysis . After collecting raw data, there must be an analysis of this data to derive statistical inferences from this research. It is important to relate the results to the research objective and establish the statistical relevance of the results.

Remember to consider aspects of research that were not considered for the data collection process and report the difference between what was planned vs. what was actually executed.

It is then required to select precise Statistical Analysis Methods , such as SWOT, Conjoint, Cross-tabulation, etc., to analyze the quantitative data.

  • SWOT analysis: SWOT Analysis stands for the acronym of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threat analysis. Organizations use this statistical analysis technique to evaluate their performance internally and externally to develop effective strategies for improvement.
  • Conjoint Analysis: Conjoint Analysis is a market analysis method to learn how individuals make complicated purchasing decisions. Trade-offs are involved in an individual’s daily activities, and these reflect their ability to decide from a complex list of product/service options.
  • Cross-tabulation: Cross-tabulation is one of the preliminary statistical market analysis methods which establishes relationships, patterns, and trends within the various parameters of the research study.
  • TURF Analysis: TURF Analysis , an acronym for Totally Unduplicated Reach and Frequency Analysis, is executed in situations where the reach of a favorable communication source is to be analyzed along with the frequency of this communication. It is used for understanding the potential of a target market.

Inferential statistics methods such as confidence interval, the margin of error, etc., can then be used to provide results.

Secondary Quantitative Research Methods

Secondary quantitative research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data or secondary data. Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of the research.

This research method involves collecting quantitative data from existing data sources like the internet, government resources, libraries, research reports, etc. Secondary quantitative research helps to validate the data collected from primary quantitative research and aid in strengthening or proving, or disproving previously collected data.

The following are five popularly used secondary quantitative research methods:

  • Data available on the internet: With the high penetration of the internet and mobile devices, it has become increasingly easy to conduct quantitative research using the internet. Information about most research topics is available online, and this aids in boosting the validity of primary quantitative data.
  • Government and non-government sources: Secondary quantitative research can also be conducted with the help of government and non-government sources that deal with market research reports. This data is highly reliable and in-depth and hence, can be used to increase the validity of quantitative research design.
  • Public libraries: Now a sparingly used method of conducting quantitative research, it is still a reliable source of information, though. Public libraries have copies of important research that was conducted earlier. They are a storehouse of valuable information and documents from which information can be extracted.
  • Educational institutions: Educational institutions conduct in-depth research on multiple topics, and hence, the reports that they publish are an important source of validation in quantitative research.
  • Commercial information sources: Local newspapers, journals, magazines, radio, and TV stations are great sources to obtain data for secondary quantitative research. These commercial information sources have in-depth, first-hand information on market research, demographic segmentation, and similar subjects.

Quantitative Research Examples

Some examples of quantitative research are:

  • A customer satisfaction template can be used if any organization would like to conduct a customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey . Through this kind of survey, an organization can collect quantitative data and metrics on the goodwill of the brand or organization in the customer’s mind based on multiple parameters such as product quality, pricing, customer experience, etc. This data can be collected by asking a net promoter score (NPS) question , matrix table questions, etc. that provide data in the form of numbers that can be analyzed and worked upon.
  • Another example of quantitative research is an organization that conducts an event, collecting feedback from attendees about the value they see from the event. By using an event survey , the organization can collect actionable feedback about the satisfaction levels of customers during various phases of the event such as the sales, pre and post-event, the likelihood of recommending the organization to their friends and colleagues, hotel preferences for the future events and other such questions.

What are the Advantages of Quantitative Research?

There are many advantages to quantitative research. Some of the major advantages of why researchers use this method in market research are:


Collect Reliable and Accurate Data:

Quantitative research is a powerful method for collecting reliable and accurate quantitative data. Since data is collected, analyzed, and presented in numbers, the results obtained are incredibly reliable and objective. Numbers do not lie and offer an honest and precise picture of the conducted research without discrepancies. In situations where a researcher aims to eliminate bias and predict potential conflicts, quantitative research is the method of choice.

Quick Data Collection:

Quantitative research involves studying a group of people representing a larger population. Researchers use a survey or another quantitative research method to efficiently gather information from these participants, making the process of analyzing the data and identifying patterns faster and more manageable through the use of statistical analysis. This advantage makes quantitative research an attractive option for projects with time constraints.

Wider Scope of Data Analysis:

Quantitative research, thanks to its utilization of statistical methods, offers an extensive range of data collection and analysis. Researchers can delve into a broader spectrum of variables and relationships within the data, enabling a more thorough comprehension of the subject under investigation. This expanded scope is precious when dealing with complex research questions that require in-depth numerical analysis.

Eliminate Bias:

One of the significant advantages of quantitative research is its ability to eliminate bias. This research method leaves no room for personal comments or the biasing of results, as the findings are presented in numerical form. This objectivity makes the results fair and reliable in most cases, reducing the potential for researcher bias or subjectivity.

In summary, quantitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and presenting quantitative data using statistical analysis. It offers numerous advantages, including the collection of reliable and accurate data, quick data collection, a broader scope of data analysis, and the elimination of bias, making it a valuable approach in the field of research. When considering the benefits of quantitative research, it’s essential to recognize its strengths in contrast to qualitative methods and its role in collecting and analyzing numerical data for a more comprehensive understanding of research topics.

Best Practices to Conduct Quantitative Research

Here are some best practices for conducting quantitative research:

Tips to conduct quantitative research

  • Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative: Understand the difference between the two methodologies and apply the one that suits your needs best.
  • Choose a suitable sample size: Ensure that you have a sample representative of your population and large enough to be statistically weighty.
  • Keep your research goals clear and concise: Know your research goals before you begin data collection to ensure you collect the right amount and the right quantity of data.
  • Keep the questions simple: Remember that you will be reaching out to a demographically wide audience. Pose simple questions for your respondents to understand easily.

Quantitative Research vs Qualitative Research

Quantitative research and qualitative research are two distinct approaches to conducting research, each with its own set of methods and objectives. Here’s a comparison of the two:

terms to use in quantitative research

Quantitative Research

  • Objective: The primary goal of quantitative research is to quantify and measure phenomena by collecting numerical data. It aims to test hypotheses, establish patterns, and generalize findings to a larger population.
  • Data Collection: Quantitative research employs systematic and standardized approaches for data collection, including techniques like surveys, experiments, and observations that involve predefined variables. It is often collected from a large and representative sample.
  • Data Analysis: Data is analyzed using statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and mathematical modeling. Researchers use statistical tests to draw conclusions and make generalizations based on numerical data.
  • Sample Size: Quantitative research often involves larger sample sizes to ensure statistical significance and generalizability.
  • Results: The results are typically presented in tables, charts, and statistical summaries, making them highly structured and objective.
  • Generalizability: Researchers intentionally structure quantitative research to generate outcomes that can be helpful to a larger population, and they frequently seek to establish causative connections.
  • Emphasis on Objectivity: Researchers aim to minimize bias and subjectivity, focusing on replicable and objective findings.

Qualitative Research

  • Objective: Qualitative research seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying motivations, behaviors, and experiences of individuals or groups. It explores the context and meaning of phenomena.
  • Data Collection: Qualitative research employs adaptable and open-ended techniques for data collection, including methods like interviews, focus groups, observations, and content analysis. It allows participants to express their perspectives in their own words.
  • Data Analysis: Data is analyzed through thematic analysis, content analysis, or grounded theory. Researchers focus on identifying patterns, themes, and insights in the data.
  • Sample Size: Qualitative research typically involves smaller sample sizes due to the in-depth nature of data collection and analysis.
  • Results: Findings are presented in narrative form, often in the participants’ own words. Results are subjective, context-dependent, and provide rich, detailed descriptions.
  • Generalizability: Qualitative research does not aim for broad generalizability but focuses on in-depth exploration within a specific context. It provides a detailed understanding of a particular group or situation.
  • Emphasis on Subjectivity: Researchers acknowledge the role of subjectivity and the researcher’s influence on the Research Process . Participant perspectives and experiences are central to the findings.

Researchers choose between quantitative and qualitative research methods based on their research objectives and the nature of the research question. Each approach has its advantages and drawbacks, and the decision between them hinges on the particular research objectives and the data needed to address research inquiries effectively.

Quantitative research is a structured way of collecting and analyzing data from various sources. Its purpose is to quantify the problem and understand its extent, seeking results that someone can project to a larger population.

Companies that use quantitative rather than qualitative research typically aim to measure magnitudes and seek objectively interpreted statistical results. So if you want to obtain quantitative data that helps you define the structured cause-and-effect relationship between the research problem and the factors, you should opt for this type of research.

At QuestionPro , we have various Best Data Collection Tools and features to conduct investigations of this type. You can create questionnaires and distribute them through our various methods. We also have sample services or various questions to guarantee the success of your study and the quality of the collected data.

Quantitative research is a systematic and structured approach to studying phenomena that involves the collection of measurable data and the application of statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques for analysis.

Quantitative research is characterized by structured tools like surveys, substantial sample sizes, closed-ended questions, reliance on prior studies, data presented numerically, and the ability to generalize findings to the broader population.

The two main methods of quantitative research are Primary quantitative research methods, involving data collection directly from sources, and Secondary quantitative research methods, which utilize existing data for analysis.

1.Surveying to measure employee engagement with numerical rating scales. 2.Analyzing sales data to identify trends in product demand and market share. 4.Examining test scores to assess the impact of a new teaching method on student performance. 4.Using website analytics to track user behavior and conversion rates for an online store.

1.Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2.Choose a representative sample size. 3.Define clear research goals before data collection. 4.Use simple and easily understandable survey questions.


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Quantitative Research

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terms to use in quantitative research

  • Leigh A. Wilson 2 , 3  

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4 Citations

Quantitative research methods are concerned with the planning, design, and implementation of strategies to collect and analyze data. Descartes, the seventeenth-century philosopher, suggested that how the results are achieved is often more important than the results themselves, as the journey taken along the research path is a journey of discovery. High-quality quantitative research is characterized by the attention given to the methods and the reliability of the tools used to collect the data. The ability to critique research in a systematic way is an essential component of a health professional’s role in order to deliver high quality, evidence-based healthcare. This chapter is intended to provide a simple overview of the way new researchers and health practitioners can understand and employ quantitative methods. The chapter offers practical, realistic guidance in a learner-friendly way and uses a logical sequence to understand the process of hypothesis development, study design, data collection and handling, and finally data analysis and interpretation.

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Writing Quantitative Research Studies

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Qualitative Research Methods

Babbie ER. The practice of social research. 14th ed. Belmont: Wadsworth Cengage; 2016.

Google Scholar  

Descartes. Cited in Halverston, W. (1976). In: A concise introduction to philosophy, 3rd ed. New York: Random House; 1637.

Doll R, Hill AB. The mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits. BMJ. 1954;328(7455):1529–33. .

Article   Google Scholar  

Liamputtong P. Research methods in health: foundations for evidence-based practice. 3rd ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press; 2017.

McNabb DE. Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management: quantitative and qualitative approaches. 2nd ed. New York: Armonk; 2007.

Merriam-Webster. Dictionary. . Accessed 20th December 2017.

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Pannucci CJ, Wilkins EG. Identifying and avoiding bias in research. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;126(2):619–25. .

Petrie A, Sabin C. Medical statistics at a glance. 2nd ed. London: Blackwell Publishing; 2005.

Portney LG, Watkins MP. Foundations of clinical research: applications to practice. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Pearson Publishing; 2009.

Sheehan J. Aspects of research methodology. Nurse Educ Today. 1986;6:193–203.

Wilson LA, Black DA. Health, science research and research methods. Sydney: McGraw Hill; 2013.

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School of Science and Health, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia

Leigh A. Wilson

Faculty of Health Science, Discipline of Behavioural and Social Sciences in Health, University of Sydney, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia

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Wilson, L.A. (2019). Quantitative Research. In: Liamputtong, P. (eds) Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 13 January 2019

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-10-5250-7

Online ISBN : 978-981-10-5251-4

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Quantitative Research

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is the methodology which researchers use to test theories about people’s attitudes and behaviors based on numerical and statistical evidence. Researchers sample a large number of users (e.g., through surveys) to indirectly obtain measurable, bias-free data about users in relevant situations.

“Quantification clarifies issues which qualitative analysis leaves fuzzy. It is more readily contestable and likely to be contested. It sharpens scholarly discussion, sparks off rival hypotheses, and contributes to the dynamics of the research process.” — Angus Maddison, Notable scholar of quantitative macro-economic history
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See how quantitative research helps reveal cold, hard facts about users which you can interpret and use to improve your designs.

Use Quantitative Research to Find Mathematical Facts about Users

Quantitative research is a subset of user experience (UX) research . Unlike its softer, more individual-oriented “counterpart”, qualitative research , quantitative research means you collect statistical/numerical data to draw generalized conclusions about users’ attitudes and behaviors . Compare and contrast quantitative with qualitative research, below:

Qualitative Research

You Aim to Determine

The “what”, “where” & “when” of the users’ needs & problems – to help keep your project’s focus on track during development

The “why” – to get behind how users approach their problems in their world

Highly structured (e.g., surveys) – to gather data about what users do & find patterns in large user groups

Loosely structured (e.g., contextual inquiries) – to learn why users behave how they do & explore their opinions

Number of Representative Users

Ideally 30+

Often around 5

Level of Contact with Users

Less direct & more remote (e.g., analytics)

More direct & less remote (e.g., usability testing to examine users’ stress levels when they use your design)


Reliable – if you have enough test users

Less reliable, with need for great care with handling non-numerical data (e.g., opinions), as your own opinions might influence findings

Quantitative research is often best done from early on in projects since it helps teams to optimally direct product development and avoid costly design mistakes later. As you typically get user data from a distance—i.e., without close physical contact with users—also applying qualitative research will help you investigate why users think and feel the ways they do. Indeed, in an iterative design process quantitative research helps you test the assumptions you and your design team develop from your qualitative research. Regardless of the method you use, with proper care you can gather objective and unbiased data – information which you can complement with qualitative approaches to build a fuller understanding of your target users. From there, you can work towards firmer conclusions and drive your design process towards a more realistic picture of how target users will ultimately receive your product.

terms to use in quantitative research

Quantitative analysis helps you test your assumptions and establish clearer views of your users in their various contexts.

Quantitative Research Methods You Can Use to Guide Optimal Designs

There are many quantitative research methods, and they help uncover different types of information on users. Some methods, such as A/B testing, are typically done on finished products, while others such as surveys could be done throughout a project’s design process. Here are some of the most helpful methods:

A/B testing – You test two or more versions of your design on users to find the most effective. Each variation differs by just one feature and may or may not affect how users respond. A/B testing is especially valuable for testing assumptions you’ve drawn from qualitative research. The only potential concerns here are scale—in that you’ll typically need to conduct it on thousands of users—and arguably more complexity in terms of considering the statistical significance involved.

Analytics – With tools such as Google Analytics, you measure metrics (e.g., page views, click-through rates) to build a picture (e.g., “How many users take how long to complete a task?”).

Desirability Studies – You measure an aspect of your product (e.g., aesthetic appeal) by typically showing it to participants and asking them to select from a menu of descriptive words. Their responses can reveal powerful insights (e.g., 78% associate the product/brand with “fashionable”).

Surveys and Questionnaires – When you ask for many users’ opinions, you will gain massive amounts of information. Keep in mind that you’ll have data about what users say they do, as opposed to insights into what they do . You can get more reliable results if you incentivize your participants well and use the right format.

Tree Testing – You remove the user interface so users must navigate the site and complete tasks using links alone. This helps you see if an issue is related to the user interface or information architecture.

Another powerful benefit of conducting quantitative research is that you can keep your stakeholders’ support with hard facts and statistics about your design’s performance—which can show what works well and what needs improvement—and prove a good return on investment. You can also produce reports to check statistics against different versions of your product and your competitors’ products.

Most quantitative research methods are relatively cheap. Since no single research method can help you answer all your questions, it’s vital to judge which method suits your project at the time/stage. Remember, it’s best to spend appropriately on a combination of quantitative and qualitative research from early on in development. Design improvements can be costly, and so you can estimate the value of implementing changes when you get the statistics to suggest that these changes will improve usability. Overall, you want to gather measurements objectively, where your personality, presence and theories won’t create bias.

Learn More about Quantitative Research

Take our User Research course to see how to get the most from quantitative research.

See how quantitative research methods fit into your design research landscape .

This insightful piece shows the value of pairing quantitative with qualitative research .

Find helpful tips on combining quantitative research methods in mixed methods research .

Questions related to Quantitative Research

Qualitative and quantitative research differ primarily in the data they produce. Quantitative research yields numerical data to test hypotheses and quantify patterns. It's precise and generalizable. Qualitative research, on the other hand, generates non-numerical data and explores meanings, interpretations, and deeper insights. Watch our video featuring Professor Alan Dix on different types of research methods.

This video elucidates the nuances and applications of both research types in the design field.

In quantitative research, determining a good sample size is crucial for the reliability of the results. William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm, emphasizes the importance of statistical significance with an example in our video. 

He illustrates that even with varying results between design choices, we need to discern whether the differences are statistically significant or products of chance. This ensures the validity of the results, allowing for more accurate interpretations. Statistical tools like chi-square tests can aid in analyzing the results effectively. To delve deeper into these concepts, take William Hudson’s Data-Driven Design: Quantitative UX Research Course . 

Quantitative research is crucial as it provides precise, numerical data that allows for high levels of statistical inference. Our video from William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm, highlights the importance of analytics in examining existing solutions. 

Quantitative methods, like analytics and A/B testing, are pivotal for identifying areas for improvement, understanding user behaviors, and optimizing user experiences based on solid, empirical evidence. This empirical nature ensures that the insights derived are reliable, allowing for practical improvements and innovations. Perhaps most importantly, numerical data is useful to secure stakeholder buy-in and defend design decisions and proposals. Explore this approach in our Data-Driven Design: Quantitative Research for UX Research course and learn from William Hudson’s detailed explanations of when and why to use analytics in the research process.

After establishing initial requirements, statistical data is crucial for informed decisions through quantitative research. William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm, sheds light on the role of quantitative research throughout a typical project lifecycle in this video:

 During the analysis and design phases, quantitative research helps validate user requirements and understand user behaviors. Surveys and analytics are standard tools, offering insights into user preferences and design efficacy. Quantitative research can also be used in early design testing, allowing for optimal design modifications based on user interactions and feedback, and it’s fundamental for A/B and multivariate testing once live solutions are available.

To write a compelling quantitative research question:

Create clear, concise, and unambiguous questions that address one aspect at a time.

Use common, short terms and provide explanations for unusual words.

Avoid leading, compound, and overlapping queries and ensure that questions are not vague or broad.

According to our video by William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm, quality and respondent understanding are vital in forming good questions. 

He emphasizes the importance of addressing specific aspects and avoiding intimidating and confusing elements, such as extensive question grids or ranking questions, to ensure participant engagement and accurate responses. For more insights, see the article Writing Good Questions for Surveys .

Survey research is typically quantitative, collecting numerical data and statistical analysis to make generalizable conclusions. However, it can also have qualitative elements, mainly when it includes open-ended questions, allowing for expressive responses. Our video featuring the CEO of Syntagm, William Hudson, provides in-depth insights into when and how to effectively utilize surveys in the product or service lifecycle, focusing on user satisfaction and potential improvements.

He emphasizes the importance of surveys in triangulating data to back up qualitative research findings, ensuring we have a complete understanding of the user's requirements and preferences.

Descriptive research focuses on describing the subject being studied and getting answers to questions like what, where, when, and who of the research question. However, it doesn’t include the answers to the underlying reasons, or the “why” behind the answers obtained from the research. We can use both f qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct descriptive research. Descriptive research does not describe the methods, but rather the data gathered through the research (regardless of the methods used).

When we use quantitative research and gather numerical data, we can use statistical analysis to understand relationships between different variables. Here’s William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm with more on correlation and how we can apply tests such as Pearson’s r and Spearman Rank Coefficient to our data.

This helps interpret phenomena such as user experience by analyzing session lengths and conversion values, revealing whether variables like time spent on a page affect checkout values, for example.

Random Sampling: Each individual in the population has an equitable opportunity to be chosen, which minimizes biases and simplifies analysis.

Systematic Sampling: Selecting every k-th item from a list after a random start. It's simpler and faster than random sampling when dealing with large populations.

Stratified Sampling: Segregate the population into subgroups or strata according to comparable characteristics. Then, samples are taken randomly from each stratum.

Cluster Sampling: Divide the population into clusters and choose a random sample.

Multistage Sampling: Various sampling techniques are used at different stages to collect detailed information from diverse populations.

Convenience Sampling: The researcher selects the sample based on availability and willingness to participate, which may only represent part of the population.

Quota Sampling: Segment the population into subgroups, and samples are non-randomly selected to fulfill a predetermined quota from each subset.

These are just a few techniques, and choosing the right one depends on your research question, discipline, resource availability, and the level of accuracy required. In quantitative research, there isn't a one-size-fits-all sampling technique; choosing a method that aligns with your research goals and population is critical. However, a well-planned strategy is essential to avoid wasting resources and time, as highlighted in our video featuring William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm.

He emphasizes the importance of recruiting participants meticulously, ensuring their engagement and the quality of their responses. Accurate and thoughtful participant responses are crucial for obtaining reliable results. William also sheds light on dealing with failing participants and scrutinizing response quality to refine the outcomes.

The 4 types of quantitative research are Descriptive, Correlational, Causal-Comparative/Quasi-Experimental, and Experimental Research. Descriptive research aims to depict ‘what exists’ clearly and precisely. Correlational research examines relationships between variables. Causal-comparative research investigates the cause-effect relationship between variables. Experimental research explores causal relationships by manipulating independent variables. To gain deeper insights into quantitative research methods in UX, consider enrolling in our Data-Driven Design: Quantitative Research for UX course.

The strength of quantitative research is its ability to provide precise numerical data for analyzing target variables.This allows for generalized conclusions and predictions about future occurrences, proving invaluable in various fields, including user experience. William Hudson, CEO of Syntagm, discusses the role of surveys, analytics, and testing in providing objective insights in our video on quantitative research methods, highlighting the significance of structured methodologies in eliciting reliable results.

To master quantitative research methods, enroll in our comprehensive course, Data-Driven Design: Quantitative Research for UX . 

This course empowers you to leverage quantitative data to make informed design decisions, providing a deep dive into methods like surveys and analytics. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional, this course at Interaction Design Foundation offers valuable insights and practical knowledge, ensuring you acquire the skills necessary to excel in user experience research. Explore our diverse topics to elevate your understanding of quantitative research methods.

Answer a Short Quiz to Earn a Gift

What is the primary goal of quantitative research in design?

  • To analyze numerical data and identify patterns
  • To explore abstract design concepts for implementation
  • To understand people's subjective experiences and opinions

Which of the following methods is an example of quantitative research?

  • Conduct a focus groups to collect detailed user feedback
  • Participate in open-ended interviews to explore user experiences
  • Run usability tests and measure task completion times

What is one key advantage of quantitative research?

  • It allows participants to express their opinions in a flexible manner.
  • It provides researchers with detailed narratives of user experiences and perspectives.
  • It produces standardized, comparable data that researchers can statistically analyze.

What is a significant challenge of quantitative research?

  • It lacks objectivity which makes its results difficult to reproduce.
  • It may oversimplify complex user behaviors into numbers and miss contextual insights.
  • It often results in biased or misleading conclusions.

How can designers effectively combine qualitative and quantitative research?

  • They can collect quantitative data first, followed by qualitative insights to explain the findings.
  • They can completely replace quantitative methods with qualitative approaches.
  • They can treat them as interchangeable methods to gather similar data.

Better luck next time!

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Literature on Quantitative Research

Here’s the entire UX literature on Quantitative Research by the Interaction Design Foundation, collated in one place:

Learn more about Quantitative Research

Take a deep dive into Quantitative Research with our course User Research – Methods and Best Practices .

How do you plan to design a product or service that your users will love , if you don't know what they want in the first place? As a user experience designer, you shouldn't leave it to chance to design something outstanding; you should make the effort to understand your users and build on that knowledge from the outset. User research is the way to do this, and it can therefore be thought of as the largest part of user experience design .

In fact, user research is often the first step of a UX design process—after all, you cannot begin to design a product or service without first understanding what your users want! As you gain the skills required, and learn about the best practices in user research, you’ll get first-hand knowledge of your users and be able to design the optimal product—one that’s truly relevant for your users and, subsequently, outperforms your competitors’ .

This course will give you insights into the most essential qualitative research methods around and will teach you how to put them into practice in your design work. You’ll also have the opportunity to embark on three practical projects where you can apply what you’ve learned to carry out user research in the real world . You’ll learn details about how to plan user research projects and fit them into your own work processes in a way that maximizes the impact your research can have on your designs. On top of that, you’ll gain practice with different methods that will help you analyze the results of your research and communicate your findings to your clients and stakeholders—workshops, user journeys and personas, just to name a few!

By the end of the course, you’ll have not only a Course Certificate but also three case studies to add to your portfolio. And remember, a portfolio with engaging case studies is invaluable if you are looking to break into a career in UX design or user research!

We believe you should learn from the best, so we’ve gathered a team of experts to help teach this course alongside our own course instructors. That means you’ll meet a new instructor in each of the lessons on research methods who is an expert in their field—we hope you enjoy what they have in store for you!

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A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences

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Christine Davies, Carmarthen, Wales

Copyright Year: 2020

Last Update: 2021

Publisher: University of Wales Trinity Saint David

Language: English

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Reviewed by Jennifer Taylor, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi on 4/18/24

This resource is a quick guide to quantitative research in the social sciences and not a comprehensive resource. It provides a VERY general overview of quantitative research but offers a good starting place for students new to research. It... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 4 see less

This resource is a quick guide to quantitative research in the social sciences and not a comprehensive resource. It provides a VERY general overview of quantitative research but offers a good starting place for students new to research. It offers links and references to additional resources that are more comprehensive in nature.

Content Accuracy rating: 4

The content is relatively accurate. The measurement scale section is very sparse. Not all types of research designs or statistical methods are included, but it is a guide, so details are meant to be limited.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 4

The examples were interesting and appropriate. The content is up to date and will be useful for several years.

Clarity rating: 5

The text was clearly written. Tables and figures are not referenced in the text, which would have been nice.

Consistency rating: 5

The framework is consistent across chapters with terminology clearly highlighted and defined.

Modularity rating: 5

The chapters are subdivided into section that can be divided and assigned as reading in a course. Most chapters are brief and concise, unless elaboration is necessary, such as with the data analysis chapter. Again, this is a guide and not a comprehensive text, so sections are shorter and don't always include every subtopic that may be considered.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 5

The guide is well organized. I appreciate that the topics are presented in a logical and clear manner. The topics are provided in an order consistent with traditional research methods.

Interface rating: 5

The interface was easy to use and navigate. The images were clear and easy to read.

Grammatical Errors rating: 5

I did not notice any grammatical errors.

Cultural Relevance rating: 5

The materials are not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way.

I teach a Marketing Research course to undergraduates. I would consider using some of the chapters or topics included, especially the overview of the research designs and the analysis of data section.

Reviewed by Tiffany Kindratt, Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington on 3/9/24

The text provides a brief overview of quantitative research topics that is geared towards research in the fields of education, sociology, business, and nursing. The author acknowledges that the textbook is not a comprehensive resource but offers... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 3 see less

The text provides a brief overview of quantitative research topics that is geared towards research in the fields of education, sociology, business, and nursing. The author acknowledges that the textbook is not a comprehensive resource but offers references to other resources that can be used to deepen the knowledge. The text does not include a glossary or index. The references in the figures for each chapter are not included in the reference section. It would be helpful to include those.

Overall, the text is accurate. For example, Figure 1 on page 6 provides a clear overview of the research process. It includes general definitions of primary and secondary research. It would be helpful to include more details to explain some of the examples before they are presented. For instance, the example on page 5 was unclear how it pertains to the literature review section.

In general, the text is relevant and up-to-date. The text includes many inferences of moving from qualitative to quantitative analysis. This was surprising to me as a quantitative researcher. The author mentions that moving from a qualitative to quantitative approach should only be done when needed. As a predominantly quantitative researcher, I would not advice those interested in transitioning to using a qualitative approach that qualitative research would enhance their research—not something that should only be done if you have to.

Clarity rating: 4

The text is written in a clear manner. It would be helpful to the reader if there was a description of the tables and figures in the text before they are presented.

Consistency rating: 4

The framework for each chapter and terminology used are consistent.

Modularity rating: 4

The text is clearly divided into sections within each chapter. Overall, the chapters are a similar brief length except for the chapter on data analysis, which is much more comprehensive than others.

Organization/Structure/Flow rating: 4

The topics in the text are presented in a clear and logical order. The order of the text follows the conventional research methodology in social sciences.

I did not encounter any interface issues when reviewing this text. All links worked and there were no distortions of the images or charts that may confuse the reader.

Grammatical Errors rating: 3

There are some grammatical/typographical errors throughout. Of note, for Section 5 in the table of contents. “The” should be capitalized to start the title. In the title for Table 3, the “t” in typical should be capitalized.

Cultural Relevance rating: 4

The examples are culturally relevant. The text is geared towards learners in the UK, but examples are relevant for use in other countries (i.e., United States). I did not see any examples that may be considered culturally insensitive or offensive in any way.

I teach a course on research methods in a Bachelor of Science in Public Health program. I would consider using some of the text, particularly in the analysis chapter to supplement the current textbook in the future.

Reviewed by Finn Bell, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Dearborn on 1/3/24

For it being a quick guide and only 26 pages, it is very comprehensive, but it does not include an index or glossary. read more

For it being a quick guide and only 26 pages, it is very comprehensive, but it does not include an index or glossary.

Content Accuracy rating: 5

As far as I can tell, the text is accurate, error-free and unbiased.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 5

This text is up-to-date, and given the content, unlikely to become obsolete any time soon.

The text is very clear and accessible.

The text is internally consistent.

Given how short the text is, it seems unnecessary to divide it into smaller readings, nonetheless, it is clearly labelled such that an instructor could do so.

The text is well-organized and brings readers through basic quantitative methods in a logical, clear fashion.

Easy to navigate. Only one table that is split between pages, but not in a way that is confusing.

There were no noticeable grammatical errors.

The examples in this book don't give enough information to rate this effectively.

This text is truly a very quick guide at only 26 double-spaced pages. Nonetheless, Davies packs a lot of information on the basics of quantitative research methods into this text, in an engaging way with many examples of the concepts presented. This guide is more of a brief how-to that takes readers as far as how to select statistical tests. While it would be impossible to fully learn quantitative research from such a short text, of course, this resource provides a great introduction, overview, and refresher for program evaluation courses.

Reviewed by Shari Fedorowicz, Adjunct Professor, Bridgewater State University on 12/16/22

The text is indeed a quick guide for utilizing quantitative research. Appropriate and effective examples and diagrams were used throughout the text. The author clearly differentiates between use of quantitative and qualitative research providing... read more

Comprehensiveness rating: 5 see less

The text is indeed a quick guide for utilizing quantitative research. Appropriate and effective examples and diagrams were used throughout the text. The author clearly differentiates between use of quantitative and qualitative research providing the reader with the ability to distinguish two terms that frequently get confused. In addition, links and outside resources are provided to deepen the understanding as an option for the reader. The use of these links, coupled with diagrams and examples make this text comprehensive.

The content is mostly accurate. Given that it is a quick guide, the author chose a good selection of which types of research designs to include. However, some are not provided. For example, correlational or cross-correlational research is omitted and is not discussed in Section 3, but is used as a statistical example in the last section.

Examples utilized were appropriate and associated with terms adding value to the learning. The tables that included differentiation between types of statistical tests along with a parametric/nonparametric table were useful and relevant.

The purpose to the text and how to use this guide book is stated clearly and is established up front. The author is also very clear regarding the skill level of the user. Adding to the clarity are the tables with terms, definitions, and examples to help the reader unpack the concepts. The content related to the terms was succinct, direct, and clear. Many times examples or figures were used to supplement the narrative.

The text is consistent throughout from contents to references. Within each section of the text, the introductory paragraph under each section provides a clear understanding regarding what will be discussed in each section. The layout is consistent for each section and easy to follow.

The contents are visible and address each section of the text. A total of seven sections, including a reference section, is in the contents. Each section is outlined by what will be discussed in the contents. In addition, within each section, a heading is provided to direct the reader to the subtopic under each section.

The text is well-organized and segues appropriately. I would have liked to have seen an introductory section giving a narrative overview of what is in each section. This would provide the reader with the ability to get a preliminary glimpse into each upcoming sections and topics that are covered.

The book was easy to navigate and well-organized. Examples are presented in one color, links in another and last, figures and tables. The visuals supplemented the reading and placed appropriately. This provides an opportunity for the reader to unpack the reading by use of visuals and examples.

No significant grammatical errors.

The text is not offensive or culturally insensitive. Examples were inclusive of various races, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

This quick guide is a beneficial text to assist in unpacking the learning related to quantitative statistics. I would use this book to complement my instruction and lessons, or use this book as a main text with supplemental statistical problems and formulas. References to statistical programs were appropriate and were useful. The text did exactly what was stated up front in that it is a direct guide to quantitative statistics. It is well-written and to the point with content areas easy to locate by topic.

Reviewed by Sarah Capello, Assistant Professor, Radford University on 1/18/22

The text claims to provide "quick and simple advice on quantitative aspects of research in social sciences," which it does. There is no index or glossary, although vocabulary words are bolded and defined throughout the text. read more

The text claims to provide "quick and simple advice on quantitative aspects of research in social sciences," which it does. There is no index or glossary, although vocabulary words are bolded and defined throughout the text.

The content is mostly accurate. I would have preferred a few nuances to be hashed out a bit further to avoid potential reader confusion or misunderstanding of the concepts presented.

The content is current; however, some of the references cited in the text are outdated. Newer editions of those texts exist.

The text is very accessible and readable for a variety of audiences. Key terms are well-defined.

There are no content discrepancies within the text. The author even uses similarly shaped graphics for recurring purposes throughout the text (e.g., arrow call outs for further reading, rectangle call outs for examples).

The content is chunked nicely by topics and sections. If it were used for a course, it would be easy to assign different sections of the text for homework, etc. without confusing the reader if the instructor chose to present the content in a different order.

The author follows the structure of the research process. The organization of the text is easy to follow and comprehend.

All of the supplementary images (e.g., tables and figures) were beneficial to the reader and enhanced the text.

There are no significant grammatical errors.

I did not find any culturally offensive or insensitive references in the text.

This text does the difficult job of introducing the complicated concepts and processes of quantitative research in a quick and easy reference guide fairly well. I would not depend solely on this text to teach students about quantitative research, but it could be a good jumping off point for those who have no prior knowledge on this subject or those who need a gentle introduction before diving in to more advanced and complex readings of quantitative research methods.

Reviewed by J. Marlie Henry, Adjunct Faculty, University of Saint Francis on 12/9/21

Considering the length of this guide, this does a good job of addressing major areas that typically need to be addressed. There is a contents section. The guide does seem to be organized accordingly with appropriate alignment and logical flow of... read more

Considering the length of this guide, this does a good job of addressing major areas that typically need to be addressed. There is a contents section. The guide does seem to be organized accordingly with appropriate alignment and logical flow of thought. There is no glossary but, for a guide of this length, a glossary does not seem like it would enhance the guide significantly.

The content is relatively accurate. Expanding the content a bit more or explaining that the methods and designs presented are not entirely inclusive would help. As there are different schools of thought regarding what should/should not be included in terms of these designs and methods, simply bringing attention to that and explaining a bit more would help.

Relevance/Longevity rating: 3

This content needs to be updated. Most of the sources cited are seven or more years old. Even more, it would be helpful to see more currently relevant examples. Some of the source authors such as Andy Field provide very interesting and dynamic instruction in general, but they have much more current information available.

The language used is clear and appropriate. Unnecessary jargon is not used. The intent is clear- to communicate simply in a straightforward manner.

The guide seems to be internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. There do not seem to be issues in this area. Terminology is internally consistent.

For a guide of this length, the author structured this logically into sections. This guide could be adopted in whole or by section with limited modifications. Courses with fewer than seven modules could also logically group some of the sections.

This guide does present with logical organization. The topics presented are conceptually sequenced in a manner that helps learners build logically on prior conceptualization. This also provides a simple conceptual framework for instructors to guide learners through the process.

Interface rating: 4

The visuals themselves are simple, but they are clear and understandable without distracting the learner. The purpose is clear- that of learning rather than visuals for the sake of visuals. Likewise, navigation is clear and without issues beyond a broken link (the last source noted in the references).

This guide seems to be free of grammatical errors.

It would be interesting to see more cultural integration in a guide of this nature, but the guide is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. The language used seems to be consistent with APA's guidelines for unbiased language.

Reviewed by Heng Yu-Ku, Professor, University of Northern Colorado on 5/13/21

The text covers all areas and ideas appropriately and provides practical tables, charts, and examples throughout the text. I would suggest the author also provides a complete research proposal at the end of Section 3 (page 10) and a comprehensive... read more

The text covers all areas and ideas appropriately and provides practical tables, charts, and examples throughout the text. I would suggest the author also provides a complete research proposal at the end of Section 3 (page 10) and a comprehensive research study as an Appendix after section 7 (page 26) to help readers comprehend information better.

For the most part, the content is accurate and unbiased. However, the author only includes four types of research designs used on the social sciences that contain quantitative elements: 1. Mixed method, 2) Case study, 3) Quasi-experiment, and 3) Action research. I wonder why the correlational research is not included as another type of quantitative research design as it has been introduced and emphasized in section 6 by the author.

I believe the content is up-to-date and that necessary updates will be relatively easy and straightforward to implement.

The text is easy to read and provides adequate context for any technical terminology used. However, the author could provide more detailed information about estimating the minimum sample size but not just refer the readers to use the online sample calculators at a different website.

The text is internally consistent in terms of terminology and framework. The author provides the right amount of information with additional information or resources for the readers.

The text includes seven sections. Therefore, it is easier for the instructor to allocate or divide the content into different weeks of instruction within the course.

Yes, the topics in the text are presented in a logical and clear fashion. The author provides clear and precise terminologies, summarizes important content in Table or Figure forms, and offers examples in each section for readers to check their understanding.

The interface of the book is consistent and clear, and all the images and charts provided in the book are appropriate. However, I did encounter some navigation problems as a couple of links are not working or requires permission to access those (pages 10 and 27).

No grammatical errors were found.

No culturally incentive or offensive in its language and the examples provided were found.

As the book title stated, this book provides “A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in Social Science. It offers easy-to-read information and introduces the readers to the research process, such as research questions, research paradigms, research process, research designs, research methods, data collection, data analysis, and data discussion. However, some links are not working or need permissions to access them (pages 10 and 27).

Reviewed by Hsiao-Chin Kuo, Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University on 4/26/21, updated 4/28/21

As a quick guide, it covers basic concepts related to quantitative research. It starts with WHY quantitative research with regard to asking research questions and considering research paradigms, then provides an overview of research design and... read more

As a quick guide, it covers basic concepts related to quantitative research. It starts with WHY quantitative research with regard to asking research questions and considering research paradigms, then provides an overview of research design and process, discusses methods, data collection and analysis, and ends with writing a research report. It also identifies its target readers/users as those begins to explore quantitative research. It would be helpful to include more examples for readers/users who are new to quantitative research.

Its content is mostly accurate and no bias given its nature as a quick guide. Yet, it is also quite simplified, such as its explanations of mixed methods, case study, quasi-experimental research, and action research. It provides resources for extended reading, yet more recent works will be helpful.

The book is relevant given its nature as a quick guide. It would be helpful to provide more recent works in its resources for extended reading, such as the section for Survey Research (p. 12). It would also be helpful to include more information to introduce common tools and software for statistical analysis.

The book is written with clear and understandable language. Important terms and concepts are presented with plain explanations and examples. Figures and tables are also presented to support its clarity. For example, Table 4 (p. 20) gives an easy-to-follow overview of different statistical tests.

The framework is very consistent with key points, further explanations, examples, and resources for extended reading. The sample studies are presented following the layout of the content, such as research questions, design and methods, and analysis. These examples help reinforce readers' understanding of these common research elements.

The book is divided into seven chapters. Each chapter clearly discusses an aspect of quantitative research. It can be easily divided into modules for a class or for a theme in a research method class. Chapters are short and provides additional resources for extended reading.

The topics in the chapters are presented in a logical and clear structure. It is easy to follow to a degree. Though, it would be also helpful to include the chapter number and title in the header next to its page number.

The text is easy to navigate. Most of the figures and tables are displayed clearly. Yet, there are several sections with empty space that is a bit confusing in the beginning. Again, it can be helpful to include the chapter number/title next to its page number.

Grammatical Errors rating: 4

No major grammatical errors were found.

There are no cultural insensitivities noted.

Given the nature and purpose of this book, as a quick guide, it provides readers a quick reference for important concepts and terms related to quantitative research. Because this book is quite short (27 pages), it can be used as an overview/preview about quantitative research. Teacher's facilitation/input and extended readings will be needed for a deeper learning and discussion about aspects of quantitative research.

Reviewed by Yang Cheng, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University on 1/6/21

It covers the most important topics such as research progress, resources, measurement, and analysis of the data. read more

It covers the most important topics such as research progress, resources, measurement, and analysis of the data.

The book accurately describes the types of research methods such as mixed-method, quasi-experiment, and case study. It talks about the research proposal and key differences between statistical analyses as well.

The book pinpointed the significance of running a quantitative research method and its relevance to the field of social science.

The book clearly tells us the differences between types of quantitative methods and the steps of running quantitative research for students.

The book is consistent in terms of terminologies such as research methods or types of statistical analysis.

It addresses the headlines and subheadlines very well and each subheading should be necessary for readers.

The book was organized very well to illustrate the topic of quantitative methods in the field of social science.

The pictures within the book could be further developed to describe the key concepts vividly.

The textbook contains no grammatical errors.

It is not culturally offensive in any way.

Overall, this is a simple and quick guide for this important topic. It should be valuable for undergraduate students who would like to learn more about research methods.

Reviewed by Pierre Lu, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley on 11/20/20

As a quick guide to quantitative research in social sciences, the text covers most ideas and areas. read more

As a quick guide to quantitative research in social sciences, the text covers most ideas and areas.

Mostly accurate content.

As a quick guide, content is highly relevant.

Succinct and clear.

Internally, the text is consistent in terms of terminology used.

The text is easily and readily divisible into smaller sections that can be used as assignments.

I like that there are examples throughout the book.

Easy to read. No interface/ navigation problems.

No grammatical errors detected.

I am not aware of the culturally insensitive description. After all, this is a methodology book.

I think the book has potential to be adopted as a foundation for quantitative research courses, or as a review in the first weeks in advanced quantitative course.

Reviewed by Sarah Fischer, Assistant Professor, Marymount University on 7/31/20

It is meant to be an overview, but it incredibly condensed and spends almost no time on key elements of statistics (such as what makes research generalizable, or what leads to research NOT being generalizable). read more

It is meant to be an overview, but it incredibly condensed and spends almost no time on key elements of statistics (such as what makes research generalizable, or what leads to research NOT being generalizable).

Content Accuracy rating: 1

Contains VERY significant errors, such as saying that one can "accept" a hypothesis. (One of the key aspect of hypothesis testing is that one either rejects or fails to reject a hypothesis, but NEVER accepts a hypothesis.)

Very relevant to those experiencing the research process for the first time. However, it is written by someone working in the natural sciences but is a text for social sciences. This does not explain the errors, but does explain why sometimes the author assumes things about the readers ("hail from more subjectivist territory") that are likely not true.

Clarity rating: 3

Some statistical terminology not explained clearly (or accurately), although the author has made attempts to do both.

Very consistently laid out.

Chapters are very short yet also point readers to outside texts for additional information. Easy to follow.

Generally logically organized.

Easy to navigate, images clear. The additional sources included need to linked to.

Minor grammatical and usage errors throughout the text.

Makes efforts to be inclusive.

The idea of this book is strong--short guides like this are needed. However, this book would likely be strengthened by a revision to reduce inaccuracies and improve the definitions and technical explanations of statistical concepts. Since the book is specifically aimed at the social sciences, it would also improve the text to have more examples that are based in the social sciences (rather than the health sciences or the arts).

Reviewed by Michelle Page, Assistant Professor, Worcester State University on 5/30/20

This text is exactly intended to be what it says: A quick guide. A basic outline of quantitative research processes, akin to cliff notes. The content provides only the essentials of a research process and contains key terms. A student or new... read more

This text is exactly intended to be what it says: A quick guide. A basic outline of quantitative research processes, akin to cliff notes. The content provides only the essentials of a research process and contains key terms. A student or new researcher would not be able to use this as a stand alone guide for quantitative pursuits without having a supplemental text that explains the steps in the process more comprehensively. The introduction does provide this caveat.

Content Accuracy rating: 3

There are no biases or errors that could be distinguished; however, it’s simplicity in content, although accurate for an outline of process, may lack a conveyance of the deeper meanings behind the specific processes explained about qualitative research.

The content is outlined in traditional format to highlight quantitative considerations for formatting research foundational pieces. The resources/references used to point the reader to literature sources can be easily updated with future editions.

The jargon in the text is simple to follow and provides adequate context for its purpose. It is simplified for its intention as a guide which is appropriate.

Each section of the text follows a consistent flow. Explanation of the research content or concept is defined and then a connection to literature is provided to expand the readers understanding of the section’s content. Terminology is consistent with the qualitative process.

As an “outline” and guide, this text can be used to quickly identify the critical parts of the quantitative process. Although each section does not provide deeper content for meaningful use as a stand alone text, it’s utility would be excellent as a reference for a course and can be used as an content guide for specific research courses.

The text’s outline and content are aligned and are in a logical flow in terms of the research considerations for quantitative research.

The only issue that the format was not able to provide was linkable articles. These would have to be cut and pasted into a browser. Functional clickable links in a text are very successful at leading the reader to the supplemental material.

No grammatical errors were noted.

This is a very good outline “guide” to help a new or student researcher to demystify the quantitative process. A successful outline of any process helps to guide work in a logical and systematic way. I think this simple guide is a great adjunct to more substantial research context.

Table of Contents

  • Section 1: What will this resource do for you?
  • Section 2: Why are you thinking about numbers? A discussion of the research question and paradigms.
  • Section 3: An overview of the Research Process and Research Designs
  • Section 4: Quantitative Research Methods
  • Section 5: the data obtained from quantitative research
  • Section 6: Analysis of data
  • Section 7: Discussing your Results

Ancillary Material

About the book.

This resource is intended as an easy-to-use guide for anyone who needs some quick and simple advice on quantitative aspects of research in social sciences, covering subjects such as education, sociology, business, nursing. If you area qualitative researcher who needs to venture into the world of numbers, or a student instructed to undertake a quantitative research project despite a hatred for maths, then this booklet should be a real help.

The booklet was amended in 2022 to take into account previous review comments.  

About the Contributors

Christine Davies , Ph.D

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Home » 500+ Quantitative Research Titles and Topics

500+ Quantitative Research Titles and Topics

Table of Contents

Quantitative Research Topics

Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships among variables. This method is widely used in social sciences, psychology , economics , and other fields where researchers aim to understand human behavior and phenomena through statistical analysis. If you are looking for a quantitative research topic, there are numerous areas to explore, from analyzing data on a specific population to studying the effects of a particular intervention or treatment. In this post, we will provide some ideas for quantitative research topics that may inspire you and help you narrow down your interests.

Quantitative Research Titles

Quantitative Research Titles are as follows:

Business and Economics

  • “Statistical Analysis of Supply Chain Disruptions on Retail Sales”
  • “Quantitative Examination of Consumer Loyalty Programs in the Fast Food Industry”
  • “Predicting Stock Market Trends Using Machine Learning Algorithms”
  • “Influence of Workplace Environment on Employee Productivity: A Quantitative Study”
  • “Impact of Economic Policies on Small Businesses: A Regression Analysis”
  • “Customer Satisfaction and Profit Margins: A Quantitative Correlation Study”
  • “Analyzing the Role of Marketing in Brand Recognition: A Statistical Overview”
  • “Quantitative Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Trust”
  • “Price Elasticity of Demand for Luxury Goods: A Case Study”
  • “The Relationship Between Fiscal Policy and Inflation Rates: A Time-Series Analysis”
  • “Factors Influencing E-commerce Conversion Rates: A Quantitative Exploration”
  • “Examining the Correlation Between Interest Rates and Consumer Spending”
  • “Standardized Testing and Academic Performance: A Quantitative Evaluation”
  • “Teaching Strategies and Student Learning Outcomes in Secondary Schools: A Quantitative Study”
  • “The Relationship Between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Success”
  • “Influence of Parental Involvement on Children’s Educational Achievements”
  • “Digital Literacy in Primary Schools: A Quantitative Assessment”
  • “Learning Outcomes in Blended vs. Traditional Classrooms: A Comparative Analysis”
  • “Correlation Between Teacher Experience and Student Success Rates”
  • “Analyzing the Impact of Classroom Technology on Reading Comprehension”
  • “Gender Differences in STEM Fields: A Quantitative Analysis of Enrollment Data”
  • “The Relationship Between Homework Load and Academic Burnout”
  • “Assessment of Special Education Programs in Public Schools”
  • “Role of Peer Tutoring in Improving Academic Performance: A Quantitative Study”

Medicine and Health Sciences

  • “The Impact of Sleep Duration on Cardiovascular Health: A Cross-sectional Study”
  • “Analyzing the Efficacy of Various Antidepressants: A Meta-Analysis”
  • “Patient Satisfaction in Telehealth Services: A Quantitative Assessment”
  • “Dietary Habits and Incidence of Heart Disease: A Quantitative Review”
  • “Correlations Between Stress Levels and Immune System Functioning”
  • “Smoking and Lung Function: A Quantitative Analysis”
  • “Influence of Physical Activity on Mental Health in Older Adults”
  • “Antibiotic Resistance Patterns in Community Hospitals: A Quantitative Study”
  • “The Efficacy of Vaccination Programs in Controlling Disease Spread: A Time-Series Analysis”
  • “Role of Social Determinants in Health Outcomes: A Quantitative Exploration”
  • “Impact of Hospital Design on Patient Recovery Rates”
  • “Quantitative Analysis of Dietary Choices and Obesity Rates in Children”

Social Sciences

  • “Examining Social Inequality through Wage Distribution: A Quantitative Study”
  • “Impact of Parental Divorce on Child Development: A Longitudinal Study”
  • “Social Media and its Effect on Political Polarization: A Quantitative Analysis”
  • “The Relationship Between Religion and Social Attitudes: A Statistical Overview”
  • “Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Achievement”
  • “Quantifying the Effects of Community Programs on Crime Reduction”
  • “Public Opinion and Immigration Policies: A Quantitative Exploration”
  • “Analyzing the Gender Representation in Political Offices: A Quantitative Study”
  • “Impact of Mass Media on Public Opinion: A Regression Analysis”
  • “Influence of Urban Design on Social Interactions in Communities”
  • “The Role of Social Support in Mental Health Outcomes: A Quantitative Analysis”
  • “Examining the Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Employment Status”

Engineering and Technology

  • “Performance Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Algorithms in Autonomous Vehicles”
  • “Material Science: A Quantitative Analysis of Stress-Strain Properties in Various Alloys”
  • “Impacts of Data Center Cooling Solutions on Energy Consumption”
  • “Analyzing the Reliability of Renewable Energy Sources in Grid Management”
  • “Optimization of 5G Network Performance: A Quantitative Assessment”
  • “Quantifying the Effects of Aerodynamics on Fuel Efficiency in Commercial Airplanes”
  • “The Relationship Between Software Complexity and Bug Frequency”
  • “Machine Learning in Predictive Maintenance: A Quantitative Analysis”
  • “Wearable Technologies and their Impact on Healthcare Monitoring”
  • “Quantitative Assessment of Cybersecurity Measures in Financial Institutions”
  • “Analysis of Noise Pollution from Urban Transportation Systems”
  • “The Influence of Architectural Design on Energy Efficiency in Buildings”

Quantitative Research Topics

Quantitative Research Topics are as follows:

  • The effects of social media on self-esteem among teenagers.
  • A comparative study of academic achievement among students of single-sex and co-educational schools.
  • The impact of gender on leadership styles in the workplace.
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic performance of students.
  • The effect of mindfulness meditation on stress levels in college students.
  • The relationship between employee motivation and job satisfaction.
  • The effectiveness of online learning compared to traditional classroom learning.
  • The correlation between sleep duration and academic performance among college students.
  • The impact of exercise on mental health among adults.
  • The relationship between social support and psychological well-being among cancer patients.
  • The effect of caffeine consumption on sleep quality.
  • A comparative study of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy in treating depression.
  • The relationship between physical attractiveness and job opportunities.
  • The correlation between smartphone addiction and academic performance among high school students.
  • The impact of music on memory recall among adults.
  • The effectiveness of parental control software in limiting children’s online activity.
  • The relationship between social media use and body image dissatisfaction among young adults.
  • The correlation between academic achievement and parental involvement among minority students.
  • The impact of early childhood education on academic performance in later years.
  • The effectiveness of employee training and development programs in improving organizational performance.
  • The relationship between socioeconomic status and access to healthcare services.
  • The correlation between social support and academic achievement among college students.
  • The impact of technology on communication skills among children.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction programs in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • The relationship between employee turnover and organizational culture.
  • The correlation between job satisfaction and employee engagement.
  • The impact of video game violence on aggressive behavior among children.
  • The effectiveness of nutritional education in promoting healthy eating habits among adolescents.
  • The relationship between bullying and academic performance among middle school students.
  • The correlation between teacher expectations and student achievement.
  • The impact of gender stereotypes on career choices among high school students.
  • The effectiveness of anger management programs in reducing violent behavior.
  • The relationship between social support and recovery from substance abuse.
  • The correlation between parent-child communication and adolescent drug use.
  • The impact of technology on family relationships.
  • The effectiveness of smoking cessation programs in promoting long-term abstinence.
  • The relationship between personality traits and academic achievement.
  • The correlation between stress and job performance among healthcare professionals.
  • The impact of online privacy concerns on social media use.
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anxiety disorders.
  • The relationship between teacher feedback and student motivation.
  • The correlation between physical activity and academic performance among elementary school students.
  • The impact of parental divorce on academic achievement among children.
  • The effectiveness of diversity training in improving workplace relationships.
  • The relationship between childhood trauma and adult mental health.
  • The correlation between parental involvement and substance abuse among adolescents.
  • The impact of social media use on romantic relationships among young adults.
  • The effectiveness of assertiveness training in improving communication skills.
  • The relationship between parental expectations and academic achievement among high school students.
  • The correlation between sleep quality and mood among adults.
  • The impact of video game addiction on academic performance among college students.
  • The effectiveness of group therapy in treating eating disorders.
  • The relationship between job stress and job performance among teachers.
  • The correlation between mindfulness and emotional regulation.
  • The impact of social media use on self-esteem among college students.
  • The effectiveness of parent-teacher communication in promoting academic achievement among elementary school students.
  • The impact of renewable energy policies on carbon emissions
  • The relationship between employee motivation and job performance
  • The effectiveness of psychotherapy in treating eating disorders
  • The correlation between physical activity and cognitive function in older adults
  • The effect of childhood poverty on adult health outcomes
  • The impact of urbanization on biodiversity conservation
  • The relationship between work-life balance and employee job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in treating trauma
  • The correlation between parenting styles and child behavior
  • The effect of social media on political polarization
  • The impact of foreign aid on economic development
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and organizational performance
  • The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in treating borderline personality disorder
  • The correlation between childhood abuse and adult mental health outcomes
  • The effect of sleep deprivation on cognitive function
  • The impact of trade policies on international trade and economic growth
  • The relationship between employee engagement and organizational commitment
  • The effectiveness of cognitive therapy in treating postpartum depression
  • The correlation between family meals and child obesity rates
  • The effect of parental involvement in sports on child athletic performance
  • The impact of social entrepreneurship on sustainable development
  • The relationship between emotional labor and job burnout
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in treating dementia
  • The correlation between social media use and academic procrastination
  • The effect of poverty on childhood educational attainment
  • The impact of urban green spaces on mental health
  • The relationship between job insecurity and employee well-being
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality exposure therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between childhood trauma and substance abuse
  • The effect of screen time on children’s social skills
  • The impact of trade unions on employee job satisfaction
  • The relationship between cultural intelligence and cross-cultural communication
  • The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in treating chronic pain
  • The correlation between childhood obesity and adult health outcomes
  • The effect of gender diversity on corporate performance
  • The impact of environmental regulations on industry competitiveness.
  • The impact of renewable energy policies on greenhouse gas emissions
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and team performance
  • The effectiveness of group therapy in treating substance abuse
  • The correlation between parental involvement and social skills in early childhood
  • The effect of technology use on sleep patterns
  • The impact of government regulations on small business growth
  • The relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic motivation in adolescents
  • The effect of social media on political engagement
  • The impact of urbanization on mental health
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and consumer trust
  • The correlation between early childhood education and social-emotional development
  • The effect of screen time on cognitive development in young children
  • The impact of trade policies on global economic growth
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and innovation
  • The effectiveness of family therapy in treating eating disorders
  • The correlation between parental involvement and college persistence
  • The effect of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The impact of environmental regulations on business competitiveness
  • The relationship between job autonomy and job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of virtual reality therapy in treating phobias
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic achievement in college
  • The effect of social media on sleep quality
  • The impact of immigration policies on social integration
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and employee well-being
  • The effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy in treating personality disorders
  • The correlation between early childhood education and executive function skills
  • The effect of parental involvement on STEM education outcomes
  • The impact of trade policies on domestic employment rates
  • The relationship between job insecurity and mental health
  • The effectiveness of exposure therapy in treating PTSD
  • The correlation between parental involvement and social mobility
  • The effect of social media on intergroup relations
  • The impact of urbanization on air pollution and respiratory health.
  • The relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating depression
  • The correlation between early childhood education and language development
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in STEM fields
  • The impact of trade policies on income inequality
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and customer satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between parental involvement and civic engagement in adolescents
  • The effect of social media on mental health among teenagers
  • The impact of public transportation policies on traffic congestion
  • The relationship between job stress and job performance
  • The effectiveness of group therapy in treating depression
  • The correlation between early childhood education and cognitive development
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic motivation in college
  • The impact of environmental regulations on energy consumption
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and employee engagement
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in treating PTSD
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in vocational education
  • The effect of social media on academic achievement in college
  • The impact of tax policies on economic growth
  • The relationship between job flexibility and work-life balance
  • The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between early childhood education and social competence
  • The effect of parental involvement on career readiness in high school
  • The impact of immigration policies on crime rates
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and employee retention
  • The effectiveness of play therapy in treating trauma
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in online learning
  • The effect of social media on body dissatisfaction among women
  • The impact of urbanization on public health infrastructure
  • The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance
  • The effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy in treating PTSD
  • The correlation between early childhood education and social skills in adolescence
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in the arts
  • The impact of trade policies on foreign investment
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and decision-making
  • The effectiveness of exposure and response prevention therapy in treating OCD
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in special education
  • The impact of zoning laws on affordable housing
  • The relationship between job design and employee motivation
  • The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation therapy in treating traumatic brain injury
  • The correlation between early childhood education and social-emotional learning
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in foreign language learning
  • The impact of trade policies on the environment
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and creativity
  • The effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy in treating relationship problems
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in music education
  • The effect of social media on interpersonal communication skills
  • The impact of public health campaigns on health behaviors
  • The relationship between job resources and job stress
  • The effectiveness of equine therapy in treating substance abuse
  • The correlation between early childhood education and self-regulation
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in physical education
  • The impact of immigration policies on cultural assimilation
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and conflict resolution
  • The effectiveness of schema therapy in treating personality disorders
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in career and technical education
  • The effect of social media on trust in government institutions
  • The impact of urbanization on public transportation systems
  • The relationship between job demands and job stress
  • The correlation between early childhood education and executive functioning
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in computer science
  • The effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy in treating PTSD
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in homeschooling
  • The effect of social media on cyberbullying behavior
  • The impact of urbanization on air quality
  • The effectiveness of dance therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between early childhood education and math achievement
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in health education
  • The impact of global warming on agriculture
  • The effectiveness of narrative therapy in treating depression
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in character education
  • The effect of social media on political participation
  • The impact of technology on job displacement
  • The relationship between job resources and job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in treating addiction
  • The correlation between early childhood education and reading comprehension
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in environmental education
  • The impact of income inequality on social mobility
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and organizational culture
  • The effectiveness of solution-focused brief therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in physical therapy education
  • The effect of social media on misinformation
  • The impact of green energy policies on economic growth
  • The relationship between job demands and employee well-being
  • The correlation between early childhood education and science achievement
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in religious education
  • The impact of gender diversity on corporate governance
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and ethical decision-making
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in dental hygiene education
  • The effect of social media on self-esteem among adolescents
  • The impact of renewable energy policies on energy security
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in social studies
  • The impact of trade policies on job growth
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and leadership styles
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in online vocational training
  • The effect of social media on self-esteem among men
  • The impact of urbanization on air pollution levels
  • The effectiveness of music therapy in treating depression
  • The correlation between early childhood education and math skills
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in language arts
  • The impact of immigration policies on labor market outcomes
  • The effectiveness of hypnotherapy in treating phobias
  • The effect of social media on political engagement among young adults
  • The impact of urbanization on access to green spaces
  • The relationship between job crafting and job satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of exposure therapy in treating specific phobias
  • The correlation between early childhood education and spatial reasoning
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in business education
  • The impact of trade policies on economic inequality
  • The effectiveness of narrative therapy in treating PTSD
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in nursing education
  • The effect of social media on sleep quality among adolescents
  • The impact of urbanization on crime rates
  • The relationship between job insecurity and turnover intentions
  • The effectiveness of pet therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The correlation between early childhood education and STEM skills
  • The effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in culinary education
  • The impact of immigration policies on housing affordability
  • The relationship between workplace diversity and employee satisfaction
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction in treating chronic pain
  • The correlation between parental involvement and academic success in art education
  • The effect of social media on academic procrastination among college students
  • The impact of urbanization on public safety services.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Quant or Qual Research? 27 Words to Help You Decide

terms to use in quantitative research

Figure 1: The 27 primarily quant, qual, and mixed-method keywords.

Quantitative Words

Qualitative words, mixed-use words.

Why aren’t people paying their bills via the mobile app?X
What do users expect when they click the icon?X
Which entry points and menu locations do users prefer?X
Learn users? thoughts about online shopping.X
How likely are people to recommend the new app?X
Do users understand how to make the player full screen?XX
Which prescription order form is easier to use?X
Which icons are preferred?X
What are the first impressions people have of the homepage?X

Table 1: Ten examples of quant and qual research questions with keywords.

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You are here, an introduction to terminology used in qualitative and quantitative research.

The two basic research approaches exist in social science research, termed qualitative and quantitative approaches and these differ in the way in which the research is carried out:

Qualitative research is based on identifying a central phenomenon which could take the form of a concept area or a process. The research is centred on a research question which is often open in nature, at least at the start of the research. Information is then collected by the researcher using qualitative approaches to explore this further. The nature of qualitative research is to explore a research theme to develop understanding of factors influencing this issue.

Quantitative research is centred on ‘explaining or predicting relations among variables’ (Cresswell 2011: 63). As the name implies, qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. Also a hypothesis may be used, particularly in an experimental approach which is tested using statistical procedures.

In both types of research, the research question informs the choice of methods and the wording and structure of this question is therefore extremely important. Key differences between qualitative and quantitative research problems are outlined below:

Quantitative research is based on a specific and narrow research question which is closed-ended and static and focuses on exploring the relationships between variables.

Qualitative research focuses on concepts and ideas and is more open-ended and the question tends to develop as the research progresses. In qualitative research it is common for the question itself to change and develop. Creswell (2011) terms this an ‘emerging process’ which is shaped by the responses of the participants during the research process.

A mixed methods approach is also possible in which both qualitative and quantitative approaches are employed.

The use of terminology in social science research is often inconsistent, and it is important to be aware of this to avoid confusion when reading research texts. In this MESHGuide the following terms will be used:

research methodology (which you may also see termed research strategies )

research methods

research tools

Thinking about the reasoning underpinning your research approach: Deductive or Inductive?

It is important to consider the nature of the link between the research question and the process of reasoning that underpins the research approach you propose to use to answer it, as this will influence your research design. There are two main types of reasoning: deductive and inductive. A deductive approach is based on theory testing, where an idea or theory is developed into a hypothesis which is tested by gathering evidence from which logical conclusions are drawn (see An introduction to terminology: Qualitative / quantitative research) . Inductive reasoning is traditionally associated with qualitative studies. In a qualitative context an inductive approach is based on theory building, in which evidence is gathered and analysed to identify patterns and processes. This leads to the development of hypotheses which may lead to theory generation (Newby, 2014). However it is also possible for qualitative studies to include elements of deductive reasoning designed to explore theoretical statements, although not in the same way as in quantitative research (Newby, 2014). Similarly, inductive reasoning can also be used in quantitative research at the stage of formulating the problem. Cohen et al. (2011) term this an inductive/deductive approach, where elements from both approaches are combined, with the process of induction in the development of the initial hypothesis which is subsequently tested and its implications explored through a process of deduction.

An overview of some of the terminology used in social science research

Research methodology (research strategies)

Quantitative approaches:

experimental design

Qualitative approaches:

case studies

action research



grounded theory



e.g. in-depth interviews, think-aloud interviewing, cognitive interviews, interviews using visual prompts


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Qualitative vs quantitative research.

13 min read You’ll use both quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather survey data. What are they exactly, and how can you best use them to gain the most accurate insights?

What is qualitative research?

Qualitative research  is all about  language, expression, body language and other forms of human communication . That covers words, meanings and understanding. Qualitative research is used to describe WHY. Why do people  feel  the way they do, why do they  act  in a certain way, what  opinions  do they have and what  motivates  them?

Qualitative data is used to understand phenomena – things that happen, situations that exist, and most importantly the meanings associated with them. It can help add a ‘why’ element to factual, objective data.

Qualitative research gives breadth, depth and context to questions, although its linguistic subtleties and subjectivity can mean that results are trickier to analyse than quantitative data.

This qualitative data is called  unstructured data by researchers. This is because it has not traditionally had the type of structure that can be processed by computers, until today. It has, until recently at least, been exclusively accessible to human brains. And although our brains are highly sophisticated, they have limited processing power. What can help analyse this structured data to assist computers and the human brain?

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What is quantitative research?

Quantitative data refers to numerical information. Quantitative research gathers information that can be counted, measured, or rated numerically – AKA quantitative data. Scores, measurements, financial records, temperature charts and receipts or ledgers are all examples of quantitative data.

Quantitative data is often structured data, because it follows a consistent, predictable pattern that computers and calculating devices are able to process with ease. Humans can process it too, although we are now able to pass it over to machines to process on our behalf. This is partly what has made quantitative data so important historically, and why quantitative data – sometimes called ‘hard data’ – has dominated over qualitative data in fields like business, finance and economics.

It’s easy to ‘crunch the numbers’ of quantitative data and produce results visually in graphs, tables and on data analysis dashboards. Thanks to today’s abundance and accessibility of processing power, combined with our ability to store huge amounts of information, quantitative data has fuelled the Big Data phenomenon, putting quantitative methods and vast amounts of quantitative data at our fingertips.

As we’ve indicated, quantitative and qualitative data are entirely different and mutually exclusive categories. Here are a few of the differences between them.

1. Data collection

Data collection methods for quantitative data and qualitative data vary, but there are also some places where they overlap.

Qualitative data collection methods Quantitative data collection methods
Gathered from focus groups, in-depth interviews, case studies, expert opinion, observation, audio recordings, and can also be collected using surveys. Gathered from surveys, questionnaires, polls, or from secondary sources like census data, reports, records and historical business data.
Uses   and open text survey questions Intended to be as close to objective as possible. Understands the ‘human touch’ only through quantifying the OE data that only this type of research can code.

2. Data analysis

Quantitative data suits statistical analysis techniques like linear regression, T-tests and ANOVA. These are quite easy to automate, and large quantities of quantitative data can be analyzed quickly.

Analyzing qualitative data needs a higher degree of human judgement, since unlike quantitative data, non numerical data of a subjective nature has certain characteristics that inferential statistics can’t perceive. Working at a human scale has historically meant that qualitative data is lower in volume – although it can be richer in insights.

Qualitative data analysis Quantitative data analysis
Results are categorised, summarised and interpreted using human language and perception, as well as logical reasoning Results are analysed mathematically and statistically, without recourse to intuition or personal experience.
Fewer respondents needed, each providing more detail Many respondents needed to achieve a representative result

3. Strengths and weaknesses

When weighing up qualitative vs quantitative research, it’s largely a matter of choosing the method appropriate to your research goals. If you’re in the position of having to choose one method over another, it’s worth knowing the strengths and limitations of each, so that you know what to expect from your results.

Qualitative approach Quantitative approach
Can be used to help formulate a theory to be researched by describing a present phenomenon Can be used to test and confirm a formulated theory
Results typically expressed as text, in a report, presentation or journal article Results expressed as numbers, tables and graphs, relying on numerical data to tell a story.
Less suitable for scientific research More suitable for scientific research and compatible with most standard statistical analysis methods
Harder to replicate, since no two people are the same Easy to replicate, since what is countable can be counted again
Less suitable for sensitive data: respondents may be biased or too familiar with the pro Ideal for sensitive data as it can be anonymized and secured

Qualitative vs quantitative – the role of research questions

How do you know whether you need qualitative or quantitative research techniques? By finding out what kind of data you’re going to be collecting.

You’ll do this as you develop your research question, one of the first steps to any research program. It’s a single sentence that sums up the purpose of your research, who you’re going to gather data from, and what results you’re looking for.

As you formulate your question, you’ll get a sense of the sort of answer you’re working towards, and whether it will be expressed in numerical data or qualitative data.

For example, your research question might be “How often does a poor customer experience cause shoppers to abandon their shopping carts?” – this is a quantitative topic, as you’re looking for numerical values.

Or it might be “What is the emotional impact of a poor customer experience on regular customers in our supermarket?” This is a qualitative topic, concerned with thoughts and feelings and answered in personal, subjective ways that vary between respondents.

Here’s how to evaluate your research question and decide which method to use:

  • Qualitative research:

Use this if your goal is to  understand  something – experiences, problems, ideas.

For example, you may want to understand how poor experiences in a supermarket make your customers feel. You might carry out this research through focus groups or in depth interviews (IDI’s). For a larger scale research method you could start  by surveying supermarket loyalty card holders, asking open text questions, like “How would you describe your experience today?” or “What could be improved about your experience?” This research will provide context and understanding that quantitative research will not.

  • Quantitative research:

Use this if your goal is to  test or confirm  a hypothesis, or to study cause and effect relationships. For example, you want to find out what percentage of your returning customers are happy with the customer experience at your store. You can collect data to answer this via a survey.

For example, you could recruit 1,000 loyalty card holders as participants, asking them, “On a scale of 1-5, how happy are you with our store?” You can then make simple mathematical calculations to find the average score. The larger sample size will help make sure your results aren’t skewed by anomalous data or outliers, so you can draw conclusions with confidence.

Qualitative and quantitative research combined?

Do you always have to choose between qualitative or quantitative data?

Qualitative vs quantitative cluster chart

In some cases you can get the best of both worlds by combining both quantitative and qualitative data.You could use pre quantitative data to understand the landscape of your research. Here you can gain  insights around a topic  and propose a  hypothesis.  Then adopt a quantitative research method to test it out. Here you’ll discover where to focus your survey appropriately or to pre-test your survey, to ensure your questions are understood as you intended. Finally, using a round of qualitative research methods to bring your insights and story to life. This mixed methods approach is becoming increasingly popular with businesses who are looking for in depth insights.

For example, in the supermarket scenario we’ve described, you could start out with a qualitative data collection phase where you use focus groups and conduct interviews with customers. You might find suggestions in your qualitative data that customers would like to be able to buy children’s clothes in the store.

In response, the supermarket might pilot a children’s clothing range. Targeted  quantitative  research could then reveal whether or not those stores selling children’s clothes achieve higher  customer satisfaction  scores  and a  rise in profits  for clothing.

Together, qualitative and quantitative data, combined with statistical analysis, have provided important insights about customer experience, and have proven the effectiveness of a solution to business problems.

Qualitative vs quantitative question types

As we’ve noted, surveys are one of the data collection methods suitable for both quantitative and qualitative research. Depending on the types of questions you choose to include, you can generate qualitative and quantitative data. Here we have summarized some of the survey question types you can use for each purpose.

Qualitative data survey questions

There are fewer survey  question  options for collecting qualitative data, since they all essentially do the same thing – provide the respondent with space to enter information in their own words. Qualitative research is not typically done with surveys alone, and researchers may use a mix of qualitative methods. As well as a survey, they might conduct in depth interviews, use observational studies or hold focus groups.

Open text ‘Other’ box (can be used with multiple choice questions)

Other text field

Text box (space for short written answer)

What is your favourite item on our drinks menu

Essay box (space for longer, more detailed written answers)

Tell us about your last visit to the café

Quantitative data survey questions

These questions will yield quantitative data – i.e. a numerical value.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend our café to other people?

Likert Scale

How would you rate the service in our café? Very dissatisfied to Very satisfied

Radio buttons (respondents choose just one option)

Which drink do you buy most often? Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate, Cola, Squash

Check boxes (respondents can choose multiple options)

On which days do you visit the cafe? Mon-Saturday

Sliding scale

Using the sliding scale, how much do you agree that we offer excellent service?

Star rating

Please rate the following aspects of our café: Service, Quality of food, Seating comfort, Location

Analysing data (quantitative or qualitative) using technology

We are currently at an exciting point in the history of qualitative analysis. Digital analysis and other methods that were formerly exclusively used for  quantitative data  are now used for interpreting non numerical data too.

Artificial intelligence programs can now be used to analyse open text, and turn qualitative data into structured and semi structured quantitative data that relates to qualitative data topics such as emotion and sentiment, opinion and experience.

Research that in the past would have meant qualitative researchers conducting time-intensive studies using analysis methods like thematic analysis can now be done in a very short space of time. This not only saves time and money, but opens up qualitative data analysis to a much wider range of businesses and organisations.

The most advanced tools can even be used for real-time statistical analysis, forecasting and prediction, making them a powerful asset for businesses.

Qualitative or quantitative – which is better for data analysis?

Historically, quantitative data was much easier to analyse than qualitative data. But as we’ve seen, modern technology is helping qualitative analysis to catch up, making it quicker and less labor-intensive than before.

That means the choice between qualitative and quantitative studies no longer needs to factor in ease of analysis, provided you have the right tools at your disposal. With an integrated platform like Qualtrics, which incorporates data collection, data cleaning, data coding and a powerful suite of analysis tools for both qualitative and quantitative data, you have a wide range of options at your fingertips.

eBook: A guide to building agile research functions in-house

Related resources

Market intelligence 9 min read, qualitative research questions 11 min read, ethnographic research 11 min read, business research methods 12 min read, qualitative research design 12 min read, business research 10 min read, qualitative research interviews 11 min read, request demo.

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Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper

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Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques . Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.

Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research . 12th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010; Muijs, Daniel. Doing Quantitative Research in Education with SPSS . 2nd edition. London: SAGE Publications, 2010.

Need Help Locating Statistics?

Resources for locating data and statistics can be found here:

Statistics & Data Research Guide

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

Your goal in conducting quantitative research study is to determine the relationship between one thing [an independent variable] and another [a dependent or outcome variable] within a population. Quantitative research designs are either descriptive [subjects usually measured once] or experimental [subjects measured before and after a treatment]. A descriptive study establishes only associations between variables; an experimental study establishes causality.

Quantitative research deals in numbers, logic, and an objective stance. Quantitative research focuses on numeric and unchanging data and detailed, convergent reasoning rather than divergent reasoning [i.e., the generation of a variety of ideas about a research problem in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner].

Its main characteristics are :

  • The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments.
  • The results are based on larger sample sizes that are representative of the population.
  • The research study can usually be replicated or repeated, given its high reliability.
  • Researcher has a clearly defined research question to which objective answers are sought.
  • All aspects of the study are carefully designed before data is collected.
  • Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other non-textual forms.
  • Project can be used to generalize concepts more widely, predict future results, or investigate causal relationships.
  • Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaires or computer software, to collect numerical data.

The overarching aim of a quantitative research study is to classify features, count them, and construct statistical models in an attempt to explain what is observed.

  Things to keep in mind when reporting the results of a study using quantitative methods :

  • Explain the data collected and their statistical treatment as well as all relevant results in relation to the research problem you are investigating. Interpretation of results is not appropriate in this section.
  • Report unanticipated events that occurred during your data collection. Explain how the actual analysis differs from the planned analysis. Explain your handling of missing data and why any missing data does not undermine the validity of your analysis.
  • Explain the techniques you used to "clean" your data set.
  • Choose a minimally sufficient statistical procedure ; provide a rationale for its use and a reference for it. Specify any computer programs used.
  • Describe the assumptions for each procedure and the steps you took to ensure that they were not violated.
  • When using inferential statistics , provide the descriptive statistics, confidence intervals, and sample sizes for each variable as well as the value of the test statistic, its direction, the degrees of freedom, and the significance level [report the actual p value].
  • Avoid inferring causality , particularly in nonrandomized designs or without further experimentation.
  • Use tables to provide exact values ; use figures to convey global effects. Keep figures small in size; include graphic representations of confidence intervals whenever possible.
  • Always tell the reader what to look for in tables and figures .

NOTE:   When using pre-existing statistical data gathered and made available by anyone other than yourself [e.g., government agency], you still must report on the methods that were used to gather the data and describe any missing data that exists and, if there is any, provide a clear explanation why the missing data does not undermine the validity of your final analysis.

Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research . 12th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010; Brians, Craig Leonard et al. Empirical Political Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods . 8th ed. Boston, MA: Longman, 2011; McNabb, David E. Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches . 2nd ed. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008; Quantitative Research Methods. Writing@CSU. Colorado State University; Singh, Kultar. Quantitative Social Research Methods . Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2007.

Basic Research Design for Quantitative Studies

Before designing a quantitative research study, you must decide whether it will be descriptive or experimental because this will dictate how you gather, analyze, and interpret the results. A descriptive study is governed by the following rules: subjects are generally measured once; the intention is to only establish associations between variables; and, the study may include a sample population of hundreds or thousands of subjects to ensure that a valid estimate of a generalized relationship between variables has been obtained. An experimental design includes subjects measured before and after a particular treatment, the sample population may be very small and purposefully chosen, and it is intended to establish causality between variables. Introduction The introduction to a quantitative study is usually written in the present tense and from the third person point of view. It covers the following information:

  • Identifies the research problem -- as with any academic study, you must state clearly and concisely the research problem being investigated.
  • Reviews the literature -- review scholarship on the topic, synthesizing key themes and, if necessary, noting studies that have used similar methods of inquiry and analysis. Note where key gaps exist and how your study helps to fill these gaps or clarifies existing knowledge.
  • Describes the theoretical framework -- provide an outline of the theory or hypothesis underpinning your study. If necessary, define unfamiliar or complex terms, concepts, or ideas and provide the appropriate background information to place the research problem in proper context [e.g., historical, cultural, economic, etc.].

Methodology The methods section of a quantitative study should describe how each objective of your study will be achieved. Be sure to provide enough detail to enable the reader can make an informed assessment of the methods being used to obtain results associated with the research problem. The methods section should be presented in the past tense.

  • Study population and sampling -- where did the data come from; how robust is it; note where gaps exist or what was excluded. Note the procedures used for their selection;
  • Data collection – describe the tools and methods used to collect information and identify the variables being measured; describe the methods used to obtain the data; and, note if the data was pre-existing [i.e., government data] or you gathered it yourself. If you gathered it yourself, describe what type of instrument you used and why. Note that no data set is perfect--describe any limitations in methods of gathering data.
  • Data analysis -- describe the procedures for processing and analyzing the data. If appropriate, describe the specific instruments of analysis used to study each research objective, including mathematical techniques and the type of computer software used to manipulate the data.

Results The finding of your study should be written objectively and in a succinct and precise format. In quantitative studies, it is common to use graphs, tables, charts, and other non-textual elements to help the reader understand the data. Make sure that non-textual elements do not stand in isolation from the text but are being used to supplement the overall description of the results and to help clarify key points being made. Further information about how to effectively present data using charts and graphs can be found here .

  • Statistical analysis -- how did you analyze the data? What were the key findings from the data? The findings should be present in a logical, sequential order. Describe but do not interpret these trends or negative results; save that for the discussion section. The results should be presented in the past tense.

Discussion Discussions should be analytic, logical, and comprehensive. The discussion should meld together your findings in relation to those identified in the literature review, and placed within the context of the theoretical framework underpinning the study. The discussion should be presented in the present tense.

  • Interpretation of results -- reiterate the research problem being investigated and compare and contrast the findings with the research questions underlying the study. Did they affirm predicted outcomes or did the data refute it?
  • Description of trends, comparison of groups, or relationships among variables -- describe any trends that emerged from your analysis and explain all unanticipated and statistical insignificant findings.
  • Discussion of implications – what is the meaning of your results? Highlight key findings based on the overall results and note findings that you believe are important. How have the results helped fill gaps in understanding the research problem?
  • Limitations -- describe any limitations or unavoidable bias in your study and, if necessary, note why these limitations did not inhibit effective interpretation of the results.

Conclusion End your study by to summarizing the topic and provide a final comment and assessment of the study.

  • Summary of findings – synthesize the answers to your research questions. Do not report any statistical data here; just provide a narrative summary of the key findings and describe what was learned that you did not know before conducting the study.
  • Recommendations – if appropriate to the aim of the assignment, tie key findings with policy recommendations or actions to be taken in practice.
  • Future research – note the need for future research linked to your study’s limitations or to any remaining gaps in the literature that were not addressed in your study.

Black, Thomas R. Doing Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences: An Integrated Approach to Research Design, Measurement and Statistics . London: Sage, 1999; Gay,L. R. and Peter Airasain. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications . 7th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merril Prentice Hall, 2003; Hector, Anestine. An Overview of Quantitative Research in Composition and TESOL . Department of English, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Hopkins, Will G. “Quantitative Research Design.” Sportscience 4, 1 (2000); "A Strategy for Writing Up Research Results. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper." Department of Biology. Bates College; Nenty, H. Johnson. "Writing a Quantitative Research Thesis." International Journal of Educational Science 1 (2009): 19-32; Ouyang, Ronghua (John). Basic Inquiry of Quantitative Research . Kennesaw State University.

Strengths of Using Quantitative Methods

Quantitative researchers try to recognize and isolate specific variables contained within the study framework, seek correlation, relationships and causality, and attempt to control the environment in which the data is collected to avoid the risk of variables, other than the one being studied, accounting for the relationships identified.

Among the specific strengths of using quantitative methods to study social science research problems:

  • Allows for a broader study, involving a greater number of subjects, and enhancing the generalization of the results;
  • Allows for greater objectivity and accuracy of results. Generally, quantitative methods are designed to provide summaries of data that support generalizations about the phenomenon under study. In order to accomplish this, quantitative research usually involves few variables and many cases, and employs prescribed procedures to ensure validity and reliability;
  • Applying well established standards means that the research can be replicated, and then analyzed and compared with similar studies;
  • You can summarize vast sources of information and make comparisons across categories and over time; and,
  • Personal bias can be avoided by keeping a 'distance' from participating subjects and using accepted computational techniques .

Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research . 12th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage, 2010; Brians, Craig Leonard et al. Empirical Political Analysis: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods . 8th ed. Boston, MA: Longman, 2011; McNabb, David E. Research Methods in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches . 2nd ed. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2008; Singh, Kultar. Quantitative Social Research Methods . Los Angeles, CA: Sage, 2007.

Limitations of Using Quantitative Methods

Quantitative methods presume to have an objective approach to studying research problems, where data is controlled and measured, to address the accumulation of facts, and to determine the causes of behavior. As a consequence, the results of quantitative research may be statistically significant but are often humanly insignificant.

Some specific limitations associated with using quantitative methods to study research problems in the social sciences include:

  • Quantitative data is more efficient and able to test hypotheses, but may miss contextual detail;
  • Uses a static and rigid approach and so employs an inflexible process of discovery;
  • The development of standard questions by researchers can lead to "structural bias" and false representation, where the data actually reflects the view of the researcher instead of the participating subject;
  • Results provide less detail on behavior, attitudes, and motivation;
  • Researcher may collect a much narrower and sometimes superficial dataset;
  • Results are limited as they provide numerical descriptions rather than detailed narrative and generally provide less elaborate accounts of human perception;
  • The research is often carried out in an unnatural, artificial environment so that a level of control can be applied to the exercise. This level of control might not normally be in place in the real world thus yielding "laboratory results" as opposed to "real world results"; and,
  • Preset answers will not necessarily reflect how people really feel about a subject and, in some cases, might just be the closest match to the preconceived hypothesis.

Research Tip

Finding Examples of How to Apply Different Types of Research Methods

SAGE publications is a major publisher of studies about how to design and conduct research in the social and behavioral sciences. Their SAGE Research Methods Online and Cases database includes contents from books, articles, encyclopedias, handbooks, and videos covering social science research design and methods including the complete Little Green Book Series of Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences and the Little Blue Book Series of Qualitative Research techniques. The database also includes case studies outlining the research methods used in real research projects. This is an excellent source for finding definitions of key terms and descriptions of research design and practice, techniques of data gathering, analysis, and reporting, and information about theories of research [e.g., grounded theory]. The database covers both qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as mixed methods approaches to conducting research.

SAGE Research Methods Online and Cases

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75 Best Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

Table of Contents

Quantitative research is an important tool that focuses on studying the world around us using numerical data analysis. Numerous academic fields such as social sciences, business, healthcare, and education, frequently employ this research methodology. This strategy aims to help researchers find trends, patterns, and connections among data so they can draw unbiased and fact-based conclusions. If you are searching for the best quantitative research topics for your upcoming project or academic paper, then this article is for you.

Quantitative Research Topics

In this blog, we have shared the top 75 quantitative research paper topics and ideas on a variety of themes. No matter whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, from here, you will undoubtedly find a topic that piques your interest and meets your study objectives. Also, you may learn everything about quantitative research methodology. Keep on reading to discover the possibilities of quantitative research.

What is Quantitative Research?

Quantitative research is a scientific study methodology that entails gathering and evaluating numerical data to evaluate a hypothesis or research issue. This kind of study is distinguished by its focus on measurement, statistical analysis, and impartial data assessment.

But, once you learn the intricacies of quantitative research, you will discover that it also has limits, such as its failure to represent the diversity and variety of human experiences, as well as its tendency to oversimplify complicated phenomena. Furthermore, it may not be suited for researching certain sorts of occurrences, such as those that are tough to quantify mathematically or that necessitate a thorough examination of individual experiences.

Different Types of Quantitative Research Methods

Quantitative research is a systematic and empirical approach to data collection, analysis, and interpretation that employs numerical and statistical methodologies. These strategies are used to test hypotheses, uncover trends, and draw conclusions about populations based on sample data. Quantitative research methods are employed in a variety of disciplines, including the social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, and medicine.

Surveys, observational studies, experiments, content analysis, and secondary data analysis are some popular quantitative research methodologies. Find here, the other different types of quantitative research methods utilized in various kinds of studies.

  • Descriptive Research : Surveys, observations, and content analysis are all quantitative research approaches that are often employed in descriptive studies. These strategies are used to methodically collect and analyze data to describe a population or phenomenon.
  • Experimental Research: In experimental research, statistical analysis and Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) are two often employed quantitative research methodologies. By changing one or more variables and tracking how those changes affect other variables, experimental research looks into the cause-and-effect relationship between variables.
  • Correlational Research: Surveys and statistical analysis are two typical quantitative research techniques utilized in correlational studies. The correlational research primarily investigates the relationship between two or more variables without changing them.

What is Quantitative Data Analysis?

Analyzing numerical and statistical data gathered using quantitative research techniques is known as quantitative data analysis. It entails summarizing and interpreting the data, spotting patterns and connections, and coming to conclusions about the population under study using statistical and mathematical methods. Furthermore, it includes methods like factor analysis, regression analysis, inferential statistics, and descriptive statistics.

  • Descriptive Statistics: It summarizes and characterizes the features of a dataset. Examples of descriptive statistics include measures of variability(variance, range, and standard deviation), measures of central tendency(mean, mode, and median), and frequency distribution tables and graphs(histograms, pie charts, and bar graphs)
  • Inferential Statistics: It is used to draw inferences or make predictions about a wider population based on sample data analysis. Examples of inferential statistics are hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, regression analysis, and Analysis of variance (ANOVA).

In quantitative research, both descriptive and inferential statistics are crucial because they enable researchers to interpret the data and derive insightful conclusions about the population under study.

Know How to Choose a Good Quantitative Research Topic

It might be difficult to select a suitable and straightforward topic for a quantitative research paper. However, a few tactics can make your topic selection process easier. If it is challenging for you to identify an ideal quantitative research topic, then follow these steps

  • Determine the research interest: First, consider the titles and examples of quantitative research that pique your interest, either personally or professionally. This could range from healthcare to money, education to social media, or any other topic that excites you to study.
  • Perform a literature review: After determining your research objectives, examine the existing literature on the subject to find out what has been studied previously and where information is currently lacking.
  • Evaluate the topic’s feasibility: It is essential to select a topic you are enthusiastic about, but you also need to think about whether the topic is feasible to do research or not. When you examine the feasibility, you need to take into account aspects like data accessibility, resource availability, and research participant access.
  • Narrow down the topic: After performing a literature study and assessing feasibility, use numerous examples of quantitative research questions to restrict your topic down to a particular research question that can be answered quantitatively.
  • Refine the research question: Finally, make your research question clear, explicit, and measurable. This will help you to shape your research plan and data analysis.

Understand How to Write a Quantitative Research Paper

To guarantee a systematic and thorough approach, there is a sequence of steps that you must follow while writing quantitative research papers. If you are unsure how to write a quantitative research paper, then adhere to these steps.

  • Create a research question: Before you start your research, develop a clear and precise quantitative research question or idea. However, the question that you create should be specific, measurable, and relevant to your field of study.
  • Build a hypothesis: According to your research question, frame a hypothesis that forecasts the link between the variables under study. Remember, the statistical analysis should be able to test your hypothesis.
  • Select a study design: Your research question and hypothesis will help you with the selection of the study design. Experiments, longitudinal studies, and cross-sectional studies are some common designs.
  • Find a sample: The sample that you choose should be representative of the population under study. Random, stratified, and cluster sampling are examples of sampling techniques.
  • Gather data: Next, collect data precisely and methodically. A few examples of data collection techniques are experiments, observations, and surveys.
  • Perform data analysis: To test the hypothesis and respond to the research question, use statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics like means and standard deviations, as well as inferential statistics like t-tests, ANOVA, and regression analysis, can be used.
  • Interpret results: Take into account the research question and hypothesis, while interpreting the results. It is necessary to form conclusions.
  • Communicate results: Lastly, a clear and succinct communication of the results is necessary. An introduction, literature review, methods section, results section, and discussion section should all be included in a research paper. The data can be visually presented using tables and graphs.

List of Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

If you are clueless about what topic to select for your quantitative research paper, then make use of the list presented below. In the list, to make the topic selection process simpler for you, we have included incredible qualitative research paper topic ideas on a wide range of subjects.

Quantitative Research Topics on Nursing

In this section, we have shared a collection of quantitative research paper ideas on nursing and its associated branches. If you are pursuing your nursing studies, then you may develop your project on any of these relevant quantitative research titles.

  • Examine the link between nurse staffing levels and healthcare costs in acute care settings.
  • Analyze the influence of nurse-patient communication on patient outcomes in the ICU.
  • Evaluate the factors that contribute to medication errors among nursing staff in acute care settings.
  • Nursing staffing ratios and their impact on patient safety and care quality.
  • Analyze the effect of nurse-led discharge planning on patient outcomes and hospital readmission rates.
  • Examine the impact of collaborative nursing care models on patient outcomes in primary care settings.
  • Discuss the link between nurse burnout and patient satisfaction in hospital settings.
  • Palliative care strategies are beneficial in improving end-of-life care for patients and families.
  • Explore the impact of telehealth treatments on patient outcomes in home health care.
  • Analyze the impact of nurse-led discharge planning on patient outcomes and hospital readmissions.

Psychology Quantitative Research Paper Topics

Psychology quantitative research aims to investigate and create methods and strategies used for measuring human behavior and other traits. It also deals with statistical and mathematical modeling of psychological processes, as well as research study design and data analysis. The following are some psychology topics on which you may conduct quantitative research.

  • Examine the link between parenting styles and childhood obesity.
  • Discuss the effectiveness of exposure therapy in alleviating symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • Analyze the correlation between sleep quality and academic achievement among college students.
  • Adult substance use is linked to childhood trauma.
  • Examine the link between early life stress and cognitive functioning in later life.
  • Evaluate the correlation between attachment style and romantic relationship happiness.
  • Explore the link between emotional regulation and substance use in young adults.
  • Discuss the efficacy of behavioral therapies in increasing physical activity among sedentary adults.
  • Assess the relationship between early life stress and cognitive functioning in later life.
  • Examine the correlation between attachment style and romantic relationship happiness.

Quantitative Research Ideas on Education

Quantitative education research provides insightful information about the different aspects of the learning process. Furthermore, examining numerical data will help to make well-informed decisions and adopt effective ways to enhance educational outcomes. Find here, some exclusive quantitative research paper topics on education.

  • Examine the impact of teacher comments on the academic advancement of primary school students.
  • Analyze how inclusive education affects students’ socialization and academic success.
  • Examine how technology affects students’ learning outcomes in STEM education.
  • Analyze how extracurricular activities affect secondary school students’ academic achievement.
  • Discuss how online learning might help students achieve better academically in postsecondary education.
  • Examine how online tutoring affects secondary school students’ learning outcomes.
  • Examine and contrast teaching strategies for non-native speakers of English
  • Explore how class size affects secondary school students’ academic performance.
  • Analyze how parental involvement affects elementary school students’ academic achievement.
  • Discuss the impact of peer tutoring on student academic progress in secondary education.

Quantitative Research Topics on Engineering and Technology

Quantitative research in engineering and technology refers to the scientific field of using mathematical, statistical, and data-analytical methods and techniques to collect, handle, evaluate, and predict several aspects of the relevant sectors. These are some exemplary quantitative research titles on engineering and technology.

  • Create cutting-edge robots for the medical, industrial, and other sectors.
  • Improve cybersecurity defenses against internet threats to safeguard people and businesses.
  • Pay attention to environmentally friendly farming methods including vertical and precision farming.
  • Enhance urban transportation infrastructure, such as driverless cars and smart cities.
  • Improve the efficacy and efficiency of cloud computing and data center infrastructure.
  • Create novel energy-storage technologies, such as hydrogen fuel cells or large-capacity batteries.
  • Build 5G networks and other cutting-edge communication systems.
  • Enhance the precision and speed of climate modeling and weather forecasting.
  • Improve the waste management and nuclear power generation’s dependability and safety.
  • Boost the performance and safety of energy extraction methods.

Economics Quantitative Research Paper Ideas

Quantitative economic analysis requires measurement, which includes not just seeing prices, quantities, and other fundamental observations, but also creating economic statistics based on these data. Here are some economics topics to consider for quantitative research paper writing.

  • Discuss the financial aspects of technical advancement and innovation.
  • Explore technology’s effects on income distribution and labor markets
  • Explain the contribution of entrepreneurship to economic growth
  • Examine international trade’s effect on economic expansion
  • Discuss taxation’s implications on economic expansion
  • Focus on the sharing economy’s economics
  • Analyze the effects of income inequality on the economy
  • Discuss globalization’s effects on national economies
  • Examine the reasons for financial crises and their effects
  • Explore the connection between decreasing poverty and economic growth
  • Discuss the role of technology in the modern economy
  • Discuss the economics of healthcare policies.
  • Explore the role of institutions in economic development.
  • Examine the link between education and economic growth.
  • Explore the economics of innovation and technological processes.

Quantitative Research Topics on Social Science

Here, we have included several quantitative research paper topics on social science. You can develop your project on any of the pertinent quantitative research titles suggested below if you are a social science student.

  • Examine how cultural diversity affects teamwork in the workplace.
  • Analyze the connection between results related to mental health and socioeconomic status.
  • Examine how gender affects corporate leadership philosophies.
  • Assess the connection between health outcomes and poverty in low-income areas.
  • Examine how immigration has affected the labor market in developed nations.
  • Discuss how the size of the school affects students’ academic performance in rural areas.
  • Examine how personality factors affect using social media.
  • Analyze how social capital affects rural communities’ economic development.
  • Evaluate how political polarization affects the public’s perception of climate change.

Business and Finance Quantitative Research Ideas

In this section, we have shared some outstanding business and finance quantitative research questions. For your project, you may take into account any of these topics and perform extensive quantitative research.

  • Examine government policies’ impact on the expansion of small businesses.
  • Analyze the efficiency of various pricing techniques in boosting revenue.
  • Explore the effects of globalization on trade between countries.
  • Examine bond prices and interest rate effects.
  • Analyze the impact of acquisitions and mergers on business performance.
  • Explain marketing campaigns’ impact on brand awareness.
  • Examine the relationship between profitability and the size of a corporation.
  • Analyze the efficiency of various investment approaches.
  • Examine the relationship between investor sentiment and market volatility.
  • Explore the efficiency of various media platforms for advertising.

Final Words

Quantitative research will help you to objectively analyze numerical data, generalize large samples, and precisely measure variables. When it comes to creating a quantitative research paper, you may consider any topic of your interest from the list suggested above. But remember, the topic you select should be original, meaningful, feasible, and contain the necessary resources. Once you have chosen a topic, conduct an in-depth study on it and then draft a detailed quantitative research paper. In case, you experience difficulties with handling quantitative research paper topic selection or writing phase, reach out to us immediately. The experienced researchers from our team will guide you in completing your quantitative research project accurately before the deadline.

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Jacob Smith guides students with writing research paper topics and theses at Read about the author from this page

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The complete ranking and list of category awards from the latest iteration of Chartis’ STORM research.

Includes the results for four rankings and awards:

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Build a Corporate Culture That Works

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There’s a widespread understanding that managing corporate culture is key to business success. Yet few companies articulate their culture in such a way that the words become an organizational reality that molds employee behavior as intended.

All too often a culture is described as a set of anodyne norms, principles, or values, which do not offer decision-makers guidance on how to make difficult choices when faced with conflicting but equally defensible courses of action.

The trick to making a desired culture come alive is to debate and articulate it using dilemmas. If you identify the tough dilemmas your employees routinely face and clearly state how they should be resolved—“In this company, when we come across this dilemma, we turn left”—then your desired culture will take root and influence the behavior of the team.

To develop a culture that works, follow six rules: Ground your culture in the dilemmas you are likely to confront, dilemma-test your values, communicate your values in colorful terms, hire people who fit, let culture drive strategy, and know when to pull back from a value statement.

Start by thinking about the dilemmas your people will face.

Idea in Brief

The problem.

There’s a widespread understanding that managing corporate culture is key to business success. Yet few companies articulate their corporate culture in such a way that the words become an organizational reality that molds employee behavior as intended.

What Usually Happens

How to fix it.

Follow six rules: Ground your culture in the dilemmas you are likely to confront, dilemma-test your values, communicate your values in colorful terms, hire people who fit, let culture drive strategy, and know when to pull back from a value.

At the beginning of my career, I worked for the health-care-software specialist HBOC. One day, a woman from human resources came into the cafeteria with a roll of tape and began sticking posters on the walls. They proclaimed in royal blue the company’s values: “Transparency, Respect, Integrity, Honesty.” The next day we received wallet-sized plastic cards with the same words and were asked to memorize them so that we could incorporate them into our actions. The following year, when management was indicted on 17 counts of conspiracy and fraud, we learned what the company’s values really were.

  • EM Erin Meyer is a professor at INSEAD, where she directs the executive education program Leading Across Borders and Cultures. She is the author of The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business (PublicAffairs, 2014) and coauthor (with Reed Hastings) of No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention (Penguin, 2020). ErinMeyerINSEAD

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About Stop Overdose

  • Through preliminary research and strategic workshops, CDC identified four areas of focus to address the evolving drug overdose crisis.
  • Stop Overdose resources speak to the reality of drug use, provide practical ways to prevent overdoses, educate about the risks of illegal drug use, and show ways to get help.

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Drugs take nearly 300 lives every day. 1 To address the increasing number of overdose deaths related to both prescription opioids and illegal drugs, we created a website to educate people who use drugs about the dangers of illegally manufactured fentanyl, the risks and consequences of mixing drugs, the lifesaving power of naloxone, and the importance of reducing stigma around recovery and treatment options. Together, we can stop drug overdoses and save lives.

What you can do

  • Get the facts on fentanyl
  • Learn about lifesaving naloxone
  • Understand the risks of polysubstance use
  • Reduce stigma around recovery and treatment

Explore and download Stop Overdose and other educational materials on CDC's Overdose Resource Exchange .

  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics System, Mortality 2018-2021 on CDC WONDER Online Database, released in 2023. Data are from the Multiple Cause of Death Files, 2018-2021, as compiled from data provided by the 57 vital statistics jurisdictions through the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program. Accessed at on Mar 5, 2024

Every day, drugs claim hundreds of lives. The Stop Overdose website educates drug users on fentanyl, naloxone, polysubstance use, and dealing with stigma.

This paper is in the following e-collection/theme issue:

Published on 18.6.2024 in Vol 26 (2024)

Monitoring Adverse Drug Events in Web Forums: Evaluation of a Pipeline and Use Case Study

Authors of this article:

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Original Paper

  • Pierre Karapetiantz 1 , PhD   ; 
  • Bissan Audeh 1 , PhD   ; 
  • Akram Redjdal 1 , PhD   ; 
  • Théophile Tiffet 2, 3 , MD   ; 
  • Cédric Bousquet 1, 2 , PhD, PharmD   ; 
  • Marie-Christine Jaulent 1 , PhD  

1 Inserm, Sorbonne Université, université Paris 13, Laboratoire d’informatique médicale et d’ingénierie des connaissances en e-santé, LIMICS, F-75006, Paris, France

2 Service de santé publique et information médicale, CHU de Saint Etienne, 42000 Saint-Etienne, France

3 Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Université Jean Monnet, SAnté INgéniérie BIOlogie St-Etienne, SAINBIOSE, 42270 Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France

Corresponding Author:

Marie-Christine Jaulent, PhD

Sorbonne Université

université Paris 13, Laboratoire d’informatique médicale et d’ingénierie des connaissances en e-santé, LIMICS, F-75006

15 rue de l'école de Médecine

Paris, 75006

Phone: 33 144279108

Email: [email protected]

Background: To mitigate safety concerns, regulatory agencies must make informed decisions regarding drug usage and adverse drug events (ADEs). The primary pharmacovigilance data stem from spontaneous reports by health care professionals. However, underreporting poses a notable challenge within the current system. Explorations into alternative sources, including electronic patient records and social media, have been undertaken. Nevertheless, social media’s potential remains largely untapped in real-world scenarios.

Objective: The challenge faced by regulatory agencies in using social media is primarily attributed to the absence of suitable tools to support decision makers. An effective tool should enable access to information via a graphical user interface, presenting data in a user-friendly manner rather than in their raw form. This interface should offer various visualization options, empowering users to choose representations that best convey the data and facilitate informed decision-making. Thus, this study aims to assess the potential of integrating social media into pharmacovigilance and enhancing decision-making with this novel data source. To achieve this, our objective was to develop and assess a pipeline that processes data from the extraction of web forum posts to the generation of indicators and alerts within a visual and interactive environment. The goal was to create a user-friendly tool that enables regulatory authorities to make better-informed decisions effectively.

Methods: To enhance pharmacovigilance efforts, we have devised a pipeline comprising 4 distinct modules, each independently editable, aimed at efficiently analyzing health-related French web forums. These modules were (1) web forums’ posts extraction, (2) web forums’ posts annotation, (3) statistics and signal detection algorithm, and (4) a graphical user interface (GUI). We showcase the efficacy of the GUI through an illustrative case study involving the introduction of the new formula of Levothyrox in France. This event led to a surge in reports to the French regulatory authority.

Results: Between January 1, 2017, and February 28, 2021, a total of 2,081,296 posts were extracted from 23 French web forums. These posts contained 437,192 normalized drug-ADE couples, annotated with the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification and Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA). The analysis of the Levothyrox new formula revealed a notable pattern. In August 2017, there was a sharp increase in posts related to this medication on social media platforms, which coincided with a substantial uptick in reports submitted by patients to the national regulatory authority during the same period.

Conclusions: We demonstrated that conducting quantitative analysis using the GUI is straightforward and requires no coding. The results aligned with prior research and also offered potential insights into drug-related matters. Our hypothesis received partial confirmation because the final users were not involved in the evaluation process. Further studies, concentrating on ergonomics and the impact on professionals within regulatory agencies, are imperative for future research endeavors. We emphasized the versatility of our approach and the seamless interoperability between different modules over the performance of individual modules. Specifically, the annotation module was integrated early in the development process and could undergo substantial enhancement by leveraging contemporary techniques rooted in the Transformers architecture. Our pipeline holds potential applications in health surveillance by regulatory agencies or pharmaceutical companies, aiding in the identification of safety concerns. Moreover, it could be used by research teams for retrospective analysis of events.


Social media as a complementary data source for pharmacovigilance.

One primary mission of regulatory agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) or the EMA (European Medicines Agency) is to monitor drug usage and adverse drug events (ADEs) to mitigate the risks associated with drugs within the population. This task entails analyzing diverse data sources, including clinical trials, postmarketing surveillance, spontaneous reporting systems, and published scientific literature. Despite the wealth of available data, some ADEs are not always detected promptly, largely because of underreporting. In France, for instance, underreporting was estimated to range between 78% and 99% from 1997 to 2002 [ 1 ]. To tackle this challenge, several countries have implemented systems allowing patients to report ADEs.

Additional sources for detecting ADEs have been under exploration, such as electronic patient records [ 2 - 4 ] and social media platforms [ 5 - 9 ]. While some argue that social media alone cannot serve as a primary source for signal detection [ 10 ], it can be viewed as a valuable secondary source for monitoring emerging adverse drug reactions or reinforcing signals previously identified through spontaneous reports stored in traditional pharmacovigilance databases [ 11 ]. In a prior study by the authors, patient profiles and reported ADEs found in web forums were compared with those in the French Pharmacovigilance Database (FPVD). The forums tended to represent younger patients, more women, less severe cases, and a higher incidence of psychiatric disorder–related ADEs compared with the FPVD [ 12 ]. Moreover, forums reported a greater number of unexpected ADEs. Over the past decade, several tools for evaluating social media posts have been described in the literature [ 13 ]. Specifically, effective ADE detection in social media necessitates both quantitative and qualitative analyses of data [ 14 ].

Qualitative Approach for Individual Assessment of Posts

Qualitative assessment entails evaluating whether users’ messages contain pertinent information for an assessment akin to a pharmacovigilance case report. This includes details such as the patient’s age and gender, the severity of the case, the expectedness and timeline of the adverse event, time-to-onset, dechallenge (outcome upon drug withdrawal), and rechallenge (outcome upon drug reintroduction). For instance, GlaxoSmithKline Inc. implemented the qualitative approach Insight Explorer, which facilitates the collection of extensive data for causality and quality assessment. Users can input data including personal information (eg, age range, gender) and product details (eg, name, route of administration, duration of use, dosage). This approach was adapted for the WEB-RADR (Recognizing Adverse Drug Reactions) project to manually construct a gold standard of curated patient-authored text [ 15 ].

Quantitative Approach for Monitoring Adverse Drug Events on Social Media

Quantitative evaluation involves analyzing extracted data using descriptive and analytical statistics, such as signal detection and change-point analysis. Numerous projects have been undertaken to monitor ADEs on social media. One of the earliest projects is the PREDOSE (Prescription Drug Abuse Online Surveillance and Epidemiology) project [ 5 ], which investigates the illicit use of pharmaceutical opioids reported in web forums. While the PREDOSE project showcased the potential of leveraging social media for opioid monitoring, notable limitations are the lack of deidentification and signal detection methods. MedWatcher Social, a monitoring platform for health-related web forums, Twitter, and Facebook, represents a prototype application developed in 2014 [ 16 ]. Yeleswarapu et al [ 6 ] outlined a semiautomatic pipeline that applies natural language processing (NLP) tasks to extract ADEs from MEDLINE abstracts and user comments from health-related websites. However, this pipeline was not intended for routine use.

The Domino’s interface [ 17 ], developed in 2018 by the University of Bordeaux in France and funded by the French Medicines Agency (Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé [ANSM]), was designed to analyze drug misuses in health-related web forums using NLP methods and the summary of product characteristics. Initially tailored for antidepressant drugs, this tool does not primarily focus on ADE surveillance.

Another pipeline, described by Nikfarjam et al in 2019 [ 7 ], used a neural network–based named entity recognition system specifically designed for user-generated content in social media. This platform is dedicated to identifying the association of cutaneous ADEs with cancer therapy drugs. The study focused on a selection of drugs and only examined 8 ADEs.

Magge et al [ 8 ] described a pipeline aimed at the extraction and normalization of adverse drug mentions on Twitter. Their pipeline consisted of an ADE classifier designed to identify tweets mentioning an ADE, which were then mapped to a MedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology) code. However, the normalization process was confined to the ADEs present in the training set. Neither Nikfarjam’s nor Magge’s pipeline provides a graphical user interface.

Some private companies also offer tools for analyzing social media for pharmacovigilance purposes. For instance, the DETECT platform was developed as part of a collaborative project in France by Kappa Santé [ 18 ]. This system enabled the labeling of posts with known controlled vocabulary concepts, and signal detection was conducted [ 19 ]. Within the scope of this project, Expert System Company implemented BIOPHARMA Navigator to extract web forum posts, while the Luxid Annotation Server provided web services for the automatic annotation of posts.

An important finding from the studies of the last decade is that while regulatory agencies have begun using data sources beyond spontaneous reports, social media has yet to be fully leveraged in real-world settings due to the immaturity of available solutions. Primarily, these solutions are essentially proofs of concept that lack scalability and are challenging for experts to evaluate routinely, primarily due to the absence of a graphical user interface to present information.

Our aim was to assess the potential of integrating social media into pharmacovigilance and enhancing decision-making with this novel data source. To achieve this, our objective was to develop and assess a pipeline that processes data from the extraction of web forum posts to the generation of indicators and alerts within a visual and interactive environment. The goal was to create a user-friendly tool that enables regulatory authorities to make better-informed decisions effectively.

This article presents the design and implementation of our pipeline dedicated to harnessing posts from social media. In addition, we showcase the use of the pipeline through a specific use case, emphasizing the importance of monitoring drugs in social media to better address patients’ expectations.

The PHARES project (Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks), funded from 2017 to 2019 by the French ANSM, aimed to develop a software suite (a pipeline) enabling pharmacovigilance users to analyze social networks, particularly messages posted on forums. The objective of the pipeline is to facilitate routine use through continuous post extraction and quantitative data analysis from web forums, specifically tailored for the French language.

The pipeline is made up of 4 modules, each referring to its own methods ( Figure 1 ):

The Scraper module, which extracts posts from forums using a previously developed tool, Vigi4Med (V4M) scraper [ 9 ], and produces a comma-separated values (CSV) file filled with the texts extracted.

The Annotation module, which extracts elements of interest from the posts and registers annotations in CSV files, with each line representing an annotation of an ADE or a drug. When a causality relationship is identified, both an ADE and a drug are annotated on the same line.

The Statistical module, which performs quantitative analysis on the annotated posts, generating numerical data, tables, or figures.

terms to use in quantitative research

The Interface module, which supports query definition and visualization of results.

The methodology used to evaluate the PHARES pipeline involved comparing its performance with existing platforms mentioned above, in accordance with a set of criteria established with prospective PHARES users. The criteria, specific to each module, are as follows:

  • General level: focus on ADEs, designed for routine usage.
  • Scraper: collects all posts of a selected website, performs deidentification, allows to extract posts from web forums, and is open source.
  • Statistics: the temporal evolution of posts or annotations is displayed and a change-point analysis (detecting breakpoints) is possible.
  • Signal detection: allows to apply at least one signal detection method, displays the temporal evolution of the proportional reporting ratio (PRR), and allows to perform a logistic regression–based signal detection method.
  • Graphical user interface: has an interface for users.

Scraper Module

V4M Scraper is an open-source tool designed for data extraction from web forums [ 9 ]. Its primary functions are optimizing scraping time, filtering out posts primarily focused on advertisements, and structuring the extracted data semantically. The module operates by taking a configuration file as input, which contains the URL of the targeted forum. The algorithm navigates through forum pages and generates resource description framework (RDF) triplets for each extracted element, allowing for potential alignment with external semantic resources. A caching mechanism has been integrated into this tool to maintain a local copy of previously visited pages, thereby avoiding redundant requests to websites for already scraped web pages, particularly in cases of errors or testing, for example. Vigi4Med V4M Scraper was customized for the PHARES project, as indicated by the red elements in Figure S1 in Multimedia Appendix 1 . The database format (Figure S2 in Multimedia Appendix 1 ) was implemented to enhance interaction with the interface. Specifically, the main scraping script was adjusted to produce a simplified tabular format (CSV) of the extracted data and to store these data in a database. This modification aims to facilitate input to the subsequent module of the pipeline (annotation). V4M Scraper was customized to enable a continuous scraping routine, wherein data extracted from web forums are automatically and regularly annotated and registered. A log file was integrated into the scraper structure to maintain a record of the last scraped element. This log file ensures that the daily routine scraping always begins from the last scraped point. An automation tool (crontab) is used to schedule the execution of the pipeline for each forum on a daily basis at a specific time.

A total of 23 public French health-related web forums were selected through a combination of Google searches and from a list of certified health websites provided by the HON Foundation, in collaboration with the French National Health Authority (HAS). The selection criteria included the requirement for websites to be hosted in France, feature a discussion board or space for sharing experiences, and have more than 10 patient contributions. Furthermore, Twitter posts are collected and analyzed by the pipeline. This is achieved using the Twitter API for data collection, followed by employing the same modules used for processing web forum posts.

Annotation Module

Entities corresponding to drugs and pathological conditions in social media were identified and annotated using an NLP pipeline [ 20 ]. Initially, conditional random fields were used to account for global dependencies [ 21 ]. Specifically, the model considers the entire sequence when making predictions for individual tokens. This approach is advantageous for entity extraction tasks, as the presence of an entity in one part of the text can influence the likelihood of other entities in the vicinity. Second, a support vector machine is used to predict the causality relationship between an entity identified as a drug and another entity identified as an ADE. The annotation method used in this module was implemented at an early stage of the pipeline’s design. Currently, the named entity recognition task of this module is undergoing revision to incorporate more recent advancements in NLP algorithms [ 22 - 26 ].

In a third step, the detected annotations were normalized using codes from the MedDRA and the Anatomical Therapeutic Classification (ATC) to ensure they were suitable for signal detection purposes.

MedDRA is an international medical hierarchical terminology comprising 5 levels used to code potential ADEs in pharmacovigilance. The highest level is the system organ class, which is further divided into high-level group terms, then into high-level terms, preferred terms (PTs), and finally lowest level terms. Typically, the PT level is used in pharmacovigilance signal detection.

The ATC classification system is a drug classification used in France for pharmacovigilance purposes. It categorizes the active ingredients of drugs based on the organ system they primarily affect. The classification comprises 5 levels: the anatomical main group (consisting of 14 main groups), the therapeutic subgroup, the therapeutic/pharmacological subgroup, the chemical/therapeutic/pharmacological subgroup, and the chemical substance. Typically, the fifth level (chemical substance) is used in pharmacovigilance signal detection.

The outputs of the annotation module are CSV files with the following variables:

  • Concerning the post: forum name, post ID, and date
  • Concerning the ADE: verbatim, normalized term, unified medical language system’s concept unique identifier, and MedDRA code
  • Concerning the drug: verbatim, normalized term, active ingredient, and ATC code

In these CSV files, each line can consist of either an adverse event (ADE) annotation, a drug annotation, or both when a causality relationship has been identified between the drug and the ADE. Table 1 provides a sample of the database.

In a prior study, we selected posts where at least one ADE associated with 6 drugs (agomelatine, baclofen, duloxetine, exenatide, strontium ranelate, and tetrazepam) had been detected by this algorithm. A manual review revealed that among 5149 posts, 1284 (24.94%) were validated as pharmacovigilance cases [ 12 ]. The fundamental metrics used to assess the performance of the annotation module were precision (P), recall (R), and their harmonic mean F 1 -score. To calculate these metrics, it is necessary to evaluate false negatives for nonrecognition of relevant terms, false positives for irrelevant recognitions, and true positives for correct recognitions. Precision, recall, and F 1 -score are defined as follows:

Precision = (true positive)/(true positive + false positive); recall = (true positive)/(true positive + false negative); F 1 -score = (2 × precision × recall)/(precision + recall) (1)

In the “Results” section, we present a comparison of the performance of the annotation module with the performance of state-of-the-art methods [ 8 , 22 , 25 , 26 ].

Forum namePost IDDateTimeADE verbatimADE normalizedConcept unique identifierDrug verbatimDrug normalizedActive ingredientMedDRA codeATC code
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Maux de têteCéphaléeC0018681LévothyroxLEVOTHYROXLevothyroxine sodiqueH03AA01
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Maux de têteCéphaléeC0018681Calcium
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Nodules cancereuxLévothyroxLEVOTHYROXLevothyroxine sodiqueH03AA01
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Nodules cancereuxCalcium
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00FatigueFatigueC0015672LévothyroxLEVOTHYROXLevothyroxine sodique10016256H03AA01
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00fatigueFatigueC0015672Calcium10016256
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Perte de poidsPoids diminuéC0043096LévothyroxLEVOTHYROXLevothyroxine sodique10048061H03AA01
Atoute7354October 8, 201821:37:00Perte de poidsPoids diminuéC0043096Calcium10048061

a ADE: adverse event.

b MedDRA: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology.

c ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Classification.

d No data are available for this slot.

Statistical Module

This module generates general statistics and diagrams for web forums or Twitter. It provides data such as the number of annotated posts (related to the drug, the ADE, or both), the count of drug-ADE pairs identified, and the distribution of ADEs’ MedDRA-PTs. In addition, a change-point analysis method was used to detect significant changes over time in the mean number of posts mentioning the drug and ADE [ 27 ].

Besides, several statistical signal detection methods were implemented to generate potential signals. Safety signals, which provide information on adverse events that may potentially be caused by a medicine, were further evaluated by pharmacovigilance experts to determine the causal relationship between the medicine and the reported adverse event.

The statistical module implements 3 signal detection methods, including 2 well-known and frequently used disproportionality signal detection methods: the PRR [ 28 ] and the reporting odds ratio (ROR) [ 29 ]. In addition, a complementary method, a logistic regression–based signal detection method known as the class imbalanced subsampling lasso [ 30 ], was used.

PRR and ROR are akin to a relative risk and an odds ratio, respectively. However, they differ in their denominators: as the number of exposed patients is typically unknown in pharmacovigilance databases, the denominator in PRR and ROR calculations is the number of cases reported in the pharmacovigilance database.

PRR and ROR are specific to each drug-ADE pair and can be directly computed from the contingency table ( Table 2 ).

Adverse drug event of interestOther adverse drug events
Drug of interest
Other drugs

The PRR compares the proportion of an ADE among all the ADEs reported for a specific drug with the same proportion for all other drugs in the database (Equation 2). A PRR significantly greater than 1 suggests that the ADE is more frequently reported for patients taking the drug of interest, while a PRR equal to 1 suggests independence between the 2 variables.

PRR = [a/(a + b)]/[c/(c + d)] (2)

The ROR quantifies the strength of the association between drug administration and the occurrence of the ADE. It represents the ratio of the odds of drug administration when the ADE is present to the odds of drug administration when the ADE is absent (Equation 3). When the 2 events are independent, the ROR equals 1. An ROR significantly greater than 1 suggests that drug administration is associated with the presence of the ADE.

ROR = ad / bc (3)

We considered events over posts for the calculation of disproportionality statistics. If the same drug-ADE pair was identified multiple times within a post, the pair was counted as many times as it occurred in the calculation.

Disproportionality analysis has certain limitations, including the confounding effect resulting from coreported drugs and the masking effect, where the background relative reporting rate of an ADE is distorted by extensive reporting on the ADE with a specific drug or drug group. Caster et al [ 31 ] demonstrated through 2 real case examples how multivariate regression–based approaches can address these issues. Harpaz et al also suggested that logistic regression could be used for safety surveillance [ 32 ]. Initially designed for pharmacovigilance case reports, we hypothesize that they may also be applicable to posts.

The logistic regression model specifically focuses on a particular ADE or a group of ADEs. It involves creating a vector that represents the presence (1) or absence (0) of the ADE of interest in the pharmacovigilance case (in our case, in the post). Additionally, a matrix is generated to represent the administration or nonadministration of all drugs in the database by the patient (1 for administration and 0 for nonadministration). Figure S3 in Multimedia Appendix 1 illustrates an example of using logistic regression. In our case, we assumed that if a drug was annotated in the post, it was taken by the patient. The logistic regression aims to predict the probability of the presence of the ADE (ADE=1) of interest based on the presence of all ( N m ) drugs in the database (Equation 4), where X represents the distribution of the presence/absence of the drugs. The adjusted factors included only concomitant medications, as patient-related factors are often missing in web forums’ posts. Therefore, we did not need to address the impact of missing data, which should be evaluated when necessary.

ln([P(X|ADE=1)]/[P(X|ADE=0)]) = a + b1 × Drug1 + ... + bi × Drug i + .. . + bNm × Drug Nm (4)

The selection of the drugs depends on the parameter b i . If b i <0, the drug i decreases the risk of the ADE, and if b i >0, the drug i increases the risk of the ADE.

Then, 2 sets are defined:

  • S 1 : set of n 1 posts with an annotation of the ADEs of interest.
  • S 0 : set of n 0 posts without an annotation of the ADEs of interest.

In our case n 0 >> n 1 , indicating a significant imbalance toward posts lacking annotations of the ADEs of interest. To address this issue, we took a subsample with a more favorable ratio of posts with annotated ADEs versus those without. Additionally, to enhance result stability, we conducted multiple draws instead of just one.

In practice, we generated B subsamples. Each subsample was constructed by randomly drawing, with replacement, n 1 posts from S 1 and R posts from S 0 , where R=max(4 n 1 , 4 N m ). The choice of 4 n 1 was inspired by case-control studies, while 4 N m was included to ensure an adequate number of observations considering the multitude of predictors.

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We implemented a change-point analysis method described in [ 27 ] to detect whether there was a change in the evolution over time of a chosen statistic, such as the number of a specific drug-ADE pair, the number of ADEs associated with a specific drug, or the number of drugs associated with a specific ADE. The method uses the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) algorithm to analyze the evolution of statistics over time, comparing current values with the period mean. It identifies breakpoints by calculating the highest difference in statistical values and comparing it with random samples. The process repeats for periods before and after detected breakpoints until no more are found.

User Interface Module

The user interface module facilitates user interaction with the pipeline in a user-friendly manner. The interface comprises a dashboard divided into 2 main parts. The left dark column ( Figure 2 ) serves as a control sidebar, where users can select parameters to filter the data, including the forum, period, drug(s) according to the ATC classification, and ADE(s) according to a level in the MedDRA hierarchy. On the right side of the interface, various visualizations are available, organized into several tabs such as “Forum Statistics” and “Consultation of Posts,” with additional tabs for statistics that become active upon querying.

Before applying a specific query, the interface provides general information about the currently available data ( Figure 2 ), including the total annotated posts since 2017 (n=2,081,296) and total annotations since 2017 (n=2,454,310). In addition, a “Consultation of Tweets” tab (not visible in the figure) displays the total annotated tweets since March 2020 (n=46,153).

Furthermore, several tabs corresponding to different types of statistics, including “Forums Statistics” and “Twitter Statistics,” provide general statistics and diagrams for web forums and Twitter. Examples of these are pie charts showing forum distribution, line charts depicting the evolution of drug and ADE mentions, histograms displaying ADE distribution by system organ class, and line charts illustrating the temporal trend of posts containing the drug and an ADE, as shown in Figures 3 and 4 . The “Annotations Plot” tab displays annotations of drugs and adverse effects selected by the user, along with forum information, PTs, high-level terms, high-level group terms, dates, and hours. The “Logistic Regression” tab allows users to choose parameters for applying logistic regression. In the “Disproportionality” tab, users can choose between the PRR and ROR methods, with the time evolution of the chosen method displayed. The “Change-Point” tab enables analysis of temporal evolution, with identified breakpoints indicated. The “Consultation of Posts” and “Consultation of Tweets” tabs provide details on annotated posts/tweets, including downloadable tables. The statistical module performs calculations based on user queries, updating the interface accordingly. If multiple drugs or adverse events are selected, they are treated as new entities for analysis.

The interface was implemented using the R language and environment (R Foundation) for statistical computing and graphics [ 33 ], leveraging the Shiny package [ 34 ] for development.

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Ethical Considerations

A statement by an Institutional Review Board was not required because we used only publicly available data that do not necessitate Institutional Review Board review.

This study complied with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which has been in force since 2018 in Europe [ 35 ]. The GDPR enhances the protection of individuals by introducing the right to be informed about the processing of personal data. However, informing each user individually may be impractical. Therefore, the GDPR introduces 2 legal conditions where informed consent is not mandatory, which can be interpreted as supporting the processing of web forum posts for pharmacovigilance (Article 9): “(e) processing relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by the data subject; [. . .] (i) processing is necessary for reasons of public interest in the area of public health, such as [. . .] ensuring high standards of quality and safety of health care and of medicinal products . . ..” The GDPR also requires data processing to “not permit or no longer permits the identification of data subjects” (Article 89). Deidentification was conducted during the extraction of posts from web forums to ensure privacy [ 9 ]. User identifiers in the main RDF file were encrypted using the SHA1 algorithm [ 36 ]. The correspondence between these encrypted identifiers and the original keys is presented in RDF triplets in a separate file, referred to as the “keys file.” Therefore, the only way to retrieve the original authors’ identities is by concatenating the main RDF containing the encrypted data with the keys file, which is kept in a secured location. Moreover, all our data processing was carried out on a secured server with restricted access.

General Results About the Pipeline

The primary outcome of this study is the operational PHARES pipeline itself. Daily extraction and annotation of posts are initiated and imported into the database linked to the user interface. In this paper, the platform’s use will be demonstrated through a specific use case on the analysis of Levothyrox ADE mentions in forums (discussed later). In addition, we conducted a comparative analysis of the PHARES pipeline with the existing platforms mentioned in the “Introduction” section, based on the criteria listed in the “Methods” section.

Of the 10 identified pipelines, half were public and half were private. While 8 out of 10 focused on ADEs, only 4 were designed for routine usage. Five scrapers were open source, and all posts from considered websites were extracted by only 6 of the scrapers (with others extracting posts under certain conditions). Six scraped web forum posts, but only 3 performed deidentification. Additionally, 4 pipelines focused on the French language. A total of 6 pipelines displayed the temporal evolution of the number of posts, but only 1 conducted a change-point analysis. Signal detection methods were performed by only 4 of them, with none displaying the temporal evolution of the PRR nor a logistic regression–based method. Finally, 6 of them had an interface ( Table 3 ).

PipelineGeneralScraperAnnotationStatisticsSignal detection

Focus on ADEs Routine usagePublic/privateAll postsDeidentificationWeb forumsOpen sourceFrench languageTemporal evolutionChange-point analysisSignal detectionPRR temporal evolutionLogistic regressionInterface
Insight ExplorerXPrivateXXXXXXXXX
MedWatcher SocialPublicXXXXXX
Yeleswarapu et al [ ]XPrivateXXXXXXXXXX
Nikfarjam et al [ ]XPublic and PrivateXXXXXXXXXXX
Magge et al [ ]XPublicXXXXXXXX
ADR-PRISM XPublic and PrivateXXXX
Kappa SantéPrivateXXX
Expert SystemXPrivateXXXXXX

a PHARES: Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks.

b The X symbol means that the characteristic is missing and the symbol ✓ means the characteristic is fulfilled.

c ADE: adverse drug event.

d PRR: proportional reporting ratio.

e PREDOSE: Prescription Drug Abuse Online Surveillance and Epidemiology.

f ADR-PRISM: Adverse Drug Reaction from Patient Reports in Social Media.

Annotation Module’s Comparison With Up-to-Date State-of-the-Art Methods

We also compared the performance of our annotation process with those of up-to-date state-of-the-art methods ( Table 4 ).

While the annotation module demonstrated good performance for named entity recognition ( F 1 -score=0.886), it remains slightly below the state of the art. Presently, in medical texts, the best performances are achieved by Hussain et al [ 25 ] and Ding et al [ 26 ] for the named entity recognition task, and by Xia [ 22 ] for the relationship extraction task. On Twitter, known for its notably more complex data, Hussain et al [ 25 ] achieved slightly better results than our annotator, while Ding et al [ 26 ] achieved slightly worse results.

AnnotatorLanguageDataNatural language processing methodNamed entity recognition (precision; recall; -score)Relationship extraction (precision; recall; -score)
PHARES FrenchPatient’s web drug reviewConditional random fields and support vector machines0.926; 0.845; 0.8860.683; 0.956; 0.797
Magge et al [ ]EnglishTwitterBERT neural networks0.82; 0.76; 0.78
Xia [ ]EnglishMedical textsHAMLE model0.929; 0.914; 0.921
Hussain et al [ ]EnglishMedical texts (PubMed) and TwitterBERT0.982; 0.964; 0.976 (PubMed) and 0.840; 0.861; 0.896 (X/Twitter)
Ding et al [ ]EnglishMedical texts (PubMed) and TwitterBGRU + char LSTM attention + auxiliary classifier0.867; 0.948; 0.906 (PubMed) and 0.785; 0.914; 0.844 (Twitter)

a The 2 categories are entity recognition, which is the detection of a drug or ADE mention, and relationship extraction, which is the detection of a relation between a drug and an ADE.

b PHARES: Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks.

c BERT: Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer.

d Not available.

e HAMLE: Historical Awareness Multi-Level Embedding.

f BGRU: Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit.

g LSTM: Long-Short-Term-Memory.

Summary of the Result

From January 1, 2017, to February 28, 2021, a total of 2,081,296 posts were extracted from 23 French web forums ( Table 5 ). We obtained 713,057 normalized annotations of drugs, 1,527,004 normalized annotations of ADEs, and 437,192 annotations of normalized drug-ADE couples. The number of posts annotated with at least one normalized drug-ADE couple was equal to 125,279 (6.02%). Table 4 summarizes the number of posts extracted per forum, the publication dates, and the description of the web forum. For 1 forum, the publication dates were not available. A total of 9 were generalist health forums, 3 were specialized for parents of a young baby, 2 for families, 3 for mothers, 2 specialized in thyroid issues, 1 for pregnant women, 1 for women, 1 for parents of a teenager or for teenagers, 1 for sports persons, and 1 specialized in rare diseases.

ForumExtracted posts, nPublication date of the first extracted postPublication date of the last extracted postDescription
thyroideNEW451,253February 15, 2001February 25, 2021Specialized in thyroid issues
doctissimoSante248,691March 19, 2003January 16, 2021Generalist health forum
doctissimoNutrition183,730December 30, 2002January 16, 2021Specialized in nutrition
infoBebe127,341November 30, 2000March 08, 2019Specialized for parents of a young baby
atoute118,415February 05, 2005February 28, 2021Generalist health forum
notreFamille97,098March 16, 2000October 26, 2017Specialized for families
magicMaman96,713June 14, 1999February 22, 2021Specialized for mothers
doctissimoMed95,531August 05, 2002January 15, 2021Generalist health forum
doctissimoGrossesse93,449November 09, 2006January 15, 2021Specialized for pregnant women
thyroide73,376September 25, 2001January 07, 2019Specialized in thyroid issues
aufeminin72,732April 05, 2001January 09, 2020Specialized for women
mamanVie69,167June 07, 2006April 10, 2019Specialized for mothers
onmeda61,428July 25, 2001February 24, 2021Generalist health forum
ados58,181June 20, 2006March 08, 2019Specialized for parents of a teenager or for teenagers
carenity52,659May 16, 2011August 29, 2020Generalist health forum
famili51,844November 06, 2000November 17, 2019Specialized for families
babyFrance43,806January 20, 2003April 30, 2018Specialized for parents of young baby
bebeMaman38,450Specialized for mothers of young baby
alloDocteurs15,833June 15, 2009February 09, 2021Generalist health forum
reboot9383May 04, 2016February 25, 2021Generalist health forum
futura6765May 12, 2003February 22, 2021Generalist health forum
sportSante6350May 10, 2011January 14, 2020Specialized for sportsperson
maladieRares4827October 09, 2012May 14, 2020Specialized in rare diseases
queChoisir4250June 16, 2003February 11, 2021Generalist health forum

a Not available.

Use Case: Analysis of Levothyrox ADE Mentions in Forums

To demonstrate the usage of the pipeline, we chose to focus on Levothyrox as a case study. Levothyrox is a drug prescribed in France since 1980 for hypothyroidism and circumstances where it is necessary to limit the thyroid-stimulating hormone. In 2017, a new formula of Levothyrox, differing from the 30-year-old drug at the excipient level (with lactose being replaced by mannitol and citric acid in the new formula), was marketed with widespread media coverage. In parallel, an unexpected increase in notifications of ADEs for this drug was detected. Viard et al [ 37 ] were unable to find any pharmacological rationale to explain that signal. Approximately 32,000 adverse effects were reported by patients in France in 2017, representing 42% of all the ADEs collected yearly [ 38 ]. Most of these notifications concerned the new formulation of Levothyrox and led to the “French Levothyrox crisis.” In 2017, 1664 notifications of ADEs were spontaneously reported by patients to the Pharmacovigilance Center of Nice. Among the 1544 reviewed notifications, 1372 concerned Levothyrox while only 172 concerned other drugs [ 37 ].

In this use case, the study period was from January 1, 2017, to February 28, 2021, and the drugs included were 2 drugs from the “H03AA Thyroid hormones” ATC class: “Levothyroxine sodium” and “associations of levothyroxine and liothyronine.” A total of 17 forums were selected as they included at least one post with information about these drugs. Posts were extracted, annotated, and analyzed through the pipeline from several forums ( Table 6 ). Signal detection methods were applied to an ADE chosen as it frequently appeared with Levothyrox in our data: “tiredness.” A signal can be detected when the lower bound of the 95% CI of the logarithm of the PRR is greater than 0. For logistic regression, we applied the tenth quantile. A total of 11,340 posts contained an annotation concerning the drugs of interest. Figure S4 in Multimedia Appendix 1 illustrates the source and evolution over time of these posts. Out of a total of 50,127 annotations of Levothyrox, they principally originated from the Vivre sans thyroïde forum and were mostly posted in mid-2017 ( Figure 4 , Table 6 ). The results of the statistical analysis were displayed by the user interface.

ADEs annotated with Levothyrox were mainly from system organ classes: general disorders and administration site conditions (29.6%), metabolism and nutrition disorders (11.6%), and endocrine disorders (11.4%). The PTs mostly found in association with Levothyrox are listed in Table 7 . All this information is accessible in the interface module (Figure S5 in Multimedia Appendix 1 ).

We chose the PT “tiredness” for the signal detection analysis. A total of 85,976 posts were annotated with either one of the drugs of interest or the ADE tiredness. Among them, 1841 Levothyrox-tiredness couples were found, mostly in 2017 ( Table 7 ).

Figure 5 illustrates the time evolution of the PRR for the Levothyrox-tiredness couple. Figure S6 in Multimedia Appendix 1 displays the source and evolution over time of French web forums’ posts for this couple. A signal is consistently generated throughout the period as the logarithm of the PRR is always greater than 0.

terms to use in quantitative research

ForumValue, nCumulative frequency, %
Vivre sans thyroïde41,21182.21
Doctissimo Santé423090.65
Doctissimo Grossesse147693.60
Doctissimo Nutrition117795.94
Allo docteurs50298.67
Doctissimo medicaments16699.34
Que choisir8599.51
Maladie rares7699.66
Au feminin5899.77
Sport santé5099.87
Maman vie2100.00
Magic maman1100.00
Preferred termsValues, n
Malignant tumor560
Nervous tension484
Muscle spasms321

terms to use in quantitative research

A total of 11 drugs were found to be associated with tiredness using logistic regression: paclitaxel, pegfilgrastim, Levothyrox, glatiramer acetate, escitalopram ferrous sulfate, the combination of Levothyrox and liothyronine, secukinumab, methotrexate, bismuth potassium, tetracycline, and metronidazole.

Change-point analysis was conducted on the monthly evolution of the number of Levothyrox-ADE couples detected in web forums. Six breakpoints were identified ( Figure 6 ), and 3 of them correlated with an increase in the number of ADEs found with Levothyrox on web forums. These increases occurred in August 2017 and in September and December 2018.

This use case demonstrates that the results obtained through the pipeline, particularly in the context of Levothyrox, align with findings in the literature derived from more traditional data sources such as case reports in pharmacovigilance (see the “Discussion” section). It underscores the potential of leveraging such a pipeline to monitor a drug, not only retrospectively but also in real time using social media. Consequently, PHARES has the capability to potentially uncover new signals in pharmacovigilance.

terms to use in quantitative research

Principal Findings

To align with our objective, we implemented and evaluated a pipeline that processes data from the extraction of web forum posts to the generation of indicators and alerts within a visual and interactive environment. Through this pipeline, we demonstrated that quantitative analysis can be conducted through the interface without requiring the user to code. We discovered the feasibility of acquiring information akin to the literature regarding a drug’s ADEs, as well as unexpected ADEs and significant event dates related to a drug. This underscores the relevance and utility of such a pipeline.

A conceptual contribution of this research was the proposal of a methodology for designing a pipeline to facilitate pharmacovigilance studies on web forums. This involved describing 4 independent modules and outlining their interactions. Additionally, another contribution was the adaptation of certain pharmacovigilance analysis methods for the examination of data extracted from web forum posts. The logistic regression–based method presented in this article was originally tailored for pharmacovigilance cases to consider co-prescriptions of drugs. We have adapted it to suit the analysis of pharmacovigilance data extracted from web forum posts.

Comparison With Prior Work

The PHARES pipeline offers added value compared with previous pipelines in terms of the criteria set, which reflects an analysis of experts’ needs for routine monitoring of ADEs in social media. Unlike previous approaches, the scrapers used in PHARES routinely perform deidentification, and the inclusion of change-point analysis, the evolution of PRRs over time, and a logistic regression–based signal detection method were previously unavailable. The temporal evolution of the number of posts and a signal detection method are also seldom supported. Designed for routine usage and focused on ADEs, all posts from selected web forums are scraped and deidentified using an open-source scraper.

The period and selected web forums differed between both studies: Audeh et al [ 38 ] covered the period from January 2015 to December 2017, while our study spanned from January 2017 to February 2021. Additionally, Audeh et al [ 38 ] included only 1 web forum specialized in thyroid issues, whereas we incorporated this specific forum along with 16 others. The main ADEs associated with Levothyrox in our study align with those found by Audeh et al [ 38 ] on similar data, albeit without using the interface. In our study, the 10 most frequent symptoms were pain, tiredness, faintness, hypothyroidism, dizziness, insomnia, palpitations, hyperthyroidism, malignant tumor, and anxiety. By contrast, Audeh et al [ 38 ] reported tiredness, weight gain, pain, ganglions, hot flush, chilly, inflammation, faintness, weight loss, and discomfort.

Furthermore, the PHARES pipeline surpasses previous efforts, particularly regarding several criteria. These include the annotation tool, where only 4 pipelines were identified using a French annotator tool. In terms of available statistics, only 1 pipeline met both criteria we identified. Regarding signal detection, among the 3 criteria identified, 5 pipelines matched with only 1, while the remaining 5 matched with none.

In the use case, a notable increase in the number of ADEs associated with Levothyrox was detected using the change-point analysis method a few months after the introduction of the new formula in March 2017, specifically in August 2017. This surge coincided with the initial declaration to the pharmacovigilance network and a petition initiated by patients to reintroduce the former formula in June 2017. We compared these findings with results from a pharmacovigilance study based on spontaneous reporting. Out of 1554 notifications spontaneously addressed by patients to the Pharmacovigilance Center of Nice from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017, 1372 were related to the new formula of Levothyrox, representing 7342 ADEs. Our comparison with these data clarified our findings. The 10 most frequently reported ADEs in these notifications closely resembled our own results [ 37 ]. These were asthenia, headache, dizziness, hair loss, insomnia, cramps, weight gain, nausea, muscle pain, and irritability. Consequently, our results demonstrate coherence with the existing literature. This study illustrates the feasibility of identifying the date of significant events related to a drug. However, it is noteworthy that the detection of such events is not necessarily expedited through social media compared with the traditional pharmacovigilance system.


The method used in our annotation process was integrated at an early stage during the pipeline’s design. Regarding the identification of drugs and symptoms, our annotation process exhibited the following performances: precision=0.926, recall=0.845, and F 1 -score=0.886 [ 20 ]. Similarly, for discerning the relationship between the drug and the ADEs, the performances were precision=0.683, recall=0.956, and F 1 -score=0.797 [ 20 ]. This study marked the inaugural publication on using NLP methods to identify ADEs in French-language web forums. The annotation process was thus developed using contemporary state-of-the-art methodologies at the time. However, it would now stand to gain from the integration of more recent NLP algorithms for named entity recognition [ 8 , 23 , 24 ]. These newer algorithms offer comparable performances while effectively handling more complex data, thereby enhancing the efficacy of NLP analysis. However, because of our emphasis on the genericity of the approach and the interoperability between the different modules rather than solely focusing on the performance of each module, we opted not to use these algorithms. Nevertheless, contemporary state-of-the-art methods for annotating ADEs from social media posts encompass convolutional neural networks trained on top of pretrained word vectors for sentence-level classification [ 24 ] and transformers using the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) language model [ 39 ]. Hussain et al [ 25 ] introduced a multitask neural network based on BERT with hyperparameter optimization capable of sentence classification and named entity recognition. This model achieved performances of precision=0.840, recall=0.861, and F 1 -score=0.896 on the Twitter (X)-TwiMed data set. Additionally, Magge et al [ 8 ] presented a pipeline consisting of 3 BERT neural networks designed to classify sentences, extract named entities, and normalize those entities to their respective MedDRA concepts. The performances of this model were as follows: precision=0.82, recall=0.76, and F 1 -score=0.78 on the SMM4H-2020 data set (Twitter/X). Thanks to our modular design, it will be straightforward to substitute our current annotation process with an enhanced model in the future.

Several limitations should be acknowledged for future work. First, the scraper relies on the HTML structure of web forums, necessitating updates to its configuration files if a forum alters its page design. Additionally, our interface lacks the capability to incorporate alternate identifiers for drugs or ADEs. For instance, patients may commonly refer to the drug “baclofen” as “baclo” on social media platforms. Consequently, the number of posts pertaining to a drug or ADE could potentially be underestimated.

Forums must be selected before query execution to mitigate calculation time. However, selecting forums based on the presence of information related to a particular drug or ADE can introduce bias into signal detection methods, particularly in disproportionality analysis, where the drug-ADE pair may be overrepresented. Another limitation in qualitative analysis of posts is the inability of users to edit annotations or record typical pharmacovigilance qualitative data.

The assumption that all drugs mentioned in a post were consumed simultaneously by the user, as applied in the logistic regression–based method, introduces an evident bias.

One limitation associated with the use of social media data pertains to fraudulent posts. The pseudonymity inherent in these platforms provides malevolent individuals with the opportunity to disseminate false rumors. Additionally, patients might post identical or similar messages across multiple discussion boards, or even multiple times on the same board. Thus, it is crucial to consider these factors to mitigate biases in signal detection.


In the short to medium term, our objectives are updating the annotation module to enhance accuracy, improving the qualitative analysis by enabling users to edit and correct annotations, and expanding the range of signal detection methods available in the statistics module.

This method could indeed be beneficial for identifying potential drug misuse and unknown ADEs [ 40 ]. By categorizing pathological terms found in web forums based on their presence in the summary of product characteristics, we can distinguish between indications, known ADEs, and potential instances of drug misuse or unexpected ADEs. However, it is important to note that considering all pathological terms found in the summary of product characteristics as indications might obscure cases of drug inefficiency. Therefore, a nuanced approach is necessary to ensure comprehensive and accurate analysis.

We next tested our pipeline from the perspective of end users. However, the hypothesis was only partially confirmed, indicating the need for further studies. These studies should include evaluations with ergonomic criteria.

In the long term, our vision is to expand this tool to encompass other languages and themes beyond pharmacovigilance. This includes areas such as drug misuse, the consumption of food supplements, and the use of illegal drugs. French web forums dedicated to recreational drug use already exist, providing a valuable source of data for such endeavors.


Our hypothesis focused on the challenge encountered by regulatory agencies in using social media, primarily because of the lack of appropriate decision-making tools. To tackle this challenge, we devised a pipeline consisting of 4 editable modules aimed at effectively analyzing health-related French web forums for pharmacovigilance purposes. Using this pipeline and its user-friendly interface, we successfully demonstrated the feasibility of conducting quantitative analyses without the need for coding. This approach yielded coherent results and holds the potential to reveal new insights about drugs.

A practical implication of our pipeline is its potential application in health surveillance by regulatory agencies such as the ANSM or pharmaceutical companies. It can be instrumental in detecting issues related to drug safety and efficacy in real time. Furthermore, research teams can leverage this tool to retrospectively analyze events and gain valuable insights into pharmacovigilance trends.


The annotation module was developed by François Morlane-Hondère, Cyril Grouin, Pierre Zweigenbaum, and Leonardo Campillos-Llanos from the Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (LIMSI). Code review for the graphical user interface in R language was performed by Stevenn Volant under a contract with the Stat4Decision company. Stat4Decision was not involved in designing the study and writing this article. This work was funded by the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (ANSM) through Convention No. 2016S076 and was supported by a PhD contract with Sorbonne Université.

Data Availability

Our data were extracted from web forums that do not allow data sharing. Thus, as we are not the owners of the data we cannot make the data available. The scrapper we developed to extract these data is open source and can be used to extract data from web forum posts. The tool as well as full documentation (in English and French) of the code and configuration file are available online [ 41 ].

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Vigi4Med Scraper structure, PHARES database structure, example of data representation, and source and evolution over time of web forum posts. PHARES: Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks.

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adverse drug event
Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé
Anatomical Therapeutic Classification
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer
comma-separated values
Cumulative Sum
European Medicines Agency
Food and Drug Administration
French Pharmacovigilance Database
General Data Protection Regulation
French National Health Authority
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities Terminology
natural language processing
Pharmacovigilance in Social Networks
Prescription Drug Abuse Online Surveillance and Epidemiology
proportional reporting ratio
preferred term
resource description framework
reporting odds ratio
Recognizing Adverse Drug Reactions

Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 01.02.23; peer-reviewed by S Matsuda, L Shang; comments to author 06.07.23; revised version received 20.10.23; accepted 12.03.24; published 18.06.24.

©Pierre Karapetiantz, Bissan Audeh, Akram Redjdal, Théophile Tiffet, Cédric Bousquet, Marie-Christine Jaulent. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 18.06.2024.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.


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    Quantitative research is a type of research that focuses on collecting and analyzing numerical data to answer research questions. There are two main methods used to conduct quantitative research: 1. Primary Method. There are several methods of primary quantitative research, each with its own strengths and limitations.

  8. What Is Quantitative Research?

    Quantitative research methods. You can use quantitative research methods for descriptive, correlational or experimental research. In descriptive research, you simply seek an overall summary of your study variables.; In correlational research, you investigate relationships between your study variables.; In experimental research, you systematically examine whether there is a cause-and-effect ...

  9. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research

    When collecting and analyzing data, quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings. Both are important for gaining different kinds of knowledge. Quantitative research. Quantitative research is expressed in numbers and graphs. It is used to test or confirm theories and assumptions.

  10. Quantitative Research Methodologies

    In quantitative research, a variable is something (an intervention technique, a pharmaceutical, a temperature, etc.) that changes. There are two kinds of variables: independent variables and dependent variables.In the simplest terms, the independent variable is whatever the researchers are using to attempt to make a change in their dependent variable.

  11. Quantitative Research: What It Is, Practices & Methods

    Quantitative research involves analyzing and gathering numerical data to uncover trends, calculate averages, evaluate relationships, and derive overarching insights. It's used in various fields, including the natural and social sciences. Quantitative data analysis employs statistical techniques for processing and interpreting numeric data.

  12. Quantitative research

    Quantitative research is a research strategy that focuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. It is formed from a deductive approach where emphasis is placed on the testing of theory, shaped by empiricist and positivist philosophies.. Associated with the natural, applied, formal, and social sciences this research strategy promotes the objective empirical investigation of ...

  13. Quantitative Research

    The value of quantitative research is that results gained from numerical data in a sample population can be used to generalize or explain a particular phenomenon in the general population (Babbie 2016). Quantitative research can be either experimental or descriptive (nonexperimental, i.e., describes a population in specific terms).

  14. Quantitative Research: The Ultimate Guide

    While the quantitative research definition focuses on numerical data, qualitative research is defined as data that supplies non-numerical information. Qualitative research focuses on the thoughts, feelings, and values of a participant, to understand why people act in the way they do. They result in data types like quotes, symbols, images, and ...

  15. PDF Introduction to quantitative research

    Quantitative research is 'Explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analysed using mathematically based methods (in particu-lar statistics)'. Let's go through this definition step by step. The first element is explaining phenomena. This is a key element of all research, be it quantitative or quali-tative.

  16. What is Quantitative Research?

    Use Quantitative Research to Find Mathematical Facts about Users. Quantitative research is a subset of user experience (UX) ... Use common, short terms and provide explanations for unusual words. Avoid leading, compound, and overlapping queries and ensure that questions are not vague or broad.

  17. A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences

    This resource is intended as an easy-to-use guide for anyone who needs some quick and simple advice on quantitative aspects of research in social sciences, covering subjects such as education, sociology, business, nursing. If you area qualitative researcher who needs to venture into the world of numbers, or a student instructed to undertake a quantitative research project despite a hatred for ...

  18. 500+ Quantitative Research Titles and Topics

    Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships among variables. This method is widely used in social sciences, psychology, economics, and other fields where researchers aim to understand human behavior and phenomena through statistical analysis.

  19. Quant or Qual Research? 27 Words to Help You Decide

    Words such as why, explain, and describe tend to be better addressed with qual. Some words, such as discover, understand, and expect, can be answered using a mix of both. Don't use these words as prescriptions but as a guide to help define how you'll answer research questions. Subscribe.

  20. Glossary of Research Terms

    Glossary. Bias: a lack of balance and accuracy in the use of research methods. It can appear at any phase of research, from deciding on a sampling frame, sampling, to data collection and analysis. Bias also arises in the identity of the researcher through assumptions and ideas related to his or her own culture that may influence data collection ...

  21. An introduction to terminology used in qualitative and quantitative

    Quantitative research is centred on 'explaining or predicting relations among variables' (Cresswell 2011: 63). As the name implies, qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. ... In qualitative research it is common for the question itself to change and develop. Creswell (2011) terms this an 'emerging ...

  22. Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

    This research will provide context and understanding that quantitative research will not. Quantitative research: Use this if your goal is to test or confirm a hypothesis, or to study cause and effect relationships. For example, you want to find out what percentage of your returning customers are happy with the customer experience at your store.

  23. Quantitative Methods

    Quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques.Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.

  24. 75 Best Quantitative Research Topics and Ideas

    Final Words. Quantitative research will help you to objectively analyze numerical data, generalize large samples, and precisely measure variables. When it comes to creating a quantitative research paper, you may consider any topic of your interest from the list suggested above. But remember, the topic you select should be original, meaningful ...

  25. STORM 2024: Results

    The complete ranking and list of category awards from the latest iteration of Chartis' STORM research. Includes the results for four rankings and awards: ... article tools. Copying this content is for the sole use of the Authorised User (named subscriber), as outlined in our terms and conditions - https://www ... You need to sign in to use ...

  26. Globetrotting NASA Research Model Increases Accuracy

    "Through this research, we are learning about differences that occur when we build and test several identical airplane models in multiple wind tunnels," Rivers said. Researchers can use data from these wind tunnel tests to then check if the research tools using computational fluid dynamics are accurately predicting the physics of an aircraft.

  27. Build a Corporate Culture That Works

    To develop a culture that works, follow six rules: Ground your culture in the dilemmas you are likely to confront, dilemma-test your values, communicate your values in colorful terms, hire people ...

  28. We've Updated Our Terms of Use: Action Requested

    Research Economists Research Fellows Emeritus Research Associates View all A-Z Research and Publications Working Papers Research Division Publications COVID-19 Research Fed in Print St. Louis Fed at RePEc IDEAS Eighth District Economy

  29. About Stop Overdose

    Overview. Drugs take nearly 300 lives every day. 1 To address the increasing number of overdose deaths related to both prescription opioids and illegal drugs, we created a website to educate people who use drugs about the dangers of illegally manufactured fentanyl, the risks and consequences of mixing drugs, the lifesaving power of naloxone, and the importance of reducing stigma around ...

  30. Journal of Medical Internet Research

    Background: To mitigate safety concerns, regulatory agencies must make informed decisions regarding drug usage and adverse drug events (ADEs). The primary pharmacovigilance data stem from spontaneous reports by health care professionals. However, underreporting poses a notable challenge within the current system. Explorations into alternative sources, including electronic patient records and ...