Digital Phrases

32 Writing Prompts About Courage and Bravery

Stories about courage and trusting your gut are the best! You see them everywhere – in old-school myths, modern movies, you name it.

These stories remind us how to overcome tough stuff, be brave, and how awesome that feels!

So, if you’re into writing, I’ve got some cool prompts for you to play with.

Whether you want ideas for a whole novel, a short story, or just want to get your thoughts down, these questions will help you explore courage and bravery in your own way.

Dive in and let’s get creative!

Writing Prompts About Courage and Bravery

Reflection on Personal Trials : Consider an event in your life that tested your courage like never before. It could be a crisis, a significant life change, or an unexpected challenge. How did you react to it? Did it alter your perception of bravery? Explore your thoughts and feelings about this moment in your life, focusing on how it forced you to confront and demonstrate your bravery. Write a narrative recounting this event, examining your emotions, reactions, and the aftermath.

Bravery Through Others’ Eyes : We often perceive ourselves differently from how others perceive us. Think about an incident when someone told you that you were brave, but you didn’t feel brave at the time. Why did they think you were courageous, and why did you disagree? What did this incident teach you about the multiple dimensions of courage? Write a reflective piece exploring this incident and its impact on your understanding of bravery.

Courage in Everyday Life : Bravery doesn’t always involve grand gestures or life-and-death situations; sometimes, it’s the little things that count. Think of a day-to-day situation where you had to show courage — it could be as simple as speaking up for yourself or someone else, confronting a fear, or taking on a new responsibility. Write a short story about this situation, exploring how it called on your courage and how it changed you.

Inspiration of Bravery : Everyone has someone they admire for their bravery, whether it’s a real person or a fictional character. Reflect on why you admire this person’s courage and how it influences your own behavior. Are there any aspects of their courage you aspire to emulate? Write an essay analyzing the nature of their courage and how it has inspired you.

Fear Versus Courage : Fear is a natural part of being human, and true courage often involves confronting and overcoming our fears. Reflect on a fear that you’ve had to face head-on. How did you muster the courage to do so? What were the outcomes, and how did this experience shape your perception of bravery? Write a personal essay on this fear, your process of overcoming it, and its impact on your concept of bravery.

The Cost of Courage : Bravery can sometimes come at a price. There could be times when standing up for what you believe in led to loss or difficulty. Reflect on such a time and how you dealt with the consequences. Did it make you question your actions, or did it strengthen your resolve? Write a narrative detailing this experience and its effect on your understanding of courage.

Unexpected Acts of Courage : There are moments when we surprise ourselves by acting bravely in unexpected circumstances. Recall such a moment when your actions surprised you. What led you to act courageously, and what was the outcome? How did this incident affect your understanding of your own courage? Write a reflective piece describing this event and its impact on your self-perception.

Bravery in Leading : Being a leader often requires courage, as it involves making difficult decisions, facing criticism, and setting an example for others. Reflect on a time when you had to step up and lead, whether in a small group or a larger community. How did you show bravery in this role? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Write an account of your leadership experience, focusing on the role courage played in it.

Silent Bravery : There are moments of quiet courage that often go unnoticed – standing up to a personal bias, reaching out to someone despite past misunderstandings, or persisting in the face of consistent failure. Reflect on a moment of such silent bravery in your life. How did it transform you, and what did it teach you about the nuances of courage? Write a personal narrative focusing on this silent act of bravery and its impact on your personal growth.

Unconventional Acts of Courage : Society has defined sets of expectations and norms. Breaking away from these norms and being true to yourself often requires a lot of courage. Think about an instance when you displayed bravery by defying societal expectations to stay true to your convictions. Write a reflective piece on this incident, exploring your struggle, triumph, and lessons learned.

Bravery in Vulnerability : Showing vulnerability, opening up about our feelings, and seeking help can be some of the bravest acts. Reflect on a time when you had to open up about something deeply personal and how it demanded courage from you. How did it affect your relationships and your perception of strength and courage? Write a memoir-style piece about this event and its lasting effects on you.

Cultivating Courage : Bravery isn’t an inborn trait; it can be cultivated over time. Reflect on your journey of cultivating courage. How did you recognize the need for it? What actions did you take, and how did you overcome setbacks? What were some significant milestones along this journey? Write an essay detailing your journey of cultivating courage, emphasizing the growth process.

Empathy and Courage : Empathy often requires courage as it involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which can sometimes be painful or uncomfortable. Reflect on a time when your empathy for someone else’s situation led you to act courageously. Write a narrative exploring how empathy propelled you into an act of courage and how this event influenced your perception of bravery.

Bravery in Forgiveness : It requires immense courage to forgive, especially when the hurt is deep. Reflect on an experience where you demonstrated courage by choosing to forgive. How difficult was it to take this step? How did this act of bravery affect you and the other person involved? Write an introspective piece examining this act of forgiveness and its impact on your understanding of courage.

Sacrificial Courage : There are moments when we display bravery by making sacrifices for the benefit of others. Recall an instance when you had to make a significant sacrifice that required courage. What were the consequences, and how did they affect your outlook on bravery? Write a narrative detailing this sacrificial act and its influence on your perception of bravery.

Overcoming Physical Limitations : Often, we find courage within ourselves when dealing with physical limitations or illnesses. Reflect on a time when you or someone close to you showed courage in the face of physical adversity. How did this situation highlight the essence of bravery for you? Write a personal essay on this experience, focusing on how it shaped your view of courage.

Story Ideas About Courage and Bravery

  • A small-town firefighter battling a citywide fire: Imagine a small town where everyone knows everyone else, and a dangerous fire breaks out, threatening to consume it all. Your main character is a local firefighter who is under-equipped but brimming with courage. The story should focus on their determination and the risks they take, exposing their bravery under intense circumstances. Write about how they rise to this daunting challenge, leveraging their deep connection with the community and their extraordinary courage.
  • Stand against a corrupt regime: Picture a world where your protagonist lives under a tyrannical government. Despite the risks associated with dissent, they decide to take a stand against the regime. Their actions start small but gradually gain momentum, leading to unforeseen consequences. Delve into the story of their bravery, illustrating the courage it takes to stand against systemic corruption.
  • An encounter with a wild animal: Your character is an average person who stumbles upon a potentially dangerous wild animal while hiking in a remote area. With no one else around to help, they must rely on their courage to manage the situation. Write a thrilling account of how their bravery plays a pivotal role in their survival.
  • Facing terminal illness: Your protagonist is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Instead of letting the diagnosis rule their remaining days, they decide to face it with courage, living life to the fullest. Tell their heart-wrenching tale of bravery, depicting how they inspire others around them with their optimistic outlook and courageous spirit.
  • The reluctant hero: Your main character is an everyday person who is unwillingly thrust into a crisis situation, such as a hostage situation, natural disaster, or act of terrorism. They must summon their courage and step out of their comfort zone to navigate this life-threatening situation. Craft a compelling narrative that explores their journey from reluctance to bravery.
  • Revealing a personal truth: The protagonist holds a secret related to their identity, such as their sexual orientation or a hidden past, which, if revealed, could ostracize them from their conservative community. They decide to come out with the truth, despite the societal backlash. Write about their brave journey of self-acceptance and the courage to live authentically.
  • An unexpected hero: Imagine a timid, introverted character who everyone overlooks. However, when a crisis arises, they surprise everyone by demonstrating unprecedented courage. Spin a tale that unfolds their transformation from an underdog to a hero, highlighting their journey of courage and self-discovery.
  • Protecting a loved one at all costs: Your character is a pacifist who abhors violence. But when a loved one is in danger, they are forced to step into a violent confrontation to save them. Narrate this intense story of love-induced bravery, where the character must face their fears and take action they would never have imagined.
  • Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking: Your protagonist suffers from a severe fear of public speaking, yet finds themselves having to deliver a speech at an important event. The story should focus on the mental and emotional preparation leading up to the event. Explore their journey of summoning courage to overcome their fear and bravely face the audience.
  • Choosing a Difficult Career Path: Your character is passionate about a career path that is notoriously difficult and fraught with failure. Despite the odds, they choose to pursue it, navigating obstacles with relentless determination and courage. Write about their courageous choice and how their unwavering bravery propels them towards their dream.
  • A Nurse During a Pandemic: Imagine your protagonist as a nurse working in a hospital during a global pandemic. Faced with uncertainty and danger, they show immense courage in tending to the sick. Narrate the stories of their brave acts in the face of life-threatening risk, painting a vivid picture of their everyday courage.
  • Championing Environmental Conservation: The protagonist is an environmental activist in a region where ecological concerns are sidelined by economic interests. Despite threats and backlash, they dare to stand up for the environment. Tell their story, showcasing their courage to fight against powerful adversaries for the cause they believe in.
  • The Unlikely Athlete: Your character has a physical disability, yet they have the courage to train and compete as an athlete. Craft an inspiring narrative highlighting their bravery and determination to overcome their physical limitations and societal stereotypes.
  • Refugee’s Journey to Safety: Your protagonist is a refugee forced to flee their home due to conflict or persecution. Their journey to safety is fraught with danger, but they bravely push forward, holding onto hope. Depict their harrowing journey, emphasizing their bravery in the face of unimaginable adversity.
  • Teacher in a Struggling School District: Your main character is a teacher in an underfunded and underperforming school. Despite the challenges, they take innovative measures to ensure their students get quality education. Detail their story of courageous dedication to their students and their brave fight against the systemic challenges of their environment.
  • Against Bullying: The protagonist is a high-school student witnessing daily bullying incidents in their school. Instead of staying silent, they decide to stand up against the bullies, despite the fear of becoming a target. Write about their acts of courage, demonstrating how their bravery helps to change the bullying culture in their school.

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Stray Mum

Writing Prompts About Courage: Everyday Acts of Bravery

Courage. Immediately, we are thinking of scenes of heroes going into battle, firefighters rushing into burning homes. Indeed, courage seems much more basic than that: it is a virtue developed day in and day out by many. Now, let’s dive into some thought-provoking writing prompts to explore the deeper meaning of courage, challenging you to look at this virtue from new—or perhaps forgotten—angles.

Courage Writing Prompts

  • Describe an occasion when you stood up for someone else, even though you were terrified. 
  • Tell a story about the moment you faced one of your fears and surprised even yourself with your courage. 
  • You’re a fireman entering a burning building. What runs through your head? 
  • Remember a time you had to admit to someone that you were wrong. How did it feel? 
  • Tell a story about a historical figure who was very brave. What can we learn from them? 
  • Write a letter to your younger self, congratulating them on some act of bravery that they did not realize was. 
  • Explain about the bravest person you know. What makes them courageous in your eyes? 
  • Explore a time when being kind demanded more courage than being cruel. 
  • Describe the amount of courage it gives you to follow some kind of strange dream or career path. 
  • Tell the story of a person standing up for something unjust happening in their community. 
  • Tell about finding the courage one day to be honest when it would have been much easier to be dishonest. 
  • Explore the kind of courage which it takes to forgive a person who has hurt you so deeply. 
  • Describe how a parent would protect their child. 
  • Tell the story of the first day at a new school or job. What were some of the fears you overcame? 
  • Write about that one time when you needed help, yet felt vulnerable. 
  • Describe the kind of courage it takes to be yourself in a world that wants you to fit in. 
  • Write about finding the strength to start over after losing everything. 
  • Explore what it is to have the courage to protest peacefully for something you believe in.
  • Describe the moment when you chose to do right, though it was unpopular. 
  • Explore the courage in the pursuit of reconciliation after a long-standing conflict. 
  • Describe one of those moments when you had to make a life-altering decision. What gave you the courage? 
  • Tell the story of a person risking his life to save a stranger. 
  • Write about the courage of being vulnerable and opening one’s heart to love again. 
  • Describe the acts of courage of a whistleblower who exposed corruption. 
  • Write about finding courage in nature or through outdoor adventures. 
  • Tell about someone who summons up guts to continue following his passion in the face of family negativity. 
  • Write about one time you were on hand to deliver bad news. Where did you get the courage from? 
  • Write on gathering courage from friendship or support of communities. 
  • Explore a moment you had to trust your instincts in a dangerous situation.

As you go through these prompts, remember that braver than not being afraid is the act of going on in the presence of this very emotion. Go deeper into the labyrinthine human emotions, heavy decisions, and elevating gestures of bravery, sublime and ordinary. Your words will inspire readers to find that well within themselves, reminding all of us that courage comes in a hundred different guises and the ability to change the world lies within every act of courage, no matter how small.

creative writing ideas bravery


52 Writing Prompts

52 Writing Prompts

Need freewriting ideas?   We've got you covered!

Here are 52 writing prompts,   one for each week of the year!

View them as sparks, not prescriptions. Use them as leaping off points to follow anywhere the imagination leads.


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5 Powerful Words that Reveal Bravery + Writing Prompts

5 Powerful Words that Reveal Bravery + Writing Prompts

Choose powerful words that reveal bravery to capture your reader’s imagination. Use the right words at the right moment to paint the picture you want them to see in their mind.

“Summon up your courage men. This is going to be the most defining moment of your entire miserable lives. Don’t blink. Don’t think. Just fight!”

2. Fearless

“He’s my idol. He’s so so so fearless.”

“He’s not fearless. He’s a fraud.”

“Take it back!”

“It’s my opinion. I don’t have to.”

She’s so daring. I can’t take my attention away from her.

4. Boldness

“Listen, we’ve been thinking about bringing you onto the team now for some time. But we just weren’t sure.”

“That boldness you showed in there, that really reassured me that you are the right person for this team. I mean, really impressive stuff.”

5. Gallantry

“Your show of gallantry will be remembered for centuries. We will tell your story, my friend. Goodbye.”

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5 Powerful Words that Reveal Bravery + Writing Prompts

Power words can be used by any writer. 

Power words can help any writer go from mediocre to extremely proficient.

Power words can be ridiculously useful if used strategically and well.

Make them well placed.

Use them at the right moments.

Use them to get your reader from one thought to the next without getting bored or lolled out.

The use of power words is simple so keep the application of them simple as well.

To write a stupendous amazing power creative enlightening sentence like this is a little over the top.

But if you simply just use one or two in a thoughtful enlightening way you’ll be better off.

Power words can be used to help readers feel the situation we are painting with words.

They can be used to help readers take action about what they read.

We want to entice our readers to read more. Use power words at pivotal moments to do just that and more.

We don’t have to use a massive amount of power words to get our point across and drive home the idea.

We just have to use the right words at the right moments that seal the deal and really make the occasion.

Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.

Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.

You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.

Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.

Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.

Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.

Use power words to take your reader’s attention.

Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.

Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.

Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.

Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.

Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.

Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.

When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.

In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.

In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.

Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.

Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

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creative writing ideas bravery

25 Creative Writing Prompts

by Melissa Donovan | Oct 23, 2018 | Creative Writing Prompts | 236 comments

creative writing prompts

Twenty-five creative writing prompts to inspire and motivate you.

Don’t you just hate writer’s block? Some say it’s a disease that only creative workers succumb to. Some say it’s a curse. Others argue that it doesn’t exist at all. But just about everyone has been there–sitting in front of a blank screen, fingers itching to create a masterpiece. And nothing happens.

For me, the most bizarre thing about writer’s block is that it strikes randomly. Most of the time, I’m overwhelmed with more ideas than I can possibly write about. But then I’ll sit down to write and my mind goes blank. Sure, I flip through my notebooks and review all the ideas I’ve stockpiled, but nothing feels right. I want something fresh. I need a new angle.

To help break through this block, I started turning to creative writing prompts. And then I started making up my own prompts. The result:  1200 Creative Writing Prompts ,  a book designed to spark ideas for writers.

Creative Writing Prompts

Today I’d like to share a mash-up of creative writing prompts, all of which come from  1200 Creative Writing Prompts . There are no rules. Write a poem. Write a short story. Write an essay. Aim for a hundred words or aim for a hundred thousand. Just start writing, and have fun.

  • The protagonist is digging in the garden and finds a fist-sized nugget of gold. There’s more where that came from in this hilarious story of sudden wealth.
  • Write a poem about something ugly—war, fear, hate, or cruelty—but try to find the beauty (silver lining) in it or something good that comes out of it.
  • An asteroid and a meteoroid collide near Earth, and fragments rain down onto the planet’s surface, wreaking havoc. Some of those fragments contain surprising elements: fossils that prove life exists elsewhere in the galaxy, for example.
  • The story starts when a kid comes out of the school bathroom with toilet paper dangling from his or her waistband. Does someone step forward and whisper a polite word, or do the other kids make fun? What happens in this pivotal moment will drive the story and have a deep impact on the main character.
  • Revisit your earliest memories of learning about faith, religion, or spirituality.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: bit, draw, flex, perilous, bubble, corner, rancid, pound, high, open.
  • Write a poem about a first romantic (dare I say sexual?) experience or encounter.
  • Write a personal essay describing an exotic animal you’d like to have as a pet.
  • Silvery flakes drifted downward, glittering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The blackbird soared.
  • Write a tongue-in-cheek, satirical tribute. Tell bad drivers, rude customers, and evil dictators how grateful you are for what they’ve done. Do it with a wink and a smile.
  • Write a story about a detective solving a crime that was committed against his or her partner or a crime that his or her partner committed.
  • Three children are sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says…
  • There is a magic talisman that allows its keeper to read minds. It falls into the hands of a young politician.
  • We’ve seen cute and cuddly dragons, mean and vicious dragons, and noble dragons. Write a story about a different kind of dragon.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: dash, hard, staple, billboard, part, circle, flattened.
  • Write a story set in the distant future when humanity is at a fork in the evolutionary road. Some humans are evolving; others are not.
  • The kids were raised on the mantra “Family is everything.” What happens when they find out their parents aren’t who they pretended to be? Will the family fall apart?
  • Write a poem about one (or both) of your parents. It could be a tribute poem, but it doesn’t have to be.
  • Turn ordinary animals into monsters that prey on humans: dog-sized rats, killer rabbits, or a pack of rabid mountain lions. Give the animals intelligence and set them loose.
  • A twinkling eye can mean many things. Write a poem about a twinkle in someone’s eye.
  • What determines an action or person as good or evil? Who gets to decide what or who is good or evil? Write a personal essay about it.
  • Write a poem about your body.
  • The protagonist is about to drift off to sleep only to be roused by the spontaneous memory of an embarrassing moment from his or her past.
  • Write about the happiest day of your life.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: feast, fire, modify, squash, robbed, forgotten, understated.

Now It’s Your Turn

Did any of these prompts inspire you? Do you ever use creative writing prompts to ignite a writing session? Tell us what gets your pen moving by leaving a comment, and keep writing!

To get more prompts like these, pick up a copy of  1200 Creative Writing Prompts   today.

Creative Writing Prompts



Melissa, Wow, there’s something about this list that feels like a lightbulb went off! There are times when I feel stuck, like ideas aren’t there. And this list really shines what can be…limitless possibilities!

26. If my life were a cartoon… 27. Pick two crayons at random. What thoughts/feelings do two color stir up in you?

Melissa Donovan

Ah, I love the feeling of a light bulb illuminating my mind! Thanks for adding to the list!


what about… That spark which seemed like a star, when it approached closer, my lips went white and body shivering despite the fact I knew I was placed in a desert – by them- and the sun shone directly above my head. Then at a distance of 1m probably, I got the sight of…

Steve Davis

Thanks for sharing these.

If you have children, visualize one of them running the house for a day.

That’s a good one. Kids running the house…how very Dr. Seuss! Cat in the Hat without the cat, hehee.

Positively Present

Ooh, great prompts! Thanks for sharing these!

Thanks! Glad you like them!


A day in the life of a doormat

The adventures of a shooting star

Making friends with my enemy

Ooh, interesting! Thanks, Fouzia.

Kevin Van Buerle

Hi Melissa,

Bought 3 of your books. 1. 101 Creative Writing Excercises 2.10 Core Practices For Better Writing and 3. 1,200 Creative Writing Prompts.

I decided to start with 1,200 Creative Writing Prompts.

So far, I have written 4 stories from the prompts. I guess I want to enquire as to whether I need to go through each prompt. Thank you

Wow, Kevin, thanks for getting three of my books. I truly appreciate that. You can use the prompts in any way that is comfortable for you. No, you do not have to go through each and every prompt. I encourage you to skip around, flip through book, and find prompts that inspire. I hope you have fun with it! Thanks again.


When I took my creative writing class in college the instructor gave us a really good one to use if we couldn’t think of what to write. She said to write the word Remember 3 times and that would prompt something. The entire class tried it and it worked and I have used it several times since then!

I like the use of remember . There are a lot of words that help people when they can’t think of anything to write about. Maybe I should do a list of single-word prompts. Hmm…


Wow. I was COMPLETELY stuck and this brought back a great story for me to write about, though only faintly attached to any memory of mine. Thanks!

That’s great, Camille! Good luck with your story!


I like to use the question “what would happen if …. ”

What would happen if your husband retired and your kid left home and you’re getting older? -> ” Always Faithful”

What would happen if a person moved back home to care for a relative after decades of living far away? -> “The Way Home”

What would happen if a person who has been divorced and alone for a long time suddenly met the most perfect mate imaginable … but it turns out the person may not be what she appears to be? -> “Baiting and Fishing”

In a way, I think “What Would Happen If…” is my novelist version of my favorite childhood game, “Let’s pretend that…..”

“What if” is the best creative writing prompt ever! You can apply it to just about any situation. Just look at any movie, book, or even real life and start asking, “What if things happened a little differently?” or “What if this person made a different decision?” Asking these questions can take your writing in all kinds of new and interesting directions! It’s great fun.


I love these. Here’s one:

“She was drifting off to sleep when there was a sharp knock at the door . . . “

Ooh, I like that one.


Fabulous list. I’ve been brainstorming all morning with no luck, and so I came online and VOILA, here you are. Loved the list, especially 22.

I’ve created several interesting works using my personal favourite “things to do on a rainy day”. I usually write from the perspective of a child, but rarely myself as a child. This one just opens up so many possibilities for make beleive!

Thanks, Melanie! Glad this list helped you in a time of need. My favorite “things to do on a rainy day” story is The Cat in the Hat . Of course, it’s a “day when mom’s away” rather than a “rainy day,” but it’s pretty much the same idea. Keep writing!


these are very great… i got this one off of True Jackson VP.. spin around and the first thing you see will give you an idea..

i just did this and i saw flowers…

i’m writing about “you are walking through a field with your best friend.. you spot a flower and pick it up.. it gives you super powers…

Ah, a flower that gives one super powers. I love that idea! You should definitely run with it!


I love True Jackson VP! Cool that you got an idea from it! 🙂


You’re suggestion really helped! Im doing imaginative writing for homework and I was so stuck but I’ve found the right one now!!

That’s awesome, Grace! Keep writing.


ooh those are cool… how about: He cradled her, taking in all of her burdens as he swept her hair back from her face and stroked her cheek in a gentle calming motion.

I do creative writing as an A level so it would be cool to know if this starter is ok! ty xoxo

Catherine, I think that’s a great starter line, especially for a romantic story or poem! My only suggestion would be the part “gentle calming motion.” There might be one too many adjectives there. If you keep both adjectives, be sure to add a comma after the first one: “gentle, calming motion.” Nice job!


A young man attempts to pull a robbery of some kind on an older man. Things go drastically wrong for the young man. Either viewpoint!

Either viewpoint, or both, could work!


what if the old man was a retired super spy and the young robber is homeless and broke. he tells this to the old man and the man trains him to be a good spy and lets the young robber live with him. then the old man gets the young robber a job as a spy and then they both find out that the retired spy is the young robbers father and the mother ran away while she was pregnant to go be with some rich guy but the rich guy killed the mother and the young robber has been living on the streets since he was 10.

Buttercup Smith

Heres a gorgeous one! Write a story in the POV of a flower being given from person 2 person.



Wow! These are great, thanks for putting these up. I’m 12 and I really want to be a novelist when I grow up. One of my favourites is: the empty glass. It’s a bit over-used but I think that it’s so versatile, it doesn’t matter if it’s popular because you can take it in so many different directions!

That’s great, Katie! You’re off to an early start. Just stay focused and passionate, and you’ll become a novelist if that’s what you truly want. Good luck to you!


Katie, It is never too young to start living your dreams. Don’t ever let anyone get you down. Keep on writing and believe in yourself that one day you will make it! Best of luck!

I couldn’t agree more, AJ!

I’m 11 and everyone thinks I am a good writer and I love to write so much!

That’s wonderful, Maria. Keep writing!


I’m 16 and i wrote a great alternate ending for an assignment in english, and i wrote a short christmas story on christmas eve, but now i just don’t know what to write about. i have ideas and i have been reading prompts that are good but i just don’t know.

Kristi, give the prompts a try. There are also lots of writing exercises that you can use to spark writing sessions when you’re feeling uninspired. The trick is to write something (anything) rather than sit around waiting for something to write about.


Hi! I am 14 and just wanted to do some creative writing, but could not think of anything to write about. Thank you so much for the ideas! I will definitely be using some.

You’re so welcome! Good luck with your writing!


I’m 14 and writing is my whole life. I recently started a blog with my friend, but she’s not a writer. She just inspires me with ideas and stuff. I love your site, Melissa. I check it almost every day. Your prompts and tips are so completely helpful! Thanks so much!

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.

Emily Mead

I’m fourteen, too, and writing is hard to juggle with school and everything else that’s going on. I know – such a teenager-y thing to say…but true nonetheless. I just wanted to say thank you for posting these prompts because they make for quick, satisfying writing that doesn’t end in frustration (at least, mostly). Thanks again!

Writing is hard to juggle at any age. It takes a lot of perseverance, but if you stick with it, you’ll succeed. Good luck to you, and keep on writing!


Im also fourteen and i love to write! i have won a national competition 2 years in a row and i never dreamed i would have won or anything but that just goes to show that youre never too young to write! Just keep believing in yourself and who knows where you might go!

I am thrilled when young people are so passionate about writing (or any craft, really). Congratulations on your success!

Ann Zimmerman

One good place to find good story prompts are the obituaries of a large newspaper. One true example: from the Arizona Republic years ago, an elderly gentleman got hit by a motorist one a late, rainy afternoon as he was crossing the street. He had been an immigrant from Norway, and had been a professor at ASU, and was retired and in his 80’s when he died. I have always imagined what his life had been, what he had experienced, etc.

Yes, newspapers are packed with story ideas!


Write a story from the perspective of a sock being separated from its twin in the laundry.

That would make a great children’s story.

salman hanif

a person went to the football stadium and was wearing manu shirt and came out with a barcalona shirt.why???

Well, I have no idea, but this certainly makes a good writing prompt!


I love these!! 😀 Here are a few I made: *Make up your own recipes for your favorite foods *Create your own list of idioms *Write stories of idioms literally happening *Write about something blue *What’s your idea of a perfect vacation? *List what you fear. pick a few and write how they came, why, and when you got the fear first *What would you say to an univited guest at your party *Draw a picture of the setting around you. Now look into your inner being. What do you truly feel? *Write from the point of view of a stack of paper waiting a few inches from the shredder *Her laugh broke the silence…

These are great! Thank you for adding them to the list.

By the way, I’m 11, love writing, and hope to publish fiction teen/children books one day

I wish you the best of luck! You have a head start, being such a young writer. Stick with it!


Lovarsnari,that’s kinda funny because l think the same thing! 🙂 My prob is that l start writing with great ideas,get stuck, and then start a new story/play….


same except that I’m 13 and mix my writing with my guitar playing and music


Well when i get stuck I like to think: What would I do if I were to die in a week? Once I picked everything and it turned quite an interesting story…

That’s a good one!


Hey I’m 14 years old and I love writing but I get writers block often and this really helped me. I love reading the ideas and other people’s ideas they are just very interesting. Number 19 seemed the most interesting to me and I’m almost done with my story. 🙂 thanks so much

Thanks, Violet. I often find that prompts and exercises can be used in different ways. You don’t always have to do the actual exercise. Sometimes, just reading through a book of exercises will generate ideas for a project I’m working on or help me understand a writing concept in a new way. Good luck with your story!


Hi Melissa 🙂 Last year i won junior writer of the year ( I’m 13) and I am entering this year as well and in the process of creating my first draft. I love your site and its wonderful, all-inclusive feel. So, here are my ideas for your list.

26. Post-War oppression & depression ( this was my winning topic last year – i wrote it from the perspective of a scarred war veterans’ emotionally abused child) I also commend you in your point concerning finding hope and light in darkness ( war, death, etc.) and i am going to write about that! Possibly with an Amish girl as the protagonist? thank you again for inspiring me. I also hope to be a great writer some day. Bee

Congratulations, Bee, and thanks for adding to these prompts. I wish you the best of luck in becoming a great writer. You are certainly well on your way!


POV of a toy sitting on a shelf in a toy store, hoping to be purchased.

your pet starts talking to you in perfect english and tells you what he/she really thinks of you…. what does he/she say?

Ha! That could be enlightening indeed!

I actually saw an animated short based on that premise (or something similar to it) and found it quite compelling. A great idea!

Nick Danger

My contribution:

“When I look in the mirror, I don’t see what everyone else sees. What I see is…”

Nice! Thanks for adding this prompt, Nick.


My college English teacher gave my class this prompt. First Line: John closed his eyes. Last Line: It was a good day for the yellow crocuses. Anything in between. I easily made five pages with that prompt. Have fun guys.

Thanks for sharing that prompt, Jessy. It’s a good one.

Jalen Kinmon

Im a 17 year old living in the most secluded area of Kentucky, unfortunately. lol My dream is to pursue a career in filmmaking, my goal is to help people who are confused or unsure about life and what they want to do with their oppourtunity of life. I want people to think and find happiness in their lives by doing something they love. My idea of doing this came from being in a depressed state from the past few years as a teen and felt strong enough to overcome it without professional help which is progressing for the good. I found setting goals is a great strategy to stay focused and optimistic about life. I appreciate your time for reading this and if there is any advice you could influence me with id appreciate that as well. Thanks

It’s wonderful that you have set your sights on a clear career path at such a young age. Filmmaking is awesome! I sometimes wish I had taken up an interest in film or photography. The best advice I can offer is to never give up, stay focused, and pursue your goals with heart and soul. I would also advise studying film at college, if you can. The film industry is notoriously networked and you’ll benefit greatly by making friends and acquaintances who share your interest. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for taking the time to reply, it’s very much appreciated and yes im going to film school out in LA next year.

Hi! I am 13 and have been writing since I was 7 or younger, and I am in love with writing. I am a very dedicated author and I have finished books in the past (about 11 or 12) but now I can’t seem to get into any longer stories! I write more short stories now, but it’s not satisfying anymore…and then, when I come up with a new idea, it’s useless, and my brain gets all cluttered! Help!

It sounds like you’re having trouble staying focused. The first (and most important) thing that can help with that is to stay healthy: eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. You may also need to break up your writing with other activities. Make sure you read regularly! For the time being, maybe you need to write short stories. I’m not sure you need to fight it.

thank you for the advice! 🙂

You are most welcome!


Hello 🙂 I am 17 and doing my HSC this year. I am attempting (unsuccessfully) to write a creative writing piece as practice for my exams, and thank you so much for these, they’re really helpful 🙂 I am not a writer (and never will be), but these have given me some great ideas that I can hopefully use to increase my writing skills for my exams. So thank you very much 🙂

You are very welcome, Emily, and best of luck on your exams.


I’ve found that this list, and peoples comments/ideas have been quite inspiring. I’m 21 and haven’t been in school for a few years and I have that desire to write, but never knew how to get started. I thank you all for these wonderful ideas and I’m hoping that writing will be a good outlet for me and my struggle with depression.

So really I’m just thanking you all 🙂

You’re welcome, Nicole, and thank you for joining in the discussion. Writing is a great way to work through emotions; I wish you the best of luck!


These are great!!!! My favourite starter would definetly have to be: “Sometimes a girl just has to run. Sometimes our feet take over. This was one of those times”

I think it holds a lot of suspense but it could also be happy and bright, like a sports day or carnival. Thanks for adding these, I am going to try to write a story for each one.

I’m not sure where that starter comes from, but it sounds good to me.

Yarrow Stronski

Hi! Thanks so much for these prompts. I especially like number two, because I feel like a little bit of positive thinking can go a long way. 🙂

I have a question, too, if you don’t mind.

What is your opinion on fanfictions? I know some creative writers don’t like them and feel they corrupt a series, while others think it’s a great creative exercise.

Thanks so much!

I think fan fiction is a great way for young and new writers to explore the craft. Some copyright holders are extremely strict about allowing fan fiction to be published. Others will actually develop and publish collections of fan fiction. There are also franchises in which fan fiction is encouraged. One of my all-time favorite writers, TV and film writer Damon Lindelof, said in a recent interview that he started out writing fan fiction. Now he’s writing for Ridley Scott and working on the Star Trek films as a fan-fic professional! It’s definitely an avenue worth pursuing if it interests you.


I’m fifteen and I want to write a book before the end of highschool. The problem is I can’t finish what I’ve started. I always find a “better” idea and write about that and the cycle begins again. Please help me!!!

The only way to finish what you’ve started is to simply finish it. When “better” ideas present themselves, make a note and file those ideas away for a future project. Part of being a writer involves developing self-discipline. I recommend setting up a reward system. For example, you have to work on the novel for 20 minutes before you can call or text your friends after school. Or you have to finish a scene before you go out to see a movie. These are self-imposed rewards, so you have to discipline yourself. Nobody else can do it for you.

You might also look into participating in NaNoWriMo. The timing is great because it starts in just a few weeks. That means you’ll have some time to prepare and check it out. Then you can write your novel in November, leaving plenty of time afterwards for you to clean it up (edit, proof, polish).

Finally, if you’re truly committed to writing, start looking at schools with good creative writing programs and plan to study at college. University instructors are quite helpful in teaching students self-discipline and good writing habits and practices.

Best of luck to you, Art!


Hi! Your prompts and the comments have really helped me! I can’t wait to start some stories from them:) Here are a couple that I’ve come up with: The Bell sounded. Workers froze in their places… Kay frowned as she opened her school locker after school. Down the hall, Alexis and Christine exchanged grins…

That’s great, Alyssa. Keep up the good work!


These are fantastic! I’m also 21 and have been out of school for awhile. I used to write all the time when I was in school but not so much these days. These ideas are really going to help once I get started writing again. I’m attempting to set a goal for myself. An hour a day, just writing whatever I want. Just to get me back in the habit.

Thank you so much!!!

One prompt my creative writing teacher in high school gave the class was “It was a smile that darkness could kill…”

That’s wonderful! An hour a day is enough to produce quite a bit of writing. I wish you the best of luck, Ashlee!

Melanie Jones

Obviously it is now 2011 haha, but these are great!! I have wanted to write a novel for quite some time but I can’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. So I set out on a quest across the World Wide Web and I am finding some amazing ideas!! Thank you so much for this website I look forward to writing now instead of despairing of that dreaded cursor blinking me to oblivion!!

I hope your quest for inspiration is fruitful! And keep writing!


I’ve just been inspired to start a personal blog full of my own creative writing, with the assistance of some of these wonderful writing prompts (both yours, and the ones left in the comment section). Thank you, thank you, thank you.

That’s wonderful! Blogs have been a boon for writers, and I think more writers should take advantage of the technology. I wish you the best of luck with your blog, Emily.


Hi, I’m 17. I started creative writing when I was about 10 or 11. I found myself writing more and more when I was troubled a few years back, so it was good stress relief for me. But now that I’m busy with college, I realize that I haven’t been writing as much as I used to. I reread some of my old work and I thought “Hey, why not? I’ll give it a try for old times’ sake.”

I was a bit confused with where to start off, but these prompts really got my creative juices flowing. After I post this comment, I think I’ll try one or two of them and see how far it takes me. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

I’m so glad that these prompts inspired you, Christi. I think many writers go through phases when they drift away from the craft, but when you’re called back to it, that might be a sign. Follow it and keep writing!


In my junior year of high school, we were given a creative writing assignment to expand on this sentence:

“A person walked into the room, looked around, sat down, and ate.”

That’s a great prompt. It would certainly be interesting to see what a whole classroom of people come up with. I imagine each piece of writing would be quite different from the others, even though they are all based on the same premise. Thanks for sharing it, Alli.


Here’s a prompt! Prop open the door. I can actually see my breathe tonight. But that doesnt mean im breathing.

Ooh, sounds like a zombie, robot, or vampire story.


These writing ideas helped a lot thank you. I really want to go to a creative writing school when I get older. One idea which I just came up with is Write from the perspective of your fish.( does each fish have there own personality, how does each fish react to the different members of the house, what is it like to be a fish) 😛 I hope you like I write often mostly stories with a more poetic base, but once in a while i will feel in the mood to write some thing different. Oh also try continuing after this sentence. Its eyes gleamed pitch black death, creeping into imaginary, azure skies. now continue it :3

Thanks for sharing your prompt, Samantha, and good luck to you!


For school, I have to enter a creative writing competition. I have two days and i was really panicking but then i found this website! It really helped! Thankyou Writing Forward!!

Hannah, I’m so glad you found help and inspiration here. Thank you!


Lately I’ve been trying to write a lot like Sarah Dessen! Were doing stories in class and I’m doin one about a girl who runs away, it starts out “I’m on the run! I don’t know where I’m going or where I’ll end up, but I’m not turning back!” 🙂 Do you like it?

I do like your opening line. It certainly grabs the reader’s attention and rouses curiosity. Nice job.


Thank you so much!!!! This got me over my terrible case of writer’s block. But now my muse is back!

Wow, thanks, Maria. That’s awesome!


I just want to say that this list of prompts has inspired me to take on a challenge of using one every day up until xmas on my blog… or at least until the end of the month!

Thanks for the great list 🙂

That’s awesome, Julz. Good luck with your December writing!


I haven’t tried it yet, but I think a fun way to mix these up even more would be to choose one of these, then draw the name of an author out of a hat, then write that prompt in the style of that author. That would really stretch your creativity.

That’s an excellent exercise and would definitely be challenging. You’d have to be deeply familiar with the author’s voice.


I have found these prompts really helpful for the English lessons that I teach.

Many thanks.

That’s great, Cass. I love the idea of these prompts helping students with reading and writing.

sumaira jehanzeb

i have learnt English as a second language…writing is my passion…this page is REALLY inspiring!thanks for evoking our creative faculties… i want to suggest some topics and the list goes as: 1The beast in me 2Daily journal of a pair of shoes which is in the process of its making 3What the world be if gender roles get changed 4What if i were in the shoes of my English teacher 5How things at the high school are going to be if the concept of beauty gets altered altogether 6It is said that writing is all about pouring your mind on a piece of paper but what it your pen literally starts articulating your thoughts and you end up writing EVERRRRYTHING(What consequences are you going to face)

Thanks for adding your ideas to these prompts!


I haven’t tried the prompts yet but I have always wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. However ever since graduating and entering the real world I find my muse being choked to death by the responsibility at home. I’ve had to give up my dream of writing for the past two years. I tried taking it up again and was drawing a huge blank, but just by reading a few of these prompts I’ve felt my muse start to breathe. Thank you!

Hi Rochelle. I remember graduating and entering the real world, and I had a similar experience. All of a sudden I just didn’t have the time or inspiration. It took a while, but I adjusted and my creativity returned. I’m so glad you found these prompts helpful!


I found like 5 great writing prompts thank u so much

You are so welcome!


you thought dragoons unicorns and monsters didnt exist? think again! write story of your pet unicorn

That’s a cute idea!


Thank you for these, I am a writer waiting to hear if a publisher is going to publish my novel. Waiting is so hard and my mind has gone blank. These help to stir the jucies again. I’m hand writing them in a note book and taking them with me when I’m out, to write on the go. When I have to wait for a kid to get to the car I can write and not have to figure out how to start a story. So thank you. so much.

That’s awesome. What is it about being in a car or shower that makes us more creative? I always get ideas in those two locations!


thanks sooo much! those were super helfull! you have the most helpfull website ive found! and i’m a picky writer! THANKYOU!!!

Thanks, Anna.


here are some more ideas: you inherit 1 million dollars your backpack grows wings on the way to school a zombie invasion stikes your small/big town a kidnapper captures you … hope these help 🙂

Thanks, Ebony!

Molly Sue

Hey! These prompts really helped and I can’t wait to use some 🙂 I have started with the one about twinklling eyes and turned it into a story about creatures similar to werewolves XD

Sounds interesting, Molly! Good luck with your story, and keep writing!


My English teacher says she doesn’t believe in writer’s block. I on the other hand am not so sure. Sometimes I sit in the afternoon and stare out the window, unable to come up with anything good but I find that ideas flow like crazy at two in the morning with a cup of coffee in my left hand. That’s always my best remedy, though writing prompts like these always help me get going. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Some prompts:

10 things I hate about… What’s the recipe for those wonderful _______ muffins you baked last night? (Try filling that blank with ‘unicorn’.)

I believe in writer’s block, but I think that it’s presented as being unable to write whereas usually it’s just a case of needing to work a little harder at writing. Sometimes, we need to stop procrastinating, stop trying to force our ideas, or we just need to allow ourselves to write badly for a while. I believe there are ideas everywhere; the trick is to keep ourselves open to them and be willing to explore them. Having said all that, writer’s block still sucks. I’m like you, Maluly, the ideas flow like crazy at two in the morning (no coffee required!).


i dont believe in writiers block.. i think its more like an exuse to hide what we really want to write or say. Like sometimes peoploe wonder if it will be good enough so they put it off or they dont want people who read it to know something.. its all about the way you look at it i guess. Write what you feel. Write whatever you want. I love writing but i find myself wondering will this be good enough? What would someone think if they read it? Maybe thats just me. no self esteem… but, low selfesteem is what keeps creativity hidden…. my advice.. to everyone is to just go for it. if its not good try again you’ll get better(:

I agree: just go for it.


Thanks for these! I definitely believe in writer’s block!! In fact, I am just emerging from what I like to call writer’s ‘droubt’, since it lasted at least a year. But I don’t think you need to be blocked to use prompts. They are great exercises and get you to try new ways of writing. And sometimes, when I get burned out with the story I’m currently writing, it helps to focus on something completely different for a while, and you can come back to it with fresh eyes. Here are some prompts that I came up with and they helped me out: 1) ‘It all started with the cat…’ 2) ‘Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned to look, found nothing there? You dismiss it as an illusion, a trick of the light. You’re wrong…’ 3) Write something from the perspective of a ghost. 4) Write something using the five senses EXCEPT sight (hearing, smell, touch, taste) 5) Instead of using first or third person, write with second person point-of-view (in other words, use ‘you’ instead of ‘he/she’ or ‘I’. Or try writing in present or even future tense, instead of past tense.

Oh yeah, and one more: 6) Write something from the perspective of the BAD guy, instead of the hero

I love when stories do this! Thanks for adding it, CJM.

These are excellent prompts, especially well suited for speculative fiction writers. My favorite is the prompt about seeing something out of the corner of your eye (that happens to me sometimes!). Thanks for adding these.

Lily Duval

Here’s one for those of you who have pets What do your pets do when you and other inhabitants of your house are not at home?

Ooh, that’s a good one, Lily. That could be great for a children’s story!


Thank you SO much for these exciting writing prompts! They really inspire me. I have one idea for a prompt: Write about a conversation that you would have if were stuck in an elevator with a celebrity or famous book character.

You’re welcome, Arieda. I love your elevator prompt! You could also do it with characters from your novel as a test to see how each would behave in an elevator with a celebrity. That could tell you a lot about your characters. Good one!


Lovely ideas, both of these! Arieda, that prompt gave me a short story idea, one that I’m pretty excited about, and I’m definitely going to have to do that with all my characters now, Melissa. 🙂 I thought up another twist on this prompt that intrigues me: Your characters get stuck in an elevator with you, their author. How do they react when they discover who you are and that you control their destinies? What sort of conversations would you have? Would you like interacting with your character? Would your character like you?

Hannah, I love your prompt idea. What a fun writing exercise: The Character Meets the Author. That’s quite brilliant!


Thank you so much for these, I’m trying to write a book…and I’ve been at a stand still lately, so this will help me more than ever.

You’re welcome, Alexis. I’m glad you found these prompts helpful.


Hi Ms. Donovan! thank you so much for the writing prompts! i’ve been using them for all my english creative writing assignments. it’s been my dream to be a writer since i was little. although i find it hard to write mysteries. ironically it’s my favorite genre to read though. any advice on how to get started on a good mystery?

I myself haven’t written mysteries, although I have read a few. My suggestion would be to read as many mysteries as you can, and watch mystery films and television shows, so you thoroughly know your genre (you should still read other stuff too!). Study the greats and ideas will come to you!


Wow i have writers block i have my charecter but i dont know what the problem is…… help any good title ideas?

When I’m stuck and can’t come up with a character or a title, I just skip it. The important thing is to keep writing. You can always come back later and add names and titles. Here’s how I do it:

GIRL said that there was no way out but OLD LADY knew otherwise…

I use all caps for characters who don’t have names yet. Many writers use a “working title” as they are developing their project. A working title can be anything. It’s just temporary.

You’ll find that as you work on your project (and if you work around these little setbacks), ideas will come to you. Good luck!


Awesome post:) Thanks so much, really helped! have a great day! Peace-Jeff

Thanks, Jeff!


A prompt could be : She started to fall over and _________( fill in the blank) picked her up.

or : The alien gaze stared from above the fence , and I blushed in embarrassment.

100 words about your favorite animal

a short story about a difficult topic like : war , famine , bullying .etc

a poem about the weather

Hi Melody! Thanks for adding your prompts to this ever-growing list!


Your prompts are definitely creative and helpful, but what I’m most impressed with is how you respond so positively and encouragingly to everyone who replied to this. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement or approval from even a complete stranger to shift a young writers thought from maybe being able to do something to just doing it. I haven’t written in months, and are still my having any real luck, but I know I will write again someday, and I just thought it should be mentioned that you are a good person for encouraging others to do what they love. Best of luck to you…

Thank you so much, Shannon. Your words mean a lot to me. I try to be an advocate for writers and encourage young and new writers to explore their ideas and find their voices. I believe the world would be a better place if we all followed our passions, and more importantly, encouraged others to do so as well.

Conner R.


The little girl cries with a lie on her lips The girl can’t remember her name The little boy’s laugh rings with hollow self-doubt The little girl feels just the same A little dog lost in the thick of the woods A little man sick with dismay A little boy born in the arms of the girl A little life born from a day A little death born from an ignorant choice A little boy crying away And a little God laughs at the sight of it all For this little herd has not a say

Thanks for sharing your poem with us, Conner. Keep writing!

Dido Lawrence

It’s the first time that i’m gonna be doing an inter-school creative writing competition, and i found these prompts really helpful! Thanks a billion!

You’re welcome!

Jenny Hutcherson

Really like the prompts! It was really helpful! My brother and I are always gonna use this website! I <3 it!

Thanks! I’m glad you like it here 🙂


Thanks Melissa for the writing prompts. I asked my students to develop their writing skill through these useful prompts. By the way, I have published my first fiction ‘Faith No More’. I’d be extremely glad if you could manage to read any of it and provide me with feedback.

Hi Afshin. Thanks for sharing these prompts with your students. Requests for feedback should be sent via email (you can use the “Contact” link at the top of this site).


i have been major struggling with writing my second book and when i found these i just opened up my mind more and i decided not to write a second book it was just fine without one and now i can be on a whole other spectrum thanks so much these has inspired me a lot i put a few of em together to get ideas 🙂 well done 🙂 highly appreciated

That’s awesome. Thanks for letting me know that these prompts helped you. Good luck with your writing projects!

Mack Jordan

I just got a typewriter at a great market the other day so I came looking for something to help me have fun and get inspired while I was using it. Thanks for the help! I ended up writing a thing about an embarrassing moment that helped me learn how to not sweat it when embarrassing moments happen. This particular one had to do with toilet paper… haha. Cheers!

Embarrassing moments always make for good storytelling. Enjoy your new typewriter!


I’ve been really into playwriting lately, but I’ve been stuck with writers block for the longest time. A couple of these prompts really caught my attention and I’ve already got so many new ideas, I don’t know where to begin! 🙂

That’s awesome. I’m glad you found this piece so helpful.


I have had writers block for months now. This site has helped me so much!

I’m thrilled to hear that! Keep writing!


My favorite way to start up a story is to listen to a song and think about the story of it. Sometimes I use the first part of the song as the first sentence of my story. I hope this helps.

That’s an awesome idea! I love music-literature crossovers.


Hi thank you so much for these ideas i have chosen an idea and i have a perfect picture of my idea . Thank you again and as you will see on all of your comments you have helped a lot of children or adults from this website . Thank you !

You’re welcome! Thanks for commenting.

Mera Sampson

Great prompts.

I shared #9 with my page for a fun writing exercise about an hour ago. Great response! 🙂

Thanks for sharing one of these prompts with your readers. I hope they have fun with it.

Liana C.

Thanks for the prompts! Reading other people’s ideas always makes me feel more hopeful about initiating my own. I have struggled to put my thoughts down on paper for as long as I can remember- there just seems to be a disconnect between the disorganized chaos of possibilities in my head and that little spot where the ink meets the paper. BUT- I wanted to offer an idea that has often provided many interesting and fun possibilities to me- Think of a time of day ( 7 pm, the sun setting, the day cooling off, night creatures beginning to stir), or a month ( August, the air laden with heat and damp, everything deep and green and vibrant), and then try to think of all the qualities that accompany that period of time ( do most people seem happy then? is it a relaxing time? a tense time? does the weather make life easier or harder?). Once you’ve collected as many descriptions and feelings about this time as you can, then begin to build a world where it is ALWAYS that time- how do people’s lives change? 🙂

Ooh, that’s a great exercise. I wasn’t expecting the twist at all! Love it.


This is awesme. i like these. i like writing prompts, and this is a very helpful website

Thanks! I’m glad you liked these prompts.


omg wow, this helped me so much, thankyou so much!! i love my writing and this just helped me ten fold. xxx

You’re welcome. I’m glad you found it helpful.


I’ve been writing since i was eight, [approximately (obviously – i haven’t been counting!)] but I started to loose it… flame was REIGNITED by my best friend. but despite the burning, I have never actually completed a story. It knaws at me all the time! I’m currently writing a revolutionary/Sci-fi, which is odd for me, I’m more into writing realist novels… but your prompts gave me such a PERFECT plot twist that I had to comment on it! this will give me motivation for at least a few weeks… (meanwhile dancing up and down with sheer joy and attracting VERY weird looks.) Though it IS kind of weird, because non of the prompts have anything to do with it… My, how strangely the mind works…

Yes, the mind works in mysterious ways. I’m glad one of these prompts inspired you. Best of luck with your story (I love sci-fi).


This website is a life saver. My brain just froze and I was trying to do a creative writing story, and my life and my school / collage life depended on it. Thanks to one of your prompts, it won my school a pride. Thanks a lot. 🙂 bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoops I meant prize

That’s awesome, Tierrney! Congrats on winning a prize. Keep writing!


wow great writing promts, ive already decided on the start of my story but I cant think of anything that can happen. I want something to happen. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try throwing some conflict at your main character. Good luck to you!


Wow!! I tried prompt number one just for fun one day, I have not exercised my creative mind in a long time, and I want to thank you for offering these prompts. I really surprised myself at the poem I wrote. It probably wouldnt go over to well with the grammar police because I used old english and standard english.. but the content just really surprised me. I was like, “where did that come from”? Thank you so much!!!! Blessings and Thanks to you for your website!

Thanks for your kind words, Kathleen. I’m so glad you found inspiration here!

kamra schultz

thank you so much i found 3 ideas for a school project i am working on this is going to be one of my most big acomplishments!

You’re welcome! Good luck with your project.

kristina bundhi booduz

i love this website because it helped me get an A on my project!!! i am soo thankfull to WRITING FORWARD!!! thank you sooo much and i am sooo confident that i will be sure to use this website again….thanX a million luv WRIGHTING FORWARD~~kbb

You’re welcome. Congratulations on getting such a good grade!

Khaled Syfullah

Writing comes from the mind and obviously the ideas comes from our real life….The story of mystery novels always comes from the fear we have in our minds and it can come from everything… I can remember the things…when I wrote my first poem ‘Rain’…it was raining in cats and dogs outside…..

I think writing comes from many places. I try not to over-analyze it, but it is interesting to examine our ideas and try to figure out where they came from.

Shreya Jain

I really like your ideas but I had some of my own that I think you could add to your list. You could add things like:

You’re outside cutting your grass when you come across a large hole in the ground. You’ve never noticed the hole before, but it looks to be some sort of tunnel to another world. You decide to peek through and see where it leads, only it leads you to a pivotal moment in your past—and it’s giving you an opportunity to change it. Write this scene.

A toy, stuffed animal, or game that once meant a lot to me

Why I deserve a larger allowance

The book that got me hooked on reading

This really bugs me.

One thing I want to do by the time I finish 8th grade

I would like to have lived during this time in history.

Thanks for adding these writing prompts, Shreya.


Start your story with: Jessica had no choice. She closed her eyes and jumped.

You might be surprised.

Ah, that’s an interesting prompt.


Here one possibly

What if you woke up one day with no memories in a strange world where nobody was who they said they were?


Wow! I really like this list of prompts! I’ve been looking for inspiration to write a short story and I especially liked the one about dragons! “We’ve all seen cute and cuddly dragons, mean and vicious dragons, and noble dragons write about a different dragon”

Thanks, Meredith! I’m glad you liked these writing prompts.

Lindsey Russell

Anyone considered using visual (photos/paintings) prompts?

A scenic view, a city view, a beach, a hill, a house, a village, a car, a train, a plane, a boat, a castle, a body?

Yes, I’ve used visual prompts, and I’ve included them in my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts . The image prompts are described (rather than using images), but they’re a lot of fun.


Hi I’m Hallie I’m 13 years old and I love writing. Just for some reason I can never think of things to write about. I really like fantasy. I look online for writing prompt ideas and I find a lot of good ones but none of them really click. I really want to write something but I don’t know what. What should I do?

Hi Hallie. Thanks for visiting Writing Forward. What you’re experiencing is fairly common among writers. I have experienced it many times — when I want to write but I don’t know what to write and nothing clicks, I will look through prompts and my old notes, and I just don’t get fired up about anything.

I’ve found that in moments like these, the best thing to do is just write anyway. We can’t feel inspired and fired up all the time. And often, when I force myself to just follow some prompt or writing exercise, even when I don’t really feel like it, I start to get into it and eventually, something clicks.

There will be many times when writing is fun or even thrilling. But I’ve found that the people who stick with writing are those who write even when they’re not especially inspired. Sometimes it’s work. Stick with it, and you’ll experience all these highs and lows. Every single one of them is worth it.


Wow! I really like the diversity of your prompts, Mellisa. I’ve been writing a collection of short stories of my childhood experience of the Biafran War in Nigeria and struggled with some troubling memories but you’ve reminded me that I could just write everything as it comes to me and revise later. Also, I love your children stories prompts.

Thank you, Edit. That makes my day. I’m always glad when people find the articles here at Writing Forward useful. Good luck with your stories. That sounds like an important project.


is it weird that when i saw the one on dragons the first thought to my mind is ‘ i counld do one on a gay dragon, right?’ and then when i saw number 4 ( for all the twilight fans, just a heads up), i thought of jasper hale- i’m not calling him ugly- but i saw the fear part and thought to myself how he fears hurting someone/ losing control.

Is it weird? I don’t think it’s weird. The point of the prompts is to engage your imagination, so it seems like they are working, which is great.


I absolutely love these! I have been writing since I was able to talk. I told my dad exactly what to write down on little pieces of paper. Now that I’m fourteen, I was sure I wrote every idea imaginable. But these really gave me a fresh perspective, and for that, I am so grateful! It also inspired me to come up with a prompt of my own: She sprinted through the trees, quickly twisting around thick trunks as she dodged the sheriff’s arrows. Her stomach ached from the laughs that shook her entire body. Foolish sheriff. He thought he could catch a pirate?

I’m glad you enjoyed these writing prompts. Your prompt is awesome. Keep writing! It will take you places that only you can imagine.

Nora Zakhar

I loved these prompts. I had my friends pick a number between 1 and 25 to chose which on to do. I think they improved my writing skills. Thank you!

I’m glad you enjoyed these prompts, Nora. Thanks for your comment.

Sam Hayes

I am a 13 year old and I love to write. I have a best friend and she always wants to see my writing, but I didn’t want her to see it because I didn’t think it was very good. She insisted on seeing it, and when I showed her the first chapter in a story I was writing just for myself, she thought it was brilliant. She then disguised it as an excerpt from an e-book app and showed it to our English teacher. My friend pretended that it was a real, published book by an actual author and asked for the teacher’s opinion. The teacher loved it and asked for the name of the book. When she discovered it was written by her own pupil, she was shocked and said i should send it to a publisher. Now I am confused. I didn’t think my writing was very good. What should I do now?

Hi Sam. I was your age when I started writing.

There are a few things you might want to do. First, continue working on your book until it’s finished. This will be hard. You will probably lose interest at some point. You’ll get stuck and feel unsure where to take the story. You’ll have other ideas that seem better, and you’ll be tempted to set this story aside. Don’t be deterred. Stick with it.

Do your parents know about your interest in writing? At 13, you would need their involvement in any publishing or submissions that you might want to do. You can also try talking to your teacher. Don’t be shy about this. It’s the job of teachers to guide their students. But keep in mind, not all English teachers are knowledgeable about the publishing industry. See if she can offer some guidance. You might be able to find literary magazine for kids your age and submit your writing so you can start getting some practice in the publishing world.

Beyond that, make sure you read a lot and write as much you can. If you love writing, it’s something that will always be with you. As you get older, you’ll be able to carve out the path you want, whether that’s to make writing a career or continue enjoying it as a hobby.

Best of luck to you!

Kaiya Lakhani

I am 10 and I have written a few short stories of my own, and I really enjoy creative writing. I was very pleased when I found this website, now I won’t be struggling to think about what to write.

That’s wonderful, Kaiya. We love having young writers around here. Thanks so much!


I’m 12 and I also really like writing. I have always been trying to write short stories since I was six (I started with mostly seven page picture books). Finding how to start a story has always been pretty hard, but these prompts have really helped! I definitely have to explore some more of these prompts. There are so many! Thank you!!

Wow, Naomi, that’s wonderful. I was just a little older than you (13) when I started writing (poetry for me). You have a long and wonderful journey ahead of you, and I hope you enjoy all of it! You’re welcome for these prompts. I’m so glad you found them helpful.

Britany Garden

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post with us.


the one that has the tailsman remids me of “Wings of Fire” because one of the dragons named darkstalker put is animus magic on a scroll and called it his tailsman and he can read minds so it really reminded me of that book

I haven’t read Wings of Fire but it sounds interesting!

oh and it fell into the wrong hands or really talons but ya i just wanted to share that information thank you for this i really got some good ideas like the detective one


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  • Apr 13, 2020

Writing Prompts for Perseverance and Resilience

creative writing ideas bravery

Journaling and creative writing are self care heroes that can help you manage anxiety and depression, improve self esteem, and create a deeper intimacy with yourself. With so much change and uncertainty marking our lives during the COVID-19 outbreak, it is especially important to find the time to tend to your mental health.

To help you get started, we have gathered a smattering of creative writing prompts to help foster resilience, identify strengths, and honor losses during the mandatory lockdown and spread of Coronavirus. Write to them all, or pick the one that speaks to you most:

What is your family heritage of sacrifice for the greater good ? Maybe your great grandparents gave up everything to come to America. Maybe your grandparents lived through World War II, or your parents big made sacrifices for your education. Write about your family’s shared experience of hardship and perseverance during difficult times. What are the traits you share that allow you to overcome and thrive?

Make a list or write a narrative about your partner’s best qualities . What initially drew you to them? What do love most about them? What are the big and small ways that they help you? This is an especially helpful prompt if you're experiencing extra conflict with your partner while being cooped up together in quarantine.

Write letters or emails to friends about your daily life, and your experience during the Coronovirus shutdown . Sometimes it’s nice to have a break from video chatting and bring back the old school tradition of pen pals!

Make a list or write a narrative about your personal strengths. What are the qualities you possess that help you manage change and challenges?

Write a list or a narrative about the things that bring you true pleasure . From that list, identify what pleasures you can still access during social distancing and stay at home orders. Read more about why pleasure is so important during this time . 

When we are stripped of many of our daily activities, we have a unique opportunity to consider what we truly care about. Write about your deepest, core values . What qualities, people, activities, and goals are most important to you? Are you living your day to day life based on your value system?

Identify ways that you feel less supported or connected during the COVID-19 era. Many of us are experiencing less support and connection than we used to. Why do you think support from your co-workers and/or loved ones has changed? Has the way that you offer support change? Can you find missing support or connection in a different way?

With many of our daily activities and objects out of reach for now, we are learning a lot about what is a necessity and what we can live without. In your life, what are true necessities ? What are the absolute basics you need to live? What do you now consider a luxury, that you used to consider a daily staple?

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Showing 2229 prompts

Reap what you sow, center your story around a character’s attempt to escape a bad situation that inadvertently leads them back to the source of their problems..

LIVE – Short Story

Start a story with someone receiving a message from their past self, warning them of the consequences of their actions.

A character’s life of deceit unravels as their past catches up with their present. what are the consequences, write a story about someone seeking forgiveness for their past actions., your character gets everything they ever wanted — only to realize the true cost., your character wants something very badly — will they get it, write a story set against the backdrop of a storm., there’s been an accident — what happens next, your character overhears something that changes their path., write a story with two characters who meet for the first time — and one of them has a secret., write about someone who summons the creative muse through a convoluted ritual or method., your protagonist has the perfect day scheduled — but things don’t go according to plan., write from the pov of a character in a story who keeps getting re-written by their second-guessing author., your protagonist discovers that everything they type comes true. what happens next, start your story with someone who wants to give up on their career right before their big break., follow a group of strangers touring a city on some kind of vehicle — a bus, a duck tour boat, a party bike… anything that transports passengers, write about someone who’s traveling away from their hometown for the first time., write about someone’s journey to retrieve an important object that’s been out of their possession for a long time., set your story in an airport where all flights have been canceled and all the passengers and crew members are stranded., write about someone who’s traveling to a place they’ve never been to meet someone they’ve never met., win $250 in our short story competition 🏆.

We'll send you 5 prompts each week. Respond with your short story and you could win $250!

Contest #268 LIVE

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This week's theme: Reap What You Sow

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#267 – Overcoming Obstacles with Writers Ink

#266 – The Write Stuff

#265 – Bon Voyage with Aja Pollock

#264 – Save the Date

Recent winners 🏆

Derrick M Domican – read

Victor David – read

Lonnie Russo – read

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Leaderboard 🥇

#1 Zilla Babbitt

32412 points

#2 Deidra Whitt Lovegren

28772 points

#3 Abigail Airuedomwinya

22433 points

#4 Graham Kinross

14740 points

#5 Scout Tahoe

13200 points

#6 Chris Campbell

11782 points

#7 Thom With An H

10709 points

#8 Rayhan Hidayat

10221 points

#9 Michał Przywara

9972 points

#10 Story Time

9761 points

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Fluff Writing Prompts ⭢

Funny Writing Prompts ⭢

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Thanksgiving Writing Prompts ⭢

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  • Writing Prompts

150+ Story Starters: Creative Sentences To Start A Story

The most important thing about writing is finding a good idea . You have to have a great idea to write a story. You have to be able to see the whole picture before you can start to write it. Sometimes, you might need help with that. Story starters are a great way to get the story rolling. You can use them to kick off a story, start a character in a story or even start a scene in a story.

When you start writing a story, you need to have a hook. A hook can be a character or a plot device. It can also be a setting, something like “A young man came into a bar with a horse.” or a setting like “It was the summer of 1969, and there were no cell phones.” The first sentence of a story is often the hook. It can also be a premise or a situation, such as, “A strange old man in a black cloak was sitting on the train platform.”

Story starters are a way to quickly get the story going. They give the reader a place to start reading your story. Some story starters are obvious, and some are not. The best story starters are the ones that give the reader a glimpse into the story. They can be a part of a story or a part of a scene. They can be a way to show the reader the mood of a story. If you want to start a story, you can use a simple sentence. You can also use a question or an inspirational quote. In this post, we have listed over 150 story starters to get your story started with a bang! A great way to use these story starters is at the start of the Finish The Story game .

If you want more story starters, check out this video on some creative story starter sentences to use in your stories:

150+ Creative Story Starters

Here is a list of good sentences to start a story with:

  • I’ve read about a million stories about princesses but never thought I could ever be one.
  • There was once a man who was very old, but he was wise. He lived for a very long time, and he was very happy.
  • What is the difference between a man and a cat? A cat has nine lives.
  • In the middle of the night, a boy is running through the woods.
  • It is the end of the world.
  • He knew he was not allowed to look into the eyes of the princess, but he couldn’t help himself.
  • The year is 1893. A young boy was running away from home.
  • What if the Forest was actually a magical portal to another dimension, the Forest was a portal to the Otherworld?
  • In the Forest, you will find a vast number of magical beings of all sorts. 
  • It was the middle of the night, and the forest was quiet. No bugs or animals disturbed the silence. There were no birds, no chirping. 
  • If you wish to stay in the Forest, you will need to follow these rules: No one shall leave the Forest. No one shall enter. No one shall take anything from the Forest.
  • “It was a terrible day,” said the old man in a raspy voice.
  • A cat is flying through the air, higher and higher, when it happens, and the cat doesn’t know how it got there, how it got to be in the sky.
  • I was lying in the woods, and I was daydreaming.
  • The Earth is a world of wonders. 
  • The fairy is the most amazing creature I have ever met.
  • A young girl was sitting on a tree stump at the edge of a river when she noticed a magical tree growing in the water.
  • My dancing rat is dressed in a jacket, a tie and glasses, which make him look like a person. 
  • In the darkness of the night, I am alone, but I know that I am not. 
  • Owls are the oldest, and most intelligent, of all birds.
  • My name is Reyna, and I am a fox. 
  • The woman was drowning.
  • One day, he was walking in the forest.
  • It was a dark and stormy night…
  • There was a young girl who could not sleep…
  • A boy in a black cape rode on a white horse…
  • A crazy old man in a black cloak was sitting in the middle of the street…
  • The sun was setting on a beautiful summer day…
  • The dog was restless…”
  • There was a young boy in a brown coat…
  • I met a young man in the woods…
  • In the middle of a dark forest…
  • The young girl was at home with her family…
  • There was a young man who was sitting on a …
  • A young man came into a bar with a horse…
  • I have had a lot of bad dreams…
  • He was a man who wanted to be king…
  • It was the summer of 1969, and there were no cell phones.
  • I know what you’re thinking. But no, I don’t want to be a vegetarian. The worst part is I don’t like the taste.
  • She looked at the boy and decided to ask him why he wasn’t eating. She didn’t want to look mean, but she was going to ask him anyway.
  • The song played on the radio, as Samual wiped away his tears.
  • This was the part when everything was about to go downhill. But it didn’t…
  • “Why make life harder for yourself?” asked Claire, as she bit into her apple.
  • She made a promise to herself that she would never do it.
  • I was able to escape.
  • I was reading a book when the accident happened.
  • “I can’t stand up for people who lie and cheat.” I cried.
  • You look at me and I feel beautiful.
  • I know what I want to be when I grow up.
  • We didn’t have much money. But we knew how to throw a good party.
  • The wind blew on the silent streets of London.
  • What do you get when you cross an angry bee and my sister?
  • The flight was slow and bumpy. I was half asleep when the captain announced we were going down.
  • At the far end of the city was a river that was overgrown with weeds. 
  • It was a quiet night in the middle of a busy week.
  • One afternoon, I was eating a sandwich in the park when I spotted a stranger.
  • In the late afternoon, a few students sat on the lawn reading.
  • The fireflies were dancing in the twilight as the sunset.
  • In the early evening, the children played in the park.
  • The sun was setting and the moon was rising.
  • A crowd gathered in the square as the band played.
  • The top of the water tower shone in the moonlight.
  • The light in the living room was on, but the light in the kitchen was off.
  •  When I was a little boy, I used to make up stories about the adventures of these amazing animals, creatures, and so on. 
  • All of the sudden, I realized I was standing in the middle of an open field surrounded by nothing but wildflowers, and the only thing I remembered about it was that I’d never seen a tree before.
  • It’s the kind of thing that’s only happened to me once before in my life, but it’s so cool to see it.
  • They gave him a little wave as they drove away.
  • The car had left the parking lot, and a few hours later we arrived home.
  • They were going to play a game of bingo.
  • He’d made up his mind to do it. He’d have to tell her soon, though. He was waiting for a moment when they were alone and he could say it without feeling like an idiot. But when that moment came, he couldn’t think of anything to say.
  • Jamie always wanted to own a plane, but his parents were a little tight on the budget. So he’d been saving up to buy one of his own. 
  • The night was getting colder, and the wind was blowing in from the west.
  • The doctor stared down at the small, withered corpse.
  • She’d never been in the woods before, but she wasn’t afraid.
  • The kids were having a great time in the playground.
  • The police caught the thieves red-handed.
  • The world needs a hero more than ever.
  • Mother always said, “Be good and nice things will happen…”
  • There is a difference between what you see and what you think you see.
  • The sun was low in the sky and the air was warm.
  • “It’s time to go home,” she said, “I’m getting a headache.”
  • It was a cold winter’s day, and the snow had come early.
  • I found a wounded bird in my garden.
  • “You should have seen the look on my face.”
  • He opened the door and stepped back.
  • My father used to say, “All good things come to an end.”
  • The problem with fast cars is that they break so easily.
  • “What do you think of this one?” asked Mindy.
  • “If I asked you to do something, would you do it?” asked Jacob.
  • I was surprised to see her on the bus.
  • I was never the most popular one in my class.
  • We had a bad fight that day.
  • The coffee machine had stopped working, so I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea.
  • It was a muggy night, and the air-conditioning unit was so loud it hurt my ears.
  • I had a sleepless night because I couldn’t get my head to turn off.
  • I woke up at dawn and heard a horrible noise.
  • I was so tired I didn’t know if I’d be able to sleep that night.
  • I put on the light and looked at myself in the mirror.
  • I decided to go in, but the door was locked.
  • A man in a red sweater stood staring at a little kitten as if it was on fire.
  • “It’s so beautiful,” he said, “I’m going to take a picture.”
  • “I think we’re lost,” he said, “It’s all your fault.”
  • It’s hard to imagine what a better life might be like
  • He was a tall, lanky man, with a long face, a nose like a pin, and a thin, sandy moustache.
  • He had a face like a lion’s and an eye like a hawk’s.
  • The man was so broad and strong that it was as if a mountain had been folded up and carried in his belly.
  • I opened the door. I didn’t see her, but I knew she was there.
  • I walked down the street. I couldn’t help feeling a little guilty.
  • I arrived at my parents’ home at 8:00 AM.
  • The nurse had been very helpful.
  • On the table was an array of desserts.
  • I had just finished putting the last of my books in the trunk.
  • A car horn honked, startling me.
  • The kitchen was full of pots and pans.
  • There are too many things to remember.
  • The world was my oyster. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
  •  “My grandfather was a World War II veteran. He was a decorated hero who’d earned himself a Silver Star, a Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart.
  • Beneath the menacing, skeletal shadow of the mountain, a hermit sat on his ledge. His gnarled hands folded on his gnarled knees. His eyes stared blankly into the fog. 
  • I heard a story about a dragon, who was said to be the size of a house, that lived on the top of the tallest mountain in the world.
  •  I was told a story about a man who found a golden treasure, which was buried in this very park.
  • He stood alone in the middle of a dark and silent room, his head cocked to one side, the brown locks of his hair, which were parted in the middle, falling down over his eyes.
  •  Growing up, I was the black sheep of the family. I had my father’s eyes, but my mother’s smile.
  • Once upon a time, there was a woman named Miss Muffett, and she lived in a big house with many rooms.
  • When I was a child, my mother told me that the water looked so bright because the sun was shining on it. I did not understand what she meant at the time.    
  •  The man in the boat took the water bottle and drank from it as he paddled away.
  • The man looked at the child with a mixture of pity and contempt.
  • An old man and his grandson sat in their garden. The old man told his grandson to dig a hole. 
  • An old woman was taking a walk on the beach . The tide was high and she had to wade through the water to get to the other side.
  • She looked up at the clock and saw that it was five minutes past seven.
  • The man looked up from the map he was studying. “How’s it going, mate?”
  • I was in my room on the third floor, staring out of the window.
  • A dark silhouette of a woman stood in the doorway.
  • The church bells began to ring.
  • The moon rose above the horizon.
  • A bright light shone over the road.
  • The night sky began to glow.
  • I could hear my mother cooking in the kitchen.
  • The fog began to roll in.
  • He came in late to the class and sat at the back.
  • A young boy picked up a penny and put it in his pocket.
  • He went to the bathroom and looked at his face in the mirror.
  • It was the age of wisdom and the age of foolishness. We once had everything and now we have nothing.
  • A young man died yesterday, and no one knows why.
  • The boy was a little boy. He was not yet a man. He lived in a house in a big city.
  • They had just returned from the theatre when the phone rang.
  • I walked up to the front of the store and noticed the neon sign was out.
  • I always wondered what happened to Mary.
  • I stopped to say hello and then walked on.
  • The boy’s mother didn’t want him to play outside…
  • The lights suddenly went out…
  • After 10 years in prison, he was finally out.
  • The raindrops pelted the window, which was set high up on the wall, and I could see it was a clear day outside.
  • My friend and I had just finished a large pizza, and we were about to open our second.
  • I love the smell of the ocean, but it never smells as good as it does when the waves are crashing.
  • They just stood there, staring at each other.
  • A party was in full swing until the music stopped.

For more ideas on how to start your story, check out these first-line writing prompts . Did you find this list of creative story starters useful? Let us know in the comments below!

150 Story Starters

Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Sarah K Peck

Why Writing is an Act of Bravery: A Letter to Writers

Feb 7, 2014 | Writing Practice

Brene Brown Power of Life.

“Only when we’re brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our life.” — Brene Brown

Writing is an act of bravery.

Each year, when I teach our writing workshops, I get to work with a small group of twenty-some writers, thinkers, and creatives. Inevitably, the process gets difficult in weeks two and week three, because I ask people to share parts of their stories—their wishes, hopes and dreams, who they are.

My students write with angst— “I’m behind! This is hard! I’m struggling!” —and I know this feeling all too well. I encourage them to continue, to press on in the face of fear or worry, and to get their pens to the page as often as possible. I am here to support, to encourage, and to push—just the right amount. Enough to get into it. Enough to push past the blocks and the barriers. Then the insights come: “Wow—I wasn’t expecting that I’d write about that,” and “That was fascinating,” and “I just got lost in a 2,000 word story and I’ve barely just begun.”

Writing is an act of bravery. Writing often means facing your own darkness and light. This is an essay for all of the students in my writing class, but it’s also an open letter to all writers, everywhere, struggling.

1. An open letter to all writers.

Dear writers:

The past few weeks have been deep, winding, and possibly full of emotions as we unpack the thoughts and ideas that have perhaps been long been locked inside of our minds. We have access to our thoughts, but not always a full understanding of them. Emotions can have such a mastery over us, and forging a relationship with your pen can help unwind parts of that. Through writing, we discover deeper truths about what we want, who we are, what we value, and the stories that we tell ourselves. Often we have to write the stories first before we can discover what it is that we’re trying to say.

For the newest of writers, I often hear that these first few exercises are somewhat surprising, bringing up past ideas and thoughts that perhaps haven’t fully percolated or settled in ways that you had thought. Often rough with emotion and tenderness, I find that writing brings up ideas and thoughts that I’m not sure how to frame, or what to say, or where to go next. It is within this context that I offer up a thought of gratitude for showing up to practice, and thank myself simply for embracing the pen and paper as a way to discover new (and existing) thoughts and ideas.

Writing is a spiritual practice, a soul-cleansing, deep-dive into the emotions and ideas we might not even be at first aware that we have.

Writing is a spiritual practice, a soul-cleansing, deep-dive into the emotions and ideas we might not even be at first aware that we have. Some days writing brings out the best in us, and other days I have to thrash through words before getting up angrily to go for a long walk, dance out my thoughts, or drown my ideas in coffee, water or wine. As we uncover the deeper truths and ideas—we become aware of who we are, and possibly the painful moments within us that have been buried for so long.

Write to discover.

Writing lets me figure out what it is that I’m thinking, by putting words onto pages and telling the story of my life, my experiences, and the world as I see it around me.

When I come back to it, I recognize patterns and ideas and realize much more about my perspectives and point of view. One of the kindest things I’ve done for myself is take the time to make space on a page, write some words down, and allow myself to come back whenever I want to talk through my ideas. Not every day is a glamorous day by any stretch, and I often struggle to sit down at the computer in the first place. In fact, it’s amazing how appealing laundry and dishes become when I’m avoiding saying the thing that needs to be said. What keeps me coming back to my practices, however, is that this is the place where I’m allowed to think what I think, write what I want to write, and tell the stories no matter how fantastical or horrible they might feel. I have permission to explore these ideas, without consequence. I can write them down. So, I write them down.

When we look at ways to talk to other people and develop communications (and stories) that teach, share, and explain—or moreover, that persuade—it often requires a deep understanding of the self, as well as a deep understanding of another person. Whether you’re a marketer trying to explain your product to an audience that could benefit from your design, a teacher trying to clarify a new idea to students, or an individual seeking understanding from a close friend or loved one, it is through our words that we take the ideas in our minds and give them shape for other people.

Words and writing are one way that we tap into our soul and ideas—words are a connection device between humans, a way to tell stories and share parts of ourselves with other people.

Words and writing are one way that we tap into our soul and ideas—words are a connection device between humans, a way to tell stories and share parts of ourselves with other people. The more we practice using our words and explaining our thinking, the larger our repertoire of sentences and stories that we can pull from to explain ourselves to other people. The more we write, the better we can teach, explain, love, persuade. Writing, as a practice, gets easier the more that you do it.

Words give us the power to share.

Writing is about bravery and courage.

“Give me the courage to show up and be seen.” — Brene Brown.

“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are. We all have shame. We all have good and bad, dark and light, inside of us. But if we don’t come to terms with our shame, our struggles, we start believing that there’s something wrong with us –that we’re bad, flawed, not good enough—and even worse, we start acting on those beliefs. If we want to be fully engaged, to be connected, we have to be vulnerable.” —Brene Brown, Daring Greatly.

The beauty of writing, and this is true for me quite profoundly, is that we can often make our way out of suffering through the act of writing itself and often just by writing alone. It is not always the action or the striving that must be reconciled, but rather the understanding and acknowledgment of feeling itself.

As Spinoza, the philosopher, is quoted:

“Emotion, which is suffering, ceases to be suffering as soon as we form a clear and precise picture of it.” – SPinoza

In re-reading Man’s Search for Meaning, a gut-wrenching first-person account of surviving the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, Harold Kushner details the quest for meaning in his introduction to the account:

“Life is not primarily a quest for pleasure, as Freud believed, or a quest for power, as Alfred Adler taught, but a quest for meaning. The greatest task for any person is to find meaning in his or her life. Frankl saw three possible sources for meaning: in work (doing something significant), in love (caring for another person), and in courage during difficult times. Suffering in and of itself is meaningless; we give our suffering meaning by the way in which we respond to it.”

Forces beyond your control can take everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.

Writing is not just about sadness and suffering, either (and nor is life). Writing also lets us write the good things, write the ways we want to feel, and give permission to the greatness in emotion that needs as much encouragement to expand as do the emotions that make us seek understanding. Good feelings need space to expand, too. Write about all of it. Tell it.

Perhaps we are afraid of writing because we’re afraid of knowing our own story.

Writing is intimidating for so many reasons. We’re scared that we won’t capture the ideas or know what to say—and we’re afraid of what we’ll discover or become if we do pencil out those terrifying thoughts.  in your life do you feel brave or have you been brave? Perhaps your writing journey can begin with a highlights reel: describe a moment in your life when you encountered an opportunity to be brave. How did you react? What was the call to action? How long did it take you to decide to do something? How did you feel before, during, and after? What was the result? Who was changed as the result of this event?

Bravery is something different to every person.

To me, I can find it tremendously difficult to act upon one of my biggest dreams—the dream that I’m almost afraid to make real, the one that seems so simple to everyone else but me. In contrast to this seemingly simple thing, this act that everyone but me seems to find easy, I would rather jump in an ocean naked, swim a hundred miles, or work myself to the ground than admit to myself how important it is. When I discovered the extent to which I was avoiding doing the practice of my deepest dream, I wondered to myself whether or not taking steps to fulfill this dream was even brave. Did it matter that it seemed like the hardest thing in the world was getting on that bus and taking myself to the class I was so scared of? Did each of these actions—even just saying what my dream was out loud to those closest to me—was that even bravery?

Speak up for something you believe in.

The answer is yes. Speaking up for something you believe in, even if it’s just a laugh and a smile; holding your daughter’s arms, saying no with your eyes, writing about a story that hurts to tell, taking a class that terrifies you even though it doesn’t seem difficult to anyone else—this is bravery.

Write, tell the story of your life.

Thank you for reading and writing,

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A New Community of Writers

100 Magical Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Imagination

May 14, 2024 by Richard Leave a Comment

100 magical writing prompts to spark your creativity

100 Magical Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Imagination:  Are you an aspiring writer seeking to unlock the secrets of magical storytelling? Look no further than this captivating collection of 100 magical writing prompts designed to transport you and your readers to realms filled with wonder, mystery, and enchantment. Whether you’re crafting a novel, short story, or simply indulging in creative writing exercises, these prompts will ignite your imagination and guide you on an unforgettable journey through the world of magic.

Each prompt in this extensive list is a gateway to a unique and spellbinding tale waiting to be told. From cursed objects and ancient prophecies to enchanted artifacts and supernatural abilities, these ideas span a wide range of magical themes and subgenres. Whether you’re drawn to the allure of mythical creatures, the thrill of alternate realities, or the intrigue of powerful spells, you’ll find an abundance of inspiration to fuel your creative endeavors.

Not only do these prompts offer a starting point for your magical tales, but they also encourage you to explore the depths of your imagination and push the boundaries of your storytelling skills. As you delve into the realms of magic and wonder, you’ll discover new ways to craft compelling characters, weave intricate plots, and create immersive settings that captivate your readers from the very first page.

Moreover, by infusing your stories with magical elements, you’ll tap into a rich tradition of storytelling that has enchanted audiences for generations. From classic fairy tales to contemporary fantasy novels, the allure of magic has always held a special place in the hearts of readers. By embracing these prompts and weaving your own unique spells, you’ll contribute to this enduring legacy and captivate readers with your spellbinding narratives.

So, embark on a magical writing adventure like no other with these 100 enchanting prompts. Let your imagination soar as you explore realms filled with curses, enchantments, and otherworldly wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or a budding writer, these prompts will guide you on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and literary enchantment. Get ready to unleash the magic within and create stories that will leave your readers spellbound.

Here are 100 magical writing prompts to spark your creativity:

  • A mysterious book transports the reader to a fantastical world.
  • An ancient amulet grants the wearer incredible powers.
  • A child discovers they can communicate with mythical creatures.
  • A cursed object brings misfortune to whoever possesses it.
  • An enchanted mirror reveals an alternate reality.
  • A wizard’s apprentice accidentally casts a spell with disastrous consequences.
  • A magical potion switches two people’s bodies.
  • An ordinary person stumbles upon a hidden magical society.
  • A genie grants three wishes, but each wish comes with a twist.
  • A magical artifact is the key to saving a kingdom from an evil sorcerer.
  • A person gains the ability to see and interact with ghosts.
  • A magical creature becomes a person’s unexpected guardian.
  • An enchanted music box transports the listener to different times and places.
  • A cursed painting traps people inside its world.
  • A magical compass always points towards one’s deepest desire.
  • An ancient prophecy foretells the rise of a powerful magical being.
  • A person discovers they are the reincarnation of a legendary wizard.
  • A magical tournament determines the ruler of a fantastical realm.
  • An enchanted mask allows the wearer to shape-shift into anyone.
  • A cursed board game traps players inside until they finish the game.
  • A magical island appears and disappears every century.
  • An ancient tree holds the secrets to powerful spells.
  • A person’s dreams start to become reality.
  • A magical pocket watch can stop, rewind, or fast-forward time.
  • An enchanted locket allows the wearer to see through another person’s eyes.
  • A cursed violin possesses the musician who plays it.
  • A magical fountain grants eternal youth, but at a price.
  • An ancient text holds the key to summoning mythical beasts.
  • A person discovers they are a descendant of a powerful magical bloodline.
  • An enchanted quill brings characters to life as one writes.
  • A magical door appears, leading to different worlds based on the key used.
  • A cursed necklace forces the wearer to speak only the truth.
  • An ancient staff enhances the wielder’s magical abilities.
  • A magical tea set allows people to enter and manipulate others’ dreams.
  • An enchanted hourglass can reverse the flow of time.
  • A person gains the power to control the weather.
  • A magical ring allows the wearer to understand and speak any language.
  • A cursed mirror traps souls within its reflection.
  • An ancient tapestry tells the future when one knows how to read it.
  • A magical flute summons spirits from the afterlife.
  • An enchanted paintbrush brings paintings to life.
  • A cursed statue comes to life at night and wreaks havoc.
  • A magical cloak renders the wearer invisible.
  • An ancient urn contains a powerful genie with a hidden agenda.
  • A person discovers they can communicate with plants.
  • An enchanted chess set allows players to command armies.
  • A magical fountain pen never runs out of ink and enhances the writer’s skills.
  • A cursed camera traps subjects inside photographs.
  • An ancient sundial controls the passage of time.
  • A magical kaleidoscope shows visions of the past, present, and future.
  • An enchanted garden grows magical plants with unique properties.
  • A person gains the ability to see and manipulate auras.
  • A magical wind chime summons spirits of the elements.
  • A cursed doll comes to life and becomes possessive of its owner.
  • An ancient rune stone grants the power to control minds.
  • A magical telescope allows the viewer to see across vast distances and through objects.
  • An enchanted umbrella transports the user to any location they desire.
  • A cursed carousel traps riders in a never-ending loop.
  • A magical inkwell and quill can rewrite reality.
  • An ancient crystal ball shows visions of alternate timelines.
  • A person discovers they can enter and manipulate photos.
  • An enchanted snow globe contains a miniature world that comes to life.
  • A magical pocket watch can speed up or slow down time for the user.
  • A cursed piano plays haunting melodies that drive listeners mad.
  • An ancient tome contains spells to summon legendary creatures.
  • A magical compass points to the user’s soulmate.
  • An enchanted kettle and cups can brew potions with various effects.
  • A cursed portrait ages while the subject remains young.
  • A magical shadow puppet show brings stories to life.
  • An ancient jewelry box holds the key to unlocking hidden magical abilities.
  • A person discovers they can communicate with inanimate objects.
  • An enchanted dream catcher allows the user to enter others’ dreams.
  • A magical spinning wheel can weave fate and destiny.
  • A cursed hand mirror shows the user’s darkest secrets.
  • An ancient astrolabe can navigate through time and space.
  • A magical music box summons spirits of the deceased.
  • An enchanted kaleidoscope allows the user to see through illusions.
  • A cursed marionette controls the movements of its puppeteer.
  • A magical seed grows into a tree that bears fruit with magical properties.
  • An ancient coin grants the user incredible luck when flipped.
  • A person discovers they can communicate with shadows.
  • An enchanted hourglass allows the user to travel through time.
  • A magical telescope shows visions of the future when focused on celestial bodies.
  • A cursed chess set forces the loser to serve the winner for eternity.
  • An ancient scroll contains a spell to bring inanimate objects to life.
  • A magical compass leads the user to their heart’s deepest desire.
  • An enchanted paint set allows the artist to create portals to other realms.
  • A cursed music box forces the listener to dance until the music stops.
  • A magical mirror reflects the user’s inner self.
  • An ancient staff allows the wielder to control the elements.
  • A person discovers they can understand and speak the language of animals.
  • An enchanted dream journal allows the writer to enter their own dreams.
  • A magical pendulum answers questions and guides the user to the truth.
  • A cursed typewriter writes out the user’s darkest thoughts.
  • An ancient crystal ball shows visions of parallel universes.
  • A magical camera captures the essence of its subjects.
  • An enchanted wind chime summons spirits of the seasons.
  • A cursed metronome controls the speed of time around it.
  • A magical tea set brews tea that grants temporary magical abilities.
  • An ancient sun dial acts as a portal to different eras in history.

In conclusion, this remarkable collection of 100 magical writing prompts is an invaluable resource for writers seeking to infuse their stories with the enchantment and wonder of the magical realm. By delving into these captivating ideas, you’ll embark on a journey of creative exploration, unlocking the full potential of your imagination and crafting tales that resonate with readers on a profound level.

As you navigate through these prompts, remember that the true magic lies within you, the writer. Each prompt is merely a spark, a catalyst for your own unique vision and voice. Embrace the opportunity to put your own spin on these magical concepts, creating characters, worlds, and conflicts that are wholly your own. Trust in your storytelling abilities and let the magic flow freely from your pen or keyboard.

The realm of magical writing is a vast and ever-expanding universe, offering endless possibilities for creative expression. Whether you’re drawn to the classic tropes of mythology and folklore or the innovative frontiers of contemporary fantasy, these prompts will serve as your guiding light, illuminating the path to stories that captivate, inspire, and leave an indelible mark on your readers’ hearts and minds.

So, as you embark on this enchanted journey, remember that the power to weave spellbinding tales lies within you. Use these prompts as a springboard to explore the depths of your imagination, challenge yourself to grow as a writer, and create stories that transport readers to realms beyond their wildest dreams. Embrace the magic, trust in your abilities, and let your words cast a spell that will linger long after the final page is turned.

In the end, the true enchantment of these 100 magical writing prompts lies not only in the ideas themselves but in the incredible stories they will inspire you to create. So go forth, brave writer, and let your imagination soar. Weave your tales of magic, wonder, and enchantment, and watch as your readers fall under the spell of your captivating narratives. The world of magical writing awaits you, and with these prompts as your guide, you are destined to create stories that will be cherished for generations to come. If you enjoyed these writing prompts, we have many more on our site . 

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Daily July Writing Prompts 

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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A brave writer's life in brief, thoughts from my home to yours, posts tagged ‘writing prompts’, friday freewrite: superstitious.

Friday Freewrite

Today’s freewriting prompt:

A definition of the word “superstitious” is believing that a certain thing will bring good luck (like finding a four-leaf clover) or bad luck (like walking under a ladder, breaking a mirror, or simply existing on Friday the 13th!). Are you superstitious? Why or why not?

New to Freewriting?

Freewriting is that wonderful key that unlocks the writer within. It’s the vehicle by which we trick our inner selves into divesting the words and ideas that we want to share but are afraid won’t come out right on paper if we do. So, read the freewriting prompt, set the timer for 5-10 minutes then write whatever comes to mind.   Just keep the pencil moving!

Need more help?  Check out our free  online guide .

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Friday Freewrite: To the Curb

Friday Freewrite

From the garbage can’s point of view, describe what it would be like to be taken to the curb and left overnight to wait for the garbage truck the following morning.

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Friday Freewrite: Sleepy

Friday Freewrite

Think of a time when reading a book (or watching a movie or play) made you sleepy. Write about it!

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Friday Freewrite: Animal Stories

Friday Freewrite Animal Stories

Remember past experiences (they might be funny or sad or scary) that you’ve had with different animals. Pick a few and write about them!

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Friday Freewrite: Conversation

creative writing ideas bravery

Remember the last conversation you had with a friend. Write what you said to each other like a dialogue scene in a novel (include facial expressions, hand gestures, the environment — any detail you remember).

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  9. 100 Creative Writing Prompts for Writers

    Find inspiration for your next writing project with these 100 prompts that cover various genres, topics, and formats. Whether you need a plot twist, a character, a setting, or a title, these prompts will help you get started.

  10. 25 Creative Writing Prompts

    Find inspiration and motivation with these 25 prompts for poems, stories, essays, and more. Explore different genres, themes, and scenarios to spark your creativity and break through writer's block.

  11. Writing Prompts for Perseverance and Resilience

    Writing Prompts for Perseverance and Resilience. Journaling and creative writing are self care heroes that can help you manage anxiety and depression, improve self esteem, and create a deeper intimacy with yourself. With so much change and uncertainty marking our lives during the COVID-19 outbreak, it is especially important to find the time to ...

  12. 75 Unique Short Writing Prompts To Unleash Your Creativity

    Find inspiration for your next writing project with these 75 short writing prompts that cover various themes, genres, and settings. Whether you need a sci-fi adventure, a fantasy world, or a historical drama, these prompts will spark your creativity and get you writing.

  13. Embracing Bravery as a Writer

    A reflection on acknowledging our vulnerability and writing anyway - fear and all. Insight into making the powerful choice to step forward in the direction we feel is right for us. A collection of quotes, insights, and advice from writers, unfiltered, in their own words. Q&A with one woman on her decision to write her first book at age 72.

  14. 70 Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You to Write

    Writing prompts are tools that can inspire you to write in different genres, such as fantasy, historical fiction, horror, mystery, and more. Each prompt provides a scenario, a character, or a situation that you can use to spark your imagination and create your own story.

  15. 1800+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

    Find over 1800 creative writing prompts to inspire you and join a free short story contest. Explore different genres, themes, and scenarios with weekly writing challenges.

  16. 91 Courage Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    189 writers online. Learn More. Courage in "On The Rainy River" by Tim O'Brien and "The Red Convertible" by Louise Erdrich. To be more specific, the consideration of actions and motivations of the protagonists of the stories so that to see what courage meant to them and to the authors. Antigone's Courage in "Antigone" by Sophocles.

  17. 365 Daily Writing Prompts for Creative Writers

    Generate a random writing prompt or topic for today from a pool of 365 story starters. Learn how to plot, write, and revise your novel with tips and resources from The Narrative ARC.

  18. 20 creative writing prompts that you can do in 10 minutes

    Try one of these fun and quirky writing exercises from 642 Tiny Things to Write About, created by a writing teacher at the San Francisco Writers Grotto. You can write a eulogy for a sandwich, a time-travel machine manual, or your life story in five sentences.

  19. 150+ Story Starters: Creative Opening Lines (+Free Generator)

    Find a good idea to write a story with over 150 story starters, from simple sentences to questions and quotes. Use the random generator to get a new starter or play the Finish The Story game.

  20. Why Writing is an Act of Bravery: A Letter to Writers

    Writing is an act of bravery. Each year, when I teach our writing workshops, I get to work with a small group of twenty-some writers, thinkers, and creatives. Inevitably, the process gets difficult in weeks two and week three, because I ask people to share parts of their stories—their wishes, hopes and dreams, who they are.

  21. 100 Magical Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Imagination

    Here are 100 magical writing prompts to spark your creativity: A mysterious book transports the reader to a fantastical world. An ancient amulet grants the wearer incredible powers. A child discovers they can communicate with mythical creatures. A cursed object brings misfortune to whoever possesses it.

  22. Writing prompts Archives

    New to Freewriting? Freewriting is that wonderful key that unlocks the writer within. It's the vehicle by which we trick our inner selves into divesting the words and ideas that we want to share but are afraid won't come out right on paper if we do. So, read the freewriting prompt, set the timer for 5-10 minutes then write whatever comes to ...