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  • Considering Clinical Psychology

What Does It Take to Get Into Graduate School in Clinical Psychology?

Admission to PhD programs in clinical psychology is very competitive. Ratios of 300 applicants to 8 positions are common (though perhaps 10-15 people would have to be accepted to fill the 8 slots; some who are accepted decide to go elsewhere, or enter a different kind of graduate or professional program ). Different programs emphasize different characteristics, but it is safe to say that in all programs GREs and GPAs are examined closely. Graduate students in Northwestern's program have averaged over 1400 on the GRE (Verbal plus Quantitative), with an average GPA of over 3.5. (GPAs for the last two years of undergraduate schooling are most important, so students with uneven early records have a good chance if they've improved.) There are respectable programs whose students score lower on these measures, but students who have lower than 1200 on the GRE or a GPA of less than 3.3 can expect to find it difficult to get into a top graduate program in clinical psychology without other special qualifications.

Regarding less standardized criteria, most graduate programs in clinical psychology will prefer that you have taken a course in psychopathology, e.g., our Psych 303. Introduction to Clinical Psychology (Psych 306) can also be useful, in part as a way to learn more about the field and your options within it. Most graduate schools also expect students to have obtained some research experience. The primary concern is that students should have conducted some psychological research in order to know whether they find it interesting. From an admissions perspective, it is less important that you have had clinical research experience than it is that you have had meaningful research experiences (e.g., not just entering data). It is also important that you be able to solicit a letter of recommendation from at least one research supervisor. This means that it is important to get involved in research before you do your applications. If you plan to apply to graduate programs during fall of your senior year, then you should begin your research involvement as a junior, or even earlier.

Northwestern’s psychology department offers many  research opportunities  for undergraduate students. Each quarter, many of our students do  research for course credit  through 399-Independent Study or the two-quarter sequence 397-Advanced Supervised Research. You can learn more about 399 and 397, including their requirements and the differences between them, by reading our webpage on research for course credit. This page also includes tips on choosing a professor with whom to do research. Other students obtain paid positions in the department, typically through the federal  work-study program . You should make sure that your research experience provides you with an in-depth look at the nature of psychological research and at the theories and past research relevant for the questions under investigation. Entering data, scheduling research participants, and so on are integral parts of the research process, but it is important to do much more than that.

Some psychology students hope to do research that is outside the specific projects for which their faculty supervisors have funding. In addition, students who want to do research on campus during the summer may need to earn money for living expenses. Northwestern University, Weinberg College, and the psychology department all have funds available on a competitive basis to support student research. Guidelines for applying for the psychology department’s Benton J. Underwood Summer Fellowship are always included in the winter edition of our undergraduate newsletter,  Swift Thinking . See the Weinberg College webpage on  funds for undergraduate research  and the university page on  Research Opportunities for Undergraduates  for additional funding options.

Many graduate schools give a great deal of consideration to the likely match between potential students' interests and faculty interests. Students can convey their interests through the personal statements they include in their applications and in direct contact with relevant professors. If you have strong interests in a professor's research, this will make you a much more desirable applicant to that person. But you must be able to convey that your interests are serious, for example, by discussing a specific study. Faculty will not be impressed if it appears that you merely scanned the departmental brochure searching for topics that sound interesting.

Students may also want to consider trying some hands-on counseling-type work. Many agencies accept and train volunteers. For example, volunteering at a teen drop-in center or a hospital, working as a camp counselor for special needs children, and answering phones for a helpline can all be relevant experiences. If your goal is to work with some specific population – troubled teens, the elderly, autistic children – then you should try to gain some firsthand experience with this population. In part, this may serve as a valuable credential when you apply for graduate training. Perhaps more importantly, it will let you know if working with this population is as rewarding for you as you expect it to be. Two student groups –  Northwestern Community Development Corps (NCDC)  and  OASIS  – are good sources of information about volunteer opportunities in Evanston and surrounding communities

Todd B. Kashdan Ph.D.

7 Tips for Applying to a Psychology PhD Program

The unwritten rules that i wish i knew.

Posted January 7, 2015

I just sifted through this year's batch of graduate student applications to the clinical psychology PhD program at George Mason University . Here are the emotions that I experienced:

Awe - reminded that if I was applying to graduate school with my 1998 packet, I would never get in. There are some psychology obsessed youngbloods out there.

Elevation - ignore the pessimism in the news, a vast number of hungry characters are coming through the pipelines to improve society. They are already making inroads and want a PhD to give them extra leverage.

Anxiety - the pressure to get near perfect grades, near perfect standardized test scores, and intensive research and clinical experience is palpable. I often wonder how many of these characters pause to enjoy their once-in-a-lifetime college years. I remember reading The Fountainhead on a bench in the middle of campus at 2am on a random Tuesday while the Ithaca snow rained down in slow-motion. Sitting across the quad from me was a muscular guy reading The Celestine Prophecy. The two of us talked about books, women, society's expectations, and the hero's journey for hours. This is the kind of intimacy that creates life long bonds, raising the bar for how strangers should communicate. Then there was the time [insert dangerous, naked, and/or drunken story #4-103]. I never thought about graduate school while attending Cornell University. I lived day-to-day, semester by semester. Not today's graduate school applicants....

Dismay - as someone who takes mentoring seriously, I am disappointed to read poorly constructed applications. Everybody should have a high quality mentor who points out problems before that submission button is pressed.

Inspired - I wish somebody offered me inside information on what professors really care about when they read an application. Because I have a natural distaste for authority, I feel compelled to provide this information to every student aspiring to be a psychologist.

With these emotions in tow, here are my seven concrete suggestions for those masochistic enough to apply to a PhD program in clinical psychology (this will also be relevant for other graduate programs that emphasize science). A strong clinical psychology program will reject more than 90% of applicants. The odds are against you. This post has been designed to improve your odds.

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

whatever manner works best for you.

Wisdom #1. You will not get an interview without direct research experience. This was not the case 10 years ago. We know that undergraduate courses are required and many universities allow you to retake courses until you get the desired grade. For this reason, grades matter little (get over a 3.2 GPA and I am ready to treat you no differently than someone with a 4.0). Now an honor thesis is optional. Completing one shows dedication, discipline, and devotion to science. Gaining research experience in a professor's laboratory is behavioral evidence that you know about sweat equity and the delay of gratification. My advice is that it is better to aim for an A- in your courses if it means that you can dedicate more time to assist in research with a scientist and eventually conduct studies under their guidance. Nothing in the classroom approximates the skills, knowledge, and psychological strengths that you develop with hands-on research. Nothing.

Corollary - Don't waste your time accruing a wide breadth of experiences unless you are doing it as an end it itself. I don't care if you are vice-president of Psi Chi, a volunteer fire fighter for 6 hours per year, and created the first cultural neuroscience book club at your local library. I am more impressed with hardcore dedication and deep penetration in one activity (where somebody can speak to your invaluable contributions) than a lengthy curriculum vitae (CV). In a similar vein, I don't care if you obtained authorship on multiple journal articles. To me, this says that you work with generous people. One first author poster presentation where you did the bulk of the writing, analyzing, and conceptualizing is all I need. Aim for quality and depth.

Wisdom #2 . It does not matter where you go to college. Ignore guidance counselors and well-meaning parents that argue for the edge afforded by those with an Ivy League education (and those schools that make the capricious top 25 in the latest US News and World Report rankings). I only care about what you did and whether you can hit the ground running in my research laboratory. This year alone, I sifted through applications from Armstrong Atlantic State University, Samford University, Wofford College, and Help University. I never heard of any of them. What I care about is that you can write, possess superior critical thinking skills, and know the agony and ecstasy of following through from a fetal research idea to the initial analytical tests to the interpretation of these results and finally, the dissemination of this work to the world. Don't spend extra money for badges and stars. Spend your time in a research laboratory to understand psychological science.

Wisdom #3 . If you suck at taking standardized tests, take them as many times as you can. This shows me that you are determined. This shows me you care about verbal, quantitative, and analytical intelligence and you are pissed off that the GRE fails to capture yours ( which is often the case ). Take it once, fail, quit and what I infer is that you are unequipped to handle setbacks. The life of a psychological scientist is littered with setbacks and failures. I want somebody who can be counted on when the stakes are high and the probability of success is unknown. Show me you are that person. Don't tell me, show me.

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

Wisdom #4 . Be interesting. When you sound like a walking, talking scientific article, you are uninteresting. Be a human first. The best way to be interesting is to live an interesting life. Exotic people. Exotic places. Cultural Immersion. A willingness to be vulnerable. Strange experiences. Anxiety provoking experiences. To be psychologically minded and ask great questions, you must truly live. I remember an applicant several years back who at the end of her CV listed the 18 countries she visited. That one bit of information gave the extra edge that landed her an interview. After all, that much travel should give you an interesting lens to view the complexity of human behavior.

Wisdom #5 . You don't need three amazing letters of recommendation, you need one. You must cultivate a relationship with one person who understands what you have done in psychology and more importantly, what you strive to become. Find a great mentor and work hard at forming a strong relationship. Show them what you can do. Ask for experiences and tasks that are beyond your skill level and then deliver - over and over again. You want one person to be able to say that you are one of the top 3 people they have ever mentored in an important skill set - writing ability, critical thinking, work ethic, creativity , teamwork , etc. Show somebody what you are capable of doing and make sure that it is visible to them. When I talk to my colleagues at conferences, I ask them about students who might be applying to work with me. Conversations with trusted colleagues are persuasive. I want you to know that these conversations happen. So be a good colleague. Be trustworthy. Be autonomous. Ask questions when you don't know something. Seize opportunities. Ask for opportunities. Repair relationships when needed. Be the type of person that somebody can speak highly of at all times. You never know when these backchannel conversations are going to happen.

Wisdom #6 . Showcase your uniqueness. Avoid clichés of how psychology is your life's passion (you are just getting started and don't know yet). If this is true, tell a story (show me, don't tell me). When asked what separates you from applicants with perfect GRE scores, a 4.0 GPA, and two years of research experience, do not state that you work harder (72 applicants will make the same claim). Do not mention that the origin of your interest in psychology was the psychological problems of relatives or the social difficulties faced during teenage years (we all need to be loved just like everybody else does so move on). You possess a configuration of strengths and weaknesses that inform a life history and perspective unlike any other human being. Learn how to tell a compelling, emotionally engaging story about how this informs your potential. I am more interested in your potential than your past. Do not be afraid of marketing yourself. Sell me on your potential.

Wisdom #7 . Do not lie. Almost every applicant says they want to be a scientist because they think this is what PhD programs want to hear. Pretend that you are uninterested in clinical practice and you will despise graduate school with me. Lying about your interests will hurt your experience in graduate school and the mentor that selected you from an impressive pool of applicants. Be honest and find the best mentor match. You only get trained once. Make it count. Show integrity. The field of psychology is small and relationships matter.

The goal of the admissions process is to find the best people for the exact mentors available at a specific program. The hope is that the relationships that develop will last far beyond the five years of graduate school. How you get trained and by who matters. I hope the information in this blog post will help your journey. Keep me posted on your accomplishments.

Dr. Todd B. Kashdan is a public speaker, psychologist, and professor of psychology and senior scientist at the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being at George Mason University. His new book, The upside of your dark side: Why being your whole self - not just your “good” self - drives success and fulfillment is available from Amazon , Barnes & Noble , Booksamillion , Powell's or Indie Bound . If you're interested in speaking engagements or workshops, go to: toddkashdan.com

Todd B. Kashdan Ph.D.

Todd B. Kashdan, Ph.D. , is a professor of psychology at George Mason University and the author of The Art of Insubordination: How to Dissent and Defy Effectively .

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Psychology Graduate Program

  • Psychology Department

Please note that our GRE General Test score requirements for admission have changed. For candidates seeking Fall 2025 admission: -  required for applicants to the Clinical Science area  -  optional but recommended for applicants to the Social, Developmental, and CBB areas*  As  of Ma y 2024, GRE General Test scores will be required for all applicants seeking Fall 2026 admission.  The  Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences welcomes applications for admission from individuals who have or will have by the time of matriculation a BA, BS, or equivalent undergraduate degree (for prospective international students, a three- or four-year undergraduate degree from an institution of recognized standing) and actively seeks applicants from groups historically  underrepresented in graduate schools . All degree candidates are admitted for full-time study beginning in the fall term.

Immigration status does not factor into decisions about admissions and financial aid. For more information, see  Undocumented at Harvard .

If you already hold a PhD or its equivalent, or are an advanced doctoral candidate at another institution, you may apply to a PhD program only if it is in an unrelated field of study; however, preference for admissions and financial aid will be given to those who have not already had an opportunity to study for a doctoral degree at Harvard or elsewhere. You may also want to consider pursuing non-degree study through our  Special Student or Visiting Fellow  programs.

Eligible Harvard College students with advanced standing may apply in the fall of their junior year to earn an AM or SM degree during their final year of undergraduate study. Interested students must contact the  Office of Undergraduate Education  for eligibility details before applying.

Questions about the application or required materials should be directed to the Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions Office at  [email protected] or 617-496-6100. 

Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification. 

Required Application Materials

Please refer to Completing Your Application on the Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions site for details.  A complete application consists of:

Online application form

Application fee payment ($105) -  Application fee waivers are available to those for whom payment of the application fee would be financially challenging. Applicants can determine eligibility for a fee waiver by completing a series of questions in the Application Fee section of the application. Once these questions have been completed, the application system will provide an immediate response regarding fee waiver eligibility.


Letters of recommendation (at least 3)

Statement of purpose

Personal statement

Demonstration of English proficiency

GRE General Test scores:   -  required for applicants to the Clinical Science area  -  optional but recommended for applicants to the Social, Developmental, and CBB areas* As of May 2024, GRE General Test scores will be required for all applicants seeking Fall 2026 admission. 

Harvard Griffin GSAS may request additional academic documents, as needed.

*Graduate student admissions are among the most important decisions we make as a department. Like many other PhD programs around the US and abroad, we have wrestled with the question of whether we should continue to require that applicants to our PhD program submit scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) as part of their application. After extensive review of the scientific literature and robust discussion among our faculty, we have decided to continue to make submission of GRE scores optional, but to Recommend that students submit GRE scores if they are able to do so. We wanted to share our candid thoughts on this here.  

A number of empirical and review papers have noted that performance on the GRE is not a strong predictor of performance on a number of graduate school metrics (e.g., correlation with graduate school GPA = .21-.31, which represent small to medium effect sizes; Woo et al., 2023) and that the fact that the significant group differences (by race/ethnicity and gender) in GRE scores suggest it may discourage those from underrepresented groups from applying to PhD programs. Other research has shown that although there are limitations to the GRE, other potential predictors of success in graduate school have even smaller correlations with such outcomes, and removing the GRE would lead us to rely on these other potentially biased factors, such as where a person received their undergraduate degree, what research lab they had the opportunity to train in, and letters of recommendation.(1) We have heard anecdotally from current and former PhD students (including those historically underrepresented in PhD programs) who argue that the GRE helped them demonstrate their abilities when they didn’t attend a top undergraduate institution or work in a well-known research lab.  

On balance, we acknowledge that the GRE is an imperfect test and should not be used as the single deciding factor in admissions; however, we fear that excluding it altogether will introduce more, not less, bias into the admissions decision-making process. Thus, we have decided to keep the submission of GRE scores optional, but to recommend that students submit their scores if they are able to do so.  

We know that many students might expect that we are looking for near-perfect scores as a requirement for admission. We are not. We do not use a rigid threshold for GRE scores, and take it into consideration with other factors (e.g., strong performance in undergraduate statistics might be used to demonstrate quantitative abilities in place of strong performance on the quantitative section of the GRE). To be transparent about this, we note that our past 10 years’ of admitted PhD applicants have had scores on the GRE ranging on the Quantitative section from the 38th to the 98th percentile, and on the Verbal section ranging from the 59th to the 99th percentile.(2 )

We will continue to work toward determining how to make admissions decisions in a way that identifies the candidates who match best with what our PhD training program has to offer and in doing so may make further adjustments to our admissions requirements in future admissions cycles.  

(1) For a review of these issues, see: Woo, S. E., LeBreton, J. M., Keith, M. G., & Tay, L. (2023). Bias, Fairness, and Validity in Graduate-School Admissions: A Psychometric Perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 18(1), 3–31. https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916211055374  

(2) Note: Test scores were not required for the past 3 years and so are largely unavailable for that period. 

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20 Best Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) Graduate Schools

Reviewed by David Krug David Krug is a seasoned expert with 20 years in educational technology (EdTech). His career spans the pivotal years of technology integration in education, where he has played a key role in advancing student-centric learning solutions. David's expertise lies in marrying technological innovation with pedagogical effectiveness, making him a valuable asset in transforming educational experiences. As an advisor for enrollment startups, David provides strategic guidance, helping these companies navigate the complexities of the education sector. His insights are crucial in developing impactful and sustainable enrollment strategies.

Updated: April 25, 2024 , Reading time: 12 minutes

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Although our efforts in life bring splendid results, we deal with pressure, urgency, tension, and anxiety that can affect our mental and emotional state. Consequently, the world is demonstrating a rising demand for:

  • Psychologists

Psychology professionals who can assess, interpret, and offer solutions to alleviate mental, behavioral, and emotional problems for people who desperately need them are the key to health and happiness for so many.  

A Doctor of Clinical Psychology is the highest level of education that allows professionals to become experts in the field of mental health and counseling. Let’s explore today’s top PsyD programs.

Quick Audio Summary:


The Clinical Psychology graduate schools and programs are ranked based on institutional prestige, teaching and training standards, and student outcomes. Each program is known for the following features:

  • Top-standard admission, retention, and graduation rates
  • Rigorous medical coursework featuring up-to-date principles and state-of-the-art equipment
  • Impressive job placement rates
  • An esteemed panel of expert instructors with significant field contributions
  • Various student assistance services for networking
  • Accreditation from academic agencies and recognition within the medical circle
  • Stellar reviews from alumni and Ph.D. students

Psychologist conducting a Psych test

Best Doctor of Clinical Psychology Graduate Schools

Xavier university.

Xavier University

Cincinnati, OH

Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)


Xavier’s PsyD degree aims to equip students with the ability to practice professional clinical psychology in diverse settings. This program offers various internships practical experiences, and customization options. 

There are three interest areas in this PsyD: 

  • Children and Adolescents Psychology
  • Persons with Chronic Psychopathology
  • Health Care Psychology

University of California-Los Angeles

University of California

Los Angeles, CA

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology


UCLA’s research-based doctorate in clinical psychology aims to develop students into experts in advanced psychology research and teaching.

Students who aspire to careers in organizational psychology, industrial psychology, counseling psychology, or forensic psychology are not advised to apply to this program and look for schools that offer PsyD in Psychology instead.

Palo Alto University – PGSP/Stanford University Consortium

Palo Alto University

Palo Alto, CA

PsyD in Clinical Psychology


This degree is a practitioner-scholar program designed for individuals who aspire to pursue a career providing direct, thorough, and evidence-based clinical psychological services.

The program takes pride in its effectiveness in developing the student’s awareness and skills on the nine Health Service Psychology Profession-wide Competencies like research, ethical and legal standards, assessment, and more. 

Loyola University Maryland

Loyola University Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland

Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.)


Loyola’s PsyD degree develops and prepares students to lead in the clinical psychology profession. This program includes more than 1,500 hours of supervised field experience in any of its 100 externship locations across the Baltimore-Washington, DC region.

Pepperdine University

Pepperdine University


Pepperdine’s PsyD courses are delivered through a practitioner-scholar method of doctoral training to allow students to understand, absorb, and digest the practical application of the academic and clinical education they receive. This is among the US psychology institutions with a 100% placement rate.

George Fox University

George Fox University

Newberg, OR

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


George Fox’s offers a PsyD program that allows you to earn a non-terminal master’s of Clinical Psychology within your five years of academic and clinical training. This accredited program offers students some of the best and most renowned clinical psychology faculty. Students can focus on one of the following training tracks: 

  • Broad and General Psychology
  • Primary Care Psychology
  • Child & Adolescent Psychology 
  • Assessment Track

University of Denver GSPP

University of Denver

PsyD Clinical Psychology


The PsyD in Clinical Psychology at DU allows students to apply via Georgetown University’s Graduate School of Professional Psychology.

This program is known to provide students with a solid background in clinical psychology with various specialization options. Students can focus on any of the following topics: 

  • Latinx Psychology
  • Military Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and
  • Substance Use Disorder Psychology

The George Washington University

George Washington University

Washington, DC


This PsyD in Clinical Psychology offers a curriculum that combines extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge of psychology.

Students will receive mentorship from experienced professionals, clinicians, and researchers with unquestionable authority on cognitive, behavioral, and a host of other psychological disorders. Students will choose one track: 

  • Child & Adolescent Track
  • Adult Track

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program (Psy.D.)


UNC at Chapel Hills offers an intensive PsyD in Clinical Psychology degree that combines research and clinical science training. The program offers two clinical tracks:

  • Adult Clinical track
  • Child/Family Clinical track

It’s an extremely competitive program that chooses only eight students from scores of applicants who want to get into the program.

Baylor University

Baylor University

Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology


Baylor’s Clinical Psychology PsyD program equips students with theoretical and clinical competencies through intensive coursework plus 1,000 – 1,200 hours of clinical practice and research experience. With only a 2% acceptance rate, it’s also one of the most competitive PsyD programs.

Yeshiva University – Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology

Yeshiva University - Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology


Yeshiva University’s PsyD program is considered one of the best psychology schools in the US. It exposes students to various academic, research, and field training, molding them into excellent practitioners of clinical psychology.

Aside from its Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology offers a Doctor of Psychology in School-Clinical Child Psychology program.

Widener University

Widener University

Chester, PA

Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)


Students of Widener University’s PsyD in Clinical Psychology are guaranteed empirical and practical learning experiences for professional success. Students can pursue certificates in:

  • Biofeedback
  • Neuropsychology
  • School Psychology

In addition, they also have the option to pursue concentrations: 

  • Child, Adolescent, & Family Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy/Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (CBT/ACT)
  • Consulting Psychology
  • Cross-Cultural & Diversity Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Psychodynamic Psychology

Long Island University

Long Island University

Brookville, NY

  • Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.)

This program is designed for those who want to serve underserved populations. It offers a rigorous core curriculum that can provide you with mastery of your courses and allow you to choose two of its major areas of focus:

  • Serious Mental Illnesses
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and
  • Interventions with High-Risk Families

Chestnut Hill College

Chestnut Hill College

Philadelphia, PA

Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology


CHC’s PsyD in Clinical Psychology uses the practitioner-scholar model and develops students’ skills as they accumulate theoretical knowledge. It offers optional concentrations:

  • Psychological Assessment
  • Couple, Family, and Child Therapy

Students who can meet the optional requirements will be awarded a Certification of Concentration aside from their graduation diploma.

University of Indianapolis

University of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN

Clinical Psychology Doctorate (Psy.D.)


UIndy exposes PsyD students to more advanced course content and allows them to master an area of focus like:

  • Child and Adolescent Psychology
  • Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
  • Adult Psychopathology and Psychotherapy

The university has more than 40 quality practicum sites and over 75 placements, including in:

  • correctional facilities
  • psychiatric hospitals
  • university counseling centers
  • VA medical centers
  • specialized facilities for drug addicts, people with eating disorders, and victims of domestic violence

Biola University Rosemead School of Psychology

Biola University Rosemead School of Psychology


This PsyD in Clinical Psychology delivers its curriculum through rigorous academic training, aiming to equip students with outstanding abilities to provide professional services. The university integrates science with Christian theology to mold students into God-ordained practitioners of Clinical Psychology.

University of Washington

University of Washington

Seattle, WA

Information N/A

UW’s clinical psychology doctorate is a research-based program designed for individuals who want to pursue advanced education in psychology with scientific, academic, and professional training.

The department offers research mentorship, evidence-based clinical training, and opportunities for specialized training in diverse science, data science, and quantitative methods. 

Students can choose between the General and Child Track.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program (Ph.D.)


UW Madison’s PhD in Clinical Psychology employs the scientist-practitioner method as its training model. It uses a mentor model for research training, integrating theory and practice through closely aligned research interests, coursework, and clinical practicum experiences, with financial support for all students.

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY

Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.)

Information N/A

Stony Brook’s intensive PhD in Clinical Psychology aims to produce clinical scientists who are qualified and skilled to assess and analyze psychological problems from a scientific, evidence-based perspective.

Students participate in a research lab, complete two projects, and present papers at conferences. The program is highly competitive, accepting only four to eight out of over 300 applicants.

Rutgers University

Rutgers University

Piscataway, NJ

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (Psy.D)


The PsyD program at Rutgers offers a Clinical Psychology specialization that equips future psychologists with a solid foundation in clinical practice, incorporating diverse theoretical orientations and individual differences.

Additionally, students will face new knowledge and clinical needs for practical learning experiences. It strongly emphasizes clinical values and knowledge-based practice for lifelong development and leadership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a doctor of clinical psychology degree.

A Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) degree is a doctorate in scientific psychology, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, qualifying for a licensing exam. Various US universities now offer it in fields like:

  • Business Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology

Doctoral degrees in Psychology include:

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Ph.D)

Psy.D. prepares individuals for a career as a clinical psychologist , allowing them to take a licensing exam and work directly with clients with emotional, behavioral, or mental health problems.

Meanwhile, Ph.D. provides training in research and teaching . It prepares students for a career in academia or a business organization where knowledge of psychology is needed.

How do I choose between a Ph.D. and a Psy.D. program?

The difference between a Psy.D. and a Ph.D. can be confusing, but choosing the right program depends on your career goals. Ph.D.s are best for academic settings or experimental studies, while Psy. D.s are ideal for practicing with patients.

What should I consider when choosing a Psy.D. program?

Consider these six factors when choosing a Psy.D. program:

  • Emphasis on Clinical Practice and Research
  • Specializations or Areas of Focus
  • Faculty Expertise 
  • Field Experience
  • Alumni Stories
  • Student Success Rate

What are the different types of Psy.D. degrees?

Some present-day schools have made it possible for students to earn a Psy.D. degree with a specialized or highly focused degree. This led to the emergence of four other Psy.D. specializations. Let’s identify the most popular of them:

* Aimed at students who want to apply for clinical specialties in the legal or court system
* Focuses on Psychology and courses unique to the field of Law
* Aimed at students who want to apply for clinical specialties in the legal or court syste
* Focuses on Psychology and courses unique to the field of Law
* Equips individuals with skills to assess and counsel individuals with chronic behavioral problems
* Focus on abusive relationships and human sexuality as potential causes of emotional disorders
* Aimed at students who want to apply for clinical specialties in the legal or court system
* Focuses on Psychology and courses unique to the field of Law
* Focuses on Criminal Justice 
* Ideal for students seeking psychological assistance in correctional institutions
* Coursework covers psychology, the penal system, and correctional institutions

What are the disadvantages of Clinical Psychology?

Every job comes with a few disadvantages, right? Here are a few to consider in the field of Clinical Psychology:

  • High cost of treatment
  • Limited access to care
  • Time-consuming
  • Potential side effects of medication

What can I do as a Doctor of Clinical Psychology?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics explained the demand for clinical psychology jobs is likely to grow by 6% from 2022 to 2032 and will provide 12,000 job openings each year for the same period.

One of the many benefits of completing a doctorate in clinical psychology is its potential to open doors for you in several careers in psychology .

Here are some of the most probable jobs you can get with a doctorate in clinical psychology:

  • Counselor to specific groups, e.g., children, elderly, married couples, families, etc.
  • Behavioral Health Psychologist
  • Child Psychologist
  • Clinical Case Manager
  • Clinical Psychology College Professor
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Psychotherapist
  • Rehabilitation Psychologist
  • School Psychologist

Key Takeaways

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. programs further your career in the field of mental health. Students are taught advanced psychological theories, research methods, and scientific knowledge.

Licensed clinical psychologists offer psychological services , develop treatment plans, and provide guidance in mental wellness practices. They work in mental health centers, sports psychology, forensic psychology, organizational leadership, or other clinical settings.

Additional Resources:

  • Best Online Doctor of Educational Psychology Degree Programs
  • Organizational Leadership vs Industrial Psychology: Career ROI
  • What Jobs Can You Get With a Graduate Degree in Forensic Psychology?

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Applying to Graduate Programs

  • Applying to Clinical Psychology Programs

Applying to clinical psychology programs involves many of the same steps (in particular, the statement of purpose , letters of recommendation , taking the Graduate Record Examination , and interviews ) as other psychology graduate programs.  The application timelines are also the same or similar.  Thus, the same resources and tips that we provide on this website for those topics apply to clinical psychology applications.  However, there are a variety of different types of clinical programs to choose from, students should take relevant coursework in clinical psychology , and they might need to demonstrate not just research experience, but clinical experience as well.  Here we further explore those issues. 

Types of Clinical Psychology Programs

Becoming a clinical psychologist – a psychologist that specializes in research and/or treatment of mental health – involves a variety of graduate training routes.  These can occur at the doctoral (PhD or PsyD) or master’s levels (and a related possibility is a PhD in Counseling Psychology; additionally, for those seeking to take a medical approach, including the prescription of medication, training to become a psychiatrist – i.e., the holder of an MD or DO degree – is an avenue).  Here we overview several of the major routes for becoming a clinical psychologist. 1

PhD in Clinical Psychology

The doctoral degree, earned over approximately 4-6 years (plus an internship year), equips its recipient to conduct research, teach, and/or work as a practicing clinician.  It is the most versatile of the degrees that can be earned in clinical psychology.  PhD programs in clinical psychology are heavily research-focused and are typically designed around a scientist-practitioner model which idealizes the ability to both conduct research and practice.  Among all graduate programs, clinical psychology doctoral programs are among the most difficult to get into; admission rates are lower than that of law school, medical school, or other research-based graduate programs (for instance, 8 accepted out of 300 applicants). 1 Clinical psychology PhD programs typically provide funding to graduate students, however, thus making this route less financially burdensome. 

PsyD in Clinical Psychology

Developed in the 1970s as an alternative to the traditional PhD, the PsyD is a professional doctoral degree that is more clinically focused.  Holders of the PsyD can work as a practicing clinician; access to teaching opportunities is however more limited than those holding PhDs.  The PsyD is typically earned over 4-6 years (plus an internship year), similar to the PhD, but the research component of the program is greatly reduced (a greater proportion of graduate training occurs in clinical settings).  PsyD programs are easier to be admitted into, but also tend to be more expensive.

Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, or Social Work

Typically completed in two years, a master’s program can be a faster way to earn a graduate degree and enter the workforce.  Acceptance rates are higher than for doctoral programs, although annual program expenses can be higher.  There are a variety of master’s programs that aspiring clinical psychologists may wish to pursue – ranging from clinical psychology to social work – and many confer on its holder the ability to work in private practice or in corporate/organizational settings.

Do I Need Research or Clinical Experience?

According to the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP), having research experience is critically important and “it is not necessary to have prior experience assisting with clinical work”. 2   Similar statements can be found in other guides to applying to clinical programs. 1  Thus, just as with other psychology graduate programs, research experience is critically important.  The CUDCP further specifies that serving in a post-baccalaureate research assistant position, completing a Senior Thesis or Honors Thesis , or other type of supervised research experience is especially useful. 2

However, although clinical experience is not necessarily required, gaining such experience can be valuable in helping you determine whether the clinical psychology route is genuinely your preferred career choice.  It also is not likely to hurt your application, and given the competitiveness of many clinical psychology programs, may actually help your application stand out. 

Workshops and Downloadable Resources

  • For in-person discussion of the process of applying to graduate programs in psychology, including clinical psychology programs, please consider attending this department’s “Paths to PhDs” workshop and other related events (for dates and times, please check the undergraduate workshops calendar).

Further Resources

How-To Videos     

  • Applying to Grad School Videos

Recommended Reading

  • American Psychological Association (2007). Getting in: a step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology .  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Keith-Spiegel, P., & Wiederman, M. W. (2000). The complete guide to graduate school admission: psychology, counseling, and related professions . Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

APA Videos on Graduate Applications

  • Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology [12-part video series]
  • Preparing and applying for graduate school in psychology [video slides in PDF format]
  • Mitch’s uncensored advice for applying to graduate school in clinical psychology [PDF]
  • Applying to graduate school in clinical psychology, a student’s step-by-step guide [PDF]
  • I just got an interview for a clinical psychology program now what do I do? [PDF]
  • Getting into clinical psychology graduate school, a guide by the CUDCP
  • What do clinical psychology programs look for in applicants from the APA
  • What does it take to get into graduate school in clinical psychology from Northwestern University

1  Prinstein, M. (2012).  Applying to graduate schools in clinical psychology .  DePauw University .

2 council of university directors of clinical psychology.  (2017).  getting into clinical psych grad school ..

  • Finding and Choosing Graduate Programs of Interest
  • Timelines for the Graduate Application Process
  • Applicant Qualifications, Admissions Criteria, and Acceptance Rates
  • Writing Statements of Purpose and Other Application Essays
  • Requesting Letters of Recommendation
  • Preparing for the Graduate Record Examination
  • Graduate Admissions Interviews
  • Applying to Medical School and Professional Health Programs
  • Accepting Graduate Admissions Offers

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15 Best PsyD & PhD Clinical Psych Programs – 2024

January 19, 2024

The following list looks at the best clinical psych programs, some of which result in a PsyD while others lead to PhDs. The Doctor of Psychology, or PsyD, degree is a doctorate in psychology focused on clinical practice rather than research. So, depending on the program, your coursework will be dedicated more toward developing a patient-facing practice and less on conducting experiments and publishing research than with the PhD programs listed. Finding the best PsyD programs or PhD in clinical psych programs that suit you and your needs doesn’t need to be difficult. The first thing to look for will be a school that’s accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and/or the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS).

The APA “assures the public, licensing boards and potential employers that you have a sound educational and scientific foundation on which to build a successful career in psychology,” and the school accreditation process guarantees that you’ll be receiving an education that will solidify your career and create credibility for you and your future clients.

Best Clinical Psych Programs (Continued)

Not only that, you’ll be entering a growing field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the “overall employment of psychologists is projected to grow 6 percent from 2022 to 2032.” When you break out the average increase in demand for clinical and counseling psychologists, however, the BLS projects that the number of jobs will increase by about 11 percent . That’s faster than the average for every other occupation. There will be an estimated average of 12,800 new jobs for all psychologists each year until 2023. The median salary for psychologists was about $85,000 in 2022. This is higher than the average U.S. annual take-home pay across the board.

We’ve compiled the following list of accredited PsyD and PhD programs worth highlighting. The following schools will send you well on your way to serving the mental and emotional health of others while ensuring that you have ample opportunity to work closely with faculty, get real-world exposure, and enter the workforce competitively.

US News and World Report Methodology and Rankings 

US News and World Report has ranked the top accredited clinical psych programs in the country. In order to rank the schools, they survey faculty at 231 different, accredited PsyD and PhD clinical psych programs.  Faculty rate programs on a 1-5 scale judging academic quality. The rankings are determined by averaging each program’s scores. Unsurprisingly, this means there are a lot of ties. This also means that there are a ton of great schools out there. Therefore, you can’t go wrong with these top-tier, accredited programs.

Best PsyD Programs & Clinical Psych PhD Programs – Important Factors to Consider 

When applying to any graduate school, it’s important to assess how competitive admissions are, the amount of time you’ll spend in the program, the costs of the program, if funding is available (either full or partial), and what career placement possibilities look like upon graduation. In a field like clinical psychology, graduating without going into debt will make your career all the more successful. It will also allow you to give care to patients without attaching a dollar sign to them.

Let’s dive into the rankings: 

1)  UCLA

The University of California, Los Angeles is so universally renowned in psychology that it tops the list.

In addition to a dedicated Clinical Psychology concentration, the doctoral program also allows students to pursue Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive, Developmental, Health Psychology, Learning and Behavior, Quantitative, and Social Psychology.

The program is competitive; in 2023, there were 28 admitted students out of 1,226 applicants. Funding is available through fellowships, training, and teaching or research assistantships. The department strives to match students with funding upon admission, according to UCLA. However, they also recommend that students apply for external funding, as well. This means that full funding may not be guaranteed for everyone.

UCLA also touts a chapter of Underrepresented Graduate Students in Psychology (UGSP). This a student group which offers support and community to students from diverse racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic backgrounds.

2)  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

UNC Chapel Hill’s PsyD program boasts a long-running accreditation with the APA—they’ve held the status since 1949. The program is also accredited by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). The program emphasizes “training in clinically-informed research and evidence-based clinical work,” and they recognize that your needs, desires, and goals may change over the course of your time in the program.

UNC is highly selective. Out of 681 applicants in 2023, just eight students were offered admission. Starting in 2020, UNC Chapel Hill stopped considering GRE scores as a factor in admissions, which saves you the pain and expense of the test (if you’ve applied only to other schools that also didn’t require the GRE).

The school also provides full tuition remission, health insurance, and a nine-month stipend for all incoming Clinical Psychology students for the first five years in the program. Chapel Hill proudly states that they have offered this package for the last 50 years. The stipend for the 2022-2023 academic year was $20,000. The full funding package is one of the many reasons that Chapel Hill is a competitive, highly-ranked option for aspiring clinicians.

Best PsyD Programs and PhD Programs in Clinical Psychology (Continued)

3) stony brook university (suny) .

Stony Brook’s Clinical Psych program began in 1966, and they’ve done well since then, maintaining a top spot on the US News and World Report rankings for decades. The program claims to prepare students for both research and clinical work from a broad range of psychological perspectives. Stony Brook says that their program is best suited to students who want to pursue academic and research-related careers, and that many graduates end up balancing their research with time spent serving patients in a clinical setting. In that way, Stony Brook is a great option for anyone who wants to work with patients while also contributing to the body of psychological research.

Stony Brook is accredited by the PCSAS as well as the APA. In the 2022-2023 academic year, 444 people applied, nine were offered admission, and six students accepted. All students admitted received a full, nine-month stipend (currently $17,502), full tuition remission, and health insurance. Summer funding is also available in the form of teaching assistantships, fellowships, research grants, and work studies. On average, students receive about $4,000 of summer funding, as well.

4) UC Berkeley

Taking into consideration that this is one of the best programs in the country, one of the most interesting things about UC Berkeley is its newly changed accreditation status. The program is PCSAS accredited, however, its APA status is “accredited – inactive,” and students will no longer matriculate through the APA version of the curriculum.

In short, the faculty and administration decided that the “evolving curricular and other demands” associated with APA accreditation were inconsistent with the kind of training they were trying to give their students, a training that would place paramount “reducing the burden of mental illness and related problems in living.” You can read the full statement here .

If that kind of pedagogical philosophy appeals to you, you might also consider that Berkeley has a rigorous program guided by its faculty advisor/mentor program. Students are matched from their first year with a faculty advisor who follows their progress throughout their four-to-six-year residency at the school.

There were 308 students who applied for the 2022-2023 academic year, four were granted admission, and four accepted. All of those students received an assistantship that includes a full tuition waiver. You can find out more about UC Berkeley’s financial assistance packages for psychology doctoral students here .

5)  University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 

An incredibly sought-after program, the University of Minnesota is both APA and PCSAS accredited. Following Berkeley’s lead, however, the school is considering letting go of its APA accreditation in the future.

The program offers students the options of an “adult” or “developmental” track, and the chosen focus does not limit students to practice with either children or adults. There were 10 total students for whom 2022-2023 was their first year of enrollment.

The University of Minnesota offers a wealth of funding options for students. All admitted students receive full tuition remission, health care, and a nine-month stipend. They also receive a new laptop computer to support their research. Beginning in 2022, all students were also guaranteed summer funding through a variety of diverse opportunities. Having a healthy funding package can make a huge difference in the life of a graduate student, and Minnesota does not disappoint. You can find more details about assistantship opportunities on their website .

6)  University of Washington, Seattle (tie with Minnesota)

According to the University of Washington Graduate Study in Psychology website, “We do not make offers to U.S. or International applicants unless we can fund them with either a Teaching or a Research Assistantship for half time (expected workload of 20 hrs/wk).” Sometimes, the program can also offer fellowships, which do not entail an expected workload. This financial security undoubtedly keeps UW performing well and ranking high on the list.

The department generally receives 800-1000 applications for 20 funded positions.

7)  University of Wisconsin, Madison (tie with Minnesota)

UW Madison’s Psychology Ph.D. program is highly competitive. It receives more than 400 applicants annually and accepting fewer than 10 percent of students.

While the program does not explicitly state that it guarantees full tuition remission and a stipend as the previous programs do, it does state that students frequently receive NSF and NIH predoctoral fellowships to complete their programs. Teaching and research assistantships are also available.

8)  University of Pennsylvania

If you’re going to UPenn, you’ll be living in the heart of Philadelphia. This, of course, also means a high cost of living. Luckily, this Ivy League institution boasts a stipend of at least $40,500 per year, full tuition remission, and summer funding opportunities. Funding is guaranteed for five years, the expected length of time to complete the program.

In terms of competitiveness, you’re looking at similar rates of acceptance as similarly ranked schools. The program website states, “Last year we received over 800 applications. We can accommodate about 8-10 new students per year.”

9)  University of Pittsburgh (tie with UPenn)

If you don’t go to UPenn, you can study in the western half of the state and still enjoy the same academic caliber.

Pitt also provides financial support for six years, and perhaps longer, depending on the student. The support includes a stipend which covers “living expenses, health insurance, public transportation, and tuition reimbursement.” It’s good to be a Panther!

10)  Harvard University 

Rounding out the top 10 is Harvard.

The standard financial aid package at this university is as robust as that of any school. That shouldn’t come as a surprise given Harvard’s elite status. According to the program website:

“The financial aid package for Ph.D. students entering in 2023 will include tuition and health fees support for years one through four, or five, if needed; stipend support in years one and two; a summer research grant equal to two months stipend at the end of years one through four; teaching fellowship support in years three and four guaranteed by the Psychology Department; and a dissertation completion grant consisting of tuition and stipend support in the appropriate year. Typically students will not be allowed to teach while receiving a stipend in years one and two or during the dissertation completion year.”

The nice thing about not “being allowed” to teach in the first two years is that students can concentrate solely on their coursework and intellectual and professional development, a real boon for clinicians in crimson.

More Great Programs 

The next seven schools all tied with Harvard in terms of rank on the US News and World Report list. They—and many others—certainly merit investigation and application, should you find yourself intrigued by the faculty, the opportunities, and, of course, the stipend.

  • Indiana University, Bloomington (tie with Harvard)
  • Penn State University, University Park (tie with Harvard)
  • Temple University (tie with Harvard)
  • University of Colorado, Boulder (tie with Harvard)
  • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (tie with Harvard)
  • University of Texas, Austin (tie with Harvard)
  • Washington University in St. Louis (tie with Harvard)

A Note About Online Clinical Psych Programs 

Because the emphasis in these programs is on training students to become clinicians in a therapeutic setting, there are currently no APA-accredited online PsyD or PhD programs . PCSAS doesn’t seem to have a direct statement about the nature of online programs. However, its list of accredited schools can be found here .

The world is changing and many people are pursuing telehealth therapy options online. This may change the educational landscape in the future. Finding the program that works for you means choosing a school that will set you up for the most success. An accredited degree is often the first step in the licensure and employment process.

Best PsyD Programs and PhD Programs in Clinical Psychology) – Additional Resources

If the PsyD program seems a little overwhelming, you might check out the best master’s programs in Psychology  and How to Become a Psychologist . If you’re ready to dive into applications, check out College Transition’s best advice on how to optimize your GRE score , the top GRE vocab words to study , and—if you’re worried—how to overcome a low GPA in the grad school admissions process .

  • Graduate School Admissions

Brittany Borghi

After earning a BA in Journalism and an MFA in Nonfiction Writing from the University of Iowa, Brittany spent five years as a full-time lecturer in the Rhetoric Department at the University of Iowa. Additionally, she’s held previous roles as a researcher, full-time daily journalist, and book editor. Brittany’s work has been featured in The Iowa Review, The Hopkins Review, and the Pittsburgh City Paper, among others, and she was also a 2021 Pushcart Prize nominee.

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Navigating Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Programs: How To Choose The Appropriate Fit

If you’re interested in treating mental health disorders, a Ph.D. in clinical psychology is can be a significant step in your pursuit of a fulfilling and impactful career in mental health on your career path. The decision you make about where to pursue your clinical psychology doctorate can be pivotal, shaping not only your educational experience but also your future contributions to the field. As you consider the vast array of clinical psychology programs available, you're likely to face several questions and concerns.

The decision you make about where to pursue your clinical psychology doctorate is pivotal, shaping not only your educational experience but also your future contributions to the field. It's a decision that demands careful consideration., and that's where this comprehensive guide comes in.

This guide will help you navigate the complex landscape of clinical psychology Ph.D. programs. From understanding the various specializations and research opportunities to evaluating factors such as faculty expertise, program accreditation, and financial considerations, we'll provide you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make an informed choice.

This article will help you navigate the complex landscape of clinical psychology Ph.D. programs, whether you're a recent graduate eager to explore the field of clinical psychology or a seasoned professional seeking to advance your career. From understanding the various specializations and research opportunities to evaluating factors such as faculty expertise, program accreditation, and financial considerations, Whether you're a recent graduate eager to dive into the world of clinical psychology or a seasoned professional seeking to advance your career, we aim to empower you with the tools and information you need to embark on your academic journey with confidence. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how towe’re providing you with information that can help you choose the right clinical psychology Ph.D. program for you that aligns with your aspirations, ensuring a successful and fulfilling career in the field of mental health.

Understanding clinical psychology Ph.D. programs

Before we explore the specifics of choosing a clinical psychology PhD program, let's review what clinical psychology is all about. Clinical psychology is a field of study and practice that focuses on understanding and addressing mental health concerns. The goal of clinical psychology is to help individuals navigate their psychological challenges and improve their overall well-being. It seeks to understand the individual in their entirety, including their unique experiences, needs, desires, and attachments.

The goal of clinical psychology is to help individuals navigate and overcome their psychological challenges and improve their overall well-being. To achieve this goal, clinical psychologists use a range of assessment, intervention, and research techniques to provide evidence-based treatment and support.

A doctoral degrees allows adequate preparation can provide emerging clinical psychologists with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their practice areas. Additionally, a Ph.D. in clinical psychology equips graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct research that advances the field's understanding of mental health.

Pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology is no small feat; it requires dedication , passion, and perseverance. As you work toward your PhD in clinical psychologyIf you decide to work toward this degree, you'll learn about various therapeutic modalities, treatment approaches, and theoretical orientations. You'll also also develop the critical thinking, research, and analytical skills necessary to understand complex psychological phenomena.

It's important to note that while clinical psychology is a broad field, it differs from other related disciplines like counseling psychology, psychiatry, and social work. Understanding these distinctions will can help you choose the right Ph.D. program for your specific career goals.

  • Counseling psychology: Unlike clinical psychologists, who generally focus on address treating severe mental health conditions, counseling psychologists typically focus on helping clients with milder psychological concernslife challenges and milder psychological concerns. Counseling psychologists may work in university counseling centers or practice settings.
  • Psychiatry: While clinical psychologists primarily use talk therapy to treat mental health disorders, psychiatrists are medical doctors trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses using a combination of medication and, in some cases, psychotherapy and therapy.
  • Social work: Although Like clinical psychologists, social workers may also provide therapy. Usually unable to diagnose conditions, however,, their primary focus is often on addressing societal and environmental issues that impact mental health. They often work in community-based settings.

While mental health professionals come from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, cThe academic rigor and practical training that clinical psychology Ph.D. programs offer a unique blend of academic rigor and practical training that preparescan adequately prepare graduates for their rewarding careers in mental health care in the field. Through specialized coursework, clinical practicum sexperiences, and research opportunities, these programs provide a comprehensive education that meets the highest standards of academic excellence.

Exploring specializations in clinical psychology

Within clinical psychology Ph.D. programs, there are various specializations that students can pursue. These specializations allow individuals to focus on specific areas of interest and develop expertise in those areas. Before choosing a Ph.D. program, it can be important to exploring explore the different various specializations clinical psychology specialties and considering consider which areas of focus best aligns best with your interests and career goals is important.

Some of the most common specializations within clinical psychology include:

  • Neuropsychology: This specialization fNeuropsychologists focusocuses on understanding how brain function impacts behavior and cognition. Neuropsychologists They often work with individuals who have experienced a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or other neurological conditions.
  • Child and adolescent psychology: As the name suggests, this specialization focuses on working with children and adolescents. This specialization involves addressing developmental disorders, behavioral challenges, or specific issues related to childhood trauma-related conditions, and other mental health concerns in children and teenagers.
  • Geriatric psychology: This specialization focuses on geriatric psychologists understanding and treating address mental health concerns in older adults. Geriatric psychologists often work in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or practice settings.
  • Forensic psychology: This specialization focus area involves applying psychological principles in the legal system. Forensic psychologists may work with law enforcement, attorneys, and the court systems to evaluate individuals involved in legal proceedings or provide expert testimony.

These are just a few examples of specializations within clinical psychology; there are many others to explore. As you consider which specializations best fits your interestsyou’re interested in pursuing, you should also reflect on your personal experiences, strengths, and values. Choosing a specialization that aligns with these factors will not onlycan make your academic journey more fulfilling but also setand set you up for success in your future career.

How to pick the right clinical psychology Ph.D. program

Now that we have a better understanding of what clinical psychology is and the various specializations within the field, let's discuss how to pChoosingick the right Ph.D. program for you can help ensure you have a rewarding academic experience. In addition to researching programs online, you may want to take campus visits, ask to audit classes, and talk with professors and administrators. As with any major life decision, it's critical to approach this process thoughtfully and deliberately.

Here are some factors to consider as you evaluate different clinical psychology Ph.D. programs:

  • Faculty expertise:  One of the most crucial elements to consider is the fFaculty members within the a Ph.D. program. These individuals will guide your academic and professional development, so it's paramount to, so consider researching their expertise and qualifications.
  • Accreditation and reputation: It's also important to consider whether aYou may want to limit your search to programs has that have been accredited by reputable organizations like the American Psychological Association (APA) . You  may also want to researchcan also find information about a each program's reputation and ranking within the field.
  • Financial considerations: Pursuing a Ph.D. is may involve a significant monetary investment, so it's it can be crucial important to understand the a program's tuition costs and available financial aid options. You'll likely also want to consider the how your potential long-term career prospects and how theywill align with your financial goals.
  • Campus culture and environment: The campus cultureThe student life  and setting of a school can play a significant role in your academic experience. Consider factors like location, campus resources, and the overall atmosphere of the program.
  • Research opportunities and resources: Since research is a vital aspect of clinical psychology, exploring the research opportunities and resources available within a program is a must. These resources may includeit can help to know the extent to which a program connects students with access to specialized labs, funding for research projects, and collaborations with faculty members.
  • Personal preferences: Last but certainly not least, don't forgetRemember to consider your personal preferences and lifestyle factors when evaluating clinical psychology Ph.D. programs. Your happiness and well-being are just as important as your academic and professional successare important, so make sureensure the program you choose aligns with your values  and personal needs.

Finding the right clinical psychology Ph.D. program can requires a balance significant amount of research, self-reflection, and careful consideration. Accreditation status and faculty expertise are essential but don't forget toit can also be crucial to consider your personal passions and career goals. Remember that this is your journey, so choose a program that will support you in becoming the best clinical psychologist you can be. 

Making your decision and how to apply

Once you have thoroughly researched and evaluated different clinical psychology Ph.D. programs, it's time toyou may be ready to make your decision. Remember that this is a significant investment in yourself and your future, so take the time to weigh all factors carefully.

When it comes to actually applying for a program, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Createing a structured decision-making process: Developing a structured approach tothorough  decision-making framework can help you stay organized as you choose a programnd make a well-informed choice. You might create a spreadsheet with criteria to evaluate each program school or simply make a list of pros and cons.
  • Utilizing a decision matrix: A decision matrix is a helpful tool for evaluating and comparing different programs based on specific criteria. You can assign weights to each criterion and rank programs accordingly, which can help you visually seedecide which program schools aligns best with your personal and professional goals.
  • Seeking advice and input: Don't be afraid to rConsider reachingeach out to mentors, advisors, and peers for their perspectives on different programs. They may offer have valuable insights or considerations that you hadn't thought of before.

Once you've chosen the a program that's right for you, it's time toyou can begin preparing your application. Your applicationThis may involve taking prerequisite courses, obtaining letters of recommendation, writing a personal statement or essay, and taking standardized tests like the GRE.

The Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation within the APA is an excellent helpful resource for understanding common application requirements and tips for crafting a compelling application. Additionally, it can be's beneficial to reach out directly to the department or school you're applying to for specific guidance on their application process.

Remember, don't be discouraged if you're not accepted into your top-choice program. It's normal for many applicants to apply to multiple programs and receive rejections before finding the right fit. Many schools also offer candidates the opportunity to reapply after they gaining have gained more experience or improving improved your their application materials. Patience and perseverance are can be key in this process. 

Additional resources and support for your journey

In addition to academia, it's important to remember that those considering a Ph.D. program or seeking guidance for other sources and support are available to assist with personal and professional development in the field of clinical psychology, support is available. Graduates who are beginning their careers in clinical psychology might find it beneficial to seek utilize support from professional organizations, mentorship programs, and education resources. 

Mental health professionals can benefit from seeking care themselves at times; and an online therapy platform like BetterHelp has become a significant part of mental health support can provide convenient, flexible means of receiving support, especially given recent global events. This mode of Online therapy provides access to mental health resources irrespective of location can connect you with mental health resources remotely, allowing you to work with a therapist through video call, voice call, or in-app messaging offering convenience and flexibility. As If you’re an emerging clinical psychologist or a busy professional of any kind, you may benefit from utilizing an online therapy platform to connect with experienced professionals and gain additional support and guidance participating in therapy on a schedule that works for you.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-established, evidence-based approach to mental health treatment often utilized in online therapy. Clinical studies indicate it may can treat a range of mental health symptoms and conditions. In a study on the effects of an online cognitive behavioral therapy program for healthcare workers, participants reported experiencing reduced stress levels, improved self-care, and an increased capacity to cope with their emotions . If a rigorous PhD program leaves you feeling overwhelmed, consider turning to CBT techniques and resources for support. Burnout can be a common issue among students in high-stress occupations, and CBT has been shown to be helpful in promoting overall well-being. 

Remember, it's important to prioritize your mental health and well-being throughout your journey as a clinical psychology PhD student. In the end, your personal and professional growth will benefit from taking care of yourself and utilizing the resources and support available to you. 

Clinical psychology offers a world ofan array of opportunitiesy for those passionate about understanding and supporting treating mental health concerns. With the right program, resources, and support, you can embark on an empowering journey to becoming a highly skilled and compassionate clinical psychologist. Remember that, it's also important to prioritize your own mental health and well-being throughout your journey as a clinical psychology Ph.D. student. In the end, your personal and professional growth will benefit from taking care of yourself and utilizing the resources and support available to you. 

Online therapy can also be a helpful tool for personal and professional development, so don't hesitate to utilize it as you navigate through your academic journey.

  • What Are The Different Types Of Counseling Degrees? Medically reviewed by Melissa Guarnaccia , LCSW
  • What Type Of Therapist Should I Be? Exploring Paths In Mental Health And Wellness Medically reviewed by Julie Dodson , MA
  • Therapist Tools
  • Relationships and Relations


Clinical Psychology PhD Programs That Are Easy To Get Into

Online Clinical Psychology Degree Programs | Psychology.org

Have you been researching a Clinical Psychology PhD program but don’t know where to start? I help you decide which school is right for you. In this article, we attempted to answer the question: Is a Clinical Psychology PhD program easy to get into? We also covered the major guidelines that determine if a school is going to be a good choice for you and if any of those factors are a red flag for you, or if there’s something better out there.

Admission to PhD programs in clinical psychology is very competitive. Ratios of 300 applicants to 8 positions are common (though perhaps 10-15 people would have to be accepted to fill the 8 slots; some who are accepted decide to go elsewhere, or enter a different kind of graduate or professional program).

Do you want to learn about the latest findings on PsyD programs? Get ready! Find out all the information you need right here on Collegelearners so you don’t have to go looking again. Find all the specifics you need, such as how hard is it to get into a PhD program for clinical psychology, clinical psychology PhD application timeline, should I get a PhD in clinical psychology, chances of getting into a clinical psychology PhD program, applying to psychology PhD programs, Harvard clinical psychology PhD acceptance rate and soo much more. Be sure to visit our catalog for more information on related topics.

How Much Do Psychologists Make?

how competitive are clinical psychology phd programs

First of all the sad truth is that it is now extremely difficult to get into university-based Clinical Psychology PhD programs. I have heard that these programs are more difficult to get into than medical school (another option for graduate training that is outside the scope of this discussion). Many, if not most, students wanting to get doctoral training in Clinical Psychology will by necessity have to go to a freestanding professional school.

How to become a clinical psychologist & what they do | TARGETcareers

I get asked a lot by undergraduate students about how to get into a Ph.D. program in clinical or counseling psychology. These programs are competitive. This past year, we had about 170 applicants for 8 spots. Because of this, it’s important to understand the process, and know what you can do to give yourself the best shot to be accepted. Here are 11 guidelines for how to get into a Ph.D. program in counseling or clinical psychology:

how to get into a clinical psychology PhD program

Guideline 1: Make Sure This is the Type of Program you Want

There are many different types of graduate degrees in psychology. A Ph.D. in clinical or counseling psychology is a great degree, but it isn’t the best choice for everyone. Here are some things to think about when choosing a program.

PhD in Clinical or Counseling Psychology

  • Research is a big component of the training. If you aren’t interested in spending a lot of time learning how to do research and write up papers, this might not be the best program for you.
  • Probably the best choice to prepare you to teach at the university level.
  • Gives you the flexibility to become a licensed psychologist and see clients.
  • Usually the best in terms of financial support. Many schools will pay your tuition and give you a stipend for being a teaching or research assistant.
  • Most difficult to get into.

PsyD in Clinical Psychology

  • More clinically focused. You still have to do a dissertation project (usually), but there isn’t as much focus on research and writing.
  • Usually some limits in regard to the places you can teach at the university level.
  • Prepares you to become a licensed psychologist (same license as a Ph.D. program).
  • Usually expensive (financial support usually isn’t great).
  • Usually easier to get into than a Ph.D. program.

Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Counseling, or Social Work

  • Can be used as a stepping stone toward a Ph.D. program if you don’t have the grades, scores, or experience to get into a Ph.D program directly out of your undergraduate program.
  • Can get licensed to counsel.
  • Program is shorter (usually 2 years). Can get a job more quickly. Not as much debt. Also a good option if you aren’t sure you want to get your doctorate.
  • Easier to get into than Ph.D. programs.
  • Doesn’t prepare you for teaching at the university level.
  • Long-term drawback is that when counseling, your reimbursement from insurance companies is lower than if you had your Ph.D. or Psy.D. This is a significant difference and over the long run, a Ph.D. or Psy.D. will make more money. Also usually not as much training in assessment.

Don’t rush over this first guideline. It’s important to think critically about your long-term goals, and what you want to get out of a graduate program. The rest of the guidelines will focus on how to get into a Ph.D. program in counseling or clinical psychology.

Mathematics | Western Michigan University

Guideline 2: Clinical or Counseling?

The short answer is it isn’t that big of a deal… There are some differences between clinical and counseling psychology, but most of them are historical. Clinical psychology historically has focused on more intense psychopathology. Counseling psychology historically has focused on less severe psychopathology, and more in areas such as positive psychology, multicultural counseling, and career counseling. But nowadays there is lots of crossover between clinical and counseling psychology programs. Both types of programs compete for the same internships. You get the same license to practice when you are finished. It’s better to select your program based on research match with a faculty member.

Guideline 3: Find a Research Match with a Faculty Member

Research training will be a big part of your Ph.D. program. In most programs, you apply to a person, meaning that you will be matched with a faculty member whose research interests align with your own. If your research interests do not align with a faculty member, it is unlikely you will be accepted into that program. So do your homework when selecting programs. There’s a great book called the Insider’s Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology that is updated every two years. It has information on each program, including the type of research that faculty members are conducting. Another way to find research mentors is to do a PsycINFO or GoogleScholar search on your research interests, and identify people who are doing research in your area of interest. Then you can apply to their program.

Guideline 4: Get Good Grades

Most students applying to clinical and counseling Ph.D. programs will have excellent grades. Almost everyone will have above a 3.5 GPA. Most will be in the 3.8/3.9 range. This can make it tough for individuals who got off to a slow start in college. If your grades aren’t where they need to be, it might be a good idea to look at master’s programs as a possible backup. If you get good grades in your master’s program, the focus will be on your grades as a whole (undergraduate AND graduate).

Guideline 5: Rock the GRE

The GRE is the one thing that is consistent across applicants. Applicants come from different types of schools, so it can be difficult to compare factors such as grades across applicants. But the GRE is consistent across applicants, and because of that, it gets a lot of weight. This is a tough pill to swallow for students who don’t like standardized tests, or who don’t think they are good at standardized tests. But it is the reality. Most students applying to Ph.D. programs will have high GPAs, will have worked in a research lab, and will have had some clinical experience. But the GRE is where you see a lot of separation. The take home message is to do everything you can to prepare for the GRE and do the best you can. There is no substitute for this. It’s that important. So do whatever it is you need to do. Take practice tests. Go through the study materials. Take a GRE prep class. Get a tutor. Give it your best shot.

Guideline 6: Get Research Experience

Research experience is important. Research is a huge component of your Ph.D. program, and professors want to know that you are serious about research and have some experiences getting your feet wet in this area. Almost everyone applying to Ph.D. programs will have experience working in a research lab, usually for multiple semesters. This can be viewed as a minimum. There are other things you can do to help stand out in terms of research experience. Completing your own personal project or honors thesis is good. Having presentations at conferences is good. Having a publication or two is great—this can really make you stand out.

Guideline 7: Get Clinical Experience

Clinical experience isn’t usually as important as research experience. Still, clinical training is a big component of a Ph.D. program, and again, professors want to know that you are serious about this commitment and have some prior experiences in this area. Gaining clinical experience can be difficult as an undergraduate student. But usually there are creative ways this can be done. For example, you might be able to volunteer at a psychiatric hospital. You could volunteer for a crisis line. Perhaps you could volunteer at a shelter for persons recovering from domestic violence. You want to have some experience in this area.

Guideline 8: Get Good Letters of Recommendation

You are required to get letters of recommendation as part of your application (usually 3). You want to have good letters of recommendation. This generally means that you need to have contact with a professor over and above just sitting in their class and receiving an A. This would be an example of a bad letter of recommendation. To get a good letter of recommendation, the professor needs to know who you are and have some consistent contact with you. A good example of this would be a professor whom you worked for in their research lab.

Guideline 9: Write a Good Personal Statement

Most programs require you to write a personal statement. Aim for about two pages. A good personal statement generally has the following sections:

  • Introduction, perhaps something about yourself and how you became interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in psychology (approx. 1 paragraph).
  • Description of your research experiences (approx. 2 paragraphs).
  • Description of your clinical experiences (approx. 1 paragraph).
  • Discussion of what draws you to the particular program (approx. 1 paragraph).
  • Discussion of what draws you to the particular research professor (approx. 1 paragraph).
  • Conclusion that cements your desire and energy to pursue a Ph.D. from that particular school and professor. You could bring in some evidence for why you are a particularly strong candidate (e.g., awards, honors, etc.; approx. 1 paragraph).

Have some people read over and edit your personal statement. Good readers would be professors or psychology graduate students. It’s also not a bad idea to hire an editor to polish up your writing.

Guideline 10: Have a Good CV (Resume)

Most programs require you to submit a CV. A good CV generally has the following sections:

  • Contact information
  • Education (school, credits, overall GPA, psychology GPA)
  • GRE test results
  • Research experiences (descriptions of work, presentations, publications)
  • Clinical experiences (descriptions of work)
  • Honors and awards
  • Work experiences, volunteer experiences

Guideline 11: Apply Broadly

Ph.D. programs in clinical and counseling psychology are difficult to get into. Because of this, it’s a good idea to apply broadly. Apply to a lot of schools (10-15), even if you think you are a strong candidate. If possible, don’t limit yourself geographically. Also, it’s a good idea to apply to some backup schools (e.g., master’s programs). Try not to get discouraged if you don’t get into a Ph.D. program the first time around. Take a look at your application and evaluate what parts need improving. Are there areas that you could improve to really stand out? It’s also a good idea to ask other professors or graduate students to evaluate your application and advise where you might be able to improve.

Preparing and applying to a Ph.D. program in clinical or counseling psychology is a lot of work, and these programs are very difficult to get into. But it’s a great education, and psychology is an awesome field to be in. So if it’s what you want to do, stick with it. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Energy and persistence conquers all things.”

A doctorate degree, the highest attainable degree in most educational systems, is also considered the peak of academic challenge. We often hear how this prestigious post-graduate achievement requires long-term effort to define, develop, and complete original and significant research in their area of expertise.

A recent economic report, from WeForum.org, indicates that the United States produces the most number of Ph.D. graduates. Most scholars are awarded doctorates in the STEM fields. Doctorate degree students are expected to possess a high literacy level, advanced research and communication skills, and a competent level of understanding of complex material.

Today, earning a Ph.D. is made easier with distance learning formats. As opposed to keeping strictly fixed study schedules and spending a considerable amount of time, money, and effort on campus under the close supervision of research mentors,  online doctorate students comply with doctoral course requirements and conduct research work in virtual classrooms.

An easy doctorate that is earned online enhances your capacity to earn and raises your eligibility for top-level careers in your area of expertise. Doctorate degrees prepare students for leadership positions and highly skilled professions in various sectors, as well as university-level professorships.

Clinical Psychology – Psychology

Careers And Salaries To Consider With An Easy Online Doctoral Degree

Anything worth working for is not always easy, right? Your chosen doctoral program is one of the most important decisions you can make along your educational journey. Although most Ph.D. programs are rather costly, there are some that are easier than others, as well as, less time consuming and less expensive.

Typically, there are three areas of concentration that students focus on if in search of an “easy” doctoral degree program through an online distance learning format. Specifically, they are in the fields of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education. The following list suggests a few career choices and their annual salaries relevant to earning an easy online doctorate degree:

  • Advertising & Marketing Executive – $134,290
  • Law/Attorney – $120,910
  • Political Scientist – $117,570
  • Economist – $104,340
  • Professor – $78,470
  • Communications/Journalist – $66,880
  • FBI Agent – $62,787
  • Human Resource Specialist – $60,880
  • Social Worker – $49,470
  • Counseling – $44,630

Quite naturally, the above salaries will depend greatly upon your previous work experience, job location, and your educational accomplishments and certifications. Careers involving the fields of Health, Science, and Engineering will pay considerably more with an online doctoral degree.

easiest PhD programs to get into

We help you take the easy route to your Ph.D.! On this list are  30 online schools  in the country that welcome advanced scholars to their  easy online doctorate programs.  We feature each of the school’s doctorate curricula and highlight how the flexibility in schedule and self-paced formats translate to convenience in completing the program. OSC has chosen to list the  Top 30 Online Schools for Easy Online Doctoral Programs  in random order, so you may carefully research each selection to locate a program that is right for you! The following factors were considered:

  • Completion of a program through a 100% online format; offering asynchronous classwork through an easy-to-use Learning Management System,
  • Acceptable retention rates,
  • Offers proper school accreditation, as well as, other recognitions relevant to the field of study,
  • Instructed by exceptional professors experienced in their field of study,
  • Job placement, Career Services and networking opportunities available to graduates,
  • Offers a variety of easy online doctoral degree options; providing opportunities for students to easily earn their graduate degree through accelerated programs, by saving money, and by earning a Ph.D. while maintaining their current job and family commitments,
  • Displays positive student reviews,
  • Easy dissertation process; often completed entirely through the online distance learning format,
  • When applicable, clinical experience, hands-on training, capstone projects, or professional life credit experience may be required.

Also, please see our Methodology page for additional details on how OSC selected these fine schools for the  Easiest Online Ph.D. Programs for 2020.

easiest online phd degree programs

1. Regent University

Easy online doctoral degree programs.

regent university

Located in Denver, Colorado, Regent University offers easy online doctorate degree programs such as Ph.D. in Communication, Ph.D. in Counseling & Psychological Studies, and Ph.D. in Adult Education. Another easy online doctorate degree is the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program. This program is ideal for nurses seeking advanced expertise and career advancement in the field. The 51- to 60-credit program curriculum is composed of courses that aim to enhance students’ skills.  Learning is made easier through the university’s virtual mentoring for the whole span of the dissertation research. The program has 2-year and 3-year summer options on an eight-week coursework format. The university is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

2. Walden University

Online easiest ph.d. programs.

walden university

Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota offers easy online doctorate programs such as Ph.D. in Criminal Justice, Ph.D. in Nursing, and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology. It accepts the transfer of 55 credits for easier completion in two to three years, featuring highly accessible online resources. Walden University has received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

3. Liberty University

Easy online distance learning doctorate degree programs.

liberty university

Situated in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University offers easy online doctorate degree programs like Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision, Ph.D. in Theology & Apologetics, and Ph.D. in Worship Studies. Another doctorate degree which is purely online in format is the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) program. Doctoral students can hone their ministry skills and acquire an effective understanding of biblical principles required to land pastoral roles. Students also engage with known church leaders while pursuing their doctorate. The 33-credit curriculum is composed of a nine-hour credit thesis and six transferable credits. Utilizing the Blackboard platform, Liberty Flames accepts 45 to 70 credits. The school is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and allows for completion of the online Ph.D. program within two to three years.

4. Hampton University

Distance learning ph.d. easy programs.

Hampton University

Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia offers easy online doctorate degree programs such as Ph.D. in Business Administration, Ph.D. in Educational Management, and Ph.D. in Nursing. These degree programs can be easily completed through professional life experience credits, more interesting coursework, and hands-on training in 36 months or less. Hampton University has received accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

5. Nova Southeastern University

Easy doctoral programs online.

nova southeastern university

Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Nova Southeastern University offers easy online doctorate degree programs such as Ph.D. in Health Sciences, Ph.D. in Conflict Analysis & Resolution, and Post-Professional Ph.D. in Occupational Therapy. Online coursework is readily accessible 24/7. Learning is also easier through the Blackboard program and the university’s summer sessions. Online doctorate students can choose from three majors, which can all be completed in two to three years. The university is also accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

6. Keiser University

Easiest online doctoral degree programs.

keiser university

Keiser University at Fort Lauderdale, Florida features 11 easy online Ph.D. programs such as Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D. in Business Administration, and Ph.D. in General Psychology. Learning is convenient through the Blackboard program, particularly for dissertation research. Keiser University has received accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

7. University of Tennessee – Knoxville

Easy to earn online doctorate degree program.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville - easiest online doctorate degree programs

Situated at Knoxville, Tennessee, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville offers an online Doctor of Social Work in Clinical Practice and Leadership (DSW) program under the College of Social Work. Because of its fast-track format, students can quickly complete the doctorate in three years. They attend three-credit-hour courses every semester over eight continuous semesters including during the summer. The 48-credit coursework is delivered in both synchronous and asynchronous formats. The University of Tennessee-Knoxville is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

8. Bradley University

Easy online distance learning format ph.d. program.

bradley university

Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois offers two easy alternatives to earn a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree online. First is the DNP – Leadership Track (MSN Entry), which can be completed in three years. Those who started with the BSN pathway towards a DNP usually finish the program in four years. The DNP- Leadership Track is composed of 39 credit hours and takes typically nine semesters to complete. What makes this doctorate easy to earn is that it does not require residency; instead, students need to accomplish a clinical practicum and a clinical project. Students can also be easily admitted into the degree program three times a year. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

9. Monmouth University

Online easiest doctorate degree program.

monmouth university

West Long Branch, New Jersey is home to Monmouth University, an academic institution that offers the online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program. This program is ideal for practicing nursing professionals who desire career advancement. The 36-credit hour online program allows students to choose one or two courses every semester during the summer, spring, or fall. The online doctorate program emphasizes organizational or systems leadership and scholarship. Earning the doctorate is also easier through practical immersion experiences. The university has received accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

10. The Maryville University of St. Louis

Easiest distance learning ph.d. degree program.

maryville university of st louis

Located in St. Louis, Missouri, Maryville University offers an online Doctor of Nursing (DNP) program. Its 33-credit hour curriculum is ideal for working nurses who want to take higher courses for career advancement. Easy completion is attained in 20 months. On the other hand, the Doctorate in Higher Education Leadership is regarded as an easy doctorate as it features personalized coaching in a cohort learning model-based online setting. This degree can be completed in less than 32 months. Maryville University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

11. Seton Hall University

Online easy doctorate degree program.

seton hall university

Seton Hall University at South Orange, New Jersey, offers an online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program for students and working adults who want to acquire the highest clinical degree in the nursing field. Students learn advanced knowledge in population health, business and evidence-based approaches, and healthcare systems.

Accredited by the university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, Seton Hall University’s DNP doctorate program features two pathways, namely the BSN to DNP pathway with 73 to 79 credits, and the MSN to DNP pathway which has 32 to 33 credits. Easy completion of the degree program can be expected through a final scholarly project that mainly focuses on quality improvement and translational science for the advancement of care systems, safety, and patient outcomes. On the other hand, the Ed.D. in Higher Education Leadership, Management and Policy have only 45 credits, with topics that develop students’ research-based administrative and supervisory skills. There are two unique areas of focus, namely Management and Administration, and College Teaching that can be completed in three years or less.

12. University of Florida

Easiest doctorate degree program online.

university of florida

The University of Florida offers doctoral students an online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program under the College of Nursing. The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program is regarded as one of the state’s pioneer doctorate programs. There are two doctorate tracks for this discipline, namely the BSN to DNP and the MSN to DNP tracks that are delivered online with minimal attendance required on campus. The 35-credit doctorate program can be completed in five semesters or two and a half years. Acquiring practical knowledge without the hassle of research projects is made easier through this DNP doctorate program. Meanwhile, the BSN to DNP program requires 75 credits and can take around eight semesters or three years to be completed. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

13. College of St. Scholastica

Easy to earn online distance learning ph.d. program.

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

Located in Duluth, Minnesota, the College of St. Scholastica features and online Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy (tDPT) program. This tDPT program is designed for practicing therapists.  Learning is easier since the program curriculum is condensed into six, 16-credit-hour classes. The doctorate is expected to be completed in two years. The doctorate is geared towards intensive career preparation and hands-on experiences in the field of physical therapy. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

14. Duquesne University

Easiest online doctoral degree program.

Duquesne University

Duquesne University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania offers an online Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree program. This program is ideal for doctoral students who are prepared for career advancement. What is makes this program easy to take is that each student can connect and interact with one faculty member and work on a one-on-one study plan. The 35-credit hour program is delivered entirely online and is divided into nine three-credit courses and two four-credit courses. Learning is much easier since the program is geared toward offering students with advanced knowledge and preparation while learning more about themselves and how they can contribute to the academic community. Students also may benefit from the 14:1 student-to-faculty online ratio. Students can easily complete the program in two years or less. There is no GRE required, and opportunities to study abroad are also available. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

15. Gwynedd Mercy University

Distance learning easy doctorate program.

gwynedd mercy university

In Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania, Gwynedd Mercy University offers an easy, accelerated Executive Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership ABD completion program. This completion program is ideal for those who were able to complete their coursework in the same field but need to work on their dissertation. What makes this program an easy one to take is that it does not focus on the completed dissertation as the university itself permits students to leave their ABD (All But Dissertation) status and still obtain a doctorate in education. In 18 months, students can complete 27 to 54 credit hours of coursework and practical experience. Students can also complete their doctorate through comprehensive research, school administration, or policy analysis. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

16. Boston University

Easy to earn online doctoral degree program.

boston university

Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts offers an online Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy degree program under the College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. The 33 to 37-credit program curriculum is composed of 10 courses. Aside from this, students can also complete six foundation courses, depending on past educational experiences before taking up a doctorate. Learning is easier because online students can take two courses every semester, with each semester lasting seven weeks.

17. Frontier Nursing University

Online easy doctoral degree program.

frontier nursing university

Situated in Hyden, Kentucky, Frontier Nursing University offers the online Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program. The DNP program is ideal for registered nurses who wish to take their careers and knowledge to the next level. Two pathways exist for easy completion, namely a Post Master’s DNP and an MSN or Post-Graduate Certificate (PGC) leading to a DNP. Easy completion of the doctorate can be attributed to the fact that students have the option to earn a DNP in 12, 15, or 18 months. Online classes consist of only 20 to 25 students. The MSN pathway requires 28 credit hours for completion. While most online, the doctorate program at Frontier Nursing University also features an interesting three-day-on-campus experience. The university received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

18. University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Online easy ph.d. program.

university of north carolina chapel hill

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, North Carolina features online doctorate degree programs in the health sciences such as Ph.D. in Nursing,  Master of Public Health to Doctor of Pharmacy, and Transitional Doctoral Program in Physical Therapy degrees. On a part-time basis, the DPT program can be easily completed in two years. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

19. University of Southern California

Distance learning easy to earn doctoral degree program.

University of Southern California

Located in Los Angeles, California, the University of Southern California offers the online Doctor of Social Work and Global Executive Doctor of Education degree programs. The Doctor of Social Work can be easily completed in two to three years through numerous specializations. The coursework can be accomplished with full-time pacing and students can access an open virtual community through the Dworak-Peck School of Social Work. As for the Global Executive Doctor of Education, students are given the opportunity to travel abroad for 25 months. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

20. University of North Dakota

Online easiest ph.d. program.

University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota offers online students easy doctorate programs such as Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D. in Nursing, DNP – Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner, DNP-Family Nurse Practitioner. DNP-Nurse Anesthesia, and DNP-Nursing Practice.

Six various specializations are offered to students for them to choose as majors, and these take three years or less to complete with full-time and part-time attendance options. Students are also given the opportunity to interact with their professors and peers through the university’s virtual environment. The university has received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

21. Drexel University

Easy doctorate programs online.

drexel university

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Drexel University offers easy online doctorate programs such as Doctor of Health Science, Doctor of Nursing Practice, Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Management degree programs with nine fields of specialization. The coursework can be quickly completed in four 10-week quarters a year, allowing students to take more courses within a short timeframe. This Ed.D. program can be completed in three to five years. It does not require residency, and all coursework and dissertation requirements can be completed online. Students also become part of cohort systems, exposing them to academic network opportunities. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

22. University of Bridgeport

Easy online doctoral degree program.

university of bridgeport

The University of Bridgeport in Bridgeport, Connecticut features an easy online Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership degree program and the D.H.Sc. Health Sciences degree program. Students may specialize in International Education wherein they can master the principles of educational leadership and integrate multi-cultural global concerns into organizational settings. In the D.H.Sc. Hybrid program, students can focus on education and curriculum enhancement, public health, evidence-based care delivery, and research. The flexible coursework allows for quick degree attainment in three years or less. The Higher Learning Commission has accredited the University of Bridgeport.

23. Jefferson University

Easy to earn doctoral degree program online.

jefferson university

Located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jefferson University offers an online Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program. Learning is easier for these two online doctorate programs since the goal of the university is to allow students to engage in an interactive online community, where there is an open exchange of ideas and creativity is given more significance. For the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree program, nurses can easily adapt to changes in the healthcare industry due to intensive, yet enjoyable hands-on training. As for the Post-Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, students are prepared for an intensive career in the field of occupational therapy. This university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

24. University of Arkansas

Easy e-learning ph.d. degree program.

University of Arkansas

The University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, Arkansas has two easy online doctorate programs, namely, Doctor of Education in Adult and Lifelong Leadership and Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership. The Adult and Lifelong Leadership online doctorate can be completed in 30 months, while the Educational Leadership doctorate can be completed in 36. The university has received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

25. California Intercontinental University

Easiest distance learning format doctorate degree program.

california intercontinental

Based in Diamond Bar, California, California Intercontinental University offers an easy and accelerated online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree program. It provides numerous opportunities for online Ph.D. scholars to major in a specific area that is most appropriate for their research and career objectives. Some specializations include Entrepreneurship and Business Management, Global Business and Leadership, Healthcare Management and Leadership, and Information Systems and Enterprise Resource Management.

The online DBA program features state-of-the-art online resources for convenient learning. It is ideal for veterans, working professionals, Department of Defense employees, as well as military service members and their families. The degree program can be completed in 24 months. California Intercontinental University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

26. Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green State University

The Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio features a convenient online Ph.D. in Technology Management degree program. This doctorate program is designed for working adults who already have a competitive edge in technology management. Students can easily choose from five areas, namely Construction Management, Digital Communications, Human Resource Development and Training, Manufacturing Systems, and Quality Systems for their Ph.D. research focus. Degree completion takes two and a half years. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

27. Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Easy e-learning doctoral degree program.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

The Indiana University of Pennsylvania, which received accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, features an online Ph.D. in Safety Sciences degree program. The program features six-week-long summer workshops in the university’s laboratories. The university takes pride in its strong online dissertation support and mentorship program. The 24-credit hour coursework can be completed in three years.

28. Grand Canyon University

Easiest ph.d. degree program online.

grand canyon university

Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona features accelerated online doctorate programs such as Ph.D. in General Psychology degree program that covers numerous topics such as social cognition, evaluation, and the establishment and assessment of learning outcomes. Learning is also easier because the 60-credit coursework is delivered in eight-week terms. Degree completion is 39 months. The university has received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission.

29. Concordia University- Chicago

Easy to earn e-learning ph.d. program.

Concordia University-Chicago

Located in River Forest, Illinois, Concordia University- Chicago offers 14 easy online doctorate programs including Ph.D. in Gerontology, Ph.D. in Sports Leadership, and a Doctorate in Business Administration with emphasis on Innovation in Healthcare and Leadership and Innovation. Online courses are flexible and are delivered in eight-week terms for speedy degree completion in three to four years. Students can readily coordinate with their online mentors for dissertation consultations towards the end of their third year. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

30. University of Maryland University College

Easiest online distance learning format doctoral degree program.

University of Maryland University College

The University of Maryland University College in Adelphi, Maryland offers an easy online doctorate program such as the Ph.D. in Community College Policy and Administration featuring 24/7 flexibility, online dissertation support, and short on-campus visits. The 48-credit hour Ph.D. in Community College Policy and Administration degree can be easily earned in three to four years with a cohort system, short residencies, top-notch scholarships, and intensive dissertation support.  The university has received accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

aPA accredited clinical psychology programs

What are the types of online doctorate programs.

The term “doctorate” can cover a wide array of applications and can be confusing. Choosing the correct type of degree for your field of business is very important and should reflect your career goals. The types of doctorate degrees that can be completed online include the following:

  • Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)  – immerses students in coursework, practical experience, and research in education,
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)  – focuses on research theories and design, together with specific academic disciplines like Engineering, Biology, Psychology, Mathematics, History, and Sociology,
  • Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)  – focuses on the research of theological concepts and principles like denominational history, hermeneutics, theological practices, mission studies, liturgy, and ethical values,
  • Medical Doctorate (M.D.)  – after earning the degree, students pursue careers in medicine,
  • Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)  – focuses on conceptual research with business and management concentrations,
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.)  – involves practical knowledge in the field.

Don’t hesitate to research carefully what your career goal requires or the type of degree that is preferred to take advantage of its full benefits. Before signing on to an easy online doctoral program, please be sure it will meet your career expectations.

How Much Does An Easy Online Doctorate Degree Cost

Cost is every student’s primary consideration in earning an online doctoral degree. Doctorate degrees are generally more expensive than master’s degree programs because they require more credit hours. The tuition per credit hour ranges typically from $500 to $1500 depending on the doctorate degree program.

Through an easy online doctoral program, costs may be kept to a minimum due to the possibility of accelerated classwork. However, easy does not always indicate reduced costs, so check out tuition costs and program length before beginning your journey.

What Careers Require A Doctoral Degree

easiest online doctorates phds degree programs

When it comes to career advancement, an online doctoral degree is a feather in your cap. Most careers that require a Ph.D. or present more significant opportunities for Ph.D. holders are in the health industry. However, doctorates are also required in higher education, scientific research, and legal sectors. Some of the most common professions that make doctorate degrees are professors of higher education, senior research scientists, engineers, psychiatrists, hospital pharmacy directors, and veterinarians.

Is Accreditation Important When Considering An Easy Online Doctorate Degree Program

easiest phd clinical psychology programs get into

Proper accreditation is essential in the world of education. It indicates to employers that you have received quality education from one of the finest institutions. Stringent rules and precise regulations are in place when a school has requested accreditation, all designed to provide each student with an easy online Ph.D. degree they can be proud of, along with, the knowledge and training needed to be successful in their career.

Online schools that have received proper accreditation allows students the opportunity to transfer credits from other accredited organizations. In addition, you may very well qualify for financial aid, as well as other advantages that non-accredited establishments do not allow.  So, why not learn from the best?  Locating an “easy” online doctoral degree program does not mean that you cannot find a quality program… but without a doubt, do extensive research first to find a plan that meets your needs! It’s advisable to stay away from any educational establishment that is not properly regionally accredited.

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  • Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology

Program Requirements for Clinical Psychology

Academic eligibility requirements.

For admission to the Graduate School at Penn State , an applicant must hold either: (1) a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or (2) a tertiary (postsecondary) degree that is deemed comparable to a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution. This degree must be from an officially recognized degree-granting institution in the country in which it operates.

Admission decisions are based on the complete application portfolio. Admission to the Clinical Psychology program is granted jointly by The Graduate School of Penn State University and Penn State Behrend's School of Humanities and Social Sciences .

In addition to the general requirements for admission to the Graduate School , the following is required by the Clinical Psychology program: 

Students must have a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or above (on a 4.0 scale) in the last 60 credits of course work. The undergraduate work must include a statistics course and a psychology research methods course with grades of B or higher.

The applicant must have completed at least 18 credits in psychology as part of their four-year bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.

Supporting Materials

  • Before you apply, be sure to have official transcripts from all institutions attended. In the application, skip any questions that don’t apply, such as junior/senior GPA, GMAT/GRE scores, etc.
  • A copy of an official transcript from each institution attended except Penn State
  • Three professional letters of recommendation, at least two of which should be academic
  • Include any and all job experience, research experience, and/or clinical or clinically-related experience 
  • Include any and all skills that would assist you in completing a rigorous graduate program
  • The writing sample should demonstrate your ability to write in a scientific manner (i.e., command of APA style, reference to and synthesis of scholarly sources) and your overall writing ability.
  • Why have you chosen to pursue a Clinical Psychology degree at Penn State Behrend?
  • How will these studies help you achieve your personal and professional goals?
  • How will your participation contribute to Penn State Behrend's Clinical Psychology program?
  • Indicate your current or most recent work, internship, and/or clinical experiences.
  • You also can address any concerns that you have regarding GRE scores, undergraduate GPA, or the like.
  • GRE scores are not required for admission, but students who do not submit GRE scores will not be eligible for most graduate assistantships and/or scholarships.
  • A personal interview is required.

Clinical Psychology Application Deadlines

The deadline to apply for admission to the fall semester is April 30.

  • The Admissions Review Committee will begin reviewing completed applications in mid-February. A second round of applications will be reviewed beyond April 30, if space is available in the program.
  • Domestic applicants can apply now for Fall 2025. A complete application should be ready for review by April 30. 
  • International applicants should have a complete application ready for review by mid-February. 
  • All application requirements, including references, are due by the deadline.
  • Once your application is accessible, Graduate Admissions will begin assembling your application portfolio and will send a confirmation email.
  • View semester dates and student action guidelines on Penn State's academic calendar .
  • Early application is encouraged, especially for anyone who is hoping to be considered for merit-based awards. Decisions are made on a rolling basis beginning in February. Only completed applications received by April 30 will be considered for the subsequent fall semester.

Admissions Timeline

  • Submit completed application and application fee, including all components listed below, through the application portal. Please note: Your application will not be reviewed by the program faculty until it is complete, including your letters of recommendation.
  • The Program Coordinator will review your application to verify you have met the minimum application requirements. They will then determine, based on the strength of your application, whether you will be interviewed.
  • A core faculty member will interview selected applicants via Zoom. Interviews typically last 20-30 minutes; applicants should come prepared with any questions they might have. If the interviewing faculty member feels more information is needed after an interview, or believes a specific faculty may want to discuss the program further with an applicant (e.g., an applicant with an addictions focus may benefit from a second interview with a faculty member in that research area), a second interview may be required. Request for a second interview does not automatically indicate that the first interview was subpar.
  • Interviewing faculty member(s) will share their impressions with the Program Coordinator, who will make a final decision in admittance.
  • Given the rolling admissions nature of our application process, applicants who have been offered acceptance must decide about their standing in the program within two weeks of their offer. The Program Coordinator may allow extensions on a case-by-case basis.
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Prerequisites and Requirements

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  • Curriculum Overview
  • Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
  • Career Development Internships
  • Tracks Overview
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Biomedical Engineering and Physiology
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Before applying to the Ph.D. Program at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, review our full list of prerequisite information and complete admission requirements. The admissions committee reviews all completed applications through a holistic review process to select candidates for interviews.


Candidates for the Ph.D. Program must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Completion of a bachelor's degree, preferably in the biological or physical sciences, from an accredited institution. 
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 
  • Degree conferral before the program begins (program begins in July).

Suggested undergraduate coursework:

  • Applicants to our Ph.D. program are encouraged to have completed coursework with demonstrated proficiency (B average or above) in their math and science courses. Additionally, advanced courses in biology, chemistry, and physiology are encouraged.
  • Applicants interested in applying to the Biomedical Engineering and Physiology Track are advised to take courses in quantitative science and engineering, such as signal processing, computer science, and instrumentation.

Holistic review

Our Ph.D. program prepares students to translate scientific discoveries into applications that improve patient care. This requires a wide range of skills, aptitudes, and characteristics. Along with the basic set of prerequisites, the track admissions committees take a holistic approach to admissions; meaning, they take into consideration the many factors that make up an applicant. These acceptance factors include:

  • Academic performance
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statement
  • Research experience

Transfer student policy

The only pathway to matriculation at Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is through application during the annual application window, September 1 - December 4.

The Ph.D. program does not accept transfer students; however, transfer credits for graduate courses taken at another institution may be considered if appointed to our Ph.D. program.

Application window

Apply between Sept. 1 and Dec. 4 for the following academic year.

To get in touch with the Ph.D. Program, fill out the form on the Contact Us page .

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Easy Social Work Programs To Get Into [2024 Updated]

Finding accessible social work programs can be crucial for those passionate about helping others but concerned about competitive admissions. Social work programs mentioned in this article prioritize inclusivity, offering flexible entry requirements and supportive learning environments. These programs ensure that more individuals have the opportunity to pursue a rewarding career in social work.

Many of these programs are designed to accommodate non-traditional students, including working professionals and those with prior commitments. By focusing on essential skills and practical experience, these programs prepare graduates for impactful roles in various social services fields, making a difference in communities and individuals’ lives.

Easy Social Work Programs To Get Into

Grand canyon university, bachelor of social work.

The Bachelor of Social Work program at Grand Canyon University (GCU) is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities in a variety of settings.

Bachelor of Social Work online program, offered through the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, follows the social work standards and competencies set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) . While the program is not yet accredited, it is in Candidacy status with the Council on Social Work Education’s Commission on Accreditation.

The BSW program focuses on critical analysis of human behavior in the social environment and develops skills in cultural competency and advocacy. Students will study biopsychosocial development from conception to late adulthood through integrative, multidimensional perspectives. The coursework offers hands-on experience throughout the intake, assessment, treatment, evaluation, and termination process.

To complete the program, students must take a minimum of 120 credits and pass courses such as Human Biology and Social Work Practice, Introduction to Social Welfare, Methods of Research in Social Work, Social Service Delivery Systems, and Social Work Ethics and Decision Making.

The program concludes with a capstone course where students integrate and apply previous learning through a final project and presentation highlighting their knowledge of assessment, theory application, practice skills, ethics, and cultural sensitivity.

With an estimated 64,000 new jobs for social workers projected from 2021 to 2031 , the BSW program at GCU offers a path towards a fulfilling and in-demand career. Whether you choose to attend on-campus or online, the program will provide you with the opportunity to make a significant impact on families and individuals in need.

Master of Social Work

Grand Canyon University’s Master of Social Work program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to help individuals, families, and communities overcome various social and behavioral health issues. This program focuses on advanced generalist social work practice, aiming to shape students into well-rounded practitioners who can offer a wide range of services to a diverse range of populations.

Through this program, students will learn to actively engage in social justice issues, employ evidence-based practices, and develop critical thinking and leadership skills. This approach equips social work professionals to diagnose and treat issues, while providing access to resources and improving the lives of at-risk populations. This career path is ideal for those who are passionate about helping people and are dedicated to promoting social and economic justice for vulnerable populations.

The Master of Social Work program at Grand Canyon University is accredited by CSWE. By earning a Master of Social Work, students can advance their careers in the helping profession, and become advocates who fight alongside those in need and help them lead more fulfilling lives.

In this program, students will develop competencies in ethical and professional behavior, diversity and difference in practice, human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice, practice-informed research, and research-informed practice. They will learn how to engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities in preparation for crisis situations and to help people overcome challenges.

Master of Social Work (Advanced Standing)

If you have already obtained a Bachelor of Social Work degree, consider taking your education to the next level by enrolling in Grand Canyon University’s Master of Social Work (Advance Standing) program. This advanced standing program will allow you to build upon your existing knowledge and skills, and graduate in a shorter period of time.

The Master of Social Work (Advance Standing) degree will equip you with specialized knowledge and skills in the areas of social work theory, practice, and ethics. Upon completion, you will be well-prepared to work effectively with a wide range of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities on various social and behavioral health issues.

As an advanced standing MSW student, you will focus on advanced generalist practice and be equipped to actively engage in social justice issues affecting diverse populations. Through this specialization, you will develop the ability to employ evidence-based practice strategies and interventions. With your background in social work and a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a CSWE-accredited program, you are well-positioned to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

A career in social work offers a wide variety of paths to choose from, including working in schools, healthcare organizations, or with families and individuals. You may choose to specialize in areas such as gerontology, criminal justice, or healthcare.

You may choose to pursue a career as a licensed clinical social worker or therapist, although this requires certification as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and post-graduate supervised practice, which varies by state. It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements for licensure in your state as you work towards this career goal.

Northcentral University

Northcentral University offers a Master of Social Work program that can be completed entirely online, providing the flexibility and convenience necessary for busy individuals.

Despite the online format, students still receive personalized support and guidance through the university’s one-to-one learning model. There are no residency requirements, no GRE/GMAT requirements, and no group projects, making this program accessible to a wider range of students.

Upon graduation, students will have developed a range of skills and knowledge in the field of social work, including ethical and professional behavior, engagement with diverse individuals and communities, and a deep understanding of human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

Graduation will also be proficient in the areas of practice-informed research and research-informed practice, as well as in engaging, assessing, intervening, and evaluating individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. This comprehensive education prepares graduates for a rewarding career in social work, where they can make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Loyola University Chicago

Certificate in empowering women: south asian women and girls.

The Empowering Women Certificate Program at Loyola University Chicago provides students with a comprehensive online education focused on South Asian women and girls, a population that is in high need and often underserved.

This certificate is designed for students from various academic backgrounds, including Social Work, Theology, Business Management, Nursing, Law, Education, and Women and Gender Studies, and is available to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as professionals.

This certificate program is unique in that it offers a structured curriculum specifically designed for working with South Asian women, a population that requires professionals who understand the intersections of poverty, gender, politics, and culture, and who possess both global and local sensitivity. The program aligns with the core Jesuit identity of Loyola University Chicago and is dedicated to empowering and advocating for marginalized people both globally and locally.

In addition to the comprehensive coursework, students also have the opportunity to participate in an optional three-country immersion trip, providing hands-on experience and further cultural immersion. This program is the only one of its kind in the United States, offering a rare opportunity for students to obtain specialized knowledge and skills in this important and growing field.

MSW Online Bilingual

Loyola School of Social Work was established in the year 1914 and has been dedicated to imparting education and training in clinical social work ever since. The School’s mission is to provide students with the necessary scholarship and practical skills to excel in their careers.

With the aim to bridge the gap in critical unmet needs, the school introduced the first of its kind, fully online Bilingual Spanish Master of Social Work program. This program has been designed to cater to the linguistic and cultural requirements of Latinx, immigrant and refugee populations, who face barriers in accessing mental health services.

The degree program can be completed in 8 continuous semesters, with an average time to completion of 2 and a half years. The program is fully online, with weekly synchronous contacts, ensuring students receive the support and guidance they need. For students who have completed their Bachelor of Social Work from an accredited institution within the past 5 years, Loyola also offers an Advanced Standing MSW program that can be completed in 4 continuous semesters.

The MSW program provides students with opportunities to gain hands-on experience by completing 1,200 fieldwork hours during two mandatory internships. With the help of local, national and international resources and partnerships, students can work in a range of settings such as public and private mental health settings, philanthropic organizations, government entities, schools, organizations serving immigrant and refugee populations, hospitals and other healthcare settings.

Once you earn your Master of Social Work degree, you’ll be equipped to work effectively in various settings and help remove barriers to service, become a force for justice, and empower marginalized populations.

Pacific Oaks College

Master of social work advanced standing program (asp).

The Master of Social Work (MSW) Advanced Standing Program (ASP) is a comprehensive online program designed specifically for students who hold a bachelor’s degree in social work (BSW).

This program is designed to provide students with the necessary training and education to become effective and impactful social work professionals in their respective communities. The MSW ASP is full-time, accelerated, and has a duration of one year and eight weeks, allowing students to complete their MSW degree in a shorter time frame compared to the traditional MSW program.

The program is structured in three semesters, with full-time 8-week terms, and requires the completion of 35 credits. The ASP builds on the foundation skills students have gained from their BSW degree and provides them with access to local fieldwork opportunities that can prepare them for their future careers. The program has a strong emphasis on social justice and aims to produce graduates who are purposeful agents of change, committed to enhancing the quality of life in underserved communities.

Pacific Oaks College’s Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work programs have been granted Candidacy for Accreditation by the Council on Social Work Education’s Commission on Accreditation. This indicates that the programs have made progress towards meeting the criteria for program quality evaluation through a peer review process, and have demonstrated a commitment to meeting the compliance standards set by the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards , but have not yet demonstrated full compliance.

What is the Lowest Degree in Social Work?

The lowest degree in social work is the Associate of Social Work (ASW). This two-year degree provides foundational knowledge in social work principles and practices. It prepares graduates for entry-level positions such as social work assistants or case management aides.

The ASW is also a stepping stone for further education, allowing students to transfer credits toward a Bachelor of Social Work. While an ASW can open doors to various support roles, a bachelor’s in social work is typically required for more advanced positions and licensure.

What is the Most Common Degree in the Field of Social Work?

The most common degree in the field of social work is the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW). This undergraduate degree provides in-depth training in social work theory, practice, and ethics, preparing graduates for various roles in social services.

The BSW is widely recognized and allows graduates to work in diverse settings such as schools, hospitals, community organizations, and government agencies. It also serves as a prerequisite for advanced studies, such as the Master of Social Work, which is required for clinical and specialized positions.

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[USA]Best course of action for to get into a PhD program?

Hi all. I have a bachelors, dual major degree in something completely unrelated to psychology. I have no psychology background.

I want to do clinical psychology with children, and I also am very interested in research. A PhD will give me a good balance between both, and I like the flexibility that will give me in my career.

I have two options for paths to get into a PhD program please tell me what is better:

Get an online masters from a school like SNHU, Capella, etc. in Child Psychology. Use this to then apply for research assistant positions, get pre-reqs etc. Then once getting research position and getting some research experience, apply for PhD program with research experience plus online masters.

Just do like 4 pre-req courses at a local community college either online or in person. Then try and get into some research positions. Once getting research experience apply for a PhD program.

Which would leave me better off? Unfortunately, I work full time so an in person masters program is off the table for the time being. Doing online while working will allow me to save up so I can work less during my PhD and focus on my studies even more.


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    MA in Psych + MS in a related Psych field (4.00 GPA) 1 year of undergraduate research experience + poster at local conference. 2 years of graduate research experience. 4 (2 first author) nmanuscripts in preparation, 4 (2 first author) presentations at regional/national conferences, and 1 semester of TA experience.

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    Accredited Psychology PhD Programs That Are Easy to Get Into [2024 Guide] Last Updated: June 10, 2024. ... One such program is the full-time, four-year residential Psy.D. in Clinical Forensic Psychology offered at the Anaheim, California campus. During the program, students will spend their time engaging in a variety of activities, including ...

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    Admission to PhD programs in clinical psychology is very competitive. Ratios of 300 applicants to 8 positions are common (though perhaps 10-15 people would have to be accepted to fill the 8 slots; some who are accepted decide to go elsewhere, or enter a different kind of graduate or professional program ).

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    Ph.D. programs typically prepare students for teaching and research positions in clinical psychology, while Psy.D. options train students for counseling practice. Ph.D. programs take 5-8 years to complete and require a dissertation, while. Psy.D. programs can take 4-6 years, including internships and a dissertation.

  8. 7 Tips for Applying to a Psychology PhD Program

    Make it count. Show integrity. The field of psychology is small and relationships matter. The goal of the admissions process is to find the best people for the exact mentors available at a ...

  9. Best Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Programs

    A professional with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology can anticipate a promising job outlook from 2019-29. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a median annual salary of $80,370 for all psychologists, including those with a doctorate. The top 10% in the profession make well over six figures.

  10. Best Graduate Schools for Clinical Psychology

    You could pay between $12,596-$29,931 to attend graduate school for clinical psychology. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, graduate schools charged an average tuition of $12,596 in the 2021-2022 school year. Private nonprofit graduate schools charged $29,931 for that same year, more than double public school tuition.

  11. 2023-2024 Top Doctor of Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs

    Evanston, IL ·. Northwestern University ·. Graduate School. ·. 3 reviews. Master's Student: Northwestern's Master of Science in Energy and Sustainability is a first of its kind professionally focused master's program in the nation. Interdisciplinary by design, MSES covers the technical, policy, and business/economics of the energy and ...

  12. How to Get Into a PhD Program in Clinical or Counseling Psychology

    Guideline 1: Make Sure This is the Type of Program you Want. There are many different types of graduate degrees in psychology. A Ph.D. in clinical or counseling psychology is a great degree, but it isn't the best choice for everyone. Here are some things to think about when choosing a program.

  13. Applying for Clinical psychology Ph. D programs without research

    Clinical psychology PhD programs are extremely competitive, rivalling that of med school admissions. As other posters have said, the clinical programs are far more competitive than other psychology streams (e.g., cognitive, social, etc). In my opinion (as someone in the field), you will not get into any clinical psych PhD programs without ...

  14. Admissions

    Questions about the application or required materials should be directed to the Harvard Griffin GSAS Admissions Office at [email protected] or 617-496-6100. Harvard Griffin GSAS does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry or any other protected classification.

  15. 20 Best Doctor of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) Graduate Schools

    116. Yeshiva University's PsyD program is considered one of the best psychology schools in the US. It exposes students to various academic, research, and field training, molding them into excellent practitioners of clinical psychology. Aside from its Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology offers ...

  16. Applying to Clinical Psychology Programs

    Among all graduate programs, clinical psychology doctoral programs are among the most difficult to get into; admission rates are lower than that of law school, medical school, or other research-based graduate programs (for instance, 8 accepted out of 300 applicants). 1 Clinical psychology PhD programs typically provide funding to graduate ...

  17. 15 Best PsyD & PhD Clinical Psych Programs

    The following list looks at the best clinical psych programs, some of which result in a PsyD while others lead to PhDs. The Doctor of Psychology, or PsyD, degree is a doctorate in psychology focused on clinical practice rather than research. So, depending on the program, your coursework will be dedicated more toward developing a

  18. Psychology Masters Programs That are Easy To Get Into [2024]

    Easy Psychology Graduate Programs To Get Into (2024) Grand Canyon University. Southern New Hampshire University. Capella University. Arizona State University. Eastern Kentucky University. Keiser University. New Jersey City University. University of Kentucky - Lexington.

  19. Navigating Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Programs: How To Choose The

    Clinical psychology is a field of study and practice that focuses on understanding and addressing mental health concerns. The goal of clinical psychology is to help individuals navigate their psychological challenges and improve their overall well-being. It seeks to understand the individual in their entirety, including their unique experiences ...

  20. Chances of getting into a Clinical Psych PhD? : r ...

    It took me several years to get into a program. The first time I applied, I was in the middle of completing my honours thesis, had a 3.7 GPA, three years of research experience across three positions, and about five conference presentations. The year I got in was the first year I even had interview invites. By then I had six years of research ...

  21. Clinical Psychology PhD Programs That Are Easy To Get Into

    Guideline 1: Make Sure This is the Type of Program you Want. There are many different types of graduate degrees in psychology. A Ph.D. in clinical or counseling psychology is a great degree, but it isn't the best choice for everyone. Here are some things to think about when choosing a program.

  22. Best Online Doctorate in Psychology Programs

    The best online doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in psychology program for you will vary based on your academic background, preferred specialty, tuition and budget, learning style, and logistics such as clinical hours. This guide outlines the most important factors for you to consider as you narrow your list of Ph.D. in psychology programs and schools.

  23. Program Requirements for Clinical Psychology

    Academic Eligibility Requirements. For admission to the Graduate School at Penn State, an applicant must hold either: (1) a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or (2) a tertiary (postsecondary) degree that is deemed comparable to a four-year bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution.This degree must be from an officially recognized degree ...

  24. Advice for getting into a PSY-D program? : r/ClinicalPsychology

    Going from a BA to a PsyD is doable with a strong CV! Finding funded PsyD programs involves the Google. Google and tirelessly researching are your friends, especially in Doctoral programs, haha. Making 6 figures in private practice is possible, but takes time, and varies by factors like location.

  25. Ph.D. Program Prerequisites and Requirements

    Candidates for the Ph.D. Program must meet the following eligibility requirements: Completion of a bachelor's degree, preferably in the biological or physical sciences, from an accredited institution. A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Degree conferral before the program begins (program begins in July).

  26. Easy Social Work Programs To Get Into [2024 Updated]

    Easy Social Work Programs To Get Into Grand Canyon University Bachelor of Social Work. The Bachelor of Social Work program at Grand Canyon University (GCU) is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities in a variety of settings.. Bachelor of Social Work online program, offered through the College of ...

  27. Master's Degrees in Psychology —Online and Evening

    For those looking to pursue a career as a psychologist, a master's degree in psychology is not only worth it, but it is typically necessary. 2 This degree can prepare you to pursue doctoral psychology degrees, allowing you to position yourself for potential career advancement by instilling you with a deep knowledge of psychological topics related to your area of focus.

  28. PsyD and PhD help needed: Clinical vs Research : r ...

    For Canada, review the list of CPA accredited programs.You'll have to look into each program individually but there are some small differences in the amount of research focus for PhD programs (e.g., Dal is a research heavy program and comps are just research projects, while at other programs like USask and UNB comps are more clinical-focused).

  29. Masters in Clinical Psychology

    These programs, recognized among the Best Clinical Psychology Masters Programs, provide rigorous training in psychological assessment, intervention techniques, and research methodologies. Tailored to meet the standards of Accredited Clinical Psychology Masters Programs, the curriculum includes foundational courses such as Psychopathology ...

  30. [USA]Best course of action for to get into a PhD program?

    Get an online masters from a school like SNHU, Capella, etc. in Child Psychology. Use this to then apply for research assistant positions, get pre-reqs etc. Then once getting research position and getting some research experience, apply for PhD program with research experience plus online masters. Just do like 4 pre-req courses at a local ...