What’s the right scholarship essay format and structure?

Many scholarships require you to submit at least one essay – and maybe you’ve already got that covered . But now you’re wondering: how should your essay be formatted? Should it be double-spaced or single-spaced? Should you include a title? Should you include the prompt? What does a typical scholarship essay format look like?

Although you don’t have to worry about essay formatting at Going Merry ( we’ll structure and submit your application for you , with our pre-filled forms!), maybe you’re also applying to some other scholarships too. So we’re here to help you understand how to format your scholarship essay.

Where do I start? 

Does a scholarship essay need a title , how should a scholarship essay be formatted what font should i use , how should a scholarship essay be structured can i get a template or outline, scholarship essay format at a glance, should scholarship essays be double-spaced , start writing.

Scholarship essay format research

You’ll need to dive into a personal experience or tell your story of an accomplishment, a hobby, an interest to the scholarship provider, showing them your experience with a structured and descriptive essay. Create an outline of your essay (this can be old school, with pen and paper!), write it out, and then ensure you’re formatting it professionally and properly.  (Need more scholarship essay tips? Try these.)

This depends on the essay submission format.

If there is a text box entry, you can just copy and paste the body of your essay, without a title. This is the case, for example, when applying for scholarships through Going Merry .

If you’re attaching an essay as a Word or PDF document, you can optionally include a title, but this is usually unnecessary unless there are special scholarship essay format instructions to do so. (One popular reason you might need to do this is if the prompt is to write about any topic of your choice, or to choose your own prompt. In this case, to give the reader more context before you begin your essay, a title may be helpful.)

If you are required to create a title, we recommend doing one of two things:

  • Think of a title early on. Write down that title, write your essay, and then circle back to the title to tweak it as needed. -OR-
  • Write your essay and then come up with a title . Your creativity might be fresher once you’ve answered the prompt and included the meat and potatoes of the scholarship essay, which might help you come up with a suitable title at the end.

Also, don’t stress! While a clever title can improve your essay, it’s hardly a make-or-break. A very descriptive title that summarizes the prompt would work fine, as long as your essay is strong. 

Relatedly, you don’t need to include the essay question or prompt at the top of your essay. The scholarship committee will know what the topic or prompt is!

(Want inspiration from winners? Check out these winning scholarship essays .)

Scholarship essay format tips

If you’re writing your essay in a document to upload to your Going Merry profile , or to submit to a scholarship application on a provider’s website , and the scholarship provider doesn’t have explicit guidelines, it’s best to just follow a standard professional style and format. That means using 1-inch page margins, 12-point font size double-spaced (or 1.5 spaced), and a “standard” font like Times New Roman in classic (default) black. Don’t get creative with fonts or colors here. You want the content of your essay to be what stands out, rather than your unorthodox formatting.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to best structure a good scholarship essay. In fact, you can see how wide-ranging these winning essays are. In fact, how to best answer and structure your essay depends partially on the essay and partially on your personal writing style. 

However, one pretty common way of structuring your scholarship essay is how Going Merry winner John Flowers Jr did it . Here’s the template/outline:

  • Introduction (1-2 paragraphs) : Draw the audience in with an attention-grabbing opening sentence related to the prompt. Introduce your main points that you’ll be sharing later in your essay.
  • Example of an opening sentence from a Going Merry scholarship winner: “My parents were never given a shot at having an education beyond high school.” This tells us about the student’s parents and how it might have influenced the student’s decision to apply to college, setting the tone for the essay.
  • Introductory paragraph: “My parents were never given a shot at having an education beyond high school. They were never given a shot to show their full potential and make a difference in the world. They had to start life at an early age. I want to succeed in college for them and for me. I want them to be proud of me for doing a task that they weren’t able to do.” – This expresses John’s understanding of what his parents had to do, and that they did not get a chance to attend college. John also expresses his determination, and his drive to attend college to do something for his parents.
  • Body (1-3 paragraphs) – Expand on your main points. Back up your information with evidence, examples, and facts. This is where you’re encouraged to share details of how you got to where you are today, what inspired your hobbies, interests, or drive to attend college, and how the scholarship will help you achieve your academic and/or personal goals. Remember to use specifics rather than make general statements!
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph): Explain how winning this scholarship would help support your goals (and maybe also have wider community impact) 
  • An excerpt from John’s conclusion: “Winning this scholarship will make a difference to me because it will allow me to cover college financial issues that may hold me back from reaching my career. Being less stressed about worrying about college fees will allow me to focus more of my attention in class to earn the credits, and not worry about how I’m going to pay for the class.” – John explains how valuable this scholarship is for him, not just monetarily, but also how it will help him achieve his goals.

Student formatting his scholarship essay

  • Read the scholarship essay format guidelines carefully, to check if the scholarship includes instructions
  • If you’re submitting your scholarship essay outside of the Going Merry platform, set up your document with a 1-inch margin
  • Aim for a 12-point font
  • The best font to use is Times New Roman. Other good options include Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, and Verdana
  • Always get a second opinion on the scholarship essay format for grammar, punctuation, spelling, structure, etc.
  • Online form
  • Going Merry scholarship platform (apply to thousands of scholarships and upload your scholarship essay)

You’re probably used to double-spacing your high school papers and essays. Since adding line spacing can make essays more readable, using 1.5-spacing or double-spacing is a good idea if you’re attaching an essay as a Word doc or PDF. But again, unless the scholarship provider has specified this information, it’s not mandatory.

More important is to not leave your essay as one block of text. Instead, we recommend separating paragraphs when you’re starting a new thought or idea.

For scholarship essays on Going Merry, you won’t have to worry about formatting because we will do this for you whenever you submit applications through our platform.

We know you’re going to rock your essay with these scholarship essay format guidelines, so get to it! It’s best to start writing your essay as early as possible to give yourself time to review the essay, ask someone (like a parent, guidance counselor, or friend) to proofread your essay, and then make sure to submit it on time. (On Going Merry , we’ll send you deadline reminders on your favorited scholarships and draft applications, so you won’t miss them!)

When you’re ready to apply for scholarships, sign up for Going Merry ! You’ll create a free student profile, enter your information once, and then we’ll match you with thousands of scholarships that you can apply to with just the click of a button. Don’t worry about entering your information twice – we’ll pre-fill this for you!

If you need additional resources to accompany this scholarship essay format guide, check out these related blog posts for more writing tips:

  • How to answer “Why do you deserve this scholarship?”
  • How to Write the Best Personal Statement
  • 10 Tips for Writing An Essay About Yourself
  • How to Write a Career Goals Essay
  • 6 Tips for Writing Scholarship Essays About Academic Goals
  • College Essay Guy: How to write a scholarship essay
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  • How to Write a Scholarship Essay | Template & Example

How to Write a Scholarship Essay | Template & Example

Published on October 11, 2021 by Kirsten Courault . Revised on May 31, 2023.

A good scholarship essay demonstrates the scholarship organization’s values while directly addressing the prompt. If you plan ahead , you can save time by writing one essay for multiple prompts with similar questions.

Table of contents

Apply for a wide variety of scholarships, make a scholarship tracker spreadsheet, tailor your essay to the organization and the prompt, write a focused and relevant personal story, scholarship essay example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about college application essays.

Scholarships are a type of student financial aid that don’t require repayment. They are awarded based on various factors, including academic merit, financial need, intended major, personal background, or activities and interests.

Like college applications, scholarship applications often require students to submit their grades, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, and an essay.

A scholarship essay shares your values and qualities in the context of a specific question, such as “How does technology affect your daily life?” or “Who has had the greatest impact on your life?”

Be wary of scholarship scams

While some applications may not require an essay, be wary of scholarship scams that do the following:

  • Guarantee you scholarship money for a fee
  • Claim scholarship information is exclusive to their company
  • Ask for your bank or credit card information to hold the scholarship

Some legitimate companies do charge for releasing comprehensive scholarship lists or creating a tailored list of scholarship opportunities based on your profile.

However, you can always discover scholarship opportunities for free through your school counselor, community network, or an online search.

Many students focus on well-known, large scholarship opportunities, which are usually very competitive. To maximize your chance of success, invest time in applying for a wide variety of scholarships: national and local, as well as big and small award amounts. There are also scholarships for international students .

In addition to charitable foundation and corporate scholarships, you should consider applying for institutional scholarships at your prospective universities, which can award money based on your application’s strength, your financial situation, and your demonstrated interest in the school.

Check with your guidance counselor, local organizations, community network, or prospective schools’ financial aid offices for scholarship opportunities. It’s a good idea to start applying as early as your junior year and continue throughout your senior year.

Choose the right scholarships for you

Choose scholarships with missions and essay topics that match your background, experiences, and interests. If the scholarship topic is meaningful to you, it will be easier for you to write an authentic and compelling essay.

Don’t shy away from applying for local scholarships with small dollar amounts. Even a few hundred dollars can help you pay for books.

Local scholarships may be more tailored to your community, background, and activities, so they’re likely more relevant to you. Fewer students apply for these scholarships, so you have less competition and a higher chance of success.

Some places to look for local scholarships include

  • Civic organizations, such as the Rotary Club, Lions Club, etc.
  • Your church, mosque, synagogue, or place of worship
  • Community groups, such as the YMCA
  • Ethnicity-based organizations
  • Your local library or local small businesses
  • Organizations related to your intended major
  • Your city or town
  • Your school district
  • Unions, such as SEIU, the Teamsters, CWA, etc.
  • Your employer or your parents’ employers
  • Banks, credit unions, and local financial institutions

Prevent plagiarism. Run a free check.

While researching scholarship opportunities, create a scholarship tracker spreadsheet to keep track of the following:

  • Scholarship amounts
  • Required application materials

You can use our free Google Sheets template to track your scholarship applications.

Scholarship application tracker template

You can also include scholarship essay prompts in your college essay tracker sheet . By grouping or color-code overlapping essay prompts, you can plan to write a single essay for multiple scholarships. Sometimes, you can also reuse or adapt your main college essay .

Even if you’re adapting another essay, it’s important to make sure your essay directly addresses the prompt, stays within the word count limit , and demonstrates the organization’s values. The scholarship committee will be able to tell if you reuse an essay that doesn’t quite respond to the prompt, so be sure to tailor it to the questions asked.

Research each organization

Before writing, research the scholarship organization’s mission and reason for awarding the scholarship. Learning more about the organization can help you select an appropriate topic and relevant story.

While you should tailor your essay to the organization’s values, maintain your authentic voice. Never use false or exaggerated stories. If the organization’s values don’t align with yours or you can’t brainstorm a relevant story for the scholarship, continue searching for other scholarship opportunities to find a more appropriate one for you.

After researching the organization, identify a specific personal experience that embodies its values and exemplifies why you will be a successful student.

Choose a story with the following criteria:

  • Responds to the prompt
  • Demonstrates the organization’s values
  • Includes an authentic story
  • Focuses on you and your experience, not someone else’s

A good scholarship essay is not

  • A resume of your achievements
  • A lengthy opinion piece about the essay topic
  • An essay featuring a negative tone that puts down others

If appropriate, you can briefly address how the scholarship money will help you achieve your educational goals. You should also end with a brief thank-you.

Take a look at the full essay example below. Hover over the underlined parts to read explanations of why they work.

Prompt: Describe how working for Chelsea’s Chicken restaurant has developed leadership skills that will help you succeed in college. Give specific examples of leadership characteristics that you have exhibited during your employment with us.

As a nervous 16-year-old, I walked into Chelsea’s Chicken for my first day of work determined to make enough money to put gas in my car and buy pizza on the weekends. My only previous job was mowing my neighbors’ lawns when they were on vacation, so I had no idea what to expect. I was a bit intimidated by my new responsibilities, especially handling money and helping disgruntled customers.

However, it didn’t take me long to learn my way around the cash register and successfully address customer complaints. One day, Roger, the store manager, asked me if I wanted to join Chelsea’s Chicken Leadership Training Initiative. He said he saw leadership potential in me because of my attitude with the customers and my enthusiasm for learning new job responsibilities. It surprised me because I had never thought of myself as a leader, but I quickly agreed, and Roger handed me a three-ring binder that was thicker than my math and science textbooks put together! He told me to take it home and read over it during the following week.

In that binder, I discovered that being a leader means taking the initiative, especially when the job is undesirable. One week later, I got to practice that idea when a little kid threw up in the bathroom and missed the toilet. It smelled terrible, but I stepped forward and told Roger that I would clean it up. My coworkers thought I was crazy, but I started to believe in my leadership potential.

That night as we closed the store, Roger pulled me aside in the parking lot and told me that he could tell that I had been studying the manual. He wanted to give me more responsibility, along with a dollar-per-hour pay raise. I was surprised because I had been working there for only a couple of months, but his encouragement helped me make a connection: good leadership helps other people, and it often is rewarded. I was determined to experience more of both.

Within a month, I was ready to take the Team Leader exam, which mattered because I would receive a promotion and a much bigger raise if I passed. But, when I got to work, two of the scheduled team members had called in sick. We were noticeably short-handed, and our customers weren’t happy about it.

I walked back to the lockers, put on my vest and hat, and took my place behind an open register. Customers immediately moved into my line to place their orders. Roger looked at me with surprise and asked, “Did you forget that you’re testing tonight?” I responded, “No, sir—but what’s the use of taking a leadership test if you aren’t going to lead in real life?” Roger smiled at me and nodded.

He stayed late that night after we closed so that I could leave early and still take the test. I noticed that Roger was always staying late, helping employees learn new skills. His example taught me that leaders take the initiative to develop other leaders. He gave me a clear picture of what shared leadership looks like, making room for others to grow and excel. When I asked him where he learned to do that, he said, “From the same leadership manual I gave you!”

Chelsea’s Chicken has offered me so much more than a paycheck. Because of Roger’s example, I have learned to take the initiative to care for my family and friends, such as being the first to do the dishes without my mom asking or volunteering to pick up my friend for our SAT prep course. Now, as I prepare to enter college, I have confidence in my leadership ability. I know I’m signing up for a challenging major—Biology, Pre-Med—yet I also know that Chelsea’s Chicken has helped me to develop the perseverance required to complete my studies successfully.

If you want to know more about academic writing , effective communication , or parts of speech , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

Academic writing

  • Writing process
  • Transition words
  • Passive voice
  • Paraphrasing


  • How to end an email
  • Ms, mrs, miss
  • How to start an email
  • I hope this email finds you well
  • Hope you are doing well

 Parts of speech

  • Personal pronouns
  • Conjunctions

A scholarship essay requires you to demonstrate your values and qualities while answering the prompt’s specific question.

After researching the scholarship organization, identify a personal experience that embodies its values and exemplifies how you will be a successful student.

Invest time in applying for various scholarships , especially local ones with small dollar amounts, which are likely easier to win and more reflective of your background and interests. It will be easier for you to write an authentic and compelling essay if the scholarship topic is meaningful to you.

You can find scholarships through your school counselor, community network, or an internet search.

You can start applying for scholarships as early as your junior year. Continue applying throughout your senior year.

Yes, but make sure your essay directly addresses the prompt, respects the word count , and demonstrates the organization’s values.

If you plan ahead, you can save time by writing one scholarship essay for multiple prompts with similar questions. In a scholarship tracker spreadsheet, you can group or color-code overlapping essay prompts; then, write a single essay for multiple scholarships. Sometimes, you can even reuse or adapt your main college essay .

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Courault, K. (2023, May 31). How to Write a Scholarship Essay | Template & Example. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/scholarship-essay/

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Kirsten Courault

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scholarship essay submissions


How to write a winning scholarship essay.

A person with a pen in hand

If you’re looking to further your education but struggling to afford it, a scholarship can be a great option. Scholarships provide financial assistance for students who meet certain criteria, and one of the most common requirements is writing an essay. To win a scholarship , your essay needs to be well-written, engaging, and persuasive. This article will guide you through the process of writing a winning scholarship essay from start to finish.

Table of Contents

Understanding the Scholarship Essay Requirements

When it comes to applying for scholarships , writing an essay is often a requirement. While the idea of writing an essay may seem daunting, it’s important to understand the scholarship requirements before you begin. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you meet all the necessary criteria.

One of the first steps in understanding the scholarship requirements is to read through the prompt carefully. Make note of any specific guidelines, such as word count, formatting, or content. This will help you stay focused and ensure that you are meeting all the requirements.

Reading the Essay Prompt Carefully

One of the most important steps in writing a scholarship essay is understanding the prompt. Take the time to read through the prompt multiple times and make sure you understand exactly what is being asked of you. Pay attention to any specific questions or prompts and make sure you answer them directly.

It’s also important to consider the tone and style of the prompt. Is it formal or informal? Is it asking for a personal story or a more academic response? Understanding the tone and style of the prompt can help you tailor your essay to meet the expectations of the scholarship organization.

Identifying Keywords and Themes

After reading the prompt, it’s important to identify any keywords or themes that stand out. These may include ideas or concepts that the scholarship organization is looking for in a candidate. Highlight or underline these key points so you can reference them later as you write your essay.

For example, if the prompt asks about your leadership experience, you may want to highlight keywords such as “leadership,” “teamwork,” and “problem-solving.” These keywords can help guide your writing and ensure that you are addressing the specific requirements of the scholarship.

Researching the Scholarship Organization

Before you begin writing, take the time to research the scholarship organization. Learn more about their values, mission, and goals. This will help you understand what they are looking for in a candidate and tailor your essay to meet those expectations.

For example, if the scholarship is focused on promoting diversity and inclusion, you may want to highlight your experiences working with diverse groups or your commitment to promoting equality. Understanding the values and goals of the scholarship organization can help you craft a more effective essay.

Overall, understanding the scholarship requirements is an important step in writing a successful essay. By taking the time to read the prompt carefully, identify keywords and themes, and research the scholarship organization, you can ensure that your essay meets all the necessary criteria and stands out to the scholarship committee.

Planning Your Scholarship Essay

Writing a scholarship essay can be a daunting task, but with a little planning and organization, you can make the process more manageable and increase your chances of winning that coveted scholarship.

Scholarship essays are a way for organizations and institutions to get to know you better, understand your goals and aspirations, and determine if you are a good fit for their program. Therefore, it is essential to put your best foot forward and showcase your unique qualities and experiences.

Brainstorming Ideas and Experiences

The first step in writing a scholarship essay is to brainstorm ideas and experiences that make you a strong candidate for the scholarship. This may include academic achievements, personal challenges you’ve overcome, or community service projects you’ve been involved with. Write down everything that comes to mind, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

Next, prioritize the most compelling ideas and experiences that align with the scholarship’s mission and values. Consider the scholarship’s prompt and requirements to ensure that your ideas are relevant and address the prompt.

Creating an Outline

Once you have a list of ideas, it’s time to create an outline. An outline can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay flows smoothly. Start by outlining your main points and then expand on each point with supporting details and examples.

Make sure to include an introduction that grabs the reader’s attention, a body that supports your thesis statement, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression.

Choosing a Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the most critical part of your essay. It should convey the main point of your essay and why you are the best candidate for the scholarship. Take the time to craft a strong thesis statement that sets the tone for your entire essay.

Remember to keep your thesis statement concise, persuasive, and relevant to the scholarship prompt. Use it as a roadmap for the rest of your essay and ensure that every paragraph supports your thesis statement.

In conclusion, planning and organizing your scholarship essay can make the difference between winning and losing a scholarship. Take the time to brainstorm ideas, create an outline, and craft a strong thesis statement that showcases your unique qualities and experiences. Good luck!

Writing an Engaging Introduction

Your introduction is the gateway to your essay. It is the first impression that your readers will have of your work, and it is your chance to hook them and make them want to keep reading. Here are some tips for crafting an engaging introduction:

Hooking the Reader

Starting with an attention-grabbing sentence or anecdote is a great way to hook your reader. You can use a personal story, a surprising fact, or a provocative question. For example, “Did you know that the average person spends 6 months of their life waiting for red lights to turn green?” This will grab your reader’s attention and make them want to keep reading to find out more.

Another way to hook your reader is to use a quote. This could be a quote from a famous person or a quote from a book or movie. Just make sure that the quote is relevant to your essay and supports your thesis statement.

Introducing Your Thesis Statement

After hooking the reader, it’s time to introduce your thesis statement. This should be a clear and concise sentence that summarizes the main point of your essay. Your thesis statement should be specific and arguable, and it should be supported by the evidence in your essay.

For example, if you are writing an essay about the benefits of exercise, your thesis statement might be: “Regular exercise has numerous physical and mental health benefits, including weight loss, improved mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases.”

Setting the Tone for Your Essay

The language and tone you use in your introduction should fit the audience and the purpose of your essay. If you are writing a scholarship essay, for example, and the organization is looking for candidates with a strong commitment to community service, make sure your tone and language reflect that sentiment.

You can also use your introduction to set the tone for the rest of your essay. If you are writing a persuasive essay, for example, you might use a more assertive tone to convince your reader of your argument. If you are writing a descriptive essay, on the other hand, you might use a more poetic tone to paint a vivid picture for your reader.

In conclusion, your introduction is a crucial part of your essay. By hooking your reader, introducing your thesis statement, and setting the tone for your essay, you can engage your readers and make them want to keep reading.

When developing the body of your essay, it’s important to keep in mind that this is where you’ll be providing the meat of your argument. You want to make sure that you’re providing strong evidence and examples to support your thesis statement. One effective way to do this is by incorporating personal anecdotes and examples. Not only will this help to make your essay more engaging and memorable, but it will also provide a personal touch that can help to connect you with your reader.

In addition to sharing personal anecdotes, it’s also important to highlight your achievements and accomplishments.

However, it’s important to do so humbly and authentically. Rather than simply listing your accomplishments, use specific examples to demonstrate your talents and skills. This will not only provide evidence to support your argument, but it will also help to paint a picture of who you are as a person.

Of course, it’s important to remember that you need to stay focused on the main topic and address the essay prompt directly. Avoid going off on tangents or including information that doesn’t directly relate to the prompt.

This can be a challenge, especially if you’re passionate about the topic, but it’s important to stay on track and keep your argument focused. By incorporating personal anecdotes and examples, highlighting your achievements and accomplishments, and staying focused on the essay prompt, you’ll be well on your way to developing a strong and effective body for your essay. Remember, the body of your essay is where you’ll be providing the evidence to support your thesis statement, so take the time to craft it carefully and thoughtfully.

Crafting a Memorable Conclusion

Your conclusion is your chance to leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Summarizing Your Main Points

Summarize your main points and freshly restate your thesis statement. This will remind the reader of the main topic and leave a strong impression.

Ending with a Strong Call to Action

End with a strong call to action that makes the reader want to take action or learn more about the topic. This could be anything from encouraging the reader to apply for the scholarship themselves or suggesting a related organization or cause to get involved with.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

End with a memorable phrase or quote that leaves the reader with something to think about long after they’ve finished reading your essay.

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay

Writing an essay can be a challenging task, but editing and proofreading it can be even more daunting. However, it’s a crucial step in ensuring that your essay is polished and ready to be presented to your audience. Here are some tips to help you with the editing and proofreading process:

Checking for Grammar and Spelling Errors

One of the most important things to check in your essay is grammar and spelling. Grammatical errors can make your essay difficult to understand, while spelling mistakes can make it seem unprofessional. It’s essential to read through your essay multiple times to ensure that there are no errors.

One helpful tool to use is a spell-check tool. Most word-processing software has this feature built-in, and it can help you identify errors that you may have missed. However, keep in mind that spell-check tools are not foolproof, and they may not catch all errors. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to have a friend or family member read through your essay as well.

Ensuring Clarity and Coherence

Another essential aspect of editing your essay is ensuring that it’s clear and coherent. Your essay should be easy to follow, and your ideas should flow logically from one paragraph to the next. One way to achieve this is by using transitions and topic sentences.

Transitions are words or phrases that connect ideas from one sentence or paragraph to the next. They help the reader understand the relationship between different parts of your essay. Examples of transitions include “however,” “in addition,” and “on the other hand.”

Topic sentences, on the other hand, are sentences that introduce the main idea of a paragraph. They help the reader understand what the paragraph is about and how it relates to the overall theme of your essay.

Seeking Feedback from Others

Finally, it’s always a good idea to seek feedback from others. Ask a trusted friend, family member, or teacher to read through your essay and provide feedback. They may be able to catch mistakes or offer suggestions for improvement that you might have missed. Additionally, getting feedback from others can help you identify areas where your essay may be unclear or difficult to follow.

Overall, editing and proofreading your essay may seem like a daunting task, but it’s an essential step in ensuring that your essay is clear, coherent, and error-free. By following these tips and taking the time to carefully review your work, you can ensure that your essay is polished and ready to be presented to your audience.

Submitting Your Scholarship Essay

Are you looking to submit your scholarship essay and win that coveted financial assistance for your education? Before you submit your essay, make sure you follow all the submission guidelines provided by the scholarship organization. These guidelines are essential to ensure that your application is considered and not disqualified for not following the rules.

Following Submission Guidelines

Pay close attention to formatting, word count, and any other specific requirements outlined in the submission guidelines. This will show that you are detail-oriented and take the application process seriously. If the guidelines require a certain font or spacing, make sure to adhere to them. This will make your essay look professional and polished.

Moreover, some scholarship organizations require applicants to submit their essays in a specific file format, such as PDF or Word. Make sure to check the guidelines and submit your essay in the correct format. Following the submission guidelines is the first step to impressing the scholarship committee and increasing your chances of winning.

Double-Checking Your Application

Before you hit submit, double-check all your application materials, including your essay, to ensure there are no mistakes or omissions. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your essay flows smoothly. You can also ask a friend or family member to proofread your essay for you. Having a fresh pair of eyes can help catch any mistakes you might have missed.

Furthermore, make sure you have included all the required documents. Some scholarship organizations ask for additional materials, such as transcripts or recommendation letters. Make sure you have all the necessary documents ready before submitting your application.

Sending Your Essay with Confidence

Once you’ve completed all the necessary steps, hit submit with confidence. You’ve worked hard to write a strong scholarship essay and now it’s time to let your work speak for itself. Remember, the scholarship committee is looking for applicants who are passionate about their education and have a clear goal in mind. Make sure your essay showcases your strengths and highlights your achievements.

Writing a winning scholarship essay takes time, effort, and attention to detail. But with these tips and guidelines, you can craft an essay that sets you apart from other applicants and increases your chances of receiving financial assistance for your education. Remember, every detail counts, so make sure you follow the submission guidelines, double-check your application, and submit your essay with confidence.

How to start an essay

– Start with a strong hook that will grab the reader's attention. – You can use a question, a quote, a statistic, or a personal anecdote to start your essay. – The goal of your introduction is to get the reader interested in what you have to say.

What is the benefit of starting your essay with a powerful lead?

Starting your essay with a powerful lead is important because it grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to read more. A powerful lead can be a quote, a statistic, a question, or a personal anecdote that is relevant to the topic of your essay. It should be something that will make the reader stop and think.

How will this scholarship help you achieve your goals essay

This essay is often asked on scholarship applications. It is a way for the scholarship committee to see how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals. In this essay, you should explain how the scholarship will help you pay for college, how it will help you achieve your academic goals, and how it will help you achieve your career goals.

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  • Writing Tips

​How to Write a Scholarship Essay (With Examples)

​How to Write a Scholarship Essay (With Examples)

6-minute read

  • 22nd August 2022

Writing a scholarship essay can seem like a daunting task. For many students , higher education isn’t possible without financial aid, and scholarships are especially valuable because the money awarded doesn’t have to be paid back.

Even though the stakes are high, there are a few manageable steps you can take to ensure you write a great essay to submit with your scholarship applications. We have a few top tips to help you get started, along with writing examples to demonstrate some key points. Check out our guide below to learn more.

A scholarship essay is a great opportunity to present yourself and your accomplishments in an impactful way. It is, therefore, essential to be aware of each scholarship deadline so you can allow sufficient time for the writing process, which typically includes the following:

·   Read the essay prompt and brainstorm ideas.

·   Create an outline covering the key points you want to address.

·   Write a draft and seek feedback from trusted teachers, family, or friends.

·   Make any necessary revisions and proofread before submitting your final draft.

Scholarship review committees will be able to tell if you rushed through your essay, so give yourself the best chance of winning an award by staying organized and on schedule!

Who and What?

Researching the scholarship provider and diligently reviewing the essay prompts can help you write an essay that makes you stand out as a top candidate.

1. Who are you writing to?

Learn more about the organization offering the scholarship and why the scholarship fund was created.

For instance, a scholarship may honor its organization’s founder, and the founder’s qualities (e.g., integrity, good citizenship, and leadership) might be the same values guiding the scholarship program as a way to continue the founder’s legacy.

If you identify with any of the same qualities, you can incorporate those keywords into your essay to demonstrate your shared values. Remember to remain authentic, though!

2. What are you writing about?

You must read the essay prompt carefully to identify precisely what you need to accomplish with your essay.

Some prompts ask about your career goals and how you plan to achieve them or your achievements and the challenges you overcame to reach them.

You’ll write about common topics across multiple scholarship applications – some may even be similar to your college admission essay – so you can repurpose your essays as long as you’re diligent about tailoring each one to its prompt.

Your application will likely require other items such as transcripts and test scores, but the essay is your chance to offer something entirely unique. Write about key experiences that highlight who you are and what you’ve accomplished, or you could mention something you’re passionate about.

Remember to follow any specific instructions regarding length and formatting, and be sure to answer all questions listed in the prompt. It can hurt your chances if you’re unable to show the committee that you’re detail-oriented and can follow directions.

Structuring Your Essay

Your essay should follow a standard format that includes a clear beginning, middle, and end. Typically, you should:

·   Establish your main idea in the introduction.

·   Include a separate body paragraph for each key point that supports your main idea.

·   Draw it all together and revisit your main idea in the conclusion.

Scholarship committees read thousands of essays each year. And often, there are hundreds of applicants for an award that can only go to a select few candidates. Writing a powerful introduction and conclusion gives you a chance to make a lasting impression.

1. Introduction

Write an introduction that hooks the reader and encourages them to stay engaged till the end of your essay. Don’t be afraid to add personal, tangible details and an anecdote .

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For example, if you’re writing about your career goals, demonstrate why you’ve chosen that career:

It was the biggest game of the season, and the stands were packed despite the bitter cold. My heart was beating louder than all of the cheers, and I was filled with the anticipation that one more run into the end zone would give us the championship. Everything went silent during that run when the tackle shattered both my leg and my dreams.

My world has always revolved around being an athlete – until one day it couldn’t. I spent many frustrating months rehabilitating, but I got through it because of my dedicated physical therapist, who helped me recover both physically and mentally after a devastating loss. And it was that profound experience that led me to pursue a career in the exercise sciences.

2. Conclusion

The conclusion is the last thing your reader will see, so it’s another opportunity for you to make your essay memorable.

Rather than summarizing with a general statement such as “this is why you should award me a scholarship,” perhaps explain what the financial assistance will help you achieve:

My parents never had the opportunity to go to college, and neither did their parents. I watched them work hard every day just to make ends meet, and I often questioned whether I could achieve anything more. Nevertheless, I spent four years working as hard as I saw my parents work, and I beat the odds by getting accepted to college. A scholarship could be invaluable for me, as it would allow me to attend and be successful without having to worry about finances.

Persuasive Writing

While you don’t want your scholarship essay to be overly informal, you’re certainly allowed to add some creativity and personal details to help persuade your readers.

One of the best ways to do so is by writing with the modes of persuasion ; that is, ethos, pathos, and logos.

Demonstrate your credibility. Use your real-life experiences and interesting details to establish, for example, how you’ve contributed to your community:

I saw how much bullying was impacting so many students at my school, so I founded my high school’s first anti-bullying club and organized campaigns to bring attention to the harm that people can cause one another.

Evoke an emotional response. The “show, don’t tell ” writing technique, which involves using descriptive words when discussing actions and emotions, can be especially useful here:

During one of our first awareness assemblies, the theater was completely silent as I read aloud anonymous stories from students about the scars bullying had left on their lives. Tears were stinging in my eyes as I described the struggles my classmates were facing, but I persevered to give a voice to those who didn’t have one.

Convey your point with reason and facts. Use statistics to demonstrate what you’ve accomplished:

In the first year alone, our club improved students’ feelings of safety and acceptance at our school by 53%.

Proofreading and Editing

Don’t forget the importance of proofreading your essay, as spelling and grammar mistakes can leave a bad impression on your reader. Our expert editors can help ensure your writing is clear, concise, and error-free. Give yourself a better chance at impressing scholarship committees by submitting a free trial document today!

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How to Write a Scholarship Essay (with Examples)

September 27, 2023

While applying to college, many students are faced with an additional, daunting task: how to write a scholarship essay. Financial need, already a sensitive subject, can become a stressful factor in the process alongside other existential unknowns. Luckily, scholarship essays will not require you to go tiptoeing around the taboo topic of money. Furthermore, most scholarship essay prompts more or less resemble standard supplemental essay questions. The trick then is to make your scholarship essay stand out. The following article and scholarship essay example will offer up pointers for anyone striving to win a college scholarship.

Organizing Scholarship Essays by Prompt

You may feel like melting into a lump of despair when facing a browser full of tabbed scholarships. The best way to avoid getting overwhelmed is to organize and analyze a list of prompts. Why? Because your first goal is not simply to figure out how to write a scholarship essay. Rather, you’ll want to know how to save time while writing complex and relevant scholarship essays.

As you look over the various prompts, you’ll notice that some sound fairly open-ended, while others ask for something quite specific. In response, you should annotate each prompt with thematic keywords. This will help you figure out when you can use the same essay for several prompts.

Your annotated list may look something like the following…

Sample Scholarship Essay Prompts

1) “Explain something that made a big impact in your life.”

  • Keywords: event , personal development, growth, background

2) “We’re committed to diversifying education abroad by providing funding to students who are typically under-represented in study abroad. Please describe how you and/or your plans for study abroad could be viewed as under-represented.”

  • Keywords: minority, diversity, identity, study abroad

3) “Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”

  • Keywords: background, identity, interest, talent

Sample Scholarship Essay Prompts, Continued

4) “Please explain a personal hardship or catastrophic life event that you have experienced. How did you manage to overcome this obstacle? What did you learn and how did you grow from it?”

  • Keywords: event, personal development, growth, challenge, background

5) Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way.

  • Keywords: world development, challenge, future

6) “Tell us three things that are important to you. How did you arrive at this list? Will these things be important to you in ten years? Why?”

  • Keywords: background, values, interest, development, identity, future

Scholarship Essay Prompts ( Continued)

7) “What does it mean to you to be part of a minority community? What challenges has it brought and how have you overcome them? What are the benefits?”

  • Keywords: minority, community, challenge, growth

8) “Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice.”

  • Keywords: community service, humanity, community, background, future, values, career

9) “Discuss in your essay any challenges or obstacles you have dealt with and overcome in life and how this will help you succeed in college and beyond. Describe how volunteer, community service or extra-curricular activities have shaped who you are today and what it has taught you. May also include future educational plans and career goals.”

  • Keywords: challenge, future, community service, interests, value, personal growth, career

How to Write a Scholarship Essay through Prompt Analysis

Let’s compare some prompts by keywords. You’ll notice that some prompts have a lot of overlap, such as prompts 1 and 4. Both have event, personal development, growth, and background as keywords . Prompt 4 includes the additional keyword challenge . This prompt explicitly asks you to explain how you have “overcome” a “personal hardship or catastrophic life event.” While prompt 1 is not so specific, it would be easy, even natural, to include this narrative arc in your response. This means depicting how you faced the thing that “made a big impact in your life.” In other words, these two essay prompts, though worded differently, allow you to tell the same story.

Other prompts provide potential overlap. In this case, it’s up to you to find and interpret these moments. You may consider the values, strengths, interests, and experiences you wish to relate. For example, prompts 7, 8, and 9 all mention community through different approaches. While prompt 7 focuses on one’s past involvement in a minority community, prompts 8 and 9 are more future-facing, and don’t mention minorities.

Scholarship Essay Examples (Continued)

Here, your best strategy involves answering prompts 8 and 9 together in a single scholarship essay. To do so, the essay would need to detail “a challenge or obstacle you have dealt with” (9) which has thus “shaped your perspective on humanity” (8). This narrative arc will thus inform your “future” educational and career plans (8 and 9). Note that prompt 9 allows you to mention extra-curriculars. However, I wouldn’t recommend it, since this would make your essay less relevant to prompt 8. After your essay is written, adapt it to align with prompt 7. Consider condensing the part about the future into one final sentence and focusing more on minority aspects of your community.

How to Scholarship Essay Avoid Burnout

The above tactic will allow you to avoid burnout by strategizing your essay approach ahead of time. In turn, you’ll be able to maximize your efforts from the get-go. You’ll also likely find that your essays become more complex and nuanced when you consider several prompts at once.

The next step involves editing. Refer back to the prompt, once you have a draft written. Ask yourself, did I answer the question fully? Do I need to edit this essay further to emphasize a particular point? Do I need to cut the essay down to fit a new word count? Contrarily do I need to bulk it up? If so, are there other essays in my portfolio from which I can borrow material? Strategic editing will allow you to respond to a large number of essays during peak essay-writing season.

Finally, you’ll notice that most essays require a word count between 250 to 600 words. It’s often easier to write a longer essay first. This will allow you to go into greater detail without censoring your ideas. You may find yourself including dialogue, scenery, emotions, and all sorts of other specifics that make an essay personal. As you whittle down this essay to comply with a similar prompt, you’ll want to identify which pieces of the essay do the most work to get your message across. Don’t simply condense everything by eliminating details, for details are often the most memorable aspects of an essay. More on this next.

How to Write a Scholarship Essay Using the Three Fs

The three Fs can be applied to any college essay, though they are particularily useful in scholarship essays. Why? Because the three Fs will enable you to impress readers and beat out other applicants. Ultimately, they’ll help you win financial support. Think of the three Fs as a checklist to go over, once you’ve completed an essay draft. Ask yourself, is my essay fabulous? Flawless? Fearless?

How to Write a Scholarship Essay (Continued)

If your essay is fabulous , it glitters with personality. It is detailed, unique, and does its best to highlight your impressive journey. If your essay lacks a little fab, ask yourself, how can I make this essay more enjoyable and memorable to read? If your essay is flawless , it lacks all spelling, syntactic and grammatical errors. It answers every aspect of the essay prompt, and leaves no room for vagueness or misunderstandings. To avoid flaws, give your essay to several people to proofread. Finally, if your essay is fearless , it is not afraid to get a little vulnerable. This may sound contradictory to the first F. On the contrary, this fearlessness refers to the confidence to tell your own story. A fearless story isn’t afraid to go deep, add complexity, or get emotional. It is unafraid to show why its author deserves a financial boost.

Scholarship Essay Example

Now that we’ve established how to approach the scholarship essay, let’s dive into a scholarship essay example. The scholarship essay below stems from a prompt we saw above: Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way (500 words).

My generation is growing up in a time of increased global turmoil. We’ve witnessed Brexit, the Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections, a series of refugee crises, and the invasion of Ukraine. It’s easy to liken this moment to Europe in the 1930s, which saw a spike in fascism and propaganda (their version of fake news). Only now, my generation must also contend with the hottest summers on record, raging forest fires, and the beginning of the 6 th extinction. It’s no wonder we deal with it all through increased skepticism and existential dread.

While I don’t have a simple solution, I believe most problems stem from ignorance. Xenophobia and racism, offshoots of ignorance, can be overcome by exposing isolated groups of people to greater diversity. This begins in the classroom. While dictators are hard to dispose of, education provides critical thinking skills, which allow citizens to make informed decisions when electing officials. Finally, developing a willingness to learn at an early age creates an instinct to continue learning throughout life. We desperately need intellectual flexibility if we are going to adapt to the planet’s needs as a world population and put a stop to industry-led fossil fuel burning.

Scholarship Essay Example (Continued)

The change I’d like to make is free, enhanced education for everyone, at every level, from elementary school to post-doctorate research institutes. To do so, I suggest defunding national militaries and channeling this spending into schools. Imagine if 80% of the 877 billion dollars the U.S. military spends annually went into learning. Combating fascism and climate change would look more feasible. And yet, no leader would agree to making their country more vulnerable by relinquishing arms and armies. Change must come from the people.

As the planet continues to heats up, and conflict over land increases, we must work together. The first step towards increased education is communicating this need for education: through journalism, on social media, in the streets. Next, I suggest lobbying politicians for incremental change. Finally, I believe a global grassroots movement to implement future-focused education, led by activists, educators, and philanthropists, would make this theoretical idea a tangible reality.

Last year, my mother, who never received a college education, decided to offer free gardening courses in our backyard. I quickly joined in. While teaching a handful of neighbors how to provide year-round food for pollinators may seem trivial, I’ve already seen positive repercussions. One conservative neighbor has set up an organization that collects and redistributes leftover produce from the markets to refugees. Another neighbor is now teaching middle schoolers how to cook and compost. These efforts have brought unusual strangers together and given visibility to our movement, #futurefocusededucation. I’ve seen it firsthand. The more we educate, the sooner we can combine our knowledge to create solutions.

Scholarship Essay Example Dissected

This scholarship essay succeeds at answering all parts of the prompt. It includes the change the author wants to make, and inevitable obstacles she’d face at the governmental and international level. These obstacles may sound insurmountable. Yet the essay shows that individuals are not powerless to enact change when they work together towards a common goal. The author provides various thoughtful steps we might take in order to prioritize education and peaceful collaboration.

Finally, the author portrays herself as someone personally invested in the political, humanitarian, and environmental state of the world. She proves that she’s already begun to make the changes she wants to see at the microscopic level. Overall, readers of this scholarship essay can see that this student is invested in bettering the world. This student would make for a proactive participant in her academic environment.

What’s Next?

Now that you have some inkling of how to write a scholarship essay and have reviewed of our scholarship essay examples, you may want to delve into more aid-related articles on the College Transitions Dataverse. You can read up on Need-Based Financial Aid Grants , and learn about Selective Colleges with Generous Scholarships . Furthermore, you may want to create your own Scholarship Timeline , in order to stay on top of the various deadlines. Good luck!

  • Costs & Financial Aid

Kaylen Baker

With a BA in Literary Studies from Middlebury College, an MFA in Fiction from Columbia University, and a Master’s in Translation from Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Kaylen has been working with students on their writing for over five years. Previously, Kaylen taught a fiction course for high school students as part of Columbia Artists/Teachers, and served as an English Language Assistant for the French National Department of Education. Kaylen is an experienced writer/translator whose work has been featured in Los Angeles Review, Hybrid, San Francisco Bay Guardian, France Today, and Honolulu Weekly, among others.

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Scholarship Essay Writing

Scholarship Essay Examples

Barbara P

Winning Scholarship Essay Examples for Students: Tips Included

37 min read

Published on: Mar 14, 2021

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Scholarship Essay Examples

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Many students face financial barriers when it comes to pursuing higher education. The rising costs of tuition, books, and other educational expenses can be overwhelming. 

This is why the scholarships offer a lifeline by providing financial aid to students, but the competition is fierce. 

That's where CollegeEssay.org comes in. 

In this blog post, we are providing scholarship essay examples that will inspire and guide you in creating your own exceptional essay. 

These examples serve as beacons of success, offering valuable insights into the art of scholarship essay writing. 

So, without further ado, let’s get started. 

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Scholarship Essay Examples Financial Need

As I embark on the path to higher education, I am acutely aware of the financial hurdles that stand in the way of achieving my dreams. Growing up in a single-parent household with limited resources, I have learned to navigate the complexities of financial hardship while remaining steadfast in my commitment to education. This scholarship essay serves as a testament to my resilience, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to overcome financial barriers and pursue my educational goals.

Being raised by a single parent who struggled to make ends meet, I have experienced firsthand the financial strain that can accompany the pursuit of higher education. The prospect of exorbitant tuition fees, textbook expenses, and the rising cost of living has been a constant concern for my family. However, rather than succumbing to these challenges, I have chosen to view them as opportunities for personal growth and motivation.

One of the greatest financial challenges I face is the absence of a college savings fund. The reality of limited financial resources has forced me to adopt a proactive approach to financing my education. I have sought out part-time employment, often working long hours outside of my academic responsibilities, to contribute towards tuition fees and alleviate the burden on my family. While this has undoubtedly been a balancing act, I have learned invaluable lessons in time management, perseverance, and the importance of financial responsibility.

In addition to my part-time job, I have dedicated countless hours to researching and applying for scholarships and grants. Recognizing the critical role that financial assistance plays in realizing my educational aspirations, I have diligently scoured scholarship databases, meticulously tailored my applications, and honed my essay-writing skills. Each scholarship application represents an opportunity to secure the funding necessary to unlock doors to higher education and create a brighter future for me.

Despite the financial hurdles I face, my passion for learning and my unwavering determination remain undeterred. I have demonstrated my commitment to academic excellence, consistently maintaining a high GPA despite the challenges that financial strain brings. Moreover, I have sought opportunities to give back to my community, volunteering my time and skills to organizations that align with my values. These experiences have reinforced my belief that education not only has the power to transform my own life but also to uplift communities and effect positive change.

By awarding me this scholarship, you would not only provide critical financial support but also invest in a motivated and determined individual who is eager to make a difference. With the burden of financial constraints lifted, I would be able to devote more time and energy to my studies, extracurricular activities, and community engagement. The scholarship would enable me to fully immerse myself in the educational experience, pursue internships and research opportunities, and further develop the skills necessary to excel in my chosen field.

In conclusion, my journey as a student with financial needs has shaped me into a resilient and resourceful individual. I firmly believe that my determination, academic potential, and commitment to making a positive impact on society make me a deserving candidate for this scholarship. With your support, I can overcome the financial obstacles that stand in the way of my educational aspirations and pave the way for a brighter future not only for myself but for the communities I aim to serve

Why This Scholarship Essay Worked

This scholarship essay example effectively conveys the applicant's financial need and their determination to overcome the challenges associated with it. Here's why this essay worked:

  • Personal Storytelling: The essay begins with a personal anecdote that establishes a connection between the applicant's background and financial constraints. This helps create empathy and demonstrates the genuine impact of financial challenges on their educational journey.
  • Resilience and Resourcefulness: The applicant showcases their resilience and resourcefulness in navigating financial hardships. They highlight their proactive approach to seeking part-time employment and actively pursuing scholarships.
  • Academic Commitment: Despite the financial strain, the applicant emphasizes their commitment to academic excellence by maintaining a high GPA. This showcases their dedication and ability to prioritize their studies amidst challenging circumstances.
  • Community Involvement : The essay also highlights the applicant's involvement in community service. This demonstrates their desire to give back and make a positive impact.
  • Connection to Scholarship: The applicant clearly articulates how receiving the scholarship would benefit them. This demonstrates a strong alignment between their goals and the purpose of the scholarship.

Want more examples, check out these winning scholarship essay examples.

Financial Aid Scholarship Essay

Scholarship Essay for Financial Need

Scholarship Essay Examples About Yourself

As I reflect on my journey thus far, I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped my character and fueled my ambition. This scholarship essay serves as a testament to the transformative power of education and the unwavering dedication I bring to achieving my goals. By delving into my personal story, passions, and commitment to making a difference, I aim to showcase why I am a deserving candidate for this scholarship.

From a young age, I have been captivated by the world of mathematics and its ability to solve complex problems. This passion has driven my academic pursuits and inspired me to pursue a career in the field of data science. Through rigorous coursework, independent research projects, and participation in maths competitions, I have honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, solidifying my commitment to making a meaningful impact through the application of mathematics.

While my academic pursuits have been a significant part of my journey, my commitment extends beyond the classroom. Recognizing the importance of community engagement, I have actively sought opportunities to give back. Volunteering at local organizations, mentoring fellow students, and initiating fundraising campaigns have allowed me to make a positive impact on those around me. These experiences have instilled in me a profound sense of empathy and a deep desire to contribute to the betterment of society.

Throughout my academic career, I have encountered challenges that have tested my resilience and determination. From juggling multiple responsibilities to overcoming setbacks, I have learned to embrace these obstacles as opportunities for growth. Rather than letting failures discourage me, I have used them as stepping stones toward success. It is through perseverance and a relentless pursuit of excellence that I have been able to achieve academic milestones and personal growth.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I am also deeply committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in the STEM field. As a woman in a predominantly male-dominated field, I have witnessed firsthand the lack of representation and the barriers faced by underrepresented groups. Through involvement in diversity initiatives, organizing workshops, and serving as a mentor, I strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams in STEM.

Receiving this scholarship would be a tremendous honor and would provide the financial support necessary to continue my educational journey. With the burden of financial constraints lifted, I would be able to fully devote myself to my studies, research projects, and community involvement. This scholarship would not only contribute to my personal growth and academic achievements but also allow me to further my impact by creating opportunities for others.

In conclusion, this scholarship essay about myself highlights my passion for mathematics, commitment to community engagement, resilience in the face of challenges, and dedication to fostering diversity in STEM. By sharing my story and aspirations, I hope to convey the depth of my determination and the impact this scholarship would have on my educational journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to be considered as a deserving recipient, and I look forward to utilizing my skills, knowledge, and passion to make a positive difference in the world.

Why this Essay Worked

This scholarship essay worked for several reasons, such as:

  • It effectively showcases the applicant's passion for mathematics, community engagement, and resilience.
  • It compellingly conveyed the applicant's dedication, ambition, and potential for making a positive impact. This makes them a deserving candidate for the scholarship.
  • Clear connection to the scholarship's goals and how it would further the applicant's educational journey and impact.

Here are some scholarship essay examples about yourself; get an idea from them, and create a successful essay.

Scholarship Essay Example About Yourself

Scholarship Essay About Yourself

Scholarship Essay Examples for Nursing

As a dedicated and compassionate individual, my passion for nursing has been the driving force behind my educational pursuits and career aspirations. This scholarship essay offers a glimpse into my journey as a nursing student, highlighting my unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional patient care, advocating for health equity, and making a meaningful impact in the field of healthcare.

From a young age, I have been drawn to the healthcare field, recognizing the profound impact nurses have on patients' lives. Inspired by their compassion and ability to provide comfort during times of vulnerability, I embarked on my nursing journey with the goal of making a positive difference in the lives of others. This passion, coupled with my innate ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, has fueled my desire to pursue a career in nursing.

Throughout my academic journey, I have embraced opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills in nursing. My coursework and clinical experiences have provided me with a solid foundation in patient care, critical thinking, and evidence-based practice. Additionally, I have actively sought extracurricular activities such as volunteering at local hospitals and participating in healthcare outreach programs, further developing my clinical skills and reinforcing my commitment to the nursing profession.

One crucial aspect of nursing that resonates deeply with me is the importance of advocating for health equity. I firmly believe that every individual deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background. To address this disparity, I have been actively involved in community initiatives aimed at promoting health education, providing healthcare services to underserved populations, and advocating for policy changes that promote equitable healthcare delivery.

Nursing, to me, is more than just a profession; it is a calling to serve and care for others selflessly. I find immense satisfaction in building trusting relationships with patients, providing emotional support, and being a source of comfort during their most vulnerable moments. The ability to make a positive impact in patients' lives motivates me to continuously strive for excellence in my nursing practice.

Receiving this scholarship would be a tremendous honor and a significant stepping stone in my nursing journey. It would alleviate the financial burden associated with pursuing my education and provide me with the resources necessary to further enhance my skills and knowledge. With this scholarship, I will be able to focus more on my studies, engage in additional professional development opportunities, and actively contribute to research initiatives that advance the field of nursing.

In conclusion, this scholarship essay about nursing encapsulates my unwavering passion, dedication to patient care, commitment to advocating for health equity, and pursuit of excellence. By sharing my journey, aspirations, and the alignment between my goals and the scholarship's mission, I hope to convey my worthiness as a scholarship recipient. I am grateful for the opportunity to be considered and look forward to utilizing my skills, knowledge, and compassion to positively impact the nursing profession and the lives of those I serve.

Why This Essay Worked

This essay worked due to its compelling portrayal of the applicant's genuine passion for nursing, coupled with their unwavering dedication to making a positive impact in patient care.

The essay effectively demonstrates the applicant's well-rounded preparation for a nursing career and their clear alignment with the goals and mission of the scholarship, making them a strong candidate for consideration.

Below are some more examples of scholarship essays for nursing.

Nursing Scholarship Essay

Scholarship Essay for Nursing

Scholarship Essay Examples About Career Goals

As I embark on my educational journey, I am filled with enthusiasm and determination to pursue my career goals with unwavering focus and dedication. This scholarship essay offers a glimpse into my aspirations, detailing the path I have chosen, the milestones I aim to achieve, and how this scholarship will play a pivotal role in realizing my dreams.

My career goal is to become a skilled and compassionate clinical psychologist, specializing in providing mental health support to individuals facing diverse challenges. This desire stems from my deep empathy for others and a burning passion to help those in need. By pursuing this career, I hope to contribute to the well-being and resilience of individuals, fostering positive change and promoting mental health awareness.

To achieve my career goal, I am committed to obtaining a comprehensive education in psychology. My academic journey has equipped me with a solid foundation in psychological theories, research methodologies, and therapeutic approaches. Furthermore, I have sought opportunities to gain practical experience through internships, volunteering at counseling centers, and participating in research projects. These experiences have nurtured my clinical skills, honed my ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and strengthened my resolve to make a meaningful difference in their lives.

A crucial aspect of my career goal is continuous professional development. I recognize that the field of psychology is dynamic and ever-evolving, and staying abreast of the latest research, therapies, and ethical practices is essential to providing the highest standard of care. With this scholarship, I will be able to attend conferences, workshops, and advanced training programs, ensuring that I remain at the forefront of advancements in the field and can offer the best possible support to my future clients.

In addition to clinical practice, I aspire to engage in research and contribute to the growing body of knowledge in psychology. By conducting research studies and publishing findings, I aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice, advocating evidence-based interventions and enhancing the understanding of mental health issues. I believe that research and clinical practice are mutually beneficial, and both play a vital role in improving mental health outcomes.

Receiving this scholarship would be a transformative opportunity for me to pursue my career goals with unwavering focus and determination. It would alleviate the financial burden associated with my education, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my studies and professional development. This scholarship would not only enable me to achieve academic milestones but also empower me to make a lasting impact in the lives of individuals struggling with mental health challenges.

In conclusion, this scholarship essay encapsulates my career goals, aspirations, and the dedication I bring to realizing them. By pursuing a career in clinical psychology, I aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals facing mental health challenges. With the support of this scholarship, I will be equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to contribute to the field and advocate for the well-being of others. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be considered as a deserving recipient and eagerly look forward to the journey ahead.

This essay worked for the following reasons:

  • Clear and Specific Career Goals: The essay effectively outlines the applicant's career goal of becoming a clinical psychologist specializing in mental health support. The clarity and specificity of the goal demonstrate a well-defined path and a strong sense of purpose.
  • Demonstrated Preparation and Commitment: The essay showcases the applicant's comprehensive preparation for their career goals. It also demonstrates their readiness and dedication to excel in the field.
  • Alignment with Scholarship Objectives: The essay effectively highlights how the scholarship will contribute to the applicant's career aspirations. This includes attending conferences, workshops, and advanced training programs.

If you find difficulty writing the scholarship essay about career goals, get help from the below-mentioned examples, and submit a well-written essay.

Scholarship Essay Examples About Leadership

Leadership, for me, is not merely a title or a position but a mindset and a responsibility to inspire and empower others toward a common goal. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively sought opportunities to cultivate and exhibit leadership skills, both within the classroom and in extracurricular activities. This experience has ignited my passion for leadership and instilled in me the belief that effective leadership is not about commanding but about empowering others to reach their full potential.

To further develop my leadership abilities, I have sought out formal training and workshops focused on leadership development. These experiences have equipped me with essential skills such as effective communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making. Moreover, I have actively sought leadership roles in student organizations, where I have been entrusted with responsibilities such as organizing events, coordinating volunteers, and managing budgets.

As I reflect on my leadership journey, I am keenly aware of the impact I can have in various spheres of my life. My goal is not only to excel as an individual leader but also to inspire others to discover and develop their own leadership potential. I firmly believe that leadership is not confined to a specific position or setting, but rather it can be demonstrated in everyday actions and interactions. Whether it's mentoring peers, initiating positive change in my community, or advocating for causes I am passionate about, I strive to lead with integrity, empathy, and a commitment to making a difference.

In conclusion, leadership is a deeply ingrained value that drives me to inspire, motivate, and empower others. Through my experiences in various leadership roles, formal training, and a strong belief in the potential of individuals, I am committed to honing my leadership skills and making a positive impact in my community and beyond. This scholarship would provide me with the necessary resources to develop further as a leader, enabling me to continue fostering collaboration, driving change, and uplifting those around me. I am grateful for the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship and look forward to utilizing my leadership abilities to contribute to a better future.

Three reasons why this essay worked are:

  • Demonstrated Leadership Experience : This essay effectively highlights the applicant's practical experience in leadership roles, showcasing their ability to lead teams, organize events, and coordinate volunteers.
  • Commitment to Personal Growth : The essay demonstrates the applicant's proactive approach to leadership development by seeking formal training and participating in workshops focused on honing their skills. 
  • Emphasis on Collaboration and Empowerment: The essay emphasizes the applicant's belief in collaborative leadership. It promotes inclusivity and empowers team members to contribute their unique perspectives. 

Here we gather some good scholarship essay examples about leadership that help in your writing.

Leadership Scholarship Essay Example

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Scholarship Essay Examples About Community Service

Community service has always been a core value in my life, serving as a catalyst for personal growth and a means to create positive change in society. This scholarship essay provides insight into my deep commitment to community service, highlighting the transformative impact it has had on my life and how I aspire to continue making a difference through service-oriented initiatives.

From a young age, I have been actively engaged in community service, recognizing its power to uplift individuals and strengthen the fabric of our society. Through volunteering at local shelters, organizing donation drives, and participating in community clean-up projects, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative effects of service on both individuals and the community as a whole. These experiences have ignited my passion for making a lasting impact and have instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility toward serving others.

My commitment to community service extends beyond sporadic acts of kindness; it is a deeply rooted value that has guided my actions and decisions. Throughout my academic journey, I have actively sought out opportunities to merge my passion for service with my educational pursuits. By engaging in service-oriented clubs and organizations, I have been able to leverage my skills and knowledge to create sustainable solutions for the challenges faced by underserved communities. These experiences have taught me the importance of collaboration, empathy, and adaptability in addressing community needs.

Looking forward, I am determined to further expand my impact and contribute to the betterment of society through service. With this scholarship, I will have the resources and support necessary to pursue service-oriented projects and initiatives that align with my passion for social change. I aim to engage in projects that promote education, empower marginalized groups, and address pressing social issues. Through these efforts, I aspire to inspire others to join in creating a more just and equitable world, one community at a time.

In conclusion, community service has shaped my character, values, and aspirations. It has taught me the importance of empathy, collaboration, and servant leadership. With this scholarship, I will be able to further immerse myself in service-oriented initiatives, amplifying my impact and contributing to the well-being of communities. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship, and I eagerly anticipate the chance to continue my journey of empowering and serving others, ultimately making a lasting difference in our world.

Here are the reasons:

  • Genuine Passion and Commitment: The essay effectively conveys the applicant's genuine passion for community service, highlighting their long-standing involvement and the transformative impact it has had on their life. 
  • Integration of Service with Education: The essay demonstrates the applicant's proactive approach to integrating their passion for community service with their educational pursuits.
  • Aspiration for Social Change: The essay goes beyond personal experiences and highlights the applicant's aspirations for broader social change.

Here is an excellent community service scholarship essa y that can help you write for community college.

Scholarship Essay Example about Community Service

High School Scholarship Essay Examples

As a high school student, I have always believed in the power of education to transform lives and open doors of opportunity. However, I have also witnessed the financial constraints that many students and their families face when pursuing higher education. This scholarship essay serves as a testament to my unwavering determination to overcome these obstacles and achieve my academic goals. By awarding me this scholarship, you would not only be investing in my future but also in the potential for positive change that education can bring to individuals and communities.

Throughout my high school journey, I have consistently strived for academic excellence while actively engaging in extracurricular activities. Balancing rigorous coursework and participation in clubs, sports teams, and community service initiatives has instilled in me invaluable time management, leadership, and teamwork skills. I have embraced challenges, pushed my boundaries, and demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity. This scholarship would provide me with the financial support necessary to continue pursuing my education and nurturing my personal and leadership development, enabling me to make a meaningful impact on my future endeavors.

Beyond my personal aspirations, I am deeply committed to giving back to my community. Volunteering at local organizations and participating in service projects has given me a sense of fulfillment and a profound understanding of the importance of community engagement. I firmly believe that education is a catalyst for positive change, and with this scholarship, I will be better equipped to give back by utilizing my knowledge and skills to serve others. Whether it's tutoring fellow students, organizing educational workshops, or contributing to community initiatives, I am dedicated to being an agent of change and making a difference in the lives of those around me.

In conclusion, as a high school student driven by a passion for education and community impact, I am honored to be considered for this scholarship. I am committed to leveraging this opportunity to further my education, develop as a leader, and give back to my community. By investing in my future, you will not only support my personal growth but also contribute to the betterment of society. I am grateful for your consideration and eagerly look forward to the chance to pursue my dreams and make a lasting impact.

  • Clear and Convincing Goals: The essay effectively communicates the applicant's strong desire to pursue higher education despite financial constraints.
  • Demonstrated Leadership and Well-Roundedness: The essay showcases the applicant's involvement in extracurricular activities. It highlights their ability to balance academic responsibilities with active participation in clubs, sports teams, and community service initiatives.
  • Emphasis on Giving Back and Community Engagement: The essay not only focuses on the applicant's personal aspirations but also highlights their commitment to giving back to their community.

The following are the best high school scholarship essay examples, use this for your help, and write an attention-grabbing essay.

Scholarship Essay Example for High School

Scholarship Essay for High School

Scholarship Essay Examples for University

As I embark on my journey into higher education, I am filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. However, I am also acutely aware of the financial challenges that lie ahead. This scholarship essay serves as a testament to my unwavering commitment to pursuing a university education and the transformative power it holds. By awarding me this scholarship, you would not only be investing in my future but also in the potential for positive change that higher education can bring to individuals and society as a whole.

Throughout my academic journey, I have maintained a steadfast dedication to learning and personal growth. I have consistently sought out challenging coursework and actively engaged in extracurricular activities that align with my passions and academic interests. As a result, I have developed critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills that will enable me to thrive in a university setting. However, the financial burden associated with tuition, textbooks, and living expenses presents a significant obstacle that threatens to impede my ability to fully embrace the educational opportunities that await me.

Beyond the classroom, I have actively sought out opportunities to contribute to my community and make a positive impact. Through volunteering, internships, and leadership roles in various organizations, I have developed a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire to effect change. I am deeply committed to addressing social issues and believe that higher education will equip me with the knowledge and tools necessary to make a meaningful difference. However, the financial constraints I face pose a significant barrier to pursuing my aspirations of becoming an agent of positive change.

Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden but also provide me with the resources and support necessary to fully immerse myself in the university experience. It would enable me to focus on my studies, engage in research opportunities, and actively participate in campus activities that foster personal and intellectual growth. Furthermore, it would empower me to explore my passions, contribute to my field of study, and develop the skills needed to create a better future. I am committed to maximizing this opportunity and paying it forward by using my education and experiences to uplift others and create positive change in my community and beyond.

In conclusion, as I embark on my university journey, I am humbled and honored to be considered for this scholarship. The financial support it provides would not only unlock my potential but also enable me to contribute meaningfully to society. With this scholarship, I will be able to pursue my dreams, immerse myself in the transformative power of higher education, and work towards making a positive impact in the world. I am deeply grateful for your consideration and eagerly look forward to the chance to fulfill my academic and personal aspirations.

Why This Essay Works

Three reasons why this essay works are:

  • Strong Personal Motivation: The essay effectively communicates the applicant's unwavering commitment and determination to pursue a university education.
  • Articulation of Long-Term Goals and Social Impact: The essay goes beyond highlighting the applicant's academic achievements and financial needs. It emphasizes the applicant's desire to contribute to their community and make a positive impact on society.
  • The connection between Scholarship and Applicant's Potential: The essay effectively illustrates how receiving the scholarship would directly address the financial burden. Plus, it will enable the applicant to fully embrace the university experience.

Here are some excellent scholarship essay examples for university students that help you in writing the essay.

Scholarship Essay Example for University Students

Scholarship Essay Examples for Engineering

As an aspiring engineer, I am driven by a deep passion for innovation, problem-solving, and creating solutions that can transform our world. This scholarship essay is a testament to my unwavering commitment to pursuing a career in engineering and the impact it can have on society. By awarding me this scholarship, you would invest not only in my education but also in the potential for technological advancements and positive change that engineering brings to the world.

From a young age, I have been captivated by the wonders of science and mathematics. The ability to unravel complex challenges and apply scientific principles to practical solutions has always intrigued me. Throughout my academic journey, I have excelled in physics, mathematics, and computer science, consistently seeking out opportunities to delve deeper into these subjects. I have also participated in engineering-related extracurricular activities, such as robotics competitions and STEM clubs, which have solidified my passion for engineering. However, pursuing a degree in engineering comes with financial hurdles that can hinder my ability to fully immerse myself in this field. This scholarship would provide me with the necessary support to pursue my dreams and make a lasting impact through engineering.

Engineering is not just a career path for me; it is a calling to make a positive difference in the world. I believe that engineers have the power to shape our future by developing sustainable technologies, improving infrastructure, and addressing pressing global challenges. I am particularly interested in sustainable energy solutions and environmental engineering, as I am deeply committed to mitigating the environmental impact of human activities. Through internships and research projects, I have gained hands-on experience in designing and implementing innovative solutions to promote sustainability. However, financial constraints pose a significant obstacle to fully realizing my potential as an engineer and making meaningful contributions to the field.

Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden but also empower me to seize every opportunity for growth and development in the field of engineering. With the support of this scholarship, I will be able to pursue advanced coursework, engage in research projects, and participate in engineering organizations that foster collaboration and innovation. Additionally, it will enable me to attend conferences and workshops where I can network with professionals and learn about the latest advancements in engineering. By investing in my education, you would be investing in a future engineer dedicated to improving lives, solving complex problems, and making a positive impact on our society and the world at large.

In conclusion, as an aspiring engineer with a strong passion for innovation and a commitment to making a positive impact, I am honored to be considered for this scholarship. The financial support it provides would not only alleviate the financial burden but also enable me to fully immerse myself in the world of engineering. I am eager to seize every opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute to the field, with a focus on sustainability and improving lives. With this scholarship, I will be one step closer to realizing my dreams of engineering a better future. Thank you for considering my application and for investing in the next generation of engineers who are poised to shape our world for the better.

This essay worked because of the following reasons:

  • Passion and Commitment: The essay effectively conveys the applicant's deep passion for engineering. It also shows their genuine commitment to making a positive impact in this field.
  • Alignment with Scholarship Objectives: It clearly establishes the connection between the scholarship and the applicant's goals in engineering.
  • Future Impact and Growth: It also communicates the applicant's aspiration to contribute to the field of engineering and make a positive difference in the world.

The following is another scholarship essay example that can help you in creating the perfect essay on your own.

Scholarship Essay Examples for Masters

Embarking on a master's degree journey is an opportunity that fills me with excitement and a deep sense of purpose. This scholarship essay serves as a testament to my unwavering commitment to pursuing a master's degree and the transformative impact it can have on both my personal and professional growth. By awarding me this scholarship, you would not only be investing in my education but also in the potential for positive change that I can bring to my field and society as a whole.

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I have constantly sought opportunities for growth and development. However, pursuing a master's degree presents significant financial challenges that threaten to hinder my ability to fully embrace this transformative experience. This scholarship would provide the much-needed financial support that would enable me to focus on my studies, engage in research, and immerse myself in the rich learning environment that a master's degree offers.

I firmly believe that a master's degree is a stepping stone toward empowering change and making a lasting impact. Through my academic and professional experiences, I have witnessed the pressing challenges that exist in my field. By pursuing a master's degree, I aim to acquire advanced knowledge, research skills, and a deeper understanding of the complex issues at hand. I am particularly passionate about [specific area of interest], and I aspire to contribute to innovative solutions that address societal needs.

Receiving this scholarship would not only benefit me as an individual but also have a broader impact on my community and society. Armed with the knowledge and skills gained from a master's degree, I envision myself playing an active role in bridging gaps, championing inclusivity, and fostering positive change. I am committed to giving back to my community by sharing my expertise, mentoring aspiring professionals, and actively participating in initiatives that promote social and economic development.

In conclusion, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship. Pursuing a master's degree is a critical milestone in my educational and professional journey, and this scholarship would make that journey more accessible. By investing in my education, you would be investing in my potential to create positive change and contribute to my field. I am committed to utilizing the knowledge and experiences gained through a master's degree to make a lasting impact, not only in my own life but also in the lives of others.

This essay worked for several reasons:

  • Clear Purpose and Goal: The essay effectively conveys the applicant's clear purpose and goal of pursuing a master's degree. It highlights the transformative impact that a master's degree can have on personal and professional growth.
  • Financial Need and Scholarship Alignment : The essay addresses the financial challenges associated with pursuing a master's degree. It demonstrates the direct alignment between the scholarship and the applicant's needs.
  • Impact and Giving Back : The essay goes beyond personal aspirations and emphasizes the applicant's intention to make a broader impact on their community and society.

Here is an example that you can use as a guide and write a perfect scholarship essay.

Why Should You Receive this Scholarship Essay Examples

Receiving this scholarship would not only be an honor but a tremendous opportunity for me to further my education and achieve my goals. In this essay, I will outline the reasons why I believe I am deserving of this scholarship and how it will significantly impact my academic journey and future prospects. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and using it to make a positive difference in my life and the lives of others.

Throughout my academic journey, I have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence. I have maintained a high GPA, received recognition for academic achievements, and am actively engaged in challenging coursework. Receiving this scholarship would provide me with the financial support needed to continue pursuing my studies with the same level of dedication and focus. It would enable me to invest more time and energy into my coursework, research, and extracurricular activities, ultimately enhancing my academic performance and contributing to my long-term success.

As a student, I face various financial challenges that can impact my ability to fully immerse myself in my studies. Balancing the costs of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses can be a significant burden. This scholarship would alleviate some of the financial strain, allowing me to fully dedicate myself to my education without the constant worry of financial constraints. It would provide me with the freedom to explore additional learning opportunities, invest in resources and materials, and engage in experiences that enhance my learning journey. By receiving this scholarship, I would be able to focus on my academic pursuits and maximize my potential for growth and success.

I firmly believe in the power of service and leadership in creating positive change in society. Throughout my academic career, I have actively participated in various community service initiatives and taken on leadership roles in student organizations. Receiving this scholarship would enable me to further cultivate my passion for service and leadership. It would provide me with the resources to expand my community involvement, engage in impactful projects, and extend my reach to make a difference in the lives of others. By investing in my education and leadership potential, this scholarship would empower me to continue contributing to my community and inspiring others to do the same.

Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden but also fuel my determination to succeed academically and make a positive impact in society. I am committed to utilizing this opportunity to its fullest potential, leveraging my academic excellence, financial need, and dedication to service and leadership. By investing in my education and supporting my aspirations, this scholarship would contribute to the realization of my goals and provide me with the tools and resources necessary to create a brighter future for myself and others. I am immensely grateful for your consideration and sincerely hope to be granted this scholarship.

Three brief reasons why this essay worked are:

  • Clear and Convincing Arguments : The essay presents concise and compelling arguments to support the applicant's case for receiving the scholarship.
  • Personal Connection : It demonstrates how receiving the scholarship would directly impact the applicant's academic journey
  • Gratitude and Future Commitment : It expresses sincere gratitude for the opportunity and emphasizes the applicant's commitment to making the most of the scholarship.

Here is an example, take help from them for your scholarship essay.

Why Should You Receive this Scholarship Essay Example

Why I Deserve This Scholarship Essay Examples

I am writing this essay to express why I strongly believe that I deserve to be awarded this scholarship. The financial assistance provided by this scholarship would have a profound impact on my educational journey and help me achieve my goals. Through this essay, I aim to showcase my dedication, achievements, and the ways in which I plan to utilize this scholarship to make a positive impact.

Throughout my academic career, I have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to excellence. I have maintained a high GPA and have actively sought out opportunities to challenge myself academically. This scholarship would recognize and support my academic achievements, providing me with the necessary resources to continue pursuing my education with the same level of dedication. With the scholarship's assistance, I will be able to focus more on my studies, engage in research projects, and explore additional learning opportunities, which will ultimately contribute to my personal growth and success.

As a student, I face various financial challenges that can hinder my educational progress. The financial burden of tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses often weighs heavily on my shoulders. This scholarship would alleviate a significant portion of the financial strain, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my studies without the constant worry of financial constraints. It would provide me with the peace of mind and stability needed to excel academically, focus on my personal growth, and actively participate in extracurricular activities that enhance my overall learning experience.

I strongly believe in the power of education to bring about positive change in society. With this scholarship, I would be able to further invest in my passion for community service and make a tangible impact. By dedicating my time and energy to service initiatives, I aim to contribute to the betterment of my community and those in need. The scholarship would not only support my academic pursuits but also enable me to actively engage in volunteering activities, mentorship programs, and initiatives that promote social welfare. This scholarship would serve as a catalyst for me to create a lasting impact and inspire others to do the same.

In conclusion, I firmly believe that I deserve to receive this scholarship based on my academic excellence, financial need, and commitment to making a positive impact. With this scholarship, I would have the opportunity to focus on my studies, actively contribute to my community, and develop the skills necessary to become a future leader and change-maker. I am sincerely grateful for the consideration and support of the scholarship committee. If awarded this scholarship, I am determined to utilize it to the fullest extent and seize every opportunity to achieve my goals and make a meaningful difference in the world.

  • Compelling Personal Story: The essay effectively presents the applicant's personal story and highlights their dedication and commitment to their education
  • Addressing Academic Excellence and Financial Need : The essay successfully addresses both academic excellence and financial need, which are two crucial aspects considered by scholarship committees.
  • Commitment to Making an Impact: The essay goes beyond the applicant's personal goals and emphasizes their dedication to making a positive impact in their community. 

Here’s another example for this scholarship essay below:

Why I Deserve This Scholarship Essay Example

Tips for Writing the Effective Scholarship Essay

When it comes to writing an effective scholarship essay, there are several key tips to keep in mind. 

By following these guidelines, you can maximize your chances of standing out and impressing scholarship selection committees. 

Here are some essential tips to help you craft a compelling scholarship essay:

  • Understand the Prompt

Take the time to thoroughly understand the essay prompt or topic provided by the scholarship provider. Pay attention to any specific instructions or guidelines given.

  • Research the Scholarship

Familiarize yourself with the organization or institution offering the scholarship. Understand their values, mission, and objectives. This knowledge will help you align your essay with their goals and demonstrate your fit for the scholarship.

  • Tell Your Unique Story

Use the essay as an opportunity to showcase your personal experiences, like obstacles you might encounter, achievements, and aspirations. Highlight what sets you apart from other applicants. Be authentic and genuine in conveying your story, like overcoming personal failures.

  • Start with a Compelling Introduction

Grab the reader's attention from the beginning with a strong and captivating introduction. Consider starting with a compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement.

  • Structure Your Essay

Organize your essay into a clear and logical structure. Start with an introduction, followed by body paragraphs that support your main points, and end with a concise and impactful conclusion.

  • Be Concise and Specific

Scholarship essays often have a word or character limits, so make every word count. Be concise in your writing and avoid unnecessary fluff. Focus on providing specific examples and details that support your claims.

  • Showcase Your Achievements

Highlight your academic accomplishments, extracurricular involvements, community service, leadership roles, or any other relevant achievements. Link them to the values and goals of the scholarship.

  • Address the Selection Criteria

Ensure that your essay addresses the selection criteria specified by the scholarship provider. If they are looking for specific qualities or skills, tailor your essay to showcase how you possess those attributes.

In conclusion, writing an effective scholarship essay is a crucial step in securing the financial aid you need for your education. 

By following the tips outlined here, you can enhance your essay-writing skills and create a compelling narrative that captivates scholarship selection committees.

Be authentic, concise, and specific in your writing. Tailor your essay to align with the values and objectives of the scholarship provider. And above all, believe in yourself and your potential to make a difference through education.

If you're seeking further guidance and support in your scholarship essay writing journey, consider partnering with our AI essay writing tools !

We also have a team of experienced and professional essay writers who can provide personal essay writing service with valuable insights. 

Hire our college paper writing service  today and take the next step towards securing the financial aid you deserve.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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How to Write a Scholarship Essay

What’s covered:, why do scholarships require essays.

  • Types of scholarship essays

How to write a good scholarship essay

What about scholarships that don’t require an essay.

For many, scholarships are a critical part of paying for your college education. That’s why you want to make sure your scholarship applications receive nearly as much of your care and attention as your college applications do. Essays are a huge component of this.

Many scholarships are competitive, drawing highly qualified applicants with excellent grades and test scores. Essays are a way of differentiating students, learning more about their interests, and determining to whom the organization should give the award.

Scholarships are also born out of organizational missions, and the committee wants to see how your values align with theirs. Essays help illuminate these values. 

Types of scholarship essays 

You’ll encounter several different types of scholarship essays during your search. These are some of the most common varieties you will find.

Career and education goals

Some scholarships target people with particular career ambitions and anticipated majors. This essay prompt is common for those types of awards, as well as more general ones. To approach your essay, you should be authentic, describing your true motivations and why this professional path appeals to you. Let your passion for the industry, sector, or discipline shine through.

Life experiences/qualities/group affinity

When a scholarship targets people of particular demographics, make sure you highlight your affinity with this group in your essay. Describe how these characteristics have contributed to and in some cases shaped your journey — and will continue to do so in your future.

Connection with the institution/organization

Your connection with the institution or organization offering the scholarship often plays a large role in determining winners — so much so that they may ask you to describe why that organization is important to you in your essay. It’s important to do your homework, considering why various aspects of the institution appeal to you and why you want a scholarship from them.

Past writing sample

You may not need to write a new essay at all. The organization could ask you to submit a past writing sample instead. If this is the case, choose a piece that shows your real personality and aligns with the message and mission of the organization offering the scholarship.

1. Understand your audience.

Scholarship committees want to see essays from students who share their organization’s values. Before you apply, you need to do some research to understand what those values are. Consider how your interests and experiences align with what the organization is looking for, and make them clear throughout your essay.

2. Show your personality.

You should also use your voice in your essay. Give the scholarship committee insight into who you are as a person — what drives you, what motivates you, and what interests you. This will allow them to understand you on a deeper level and see your words as genuine.

3. Use anecdotes and examples.

As with your college essays, you’ll bring your experiences to life by using plenty of anecdotes and examples. These will help ground your essay and make it more compelling for your audience.

You may encounter scholarships that don’t require essays. While the applications may be less time-consuming, for the most part, you will need to ensure that your GPA, test scores, and extracurriculars are strong because they will usually play a large role in assessing applicants.

While we’re on the subject of no-essay scholarships, we encourage you to enter CollegeVine’s weekly $500+ scholarship drawings . To get started, you just need to create a free account. Increase your chances of winning by referring friends, peer-reviewing essays, and more.

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How To Write A Scholarship Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

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How To Write A Scholarship Essay: A Step-By-Step Guide

This is your time to shine!

When you apply for a scholarship, you have to submit an essay for it! Many students face a lot of issues, one of which is how to write a compelling scholarship essay that showcases their strengths and sets them apart from the competition. Don't worry; this is an issue we will help you solve by teaching you everything you need to know about how to write a scholarship essay, from how to start a scholarship essay to how to end one! So, let's dive right into it!

What is a Scholarship Essay?

A scholarship essay is a crucial component of the application process when seeking financial aid for your educational pursuits. It serves as a platform to persuasively articulate why you are a deserving candidate. It also shows how to write a scholarship essay that sets you apart from the competition. This essay is submitted with the scholarship application, and it is your one opportunity to demonstrate that you are the best candidate for the scholarship. Now, let us get started on the writing part of a scholarship essay:

How to Write a Scholarship Essay?

Let's discuss how to write a scholarship essay! Here are a few things to keep in mind on how to write a scholarship essay. One simple tip about a scholarship essay is just to make sure that your essay provides insight into your vision and experience, which ultimately defines you and your passion for your study subject. Here are a few points to note when you write an essay on a scholarship.

Step 1: Hook your reader from the start

If you have questions about how to start an essay? Try including a quote or phrase related to your planned course that you may later introduce in the essay. Giving an idea about your interest in the subject will persuade the committee. Showing a broader understanding of your subject can assist in convincing the judges to provide you with the financial aid you need. 

Step 2: Understand your audience

When you start to write your essay for a scholarship, you need to know your target audience, in this case, the scholarship committee; you need to understand their requirements and expectations. Find out their ideal prospect and make sure you fit into that vision. Make a list of key points you want to include in your essay. You don't have to give up your vision; modify your essay to fit their parameters.

Step 3. Read the scholarship essay prompts carefully

When you think about how to start a scholarship essay, the biggest tip is to read the essay prompts thoroughly. You must comply with the appropriate essay prompt structure and word count. Also, double-check that you are simply replying to all prompt sections.

Step 4. Get to know the scholarship provider

Read about the corporation or organisation in charge of the scholarship programme. You will find their mission and requirements on their website; this is one of the best tips on how to write a scholarship essay. This can help you customise your essay according to their needs. Many scholarship sponsors also showcase former scholarship winners on their websites, often with the winning essay. Examine what the scholarship provider says about prior winners to determine which of your qualities to emphasise in your essay.

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Step 5. share your authenticity.

One of the best tips on how to write a scholarship essay is that your life and experiences are essential and significant! You are not required to fabricate or invent details to appear more deserving of the scholarship money. Your authenticity is your power; use it for your gain. It is recommended to show and not tell, as it is evident for the readers to spot such things. Instead of just explaining everything, try constructing a vivid image for the reader. Don't just claim you're stressed out because you're juggling employment and high school; make a mental image and provide clear, credible instances. 

Gain a competitive edge by delving into the intricacies of scholarship opportunities in sought-after destinations such as Australia, Ireland, and the US. Your journey to academic excellence begins with the wisdom shared in our insightful blogs on student scholarships in Australia , scholarships in Ireland and if you want to apply in the US, then there is a blog on top scholarships in the USA for international students.

Step 6. Seek feedback and guidance on your writing

To make your essay stand out, it's important to seek out writing advice and guidance from reliable sources when you are lost on how to write a scholarship essay. Your academic advisor can provide valuable insights into the writing process, such as how to write a scholarship essay, how to start a scholarship essay, and how to make your argument compelling. There are plenty of online resources that can help you improve your writing skills, such as grammar and style guides, online writing courses, and writing communities where you can get feedback on your work.

Step 7. Ensure your scholarship essay is free from grammatical errors

Make sure you proofread your essay and look for grammatical errors. You can scan your essay through various grammar-checking websites before submitting your essay.

how to write a scholarship essay

Scholarship Essay Format

One of the key aspects of how to write a scholarship essay is to write a compelling argument to stand out from the competition and convince the selection committee that you are the best candidate for the award. However, it is equally important to pay attention to the essay format. We will discuss the important things to remember and include in a scholarship essay format.

1. Fonts to use for scholarship essay

One tip on how to write a scholarship essay is to stick to a consistent professional style. This includes 1-inch page margins, a 12-point font size double-spaced, and a "standard" script like Times New Roman in classic black. Don't experiment with fonts or colours here. You want the content of your essay to stand out, not your unconventional formatting.

2. Scholarship essay title

The essay submission format determines this. You can copy and paste the body of your essay without a title if there is a text box entry. If you attach an essay as a Word or PDF document, you can include a title, although this is usually unnecessary unless there are specific scholarship essay format rules. Also, there is no need to add the essay question or prompt at the top of your essay.

3. Scholarship essay structure

The structure of the essay is a very crucial element. The structure of the essay helps you make a blueprint and guides you in deciding which points have to be included under which section. This is a format that is generally used when you think about how to write a scholarship essay. 


When you think about how to start a scholarship essay, it needs to draw the attention of the reader with a catchy beginning line relating to the question. Introduce your significant points, which you will discuss later in your essay. Include a strong point that proves your determination and drive to attend college.

Extend your critical points in the essay for a scholarship here. Support your claims with proof, examples, and facts. This is the section where you can tell the committee how you got to where you are now, what inspired your hobbies, interests, or desire to attend college, and how the essay for a scholarship will help you reach your academic, personal, and career goals . 

Describe how earning this award might help you achieve your goals and have a broader community impact, if any. Explain how critical this scholarship is to you, not only financially but also in terms of helping you reach your goals, and this is how to end a scholarship essay. You can know more through our blog on how to write personal statements . 

Scholarship Essay Examples

Receiving multiple smaller scholarship awards can be life-changing and help you achieve your college and professional goals. The following scholarship essays demonstrate how to write a winning scholarship essay for any university:

Scholarship Essay Example #1: New York University College of Arts and Science Essay

"Although I agree that I will never be able to support myself only via ice skating, the education and talents I have obtained have opened endless avenues. Ice skating has given me the work ethic, resilience and inspiration to grow as a teacher and English speaker. It has helped my academic performance by instilling in me the importance of rhythm, health, and routine."

Scholarship Essay Example #2: North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship-Winning Essay

"My parents pushed me to respect school when I was five years old because they were born in Vietnam and had limited access to education. Because of this disadvantage, I learnt to take everything seriously and to give everything I had to fulfil projects like founding my school's Badminton Club in my fresher year and the Red Cross Club this year. The more I got involved, the more I grew as a leader and as a person. As a leader, I acted the same way I did with my younger cousins and siblings."

Scholarship Essay Example #3: University of California, Berkeley Scholarship Essay

"My passion for computer science began in middle school when I discovered the power of coding to create and solve problems. Since then, I've dedicated countless hours to learning programming languages and developing my skills. Last summer, I had the opportunity to intern at a local tech company, where I contributed to a real-world software project and gained invaluable experience working in a professional environment. This experience solidified my desire to pursue a career in software engineering and make a positive impact through technology."

Scholarship Essay Example #4: Georgia Institute of Technology Scholarship Essay

"As a first-generation college student, I understand the value of education and the sacrifices my parents made to provide me with opportunities they never had. Their unwavering support and belief in me have been my greatest motivators. Through my involvement in various extracurricular activities, including volunteering at a local community centre and tutoring underprivileged children, I've developed a deep appreciation for giving back and making a difference in others' lives. Pursuing a degree in engineering will allow me to combine my love for science and mathematics with my passion for helping others."

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Scholarship Essay Prompts

Are you struggling to come up with ideas on how to write a scholarship essay? There are plenty of standard essay prompts and topics out there to guide you. These prompts will help you get started on your essay for a scholarship and give it a definite structure. Let's explore some useful scholarship essay prompts that you can use to write a scholarship essay.

1. My family members

2. My part-time job efforts in high school

3. The doors I have opened

4. My dreams and inspiration

5. Learning for the best - how (person) changed my life

6. The person who is influenced by views

7. Goals I will achieve in 10 years

8. What differentiates you from the hundreds of students who apply for our scholarships?

9. How has the death of a parent or guardian impacted your life financially and emotionally?

Tips on How to Write a Winning Scholarship Essay

It is crucial to make your essay for a scholarship stand out from the hundreds of other applicants while working on it. A well-written and formatted essay can not only grab the attention of the scholarship committee but also make a strong impression, increasing the likelihood of obtaining the scholarship. Here are some tips on how to write a winning scholarship essay:

1. Select a topic you are passionate about

2. Follow a narrative structure

3. Organise your essay in a clear

4. Re-read the essay prompt and identify the key themes

5. Outline your essay

6. Make sure your outline does justice to your essay prompt

7. Highlight your experiences and problem-solving skills

8. Talk about your accomplishments modestly

9. Maintain a consistent flow throughout your essay

10. Seek feedback and proofread your essay

11. Be concise and specific, and avoid generalising.

12. Use punctuation strategically to add emphasis and structure to your sentences

13.  Research the university and the scholarship they are providing before you write an essay

14. While maintaining a professional tone, write the essay in your unique voice

15. Avoid overusing of inspirational quotes in your essay

Things you need to Avoid While Writing a Scholarship Essay

Writing a compelling scholarship essay can be a challenging task, but keeping the necessary guidelines in mind will make the process smoother. Avoiding certain pitfalls is just as important as following the recommended best practices. Here are some crucial don'ts that you should follow when you write an essay for a scholarship.

the dos and don'ts of writing a scholarship essay

1. Never plagiarise in your essay, as this will undoubtedly get your application rejected. Use your authentic words and ideas, and cite any sources properly if you need to reference them in your essay

2. While adding a personal touch to your essay with your qualities and experiences is encouraged, avoid coming across as insincere or overly emotional. Maintain a balanced and professional tone throughout your writing.

3. Submit your essay before the deadline, as missing it could potentially disqualify you from consideration. Plan ahead and give yourself ample time to draft, revise, and proofread your essay.

4. Your essay should be directly relevant to the scholarship you are applying for. Do not write an essay that is unrelated and does not answer the prompt, as this may lead to disqualification.

When you think about how to write a scholarship essay, it may seem like a daunting task, but keeping the necessary guidelines in mind will make the process smoother. Here are some do's and don'ts that you should follow when you write an essay for a scholarship.

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Top 5 Scholarships and Scholarship Essays

The essay for a scholarship serves as a platform to demonstrate to the scholarship committee why you are a deserving candidate and what sets you apart from other applicants. It provides an opportunity to highlight challenges you have faced, how you coped with and overcame them, and showcase your problem-solving abilities. Here are the top 5 scholarships and a brief overview of their scholarship essay requirements.

1. Kang Foundation and Legal Scholarship

This scholarship is aimed at students pursuing a career in law. The essay should highlight your passion for the legal field, your academic achievements, and any relevant extracurricular activities or work experiences that have prepared you for a career in law.

2. New York University Scholarship

The New York University Scholarship essay prompts often focus on your personal growth, intellectual curiosity, and how you plan to contribute to the diverse community at NYU. The essay should showcase your unique perspective and how you have overcome challenges or pursued your interests.

3. North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated leadership and community involvement. The essay should highlight your leadership experiences, volunteer work, and how you have made a positive impact in your community.

4. Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship 

The Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship is designed for students who wish to study abroad. The essay should outline your goals for studying abroad, how it aligns with your academic and personal aspirations, and how you plan to leverage the experience to further your personal and professional growth.

5. Questbridge Scholarship

The Questbridge Scholarship is a prestigious program that provides financial aid to high-achieving, low-income students. The essay should focus on your academic achievements, personal challenges you have overcome, and your aspirations for the future. It should also highlight your commitment to making a positive impact in your community or society.

We hope this guide helped you find new ways to write a scholarship essay. The amber scholarship is a scholarship provided by amber; we hope you try your luck with it! This is your chance to show the scholarship committee what you have to deserve the scholarship. Also, read about our blog on what should be written in a personal statement . For those working on their dissertations, we provide valuable insights on crafting a compelling thesis statement. You can also check our detailed blog on how to write thesis statements .

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write a compelling introduction for a scholarship essay, how do you structure a scholarship essay effectively, what are some tips for writing a strong conclusion for a scholarship essay, how can you make your scholarship essay stand out, what common mistakes should you avoid in a scholarship essay.

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Best Writing Scholarships in 2024

Showing 133 scholarships that match your search.

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Don't Text and Drive Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the risks of texting while driving. To apply, complete the application form, which includes a 140-character message about texting while driving. Ten finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about texting while driving, and one will be chosen as the winner of this $1,000 scholarship.

Categories: Personal Essay

Organization: Digital Responsibility

Deadline: September 30, 2024

Recipients: 1

Top award: $1,000

Apply now →

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Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholarship

The American poet Amy Lowell died in 1925. Her will established an annual scholarship to support travel abroad for gifted American-born poets. Any poet of American birth, who is able and willing to spend one year outside the continent of North America, shall be eligible.

Categories: Poetry

Organization: Charles A. Cheever and William A. Lowell

Deadline: October 15, 2024

Additional awards: If there are two winners, each will receive the full amount

Top award: $60,500

scholarship essay submissions

YoungArts' National Arts Competition for Writing

YoungArts’ signature program is an application-based award for emerging artists ages 15-18 or in grades 10-12 from across the United States. YoungArts winners receive valuable support, including financial awards of up to $10,000, professional development and educational experiences working with renowned mentors, and performance and exhibition opportunities at some of the nation’s leading cultural institutions.

Categories: Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Organization: National YoungArts Foundation

Deadline: October 17, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards of varying amounts will be given

Recipients: 6

Top award: $10,000

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WIIT Scholarships

Our merit-based scholarships are awarded twice per year to support and encourage women studying International Trade and Global Development. Applicants must identify as female and be enrolled at an accredited U.S. college as a junior, senior, or graduate student. Awards will be based on the quality of the assigned essay and the applicant's demonstrated interested in international trade.

Categories: Critical Essay

Organization: The Association of Women in International Trade

Deadline: November 01, 2024

Additional awards: Multiple awards will be given each year; winners will also receive WIIT mentorship

Top award: $3,000

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Many Voices Fellowship

The Many Voices Fellowship is intended to support early career playwrights of color and Indigenous playwrights who demonstrate artistic potential and a commitment to a year-long residency in Minnesota. Fellowships provide a $25,000 stipend and $3,000 to support customized play development through workshops with professional directors, dramaturgs, and actors.

Categories: Playwriting

Organization: Jerome Foundation

Deadline: December 01, 2024

Top award: $25,000

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Portfolio Awards

The Portfolio Awards, made possible by generous individual donors and other supporters, offer $12,500 scholarships to Gold Medal Portfolio winners and $2,000 scholarships to Silver Medal Portfolio winners. All graduating seniors submitting a collection of six works with accompanying Artist or Writer Statements and Personal Statements (500 words or less) are eligible for this award.

Categories: Portfolio

Organization: Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Additional awards: $2,000 each for Silver Medal prizes

Recipients: 16

Top award: $12,500

scholarship essay submissions

Americanism Essay Contest

​FRA sponsors an annual essay contest to promote the spirit of Americanism and patriotism among our country’s youth. FRA's Americanism Essay Contest is open to all students, grades 7-12, including those who are home schooled. Students are invited to submit a 350-word essay through an FRA member or local FRA branch before the December 1st deadline.

Organization: Fleet Reserve Association

Additional awards: Other winners will receive $1,000, $750, and $500

Top award: $1,500

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OPC Scholarships

The Overseas Press Club Foundation strives to improve the media's understanding of international issues and to raise the quality of news-gathering efforts in covering the world. This is achieved by offering scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students in American colleges and universities, who aspire to become foreign correspondents. All applicants to OPC scholarships must submit a cover letter, resume, and writing sample about an international issue or topic.

Categories: Journalism

Organization: Overseas Press Club Foundation

scholarship essay submissions

New York Life Award

Underwritten by the New York Life Foundation, the New York Life Award offers $2,500 scholarships/travel stipends to ten students whose works explore death and personal grief. Sharing your story through art or writing can be a healing experience both for you and other teens who are grieving. Your creative work can help someone with similar experiences to you feel less alone.

Categories: Journalism, Personal Essay, Critical Essay, Short Fiction, Novel Writing, Nonfiction, Poetry, Screenwriting, Playwriting, and Portfolio

Recipients: 10

Top award: $2,500

scholarship essay submissions

SPCA Mundy Scholarship

The Foundation awards a scholarship each year to a South Carolina college student interested in pursuing a newspaper career. The premier scholarship, worth $1,000 per academic year, is named for the Foundation’s first president, the late Frank R. Mundy of the Greenwood Index-Journal.

Organization: South Carolina Press Association

Deadline: December 02, 2024

scholarship essay submissions

Unigo $10k Scholarship

The Unigo $10K Scholarship aims to help improve your education by offering a $10,000 prize to use towards school. "Would you rather be smart, funny or rich? Why?" In 250 words or less, submit an online written response to the question. Applicants must be 14 years of age or older and reside in the United States.

Categories: Short Fiction

Organization: Unigo

Deadline: December 31, 2024

scholarship essay submissions

Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship Award

In an effort to get students committed to the cause of deleting cyberbullying, we are offering the Delete Cyberbullying Scholarship Award for high school, college and graduate student — a $1,000 scholarship to help cover educational expenses. To apply, write a short essay answering one of the following questions: "Why is it important to work to delete cyberbullying?" or "How has cyberbullying personally affected you?"

Organization: Delete Cyberbullying

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The Walt Disney Company UNCF Corporate Scholars Program

The Walt Disney Company UNCF Corporate Scholars Program aims to help create a diverse pipeline of college-educated professionals poised to assume fulfilling off-camera careers in entertainment, and to help increase the number of underrepresented minorities employed in the entertainment industry. Please note applications submitted for this program will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Organization: UNCF

Deadline: January 01, 2025

Recipients: 100

scholarship essay submissions

WCF Scholarship for Student Research

The Willa Cather Foundation supports emerging scholars who increase our understanding and appreciation of the life and work of Willa Cather. As a part of this effort, we have designated three $400 annual scholarships to support upper-level students presenting original Cather research at non-Cather specific conferences. Applicants should submit their application at least four weeks prior to the conference.

Categories: Research

Organization: Willa Cather Foundation

Recipients: 3

Top award: $400

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Unigo College Review Scholarship

Love your college? Hate it? Meh? Tell other students about your experience so they can make better decisions about college. You must currently attend (or have previously attended) the college that you review to be eligible.

Recipients: 5

What are writing scholarships?

Writing scholarships are financial awards given to students based primarily on written work, though other factors are usually taken into consideration as well. Most writing scholarships involve a prompt or series of prompts to which applicants must respond. Some writing scholarships — especially those that award large amounts of money — require applicants to submit past writing samples, or even a full portfolio.

The good news is that, with so many writing scholarships to choose from, you don’t have to apply for any that are “out of your league.” Indeed, though most students have heard of writing scholarships, you may not realize just how many different varieties there are! Here are five of the most common types of writing scholarships, all of which you can find in this directory.

1. Personal essay scholarships

Personal essay scholarships involve writing on a topic related to your own experience. You’ll often see personal essay prompts like, “How have your experiences influenced your choice of major?” and “What are your career aspirations and how do you plan to achieve them?” Other prompts may ask you to write about a role model, a life-changing event, an aspect of your identity, etc. Suggested length is usually about 500-1,000 words, but varies depending on the level of detail requested and how many essay questions are provided.

Just about every scholarship these days has a personal essay component of some kind. This is because personal essay responses both demonstrate writing skills and give the judges a clear sense of each applicant’s goals. No one wants to throw away money on an aimless student — so if you’re applying for a personal essay scholarship, make sure to convey both your writing abilities and your ambitions in your work!

2. Critical essay scholarships

Critical essay scholarships are more in line with what students might consider  “academic” essays. The prompts typically ask applicants to analyze works of literature. However, unlike open-ended English class essays, most critical essay scholarships provide a very specific prompt (e.g. “Examine The Great Gatsby in the context of its World War II-era revival”).

Critical essay scholarships can also involve non-literary subject matter. Some may ask applicants to evaluate a historical event or figure; others may ask them to defend their stance on a political or legal issue. Though the line between critical and personal essays can sometimes blur, for the purposes of this directory, we define critical essays as those that use evidence from an external source to prove a point.

3. Short fiction scholarships

Short fiction scholarships include scholarships for short stories, one-act plays, poetry, and any other form of fiction that isn’t a novel or full-length script. Short fiction scholarships tend to be easier to find than long-form fiction scholarships, since most judging panels don’t have time to read more than a few thousand words per entry. Therefore, if you write fiction and you’re hoping to nab yourself a scholarship, this category is the way to go! (That said, if you’re a hardline novelist, some places will accept a sample chapter or two as short fiction entries.)

4. Journalism scholarships

Journalism scholarships are for students interested in pursuing a career in news, magazine, and/or online journalism. These scholarship applications almost always ask for writing samples to show the candidate’s interest. Depending on the organization, they may prefer topical news reports, informative articles, thinkpieces, or a mix. Some journalism scholarships provide a prompt and ask applicants to write a new article, but the focus is usually on samples. Speaking of which…

5. Portfolio scholarships 

Portfolio scholarships are the most rigorous kind of writing scholarship, requiring a substantial body of work from each applicant — usually 5-10 pieces of writing, if not more. The upside is that awards for portfolio scholarships tend to be pretty sizable, and may even cover your entire tuition!

If you decide to apply to a portfolio scholarship, make sure you have several strong pieces of work in your oeuvre, and consider writing a few new pieces as well. What you shouldn’t do is rush through a dozen new pieces to throw together as a portfolio. If you don’t have samples at the ready from previous assignments or projects, you’ll be better off applying to a less intensive writing scholarship.

Why apply to writing scholarships?

Applying to writing scholarships is a huge undertaking, especially if you’re pursuing multiple scholarships at once. It can sometimes feel like the effort isn’t worth it, or that you have little chance of actually winning any awards. But in truth, submitting to writing scholarships is one of the best investments you can make in your education, your creative writing skills, and your professional life.

Scholarships for larger amounts do attract more applicants, but that doesn’t mean they’re impossible to land — only that you have to work a little harder to stand out. And you can definitely sway the odds in your favor by applying to lots of small scholarships ($500 or less) for which you’ll have fewer competitors. Remember that every little bit helps! For example, if you plan on taking out student loans, even a $500 scholarship could save you much more in interest down the line.

Another compelling reason to apply to writing scholarships is that oftentimes, you’ve already done the work, or the work required is minimal. For scholarships that require writing samples, you’ll simply submit what you’ve already written in the past — and even for scholarships with specific prompts, you rarely have to write more than a couple of pages. If you were seriously committed, you could apply to a scholarship every day, spending a single concentrated evening on each application.

Jumping off that thought, as English majors love to say: the more writing scholarships you apply for, the better a writer you’ll become. Writing tons of scholarship essays will make you a much more creative and efficient writer. Not only will this help with your personal writing projects, but it will also be invaluable to your education and even your career! Writing is a crucial skill for every major — you’ll always have to write papers and emails to professors, after all — and even if you don’t plan to pursue a writing-based job, you'll still need writing skills to polish your résumé.

Finally, remember that there’s a writing scholarship out there for everyone, no matter what your interests or intended field. This directory includes plenty of creative writing scholarships, yes; but there are also personal essay scholarships for future doctors, lawyers, salespeople, and so much more. You have nothing to lose by giving it a shot, so why not start searching for your dream writing scholarship today? (And if you’re unsure about your writing skills, you might benefit from some of the resources below.)

Resources to strengthen your writing skills

  • 20 Writing Tips to Help You Become A Better Writer Today. Click here to view
  • How to Stop Procrastinating and Build A Solid Writing Routine. Click here to enroll
  • What is Creative Nonfiction? Memoirs, Literary Journalism, and More! Check it out
  • How to Write a Memoir: Tell Your Amazing Story in 9 Steps. Read more
  • How to Write a Fantastic Short Story In 7 Steps. Find out more
  • How to Self-Edit Your Manuscript Like a Pro. Enroll here
  • 700+ Creative Writing Prompts to Inspire You. Click here to view
  • 100+ Creative Writing Exercises for Authors. Learn more

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10 Winning Scholarship Essay Examples From Real Students

Make your application shine.

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

Writing a scholarship essay can be intimidating. The competition is fierce and the stakes are high, so students are bound to feel the pressure. It may be helpful, therefore, to look at essays that were successful. What did those students do to impress the committee? These scholarship essay examples will give you a better idea of how to make an application shine! 

Tips for Writing a Scholarship Essay

We’ve put together a whole guide for how to write a scholarship essay , so if you haven’t read it already, definitely give it a look! In addition, here are some quick tips to help students get started. 

Carefully read the rules

The last thing you need is to be disqualified from winning a scholarship because you didn’t do the right thing. 

Start early

Don’t wait until the last minute to start researching and applying for scholarships. Give yourself plenty of time to work through the process. 

Get to know the provider

Think of the scholarship provider as your target audience. You want to tailor your essay to impress them, so do your research. What kinds of candidates are they looking for? What causes do they support? Dig deep for the information you need!

Think about who you are, what you want to say, and how to appeal to the scholarship committee. Write everything down and then choose the best ideas. 

The scholarship committee will be reviewing many applications. How can you make yours unforgettable? Highlight your strongest assets, share hard lessons if they showcase your growth as a person and/or student, and be honest. Never lie in a scholarship essay!

Be professional

Consider this the most important academic paper you’ve ever written. Don’t use slang or casual language. Submit a properly formatted essay that’s been well-edited and proofread by multiple people.

One last tip

Don’t reuse scholarship essays! Yes, it’s time-consuming, but students need to put the same effort into every application. Use the same process and it will get faster and easier every time!

Scholarship Essay Examples

Afc visionary scholarship essay by nicole kuznetsov.

Award Amount: $5,000

Essay prompt: Why do you want to go to college? Why is it important to you?

Why it was successful: The  beauty of this essay is that it’s well-organized and simple. Nicole Kuznetsov chose to outline her story by using chronology and provided a clean, concise story following a linear path.

As a child, my life had structure. Coloring books had lines, letters took on very specific shapes, and a system of rules governed everything from board games to the classroom.

North Coast Section Foundation Scholarship Essay by Christine Fung

Award Amount: $1,000

Why it was successful: Christine Fung masterfully shared how her upbringing instilled strong values, a love for education, and a passion for medicine .

The more involved I became, the more I learned as a leader and as a person.

The Bill Browning Scholarship Essay by Gabby DeMott

Award Amount: $10,000

Essay prompt: Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Why it was successful: Gabby DeMott shared her experiences with personal growth and overcoming fears in Germany. She also appealed to the very human feeling of wanting to belong in a way that was inspiring. 

Never have I felt so accepted while being an outsider, so proud of a country that isn’t even mine, so part of something I didn’t really belong to.

Life Happens Scholarship Essay by Emily Trader

Award Amount: $15,000

Essay prompt: How has the death of a parent or guardian impacted your life financially and emotionally? Be sure to describe how the loss of your parent/guardian impacted your college plans, and explain how the lack of adequate (or any) life insurance coverage has impacted your family’s financial situation.

Why it was successful: Emily Trader fully addressed the prompt in honest, beautiful detail. She knew her audience and tailored her essay to appeal to them while telling her compelling story. 

If this devastating experience has taught me anything, it is this: financial planning for these situations is absolutely invaluable.

Change a Life Foundation Scholarship Essay by Isabella Mendez-Figueroa

Essay prompt: Please explain how your experience volunteering and participating in community service has shaped your perspective on humanity. Elaborate on how these experiences have influenced your future ambitions and career choice.

Why it was successful: Isabella Mendez-Figueroa shared an empowering story about her parents overcoming financial adversity so that she and her sister could be the first in their family to go to college. 

As I’ve grown I’ve learned to fight my own monsters but I now also battle the ones that frighten my parents, the monsters of a world that they weren’t born into.

Giva Scholarship Essay by Joseph Lee

Essay prompt: Who is (or what makes) a good doctor?

Why it was successful: Joseph Lee offered a captivating , personal story that was essentially a list of things that make someone a good doctor without it feeling boring or calculated. 

I learned such lessons in the purest manner possible, by being a patient myself, and will use them to guide me in all future patient encounters, as I strive to be a

New York University College of Arts and Science Scholarship by Ana

Award amount: $39,500 

Essay prompt: Explain something that made a big impact in your life.

Why it was successful: Ana discussed how early experiences w ith learning difficult things has contributed to her passion for teaching and supporting students. 

Only at the ice rink could I be myself; the feeling of the cold rink breeze embracing me, the ripping sound of blades touching the ice, even the occasional ice burning my skin as I fell—these were my few constants.

The Fund for Education Abroad Rainbow Scholarship Essay  by Steven Fisher

Award amount: $7,500

Essay prompt: The Fund for Education Abroad is committed to diversifying education abroad by providing funding to students who are typically under-represented in study abroad. Please describe how you and/or your plans for study abroad could be viewed as under-represented.

Why it was successful: Steven Fisher’s powerful essay   connected his realizations about his own sexual identity with embracing the beautiful diversity found all around the world. 

My growth as a person was exponential. I rewrote so many areas of my life where I didn’t do things I wanted because of social conditioning.

Women’s World Banking Founder’s Scholarship Essay by Rosaisha Ozoria

Essay prompt: Write about your hopes for the future of women and girls worldwide.

Why it was successful: Rosaisha Ozoria   focused on a very specific topic , financial literacy for Hispanic women, and emphasized its importance and relevance to her own life. 

This is a tremendous goal, but for me, it is an opportunity to make a difference – in my neighborhood and for my Spanish community.

The Millennium Gates Last Dollar Scholarship Essay by Famyrah Lafortune

Award amount: $3,500

Essay prompt: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela Describe a change you would like to make in the world. Tell us about how you would plan to make that change, and what obstacles you might encounter along the way.

Why it was successful: Famyrah Lafortune starts with a strong statement about ending racial inequality and then details the steps she’ll take to make it happen. 

By raising awareness of racial disparities that occur everywhere, I might encourage a new wave of change in our country ...

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Need money for college? These scholarship essay examples will help your application stand out over the competition!

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Scholarship Essay Examples

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  • 01 Scholarship Essay Example Promising Pathways Hearing Impairment Scholarship
  • 02 Scholarship Essay Example Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship
  • 03 Scholarship Essay Example Keri Sohlman Memorial Scholarship
  • 04 Scholarship Essay Example Chronic Boss Scholarship
  • 05 Tips for Writing Scholarship Essays
  • 06 Frequently Asked Questions

Scholarship essays provide the scholarship committee with an opportunity to get to know the applicant better and learn about their academic and personal achievements , as well as their goals and aspirations . A well-written scholarship essay can make the difference between being awarded a scholarship or not . One way to give yourself an edge on scholarship applications is by closely studying winning scholarship essay examples .

Scholarship essay examples give you a better understanding of the qualities scholarship essay readers look for in outstanding applicants . Reading scholarship essay examples can help you understand the tone of voice of winning scholarship essays, the kinds of stories that resonate with scholarship committee members, and the quality of writing that wins scholarship awards.

You can easily browse hundreds of winning scholarship essay examples on Bold.org through our scholarship search engine . Simply filter the status of scholarships for "awarded." To view scholarship winners' essays for a particular award, scroll down to the bottom of the page. As a platform dedicated to helping students find and apply for scholarships, Bold.org has created a list of tips for writing winning essays with outstanding scholarship essay examples from past winners.

Don't forget to create a free Bold.org profile to view more eloquent scholarship essays and apply to scholarships that can help you page for college.

Take the time to analyze essay prompts before you begin writing scholarship essays.

Scholarship Essay Example 1: Promising Pathways Hearing Impairment Scholarship

  • Eligibility : "Any student who wears a hearing aid or cochlear implant to assist with hearing and is pursuing higher education (including technical programs, two-year college degrees, and four-year college degrees) may apply, although low-income students are preferred ."
  • The Prompt : "Tell us what you're studying in school , the obstacles you've overcome while attending school with hearing impairment, and what your plans and goals are after you finish your degree."
  • The Winning Essay : Ashley Harvey, Worcester State University
  • Key Takeaways: Ashley wrote an outstanding scholarship essay detailing her experience of being hard of hearing and how her disabled identity has empowered her to advocate for herself.
  • Ashley effectively demonstrates her passion for English and creative writing and how these interests have influenced her career goals to work as an editor or in the publishing industry.
  • Ashley addresses all aspects of the essay prompt .
  • Ashley's own voice as a writer and storyteller is apparent in the scholarship essay. It doesn't feel like anyone could have written the essay - only Ashley could tell her story like this!
  • Ashley uses examples to show, not tell .
  • She talks about the ableism she encountered when she first became hard of hearing and how the COVID-19 pandemic specifically impacted her experience.
  • She also describes the aspects of English she loves and her involvement in the English department and creative writing as a playwright.
  • Ashley's essay is well-structured . Every paragraph has a main idea, and it is easy for the reader to follow along.

Excerpt : "Becoming hard of hearing during September of my sophomore year of high school was a difficult transition. It made it difficult to be a student; I could not hear the teacher during lessons or my classmates during group work. This also impacted me socially , as I could not hear my friends while at lunch to participate in the conversation. During this time, I grew more anxious, as I would miss a lot of information during spoken communication. The onset of the pandemic did not help, as it made it impossible to lipread , which I came to rely on heavily. Dealing with ableism has also provided its own challenge; the invasive questions from strangers, infantilization, and “corrections” regarding disability from non-disabled people got old quickly .

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While the transition was difficult, I am now stronger and proud of my hearing loss . I got some assistive technology and accommodations, being my hearing aid and FM system at school. I grew the courage to advocate for myself and tell my friends, teachers, and classmates how best to communicate with me . Admittedly, it is still difficult to be hard of hearing in a hearing world; I still can't hear the oven alarm from the next room over and mix up the first sounds of words. However, I would not change my hearing loss, as it is now a part of myself that I find pride in . With these valuable skills that my hearing loss has taught me, I feel that I can conquer any new challenge that I come across throughout the rest of my life."

Scholarship opportunities are available for high school students and current undergraduate students.

Scholarship Essay Example 2: Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship

  • Eligibility : Black, Latinx, Native, queer, and women high school seniors who are planning to pursue a college degree in computer science , electrical engineering, or data science
  • The Prompt : "What area of tech are you interested in studying and why? Tell us about a problem you hope to solve through your future education and career in tech."
  • The Winning Essay : Shanice Handley, Barlett High School
  • Key Takeaways : Shanice's essay beautifully ties together their experiences with a lack of representation for Black women on social media and their motivation to create their website Awujo Resources , a self-described "hub to act on the issues people care about."
  • Shanice's essay is centered around a main idea or thesis : the lack of representation of Black women on social media growing up and the anger and hopelessness they felt witnessing police brutality pushed them to use code and design to further social change.
  • Shanice's essay follows a chronological timeline , from their experiences growing up as a young Black girl to an emergent college student studying computer science and graphic design .
  • Shanice's essay is descriptive without extraneous information . There's no "fluff" that is irrelevant to the story they are trying to tell.
  • Shanice's essay thoroughly explains the importance of their achievement in creating the website Awujo Resources, both for themselves personally and for their community .

Excerpt : "Over the years, I’ve felt hopeless. I turned on the news and saw protests and turmoil on my screen. I would sign petitions advocating for another young Black person killed by the police and repost the powerful words of activists but nothing seemed to do any good other than educating my peers . I needed something to channel the anger and hopelessness I felt while experiencing this injustice occurring in our country . So I turned to code and design… My website, Awujo Resources, became a hub to act on the issues people care about. From reproductive health to voting rights, I highlighted the hard-hitting issues affecting people across America and the world. This website showed me how technology could inspire people to spark change. This website ultimately showed me how human-computer interaction can include underrepresented groups and the issues plaguing us ."

Excellent scholarship essays demonstrate strong writing skills while telling a personal story.

Scholarship Essay Example 3: Keri Sohlman Memorial Scholarship

  • Eligibility : high school seniors in New Jersey who are passionate about mental health and/or education
  • The Prompt : "Tell us about your inspiration to enter the mental health or education profession and how your career will help others."
  • The Winning Essay : Caelyn Stahl, Montclair High School
  • Key Takeaways : Caelyn's essay beautifully connects their passion for working with children and education to their experiences as a neurodivergent student with mental health struggles . Overall, readers get a sense of the deep peace and fulfillment Caelyn feels when teaching children, which motivates them to pursue a career as an art teacher .
  • Caelyn uses descriptive language to explain the emotional and bodily feelings they experience while working with children as a Taekwon-do instructor.
  • Caelyn's voice peeks through when she describes herself as someone with a "funky brain." She uses this phrase again at the end of the essay to create a sense of finality: "art education is the intersection of all my passions: art, working with children, and advocacy for people with 'funky' brains like me."
  • Caelyn puts a positive spin on challenging experiences, like living with ADHD and mental health issues or working with children on bad days.

Excerpt : "However, I also understand how difficult teaching can be. Children aren’t happy all the time; sometimes, they need extra support and care. They don’t always behave and don’t always listen. Sometimes, there will be rough days. Even on those difficult days at the Taekwondo school, when students aren’t listening, when I am frustrated and tired, I still feel joyful. It is an honor to be the one to help kids learn and grow, especially on hard days. It is exciting to problem-solve and come up with new ways to teach that are more engaging. When students aren’t listening, it is often simply because they are under-stimulated and can't focus, so I create new ways to reach them. It’s exhilarating when I find a method that works, a method that turns those rough days into ones of learning and growth. I am interested in pursuing education because I love kids, on the good days and the bad. I am interested in art education because art turns the bad days into good. I know this from experience."

You can read a winning essay by scrolling to the bottom of a scholarship page that has already been awarded on Bold.org.

Scholarship Essay Example 4: Chronic Boss Scholarship

  • Eligibility : women with autoimmune disorders who have an entrepreneurial spirit
  • The Prompt : "Explain how living with an autoimmune disease has shaped who you are and how you have transformed your struggle into your strength."
  • The Winning Essay : Rachel Osias, Marlboro High School
  • Key Takeaways : Rachel shares how their diagnosis and experience living with Graves' disease motivated them to help others through fundraising .
  • Rachel sticks to the essay prompt ; their essay fully addresses both aspects of the question: living with autoimmune disease and how they "transformed their struggle into their strength."
  • Rachel provides detailed examples of her fundraising campaigns and the entrepreneurial skills she put into action in each campaign.
  • Rachel describes how her autoimmune and entrepreneurial journey culminated in a TEDx event, demonstrating that they continue expanding their reach and impact.
  • Rachel incorporates humor !

Excerpt: "Pretty soon, I married my business and philanthropic interests. I treated each fundraiser as an entrepreneurial venture, strategizing to increase revenues and cut costs, marketing on social media, and developing pitches for local companies . So far, I’ve created over twenty-one fundraising events, raising over $18,000 for twelve nonprofits.  Each new project led to the next, and as I moved along, I was bringing people with me. My little team went door to door collecting art materials for the local hospital. By the time I started an initiative to work in a restaurant where all proceeds went to the local ASPCA, that group had grown to over twenty!  Influencing others inspired me to create my own TEDx event . I enlisted a team of teen leaders, spearheaded a marketing campaign, and collaborated with TEDx officials to spread the surge of community action. The experience demonstrated that philanthropy isn’t just about fundraising. It’s about creating an infectious wave in your community so that others join the push for change."

Scholarship awards can help you attend college while reducing your reliance on financial aid and student loans.

Tips for Writing Scholarship Essays

Every scholarship committee seeks something different from its applicants. As a result, there isn't a single recipe for writing the perfect personal statement . However, there are some best practices for writing scholarship essays that can help you craft a polished essay and best represent who you are and why you deserve the scholarship . Here are a few tips and tricks to help you maximize your chances of winning a scholarship award:

Start Early

Writing a winning scholarship essay requires ample time and dedication. You'll want to give yourself enough time to go through every step of the writing process : brainstorming ideas, outlining, and writing several drafts. Starting essays earlier will give you time to review and edit your essay before submission. Ideally, you should give yourself enough time to receive feedback from teachers and peers.

Understand the Prompt

One of the most important aspects of writing scholarship essays is ensuring you understand the prompt before you start writing. Identify the key points of the essay prompt and be sure to address them in your essay.

Highlight Your Accomplishments and Qualities

The scholarship essay readers want to know what sets you apart from other applicants. Take the time to reflect on your accomplishments and qualities that make you a strong candidate for a scholarship. Be specific and include concrete examples to illustrate your points and college plans . Talk about how you've overcome personal failures and significant obstacles and how these experiences have made you who you are today.

Proofread and Edit

Before you submit your essay, make sure to proofread and edit thoroughly. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your essay flows logically and coherently. Have someone else read your essay and provide feedback. A fresh pair of eyes can catch mistakes or areas that need improvement that you may have overlooked.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a scholarship essay.

Your introduction is the first impression you will make on the scholarship committee, so it's crucial to make it count. Grab their attention with a compelling opening sentence that sets the tone for the rest of your essay. Your introduction should also clearly state your goals and why you are applying for the scholarship.

What kinds of scholarships are available?

Scholarships are available for students with high academic performance , leadership skills , and/or community service . Scholarships also exist for students with unique identities and experiences, such as students of color , disabled students , or students from specific geographic locations. Other scholarships target students with specific career goals , such as aspirations to work in the tech industry , healthcare , or education .

You can begin applying for scholarships now that you've reviewed these sample scholarship essays ! Check out more blog posts like this on our Bold.org blog to learn more about scholarships for high school seniors and college students .

About Nicole

Nicole is a freelance writer based in Brooklyn, New York, who specializes in science and health writing, social justice issues, and nonprofit writing. Nicole graduated from Brown University with Bachelor’s degrees in English Literature and Ethnic Studies, receiving Honors in Ethnic Studies for her senior thesis on contemporary poet Ocean Vuong. During her time at Brown, Nicole served as a staff writer and section editor for The College Hill Independent (“The Indy”), New England’s largest alt-weekly publication. Notably, their contributions to the publication include news pieces analyzing complex social justice issues. 

Her piece Imagining Indigenous Futures: The Fight to Save the West Berkeley Shellmound received the Barbara Banks Brodsky Prize in Real World Writing from the Department of English. Nicole is also an experienced writing instructor, having served as a Writing Fellow at Brown University for three years, and is trained in anti-racist and accessible pedagogies of teaching writing. She currently works as a writing tutor and executive function coach with ConnectToLearn Tutors.

Nicole is no longer with the  Bold.org  Writing Team, but we continue to value and appreciate her contributions.

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What’s the Best Scholarship Essay Format?

Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

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Cece Gilmore is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cece earned her undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from Arizona State University. While at ASU, she was the education editor as well as a published staff reporter at Downtown Devil. Cece was also the co-host of her own radio show on Blaze Radio ASU.

Bill Jack

Bill Jack has over a decade of experience in college admissions and financial aid. Since 2008, he has worked at Colby College, Wesleyan University, University of Maine at Farmington, and Bates College.

Woman decides on a scholarship essay format while working on her computer

Many scholarships require students to write an essay as part of their application. These writing and essay scholarships want to learn about your experiences, interests, or background as a student through your essay. But once you have finished writing, you may wonder: What is the best way to format my scholarship essay?

Should you include a title? What about spacing, page numbers, or citations? These are important questions and should be essential parts of your editing and revising process. Keep on reading to make sure that your essay is formatted properly!

Don’t miss: Scholarships360’s free scholarship search tool

Getting started with essay formatting

The first rule of the scholarship essay format is following all of the rules that the scholarship application states. Whether that is spacing, citations, or font size, you should always follow the directions. There isn’t a faster way to get a scholarship committee member to say “nah” than ignoring the directions.

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Essay titles.

Should you begin your essay with a title? In my experience reading essays of all types, a title is very optional. If it is an especially clever or necessary title, then sure, go for it!

Otherwise, I would recommend saving your valuable word count and put it towards the actual essay. If you write your essay and are feeling stuck on a title, let it go and don’t worry about it. Prepare for your scholarship writing endeavors  by reading our short essay guides for 250 word essays , as well as 500 word essays !

Related: How to write an essay about yourself

Font size & style

The MLA recommends using size 12 font, and that’s what we’d recommend using. As far as the style of the font, you should stick to something that is legible and easy to read. Times New Roman or Arial are both going to be good bets. The scholarship essay is not the best place to get creative with a funky, hard-to-read font.

Should I single or double space the essay?

We know that most of your essays for school are probably double spaced. This is usually a good call for scholarship essays as well, because it makes the essay easier to read. In addition to spacing, you want to make sure that your scholarship essay is broken down into paragraphs and is not one single block of text.

Are page numbers required?

On many school papers, you may have to put a page number on each page. This is not necessary for your scholarship essays unless it is a clearly stated requirement.

Does proper scholarship essay formatting require citations?

If you are citing other sources, it is a good idea to use citations. It does not matter whether you are using MLA, Chicago, or some other type of citation (unless it is specifically required). Instead, it is important to simply be consistent in how you cite your sources. Most essays probably will not require outside sources or research, but if you are applying to certain research-based or STEM scholarships you may want to brush up on your citations.

Do’s and don’ts for scholarship essay formatting 

Use a 12 point font Don’t use any unconventional or hard-to-read fonts
Use an easy-to-read font such as Times New Roman or Arial Don’t include an overly casual or unnecessary title
Cite your sources if you are using external facts (especially necessary in STEM essays)  Don’t use page numbers unless specifically instructed to
Double-space your essay Don’t submit your essay before double checking to make sure that you meet all formatting requirements
Carefully read the essay formatting requirements before submitting Don’t submit your essay without reading it over

Final thoughts

Writing can be a very stressful process for students, both in the scholarship process and the college admissions process. One of the best things that you can do is give yourself plenty of time to write and refine your essays. Ideally, you will also have a trusted outside reader serve as an editor for all of your essays.

The major rules of scholarship essay formatting are to follow the application instructions and make sure that your formatting is not distracting. Ultimately, you will want to ensure that the essay reader can easily and clearly read your essay and not distract them with sloppy or unconventional formatting.

Additional resources for writing essays

Here at Scholarships360, we have nearly every resource to help you write your best scholarship essay and to help you through the college admission process. Learn how to write winning scholarship essays , including how to start a scholarship essay and how to end a scholarship essay as well! Maybe you are writing a “Why this college” essay ? We can help with that too! Also, be sure to check out our individualized supplemental essay guides for schools that require them.

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Key Takeaways

  • First and foremost, always carefully read the instructions of what format is required 
  • Unless otherwise specified, double space your essay and break it down into easily digestible paragraphs
  • If not stated, use easy to read fonts like Times New Roman or Ariel
  • Never use information without citing, and if you do need to cite, be consistent with citation style (such as MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.)
  • Always. always double check that your essay is not only formatted correctly, but thoroughly proofread for grammar and spelling
  • Most important of all is to always look for any formatting guide from the scholarship provider, and ensure that you take their advice over any of ours

Frequently asked questions about scholarship essay formatting  

Should a scholarship essay be double spaced, what citation style should i use in a scholarship essay, is it better to include a scholarship essay title, what font is good for a scholarship essay, scholarships360 recommended.

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Tips and strategies for crafting an outstanding scholarship essay.

How to write a scholarship essay

Scholarship essays are an essential part of many scholarship applications. They provide an opportunity for you to showcase your personality, goals, and achievements to scholarship committees. Crafting a winning scholarship essay requires time, effort, and attention to detail. In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you write a compelling and successful scholarship essay that sets you apart from the competition.

From understanding the prompt to drafting your essay and polishing the final draft, we will walk you through each step of the process. You will learn how to identify key themes, structure your essay effectively, and highlight your strengths and experiences in a way that resonates with the scholarship committee. Whether you are a high school student applying for a local scholarship or a college student seeking a national award, this guide will equip you with the tools you need to create a standout scholarship essay.

The Importance of Scholarships

Scholarships play a crucial role in helping students achieve their educational goals. They provide financial assistance to deserving individuals who may not have the means to fund their education on their own. This support can make a significant difference in a student’s ability to pursue higher education and achieve their dreams.

Furthermore, scholarships not only alleviate the financial burden on students and their families but also promote academic excellence. By incentivizing students to strive for academic success, scholarships encourage individuals to work hard, stay motivated, and excel in their studies. This can lead to a more educated and skilled workforce, benefiting society as a whole.

In addition, scholarships can open doors to opportunities that would otherwise be out of reach for many students. They can provide access to top-tier universities, prestigious programs, and valuable experiences that can shape a student’s future and career prospects. Scholarships empower individuals to reach their full potential and pursue their passions without the constraints of financial limitations.

Overall, scholarships are not only important for individuals seeking to further their education but also for society as a whole. By investing in scholarships, we invest in the future of education, innovation, and progress. Scholarship recipients have the opportunity to make a positive impact on their communities and the world, thanks to the support and opportunities provided by scholarships.

Why You Should Apply

Applying for scholarships is a smart and strategic move for students looking to further their education. Here are a few reasons why you should take the time to apply:

  • Financial Support: Scholarships offer a valuable source of funding that can help offset the cost of tuition, books, and other educational expenses.
  • Merit Recognition: Winning a scholarship is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and academic achievements. It can boost your confidence and open up new opportunities.
  • Reduced Debt: By securing scholarships, you can reduce the need for student loans and graduate with less debt, giving you a stronger financial foundation after graduation.
  • Networking Opportunities: Many scholarship programs provide networking opportunities with other scholars, mentors, and industry professionals, helping you build valuable connections for the future.
  • Personal Growth: The process of applying for scholarships forces you to reflect on your goals, achievements, and aspirations, fostering personal growth and self-improvement.

Overall, applying for scholarships is a worthwhile investment in your education and future success. Don’t miss out on the chance to secure the financial support and recognition you deserve!

Benefits of Winning

Winning a scholarship can offer numerous benefits to students, both academically and personally. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Financial Assistance: Scholarships provide financial support for tuition, books, and other educational expenses, reducing the financial burden on students and their families.
  • Recognition and Prestige: Winning a scholarship can enhance a student’s academic resume and demonstrate their merit to future employers and academic institutions.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Scholarships often come with additional opportunities such as internships, networking events, and mentorship programs, which can help students develop their skills and build connections in their field.
  • Increased Confidence: Achieving a scholarship can boost a student’s confidence and motivation, encouraging them to aim higher in their academic and personal goals.
  • Debt Reduction: By receiving a scholarship, students can decrease their reliance on student loans and minimize the amount of debt they accumulate during their education.

Overall, winning a scholarship can have a transformative impact on a student’s educational journey, opening doors to new opportunities and providing valuable support along the way.

Key Elements in Scholarship Essays

Scholarship essays are crucial for securing financial aid for your education. To craft a winning scholarship essay, you must include key elements that showcase your unique qualities and experiences. These elements include:

1. Personal Story: Share a personal story that highlights your values, goals, and aspirations. This will help the scholarship committee get to know you better.

2. Relevance: Make sure your essay is relevant to the scholarship you are applying for. Tailor your essay to fit the requirements and objectives of the scholarship program.

3. Clear Structure: Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Use transitions to connect your ideas smoothly.

4. Strong Thesis: Present a strong thesis statement that outlines the main point of your essay. This will guide your writing and keep your essay focused.

5. Unique Voice: Use your unique voice and perspective to stand out from other applicants. Avoid clichés and generic statements.

6. Proofreading: Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. A polished essay shows your professionalism and attention to detail.

By incorporating these key elements into your scholarship essay, you can increase your chances of winning financial aid for your education.

Understanding the Prompt

One of the most crucial aspects of writing a winning scholarship essay is understanding the prompt. Take your time to carefully read and analyze the prompt provided by the scholarship committee. Pay attention to the key points and requirements outlined in the prompt, such as the essay topic, word limit, formatting guidelines, and any specific questions that need to be addressed.

Create a table or list to break down the prompt into manageable sections. Highlight the main themes or keywords that you should focus on in your essay. By understanding the prompt thoroughly, you can ensure that your essay directly addresses the criteria set by the scholarship committee and increases your chances of success.

Highlighting Your Achievements

When crafting a scholarship essay, it is crucial to highlight your achievements in a way that showcases your skills, talents, and accomplishments. Be sure to emphasize your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, community service involvement, leadership roles, and any awards or recognition you have received. Use specific examples and anecdotes to demonstrate the impact of your achievements and how they have shaped you as a person. By highlighting your achievements, you can effectively communicate your potential to the scholarship committee and increase your chances of receiving the scholarship.

Tips for Writing a Standout Essay

Tips for Writing a Standout Essay

When it comes to crafting a winning scholarship essay, there are several key tips to keep in mind to ensure your essay stands out from the crowd:

1. Understand the prompt: Make sure you fully understand the essay prompt and what is being asked of you before you start writing.
2. Show, don’t tell: Instead of simply stating your accomplishments, provide specific examples or anecdotes that illustrate your strengths and experiences.
3. Be authentic: Write from the heart and be true to yourself. Admissions committees can tell when an essay is genuine.
4. Stay focused: Stick to the main point and avoid going off on tangents. Your essay should have a clear and concise message.
5. Edit and revise: After writing your essay, make sure to edit and revise it carefully to catch any errors or typos.

Showing Your Unique Voice

When crafting a scholarship essay, it’s important to remember that you are the only person who can truly tell your story. Don’t be afraid to let your personality and voice shine through in your writing. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd and show the scholarship committee why you deserve to win.

Whether it’s through a unique storytelling style, a powerful personal anecdote, or a quirky sense of humor, find a way to make your essay memorable and engaging. Your essay should reflect who you are as a person, not just your accomplishments and achievements.

Use your own words and express your ideas in a way that is authentic and genuine. Your unique voice is what will make your essay memorable and resonate with the scholarship committee. Be yourself, and let your personality shine through in every word you write.

Structuring Your Essay Effectively

When it comes to crafting a winning scholarship essay, the structure is just as important as the content. Here are some tips on how to structure your essay effectively:

1. Introduction: Start your essay with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention. Introduce yourself and provide some background information about your achievements and goals.

2. Body paragraphs: Divide your essay into several paragraphs that each focus on a specific point or idea. Make sure to provide clear examples and evidence to support your arguments.

3. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate why you are the ideal candidate for the scholarship. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

4. Editing: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as clarity and coherence in your writing.

By following these tips, you can structure your scholarship essay effectively and increase your chances of winning that coveted award!

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