Deepavali / Diwali in Telugu

దీపావళి పండుగ తెలుగులో, దీపావళి పండుగ, deepavali / diwali festival.

          ప్రతీ యేటా ఆశ్వయుజ అమావాస్య రోజున జరుపుకునే దీపకాంతుల వెల్లువ దీపావళి పండుగ. దీపాల వరుసయే దీపావళి.

దీపావళి పండుగ చరిత్ర

History of diwali festival in telugu.

          మన పురాణాల ప్రకారం లంకలోని రావణాసురుని రాముడు సంహరించి సతీసమేతంగా అయోధ్యకు తిరిగి వచ్చినప్పుడు ప్రజలు ఆనందోత్సవాలతో దీపాలు వెలిగించారని, అదే దీపావళిగా మారిందని ప్రతీతి.

          ఇంకొక పురాణగాథ ప్రకారం, పూర్వం నరకాసురుడు అనే రాక్షసుడు దేవతలను హింసించేవాడు. నరకాసురుడు ఎవరి చేతిలోనూ చావు లేకుండా, కేవలం ఒక స్త్రీ చేతిలో మాత్రమే చనిపోయే విధంగా బ్రహ్మదేవుడితో వరం పొందాడు. నరకాసురుడు చివరికి సత్యభామా దేవి తేటిలో ఆశ్వీయుజ చతుర్దశి రోజున మరణించాడు. ఆ రోజును నరక చతుర్దశిగా జరుపుకుంటాము.

దీపావళి జరుపుకునే విధానం

Way of celebrating diwali in telugu.

          దీపావళి రోజున సంధ్యా సమయంలో మట్టి ప్రమిదలలో దీపాలను వెలిగిస్తారు. పరిసరాలంత దీప కాంతులతో విరాజిల్లుతుంది. దీపం సౌభాగ్యానికి, సౌశీల్యానికి, సౌజన్యానికి ప్రతీకలు. దీపాలతో పాటు బాణాసంచాలు కూడా కాల్చుతారు. దీపావళి రోజున సాయంకాలం మహాలక్ష్మి దేవికి పూజలు చేయటం జరుగుతుంది.

లక్ష్మీదేవి పూజా వృత్తంతం

History behind laxmi pooja on deepavali.

          పూర్వం దుర్వాసుడు అనే మహర్షి ఇంద్రుని ఆతిథ్యానికి మెచ్చుకొని, ఒక మహిమ గల హారాన్ని ప్రసాదించాడు. ఇంద్రుడు ఈ హారాన్ని తానూ స్వీకరించకుండా అహమకారంతో తన వద్ద నున్న ఐరావతం మేడలో వేస్తాడు. ఆ ఐరావతం ఆ హారాన్ని కాలితో తొక్కి వేస్తుంది. అది చుసిన ఋషి ఇంద్రుణ్ణి శపిస్తాడు.

          మహర్షి శాపం వాళ్ళ ఇంద్రుడు రాజ్యాన్ని కోల్పోతాడు, సంపదలు పోగొట్టుకుంటాడు. అప్పుడు ఇంద్రుడు శ్రీ మహా విష్ణువుని ఆశ్రయించగా ఇంద్రుణ్ణి ఒక జ్యోతి వెలిగించి దానిని శ్రీ మహాలక్ష్మి స్వరూపంగా తలచి పూజించమని సూచిస్తాడు. ఇంద్రుని పూజకు మెచ్చిన లష్మిదేవి ఇంద్రునికి తిరిగి రాజ్యాన్ని, సంపదలను ప్రసాదించిందని పురాణాలు చెపుతున్నాయి.

          అప్పుడు శ్రీ మహా విష్ణువు లక్ష్మీదేవిని నీ భక్తులను ఆలా కరుణిస్తావు అని ప్రశ్నిస్తాడు. అప్పుడు లక్ష్మీదేవి తనను ఎవరైతే భక్తి శ్రద్దలతో కొలుస్తారో వారికి అష్ట లష్మిగా కోరిన కోరికలు నెరవేర్చుతానని చెప్పింది. అందువల్ల దీపావళి రోజున శ్రీ మహాలష్మి పూజను ఆచరిస్తారు.

          చేదు నశింపజేయడానికి ధర్మాన్ని స్థాపించటానికి దీపావళి ప్రతీకగా నిలుస్తుంది. లక్ష్మీదేవికి నిదర్శనంగా వెలిగించే దీపాలు విరజిమ్మే వెలుగులో ప్రజలు సర్వ శుభాలు పొందుతారు.

బతుకమ్మ     బోనాలు     దసరా     దీపావళి     సంక్రాంతి     ఉగాది     మహా శివరాత్రి     మేడారం సమ్మక్క సారక్క జాతర     మరిన్ని ..    

  • ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ఎన్నికలు
  • లోక్‌సభ ఎన్నికలు
  • Photogallery
  • Samayam News
  • Telugu News
  • Here The Significance And History Of Diwali In Telugu

Diwali: దీపావళి విశిష్టత ఏంటి? ఈ పండుగ వేళ దీపాలను ఎందుకు వెలిగిస్తారంటే...

హిందూ మతంలో అత్యంత ముఖ్యమైన పండుగల్లో దీపావళి ఒకటి. చెడుపై మంచి సాధించిన విజయానికి గుర్తుగా బాణసంచా కాల్చి దీపావళి వేడుకలను జరుపుకుంటారు. ఈ సందర్భంగా దీపావళి విశిష్టతలేంటి.. ఈ పండుగను ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటారంటే....

here the significance and history of diwali in telugu

దీపాలను వెలిగించి..

దీపాలను వెలిగించి..

రామాయణంలోనూ దీపావళి ప్రస్తావన ఉంది. పురాణ కథనం ప్రకారం.. భూదేవి, వరహా స్వామికి అసుర సమయంలో జన్మించిన నరకాసురుడు.. శ్రీహరి చేతిలో చావులేని విధంగా తల్లి చేతిలోనే మరణించేలా వరం పొందుతాడు. వరగర్వంతో లోకకంటకుడిగా తయారైన నరకుడు ముల్లోకాలను పట్టిపీడించాడు. నరకాసురుడి బాధలు భరించలేని దేవతలు, మునులు, గంధర్వులు శ్రీహరికి తమ గోడు వెళ్లబోసుకున్నారు. వారి మొర ఆలకించిన శ్రీమహావిష్ణువు ద్వాపర యుగంలో కృష్ణుడిగా అవతరించి సత్యభామతో నరకాసురుని సంహరింపజేశాడు. నరకాసుర సంహారంతో అందరూ అనందంగా పండుగ చేసుకున్నారు. చతుర్దశి నాడు నరకుడి మరణించగా, ఆ తర్వాత రోజు దీపాలు వెలిగించి సంబరాలు చేసుకున్నారు. దీపావళి అంటే దీపాల వరుస అన్ని అర్థం. కొన్ని ప్రాంతాల్లో దీపావళిని ఐదు రోజుల పండుగగా జరుపుకుంటారు. ఆశ్యయుజ బహుళ త్రయోదశితో ప్రారంభమైన దీపావళి వేడుకలు.. కార్తీక శుద్ద విదియ 'భగినీహస్త భోజనం'’తో ముగుస్తుంది.

​ధంతేరాస్ లేదా ధన త్రయోదశి..

​ధంతేరాస్ లేదా ధన త్రయోదశి..

ఆశ్వయుజ బహుళ త్రయోదశినే ధన త్రయోదశిగా జరుపుకుంటారు. ఇంటిని శుభ్రం చేసి, పాత సామాన్లను శుభ్రం చేస్తారు. కొత్తగా కొనుగోలు చేసిన వెండి, బంగారు ఆభరణాలు ఈ రోజున పూజలో పెడితే ధనలక్ష్మి అష్టైశ్వర్యాలను ప్రసాదిస్తుందని విశ్వసిస్తారు. అందుకే ధనలక్ష్మీ, కుబేరులను భక్తిశ్రద్ధలతో కొలుస్తారు. బంగారం, వెండి కాకుండా ధన త్రయోదశి రోజు ఏ వస్తువు కొనుగోలు చేసి శుభం జరుగుతుందంటారు. అమృతం కోసం దేవతలు క్షీరసాగరాన్ని మధించినప్పుడు ధన త్రయోదశి రోజునే లక్ష్మీ దేవి ఉద్భవించినట్టు పురాణాలు పేర్కొంటున్నాయి. అందుకే ఈ రోజున తనను పూజించిన వారికి లక్ష్మీదేవి అనుగ్రహిస్తుంది. ఏ వస్తువు ఇంటికి తెచ్చినా అది అమృతభాండం అవుతుందని చాలా మంది నమ్ముతారు.

​ధన్వంతరి జయంతి..

​ధన్వంతరి జయంతి..

ఆరోగ్యానికి, ఔషధాలకి అధిపతి అయిన ధన్వంతరి జయంతి కూడా ఈ రోజే. ఆరోగ్యమే మహాభాగ్యం.. అలాంటి మహాభాగ్యానికి అవసరమైన ఔషధకర్త ధన్వంతరి. ఆయన కూడా క్షీరసాగర మథనంలో లక్ష్మీ దేవి, కామధేనువు, కల్పవృక్షం, ఐరావతం లాంటి దివ్యశక్తులతోపాటు ధన్వంతరి ఆవిర్భవించాడు. ఒక చేతిలో అమృత భాండం, మరొక చేతిలో ఆయుర్వేద గ్రంథంతో పాల సముద్రం నుంచి తరలివచ్చాడు. అందుకే ఆరోగ్యం కోసం, అనారోగ్యాల నుంచి శీఘ్ర ఉపశమనం కలగడానికి ఈ రోజు ధన్వంతరిని కూడా పూజిస్తారు. ధన్వంతరి కూడా శ్రీమన్నారాయణుని అంశ అని.. ఆయనను పూజిస్తే లక్ష్మీదేవి సంతోషించి అనుగ్రహిస్తుందని అంటారు. అందుకే ఆయుర్వేద వైద్యులు చికిత్స ప్రారంభించేటప్పుడు ధన్వంతరిని స్మరించుకుంటారు. ధన త్రయోదశి ఆరోగ్యాన్ని, మహాభాగ్యాన్ని కూడా ఇస్తుంది.

​దీపావళి అమావాస్య..

​దీపావళి అమావాస్య..

ఆశ్వయుజ అమావాస్య రోజునే దీపావళి పండగ. ఈ సమయంలో ఇంటిని శుభ్రం చేసి, రకరకాల పిండి వంటలు తయారు చేస్తారు. సంధ్యా సమయంలో గోగు కర్రలకు గుడ్డ పీలికలతో కాగడాలు కట్టి, వెలిగించి, గుమ్మాల్లో నేల మీద కొడుతూ... ‘దిబ్బి దిబ్బి దీపావళి, మళ్ళీ వచ్చే నాగులచవితి, పుట్ట మీద జొన్నకర్ర, పుటుక్కు దెబ్బ! అని పాడతారు. గోగు కర్రల్ని ఎవరూ తొక్కని చోటవేసి, వెనక్కి తిరిగి చూడకుండా కాళ్లు కడుక్కుని లోపలికి వెళ్లి శుభానికి మిఠాయి తింటారు. ఇలా చేస్తే పిల్లలు ఆరోగ్యంగా ఎదుగుతారని నమ్మకం.

తర్వాత ఇంటిని దీపాలతో అలంకరిస్తారు. మట్టి ప్రమిదలు, నువ్వుల నూనె వాడటం మంచిది. లక్ష్మీదేవికి ఇష్టమైన నువ్వుల నూనెతో దీపాలు వెలిగిస్తే అమ్మ అనుగ్రహం లభిస్తుంది. గుమ్మం, తులసి దగ్గర మాత్రం తప్పనిసరిగా మట్టి ప్రమిదలో నువ్వుల నూనె లేదా ఆవు నేతితో దీపాలు వెలిగించాలి. ప్రదోష సమయంలోనే లక్ష్మి దేవి పూజ చేస్తారు. ధనలక్ష్మి పూజ ఈ రోజు చేస్తే ధన ధాన్యాలు, అష్టైశ్వర్యాలు సంప్రాప్తిస్తాయి. దీపావళి రోజున లక్ష్మీపూజతో తమ వ్యాపారం వృద్ధి చెందుతుందని వ్యాపారులు నమ్ముతారు. కొత్త బంగారు, వెండి ఆభరణాలు పూజలో పెడితే శుభప్రదం.

​భగినీ హస్త భోజనం..

​భగినీ హస్త భోజనం..

ఈ రోజును యమ ద్వితీయ, భాయిదూజ్‌గా జరుపుకుంటారు. సోదరులు తన సోదరి చేతి భోజనం తింటే మృత్యు భయాలు తొలగిపోతాయి. సూర్యభగవానుడి కుమారుడు యముడు, అతడి సోదరి యమున. యమి తన సోదరుణ్ని ఎంతగానో అభిమానించేది. నిత్యమూ తన మిత్రులతో గడుపుతూ ఎన్నిసార్లు కోరినా ఏదో ఒక పనితో క్షణం తీరికలేక సోదరికి ఇంటికి యుముడు వెళ్లలేకపోయాడు. ఈ పరిస్థితిలో యమున కార్తీక శుక్ల విదియనాడు తప్పకుండా రమ్మని ఆహ్వానిస్తూ వాగ్దానం తీసుకుంటుంది.

దీనికి యముడు నన్నెవరూ ఇంటికి పిలవరు.. అయినా నా తోబుట్టువైన ఆడపడుచు స్వయంగా, సాదరంగా ఆహ్వానించింది... కనుక వెళ్లితీరాలి అని నిర్ణయించుకుని వెళ్లాడు. అలా వచ్చిన సోదరుణ్ని చూసి సంతోషించి, అతనికి అభ్యంగన స్నానం చేయించి, తిలకం దిద్ది, స్వయంగా వండిన పదార్థాలను ప్రేమతో కొసరి కొసరి వడ్డించింది. సోదరి ఆతిథ్యానికి సంతోషించిన యముడు ఆమెను వరం కోరుకోమన్నాడు. ఏటా ఆ విధంగానే వచ్చి తన ఇంట విందు స్వీకరించమని కోరింది యమున. సోదరీ, సోదరుల మధ్య అప్యాయతకు ఈ పర్వదినం ఆదర్శంగా నిలుస్తోంది.

​బలి పాడ్యమి..

​బలి పాడ్యమి..

దీపావళి మర్నాడు బలిపాడ్యమి. చతుర్దశి నాడు విష్ణుమూర్తి వామనుడి రూపంలో పాతాళానికి అణిచేసిన బలిచక్రవర్తి మళ్లీ భూమ్మీదకి తిరిగివచ్చిన రోజు ఇదేనని చెబుతారు. బలికి పూజలు చేస్తారు. మహారాష్ట్ర వాసులు ఈ రోజును నవ దివస్‌గా భావిస్తారు. గుజరాతీయులకు ఇది ఉగాది. నందగోపాలుడు గోవర్ధన గిరినెత్తి రేపల్లె వాసులను కాపాడిన రోజూ ఇదే.


సూచించబడిన వార్తలు

Weekly Horoscope ఆగస్టు మొదటి వారంలో సింహరాశిలో లక్ష్మీనారాయణ యోగం.. మిధునం, కన్యతో సహా ఈ 5 రాశులకు పెరగనున్న అదృష్టం..!

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Essay on Diwali for Class 3

Diwali or Deepavali is a Hindu festival celebrated in India. It is a festival of lights. People light diyas, candles and burn firecrackers to celebrate this day. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in every household.

In Bengal, Goddess Kali is also worshipped on this day. It is believed that Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya on the day of Diwali after defeating Ravana in Lanka.

Short Essay on Diwali of 100 Words

The festival of Diwali is a celebration of the triumph of good over evil. It is a festival of the Hindu re but is celebrated by Jains, Sikhs and all other major religions in India. According to the Hindu calendar, it takes place on the 15th day of the month of Kartik. Usually, the month of October and November witnesses the celebration of this festival.

Dhanteras is also a part of Diwali. Here, women of families buy gold jewellery to honour Goddess Lakshmi. Deepavali or Diwali is also known as the festival of lights. Every house lights Diya, candles and also burn firecrackers. Diwali is a four-day celebration according to the Hindu religion.

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Long Essay on Diwali of 150 Words

Diwali is a four-day festival of the Hindus. It is a cultural festival enjoyed by all major religions in the country. Muslims, Christians, Jains and Sikhs all come together to celebrate this day. It is celebrated in the month of Kartik of the Hindu calendar.

Dhanteras is the first day of this four-day festival. Families buy gold to honour the Goddess Lakshmi. Households worship the Goddess for prosperity. In North India, Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana.

On the other hand, in South India Diwali is celebrated by worshipping Lord Krishna. It is believed that Diwali is a celebration of the killing of Narakasura by Lord Krishna.

This festival is also known as the festival of lights. The main idea is the victory of good over evil.

Burning crackers is a big part of Diwali celebration. But it is terrible for the environment. Firecrackers create noise pollution and also air pollution. So, nowadays, people try to lessen the burning of crackers. They burn diyas, candles and light up houses with fairy lights as well.

10 Lines on Diwali in English

  • It is a Hindu festival.
  • All religions celebrate Diwali together.
  • It is a ritual to light up houses.
  • Diwali is a celebration of the victory of good over evil.
  • People gift each other sweets and other things to harmonise.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in every household.
  • Lord Rama is worshipped in North India.
  • In South India, the killing of Narakasura by Lord Krishna is celebrated.
  • In Bengal Goddess Kali is also honoured.
  • Dhanteras is a big celebration during Diwali.

Frequently Asked Questions on Diwali Essay

Question: Why is burning crackers a big part of Diwali?

Answer – According to the Hindu religion, Diwali is the festival of light. It is a ritual to light up houses and streets as a symbol of fighting against the darkness or evil. But people have started burning crackers as a way of celebration. This does not fall under the actual rituals of the festival but is now an essential part of it.

Question: Why should we not burn crackers?

Answers- Firecrackers are made of things which are harmful to the environment. It causes air pollution and also noise pollution. People who have asthma have a lot of problems due to fireworks. Older people suffering from heart diseases also suffer from noise pollution. Crackers also create problems for animals like dogs and cats. This is the reason why crackers should be banned.

Question 3: Which God is worshipped on Diwali?

Answer- There are a lot of reasons for the celebration. In North India, Rama’s return to Ayodhya is celebrated. South India worships Krishna while Goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped throughout India.

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Diwali Essay

Diwali also called “Deepawali” is a major Hindu festival of India. The festival is celebrated with unequal zeal and pleasure by Hindus, throughout the country. It is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after an exile of 12 years. Rama is a very popular Hindu deity who is revered for his truthfulness and purity.

Hindus believe that his return was welcomed by the people of Ayodhya by lighting up the streets and houses by small earthen oil lamps; therefore, the Hindus celebrate the day as the festival of lights. Houses decorated with lights of different colours and sizes, earthen lamps glittering at the entrances and over the boundaries and railings make the view mesmerizing. People come out of their houses in new clothes and burn crackers and fireworks.

Speech on Diwali for School Students  |  Speech on Diwali for Teachers  |  Paragraph on Diwali

Long and Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere at homes, streets, shops, temples, markets, etc.

People of Hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali . It is the most important and favorite festival of everyone especially for kids and children of the home.

Use following long and short essay on Diwali to make your kids smart enough at home or school and motivate them to know the history and significance of celebrating Diwali festival every year.

You can select anyone of these Diwali essay according to your need:

Short Essay on Diwali – Essay 1 (200 Words)

Diwali is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The preparation for Diwali celebration begins weeks before the festival. People begin with the preparations by cleaning their houses and shops. Every nook and corner of the houses, shops and offices is cleaned before Diwali. These are then decorated with lights, lamps, flowers and other decorative items.


People shop for new clothes, home decor items and gifts for their loved ones on this festival. The markets are flooded with variety of gift items and sweets around this time. It is a good time for the businessmen. It is also a good time to bond with our near and dear ones. People visit each other around this time and exchange gifts as a part of the celebration.

On the day of Diwali, people light up their houses with diyas, candles and lights. They also make rangoli and decorate their houses with flowers. The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the occasion of Diwali. It is said that this brings in prosperity and good luck.

Also known as the festival of lights, Diwali is all about worshiping the deities, burning crackers, having sweets and making merry with the loved ones. It is considered to be one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar.

Essay on Diwali – Festival of Lights and Gifts – Essay 2 (300 Words)


Diwali is also known as Deepawali meaning a row of diyas. The festival is celebrated with great zeal throughout India. It is celebrated each year to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom, Ayodhya. A series of rituals are performed to celebrate this festival.

Festival of Lights

Lighting diyas is one of the main rituals of this Hindu festival. People buy beautiful earthenware diyas each year and illuminate their entire house as a part of Diwali celebration. It is said that the entire town of Ayodhya was lighted with diyas to welcome Lord Rama, Laxman and Sita. People continue to follow this ritual even today. This is a way to please the deities.

The houses, marketplaces, offices, temples and all the other places are illuminated with lights on this day. Candles, lamps and decorative lights are also lit up to add to the beauty.

Rangolis are made and diyas are placed in between these beautiful creations of art to enhance their look.

Exchange of Gifts

Exchanging gifts is one of the main rituals of the Diwali festival. People visit their colleagues, neighbours, relatives and friends and present gifts to them to strengthen their bond. The Hindu culture teaches us to live in harmony with one another. Diwali, one of the main Hindu festivals, promotes the feeling of brotherhood and unity amid diversity.

While exchanging sweets and boxes of dry fruit was common in the earlier times, these days people look for unique and innovative gift items. Numerous kinds of Diwali gifts are available in the market these days.

People also purchase gifts for their employees and house helps. Many people also visit orphanages and old age homes and distribute gifts there.

People await Diwali all year long and the preparations for its celebration begin almost a month before the festival. People gleefully perform all the rituals associated with it.

Essay on Diwali Celebration – Essay 3 (400 Words)

As per the Hindu calendar, Diwali falls on the new moon (amavasya) during the Kartik month. This is considered to be one of the most auspicious times in the Hindu religion. People wait for this time of the year to start a new business, shift to a new house or purchase a big asset such car, shop, jewellery, etc. A number of mythological stories are associated with the celebration of this festival. People belonging to different regions of India celebrate it for different reasons. However, it calls for a grand celebration everywhere.

Cleaning and Decoration

Diwali celebration begins with the cleaning of the houses and work places. From washing curtains to cleaning the fans, from cleaning every corner of the house to discarding the useless old stuff – Diwali is the time for a thorough cleaning of the houses as well as work places. Many cleaning agencies offer special discounts and offers around Diwali and make good business.

People also shop for various home decor items to redecorate their places. The houses are decorated with diyas, lights, lanterns, candles, flowers, drapes and many other decorative items.

Sharing the Joy

People visit their relatives, neighbours and friends. They exchange gifts and spend time with each other. Many people host Diwali parties to celebrate the festival with their loved ones. The joy of celebration doubles up this way.

Many residential societies organize Diwali parties to celebrate the occasion. It is a great way to rejoice in the festival.

Worshipping the Deities

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped during the evening hours. People wear new clothes and offer prayers to the deities. It is believed that worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on this day brings in wealth, prosperity and good luck.

Burning of Fire Crackers and Increasing Pollution

Fire crackers are also burnt as a part of Diwali celebrations. Large numbers of crackers are burnt on this day each year. While it offers momentary pleasure, its repercussions are extremely harmful. It adds to air, noise and land pollution. Many people suffer due to the pollution caused.

Diwali without fire crackers would be much more beautiful. The newer generations must be sensitized about the harmful effects of burning crackers and should be encouraged to celebrate this festival without fireworks.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a mark of the Hindu tradition. It is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm by the Hindu families year after year. It is time to spread joy, love and laughter and not pollution.

Essay on Why do we Celebrate Diwali? – Essay 4 (500 Words)

Diwali falls sometime between the mid of October and mid of November. It is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The festival is celebrated for different reasons in different parts of India. A number of rituals form a part of the Diwali celebrations. Illuminating houses with diyas and candles and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are among the main rituals.

Why Do we Celebrate Diwali?

While it is largely believed that Diwali is celebrated to rejoice the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, many other folklores and mythological stories are associated with it. Here are some of the reasons why this festival is celebrated.

The Return of Lord Rama

It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after staying in exile for fourteen long years. He was accompanied by his brother Lakshman and wife Sita. Sita was abducted by the demon, Ravana. She was kept as a hostage in his kingdom until Lord Rama defeated him and brought her back. As Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita returned to Ayodhya, the people were thrilled and excited.

The entire town was illuminated with diyas. Sweets were distributed and people made merry. This is how we continue to celebrate this day even today.

The Harvest Festival

In some parts of the country, Diwali is considered to be a harvest festival. This is because it is the time when rice is cultivated. Since, India is mainly an agricultural economy this is the time for celebration. Grand celebration is held at this time. The festival holds special importance for the farmers.

The Legend of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that King Bali had imprisoned Goddess Lakshmi. It was on this day that Lord Vishnu disguised himself and set the Goddess free from the evil king. The day thus calls for a celebration. In many parts of the country, people celebrate Diwali to rejoice the return of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Birth of Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi was born on the new moon of the Kartik month. Thus, in certain regions, Diwali is celebrated to rejoice the birth of Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped during the evening hours on this day. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and the Hindus hold high regard for her.

The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the day of Diwali.

No matter what the reason, Diwali is celebrated with immense enthusiasm across India as well as some other countries. Cleaning the house, shopping for new clothes, sweets and gifts, decorating the house, illuminating lamps, offering prayers, burning fire crackers and meeting loved ones are some of the rituals followed on Diwali.

Diwali brings us closer to our near and dear ones. People of all age groups await this festival and look forward to celebrate it with their loved ones. Every member of the family takes active part in the Diwali celebration. People religiously follow all the rituals that form a part of the Diwali celebrations and pass them on to the next generations.

Essay on Diwali, Pollution and Eco-friendly Diwali – 5 (600 Words)

Diwali is the time to meet and greet our loved ones, prepare delicious sweets, wear new clothes, redecorate the house and worship Goddess Lakshmi. It is also the time to burn fire crackers. While all the Diwali rituals are beautiful and pious, burning fire crackers to rejoice the day is not appreciated much. This is because it adds to the pollution in the atmosphere.

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali is being celebrated in India since the ancient times. It is a day to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. This is because as per Hindu mythology, this was the day when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after staying in exile for 14 years. He returned victorious after killing the demon, Ravana and freeing Sita from his clutches.

The effigies of Ravana are burnt across India on Dussehra each year. It marks the victory of good over evil. Diwali falls twenty days later. The houses and marketplaces are illuminated with beautiful diyas and lights to celebrate Diwali. Rangolis are made and decorative items are used to enhance the beauty of these places. People decorate their houses after cleaning them thoroughly to welcome Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped on this day. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi; the Goddess of wealth, only visits places that are clean and beautiful.

People visit each other and exchange gifts as a part of the Diwali celebrations. Many people host house parties on this day. It is a great time to bond with our relatives and friends. Many offices and residential societies host Diwali parties a day or two before the festival.

Children especially look forward to burn fire crackers on this day. They gather around and rejoice the festival by burning different kinds of crackers.

Diwali Pollution: A Matter of Concern

Diwali is an auspicious day. The entire atmosphere is filled with the air of festivity and joy around this time. However, it eventually fills with pollution. The fire crackers burnt on this day are a complete put off. Burning crackers is said to be a ritual on Diwali. People burn thousands of crackers in the name of ritual on this day each year. This results in the increase in pollution levels in the atmosphere. The sky turns hazy and the consequences are harmful. It gives way to many health problems. This is especially unsafe for asthmatic patients, heart patients, pregnant women, elderly people and infants. It is difficult to step out on Diwali as well as days after the festival.

The burning of crackers does not only pollute the air but also causes noise pollution. It is particularly disturbing for sick and elderly people, small kids, students and animals.

Eco-Friendly Diwali: A Good Idea

It is high time we must behave as responsible citizens and stop burning crackers to celebrate Diwali or any other occasion for that matter. We must celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.

We must say no to crackers and advise those around us to do the same. Parents must take this as their responsibility to tell their kids about the negative repercussions of burning crackers. Kids must also be sensitized about the same in the schools. This will help in bringing down the fire works on Diwali.

Apart from the measures that people can take at their end, it is important to put a check on the sale of fire crackers. The government must intervene for the same. The production and sale of fire crackers must be banned or at least some restriction should be put on the same.

Diwali is a sacred festival. We must maintain its sanctity by celebrating it the right way. We should refrain from burning crackers owing to the harmful effects it has on the environment that ultimately impacts life on Earth.

Diwali Essay – 6 (1000 words)

Diwali is the most significant Hindu festival celebrated all over the India in the autumn season every year. The spiritual significance of this festival indicates the victory of light over darkness. It is a five days long festival celebrated by the people with huge preparations and rituals. It falls every year in the month of October or November. Many days ago of the festival, people start cleaning, renovating and decorating their homes and offices. They purchase new dresses, decorative things like diyas, lamps, candles, puja materials, statue of God and Goddess and eating things especially for Diwali.

People do worship of God Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for getting wealth and prosperity in their life. They perform puja on main Diwali with lots of rituals. After puja, they get involved in the fireworks activities and then distribute gifts to each other among neighbors, family members, friends, offices, etc. People celebrate Dhanteras on first day, Naraka Chaturdasi on second day, Diwali on third day, Diwali Padva  (Govardhan Puja) on fourth day, and Bhai Dooj on fifth day of the festival. It becomes official holiday in many countries on the day of festival.

Celebration of Diwali with Family without Crackers

Diwali is my favorite festival of the year and I celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm with my family members and friends. Diwali is called as the festival of lights because we celebrate it by lighting lots of diyas and candles. It is a traditional and cultural festival celebrated by each and every Hindu person all over India and abroad. People decorate their houses with lots of candles and small clay oil lamps indicating the victory of good over evil.

Family members spend their most of the day time in preparing house (cleaning, decorating, etc) to welcome the festival with grand evening party. Neighbors, family members, and friends gets collected in the evening party and enjoy the party with lots of delicious Indian dishes, dance, music, etc all through the night. Houses look very attractive in white wash, candle lights and rangolis. High pitch music and fireworks makes the celebration more interesting.

People go to their home by taking off from their job, offices and other works; students also book their train around three months ago to easily go to their home on Diwali festival because everyone wants to celebrate this festival with their family members in the home town. People generally enjoy the festival by feasting, bursting crackers and enjoying the dance with family and friends.

However, it is prohibited by the doctors to got outside and enjoy firecrackers especially people suffering from lung or heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Such people have to knock the doctor’s door because of consuming highly saturated food and sweets in high amount and lack of exercises and pollution caused by crackers in these days.

Significance of Diwali

Diwali festival is celebrated by the people with great revelry and lots of fun and frolic activities. It becomes the happiest holiday for Indian people in the year and celebrated with significant preparations. It is the festival of high significance for Indian people during which people clean their homes, decorate, do shopping, buy new things including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc and perform so many rituals.

There are many ancient stories, legends, and myths about celebrating this festival. Girls and women of the home do shopping and make rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near to the doors and walkways of home. There are little variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals.

The spiritual significance of this festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and victory of good over evil. It is celebrated to honor the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi and God of wisdom, Ganesha. Its religious significance varies according to the region all through the country. Somewhere, it is celebrated to honor the returning of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to their home after long exile period of 14 years (according to Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people celebrate it to remember the return of Pandavas to their kingdom after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (according to Hindu epic Mahabharata). It is also believed that it was started celebrating when Goddess Lakshmi was born after churning the ocean by the gods and demons. Diwali celebration also indicates the start of a new Hindu year in the west and some northern parts of India. It is celebrated by the people of Sikh religion to mark the Bandi Chhor Divas by lighting up the Golden Temple. It is celebrated by the people of Jain religion to mark the Nirvana attained by the Mahavira.

Pollution on Diwali

Together with the Diwali celebration, there is indirect increase in the environmental pollution all over the world because of the bursting of various types of firecrackers during this festival. Such firecrackers are very dangerous as they release toxic pollutants like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and so many etc which gets intermingled into the air and causes variety of ailments like asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, etc. It affects the people of all age group however those people who already suffer any type of ailment. Together with the human beings, it also affects the lives of animals, birds and other living beings due to air and noise pollution.

Now-a-days, there is a campaign run by the government to celebrate pollution free Diwali all over the country. Schools and various organizations also organizes various demonstrations prior to the celebration to educate and aware students for pollution-free festival. Environment and pollution departments also do many efforts by publishing pollution free news in the various newspapers to aware people and curb noise and air pollution because of firecrackers. Bursting sound-emitting firecrackers has been banned by the Supreme Court especially during 10 pm to 6 am.

Air and water pollution is also caused by the decay of remnants of fireworks and deluge of garbage like empty bottles, papers used to light off rockets, gift wrappers, dried flowers, etc at the nook and corners of the city. We all should practice celebrating the pollution free Diwali every year in order to save and enjoy the natural beauty of environment forever.

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దీపావళి పండుగను జరుపుకోవడానికి 10 ముఖ్య కారణాలు

మనం దీపావళిని ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటాం? ఈ పండుగ మిమ్మల్ని సంతోషంగా ఉండేలా చేస్తుంది. అంతేకాక ఒక మంచి సమయం అయిన శీతాకాలంలో రావడం వలన ఎక్కువగా అస్వాదిస్తాం. ఈ సమయంలో దీపావళి జరుపుకోవటానికి 10 పౌరాణిక మరియు చారిత్రక కారణాలు ఉన్నాయి. హిందువులకు మంచి కారణాలు ఉన్నాయి. కానీ ఇతరులు కూడా దీపాలతో గొప్ప ఉత్సవంగా జరుపుకుంటారు.

10 Reasons to Celebrate Diwali

2. విష్ణువు లక్ష్మీదేవిని కాపాడిన రోజు దీపావళి రోజున విష్ణువు తన ఐదవ అవతారం అయిన వామన అవతారంలో బలి చక్రవర్తి చేర నుండి లక్ష్మి దేవిని కాపాడెను. ఇది దీపావళి రోజున లక్ష్మి పూజలు చేయటానికి మరో కారణం.

3. కృష్ణుడు నరకాసురుడుని చంపిన రోజు దీపావళి ముందు రోజు,కృష్ణుడు రాక్షసు రాజు నరకాసురుడుని చంపి మరియు తన నిర్బంధంలో ఉన్న 16,000 మంది మహిళలను రక్షించేను. ఈ స్వేచ్ఛ యొక్క వేడుకను దీపావళి రోజుతో సహా రెండు రోజుల పాటు జరుపుకుంటారు.

4. పాండవులు తిరిగి వచ్చిన సమయం గొప్ప పురాణం మహాభారతం ప్రకారం,పాండవులు పాచికలు ఆట (జూదం) లో కౌరవుల చేతిలో పరాజయం పొందిన ఫలితంగా 12 సంవత్సరాల బహిష్కరణకు గురి అయ్యారు. పాండవులు 12 సంవత్సరాల తర్వాత కార్తిక అమావాస్య నాడు కనిపించారు.

5. రాముని యొక్క విజయం గొప్ప ఇతిహాసమైన రామాయణంలో,శ్రీరాముడు,సీతా మరియు లక్ష్మణుడు రావణ సంహారం తర్వాత లంక నుండి అయోధ్యకు కార్తిక అమావాస్య రోజున తిరిగి వచ్చారు. అయోధ్య పౌరులు ఆ రోజున మట్టి దీపాలతో మొత్తం నగరంను ఎప్పుడు ప్రకాశవంతముగా ఉండేలా అలంకరించారు.

6. విక్రమాదిత్యుడు పట్టాభిషేకం గొప్ప హిందూ మత రాజైన విక్రమాదిత్యుడికి దీపావళి రోజున పట్టాభిషేకం జరిగినది. అందుకే దీపావళి ఒక చారిత్రాత్మక సంఘటన అయింది.

7. ఆర్య సమాజం ప్రత్యేకమైన రోజు హిందూమతం యొక్క గొప్ప సంస్కర్త మరియు ఆర్యసమాజ స్థాపకుడు మహర్షి దయానంద దీపావళి రోజున నిర్వాణం పొందారు.

8. జైనుల ప్రత్యేకమైన రోజు ఆధునిక జైనమత స్థాపకుడు మహావీర్ తీర్థంకరుడు కూడా దీపావళి రోజున నిర్వాణం పొందారని భావిస్తారు.

9. సిక్కులకు ప్రత్యేకమైన రోజు మూడవ గురువు అమర్ దాస్ రెడ్ లెటర్ దీపావళి రోజున సంస్థాగతమైనది. అప్పుడు సిక్కు గురువుల ఆశీర్వాదాలను సేకరించడానికి ఉంటుంది.1577 వ సంవత్సరంలో అమృత్సర్ లోని బంగారు ఆలయానికి పునాది రాయి దీపావళి రోజునే వేసారు. 1619 లో,ఆరవ గురువు హరగోబిండ్,మొఘల్ చక్రవర్తి జహంగీర్ అధీనంలో ఉన్నారు. ఆయనతో పాటు 52 మంది రాజులు గౌలియార్ కోట నుండి దీపావళి రోజున విడుదల అయ్యారు.

10. దీపావళి రోజున పోప్ ప్రసంగం 1999 లో,పోప్ జాన్ పాల్ II పూజావేదికను దీపావళి దీపములతో అలంకరిస్తారు. అలాగే భారతీయ చర్చిలో ప్రత్యేక ధన్యవాదాలను నిర్వహిస్తారు. పోప్ నుదుటిపైన ఒక తిలక్ మార్క్ మరియు అతని ప్రసంగం లైట్ పండుగకు సూచనలుగా ఇవ్వటం జరిగినది.


శివుడి ఈ రుద్ర మంత్రాన్ని పఠిస్తే.. ఎన్నో అద్భుతాలు..!!

10 Reasons to Celebrate Diwali

నేటి రాశిఫలం 29 జూలై 2024: మేషం మరియు మీనం మధ్య అదృష్టవంతులు ఎవరు? 29 జూలై రాశిఫలాన్ని తెలుసుకోండి

నేటి రాశిఫలం 29 జూలై 2024: మేషం మరియు మీనం మధ్య అదృష్టవంతులు ఎవరు? 29 జూలై రాశిఫలాన్ని తెలుసుకోండి

ఆగస్టు నెలలో శ్రావణంతో సహా ముఖ్యమైన పండుగల జాబితాను చూడండి

ఆగస్టు నెలలో శ్రావణంతో సహా ముఖ్యమైన పండుగల జాబితాను చూడండి

ఆరోగ్యం పరంగా మొత్తం 12 రాశుల వారికి ఈ వారం ఎలా ఉంటుంది, మీ వారపు ఆరోగ్య జాతకాన్ని తెలుసుకోండి

ఆరోగ్యం పరంగా మొత్తం 12 రాశుల వారికి ఈ వారం ఎలా ఉంటుంది, మీ వారపు ఆరోగ్య జాతకాన్ని తెలుసుకోండి

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Talk to our experts


  • Diwali 2023: The Festival of Lights, Laughter, and Love


Hey there, young explorers! Have you ever heard of a festival that's all about lights, sweets, and celebrating with family and friends? Well, that's exactly what Diwali is! So, let's embark on a colorful journey to learn more about Diwali in 2023 - the most sparkling, twinkling, and "sweetest” festival of all!

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What is Diwali?

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most important festivals in India. It's the Festival of Lights, and people celebrate it with immense joy and enthusiasm. Imagine the night sky illuminated by thousands of twinkling candles and colorful lights - that's Diwali for you!

When is Diwali 2023?

Diwali doesn't have a fixed date; it's like the cool kid who changes schools every year. But don't worry! In 2023, Diwali will be celebrated on Sunday, November 12th - Tuesday 14th November. It usually falls between October and November, so keep an eye on your calendar.

The Story Behind Diwali

Now, let's dial back to the origin of the story. Diwali has a fascinating tale that makes it even more exciting! It's the celebration of the return of Lord Rama, his wife Sita, and his loyal brother Lakshmana from their 14-year exile. People lit oil lamps, or diyas, to guide them home. Isn't that sweet?

Picture this: a kingdom shrouded in darkness, ruled by a fierce demon king named Ravana. But there's a glimmer of hope - Lord Rama, a prince who's not just a skilled archer but also a symbol of truth and virtue. Lord Rama was exiled for 14 long years, along with his devoted wife Sita and his loyal brother Lakshmana.

Their journey through the forests was filled with adventures and challenges. They encountered mystical creatures, and brave allies, and faced countless trials. But through it all, Lord Rama remained steadfast in his righteousness, upholding the values of honor and duty.

The turning point in this epic tale came when Sita was kidnapped by the demon king, Ravana, who lured her away from the protective circle drawn by Lakshmana. A mighty battle ensued, and Lord Rama, with the help of an army of monkeys and an epic bridge (yes, you heard that right, a bridge built by monkeys!), defeated Ravana and rescued Sita.

Now, here's where the magic of Diwali comes in. After their long and challenging exile, Lord Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana finally returned to their kingdom, Ayodhya. The people of Ayodhya were overjoyed at the news of their return and wanted to celebrate this triumphant homecoming grandly.

To honor the return of their beloved prince and to light up his path, the people of Ayodhya lit oil lamps, or diyas, all around the kingdom. These lamps not only illuminated the city but also symbolised the victory of light over darkness, truth over falsehood, and 

good over evil. The entire kingdom glowed with a warm, welcoming light.

How to Celebrate Diwali?

The Light Show: Diwali is all about spreading light and happiness. Families decorate their homes with oil lamps, candles, and colorful lights. It's like a giant, sparkly Christmas tree, but with a lot more colors.

Sweets Galore: Diwali is a sweet tooth's dream come true. Families exchange sweets and goodies, and there's even a friendly competition to see who can make the tastiest treats. Yum!

Firecrackers: While it's fun to watch fireworks light up the sky, it's important to remember that not everyone enjoys them. Some people, animals, and our environment can get a bit spooked. So, let's be mindful and enjoy the dazzling lights without the loud noises.

Diwali Puja: Families gather to perform special prayers and ceremonies during Diwali. It's a time for reflection and gratitude.

5 days of Diwali Puja Timings

Day and Date


Muhurat Timings

Friday, 10th Nov 2023


06:02 PM - 08:00 PM

Saturday, 11th Nov 2023

Chhoti Diwali

11:39 PM - 12:32 PM

Sunday, 12th Nov 2023


05:40 PM - 07:36 PM

Monday, 13th Nov 2023

Govardhan Puja

06:18 AM - 08:36 AM

Tuesday, 14th Nov 2023

Bhai Dooj

01:17 PM - 03:30 PM

Bright Facts about Diwali

Did you know that Diwali isn't just celebrated in India? It's also a holiday in countries like Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Fiji! It's like Diwali has a passport to travel the world.

Rangoli is an artistic way to decorate homes during Diwali. People make colorful patterns on the ground using things like colored rice, sand, or flower petals. It's like creating a giant, beautiful painting on your doorstep!

Some say that Diwali is a bit like New Year's Eve for many businesses in India. They start fresh accounting books and seek blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Diwali isn't just about cleaning and decorating homes; it's also a time to tidy up your life by forgiving and forgetting past mistakes. It's like hitting the 'refresh' button on your computer but for your heart!

Diwali is like a kaleidoscope of colors, lights, sweets, and happiness. It's a time to celebrate with family, friends, and even Mother Earth. Remember to be safe, have fun, and make sweet memories. Happy Diwali, young explorers, and keep spreading the light of love and laughter, just like this beautiful festival does! V wish you a very Happy Diwali!


FAQs on Diwali 2023: The Festival of Lights, Laughter, and Love

1. What is the Diwali 2023 date?

The Diwali date is 12th November 2023.

2. At what time do you do Diwali pooja?

During the Pradosh period, which is usually between 5:40 PM and 7:36 PM.

3. What is the most fun thing about the Diwali festival?

Lighting up diyas, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying delicious food.

4. What are the 5 days of Diwali festival in 2023?

Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Diwali, Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj

5. Whose festival is Diwali?

Diwali is primarily celebrated by Hindus, but it is also celebrated by Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists.

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Diwali 2023: దీపావళితో పాటు 5 పండుగలు ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటారు? ఏ పండుగ ఎప్పుడు వస్తుందో తెలుసుకోండి

హిందూ మతంలో దీపావళి పండుగను జరుపుకోవడానికి అనేక రకాల పురాణ కథలు, నమ్మకాలు ఉన్నాయి. ఆశ్వయుజ మాసంలోని అమావాస్య రోజున లంకను జయించి.. సీతాదేవితో కలిసి శ్రీ రాముడు అయోధ్య నగరానికి తిరిగి వచ్చాడని.. రామయ్య రాకను స్వాగతిస్తూ తమ సంతోషాన్ని దీపాలు వెలిగించి అయోధ్య ప్రజలు తెలిపారని.. అప్పటి నుంచి దీపావళి జరుపుకునే సంప్రదాయం మొదలైందని ఒక నమ్మకం..

Diwali 2023: దీపావళితో పాటు 5 పండుగలు ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటారు? ఏ పండుగ ఎప్పుడు వస్తుందో తెలుసుకోండి

Surya Kala |

Updated on: Oct 30, 2023 | 3:23 PM

హిందూ మతంలో దీపావళి పర్వదినానికి ప్రత్యేక ప్రాముఖ్యత ఉంది. లోక కంఠకుడైన నరకాసుడిని వచ్చింది లోకానికి మేలు చేసినందుకు ప్రజలు ఆనందంతో జరుపుకున్న పండగ దీపావళి . నరకాసురుడు మరణించిన రోజుని నరక చతుర్దశి అని.. మర్నాడు ఆశ్వయుజ అమావాస్య రోజుని దీపావళి పండగగా జరుపుకోవడం సంప్రదాయం. ఈ ఏడాది దీపావళి పండగ నవంబర్ 12వ తేదీన జరుపుకోనున్నారు. దీపావళి అంటే దీపముల వరస అని అర్ధం., ఈ పండగను దేశంలోని వివిధ ప్రాంతాల్లో వివిధ సంప్రదాయాల్లో జరుపుకుంటారు. లక్ష్మీదేవి జన్మించిన రోజుగా భావించి లక్ష్మీదేవిని పూజిస్తారు కొందరు. గణపతిని, కుబేరుడిని కూడా దీపావళి రోజున పూజించే సంప్రదాయం ఉంది. ఈ రోజు దీపావళి పండగకు సంబంధించిన హిందూ మత విశ్వాసాలను వివరంగా తెలుసుకుందాం.

దీపావళి పండుగ ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటారంటే..

హిందూ మతంలో దీపావళి పండుగను జరుపుకోవడానికి అనేక రకాల పురాణ కథలు, నమ్మకాలు ఉన్నాయి. ఆశ్వయుజ మాసంలోని అమావాస్య రోజున లంకను జయించి.. సీతాదేవితో కలిసి శ్రీ రాముడు అయోధ్య నగరానికి తిరిగి వచ్చాడని.. రామయ్య రాకను స్వాగతిస్తూ తమ సంతోషాన్ని దీపాలు వెలిగించి అయోధ్య ప్రజలు తెలిపారని.. అప్పటి నుంచి దీపావళి జరుపుకునే సంప్రదాయం మొదలైందని ఒక నమ్మకం. అంతేకాదు సముద్ర మథనం తర్వాత, సంపదకు దేవత అయిన లక్ష్మీదేవి ఈ రోజున ప్రత్యక్షమైందని కూడా నమ్ముతారు. పాండవులు  అరణ్యవాసం, అజ్ఞాతవాసాన్ని ముగించుకుని ఈ రోజున తిరిగి వచ్చారని కొందరు నమ్ముతారు, మరికొందరు దీనిని విక్రమాదిత్య రాజు పట్టాభిషేక దినంగా భావిస్తారు. ఇంకొందరు నరకాసుడిని వధించిన సందర్భంగా తమ సంతోషాన్ని తెలుపుతూ అమావాస్యలో వెలుగులు దీపాలను వెలిగించి నింపారని విశ్వాసం.

ధన్‌తేరాస్: 10 నవంబర్ 2023 శుక్రవారం


నరక చతుర్దశి : 11 నవంబర్ 2023, శనివారం

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గోవర్ధన పూజ : 14 నవంబర్ 2023, మంగళవారం

అన్నా  చెల్లెల పండగ : 15 నవంబర్ 2023, బుధవారం

బౌద్ధమతానికి సంబంధించిన వ్యక్తులు దీపావళిని ఎందుకు జరుపుకుంటారంటే?

దీపావళికి సంబంధించి బౌద్ధమతంతో ఒక నమ్మకం ఉంది. ఈ రోజున గౌతమ బుద్ధుడు 18 సంవత్సరాల తర్వాత తన జన్మస్థలమైన కపిల్వాస్తుకు తిరిగి వచ్చాడు. బుద్ధుని అనుచరులు దీపాలు వెలిగించి స్వాగతం పలికారని ప్రతీతి. అప్పటి నుండి భౌద్ధమతానికి చెందిన ప్రజలు ఈ రోజున తమ ఇళ్లలో దీపాలు వెలిగించి  పండుగను జరుపుకుంటారు.

దీపావళికి సంబంధించి జైనమతానికి సంబంధించిన నమ్మకం

జైనులు 24వ తీర్థంకరుడైన మహావీరుడు బీహార్‌లోని పావపురిలో దీపావళి రోజున మోక్షం పొందాడని నమ్ముతారు. ఈ ఆనందంలో  జైనులు దీపాలు వెలిగించి భగవంతుడిని పూజిస్తారు. అయినప్పటికీ.. జైనులు దీపావళి రోజున గణేశుడు, లక్ష్మిదేవి, సరస్వతిని కూడా పూజిస్తారు.

దీపావళిని పంచమహాపర్వ అని ఎందుకు అంటారంటే..

పిల్లలు పెద్దలు అనే తేడా లేకుండా దీపావళి పండగ కోసం ఏడాది పొడవునా ఎదురుచూస్తారు. కొందరు దీపావళి ని 5 రోజులు జరుపుకుంటారు. మొదట ధన్‌తేరస్ వస్తుంది. ఈ రోజు ధన్వంతరిని పూజించే సంప్రదాయం ఉంది. రెండవ రోజు చోటి దీపావళిని చతుర్దశి తేదీన జరుపుకుంటారు. ఈ రోజున శ్రీ కృష్ణుడు సత్యభామతో కలిసి నరకాసురుడు అనే రాక్షసుడిని సంహరించినట్లు నమ్ముతారు. దీపావళి రోజున శ్రీ గణేశుడిని, లక్ష్మీదేవిని, కుబేరుడిని, కాళీ మాతను, సరస్వతిని పూజించే సంప్రదాయం ఉంది. గోవర్ధన్ పూజ నాల్గవ రోజు, అన్నచెల్లెల పండగను ఐదవ రోజు జరుపుకుంటారు.

మరిన్ని  ఆధ్యాత్మిక వార్తల  కోసం ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి..

గమనిక:  పైన పేర్కొన్న అంశాలను మత గ్రంథాల ఆధారంగా ప్రజల సాధారణ ఆసక్తులను దృష్టిలో ఉంచుకుని ఇవ్వడం జరిగింది. దీనిని టీవీ9 తెలుగు ధృవీకరించడం లేదు.

ఎప్పుడు పడితే అప్పుడు ఇల్లు క్లీన్‌ చేస్తున్నారా..? వాస్తుప్రకారం


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దీపావళి పండుగ ప్రతి ఏడాది ఆశ్వీయుజ మాసంలో వచ్చే పండుగ. నరకాసురుడిని సత్యభామ వధించిన నాడే దీపావళి పండుగు వచ్చింది. ఈ పండుగను పిల్లల నుండి పెద్దల వరకు ఎంతో ఆనందగా జరుపుకుంటారు.

పూర్వం హిరణ్యాక్షుడు అనే రాక్షసుడు భూమిని సముద్రజలాలోనికి పడవేస్తాడు. అప్పుడు విష్ణుమూర్తి వరాహావతరమెత్తి హిరణ్యాక్షుడిని సంహరించి భూమిని ఉద్దరిస్తాడు. ఆ సమయంలో వారికి ఓ పుత్రుడు జన్మిస్తాడు. ఆ పుత్రుని చూసి, నిషిద్దకాలమైన సంధ్యా సంయములో కలవటము వలన కలిగిన పుత్రుడు కాబట్టి ఇతనిలో రాక్షసలక్షణాలు వచ్చాయని విష్ణుమూర్తి భూదేవికి చెపుతాడు.

ఆ మాటలకు బాధ పడిన భూదేవి ఎప్పటికైనా విష్ణుమూర్తే తన బిడ్డను సంహరిస్తాడు అని భయపడి తన బిడ్డకు రక్షణ ప్రసాదించమని వరాన్ని కోరుతుంది.అందుకు విష్ణుమూర్తి అంగీకరించి కన్నతల్లి చేతుల్లోనే ఇతనికి మరణం ఉందని హెచ్చరించి వెళ్లిపోతాడు. ఏ తల్లి తన బిడ్డను చంపుకోదని భావించిన భూదేవి ఎంతో సంతోషిస్తుంది.

Why Diwali festival celebrated

ద్వాపరయుగంలో అతనికి పక్క రాజ్యమైన శోణితపురముకు రాజైన బాణాసురునితో స్నేహం ఏర్పడింది. బాణాసురుడు ధర్మ ప్రకారం స్త్రీ మూర్తులను ఒక తల్లిలాగ భావించడాన్ని ఇష్టపడేవాడు కాదు .అతని దృష్టిలో స్త్రీని ఒక భోగవస్తువులా చూసేవాడు .ఈ దుర్మార్గపు ప్రభావం చేత నరకాసురుడు మెల్లగా అమ్మవారి పూజ చెయడచేయడం ఆపేశాడు.ప్రపంచంలోని ఇతర రాజ్యాల మీద దండయాత్ర చేసి ఆయా రాజ్యాలలోని రాజకుమార్తెలందరిని బలవంతముగా ఎత్తుకొచ్చి తన రాజ్యంలో బంధించి వివాహమాడలని సంకల్పించాడు.

ఆ విధంగా అహంకారముతో ప్రవర్తిస్తున్న నరకాసురుడు ఒకసారి స్వర్గం మీద కూడా దండయాత్ర చేసి కన్నతల్లి అయిన అదితి మాత చెవికుండలాలను తస్కరించి దేవతలను, దేవమాతను అవమానపరుస్తాడు. అప్పుడు దేవతలు విష్ణుమూర్తి అవతారమయిన శ్రీకృష్ణుని వద్దకు వెళ్ళి నరకుని దుర్మార్గపు,దౌర్జన్య బుద్దికి తట్టికోలేక సంహరించమని ప్రార్థిస్తారు.

అదే సమయంలో భూదేవి సత్యభామ రూపంలో అవతరించి శ్రీకృష్ణుని వివాహమాడుతుంది. కానీ ఆమెకు పూర్వపు సంఘటనలు ఏవీ గుర్తులేవు. ఆ సత్యభామ దేవి నేను కూడా మీతోపాటు యుద్ధానికి వస్తానని శ్రీకృష్ణుడిని అడుగుతుంది. దానికి సమ్మతించిన శ్రీకృష్ణుడు సత్యభామతో కలసి అశ్వసైన్యంతో ప్రాగ్జ్యోతిష్యపురము వెళతాడు.

Why Diwali festival celebrated

అప్పుడు నరకాసురుడు తల్లి చేతులతో మరణిస్తాడు. బంధింప బడిన రాకుమార్తెలు మమ్ములనందరిని నీవే వివాహమాడమని ప్రార్ధిస్తారు. దానికి సమ్మతించిన శ్రీకృష్ణుడు వారిని అందరినీ వివాహమాడుతాడు.

ఈ విధంగా నరకుడు చనిపోయిన రోజుని నరక చతుర్దశి అంటారు. ఈ రోజు ప్రతి సంవత్సరం ఆశ్వీజమాసం కృష్ణ చతుర్దశి రోజు వస్తుంది.ఆ రోజునా నరకాసురుని బొమ్మలు తయారు చేసి కాల్చివేస్తారు.ఆ తరువాత రోజు అంటే ఆశ్వీజమాస అమావాస్య నాడు దీపావళి పండుగ జరుపుకుంటారు.

సీఎం సోదరులు కాదు, దిపావళి బ్రదర్స్, దివాళ తియ్యడమే ఇక మిగిలింది, దగ్గర్లో ఉంది !

diwali deepawali దివాళీ eco friendly diwali

  పవన్‌తో విడాకుల కంటే ఆ విషయమే ఎక్కువగా బాధపెట్టింది : రేణు దేశాయ్

పవన్‌తో విడాకుల కంటే ఆ విషయమే ఎక్కువగా బాధపెట్టింది : రేణు దేశాయ్

యూట్యూబ్ లో రికార్డులు తిరగరాస్తున్న రామ్.. దేశంలో ఏకైక హీరో

యూట్యూబ్ లో రికార్డులు తిరగరాస్తున్న రామ్.. దేశంలో ఏకైక హీరో

అమరావతిలో మరో కూకట్ పల్లి ఏర్పాటు చేస్తున్న చంద్రబాబు

అమరావతిలో మరో కూకట్ పల్లి ఏర్పాటు చేస్తున్న చంద్రబాబు

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Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali for Students and Children

500 words essay on pollution due to diwali.

Diwali is the most famous Indian festival. Moreover, people of all religions and castes celebrate it. Furthermore, people call this festival as the festival of lights. However, there is one negative side associated with this great festival. This negative side is the massive amount of pollution which the festival of Diwali generates. The primary cause of this harmful pollution is certainly the use of firecrackers.

Essay on Pollution Due to Diwali

Types of Pollution on Diwali

Air pollution is certainly the biggest type of pollution on Diwali. Moreover, during the festival of Diwali, air pollution rises to dangerously high levels. Most noteworthy, there is the emission of a great amount of smoke on Diwali. This certainly makes the air very harmful to breathe. Also, this harmful effect of burning crackers remains for many days after Diwali. Furthermore, air pollution is also quite harmful to various animals and birds.

Land pollution is another significant type of pollution during Diwali. This certainly results from the leftover pieces of the burnt crackers. Furthermore, it can take many weeks to clean these. Most noteworthy, these pieces are non-biodegradable in nature. Hence, they cannot be disposed of so easily. Also, they turn toxic gradually with time.

Noise pollution is a major problem during Diwali. Firecrackers cause a tremendous amount of noise pollution. Most noteworthy, this noise pollution is pretty damaging to hearing. Also, noise pollution is a major problem for animals, old people, students, and sick people.

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How to Prevent Pollution During Diwali

First of all, people must strictly avoid burning firecrackers. Maximum pollution during Diwali occurs due to the burning of firecrackers. Furthermore, there is a release of toxins during the burning of firecrackers. This certainly makes it hard for people to breathe.  Moreover, loud noises from firecrackers give anxiety attacks to many people and animals. Therefore, people must use eco-friendly crackers. These eco-friendly crackers produce a low amount of noise. Nevertheless, avoiding the use of firecrackers is the best solution.

Diwali is the festival of lights. To celebrate Diwali without lights is unthinkable. Furthermore, many people make use of electricity for lightening purposes. However, one must use diyas over electricity. Most noteworthy, the diyas or earthen lamps are bio-degradable in nature.

Cleaning up is an essential way of preventing pollution. The festival of Diwali ends up with a lot of garbage. After Diwali, the roads are filled with plastic, paper, chemicals, and other types of garbage. Hence, each individual must take the initiative to clean the streets and surroundings after Diwali. Most noteworthy, each individual must clean up his own mess.

Another efficient way of preventing pollution during Diwali is by using an air purifier. The level of air contamination significantly increases during Diwali. Therefore, one must make sure to keep the inside environment pollution-free. This way, people inside the house or office would be able to breathe safe and pure air. Most noteworthy, this is achievable by using air purifiers during Diwali.

To sum it up, Diwali is one of the happiest occasions of happiness in India. Let us not let this beautiful festival be marred by the evil of pollution. Most noteworthy, the festival must immediately become environmentally friendly. The government must take appropriate measures to ensure a pollution less Diwali.

FAQs on Pollution Due to Diwali

Q1 What are the various types of pollution caused by Diwali?

A1 The various types of pollution caused by Diwali are air pollution, land pollution, and noise pollution.

Q2 State any one way to prevent pollution during Diwali?

A2 One way to prevent pollution during Diwali is avoiding the burning of firecrackers.

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  • Diwali Essay

An Essay On Diwali

Diwali is one of the most popular festivals of Hindus which is celebrated with great fervour and delight. Children have a great time when they are asked to write an essay on Diwali as they get an opportunity to share their joyful experiences about the festival. Youngsters usually love this festival as it brings a lot of happiness and delightful moments for everyone. They get to meet their family, friends and relatives and share greetings and gifts with their loved ones.

Download “An Essay On Diwali” PDF for Free

An essay on Diwali in English helps children to express their views and convey their feelings about the essence of the auspicious festival. Your children can check the essay on Diwali festival given below and try writing a few lines on this topic to express or share their personal experiences about the holy festival.

Here’s a short essay on Diwali for young learners to refer to while drafting an essay on their own:

“Diwali, also known as ‘Deepavali’ (a row of lamps), is one of the most fervently celebrated festivals of India. Diwali is often called the ‘Festival of Lights’, and is celebrated by lighting lamps, and bursting crackers and fireworks. It is a festival which commemorates the victorious return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after saving his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana. This religious festival represents the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness.

People all over India celebrate Diwali by lighting earthen oil lamps and decorating their houses with lights of different colours and sizes. All these lights transform streets across India into a mesmerising sight to behold. Kids celebrate the occasion by bursting crackers and different fireworks like sparklers, rockets, flower pots, fountains, peony fireworks, etc.

Diwali falls on the 20th day after the festival of Dussehra, usually in October or November every year. Families and friends visit each other, exchange gifts, and share delicious food to celebrate the occasion. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is also worshipped on the occasion.

In recent years, the use of crackers and fireworks has come down dramatically as it contributes to air pollution and noise pollution, especially in cities where you hear a cracker bursting every other second. There are also safety issues concerning the use of fireworks, especially by children. So let us celebrate this festival of lights with more care and responsibility.”

We hope the above essay for Diwali festival English proves beneficial for young learners who wish to compose an essay on this topic. We have made a modest attempt from our end to justify the essence of the auspicious Diwali festival in the essay given above. Kids can pick some ideas from this sample essay on Diwali and draft a few lines and learn how to frame sentences and enhance their English writing skills simultaneously.

For more such engrossing essay topics , you can check our Kids Learning page and make learning a fun experience for your little one.

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Essay on Diwali

essay on diwali

Here we have shared the Essay on Diwali or Deepawali in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 300, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Diwali in any assignment or project whether you are in school child (class 10th or 12th), a college student, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Diwali in 150 words

  • Essay on Diwali in 250-300 words
  • Essay on Diwali in 500-1000 words

Diwali, the festival of lights, is a widely celebrated Hindu festival in India. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. During Diwali, homes are adorned with lights, rangolis, and decorations. Families come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious sweets and snacks. Fireworks illuminate the night sky, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Diwali holds deep spiritual significance, commemorating Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. It also marks the beginning of a new year for many communities. Beyond its cultural and religious importance, Diwali promotes unity, joy, and compassion. It encourages people to spread happiness and love, transcending differences.

In conclusion, Diwali is a festival that brings people together, celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and spreads light and joy. It is a time to appreciate the blessings in our lives and to share happiness with others.

Essay on Diwali in 250-350 words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in India. It holds immense cultural, religious, and social importance for people of the Hindu faith. The festival spans over five days and signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Diwali is a time of immense joy and enthusiasm. The preparations begin weeks in advance as people clean and decorate their homes. Colorful rangolis, Diyas (earthen lamps), and decorative lights adorn every corner, creating a mesmerizing ambiance. The air is filled with excitement and anticipation as families come together to celebrate.

The festival is deeply rooted in mythology. It commemorates Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and his victory over the demon king Ravana. The lighting of lamps and the bursting of fireworks symbolize the triumph of light and righteousness. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, is also worshipped during Diwali. People offer prayers and seek her blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for social bonding and celebration. Families and friends exchange gifts, sweets, and heartfelt wishes. The festival brings people from diverse backgrounds together, fostering unity and harmony. It is a time to forgive past grievances, mend broken relationships, and spread love and joy.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of Diwali celebrations. The excessive use of firecrackers contributes to air and noise pollution, harming both humans and the environment. Many people are now opting for eco-friendly celebrations by using less harmful alternatives like decorative lights and celebrating with eco-friendly fireworks.

In conclusion, Diwali is a vibrant and joyful festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. It brings families and communities together, spreading happiness, love, and prosperity. While celebrating, it is essential to be mindful of the environmental impact and embrace eco-friendly practices. Diwali is not just a festival of lights; it is a celebration of life, positivity, and the enduring spirit of goodness.

Essay on Diwali in 500 words

Title: Diwali – The Festival of Lights and Spiritual Significance


Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most prominent and widely celebrated festivals in India. It holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance for people of the Hindu faith. The festival spans over five days and signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. This essay explores the various aspects of Diwali, including its historical, religious, and social significance.

Historical and Religious Significance

Diwali finds its roots in ancient Indian mythology and legends. The most well-known story associated with Diwali is the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, to the kingdom of Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Their return symbolizes the triumph of righteousness over evil. Lord Rama’s victory over the demon king Ravana is celebrated with great fervor during Diwali.

The lighting of lamps and bursting of fireworks during Diwali signify the removal of darkness and the spreading of light and positivity. The tradition of lighting Diyas (earthen lamps) and illuminating homes and streets represents the victory of good over evil and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. It is believed that these lights guide Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, into people’s homes.

Social Significance

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for social bonding, family gatherings, and community celebrations. Families come together to clean and decorate their homes, exchange gifts, and share festive meals. The festival brings people from diverse backgrounds together, fostering unity, love, and harmony.

During Diwali, people visit their relatives and friends, exchanging sweets, dry fruits, and gifts as a token of love and affection. It is also a time to forgive past grievances and mend broken relationships, as the festival promotes the spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, and compassion.

Cultural Celebrations

Diwali celebrations go beyond religious rituals. The festival is marked by colorful rangoli designs, vibrant decorations, and intricate patterns created with colored powders, flowers, and Diyas. Fireworks light up the night sky, filling the air with joy and excitement.

The festival also showcases the rich cultural heritage of India. Traditional dances, music, and performances are organized to entertain and engage the community. Diwali melas (fairs) are held, featuring various cultural activities, folk dances, and food stalls. These events provide an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate, and appreciate the diverse cultural tapestry of India.

Environmental Concerns

While Diwali is a time of celebration and joy, it is essential to address the environmental concerns associated with the festival. The excessive use of firecrackers contributes to air and noise pollution, which poses health hazards and disturbs the ecosystem. It is crucial for individuals and communities to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as minimizing the use of fireworks and opting for environmentally friendly alternatives like decorative lights and lamps.

Diwali, the festival of lights, holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance in India. It is a time of joy, togetherness, and the triumph of good over evil. Diwali celebrations embody the values of unity, love, forgiveness, and the spirit of giving. However, it is equally important to celebrate the festival in an environmentally responsible manner. By embracing eco-friendly practices, we can ensure that the essence of Diwali, as a festival of light and hope, is preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Essay on Diwali in 1000 words

Title: Diwali – A Celebration of Light, Joy, and Cultural Significance


Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India and holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance. The festival stretches over five days, and each day has its own significance and rituals. Diwali is a time of vibrant celebrations, where people come together to illuminate their homes with lamps, exchange gifts, indulge in delicious sweets, and participate in various cultural activities. This essay explores the historical origins, religious significance, cultural traditions, social impact, and environmental considerations associated with Diwali.

I. Historical Origins of Diwali

The roots of Diwali can be traced back to ancient Indian mythology and various historical events. One of the most popular legends associated with Diwali is the story of Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya celebrated Rama’s homecoming after 14 years of exile by lighting lamps, signifying the triumph of good over evil. Diwali also commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness and the eradication of darkness.

II. Religious Significance of Diwali

Diwali holds deep religious significance for Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. For Hindus, it is a time to worship Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. Devotees clean their homes and create intricate rangoli designs to invite the goddess into their households. Diwali is also associated with the worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and the offering of prayers to seek divine blessings.

In Jainism, Diwali marks the spiritual enlightenment and liberation of Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara. Jains celebrate Diwali by offering prayers, visiting temples, and engaging in acts of charity and compassion.

For Sikhs, Diwali holds historical significance as it commemorates the release of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, the sixth Sikh Guru, and 52 other kings from imprisonment in the Gwalior Fort. This event represents the victory of truth and freedom.

III. Cultural Traditions and Celebrations

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for cultural celebrations and festivities. The preparations for Diwali begin weeks in advance, as people clean their homes and decorate them with colorful rangoli designs, bright lights, and flowers. The lighting of diyas (earthen lamps) and candles is a significant aspect of Diwali, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

During Diwali, families come together to perform puja (worship) rituals, exchange gifts, and share special meals. Traditional sweets and snacks, such as ladoos and gujiyas, are prepared and distributed among relatives, friends, and neighbors. The exchange of gifts signifies love, respect, and the strengthening of relationships.

Cultural performances, such as traditional dances like Garba and Bharatanatyam, music concerts, and plays, are organized during Diwali. These cultural activities showcase the rich heritage of Indian art and provide a platform for artists to display their talent.

IV. Social Impact and Community Bonding

Diwali serves as a unifying force, bringing people from different communities, religions, and backgrounds together. It is a time when families and friends come together to celebrate and bond. Diwali encourages individuals to visit their loved ones, exchange greetings, and share the joy of the festival.

The spirit of giving and sharing is strongly emphasized during Diwali. Many people extend acts of kindness by donating to charities, distributing food to the underprivileged, and supporting those in need. This collective effort to help others promotes empathy, compassion, and social cohesion.

Diwali also fosters a sense of unity and harmony among communities. People of different religions and cultures join in the celebrations, participating in events and exchanging cultural experiences. The festival acts as a platform for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and appreciation for diversity.

V. Environmental Considerations

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the environmental impact of Diwali celebrations. The excessive use of firecrackers during Diwali contributes to air and noise pollution, causing harm to human health and the environment. Additionally, the disposal of firework waste poses a significant challenge.

To address these concerns, there has been a shift towards eco-friendly Diwali celebrations. Many individuals and communities now opt for alternative ways to celebrate, such as using decorative lights, eco-friendly fireworks, and organic materials for rangoli designs. Awareness campaigns promote the use of environmentally friendly practices, encouraging people to celebrate Diwali in a responsible manner.


Diwali is a festival that encapsulates the essence of Indian culture, spirituality, and social values. It is a time when people come together to celebrate light, joy, and prosperity. Diwali’s historical origins, religious significance, cultural traditions, and social impact make it an integral part of Indian society.

As we celebrate Diwali, it is crucial to remain mindful of the environmental impact and embrace sustainable practices. By promoting eco-friendly celebrations and minimizing pollution, we can ensure that the essence of Diwali, as a festival of light and togetherness, is preserved for future generations to enjoy. Diwali serves as a reminder of the triumph of good over evil, the importance of unity, and the power of love and compassion in our lives.

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10 Lines Diwali Essay In English for Class 3,4,5

10 Lines Diwali Essay

10 Lines Diwali Essay: An essay on Diwali helps children to express their views and convey their feelings about this auspicious festival. Here, We have different sets of 10 lines on Diwali. In this short essay, children will learn many beautiful Diwali words and sentences. Here are different sets of 5 Lines on Diwali in English. This Diwali Essay in English is useful for class 2, 3, 4, and 5 students.

Set 1:- 10 Lines about Diwali in English

  • Diwali is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India
  • On this day Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya from exile.
  • People also do lots of Diwali shopping on Dhanteras.
  • We wear new clothes to celebrate the Diwali festival.
  • We worship Maa Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on Diwali.
  • We eat sweets and exchange gifts with friends and family.
  • People light candles and decorate their houses with Rangoli.
  • Firecrackers are also a part of the Diwali celebration.
  • Diwali is the most loved festival and we enjoy it very much.
  •  Everyone loves to celebrate the Diwali festival

Set 2:- 10 Lines Diwali Celebration in English

  • Diwali is the festival of lights
  • It is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India
  • Diwali is celebrated as lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years.
  • People light candles and decorate their homes with Rangoli.
  • People worship goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on Diwali
  • Children burn firecrackers and enjoy themselves with their friends.
  • People eat sweets and share gifts with friends and neighbors.
  • Children get long school holidays to celebrate Diwali.

Set 3:- 10 Sentences on Diwali in English

  • Diwali is one of the most important Hindu festivals.
  • Diwali is celebrated on the new moon (Amavasya) during Kartik month, as per the Hindu calendar.
  • On this day Lord Ram returned to Ayodhya, his birthplace after defeating Ravana, the king of Lanka.
  • On the day of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi, and Lord Ganesha are worshipped.
  • Houses, shops, temples, and other places are decorated with candles, Diya, and lights.
  • People decorate their homes with Rangoli to welcome Goddess Lakshmi.
  • People clean their houses and buy decorative stuff for Diwali.
  • New things like vehicles, jewelry, clothes, utensils, homes, etc. are purchased.
  • People exchange sweets and gifts with their relatives, friends, and loved ones.
  • We should spread more joy and happiness on Diwali and burn fewer crackers to avoid pollution

Set 4:- Short and Easy Essay on Diwali

  • Diwali is the festival of lights.
  • Diwali is a famous festival in India.
  • On this day, Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.
  • The people of Ayodhya lit up their houses with candles and lamps.
  • Diwali is the five days festival that starts with Dhanteras.
  • The Festival of Lights generally falls in the month of October or November.
  • People worship goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on this day.
  • Rangoli decoration is very popular on Diwali and is made from colorful powder.
  • We eat sweets and share gifts with our friends and relatives.

Set 5:- 10 Easy Lines on Diwali in English

  • Diwali is one of the most beautiful festivals in India
  • This festival marks the victory of light over darkness.
  • Diwali is celebrated in October or November each year.
  • Diwali is a 5 days festival starting from Dhanteras to Bhai Duj.
  • People worship goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on Diwali.
  • The festival is celebrated by Hindus, Bouddh, Jain, and Sikhs.
  • Diwali is the festival of love, unity, hope, victory, and happy life.
  • It is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India.

Set 6:- 10 Sentences on Diwali in English

  • The festival is also known as Deepawali which means ‘Series of Lights’.
  • We wear new clothes at night and celebrate Diwali with family and friends. 
  • Diwali is celebrated on the new moon (Amavasya) during the Kartik month, as per the Hindu calendar
  • Houses, shops, temples, and other places are decorated with candles, Ddiya, and lights.
  • People do Diwali shopping and purchase vehicles, jewelry, clothes, utensils, and homes.

Set 7:- 10 Easy Lines on Diwali Festival in English

  • Diwali is celebrated as Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.
  • People worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on the third day of Diwali.
  • Houses, shops, and temples are decorated with candles, Diya, and LED lights.
  • At this festival, people decorated their houses with colorful Diya, Rangoli designs, flowers, etc.
  • People prepare sweet dishes like Laddoo, Karanjis, Kadboli, etc. to eat and distribute to their relatives and friends.

Festival season is a great time for everyone. Students learn quickly during festivals. Essay writing during festivals helps children to learn new words and sentences along with knowledge.

We bring short and long Indian festival essays for students and children to boost their knowledge and writing skills but it is advisable to write an essay on their own. You can collect the information from our Indian festival essay collection and write in your own language.

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5 Lines Diwali Essay in English , 10 lines Holi Essay in English , 10 Lines on Christmas in English , 10 Lines on Raksha Bandhan in English , 

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Essay on Diwali for Class 3

Diwali or Deepavali is a Hindu festival celebrated in India. It is a festival of lights. People light diyas, candles and burn firecrackers to celebrate this day. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in every household. In Bengal, Goddess Kali is also worshipped on this day. It is believed that Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya on the day of Diwali after defeating Ravana in Lanka.

Short Essay on Diwali of 100 Words

The festival of Diwali is a celebration of the triumph of good over evil. It is a festival of the Hindu re but is celebrated by Jains, Sikhs and all other major religions in India. According to the Hindu calendar, it takes place on the 15th day of the month of Kartik. Usually, the month of October and November witnesses the celebration of this festival. Dhanteras is also a part of Diwali. Here, women of families buy gold jewellery to honour Goddess Lakshmi. Deepavali or Diwali is also known as the festival of lights. Every house lights Diya, candles and also burn firecrackers. Diwali is a four-day celebration according to the Hindu religion. Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our Essay for Class 3 and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Diwali of 150 Words

Diwali is a four-day festival of the Hindus. It is a cultural festival enjoyed by all major religions in the country. Muslims, Christians, Jains and Sikhs all come together to celebrate this day. It is celebrated in the month of Kartik of the Hindu calendar. Dhanteras is the first day of this four-day festival. Families buy gold to honour the Goddess Lakshmi. Households worship the Goddess for prosperity. In North India, Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. On the other hand, in South India Diwali is celebrated by worshipping Lord Krishna. It is believed that Diwali is a celebration of the killing of Narakasura by Lord Krishna. This festival is also known as the festival of lights. The main idea is the victory of good over evil. Burning crackers is a big part of Diwali celebration. But it is terrible for the environment. Firecrackers create noise pollution and also air pollution. So, nowadays, people try to lessen the burning of crackers. They burn diyas, candles and light up houses with fairy lights as well.

10 Lines on Diwali in English

  • It is a Hindu festival.
  • All religions celebrate Diwali together.
  • It is a ritual to light up houses.
  • Diwali is a celebration of the victory of good over evil.
  • People gift each other sweets and other things to harmonise.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in every household.
  • Lord Rama is worshipped in North India.
  • In South India, the killing of Narakasura by Lord Krishna is celebrated.
  • In Bengal Goddess Kali is also honoured.
  • Dhanteras is a big celebration during Diwali.

Frequently Asked Questions on Diwali Essay

Question: Why is burning crackers a big part of Diwali? Answer – According to the Hindu religion, Diwali is the festival of light. It is a ritual to light up houses and streets as a symbol of fighting against the darkness or evil. But people have started burning crackers as a way of celebration. This does not fall under the actual rituals of the festival but is now an essential part of it. Question: Why should we not burn crackers? Answers- Firecrackers are made of things which are harmful to the environment. It causes air pollution and also noise pollution. People who have asthma have a lot of problems due to fireworks. Older people suffering from heart diseases also suffer from noise pollution. Crackers also create problems for animals like dogs and cats. This is the reason why crackers should be banned. Question 3: Which God is worshipped on Diwali? Answer- There are a lot of reasons for the celebration. In North India, Rama’s return to Ayodhya is celebrated. South India worships Krishna while Goddess Lakshmi is also worshipped throughout India.

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