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105 Alternative Energy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Alternative energy sources have become increasingly important as the world faces the challenges of climate change and dwindling fossil fuel reserves. Writing an essay on alternative energy can be both educational and thought-provoking, as it allows you to explore innovative solutions and potential impacts on the environment and society. To help you get started, here are 105 alternative energy essay topic ideas and examples:

  • The potential of solar power as a primary energy source.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of wind energy.
  • The future of nuclear energy: opportunities and risks.
  • The impact of hydroelectric power on ecosystems.
  • Geothermal energy: a sustainable solution for heating and cooling.
  • The role of tidal and wave energy in a clean energy future.
  • Biomass energy: utilizing organic waste for power production.
  • The economics of renewable energy: cost-effectiveness and long-term returns.
  • The importance of energy storage in renewable systems.
  • The potential of hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative to fossil fuels.
  • The impact of electric vehicles on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The role of government policies in promoting renewable energy adoption.
  • Sustainable energy solutions for developing countries.
  • The impact of renewable energy on job creation and economic growth.
  • The challenges of integrating renewable energy into existing power grids.
  • The potential of offshore wind farms to meet energy demands.
  • The social and environmental implications of large-scale solar farms.
  • The use of biofuels in aviation: possibilities and limitations.
  • The role of community-based renewable energy projects.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing air pollution and improving public health.
  • The potential of solar-powered desalination for addressing water scarcity.
  • The role of renewable energy in achieving global climate targets.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing a smart grid system.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty.
  • The impact of renewable energy on energy independence and national security.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in optimizing energy efficiency.
  • The potential of solar roads for sustainable transportation infrastructure.
  • The challenges of recycling and disposing of renewable energy components.
  • The impact of renewable energy on biodiversity conservation.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in disaster resilience and recovery.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing water consumption in power generation.
  • The potential of ocean thermal energy conversion as a sustainable energy source.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing a carbon pricing mechanism.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in rural areas.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing energy-related conflicts.
  • The potential of solar-powered air conditioning for sustainable cooling.
  • The challenges and benefits of decentralized energy systems.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the transportation sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on improving energy access in remote areas.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing mining-related environmental impacts.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the manufacturing sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in sustainable urban development.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing deforestation and land degradation.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in developing countries.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the healthcare sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing carbon footprints of buildings.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing water pollution from power generation.
  • The potential of solar-powered irrigation systems for sustainable agriculture.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the tourism industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the education sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the shipping industry.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in urban areas.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the mining sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the food industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing noise pollution from power generation.
  • The potential of solar-powered street lighting for sustainable urban infrastructure.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the agriculture sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the hospitality industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing waste generation from power generation.
  • The potential of wind-powered desalination for addressing water scarcity.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the transportation sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the manufacturing sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the aviation industry.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in coastal areas.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the healthcare sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the retail industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing water consumption in buildings.
  • The potential of solar-powered cooking for sustainable food preparation.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the education sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the construction industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the tourism industry.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in remote areas.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the entertainment industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the telecommunications sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing waste generation from buildings.
  • The potential of solar-powered water treatment for addressing water pollution.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the food industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the banking sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the construction industry.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in mountainous areas.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the sports industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the technology sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing water consumption in the agriculture sector.
  • The potential of solar-powered waste management for sustainable waste disposal.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the retail industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the logistics sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the manufacturing industry.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the banking sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the fashion industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing waste generation from the telecommunications sector.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the entertainment industry.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the healthcare sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the transportation industry.
  • The potential of renewable energy in reducing energy poverty in rural areas.
  • The challenges and benefits of utilizing renewable energy in the education sector.
  • The role of renewable energy in reducing energy consumption in the tourism industry.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing waste generation from the construction industry.
  • The challenges and benefits of implementing renewable energy in the agriculture sector.
  • The impact of renewable energy on reducing emissions from the healthcare sector.

These essay topics cover a wide range of areas where alternative energy can make a significant difference. Choose a topic that interests you, conduct thorough research, and present your findings and opinions in a well-structured essay. By delving into these alternative energy ideas, you can contribute to the ongoing discussion and raise awareness about sustainable solutions for a greener future.

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IELTS Essay: Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 0 Comment

IELTS Essay: Fossil Fuels and Alternative Energy

This is my IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of fossil fuels and alternative energy from the real IELTS exam.

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Fossil fuels are the main source of energy around the world today. In some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy is replacing fossil fuels. 

Is this a positive or negative development?

Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption. In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides, this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions. There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels, in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector. The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though. Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions.

However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet. The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality. For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation. Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct, it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need.

In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources, this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives.

1. Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption. 2. In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides, this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions. 2. There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels, in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. 3. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector. 4. The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though. Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. 5. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.

1. However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet. 2. The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality. 3. For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation. 4. Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. 5. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct, it is only a number of years before human life is affected. 6. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources, this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. 2. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Many nations are now supporting the adoption of various energy alternatives in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption . In my opinion, though there may be short-term economic downsides , this is a decidedly positive development due to the implications on the environment generally.

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out the financial repercussions . There are economies around the world that are currently dependent on exporting fossil fuels , in particular in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have few other natural resources or industries that could replace a decline in the energy sector . The economic effects will extend far beyond exporters though . Both developed and developing nations ranging from The United States and Vietnam to China and Russia exploit oil for private vehicles and various industries. Substituting cheap oil for a more expensive alternative might result in economic catastrophe with wide-ranging repercussions .

However, the environmental effect is overwhelmingly more important for the long-term health of the planet . The economic results of less dependence on fossil fuels will cause short-term problems but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a present reality . For instance, there has been a rise in the number of cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures and deforestation . Even more troubling are the less noticed problems such as habitats being destroyed in remote areas like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. Beyond the animals becoming endangered and extinct , it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This existential threat is the reason alternative energies are a pressing need .

In conclusion, despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources , this reorientation will have a markedly positive long-term impact on the environment. Governments should therefore implement and bolster alternative energy initiatives .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

supporting helping

adoption of various energy alternatives use cleaner energies

reduce fossil fuel consumption use less fuel/oil

short-term economic downsides right now how it hurts the economy

decidedly positive development due to definitely good change because

implications results, what happens after

Those who feel the sudden adoption of alternative energies is a negative point out people in favor of more alternative energies argue

financial repercussions economic results

economies finances in a country

currently dependent right now reliant on

exporting fossil fuels sending oil abroad

in particular especially

few other natural resources or industries not many other sources of money

replace a decline in the energy sector substitute a drop in energy-related businesses

extend far beyond exporters though go far past the countries sending out oil

ranging from … to … and … including

exploit oil take advantage of fuel, petrol

private vehicles cars, motorbikes, etc.

Substituting … for changing for

economic catastrophe hurts finances a lot

wide-ranging repercussions effects on lots of areas

overwhelmingly very strong

long-term health of the planet the environment in the future

less dependence on fossil fuels not as reliant on oil

cause short-term problems hurt right now

present reality how the situation is now

rise increase

cataclysmic natural disasters related to rising ocean temperatures really bad storms caused by hotter seas

deforestation cutting down forests

Even more troubling are in fact much worse is

less noticed problems not as apparent issues

habitats where animals live

remote areas places far from cities

Beyond past

endangered not many left

extinct all gone

existential threat risk to their existence

pressing need really important now, an emergency

despite the economic drawbacks of a sudden shift to alternative power sources regardless of the financial downsides of a change to cleaner energy

reorientation shift

markedly positive long-term impact on definitely good for the future effect on

implement put in place

bolster support

initiatives efforts


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

səˈpɔːtɪŋ   əˈdɒpʃᵊn ɒv ˈveərɪəs ˈɛnəʤi ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪvz   rɪˈdjuːs ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəl kənˈsʌmpʃᵊn   ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈdaʊnˌsaɪdz   dɪˈsaɪdɪdli ˈpɒzətɪv dɪˈvɛləpmənt djuː tuː   ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃᵊnz   ðəʊz huː fiːl ðə ˈsʌdn əˈdɒpʃᵊn ɒv ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈɛnəʤiz ɪz ə ˈnɛɡətɪv pɔɪnt aʊt   faɪˈnænʃəl ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃᵊnz   iˈkɒnəmiz   ˈkʌrəntli dɪˈpɛndənt   ɛksˈpɔːtɪŋ ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəlz   ɪn pəˈtɪkjələ   fjuː ˈʌðə ˈnæʧrəl rɪˈsɔːsɪz ɔːr ˈɪndəstriz   rɪˈpleɪs ə dɪˈklaɪn ɪn ði ˈɛnəʤi ˈsɛktə   ɪksˈtɛnd fɑː bɪˈjɒnd ɛksˈpɔːtəz ðəʊ   ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm  …  tuː  …  ænd  … ˈɛksplɔɪt ɔɪl   ˈpraɪvət ˈvɪəkᵊlz   ˈsʌbstɪtjuːtɪŋ  …  fɔː   ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk kəˈtæstrəfi   waɪd-ˈreɪnʤɪŋ ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃᵊnz   ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋli   ˈlɒŋtɜːm hɛlθ ɒv ðə ˈplænɪt   lɛs dɪˈpɛndəns ɒn ˈfɒsl ˈfjuːəlz   kɔːz ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˈprɒbləmz   ˈprɛzᵊnt riˈæləti   raɪz   ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk ˈnæʧrəl dɪˈzɑːstəz rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈəʊʃən ˈtɛmprɪʧəz   dɪˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃᵊn   ˈiːvən mɔː ˈtrʌbᵊlɪŋ ɑː   lɛs ˈnəʊtɪst ˈprɒbləmz   ˈhæbɪtæts   rɪˈməʊt ˈeərɪəz   bɪˈjɒnd   ɪnˈdeɪnʤəd   ɪksˈtɪŋkt   ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃəl θrɛt   ˈprɛsɪŋ niːd . dɪsˈpaɪt ði ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈdrɔːbæks ɒv ə ˈsʌdn ʃɪft tuː ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv ˈpaʊə ˈsɔːsɪz   ˌriːˌɔːriɛnˈteɪʃᵊn   ˈmɑːkɪdli ˈpɒzətɪv ˈlɒŋtɜːm ˈɪmpækt ɒn   ˈɪmplɪmənt   ˈbəʊlstə   ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz  

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Many nations are now s___________g the a_____________________________________s in order to r___________________________n . In my opinion, though there may be s________________________s , this is a d _______________________________________ o the i ____________ s on the environment generally.

T _______________________________________________________________________________ t the f_____________________s . There are e_____________s around the world that are c_________________t on e______________________________s , i_______________r in The Middle East, South America, and Eastern Europe. Many of these countries are still developing and have f___________________________________s that could r__________________________________________r . The economic effects will e ________________________________ h . Both developed and developing nations r______________m The United States and Vietnam t___ China a___d Russia e______________l for p___________________s and various industries. S_______________g cheap oil f___r a more expensive alternative might result in e_______________________e with w__________________________s .

However, the environmental effect is o_____________________y more important for the l___________________________________t . The economic results of l_________________s will c_____________________________s but the issues caused by climate change are also becoming a p_________________y . For instance, there has been a r____e in the number of c______________________________________________________s and d ______________ n . E_______________________e the l________________________s such as h___________s being destroyed in r________________s like Antarctica and the Amazon Rainforest. B__________d the animals becoming e_____________d and e________t , it is only a number of years before human life is affected. This e_____________________t is the reason alternative energies are a p________________d .

In conclusion, d_____________________________________________________________________s , this r_____________n will have a m ______________________________ n the environment. Governments should therefore i____________t and b__________r alternative energy i____________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :


Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :


  • How are environmental problems dealt with in your country?
  • What can be done to make people recycle more often?
  • What is the most pressing environmental problem?
  • Is recycling a common practice in your country?
  • Are governments or individuals more responsible?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel for cars and other private vehicles.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay: Fuel Costs

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StudyCorgi. (2022, October 26). 116 Renewable Energy Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/

"116 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 26 Oct. 2022, studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

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StudyCorgi . "116 Renewable Energy Essay Topics." October 26, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/renewable-energy-essay-topics/.

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  • Alternative Sources of Energy


Introduction to the World of Energy

Sources of energy are very important and we perform different day-to-day tasks with the help of energy. Can you imagine your life without sources of energy? It will be very difficult to survive and life will end. But from where is this energy obtained? Are these sources man-made or natural? Have you ever heard about the alternative sources of energy that are used other than the traditional sources of energy? Let’s discuss these.

People started looking for other energy sources in the late 1900s so they could heat their homes, light their homes, and power their vehicles. People worried that sources like coal, oil, and nuclear power were depleting. Waterpower, wind power, and solar power are examples of alternative energy sources. These and other non-depletable energy sources are referred to as green or renewable.

What are Alternative Sources of Energy? 

Alternative sources of energy can be defined as the use of sources of energy other than the traditional fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas), which are shorter in supply and which are considered harmful to the environment. It includes all renewable and nuclear energy sources. 

The most commonly used alternative sources of energy include the following:

Wind Energy

Solar Energy

Geothermal Energy

Hydroelectric Energy

Hydrogen Energy

Nuclear Energy

Tidal Energy

The above-listed sources of energy are explained below:

Uses of Alternative Sources of Energy

1. wind energy.

In this source of energy, the wind is used for producing electricity by making use of the kinetic energy created by air in motion.

Wind Energy

2. Solar Energy

In this source of energy, the radiation from the Sun is used which is capable of producing heat, causing chemical reactions, and generating electricity.

Solar Energy

3. Geothermal Energy

It is a source of energy that is taken from the Earth’s core. It comes from the heat which is generated during the original formation of the planet.

Geothermal Energy

4. Bioenergy

In this source of energy electricity and gas are generated from the organic matter known as biomass. Bioenergy is one of the resources available to help meet the demand for energy, it includes electricity, heat and transportation fuel. 


5. Hydroelectric Energy

It is a source of energy that is obtained by falling water from high potential to low potential as potential is defined to flow down from a certain height. It is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion—such as water flowing over a waterfall—to generate electricity.

Importance of Alternative Sources of Energy

The importance of alternative sources of energy are discussed below:

Protects the Environment: Alternative sources of energy help to protect the environment and give it the opportunity to regenerate.

Helps in Providing Sustainable Fuel Systems: The alternative sources of energy can help in creating a sustainable fuel system and can help in sustaining the ecological balance of a region.

Helps in Reducing the Dependence on Imported Fuels: Another use of alternate sources of energy is that it helps to reduce the dependence on imported fuels.

Helps in Enhancing Income: It helps in enhancing the income of the country by creating additional employment opportunities for the population of the country.

Useful in Conserving Fossil Fuels: When we make use of alternate sources of energy it helps us in conserving fossil fuels.

Useful in Slowing and Reversing Climate Change: Because the alternate sources of energy have a much lower carbon content it helps to slow down and reverse climate change.

Useful in Economic Growth: Producing more utility-scale energy systems can help in creating more economic growth.

Thus it can conclude that the alternate sources of energy are the future energy sources that will help in sustaining the environment as well as help in minimising the dependency on conventional energy sources. These sources of energy need to be explored more and more.


FAQs on Alternative Sources of Energy

1. What percentage of the world uses alternate sources of energy and which is the most widely used alternate source of energy?

From 27% in 2019 the share of renewables in global electricity increased to 29% in 2020. The increase in alternative sources of energy mainly came at the cost of gas and coal, though these two sources still represent close to 60% of the global electricity supply. The most widely used alternate source of energy in the world is hydropower energy. Before lockdown, some measures were implemented, and shares of renewables were higher due to favourable weather conditions. The global use of alternate sources of energy was 1.5% higher in 2020 than in 2019.

2. Why are we looking at alternate sources of energy?

We are looking at alternative sources of energy because as our standards of living are increasing day by day so are our energy requirements. So a need has arisen to exploit and look for more and more alternative sources of energy. Another reason why we are looking for alternate sources of energy is that our conventional sources of energy like fossil fuels get depleted very soon which is why we need to look for other alternatives as well.

3. Write some interesting facts about alternative sources of energy.

Some interesting facts about alternative sources of energy are given below:

There are over two million solar power systems installed in the United States.

The alternate sources of energy create five times more employment opportunities than the conventional sources of energy.

Solar energy is nearly 200 years old.

One wind turbine can be used to power nearly 1500 homes for a year.

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essay on topic alternative sources of energy

Solar Energy Essay

500 words essay on solar energy.

Solar energy is the energy which the earth receives from the sun which converts into thermal or electrical energy. Moreover, solar energy influences the climate of the earth and weather to sustain life. It has great potential which we must use to our advantage fully. Through the solar energy essay, we will look at this in detail and know more about it carefully.

solar energy essay

Importance of Solar Energy

Solar energy is very important as it is a clean and renewable source of energy. Thus, this means it will not damage the earth in any way. In addition, it is available on a daily basis. Similarly, it does not cause any kind of pollution.

As it is environment-friendly, it is very important in today’s world. It is so much better than other pollution sources of energies like fossil fuels and more. Further, it has low maintenance costs.

Solar panel systems do not require a lot of solar power energy. Moreover, they come with 5-10 years of warranty which is very beneficial. Most importantly, it reduces the cost of electricity bills.

In other words, we use it mostly for cooking and heating up our homes. Thus, it drops the utility bills cost and helps us save some extra money. Further, solar energy also has many possible applications.

A lot of communities and villages make use of solar energy to power their homes, offices and more. Further, we can use it in areas where there is no access to a power grid. For instance, distilling the water is Africa and powering the satellites in space.

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Uses of Solar Energy

In today’s world, we use solar energy for a lot of things. Firstly, we use solar power for many things as small as calculators to as big as power plants which power the entire city. We use the most common solar power for small things.

For instance, many calculators use solar cells to operate, thus they never run out of batteries. Moreover, we also have some watches which run on solar cells. Similarly, there are also radios which run on solar cells.

Thus, you see so many things run on solar power. All satellites run on solar power otherwise they won’t be able to function. Moreover, large desalinization plants make use of solar power if there is little or no freshwater.

In addition, many countries have solar furnaces. We also use solar power commercially and residentially. You will find its uses in transportation service too. In fact, soon, solar powers will also be out on the streets.

Conclusion of Solar Energy Essay

To sum it up, solar energy is a cost-effective means of energy which is quite useful for people that have huge families. When we install solar panels, we can get solar energy which will reduce electricity costs and allow us to lead a sustainable lifestyle. Thus, we must all try to use it well to our advantage.

FAQ of Solar Energy Essay

Question 1: What is solar energy in simple words?

Answer 1: Solar energy is basically the transformation of heat, the energy which is derived from the sun. We have been using it for thousands of years in numerous different ways all over the world. The oldest uses of solar energy are for heating, cooking, and drying.

Question 2: What are the advantages of solar energy?

Answer 2: There are many advantages of solar energy. Firstly, it is a renewable source of energy which makes it healthy. Moreover, it also reduces the electricity bills of ours. After that, we can also use it for diverse applications. Further, it also has low maintenance costs.

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Alternative Sources of Energy Essay Examples to Empower Your Creativity

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Without energy, human life is impossible. We are all used to using fossil fuels – such as coal, gas, oil – as main sources of energy. However, their reserves in nature are known to be limited. The question “what to do to avoid the energy crisis?” already has the answer: we must look for other types of energy – alternative, non-traditional, renewable.

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essay on topic alternative sources of energy

Counties are blocking wind and solar across the US — maps show energy capacity in your area

Statewide blocks and limits put the nationwide goal to reach 100% clean energy by 2035 at risk.

A nationwide  analysis by USA TODAY  revealed a trend that threatens to derail U.S. clean energy goals: local governments are banning  new utility-scale wind and solar power faster than they’re building it.

Learn more: US counties are blocking the future of renewable energy: These maps, graphics show how

The US has massive wind and solar energy potential

In areas where the wind blows faster and more consistently, turbines can make more electricity. Hover and zoom around the country in the maps below to explore potential for wind and solar energy generation. Energy potential isn't mapped in some areas (gray) that are already off-limits for federal, ecological, military or other uses. In addition to other restricted areas, these maps exclude areas that are too mountainous for solar.

But local impediments and bans threaten U.S. renewable energy goals

Local governments have blocked new wind and solar projects through bans, moratoriums, construction limits and other policies that make new plants difficult to build. In 2009, North Carolina banned 23 counties from new wind projects. In 2014, Kentucky made it effectively impossible to build new turbines in all 120 of its counties, and Connecticut followed suit in its eight counties. Vermont did the same across its 14 counties in 2017. Tennessee stopped new wind projects in all but four of its 95 counties a year later.

Similar trends can be seen in solar energy − lots of potential but increasing blocks and bans

As with wind, some areas are more ideal than others for solar energy generation. Counties also restrict solar, in some cases to such a small area that it’s unfeasible to build. More than half of these blocks occurred in counties that already have some operational solar capacity.

Click the links below to see this analysis explained visually, read about American farmers dealing with stringent regulations and disapproving neighbors, or learn more about common renewable energy misconceptions. You can also select your state below to see impediments to solar and wind energy in your area.

Contributing: Stephen Beard, Josh Susong, Shawn J. Sullivan.

Primary energy sources take many forms, including nuclear energy , fossil energy -- like oil , coal and natural gas -- and renewable sources like wind , solar , geothermal and hydropower . These primary sources are converted to electricity , a secondary energy source, which flows through power lines and other transmission infrastructure to your home and business.

Learn more about America’s energy sources: fossil , nuclear , renewables and electricity .

Learn more about energy from solar, wind, water, geothermal, biomass and nuclear.

Learn more about how we use electricity as an energy source.

Learn more about our fossil energy sources: coal, oil and natural gas.


Essay on Sources of Energy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Sources of Energy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Sources of Energy


Energy is vital for our daily life. It powers our homes, schools, and cities. Energy comes from different sources, mainly classified into two categories: renewable and non-renewable.

Non-Renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes. Examples include oil, natural gas, and coal. These sources are often used to generate electricity.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is from sources that never run out or are replenished quickly. Sunlight, wind, water, and geothermal heat are examples. These sources are environmentally friendly but require technology to harness.

Understanding energy sources helps us make informed choices. It’s important to support renewable energy for a sustainable future.

250 Words Essay on Sources of Energy

Energy is the driving force behind all natural and artificial phenomena. It is an indispensable resource in our daily lives, powering our homes, industries, and transportation. The sources of energy can be broadly classified into two categories: renewable and non-renewable.

Non-renewable Energy Sources

Non-renewable energy sources are finite and will eventually deplete. They include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These energy sources are primarily used for electricity generation and transportation. However, their usage results in harmful environmental impacts, including air pollution and climate change, due to the emission of greenhouse gases.

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources, on the other hand, are inexhaustible and can be replenished naturally. They include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy. Solar energy, harnessed through photovoltaic cells, is a clean and abundant source. Wind energy, captured by wind turbines, is another potent source, especially in coastal and high-altitude regions.

Hydro energy, derived from the kinetic energy of flowing or falling water, is a dominant renewable source, while geothermal energy, obtained from the Earth’s internal heat, is reliable and consistent. Biomass energy, generated from organic materials, can be a sustainable option if managed responsibly.

The transition from non-renewable to renewable energy sources is crucial for sustainable development. While non-renewable sources have been the backbone of our energy infrastructure, their environmental impacts necessitate a shift towards cleaner, renewable sources. This transition is not only an environmental imperative but also an opportunity for economic growth and energy security.

500 Words Essay on Sources of Energy

Non-renewable energy sources.

Non-renewable energy sources are those that do not replenish in a short time. They include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These energy sources are formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals. They are finite and their extraction and use lead to environmental pollution.

Coal, for instance, is used to generate electricity and in industrial processes requiring heat. Its extraction, however, often leads to environmental degradation and health hazards. Oil is used in transportation and manufacturing, but its extraction can lead to oil spills causing severe environmental damage. Natural gas, although cleaner than coal and oil, is still a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Solar energy harnesses the power of the sun and converts it into electricity. It’s a clean, abundant source of energy, but its efficiency is affected by weather conditions and geographical location. Wind energy converts the kinetic energy of wind into electricity. It’s a clean and renewable source, but its effectiveness is dependent on wind speed and direction.

Hydropower uses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. It’s renewable and produces a significant amount of electricity, but it can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and requires significant infrastructure. Geothermal energy harnesses the heat from the earth’s crust to generate electricity. It’s a reliable and constant source of energy but its extraction can cause land instability.

The world’s energy needs are diverse and complex. Non-renewable energy sources have been the mainstay of our energy systems, but their environmental impact and finite nature necessitate a shift towards renewable energy sources. However, these too have their challenges. The future of energy therefore lies in a balanced mix of different energy sources, improved energy efficiency, and technological innovations that mitigate the downsides of each source. As we move towards a sustainable future, the understanding and exploration of these energy sources become more crucial than ever.

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IEA (2024), World Energy Investment 2024 , IEA, Paris https://www.iea.org/reports/world-energy-investment-2024, Licence: CC BY 4.0

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The world now invests almost twice as much in clean energy as it does in fossil fuels…, global investment in clean energy and fossil fuels, 2015-2024, …but there are major imbalances in investment, and emerging market and developing economies (emde) outside china account for only around 15% of global clean energy spending, annual investment in clean energy by selected country and region, 2019 and 2024, investment in solar pv now surpasses all other generation technologies combined, global annual investment in solar pv and other generation technologies, 2021-2024, the integration of renewables and upgrades to existing infrastructure have sparked a recovery in spending on grids and storage, investment in power grids and storage by region 2017-2024, rising investments in clean energy push overall energy investment above usd 3 trillion for the first time.

Global energy investment is set to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with USD 2 trillion going to clean energy technologies and infrastructure. Investment in clean energy has accelerated since 2020, and spending on renewable power, grids and storage is now higher than total spending on oil, gas, and coal.

As the era of cheap borrowing comes to an end, certain kinds of investment are being held back by higher financing costs. However, the impact on project economics has been partially offset by easing supply chain pressures and falling prices. Solar panel costs have decreased by 30% over the last two years, and prices for minerals and metals crucial for energy transitions have also sharply dropped, especially the metals required for batteries.

The annual World Energy Investment report has consistently warned of energy investment flow imbalances, particularly insufficient clean energy investments in EMDE outside China. There are tentative signs of a pick-up in these investments: in our assessment, clean energy investments are set to approach USD 320 billion in 2024, up by more 50% since 2020. This is similar to the growth seen in advanced economies (+50%), although trailing China (+75%). The gains primarily come from higher investments in renewable power, now representing half of all power sector investments in these economies. Progress in India, Brazil, parts of Southeast Asia and Africa reflects new policy initiatives, well-managed public tenders, and improved grid infrastructure. Africa’s clean energy investments in 2024, at over USD 40 billion, are nearly double those in 2020.

Yet much more needs to be done. In most cases, this growth comes from a very low base and many of the least-developed economies are being left behind (several face acute problems servicing high levels of debt). In 2024, the share of global clean energy investment in EMDE outside China is expected to remain around 15% of the total. Both in terms of volume and share, this is far below the amounts that are required to ensure full access to modern energy and to meet rising energy demand in a sustainable way.

Power sector investment in solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is projected to exceed USD 500 billion in 2024, surpassing all other generation sources combined. Though growth may moderate slightly in 2024 due to falling PV module prices, solar remains central to the power sector’s transformation. In 2023, each dollar invested in wind and solar PV yielded 2.5 times more energy output than a dollar spent on the same technologies a decade prior.

In 2015, the ratio of clean power to unabated fossil fuel power investments was roughly 2:1. In 2024, this ratio is set to reach 10:1. The rise in solar and wind deployment has driven wholesale prices down in some countries, occasionally below zero, particularly during peak periods of wind and solar generation. This lowers the potential for spot market earnings for producers and highlights the need for complementary investments in flexibility and storage capacity.

Investments in nuclear power are expected to pick up in 2024, with its share (9%) in clean power investments rising after two consecutive years of decline. Total investment in nuclear is projected to reach USD 80 billion in 2024, nearly double the 2018 level, which was the lowest point in a decade.

Grids have become a bottleneck for energy transitions, but investment is rising. After stagnating around USD 300 billion per year since 2015, spending is expected to hit USD 400 billion in 2024, driven by new policies and funding in Europe, the United States, China, and parts of Latin America. Advanced economies and China account for 80% of global grid spending. Investment in Latin America has almost doubled since 2021, notably in Colombia, Chile, and Brazil, where spending doubled in 2023 alone. However, investment remains worryingly low elsewhere.

Investments in battery storage are ramping up and are set to exceed USD 50 billion in 2024. But spending is highly concentrated. In 2023, for every dollar invested in battery storage in advanced economies and China, only one cent was invested in other EMDE.

Investment in energy efficiency and electrification in buildings and industry has been quite resilient, despite the economic headwinds. But most of the dynamism in the end-use sectors is coming from transport, where investment is set to reach new highs in 2024 (+8% compared to 2023), driven by strong electric vehicle (EV) sales.

The rise in clean energy spending is underpinned by emissions reduction goals, technological gains, energy security imperatives (particularly in the European Union), and an additional strategic element: major economies are deploying new industrial strategies to spur clean energy manufacturing and establish stronger market positions. Such policies can bring local benefits, although gaining a cost-competitive foothold in sectors with ample global capacity like solar PV can be challenging. Policy makers need to balance the costs and benefits of these programmes so that they increase the resilience of clean energy supply chains while maintaining gains from trade.

In the United States, investment in clean energy increases to an estimated more than USD 300 billion in 2024, 1.6 times the 2020 level and well ahead of the amount invested in fossil fuels. The European Union spends USD 370 billion on clean energy today, while China is set to spend almost USD 680 billion in 2024, supported by its large domestic market and rapid growth in the so-called “new three” industries: solar cells, lithium battery production and EV manufacturing.

Overall upstream oil and gas investment in 2024 is set to return to 2017 levels, but companies in the Middle East and Asia now account for a much larger share of the total

Change in upstream oil and gas investment by company type, 2017-2024, newly approved lng projects, led by the united states and qatar, bring a new wave of investment that could boost global lng export capacity by 50%, investment and cumulative capacity in lng liquefaction, 2015-2028, investment in fuel supply remains largely dominated by fossil fuels, although interest in low-emissions fuels is growing fast from a low base.

Upstream oil and gas investment is expected to increase by 7% in 2024 to reach USD 570 billion, following a 9% rise in 2023. This is being led by Middle East and Asian NOCs, which have increased their investments in oil and gas by over 50% since 2017, and which account for almost the entire rise in spending for 2023-2024.

Lower cost inflation means that the headline rise in spending results in an even larger rise in activity, by approximately 25% compared with 2022. Existing fields account for around 40% total oil and gas upstream investment, while another 33% goes to new fields and exploration. The remainder goes to tight oil and shale gas.

Most of the huge influx of cashflows to the oil and gas industry in 2022-2023 was either returned to shareholders, used to buy back shares or to pay down debt; these uses exceeded capital expenditure again in 2023. A surge in profits has also spurred a wave of mergers and acquisitions (M&A), especially among US shale companies, which represented 75% of M&A activity in 2023. Clean energy spending by oil and gas companies grew to around USD 30 billion in 2023 (of which just USD 1.5 billion was by NOCs), but this represents less than 4% of global capital investment on clean energy.

A significant wave of new investment is expected in LNG in the coming years as new liquefaction plants are built, primarily in the United States and Qatar. The concentration of projects looking to start operation in the second half of this decade could increase competition and raise costs for the limited number of specialised contractors in this area. For the moment, the prospect of ample gas supplies has not triggered a major reaction further down the value chain. The amount of new gas-fired power capacity being approved and coming online remains stable at around 50-60 GW per year.

Investment in coal has been rising steadily in recent years, and more than 50 GW of unabated coal-fired power generation was approved in 2023, the most since 2015, and almost all of this was in China.

Investment in low-emissions fuels is only 1.4% of the amount spent on fossil fuels (compared to about 0.5% a decade ago). There are some fast-growing areas. Investments in hydrogen electrolysers have risen to around USD 3 billion per year, although they remain constrained by uncertainty about demand and a lack of reliable offtakers. Investments in sustainable aviation fuels have reached USD 1 billion, while USD 800 million is going to direct air capture projects (a 140% increase from 2023). Some 20 commercial-scale carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) projects in seven countries reached final investment decision (FID) in 2023; according to company announcements, another 110 capture facilities, transport and storage projects could do the same in 2024.

Energy investment decisions are primarily driven and financed by the private sector, but governments have essential direct and indirect roles in shaping capital flows

Sources of investment in the energy sector, average 2018-2023, sources of finance in the energy sector, average 2018-2023, households are emerging as important actors for consumer-facing clean energy investments, highlighting the importance of affordability and access to capital, change in energy investment volume by region and fuel category, 2016 versus 2023, market sentiment around sustainable finance is down from the high point in 2021, with lower levels of sustainable debt issuances and inflows into sustainable funds, sustainable debt issuances, 2020-2023, sustainable fund launches, 2020-2023, energy transitions are reshaping how energy investment decisions are made, and by whom.

This year’s World Energy Investment report contains new analysis on sources of investments and sources of finance, making a clear distinction between those making investment decisions (governments, often via state-owned enterprises (SOEs), private firms and households) and the institutions providing the capital (the public sector, commercial lenders, and development finance institutions) to finance these investments.

Overall, most investments in the energy sector are made by corporates, with firms accounting for the largest share of investments in both the fossil fuel and clean energy sectors. However, there are significant country-by-country variations: half of all energy investments in EMDE are made by governments or SOEs, compared with just 15% in advanced economies. Investments by state-owned enterprises come mainly from national oil companies, notably in the Middle East and Asia where they have risen substantially in recent years, and among some state-owned utilities. The financial sustainability, investment strategies and the ability for SOEs to attract private capital therefore become a central issue for secure and affordable transitions.

The share of total energy investments made or decided by private households (if not necessarily financed by them directly) has doubled from 9% in 2015 to 18% today, thanks to the combined growth in rooftop solar installations, investments in buildings efficiency and electric vehicle purchases. For the moment, these investments are mainly made by wealthier households – and well-designed policies are essential to making clean energy technologies more accessible to all . A comparison shows that households have contributed to more than 40% of the increase in investment in clean energy spending since 2016 – by far the largest share. It was particularly pronounced in advanced economies, where, because of strong policy support, households accounted for nearly 60% of the growth in energy investments.

Three quarters of global energy investments today are funded from private and commercial sources, and around 25% from public finance, and just 1% from national and international development finance institutions (DFIs).

Other financing options for energy transition have faced challenges and are focused on advanced economies. In 2023, sustainable debt issuances exceeded USD 1 trillion for the third consecutive year, but were still 25% below their 2021 peak, as rising coupon rates dampened issuers’ borrowing appetite. Market sentiment for sustainable finance is wavering, with flows to ESG funds decreasing in 2023, due to potential higher returns elsewhere and credibility concerns. Transition finance is emerging to mobilise capital for high-emitting sectors, but greater harmonisation and credible standards are required for these instruments to reach scale.

A secure and affordable transitioning away from fossil fuels requires a major rebalancing of investments

Investment change in 2023-2024, and additional average annual change in investment in the net zero scenario, 2023-2030, a doubling of investments to triple renewables capacity and a tripling of spending to double efficiency: a steep hill needs climbing to keep 1.5°c within reach, investments in renewables, grids and battery storage in the net zero emissions by 2050 scenario, historical versus 2030, investments in end-use sectors in the net zero emissions by 2050 scenario, historical versus 2030, meeting cop28 goals requires a doubling of clean energy investment by 2030 worldwide, and a quadrupling in emde outside china, investments in renewables, grids, batteries and end use in the net zero emissions by 2050 scenario, 2024 and 2030, mobilising additional, affordable financing is the key to a safer and more sustainable future, breakdown of dfi financing by instrument, currency, technology and region, average 2019-2022, much greater efforts are needed to get on track to meet energy & climate goals, including those agreed at cop28.

Today’s investment trends are not aligned with the levels necessary for the world to have a chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and to achieve the interim goals agreed at COP28. The current momentum behind renewable power is impressive, and if the current spending trend continues, it would cover approximately two-thirds of the total investment needed to triple renewable capacity by 2030. But an extra USD 500 billion per year is required in the IEA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (NZE Scenario) to fill the gap completely (including spending for grids and battery storage). This equates to a doubling of current annual spending on renewable power generation, grids, and storage in 2030, in order to triple renewable capacity.

The goal of doubling the pace of energy efficiency improvement requires an even greater additional effort. While investment in the electrification of transport is relatively strong and brings important efficiency gains, investment in other efficiency measures – notably building retrofits – is well below where it needs to be: efficiency investments in buildings fell in 2023 and are expected to decline further in 2024. A tripling in the current annual rate of spending on efficiency and electrification – to about USD 1.9 trillion in 2030 – is needed to double the rate of energy efficiency improvements.

Anticipated oil and gas investment in 2024 is broadly in line with the level of investment required in 2030 in the Stated Policies Scenario, a scenario which sees oil and natural gas demand levelling off before 2030. However, global spare oil production capacity is already close to 6 million barrels per day (excluding Iran and Russia) and there is a shift expected in the coming years towards a buyers’ market for LNG. Against this backdrop, the risk of over-investment would be strong if the world moves swiftly to meet the net zero pledges and climate goals in the Announced Pledges Scenario (APS) and the NZE Scenario.

The NZE Scenario sees a major rebalancing of investments in fuel supply, away from fossil fuels and towards low-emissions fuels, such as bioenergy and low-emissions hydrogen, as well as CCUS. Achieving net zero emissions globally by 2050 would mean annual investment in oil, gas, and coal falls by more than half, from just over USD 1 trillion in 2024 to below USD 450 billion per year in 2030, while spending on low-emissions fuels increases tenfold, to about USD 200 billion in 2030 from just under USD 20 billion today.

The required increase in clean energy investments in the NZE Scenario is particularly steep in many emerging and developing economies. The cost of capital remains one of the largest barriers to investment in clean energy projects and infrastructure in many EMDE, with financing costs at least twice as high as in advanced economies as well as China. Macroeconomic and country-specific factors are the major contributors to the high cost of capital for clean energy projects, but so, too, are risks specific to the energy sector. Alongside actions by national policy makers, enhanced support from DFIs can play a major role in lowering financing costs and bringing in much larger volumes of private capital.

Targeted concessional support is particularly important for the least-developed countries that will otherwise struggle to access adequate capital. Our analysis shows cumulative financing for energy projects by DFIs was USD 470 billion between 2013 and 2021, with China-based DFIs accounting for slightly over half of the total. There was a significant reduction in financing for fossil fuel projects over this period, largely because of reduced Chinese support. However, this was not accompanied by a surge in support for clean energy projects. DFI support was provided almost exclusively (more than 90%) as debt (not all concessional) with only about 3% reported as equity financing and about 6% as grants. This debt was provided in hard currency or in the currency of donors, with almost no local-currency financing being reported.

The lack of local-currency lending pushes up borrowing costs and in many cases is the primary reason behind the much higher cost of capital in EMDE compared to advanced economies. High hedging costs often make this financing unaffordable to many of the least-developed countries and raises questions of debt sustainability. More attention is needed from DFIs to focus interventions on project de-risking that can mobilise much higher multiples of private capital.

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The Road to Carbon Neutrality The Future of Sustainable Energy According to the Executive Officer in Charge of Nuclear Energy Business

Issues surrounding energy market and expectations for nuclear energy, initiatives for effective use of nuclear energy by the next generation, contributing to the future through collaborative creation based on trust.

With the climate change problem growing more serious globally, public expectations for nuclear energy are rising as the world moves towards the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition to playing a role in improving global energy security and serving as a base-load power source, nuclear energy works together with renewable energy, playing an essential role in ensuring a stable power supply. Yasunori Inada, the Vice President and Executive Officer and CEO of Nuclear Energy Business Unit leading the nuclear energy business of the Hitachi Group, talks about the business vision, initiatives and future prospects in light of the expectations for and global trends in nuclear energy in recent years as energy-related geopolitical risks have surfaced in various parts of the world.

�\�\How will the energy market have to change to achieve the carbon neutrality of society? I think that the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 28) held last year was a good representation of global trends in the energy sector. Based on the information collected and the technology evaluated to date, it was pointed out that globally, the world's progress toward the goal of keeping the global temperature rise to 1.5 ��C, set in the Paris Agreement (COP 21/2015), has been delayed. In response, COP 28 participants published two joint declarations to triple the global electricity-generating capacity for both renewable energy and nuclear energy by 2050.

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Japan's progress toward its 2030 target and carbon neutrality in 2050 (Source) Excerpt from the materials for a meeting of the Ministry of the Environment's Global Environment Committee (held on June 26, 2023)

It was the first COP consensus document in which not only renewable energy, but also nuclear energy was officially specified as a solution to climate change. Nuclear energy is an energy source that does not emit CO 2 during the generation of electricity. In addition, it can supply a large amount of stable power both night and day, without being affected by weather conditions. Therefore, it is seen as a promising base-load power source. Additionally, demand for electricity has been growing remarkably in the IT field, which is calling for carbon neutral energy sources. It is estimated that the electricity consumption of data centers will grow rapidly if the utilization of data, including generative artificial intelligence (AI) which has been a hot topic of late, continues to increase at this rate. Therefore, it is understood that nuclear energy is essential for supplying a large amount of electricity to enable data centers to operate stably without emitting CO 2 . Recently, the number of requests from IT firms around the world for the construction of data centers with small modular reactors which can be installed even in places where the area of the site is small is increasing. While the global situation has been changing greatly since the COVID-19 pandemic, the severity of the climate change problem has been increasing every year. While changes in the energy market are accelerating toward the achievement of a carbon-neutral society, the roles of nuclear energy are attracting new attention, and realistic ways of using nuclear energy are being explored.

�\�\From a geopolitical perspective energy security must be ensured, in addition to the achievement of carbon neutrality. What is your view on the tasks that Japan must accomplish for energy security? The increase in energy prices, which began in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has reminded the world of the task of ensuring energy security, that is, maintaining a stable supply of energy in each country. Japan in particular is a resource-poor country that is dependent on imported fossil fuels. Because many nuclear power plants have been shut down since the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, more than 70% of energy generation is from thermal power plants, and the energy self-sufficiency rate, which used to be 20%, is no higher than 13% at present. In addition, since Japan is an island country, exchanging electricity with neighboring countries via cross-border power grids is impossible, which is different from Europe. Accordingly, Japan is extremely vulnerable to the impact of conflicts or the similar problems which may occur elsewhere in the world. I think I am not the only one who is deeply concerned about this reality.

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The figure shows the outlook for energy supply and demand in FY 2030 (Source) �gComprehensive Energy Statistics of Japan�h; 2022 preliminary figures published by the Agency for Natural Resources *The sum of the values shown may not be 100% in some cases for a reason of round values *Renewable energy here, including geothermal power, wind power, and solar power, but not hydroelectric power, includes unused energy

To improve Japan's energy security, it is important to reduce its dependence on thermal power generation and diversify the sources of its energy. I think that, to overcome this situation, we need to begin operating nuclear power plants again in Japan to increase their output, which is only 6% of the power generated at present, to a certain ratio while also moving ahead with the introduction of renewable energy. Increasing these percentages directly contributes to carbon neutrality. Further, in addition to energy diversity, their distribution, that is, having diverse energy sources distributed across the nation, is also important. If large-scale energy sources, such as thermal and nuclear power plants, are positioned in each region as a base and a certain amount of the energy demanded in each region can be generated from local renewable energy, such as solar or wind power, a stable power supply can be maintained even in an emergency, such as one of the increasingly serious natural disasters. This will increase Japan's resilience.

�\�\While the environment surrounding energy is changing, what are your feelings about the changes in the public opinion regarding the use of nuclear energy? According to opinion polls, the number of people who have positive opinions about nuclear energy are increasing, mainly among young people. We feel this change in recruitment. The number of students applying to Hitachi's nuclear energy department has increased 1.6 times from the previous year. On the whole, the number of people who understand the significance and features of nuclear energy and those who think seriously about the future of Japan and the energy problem seems to be increasing, mainly among the younger generations. I think this is the successful result of steady awareness-raising activities by people involved in the industry including ourselves, in addition to the diversification of information media. Of course, more than a few people have negative feelings about nuclear energy. This is not surprising because we experienced the great risks involved in nuclear energy in a visible way with the accident in Fukushima. As I have told you, however, there are risks in energy selection which are hard to realize in everyday life, such as risks generated by the increase in global warming that would be a result of failing to achieve carbon neutrality, as well as the risks created by the stagnation of the power supply. All of these risks threaten our livelihood and they could be fatal. I believe that the increase in the number of people with positive opinions about the use of nuclear energy, mainly among young people, signifies their mature awareness of these diverse risks and their willingness to make choices for the future while accepting a certain level of risk. In recent years, we have experienced the impact of the situation in Ukraine in the form of rising electricity prices. There is a clear difference in electricity prices between western and eastern Japan, which is attributed to the different nuclear power plant operating rates. I think this experience is serving as a catalyst encouraging people to think about the energy issue as a visible problem.

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Yasunori Inada, the Vice President and Executive Officer and CEO of Nuclear Energy Business Unit

�\�\Based on what you have told us, what role do you think Hitachi's nuclear energy business plays in supporting the energy infrastructure of Japan and the world? Our top priority is the decommissioning of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. I think the entire industry must work as one to complete this mission. Hitachi has been working actively on technology development and onsite work needed for specific tasks, including the removal of fuel debris, the handling of treated water, and the decontamination and environmental improvement of the plant premises. Our second role is to contribute to the improvement of Japan's energy security. As I said, it is important to increase the output from nuclear power plants to a certain ratio. Our role in this is fully supporting electric power companies toward the resumption of operations. We have been working together with the individual electric power companies for many years, aiming to comply with the new regulatory standards in Japan that reflect the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident. As a result, the resumption of operations is finally coming into sight now. I hope that resumption of operations will enable electric power companies to invest in more efficient technologies, resulting in a virtuous circle toward the solution of the energy problem in Japan. Finally, we contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society. To fulfill the globally growing demand for nuclear energy, we are developing highly innovative advanced boiling water reactor (HI-ABWR) and small modular reactor (SMR) by leveraging the technologies and experience that we have cultivated over many years. In particular, demand for small modular reactors has been growing overseas due to their lower cost, shorter construction period and high investment predictability. The BWRX-300 is a small light-water reactor that we are developing with GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, a joint venture with GE Vernova of the US. Construction of the first unit is planned in Canada, and we plan to receive orders for tens of units. If these reactors begin operating smoothly, we can contribute to the stable energy supply in countries overseas, which will increase the motivation of our young employees. Hitachi is also working on technology development on an ongoing basis in view of the next generation, including the development of a fast reactor and the establishment of a nuclear fuel cycle. In particular, the work of our highly motivated young human resources contributing to society in the future would make me happy.

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  • Hitachi's new reactors addressing diversified needs �\�\ The innovative light-water reactor HI-ABWR and the small light-water reactor BWRX-300

�\�\In closing, what tasks do the nuclear energy industry as a whole have to do toward this future and what are Hitachi's aspirations? First and foremost, the development of the human resources who support nuclear energy industry is a pressing task. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the construction and operation of nuclear power plants was suspended, and the situation has remained almost unchanged to date. This has resulted in an increase in employees of electric power companies who have never operated a nuclear power plant and employees of plant manufacturers who have never constructed or maintained a nuclear power plant. If this situation does not change, technologies and the knowledge of construction, operation, and maintenance is lost, even if the momentum for the use of nuclear energy increases, the human resources to support it could be absent. This is a pressing task that confronts the entire nuclear energy industry. To achieve this task, we are digitalizing knowledge by applying metaverse technologies and other technologies in collaboration with overseas partners. Having said that, nuclear energy is a comprehensive engineering science where experience counts at the end of the day. There are many things that you cannot understand without onsite experience. It is important to pass down technologies and knowledge while the people with experience in construction and operation are with us. Resuming the operation of plants and the construction of new plants is very meaningful from the perspective of human resource development. Moreover, trust is the most important part of moving the nuclear energy business forward. Playing a significant role in society and people's lives carries with it a certain amount of responsibility. This business cannot operate without the trust of not only our customers but also the people in the community and our partners. We also have the mission of continuing to share neutral and correct information widely in an easy-to-understand manner, which is even more important because we are a manufacturer with knowledge of the technologies. At Hitachi, we have been working since our founding to make society better with constant technological innovations, guided by our mission of contributing to society through the development of superior, original technology and products. The nuclear energy department, which overcomes issues one by one for sustainable energy in the future together with diverse partners including electric power companies, is also an important business for Hitachi's embodiment of its mission. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society in the future by globally engaging in collaborative creation based on trust, driven by the spirit that we have inherited from our predecessors.

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Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Since the beginning of the existence of this planet, the sun has been an important resource for sustaining both human and plant life. Plants, which we feed on, manufacture their food by using sunlight. Adequate exposure to sunlight has valuable health effects to humans. In addition, since historic times, man has employed the sunlight as a source of generating energy used for various industrial and household purposes.

Nonetheless, with the emergence of technology, man slowly turned from increased dependence on solar energy and adopted the use of fossil fuels and other forms of energy generation (Morris, 10). It is of essence to note that, with the depletion of fossil fuels, more emphasis is now being put on the use of solar energy as an alternate energy source. However, is its use beneficial, especially in this century?

The sunlight can be used in a number of different ways. Usually, it is converted into electricity through the use photovoltaic cells to power household and industrial electrical equipment. The advantages that the use of solar energy brings have made many people to adopt its use. As the current generation is waking up to the reality that the limited world’s resources are slowly becoming diminished, more emphasis has been put on the adoption of renewable energy sources.

However, despite these facts, some people have continued to milk the planet’s essential energy reservoirs without thinking of the next generation. Although the cost of a barrel of oil has escalated tremendously during this decade, the world’s thirst for oil has not been quenched.

A number of experts have projected that if the current trend continues uncontrolled, then the world’s demand for oil is likely to escalate by as high as sixty-five percent in the next two decades. Therefore, how will we meet all this demand for energy when the renewable resources are continually being depleted?

As an alternate energy source, the use of solar energy can go a long way in meeting the rise in the global demand for energy (DeGunther, 7). It is important to note that long after the other resources have been entirely exhausted from the face of the earth, solar energy will still be present.

So why have we not completely adopted its use? Some people have claimed that it is more cost effective to generate energy using fossil fuels. This has made renewable energy sources, such as the wind and sunlight, to go untapped. However, it seems as though this in no longer the case.

If the production of fossil fuels is cost effective, then why is it that the world’s consumption of energy far exceeds the amount that is supplied? And why has the grid been unable to meet adequately the increased demand for energy for home and industrial appliances? Currently, power failures are a common daily occurrence. That is why smart people have started to look for affordable alternatives for generating power. No wonder, solar energy have never disappointed them.

It has been said that the use of sunlight for energy generation is more expensive because of the exorbitant expenses incurred while installing the solar panels. On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that in the long run, solar panels save more money or they are ‘free’ once the fixing is done (Benduhn, 4). The meager costs incurred in their maintenance cannot be compared to the costs of the use of other sources of energy. The recovery period for these costs incurred is shorter as compared to the use electricity.

In addition, some governmental agencies are providing ambitious financial incentives for individuals who want to bring the benefits of solar energy to their homes. More over, some utility organizations practice net metering programs in which an individual sells his or her surplus energy to the organizations so as to reduce the costs of electricity bill.

Solar energy equipment also utilizes less amount of energy since they do not require any fuel to ensure that they are running. As a result, they are not directly affected by the ever rise and fall of fuel prices that sometimes leads to increased burdens on the use of renewable energy sources.

The continued dependence on the renewable sources of energy is even more costly. For example, it is approximated that in the United States, the cost of electricity has been increasing at about 6.5% every year for the past three decades (Peter, para. 2). The overwhelming escalation of electricity prices can lead to super-high energy costs in the future, if no adequate efforts are done to curb this unprecedented price increase through the adoption of the use of other cheaper alternative sources of energy.

Besides the high costs of conventional non-renewable sources of energy, the millions of tons of carbon dioxide and other dangerous chemicals produced annually due to the use of fossil fuels in the generation of energy are causing a lot of destruction to our beautiful planet. If no efforts are made to reduce the emission of the dangerous compounds to the atmosphere, then the future generation will hold us accountable for not adopting the use of other environmentally friendly sources of energy.

Some people argue that solar panels require a lot of space to accommodate them. They say that to achieve high-energy efficiency, the solar panels should be installed in a wide area of land. As much as this is true, it is not a cause of neglecting the adoption of solar energy as an alternate source of energy. How much land is now uninhabited in many places around the world? This land can be put to meaningful use by installing solar panels in such areas.

In addition, the adoption of some creative strategies can easily defeat this problem. For instance, some households and business enterprises have had their grid-connected solar panels attached to utility and light poles, people with extra space have filled them up with solar panels, and some people have even set up their solar panels on the rooftops.

Interestingly, the installation of solar panels is unconstrained by geographical limits. This implies that one can comfortably install them in the remotest part of a country since energy from the sun is available independently and one does not require a connection to a power or a gas grid for them to function. Therefore, as much as solar panels require adequate installation area, better ways of surmounting this problem are available.

It has been argued that the use of solar energy is dependant on weather conditions; therefore, this makes it to be unreliable as weather conditions usually change constantly. In addition, the opponents of solar energy have put forth that its production is only limited to during the day and hence it cannot adequately meet the needs of energy.

However, these inadequacies can be surmounted by building an efficient backup system or by practicing net metering. Because the production of solar energy relies on the location of the sun, fixing some parts in the solar panels will ensure they function optimally, regardless of the weather conditions.

Even though bad weather is able to lower the effectiveness of the solar panels, the effects are not very much extensive. For example, it has been estimated that even if the U.S. could get at least forty minutes of sunshine per day, it can be adequate to produce more energy than all the fossil fuels it uses on a yearly basis.

Therefore, despite its little inadequacies, the adoption of solar energy as an alternate energy source can reduce the usage of the planet’s precious fossil fuels that have been estimated to be undergoing depletion at a rate of more than 100,000 times faster than they are being created (Wanamingo, para. 3).

In conclusion, it is without doubt that our continued negligence to adopt the use of solar energy as an alternate energy source puts us in a tricky situation. This calls for the enactment of appropriate energy policies to increase the use of sunlight for the production of energy.

The world’s increased energy needs cannot be adequately met by the use of the diminishing non-renewable sources of energy. Therefore, the adoption of solar energy, which is abundant, readily available, and can never be depleted, is the best alternative to this problem.

Works Cited

Benduhn,Tea. Solar power . Pleasantville, NY: Weekly Reader Pub., 2009. Print.

DeGunther, Rik. Solar power your home for dummies. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley, 2010. Print.

Morris, Neil. Solar power . North Mankato, Minn.: Smart Apple Media, 2006. Print.

Peter, Kavar. “ Here Comes the Sun: Solar Energy Is Becoming More Attractive For Mainstream Consumers .” Affordable Solar Power. 2005. Web.

Wanamingo, Erica S. “ Solar energy .” TeenInk .com. TeenInk, n.d. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 17). Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-use-of-solar-energy-as-an-alternate-energy-source/

"Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy." IvyPanda , 17 May 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/the-use-of-solar-energy-as-an-alternate-energy-source/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy'. 17 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy." May 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-use-of-solar-energy-as-an-alternate-energy-source/.

1. IvyPanda . "Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy." May 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-use-of-solar-energy-as-an-alternate-energy-source/.


IvyPanda . "Solar Energy as an Alternative Source of Energy." May 17, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-use-of-solar-energy-as-an-alternate-energy-source/.


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