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How to Correctly Use the Titles Dr. & PhD With a Name

How to Reference a Person With a PhD

How to Reference a Person With a PhD

When someone has earned a Doctor of Philosophy, or Ph.D., degree, that person is subsequently referred to as “doctor” in formal speech. The same is true of a person who is a medical doctor, psychologist, dentist or veterinarian. In formal speech, that person should be referred to as “doctor.” However, the rules are different in written form when addressing someone who is called “doctor” in formal speech. In written form, the titles “Dr.” and “Ph.D.” are not interchangeable.

Determine the Type of Doctor

First, you should identify what type of doctor you are addressing. Doctors of medicine and psychology, doctors of dentistry and doctors of veterinary medicine must be addressed differently in comparison to academic doctors who have earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. Be advised that there are different types of doctoral degrees. A Doctor of Philosophy degree is just one kind of doctoral degree. There’s also, for example, a Doctor of Education doctoral degree and a Doctor of Psychology doctoral degree. The titles associated with the various doctoral degrees are not interchangeable. Only a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree should be addressed as Ph.D.

Addressing a Doctor in Writing

Place the title of “Dr.” before the name of a person who is a doctor of medicine or psychology, doctor of dentistry, or doctor of veterinary medicine. For example Dr. George Ross. Always write the word “doctor” in its abbreviated form when it goes before the person’s name. Never write, for example, Doctor George Ross. Do not combine the title of “Dr.” with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. Never write, for example, “Dr. George Ross, Ph.D.,” even if the person is a medical doctor who has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree. Pick one title. Do not use the “Dr.” title when referring to someone who is solely an academic doctor.

Put a comma followed by the title “Ph.D.” after the name of a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. For example Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Do not combine the title of “Ph.D.” with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. For instance, even if the person being addressed is a doctor of medicine who has also earned a Ph.D., never write, for example, Dr. Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Pick one title. Do not use the “Ph.D.” title when referring to someone who not earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree.

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Maya Austen began freelance writing in 2009. She has written for many online publications on a wide variety of topics ranging from physical fitness to amateur astronomy. She's also an author and e-book publisher. Austen has a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the New England Institute of Art and currently lives in Boston, Mass.

Academia Insider

How to use the PhD title and all the little doctorate “rules”

There are many conventions in the academic world that can make it difficult to navigate the PhD title. The PhD title is awarded to those who have completed a doctoral degree but, not many people know how to use it once they have it.

This article will go through everything you need to know about using the PhD title and when you can start using it.

The “rules” are relatively simple and can be broken as they are not officially set in stone – other than when you can officially call yourself a doctor.

There is no one correct answer but it may be misleading if you use the PhD title incorrectly. Here are the recommendations for effective communication.

It very much depends on the setting. Here are some examples of how I would use my PhD titles awarded to me after my PhD degree.

SituationPreferred titles
Full formal university businessDr Andrew Stapleton Ph.D, MChem
University emailsDr Andy Stapleton
Speaking to a primary school classDr Andy
Emails to students I am lecturingDr Stapleton
How I wish to be called while teaching university classesAndy

How do you Write PhD correctly after a name? Is it ph d or phd?

It can be confusing to know exactly how to write PhD after your name. Which bits are capitalised? Is there a ‘.’ In the middle?

When writing a name with a PhD after it, the correct way to do so is to use “PhD” or “Ph.D. or Ph.D”

Depending on the preference of the individual, either form can be used.

However, if the individual has a business card that states their degree in full, then the more formal “Doctor of Philosophy” should be used.

It is important to note that using “PhD” without any periods is incorrect; this abbreviation should only be used in informal contexts such as emails or text messages. I tend to use PhD in my YouTube videos and some people have pointed out that this is incorrect…

Following the individual’s preferred format will ensure that their name and credentials are properly represented.

Should you use Dr as well as PhD?

Some people like to use Dr and PhD in their official titles. There are a couple of important points that you need to know about markers and academic titles.

  • A person can have more than one marker in their name. For example my full title is Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD, MChem.
  • The doctor title at the front can be used as a variant to the PhD at the end.

It can be a little bit ambiguous if I was to use Dr Andrew Stapleton, PhD as there are two markers. This could mean that I have two PhD’s, it could mean that I have a PhD and a medical doctorate, or it could just be that I want to use both the doctor and the PhD tags for the one degree.

However, in my experience, I still like to use the doctor title at the front and the PhD tag at the end of my name for official purposes.

Academics would rarely use the PhD suffix in everyday communication. They would much rather just use the doctor title.

What is the proper title for a PhD?

The proper title for a PhD is Doctor of Philosophy. However, some teachers and professors like to be referred to without their official title.

If you are not sure about how your professor, lecturer, or friend with a PhD wishes to be officially addressed you can ask them.

Most of the time, I like to refer to my colleagues with their doctor title for official purposes, but I do not include the PhD at the end of their name. That is much better suited to a business card.

Your lecture may wish to be referred to as:

  • Dr [last name]
  • Dr [first name]

Asking them in the early stages of your relationship is the best way to work out which one they prefer.

If in doubt, always go for the more formal name and nomenclature.

When can you start to use your PhD title after your doctorate?

When you have earned your PhD, you can start using your title immediately. Although, it can be a little bit confusing as to when you have actually passed your PhD. Is it when you have submitted your dissertation? Is it when you have received the comments back?

The University of Adelaide says that you can use it from your conferral date:

Students can be conferred on one of five dates during the year and for PhD students the conferral date will be the first available following the completion of all the academic requirements of your degree, including final thesis lodgement and the disbursement of any outstanding financial obligations to the University.

I started using my PhD title as soon as my confirmation letter arrived at my house. It was the first letter from the University that referred to me as Dr Stapleton. It was incredibly excited.

Generally, it is acceptable to use the title “Dr.” both professionally and socially but socially, people very rarely use it – at least in Australia. But you should never use it if you are a PhD student, PhD candidate or enrolled in a PhD program without a previous PhD qualification. 

I do use it in professional settings but it always makes me feel a little bit awkward.

However, there may be some restrictions for certain settings. For example, if have a research degree resulting in a doctor title and you are working in a medical setting – some institutions do not like you to use Dr as it can confuse patients into thinking that you have a medical degree. 

Instead, they ask that you use the PhD tag at the end of your name rather than the doctoral title for official and professional communications.

What is the correct way to write PhD?

When writing about someone’s PhD, the correct way is to write the term in full and capitalize each letter.

This should be done for all academic degrees, not just PhDs.

For example, it would be “Doctor of Philosophy” or “PhD” instead of “Ph.D.”, “Dr.”, or “DPhil”.

Additionally, it is common to mention the field of study in which the degree was earned if known, such as “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”. It is also good practice to include the institution that granted the degree if it is a recognized one.

When writing about someone’s PhD, use proper capitalization and include relevant information like field of study and institution if known to ensure accuracy.

How do you put a PhD in a title?

Putting a PhD in a title is not as complicated as it may sound.

Generally speaking, the proper way to list a PhD in an academic or professional setting is by writing “Dr.” before the name, followed by the person’s full name and the appropriate abbreviations for their degree.

For example, if John Smith has earned a doctorate in psychology, his credentials would be listed as “Dr. John Smith, Ph.D.”

In some cases, such as when addressing someone formally in speech or on a business card, it may also be acceptable to list their credentials as “John Smith, Ph.D.”

Depending on context and personal preference, some people may also choose to list their higher degrees after their names by writing out the entire degree instead of just its abbreviation.

For example, John Smith could choose to write his full title as “John Smith, Doctor of Psychology”

However, I have not seen this in real academic life.

Should the font size of Ph.D. be the same as someone’s name?

The question of whether the font size of a Ph.D. should be the same as someone’s name is an interesting one.

On one hand, it could be argued that the Ph.D. deserves to be highlighted and therefore should be given a larger font size than someone’s name to denote its importance.

On the other, it could be argued that this would not be necessary or appropriate, and that treating everyone equally regardless of their title or degree is more important.

It depends on context and usage – if both names appear in the same document then they should likely have the same font size; however, if one appears in a formal setting such as a diploma or certificate, then it may make sense to give it a larger font size than someone’s name to emphasize its importance and significance.

Ph.Ds (or PhDs) are an important academic achievement and should be respected accordingly but without going overboard by giving them overly large fonts sizes which can take away from rather than add to their importance.

Wrapping up – doctoral title rules

this article has been over everything you need to know that using the PhD title properly and effectively.

The doctor title can be used in place of the PhD and for incredibly formal communications, such as a business email or card, you can use both.

However, sometimes using both can cause confusion as to whether or not there is a reason first using both the doctor and PhD tags. Nonetheless, many people still use both.

how to write md phd

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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Writing Explained

AP Style Academic Degrees

Home » AP Style » AP Style Academic Degrees

Sometimes it is necessary to establish the credentials of a subject in your text. When you need to do this, the AP Stylebook prefers you to write out the title of a degree in a phrase and to avoid using an abbreviation. For example,

  • Correct: John Smith, who has a doctorate in astronomy, showed us constellations in the night sky.
  • Wrong: John Smith, who has a Ph.D. in astronomy, showed us constellations in the night sky.

Bachelor Degree or Bachelor’s Degree?

AP Style states that you should use an apostrophe in bachelor’s degree and master’s degree. For example,

  • Correct: I have two bachelor’s degrees and one master’s degree.
  • Wrong: I have two bachelors degrees and one masters degree.
  • Wrong: I have two bachelor degrees and one master degree.

An associate degree, however, does not use an apostrophe. For example,

  • Correct: I received my associate degree before my bachelor’s.
  • Wrong: I received my associate’s degree.

There is also no apostrophe in Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, etc.

  • Correct: I have a Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics.
  • Wrong: I have a Bachelor’s of Arts in Linguistics.

Abbreviation of AP Style Academic Degrees

Use such abbreviations as B.S., M.S., LL.D., J.D., and Ph.D. only when you need to identify many individuals by degree on first reference and doing so in the AP Style academic degrees preferred way would be cumbersome. You should use abbreviations like these only after full names, never after just a last name.

When an academic abbreviation is used after a full name, commas should set it off. For example,

  • Charles Smith, Ph.D., will present tonight’s lecture.

You should never precede a name with a courtesy title for an academic degree and then also follow it with the abbreviation for the degree in the same reference. For example,

  • Wrong: Dr. Smith, Ph.D., will present tonight’s lecture.
  • Correct: Dr. Smith will present tonight’s lecture.
  • Correct: Charles Smith, Ph.D., will present tonight’s lecture.

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How to write your md phd essays.

how to write md phd

Reviewed by:

Luke Hartstein

Former Admissions Committee Member, NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Reviewed: 4/25/22

Suppose you’ve decided that pursuing the MD PhD dual degree is right for you. In that case, you may have noticed that the application process is slightly different than applying to MD programs at allopathic medical schools. Namely, besides submitting the required application materials through the AMCAS, MD PhDs must also write two additional essays: the MD PhD essay and the significant research experience essay.

Today’s guide will review what an MD PhD is, what you can expect from MD PhD dual degree programs, and how to apply to MD PhD programs in the United States. You will also learn how to write compelling MD PhD essays by utilizing our tips for making your essays stand out. 

Are you ready to succeed? Let’s dive right in.

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What is an MD PhD?

An MD PhD is also known as a physician-scientist or a medical scientist. An MD PhD holds both the Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) and the Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in scientific research. 

The difference between MDs and MD PhDs is that while MDs are typically in medical school for the traditional four years, MD PhDs must complete four years of medical training in addition to three to four years of training to become physician-scientists. 

In total, MD PhDs complete their dual degrees in seven to eight years, making their pathway long and challenging but ultimately rewarding for those who are passionate about conducting biomedical scientific research. 

In short, MD PhDs combine clinical medicine with scientific research and have comprehensive knowledge of important topics in medicine. According to the AAMC , physician-scientists research various topics in the following disciplines:

  • Biochemistry and Macromolecular Biophysics
  • Bioengineering and Biomedical Imaging
  • Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Chemical and Physical Sciences
  • Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
  • Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  • Molecular Biology and Genetics
  • Neuroscience
  • Pathology and Mechanisms of Disease
  • Pharmacology
  • Public Health, Epidemiology, and Preventative Medicine
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

What are MD PhD Programs?

MD PhD programs are dual degree programs that allow students to obtain their MD and PhD degrees simultaneously. The MD PhD curriculum is continuous, meaning you will work on both degrees throughout your medical and graduate school education. The following infographic provided by the AAMC breaks down what a typical MD PhD program looks like:

TimelineDescription automatically generated

Of course, there may be variations depending on the school’s curriculum, so be sure to check with the programs to which you apply to learn more about year-to-year coursework, training, and research. 

Currently, there are over 100 MD PhD programs in the United States, and over 40 programs are partially or fully funded by training grants known as MSTPs (Medical Science Training Programs). Because of these grants, most MD PhD students complete their dual degrees with very little or zero student debt. 

To decide which MD PhD program is right for you, you will have to do some preliminary research. Use the following checklist of questions to determine which program is a good fit:

  • Does the program have ample funding?
  • Is the location of the school desirable?
  • Is there a good balance between clinical training and research?
  • Does the school have a reputable history of strong publications and research?
  • Is the program multi-disciplinary, and will it provide plentiful topics to research?
  • Is clinical training introduced early in the program?
  • Are there mentors available to oversee research projects?
  • Are current MD PhD students satisfied with the program?
  • Are the school’s alumni performing high-level research and frequently publishing?
  • Does the program’s mission statement/culture align with your academic and career goals?

How to Apply to MD PhD Programs

Take a leaf out of Patrick's book: he got into six fully funded MD/ Phd programs with our help! 

The application process for MD PhD programs is similar to applying to MD programs. For most allopathic medical schools, you will use the AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service). 

Of course, not every medical school uses the AMCAS—osteopathic schools use the AACOMAS (American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service), and Texas medical schools use the TMDSAS (Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service). Be sure to verify that you are using the correct application service for the school to which you’re applying.

So, let’s revisit the AMCAS, as that will be the main application service you will use to apply to MD PhD programs. In the AMCAS, you must select “MD PhD” as the program to which you’re applying.

There are nine sections that you must complete in the AMCAS: ‍

Sections 1, 2, and 3

The first three sections in the AMCAS are where you will enter your basic information such as your name, background information, biographical information, identifiers, and the previous schools you have attended.

In section 4, you will enter all your information about course requirements (prerequisites) and school transcripts. 

In section 5, the AMCAS work and activities section, you will enter your relevant extracurricular activities , work experience, and hobbies . Strong extracurricular activities include, but are not limited to, clinical experience , medical shadowing , and volunteering .

However, the most important extracurricular you can participate in before applying to the MD PhD program is research . This goes without saying: You must showcase substantive research experience to gain a competitive edge over other candidates. Gaining substantive research experience requires some effort and commitment on your part. 

You should aim to have multiple summers of research experience throughout your undergrad program, and it is beneficial to have at least one year of continuous research experience. This may mean that you take a gap year before applying to the MD PhD program, but it will be well worth it to boost your application and show admissions officers your dedication and passion for research.

In section 6, you will upload all of your letters of recommendation . 

In section 7, you will select that you are applying to the MD PhD program. You will also enter any other information about the school, such as whether you’re applying for an early decision.

In section 8, you will enter your personal statement . For the MD PhD program, you will also submit two essays in addition to the personal statement. They are the MD PhD essay and the significant research experience essay. 

Section 9 ‍

In section 9, you will enter all information about standardized test scores, such as the MCAT .

How to Write Your MD PhD Essays

Tips to write MD/PHD Essays

The overall purpose of the MD PhD essay is to answer the question, “Why did you choose to apply to the MD PhD combined program?”

The MD PhD Essay

  • Demonstrates your reasons for pursuing the MD PhD dual degree program.
  • Focuses on why the combination of research and clinical medicine is right for you. (In other words, you can’t see yourself having just an MD or just a PhD. To feel the most fulfilled, you must combine both.) 
  • Shows that you are prepared for the rigors of both research and clinical medicine, not just one or the other.

Admissions committees want to ensure that the applicants they accept into the MD PhD program are devoted to the field. After all, why would anyone spend seven to eight years in research if they didn’t absolutely love it? 

To that end, the MD PhD essay must convince the admissions officers that you are passionate about research and can’t imagine doing anything except the work of a physician-scientist. 

To structure your MD PhD essay, follow academic and professional standards of writing. There should be a consistent format of an introduction, body, and conclusion. View the table below for a general outline of the MD PhD essay:

image of general outline of the MD PhD essay

A strong introduction immediately pulls the reader in and briefly summarizes your motivations for pursuing the MD PhD program. You can achieve this with a personal anecdote that neatly ties in your experience and goals. 

The body paragraphs are the meat of the content. You should detail how you prepared for a career as a physician-scientist by demonstrating your clinical and research experiences. Because of limited space, you should aim to write about two to three substantive experiences that showcase your strengths and what you learned. The body paragraphs should focus on quality rather than the number of experiences. The body paragraphs should also reinforce why the MD PhD path is right for you.

Finally, a strong conclusion leaves the reader with the impression that you are a strong candidate for the MD PhD program. You can achieve this by reiterating your motivations and goals, calling back to the introduction/personal anecdote, and concisely tying together your experiences. 

The Significant Research Experience Essay

The purpose of the significant research experience essay is right there in the title—to provide details about your significant research experiences. 

The significant research experience essay . . .

  • Provides details about your research projects and contributions.
  • Describes what you investigated and learned.
  • Discusses the durations of your research experiences.
  • Includes information about your mentors, such as their names and affiliations.

For the format of your significant research essay, you can structure it as a narrative that adheres to a general introduction, body, and conclusion. Or, you can structure the essay in entry format where each research experience has a subheading that includes identifying information about the research projects, mentors, and affiliations.

For example:

1. Professor X, MD/PhD, Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, February 2019 – March 2021

[Enter details about the experience here.]

If you prefer the entry format for your essay, it’s still a good idea to write one or two introductory sentences and a strong conclusion to tie everything together. Just because it is in entry format doesn’t mean it should be overly technical or indifferent. You should still aim to tell a compelling, unique narrative.

Tips for Making Your MD PhD Essays Stand Out ‍

To make your MD PhD essays stand out, use the following tips for success:

  • Be specific, not generic. While you shouldn’t weigh down your essays with overly technical jargon, it’s important to be specific in what you learned in terms of lessons and skills.
  • If you faced challenges, don’t write about the negative aspects, but emphasize a growth mindset and what you did to overcome the obstacles. 
  • According to the US News & World Report, very few MD PhD applicants identify a medical problem that they want to solve with their research. Use this to your advantage to stand out—admissions officers want to see a level of maturity and sophistication from applicants. It would go a long way if you described research experiences about a medical issue that you have personal connections with and aspire to solve with research.
  • Show, don’t tell. For example, instead of saying, “I improved my critical thinking and analytical skills while completing X research project,” demonstrate what that project was, your process of investigation, the outcomes you learned, and your flexibility in absorbing new information. If you show interesting narratives rather than tell, your essays will leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee.

1. What is the best pre-med major for MD PhD programs? ‍

Surprisingly, there is no best pre-med major for MD PhD programs, as medical schools do not have requirements for majors. Students are encouraged to pursue their passions and unique interests, even if that means majoring in non-science subjects (such as the liberal arts or the social sciences). That said, the most popular undergrad majors are in the biological sciences.

Whether you choose to major in the sciences or not, the only requirement you must fulfill is completing all prerequisite coursework. Every medical school has its own prerequisite coursework requirements, so verify that you are on track to complete all coursework, including labs. If you are unsure or need help with building your course schedule, speak with a pre-health advisor. 

2. Does it look better to have numerous research experiences? ‍

Yes and no. Find a balance. While you should have multiple substantive research experiences, the emphasis should be on “substantive.” In other words, aim for quality over quantity. What you learn and gain from your research experiences is more important than the number of experiences you have. 

Furthermore, having quality research experiences will make it easier for you to network with supervisors, mentors, colleagues, and peers. You can tap into this support system when you ask for letters of recommendation for your med school application. 

3. Can I have someone look at my essays before submitting them through the AMCAS? ‍

Yes! We strongly recommend that you spend time crafting your essays. Don’t simply type your essays in the application service and hit send. Write your essays over time, and expect to revise your drafts. Ask trusted peers, mentors, friends, or colleagues for their objective feedback. You can also consult with our team of experts.  ‍

4. What should I avoid in my MD PhD essays? ‍ ‍

  • Avoid clichés. You want your essays to be memorable to admissions committees who read thousands of these applications every year. Use language that’s compelling, descriptive, and tells a story. Make connections from your personal and professional experiences to the MD PhD program.
  • Avoid restating what’s already in your CV. You only have 3,000 characters, so every word counts. 
  • Avoid writing about negative experiences. Focus on positive reasons for pursuing the MD PhD and show a growth mindset. 
  • Avoid using a casual tone or language. Your essays should be academic and professional. 

5. Do I need to have publications before applying to MD PhD programs? ‍

Publications are not required for MD PhD programs, but having publications gives you a competitive edge over other candidates. Admissions officers are aware of how difficult it is to publish so early in your education, but if you do have publications, be sure to list them in your application. 

Also, keep in mind that regardless of your current contributions in research, whether or not you have publications, you must be knowledgeable about your research topics and have substantial research experience.  ‍

6. How many research experiences should I write about in my research experience essay? ‍

You should aim to write about two to three significant research experiences. This will give you a good balance of different research experiences to discuss, including what you learned and your contributions. Writing about two to three experiences will also ensure that you remain within the essay length requirement of the AMCAS, which is 3,000 characters.

Conclusion ‍

If you’re passionate about scientific research, the MD PhD dual degree is a great way to combine your love of clinical medicine and research. For most MD PhD programs, you will apply using the AMCAS. 

The application process is similar to traditional MD programs, but with the MD PhD, you will have to select that program within the application service. Additionally, you will have to write two essays specifically for the MD PhD program: the MD PhD essay and the significant research experience essay. 

To write strong, compelling MD PhD essays, persuade the admissions committee of your reasons for combining clinical medicine with research and why it’s the best pathway for you. Demonstrate how your research experiences have prepared you for a rewarding career as a physician-scientist. We wish you the best of luck as you pursue your MD PhD.

how to write md phd

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“M.D.” vs. “Ph.D.” vs. “Dr.”: Are They Synonyms?

Quick: when you hear the word doctor , what do you picture?

Most would probably describe someone in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging around their neck or someone in medical scrubs—someone you would seek out if you have a deep cut that needed stitches.

That word doctor , however, is a title assigned to many who don’t come close to that description, many of whom you wouldn’t want stitching up that cut. Take your English professor, for instance. No offense, Dr. Barrett. 

It can all be a bit confusing, which is why it’s important to know who and why someone might be called a doctor , as well as what all those initials and abbreviations after their name mean. Here we break it all down.

What does Dr. mean?

Let’s start with doctor or D r . for short. While the first definition of the word is “ a person licensed to practice medicine,” that doesn’t mean you want to take medical advice from anyone who calls themselves a doctor . There are many looser definitions of the word that follow and, frankly, make things a bit confusing.

For example, the third definition is older slang for a “cook, as at a camp or on a ship,” while the seventh entry is “an eminent scholar and teacher.” Bugs Bunny didn’t help matters either by plying anyone and everyone with his famous greeting,“What’s up, doc?” 

The term doctor can be traced back to the late 1200s, and it stems from a Latin word meaning “to teach.” It wasn’t used to describe a licensed medical practitioner until about 1400, and it wasn’t used as such with regularity until the late 1600s. It replaced the former word used for medical doctors— leech , which is now considered archaic. 

WATCH: When Did The Word "Doctor" Become Medical?

Physician vs. doctor : are these synonyms.

While the term physician is a synonym for doctor , it’s typically used to refer to those who practice general medicine rather than those who perform surgery, aka surgeons . 

A quack , on the other hand, is defined as “ a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill.”

What does M.D. mean?

Moving on to initials that carry more weight than a nod from Bugs, let’s look at M.D.s .

M.D. , which can be used with or without the periods ( M.D. or MD )  is the designation for a medical doctor. This is earned by attending medical school (typically a four-year program after completing at least one undergraduate degree, plus a residency program), and learning to diagnose patients’ symptoms and offer treatment. 

The initials M and D stem from the Latin title  Medicīnae Doctor. There are many different types of doctors, with different specialties, but if you have a physical ailment, visiting a doctor with the initials M.D. is a good place to start.

Specialty doctors may add even more initials to their title, such as DCN (doctor of clinical nutrition), DDS (doctor of dental surgery), or countless others they acquire with additional training. To make things even more confusing, some may add abbreviations from medical associations they belong to, such as FAAEM (Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine). 

Go Behind The Words!

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What does Ph.D. mean?

As for Ph.D. , this stands for “doctor of philosophy.” It stems from the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor.

You can get a Ph.D. in any number of subjects, from anthropology to mythological studies. It’s not an easy feat, however, as to earn one, you must do original research and write a dissertation . 

Ph.D. vs. M.D .: are these synonyms?

There are two big differences between Ph.D. s and M.D .s. When it comes to medicine, M.D.s can prescribe medications, and Ph.D.s can’t. And yes, it’s possible to be both an M.D. and a Ph.D. In fact, some med schools offer programs in which you can achieve both simultaneously. 

You can also get a professional doctorate degree in a number of fields. For example, you might receive a doctorate of education, an  Ed.D . 

So, in a nutshell, both M.D.s and Ph.Ds can be referred to as doctors . If you’re looking for someone to treat what ails you physically, then you want at least an M.D. following their name. If you want to dig deep into a subject and get advice from someone who has done their own research and who likely knows the latest and greatest developments in a particular area, then you’re probably looking for a Ph.D. And if someone has both, even better—depending on your needs, it may be just what the doctor ordered.

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How to Write Successful Md-PhD and Significant Research Experience Essays

Ivy Divider

MD-PhD Essay

The MD-PhD Essay is a straightforward “ Why essay ” — in other words, admissions is hoping to learn why you’re pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. This essay is limited to 3,000 characters, which comes out to about 500-600 words or one page single-spaced. 

In order to submit a winning MD-PhD essay, we recommend getting creative. Since these essays are so straightforward, it’s very easy for them to read as dry and impersonal. See if instead, you can tell admissions a story that will both answer the question, “Why are you pursuing a combined MD-PhD degree?” and reveal more information about yourself.

Maybe you want to open your essay with an anecdote from your dinner table in the late 90s, when you took your first stab at Operation (pun intended). Or perhaps your story starts at a cabin with your favorite relative, who encouraged you to find meaningful, rewarding work that serves your community. Regardless of where your story begins, try your best to frame it as just that: a story.  

Significant Research Essay

In addition to the MD-PhD Essay, you are required to write an essay that is frequently referred to as the Significant Research Experience Essay, which — you guessed it! — describes your noteworthy research experiences. In this essay, AMCAS asks applicants to specify their research supervisor’s name and affiliation, the duration of the study, the nature of the issue examined, and their specific contributions to the research effort. This essay is limited to 10,000 characters.

If your research resulted in a publication of which you were an author, you will also be asked to enter the full citation in the Work/Activities section of your application.

The Significant Research Experience essay is about as academic as they come, and for that reason, we advise you to stick to the facts. If you have notes, now is the time to reference them. If your research experience is lacking, use any extra space you have to focus on why the research experience was significant to you, and how you might continue to research this problem or event in the future.

Ultimately, like with all admissions essays, your goal for both of these assignments should be to give admissions a clear understanding of your background and the next steps you will take if you are accepted!

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Written by Kat Stubing

Category: Admissions , Uncategorized

Tags: MD-PhD essay , med school , med school admissions , medical school , medical school applications , medical school secondaries , Significant Research essay


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What's the proper order for multiple educational degrees/certificates?

Assuming someone has a PhD, MD, CISSP, CPA, CFA, MS, etc. etc. What's the proper way to order them after their name and is the comma needed after the last name? (i.e. Jane Smith, PhD, MD, etc. or John Smith MD, PhD, etc.)

  • personal-name
  • certification

Michael's user avatar

  • Why the down vote? –  Michael Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 20:38
  • Comma following depends on what comes next. –  GEdgar Commented Apr 27, 2017 at 20:41
  • 12 "John Smith" or maybe "John Smith, badass" –  JeffE Commented May 28, 2017 at 1:48
  • What context are you writing out their name? –  Malady Commented Oct 26, 2018 at 2:10

4 Answers 4

Questions over titling are almost always a matter of local convention and personal preference. You can read more than you wanted to know over at Wikipedia:

A few rules of thumb:

If you're naming someone in a friendly context then your biggest concern is usually etiquette rather than technical correctness. If someone insists on being called "Jane Doe, PhD, MD" rather than "Jane Doe, MD, PhD" then it would be incredibly rude to object to them. Most people would not care, but if in doubt you should ask.

If you're establishing the credibility of someone, such as in a piece of journalism, then you list only relevant degrees starting with the highest degree. Even if multiple degrees are relevant it's likely that one degree will be most relevant.

If you follow the cite note for US degrees in the Wikipedia link above, you'll eventually get to this page , in which a protocol expert says that this is the appropriate order, with ties within each category being broken alphabetically:

Don't list degrees that have been superseded by another degree. That is, don't say "John Doe, PhD, MS, BS" because the MS and BS degrees have been eclipsed by the PhD.

David's user avatar

  • That all said, "MD, PhD" is the typical order; and not all master's or bachelor's degrees are superseded by the next degree. I know a physician who goes with "MD, MS" although I have no idea what the MS is in. –  Azor Ahai -him- Commented May 21, 2019 at 17:05

This suggestion by David may be a reasonable one in many contexts, particularly where you want to give a succinct summary of the expertise of the person. However, there are some contexts where it is appropriate to list all the tertiary qualifications of a person, even if some are undergraduate degrees that are eclipsed by higher degrees in the same field. For example, some staff pages for academics list all the degrees held by those academics, even though the undergraduate degrees are usually eclipsed by a PhD. This is often useful because it allows the reader to see the educational progression of that person, how they started their tertiary education, and where it led.

Ben's user avatar

  • 2 The question seems to be specifically about listing titles immediately after a name, not about listing degrees on a CV or a webpage. –  David Ketcheson Commented May 21, 2019 at 15:41

I don't think there's a clear consensus on this (the best guide I can find on the subject is the AMA Manual of Style , though they suggest personal choice determines the primary order) but it's usually something like

Firstname Lastname, MD, PhD, ABC, XYZ

where ABC and XYZ may be professional affiliations or specialized degrees like MPH.

See also the Chicago Manual of Style , though they don't really specify one consistent order.

Harry's user avatar

My understanding is that two degrees may be listed if they are in different disciplines, even though in one discipline a degree may be lower in status. e.g. PhD, MPH where the PhD is in psychology and the MPH is in public health.

How else would one establish credentials in both fields.

Merrill Elias's user avatar

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Should I write "PhD" or "Ph.D."?

Question pretty self-explanatory. Should the abbreviation of the Latin term philosophiae doctor be written as PhD (no periods) or Ph.D. (with periods)?

  • abbreviations

benregn's user avatar

  • 1 You have a couple of correct answers below. Personally I avoid periods in abbreviations, so I would use PhD, just as I would say Washington DC using the postal code abbreviation DC rather than the historical abbreviation D.C. (District of Columbia). –  Wayne Commented May 17, 2011 at 12:38

6 Answers 6

Actually both are correct. I could easily find both on my NOAD, and there are plenty of pages on the net where you find it written as "PhD".

The OALD gives an interesting distinction, stating that Ph.D. is especially North American English.

Now, being a non-native speaker, I can only rely on official sources to state who uses what , but there's no doubt that both variants are used.

Lastly, I think there's really no point in distinguishing them as " Philosophiae Doctor " or " Doctor of Philosophy " because it's the same exact expression, although considering the abbreviation, the former is the correct and original long version, the latter is just the English translation.

JacKeown's user avatar

  • 1 Collins English Dictionary shows a separate abbreviation if you want to specify the degree in English: "DPhil". (Also at , just further down the page.) –  MT_Head Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:52
  • @MT_Head: Thanks for commenting. With "if you want to specify the degree in English" you mean "being unambiguous"? –  Alenanno Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:54
  • Indeed. To give an anecdotal example: in the company I used to work for, which was British, people didn't tend to use periods for abbreviations of degrees, e.g. MSc , PhD . I now work for an American company, where the convention is to use them, hence Ph.D. –  Steve Melnikoff Commented May 17, 2011 at 9:55
  • I see, I was thinking of that before honestly, since PhD (or PHD) can be other things too... Thanks for pointing it out! –  Alenanno Commented May 17, 2011 at 10:04
  • 6 @MT_Head DPhil is also what a PhD is called at Oxford. If you use DPhil then a BE speaker would assume you specifically mean Oxford. –  mgb Commented May 17, 2011 at 15:07

PhD and Ph.D. are both correct. Canadians tend to omit the periods and those from the U.S. tend to keep them. A reference grammar explains it like this:

2  abbreviations and acronyms 1  punctuation We usually write abbreviations without full stops in modern British English. Full stops (AmE ‘periods’) are normal in American English.   Mr (AmE Mr. ) = Mister (not usually written in full)   kg (AmE kg. ) = kilogram  […]

Quote source: Swan, Michael. Practical English Usage (Third Edition). page 2.

Kai Burghardt's user avatar

I tend to use both 'PhD' and 'Ph.D'. A DPhil is awarded at both Oxford Uni and Sussex Uni in England. All others award PhDs to my knowledge.

It bugs me when people use 'Dr' before their name and then also state the award following it. I feel it should be one or the other.

Simon Bignell's user avatar

  • Agree with Dr being used with PhD part. –  Failed Scientist Commented Jul 28, 2016 at 10:19
  • 4 "Oh, I'm going to get some cash out of this ATM machine." –  hBy2Py Commented Mar 31, 2017 at 17:00
  • 1 @hBy2Py : Ha! That's an example of the ironically named RAS syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome syndrome). According to Wikipedia the term was coined in 2001 in a light-hearted column in New Scientist, though I haven't a reference for the original article. On the original question, during my lifetime (started in the 1950s) in the UK there has been a slow but steady move to reduce the use of punctuation and capitalisation in print. This has been driven in part by the newspaper industry, though I can't give any source other than the say-so of journalist friends. –  Duckspindle Commented Sep 3, 2022 at 12:17

As many noted, both are accepted, so it is a matter of convention and taste.

The important is to be consistent with the other abbreviations you use throughout your text. Compare:

  • I got a Ph.D. in A.I. at U.C.L.A in the U.S.
  • I got a PhD in AI at UCLA in the US.

My personal preference goes for omitting periods, given that this is an abbreviation, following the Guardian style guide :

Do not use full points in abbreviations, or spaces between initials, including those in proper names

Matifou's user avatar

I remember discussing this with a trained secretary a long time ago. We eventually decided that the use of camel case (starting each abbreviated word in upper case) removes the need for the periods when abbreviating titles. However, when an abbreviation is relatively new or used in an unusual context, the periods help to avoid ambiguity.

For my own use, the overriding consideration is 'house style'. It is more important for a document to be internally consistent, to avoid confusion.

Bobble's user avatar

  • Bobble's "house style" consideration typically applies not just to a single document but also, as the name implies, to all documents emanating from the same "house". For example, my academic discipline (linguistics) traditionally employs the no-periods convention for all titles (not only PhD, MA, and BA but also Mr, Dr, and Prof), while the style enforcer at my academic institution (an American university) insists that I sprinkle periods around (for a total of 9 in my 6 examples). –  H Stephen Straight Commented Feb 12, 2013 at 22:32

The most common I have seen are:

I have rarely come across a Ph.D. (with two periods).

check123's user avatar

  • 28 Ugh. Ph.D looks like the inconsistent worst of all worlds. –  user1579 Commented May 17, 2011 at 16:57

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Honor & Respect Logo

How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

—- For more on the the use of Port-Nominal Abbreviations , see that page . —- For more on use of an Honorary Doctorate , see that page . How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

Here are the forms to use when addressing a person addressed as Dr. See the discussion below “How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name 1-2-3-4-5” for more information on who typically does use Dr. as part of their name and who does not.

—- Envelope or address block on letter or email to their office/place of work: ——– (Full Name), (Post-nominal abbreviation for doctorate held). ——– ( Name of office/place of work if  appropriate) ——– (Address)

—- Social/Personal envelope: ——– Dr. (Full Name) ——– (Address)

—- Salutation – for both official & social: ——– Dear Dr. (Surname):  How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

Robert Hickey author of “Honor & Respect”

How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name: 1-2-3-4-5

—- #1) Holders of doctorates who work in academia or research institutions are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ professionally and socially in a salutation or conversation. Thus, a Ph.D. professor at a college, a Ph.D. in biology doing scientific research, and a Ph.D. principal at an elementary school all use Dr. (Name) and everybody thinks it is normal.

—- NOTE: At some universities it is traditional to address faculty holding of academic doctorates as ‘Mr. (Name)’ or ‘Professor (Name)’ and not to address as ‘Dr. (Name)’. For those outside the academic community it is acceptable to follow the insider’s rule or to address holders of doctorates as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in writing or oral address.

—- #2) Protestant clergy with doctorates are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in a salutation or conversation. I specify ‘Protestant’ here because not all clergy is. For example, neither priests – addressed in a salutation or conversation as Father [Name] – nor rabbis – addressed as Rabbi [Name] –  holding doctorates are ever addressed as Dr. [Name] . In a salutation or conversation they stick with Father[Name] and Rabbi [Name].

—- #3) Holders of doctorates who work outside academia or research don’t always prefer to be addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’. in a salutation or conversation. —- —- A) In the USA ‘Dr.’ may be used depending on the work environment and/or when the degree isn’t pertinent to the conversation. E.g., a Ph.D. in finance working at a bank or a Ph.D. in American history working in software development are not likely to insist on being addressed as ‘ Dr. (Name)’ . But always ask for their preference. Use of, or omitting, the honorific can be a sensitive issue to some individuals! —- —- B) And, outside the U.S.A. everyone holding a doctorate will want to be addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ in every instance.

—- #4) In hospitals and healthcare environments historically there was a practice that only physicians (medical doctors, osteopaths, dentists, podiatrists, veterinarians, etc. ) are addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’. This was explained to be out of consideration for the patients who want to know who ‘the doctors’ are and who are nurses and allied healthcare professionals.

—- That made for some unhappy professionals who earned doctorates in hospital administration, pharmacy, physical therapy and nursing, etc. – who felt they too were properly addressed as ‘Dr. (Name)’ . It’s my understanding that today all the holders of doctorates are addressed as Dr. (Name) and hospitals (etc.) have figured out other ways to define which doctor is a physician, which is a physical therapist and which is a nurse anesthetist.

—- #5) All that said, ultimately how one is addressed by others is up to the individual and usually everyone goes along. For example, if you and I meet a woman who identifies herself as ‘Monsignor Alice’ … I think it is unlikely she’s a Roman Catholic Monsignor. And, it’s unusual she has only one name, like Pink, Rhianna, Sting, Cher, or Madonna. But we should directly address her in conversation as ‘Monsignor Alice,’ it’s nice to meet you …’ because that’s what she says her name is. How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

—- But, when she’s out of range, we will all be talking about her.

—- —- – Robert Hickey

Related Healthcare Links -V — — Chiropractor / Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine -V — — Dentist / Doctor of Dentistry -V — — Medical Doctor / Doctor of Medicine -V — — Military Physician / Armed Services -V — — Optometrist / Doctor of Optometry -V — — Osteopath / Doctor of Osteopathy -V — — Podiatrist / Doctor of Podiatry -V — — Veterinarian / Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

More Related Healthcare Links: -V — — Person holding a doctorate -V — — Pharmacist / Doctor of Pharmacy -V — — Psychologist -V — — Therapist

Related Links: —- —- —- Principal —- —- —- Headmaster —- —- —- President College University —- —- —- President of a School —- —- —- Chancellor —- —- —- Professor

When To Use Dr. (Name) and When To Use (Name), Ph.D.?

My daughter is receiving her Ph.D. and will be teaching. I would like to give her a name plate for her desk. Should it be ‘Dr. (Full Name)’ or ‘(Full Name), Ph.D. ‘? ——————- – AP

Dear AP,   How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

‘(Full Name), Ph.D.’ is the official form of her name. You will use it on the envelope, or in the address block of a letter, when you write to her with regard to her professional pursuits. This is the form the university will use when she is listed among the faculty. It is used by the degree holder, when specifying the exact degree is pertinent – like on business cards or in a list of academics.

‘Dr. (Full Name)’ is the social form of her name. You will use it when you write her name on a personal letter’s envelope, e.g., one sent to her home. This is the form everyone will use on the envelope when they send her a birthday or holiday card. It is rarely used by the degree holder since one does not correctly give oneself an honorific. The degree holder – in their signature or when introducing him or herself – just uses their name … no ‘Dr.’ It’s up to the other person to add the ‘Dr.’ E.g., I just introduce myself as ‘Robert Hickey’ – never ‘Mr. Robert Hickey.’

Sometimes you will observe a physician in a healthcare setting introducing him or herself as ‘Dr. (Name)’ – but there it is for the patient’s benefit to know they are the physician in a field of people wearing seemingly identical white coats!

‘Dr. (Surname)’ is the conversational form of her name. Use it both officially and socially in a letter’s salutation as well as in oral conversation.

So, for an office name plate use the official form of her name – (Full Name), Ph.D.

– Robert Hickey

how to write md phd

Doctors present the official form of their name to the public:  (Full Name) (Pertinent post-nominals for the service offered).   The social form of their name does not include their degree: Dr. (Full Name).   In both official and social salutations and conversations patients use Dr. (Name).

Forms of Address: How a conversation begins can have a huge impact on how the conversation - even the entire relationship - develops.

If My Doctorate is in Music, am I ‘Dr.’?

I hold a DMA, Doctorate in Music, from a Boston university and am a Church Music Director. Please could you advise me as to whether it is acceptable for the church where I work to list me in the service bulletins as: ‘Dr. (First name) + (Last name) ‘? —————- – CJ

Dear CJ: How to Use a Doctorate with your Name It is correct to list yourself in the bulletin using the professional form of your name … (First name) + (Last name), DMA.    It specifies your academic credential in your professional domain.

Among protestant denominations many address their clergy with a doctorate orally and in a salutation as  Dr. (Surname).   If your church is one of those, and it is your preference is to be Dr. (Surn, tell everyone that it is your preference to be addressed Dr. (Surname).

Usually academics and researchers who go by Dr. (Surname) professionally – use Dr. (Surname)  socially. But ultimately whether a particular Ph.D. holder is ‘Dr. (Name)’ socially … especially outside of healthcare, academia or research … is at the preference of the bearer. Some insist, some don’t care, others say they answer to anything they are called. Ultimately your name belongs to you and if you want to be Dr. (Surname), then it’s your right to request everyone address you that way.

– Robert Hickey   How to Use a Doctorate with your Name

May I Call Myself Dr. (Name)  if my Degree Is Not Related to the Service I Offer?

I have a Ph.D. and license in counseling. Recently I sent out an announcement for a yoga class I will be teaching. The state of Colorado says I should not teach yoga as   “Dr. (Name)”. How can I convince them I can? ——– – Kevin S., Ph.D., L.P.C., C.M.T., I.K.Y.T.A. ,  Counseling, Yoga Therapy, Integrative Health & Healing

Dear Dr. Kevin, How to Use a Doctorate with your Name

Your Ph.D. is in a field not related to the service you are offering.

A couple of typical practices I observe in the USA come to mind:

Professionals use with their name the degrees pertinent to their profession service. The degrees and certifications are provided for the benefit of the public so the public can quickly evaluate your credentials.

Here’s what I mean by pertinent . A pastor who would be the Reverend (Full Name)  & Pastor (Name) at church on Sundays, would not use the Reverend (Full Name) & Pastor (Name)  when teaching English Monday through Friday, at the local high school. That he or she is the Reverend  might be mentioned in a complete biography or introduction. It just isn’t part of his/her name at school.

So, I can see if you are using ‘Dr. (Name)’ when offering a class in yoga, and your doctorate is not directly to the service you are offering, say a doctorate physical therapy or kinesthetics …. it would be confusing to me … and the state officials must think it is misleading to the public.

– Robert Hickey How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name

how to write md phd

Should I Use Dr. or Ph.D. on an Invitation?

If a person holds a Ph.D., should his or her name be ‘Dr. (name)’ a wedding invitation? Or ‘( Name), Ph.D.’ ?  Is this true for the father of the bride?  The groom?  Is the rule for names on wedding invitations and wedding envelopes different that the guidelines for social correspondence? ————– – Beverly Russell, Winchester, Virginia

Dear Ms. Russell: Wedding invitations and their envelopes are social correspondence. Post-nominal abbreviations ( Ph.D. is a post nominal abbreviation) aren’t used on social correspondence:

—- —- DON’T use Ph.D.

—- —- DO use Dr. (Name)

Another question that typically comes up is whether to use Doctor or Dr. (spelled out or abbreviated) on the invitation or on the mailing envelope?

The rule is to spell out everything and not to use abbreviations unless space is an issue.

But, Mr., Mrs., Dr., and Ms. (for which there is no spelled-out version) are typically used on invitations and when addressing invitations in even the most formal circles. I think ‘Doctor (Name)’ looks oh-so-highly precious, but I know some wedding planners who would wrestle me to the mat on that one.

When Should You Use the Forms on this Page?

You can use these forms of address for any mode of communication: addressing a letter, invitation, card or Email. (If there are differences between the official and social forms of address, I will have mentioned the different forms.)  The form noted in the salutation is the same form you say when you say their name in conversation or when you greet them. ___ What I don’t cover on this site are  many things I do cover in my book: all the rules of forms of address, about names, international titles, precedence, complimentary closes, details on invitations, place cards, all sorts of introductions , etc. I hope you’ll get a copy of the book if you’d like the further detail.

Not Finding Your Answer?

—- #1)    At right  on desktops , at the bottom of every page on tablets and phones , is a list of all the offices, officials & topics covered on the site.

—- #2)   If you don’t see the official you seek included or your question answered send me an e-mail . I am pretty fast at sending a reply: usually the next day or so  (unless I am traveling.)   Note: I don’t have mailing or Email addresses for any of the officials and I don’t keep track of offices that exist only in history books.

—- #3)   If I think your question is of interest to others, Sometimes I post the question  – but always change all the specifics.

— Robert Hickey 

Recommended Resources:    The Protocol School of Washington (PSOW)  and  Protocol and Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association (PDI-POA)     For more information see the Protocol Resources page.

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  • Medical School Application

MD-PhD Programs: The Definitive Guide

Including a list of md-phd programs in the us and canada.

Featured Expert: Dr. Jacquelyn Paquet, MD

MD-PhD Programs

An MD-PhD program might be the right choice for you if the question “ Why do you want to be a doctor? ” leaves you feeling excited but a little unsure. Are you inspired to work in medicine but not interested in concentrating exclusively on clinical work? MD-PhD programs accept applicants who want to become physician-scientists, a career path that focuses on scientific innovation and research. 

In this definitive guide to MD-PhD programs, you will learn everything you need to know about applying, medical schools in North America that offer this program, admission requirements, funding for MD-PhD programs, and tips to help you get accepted!

>> Want us to help you get accepted? Schedule a free strategy call here . <<

Article Contents 1 min read

List of md-phd programs.

Many schools offer the MD-PhD program in Canada and the United States, and the number of available programs is growing. Here is an up-to-date list, which is also available on the AAMC website. Schools funded through MTSP are starred.

·       University of Alabama School of Medicine*

·       University of Arizona College of Medicine *

·       University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix

·       University of Arkansas College of Medicine

·       Loma Linda University School of Medicine

·       Stanford University School of Medicine*

·       University of California, Davis School of Medicine *

·       University of California, Irvine School of Medicine*

·       University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine*

·       University of California, San Diego School of Medicine*

·       University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine*

·       Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine

·       Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California

·       University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

·       University of Colorado Denver*

·       Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biological Sciences*

·       University of Connecticut School of Medicine

·       Yale University School of Medicine*

·       Georgetown University School of Medicine

·       Howard University College of Medicine

·       University of Florida College of Medicine

·       University of Miami Miller School of Medicine*

·       University of South Florida College of Medicine

·       University of Central Florida College of Medicine

·       Emory University School of Medicine*

·       Morehouse School of Medicine

·       Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University

·       Loyola University of Chicago - Stritch School of Medicine

·       Northwestern University Medical School *

·       Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science - Chicago Medical School

·       University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine (MTSP) *

·       University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine *

·       Carle Illinois College of Medicine

·       Indiana University School of Medicine *

·       University of Iowa College of Medicine *

·       University of Kansas School of Medicine

·       University of Kentucky College of Medicine

·       University of Louisville School of Medicine

·       Louisiana State University, New Orleans School of Medicine

·       Louisiana State University, Shreveport School of Medicine

·       Tulane University School of Medicine

·       Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine *

·       National Institutes of Health Intramural MD-PhD Partnership

·       Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

·       University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Medicine *

·       Boston University School of Medicine

·       Harvard Medical School *

·       Tufts University School of Medicine *

·       University of Massachusetts Medical School *

·       Michigan State University College of Medicine

·       University of Michigan Medical School *

·       Wayne State University School of Medicine

·       Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

·       Mayo Medical School *

·       University of Minnesota Medical School *

·       University of Mississippi School of Medicine

·       Saint Louis University School of Medicine

·       University of Missouri - Columbia School of Medicine

·       Washington University School of Medicine *

·       University of Nebraska College of Medicine

·       Creighton University School of Medicine

·       University of Nevada School of Medicine

·       Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

·       University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School

·       University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

·       Cooper Medical School of Rowan University

·       University of New Mexico School of Medicine

·       Albany Medical College

·       Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University *

·       Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons *

·       Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

·       Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD/PhD Program

·       Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai *

·       New York Medical College

·       New York University Grossman School of Medicine *

·       Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo

·       SUNY at Stony Brook Health Sciences Center *

·       SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine

·       SUNY Upstate Medical University

·       University of Rochester School of Medicine *

·       Wake Forest School of Medicine

·       Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

·       Duke University School of Medicine *

·       University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine *

·       University of North Dakota School of Medicine

·       Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine *

·       Northeastern Ohio College of Medicine

·       Ohio State University College of Medicine *

·       University of Cincinnati College of Medicine *

·       University of Toledo College of Medicine

·       Wright State University School of Medicine

·       University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

·       Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine *

·       Drexel University College of Medicine

·       Penn State University College of Medicine *

·       Perelman School of Medicine School of Medicine *

·       Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University  

·       University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine *

·       University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine  

·       Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University Philadelphia, Pa.

·       University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine

·       Brown University School of Medicine

·       Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine *

·       University of South Carolina School of Medicine

·       University of South Dakota School of Medicine

·       Meharry Medical College School of Medicine

·       East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine

·       University of Tennessee, Memphis College of Medicine

·       Vanderbilt University School of Medicine *

·       Baylor College of Medicine *

·       Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center College of Medicine

·       Texas Tech University School of Medicine

·       University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

·       McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center *

·       University of Texas, San Antonio Medical School *

·       University of Texas, Southwestern Med Center - Dallas *

·       University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine

·       University of Utah School of Medicine

·       University of Vermont College of Medicine

·       Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine

·       University of Virginia School of Medicine *

·       University of Washington School of Medicine *

·       Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine

·       West Virginia University School of Medicine

·       Medical College of Wisconsin *

·       University of Wisconsin Medical School *

·       McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Montreal, Quebec

·       McMaster University of Faculty of Health Sciences Hamilton, Ontario

·       Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, Newfoundland

·       Queen’s University School of Medicine Kingston, Ontario

·       Universite de Montreal Faculte de Medecine  Montréal, Québec

·       Universite de Sherbrooke Faculte de Medecine  Sherbrooke, Quebec

·       Universite Laval Faculte de Medecine  Québec, Québec

·       University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Edmonton, Alberta

·       University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Calgary, Alberta

·       University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine Vancouver, British Columbia

·       University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba

·       University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine Ottawa

·       University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Toronto, Ontario

·       University of Western Ontario London, Ontario

MD-PhD programs allow you to obtain a dual degree in medicine and research. When deciding between MD-PhD vs MD programs, it is important to know what MD-PhD programs entail. Upon graduation, students receive a combined degree with advanced, hands-on research training and expertise in a field of their choice.

“MD-PhD … students enter their first year of medical school and complete their pre-clerkship years. During this period they are likely exploring what they are interested in, solidifying their focus in research and seeking supervisors. Then they will take approximately 5 years off of their medical training to complete their PhD. They will then re-engage in their medical training completing their clerkship training, which will complete their program. MD-PhD is a rigorous program and the committee is looking for individuals who are academically strong and possess research skills to succeed in the PhD program. Applicants should be strong clinicians, thus having a breadth of leadership, extracurricular, volunteerism and research experience.” - Dr Jacquelyn Paquet, MD

Is the md-phd program right for me.

The MD-PhD program is for exceptional students interested in a career in medical research, but you’ll still need to be a well-rounded medical school applicant.

“For the MD-PhD they are wanting individuals to possess additional research skills, however recognizing the unique leadership positions of those with doctoral degrees, they are often situated in academic centers, thus involved in administrative and teaching roles as well! They are still wanting applicants to be strong clinicians, thus having a breadth of leadership, extracurricular, volunteerism and research experience are sought.” – Dr. Jacquelyn Paquet, MD.

Keep in mind that even if you choose not to pursue a dual degree program, MDs can still earn their PhDs—and vice versa!

“I pursued a PhD during residency. I had considered doing a MD-PhD as it would provide more opportunities to focus on research prior to initiating my residency training. I opted to complete my MD first and pursue my MSc and PhD during residency as I was concerned about having 5 years off between my pre-clerkship and clerkship years would impact my clinical skills.” – Dr. Jacquelyn Paquet, MD.

Finally, ask yourself, \u201c What is your greatest weakness? \u201d If the answer is research, an MD-PhD program might not be for you. However, if you are determined to pursue medicine and research simultaneously, the MD-PhD program is perfect! ","label":"Question to Ask Yourself","title":"Question to Ask Yourself"}]" code="tab4" template="BlogArticle">

Struggling to decide between MD-PhD and MD programs? Check out our video below!

The most important admission requirements and prerequisites for MD-PhD programs are your research background and lab experience. MD-PhD programs require the completion of a four-year undergraduate degree and background in the following disciplines:

2 years of clinical training to prepare you for residency. After clerkships, you will complete the USMLE Step 2 exam and any other MD requirements of your program.  "}]">

These medical school prerequisites are the baseline. Your academic record should include a variety of science and non-science courses. Admissions committees will note your coursework’s difficulty levels and academic improvement over time.

Check with your program of choice for specific course requirements.

We’ve compiled a list of our top tips for getting accepted into an MD-PhD program, based on expert advice and experience:


According to the latest AAMC statistics, the average GPA of MD-PhD matriculants is 3.7, while the average MCAT score is 511. If your academic record does not reflect these numbers, you need to get your grades up. Here are four ways you can start to get into medical school with a low GPA.

  • Re-enroll in classes you performed poorly in and get a higher grade.
  • Ask your instructors and teaching assistants for extra credit assignments.
  • Find a tutor to help with areas where you struggle.
  • Plan your school schedule to include subjects in which you excel.

Your MCAT score is an indicator of your academic prowess. Before you take the test, make sure you know what is a good MCAT score and when to start studying for the MCAT . Here are four strategies that can help your MCAT score.

  • Give yourself ample time to prepare.
  • Start by taking an MCAT practice test to determine areas for improvement.
  • Create an MCAT study schedule.
  • Take multiple practice tests to monitor improvement. If you consistently score at the 90% percentile in your practice tests, you can start planning to take the actual MCAT.

If you’re still wondering “ When should I take the MCAT ?”, read our blog for tips.

CASPer Test

If your schools require the completion of the Acuity Insights Suite, you will complete the Duet profile and CASPer test. Preparing for each component is challenging, but CASPer remains the most intimidating.

The CASPer test is an online situational judgment test designed to assess the suitability of students applying to professional schools. The timed format is challenging, so knowing how the CASPer test is scored is helpful. Learn how to prepare for CASPer and review these CASPer practice questions to ace your test!

“Thanks to BEMO I got a 4th quartile on my casper test!!!!! It took me long to understand the BEMO structure but practice and great coaching made the difference. Without BEMO I would of probably gotten a 2. So don’t hesitate signing up with them, if you are committed, you will also get a 4! Also, buy the BEMO casper book!” - Mike, Former BeMo Student

You will need to submit a total of three essays for the MD-PhD program:

  • Your personal statement,
  • The research interest statement , and
  • The MD PhD essay .

Note: If you’re applying through TMDSAS, you will need to submit the Dual Degree essay along with the other essay application components.

“In your personal statement you want to highlight your breadth and skillset in research and areas of interest. You also want to highlight how completing a PhD will make you a stronger clinician and if you are aware, how you see yourself fulfilling the roles of researcher and clinician.” – Dr. Jacquelyn Paquet, MD.

While your medical school personal statement answers the question “Why do you want to be a doctor?”, the MD-PhD specific essays demonstrate your research expertise and explain why you have chosen to pursue an MD-PhD. The significant research experience essay outlines your most valuable research experiences, including the nature of the work, your role and contributions, project length, and details about the principal investigators. Your MD-PhD essay tells the story of how you became involved in scientific research and how you want to apply your research to medical practice.

“I used BeMo consulting when applying to my MD/PhD programs this year. As a first time applicant to these programs, it can be overwhelming. Luckily, BeMo’s services are helpful and easy-to-use. They have a fast response and helped me greatly in writing my essays." -- Zhinan Liu, former BeMo student.

Want to know how to write an MD-PhD essay? Check out our video below!

Research Experience

As an MD-PhD program applicant, you must have research experience to demonstrate your exposure to research methods and techniques.

Dr. Monica Taneja, BeMo expert and Psychiatry resident at Harvard South Shore, reminds students that it is important to consider your own passion when finding research opportunities, not focusing solely on what you think the admission committee is looking for.

“I definitely felt that public health gave me a lot of unique opportunities to delve into research related to the social determinants of health and health equity. I noticed that research in this area was not as common compared to basic science or clinical research.” - Dr. Monica Taneja, MD, Harvard South Shore – Psychiatry.

Make sure you can identify what you learned from your research experiences – you will have to outline valuable lessons and skills you acquired in multiple parts of your MD-PhD application and interviews. To bolster your research background, try looking for research assistant positions.

  • Talk to your instructors and teaching assistants about participating in their research projects.
  • Check for research position postings on your school’s website.
  • Reach out to former instructors and ask about research opportunities.
  • Contact physicians you volunteered with or shadowed to find out if they are involved in research projects. Even if they are not, physicians can often recommend research-oriented organizations and medical professionals.

You need a strong application, including a research assistant cover letter and CV, to apply to research positions. If academia is your passion, you might want to look into special master’s programs . These graduate degrees are designed to enhance students’ medical school applications and may improve the quality of your research background.

Clinical experience is one of the essential extracurriculars for medical school , and having no clinical background will decrease your chances of being accepted to an MD-PhD program.

You can gain clinical experience through:

  • Working and volunteering in clinics, hospitals, and hospices.
  • Volunteering in long-term care and retirement homes.
  • Working as a health professional’s assistant.
  • Volunteering as a medical scribe or a personal caretaker.

Shadowing a physician can also increase your knowledge of clinical practice. Take note of memorable lessons you learn – they may be invaluable sources for your MD-PhD essays. Make sure you know how many shadowing hours are required for medical school to fulfill the requirement and how to ask to shadow a doct or.

Dr. Neel Mistry, MD, a graduate from the University of Ottawa medical school and a BeMo admissions expert, says this about his clinical experience:

“These experiences helped solidify my passion for medicine and why I wanted to become a doctor. I was able to draw on these experiences during my medical school application and the interview process.” - Dr Neel Mistry, MD

Md-phd residency.

As an MD-PhD student, you need to find residencies developed to train physician-scientists by fully integrating research into clinical training. The number of residency programs for MD-PhDs is growing, and a wide range of clinical specialty choices exist. During your dual degree program, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explore research in different medical specialties.

“By having an area of focus, it allows you to explore if you do want to indeed be a clinician-scientist in the area you have considered or if you have a different scope of the project that might lend itself better to a complimentary specialty. For instance, someone who is interested in head and neck cancers may be quite interested in pursuing otolaryngology however when they focus on their project, they recognize that they prefer the radiology or oncologic treatments and thus pursue interventional radiology, radiation oncology or oncology.” – Dr. Jacquelyn Paquet, MD.

You will use the ERAS application to apply to American residency programs and CaRMS to apply to programs in Canada.


Individuals with an MD-PhD have career options across academia, research institutions, healthcare organizations, and private industry. The versatility of an MD-PhD equips graduates to make significant contributions to medical practice and scientific innovation.

Career paths for MD-PhDs include:

  • Academic careers, working in universities or medical schools, where time is shared between patient care, teaching, and conducting research.
  • Leadership roles within healthcare organizations, directing research programs or shaping healthcare policy.
  • Private industry, such as pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology firms, or healthcare consulting.
  • Government agencies, advancing medical research and public health initiatives.


MD-PhD programs can take up to 8 years to complete. Factors influencing the duration include clinical and PhD requirements and research progress. Two common tracks are the 2-3-2 or 2-4-2, involving initial MD coursework, followed by PhD research, and concluding with clinical training.


Getting into an MD-PhD program can be harder because you have to meet the admission requirements for both the MD and PhD programs, and have research experience. MD-PhD programs can be very selective and highly competitive.  


MD-PhD program funding can include tuition waivers and a stipend to help cover the costs of living expenses. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) provides financial support to dozens of MD-PhD programs through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). These programs are extremely competitive as the funding offers a tuition allowance and a basic stipend, with most institutions supplementing the stipend.


While research is going to be the major focus of the MD-PhD, you must still have sufficient clinical and shadowing experience to assure that medicine is also a desired component of your career.


Most applicants do not have master’s degrees. However, some students pursue a special master’s program to gain valuable research experience and bolster their MD-PhD applications.


You do not need to have research experience in the medical field to qualify for MD-PhD. Many research skills are transferable across disciplines. As long as you learn valuable research skills and understand the process, your research experience can come from any field you like.


The quality of your research experience is most important. It is not necessary to be involved in dozens of research projects or make any ground-breaking scientific discoveries to enter the MD-PhD program. In your application, focus on what you have learned and accomplished and don't be afraid to discuss your setbacks in addition to your accomplishments.


Having published research can give you a competitive edge as not every applicant will have this experience. Keep in mind that you must have an in-depth understanding of this research because you will be asked about it during your interviews. However, many students apply directly out of undergrad and admissions committees understand that it is difficult to contribute to publication at such an early stage in your education.


Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) is an MD-PhD program that has been awarded a training grant (T32) from the National Institute of General Medical Science that financially supports trainees in the program. There are currently about 49 MD-PhD programs that have T32 awards. Non-MSTP MD-PhD programs also provide environments where students obtain outstanding dual-degree training.


Ideally, at least one of your writers will be the head of a research project in which you participated. It is important to have a person who can speak to your research skills and progress. Other writers can include professors and instructors, volunteer and work supervisors, athletics coaches, or a physician you worked with or whom you shadowed.


It is completely normal to change direction in your research throughout your studies and many students change their research fields after they gain more research experience.


It is certainly possible to become a physician-scientist without obtaining an MD-PhD degree. However, the joint program is the most effective way to become a physician-scientist. You can also complete an MD and PhD separately, but this route takes much longer. Some schools will let you transfer into their MD-PhD program if you've completed a year or two in their medical program.

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Md/phd and significant research essays examples/guidance.

First post here, but I'm applying MD/PhD this cycle and starting to work on my essays--there's a ton of info on the personal statement, but significantly less on how to structure and what makes good MD/PhD-specific essays! Wondering if anybody has any specific places to find examples or general good sources of guidance for these essays. Appreciate any help!

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how to write md phd

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What It's Like to Do an MD-PhD Program

New section.

Two medical students answer questions about what it's like to do an MD-PhD program.

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Elias (Eli) Wisdom

Undergraduate:   Pacific University, Oregon Major:   BS, Biology Medical school:  Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Anticipated Graduation Year:  2028 Bio: Eli Wisdom is an MD-PhD student at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) studying the molecular mechanisms of Parkinson’s Disease. He grew up in the small rural town of La Grande, Oregon, where he gained a deep appreciation for community and service and a fascination with the natural world. At Pacific University, he completed his degree in Biology while also playing varsity baseball. After graduating, he was as an Associate in Neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine for two years before starting an MD-PhD program. Outside of school, he enjoys competing in triathlons, camping, and spending time with family.

how to write md phd

Sreya Sanyal

Undergraduate:  New Jersey Institute of Technology        Major:  Biology & History Double Major Medical school:   Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Anticipated Graduation Year:  2031 Bio: Sreya Sanyal is a MD-PhD student at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Princeton University. She is Bengali, and she aspires to become a laboratory principal investigator in the field of oncology. Outside of academia, she enjoys singing, cooking, going to museums, and lifting at the gym.  

Why did you decide to pursue an MD-PhD program?

Eli:  As an undergraduate student, I found my first biomedical research experience to be quite thrilling, and seriously considered pursuing a career in research. Medical school had surfaced as an opportunity, too, as I was deeply passionate about serving others and caring for the sick, but I felt that basic science research was the backbone of advancing clinical care. I first learned about combined MD-PhD programs during my senior year when I was taking part in a summer research program at another academic institute. I learned that in a dual-degree program, I could become rigorously trained as a research scientist and as a physician — and could do both in my future career. To learn more, I reached out to a few physician-scientists who shared how much they loved their careers. In the clinic, their patients and associated medical problems provided new ideas for exploration in the laboratory. And in the laboratory, the insights they gained could inform the way they treated their patients. Sreya:  I’ve wanted to become an oncologist ever since I was 11 and my mother died from gastric cancer. When I shadowed hematologist oncologists in academic settings, I became more interested in their work in clinical trials and research. Entering college, I explored translational research through my undergraduate biomedical engineering lab experiences. As I met more people in the field of drug development and oncology, I realized that I wanted to be at the cutting edge of this work, but I still had the desire to see patients. Through a lot of soul searching and luck, I was able to embark on a career in medical research by pursuing an MD-PhD. Using my training as a physician-scientist, I plan to establish my own lab or work in other ways to improve translational research in the oncological space.

What kinds of career options does the MD-PhD program give you?

Eli:   From my experience, rigorous training in medicine and scientific research prepares you best for a career in academic medicine. This often means working at a large teaching hospital, where you have an opportunity to conduct independent scientific research, care for patients, and teach students. While it can differ depending on the medical specialty or the individual, a typical physician-scientist may spend 80% of their time conducting research and 20% caring for patients.  However, there are many other career paths available to MD-PhD graduates. Students may also pursue careers working for private research organizations, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, or government agencies.  Sreya:  In my experience as an MD-PhD student interested in oncology, I have a wide array of career options to explore. As a clinician-scientist, I can lead research teams and conduct studies in cancer biology, treatment approaches, and translational medicine. In these roles, I can also mentor students interested in my field, allowing me to advance scientific knowledge while shaping the next generation of researchers. Alternatively, I could directly impact patients' lives by increasing my clinical time spent as an oncologist, developing personalized treatment plans, and contributing to clinical trials. The pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries also present exciting opportunities for me where I would be able to work on drug development, clinical research, or medical affairs, playing an essential role in bringing innovative therapies to market. With my combined medical and research expertise, I am well-equipped to make a meaningful difference in oncology through various rewarding career paths.

What type of research experience did you have before entering the program?

Eli: I attended a liberal arts college where students engaged in scientific research through 2- to 4-month long classes, which were combined lecture and laboratory experiences. Building on excitement from these courses, I pursued a summer research internship at a large biomedical research institute the summer prior to my senior year. I loved this initial exposure to working in a high-powered scientific research center. From working in state-of-the-art reach laboratories, to solving scientific problems in creative ways, and watching physicians bounce between research and patient care — I was hooked.  Sreya:  Before starting my current program, I had two significant research experiences. First, I worked in a lab that focused on creating materials for drug delivery in the field of biomedical engineering. We used special gels to deliver important substances to specific parts of the body, which had significant effects on the surrounding tissues, such as promoting blood vessel growth and blocking certain enzymes. I spent about ten hours a week for three years in this lab and contributed to three published papers.

Secondly, I worked at a research institute where I studied mice that were genetically modified to show signs of anthrax toxin exposure. These modified toxins could be controlled to specifically target tumor cells in the body. I dedicated forty hours a week to this research, and as a result, we have two research papers in progress for publication

How did you prepare to apply to MD-PhD programs?

Eli: Since I had played varsity baseball throughout college (which was impactful training in its own right), I had limited time for research as an undergraduate. So, I decided to pursue an extended research position before applying to MD-PhD programs. After sending several emails to laboratories across the U.S. and applying to many formal postbacc research programs, I took a two-year job as a postgraduate researcher at an academic research institute. During my time working on a project in a laboratory, I also volunteered at the connected hospital. This allowed me to experience what it was like to conduct independent research during the first part of my day, then care for patients in the afternoon. This experience only confirmed my deeply held passions for both medicine and science, but also exposed me to the challenges that both careers entailed. I felt much more confident in my decision to pursue a dual-degree knowing these insights.

What is your favorite part about being an MD-PhD student?

Eli: Thus far, my favorite part of my training has been directly experiencing the intersection of clinical care and research. During the first two years of the MD-PhD, I was mainly focused on medical school courses and preparing for the first board exam. But now, as I am beginning my PhD, I am realizing how medical school has broadened my perspective. When I read research papers or craft a plan to tackle a hypothesis, I feel empowered with the knowledge I learned in my didactic medical school courses. For example, during one of my PhD research rotations, a scientist was having difficulty delivering a therapeutic to the brains of the mice they were studying. Immediately I recalled from my medical school courses how mannitol could be co-infused to transiently open the blood-brain barrier for drug delivery. It could easily be translated to this scenario. Similarly, my experiences with clinic patients have benefited from my MD-PhD training. Often, it can be as simple as the ability to explain to a patient or their family, the exact mechanism of a drug and the reason it could be effective for their ailment. Or, informing them about current basic science efforts in the field or current clinical trials they might be eligible for. As I advance further into my training, I am eager to see how clinical care and laboratory research can become even more intertwined. Sreya:  I am very excited to learn new techniques and approaches to my field of interest. I am also glad that for MD-PhD students in my program, there is a huge emphasis on lifestyle and work/life balance. Many students in my program have become engaged, or married, and are starting families, while many medical students may feel pressure to push these milestones off. Being an MD-PhD student is a huge commitment, so I am especially grateful for all of the personal and professional support my program has to offer.

What do you wish you’d known before you started the program?

Eli: I wish I had known how important it would be to keep an open mind about the research topics that interested me most. I began the MD-PhD program with a rigid focus on a certain topic, thinking that it was the only topic that gave me real excitement. It was also the topic I was most versed in and comfortable in. But during my medical school courses, I was suddenly overwhelmed with several fascinating questions and problems that all seemed equally thrilling. It took a fair bit of mental wrestling with myself to broaden my own research interests and muster up the courage to explore a field I was fascinated with even if I didn’t have the most experience in it quite yet. Luckily, MD-PhD programs are usually quite supportive of students exploring new topics of interest and are eager to see you follow your motivations.

Sreya:  One of the most important aspects to consider for MD-PhD students is the idea that this path is a marathon, not a sprint. There is a lot of temptation to overload on clubs, leadership, research, etc., to keep pace with MD colleagues, but in the long run, an MD-PhD is about the quality and depth of training. It’s important to build healthy habits, strong social relationships, and enjoy activities in a sustainable manner, since MD-PhD students have to do another graduate degree on top of medical training.

What advice would you give a student considering an MD-PhD program?

Eli:  My advice is to accrue as many experiences as you can in medicine and research before applying. Through these, you can understand if pursuing both an MD and a PhD is the best fit for you, or, if you’d be completely satisfied pursuing a career with only training in one discipline. If you can, shadow physicians at both large academic hospitals and private practices. This can teach you if you’d enjoy treating patients daily and give you insight into how your experience will vary based on the setting. Seek out research experiences as early as possible. This may be difficult to procure, but having a longitudinal research experience that encompasses the successes and failures of science will inform you if this should be your future career. If you can, ask for opportunities to experience what it’s like to write a grant or an academic research article. These are not easy to write, yet they encompass a significant amount of time for professional physician-scientists, so, it is important to learn if you’d enjoy (or at least tolerate) the academic writing load. Lastly, don’t be intimidated by the amount time it takes to complete an MD-PhD. Yes, it is longer than most post-graduate training and takes up a significant portion of your early life. But it is a unique and worthy career path that is much needed in service to society. Sreya:  My advice to anyone considering an MD-PhD would be to get both a variety and depth of research experiences. As a student, it’s very easy to continue down a path you already started, but you must try to explore before you commit to any one approach. MD-PhD programs appreciate students who know what they would like to research and the only way to discover this is to pursue broad research experiences. That said, once you find what drives and excites you, it’s important to stick with it and maintain good relationships with your PIs and mentors. It’s a small world among physician-scientists, so depth of work and networking will help you achieve and further your goals. Above all, remember that an MD-PhD is not necessary to do research as a physician. The goal of an MD-PhD is to provide the specific training needed to conduct research above and beyond what a physician alone can do. In this case, you must really be sure that research is fulfilling and allows you to achieve your career goals when applying to programs, as they will ask you about your aspirations.

  • @AAMCpremed

Translating Pre-Medical Experiences into Clinical Skills

Michael Foster | May 3, 2023

Your time before medical school is golden. It is a unique time to explore where your passions lie (both within and beyond medicine) and lay a strong foundation of the inter- and intrapersonal skills needed for you to be the best physician you can be. The best advice is simple: challenge yourself, be honest, and have fun! […]

The AAMC offers trusted resources and services to help you navigate the journey from premed to residency and beyond.

Information for Prospective Ph.D. Students

Phd in computer science.

Our Ph.D. program is designed for individuals aiming to pursue a career in computer science research. Applicants should have a strong background in computer science and demonstrate the ability to conduct research both independently and collaboratively 

PhD Degree Requirements

The Graduate Policy Manual details all of the information on degree requirements, but at a high level:

Our graduate students receive the training and are expected to develop a mastery of their field, gaining a broad familiarity with their discipline by the time they graduate. 

Requirements for the PhD Degree include:

  • Coursework: Six graduate-level courses covering four areas out of {artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, systems, databases, scientific computing, software engineering and programming languages, theory, and visual and geometric computing}, and two more graduate courses from any area. Also, 12 credit hours of CMSC 899 (Dissertation Research).
  • Proposal: You must pass an oral Ph.D. Preliminary Examination on a research proposal and prepared readings. This must be completed within five years of entering the program.
  • Defense: Finally, you must prepare a dissertation presenting an original contribution to the field of computer science and pass a final oral examination on your dissertation research. This must be done within four years after passing the Preliminary Examination.

Program Duration

Typically, full-time doctoral students will:

  • Become engaged in research in their first year.
  • Identify a dissertation adviser by the end of their second year.
  • Identify a dissertation topic by the end of their third year.
  • Secure admission to candidacy within 3-4 years.
  • Depend on the standards in their fields, publish at least one paper prior to advancing to candidacy, and several prior to graduating.
  • Complete all requirements and graduate within 4-6 years.

Financial Information

We are committed to funding all of our PhD students throughout their program,  contingent on making satisfactory progress. This is made possible with a combination of research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and fellowships. 

Assistantships and Stipends:

  • Guaranteed Assistantships: All PhD students are guaranteed assistantships upon admission. These include positions as research assistants (RAs) on funded projects or as teaching assistants (TAs).
  • Competitive Stipends: For the 2023-2024 academic year, stipends range from $29,000 to $31,000 for a 9.5-month appointment, based on educational background and experience. Opportunities to earn additional income during the summer are available through further assistantships or internships at external research labs and companies.
  • Tuition and Benefits: Teaching and research assistantships cover tuition for up to 10 credits per semester and provide health insurance, paralleling the benefits offered to university staff and faculty.

Tuition and Fees 

PhD students with full-time graduate assistantships receive tuition remission for up to 10 credits per semester, aligning with the typical enrollment of 6-9 credits. Half-time assistantships cover up to 5 credits. For detailed information about tuition rates and related expenses, please visit the Graduate Tuition & Fees .


Fellowships can be sourced both from within the University of Maryland and through external organizations:

  • Internal Fellowships: Offered directly by UMD or specific departments within the university. For details on these opportunities, you can check out UMD's Fellowship & Awards website .
  • External Fellowships: Examples include prestigious awards like the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships and Fulbright Fellowships . To apply for these, students should directly contact the administering agencies or seek assistance from the financial aid office at their current or UMD’s Fellowship Office .

To apply for these fellowships, you should contact the agency which administers them, check with the financial aid office in your current university, or contact UMD's Fellowship Office .

how to write md phd


Last Updated: June 25, 2024

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  5. Fully Funded PhD in Chemistry at Rutgers University



  1. MD-PhD Programs: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

    MD-PhD programs are designed to be completed in 7 to 8 years. A minority of students complete the program in 6 or 10 years. Here's what the typical MD-PhD curriculum looks like: Years 1-2 will be spent mostly on completing medical school coursework. Years 3-6 will consist mostly of PhD research. Years 7-8 will be spent mostly completing ...

  2. How to Write M.D.-Ph.D. Application Essays

    M.D.-Ph.D. applicants are usually expected to write more admissions essays than traditional medical school applicants. Pursuing an M.D.-Ph.D. degree, which combines the rigors of medical school ...

  3. How to Correctly Use the Titles Dr. & PhD With a Name

    Put a comma followed by the title "Ph.D." after the name of a person who has earned a Doctor of Philosophy doctoral degree. For example Stacey Childs, Ph.D. Do not combine the title of "Ph.D." with any other title even if the person could appropriately be addressed by a different title. For instance, even if the person being addressed ...

  4. How to use the PhD title and all the little doctorate "rules"

    When writing a name with a PhD after it, the correct way to do so is to use "PhD" or "Ph.D. or Ph.D". Depending on the preference of the individual, either form can be used. However, if the individual has a business card that states their degree in full, then the more formal "Doctor of Philosophy" should be used.

  5. MD PhD Essay: The Ultimate Guide

    MD PhD Essay: The Ultimate Guide. MD-PhD programs combine medical school training with the demands of scientific research. Graduates of these hybrid programs can pursue a variety of career paths, but the ultimate goal of MD PhD programs is to train physician-scientists. The MD PhD program is a long and difficult process, lasting between seven ...

  6. Is it correct for a PhD holder to sign as "Dr. J. Doe, PhD"?

    12. There are two important points to note about name markers that refer to academic titles: You can have more than one of these markers in your name: Kay Doe, PhD, MD indicates a person who is both a doctor of philosophy and a doctor of medicine. The marker Dr. can very often be used as a variant of the post-positioned markers.

  7. AP Style Academic Degrees

    Abbreviation of AP Style Academic Degrees. Use such abbreviations as B.S., M.S., LL.D., J.D., and Ph.D. only when you need to identify many individuals by degree on first reference and doing so in the AP Style academic degrees preferred way would be cumbersome. You should use abbreviations like these only after full names, never after just a ...

  8. How To Write Your MD PhD Essays

    To write strong, compelling MD PhD essays, persuade the admissions committee of your reasons for combining clinical medicine with research and why it's the best pathway for you. Demonstrate how your research experiences have prepared you for a rewarding career as a physician-scientist. We wish you the best of luck as you pursue your MD PhD.

  9. What's in a Name? Names With Titles in Them

    Here are some common examples of academic credentials and professional titles to omit from references and citations (note this is not an exhaustive list—anything in a similar vein will count): Academic degrees or. licenses to omit. Professional titles to omit. PhD, PsyD, EdD (any doctorate degree) Reverend (Rev.)

  10. MD-PhD Essay

    If you're applying to MD-PhD programs, you're required to provide two additional essays, the MD-PhD Essay and the Significant Research Experience Essay. Use the MD-PhD Essay to state your reasons for pursuing the combined MD-PhD degree. Your essay will be forwarded only to your designated MD-PhD programs. This essay is limited to 3,000 ...

  11. Considering an MD-PhD program? Here's what you should know

    Cost of attendance. Most MD-PhD programs grant entrants tuition-free training. In addition, most students in those tracks earn a stipend, which according to the AAMC report, can be as high as $38,000 annually. Harvey believes that the potential savings on education shouldn't be your top motivation for entering an MD-PhD program.

  12. phd

    In my experience it would be more common to use the title Dr in appropriate contexts, rather than adding PhD. The obvious exception would be a medical doctor with a PhD, who can then use both. @JessicaB It depends. For instance on a CV in the Czech Republic, I would list both my master and my PhD for the name.

  13. "M.D." vs. "Ph.D." vs. "Dr.": Are They Synonyms?

    Moving on to initials that carry more weight than a nod from Bugs, let's look at M.D.s. M.D., which can be used with or without the periods (M.D. or MD) is the designation for a medical doctor. This is earned by attending medical school (typically a four-year program after completing at least one undergraduate degree, plus a residency program ...

  14. How to Write Successful Md-PhD and Significant Research Experience

    In addition to the MD-PhD Essay, you are required to write an essay that is frequently referred to as the Significant Research Experience Essay, which — you guessed it! — describes your noteworthy research experiences. In this essay, AMCAS asks applicants to specify their research supervisor's name and affiliation, the duration of the ...

  15. education

    If someone insists on being called "Jane Doe, PhD, MD" rather than "Jane Doe, MD, PhD" then it would be incredibly rude to object to them. Most people would not care, but if in doubt you should ask. If you're establishing the credibility of someone, such as in a piece of journalism, then you list only relevant degrees starting with the highest ...

  16. abbreviations

    PhD and Ph.D. are both correct. Canadians tend to omit the periods and those from the U.S. tend to keep them. A reference grammar explains it like this: 2 abbreviations and acronyms. 1 punctuation. We usually write abbreviations without full stops in modern British English.

  17. PDF Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of ...

    Use MD, PhD, or the appropriate doctoral abbreviation after the individual's name. If a subject has both an MD and a PhD, list MD before PhD. Academic degrees after an individual's name should not run in headlines, subheadlines/ ... you write: Janet Jones earned a Bachelor of Science in religious studies from the University of

  18. Doctorate

    How to Use a Doctorate with Your Name: 1-2-3-4-5 —-#1) Holders of doctorates who work in academia or research institutions are addressed as 'Dr. (Name)' professionally and socially in a salutation or conversation.Thus, a Ph.D. professor at a college, a Ph.D. in biology doing scientific research, and a Ph.D. principal at an elementary school all use Dr. (Name) and everybody thinks it is ...

  19. How to plan, structure and write your PhD

    A Template To Help You Structure Your PhD's Theoretical Framework Chapter. In this guide, I explain how to use the theory framework template. The focus is on the practical things to consider when you're working with the template and how you can give your theory framework the rockstar treatment. Use our free tools, guides and templates to ...

  20. How To List the Order of Credentials After a Name

    Here are some tips to help you order your credentials after your name properly: Use commas. Use commas to separate the abbreviation for each of your credentials. This can make it easier for people to determine where one credential ends and the next credential begins. Double-check abbreviations.

  21. MD-PhD Programs: The Definitive Guide

    MD-PhD programs require the completion of a four-year undergraduate degree and background in the following disciplines: YEARS 1 & 2. 1 to 2 years of MD training in basic science concepts, after which you write the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1. YEARS 3, 4, & 5.

  22. MD/PhD and Significant Research Essays examples/guidance?

    First post here, but I'm applying MD/PhD this cycle and starting to work on my essays--there's a ton of info on the personal statement, but significantly less on how to structure and what makes good MD/PhD-specific essays! ... For the two similar lab experiences you might consider writing something like " Disease X is really bad and crummy. It ...

  23. Advice for surviving your PhD dissertation

    Tips for each step of researching, writing and refining a PhD dissertation. From initial research and writing to revision, defence and award, the journey to completing a PhD is often described as a marathon. Here, academics offer their insight on each step towards producing an original work of scholarship. Starting with choosing a supervisor ...

  24. What It's Like to Do an MD-PhD Program

    Elias (Eli) Wisdom. Undergraduate: Pacific University, Oregon Major: BS, Biology Medical school: Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Anticipated Graduation Year: 2028 Bio: Eli Wisdom is an MD-PhD student at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) studying the molecular mechanisms of Parkinson's Disease. He grew up in the small rural town of La Grande, Oregon, where he gained a deep ...

  25. Information for Prospective Ph.D. Students

    PhD in Computer ScienceOur Ph.D. program is designed for individuals aiming to pursue a career in computer science research. Applicants should have a strong background in computer science and demonstrate the ability to conduct research both independently and collaboratively PhD Degree RequirementsThe Graduate Policy Manual details all of the information on degree requirements, but at a high ...

  26. Terms of Use

    International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 5034A Thoroughbred Lane Brentwood, TN 37027 USA Phone: +1-615-647-8261 Fax: +1-615-523-1715 [email protected]