How To Use Home Tab Options In MS Word

In this lesson, you will learn How To Use Home Tab Options In MS Word . This lesson will discuss the groups and commands available in home tab in creating word document.

What is Home tab in MS Word?

The Home Tab in MS Word is where you can find basic information about how text looks when it’s printed or shown online. It lets you use both direct formatting and formatting based on styles. Styles take up a lot of space in Word because they are such an important part of using it well.

Table of contents

How many groups are in the home tab of ms word , home tab in ms word features.

The Microsoft Word Home tab provides many features to users, including the following.

Shortcut Keys of MS Word Home Tab

Home tab in MS Word Use this keyboard shortcut: Alt+H to see the keyboard shortcuts for items. When the button is pressed, the keys to press for each item in the Home tab are shown, as shown in the picture below .

What are the Parts of Home tab in MS Word?

Clipboard of ms word home tab.

Clicking on the dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of this group brings up the Clipboard task pane quickly.

Command Button of MS Word Home Tab Clipboard

Font group of ms word home tab.

The Font Group of the MS Word Home Tab contains all of the character formatting commands. By clicking the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group, you can quickly display the “Font” dialog box.

Command of MS Word Home Tab Font

Paragraph group of home tab.

You can quickly open the “Paragraph” dialog box by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

List of Commands in the Paragraph Group of the Home Tab

begin in the upper left corner. The appearance of bullet lists can be customized by clicking the drop-down arrow. Indent a list item and create a sub bulleted item by pressing “Tab” on the keyboard.
Numbered lists are like bullet lists, but they list events in order. The drop-down arrow allows list customization. Tab creates a sub number and indents a list item.
Multi-Level Lists follow Numbered Lists. Multi-Level Lists allow users to customize sub-lists.
The right increase/decrease indent icons move chosen text five spaces right or left or to the next tab. Right indentation creates sub-bullets or sub-numbers. Left indentation doesn’t.
The Sort icon arranges text after an increase/decrease indent. It’s for Word tables.
Show/Hide Paragraph group’s top right. Formatting icon reveals document formatting options. This helps users suspect erroneous document formatting. Missing formatting.
Bottom row: Paragraph Alignment. The options align the selected text to the left, center, right, and justified, which evenly distributes content between the margins. Left-aligned Word documents are the default.
Paragraph alignment icons are next to Line & Paragraph Spacing. Line and paragraph spacing are set here. Spacing increases paragraph readability. Users can customize “Line Spacing Options”
Text, tables, and paragraphs can be shaded to change their background color. It’s for flyers and Word documents.
The Page Borders icon creates borders around text and paragraphs. There are endless borders. Borders divide paragraphs.

Styles Group

A style group in the home tab is a collection of formatting attributes that you can apply to text, tables, and lists in your document to alter their appearance quickly. When you apply a style, you apply a variety of formats in a single, straightforward operation.

You can quickly toggle the display of the Styles Task Pane by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

Editing Group of MS Word Home Tab

The voice group has a dictation command that lets you speak into your computer and have it turn it into text. Both the desktop version of Word 2019 and the online version (Office 365) have the dictation feature.

Reuse Files

Reuse Files  – Displays the Search task pane.

MS Word Home Tab Short Cut Keys

Bold CTRL + B OR
Center ParaCTRL + E
Copy FormatCTRL + SHIFT + C
Distribute ParaCTRL + SHIFT + J
Edit Copy  CTRL + CTRL + C OR
Edit CutCTRL + X OR
Edit FindCTRL + F
Edit Go ToCTRL + G OR
Edit Paste
Edit Select AllCTRL + A
Font Size SelectCTRL + SHIFT + P

We hope this tutorial helps you as you plan to create a document in MS Word.

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The Home Tab in Word 2007 - Word 2021(365) ). Although the program Word for the Mac has a similar Home tab, this page describes the Windows version. In particular, the Mac program does not have Dialog Launcher button which give access to more controls.

Tab - the basic workspace in a document:

I suspect that many Word users seldom stray from the Home Tab. They are missing many opportunities to make Word work for them, but that is not the topic of this page. On this page I intend to examine the control groups on the Home Tab and what each of the controls does. This leads into the Font and Paragraph dialogs and the Clipboard functions of Word.

-- -- -- -- --


Word 2019/365 has added a sixth group at the far right: Voice. It holds a Dictate button.

I do not pretend to know what every control does, especially the ones on the dialog boxes. I will tell you what I know. If I am speculating or guessing, I will try to make that clear. As I learn more, this page will be changed. This is a "work in progress."


The clipboard group is on the far left of the Home Tab. It is often used in conjunction with the , which is on the far right of that tab.

Button Drop-Down - Ctrl Key Result   

(with options) : I have been told that when Microsoft studied Word users, they discovered that the most used Command was "Paste"
so when they redesigned the user interface, they decided to give this command prominence as the first button people would see.
(The keyboard shortcut in most Windows programs including all versions of Word is .)
The Paste button is actually a drop-down menu of paste choices which is similar to the paste options you see after you paste
if you use the the shortcut.

The Copy Button also puts selected text or graphics into the Clipboard. It remains where it is, though. The keyboard equivalent for this is Ctrl+C .  

The Format Painter (Brush) ( Ctrl+Shift+C to copy formatting, Ctrl+Shift+V to paste formatting)

Button is the mouse equivalent of .

These all work with the Office Clipboard as well as the System Clipboard. You can see what is in the Office Clipboard by clicking on the dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of the Clipboard group. (Again, the Mac program does not use Dialog Launchers.)

rather than the Format Painter. In the long run it will make your life much simpler.

The top of the Office Clipboard Task Pane will tell you the number of items in the clipboard out of the possible 24. If, with the Clipboard Task Pane showing, you click on one of the items, it will be pasted into your document at the current insertion point even if it was not the last item placed in the clipboard.


Note, the (Windows) System Clipboard holds the last item cut or copied. It only holds one item.

Clipboard -- Font -- Paragraph -- Styles -- Editing -- Voice (2019)

The Font Group

The font group has to do with how characters look. It is distinguished from the paragraph group where the formatting handles the entire paragraph. I am going to divide these controls into three parts: Controls that give you direct formatting or erase that formatting, A Control that changes the Case of text but is not formatting, and Controls that change how the text looks but are not considered formatting. Let's look at the last two types, first, because there are only two of them. Change Case : - Note that Small Caps is not one of the options. Highlighting : - Highlighting is not considered formatting in Word Highlighting cannot be part of a Style definition (unlike shading) and is not reversed by the Clear Formatting button. Next is the Oops button: Clear Formatting, which will strip the effects of the other buttons in the font group from selected text. Clear All Formatting This says it clears all formatting. This is not accurate. It clears all direct formatting, the same as using Ctrl+Spacebar and Ctrl+Q. . It then changes the paragraph style to the Normal style. The Clear Formatting button will clear any of the formatting applied by the remaining buttons in the Font Group or direct paragraph formatting as well as any style formatting. The following are all considered Direct Formatting by Word and can be cleared by the Clear Formatting button (or by Ctrl+Spacebar ). Font Dropdown and Font Size Dropdown These have been a part of Word since at least Word 97. You can click on them to give a list to select from or you can type in them. In the size window you can type a size that is not on the dropdown list. In the Font window you can start typing the name of a font and it will fill in the first font name that fits as you type.   Increase Font Size - Grow Font Decrease Font Size - Shrink Font These two buttons will increase/decrease the size of selected text. The increments are according to the font sizes shown in the dropdown for fonts except that for smaller sizes it will go in increments of one that can be lower than any shown. The minimum is 1.   Bold (Ctrl+B) Italic (Ctrl+I) These two buttons apply Bold or Italic formatting to text. When the insertion point is inside text that has been formatted as bold or Italic, these buttons will be shaded. Bold and Italic are toggle formatting. I.e., if you apply bold to text that is already bold, it is turned off. Both can be applied to the same text, so that you can have text formatted Bold and Italic . I tend to use the Strong and Emphasis character styles instead of the direct formatting in case of a theme change. There is no built-in style for that. Applying the style is not a toggle.   Underline (with options) (Ctrl+U) Clicking on the Underline button will underscore your text. Clicking the little triangle on the right will give you options for the type of underline you want. Once you select an option, that option is active during your Word session (including in different documents). The Underline Color brings up a palette. More Underlines... brings up the Font dialog box which has access to even more underline types. You can only apply one type of underlining to a character. This is character formatting so you could apply different types to different characters in the same word. If text is already underlined and you click on the Underline button, the underlining will be removed.   Strikethrough The Strikethrough button gives you a single line through selected text. A double line is possible through the Font Formatting dialog box ( below ). If this button is clicked on text that already has double-line strikethrough, it changes it to single-line. If it is clicked on text that already has single-line strikethrough, that is removed. The Strikethrough button will be shaded if selected text has a single underline applied.   Subscript Superscript These decrease the font size proportionally and lower or raise the baseline. These buttons are toggles and will be shaded when text is selected to which they apply.   Text Effects Text Effects lets you apply WordArt type appearance to text in the body of your document. Unlike WordArt, Text Effects can be applied using Styles . The Text Effects button is available beginning with Word 2010. The screenshot above is from Word 2013; the last three choices in the menu are not available in Word 2010. This works as a gallery, changing the appearance of text as you mouse-over a type. Also, as you mouse-over, if you pause, you will see background information on the effect. The Text Effects button only works as a drop-down. Unlike the Underline , Highlighting , and Color buttons which also allow choices, it will not apply an effect upon being clicked. You need to pick something. Text Effects work best on larger-size text. On body-size text they will make the text unreadable. For access to all of the options, you need to use the Dialog Launcher . I do not pretend to understand all of the choices in this. Here is an Office-Watch page on them.   Font Color If you simply click on the font color button, it will give you the color shown. That color will be the last one applied to text in your Word session. If you click on the drop-down, it gives you selections and menu choices. I try to use Theme colors when they work. That is because if a theme is changed, the color is more likely to fit in. More Colors gives you access to the full palette Gradient allows setting multiple colors fading - this is much more effective with larger text.   Font Dialog Launcher (Ctrl+D) As with many of the Groups on the Ribbon, the Font Group has a dialog launcher button in the bottom right corner. An alternative for reaching this dialog box is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D . This opens a dialog box that gives control over multiple options and gives more options than do the buttons on the Ribbon. Two not available on the Ribbon buttons are Double strikethrough, and S MALL C APS. In addition, the Underline style gives access to many different kinds of underscores. The Preview box at the bottom previews what you are setting. Under that are buttons that let you set these settings as the default for new documents (based on this template), for text effects , and OK/Cancel. Even more options are available on the Advanced tab of the font dialog box: These have to do with character rather than line spacing. Exploration of these options is beyond the scope of this page.   Clipboard -- Font -- Paragraph -- Styles -- Editing -- Voice (2019)  

The Paragraph Group

Bullets and Numbering is the top-right section of the paragraph group. For simple documents that will not need much editing, these will work fine. Bullets The first button is for bullets. Clicking on the bullet button will give you a bullet, the type of bullet will be the last type used by you. Following paragraphs will have the same bullet type. When you press the Enter key to create a new paragraph in an empty line, Word will discontinue use of bullets. When you click on the button, Word changes the indents to add a "hanging indent" that indents both the bullet and the associated text. Clicking on the down-pointing triangle will give you choices. You can also choose to define your own bullet icon. For documents that are going to be heavily edited or with multiple kinds of bullets, I recommend use of bullets linked to Styles. See How to control bullets in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly .
The second bullet is for simple numbered lists. Clicking on the button will give you a single-level numbered list of the type last used. Shown below is such a number inserted with the ruler showing. Included with the numbering is a first-line indent and a hanging indent. Your numbered list will be set in from the margin and following lines in the paragraph will be set in more. As with bullets, you can apply this to existing paragraphs. As with bullets, the down-facing triangle will give you more choices. The screenshot above shows the gallery of choices. As with the bullets gallery, the list number gallery lets you preview your choice for selected text. In this show, the current choice is with the full stop following the number; the previewed choice is with a right parenthesis. As with bullets, you can define a new format. In addition, you can reset or restart your numbering. Again, with simple documents that will not be edited much, this button works fine. For anything more complex, you will want to go to Numbering linked to Styles. See How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in Ribbon Versions of Word by Shauna Kelly . This method gives much finer control and is much less prone to development of "spaghetti numbering."

If any East-Asian language is enabled, the Paragraph Group on the Home tab will include two additional controls to change the text direction. When used with a non-East-Asian language, they do not really change the direction but do change the ruler and other things. This is explored more in my page on Alignment and Justification .
Controls - East-Asian Languages

The little arrow in the bottom right corner of the Paragraph group launches the Paragraph Formatting dialog. Again, such formatting is best done using Styles rather than directly.

The Styles Group

The Styles Group in Word 2007-2010 is shown above. The Styles Group for 2013 and later no longer has the Change Styles dropdown. That has been moved to the design tab in those versions. From Word 2016 on it has become smaller horizontally but still has the expansion dropdown menu. With Word 2021 and Windows 11, a different look was introduced, called the "New Experience." It changed the Styles Group, removing the unformatted names of the styles and instead showing them formatted. This decreases the number of styles that can be displayed. It is possible to add style controls to the Quick Access Toolbar. Here is a link to my free Add-In that does this: Styles QAT Add-In .   Clipboard -- Font -- Paragraph -- Styles -- Editing -- Voice (2019)  

The Editing Group

The Editing Group actually appears on the far right end of the Home Tab.

The Editing Group has three choices, two of which are drop-down. Find Find ( Ctrl+F ) opens the navigation pane with the insertion point in a search box Advanced Find ( Ctrl+H , Alt+D ) opens the Find dialog box (See Replace below) Go To... ( Ctrl+G ) opens a dialog that lets you go to a point in your document   Replace ( Ctrl+H ) opens the Replace dialog box shown below. Actually, it opens a smaller dialog box with everything above "Search Options" on it. In the smaller version the button on the left reads "More >>" instead of "<< Less." Note the Find and Go To tabs at the top. These are the dialog boxes for the Advanced Find and Go To commands. The Replace dialog can be used instead of the Advanced Find box if you want, just ignore the Replace and Replace All buttons. Under both the Find what and Replace with boxes are areas for format. These are controlled by the Format and No Formatting buttons when the cursor is in the box for the text. There are multiple web pages devoted to this dialog box. Here is a place to start: MVP General Word Help Page

The Voice Group - Dictate Office 2019-2021/365 Only

Note that the Online version of Word also has a Transcribe function. As far as I know, this is the only function available in the Online version that is not in the Desktop applications.

Variations on the Home Tab

This page has been exploring the controls in Word 2010 and 2013. The Home tab has remained mostly the same in all versions of Word. Here are some screenshots.
-Word 2007 - wider -Word 2007 - narrower The three tabs above are all screenshots of the ribbon on the same computer. Word repackages the ribbon tabs to fit the available space. Here, I've simply decreased the size of the screenshots of the wider versions. In the wider version, it gives more space to the Styles Gallery. In the narrower version some buttons shrink or lose captions. The combination of screen size and resolution determines what you will see,  so your ribbons may not look exactly like any of the ones shown here. Another example showing different screen layouts is in the Word 2010 version of the Drawing Tools contextual tab below. Your ribbon may or may not have a Developer Tab , that is up to you. The Word 2007 and 2010 tabs shown are from a laptop running Windows Vista. The Word 2013 tabs are from a desktop tower running Windows 7 on a larger screen.
Word 2010 - Narrower (Note the collapse of the QuickStyles Gallery and Editing Group. The Quick Styles gallery is now available through the dialog launcher button next to the word "Styles.". Other groups are compressed. This is less than half as wide as the one  immediately above it.)

Word 2016/365

Original Word 2016 Word 2016/365 in 2018 - Note Voice/Dictate Group on Right Word 2019/2021/365 in 2023 Word 2021/365 New Experience applied in 2023 - major change is look of Quick Styles Gallery and addition of Editor    

HOME TAB in Microsoft Word

The Home tab in Microsoft Word within the Microsoft 365 suite is a central hub for commonly used formatting and editing tools. It houses various commands and functions that are essential for basic document creation and manipulation. Here's an overview of the key sections and tools typically found within the Home tab:

home tab assignment

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( - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  ( )

This section includes functions related to copying, cutting, and pasting text or objects within the document. It also features the Clipboard pane, which allows users to access recently copied items.

This tool enables users to copy the formatting of a selected text and apply it elsewhere in the document.

Here, users can modify the font type, size, color, and style of the selected text. It includes options for bold, italic, underline, and other text effects.

This section provides tools for adjusting paragraph alignment (left, center, right, and justified), line spacing, indentation, and bullet or numbering styles.

Users can quickly apply predefined styles to text within the document, making it easy to create consistent formatting throughout.

Tools such as Find, Replace, and Select can be found here, aiding in locating specific text, replacing content, and selecting portions of the document.

This option allows users to remove formatting or content from the selected text while retaining the text itself.

Allows users to search for specific words or phrases within the document.

Enables users to find specific words or phrases and replace them with different text.

This tab might provide features related to voice input or dictation, allowing users to control Word using voice commands or dictate text directly into the document.

The Editor feature typically integrates grammar checking, style suggestions, and clarity improvements into the existing interface. If separated into a tab, it might contain tools for checking spelling, grammar, and providing writing suggestions or refinements.

This tab could encompass various additional tools or functionalities that extend Word's capabilities through third-party add-ins or custom features. It might include tools for document management, project management, formatting enhancements, or integration with external services.

Introduction to Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Word 365
  • Clipboard and Font Options
  • Paragraph, Styles and Editing Options

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Microsoft Office Word Exercise: Home Tab

Profile image of Daniel Vincent Nyamai

This is a Microsoft Office Word Exercise focusing on the students understanding of the Home Tab

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 While highly recommended as preparation for the Word and Excel Assignment, this practice exercise is optional and will not be graded.  Solutions to this assignment have been posted.  Please note that this exercise is not exhaustive and does not cover all tasks required on the Word and Excel Assignment. Purpose The purpose of this practice exercise is to help prepare you to complete the Word and Excel Assignment. This exercise requires you to use the following:  Microsoft Excel for creating tables, scatter plots, and completing data analysis.  Microsoft Word for creating a summary document containing the results and discussion from two Excel exercise. Specifically, Word will be used to import tables/plots; create text, equations, captions, and drawings; and to use built-in tools for heading styles, automatic referencing and citations, and tables of contents. Relevant Resources The Microsoft Excel tutorials and Microsoft Office Learning Resources are available at You should read this tutorial and refer to these resources while completing the exercise. If you have any additional questions about the exercise, you may contact [email protected] for assistance. Required Software This practice exercise can be completed on both PCs and Macs. You will need the following software and plug-ins: 1. Microsoft Excel-Ensure the "Analysis ToolPak" plug-in is installed in your version. 2. Microsoft Word-Ensure you have the option to use the IEEE reference style in the Word citation management tool. Detailed installation instructions are included in the Microsoft Excel and Word tutorials mentioned previously in 'Relevant Resources.'

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Word Practice 1

Practice It Icon

Here is a video demonstrating the skills in this practice. Please note it does not exactly match the instructions: 

Complete the following Practice Activity and submit your completed project.

For our first assignment in Word, we will create a flyer to be printed or posted online. The flyer will advertise a volunteer opportunity for Health Sciences students at Paradise Valley Community College. Key skills in this practice are inserting text and pictures, textboxes, formatting text and footers.

  • Start Word. Click Blank Document .
  • Show formatting marks by navigating to the Home Tab, Paragraph Group, and selecting the Show/Hide icon. This is a Toggle Button . This means it has two modes, on and off.  To turn it on, click it once, to turn it off, click it again.
  • Show the ruler by navigating to the View tab, Show Group, and selecting the Ruler Check Box . A Check Box is a type of input control . A checkboxes value is only included in the submitted data if the checkbox is currently checked. In other words, when the box is checked, the value is included.
  • Navigate to the File Tab to enter Backstage View. In backstage view, select File, then Save As.  Click the Browse button. In the Save As dialog box , navigate to your file structure from the previous chapter, then open the Word folder. In the Name field, type Yourlastname_Yourfirstname_Word_Practice_1 as the file name, and then save.
  • Type Volunteer Opportunity Available and press Enter twice.
  • Type the following text: This fall, Paradise Valley Community College is offering a unique volunteer opportunity for Health Sciences students . Press spacebar.
  • Navigate to the Insert Tab, Text group, and choose the Object arrow. Then choose text from file. In the Insert File dialog box, browse to the location where you saved the files from Canvas. Select the file Text_Word_Practice1. Click OK. The text will automatically update your document.
  • Select all of the text in the document. On the Home Tab, Font Group, ensure the Font is Calibri and font size is 12.
  • Select the title, Volunteer Opportunity Available, including the paragraph mark. On the Home Tab, Font Group, select the arrow next to Text Effects and Topography . In the third row, third column, a pply the Fill: Blue, Accent color 5; Outline: White, Background color 1; Hard Shadow: Blue, color 5 text effect.
  • With the title still selected, change the font size to 36.
  • On the Home Tab, Paragraph Group, choose Center to align the title centered on the page.
  • On the Home Tab, Font Group, change the font color to Blue, Accent 1 for the title.
  • With the title still selected, on the Home Tab, in the Font Group, choose the arrow next to the Text Effect and Typography icon. Apply a Shadow and under Inner, click Inside: Right text effect.
  • Position the insertion point at the beginning of the paragraph that begins with This Fall.
  • On the Insert tab, Illustrations group, choose Pictures . Navigate to your saved files from Canvas  and choose the HSPicture_Word_Practice1 image.
  • Be sure the picture is selected, and apply the Square text wrapping  option.
  • Using the sizing handle at the lower right hand corner of the picture, drag up and to the left until the bottom of the graphic is aligned at approximately 3.5 inches on the vertical ruler.
  • Click Undo to return the picture to its original size. The Undo icon is located in the quick access toolbar in the upper left hand corner.
  • On the Picture Tools, Format tab, in the size group, change the shape width to 4”.
  • On the Quick Access Toolbar , click the Save icon.  Then, compare your document to the image below.

home tab assignment

  • Ensure the picture is still selected. Display the Layout dialog box by selecting the Layout Options  shortcut menu, then choose see more. In the Layout dialog box for the picture, make sure the Position tab is selected.
  • Set the horizontal alignment to Left, relative to Margin.
  • Set the vertical alignment to Top, relative to Line. Select OK to close the dialog box.
  • With the picture selected, apply the Soft Edges 10 Point picture effect. This is on the Picture Tools Format Tab, Picture Styles group, under Picture Effects, Soft Edges.
  • With the picture selected, on the Picture Tools, Format tab, in the Adjust Group choose the Artistic Effects arrow. Apply the Pastels Smooth artistic effect. Dese lect the picture .
  • On the Design Tab, in the Page Background Group, select Page Borders. Add a page border selecting the:
  • Shadow setting
  • Triple Lines style
  • Blue, Accent 1 color
  • Whole document
  • Position the insertion pointer at the blank paragraph below the title and press Enter six times.
  • On the Insert Tab, in the Illustrations group, choose Shapes . Insert a Rounded Corners Rectangle shape at the left margin at approximately 1.5 inches on the top ruler. Click once to insert a 1-inch by 1-inch Rounded Rectangle, or use the drag and drop feature.
  • On the Drawing Tools, Format Tab in the Size group, Change the shape height to approximat ely 1.8 and the shape width to 6.4.
  • Select the Rectangle shape and type the following text: For more information, please contact Grace Smith at 602-787-6714. Or, email [email protected]
  • Italicize the text, change the font to Calibri and increase the font size to 16. Deselect the text.
  • Select the same text as above and explore the mini-toolbar , by clicking the Font Color button arrow and under Theme Colors, click on Blue, Accent 5, Darker 50%.
  • With the shape still selected, go to the Drawing Tools, Format Toolbar, the Shape Styles  Group. Select the arrow next to Shape Outline and under Theme Colors, click on Blue, Accent 5, Darker 50%. Change the weight to 3pt.

Compare your document to the image below.


  • Using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+END , navigate to the end of your document. If your keyboard does not have these keys, click to put your insertion point after the period on opportunity. Hit enter 3 times.
  • Your insertion point should be approximately at the 8” mark on the side ruler. On the Insert tab, in the text group,  click the arrow next to the textbox and draw a text box at approximately the 1”mark on the vertical ruler.  Draw a text box by dragging down to create a text box that is approximately 1.5 inches high by 4.5 inches wide. Type the following in the text box: Volunteering is an excellent way to gain service hours. Service hours are required for entry into some Health sciences programs, and looks great on your resume. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills.
  • Select and Drag the textbox, by clicking and holding on the outer edge,  until the horizontal green alignment guide  displays above the first blank paragraph mark and the vertical green alignment guide displays in the center of the page. To be more precise:
  • In the Layout dialog box on the Position Tab for the text box set the horizontal alignment to Centered, relative to Margin.
  • Set the Vertical alignment by typing .25 in the Absolute position box and selecting Below Paragraph .
  • On the Size tab, type 1.5 in the Absolute Height box and 4.5 in the Absolute Width box. Then, click OK.
  • With the textbox still selected, on the Drawing Tools, Format Tab, in the Shape Styles group Apply the Colored Outline – Blue, Accent 1 shape style.
  • Under Shape Effects , apply the Offset Center outer shadow shape effect to the text box.
  • Select the text in the text box, change the font size to 13 italics, and center the text.
  • Save the document. Compare your document to the image below.

home tab assignment

  • On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer Group, choose Edit Footer. On the Header & Footer Design Toolbar, in the Insert Group, choose Document Info.  Use Document Info to insert the file name in the footer. Select the File Name Field . The File Name should display in the lower left hand footer of the document.  Do not type it in, rather use the Document Info Field.
  • In Backstage view, click on Show All Properties, and type the following:
  • In the Tags box: trainee, flyer, internship
  • In the Subject box: Your course name and section number
  • In the Author box: Your first and last name
  • Turn off formatting marks. As a reminder, formatting marks are on the Home Tab, Paragraph Group.
  • Take a moment to compare your document to the image below and make any modification based on what you have learned.
  • Using Find and Replace, (Home tab | Editing | Replace), change all instances of pvcc and Paradise Valley to spscc or South Puget Sound.

home tab assignment

  • Zoom in to view the document in a larger size. Zoom is located in the lower right hand corner of the Word window.
  • Save again, and ensure you have your file saved in a safe location. Take note of that location because you will need to find your file to upload it for grading.
  • Submit the file for grading per your instructor’s instructions.

A starting point for creating a new document in Microsoft Word

Characters that display on the screen but do not print, indicating where the Enter key, the Spacebar, and Tab key were pressed, also called non printing characters

A button that can be turned on and off by clicking it once to turn on, and clicking again to turn it off

A small box which can be clicked to indicate a check is turned on or off to indicate an on or off response

Allows the user specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to save their file

Decorative formats, such as shadowed or colors that make text stand out

Images or graphics that are stored locally on a computer or flash drive and can be uploaded to a document to add visual interest

The manner in which text displays around an object

Located above the Ribbon (top-left) and provides access to commonly used features and commands, such as Save and Undo/Redo, and is customizable

Picture formatting options that control the manner in which text wraps around a picture or other object

Formats applied to images that make pictures resemble sketches or paintings

A decorative border that appears outside the margins on each page and can be solid, dashed, or an artistic style

Lines, arrows, starts, banners, ovals, rectangles, and other basic shapes with which you can illustrate an idea, a process or a workflow

Appears whenever you right-click text in Word, Excel or PowerPoint and provides a quick-access version of the Font group on the Home tab, plus a few extra buttons from other groups

Allows you to apply preset colors and effects to quickly change the appearance of your shape

Allows you to change the outline color, weight (thickness), and style of a the outline surrounding a shape

One or more keys used to perform a menu function or other common functions

A moveable, resizable container for text or graphics

A green vertical or horizontal line that displays when you are moving or sizing an object to assist with proper placement

A grouping of coordinating effects that can be applied to a shape including shadows, glows, reflections, soft edges, bevels, and three-dimensional (3-D) rotations

Placeholders that store and display data, and can perform simple tasks like returning the page number or current date and time

Any word, phrase, or number string related to the file that may help you locate the file later

Intro to Microsoft Office Copyright © 2021 by Abby Rusu & Maricopa Millions is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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MS Word | Home Tab Explained with 15 Examples

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  • Learn MS Word Use Themes Chapter 22
  • Learn How To Modify Themes in MS Word Chapter 23
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Dedicated Excel

A Guide to the Excel Ribbon – Home Tab

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In a previous post I provided an overview of the Layout of an Excel Workbook and briefly discussed the Excel Ribbon, the part of the Workbook where many common Functions and Operations are found.

This post delves more into that topic and will give you a comprehensive guide to the Excel Ribbon, focusing on the Home Tab.

The Home Tab

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

As we embark on a journey through Excel’s Ribbon, let’s start with the Home tab, a fundamental part of Excel.

When you open a new Excel workbook, the first thing you usually see is the Home tab. It’s not just the first in line; it’s the go-to place for many essential Excel commands you’ll use daily.

In this guide, we’re diving into the Excel Ribbon, focusing on the standard layout of the Home tab as you would see in a new Excel installation. This way, we can create a common ground for everyone, especially beginners.

So, whether you’re new to Excel or brushing up on the basics, our exploration starts here at the Home tab – your gateway to mastering Excel’s diverse features.

Tip: Hover the mouse cursor over any Icon on the Ribbon and a pop-up box will display what that Icon is for.

Command Groups

The various commands on the Home Tab are grouped in order to make the Ribbon as user-friendly as possible, the groupings listed are as follows (from left to right on the Ribbon):

Excel Download File

It is not required but if you don’t want the hassle of creating your own data or examples and would like to follow along with some of the tips then a sample workbook has been created, you can download this here .

The Clipboard Command Group

First up in our guide to the Excel Ribbon is the Clipboard Command Group. In this Command Group you have Icons for Cut, Copy, Paste and Format Painter and they come in very useful when working with data in an Excel Workbook:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

  • Cut: This command cuts data in preparation to move it to another location in the Excel Workbook.
  • Copy: This command copies data in preparation to copy it to another location in your Excel Workbook.
  • Paste: When you have either Cut or Copied data then you use the Paste command to paste it to the new location.
  • Format Painter: Not as intuitive as the others but this command will copy the format of a cell and allow you to quickly apply it to other cells in your Workbook. For example if you have a cell that is a certain font type and you want to apply that font type to other cells you would click on the cell to copy (making it active) and the click the Format Painter command. You then click on the cell(s) that you want to apply that format on and Excel takes care of the rest.

Tip: To highlight a range of cells click on the starting cell then hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to cover the range of cells you want to highlight. Excel will highlight the cells to show you what has been selected and any commands you then choose will apply to all the highlighted cells.

In the Example workbook you can see on Worksheet “ Example 1 ” there is data in A5 , A6 and A7 this can be moved by first clicking on Cell A5 then with the left mouse button pressed drag the cursor down to cell A7 :

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

To move the data click on cell B5 , making it the active cell, then click on Paste from the Excel Ribbon:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

When you click Paste the data will have moved to the new location:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The Font Command Group

If you want to change the appearance of your cells then the Font Command Group is where you can perform those tasks.

Within the Font Command Group there are options to change the Font Type, Size and colour along with placing Borders around cells or even fill them some colour.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Take note of the small arrowheads next to some of the Command icons as this indicates there are various sub-options that are available.

For example when changing the Font Colour you can click on the arrowhead next to the Font Colour icon and this will bring up the Colour Palette allowing you to select your colour of choice:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Alternatively if you need to change the Font Type click on the arrowhead next to the Font Type icon and this will show you the Fonts that are available:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Tip: Unless your company has a standard practice with regards to Fonts and Colour schemes then try to develop a style of your own and stick with it. If you are creating Worksheets for others, i.e. Reports, a well styled Worksheet with some colour can make your hard work stand out…just try not to go too overboard with the colours.

The Alignment Command Group

The Alignment Command Group is about changing the Alignment of data within a cell or range of cells. This means data can be aligned to appear at the top, middle or base of a cell along with aligning the data to the left, centre or right of a cell.

There are also options to make the data appear in a custom direction, for example diagonally, or merged across multiple cells on the Worksheet.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

If you are following along with the downloaded examples file select the Worksheet “ Example 2 ”. You will see the data table that the dates in Column A are all to the right of the cells, this is known as Right Alignment:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

If you highlight all the date cells you can change the alignment to be from the left by clicking on the Align Left Icon in the Alignment Command Group.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The Number Command Group

Next up on our guide to the Excel Ribbon is the Number Command Group. The Number Command Group is used for formatting numerical data.

There are options to change the number type to Accounting formats, Currencies or Percentages along with adding comma’s (thousand separators) and decimal places to better display your numerical data.

You can also format the data for dates or even create your own custom number format:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Using the downloaded example file on worksheet “ Example 2 ” convert the Sales data into Currency format by highlighting the cells and selecting the Currency data type from the drop down menu.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Next remove the decimal places by keeping the cells highlighted and clicking on the Decrease Decimal Icon.

In this case the Currency has two decimal places (two numbers after the decimal) so click on the Decrease Decimal button twice to remove it completely.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The Styles Command Group

If there are no standard practices for Worksheet style or you don’t wish to develop your own then Excel provides custom styles that you can use on your data, the Styles Command group contains some of these features.

Conditional Formatting is also included in this group and that is a command where you can set format styles based on rules you create.

For example if a cell value is greater than zero you could make the cell green, this type of technique comes in handy for Traffic Light Reports and creating Excel Dashboards.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The Format as Table command takes a range of data and applies a Table format to it. In the downloaded example file on worksheet “ Example 2 ” click on the Format as Table icon.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

An array of table styles will appear all with unique colour and formatting schemes, select the one you want to apply.

The ‘ Format As Table ’ box will then pop-up asking you where the data is for your table and whether your table has headers:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The data for the example is contained in cells A3 to B15 and it has headers so you would input those details like below:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Note the Colon punctuation mark is used in Excel to specify a range so A3 to B15 is written as A3:B15

Click OK and the Table style selected will be applied to the data:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The Cells Command Group

The Cells Command Group is used when you need to insert or remove cells, rows or columns in the worksheet.

There are also options to Format Cells to auto-fit a column which can make your reports appear more professional and easier on the eye.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

In the downloaded example file on the “ Example 2 ” Worksheet notice how the title in cell A1 goes across to column B as it is too long for the column width:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Format the width of Column A so the title “ My First Report ” does not go across column B . Start by clicking on cell A1 to make that the active cell, then select Format and “ AutoFit Column Width ” from the options box:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

After you have clicked on “ AutoFit Column Width ” notice Column A has adjusted and the Title no longer goes across Column B :

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Next remove Row 15 from the Table, which contains Dec-15 data, by first clicking on cell A15 and selecting “ Delete Table Rows ” from the Delete Command:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

When you have clicked “ Delete Table Rows ” notice that the data in Row 15 has now been deleted:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Note: Row 15 on the Worksheet is not deleted from existence (you can’t do that) but the data and any formatting in Row 15 is removed.

The Editing Command Group

Last on the list of our guide to the Excel Ribbon – Home tab is the Editing Command Group. This has some useful features that will help you when you have tables of data or Worksheets with lots of information to review and work with.

There are commands to insert totals or averages, AutoFill data (which can be used for creating datasets) and to clear data from Worksheet cells.

You can also sort or apply filters to your data tables and use the “Find & Select” command to search quickly for information in a Worksheet.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

On the “ Example 2 ” Worksheet add a Total to the Sales Column by Clicking on Cell B15 then Clicking on the SUM Command and selecting SUM from the options box:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

A Total is applied to that column. Note that Excel will do its best to make life simple and it will automatically assume you want to total Column B as you have made cell B15 your active cell.

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

Next you can sort the data so the most recent month appears first by clicking on cell A3 (Date), then clicking on the Sort & Filter command and selecting “ Sort Z to A ” from the options box:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

The data will now show with the most recent date first, to revert it back to oldest date first you would choose the Sort A to Z option:

Guide to the Excel Ribbon

On the downloadable examples file you click on the Worksheet “ Final View ” to see how your Worksheet should now look.

Don’t worry if you haven’t got everything exact, the important thing is that you have learned a lot of new information by reading and working through this post, you can always review again when you have time.

Thank you for joining me through this detailed exploration in our guide to the Excel Ribbon, focusing on the multifaceted Home Tab. We’ve covered everything from the basics of clipboard and font commands to the more intricate aspects of cell formatting and data editing.

This guide provides you with a thorough understanding of the most commonly used tab on the Excel ribbon. By working through the examples provided, you’ve taken significant strides in advancing your Excel proficiency, moving beyond the novice level.

Our journey through the Home Tab exemplifies just how versatile and powerful Excel can be when you fully utilize its tools. As you continue to apply these insights and techniques, you’ll find yourself navigating Excel with greater ease and confidence.

The knowledge gained here lays a strong foundation for further exploring the extensive capabilities of Excel, ensuring you’re well-equipped for any task at hand.

Keep Excelling,

home tab assignment

If this guide to the Excel ribbon has left you thirsty for more Excel knowledge how about something a little quicker, but just as useful, with our guide on how to create your own Excel function .

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With over 20 years in the field, I've become a go-to consultant for all things Excel. From basic formulas to complex macros and dashboards, I've tackled a wide range of Excel challenges. My goal? To demystify Excel's vast capabilities and empower you with practical skills and insights. Join me in this journey to unlock the full potential of Excel, one step at a time. I'm here to share the exploration of Excel's capabilities and help you learn a few things along the way!

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Undo - (Added in 365). (Ctrl + Z). Button with Drop-Down. Allows you to undo changes, even after you have saved the document, as long as you are within the undo limits. By default Office saves the last 100 undoable actions. If you can't undo an action, the Undo command changes to Can't Undo. Redo - (Added in 365). (Ctrl + Y). Button with Drop-Down. Allows you to redo several actions at the same time using the drop-down. The Redo button only appears after you've undone an action.

You can quickly display the Clipboard task pane by clicking on the dialog launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

Paste - Button with Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Paste, Paste Special and Paste as Hyperlink. Cut - (Ctrl + X). Cuts the current selection to the clipboard. Copy - (Ctrl + C). Copies the current selection to the clipboard. Format Painter - (Ctrl + Shift + C). Copies the formatting from one place in a document and lets you apply it somewhere else. This works across multiple documents.

This group provides access to all the Character Formatting commands. You can quickly display the "Font" dialog box, Font Tab, by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

Font - (Ctrl + Shift + F). Provides a list of all the available fonts (based on your current printer selection). Font Size - (Ctrl + Shift + P). Lets you adjust the character size (based on your current printer selection). Increase Font Size - (Ctr + Shift + >). Increases the font size of the current selection to the next larger size in the Font Size box. Decrease Font Size - (Ctrl + Shift + <). Decreases the font size of the current selection to the next smaller size in the Font Size box. Change Case - Drop-Down. Changes the selected text to either uppercase, lowercase or another type of capitalisation. The drop-down contains the commands: Sentence Case, Lowercase, Uppercase, Capitalize Each Word and Toggle Case. Clear All Formatting - (Ctrl + Spacebar). Clears all the formatting from the current selection. Bold - (Ctrl + B). Toggles bold on the current selection. Italic - (Ctrl + I). Toggles italics on the current selection. Underline - (Ctrl + U). Button with Drop-Down. The button toggles bold on the current selection. The drop-down contains the commands: Underline, Double Underline, Thick Underline, Dotted Underline, Dashed Underline. Strikethrough - Draws a line through the middle of the selected text. Subscript - (Ctrl + =). Converts the selection to small letters below the text baseline. Superscript - (Ctrl + Shift + +). Converts the selection to small letters above the text baseline. Text Effects and Typography - Drop-Down. Apply text effects such as Outline, Shadow, Reflection, Glow, Number Styles, Ligatures and Stylistic Sets. Text Highlight Color - Button with Drop-Down. Shades the background behind the current selection.The drop-down contains the commands: No Color and Stop Highlighting. For more details please refer to the Characters > Text Highlight page. Font Color - Button with Drop-Down. The button changes the colour of the font of the current selection. The drop-down contains the commands: Automatic, Theme Colors, Standard Colors and More Colors.

This group provides access to all the Paragraph Formatting commands. You can quickly display the "Paragraph" dialog box, Indents and Spacing Tab, by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

Bullets - Button with Drop-Down. The button toggles single level bullets from the selected paragraphs. The drop-down contains the commands: Recently Used Bullets, Bullet Library, Document Bullets, Change List Level and Define New Bullet. The Change List Level extension displays levels 1 to 9. The Define New Bullet displays the "Define New Bullet" dialog box. Numbering - Button with Drop-Down. The button toggles single level numbering from the selected paragraphs. The drop-down contains the commands: Recently Used Numbering, Change List Level, Define New Number Format and Set Numbering Value. Multilevel List - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Current List. List Library, Change List Level, Define New Multilevel List and Define New List Style. A multilevel list shows the list of items at different levels, rather than just at one level. This was previously accessible from the Outline Numbered tab on the Bullets & Numbering dialog box and has replaced Outline numbering. Please refer to the Bullets > Multilevel List for more details. Decrease Indent - Decreases the indent by 1 or removes the indent completely. Increase Indent - Increases the indent by 1. Sort - Displays the "Sort Text" or "Sort" dialog boxes allowing you to sort paragraphs of text or text within tables. If your current selection is not in a table then the "Sort Text" dialog box is displayed. If the current selection is in a Table then the "Sort" dialog box is displayed. This command was previously on the Table drop-down in 2003 but now appears both on the Home Tab and Table Tools - Layout contextual tab. Show/Hide Paragraph Marks - (Ctrl + *). Toggles the display of paragraph marks and other hidden formatting. Align Left - (Ctrl + L). Aligns text to the left. Center - (Ctrl + E). Aligns text to the center. Align Right - (Ctrl + R). Aligns text to the right. Justify - (Ctrl + J). Aligns text to both left and right margins adding extra space between words where necessary. Line Spacing - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, Line Spacing Options, Add Space Before Paragraph and Add Space After Paragraph. The Line Spacing Options command displays the "Paragraphs" dialog box (Indents and Spacing tab). The default line spacing is 1.15. Shading - Button with Drop-Down. The button applies the selected shading to the current selection. The drop-down contains the commands: Theme Colors, Standard Colors, No Color and More Colors. Border - Button with Drop-Down. The button applies the selected border to the current selection. The drop-down contains the commands: Bottom Border, Top Border, Left Border, Right Border, No Border, All Borders, Outside Borders, Inside Borders, Inside Horizontal Border, Inside Vertical Border, Diagonal Down Border, Diagonal Up Border, Horizontal Line, Draw Table, View Gridlines and Borders and Shading.

You can quickly toggle the display of the Styles Task Pane by clicking on the dialog box launcher in the bottom right corner of this group.

Quick Styles - Displays a gallery of available styles (with auto preview). Is the Heading 1 style different in 2007 and 2010 to 2003. Yes the Normal template and styles are very different.

Find - Button with Drop-Down. The button displays the "Find and Replace" dialog box and displays the Find tab. The drop-down contains the commands: Find and GoTo. The GoTo tab can also be displayed by clicking on the Page: 1 of 2 indicator on the status bar in the bottom left corner. Replace - This displays the "Find and Replace" dialog box and displays the Replace tab. Select - Drop-Down. The drop-down contains the commands: Select All, Select Objects and Select Text with similar Formatting. The Select Text will select text with similar formatting.

Dictate - Lets you use speech-to-text to author content.

Editor - Displays the Editor task pane.

Reuse Files - Displays the Search task pane.

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Practice Projects for Microsoft Word

home tab assignment

Word 9 Table Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a title and table. The table has two columns that have different font alignment and incluces various fonts. …

home tab assignment

Word 8 Formatting Text Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document using a different size and color font for the title than the rest of the paragraph. …

home tab assignment

Word 7 Bullets Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with two different types of bullets showing points and subpoints. …

home tab assignment

Word 6 Letter Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a letter. Included in the letter is a heading on the right, indented paragraphs, and the closing and signiture near the middle of the document. …

home tab assignment

Word 5 Text And Outline Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that contains several paragraphs of text and also includes an outline with key points and subpoints. …

home tab assignment

Word 4 Modified Text Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with the heading on the right, a boldfaced, centered title, and indented paragraphs. The document is double-spaced. …

Word 3 Basic Text Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with the heading on the right, a boldfaced title that is centered, and several paragraphs that are indented. …

home tab assignment

Word 22 Preset Headings Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document using the preset headings to create a title bar. The document has different alignment and font, blanks, and a short outline. …

home tab assignment

Word 21 Formatting Options Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that shows some different effects that can be used with the same font. …

home tab assignment

Word 20 Numbered List Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that includes a centered title followed by a numbered list. …

home tab assignment

Word 2 Heading 2 Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document that has a centered title, a heading in the upper right corner, and indented paragraphs. …

home tab assignment

Word 19 Advanced Table Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a table showing a school schedule. The blocks in the table are different sizes and will take individual work within the blocks to …

home tab assignment

Word 18 Columns Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a header and two colomns. The columns include boldfaced and italic font and different alignment. …

home tab assignment

Word 17 Columns Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with two identical columns in landscape orientation. Included in each are indented lines and different alignment and font. …

home tab assignment

Word 16 Lesson Notes Handout Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document like a student handout. This includes an outline with several levels, blanks for students to write on, and different font. …

home tab assignment

Word 15 Lesson Notes Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a header and two outlines. Students are asked to use the automatic numbering and outlining features in Word. They must use different …

home tab assignment

Word 14 Table Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a scoresheet using a table. Students must use different sizes, colors and styles of font, including different alignment. …

home tab assignment

Word 13 Outline Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create an outline using the automatic outline in Word, including many levels of subpoints. …

home tab assignment

Word 12 Formatting Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document with a centered title in all capitals, the first letter of each word slightly larger than the rest. Throughout the document the font is …

home tab assignment

Word 11 Formatting Practice Document

In this practice project for Word, students create a document similar to a test or quiz. They must include points and subpoints, blanks, boldfaced text, tabs, and spacing. …

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Art of Presentations

Home Tab in PowerPoint [How to Access & Use It!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

Home Tab in PowerPoint [How to Access & Use It!]

Microsoft PowerPoint comes packed with a ton of features. And, all these features are usually accessible using the “Tabs” and “Ribbons” in PowerPoint!

It is important to know about each “Tab” in PowerPoint in further detail as this will help you remember the features it contains. Knowing how to access each feature can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend while creating a presentation!

In this article, we shall take an in-depth look at the “Home Tab” in PowerPoint and learn a bit more about some of the features it contains!

1. Where is the Home Tab in PowerPoint?

home tab assignment

The “Home” tab in Microsoft PowerPoint contains all the necessary commands for inserting and editing slides in a presentation. It usually contains shortcuts to some of the most commonly used features that are available in other tabs in PowerPoint!

The “Home” tab is the second tab in the menu ribbon located at the top of the screen. It is between the “File” tab and the “Insert” tab. When you open a new PowerPoint file, the “Home” tab will be open in the menu ribbon by default.

Let’s take a look at some of the commands available on the home tab.

Just remember – if you wish to learn more about any feature highlighted in this article in further detail, simply click on the links to open the article in a new tab in your browser!

Note – to understand the difference between groups, commands (or features), ribbons, and tabs, make sure that you check out my other article that explains every element on the Ribbon in PowerPoint in complete detail!

2. What are the Functions Available in the Home Tab in PowerPoint?

In Microsoft PowerPoint, the commands in the “Home” menu are arranged in 7 groups based on the similarity of their functions. Each of these groups contains a range of functions.

Let’s take a look at each group and the commands available in the group one by one.

2.1 Clipboard

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The “Clipboard” group is the first group in the PowerPoint “Home” tab. It contains the cut and the paste functions.

The clipboard tool in PowerPoint in and of itself is a great feature that actually allows you to copy more than just one piece of information and paste it across applications in Microsoft Office.

It usually contains the following commands –

home tab assignment

The “Cut” icon looks like a pair of scissors and it removes the selected item from the slide and places it in the clipboard.

home tab assignment

The “Copy” function is quite similar to the “Cut” option. It places a copy of the selected item in the clipboard without removing it from the slide.

There are two options under the copy icon: “Copy” and “Duplicate” . If you simply want to create another copy, then instead of the copy and paste function in PowerPoint , you can simply use the “Duplicate” command.

home tab assignment

In the “Home” tab, you can click on the “Paste” icon to insert an item into the slide from the clipboard. You can also click on the downward arrow to access the “Paste Options” such as Paste Special in PowerPoint!

However, do remember that you will first need to copy the specific item before you can paste it on the slide.

d. Format Painter

home tab assignment

The Format Painter in PowerPoint shows appears just as an icon and looks like a paintbrush in the “Clipboard” group. This function allows you to copy and paste just the format instead of creating another copy of the element on your slide.

Now let’s move on to the next group known as the “Slides” group.

home tab assignment

Slides in PowerPoint are crucial to making any presentation. Thus, the “Slides” group in the “Home” menu includes five commands which are all dedicated to adding slides, removing slides, and changing the layout of the slides.

a. New Slide

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The “New Slide” function can be used directly by clicking on the icon. You can also click on the downward arrow to open a layout thumbnail gallery and select the layout for the new slide.

b. Reuse Slides

home tab assignment

The “Reuse Slides” function is the second option in the “Slides” group. Click on it to add slides in the current presentation from other presentations on your device.

c. Slide Layout

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The “Slide Layout” option in PowerPoint allows you to change the layout of the current slide instead of the new slide that you add.

You can select a different slide layout for the selected slide from the layout thumbnails.

home tab assignment

The “Reset” function in the “Home” menu will reset any changes in the placeholders in a slide to the default layout settings.

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The “Sections” option allows you to group slides together to create sections in PowerPoint . This function is available for managing the sections within a PowerPoint presentation.

This group contains all the functions related to the fonts in PowerPoint. The commands in the “ Fonts ” group are primarily used for editing the text in a text box of a slide.

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The “Font” box contains a dropdown menu listing all the available fonts that you can choose from.

Using this feature, you can change the fonts in PowerPoint .

b. Font Size

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There are three functions to change the font size of a text. The “Font Size” box allows you to select a font size.

There are also the “Increase Font Size” and the “Decrease Font Size” buttons that will change the size of the text by 2 points.

c. Clear All Formatting

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The “Clear All Formatting” feature in PowerPoint turns the selected text into an unformatted version. It basically removes all the formatting that has been applied to the text and changes it back to the default option.

d. Font Style

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There are five font style options in PowerPoint. All these options can be accessed from the “Font” group. These functions are “Bold” , “Italics” , “Underline” , “Strikethrough “ , and “ Text Shadow “.

e. Character Spacing

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The “Character Spacing” function offers you a list of spacing options for the characters in a string of text in PowerPoint. You can choose to increase or decrease the spacing between characters in PowerPoint.

f. Change Case

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Click on the “Change Case” option in the “Font” group of the “Home” tab to change the case of text in PowerPoint .

g. Text Highlight Color

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With this feature, you can highlight the text on a slide in PowerPoint using the “Text Highlight Color” function. You can also select the highlight color.

h. Font Color

home tab assignment

The “Font Color” function allows you to change the text color in PowerPoint within the selected text box.

2.4 Paragraph

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The “Paragraph” group in the “Home” tab contains functions to edit paragraphs or text within a text box.

home tab assignment

You can use the “Paragraph” group to add “Bullets” to Text in PowerPoint which converts the selected paragraphs into a bullet list.

You can also use the same options to customize the existing bullet points for your text in PowerPoint.

b. Numbering

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The “Numbering” function converts the paragraphs in the selected text box into a numbered list. You can even customize the numbering.

c. Indentation

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The Indent function in PowerPoint help to “Increase List Level” which increases the paragraph indentation and the “Decrease List Level” which decreases the indentation.

d. Line Spacing

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The “Line Spacing” function allows you to select the spacing between each line. Besides, you can also change the paragraph spacing.

e. Paragraph Alignment

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The “Paragraph” group offers commands for aligning the paragraphs. These are “Align Left” , “Center” , “Align Right” , and “Justify” .

These buttons help to Align in PowerPoint .

f. Add or Remove Columns

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The “Add or Remove Columns” function is used to insert columns in a text box. Using this feature, you can convert your text to columns in PowerPoint .

The link above helps you understand how to select the number of columns and also adjust the space between the columns.

g. Text Direction

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In case you want to write vertical text in PowerPoint, you can use the feature for “Text Direction”. You can click on the “Text Direction” option to rotate text in PowerPoint and even change the direction of the text in an artistic way.

h. Align Text Vertically

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The “Align Text” option in the “Paragraph” group will align the text box with respect to the slide.

i. Convert to SmartArt Graphic

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The last option in the “Paragraph” group is the “Convert to SmartArt Graphic” function. It changes the text inside the text box into your selected PowerPoint SmartArt.

2.5 Drawing Group

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The “Drawing” group in the PowerPoint “Home” menu allows you to add various shapes to the presentation slide.

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In the “Drawing” group, “Shapes” is the first option. You can click on it to access a dropdown menu containing all the available shapes. The shapes are arranged in sections.

Simply click on any shape. Then, drag the cursor on the slide to insert a shape in PowerPoint.

home tab assignment

The “Arrange” function opens a dropdown menu when clicked. You can change the order and the position of the objects, and even group multiple objects to edit them together.

c. Quick Styles

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The “Quick Styles” option contains a theme gallery. It allows you to quickly change the theme styles.

d. Shape Fill

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The “Shape Fill” icon looks like a paint bucket and it opens into a dropdown menu. You can fill a shape with colors from the dropdown menu. Using this option can help you format shapes in PowerPoint .

e. Shape Outline

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In the “Drawing” group, the “Shape Outline” function allows you to add, remove, and edit the shape border. The “Shape Outline” icon looks like a square box with a pencil.

f. Shape Effects

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The “Shape Effects” option contains 7 types of effects that you can apply to the selected shape. You can also choose different styles for each effect.

2.6 Editing Group

In the “Home” tab, the “Editing” tab contains three functions necessary for editing throughout the presentation.

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The “Find” option will open a sidebar on the left side of the screen that allows you to search for specific texts in the entire presentation.

The “Replace” function allows you to replace one or all selected text into a different text. You can replace fonts.

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The “Select” function allows you to select all the objects or open the “Selection Pane” which lists all the available items in the presentation.

2.7 Voice Group

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The “Voice” group is the last group in the “Home” menu. It contains a single function, “Dictate” , that allows you to add your voice to the PowerPoint presentation. The “Dictate” function also allows you to select the language for dictation.

Credit to cookie_studio (on Freepik) for the featured image of this article (further edited).

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Home Cooking So Good, Only a Restaurant Could Do It

In her first review as interim critic, Melissa Clark visits Lola’s, whose produce-driven cooking is familiar but lifted by brilliant twists and tweaks.

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Melissa Clark

By Melissa Clark

In 25 years of cooking and writing about it, Melissa Clark never thought she’d be a restaurant critic, because cooking was always half the fun.

  • Sept. 3, 2024

This is Melissa Clark’s first review as an interim restaurant critic, along with Priya Krishna, for The New York Times.

My first thought as the waiter slid a plate of stir-fried noodles in front of me at Lola’s was, I can make this at home. Noodles seared hot and fast with vegetables, a dash of soy sauce and a cube of Japanese curry? For even a moderately motivated home cook, that’s just Tuesday.

It took a single bite to prove me wrong.

The handmade noodles, golden from fresh yolks and earthy from einkorn flour, were wide and springy, with a nutty chew I’d hardly ever experienced, let alone achieved. The curry sauce buzzed with turmeric and freshly ground spices. And the whole thing was topped with ginger-marinated pole beans, silky bok choy and crispy browned morsels that turned out to be fried Yukon Gold potatoes — a nod to the soft tubers typically found in a Japanese curry, but taken to a crunchier extreme.

A back bowl is filled with wide, golden noodles and topped with green bok choy, red chiles and a scattering of fried potato crumbs. Wooden chopsticks rest on the side of the bowl.

Each bite built on the previous one, by turns savory, tangy and succulent, creating a quietly mesmerizing crescendo. It was the kind of dish any home cook could relate to, with its homey noodles and farmers’ market vegetables. It’s just that most of us could never reach this high.

Nearly the whole menu at Lola’s is like that. Comforting and familiar, it’s based on the kind of local, seasonal produce I always cook with — yet energized by acrobatic twists and tweaks that pivot gracefully from a solid technical grounding. There’s a BLT, topped with the ripest, juiciest summer tomatoes imaginable, then bolstered by sweet and tangy bacon jam. Roasted carrots spiced with garam masala are spooned over a rich yogurt, and accompanied by warm, fluffy naan. Wilted vinegared cabbage, as soft and ruffled as a lady’s handkerchief, is draped gently over coconut okonomiyaki.

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    home tab assignment

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  5. How To Use Home Tab Options In MS Word

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