Overview of the TOK essay (first assessment 2022)

There have been some important changes to the TOK with the new curriculum (first assessment 2022). Overall, the “heart” of the essay remains the same but there are some key differences. When searching for resources online about the TOK essay, pay careful attention to whether or not they are geared towards the new essay. While many older resources are still somewhat relevant you need to be aware that some of has been written about the older curriculum may not apply anymore.

Additionally, there are a large number of sample essays available online but the vast majority of them are written for an older TOK curriculum. Older TOK curricula have some different requirements and different assessment criteria. Looking at older TOK essays can be beneficial as the basic core of the new essay has not changed dramatically. Be careful though.

The first place to look when trying understand the TOK essay is the assessment instrument. Page 48 of the TOK subject guide states a basic question that underlines the marking of all TOK essays:

“ Does the student provide a clear, coherent and critical exploration of the essay title?”

Each of the three “c” key terms needs further investigation:

  • Is the essay as a whole clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Are all of the key terms in the essay title clearly addressed in the essay?
  • Are the arguments clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Do the specific examples have a clear connection to the prescribed title?
  • Is the writing clear? Writing clarity is itself not assessed by TOK markers but markers can only give you credit for your arguments if they are written clearly enough to be fully understood.
  • Does the essay overall have sufficient coherence?
  • Do the arguments flow logically from one to another?
  • Do the AOKs flow logically from one to another? You do not have to separate your essay into two distinct AOK sections but there needs to be a logical reason for the order of your body paragraphs.
  • Are the specific examples organized in a logical way?
  • Are the different points of view discussed in an effective and logical sequence?
  • Does the essay use transitions words and phrases effectively to improve the coherence of the essay?

Note: To be able to create a coherent TOK essay you first need to be able to create a coherent essay. You need to develop your general essay writing skills before your start working on your TOK essay.

  • Do the arguments in the essay have sufficient depth of critical analysis in its approach to the prescribed title? Does the essay overall have sufficient depth of critical analysis?
  • How are the specific examples used to support the arguments? Are the specific examples examined in sufficient depth?
  • Do the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? If a different point of view in the essay is fairly superficial it make it more difficult for the essay to be successful.
  • Does the evaluation of the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? Is this evaluation linked directly to the arguments and the prescribed title?
  • Are the implications in the essay critically considered ? Just mentioning a couple of implication may not quite be enough.

Most of the points above are drawn directly from the TOK essay assessment instrument. It is extremely important that very early on you take some time to closely examine the TOK essay assessment instrument. All parts of your essay must directly connect to both the essay title and to the TOK essay assessment instrument.

  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the prescribed title .
  • If there is some part of the essay title that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make the necessary changes as soon as possible
  • If there are parts of your essay that have weak links to the prescribed title strongly considering cutting them out. Save space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title.
  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the TOK assessment instrument .
  • If there is some part of the TOK assessment instrument that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make changes before you hand in your final draft.
  • If there are parts of your essay that have indirect / weak links to the TOK assessment instrument strongly considering cutting them out. Use the space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title and the TOK assessment instrument.

Essay requirements

Beyond the basics (making sure you address the essay title as well as the TOK assessment instrument), there are additional requirements for the TOK essay. Check the TOK subject guide for details.

  • Academic honesty / authenticity: Page 44 of the TOK subject guide is quite clear: “The TOK essay must be the student’s own work.”
  • You must submit both your essay and the TOK essay Planning and Progress Form (TK/PPF) for marking. The form is not taken into consideration in the marking of your essay but it may be important if questions are raised about the authenticity of your work.
  • Maximum 1600 words (make sure you are clear about what is and is not included in the word count).
  • 12 point, double spaced, standard font. This is now the standard for most if not all IB EAs and IAs. If you do not follow these simple basic requirements you are indicating to the marker right from the start that you are not careful and do not follow basic instructions. That is not the frame of mind you want the marker to be in when they start reading your essay.

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What’s the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?

Table of contents.

The Theory of Knowledge essay is an important part of any International Baccalaureate curriculum. It is a written assignment that tests a student’s ability to think critically about a given topic and form an argument based on research. The TOK essay is unique in that it has a specific structure and focuses on different ways of knowing, thinking, and learning.

The purpose of the TOK essay is to demonstrate how well a student can interpret, evaluate, and communicate different types of knowledge. It also allows students to engage with philosophical concepts and explore their own creativity. By writing a TOK essay, students gain insight into their own world views, as well as those of their peers.

When it comes to writing a TOK essay , there are three key concepts to keep in mind – the focus of the essay (the target search terms), the argument that the essay makes, and the evidence that supports the argument. The target search terms are the keywords used when researching the essay topic. These terms will guide the student as they look for evidence in books, articles, lectures, and other sources. The student must then use this evidence to form an argument and structure their essay. Finally, the essay must be formatted according to the guidelines provided by the IB program.

Writing a TOK essay can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the steps outlined in this guide, students can feel confident that they are on the right track to submitting a top-notch TOK essay on time.

What’s the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?​

Step 1: Doing Your Research

Doing your research is the most important step in writing a successful TOK essay. To make sure you score top marks and get the best possible result, it is essential that you have a good understanding of the topic and have done your research properly.

Start by reading up on the subject and familiarising yourself with all the key concepts. If you are struggling to understand any of the terms, try looking them up online or talking to someone who has more experience with the subject.

Next, you need to find some reliable sources for your essay. Make sure you are using reputable websites and don’t use any unreliable sources as this could lead to weaker arguments and even poorer grades.

You should also make sure to look at different perspectives, so that you can build a more detailed argument. Read multiple books and articles to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the topic.

Finally, make sure to write down any quotes or ideas you find while researching. This will help you to think of new ways to approach the topic and may provide inspiration for later drafts of your essay.

By following these tips and doing your research properly, you will be well on your way to writing an outstanding TOK essay.

Brainstorming and Structuring Your TOK Essay

The process of brainstorming and structuring your TOK essay is an important part of the writing process. Brainstorming involves collecting your thoughts and ideas about the topic and taking the time to consider a range of approaches. This allows you to develop a clear understanding of the question and gain some perspective on the various ways you can respond to it.

Structuring your essay is almost as important as the research and writing itself. It’s much easier to plan and structure your ideas before starting to write, rather than trying to fit your ideas into a structure afterwards. In order to create an effective structure for your essay, it can be helpful to start by creating a mind map or diagram. This will help you to visualise the points that you need to cover in your essay, as well as the connections between them.

When developing the structure for your essay, it’s important to keep in mind the following elements:

  • Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of your essay and explain why the topic is important.
  • Body: This is where you will present your argument and evidence, as well as any counter-arguments or opposing views.
  • Conclusion: Sum up your argument and tie together any loose ends in your essay.

It is also important to keep the flow of your essay in mind, and make sure that each paragraph logically follows on from the last. You can also use transitions and signposting to guide readers through your argument. Finally, don’t forget to include page numbers and a clear table of contents at the beginning of your essay.

Having a well-structured essay will help you to present your ideas in a coherent way and ensure that your argument is clear to your reader. It is also a great way to avoid rambling or getting off track with your point. By taking the time to brainstorm and structure your essay, you can ensure that you are presenting the best possible version of your work.

Step 3: Writing Drafts

Writing a TOK essay can be daunting, but by breaking down the process into smaller steps it can be easier to manage. The third step of the process is Writing Drafts. When starting to write your essay, it’s important to begin with draft versions, as this gives you the opportunity to refine and improve your ideas before submitting the final version.

How To Write A Draft

  • Create an outline: Break your essay into sections and subsections that support your main argument. This can help keep your writing focused, clear and organized.
  • Write the first draft: Don’t worry too much about making mistakes in this initial version; this is the point at which you can get your ideas down on paper and see how they fit together.
  • Evaluate your work: Once you’ve written the first draft, read through it carefully and make notes on any areas that you feel could be improved. Are there any gaps in your argument that need to be filled? Is the structure cohesive? What could be made clearer?
  • Revise and edit: Use your notes to make changes in the second draft. If possible, have someone else look through it for you to catch mistakes you might have missed.

The Importance Of Revision

Revising is essential for producing a high-quality TOK essay. It allows you to evaluate the structure and content of your work, ensuring that it meets the standards required by your institution. Furthermore, revision helps to ensure that your essay is coherent, conveying your ideas clearly and effectively.

In conclusion, Writing Drafts is an important step when writing a TOK essay. By taking your time to create an effective outline and then writing multiple drafts, you will be able to produce a well-structured essay that meets all the criteria for success.

Step 4: Final Touches

The fourth and final step in submitting a successful TOK essay is to give it the finishing touches. Writing multiple drafts of your essay is important, but these drafts may still not be up to submission standards. This is why it’s essential to do an extensive edit and proofread of your essay before handing it in.

Editing is the process of refining your essay by adjusting sentences, paragraphs, and ideas so they flow in a logical order. When editing, consider whether there are better ways to communicate your argument, or if any part of the essay can be restructured. You should also look out for any typos or spelling mistakes in the text.

Proofreading is the last step of the writing process and involves meticulously going through each word and punctuation mark to make sure the sentence structure and punctuation is correct. You should double-check that all the references you used in the essay are formatted correctly, and any additional sources you may have added are cited properly.

It’s also important to add any further references or links that support your argument. This step is essential for making your work more reliable. Try to find sources from reputable organizations or institutions, and make sure that the information you’re adding is up to date and relevant.

By taking the time to edit and proofread your TOK essay, you can ensure that your work is of the highest quality and meets the criteria for submission.

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What is the deadline.

It is absolutely essential that you meet the deadline for submitting your TOK essay. The timeline for submitting your essay will depend on you or your school’s individual circumstances, but it is important to be aware of the deadlines and ensure that your essay is submitted in good time.

In general, students and schools should  aim to submit the TOK  essay at least two weeks before the start of the exam. This means that if your exam starts on June 1st, your essay should be submitted no later than May 15th. It is important to note that some schools and universities may have slightly different timelines, so you should always check with your school or university to find out their specific deadlines.

It is also important to be aware of the consequences of missing the deadline. If you are a student, you may not be allowed to sit for the exam. If you are a school, you may be penalized for late submission. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the relevant deadlines and remain vigilant to ensure that your essay is submitted on time.

In conclusion, it is essential that you understand and adhere to the timeline for submitting your TOK essay. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the relevant deadlines and ensure that you submit the essay in good time. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that you do not miss the deadline and avoid any potential penalties.

Finishing Up

We hope this guide has been helpful in preparing you for the TOK essay. Writing a great essay can be a challenge, but by doing your research, getting organized, and staying on top of your deadlines, you’ll have a greater chance of success.

Don’t forget to proofread your essay several times before submitting it. This will help you to check for any mistakes and make sure that your essay is free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Finally, if you’re having difficulty meeting the deadline, don’t panic. Talk to your teacher or your parents, as they can offer you advice and support. Also, take advantage of all the available resources, such as websites and books, to help you write a successful TOK essay.

We wish you the best of luck with your TOK essay!

International Context

For international students, it is important to be aware of the regulations and guidelines for submitting a TOK essay. While all students must adhere to the wider frameworks set out by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for the essay, there can be important differences between countries.

For example, in some countries the grading system may be different or the format of the final essay can have specific requirements. As such, it is important to check this information with your local school or institution before starting the writing process.

It is also important to note that the deadline for submission of the essay may vary from country to country. Some countries may require the essay to be completed in one academic year while others may adopt a more relaxed approach and allow students more time to submit their essays.

In addition, some international schools may apply specific rules regarding how to structure the essay and what topics students are permitted to write about. For instance, some countries may require the inclusion of certain cultural references in the essay or may even require students to use particular software.

To ensure you meet the requirements of your institution, read the guidelines closely and make sure you research thoroughly.

By understanding the regulations and guidelines for international students, it is possible to make sure that the TOK essay is up to the highest standard and is submitted on time.

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Tips and Resources for Submitting Your TOK Essay on Time

Submitting your TOK essay can be a daunting task. Writing quality, argumentative essays requires lots of research, organization, structure and editing. The tight timeline prescribed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) program may seem intimidating, but there are tips and resources that you can use to make sure your essay is submitted on time.

Start by setting up a timeline. Make sure to give yourself plenty of cushion time so you don’t have to rush your essay at the last minute. Plan out when you will do your research, brainstorm your topic, write drafts, edit, and submit. Utilise free online tools like Google Calendar or a Plain Text editor to help track your progress and deadlines.

Set aside regular times each week to work on your essay. Aim to make progress everyday, even if that progress is small. Break the process into manageable chunks and focus on one element at a time instead of trying to tackle everything all at once.

Finally, take advantage of the wealth of online resources available. Look up trusted scientific sources, websites, and blogs. Ask teachers and fellow students for help with understanding the material. Utilise online proofreading tools to help edit and refine your writing. Take advantage of online essay writing services to get feedback from professional editors.

These tips and resources can help you make sure your TOK essay is great and submitted on time. Remember, it is much easier to make steady progress toward your goal than it is to scramble at the last minute. So take the time to set up a timeline, break the process into manageable chunks, and utilise the wealth of online resources available.

Writing a good TOK essay can be a daunting task – especially when it comes to meeting the deadline. We hope that this guide has been helpful in giving you an insight into writing a TOK essay, from researching to formatting and submitting the final copy.

It’s important to remember that by using the available resources, you can ensure that you meet the deadline for your TOK essay. Take some time to explore all the options available – from online tutors to sample essays and useful tips – so that you can submit a top-quality essay on time.

We also encourage you to stay up to date with your local examinations board or school guidelines when submitting a TOK essay. This will help ensure that you meet the correct deadline and don’t incur any penalties.

By following these simple steps and utilising the available resources, you can easily submit your TOK essay on time and get one step closer to achieving your educational goals.

Citing Sources

When writing an essay, it is essential to include references to the sources that you have used. This allows readers to verify the accuracy of your statements, as well as being able to investigate further. Therefore, at the end of your TOK essay, you should include a comprehensive list of all sources that you have used throughout the article.

Including references will also help to boost the overall credibility of your essay. By citing authoritative sources, you can show the reader that you have done your research and provide evidence to back up any claims that you make.

When citing sources, it is important to use the correct format. There are different formats for different types of source material, such as books, journals or websites. It is best to check with your teacher to ensure that you are using the correct style.

In addition to providing a comprehensive list of all the sources used in your essay, it is also useful to add any further links or resources that readers may find useful. This could include additional information on the topic or related articles that discuss similar issues.

By adding these extra resources, you can provide your readers with a wealth of information to explore further. Remember to include these references as part of your list of sources as this will help to keep your citations accurate.

So, when submitting your TOK essay, it is important to include a list of all the sources used. This should be accurately formatted and include any additional resources that the reader may wish to explore.

  • Last Edit 15 AUG 2023

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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The student magazine at  Graded School

February 15th: The Deadline for TOK, or Should there be an Extension?

Felipe Veirano | October 1, 2021


February 15, 2022 marks the deadline for the final IB submission of the Class of 2022’s Theory Of Knowledge Essay, our last summative deadline for the course until we graduate in late May. Because of this, a debate has emerged within TOK classrooms: what should be done after Feb 15th? As of now, there are two main options. The first is to continue having TOK lessons under what shall be called ‘TOK lite’ with no homework or summative assessments, but proceed with class discussions facilitated by the TOK Knowledge Framework Guide. The second option is to end TOK there and then, and have the TOK block become an Academic Prep block, giving students more time to wrap up their final IAs and prepare for the upcoming IB exams. 

TOK is already a somewhat controversial class given its status within the IB core: meaning technically it isn’t truly an IB course, but rather a requirement that needs to be fulfilled if you want an IB diploma in your hands in two years time. To me, the answer to the question posed in the previous paragraph is really quite simple––no, there should be no ‘TOK lite’, and yes, there should just be an Academic Prep block. I say this not because it is the easiest way out and gives me more “down time” (whatever that means as an IB student), but because the Academic Prep block will truly be valuable for students. February is still a busy time in senior year, and with most students aiming to complete their IAs successfully while still keeping up with other coursework, an additional Academic Prep block would be crucial to manage our time more smoothly. Further, we spent a full year on distance learning, and so are at a disadvantage when compared to schools in places less affected by the pandemic – again, an Academic Prep block would alleviate this disadvantage. One way to lessen that handicap is to give us more time to study and review topics that might not be as fresh in our minds. After a year and a half of intense work, two Academic Prep blocks gives students time to finish most work on-campus, lessening the stress felt in after school hours. Second semester of senior year is, of course, still a time to work hard and achieve the highest grades you can, but it is also four months that should be devoted to reminiscence and the enjoyment of Graded as a whole: its afterschool activities, sports, and traditional events. The more work that can be completed in-school hours the better, both for students, who get more time to enjoy, as for teachers who will have more well-rested, gleeful students.

Another important point to consider is that of senioritis: if many seniors already lack the motivation to put full effort into their IB HL/SL classes during their second semester of senior year, what motivation will there be to pay attention and perform in a class where there is no more ‘true work’ to be done? How effective will TOK lite even be? I believe it’ll be very counterproductive, while Academic Prep at least gives students who are still on top of things time to complete work. Finally, the other two aspects of the IB Core have hard deadlines that nobody questions: I doubt Mrs Boerner will come talk to us about the EE after our viva você reflection has been submitted in October, nor will Bulga come to discuss CAS after March 31. If both of these elements are allowed to finish before our exams and graduations, why can’t that be the case with TOK? 

February 15th, 2022 should be the deadline for TOK. Not that I haven’t learned or taken anything away from the class, but once the assignments are done, there is no purpose in keeping students there, especially when Academic Prep time could be given. Senioritis, comparison with the other IB core elements, and the benefits of Academic Prep combine to make it clear what should be done: assign seniors an additional Academic Prep block!

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Quintessential Education. IGCSE IB Tuition Specialists

IB Study Tips

April 22, 2022

IB Extended Essay Guide 2022: Deadlines And Requirements

IB 2022 exams are fast approaching. This means that many IB students around the world are already working double time to be able to study enough for the exams, comply with all the IB requirements, and meet all their deadlines. And one of such is the most important IB component that students need to get ready for – their Extended Essay (EE) .

EE is a component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) that students are required to write and submit before a given deadline. It is a structured essay containing no more than 4,000 words on a particular topic chosen by the student, which assesses their research ability and communication skills. The 4000-word essay is then accompanied by a reflection form that should contain a maximum of 500 words.

If you are currently in the process of writing your extended essay, or if you are an upcoming IB student who wishes to understand more about this IB requirement, this article is right for you. Here are some of the most important pieces of information you should know about the 2022 IB EE.

What should your extended essay include?

The extended essay is basically a mini-thesis that you write with the help of and under the supervision of your IB advisor. To begin your EE, you first need to decide on a research question as your topic, conduct independent research, and then write an essay on the findings of your research.

When writing your EE, you should always keep in mind that the IB requires the essays to be a formal academic piece. This means that you need to do outside research, cite sources properly, and follow the writing requirements set by the IB. Here are the parts that your IB EE should include:

  • A page for your title
  • A table of contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • Bibliography and references

When it comes to formatting, your essay should be written in a readable 12-point font with double spacing. Using an easy-to-read font is important, so you can help the examiners read and evaluate your essay more easily. The IB also does not require any specific citation or referencing format, so you can pick whichever system you are comfortable with. Just make sure to follow your chosen citation style consistently throughout your essay.

What is the process for writing your extended essay?

The first step to writing your extended essay is choosing your research topic, which must fall into one of the six approved IB subject groups or categories: Mathematics, Sciences, Language and Acquisition, Studies in Language and Literature, Individuals and Societies, and the Arts.

Once you have already decided on your research topic, you need to come up with a topic proposal and meet with your IB advisor for approval and consultations. As of 2018, the IB already mandates that the EE supervision process of each student should include a “reflection process,” under which you are required to meet with your advisor in “reflection sessions” at least thrice.

According to the IB, the objective of the reflection meetings is to provide students with an opportunity to contemplate their engagement with the research process and to allow the advisors to offer feedback and evaluation of the students’ research process.

At the end of the EE process, a final reflection session called the “viva voce” will then take place. It is a quick 10- to 15-minute interview between the student and the advisor, which will help the latter write a report that will contribute to the student’s EE grade. The things usually covered in a viva voce are a plagiarism check, a reflection on your success and difficulty, and an overview of your learning during the EE process.

How to prepare a topic proposal for your extended essay?

As mentioned, coming up with a topic proposal is one of the first and most important steps in your EE writing process. Your topic proposal will basically provide an overview of what your essay will look like and how you will go about your research process. It is to be submitted to your advisor and a DP coordinator, who will read your proposal and decide on whether your chosen topic can be used for your extended essay.

Before handing in your topic proposal, it is important to consider every aspect of your research topic first to make sure you will obtain the approval of your academic advisor. Here are some of the questions you should ask when preparing your topic proposal:

  • What is your research area, and why have you selected it?
  • What is your research question all about?
  • What is the importance of your topic?
  • What background information do you know about your chosen topic?
  • What research methods will you use, and what processes will you undergo?
  • What primary and secondary sources are you planning to use for your research?
  • Have you found any reading material for your topic already?

What are the deadlines for the EE submission?

Generally, the due dates for the submission of all extended essays this 2022 are on the 15th of March for the May exam session and on the 15th of September for the November session. However, the IB gives schools the freedom to set earlier due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of producing the EE.

It is basically the schools’ responsibility to make sure all the works of their candidates are received by the IB on or before the submission date. To learn more about the EE submission deadlines, it is best to contact your IB school directly.

The extended essay is one of the most important components of IB that you should really prepare for. This requirement will not only demonstrate your research, communication, and self-management skills, but it will also reflect how much you have learned from your IB journey. To achieve a grade of D or higher on your IB EE, be sure to always follow the requirements and stick to the deadlines set by the IB and your school.

If the upcoming IB exams (particularly the hard ones like math and chemistry) are stressing you out, do not hesitate to seek the help of an IB maths tutor now. Here at QE, we have expert and experienced IGCSE and IB maths tutors in Singapore who will help you improve your study schedule and prepare better for the upcoming IB exams. To find out more about our reliable programs or tuition classes, get in touch with any of our educators and advisers today.

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US IB Theory of Knowledge: TOK Essay

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ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

TOK Prescribed Titles

The International Baccalaureate Organization releases six TOK essay titles, twice a year for submission either in May or November. So you need to know which cohort you're submitting with. The essay titles for submission in May are released in the previous September. The essay titles for submission in November are released the previous March.

  • May 2022 topics
  • November 2021 topics
  • May 2021 topics
  • November 2020 topics
  • May 2020 topics
  • November 2019 topics
  • May 2019 topics
  • November 2018 topics
  • May 2018 topics
  • November 2017 topics

"A" example Essays

  • Reason vs Emotion in Ethics
  • Breaking Conventions
  • Context is All
  • Moral Wisdom
  • Valuable Knowledge
  • Experience & Culture

Essay Guidelines

The word count is 1600 words. This includes quotations. You have to write down the number of words when you submit the essay. The examiner will not read past 1600 words. References, maps/charts/illustrations and bibliographies are not included in the word count. You can choose any standard referencing system, but be consistent with the one you chose.

Assessment Criteria: Markscheme from the TOK Guide (as of Class of 2022)


TOK Essay Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that students and teachers frequently ask about the TOK essay. Read through these questions and the answers to check that you are doing the right thing.

What’s the most important thing to bear in mind?

The first thing is to BE CLEAR! Most students do not even manage to communicate their ideas clearly to the examiner. Regardless of whether or not your answer is stunningly original or crammed with a variety of interesting examples, if it is clear then you will already have a massive head start over the majority of other students from elsewhere in the world. That is why it is absolutely vital to plan in detail – if you have a clear plan you will write a clear essay. If you start the essay without a clear plan then the chances are you will not do very well.

The second thing is to remain focused on the question. It is really easy to lose focus and when you do your score will instantly drop. A slight switch from discussing ‘what we believe is true’ to ‘what is true’ might be enough to make most of your answer irrelevant to the question that you have been asked so you have to be really, really careful here. Always ask yourself whether you are correctly focused on the question.

If my answer is not completely different to everyone else’s will I lose?

Most good essays will offer well balanced, plausible and convincing answer to the knowledge question that has been asked. Clearly there is not an infinite variety of plausible and convincing answers to any question and so you should not expect your answer to be completely different to everyone else’s and nor should you strive to make it bizarrely and outlandishly strange in an attempt to seem original. A good answer will usually point out that x is true in some case cases because of a certain set of reasons, while it is less true in other cases and pretty much completely untrue elsewhere. Students who take very extreme positions tend not to do so well in TOK because, unlike in English where you can usually find some evidence to back up even the most unusual reading, TOK is meant to be firmly grounded in the real world and so, for instance, it is not really that plausible to argue that we can never know anything because that just doesn't fit with how we live our daily lives. Similarly, answers which are overly simply probably won't do that well because most things in TOK just aren’t that clear cut. For example students who claim that Art is completely subjective and that we can never know whether one painting is better than another have trouble when accounting for how the IB award some students Level 7s in art while failing others.

So in this sense your essay might be balanced in the same way as someone else’s but the difference between your essay and everyone else’s should be in exactly how you strike that balance, exactly which discriminations you make and the kinds of evidence that you use to persuade me that your answer is correct. The more convincing your position: the better you will do.

How many examples do I need?

In terms of number of examples there is no set answer. However, in a 1600 word essay you should try to have about 4-6 main body points with one clear example that is central to each one. The best marks will not go to those students who have lots of examples but those who choose examples that support their point really well and then go on to consider the counterclaims against this position (possibly using the same example or a different one) and then respond to this counterclaim (again using the same example or a different one - however three examples in paragraph might be getting a bit too much).

How important is it to talk about myself?

It is important to demonstrate personal engagement, indeed the highest marks will really only be awarded to essays that create a sense that the writer has really engaged and got to grips with the question that they have chosen to answer. However, there are a number of different ways to do this. Using the personal pronoun ‘I’ and talking about something that has happened to you is one way to do this but it will not score highly unless it is a strong example that convincingly supports the point you are trying to make. For example, you will are unlikely to get any points for a personal example about your summer holiday or your Mum’s noodle soup unless it clearly and convincingly supports your answer to the question.

Other ways to demonstrate personal engagement and independent thought are by offering personal definitions of key words and researching original examples that you have come up with yourself rather than the obvious example or the one that everyone else in your class is using because that is the one that the teacher gave you.

Ultimately the best way to demonstrate your personal engagement with the question is through your tone of voice and the sense that you have really ‘got’ what this question is asking and honestly offered your own answer to it. However, this can be hard to identify for an examiner so it is probably best if you try to cover all of the different methods mentioned above in order to come across as a student who is thinking for themselves and relating this question to experiences in their own education.

Should I offer definitions of all the words in my title?

Obviously not – beginning your essay with a list of personal definitions does not make for a very engaging start.   However, there may be some terms in your question title that it is important to define and so you might need to start by doing this. In these case it is best to offer a   brief   personal definition (avoid Dictionary.com!), but be careful with going into any more detail than that. Otherwise the best way to show that you understand what the words in the title mean is to continually link back to the key words from the question throughout your essay. Just like in an English essay you would usually do this at the beginning or end of a paragraph but the best students will be able to make the link clear throughout.

One handy trick to bear in mind when thinking about definitions is that, considering different definitions of key words can actually be a good way of incorporating different perspectives into your essay. For example, if your essay question asks you whether progress is equally possible in the sciences and the arts then how you answer that question might depend on how you define progress and a good structure for the essay might be to start by considering one definition of progress (i.e. progress from one perspective) and then go on to contrast this with the answer that we get if we consider a different definition of progress from another perspective.

Is it a good idea to argue that it’s impossible to know anything at all?

Generally no … TOK examiners tend to be quite dismissive of essays that argue either that we can’t know anything at all or that you can have your ‘truth’ and I can have my ‘truth’ and that these truths are both true. The first of these approaches is often called ‘lazy scepticism’ and the second ‘easy relativism’ and you can see that the names imply that these are not particularly impressive positions to adopt. This is not to say that it’s impossible to be sceptical about knowledge and argue that there are problems with it because clearly there are. It’s also not to say that it’s impossible to argue that in some situations the ‘truth’ might actually be different for different people. However, by and large TOK is looking at how we can know things despite the problems we face when acquiring with knowledge or in spite of the different opinions that exist. TOK is in many ways a pragmatic and realistic subject that is trying to move away from creating the impression that we just can't know anything at all. As such, the best essays will admit that the acquisition of knowledge may not be straight-forward, but will go on to consider how we can overcome these obstacles in the successful pursuit of knowledge.

Do I have to cover every AOK and WOK in my essay?

No, you won’t have enough space. However, you should start by considering all of the   AOKs   and   WOKs   when you begin planning your essay and then narrow it down to the 2 or 3   AOKs   or   WOKs   where you can say the most interesting things. Make it clear that this narrowing down is a conscious decision that you have made and you can even briefly explain the reasons why you have made the choice that you have, if you think that it is relevant. Remember that the highest marks will go to the students who explore a few really key ideas in depth rather than those who try to cover everything. Remember also that the best and most original ideas are not necessarily going to be the ones that spring to mind first so try to use   AOKs   or   WOKs   that not everyone else is using – as long as they work.

So how do I know which   AOKs   or   WOKs   would be good ones to pick?

In general, it can be good to compare an AOK where a statement 'x' really applies well and contrast that with one where it doesn't or doesn't seem to. So for example 'All knowledge is subjective' seems to fit well with The Arts and Ethics, but less with Maths and Science so if you just talk about The Arts and Ethics then you are just going to have an essay that keeps saying ... and this is also true in Ethics, and we can see another example of subjectivity in the Arts, etc. It would be much better to say that this is true in the arts because of xyz reasons and not true in Maths because of   abc   reasons.

If you are really confident with TOK you might try inverting an obvious stereotype about an AOK and seeing if you can find examples where that isn’t true. For example, most students’ first reactions are that the Arts are a subjective subject whereas Maths is a subject which contains objective, universal truths. While there is some   truth to this stereotype   it is not true all the time and the best students will be able to explore where that stereotype breaks down and why it breaks down.   For example, while judgement in art is subjective, some truths – e.g. that this picture was painted by   Da   Vinci - are empirical and so we can have objective agreement about them. Additionally, even the subjective truths aren't allowed to be absolutely anything - even my Mum doesn't think that my Primary School paintings are as good as   Da   Vinci's. This kind of subtlety is what marks out the best answers.

In addition, do not make sweeping statements about aspects or areas of knowledge that imply that what you are saying is always and absolutely true without exception. Instead, phrase things in a way that acknowledges the limitations of your own knowledge and experience: for example ‘Accepting for the moment the premise that … then we can say …’

Do I have to use TOK words like ‘Areas of Knowledge’ in my essay?

Yes you do as this will demonstrate a good understanding of the course but be wary of just throwing them in everywhere: judicious and correct use of TOK terminology is better than going over the top. The words that should come up more frequently are the key words from the question to show that you are remaining focused on the question and not getting distracted by anything else.

Do I have to include any Philosophy or Philosophical words?

No   - the IB have made it clear that TOK is not a philosophy course, instead it is meant to be grounded in the real world and your own experiences as a student. As such you should try to avoid including complex philosophical points unless you really understand them and they really are fully relevant to the essay, even then it is often to put these points into your own words rather than quote philosophers because TOK is about you thinking for yourself rather than quoting someone else’s thoughts.

Do I have to research the quotations in the question title?

It is a good idea to know where the quotation came from, who said it and why but you wouldn’t necessarily include any of this in your essay. In fact, the quotation may not really be relevant at all to the essay question as they are sometimes just used to give you a flavor of   the what   the essay is about. For example in the ‘What I Tell You Three Times is True’ question – the number ‘three’ and the fact that this comes from Lewis Carroll are not necessarily as important as the point about repetition and so detailed research into the works of Lewis Carroll will not really help you with this question.

Can I use quotations from famous people to back up my argument?

Students often like starting essays, concluding essays or supporting points with quotations from famous people like Oscar Wilde or Albert Einstein. The fact that these people are experts tends to lend an air of credibility to your argument. However, the opinion of someone like Oscar Wilde is only going to be relevant in certain, very specific circumstances, for example, if you are exploring esthetics (the theory about what makes beautiful things beautiful) then it might be worth considering Oscar Wilde’s perspective on this topic as he was an artist… but you have to remember that his view is only one perspective and just because Wilde said it, it doesn’t mean that he has the best or most convincing theory about beauty. You should also remember that, outside of the topic of esthetics, it might not be a such good idea to quote Oscar Wilde at all: his opinions on how to live a good life, for example, can be sharply witty and sound quite appealing ... but we need to remember that he did die penniless and alone in Paris so is he really someone that we want to listen to?

Similarly, Einstein is a hugely important figure in the history of science and it might be worthwhile quoting him if you were exploring the forces that drive or inspire genius. However, again you should bear in mind that Einstein’s personal statement about what inspires him is not necessarily something that is going to be true of all thinkers. On top of that you should remember that it has been almost 100 years since the publication of Einstein’s last great work, the General Theory of Relativity, so if you are looking for an up to date comment on the nature of scientific knowledge then it might be best to look elsewhere.

In general the rule with quotations is that you should only quote from someone when they are an expert in the relevant field and even then you have to bear in mind that their opinion is nothing more than that, an opinion. Just like your opinions have to be backed up with evidence and proof, so do the opinions of experts… just because Einstein said it, it doesn’t mean it’s true until you show me the proof. One danger you should also be aware of if you quote too much is that the expert’s voice can come to replace your own and so you should only quote opinions sparingly. One additional way to prevent the expert’s voice from dominating your essay is to use quotations from them in your counterclaims; if you go on to disagree with the expert then that’s usually a clear indication that you are thinking for yourself.

Finally, be careful where you get your quotation from. ‘Brainyquote.com’ might be a repository of thousands of fantastic and completely accurate quotations but it doesn’t create a great impression of your ability to select reliable sources so try to find the original source for your quotation and quote that!

Do I need to include different perspectives in my essay?

Definitely, although remember that ‘different perspectives’ can mean a range of different things. One nice way to include different perspectives is by considering the question from the ‘perspective’ of the different   AOKs . So, for example, you might answer the question from the perspective of the sciences and then compare this with the perspective of the arts – this is a particularly nice trick because it also enables you to draw in some comparisons between the   AOKs   at the same time. However, there are other perspectives that you considering and exploring different cultural, political, philosophical, historical and intellectual perspectives or different schools of thought within an AOK can lead to a more interesting and more convincing essay.

Do I have to distinguish between ‘personal’ and ‘shared’ knowledge in my essay?

It’s definitely a good idea to consider these ideas in your planning but, as with anything, you should only really include them if they are relevant to your essay. One effective way to include these different kinds of knowledge in your essay is to treat them as different perspectives on the same issue. For example, if you are looking at whether it is possible to make progress in the arts then the answer might be quite different depending on whether I am talking about progress at a personal level (clearly I can get better at drawing) or at a shared / communal level because it’s not entirely clear what it would mean for art overall to get ‘better’. This links nicely with the previous point as a way of considering different perspectives on the same issue and can be a good way of killing two birds with one stone.

From www.mrhoyestokwebsite.com

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  • Last Updated: Jun 21, 2024 2:31 PM
  • URL: https://asmadrid.libguides.com/IBtheoryofknowledge

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IA, EE, And TOK Update

  • Author: Litera Centre
  • Updated: January 16, 2023
  • Language: English

IA, EE, And TOK Update

Students are required to complete several written tasks as part of the curriculum for the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma program. These assignments must be explained clearly to students so they can understand what they mean.

As an IB student, you must understand these terms and how they relate to the various written assignments.

Importance of IA, EE and TOK in IBDP:

In addition to the IB Diploma Program, you will need to earn a passing score on either the IA/EE or TOK examination. These are essential since they are factored into the overall grade you receive on the IBDP and the score you receive on your diploma.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) consists of three parts: language, literature/creative writing, and mathematics. However, students are only allowed to take two exams per module: Language and Literature or Creative Writing (one per module).

Marking scheme of all three:

Marking Scheme of IA, EE and TOK

The marking scheme of all three is the same. IA, EE, and TOK are marked on a scale of 1-5. This means that if you receive your mark in any of these three subjects, it will be out of five points.

TOK is not marked out of 5; instead, it is kept on a scale from 1 to 7.

IB Grade Scale :

7 – Excellent

6 – Very Good

5 – Good

4 – Satisfactory

3 – Mediocre

2 – Poor

1 – Very Poor

(The data below is taken from the 2021 Diploma Programme Assessment processes.)

  • Six subjects must be studied at standard and advanced levels (SL and HL). Additionally, students must finish the “core,” which consists of an extended essay, CAS (creativity, action, service), and TOK (theory of knowledge) (EE).
  • Each subject is given a grade between 1 and 7, with seven being the highest. When deciding whether to provide a diploma, these grades are also utilized as points (7 points for a grade 7, etc.).
  • The grades for TOK and EE range from A to E, with A being the highest mark. These two grades are merged in the graduation points matrix to add 0 to 3 points. Although CAS is not graded, completion is required to earn the diploma. See paragraph A7.7.
  • Therefore, 45 ((6 7) + 3) total points from subject grades and TOK/EE can be calculated. The curriculum must be completed with a minimum of 24 points to receive a diploma.

The following extra conditions apply:

  • The CAS requirements have been met.
  • For TOK, the EE, or a contributing subject, no “N” is given.
  • No grade E is provided for TOK and EE.
  • In a subject or level, a grade of 1 is not given.
  • There can only be two grade 2s given out (HL or SL).
  • At most, three degrees 3 or lower are given (HL or SL).
  • The candidate has improved by at least 12 points in HL topics (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count).
  • The candidate has improved by at least 9 points on SL subjects (candidates who register for two SL subjects must gain at least 5 points at SL).
  • The Final Award Committee has not imposed a sanction on the candidate for academic dishonesty.
  • Six subjects are required, including TOK, EE, and CAS. In addition to grade requirements, they must obtain at least 24 points from assessments in these courses.
  • They must satisfy all of the above-mentioned additional requirements.
  • They have three examination sessions, maximum, to complete their task.
  • Candidates who satisfactorily fulfill these requirements will be given the diploma.
  • A bilingual diploma may be available to applicants who take the diploma exam in multiple languages.

Submissions and deadlines of the same:

Ee submission 2022/2023:.

Generally, the due dates for submitting all extended essays this 2022 are the 15th of March for the May exam session and the 15th of September for the November session. These dates correspond to the May and November exam sessions. 

The International Baccalaureate (IB) does, however, permit institutions to establish early due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of creating the extended essay (EE).

It is primarily the responsibility of the educational institutions to see to it that the IB has every candidate’s work on or before the deadline for submissions. It is best to contact your IB school immediately if you have any questions regarding the EE submission dates.

TOK Submission 2022/2023:

Students have no IBO submission deadline. It just tells schools how and when to submit all paperwork to the organization. Your school must cooperate for an end run. After learning about their policies and procedures, you can better comprehend what to do.

Schools establish deadlines . They accept contributions till a certain point. To stay on track, you need all the information.

After that, you can organize your TOK essay and work to finish on time. Student planning is crucial. If you work hard, you can meet deadlines.

The TOK essay involves day-planning. To score well, first, comprehend the essay’s distinctive structure. You also need good examples to achieve well.

TOK can be done well with good planning and execution. Work within the timeframe.

Extra Points to remember:

The TOK essay is submitted in November and May each year. Thus, first, consider your timeframe. You’ll grasp these concepts better. You are choosing an IBO-prescribed TOK title.

Your school checks your essay. Thus, you need all the facts. It may take days. This follows school procedures. To learn more, contact your school first.

Your essay will only count with school verification. First, contact your IB school for information. They will help you understand everything.

What are the tricks to getting the highest score?

Get The Highest Score

Making a plan and organizing a project:

When it comes to completing scholarly writing projects, organization is essential because IB students must approach all written examinations with the same level of seriousness. It is common for IB students to scramble at the eleventh hour regarding their written tasks, which can be avoided by being more prepared and well-organized.

Pupils must establish their own goals and deadlines. In addition to assisting them in planning, it demonstrates a commitment to their IB tasks, which is very important in situations where one wants to stay caught up. Especially when there are several additional classes and assignments to complete during both years of the IB program. 

For students to avoid undue stress, they need to ensure that they are keeping up with the due dates of their IB assignments in the correct chronological order.

Critical thinking skills:

When students’ writings exhibit evidence of critical thinking, their credibility increases significantly. As a consequence of this, they will be able to present evidence that demonstrates their comprehension of the material at hand. 

People constantly working to improve their thinking demonstrate the ability to create judgments through critical thinking. It is the purpose of all academic writing to equip students with powers that will be necessary for the continuation of their education, and this is the ultimate goal of all academic writing.

Integrity in academics:

Academic honesty is a crucial component of both the teaching and learning processes involved in inquiry-based learning. The written examinations that are a part of the IBDP are where it shines the brightest. 

Students should go to public and school libraries if they have specific issues with referencing their sources.

IB Students Globally:

Students who are not native speakers of English but want their assignments to be written in this language frequently struggle to discover suitable sentence structure and pronunciation when writing their jobs.

When the students are reviewing their work, and before turning in their assignments, they may seek assistance from their language professors if available. 

It is essential to schedule a meeting with the school’s learning support department, which employs people trained to offer help, as soon as possible. The student will benefit from using the library’s resources to find information pertinent to their writing tasks.

Using mentors:

Every student working on an IB Extended Essay is given a mentor, and they must stay in close contact with their mentor throughout the research and writing process, as well as up until the point at which they hand in their assignment. 

Students need to use this service, which allows them to consult mentors for guidance on obtaining any feedback they may require.

IB students must spend a significant amount of time in the library. It is the mission of both classroom teachers and academic librarians to support students in achieving their academic potential. 

Teachers and librarians collaborate to ensure that students have the skills necessary to communicate effectively, evaluate the credibility of information on the internet, and distinguish between various online sources. The work of librarians is vital.

Resources for Doing Research:

Most students’ online research for their assignments is conducted on Google. However, they strongly recommend using other criteria tools such as The CRAP Test (currency, reliability, authority, and purpose) to determine if a website can be trusted, allowing them to find high-quality and credible online resources while saving them time. This test will determine whether or not a website can be trusted.

How does Litera Centre help students get the best scores?

Litera Centre , an online school, has hired some of the best teachers and experts in their fields to give its students a high-quality education. So far, all of our students have passed, and we’ve helped more than 2,250 of them get great test scores.

We help students prepare for their IGCSE, AS, and A Level tests online. Our advantages are

  • By giving our students custom sample papers, we give them the chance to take part in a perfect simulation of a real exam.
  • Trying to answer all of the students’ questions until they have a good grasp of the subject
  • Giving our students complete, interactive, and useful study materials is important to us.
  • We also offer one-on-one online sessions for our IGCSE students, which are led and taught by our knowledgeable tutors.

The only way to know what will happen in the future is to build it. Let Litera Centre help you make a bright, happy, and successful future.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)

When is the tok essay due 2024.

The Deadline for The 2024 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Can Differ Based On the School or Educational Institution. To Get the Precise Deadline, It’s Recommended to Check with Your School’s TOK Coordinator or The International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator.

When Is the Tok Essay Due?

The Deadline for Submitting Your TOK Essay Depends On Your School or Educational Institution. For The Exact Deadline, It’s Best to Check with Your School’s TOK Coordinator or The International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator.

How Are Tok and Ee Points Calculated?

The Scoring for TOK and EE Is Determined by The International Baccalaureate (IB) Using A Matrix. Points Are Allocated Based On the Grades Earned in The TOK Essay and Presentation, As Well as The Extended Essay. The EE Can Earn Up to 3 Points, While The TOK Essay and Presentation Combined Can Also Earn Up To 3 Points. These Scores Are Added to Determine the Overall Diploma Programme Score.

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IB ToK Essay Titles and Topics: November 2022

Here are links to ideas and suggestions relating to the the six November 2022 IB ToK Essay topics:

  • Topic 1. Within an area of knowledge is it more important to have credibility or power? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.
  • Topic 2. If pushed too far, can open-mindedness itself become restrictive? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 3. Is it better to "have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned" (adapted from Richard Feynman)? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.
  • Topic 4. Why do we seek indisputable evidence when it is so often unattainable? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 5. To what extent do you agree with the directive to "measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" (Galileo Galilei)? Answer with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.
  • Topic 6. If the artist has freedom to interpret past events in ways that are denied to the historian, is this an asset or an obstacle to our understanding of the past? Discuss with reference to the arts and history.

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Title 1: Within an area of knowledge is it more important to have credibility or power? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 1 include:

  • the varieties of power
  • the difference between being credible and being correct
  • what is meant by "importance" here?

These thoughts, and others, will be developed here shortly: come back soon!

Title 2: If pushed too far, can open-mindedness itself become restrictive? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 2 include:

  • the role of imagination in being open-minded
  • what is meant by "restrictive" in this context?
  • are there limits to what can be coherently questioned?

Title 3: Is it better to "have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned" (adapted from Richard Feynman)? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 3 include:

  • is it possible, coherently, to frame a question that admits of no answer?
  • what distinguishes plausible from implausible answers to questions?
  • which sorts of true propositions can't rationally be doubted?

Title 4: Why do we seek indisputable evidence when it is so often unattainable? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 4 include:

  • do we know any indisputable propositions?
  • are proofs indisputable evidence?
  • what is the difference between rational and irrational dispute?

Title 5: To what extent do you agree with the directive to "measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" (Galileo Galilei)? Answer with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 5 include:

  • what is the difference between being measurable in practice and in principle only?
  • must we change something that is immeasurable, beyond recognition, in order to render it measurable?
  • the difference between accuracy and precision in measurement

Title 6: If the artist has freedom to interpret past events in ways that are denied to the historian, is this an asset or an obstacle to our understanding of the past? Discuss with reference to the arts and history.

Thoughts to consider with essay 6 include:

  • must all interpretations of past events be faithful to the facts?
  • what makes an interpretation objective?
  • if an interpretation is available to the artist, but not the historian, does this mean that it is ineffable?
  • 1. Within an area of knowledge is it more important to have credibility or power? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge.
  • 2. If pushed too far, can open-mindedness itself become restrictive? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 3. Is it better to "have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned" (adapted from Richard Feynman)? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.
  • 4. Why do we seek indisputable evidence when it is so often unattainable? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 5. To what extent do you agree with the directive to "measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so" (Galileo Galilei)? Answer with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.
  • 6. If the artist has freedom to interpret past events in ways that are denied to the historian, is this an asset or an obstacle to our understanding of the past? Discuss with reference to the arts and history.
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Official Extended Essay deadline

Does anyone know the official IB deadline for the EE?

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  1. Ib Tok Essay Example 2022

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

  2. Ib Tok Essay Example 2022

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

  3. Steps to Write IB TOK Essay Made Easy. Draft A Powerful Essay in 3

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

  4. How to Write your IB TOK Essay

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

  5. 2022年IB TOK新题介绍

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022

  6. How to plan your ToK Essay

    ib tok essay submission deadline 2022


  1. Deadline

    Upload deadline. Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the different components of theory of knowledge (TOK) assessment, which is communicated with schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by ...

  2. TOK Essay Deadlines Guide

    During class or in a private meeting, ask them about the deadline and any advice they might have for planning your essay submission schedule. 4. Check with Peers. Sometimes, your peers can also be a helpful source of information, especially if they have attended meetings or sessions you may have missed.

  3. Theory of knowledge

    Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay. It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK is part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all students. Learn more about theory of knowledge.

  4. Overview of the TOK essay (first assessment 2022)

    Overview of the TOK essay (first assessment 2022) There have been some important changes to the TOK with the new curriculum (first assessment 2022). Overall, the "heart" of the essay remains the same but there are some key differences. When searching for resources online about the TOK essay, pay careful attention to whether or not they are ...

  5. What's the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?

    The timeline for submitting your essay will depend on you or your school's individual circumstances, but it is important to be aware of the deadlines and ensure that your essay is submitted in good time. In general, students and schools should aim to submit the TOK essay at least two weeks before the start of the exam.

  6. February 15th: The Deadline for TOK, or Should there be an Extension?

    February 15, 2022 marks the deadline for the final IB submission of the Class of 2022's Theory Of Knowledge Essay, our last summative deadline for the course until we graduate in late May. Because of this, a debate has emerged within TOK classrooms: what should be done after Feb 15th? As of now, there are two main options.

  7. TOK 2022 assessment

    Theory of Knowledge is assessed, but not in the form of an exam. Instead, there are two parts of the assessment: an essay on a prescribed title and, new to this specification, the "TOK exhibition." The essay is marked externally and is worth 67% of the marks. The Exhibition is marked internally (but moderated externally) and worth 33% of the marks.

  8. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  9. Tok 2022: Theory of Knowledge Website for The Ibdp

    If you are getting started with the TOK 2022 course, check out these 5 top tips for TOK teachers. On this page, you will find more information about course design, assessment, integrating TOK across the curriculum, recommended course books and My IB. ... it is important that you reference correctly when you submit your final assessed essay and ...

  10. IB Extended Essay Guide 2022: Deadlines And Requirements

    What are the deadlines for the EE submission? Generally, the due dates for the submission of all extended essays this 2022 are on the 15th of March for the May exam session and on the 15th of September for the November session. However, the IB gives schools the freedom to set earlier due dates and internal deadlines for the various stages of ...

  11. LibGuides: US IB Theory of Knowledge: TOK Essay

    The International Baccalaureate Organization releases six TOK essay titles, twice a year for submission either in May or November. So you need to know which cohort you're submitting with. The essay titles for submission in May are released in the previous September. The essay titles for submission in November are released the previous March.

  12. The May 2022 TOK Essay Titles

    Here are the Theory of Knowledge Essay prescribed titles for the May 2022 session. Tim has made a full, May 2022 TOK Essay Titles Analysis, which you can watch inside IBMastery. It will help you understand how to approach each of the titles (i.e. things to avoid, things to consider and some tips and helpful advice for each title).

  13. November 2022: eCoursework Submissions

    Examination period begins. October 30, 2022. eCoursework submission of externally assessed coursework for film, dance, music, theatre and visual arts. November 11, 2022. Examination period ends. December 1, 2022. CAS notification deadline indicating whether candidates have or have not completed the CAS requirement (if appropriate).

  14. IB TOK Essay Titles

    The essay titles for submission in May are released in the previous September. The essay titles for submission in November are released the previous March. November 2023 topics; May 2023 topics; November 2022 topics; May 2022 topics; November 2021 topics; May 2021 topics; November 2020 topics; May 2020 topics; November 2019 topics; May 2019 ...

  15. Example essays

    Example essays. Last updated: 06 June 2023. As part of theory of knowledge (TOK), each student chooses one essay title from six issued by International Baccalaureate® (IB). The titles change in each examination session. Upcoming and past questions include:

  16. IA, EE, And TOK Update

    IA, EE, And TOK Update: In addition to the IB Diploma Program, you will need to earn a passing score on either the IA/EE or TOK examination. ... Submissions and deadlines of the same: EE Submission 2022/2023: Generally, the due dates for submitting all extended essays this 2022 are the 15th of March for the May exam session and the 15th of ...

  17. Extended Essay 2022 Due Date? : r/IBO

    It straight up does not matter to you at all when the IB due date is. As far as you are concerned, the EE is due when your school says it's due. The IB will only honour your schools deadline. Don't get caught in the trap thinking "oh the actual submission isn't for a month I have time". Submit when you're meant to.

  18. TOK essay 2022

    2022. TOK specimen titles 2022 (largely format unchanged from prior years) TOK essay on a prescribed titleThe TOK essay engages students in a formal, sustained piece of writing in response to one of the six titles that are prescribed by the IB for each examination session. These titles take the form of knowledge questions that are focused on ...

  19. IB ToK Essay Titles and Topics: November 2022

    Here are links to ideas and suggestions relating to the the six November 2022 IB ToK Essay topics: Topic 1. Within an area of knowledge is it more important to have credibility or power? Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge. Topic 2. If pushed too far, can open-mindedness itself become restrictive?

  20. The November 2022 TOK Essay Titles

    Here are the Theory of Knowledge Essay prescribed titles for the November 2022 session.. The video analysis of these titles is already available in the member's area and there are already discussions posted in our community area.So you'll find lots of help inside IBMastery, with topics and ideas to consider for each title, some tips for the new rubric and helpful advice for each title.

  21. Official Extended Essay deadline : r/IBO

    Official Extended Essay deadline. Hi there, Does anyone know the official IB deadline for the EE? It should be April 20th 2022 for M22, but it is no excuse to ignore the school's internal deadlines, as they are free to penalise you and potentially deny you sitting the exams. Btw, I sit the actual exam in May 2022.

  22. IB CLASS of 2023

    September 14, 2022. At the request of the EE advisor, all students who fail to meet the September 14 Rough Draft deadline will meet with the IB Counselor and parents to discuss intervention plan for EE draft submission or withdrawing from the IB Diploma Program. Sept 14—30 2022. FINAL DEADLINE to change EE Subject Category without late change ...

  23. Deadline

    Submission deadline. Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the extended essay, which is communicated to schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by the submission date set.