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7 Software Tester Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

The technology industry has been one of the fastest-growing industries for over a decade. the covid pandemic accelerated that growth as the entire globe transferred its workforce, learning industry, and socializing online almost instantaneously. the technology industry has had to rapidly build different online platforms and tools to provide for this new online normal. software testers ensure that the programs and platforms that we now use every day, run as smoothly as possible, do what they say they are going to do, and are easy to use. this guide will take you through different software tester positions, show you some successful resumes, and give you tips to create your own strong and attractive resume..

Hiring Manager for Software Tester Roles

Software testers are tasked with interrogating and testing software programs to ensure that they do what they are supposed to do, and meet all requirements and expectations. As a tester, you will identify bugs or problems, record them appropriately and report them to software developers for fixes. You need to have strong analytical, communication, and technical skills to succeed in this profession. 

Ideally, recruiters would like to see a resume that shows a degree in computer sciences or a related degree. If you do not have a degree, certifications in software testing and the tools generally used, would be expected. This is also a field that will require your constant training as technology quickly evolves and new more efficient tools are created all the time. 

Here are some software testing resumes for specific positions. We have also included some tips to bolster your resume and get recruiters to notice and hire you.

Software Tester Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • QA Manual Tester
  • Automation Tester
  • Test Engineer
  • Test Analyst
  • Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)
  • Validation Specialist

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Software Tester Resumes

Software Tester Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Engineering Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 7: QA Manual Tester Resume Example

QA (Quality Assurance) manual testers perform tests on software to try and find any bugs or irregularities in the way the software operates. You will usually come into the software development process towards the end when the software is developed enough to be tested. Unlike automated testing, where you can create program scripts to perform tests, as a manual tester, you will perform the tests yourself. You do not need as much programming knowledge as in other positions in software development so this may be a great position to enter the software testing and development industry with. What you will need is great attention to detail and great communication skills. We should note that QA manual testers often work for multiple companies at a time on a freelance or consultant basis, so proper time management is also essential. While recruiters would like to see resumes that show an educational background in computer science or a related field, experience is very heavily weighted. So be sure to list all experience you have had as a tester or in any other position in the software development process. Here is an example of a strong QA manual tester resume.

QA manual tester sample resume that highlights the applicants relevant skill set and tools.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your QA Manual Tester resume in 2024

   list any programs, programming languages, and coding software you are experienced in..

Because this is usually an entry-level position, you may not have a wealth of experience on your resume. To compensate for that, ensure that you list all programs, languages, and certifications you have. If you do not have many, invest in gaining skills to add to your skills section.

List any programs, programming languages, and coding software you are experienced in. - QA Manual Tester Resume

   Consider including the computer you are using and internet speeds.

This position requires one to work on an efficient computer with good internet speeds. If you have a powerful computer and high internet speeds, state the type of computer and internet speeds on your resume. It’s one less thing for employers to worry about if they employ you.

Consider including the computer you are using and internet speeds. - QA Manual Tester Resume

Skills you can include on your QA Manual Tester resume

Template 2 of 7: automation tester resume example.

Unlike manual testers, automation testers will use automation testing tools to test software programs. You will be testing to find any bugs or irregularities and reporting them to the software team so they can be fixed and retested. For this position, you will need to be experienced using an array of automation testing tools as well as have programming knowledge. You will also need to know the various methodologies used to test. Most automation testers began as manual testers and progressed to automation testing. Recruiters will be looking at your resume primarily to see the languages and tools you are familiar with, as well as your experience as a tester. This resume excels in having both a strong skills section, as well as an in-depth list of experience.

Automation tester resume sample that highlights applicant's testing capabilities and certifications.

Tips to help you write your Automation Tester resume in 2024

   quantify your testing capabilities..

One of the biggest benefits of automated testing vis-a-vis manual testing is the ability to do very many tests in a short period. So impress recruiters by quantifying the output of your automated testing. How many tests were you able to do and how did your results help your previous employer? Did it save them time or money? If so, how much?

Quantify your testing capabilities. - Automation Tester Resume

   Show software-related certification.

Being an automation tester is a highly technical job. As such, the software programs and technologies you are experienced with are what are going to impress recruiters. Beyond listing a program or language you are experienced in, getting certification to prove your proficiency using the language or program is always a welcome addition to recruiters.

Show software-related certification. - Automation Tester Resume

Skills you can include on your Automation Tester resume

Template 3 of 7: automation tester resume example.

An automation tester sample resume that highlights the quantifiable success of applicant's testing capabilities and software certification

Template 4 of 7: Test Engineer Resume Example

A test engineer is charged with designing, building, and implementing tests for software programs. This is a very technical position and you will be expected to have a strong knowledge of programming, code, and coding language. You will also be expected to be creative as you try to find bugs and errors and as you offer potential solutions. Your resume should show a strong education background in software development or a closely related field. Alternatively, recruiters would appreciate any professional certification from a software development program or course.

Test engineer sample resume that highlights applicant's technical skills and relevant developer experience

Tips to help you write your Test Engineer resume in 2024

   periodically update your technical skills as new testing programs and languages are developed..

To be competent in this position, you have to be up to date with the latest technologies and software. So ensure that your resume reflects that. Update your skill and then update the skills section of your resume.

Periodically update your technical skills as new testing programs and languages are developed. - Test Engineer Resume

   Include software developer experience.

Because this position is so closely related to software development, feel free to include software developer experience in your resume. Both positions require the same basic knowledge, so excelling at one is a good indication to recruiters that you will excel in the other.

Include software developer experience. - Test Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your Test Engineer resume

Template 5 of 7: test analyst resume example.

While software testers will design and perform tests, test analysts will analyze the test results. As a test analyst, you will also be in charge of analyzing and defining the testing process and parameters. There may also be a managerial/leadership component to your job as you may be in charge of delegating tasks to testers. To excel in this role, you will need strong analytical skills as well as the ability to see the bigger picture. Take a look at this strong test analyst resume.

Test analust sample resume that highlights the applicant's value addition and management experience

Tips to help you write your Test Analyst resume in 2024

   quantify the value addition of your test analysis work..

Most test analysts will have similar skill sets and levels of experience. So to differentiate yourself from other test analysts, quantify what your work was able to accomplish. Highlight how many tests you ran, and how much money or time you saved your previous employer.

Quantify the value addition of your test analysis work. - Test Analyst Resume

   Highlight experience leading or managing a team of testers.

Part of a test analyst's tasks may include leading a group of testers. So you will want to show recruiters your ability to lead a team effectively. So be sure to highlight any leadership or managerial experience in your resume.

Highlight experience leading or managing a team of testers. - Test Analyst Resume

Skills you can include on your Test Analyst resume

Template 6 of 7: software development engineer in test (sdet) resume example.

A software development engineer in test (SDET) participates in the entire software development cycle. They both develop and test software. Essentially the position is two professions combined into one. The demand for this role has greatly increased as companies have started to look for multifaceted I.T. professionals and have started to look for ways to decrease the size of the IT department. To excel in this role, you will need a very strong software development background as well as a testing background. This sample resume shows this very effectively.

Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) sample resume that highlights the applicant's creativity, and developer and tester experience.

Tips to help you write your Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) resume in 2024

   include an equal amount of development and testing experience..

SDETs perform both software development and software testing functions. So be sure to show an equally balanced resume. Ensure your experience and skills sections, show your capabilities in developing and testing.

Include an equal amount of development and testing experience. - Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) Resume

   Show your creativity.

SDETs are tasked with not only identifying bugs and issues, like other testers but are also tasked with creating solutions. This requires creativity. So be sure to highlight instances where you found a creative solution to a software bug or where you created a more efficient testing system.

Show your creativity. - Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) Resume

Skills you can include on your Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) resume

Template 7 of 7: validation specialist resume example.

A validation specialist is someone who measures instruments and/or software to ensure the tool is performing as expected. They will often develop, establish and maintain a regulated protocol for the testing of instruments. A validation specialist also takes performance data and compares it to the established criteria to ensure the product is falling within an acceptable level. Someone who is a validation specialist will often have a background in engineering, analytics, or data science. A bachelor’s degree is highly recommended for the role, though substantive experience may supplement a degree in some cases. Hiring managers will be looking for candidates with related experiences in the field, such as roles as a test analyst, IT associate, data entry specialist, and more.

A resume for a validation specialist with a degree in business analytics and experience as a test analyst and test engineer.

Tips to help you write your Validation Specialist resume in 2024

   identify the industry you want to work in.

Many companies employ validation specialists. The role will have different duties and must-have competencies depending on the industry. It’s wise to identify one or two industries you’re interested in working for, and build your resume around that. For example, if you want to work in a healthcare setting, then you should highlight relevant experience and knowledge you have specific to the industry.

Identify the industry you want to work in - Validation Specialist Resume

   Earn certifications specific to being a validation specialist

To jumpstart your career as a validation specialist, you can earn certifications to show employers your knowledge. The most common certificate to obtain is Certified Professional Coder (CDC). Those looking to work in validation in the medical field will benefit from validation specialist certificates specific to the medical field. The CIC (Certified Inpatient Coder) and COC (Certified Outpatient Coder) can help you land a job in a medical setting.

Earn certifications specific to being a validation specialist - Validation Specialist Resume

Skills you can include on your Validation Specialist resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited software testers at companies like Microsoft, Google, and Apple, I've seen countless resumes over the years. The best ones always stand out by showcasing the candidate's testing skills, technical expertise, and ability to collaborate with development teams. In this article, we'll share some tips to help you create a strong software tester resume that will catch the attention of hiring managers and increase your chances of landing an interview.

   Highlight your testing methodologies and tools

Employers want to know that you have experience with the testing methodologies and tools they use. Be sure to include specific examples of the testing techniques you've used, such as:

  • Developed and executed test cases using black-box and white-box testing techniques
  • Conducted exploratory testing to identify edge cases and uncover hidden defects
  • Utilized automation tools like Selenium and Appium to create and maintain test scripts

By providing concrete examples of your testing skills, you'll demonstrate to hiring managers that you have the expertise they're looking for.

Bullet Point Samples for Software Tester

   Showcase your technical skills

In addition to testing methodologies, employers want to see that you have a strong technical background. This includes experience with:

  • Programming languages like Java, Python, and C#
  • Databases like SQL and MongoDB
  • Web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

If you have certifications or training in any of these areas, be sure to include them on your resume as well. This will help you stand out from other candidates and show that you have the technical skills needed to succeed in the role.

   Demonstrate your ability to collaborate

Software testing is a collaborative process that involves working closely with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders. Employers want to see that you have experience collaborating with these teams to ensure high-quality software delivery. Include examples like:

  • Worked with development teams to identify and prioritize defects for resolution
  • Collaborated with product managers to ensure that testing efforts aligned with business requirements
  • Participated in daily stand-up meetings and sprint planning sessions to provide testing updates and insights

By highlighting your collaboration skills, you'll show employers that you have the communication and teamwork abilities needed to succeed in the role.

   Quantify your impact

Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify the impact of your testing efforts. This could include:

  • Identified and reported over 100 defects during testing, resulting in a 20% reduction in post-release issues
  • Automated 50% of the regression test suite, reducing testing time by 30% and enabling more frequent releases
  • Conducted performance testing that identified a critical bottleneck, resulting in a 50% improvement in application response time

By using metrics to showcase your achievements, you'll provide concrete evidence of your ability to deliver results and make a positive impact on the software development process.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is submitting a generic resume that doesn't align with the specific requirements of the job they're applying for. Instead, take the time to tailor your resume to the job description. Here's an example of what not to do:

  • Experienced software tester with a strong background in manual and automated testing

While this statement is true, it doesn't provide any specific details about how your skills and experience align with the job requirements. Instead, try something like this:

  • Experienced software tester with 5+ years of experience in Agile development environments, utilizing Selenium and Java to automate testing for web-based applications

By tailoring your resume to the specific job requirements, you'll demonstrate to employers that you have the skills and experience they're looking for.

   Include relevant projects and achievements

In addition to your professional experience, be sure to include any relevant projects or achievements that demonstrate your testing skills and expertise. This could include:

  • Developed a test automation framework from scratch using Python and Pytest, resulting in a 50% reduction in testing time for a complex web application
  • Created and maintained a comprehensive test plan for a mobile app with over 1 million users, ensuring a high-quality user experience across multiple devices and platforms
  • Presented at a local testing conference on best practices for integrating testing into the Agile development process

By highlighting your relevant projects and achievements, you'll provide concrete examples of your testing skills and expertise, and demonstrate your passion for the field.

Writing Your Software Tester Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on its own line.

Your name should be the most prominent element in your header, so it's best to put it on its own line. Use a larger font size than the rest of your header details to make it stand out.

Here's an example of what to do:

[email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY |

And here's what to avoid:

  • John Doe | [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY |

By putting your name on its own line, you ensure that it's the first thing recruiters will remember about you.

2. Include key contact details

In addition to your name, your header should include your key contact details so recruiters can easily get in touch with you. At a minimum, include:

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn profile URL

You can include these details on a single line, separated by vertical bars or bullet points. For example:

Avoid including your full mailing address, as it's not necessary at this stage and takes up valuable space. Just your city and state are sufficient.

3. Consider including your software testing job title

While it's not required, you may want to include your current or desired job title in your resume header. This can help frame the rest of your resume and make it clear what type of position you're targeting.

If you do include a job title, make sure it's specific and tailored to the job you're applying for. For example:

  • Software Tester | [email protected] | 555-123-4567 | New York, NY

Avoid using a generic title like "Software Professional" as it doesn't provide any meaningful information. Also, don't include an objective statement in your header, as it's outdated and takes up valuable space.


A resume summary is a short, optional section that sits at the top of your resume, just below your contact information. While a summary is not required, it can be a valuable addition to your resume if you are a career changer, have a lot of experience, or want to provide additional context not already included in your resume.

When writing a summary for a software tester position, focus on highlighting your relevant skills, experience, and achievements. Avoid using generic buzzwords or soft skills, and instead, provide specific examples that demonstrate your ability to excel in the role. Remember to keep your summary concise, typically no more than a few sentences or a short paragraph.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Software Tester resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Software Tester resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Software Tester Resume Summary Examples , or Software Tester Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your software testing expertise

When crafting your summary, emphasize your software testing skills and experience. Mention the types of testing you specialize in, such as manual testing, automated testing, or performance testing. Showcase your familiarity with relevant tools and methodologies.

Compare the following examples:

  • Experienced software tester with a proven track record of success.

Instead, be specific and quantify your experience:

  • Software tester with 5+ years of experience in manual and automated testing, specializing in web and mobile applications. Proficient in Selenium, Appium, and Jira.

2. Showcase your impact and achievements

In your summary, highlight the impact you have made in your previous roles. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to provide concrete evidence of your skills and experience.

Results-driven software tester with 7+ years of experience in the e-commerce industry. Developed and executed comprehensive test plans, resulting in a 30% reduction in post-release defects. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software on time and within budget.

By showcasing your achievements, you demonstrate to potential employers the value you can bring to their organization.


The work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills to make an impact for your previous employers. When applying for software tester roles, focus on achievements that showcase your ability to find and report defects, collaborate with developers, and ensure high-quality software.

Let's break down each step for writing an effective work experience section on your software tester resume:

1. Focus on testing-related accomplishments

When describing your previous roles, highlight your biggest wins related to software testing. Did you catch a major bug that would have been catastrophic if released? Maybe you helped reduce the average number of defects making it to production.

Compare these two examples:

  • Ran test cases and logged defects
  • Participated in code reviews and reported issues

While not terrible, these bullets are too vague and could apply to any tester. Instead, aim for something like:

  • Discovered a critical flaw in the payment gateway, preventing potential loss of revenue and customer trust
  • Reduced defect escape rate by 35% by implementing more robust smoke testing

2. Showcase your technical skills

Software testing requires proficiency with certain tools and methodologies. Hiring managers want to see the specific testing tools and techniques you've used. Have you worked with automation frameworks like Selenium or Appium? Do you have experience with performance testing using tools like JMeter?

Mention the names of testing tools and any programming languages you've used to write test scripts. Also reference methodologies you've followed, such as:

  • Agile testing
  • Test-driven development (TDD)
  • Behavior-driven development (BDD)
  • Exploratory testing

Incorporating these technical details throughout your work experience will help hiring managers match your skills to what they're looking for.

3. Demonstrate your collaboration skills

Software testing doesn't happen in a vacuum. Testers need to work closely with developers, business analysts, and product owners to understand requirements, report issues, and verify fixes. Effective collaboration and communication are key.

In your work experience, include details about how you partnered with other teams. For example:

Collaborated with product owners to clarify requirements and develop comprehensive test plans that increased test coverage by 40%.

You can also mention specific collaboration tools you've used, like Jira, Trello, or Slack. Showcasing your ability to work well with others will give hiring managers confidence that you'll integrate smoothly into their team.

4. Highlight promotions and leadership

If you've been promoted or taken on leadership roles, make sure that's clearly reflected in your work experience section. Advancing in your career demonstrates that you've excelled in your previous positions.

For example, if you started as a junior software tester and worked your way up to a senior role, you could show that progression like this:

Senior Software Tester (2019-Present) Software Tester (2016-2019) Company XYZ

Also mention if you've mentored junior testers, led testing efforts for a project, or spearheaded process improvements. These leadership experiences show you have the potential to grow with the company you're applying to.


The education section is a key part of your software tester resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and skills to do the job well. In this section, we'll cover what to include and how to format it for maximum impact.

How To Write An Education Section - Software Tester Roles

1. Put your education section at the top if you're a recent graduate

If you graduated from college in the last 1-2 years, put your education section before your work experience. This is because your degree is your strongest selling point when you don't have much work history yet.

Here's an example of what this could look like:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of Texas at Austin Graduated: May 2022 Relevant coursework: Software Testing, Agile Development, Databases GPA: 3.8

2. Keep your education section short if you have several years of experience

If you have more than 5 years of software testing experience, your work history is more important than your education. Keep your education section brief in this case. Just list your degree, school name, and graduation year.

Here's an example:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, 2010-2014. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. Relevant coursework: Software Testing, Databases, Web Development, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence. GPA: 3.95

This is too long and detailed for someone with many years of work experience. Instead, shorten it to:

  • B.S. in Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, 2014

3. Include relevant certifications in your education section

Software testing certifications show employers that you have specific skills and knowledge. If you have any, include them in your education section.

Some common software testing certifications include:

  • ISTQB Certified Tester
  • ASTQB Mobile Testing Certification
  • CAST Certified Software Tester

Here's how to list them:

ISTQB Certified Tester - Foundation Level International Software Testing Qualifications Board, 2020

Action Verbs For Software Tester Resumes

Strong action verbs tell a recruiter your role in a specific task. Software tester resumes should use action verbs that are relevant to the software testing process. Action verbs like "Tested", "Developed" or “Analyzed" are strong action verbs that effectively showcase a strong software testing skill set.

Action Verbs for Software Tester

  • Established
  • Implemented
  • Constructed

For more related action verbs, visit Software Engineering Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Software Tester Resumes

Skills for software tester resumes.

Software testing is a very technical profession. When we speak of skills, most importantly, you will want to list languages, programs, tools, and software you are experienced with.

Here is a list of skills you would expect to see in a software tester's resume. Add those that you are experienced with to your resume to impress recruiters.

  • Software Testing
  • Manual Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Test Planning
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Test Automation
  • Functional Testing
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Quality Assurance
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Agile Testing
  • HP Quality Center
  • System Testing
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Exploratory Testing

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Software Tester Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Software Tester Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Software Tester Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Software Tester job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Software Tester Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other engineering resumes, automation engineer.

A comprehensive Test Automation Engineer resume showcasing technical and transferable skills.

Engineering Manager

Senior Engineering Manager resume showcasing leadership skills and strategic thinking.

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Software Tester Resume Guide

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  • UAT Tester Resume Guide
  • QA Manual Tester Resume Example
  • Automation Tester Resume Example
  • Test Engineer Resume Example
  • Test Analyst Resume Example
  • Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) Resume Example
  • Validation Specialist Resume Example
  • Tips for Software Tester Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Software Tester CV Examples
  • Software Tester Cover Letter
  • Software Tester Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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5 Tester Resume Examples to Get Started in 2024

Stephen Greet

Tester Resume

  • Manual Tester
  • Software Tester
  • Automation Tester
  • Write Your Tester Resume

As a tester, you play a vital role in the world of software development. You navigate through complex lines of code, ensuring that everything is intuitive, seamless, and ready to be seen by the end users.

You’re meticulous, which helps you spot a bug in code from a mile away. But how do you apply that attention to detail to crafting a winning resume and create a cover letter for the job? No stress—we’ve got you covered.

Our tester resume examples and handy resume tips can help you create a resume that puts your top skills front and center. Here’s how to make your job search that much more effective.

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Tester resume example with 6 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Did you mentor and help new hires transition from school to workplace environment? Great. Mention it as your way of underscoring your ability to forge collaboration to improve team productivity.

QA Tester Resume

QA tester resume example with 5 years of experience

  • In that case, your QA tester resume should showcase your mastery in the latest industry tools and how you’ve applied them in your work. The use of Appium for mobile automation, Bugzilla for managing bugs, and Burp Suite for security assessments are perfect examples you can include.

Manual Tester Resume

Manual tester resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Such is a perfect chance for your manual tester resume to outshine the rest. Emphasize your consistent achievement in reducing test cycle times, and you’ll have the attention of employers.

Software Tester Resume

Software tester resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Something as simple as the appropriate resume template can make a difference between getting hired or not. Ensure there’s a balance between text and white spaces, giving recruiters an easy time to scan your piece.

Automation Tester Resume

Automation tester resume example with 8 years of experience

  • As a junior test automation engineer, Xavier shows what he could do at an entry-level position and sets a robust foundation for career progression. This strategy gives a potential employer an opportunity to internalize the experience and value you can bring to them.

Related resume examples

  • Quality assurance
  • Quality control
  • Software engineer
  • Computer science
  • Project engineer

Fine-tune Your Tester to Match Each Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Whether your expertise lies in automation, manual, or QA testing (or maybe you’re a pro at all three!), you possess a unique blend of skills. This is where you can put them in the spotlight and match them up against the job description .

Software testing, as a whole, relies on applying your extensive technical know-how to find and squash bugs, inefficiencies, and oversights, so this is what you should highlight here.

Here’s a pro tip: get into the details of your proficiency with application testing tools, such as Selenium and QTP. Next, talk about your ability to stay on top of bug tracking and project management with Jira, and your expertise in controlling app version histories with Git.

Need some ideas?

15 best tester skills

resume format testing experience

Your tester work experience bullet points

The type of testing you do daily may vary depending on your particular niche. After all, your work thus far may have been focused on mobile application QA testing, or perhaps manual testing for desktop apps.

Still, on many days, your job is less about excitement and more about impeccable attention to detail. That’s why it’s better to focus your resume on your achievements rather than the daily grind.

Much like you track bug occurrence and resolution statistics using JIRA or Bugzilla, give recruiters something to work with by including statistics about your impact as a tester. For instance, mention reductions in testing cycle times or the number of bugs you identified each week.

  • Highlight the time savings your test scripts and integration strategies led to.
  • Emphasize the large volumes of projects you led or the number of critical bugs you identified and solved in a given timeframe.
  • Money talks, so spotlight the cost savings that your test automation strategies or test case management systems resulted in.
  • Showcase high defect detection rates and decreases in open defects to flex how good you are at your job.

See what we mean?

  • Implemented continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines, resulting in a 12-hour reduction in release cycle time
  • Executed manual and automated test cases, identifying and reporting 30+ critical defects, which contributed to a 14% decrease in post-release issues
  • Implemented test automation using Selenium, resulting in a $201K reduction in annual testing costs
  • Spearheaded test planning and execution efforts for 9 projects, achieving an average defect detection rate of 98%, resulting in a significant reduction in post-release defects and associated costs

9 active verbs to start your tester work experience bullet points

  • Implemented
  • Spearheaded
  • Orchestrated

3 Tips for Writing a Tester Resume When You’re Just Starting Out

  • If you’ve worked on any software testing projects during your education, be it college or a boot camp, go into detail about them. Talk about the testing frameworks, tools, and methodologies you used.
  • To showcase your analytical skills , discuss how you analyze software requirements, identify potential issues, and create comprehensive testing plans. Then, drive the point home by showing how your keen eye for analysis helped you save the day by catching critical bugs.
  • Go into some detail about the testing tools you’re familiar with, such as Selenium, Jira, and other commonly used frameworks. Make sure to include some of the key tools from the job description , too.

3 Tips for Writing a Tester Resume Once You’re Experienced

  • If you specialize in a particular niche of testing, such as security, performance, or automation, elaborate on this. Mention any certifications or advanced training you have, and highlight the impact your specialization has had on project outcomes.
  • Show recruiters how your testing strategies align with business goals. You can do this by discussing times when your testing efforts directly contributed to positive outcomes, such as user satisfaction, compliance, or reducing time-to-market.
  • If you’ve taken on any leadership or mentorship roles, don’t be afraid to brag a little. Talk about how you led testing teams through challenging situations or contributed to the professional development of your junior colleagues.

In your cover letter, explain the challenges and decisions behind your achievements. For example, you could talk about why you chose to use Selenium over Python in a particular scenario, or go into detail on how you leveraged Postman for API testing.

Read each job description carefully and note the job skills it emphasizes, be it Jira or TestRail. Just as you automate your testing, recruiters automate the initial scanning process, so including relevant keywords will help you get past them.

If you’re just starting out, a career objective can be a great way to show your enthusiasm for the role. Make sure to include a specific mention of the role and company, and a desired career trajectory you’d like to follow within the organization, such as advancing from a testing intern to a senior testing specialist.

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5 Software Testing Resume Examples & Writing Guide

Want to land your dream software testing job? It all starts with an impressive resume. We'll show you how to create a software testing resume that grabs attention and sells your skills, with 5 real examples you can learn from. Plus, our step-by-step resume writing guide will walk you through the process of building a resume that gets results.

Software Testing

A top-notch resume is essential for landing a great software testing job. With so many applicants vying for the same positions, your resume needs to quickly grab the attention of hiring managers and showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications.

But crafting a resume that effectively highlights your software testing expertise can be a challenge. What should you include? How should you structure it? What will make your resume stand out from the rest?

In this article, we'll take the guesswork out of creating a software testing resume. We'll provide five real-world examples of resumes from successful software testers. These examples will demonstrate different ways to present your credentials and achievements.

In addition to the examples, we'll walk you through the process of writing your own software testing resume. We'll cover what sections to include, what information to highlight, and how to tailor your resume for specific job applications.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a clear understanding of what makes a strong software testing resume and how to create your own. Whether you're an experienced tester or just starting out in your career, you'll find actionable advice and inspiration to help you land your next job. Let's get started!

Common Responsibilities Listed on Software Testing Resumes

  • Designing and executing test plans and test cases
  • Identifying and reporting software defects and issues
  • Analyzing and reviewing software requirements and specifications
  • Developing and maintaining automated testing frameworks and scripts
  • Collaborating with development teams and stakeholders
  • Performing regression testing and ensuring non-regression
  • Conducting performance, load, and stress testing
  • Preparing test reports and metrics
  • Participating in the software development life cycle

How to write a Resume Summary

The summary/objective section in a resume can be a powerful door opener paving the way toward your preferred profession. However, operationalizing this section correctly demands an understanding of its purpose, crucial aspects, and tailoring it to cater to the specific requirements of your profession. Let's delve deeper into outlining a top-notch summary/objective section for a software tester's resume.

The Why Behind a Summary

A common component across exceptional resumes is a sumptuous summary/objective section. The essence of this section is two-fold: it lets the recruiter identify your areas of expertise swiftly and understand your professional ambitions. For a software tester, it can be a brief summary of your adroitness in identifying software hiccups, your diligence in managing testing processes, and how you have driven an enhancement in overall software quality.

The Crux of a Good Summary

Formulating an effective summary may seem complicated but can be accomplished by keeping a few key pointers in mind:

Be Objective and Clear: Your summary should be succinct, with a clear emphasis on what you do and your key achievements in software testing. Avoid using jargon and overly complicated language. You're not drafting a mystery novel, so get to the point rapidly and clearly.

Highlight Your Expertise: It's essential to state your primary skills and expertise upfront. Being a software tester, you would want to highlight your proficiency in testing software, identifying bugs, your familiarity with various testing tools and methodologies, and your knack for assuring quality.

Mention Relevant Achievements: If you have past success stories, like significant bug squashing, enhancement of software performance, successful UATs, do mention these as well. It helps in communicating your tangible impact in previous roles.

Tailor to the Job Description: Pay close attention to the keywords in the job post. Construct your summary such that it encompasses those keywords, thereby making your skills relevant to the software testing job you are targeting.

Approaching It With Professionalism

While drafting your resume summary, maintain professionalism. This isn't the place to discuss personal hobbies, goals outside of work, or challenges faced personally. It should be a professional snapshot of your career thus far, sprinkled with your career goals relevant to software testing.

In conclusion, the key to an impactful summary/objective section transcends the boundaries of just stashing your skills or experiences. So, next time you get down to penning that crisp, clear, and concise summary for your software testing resume, remember to tailor it carefully with consideration of the job requirement, emphasizing your key achievements and, most importantly, keeping the language simplified and professional.

Strong Summaries

  • Driven software tester with over 7 years of experience in the tech industry. Highly skilled in designing test cases, detecting bugs, and debugging software. Managed a team of five QA engineers in a fast-paced SaaS company, leading to an increment in on-time project delivery by 20%.
  • Certified software tester proficient in automated test tools, managing test teams, and setting up software testing processes from the ground up. Over 10 years of experience in Agile environments. Reduced testing time at last job by 30% without sacrificing quality.
  • Experienced Test Manager with a strong understanding of the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Successfully managed and led multiple large testing teams across various projects, focusing on both Manual and Automated Testing processes and protocols.

Why these are strong ?

These examples are good practice because they highlight the individuals' experience, skills, and achievements related to software testing. They provide specifics such as the number of years of experience, types of environments they've worked in (e.g., Agile), their use of automated test tools, or how they've improved efficiency at their past jobs. This gives potential employers a clear understanding of what these individuals have to offer. Furthermore, they use strong action verbs (e.g., 'Managed', 'Reduced', 'Proficient') to start off their statements, immediately showcasing their proactiveness and making the statements more compelling.

Weak Summaries

  • I'm a software tester. Looking for a job.
  • Software tester. Detail-oriented. Proven ability to meet deadlines.
  • I've tested software in the past. I'd like to do it again.
  • Software tester for a long time. Now looking for a company to employ me.
  • Experienced in software testing. Good at finding bugs, I think.

Why these are weak ?

These examples of professional summary sections for a Software Testing CV do not provide clear and concrete information about the candidate's skills, accomplishments, or their specific value proposition. They lack specificity, measurable achievements, and a clear indication of the candidate's capacity to fulfill the employer's needs.

  • The first example is too short and lacks detail about the candidate's experience and skills. It is a poor practice as it does not provide any convincing reasons for being employed.
  • The second example uses cliché terms like 'detail-oriented' and 'proven ability' without any supporting context or examples, which makes it seem vague and unsubstantiated.
  • The third example is too casual and does not tie the past experience to potential future contributions. It also suggests the candidate is unsure of their skills ('I'd like to do it again'), which is not a good selling point.
  • The fourth example is lackluster as it fails to showcase the candidate's accomplishments or credentials. It merely states they have been a tester for a long time, which isn't enticing for employers.
  • The fifth example hints at self-doubt with the phrase 'Good at finding bugs, I think'. This shows lack of confidence, which could raise concerns about the person's ability to handle job responsibilities confidently.

Showcase your Work Experience


There's no doubt the job market is fierce, but there's one tool at your disposal that can help your fight: a well-crafted resume. At the heart of any standout resume is the Work Experience section. This crucial portion of your document gives employers a glimpse into your past roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments, and crafting it effectively can elevate your chances of landing that dream job.

Importance of the Work Experience Section

Think of your resume as a professional summary of your work history. The Work Experience section is the heart of this summary. It's where you present a clear picture of what you've done in the past, the skills you've honed, the responsibilities you've handled, and the results you've achieved. It doesn't just list the jobs you've held; it illustrates your professional journey and shows potential employers what you can bring to their team.

Guidelines for Writing a Strong Work Experience Section

Presenting a clear, concise, and informative Work Experience section is key. It gives hiring managers a snapshot of your capabilities and your growth. The following guidelines will help you create a section that effectively showcases your expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.

Use Reverse Chronological Format

Start with your most recent job and work your way back. This makes it easier for recruiters to see your most relevant experience in the field of Software Testing.

Quantify your achievements and impact using concrete numbers, metrics, and percentages to demonstrate the value you brought to your previous roles.

List Role, Company, Location and Dates

These details provide context to your experience. Always mention your job title, the company you worked for, your location, and the dates of your employment.

Use Descriptive Language

Describe your responsibilities, achievements, and challenges. Avoid using vague statements like "Handled Testing Responsibilities". Instead, try detailed descriptions like "Managed user acceptance testing for large scale software upgrade with a focus on discovering bugs and assisting developers in pinpointing their origins".

Show Results and Impact

Recount the impact of your work where possible. This might mean detailing a significant software bug you found or an improvement you made to the testing process that increased efficiency.

Be Honest and Stay Relevant

Remember to be truthful about your experiences - any exaggeration can hurt your credibility. Moreover, make sure to include experiences that are relevant to software testing, the job you are applying for.

In conclusion, the Work Experience section is one of the most important parts of your resume. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to creating a detailed, accurate, and appealing Work Experience section that not just describes your past roles, but brings them to life.

Strong Experiences

  • Crafted, designed, and implemented 20+ test cases, ensuring robust coverage and tracking of features within the software
  • Performed Black Box/ White Box Testing and successfully detected 300+ software defects before product launch
  • Performed regular regression testing to minimize the occurrence of old flaws in new software versions
  • Spearheaded the shift-left testing approach, resulting in a 30% reduction in post-release defects
  • Utilized automated testing tools to increase efficiency and productivity, reducing test execution time by 40%
  • Collaborated with developers to establish the 'Defect Prevention Group', reducing bug detection time by 25%
  • Played a key role in the implementation of agile methodology, increasing test coverage by 15%

These examples demonstrate a variety of competencies that are relatable to software testing, such as the ability to create test cases or working in teams. They also highlight their results and accomplishments, rather than merely outlining responsibilities. Each bullet point is concise, uses action verbs, and quantifies achievements, which helps to give employers a clear idea of the candidate's skills and effectiveness. Furthermore, they are specific, demonstrating an understanding of various testing techniques and methodologies, from Black Box/ White Box Testing to regression testing and agile methodology. Each bullet point also highlights the successful results of specific actions. The use of data to show the effect of their work makes these examples particularly strong.

Weak Experiences

  • Spent years testing software
  • Located and reported bugs
  • Worked with team to improve software
  • Used automation tools
  • Performed manual testing

The above examples are considered bad practice in a software testing resume. First and foremost, all the statements are vague and do not provide quantifiable results or specific details about the testing methods used, the tools employed, or how the testing contributed to the overall software quality. For example, 'Used automation tools' does not indicate which tools were used, how they benefited the testing process, or what was achieved. 'Performed manual testing' is a very generic statement that does not visually represent the tester's prowess or expertise. In a professional resume, it's essential to quantify your achievements, provide specific examples of your tasks and their impacts, and tailor your experiences to the job description to demonstrate the value you can bring to the role.

Skills, Keywords & ATS Tips

Skills are the heart and soul of your resume, especially in a field like software testing. To show you're the right person for the job, you need to outline both your hard and soft skills. But, just listing them is not enough. You also have to gear them towards the system in use, known as the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), and the job requirements. To do this, we’ll first dive into the difference between hard and soft skills, then we'll explore the importance of keywords, ATS, and skill matching in your application.

Understanding Hard Skills and Soft Skills

Hard skills are all about knowledge and abilities, things that you have learned and can prove. For a software testing job, these might include technical skills like programming languages, knowledge of Agile methodologies, or experience with specific testing tools.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are personality traits that impact how you work and interact with others. They can include skills like problem-solving, teamwork, flexibility, and communication skills.

Both types of skills are equally important in the decision-making process for most recruiters.

The Role of Keywords

A keyword is any term that highlights your skills or experiences vital for the job you're applying to. In the skills section of your resume, these keywords can be both hard and soft skills. They play an important role in making your resume stand out to hiring managers and to the ATS.

Think of keywords as the bridge between your resume and the specific needs of the employer. Using job-related keywords — like the name of a specific programming language or testing tool you're proficient in — makes it easier for employers and ATS to see you're a good fit.

Connection Between ATS and Matching Skills

ATS is a tool used by many companies to sort and filter resumes. It scans your resume, looking for things that match the job description. This might include specific skills, years of experience, or even specific keywords used in the description.

If the ATS finds a high match between your resume and the job post, it gives your application a higher ranking. If your resume doesn't include enough matching skills or keywords, it may be discarded.

Therefore, to make it through this system, you need to tailor your skills to each job post. Read the job post carefully, and make sure that the skills in your resume closely match the ones in the post. Remember, simply adding all the skills in the job description to your resume isn't the answer here. That could come off as dishonest if you can't actually demonstrate those skills.

By understanding the different types of skills, the role of keywords, and the functioning of ATS, you can craft a skills section in your resume that hits just what recruiters are looking for. Whether you're a seasoned tester or just starting out, having a firm grasp of these elements is essential to stack up against the competition and land that software testing job you're eyeing.

Top Hard & Soft Skills for Full Stack Developers

Hard skills.

  • Test Planning
  • Test Case Design
  • Test Execution
  • Defect Management
  • Test Automation
  • Regression Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • API Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Continuous Integration
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Scrum Framework

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Problem-Solving
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Critical Thinking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Stress Management
  • Decision Making

Top Action Verbs

Use action verbs to highlight achievements and responsibilities on your resume.

  • Collaborated
  • Communicated
  • Prioritized
  • Implemented
  • Coordinated
  • Facilitated
  • Participated

Education & Certifications

In updating your resume with education and certifications, you'll need to create two separate sections. First, under 'Education', list your degree(s) starting from the most recent. Include the university name, location, and graduation date. Secondly, under 'Certifications', list any relevant qualifications such as your ISTQB certification. Ensure to include the name of the certification, the institution that issued it, and the date of award. Tailor these details to suit the job you're applying for, emphasizing the most relevant qualifications.

Some of the most important certifications for Software Testings

The ISTQB Certified Tester certification is one of the most widely recognized certifications in the field of software testing.

The CSTE certification is designed for professionals who are involved in the testing and quality assurance of software.

The CAT certification focuses on agile testing principles and practices.

The CTM certification is for professionals who manage software testing teams.

The CTAE certification focuses on test automation techniques and tools.

The CMT certification is for professionals specializing in mobile testing.

Resume FAQs for Software Testings

What is the ideal length for a software testing resume.

The ideal length for a software testing resume is one page for candidates with less than 10 years of experience, and up to two pages for those with more extensive experience.

What is the best format for a software testing resume?

The reverse-chronological format is the most widely accepted and recommended format for a software testing resume. It lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, with the most recent position first.

How should I highlight my software testing skills on my resume?

Create a dedicated 'Technical Skills' or 'Software Testing Skills' section to list your relevant skills, tools, and methodologies. Use bullet points and include your proficiency level for each skill.

Should I include testing certifications on my software testing resume?

Yes, including relevant testing certifications, such as ISTQB, CSTE, or vendor-specific certifications, can significantly enhance your software testing resume and demonstrate your expertise.

How can I quantify my achievements on a software testing resume?

Use metrics and numbers to quantify your achievements, such as the number of defects identified, test cases written, or the percentage of test coverage achieved. This helps demonstrate the impact of your work.

Should I include personal projects or open-source contributions on my software testing resume?

Yes, including personal projects or open-source contributions related to software testing can showcase your passion, initiative, and practical experience, especially if you're an entry-level candidate.

Software testers play a crucial role in ensuring high-quality software by meticulously designing and executing test cases to identify bugs, glitches, and performance issues before product release. When crafting a software testing resume, highlight your technical skills in programming languages, testing methodologies, and tools. Showcase relevant experience, quantifying accomplishments like defects found or test cases designed. Additionally, list any certifications and educational qualifications that demonstrate your expertise.

Analytical and detail-oriented Software Tester with a proven track record of delivering high-quality software solutions. Adept at designing and executing comprehensive test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of products that meet and exceed customer expectations.

  • Led a team of 8 testers in designing and executing test plans for Amazon's Alexa virtual assistant, resulting in a 35% reduction in post-release defects.
  • Developed and maintained automated testing frameworks using Selenium and Python, reducing manual testing efforts by 50%.
  • Collaborated with development teams to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, improving Alexa's response time by 25%.
  • Conducted rigorous regression testing for each release, ensuring backward compatibility and minimizing the risk of introducing new defects.
  • Mentored junior testers, providing guidance on best practices and fostering a culture of continuous improvement within the team.
  • Designed and executed manual and automated test cases for Salesforce's CRM platform, covering functional, integration, and regression testing.
  • Collaborated with product managers and developers to create detailed test plans based on user stories and requirements.
  • Identified, documented, and tracked defects using JIRA, ensuring timely resolution and communication with stakeholders.
  • Performed exploratory testing to uncover edge cases and user experience issues, providing valuable feedback to the development team.
  • Contributed to the development of testing best practices and guidelines, promoting a quality-driven culture within the organization.
  • Executed manual test cases for HubSpot's marketing automation platform, ensuring the delivery of high-quality software.
  • Assisted in the development and maintenance of automated testing scripts using Selenium WebDriver and Java.
  • Participated in agile ceremonies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives.
  • Collaborated with customer support teams to investigate and reproduce reported issues, providing detailed bug reports to developers.
  • Conducted smoke testing for each release, verifying the stability and functionality of core features.
  • Manual Testing
  • Automated Testing
  • Defect Tracking
  • Selenium WebDriver

Software Testing Engineers validate software quality through meticulous testing. They design test plans, write test cases, execute tests to identify defects, and collaborate with developers. Successful candidates possess coding skills, an analytical mindset, and keen attention to detail. When crafting a resume, highlight relevant experience, expertise in testing tools and frameworks, and the ability to work cross-functionally.

Highly motivated and detail-oriented Software Testing Engineer with a proven track record of delivering high-quality software products. Skilled in designing and executing comprehensive test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of projects. Passionate about leveraging cutting-edge testing methodologies and tools to improve software quality and user experience.

  • Led a team of 8 testers in developing and executing test strategies for Google's flagship product, resulting in a 35% reduction in post-release defects.
  • Implemented automated testing frameworks using Selenium and Cypress, reducing manual testing efforts by 50% and improving overall test coverage.
  • Collaborated with development teams to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, resulting in a 25% improvement in application response times.
  • Conducted thorough regression testing for each release, ensuring seamless integration of new features and bug fixes.
  • Mentored junior testers, providing guidance on best practices and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
  • Designed and executed comprehensive test plans for Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, ensuring high availability and reliability of services.
  • Developed and maintained automated test scripts using Python and Robot Framework, reducing test execution time by 40%.
  • Collaborated with product managers and developers to create detailed test cases based on user stories and technical requirements.
  • Performed exploratory testing to identify edge cases and usability issues, providing valuable feedback for product improvements.
  • Participated in agile ceremonies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives, contributing to the continuous improvement of the team's processes.
  • Executed manual and automated tests for Bloomberg's financial software applications, ensuring data accuracy and system stability.
  • Collaborated with development teams to troubleshoot and resolve defects, ensuring timely resolution of issues.
  • Created and maintained comprehensive test documentation, including test plans, test cases, and defect reports.
  • Performed compatibility testing across various operating systems, browsers, and devices, ensuring consistent user experience.
  • Actively participated in code reviews, providing feedback on code quality and potential areas for improvement.
  • Test Planning and Execution
  • Automated Testing (Selenium, Cypress, Robot Framework)
  • API Testing (Postman, REST Assured)
  • Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Defect Tracking and Reporting (JIRA, Bugzilla)
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (Jenkins, CircleCI)
  • Programming Languages (Java, Python, JavaScript)
  • Test Documentation (Test Plans, Test Cases, Defect Reports)
  • Cross-Browser and Cross-Device Testing
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Mentoring and Leadership
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

As a fresher software tester, your role involves rigorously testing applications and websites to identify bugs, errors, and usability issues before release. To craft an impressive resume, highlight relevant coursework like software testing methodologies and quality assurance principles. Showcase projects where you designed and executed test cases, ensuring a high-quality user experience. If you completed internships, emphasize your hands-on experience with popular test automation tools. Don't forget to underscore your keen eye for detail and excellent problem-solving abilities - essential traits for successful testers. Keep your resume concise yet impactful, and meticulously proofread to ensure a polished, professional document.

Ambitious and detail-oriented software testing professional with a passion for delivering high-quality software solutions. Skilled in designing and executing comprehensive test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of projects. Committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest testing methodologies and tools.

  • Assisted in developing and executing test cases for web and mobile applications
  • Performed manual and automated testing to ensure software quality and reliability
  • Collaborated with development teams to identify and report defects using JIRA
  • Participated in agile ceremonies, including daily stand-ups and sprint planning
  • Contributed to the development of testing best practices and documentation
  • Designed and executed test cases for an open-source project
  • Identified and reported bugs using GitHub issues
  • Collaborated with a global team of developers and testers to improve software quality
  • Gained experience with open-source tools and technologies
  • Contributed to the project's documentation and testing guidelines
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive test plan for a web-based application
  • Utilized manual and automated testing techniques to ensure software quality
  • Collaborated with a team of students to identify and report defects
  • Presented findings and recommendations to the project stakeholders
  • Received recognition for the project's success and thoroughness of testing
  • Defect Reporting
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Excellent Communication Skills

Entry-level software testers validate software quality through test execution, defect documentation, and fix verification. For resumes, emphasize relevant coursework, internships, technical skills like testing tools/methods, attention to detail, and analytical abilities. Tailor resumes using job descriptions' keywords for an optimal match.

Results-driven and detail-oriented Entry Level Software Tester with a strong passion for ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications. Proficient in designing and executing comprehensive test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software products. Committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest testing methodologies and tools.

  • Assisted in developing and executing test cases for web and mobile applications, resulting in a 20% increase in defect detection rate.
  • Collaborated with developers to identify and troubleshoot software issues, reducing the average time to resolve defects by 15%.
  • Participated in agile development processes, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives.
  • Conducted exploratory testing to uncover hidden defects and improve overall software quality.
  • Contributed to the maintenance and optimization of the test automation framework, enhancing test coverage and efficiency.
  • Performed manual testing of web-based applications, ensuring compliance with functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Designed and executed test cases, documented test results, and reported defects using JIRA.
  • Actively participated in defect triage meetings and provided input on defect prioritization and resolution.
  • Assisted in the development and maintenance of the test case repository, improving test coverage and organization.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of high-quality software releases.
  • Contributed to the testing of open-source software projects, ensuring their quality and reliability.
  • Performed exploratory testing and reported defects using GitHub issues.
  • Collaborated with a global community of testers and developers to improve software quality.
  • Gained hands-on experience with various testing techniques and tools.
  • Demonstrated strong communication and teamwork skills in a remote work environment.
  • Functional Testing
  • Web and Mobile Testing

An experienced software tester plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and reliability of software applications. Their primary responsibilities include meticulously analyzing software for defects, designing comprehensive test plans and test cases, executing tests methodically, and logging detailed reports on any bugs or issues found. Key skills required for this role encompass strong analytical thinking abilities, a keen eye for detail, proficiency in scripting languages, and deep domain knowledge. When crafting a resume for an experienced software testing position, it's essential to showcase relevant experience in testing diverse applications, highlight the array of testing tools and methodologies utilized, and quantify achievements such as the number of critical bugs identified and resolved. Using industry-specific keywords can also enhance the resume's visibility to potential employers.

Seasoned Software Tester with over 8 years of experience in ensuring top-notch software quality for industry-leading companies. Adept at developing and executing comprehensive test plans, identifying and reporting defects, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver flawless products. Passionate about leveraging cutting-edge testing methodologies and tools to drive continuous improvement and exceed client expectations.

  • Led a team of 10 testers in developing and executing test plans for Google's flagship products, including Google Maps and Google Assistant.
  • Implemented automated testing frameworks using Selenium and Pytest, reducing manual testing efforts by 40% and improving overall test coverage.
  • Collaborated with developers and product managers to identify and prioritize high-impact defects, ensuring timely resolution and minimizing user impact.
  • Conducted comprehensive exploratory testing to uncover critical usability issues and edge cases, resulting in a 25% reduction in post-release defects.
  • Mentored junior testers on best practices and emerging trends in software testing, fostering a culture of continuous learning and professional development.
  • Designed and executed test cases for Amazon's e-commerce platform, ensuring a seamless user experience across multiple devices and browsers.
  • Collaborated with development teams to identify and troubleshoot complex defects, reducing overall resolution time by 30%.
  • Developed and maintained automated test scripts using Java and TestNG, enabling efficient regression testing and reducing manual effort by 50%.
  • Conducted performance testing using JMeter to identify and resolve bottlenecks, improving site responsiveness and user satisfaction.
  • Participated in agile ceremonies, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives, contributing to continuous process improvement.
  • Executed manual and automated test cases for IBM's enterprise software solutions, ensuring compliance with client requirements and industry standards.
  • Collaborated with global teams to coordinate testing efforts across multiple time zones and cultures, ensuring seamless integration and timely delivery.
  • Analyzed and reported test results using JIRA and Confluence, providing actionable insights to stakeholders and driving informed decision-making.
  • Conducted user acceptance testing (UAT) with end-users to validate software functionality and usability, incorporating feedback to improve product quality.
  • Participated in code reviews and provided recommendations for improving code quality and maintainability.
  • Test Planning and Design
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  • Cross-functional Collaboration
  • • Crafted their initial test strategy by developing test cases, taking them from 0% test coverage to 40%
  • • Contributed to reducing the testing cycle of the company products by 50% via better test analysis and strategy
  • • Delivered releases with reduced customer defects by 80% over the releases
  • • Introduced and trained approximately 9 engineers to test methodologies and validations with 100 percent success
  • • Saved over 100 hours/y worth of manufacturing time by identifying faulty power supplies on pre-assembly stage.
  • • Doubled production capability by implementing a parallel test process saving 250 hours of work per year.
  • • Generated a detailed list of test requirements for internal team to follow, facilitating seamless execution of analytical tests across all digital platforms.
  • • Reduced on-boarding time of new associates by 20 days.
  • • Contributed to over 20 open-source repositories (verified some severe vulnerabilities)
  • • Verify the vulnerabilities manually as per OWASP TOP 10 Web Application Security Risk using open source tools
  • • Created traceability matrix to ensure 100% test coverage
  • • Reduced by 80% the total amount of time spent to execute the full regression tests by organizing and automating the test cases
  • • Developed automated test simulations of over 500 virtual transit routes
  • • Participated in the implementation of 20% of the internal systems
  • • Helped the family business develop 10+ sites, including some for various local governance
  • • Worked on windows based application using 3-tier architecture methodology

5 Test Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your test engineer resume must clearly display your technical proficiency. Be sure to outline your experience with relevant testing tools and methodologies. Demonstrate your ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems. It's crucial that your resume showcases a history of successful test case execution and defect resolution.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format testing experience

Software Test Analyst

resume format testing experience

Software Test Engineer

resume format testing experience

Software Tester

resume format testing experience

Test Manager

Resume guide, how to write a test engineer resume, how to write a test engineer resume summary, how to write a test engineer resume experience section, test engineer resume skills are a must have for a winning job application, how to list resume certifications on your resume, key takeaways:.

Test Engineer resume example

We hit a north star after talking to 100s of recruiters, QA leaders and insanely successful test engineers. This entire guide is dedicated to what we learned from real test engineer resume examples.

Here’s what you can expect to takeaway from this guide:

  • See what a perfect test engineer resume looks like;
  • Try an example resume layout that works best for your resume;
  • Make a resume header summary (with good and bad examples);
  • Fill in your resume experience like no other applicant will.

First thing's first - who is going to read your resume?

Typically there are three people who decide whether you land an interview or not:

  • Head of development, VPE, or a CTO;

They all use different criteria to filter your resume as they come from different backgrounds and evaluate your resume based on what they feel is most important:

  • Most recruiters have a limited understanding of technology, so they are most likely going to filter your resume based on a couple of important keywords .
  • If a Head of development, VPE, or a CTO reviews your resume - they will want to see that their test engineer knows how to enumerate test cases, scale their work, show them the ideal team workflows you’ve worked with, your analytical thinking when it comes to designs, etc.
  • A QA lead on the other hand, will consider everything that a Head of Dev/VPE/CTO will, but will also try to make sure your testing resume skills are highly related to the job, and you’ve practically demonstrated soft skills in the workplace.

By this time, if you’re wondering how your resume should look, try one of our resume templates to see if you find something that fits perfectly well for your resume.

It it helps the most important sections of a test engineer’s resume are:

  • Resume objective/resume summary
  • Your experience as a test engineer
  • Your technical skill-set and your soft skills
  • Your relevant certifications

This is something a lot of rf test engineers and software test engineers struggle with. It’s understandable. Writing everything about you in 2-3 lines isn’t an easy thing, especially when you aren’t a copywriter.

Before we show you some test engineer resume summary examples , we want you to know what makes a good resume summary:

  • A resume summary should be impressive and should reflect your passion as a test engineer (A lot of test engineers have a deep passion for UX).
  • A good resume summary for test engineer should also have important keywords that can help a recruiter identify you as the right candidate.
  • If possible, list down your industry vertical (BFSI, Healthcare, Airline, etc.)

Here are two examples of a typical test engineer resume summary.

The second one looks a bit better and gives us a lot more context - but still it isn’t good enough. As someone who is going to spend a lot of time explaining things, it falls just short of overcommunicating their skills as opposed to their actual contribution to the company's business goals.

What's more, a QA Lead we spoke to mentioned that if she sees “MS word” listed in the resume summary, she rejects the candidate straight away.

Now, take a look at this example.

Notice the difference here. This candidate still listed their tech stack (minus the obvious ones), but also doubled on their biggest results career-wise.

If you still find it difficult to write one for yourself and are afraid that you might end up writing a bad one - below is a template that you can copy-paste-replace and use:

“[# of years] years of work experience as a software test engineer for [Your software/industry]. A proven leader and expert in design, analysis and implementation of testing plans and strategies using [tool], [tool], [tool], that led to [business result experessed with numbers]. Highly passionate about how testing improves [e.g. UX] of [e.g. mobile applications]”

Be it recruiter, a tech leader, or someone from the QA team - as we spoke to experts, we consistently saw that the following makes a good test engineer resume experience :

  • Data collection and pattern analysis;
  • Being able to craft testing strategies from scratch and selecting appropriate tests;
  • Automation testing procedures and reducing variables;
  • Communications skills to facilitate smooth workflows;
  • End to end testing capabilities, especially the ability to be able to predict everything up to UAT.

But most test engineers write a resume experience like this:

  • • Run weekly tests to go over the state of software
  • • Implemented test automation for our product suite
  • • Wrote and updated detailed documents for testing department
  • • Worked with other departments to deliver end-to-end solutions
  • • Responsible for all communications that happen with testing department

Now, take a look at this instead.

  • • Saved 30% off time and cost of testing by automation.
  • • Implemented automation using Selenium WebDriver, core JAVA, Maven, & TestNG.
  • • Extensively automated regression and functional test suites.
  • • Implemented the hybrid framework from scratch to represent web pages.
  • • Used Maven to execute automation suites on different platform, browser combinations in parallel.
  • • Direct communication with client on testing activities and coordination with offshore team.
  • • Performed defect tracking & management in JIRA.

But, if you specialize into a certain testing technology, consider adding bullets like this to your resume.

  • • Conducted meetings with stakeholders and vertical owners to curate testing standards and exceeded business goals with marketing, finance, engineering and design verticals.
  • • Factoring internal processes, researched a unique set of test cases to address content management, localization, SEO and content strategies - resulting in $250,000 worth of savings across 2 years
  • • Used FSD and application mockups to create test cases that ensure high quality workflows and reduced lead times
  • • Scripted unique test plans, test scripts and processes to remove previously known redundancy by 40% and ensured predictable outcomes.

The last two test engineer resumes will get you hired because someone who’ll read them will know for sure what are your skills, tools and workflows. On the other hand, someone who reads the first resume experience would struggle to answer:

  • What tools did you use?
  • What team size did you work on?
  • What product were you responsible for?
  • What results did you deliver?

When you’re writing your testing resume experience, make sure it’s relevant to the job role . Because, as we wrote before, no matter who’s looking at your testing engineer resume - they’ll all try to see if your resume is relevant.

Why separating your skills in a different section matter? The answer - readability and habit. HRs are prone to search for this section on applicants' resumes by default. What's more, it is useful to mention your most important skills a few times throughout your resume - in the summary, experience and in a separate skills section. This ensures that the recruiter will read exactly what you want them to.

16 skills for your test engineer resume:

  • Programming skills like: Java, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails
  • Familiarity with automation frameworks like Selenium
  • Communication(oral and written) skills
  • Root cause analysis
  • Corrective actions
  • Manual testing
  • Testing strategy
  • Bug discovery / debugging
  • Documentation
  • Release management
  • Test case creation
  • Continuous improvement
  • Reduction in product lead times
  • Bug tracking tools like JIRA, PVCS
  • IDEs like Eclipse

You don't have to list a multitude of skills. Just pick the ones you have and are already mentioned in the job description.

Now that you have 4 sections done to perfection, let’s look into the last important part of your resume - certifications

You've got a couple of options to list certificates on your resume - in your resume headline as an addendum to your job title, in your resume summary, or in a separate section.

We suggest using a separate section if you've got more than one important and relevant certificate. Otherwise, a simple abbreviation in the aforementioned sections will do the job. Recruiters will know what's it about.

Some test engineer certifications that are highly recognized and valued by employers are:

  • CAST – Certified Associate In Software Testing by QAI
  • CSTE – Certified Software Test Engineer by QAI
  • HP HP0-M102 for UFT version 12.0

Add these certifications to your resume and it’ll be your fifth and final element to a job-winning resume.

  • Your resume can be reviewed by a recruiter, Engineering Lead or a QA Lead;
  • Your resume summary should be extremely impactful;
  • A good resume experience is highly specific to the role you’re applying to;
  • Add your skills and certification in a separate section to make sure you stand out.

Test Engineer resume examples

Explore additional test engineer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Software Test Analyst Resume Example

Looking to build your own Test Engineer resume?

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How to Write an Effective Personal Resume

125 easy resume action verbs to make your resume better, make your linkedin profile stand out and get noticed with these 18 expert tips, how to create a cover letter for an internal position, how to use resume lines in your resume, on recruiters' and employers' watch: top skills for your 2024 resume.

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  • Software Testing Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Software Testing Resumes:

  • Conducting manual and automated testing of software applications to ensure they meet quality standards and functional requirements
  • Developing and executing test plans, test cases, and test scripts
  • Identifying and reporting defects and issues in software applications, and working with development teams to resolve them
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure software applications are delivered on time and within budget
  • Participating in design and code reviews to ensure software applications are testable and meet quality standards
  • Creating and maintaining test documentation, including test plans, test cases, and test scripts
  • Developing and maintaining automated testing frameworks and tools to improve testing efficiency and effectiveness
  • Conducting performance testing to ensure software applications meet performance requirements
  • Participating in continuous improvement initiatives to enhance testing processes and methodologies
  • Providing feedback to development teams on software design and functionality to improve overall quality
  • Staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices in software testing and quality assurance
  • Mentoring and coaching junior testers to improve their skills and knowledge in software testing.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Software Testing Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed a comprehensive test plan for a new software application, resulting in a 95% defect detection rate and a successful launch.
  • Collaborated with development teams to identify and resolve critical defects, reducing the number of post-release issues by 50%.
  • Implemented automated testing frameworks and tools, resulting in a 30% increase in testing efficiency and a 25% reduction in testing time.
  • Conducted performance testing on a critical software application, identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks that improved application response time by 40%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define and implement a testing strategy for a complex software project, resulting in a 90% reduction in post-release defects.
  • Mentored and coached junior testers, resulting in a 25% improvement in their testing skills and knowledge.
  • Developed and maintained a suite of automated tests for a software application, resulting in a 50% reduction in testing time and a 75% increase in testing coverage.
  • Identified and reported critical defects in a software application, resulting in a 90% reduction in post-release issues and a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with development teams to implement a continuous testing approach, resulting in a 60% reduction in testing time and a 30% increase in testing efficiency.
  • Test planning and strategy development
  • Automated testing frameworks and tools
  • Performance testing and optimization
  • Cross-functional team collaboration
  • Defect identification and resolution
  • Continuous testing and integration
  • Test case development and maintenance
  • Mentoring and coaching junior testers
  • Agile software development methodologies
  • Quality assurance and risk management
  • Test data management and analysis
  • User acceptance testing
  • API testing and validation
  • Mobile application testing
  • Security testing and vulnerability assessment

Top Skills & Keywords for Software Testing Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Test Planning and Execution
  • Test Automation
  • Defect Management
  • Test Case Design and Execution
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • API Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Test Environment Management
  • Test Data Management
  • Agile and Scrum Methodologies

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Analytical and Logical Thinking
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Critical Thinking and Decision Making
  • Empathy and Customer-Centric Mindset
  • Stress Management and Resilience
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement

Resume Action Verbs for Software Testings:

  • Collaborated
  • Troubleshot

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume format testing experience

Resume FAQs for Software Testings:

How long should i make my software testing resume, what is the best way to format a software testing resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a software testing resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a software testing, compare your software testing resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Software Testing job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Software Testings:

Software testing engineer, automation tester, qa engineer, test engineer, automation test engineer, automation test lead, automation test manager, entry level software testing.

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Click here to directly go to the complete software tester resume sample.

How to write a resume for a software tester that lands you more interview shortlists than you can handle?

Your dream job in software testing can be your full-time profession with a perfect software tester resume!

It is hard to imagine modern life without software.

We live and thrive in a world that is highly influenced by technology.

It is a no-brainer that software is needed in almost every industry. As such, the need for software testers is at an all-time high.

To beat the competition and get the software testing job of your dreams, you need a prolific software tester resume that reeks brilliance.

And we are here to help you with it.

We have compiled all the required tips and tricks to help you write the perfect job-winning software tester resume.

Here is a brief overview of our Software Tester Resume 2023 Blog:

  • Mention any project(s) that helps you emphasize your relevant skills in a resume.
  • Details of your certifications can be mentioned in your software tester resumes.
  • Stick to one-liners for describing your work experience in a test engineer resume.
  • Choose the reverse chronological resume format to document your details.
  • A strong summary should be composed to highlight your professional achievements.
  • The links to your professional websites, Kaggle, GitHub, LinkedIn, etc. should be included.
  • Highlight your key skills and technical skills in separate sections.

Everything you mention in your freelance software tester resume should help you introduce yourself to the recruiters as the most suitable applicant for the target job profile.

From this blog, you will also learn the following:

  • What is software tester resume?
  • What is a software tester job description?
  • How to describe your work experience in your manual testing experience resume.
  • What details to mention in your software test engineer resume.
  • How to project your key skills for software testing resume?
  • Whether to include software tester resume summary or software tester resume objective.

This blog contains section-wise software tester resume examples to help you understand how to curate every section of a resume.

Hiration's Online Resume Builder has some of the best selection of pre-filled resume templates and a pre-filled software tester resume sample that you can easily use.

What Is an ATS Compliant Software Tester Resume and Why Do You Need It?

The ATS is an Applicant Tracking System that picks resumes that has keywords related to the job description given out by recruiters.

With the ATS making it easier for hiring managers to pick the right applicant it is now in the hands of the professionals to create ATS-friendly resumes.

An ATS-compliant software tester resume is filled with the right set of words and phrases that matches the job description of the targeted job profile.

Hence always make sure that you go through the JDs and include relevant words and phrases that connect your level of expertise to the requirements of the job description.

Is software testing a dead-end job?

Well, the Software Testing market seems to have a bright future and is expected to grow in the following years.


Now, you need to grow accordingly and the need for an ATS compliant software tester resume is the stepping stone to your career growth.

Job Description of a Software Tester

What is a software tester job description ?

It generally highlights what all roles are to be handled and the requirements for an applicant to land the targeted job.

Check out the below-given example of a common software tester job description that you can expect to come across:

"We are looking for a dedicated software tester to be responsible for designing and running tests on software usability. Applicants are expected to have a working knowledge of software & test design and a strong ability to analyze the results. The software tester should be result-driven, have excellent communication skills, and have up-to-date knowledge of the programming and test design of the software.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing software requirements and preparing test scenarios.
  • Conducting tests on the usability of software.
  • Analyzing test results on database impacts, errors or bugs, and usability.

Key Requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree in computer science or a related field.
  • Strong knowledge of software test design and methodologies.
  • Working knowledge of programming.
Also Read: Software Tester Salary: Industry Average for 2023

Choose the Right Resume Format to Draft Your Software Tester Resume

Whether you are looking for a resume format for testing freshers or experienced professionals there are 3 distinct options to choose from, they are:

  • Reverse Chronological Format
  • Functional Resume Format
  • Combination Resume Format

The reverse chronological is the most suitable one to pick as it is ATS-compliant and highlights the most recent profile upfront.

The functional can be used while drafting a resume for a software testing fresher or if you have career gaps to cover.

The combination format is ATS-friendly but not a suitable resume format for testing freshers.


Also Read: Which resume format is the best?

And unless you are writing a resume for software testing fresher or looking for a resume format for testing freshers stick to using reverse chronological formats.

Include Distinct Sections to Organize Your Software Tester Resume

Different sections are required in an experienced tester resume to document your details.

Every section has its unique way to make your experienced tester resume effective.


Including the right resume sections can enhance the quality of your software testing engineer resume .

Start Writing Your Software Tester Resume with the Header

You need to make it easy for the recruiters to keep track of your software test engineer resume.

Write your real name as the resume header in the largest text of 16-20 font-size at the topmost part of your resume.

Some professionals label their resume as 'CV' or 'resume' but keep yourself apart from them and instead of stating the obvious and wasting space on your resume stick to writing your name as the header

Also Read: How to draft the perfect resume header

Refer to the automation tester resume sample illustrating what your resume header should ideally look like:


Software Tester Resume: Personal Information

No matter how qualified or experienced you are, if you do not provide your contact information in your resume, the recruiters will not be able to get in touch with you for any likely shortlist.

Always provide the following details in your software testing experience resume:

  • Contact Number: Give out your active contact number for the recruiters to reach you for any official updates. Some recruiters may even interview you over the phone so you need to be prepared at all times.
  • Professional Email Address: Another convenient means of communication between you and the recruiters is your email address. Provide your official email address that has your real name and avoid giving out any email ID that has fancy or made-up names.
  • Current Location: Mention your city and state if the job job-application is in your country of residence. However, if you are looking for any opportunity abroad, mention your city and country.

As a tech professional, if you have an official Kaggle, Github, or any professional website make sure to provide the links to them along with the link of your LinkedIn profile.

Contact Number: +1 222 333 1234
Email Address:
Location: SF, US


Also Read: What to add to your resume contact information section?

Take a look at the sample resume for experienced software tester provided below:


Software Tester Resume: Profile Title

The profile title in your software tester resume format is similar to your headline because it states who you are and what you do professionally.

And lying on your software tester resume headline may jeopardize your job application.

You must mention the accurate job title, functional industry, and the seniority level that defines you as a professional software tester.

Use the second-largest font size in your resume of 14-16 points to highlight your profile title as the software tester resume headline.

Given-below is a software tester resume sample showcasing the profile title of a software developer:


Draft a Perfect Software Tester Professional Experience Section

Simply listing down what you have achieved or done is not enough to impress the recruiters during the hiring process.

You need to get past the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) used by recruiters to pick the most suitable resume. Then get the approval of the recruiters and get the required shortlist before landing the targeted job.

The professional experience section needs to be curated effectively if you want to make an impact on the recruiters through your work experience.

You may have all the experience but you need to mention the same in your experienced tester resume for the recruiters to recognize your capabilities.

To curate the professional experience section effectively, implement the following three factors:

  • Frame One-Liner Points
  • Use the STAR format
  • Apply Grouping & Highlighting

Framing your work experience statements in one-liners simply means to list down your work experience using bullet points.

Here are two software tester resume examples to make you understand why you need to frame your points and how you can achieve the same:

Software Tester Resume Example 1:

Software Tester Resume Example 2:

  • Aided the design team in product design and provide input on relevant issues
  • Planned projects and met with system users to evaluate the scope of projects
  • Monitored applications and carried out effective functional & scalability testing
  • Developed test plans, cases, scripts, and reports on 20+ projects for clients

One-Liner Points: Analysis

From the two software tester resume examples, we can observe the following points:

Less chance for recruiters to read throughHigh chance for intriguing recruiters
Contains vague details throughoutContains important information
Beats around the bushStraight to the point

Framing your work description in one-liners gives clear and on-point highlights of your professional expertise. The recruiters can easily read through them and recognize your potential.

Hence, you should always frame your points using bullet points to make an impact through your work experience statements in your software testing experience resume.

And do make sure that every point starts with a power verb to add that extra impact to your sentence.


Simply farming one-liners for the sake of it is a waste of time.

Instead, you need to write action-oriented points that highlight your involvement in the works assigned to you as a professional.

To achieve the same, use the STAR format and communicate your work experience to the recruiters effectively.

The STAR describes the following facts about your work experience:

  • Situation : The s ituation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • Task : The actual t ask that was assigned to you
  • Action : The strategy you put into a ction to execute the assigned task
  • Result : The r esult/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure


Another important factor that can help you enhance the one-liner points is by practicing grouping and highlighting.

Here are two software tester resume examples to elaborate on the importance of grouping and highlighting and how you can apply it in your work description:


  • Executed tests on software and analyzed the results on database impacts, bugs, and errors
  • Evaluated and wrote 200+ bugs in conformance to project-specific requirements
  • Interacted with the 20+ major clients to understand their product requirements
  • Generated insightful reports related to software testing and reported them to the design team


Software Testing & Debugging

Client Interaction & Report Generation

Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

Main details do not stand outImportant details are highlighted
Lacks organizationWell-organized and presented
Every point is compiled togetherSimilar points under unique headers

Always use grouping and highlighting to make your framed points more effective and while doing so add your achievement figures to validate your contributions.


All the three factors mentioned above can help in making your professional experience section effective and make the recruiters recognize you as the perfect applicant for the targeted job profile.

Also Read : Software Tester Jobs: A 2023 Roadmap

Software Tester Resume Sample for Professional Experience

Enhance your knowledge about this section by going through Hiration's guide on work experience in a resume .

Refer to the sample resume for experienced software tester provided below showcasing the ideal professional experience section:


Projects on Your Software Tester Resume

Including the details of any project that you have contributed to in your resume can be a smart move to impress the recruiters.

It will give them a chance to recognize your active involvement in a project while also accepting you as a capable professional.

All you need to do is:

  • Describe the project in short
  • Mention the duration of the project
  • Mention the name of the client/company (if any)
  • List some points emphasizing your roles and responsibilities along with achievement figures

EXAMPLE: Project: Mobile Application Upgrade Client: Golden Cloak Electronics Duration: Jan '20- Mar '20

  • Analyzed existing application for accelerating page loading time and troubleshooting the identified issues
  • Coordinated with 5 web designers and conducted features testing to enhance the UI while keeping the essential components intact

The given example is just a basic representation of how you can list your projects in your resume.

A clear and crisp description of your projects on a resume can take you a long way during a job application.

List Your Education in the Software Tester Resume

Apart from listing your skills and work experience in a software testing resume for fresher, you need to mention the educational qualification that you possess.

It validates your eligibility for the targeted job profile and makes the recruiters recognize you as an educated applicant.

This section is a must to include in your resume if you are a fresher or if you are writing a software tester resume no experience.

Those professionals with work experience can rely on their experience to be recognized by the recruiters. But for those with no or less experience, you need to mention your educational qualification to support your eligibility for the targeted job profile.

The following details need to be provided in your education sections:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month & year format .
Also Read: How to list education on resume?

Here is a software tester resume sample for freshers showcasing the ideal education section:


Software Testing Resume: Certifications

If you are a certified professional, make sure that you mention the same in your software testing resume for fresher.

It can enhance your resume and make the recruiters recognize you as a suitable applicant and hence raise your chances of being shortlisted.

Provide the below-given details in the certifications section of your resume:

  • Name of the Certification.
  • Name of the Certifying Institute.
  • Location of the Certifying Institute.
  • Dates of Enrollment & Completion of the course.

Learn how to display certifications in a software testing resume for fresher by going through Hiration’s Guide to certifications on resume .

Look at the software tester resume sample for freshers given below demonstrating the ideal certifications section on a resume:


Highlight Your Software Tester Resume Skills

Scan through the professional experience section to pick your most significant skills and list them in your key skills section.

Every skill you mention in your resume should be justified in your one-liners to validate your potential as a suitable applicant.

Some common key skills and technical skills that recruiters look for in software tester resumes are:

Performance Testing Programming Language: C#, .Net, Java, MySQL, HTML
Report Generation Database Management: SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access
Test Planning Tools: UML, WSAD, Rational Rose
Application Maintenance Systems: Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, Windows

This section can also help you in ranking high on the ATS and for that, you need to mention suitable keywords used by the recruiters in the job listing.

Learn more about what skills to put on a resume to highlight your key skills for software testing resume.

The given sample resume for experienced software tester is showcasing how to correctly highlight your skills in your resume:


Also Read: How to become a software tester?

Conclude Your Software Tester Resume with a Summary/Objective

Software Tester Resume Summary

Curate a 3-5 lines software tester resume summary to get the attention of the recruiters.

This can help you communicate your professional experience and skills effectively without the recruiters having to scan through your entire manual testing experience resume.

Since the recruiters do not spend much time on a single resume, compose your software tester resume summary to provide an overview of your resume. It can make them recognize the value that you can contribute to the next organization.

A software tester resume summary should be included only if you have more than 3 years of work experience.

Compose the perfect resume summary by reading, Hiration's Guide to writing a resume summary .

A well-curated resume summary should look like the software tester resume sample given below:


Software Tester Resume Objective

A software tester resume objective should be curated if you are writing a software testing resume for fresher or a software tester resume no experience.

If you have no or less than 3 years of work experience, compose a software tester resume objective.

It is an overview of your resume for the recruiters to get an insight into your software tester resume no experience.

To read more about this section, go to Hiration's Guide resume objective section .

Get your software testing resume for fresher reviewed by professionals and make it perfect.

Use Hiration’s Services to Create the Perfect Resume

Here is an opportunity for you to make use of our state-of-the-art resume builder and resume review services.

We will now discuss them.

Resume Review Service

Your resume will be reviewed and we will send you feedback based on the following parameters:

  • Performance Assessment
  • Conversion Scope
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Design Compatibility
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

Online Resume Builder

We guarantee that our Online Resume Builder is the best in the recruitment business.

Visit us and experience our AI-powered tool.

Here is a list of the features that are included in Hiration’s Online Resume Building Tool:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • 1-click design change
  • LIVE resume score
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • JD-resume matcher
  • 25+ resume designs
  • Intuitive text recommendations
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Software Tester Cover Letter by Hiration

Hiration's Cover Letter Builder provides:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Freedom to customize templates
  • Create multiple cover letters
  • Easy downloading

Additional Services

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Make sure to check out the following features:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
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  • Interview Prep

Fresher Software Tester Resume Sample


Senior Software Tester Resume Sample


Software Tester Sample Resume

Refer to our Software Tester resume template given below to understand how an ideal software tester resume format is curated:

  • Programming/Languages: VB.Net, C#, .Net, C, C++, ASP.Net, Python, VBA, Java, Visual Basic, SharePoint, PHP, MySQL, HTML
  • Databases Management: Oracle 8.x/9.x, SQL Server, MS Access
  • Design & IDE Tools: Rational Rose, UML, WSAD, Oracle WebLogic Server
  • Systems: Windows Server 2016, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X
  • Performed testing for different environments on 50+ software , telecom, and reporting systems
  • Designed & executed tests on software usability, analyzed the results on database impacts, errors or bugs, and usability
  • Tested applications in web and mobile environments & ensured all user expectations are addressed during the testing process
  • Evaluated & tested software and filtered 250+ bugs in conformance to internal standards and project-specific requirements
  • Monitored applications/software systems and carried out stress, performance, functional & scalability testing
  • Developed test plans, test cases, test scripts , and test reports on 25+ projects; saved the clients millions of dollars
  • Interacted with 30+ key company clients in order to procure product requirements
  • Generated 3+ insightful reports on a weekly basis pertaining to software testing & reported them to the design team
  • Aided the design team of 25 as part of designing reviews, and providing inputs on requirements & potential problems
  • Executed 5+ projects, identified business requirements, and met with system users to understand the scope of projects
  • Assisted in handling database and website programming tasks via Java, C, C++, HTML, and SharePoint
  • Helped in optimizing the website for search engine rankings and improved functionality of the company's database
  • Redesigned the internet & intranet pages and resolved memory corruption
  • Built & deployed computer-assisted software engineering (CASE) tools to automate the writing of 25+ codes
  • Resolved & fixed technical issues by leveraging strengths in coding , debugging, & integration testing
  • Updated & expanded existing programs and debugged 50+ programs by testing & fixing errors
  • MTA certification | Microsoft | Mar '17
  • GPA: 4.5/5.0

The given experienced resume format for software tester is created with the help of Hiration's Online Resume Builder .

Make sure to give it a try today!

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways of our resume blog:

  • Pick the right resume format to document your details and pieces of information.
  • Stand out amongst other applicants by writing your name at the topmost part of your resume as the resume header .
  • Provide the correct contact details for the recruiters to conveniently get in touch with you.
  • Do not exaggerate your profile title as it is your professional identification.
  • Describe your work experience in one-liner points and practice grouping and highlighting.
  • Add suitable keywords to rank high on the ATS.
  • Mention your education and certifications to enhance your resume.
  • Give an overview of your resume by composing a suitable software tester resume summary.

With this, we have come to the end of our Software Tester resume guide.

Refer to the software tester resume examples and snapshots of software tester resume templates present in this blog to make your resume-writing experience smooth sailing.

Go to Hiration resume builder where you can get 24/7 professional assistance chat support with all your job & career-related queries to create a professional resume for yourself.

Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] .

resume format testing experience

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Software Tester Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Ever wondered how to steer your software tester resume into the spotlight? Our ultimate guide is packed with practical tips, effective examples, and step-by-step instructions for turning your resume from a rough draft to refined content — a 'good-to-go-live' product if you will.

Air France Full-stack Developer Resume Template

And so, without further ado, let's delve into the fine details of:

  • Formatting your software tester resume
  • Appropriately including your personal information in your resume
  • Crafting a compelling resume summary or objective 
  • Selecting key software testing skills 
  • Detailing relevant work experience and key projects 
  • Including extra sections into your tester resume 
  • Avoiding common resume mistakes
  • Understanding the key difference between a resume and a cover letter
  • Unveiling the average salary and job outlook for software testers
  • Exploring top resources for job-seeking testers

1. How to properly format your software tester resume

What's on your page is crucial, but how it's laid out can make all the difference. There are three main types of resume formats favored by job seekers: Chronological, Functional, and Hybrid. Let's lift the lid on all three:

1. Chronological format: This is the most common and straightforward resume format. It projects your work experience in a 'timeline' manner, with your most recent experience at the top moving backward. For a software tester, this format can highlight your career progression and mastery level in different testing tools and methodologies. 

Listing your work experience reverse-chronologically

Work Experience

Senior Software Tester, XYZ Corp. (2020 - Present)

  • Project lead on automated testing using Selenium for Banking software. 

Software Tester, ABC Tech. (2018 - 2020)

  • Spearheaded functional testing for healthcare software.

2. Functional format: This format is less common but can be valuable when you're switching careers or have gaps in your career history . It emphasizes specific skills over chronological work history. For software testers transitioning from another IT role or fresh graduates, this can spotlight your testing knowledge, even without a wealth of work experience.

Emphasizing your skills in a functional resume

  • Automated testing: Proficient with Selenium WebDriver, TestComplete and LoadRunner.
  • Data analysis: Experience with Apache Hadoop, Tableau and Excel.

3. Hybrid format: The hybrid format is, as you might have guessed, a combination of the chronological and functional formats. It highlights your skills at the top before delving into your work history.

This can be beneficial for seasoned software testers who want to show off their impressive range of competencies alongside their work achievements.

Hybrid resume format listing

  • Manual Testing: Exceptional debugging skills with various manual testing tools.
  • Automated Testing*: Proficient in scripting automated tests using QTP, Selenium.

Lead Software Tester, DEF Inc. (2017- Present)*

  • Managed the transition from manual to automated testing process, increasing efficiency by 50%.

Remember, each format has its perks and perils. And its choice depends really on your work history, skills, and career objectives.

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2. how to include your personal information in a resume.

The personal information section, also known as a resume header , is your virtual handshake with the recruiter. It should contain your full name, contact details like phone number and email, and your location. It's a simple section but essential to get right: 

  • The email address should be professional and straightforward, ideally a combination of your first and last name. 
  • Your location should detail your city and state, but avoid including full address details for privacy reasons. 
  • In the digital age, including your LinkedIn profile and portfolio link is a cutting-edge move. It gives your potential employer a deeper, wider window into your professional persona. Here’s how to do it:

Here's a header example for your software tester resume

John Doe Los Angeles, CA 123.456.7890 [email protected]  LinkedIn: Portfolio: 

Notice how clean and uncluttered that looks? There's no overload of information, yet a recruiter has multiple avenues of learning more about you. 

Remember, though, if you're going to include a LinkedIn or portfolio link, make sure those resources are up-to-date and resonate with your resume. The last thing you want is for your LinkedIn to tell a different story than your CV.

3. How to craft a compelling resume summary or objective

The section that takes the stage after your header, often in the limelight, is the resume summary or objective, serving as your elevator pitch. 

This is where you present who you are professionally, what you can bring to the table, and what you aim to achieve in your next role. 

  • A resume objective is essentially your professional goal — this is often used by fresh graduates or career changers, as they may lack direct job experience to summarize. It serves to illustrate your career direction and how the role fits into your plan.

Incorrect resume objective example 

Looking for a Software Tester position.

Why is it weak? This example is too generic, lacks personalization and doesn't mention how the company would benefit from hiring you. 

Correct resume objective example 

Recent Computer Science graduate with an honors project in automated testing seeks Software Tester role at ABC Corp to utilize knowledge of Selenium WebDriver and Agile methodologies.

Why does it work? This objective is specific, ties the candidate's education to the job and makes a mention of how the candidate can contribute. 

  • A resume summary , on the other hand, is a condensed version of your career highlights and skills. Professionals with some years of experience under their belt should ideally use this. It's a snapshot of your capabilities and achievements. 

Incorrect resume summary example

Experienced Software Tester seeking a challenging role.

Why doesn’t it work? This is too generic, it could apply to any software tester and it misses out on an opportunity to highlight particular skills or achievements.

Correct resume summary example

Detail-oriented Software Tester with over 5 years of experience in manual and automated testing. Developed comprehensive test cases that improved bug detection by 30% at XYZ Inc. Skilled in Selenium, JIRA and Agile methodologies, I seek to leverage my proven track record at ABC Corp.

Why is it strong? The latter summary gives a clear picture of the candidate’s skills, experience, and accomplishments, making it easier to visualize their potential contributions to the company. 

When crafting your summary or objective, think about what you can offer the employer, not just what you want from the job. Tailor it to the specifics of the software tester job ad, and you'll be heading in the right direction.

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4. How to choose the top skills for your software tester resume

The skills section is the best avenue to convey your practical abilities to your potential employer. And it's crucial to differentiate between hard and soft skills, both of which are important for a software tester.

  • Hard skills are technical or specific abilities that can be taught and measured. For a software tester, these revolve around using specific testing tools, coding languages, and key methodologies. 
  • Soft skills , on the other hand, are related to how you work. They're often personality traits or habits that shape how you handle work and interact with others. 

When picking your skills, the key is relevance . Cherry-pick those skills that resonate with the job description. This will show the employer that you're not just capable, but you're what they're looking for. 

Here's a roundup of some skills to consider:

Hard skills for your software tester resume

  • Automated testing tools (like Selenium, JMeter)
  • Manual testing
  • Test case creation
  • Knowledge of Agile/Scrum
  • Performance testing
  • Knowledge of SQL databases

Soft skills to include in your software tester resume

  • Analytical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Effective communication
  • Time management
  • Team collaboration
  • Adaptability

To sum it up, treat your skills section like a successful software testing session — precise, on-point, and thoroughly immersing the user (or in this case, the recruiter). 

Employ this combination of hard and soft skills that are custom-fit to the job description, and you'll be without a "bug" in your employability armor.

software tester resume skills examples

5. How to craft your work experience and key projects section

The work experience and key projects section is the beating heart of your software tester resume. Here, you're demonstrating proven experience and achieved milestones that align with the potential role you're aiming to land.

This section should be consistently formatted — characterized by a string of bullet points prefaced by your role, the company, and your tenure in that position. 

The bullets must begin with an action verb and follow through with your specific responsibility or achievement, ideally ending with a quantifiable result .

Here's your vocabulary starting kit

  • Implemented
  • Coordinated
  • Streamlined

Now, let’s take a look at two contrasting examples of listing work experience in a software tester resume:

Weak work experience and key projects section example

Software Tester XYZ Tech 2016-2018

  • Worked on testing
  • Contributed to team projects
  • Used Selenium

Why is it weak? In this example, the bullet points are vague and don't tell a compelling story about your abilities or contributions. They lack detail and aren’t quantified.

Strong work experience and key projects section example

Senior Software Tester XYZ Tech 2018 - Present

  • Developed and executed comprehensive test cases that increased defect detection by 30%.
  • Spearheaded a cross-functional team in the integration of automated testing processes for Project Phoenix, reducing manual testing hours by 45%.
  • Championed the use of Selenium for automated testing, improving test efficiency by 40%.

Key Projects

  • Project Phoenix: Led the implementation of automated tests, reducing manual testing effort by 45%.
  • Project Delta: Coordinated a team of 5 testers for end-to-end testing of the new billing module, ensuring 99% accuracy before go-live.

Why is it strong? This version is packed with action verbs, specific tasks, and quantifiable achievements. It demonstrates your value and gives a precise idea of what the recruiter can expect from you. 

Additionally, key projects are clearly indicated with an explanation of your role and the outcome. This section of your resume is your proven compatibility with the job at hand. Make sure it's a match!

In a nutshell, your work experience and key projects section should be a strategically curated showcase of your career hi-lites reel. Take it as an opportunity to demonstrate how your past performances have rehearsed for the role you're applying for. You're not just a software tester — you are an asset.

software tester resume work experience tips

6. How to list your education on a software tester resume

When it comes to resumes, education matters . Not just as a basic requirement, but as an insight into your background and learning journey. 

For software testers, listing your education can showcase your academic repertoire, technical foundation, and continued learning eagerness.

If your degree is in a related field (e.g., Computer Science), highlight it:

Directly relevant education section example

Bachelor's in Computer Science XYZ University, Somewhere, USA (2015-2019)

  • Graduated cum laude, with an honors project on software testing automation
  • Relevant coursework: Software Quality Assurance, Systems Analysis, and Design

Here, the degree, university, and years attended are conspicuously displayed. Academic accomplishments and relevant coursework also spotlight thematic consistency with the software tester role.

If your degree is not directly related (let's say, a degree in Biology), showing applicability or growth towards the field is handy:

Non-directly relevant education section example

Bachelor's in Biology XYZ University, Somewhere, USA (2015-2019)*

  • Led a data analysis project using Python scripting


  • Certified Software Tester (CSTE) — Software Certifications
  • Python for Data Science — Coursera

In this case, an additional certifications section showcases a dedicated effort to develop relevant skills outside the sphere of formal education.

All in all, whether your degree is in a related field or not, your education section has a key role to play. It paints a picture of your academic foundation, your journey of growth, and your commitment to the field. It's not just about where you started, but how far you've been willing to go.

7. How to select relevant extra sections for your resume

When fashioning your software tester resume, you might very well have a trove of experiences and skills that don't neatly fit into the standard education or work experience sections . 

Here's where relevant extra sections come into play. They help provide a fuller image of you as a candidate.

Select additional sections that further strengthen your application and resonate with the job description. Remember, the goal is to provide valuable information without swelling your resume unnecessarily.

Let's run through a few examples:

  • Volunteering: Voluntarily providing your skills not only showcases your charitable side but also indicates real-world experience. For instance, tutoring experience indicates a solid understanding of software testing principles and an ability to explain complex ideas clearly — highly beneficial to roles involving teamwork or mentorship.
  • Certifications: In a field as dynamic as software testing, keeping up to date with trends and tools often involves completing various certifications. And they certainly show your continued educational efforts, expertise, and dedication to the field.
  • Professional associations: Membership in recognized industry groups shows your proactive engagement with the field

Here’s how to list extra sections on your resume

Volunteer Experience

  • Guided students in understanding coding basics and software testing principles.
  • ISTQB Certified Tester 
  • Certified Agile Tester, Scrum Alliance

Professional Associations

  • American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB)
  • Association for Software Testing (AST)

Extra sections can simply give recruiters a more rounded view of who you are and what you bring to the table. Make sure they enhance your story and aren't just filler. Remember, quality over quantity is key.

Senior Automation Tester at Aspire Systems Resume Sample

8. How to avoid common mistakes in a software tester resume

Even with all the required skills and experience, a few slip-ups on your resume can send it straight to the 'no' pile. Let's take a look at three common mistakes and how to avoid them:

  • Grammar and spelling errors: These reflect poorly on your attention to detail. Remember, as a software tester, meticulousness is key. Use grammar-checking tools, but also proofread manually. A fresh pair of eyes can often spot errors software might overlook.
  • Being too generic: Customizing your resume for each job application takes time, but recruiters can sniff out a generic resume from miles away. To make an impact, tailor your resume to align with the job description, emphasizing relevant skills, and experiences.
  • Focusing on responsibilities over achievements: Instead of drily listing your duties, highlight the results or impacts of your work. Did your testing improve software stability? How much? Did you lead a team to meet a challenging deadline? Show it.
  • Overloading with irrelevant information: Be picky about what you include. If it doesn't help sell you for the specific role you're applying to, consider leaving it out. Maintaining focus on relevant information will make your resume more compelling and easier to digest.

Avoiding these common pitfalls will ensure your software tester resume keeps its audience engaged, maximizes impact, and escalates you from the application pool to the interview list.

9. When to include a software tester cover letter

Let's shed light on a common quandary: The relevance of a cover letter and when to pair it with your software tester resume.

While your resume presents a broad overview of your career history, skills, and achievements, a cover letter tells a story, illuminating why you're the perfect fit for a specific role. 

It's a common misconception that cover letters are passé . In fact, many hiring managers still read them and appreciate the personal touch they convey. 

So, when should you include one? As a rule of thumb, if the job application asks for it , provide it. Even if not explicitly stated, it’s usually beneficial to include a well-written cover letter, as it gives you an additional platform to showcase your motivation and fit for the role.

Remember, a resume is about you as a professional, while a cover letter is about the employer — why you are drawn toward their mission, why you want to work for them, and why you fit the specific role.

Pro tip: Tailor each cover letter to the job you're applying for. A generic template won't cut it. Specificity shows your genuine interest in the job and the effort you've made in applying.

Ultimately, a cover letter and a resume are like a two-course meal to satisfy recruiters' appetite. They complement each other and, together, offer a comprehensive understanding of your career story.

Create your cover letter fast with artificial intelligence.

10. average salary and outlook for software testers.

The dynamic, evolving world of software testing offers not only a stimulating career path but also an impressive earning potential. As of May 2022, the average annual salary for a software tester was a striking $124,200 as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) .

But the laurels of this profession don't stop at lucrative remuneration. The job outlook for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers is especially promising and set for steady growth. 

Specific projections suggest a 25 percent employment growth from 2022 to 2032, a rate that notably outpaces the average for all occupations.

This surge in employment means that there will likely be about 153,900 new job openings for software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers each year for the next ten years. 

A career in software testing not only offers a competitive salary but also an optimistic employment outlook, making it a compelling choice in the realm of IT careers.

11. Top resources for job-seeking software testers

Arming yourself with the right resources can nudge you closer to your dream job as a software tester. Here are some must-have tools in your job-seeking arsenal:

  • Job search websites: Platforms like LinkedIn , Indeed , Glassdoor , and many more are your starting place. They offer extensive job listings, company reviews, and even salary estimates.
  • Recruiting agencies: Specialized agencies like Robert Half Technology or CyberCoders often have listings for software testing roles. These can be particularly useful for finding opportunities that aren't advertised on major job boards.
  • Professional networking: Build your professional network both online and offline. Join LinkedIn groups, engage with industry leaders on Twitter, and attend tech meetups in your area.
  • Software testing blogs and forums: Stay updated with the latest in your field. Sites like Ministry of Testing , QAInsights , and SQAForums can provide valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Improve your skills: Leverage online learning platforms like Coursera , Udemy , or freeCodeCamp to hone your existing skills or pick up new ones.
  • Certification courses: Get certified from recognized institutions like ISTQB to give your resume that competitive edge.
  • Job interview prep sites: Use platforms like LeetCode , HackerRank , or Pramp to practice coding interviews. Not only for developers, but they also feature systems design and QA problems.

Remember, the job market is dynamic. Keep learning, keep networking, and keep up-to-date with industry trends. Your perfect software testing job might be just around the corner!

Oh, and if you want to turn your LinkedIn profile into a polished resume with just one click, we've got you covered.

Software Tester Resume FAQ

How long should my software tester resume be.

Ideally, aim for a one-page resume if you have less than 10 years of experience. If you have more extensive experience, a second page could be necessary. Still, always aim for brevity and relevance.

Should I include references on my software tester resume?

Including references on your resume is no longer a common practice. Instead, have a separate list of references ready to provide upon request.

How can I make my software tester resume stand out if I am a recent graduate or changing careers?

Highlight relevant coursework, independent projects, certifications, or transferable skills in your resume. Even without direct work experience, showing your knowledge, initiative, and enthusiasm for the field can make a positive impression.

Do I need to include a photo on my software tester resume?

In general, it's best to avoid including a photo on your resume unless the job ad specifically asks for one. Focus instead on your skills, experience, and qualifications.

How often should I update my software tester resume?

It's advisable to keep your resume up-to-date, even if you're not actively job seeking. Aim to review and update your resume at least every six months or any time you learn a new skill, achieve a significant result, or complete a noteworthy project. This way, you're always ready for any opportunity that comes your way.

Julia Gergelova — Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Julia Gergelova

Julia is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer (CPRW™) and an active member of the Professional Association of Résumé Writers & Career Coaches (PARWCC™). She is also a passionate translator and graphic designer. Julia holds degrees in translation and interpretation and has international work experience in various countries across Europe, as well as in China and Panama. Julia formerly taught academic writing and contributed as a graphic designer to outlets such as The Business of Business. You'll often find her with a book in one hand and a specialty coffee in the other, always on the lookout for new insights.

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How to write a professional resume summary [+examples], how to put your education on a resume [+examples], how to describe your work experience on a resume [+examples], let your resume do the work..

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  • Career Blog

QA Tester Resume: Examples and Writing Tips for 2024

resume format testing experience

The Importance of a QA Tester Resume As a QA tester, it’s crucial to have a well-crafted resume that showcases your skills, experience, and achievements. A strong resume is your first impression on potential employers and can significantly impact your chances of getting hired. It’s essential to highlight your skills and expertise in QA testing, as well as any relevant certifications and education.

What to Include in a QA Tester Resume When crafting your QA tester resume, it’s important to structure it in a way that highlights your strengths and experience. Your resume should include your summary, work experience, education, certifications, and skills. Make sure to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for and use industry-specific keywords to highlight your experience in QA testing.

Key skills that Employers Look for in a QA Tester Resume Employers look for specific skills when reviewing QA tester resumes. Some of the most sought-after skills include software testing methodologies, bug tracking tools, test automation tools, programming languages, and communication skills. It’s essential to highlight your expertise in these areas and provide examples of how you’ve utilized your skills in your previous roles.

A strong QA tester resume is essential for landing your dream job in the industry. By showcasing your skills, experience, and achievements, you can make a lasting impression on potential employers and secure your position as a valuable addition to their team.

QA Tester Resume Format

When it comes to creating a QA Tester Resume, choosing the right format is crucial. The format you choose will dictate how your information is presented, how easy it is for the recruiter to read, and how your skills and experience are highlighted. Here are the three most popular QA Tester Resume Formats to consider:

A. Reverse Chronological Resume Format

The Reverse Chronological Resume Format is the most popular format used by QA Testers. This format lists your most recent work experience first, followed by your previous work experience in reverse chronological order. This layout highlights your most recent work experience and gives recruiters a clear view of your career progression.

When using this format, be sure to include your job title, company name, dates of employment, and your key accomplishments and responsibilities for each role you’ve held. Utilize bullet points and action verbs to make your resume more impactful.

B. Combination Resume Format

The Combination Resume Format is a hybrid between the Reverse Chronological and Functional Resume Formats. This format allows you to highlight your skills and qualifications at the top of your resume, followed by your work experience in reverse chronological order.

This format is ideal for QA Testers who have a strong skill set and want to emphasize it. In the skills section, include the relevant tools and technologies you have experience with, as well as your knowledge of software testing methodologies, troubleshooting, and problem-solving.

C. Functional Resume Format

The Functional Resume Format is best suited for QA Testers who have large gaps in employment or who are changing careers. This format focuses on your skills and experience, rather than your chronological work history.

When using this format, begin with a summary of your skills and qualifications. Use this section to showcase your relevant experience and highlight your testing abilities, attention to detail, and communication skills. Then, create a section for your employment history, where you can briefly describe your previous roles and responsibilities.

Ultimately, the best QA Tester Resume Format will depend on your individual needs and the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Choose a format that highlights your strengths and makes it easy for the recruiter to see how you can contribute to the company.

Contact Information and Header

A. name and professional title.

Your name and professional title should be prominently displayed as the header of your resume. Make sure it stands out and is easy to read. Your name should be in a larger font than the rest of the text on the page. Your professional title should be in a slightly smaller font directly underneath your name.

B. Contact Information

Make sure to include your contact information in your resume, including your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. You can also include your home address, but it’s not strictly necessary. Make sure your contact information is current and accurate, and double-check for typos or errors.

1234 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 Phone: (123) 456-7890 Email:  [email protected] LinkedIn:

C. Objective Statement/Summary

Your objective statement/summary is a brief introduction that summarizes your skills, experience, and goals as a QA tester. It should be no more than two or three sentences long, and should showcase your most relevant qualifications.

Here’s an example of an objective statement/summary:

“Results-driven QA Tester with 5+ years of experience creating and executing test cases, performing regression testing, and identifying bugs. Seeking a challenging role in software development where I can use my technical expertise to ensure high-quality products and drive business success.”

Your objective statement/summary should convey your value proposition as a QA tester and entice the reader to learn more about your qualifications.

Professional Experience

As a QA Tester, your professional experience section is the crux of your resume. It provides the readers a summary of the kind of work you have undertaken in the past, bringing out your key areas of expertise. The section can be further broken down into four parts:

A. Job Descriptions

The job descriptions should be simplified, yet comprehensive, snippets that give the recruiters a preview of the roles and responsibilities that you have performed as a QA Tester. These should mention your skills and experience briefly, clearly outlining your main area of expertise. Using strong action verbs can help create a powerful impression. For example:

  • Conducted end-to-end testing on critical financial applications for a major banking institution.
  • Designed test cases and executed them to identify bugs, ensuring high-quality standards were maintained.

B. Achievements

Your achievements speak volumes about your skills and work ethic as a QA Tester. Highlighting your achievements can present you as an exceptional candidate for the role. Here are some areas you might consider highlighting:

  • Consistently met project deadlines by working collaboratively with team members and stakeholders.
  • Improved product quality by identifying and eliminating defects, reducing customer complaints by 75%.

C. Relevant Project Work

Relevant project work showcases your ability to apply your expertise in practical situations. Mentioning these and the outcomes achieved can make a big impact on the recruiters. Examples could be:

  • Was responsible for testing an e-Commerce platform that generated revenue worth $1.5 million per month.
  • Successfully executed a complex automation script, reducing testing time by 50%.

D. Emphasizing Results

Emphasizing results can create a strong impression of your abilities as a QA Tester. This can demonstrate that you have a results-oriented mindset with a proactive approach to problem-solving. Here are some examples:

  • Delivered thorough testing standards, cutting the number of defects by half, during a high-pressure testing period.
  • Instituted a new testing process that helped diagnose issues earlier, leading to a 15% improvement in product quality.

The professional experience section is the most critical part of your QA Tester resume. By highlighting your achievements, relevant project work, and results, you can impress your recruiters, and therefore maximize your chances of getting the job you want.

Hiring managers in the software industry often prioritize education when considering candidates for QA tester positions. As a QA tester, you need a combination of technical skills and theoretical knowledge to successfully execute testing tasks.

In your QA Tester resume, you may want to include a section detailing your educational background. You can organize this section into the following categories:

A. List of Degrees

Your academic qualifications can demonstrate your competence and domain expertise in the field of software testing. Consider adding any relevant degrees in your resume’s Education section, including:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology

Having a degree in a related field assures employers that you can understand the technicalities of software testing.

B. Certifications

One way to demonstrate your technical proficiency in QA testing is to showcase your certifications. Some of the well-regarded certifications for QA testers include:

  • ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board)
  • CSTE (Certified Software Tester)
  • CSQA (Certified Software Quality Analyst)
  • CMST (Certified Manager of Software Testing)

Having these certifications can give you an edge over other candidates and prove to the employer that you have a strong understanding of the fundamental principles of QA testing.

C. Training Courses

Attending training courses can also help you gain valuable knowledge and practical experience in the field of software testing. Some relevant training courses that you may want to consider adding in your resume include:

  • Introduction to Software Testing
  • Test Automation Using Selenium
  • Mobile Application Testing
  • Performance Testing

Adding these courses in your QA Tester resume under the “Training” section can show employers that you are interested in furthering your knowledge of software testing and keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the field.

D. Skills Assessments

Skills assessments offer objective proof of your competency in software testing. Some popular software testing assessments include:

  • Brainbench’s Software Testing IQ Test
  • Capgemini’s Software Testing Assessment
  • QA Guru’s Software Testing Online Assessment

Including your scores from these assessments in your QA Tester resume can demonstrate your technical proficiency, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills.

Showcasing your education – whether it’s a degree, certification, training course, or skills assessment – can give potential employers a better understanding of your qualifications, skills, and experience as a QA tester.

Skills and Keywords

When it comes to writing a QA tester resume, showcasing your skills and expertise is crucial. This section will focus on the different types of skills and keywords that you should include in your resume to stand out to hiring managers.

A. Technical Skills

As a QA tester, you must have a strong technical background to ensure that you can run tests effectively and identify issues with software or applications. Technical skills that you should highlight in your resume include:

  • Proficiency in programming languages like Java, Python, C++, or .NET
  • Experience with testing tools like Selenium or Appium
  • Knowledge of software development methodologies like Agile or Waterfall
  • Familiarity with operating systems like macOS or Linux
  • Understanding of databases like SQL and Oracle

Your technical skills can help hiring managers understand your level of expertise and how you can contribute to their team’s testing efforts.

B. Soft Skills

While technical skills are important for a QA tester, soft skills are equally valuable. Soft skills refer to personal qualities and behaviors that can help you work well with others and contribute to a positive work environment. Soft skills that are important for a QA tester include:

  • Strong communication skills for working with developers, project managers, and other stakeholders
  • Attention to detail to catch even the smallest bugs
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to identify and resolve issues
  • Ability to work collaboratively and take feedback from others
  • Adaptability and flexibility to adjust to changing project requirements or timelines

Soft skills can help you stand out from other candidates who may have similar technical skills. You can emphasize your soft skills by providing examples of how you have demonstrated them in past roles or projects.

C. Keywords and Phrases

In addition to technical and soft skills, including keywords and phrases in your resume can also make a big difference in catching the attention of hiring managers. Keywords and phrases are specific words or phrases related to the job you are applying for. You can find these by looking at the job posting or researching other QA tester job descriptions.

Some common keywords and phrases for a QA tester include:

  • Regression testing
  • Bug tracking
  • Quality assurance
  • Automated testing
  • Manual testing

Including these keywords and phrases in your resume can help recruiters and hiring managers quickly see that you have the necessary skills and experience for the job.

D. Describing Skills in Action

While it’s important to list your skills in your resume, it’s even more important to describe how you have used those skills in action. Hiring managers want to see how your skills have been applied in real-world situations.

Projects and Work Samples

As a Quality Assurance (QA) tester, it is crucial to showcase your work samples and projects to potential employers. The following sections outline the options for including your projects and the best practices for choosing the right work samples.

A. Options for Including Projects

There are several ways to present your projects on a QA tester resume. Here are a few options:

1. Inclusive list:  Create a separate section that includes a comprehensive list of all your projects. This is suitable for seasoned testers who have worked on multiple projects across various industries.

2. Tailored list:  If you are applying for a specific position, create a list of your most relevant projects to that position. This approach ensures that your work samples match the job requirements.

3. Short description:  Instead of listing all your projects, choose your most significant projects and provide a brief synopsis of each for added context.

B. Choosing the Right Sample

When including your work samples, it is best to select samples that demonstrate skills relevant to the job you are applying for. Here are some tips for selecting the right work samples:

1. Look at the job requirements:  Review the job description and identify the skills required for the position. Choose work samples that align with those required skills.

2. Prioritize recent work:  If you have been working as a QA tester for several years, prioritize your recent work samples. Consider any new tools or testing methodologies you have started using in your most recent projects.

3. Choose diverse samples:  Select work samples that showcase diverse testing experience, such as manual and automated testing, or different types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, or acceptance testing.

C. Demonstrating Skills

When presenting work samples, it is essential to demonstrate the skills you used in each project. Consider the following when writing about your project:

1. Identify your role:  Be clear about your role in each project. What was your purpose, and what responsibilities did you have?

2. Discuss your approach:  Explain how you approached each project and what methodologies you used. Did you use any specific testing tools or technologies?

3. Highlight results:  Discuss the outcomes of each project and the results of your testing efforts. What was the impact of your testing, and what did you learn from the project?

By following the tips above, you can create an impressive QA tester resume that showcases your skills and experience to potential employers.

Tips and Tricks for Resume Writing

As a QA tester, having a well-crafted and comprehensive resume can help you stand out to potential employers. Here are some tips and tricks to help you write a winning resume that showcases your skills and experience.

A. Using Bullet Points Effectively

Bullet points are a great way to break up large chunks of text and make your resume more reader-friendly. However, it’s important to use bullet points effectively. When writing bullet points, keep the following things in mind:

Be concise: Use short, snappy sentences to convey your achievements and experience.

Focus on impact: Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, highlight the impact you had on a project. For example, instead of saying “wrote test plans,” say “developed comprehensive test plans that reduced defects by 30%.”

Use keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords and phrases to help your resume stand out to recruiters.

B. Quantifying Achievements

When listing your achievements on your resume, it’s important to quantify them whenever you can. This means adding numbers and percentages to give your accomplishments more context and impact. For example:

  • “Implemented new testing software that reduced testing time by 50%”
  • “Led a team of 5 QA testers on a successful project that was delivered on time and under budget”

Quantifying your achievements not only shows potential employers that you are results-driven, but it also gives them a better idea of what you can bring to their organization.

C. Tailoring Resumes for Each Job

One mistake that many job seekers make is using a generic resume for every job they apply to. While this may save time, it’s unlikely to get you noticed by recruiters. Instead, take the time to tailor your resume to each job you apply for. This means:

Researching the company and the job requirements to understand what skills and experience are most important

Matching your qualifications to those requirements

Using language that aligns with the company’s values and culture

Customizing your resume in this way shows that you have a genuine interest in the company and the role, and that you have taken the time to understand what they are looking for in a candidate.

D. Common Mistakes to Avoid

When writing your resume, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid:

Spelling and grammatical errors: These can make you appear careless or unprofessional.

Using passive language: Instead of saying “tasks included,” say “I completed.”

Including irrelevant information: Stick to relevant experience and achievements that showcase your skills.

Being too wordy: Keep your sentences short and to the point.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure that your resume is polished and professional, and that it effectively communicates your skills and experience to potential employers.

QA Tester Resume Example

Jessica adams.

QA Tester | Quality Assurance Specialist

Results-oriented QA Tester with strong knowledge of software testing methodologies and hands-on experience in executing test cases, identifying defects, and ensuring product quality. Skilled in functional, regression, and usability testing, as well as test automation. Excellent problem-solving and communication skills, with a focus on delivering high-quality software products.

QA Tester, XYZ Software Solutions

  • Conducted functional and regression testing on web and mobile applications, ensuring adherence to project specifications and requirements.
  • Executed test cases, reported and tracked defects using bug tracking systems, and worked closely with development teams to resolve issues.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define test strategies, create test plans, and ensure product quality throughout the software development lifecycle.

Junior QA Tester, ABC Tech Solutions

  • Assisted senior testers in executing test cases and identifying defects in web and desktop applications.
  • Participated in test plan creation, test execution, and defect management activities.
  • Collaborated with the development team to reproduce and resolve reported defects.
  • Software Testing (Functional, Regression, Usability)
  • Test Case Design and Execution
  • Bug Tracking and Defect Management
  • Test Automation (Selenium, JUnit)
  • Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
  • Test Documentation (Test Plans, Test Reports)
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, University of XYZ


  • ISTQB Certified Tester – Foundation Level
  • Certified Agile Tester (CAT)

Cover Letter Writing Tips

As a QA Tester, your resume is the key to opening doors to new opportunities, but it’s important not to overlook the importance of a good cover letter. The cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself and explain why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Here are some tips to help you craft a standout cover letter:

A. Purpose and Structure

The purpose of a cover letter is to grab the attention of the hiring manager and entice them to read your resume. The structure of a cover letter typically includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. In the introduction, you should state the position you are applying for and briefly explain why you are interested in the job. In the body, you should highlight your relevant skills and experience and explain how they make you a strong candidate for the position. In the conclusion, you should reiterate your interest in the job and thank the hiring manager for considering your application.

B. Tailoring Cover Letters

One of the most important things you can do when writing a cover letter is to tailor it to the specific job you are applying for. Take the time to research the company and the position to understand what they are looking for in a candidate. Use the language of the job posting to describe your qualifications and explain how you can contribute to the company’s success.

C. Elements of a Good Cover Letter

A good cover letter should be professional, concise, and well-written. It should introduce you and explain why you are the best candidate for the job. It should also highlight your relevant skills and experience and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position. Use clear and simple language, and avoid using jargon or overly technical terms that may not be familiar to the hiring manager.

D. Mistakes to Avoid

When writing a cover letter, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can make you seem unprofessional or unqualified for the job. Avoid using a generic cover letter that doesn’t address the specific job posting. Don’t use overly formal language, and avoid using contractions or slang. Finally, always proofread your cover letter before submitting it to catch any spelling or grammatical errors.

A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other candidates and increase your chances of landing an interview. By following these tips, you can create a compelling cover letter that showcases your skills and experience and demonstrates your enthusiasm for the job.

QA Tester Cover Letter Example

A. sample cover letter.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the QA Tester position at XYZ Company. With five years of experience in software testing and quality assurance, I am confident in my ability to excel in this role.

In my current position at ABC Technologies, I have honed my skills in identifying and documenting defects, performing regression testing, and ensuring adherence to software development standards. I am proficient in the use of testing tools such as Selenium, Jira, and Bugzilla.

I am passionate about delivering high-quality products and ensuring customer satisfaction. I am excited to bring my expertise to XYZ Company and contribute to the success of your projects.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

B. Explanation of Key Sections

The key sections in a QA Tester Cover Letter include:

Opening Paragraph:  Begin by expressing your enthusiasm for the position and briefly mentioning your most relevant experience.

Body Paragraph(s):  Provide specific examples of your experience and skills that demonstrate your ability to excel in this role. Mention the tools and software that you are proficient in using. Highlight your passion for delivering high-quality products and customer satisfaction.

Closing Paragraph:  Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing your qualifications further.

C. Critique and Improvement Suggestions

This cover letter effectively conveys the applicant’s enthusiasm and relevant experience. However, there are a few areas where it could be improved:

Customization:  Although this cover letter does not mention the company name, it is essential to customize your cover letter for each application. Research the company thoroughly and highlight how your qualifications align with their needs.

Specificity:  Instead of simply mentioning the use of testing tools, provide specific examples of how you used them in past projects to achieve objectives.

Grammar and Spelling:  Ensure that your cover letter is free from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Proofread your cover letter thoroughly before submitting it.

Quantifying Achievements:  Consider quantifying your achievements where possible. For example, mention how many bugs you have identified or how much time you saved by using a particular tool.

This cover letter effectively showcases the applicant’s experience and passion for delivering high-quality products. By customizing it for each job application and providing specific examples of achievements, the applicant can improve their chances of standing out to hiring managers.

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ATS Resume Templates

Download an ATS-friendly resume template for free. These templates can be edited in Microsoft Word and can be accurately scanned by an applicant tracking system.

resume format testing experience

If you’ve made it to this page, then you probably already know more about applicant tracking systems (ATS) than the average job seeker. That gives you an advantage! Why?

Many companies use ATS to manage resumes and applications. In fact, Jobscan research shows that over 97% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS.

If an ATS can’t read or understand the information on your resume, then your application might not be seen when a recruiter searches for candidates with specific skills or experience – even if you have those skills or the experience!

Your resume needs to be ATS-friendly in order to give you the best chance of getting a job interview. That means that you need an ATS resume template.

We’ve designed 15 ATS resume templates that can be downloaded as Microsoft Word files and easily edited. Download one for free or use our free resume builder to get a customized ATS-friendly resume in minutes.

Free ATS Resume Templates

Executive and Management ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

As a leader, you want your experience and accomplishments to shine. These resume templates give you opportunities to show the measurable results you’ve achieved, as well as your hard and soft skills .

Using correct formatting is critical here. The ATS needs to be able to parse all of that vital information and categorize it correctly. You also need your resume to be searchable by an ATS so that when a recruiter filters candidates by skills, your application stays on the list.

White resume on big screen

Entry-Level ATS-Friendly Resume Templates

You might not think you have a lot to show on your resume, but you do! These templates provide sections where you can highlight your education, internships, volunteer experience , personal accomplishments, and more.

An ATS-friendly resume will help you get found by recruiters and hiring managers. This is important because an entry-level position could have hundreds of applicants! Use these templates to make sure the ATS picks up your skills and experience.

White resume on big screen

Make your resume faster with our free resume builder

Write your resume the free and easy way with the only resume builder designed specifically with ATS-compliant resume templates.

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ATS Resume Templates - What You Need to Know

How to make the perfect ats resume.

Remember, an ATS is just a computer filing system. It needs to be able to scan and understand the text on your resume in order to correctly parse the information and sort it properly.

An ATS will never auto-reject a resume, but an ATS optimized resume does make it easier for a recruiter to find you among the sea of applicants.

Even more importantly, an ATS-friendly resume naturally follows expert-recommended resume writing standards as well. That means that when the recruiter personally views your resume, it will include the relevant information they’re looking for and will be formatted in a way that makes it easier to read

Follow these tips for making the perfect ATS resume :

1. Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for

Focus on quality over quantity. Each job you apply for is unique, even if they all have the same title. Every company has different needs for that role. The job description will make it clear which hard skills, soft skills, experience, and education the company is looking for. So tailor your resume to show them that you are the perfect candidate.

Tailoring each and every resume can be time consuming, but it’s worth the effort!

You can speed up this process by using a tool like Jobscan’s resume scanner . Powered by AI-technology , this tool analyzes your resume against the job description and provides you with a resume score that tells you how closely your resume matches the job description. It also tells you exactly what you need to do to increase your score.

2. Match your resume keywords to skills found in the job description

Recruiters might use an ATS’ search function to find applicants with specific skills. How do you know what skills they will search for? By examining the job listing. Use a resume scanner to automatically pick out the hard and soft skills the recruiter might search for, and then include those on your resume.

Even if the recruiter doesn’t search applications for those skills, they’ll definitely be looking for mentions of them on each resume they review.

3. Use long-form and acronym versions of keywords

Some ATS will only return resumes with the exact keywords the recruiters would search for. For example, if you included “Search Engine Optimization” in your resume but the recruiter searched for “SEO,” your profile may not appear in the results. Try to include both the acronym and the unabbreviated form of the term.

Use a tool like Jobscan’s resume fixer to make sure your resume doesn’t contain mistakes that will eliminate you from consideration.

4. Use Chronological or Hybrid resume format to write your resume .

Recruiters do not like the functional resume format . Unless you’re making a career change, a functional resume is going to work against you. (And even then, we recommend you steer clear of the format for a career change resume .)

The best format for the ATS is traditional reverse chronological. You can also use chronological and hybrid resume formats as these are familiar to most recruiters.

5. Use an easy-to-read, traditional font

For readability, use a traditional serif or sans serif font. Untraditional or “fancy” fonts can cause parsing errors, which means the full text of your resume won’t be searchable.

6. Use standard resume section headings

Section headers like “Where I’ve Been” in place of “Work Experience” will confuse applicant tracking systems, causing them to organize information incorrectly.

7. Save your file as a .docx if possible

A docx file is most compatible with ATS.

What is the best resume format for ATS?

There are three standard resume formats to choose from in your job search. They shape your first impression and determine the way recruiters and hiring managers view your fit as an applicant.

Your resume formatting can also determine how well your resume is parsed within an applicant tracking system (ATS) and how likely you are to be noticed as a result.

Regardless of the format you use, the most important thing is to use standard section headings like Experience, Skills, and Education. That will make it easier for the ATS to categorize the text.

How to tailor your ATS-friendly resume to a job

Tailoring your resume proves to recruiters that you’re an experienced professional. Most importantly, it shows them that you’re the perfect fit for this role.

Follow these three steps for tailoring your resume to a job description:

1. Examine the specific job description of the position

Go line by line through the job description and ask yourself these questions:

  • “Does my resume experience section clearly state that I can do what’s required of this role?”
  • “Am I using the same language found in the job description or job posting?”

You might find several different or missing skills and keywords in your generic resume.

2. Match skills and keywords from the job description

Mirroring the language, keywords, and buzzwords found within the job description is the easiest way to demonstrate you’re a better match than the competition.

The best way to show you’re the best fit for the position is to take words from the job posting and strategically put them in your job descriptions and other resume sections. A resume scanner will automatically pull out these keywords in seconds and speed up this process.

3. Write your job title clearly

Recruiters might search for people who have done the job they’re hiring, so list your job titles clearly and match the titles to the one in the job posting when possible. If you haven’t held the job before, list it under your name at the top or as part of your summary section.

What is Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software used to assist with human resources, recruitment, and hiring. While each system offers a different package of features, applicant tracking systems are primarily used to help hiring companies organize and navigate large numbers of applicants.

For example, an ATS stores job candidate information like resumes, cover letters, references, and other recruitment and hiring data that HR teams can easily access and organize. It will also track job candidates and their application status throughout the hiring pipeline.

Ultimately, an ATS automates time-consuming administrative tasks such as manually screening applicants, reading resumes, scheduling interviews, and sending notifications and emails to job candidates and employees.

Can you add graphics to your resume?

When it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume , the rule is: The simpler, the better. ATS are improving at scanning different formatting features, but not all of them are good at this.

Adding graphics and images could cause ATS parsing errors , which means the text on your resume won’t be fully searchable or accurately categorized by an ATS. We recommend that job seekers err on the side of caution. Avoid graphics, images, and photos.

Are Google Docs or Microsoft resume templates ATS-friendly?

They can be. We talked about some formatting features to avoid on your resume – fancy graphics and non-traditional fonts. Those features can trip up an ATS, even if they’re on a Word document or Google Docs file.

However, as long as you follow the guidelines on this page, or use one of these ATS resume templates, you’ll be fine.

How to get your cover letter past the ATS?

To increase your cover letter’s chances of passing an ATS, focus on using a clean format without complex formatting, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases from the job description, and ensure that your content is easy for the ATS to parse.

Consider using a tool like Jobscan’s cover letter generator to help you create an ATS-friendly cover letter. If you already have a cover letter, run it through our cover letter checker tool to get personalized feedback on how to improve your cover letter and make it more compelling to employers.

More Resume Resources


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  • Resume Experts
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  • Quality Assurance

Testing Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the testing job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Manage the performance management for the direct reportees, as per the organization policies
  • Management and configuration management to capture and manage defects, fixes,
  • Performing design, coding, testing, application maintenance, performance tuning activities
  • Create customized or tool generated test scripts to execute and
  • Participate or lead PPI project teams as assigned to improve business performance
  • Provide assistance to customers, employees and visitors in a courteous and professional manner
  • Develop action plans and tracking mechanisms to drive continuous improvement
  • Provide Key account management to top licensees for long term business development
  • Direct product development with DCP Product Developer consistently with category plan and ongoing product quality improvement program
  • Work with key retail account to manage Disney’s product range and presence at retail
  • Assist the establishment of efficient distribution services
  • Marketing Management
  • Provide category forecast on quarterly basis (revenue grading)
  • Conduct retail accounts performance review and marketing update (quarterly)
  • Leads Security Testing function including an MSS group in performing ethical hacking while assessing overall security posture of applications and systems
  • Secure coding practices, ethical hacking and threat modeling
  • Performs automated scanning and manual hacking techniques to reproduce real-world attack scenarios
  • Advanced Persistent Threats (APT), phishing and social engineering, network access controllers (NAC), gateway anti-malware and enhanced authentication
  • Diagnoses business pain points and evaluates ideas that can be integrated with existing testing initiatives and strategic platform
  • Keeps abreast of security testing industry best practices, vendor capabilities and academic frameworks to sustain best-in-class program
  • Security concepts related to DNS, routing, authentication, VPN, proxy services and DDOS mitigation technologies
  • Solid SQL experience and knowledge
  • Ability to identify critical issues quickly and accurately
  • Good knowledge and experience in Software Development life cycle (SDLC)
  • English: Basic knowledge
  • Good time management skills
  • Expertise in Defect tracking tools like Mercury Quality Center, Bugzilla, Mantis etc
  • At least 2 years experience in Banking domain business knowledge
  • Good experience in Testing practices, process and Automation tools like QTP, Selenium RFT etc
  • Capable to manage testing team
  • Excellent leadership skills

15 Testing resume templates

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  • Completes periodic assessment reviews and transactional testing of business controls with federal and state regulatory compliance impacts, which include: selecting appropriate samples, tracking timely delivery of and maintenance of review papers, presenting test status and results to LOB and senior management, completing final review reports and updating all applicable compliance program documentation as applicable to each test
  • Maintains repository of testing workpapers, testing plans, risk assessments and action plans identified through specific compliance testing and reviews
  • Assists in completing annual compliance test plans and maintenance of compliance risk assessments as applicable in the Compliance Assessment, Testing and Tracking System (CATTS)
  • Interprets federal banking and securities statutes, regulations and State Laws, and analyzes their impact on existing policy and business practices
  • Assesses and ranks compliance risk relative to all federal banking and securities statutes, regulations and State Laws, while taking into account potential civil penalties, reputational risk, regulatory risk, scope, controls and potential for non-compliance
  • Series 7, 24, and 63/66 preferred

QA ETL Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads and Participates in testing, debugging and documentation of applications using Informatica and other supporting tools to satisfy requirements of user areas
  • Responsible for on-time delivery of assigned Testing project with high-quality
  • Support QA phase by developing test scripts and by managing QC
  • Activily participate in UAT support
  • Identify efficiencies and ways to improve testing processes
  • Works with other team members, including DBA's, ADs, QA Leadership and Business Analysts
  • Insure that solutions are not one-offs, but can be leverage across the organization
  • Create test cases against specifications
  • At least 3 - 5 years experience of working with financial services applications
  • At least 3 - 5 years of experience with DW/BI tools like Informatica, Ab Initio, BO, Essbase etc
  • At least 3 - 5 years of Advanced SQL coding
  • At least 3 - 5 year of experience with Teradata Tools and Utilities (TPT, FastLoad, MultiLoad, TPump, FastExport, BTEQ)
  • Minimum of three years of work experience using Informatica or similar ETL technology
  • Knowledge of release management version and revision control practices and procedures
  • Solid Testing and Analytical skills
  • Drive/Determination and knowledge

CIB Testing Automation Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1) Provide technical leadership and architectural guidance for design and implementation of test automation frameworks
  • 2) Maintain and enhance the existing automation frameworks
  • 3) Work closely with Build/Development teams to understand automation requirements and provide a strong automation service to CFP Post Trade team
  • 4) Identify opportunities, propose and implement innovative solutions in order to minimize testing efforts , increase efficiency and maximize test automation coverage
  • 5) Defining Test Strategies/plan for building automation suites
  • 6) Work as an Individual contributor and ensure that agreed upon budget and timelines are met
  • 7) Establish and maintain a strong working relationship with all businesses across Technology and Business stake holders
  • 8) Design, analyze, develop, test, debug and documenttest automation packsfor multiple applications
  • 9) Excellent verbal and oral communication skills
  • 5 Years of Experience in Software Testing (Minimum 5 years of test automation experience on tools like QTP/Test Complete)
  • Prior experience in application development
  • Define Test Strategies/plan for building test automation suites for multiple applications
  • Extensive Knowledge of Advanced VBScript / JavaScript

Banking Operations Testing & Validation Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous operations experience in diverse team environments
  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment, both independently and as part of a team
  • Experience in risk management related to daily processing, escalation of issues and proposed resolution
  • Has interpersonal skills, freely develops networks, builds consensus, and develops alliances across an organization
  • Able to meet tight deadlines and has a delivery-focused approach
  • Highly motivated self-starter with multi-tasking abilities; ability to prioritize appropriately
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and flexibilityin particularly in dealing with changing environments
  • Understanding of Bank framework, regulations, and legal entities
  • In-depth understanding of technical risk and control environments
  • Previous work in an Operational line role and/or product area

Technical Lead, Application Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Formulates a comprehensive test strategy and manages all plans, resources, and deliverables for system, integration/end-to-end, data conversion, user acceptance, and performance testing
  • Writes, schedules, executes and reviews tests, on-time and within budget
  • Coordinates and performs testing across multiple applications
  • Independently identifies and addresses show stoppers and bottlenecks and formulates solutions
  • Utilizes automated testing solutions in order to improve quality, drives down cycle time, and improves efficiency
  • Provides support for test and operational problems to determine presence and scope of defects; reports errors through a structured defect tracking process
  • Directs both NBCU and vendor testers, plans and monitors their activities, and ensures a rigorous and common process is followed
  • Effectively delegates responsibilities to team members (onshore and offshore), provides them with repeatable and measurable processes, and closely monitors their progress
  • Mentors team members and challenges them to stretch and grow; Establishes best practices for team members to follow
  • Establishes a reputation as a testing and business expert; Keeps his/her knowledge current; Identifies and develops new and important ideas
  • Independently handles business partner relationships; Communicates to business partners the impact of solutions in the right way and at the right time; Proactively works with business partners to plan and track projects
  • Prepares and manages a communication plan and related project status reports to key stakeholders, management, and leadership on activities and deliverables as well as risks and mitigation strategies
  • Consistently utilizes metrics to measure his/her own accomplishments, verifies the quality of the team’s work, communicates progress to business partners, and implements improvements
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business Administration or other technical discipline
  • Minimum 6 years of experience with formalized software testing experience
  • Minimum 4 years of experience leading testing for software applications with complex business rules, reporting, data conversions, and external system interfaces
  • Minimum 4 years of experience in Ad Sales and/or Media & Entertainment industry experience
  • Experience leading a team of testers, with some located offshore
  • Experience independently managing a testing effort from its inception through its successful conclusion without guidance
  • Proven project management skills; demonstrated planning and organization skills
  • Proven to be a top performer and contributor relative to his/her peers and consistently generated positive feedback from business partners, subordinates, and peers
  • Excellent written and verbal communications; effective interpersonal skills; strong formal presentation abilities
  • Experience with functional and performance test automation and scripting tools, a major plus
  • Experience working with SQL, ETL, or web services, a major plus
  • PMP or Six Sigma Black Belt certification
  • Graduate of OLTP, IMLP, ITLP, or other technical leadership program
  • Experience with Agile Software Development
  • Highly competent in project and program management, budgeting, scheduling, and task estimation
  • Excellent team leadership skills, with the ability to motivate and inspire team members
  • Ability to execute multiple projects simultaneously and communicate effectively with all stake holders (business and IT)

Digital Testing Tech Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 5-7 years of project management experience or experience leading large scale transformational and global change
  • Strong understanding of the end-to-end testing processes, quality center and other testing related tools
  • Risk management process and focus
  • In-depth understanding of systems development life cycle processes
  • Prior consumer banking background
  • Strong and flexible communication skills to guide, influence and convince others
  • Strong presence and confidence when presenting status updates and project details; courage to influence and push back as necessary
  • Prior experience in mobile technologies

Infrastructure & Testing Project Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Education: BA Required, MBA/Project Mgmt Candidate preferred
  • 5-7 years of managing or participating in projects and teams within the financial industry
  • 2 years in a lead role
  • TTS experience preferred

Testing & Evaluation Senior Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, MIS, Finance, or other quantitative field. Masters degree preferred
  • Advanced knowledge of MS Excel. MS Access and VBA Preferred
  • User level knowledge of Unix SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) and Oracle PL/SQL
  • Previous UAT experience preferred
  • User level knowledge of CitiScreening platforms
  • Proven ability to interact effectively and operate across different levels of management

Testing Tech Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Practice continuous process improvement – Test case effectiveness, Lower Cost/Script, Shorter test cycle time & automation through regular assessment of existing processes, KPI trends and improvement opportunities
  • Proactive test planning and overall monitoring/control to ensure any testing roadblocks are resolved quickly and ensure continuity of test execution
  • Ensure compliance with Citi’s testing standards and guidelines
  • Implement test automation to reduce manual execution and improve cycle time
  • Prepare and report daily project testing status including execution status, defect status and other metrics, open risks and mitigation
  • Align and collaborate with different cross-functional teams (Requirements, Development, Product Support, and Operations) on projects to create synergetic partnership
  • More than 5+ years’ experience in QA/Testing with 3+ experience in test lead role
  • Experience with core banking application will be a plus
  • Experience in testing of ATM software applications and hardware devices testing added plus Deep understanding of QA and testing technologies and processes
  • Extensive experience in Test planning and management on Onshore & Offshore test delivery model
  • Ability to think, organize, plan and analyze logically
  • Experience with latest versions of Quality Center and QTP tools
  • Strong work ethic, team player and attention to detail
  • Practice to establish and ensure continuous improvement of quality through the development of testing and quality assurance standards, an assessment of the current internal QA and Test landscape and a vision that leverages current investment in QA and test tools
  • Defines the strategy for improved quality and predictability in production through testing and quality assurance best practices and builds and executes the strategy to achieve that vision
  • Interacts with senior management to develop and communicate the testing quality strategy, benefits, metrics, and QC reporting needs
  • Work with other Test Manager to develop plans, schedules, and present time estimation for testing activities to be performed
  • Analysis of requirement and specification to create comprehensive testing project plan and test scenario
  • Review functional and technical requirements to expose inconsistencies, lack of clarity, lack of details, and identify any contradictions
  • Work with development staff to bring defects to resolution
  • 3-10 years experience with testing web-based and/or client-server applications
  • 5 years experience in Quality Assurance and Test Engineering/Automation, including strategy creation and execution for an enterprise QA and Test practice, managing testing teams/projects, creation of test strategies, and use and implementation of testing tools and environments
  • 7 years experience in project management and execution of development life cycle, both Agile and traditional, from idea/product concept to post-production support, as both an individual contributor and manager
  • Experience with the Quality Center and QTP version 10.00 & 11.00 quality solution tool
  • Experience Hiring, leading and mentor teams of QA Engineers

Testing Center of Excellence Test Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Flexible, hands-on "doer" and able to cope with changing requirements / time constraints
  • Knowledge of industry standard testing tools and thorough knowledge of testing lifecycle and methodologies
  • Minimum of 8 year hands-on testing experience in quality assurance
  • Minimum of 5 years hands-on experience in automation tools like QTP, Selenium, etc
  • Strong experience in design; develop automation frame work
  • Strong experience in automation scripting language
  • Strong familiarity in working within an offshore/onshore QA
  • Proficient with test management and defect tracking tools and associated reports, such as HP quality center and JIRA
  • Basic knowledge on banking

Employee Conduct, Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • To provide support in the execution of controls testing modules for the regional EC MSC Controls team in Hong Kong
  • Working closely with other Compliance Shared Services teams to further significant findings that relate to the identification of breaches / violations of Compliance policies
  • Provide support for the regional Incidents & Consequences and Enhanced Supervision Run the Bank processes
  • Contribute to local, regional and global reporting; and
  • Provide general support for the Controls team in Hong Kong
  • Execution of testing modules on a day-to-day basis, dealing with enquiries personally or ensuring that the responses are obtained from the most reliable and authoritative source in the organisation
  • Effectively liaising with various stakeholders in the larger Compliance & Operational Risk Control department, the front office and HR to source additional information in support of testing results / findings
  • Preparation of significant testing results for presentation to senior C&ORC management, HR and front office stakeholders
  • Establishing an excellent relationship with the L&C department stakeholders
  • Assisting in quality assurance reviews to maintain process integrity
  • Coordinating and collating testing results for use in monthly, quarterly and annual reporting
  • Participation in project management as needed related to improvements in EC MSC processes, both locally and regionally, across business divisions
  • Able to identify problems and seek practical solutions
  • Participate in regional projects within the C&ORC department
  • Excellent communication skills (both written and oral) along with good investigative skills, including the ability to ask the right questions in order to obtain a thorough knowledge of a subject
  • The ability to work effectively with others, be prepared to take a supportive role where required, assist others at short notice and be part of a small close-knit team
  • Excellent report writing skills and the ability to communicate risks, controls and proposed operational solutions in an effective way to audiences of all levels of seniority
  • Pragmatism and the ability to ‘think on your feet’, balancing commercial objectives with legal, regulatory and ethical considerations to arrive at sound judgements and decisions and providing compelling solutions
  • Self-motivation, confidence, an out-going and enthusiastic nature, and the ability to act with tenacity and diplomacy and
  • Good organisational skills, both personally and within a project management role

CCB Testing Support Lead-functional Controls Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define test strategy and develop independent testing program
  • Responsible for supporting cross-functional testing initiatives, in conjunction with other Functional Control Offices
  • Report on testing activities test testing results, test case coverage, required resources, defects discovered and their status, performance baselines etc
  • Ensure the timely delivery of different testing milestones
  • 5 - 7 years experience in the financial industry – Consumer Finance or Audit focus preferred
  • Advanced Testing or Quality Assurance techniques preferred· Data management background/experience is a plus
  • Team building and ability to influence across all levels of teams and management

VP CIU Testing Officer, GBM Resume Examples & Samples

  • Some U.S. domestic travel may be required in relation to individual assigned reviews
  • Minimum of 7 to 10 years of proven and progressive financial services audit, operations and/or compliance management experience or equivalent
  • Good communications, analytical, organizational, interpersonal, project management and planning skills

Assistant VP Compliance Inspection Unit Testing Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains knowledge of and acts in conformance with HSBC internal control standards
  • Assists in reporting the status of the remediation of identified internal controls deficiencies (i.e. by internal audit, CTAC, management, and regulatory authorities)
  • Assess residual compliance risk in absence of first line of defense
  • Minimum of three to five years proven and progressive financial services audit, operations, and/or compliance management experience or equivalent
  • Some knowledge of business and regulatory background is a plus
  • Depending on the role, required professional certification may include: Securities Licenses and/or appropriate regulatory experience

Compliance Officer Testing Asset Management Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for compliance monitoring and testing related to SEC Rules 38a-1, 206(4)-7 and FRB SR 08-08. Support the CCO in oversight, monitoring and reporting compliance responsibilities in relation to these rules
  • Assist in the design and implementation of key risk indicators (KRI) within the compliance program to provide opportunities for proactive risk management
  • Assist in the development and maintenance of a rules and regulation inventory for the Advisors and Mutual Fund Complex
  • Design, develop and manage a robust, risk based compliance testing & reporting framework; identifying potential compliance and/or control risks and opportunities for compliance checks and control enhancements; investigating causes of unusual trends or activities that can be indicative of compliance problems; communicating results of surveillance activities to Compliance and business management for proper escalation of issues
  • Design, develop, manage and implement a robust forensic testing program to identify trends within the business unit, primarily with respect to trading
  • Assist in the review, development, reporting, maintenance, archival, and discovery of our employee surveillance systems (i.e. employee trading, electronic communications surveillance)
  • Prepare program plans, objectives and metrics according to the needs and risks of businesses. Manage the program according to the regulations and internal policies governing the businesses. Establish compliance policies and procedures for improved governance
  • Actively identify risks and facilitate their mitigation to acceptable levels. Coordinate with the business to ensure effective controls are in place to meet federal and state insurance laws; provide advice to management on how to comply with the laws and regulations; monitor the business units’ performance with compliance, alert management to compliance gaps and issues, and assist with responses to regulatory exams
  • Mutual fund and investment adviser regulatory compliance experience working with the Investment Advisers Acts of 1940 is required
  • Experience in compliance monitoring, surveillance and/or testing is required
  • Experience with the Investment Company Act of 1940, SEC Rules 38a-1 and 206(4)-7 strongly preferred
  • Former regulatory experience a plus
  • Knowledge of Archer, ACL, and Paisley a strong plus
  • Bachelor Degree or any equivalent combination of education and/or experience
  • Excellent quantitative, analytical and problem solving skills
  • Able to work independently and with team members at all levels
  • Strong presentation skills and technical skills
  • Proven project management and negotiation skills
  • Ensure traceability between requirements and either test plan and/or test scripts to ensure no gaps in testing
  • Understand and coordinate environmental needs and availability for the programs from a Mobile and Internet (Digital) perspective
  • Minimum 3 years of Digital Testing experience in Citibank Online or Mobile

Testing & Data Monitoring Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding of US Bank Regulatory and AML compliance requirements
  • Basic Project Management capabilities
  • Ability to read technical compliance material and distil the applicability of the regulations to their respective business unit
  • Basic accounting or financial audit
  • Advanced educational degree is desirable

Marketing Manager, A / B Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead testing engagements through the full lifecycle from test conception, through launch, to results analysis and rollout
  • Develop hypothesis-driven approaches designed to maximize performance of on-site marketing assets
  • Drive the execution of optimization activities cross-functionally by working collaboratively with the Marketing, Operations, Consumer Insights, Creative Services, Development and QA teams
  • Collaborate with team members on a day-to-day basis to ensure the efficient execution of tests
  • Partner with analytics team to define campaign reporting requirements and deliver campaigns results
  • Minimum of 5 years experience with at least 3 years experience working in digital marketing optimizing web sites, landing pages and purchase flows
  • Strong understanding and experience with AB/MVT testing methodology
  • Experience at an e-commerce website or online retailer a plus
  • Experience working with clients preferred
  • Strong relationship building and problem solving skills
  • Experience with or familiarity with web optimization services
  • Understanding of web analytics
  • Strong computer proficiency, including Excel, PowerPoint, and Word
  • Ability to multi-task, work under firm deadlines and within a rapidly changing environment
  • Ability to work as part of a team as well as independently to recognize, trouble shoot, and solve problems. Critical thinking and common sense are essential to success in this role

UK Independent Management Testing Head Resume Examples & Samples

  • Day to day management and supervisory oversight of the UK IMT work stream teams of control testers, with co-ordination of the IMT work plan, including Design Effectiveness (DE) and Operating Effectiveness (OE) testing as per the defined 'IMT Testing Approach'
  • Provision of key support to the Head of Assurance in terms of planning, scoping and resource allocation for each IMT testing cycle, review and challenge IMT results and issue logs with escalation of potential testing issues, and developing of MI reporting and timely status updates/key messages to the Head of Assurance
  • Interfacing with key internal and external stakeholders, including EY, Group Internal Audit, C&ORC and Functional Operational Risk management contacts
  • Bachelor’s degree ACA/ACCA or equivalent qualification with post-qualified experience in industry or practice and substantial relevant work experience at a financial services company or comparable experience working as an advisor for a financial services company. An understanding of Investment Banking, Asset Management, and Wealth Management
  • Compliance or regulatory experience or other related experience such as operational risk, risk management, audit, examination, or similar control-related experience i.e testing of controls, including SOX specific testing
  • Strong leadership experience with a proven track record of team management and display strong communication and interpersonal skills across all levels coupled with effective problem solving, conceptual thinking, quantitative, reporting and analytical skills
  • Tenacity and diplomacy, enabling effective interaction with key stakeholders with exceptional closure skills
  • Excellent communication skills, including the ability to communicate complex issues, and propose solutions in an effective way with the ability to challenge as a controller and manage conflict situations well

Project Officer Downstream Consumer Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Good communication skills - good command of English language in written and orally (no other language required if English is mother language)
  • Natural skills to deal with people across the globe
  • Experience with MS Excel, experience with SQL programming a big advantage but not a pre-requisite

Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and maintain Global Pricing matrix (Good / Better / Best) for existing and new offerings; work closely with Merchandise Directors to suggest price adjustments / revisions each Season based on market dynamic and margin analysis
  • Manage Global Price Lists - in collaboration with Regional offices, Regional Merchants and Finance Team; translate US prices into Local Currency Price Lists for Direct, Wholesale and Distributors business; assist Regional offices with Distributors Pricing models and economics; manage information flow on Pricing during the seasonal development process
  • Maintain Pricing records in the system; communicate to SAP / Regional Teams
  • Performs seasonal market and competitive benchmarking and analysis to ensure competitive alignment and inform product decisions based on market trends and desired positioning
  • Conduct and synthesize Market and Consumer research to enable a customer – centric product creation process; develop target segments profiles for TOMS key existing and targeted end user audiences; perform Surveys, Focus Groups, Style Panels, or coordinate with external agencies and other departments any relevant consumer centric Market Research
  • Perform standard and ad hoc analysis on costing, margin and pricing; identify opportunities for margin and FOB improvement across categories, silhouettes and raw materials and support Merchandise Directors during the development and range planning process
  • Coordinates and performs special projects in support to the Product Strategy

Intermediate Functional Testing QA Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 5 years of extensive experience as Quality Assurance (QA) professional with large web based, service oriented enterprise systems and client/server applications
  • Possess good understanding of SDLC, QA and structured testing concepts
  • Strong proficiency in system testing including functional, regression and data integrity testing
  • Knowledge of standard QA /Testing methodologies and documentation standards
  • Ability to analyze requirement documents, and ability to translate requirements into test cases
  • Writing and executing test cases, and management of defects
  • Testing both front end (GUI)and back end (database query) of the application
  • Solid knowledge of SQL for basic database query
  • Possesses strong analytical skills for complex problem solving
  • Exhibits good communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Ability to prioritize workload and ability to work independently
  • Demonstrate advance knowledge of industry methodology standards (e.g. CMMI and ISO)
  • Work collaboratively with the team and other functional teams, build appropriate relationships and partnerships across the organization
  • Possesses a university degree/college diploma in Computer Science
  • Must have previous experience with HPQC and defect tracking
  • Experience in Unix/Linux platform and use of simple shell Scripts
  • Experience in relational database (DB2 /ORACLE /SQL Server) and use of query tool AQT and/or DB visualizer
  • Expertise developing test strategy and plan for small to medium size project
  • Previous Financial services / Banking industry experience
  • Possesses solid critical and analytical skills, problem identification and problem solving capability

Gfcc-testing Team Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create first draft of testing reports and deliverables for assigned reviews
  • Participate in assigned GFCC working groups
  • Understanding of BSA, AML, OFAC and other AML regulatory policies
  • Flexibility / Initiative – Ability to manage multiple requests for information and handle confidential and sensitive information in a professional manner in a fast paced deadline driven environment
  • CFE and/or CAMS certification a plus
  • Language skills preferred (one or more of): Mandarin, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, French, or Russian

AML Testing & Evaluation Lead Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developer level knowledge of Unix SAS (Statistical Analysis Software) and Oracle PL/SQL
  • Advanced knowledge in GI and/or Actimize; both preferred
  • Must be a self-starter, flexible, innovative and adaptive
  • Ability to prioritize work amongst subordinates

Lead Functional Testing Quality Assurance Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Possesses a university degree/college diploma in Computer Science and/or minimum 7 - 10 years systems experience as a Quality Assurance (QA) professional with extensive business knowledge
  • Possesses an expert understanding of SDLC and QA concepts, metrics analysis, methodologies and documentation standards, Agile framework
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of industry methodology standards (e.g., Capability Maturity Model Integration [CMMI] and International Organization for Standardization [ISO])
  • Knowledge of Risk system
  • Solid data analytic skills
  • Expert level knowledge in defect/Test Management tools (HPQC, JIRA etc.)
  • Hands on experience working in Capital markets preferably Risk systems
  • 5 plus years of Functional testing experience full life cycle
  • 5 plus years of defect and test management tools
  • 3-5 years of industry methodology standards
  • 3-5 years of lead experience
  • Possesses advanced level SQL

System Integration Testing Environmen t Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build, develop and maintain strong partnerships with Project Managers, EI, Development and QA teams to effectively supply an available test environment to meet project test requirements
  • Provides consultancy and advice to developers/QA analysts/Project Managers and business partners on complex technical issues to ensure the optimal solution is recommended and/ or implemented
  • Ensure adherence to enterprise processes and standards. Prioritizes and coordinates SIT Environment team activities taking into account incoming project requirements and work requests
  • Leads team meetings, interacting, and collaborating with team members and other departments, when appropriate to define accountabilities, communicate the status of work items, and discuss barriers to the delivery of work
  • Leads in the continuous improvement of the SIT environment processes to improve/optimize processes for the overall effectiveness of the development team
  • Maintain an understanding of audit and regulatory compliance
  • This role covers Development/QA test environment support
  • Experience working with Development, Quality Assurance, Project Management teams
  • Experience working with Change Management Suite of tools
  • This individual will be responsible for defining and implementing efficiency solutions for the Test Environment
  • Strong process management knowledge
  • Executing, Supporting, and Deploying enhancements to the SIT Test Environments
  • Possesses expert relationship management, interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Demonstrates expert leadership/people management skills (coaching, mentoring, professional guidance, and support to analysts)
  • Possesses an expert ability to manage multiple projects high in complexity and of strategic importance
  • Demonstrates solid problem solving and analytical skills
  • Possesses expert influencing and negotiating skills
  • Is capable of resolving diverse, complex and ambiguous issues and situations
  • Is able to manage complex change
  • Is able to work independently
  • At our company, we have been helping our customers and communities for over 195 years. Working with us means being part of a team of talented and passionate individuals with a shared focus on working together to deliver great customer experiences. We stand behind your success with the support you need to turn your potential into performance
  • To find out more visit our website at
  • BMO Financial Group is committed to an inclusive, equitable and accessible workplace. By embracing diversity, we gain strength through our people and our perspectives

Financial Holding Co Testing VP Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and execute risk based testing programs that define require elements such as key requirements key risks, controls/processes, and specific test steps for each applicable area of review
  • Communicate/escalate test results, including issues and approved appropriate action plans to Compliance management, the business and/or control function being tested
  • Prepare test reports for completed reviews that are consistent to testing standards (e.g. reconcile to test work performed)
  • Review test work papers and test reports completed by junior staff to ensure conclusions, issues and action plans and work paper documentation are accurate, completeness and consistent with Firm testing standards
  • Manage testing special projects impacting the group
  • Work with other Compliance testing functions to promote a consistent application of the testing standards
  • Support/advocate the Global Compliance Testing Standards
  • Maintain awareness of current industry rules, regulations and best practices to ensure that the testing program meets regulatory standards
  • Have 7-10 years of Compliance testing, internal audit experience and/or experience within a financial services regulatory agency (e.g., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve)
  • Possess leadership qualities with the ability to assess and develop individual testing skills of junior team members by providing timely constructive feedback
  • Be self-motivated and must have the ability to work independently Ideal candidate will have: CPA/IA Certification

Production Testing Group Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • You will be required to closely work with the IT dev, Testing, TIS and various other IT teams from a day to day basis to keep production environment stable from problem, incident and change perspective
  • You will have to communicate with a multitude of senior stakeholders from IT and from user from financial reporting and product control and manage their expectations effectively. Requirements
  • Provide support to all IT processes and maintain exceptional quality in all products and develop all materials according to customers and end user requirements and assist to resolve all complex issues for all internal and external customers
  • Monitor efficient working of support team and ensure optimal level of operational productivity in all processes and ensure compliance to all customer objectives and manage communication with various client groups to identify and resolve all issues
  • Collaborate with application support and IT team to provide technical expertise in various support issues and administer all in assistance with production team and recommend improvements to all management processes
  • Collaborate with all support teams and business users to ensure appropriate support to all IT processes and analyze all root causes of applications and ensure optimal level of customer satisfaction
  • Monitor and resolve all technical issues and mange IT architecture for all business data and events and administer efficient working of all small and large size projects and maintain an effective schedule for all projects within required budgets
  • Participate in project committee and escalate all issues to management for resolutions and prepare reports for all projects and maintain and update all portfolios for clients

Compliance Officer Testing One Main Resume Examples & Samples

  • Recognition of key risks and controls and applicable pertinent regulations within OneMain Financial
  • Development of strong review programs and effective testing strategies
  • Identification and use of data retrievals to assist in testing approach and completion
  • Completion of test program steps in a timely and efficient manner, including preparation of clear and concise workpaper documentation supporting completed testing
  • Completion of key compliance testing team projects
  • Deliver findings and recommendations in a report format to management
  • 5+ years audit/compliance or regulatory control testing skills/experience
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of Consumer regulatory requirements
  • Sound decision making abilities
  • Strong regulatory control environment assessment skills
  • Ability to work in partnership with others and in a team environment
  • Completion of test program steps in a timely and efficient manner, including preparation of clear/concise workpaper documentation
  • Effectively execute regulatory tests, including the performance of the most complex compliance testing functions
  • Perform test team projects and assume a leadership role amongst the Compliance testers
  • Strong analytical data review/manipulation skills

Avp-cob Third Party Risk Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitor progress of standardized Third Party testing and risk assessments, quality reviews; track exceptions and gaps
  • Coordinate and (as needed) participate on internal / external Third Party testing efforts: including but not limited to, coordination of business resources, test schedules, execution, results tracking and follow up
  • Ensure compliance with enterprise policies and procedures
  • Job experience in Third Party/third party oversight, risk and relationship management
  • Relevant experience at comparably sized firms/Citi industry peers is a plus
  • 2+ years experience working with internal/external audit/regulatory groups is preferred
  • Excellent follow-up skills with attention to detail and ability to multi-task, have strong team-orientation and interpersonal skills, flexibility and strong analytical skill
  • Excellent knowledge of data management and reporting tools: excel, access, etc
  • Ability to write business requirements and author documentation

Compliance Officer Swap Dealer Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of five years of compliance and/or regulatory experience, with knowledge of the financial service industry, regulatory requirements, and experience in analyzing business risk and best practices
  • Organization and presentation skills
  • Communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Computer-savvy
  • MBA or JD and/or Series 7 or 24
  • Experience in Sales and Trading
  • Prior regulatory experience with the NFA, CFTC, or SEC
  • Strong knowledge of derivative products, including all types of swaps

Independent Management Testing Regional Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordination and creation of regional reporting for APAC and presentations on key results for management and governance committees, audit, etc
  • Participate in / complete required testing training (Testing procedures training and additional Business Function specific training provided by ORM)
  • Adhere to the briefing pack when dealing with control owners and follow procedures for escalation as outlined by ORM, taxonomy owners, COO (as relevant)
  • Coordinate the Design Effectiveness (DE) and Operating Effectiveness (OE) testing as per the defined 'IMT Testing Approach'
  • Perform Quality Assurance (QA) reviews in a timely manner
  • Escalate any potential testing issues / exceptions to appropriate teams (ORM, COO, global stream heads, IMT management)
  • Inform Control Owners, COO, ORC, Taxonomy owners and ORM (where applicable) of any confirmed exceptions or fails
  • Review Issue Logs, ensuring that they are kept up-to-date and detailed
  • Ensure upon completion, any QA review points is cleared and relevant testing sent to E&Y (– SOX Only)
  • Ensure any feedback points from E&Y are addressed and managed promptly (– SOX Only)
  • Participate in weekly progress meetings with ORM, COO and/or other stakeholders as appropriate
  • Contribute to discussions around control issues and fails
  • Ensure all status reports are submitted in timely manner
  • Degree graduate with relevent SOX testing experience within Financial Services
  • Demonstrated good working relation with internal stakeholders, senior leadership and senior management committees
  • Proven team management or leadership experience
  • Experience in performing, reviewing, reporting and managing tests of control
  • Strong analytical skills, risk control or risk assessment experience
  • Excellent organizational skills, especially in planning and record keeping
  • Excellent communication skills, including the ability to communicate complex issues and proposed solutions in an effective way
  • Good people management skills and ability to work well in a diverse team
  • Qualification in ACA/ACCA is preferred

Avp-control & Conformance Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Enhances information technology team accomplishments and competence by planning delivery of solutions; answering technical and procedural questions for less experienced team members; teaching improved processes; mentoring team members
  • Plans information technology audits by understanding information technology objectives, information structure, policies, processes, and internal controls; identifying risk areas; preparing audit scope and objectives; preparing audit programs
  • Assesses compliance with information technology controls by executing audit program steps; testing infrastructure technologies, development projects, security, and information technology related work processes; examining and analyzing records, reports, operating practices, and documentation
  • Assesses risks and internal operating controls by identifying areas of non-compliance; identifying operational weaknesses, inefficiencies, and issues
  • Completes audit work papers and memoranda by documenting audit tests and findings
  • Communicates audit progress and findings by providing information in status meetings; highlighting unresolved issues; reviewing working papers; preparing final audit reports
  • Improves asset protection by recommending and tracking changes in management monitoring, assessment, and motivational practices, in the internal control structure, and in operating processes; identifying root causes
  • Supports external auditors by coordinating information and test requirements
  • Provides information technology control information by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends
  • Protects organization's reputation by keeping information confidential
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations
  • Contributes to team results by welcoming new and different work requirements; exploring new opportunities to add value to the organization; helping others accomplish related job results as and where needed
  • Working knowledge of IT Auditing and Internal Auditing concepts
  • Working knowledge of business management concepts (i.e., objectives, risks and controls)
  • Working knowledge of MS Office applications (Excel and Word), SQL queries, SPLUNK queries, LDAP queries
  • Ability to be positive, proactive, and flexible in dealing with a variety of situations, personalities, and levels of knowledge, understanding, and experience
  • Ability to apply logical and critical thinking
  • Ability to apply creative and innovative thinking
  • Ability to make sound judgments based on knowledge, experience, observations and available information strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Working experience in financial industry
  • Experience of delivering a system into a production environment
  • Strong analytical skills demonstrating problem-solving ability
  • Sharp, quick, aggressive ability to deal with business and system problems
  • Strong communication skills and willingness to learn new technologies & applications a must!
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English
  • Familiarity with the challenges of working within a globally distributed team
  • Good time management and an ability to prioritize work appropriately
  • Ability to identify and escalate risks and issues as appropriate
  • A willingness to work as required to meet reasonable deadlines

Testing / Training Support Analyst Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proficient in MS Office products (MS Excel, MS Word, MS Powerpoint)
  • Be able to apply problem solving skills in order to reach a solution to an issue
  • Be able to work independently and think "outside the box"
  • Be able to work flexible schedules
  • Be able to communicate with members at all levels of the organization including our peers located in overseas locations (UK, HK, India, etc...)
  • Testing - HP Quality Center ALM Explorer (V11)
  • Training - Articulate Storyline 2; Financial Transformation Platform (FTP); TM1 Clearview
  • Learn processes and procedures associated with the software testing lifecycle - including but not limited to review of Business Functional and Technical requirement documentation, script development / execution, defect management, report compilation and delivery, etc
  • Learn processes and procedures associated with the software training development and delivery lifecycle - including but not limited to review of requirements, development of storyboards, development and deployment of e-learning programmes, updates of user documentation related to platform functionality, etc
  • Minimum of High School Diploma in business, related field, or equivalent experience and college degree as required by responsibilities in the area supported
  • Proven communication, organizational and specialized skills as required by area supported

Independent Management Testing Switzerland Regional Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordination and creation of regional reporting for Switzerland and presentations on key results for management and governance committees, audit, etc
  • To participate in / complete required testing training (Testing procedures training and additional Business Function specific training provided by ORM)
  • To inform Control Owners, COO, ORC, Taxonomy owners and ORM (where applicable) of any confirmed exceptions or fails
  • To participate in weekly progress meetings with ORM, COO and/or other stakeholders as appropriate, and contribute to discussions around control issues and fails, to include remediated/mitigated
  • Post-qualified experience in industry or practice
  • SOX specific testing experience
  • Strong analytical skills and risk controller/risk assessment experience
  • Ideally with WMRC and Global AM knowledge

Bank Testing Compliance Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree (Finance Risk Management or Economics preferred). MBA or JD is a plus
  • 3+ years Bank Testing /Compliance Testing
  • Coming from the Federal Reserve, OCC, or FDIC or with a regulatory, compliance background
  • Assist in the review of bank entities, the holding companies, related businesses, and/or support areas with a view towards assessing compliance with applicable federal and state banking laws, and policies and procedures
  • Escalate and follow up when issues are found
  • The suitable candidate for this role should be familiar with the Federal Reserve Board ("FRB") regulations, Anti-Money Laundering ("AML") requirements, and/or general bank safety and soundness guidance provided by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Counsel ("FFIEC") and other the federal banking authorities (CFPB, FDIC, or OCC)
  • Remain current on industry rules, regulations, and best practices to help ensure that the examination program meets regulatory standards
  • Coordinate with other professionals in the organization, including Compliance Advisory Teams, Regulatory Inquiry Staff, and Surveillance Analysts
  • Communicate examination results, present identified issues to the business, work with the business to develop and implement a plan of corrective action, and prepare written inspection reports
  • Track the status of the corrective action plans agreed upon with the business
  • Maintain detailed documentation of work product
  • Provide feedback to Compliance Advisory and to the relevant business area where there are issues with contents of procedures or other recurring issues

Digital Marketing Analyst, Ab Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with stakeholders to gather A/B test requirements, success metrics and size the opportunity of the test for prioritization
  • Lead the high level definition of A/B testing, multivariate testing and channel targeting strategies
  • Drive the execution of optimization activities cross-functionally by working collaboratively with the Product Development, Product Management, TG and QA teams
  • Monitor campaign performance to troubleshoot, resolve and/or escalate potential issues
  • Provide campaign reporting requirements and deliver campaigns results

Third Party Testing & Monitoring Compliance Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintains high level of compliance awareness and knowledge to effectively support area of responsibility
  • Analyzes new and pending laws and regulations which directly affect company practices and works with affected areas to ensure appropriate compliance
  • Responsible for providing regular compliance testing and monitoring of third parties to ensure compliance with all consumer related federal laws and regulations applicable to the third party
  • Maintains and updates the compliance testing plan for the covered third parties regularly to ensure appropriate coverage
  • Provides written reports, summarizing findings and recommendations
  • Escalates matters of concern to management
  • Participates in the review and interpretation of new and pending laws and regulations that potentially affect business practices for third parties
  • Monitors and follows-up on outstanding compliance issues and ensures timely resolution
  • Provides management with periodic assessments of the level of compliance
  • Ensures that compliance files are maintained, documenting compliance activities and maintaining appropriate reporting in support of the compliance processes
  • Thorough knowledge of consumer related banking laws and regulations and understanding of the financial services regulatory and compliance environment particularly as it relates to UDAAP and the use of third parties
  • Experience working in a specialized industry such as Collections, Marketing, Lending, Payments, Operations, Wealth Management, Appraisals, Insurance, etc
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines
  • Strong PC skills, particularly word processing, spreadsheet and data base software
  • Willing to travel.(up to 50%)

Compliance Assurance Testing Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Degree level education with extended years of business experience, familiarity with working in compliance and a regulatory environment
  • Fluent in English (written & verbal)
  • Well established/connected with industry or capability to do so
  • Demonstrated leadership skills; prior experience in management
  • Proven track record in implementing change; execution focused
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to tailor communications to varying audiences
  • Influencing skills – ability to read stakeholders and influence across the organization at varying levels
  • Change agent – ability to manage change process and drive organizational impact
  • Organizationally astute – ability to recognize and navigate through complex organizational matrices
  • Compliance qualification or equivalent

Analyst Enterprise Risk Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review level 1 and 2 process documentation, policies SOP's and appropriate controls
  • Interview relevant process-owners
  • Develop testing programs
  • Document execution of testing program and findings
  • Share findings & recommendations with process-owners
  • Monitor follow-up on agreed measures of improvement
  • Proactive and innovative self-starter while being able to organize the work in an efficient and timely manner in order to meet set deadlines
  • Strong interpersonal, communication and influencing skills
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills (especially English)
  • Experience in designing and implementing companywide governance, risk and compliance frameworks
  • Project Management skills and experience

Ccb-testing & Control Room Program Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 8 – 10+ years of relevant experience
  • Experience with implementation of project management processes and methodologies in an organization
  • Project Management certification (PMP) preferred
  • Knowledge of Banking Operations preferred
  • Process Improvement Methodologies, and Process Analysis & Design experience a plus

Manager Marketing Strategies & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and advance overall testing plans and methodology and set standards, procedures and programs
  • Develop and execute annual testing focus and plan for all brands
  • Formalize and execute comprehensive strategic plan to advance the level of the Company’s testing
  • Develop and monitor benchmarks to evaluate growth and changes to our market position, target customer, consumer preferences, brand awareness, etc
  • Provide analytical findings and recommendations to executive level management to affect future business decisions
  • Perform statistical analyses to determine effectiveness of adopted strategies / decisions made
  • Solicit and manage outside vendors to fulfill desired programs and standards
  • Work in partnership with brands and brand-focused analytics teams to develop techniques, approaches, and perspectives to effectively maximize commercial potential of marketed products
  • Manage yearly budget to effectively create a holistic view of our customer base
  • Facilitate and coordinate the activities of the merchandising, marketing and planning teams to design and implement the most effective and predictive tests. Specifically, this includes item, price, marketing, placement and floorset tests
  • Develop and conduct primary and secondary research studies (e.g., customer intercepts), and assist in analyzing survey output and data with quantitative modeling techniques for Corporate Strategy team
  • Facilitate access and acquisition of market data (e.g., market trends, competitor share, demographic data)
  • Additional responsibilities as assigned
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Statistics, Business, or related field
  • Advanced degree (MBA, Master’s) preferred
  • 6+ years of related experience in a retail environment
  • Strong statistical analysis background
  • Proficiency in various predictive and quantitative statistical techniques, such as CHAID and latent class cluster analysis
  • Prior managerial/supervisory experience
  • Travel is required, including the potential for international travel
  • High degree of proficiency MS Office Suite, Outlook & Internet applications
  • Strong analytical, prioritizing, interpersonal, problem-solving, presentation, budgeting, project management (from conception to completion), & planning skills
  • Demonstrated collaborative skills and ability to work well within a team
  • Ability to work with and influence peers and senior management
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment
  • Self-motivated with critical attention to detail, deadlines and reporting

I Os Developer Mobile Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute to the development of the Telerik Mobile Testing framework, and cloud portal
  • Actively participate in the complete product development lifecycle
  • Understand the principals of object oriented programming and abstraction
  • Follow established design patterns and deliver high quality code with unit tests
  • Stay tuned to the latest trends in the mobile development community

Penetration Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct highly Penetration Testing Projects, including
  • Bachelor's degree required, candidates must possess significant analytical skills which likely evolved from early academic training in Network and/or System Administration, Computer Science, Software Development, Information Systems or similar discipline
  • Willing to pursue technical certifications including Security+, CEH, OSCP, Cisco and Microsoft
  • This position requires national travel up to 75%
  • Knowledge of internetworking technology and the OSI model
  • System and network administration experience on UNIX (any flavor), Windows, and/or database platforms is preferred
  • Knowledge of security areas such as Web Application Development, Database Security, Firewall Design and Implementation, Network Architecture, Data Loss Prevention, or Web Server Configuration is very desirable
  • Writing and interpersonal communication skills are essential
  • The ability to handle multiple projects concurrently is a must
  • Network Security Practices: Auditing, planning, design, implementation, testing, and management
  • Network Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux
  • Internet/Intranet/Extranet: Network infrastructure development/deployment, DNS, FTP, and web server security
  • Securing network protocols: TCP/IP, UDP, SNMP, HTTP/S, NetBIOS/LLMNR, FTP, SMTP
  • Network firewalls, application gateways, proxy servers
  • Database Security: MSSQL, Oracle
  • Intrusion and penetration testing methods and tools such as nmap, Qualys, Nessus, WebInspect, Burp, Backtrack, Metasploit and other industry leading tools
  • Network Device Access to controls to include Cisco routers and other network devices
  • Active Directory and Group Policy
  • Network Analysis Tools: Packet sniffing (Wireshark, Cain and Abel) and network traffic analysis
  • Malware analysis and circumventing endpoint controls
  • At Crowe, it’s not enough to have a job. We want you to have an exciting and exceptional career, with challenging projects, continuous learning, and leadership opportunities. You’ll be challenged to exceed expectations!
  • Robust Benefits

Analyst, Package Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • The candidate will need to be self-motivated, and well organized
  • This individual must be able to conduct problem-solving exercises to deal with all aspects of the Component manufacture process
  • Independently performs technical evaluations of components according to established specifications and drawings to achieve and maintain high quality package performance
  • Uses technical knowledge gained through formal education and practical experience to coordinate and interpret test results
  • Determines, if necessary whether additional evaluations are required
  • Investigates and reports on strengths and weakness of component packaging materials
  • Performs other functions as assigned and required
  • Implements the Quality Assurance Department's goals and contributes to the accomplishment of the group's mission
  • Reflect Estee Lauder's corporate vision in all business activities
  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Packaging or Engineering required
  • Excellent communication (oral & written)
  • 1-3 Prior relevant experience preferred
  • Detail oriented, strong organizational, multi-tasking and time management skills
  • Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Access, Excel, and Word is required

Compliance Director Head of Nam Banking Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Seasoned risk/control/compliance professional with a deep understanding of Consumer businesses, with an emphasis on consumer lending product sets (7+ years in a leadership role, 10+ years relevant experience)
  • Experienced in developing, leading and completing projects with risk/compliance testing components
  • Experienced in dealing with regulators; proven track record of strong industry and regulatory relationships
  • Ability to gain an understanding of Corporate and product-specific policies/control environment, as well and U.S. regulatory requirements
  • Strong team player with demonstrated ability to influence and collaborate with peers and business leaders, and play a formative role in a complex organizational structure
  • Strong leadership and talent development skills, with a proven track record of managing within a complex, matrix organization
  • Experience in managing budgets effectively
  • Bachelor's Degree Required

Set Up Config Specialist Hw Entry Level Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reviews analysis documents prepared by the Systems Analyst and configures (using graphic user interface tools) the TBA System to fix a system defect or complete a client request/change. Completes high level testing to ensure no major defects are in the code
  • Executes test plan (including regression testing) by identifying/creating test participants and performing calculations for expected results. Determines if configuration performs accurately, reflects requirements, and has zero negative impact to existing provisions
  • Documents defects when actual results do not meet expected results
  • Analyzes issues/defects and debugs the system when configuration is not producing expected results. Researches issues to determine if source of error is with the test data, test plan, or configuration
  • Resolves issues with test cases or set-up and re-tests configuration. Escalates issues as needed
  • Knowledge of system testing and software quality assurance best practices and methodologies
  • Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) principles/concepts
  • Interpret and understand conditional statements (i.e., If/Then/Else)
  • Apply basic relational database concepts (e.g., table relationships, keys)
  • Knowledge of and ability to write basic SQL and DB2 queries
  • Troubleshoot basic system defects and errors
  • Ability to interpret and understand typical client requirements documentation
  • Ability to communicate ideas in both technical and user-friendly language

VP Global Cyber Security Audit Penetration Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in all aspects of audit activities including risk assessments, planning, testing, evaluation, report creation, documentation, and determining effectiveness of risk mitigation plans across the Global Cyber Security business
  • Establish strong relationships with senior Global Cyber Security leadership, related controls groups and business auditors
  • Provide audit coverage of the key controls supporting cybersecurity with specific focus on penetration testing/ethical hacking processes
  • Assist in the development and analysis of key metrics to identify trends in cybersecurity
  • Partner with colleagues, stakeholders and control community members to evaluate, test and report on the adequacy and effectiveness of controls in relation to associated cybersecurity risks. This may be achieved through specific audit reviews or direct participation in key cybersecurity projects
  • Share knowledge, techniques and toolsets with colleagues within the team to build proficiency in the Cyber Security Audit Team
  • Up to approximately 15% travel required
  • 10 or more years of total work experience, with at least 8 years in IT Security, Cybersecurity or Audit and significant hands-on experience with ethical hacking/penetration testing or Red Teaming
  • Excellent understanding of defense-in-depth principles and network security architecture plus knowledge of what constitutes a network attack and the relationship to both threats and vulnerabilities
  • Knowledge of the common attack vectors on the network layer and of different classes of attacks (e.g. passive, active, insider, close-in, distribution) in addition to an understanding of different operational threat environments, first generation (script kiddies), second generation (non-nation state sponsored), and third generation (nation state sponsored)
  • Experience with general attack stages (e.g. footprinting and scanning, enumeration, gaining access, escalation of privileges, maintaining access, network exploitation, covering tracks)
  • Knowledge of software-related information technology (IT) security principles and methods (e.g. modularization, layering, abstraction, data hiding, implicity/minimization, firewalls, demilitarized zones, and encryption)
  • Experience with network protocols (e.g. Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and directory services e.g. Domain Name System (DNS)) and common network tools (e.g. ping, traceroute, nslookup)
  • Knowledge of Unix command line (e.g. mkdir, mv, ls, passwd, grep) and Windows command line (e.g. ipconfig, netstat, dir, nbtstat)
  • Knowledge of penetration testing principles, techniques and tools (e.g. AppScan, Web Inspect, Burp Suite, Nessus, Nmap, Metasploit, viaLab and CANVAS)
  • Familiarity with vulnerability scanning tools such as Tripwire IP360, QualysGuard, Retina desired
  • Computer Science or related technical degree from an accredited institution
  • Minimum of one relevant professional certification- (CISSP, MCSD, GIAC, or CEH preferred)
  • Enthusiastic, self-motivated, willing to be challenged and take personal responsibility
  • Ability to build strong partnerships across the technology and business teams
  • Ability to multitask and execute audit activities with minimal supervision

Group Manager, Web Testing & Optimization Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan, develop and manage Adobe’s Creative Cloud’s end-to-end a/b and multivariate testing program for, email and -in-product channels
  • Utilize Adobe’s best-in-class analytics tools, including the Adobe Analytics, Ad Hoc, Target, Campaign, etc. to perform test analyses and provide interpretation, guidance and recommendations to aid marketing decision making and drive business performance
  • Proactively identify gaps and opportunities in Adobe’s optimization activities and use data to communicate recommendations to improve marketing performance to stakeholders
  • Actively participate in the internal testing council, maintaining the testing and targeting roadmaps and priorities and regularly reporting progress to key stakeholders
  • Ensure testing and targeting plans and processes are scalable, repeatable, effective, and meet stakeholder expectations
  • Work collaboratively across BU and global marketing functions
  • Manage a team of individual contributors
  • Knowledge of multi-channel testing and targeting best practice
  • Proven people management and project management expertise
  • Ability to drive projects to successful completion with minimal direction
  • Advanced working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications
  • Excellent written and verbal presentation skills, with strong presentation and data visualization capabilities
  • Attention to detail – highly organized and analytical
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and assimilate new information rapidly
  • Ability to work effectively in a highly matrixed organization
  • Ability to communicate technical or detailed information effectively to non-technical audiences
  • Entrepreneurial nature with ability to identify, pursue and deliver new testing opportunities

Director of Testing, Nursing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Doctoral degree in nursing (PhD preferred; EdD or DNS acceptable)
  • A current Registered Nursing License (without any stipulations)
  • Working knowledge of quantitative research process; publications in peer-reviewed professional nursing or health care journal preferred
  • A minimum of 3 years of teaching experience in an academic nursing or health professions education program is preferred
  • Familiarity with nursing and health care curricula, NCLEX and other registry/certification preparation materials, and use of online learning management systems while in teaching role preferred
  • Strong background in review and testing, as well as current trends in key health professions areas such as Pharmacy Technician; Surgical Technician/OR First Assistant; Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic
  • Experience working in a for-profit as a collaborative team member with colleagues in sales, marketing, technology, etc., desired
  • Detail oriented with excellent analytical, verbal, written, and presentation skills
  • Familiarity (and high comfort level) with various computer systems and item analysis/item banking software programs
  • Strong interpersonal skills required
  • Some travel required to present findings at regional, national, and international health professions conferences

Gfcc Core Testing Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct or assist with GFCC Testing reviews to determine if business processes, procedures, and controls are designed appropriately and operating effectively
  • Problem solving skills – the candidate must demonstrate the ability to identify key issues, and obtain appropriate information for further analysis
  • Computing skills – Strong PC Skills including Microsoft Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint and other reporting tools

Iotg Gateway Software Developer & Testing Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Problem-solving skills
  • Candidate must be pursuing a MS in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other science/engineering related field
  • Minimum of 6 months experience with general Linux operating system experience
  • Minimum of 3 months experience with BASH and Python scripting
  • Minimum of 3 months experience with computer architecture
  • Experience developing software for Arduino, Edison, and/or Galileo
  • Knowledge of and experience with HTML, Javascript, CSS, and XML
  • Familiarity with Intel architecture
  • Experience with source code version control such as Git, Subversion, or Perforce
  • Familiarity with JTAG
  • Experience with Embedded Linux operating systems and/or drivers
  • Candidate must be pursuing a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science or other science/engineering related field
  • Candidate must have the unrestricted right to work in the Us without requiring sponsorship
  • Minimum of 6 months experience with general Linux operating system

Advanced Virtual Drive Testing Expert Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design of a verification system including advanced wireless test equipment, control software and signal processing software
  • Lead and coordinate project implementation
  • Plan project deliveries and hardware needs
  • Prioritize feature implementation based on the input of multiple stake holders
  • Lead product project contribution by profiding regular test results deliveries
  • Efficient modelling of multipath fading, interference and RF with the purpose efficient utilization in lab
  • Mentoring and coaching team members
  • Work with your Intel colleagues and also intel partners/vendors from different locations
  • Roll out field to lab test solution to different Intel sites all over the world

Software Validation & Testing Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely in an agile team to deliver exciting new capabilities as part of the Intel RealSense SDK
  • Create automated tests for components to enable agile development and high quality
  • Perform manual validation and bugs reproducingverification
  • Create and perform white box testing such as code coverage, and black-box testing such as functional testing
  • Building, troubleshooting and stabilizing early Alpha, Beta, and Gold systems running on Windows
  • Strong programming skills with C/C++ and good experience in developing Windows. Familiarity with C# and Java is a plus
  • Experience with Microsoft TFS is a plus
  • A passion and demonstrated success delivering products to real customers
  • Experience in software testing, quality assurance and systems validation is required
  • Experience in developing automated test tools and infrastructure
  • Experience in scripting with tools such as Nunit, AutoIt, Python or Linux and Windows shell scripting

Software Development & Testing Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s (undergraduate) or Master’s (graduate) degree in Computer Science or equivalent with at least 2 years completed towards a technical degree
  • Java, JavaScript or html programming experience essential
  • Experience in html5 and jquery is a plus
  • Disciplined and structured approach to problem solving is essential
  • Strong problem-solving abilities
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, iterative development methodology (Agile-SCRUM)
  • At least 2nd year of University complete

Network Protocol Testing Engineering Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Represents the software systems engineering team for all phases of larger and more-complex development projects
  • Over 6 years of experience in positions that involved software development or software testing
  • Advanced knowledge and experience of Linux operating system and software development under Linux
  • Protocol testing: TCP/IP , SIP,RTSP, HSRP, VRRP, RIP ,IGRP ,EIGRP ,OSPF ,BGPv4 & performance, software stress, hardware performance
  • Integration with Wireddevices, SDN and cloud will be added advantage
  • Expertise in writing detailed test plan, identify customer issues, Stress, performance, solution testing of wireless devices

Testing Engineering Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Software Engineering Analyst position in the Application Modernization Testing group in Dell Services, primarily focusing on testing responsibilities in the Application Modernization testing applications
  • Execute Online transactions in mainframe and capture results and errors
  • Test execution management in specified tools like HPQC
  • Target execution on Unikix using BPE for batch jobs

Testing Engineering Analyst German Speaking Resume Examples & Samples

  • Evaluating the duration of testing processes
  • Participating in customer meetings from the starting point of creating business specifications
  • Creating a project plan and a test plan
  • Participates in evaluating systems requirements applicable to customer solutions
  • Keeps close contact to the development and maintenance teams leads and also with the release manager
  • Responsible for delivering in a timely manner and at the expected quality
  • Responsible for improving processes

Testing Solutions Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • SAP & BigData Test Solutions Architect position in Testing Services group in Dell International Services, primarily focuses on delivering quality test solutions for Dell's global customers
  • Responsible for project delivery, proposal preparations, building innovative solutions and knowledge management
  • Coordinate with cross functional teams across Dell and Client Business to effectively understand requirements and bring out integrated solutions
  • Lead a large team involved in testing of SAP and BigData applications
  • Build competitive test solutions, RFP responses, proactive proposals, testing estimates and support sales team
  • Encourage process and product innovation and drive efficiency
  • Actively engage in resolving key issues that impact team or the project
  • Report status to senior management team
  • Conduct technology sessions for team and webinars for client executives, sales team
  • Conduct assessments / due diligence for potential opportunities at customer site
  • Prepare and conduct focused presentations to clients

Automated Driving Engineer Systems Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Development of software toolsets for performing metric evaluations of system modules
  • Implementation and automation of regression and functional tests for software components
  • Creating and maintaining test documentation including test requirements, procedures, plans, and reports
  • Present results for internal management and at external venues such as conferences
  • Work closely and effectively with external partners – corporations, universities and automotive suppliers

Testing & Implementation Middle Office Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills are required to effectively service clients
  • Organization skills are required to develop and monitor projects/business process plans
  • Effective team player
  • Self starter
  • Previous experience with IOO systems is preferred
  • 8) Displays a balanced, cross-functional perspective, liaising with the business to improve efficiency, effectiveness and productivity for our business and clients
  • 9) Serves as a migration lead for projects or programs

Senior Compliace Officer Retail Lending Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Research regulatory requirements to develop testing and monitoring steps to test controls
  • Executes testing and fieldwork using general methodology in accordance with established procedures to perform, analyze, document and report results of all assigned reviews
  • Information Access – This position has authority to access and utilize customer and financial information. Also access to internal compliance policies, operational directives and procedures, servicing data, loan origination system and MRP
  • Require Management responses and obtain action plans against published observations and findings that require management attention
  • Prior experience in Compliance Monitoring and Testing preferred
  • 5-7 years consumer/retail lending experience with at least five years of compliance experience
  • Strong problem solving skills required
  • Strong oral and written communication and relationship building skills required

Independent Management Testing Team Member Resume Examples & Samples

  • Inform Control Owners, Operational Risk Management and the SOX Office
  • Participate in weekly/monthly progress meetings with vendor and UBS process owners and contribute to discussions around control issues and fails
  • Perform Non SOX testing outside of the SOX testing cycle
  • Key competencies include
  • Strong organizational skills, especially in planning and record keeping
  • Good people skills and the ability to work in a diverse team and get on with people who you are reviewing/testing
  • Tenacity and diplomacy, enabling effective interaction with key stakeholders
  • Excellent closure skills

Director Chip Testing & Approval Services Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the testing and approval process for all chip card and device products going through the chip testing and approval process
  • Manage daily operations for analysis and review of vendor developed contact and contactless products
  • Manage and provide technical support and investigation for resolution of interoperability issues identified during testing
  • Ensure integrity of testing is maintained at all times
  • Implement testing changes on time and with quality as dictated by management in the US
  • Build and maintain trusted partnerships with internal and external contacts by acting as the chip product testing and approval expert
  • Work with partners keeping internal and external parties up to date on products in the testing process
  • Interpret monthly service levels to provide sound metrics to determine department’s successes
  • Communicate clearly all interoperability risks and/or issues to Senior management providing solutions and options
  • Offer guidance to and work closely with team members and peers within the Chip Testing & Approval team
  • Actively participate in cross-disciplinary working groups and collaborate closely with colleagues from the wider Visa Technology group
  • Conducts analysis, identifies best practices and makes recommendations to senior management related to strategic initiatives
  • Support appropriate vendor and partner relationships and internal service level agreements to facilitate daily workflow
  • Create management reporting, metrics, SLA's and other recurring and ad hoc reporting as necessary
  • Identify opportunities to improve process and add additional value to our stakeholders and partners
  • Maintain records and documents associated with the contracts and product approvals
  • Prepare quality presentations giving group updates, overviews and changes to management, vendors, and laboratories as needed
  • Most activities in this role will involve balancing multiple stakeholder needs as well as organizational imperatives and enterprise goals and involve change management competency
  • The ideal candidate must hold a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and/or Electronics with extensive experience (8+ years) industry exposure
  • The ideal candidate must also be able to support the product management responsibilities managing the business needs
  • The ideal candidate should have proven experience of product testing (QA or otherwise) in the area of IC (integrated circuit) chip card and/or device testing
  • Looking for an individual specifically with chip product and mobile payments experience highly preferred; strong understanding of chip product needs and solutions
  • Awareness and understanding of chip product payment industry priorities with product implementation experience a plus
  • Experience in working among cross-functional groups; results focused with track record of delivering on schedule and within budget
  • Strong results-oriented leader; Analytic and fact-based consultative discipline. Strong communication and project management skills
  • Proven track record in technical project management
  • Visa Integrated Circuit Specification (VIS) V1.4.1 & V1.5.x and Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS) V2.0.2 & V2.1.x
  • Knowledge of ISO 7816, ISO 14443, or ISO 18092 (Near Field Communication) technology for card, mobile device, or other form factors
  • Knowledge of EMVCo, GlobalPlatform, ETSI standards

Senior Sw Engineer Chip Testing Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and support testing methodologies offering solutions for contact and contactless chip products to ensure compliance with Visa specifications
  • Design, develop and maintain solutions to diverse technology and business problems in the areas of mass-market consumer devices (mobile, smartcard, contactless)
  • Support and develop model simulations of Visa specifications in support of developing testing solutions of mobile and chip payment products
  • Provide support in chip testing technology while working closely with other team members, actively participate in cross-disciplinary working groups and collaborate closely with colleagues from the wider Visa Technology
  • The ideal candidate should hold a Bachelor in Computer Science and/or Computer Engineering
  • Minimum 3 years experience with at least 1 year preferred in Smartcard technology or equivalent
  • The candidate should have proven experience of test methodology creation experience in the area of IC (integrated circuit) chip card and/or device testing
  • Minimum 2 years embedded system programming experience (Java, C++)
  • Minimum 2 years experience with Python, Object Oriented code, Configuration Management
  • Minimum 1 years of test plans and scripts development
  • Minimum 1 year UML designing/developing in modeling of requirements
  • Recommended to have experience with programming for consumer devices (low level phone operating system, RFID, UICC, NFC, smart card)
  • Should have knowledge of related security issues (crypto libraries/co-processors calls)
  • Must have excellent problem solving, analytical and technical troubleshooting skills, combined with solid scientific research skills, including experimentation and detailed records management
  • Must be self motivated with good communication skills (written and verbal), including the ability to communicate effectively with team members located remotely
  • Must be capable of working with minimal supervision in a team environment

Footwear Testing Assistant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Evaluate and test golf footwear for TMaG and Ashworth Golf to ensure proper performance, fit and durability
  • Coordinate footwear benchmark testing and communicate the finished report to the Cross Functional team
  • Communicate results and make improvement recommendations to Marketing, Development, Design, Quality Assurance and/or Biomechanical Testing teams
  • Facilitate and own the receiving, recording and disbursement of all testing product, in the aPTS (adidas Product Testing System) database
  • Proactively Recruit internal and external product testers
  • Prepare statistical test reports according to the respective testing level of each project (performance/fit/wear/last) and present those reports to the Cross Functional team seasonally
  • Maintain a high quality of data integrity in the aPTS database
  • Organize and maintain reference sample room, destroy and dispose of samples as needed
  • Provide diagnosis, improvement recommendations and assist in processing of footwear quality claims
  • Assist and direct Sports Marketing with contracted athlete footwear fittings where necessary
  • Strong analytical aptitude and ability to separate the key factors in deciding a products suitability to the performance function
  • Proficiency with Microsoft applications, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Access
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, including meeting group presentations
  • Golf background preferred
  • Ability to develop and maintain strong working relationships with employees, vendors, internal and external product testers as well as Professional/non-professional athlete’s on all levels
  • Ability to exercise high degree of professionalism in action and communication
  • Ability to assess the company policy on testing objectives and make alternative suggestions/drive suggestions through the process to improve such objectives, for the better of the larger Business unit
  • Support Brand Operations and Brand Marketing functions by making appropriate recommendations to either move forward or revise product, based on tester feedback analysis and wear characteristics
  • Four year college degree preferred
  • Proficient English language skills essential

Product Manager, A / b Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3+ years experience in managing product development for websites and/or web applications
  • 2-5 years of relevant experience, preferably involving A/B testing, statistics or analytics
  • Presence and authority in the arena of internet search
  • Experience must include demonstrable success and results driven by the candidate
  • BA/BS in a quantitative discipline (e.g. sciences, engineering, economics, accounting, operations research, computer science, business) with high GPA
  • Proficiency in statistics is desired
  • Strong extra curricular interests, community involvement, or languages are all plusses

Compliance Branch Office Inspections & Internal Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Present findings to management in the form of detailed written reports
  • Participate in the internal controls testing process required by FINRA Rules 3110 and 3120
  • Branch Office Examinations Team is expected to meet mandatory branch review requirements as needed
  • Knowledge of FINRA, NASD, NYSE, MSRB and SEC Rules and Regulations
  • Ability to interact with Branch Office Managers, Business Unit Heads and senior members of the Compliance and Legal Departments
  • Ability to prepare clear and concise reports in a timely fashion, which document applicable business requirements and regulatory concerns
  • Ability to travel to branch offices located in the United States, Canada and possibly overseas
  • Minimum of 4 years of related work experience
  • Travel Required- 25% to 30%

Operational Testing Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for conducting Operations office inspections, including obtaining background information and reviewing various reports and other documents maintained on the Firm’s systems
  • Assist in the periodic reporting regarding the results of the Operational reviews and key performance indicators to Compliance Management
  • Maintain an effective liaison with Industry colleagues and associates within the Examination and Operational field to verify that our audit practices are up-to-date and adequate, factoring in all relevant Regulatory Requirements and guidance
  • Possess professional maturity and confidence in communicating results with staff, peers and management
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance or related field

Operational Testing VP Resume Examples & Samples

  • Be part of a team of Operational testing professionals who will be responsible for conducting Operations office inspections, including obtaining background information and reviewing various reports and other documents maintained on the Firm’s systems
  • Interact with Senior leaders of Operations and Compliance in the execution and reporting on the adequacy and effectiveness of the control environment for Operations
  • Prepare work paper documentation and corresponding reports relating to the examinations conducted in accordance with Global Testing Standards
  • Prior experience in Operations and/or IT project management within the financial services field with an in depth knowledge of back office and operational systems. Audit experience preferred but not required
  • Keen attention to detail; strong documentation and report writing skills
  • 3-5 + years’ experience within the Operations, IT, Internal Audit, External Audit and Compliance related fields

Corp-gfcc Latam Testing Team-associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct or assist with GFCC Testing reviews and Monitoring Activities to determine if business processes, procedures, and controls are designed appropriately and operating effectively
  • Experience – 2+ years of relevant Compliance testing experience or other related experience such as risk management, audit, or similar control-related experience / Knowledge of wholesale and private banking businesses and related products including investment management, treasury services, and correspondent banking businesses
  • Understanding of BSA, AML, Sanctions and other AML regulatory policies / Understanding of the LatAm regulatory environment, particularly that of Brazil, Argentina, and/or Mexico
  • Communications skills – the candidate must possess excellent written and oral communications skills
  • Teamwork skills – the candidate must be flexible in his/her work style and be able to work appropriately with stakeholders and colleagues at all levels
  • English proficiency required
  • BA/BS/BBA degree or equivalent required
  • Experience in case based work: investigations, alert disposition, and/or STR/SAR writing
  • Experience with and/or knowledge of Global (North America, APAC, EMEA) regulatory environment
  • Language skills preferred (one or more of): Portuguese, Spanish

Head of Testing Msim Compliance VP Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bright and enthusiastic university graduate or equivalent
  • Sound retail and institutional asset management knowledge (having worked in-house for an investment bank would be preferable)
  • Compliance testing and people management experience
  • Familiarity with UK Compliance issues and relevant laws and regulations
  • Project management and organisational skills
  • Excellent presentation skills - ability to communicate clearly and concisely both in person and in writing
  • Able to use initiative and apply judgment

Functional Verification & Testing Co Op Months Resume Examples & Samples

  • Executing, under supervision, FV test cases, which includes: setup test environment, interact with test SW, execute test cases, analyze results, and generate test reports
  • Participating in designing and building automated test systems
  • Participating in developing test scripts and debugging test SW
  • Executing various test lab tasks, which are related to FV

IT Testing Domain Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • E2E Service Acceptance Testing
  • Migration Testing
  • Experience in telecommunication industry
  • 2-5 years of SDLC or testing experience
  • ISE/ISTQB Certification in Software Testing (Preferred)
  • Experience on Oracle(SQL-PLSQL), HTML, UNIX
  • Experience of using testing tools such as HP Quality Centre, LoadRunner(Preferred)
  • CRM, Billing/Charging, Mediation & Provisioning, VAS&Online domain experience (at least one)
  • Siebel CRM knowledge is preferable
  • Team Leader experience of minimum 1 year
  • People and Task management experience
  • Knowledge and Competence Management within the team
  • Good communication and customer-facing skills
  • Problem solving and consultative skills
  • Team player skills
  • Strong focus on delivering to fulfill customer needs
  • Customer First attitude

Testing Expert / Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage end-to-end complex test workstream
  • Provide direction and guidance for test process improvements and establishing policies
  • Define test strategy, prepare test plans and negotiate acceptance criteria with customer
  • Maintain test environment and test data base integrity
  • Responsible for bringing new advanced process and procedures in testing technology, strategies and tactics into the company
  • Guide, instruct and direct local and offshore test teams
  • Risk monitoring
  • Elaborate test execution completeness report
  • Work with core team on list of potential activities & solutions
  • Develop presentations & proposals, perform customer presentations
  • Support deployment of solution
  • Provide feedback to R&D
  • Participate in knowledge transfer, documentation & information sharing
  • Stay abreast of on new technology/technical areas & share information about solution to enable customer competence build
  • Telco and telco systems experience and solid testing management experience in complex transformation programs

Manager, Integrated Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with executive leadership, business management and IT teams to help effectively plan and manage the Integrated Testing program
  • Provide oversight and direction to project management resources in the execution of SDP UAT processes and across all Tier 1 IT initiatives
  • Develop Integrated Testing business metrics and collaborate with IT and business leadership on testing evolution strategy, leveraging tools/templates standardization and automated continuous testing methodologies
  • Identify and drive transformational business opportunities, along with process automation & optimization opportunities and articulate business case / ROI
  • Drive major process re-engineering efforts by
  • Leading business owners to define process future state and ROI
  • Proposing a roadmap of specific focused projects/actions to achieve the desired future state by implementing the proposed changes
  • Participating in projects to map existing as is processes; lead the definition/documentation of the to-be processes; define/document tool requirements, data changes, business rules, metrics; and training to achieve “to be” process
  • Work with Business and IT teams as needed on refining functional specs and test planning
  • Work with business and other functions as needed on process implementation planning including job roles/incentives; UAT; training; and metric gathering
  • Provide thought leadership by driving business and IT transformation in Testing methodologies
  • Where appropriate, influence decision making where there are roadblocks or points of contention within business stakeholders
  • Perform data and processes analysis, swim-lane/process diagramming
  • Develop and define business requirements, workflow design, process mapping, functional specifications, gap analyses, and use cases
  • Collaborate with Business owners, Architects and IT Teams to ensure the system solutions meet the functional requirements
  • Work across a variety of business areas, which may result in focus on a particular area for a period of time
  • Implement cause/effect analysis methodologies and metrics on business process improvements
  • Perform detailed analysis of business and technical processes and requirements
  • Review and approve technical approach and design documentation
  • Review, recommend and implement available or industry standard tools and technologies as appropriate to deliver process optimization solutions
  • BS/BA degree in Business or Technology. Formal project management certification or equivalent work experience
  • 8+ years of experience in implementation and management of business automation solutions
  • Strong understanding of software defined lifecycle (SDLC), testing methodologies, Agile or SCRUM methodology. is required. , pricing models, price book management and overall pricing lifecycle is required
  • Excellent executive communications and interpersonal skills. Demonstrated ability to document methodologies, processes and best practices
  • Experience in designing and developing automation solutions to deliver business value
  • Knowledge of and experience with enterprise systems, including ERP, Portals and CRM, with a strong understanding of enterprise integration
  • Experience in Software or High Tech industries with 2-tier channel business model strongly preferred
  • Must be a self-starter, motivated individual who works well under pressure
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize and coordinate tasks to meet multiple deadlines
  • Ability to drive collaboration with functional and technical teams to achieve effective solutions
  • Flexible and resilient, comfortable with ambiguity, adaptable to a high-change environment and open to new concepts and/or processes
  • Up to 10% domestic / international travel required

Head of Testing / Reviews Resume Examples & Samples

  • Extensive compliance experience within Investment Management
  • Ideally, the candidate will have previously held a managerial/leader type role
  • Strong testing/reviews background

Testing & Optimization Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partner with the rest of the analytics team to summarize and quantify test results and effectively present & communicate them to various stakeholders
  • Maintain the “learnings repository” of test results and promote the usage of past results to influence future tests
  • Drive implementation of test “winners”
  • Identify "low hanging" optimization opportunities on the site that increase conversion or/and profitability or enhance user experience
  • Self-motivated with a sense of ownership, a willingness to learn, and a strong desire to succeed
  • Must perform well in high pressure situations, balance competing priorities, and demonstrate the ability to work without significant direct supervision
  • Natural leader, with ability to bring a group to consensus and inspire enthusiasm towards the goals of the team
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and ability to present to executives, non-technical and technical audiences
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications (specifically Excel)

Sox Testing Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Auditing experience (essential)
  • SOX Testing (desirable)
  • Knowledge of banking business (desirable)

Transfer Agency Testing Month Ftc Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for managing the implementation of new business including fund set up, migration and development
  • Responsible for managing any generated change requests that may alter or enhance the existing operating model through analysis and project management
  • Assisting with development prioritisation, ensuring all requirements are captured accurately prior to logging with technology teams
  • Work with Citi AI platinum clients providing updates on Change Requests, tactical and strategic projects as required
  • Administer and maintain records of all relevant documentation relating to changes
  • Responsible for end to end change process – analysis, design, delivery and costing
  • Provide timely and accurate MIS covering all functions where applicable
  • Management of BTU Offshore support team in both TCS and GPC
  • Minimum 5 years experience in Alternative Hedge Fund Administration, with detailed knowledge of Fund Accounting workflows and processes an advantage
  • Experience in Project Management
  • A structured approach to work, experience in managing and working with internal and external Senior Managers and strong communication skills would benefit the candidate
  • The ability to juggle multiple demands and change direction regularly to support our Clients and the ever changing industry are essential
  • A proven Manager able to manage complex project work and the demands this brings
  • A strong communicator able to confidently liaise with and influence BAU Managers, Senior Citi Managers and Client contacts
  • A confident decision-maker with the ability to weigh up all potential options prior to making decisions
  • A proactive approach to problem solving, issue resolution, conflicting priorities and Client demands
  • A methodical and logical approach to the job
  • Accuracy and completeness are essential to the success of each project/change request and the change team
  • Experience using Microsoft Office Suite will benefit the successful candidate
  • Bachelor’s degree in accounting/finance/business studies or equivalent
  • Project management qualification an advantage

Mobile Application Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strategic Management
  • Implement global & regional sub category plan / strategy
  • Undertake market analysis to follow or proactive meet trends & regulations, monitor sub-categories and retail performance, and determine & develop Disney’s segment share
  • Determine category key drivers (franchise, products, price, and retail channel) for DCP to expand brand presence consistently with retailer needs
  • Contribute to regional / global discussion of the category on behalf of the local market
  • Category Management
  • Develop, implement and achieve yearly revenue budget
  • Identify & contract new licensees instrumental in the development of the category
  • Identify product, franchises, and channel gaps and ensure that plans in place to fill the gaps
  • Manager Contract Renewals based on category plan
  • Coordinate with DCP Compliance Group to ensure licensees comply with Disney’s labor standards
  • Ensure licensees’ thorough understanding and compliance of Disney’s contract, terms and conditions
  • Identify and develop manufacturing centers of excellence (global and regional)
  • Regularly communicate with Key licensees and conduct performance reviews (quarterly)
  • Retail Management
  • Work with key retail account to manage Disney’s product range and presence at retail
  • Work with buyers from key retail accounts to develop business opportunities, managing product sourcing, mix / range, pricing and new programs specific to each retailer’s shopping profile
  • Act as communication link between Disney and licensees and retail buyers
  • Identify signage and merchandising needs
  • Creative Management
  • Administer and coordinate licensee’s product approvals with DCP Product Developer
  • Finance Management
  • Responsible for the category budget & bottom line responsibility
  • Responsible for collection past due accounts receivable
  • Coordinate with DCP Retail, Sales & Marketing team to support sales promotion, events and advertising in the local market
  • Work with DCP Retail, Sales & Marketing Team to ensure better understanding of consumer profiles and market needs
  • Ensure appropriate licensees implement the Disney visual merchandising programs
  • Maintain competency in DCP business systems
  • Insight (Contract Admin. & Royalty reports)
  • INvision (Forecasting/Budgeting)
  • SAP (Travel expenses & Purchase Orders)
  • Communication effectively and efficiency
  • Manage communication effectively and efficiency internal and external
  • Communication in time in proper way
  • 8-10 years working experience in related industry at merchandising, marketing or sales related undertakings
  • Personal Attributes
  • Strong market & product knowledge in China local business area
  • Strong experience in sales and marketing, preferable working with sourcing company, dept store and key retailers, familiar with modern trade module
  • Intelligent, self-directed, self-starter, good ability to work within a team
  • Good analytical skill and understanding of business and financial concepts
  • Strong negotiation and presentation skills
  • Committed to excellence
  • Other requisites, languages
  • Fluent English and local language
  • Hands on experience on PC software applications (e.g. Word, Excel & PowerPoint)
  • University graduate

Finance Operations Analyst Finance & Risk Convergence Program Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing partnerships with various upstream suppliers of data to Credit/Finance (e.g., Corporate Investment Bank, Asset Wealth Management, Business Banking, etc.) to understand their business, ensure completeness, timeliness and quality of their data and coordinate changes via the DAC thru the end to end environment
  • Establishing and documenting Business Requirements on behalf of the Finance and Risk BAU operations teams
  • Coordinating with all Credit and Finance consumers to ensure completeness of business requirements with a clear understanding of operational issues, and resolution and ownership of issues related to on-boarding new supplies
  • Developing and managing User Acceptance Test Plans associated with the sourcing of new or enhanced data supplies for Traditional Credit products both into the strategic environment as well as into the legacy environment
  • Personally executing certain portions of User Acceptance Testing
  • Managing the on-boarding of new products/supplies into the Finance – Risk environment and explaining all data quality issues of your assigned project to ensure the highest level of quality
  • Coordinating with consumer business leads on supply deliveries and managing the consumer signoff process
  • Documenting processes and procedures for new supplies and coordinating the hand over to the Finance and Risk Operations team for that supply
  • Performing Root Cause analysis around existing data quality issues within the Traditional Credit Product space
  • Knowledge of the Finance and Risk business or specific Credit related products is a plus
  • Experience with the MS Office suite of products (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Previous Business Analysis experience and experience conducting/participating in User Acceptance Testing processes
  • Demonstrated superior problem solving and decision making skills
  • Candidate must identify issues, seek solutions and gain consensus regarding resolution approach
  • Ability to take a step back, view the bigger picture, and balance strategic objectives with the need to make interim tactical choices in order to sustain progress
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, ability to work with peer Middle Office and Technology staff as well as Front Office business contacts across Credit consumer organizations and other JPMorgan Chase lines of business
  • Previous Project Management experience and previous experience running large meetings with demonstrated success at achieving results and keeping deliverables on track
  • Demonstrated ability to focus on accuracy and attention to detail
  • Team player and adaptable to changing environment, with good interpersonal skills
  • Highly disciplined individual, self-motivated, and delivery-focused
  • 2+ years of program and/or project management experience required
  • Strong core finance technical skills and solid understanding of finance processes, infrastructure and systems
  • Strong project and process management skills
  • Ability to lead and influence without having positional authority. Strong team-orientation and leadership skills
  • Experience managing across LOBs and regions
  • Ability to develop strong client relationships and gain consensus on key decisions
  • Ability to communicate effectively at many levels of the organization including senior management
  • Strong control orientation
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills; sound judgment
  • Bachelors degree required, CPA / CFA helpful

Testing Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 3 years testing experience
  • Demonstrated superior knowledge of the rules and regulations governing defined contribution plans
  • High mathematical and accounting aptitude
  • Exceptional attention to detail and accuracy
  • Proficient in use of Microsoft Office Products (Word, Excel, etc.)

Testing Center of Excellence Resume Examples & Samples

  • Record accurately and in a timely fashion all testing issues and actions. This information will be used to assist in
  • Identifying software deficiencies
  • The production of metrics surrounding the quality of software, trend analysis of the underlying causes and implementation of remedial actions
  • Execute manual and automation scripts in a dedicated non-project environment to ensure all scripts are well-written, executable and portable, thus providing cross-validation of the efficiency of the TCoE vendor partners
  • Act as subject matter expert and provide to project/business partners pre/post User Acceptance Testing support
  • Foster a spirit of innovation and collaboration in regards to Testing Why Citi?
  • Extensive hands-on testing experience in quality assurance
  • Strong familiarity in working within an Onshore/Offshore QA

Testing Automation Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leverages extensive expertise in test automation to focus on manual testing and identify an automated suite of test scripts that can be reused across releases and leveraged by all test phases
  • Contribute to test phase approaches as it relates to automation
  • Design a cross-functional automation approach that can be implemented for multiple test phases
  • Responsible for bringing an understanding of the enterprise, business system and industry to the team(s) supporting or interfacing with an application
  • Leads analysis, design, coding, testing, documentation, implementation, maintenance of IT solutions focusing on architecture across product lines/platforms and provides expertise in the business process supported by the application
  • Facilitates detailed application technical design and enforces adherence to GE design and security standards
  • Creates design documents such as activity diagrams, data flow diagrams, user interface and interface mappings
  • Leads build vs. buy activities, always looking to leverage existing functionality
  • Design and implement test processes and scripts for data and software functionality testing
  • Design and implement test automation frameworks
  • Create and design reporting metrics and dashboards
  • Create test scripts and analyze results
  • Bachelors degree (or 4 years equivalent work experience) with 2+ years IT experience
  • 5+ years of test automation including but not limited to HP Load Runner, QTP

Testing Subject Matter Expert Datalink Processing System Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of Tactical Data Links systems testing processes
  • Knowledge of Tactical Data Links systems testing environments
  • Ability to work independently as well as effectively as part of small teams
  • Support the Test Leader
  • Support the development of detailed Test Plans
  • Assessment of test requirements for Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Software Releases based on analysis of Problem Reports and DLPS Enhancements
  • Determination of Regression Testing requirements
  • Experience with testing in Windows XP and Redhat Linux environments would be an asset
  • Experience with Rational Suite Configuration Management (ClearCase) and Problem Management (ClearQuest) tools would be an asset
  • Experience with the Northrop Grumman MLST3 or Tiger TDL Test Tools would be an asset
  • At least 2 years experience in Knowledge of Tactical Data Links systems testing processes
  • Certified in Controlled Goods

Manager, Business Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the development, management and strategic direction of the Business Test teams for Digital
  • Manage resource capacity and project planning
  • Drive continuous improvements of testing best practices to ensure quality deliverables
  • Drive Automation opportunities to existing testing processes
  • Establish and drive tactical and strategic business test plans and initiatives for assigned projects
  • Define and mature Business Testing policies, procedures and processes
  • Review Business Test Strategy and / or Test Plans for all projects within the digital portfolio
  • Collaborate with Business, 3rd Party Vendors and Technology partners to a plan Business Testing activities across the Mobile and Online Banking portfolio
  • Lead a team of highly motivated digitally minded team members
  • A self-starter with a strong sense of ownership, assertive follow through and orientation towards results
  • Articulate and prepared, able to confidently substantiate your decisions to peers and senior-level executives alike
  • Knowledgeable and passionate around emerging digital technologies and how they are changing our user acceptance test management practices
  • Takes initiative, isn’t afraid to fail, asks thoughtful questions, and constantly seeks better ways of working and communicating
  • Consistently presents a positive, flexible attitude and contributes to a fast-paced, high-visibility team environment
  • Enjoys working with an innovative and collaborative team of accomplished professionals

Engineer Engine Sw Testing & Validation Resume Examples & Samples

  • BE/Btech/ME/Mtech in Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Automotive Engineering
  • 5-8 years of experience in Embedded C and Matlab Controls Modeling
  • Programming (Python, mscripts etc.,) knowledge for writing test scripts
  • Good Engine Domain knowledge
  • Good Trouble Shooting skills
  • Knowledge on Software Configuration Tools
  • Knowledge on Software testing and Tools (CANalayzer, CANape etc.,)
  • Good Communication

Coordinator Product Testing & Engineering Resume Examples & Samples

  • Opening all packages on a daily basis
  • Preparing wear test shoes for testing by unstuffing, weighing and sorting shoes
  • Open and sort incoming shoes for the US product creation teams, retain all FedEx paperwork, assist in tracking late and misplaced shipments and document the monthly totals and percentages of inbound shipments for billing purposes
  • Responsible for shipping wear test shoes to testers. Ship outbound shoes, materials, documents and components to the Far East on an as needed basis. Handle FedEx and DHL invoices for the department
  • Experience in Excel and database software

Vocational Testing Administrator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Education, or Psychology
  • 1+ year of prior experience in vocational assessment
  • Knowledge of and ability to follow agency and department policies and procedures
  • Ability to be patient and sensitive to individuals with disabilities

Cyber Security Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Acts as a focal point for the functional & performance testing teams and oversees the planning and execution
  • Analyze and recommend strategies to enforce continuous improvement and maturity in the Quality Assurance process
  • University degree/college diploma in Computer Science and/or minimum of 7 – 10 years systems experience as a Quality Assurance (QA) professional with extensive business knowledge
  • Possesses an expert understanding of SDLC and QA concepts, metric analysis, methodologies and documentation standards
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of industry methodology standards (eg. Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • Experience working with testing tools such as HPQC and QTP
  • Leading team onsite and offshore

Business Intelligence Testing & Operations Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Having a good understanding of the daily and monthly processes of all the BI tools and ensuring that they function as expected
  • Developing and executing standard operating procedures for support and maintenance of the BI platform
  • Executing test scripts and scenarios as advised by the BI analysts
  • Capturing and reporting back on results and issues arising from testing
  • Ensuring that the BI data stores are reconciled to the original data sources and investigations of the differences are carried out in a timely manner
  • Working with other members of the BICC to deliver regular BI processes including month end
  • Managing users and ensuring that they have the correct access rights involving risk management as appropriate
  • Identifying opportunities for process improvements
  • Responsibility for BI service reporting to key stakeholders
  • A good understanding of the capabilities of the technology and tools that BICC uses to deliver reporting to better deliver practical solutions that are valued by the business area
  • A basic level of report development
  • An understanding of script execution and issue documentation
  • Understanding of the firms various operating models and cross functional contact points and in particular how reporting and management information processes can add value and leverage the tools that BICC use
  • Supporting on knowledge transfer activities,
  • Demonstrates flexibility in a changing environment

Independent Management Testing IT Infrastructure Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong Knowledge of Information Security standards and best practices
  • Experience of running global projects would be an additional advantage
  • SOX specific testing experience would be preferred
  • Ideally should hold a suitable professional qualification such as CISA, QICA, CISSP, although not necessarily a prerequisite for this role

Financial Holding Company Testing Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Track, escalate and report the status of issues and corrective action plans agreed upon with Business Units and/or Control functions as a result of FHC T&G compliance testing and regulatory examinations
  • Track, escalate and report the status of issues and related action plans resulting from FHC T&G compliance testing and regulatory examinations which are pending verification and closure
  • 10-15+ years of Compliance testing, internal audit experience and/or experience within a financial services regulatory agency (e.g., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve)
  • Have extensive knowledge of testing best practices and techniques

Senior Associate Engineer Matlab Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design,Development and Testing of Simulink Based IO Software
  • Examine, validate and test large-scale software development and production projects
  • Invent and extend methodologies for Development and validation of software
  • B.E/B.Tech with 4-6 years of experience in Matlab testing
  • C-Programming language, Simulink , Stateflow ( Mandatory)
  • Basics of M-script,S-Function
  • Hands on experience with tools like canalyzer, Debuggintools(Trace32),
  • Exposure to what is MIL ,SIL,( Just what is what is enough)
  • Analytical & Problem solving skills
  • Good English skill in both verbal and written
  • At least 4 years of Testing experience or above
  • Solid work experience with global team
  • Cognos report experience preferred
  • Willing to travel for 5 months for non-SH resource
  • Netezza experience preferred
  • Insurance domain experience preferred
  • Agile experience preferred
  • At least 2 years experience in Testing Tool - QTP,Loadrunner, Performance test

Ccb Testing Support Lead Functional Controls Resume Examples & Samples

  • Direct engagement with all levels of management up within Consumer Banking and across other CCB Control teams
  • Key stakeholder in the development of test plans and scripts with a focus on the development of robust test strategies designed to identify control weaknesses, determine root causes, and recommend solutions
  • Focus on identification of customer impacting issues, including remediation recommendations when required
  • Serves as the key contact for testing governance and review
  • B.A./B.S. degree required, M.B.A. a plus
  • Working knowledge of both Manual and Automated testing
  • Experience defining overall test strategy and develop test scripts
  • Experience managing cross-functional teams
  • Strong executional and project management skills

Crm Service Testing Project Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead teams in the delivery of high-quality software solutions that meet business needs – from a testing perspective
  • Create detailed project and program delivery roadmaps and task-level project plans to organize cross-functional teams involved in all types of testing
  • Partner closely with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the successful delivery of quality software solutions
  • Ensure all testing activities of the project lifecycle adhere to the program’s governance structure
  • Facilitate change management ensuring quality and budgets are tightly managed
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science, or equivalent experience
  • Previous experience planning and managing large projects within an SDLC
  • Minimum of three years’ project management experience – at least one of which is with IT projects (could be a business PM working with IT projects)
  • Six Sigma certification
  • Project Management Institute certification
  • Prior experience in the health solutions industry
  • Working knowledge of Cloud Solutions
  • Experience managing multiple projects over multiple releases
  • Experience managing projected through the testing phase of SDLC

Compliance Gfcc Core Testing Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • For assigned reviews, assist with the scoping, execution and documentation of properly designed compliance tests using appropriate sampling methods and testing processes
  • Assist with the development of standard work programs and test scripts for the testing of program areas/products
  • Experience – 3+ years of relevant Compliance experience or other related experience such as risk management, audit, or similar control-related experience
  • BA/BS/BBA degree required

Independent Management Testing Sox Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform the Design Effectiveness (DE) and Operating Effectiveness (OE) testing as per the defined Testing Approach and address and clear any review points raised through Quality Assurance (QA) review in a timely manner
  • Escalate any potential testing issues / exceptions to appropriate teams, inform Control Owners, Operational Risk Management and the SOX Office, maintain the Issue Logs, ensuring they are kept up-to-date and detailed
  • Provide timely updates to the testing status tracker and ensuring all QA review points are closed out quickly and contribute to the status reporting in a timely manner
  • Perform testing of remediated controls and escalate any potential issues immediately and Perform Non SOX testing outside of the SOX testing cycle
  • 3+ years post-qualified experience in Financial Services or Big 4 practice
  • Experience performing tests of controls including SOX specific testing

Gw Testing Seniors Resume Examples & Samples

  • Need to work as a Senior Test Engineer to contribute in various streams of Guidewire implementation projects / Risk, Compliance implementation projects
  • Interface and communicate with the onsite coordinators
  • Regular status reporting to the Lead and onsite coordinators
  • Strong Property & Casualty Insurance - Claims experience
  • Experience with Guidewire products, preferably with Claims Center
  • Mentoring and managing onshore/offshore teams and good team player

BTO Business Testing Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in financial services related field. MBA preferred
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills and interpersonal skills
  • 10+ years of Software Quality Assurance / Business Testing background and experience
  • Extensive knowledge of testing tools and reporting metrics/dashboards
  • Knowledge of Agile software development methodology
  • Ability to challenge the status quo across all stakeholder groups (Business, Tech, Ops, QA)
  • Ability to work with large cross functional teams within business and multiple QA groups (functional, conversion, performance)
  • Ability to identify opportunities for continuous improvements

Director Risk Quality Assurance & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 7+ years’ experience in financial services industry in a risk or related role
  • Bachelor’s degree in related field
  • A developed understanding of risk concepts; ability to quickly assimilate and learn new concepts
  • Understanding of testing protocols
  • Ability to effectively partner with colleagues to develop a balanced approach for reviews and remediation
  • Experience with operations functionality and solid understanding of core financial services functions including movement of cash and securities, brokerage accounting, general ledger and sub-ledger processing
  • The ability to interface with all levels of the organization in a collaborative and effective manner
  • Excellent relationship and interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability to drive results through others
  • Strong business acumen and demonstrated proficiency in general business disciplines and software applications (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.)
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently and within a team to build relationships and interact effectively with business partners
  • Excellent communication skills (verbal, written) to work all levels of the organization
  • Ability to operate and manage comfortably and effectively in a fast-paced, highly-matrixed environment. Proven ability to influence, motivate and inspire others
  • Attention to detail, accuracy and high level of personal accountability
  • Advanced degree

Virtualization Testing & Support Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related discipline, or equivalent work experience
  • Approximately 1-3 years of experience in related technology
  • IT Generalist
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Self motivated learner
  • Strategic thought processes
  • Systems thinking
  • Solution creation
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills
  • Sound judgment and analytical ability
  • Strong documentation skills – MS Word, Excel, Projects and Visio
  • The ability to work effectively with clients, management and staff members
  • Experience in maintaining production environments
  • Working knowledge in ITIL Incident Management

New Model Base Approach Testing & Design Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Be the SME on the new IMA eligibility assessment criteria under FRTB (including firm's Backtesting, Risk Based PL and leverage ratio calculations)
  • To lead and manage a small team (onshore and offshore) on the IMA eligibility assessment
  • Build the prototype for assessing IMA eligibility under FRTB for the QIS, which will then be used on an on-going basis until strategic delivery
  • Ensure correct classification of the capital calculation treatment for each business under FRTB (i.e. IMA vs Standard Rules)
  • Present to senior management and key risk governance committees; covering eligibility under FRTB across CS' businesses, capital implications and highlight actions required to remain on IMA (if any)
  • Participate in industry consultation to help guide the final rules
  • Lead the analysis and explanation of differences between actual vs theoretical risk-based PL across business lines
  • Co-ordinate and be the point-of-contact across finance, PC and risk on the delivery of IMA eligibility assessment and ensure it is compliant with FRTB
  • Propose solutions and work with key stakeholders on the strategic delivery of IMA eligibility assessment under FRTB

Compliance Officer Mortgage Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Fully knowledgeable of functions and processes within Mortgage Loan Originations operations
  • Fully knowledgeable of investor, federal and state mortgage regulations including, but not limited to, the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act, Regulation Z/TILA, Regulation X/RESPA, FCRA, ECOA and SCRA, as well as emerging risks that may be considered UDAAPs
  • Strong experience in constructing and evaluating tests of controls, analysing issues and formulating effective corrective action plans
  • Fully knowledgeable and capable of developing and executing on various complex compliance and control testing and related activities
  • Work collaboratively with business, legal, risk and compliance partners
  • Self-starter and organized and have the ability to work independently, without minimal supervision
  • Provides guidance and direction to lower level compliance and control analysts
  • 8+ years of related experience preferred
  • 5+ years related Compliance, Audit and/or Control oversight work experience required
  • Strong experience in developing senior and executive level reporting and presentations

Independent Management Testing Team Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build, maintain and strengthen partnerships with business functions, regions and taxonomy leads to collect, aggregate and report risk information
  • To develop positive working relationships with other stakeholder groups, including Auditors - internal and external (EY), and co-source testing providers (currently Deloitte)
  • To escalate any potential testing issues / exceptions to appropriate teams (ORM, COO, global stream heads, IMT management)
  • To inform Control Owners, COO, ORC, Taxonomy owners and ORM (where applicable) of any confirmed exceptions or fails on a timely and accurate manner
  • To review Issue Logs, ensuring that they are kept up-to-date and detailed
  • To ensure that when complete and any QA review points cleared, relevant testing is sent to E&Y (– SOX Only)
  • To ensure and manage that any feedback points from E&Y are addressed promptly (– SOX Only)
  • Demonstrated experience of working with cross-section of internal stakeholders, incl. senior leadership and senior management committees
  • ACA/ACCA or equivalent qualification

Securities Processing Analyst Ips Gb Pam Sli Ibor Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent written, verbal communication and interpersonal skills
  • Good operational knowledge of all security types, trade life cycle, various corporate actions and its impact on portfolio
  • Exposure to cash, position reconciliation and three way reconciliation
  • Trade Accounting - Equities, Bonds, Repo, CFD, Futures, Options, Bank Debts, SWAPS, Forwards, Spot, etc
  • Cap Stock/Subscription-Redemption Processing
  • Income/expenses processing
  • NAV/GAV Computation
  • NAV Checks/SAS 70 Checks
  • Sense of urgency
  • In-depth understanding and functional knowledge of Long Funds/Fund of Funds and GAV/NAV computation for these entities
  • To own the transaction lifecycle and reconciliation breaks from identification to resolution, assist in daily portfolio accounting, GAV/NAV computation and review for long funds and fund of funds

Software Engineer Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execute functionality, regression and system tests, run simple to moderately complex test cases
  • Write simple to moderately complex test cases for well defined functions
  • Design simple test tools, build test systems and automate test cases
  • Participate in software requirements and design review
  • A Bachelor's or Master's degree in computer science or equivalent
  • Ability to design test plans and cases, to run test cases and to identify software defects effectively
  • More than 1 year system software testing experience, be familiar with software engineering, understand the methodology of software testing
  • Have some software development experience, be familiar with C, C++/Java, preferred to have shell scripts programming experience
  • Be familiar with the mainstream Unix, Linux and Windows system administration including AIX, Linux and Windows, etc
  • Good written and oral English skills
  • Quick learner with strong problem solving ability

Securities Processing Representative Ips Temp Testing Testing Rebadge Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent written, verbal Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Sound accounting knowledge and understanding of accounting practices
  • Exposure to Cash, Position reconciliation and Three way reconciliation
  • Excellent analytical skills with proper researching ability to drive outstanding reconciliation items to closure and in-depth understanding of tax reclaim process
  • Ability to analyze corporate actions and other reconciliation breaks using Bloomberg and other market data vendors
  • Income/ Expenses processing
  • NAV / GAV Computation
  • NAV Checks / SAS 70 Checks
  • Client Reporting
  • Exposure to Multifonds (Accounting Module), pControl and Recon Frontier or TLM application will be added advantage
  • Professional Qualification (C.A, Grade CWA)
  • University degree (B.Com, M.Com, M.B.A.) in Business preferably majoring in Finance or another Financial-related program
  • Experience – Minimum experience required as follows

Testing Team Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build, Execute and Review Testing Strategy with development, business and implementation partners
  • Testing multiple monthly Basel Releases to Production
  • Managing multiple testing environments for Basel and Risk managements components
  • Managing testing budgets and large testing team
  • Managing multiple vendors and vendor resources
  • Coordination with multiple development (partners) and testing teams
  • Coordination with business sponsors and business users
  • Planning, Managing and execution skill for large projects
  • Proposing solutions/Options to business/technology for solving complex business issues
  • Strategic Vision and Strategy building
  • Excellent Coordination skills with multiple development (partners), testing and implementation teams
  • Managing business expectations for business users
  • Able to adapt to changing environments and needs

Independent Management Testing Team Lead India Resume Examples & Samples

  • To project manage the establishment of the in-house testing function in India, including
  • Coordination and creation of necessary reports and presentations on key results for management and governance committees, audit, etc
  • To adhere to the briefing pack when dealing with control owners and follow procedures for escalation as outlined by ORM, taxonomy owners, COO (as relevant)
  • To coordinate the Design Effectiveness (DE) and Operating Effectiveness (OE) testing as per the defined 'IMT Testing Approach'
  • To perform Quality Assurance (QA) reviews in a timely manner
  • To participate in weekly progress meetings with ORM, COO and/or other stakeholders as appropriate, and contribute to discussions around control issues and fails, to include remediated / mitigated
  • Experience of performing, reviewing, reporting and managing tests of control
  • Strong analytical skills and risk controller / risk assessment experience

Head of Compliance Monitoring & Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintaining, executing and developing monitoring and control activities
  • Conducting Compliance Risk Assessments
  • Preparing MI/reports, audit requests
  • Developing and maintaining key operating procedures
  • Managing the UK based MCT teams to ensure that monitoring and control standards are in line with the group principles
  • Training, development and up-skilling of team members
  • Designing and implementing MCT programmes across divisions for the UK
  • Developing an appropriate strategy and operating model
  • Establishing an auditable framework to receive input and guidance from the Divisional and Regional Local Heads of Compliance to ensure relevant laws, rules, regulations and risks are covered
  • Detailed knowledge of one or more of the following: wealth management, asset management and investment banking
  • Extensive experience in compliance risk, audit or a similar function
  • Knowledge of financial markets regulations
  • Degree level educated
  • Ability to communicate effectively with SMES and other senior stakeholders
  • Discuss with client on non-functional requirements
  • Analyze non-functional requirements, planning performance test activities, estimate performance testing activity efforts, and monitor and report performance testing activity progress
  • Design performance testing senario and scripts
  • Execute testing with loadrunner
  • Report performance testing results
  • Analyze system requirements, planning test activities, estimate testing activity efforts, and monitor and report testing activity progress
  • Design and prepare the test case and test data according to the business process
  • Execute testing

Cib-performnces Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years experience in performance testing/engineering
  • Thorough hands on load runner protocols – Web, asynchronous, tru client, web services, Java, flex
  • HP BAC/BSM availability and maintenance

Manager Future Testing Engineering Resume Examples & Samples

  • Educate and train colleagues by sharing knowledge on an on-going basis
  • Prepare concept and results-based reports and presentations, communicating to technical and non-technical audiences
  • Stay connected to relevant current and upcoming research, technologies, methods, and industry trends. Build an effective information network
  • Identify and partner with industry-leading organizations to extend the capability of the team
  • Consider legal implications of innovative concepts, working with the legal team to protect product, technology, innovation, process, and design

Enterprise Testing Technology Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5-7 years of experience as the overall delivery leadership for large and complex systems
  • Strong interpersonal and Management skills to achieve cooperation/coordination of multiple tasks being performed
  • Strong technical and analytical skills. Strong background in application development
  • Experience in driving successful delivery in a complex matrixed multi stakeholder environment
  • Ability to communicate effectively to multiple levels in the customer organization
  • Ability to effectively deal with multiple deadline-driven, customer-sensitive projects and tasks
  • Very strong time management and task prioritization skills
  • Ability to communicate clearly and concisely verbally and in writing
  • Experience in team leadership/management
  • Experience in working in a global technology development model
  • Ability to provide end to end leadership on the software development life cycle (requirements through implementation)
  • Ability to work with Senior management & executives both on the Technology as well as Business
  • Complex Data Architecture / Data lineage methodologies
  • Compliance / Operational Risk experience
  • Strong Data modeling and understanding of key business elements
  • Prior regulatory experience
  • Prior framework implementation experience

Branch Office Inspections & Internal Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct branch office inspections covering Capital Markets businesses
  • Assist in liaising Regulatory Examinations as needed
  • Assist with other Compliance related projects as needed

Credit Risk Conformance Testing Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Works with the CCRO in identifying the Credit Risk Universe and designing the Risk Profiling methodology driving each year’s Conformance Testing Annual Plan for PSCC
  • Present to the Credit Risk Sub-committee and/or the Enterprise Risk Committee, meaningful credit risk or key control weaknesses and themes observed in conformance testing
  • Perform independent testing of end to end or process specific aspects of the credit lending life cycle including review of key controls and processes either with 100% population or on a sample basis, to assess conformance to policies and procedures, and assess adequacy and effectiveness of controls in place
  • Owns the delivery of the Credit Risk Conformance Testing Annual Plan for PSCC and co-owns with the Conformance Testing Leader for Retail the delivery of the overall Conformance Testing Annual Plan
  • Drives the remediation by target date of open issues related to PSCC and manage potential delays
  • Manage team of 3-4 independent testers/reviewers, in all aspects of conformance testing work, personnel development and personal goals
  • Manage key stakeholder relationships with the Portfolio Risk SVPs for Payment Solutions and Care Credit and co-manage relationships for SVPs in Fraud, Acquisitions and Account Management Strategy and their teams
  • Support regulatory examinations and internal audits of the PSCC credit processes and the conformance testing process
  • Bachelor's degree in Risk or Accounting related field (Business, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Math/Stat, Operations Research, etc.) and 6+ years of relevant Risk, Credit Audit, Credit/Loan Review/Conformance, Risk Analytics experience; OR Graduate degree in Risk related field and 3+ years of experience in auditing, or Risk related project management
  • In lieu of a degree, 10+ years of relevant Risk, Credit Audit, Credit/Loan Review/Conformance, Risk Analytics experience
  • At least 5+ years of people management experience within financial services or consulting or credit audit
  • Working exposure to the retail and health care verticals and/or small and medium scale enterprises
  • Masters in quantitative discipline or MBA preferred or certification (FRM, CFA, CPA, etc.)
  • Experience / knowledge of small business financing or consumer finance credit lending lifecycle and verticals
  • Strong understanding of project management, audit, analysis supporting credit risk related processes
  • 10+ years in Risk Management or other credit/financial/audit discipline
  • Excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to travel within the domestic U.S. for approximately 5-10% of the time or as needed

VP of Broker / Dealer Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10+ years of experience with a Financial Services firm and/or self-regulatory organization in a Compliance, Legal or Audit role
  • Strong knowledge of institutional Equities and/or FICC sales & trading businesses
  • Solid analytical and investigative skills
  • JD, MBA or Master’s Degree
  • Background in Compliance Testing or Audit
  • Background in Advisory / Line-of-Business Compliance

ETL, Informatica Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Need to work as a team member to contribute in various testing streams of Guidewire implementation projects
  • You should be willing to work in a team
  • Should have good team relationships
  • Good experience in Manual Testing, and understanding of SDLC and STLC
  • Strong knowledge of ETL, Data ware house testing and hands on experience
  • Excellent understanding of ETL/DWH fundamentals
  • Good knowledge on SQL/PLSQL/stored procedures with hands on experience
  • Fair knowledge of any one ETL tool like Datastage or Informatica or Ab Initio
  • Experience or knowledge on data modelling created/generated from the tools as ERwin/ToadDesigner/Oracle Warehouse
  • O Experience in at least one of - Guide wire Policy Center, Billing Center, Claim Center

Testing & Controls Risk Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5 or more years of Credit or Operational risk management experience
  • Must have a testing or controls background with applicable experience ideally in an Audit or Compliance function
  • Analytical background
  • Tenacity and a positive attitude
  • Strong Excel skills
  • Experience in Credit risk: Commercial Valuation or Risk Rating or Allowance

Senior Analyst Sensory Product Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • BA/BS college degree with concentration in social sciences, psychology, math/statistics or related fields
  • Minimum 8 years experience in market research (full project management, including client service, study design, defining sample universe, questionnaire design, analysis, etc
  • Experience in product testing and international research
  • Cosmetic industry research a plus
  • Other necessary skills: strong technical and interpersonal skills, team player, excellent written and oral communication skills, attention to detail, computer proficient
  • Occasional domestic/international (as needed)

Principle Battery Testing & Evaluation Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the Gigafactory cell manufacturing team in scouting for and selecting anode materials
  • Interface with vendors to drive innovation, supporting the development of lower-cost, higher-performing materials
  • Work collaboratively with other Tesla groups such as quality, safety, procurement, and facilities teams to create step-change improvements in Li-ion cell technology

Resiliency Testing Program Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the developing and implementation of the firm’s Resiliency Testing Program, which encompasses both the testing of critical business locations/processes and technologies/datacenters (in partnership with Technology teams)
  • Partner with other GRCM Regional teams and resiliency partners in the businesses, corporate functions, and technology teams to refine and strengthen the overall testing program
  • Key areas of focus and contribution include
  • Significant professional business/operations experience with demonstrated career progression (10+ years), with at least 5+ years in a risks/controls related (e.g. audit, resiliency, operational risk) and testing program background (e.g., business/technology recovery testing, global implementation testing/validation)
  • Familiarity with resiliency standards (e.g., ISO22301) and regulatory requirements (e.g., FFIEC, IWP, etc.)
  • Specialist risks/controls certification (e.g., CBCP, CBCI, CISSP, CISA/CISM, etc.) preferred
  • BA (or equivalent) degree required; MBA preferred
  • Frontline business experience (e.g. Investment Bank, Investment Management) preferred
  • Strong management and leadership skills and experience
  • Experience in managing global initiatives and matrixed organization
  • Effective communication and executive presence; ability to engage with senior management
  • Flexible and adaptive; strong relationship building and influencing skills

Assistant Testing Technologist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop knowledge of Burberry testing guidelines & standards
  • Monitor and maintain records of all testing on bulk raw material and finished product
  • Monitor and maintain records of all non-compliances on bulk raw material and finished product
  • Validate care and composition labels against testing and standards
  • Assist in the coordination of timely resolutions of testing failures in partnership with engineering teams according to business critical path on raw material and finished product in bulk production
  • Execute key performance indicators by season, product and supplier
  • Create partnerships with vendors and suppliers
  • Develop knowledge in regards with capacity of partners in regards with ‘proposed’ resolutions

Director, Testing Management Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage a global team responsible for the User Acceptance Testing and validation of system changes for the global revenue systems including billing and collections, revenue reporting, client incentives, and acquired entities
  • Manage the coordination and sequencing of 80-100 projects annually that require validation by the FSS team. Collaborate with project business sponsors (Product, CSS, Sales, Marketing) and IT groups to escalate and resolve issues
  • Define the methodology and requirements for all UAT and system testing activities, including but not limited to test strategy & data, test execution, and test approval
  • Collaborate with the FSS business analyst team to ensure business requirement traceability and thorough testing of system solutions
  • Ensure compliance with Financial Internal Controls and SOX policies as deemed appropriate. Identify, recommend and implement control improvements throughout billing processes
  • Oversee ad-hoc analyses of revenue system processes and data to support future billing transformations
  • Provide Subject Matter Expert level guidance on testing and functionality of Visa revenue systems to non-Finance users and groups introducing new products and revenue sources
  • Work with limited direction, usually within a complex and changing environment, to drive delivery of solutions and meet service levels
  • Communicate effectively and proactively with all levels of management and articulate ideas and recommendations clearly
  • Synthesize complex data findings into logical conclusions and impact assessment for management recommendation
  • Bachelor’s degree in Systems and/or Accounting/Finance
  • Master’s degree in Systems Accounting, or Finance preferred
  • 10 or more years of progressive management experience preferably with large, multi-national, publicly-traded companies
  • Excellent data analysis skills and demonstrated experience in testing, validation, Quality Assurance, User Acceptance Testing, and related disciplines. Excellent proficiency in Excel and Access required
  • Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) and ability to translate complex information into comprehensive and concise test results and recommendations
  • Extensive project management skills and ability to effectively juggle multiple projects at one time and meet project deadlines
  • Excellent understanding of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process
  • Background in payment industry and transaction based billing preferred. Experience and knowledge of Visa transaction processing systems attractive
  • Ability to lead through organizational change and ambiguity, including experience in a global matrix management environment
  • Strong people management skills with demonstrated ability to grow and mentor a high performing team

Testing Outsourcing Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 5 years experience in Test Service Delivery Planning and Management
  • At least 3 years experience in Outsourcing Management and Global Delivery
  • At least 3 years experience in Test Service Delivery Best Practices (Estimation, Process/ Methods, Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes, procedures, metrics, tools, automation)
  • At least 5 years experience in project management
  • At least 3 years experience in delivery management (outsourcing)
  • Readiness to travel Up to 5 days a week (home on weekends-based on project requirements)

SVP, ECM Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage multi-platform projects with responsibility for the development, implementation and validation of business and credit policies within varying account management and decisioning systems & platforms, with incident free outcomes
  • Responsible for the coordination of new change request reconciliation with the BAU systems (legacy) being sunset with the new systems being implemented
  • Responsible for the implementation and testing of business and credit policies, data quality monitoring and exception reporting in a production controlled environment
  • Partner with internal, Risk, IT and operations to understand the requirements, policy impacts, and validate system responses with reliable source of the data. Improve the processes of identifying, tracking, and validating system responses and policy output through data and process analysis and validation in the production environment
  • Manage and develop a team of onshore and offshore professionals with quality based implementation and remediation processes driven by standardization and process performance metrics
  • Strong understanding of risk management and risk credit policy
  • Broad understanding of overall credit card business model and key drivers
  • Excellent project management, and SDLC and Quality management skills
  • Ability to manage effectively in a high pressure organization with multiple deadlines
  • Strong analytical skills with a degree of familiarity of SQL and SAS
  • Bachelor's degree in Operation Research, Mathematics, Engineering, Statistics, or a relative quantitative discipline. Masters degree, preferred

Volcker Testing Compliance Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Four-year bachelor's degree or international equivalent
  • In-house audit experience at a financial institution or examination experience at a
  • Financial industry regulator
  • Knowledge of financial products and services offered by financial service institutions
  • Knowledge of the Dodd-Frank Act and other U.S. Securities Laws & Regulations
  • Strong verbal, written and organizational skills
  • Ability to communicate effectively and confidently with all levels of management
  • Good judgment based on a logical, methodical and systematic approach
  • Provide an independent and balanced opinion in written and oral form
  • The candidate must be able to drive task to closure, be highly motivated and detailed orientated
  • LI-Recruiter
  • LI-Priority

Manager, Digital Analytics & Site Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5-7 years’ experience in analytics, digital or social media related
  • Must have a passion for data and the ability to draw conclusions from complex data sets
  • Demonstrated ability to create analyses that move beyond an explanation of ‘what happened’ to ‘why it happened’ and ‘what should be done&#8217
  • Experience measuring and monitoring social media and creating business insight for how these analytics can be applied to marketing and PR strategies
  • Strong analytic skills both quantitative and qualitative
  • Strong critical thinking skills, writing skills, communication skills, consulting skills, and ability to work within a team
  • Knowledge of advanced social media analysis tools preferred
  • Self-starter, with strong ability to initiate projects and see-through to completion
  • Ability to troubleshoot, identify patterns, and generate new approaches to content experience modeling and reporting
  • Highly proficient with Adobe SiteCatalyst and Google Analytics (reporting and implementation)
  • Tag management solutions experience required
  • Experience in database analytics a plus
  • Advanced PowerPoint, Excel and presentation skills
  • Strong analytic and critical thinking skills
  • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects at the same time
  • Agency or consulting experience preferred

Technology Analyst of Chip Testing & Approval Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participate in coordination of the testing and approval process for specific chip and mobile products, and other form factors, going through the chip testing and approval process
  • Support and perform functional test report reviews for chip card and mobile products going through the chip testing and approval process
  • Support interoperability testing for chip cards and mobile products for products going through the chip testing and approval process
  • Support the test tool validation process, including developing and maintaining software applications and simulation tools to support the test tool validation infrastructure
  • Maintain knowledge and subject matter expertise on the Visa Chip specifications, such as Visa Integrated Circuit Specification (VIS) and Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS)
  • Assist in building and maintaining trusted partnerships with internal and external contacts by acting as the chip and mobile product testing and approval expert
  • Add value to the testing and approval process by insightful and thoughtful questioning, offering new ideas, consider risks and delivering solutions
  • Contribute to assigned projects across Chip Testing and Approval and others as identified
  • Proactively support the approval process implementation for new technology based on Visa specifications
  • Communicate clearly all interoperability risks and/or issues to management providing solutions and options when available
  • Work closely with team members/peers within the Chip Testing & Approval team
  • Assist in analyses, identify best practices and make recommendations to management
  • ​Bachelor's degree required, combined with experience in product testing management. Prefer an individual specifically with understanding of chip and mobile payments products needs and solutions
  • Awareness and understanding of chip product and mobile payment industry and the payment processing infrastructure
  • Experience in working among cross-functional groups and capable of working with minimal supervision in a team environment
  • Has a strong results-oriented approach to tasks; Analytic and fact-based consultative discipline
  • Liaise with other Visa teams to ensure all processes are developed according to Visa policy in a timely manner
  • Indentifying opportunities to improve process and add additional value to our stakeholders and partners
  • Maintain records and documents associated with the product testing and approvals
  • Participate in special assignments and provide ad hoc support as required
  • Process and procedure oriented with a very strong attention to detail and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Experience of a matrix organization
  • Excellent written and oral business communications skills in English

Testing Group Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Financial Management: Reviews, monitors and develops budgets
  • Contract Management: Oversees the contract management process
  • Communications: Develops a communications plan across the organization
  • Performance Management: Tracks the overall performance for the department by establishing and reporting on key performance indicators and metrics. Identifies opportunities and executes action plans for improved performance
  • Project Management: Manages various special projects
  • Policy and Procedure Development: Establishes city-wide and departmental policies and procedures and ensures compliance
  • Performance Objectives: Identifies departmental performance objectives, tracks progress, and reports monthly
  • Delivery Objectives: Applies comprehensive understanding of how multiple areas collectively integrate to contribute towards achieving delivery objectives
  • Audit Management: Conducts Reviews to ensure adherence to GCT Global Operating Model processes
  • Collaborate with teams across the organization (IT departments such as development or release management and Business departments) to ensure that Quality is aligned with the operational imperatives of reduced time-to-market and rapid feature development
  • Define software quality assurance strategy and standardize the use of process, tools across multiple teams in the IT Organization
  • Develops/Aligns to, a testing governance model to ensure stakeholders have a clear understanding of roles, responsibilities, and reporting structure for all assigned projects
  • Develop career paths for high performing team members and mentor next-generation leaders in the software quality assurance team
  • 7+ years of leadership in Technology
  • Large program management experience a must, QA-specific experience preferred
  • Citi knowledge of processes in IT and the Business
  • Demonstrated ability to work in scale across multiple priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to present to and influence functional area leaders toward a common goal
  • Demonstrated experience creating high performing team in an evolving area
  • Demonstrated ability to navigate through ambiguity

Advisory Senior Consultant Cybersecurity Attack & Penetration Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform vulnerability assessments and attack and penetration testsassessments in internet, intranet, and wireless environments
  • Perform scanning and discovery for open ports and services
  • Exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain access and expand access as appropriate
  • Participate in activities involving application penetration testing and application source code review
  • Interact with the client as required throughout the engagement
  • Produce reports documenting discoveries during the engagement
  • Debrief the client at the conclusion of each engagement
  • Participate in research and provide recommendations for continuous improvement
  • Bachelor's degree and approximately 2 years of related work experience, or a Master’s degree and approximately 1-2 years of related work experience in the field of computer science, information systems, engineering, or a related major preferred
  • Approximately 1-2 years of experience preferred in one or more of the following areas: attack and penetration testing, security testing of web-based applications,or application security source code assessments
  • Strong Unix, NT, networking and wireless security; deep understanding of TCP/IP networking
  • An understanding of web-based application vulnerabilities and strong technical skills related to a broad range of operating systems and databases
  • Experience with programming languages such as Java, C, C++, C#, asp, and .NET; application development experience is a plus
  • Manual attack and penetration testing experience above and beyond running automated tools is a plus
  • Experience developing custom scripts or programs (used for port scanning and vulnerability identification) is a plus
  • Familiarity with Windows in an enterprise environment is a plus
  • Proficiency in the English language, including the ability to listen, understand, read, and communicate effectively both written and verbally in a professional environment
  • Demonstrated characteristics of a forward thinker and self-motivator who thrives on new challenges and adapts to learning new knowledge
  • A strong work ethic

Advisory Manager Cybersecurity Attack & Penetration Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Effectively lead and motivate client engagement teams and provide technical leadership in the assessment, design, and implementation of security and IT risk solutions
  • Define technical and business requirements for threat & vulnerability management solutions as well as business processes and policies related to controlling access to systems and applications
  • Develop cyber threat & vulnerability management strategies relating to application penetration testing and application source code review. Perform vulnerability assessments and penetration tests in internet, intranet, and wireless environments
  • Perform scanning and discovery for open ports and services. Apply appropriate exploits to gain access and expand access as appropriate. Produce reports documenting discoveries during the engagement
  • Generate new business opportunities by participating in market facing activities and developing thought leadership materials. Understand EY and its service lines. Actively encourage team members to contribute ideas and identify opportunities to introduce Ernst & Young LLP services
  • Demonstrate excellent project management skills, inspire teamwork and responsibility with engagement team members, and use current technology and tools to enhance the effectiveness of deliverables and services
  • Foster an innovative and inclusive team-oriented work environment. Play an active role in counseling and mentoring junior consultants within the firm. Participate in research and provide recommendations for continuous improvement
  • Consistently deliver quality client services. Drive high-quality work products within expected timeframes and on budget. Monitor progress, manage risk and ensure key stakeholders are kept informed about progress and expected outcomes
  • Use knowledge of the current IT environment and industry trends to identify engagement and client service issues, and communicate this information to the engagement team and client management through written correspondence and verbal presentations. Stay abreast of current business and industry trends relevant to the client's business
  • Foster relationships with client personnel to analyze, evaluate, and enhance information systems to develop and improve security at procedural and technology levels
  • A bachelor's degree and a minimum of 5 years of related work experience, or a Master’s degree and approximately 4 years of related work experience in the fields of computer science, information systems, engineering, or a related major preferred
  • Approximately 4-5 years of experience preferred in one or more of the following areas: attack and penetration testing; security testing of web-based applications; application security source code assessments
  • Strong Unix, NT, networking and wireless security skills and a deep understanding of TCP/IP networking
  • Strong technical skills related to a broad range of operating systems and databases; experience with programming languages such as Java, C, C++, C#, asp, and .NET
  • Manual attack and penetration testing experience above and beyond running automated tools is a plus; understanding of web-based application vulnerabilities
  • Experience developing custom scripts or programs (used for port scanning and vulnerability identification) as well as application development is a plus
  • Prior military/government background is a plus
  • Excellent leadership, presentation, and client service with advanced written and verbal communication and presentation skills
  • A valid driver's license in the US and a valid passport required; willingness and ability to travel domestically and internationally to meet client needs; estimated 80% travel required

Control Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establishing and operating a local control testing program
  • Develop and deliver local program specific communications and education to stakeholders on risk and control related matters e.g. local technology and information security governance forums
  • Plan, perform and/or supervise testing of controls and/or policy compliance, providing regular management reporting on progress to meet regional requirements
  • Monitor and reporting on status of identified issues impacting relevant programs
  • Working knowledge of key Technology & Data and Information Security concepts e.g. data classification, protection,
  • Audit (internal or external)
  • Technology Risk Governance
  • Information Security / IT Security (e.g., Entitlements Management, Segregation of Duties, Threat Management, Penetration Testing, Strategy)
  • Technology / Information Security Policy / Procedures
  • Certified in Governance for Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
  • Certified Information Security Professional (CISP)

Hris Testing & Audit Coord Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform HR system testing for the WDPR segment, including Employee Life Events and/or Time/Pay testing, as well as testing of interfaces between key systems
  • Process transactions, data entry, run reports and validate results in order to support testing efforts
  • Develop, maintain and distribute end user support documentation
  • Partner with other technical and functional organizations to meet shared goals and timelines
  • Minimum 1-2 years of SAP experience
  • Proven proficiency in Microsoft Office products
  • Demonstrated problem solving and decision making skills
  • Proven ability to handle confidential information
  • Previous experience with ALM or similar testing tool
  • Previous experience with Service Manager, ServiceNow or similar system
  • Demonstrated proficiency with Microsoft Access
  • Proven background in system testing
  • Demonstrated strong business planning skills

Testing & Development Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in coordinating the testing activities
  • Assist in managing the on time receiving, shipping and tracking of
  • Excellent communication Skills – written and verbal
  • Good working knowledge of Excel, Outlook and other Microsoft programs
  • Ability to travel domestically and internationally by plane or car as required
  • Good Computer literacy (Outlook, Word, Excel) a must
  • Knowledge of Rock Climbing, the outdoor industry and/or Mountain Biking preferred
  • Strong Critical Thinking Skills plus the ability to analyze and interpret information to solve problems
  • Inline Prototype Samples
  • Special Test Samples
  • PR Samples and Elite athlete sample support where needed
  • Assist in ensuring all above samples, results and tasks are on time in line with the Creation Calendars
  • Assist in developing and maintaining the tester pool to match to the brands expanding product line and size requirements
  • Assist in coordinating with Sports Marketing team when products are tested with Elite team to ensure all communications are understood and tasks followed up
  • Assist in storing and cataloging fit and wear tests samples so that they can be used as reference shoes for future comparison

Credit Risk Testing Analytics & Implementation Resume Examples & Samples

  • BA/BS Operation Research, Mathematics, Statistics, or other quantitative discipline. Masters degree of similar quantitative discipline strongly preferred
  • 2+ years of experience in an analytical capacity is required
  • Excellent project management skills and familiar with Quality control process
  • Proficient in SQL, SAS, and/or R programming in a UNIX environment
  • Ability to develop and perform validation analysis that addresses concerns and issues in a clear and concise manner
  • Ability to develop partnerships across multiple business and functional areas
  • Strong written and oral communication skills. Comfortable presenting work to peers, cross functional businesses & senior management

Testing Applications Software Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and develop automated testing software algorithms
  • Design and develop new testing software functionality as requested by test engineers
  • Design and develop Microsoft Access database tables to support automated testing
  • Maintain MS Access database by compacting and backing up the data on a regular basis
  • Maintain, configure, and install IMC data acquisition software
  • Maintain, configure, and install ATI Vision data acquisition software
  • Maintain source control for all developed software using SVN version control application
  • Create and maintain documentation pertaining to all software applications used in automated testing
  • Present new versions of automated testing at least once per quarter and as needed
  • Present training lessons to new test engineers on the proper usage of all testing software
  • Troubleshoot and debug testing procedures which may include hardware and software solutions
  • Design, develop, and deploy test data reports using Microsoft Access database and reporting tools
  • Design, develop and deploy inventory control database
  • Design, develop, and deploy a department wide part tracking system to include barcode scanners and user friendly front end software applications
  • Utilize Ford’s standard APDM software package on a regular basis to backup raw test request data and to backup archived versions of the testing database
  • As the lead APDM user, present user lessons to new engineers that join the department
  • Provide first level IT support for all eDrive dyno systems by maintaining pc software, hardware, and machine interfaces such as CAN, USB, and ETHERNET
  • Create failsafe procedures to ensure prevention of data loss and provide high data integrity for all testing processes

Voice Support & Testing Team Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage resourcing and allocations
  • Conduct and participate in performance appraisal of team members
  • Prepare reports and other documentation on the status of deliverables
  • Manage Voice & Voice Recording alerts and dashboards
  • Engage with various vendors and internal teams to address incident and problem tasks

Digital Testing & Personalization Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop, communicate and manage the testing and personalization vision and roadmap, prioritizing initiatives that deliver short-term value and learnings while maintaining progress toward the long-term vision
  • Lead all phases of testing and campaign implementation to ensure roadmap is on track and executed in a timely manner
  • Serve as the Subject Matter Expert on Ecommerce Testing, Recommendation and Personalization
  • Lead the UA cross-functional testing team to define and operationalize work flows required to successfully execute personalized campaigns and website tests
  • Provide proactive recommendations to improve site performance based on understanding of ecommerce goals, current site performance, UA customer behavior and external trends
  • Work closely with the analytics team to effectively measure, analyze and quantify the financial impact of all tests and personalization initiatives
  • “Tell a good story” – translate the empirical learnings into a compelling story geared toward action and impact
  • 3+ years relevant experience with a/b and multivariate testing, online personalization or site recommendations
  • Demonstrated experience in designing, executing and analyzing A/B and multivariate tests, onsite targeting campaigns or onsite recommendations
  • Strong marketing background with a track-record of driving results
  • Proven project management skills – effective collaborator and consensus builder with a focus on completing on time and on budget
  • Understanding of digital experience technologies from both a marketer’s and consumer’s point of view
  • Strong analytical and strategic thinking coupled with strong oral and written communication skills (e.g. be able to synthesize and articulate results into a strategic plan)
  • Team player that works well with partners from other departments and has the ability to influence without direct reporting accountability
  • Ability to work autonomously, be a “self starter”, solve problems and overcome obstacles
  • Must be willing to work in a fast-paced environment with an openness to change as our company grows
  • Maintain a positive, enthusiastic and energetic demeanor which helps foster an upbeat working environment
  • Experience: minimum of 3+ years in a digital marketing, CRM or website testing role
  • BA/BS with significant coursework in Marketing, Business or Statistics
  • Demonstrated experience with testing, recommendation and personalization platforms required
  • Experience with Adobe Analytics, Core Metrics or Google Analytics preferred

Lead Engineer, Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drive the overall testing of Sirius XM applications and all associated APIs/interfaces
  • Define test specifications based on product requirements for the specific focus area assigned for the test lead
  • Manage the testing effort for the specific focus area assigned, with internal testers, contract testers, or 3rd party testing company
  • Oversee the test plan development, test strategy definition and test execution conducted by the 3rd party vendor responsible for the delivery of the specific applications
  • Interface with the SiriusXM internal development teams and 3rd party development teams for design, testing, and deployment of new features
  • Oversight over any internal test engineers and vendor test teams
  • Excellent time management skills, with the ability to prioritize and multi-task, and work under shifting deadlines in a fast paced environment
  • Strong experience in testing applications which interface with backend systems in a client-server environment
  • Multi-platform experience (Windows / Unix / Linux / Mobile)

Senior Digital Testing Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Undergraduate degree is a must. MBA would be an asset
  • 5 – 7 years’ experience with Interactive / Digital Marketing with a focus on conversion optimization
  • 3 – 5 years working with A/B, multivariate testing, targeting strategy and technology using Adobe Test & Target or similar type product/tool
  • Proven ability to increase conversion rates and execute testing strategies
  • Excellent knowledge of testing, targeting, best practice and trends for digital conversion funnel
  • Ability to map out testing roadmap, execute on tests, and report back learning and next steps for implementation
  • Excellent knowledge of digital customer experience and how to continually improve it using analytical data
  • Strong knowledge of digital strategy, web development/implementation, information architecture & design, digital marketing
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of the digital and mobile space
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of digital sales funnels, and conversion optimization
  • Extensive experience in using data to identify issues and create clear actions to improve website performance and KPIs
  • Excellent understanding of business objectives for digital services
  • Good knowledge of Adobe Target API, DTM and parameters (mbox, url, profile attributes etc.)
  • Strong proficiency in A/B and multivariate testing tools (Adobe Test & Target, Optimizely, Maximizer, Monetate)
  • Front end design experience including HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript (most developers who know javascript have used jquery and other similar tools like Dojo) is desirable
  • Working knowledge of API, XML integration (Used for complex test designs and does not need to be Adobe Target specific) is desirable
  • Strong analytical skills with a proven ability to proactively identify opportunities
  • Superior impact and influence skills coupled with the organizational awareness and relationship building skills needed to navigate a complex matrix environment
  • Ability to instinctively engage others to achieve positive business outcomes and make things happen through the use of positive influence
  • History of making an impact, developing and executing on strategies and delivering superior results in both the short and long term
  • Proven experience with driving leads, sales and other key web metrics through the digital channel, while deploying strategies to improve overall site traffic and conversion
  • Excellent thought leadership with the ability to question assumptions
  • Strong consultative and interpersonal skills including process development, facilitation and negotiation
  • Highly organized, self-motivated, adept at managing change and priorities with an ability to work under tight deadlines
  • Ability to work within geographically distributed and multidisciplinary teams
  • Solid technical/project management skills
  • A clear understanding of an exceptional digital customer experience
  • Proven professional with excellent written/oral communications skills
  • Ability to create / direct on brand image, revenue and profitability
  • Proven interpersonal and relationship management skills with a strong ability to manage, influence and leverage a multitude of stakeholders
  • Financial Services industry experience an asset, but not required
  • Strong proficiency in Microsoft suite (e.g., PowerPoint, Project, and Visio) and Adobe Connect
  • Strong proficiency in Adobe Test & Target (Classic, Standard and Premium)

Director, Coty Testing Institute Resume Examples & Samples

  • Key responsibilities
  • Develop the overall strategy for the testing in color cosmetics, skin care and body care in coordination with the development labs
  • Develop and ensure execution of the strategy in line with the Brand strategy supporting development and preparation of the launches
  • Ensure testing is conducted in accordance with GLP procedures
  • Ensure clinical development activities provide robust scientific support mainly for product claims but also for regulatory submissions when needed with the FDA or other authorities
  • Ensure robust testing design and data analysis and dissemination plans are in place for studies
  • Evaluate and address all clinical matters happening during clinical studies and consumer tests
  • Establishes and maintains strong and productive collaborations with Safety and Regulatory colleagues
  • Is a dynamic team player, inspiring leader and establishes and maintain strong and collaborative relationships with other R&D in Geneva and in Monaco and with different outside testing facilities to bring in house new evaluation methods
  • All of the above must be conducted with the maximum alignment between the R&D Leadership, Development labs, Marketing, Regulatory, Safety and Legal. The individual has to coordinate with all necessary functions from conception to implementation in a timing manner
  • Comply with all Company policies and procedures, including confidentiality
  • Substantial experience in the color cosmetics, skin care and personal care industries
  • Well networked with dermatologists and other key cosmetic industry influencers/stakeholders
  • Knowledge of all processes of product development, product integrity, safety and regulatory
  • Requires strong background in statistics

AML Testing Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contributing to the development and enhancement of AML "Standard and Targeted Review Programs" to be utilized by global review teams
  • 3-4 years of AML experience is essential
  • Background and understanding of relevant AML laws and regulations, and applicability to various business lines such as Cards, Mortgage, Retail, Commercial products , capital markets products, institutional and retail brokerage, and private banking

VP Compliance Inspection Unit Testing Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Depending on the individual role, professional certification may be required
  • Identifies initiatives which require changes / updates to policies. Reviews business compliance monitoring and testing activities
  • May provide compliance support, advice, and guidance to the CCO of HSBC Bank USA, N.A. and the GBM Global Markets businesses in connection with Titles VI (Volcker Rule) and VII (swap dealing activities) of the Dodd-Frank Act as it applies to each area of Compliance coverage. Ensuring that rules and regulations applicable to HSBC Bank USA N.A. as the CFTC registered Swap Dealer will be considered and their requirements incorporated in the Compliance officer’s overall day to day job responsibilities. This includes, but is not limited to, updating policies and procedures, line of business reviews, training, surveillance, registration obligations, regulatory reporting and risk assessments, and escalation of any potential issues of non-compliance to the CCO. Work with GBM line managers to see that they are informed of the Dodd Frank related requirements and assist them to implement these requirements in the GM business
  • Bachelor’s degree in business, finance, related field or equivalent experience; Master’s degree preferred
  • Depending on the role, required professional certifications may include: securities licenses and/or appropriate regulatory experience
  • Production/delivery and management/maintenance of QA testing deliverables/test assets (including Test Strategies, Test Plans, FPA, Execution Schedules)
  • Efficient in any of the ETL tool like Informatica or Abinitio
  • Should have used any of the scheduling tool like Tivoli and Control M
  • Must be proficient in writing SQL and using for any data validations
  • Must have knowledge on Oracle or Teradata database
  • Efficient in Job monitoring/debugging diverse ETL application
  • Experience in writing test scenarios/test cases and preparing test data (flat files like txt, xls, xml) for IBM DataStage Loader testing
  • Tracking defects in HP ALM and co-coordinating with all impacted stakeholders
  • Participating in technical specification review meetings for assigned projects
  • Creating an environment ready server before starting system test for individual projects
  • Be proactive and be a self-starter

Banking & Risk Management Testing & Validation Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in risk management related to daily processing, escalation of issues and proposed resolutions
  • Strong interpersonal skills, freely develops networks, builds consensus, prioritizes effectively, and develops alliances across an organization
  • Able to meet tight deadlines and has a deliver-focused approach
  • Strong sense of ownership and accountability for control environment and quality output
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and flexibility ? particularly in dealing with changing environments
  • Understanding of Bank framework, regulations and legal entities
  • Legal or regulatory experience a plus

Data Testing Business Test Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Team management (Capacity scoping, work delegation, escalation management, Project planning and execution)
  • Strong communication (written and verbal) and executive presence
  • Self Starter/ Proactive
  • Technical: ETL, DB development, SQL, Teradata, Quality Center, Macros, Excel/Access, PowerPoint
  • Test Automation Understanding and Experience
  • Audit or examination experience that includes designing and executing assessments or exams
  • Business Controls & Monitoring experience

Testing Portfolio Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Asset Finance
  • Debt Capital Markets
  • Trade Solutions
  • Working Capital
  • Sales Finance

Data Mining & Machine Learning for Radio SW Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Educational background within Computer Science/Mathematics/Statistics
  • Knowledge in Machine Learning and Data Mining
  • Experience from other similar positions (especially within Ericsson Radio) is an advantage

VP-testing Project Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • University Graduate with good honors degree; A degree in Information System or Finance/Accountancy is a plus
  • MBA or equivalent masters degree in a plus
  • 8-10 years relevant work experience in testing coordiantion and execution, releasae management roles - Financial Institutions Risk
  • Solid understanding of project delivery lifecycle from initation to rollout including all phases of testing - SIT, Fucntional tesitng, UAT, Impact testing and End to End testing in Risk
  • Testing experience with a leading consulting firm within financial services with prior project management and business analysis n Risk experience would be advantageous
  • Excellent analytical skills, numerically competent
  • Proven track record of coordnating project activities in a cross fucntional and global set up
  • Ability to collaborate across teams and manage the testing phase of project delivery with the appropriate level of rigor and discipline
  • Strong background creating project and test plans and getting them executed via various teams involved in delivery process
  • Understands business analysis and functional specification design
  • Strong system implementation/ projects and testing experience
  • Understands data flows, business processes, financial products and risk management
  • Test case development (including test scenarios and test scripts) - plus but not mandatry
  • Issue tracking and resolution
  • Excellent SQL/VBA skills (preferred)

Cib-performances Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • End to end performance testing for multiple applications
  • Requirement gathering and ownership of JIRA’s
  • Should not be just a record and replay. Hands on writing performance test scripts in Loadrunner
  • Well versed with flex scripting, asynchronous scripting
  • Memory profiling, worked on messaging systems
  • Test execution and reporting to stakeholders
  • Good knowledge of MS excel and writing macros
  • Source Code Management (Subversion/Git)

Testing Technical Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage financials and KPIs for a fluid INTL QA organization
  • Responsible for resource strategy and implementation of mature QA practices
  • Partner with several program stakeholders to ensure funding and alignment to annual plan – Seek approvals for incremental funding as needed
  • Function as a member of the leadership team participating and/or driving leadership activities not limited to strategic planning, operational oversight, and process improvement initiatives
  • A minimum of 5 years with managing organization financials and analytics/KPIs
  • Experience working with Citi internal systems to onboard/off-board resources and ensure proper project allocation. Complete understanding of the Workforce Management processes in place at Citi (or ability to learn quickly) including (Planview - allocation, time entry, reporting, TCAP, and Signing Party)
  • Excellent task management skills with a demonstrated ability to drive tasks to completion with appropriate level of decision making and/or escalation
  • Analytical mind with the ability to review material presented and identify gaps/problem areas
  • Familiarity with banking processes

Testing & Optimization Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Utilize web analytics tools to understand user behavior and identify potential issues/opportunities
  • Lead ideation and brainstorming sessions
  • Prioritize test concepts and develop/maintain quarterly testing roadmap
  • Define test methodologies and success metrics
  • Work with relevant partners to determine testing requirements (e.g., wireframes, creative assets, code) and LOE/timing
  • Oversee user acceptance testing (UAT)
  • Closely monitor live tests, provide regular status updates, and quickly resolve/escalate any issues
  • Build out user experiences through A/B or multivariate test and execute
  • Analyze tests results and present findings/recommendations to key stakeholders; achieve buy-in before promoting the winning version
  • Ability to analyze and interpret web data/statistics (5+ yrs)
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills (5+ yrs)
  • Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and/or Javascript
  • Advanced knowledge of personalization technique (5+ yrs)
  • General tracking tag management experience (3-5 yrs)
  • Basic understanding of responsive design principles
  • Project management background
  • Experience in an e-commerce environment, preferably in the retail industry (3-5 yrs)
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience (preferably in a quantitative field such as mathematics/statistics, economics,

Manager Back Testing & Missing Risk Factor Materiality Study Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure actual profit and loss is properly collected and compiled
  • Provide timely and accurate backtesting reports
  • Ensure commentaries to backtesting breaches are obtained
  • Assist in backtesting breach investigation
  • Conduct materiality studies of missing risk factors in VaR
  • Knowledge of finance and derivative products
  • Ability to prioritize and multi-task in a fast paced environment with daily reporting responsibilities
  • Ability to efficiently manipulate large amounts of data
  • Strong programming knowledge
  • Statistical analysis

Automated Driving Engineer Systems Testing & Tools Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • B.S. in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Robotics
  • Possess a strong interdisciplinary background in science and engineering with solid programming skills
  • M.S., B.S. in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics or Robotics
  • Demonstrated experience working in a team-based project from inception to finish across multiple disciplines, e.g., hardware design and implementation, data acquisition and analysis, mathematical modeling, algorithm development, application implementation, etc
  • Experience in software development, integration, testing, and validation
  • Experience with database design and maintenance, (e.g., MySQL, SQLite, NoSQL, etc.)
  • Experience using data analysis tools (e.g. Matlab) to visualize and understand experiment data
  • Proven experience in problem solving, troubleshooting, and quick thinking
  • Proficiency in a modern compiled languages such as C/C++/Java or similar
  • Proficiency with a distributed version control system (e.g. git, mercurial, bazaar)
  • Proficiency in contemporary UNIX/Linux software environments using Make, gcc, bash, etc
  • 7+ years of hands on work experience in large scale projects in the Financial Industry
  • JBehave experience working with Groovy and Java
  • Being able to quickly understand technical and business requirements and develop the framework
  • Experience in Mocking /Stubbing of code
  • Technology: - QTP, Jenkins, Selenium, Database, Quality Center, Jira
  • Masters Degree in Engineering is a plus

Senior Manager ADM / Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Secure contract fulfillment
  • Service Management
  • Procurement Management
  • Minimum Qualifications & Experience Requirements
  • Experience in deal structuring of large multi year ADM / testing deals , Familiar with various GTM models , costing & pricing framework , estimation & solutioning for deals 20M$ > or 50 Headcount
  • ADM management : Transition management , outsourcing & offshoring , SLA / KPI management , process / incident / escalation management , resource management ( people management) , contract management & contract fulfillment , Penalty clause & conflict management, 3rd Party vendor management , financial reporting & tracking
  • Test management : Testing as a service - Test planning , system test , Integration test , UAT , Functional & non Functional test , load & regression test , test environment set up , tools & process/ methodology for testing , creation of testing service offering , blueprint , risk management , defect management , multi location testing team management
  • PMP , ITIL certification desired .
  • Deep Experience in deal closure , solution sales , business development , portfolio development
  • Commercial management , pricing management

Director of Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible to setup a testing operating model ensuring quality and appropriate team structure with decision rights
  • Establish clear testing metrics to provide a view of quality along with project execution projections based on historical statistics
  • Establish a risk-based testing model ensuring quality while expediting delivery
  • Work with the tooling team to implement high-levels of automation best practices and methods ensuring appropriate test coverage
  • Implement agile testing processes across the teams
  • Responsible for analyzing projects to assess testing requirements, scope and resourcing needs
  • Ability to negotiate to win-win solutions and build relationships with stakeholders
  • Work with multiple teams in BMO (20+) to establish relationships and be seen as a leader in the testing industry
  • Build a team of leaders who drive delivery, quality and overall project execution
  • 10 years Senior Management experience within the financial sector in quality assurance
  • Experience working with a hybrid team of full-time, contract and global resourcing staff
  • Extensive knowledge of BMO’s processes, platforms and technology
  • Automation and agile experience

Analyst, Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform operational risk and/or compliance assessments across business units and evaluate the controls over existing risks and risks associated to change program
  • Provide a consultancy services to Product business lines to enable them to identify risk and successfully implement programs to manage unacceptable risk
  • Analyses the effectiveness of the existing risk & compliance framework and identifies enhancements methodologies & controls
  • Works with the business to improve business practices and processes relating to the monitoring and control of risk
  • Contribute actively to the development of operational risk and/or compliance methodologies and procedures through constant search for world best practice within own area of responsibility
  • Liaise closely with other aligned functions to ensure the transfer of information is achieved
  • Provides advice & recommendations on risk profiles, key risk indicators, controls and action plans
  • Previous Audit experience / ability to apply audit methodologies
  • Utilise data analytics to identify emerging risk
  • A strong commercial acumen and with excellent communication skills
  • Identify and report on existing risks and control issues
  • Product quality controls assurance workpapers
  • Engage with a wide variety of stakeholders and building trusted relationships
  • Identifying improvement opportunities to optimise tasks

FID IT Testing & Tools Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Valuation and impact analysis for pre-trade reviews and new business initiatives
  • New products – integrating new models into the risk aggregation and reporting framework
  • Curve and modeling changes - testing of impact and coordination of sign-offs
  • New tools - enhance the existing framework to support business initiatives
  • Deliver new product capabilities and trading tools for the Emerging Markets business
  • Write detailed technical specifications based on inputs from Business Analysts and Subject Matter Experts
  • Liaise with support team on post implementation support and production changes
  • Identify gaps in the requirements and deliverables, highlighting issues to development lead  
  • Coordinate and drive testing across FTB groups in support of business initiatives
  • Numerical or business degree
  • Prior development experience (either on Java or C#)
  • Knowledge of fixed-income instruments and derivatives including pricing, valuation and risk generation
  • Proven ability to multi-task across priorities

AM Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Test Strategy and Plan creation,
  • System Functional Testing (SFT)
  • SOA Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Carehub Testing Project Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interface with clinical project owners
  • Analyze project requests, maintain timelines, determine requirements and feasibility, and document process workflow for all services
  • Load test cases into appropriate systems
  • Pull daily metrics for testing
  • Partner with IT teams to resolve testing issues
  • Test system changes and enhancements
  • Triage and escalate testing issues as they arise
  • Experience with troubleshooting issues or problem management experience
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel
  • Strong communication skills with the ability to describe complex interactions in simple terms at various levels within the organization
  • Very strong organizational skills
  • Experience with Squids
  • Experience with clinical systems and processes

Functional Testing Quality Assurance Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Possesses a university degree/college diploma in Computer Science and related work experience with extensive business knowledge
  • Possesses an advanced understanding of SDLC and performance testing concepts, metrics analysis, methodologies and documentation standards
  • Demonstrates advanced knowledge of industry methodology standards (e.g., Capability Maturity Model Integration [CMMI] and International Organization for Standardization [ISO])
  • Knowledge in UNIX, DB2, Netezza, SQL, BOBJ; business knowledge of Basel, OSFI, Finance
  • Is able to manage multiple priorities
  • Demonstrates solid organizational skills
  • Possesses advanced understanding of relevant technologies
  • Exhibits advanced communication skills, both written and verbal

Testing Automation Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • · Need to work as Test Automations Leads to contribute in various testing streams of Guide wire implementation project
  • Develop and maintain Automation Frameworks using Selenium
  • Develop and maintain Automated Functional Testing Regression Suites
  • · Expertise in Automation Testing tools like (Selenium, Development of Selenium based frameworks etc)
  • Expertise in Defect tracking tools like Quality Center, Bugzilla
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Experience in Insurance domain
  • Experience in Banking and Capital Markets domain

Senior Compliance Officer Consumer Banking Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assists in completing annual compliance test plans as applicable in the Compliance Assessment, Testing and Tracking System (CATTS)
  • Completes transactional testing of business processes with federal and state regulatory compliance impacts, which includes but not limited to: selecting loan samples, tracking timely delivery of and maintenance of review papers, testing status and completing final review reports. Updating of all applicable compliance program documentation as applicable to each test
  • Maintains repository of testing work papers, testing plans, risk assessments and action plans identified through specific compliance testing and reviews
  • Completes other management reporting as required
  • Execute special projects as assigned by Compliance Management
  • Specific Consumer Banking operational and/or compliance experience (at least 3-5 yrs)
  • Highly motivated, results-oriented individual who is able to work independently under minimal supervision with an attention to detail
  • Requires working knowledge of federal and state compliance laws and regulations governing the consumer & business banking business. Including proven ability to apply these requirements to business practices, systems and identify and assess compliance risk
  • Consumer or Business Banking, Regulatory Compliance or Auditing experience (10+ years), Bachelors Degree a plus
  • Strong analytical, organizational, project management skills. Must possess the ability to comprehend and interpret the law and apply it to a wide variety of situations
  • Ability to manage numerous reviews, confidential and sensitive information in a professional manner in a fast paced deadline driven environment
  • Excellent verbal and written communication, as well as client management, negotiation, report/metrics and interpersonal skills
  • Strong working knowledge of all Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint)
  • CRCM designation desired

Testing Process Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • End-to-end Management of the Testing Process Team
  • Define, staff, and lead a QA Process Team
  • Define and manage the testing and QA processes to be used in ITS from unit testing through final production acceptance testing
  • Define and manage a testing automation strategy working with external groups
  • Establish a strong culture of QA and Testing within ITS
  • Work with our Customer base to understand their needs and ensure the testing process delivers high-quality products that meet end-user requirements
  • Ensure all audit requirements are managed and tracked properly
  • Manage third party relationships including external vendors, offshore teams, and consultants

Testing & Release Services India Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide leadership to the TRS team in India, providing oversight and guidance to the staff, motivating and managing the team to deliver against organizational goals, driving regional communications, and providing support for career growth for staff in the region
  • Build relationships with global functional managers to ensure there is a clear understanding of work to be delivered from India; take a leadership role in ensuring strong onshore-offshore communication
  • Work with global functional managers to implement the resource strategy, including the approach to employee / contractor mix
  • Effectively manage the staff within the organization, identifying and challenging top talent, managing up lower performers, and overall developing a highly motivated, engaged team
  • Build and manage relationships with managers across TRS, and collaborate to identify synergies / opportunities to drive improvements across Testing & Release Services in India
  • Perform demand management; balance resourcing demands across functional towers with supply of resources available. Maintain pipeline of staff, both contractors and employees, to enable organization agility and the ability to quickly respond to changes in overall levels of demand
  • Build and manage relationship with strategic vendor partners in India
  • Develop robust metrics and testing efficiency measurement for benchmarking and continuous improvement
  • Engage with regional senior management to ensure TRS is integrated into the broader India Global Service Center (GSC)
  • Accountable for India staff adherence to established test standards and procedures
  • Minimum of ten plus years of experience in testing, including quality assurance testing, test automation, and experience with testing tools (e.g., HP ALM, Quick Test Pro, Selenium)
  • Demonstrate knowledge of multiple complex applications and provide subject matter expertise to set direction and deliver test automation for more than one project and/or application
  • Experience managing regional, offshore teams in a global environment
  • Experience in working with staffing vendor partners in delivering services
  • Deep knowledge of Software Development Lifecycle and concepts, including Waterfall and Agile methods

Security Testing & Assessment Production Program Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understands the scope of application and infrastructure security assessment programs as defined by the business requirements and budget process. Participates in key planning milestones
  • Effectively executes a Penetration Test function utilizing tools such as manual security testing, and exploitation & validation techniques to identify vulnerabilities within all aspects of the application, platform and network
  • Serves as subject matter expert for application assessment (mobile and web), as well as OS, DB and Network components
  • Collaborates with the remediation coordination team to ensure identified findings are properly remediated
  • Ensures all regulatory (PCI, SOX, and etc) application assessment requirements are met
  • Identifies, confirms, and obtains participation from required cross-functional teams. Works with the other team members and Strategic Business Initiative to do this effectively
  • Builds program plans and maintains program records. Works with the business and application owners to identify and schedule all the work for end-to-end deployment required to fulfill program scope. Identifies and manages program critical paths, being mindful of upstream and downstream dependencies
  • Develop and foster relationships with business units to ensure understanding of team capabilities and incorporation of services
  • Facilitates the development and implementation of key goals, objectives, and success criteria for the program with key stakeholders and core team. Works with resource leadership to obtain and assign resources to the program plan
  • Supports the budget and resource forecasting process
  • Works with leadership and core team members to help identify and assist in making program tradeoffs to balance scope, time, and costs. Ensures proper documentation
  • Tracks and manages the program schedule and upstream and downstream dependencies. Analyzes the actual performance against the plan and makes adjustments consistent with plan objectives. Ensures program milestones are accomplished and ensures overall committed timelines are met. Documents all major plan changes in scope, approach, and date delivery
  • Communicates updates on major milestones and keeps all stakeholders informed of progress and issues. Identifies and manages proposed changes to program parameters
  • Monitors and ensures quality of program deliverables. Works with core team and key field resources to develop and monitor deployment schedule, strategies, and tools to support the implementation of programs in the field through trials and controlled customer deployments
  • Ensures operational SLAs, including POR timelines, are maintained
  • Produces complex, high-priority recurring and ad-hoc reports with the purpose of measuring progress towards goals, measuring performance against objectives, and identifying improvement opportunities in the areas of risk of compliance. Will feed this data directly into the GRC Scorecard
  • Mentors junior members of the team
  • 11+ years of direct security experience or a combination of work experience and advanced degree
  • Experience leading security programs focused on pre-production application and infrastructure risk assessment
  • Experience managing managed services security resources
  • Windows, UNIX and Linux operating systems
  • Virtualization technologies
  • MySQL/MSSQL database platforms
  • Identity and access management principles
  • Application security and encryption technologies
  • Secure network architectures
  • Network and web related protocols (e.g., TCP/IP, UDP, IPSEC, HTTP, HTTPS, routing protocols, etc.)
  • Knowledge of Risk assessment procedures, policy formation, role-based authorization methodologies, authentication technologies and security attack pathologies
  • ISO 27001/27002, ITIL and COBIT frameworks
  • Network security architecture development and definition
  • Knowledge of third party auditing and cloud risk assessment methodology
  • IOS and Android

AVP, Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demonstrated Leadership capability and experience within IT
  • Enterprise QA definition, organization, operation and implementation
  • Experience in leading QA Transformation programs
  • Talent management and leadership development
  • Create culture of customer focus
  • Deep knowledge of QA best practices
  • Senior level relationship management
  • Managing complexity and ambiguity
  • Financial management
  • Broad technology definition, delivery, improvement to technology and business partners
  • Ability to deliver high quality QA

Operational Readiness Testing Prime Resume Examples & Samples

  • Plan the ORT by conducting meetings with the project team, creating the Test Plan, creating the Test Schedule
  • Provide input to the Project Manager for the WBS and budget
  • Coordinate the ORT by ensuring the Test Cases are completed, resources are assigned and entrance criteria are met
  • Execute the ORT by conducting status calls, reviewing defects, assigning defects, organizing required retests, creating status reports, and informing all stakeholders
  • Ensure adherence to the testing guidelines and processes
  • Complete the ORT by providing a summary, ensuring exit criteria are met, conducting lessons learned session and updating the knowledge base
  • Mentor business analysts in conducting ORT, developing test strategies
  • High degree of proficiency in MS Office (Excel, Powerpoint, Word)
  • Excellent planning skills with proven ability to meet deadlines
  • Excellent communication skills - verbal, written and presentation
  • Familiarity with the 3D/BBSP / waterfall project process
  • Self motivated with the ability to influence others not under direct control
  • Ability to interface with virtual teams
  • Capable of working under pressure as well as being able to manage many activities simultaneously
  • Ability to learn quickly and retain acquired knowledge
  • Proven ability to mentor and coach others
  • Problem solving and negotiation skills
  • Ability to handle ambiguity and rapid change
  • Business analyst certification (Master's Certificate, or professional designation (CBAP)
  • Project Management knowledge
  • Manage and Support Service Delivery
  • Maintain delivery models, frameworks, job roles, assessments and strategies
  • Manage stakeholders on all levels within Global Service Delivery
  • Deploy and implement Service Delivery Strategy
  • Drive knowledge transfer

VP Director Compliance Technical Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 12 years proven and progressive financial services operations, compliance, and/or audit senior management experience gained in a large international financial institution
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree in business, related field or equivalent experience; Master's degree and/or CPA/CISA preferred
  • Well-developed managerial, interpersonal, communications, negotiation, analytical, organizational, project management and strategic and/or operational planning skills
  • Proven ability to accomplish high-level objectives in the context of annual business and compliance plans

Test Lead-functional Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execute Functional / Integration / system testing and monitor and report the Progress
  • Liaise with Development & other relevant team for Defect resolution
  • Good people management skills – Guide, Lead and motivate the team
  • Contribute to people initiatives including recruiting, retaining and training
  • Experience in Banking, Insurance, Wealth Management or Capital Markets domain is mandatory
  • Experience in Full Life Cycle Test/ Test Process Models & methodologies to analyze and address client needs
  • Good to have hands on experience in Test Automation & Frameworks
  • Good to have experience in backend testing of databases
  • Responsive & adaptable to customer and project needs
  • Exposure to Global Projects and working with Clients at onsite is desirable
  • Exposure to CMMi and Process improvement Frameworks is a plus
  • Review regulatory requirements to determine appropriate test programme coverage; and
  • Execute and coordinate reviews of specific areas of AML regulatory compliance on a region-wide basis in coordination with other AML Compliance staff, operating as a virtual team
  • The AML CTO will work on reviews both in the capacity of lead reviewer as well as participant in the reviews led by other team members
  • Based in the Dublin office the AML CTO will work with various countries in providing consultancy on control issues surfaced during compliance reviews in the respective countries
  • Reviews will be conducted based on both those planned for the year (thematic, horizontal, targeted, ad-hoc) or on account of regulatory and/or business/industry issues
  • The AML CTO will work on individual projects assigned from time to time within the AML Compliance Testing remit
  • Extensive years of overall industry experience with a background in Compliance, Risk or Audit, preferably gained in an international financial institution
  • Extensive years of AML experience is essential

Quality Assurance Test Manager With ERP Testing Exp Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conducts assessments and evaluations through analysis and interpretation of objective and subjective evidence to verify compliance to standards and applicable quality plans. Determines level of process and product quality. Develops written reports of findings; escalates unresolved issues to appropriate management levels
  • Evaluates work products to assess quality and reports findings. Researches alternative solutions to problems, determines proper approaches, makes verbal and/or written recommendations to appropriate parties and implements solutions. Implements recommendations as approved
  • Gathers, uses and analyzes defect metrics data. Presents analysis findings to the appropriate levels of management verbally and through the preparation of periodic written reports
  • Defines and maintains an effective and efficient quality programs including developing and presenting associated training and familiarization to affected staff. Revises standard practices and procedures as appropriate
  • Quality Assurance Test Manager with ERP Testing Exp - MS Dynamic AX strongly preferred
  • The key purpose of this role is to provide Software Quality Assurance services and support test activities
  • The Quality Assurance Analyst liaises with the Project Manager and team to support the success of client Projects via quality-based activities such as document reviews, quality audits, training, test planning, test case creation, risk mitigation and continual improvement
  • Technical/Product Knowledge : Familiarity with key applications: Excel, Word
  • Familiarity with working remotely
  • 5+ years experience working in a test consulting environment involving multiple projects and customers
  • Proven Experience :5+ years� senior level experience in one or several quality-related disciplines: support, testing, project management, program management, quality assurance, IT training or technical writing
  • 3+ years experience in giving presentations, training, coaching and assisting customers and project teams Attributes
  • A positive, motivated, can-do work ethic
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills
  • Totally honest, open and reliable
  • Strong strategic, problem-solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Knowledge of the application of solution-focused quality and risk-based testing
  • The ability to travel when required Technical/Product Knowledge
  • ISTQB qualifications ; Project Management qualifications (Prince 2, ITIL)
  • Familiarity with client frequently used applications: Tenrox, Sharepoint, JIRA
  • Advanced Excel (use of macros, pivot tables)
  • MS Dynamics AX, CRM and / or NAV experience
  • Familiarity with ERP / Retail applications
  • Proven Experience : Experience in coaching and training in IT, testing, quality assurance and related fields
  • Experience in technical writing
  • Reporting project status to the Quality Assurance Manager
  • Implementing and supporting the Quality Assurance Methodology within projects
  • Focus areas are: Project document reviews for test-ability, risk, scope and strategic planning
  • Collaborating with the Project Manager on test and quality-related project activities
  • IEEE:829-based Test Planning and Exit Criteria
  • Risk and gap analysis ; consulting on test approaches to mitigate risk
  • Assisting the team to establish clear test deliverables
  • Liaising with client Project Managers and teams on project Health Checks and risk assessments
  • Providing input and visibility on collaborative test planning and related activities
  • Creating and collaborating on Test Designs such as data flows, integration and decision diagrams as required by the project
  • Test Plan and Strategy creation, collaboration and management
  • Test Case Suite creation, collaboration and management
  • Reporting on test and issue metrics to the level required by the project
  • Pro-actively identifying risk, and proposing mitigations
  • Adhering to company procedures including client Eclipse�s ISO9001 Quality Management System procedures and all other standards appropriate for this position
  • Interpersonal skills for interacting with project and task team members
  • Ability to handle multiple project and task responsibilities simultaneously and switch among them quickly to meet prioritized business needs
  • Perform the Design Effectiveness (DE) and Operating Effectiveness (OE) testing as per the defined Testing Approach providing timely updates to status reporting of testing
  • Address and clear any review points raised through Quality Assurance (QA) review in a timely manner, escalating any potential testing issues / exceptions to appropriate teams
  • Maintain the Issue Logs, ensuring they are kept up-to-date and detailed, and provide timely updates to the testing status tracker and ensuring all QA review points are closed out quickly
  • Perform testing of remediated controls and escalate any potential issues immediately; Perform Non SOX testing outside of the SOX testing cycle

Head of Independent Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Designs and maintains an independent operational risk testing framework and associated program by building and codifying protocol for testing, developing tools and templates for testing/control validation activities and training a team to effectively use the program to identify strengths and weaknesses associated with key controls
  • Develops an annual Operational Risk testing plan by collaborating with the Operational Risk leadership across the first and second lines as well as business leadership to identify the most critical areas to test. This includes creating a testing schedule and executing against it
  • Supervises the testing process and oversees the creation of reports of findings
  • Reports to the Head of Operational Risk at BOW, and creates reporting for inclusion to the Operational Risk reports to Executive management and the Board Risk Committee
  • Leads, manages and supports testing teams and people development
  • Master’s/Advanced Degree
  • Years of functional/professional experience: 15 years of retail and commercial banking experience along with experience with developing and executing a testing program
  • Years of supervisory or managerial experience: 7 years
  • Comprehensive knowledge of banking regulations and regulatory expectations required
  • Extensive Risk, Compliance and/or Audit background/experience
  • Proven ability to identify issues using data and observation
  • Thorough understanding of Bank of the West's businesses
  • Extensive knowledge of testing and experience creating and maintaining a testing program
  • Strong background/experience in audit, on-site testing and/or similar areas
  • Extensive experience working the business to improve their control environment

QA-system Verification Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Java programming and shell scripting experience
  • Installing and configuring Software stacks involving Content Management Suites, Application Servers, Databases, etc
  • Exposure to Security and identity management suites, such as Tivoli Directory Server
  • Experience with Performance testing platforms such as RPT
  • UI Test Automation using Selenium and TestNG framework
  • Exposure to RTC and RQM
  • Exposure to Test automation suites and developing API-based automation
  • Comfortable working in a team employing agile development methodologies
  • Clear and specific articulation towards documentation development
  • Create and maintain reusable test data for automation scripts
  • Work with Development team to capture and reuse automated test cases during DIT
  • 3-5 years of IT Quality Assurance or Development experience in a fast-paced, time-to-market driven environment preferred

VaR & Back-testing Risk Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor or Master's degree in a quantitative field such as financial engineering (Master’s degree preferred)
  • 5-7 years of valuation of traded products experience
  • Strong written and oral communication, interpersonal and organizational skills
  • Ability to build and maintain relationships with personnel across areas and regions
  • Strong work ethic and ability to drive results
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel
  • Ability to multitask with strong time management skills
  • Understanding of VaR and other market risk metrics
  • Proficiency in Market Risk Suite (MRS)
  • Prior experience in the valuation of trading products

Testing Center of Excellence Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide primary interface and manage vendor relationship with the TCoE
  • Promote and enforce adherence to Software Quality Standards
  • Integrate TCoE with the EPO/PMO and ITIL Service Transition processes
  • Ensure availability and reliability of testing environments
  • Ensure proper execution and completion of testing
  • Develop, standardize and maintain the Testing Life Cycle Management Process
  • Provide reporting about TCoE performance, accomplishments, issues, utilization, finances, etc
  • Develop and maintain software TCoE Service Level Agreement (SLA) and requirements
  • Facilitate access to TEoE by OPS & IT testing services consumers
  • Coordinate acquisition, implementation, integration, and administration of testing tools
  • Oversee prevention and quick resolution of testing issues

Wealth Management Compliance OSJ Testing Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct inspections of the Firm’s non-branch OSJ locations
  • Development of comprehensive test plans for business unit under review
  • Conduct entrance meeting with business unit management to discuss methodology, exam scope, etc
  • Personnel to discuss exam issues
  • Prepare final report inclusive of issues and action plans
  • Prepare worksheets documenting testing results
  • Conduct exit meeting with business unit management and business risk
  • Coordinate and consult with Compliance and Law coverage when developing test plans
  • Must possess strong organizational and time management skills
  • Cultivate strong working relationships with business control groups
  • Effectively communicate and articulate issues to business unit management
  • Demonstrate a strong functional knowledge of broker-dealer products and associated rules and regulations

Team Lead Testing, Merge Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare overall Test Plans for assigned Programs
  • Develop test strategies and frameworks based on risk analysis
  • Lead program and solution level automation initiative
  • Direct QA team members and assign tasks to them based on their strengths
  • Work with release management to prioritize daily tasks of team members
  • Verify that software functions according to functional and user requirements and software design specifications
  • Assist in the testing of systems, modules and prototypes
  • Report all defects in the group’s defect tracking tool
  • Conduct ongoing regression and integration testing of the product
  • Perform installations, configurations and executions of verification procedures
  • Prepare testing effort estimates based on design and requirements documents
  • Draft test reports upon completion of test protocols
  • Explore new methods for software verification and validation
  • Work with Development and Technical teams to efficiently troubleshoot problems
  • Assist in driving escalation process within Support
  • Review installation, upgrade and system manuals
  • Create Functionality vs. Requirements Traceability Matrices and Test Environment Matrices
  • Maintain the QA testing environments
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office or other office automation software tools
  • Familiarity with defect tracking software packages
  • Must have PACS workflow experience
  • Thorough understanding of Software Quality Assurance methods
  • Thorough understanding of Integration and Solution level testing
  • Thorough understanding of QA Estimation and Scheduling
  • Thorough understanding of various types of software testing (blackbox, greybox, stress, performance benchmarking, regression, etc.)
  • Excellent computer/systems skills
  • Ability to respond to urgent situations appropriately by prioritization

Administrator Global Applications Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinate testing activities related to enhancements, projects and integration initiatives across all HBI global locations
  • Documents discussions and agreements from project design meetings. Understands project objectives, business processes, IT processes and requirements
  • Develops, writes, and communicates requirements for the testing of business solutions. Seeks technical assistance to help in problem resolution
  • Creates test plans, traceability matrix and testing schedules for each initiative
  • Drives key project/testing activities to ensure that timelines are met
  • Serves as liaison relationship with business partners and IT teams to ensure all testing related to the initiatives are satisfied to meet the business requirements
  • Creates and monitors the projects in the proper testing tools for teams to execute
  • Schedules testing facilities, timelines and resource plans to ensure deliverables are met on time
  • Investigates, resolves and escalates problems. Analyzes metrics to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Generates and publishes daily system integration and user acceptance testing updates to the project teams
  • Creates executive level updates related to status and provides PMO team to include in weekly executive project meetings
  • Works closely with internal audit from beginning to end of each initiative to ensure all testing areas are compliant
  • Manages the post go live support processes, tracking and reporting. Assists teams will resolutions
  • Manages multiple highly visible projects at one time, ensuring that all communications and deliverables are satisfied
  • Responsible for adhering to applications security procedures, change control guidelines, and coding structures, and Sarbanes-Oxley IT and business requirements
  • Bachelor’s degree and 1 to 2 years experience preferred
  • In lieu of degree a combination of education and experience will be considered with successful completion of IT Training Bootcamp once you are hired
  • Knowledge of distributed system architecture, middleware or object oriented analysis and design preferred

Managing Director, Testing Automation Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define technical strategy, roadmap and approach for the bank’s automation frameworks and implement that strategy across a large team
  • Assess the risks associated with the development aspects of each solution / project and define approach for manual versus automation testing and institute change within the team. Determine component and stub testing framework and approach
  • Effectively manage a team of 400 full-time, on-shore and off-shore resources and establish efficiencies within the team
  • Plan testing and resources to ensure adequate automated test coverage for all applications in each release
  • Be an active, engaged partner in collaborating with our development teams, architects and project managers
  • Remove roadblocks for the team and escalate critical or blocking issues when necessary and drive them to closure
  • Accountable for the successful delivery (time and budget) of all projects the test team is engaged in
  • Communicate complex technical solutions in clear, concise and easily readable format to both technical and non-technical personnel
  • Worked as a developer for 5+ years
  • Hands-on experience working with different testing automation tools, e.g. QTP, Selenium, Eggplant
  • Understanding of component, stub and overall testing methodologies and tools
  • Proficient in multiple operating systems: Linux, Windows
  • Proficient in multiple database technologies and concepts: DB2, VSAM, Oracle, SQL Server, overall knowledge of relational along with mainframe database structures
  • Familiar with continuous integration tools, e.g., Atlassian Suite
  • Familiar with source control systems, e.g., Clearcase, GIT
  • Ability to identify the right testing approach for the SDLC based on project characteristics, e.g. agile, iterative, waterfall
  • Strong leadership and motivation skills
  • Proven record in cultural change management
  • Ability to translate technical terms based on different audiences, e.g. executives, managers, working teams
  • Ability to communicate in a candid and business appropriate fashion
  • Experience building automation teams and automation CoE's
  • Experience with Code Coverage tools to measure automation effectiveness
  • Experience managing a geographically dispersed team of QA testers
  • Strong research, problem solving, and troubleshooting ability
  • Strong SDLC and Programming background
  • In depth expertise of IT development and implementations
  • Advanced working experience in a team-oriented, collaborative environment

Systems Testing Technical Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design, guide and oversee the development and implementation of processes which meet the requirements of project owners
  • Develop and maintain key relationships with all impacted business areas
  • Review and analyze results, assisting other business areas with issue resolution
  • Contribute to final decisions regarding the readiness of production installations
  • Advanced knowledge of ad-hoc query tools and data repositories that support data extraction and manipulation
  • Extensive experience creating, querying, analyzing and using Relational Databases
  • T-SQL programming experience
  • Comprehensive knowledge of all Microsoft Office applications
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Computer Science or related field
  • Applied knowledge of health insurance processing
  • Pharmacy background

Analyst Global Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review process documentation, policies, SOP’s and related controls
  • Identify risks & controls in processes
  • Test operational effectiveness of controls & procedures,
  • Design measures of improvement
  • Monitor follow-up on agreed action plans
  • Bachelor’s or University degree (accounting, finance or economics)
  • Some years of experience in Audit (Internal /External), Operational Risk & Control testing, SOX, or Compliance testing
  • Relevant working experience in a (global) banking or financial services environment
  • Ability to work in fast paced global environment, with cross border experience
  • Proven analytical, problem solving, and process oriented skills
  • Demonstrated track record & strong focus on compliance, process standardization & controls
  • Ability to interface effectively with all levels of the organization
  • Excellent computer skills, Excel, Word & PowerPoint a must
  • Experience in reporting testing results and recommendations to senior Management
  • Eye for detail and accuracy

QA-bdd Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 3 years’ experience on test automation using Selenium
  • Should be familiar with web service testing – SOAP /REST
  • Good programming skill set in Java / Ruby (Should be hands on)
  • Should be comfortable on any database platform – Oracle / DB2 / SQL

Integrated Testing Support Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ongoing management of IDDA Client testing UAT environments and LISA tool reporting
  • Provide environment support for other IAS environments supporting key testing programs and IDDA release projects including
  • Processing all agreed inbound feeds and sharing status with testing teams (automate where possible)
  • Running COB for all branches in scope
  • Outbound transmission and reporting
  • Raising, tracking and resolution of environment issues/defects in cooperation with various technology teams
  • Liaison with off-shore Bangalore/Bournemouth teams for smooth handover/work allocation
  • Support Client Coordinator in co-ordination/planning and execution of test schedule for CTC program along with scheduled upgrade and outage events
  • Provide support for technology incident management coordination and response to stakeholders, Operations and Onboarding teams involved in US testing activity
  • Develop strategic improvements to the end to end cob processing
  • Provide Management Information/Reporting to show the impact to service of technology incidents, pursue root cause and long-term resolution of recurring issues
  • Coordinate software updates & environment outages with partner application teams
  • Engage with Product Management to support tactical & strategic improvements
  • Bachelor’s or University degree (accounting, finance or economics, or related field)
  • 1 or more years’ experience in Audit (Internal /External), Operational Risk & Control testing, SOX, or Compliance testing
  • Must be willing to comply with pre-employment screening, including but not limited to drug testing, reference verification, and
  • Participate in all aspects of audit activities including risk assessments, planning, testing, evaluation, report creation, documentation, and determining effectiveness of risk mitigation plans across the Global Cybersecurity business
  • Establish strong relationships with senior Global Cybersecurity leadership, related controls groups and business auditors
  • Share knowledge, techniques and toolsets with colleagues within the team to build proficiency in the Cybersecurity Audit Team
  • Good understanding of defense-in-depth principles and network security architecture plus knowledge of what constitutes a network attack and the relationship to both threats and vulnerabilities
  • Solid comprehension of data protection strategies, network and system vulnerabilities, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), malware, emerging threats, attacks, and vulnerability management

Compliance Monitoring, Control & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Team work directly with global functional teams to support regional and country MCT leaders and regional stakeholders
  • Inform proper and prompt reporting to senior management, working directly with heads of departments
  • Ensure effective compliance monitoring for all APAC, meeting global and local regulatory requirements
  • Reduce risk of any private or public sanctions relating to the firm, staying constant vigilance
  • If any behavior or activity identified that may affect customer satisfaction will immediately take actions to remedy
  • Assist on regional projects where necessary
  • Good working knowledge of banking or securities laws from previous experience within either Compliance, Audit, or Regulatory Risk
  • Knowledge on computer skills especially MS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
  • Able to work, and proactively do so under pressure
  • Team player and also takes own initiatives
  • Strong in problem solving, data analysis while working under deadlines

Digital Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • COE model – Extent/remit of the role
  • Extending the COE to regional level changes the organizational and commercial model, as the team are contracted to provide services back to the brands/In country digital teams
  • As the model evolves globally governance structures will be established to ensure the adoption of best practices across the global Digital COE Community
  • The role holder is responsible for ensuring that all changes to the digital channels are fit for purpose to release to customers
  • Primary interactions will be with two broad groups: (a) Within the COE Team itself (b) With Regional Business and Project Teams
  • Excellent knowledge and experience of the testing process,
  • Good knowledge of the digital channels, and strong awareness of customer expectations
  • Excellent awareness of PCs, technology and the internet (including browsers, operating systems and devices)
  • Good relationship management skills to satisfy a wide range of internal and external customers with conflicting priorities
  • A strong team player – highly collaborative recognizing their specialized role in the department and acknowledging other areas/individuals roles and responsibilities
  • Good communication skills, both written and verbal, to explain complex issues
  • Good decision making skills to be able to evaluate importance of defects found during testing, based on impact
  • Enthusiastic and self-motivated
  • Innovative – the ability to approach things differently or do different things to deliver goals
  • Ability to influence and challenge to ensure that customer needs are represented

Quality Assurance & Testing Team Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing technical leadership for a team of Testers
  • Delivering appropriate Test Strategies, Test Plans and Test Schedules
  • Acting as an Ambassador for Quality Assurance (QA) across internal and external teams / clients
  • Managing the execution of UAT events towards a successful delivery
  • Participating in Post Implementation Reviews
  • Proposing and delivering innovative solutions
  • Managing defect lifecycle management
  • Working with off-shore test teams

Senior Auditor, / Ii-data Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong understanding of data quality & control and/or governance, metadata and data provisioning
  • Strong analytical skills, using SQL/Excel or similar tools to analyze large amounts of data
  • Sound organizational, analytical, oral and written communication skills
  • Ability to successfully communicate to influence management and lead change in both strategic and tactical initiatives
  • Self Starter, desire to learn, able to teach others, high energy, positive attitude, exhibits flexibility
  • Audit, Risk, Compliance, Control or Testing experience
  • Ability to work in a very detailed manner as well as to look broadly across a population and develop connections and themes identifying risk and concerns
  • Ability to juggle multiple work efforts and to quickly change direction
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Products
  • Ability to converse with management on all levels
  • Previous experience auditing Enterprise Data Management processes
  • Six Sigma knowledge/certification
  • CISA Certification
  • Familiarity with IT general controls and other IT controls as indicated in COBIT

BPM Quality Control Testing Team Lead-do Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages and oversees an offshore testing team responsible for the development and creation of system test plans and test cases, ensuring adherence to the department's standards and procedures, including all documentation/artifact requirements
  • Creates and maintains an environment that encourages teamwork
  • Provides backup for System Manager, as required
  • The Quality Control Team Lead will work with limited supervision when special situations require advice or joint problem solving effort
  • The Quality Control Team Lead will be responsible to supervise the Offshore Quality Control Testers, as well as the activities related to system testing. Manages up to employees
  • Assigns resources and monitors progress of all assignments/projects, ensuring adherence to project timelines and deliverables
  • Responsible for providing training, guidance, and knowledge sharing

Director, Testing & Assurance Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning, Management, Execution and Oversight – 35%
  • Advisory – 30%
  • Document, Monitor, Report and Escalate – 35%
  • Seasoned AML and Regulatory risk, control, Compliance, audit profession with a solid understanding of complex financial institutions (products, business, and Functions) – 10+ years of relevant experience preferably in Capital Markets)
  • Knowledge of Investment Banking and Corporate Banking, Trading Products regulations a plus
  • Solid knowledge of the Broker Dealer and Banking Regulations, which include but not limited to SEC, FINRA, OCC, FRB, CFTC, IIROC, OSFI etc
  • Strong relationship management skills; ability to establish and manage multiple stakeholder relationships with the business, within the three lines of defense and with corporate support functions
  • Proven project leadership capabilities and an ability to co-ordinate the efforts of people and resources not under their direct control
  • Ability to read technical compliance material and distil the applicability of the regulations to respective business unit(s)
  • Demonstrated program management, auditing, writing, communications and presentation skills
  • Ability to recognize material differences between planned execution and actual practice

Senior Manager, User Testing Research Resume Examples & Samples

  • Help the Fandango research team identify our internal clients’ business challenges and collaboratively shape solutions that drive their strategic initiatives
  • Work with design, product management, marketing, and others to formulate and address research questions
  • Independently plan, execute, and analyze research across all aspects of the company
  • Collaborate with quantitative researchers and other stakeholders to create a holistic understanding of our users and product experiences
  • Deliver timely and concrete findings, along with prioritized recommendations
  • Establish and maintain strong relationships between the research department and other functional areas and internal stakeholders
  • Deliver research insights in a form that is compelling, easily understood, and actionable
  • 5+ years of experience in user or market research for an entertainment company, tech startup, or digital agency
  • In-depth understanding of user-centered design principles, methodology and best practices
  • Deep knowledge of a range of qualitative research methods including surveys, in-depth interviews, lab and remote usability testing, and card sorting
  • Capable of choosing the appropriate method for a given research question and time frame
  • Ability to move quickly and adapt research to changing conditions, requirements & deadlines
  • Must be a proactive thinker who can handle multiple projects and responsibilities at once and meet tight deadlines
  • Ability to design wireframes/prototypes
  • Experience and familiarity with or other online usability tool
  • Experience with Qualtrics (Research Suite, Site Intercept, Vocalize)
  • Expert knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint
  • Working knowledge of comScore, Nielsen, Simmons and SPSS
  • Experience designing wireframes with Axure

IT Security Analyst Penetration Testing Burp Suite HP Webinspect Appscan Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and/or enhance strategies and processes to manage web application security vulnerabilities and threats for both transactional and marketing/informational web sites
  • Develop and/or enhance communication model to manage web application vulnerability remediation with the development and infrastructure support teams in support of risk management practices on behalf of the business owner
  • Develop and/or enhance reporting to development teams and all levels of management in order to provide proper tracking and measurement of remediation relative to established objectives
  • Recommend, design, assess, implement, deploy and maintain application security controls required to protect Scotiabank and its customers
  • Responsible for developing and/or enhancing the strategies and processes to identify, analyze, and communicate application vulnerabilities as per the CISO Directive and published communication process flows
  • Responsible for adherence to an established process flow that ensures development support teams, infrastructure support teams, and business risk owners implement control measures that effectively mitigate or eliminate the identified risk
  • Responsible for timely and accurate reporting of all findings to the development teams, appropriate levels of management and the business risk owner
  • Must remain current in the web application security space and to ensure web application security principles are implemented and integrated into the Bank’s web application security assessment program
  • Minimum 4 years of application security related working experience required
  • Must have a strong understanding of multi-tier Web Applications, web services, and related vulnerabilities and potentials threats
  • Must have a comprehensive understanding of the HTTP protocol, System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) and Web Programming for multi-tier web applications and web services. An understanding of JavaScript, Java, SQL, HTML, XML, ASP.NET, and VB.NET is essential
  • Must have hands-on technical working experience performing source code and/or application security assessments, including risk assessments, and penetration testing. The ability to demonstrate exploitation of vulnerabilities would be an asset, as would experience with vulnerability testing and scanning tools such as BURP Suite, HP WebInspect, AppScan, SQLMap, ZAP, and Fortify
  • Must have an understanding of gateway technologies and network devices such as Load Balancers, Proxies, IPS & WAF
  • Must be conversant in security industry best practices and principles
  • Must have strong communication skills (verbal & written) in English. The same in Spanish is an asset
  • Must have the ability to generate reports and tailor his/her communication strategy for various levels of technical staff, executive management, and business clients

Global Technology Infrastructure Risk & Controls Testing & QA Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • All Sarbanes & Oxley (SOX) testing for GTI - provide accurate and insightful test execution of the firm’s IT General Controls (ITGCs) design and operational effectiveness as related to the GTI IT SOX Management Testing program
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Program for GTI; QA will be required across all SOX Testing, Risk & Control Self Assessment (RCSA) Testing and management of Issues & Action Plans managed within GTI
  • Creation of Management Reporting for all SOX Testing and CSA/RCSA Programs – including maintain current testing metrics according to the requirements of GTI IT SOX reporting processes in order to assure that GTI SOX reporting is accurate and up-to-date
  • Identify and executing areas of improvements across internal processes - increasing efficiency and productivity across the GTI Regulatory and Controls organization
  • Considerable experience working in or with Infrastructure Technology
  • Strong relationship management and liaison
  • 3+ Years of work experience in Technology Audit, Controls, Regulatory Management or Information Risk
  • 2+ Years working at an Associate level

Testing & Optimization Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong work ethic and independent initiative
  • Understanding of the online marketing and eCommerce space
  • Microsoft Office suite - especially Excel and PowerPoint
  • Knowledge of statistical testing methodology and web analytics
  • Experience with JIRA
  • Experience with Adobe Target
  • Collaborate effectively with external testing partners/agency and internal business units around test strategy and execution
  • Organize multiple tests and timelines while communicating and updating effectively across all business units as needed
  • Work with teams to understand business needs and incorporate changes and additions into an active timeline
  • Help in establishing a global process to govern testing within BN and educate business teams around testing
  • Perform detailed analysis and set strategic test direction
  • Execute day-to-day test result reporting and test design/setup via Adobe Test & Target, Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics
  • Use analysis to draw out business insights from data
  • Translate data into a concise, logical, and digestible format for BN internal discussions and interactions
  • Present data to internal stakeholders and engage them in discussion
  • Switch gears quickly between different tests and analysis spanning across different business priorities
  • Reports into Director of Digital Optimization with regular check-ins and prioritization of tasks as well as goal setting and career development
  • 3-5 years of hands-on testing experience including testing experience in an ecommerce environment
  • Experience and/or familiarity with testing platforms such as but not limited to Adobe Test & Target, Optimizely or Monetate
  • Experience analyzing data & statistics
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to manage multiple projects at once
  • Effective at creating business reports and communicating results
  • Proficient in Windows OS, Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word and Outlook with particular proficiency at Excel (formulas, pivot tables, charts)
  • Self-motivated, eagerness to learn and accountable to work while taking directions well
  • A passion and curiosity for data-driven marketing and e-commerce
  • A passion for books and creating a fantastic online customer experience
  • Bachelor’s Degree in marketing, communications, business, mathematics, statistics or technically rigorous field, or equivalent work experience
  • Direct experience and proficient user of Adobe Test & Target, Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics platforms
  • Agency experience is a plus, especially if worked on large complex accounts
  • Vendor side experience is a plus, especially if worked for testing platforms like Optimizely, Adobe, and Monetate
  • Portfolio of IR 100-500 clients, with proven performance results that can be shared
  • Multi-channel retail experience (online and offline)

Manager of Innovation & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports the implementation of all tests to ensure the success of the Company
  • Oversees knowledge/data base to ensure all historical reports are available
  • Consults with directors, Retail partners and cross-functional peers on testing plans
  • Ensures that each test needing testing operations support has an assigned representative from the department to provide consultation on programs
  • Ensures that test ideas are channeled successfully
  • Manages test implementation for product, program and strategic initiatives that impact Starbucks Retail Business
  • Provides information, data and conclusions to key stakeholders that support the decision-making process, ensuring accountability around test next steps
  • Oversees management of template completion, correct process flow, success metrics and ensures that each department that influences testing is represented as appropriate
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks
  • Ability to reconcile divergent demands of multiple parties
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced and changing environment
  • Ability to act as a business partner in support of business units
  • Effective management and supervisory skills, including planning, organizing, developing, and monitoring partner performance
  • Ability to provide project oversight and guidance to partners for projects while remaining focused on overall business requirements

Head of Regional Testing & Risk Assessment Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead a regional risk assessment, monitoring and testing team of 12 people including discipline experts to serve as a resource to business, regional and location compliance teams
  • In conjunction with global Practices leads, champion the design and enhancement of a strong and dynamic compliance risk assessment program for the region, which is maintained consistently by/for each country across the regional footprint and underpins (inter alia) compliance monitoring, testing, training and advisory activities, and presentation to local regulators
  • Define and prosecute a dynamic programme of testing that is derived form the risk assessment process and which adequately supports the needs of the country compliance teams across the regional footprint
  • Work collaboratively across the global and regional practices team(s) to ensure that the risk assessment and testing solution remains dynamically linked to (inter alia) the monitoring, policy, training, regulatory change and issue management practices programmes
  • Build and maintain key relationships across the wider regional and global Compliance department and with key partner control functions; establishing a culture of engagement
  • Support and creatively influence needed discipline change and champion critical change initiatives; help others to anticipate and manage through change
  • Minimum 10 years experience in overseeing Compliance, Risk or Audit activities within a business
  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of compliance practices and methodologies, including risk assessment, testing and surveillance
  • Past experience executing a (compliance) risk assessment and testing program within a challenging environment of regulatory change
  • Experience managing and developing a strong team
  • Willingness to work as part of a tight practices team, where interdependencies will be common and ongoing
  • Proven track record in building good working relationships and influencing change
  • Professional maturity and confidence in expressing a point of view with senior management peers
  • Strong analytical, communication and negotiation skills
  • Track record of building relationships across global organizations and operating through influence
  • Ability to build rapport, garnering respect and appropriately exercise authority in a collaborative cross-cultural environment

Quality Assurance & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identification, reengineering & delivery of Test Tools (and integration) in order to continuously improve and deliver innovative solutions to our testing community and management
  • Accountable for managing all new Test Tool requests including Request for Information, Request for Proposal, Request for Quotation, implementation, integration etc
  • Configuration and ongoing support of technical integration into business process and testing solutions
  • Define and deliver governance model, processes and procedures to ensure compliance with DB policy and best practices
  • Plan and oversee Test Tool/Integration project delivery including the resolution of technical issues
  • Create architectural, system, data and process flow diagrams in support of designing, implementing and operational sing Test Tools/Integration
  • Responsible for understanding business requirements and development of overall technical strategy and solution to address those requirements, including defining a strategic roadmap and vision
  • Responsible for developing world class delivery framework of technology solutions to be delivered to all stakeholders
  • Provide regular updates to stakeholders, application owners, and Program Managers
  • Ensure capturing of risks and issues with mitigation and remediation plans
  • Provide ad hoc support for management updates, governance, documentation of presentations
  • Minimum 15 years of experience in various aspects of Application/Software architecture/design/development and support with particular focus on Test Tool integration and configuration
  • Strong experience and in depth knowledge of Test Life Cycle Tools and open source integration
  • Strong experience and in depth knowledge of software development methodologies including waterfall and agile,
  • Strong leadership skills and ability to work and deliver in a large and dynamic organization is also key to this position
  • Strong experience designing / developing with n-tier architectures (UI, Business Logic layer, Data Access layer)
  • Excellent knowledge of architecture/design patterns, Object Oriented Design methodologies, SOA, and SOAP
  • Strong communication and presentation skills with the ability to articulate and sell a vision
  • Passion for Technology with strong desire to learn and succeed

IHC Testing Compliance Officer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct compliance reviews under the direction of the Americas Head of Compliance Testing and the Head of IHC Testing in order to assess and review compliance with legal, regulatory and internal firm policy requirements applicable to IHC implementation and EPS requirements
  • Assist in developing a review work plan based on the results of the annual compliance risk assessment, in consultation with the Americas Head of Compliance Testing, the Head of IHC Testing and the Head of US Bank Compliance. Ensure review work plan addresses regulatory priorities and that reviews are designed to meet applicable regulatory guidance
  • Escalate potential issues and exception items noted during the review process to senior management for discussion and further investigation if deemed necessary
  • Strong knowledge of banking regulations, including the rules and regulations of the FRB, OCC, FDIC and/or CFPB
  • Strong knowledge and experience within regulatory audit, financial controls, or regulatory compliance testing or advisory
  • 10+ years’ experience with a financial services firm and/or self-regulatory organization in a role that relates to banking products and services, risk management, and/or finance control
  • Knowledge and experience with CCAR, U.S. Basel III, liquidity, or IHC implementation are desired, but not a must

Regional ICG Testing Head-senior VP Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing and motivating teams
  • Identify talent for execution of the ICG Testing program
  • Ability to build a rapport and , garnering respect and appropriately exercise authority in a collaborative cross cultural environment
  • Relevant professional qualifications in Audit or Accounting
  • The candidate should have an experience 13+ years at least in Compliance, Risk or Audit activities in a Bank
  • In depth knowledge of ICG business , Markets Business in particular
  • Understanding of banking control and compliance issues and knowledge of audit standards and methodology
  • Good at building good working relationships across silos, effective at collaborating with others, and influencing change
  • Professional maturity ,raises issues, challenges traditional approaches; unafraid to raise issues and speak out one's views

AML Analyst, AML Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding of AML regulatory and compliance requirements with strong ability to quickly grasp and identify applicability to a wide range of business elements including products, services, operations and systems globally
  • Extensive analytical skills; ability to organize and bring order to data and information, drawing conclusions and making appropriate recommendations
  • Confident and comfortable interacting with all levels of employees within TD
  • Ability to work independently, think critically, and manage deadlines while multi-tasking
  • Min. 3-5 years of relevant experience such as internal/external audit, compliance, AML, financial services industry or regulatory experience

Anti Money Laundering Testing & Training Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years of prior BSA/OFAC and Compliance experience
  • 3+ years in a leadership or management role
  • Experience in providing support or oversight to technology applications
  • Expert knowledge of Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering, USA Patriot Act, and OFAC
  • Ability to interpret and disseminate regulatory changes
  • Experienced presenter, with excellent communication skills and ease interacting with Senior and Executive level management

Supervisor, IT Performance Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years’ IT Performance Testing experience in a supervisory role
  • 5+ years of experience with Cloud-based application testing
  • 5+ years of experience with mobile application testing
  • Bachelor’s degree in MIS, Computer Science or relevant technical discipline
  • Six Sigma Expertise is preferred
  • Ideal candidate has practical experience in all systems life cycle phases
  • Ideal candidate has knowledge and practical experience in core development technologies
  • Strong troubleshooting and problem resolution skills

Testing Roles Resume Examples & Samples

  • Have a strong background in analysis
  • Previous experience in the banking domain
  • Experience in Murex
  • Experience with hands on development
  • Inhouse Java, hands on development experience
  • Cucumber, BDD and programming experience
  • Murex experience is a must
  • 10+ years of experince in testing
  • Developers in Murex are welcome to apply
  • Strong Java skills is a must

Testing & Control Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Under minimal direction, interface with several layers of the organization to obtain information related to Controls
  • Actively participate in planning, execution and reporting of compliance IT control testing engagements
  • Perform compliance IT control testing in accordance with department and professional standards
  • Specific compliance control testing responsibilities will involve planning and execution of IT control and substantive testing where applicable, assistance in the review of testing, and evaluating results to determine if issues exist. Communicate findings to management
  • Independently perform scripted testing of controls and communicate results
  • Research and assess regulatory requirements for respective subject matter
  • Assess business unit process and controls and provide feedback on effectiveness and efficiency of testing approach
  • Multitask assignments and meet established deadlines
  • Adhere to applicable compliance/operational risk controls in accordance with Company or regulatory standards and policies
  • Understand and adhere to the Company’s risk and regulatory standards, policies and controls in accordance with the Company’s Risk Appetite. Identify risk-related issues needing escalation to management
  • Bachelor’s degree in a business related curriculum and a minimum of three years’ previous experience in compliance, operational risk management, or audit; or a minimum seven years’ general banking experience required, OR, in lieu of a degree a combined minimum of seven years’ higher education and/or work experience including three years’ previous experience in compliance, operational risk management, or audit; or a minimum of seven years’ general banking experience
  • Ability to exercise judgment and sound discretion and understand when either Corporate
  • Knowledge of banking regulations and/or auditing standards
  • Ability to thrive in a collaborative, team-oriented environment
  • Proficiency with personal computers as well as pertinent software packages such as SQL, Excel, and MS Access. Able to run queries based on these tools as well as reporting
  • Experience using SAS and or ACL for Data Analytics, data mining, business analysis, and report development in the financial sector
  • Ability to mine data in both a mainframe and distributed environment

Manager Digital Testing & Optimization Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports strategic A/B and Multivariate test plan development to achieve business growth objectives
  • Ensures flawless design and execution of tests and ensures rigorous analysis of results to surface consumer insights and inform future test plans
  • Consults with cross-functional teams, as well as regional teams, to identify, define, size, and prioritize strategic tests for sales optimization
  • Stays current on industry and competitive dynamics and developments that will lead to improved sales channel and demand generation marketing in the e-commerce distribution channels
  • Identifies issues, analyzes available data and information, and recommends changes to management
  • Creates and maintains multiple operational reporting tools
  • Provides analytical support of actual results against budget and feasibility of proposed business strategies
  • Consolidates data reports and delivers to help drive data-based strategic decision making
  • Provides analysis prior to and following any recommended changes
  • Creates and maintains compliance reports that identify discrepancies within the Company's billing systems
  • Ensures accuracy of data through partnerships with team members. Provides day-to-day validation and spot checks
  • Is the lead on preparing reports to be used by other departments to correct billing issues
  • Gathering and analyzing threat intelligence
  • Participating in cyber breach investigations including forensic and malware analysis
  • Assisting with the design, build, and delivery of client Security Operation Center services
  • Performing penetration assessments in internet, intranet and wireless environments including discovery of network devices and running service and vulnerability scanning, and exploits of identified vulnerabilities to gain or expand access as appropriate
  • Participating in activities involving web- based application penetration testing and application source code reviews
  • Listening attentively and actively and asking pertinent questions in order to deliver facts, opinions, and analyses in a way that keeps the listener’s attention
  • Taking full responsibility for tasks including consistently reviewing own work to identify and improve own approach for producing quality work products. Completing work in a timely manner and take responsibility for all work outputs
  • Developing rapport with others by demonstrating an understanding of their concerns, needs and issues, and focusing on developing an internal network of relationships that can provide advice and support
  • Providing feedback to the team about new or emerging client needs and demonstrating an understanding of EY's key competitive capabilities and value propositions for relevant clients. Seeking, developing, and presenting ideas to apply EY's services
  • Utilizing technology and tools to continually learn and innovate, sharing knowledge with team members and enhancing service delivery
  • Applying root cause analysis to identify and assess problems and key drivers of success. Developing potential conclusions from data with limited complexity
  • Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 2 years of related work experience; or a Master’s degree and approximately 1- 2 years of related work experience in the fields of Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Business or related major
  • Strong Unix, Windows, networking and wireless security skills
  • A deep understanding of TCP/IP networking
  • Strong technical skills related to a broad range of operating systems and databases
  • An understanding of web- based application vulnerabilities
  • Experience with programming languages such as Java, C, C++, C#, asp, and .NET is a plus
  • Experience with attack and penetration assessments is a plus
  • Experience with security testing of web based applications is a plus
  • Experience with application security source code assessments is a plus
  • Knowledge of various intelligence collection disciplines including SIGINT, HUMINT, and OSINT is a plus
  • An understanding of emerging threat characterization frameworks such as OpenIOC, STiX, CybOX, and MAEC is a plus
  • Demonstrated understanding of network intrusion methods, incident response, and host and network- based forensic investigations is a plus
  • Experience using open- source and commercial information gathering and intelligence tools is a plus
  • Experience with EnCase, FTK, or Sleuthkit is a plus
  • The ability to perform basic static and dynamic malware analysis is a plus
  • The successful candidate must hold or be willing to pursue related professional certifications such as the CISSP or equivalent

FHC Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Communicate/escalate test results, including issues and approved action plans to Compliance management and the business and/or control function being tested
  • Review test work-papers and test reports completed by junior staff to ensure conclusions, issues and action plans and work paper documentation are accurate, complete and consistent with Firm testing standards
  • Manage special testing projects impacting the group
  • Work with regional Compliance testing functions to promote a consistent application of the testing standards
  • Track, escalate and report the status of compliance testing issues and corrective action plans, including the verification process, agreed upon with Business Units and/or Control functions
  • Have 8-12 years of Compliance testing, internal audit experience and/or experience within a financial services regulatory agency (e.g., Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Reserve)
  • CPA/IA Certification/CA

A/B Testing Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage testing roadmap that identifies testing opportunities and all pertinent information regarding those tests including test design, timelines, hypotheses, success metrics and testing requirements
  • Own A/B and multivariate test execution, documentation, instrumentation and validation/QA
  • Monitor tests throughout their lifecycle to ensure testing fidelity and validity
  • Thoroughly analyze tests, compile results and present them to stakeholders in a timely manner, providing recommendations and next steps
  • Create tools and processes to communicate current results and archive past learnings
  • Recognize and resolve data or tool inconsistencies and gaps that impact testing success
  • Minimum of 2 years’ experience
  • Experience using web analytics programs such as Omniture, Google Analytics, or related tools.Omniture experience is highly preferred
  • Background in HTML/JavaScript, Website Usability, and Customer Psychology are desired
  • Strong quantitative/analytical skills
  • Proficiency in Excel
  • Experience at a B2C e-commerce company a plus

Safety Testing Compliance Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review safety testing to ensure consumer products safety compliance
  • Notify licensees of missing or incomplete safety testing
  • Keep up to date on all US and Canada safety regulations
  • Handle all safety test failures and factory recalls
  • Assist with worldwide product review and process
  • Communicate Safety regulations both internally and externally
  • Liaise with parent company on related issues
  • Maintain database for future reference
  • Assist between the Brand Assurance, royalty reporting department, sales, accounting departments
  • On an ad-hoc basis complete weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports to upper management
  • 2 – 5 years of safety experience with consumer products
  • Prior knowledge of US and Canada safety rules
  • The candidate should be hard working, strong communicator, conscientious, meticulous, and possesses a keen willingness to learn the details of the licensing business of Marvel Entertainment Inc
  • Deliver exceptional client service within an innovative and inclusive team-oriented work environment
  • Foster relationships with client personnel at appropriate levels. Consistently deliver quality client services. Drive high-quality work products within expected time frames and on budget. Monitor progress, manage risk and ensure key stakeholders are kept informed about progress and expected outcomes. Stay abreast of current business and industry trends relevant to the client's business
  • Support and enhance business development opportunities. Understand EY and its service lines and actively assess/present ways to serve clients. Develop and maintain long-term client relationships and networks. Develop relationships with team members across all EY practices to serve client needs
  • Demonstrate deep technical capabilities and professional knowledge. Demonstrate ability to quickly assimilate to new knowledge and contribute to the development of service to meet ongoing client needs. Possess relevant business acumen with an ambition for further development
  • A bachelor's degree and a minimum of 2 years of related work experience; or a graduate degree and approximately 1-2 years of related work experience; a minimum of 1+ years of relevant experience at a financial services company or comparable experience working as an advisor to a financial services company
  • Understanding of typical capital markets and other banking instruments, their characteristics and uses in the capital markets; technology experience across the systems development lifecycle supporting one or more of the risk management domains described above (Credit, Market, Liquidity, Enterprise Risk)
  • Demonstrated technology competencies in one or more of following areas

Testing Practice GM Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages the direction of the accounts by establishing and articulating account growth and client satisfaction goals in relation to client expectations. Plans, manages, and controls sales and marketing activities to reflect customer trends, market fluctuations and changes in business practices/technology
  • Impacts customer business strategy and sells solutions across the company solution portfolio. Establishes and articulates innovations and growth opportunities for customers and the company. Ensures client satisfaction and broadening of offerings with potential new customers
  • Identifies value for the client by providing leadership and influencing direction and innovation. Manages customer relationship. Serves as the single point of contact for customer. Establishes relationships proactively and grows customer intimacy. Develop an understanding of the client business challenges and help formulate solutions for the client needs
  • Collaborates with the Global Practices to establish their short- and long-term strategies to deliver services to customers within reasonable schedules and budgets. Provides support for projects of medium complexity. Facilitates the integration of business solutions to ensure that client needs are met
  • Establishes operational objectives and work plans, and delegates assignments to team. Reviews objectives to determine success of operation. Develops and evaluates personnel to ensure the efficient operation of the function
  • Interfaces directly with clients on a daily basis to ensure customer satisfaction with the solutions, develop stronger on-going relationships, build new and broader relationships and identify additional opportunities for company solutions. Facilitation of resolution on specific client issues
  • Helps manage invoicing and the collection of accounts receivable of their portfolio of accounts and manages to the stated days sales outstanding and margin targets
  • Assists in developing, modifying and executing company policies
  • Acts as the liaison with operations and resource management. Assists in deploying resources to support business needs
  • Provides leadership and work guidance to personnel on assigned accounts
  • Master's degree or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Master's degree in accounting, finance, business administration or related field preferred
  • Twelve or more years of business development or sales support experience, project management experience preferred
  • Seven or more years managing people
  • Five or more years of project leadership experience included
  • Experience working with project management principles and practices
  • Experience working with company products, services, competencies, solutions, and offerings
  • Experience working with standard company sales methodologies and supporting tools and applications
  • Strong interpersonal and presentation skills for interacting with team members and prospective clients up to the executive level
  • Strong sales skills
  • Strong strategic management and planning skills
  • Strong communication skills to listen to the client, ask thought provoking questions and articulate back for solutioning
  • Ability to lead and work in a team environment
  • Ability to use own judgment and take initiative in problem resolution
  • Ability to understand and identify with client business and business conditions

Performance Testing Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two years of college and ten years of Performance testing experience or in lieu of a degree twelve years of relevant experience
  • In depth knowledge of Cobol/Hogan or other programming language utilized within the area. Experience with JCL, flow charts, and MVS system utilities
  • Experience with Silk or other performance and monitoring tools
  • Familiarity with Load balancing, HTML, AJAX, SQL
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Fifteen years of experience in Performance testing
  • Experience with Cloud testing technologies
  • Five years or Technology Leadership

Associate, Controls Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Planning, Management, Execution and Oversight – 5%
  • Advisory – 10%
  • Document, Monitor, Report and Escalate – 85%
  • Seasoned AML and Regulatory risk, control, Compliance, audit profession with a solid understanding of complex financial institutions (products, business, and Functions) – 2+ years of relevant experience preferably in Capital Markets)
  • Excellent judgment and interpersonal skills, who can consult, influence, collaborate, effectively challenge colleagues across first, second and third line and the business groups
  • Strong analytical skills – analyze the evidence collected on remediated controls and determine if there is substantive conformance with requirements
  • Ability to communicate questions and requests in a professional and clear manner
  • Advanced educational degree is desirable – JD / MBA preferred

Analyst, Field Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create, implement, lead and manage Footwear Field Testing for varies other testing plans including determining the quantity of prototypes tested per season working together with the category development team
  • Ensure the quality of Footwear by conducting tests on athletes with a focus on fit, performance, functionally and durability
  • Maintain an active high level recruiting plan and database for qualified testers
  • Work with athletes/testers to provide prototype feedback along with researching relevant variables which could potentially affect product and/or processes
  • Optimize research and lead data collection process
  • Provide clear and precise feedback communication, verbally and/or written, to your category by summarizing results and offering analysis to the category development team
  • Collaborate with external assets (testers, consultants, facilities, coaches, athletes, etc.) and internal teams including (Development, Design, Biomechanics, Consumer Insights, Factory Partners, footwear Teams, etc.)
  • Effectively and efficiently communicate externally with teams, schools, athlete contacts and wear testers in other intended product market segments
  • Use your understanding and experience of the athlete and the footwear creation processes to offer suggestions in regard to fit and performance issues that need attention prior to production
  • Build new relationships, promote teamwork and cross-functionally communicate effectively and efficiently with Developers, Designers, PLM, Product Integrity and other various Under Armour departments
  • Education: Bachelor’s degree required, preferably in a relatable field
  • Experience: Solid understanding of footwear design, construction and materials. Experience working with footwear, perception, and consumer testing
  • Ability to engage and recruit testers (experience in a consumer relation position)
  • Experience analyzing trends and making recommendations
  • Experience managing and prioritizing
  • Ability to take the lead, the initiative when required. Create, implement and follow strategic plans to completion
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills. Ability to work with multiple personally types and levels
  • Proven ability to organize and prioritize multiple complex projects/tasks with sensitive deadlines
  • Proven knowledge and experience of testing category
  • Experience recruiting and communicating with testers/public along with obtaining clear, precise prototype feedback
  • Proven proficiency with variety of computer software applications in word processing, spreadsheets, database and presentation software (Microsoft Office)
  • Ability to travel up to 20% of the year
  • Ability & willingness to work occasional evening and weekend hours

Volker Testing CCT Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conduct compliance reviews under the direction of the UK Head of GM CCT in order to assess and review compliance with legal, regulatory and internal firm policy requirements and work with the business and other stakeholders to design appropriate remedial actions to mitigate identified risks
  • Engage with senior management in Compliance, the business and other control functions to provide overview of significant risks and control gaps
  • Assist the team in drafting periodic reports to senior management and regulators, as well as in various other ad hoc projects

Controls Testing CoE Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing the Scope
  • Relevant professional qualification (CISA, CISSP, CRISC, CISM)
  • Knowledge or professional qualification in frameworks (PMP, COBIT, ITIL)
  • Practical experience in Build-The-Bank or Run-The-Bank environments
  • Conduct annual Technology Control Self Assessments (TCSA) and Automated Business Controls (ABC) testing for critical Investment Banking applications
  • Develop a deep understanding of technology risk assessment frameworks, Investment Banking applications
  • Ensure accuracy and consistency in the assessments and control testing work; Ensure adherences to SOX methodology and other requirements; Conduct quality assurance to ensure accuracy and consistency
  • Ensure timeliness of tasks and assessments assigned to the individual and the team
  • Identify potential bottlenecks and proactively engage with the stakeholders to remove any obstacles that may cause delay in the execution; Escalate in timely order in case further management involvement is necessary
  • Clearly identify and articulate the risk; Ensure appropriate remediation plan is agreed with the technology stakeholders; Ensure the remediation action lifecycle management in timely manner
  • Ensure gap closure requests are reviewed in timely manner
  • Ensure consistency in gap closure criteria that is being applied
  • O Banking, Technology Risk, Audit domain

Compliance Program Mgr-independent Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration or related field; Master’s/Advanced Degree-preferred
  • Required license(s) or certification(s) CRCM or CRP or CAMS or various FINRA licenses-preferred
  • 5-7 Years of functional/professional experience of Regulatory Compliance and/or Banking experience
  • 3-5 Years of supervisory or managerial experience supervisory/managerial
  • Experience in quality control, testing, auditing, or examining as it relates to compliance
  • Ability to analyze, communicate verbally or in writing and make recommendations effectively regarding complex laws and regulations to line personnel and senior management
  • Highly Effective regulatory research skills
  • Minimum 5 years related bank compliance experience at major banking institution or regulatory agency
  • Strong knowledge of and professional experience of the Bank Secrecy Act, USA PATRIOT Act and FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual
  • Exceptional communication skills (both written and oral)

Manager Concept Testing Apparel Resume Examples & Samples

  • Evaluate , analyse and communicate test results to respective counterparts, guarantee impact on material or concept level; raise and escalate issues to Senior Manager to avoid claims or negative impact on NPS
  • Develop and establish customized test procedures according to sports scientific requirements
  • Fluent in English ( written and spoken )
  • Min.5 years of progressive working experience in textile business, product testing or related sports science

MYS Ctsm Kl-user Accpetance Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supporting Team Lead/Module Lead on regional initiative like (eg Rainbow) / Country hubs and provide quick analysis & resolutions
  • Executing and support pre-UAT activities & closure process
  • Interfacing with the local/region Business, Compliance, AML Compliance/AML Technology & Business Technology representatives to manage and track transaction codes change requests end-to-end upon Module Lead/Lead absent
  • Supporting Team Lead/Module Lead in Meeting project timeline and ensuring test result standard & quality
  • Supporting in providing subject matter expertise for developing an automated work flow tool
  • Supporting Team Lead/Module in implementing integrated processes and procedures aimed at meeting internal and external regulatory or policy guidance
  • Demonstrated ability to perform detailed analysis of raw data based on policy and work instructions

Manager Concept Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain highest knowledge of relevant apparel concepts, continuously strengthen own technical expertise and ensure that any new testing requirement is built in the testing set-up; support Senior Manager in establishing new standards
  • Coordinate and execute testing activities according to adidas-Group quality standards to guarantee powerful results for milestones and given timelines
  • Ability to motivate and mentor others
  • University degree in sports science or related field

Agile & Testing Functional Analyst Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to define hybrid agile business scenarios, processes and functional requirements
  • Ability to conduct fit/gap/manual analysis
  • Ability to develop functional test scripts to support testing toolset (Agile Manager (AgM), Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Unified Functional Testing (UFT))
  • Understanding of master data required within a hybrid agile environment
  • Ability to conduct internal training of support resources
  • Able to execute cutover tasks related to upgrades
  • Abilility to stabilize the post go-live environment
  • Executing functional testing across the toolset
  • Recording of testing results in testing and tracking software
  • Reporting and logging of testing defects
  • Providing level 2 application support for the toolset
  • Stays aware of known issues and staying current with the application vendors knowledge boards
  • Identify opportunities for training material updates based on functional releases
  • Follow standard escalation process to resolve issues
  • Experience with using agile (AgM), manual testing tools (ALM/QC) and automated testing tools (UFT)
  • Experience with Agile Software implementation methodologies
  • Requires minimal supervision, strong independent thinker and worker, should be detail-oriented
  • Works well under pressure and can effectively and professionally handle tough issues
  • Works well in team environments and has the ability to work in a culturally diverse environment
  • Logical thinker, ability to troubleshoot technical issues
  • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple projects at various stages of the project lifecycle
  • Experience conducting functional testing using ALM tools (HPE AgM, ALM/QC, HPE UFT, etc)

Ioc-pre Int Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creates automated test scripts using common scripting languages at system level for vehicle interface domain features
  • Documents testing and creates test reports. Follows CMMI guidelines for creating and maintaining test documentation
  • Experience with CAN, UART, I2C,UDS,KWP protocols preferred
  • Strong professionalism and judgment

Automatic Testing Student Resume Examples & Samples

  • Multitasking
  • Good Verbal & Written communication in English is Must
  • Automatic Testing experience Java \ C#
  • Software Development Experience – Adventage

Working Student Mobilephone Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Tracking and update of test and lab equipment lists with MS Office tools
  • Student (f/m) in Electroengineering, Mobile Communication, Micro Technic, Automation Technic or related field
  • Good knowledge C and C++
  • Teamoriented
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a highly matrix environment
  • Demonstrated experience with large software development organizations
  • Strong Oral and written communications skills
  • Analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Influencing and negotiating skills
  • Ability to work across all levels of the organization including globally

Control Testing Central Services Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivering and operating the Core Control Testing program and managing the team locally
  • Maintaining and tracking progress against the test schedule
  • Analysing results from Control Testing reviews
  • Preparing summary reports for Management communication on results of control/compliance testing
  • Performing trend analysis and presenting analysis to management
  • Monitoring and reviewing open risks, issues and actions
  • Stakeholder management
  • Assisting with the management of Vendor testing resources
  • Offering assistance to Test Leads as required
  • Participating in project items as required
  • Operational Risk Knowledge: Understanding of relevant local technology risk regulations and the associated application to a financial services business
  • Business/Product Knowledge: Familiarity and experience with financial services and the processes related to the marketing, selling and trading of securities, derivatives and/or commodities in the financial services industry is a strong plus, but is not required
  • Influence: Gains support and buy-in from others in order to motivate them to achieve business goals and objectives
  • Risk Officer / Information Security Officer
  • Certifications: Attainment of the following certifications is a strong plus, but not required
  • Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)

Testing Logistics Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two (2) years project management or logistics experience OR
  • Communicates effectively both orally and in writing; Presents and explains technical language, complex issues or data analysis in easily understandable language to various audiences
  • Maintain current knowledge of applicable provisions of federal and state laws, rules, and regulations

SOX IT Testing Team Resume Examples & Samples

  • The role provides support to clients in the global IT community (the IT line) with support of their applications and controls that are in scope for key regulatory programs impacting Credit Suisse, e.g. Sarbanes Oxley and Basel-3
  • Quality Assurance (QA): Responsible for review of key ITC controls and testing documentation
  • Training and Support: Responsible for training and support of IT Line coordinators and control owners

Systems Testing & Commisioning Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review and contribution of the Commissioning Plan
  • Confirming the testing and commissioning schedule
  • Review of test, verification and performance test forms
  • Review of commissioning progress management forms and performance testing
  • Review of the training agenda and scheduling
  • Review of the operations and maintenance manuals
  • Sample witnessing of seasonal performance testing
  • Review of the commissioning reports
  • Managing trial Running when the integrated System has been tested and is essentially ready for Revenue Service Commencement
  • Create and manage a staging facility for transit systems which will be used for design confirmation and factory acceptance tests
  • Will work closely with the Verification and Validation Manager and QA and QC representatives
  • Will manage transit systems activities necessary to achieve project completion
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in the design or commissioning of vehicles, systems, equipment and facilities of similar scope and complexity
  • Degree in Electrical Engineering or Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology from an accredited post-secondary institution
  • Licensed or authorized by the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO)
  • Familiar with and knowledgeable about the standards and requirements for design and commissioning work
  • Ability to interpret and execute Project Agreements
  • Ability to develop and lead a team of professionals

Test Lead-ihc Almt Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and Develop test approach and test strategy as per project requirement
  • Build and review overall test plans including resources assignments & workload and capacity planning and estimation
  • Responsible for SIT/QA/Regression testing and automation
  • Coordinate with project teams for integration and end- to-end testing
  • Monitor testing progress on project plan or similar tools
  • Interact with the Dev teams/BA and a parallel test team to develop a good understanding of the project and testing objectives
  • Proactively anticipate, resolve and escalate issues & risks during testing
  • Establish test scenarios based on business requirements and functional designs for products, interface integration/ UAT testing
  • Study and analyze software specifications documents to develop test scenarios and guide local testing team
  • Create test cases and test data in support of test plans
  • Ensure timely project deliveries (milestones and deliverables)
  • Be creative and innovative to improve efficiency and quality of work
  • Knowledge of Finance/Treasury function preferred
  • Strong Database skills (Oracle 10G). Experience with SQL queries, Data Bases (Oracle/ MS-SQL), should be able to write SQL Queries
  • Problem solving and analytical skills and technical aptitude required
  • Expert knowledge of HP ALM
  • Should be detail oriented and be able to work independently

AVP, SOX Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's Degree in Accounting or Finance
  • 7-10 years of Experience
  • Understanding of GAAP and internal controls
  • Able to communicate with all levels of management
  • Able to work independently and manage multiple tasks i.e., excellent project managment skills
  • Recommended Skills and Experience
  • CPA or CIA or other professional certification
  • Banking or Financial Services Experience

Risk, Controls, & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelors degree or relevant work experience
  • Experience with audit/testing, banking, compliance, or a similar function with a specific understanding of internal controls
  • Knowledge of consumer regulations, which may include fair lending, AML, BSA, FCPA, and OFAC, as well as HR Statute requirements, a plus
  • Excellent analytical, problem solving, and resolution skills and the ability to discern the practical application of regulatory and legal requirements
  • Knowledge of regulatory compliance risk within financial services institutions from either direct, consultative, and/or supervisory experience(s)
  • Knowledge of Discover business processes, procedures, and systems
  • Professional certification within the fields of compliance or audit (CAMS / CRCM)
  • Knowledge of internal auditing standard & requirements

Risk, Controls & Testing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish and maintain relationships with key business line and functional clients
  • Collaborate with various level of management within the areas of responsibilities, including the functions within the 1st line of defense
  • Create and maintain testing work papers and supporting documentation
  • Support Compliance Management in developing, implementing, and maintaining an enterprise-wide Compliance Program and culture of compliance
  • Prior people management experience
  • Knowledge of consumer regulations, including fair lending, AML, BSA and OFAC
  • Self-motivated and ability to work independently
  • Knowledge of regulatory compliance risk within financial services institutions from either direct, consultative, and/or supervisory experience)
  • Professional certification within the fields of compliance or audit
  • Broad knowledge of Discover business processes, procedures, and systems

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  1. 7 Software Tester Resume Examples for 2024

    Compare the following examples: Experienced software tester with a proven track record of success. Instead, be specific and quantify your experience: Software tester with 5+ years of experience in manual and automated testing, specializing in web and mobile applications. Proficient in Selenium, Appium, and Jira.

  2. 5 Software Tester Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a software tester job should include are: Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work. Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role. Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field.

  3. QA Tester Resume: Examples for IT & Software Testers

    Resume Summary. Accomplished QA tester with 4+ years of experience. Skilled in manual and automated testing and creating test plans. Seeking to exceed Amazon's high standard for Android-based testing. At HollyRocket, Inc., created 200+ test plans and helped increase testing efficiency by 31%.

  4. QA Tester Resume (Sample + Writing Tips)

    To give your application a competitive advantage, here are three tips on how to write a strong QA tester resume: 1. Highlight your QA tester resume skills. QA testers are an essential part of industries such as software, social media, gaming, travel, and entertainment. But finding a job in these sectors is difficult.

  5. 5 Tester Resume Examples to Get Started in 2024

    Why this resume works. Now that you've the educational background and work experience to propel your application to the top, you should look for something to make your software tester resume stand out. Something as simple as the appropriate resume template can make a difference between getting hired or not. Ensure there's a balance between ...

  6. 5+ Software Testing Resume Examples [with Guidance]

    The best way to format a Software Testing resume is to keep it simple, clear, and concise. Start with a strong summary or objective statement that highlights your experience and skills in software testing. Use bullet points to list your relevant work experience, including the name of the company, your job title, and the dates of employment.

  7. Experienced Software Tester Resume Example

    The best way to format an Experienced Software Tester resume is to create a clear, concise, and visually appealing document that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and achievements. Here are some tips and recommendations for formatting an Experienced Software Tester resume: Consistent formatting: Ensure consistency in formatting ...

  8. 5 QA Software Tester Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    A QA software tester resume needs to clearly outline your technical skills. Focus on the tools and technologies you are proficient with, such as automation frameworks or bug tracking systems. Demonstrate your experience with successful test case creation and execution. Your resume should show a solid understanding of software development life ...

  9. 5 Software Testing Resume Examples & Writing Guide

    Unlock your potential with our software testing resume examples and writing guide. Discover actionable tips to craft a compelling resume that showcases your skills and lands you the job. ... The reverse-chronological format is the most widely accepted and recommended format for a software testing resume. It lists your work experience in reverse ...

  10. 5 Test Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    This entire guide is dedicated to what we learned from real test engineer resume examples. Here's what you can expect to takeaway from this guide: See what a perfect test engineer resume looks like; Try an example resume layout that works best for your resume; Make a resume header summary (with good and bad examples);

  11. 6 Great Software Tester Resume Examples

    Software Tester Resume Examples. Land your desired job with help from our Software Tester resume examples! We've got high-quality samples, plus tips for organizing and writing each resume section. Candidate experience level: 15+ years. Customize Resume. Candidate experience level: >1 year. 1 / 6.

  12. 2024 Software Testing Resume Example (+Guidance)

    The best way to format a Software Testing resume is to create a clear and concise document that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Here are some tips and recommendations for formatting a Software Testing resume: Consistent formatting: Ensure consistency in formatting throughout your resume, including font size, typeface, and ...

  13. Software Tester Resume: 2023 Guide with 10+ Examples & Samples

    LESS IMPACT: Software Tester Resume Example 1: Executed tests on software and analyzed the results on database impacts, bugs, and errors. Evaluated and wrote 200+ bugs in conformance to project-specific requirements. Interacted with the 20+ major clients to understand their product requirements.

  14. Software Tester Resume Examples & Writing Guide 2024

    1. Chronological format: This is the most common and straightforward resume format. It projects your work experience in a 'timeline' manner, with your most recent experience at the top moving backward. For a software tester, this format can highlight your career progression and mastery level in different testing tools and methodologies.

  15. QA Tester Resume: Examples and Writing Tips for 2024

    Here are the three most popular QA Tester Resume Formats to consider: A. Reverse Chronological Resume Format. The Reverse Chronological Resume Format is the most popular format used by QA Testers. This format lists your most recent work experience first, followed by your previous work experience in reverse chronological order.

  16. Software Testing Resume Samples

    Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates. CHOOSE THE BEST TEMPLATE - Choose from 15 Leading Templates. No need to think about design details. USE PRE-WRITTEN BULLET POINTS - Select from thousands of pre-written bullet points. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENTS IN PDF FILES - Instantly download in PDF format or share a custom link.

  17. Manual Tester Resume Sample for 2024 (Various Levels)

    Junior Manual Testing Resume Objective. A self-motivated B.S. in Computer Science, seeking to join the manual testing team at W3T3ST to grow his test scripting skills. An entry-level tester with a knack for spotting minute details. At QAstion, put forward 3 successful process improvements during software analysis.

  18. Software Tester Resume Samples

    Software Tester Resume Examples & Samples. Define, create, document, verify, and execute test scenarios for systems and pilot tests with focus on functional, regression, and integration testing. Conduct patch testing to meet security requirement. Develop test plans, test cases, and test reports.

  19. Tester Resume Samples

    Tester Resume Samples and examples of curated bullet points for your resume to help you get an interview. ... Automated testing experience ( QTP, Java Scripting, VB scripting, Lisa etc) Solid understanding and hands on experience with Unix, Java, and SQL query writing on any databases ( Sql Server, Oracle)

  20. Software Tester Resume Guide With Interview Tips

    A good software testing resume shows you're able to put yourself in the user's shoes and understand the product from their perspective. Here are some steps for writing a great resume: 1. Choose the best resume type. A chronological resume highlights your experience, starting with the most recent.

  21. Manual Tester Resume—Sample & 25+ Writing Tips

    Expert Hint: If you're writing a manual testing resume with 1 year experience, add an extra "Awards" section where you can list scholarships. 5. Finish Your Resume With a Strong "Additional Information" Section. To make your resume stand out from your competitors, add an extra resume section.

  22. How to Write a Resume for a Job in 2024

    For example, you could use a: Resume objective (best for first-time job seekers or career changers) Resume profile (best if you want to add more detail) Summary of qualifications (best for highly accomplished, experienced job seekers) 5. Fill out your work experience section.

  23. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Best resume format example. The chronological resume format is what most job seekers should be using when applying for jobs: Download a Chronological Resume. When to use this format: You have no obvious gaps in your employment and want to emphasize your career progression. The chronological resume format is the most common type of resume.

  24. How to Write a Resume for Today's Job Market

    Here's a formula you can use to write your summary, followed by an example: Copy to Clipboard. Resume summary formula. [Your Professional Title] with [Years of Experience] years of experience. Proven track record in [Top Achievement 1] and [Top Achievement 2]. Skilled in [Skill 1], [Skill 2], and [Skill 3].

  25. Free Resume Builder

    The resume builder will automatically format your information to the ATS-friendly template you choose. Choose the best resume template for your needs. Fill in your personal information and contact details. Add your professional experience and achievements. Highlight your skills and qualifications.

  26. 15 Free ATS Resume Templates (Optimized for 2024)

    Resume Templates Free ATS-friendly resume templates. ATS Resume Templates Edit your resume in Microsoft Word. Google Docs Resume Templates Edit in Google Docs and download for free. Resume Formats Pick the right format for your career. Resume Examples Explore our library of resume samples for any profession. Get Your Free Resume Score; Cover Letter

  27. Testing Resume Samples

    Testing Resume Samples and examples of curated bullet points for your resume to help you get an interview. ... Experience - 2+ years of relevant Compliance testing experience or other related experience such as risk management, audit, or similar control-related experience / Knowledge of wholesale and private banking businesses and related ...

  28. Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    800+ Resume Examples and Guide for 2024. Browse top resume examples by job, industry, format, and experience level. Our team of Certified Professional Resume Writers (CPRW) creates and approves every sample. By Kellie Hanna, CPRW, Career Advice Expert Last Updated: February 22, 2024.

  29. Best Resume Format for 2024 [Guide & Examples]

    The chronological resume (also known as the reverse-chronological format) is the most popular format and the best resume format for experienced candidates. The chronological resume emphasizes your work history section, where you list information about current and past jobs with the most recent job first. Visual Example.

  30. What to Write in an Email When Sending a Resume [+ Examples & Tips]

    You can use this format to write your subject line: [Application] + [Job Position You're Applying For] at [COMPANY NAME] + [Your Name]. Let's take a look at this simple job application email sample: Example of an email subject line for sending a resume #1. [Application] Marketing Manager at ABC Company — Frank Davies.