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Scholarships for Marine Science

Study hard and get financial assistance.

The purpose of marine science is to add to our knowledge of ocean environments, which cover 72% of the earth’s surface. The ocean varies greatly in depth, and using depth is one way to classify marine environments. There is a great difference between conditions and organisms found in the shallow neritic zone (the pelagic, or sea, area above the continental shelf) and those existing all the way down the slope to the wide plains and deep trenches below the sea, where living creatures subsist on volcanic emissions from the seafloor.

If you’re interested in adding to the world’s store of information about the sea and its fascinating inhabitants, there are scholarships available to assist with your education.

Marine science scholarships

Government Scholarships

National oceanic and atmospheric administration.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) may sound familiar because many of its marine scientists worked in the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 oil spill. To encourage future employees, NOAA provides a number of different college scholarships , including the following:

  • The Educational Partnership Program supports students from underrepresented groups who are attending schools designated as serving Hispanic, African-American, Native Hawaiian, and Alaskan Native populations. Juniors majoring in oceanic science are eligible for professional training at NOAA, which is an excellent career opportunity.
  • The Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship also trains undergraduates in marine science, offering not only as much as $8,000 each year but also a summer internship paying $650 a week between the first and second years of the scholarship.
  • The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program funds independent research by graduate students in marine biology, and preference goes to women and minorities. The maximum annual stipend is $30,000 plus a cost-of-education allowance (maximum of $12,000) and as much as $10,000 to work on a research project at NOAA.

Private Organizations

National ocean scholar program.

The National Ocean Scholar Program disburses tuition assistance to high school seniors who plan to study the ocean sciences in college. To be eligible, you must participate at least once in a competition called the National Ocean Sciences Bowl (NOSB) and maintain a good record in school.

Details are available from the scholarship contact given on the NOSB website. With your application, you must submit two essays discussing your involvement with ocean science.

Scholarships From Colleges

University of south florida.

The University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science offers a large number of scholarships and fellowships which can be viewed by searching on the department’s name in the scholarship database . You’ll find a page of graduate fellowships and undergraduate scholarships, including these:

  • The Marine Science Scholarship, for graduate students, is a one-time award of $15,000, and for further details you must contact the department.
  • The Linton Tibbetts Endowed Graduate Student Fellowship supports a graduate student conducting research that relates to the Caribbean ocean. It brings $10,000 and is renewable.
  • The St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership Fellowship in Coastal Science awards $20,000 to a doctoral candidate and $18,000 to a masters candidate.

Oregon State University

The Hatfield Marine Science Center at Oregon State University has posted a page of scholarships and other awards, including two for which undergraduates may apply:

  • The Joan Crebbin Memorial Fellowship is intended to support a student who works as an intern in public education on marine science topics or a student focusing on marine mammalian biology. The fellowship is for a maximum of $3,000.
  • The Holt Marine Education Fund Award funds a student project related to enhancing marine education.

Duke University

Duke University’s Duke Marine Laboratory provides scholarships for two undergraduates from other schools who want to spend a semester studying in Beaufort. The awards are very generous, covering all expenses from tuition to books and travel, and even paying the recipients’ way to and from a national or international field trip.

To apply, you must be at least a sophomore and describe your experience as a member of a group underrepresented in the marine sciences. You must plan to obtain a doctorate in marine science and produce strong reference letters.

California State University

The Moss Landing Marine Laboratories at California State University currently lists seven scholarships , as follows: the Archimedes, Ray Cannon Memorial, Harvey Foundation, Martha Johnston, Sonia Linnik Hamilton Marine Science, John H. Martin, and Kim Peppard Memorial Scholarships. Each is worth up to $2,500, and they are all given to students with high academic achievement.

University of Southern Carolina

The University of Southern Carolina’s College of Arts and Sciences hands out four marine science scholarships (the Friends of the Baruch Institute, David Odom Memorial, the BJ and RJ Canine, and Palmetto Shell Scholarships). To be eligible, you must be an undergraduate with at least a 3.0 GPA. The deadline to apply for any of them is April 1, and you may contact the department to obtain an application.

The above represents a sample of available financial assistance. Most schools that have a marine science laboratory give their students similar aid packages, so check your school’s listings.

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Scholarships for Physical and Life Sciences

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NOAA Office of Marine Sanctuaries Whale tail logo


...this is what we hope we can do for motivated students like yourselves. Help you open a door and help you take another step toward your dream. --Dr. Nancy Foster


students looking at kelp on the beach

Scholarships are distributed by disciplines, institutions and geography, and by degree sought, with selections within distributions based on financial need, the potential for success in a graduate level studies program (academic achievement), and the potential for achieving research and career goals.

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program is dedicated to ensuring that diversity, equity, and inclusion are at the core of every action and every decision. We know that having varied perspectives helps generate better ideas to solve the complex problems of a changing world. To be effective stewards we must ensure our programs reflect the communities in which we live, work, and play. The longevity and success of our system depends on creating a culture that is welcoming and inclusive of all.


To apply, each applicant must:

  • be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or a citizen of a U.S. territory;
  • pursue or intend to pursue a masters or doctoral level degree in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology—these may include but are not limited to ocean and/or coastal: engineering, social science, marine education, marine stewardship, cultural anthropology, and resource management disciplines at a U.S. accredited institution
  • have and maintain a minimum cumulative and term grade point average of 3.30 or higher; and
  • maintain full-time student status for the duration of the scholarship award.

Universities or other organizations may not apply on behalf of an individual. Prospective scholars do not need to be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of application, but must be admitted to a graduate level program in order to be awarded this scholarship. Eligibility must be maintained for each succeeding year of support and annual reporting requirements, to be specified at a later date, will apply.


Program collaboration.

students learning outside

Completion of one (1) program collaboration is required for every doctoral scholarship award, with a second recommended, but not required. Scholars may opt out of a program collaboration

if there are unforeseen circumstances that prevent them from completing this requirement. But this discussion must happen with the Program Collaboration Coordinator and the Federal Program Officer before a decision is made. For master's degree level scholars, completion of a program collaboration is strongly recommended, but is not required. The program collaboration is designed to allow scholars to participate in research or other activities for four (4) to six (6) weeks at a field office of the National Marine Sanctuary System, or other NOAA program offices.

NOAA Orientation Training

All Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recipients will be required to participate in a  mandatory   NOAA Orientation Training . The date and location for orientation training generally occurs during  the summer .

Outreach Product

All Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recipients must also put together an outreach product (e.g., video, infographic, education product) that communicates their scientific research in a way that the average viewer can understand it, its importance, and its relevance to the NOAA mission.

Presentation about the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

To help increase diversity of future applicants, Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recipients must give at least one presentation about the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program to a diverse audience, such as undergraduate students at a minority serving institution, historically black colleges and universities, or other appropriate venue(s).

Scholarship recipients are required to provide annual reports documenting the scholar's activities, accomplishments, academic progress, research progress, and education and outreach progress. The report must include copies of receipts indicating disbursement of the education allowance and copies of receipts for allowable expenses under the program collaboration. The report must include a certification from the scholar's academic advisor indicating that the student's work is on track and a copy of the official transcript indicating the scholar has a minimum term and cumulative GPA of 3.30. These reports must be submitted through the system.

At the conclusion of the program collaboration, recipients are required to submit a trip report documenting their accomplishments and including a summary testimonial of their experience. In addition, recipients will be required to participate in an evaluation survey.

At the conclusion of the award, recipients are required to submit a final report encompassing their accomplishments during the award period and their post scholarship plans, especially regarding NOAA interactions and the "National Marine Sanctuary Ambassador" requirement. The final report should include a copy of the final transcript indicating degree earned, if applicable. All scholars are required to submit a copy of their Master's thesis or Doctoral Dissertation upon completion of their degree.

Download the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Progress Report Template

Data Sharing Plan

This announcement is seeking proposals that do not generate environmental data therefore no data management plan is required as part of the application.

Application Timeline

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program is administered through the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and subject to appropriations. It is funded annually with 1% of the amount appropriated each fiscal year to the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries to carry out the National Marine Sanctuaries Act.

October 24, 2023 - FY2023 Application Period Opens December 22, 2023 - FY2023 Application Period Closes May 22, 2024 - Scholarships Announced June 1, 2024 Scholarship Funds Available August 2024 - Dr. Nancy Foster Scholars Orientation Retreat September 2024 - FY2024 Pre-Proposal and Application Period Opens December 2024 - FY2024 Pre-Proposal and Application Period Closes

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria and weighting of the criteria are as follows:

Academic Record and Statement of Career Goals of the Students (20 points)

  • Statement of Intent – 10 points
  • Sanctuary Ambassador – 5 points

Quality of Project and Applicability to Program Priorities (30 points)

  • Alignment with NOAA and National Marine Sanctuaries Priorities – 15 points
  • Design and Innovation – 5 points
  • Feasibility – 5 points
  • Technical Understanding and Clarity of Proposal – 5 points

Recommendations and or Endorsements of Students (10 points)

  • Familiarity of Applicant – 5 points
  • Strength of Support – 5 points

Additional Relevant Experience (15 points)

  • Experience – 7 points
  • Communication Skills – 8 points

Financial Need (25 points)

  • Estimated Financial Need – 4 points
  • Financial Need Information Questions – 11 points
  • Statement of Financial Need – 8 points
  • Clarity of Financial Need Statement – 2 points

Review Process

Once NOAA receives an application, an initial administrative review is conducted to determine compliance with the minimum requirements, including completeness of the application and inclusion of all elements required in each of the Federal Funding Opportunity sections.

Masters and doctoral applications will be evaluated based on the same criteria; however masters and doctoral scores will be ranked and considered separately. If an existing Dr. Nancy Foster Scholar who has been selected to receive funding for a Master’s level degree from a previous year of funding chooses to bypass the Master’s degree and continue directly to a PhD degree, they may be given priority in the final selection process and selected over existing applicants.

All applications that pass the administrative review will be evaluated and scored individually in accordance with the assigned weights of the above evaluation criteria by a review panel. The panel will be comprised of three or more individuals, having expertise in NOAA-related science and knowledge of the program priorities of the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries. The reviewers will rate the proposals using the evaluation criteria and weighting provided above. The panel will then meet to discuss proposals. The review panel will not come to a consensus regarding applicants’ scores. The individual panelist scores will be averaged for each application and placed in a ranking order of allapplications. The Program Officer will transmit the review information to the Selection Official and may make a recommendation to the Selection Official about applying the selection factors below. The Selection Official will award in rank order unless an application is justified to be selected out of rank order based on one or more of the selection factors below.

Selection Factors

The merit review ratings shall provide a rank order to the Selecting Official for final funding recommendation. The Selecting Official shall award in rank order unless the proposal is justified to be selected out of rank order based upon one or more of the following factors:

1. Balance/Distribution of Funds

  • Across academic disciplines
  • By types of institution
  • Geographic area
  • New universities that ONMS has not partnered with in the past through the Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

2. Availability of Funds

3. Specific to NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries' science needs

4. Degree in Scientific Area and Type of Degree Sought

Selecting Official may contact high-ranking applicants for further clarification of information in scholarship application.

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  • Marine Biology and Ecology >
  • Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Ecology
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  • M.S. in Marine Biology and Ecology
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The Marine Biology and Ecology (MBE) graduate program focuses on a wide range of field, laboratory, and theoretical coursework in research areas such as coral reef studies, biological oceanography, and marine biology, fisheries biology, and the biology and behavior of marine animals. MBE Ph.D. students can choose from a diversity of research areas and coursework that provide a broad educational perspective. 

Admission Requirements

Most successful applicants have a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences including a strong foundation in physical sciences (chemistry, physics, calculus) and basic biological sciences. However, applicants with a diversity of other degrees also are successful. Courses in marine biology and oceanography are not necessary for entrance into the program. Applicants should contact specific faculty to discuss mutual research interests. The GRE score is not required for admission. Applicants whose first language is not English must pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a score of at least 550. All application requirements are available  here .

Curriculum Requirements

Each student will design a customized curriculum based on their research focus with advisor approval.

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
The MBE Ph.D. degree requires 60 total credits.
MBE or Other Approved Electives 24
Dissertation Research36
Doctoral Dissertation
Additional Requirements
Research Ethics
Educational Training 1
Educational Training 2
Educational Training 3
Total Credit Hours60

Minimum of 18 course credits and 12 dissertation credits.

No core courses are required. Students choose courses with the advice of their committee. 

  • At the end of the second year, a written qualifying examination is required of all Ph.D. students that focuses on the subject matter needed to complete the research proposed for the dissertation.
  • The purpose of the qualifying examination is to demonstrate that the MBE doctoral student has the necessary understanding and expertise in research and related fields to complete the dissertation research. The topic areas should be agreed upon by the student, chair, and the dissertation committee soon after the proposal defense. The student is strongly encouraged to discuss the specific topics with each member of the dissertation committee, well in advance of the examination, to clarify the expected questions. The committee is encouraged to provide specific reading or areas of knowledge they will test the student on.
  • The qualifying exam is 4 - 5 partial days (4 hours per day) on questions written by their committee. It is the advisor’s responsibility to provide the test and to have the student’s committee grade it in a timely manner. The scheduling of the exam sessions is the responsibility of the student's advisor, but in all cases the written portion of the examination shall be completed within one week.
  • An additional oral qualifying examination may be required by the student's committee, but may not serve as a substitute for the written examination, which is a Graduate School requirement.
  • The decision of passing or failing the qualifying examination rests with the dissertation committee. The qualifying examination (written and, if required, oral) must be successfully completed, as documented by the dissertation committee, before the student can be admitted to candidacy.
  • In the event of a failure, a student may be re-examined once upon the recommendation of the student's committee in consultation with the academic committee. If permitted, the reexamination must be given before the end of the following semester.
  • Attendance to the MBE seminars is required every semester. 
  • Students entering the MBE Ph.D. program with a Master's degree begin to give seminars in their first year.
  • Ph.D. students are expected to be a Teaching Assistant (TA) for two courses while pursuing their degree.
  • The mandatory TA program will include training of new TAs, evaluation of their performance, and recognition of excellence. The goal is to make the experience as valuable as possible for the TA, the faculty, and the students taking our courses.
  • A training session and two teaching opportunities are offered as courses in educational training (RSM 771, RSM 772, RSM 773). Students will be registered accordingly.
  • Specific requirements for TAs are outlined in the Rosenstiel School Student Handbook.

Sample Plan of Study

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
FallCredit Hours
Research Ethics 0
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
 Credit Hours9
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
Approved Elective 3
 Credit Hours9
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Year Two
Doctoral Dissertation 1
Approved Elective 3
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 1
Approved Elective 3
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Year Three
Doctoral Dissertation 4
Educational Training 1 0
Educational Training 2 0
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
Educational Training 3 0
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Year Four
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Year Five
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
Doctoral Dissertation 4
 Credit Hours4
 Total Credit Hours70

The mission of the Marine Biology and Ecology (MBE) Ph.D. program is to train the next generation of scientists in the fundamental skills, knowledge, and practice of biology of the oceanic environment. Through coursework and independent research, we strive to prepare our students for positions in academia, government, or industry in jobs that leverage their skills in critical thinking, current technical knowledge such as statistical analysis and modeling, and understanding of the global marine environment. Our program commits to inspire graduates to continued scholarship, service, and innovation in an environment that is inclusive and diverse.

The goal is for Ph.D. students to demonstrate mastery of the fundamental skills, knowledge, and practice of biology of the oceanic environment, and commitment to scholarship, service, and innovation in an environment that is inclusive and diverse.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate a broad understanding of marine and atmospheric science and an awareness of how scientific research in their topical areas bears on current human and societal issues.
  • Students will be able to critically evaluate scientific literature, review previous knowledge on a topic, formulate testable hypotheses, and skillfully use available data and tools to advance knowledge in a topical area. They will be able to conduct high-quality, doctoral research as evidenced by their dissertation research.
  • Students will demonstrate advanced oral and written communication skills, and be able to effectively communicate scientific information to a peer audience.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology

A dolphin swimming in the ocean

About the Ph.D. in Marine Biology

The Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology at Texas A&M University is designed for those who aspire to conduct advanced, independent research in the marine biological sciences. This rigorous program combines formal coursework with extensive research opportunities, providing a robust foundation in the ecology and evolution of marine organisms and quantitative analysis.

Program Requirements

Key Features

Diverse curriculum.

Engage in a wide range of courses that cover essential marine biology topics, focusing on theoretical and practical aspects.

Independent Research

Conduct original, supervised research in marine biology, culminating in a dissertation that you will formally defend.

Expert Guidance

Work closely with renowned faculty members who are leaders in various marine and coastal science disciplines.

Why Choose This Program?

Advanced training.

Gain in-depth knowledge and specialized skills necessary for a successful career in marine biology.

Research Opportunities

Contribute to groundbreaking research that addresses critical issues in marine and coastal environments.

Career Preparation

Prepare for a future in academia, research institutions, environmental organizations, and other sectors that require expertise in marine biology.

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Ready to be the next loudest, proudest fightin’ Texas Aggie? Find the application details and resources available to you at Aggie One Stop.

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photo of collage of students doing different activities

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research—particularly by female and minority students—in NOAA mission-related sciences of oceanography, marine biology and maritime archaeology, including all science, engineering and resource management of ocean and coastal areas. Scholarship selections are based on academic excellence, letters of recommendations, research and career goals and financial need.

photo of a student inspecting fish

Additional Undergraduate and Graduate School Scholars

NOAA offers many scholarships, internships, fellowships and post docs for undergraduate and graduate students.


Graduate Program

Main navigation, oceans phd program.

The objectives of the doctoral program in Oceans are to enable students to develop the skills needed to conduct interdisciplinary, collaborative and original investigations into oceans-related research, in order to advance exploration and knowledge of our blue planet and tackle the most pressing challenges in climate and sustainability. The Ph.D. is conferred upon candidates who have demonstrated substantial scholarship, high attainment in a particular field of knowledge, and the ability to conduct independent research. Graduates must also be able to interpret research results and present the data and conclusions in a publishable manner, while developing strong teaching and effective public-facing communication skills.

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Marine Biology

  • College of the Environment
  • University of Washington


UW Marine Biology believes in supporting a diverse student body with a range of both merit and need-based scholarship opportunities. Fund your education in marine biology with the following sources of scholarships and financial aid.

College of the Environment Scholarships

  • College of the Environment Scholarship : incoming and current undergraduates in all College of the Environment majors.
  • Nancy Wilcox Scholarship : Incoming undergraduate freshmen or transfer students in all College of the Environment majors.
  • Clarence H. Campbell Endowed Lauren Donaldson Scholarship : incoming and current undergraduates majoring in Marine Biology, Aquatic & Fishery Sciences or Oceanography.
  • Dani Elenga Environment Scholarship : Incoming undergraduate freshmen or current undergraduate students in all College of the Environment degree-granting programs who are affiliated with the Educational Opportunity Program .
  • Del Rio Environmental Studies Scholarship : Incoming undergraduate freshmen or transfer students in all College of the Environment degree-granting programs who are affiliated with the Educational Opportunity Program .
  • Yakama Endowed Fund for Student Support : Yakama Nation tribal members who are incoming and current undergraduate and graduate students at the UW in an environmentally-related program or pursuing studies or research focused on the environment.

Research Funding

  • Mary Gates Endowment for Students : Merit-based scholarships in research and leadership. Many marine biology students receive funding through this endowment for research conducted at  Friday Harbor Labs
  • The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at the University of Washington : The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at the University of Washington is a multi-summer, undergraduate experiential learning experience that explores conservation across climate, water, food and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. By connecting conservation to cultural identity, biodiversity and environmental justice DDCSP@UW supports emerging leaders as they develop understandings, skills and perspectives needed to shift the conservation conversation.

Other Funding

  • College of the Environment Student Travel & Meeting Fund : Financial support for students to attend, present or host conferences or meetings in their field of interest
  • Martin Achievement Scholarship : WA state transfer students attending a community college in the Puget Sound region can apply for this merit-based scholarship to help pursue their first baccalaureate degree at the UW (including in the sciences).
  • Morris K. Udall Scholarship : The Udall Foundation awards scholarships to college sophomores and juniors for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment.
  • Association for Women in Science Seattle Scholarship : $1,000 – $7,500 scholarship, “Open to women who will be juniors or seniors at a four-year college or university in the state of Washington in the Fall of 2021.  Applicants must have a declared major in the sciences, engineering or mathematics, and must have a United States issued social security number. Winners generally have exemplary grades, outstanding letters of recommendation, financial need, a record of community service, and a strong interest in pursuing a career in the sciences, engineering or mathematics.”

University Resources and Links

  • UW Office of Student Financial Aid : student loans, grants and scholarships
  • Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards : merit-based scholarships on and off campus as well as workshops about the scholarship search and application process
  • FAFSA : the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form is required to qualify for Federal Student Aid, and it can also be used to help determine eligibility for need-based scholarships
  • WASFA : Washington State residents, including DREAMers can fill out the Washington Application for State Financial Aid to qualify for Washington State Need Grants or as an alternative to the FAFSA to demonstrate eligibility for some need-based scholarships

Marine Biology Scholarships from other organizations

  • Caroline Gibson Scholarship in Marine Studies : $3,500 award given annually to students pursuing either undergraduate or graduate studies related to ‘sustaining the Salish Sea through their studies, work and life’. Deadline 10/1 annually.
  • Wild Fish For All Scholarship (WFFAS): WFFAS is for students enrolled in a fisheries program who are from groups that have historically been excluded from science. I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this opportunity with your students (both undergrad and grad students are eligible). Deadline November 15.
  • Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) Student Scholarships : To further the goals of MASNA, MASNA offers the MASNA Student Scholarship program to help stimulate and promote the pursuit of marine science, in particular for topics that are current and relevant to the marine aquarium hobby. Applications open annually around April with a deadline in June.
  • Marine Technology Society : multiple scholarships offered annually to college graduate, undergraduate and senior high school students. Membership in MTS is required (undergraduate and high school rate is $25/yr)
  • NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship : Up to $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study in marine science (or related field) along with a 10-week, full-time paid ($700/week) internship at a NOAA facility during the summer. Applications open annually in September with a deadline at the end of the following January.
  • American Fisheries Society Washington – British Columbia Chapter: C. Jeff Cederholm Scholarship : This scholarship provides awards of $1,000 for education expenses for each a Ph.D, masters, and undergraduate student. Graduate students must be AFS WA/BC students at the time of the application (undergraduates do not).
  • The Next Swell Scholarship : One of the primary goals of The Next Swell™ is to award scholastic scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in a marine science field. Applicants will be assessed on the following criteria: academics, defined career goals, passion, contributions/potential contributions to marine conservation. Undergraduates must be in their senior/final year.

Marine Biology Scholarships with 2024 Deadlines

The following Marine Biology Scholarships are found only in!

princeton university

Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship

Eligibility criteria:.

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate student
  • Financial Status : Low-income
  • Field of Study : Science or math

From Anna & Ava Scholarship

  • Education Level : Four-year undergraduate student
  • State : Pennsylvania
  • Field of Study : Healthcare, science, or education

Bushnell Bioinformatic Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate student
  • Major : Bioinformatics, computer science, biology, or agriculture and plant sciences

Ward Green Scholarship for the Arts & Sciences

  • Education Level : High school senior or Undergraduate
  • Race : BIPOC
  • Background : Volunteering experience
  • Field of Study : Arts or sciences
  • State : Texas

Ventana Ocean Conservation Scholarship

  • Major : Ocean conservation, marine science, environmental science, marine biology, etc.
  • Education Level : Undergraduate or graduate

Creative Expression Scholarship

Creative. inspired. happy mid-career writing scholarship.

  • Field of Study : Writing
  • Background : Experience in the workforce

Bear Fan Scholarship

Nyt connections fan scholarship, team usa fan scholarship, sabrina carpenter superfan scholarship, once upon a #booktok scholarship, bold science matters scholarship, joseph a. venuti marine science & conservation scholarship.

  • Field of Study : Majoring in marine science with a focus on the conservation of reef environments

“Science for Life” Biology and Health Sciences No-Essay Scholarship

  • Field of Interest : Biology or health sciences

Saswati Gupta Cancer Research Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate junior or senior or Graduate student
  • Gender : Female
  • Field of Study : Medicine or Biology

Tim Gjoraas Science and Education Scholarship

  • Education Level : Must be a high school or undergraduate student
  • Field of Interest : Must be planning to study education or science
  • Location : Must be in South Dakota

Zachary Scheppat Memorial Science Scholarship

  • Education Level : High school senior
  • State : Washington
  • Background : Tutoring, science clubs, volunteering, community service
  • Field of Study : Physical science, biological science, medical science or science education

Marine science aims to expand our understanding of ocean environments encompassing 72% of the Earth's surface. The ocean's depth variation is one classification method for these diverse marine habitats.

If you love learning about living organisms and marine habitats, consider taking a college major or minor in a related field. Multidisciplinary science combines multiple branches of biology to understand the diverse forms of wildlife that encompass marine environments.

Many undergraduate and graduate students are interested in marine sciences to pursue their career goals. Most colleges have their own programs committed to helping students achieve their goals and preparing them for the future.

Marine science scholarships aim to empower and recognize future leaders by giving them the financial means necessary to accomplish their endless passions. Marine biology scholarships mitigate financial restrictions by providing a no-strings-attached support system. Unlike other financial aid forms, scholarships do not need to be paid back upon graduation . 

Similar to other STEM fields, entry into college for a marine biology degree can be expensive and competitive. Students are encouraged to prepare as soon as possible to have a chance at admission with enough financial support. New scholarships for marine biology are updated consistently on , allowing graduate and undergraduate students across the country to begin saving money for college today!

Create a profile and use the scholarship search feature to access hundreds of exclusive scholarships.

What Are Marine Biology Scholarships?

Marine biology scholarships are a source of financial aid that support students from all backgrounds pursuing an education in a related marine field at an accredited university . While the outcome of these finances might vary, they are typically used to pay for school expenses, including tuition, housing, school supplies, food, and other essentials.

However, it is important to note that no two scholarships are alike. Every opportunity has its eligibility criteria, amount of aid, renewal process, and age restriction, thus making it crucial to research which ones are tailored to your interests. For example, marine biology scholarships may strictly be for students pursuing a career in the sciences or doing a specific activity. 

Furthermore, applicants may apply for as many scholarships as they are eligible for . With enough sources of financial assistance, students can pay their entire college costs without accumulating debt or draining the bank account a hefty amount. Instead, all saved money can be reallocated towards other important costs.

Various organizations offer marine biology scholarships, including 4-year colleges and universities, community colleges, and scholarship websites like . Students are encouraged to apply as soon as they know college is the right journey for them.

Do not miss out on the opportunity to obtain numerous scholarships today! Take advantage of all the resources provides for students like you.

Marine Biology Scholarships Image 2

How to Apply for Marine Biology Scholarships

The process to apply for scholarships will differ based on which institution offers the scholarship. To limit confusion, you should ensure to research the rules and regulations listed on the scholarship website. Before jumping into the application process right away, the first step begins with finding which scholarships you want to apply to.

There are endless opportunities to choose from, so you might want to begin an elimination method based on which ones you are fit for. Remember that while you may fill the marine biology requirement, you might not fulfill the others.

You are advised to contact the platform directly for further assistance in applying for the scholarship . An incomplete scholarship could decrease your chances of winning exponentially, so you have a clear list of instructions to follow. Otherwise, you might miss out on an opportunity entirely. made applying for scholarships easy to accommodate every student's interests, background, and time. Given the additional pressure of applying and performing well in college, it can be confusing for students to also focus on scholarships. Yet, provides a platform offering various scholarships in one place!

To begin an application, students must create an account . Opening an account with is simple. It will require you to fill out some basic information about your educational endeavors to tailor your experience accordingly.

The more you customize your Bold profile, the more points you earn. These Bold Points have various benefits, including making you a more compelling applicant, qualifying for more scholarships, and saving money.

Marine Biology Scholarships Image 3

Once your account is created, you can surf through the available scholarships to narrow down a comprehensive list of all the ones you qualify for. While searching, be mindful of all the eligibility requirements to ensure you meet all the standards. Take note of their deadlines so you can plan to complete them in advance.

Next, find the "Apply Now" button next to the scholarship and click it. This button should lead you to all the prompt(s) and portfolio requirements you must complete. Most scholarships will provide a question relating to the purpose of the scholarship and ask you to write an essay answering it within a 400-600 word limit .

Need help writing a scholarship essay? Find our guide here .

Spend sufficient time perfecting and editing your application. Double-check that you have submitted everything necessary before clicking submit! Remember that scholarships can be incredibly competitive, so applying to more than one is better to increase your chances of winning. does not restrict students to a certain number of scholarships, so they can apply to as many as they qualify for. Do not feel discouraged if you do not win a scholarship(s) because new opportunities will always present themselves. users have the luxury of applying for scholarships throughout their education. If you begin the process early, you can save money for college and fight student debt, which may open doors for better marine biology programs.

Marine Biology Scholarships Image 4

Best Marine Biology Scholarships

For many marine biology students, is the central platform with diverse scholarships. Students may choose to apply to those strictly offered for marine biology pursuits or other eligible ones. The scholarships are catered to you and your needs, so feel free to customize the experience to everything that comprises your identity. You might want to look into scholarships within your age group, location, merit, and so much more.

Scholarships for High School Students

While scholarships usually become vital closer to admission into college, students are encouraged to apply for financial opportunities at the early age of 14. Applying early opens doors by making better college and opportunities more accessible. Furthermore, it provides the freedom to reallocate money towards graduate studies or other important aspects needed to obtain a bachelor's degree.

1. “Science for Life” Biology and Health Sciences No-Essay Scholarship

2. Rosemarie STEM Scholarship

3. Jacob Daniel Dumas Memorial Jewish Scholarship

4. "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

5. 1000 Bold Points No-Essay Scholarship

Scholarships for High School Seniors

Scholarships are often catered towards high school seniors as they prepare for college to pursue marine biology. Given that college costs are quite hefty and around the corner, it is in every senior's best interest to begin applying during this time. It can significantly reduce the expense, providing greater financial freedom in college.

2. Joseph A. Venuti Marine Science & Conservation Scholarship

3. Learner Scholarship for High School Seniors

4. Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship

5. "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

Marine Biology Scholarships Image 5

Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Students often falsely believe that scholarships are solely for high school students, but that could not be farther from the truth. Unless it's a full-ride scholarship, chances are you will still have a lot of expenses during college. Similarly, being a graduate student is just as expensive as being an undergrad. Feel free to apply for scholarships if you seek educational endeavors and have student debt.

3. HBCU STEM Scholarship

4. Susann Reitan's Future Biology Teacher Scholarship

Scholarships for Women

In most STEM fields, there continues to be a gender gap, with men comprising dominant roles in the industry. At, there is a common understanding that equal opportunities should exist for all genders and races. Scholarships help women jumpstart their careers in marine science.

1. Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship

2. Cuervo Rincon Scholarship of Excellence for Latinas

3. Lori Nethaway Memorial Scholarship

4. Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship

Marine Biology Scholarships Image 6

Frequently Asked Questions About Marine Biology Scholarships

Do i need to commit to anything after receiving a marine biology scholarship.

It truly depends on the opportunity. Every scholarship has its own expectations and requirements. Some scholarships ask you to maintain a certain GPA, participate in specific research projects, or provide semester reports on your academic progress. Scholarships are an agreement that money is allocated to what is promised. Read the terms and conditions of each scholarship to ensure you stay within that criteria.

Can I use a marine biology scholarship to study abroad?

As upperclassmen, many students choose to study abroad and pursue their educational endeavors in a different country. There may be stellar marine biology programs outside of your region of study. Some scholarships allow you to use the funds for studying abroad, particularly if the program or research is directly related to marine biology.

Find our study abroad scholarships here.

When is the best time to apply for marine biology scholarships?

Application deadlines vary, but they often fall between fall and spring. It's recommended to start researching and preparing applications well in advance to ensure you have enough time to gather all required documents and meet the deadlines. 

Curious to learn more? College can be quite overwhelming. Luckily,’s Scholarship Blog acts as a comprehensive guide, providing all the information you need to know.

What are you looking for?

2 prestigious grants fund phd research in marine and molecular biology.

Research on neurogenerative disorders and the capacity for marine life to withstand warmer temperatures has gotten a boost, thanks to a grant and fellowship awarded to PhD students and faculty at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

Gilliam Fellowship supports marine biology research

Daniel Olivares-Zambrano, a biological sciences PhD student, and Carly Kenkel , Wilford and Daris Zinsmeyer Early Career Chair in Marine Studies and associate professor of biological sciences, have received a Gilliam Fellowship . The fellowship, funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, aims to enhance diversity in the sciences through mentorship programs supporting both PhD students and their advisors.

A smiling person poses in front of an aquarium.

It’s the first Gilliam Fellowship to be awarded to USC Dornsife, and only the second to USC.

Olivares-Zambrano says his interest in science arose in childhood, when his curious and mischievous mind was most often entertained by the wild creatures around him.

“From my sightings of local opossums and crows to sampling the spicy-bitter taste of the abundant Argentine ants, and fighting with the cockroaches that would ruin my cereal, I loved interacting with the natural world,” he says.

Library books also inspired him. He once spent hours mesmerized by a textbook on human anatomy his sister found discarded in a library trash can.

Olivares-Zambrano completed his undergraduate degree in biology at California State University Monterey Bay, where he turned his scholarly focus to marine life.

At USC Dornsife, he’s conducting research in Kenkel’s lab on the symbiotic relationship between sea anemones and coral to better understand the species’ capacity for withstanding heat stress.

Olivares-Zambrano says he’s grateful both for the financial support of the fellowship and its immediate connection to hundreds of fellow scholars that share similar research interests. “I think [this community] will help me stay motivated, inspired and supported toward my goals,” he says.

After completing his PhD, he hopes to return to where his own academic career began and join the faculty at a California State University to help mentor the next generation of scientists.

NIH diversity supplement grant funds brain disorder research

Nina Barr, a third-year molecular biology PhD student, received a highly selective National Institutes of Health diversity supplement grant to support her research. Barr studies under Derrick Morton , assistant professor of biological sciences and gerontology, who explores the role of RNA-processing proteins in brain disorders.

Barr’s interest in biology arose from her own diagnosis of epilepsy, which sparked her curiosity about the molecular mechanisms of the central nervous system.

Her thesis looks at the role that the RNA exosome, a protein complex that degrades RNA, plays in the development of the brain’s cerebellum. To do so, she’s examining a disease called pontocerebellar hypoplasia , characterized by an atrophied cerebellum, through generating a 3D “ organoid ” model of the cerebellum from stem cells.

The grant funds both her research and attendance at conferences where she can demonstrate her findings, receive constructive feedback and conduct important career networking.

Barr hopes to land a job as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry after graduation, where she’d like to continue her research on drug testing in organoid models to observe treatment in a preclinical setting.

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Fully funded Marine Sciences Scholarships in 2024 - 2025

20+ best scholarships for marine sciences students.

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships.

Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Fully Funded
  • Peking University
  • Bachelor, Masters
  • All Subjects
  • International Students, Domestic Students

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Peking University, China. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Yenching Academy of Peking University China Scholarships 2025 (Fully Funded).

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarships.

University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000)

  • Partial Funding
  • University of Manchester
  • Undergraduate, Masters
  • International Students

This is a Undergraduate, Masters scholarships for International Students at University of Manchester, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Manchester UK Global Futures Scholarship 2025 (Worth up to £24,000).

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships.

Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded)

  • Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
  • Masters, PhD

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Doha Institute for Graduate Studies Scholarships 2025, Qatar (Fully Funded).

University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarships.

University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarship 2025

  • University of Otago
  • Undergraduate
  • New Zealand

This is a Undergraduate scholarships for International Students at University of Otago, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Otago New Zealand International Partnership Scholarship 2025.

Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarships.

Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarship Program 2025 (Fully Funded)

  • USA Universities
  • Bachelor, Masters, PhD

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at USA Universities, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Tomorrow's Leader USA Scholarship Program 2025 (Fully Funded).

Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships.

Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships 2025

  • Tuition Fee Reduction
  • Edith Cowan University

This is a Masters scholarships for International Students at Edith Cowan University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Edith Cowan University (ECU) Australian Qualification International Scholarships 2025.

UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships.

UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships 2024-2025

  • Rwanda Universities
  • Domestic Students

This is a Bachelor scholarships for Domestic Students at Rwanda Universities, Rwanda. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for UNHCR - DAFI Scholarships 2024-2025.

University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships.

University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships 2025 (Funding up to $15,000)

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at University of Otago, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships 2025 (Funding up to $15,000).

Edith Cowan University Australia ECU Research Scholarships.

Edith Cowan University Australia ECU Research Scholarships 2025

  • Postgraduate
  • Domestic Students, International Students

This is a Postgraduate scholarships for Domestic Students, International Students at Edith Cowan University, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Edith Cowan University Australia ECU Research Scholarships 2025.

Prairie View A&M University USA Presidential Scholarships.

Prairie View A&M University USA Presidential Scholarships 2025/2026

  • Prairie View A&M University

This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for Domestic Students at Prairie View A&M University, USA. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Prairie View A&M University USA Presidential Scholarships 2025/2026.

KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia

KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia

  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
  • Saudi Arabia

This is a Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for KAUST Fully Funded Fellowships 2025/2026 in Saudi Arabia.

King Saud University Saudi Arabia Scholarships.

King Saud University Saudi Arabia Scholarships 2024/2025 (Fully Funded)

  • Fully Funded, Partial Funding
  • King Saud University
  • Bachelor, Masters, Postgraduate

This is a Bachelor, Masters, Postgraduate scholarships for International Students at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for King Saud University Saudi Arabia Scholarships 2024/2025 (Fully Funded).

Scotland Pakistan Scholarships.

Scotland Pakistan Scholarship 2024 for Pakistani Students (Fully Funded)

  • UK Universities
  • Bachelor, Masters, Mphil
  • Scotland, UK

This is a Bachelor, Masters, Mphil scholarships for International Students at UK Universities, Scotland, UK. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Scotland Pakistan Scholarship 2024 for Pakistani Students (Fully Funded).

Belgium Government ARES Scholarships.

Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025-26 for Bachelor, Masters and Continuing Education in Belgium (Fully Funded)

  • Belgium Universities

This is a Bachelor, Masters scholarships for International Students at Belgium Universities, Belgium. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for Belgium Government ARES Scholarship 2025-26 for Bachelor, Masters and Continuing Education in Belgium (Fully Funded).

MRIWA Australia Odwyn Jones PhD Scholarships.

MRIWA Australia Odwyn Jones PhD Scholarship 2025 (Funding up to $139,677)

  • Australian Universities

This is a PhD scholarships for International Students, Domestic Students at Australian Universities, Australia. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for MRIWA Australia Odwyn Jones PhD Scholarship 2025 (Funding up to $139,677).

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Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand Craig Buck Andrews PhD Scholarship 2025-2026 (Fully Funded)

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phd scholarships in marine biology

  • Eckerd College Library
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  • Marine Science

Scholarships, Fellowships, Academic Internships, and Grants: Marine Science

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Florida Sea Grant

Florida Sea Grant administers a number of scholarship and fellowship opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students at Florida universities. These are offered on an annual basis. Application deadlines are indicated below. Students are encouraged to contact  Karl Havens , the Director of Florida Sea Grant, for additional information about these opportunities.

Resources for Students in the Natural/Aquatic Sciences

This resource was created by Anjali Boyd.  Please take a look at it for lots of internships, support, and experiences. At the bottom of the document, there is a great set of listervs and job databases.

Marine Technology Society

This resource has a number of scholarships for students. Each year, MTS offers significant scholarships to college graduate, college undergraduate and senior high school students accepted into full-time marine-related programs with focus in marine technology, marine engineering and/or marine science.

Women in Divers Hall of Fame

This resource has a number of scholarships for students. The Women Divers Hall of Fame ™ (WDHOF) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring and raising awareness of the contributions of outstanding women divers. WDHOF provides educational, mentorship, financial, and career opportunities to the diving community throughout the world. Each year, WDHOF awards scholarships and training grants that provide financial and educational support to individuals of all ages.

General Search Sites and Databases

  • NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates The link takes you to the National Science Foundations database of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs). The opportunities are for a range of experiences (ranging from Freshmen to Seniors).
  • Rochester Institute of Technology Summer Opportunities The link is from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and it contains summer and fall internship experiences.
  • Pathways to Science This link takes you to a page that has search areas for internships, scholarships, and help pages. This is a great resource for every stage of your academic career.

List of Listservs 

Associations and Organizations

  • American Elasmobranch Society The American Elasmobranch Society (AES) is committed to and proud of its student membership, and so supports and awards student research through multiple avenues.
  • AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY AFS recognizes excellence in its members and partners by supporting a number of Society-level awards, as well as awards at various Unit levels.

The Society for Ecological Restoration

  A global community of restoration professionals that includes researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and the Americas.  SER’s mission is to promote ecological restoration as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth and re-establishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture.  

Post-Eckerd Support and Engagement

  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Each Fellowship consists of three years of support during a five-year fellowship period. NSF provides a stipend of $34,000 to the Fellow and a cost-of-education allowance of $12,000 to the graduate degree-granting institution for each Fellow who uses the fellowship support in a fellowship year. more... less... The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and in STEM education. The GRFP provides three years of support for the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in STEM and STEM education. NSF especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, and veterans to apply. NSF also encourages undergraduate seniors to apply.

Lots more resources

Careers, Internships, and Experiences in the Marine Sciences

This document has a ton of resources and links to review.  It will help to provide a framework for understanding the opportunities in Marine Science broadly.

International Opportunities in Marine Science

This document explores areas in the international space that provide support for students and graduates studying Marine Science. 

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  • Last Updated: Aug 28, 2024 9:59 AM
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Marine Science Scholarships

Browse our Marine Science Scholarships or get matched to college scholarships you qualify for.

$1,000 September 13, 2024
Varies September 15, 2024
$1,000 September 15, 2024
$5,000 September 15, 2024
$40,000 September 30, 2024
$10,000 October 14, 2024
$38,000 November 01, 2024
Varies November 03, 2024
$250,000 November 07, 2024
$10,000 November 11, 2024
$3,500 November 15, 2024
$1,000 November 30, 2024
$3,000 December 01, 2024
$30,000 December 06, 2024
$46,000 December 06, 2024
$3,000 December 09, 2024
$1,000 December 10, 2024
$1,000 December 13, 2024
$30,000 December 15, 2024
$5,000 December 15, 2024
$42,000 December 20, 2024
$5,000 December 21, 2024
$1,000 December 31, 2024
$2,000 December 31, 2024
$1,000 December 31, 2024
$1,000 December 31, 2024
$60,000 January 05, 2025
$30,000 January 12, 2025
$5,000 January 15, 2025
$2,500 January 15, 2025
$500 January 20, 2025
$1,000 January 21, 2025
$26,000 January 24, 2025
$45,000 January 31, 2025
$19,000 January 31, 2025
$20,000 January 31, 2025
$40,000 January 31, 2025
$10,000 January 31, 2025
$40,000 February 01, 2025
$4,000 February 01, 2025
$40,000 February 01, 2025
$13,500 February 02, 2025
Varies February 02, 2025
$8,160 February 05, 2025
Varies February 09, 2025
$4,000 February 12, 2025
Varies February 12, 2025
$5,000 February 12, 2025
$7,200 February 13, 2025
$5,000 February 15, 2025
$2,500 February 15, 2025
$5,000 February 23, 2025
$2,500 February 25, 2025
$10,000 February 26, 2025
$3,000 February 28, 2025
$10,000 February 28, 2025
$1,000 February 28, 2025
$18,000 February 28, 2025
$2,500 February 28, 2025
$22,500 February 28, 2025
$7,000 February 28, 2025
$22,500 February 28, 2025
$2,000 March 01, 2025
$1,000 March 01, 2025
$40,000 March 01, 2025
$49,000 March 01, 2025
$2,000 March 01, 2025
$4,000 March 01, 2025
$15,000 March 01, 2025
$22,000 March 01, 2025
$2,500 March 09, 2025
$20,000 March 13, 2025
$1,000 March 14, 2025
$10,000 March 15, 2025
$5,000 March 15, 2025
$3,000 March 16, 2025
$2,500 March 22, 2025
$5,000 March 31, 2025
$1,500 March 31, 2025
$2,000 March 31, 2025
$5,000 March 31, 2025
Varies March 31, 2025
$1,000 April 01, 2025
$3,000 April 01, 2025
$20,000 April 01, 2025
$3,400 April 01, 2025
$50,000 April 01, 2025
$800 April 04, 2025
$2,500 April 07, 2025
$10,000 April 07, 2025
$5,000 April 12, 2025
$3,500 April 14, 2025
$20,000 April 15, 2025
$3,000 April 15, 2025
$8,000 April 15, 2025
$3,500 April 15, 2025
$1,000 April 15, 2025
$10,000 April 15, 2025
Varies April 17, 2025
$5,000 April 22, 2025
$2,500 April 26, 2025
$5,000 April 26, 2025
$7,500 April 30, 2025
$3,000 April 30, 2025
Varies April 30, 2025
$5,000 April 30, 2025
$2,000 April 30, 2025
$1,000 April 30, 2025
$3,000 May 01, 2025
$2,500 May 01, 2025
$20,000 May 01, 2025
$1,000 May 01, 2025
$2,500 May 01, 2025
$1,500 May 01, 2025
$5,000 May 01, 2025
$10,000 May 01, 2025
$15,000 May 02, 2025
$500 May 03, 2025
$1,500 May 11, 2025
$3,000 May 15, 2025
Varies May 15, 2025
$2,500 May 24, 2025
$10,000 May 30, 2025
$10,000 May 30, 2025
$10,000 May 30, 2025
$1,000 May 31, 2025
$25,000 May 31, 2025
$2,500 May 31, 2025
$2,500 May 31, 2025
$500 May 31, 2025
$5,000 May 31, 2025
$1,000 May 31, 2025
Varies June 01, 2025
$5,000 June 01, 2025
$2,500 June 01, 2025
$5,000 June 01, 2025
$1,000 June 03, 2025
$1,500 June 07, 2025
$5,000 June 09, 2025
$1,000 June 15, 2025
$30,000 July 01, 2025
$2,000 July 01, 2025
$12,000 July 01, 2025
$1,000 July 01, 2025
$2,500 July 07, 2025
$2,000 July 12, 2025
Varies July 18, 2025
$5,000 July 31, 2025
$1,000 July 31, 2025
$1,000 July 31, 2025
$1,000 August 01, 2025
$5,000 August 07, 2025
$1,000 August 15, 2025
$4,000 August 30, 2025
$1,000 August 31, 2025
$6,500 August 31, 2025
$5,000 September 06, 2025
$1,000 Varies
Varies Varies
$40,000 Varies
Varies Varies
$12,000 Varies
$2,500 Varies
$49,000 Varies
$10,000 Varies
$2,500 Varies
$100,000 Varies
$1,500 Varies

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5 marine-biology-PhD positions in Netherlands

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  • University of Groningen 2
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  • Materials Science 2

Postdoctoral researcher on Flexible Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cells (1.0 FTE)

and evolutionary biology to marine biology . The Engineering and Technology institute Groningen (ENTEG) is the engineering science and technology institute of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands

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Your job Do you want to pursue a PhD in computational biology ? Are you interested in the genome diversity of bacteriophages across space and time? Do you want to combine bioinformatics and

PhD Candidate: Biogeochemistry

you like to contribute to understanding the impact of climate change on nutrient dynamics in high-latitude marine environments? Do you thrive in the dynamic blend of fieldwork adventures, laboratory

range from nanomaterials and biomachinery to astronomy, from mathematics to pharmacy, from neurosciences to computer science, and from molecular and evolutionary biology to marine biology . The Engineering

Post-doc: A digital twin for marine fish tracking

Nagelkerke. Your qualities As the ideal candidate you: show strong skills in statistical analyses, using large data sets, and have affinity with ecological research; have a successfully completed PhD degree in

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phd scholarships in marine biology

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phd scholarships in marine biology

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  1. Scholarships for Marine Biology

    phd scholarships in marine biology

  2. Marine Biology, M.S. & Ph.D. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi

    phd scholarships in marine biology

  3. 17 Best Marine Biology Schools in the World

    phd scholarships in marine biology

  4. Marine Biology College Scholarships

    phd scholarships in marine biology

  5. 6 Best Marine Biology Schools in Asia

    phd scholarships in marine biology

  6. Scholarships for Marine Biology

    phd scholarships in marine biology


  1. i have a phd in marine biology

  2. Follow for my adventures as a marine biology PhD student on my first at-sea research expedition 🛥️

  3. The Terrifying Truth About Colossal Squids! #animalfacts #oceanlife #thalassophobia

  4. Postdoc Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Science &Technology POLITEHNICA, Romania

  5. School of Natural and Environmental Sciences

  6. Postdoc in Laboratory of Neurodegeneration, Institute of Molecular & Cell Biology Warsaw, Poland


  1. 23 marine-biology PhD positions

    PhD position in the Marine Chemistry Department (f/m/d) Leibniz | Germany | 2 months ago. The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) has a fixed-term vacancy starting on 01.10.2024 PhD position in the Marine Chemistry Department (f/m/d) for a period of 3 years and a.

  2. Marine Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Marine Biology PhD Projects

  3. Marine Biology (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    Bournemouth University Faculty of Science & Technology. This PhD is based on developing new understandings on the ecology and conservation of brown/sea trout Salmo trutta. This is because human activities in freshwaters are driving major and unsustainable declines in freshwater biodiversity, with population reductions of over 80% since the 1970s.

  4. Scholarships for Marine Science

    The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program funds independent research by graduate students in marine biology, and preference goes to women and minorities. The maximum annual stipend is $30,000 plus a cost-of-education allowance (maximum of $12,000) and as much as $10,000 to work on a research project at NOAA.

  5. Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

    The NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program recognizes outstanding scholarship and encourages independent graduate level research-particularly by female and minority students-in NOAA mission-related sciences of oceanography, marine biology and maritime archaeology, including all science, engineering and resource management of ocean and coastal areas.

  6. marine biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

    This PhD project will apply cutting edge approaches in molecular microbial ecology to deliver. critical new knowledge on the causes of marine pathogen outbreaks that threaten Australia's. Read more. Supervisor: Prof J Seymour. 29 November 2024 PhD Research Project Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) More Details.

  7. About the Scholarship

    Introduction. NOAA's Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program provides support for master's and doctoral degrees in oceanography, marine biology, maritime archaeology—these may include but are not limited to ocean and/or coastal: engineering, social science, marine education, marine stewardship, cultural anthropology, and resource management disciplines—and particularly encourages women ...

  8. Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Ecology < University of Miami

    Total Credit Hours. 70. The mission of the Marine Biology and Ecology (MBE) Ph.D. program is to train the next generation of scientists in the fundamental skills, knowledge, and practice of biology of the oceanic environment. Through coursework and independent research, we strive to prepare our students for positions in academia, government, or ...

  9. Doctor of Philosophy Marine Biology

    The Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology at Texas A&M University is designed for those who aspire to conduct advanced, independent research in the marine biological sciences. This rigorous program combines formal coursework with extensive research opportunities, providing a robust foundation in the ecology and evolution of marine organisms ...

  10. For Students

    For Students - Scholarships - National Marine Sanctuaries

  11. Graduate Program

    The objectives of the doctoral program in Oceans are to enable students to develop the skills needed to conduct interdisciplinary, collaborative and original investigations into oceans-related research, in order to advance exploration and knowledge of our blue planet and tackle the most pressing challenges in climate and sustainability. The Ph ...

  12. Scholarships

    Scholarships | Marine Biology

  13. 23 marine-biology PhD scholarships

    PhD position in the Section of Biological Oceanography (f/m/d) a Master of Science (MSc.) degree in environmental sciences, marine biology or related discipline. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with the ability to work independently, in a structured.

  14. Marine Biology Scholarships with 2024 Deadlines

    Marine Biology Scholarships with 2024 Deadlines

  15. Marine Science scholarships in United States

    Fulbright Program. Find exclusive scholarships for international PhD students pursuing Marine Science studies in United States. Search and apply online today.

  16. 2 prestigious grants fund PhD research in marine and molecular biology

    2 prestigious grants fund PhD research in marine and molecular biology. A diversity supplement grant from the National Institutes of Health and a Gilliam Fellowship — the first to be awarded to USC Dornsife — will advance doctoral student scholarship. Research on neurogenerative disorders and the capacity for marine life to withstand warmer ...

  17. Fully funded Marine Sciences Scholarships in 2024

    04/30/2025. Learn More. This is a Bachelor, Masters, PhD scholarships for International Students at University of Otago, New Zealand. Students interested in All Subjects are advised to apply for University of Otago in New Zealand Global Scholarships 2025 (Funding up to $15,000). Expires in73 Days.

  18. Marine Biology (fully funded PhD for international students ...

    Search Funded PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Biological Sciences, Marine Biology, fully funded PhD for international students. Search for PhD funding, scholarships & studentships in the UK, Europe and around the world.

  19. Marine Science in United States: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Studying Marine Science in United States is a great choice, as there are 18 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 957,000 international students choose United States for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the world.

  20. Marine Science

    Marine Technology Society. This resource has a number of scholarships for students. Each year, MTS offers significant scholarships to college graduate, college undergraduate and senior high school students accepted into full-time marine-related programs with focus in marine technology, marine engineering and/or marine science.

  21. Marine Science Scholarships

    American Australian Association Graduate Education Scholarship Amount: $40,000 Due Date: September 30, 2024 Stantec Equity & Diversity Scholarship Amount: $10,000 ... E.J. Lund Research Scholarship Awards in Marine Science Amount: Varies Due Date: Varies Elms College STEM Scholarships Amount: $40,000 Due Date: Varies

  22. 21 marine-biology-PhD positions in Netherlands

    Two Tenure Track positions: "to strengthen our research on coping with climate change". PhD in a relevant research field (e.g. marine biology or ecology, earth sciences or related topics). You have several years of postdoctoral experience (or of a similar level), a demonstrated track. for marine-biology-PhD positions.

  23. Marine Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

    We have 0 Marine Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA. There are currently no PhDs listed for this Search. Why not try a new PhD search. PhD Project & Programmes Search for PhDs PhDs by Subject PhDs by Institution PhDs by Email PhDs in the United Kingdom PhDs in Biological Sciences PhDs in Engineering Professional Training and ...