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Reversing Arrows Experiment

February 22, 2021 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

We’ve done this light refraction experiment many times before, but this time it’s Alice in Wonderland themed.

A reversing arrows science investigation is very easy and can be made as simple or creative as you wish.

If you don’t want to theme it like I have below, just draw arrows on a small piece of card or paper and place them behind a glass of water.

If you like the Alice in Wonderland theme, I have a similar mirror writing activity too!

You’ll need

Paper straws

Card or paper

Felt tip pens

A tall glass of water


Create signs like I have in the image below.

Place a glass of water in front of the signs and watch what happens.

Try moving the glass closer to the sign and further away. You should find that if you move the glass closer to the sign the image is not reversed.

Image of an Alice in Wonderland puppet with arrows on signs behind her for a light refraction science investigation

The science of light refraction

The light reaching your eye coming from the arrow is  refracted  ( bent ) through the glass of water. The glass of water acts like a  convex lens  (like you might have in a magnifying glass). Convex lenses bend light to a  focal point . This is the point at which the light from an object crosses.

diagram showing refraction of light through a glass.

The light that was at the tip of the arrow is now on the right side and the light on the right side is now on the left as far as your eye is concerned (assuming you are further away from the glass than the focal point.

Cardboard signs with arrows on them for a light refraction experiment.

Extension Task

Move the arrow image closer to the glass than the focal point. It should now be the way around you expect it to be!

Experiment with different images and text on your signs.

light refraction activity with an Alice in Wonderland theme

More light refraction experiments

Make a coin disappear with this fun refraction magic trick !

This bending a pencil activity from Raising Lifelong Learners is great too!

Find out how refraction plays a part in rainbows and how to bend light with a prism .

Images of an Alice in Wonderland finger puppet and signs with arrows ready for a light refraction experiment using a glass of water to bend light

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Last Updated on February 7, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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Refraction of Light Experiment


For an easy and engaging science experiment, try this refraction of light experiment! Kids will be amazed to watch the arrows magically switch directions as they perform this fun science trick.

RELATED: Grow a Rainbow Experiment

refraction of light experiment for kids

Light Refraction Experiment Using Arrows

You will only need a few supplies for this experiment and you probably already have them! In this trick, kids can observe how the water makes their arrows appear as if they are switching directions through light refraction.

Refraction Experiment for Kids

You could also play around with different colors, shapes and words to see how they change when water is added into the cups.

Refraction of Light Easy Experiment

Watch the Video Tutorial!

Add Arrow Behind Cup

The Science

Here’s what you will observe: As you pour the water into the glass, the arrow will appear like it is magically switching directions.

When light passes through one transparent thing into another (for example: from air through to glass and water) it undergoes what is known as refraction. Refraction happens because light travels at different speeds in different materials (such as air and water). The light bends when it enters the water and then bends again when it leaves the water. This bending of light causes the image to appear flipped in our eyes.

Note: The distance of the arrow to the cup can play a role in whether you see the arrow flip. If the arrow does not flip, you may need to adjust the distance of the arrow to the cup (either closer or further away).

Follow-up experiments: Try doing this experiment again by changing some of the variables. See what happens when you change the image. Or change the colors. You can also experiment with different liquids. Or try filling the glass halfway!

Supplies Needed

  • 2 clear glasses
  • 2 pieces of white cardstock or paper
  • Black marker
  • Small bowls or another object to prop the paper on

How to Make the Arrows Reverse

1. Cut out two square pieces of paper.

Using a black marker, draw an arrow on each piece of white cardstock.

Get Paper to Draw Arrows On

2. Prop the pieces of cardstock up against a small bowl or another small object.

Place the arrow about 12 inches back from the glass. If you do not see the arrow flip, you may need to adjust the distance of the arrow to the glass (either closer or further away depending on your position).

Place Arrow Card Behind Glass

3. Arrange the arrows so they are facing opposite directions for two arrows.

You can also do this experiment with just one arrow.

Add two arrows behind glasses

4. Fill the glasses with water.

Add Water into Glass

For an arrow facing left without water, it will flip to face right once the water is added in.

Arrow Flips Directions

Kids will be amazed to see the arrow flip directions while learning about light refraction!

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refraction of light with an arrow experiment

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Turning Arrow (Refraction Experiment)

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

You will need:

  • Draw an arrow pointing left or right on the paper and rest it against something so it is standing up.
  • Place a transparent (clear) glass in front of the picture so you can clearly see the arrow through the glass.
  • Fill another glass with water and pour it into the first glass.
  • Watch your arrow change direction!

refraction experiment before

The science bit:

  • Drawing a different picture and seeing what it looks like when it is refracted!
  • Make this refraction experiment even better by trying different liquids – does it look different when using oil, or vinegar (for example)?

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Simple Science Experiments: Simple Light Refraction Experiment

December 28, 2017 by Selena Robinson 9 Comments

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This simple light refraction experiment for kids is an awesome way to learn about the properties of light!

We’re continuing with our simple science experiments this week by taking a look at light refraction. I found a great light refraction experiment video on YouTube and decided to try it with Tigger.

Full disclosure: I didn’t know that refraction was what this experiment demonstrated. I actually had to look it up first. But the experiment is super easy and quick, so that’s a big plus!

Simple Refraction of Light Experiment

Check out this easy way to teach kids about light with this simple light refraction experiment !

And, if you like this one, try some of our other science activities, including how to make an egg float and our easy heat conduction experiment !

Study the properties of light with this simple light refraction experiment!

Simple Light Refraction Experiment

Watching the original light refraction experiment on YouTube will give you a great look at what’s involved in this activity. But you really only need four things:

  • A sticky note (I used a Post-It)
  • An empty transparent bottle

Experiment on Refraction of Light

Draw two arrows on a sticky note. Make sure that each arrow points in a different direction. Stick the note to a blank wall.

Next, fill up the water bottle. Oh – put the lid on before you do this too! You don’t want water spilling out when you move the bottle around…lol.

Simple Refraction Experiment

The alternating arrows on the note point to the left and the right. Let the kids gradually move the water-filled bottle in front of the sticky note. As the bottle moves in front of the sticky note, something amazing happens.

Investigating Light Refraction

The arrows appear to change direction! The top arrow, which points to the left, appears to point to the right. And the bottom arrow, which points to the right, appears to point to the left!

Simple Light Experiment

Move the bottle back to see the arrows return to their original directions.

So what exactly is going on? We learned that refraction occurs because light bends when it passes through substances, such as water and plastic.

As the light travels through a substance, it becomes concentrated into a focal point, usually near the center. After light passes through the focal point, the rays cross over each other and cause images to appear reversed.

Turns out you can’t believe your eyes after all! 🙂

Books with Simple Science Experiments:

If you liked this simple science experiment, take a look at these books with even more easy activities! (Affiliate links provided here for convenience. For details, see our Disclosure Policy .)

  • Science is Simple: Over 250 Activities for Preschoolers
  • 365 Simple Science Experiments with Everyday Materials
  • The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book
  • Safe and Simple Electrical Experiments

Don’t miss the rest of our Simple Science Experiments!

Simple Science Experiments - Colorful Celery

For more science homeschooling ideas, follow my It’s Science board on Pinterest!

P.S. Get more fun learning ideas in our email newsletter!

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

July 13, 2014 at 5:11 pm

I love this demonstration. Must do it again with my kids! Amazing how much you can learn and do with simple household objects!

' src=

August 3, 2014 at 1:43 am

Light refraction and how it moves is really so cool. Thanks for linking up to Science Sunday (even when I’m behind on commenting).

[…] even have a little healthy competition between groups to see who could assemble the fastest. 34. Simple Science Experiments: Simple Light Refraction Experiment 35. Ocean floor digging, search for the HL Hunley 36. Quick and easy archaeology dig to get your […]

[…] Simple Light Refraction Experiment – Look We Are Learning […]

[…] Simple Light Refraction Experiment from Look We're Learning […]

[…] Simple Refraction Science| Look We’re Learning […]

[…] can learn about light refraction with this simple experiment. It’s quick and easy to set up with your kids, and they’ll […]

[…] Light Refraction Science Experiment ~ Look We’re Learning […]

[…] Simple Light Refraction Experiment from Look, We’re Learning!: This experiment is quick and easy to set up, and it’s a simple way to teach kids about light refraction in water using a water bottle, a post-it note, and a marker. […]

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Refraction of light.

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Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with sound, water and other waves) as it passes from one transparent substance into another.

This bending by refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses, magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our eyes depend upon this bending of light. Without refraction, we wouldn’t be able to focus light onto our retina.

Change of speed causes change of direction

Light refracts whenever it travels at an angle into a substance with a different refractive index (optical density).

This change of direction is caused by a change in speed. For example, when light travels from air into water, it slows down, causing it to continue to travel at a different angle or direction.

How much does light bend?

The amount of bending depends on two things:

  • Change in speed – if a substance causes the light to speed up or slow down more, it will refract (bend) more.
  • Angle of the incident ray – if the light is entering the substance at a greater angle, the amount of refraction will also be more noticeable. On the other hand, if the light is entering the new substance from straight on (at 90° to the surface), the light will still slow down, but it won’t change direction at all.

Refractive index of some transparent substances

















All angles are measured from an imaginary line drawn at 90° to the surface of the two substances This line is drawn as a dotted line and is called the normal.

If light enters any substance with a higher refractive index (such as from air into glass) it slows down. The light bends towards the normal line.

If light travels enters into a substance with a lower refractive index (such as from water into air) it speeds up. The light bends away from the normal line.

A higher refractive index shows that light will slow down and change direction more as it enters the substance.

A lens is simply a curved block of glass or plastic. There are two kinds of lens.

A biconvex lens is thicker at the middle than it is at the edges. This is the kind of lens used for a magnifying glass. Parallel rays of light can be focused in to a focal point. A biconvex lens is called a converging lens.

A biconcave lens curves is thinner at the middle than it is at the edges. Light rays refract outwards (spread apart) as they enter the lens and again as they leave.

Refraction can create a spectrum

Isaac Newton performed a famous experiment using a triangular block of glass called a prism. He used sunlight shining in through his window to create a spectrum of colours on the opposite side of his room.

This experiment showed that white light is actually made of all the colours of the rainbow. These seven colours are remembered by the acronym ROY G BIV – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Newton showed that each of these colours cannot be turned into other colours. He also showed that they can be recombined to make white light again.

The explanation for the colours separating out is that the light is made of waves. Red light has a longer wavelength than violet light. The refractive index for red light in glass is slightly different than for violet light. Violet light slows down even more than red light, so it is refracted at a slightly greater angle.

The refractive index of red light in glass is 1.513. The refractive index of violet light is 1.532. This slight difference is enough for the shorter wavelengths of light to be refracted more.

A rainbow is caused because each colour refracts at slightly different angles as it enters, reflects off the inside and then leaves each tiny drop of rain.

A rainbow is easy to create using a spray bottle and the sunshine. The centre of the circle of the rainbow will always be the shadow of your head on the ground.

The secondary rainbow that can sometimes be seen is caused by each ray of light reflecting twice on the inside of each droplet before it leaves. This second reflection causes the colours on the secondary rainbow to be reversed. Red is at the top for the primary rainbow, but in the secondary rainbow, red is at the bottom.

Activity ideas

Use these activities with your students to explore refration further:

  • Investigating refraction and spearfishing – students aim spears at a model of a fish in a container of water. When they move their spears towards the fish, they miss!
  • Angle of refraction calculator challenge – students choose two types of transparent substance. They then enter the angle of the incident ray in the spreadsheet calculator, and the angle of the refracted ray is calculated for them.
  • Light and sight: true or false? – students participate in an interactive ‘true or false’ activity that highlights common alternative conceptions about light and sight. This activity can be done individually, in pairs or as a whole class .

Useful links

Learn more about different types of rainbows, how they are made and other atmospheric optical phenomena with this MetService blog and Science Kids post .

Learn more about human lenses, optics, photoreceptors and neural pathways that enable vision through this tutorial from Biology Online .

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Teaching in Room 6

Light Refraction -- Fun, INDEPENDENT Experiments

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refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Neat activities!! Thanks for sharing!

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Thanks, these are great. We did this topic and science fair a little earlier this year. I am going to do this next year. I agree with you on how much the students love to do hands-on science. My class loves even the simplest of experiments and demonstrations. Thanks so much for sharing.

Love this! I plan on doing a lot of fun, hands-on science after state testing as well as holding a classroom science fair. This is perfect! Thanks for sharing!

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Thanks everyone! My parents and students of all ages really loved them....though I do have to say, there was water all over. So make sure you have some big buckets to put the stuff in.

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Great Blog! I am your newest follower! Adrienne Unless Teaching

Very awesome! I just did the bending pencil activity in my class last week, and may plan some of these other activities soon. Thanks much for the inspiration!

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

We have an annual science fair at our school. I love the idea of setting up stations like this to get the students thinking and asking questions. Artistry of Education

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

I loved this post! I am teaching a unit on light next term and these activities will be perfect. I am wondering if it's at all possible please to download the rationales as well? I would be happy to buy them through TPT. Thanks for such a great site. All of your posts inspire me to be more rigorous in my teaching!

Never mind - just found it at the end of the Google Docs. I'm like those kids who never read all the instructions before starting an activity ;) Thanks for sharing this resource with us!

I love this site! Thank you for sharing your great ideas and resources! I'm student teaching and looking for hands on labs for my sixth grade. I liked the idea of the broken pencil because it incorporated density by using the saltwater, however when I try it at home I can't seem to get it to work. I've created a solution of 1/2 cup of salt to about 1 cup of water... it was pretty saturated... any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? I can see the density line, but it doesn't translate to 'break' the pencil.

Thanks so much for sharing!

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Brilliantly executed.

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Thank you! I am always looking for more ways to teach refraction. Can't wait to try it!

Brilliant- these will help my Grade 5s understand more about refraction (they certainly helped me!!)

Can you explain the magnification experiment more?

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

This is AWESOME, Stephanie! We are doing light right now. I've got to get my butt in gear and do this with them. Thanks for the great post! FlapJack

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Thank you so much for your help with these experiments. You are truly an amazing teacher. Thank you for the worksheets and the answers.

Fantastic site. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. I'm looking forward to teaching this unit now!!

Great ideas and awesome resources. I have always struggled with getting students to record their observations. I think these will work great! Thank you for sharing!

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Refraction of Light ( CIE IGCSE Physics )

Revision note.

Katie M

Ray diagrams for refraction

  • The angle of the wave approaching the boundary is called the angle of incidence (i)
  • The angle of the wave leaving the boundary is called the angle of refraction (r)
  • An incident ray has an arrow pointing towards the boundary
  • A refracted ray has an arrow pointing away from the boundary
  • The angles of incidence and refraction are usually labelled i and r respectively

Refraction ray diagram


A ray diagram for light refracting at a boundary, showing the normal, angle of incidence and angle of refraction

Refraction of light

  • At the boundary, the rays of light change  direction

This change in direction depends on the difference in   density   between the two media:

From   less dense to more dense   (e.g air to glass), light bends   towards   the normal

From   more dense to less dense   (e.g. glass to air), light bends   away   from the normal

When passing along the   normal   (perpendicular) the light   does not bend   at all

  • The refracted ray at the first boundary becomes the incident ray at the second boundary

Refraction diagram of light from air through a glass block

Refraction of Light, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

How to construct a ray diagram showing the refraction of light as it passes through a rectangular block

  • When light passes into a denser substance, the waves will slow down ; hence, they bend towards the normal
  • Different frequencies account for different colours of light (red has a low frequency, whilst blue has a high frequency)
  • When light refracts, it does not change colour (think of a pencil in a glass of water), therefore, the frequency does not change

Practice drawing refraction diagrams as much as you can! It's very important to remember which way the light bends when it crosses a boundary:

As the light enters the block it bends towards the normal line

Remember: Enters Towards

When it leaves the block it bends away from the normal line

Remember: Leaves Away

You only need to know about light passing through the boundaries between two media.

Investigating Refraction

Aims of the experiment.

  • To investigate the refraction of light using rectangular blocks, semi-circular blocks and triangular prisms
  • Independent variable = shape of the block
  • Dependent variable = angle of refraction
  • Width of the light beam
  • Same frequency / wavelength of the light

Equipment list

Ray box To provide a narrow beam of light that can be easily refracted
Protractor To measure the angles of incidence and refraction
Sheet of paper To mark the lines indicating the incident and refracted rays
Pencil To draw the incident and refracted ray lines onto the paper
Ruler To draw the incident and refracted ray lines onto the paper
Perspex blocks (rectangular, semi-circular & prism) To refract the light beam
  • Protractor = 1°
  • Ruler = 1 mm

Refraction diagram for equipment

Glass blocks experiment, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Diagram showing a ray box alongside three different-shaped glass blocks

Refraction diagram set up


Apparatus to investigate refraction

  • Place the glass block on a sheet of paper, and carefully draw around the rectangular perspex block using a pencil
  • Switch on the ray box and direct a beam of light at the side face of the block
  • A point on the ray close to the ray box
  • The point where the ray enters the block
  • The point where the ray exits the block
  • A point on the exit light ray which is a distance of about 5 cm away from the block
  • Draw a dashed line normal (at right angles) to the outline of the block where the points are
  • Remove the block and join the points marked with three straight lines
  • Replace the block within its outline and repeat the above process for a ray striking the block at a different angle
  • Repeat the procedure for each shape of perspex block (prism and semi-circular)

Analysis of results

  • Consider the light paths through the different-shaped blocks

Refraction experiment results with different media


Refraction of light through different shapes of perspex blocks

  • The final diagram for each shape will include multiple light ray paths for the different angles of incidences ( i ) at which the light strikes the blocks
  • Label these paths clearly with (1) (2) (3) or A , B , C to make these clearer 
  • Use the laws of refraction to analyse these results

Evaluating the experiment

Systematic errors.

  • Use a set square to draw perpendicular lines

Random errors

  • Use a sharpened pencil and mark in the middle of the beam
  • Use a protractor with a higher resolution

Safety considerations

  • Run burns under cold running water for at least five minute
  • Avoid looking directly at the light
  • Stand behind the ray box during the experiment
  • Keep all liquids away from the electrical equipment and paper

In your examination, you might be asked to write a method explaining how you might investigate the refraction of light through different shaped blocks

As part of this method you should describe:

  • What equipment you need
  • How you will use the equipment
  • How you will trace the rays of light before, while and after they pass through the block

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Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

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Science Experiments

Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment – Why Does the Straw Look Bent?

What do you think, can water bend a straw? What about other clear liquids? In this super simple science experiments, kids will learn about the refraction of light, and why a straw appears to be bent when submerged in a glass of liquid.

Find printable instructions, a video demonstration, and a helpful explanation of how this experiment works, below.

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

JUMP TO SECTION: Instructions | Video Tutorial | How it Works | Purchase Lab Kit

Supplies Needed

  • Empty Glass
  • Plastic Straw

Refraction of Light Science Lab Kit – Only $5

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Use our easy Refraction of Light Science Lab Kit to grab your students’ attention without the stress of planning!

It’s everything you need to  make science easy for teachers and fun for students  — using inexpensive materials you probably already have in your storage closet!

Refraction of Light Science Experiment Instructions

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Step 1 – Start with some observations about the straw. Is there anything unusual about the straw? Make sure the kids notice that is it perfectly straight. Next, place the straw in the empty glass. Make a few more observations and point out that the straw is still straight.

Helpful tip: Use a large plastic straw from a water bottle to see the results more clearly.

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Step 2 –  Next, pour water into the glass until it is nearly full. Now make a few more observations. What is different about the straw? Make sure to look directly at the side of the glass at the straw. What do you see?

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

Step 3 –  You will notice that near the top of the water line the straw appears to bend. Remove the straw from the water. Is it still bent? Do you know what caused the straw to appear to be bent? Find out the answer in the how does this experiment work section below.

Video Tutorial

How Does the Science Experiment Work

When you add the water to the glass, the straw appears to bend, but once you remove the straw you see it isn’t really bent at all. This is because the straw is not bending, but the light around the straw is bending due to refraction . Light refracts as it passes from one medium to the next because it travels at different speeds through those mediums. Light travels fastest through air, a little slower through water, and even slower through glass.

WHAT IS REFRACTION OF LIGHT? Refraction is the bending of light and occurs when light travels from one medium to another. For example when the light moves from air to water, or from water to air. 

We need light in order to see. When we look at the straw outside of the glass of water, the light coming from the straw travels through the air straight to your eye. As you look at the straw in the glass of water, the light coming from the straw to your eye bends as it passes through three different mediums (water, glass, and air). As the light passes from one medium to the next, it changes speed and bends.

Other Ideas to Try

Try this experiment with liquids other than water. Liquids to try would be light corn syrup, rubbing alcohol, or clear Gatorade. Does the liquid you use affect how much the straw appears to bend?

More Experiments that Show The Refraction Of Light

Light Refraction Science Experiment – Watch in amazement as the arrow to changes direction.

Ruler Changes Size Science Experiment  – Observe how the size of an object changed when viewed through different liquids. 

I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Here are some printable instructions:

Water Bends Straw Experiment - Step 2

Can Water Bend a Straw Experiment


  • Observe the straw and notice that it is perfectly straight. Next, place the straw in the empty glass and take note that the straw is still straight. Helpful tip: Use a large plastic straw from a water bottle to see the results more clearly.
  • Pour water into the glass until it is nearly full. Look directly at the side of the glass at the straw. What do you see?
  • You will notice that near the top of the water line the straw appears to bent. Remove the straw from the water. Is it still bent?

Can Water Bend a Straw Experiment Steps

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September 14, 2017 at 2:36 am

Optical illusion

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Fundamentals of determination of the biological tissue refractive index by ellipsoidal reflector method.

refraction of light with an arrow experiment

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 3. results and discussion, 4. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Share and Cite

Bezugla, N.; Romodan, O.; Komada, P.; Stelmakh, N.; Bezuglyi, M. Fundamentals of Determination of the Biological Tissue Refractive Index by Ellipsoidal Reflector Method. Photonics 2024 , 11 , 828. https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics11090828

Bezugla N, Romodan O, Komada P, Stelmakh N, Bezuglyi M. Fundamentals of Determination of the Biological Tissue Refractive Index by Ellipsoidal Reflector Method. Photonics . 2024; 11(9):828. https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics11090828

Bezugla, Natalia, Oleksandra Romodan, Pawel Komada, Nataliia Stelmakh, and Mykhailo Bezuglyi. 2024. "Fundamentals of Determination of the Biological Tissue Refractive Index by Ellipsoidal Reflector Method" Photonics 11, no. 9: 828. https://doi.org/10.3390/photonics11090828

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  1. Reverse Arrow Science Experiment- (REFRACTION OF LIGHT)

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment

  2. Refraction of Light with an Arrow Experiment 25747586 Vector Art at

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment

  3. Cool Light Refraction Science Experiment

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment

  4. Refraction of Light with a arrow experiment (Refraction of light in water)

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment

  5. Cool Light Refraction Science Experiment

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment

  6. Flipping Arrow Experiment

    refraction of light with an arrow experiment


  1. #REFRACTION # Light

  2. Refraction of light

  3. Arrow refraction 😱😲#viral #shorts #diy #tranding

  4. Refraction experiment / reversing arrow illusion #shorts #youtubeshorts

  5. Refraction of light experiment #science experiment shorts

  6. Refraction


  1. Cool Light Refraction Science Experiment

    Light Refraction Science Experiment Instructions. Step 1 - Get a sheet of paper and draw two arrows on it. One arrow near the top and one arrow near the bottom. Make the arrows point in the same direction. Step 2 - Fill a glass with water. Step 3 - Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass of water.

  2. Light Refraction Experiment

    Fill the glass almost to the top. Draw arrows on one piece of of card or paper. Place the paper behind the glass and watch as the arrow points the other way. Now try to think of a word that still makes sense if you put it behind the glass. We tried bud, the green ( badly drawn ) plant is on the opposite side when the paper is not behind the glass.

  3. Refraction of Light with a arrow experiment (Refraction of light in

    Refraction of Light with a arrow experiment (Refraction of light in water)Made for parents and teachersScience Kits and morehttps://elementarysciencen.wixsit...

  4. Reversing Arrows Experiment

    The science of light refraction. The light reaching your eye coming from the arrow is refracted ( bent ) through the glass of water.The glass of water acts like a convex lens (like you might have in a magnifying glass).Convex lenses bend light to a focal point.This is the point at which the light from an object crosses.

  5. Flipping Arrow Experiment

    Why do things flip around, or look bigger or smaller, when looked through a glass of water. Well, the water is actually slowing down the speed of light! AN...

  6. Refraction of Light Experiment

    3. Arrange the arrows so they are facing opposite directions for two arrows. You can also do this experiment with just one arrow. 4. Fill the glasses with water. For an arrow facing left without water, it will flip to face right once the water is added in. Kids will be amazed to see the arrow flip directions while learning about light refraction!

  7. Episode 4: Reversing Arrow

    Draw two short horizontal arrows, both pointing the same way, on your piece of paper, they should be about as long as your glass is wide. Find a way to stand up your paper - fold the sides, lean it against a wall, box or book (etc.) Put the glass in front of your arrows, and pour water into your glass until the level of the water is above one ...

  8. Turning Arrow (Refraction Experiment)

    Wow your family and friends with this amazing refraction experiment. Make the arrow flip over right before your eyes! Of course, it's not really magic - it's science! It is called refraction of light and read on at the end of this post to see how it works. You will need: A pen Paper 2 glasses Water Method: Draw an arrow pointing left or right on the paper and rest it against something so it is ...

  9. Simple Light Refraction Science Experiment

    The best thing about this fun and easy light refraction science experiment is how simple it is to do with just 3 household ingredients.All you need is a clea...

  10. PDF Experiment #1: Light Refraction Arrow Experiment

    Experiment #1: Light Refraction Arrow Experiment Materials: • Piece of Paper • Marker • Beaker • Water SAFETY: Please be extremely careful handling the beaker - remember it will break. If a beaker breaks, please let Mrs. Smith know immediately. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PICK UP BROKEN GLASS! Instructions: 1. Get a sheet of paper, and draw two ...

  11. The Reversing Arrow Illusion: Light Refraction Science

    Science Behind the Reversing Arrow Illusion. When light passes from a fast medium (air) to a slow medium (water), refraction, or bending of light, occurs. Since air molecules are far apart, light can travel through the air quickly and with very little refraction. However, water molecules are close together and slow down the light and cause the ...

  12. The Reversing Arrow Illusion: An amazing & easy trick for all ages

    When light passes from one material to another, it can bend or refract. In the experiment that you just completed, light traveled from the air, through the glass, through the water, through the back of the glass, and then back through the air, before hitting the arrow. Anytime that light passes from one medium, or material, into another, it ...

  13. Simple Science Experiments: Light Refraction Experiment

    This easy light refraction experiment is a cool way to show kids how light bends in water! This super simple light refraction experiment is an easy way to bring science to life with your kids! ... Make sure that each arrow points in a different direction. Stick the note to a blank wall. Next, fill up the water bottle. Oh - put the lid on ...

  14. Light Refraction Magic: A Simple Science Experiment For Kids

    The bending of light, or refraction, causes the light paths to cross, flipping the image of the arrows as viewed through the water-filled glass. It's a brilliant demonstration of how the speed of light changes in different materials and the visual effects those changes can produce. Video. For visual learners, here's a video that dives into ...

  15. Refraction of Light in Water

    https://mocomi.com/ presents : Refraction of Light in Water - Science experiment for kids!REQUIREMENTS : -A piece of paper with an arrow drawn on it.1 glass1...

  16. Refraction of light

    Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with sound, water and other waves) as it passes from one transparent substance into another. This bending by refraction makes it possible for us to have lenses, magnifying glasses, prisms and rainbows. Even our eyes depend upon this bending of light.

  17. Light Refraction -- Fun, INDEPENDENT Experiments

    This experiment helps the kids see how water and glass can magnify things. Bending Light -- sticking a straight pencil into a clear plastic glass of water, the kids are able to see how the light moves through water and appears to "bend" the pencil. Since many of these experiments use water, I would recommend having some of them (especially the ...

  18. Experiments

    The Refraction of Light. Prepare a beaker filled with 3/4 water and place a pencil in the beaker. Stand at eye level to see the results. Prepare a piece of paper with an horizontal arrow and make sure it fits behind the chosen beaker. Have the person viewing the experiment to stand at eye level of the beaker and slowly pour in water to see what ...

  19. Refraction of Light

    When drawing a ray diagram an arrow is used to show the direction the wave is travelling An incident ray has an arrow pointing towards the boundary; A refracted ray has an arrow pointing away from the boundary; The angles of incidence and refraction are usually labelled i and r respectively; Refraction ray diagram. A ray diagram for light refracting at a boundary, showing the normal, angle of ...

  20. Refraction Arrow Magic

    In this #experiment, Because of refraction an arrow changes its direction when seen through water in glass. Light travels through the air, then through the g...

  21. Simple Refraction of Light Science Experiment

    More Experiments that Show The Refraction Of Light. Light Refraction Science Experiment - Watch in amazement as the arrow to changes direction. Ruler Changes Size Science Experiment - Observe how the size of an object changed when viewed through different liquids. I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Here are some printable instructions:

  22. Reverse Arrow Science Experiment- (REFRACTION OF LIGHT)

    #ilovefunscience #coolscienceexperiments #funscienceexperiments #refraction #refractionexperiments #refractionexperiment #refractionoflight #reversearrow #re...

  23. Photonics

    Absorption, scattering, refraction, and reflection processes characterize light's interaction with biological media. Both for the classical wave theory and its development [1,2], when dielectric and magnetic permeability are fundamental, and for the theory of radiation transfer [3,4,5], when the absorption coefficient, the scattering coefficient, and the scattering anisotropy factor are ...

  24. Cool Light Refraction Science Experiment

    Cool Light Refraction Science ExperimentIn this Video we show you the steps to conduct this cool science experiment and you can follow along at home using a ...