UEF Experimental Units

Fatboy – mobile factory.

The Fatboy is perhaps the game’s best experimental unit. “Mobile Factory” is not a very good description; rather, it is an “Amphibious Battleship” with a modicum of anti-air support, decent sub protection, and shields that let it “regenerate” health if the assault against it is a failure, to say nothing of being able to build and deploy T3 Engineers while shielded that can make T3 SAM sites or repair or whatever is necessary. Extremely slow, of course, but also extremely dangerous.

The Fatboy Mobile Factory, UEF Experimental Unit in Supreme Commander.

Fatboy Stats

Armor: 25000hp regen rate: 5 Shield: 25000hp size: 20 (391m) regen rate: 156 regen start time: 120 recharge time: 160) drain: E -500 Abilities: Torpedoes, Construction (T2 land factory + T3 Engineer) Cost: M56400, E608400 T18000 storage: M200, E1000 build rate: 60 Intel sight: 32 (625m) Physics max speed: 1 (19.5m/s) turn rate: 16 Transport class: 10 class 2 attach size: 2 class 3 attach size: 4 Veterancy: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 kills *veteran level 2: +6250 hp *veteran level 4: +6250 hp *veteran level 5: repair 2 hp/s

Fatboy Weapons

4x Gauss Cannon (Direct Fire) 1500.00 dps, range: 100 (1.95km) projectile weapon: 500 damage x 3 projectiles = 1500 per salvo rate of fire: 1 (every 1s) *veteran level 1: +125 damage *veteran level 3: +125 damage

2x Hells Fury Riot Gun (Direct Fire) 225.00 dps range: 40 (781m) projectile weapon: 75 damage rate of fire: 3 (every 0.33s)      *veteran level 1: +19 damage *veteran level 3: +19 damage

2x Linked Railgun (Anti Air) 18.00 dps, range: 44 (859m) projectile weapon: 6 damage x 2 projectiles = 12 per salvo rate of fire: 1.5 (every 0.67s)      *veteran level 1: +2 damage *veteran level 3: +2 damage

Angler Torpedo (Anti Navy) 187.50 dps range: 32 (625m) projectile weapon: 750 damage rate of fire: 0.25 (every 4s) *veteran level 1: +188 damage *veteran level 3: +188 damage


The Atlantis is a carrier that is as expensive as a battleship, and just as scary in the right circumstances. It has trouble turning around, of course, but it’s almost invulnerable while firing super-powerful torpedoes, and can then surface to launch its aircraft and pull out its tracking AA missiles. On sea maps, this is even more fearsome, because it doesn’t tie up your T3 naval factory for several minutes while it’s building. In fact, it IS a floating T3 air factory with twice the armor. This super-sub can give you the edge in combat or out of it.

The Atlantis Submersible Aircraft Carrier, UEF Experimental Unit in Supreme Commander.

Atlantis Stats

Armor: 40000hp Abilities: Submersible, Air Staging, Construction, Radar Cost: M15120, E189000, T22680, build rate: 40 Intel sight: 32 (625m) sonar: 150 (2.93km) water sight: 40 (781m) Physics max speed: 2.975 (58.1m/s) turn rate: 6 Transport class: 10 Veterancy: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 kills *veteran level 2: +15000 hp *veteran level 4: +15000 hp *veteran level 5: repair 3 hp/s

Atlantis Weapons

4x Angler Torpedo (Anti Navy) 307.69 dps, range: 42 (820m) projectile weapon: 800 damage rate of fire: 0.38 (every 2.6s)      *veteran level 1: +200 damage *veteran level 3: +200 damage

4x Flayer SAM Launcher (Anti Air): 33.00 dps, range: 60 (1.17km) projectile weapon: 33 damage rate of fire: 1 (every 1s)     *veteran level 1: +8 damage *veteran level 3: +8 damage


The Mavor is the closest thing in Supreme Commander to an ultimate weapon. It fires pinpoint artillery that breaks a heavy shield in one shot, has no maximum range, and requires only a couple Power Generators to keep running, unlike nukes, and also unlike nukes, there’s no way to shoot down its shells. The downside? It’s also ultimately expensive, and so weak that you must be constantly vigilant for everything from T3 bomber runs to cloaked Cybrans.

The Mavor Strategic Artillery, UEF Experimental Unit in Supreme Commander.

Mavor Stats

Armor: 8000hp Cost: M302400, E9000000, T216000 Intel sight: 28 (547m) Physics size for adjacency: 16 Veterancy: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000 kills

Mavor Weapons

Anti Matter Artillery (Artillery) 2750.00 dps, area: 7 (137m), range: 128 (2.50km) – 4000 (78.1km) projectile weapon: 22000 damage firing randomness: 0.18 rate of fire: 0.125 (every 8s) energy required: 20000 (-5000 for 4 seconds)

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2. Supreme Commander 2 General hints and tips


Additional Build Menus


Special Commands


Command Chaining


When you have units selected you can target a structure or other unit to set your selection to protect your target. What that means is that they will follow their target and engage enemies that engage it. This is a neat way to have your air units follow and protect your ground units without them flying ahead and getting shredded by defences for no reason.


Experimental Units

Experimental units are expensive but quite strong units or buildings. However, in the case of units, all of them have a drawback that you can exploit or need to cover. All experimental units are built from a specialized structure that you will gain access to once your first experimental unit has been researched. You can build the Gantry from the second tab of your build menu.

Strength in Numbers

Even though some defences might seem impenetrable or some experimental units too strong, there is nothing the AI builds that you can't simply roll over with superior numbers and a somewhat good unit composition. You can have up to 250 units (which is a lie since buildings are also included in this count) at a given time.

If you use air units you pretty much only need Bombers or Gunships as enemies will seldom have a superior Fighter force. Even if they do, a dozen Fighters to protect your bomber is usually enough. A force of a hundred bombers (upgraded) is enough to bomb anything to Hell even on hard. While you may need to overcome shields or make a second run, no enemy defence will be able to stop you.

For ground units it is important to mix main and support units. I usually set my factories to build two bots or tanks for every one support unit, i.e.: three bots, one anti-air, one anti-missile, and one other unit. Keep in mind that this depends a bit on what faction you are using. A good mix of upgraded units can waltz right through an enemy base (just set your army to move to the back of the enemy base and they will clear a path right through it) with very few losses. I had a sizeable force of 140 units clean a Colossus and two Urchinows losing only eleven units myself.

The trick is to give the enemy too many targets to shoot at while packing overwhelming firepower yourself.

Improving your Buildings

As mentioned before, you can upgrade factories by using their secondary build menus to apply some handy add-ons. In addition, you can assign Engineers to factories to support them. You can assign multiple Engineers - up to three - to improve the speed that factories are building units. You can apply the same when constructing, although I would advise to always use your ACU as it is simply a lot faster than using your Engineers which should focus on repairs, wreckage collection and factory improvement in that order.

Save Games and Loading

Also, when selecting specific operations, be sure to check the difficulty as it will always default to normal.

Veterancy in this game behaves similar to other games. However, nearly everything can get a veteran rank. Units and defences will gain more hit points and damage and factories will produce units faster and at a lower cost. Factories will gain these ranks by total time spent producing units. Defences and units will earn ranks (up to five total) for defeating units in battle. Generally it is a good idea to keep your units around as veteran units are quite powerful. Hence, it is useful to gather units you are currently building up at the location of your base (assisted by Engineers to repair them and preferably behind shields) where the enemy will attack most frequently.

Altered Gamer

Experimental Units in Supreme Commander 2

Experimental Units in Supreme Commander 2

Supreme Commander 2 Units

If you’ve played the first installment of this popular Real-time strategy game, developed by Gas Powered Games, it is likely you’ll want to get your hands on its sequel. Having received mostly favourable reviews, the new Supreme Commander looks more stylized, slicker and with richer details than its predecessor.

Three New Experimental Units

(UEF) Noah Cannon

(UEF) Noah Cannon – This is one of the most powerful experimentals in the game, which allows you to first build units inside it and then launch them (for example launch a Sharp shooter, a Titan, a Rock Head) into enemy territory. The fire-rate is pretty rapid, allowing you to launch about 20-21 units per-minute, hence an arsenal of these can overwhelm your enemy with hordes of land units for surprise attacks. Don’t forget that, although powerful, the units which you launch are still vulnerable to enemies unless you take the necessary precautions (i.e. upgrading your land units for example). For more info on the Experimental units visit: Supreme Commander 2 Experimental units Guide: UEF

Experimental units

  • Edit source

The following is a list of all experimental units in the game.

For more details, see the experimental unit article.

Experimental unit

All items (18)

Aeon Experimental Aircraft Carrier

  • UEF Defense Satellite

UEF Experimental Aircraft Carrier

Space Temple Experimental Teleporter

  • Edit source
   Experimental Base & Defense Units
Major Base
Minor Base

Half baked

Illuminate Space Temple
 Experimental Teleporter
Build Costs
1460 5175 190
Research Info
Unlocked By
Damage radius


A Space Temple Beacon

The Space Temple Experimental Teleporter is an Illuminate major experimental unit. It creates a two-way teleportation conduit between it and any point on the map in it's impressive range, which both allies and enemies can use.

The 1.4 patch introduced a cooldown timer of 30 seconds before the location of the Illuminate Space Temple Exit/Entry Beacon be moved. To compensate, the range of the teleporter was increased by 40%.

  • Units do not have to actually enter the Temple or Beacon in order to teleport, they just need to be close to it. This allows deployable units like the Pulinsmash to deploy before teleporting.
  • The Space Temple effectively allows your army to quickly travel anywhere within a large radius, and thus use it for lightning strikes on outlying enemy units.
  • In a tough game, it can be used to drop units into the heart of an enemy base to take out a vital target.
  • Be very careful to either heavily guard the Space Temple or manage the beacon carefully to avoid enemy armies using it, as the same high speed strikes that devastate your enemies could devastate you.
  • A way to defend against the above is to place it with 5 loyality guns just within their effective range and then thank the enemy for his units and potentially technology.
  • Be aware that the teleportation beacon you send out does not have a range of vision, so tread carefully.
  • If you have a sizeable army teleport 5 tanks into the enemy base. If they fight by coming through the gate,(the don't have range of vision just like the portal) you can tear them apart on your own terms.
  • If you have the temple covered with at least 20 ground turrets and leave the beacon in an area easily accesible by the enemy will most likely win you the game as he will exhaust all his resources trying to take you out.
  • If you are playing against someone using a Space Temple, rather than sending in an army of normal units, pretend to ignore his beacon. Then, build a close range major experimental - a Cybranasaurus Rex, King Kriptor, or Universal Collosus - and use an experimental air transport (if UEF or Cybran) to drop it directly at his beacon. If done right, you can deploy the experimental into a very heavily defended base which otherwise it might not be able to reach. This is the most useful with the Cybranasaures Rex as it has a VERY limited range and will probably fall prey to Tactical Missile Launchers before it manages to get a single shot off otherwise.
  • A good use for the Space Temple is to use it to directly reinforce a moving (land) army, especially with Universal Colossi. If the army is sufficiently large and is busy crushing all before it, the chances of enemy units using the beacon in reverse are very small, and with enough experimental gantries, you can drop 2-3 Colossi right behind the army every couple of minutes.

Quantum Gate Network Tactic [ ]

  • The Space Temple beacon is a good choice to build around if you teleport into the enemy base as it allows a possible secondary base and engineers will be able to retreat before the base is destroyed and the beacon can be moved away. or you can just build massive amounts of anti-land turrets or loyalty guns and get free units handed to you.
  • When using the Space Temple, you should use the Quantum Gate Network tactic. This tactic includes building 3-4 or more Space Temple. First, you build the first Space Temple (near your base or in your base is fine), then, set the Beacon to an area that can be easily defended. Then, send a few engineers and/or your ACU through the First Space Temple. Use them to build several defense turrets and shields (you should first observe how your opponent(s) are building his/her forces. Focus the amount of turrets you have based off of how your opponent's strategy (if they are building a land army, build more Point Defense turrets, etc.) is. But always have at least 2 shield structures, and you'll be fine.) around the first beacon. Then, build a second Space temple next to that beacon. Drop that Space Temple's beacon close to your opponent's base (after that, you can repeat the steps above).
  • An alternate method is to have one space temple where the enemy can see but not threaten it, with only a few Yenzoos near it, but another where the enemy can't see, with about 10 universal collosi outside. Find the enemy ACU, but don't let him realize you have. NOTE: DLC pack is useful here as you gain the illuminator. Put the beacon from the second Temple very near the enemy ACU, then move the Yenzoos near the first temple. With a bit of luck, your opponent will think you are just sending a few Yenzoos through. Then you simply teleport the Colossi through the second temple and laugh evilly. NOTE: this works even better when the enemy has his ACU's weapons upgraded a little, as he will consider the Yenzoos less of a threat, especially against inexperienced human players who have only encountered a Space Temple once or twice, as they probably won't guess what you're up to.

The space Temple is a very valuable piece of technology, it's not a good idea to put one undefended on the battle field as it will be captured.

The reason it is so valuable is because of its strategic options, even escorted transports are easily destroyed... This means any one with the ability to instantly transport up to 100 units into a base at a time has a clear advantage...

Unlike the Illuminate teleports installed on basic units, this unit has much greater potential, it can teleport engineers to mass sites. Avoid air patrols.

You should build this unit away from your main base, this is because enemy's can use it's beacon to travel back to your base, also put point defences nearby to kill any units foolish enough to come through.

  • BUG: If you try to send too many units at once through the beacon they won't be able to teleport. To fix this send a unit through the space temple.
  • 1 King Kriptor Experimental Assault Bot
  • 2 Supreme Commander 2
  • 3 Monkeylord Experimental Spiderbot

supreme commander how to build experimental units

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

supreme commander how to build experimental units

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A subreddit about discussing topics and sharing links about anything related to Supreme Commander and its sequel, Supreme Commander 2. Supreme Commander (abbreviated "SupCom" or "SC") is a real-time strategy video game designed by Chris Taylor and developed by his company, Gas Powered Games. SC is widely considered to be the spiritual successor to Taylor's 1997 game, Total Annihilation.

Is there a way to change unit sizes? or are there any mods that change unit sizes? (especially experimentals)

I don't think experimentals are as epic as they should be. I want to change my game so that experimentals become these unstoppable behemoths that no matter how many T3s they throw at it, mean game over for your opponent unless they have one of their own (or nukes). I'd like to change the size of experimentals to about 2x or even 3x their own size, so as they absolutely dwarf all other T1, T2 and T3 units (but of course, they'll also be slower and more expensive).

So as an experiment, I tried changing the UniformScale in the blueprint of the Spider bot (URL0402) from its default (.0725, I believe) to .01 but when I tried to build it, the game CTD'd. I remember reading that I had to change the hitbox and dimensions (x,y,z) but that's where I hit a wall and couldn't find any literature to guide me through that.

I also tried this unit editor but I can't even get it to run.

SOLVED! Read my comment below to see how to do it.

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How do you make experimental units on supreme commander forged alliance?

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in the build option panel, check the top left , there should be a circle , click on it and you will have the option of building experimental units.

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  1. Cybran Experimental Units

    supreme commander how to build experimental units

  2. UEF Experimental Units

    supreme commander how to build experimental units


    supreme commander how to build experimental units


    supreme commander how to build experimental units

  5. Cybran Experimental Units

    supreme commander how to build experimental units

  6. Cybran Experimental Units

    supreme commander how to build experimental units


  1. Experimental unit

    Experimental units are large, powerful units in Supreme Commander, acting as the signature weapons for each faction. Experimentals are usually armed with powerful weaponry and have various abilities to give them an edge in battle. Each faction has three experimental units (Four in Forged Alliance, including the Seraphim) and constitute some of the major faction differences. Often considered ...

  2. Cybran Experimental Units

    range: 50 (977m) - 330 (6.45km) projectile weapon: 1000 damage. rate of fire: 0.5 (every 2s) randomness: 1.5. energy required: 10000. *veteran level 1: +250 damage. *veteran level 3: +250 damage. A thoroughly unremarkable building except for its low cost - that's OK, because subcommanders don't come cheap. Originally intended to also teleport ...

  3. UEF Experimental Units

    The Fatboy is perhaps the game's best experimental unit. "Mobile Factory" is not a very good description; rather, it is an "Amphibious Battleship" with a modicum of anti-air support, decent sub protection, and shields that let it "regenerate" health if the assault against it is a failure, to say nothing of being able to build and ...

  4. SupCom FA

    Please rate, comment and subscibe. Thanks!Music: Eighties Action by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0

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  10. Experimental Units in Supreme Commander 2

    Outrageous. (UEF) Noah Cannon - This is one of the most powerful experimentals in the game, which allows you to first build units inside it and then launch them (for example launch a Sharp shooter, a Titan, a Rock Head) into enemy territory. The fire-rate is pretty rapid, allowing you to launch about 20-21 units per-minute, hence an arsenal ...

  11. Experimental Units

    Fatboy II Experimental Assault Vehicle. The Fatboy II is a remake of the incredibly powerful original Fatboy from Supreme Commander 1. The design of the Fatboy has changed, now operating on 4 treads and losing its purpose as a mobile factory, and turning into a long-range offensive tank. The fatboy is primarily an assault unit.

  12. Category:Experimental units

    The following is a list of all experimental units in the game. For more details, see the experimental unit article. A. Aeon Experimental Aircraft Carrier. Aeon Experimental Assault Bot. Aeon Experimental Battleship. Aeon Experimental Resource Generator. C. Cybran Experimental Gunship.

  13. Experimental Units

    Once they are unlocked (or if you are playing a Skirmish), any Tech 3 builder should be able to build them. Just go to the build menu, and when you go to select the tech level, select the one that says "X," and you will have a menu of the available experimental units. Be warned that experimental units are incredibly expensive and take forever ...

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  16. Space Temple Experimental Teleporter

    The Space Temple Experimental Teleporter is an Illuminate major experimental unit. It creates a two-way teleportation conduit between it and any point on the map in it's impressive range, which both allies and enemies can use. The 1.4 patch introduced a cooldown timer of 30 seconds before the location of the Illuminate Space Temple Exit/Entry Beacon be moved. To compensate, the range of the ...

  17. Top 10 Experimental Units in Supreme Commander Forged Alliance

    Soooo. We have 4*4 experimentals, a couple of which are actually buildings. And you make a top10 units. This sounds kind of dumb, but will check on the vid, maybe you made it entertaining. I think you are mistaken. None of those Experimental Units are buildings.

  18. How do you get the 4th Experimental? : r/supremecommander

    I have never heard anyone have this issue before. Only explanation I can think of is that you have somehow banned/restricted those units. In FAF (and I think also in the base Forged Alliance) you can ban any units in the lobby before starting a game. EDIT: take the screenshot in skirmish mode not in the campaign. 2.

  19. Can't build experimental units :: Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

    Greetings all. I've been playing this game again after a long haitus and when I go to build an experimental unit all I see is what looks like a gas pump symbol. It's there for the commander, level 3 engineers, and support commander units. Any ideas what this is? I'm using the Sorian mod and a couple of others (shields and level 3 storage), but that's it. Thanks!

  20. Is there a way to change unit sizes? or are there any mods ...

    To increase the size of each experimental, open up its XXX000_unit.bp file with notepad, and look for the line that says UniformScale. You'll have a small number like 0.08 or 0.1 or something like that. ... Supreme Commander 2. Supreme Commander (abbreviated "SupCom" or "SC") is a real-time strategy video game designed by Chris Taylor and ...

  21. Top 10 Most Powerfull Experimental Units in Supreme Commander ...

    A Top 10 most Powerfull Units in Supreme Commander Forged Alliance made by SergiuHellDragoonHQ. This is a personal Top 10, if you have another order for the ...

  22. Invisible Experimentals

    If so, you need to start normal building, and then activate the cheat. 50% of the challenge is made by the game. The other fifty, by the player. Boards. Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. Invisible Experimentals. Topic Archived. For Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Invisible Experimentals".

  23. How do you make experimental units on supreme commander ...

    in the build option panel, check the top left , there should be a circle , click on it and you will have the option of building experimental units. Wiki User ∙ 15 y ago