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Is it possible to write a masters thesis in 10 days? [closed]

Was it ever possible for anyone to finish writing a master thesis in 10 days? I've been struggling for a long time now to focus on my writing due to several personal problems and I'm running close to my deadline so I'm starting to freak out. I welcome any suggestions at this point.

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ff524's user avatar

  • 1 Can you push your deadline to next semester? –  HEITZ Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 22:43
  • 4 I think that really depends on your field, how comprehensive the exact subject of your thesis is, how knowledgeable you are and how well skilled you are in academic writing. I wrote mine in a little over 25 hours in total, but this excludes reading literature and the time required for doing experiments. –  pbond Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 23:41
  • 1 What @pbond said with the additional question of what the requirements of the actual thesis are. –  Raydot Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 0:44
  • 1 I hope you are holed up somewhere working hard on your draft, instead of reading this comment. But if you are reading this comment, go get started! Promise yourself a little reward after a good day's work. After a few days, when you are really on a roll, THEN you may contact someone official to ask for an extension. –  aparente001 Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 2:18

4 Answers 4

If by "writing" you mean to do the research/experiments/studying and then write the thesis then no .

If by "writing" you mean transforming your well organized notes into one document, then yes , maybe if you have great discipline.

If by "writing" you mean to start to write-up from not-so well organized notes, then most probably not .

If you want to try to make it, stop hanging around on the internet and start working.

Dirk's user avatar

  • 2 This made me laugh, which was much needed. –  NZKshatriya Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 1:28
  • Concise yet precise. –  Ébe Isaac Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 4:05
  • Great last sentence. –  Pere Commented Dec 22, 2016 at 19:51

It can be done, but I would be dubious of the quality. That said, I can't recall a Master's thesis that set the world on fire, so I suppose quality is a poor metric.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Make sure you've got all the material you need to write because that's what you need to do -- write. Find a nest and keep all the distractions out.
  • Set minimum targets for your writing. Then, meet and exceed it. I suggest setting targets that allow you to finish writing in eight days, not 10. This gives you some padding in case life gets in the way. To be clear, there are 192 hours in eight days. Allowing for a 12-hour work day, then you need to write 15,000 words in 96 hours or about 156 words an hour. Set a target of 400 words an hour.
  • Make sure you have time to edit your work.

Good luck to you.

  • 3 Just to nitpick: Shannon's masters thesis was actually quite groundbreaking, more so than his PhD. Apart from that, I agree with your advice. Start now. –  Captain Emacs Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 23:41
  • I would love to read it. Do you have a link to the thesis or perhaps some papers that have been produced from it? –  user65587 Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 2:42
  • I think it should be googleable, I do not know whether I can link it here. It is essentially how to use Boolean algebra to simplify circuits. Retrospectively obvious, it wasn't at its time. –  Captain Emacs Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 11:43
  • @Captain Emacs: Although a bit old, there's the case of Luzin's Master's thesis: . . . he completed his thesis The integral and trigonometric series which he submitted in 1915. After his oral examination he was awarded a doctorate, despite having submitted his thesis for the Master's Degree. In fact, even for a Ph.D. thesis, Luzin's is one of the strongest ever written in mathematics --- probably in the top 10 to 20 of all-time for its influence on later developments. –  Dave L Renfro Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 14:48

Yes. You can write it in 10 days though the result won't be good. Make sure you write 1000 to 1500 words a day. So, rather than starting to freak out, you can start writing now

Saber Alex's user avatar

If it's an MFA thesis (average length: 2-3 pages) yes. If it's a science one where you're reporting on results and my impression is that the length isn't too terribly long, maybe. If it's a humanities one that's in the 100-150 page range, it's unlikely (I've written 10-15 pages in a day before, but I doubt I can keep that pace up for ten pages).

You should look into extending into next semester, even if it's just shooting off a quick email while continuing to work. If you have had a large number of personal problems that have negatively affected your ability to complete your school work (and are in the US, not sure how it would apply elsewhere), you should (a) speak with the counseling center on campus and (b) consider a withdrawal under extenuating circumstances (typically called a medical withdrawal, but at least at my school they are allowed for other reasons). If there's no penalty at all for extending into next semester, (b) might not even be necessary — it's super common for both master's and PhD students to miss their expected graduation date by a semester or two because of the thesis/dissertation.

But if you're running up against a hard time limit, the withdrawal would gain you an extra semester. If withdrawal isn't an option, at many schools you can also (c) petition the university to waive the time limit given your circumstances. I don't think I've ever really heard of those petitions being denied if the reason is even halfway reasonable.

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How to write a whole research paper in a week

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Writing up a full research article in a single week? Maybe you think that’s impossible. Yet I have done it repeatedly, and so have students in my courses. This is an exceptionally joyful (even if demanding) experience: being so productive just feels great! You are not wasting any time, and a paper produced in one go is typically coherent and nice to read. Even if you are a slow writer, you can write a whole paper in a single week — if you follow my strategy. Read below about what you need to prepare and how to approach this project.

I wrote my first scientific research article in 7 days. It started as a desperate effort to stop my procrastination and “just do it”. But I was surprised what a positive experience it was: focused and efficient, I was making daily progress, feeling motivated and content. Finally, the fruits of my hard work were gaining shape — and they did it so quickly!

I realized it was highly effective to write up a paper like this: writing for the whole day, every day until the first draft was finished. My writing project was firmly present in my mind — I didn’t lose time catching up with what I have written in the last session. Since I was not doing anything else, my wandering mind settled in very fast, and I was getting into a routine. The daily progress was clearly visible and motivated me to continue. And the result was a coherent paper that was easy to revise.

Meanwhile, this paper-a-week approach is my favorite. That’s how I write my papers, and that’s what I teach to students. In on-site courses young scientists draft a whole paper in 5 days, writing one major section per day. At the beginning of the week, many participants have doubts. But at the end of the week, they are all excited to see how much they managed to write in just a single week.

If you would also like to try out this approach, then read on about the necessary preparations, the optimal setting, and a productive writing strategy.

If you would like to get support during the preparation, drafting and revising of your research article, check out my online course Write Up Your Paper .

Prepare well

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  • First, think about your audience and pick a suitable journal . This is an important step because the audience and journal determine the content & style of your paper. As a reference, pick two recent papers on a similar topic published in your target journal.
  • Create a storyline for your paper. What is the main message you want to convey, and how are you going to present your results?
  • Put together all the results that you need to present your story convincingly: collect the necessary data, finish analyses, and create figures and tables.
  • Select and read the relevant background literature as well as studies you want to compare your work with. As you read, note down any point that comes to your mind as something to be mentioned in the Introduction or Discussion section.
  • Draft a preliminary Abstract : it will help you keep the direction and not get distracted by secondary ideas as you write the individual sections.

Depending on how complete your results already are, you might need 2-4 weeks to finish all these preparations. To help you keep an overview, I created a checklist with detailed steps that you need to take before you attempt to write up your paper in a week. Subscribe to our Newsletter and get your copy of the checklist.

Reserve a whole week for writing

Now, writing a paper in a single week is a serious business. You can’t do it if you don’t focus solely on the writing and create good writing conditions. Therefore, I recommend the following settings:

  • Find a place where you can write without distractions. I have written my first paper over the Easter holidays when there was nobody in the office. You might choose to write at home or in a library. Though if possible, the best is to go for a retreat: removing yourself from your everyday settings immensely helps focus on the writing.
  • Cancel (all) social obligations for the week. While it’s crucial to relax in the evening, you want to avoid disturbances associated with social events. Anything that makes your thoughts drift away from your work because it requires planning, exchanging of messages with others, or simply because it’s too exciting is better left for some other week. On the other hand, a quiet meeting with a good friend over a glass of wine or beer might be just the perfect way to unwind and rest after a productive, yet exhausting day of writing.
  • Get support from the partner, family or friends — if possible. It’s best when you don’t need to run errands, cook and clean during this week. If you live alone, you can probably easily arrange yourself for undisturbed work. If you live with other people, ask them for consideration and support.

What I described above are the *ideal* conditions for undisturbed writing. But don’t give up if you can’t create such conditions for yourself. Work with what is possible — maybe it will take you 7-8 instead of 5-6 days but that’s still a great result, right?

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Maybe you think that you can never ever draft a research article in a single week. Because you write so slowly, producing only few paragraphs per day. Well — I agree that if you don’t optimize your writing strategy, it would be hard to impossible to write up a whole paper in a week.

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  • Separate the processes of writing and revising. That’s the most important principle. Resist the urge to revise as you write the first draft. Moreover, don’t interrupt your writing to look up missing information. Work with placeholders instead. This allows you to get into the state of flow and proceed much faster than you can imagine.
  • Start your writing day with 10 minutes of freewriting . Write without stopping about anything that comes to your mind. This helps you to warm up for writing, clear your head of any unrelated thoughts, and get into the mood of writing without editing.
  • Take regular power breaks. I recommend to follow the Pomodoro technique : write for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After 3-4 such sessions take a longer break of 0.5-1 hour. During the breaks get up, walk a bit, stretch, look around, and breathe deeply. These breaks help you sustain high focus and productivity throughout the whole day.
  • Eat and sleep well. What you are doing is similar to a professional athlete. So take care of your brain and body, and they will serve you well.
  • Reward yourself. Every day celebrate the progress you have made. You have full right to be proud of you!

Write the individual sections in a reasonable order

If you have written a research paper before, you have probably realized that starting with the Introduction and finishing with the Discussion is not the ideal order in which to tackle the individual sections. Instead, I recommend the following procedure:

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  • Start with the Methods section. This is the easiest section to write, so it’s great as a warm-up, to get into writing without the need to think (and procrastinate ;)) too much. Look at your figures and tables: what methods did you use to create them? Then describe your methods, one after another.
  • Results section: Writing the Methods section refreshes your memory about the research you have done. So writing the Results section next should not be too hard: Take one display object (figure or table) after another, and describe the results they contain. While you do so, you will come across points that need to be discussed in the Discussion section. Note them down so you don’t forget them.
  • Introduction : When your results are fresh in your mind, you are in a great position to write the Introduction — because the Introduction should contain selected information that gives the reader context for your research project and allows them to understand your results and their implications.
  • Discussion : When you have taken notes while writing the Results section, the Discussion section should be quite easy to draft. Don’t worry too early about the order in which you want to discuss the individual points. Write one paragraph for each point , and then see how you can logically arrange them.
  • Abstract and title : On the last day, revise the preliminary Abstract or write a new one. You could also take a break of a few days before tackling the Abstract, to gain clarity and distance. Generate multiple titles (I recommend 6-10), so that you and your co-authors can choose the most appropriate one.

Just do it!

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Once you have written the whole draft, let it sit for a week or two, and then revise it. Follow my tips for efficient revising and get your revision checklist that will guide you step-by-step through the whole process.

Now I am curious about your experience: Have you ever written up an academic article quickly? How did you do it? Please, share with us your tips & strategies!

Are you putting off the work on your manuscript? Writing a research paper doesn’t have to be a long and tedious process. Join our online program and get support & guidance to

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Check it out This course is relevant for you if your research belongs to natural & life sciences, other STEM fields or quantitative social sciences. Registration deadline: July 01, 2024

7 thoughts on “ How to write a whole research paper in a week ”

Thank for your guide and suggestion. It gives to me very precious ways how to write a article. Now I am writing a article related to Buddhist studies. Thank you so much.

You are welcome!

excellent! it helped me a lot! wish you all best

Hi Parham, I’m happy to hear that!

I have never written any paper before. As I am from very old school.

But my writing skill is actually very good. Your help is definitely going to help me as this has inspired me alot. Will let you know, once done. I really like the outline that you have given. Basically you have made it so easy for me .

Hope fully will be in touch with you soon.

Thanks and ki d Regards, Shehla

Dear Shehla, that sounds great! I’m looking forward to hearing about your paper!

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Can I Write A Dissertation In Two Weeks? (Quick Answer)

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by  Antony W

June 6, 2024

can you write a dissertation in two weeks

Imagine this:

Your dissertation is due in about 14 days. It’s 8,000 to 10,000 words long assignment and you haven’t written even a single word yet.

You know you should have started sooner, but the year has been quite tough for you. What do you do? Is two weeks even enough to write a dissertation this long?

You can write and complete a dissertation in two weeks if you dedicate yourself to working on it every day. Provided you’ve done your research and you already know what you want to talk about, it should be easy to put the words down.

You don’t have to fret if you seem already late with the project.

Sometimes being paranoid and scared of what would happen now that you’re running out of time can easily result in a writer’s block ,  which can make it even more difficult to complete your work.

In this guide, we give you some tips that you can use to complete your dissertation in just 14 days.

How to Write a Dissertation in 14 Days

1. start with proper planning.

The best way to write a comprehensive dissertation in two weeks is to write down a plan first.

Students who write 2,000 words in one sitting do so because they’ve mapped out their plans in a way that allows them to achieve such major milestones.

In your plan, determine what you need to include in the assignment, the right order to include them, and the number of words for each section.

Spend at most 4 days doing further research and reading, and then the next 5 to 7 days writing 1,000 to 2,000 words a day.

Make sure you’re sticking to the plan from the first to the very last day. Two weeks is a short time, so you can’t have time for procrastination in your plan.

With a high degree of discipline, it should be easy for you to use the plan to write the entire dissertation within the limited period.

2. Write Every Day and In Bits

The golden rule to getting a 10,000 to a 15,000-word dissertation completed in just 14 days or less is to write every day and do so in bits.

Rather than trying to write 4,000 words or more once, try to limit yourself to completing 2,000 words a day without fail.

You will need effective study habits   to get this done in good time. That means writing in a space free from distraction so you can meet your daily target.

If you can’t focus in your room, for example, go to the park, local library, or school library and write from there.

If your director or supervisor expects you to complete a 10,000-word dissertation, and you limit yourself to writing 2,000 words a day, you’ll finish writing in just 5 days.

That means you’ll have at least another full week to proofread, edit, and crosscheck your work for clarity, authenticity, and comprehensiveness.

There are days when you won’t hit the 2,000 words mark, and that’s completely fine, especially if you can write half that word limit.

The key thing here is to develop the habit of writing every day and, in the end, still have enough time left to do your editing. 

3. Write Section by Section

Two weeks is a limited time to write a dissertation fast. So you have to lay the foundation early after research to complete the project in good time.

Lay out each section and heading of the assignment, starting with the question, followed by objectives, and then the layout.

The layout of your dissertation should be as follows, exactly in the order presented below:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology
  • Discussion and analysis
  • Limitations
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • Bibliography

Laying out your assignment in sections simplifies the project, especially since it allows you to add content with ease as you continue to write.

It even helps to break the monotony of sitting through hours of writing because you can focus on another section when you feel lost in one.

There’s no specific formula for writing each section, except to make sure you spent at least an hour in each section.

As long as you’ve done prior research and you know exactly what you’d like to say, this shouldn’t be a problem at all.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the hardest part of working on a dissertation .

The hardest part of working on a dissertation assignment is the literature review section.

It’s also the most important part of the project that should take most of your time to research and write.

Be sure to check out our guide on how to write a literature review   if you need a refresher.

2. How many words should a dissertation have?

While there are several factors that determine the length of a dissertation ,  the assignment can be between 8,000and 15,000 words long.

Check with your director or supervisor to be sure of the expected word count because some programs have a variation in word count.

3. How many hours should you spend on a dissertation?

The answer to this question really isn’t black and white. In other words, how much you spend writing your dissertation depends on when you started working on the project.

If you’ve done in-depth research early and you already know what you want to write down, spending at least 4 hours a day working on the assignment can get you to finish the work in the shortest time possible.

Assuming you write 2,000 words every day, you should take about 10 days to complete your dissertation. 

Final Thoughts

There’s more to writing a dissertation than meeting the number of works. You have to research your topic thoroughly and make sure you get the structure and flow of the assignment right. 

Remember that you have a limited time already, so you cannot afford the luxury of procrastination.

Every day you delay brings you closer to failing the dissertation and missing the doctorate degree.

So spend a lot of your time researching, writing, and consulting until you get the work done. 

Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance if you feel stuck somewhere along the way. The team at Help for Assessment to guide you in any way you need.

Also, you can hire our dissertation writing service to get a team to work along with you so you get your dissertation completed within the 14-day period.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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Mr mallya had proposed to his girlfriend on halloween 2023. the former model had shared the news by posting pictures of the couple, in costume for halloween..

Vijay Mallya's Son To Marry Girlfriend In Week-Long Wedding Festivities

Sidhartha Mallya, son of fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya, is set to marry his long-time girlfriend Jasmine. In a post on Instagram, Mr Mallya shared a photo with Jasmine and captioned it "Wedding week has commenced…#wedding #ily." The photo shows the couple hugging and posing in a flower frame.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sid (@sidmallya)

Mr Mallya had proposed to his girlfriend on Halloween 2023. The former model had shared the news by posting pictures of the couple, in costume for Halloween, on social media. In one of the pictures, Mr Mallya, dressed as a Halloween pumpkin, is seen kneeling and proposing to Jasmine, who is wearing a witch costume. In the second picture, the happy couple poses for the camera with Jasmine showing off the engagement ring on her finger.

Former actor and model Mr Mallya has written two books on mental health and is an advocate for mental health awareness among young people. While his book, "If I'm Honest: A Memoir of My Mental Health Journey" chronicles his own mental health journey, his second book "Sad-Glad" is a children's book described as a "companion for a dull day".

He first made headlines as the director of IPL team Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and later appeared as the judge on "The Hunt for The Kingfisher Calendar Girl 2013". His father, Vijay Mallya, is the former chairman of UB Group, an Indian conglomerate that is primarily in the alcoholic beverage business.

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Mr Mallya was born in Los Angeles, California, and raised in London and the UAE. He studied at Wellington College and Queen Mary University of London, and then attended the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama.

After graduating from drama school, Mr Mallya began working as a model and actor. He has appeared in a number of films and television shows, including the sex comedy film Brahman Naman. He has also hosted an online video show and worked as a marketing manager for Guinness.

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Tiny brain sensor implanted without surgery dissolves after weeks

In animal tests, a cube of hydrogel the length of a rice grain was implanted in the brain with a needle to monitor temperature or pressure, and then dissolved away after a few weeks

By Jeremy Hsu

5 June 2024

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A brain sensor made of hydrogel is small enough to inject with a needle

Hanchuan Tang and Jianfeng Zang

A tiny sensor can be injected through the skull with a needle to help monitor brain health before dissolving within weeks. These sensors have been tested in animals, and could one day enable minimally invasive human implants to monitor traumatic brain injuries or neurological conditions such as epilepsy.

“As far as I know, this is the first wireless sensor that can be used to monitor conditions within the body without requiring any surgery,” says Jules Magda at the University of Utah, who wasn’t involved in the work.

We may finally know how cognitive reserve protects against Alzheimer's

The sensor is a cube of soft hydrogel 2 millimetres wide, about the width of a rice grain. Jianfeng Zang at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China and his colleagues created precisely spaced air columns throughout the hydrogel to make a structured “metagel” sensor. When an external source of ultrasound waves is applied to the sensor, the channels direct the reflection of the ultrasound. The sensor’s shape subtly deforms in response to changing conditions in the brain, such as pressure or temperature, which can be seen in the reflected ultrasound.

“No wires or electronics are needed,” says Zang. “It’s almost like the metagel is acting as a tiny acoustic mirror that changes its reflection in response to its environment.”

Zang and his colleagues showed that the metagel sensors can measure pressure, temperature, pH level and the flow rate of nearby blood vessels when injected into the brains of rats and pigs. They found comparable results to wired probes that are traditionally used to monitor brain health. Their experiments also found that the metagel breaks down into relatively harmless components, such as water and carbon dioxide, within four to five weeks.

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To inject this sensor into the brain, a large-diameter needle is required. This could still cause some pain and discomfort, says Magda. He also pointed out the need to verify that the dissolved metagels are nontoxic.

The rats used in the experiment experienced very little brain tissue swelling or immune cell buildup after the sensor implantation and degradation, says Zang. But long-term testing in larger animals is still necessary to show that the metagels perform reliably and safely before the start of human clinical trials, he says.

Journal reference

Nature DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07334-y

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Patrick McDonald says: "Matsuyama is among the leaders in proximity from over 200 yards, bogey avoidance and strokes gained around the green -- all of which will be important at Pinehurst. The major champion has slowed since his torrid start to 2024 playing only three times since the Masters, but he flashed signs at Memorial that his game (and his health) are close to, if not, 100%. He's made seven straight cuts in the U.S. Open, including a runner-up finish in 2017 and a backdoor top five at The Country Club two years ago."

Bob Harig, Sports Illustrated : Dean Burmester (+10000)

Harig writes: "The LIV Golf player won a LIV event prior to the Masters, has been strong in other LIV tournaments, tied for 12th at the PGA Championship and qualified through the Florida event to make it to Pinehurst."

The Athletic : Min Woo Lee (+6600)

Dennis Esser says: "[Lee] has gained more than 4.4 strokes ball-striking in three of his last four events. He gained over 6.3 strokes with his short game at the PGA Championship and finished fifth at the U.S. Open in 2023. Lee is built for big moments, and he has an imagination around the greens."

'It'll be fun for all of us': Tiger Woods feeling at home with 'hot, humid' conditions at US Open

2024 U.S. Open odds

Scheffler is the heavy favorite ahead of Schauffele per the latest BetMGM golf odds , with Rory McIlroy and Collin Morikawa close behind.

  • Scottie Scheffler (+333)
  • Xander Schauffele (+1100)
  • Rory McIlroy (+1200)
  • Collin Morikawa (+1400)
  • Bryson DeChambeau (+2000)
  • Ludvig Åberg (+2000)
  • Viktor Hovland (+2000)
  • Brooks Koepka (+2200)
  • Tommy Fleetwood (+3300)
  • Cameron Smith (+4000)
  • Justin Thomas (+4000)
  • Matt Fitzpatrick (+4000)
  • Hideki Matsuyama (+4500)
  • Max Homa (+5000)
  • Sahith Theegala (+5000)
  • Tony Finau (+5000)
  • Patrick Cantlay (+5500)
  • Jordan Spieth (+6600)
  • Sam Burns (+6600)
  • Tom Kim (+6600)
  • Tyrrell Hatton (+6600)
  • Will Zalatoris (+6600)
  • Wyndham Clark (+6600)
  • Min Woo Lee (+6600)
  • Byeong Hun An (+8000)
  • Cameron Young (+8000)
  • Corey Conners (+8000)
  • Dustin Johnson (+8000)
  • Jason Day (+8000)
  • Keegan Bradley (+8000)
  • Russell Henley (+8000)
  • Sepp Straka (+8000)
  • Shane Lowry (+8000)
  • Sungjae Im (+8000)
  • Robert McIntyre (+8000)
  • Alex Noren (+10000)
  • Brian Harman (+10000)
  • Christian Bezuidenhout (+10000)
  • Si Woo Kim (+10000)
  • Dean Burmester (+10000)
  • Billy Horschel (+12500)
  • Denny McCarthy (+12500)
  • Justin Rose (+12500)
  • Adam Scott (+12500)
  • Adam Hadwin (+15000)
  • Harris English (+15000)
  • Rickie Fowler (+15000)
  • Ryan Fox (+15000)
  • Thomas Detry (+15000)
  • Tom Hoge (+15000)
  • Victor Perez (+15000)
  • Akshay Bhatia (+15000)
  • Sergio Garcia (+15000)
  • Kurt Kitayama (+17500)
  • Aaron Rai (+17500)
  • Adrian Meronk (+20000)
  • Austin Eckroat (+20000)
  • Erik Van Rooyen (+20000)
  • J.T. Poston (+20000)
  • Martin Kaymer (+20000)
  • Nick Dunlap (+20000)
  • Mackenzie Hughes (+22500)
  • Taylor Pendrith (+22500)
  • Chris Kirk (+25000)
  • Lucas Glover (+25000)
  • Nicolai Hojgaard (+25000)
  • Stephan Jaeger (+25000)
  • Taylor Moore (+25000)
  • Tiger Woods (+25000)
  • Daniel Berger (+25000)
  • Cam Davis (+25000)
  • Davis Thompson (+25000)
  • Nick Taylor (+30000)
  • Phil Mickelson (+30000)
  • Tom McKibbin (+30000)
  • Beau Hossler (+30000)
  • Seamus Power (+30000)
  • David Puig (+30000)
  • Webb Simpson (+30000)
  • Adam Svensson (+30000)
  • Eric Cole (+30000)
  • Gary Woodland (+35000)
  • Mark Hubbard (+35000)
  • Adam Schenk (+40000)
  • Emiliano Grillo (+40000)
  • Jake Knapp (+40000)
  • Mac Meissner (+40000)
  • Matthieu Pavon (+40000)
  • Takumi Kanaya (+40000)
  • Harry Higgs (+40000)
  • Matt Kuchar (+40000)
  • Brendon Todd (+40000)
  • Brandon Wu (+50000)
  • Eugenio Lopez Chacarra (+50000)
  • Gordon Sargent (+50000)
  • Matteo Manassero (+50000)
  • Peter Malnati (+50000)
  • RIchard Mansell (+50000)
  • Ryo Ishikawa (+50000)
  • S.H. Kim (+50000)
  • Sam Bairstow (+50000)
  • Taisei Shimizu (+50000)
  • Sam Bennett (+50000)
  • Zac Blair (+50000)
  • Frankie Capan (+50000)
  • Justin Lower (+50000)
  • Tim Widing (+50000)
  • Chesson Hadley (+50000)
  • Greyson Sigg (+50000)
  • Rikuya Hoshino (+60000)
  • Ben Kohles (+75000)
  • Francesco Molinari (+75000)
  • Brian Campbell (+75000)
  • Luke Clanton (+75000)
  • Max Greyserman (+75000)
  • Benjamin James (+75000)
  • Carter Jenkins (+75000)
  • Ashton McCulloch (+75000)
  • Brandon Robinson Thompson (+100000)
  • Bryan Kim (+100000)
  • Edoardo Molinari (+100000)
  • Grant Forrest (+100000)
  • Hiroshi Tai (+100000)
  • Jason Scrivener (+100000)
  • Logan McAllister (+100000)
  • Michael McGowan (+100000)
  • Neal Shipley (+100000)
  • Nico Echavarria (+100000)
  • Parker Bell (+100000)
  • Riki Kawamoto (+100000)
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  • Wells Williams (+100000)
  • Carson Schaake (+100000)
  • Isaiah Salinda (+100000)
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  • Maxwell Moldovan (+100000)
  • Gunnar Broin (+100000)

'We have resolved our differences': Rory McIlroy calls off divorce from Erica Stoll

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thesis in a week reddit

And the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award for 2024 goes to …

  • In Community
  • 13:15, 18 Jun 2024

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As revealed during the 2024 University of Malta Research Expo , which saw more than 200 original pieces of research being shared with the UM community, and following nominations by the Boards of Examiners for the Ph.D. theses submitted at UM in 2023/24, the University’s Doctoral School Board has, for the first time ever, selected and awarded two Outstanding Doctoral Theses.

This year’s awardees are Dr Ing. Ryan Bugeja (in the STEM category) and Dr Thérésia Penda Choppy (in the Humanities and Social Sciences category).

Dr Ing. Bugeja, who is a member of the Institute for Sustainable Energy, researched Wave Response Modelling and Innovative Cooling Technologies for Offshore Photovoltaics, under the supervision of Prof. Luciano Mule’ Stagno .

His thesis was found to be “original in conceptual thought, leading to two key innovations with industry applications in the field of offshore solar research, namely the development of a novel modelling software tool – Offshore Solar Irradiance Calculator (OSIC), and the production of a patented back cooling system for photovoltaic modules – IPCoSy concept. Funding was obtained for this research, and a patent was awarded for part of the work.

“I am grateful for this recognition, not just because it further validates my work in the field of sustainable energy, which will allow some to make better choices for our planet and future generations, but also because it gives me an extra push towards developing the thesis further and possibly pursuing licensing and commercialisation”, said Dr Ing. Bugeja.

As a member of the Islands and Small States Institute, Dr Choppy studied about  Creolization and Identity in Seychellois Creole Folktales under the supervision of Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino , Prof. Ray Fabri and Prof. Dominique Lanni.

Whilst being elegant in prose and narrative, Dr Choppy’s thesis was found to be “engaging in so far as it seamlessly connected theory with practice.” Her thesis looked at oral folk tales from the Seychelles as insights into issues of interest to a wide audience, including multiculturality, colonialism and power relations, with their nuanced expressions of social class, religion, race and ethnicity. The work did not require corrections and produced several scholarly publications of note.

“Being part of ISSI and having such a solid support system at the University of Malta has been an absolute blessing. It has allowed me to explore my interests at length and depth, and this is just the beginning. Stay tuned because there’s more to come!”, Dr Choppy commented. 

Certificates together with a cash prize of €500 was presented to each of the awardees.

On behalf of the entire University, the Doctoral School wishes to congratulate the two awardees for their excellent efforts!

The conference brought together 38 scholars from various academic disciplines

UM academic ​c​onvened the first Religion and Society Conference in Malta

  • 13:06, 18 Jun 2024

BEING SEA-EU Conference

300 researchers from European coastal universities convene in Malta to share their latest work

  • 08:20, 18 Jun 2024

sea-eu staff week

SEA-EU Staff Week on English for Academics

  • 12:42, 17 Jun 2024

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  1. Can you write your master's thesis in 1 week? : r/GradSchool

    Reply reply. canttouchthisJC. •. You can probably do two revisions in one week but any masters advisor would have wanted a copy of your thesis a while back. I had 19 revisions of my thesis and it took me two and a half months from my initial revision till what was actually written, submitted, and published.

  2. Procrastinated and now I have 1 month to write my thesis

    I procrastinated 3 months away and did 90% of the research and writing in about one month for my 40 page minimum master's thesis. You can see a flurry of activity on my github in the 1-1.5 weeks of writing. I'm now doing a PhD straight out of my master's. You'll be okay.

  3. Has anyone tried writing a thesis in 2 weeks : r/GradSchool

    At my university your thesis chapters are literally the papers you published as a graduate student. So yes, I plan to write my thesis in two weeks. Only requires section is introduction section. I know someone who did it in 3 as well. She also said it went terribly, BUT it was possible.

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    Maybe write weekly update emails to your professors to help keep you on track, and say what you REASONABLY want to get done by the next email. Tell your prof you don't expect a response to these, but it will help keep you in track (unless you want feedback on something). That will create micro-deadlines and help you move forward. Reply. Award ...

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  6. Bachelor Thesis in few days? Pls help me!

    Sebas94. • 7 yr. ago. I'm currently preparing everything for my Master thesis, if you already know a lot regarding the subject you will most definitely finished those 30 pages in 10 days! No big deal actually, I had to write a 35 page paper and I finished it in 3 days.

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    Submitted my thesis but full of anxiety. Yesterday evening I submitted my thesis. I expected to feel like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders, but instead of anxiety about finishing it, I now have anxiety about my grade. I slept like 4 hours last night from all the adrenaline. Is this normal?

  10. URGENT, Thesis submission in 2 days, need help on references

    URGENT, Thesis submission in 2 days, need help on references. Hi all, I am a very-beginner user of overleaf and latex in general, so please act kind to me hahaha. So basically I wrote my masters thesis of 20k words everything is good and stuff. but now I realize that I acutally needed to cite in text as something like \cite.

  11. Whole 10,000 word dissertation due in 2 weeks : r/UniUK

    Q&A. [deleted] •. Divide the diss into 5 2,000 word essays, give yourself a two day time period for each. Spend the final 4 days turning them into a 10,000 word dissertation. Even if you ask for an extension, which you definitely should, you should use some variation of this system.

  12. Master thesis decisions + emotional stress : r/womenintech

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  14. Is it possible to write a masters thesis in 10 days?

    I suggest setting targets that allow you to finish writing in eight days, not 10. This gives you some padding in case life gets in the way. To be clear, there are 192 hours in eight days. Allowing for a 12-hour work day, then you need to write 15,000 words in 96 hours or about 156 words an hour. Set a target of 400 words an hour.

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    If the failed thesis is only due to one professor saying AI was used, and if that's definitely not the case, I think you have a fair chance to overturn such a decision internally - at least if the university has decent internal appeal procedures. This is an automated service intended to preserve the original text of the post. *My boyfriend ...

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    Hi, everyone. I am looking for any essays, short stories, and poems on nature and environmental issues that are available online. Probably written by any Western or Asian authors. I will be using it as a reference in my thesis writing. I understand that anthology books are mostly available only upon purchase, so I need you help. Thank you so much!

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    Two weeks is a short time, so you can't have time for procrastination in your plan. With a high degree of discipline, it should be easy for you to use the plan to write the entire dissertation within the limited period. 2. Write Every Day and In Bits. The golden rule to getting a 10,000 to a 15,000-word dissertation completed in just 14 days ...

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  26. And the Outstanding PhD Thesis Award for 2024 goes to

    13:15, 18 Jun 2024. Share: As revealed during the 2024 University of Malta Research Expo, which saw more than 200 original pieces of research being shared with the UM community, and following nominations by the Boards of Examiners for the Ph.D. theses submitted at UM in 2023/24, the University's Doctoral School Board has, for the first time ...