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Biography vs Autobiography: Similarities and Differences

Biography vs Autobiography: Similarities and Differences

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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biography vs autobiography, explained below

A biography is an account of someone’s life story that is written by an author who is not the subject of the nook. An autobiography, on the other hand, involves an individual narrating their own life experiences.

The differences between biographies and autobiographies relate most prominently to the authorhship:

  • Autobiography: When you read an autobiography, you’re getting the author’s own interpretation of their life.
  • Biography: When you read a biography, you experience the subject’s life through someone else’s lens (Schiffrin & Brockmeier, 2012).

Biography vs Autobiography

1. biography.

A biography is a detailed account of a person’s life, scripted by an author who is not the person who is featured in the text itself.

This type of life story focuses both on factual events in the person’s life, such as birth, education, work, and death, but often also delves into personal aspects like experiences, relationships, and significant achievements.

It may also weave-in cultural and contextual factors that help illuminate the person’s motivations and core values .

Origins of Biographies

The concept of biography as a literary genre dates back to antiquity. Such works were primarily used to capture the lives of dignified individuals, mainly rulers and war heroes.

Suetonius’s Lives of the Caesars and Plutarch’s Parallel Lives are landmark examples from this ancient period (Sweet, 2010).

The popularity of biographical works only grew in the ensuing centuries, and they became a prominent part of many cultures’ literary traditions. 

Into the 18th century and during the Enlightenment, biographies began to present a more balanced portrayal of the subject. They would present both their strengths and flaws, providing a holistic perspective on the subject.

Dr. Samuel Johnson’s compilation of English poets biographies, Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (1779-1781) ushered in a new era of biography writing by focusing on examining human nature (Ditchfield, 2018).

In the modern era, the genre has evolved and broadened, encompassing a diverse range of figures from all walks of life – there’s a biography in every niche imaginable, with each offering readers an in-depth exploration of their lives, their struggles, and their triumphs.

This demonstrates the enduring appeal of biographies and their value in providing snapshots of history through individual lenses.

Key Characteristics of Biographies

The author of the biography is not the person who the story is about. The writer is an observer who collects, verifies, and narrates the life story of the person in focus (Smith et al., 2012).
A biography doesn’t have the of an autobiography. So, a biography is often more trustworthy, but we still need to examine the incentives of the actual author (Jones, 2015).
A biography covers all the significant aspects of the person’s life. From birth to death, or their most noteworthy accomplishments, it encompasses a wide array of life events (Johnson & Johnson, 2017).
A biography prioritizes facts and major milestones in an individual’s life, such as , careers, relationships, and more. It does not delve into trivial details unless they are relevant to the person’s life story (Williams, 2019).

Examples of Biographies

Title: The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets Author: Dr. Samuel Johnson   Description: Dr. Johnson’s work profiles the lives of 52 poets from the 17th and 18th centuries, including John Milton and Alexander Pope. He critiques not just the works, but also explores their personal lives and the sociopolitical contexts of their times (Johnson, 1781). Johnson’s study is invaluable for its integrated historic and biographic approach.

Title: The Life of Samuel Johnson Author: James Boswell   Description: This work by Boswell explores, in great depth, the life of his friend and mentor, Dr. Samuel Johnson. The biography offers a compelling portrayal of Dr. Johnson’s life, character, eccentricities, and intellectual prowess (Boswell, 1791). Boswell’s vivid account creates a near-physical presence of Johnson to the readers, making it one of the greatest biographies in English literature.

Title: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt Author: Edmund Morris   Description: In this Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Morris chronicles the early life of Theodore Roosevelt until his ascension to the U.S presidency. The work brilliantly captures Roosevelt’s extraordinary career and his transformation from a frail asthmatic boy into a robust and vigorous leader (Morris, 1979). Morris accurately represents Roosevelt’s indomitable spirit, making it an engaging and educational read.

Title: Steve Jobs Author: Walter Isaacson Description: This comprehensive biography provides a deep-dive into the life and career of Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. Isaacson had unparalleled access to Jobs and those closest to him, thus presenting an intimate and detailed account. He explores Jobs’ professional endeavors as well as his personal life, revealing his ambition, intensity, and visionary mind that revolutionized several high-tech industries (Isaacson, 2011).

Title: Alexander Hamilton Author: Ron Chernow Description: Ron Chernow provides a sweeping narrative of one of America’s most compelling founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Chernow combines extensive research with a flair for storytelling, charting Hamilton’s evolution from an orphan into a political genius. The book sheds light on Hamilton’s crucial role in the formation of the United States’ financial system and his political ideologies (Chernow, 2004).

2. Autobiography

An autobiography is a self-written record of someone’s own life. It is a personal narrative in which the author writes about their life from their own perspective.

Autobiographies are usually centered around the author’s personal experiences, including key milestones, challenges, and achievements (Eakin, 2015).

They’re also often a defense of the person’s perspective (especially in political autobiographies) or insight into their thought processes, which can make them very intimate.

Origins of Autobiographies

The term ‘autobiography’ was first used deprecatingly by William Taylor in 1797 in the English periodical The Monthly Review, when he suggested the word as a hybrid but condemned it as ‘pedantic’.

Pioneering examples of the genre form include Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) and the memoirs by veterans of the Napoleonic Wars (Lejeune, 2016).

However, apart from these early instances, autobiographies have been composed by a wide array of individuals from history. 

In the early 20th century, the genre witnessed major transformations, and autobiographies started to cover a broader spectrum of experiences, including trauma, struggles, and successes.

‘Black Boy’ by Richard Wright, for instance, shares the author’s experiences with racism and his journey towards developing a literary career (Wright, 1945).

This was followed by a host of autobiographies by public figures sharing their diverse stories, such as Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Moveable Feast’, depicting his days as a struggling young writer in Paris (Hemingway, 1964). 

Autobiography as a genre has continued to evolve over the years, and a variety of forms have emerged to communicate individual experiences globally.

As history has progressed, we see more and more people with diverse perspectives sharing their stories, broadening our understanding of the human experience (Smith & Watson, 2010).

Key Characteristics of Autobiographies 

The author of the autobiography is the person the story is about. They are the principal actor and the of the information (Miller, 2014). As a result, we can get a deeper ‘insider’ insight into their mentality and expereinces.
An autobiography emphasizes the personal viewpoint adopted by the author. The story is told from their own emotions, biases, and interpretations, providing a very personal perspective. However, we also need to be aware that it’s going to only present one self-serving perspective on the matter.
Autobiographies go beyond factual accounts and include the author’s internal thoughts, emotions, and introspections about their experiences (Baker et al., 2013).
Unlike a biography, an autobiography may not cover the entirety of the author’s life. Instead, they’re more likely to concentrate on specific themes (like resilience) or significant periods (like childhood or a specific career phase) (Brown & Brown, 2018).

Examples of Autobiographies

Title: Long Walk to Freedom Author: Nelson Mandela   Description: “Long Walk to Freedom” provides an in-depth exploration of ex-President Nelson Mandela, his political journey, and his stand against apartheid in South Africa. The biography offers a unique perspective into Mandela’s noble character, his indomitable spirit, and his commitment to justice when faced with grave adversities (Mandela, 1995). Mandela serves as one of our times’ great moral and political leaders through this biography.

Title: The Diary of a Young Girl Author: Anne Frank  Description: This biography provides a startling firsthand account of a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank, who with her family, hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. Her diary entries offer profound insights into the fear, hope, and resilience she demonstrated during her two years in hiding (Frank, 1947). Frank’s posthumous biographical record serves as a reminder of the injustices of the past and as a symbol of endurance in the face of oppression.

Title: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Author: Maya Angelou  Description: This moving autobiography charts Maya Angelou’s early life, from experiencing racial discrimination in the South to becoming the first black streetcar conductor in San Francisco. Angelou portrays her journey of self-discovery and overcoming traumatic experiences, including racial prejudice and personal trauma, with remarkable strength and grace. Her story is one of resilience, and it speaks powerfully about finding one’s voice (Angelou, 1969). 

Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel  Description: “Night” is Wiesel’s personal account of his experiences in Nazi concentration camps during World War II with his father. This heartbreaking narrative describes not only physical hardship and cruel atrocities but also examines the loss of innocence and the struggle to maintain faith in humanity. It stands as a testament to human resilience in the face of unimaginable horror (Wiesel, 1960).

Title: Dreams from My Father Author: Barack Obama Description: In this engaging memoir, the 44th President of the United States narrates the story of his diverse background and early life. The narrative extends from his birth in Hawaii to his first visit to Kenya, from dealing with racial identity to self-discovery. “Dreams from My Father” not only provides personal insights about Obama’s life and values but also discusses issues of race, identity, and purpose (Obama, 1995).

Similarities and Differences Between Biographies and Autobiographies

1. AuthorshipWritten by a third party. The author and subject are different individuals (Smith et al., 2012).Written by the subject themselves. The author is the person the story is about (Miller, 2014).
2. PerspectivePresents an objective perspective, offering a balanced view of the subject’s life (Jones, 2015).Emphasizes a subjective perspective, providing a very personal view of the author’s life.
3. ContentFocuses on facts and major life events, offering a comprehensive account of an individual’s life (Johnson & Johnson, 2017).Often includes personal reflections and feelings, may focus on specific themes or periods in the author’s life (Baker et al., 2013; Brown & Brown, 2018).
4. Personal ReflectionsContains limited personal reflections or emotions of the subject.Contains an abundance of personal reflections and emotions from the author (Baker et al., 2013).
5. Subjectivity / ObjectivityMore objective due to the distance between the author and the subject (Jones, 2015).More subjective due to the close relationship between the author and the subject – they’re the same person.
6. StrengthsProvides an impartial and factual account of a person’s life, which can be helpful for historical or academic study (Williams, 2019).Gives a deeper insight into a person’s thoughts and emotions, providing a unique perspective on their life experiences (Baker et al., 2013).
7. WeaknessesMay lack personal insight or emotional depth due to its objective approach (Williams, 2019).May be biased or overly emotional due to its subjective approach, and may not cover the entirety of the author’s life (Brown & Brown, 2018).

While both biographies and autobiographies are excellent sources of information and entertainment about significant figures in history (or the present!), they serve different purposes. By knowing the different purposes of each, we can develop stronger media literacy , understanding what the intention of the author is, and how we should approach the text.

Angelou, M. (1969). I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings . Random House.

Baker, J., Davis, E., & Thompson, K. (2013). Reflection and Emotions in Autobiography . Chicago University Press.

Boswell, J. (1791). The Life of Samuel Johnson . J.R. Taylor.

Brown, J., & Brown, S. (2018). Thematic Focus in Autobiography Writing . Princeton University Press.

Chernow, R. (2004). Alexander Hamilton . Penguin Books.

Ditchfield, S. (2018). Extracting the Domestic from the Didactic: Transmission and Translation of the Sacred in The Lives of the Ancient Fathers (1672–1675). Church History and Religious Culture, 98 (1), 28-50.

Eakin, P. J. (2015). How Our Lives Become Stories: Making Selves . Cornell University Press.

Frank, A. (1947). The Diary of a Young Girl . Contact Publishing.

Hemingway, E. (1964). A Moveable Feast . Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Isaacson, W. (2011). Steve Jobs . Simon & Schuster.

Johnson, M., & Johnson, S. (2017). A Comprehensive Guide to Biography Writing . New York: Penguin.

Johnson, S. (1781). The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets . Printed by C. Bathurst, J. Buckland [and 28 others in London].

Jones, B. (2015). The Art of Writing Biographies: An Objective Approach . Oxford University Press.

Lejeune, P. (2016). On Autobiography . University of Minnesota Press.

Mandela, N. (1995). Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela . Macdonald Purnell.

Miller, R. (2014). The Self as the Subject: Autobiography Writing . Stanford University Press.

Morris, E. (1979). The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt . Coward, McCann & Geoghegan.

Obama, B. (1995). Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance . Crown Publishing Group.

Schiffrin D., & Brockmeier J. (2012). Narrative Identity and Autobiographical Recall. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, 70 , 113-144.

Smith, J., Davis, M., & Thompson, S. (2012). Third Party Narratives: An Exploration of Biography Writing . Cambridge University Press.

Smith, S., & Watson, J. (2010). Reading Autobiography: A Guide for Interpreting Life Narratives . University of Minnesota Press.

Sweet, R. (2010). Biographical Dictionaries and Historiography. Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 72 (2), 355–368.

Wiesel, E. (1960). Night . Hill & Wang.

Williams, T. (2019). The Importance of Facts in Biographies . HarperCollins.

Wright, R. (1945). Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth . Harper & Brothers.


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  • Key Differences

Know the Differences & Comparisons

Difference between Biography and Autobiography

biography vs autobiography

Both of these two presents the view of, what happened in the past where the author lived. These are non-fiction books, written in chronological order, tells a story about the person who made a significant contribution in a specific field. Many think that the two writing forms are one and the same thing, but there are noticeable difference between the two, that are presented in the given article.

Content: Biography Vs Autobiography

Comparison chart.

Basis for ComparisonBiographyAutobiography
MeaningBiography refers to an account that tells someone else's life story.Autobiography means an account that tells your life story.
AuthorizationCan be written, with or without the authorization of the subject.Not required
Written inThird personFirst person
PurposeTo informTo express and inform
OutlookBased on facts collected by the author.Full of emotions and thoughts.

Definition of Biography

A biography also referred as ‘bio’ is a detailed account of a person’s life written or produced by another person. It gives an elaborate information regarding the birthplace, educational background, work, relationships and demise of the person concerned. It presents the subject’s intimate details about life, focusing on the highs and lows and analysing their whole personality.

A biography is usually in the written form but can also be made in other forms of a music composition or literature to film interpretation.

It is the recreation of the life of an individual composed of words by another person. The author collects every single detail about the subject and presents those facts in the biography, which are relevant and interesting, to engross the readers in the story.

Definition of Autobiography

An autobiography is the life sketch of a person written by that person himself or herself. The word auto means ‘self.’ Therefore, autobiography contains all the elements of a biography but composed or narrated by the author himself. He/She may write on their own or may hire ghostwriters to write for them.

An autobiography presents the narrator’s character sketch, the place where he is born and brought up, his education, work, life experiences, challenges, and achievements. This may include events and stories of his childhood, teenage, and adulthood.

Key Differences Between Biography and Autobiography

The difference between biography and autobiography are discussed in detail in the following points:

  • Biography is a detailed account of a person’s life written by someone else, while an autobiography is written by the subject themselves.
  • Biography can be written with (authorised) or without permission (unauthorised) from the person/heir’s concerned. Therefore, there are chances of factual mistakes in the information. On the other hand, autobiographies are self-written and therefore doesn’t require any authorization.
  • Biographies contain information that is collected over a period of time from different sources and thus, it projects a different outlook to the readers. On the other hand, autobiographies are written by the subject themselves, therefore, the writer presents the facts and his thinking in his own way, thus providing an overall narrow and biased perspective to the readers.
  • In an Autobiography, the author uses the first narrative like I, me, we, he, she, etc. This, in turn, makes an intimate connection between the author and the reader since the reader experience various aspects as if he/she is in that time period. As opposed a biography is from a third person’s view and is much less intimate.
  • The purpose of writing a biography is to introduce and inform the readers about the person and his life whereas an autobiography is written in order to express, the life experiences and achievements of the narrator.

Video: Biography Vs Autobiography

There are several autobiographies which are worth mentioning like ‘The Story of My Life’ by Helen Keller, ‘An Autobiography’ by Jawaharlal Nehru, ‘The Diary of a Young Girl’ by Anne Frank, ‘Memoirs of the Second World War’ by Winston Churchill, ‘Wings of Fire’ by A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and much more.

Examples of some famous biographies are- Tolstoy: A Russian Life by Rosamund Bartlett, His Excellency: George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis, Einstein: The Life and Times by Ronald William Clark, Biography of Walt Disney: The Inspirational Life Story of Walt Disney – The Man Behind “Disneyland” by Steve Walters, Princess Diana- A Biography Of The Princess Of Wales by Drew L. Crichton.

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May 7, 2023 at 6:47 am

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Manish Bhati says

June 21, 2023 at 11:51 am

Great explanation by Surbhi S, it clears confusion between biographies and autobiographies.

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Autobiography vs Biography: Differences and Similarities

biography and autobiography definition

So you want to learn more about your favorite influential figure. Should you read an autobiography or a biography about them? 

It depends on what you’re looking for! 

Need A Nonfiction Book Outline?

In this guide, we’ll explain autobiography vs biography and help you choose which one you want to read. We’ll also touch on where memoirs fit in with these genres. Let’s dive in! 

This autobiography vs biography comparison includes:

The similarities between biographies and autobiographies.

Both biographies and autobiographies are written accounts of a person’s life. They typically recount the person’s life experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. 

Usually, each of these genres is written in a narrative style. In other words, it uses storytelling techniques to convey information about its subject. 

Autobiographies and biographies both feature context about the subject’s life by discussing the time in which the subject lived (or is living), the culture and location in which they live(d), and more. 

Like any good story, the best biographies and autobiographies often feature narratives about trials that are overcome and lessons that are learned. They may also focus on the influence and impact of the book’s subject. 

Difference between biography and autobiography

The biggest difference between an autobiography and a biography is that an autobiography is written by the subject of the book about their own life, while a biography is written by another person. 

For example, actress Lucille Ball wrote an autobiography about her life called Love, Lucy . Meanwhile, an author named Kathleen Brady wrote a biography about Lucille Ball called Lucy: The Life of Lucille Ball .

Here are a few other key differences between the two genres: 

1. Different perspectives

Naturally, an autobiography is written from the first-person perspective, which means the author is providing a personalized point of view on their own life. 

Meanwhile, a biography is written from a third-person perspective, meaning the author is writing from an external point of view, with limited insight into the subject’s personal thoughts or feelings. 

2. Control of the narrative

When someone writes their autobiography , they control which parts of their life story they include and which they omit. They can choose which perspective they share and which parts of themselves they want to spotlight. 

Meanwhile, a biography relies on research, interviews and sources to construct a complete picture of a subject’s life. A biographer is likely to be more objective in their presentation of a person—perhaps even including unsavory details about their subject that the subject themselves wouldn’t include. 

3. Levels of objectivity

Even the best autobiography will be subjective because it’s based on the author’s personal memories and feelings. 

On the other hand, many biographers strive to be more objective in their writing. They tend to consult multiple sources, conduct a variety of interviews, and more to make sure they’re writing an accurate portrayal of their subject. 

4. Sources used

Because an autobiographer is writing a story about their own life, their sources will primarily be self-generated. Though they may rely on those close to them, like family members, to verify or recount certain memories they hold. 

That said, many autobiographers still need to do research to add context and depth to their life stories, whether that’s learning about the town they grew up in, their family history, or something else. 

Meanwhile, biographers rely on archival materials, research, interviews, historical documents, and more to help them write the story about their subject. 

5. Writing style

Because autobiographies are more personal, they often reflect the author’s unique writing style and personality. 

On the other hand, biographies generally strive to be more objective, with a focus on a cohesive, well-researched narrative. (But to be clear: they can still be very engaging!)

Where do memoirs fit in? 

We’ve learned about the differences and similarities between autobiographies and biographies, so where do memoirs fit into the puzzle? 

Like an autobiography, a memoir is written by the subject of the book. Both genres tend to focus on the author’s personal life, are written in the first person, and can be highly subjective. 

However, where autobiography vs memoir differs is partially in the scope of the book. An autobiography often encompasses most of the author’s life, while a memoir is likely to focus on one specific event, theme, or period in the author’s life. 

Memoirs also adhere less to chronological storytelling than autobiographies do. They can jump around in time and tend to be centered more on themes, reflection, or specific, impactful moments in the author’s life. 

In summary, you can think of memoirs as even more personal than autobiographies, focusing on a selected part of the writer’s life. They’re also more likely than autobiographies to be written by folks who aren’t famous. 

Final thoughts

While biographies, autobiographies and memoirs all tell a subject’s life story, they do it in different ways. The type of genre you’d like to read (or write) will be contingent on what you’d like to learn about your chosen subject. 

If you’re interested in writing your own memoir, autobiography or memoir, we can help you do it. Simply schedule a book consultation to get started. 

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Autobiography vs. Biography

What's the difference.

Autobiography and biography are both forms of non-fiction writing that focus on the life of an individual. However, there is a key distinction between the two. Autobiography is a self-written account of one's own life, where the author narrates their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions. It provides an intimate and subjective perspective, allowing readers to gain insight into the author's unique journey. On the other hand, biography is a written account of someone's life, written by another person. It involves extensive research and interviews to gather information about the subject's life, achievements, and impact on society. Biography offers a more objective and comprehensive view of the individual, often including historical context and analysis. Both genres serve as valuable sources of inspiration, knowledge, and understanding of the human experience.


AuthorWritten by the person themselvesWritten by someone else about a person
SubjectThe author's own lifeAnother person's life
AccuracySubjective, influenced by the author's memory and perspectiveObjective, based on research and interviews
IntimacyCan provide personal insights and emotionsMay lack personal insights and emotions
ReliabilityMay be biased or selective in presenting eventsStrives for objectivity and balance
Writing StyleMay reflect the author's unique voice and styleDepends on the biographer's writing style
ScopeFocuses on the author's life experiencesExplores a broader range of events and influences


Further Detail


Autobiography and biography are two distinct genres of literature that provide insights into the lives of individuals. While both share the common goal of documenting someone's life, they differ in terms of perspective, authorship, and narrative style. In this article, we will explore the attributes of autobiography and biography, highlighting their unique characteristics and discussing their significance in understanding the lives of notable individuals.


An autobiography is a literary work in which the author writes about their own life experiences, providing a first-person account of events, emotions, and reflections. As the author and subject are the same person, autobiographies offer a direct and intimate perspective on the individual's life. The author has the freedom to express their thoughts, feelings, and personal interpretations of events, allowing readers to gain a deeper understanding of their motivations and experiences.

Autobiographies often cover a wide range of topics, including childhood, education, career, relationships, and personal growth. They can be highly subjective, as the author's memories and perceptions shape the narrative. Autobiographies also provide an opportunity for self-reflection and self-analysis, allowing the author to explore their own identity and share their life lessons with readers.

One of the key advantages of autobiographies is the authenticity they offer. Since the author is the primary source of information, readers can trust that the events and emotions described are based on the author's personal experiences. Autobiographies can be incredibly powerful, as they allow readers to connect with the author on a personal level and gain insights into their unique journey.

However, it is important to note that autobiographies may also be influenced by the author's biases, selective memory, or desire to present themselves in a certain light. While they provide a personal perspective, they may not always provide a completely objective account of events. Readers should approach autobiographies with a critical mindset, considering the author's motivations and potential biases.

Unlike autobiographies, biographies are written by someone other than the subject of the book. Biographers extensively research the life of the individual they are writing about, gathering information from various sources such as interviews, letters, diaries, and historical records. Biographies aim to present an objective and comprehensive account of the subject's life, providing a broader perspective that goes beyond the author's personal experiences.

Biographies often delve into the historical and cultural context in which the subject lived, offering insights into the societal influences and events that shaped their life. They provide a detailed examination of the subject's achievements, struggles, relationships, and impact on the world. Biographers strive to present a balanced portrayal of the individual, considering multiple perspectives and analyzing the significance of their actions.

One of the key advantages of biographies is their ability to provide a more objective and well-rounded view of the subject's life. By drawing on a wide range of sources, biographers can present a comprehensive narrative that takes into account different viewpoints and historical context. Biographies also allow readers to explore the lives of individuals they may not be familiar with, expanding their knowledge and understanding of different eras and cultures.

However, it is important to acknowledge that biographies may also be influenced by the biographer's own interpretations and biases. Despite their efforts to present an objective account, biographers may still make subjective judgments or interpretations based on the available information. Readers should approach biographies critically, considering the biographer's expertise, sources, and potential biases.

While autobiographies and biographies have distinct characteristics, they also share some similarities. Both genres aim to provide insights into the lives of individuals, allowing readers to learn from their experiences and gain a deeper understanding of their motivations and impact. Both genres can be highly informative and engaging, offering valuable lessons and inspiration.

Autobiographies and biographies also have the potential to inspire empathy and connection. By exploring the lives of others, readers can develop a sense of empathy and understanding for different perspectives and experiences. Both genres offer opportunities for personal growth and self-reflection, as readers can relate their own lives to the challenges and triumphs of the individuals they are reading about.

However, the key difference between autobiographies and biographies lies in the perspective and authorship. Autobiographies provide a first-person account, allowing readers to directly engage with the author's thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, biographies offer a third-person perspective, providing a more objective and comprehensive view of the subject's life.

Autobiographies are often more subjective, as they are influenced by the author's personal memories, interpretations, and motivations. Biographies, on the other hand, strive to present a balanced and well-researched account, drawing on multiple sources and perspectives. While autobiographies offer a more intimate connection with the author, biographies provide a broader understanding of the subject's life within a historical and cultural context.

Autobiographies and biographies are two valuable genres of literature that offer unique insights into the lives of individuals. Autobiographies provide a personal and subjective perspective, allowing readers to connect with the author on a deeper level. Biographies, on the other hand, offer a more objective and comprehensive view, drawing on extensive research and multiple sources.

Both genres have their own strengths and limitations, and readers should approach them with a critical mindset. Autobiographies can be powerful in their authenticity, while biographies provide a broader understanding of historical and cultural contexts. By exploring both genres, readers can gain a well-rounded perspective on the lives of notable individuals and find inspiration in their stories.

Comparisons may contain inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. Please report any issues.

Authority Self-Publishing

What Is The Difference Between An Autobiography And A Biography?

What are the differences between autobiographies and biographies? 

The two words are not interchangeable .

And neither is a subset of the other.

Once you get a handle on what sets them apart, you’ll never get them confused again. 

You’ll be able to explain the difference between autobiography and biography as proficiently as any publisher or semantics expert .

And you’ll know just how to market your book to get your ideal reader’s attention . 

Let’s get started. 

1. Autobiographies are written by (or with) the subject. 

2. autobiographies are in the first person; biographies are (typically) in the third person. , 3. biographies don’t require the permission of the subject. , 4. autobiographies can include the subject’s thoughts and feelings. , 5. autobiographies are more subjective; biographies are meant to be more objective. , 6. autobiographies generally cover the entire life from childhood to the present. , 7. autobiographies inform the reader about the subject’s motives. , the difference between autobiography and biography: 7 distinctions you should know .

You’re here for one reason: to finally settle the autobiography vs. biography question. Maybe someone asked you, and you weren’t sure of your answer. Or perhaps you’ve confused autobiography and biography one too many times. 

You’re not alone. And you’re about to learn the critical differences and what these two have in common. 

If you’re writing a book about your own life, you’re writing either an autobiography or a memoir . 

Even if you’re paying a ghostwriter to write most or all of it for you, based on conversations with them, you’re still considered the author, and it’s still an autobiography (or memoir ). 

Every autobiography results from the subject’s own writing or a collaboration between the subject and their ghostwriter. 

With an autobiography, you address the reader using the first-person point of view . You’re telling them a story about your life. 

Since someone other than the subject (or their ghostwriter) writes the biography, it’s written about the subject — not from their point of view. The author of a biography typically refers to the subject using the third person. 

Using the third person creates distance between the narrator and the subject. 

Before writing the book, the author of a biography may or may not reach out to the (living) subject. They may want the subject’s permission and input. 

On the other hand, they may choose to write an “unauthorized biography” with shock value, in which case permission from the subject is more an obstacle than an advantage.

the difference between autobiography and biography

Much depends on whether the biographer has any real interest in understanding the subject and their motives. 

Unlike biographies, where the author typically doesn’t have access to the subject’s thoughts and feelings, the author of an autobiography does. 

Because the author is the subject, they know and can share their deepest motives behind the actions they’ve taken. They remember thoughts that came right before they did something they regret (or not). 

They remember how they felt during the most significant moments of their lives. 

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Biographies are supposed to be objective retellings of the subject’s life or the most noteworthy parts of it. 

Autobiographies, by contrast, are more subjective since the one writing them is the subject . 

When you write your autobiography, you give the world your unique take on your life, what happened to you, and what you did with it.

Your autobiography is not meant to be objective; it’s meant to be personal. 

Autobiographies generally cover the entirety of the subject’s (i.e., author’s) life up to that point. Memoirs typically focus on a particular part of the subject’s life. 

Biographies, too, focus on certain parts or aspects of the subject’s life, whether it’s a scandal, a collection of little-known fact-based anecdotes, or the secret to the subject’s success (or downfall). 

the difference between autobiography and biography

The point of a biography is to satisfy the ideal reader’s curiosity about the subject. 

Autobiographies focus less on facts than on the motives behind them — specifically the subject’s motives since those are the only ones the author knows. 

The author-subject writing their autobiography is in a unique position to understand the true motives of their book’s main character. 

And readers who genuinely care about that are more likely to take the subject-author’s word than that of an unauthorized biographer speculating as to the subject’s motives.. 

Now that you know the facts behind the biography vs. autobiography question, we hope you find it easier to explain the differences to anyone who asks. 

Whatever type of life story you’re writing, may you have all the information, insight, and resources you need to make it unputdownable — and a credit to your name. 

Happy writing! 

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biography and autobiography definition

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > What’s the difference between a biography and an autobiography?

What’s the difference between a biography and an autobiography?

If you’ve ever set foot in a bookstore, you’ve likely come across both autobiographies and biographies that tell about the lives of notable individuals. Let’s take a look at the most important differences between these non-fiction books.

A picture of Steve Jobs and his autobiography

What is a biography?

Typically written in the third person, a biography is a detailed story about a living or deceased person’s life. A third party writes this non-fiction account of someone’s life. Let’s say Person A is a famous singer who recently passed away. Person B researches and writes a fact-based story on the famous singer’s life from start to finish. Person B’s factual story of Person A’s life is a biography.

Types of biographies

Biographies don’t always take the same approach or follow the same structure. Some are more official, while others get more creative. Writers can choose from a few common biography types, including:

  • Authorized biographies, which received the subject’s input and/or permission.
  • Unauthorized biographies, which were written without the subject’s approval or input.
  • Biographical novels, which were inspired by a real person’s life, but feature embellishments that may make the story more interesting.
  • Group biographies, which focus on groups of people rather than a single person.

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Examples of biographies

Each biography is a window into someone’s life, offering unique insights and perspectives. From the struggles of historical figures to the triumphs of artistic icons, biographies are not just informative but can also be deeply inspiring. Here are a few examples:

  • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot is a biography that describes the life of Henrietta Lacks, an African American woman whose cells were extremely important for medical research.
  • Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert K. Massie is a biography that describes Catherine the Great’s origins and rise to power as a Russian empress.
  • Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera details the painter’s life and famous works.

What is an autobiography?

Usually written in the first person, an autobiography is when the author writes about their own life. This subjective account is unique because it allows the author to share details of their life that another writer might not have been able to uncover.

Types of autobiographies

There are two main types of autobiographies: complete autobiographies and memoirs. In a complete autobiography, the author begins their story with their roots or birth and ends the autobiography at their current age. In a memoir, the author writes about a specific period of their life. For example, a famous actor may begin a memoir by sharing their first role in a movie, rather than sharing details about the beginning of their life or their childhood.

Examples of autobiographies

Autobiographies offer a unique lens into the lives of their authors, providing firsthand accounts of their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Here are a few examples of notable autobiographies:

  • In Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Yogananda provides a first-hand account of his life and spiritual growth.
  • In The Story of My Life by Helen Keller, Keller shares her life from birth until she was 22. She shares how she learned to communicate despite being blind and deaf.
  • In The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X, he shares his life from childhood through adulthood and how he impacted the civil rights movement.

In summary, a biography is a story of someone’s life, written by a different person, versus an autobiography where an author writes about their own life.

Why should you read biographies (or autobiographies)?

Biographies and autobiographies are a great way to get an in-depth look at the lives of politicians, musicians, historical figures, innovators, and more. If there’s a famous person that you admire, there’s likely a biography written about them or an autobiography that they wrote themselves that can teach you more about their accomplishments.

If you’re interested in writing a biography or autobiography, see how you can write, research, and organize a book using OneNote . Whether you’re just putting together your first draft or you’re still outlining your story , you can elevate your writing in real time with Microsoft Editor .

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autobiography summary

Know about the emergence of autobiography with some notable examples.

autobiography , Biography of oneself narrated by oneself. Little autobiographical literature exists from antiquity and the Middle Ages; with a handful of exceptions, the form begins to appear only in the 15th century. Autobiographical works take many forms, from intimate writings made during life that are not necessarily intended for publication (including letters, diaries, journals, memoirs, and reminiscences) to the formal autobiography. Outstanding examples of the genre extend from St. Augustine ’s Confessions ( c. ad 400) to Vladimir Nabokov ’s Speak, Memory (1951).

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Author : Caroline Chartrand

31st May 2023

Biography vs Autobiography: Differences and Features

When reading about someone’s life, you probably wonder if it is a biography or an autobiography. In this blog, we will compare biography vs autobiography. Also, we will explain the difference between autobiography and biography.

If we tell you in simple words, a biography is the life story of a person written by someone else. On the other hand, an autobiography is the life story of a person written by themselves.

Autobiographies have a more personal nature as they are based on the writers’ own thoughts and memories. On the other hand, biographies are more objective, as they are written with the help of others’ opinions and perspectives.

What is a Biography?

A biography, or you can call it a bio, is a written piece of someone’s life. It does not just contain basic info about the subject, but the experiences of them throughout their lives. It sheds light on various aspects of the subject’s life. For example:

  • Personal details
  • Family background
  • Life events
  • Achievements
  • Triumphs in their field and their impact on the world

Biography Examples

Let’s have a look at some examples of famous biographies:

1- Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs is an authorized biography. The subject of the book Steve Jobs himself requested the author Walter Isaacson to write the story about him. Walter is also famous for biographical works like Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein.

2- Into the Wild

It is a nonfiction book based on the life of a young man who abandoned his life and disappeared into the wild. The author of this biographical story is Jon Krakauer.

What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography, informally called an autobio, is a biography of one’s own written by themselves. It is based on the memory of the writer. It generally enlightens the below aspects of the subject:

  • Life description
  • Meaning of life
  • Significant experiences
  • Personal failure
  • Plans for future

Autobiography Examples

Let’s have a look at some of the autobiographical works:

1- I am Malala

The autobiography “I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education was Shot by the Taliban” is the story of Malala. It was co-written by Christina Lamb.

2- Long Walk to Freedom

It is a biography of Nelson Mandela, ghostwritten by Richard Stengel. The book portrays his story from his early life to his years in prison.

Biography vs Autobiography: The Key Differences

While biographies and autobiographies are somehow similar, there are several contrasts between them. Let’s take a look at how they are different from each other.

You can find the difference between a biography and an autobiography by recognizing who writes it. A biography is always written by someone else other than the subject. Whereas in an autobiography, the subject of the story writes it themselves.

2- Point of View

A biography follows the third-person point of view. It uses “He, Him, His, She, Her, Hers.” In contrast, an autobiography follows the first-person point of view. It utilizes “I, Me, My” as the pronouns.

3- Authorized vs Unauthorized

If a story is written with the permission of the person, it will be an authorized work. Otherwise, it will be unauthorized because it is written without the consent of the person.

4- Authencity

An autobiography will be more authentic than a biography. An autobiography writer usually recalls his events and narrates his own experiences. On the other hand, biography writers gather info through different sources and by talking and interviewing various people. As a result, the input can differentiate from the reality.

5- Neutrality

Autobiographies can be more biased than biographies. The neutrality of the biographies can depend on the intent. Some writers can show themselves as more genuine than they are in reality in their autobiographies. However, when it comes to biographies, they can either go mild or extreme in talking about the subject.

Biography vs Autobiography: Similar Features

Autobiographies are basically a type of biographies. Therefore, they share some common elements. Let’s take a look.

Biographies, whether of someone else or of the writer, have the same purpose of telling people the story of their lives.

The genre of biographies is always nonfiction. A biography can not be a piece of fiction. If it is, it will fall under the category of a biographical novel.

The subject of biographies will always be famous people. The people who have achieved something in their life. For example, historical figures, celebs, political leaders, athletes, etc.

How to Write a Biography?

To write a biography , you can follow the below steps:

1- Get Permission

The first step to take in biography writing is to get the permission of the subject. In some conditions, it is not necessary. For example, if the subject is not alive anymore. However, if you have their consent, it will be helpful in your research, and the writing process will be easier. Also, the subject will give you some details by themselves that you may not have acquired without their permission.

2- Do Research

Research is necessary for biography writing. If you don’t have a sufficient amount of info about the subject, you can not compile a book about them. Therefore, you have to collect data and interview people as much as possible.

3- Write the Biography

The next step is to convert your research into words. Suppose you don’t have time or the ability to write. In that case, you can acquire ghostwriting services . It can help you create content for your book.

4- Format the Book

When you are done completing your written work, it’s time for book formatting . Most of the time, biographies follow chronological order. However, you can also follow a non-chronological order based on your preference.

5- Promote your Work

Your work will not find the right audience if you don’t advertise it well. Therefore, you should promote your biographical work effectively. For this, you can also benefit from book marketing services .

To learn more about what is a biography ? And how can you write one? You can read our blog.

How to Write an Autobiography?

Let’s have a look at tips on writing an autobiography:

1- Brainstorm Ideas

Begin with revisiting all the memories and events that happened in your life. Look for ideas you can talk about in your book. Also, consider both the positives and negatives so you can create unique content that attracts readers.

2- Create an Outline

Outlining helps you organize your content. Therefore, start your work by creating an outline. It will help the flow of the story; as a result, the reader will quickly understand the story.

3- Write the Autobiography

Autobiography books usually are written in the own voice of the subject. So, use first-person voice as you are speaking directly to the readers. Also, start with a solid intro, use anecdotes, and provide vivid details.

If you are also going for a digital version of your biographical book, you can have ebook writing services at your disposal. They can be handy in writing and also editing, and polishing your work.

4- Publishing the Book

The most challenging task to do after you have your story written is to publish it. High are the chances that you will need help regarding the publishing process, whether you are going for traditional publishing or you want to publish it yourself. It is where you can get in touch with a self-publishing company . The rest of the tasks to complete are on them.

You should also advertise your work so as many people as possible read your story. You can publish and market your work on various platforms. However, the best way to promote your story is through your author’s website. If you don’t have your own website, you can obtain author website design services and have your website showcasing your literary works.

Want to learn more? Read our detailed blog about what is an autobiography . Here you will get to know the “Autobiography Definition, Examples, & Writing Guide for 2024.”

Memoir vs Autobiography

After you know what’s the contrast and similarity between biography vs autobiography. Let’s look at the differences and similarities between a memoir vs an autobiography.

1- Memoir vs Autobiography: The Similarity

If we talk about memoir vs autobiography , they both are accounts of the writer’s life. Also, writers use the first-person point of view in both.

2- Memoir vs Autobiography: The Difference

In an autobiography, the writer talks about his whole life. Whereas, in a memoir, writers cover a small part of their life or tell an interesting or particular memory of their life.

Want to know more? Read our blog: What is a memoir?

What are the Two Types of Biography?

There are three types of biography, not two. They are:

  • Autobiography

Why are Biographies Better than Autobiography?

Biographies are more neutralistic than autobiographies. Also, they tend to be less biased than autobiographies.

Is Autobiography Written in First?

Yes, autobiographies are written in the first-person point of view since they are written by the subject themselves.

Why is an Autobiography Called an Autobiography?

The words Auto, Bios, and Graphein came from Ancient Greek. Their meaning is “Self,” “Life,” and “To Write,” respectively.

After reading this blog, you will have a grasp of the difference between biography vs autobiography. Also, you will know what they are composed of. Learning this will help you when you write your biographical books. In addition, if you still need assistance in writing, you can ask Authors Breeze for their services.

Caroline Chartrand

As a writing expert, Caroline R Chartrand has written numerous books across various genres, from memoirs to self-help guides. With a passion for history and literature, she has delved into the lives of some of the fascinating figures in history, uncovering hidden stories and surprising facts.

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How to Define Autobiography

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An autobiography is an account of a person's life written or otherwise recorded by that person. Adjective: autobiographical .

Many scholars regard the Confessions (c. 398) by Augustine of Hippo (354–430) as the first autobiography.

The term fictional autobiography (or pseudoautobiography ) refers to novels that employ first-person narrators who recount the events of their lives as if they actually happened. Well-known examples include David Copperfield (1850) by Charles Dickens and Salinger's  The Catcher in the Rye (1951).

Some critics believe that all autobiographies are in some ways fictional. Patricia Meyer Spacks has observed that "people do make themselves up. . . . To read an autobiography is to encounter a self as an imaginative being" ( The Female Imagination , 1975).

For the distinction between a memoir and an autobiographical composition, see memoir  as well as the examples and observations below. 

From the Greek, "self" + "life" + "write"

Examples of Autobiographical Prose

  • Imitating the Style of the Spectator , by Benjamin Franklin
  • Langston Hughes on Harlem
  • On the Street, by Emma Goldman
  • Ritual in Maya Angelou's Caged Bird
  • The Turbid Ebb and Flow of Misery, by Margaret Sanger
  • Two Ways of Seeing a River, by Mark Twain

Examples and Observations of Autobiographical Compositions

  • "An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last installment missing." (Quentin Crisp, The Naked Civil Servant , 1968)
  • "Putting a life into words rescues it from confusion even when the words declare the omnipresence of confusion, since the art of declaring implies dominance." (Patricia Meyer Spacks, Imagining a Self: Autobiography and Novel in Eighteenth-Century England . Harvard University Press, 1976)
  • The Opening Lines of Zora Neale Hurston's Autobiography - "Like the dead-seeming, cold rocks, I have memories within that came out of the material that went to make me. Time and place have had their say. "So you will have to know something about the time and place where I came from, in order that you may interpret the incidents and directions of my life. "I was born in a Negro town. I do not mean by that the black back-side of an average town. Eatonville, Florida, is, and was at the time of my birth, a pure Negro town--charter, mayor, council, town marshal and all. It was not the first Negro community in America, but it was the first to be incorporated, the first attempt at organized self-government on the part of Negroes in America. "Eatonville is what you might call hitting a straight lick with a crooked stick. The town was not in the original plan. It is a by-product of something else. . . ." (Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road . J.B. Lippincott, 1942) - "There is a saying in the Black community that advises: 'If a person asks you where you're going, you tell him where you've been. That way you neither lie nor reveal your secrets.' Hurston had called herself the 'Queen of the Niggerati.' She also said, 'I like myself when I'm laughing.' Dust Tracks on a Road is written with royal humor and an imperious creativity. But then all creativity is imperious, and Zora Neale Hurston was certainly creative." (Maya Angelou, Foreword to Dust Tracks on a Road , rpt. HarperCollins, 1996)
  • Autobiography and Truth "All autobiographies are lies. I do not mean unconscious, unintentional lies; I mean deliberate lies. No man is bad enough to tell the truth about himself during his lifetime, involving, as it must, the truth about his family and friends and colleagues. And no man is good enough to tell the truth in a document which he suppresses until there is nobody left alive to contradict him." (George Bernard Shaw, Sixteen Self Sketches , 1898)" " Autobiography is an unrivaled vehicle for telling the truth about other people." (attributed to Thomas Carlyle, Philip Guedalla, and others)
  • Autobiography and Memoir - "An autobiography is the story of a life : the name implies that the writer will somehow attempt to capture all the essential elements of that life. A writer's autobiography, for example, is not expected to deal merely with the author's growth and career as a writer but also with the facts and emotions connected to family life, education, relationships, sexuality, travels, and inner struggles of all kinds. An autobiography is sometimes limited by dates (as in Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography to 1949 by Doris Lessing), but not obviously by theme. "Memoir, on the other hand, is a story from a life . It makes no pretense of replicating a whole life." (Judith Barrington, Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art . Eighth Mountain Press, 2002) - "Unlike autobiography , which moves in a dutiful line from birth to fame, memoir narrows the lens, focusing on a time in the writer's life that was unusually vivid, such as childhood or adolescence, or that was framed by war or travel or public service or some other special circumstance." (William Zinsser, "Introduction," Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir . Mariner Books, 1998)
  • An "Epidemical Rage for Auto-Biography" "[I]f the populace of writers become thus querulous after fame (to which they have no pretensions) we shall expect to see an epidemical rage for auto-biography break out, more wide in its influence and more pernicious in its tendency than the strange madness of the Abderites, so accurately described by Lucian. London, like Abdera, will be peopled solely by 'men of genius'; and as the frosty season, the grand specific for such evils, is over, we tremble for the consequences. Symptoms of this dreadful malady (though somewhat less violent) have appeared amongst us before . . .." (Isaac D'Israeli, "Review of "The Memoirs of Percival Stockdale," 1809)|
  • The Lighter Side of Autobiography - "The Confessions of St. Augustine are the first autobiography , and they have this to distinguish them from all other autobiographies, that they are addressed directly to God." (Arthur Symons, Figures of Several Centuries , 1916) - "I write fiction and I'm told it's autobiography , I write autobiography and I'm told it's fiction, so since I'm so dim and they're so smart, let them decide what it is or isn't." (Philip Roth, Deception , 1990) - "I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography ." (Steven Wright)

Pronunciation: o-toe-bi-OG-ra-fee

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Autobiography vs. Biography vs. Memoir: Understanding the Differences

Autobiography, biography, and memoir are three genres of literature that share similarities but are also distinct from one another. While they tell stories about people’s lives, they differ in scope, perspective, and purpose. Understanding the differences between these genres is vital for readers, writers, and researchers alike.

So, what exactly makes them different from each other?

In this article, we’ll compare autobiography vs. biography vs. memoir, discover the definitions of each, and see the best examples of each genre.

But before we dive deep into the topic and learn about these three book genres, let’s see a quick overview of what an autobiography, a biography, and a memoir are for those in a hurry!

An autobiography is a book written by the person whose life is being described. It is a first-person narrative that covers the author’s entire life, from birth to the present day. On the other hand, a biography is a book written about a person’s life by someone else. It is a third-person narrative that covers the subject’s life in a factual and objective manner.

Meanwhile, a memoir is similar to an autobiography, but instead of describing the person’s entire life, it focuses on a particular event or a specific period and delves deeper into the author’s state of mind at the time.

Now that you have a rough idea of what an autobiography, a biography, and a memoir mean, let’s move ahead and explore all these book genres in much more detail.

What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography is a book written by an individual about their own life. It covers the author’s experiences, thoughts, and feelings throughout their life.

Autobiographies are typically written in the first person and are subjective in nature. They can cover many topics, including personal experiences, family history, career achievements, and more.

An autobiography aims to provide readers with an in-depth look into the author’s life. It can be a way for the author to share their story, inspire others, or leave a legacy. Autobiographies can also be used as a form of therapy, allowing the author to reflect on their life experiences and gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

what is an autobiography

Autobiographies can be both subjective and objective. While they are written from the author’s point of view, they can still provide an accurate account of events. However, it is essential to note that autobiographies are not always completely accurate, as memories can be flawed and biased.

Autobiographies can cover a wide range of events and information. Some may focus on a specific period or event in the author’s life, while others may cover their entire life from birth to the present day.

Autobiographies are often written by famous people, such as politicians, athletes, and celebrities, who want to tell their life stories in their own words. They can be insightful and revealing, but they can also be self-serving and biased.

Here are a few famous autobiographies:

  • “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank
  • “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah
  • “Becoming” by Michelle Obama
  • “An Autobiography” by Agatha Christie
  • “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by Malcolm X
  • “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela

What is a Biography?

A biography is a non-fictional account of someone’s life written by another person. It provides an objective understanding of the person’s life, covering various aspects such as their upbringing, education, career, achievements, and personal life.

The author of a biography is not the subject, and their interpretation of the subject’s life is not expected to be included in the text.

what is a biography

Biographies can be written about anyone, from historical figures to ordinary people who have made a significant impact on society. They are often researched and written by scholars, journalists, and other experts who want to provide a comprehensive and accurate account of a person’s life. And so, they are generally considered to be objective, as the author is expected to present a factual account of the subject’s life without any personal bias.

Biographies cover various events and information about the subject’s life. They may include details about the subject’s childhood, education, family life, career, and personal relationships. Biographies may also provide insights into the subject’s personality, beliefs, and values.

Here are some popular biographies and their authors:

  • “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson
  • “A Beautiful Mind” by Sylvia Nasar
  • “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand
  • “Mao: The Unknown Story” by Jung Chang
  • “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot
  • “Einstein: His Life and Universe” by Walter Isaacson

What is a Memoir?

A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing that focuses on a specific period, theme, or series of events in the author’s life. It is much similar to an autobiography; the only difference is that an autobiography covers the author’s entire life while the memoir is focused on a particular period or event.

what is a memoir

Memoirs are personal narratives that typically include the author’s reflections, emotions, and thoughts about their experiences. They are often considered to be subjective, as they are based on the author’s memories and perceptions of events, rather than objective facts.

To be considered a memoir, a book must be a factual account of the author’s life, but it does not have to be a comprehensive chronicle of their entire life. Instead, it should provide insight into a particular aspect of their life, such as their childhood, career, or personal relationships.

Here are some popular memoirs that have resonated with readers:

  • “Educated” by Tara Westover
  • “The Glass Castle” by Jeannette Walls
  • “Heavy: An American Memoir” by Kiese Laymon
  • “Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail” by Cheryl Strayed
  • “Running with Scissors” by Augusten Burroughs
  • “Night” by Elie Wiesel

These memoirs are just a few examples of the wide range of experiences and themes that can be explored through this genre of writing.

Autobiography vs. Biography vs. Memoir – Key Differences:

When it comes to writing about someone’s life, there are three main options: autobiography, biography, and memoir. While they all share similarities, there are some key differences between them.


An autobiography is a factual and historical account of one’s entire life written by the person themselves. It is usually written in the first person and covers the author’s life from beginning to end. Although autobiographies are often written by famous people, they can be written by anyone.

A biography is the story of someone’s life written by someone else. It is usually written in the third person and covers the subject’s life from birth to death.

A memoir is a nonfiction narrative in which the author shares their memories from a specific time period or reflects upon a string of themed occurrences throughout their life. Memoirs tend to focus on a particular aspect of the author’s life rather than their entire life story.

Comparison Chart

Here is a comparison chart highlighting the key differences between autobiography, biography, and memoir:

Autobiography Biography Memoir
Subject Other Subject
First Person Third Person First Person
Entire Life Entire Life Specific Time Period or Theme
Entire Life Subject’s Life Specific Aspect of Author’s Life
Tell Life Story Inform and Entertain Reflect on Specific Memories or Themes

After examining the similarities and differences between autobiography, biography, and memoir, it is clear that each genre has its unique characteristics. While all three genres involve storytelling, they differ in their scope, focus, and style.

One notable difference between these genres is the level of objectivity. Biographies are often the most objective, as they are written by a third-party author who is not emotionally invested in the subject. In contrast, memoirs and autobiographies can be highly subjective, as they are written from the author’s perspective and often include their emotions and opinions.

Another difference is the audience. Autobiographies and biographies are usually intended for a broader audience, while memoirs are often more personal and may only appeal to a specific group of readers.

Overall, each genre has its strengths and weaknesses. It is up to the reader to decide which genre best suits their interests and preferences.

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Biography vs. Autobiography: What's the Difference?

biography and autobiography definition

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Comparison chart, perspective, research requirement, authorization, biography and autobiography definitions, autobiography, who typically writes a biography, is research needed for writing a biography, what is a biography, is an autobiography always truthful, are memoirs and autobiographies the same, which is more subjective, a biography or an autobiography, can biographies be fictionalized, are autobiographies written posthumously, how does an autobiography differ from a biography, what perspective is an autobiography written from, can a biography be written without the subject's permission, can a person have both a biography and an autobiography, who is the target audience for biographies and autobiographies, are biographies always factual, do autobiographies cover an individual's entire life, how do readers benefit from biographies, what challenges do biographers face, are personal memories the main source for autobiographies, which is more intimate, a biography or an autobiography, why do people write autobiographies.

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Definition of biography

Did you know.

So You've Been Asked to Submit a Biography

In a library, the word biography refers both to a kind of book and to a section where books of that kind are found. Each biography tells the story of a real person's life. A biography may be about someone who lived long ago, recently, or even someone who is still living, though in the last case it must necessarily be incomplete. The term autobiography refers to a biography written by the person it's about. Autobiographies are of course also necessarily incomplete.

Sometimes biographies are significantly shorter than a book—something anyone who's been asked to submit a biography for, say, a conference or a community newsletter will be glad to know. Often the word in these contexts is shortened to bio , a term that can be both a synonym of biography and a term for what is actually a biographical sketch: a brief description of a person's life. These kinds of biographies—bios—vary, but many times they are only a few sentences long. Looking at bios that have been used in the same context can be a useful guide in determining what to put in your own.

Examples of biography in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'biography.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Late Greek biographia , from Greek bi- + -graphia -graphy

1665, in the meaning defined at sense 2

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“Biography.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 8 Sep. 2024.

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[ aw-t uh -bahy- og -r uh -fee , -bee- , aw-toh- ]

  • a history of a person's life written or told by that person.

/ ˌɔːtəʊbaɪˈɒɡrəfɪ; ˌɔːtəbaɪ- /

  • an account of a person's life written or otherwise recorded by that person
  • A literary work about the writer's own life. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and Isak Dinesen's Out of Africa are autobiographical.

Derived Forms

  • ˌautobiˈographer , noun

Other Words From

  • auto·bi·ogra·pher noun

Word History and Origins

Origin of autobiography 1

Example Sentences

In so doing, she gave us an autobiography that has held up for more than a century.

His handwritten autobiography reawakens in Lee a longing to know her motherland.

His elocution, perfected on stage and evident in television and film, make X’s autobiography an easy yet informative listen.

The book is not so much an autobiography of Hastings — or even Netflix’s origin story.

By contrast, Shing-Tung Yau says in his autobiography that the Calabi-Yau manifold was given its name by other people eight years after he proved its existence, which Eugenio Calabi had conjectured some 20 years before that.

Glow: The Autobiography of Rick JamesRick James David Ritz (Atria Books) Where to begin?

Hulanicki was the subject of a 2009 documentary, Beyond Biba, based on her 2007 autobiography From A to Biba.

And it was also during the phase of the higher autobiography.

“Nighttime was the worst,” Bennett wrote in his autobiography.

Then I picked up a book that shredded my facile preconceptions—Hard Stuff: The Autobiography of Mayor Coleman Young.

No; her parents had but small place in that dramatic autobiography that Daphne was now constructing for herself.

His collected works, with autobiography, were published in 1865 under the editorship of Charles Hawkins.

But there is one point about the book that deserves some considering, its credibility as autobiography.

I thought you were anxious for leisure to complete your autobiography.

The smallest fragment of a genuine autobiography seems to me valuable for the student of past epochs.

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autobiography noun

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Earlier version

  • autobiography in OED Second Edition (1989)

What does the noun autobiography mean?

There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun autobiography . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.

How common is the noun autobiography ?

How is the noun autobiography pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the noun autobiography come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun autobiography is in the late 1700s.

OED's earliest evidence for autobiography is from 1797, in the writing of William Taylor, reviewer and translator.

autobiography is formed within English, by compounding; perhaps modelled on a German lexical item.

Etymons: auto- comb. form 1 , biography n.

Nearby entries

  • autobasidium, n. 1895–
  • autobio, n. 1856–
  • autobiog, n. 1829–
  • autobiographal, adj. 1845–
  • autobiographer, n. 1807–
  • autobiographic, adj. 1818–
  • autobiographical, adj. 1807–
  • autobiographically, adv. 1822–
  • autobiographical novel, n. 1832–
  • autobiographist, n. 1820–
  • autobiography, n. 1797–
  • autobiopic, n. 1977–
  • auto body, n. 1904–
  • auto-boot, n. 1981–
  • auto-boot, v. 1984–
  • auto-booting, adj. 1983–
  • autobox, n. 1977–
  • autobracketing, n. 1985–
  • auto-burglar, n. 1884
  • autocade, n. 1924–
  • auto camp, n. 1904–

Meaning & use

The next dissertation concerns Diaries, and Self-biography . We are doubtful whether the latter word be legitimate: it is not very usual in English to employ hybrid words partly Saxon and partly Greek: yet autobiography would have seemed pedantic.
This very amusing and unique specimen of autobiography .
Geology (as Sir C. Lyell has so happily expressed it) is ‘the autobiography of the earth’.
We live in an age when men treat art as if it were meant to be a form of autobiography .
The autobiography in your letter..has pleased me a good deal.
Dent's will be pleased to hear that my Welsh book, a sort of provincial autobiography , is coming on well.
An autobiography is a book a person writes about his own life and it is usually full of all sorts of boring details.
The Cockney beauty's autobiography ..has become a surprise hit, debuting at number four in the best-seller lists.
  • story 1533– With possessive adjective or genitive. A person's account of the events of his or her life or a part of it. Cf. life story , n. , and also sense 8.
  • autography 1661– = autobiography , n. rare .
  • memoirs 1676– In plural . Autobiographical observations; reminiscences. Frequently modified by a possessive.
  • idiography a1734 Autobiography; writing about oneself. Obsolete . rare .
  • self-biography 1796– An account of the life of an individual written by himself or herself; an autobiography. Also: the genre comprising such work.
  • autobiography 1797– An account of a person's life given by himself or herself, esp. one published in book form. Also: the process of writing such an account; these…
  • reminiscence 1797– Chiefly in plural . A recollection or memory of a past fact or experience recounted to others; spec. (usually in plural ) a person's collective…
  • autobiog 1829– = autobiography , n.
  • autobio 1856– = autobiography , n.
  • auto 1881– = autobiography , n.
  • curriculum vitae 1902– A course; spec. a regular course of study or training, as at a school or university. (The recognized term in the Scottish Universities.) curriculum …
  • biodata 1947– ( plural ) biographical details, esp. summarizing a person's educational and employment history, academic career, etc.; (with singular agreement) =…
  • vita 1949– A biography, the history of a life; spec. = curriculum vitae n. at curriculum , n.
  • c.v. 1971– = curriculum vitae n. at curriculum , n.


  • ð th ee
  • ɬ rhingy ll

Some consonants can take the function of the vowel in unstressed syllables. Where necessary, a syllabic marker diacritic is used, hence <petal> /ˈpɛtl/ but <petally> /ˈpɛtl̩i/.

  • a trap, bath
  • ɑː start, palm, bath
  • ɔː thought, force
  • ᵻ (/ɪ/-/ə/)
  • ᵿ (/ʊ/-/ə/)

Other symbols

  • The symbol ˈ at the beginning of a syllable indicates that that syllable is pronounced with primary stress.
  • The symbol ˌ at the beginning of a syllable indicates that that syllable is pronounced with secondary stress.
  • Round brackets ( ) in a transcription indicate that the symbol within the brackets is optional.

View the pronunciation model here .

* /d/ also represents a 'tapped' /t/ as in <bitter>

Some consonants can take the function of the vowel in unstressed syllables. Where necessary, a syllabic marker diacritic is used, hence <petal> /ˈpɛd(ə)l/ but <petally> /ˈpɛdl̩i/.

  • i fleece, happ y
  • æ trap, bath
  • ɑ lot, palm, cloth, thought
  • ɔ cloth, thought
  • ɔr north, force
  • ə strut, comm a
  • ər nurse, lett er
  • ɛ(ə)r square
  • æ̃ sal on

Simple Text Respell

Simple text respell breaks words into syllables, separated by a hyphen. The syllable which carries the primary stress is written in capital letters. This key covers both British and U.S. English Simple Text Respell.

b, d, f, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, v, w and z have their standard English values

  • arr carry (British only)
  • a(ng) gratin
  • o lot (British only)
  • orr sorry (British only)
  • o(ng) salon

autobiography typically occurs about six times per million words in modern written English.

autobiography is in frequency band 5, which contains words occurring between 1 and 10 times per million words in modern written English. More about OED's frequency bands

Frequency of autobiography, n. , 1790–2010

* Occurrences per million words in written English

Historical frequency series are derived from Google Books Ngrams (version 2), a data set based on the Google Books corpus of several million books printed in English between 1500 and 2010.

The overall frequency for a given word is calculated by summing frequencies for the main form of the word, any plural or inflected forms, and any major spelling variations.

For sets of homographs (distinct entries that share the same word-form, e.g. mole , n.¹, mole , n.², mole , n.³, etc.), we have estimated the frequency of each homograph entry as a fraction of the total Ngrams frequency for the word-form. This may result in inaccuracies.

Smoothing has been applied to series for lower-frequency words, using a moving-average algorithm. This reduces short-term fluctuations, which may be produced by variability in the content of the Google Books corpus.

Decade Frequency per million words

Frequency of autobiography, n. , 2017–2023

Modern frequency series are derived from a corpus of 20 billion words, covering the period from 2017 to the present. The corpus is mainly compiled from online news sources, and covers all major varieties of World English.

Smoothing has been applied to series for lower-frequency words, using a moving-average algorithm. This reduces short-term fluctuations, which may be produced by variability in the content of the corpus.

Period Frequency per million words
Oct.–Dec. 20172.7
Jan.–Mar. 20182.6
Apr.–June 20182.6
July–Sept. 20182.6
Oct.–Dec. 20182.5
Jan.–Mar. 20192.3
Apr.–June 20192.2
July–Sept. 20192.4
Oct.–Dec. 20192.3
Jan.–Mar. 20202.3
Apr.–June 20202.1
July–Sept. 20202.2
Oct.–Dec. 20202.3
Jan.–Mar. 20212.3
Apr.–June 20212.2
July–Sept. 20212.2
Oct.–Dec. 20212.4
Jan.–Mar. 20222.3
Apr.–June 20222.2
July–Sept. 20222.3
Oct.–Dec. 20222.6
Jan.–Mar. 20232.8

Compounds & derived words

  • autobiog , n. 1829– = autobiography, n.
  • autobiographal , adj. 1845– = autobiographical, adj.
  • autobio , n. 1856– = autobiography, n.
  • auto , n.³ 1881– = autobiography, n.

Entry history for autobiography, n.

autobiography, n. was revised in June 2011.

autobiography, n. was last modified in June 2024. is a living text, updated every three months. Modifications may include:

  • further revisions to definitions, pronunciation, etymology, headwords, variant spellings, quotations, and dates;
  • new senses, phrases, and quotations.

Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into autobiography, n. in June 2024.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1885)

  • Find out more

OED Second Edition (1989)

  • View autobiography in OED Second Edition

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Citation details

Factsheet for autobiography, n., browse entry.


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  1. Biography vs. Autobiography: Differences and Features

    Analyze the differences: biography vs autobiography. Includes descriptions & examples of each. We've even highlighted key differences for easy reference.

  2. Biography vs Autobiography: Similarities and Differences

    A biography is an account of someone's life story that is written by an author who is not the subject of the nook. An autobiography, on the other hand, involves an individual narrating their own life experiences. The differences between biographies and autobiographies relate most prominently to the authorhship: Autobiography: When you read an ...

  3. Difference between Biography and Autobiography

    Difference between Biography and Autobiography

  4. Autobiography

    Autobiography | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts

  5. Autobiography vs Biography: Differences and Similarities

    The biggest difference between an autobiography and a biography is that an autobiography is written by the subject of the book about their own life, while a biography is written by another person. For example, actress Lucille Ball wrote an autobiography about her life called Love, Lucy. Meanwhile, an author named Kathleen Brady wrote a ...

  6. Autobiography vs. Biography

    Autobiography and biography are both forms of non-fiction writing that focus on the life of an individual. However, there is a key distinction between the two. Autobiography is a self-written account of one's own life, where the author narrates their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

  7. The Difference Between Autobiography and Biography

    1. Autobiographies are written by (or with) the subject. 2. Autobiographies are in the first person; biographies are (typically) in the third person. 3. Biographies don't require the permission of the subject. 4. Autobiographies can include the subject's thoughts and feelings. 5.

  8. Biography vs. autobiography: what's the difference?

    Writers can choose from a few common biography types, including: Authorized biographies, which received the subject's input and/or permission. Unauthorized biographies, which were written without the subject's approval or input. Biographical novels, which were inspired by a real person's life, but feature embellishments that may make the ...

  9. Autobiography: definition and examples

    For the full article, see autobiography. autobiography, Biography of oneself narrated by oneself. Little autobiographical literature exists from antiquity and the Middle Ages; with a handful of exceptions, the form begins to appear only in the 15th century. Autobiographical works take many forms, from intimate writings made during life that are ...

  10. Autobiography

    Autobiography - Wikipedia ... Autobiography

  11. Autobiography Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of AUTOBIOGRAPHY is the biography of a person narrated by that person : a usually written account of a person's life in their own words. How to use autobiography in a sentence. ... Share the Definition of autobiography on Twitter Twitter. Kids Definition. autobiography. noun. au· to· bi· og· ra· phy ˌȯt-ə-bī-ˈäg-rə-fē

  12. Biography vs Autobiography: Differences and Features

    If we tell you in simple words, a biography is the life story of a person written by someone else. On the other hand, an autobiography is the life story of a person written by themselves. Autobiographies have a more personal nature as they are based on the writers' own thoughts and memories. On the other hand, biographies are more objective ...

  13. Autobiography

    Definition of Autobiography Autobiography is one type of biography , which tells the life story of its author, meaning it is a written record of the author's life. Rather than being written by somebody else, an autobiography comes through the person's own pen, in his own words.

  14. Definition and Examples of Autobiography

    The term fictional autobiography (or pseudoautobiography) refers to novels that employ first-person narrators who recount the events of their lives as if they actually happened. Well-known examples include David Copperfield (1850) by Charles Dickens and Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye (1951). Some critics believe that all autobiographies are ...

  15. Autobiography vs. Biography vs. Memoir: Understanding ...

    It is a first-person narrative that covers the author's entire life, from birth to the present day. On the other hand, a biography is a book written about a person's life by someone else. It is a third-person narrative that covers the subject's life in a factual and objective manner. Meanwhile, a memoir is similar to an autobiography, but ...

  16. Biography vs. Autobiography: What's the Difference?

    A biography provides insight into an individual's life, detailing their experiences, achievements, and challenges from the perspective of an external author. An autobiography, on the other hand, is penned by the individual themselves, offering a firsthand account of their life's journey. 12. In a biography, the subject might be anyone, from ...

  17. AUTOBIOGRAPHY definition

    AUTOBIOGRAPHY meaning: 1. a book about a person's life, written by that person: 2. the area of literature relating to…. Learn more.

  18. Autobiography in Literature: Definition & Examples

    Autobiography in Literature: Definition & Examples

  19. Biography Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of BIOGRAPHY is a usually written history of a person's life. How to use biography in a sentence. ... though in the last case it must necessarily be incomplete. The term autobiography refers to a biography written by the person it's about. Autobiographies are of course also necessarily incomplete. ... Share the Definition of ...

  20. AUTOBIOGRAPHY Definition & Meaning

    Autobiography definition: a history of a person's life written or told by that person.. See examples of AUTOBIOGRAPHY used in a sentence.


    AUTOBIOGRAPHY definition: 1. a book about a person's life, written by that person: 2. the area of literature relating to…. Learn more.

  22. Nonfiction Biography & Autobiography

    The biography definition in literature has three basic elements: • Biographer : the author, who writes about another person's life • Subject : the individual whose life is covered by the biography

  23. autobiography, n. meanings, etymology and more

    a regular course of study or training, as at a school or university. (The recognized term in the Scottish Universities.) ) biographical details, esp. summarizing a person's educational and employment history, academic career, etc.; (with. Some consonants can take the function of the vowel in unstressed syllables.