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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers

September 11, 2019 by Bhagya

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question and Answers

Electric Cell

Question 1. What is an electric cell? Answer: Electric cell is a source of energy. It produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it.

Question 2. What is meant by a battery? Answer: When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery.

Question 3. Give any difference between a cell and a battery. Answer: A cell has only one plate as a positive and only one plate as a negative electrode, while a battery, which is a combination of cells in a series, can have many plates.

Question 4. Why does a cell stop producing electricity after some time? Answer: An electric cell produces electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals inside the cell are used up, the cell stops producing electricity.

Question 5. Why should we not join the wires connected to the two terminals of the electric cell? Answer: We should never join the wires with two terminals of the electric cell. If we do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

Question 6. Name some devices in which we use an electric cell. Answer: We use electric cell in an alarm clock, wrist watch, transistor, camera, torch, etc.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -12

Question 8. Why shouldn’t the two terminals of an electric cell be joined directly? Answer: Never join the two terminals of the electric cell without connecting them through a switch and a device like a bulb: Because if you do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

A Bulb Connected to an Electric Cell

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -128

  • They are light in weight and small in size.
  • They can be transported from one place to another easily.
  • There is no fear of leakage/spillage in dry cells.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -130

Now, connect the wires fixed to the bulb with those attached to the cell in six different ways as have been shown in Fig. C [(a) to (f)]. For each arrangement, find out whether the bulb glows or not. Write “Yes’ or ‘No’ for each arrangement in your notebook.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -133

(a) Bulb lights up Wires from the cell are connected with two terminals of the bulb
(b) Bulb does not light up One of the wires is connected with terminal, while other wire is left free
(c) Bulb does not light up Two different wires are not connected properly
(d) Bulb does not light up One wire is not connected with one terminal, bulb connected to one terminal of the cell
(e) Bulb does not light up Wire is not connected with one terminal, bulb connected to one terminal of the cell
(f) Bulb lights up


Both the wires from the cell are connected with two terminals of the bulb (by changing the position of wire)

An Electric Circuit

Question 1. What is electric circuit? Answer: Path from one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal of the electric cell through wires passing to and from the electric bulb is called electric circuit.

Question 2. What is the direction of the current in the electric circuit? Answer: In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

Question 3. Sometimes an electric bulb does not glow even if it is connected to the cell. What could be the reason? Answer: This may happen if the bulb has fused.

Question 4. What is a filament? Answer: A filament is a thin wire fixed in the middle of a bulb connected to the two supporting wires.

Question 5. Why does a fused bulb not light up? Answer: A fused bulb means a break in its filament which results in a break in the path of the current between the terminals of the electric cell. Thus a fused bulb does not light up as no current passes through its filament.

Electric Switch

Question 1. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them. Answer: A switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it. Hence we use electric switches in order to either

  • stop an electrical gadget in function when required, or
  • start an electrical gadget when needed.

Some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them are—electric iron, table fan, television set, radio, etc.

Question 2. How are cells arranged in a torch—in parallel or in series? Answer: In torch, cells are connected in series.

Question 3. If in a circuit you have arranged cells in series. Will the bulb continue to shine even if the connection of one of the cells is reversed? Answer: If cells are connected in a series in a circuit, change of ends of any one of the cells will stop the flow of electricity and the bulb might not illuminate as circuit will not be completed.

Question 4. Give the symbol of following:

  • Switch (OFF)
  • Switch (ON)

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -134

Question 1. What is a conductor? Give examples. Answer: A conductor is a material that allows an electric current to pass through it. For example, copper, aluminium, zinc, iron, etc.

Question 2. What is an insulator? Give few examples. Answer: Insulator is the material that does not allow an electric current to pass through it. For example, wood, mica, asbestos, rubber, etc.

Question 3. Why does one remove the plastic coating of connecting wires before making circuits? Answer: Plastics is a bad conductor or insulator of electricity. It prevents us from electric shocks. To complete the circuit, we have to remove the plastic coating to connect wires so that the current may flow through the circuit.

Question 4. Why do you have to clean the ends of wires used for making a circuit with sand paper to make the bulbs shine? Answer: A layer of bad conductor polish is coated on the wire. The current will flow properly after removing this coat. Therefore, we have to remove the coating with sand paper.

Question 5. Is air a good or a bad conductor of electricity? Answer: Air is a bad conductor of electricity. If air were the good conductor of electricity, electricity could reach to the bulb without wiring and the bulb could light without wires. Moreover, the electricity running through wire could scatter all around the wire and then it might be dangerous.

Question 6. What would happen if air were a good conductor of electricity? Answer: If air were a good conductor of electricity, the electricity could scatter all around in atmosphere nearby the power stations. The men at work could die with electric shocks. The electricity could not be transmitted to homes, factories from power stations.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Question Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12 -138

Question 8. Give some uses of conductors and insulators. Answer: Conductors and insulators are equally important for us. Switches, electrical plugs and sockets are made of conductors. On the other hand, rubber and plastic are used for covering the electrical wires, plug tops, switches and other parts of electrical appliances, which people might touch.

Question 9. What is “conduction tester”? Answer: It is a simple device to test whether a given object is a conductor or an insulator its set up is shown in the Fig. 12.7. To test whether a given object is a conductor or an insulator, we connect the two ends of that object to A and B. If after connecting the object between AB, the bulb lights up, the object is a conductor and if bulb does not light up, the object is an insulator.

Question 10. Why is the handle of electrician’s screw driver made of plastic? Answer: A screw driver is made of steel. It is a good conductor of electricity. So electricity can easily flow through it. Plastic is a bad conductor and does not allow electricity to pass through it. So, the electrician has a plastic handle to protect him from any shock.

Question 11. Using a conduction tester, select conductors and insulators from the following. Note your observations in a table as follows: Pin, notebook, chalk, duster, pen, comb, key, rubber, nail, paper.

1. Pin Bulb glows Circuit is complete Conductor
2. Notebook Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator
3. Chalk Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator
4. Duster Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete – Insulator
5. Pen Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator
6. Comb Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator
7. Key Bulb glows Circuit is complete Conductor
8. Rubber Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator
9. Nail Bulb glows Circuit is complete Conductor
10. Paper Bulb doesn’t glow Circuit is not complete Insulator

Question 12. Is our body insulator or conductor? Answer: Our body is a good conductor of electricity.

Question 13. What is power station? What are its types? Answer: The electricity used by us in our homes is supplied from power stations. Types of power station:

  • Hydro power station
  • Thermal power station
  • Solar power station
  • Nuclear power station.

Objective Type Questions

Question 1. Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:

(a) Cell (i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(b) Battery (ii) Either breaks or completes a circuit
(c) Conductor (iii) Converts electricity into light
(d) Insulator (iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(e) Switch (v) A device which produces electricity
(f) Bulb (vi) Is a path of electricity
(g) Filament (vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(h) Circuit (viii) A combination of cells
(a) Cell (v) A device which produces electricity
(b) Battery (viii) A combination of cells
(c) Conductor (i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(d) Insulator (vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(e) Switch (ii) in Either breaks or completes a circuit
(f) Bulb (iii) Converts electricity into light
(g) Filament (iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(h)  Circuit (vi) Is a path of electricity

Question 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

  • An electrical cell has two terminals, a positive and a ……………
  • Materials through which current can pass are called ………………….
  • Materials through which current cannot pass are called …………………….
  • Our body is a …………………. conductor of electricity.
  • When a switch is off, the circuit becomes Cj
  • We use …………….. to test the conductivity of a material.
  • A switch either breaks or …………. a circuit.
  • Electricity we use in our homes is supplied from a ………………..
  • conduction tester
  • power house

Question 3. State whether the statements given below are True or False

  • A bulb has two terminals.
  • An electric cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
  • Rubber and wood are good conductors of electricity.
  • A switch is made of an insulator.
  • Current flows from positive terminal of cell to its negative terminal.
  • Current flows only through a complete path.
  • Handles of electrical appliances are made up of insulators,
  • In a torch, cells are joined in parallel arrangement.
  • Air is a good conductor of electricity.
  • We should turn off main switch when there is a short circuit in our home,
  • We should never join the wires connected to two terminals of a cell.

Question 4. Choose the correct option in the following questions:

(i) Cell is a device which (a) converts chemical energy into electrical energy (b) electrical energy into light energy (c) electrical energy into magnetic energy (d) None of these Answer: (a) In a cell, chemicals are used to produce potential difference.

(ii) A bulb has (a) two terminals and one filament (b) two terminals and two filaments (c) multiple terminals and single filament (d) single terminal and single filament Answer: (a) A bulb has a filament which glows and two terminals which are joined to two terminals of the battery.

(iii) Filament of a bulb is made up of (a) aluminium (b) chromium (c) platinum (d) tungsten Answer: (d) Tungsten has high melting point and high resistance.

(iv) Bulb glows only in (a) closed circuit (b) open circuit (c) in both circuits (d) open circuit if bulb is not fused Answer: (a) Only a closed circuit is a complete circuit.

(v) A battery is (a) a single cell (b) a combination of cells in which cells are joined (+) to (-) (c) a combination of cells in which cells are joined (+) to (+) (d) None of these Answer: (b) In a battery two or more cells are combined in such a way that (+) terminal of one cell is joined to (-) terminal of other.

(vi) A substance which allows electricity to pass through it is called (a) a conductor (b) an insulator (c) semiconductor (d) superconductor Answer: (s) Substances which allow electric current to pass through them.

(vii) Which is an example of an insulator (a) bakelite (b) aluminium (c) tap water (d) All of these Answer: (a) Aluminium and tap water are conductors of heat.

(viii) An example of a conductor is (a) tap water (b) salt solution (c) metal wire (d) all of these Answer: (d) Tap water, salt solution and metal wire are the examples of conductors.

(ix) How many terminals are there in a dry cell? (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four Answer: (b) Dry cell has two terminals (+ve) and (-ve).

(x) To prevent electric shocks, the metallic electrical wires are covered with (a) paper (b) cotton (c) aluminium (d) plastic Answer: (d) Plastic is an insulator of electricity.

Extra Questions for Class 6 Science

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Class 6 Science NCERT Exemplar Solutions Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Free PDF download of NCERT Exemplar for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits solved by expert Science teachers on as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. All Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits exercise questions with solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Choose from the options a, b, c and d given in Fig. 12.1, the figure which shows the correct direction of the current. 

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Ans: The correct answer is option (b). 

In an electric circuit, current flow is measured from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

2. Choose the incorrect statement. 

(a) A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit. 

(b) A switch helps to complete or break the circuit. 

(c) A switch helps us to use electricity as per our requirement. 

(d) When the switch is open, there is an air gap between its terminals. 

Ans:   The correct answer is option (a). In a circuit, the source of the electric current is a switch.

3. In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of 

(a) The glass case of the bulb. 

(b) The thin filament. 

(c) The thick wires supporting the filament. 

(d) Gases inside the glass case of the bulb. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (b) the thin filament. There is a thin filament present inside a bulb that glows and produces light.

4. In the following arrangement shown in Fig. 12.2, the bulb will not glow if the ends A and B are connected with 

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(a) A steel spoon 

(b) A metal clip 

(c) A plastic clip 

(d) A copper wire 

Ans: The correct answer is option (c) a plastic clip. Plastic is an insulator because it is a bad conductor of electricity.

5. In the circuit shown in Fig. 12.3, when the switch is moved to ‘ON’ position, 

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(a) the bulb A will glow first. 

(b) bulb B will glow first. 

(c) The bulb C will glow first. 

(d) All bulbs will glow together. 

Ans: The correct answer is an option (d) all bulbs will glow together. As soon as the circuit is finished, the current will be discovered at every place in it.

6. Filament of a torch bulb is 

(a) A metal case. 

(b) Metal tip at the centre of the base. 

(c) Two thick wires. 

(d) A thin wire. 

Ans: The correct answer is option (d), a thin wire. The filament of the bulb is made of a thin wire made from tungsten.

7. Paheli is running short of connecting wires. To complete an electric circuit, she may use a 

(a) Glass bangle

(b) Thick thread 

(c) Rubber pipe 

(d) Steel spoon 

Ans:   The correct answer is option (d) Steel spoon.  Steel is an excellent electrical conductor.

Very Short Answer Questions

8. In which of the following circuits A, B, and C given in Fig. 12.4, will the cell be used up very rapidly? 

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Ans: The cell will get used up pretty quickly in circuit A.

9. Fig. 12.5 shows a bulb with its different parts marked as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Which of them label the terminals of the bulb? 

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Ans: Label 3 and label 4 are the endpoints in the supplied bulb. A terminal is the component of the bulb via which power is delivered to the filament.

Short Answer Questions

10. You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow. 

Ans:  The circuit diagram prepared will be as follows:

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11. Will the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.6? Explain. 

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                                                         Fig. 12.6

Ans: Since the switch is open, the bulb will not light, indicating that the circuit is disconnected.

12. An electric bulb is connected to a cell through a switch as shown in Fig. 12.7. When the switch is brought in ‘ON’ position, the bulb does not glow. What could be the possible reason/s for it? Mention any two of them. 

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                                                Fig. 12.7

Ans: There might be a variety of causes for this: 

i. The cell is used. 

ii. The bulb has blown out. 

iii. Interconnections that aren't secure. 

iv. A breakage in one of the connecting wires.

13. A torch requires three cells. Show the arrangement of the cells, with a diagram, inside the torch so that the bulb glows. 

Ans: The bulb will be connected to the positive and negative terminals. The arrangement of the cells will be as follows:

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14. When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. The electric cell is then replaced with a new one. In rechargeable batteries (such as the type used in mobile phones, cameras and inverters), they are used repeatedly. How? 

Ans: Secondary cells or storage cells can replenish rechargeable batteries by delivering current.

15. Paheli connected two bulbs to a cell, as shown in Fig. 12.8. She found that the filament of bulb B was broken. Will bulb A glow in this circuit? Give a reason. 

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Ans: The bulb will not glow as the filament is broken, which makes the circuit incomplete.

16. Why do bulbs have two terminals? 

Ans:   In a bulb, the filament is a small thin wire attached to two terminals inside the circuit to allow electricity to flow through it.

17. Which of the following arrangements, A, B, C and D given in Fig. 12.9, should not be set up? Explain why. 

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Ans:   Because Circuit A is an incomplete circuit, it is improper. The current will travel from the cell's negative terminal to the positive terminal, using all power and leaving no output.

18. A fused bulb does not glow. Why? 

Ans:   When a bulb's filament is broken, the bulb is said to have been fused, which means it won't light up because the filament is the bulb's major source of light. The circuit is not complete since the filament is damaged, and the bulb can not light.

19. Paheli wanted to glow a torch bulb using a cell. She could not get connecting wires, instead, she got two strips of aluminium foil. Will she succeed? Explain, how? 

Ans:   Aluminium is a metal that conducts electricity well. Yes, the aluminium foils will serve as connecting wires, attaching one strip to the bulb's negative terminal and the other to the bulb's positive terminal.

Long Answer Questions

20. Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram. 

Ans:   With the suggested configuration, he will be able to light the bulb. He can connect one of the bulb's terminals straight to the electric cell's negative terminal. As a result, he won't require any additional cable for our electric circuit. The diagram depicts the needed setup:

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21. Fig. 12.10 A and B show a bulb connected to a cell in two different ways. 

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                                          Fig. 12.10

(i) What will be the direction of the current through the bulb in both cases? (Q to P or P to Q) 

Ans: Current always flows from a battery's positive terminal to its negative terminal throughout the circuit. In the example of current flow from Q to P, current will flow from the positive terminal Q to the negative terminal P. Whereas, in the case of P to Q; current will flow from the negative terminal P to the positive terminal Q.

(ii) Will the bulb glow in both cases?

Ans: Because the current is flowing in both circumstances, the bulb will light up.

(iii) Does the brightness of the glowing bulb depend on the direction of current through it? 

Ans: Whether the bulb glows brighter or duller depends on the circuit’s quantity of current and voltage. The direction of the current flow has no impact on it.

22. Think of six activities that use electric current. Also, name the devices used to perform the activity in tabular form. One example has been done for you: 

Activity you perform


Example- Get light













Activity you perform


Example- Get light


Prepare an icecream


Watch movies


Listening songs


Talk to someone far


Ironing clothes

Electric Iron 

23. A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three. 

Ans: The reason for the faulty functioning of the torch can be:

i. The cells may be disorganised.

ii. The filament of the bulb might be fractured, causing the bulb not to ignite.

iii. The cells may be depleted.

iv. The switch is defective.

Vedantu covers all the concepts to be taught in 6th-grade science Chapter 12 – Electricity and Circuits. The Vedantu NCERT Solutions For Class 6 Science are designed to help students build a strong background in the subject. 

It provides clear and detailed solutions to all problems. It assists students in improving their exam responses by instructing them on how to approach problems sensibly and methodically. 

Electricity and circuits in NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 6 Science also help students to get prepared for their boards right from this very early stage.

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In Class 6, students are typically exposed to science and its three branches: physics, chemistry, and biology.

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NCERT Exemplars are well-designed study guides that include additional questions of a higher level of difficulty and are intended to assist students in gaining a thorough understanding of the subjects they are studying.

Students studying for the CBSE Board exams will benefit from these practice materials, which are essential textbooks. Students studying for the JEE mains and JEE advanced exams may also find this NCERT Exemplar useful. It is available for free online and can be accessed by anyone.

2. What distinguishes Vedantu's NCERT class 6 solutions from others?

The following are some distinguishing characteristics that set Vedantu NCERT Class 6 science solutions apart from the competitors in the market:

There are a lot of solutions that offer important definitions as well as drawings and graphics to help students better grasp the concept being taught.

All of the solutions have been carefully selected in accordance with the CBSE Board's requirements.

By using creative design to provide the solutions that are presented and mock question papers, learning is made easier.

3. Is Science in Class 6 a simple subject?

Science in Class 6 is a new subject for all students, and as a result, several topics are being introduced. So, if you can grasp the concepts, science can be the most simple of all subjects to learn and master. 

You will find it easy to comprehend and perform well on tests if you refer to NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions supplied by Vedantu. 

Vedantu gives NCERT Solutions, which are a great resource for students who are studying for school tests and exams. A comprehensive set of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science, prepared by Vedantu, provides solutions to all of the chapters' exercise problems.

The NCERT solutions for class 6th Science chapter 12 cover all the fundamentals of: 

An Electric cell

An electric circuit

Electric switch

Electric Conductors and Insulators

It starts with a broad overview, then moves on to the operating principles of each topic. You will learn how to construct such circuits and switches.  

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Solutions makes certain that you have all of the knowledge you need on all of the aspects covered in the chapter.

Chapter 12 Electricity And Circuits of Class 6 Science has an aggregate of 10 questions.

Solutions are clear and easy to follow, making them accessible to all levels of expertise. Most of the solutions are supported by illustrations and diagrams. It helps the students to comprehend electricity and circuits in a truly methodical manner. You will be better prepared for any kind of relative exam if you go through the crucial introductory concepts.

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Home » 6th Class » NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Candidates can download NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12 from this page. The exemplar has been provided by the National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT) and the candidates can check it from below for free of cost. It contains objective, very short answer type, short answer type, and long answer type questions. Along with it, the answer for each question has also been provided. From the NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12, candidates can understand the level and type of questions that are asked in the exam.

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 is for Electricity and Circuits. The type of questions that will be asked from NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 are displayed in the below provided NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12. With the help of it, candidates can prepare well for the examination.

Also Check: NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science

Multiple Choice Questions


  • Choose the incorrect statement. (a) A switch is the source of electric current in a circuit. (b) A switch help to complete or break the circuit. (c) A switch helps us to use electricity as per our requirement. (d) When the switch is open there is an air gap between its terminals.
  • In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of (a) the glass case of the bulb. (b) the thin filament. (c) the thick wires supporting the filament. (d) gases inside glass case of the bulb.


  • Filament of a torch bulb is (a) a metal case. (b) metal tip at the centre of the base. (c) two thick wires. (d) a thin wire.
  • Paheli is running short of connecting wires. To complete an electric circuit, she may use a (a) glass bangle. (b) thick thread. (c) rubber pipe. (d) steel spoon.

Very Short Answer Type Questions


Short Answer Type Questions

  • You are provided with a bulb, a cell, a switch and some connecting wires. Draw a diagram to show the connections between them to make the bulb glow.


  • A torch requires 3 cells. Show the arrangement of the cells, with a diagram, inside the torch so that the bulb glows.
  • When the chemicals in the electric cell are used up, the electric cell stops producing electricity. The electric cell is then replaced with a new one. In case of rechargeable batteries (such as the type used in mobile phones, camera and inverters), they are used again and again. How?


  • Why do bulbs have two terminals?


  • A fused bulb does not glow. Why?
  • Paheli wanted to glow a torch bulb using a cell. She could not get connecting wires, instead, she got two strips of aluminium foil. Will she succeed? Explain, how?

Long Answer Type Questions

  • Boojho has a cell and a single piece of connecting wire. Without cutting the wire in two, will he be able to make the bulb glow? Explain with the help of a circuit diagram.


  • A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three.

Click here to download NCERT Exemplar Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits.

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case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

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6th Class Science Electricity and Circuits Question Bank

Done electricity and circuits total questions - 20.

Question Bank

 The diagram shows identical lamps X and Y connected in series with a battery. The lamps light with normal brightness.
 If a third lamp Z is connected in parallel with lamp X, then what will happens to the brightness of the lamp V?

A) Brighter than normal               done clear

B) Normal             done clear

C) Dimmer than normal              done clear

D) Very dim (cannot be seen)         done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) PQRS              done clear

B) SRQP                          done clear

C) PRQS              done clear

D) SQRP.             done clear

question_answer 3) In which of the following circuits will the bulb glow?                              

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) P                                  done clear

B) Q                     done clear

C) R                                  done clear

D) S                      done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) P only              done clear

B) R only              done clear

C) R and S        done clear

D)        Q and S                       done clear

Non-conductor of electricity Conductor of electricity
Wool Copper
Cotton Brass
Plastic Iron
Cork Steel
Graphite Silver

A) Wool                done clear

B) Graphite          done clear

C)        Iron                  done clear

D) Silver                           done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) (i) Carbon and Manganese dioxide mixture, (ii) Carbon rod, (iii) Ammonium chloride                done clear

B) (i) Carbon rod, (ii) Ammonium chloride, (iii) Zinc container                  done clear

C) (i) Ammonium chloride, (ii) Zinc container, (iii) Carbon rod           done clear

D) (i) Zinc container, (ii) Carbon rod, (iii) Carbon and Manganese dioxide mixture                           done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) It is used to connect the bulb to the other components in the circuit. done clear

B) It provides the energy for the bulb to glow.                              done clear

C) It can break a circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.               done clear

D) It measures the current in a circuit. done clear

(i) Human body is a good conductor of electricity.
(ii) The air gap surrounding an electric circuit acts as a conductor.          
(iii) Silver conducts electricity better than any other metal.
(iv) When electricity lights up a bulb, no heat is produced.

A) (i) and (ii)                    done clear

B) (iii) and (iv)     done clear

C) (i) and (iii)       done clear

D) (ii) and (iii) done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

Refrigerator Clock  Microwave
Music system    Washing machine Heater
Walkman    Table lamp  Electric kettle
Air   conditioner Heater  Hair drier

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) You will get electrocuted if you handle live wires. done clear

B) The rubber glove is a good insulator to protect us from electric shocks. done clear

C) The rubber gloves control the electric current flow. done clear

D) Electricity cannot flow through rubber. done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) Replace one cell with a piece of chalk. done clear

B) Replace one cell with a piece of wire. done clear

C) Replace one bulb with a piece of wire. done clear

D) Replace one bulb with another cell. done clear

question_answer 13) Fuse is the most important safety device, used for protecting the circuits due to   

A) Short circuiting and overloading     done clear

B) Overloading and earthing           done clear

C) Earthing only                       done clear

D) Short circuiting, overloading and earthing,                          done clear

Direction: Observe the given figure and answer the following question.
The bulb will glow when a___ is placed in between the probes.          

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) Crayon                          done clear

B) Comb               done clear

C)         Key                   done clear

D)          Piece of stone                     done clear

Direction: Observe the given figure and answer the following question.
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the maximum brightness of the bulb used in the circuit?

A) A similar battery is connected between the probes in same order. done clear

B) A similar battery is connected between the probes in reverse order. done clear

C) A similar bulb is connected between the probes. done clear

D) None of these done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) R will glow bright but Q and P will be dim. done clear

B) P, Q and R all will glow equally bright. done clear

C) Q and R will immediately burnout. done clear

D) P will glow bright, but Q and R will be dim. done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) Only bulb X will glow   done clear

B) Only bulb Y will glow done clear

C) Both bulbs X and Y will glow done clear

D) Neither bulb X nor bulb Y will glow. done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) The bulb X will glow first done clear

B) The bulb Y will glow first done clear

C) The bulbs Z and X will glow first done clear

D) All the bulbs will glow simultaneously. done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

A) Only bulb R will glow. done clear

B) Only bulb P will glow. done clear

C) Both bulbs P and R will glow. done clear

D) None of the bulbs will glow. done clear

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

(i) Bulb of the torch is fused.
(ii) Cells are not connected properly.
(iii) The metal parts of the torch do not make proper contact with the cell.

A) Only (i) and (ii) done clear

B) Only (ii) and (iii) done clear

C) Only (i) and (iii) done clear

D) All (i), (ii) and (iii) done clear

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case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

In this article, we have provided the best NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits. Class 6 Science Chapter 12 textbook questions and answers help students to clear their doubts and to obtain good marks in Class 6 final exam. All the solutions provided in this article are strictly based on the CBSE syllabus and curriculum.

The Class 6 NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 12 includes all the intext and exercise questions. Al these questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that will help students complete their assignments & homework. Having a good grasp over CBSE NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science will further help the students in their preparation for board exams and other competitive exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Textbook Questions and Answers

Question 1: Fill in the blanks: (a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called a ________. (b) An electric cell has ________ terminals.

Answer: (a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called  switch . (b) An electric cell has  two  terminals.

Question 2: Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for following statements: (a) Electric current can flow through metals. (b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit. (c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermocol.

Answer: (a) True

Metals are good conductors of electricity. They allow an electric current to flow through them easily. Hence, an electric current can flow through metals.

Jute string is a bad conductor of electricity. If jute string is used to make an electric circuit, then the current will not flow through it. Hence, strings made of jute cannot be used to make circuits.

Thermocol is a bad conductor of electricity. Hence, electric current cannot pass through it.

Question 3: Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in Fig. 12.13.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 1

Answer: The handle of screw driver is made of plastic which is a bad conductor of electricity. Thus, current cannot flow through the circuit. Hence, the bulb would not glow.

Question 4: Complete the drawing shown in Fig 12.14 to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 2

Answer: To complete the given circuit, the free terminal of the cell should be connected to one end of the switch and the base terminal of the bulb should be connected to the other end of the switch as shown in the following figure.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 3

Question 5: What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

Answer: A switch is an electric device that is used to complete or break an electric circuit. If the switch is ‘ON’, then a current can flow through the circuit. However, if the switch is ‘OFF’, then the current cannot flow through the circuit.

Electrical appliances such as table fans, electric lamps, washing machines, juicers and mixers, TV, radio, etc. have switches built into them.

Question 6: Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. 12.14 if instead of safety pin we use an eraser?

Answer: Erasers are bad conductors of electricity. They do not conduct electricity. The circuit becomes an open circuit. Hence, the bulb will not glow if a safety pin is replaced with an eraser.

Question 7: Would the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.15?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 5

 Answer: Both the wire are connected to only one terminal of the bulb, so current will not flow through the bulb and it would not glow. We should make a correction as follows:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 6

Question 8: Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain.

Answer: Yes, the given object is a conductor as it allows the electric current to pass through it and causes the bulb of tester to glow.

Question 9: Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home? Explain.

Answer: An electrician uses rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home because rubber gloves are insulators. This protects him from avoiding electric shocks.

 Electricians frequently touch copper wires or they may accidentally come in contact with live wires (wires carrying current). Since human body is a good conductor, electricians may get shock. Rubber is an insulator. To prevent themselves from electric shock or flow of current, the electricians use rubber gloves while repairing.

Question 10: The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why?

Answer: Tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work because plastic is an insulator and plastic handles protect the electrician from electric shocks.

Plastic and rubber both are bad conductors of electricity. So, they do not allow current to pass through them. The handles of tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber cover on them so that they do allow the current to pass through them and save the electrician from any electric shock.

Extra Questions

Short Type Answer and Questions

Question 1. What is an electric cell?

Answer: Electric cell is a source of energy. It produces a small amount of electricity from chemicals stored inside it.

Question 2. What is meant by a battery?

Answer: When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery.

Question 3. Give any difference between a cell and a battery.

Answer: A cell has only one plate as a positive and only one plate as a negative electrode, while a battery, which is a combination of cells in a series, can have many plates.

Question 4. Why does a cell stop producing electricity after some time?

Answer: An electric cell produces electricity from chemicals stored inside it. When the chemicals inside the cell are used up, the cell stops producing electricity.

Question 5. Why should we not join the wires connected to the two terminals of the electric cell?

Answer: We should never join the wires with two terminals of the electric cell. If we do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

Question 6. Name some devices in which we use an electric cell.

Answer: We use electric cell in an alarm clock, wrist watch, transistor, camera, torch, etc.

Question 7. Two cells can be joined in two ways in series and in parallel. What do you mean by these two ways? In which way the cells are joined in a torch?

 Answer: In series: When (+) terminal of one cell is joined to (-) terminal of the other, the arrangement is called in series. Parallel: When (+) terminal of a cell is joined to (+) terminal and (-) terminal to (-) terminal of other cell, the arrangement is called parallel.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 7

Question 8. Why shouldn’t the two terminals of an electric cell be joined directly?

Answer: Never join the two terminals of the electric cell without connecting them through a switch and a device like a bulb: Because if you do so, the chemicals in the electric cell get used up very fast and the cell stops working.

Question 9. How do we connect wires to the electric cell?

 Answer: Two separate wires are connected to the two terminals of the cell as shown below:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 8

Question 10. How is the bulb connected to the wires?

Answer: We can stick the wires to the bulb at the two terminals by the tape or using soldering machine as shown in the figure.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 9

Question 11. How is an electric bulb connected to the cell? Show by a diagram. Answer:

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 10

Question 12. What are the advantages of dry cells?

Answer: Advantages of dry cells are:

  • They are light in weight and small in size.
  • They can be transported from one place to another easily.
  • There is no fear of leakage/spillage in dry cells.

Question 13. What is electric circuit?

Answer: Path from one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal of the electric cell through wires passing to and from the electric bulb is called electric circuit.

Question 14. What is the direction of the current in the electric circuit?

Answer: In an electric circuit, the direction of current is taken to be from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of the electric cell.

Question 15. Sometimes an electric bulb does not glow even if it is connected to the cell. What could be the reason?

Answer: This may happen if the bulb has fused.

Question 16. What is a filament?

Answer: A filament is a thin wire fixed in the middle of a bulb connected to the two supporting wires.

Question 17. Why does a fused bulb not light up?

Answer: A fused bulb means a break in its filament which results in a break in the path of the current between the terminals of the electric cell. Thus a fused bulb does not light up as no current passes through its filament.

Question 18. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

Answer: A switch is a simple device that either breaks the circuit or completes it. Hence we use electric switches in order to either some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them are-electric iron, table fan, television set, radio, etc.

Question 19. How are cells arranged in a torch—in parallel or in series?

Answer: In torch, cells are connected in series.

Question 20. If in a circuit you have arranged cells in series. Will the bulb continue to shine even if the connection of one of the cells is reversed?

Answer: If cells are connected in a series in a circuit, change of ends of any one of the cells will stop the flow of electricity and the bulb might not illuminate as circuit will not be completed.

Question 21. Give the symbol of following:

  • Switch (OFF)
  • Switch (ON)

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 11

Question 22. What is a conductor? Give examples.

Answer: A conductor is a material that allows an electric current to pass through it. For example, copper, aluminium, zinc, iron, etc.

Question 23. What is an insulator? Give few examples.

Answer: Insulator is the material that does not allow an electric current to pass through it. For example, wood, mica, asbestos, rubber, etc.

Question 24. Why does one remove the plastic coating of connecting wires before making circuits?

Answer: Plastics is a bad conductor or insulator of electricity. It prevents us from electric shocks. To complete the circuit, we have to remove the plastic coating to connect wires so that the current may flow through the circuit.

Question 25. Why do you have to clean the ends of wires used for making a circuit with sand paper to make the bulbs shine?

Answer: A layer of bad conductor polish is coated on the wire. The current will flow properly after removing this coat. Therefore, we have to remove the coating with sand paper.

Question 26. Is our body insulator or conductor?

Answer: Our body is a good conductor of electricity.

Long Type Answer Questions

Question 1. Is air a good or a bad conductor of electricity?

Answer: Air is a bad conductor of electricity. If air were the good conductor of electricity, electricity could reach to the bulb without wiring and the bulb could light without wires. Moreover, the electricity running through wire could scatter all around the wire and then it might be dangerous.

Question 2. What would happen if air were a good conductor of electricity?

Answer: If air were a good conductor of electricity, the electricity could scatter all around in atmosphere nearby the power stations. The men at work could die with electric shocks. The electricity could not be transmitted to homes, factories from power stations.

Question 3. Out of aluminium foil, paper, dry cloth and rubber sheet, which is the good conductor? Tell by using a torch.

 Answer: Aluminium is a good conductor of heat and electricity. For this explanation, take a torch with cells. Switch on to see that it lights up. Now in the place between bulb and the cell put all things like, aluminium foil, dry cloth and rubber sheet one by one and check whether the torch lights up. It lights up with aluminium foil only. So, we can say that aluminium is a good conductor.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 12

Question 4. Give some uses of conductors and insulators.

Answer: Conductors and insulators are equally important for us. Switches, electrical plugs and sockets are made of conductors. On the other hand, rubber and plastic are used for covering the electrical wires, plug tops, switches and other parts of electrical appliances, which people might touch.

Question 5. Why is the handle of electrician’s screw driver made of plastic?

Answer: A screw driver is made of steel. It is a good conductor of electricity. So electricity can easily flow through it. Plastic is a bad conductor and does not allow electricity to pass through it. So, the electrician has a plastic handle to protect him from any shock.

Question 6. Using a conduction tester, select conductors and insulators from the following. Note your observations in a table as follows: Pin, notebook, chalk, duster, pen, comb, key, rubber, nail, paper.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits image 13

Question 7. What is power station? What are its types?

Answer: The electricity used by us in our homes is supplied from power stations. Types of power station:

  • Hydro power station
  • Thermal power station
  • Solar power station
  • Nuclear power station.

Question 8. Match the following items given in Column A with that in Column B:

(a) Cell(i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(b) Battery(ii) Either breaks or completes a circuit
(c) Conductor(iii) Converts electricity into light
(d) Insulator(iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(e) Switch(v) A device which produces electricity
(f) Bulb(vi) Is a path of electricity
(g) Filament(vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(h) Circuit(viii) A combination of cells
(a) Cell(v) A device which produces electricity
(b) Battery(viii) A combination of cells
(c) Conductor(i) Allows electricity to pass through it
(d) Insulator(vii) Does not allow electricity to pass
(e) Switch(ii) in Either breaks or completes a circuit
(f) Bulb(iii) Converts electricity into light
(g) Filament(iv) Glows when electricity passes in it
(h)  Circuit(vi) Is a path of electricity

NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Questions and Answers are prepared by our highly skilled subject experts to help students while preparing for their exams.

Electricity and Circuits NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12

Class 6 science chapter 12 electricity and circuits textbook exercise questions and answers.

Question 1. Fill in the blanks: a. A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called …………………. b. An electric cell has …………………. terminals. Answer: a. switch b. two

Question 2. Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements: a. Electric current can flow through metals. b. Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit. c. Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermocol. Answer: a. True b. False c. False

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 1

Question 5. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them. Answer: An electrical switch is used to open the circuit or to close the circuit due to which electrical gadgets start or stop. Electrical switch is used in many electrical gadgets such as: television, washing machine, electrical mixer, toaster, heater, etc.

Question 6. Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in figure of Question 4, if instead of safety pin we use an eraser? Answer: No, since eraser is an insulator so it does not allow the current to pass through it. Hence, the bulb will not glow.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 4

Question 8. Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain. Answer: If the object is a good conductor of electricity, then current will pass through conduction tester and the bulb will glow. Hence, the object will be a conductor of electricity.

Question 9. Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home? Explain. Answer: Our body is a good conductor of electricity and rubber is an insulator. During repairing work, if the body comes in contact with current carrying wire then there will not be any accident as rubber does not allow the passage of current through it. Hence, electrician should use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch.

Question 10. The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why? Answer: Plastic or rubber is an insulator which does not allow electric current to pass through it. The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair have covering of plastic or rubber so that electric current may not pass through these tools to the body of the electrician to harm him.

NCERT Extended Learning Activities And Projects

Question 1. Imagine there were no electric supply for a month. How would that affect your day-to-day activities and others in your family? Present your imagination in the form of a story or a play. If possible stage the play written by you or your friends in school. Hint: Do it yourself.

Question 2. For your friends, you may set up a game “How steady is your hand?”. You will need a cell, an electric bulb, a metal key, two iron nails (about 5 cm in length), about one and a half metre long thick metal wire (with its plastic insulation scraped off) and few pieces of connecting wires. Fix two nails nearly one metre apart on a wooden board so that these can be used as a hook. Fix the wire between the nails after inserting it through the loop of the key. Connect one end of this wire to a bulb and a cell. Connect the other terminal of the cell to the key with a wire. Ask your friend to move the loop along the straight wire without touching it. Glowing of the bulb would indicate that the loop of the key has touched the wire. Hint: Do it yourself.

Question 3. Read and find out about Alessandro Volta who invented the electric cell. You may also find out about Thomas Alva Edison who invented the electric bulb. Hint: Do it yourself.

Objective: To make an electric bulb light up using an electric cell. Materials Required: Bulb, cell and connecting wire. Procedure:

  • Take four lengths of electric wire with differently coloured plastic coverings.
  • Remove a little of the plastic covering from each length of wire at the ends. This would expose the metal wires at the ends of each length.
  • Fix the exposed parts of the wires to the cell and the bulb as shown in figure below.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 5

  • You can stick the wires to the bulb with the tape used by electricians. Use rubber bands or tape to fix the wires to the cell.
  • Now, connect the wires fixed to the bulb with those attached to the cell in six different ways as has been shown below. For each arrangement, find out whether the bulb glows or not.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 6

Observations: You connected one terminal of the electric cell to the other terminal through wires passing to and from the electric bulb. Note that in the arrangements shown in Fig. (a) and (f), the two terminals of the electric cell were connected to the two terminals of the bulb. Such an arrangement is an example of a closed electric circuit.

Conclusion: The electric circuit provides a complete path for electricity to pass (current to flow) between the two terminals of the electric cell. The bulb glows only when current flows through the circuit.

  • Electric bulb: Electric bulb is the electrical device which converts electrical energy into light and heat energy.
  • Filament: Filament is a thin wire in the bulb which is made up of tungsten metal and is used to emit light in the bulb. The Filament gets heated due to electric current. This heat is then converted into light.

Objective: To study the structure of a torch bulb. Material Required: A torch bulb. Procedure:

  • Take out the bulb from a torch.
  • Observe the bulb from outside and also from inside with a magnifying glass.
  • List the various parts you could see.

Observations: The torch bulb consists of the following parts:

  • Metal casing having grooves in the lower part.
  • A small spiral of thin wire called filament is present.
  • Two slightly thicker wires in the upper ends of the wires support the filament.
  • The lower end of the one of the thicker wire is connected to the metal casing and that of the other wire to the metal tip at the bottom of the bulb.
  • The metal tip and the metal casing are fixed in such a way that they do not touch each other.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 7

Electric switch: Electric switch is a device by which an electric circuit can be easily completed or broken. The switch is ‘ON’ in a closed circuit and ‘OFF’ in an open circuit.

Objective: To make a simple and easy switch to use in our circuit. Materials Required: Two drawing pins, a safety pin (or a paper clip), two wires and a small sheet of thermocol or a wooden board. Procedure:

  • Insert a drawing pin into the ring at one end of the safety pin and fix it on the thermocol sheet as shown in the figure.
  • Make sure that the safety pin can be rotated freely.
  • Now, fix the other drawing pin on the thermocol sheet in a way that the free end of the safety pin can touch it.
  • The safety pin fixed in this way would be your switch in this activity.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 8

  • Now, make a circuit by connecting an electric cell and a bulb with this switch as shown. Rotate the safety pin so that its free end touches the other drawing pin and observe.
  • Now, move the safety pin away and observe again.


  • The safety pin covered the gap between the drawing pins when you made it touch the two of them. In this position the switch is said to be ‘on’. Since the material of the safety pin allows the current to pass through it, the circuit was complete. Hence, the bulb glows.
  • On the other hand, the bulb did not glow when the safety pin was not in touch with the other drawing pin. The circuit was not complete as there was a gap between the two drawing pins. In this position, the switch is said to be ‘off’.

Conductors: Conductors are the materials which allow the electric current to pass through them. Mostly metals are good conductors of electricity. Insulators: Insulators are the materials which do not allow the electric current to pass through them. Rubber and wood are insulators.

Objective: To find out which object is a conductor and which is an insulator. Materials Required: Three pieces of wire, a small torch bulb, a thick sheet of cardboard or wood, sticky tape, pencil cell and objects such as metal spoon, eraser, peel of wood, etc. Procedure:

  • Connect a pencil cell to the socket which holds a small torch bulb.
  • Attach clips to the bare ends of both wires.
  • Hold various objects between the two clips.
  • Observe if the bulb glows or not. Record your observations.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 9

  • The bulb does not glow when the free ends of the wires are in contact with some of the materials you have tested. This means that these materials do not allow the electric current to pass through them.
  • On the other hand, some materials allow electric current to pass through them, which is indicated by the glowing bulb.

Conclusion: Materials which allow electric current to pass through them are conductors of electricity. Insulators do not allow electric current to pass through them.

Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Additional Important Questions and Answers

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How much voltage is given by a single dry cell? Answer: 1.5 volts.

Question 2. Name the two types of circuits. Answer: Open circuit and closed circuit are the two types of circuits.

Question 3. Name two terminals that all electric cells contain. Answer: Positive terminal and negative terminal.

Question 4. What is the work of an electric cell? Answer: An electric cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Question 5. Define battery. Answer: The combination of two or more than two cells is called a battery.

Question 6. What is the work of a filament in a bulb? Answer: A filament gets heated and emits light in the bulb.

Question 7. What is a solar cell? Answer: A solar cell is a device which converts solar energy into electrical energy.

Question 8. Write one use of insulators. Answer: Insulators are used in making switchboards, handles of testers, screwdrivers, etc.

Question 9. Name a device which is used to ‘open’ or ‘close’ a circuit. Answer: Switch.

Question 10. How does an electric cell produce electricity? Answer: An electric cell produces electricity from chemicals stored inside it.

Question 11. Is electricity pollution free and a useful form of energy? Answer: Yes.

Question 12. Which terminal of the cell does have a metal cap? Answer: Positive terminal.

Question 13. In a cell, the carbon rod is surrounded by which mixture? Answer: Manganese dioxide and powdered charcoal.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Write two advantages of a dry cell. Answer: Two advantages of a dry cell are:

  • It converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
  • It is light in weight and small in

Question 2. What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator? Answer: A conductor allows the passage of current through it whereas an insulator does not allow the passage of current through it.

Question 3. How does a bulb start glowing with an electric cell? Answer: When the electric cell is connected with conducting wire and the wire ends are connected to the bulb, the bulb glows immediately.

Question 4. If you touch an electric wire carrying current you get a shock, but if on the same wire, the birds sit they do not get any shock/current. Give reason. Answer: When we hold the wire carrying current then the circuit is closed and the current flows from our body and enters the earth but the birds sitting on the same wire do not get any current as the circuit is not complete. If the bird touches the earth wire, it will die due to electric shock.

Question 5. What is a switch? When we switch on an electrical appliance, what changes are we making to the circuit? Answer: The switch is a simple device which is used to open or close a circuit. When the switch is turned on, the gap in the circuit is closed and a complete circuit is made. Due to complete circuit, electricity starts flowing in the circuit and electrical appliance will now start working.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 10

Question 7. Describe the positive and negative terminals of a cell. Answer: The metal cap of the cell is considered as positive terminal. It is indicated by sign (+). The metal disc or the container of the cell is the negative terminal. It is indicated by sign (-).

Question 8. What is a fused bulb? Why it does not glow? Answer: Bulb has a small filament inside it. If the filament of a bulb is broken, then such a bulb with broken filament is called fused bulb. The broken filament cannot complete the circuit. As a result, current cannot flow through the filament and fused bulb does not glow.

Question 9. What are the essential components or elements of an electric circuit? Answer: The essential components or elements of an electric circuit are:

  • Electric sources (cell, battery).
  • Electric appliances (a device for using the electric current).
  • Conductor (for providing a path for the flow of current).
  • Switch or key (for opening and closing the circuit).

Long Answer Type Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 11

Question 2. What is a torch? How does it work? Answer: A torch is a portable electric lamp which uses two or more cells to light a small bulb. A torch contains a simple electric circuit. In a torch, two (or more) cells are connected to a torch bulb through a sliding switch. When the torch is needed to provide light, we close the sliding switch by pushing it forward so that the circuit is completed and the bulb lights up.

Question 3. What are the differences between conductors and insulators? Answer:

Conductors Insulators
1. Those substances through which electricity can flow are called conductors. 1. Those substances through which electricity cannot flow are called insulators.
2. Electrical resistance of conductors is very low. 2. Electrical resistance of insulators is very high.
3. They contain large number of free electrons. 3. They do no contain free electrons.
4. Generally metals are conductors. E.g., silver, copper, aluminium. 4. Generally non-metals are insulators. E.g., wood, rubber, plastic.

Question 4. Define the following terms: (a) Dry cell and (b) Secondary cell. Answer: a. Dry cell: An electric cell is used to operate objects like calculators and phones. It is a small source of electricity or electric current. It is also known as a pencil cell or dry cell. A dry cell has two terminals. One side that has a small circular metal cap is the positive terminal. It is marked with positive (+) sign. The other side has a flat metal plate behaves like the negative terminal and is marked with a negative (-) sign.

There are some chemicals inside a cell. These chemicals react to produce electricity. When the chemicals get used up, the cell stops producing electricity and the appliance stops functioning. These electric cells then . have to be replaced by new cells.

b. Secondary cell: Secondary cells are the cells that provide electrical energy to the gadget as a result of chemical reactions taking place in them. In these cells, electrical energy can be stored in the form of chemical energy and the stored chemical energy can be reconverted into electrical energy. Such cells are also called rechargeable cells. Lead accumulator and nickel- iron accumulators are two examples of secondary cells. They are mainly used in mobile phones, laptops and car batteries.

Question 5. What is the importance of electricity in our life? Answer: We use a variety of things in our day-to-day life that run on electricity such as fans, lights, televisions, radio, refrigerator and computer. Electricity makes it possible to light our homes, roads, offices, markets and factories even after sunset. This helps us to continue working at night. In the field of communication, electricity is also used as a medium for the transmission of signals. The different fields of our life which depend on electricity are rather wide.

Question 6. Mention the precautions that are advised while handling electric appliances. Answer: While handling electric appliances, the following precautions need to be taken.

  • Do not operate an electric appliance or switch with wet hands.
  • While using electric appliances, always wear rubber soled footwear. Rubber being a bad conductor of electricity prevents current from passing through our body.
  • In case of a fire caused by electric spark, make sure that we should not throw water on electric appliances. Always use an extinguisher to put out electrical fires.

Picture-Based Questions

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits 12

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12

NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 covers the topics of electricity and circuits in detail. It explains the concepts of different electrical devices, electrical circuits, switches, conductors, insulators etc. There are practise questions at the end to help students revise the concepts learned and gauge their understanding of the chapter at the same time.

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The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 are a comprehensive and accurate guide to the exercise questions of the NCERT textbook. Referring to these NCERT Solutions will help students in preparing for exams more effectively.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Topic-Wise Discussion

The NCERT Class 6 Science Chapter 12 starts with an introduction to electricity and circuits in general. It discusses the importance of electricity in our daily lives and mentions some devices that rely on it to function.

There are a total of five subsections in Chapter 12. They are discussed topic-wise in detail as follows: 

Electric Cell

The chapter explains the concept of the electric cell while covering the functionality of different types of electric cells, their architecture and the hazard sign on them.

The working principle of these cells is explained through various experiments. There are even two DIY activities that you can perform at your home to understand it. The first one includes understanding the architecture of a torch bulb which you can understand by taking out a bulb and studying all its different parts. 

Bulb Connected to an Electric Cell

The following section on electricity and circuits Class 6 will teach you how to light a torch bulb using an electric cell. It will provide a step-by-step guide on how to execute this process without any difficulty. 

For this purpose, students have to take two electric wires of different colours and bring out their metal cores by cutting off their plastic covering. After that, they will have to join one end of the exposed metal portion with the cell and the other with the bulb. For sticking them, students can use the tape that is generally used by electricians for doing so. Students can then experiment by interchanging the wires and note down the results to discuss their observations later. 

Electric Circuit

As suggested by the name of the chapter, it presents a detailed explanation of electrical circuits. Taking a cue from the earlier experiment, students must be clear on the basics of an electrical circuit when they light a torch bulb by the use of an electrical cell.

In the earlier experiment, an electrical circuit was created by joining an electrical cell with a torch bulb. This led to the creation of a path where the electricity could pass between two terminals of electric cells. Likewise, this section of the chapter also provides a DIY project that students can perform to improve their understanding of the fundamentals of an electrical circuit.

Electric Switch

As the name suggests, this section discusses the concept of an electric switch. Electric switches are essential in an electrical circuit because they control the flow of electricity in an electrical circuit.

Students can perform an activity mentioned in the section to understand the electrical switches in a better way. The activity includes the use of paper clips, wooden boards, safety pins, and other household materials to create a circuit and an electrical switch.

Electric Conductors and Insulators

This section discusses various conductors and insulators. It also discusses the different types of objects and their electricity transportation ability. Insulators, their function, and their importance in electrical circuits are also discussed in the section. 

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Q.1 Fill in the blanks:

(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called _____ .

(b) An electric cell has _____ terminals.

(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called a switch .

(b) An electric cell has two terminals.

Q.2 Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements:

(a) Electric current can flow through metals.

(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.

(c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermo Col.

(a) Electric current can flow through metals. (True)

Explanation: Electric current can pass through metals as they allow an electric current to flow through them easily.

(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit. (False)

Explanation: Jute string is an insulator. Hence, electric current cannot pass through it.

(c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermo Col. (False)

Explanation: Thermo Col is also an insulator. Hence, electric current cannot pass through it.

Q.3 Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in Fig.12.13.

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

In the given circuit, a tester holder is connected in series. Electric current cannot pass through tester holders because it is a bad conductor of electricity. Hence, the current will not flow through the circuit and hence, the bulb will not glow.

Q.4 Complete the drawing shown in Fig 12.14 to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

In order to complete the circuit, the positive terminal of the cell should be connected to one end of the bulb, and the other terminal of the bulb should be connected to the other end of the bulb. It can be shown in the figure.

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

Q.5 What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

A switch is used to complete or break an electric circuit. If the switch is ‘ON’, then current will flow through the circuit. On the other hand, if the switch is ‘OFF’, then current will not flow through the circuit. Electric fans, electric lamps, washing machines, juicers and mixers, etc. have switches built into them.

Q.6 Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. 12.14, if we use an eraser instead of a safety pin?

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

No. The bulb will not glow if we connect an eraser in the circuit. It is because erasers are bad conductor of electricity. They do not conduct electricity. The circuit becomes an open circuit.

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

Q.7 Would the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.15?

case study questions class 6 science electricity and circuits

No. The bulb will not glow because the two terminals of the cell are connected to the single terminal of the bulb. In order to complete the circuit, the two terminals of the cell should be connected to the two terminals of the bulb.

Q.8 Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain.

The bulb of the conduction tester glows when the tester is touched with the object. It shows that the given object conducts electricity. Hence, the object is a conductor in nature.

Q.9 Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home? Explain.

An electric switch conducts electricity through its internal parts and one may get an electric shock if it is touched with naked hands. Hence, it should be touched with rubber gloves in hand because rubber cannot conduct electricity.

Q.10 The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why?

Plastics and rubbers are the bad conductor of electricity. So, handle of tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, etc. which are used by electricians to repair electrical appliances usually have plastic or rubber cover on them.

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Faqs (frequently asked questions), 1. what is the use of an electric switch name some electric gadgets that have an in-built electric switch..

Electric switches are used to complete or break an electrical circuit. Refrigerators, fans, microwave ovens, and electric cookers are some electrical gadgets that have inbuilt switches in them. 

2. Discuss the different types of questions that can be expected in exams from this chapter- Electricity and Circuits.

Solutions to 10 questions are included in the NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Science Chapter 12. It also contains short question answers and some fill-in-the-blank questions that you can go through for practice. In case you are unable to answer the textbook questions correctly, you can access the solutions and clear your queries from these solutions. 

All the fundamental concepts of the chapter highlighted in the solutions are to prepare you to face the changes that may occur in the industries. It has been prepared in an interactive way for your problem-solving.

3. How can an electric current be set up?

For setting up an electric current, an energy source like a battery is needed. Such a battery must produce a voltage (when the switch of the electrical circuit is switched on) so there can be a movement of electrons in the proper direction. There’s a switch in the circuit. When the switch is turned on, the electrons flow in a single direction. The force acting on electrons is known as electromotive force and the quantity is a voltage, measured in volts. 

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MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers

MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Electricity and Circuits Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers

Choose the correct option.

Question 1. The material present inside the bulb that glows on heating is called (a) cell (b) switch (c) filament (d) thick wire

Answer: (c) filament

Electricity and Circuits with Answers

Question 2. Which of these is a conductor? (a) Rubber (b) Mica (c) Copper (d) Wood

Answer: (c) Copper

Electricity and Circuits Questions with Answers

Question 3. Our body is (a) a good conductor of electricity (b) sometimes good and sometimes bad conductor (c) bad conductor of electricity (d) none of these

Answer: (a) a good conductor of electricity

Question 4. Combination of two or more cells is called (a) battery (b) cell (c) bulb (d) circuit

Answer: (a) battery

Question 5. Rubber is (a) a semiconductor (b) a conductor (c) an insulator (d) None of these

Answer: (c) an insulator

Question 6. A device that breaks the circuit is called: (a) switch (b) filament (c) bulb (d) battery

Answer: (a) switch

Question 7. A bulb has (a) two terminals and two filaments (b) two terminals and a filament (c) multiple terminals and single filament (d) single terminal and a filament

Answer: (b) two terminals and a filament

Question 8. The filament of a bulb is made up of (a) tungsten (b) platinum (c) aluminium (d) chromium

Answer: (a) tungsten

Question 9. Which of the following is an insulator? (a) Bakelite (b) Aluminium (c) Tap water (d) Moist air

Answer: (a) Bakelite

Question 10. A bulb lights up only in (a) a closed circuit (b) an open circuit (c) in both (d) series connection

Answer: (a) a closed circuit

Question 11. Which of the following is a non-conductor or electricity? (a) Battery (b) Rubber glove (c) Metal spoon (d) Coin

Answer: (b) Rubber glove

Question 12. Filament of a torch bulb is (a) a metal case (b) metal tip at the centre of the base (c) two thick wires (d) a thin wire

Answer: (d) a thin wire

Question 13. A dry cell has (a) two terminals (b) one terminal (c) three terminals (d) none of these

Answer: (a) two terminals

Question 14. A bulb whose filament is broken is called (a) fused (b) glowing (c) conductor (d) none of these

Answer: (a) fused

Question 15. The thin wire that gives off light is called (a) current (b) filament (c) bulb (d) cell

Answer: (b) filament

Question 16. The direction of flow of an electric current in a conducting wire is from: (a) negative to positive (b) positive to negative (c) sometimes positive and sometimes negative

Answer: (b) positive to negative

Question 17. Lead of pencil is (a) an insulator (b) a semiconductor (c) a conductor (d) none of these

Answer: (c) a conductor

Question 18. A filament with low melting point is used in (a) fuse (b) electric bulb (c) electric iron (d) electric heater

Answer: (a) fuse

Question 19. An electrician wears a rubber glove while doing electrical repairs to (a) save electricity (b) prevent himself from shock (c) just make fun (d) keep away from getting dirty

Answer: (b) prevent himself from shock

Question 20. Glass is (a) a conductor (b) an insulator (e) both conductor and insulator (d) semiconductor

Answer: (b) an insulator

Question 21. Battery is the combination of two or more (a) cells (b) bulbs (c) circuits (d) none of these

Answer: (a) cells

Question 22. Graphite is a/an (a) insulator (b) conductor (c) both of these (d) none of these

Answer: (b) conductor

Question 23. Plastic is a/an (a) insulator (b) conductor (c) both of these (d) none of these

Answer: (a) insulator

Question 24. The bulb lights up only when (a) the cell, bulb and the wires make a closed circuit. (b) there is a gap in the electrical path. (c) the path starts and ends up at the same terminal of the cell. (d) the cell, bulb and wires make an open circuit.

Answer: (a) the cell, bulb and the wires make a closed circuit.

Question 25. Thin wire in the bulb that gives off light is (a) cell (b) battery (c) filament (d) circuit

Question 26. The direction of current in a conducting wire is (a) positive to negative terminal (b) negative to positive terminal (c) may vary (d) none of these

Answer: (a) positive to negative terminal

Question 27. Which of the following will make a closed circuit? (a) Eraser (b) Metal Key (c) Bulb (d) Battery

Answer: (b) Metal Key

Question 28. A device that breaks the circuit is called (a) filament (b) switch (c) bulb (d) battery

Answer: (b) switch

Question 29. The materials which allow electric current to pass through them are (a) conductors (b) insulators (c) semi-conductors (d) None of these

Answer: (a) conductors

Question 30. A circuit may have (a) only one bulb (b) only two bulbs (c) only three bulbs (d) any number of bulbs

Answer: (d) any number of bulbs

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1. Gases used in electric bulbs are ………………. gases.

Answer: inert

Question 2. A cell converts ………………. energy into ………………. energy.

Answer: chemical; electric

Question 3. The combination of two or more cells in a specific order is called a ……………….

Answer: battery

Question 4. A ………………. is a device which makes or breaks the circuit.

Answer: switch

Question 5. A closed path made for the flow of electric current is called ……………….

Answer: circuit

Question 6. Our body is a good ………………. of electricity.

Answer: conductor

Question 7. Substances through which an electric current can pass are called ……………….

Answer: conductors

Question 8. Substances through which an electric current cannot pass are called ……………….

Answer: insulators

Question 9. We use a ………………. to test the conductivity of a material, i.e., whether it is a conductor or an insulator.

Answer: conduction tester

Question 10. Electrical charges that build up on the surface of object being rubbed is called ………………. electricity.

Answer: static

Question 11. There is a thin wire inside the bulb which emits light is called ………………. of the bulb.

Answer: filament

Question 12. ………………. and ………………. are used for covering electrical wires, plug tops, switches and other electrical appliances.

Answer: Rubber; plastics

Question 13. Air is ……………….

Answer: an insulator

Question 14. An electric current flows from terminal of the electric cell to its ………………. terminal.

Answer: positive, negative

Question 15. A bulb in which the ………………. is broken is called a bulb.

Answer: filament; fused

Question 16. ………………… is a useful form of energy.

Answer: Electricity

Question 17. ………………… cell does not contain any liquid chemical.

Answer: Dry

Question 18. The metal cap is the ………………… terminal of electric cell.

Answer: positive

Question 19. A single dry cell gives a voltage of ………………… volts.

Answer: 1.5

Question 20. In ………………… circuit current flows from the positive terminal to its negative terminal.

Answer: closed

Question 21. No ………………… flows in an open circuit.

Answer: current

Question 22. A ………………… works by opening and closing a gap in an electric circuit.

Question 23. In a torch two cells are connected to a torch bulb through …………………

Answer: sliding switch

Question 24. Cotton and jute are …………………

Question 25. Silver and copper are …………………

True or False

Question 1. Electricity is a form of energy.

Answer: True

Question 2. In an electric cell, the side with the metal cap is the negative terminal.

Answer: False

Question 3. The electric cell produces electric current.

Question 4. Gases filled inside the bulb are nitrogen, argon, krypton, etc.

Question 5. Electricity can pass through thermocol.

Question 6. A fused bulb does not glow.

Question 7. When we rub an object with something, it acquires charge.

Question 8. Our body is a bad conductor of electricity.

Question 9. Both electric cells and the bulbs have one terminal each.

Question 10. In an open circuit, electricity cannot flow.

Question 11. Electric switches, plugs, sockets, etc., are made of conductors.

Question 12. Light bulb was invented by Thomas Alva Edison.

Question 13. In a circuit, electric current flows from positive terminal to negative terminal.

Question 14. Air is a bad conductor of electricity.

Question 15. Rubber glove is an example of non-conductor of electricity.

Question 16. Electricity flows in an open electric circuit.

Question 17. The black rod in a dry cell is lead rod.

Question 18. Conductors do not allow the electric current to pass through them.

Question 19. The circuit in which electrical contact at any point is broken is called on open electric circuit.

Question 20. An electric cell has four terminals.

Question 21. Handle of an electrician’s screw driver is made of insulator.

Question 22. Thin wire in an electric bulb is called filament.

Question 23. The current flows in closed circuit from +ve to -ve terminal of the cell.

Question 24. Dry cell converts chemical energy into electrical energy.

Match the following

Column I Column II
1. Switch (a) Electric current flows in
2. Bulb (b) A device which produces electricity
3. Filament (c) A combination of cells
4. Circuit (d) Does not allow electricity to pass through it
5. Insulator (e) Allows electricity to pass through it
6. Conductor (f) Either breaks or completes a circuit
7. Battery (g) Converts electricity into light
8. Cell (h) Glows when electricity passes in it
9. Fused bulb (i) Is a path of electricity
10. Closed circuit (j) Does not light up
Column I Column II
1. Switch (f) Either breaks or completes a circuit
2. Bulb (g) Converts electricity into light
3. Filament (h) Glows when electricity passes in it
4. Circuit (i) Is a path of electricity
5. Insulator (d) Does not allow electricity to pass through it
6. Conductor (e) Allows electricity to pass through it
7. Battery (c) A combination of cells
8. Cell (b) A device which produces electricity
9. Fused bulb (j) Does not light up
10. Closed circuit (a) Electric current flows in
Column A Column B
1. Solar energy into electrical energy (a) Fused bulb
2. A bulb with broken filament (b) Switch board
3. Insulators (c) Dry cell
4. Conductors (d) Solar cell
5. Chemical energy into L electrical energy (e) Aluminium
Column A Column B
1. Solar energy into electrical energy (d) Solar cell
2. A bulb with broken filament (a) Fused bulb
3. Insulators (b) Switch board
4. Conductors (e) Aluminium
5. Chemical energy into L electrical energy (c) Dry cell

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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 12

Electricity is a crucial part of our lives and it is important for students to understand how it works. The Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits will help students learn about the different types of circuits, how to build them, and how to troubleshoot them. They will also learn about the different types of electrical devices and how they work. This chapter will also teach students about safety precautions when working with electricity.

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In this article, we have provided some questions on electricity and circuits to help you in your exam preparation.

Long and Short Answer Type Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

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Short Answer Types Questions with Answer for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Ncert extra questions for class 6 science chapter 12 electricity and circuits.

Question 1: What is the direction of flow of current in a dry cell?

Answer: The current flows from the negative terminal (-) to the positive terminal (+).

Question 2: Name the +ve terminal of a dry cell.

Answer: The positive terminal is called the cathode.

Question 3: Name the -ve terminal of a dry cell.

Answer: The negative terminal is called the anode.

Question 4: What is dry cell?

Answer: A dry cell is a type of electrochemical cell that uses a paste electrolyte, unlike a wet cell that uses a liquid.

Question 5: What is solar cell?

Answer: A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is an electrical device that converts light energy directly into electricity.

Question 6: What is open circuit?

Answer: An open circuit is a circuit where there is a break in the path of the current, preventing it from flowing.

Question 7: Write one use of insulators.

Answer: Insulators are used to prevent the flow of electricity and to protect against electric shocks.

Question 8: What is the name of thin wire in the electric bulb?

Answer: The thin wire in an electric bulb is called the filament.

Question 9: What is inside the glass case of a bulb?

Answer: Inside the glass case of a bulb, there is a vacuum or an inert gas to prevent the filament from burning.

Question 10: Why does an electric bulb not glow when both the wires are connected to the same terminal of a cell?

Answer: When both wires are connected to the same terminal, there is no potential difference to create a flow of electricity through the bulb, so it does not glow.

Question 11: Give one difference between a cell and a battery.

Answer: A cell is a single unit that produces electricity, while a battery is a collection of cells.

Question 12: Write any two uses of electric cells.

Answer: Electric cells are used in flashlights, remote controls, and other portable electronic devices.

Question 13: Why do bulbs have two terminals?

Answer: Bulbs have two terminals to complete the circuit and allow electricity to flow through the filament, causing it to glow.

Question 14: A fused bulb does not glow. Why?

Answer: A fused bulb does not glow because the filament inside the bulb is broken, interrupting the flow of electricity.

Question 15: What are the essential components of an electric circuit?

Answer: The essential components of an electric circuit are a source of electricity (such as a battery), conductors (wires), and a load (such as a bulb).

Question 16: Why should you not touch electric appliances and switches with wet hands?

Answer: Wet hands can conduct electricity and increase the risk of electric shock when touching electric appliances and switches.

Question 17: When a bulb is fused, it does not light up. Explain why?

Answer: When a bulb is fused, the filament inside it is broken, which interrupts the flow of electricity and prevents it from glowing.

Question 18: Why does a cell stop producing electricity after sometime?

Answer: A cell stops producing electricity after some time because the chemicals inside it are used up in the electrochemical reaction that generates electricity.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science

  • Chapter 1 Food: Where Does It Come From?
  • Chapter 2 Components of Food
  • Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric
  • Chapter 4 Sorting Materials Into Groups
  • Chapter 5 Separation of Substances
  • Chapter 6 Changes Around Us
  • Chapter 7 Getting to Know Plants
  • Chapter 8 Body Movements
  • Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
  • Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11 Light, Shadows, and Reflection
  • Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
  • Chapter 14 Water
  • Chapter 15 Air Around Us
  • Chapter 16 Garbage In, Garbage Out

Long Answer Types Questions with Answer for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 1: How can you explain that the human body is a good conductor of electricity?

Answer: The human body is a good conductor of electricity because it contains a large amount of water and electrolytes, such as salts, which can carry electric current. When a person comes into contact with an electric conductor, like a metal wire or a live wire, the electricity can flow through the body. This is why it is important to be cautious around electrical devices and to avoid touching them with wet hands, as water can increase the conductivity of the body and increase the risk of electric shock.

Questions 2: Why should we take care while handling electricity?

Answer: We should take care while handling electricity because it can be dangerous. Electricity can cause electric shocks, which can be painful and even fatal. It can also cause fires if not handled properly. Therefore, it is important to follow safety precautions when working with electricity, such as using insulated tools, wearing rubber gloves, and keeping water away from electrical appliances. Additionally, it is important to ensure that electrical appliances are properly maintained and that wires are not frayed or damaged. Taking these precautions can help prevent accidents and ensure the safe use of electricity.

Questions 3: What is the difference between conductor and an insulator? Explain with examples.

Answer: Conductors and insulators are two types of materials that behave differently when it comes to the flow of electricity.

Conductor: A conductor is a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily. Metals, such as copper and aluminum, are good conductors of electricity. When a conductor is connected to a voltage source, such as a battery, the free electrons in the conductor move in response to the electric field created by the voltage source, resulting in an electric current.

Insulator: An insulator, on the other hand, is a material that does not allow electricity to flow through it easily. Materials like rubber, plastic, and glass are good insulators. When an insulator is connected to a voltage source, the electrons in the material are tightly bound to their atoms and cannot move freely, so no electric current flows through the material.

  • Conductor: Copper wire is commonly used as a conductor in electrical wiring because it allows electricity to flow easily.
  • Insulator: Rubber is used to cover electrical wires to prevent electric shocks because it does not conduct electricity.

Questions 4: If you touch an electric wire carrying current you get a shock, but if on the same wire the birds sit they do not get any shock/current. Explain why?

When a person touches an electric wire carrying current, they get a shock because their body provides a path for the current to flow through. The human body is a conductor of electricity, so when it comes in contact with a live wire, the current flows through it, causing a shock. However, when birds sit on the same wire, they do not get a shock because their bodies do not provide a path for the current to flow. Birds’ bodies do not conduct electricity as well as humans do, so the current does not flow through them. Additionally, birds often sit on only one wire, so there is no complete circuit for the current to flow through. This is why birds can sit on electric wires carrying current without getting shocked.

Questions 5: A torch is not functioning, though contact points in the torch are in working condition. What can be the possible reasons for this? Mention any three.

In a torch that is not functioning despite the contact points being in working condition, several possible reasons could be responsible for the issue:

  • Battery Depletion: The battery in the torch may be depleted or drained, leading to insufficient power to operate the torch. Replacing the battery could resolve the issue.
  • Faulty Switch: The switch in the torch may be faulty, causing a break in the circuit and preventing the flow of electricity. Repairing or replacing the switch could fix the problem.
  • Faulty Bulb or LED: The bulb or LED in the torch may be faulty or burned out, preventing it from producing light. Replacing the bulb or LED could restore the functionality of the torch.

It is important to systematically check these components to identify and rectify the issue, ensuring that the torch functions properly.

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Topics-wise Extra Questions for Class 6 Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answer

Electric cell – extra questions.

Question 1: What is an electric cell?

An electric cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. It consists of two different metals immersed in an electrolyte solution.

Question 2: What is meant by a battery?

A battery is a collection of two or more electric cells connected together to produce a larger amount of electrical energy. It provides power to various devices.

Question 3: Give any difference between a cell and a battery.

A cell is a single unit that produces electricity, while a battery is a collection of cells. A cell has only two terminals (positive and negative), while a battery has multiple cells connected in series or parallel.

Question 4: Why does a cell stop producing electricity after some time?

A cell stops producing electricity after some time because the chemicals inside it that undergo the chemical reactions necessary for generating electricity get used up.

Question 5: Why should we not join the wires connected to the two terminals of the electric cell?

Joining the wires connected to the two terminals of the electric cell would create a short circuit. This would allow a very large current to flow through the wires, which could damage the cell and the wires, and also pose a risk of fire.

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A Bulb Connected to an Electric Cell – Extra Questions

Question 1: How do we connect wires to the electric cell?

Answer: Wires are connected to an electric cell by using metal clips or holders. One wire is connected to the positive terminal (+), and the other wire is connected to the negative terminal (-) of the cell.

Question 2: How is the bulb connected to the wires?

Answer: The bulb is connected to the wires by attaching one wire to the metal base of the bulb and the other wire to the metal tip at the bottom of the bulb. This completes the circuit and allows electricity to flow through the bulb, causing it to glow.

Question 3: What are the advantages of dry cells?

Answer: Dry cells have several advantages, including being portable, easy to handle, and suitable for use in a wide range of electronic devices. They also have a longer shelf life and do not leak like wet cells.

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An Electric Circuit – Extra Questions

Question 1: What is an electric circuit?

Answer: An electric circuit is a closed path through which electric current can flow. It typically consists of a source of electricity, such as a battery, conductors like wires, and a load, such as a bulb, that uses the electricity.

Question 2: What is the direction of the current in an electric circuit?

Answer: The current in an electric circuit flows from the positive terminal of the battery or cell to the negative terminal.

Question 3: Sometimes, an electric bulb does not glow even if it is connected to the cell. What could be the reason?

Answer: There could be several reasons for this. The bulb may be fused, the connections may be loose, the battery may be depleted, or there could be a break in the circuit.

Question 4: What is a filament?

Answer: A filament is a thin wire inside an electric bulb that glows when electricity passes through it. It is usually made of tungsten due to its high melting point and durability.

Question 5: Why does a fused bulb not light up?

Answer: A fused bulb does not light up because the filament inside it is broken. This break in the filament prevents the flow of electricity, thus preventing the bulb from glowing.

Electric Switch – Extra Questions

Question 1: What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

Answer: The purpose of using an electric switch is to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. Some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them include lamps, fans, televisions, and radios.

Question 2: How are cells arranged in a torch—in parallel or in series?

Answer: Cells in a torch are typically arranged in series, where the positive terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the next cell, and so on.

Question 3: If in a circuit you have arranged cells in series. Will the bulb continue to shine even if the connection of one of the cells is reversed?

Answer: No, if the connection of one of the cells in a series arrangement is reversed, the bulb will not continue to shine. Reversing the connection of a cell in a series circuit changes the direction of the current flow, which can cause the circuit to break and the bulb to stop glowing.

Electric Conductors and Insulators – Extra Questions

Question 1: What is a conductor? Give examples.

Answer: A conductor is a material that allows the flow of electricity through it. Examples of conductors include metals such as copper, aluminum, and iron.

Question 2: What is an insulator? Give few examples.

Answer: An insulator is a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, glass, and wood.

Question 3: Why does one remove the plastic coating of connecting wires before making circuits?

Answer: The plastic coating of connecting wires is removed to expose the metal conductor inside, allowing for a good electrical connection to be made.

Question 4: Why do you have to clean the ends of wires used for making a circuit with sandpaper to make the bulbs shine?

Answer: Cleaning the ends of wires with sandpaper removes any dirt or oxidation, ensuring a good electrical contact and allowing the bulbs to shine brightly.

Question 5: Is air a good or a bad conductor of electricity?

Answer: Air is a poor conductor of electricity.

Question 6: What would happen if air were a good conductor of electricity?

Answer: If air were a good conductor of electricity, there would be a high risk of electrical accidents and short circuits, as electricity could easily flow through the air between conductors.

Question 7: Out of aluminium foil, paper, dry cloth, and rubber sheet, which is the good conductor? Tell by using a torch.

Answer: Aluminum foil is a good conductor of electricity. This can be demonstrated by touching one end of the foil to the positive terminal of a battery and the other end to the bulb’s base, causing the bulb to light up.

Question 8: Give some uses of conductors and insulators.

Answer: Conductors are used in electrical wiring, power lines, and electronic components. Insulators are used to coat wires, insulate buildings, and protect against electric shocks.

Question 9: What is a “conduction tester”?

Answer: A conduction tester is a device used to test whether a material is a conductor or an insulator by passing an electric current through it. If the material conducts electricity, the tester will indicate a circuit, and if it does not, the tester will not indicate a circuit.

Extra Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Question 1: Which of the following materials is a good conductor of electricity?

A) Plastic B) Wood C) Copper D) Glass

Answer: C) Copper

Question 2: What is the purpose of using an insulator in an electrical circuit?

A) To allow the flow of electricity B) To prevent the flow of electricity C) To increase the voltage D) To decrease the current

Answer: B) To prevent the flow of electricity

Question 3: Why are metals such as copper and aluminum used in electrical wiring?

A) Because they are good insulators B) Because they are easily available C) Because they are good conductors D) Because they are cheap

Answer: C) Because they are good conductors

Question 4: What happens when an electric current passes through a bulb filament?

A) The filament melts B) The filament glows and produces light C) The filament becomes magnetic D) The filament becomes hot

Answer: B) The filament glows and produces light

Question 5: Which of the following is an example of a good insulator?

A) Aluminum B) Rubber C) Copper D) Iron

Answer: B) Rubber

Question 6: What is the function of a switch in an electrical circuit?

A) To increase the current B) To decrease the voltage C) To open or close the circuit D) To regulate the flow of electricity

Answer: C) To open or close the circuit

Question 7: Why is it important to use insulated wires in electrical appliances?

A) To increase the resistance B) To prevent electric shocks C) To reduce the current D) To improve the efficiency

Answer: B) To prevent electric shocks

Question 8: Which of the following materials is a poor conductor of electricity?

A) Silver B) Copper C) Aluminum D) Plastic

Answer: D) Plastic

Question 9: What is the purpose of a fuse in an electrical circuit?

A) To increase the current B) To decrease the voltage C) To prevent overheating and fires D) To regulate the flow of electricity

Answer: C) To prevent overheating and fires

Question 10-: What happens if a circuit is broken?

A) The current stops flowing B) The current flows faster C) The voltage increases D) The circuit becomes more efficient

Answer: A) The current stops flowing

FAQs on Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

What is an electric circuit.

An electric circuit is a path through which electricity flows. It typically consists of a power source, wires, and a device that uses electricity, like a bulb or a fan.

What are the 3 types of circuits?

The three types of circuits are series circuits, parallel circuits, and series-parallel circuits. In series circuits, components are connected in a single loop. In parallel circuits, components are connected in multiple paths. Series-parallel circuits combine aspects of both.

What are the two types of electric circuit?

The two types of electric circuits are open circuits and closed circuits. In an open circuit, the path is broken, and electricity cannot flow. In a closed circuit, the path is complete, allowing electricity to flow.

What is the SI unit of electric current?

The SI unit of electric current is the ampere, symbolized as A. It measures the rate of flow of electric charge in a circuit.

What causes electricity?

Electricity is caused by the flow of electrons. When there is a difference in electric potential (voltage) between two points in a conductor, electrons move from the higher potential to the lower potential, creating an electric current.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Ncert solutions class 6 science chapter 12 – free pdf download.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits has answers and explanations to fill in the blanks, true or false, circuit diagram and descriptive answering questions, which will guide you in understanding the concepts involved in the chapter Electricity and Circuits. These  NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 have questions related to the electric cell, electric bulb, electric circuits, switches, conductors and insulators, and examples of conductors and insulators.

PDF of Chapter 12 of   NCERT Solutions consists of accurate solutions, which help the students quickly complete their homework and prepare well for the exams. It ensures that you get all the necessary information of all concepts included in the chapter. Class 6 is a critical level as it forms the base for students for the forthcoming academic years. So, students who aspire to score good marks in Science should practise CBSE Sample Papers  without fail .

  • Chapter 1 Food: Where Does it Come From?
  • Chapter 2 Components of Food
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  • Chapter 8 Body Movements
  • Chapter 9 The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings
  • Chapter 10 Motion and Measurement of Distances
  • Chapter 11 Light, Shadows and Reflection
  • Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits
  • Chapter 13 Fun with Magnets
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Access Answers to NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

Exercise Questions

1. Fill in the blanks :

(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called _______________.

(b) An electric cell has _______________ terminals.

(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called switch .

(b) An electric cell has two terminals.

2. Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for following statements:

(a) Electric current can flow through metals.

(b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.

(c) Electric current can pass through a sheet of thermo Col.

3. Explain why the bulb would not glow in the arrangement shown in Fig. 12.13.

In complete circuit

The bulb would not glow in the arrangement because the circuit is not complete due to the presence of an insulator in the centre.

4. Complete the drawing shown in Fig 12.14 to indicate where the free ends of the two wires should be joined to make the bulb glow.

in complete circuit diagram

5. What is the purpose of using an electric switch? Name some electrical gadgets that have switches built into them.

The purpose of an electric switch is to complete or break the circuit. Electrical gadgets that have switches built into them are fans, refrigerators, television, microwave ovens, and electric cookers.

6. Would the bulb glow after completing the circuit shown in Fig. 12.14 if instead of a safety pin we use an eraser?

incomplete circuit diagram

No, the bulb will not glow as the eraser is an insulator.

7. Would the bulb glow in the circuit shown in Fig. 12.15?

Incomplete circuit

No, the bulb will not glow.

8. Using the “conduction tester” on an object it was found that the bulb begins to glow. Is that object a conductor or an insulator? Explain.

The object is a conductor because the bulb glows only when the conductor is used but not when the insulator is used.

9. Why should an electrician use rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home? Explain.

An electrician uses rubber gloves while repairing an electric switch at your home because rubber gloves are insulators. This protects him from avoiding electric shocks.

10. The handles of the tools like screwdrivers and pliers used by electricians for repair work usually have plastic or rubber covers on them. Can you explain why?

Tools like screwdrivers and pliers are used by electricians for repair work because plastic is an insulator, and plastic handles protect the electrician from electric shocks.

Important topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

  • Electric cell
  • A bulb connected to an electric cell
  • An electric circuit
  • Electric switch
  • Electric conductors and insulators

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Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12

September 5, 2020 by Prasanna

In this page, we are providing Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 pdf download. NCERT Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Extra Questions and Answers Electricity and Circuits

Extra Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits with Answers Solutions

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type

Question 1. Name a good conductor of electricity which is not a metal. Answer: Air

Question 2. Name the material that glows inside the bulb. Answer: Filament

Question 3. What kind of cells are used in TV remotes? Answer: Pencil cells

Question 5. What is a cell? Answer: It is a device that produces electricity.

Question 6. What is electricity? Answer: The flow of an electric current constitutes electricity.

Question 7. How many terminals are there in a cell? Answer: There are two terminals in a cell.

Question 8. What is the main function of a switch? Answer: It is used to regulate the flow of current in a circuit.

Question 9. Name some metals which are conductors. Answer: Silver, copper, aluminium, etc.

Question 10. Name some conductors which are not metals. Answer: Moist air, salt solution, impure water, graphite, etc.

Question 11. Name some insulators of electricity. Answer: Mica, ebonite, glass, wood, dry air, etc.

Question 12. Which type of material is used in electric appliance as protective measures? Answer: Insulator

Question 13. What is an open circuit? Answer: When there is a gap between two terminal, the circuit is called an open circuit.

Question 14. Can rubber or jute be used instead of metal wire to connect circuit? Answer: No, we cannot use rubber or jute to connect circuit wires.

Question 15. How is electricity produced by an electric cell? Answer: An electric cell produces electricity from chemicals stored in it.

Question 16. Name two metal used to connect wires. Answer: Copper and aluminium.

Question 17. When does a bulb glow? Answer: A bulb glows only when the circuit is complete.

Question 18. Why is tungsten used as a filament? Answer: Tungsten has high melting point and high resistance, hence it is used as filament.

Question 19. Why are electric wire, covered with rubber and plastic? Answer: To prevent electric shocks as they are insulators.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 1

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions Short Answer Type

Question 1. Why we are advised not to touch electric appliances and switches with wet hands? Answer: Water is a good conductor of electricity and if our hands are wet it can pass to us quickly giving us an electric shock.

Question 2. Define an electric cell and a battery. Answer: A cell is an electric device that produces electricity. When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery.

Question 3. Define a conductor. Answer: The substance which allows an electric current to pass through it, is called a conductor, e.g., metals like gold, silver, etc.

Question 4. What is an insulator? Answer: The substance which does not allow current to pass through it, is called an insulator, e.g., eraser, paper, polythene, etc.

Question 5. What do you mean by an electric circuit? Answer: The closed path along which the electric current flows from one terminal to another is called as an electric circuit.

Question 6. What is an open circuit? Does current flow in it? Answer: The circuit in which arrangements of components is disturbed any way or electric contact of any point is broken is called an open circuit. An electric current does not flow in an open circuit as the electrical path required for flow of current is not completed.

Question 7. Why is a copper wire usually covered with rubber or plastic? Answer: Rubber or plastics are insulators. They prevent short circuiting and electric shocks if by mistake any living things come in contact with the wires.

Question 8. Is air a conductor or an insulator? Explain. Answer: If air is dry then it is an insulator or bad conductor of electricity as it doesn’t conduct electricity when the circuit is open. If air is moist then it acts as conductor.

Question 9. Why does a cell stop producing electricity after sometime? Answer: After sometime, all the chemicals in an electric cell is used up. Thus, no chemical reaction takes place to produce electrical energy.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions Long Answer Type

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 2

Two main conditions necessary to make the bulb light up are: (i) Connect the positive (+ve) terminal of the left cell with the negative (-ve) one of the right side cell using a wire. (ii) Close the switch to complete the circuit.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 3

Question 3. What is torch? Give its various parts and explain its working. Also give its labelled diagram. Answer: A torch is an electric device that runs on electricity. It is actually a compact electric circuit. Its various parts are-a metallic or plastic casing, bulb, reflector, slide, switch, metal switch contact.

An electric current flows in a closed circuit only. In a torch, the cells are connected to a small bulb through a slide switch. When this slide switch is slided forward cell contact is complete with the bulb. The electric circuit is closed or complete.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 4

  • There is a cell or a battery in the circuit that is used as a source of electric current.
  • There is an electric switch that is used to regulate the flow of current. It is also called ‘key’. When the switch is ‘on’, the current flows in the circuit and when it is ‘off, the current does not flow.
  • A bulb is connected to the circuit to confirm the flow of current. When it lights up, the circuit is said to be complete, i.e., current is flowing.
  • On the other hand, when the bulb does not glow, the circuit is said to be incomplete, i.e., current is not flowing.
  • The most important component of the circuit is the connecting wire which connect all the components of the circuit to make the current flow.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 6

Question 6. Mention different safety measures and precautions while using electricity and electrical appliances. Answer: Electricity is very useful to us. It has made our life comfortable, easy and luxurious. On the other hand, it is dangerous also. It may cause great mishappenings, injuries and sometimes even death. So we must adopt some safety measures and take precautions discussed below:

  • Never touch electrical switches or gadgets when your body is wet.
  • If you need to operate or repair any electrical appliances, wear rubber hand gloves and stand on a dry wooden or plastic base.
  • Never play with electric sockets or wires.
  • In case of short circuit or a spark in a switch, put the main switch off immediately with the help of a plastic or wooden stick.
  • In case of fire in electric wires, never use water to extinguish it. First switch off the mains, then use dry sand to extinguish the fire.

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions HOTS

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science Chapter 12 7

Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions Value-Based (VBQs)

Question 1. When Sheena’s classmates leave for games, library, yoga, etc., classes, Sheena always remembers to switch off the lights and fans of her class. For this practice she was honoured by the president of eco-club. (a) What is electricity? (b) What are the sources of electricity in your home? (c) What values of Sheena is shown here? Answer: (a) Electricity is a form of energy used to power machines and electrical appliances. (b) We get electricity in our home through cell, power house and solar cells. (c) Sheena is an eco-friendly, responsible and intelligent girl.

Question 2. After taking a bath Rahman went to his room. As soon as he raised his hand to switch on the light, his mother shouted out loudly. He was very astonished, with the strange behaviour of his mother. His mother came to him and explained him the reason “why he shouldn’t be touching the electrical items with wet hands”. Rahman made up his mind to spread this awareness in the school. So he decided to give a small speech on this topic during the school assembly. (a) What are electrical appliances? (b) What would have happened if Rahman touched the switch with his wet hand? (c) What value of Rahman is shown here? Answer: (a) Devices that run on electricity are called electrical appliances. (b) He might have got shock. (c) Rahman is a responsible, sensible, caring and confident boy.


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  4. Class 6 Science Notes for Electricity and Circuits (PDF)

    Also, you can complete the Class 6 Electricity and Circuits worksheet using the same. In addition you will also tackle CBSE Class 6 Science Important Questions with these Class 6 notes. However if you still need help, then you can use the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Electricity and Circuits to get all the answers.

  5. Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers

    Answer: When two or more cells are joined together, it is called a battery. Question 3. Give any difference between a cell and a battery. Answer: A cell has only one plate as a positive and only one plate as a negative electrode, while a battery, which is a combination of cells in a series, can have many plates. Question 4.

  6. Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Extra Questions

    13. Give one difference between a cell and a battery. Answer: A cell produces electricity by chemical reactions taking place in it whereas battery is made up of two or more cells joined together. 14. Write any two uses of electric cells. Answer: It is used in alarm clocks and wrist watches.

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    Solution: (a) A switch cannot be a source of electric current in the circuit. Electric cell is a source of electricity in the circuit. Other options are the functions of a switch. Question 3: In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of. (a) the glass case of the bulb (b) the thin filament.

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    6. Name the scientist who invented electric cell and the scientist who invented electric bulb. Answer: Electric cell: Alessandro Volta. Electric bulb: Thomas Alva Edison. 7. Give one activity to prove that air is an insulator. Answer: Take an electric circuit, keep the terminals unconnected in the air.

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    Ans: The correct answer is option (a). In a circuit, the source of the electric current is a switch. 3. In an electric bulb, light is produced due to the glowing of. (a) The glass case of the bulb. (b) The thin filament. (c) The thick wires supporting the filament. (d) Gases inside the glass case of the bulb.

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  17. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

    Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Additional Important Questions and Answers. Very Short Answer Type Questions. Question 1. How much voltage is given by a single dry cell? Answer: 1.5 volts. Question 2. Name the two types of circuits. Answer: Open circuit and closed circuit are the two types of circuits. Question 3.

  18. NCERT Solutions Class 6 Science Chapter 12

    2. Discuss the different types of questions that can be expected in exams from this chapter- Electricity and Circuits. Solutions to 10 questions are included in the NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Science Chapter 12. It also contains short question answers and some fill-in-the-blank questions that you can go through for practice.

  19. MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

    The bulb lights up only when. (a) the cell, bulb and the wires make a closed circuit. (b) there is a gap in the electrical path. (c) the path starts and ends up at the same terminal of the cell. (d) the cell, bulb and wires make an open circuit. Answer. Question 25. Thin wire in the bulb that gives off light is.

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    MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science: Ch 12 Electricity and Circuits. 1. Combination of two or more cells in series is called. 2. __________is a conductor. 3. _________ is an electric device which easily closes or opens an electric circuit. 4.

  21. Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits Extra Questions

    Answer: A cell is a single unit that produces electricity, while a battery is a collection of cells. Question 12: Write any two uses of electric cells. Answer: Electric cells are used in flashlights, remote controls, and other portable electronic devices.

  22. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 Electricity and Circuits

    Solution: (a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called switch. (b) An electric cell has two terminals. 2. Mark 'True' or 'False' for following statements: (a) Electric current can flow through metals. (b) Instead of metal wires, a jute string can be used to make a circuit.

  23. Electricity and Circuits Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Science

    Answer: (a) Electricity is a form of energy used to power machines and electrical appliances. (b) We get electricity in our home through cell, power house and solar cells. (c) Sheena is an eco-friendly, responsible and intelligent girl. Question 2. After taking a bath Rahman went to his room.