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Crafting a Standout Cover Letter for Goldman Sachs: Your Passport to Possibilities

  • Career Advice


  • Posted On: 2023-10-25
  • Posted By: Shacara

The Art of Personalization

The opening act: grab their attention, the story of you: show, don't just tell, aligning aspirations: make it mutual, the x-factor: what sets you apart, bridging the gap: addressing any concerns, the cultural fit: be one with the goldman sachs vibe, the closing act: end on a strong note, proofread, edit, repeat, your journey begins here, the final touch: formatting and presentation, 1. clean and professional layout, 2. appropriate length, 3. clear sections, 4. use bullet points or lists (sparingly), 5. margins and spacing, 6. professional tone and language, 7. proofreading and editing, tailoring for success: customize for each application, the final act: sign off with confidence, ready, set, send, contact info.

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Charlotte Grainger

Goldman Sachs cover letter example

Goldman Sachs cover letter example

Goldman Sachs—two words that carry the weight of more than 150 years of history. Founded back in 1869 in New York, the leading financial institution now employs almost 40,000 staff members around the world. If you’re looking to join the ranks, you will need to blow the hiring manager away with a stellar CV and then a well-pitched cover letter. 

We’re here to help you with the latter. In a mere 300-400 words, you have to show the hiring manager that you are Goldman Sachs material. That’s no easy feat. However, if you are strategic in your approach and speak the hiring manager’s language, you can achieve this goal. So, where should you start and what information do you need to include here?

Here at, we are experts when it comes to supercharging your career. We offer a range of resources to help you take things to the next level, including a library of epic cover letter examples and expert writing guides. In the following writing guide, we will look at: 

  • How to choose the best format for your Goldman Sachs cover letter
  • The structure you should use (plus a cover letter sample)
  • Advice on what to write in each of your cover letter sections
  • The psychology of writing a captivating application letter
  • The basic mistakes that you need to avoid when you’re writing

Are you searching for more of a deep-dive? You’ve got it. Read our comprehensive guide to creating a cover letter from scratch now. 

Looking for some more inspiration? We’ve got you covered. Check out our related cover letter examples and writing guides: 

  • Banking cover letter example
  • Investment banker cover letter sample
  • Accountant cover letter example
  • Speculative cover letter sample
  • Career change cover letter example

Goldman Sachs is one of the world's leading investment

Best format for a Goldman Sachs cover letter

Before you whip out your laptop and start writing, there’s something that you need to know. Winning cover letters don’t happen by accident. To turn the hiring manager’s head, you need to make sure that you get the format of the document right. 

Think of this as the framework of your letter. It guides what you write in each paragraph. The format of your Goldman Sachs cover letter should include these elements, in this order: 

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

Using this structure means that you won’t go off-piste when you’re writing your cover letter. Hiring managers spend a matter of seconds reviewing each new application that comes their way. Since Goldman Sachs receives thousands of applications every year, the professional reviewing your letter is unlikely to have much time to make a decision. For that reason, ensuring that the letter is well-structured and includes the above sections is essential. 

Later in this guide, we will talk about what content you need to include in each section of your cover letter. Follow each step and make sure that your document boasts all of the details that the hiring manager is searching for. To give you an idea of how all of the above will come together, take a quick look at our Goldman Sachs cover letter example here: 

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Investment Banking Analyst position currently open with Goldman Sachs in London. As a recent graduate of the London School of Economics with a first-class degree in Economics, I believe I have the necessary analytical skills and financial acumen to excel in this role.

During my studies, I completed internships with JP Morgan in London and Morgan Stanley in New York, gaining hands-on experience in financial modeling, valuation, and investment analysis. I have also honed my research, presentation, and client management skills through my roles in the Economics Society at LSE.

In particular, I am excited by the opportunity to join Goldman Sachs' elite team and work on high-value IPOs, M&As, and other complex deals. I know that Goldman Sachs' meritocratic culture rewards hard work and drive. If selected for this position, I am fully committed to delivering quantifiable results and contributing to the success of the London office. My CV is enclosed for your review. I can be reached anytime to discuss my qualifications.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Stacy Green

Cover letter header

Ahead of writing the body of this document, you need to get the cover letter header right. Precision is everything here. Goldman Sachs demands the best from workers. Leaving even the most minor of mistakes in your header is a surefire way to disqualify yourself from an interview. This section includes your name, location, and contact details as a baseline. 

While this information is far from the most interesting part of your application, including it clearly is critical. When the hiring manager reads your cover letter, they may want to get in touch with you and offer you an interview. If your contact information is hard to find, that serves as an unnecessary barrier for them. Make things simple by placing it front and centre.

Cover letter greeting

Next, you should include a cover letter greeting. Tailoring this to the vacancy is a must. You may find that the hiring manager’s name is listed on the job advert. If that is the case, go the extra mile and address your cover letter to them directly. Avoid using their first name and keep things professional: just title and surname. For example, you might start your Goldman Sachs cover letter with a straightforward “Dear Mr. Simons”. 

Should you not know the name of the hiring manager, choose a generalised greeting instead. You can start your letter with either “Dear hiring team” or  “Dear hiring manager”. If you are applying to a specific department, you have the option of addressing your cover letter to that team. Above all else, make sure that you use a polite and formal approach here.

Ditch the old-hat “To Whom it May Concern” greeting. 

While you may have been taught to use the above greeting in school, it’s time to stop using it. Modern-day hiring managers view this approach as old-fashioned and overly formal. If you want to get off on the right foot, go with a more contemporary greeting.

Cover letter introduction

The first paragraph of your Goldman Sachs cover letter has to pack a real punch. It is within these few lines that you set the scene for the rest of your application. Make sure that you include enough detail to hook the reader’s attention without giving everything away here. It’s all about giving the hiring manager a reason to continue reading your application. 

Avoid making generic statements. It is a well-known marketing principle that including specific details—rather than vague claims—makes your writing more memorable. So, pick one or two impressive facts about your professional history and include them in this paragraph. You may focus on your track record of results, your stellar qualifications, or the big-name clients you’ve worked with. Whatever the case, quantify your achievements.  

Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle paragraphs of cover letters give you the space to expand on your introduction. You’ve already given the hiring manager a taste of your professional prowess. Now, you need to keep that momentum going as you move into the main part of your cover letter. 

It is here that you will share your biggest achievements, most notable experiences, and career highlights. If you are struggling to fit all of the above in a couple of paragraphs, you can cheat and use bullet points. This approach means that you can share a wealth of knowledge with the hiring manager without confronting them with a wall of text. 

Yes, the competition here is tough. However, you need to remember one key thing when you are working on your cover letter: no one out there has the exact same career story as you. Your unique path is what sets you apart from the sea of viable applicants. Consider how your journey differs from the masses and what vital lessons you have learned along the way. 

Use the STAR method in your cover letter! 

When you are describing specific events or offering up choice anecdotes, you can use the STAR method. That means starting out with a Situation and the Task at hand, and then concluding with the Action you took and the Result of that action. 

How to close a Goldman Sachs cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

When you are satisfied with the content of your cover letter, it’s time to sign off. Don’t drop the ball at this point. As the hiring manager gets towards the end of your cover letter, they will pay close attention to your final statements. Now you have the chance to make your ultimate argument for the job: what is it that makes you the ideal candidate? 

It’s a good idea to reiterate the main points that you have included in your cover letter. You can also include a Call to Action (CTA) here encouraging the hiring manager to interview you. You might want to hint at having more to share in a formal interview setting, for example. Of course, you should also show enthusiasm and confidence for the role. 

Writing psychology: how to win over the hiring manager

We’ve already covered the main points you need to hit when writing your Goldman Sachs cover letter. However, since this is a competitive institution, you’re going to need to use everything in your arsenal to win over the hiring manager. It’s not merely about what you write, it’s the way that you write it. Here are some tips to help you along the way: 

  • Show don’t tell. Don’t simply tell the hiring manager that you’re a pro; show them instead. Illustrate your prowess by including details of your prior experience and quantifying your accolades. This approach could make all of the difference.
  • Establish your authority. Goldman Sachs is a huge name. If you want to get an interview, you need to establish yourself as an authority in your field. Do that by name-checking major clients or businesses you have worked for in the past.
  • Use the power of narrative. Are you a gifted storyteller? If so, now is your time to shine. Don’t just lay out the facts, weave a narrative about your professional story so far. Where did it start, what challenges have you overcome, and where is it going?

Creating a cover letter is never just about filling a word count. No, you need to ensure that this document adds true value to your application package. Using the above techniques, you can elevate your application letter and pique the hiring manager’s interest.

Goldman Sachs cover letter with no experience

If you’re taking your first step into the professional world and have your sights set on Goldman Sachs, there is some good news. The institution offers regular internship programs to give both students and graduates a head start. If you’re writing a cover letter for one of these highly sought-after schemes, keep the following points in mind: 

  • Highlight your education. The qualifications you are completing or have completed matter. Start the cover letter by explaining what education you have and why that has put you in a prime position for this internship.
  • Showcase your skills and expertise. You don’t have any formal work experience. However, chances are that you have a selection of skills and expertise under your belt. Talk about these and how each of them align with the program at hand.
  • Elevate your language. Goldman Sachs won’t accept anything less than the best. When you’re writing a cover letter but have no experience, make sure you use the right language and tone. Using a formal approach could give you the highest chance.

Basic mistakes in a Goldman Sachs application letter (and how to avoid them)

If you’ve read the rest of our writing guide, you should be confident in preparing your cover letter. However, there are some basic mistakes that you need to avoid here. Let’s take a look at some of the errors that may mean you get rejected: 

  • Spelling mistakes. It should go without saying that spelling mistakes are a huge no-no. If your cover letter includes typos or other avoidable mistakes, that will be a major red flag for the hiring manager. Always proofread your letter first.
  • Hyperbolic language. Yes, you may think that you’re “number one” or at the “top of your game” but these grand statements can be dangerous. If you have no facts to back them up, you might find that this type of language works against you.
  • Lengthy stories. While there’s real value in being a storyteller, your cover letter is not a memoir. Adding in lengthy tales that seemingly have no point won’t do you any favours. Keep things short and to the point.

Key takeaways

  • Goldman Sachs is a household name. If you want to land a job here, you’re going to need to create a remarkable application.
  • Use your cover letter to make a persuasive argument about why you’re the right candidate for the job.
  • Always be specific about the experiences and expertise you have. If in doubt, add some numbers and statistics to paint a picture.
  • If you want to get ahead of the game, use one of our tried and tested cover letter templates now.

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Home » 5+ Professional Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Examples

5+ Professional Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Examples

Goldman Sachs Cover Letter

When it comes to applying for a job at Goldman Sachs, you need to make sure that your cover letter is up to scratch. After all, this is one of the most prestigious investment banks in the world and you will be competing against some incredibly talented candidates.

Luckily, we have put together some professional Goldman Sachs cover letter examples to give you a head start. Simply follow the template and fill in your own details to create a killer cover letter that will help you stand out from the competition. Good luck!

Table of Contents

How To Write a Goldman Sachs Cover Letter?

When applying for a job at Goldman Sachs, it’s important to make a good impression with your cover letter. After all, Goldman Sachs is one of the most prestigious investment banks in the world. Luckily, there are some things you can do to increase your chances of getting your cover letter noticed. First, make sure to tailor your cover letter to the specific position you’re applying for. Generic letters are less likely to impress hiring managers.

Second, take the time to research Goldman Sachs and familiarize yourself with the company’s history and culture. This will help you come across as being genuinely interested in working there. Finally, try to convey your passion for finance and investing in your cover letter. If you can show that you’re excited about the opportunity to work at Goldman Sachs, you’ll be more likely to stand out from the competition.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Example

Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Example

To Whom It May Concern,

The writing to apply for the position of Investment Banking Analyst at Goldman Sachs. I am a recent graduate of XYZ University with a degree in Finance and I have previous experience working in the banking industry.

The confident that I have the skills and qualifications that are required for this role. In addition, I have the drive and determination to succeed in an investment banking environment. I am eager to utilize my skills and knowledge in order to contribute to the success of Goldman Sachs.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Investment Banking Cover Letter: 05 Examples ideas

Cover Letter For Goldman Sachs New Analyst

I am writing to express my interest in the New Analyst position at Goldman Sachs. As a recent graduate of XYZ University with a degree in Finance, I am eager to begin my career in investment banking.

During my time at XYZ, I gained valuable experience through internships at both a small regional bank and a large commercial bank. These experiences taught me the importance of working diligently and paying attention to detail, two skills that will serve me well in investment banking. In addition, my coursework in finance and accounting has given me a strong foundation on which to build my career.

I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to be successful as a New Analyst at Goldman Sachs. I am excited to put my skills to work in an investment banking environment and look forward to contributing to the success of Goldman Sachs.

Related: 07 Best Research Analyst Cover Letter Samples

Goldman Sachs Spring Week Cover Letter

I am writing to apply for Goldman Sachs’ Spring Week program.

Goldman Sachs is a world-renowned investment bank that has a reputation for providing excellent opportunities for career development. Confident that I have the skills and experience needed to be successful in this program, and I believe that Goldman Sachs would be an excellent place to develop my skills further.

Have a strong academic background, having graduated from XXXX University with a First Class Honours degree in Accounting and Finance. I also have experience working in the financial sector, having worked as an intern at ABC Corporation. In this role, I gained valuable experience in investment banking and financial analysis.

I am a motivated and driven individual, who is eager to learn and grow in an investment banking environment. I am confident that I have the potential to be a valuable asset to Goldman Sachs, and I look forward to contributing to your team’s success.

Related: Flight Attendant Cover Letter: 05 Template & Ideas

Goldman Sachs Internship Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern, The writing to apply for the Goldman Sachs Internship program.

It a sophomore at XYZ University and am looking for a summer internship in investment banking. I have researched your company and believe that it would be a great place to learn and grow as an investment banker.

Have attached my resume and cover letter for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about this internship program and how I can contribute to Goldman Sachs.

Related: Cover Letter for Internship with no Experience: 09 Samples & Examples

Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Sample

I am writing in regards to the open position for an analyst at Goldman Sachs. I believe that my skills and qualifications make me the perfect candidate for this role.

As a recent graduate of XYZ University, I have a strong understanding of the financial industry. In addition, I have internship experience working in a similar role at ABC Company. This experience has given me the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in this role.

It is a motivated individual with a strong work ethic. I am confident that I can be an asset to Goldman Sachs and contribute to the success of the company. I look forward to discussing my qualifications further with you.

Related: 07 Professional MBA Cover Letter Samples [Free]

5 Things To Include In a Goldman Sachs Cover Letter

When applying for a job at Goldman Sachs, you want to make sure your cover letter is up to the challenge. Here are five key things to include:

  • Why you’re interested in Goldman Sachs: Even if you’re applying for a specific position, take the time to explain why you’re interested in working at Goldman Sachs specifically. What is it about the company that appeals to you?
  • Your skills and experience: Goldman Sachs is looking for top talent, so be sure to highlight your skills and experience that make you a good fit for the role you’re applying for.
  • Your motivation: A cover letter is also an opportunity to share your motivation forApplyiingng to Goldman Sachs. What are your goals and aspirations? Why do you want to work at Goldman Sachs?
  • Your research: Show that you’ve done your research by mentioning specific things about Goldman Sachs that appeal to you. This shows that you’re genuinely interested in the company and not just applying blindly.
  • Your excitement: Finally, be sure to express excitement about the opportunity to interview with Goldman Sachs. This will show that you’re truly enthusiastic about the company and the role you’re applying for.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

As one of the premier investment banks in the world, Goldman Sachs receives countless applications from highly qualified individuals seeking employment. While a strong resume is certainly important, your cover letter is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd. In order to capture the attention of the Goldman Sachs hiring team, your cover letter must be well-written and demonstrate your understanding of the financial industry.

To help you get started, we’ve created professional Goldman Sachs cover letter examples. The first example is for an experienced candidate applying for a position as a vice president, while the second example is for a recent graduate who is applying for an entry-level analyst role. Both examples are designed to showcase your skills and qualifications in the most positive light possible. Simply follow the instructions below to customize them with your own information.

Cover Letter For Goldman Sachs New Analyst

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goldman sachs cover letter tips

Goldman Sachs Interview Process

A guide to understanding how the Goldman Sachs interview process works depending on the candidate's application division and position.


Goldman Sachs Interview Process ‍

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect when applying to Goldman Sachs as a Summer Analyst and entry-level Full-Time Analyst. We will briefly elaborate on Goldman’s general interview structure, followed by an overview of how the interview process differs for Summer Analysts (front office divisions and internal divisions) and entry-level Full-Time Analysts.

Before applying to Goldman Sachs , all candidates must understand 1) why they want to work in the position they are applying for and 2) why they want to work at Goldman Sachs. Mastering these two why questions in a manner that is personal to the candidate will make the interview process more straightforward for the candidate.

What To Expect

Goldman Sachs’ interview process varies across roles, divisions, and regions. However, a general structure exists of what can be expected during the interview process.


#1 Online Application – Resume and Cover Letter ‍

The general structure of Goldman Sachs’ interview process starts with applying on the Goldman Sachs website and attaching your Resume (CV) and Cover Letter (Motivational Letter) to the application. Goldman Sachs recruiters look at profiles that stand out in non-traditional ways. With this being said, recruiters look at applicants who are honest about their experiences and can show expertise and passion towards business activities and personal activities. Hence, participating in competitive sports, learning multiple languages, creating your start-up, and completing unusual extracurricular (Ex. Ironman Competition) – make your Resume and Cover Letter stand out!

The online application consists of filling in the following personal information:

  • Contact information (phone number, email, address)
  • Education history currently enrolled and previous (including GPA, awards, if any, and examination results)
  • Language proficiency
  • Cover Letter / Motivational Letter (up to 300 words)
  • Resume / CV (Microsoft Word or PDF, and not password-protected)

‍ Applicants can choose up to two divisions to apply and up to three locations. For example, suppose an applicant decides to apply to the Asset Management Division and the Investment Banking Division (IBD). In that case, they can choose two locations for the Asset Management Division and one for IBD or vice versa.

Also, note that the candidate can only include one Motivational Letter in their online application process. Therefore, the Motivational Letter should reflect a strong interest in one specific division or two different divisions depending on the applicant’s choices.

#2 HireVue Interview ‍


Once a candidate's CV and Motivational Letter have caught a recruiter's eye, they are invited to complete the HireVue Interview. The HireVue Interview signifies advancement to the next stage and the formal beginning of the interview process. Candidates can expect a preparation time of up to 48 hours to complete the HireVue Interview.

HireVue Interviews are a set of predetermined interview questions conducted online where the digital interview platform records your answers live. The set of predetermined questions varies across divisions. A common feature of the questions is that they are primarily behavioural and competency-based.

Depending on the instructions of the HireVue, candidates can expect a set of 4-6 questions that can take a maximum of 2 minutes to answer. Moreover, candidates have 30 seconds to think through how they can respond to the question before the live recording starts for each question. The HireVue Interview process focuses on how the candidates think on the spot and react to scenarios while evaluating the candidate's speech patterns and body language.

A general tip is to practice with the test trial HireVue option. This can be found on the platform site just before you start the official HireVue Interview. Candidates need to ensure that they are in a quiet location and will not be interrupted during the interview by any means, as there is no re-try version once the official interview starts.

Tips for the HireVue Interview include:

  • Address all parts of the question and give complete responses
  • Dress appropriately in business attire
  • Practice before starting the actual HireVue Interview
  • Let your personality shine and be yourself
  • Focus on your body language and enthusiasm

For more tips on perfecting your HireVue, check out this article: Goldman Sachs Video Interview Tips .

#3 Final Interviews vs. Superday ‍

After completing the HireVue Interview, it can take up to a few months to hear whether candidates have landed an official Superday Interview or Onsite/Online Final Interview round. The difference between the type of interview the candidate receives after completing the HireVue Interview depends on the type of position the candidate is applying for (i.e., Summer Analyst or Entry-level Analyst).

Candidates for the Summer Analyst positions must complete a Superday. A Superday is an assessment centre day and the final interview round for Summer Analyst candidates applying to Goldman Sachs. Superdays typically evaluate candidates by having three individuals interview candidates, each 30 minutes maximum. These interviews can include individuals such as Analysts, Associates, and often Vice-Presidents asking candidates questions on their motivations for application. Depending on the division, Superdays can also consist of tests, focus groups, and case studies.

Once a candidate makes it to the final stage of the interview process, the candidate must prepare for success. Tips to ensure a successful final round of interviews or Superday include:

  • Listen carefully to what the interviewer asks, and do not be afraid to ask questions or clarify if needed.
  • Bring a positive attitude to the interview. The interviewer has taken time from their work to listen to you.
  • Do not get overwhelmed by other candidates. You have worked hard to get here. Play your strengths!
  • Always arrive early to the interview. If the Superday is online, arrive 5-10 minutes before the interview begins. It is always acceptable to be early, and you can turn your camera off until the interview starts. If a recruiter is managing the call, kindly greet the recruiter before waiting for the discussion to start.
  • If you are nervous, take three deep breaths before the interview. Remember that you have been chosen among thousands for this interview. Interviewers want to listen to what you have to say.
  • Read any global business publication and have something ready to say when asked about recent macroeconomic or business-related events.
  • Know your resume! It is essential that you can summarize your most meaningful experiences. If asked to walk the interviewer through your resume, relay your resume concisely and let them ask follow up questions if necessary.
  • Ask questions to the interviewers! They may have been Summer Analysts at some point in their past and they have likely learned a lot since their start with the firm!
  • Research Goldman Sachs thoroughly. Check their financial reports and news articles. Know their values and goals. Check all information you can find on your application division(s). If you know anyone in this division or with experience with it, ask them questions ahead of the interviews. It does not hurt to know ‘too much’ about the company.
  • If you are multilingual, ensure this information is on your CV or elaborate on it if given a chance.
  • If you do not know the answer to a question, think about how you can best approach answering it or ask the interviewer if they can clarify the question for you.
  • Network before the Superday! Learn more about Goldman Sachs through its events, such as information sessions or workshops. You can register for this at My GS Events on their webpage.
  • Have a strong presence during your interview. Be confident, charming, and kind. Do not come off arrogant. Remember your interviewer’s name, and smile throughout the interview. Remember that the interviewers also want a pleasant conversation!

Next, we will elaborate on the interview process for Summer Analyst candidates, including how to prepare for Superday interviews.

Timeline of the Interview Process

Regardless of the position and division candidates apply to, the timeline of the interview process differs for everyone.

Some successful candidates may experience a faster application process than others. Despite the differences, it is always best to apply as soon as possible, as candidates’ profiles are looked at in a first-come, first-serve manner. The following graphic outlines a rough timeline based on the experience of several successful candidates.


Summer Analyst Interview Process for Front-Office Divisions

The interview process for Summer Analyst candidates applying to Front-Office Divisions can differ from the Summer Analyst interview process for internal divisions. The main areas of difference are the HireVue Interview questions and the Superday assessment format.


For front-office division applicants, the HireVue Interview might involve more division-specific questions. Instead of mainly covering behavioral and competency-based questions, there can be macroeconomic and banking fundamental questions that test what the candidate knows about the business.

Expected Questions:

  • Competency: Describe a situation where you led a team. Elaborate on the process.
  • Behavioral: Describe an obstacle you overcame and how?
  • Banking fundamentals: Explain what an investment bank does in your own words.
  • Business-specific: What do you expect from an investment banking internship?

Besides possible differences in the HireVue Interview questions, there may also be differences in the Superday format. Depending on the front-office division, it may be the case that a division such as Investment Banking requires more finance questions and a different assessment format than the Executive Office division. Regardless of the differences, recruiters will inform candidates what they should expect for their Superday assessment.

For example interview questions and answers, check out this article on Goldman Sachs Interview Questions .

Summer Analyst Interview Process for Internal Divisions


Summer Analysts applying for engineering roles must complete a HackerRank Assessment. Candidates for other internal divisions must focus on the HireVue Interview and Superday.

Unlike the front-office divisions, internal divisions tend to skip technical and macroeconomic-related questions during the HireVue and Superday interview process. The internal divisions focus primarily on competency and behavioural questions that test the candidate’s analytical and thinking capabilities.

Nonetheless, candidates should still familiarize themselves with banking fundamentals and division-specific questions that may appear during the Superday interviews.

Additional Resources

If you're looking to better your chances at securing a competitive internship or full-time role at Goldman Sachs, you'll likely want to level up your technical finance knowledge to better prepare for your interviews. If this sounds like you, we strongly recommend you check out our Complete Finance & Valuation Course and more using the get started button below!

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goldman sachs cover letter tips

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"Ipsum sit mattis nulla quam nulla. Gravida id gravida ac enim mauris id. Non pellentesque congue eget consectetur turpis. Sapien, dictum molestie sem tempor. Diam elit, orci, tincidunt aenean tempus."

Tristique odio senectus nam posuere ornare leo metus, ultricies. Blandit duis ultricies vulputate morbi feugiat cras placerat elit. Aliquam tellus lorem sed ac. Montes, sed mattis pellentesque suscipit accumsan. Cursus viverra aenean magna risus elementum faucibus molestie pellentesque. Arcu ultricies sed mauris vestibulum.

Morbi sed imperdiet in ipsum, adipiscing elit dui lectus. Tellus id scelerisque est ultricies ultricies. Duis est sit sed leo nisl, blandit elit sagittis. Quisque tristique consequat quam sed. Nisl at scelerisque amet nulla purus habitasse.

Nunc sed faucibus bibendum feugiat sed interdum. Ipsum egestas condimentum mi massa. In tincidunt pharetra consectetur sed duis facilisis metus. Etiam egestas in nec sed et. Quis lobortis at sit dictum eget nibh tortor commodo cursus.

Odio felis sagittis, morbi feugiat tortor vitae feugiat fusce aliquet. Nam elementum urna nisi aliquet erat dolor enim. Ornare id morbi eget ipsum. Aliquam senectus neque ut id eget consectetur dictum. Donec posuere pharetra odio consequat scelerisque et, nunc tortor. Nulla adipiscing erat a erat. Condimentum lorem posuere gravida enim posuere cursus diam.

Kenji Farre

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Goldman Sachs Cover Letter: 4 Templates and Emails

If you are planning to apply for a job position at a prestigious company like Goldman Sachs, you will definitely have to make your application cover letter attractive. We are here with some letter samples that sill surely help you if you need. Just make sure to insert the required personal details at the right places.

Letter Template: 1

Table of Contents

Goldman Sachs Cover Letter

[ Mention the date]

[ Mention the name of the hiring manager]

[Mention the name of the company]

[Mention an appropriate address of the company]

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I saw at Goldman Sachs site that your company is looking for [ mention the post ]  and I read the job description by which I believe that I am suitable for this role and can do this properly.

I am well trained in this field and have an experience of [ mention the years] by which my skills are proper for this role. As I have a friendly and positive nature, I can work in a team as well as in  an individual. Apart from this I can manage time well, have good communication, have leadership qualities and can learn new things in a faster way.

I always wanted to do something big in this field and I would be really grateful if I get a chance to work in such a big company as Goldman Sachs. This job is good for my development and will help me to learn new things about this field.

I will apply my theoretical knowledge to get my work done in a proper way and in the given time. I hope you will not get dissatisfied with my work and the techniques that I will be using if I get selected for this post at Goldman Sachs Company.

I have attached one copy of my resume and the other documents. This will really help you to get an idea about my skills and experience gained from my training period. Hope you will contact me soon to discuss the role in detail. You can contact me for the further procedures at your own convenience. Thank you for your time. Have a good day.

With regards,[ mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address of the sender]

[Mention the contact details of the sender]

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Letter Template: 2

[Mention the name of the hiring manager]

[Mention the address of the company]

With due respect, I [ mention your name] want to state that I am interested in working at Goldman Sachs for the post of [ mention the post]. I saw the job description on the company’s site and after reading it I find myself suitable for this position at Goldman Sachs Company.

As my qualifications are proper for this post and in addition to this, as I have been interested in this field from childhood, I did training from [ mention the name of the institution] for [ mention the years] where I learned different and new things about this field and also worked in a company called [ mention the name of the company] for [ mention the years] to apply my theoretical knowledge to gain some experience in this field which will make me perfect for this job role in a big company like Goldman Sachs.

I have different abilities I am goal-oriented, work in teams, and have good management qualities by which I am confident to do this job in the correct way and complete my tasks in the given time.

In this letter, there’s one copy of my resume and other important documents which will make you believe that I am suitable for this job and perform well in this field.  Hope that I will be receiving a call from you very soon to discuss the role in detail. There will be no issues if you contact me at your own convenience. Have a great day ahead.

With regards, [ mention the name of the sender]

Letter Template: 3

[Give a proper address of the company]

Recently, I saw that Goldman Sachs Company is searching for [ mention the post]  at [ mention the site] . After reading the job description and requirements you are searching for in a candidate, I got really excited and want to apply for this post in your company.

As I have a degree in this field from [ mention the name of the institution] and did my training at [ mention the name of the city] from [mention the name of the institution] so I believe that I will be able to perform this role properly.

I was searching for this type of job for a long time in which I can really do well, finally, I got this opportunity. I have skills like I am a hard worker as well as a smart worker, goal-oriented, can do work under tremendous pressure and adaptable.

It would be really good if I get selected for this job on the basis of my experience and knowledge. I have always worked hard in this field as I was interested in this field from childhood and really want to get a job related to this field. You will not be disheartened by giving me a chance to work for your company.

One copy of my resume and other necessary documents are attached to this letter. You can judge my abilities after seeing them. Hope we will be discussing the role soon and the other factors. You can contact me at your own convenience. Hope to receive an offer letter from your company very soon. Have a nice day ahead.

Letter Template: 4

[Mention the date]

With due respect, I am writing this letter to show my interest in the post of [ mention the post] at Goldman Sachs Company. According to the job description and requirements mentioned in the company’s site, I am really grateful to know that I am suitable for this position.

According to the requirements, a candidate must have a master’s degree certificate in [ mention a particular course] and have skills like good communication, leadership qualities, can multitask, dealing with the customers, fluency in all the languages, and must have a positive attitude, it is good to know that I consist of the skills required for this post at Goldman Sachs Company.

In addition to this, I did my training in this field from [ mention the name of the institution] for [ mention the years] and after my training period was over, I worked at [ mention the name of the company] as a[ mention the post] to gain my experience by applying my theoretical knowledge.

I have work experience of [ mention the years] related to this field as I was interested in this field from a very young age, and since then I have worked on it. I assure you that you will not face any failures if you give me this amazing opportunity to work for Goldman Sachs as a [ mention the post]. You will be amazed by my work and will not get disheartened. I assure you to increase the company’s sales by my skills, experience, and new techniques. 

There’s one copy of my resume as well as my other necessary documents for this job, it will help you to believe in my skills and experience. You can contact me anytime regarding the post at Goldman Sachs Company. Hope to discuss this role in detail and work for a Big company like Goldman Sachs. My contact details are mentioned below through which you can contact me regarding this position. It would be great if you consider me for this job role at your company. Thank you so much for your time. Have a wonderful day ahead.

[ Mention the address of the sender]

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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Please rate my Goldman Sachs Cover Letter for an Asset Management Analyst role in Fixed Income. And suggestions on how I can improve it.

Even casual followers of global finance know of Goldman Sachs and its centuries old place of prestige in the banking and financial services industry. An organisation with such a tradition of professionalism would be, for me, the perfect place to build upon and put to use my own skills and ambitions.

I am a final year BA Economics (Hons) student at XXX University applying for the position of an analyst in the Asset Management division. The fields of wealth/asset/portfolio management have always greatly intrigued me. Herein lies my preferred career trajectory within the various domains of finance.

I have recently cleared the CFA Level 1 exam with a score significantly above the 90th percentile of candidates, largely because the study itself fascinated me. Learning how the existence of and trading of various types of assets enable capital allocation and foster the functioning and growth of the economy as well as growth of individual wealth piqued my interest even more.

Fixed Income, one of the major study areas in the CFA curriculum, was very interesting to me, as I had had experience with only equity securities prior to studying for the exam. Learning about how government and central bank policies, macroeconomic factors and idiosyncratic factors affect fixed income pricing, risks and returns and how these could be modeled, along with concepts such as convexity was something very new and intriguing to me.

Portfolio construction, modern portfolio theory and factor models also interest me greatly and I aim to delve into the real world applications of such remarkable theorisation.

I have interned in an Investment Banking role at ZZZ, where I learned about how needs of businesses are diagnosed and served by banks, and conducted ratio analysis, comparable companies analysis and industry analysis. I feel at home when dealing with numbers and quantitative models, conducting analysis and solving intellectually challenging problems.

I believe that my educational and professional background and my idiosyncratic character, ambitions and abilties make me congruous with the organisation’s expectations, and make me worthy of a chance to prove my mettle at Goldman Sachs’ Asset Management division.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Here’s what Goldman Sachs looks for in a cover letter

Edith Cooper, Global Head of Human Capital Management at Goldman Sachs, explains what the company looks for in a cover letter. 

Produced by  Michael Torres  and Joe Avella .

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Resume Tips: Making Yours Stand Out

We share five tips from our recruiters for helping your resume stand out:

1) Do Your Research Research the job you want by going to career websites and reading descriptions for that role. Write down the key qualities and credentials that are listed for the position, and figure out ways that you might fit those requirements. Come up with three reasons why you would (or should) be picked to interview for the job—these will be some of the top traits you’ll want to emphasize in your resume.

2) Choose the Right Format How your resume is organized reflects how potential employers will see you, so it’s important to use the right format to express your skills and background in a clear, concise way. Arrange your resume with your educational information at the top (i.e., the school you are attending, your majors and minors, your expected degree and graduation date), followed by your grade-point average, internships or professional experience you’ve accumulated, and any special interests and activities.

3) Emphasize What (and How) You’ve Learned If you’re still in school, you likely have limited work experience to detail on your resume. Instead, have your resume focus on your education and the things you’ve done outside the classroom. Were you on the dean’s list? Did you graduate with honors? Were you active in campus organizations or the local community? Were you involved in athletics? Include any extracurricular activities you participated in, especially if they involved leadership skills, and list any and all awards you’ve won. These will help demonstrate your determination and ability to thrive in a team – which are valuable skills in any company.

4) Show How You’re Unique Call attention to your distinct qualities and interests. Do you play a musical instrument? Are you fluent in another language? Do you volunteer? Have you studied abroad? Companies want to get a sense of how you can contribute as a new hire, so it’s important to highlight your individuality.

5) Proofread, Proofread, Proofread A typo or grammatical mistake can hurt your chances of being seriously considered for a position, even if you’ve got the right skills and background. Carefully proofread your resume and have friends, family members, and advisors read it over as well to make sure no errors have slipped by. Doing so will reflect your attention to detail and professionalism.  


Edith Cooper, Global Head of Human Capital Management, talks with Business Insider about what Goldman Sachs looks for in a resume.

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Sample cover letter for Full Time position at Goldman Sachs

I wish to apply for the role of“One year placement on investment management or on global investment research” currently being advertised on your

Driven by my ambition to embark on a career in an investment related field within a leading institution, I am applying for this particular program. As you can see from my attached CV, I have over 5 years of educationalexperience in the finance industry, and 6 months of a significant internship and I believe the knowledge and skills built up during this time make me the right candidate for the role.

I would be thrilled to work at your company which is highly ranked in the investment field. This is a clear indication of your world class reputation in training excellence and high quality services.Furthermore, the ability you provide for travelling, training and working all around the world on your global branches is very stimulating for me.

In my internship role in an accounting office, I developed my teamwork skills through cooperation with colleagues in company projects and I ameliorated my problem solving skills and my innovation in a fast-paced work environment. This coupled with my integrity and dedication presents my highly motivated character.

I am confident that I can bring this level of willingness to learn and succeed with me to your organisation. With my previous experience and expertise, I believe my contribution will have an immediate impact on the business.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. 

Can ChatGPT write your Goldman Sachs cover letter?

Can ChatGPT write your Goldman Sachs cover letter?

Yes. No. Kind of.

Talking to ChatGPT is something like being one of those old Sumerian priests, but with less bowing and supplication, and more ordering around. Luckily, the chatbot is intuitive enough to use; the lack of virginial sacrifice also seems like a consumer benefit.

If you’d like it ChatGPT to write your cover letter for you, then you may be in luck. It speaks perfectly fluently, and “can also recognize and adapt to the spelling used by the user, even if it's different to the standard that I was trained on,” in the chatbot’s own words.

Why is talking to it like being a Sumerian priest? Well, because you have to speak to it in just the right way. The more detail you provide it, the better Chat GPT writes. There aren’t any real monkey’s paw consequences to not giving enough detail, given that you can choose to use the cover letter, choose to proofread it, and choose to use it in your application – but it is by no means a silver bullet, either.

We typed in a basic outline of the requirements of a Goldman Sachs cover letter and a few (fabricated) distinguishing features, such as being an economics student with a good GPA, being vice-chairperson of the finance society, and a list of Goldman’s values (Client service, excellence, integrity, and partnership).

The result was underwhelming – just 180 words. Adding a few more facts worth mentioning brought the word count down further – to 160. Asking ChatGPT to stretch it to 300 as usually specified by GS provided a funny moment of sentience in which the bot chided us for our poor writing, saying that “the cover letter I provided earlier is already within the 300-word limit, and it already highlights your qualifications, enthusiasm for the position and the company, and your availability for an interview.”

It also added that “a well-written cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants and increase your chances of getting an interview,” and it wished us luck for our application. It’s nothing if not polite.

Copy-and-pasting our own  article on banking cover letters didn’t seem to have much of an impact GPT's talent – it likely used articles like this to learn how to write in the first place – but what did make a significant change was feeding it some literature from Goldman’s own careers page.

The result was impressive – not only did the AI understand what we had given it, but it wound the information it had learned into the cover letter, tying in the values with the list of experiences that we had fabricated.

So, what did it write, in the end? Here’s the completely unedited version of our input, without correcting anything:

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the summer intern position in the M&A division at Goldman Sachs. I am confident that my unique background and skills align well with the company's values of Client Service, Excellence, Integrity, and Partnership.

As a second-year economics student at a non-target university and the vice-chairperson of my university's finance society, I have a strong academic background in finance and experience in leadership and teamwork. My passion for classical music, which I have been learning piano for 11 years, and my participation in the university's athletics program as a middle distance runner shows my dedication to personal and professional excellence, which align with Goldman Sachs' values of Excellence and Partnership.

I am particularly drawn to the fast-paced and dynamic nature of M&A and am eager to contribute my skills and perspective to the division. I prioritize collaboration and value diversity, which aligns with the company's values of Partnership, and I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow within an organization that prioritizes inclusiveness, teamwork and an entrepreneurial mindset in the pursuit of professional and personal excellence.

I understand that cover letters are particularly important when applying for graduate jobs in banking, and I am confident that my letter will effectively convey my qualifications and enthusiasm for this opportunity.

Thank you for considering my application. I am available for an interview at any given time on any given day.

[Your Name]

Is that enough to get you through the door? Eh, probably not. We could have gone further with the information – or perhaps even fed in an entire CV for the sake of seeing what it comes up with – but the level of writing is clear enough. ChatGPT is good , but it’s not great , and given that Goldman has nearly 100 applicants per role on its summer internship, “good” probably won’t cut it.

If you’re insistent on using ChatGPT, though, the only real tip we can give you is feed it a lot of information. More than you think it needs. It will discard what isn’t relevant and keep what it thinks (is that the right word here?) is. Oh, and be polite to it. You never know when it goes all Skynet on us, and you can only hope it spares the polite ones.

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Have a confidential story, tip, or comment you’d like to share? Contact:  [email protected]  in the first instance.

Bear with us if you leave a comment at the bottom of this article: all our comments are moderated by human beings. Sometimes these humans might be asleep, or away from their desks, so it may take a while for your comment to appear. Eventually it will – unless it’s offensive or libelous (in which case it won’t.)


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Goldman Sachs cover letter.

<p>Hi, can you guys read the cover letter below that I am planning to send to Goldman Sachs for a new analyst position? Let me know if I should change anything and if it is good enough.</p>

<p>To whom it may concern; I am recent graduate of XXXX XXXX with Bachelor’s Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics. I am planning on pursuing a career in Investment Banking and I believe the Goldman Sachs New Analyst Program is an ideal opportunity for me to build my career.</p>

<p>Even though I graduated with an engineering degree, I choose to divert my career in to finances as I have developed a passion for investment banking from an early age. I believe the quantitative skills and work ethic I have gained by majoring in two rigorous subjects have given me the potential to succeed in the rapidly changing financial industry. I would like to assure you of my capability to become a successful analyst since I am equipped with necessary education and experience. I have completed a yearlong internship at XXXX XXXX where I regularly interacted with clients, developing and maintaining an in-depth understanding of specific product lines, product applications, competition, and markets. I am also fluent in database administration and related programming languages and have completed a computer track curriculum for my engineering degree. </p>

<p>I am certain that you have a vast amount of applicants with the same qualifications and skills that I have to select from for the above mentioned position. However, I believe my determined nature and refusal to quit until I achieve my goals is absolutely unique. I am ambitious towards building a long term career at Goldman Sachs, growing professionally with the company. It is an honor to be considered for an opportunity at your prestigious firm and I assure you that my performance will not be a disappointment. Yours Sincerely,</p>

<p>XXXX XXXX</p>

<p>An early age? Don’t include that as they may wonder why you chose an engineering degree is from an early age you liked investment banking. Maybe say “my interest developed through my internship at XXX where I learned to use my skills in engineering to solve problems in finance/banking.”</p>

<p>The last paragraph is too cliched. A “determined nature and refusal to quit”? Everyone says that. Add an example of something you did at the banking job that shows these qualities.</p>

<p>Show, don’t tell.</p>

<p>It’s way too long IMO, they don’t want to read paragraphs</p>

<p>Your first large paragraph is good since it is specifically tailored to you and your specific studies. However, the paragraph after that could have been written by any student, especially this sentence: “However, I believe my determined nature and refusal to quit until I achieve my goals is absolutely unique.” Most Goldman Sachs applicants are determined and refuse to quit until they achieve their goals. I can assure you that it is not “absolutely unique” to you since I have a determined nature and refuse to quit until I reach my goals too ;)</p>

<p>Tell them why you are essential. What do you know about technology & science that can help you as an analyst? Ideally you should be able to tailor your expertise to a certain industry or technology. GL</p>

<p>If you can’t write a cover letter by yourself just to apply for a position… especially at Goldman… you probably shouldn’t be applying. </p>

<p>BTW… You have WAYYYYY too many “to be” verbs. C’mon, I corrected that common mistake in the 9th grade. People these days.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice everybody. I edited and summarized my letter and deleted the last paragraph. </p>

<p>@nuevoPuertoRican…■■■■■ alert…</p>

<p>Couldn’t you have the people at Penn Career Services look at your cover letter? I know they do those things for people. Have them take a look at it.</p>


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    Get access to over 7,000 cover letters from candidates getting jobs at your target companies. Explore company projects on MindSumo. MindSumo is the leading crowdsourcing platform for insight and innovation from Millennials and Gen Z consumers. We harness the power of the crowd to generate ideas and solve problems for companies.

  20. Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Advice

    Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Advice - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  21. Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Tips

    Goldman Sachs Cover Letter Tips - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  22. Can ChatGPT write your Goldman Sachs cover letter?

    We typed in a basic outline of the requirements of a Goldman Sachs cover letter and a few (fabricated) distinguishing features, such as being an economics student with a good GPA, being vice-chairperson of the finance society, and a list of Goldman's values (Client service, excellence, integrity, and partnership).

  23. Goldman Sachs cover letter.

    Hi, can you guys read the cover letter below that I am planning to send to Goldman Sachs for a new analyst position? Let me know if I should change anything and if it is good enough. To whom it may concern; I am recent graduate of XXXX XXXX with Bachelor s Degrees in Electrical Engineering and Physics. I am planning on pursuing a career in Investment Banking and I believe the Goldman Sachs New ...