Come si redige un business plan per un hotel?
I nostri esperti hanno creato un business plan per un hotel , completamente personalizzabile.
Aprire un albergo è il desiderio di numerosi creatori d'impresa. Nonostante ciò, prima di lanciare un'attività, è giusto redigere un buon business plan. Questo strumento offre la possibilità di stabilire una strategia di miglioramento per il tuo hotel considerando, ad esempio, il budget iniziale, il modello di business, il fatturato, gli indicatori di performance nonché gli utili futuri del tuo hotel. In più, il business plan del tuo hotel rappresenta uno strumento importante nel caso di una domanda di finanziamento presso una banca. Quali elementi fanno parte del business plan di un hotel? Come si può essere sicuri di non dimenticare nulla? Come si può determinare il budget iniziale del tuo hotel? Quali sono gli indici finanziari da inserire in un business plan? È possibile calcolare il punto di pareggio di un hotel? Queste domande sono frequenti, ti rispondiamo in questo articolo. D'altro canto, per ottimizzare le tue chances di successo, scarica il nostro business plan sviluppato sul modello economico di un hotel .
La scrittura del business plan di un hotel
Come e perché stilare un business plan per un hotel.
Elaborare un business plan per un hotel dà l'opportunità di: - identificare i dati in relazione al mercato degli alberghi - sintetizzare le tendenze che caratterizzano il settore alberghiero - presentare i fattori di successo di un hotel - identificare il profilo dei tuoi clienti senza dimenticare le loro preferenze - scegliere una buona proposta di valore per il tuo progetto - identificare gli hotel concorrenti senza dimenticare la loro offerta - mettere in luce i vantaggi competitivi per il tuo hotel - sintetizzare, con un Business Model Canvas, il modello di business del tuo hotel - redigere una strategia di sviluppo (in più fasi) - studiare i rischi e gli eventi che possono creare problemi per il tuo hotel - mostrare a una banca che il tuo nuovo progetto diventerà conveniente I nostri esperti hanno cercato di scrivere un buon business plan per un hotel , che rispetti i punti appena citati.
Come strutturare il business plan di un hotel?
Questo tipo di documento comprende un numero importante di informazioni, variabili e analisi. Tuttavia, è essenziale che questi dati vengano ben strutturati per avere un business plan serio. Questo è quello che abbiamo fatto nel nostro business plan per un hotel . Il documento si struttura in diverse parti che spiegheremo in modo dettagliato qui sotto. La parte iniziale del business plan corrisponde all' “Opportunità del Mercato” . In questa parte, il nostro staff va a studiare delle cifre e dei dati riguardo al mercato degli alberghi. I dati vengono aggiornati regolarmente. Questa parte consente anche di sintetizzare le ultime tendenze del mercato degli alberghi (per esempio l'esperienza del cliente digitalizzata, la realtà virtuale per visitare le camere d'albergo, Alberghi con aree "wellness", gli hotel ecosostenibili, o ancora gli affitti giornalieri (per il telelavoro dalla camera d'albergo)). Per concludere, citiamo gli elementi che consentono a un hotel di generare profitti La seconda parte del business plan è quella della “Presentazione dell'attività” . Quest'ultima ci offre la possibilità di presentare il tuo hotel: In quale regione è situato l'hotel? Qual è la sua capacità ricettiva? Che categoria di hotel è (fascia media, fascia alta, superior)? etc.). Questa parte introduce anche la proposta di valore del tuo hotel. Termina con la presentazione del titolare del progetto (la persona alla guida di questo nuovo progetto). A seguire si trova la sezione indicata come “Studio del Mercato” che consente di sintetizzare i segmenti di clientela per il tuo hotel. Vengono presentati inoltre i concorrenti attraverso un'analisi concorrenziale. Questa parte include , in particolare, una SWOT, lo strumento destinato a identificare i punti di forza e di debolezza del tuo hotel, mostrando, allo stesso tempo, opportunità e minacce che possono influire sul suo sviluppo. Successivamente, la parte della “Strategia” ci consente di esporre una solida strategia a lungo termine contenente le azioni che consentiranno al tuo hotel di raggiungere velocemente il punto di pareggio. Si illustra anche un piano commerciale e di marketing che consenta una crescita degli indicatori finanziari. In ultimo, il nostro business plan per un hotel presenta una parte relativa alle “Finanze” , un supporto utile nella presentazione di tutti gli indicatori che consentono l'analisi finanziaria del tuo hotel.
Come redigere un Executive Summary per un hotel?
Al fine di redigere bene l'Executive Summary del tuo hotel, bisogna seguire determinati elementi. Anzitutto, questo file deve essere sintetico. Infatti, non deve superare le due pagine. Di fatto, l'Executive Summary, costituisce l'introduzione del business plan del tuo hotel. Allo stesso modo, però, questo deve essere pedagogico, e perciò essere in grado di convincere i lettori che il tuo hotel è un progetto imprenditoriale sotto controllo. Evita formule rischiose ed evidenzia i punti di forza di questo progetto imprenditoriale (per esempio: si assicura di essere presente tra i primi risultati sulle piattaforme di prenotazione, sviluppa un programma di animazione ricco e vario (adatto per adulti e bambini), consente ai clienti di portare i loro animali domestici (fornendo loro un servizio di sicurezza) o ancora presta particolare attenzione alla pulizia e all'igiene). Il tuo Executive Summary deve rispettare una certa struttura. Puoi lasciarti ispirare da quella del nostro business plan per un hotel , descritto precedentemente nell'articolo.
Come creare un'analisi di mercato di un hotel?
Una corretta analisi di mercato per il tuo hotel consente di identificare gli elementi che interessano il tuo progetto, tra i quali troviamo l'intensità della richiesta sul mercato, i cambiamenti significativi e l'ambiente concorrenziale. Ogni avventura imprenditoriale dovrà partire da una ricerca di mercato. Come strutturare un corretto studio di mercato? Bisognerà sintetizzare un numero importante di informazioni. Qui sotto, i diversi dati consultabili nella sezione "Ricerca di mercato" del business plan adatto a un hotel : - i dati e le statistiche degli utlimi mesi in merito al mercato degli alberghi - le innovazioni del mercato degli alberghi - i segmenti del mercato del tuo hotel - l'analisi concorrenziale - degli esempi di vantaggi competitivi - la matrice SWOT di un hotel
Gli aspetti essenziali di un business plan per un hotel
Come definire il modello economico di un hotel.
Il modello di business di un hotel prevede di offrire alloggio, servizi di ristorazione e servizi di intrattenimento. Gli hotel guadagnano ricavi dalle tariffe degli ospiti, dalle commissioni per i servizi aggiuntivi e dalle vendite di beni e servizi ai clienti. Gli hotel possono anche guadagnare ricavi da attività di marketing e promozionali. In generale, in un business plan, andiamo a presentare il modello economico della tua attività attraverso un Business Model Canvas. Questo strumento consente di apprendere facilmente le caratteristiche del tuo progetto, in particolare i canali di distribuzione, la struttura dei costi, i partner principali, ecc. Il nostro business plan studiato per un hotel comprende, ovviamente, un Business Model Canvas (redatto ma anche modificabile) elaborato appositamente per questo settore.
Come definire i segmenti di mercato di un hotel?
Segmentare il mercato significa semplicemente "segmentare" una base di soggetti (e o di imprese) in più segmenti con dei tratti comuni. Nella tua situazione, sarà necessario separare i soggetti che potrebbero voler affittare camere nel tuo hotel. Perché riteniamo necessaria questa operazione? Suddividere il mercato ti permette di strutturare la presentazione della clientela nel tuo business plan. Pertanto, questo approccio ti consentirà di comunicare con più forza (ad esempio, separando le offerte e i messaggi del tuo hotel secondo i diversi segmenti). Dei possibili segmenti di mercato del tuo hotel possono essere i turisti alla scoperta della città, i quadri e i professionisti in viaggio d'affari o le famiglie e i gruppi di amici in vacanza. Nel nostro business plan adatto a un hotel potrai trovare un'analisi dettagliata dei segmenti di mercato di questo settore.
Come stilare l'analisi della concorrenza di un hotel?
Non sarai mai solo nel mercato degli alberghi. Troverai sicuramente gli hotel concorrenti sul mercato. Il tuo business plan deve esporre uno studio di questi concorrenti. Bisogna presentare le loro caratteristiche principali, così come le loro potenzialità e, allo stesso modo, i loro punti di debolezza. Identifica soprattutto i loro punti deboli (per esempio: delle scarse recensioni su, un personale ostile, un livello di igiene delle camere discutibile, un'arredo obsoleto o dei prezzi eccessivamente alti). Perché è opportuno concentrarsi su questi punti? Poiché questi elementi comportano chiaramente delusione tra i diversi clienti degli hotel concorrenti. Approfitta di questa situazione e ricava dei vantaggi concorrenziali per il tuo hotel. Un vantaggio concorrenziale rappresenta un'ottima possibilità, che potrà aiutare il tuo progetto a sconfiggere i suoi concorrenti. Di seguito, degli esempi di vantaggi competitivi da costruire per un hotel: - fornisce ai clienti l'attrezzatura più completa (al fine di migliorare il loro comfort durante i loro soggiorni) - recluta personale con alta qualità umane (e fornisce regolarmente formazione nei codici alberghieri) - si occupa del trasporto di clienti non appena arrivano a destinazione (e offre loro un servizio di trasporto dedicato ai loro viaggi durante i loro soggiorni) - si trova in un luogo apprezzato dai turisti - garantisce un'esperienza cliente di alta qualità (enfatizzando i servizi in camera) - svolge regolarmente manutenzione sulle attrezzature e sulle strutture (per garantire sempre il miglior comfort per i clienti) - ecc. Scarica il nostro business plan per un hotel per avere una ricerca concorrenziale già redatta nonché la lista dei vantaggi competitivi realizzata appositamente per questo tipo di attività.
Come stilare la SWOT del tuo hotel?
La SWOT costituisce una risorsa strategica per analizzare i punti di forza e di debolezza di un progetto imprenditoriale, ad esempio il tuo hotel. Allo stesso modo, però, la SWOT è importante per sintetizzare condizioni favorevoli e le sfide poste dall'ambiente. Una SWOT riuscita per il tuo hotel deve essere sintetica e pertinente. Questo è un esercizio difficile per i giovani imprenditori , che a volte elaborano delle analisi SWOT sconnesse, poco convincenti e raramente leggibili. Questa situazione non è favorevole, perché, come il Business Model Canvas, l'analisi SWOT è una visione sintetica, che rivela una moltitudine di fattori riguardanti il tuo hotel all'istante. Al fine di ottenere una matrice SWOT completa, consulta il nostro business plan adatto a un hotel .
Come stilare la strategia di marketing per un hotel?
All'interno del business plan del tuo hotel, dovrai descrivere un piano strategico per un lungo periodo al fine di garantire la crescita futura del tuo progetto imprenditoriale. La strategia di marketing e commerciale riunisce l'insieme di azioni e iniziative che saranno messe in atto affinché un numero crescente di clienti sia invogliato a affittare camere nel tuo hotel. Per fare un esempio, tra queste potremmo prendere in considerazione lo sviluppo di un sito per il tuo hotel. Quest'ultimo aiuterà i tuoi clienti futuri a trovarti sul web. Qui dovranno essere presenti dei dati e delle informazioni riguardanti il tuo hotel. Sarà opportuno , allo stesso modo, elaborare e migliorare il suo posizionamento (ossia la SEO) e, nello specifico, prestando attenzione alle parole chiave correlate affinché il tuo hotel sia molto visibile fra i diversi risultati di Google. Per essere certi di posizionare il proprio sito al numero 1 dei risultati sul motore di ricerca, puoi anche investire parte del budget in (quello che definiamo) "campagne" Google Ads. Il tuo hotel deve anche essere presente sui social media. Lo strumento Facebook Ads aiuta a far conoscere il tuo hotel e le sue caratteristiche a un pubblico mirato. Questo è un mezzo efficace per attirare dei nuovi clienti. La politica di comunicazione del tuo hotel non si fa solo online. Si possono prevedere anche dei supporti diversi È possibile , per esempio, far creare dei supporti pubblicitari per il tuo hotel. Infine, si possono mettere in atto delle partnership con imprese e istituzioni che saranno utili per sviluppare la tua presenza. Esistono moltissime tecniche nonché canali di marketing da considerare. Scopri tutto nel modello di business plan per un hotel .
Gli indici finanziari del business plan del tuo hotel
Un business plan solido comporterà una dimostrazione finanziaria con numerose tabelle e indicatori. Sarà opportuno, per esempio, prevedere delle stime di fatturato del tuo hotel. Ovviamente è essenziale che queste stime siano coerenti. Il nostro modello finanziario adatto a un hotel comprende un sistema guidato per correggerti. All'interno di questo modello, i prezzi dei pernottamenti nel tuo albergo sono precompilati ma anche modificabili. Allo stesso modo, bisogna costruire un budget previsionale per il tuo hotel. Tale budget integrerà l'insieme degli investimenti di avvio e il totale. L'analisi di tutti gli indicatori di redditività rappresenta anche una sezione importante del business plan del tuo hotel. Ciò consente di anticipare il livello di reddito che bisognerà ottenere per raggiungere la soglia di redditività. Questo approccio offre anche delle informazioni a proposito dei vantaggi che potresti potenzialmente generare con il tuo hotel. Inoltre, sarà necessario anche identificare le spese correnti del tuo hotel. Ad esempio, tra queste è possibile trovare gli stipendi di receptionist e cameriere ai piani, le spese di manutenzione e pulizia delle camere, il rinnovo di lenzuola, tende e teli bagno o le spese di ristorazione (se avrai anche un ristorante). Infine, anche la performance della strategia finanziaria del tuo progetto può essere esaminata grazie al rapporto dei bilanci intermedi, allo studio del fabbisogno di capitale circolante e dei grafici. Questi elementi sono a disposizione nel nostro piano finanziario per un hotel .
Altri grandi articoli Creare un hotel che generi profitti Elaborare un studio di mercato per un hotel La redditività di un hotel Il budget per l'apertura di un albergo Redarre un plan finanziario per un hotel
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Hotel Business Plan Template
Written by Dave Lavinsky
Hotel Business Plan
You’ve come to the right place to create a comprehensive business plan for a hotel.
We have helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their hotel companies.
Sample Hotel Business Plan Template
Below is a sample business plan to help you create each of the key elements of a well-developed business plan:
Executive Summary
Business overview.
Pegasus Hotel is a startup full-service independent luxury hotel in Austin, Texas. Owned by two local businessmen, Frank Girard and Miles Butler, it will serve the new up and coming district of the outskirts of Austin and cater to the locals and travelers who crave a luxurious and relaxing atmosphere. Pegasus Hotel will be a 10-story, 360-room hotel with a five-star restaurant and bar, relaxing pool and spa, 20,00 square feet of meeting and event space, a spacious and fully-equipped fitness center, and a view of scenic Austin. Pegasus Hotel will hold weddings and events, meetings, retreats, and those looking to unwind and be pampered while staying at the hotel. The service and amenities will be first class and the concierge will treat guests with extreme care and ensure guest satisfaction is held at an exceptional standard..
Service Offering
The following are the services and amenities that Pegasus Hotel will provide:
- 354 luxury rooms, two presidential suites, and four parlor suites
- Olympic size pool with adjacent hot tubs and surrounding cabanas
- First-class full-service spa
- First-class restaurant and bar
- Spacious fitness center
- Over 20,000 square feet of attractive meeting space for events
- Concierge and butler service
- Complimentary wifi
- Valet service
- Laundry service
- Business center
Customer Focus
Pegasus Hotel will target the population of Austin, Texas, its surrounding communities, and travelers visiting Austin for work or play. Guests will be mid to high level income, enjoy traveling, enjoy visiting spas and high-end restaurants, and work in the corporate or government sector.
Management Team
Pegasus Hotel will be owned by Frank Girard and Miles Butler. They will act in an Owner capacity, and will not be involved in the daily operations of the hotel. Frank and Miles will hire the appropriate staff to ensure Pegasus Hotel is a profitable and successful business.
Lorenzo Falucci, General Manager, has over twenty years of experience in the hospitality industry. He has most recently managed another independent boutique hotel in New York and was excited to be recruited by Frank and Miles to operate the Pegasus Hotel.
Success Factors
Pegasus Hotel will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:
- Friendly, attentive, and highly responsive staff that caters to each guest and will be able to provide the best guest experience possible.
- Luxurious amenities throughout the hotel that will make each guest feel pampered.
- Modern and contemporary designed hotel tucked against a beautiful Texas landscape perfectly suited to host any event.
- Competitive rates and frequent guest discounts.
Financial Highlights
Pegasus Hotel is seeking $10,000,000 in debt financing to begin constructing the hotel and commence operations of the business. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the land lease and the hotel build-out and design. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, initial inventory, and working capital. The breakout of the funding is below:
- Secure the land lot, architecture, build-out, and design: $6,000,000
- Hotel furniture, fixtures, and equipment: $2,000,000
- Initial inventory: $750,000
- Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $1,000,000
- Marketing efforts & advertising: $150,000
- Working capital: $100,000
The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for Pegasus Hotel.
Company Analysis
Who is pegasus hotel.
Pegasus Hotel is a startup full-service independent luxury hotel in Austin, Texas. Owned by two local businessmen, Frank Girard and Miles Butler, it will serve the new up and coming district of the outskirts of Austin and cater to the locals and travelers who crave a luxurious and relaxing atmosphere. Pegasus Hotel will be a 10-story, 360-room hotel with a five-star restaurant and bar, relaxing pool and spa, 20,00 square feet of meeting and event space, and a view of scenic Austin. Pegasus Hotel will hold weddings and events, meetings, retreats, and those looking to unwind and be pampered while staying at the hotel. The mission statement of the hotel is to provide first class service and amenities.
The guests rooms will include luxury beds and bedding with best-in-class furniture and bathroom fixtures. Pegasus Hotel will also have a full-service spa that will be able to provide massages, facials, makeup and/or hair service, steam rooms, and a sauna. The Olympic-sized pool will have adjacent hot tubs with a swim-up bar and surrounding cabanas. Pegasus Hotel will be equipped with state-of-the-art fitness equipment in its spacious gym. The restaurant will be a high-end steakhouse that will feature entrees from a world-renowned chef and a wine list cultivated by the area’s most respected sommelier. There will also be over 20,000 square feet of meeting space that will hold weddings, bat mitzvahs, reunions, galas, and any special event.
Pegasus Hotel will be independently owned and operated and will feature its own reservation system and operational software. Each employee will be expertly trained and vetted to pass luxury industry guest service standards. Pegasus Hotel is committed to providing the best guest experience possible while maintaining a profitable hotel. Pegasus Hotel aims to be a step above the rest and be an unforgettable experience for all who step foot into the hotel.
Pegasus Hotel History
Pegasus Hotel is owned by two local businessmen, Frank Girard and Miles Butler. Frank and Miles have been friends and business associates for over thirty years. They became friends in college while attending The University of Texas at Austin. Frank is a real estate developer specializing in commercial real estate and multi-use land projects. Miles is a software engineer who has built multitudes of software programs for various companies. They have both been extremely successful in their careers and want to divest their investments in a large-scale full-service hotel in Austin, Texas.
Since incorporation, Pegasus Hotel has achieved the following key milestones:
- Acquired a 40-acre lot on the outskirts of Austin, Texas.
- Registered Pegasus Hotel, LLC to do business in the State of Texas.
- Hired a consultant to conduct a feasibility study for a full-service hotel in Austin.
- Began developing reservation and operational management software for use at the hotel.
- Began the branding image, logo, website, and social media accounts for the staffing agency.
- Applied for a liquor and mixed beverage permit with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.
- Hired an architect to begin the design phase of the hotel.
Pegasus Hotel Services
The following will be the services and amenities Pegasus Hotel will provide:
Industry Analysis
The hotel industry is expected to increase to a $133 billion in the next five years. The hospitality industry will benefit from increases in travel spending, corporate profit and general consumer spending.
As consumers earn higher incomes and businesses replenish their budgets, travel spending is projected to increase over the next five years. Inbound trips by non-US residents are anticipated to rise 22% over next the five years, while domestic travel is expected to grow 9% during the same period.
This competitive industry will see particularly strong future growth in extended-stay hotels, boutique hotels, spa and health retreats and resorts segments. As demand for these auxiliary services picks up, industry employment is anticipated to recover and increase over the next five years. Industry players are also expected to continue expanding abroad into emerging economies, such as Asia, Eastern Europe and South America. These foreign markets are expected to somewhat detract from domestic capital investment, as they offer higher growth prospects for industry operators.
Customer Analysis
Demographic profile of target market.
The precise demographics for Austin, Texas are:
Zip Code: | 78712 | 78718 |
Total Population | 13,059 | 26,896 |
Male | 52.6% | 48.5% |
Female | 47.4% | 51.5% |
15 to 19 years | 3.6% | 3.6% |
20 to 24 years | 61.4% | 62.2% |
25 to 29 years | 21.0% | 20.5% |
30 to 34 years | 14.0% | 13.7% |
Household income $50,000 to $74,999 | 1.2% | 2.3% |
Household income $75,000 to $99,999 | 9.8% | 10.2% |
Household income $100,000 to $124,999 | 3.6% | 3.2% |
Household income $125,000 to $149,999 | 10.8% | 8.9% |
Household income $150,000 to $199,999 | 27.4% | 27.2% |
Household income $200,000 or more | 47.2% | 49.0% |
Customer Segmentation
Pegasus Hotel will primarily target the following customer profiles:
- Individuals and families who have disposable income (mid to high level)
- Frequent travelers
- Individuals who dine out and visit spas frequently
- White collar workers (corporate or government office)
Competitive Analysis
Direct and indirect competitors.
Pegasus Hotel will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of our direct competitors is below.
Hotel Ella is a historic boutique hotel located in Austin, Texas. Located in downtown Austin and walking distance to the University of Texas campus, Hotel Ella is a stylish boutique hotel housed in the historic Goodall Wooten House, one of Austin’s original landmark estates. Constructed in 1900, the Greek revival-style mansion underwent an extensive renovation in 2013, and now offers the perfect balance between modernity and a rich history rooted in the fabric of the neighborhood and the university. Hotel Ella has 47 guest rooms, a cabana-lined pool, and a wrap-around veranda overlooking the front lawn. Hotel Ella features beautifully designed outdoor and indoor spaces perfectly suited for a vacation, wedding, or corporate event. The hotel also features a diverse collection of Texas Modernist works around the hotel grounds.
All guests of Hotel Ella are treated to warm southern hospitality and superior personalized service during their stay. The historic property is appointed with a variety of elegant 21st century amenities. Hotel Ella also offers the following amenities and guest services:
- Complimentary 24-hour guest services
- Complimentary high-speed wi-fi access
- Complimentary electric car charging station
- Complimentary morning newspapers available in the historic mansion
- Complimentary coffee stations from 5am – 11am
- Twice-daily housekeeping service
- Cabana-lined outdoor pool
- Fitness center
- Same-day valet laundry services
- In-room dining by Goodall’s
- Business services: photocopying, printing, postal services, and supplies
Hotel Ella also welcomes dogs of all sizes at no additional fee.
Kimber Modern
Kimber Modern is located in the hip SoCo district of Austin and is intended to draw in the independent urban traveler seeking a unique escape. It is architecturally designed with clean lines and abundant light filtered through canopies of oaks in an artfully landscaped Courtyard. The hotel also encompasses absolute comfort and attention to detail while providing technologically sophisticated rooms in their boutique guest rooms. Guests booking at Kimber Modern will receive complimentary beverages, parking, and WiFi.
Kimber Modern offers the following hotel amenities to its guests:
- Off street covered parking
- Electric car charging station
- Keyless entry
- Complimentary WiFi throughout the hotel
- Multi-level courtyard with a 25-foot glass water feature with multiple areas to lounge
- Jura self-serve coffee system featuring a variety of coffee drinks 24/7
- Beverage bar 24/7
- Gourmet teas
- Virtual concierge – computer, printer, and copier
- Meeting space available for groups
- 3pm check-in and noon check-out
Guests are also available to book the entire hotel for their group.
The Cat Noir Hotel
The Cat Noir Hotel is an award-winning 14-room boutique hotel located in the heart of Austin’s east side. The European-styled boutique hotel includes a restaurant and bar partner, Uncle Nicky’s Italian Specialties. Uncle Nicky’s offers a relaxed all-day dining experience that is themed after cafes in northern Italy. The Cat Noir Hotel opened in 2016 and has been ranked #2 by Travel + Leisure’s World’s Best Awards and Top 20 Best Hotels in Texas by Conde Nast Traveler.
The Cat Noir Hotel’s contemporary design maintains a sense of warmth and a unique aesthetic that is felt through the lobby, outdoor spaces, and each of the unique guest rooms. In addition to the design elements, The Cat Noir Hotel boasts the following features:
- Private roof deck for guests to enjoy the stunning views of downtown, the Texas Capitol, and the University of Texas
- Outdoor patio and courtyard areas on all levels
- Artwork from local artists
Each of the guest rooms include Juliet balconies with neighborhood views, fine linens, and Simmons luxury plush mattresses.
Competitive Advantage
Pegasus Hotel will be able to offer the following advantages over their local competition:
Marketing Plan
Brand & value proposition.
Pegasus Hotel will offer the unique value proposition to its target local market:
- Professional and attentive staff dedicated to ensure complete guest satisfaction.
- Various amenities throughout the hotel for any guest to enjoy.
- Modern and contemporary design with beautiful Texas views throughout the entire hotel.
- Competitive rates.
Promotions Strategy
The promotions strategy for Pegasus Hotel is as follows:
Social Media
Pegasus Hotel will invest in advertising the hotel on social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. By using targeted social media marketing, Pegasus Hotel will be able to reach those who frequent nice restaurants and spas and travel frequently.
Website/SEO Marketing
Pegasus Hotel will invest in a strong SEO presence so that when someone enters “Austin boutique hotel” or “first class hotel near me” in their Google or Bing search bar, Pegasus Hotel is at the top of the list. Their website will feature photos of the guest rooms, meeting areas, pool, spa, fitness center, and restaurant/bar. Future guests will be able to make a reservation to book their future stay on the website and access contact information for either a Director of Sales or General Manager of the property.
Pegasus Hotel will request all requests for news stories regarding the development of the hotel, owner/developer information, opening dates, etc. By accommodating the press’ requests for stories, it will also be free advertising for the public to learn about the new up and coming luxury hotel.
Frank and Miles will invest in a billboard in downtown Austin where the mid to upper class of residents frequent. The hotel will be minimalistic but eye-catching. It will feature an attractive rendering of the hotel along with the website. Curious passersby will be directed to visit the hotel’s website for detailed information.
Third Party Booking Websites / Online Travel Agencies
Once the hotel is nearing 60 days towards opening, all of the third-party websites will feature Pegasus Hotel so that travelers visiting Austin will be able to see it listed as an option for Austin hotels.
Bridal Shows and Wedding Industry Events
Pegasus Hotel will have a table at all of Austin’s bridal shows and wedding industry events. It will attract those couples searching for a venue to accommodate their special day.
The pricing of Pegasus Hotel will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing its guest rooms and services.
Operations Plan
The following will be the operations plan for Pegasus Hotel.
Operation Functions:
- Frank and Miles will be the owners of the hotel and hire the appropriate staff to manage the hotel. Frank will act as CFO of the hotel and Miles will be in charge of the reservation system, hotel operations software, and revenue management. Miles developed the software and will focus on making sure it’s always functional and efficient.
- General Manager will be hired to oversee the entire staff and hotel operations to include guest satisfaction, oversee vendor contracts, events, and making sure that each department is running effectively and efficiently.
- Assistant General Manager to assist the General Manager with overseeing the staff, with particular attention to guest satisfaction and front desk operations.
- Director of Sales will be hired to sell events, corporate accounts, and group bookings for the hotel.
- Maintenance Engineer will be hired to attend to all mechanical and plumbing issues that may arise.
- Executive Housekeeper will be hired to lead the team of housekeepers to make sure all areas of the hotel are being cleaned to Pegasus Hotel standards and that each guest is receiving all accommodations to their requested schedule.
Pegasus Hotel will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.
8/1/202X – Purchase land lot and break ground on new hotel business.
8/15/202X – Finalize architectural renderings and hire a General Contractor to build the hotel.
9/1/202X – Finalize contract with advertising company for them to design the branding image of the hotel, logo, website, billboard, and social media accounts.
9/15/202X – Begin social media and website advertising campaign. Billboard with a teaser of ‘Coming Soon’ will go up in downtown Austin.
10/5/202X – Hire General Manager and Director of Sales.
10/15/202X – Attend annual Wedding Industry Event with a table to begin advertising Pegasus Hotel.
11/1/202X – Pegasus Hotel will go live on third party booking websites.
11/15/202X – Remainder of staff will be hired to begin training program.
11/30/202X – Final walk-thru of newly constructed Pegasus Hotel.
12/15/202X – Begin furnishing and interior design of the hotel.
1/1/202X – Grand Opening of Pegasus Hotel.
Pegasus Hotel will be owned by Frank Girard and Miles Butler. They will act in an Owner capacity, and will not be involved in the day to day operations of the hotel. Frank and Miles will hire the appropriate staff to ensure Pegasus Hotel is a profitable and successful business.
Lorenzo Falucci, General Manager, has over twenty years of experience in the hotel industry. He has most recently managed another independent boutique hotel in New York and was excited to be recruited by Frank and Miles to operate the Pegasus Hotel.
Lorenzo will hire Lisa Montgomery as the Director of Sales and David Jimenez as the Assistant General Manager. After an exhaustive search, Lorenzo believes has found the next two senior management positions to ensure the success of the hotel. Each comes with an impressive resume of prior hotel sales and operational experience.
Lorenzo, Lisa, and David will be the senior management team of Pegasus Hotel. They will oversee all other department managers – Maintenance, Housekeeping, Front Desk/Guest Relations, and Food and Beverage. Each department manager will oversee various employees in their respective department and role. The Pegasus Hotel will have a large and sophisticated operation as each department is integral in the success of the hotel.
Lorenzo, Lisa, and David will meet with Frank and Miles monthly to update them on progress and overall operations and sales efforts of the Pegasus Hotel.
Financial Plan
Key revenue & costs.
The revenue drivers for Pegasus Hotel are the revenues it will collect when guests book a reservation at the hotel. The hotel will also collect revenues from its restaurant and bar, spa, and events it will host.
The cost drivers will be the payroll and overhead costs to staff the hotel. Other start-up costs will involve the land lease, utilities, marketing costs, and technology fees. There will also be costs associated with the maintenance of the hotel, food and beverage inventory, spa inventory, and hotel guest room supplies.
Funding Requirements and Use of Funds
- Marketing & advertising: $150,000
Key Assumptions
The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.
- Initial Number of Room Nights Sold per Month: 8,000
- Number of Events per Month: 30
- Land Lease per Year: $1,500,000
Financial Projections
Income statement.
FY 1 | FY 2 | FY 3 | FY 4 | FY 5 | ||
Revenues | ||||||
Total Revenues | $360,000 | $793,728 | $875,006 | $964,606 | $1,063,382 | |
Expenses & Costs | ||||||
Cost of goods sold | $64,800 | $142,871 | $157,501 | $173,629 | $191,409 | |
Lease | $50,000 | $51,250 | $52,531 | $53,845 | $55,191 | |
Marketing | $10,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | $8,000 | |
Salaries | $157,015 | $214,030 | $235,968 | $247,766 | $260,155 | |
Initial expenditure | $10,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Total Expenses & Costs | $291,815 | $416,151 | $454,000 | $483,240 | $514,754 | |
EBITDA | $68,185 | $377,577 | $421,005 | $481,366 | $548,628 | |
Depreciation | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | |
EBIT | $41,025 | $350,417 | $393,845 | $454,206 | $521,468 | |
Interest | $23,462 | $20,529 | $17,596 | $14,664 | $11,731 | |
PRETAX INCOME | $17,563 | $329,888 | $376,249 | $439,543 | $509,737 | |
Net Operating Loss | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Use of Net Operating Loss | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Taxable Income | $17,563 | $329,888 | $376,249 | $439,543 | $509,737 | |
Income Tax Expense | $6,147 | $115,461 | $131,687 | $153,840 | $178,408 | |
NET INCOME | $11,416 | $214,427 | $244,562 | $285,703 | $331,329 |
Balance Sheet
FY 1 | FY 2 | FY 3 | FY 4 | FY 5 | ||
ASSETS | ||||||
Cash | $154,257 | $348,760 | $573,195 | $838,550 | $1,149,286 | |
Accounts receivable | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Inventory | $30,000 | $33,072 | $36,459 | $40,192 | $44,308 | |
Total Current Assets | $184,257 | $381,832 | $609,654 | $878,742 | $1,193,594 | |
Fixed assets | $180,950 | $180,950 | $180,950 | $180,950 | $180,950 | |
Depreciation | $27,160 | $54,320 | $81,480 | $108,640 | $135,800 | |
Net fixed assets | $153,790 | $126,630 | $99,470 | $72,310 | $45,150 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | $338,047 | $508,462 | $709,124 | $951,052 | $1,238,744 | |
Debt | $315,831 | $270,713 | $225,594 | $180,475 | $135,356 | |
Accounts payable | $10,800 | $11,906 | $13,125 | $14,469 | $15,951 | |
Total Liability | $326,631 | $282,618 | $238,719 | $194,944 | $151,307 | |
Share Capital | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Retained earnings | $11,416 | $225,843 | $470,405 | $756,108 | $1,087,437 | |
Total Equity | $11,416 | $225,843 | $470,405 | $756,108 | $1,087,437 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY | $338,047 | $508,462 | $709,124 | $951,052 | $1,238,744 |
Cash Flow Statement
FY 1 | FY 2 | FY 3 | FY 4 | FY 5 | ||
Net Income (Loss) | $11,416 | $214,427 | $244,562 | $285,703 | $331,329 | |
Change in working capital | ($19,200) | ($1,966) | ($2,167) | ($2,389) | ($2,634) | |
Depreciation | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | $27,160 | |
Net Cash Flow from Operations | $19,376 | $239,621 | $269,554 | $310,473 | $355,855 | |
Investment | ($180,950) | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Net Cash Flow from Investments | ($180,950) | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Cash from equity | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | $0 | |
Cash from debt | $315,831 | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | |
Net Cash Flow from Financing | $315,831 | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | ($45,119) | |
Net Cash Flow | $154,257 | $194,502 | $224,436 | $265,355 | $310,736 | |
Cash at Beginning of Period | $0 | $154,257 | $348,760 | $573,195 | $838,550 | |
Cash at End of Period | $154,257 | $348,760 | $573,195 | $838,550 | $1,149,286 |
Free Hotel Business Plan Template PDF
You can download our hotel business plan PDF here. This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format. You can easily complete your hotel business plan using our Hotel Business Plan Template here .
Hotel Business Plan FAQs
What is a hotel business plan.
A hotel business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your hotel business. Among other things, it outlines your hotel concept, identifies your target customers, presents your hotel marketing plan and details your revenue projections.
What are the Steps To Start a Hotel Business?
Starting a hotel business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a detailed roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your business goals and get started faster.
Develop A Hotel Business Plan – The first step in starting a business is to create a solid business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This includes market research to identify the potential market size and target audience, the hotel’s services, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.
Choose Your Business Structure – It’s important to select an appropriate legal entity for your hotel business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your hotel business is in compliance with local laws.
Register Your Hotel Business – Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your hotel business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.
Identify Financing Options – It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your hotel business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, potential investors, grants, or crowdfunding platforms to secure funding.
Choose a Location – Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.
Hire Employees – There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.
Acquire Necessary Hotel Equipment & Supplies – In order to start your hotel business, you’ll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.
Market & Promote Your Business – Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your own hotel business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective digital marketing strategy including SEO and paid advertising. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.
Learn more about how to start a new hotel business:
How to Start a Hotel Business
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