Love Or Money: What's More Important For Happiness?

Love is one of the greatest motivations that a person can have in life. Some people say that being able to experience love is important if you want to be happy. There are people who aren't as concerned about love as others, though. Some people are much more concerned with making money, and they may focus on financial success at the expense of their love lives. 

Take a moment to examine whether you feel you should be more focused on finding love or making money.

Determining whether love or money is the most important thing in your life makes sense. You need to be able to prioritize things in your life. If you want to be as happy as possible, then you may want to think about whether what you're doing is going to lead you down the right road. This could help you better focus on your own life goals.

The importance of money and love in marriage

Money is a necessity in this world. You need to be able to make a certain amount of money just to be able to get by. If you make enough money to be comfortable, then you can start buying extra things to increase your standard of living. Being able to buy things may make you feel good about yourself and may make you feel like your hard work has been worthwhile. 

According to many resources, both scholarly and anecdotal, the importance of love and affection  cannot be overstated. Most people have loved ones that they care about dearly. Even if you don't have a romantic partner, you likely have friends or family who love you. Being bonded with someone like this can make a difference when it comes to your overall happiness. It may also be beneficial to have someone you can count on during tough times. This can make it easier to get through tumultuous periods of time.

All types of love can be important and are worthy of being cherished. For example, being “in love” can make you feel like the world is brighter. Friendship can have great value, and family ties are also something many people hold close to their heart. 

Love or money: Finding a balance is key to happiness

Finding a balance in life is often the key to  being truly happy . This means you may not want to focus on love at the expense of your career. There is an old adage that says, "Love doesn't pay the bills." Regardless, it isn't healthy to pursue financial success at the expense of your own happiness, either.

Balancing career goals with relationship goals

With this in mind, you may want to find a career path that gives you enough time to focus on the people and things that you love. For example, you’ll want to spend time with your romantic partner as well as the other important people in your life. Working all the time may not be healthy. Consider striving toward a more balanced lifestyle that honors your desire for both  love and money . 

To achieve this balance, you may want to consider creating some type of schedule for yourself. If you're a bit of a workaholic, so to speak, then you might need to set some rules, like no  answering work e-mails  after dinner or putting away your phone when you're spending time with your romantic partner. 

Learn that money can't buy love

Consider the adage "money can't buy love". There may be some truth to this saying. For example, people might wind up flocking to you if you become rich, but it might not always be because they truly love you. Whether you're curious to know how to marry rich  or are looking for someone rich, keep in mind that money isn't something that can truly comfort you when you're feeling down.

Financial success or true love in relationships?

Humans are social creatures by nature, and we often inherently desire love. Financial success is admirable, and financial stability can bring some degree of happiness for many people. Still, it may be wise to differentiate between the importance of money and the true value of love.

Therapy can help you find balance between wealth and passion

If you've been spending too much time focusing on advancing your career, and it has cost you some of your happiness, then don't be afraid to reach out for help. Trained therapists can help you address mental health challenges like these. Sometimes, people are hesitant to communicate their feelings about things like love and money with a stranger, even if that person is a trained mental health professional. This may be particularly true in a traditional clinical setting like a therapist’s office. In these cases,  online therapy may be a better option .

Effectiveness of online therapy

Studies have shown that online therapy is useful for people who want to address complex feelings. In a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research , the effectiveness of online therapy when treating those with depression and anxiety was observed. Researchers specifically utilized online cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is meant to help participants replace intrusive, negative thoughts that can lead to undesirable behaviors and emotions. The study concluded that online therapy helps to facilitate significant positive results. 

Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp counselors, from people experiencing similar concerns.

Counselor reviews

“Cameron has helped me navigate some incredibly challenging things within my relationship. With his help, I’ve developed confidence to be a more assertive person. Therapy had helped me understand myself and my partner much better, in addition to implementing practices and taking action to improve a situation whereas I otherwise may feel stuck or hopeless. I really loved that he took the time to get to know me and my history before trying to “tell me what to do”. I feel like he really understands how my mind operates and therefore can give great, valuable advice, in addition to being a comforting sounding board.” 

“In the last 7 months or so, Lois has really helped me in reshaping my perspectives on my relationships and my involvement in them. I have seen a great deal of personal growth occur through her attention and guidance. I have been able to understand where my struggles had come from and deal with difficult ideas like blame and guilt. I'm very grateful for her time and attention and I'm confident that my personal relationships will be stronger and healthier as a result of working with Lois.”

Is it better to do what you love or what makes money so you can build wealth?

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Which is More Important in Life: Love or Money | Essay

essay about love and money

Why Money Matters?

Money makes your life comfortable, money can buy you health, money creates more opportunities for you, money can help others, money gives you time, freedom and mobility, money gives you education, why love is important, love allows you to connect with others, love is the source of energy and motivation, love makes you healthy and happy, love makes you kind, love leads you to self-discovery, so is love or money more important, money is a tool, love can make you rich.

In this article, you are going to discover which is more important to you in life, is it love? Or is it money?

For those who think that money is more important than love, they believe so because they believe that money is the glue that keeps the couple together. Without money, they cannot buy the house to move in together. Without money, they cannot watch movies in theatres and go for a date night. Without money, they cannot plan for having babies and building a happy family.

Now, what about love? Isn’t that love is the most important since money can’t buy love? Without love, everything you do seems meaningless. Without love, you will live empty inside. Without love, you will feel like you are incomplete. More importantly, there will be no one there to celebrate with you even if you are rich and have all the money in the world, so does this make love the more important than money?

In order to find out the real answer to the question, whether money or love is more important, you must delve deeper into each component and how money and love affect your life.

First, let us look at money. Why do you think money is important? Well, this is a no-brainer question. People used the money to buy things every day. You use the money to pay your bills, you use the money to buy foods, and you use the money to buy a house or to pay the rent in order to put a roof over your head. So money is truly important. Without money, people cannot survive comfortably.

Money dictates the flow of human living, especially in this modern world. When you don’t have any money, life will often be painful and difficult. Money creates the freedom to you. If you have seen people who are in serious debt and are chasing for money to make ends meet, you will understand that money is important.

Money is a non-negotiable and an indispensable commodity in every person’s life. Do you know that the possession of money means it is a resource and the usage of money can create other resources too? Everything that we use in our daily lives has monetary value, be it directly or indirectly.

With money, you can often buy whatever things you want in your life. In other words, money makes your life comfortable. When you have enough money, you can spend money on necessities like food and groceries.

And when you have more money, you can then spend them on luxury items like a bigger house, a sports car, or even use it for charity. You can donate and help others who are in need. Money is a tool that when used correctly, it will create more good than evil.

You need money to buy and put food on the table. Without money, life cannot go far. Your relationship can suffer and what if you have a family to feed? Therefore, money is important because it provides the basic necessities to survive. More importantly, when you have a lot of money, it makes your life comfortable.

Yes, this is true, money can buy you health. You can maintain your health even though you cannot rule your health. With modern healthcare to increase human longevity, money can help you improve your health and live a healthy lifestyle.

For example, you can spend money on a proper and healthy diet, you can buy nutrition and supplements, you can work out in the gym, and when you are sick, you can get proper medication.

Plus, if you have the money, you can make an appointment with your doctor for a regular checkup. This way, you can prevent serious illnesses rather than having to cure them when you are already infected.

A lot of people did not go for medical and health checkups because they do not have enough money to pay for the healthcare bills. And this becomes even more obvious these days because the cost of medical checkups has been increasing drastically over the years.

Do you know that money can create an opportunity for you? When you are rich and you have the money, you can buy a house that is up for sale and priced under the market. When you have the money, you can invest and build businesses, create more jobs and develop values for the community.

Without money, things will be more difficult. For example, when you saw a house up for sale that is priced below market and you know that this is an absolutely good deal, how can you afford to buy the house when you have no money?

This does not mean that you cannot buy the house and secure the deal, it simply means that without money, things will not be as direct and you need to find other ways to solve the problem. On the contrary, if you have the money, you can buy the house and secure the deal right away, without having to borrow or find ways to make it work.

Hence, money creates opportunities for you. You can invest the money and make businesses flourish. Or you can just give the money to your children so that they do not have to start from zero. Nobody wants to see their children going through a tough start. And money can give you, your family, your lover and the community security.

This is also the main reason why the rich able to get richer. When the rich have money, they are presented with more opportunities to grow and achieve more.

When you see someone who needs monetary aid, will you help? Well, if you have money, then you can choose to help as you like. However, what if you do not have any extra to help?

This is why money can help others and make the world a better place. In 2010, the world’s richest men, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett announced a campaign to encourage wealthy people to contribute a majority of their wealth to philanthropic causes, and they called their campaign, The Giving Pledge.

As of 2017, there are 158 wealthy people have signed the pledge including the Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, and their pledges total to over $365 billion. And this act of kindness has created values, help, and saves a lot of lives around the world.

Thus, money can help others. Not only that money is important in enriching your life, but it can enrich other people’s lives too.

Money can buy you time. You don’t have to trade your time for money. This is exactly what most people are doing because they stuck in a job and if they don’t work, they don’t have the money. It is an endless loop.

At the same time, money gives you freedom too. You have the freedom to choose what to eat, what to buy, which house to stay, and what car to drive. Without money, your choice will be limited. If you don’t have money, you cannot spend on luxury items, hence, your freedom is limited.

Another important reason why money is important is that money builds your school and money sends you there for education. People who are in poverty do not have a better chance to get into a better school or access to higher education.

Furthermore, when you have excess money to spend, you can buy books, attend additional classes like a seminar or a workshop, pay to learn how to cook, how to invest, or how to do things better.

Love can be described as a feeling, an emotion, and also a way of life. The majority of people will think that love is the most important thing that is in life. While there are many facets and faces of love, you are going to discover how love is important and how it can affect your life here.

This may seem like common sense, but it is and will always be the key to the functioning of society as a whole. As human beings, you possessed the ability to have an intimate connection and affectionate with another person.

Nobody can escape from the feeling of love. Feelings and emotions are built in within our biological system, there is no way anyone can escape the feeling of affection and love. It allows you to build an intimate relationship with others, it makes you feel complete, and to a certain extent, it is why people live in this world.

There are plenty of cases whereby people can do something extraordinary and sacrifice without requesting anything in return for the people that they love. This simply shows that love is the most important thing in life, and not money.

When you are in love with what you do and you are passionate, you will strive better and to perform better. This is also to say that people who are in love of their work, their career, their family, their partners, etc, tend to do better in life.

People who have a family and love their family will want to do better to provide their family with a better quality of living. People who are in love will want to perform better for their partner too. Plus, if you are in love with your work and you are passionate about it, you will do your best to deliver extraordinary results.

In fact, love is the thing that created success, and hence, money. Love makes you complete and performs better. When you perform better, you become more successful. When you are successful, you get paid higher or you earn a better income, and you have more money.

When you are in love, you feel inspired. It gives you a can-do attitude and you look at the world in a positive perspective. Love gives you motivation and you can tap into this energy source to achieve greater heights in life.

Studies after studies have proved that when people are feeling loved and grateful, their overall well-being will improve and are less likely to fall sick. When you are feeling loved, your biological system works better to improve your immunity.

Besides that, love can make you feel happy. And there are many benefits one can get from feeling happy. This is why love is the ultimate feeling that everyone is pursuing. There is no way you can live in this world alone. You will feel empty and live in depression.

Humans are creatures who desire to live in groups. Since Stone Age, humans have gathered together and lived in groups. You simply cannot live by yourself. You need to depend on others and get the support from other people to live and to thrive.

We all know that the desire to love and care for others is a hard-wired and deep-seated because the fulfillment of this desire enhances our happiness levels.

In other words, when we feel loved, we are more willing to help others. And when we help others, we make ourselves feel better.

There is a study conducted where participants were either given $5 or $20 as part of the experiment. Participants are then asked to either spend the money on themselves or on others. Those who spent the money on others experienced a higher level of happiness than those who spent the money on themselves.

What is more interesting is that the amount of money spent on others did not make a difference to the happiness level. Meaning to say, those who spent $5 on others derived just as much happiness as those who spent $20.

This is why when you are feeling loved, you will be more likely to give a helping hand to those who are in need.

Love can reveal a lot about ourselves that we may not have already known. This is because when you are in love with others, you reveal a lot about your tastes, preferences, morality, habits, and reactions to the other person. As a result, this also allows you to better understand yourself.

Furthermore, love also makes you a better version of yourself. When you are in love, you will be nice to everyone, you will appreciate everything that is happening in your life, and you will be more willing to help.

Apart from that, your loves will make you fearless. The things that you fear will disappear when you are in love. You know you have your own personal cheerleader in your corner to help you with whatever is needed. If you are in a happy relationship, you know that your partner is always there to support you. You will feel great when you are home or be with your lover despite going through a tough day.

By now, you should understand that both money and love are important in life. After you have read through the information given above, you should know that love and money have their own functions in life and why we need both in order to thrive.

Perhaps, we should love and money like our hands and our legs. Do you think that your legs are more important? Or your hands are more important?

Probably, both hands and legs are important and you definitely do not want to lose any of them. The same can be said for love and money. Both can be important in their own way to make our life work.

Money should not be the main objective of your relationship. And financial success usually comes as a result of a partnership that works, from love. That is why it is important to have both money and love. And you need to learn how to make both works for you in life.

Every time you do something for the sole reason of earning money, you will feel empty inside. And every time you do not have money, you will feel depressed and life can be tough. Money is not the objective of a relationship, but often, money will affect the relationship in its own way.

Always remember that money is a tool. Without money, you will miss out a lot of opportunities and you will lose your freedom to make things happen.

On the other hand, with money, you can help people and make your dreams a reality. Want to travel the world? With money, you can easily make this dream come true. Thus, money is a tool. You must learn how to use this tool wisely.

Instead of letting money to control your life and your relationship, learn to make it work. Learn to control your money and grow it. Money is responsible for the creation of innovative products and companies. Money is required to help and feed those who are in need.

And please understand that money is not evil, but greed is. The money will not turn you into a bad guy. The money will only reveal more of who you already are.

For example, if a kind-hearted person becomes rich, he will do more good, donate to charity and help those who are in need. Oppositely, if a bad person becomes rich, he will use the money to fulfill all his bad ideas.

Therefore, money is neither good nor bad. Money is just a tool that can help you realize your inner desire.

And when you learn to master money and learn to grow it, you will become rich beyond your wildest dreams.

You have heard countless of times that success gurus and people who have accomplished extraordinary results in life always mentioned that love and passion are important.

Steve Jobs has a great commencement speech at Harvard University, he said:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

Everything starts from love. If you want to accomplish great success in life, learn to love yourself, your work, and the people around you. As what you have already learned from above when you are in love, you will be happier and are able to perform better result.

And when you perform better in life, you will achieve more. When you achieve more, you will earn more and as a result, you will have more money. This is why love is important and it can make you rich.

Remember, this is not to say that money is not important or people can only achieve greatness with love. It is possible to achieve greatness without love, but in the end, you will feel empty inside and there is no one to share your success.

Love is a support structure for you to build your ship on. Whatever future you desire, methods you want to follow or wherever you see yourself going, you know that you will have someone who believes in you, trust you, and wants to see you succeed.

This is an important feeling and this emotion can catapult your life to a higher level. This is also why you need to find love in your life and in everything that you do.

Again, both love and money are important because they are different things that will make your life worth living.

Learn to love and be loved so that you can turn the inspiration into energy that drives you to success. At the same time, learn to use money as a tool to achieve your dreams and enrich your loves.



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Does More Money Really Make Us More Happy?

  • Elizabeth Dunn
  • Chris Courtney

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A big paycheck won’t necessarily bring you joy

Although some studies show that wealthier people tend to be happier, prioritizing money over time can actually have the opposite effect.

  • But even having just a little bit of extra cash in your savings account ($500), can increase your life satisfaction. So how can you keep more cash on hand?
  • Ask yourself: What do I buy that isn’t essential for my survival? Is the expense genuinely contributing to my happiness? If the answer to the second question is no, try taking a break from those expenses.
  • Other research shows there are specific ways to spend your money to promote happiness, such as spending on experiences, buying time, and investing in others.
  • Spending choices that promote happiness are also dependent on individual personalities, and future research may provide more individualized advice to help you get the most happiness from your money.

How often have you willingly sacrificed your free time to make more money? You’re not alone. But new research suggests that prioritizing money over time may actually undermine our happiness.

  • ED Elizabeth Dunn is a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and Chief Science Officer of Happy Money, a financial technology company with a mission to help borrowers become savers. She is also co-author of “ Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending ” with Dr. Michael Norton. Her TED2019 talk on money and happiness was selected as one of the top 10 talks of the year by TED.
  • CC Chris Courtney is the VP of Science at Happy Money. He utilizes his background in cognitive neuroscience, human-computer interaction, and machine learning to drive personalization and engagement in products designed to empower people to take control of their financial lives. His team is focused on creating innovative ways to provide more inclusionary financial services, while building tools to promote financial and psychological well-being and success.

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Love or Money, Which is More Important (Debate)

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: November 13, 2021
  • Post category: Fashion Updates and Trends / Financial Tips

Which Is More Important, Love or Money: Money and love are both major themes that are frequently discussed. Some people believe that money is vital since their relationships would suffer if they don’t have it. Some individuals, on the contrary, think that love is more essential than money since money cannot purchase love, and love seems to be what keeps the world moving.

In this post, you will uncover which is more essential to you in life: love or money. Is it money, or something else?

Those who feel money is more essential than love do so because they believe money is the “ adhesive ” that holds the pair together. They can’t buy a house to live in jointly since they don’t have enough money. They can’t go to the movies or have a date night since they don’t have enough money. They can’t prepare for having children and raising a happy family if they don’t have enough money.

What about love, then? Isn’t love the first essential thing, given that money can’t purchase love? All you accomplish becomes pointless without love. You will be lonely within if you do not have love. You will feel inadequate if you do not have love. More significantly, perhaps if you are wealthy and have all the wealth in the world, no one will be around to rejoice with you, so does this make love more essential than money?

To discover the true answer to the issue of if money or love is more essential, we must investigate each element and how money and love impact our lives.

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Table of Contents

Why Money is Important

Let us start with money. Why do we believe money is so essential to us? This is, after all, a no-brainer. Folks buy stuffs with the money on a daily. You utilize the money to foot your expenses, buy groceries, and put a roof above your head by purchasing a home or paying rent.

Love or Money, which is more important in life and relationship

As a result, money is extremely crucial. People can’t live comfortably until they have money.  Money grants you freedom. If you’ve ever seen somebody who is deeply in debt and are frantically looking for money to meet basic needs, you’ll know how valuable money is.

1. Money makes your life easier: Money allows you to purchase almost whatever you desire in life. To put it another way, money makes your life easier. You may spend money on needs like food and consumables after you have sufficient money.

When there is enough money, you can pay for stuff like a bigger house or a sports vehicle, or you can donate it to charity. You could donate to assist people who need assistance. Money is an instrument that, when utilized properly, may produce more positives than negatives.

You’ll need money to buy and prepare food. Life is impossible to live without money. Your marriage may suffer as a result, and what if you have a family to cater for? As a result, money is crucial since it supplies the essentials for survival. More significantly, having a lot of money allows you to live comfortably.

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2. Money buys health : Yes, you can buy your health with money. Even if you can’t control your health, you can maintain it. Money may help you enhance your wellness and live a healthy lifestyle, thanks to modern healthcare’s goal of increasing human lifespan.

For instance, you may spend money on decent and nutritious food, nutrition and vitamins, working out at the gym, and getting adequate treatment when you are ill.

In addition, if you have the funds, you can schedule a regular visit with your doctor. You may avoid deadly infections this way rather than needing to treat them once you’ve been infected.

3. Money allows you to have more time, freedom, and mobility: You can purchase time with money. You are not required to exchange your time for money. This is precisely what the majority of people do since they are trapped in a job and cannot afford to not work. It’s a never-ending cycle.

Money, on the other hand, provides you with independence. You have complete control over what you eat, purchase, where you stay, and what automobile you drive. Your options will be constrained if you don’t have any money. Because you can’t spend money on premium products if you don’t have any, your freedom is constrained.

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4. Money can help you get an education: Money is also vital since it helps to build your college and sends you there to receive an education. Poverty reduces a person’s chances of getting into a better school or gaining access to further education.

Additionally, if you have extra cash, you may buy books, take additional classes such as a conference or workshop, or pay to learn how to prepare meals, invest, or do things efficiently.

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Why Love is Important

Love is a sensation, an emotion, and a mode of living all rolled into one. The percentage of individuals believe that love is the most essential aspect of life. While there are different types of love, you will learn about the importance of love and how it can impact your life here.

Debate on money and love explained

1. Love makes it possible for you to interact with others: This may appear to be simple logic, yet it is and always has been the cornerstone of society’s overall functioning. You have the potential to build a close and caring relationship with another individual as a human being.

Nobody is immune to the emotion of love. Feelings and emotions are hardwired into our biological systems; no one is immune to the feelings of compassion and love. It helps you to form close bonds with others, it makes you feel whole, and it is, to some part, why humans exist in this world.

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2. Love is good for your health and happiness : People’s general well-being improves and they are less likely to become ill when they feel loved and thankful, according to research following studies. The biological system works better to increase your immunity when you feel loved.

Aside from that, love can make you joyful. And there are several advantages to being cheerful. As a result, love is the ultimate sensation that everyone seeks. You will never be able to survive in this world on your own. You will be depressed and feel hollow.

3. Love is a catalyst for self-discovery : Love may teach us a lot regarding ourselves that we didn’t know before. This is because when you fall in love with someone, you expose a lot about yourself, including your interests, opinions, morals, habits, and responses. Consequently, you will have a greater understanding of yourself.

In addition, love makes you a better person. When you’re in love, you’ll be pleased with all, enjoy all that happens in your life, and become more inclined to lend a hand.

Your passions, also, will make you courageous. When you’re in love, the things you’re afraid of will vanish.

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4. Love is a powerful motivator and source of energy : When you love what you do and are enthusiastic about it, you will work more and perform better. This is also to suggest that those who like their jobs, careers, families, spouses, and other aspects of their lives perform better in life.

People who have a family and care about them will want to do whatever they can to improve their family’s standard of living. People who are in love will also wish to improve their performance for their lover. Plus, if you love what you do and are passionate about it, you will go above and beyond to provide exceptional outcomes.

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Love or Money, Which Is More Important

You should know by now that money and love are equally vital in life. You should be aware that love and money serve different purposes in life and that we require both to survive.

Which is more important between love and money

Your relationship’s primary goal should not be money. And financial success is frequently the product of a successful, love-based partnership. That is why having both money and love is essential. And you must learn how to make both of these things work for you in life.

You will feel hollow within whenever you accomplish something just for the sake of receiving money. And when you lack money, you’ll be depressed, and life will be difficult. While money isn’t the prime purpose of a relationship, it does have an impact on it.

essay about love and money

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

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Aaron Ben-Zeév Ph.D.

  • Relationships

Should You Marry for Love or for Money?

What money can really buy in romantic relationships..

Updated August 30, 2023 | Reviewed by Abigail Fagan

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  • Money cannot buy love, but money increases the chances of finding love, and love decreases the need for money.
  • A higher income is associated with less daily sadness but not more daily happiness.
  • A partner should not be a means for your success, but one with whom you share joint flourishing.


“Money can't buy me love.” —The Beatles

“I would sell my body for money before I sold my life for it.” —A woman

Love and money play significant roles when making romantic choices. Though we may not like to admit it, we are often attracted to wealthy individuals, hoping to enjoy the benefits of their wealth. However, being offered direct payment for romance or sex would be offensive and vulgar to many. Should romantic choices involve financial considerations?

What Women Say About Money and Love

Here are random citations (appearing mostly in Reddit) from women, on money and love.

  • “I met a woman who was married to a member of one of the wealthiest families in the world. One day, on a plane journey, she sat next to a completely ordinary guy with a completely ordinary job, who was easygoing and kind. They fell in love. She left her husband, married the ordinary guy and they are still in love after many years together.”
  • “Nothing in life is free. Marrying him just for the money means you have been bought and sold. He will expect a certain level of performance from his new acquisition (not just sex) or you will be out the door.”
  • “Frankly I don't mind being bought and sold; marriage itself is a transaction. I don't expect a Mercedes, or anything of that sort. The marriage will still have problems, money or no money, so why not?”
  • “I absolutely do not regret not marrying a rich man.”
  • “Money will not ease the stress of marriage if you do not have a loving relationship.”
  • “There's nothing wrong with marrying a rich man. But do marry for love, honor, respect and compatibility.”
  • “Money won't make your life joyful; it will make it comfortable until you want more. It will never be enough. Find someone who brings honest joy into your life. Money is a bonus.”
  • “I’d rather marry rich, definitely; it’s so much easier to do creative things when you already have money.”
  • You can buy a relationship, a marriage and sex. But are those things true love?
  • Money doesn't buy love, but rather opportunities for finding love.

Relevant Studies

“Every girl would like to marry a rich husband. I did twice. But what divides girls into two groups is this question – do you first think of money and then love, or vice versa?” —Hedy Lamarr

"Money only impresses lazy girls. When a woman works hard, a man with money is a bonus, not a ladder to an upgrade." —Unknown

Various studies indicate that money plays a significant role in choosing a romantic partner. In one survey , about 56% of Americans said that they would prefer a partner who provided financial security to the feeling of being “head over heels” in love (44%). Similarly, in another survey , 75% of women said that they would not marry a man without a job. Ironically, 91% of single women said they would marry for love over money.

A possible explanation for these seemingly inconsistent results is that a vast majority of women put a greater value on love than money—unless financial means are below a certain threshold. A man without a job is below most people’s imagined acceptable financial threshold, and will probably be unable to nurture personal flourishing in partners that brings out the best from each other. Idealized perceptions of romantic relationships put a far greater value on love than money, but when faced with reality, most people are ready to compromise. This explains why one survey found that Generation Z (born between 1996 and 2010) is the only cohort to choose love over money (54%). At a young age, when realistic considerations are not yet powerful, ideology is more prominent.

An article in Psychologia presents science-backed facts about money, love and happiness . Here are several notable ones:

  • A higher income is associated with less daily sadness but not more daily happiness;
  • Many women prefer to marry rich men and stay at home with their children;
  • The higher your income, the more likely you are to find love;
  • Arguments about money are the best indicator of divorce ;
  • Many people are attracted to those who manage their budgets effectively—extravagant spenders are not popular!

These, and other factors, indicate the complexities of love and money. While money might not be valued as highly as love, love is grounded in a living framework, and our personal thriving within a relationship often depends upon having sufficient money. In the conflict between love and life, love does not always win (Ben-Ze’ev, 2019, and here ). Accordingly, having a balanced combination of love and money is valuable.

Optimal ways of combining love and money

"Use money and love people. Don't love money and use people." —Joseph Prince

Psychology Today blogger Mark Travers suggests three science-backed ways for combining love and money:

1. Play the long game . When facing a choice between a long-term partner who has the ability to financially benefit you and a partner who is willing to benefit you (through generosity , cooperation , trustworthiness, etc.), you should favor the latter, while not completely ignoring the former. Warmth, as opposed to competence, is of higher long-term value.

2. Love is the real investment. Joining hands with your partner financially to achieve a goal can be a smart and ultimately rewarding decision. However, the partner should not be a means for your success, but one with whom you share joint flourishing.

3. Happiness pays dividends. It is wise to be in a relationship where both partners are, first and foremost, happy with each other and elicit positive emotions for one another, since positive emotions are strongly correlated with the creation of wealth (Travers, 2023).

essay about love and money

We may say that although financial stability is linked to emotional wellness, marrying for wealth alone may lead to relationship issues, unhappiness or emotional concerns. In a fortunate living framework, positive emotions are more likely to be generated. Extremely negative situations, such as loneliness , can also generate love, but this may be superficial love that depends more on temporary circumstances rather than on profound characteristics of the lovers.

A Jewish proverb claims: "Whenever love depends upon something [external to love], and this thing passes, love passes away too. But if love does not depend upon something like this, love will never pass away." Indeed, we are familiar with statements like, "You don't love me; you just love my body/money/ humor / wisdom ." These statements are voiced not only about superficial characteristics, such as beauty and money, but also profound ones, like kindness, humor and wisdom. Romantic love requires the presence of many various properties within both partners.

Concluding Remarks

“The first time you marry for love, the second for money and the third for companionship.” —Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

"Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail." —Kinky Friedman

If two potential lovers are the same in all significant respects, except that one earns twice as the other, it’s worth favoring the higher earner. However, in real life, people are not identical in all significant respects, and we should consider the extent and significance of the positive and negative characteristics. The role of money in romantic choices is similar to that of external attraction . If the threshold of the partner’s attraction (and wealth) is too low, a positive outcome is unlikely. Above this threshold, the external attraction (and wealth) hardly makes a difference, and extreme attraction (and wealth) may upset the balance of other important properties.

Money cannot buy love, but it can make you a far more desirable partner. When one is in love, money is of less significance, and when one lacks money for basic needs, love is often more at risk. It is, however, easier to fall in love with a rich person, as money can generate circumstances that are more favorable for personal and romantic flourishing.

Ben-Ze’ev, A. (2019). The arc of love : How our romantic lives change over time . University of Chicago Press.

Aaron Ben-Zeév Ph.D.

Aaron Ben-Zeév, Ph.D., former President of the University of Haifa, is a professor of philosophy. His books include The Arc of Love: How Our Romantic Lives Change Over Time.

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