primary maths problem solving activities

Problem Solving Activities: 7 Strategies

  • Critical Thinking

primary maths problem solving activities

Problem solving can be a daunting aspect of effective mathematics teaching, but it does not have to be! In this post, I share seven strategic ways to integrate problem solving into your everyday math program.

In the middle of our problem solving lesson, my district math coordinator stopped by for a surprise walkthrough. 

I was so excited!

We were in the middle of what I thought was the most brilliant math lesson– teaching my students how to solve problem solving tasks using specific problem solving strategies. 

It was a proud moment for me!

Each week, I presented a new problem solving strategy and the students completed problems that emphasized the strategy. 

Genius right? 

After observing my class, my district coordinator pulled me aside to chat. I was excited to talk to her about my brilliant plan, but she told me I should provide the tasks and let my students come up with ways to solve the problems. Then, as students shared their work, I could revoice the student’s strategies and give them an official name. 

What a crushing blow! Just when I thought I did something special, I find out I did it all wrong. 

I took some time to consider her advice. Once I acknowledged she was right, I was able to make BIG changes to the way I taught problem solving in the classroom. 

When I Finally Saw the Light

To give my students an opportunity to engage in more authentic problem solving which would lead them to use a larger variety of problem solving strategies, I decided to vary the activities and the way I approached problem solving with my students. 

Problem Solving Activities

Here are seven ways to strategically reinforce problem solving skills in your classroom. 

This is an example of seasonal problem solving activities.

Seasonal Problem Solving

Many teachers use word problems as problem solving tasks. Instead, try engaging your students with non-routine tasks that look like word problems but require more than the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to complete. Seasonal problem solving tasks and daily challenges are a perfect way to celebrate the season and have a little fun too!

Cooperative Problem Solving Tasks

Go cooperative! If you’ve got a few extra minutes, have students work on problem solving tasks in small groups. After working through the task, students create a poster to help explain their solution process and then post their poster around the classroom. Students then complete a gallery walk of the posters in the classroom and provide feedback via sticky notes or during a math talk session.

Notice and Wonder

Before beginning a problem solving task, such as a seasonal problem solving task, conduct a Notice and Wonder session. To do this, ask students what they notice about the problem. Then, ask them what they wonder about the problem. This will give students an opportunity to highlight the unique characteristics and conditions of the problem as they try to make sense of it. 

Want a better experience? Remove the stimulus, or question, and allow students to wonder about the problem. Try it! You’ll gain some great insight into how your students think about a problem.

This is an example of a math starter.

Math Starters

Start your math block with a math starter, critical thinking activities designed to get your students thinking about math and provide opportunities to “sneak” in grade-level content and skills in a fun and engaging way. These tasks are quick, designed to take no more than five minutes, and provide a great way to turn-on your students’ brains. Read more about math starters here ! 

Create your own puzzle box! The puzzle box is a set of puzzles and math challenges I use as fast finisher tasks for my students when they finish an assignment or need an extra challenge. The box can be a file box, file crate, or even a wall chart. It includes a variety of activities so all students can find a challenge that suits their interests and ability level.


Use calculators! For some reason, this tool is not one many students get to use frequently; however, it’s important students have a chance to practice using it in the classroom. After all, almost everyone has access to a calculator on their cell phones. There are also some standardized tests that allow students to use them, so it’s important for us to practice using calculators in the classroom. Plus, calculators can be fun learning tools all by themselves!

Three-Act Math Tasks

Use a three-act math task to engage students with a content-focused, real-world problem! These math tasks were created with math modeling in mind– students are presented with a scenario and then given clues and hints to help them solve the problem. There are several sites where you can find these awesome math tasks, including Dan Meyer’s Three-Act Math Tasks and Graham Fletcher’s 3-Acts Lessons . 

Getting the Most from Each of the Problem Solving Activities

When students participate in problem solving activities, it is important to ask guiding, not leading, questions. This provides students with the support necessary to move forward in their thinking and it provides teachers with a more in-depth understanding of student thinking. Selecting an initial question and then analyzing a student’s response tells teachers where to go next. 

Ready to jump in? Grab a free set of problem solving challenges like the ones pictured using the form below. 

Which of the problem solving activities will you try first? Respond in the comments below.

primary maths problem solving activities

Shametria Routt Banks

primary maths problem solving activities

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primary maths problem solving activities

2 Responses

This is a very cool site. I hope it takes off and is well received by teachers. I work in mathematical problem solving and help prepare pre-service teachers in mathematics.

Thank you, Scott! Best wishes to you and your pre-service teachers this year!

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Building Problem-Solvers: Engaging Maths Challenges & Playful Games for Primary Students

Avatar of Michelle Connolly

Table of Contents

Building Problem-Solvers: Incorporating challenging maths puzzles and games into primary education is a powerful strategy for developing problem-solving skills in young learners. We recognise the importance of engaging pupils with interactive tasks that not only stimulate their mathematical abilities but also build their confidence in tackling complex challenges. By designing diverse mathematical exercises that range from simple to complex, we create opportunities for children to develop fluency as mathematical thinkers and problem solvers, a skill set that is essential in today’s fast-paced, ever-evolving world.

Building Problem-Solvers

It’s crucial to foster a supportive maths culture within the classroom, one that encourages risk-taking and persistence in overcoming obstacles. Education in primary mathematics should not only focus on procedural fluency but also on the understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts . Tools and strategies such as visual representations and heuristic approaches can be invaluable in promoting this kind of deep comprehension. By integrating these techniques with a varied set of maths puzzles and games, we make learning mathematics an engaging and dynamic experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Developing problem-solving skills in maths is essential for primary education.
  • Diverse and challenging puzzles enhance mathematical thinking.
  • A supportive learning environment encourages perseverance and growth in maths.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Maths

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

In our pursuit of developing proficient problem solvers, it’s essential to start with a strong foundation in mathematics. We focus on building an understanding of numbers and operations, as well as recognising the significance of patterns and relationships. These components are vital in nurturing a comprehensive mathematical mindset.

Number and Operations

At the core of mathematical understanding are numbers and operations . This involves grasping how numbers work and interact with one another through basic operations : addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example:

Addition: It’s combining quantities to increase the total.

Subtraction: It’s determining how much one quantity is greater than another

Multiplication : It simplifies repeated addition.

Division: It’s finding out how many times a number can be subtracted from another in equal parts.

Understanding these operations enables children to solve real-world problems effectively.

Patterns and Relationships

Patterns and relationships form the building blocks for higher-level mathematical thinking. They involve seeing connections and predicting what comes next, based on a sequence or rule.

Patterns: These may be numerical or geometric, allowing us to anticipate the next element in a sequence.

1, 2, 4, 8 … (Doubling each time)

Relationships: Understanding that certain pieces of information are related, and using this to solve problems, is key to mathematical reasoning . An example might be in understanding that if a car covers more distance in an hour at a faster speed, there’s a direct relationship between speed and distance.

In fostering these fundamental skills, we offer our learners not just theory but engaging challenges through mathematical puzzles and games that reinforce these concepts. By participating in such activities, children can apply these foundational maths skills, making connections between theory and practice in a dynamic and enjoyable way.

Teaching Mathematics Effectively

In our quest to develop sharp problem solvers and creative thinkers, we must focus on how mathematics is taught in primary schools. Our approach bridges the gap between traditional teaching and innovative, engaging methods .

Role of Teachers

We, as educators, play a pivotal role in moulding students into proficient problem-solvers. By incorporating a variety of maths puzzles and games into our classrooms, we make abstract concepts tangible and accessible. We believe in adapting our teaching styles to meet individual learning needs, devising strategies that make mathematics more than just a subject – instead, a captivating journey of discovery.

Curriculum Integration

The curriculum should not solely dictate our teaching, but serve as a dynamic framework that integrates real-world problem-solving and logical reasoning through mathematical activities . It is essential we weave challenging exercises with relevant contexts into lessons, thus aligning with our commitment to a broad and balanced education where every child flourishes.

The Importance of Problem-Solving Skills

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

Problem-solving skills are integral to learning mathematics, as they enable children to approach complex problems strategically and with confidence. Our goal is to harness these skills through puzzles and games that challenge and engage primary school children.

Developing Critical Thinking

We understand that critical thinking is the foundation of effective problem-solving. Our puzzles and games are designed to stimulate students’ thinking and reasoning processes , encouraging them to make connections and derive solutions based on logical deduction.

Cultivating Patience and Persistence

Throughout the problem-solving journey, we foster a sense of patience and persistence in our young learners. Recognising that solutions are not always immediate or straightforward, our resources teach children the value of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenging tasks.

Engaging Pupils with Interactive Maths Games

Interactive maths games are a brilliant way for us to make mathematics appealing and accessible to primary school pupils. By selecting the right games and integrating 21st-century technology, we can transform the learning experience into an interactive adventure that captivates our young learners.

Selecting Appropriate Games

When choosing maths games, we must ensure that they are appropriately challenging and aligned with the curriculum. The games should be designed to encourage pupils to think critically and develop their problem-solving skills. We often look for options that offer multiple levels of difficulty, which enables us to cater to the diverse abilities within a classroom. The aim is to select games that not only educate but also genuinely engage the students, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective.

Integrating ICT in Maths Games

In today’s digital age, integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in maths games is not just innovative; it’s essential. We leverage ICT to provide simulations and virtual environments where pupils can explore mathematical concepts. This interactive technology helps to create immersive experiences that make abstract ideas more concrete. Using ICT, we can give pupils the chance to practise and hone their maths skills through fun, tech-driven games, fostering a more dynamic and interactive learning environment.

Incorporating interactive maths games within the classroom is a testament to our commitment to engaging and educating our pupils in a way that resonates with their experiences and interests. Through careful selection and the use of modern ICT, we are able to provide a learning experience that is both enriching and exciting.

Designing Challenging Maths Puzzles

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

In our pursuit to build effective problem-solvers, we focus on introducing maths puzzles that are engaging and non-routine, designed to foster natural curiosity in learners.

Creating Non-Routine Tasks

We believe that the essence of problem-solving lies in the ability to tackle non-routine tasks. These are not your everyday textbook problems, but instead, they present a scenario that requires students to apply concepts in ways they might not have anticipated. In constructing these tasks, it’s vital to strike a balance—too easy and they won’t push the envelope; too hard and they might discourage learners. For example, a puzzle involving pattern recognition might ask pupils to identify the underlying rule of a sequence and predict the next set of numbers.

Fostering Curiosity Through Puzzles

Curiosity drives us to explore the unknown, and with maths puzzles, it translates into learners venturing beyond their comfort zones. We craft puzzles that inherently provoke students’ interest and pique their natural inquisitiveness. A well-thought-out puzzle can act as an open inquiry, where the journey to the solution is as valuable as the solution itself. Consider a jigsaw arithmetic puzzle that requires learners to not only solve for missing pieces but also to understand why those pieces fit together as they do.

Incorporating Diverse Mathematical Tasks

When we introduce a variety of mathematical tasks to primary students, we lay the foundation for robust problem-solving skills. By engaging in an assortment of challenges , children can develop a deeper understanding of numbers, spatial awareness, and logical reasoning.

Exploration and Investigation

We believe that learning should be an adventure, where exploration and investigation play pivotal roles. By offering tasks that encourage students to explore, we open up opportunities for hands-on learning and inquisitive thinking. For instance, we might ask them to investigate the number of ways to reach a total of 10 using only red and blue counters. This simple task invites them to explore addition and the concept of combinations.

Measurement and Geometry

Measurement and geometry are two areas where children can apply maths to real-world scenarios. We often ask our students to measure lengths and widths of classroom objects, using rulers and other tools to relate the numbers to physical attributes. Then, we might move on to explore geometric shapes by examining and constructing models , allowing for a tangible understanding of edges, faces, and vertices. This hands-on experience is invaluable for cementing their conceptual knowledge.

Overcoming Obstacles in Problem Solving

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

Engaging with maths puzzles and games in primary education can sometimes present challenges. It’s essential we understand these stumbling blocks and employ effective strategies to help our children become confident problem solvers.

Identifying Common Mistakes

Often, obstacles in problem solving arise from common misunderstandings or repeated mistakes . We might see children rush through a problem without fully understanding it, or they may become fixed on one approach and not consider alternative methods. Documenting these mistakes offers us a chance to address them directly.

  • Rushing : Not taking enough time to understand the problem.
  • Fixation on one strategy : Failing to consider different angles.
  • Overlooking details : Missing out on crucial information within the problem.

Strategies to Overcome Challenges

After pinpointing the typical mistakes, our strategies should focus on overcoming these barriers and reinforcing effective problem solving habits.

  • Encourage thorough reading : Urge pupils to read problems several times.
  • Promote multiple approaches : Introduce a variety of methods to tackle a single problem.
  • Detail orientation : Teach children to pay attention to all the information given.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and providing children with a mixture of puzzles and games can build their resilience and adaptability in maths.

Creating a Supportive Maths Culture

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

At the heart of nurturing future problem-solvers is the establishment of a supportive maths culture . This means creating an environment where every child feels valued and capable of mastering mathematical challenges .

Encouraging Open Communication

We recognise the importance of open communication in the classroom. It’s crucial to foster an atmosphere where pupils feel comfortable to express their ideas, ask questions, and share their experiences. In our classroom, we encourage learners to articulate their thought processes and reasoning. This not only clarifies their understanding but also enriches peer learning, as students learn from each other’s perspectives. Such a culture not only enhances their communication skills but also demystifies complex concepts, making maths more approachable .

Building Confidence and Growth Mindset

We strive to infuse our pupils with confidence and a growth mindset . To do this, we emphasise the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This contrasts with a fixed mindset, where children might believe their skills are static and unchangeable. By celebrating effort rather than innate ability , we inspire our students to embrace challenges and learn from mistakes—an approach that is pivotal for fostering resilient problem solvers . Our aim is to show that mathematics is not about being ‘right’ all the time; instead, it’s about the adventure of learning and improving.

Assessing and Enhancing Problem-Solving Capabilities

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

In our quest to build adept problem-solvers through maths puzzles and games , it’s vital that we effectively assess and enhance primary students’ problem-solving capabilities. This not only involves gauging their current skill levels but also providing constructive feedback to aid their growth.

Conducting Meaningful Assessments

When it comes to assessing problem-solving activities, our approach is to create evaluations that are as engaging as the learning experiences themselves. We believe that a student’s problem-solving skills are best understood by observing them during actual problem-solving activities. Such assessments might involve practical tasks where pupils apply heuristics or use visual representations to tackle mathematical problems, as highlighted by Developing Mathematical Problem-Solving Skills . These tasks are designed to mirror ‘real life’ scenarios, requiring students to think critically and creatively.

Providing Constructive Feedback

Feedback is a powerful tool in our educational arsenal—it informs students about their performance and provides guidance on how they can improve. Our feedback is specific, timely, and always focused on strategies that students can use to enhance their problem-solving abilities. Whether it’s encouraging greater representational fluency or exploring diverse strategies, we ensure that our feedback helps students reflect and grow as problem solvers. By drawing on resources such as the Real Engagement in Active Problem Solving (REAPS) model, we support teachers in offering feedback that fosters creative problem solving in mathematics.

In all of our endeavours at LearningMole, we strive to provide learning experiences that not only educate but also excite. We’re dedicated to fostering environments where every student can become a confident and proficient problem solver.

Resources for Primary Maths Education

We know that the right resources can make all the difference in empowering primary maths education. So, let’s explore some excellent materials that you can access for free, as well as delve into the treasures offered by NRICH to enrich our young learners’ mathematical journey.

Free Teaching Materials

We pride ourselves on providing a variety of free teaching materials designed to make maths engaging and fun . You’ll find interactive tutorials , activity sheets , and articles, all tailored for the curious minds of primary children. These resources are not only educational, but they also allow children to absorb key maths concepts in a way that feels like play.

  • Interactive Tutorials : Engage with our step-by-step guides that bring clarity to complex maths problems.
  • Articles : Discover insights and tips targeted at enhancing the teaching experience.
  • Activity Sheets : Download and print these for hands-on practice that reinforces mathematical understanding.

One platform we admire is LearningMole , which offers a wealth of content to help children discover the joy of maths through various fun and creative resources.

Utilising NRICH Resources

When it comes to using NRICH resources , we’re looking at a treasure trove of maths puzzles and activities that are perfect for primary pupils. NRICH aims to challenge and excite young minds with games that are both intriguing and highly educational.

  • Challenging Puzzles : They stimulate strategic thinking and offer varying degrees of difficulty to suit all levels.
  • Classroom Activities : Carefully crafted to promote collaborative problem-solving among students.

These resources from NRICH not only complement our teaching but also bring a new dimension to primary maths, making our lessons more dynamic and effective.

Frequently Asked Questions

Building Problem-Solvers LearningMole

In this section, we’ll address some of the most common inquiries related to enhancing problem-solving skills through mathematics puzzles and games in primary education.

What are some engaging activities that can enhance problem-solving abilities in primary school children?

Children in primary school can greatly benefit from activities such as building structures using different shapes or collaborative tasks where they devise solutions to “real life” scenarios. These activities encourage them to apply mathematical concepts in practical ways.

Can you suggest some games that improve problem-solving skills for young learners?

Certainly! Games like chess, Sudoku, and even certain board games that require strategic thinking can improve problem-solving skills . These games challenge young minds to think ahead and plan their moves carefully.

How can puzzles be effectively used to develop mathematical problem-solving competencies in children?

Puzzles can be used in teaching by posing them as interesting challenges that are mathematically meaningful . Puzzles such as tangrams, magic squares, and logic puzzles encourage children to use mathematical reasoning and pattern recognition.

In what ways can teachers incorporate problem-solving exercises into their primary classroom curriculum?

Teachers can introduce problem-solving in the classroom by integrating puzzles and games into lesson plans. They might also ask thought-provoking questions that lead to problem-solving discussions or use differentiated instruction to cater to various learning styles.

Which hands-on group activities can help children build teamwork and problem-solving skills concurrently?

Group activities that involve building projects from common objects like blocks or recycled materials allow children to work together. They can also participate in team-based challenges that require collective problem-solving and decision-making.

What types of maths challenges are suitable for primary students to promote critical thinking and reasoning?

Suitable challenges include pattern identification , sequencing tasks, basic arithmetic puzzles, and solving mathematical puzzles . These can be tailored to match the students’ age and proficiency level, ensuring the tasks remain engaging and appropriately challenging.

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primary maths problem solving activities

K-5 Math Centers

K-5 math ideas, 3rd grade math, need help organizing your k-5 math block, 5 ways to include math problem solving activities in your classroom.

primary maths problem solving activities

Are you looking for math problem solving activities that are not too easy and not too hard, but juuust right? I’ve got something just for you and your students.

primary maths problem solving activities

Solve and Explain Problem Solving Tasks are open-ended math tasks that provide just the right amount of challenge for your kids. Here’s a little more about them.

Open-ended math problem solving tasks:

  • promote multiple solution paths and/or multiple solutions
  • boost critical thinking and math reasoning skills
  • increase opportunities for developing perseverance
  • provide opportunities to justify answer choices
  • strengthen kids written and oral communication skills

math problem solving activities organization

What Makes These So Great?

  • All Common Core Standards are covered for your grade level
  • 180+ Quality questions that are rigorous yet engaging
  • They are SUPER easy to assemble
  • Provide opportunities for meaningful math discussions
  • Perfect for developing a growth mindset
  • Easily identify student misconceptions so you can provide assistance
  • Very versatile (check out the different ways to use them below)

You can find out more details for your grade level by clicking on the buttons below.

I’m sure you really want to know how can you use these with your kids. Check out the top 5 ideas on how to use Solve and Explain Problem Solving Tasks in your classroom.

How and When Can I Use Them?

Solve and Explain Tasks Cards are very versatile. You can use them for:

  • Math Centers  – This is my favorite way to use these! Depending on your grade level, there are at least two (Kinder – 2nd) or three (3rd-5th) tasks types per Common Core standard. And each task type has 6 different questions. Print out each of the different tasks types on different color paper. Then, let students choose which one question from each task type they want to solve.

math problem solving activities task cards and recording sheets

  • Problem of the Day  – Use them as a daily math journal prompt. Print out the recording sheet and project one of the problems on your white board or wall.  Students solve the problem and then glue it in their spiral or composition notebooks.

math problem solving activities notebook

  • Early Finisher Activities  -No more wondering what to do next!Create an early finishers notebook where students can grab a task and a recording sheet. Place the cards in sheet protectors and make copies of the Early Finisher Activity Check-Off card for your kids to fill out BEFORE they pull a card out to work on. We want to make sure kids are not rushing through there first assignment before moving on to an early finisher activity.

math problem solving activities early finisher notebook

  • Weekly Math Challenges  – Kids LOVE challenges! Give students copies of one of the problems for homework. Then give them a week to complete it. Since many of the questions have multiple solutions and students have to explain how they got their answers, you can have a rich whole group discussion at the end of the week (even with your kindergarten and 1st grade students).

Shop Recommended Resources

Kindergarten Problem Solving

  • Formative Assessments  – Give your students a problem to solve. Then use the Teacher Scoring Rubric to see how your kids are doing with each standard. Since they have to explain their thinking, this is a great way to catch any misconceptions and give feedback to individual students.

math problem solving activities rubric and task card

So this wraps up the top 5 ways that you can use problem solving tasks in your classroom.  Click your grade level below to get Solve and Explain problem solving tasks for your classroom.

  • Read more about: K-5 Math Ideas

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  • 11-14 Years

Play these fun Maths Games for 7-11 year olds

Choose a category:, problem solving games.

primary maths problem solving activities

Bead Numbers - Place Value

Bead Numbers is a place value investigation involving a tens and ones abacus. The game provides a good context for encouraging learners to think systematically.

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Thinking of a Number

Guess the number by revealing the clues on the clouds one by one. Children will need knowledge of rounding, odd and even and tens and ones.

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Tables Teaser

Can you work out which number goes in each row and column heading to make the interactive tables grid work? It is quite a challenge!

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Mystic Numbers

Solve the number puzzles and collect the treasures.


Investigations & Puzzles

(Diane Marshall) (Vicki Foy) (Anne Mills) (Gill O'Neill) (Ian Mason) (Grant Whitaker) (Sakib Shaikh) (Trish Ryding) (Hamish Hobkinson) (Sheena Florey) (Jeremey Harris)
Presentation (adapted by Clair Hughes)
Expanded Booklet (adapted by Hugh Richards)
Lunar Park Spreadsheet (Cathy Thurlow) (Jeremy Harris) (Mark Uttley/The Alton School) / (Jon Fordham) (Roy Chambers) (Jade Robson) (Emma Holliday) (Chris Duffy) (Palmz) (Chris Duffy) (Max Smith) (Katy Hebblewhite) (Fiona Venus) (Melanie Braithwaite) (Hayley Kushner) (Lin Westlake) (Gill Foan) (Helen Gambon) (Cath Walls) (Max Smith) (Sarah Burr) (Cath Walls) (Nicola Clements) (Jane Bucknor) (Jane Bucknor) (Jill Hoskins) (Clair Robinson) (Oliver Brotherton) (Kirsten Johnston) (Sonya Leighton) (Gwyneth Pocock) (Michelle Philbin) (Peter Barnett) (Peter Barnett) (Peter Barnett)
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(Fred Daynes) (Matt Shaw) (Melanie Braithwaite) (Cat Chambers) (Graeme Smith)
HTML - - (Elizabeth Chalk) (Grant Whitaker) (Grant Whitaker)
- Smart Notebook Version (Max Smith) Witch's Cauldron (Claire Barber)
Witch's Cauldron (Claire Barber) (Sakib Shaikh) (Tracy Long) (Robert Dowson) (Elizabeth Chalk) (Wendy Richardson) (Leo McCloskey) (Joanne Penelrick) (Mark Uttley/The Alton School) / (Sheena Florey) (Vicki Foy) (Max Smith) (Stephanie Fell) Number Investigations (Gemma Finbow) (Deb Cadman) (Paul Harwood) (Diane Marshall) (Cath Walls) (Neil Wells) (Odette Jacobs) (Odette Jacobs) (Ruth Johnson) (Carol Still) (Andrew Palmer) (Rose Kirkwood) (Melanie Leyland) (Jane Bucknor) (Jane Bucknor)
(Helen Cameron) (Laura Plummer) (Kirsten Johnston) (Kevin Irvine)
- Braille Investigation (Hugh Richards) (Katherine Dobbie) (Katherine Dobbie) (Kirsty Holford) (Bob Mitchell) (Jim Howard) (Jim Howard) (Peter Barnett) Sports Day Measuring Puzzle (Simon Staiger) Inheritance Investigation (Peter Barnett) Story & Investigations Investigation Answers Flag Colouring Combinations (Paula Alty) (Leanne Huntley) (Angela Jones) (Wesley Buzza) (Kirsty Holford)
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Mastery-Aligned Maths Tutoring

“The best thing has been the increase in confidence and tutors being there to deal with any misunderstandings straight away."

FREE daily maths challenges

A new KS2 maths challenge every day. Perfect as lesson starters - no prep required!

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Maths Problem Solving At KS2: Strategies and Resources For Primary School Teachers

John Dabell

Maths problem solving KS2 is crucial to succeeding in national assessments. If your Key Stage 2 pupils are still struggling with reasoning and problem solving in Maths, here are some problem solving strategies to try with your classes; all aligned to Ofsted’s suggested primary school teaching strategies.

Reasoning and problem solving are widely understood to be one of the most important activities in school mathematics. As far back as 1982,  The Cockcroft Report , stated:

‘The ability to solve problems is at the heart of mathematics. Mathematics is only “useful” to the extent to which it can be applied to a particular situation and it is the ability to apply mathematics to a variety of situations to which we give the name “problem solving”. […] At each stage […] the teacher needs to help pupils to understand how to apply the concepts and skills which are being learned and how to make use of them to solve problems. These problems should relate both to the application of mathematics to everyday situations within the pupils’ experience, and also to situations which are unfamiliar.’

Thirty plus years later and problem solving is still the beating heart of the Maths curriculum and – along with fluency and reasoning – completes the triad of aims in the 2014 New National Curriculum.

Ofsted’s view on problem solving in the Maths curriculum

Despite its centrality, Ofsted report that ‘ problem solving is not emphasised enough in the Maths curriculum ’. Not surprisingly, problem solving isn’t taught that well either because teachers can lack confidence, or they tend to rely on a smaller range of tried and tested strategies they feel comfortable with but which may not always ‘hit home’. If you’re looking to provide further support to those learners who haven’t yet mastered problem solving, you probably need a range of different strategies, depending on both the problem being attempted and the aptitude of the pupil.

We’ve therefore created a free KS2 resource aimed at Maths Coordinators and KS2 teachers that teaches you when and how to use 9 key problem solving techniques:  The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

The context around KS2 problem solving

According to Jane Jones, former HMI and National Lead for Mathematics, in her presentation at the Jurassic Maths Hub:

  • Problems do not have to be set in real-life contexts, beware pseudo contexts.
  • Providing a range of puzzles and other problems helps pupils to reason strategically to approach problems, sequence unfolding solutions, and use recording to help their mathematical thinking for next steps.
  • It is particularly important that teachers and TAs stress reasoning, rather than just checking whether the final answer is correct.
  • Pupils of all ability need to learn how to solve problems – not just the high attainers or fastest workers.

The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

The Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

9 ready-to-go problem solving techniques with accompanying tasks to get KS2 reasoning independently

How to approach KS2 maths problems

So what do we do? Well Ofsted advice is pretty clear on what to do when teaching problem solving. Jane Jones says we should:

  • Set problems as part of learning in all topics for all pupils.
  • Vary the ways in which you pose problems.
  • Try to resist prompting pupils too soon and focusing on getting ‘the answer’ – pupils need to build their confidence, skills and resilience in solving problems, so that they can apply them naturally in other situations.
  • Make sure you discuss alternative approaches with pupils to help develop their reasoning.
  • Ensure that problems for high attainers involve demanding reasoning and problem-solving skills, not just harder numbers.

Perhaps more than most topics in Maths, teaching pupils how to approach problem solving questions effectively requires a systematic approach. Pupils can face any number of multi-step word problems throughout their SATs and they will face them without our help. To truly give pupils the tools they need to approach problem solving in Maths we must ingrain techniques for  approaching  problems.

With this in mind, below are some methods and techniques for you to consider when teaching problem solving in your KS2 Maths lessons. For greater detail and details on how to teach this methods, download the  Ultimate Guide to Problem Solving Techniques

Models for approaching KS2 problem solving

Becoming self-assured and capable as a problem solver is an intricate business that requires a range of skills and experience. Children need something to follow. They can’t just pluck a plan of attack out of thin air which is why models of problem solving are important especially when made memorable. They help establish a pattern within pupils so that, when they see a problem, they feel confident in taking the steps towards solving it.

Find out how we encourage children to approach problem solving independently in our blog: 20 Maths Strategies KS2 That Guarantee Progress for All Pupils.

The most commonly used model is that of George Polya (1973), who proposed 4 stages in problem solving, namely:

  • Understand the problem
  • Devise a strategy for solving it
  • Carry out the strategy
  • Check the result

Many models have followed the Polya model and use acronyms to make the stages stick. Which model you use can depend on the age of the children you are teaching and sometimes the types of word problems they are trying to solve. Below are several examples of Polya model acronyms:

C – Circle the question words U – Underline key words B – Box any key numbers E – Evaluate (what steps do I take?) S – Solve and check (does my answer make sense and how can I double check?)

R – Read the problem correctly. I – Identify the relevant information. D – Determine the operation and unit for expressing the answer. E – Enter the correct numbers and calculate

I – Identify the problem D – Define the problem E – Examine the options A – Act on a plan L – Look at the consequences

R – Read and record the problem I – Illustrate your thinking with pictures, models, number lines etc C – Compute, calculate and check E – Explain your thinking

R – Read the question and underline the important bits U – Understand: think about what to do and write the number sentences you will need C –  Choose how you will work it out S – Solve the problem A – Answer C – Check

Q – Question – read it carefully U – Understand – underline or circle key elements A – Approximate – think about the size of your answer C – Calculate K – Know if the answer is sensible or not

T – Think about the problem and ponder E – Explore and get to the root of the problem A – Act by selecting a strategy R – Reassess and scrutinise and evaluate the efficiency of the method

The idea behind these problem solving models is the same: to give children a structure and to build an internal monitor so they have a business-like way of working through a problem. You can choose which is most appropriate for the age group and ability of the children you are teaching.

The model you choose is less important than knowing that pupils can draw upon a model to follow, ensuring they approach problems in a systematic and meaningful way. A far simpler model – that we use in the   Ultimate Guide to KS2 Problem Solving Techniques  – is UCR: Understand the problem, Communicate and Reflect.

You then need to give pupils lots of opportunities to practice this! You can find lots of FREE White Rose Maths aligned maths resources, problem solving activities and printable worksheets for KS1 and KS2 pupils in the Third Space Learning Maths Hub .

You might also be interested in:

  • 25 Fun Maths Problems For KS2 And KS3 (From Easy To Very Hard!)
  • 30 Problem Solving Maths Questions And Answers For GCSE
  • Why SSDD Problems Are Such An Effective Tool To Teach Problem Solving At KS3 & KS4

What’s included in the guide?

After reading the  Ultimate Guide to KS2 Problem Solving Techniques , we guarantee you will have a new problem solving technique to test out in class tomorrow. It provides question prompts and activities to try out, and shows you step by step how to teach these 9 techniques

  • Open ended problem solving
  • Using logical reasoning

Working backwards

Drawing a diagram

Drawing a table

Creating an organised list

Looking for a pattern

Acting it out

Guessing and checking

Cognitive Activation: getting KS2 pupils in the lightbulb zone

If you need more persuasion, pupils who use strategies that inspire them to think more deeply about maths problems are linked with higher Maths achievement. In 2015 The  National Education Research Foundation  (NFER) published ‘ PISA in Practice: Cognitive Activation in Maths ’. This shrewd report has largely slipped under the Maths radar but it offers considerable food for thought regarding what we can do as teachers to help mathematical literacy and boost higher mathematical achievement.

Cognitive Activation isn’t anything mysterious; just teaching problem solving strategies that pupils can think about and call upon when confronted by a Maths problem they are trying to solve. Cognitive It encourages us as teachers to develop problems that can be solved in more than one way and ‘may require different solutions in different contexts’. For this to work, exposing children to challenging content and encouraging a culture of exploratory talk is key. As is:

  • Giving pupils maths problem solving questions that require them to think for an extended time.
  • Asking pupils to use their own procedures for solving complex problems.
  • Creating a learning community where pupils are able to make mistakes.
  • Asking pupils to explain how they solved a problem and why they choose that method.
  • Presenting pupils with problems in different contexts and ask them to apply what they have learned to new contexts.
  • Giving pupils problems with no immediately obvious method of solution or multiple solutions.
  • Encouraging pupils to reflect on problems.

Sparking cognitive activation is the same as sparking a fire – once it is lit it can burn on its own. It does, however, require time, structure, and the use of several techniques for approaching problem solving. Techniques, such as open-ended problem solving, are usually learned by example so we advise you create several models to go through with pupils, as well as challenge questions for independent work. Many examples exist and we encourage you to explore more (e.g. analysing and investigating, creating a tree diagram, and using simpler numbers).

Read these:

  • How to develop maths reasoning skills in KS2 pupils
  • FREE CPD PowerPoint: Reasoning Problem Solving & Planning for Depth
  • KS3 Maths Problem Solving

That time, effort, and planning will – however – be well spent. Equipping pupils with the tools to solve problems they have never seen before is more akin to teaching for life than teaching for Maths. The skills they gain from being taught problem solving successfully will be skills they use and hone for the rest of their life – not just for their SATs.

For a range of problem solving techniques, complete with explanations, contextual uses, example problems and challenge questions – don’t forget to download our free  Ultimate Guide to KS2 problem solving and reasoning techniques  resource here.

KS2 problem Solving FAQs

Here are some techniques to teach problem solving to primary school pupils: Open ended problem solving Using logical reasoning Working backwards Drawing a diagram Drawing a table Creating an organised list Looking for a pattern Acting it out Guessing and checking

Ofsted say that teachers can encourage problem-solving by: Setting problems as part of learning in all topics for all pupils. Varying the ways in which you pose problems. Trying to resist prompting pupils too soon and focusing on getting ‘the answer’ – pupils need to build their confidence, skills and resilience in solving problems, so that they can apply them naturally in other situations. Making sure you discuss alternative approaches with pupils to help develop their reasoning. Ensuring that problems for high attainers involve demanding reasoning and problem-solving skills, not just harder numbers.


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Since 2013 these personalised one to 1 lessons have helped over 150,000 primary and secondary students become more confident, able mathematicians.

Learn how the programmes are aligned to maths mastery teaching or request a personalised quote for your school to speak to us about your school’s needs and how we can help.

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FREE Guide to Maths Mastery

All you need to know to successfully implement a mastery approach to mathematics in your primary school, at whatever stage of your journey.

Ideal for running staff meetings on mastery or sense checking your own approach to mastery.

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Problem solving

Resources to teach problem solving skills

This collection of teaching resources aims to help children develop maths problem solving skills. It features word problems, maths challenges, problem-solving questions and a variety of worksheets and problem solving activities to help your primary school learners develop the problem solving strategies for real life contexts.

Why teach problem solving skills?

Problem solving is a skill that involves a variety of mathematical skills that will help children in real life. From addition and subtraction to fractions, decimals and percentages, we need problem-solving strategies to solve day-to-day problems involving time, money and measurement. Problem solving is an integral strand of the KS2 maths curriculum and children will be tested on their problem-solving skills in their SATs and onwards.

Have you seen our teaching packs for problem solving in maths?

If you’re teaching upper key stage 2, you may like our problem-solving teaching packs: Problem solving - number and Problem solving – measurement, geometry and statistics . Both packs comprise scaffolded word problems and differentiated activities based upon the relevant problem-solving objectives in the national curriculum. Or you may prefer Challenging maths , packed with maths mastery style questions, word problems and games to enrich your maths lessons and turn your year 5/6 class into true problem solvers!

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Teach Beside Me

60 Elementary Hands-On Math Teaching Ideas

This post may contain affiliate links.

Hands-on learning is incredibly important for kids. There are a million reasons why! Today I am highlighting more than 60 elementary hands-on math teaching ideas that I have featured over the years on my site. This list will continues to grow, too! I love teaching math in creative ways!

These resources can be used at home or in the classroom. Use them asa hands-on activity in your math center. These ideas are all better than any flashcards you could use!

Check out my post with The BEST Hands-on Math Supplies and manipulatives that we love. Then browse through my list below highlighting all of the fun ways you can teach math to elementary-aged kids.

60 plus hands-on math ideas for elementary

If You want even more maths activities and ideas, be sure to check out my new book Math Art & Drawing Games for Kid s!

primary maths problem solving activities

Hands-On Math Activities: Fractions & Decimals

There are loads of fun ways to teach fractions here on my site. There are just so many cool ways to teach them. We are only just getting into decimals around here, so watch for more learning fun on that topic, too!

1.  Fraction Trees

primary maths problem solving activities

2.  Pi Puzzle

primary maths problem solving activities

3.  Snowman Fractions

primary maths problem solving activities

4.  Roll a Whole Fraction Game

primary maths problem solving activities

5.  Fraction Flowers

primary maths problem solving activities

6.  Hershey Fractions

primary maths problem solving activities

7.  Fractions With Flags

primary maths problem solving activities

8.  Skittles Math

primary maths problem solving activities

9.  Fraction Decimal Percentage Puzzles

10.  Fraction Cookies

primary maths problem solving activities

11.  Each Orange Had 8 Slices

primary maths problem solving activities

12. Pizza Fractions

Hands-On Math: Shapes & Geometry

Geometry is a wonderful thing to start teaching at an early age. The younger kids understand these math concepts, the easier upper level math will be for them.

primary maths problem solving activities

13.  3-D Paper Shapes

primary maths problem solving activities

14.  Area & Perimeter City

primary maths problem solving activities

15. Make a Stellated Dodecahedron

primary maths problem solving activities

16.  Volume of 3-D Shapes

primary maths problem solving activities

17.  Pentominoes made from wooden cubes

primary maths problem solving activities

18.  Licorice Shapes & Angles

primary maths problem solving activities

19.  STEM Construction Toys: Zome Tools

primary maths problem solving activities

20.  Marshmallow & Toothpick Geometry

primary maths problem solving activities

21.  Perler Bead Tangrams

primary maths problem solving activities

22.  Rainbow Icosahedron Ball

primary maths problem solving activities

23.  Heart Shaped Math Puzzle  from Hand Made Kids Art

primary maths problem solving activities

24.  How to Make a Circle Geoboard

primary maths problem solving activities

25.  Gingerbread House Geometry

primary maths problem solving activities

26. Geometric Shapes Activity from Little Bins for Little Hands

Hands-On Math: Counting, Addition & Subtraction

This is where math begins. Let your kids know  how much fun math really can be with these creative teaching ideas for addition, subtraction and counting.

primary maths problem solving activities

27.  Lock & Key Addition Puzzles

28.  Pascal’s Triangle

primary maths problem solving activities

29.  Hundred Chart Puzzle

30.  Hundred Chart Learning Ideas

primary maths problem solving activities

31.  Place Value Cards

32.  Place Value Flip Chart

primary maths problem solving activities

33.  Teaching Greater Than & Less Than from Only Passionate Curiosity

primary maths problem solving activities

34.  Leap Frog Math

primary maths problem solving activities

35.  Math Checkers

primary maths problem solving activities

36. Make Ten Math Game

primary maths problem solving activities

37.  Popsicle Stick Math

38.  Roll the Digits Math Game

primary maths problem solving activities

39.  Eye Dropper Dot Counting

primary maths problem solving activities

40.  Build a House Math Bingo

primary maths problem solving activities

41.  Roll a Beetle Math Game

primary maths problem solving activities

42.  Kinetic Sand Math from Left Brain Craft Brain

43.  Safe Cracker Math Game

primary maths problem solving activities

44.  Dice Games for Early Math : from Danya Banya

45.  Math Grid Game

primary maths problem solving activities

46.  Building Lego Numbers from Little Bins for Little hands

47.  Human Board Game from True Aim Education

Hands On Math: Multiplication & Division

Just when math starts getting a little harder is when kids start to tune out. Keep it interesting with creative multiplication and division teaching ideas.

primary maths problem solving activities

48.  Multiplication Grid Game

49.  Target Number Card Game

primary maths problem solving activities

50.  Count the Dots Multiplication Game

primary maths problem solving activities

51.  Math Wheels

primary maths problem solving activities

52.  Division With Money Puzzles

primary maths problem solving activities

53.  Fun Ways to Teach Division to Kids

primary maths problem solving activities

54.  Mondrian Style Fibonacci Art

primary maths problem solving activities

55.  Math Fact Families

primary maths problem solving activities

56.  Multiplication Houses

primary maths problem solving activities

57.  Doubles Math Puzzles

primary maths problem solving activities

58. Skip Counting Multiplication Helpers

59.  Spill The Beans Game

one grain of rice math lesson

60.  One Grain of Rice Math Lesson

Hands On Math: Money & Time

These essential math skills can seem dry for kids, but here are a couple of great ways to have fun teaching and learning them!

primary maths problem solving activities

61.  The Money Game

primary maths problem solving activities

62.  Chalkboard Clock

63.  Play Store

primary maths problem solving activities

64.  Shadow Sun Dial

primary maths problem solving activities

65.  Grouchy Ladybug Clock Stories

Hands-On Math: Weights & Measurements

Measure and weigh in unique ways! Check out these cool ideas.

primary maths problem solving activities

66.  Hershey Weights & Measurements

67.  Weighing with Pennies

68.  Math Paper Tricks

primary maths problem solving activities

69.  Gallon Man 

primary maths problem solving activities

70.  Measuring with Magna-Tiles from Go Science Girls

This is part of the iHN Hands-On Homeschooling link-up. Check out what the rest of the iHomeschool Network bloggers shared!

primary maths problem solving activities

Former school teacher turned homeschool mom of 4 kids. Loves creating awesome hands-on creative learning ideas to make learning engaging and memorable for all kids!

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These are fantastic ideas! I love when math can be made hands-on. Anytime we can get children physically involved, it makes it more enjoyable and the concepts sink in better.

Great learning site

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Problem Solving

 A selection of resources containing a wide range of open-ended tasks, practical tasks, investigations and real life problems, to support investigative work and problem solving in primary mathematics.

Problem Solving in Primary Maths - the Session

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Teachers TV

In this programme shows a group of four upper Key Stage Two children working on a challenging problem; looking at the interior and exterior angles of polygons and how they relate to the number of sides. The problem requires the children to listen to each other and to work together co-operatively. The two boys and two girls are closely observed as they consider how to tackle the problem, make mistakes, get stuck and arrive at the "eureka" moment. They organise the data they collect and are then able to spot patterns and relate them to the original problem to find a formula to work out the exterior angle of any polygon. At the end of the session the children report back to Mark, explaining how they arrived at the solution, an important part of the problem solving process.

In a  second video  two maths experts discuss some of the challenges of teaching problem solving. This includes how and at what stage to introduce problem solving strategies and the appropriate moment to intervene when children find tasks difficult. They also discuss how problem solving in the curriculum also helps to develop life skills.

Cards for Cubes: Problem Solving Activities for Young Children

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Claire Publications

This book provides a series of problem solving activities involving cubes. The tasks start simply and progress to more complicated activities so could be used for different ages within Key Stages One and Two depending on ability. The first task is a challenge to create a camel with 50 cubes that doesn't fall over. Different characters are introduced throughout the book and challenges set to create various animals, monsters and structures using different numbers of cubes. Problems are set to incorporate different areas of mathematical problem solving they are: using maths, number, algebra and measure.

primary maths problem solving activities

Problem solving with EYFS, Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children

Quality Assured Category: Computing Publisher: Department for Education

These three resources, from the National Strategies, focus on solving problems.

  Logic problems and puzzles  identifies the strategies children may use and the learning approaches teachers can plan to teach problem solving. There are two lessons for each age group.

Finding all possibilities focuses on one particular strategy, finding all possibilities. Other resources that would enhance the problem solving process are listed, these include practical apparatus, the use of ICT and in particular Interactive Teaching Programs .

Finding rules and describing patterns focuses on problems that fall into the category 'patterns and relationships'. There are seven activities across the year groups. Each activity includes objectives, learning outcomes, resources, vocabulary and prior knowledge required. Each lesson is structured with a main teaching activity, drawing together and a plenary, including probing questions.

primary maths problem solving activities

Primary mathematics classroom resources

Quality Assured Collection Category: Mathematics Publisher: Association of Teachers of Mathematics

This selection of 5 resources is a mixture of problem-solving tasks, open-ended tasks, games and puzzles designed to develop students' understanding and application of mathematics.

Thinking for Ourselves: These activities, from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) publication 'Thinking for Ourselves’, provide a variety of contexts in which students are encouraged to think for themselves. Activity 1: In the bag – More or less requires students to record how many more or less cubes in total...

8 Days a Week: The resource consists of eight questions, one for each day of the week and one extra. The questions explore odd numbers, sequences, prime numbers, fractions, multiplication and division.

Number Picnic: The problems make ideal starter activities

Matchstick Problems: Contains two activities concentrating upon the process of counting and spotting patterns. Uses id eas about the properties of number and the use of knowledge and reasoning to work out the rules.

Colours: Use logic, thinking skills and organisational skills to decide which information is useful and which is irrelevant in order to find the solution.

primary maths problem solving activities

GAIM Activities: Practical Problems

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Nelson Thornes

Designed for secondary learners, but could also be used to enrich the learning of upper primary children, looking for a challenge. These are open-ended tasks encourage children to apply and develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding and to integrate these in order to make decisions and draw conclusions.

Examples include:

*Every Second Counts - Using transport timetables, maps and knowledge of speeds to plan a route leading as far away from school as possible in one hour.

*Beach Guest House - Booking guests into appropriate rooms in a hotel.

*Cemetery Maths - Collecting relevant data from a visit to a local graveyard or a cemetery for testing a hypothesis.

*Design a Table - Involving diagrams, measurements, scale.

primary maths problem solving activities

Go Further with Investigations

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Collins Educational

A collection of 40 investigations designed for use with the whole class or smaller groups. It is aimed at upper KS2 but some activities may be adapted for use with more able children in lower KS2. It covers different curriculum areas of mathematics.

primary maths problem solving activities

Starting Investigations

The forty student investigations in this book are non-sequential and focus mainly on the mathematical topics of addition, subtraction, number, shape and colour patterns, and money.

The apparatus required for each investigation is given on the student sheets and generally include items such as dice, counters, number cards and rods. The sheets are written using as few words as possible in order to enable students to begin working with the minimum of reading.

NRICH Primary Activities

Explore the NRICH primary tasks which aim to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. Lots of whole class open ended investigations and problem solving tasks. These tasks really get children thinking!

Mathematical reasoning: activities for developing thinking skills

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: SMILE

primary maths problem solving activities

Problem Solving 2

Reasoning about numbers, with challenges and simplifications.

Quality Assured Category: Mathematics Publisher: Department for Education

25 Exciting Hands on Math Activities for Elementary

Engaging elementary students in hands on math activities is a fantastic way to foster a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts while making learning enjoyable.

These activities not only make math come alive but also encourage active participation and critical thinking.

By incorporating hands-on experiences, educators can create an enriching learning environment that sets a strong foundation for future mathematical success.

We will explore a variety of creative and effective hands on math activities for elementary students, ensuring that the learning process is both fun and educational.

Math Manipulative Creations: Building Geometric Shapes

20 Exciting Hands on Math Activities for Elementary

One exciting hands-on math activity for elementary students involves using math manipulatives like building blocks or interlocking cubes to create various geometric shapes. Start by introducing basic shapes like squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. Then, challenge students to use the manipulatives to construct these shapes on their own. As they become more comfortable, encourage them to combine shapes to form more complex figures, such as making a hexagon from triangles or a parallelogram from rectangles. This activity not only reinforces shape recognition but also enhances spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.

Fraction Beach: Sandbox Exploration of Fractions

primary maths problem solving activities

Create a tactile learning experience with a Fraction Beach activity. Fill a large sandbox with sand and divide it into sections representing different fractions. Students can use shovels, buckets, and other tools to manipulate the sand, creating visual representations of fractions. This hands-on approach offers a unique way for students to grasp the concept of fractions as parts of a whole.

Fraction Pizza Party: Understanding Fractions through Play

primary maths problem solving activities

Fractions can be a challenging concept for elementary students to grasp, but a Fraction Pizza Party activity can make it more accessible and enjoyable. Provide students with circular paper cutouts resembling pizza slices. Ask them to divide the slice into different fractions, such as halves, thirds, and quarters, using markers or colored pencils. Then, they can decorate each slice to represent the fraction they’ve created. This hands-on approach allows students to visualize fractions and comprehend their relationship to a whole, transforming abstract ideas into tangible concepts. Related: 20 Creative Math Door Decoration Ideas

Shape Hunt Scavenger Hunt: Exploring Geometry in the Environment

primary maths problem solving activities

Take math learning beyond the classroom with a Shape Hunt Scavenger Hunt. This activity involves going outdoors or exploring different areas of the school to identify and categorize various shapes in the environment. Provide students with a list of shapes to find, such as squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles. They can document their discoveries by taking photos or drawing sketches of the objects they find. Not only does this activity reinforce shape recognition, but it also encourages students to see the relevance of math in their surroundings.

Money Math Market: Applying Real-life Math Skills

primary maths problem solving activities

Teaching elementary students about money can be both practical and enjoyable through a Money Math Market activity. Set up a pretend market with various items labeled with price tags. Give students play money and have them shop for items, making calculations of their purchases and finding the total cost. This hands-on experience helps students understand the value of different coins and bills, as well as practice addition and subtraction in a real-world context. It also promotes financial literacy from an early age.

Measurement Olympics: Exploring Length, Weight, and Volume

primary maths problem solving activities

Host a Measurement Olympics to help elementary students grasp the concepts of length, weight, and volume in a playful way. Set up various stations where students can measure objects using rulers, scales, and measuring cups. They can compare the lengths of different items, weigh objects, and pour liquids into containers to understand volume. This activity not only enhances their measurement skills but also encourages them to apply mathematical reasoning to real-world scenarios.

Tangram Teasers: Puzzling with Shapes and Spatial Relationships

primary maths problem solving activities

Tangrams are a fantastic tool to develop spatial reasoning and geometry skills in elementary students. Provide each student with a set of tangram pieces – seven flat shapes that can be combined to form various figures. Challenge students to recreate specific shapes, animals, or objects using the tangram pieces. This activity promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and spatial visualization while engaging students in a creative puzzle-solving adventure.

Math Board Games: Learning Through Play

primary maths problem solving activities

Engage elementary students in the world of board games that are designed to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts. Games like “Monopoly,” “Chutes and Ladders,” and “Uno” can be adapted to incorporate math challenges. Students roll dice, draw cards, or spin spinners, answering math questions or performing calculations as part of the game mechanics. This approach blends learning with leisure, making math more enjoyable and interactive. Related: 20 Helpful Grief Activities for Elementary Students

Pattern Play: Unveiling the Magic of Patterns

primary maths problem solving activities

Patterns are everywhere, and the Pattern Play activity helps elementary students discover the magic behind them. Begin with simple patterns of colors, shapes, or numbers, and let students continue the sequence. Gradually increase the complexity of the patterns as they become more confident. This activity hones pattern recognition skills and lays the foundation for understanding more intricate mathematical concepts, such as algebraic patterns and sequences.

Geometry in Art: Creating Symmetrical Masterpieces

primary maths problem solving activities

Merge math and art with the Geometry in Art activity, where students explore symmetry and geometric shapes to design their own masterpieces. Provide them with drawing materials and guide them to create symmetrical images by drawing on one side and reflecting the design on the other. This activity not only encourages creativity but also reinforces concepts like line symmetry and geometric transformations, showcasing the beautiful intersection of math and artistic expression.

Time Travel Adventure: Learning with Elapsed Time

primary maths problem solving activities

Help elementary students grasp the concept of elapsed time through a Time Travel Adventure. Present them with scenarios involving different start and end times, and ask them to calculate the duration in hours and minutes. You can use real-life scenarios like planning a day’s activities or calculating travel times between destinations. This activity strengthens students’ time-telling skills and develops their understanding of time intervals.

Math Storytelling: Numbers and Narratives

primary maths problem solving activities

Combine math and literacy with the Math Storytelling activity, where students create their own mathematical stories. Encourage them to invent characters, settings, and situations that involve mathematical concepts. They can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division to solve problems within their stories. Sharing their stories not only nurtures their creative skills but also reinforces their understanding of mathematical operations in a meaningful context.

Math Puzzles and Riddles: Brain-Teasing Challenges

primary maths problem solving activities

Engage elementary students’ critical thinking skills with Math Puzzles and Riddles. Provide them with age-appropriate puzzles that require logical reasoning and mathematical insights to solve. These puzzles can range from number sequences and logic puzzles to classic riddles with mathematical twists. The challenge of cracking these brain-teasers makes math enjoyable and encourages students to think outside the box.

Fractional Kitchen: Exploring Fractions in Cooking

primary maths problem solving activities

Bringing fractions into the kitchen creates an interactive and delicious learning experience. Organize a Fractional Kitchen activity where students follow recipes and use measuring cups and spoons to prepare dishes. As they measure ingredients like flour, sugar, and liquids, they gain a tangible understanding of fractions in a practical context. This activity bridges the gap between abstract fractions and real-life applications.

Math Around the World: Exploring Cultural Numerical Systems

primary maths problem solving activities

Expose elementary students to the diversity of numerical systems with the Math Around the World activity. Introduce them to various counting systems used in different cultures, such as Roman numerals or the Mayan number system. Allow them to explore these systems by representing numbers and performing basic calculations. This activity fosters cultural awareness while deepening students’ appreciation for the universality of mathematical principles.

Math Art Gallery: Graphing Coordinate Plane Creations

primary maths problem solving activities

Transform the concept of graphing on a coordinate plane into an artistic endeavor with a Math Art Gallery activity. Provide students with a set of coordinates and guide them to plot points on graph paper. As they connect the dots, intricate designs and images will emerge. This activity allows students to explore the relationship between numbers, coordinates, and visual representations, enhancing their graphing skills in an engaging way.

Math Jeopardy: Interactive Review Game

primary maths problem solving activities

Elevate the excitement of reviewing math concepts by playing Math Jeopardy. Create a game board with different categories and point values related to the curriculum. Divide students into teams and take turns choosing questions from the board. Students must solve the presented problems within a specified time frame to earn points. Math Jeopardy not only reinforces learning but also promotes friendly competition and collaboration among students.

Math-Inspired Building: Exploring Geometry with Construction

primary maths problem solving activities

Combine engineering and mathematics with a Math-Inspired Building activity. Provide students with materials like toothpicks, marshmallows, or straws, and challenge them to create geometric shapes or structures using their imagination. This hands-on experience helps them understand concepts like angles, symmetry, and stability, all while fostering creativity and hands-on problem-solving skills.

Math Mysteries: Solving Interactive Math Whodunits

primary maths problem solving activities

Engage elementary students in mathematical detective work with Math Mysteries. Present them with scenarios where they must solve mathematical clues to uncover the answers. These mysteries can involve a range of math topics, from solving equations to deciphering patterns. As students work through the clues, they not only sharpen their math skills but also enjoy the thrill of solving puzzles.

Math in Nature: Outdoor Exploration of Patterns and Shapes

primary maths problem solving activities

Nature is a treasure trove of mathematical inspiration. Take students on an outdoor exploration to discover Math in Nature. Observe patterns in leaves, petals, and seeds. Look for symmetry in butterfly wings or geometric shapes in rock formations. Encourage students to document their findings through sketches or photographs. This activity fosters a deeper connection between math and the world around us while encouraging curiosity and observation skills. Related: 100 Fun Questions Of The Day for Elementary Students


  • 25 Teeth Brushing Activities for Preschoolers
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  • 23 Fun Shark Activities for Preschoolers

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Sohaib Hasan Shah

Sohaib's journey includes 10+ years of teaching and counseling experience at BCSS School in elementary and middle schools, coupled with a BBA (Hons) with a minor in Educational Psychology from Curtin University (Australia) . In his free time, he cherishes quality moments with his family, reveling in the joys and challenges of parenthood. His three daughters have not only enriched his personal life but also deepened his understanding of the importance of effective education and communication, spurring him to make a meaningful impact in the world of education.

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primary maths problem solving activities

  • Authentic tasks
  • F - 10 Resources

Authentic tasks are designed to help students see mathematics as worthwhile and important. When students understand the purpose of a given problem in mathematics, they are more likely to persist when challenged. Authentic tasks generally have an ‘open middle’ which means that students can use different representations and solutions to communicate their knowledge and reasoning.

These curated links provide MAV members with access to nine authentic tasks from some of our primary consultants’ favourite resources. The 11 criteria provide MAV members with a research-informed context to consider each task’s potential impact on student thinking, ways of working, attitudes towards mathematics, their knowledge and understanding.

The following criteria was used to select the tasks based on their potential:

Criteria Elaboration

Intriguing contexts capture the students’ interests and curiosities

An opportunity for students to relate learning to their own lives and communities. High student motivation/enjoyment and sense of purpose can be anticipated or observed.

Problem solving is required to overcome obstacles

Exploring non-routine questions, real life challenges, posing problems and designing investigations. There are obstacles that students have to overcome in order to succeed.

Low entry/ high ceiling, and an open-middle encourages different strategies

Caters for a range of student abilities. Open-middle allows for different possibilities, strategies, materials and products to emerge. Task may adapt depending on student progress.

Opportunities for creative thinking and or visualising

Students invent, discover and imagine new ways to solve a problem. Students make connections and see relationships by visualising the problem or representing solutions visually.

Encourages reasoning and critical thinking

Logical, rational and critical thinking. eg: estimating, hypothesising, justifying, generalising, comparing, explaining, interpreting and looking back.

Opportunity to collaborate and see others working mathematically

Students challenge each other, the computer, the teacher etc and observe how they work mathematically. Make decisions in groups to communicate findings, engage with different ideas, monitor and regulate each other's thinking.

Opportunities for students to develop fluency

Estimating, collecting and interpreting data, using mathematical language, continuing patterns, choosing appropriate unit of measurement, recalling factual knowledge and concepts readily.

Promotes feedback and metacognition.

Self and peer reflection targeted at specific aspects of the work. eg: knowledge; how your thinking is changed as a result of lesson. Affective traits eg: problem solving attitude, collaborative skills.

Extends knowledge or applies knowledge in new contexts

Provides students with access to forms of knowledge beyond what they can pick up in everyday life or via the Internet.

Promotes an understanding of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of mathematics

Seeing patterns, connecting related ideas based on previously constructed knowledge. Represent concepts (big Ideas) in different ways eg: developing number sense, place value.

Guides future learning

Provides data on student growth to guide future direction. eg: identifies patterns or errors, level of progress towards goal. Makes suggestions for future learning.

Used with permission © Martin Holt Educational Consultant 2017

If you would like to learn more about this approach to assessing or using tasks contact [email protected]

Statistics and probability

NRICH problem solving task:

Scootle lesson sequence: 

Target Level: F - 2

Target Level: 1 - 6 

Measurement and geometry

Wildmaths interactive game:

Teach Engineering investigation:

Target Level: 2-4

Target Level: F-2

Number and algebra

NZMaths lesson sequence:

MAV problem solving task:

ReSolve Maths by Inquiry lesson sequence:

Target Level: 5-6

Target Level: 1-6

Target Level: 5-6

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These support pages were produced using Strategic Partnership Program funding from the Department of Education and Training.

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Maths Problem Solving Booklets

Maths Problem Solving Booklets

Subject: Mathematics

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

Paul Tyler

Last updated

23 August 2022

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Maths problem solving booklets covering a wide range of mathematical problems designed to improve problem solving strategies as well as numeracy and mathematical ability.

Designed to be printed as A5 booklets.

Disclaimer: These are free because the problems are from a wide variety of sources, most of which I have forgotten. I am a maths problem magpie and collect maths problems wherever I find them. All I have done is bundled these ones up to make it convienent.

If you find a problem that is yours and you don’t want it used please comment and I’ll remove it - cheers.

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44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

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problem solving for kids

Inside: Tons of activities that will help boost kids’ problem-solving skills and make them super critical thinkers!

Table of Contents

Who doesn’t love a little challenge now and then? Especially if it’s for our kiddos! 

You see, problem-solving isn’t just for the puzzles and math sheets. It’s the magic stuff that shapes our little ones into big thinkers and doers. 

Yep, it’s pretty important!

With the right activities, we aren’t just sharpening kids’ brain muscles; we’re also enhancing their creativity, boosting their confidence and critical thinking skills, and (just maybe) buying ourselves five minutes to sip that coffee while it’s still hot. 

Stick around, and let’s dive into 44 simple activities to boost your child’s problem-solving skills while having a blast! 🚀💡

Mindfulness activities for kids preview set.

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Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

Why is it Important to Learn Problem-Solving Strategies?

Importance of problem-solving abilities:

Navigating the maze of life requires many skills; it requires the ability to face challenges, find solutions, and adapt. 

This is where problem-solving enters the picture, and here’s why it’s so crucial for our kiddos:

Life is Full of Puzzles:  From tying shoes to understanding a new math concept, life constantly presents us with puzzles. Equipping our children with problem-solving skills ensures they can tackle each one confidently.

Boosts Independence:  As parents or educators, we won’t always be there to hand-hold. When kids can solve problems on their own, they gain a sense of independence, which is essential for their personal growth.

Develops Resilience:  Not every attempt to solve a problem will be successful. But with each try, children learn resilience, understanding that it’s okay to fail and important to try again.

Prepares for Real-World Challenges:  The real world isn’t a scripted playground. It’s unpredictable. By honing their problem-solving abilities, we’re preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside.

Enhances Cognitive Growth:  Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn’t just about finding solutions. It’s about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions. This cognitive workout helps in the overall brain development of our children.

problem solving activities for kids

Fosters Creativity:  There’s often more than one way to solve a problem. Encouraging kids to think outside the box helps them see things from different perspectives and nurtures their creative spirit, letting them see possibilities where others might see roadblocks.

Encourages Adaptability:  In the face of challenges, it’s important not just to find solutions but to be adaptable. As the world changes, kids with strong problem-solving skills can change with it, learning and growing along the way.

Builds Confidence :  Every problem solved is a victory, a testament to their capabilities. This builds a child’s self-esteem, making them believe in their ability to face and overcome obstacles.

So, while it may seem like just another skill on the list, problem-solving is a cornerstone for a well-rounded, resilient, and successful individual.

4 Simple Problem-Solving Steps We Should Know at a Young Age

Problem-solving steps can be thought of as the building blocks for tackling challenges. 

They’re like a set of instructions that  guide us  on our journey to finding different solutions. These steps provide a  roadmap  for kids, helping them break down big problems into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

By following these steps, children can learn  how  to think critically, make smart decisions, and even discover their own creative problem-solving superpowers. 

  • First, we need to understand the problem, just like examining the pieces before we start building. 
  • Next, we brainstorm – this is where we think of different solutions, like trying out various block combinations. Then comes the important part – evaluating the options. We must determine the best solution ,  just like choosing the right blocks for our structure. 
  • After that, it’s time to put the plan into action, just like assembling the blocks to create something amazing. 
  • Finally, we review and see if our solution works, making adjustments if needed. 

problem solving skills for kids

These problem-solving steps are like our trusty toolkit, helping us build our way to success with creativity and ingenuity.

Whether it’s figuring out a math puzzle, resolving a conflict with a friend, or coming up with a new game, these problem-solving steps will be a guide to helping kids take their next steps.

Heartsmart Curriculum bundle set.

Featured resource

HeartSmart Social Emotional Curriculum

If you want a program that guides you on how to teach problem-solving along with other essential skills like self-regulation, respect, teamwork, conflict resolution, and more, check this out!

Best Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

In this guide, we have a cool mix of fun problem-solving activities. There are activities for inside, outside, playing in groups, and even on the computer! So take deep breaths, and let’s get to it!

44 Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Problem-solving games for kids:, card games:.

These are more than just fun; they are brain boosters. In  Go Fish , the hunt for matching cards sharpens memory. While in the classic game  Uno , it’s all about plotting the right move to take the lead.

4 problem solving steps for kids

The Memory Game:

This game isn’t just about remembering; it’s about strategizing. Matching pairs means we’re not just recalling but also paying close attention. This boosts concentration, focus, and, of course, memory – essential skills for everyday challenges!

Try this animal matching memory game.

Classic  Board Games:

Whether it’s Chess , where every move counts, or  Monopoly ,  where every decision can make or break your game, these games teach foresight and strategy.

problem solving games for kids

Maze Games :

Navigating a maze isn’t just about reaching the end; it’s about strategizing the route. These games enhance our ability to plan and foresee, invaluable skills in real-life situations.

Brain-Teasing Sudoku :

Sudoku   isn’t merely filling in numbers; it’s about using logic to deduce the correct sequence.

Tangram Puzzles: 

These aren’t your average puzzles. With Tangram, you shape a story, crafting images using geometric pieces.

Chess & Strategy-Based Games:

Think of these as mental workouts. Here, every step is a calculated decision, honing your ability to think multiple steps ahead.

For more fun:

  • 20 Best Games for 4-Year-Olds
  • 15 Board Games Every 9-Year-Old Will Love

Indoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Complete simple tasks:.

Simple tasks are little jobs that you can do to practice problem-solving. 

  • Matching Socks:  Sort through a pile of laundry to pair up matching socks.
  • Grocery List Planning:  Help create a list for the week’s meals, considering everyone’s preferences.
  • Toy Organization:  Sort toys into designated bins by type, size, or color.
  • Packing Their School Bag:  Ensure they have all the necessary items for the next school day.
  • Setting the Table:  Consider where each plate, fork, and glass should go.

Ask Open-Ended Questions:

Open-ended questions are special questions that don’t have just one answer. They make you think! For instance, instead of asking, “What color is the sky?” you might ask, “Why do you think the sky changes colors?”

Puzzle Games:

Try simple puzzles with fewer pieces for younger kids and more complex puzzles with more pieces for older kids! You figure out how to fit the pieces together, which helps your brain get stronger!

Puzzle games are also great for hand-eye coordination!

Pattern Recognition:

This is all about finding the special patterns in things. Imagine a puzzle with colors or shapes. You have to figure out the pattern to solve it.

Dress-Up and Role-Play:

When you dress up and pretend to be someone else, it’s like stepping into their shoes. You have to think about how they would act and problem-solve what they would say if you were them.

Shape Sorters:

Shape sorters  are super fun for young kids. You have to match each shape to the right hole. It’s like a puzzle for shapes! This helps you learn about different shapes and how they fit together.

Building Challenges:

Use Wooden blocks or legos and give kids a theme or structure to replicate. Great for all age groups!

indoor problem solving activities for kids

Cooking or Baking:

Cooking and baking are like yummy science experiments! You follow recipes, mix ingredients, and even get to taste your creations. You must figure out how to follow and “solve” the recipe so that your creation tastes delicious!

“What If?” Scenarios:

Present hypothetical situations (e.g., “What if you were invisible for a day?”) and discuss possible solutions or actions.

Homemade Science Experiments:

Homemade science experiments are like being a scientist in your own lab! You get to try out cool experiments and discover how things work. 

Quick Experiment example:

Make Dancing Raisins:

  • Clear soda (like Sprite or 7-Up)
  • A clear glass
  • Fill the glass with the soda.
  • Drop a few raisins into the glass.

Result:  The raisins will initially sink, then start “dancing” up and down due to the carbon dioxide bubbles attaching and detaching from them.

Coding Activities: 

Coding is like giving a computer a set of clues to follow. Think of it as telling a story where the computer plays the main character, and your instructions guide its every move. It’s our way of communicating with machines to make them do amazing tasks!

Crossword Puzzles:

Crossword puzzles are fun little word challenges. You must fill in the blanks with the right words and use your smarts to solve tricky clues!

Complex Problems like Brain Teasers:

Brain teasers are like mental gymnastics, making you stretch and flex your thinking muscles. What’s fun about them? There’s often more than one way to reach an answer, so your imagination and logic both get a workout!

Goal Setting Activities:

Goal setting  is like making a special plan for what you want to achieve. 

Think of goal setting as charting out your very own treasure map, with no wrong answers! 

By laying out what you aim to achieve, you’re setting the course toward your treasure: success!

Goals, be they immediate or down the road, act like our personal compasses. They keep you on track and motivated. And every time you hit a goal? That’s you cracking a code and unlocking a new achievement in your adventure!

setting smart goals through problem solving for kids

Setting SMART Goals

This engaging kit focuses on teaching essential skills for setting and  achieving smart goals,  just like breaking down that LEGO set into manageable sections. We help kids understand the importance of clear objectives, staying motivated, overcoming obstacles, embracing adaptability and more.

Math Challenges:

Think of math challenges as your brain’s personal gym session. These aren’t just any puzzles; they’re crafted to push those thinking caps to the limit. 

Debates (Best for older children):

Debates are friendly arguments where you defend your ideas with strong reasons. They’re excellent for problem-solving and for our social skills because they teach us how to think critically and consider different viewpoints. By defending our thoughts in a debate, we learn how to express ourselves clearly, listen to others, and find strong arguments to support our ideas!

Use Worksheets (Teach the Size of the Problem Concepts)

Teach concepts like the size of the problem to help kids determine if their reactions to problems are appropriate and what suitable solutions might be. Use fun visuals and problem-solving worksheets.

You can get this worksheet and more in our HeartSmart curriculum.

size of the problem worksheets

STEM Challenges: 

STEM challenges are games that use science, technology, engineering, and math to solve problems. They’re awesome for problem-solving because they let us be like inventors and builders. Kids can engage in creative play and design and create things, like bridges or machines, using our smarts and creativity. 

indoor problem solving stem activities

Outdoor Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Nature scavenger hunt or treasure hunt: .

Create a list of natural items for kids to find. For added difficulty, give riddles as clues.

We have some awesome free Scavenger Hunt Bundles you can snag!

Scavenger Hunt Printables

Free Scavenger Hunt Bundle

Download this set now, which includes four unique scavenger hunt games

Outdoor Obstacle Course: 

Use items like ropes, cones, and hula hoops to design a course that requires navigation.

Garden Planning & Planting :

Design a garden patch, deciding what to plant based on sunlight and spacing needs.

Map & Compass Orienteering:

Teach kids to use a map and compass, then set waypoints for them to find.

Water Relay Challenges:

Carry water from one bucket to another using a sponge or cup, navigating hurdles.

outdoor problem solving activities for kids

Campsite Setup Simulation Challenge:

Set up a mock campsite considering factors like wind direction, incline, and resource proximity.

Nature Art & Patterns:

Using twigs, leaves, stones, and more, create mosaic patterns or depictions.

Group Problem-Solving Activities for Kids

Tower of spaghetti:.

Using only spaghetti and marshmallows, groups compete to build the tallest stable tower.

Egg Drop Challenge:

Groups are provided with a set of materials (e.g., straws, tape, cotton) to create a protective casing for an egg, which is then dropped from a height.

Silent Line-Up:

Without speaking, kids must line up according to their birthdays or another criterion.

Group Story Time:

One child starts a story with a sentence or two, and each subsequent child adds on, weaving in unexpected twists and turns.

group problem solving activities for kids

The Human Knot:

Kids stand in a circle, reach across, and grasp two different hands. The challenge is to untangle the knot without releasing hands.

Escape Room:

Everyone is ‘locked’ in a themed room and has to solve a series of clues and puzzles to ‘escape’ within a set time. It’s fantastic for problem-solving because it challenges critical thinking, teamwork, and creativity. Everyone must work together, think outside the box, and use their wits to solve the puzzles and complete the mission before time runs out!

Role-Playing Social Situations:

Role-playing helps you practice how to react and solve problems in different situations. Present the group with a fictional but realistic scenario (e.g., stranded on an island) and brainstorm and act out solutions.

By pretending to be in different roles, you can figure out the best ways to communicate, understand others, and find solutions to problems in a safe and fun way!

Blindfolded Obstacle Course:

In pairs, one blindfolded child is guided through an obstacle course by their partner using only verbal instructions.

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

When tech meets intellect, the digital realm becomes a treasure trove of problem-solving wonder!

Educational Apps:

Best Apps by Age:

  • Younger Kids : Dive into the mathematical world with “Moose Math” or kick-start programming concepts playfully with “Bee-Bot.”
  • Older Kids: Amp up programming skills with “Cargo-Bot” or embark on a critical thinking journey with “Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure.”

Online and App-Based Problem Solving Activities

Online Escape Rooms:

Just like physical escape rooms, but from the comfort of your home! They’re digital adventures, demanding clues to be solved to advance to the next level.

Check out these 10 Family Friendly Online Escape rooms here! I’m especially looking forward to Hogwarts Harry Potter Escape Room .

Virtual Logic Puzzles:

Websites that present logic problems and puzzles, leveling up in complexity as kids solve them.

Top Picks:  “Conceptis Puzzles,” “Math Playground Logic Games.”

Benefits: Perfect for sharpening deductive reasoning and pattern recognition.

Interactive E-Books:

These are not your everyday e-books. They demand interaction, choices, and decision-making to progress the story.

Suggestions:  “This Book is Perfect” or I love this big list of the best interactive books for kids.

Benefits: Enhance comprehension, decision-making, and experience of how choices shape outcomes.

Online Strategy Games:

These games demand planning, strategic thinking, and foresight.

Check out: “Fish Sticks Strategy Game”

Benefits: Apart from being immensely fun, they teach patience, strategy formulation, and long-term planning.

10 Examples of Problem-Solving Skills Young Children Should Have

Each of these skills not only helps kids tackle problems effectively but also equips them with abilities they’ll use throughout their lives.

problem solving activities for 5 year olds

  • Critical Thinking:  Encourage young thinkers to examine situations, ask questions, and view things from different angles before reaching a conclusion.
  • Decision-Making Skills:  Help children practice making choices by offering them options and discussing the potential outcomes of each decision.
  • Creative Thinking:  Cultivate creativity by providing opportunities for imaginative play, artistic expression, and activities that encourage thinking outside the box.
  • Communication Skills:  Show children how to express their thoughts,  feelings , and ideas clearly and effectively – a vital skill for problem-solving in social situations.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration:  Foster the spirit of cooperation by encouraging children to work together on group activities or projects, which helps develop problem-solving skills as a team.
  • Resourcefulness:  Challenge children to find alternative solutions using the available resources rather than relying solely on adult guidance.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability:  Teach children how to adapt to changes and unexpected situations, which is crucial for effective problem-solving in real-world scenarios.
  • Persistence:  Staying determined, even when faced with challenges, and continuing to try until a solution is found.
  • Self-reflection:  Recognizing one’s own mistakes or misunderstandings in a situation and learning from them for future problem-solving.
  • Active Listening:  Paying close attention to details when others speak, helping them understand problems more fully and respond effectively. 

Must read post:

How to Help Kids with Inflexible Thinking THRIVE

Tips for Parents and Educators: Nurturing Problem-Solving in Kids

When it comes to fostering problem-solving skills in children, both parents and educators play pivotal roles. It’s less about giving the right answers and more about asking the right questions. 

Encourage Curiosity.  Let kids explore questions like, “What do you think would happen if…?” or “How would you do it differently next time?”.

Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities can be a game-changer.

Set Up Scenarios.  Create environments or situations where kids can think and act independently. Whether it’s setting up a puzzle station at home or a role-play corner in the classroom, these controlled scenarios can stimulate their problem-solving faculties. Remember, it’s okay for them to struggle a bit. It’s through overcoming challenges that real learning occurs.

Lastly,  Be a Guide, Not a Director.  Instead of directing them step-by-step, guide them by providing hints or asking probing questions. This helps them develop the ability to analyze situations and think critically. As they grow, they’ll be more equipped to approach challenges with confidence and creativity. 

So, whether you’re a parent or an educator, remember that each day presents countless opportunities to bolster these invaluable skills. Embrace them!

Final Thoughts: Problem Solving Activities for Kids

Being a pro at problem-solving helps us face all types of curveballs life throws at us.

From untangling math puzzles to making big decisions, this skill is our trusty sidekick. And when life changes? No sweat! We can adapt and shine.

In short, mastering problem-solving helps us face challenges, make wise choices, and truly succeed in whatever we tackle!

I hope you enjoyed these problem-solving activities for kids. Tell me, what one is your favorite?

simple problem solving activities for preschoolers

Because we all want our kids to be happy and healthy — not just for right now, but for the rest of their lives.

primary maths problem solving activities

Tina Williamson is the published author of the growth mindset activity journal for kids - “ Amazing Me ” and the writer and founder here at Mindfulmazing. Passionate about raising mindful, resilient, and compassionate kids we are committed to sharing calming strategies, positive parenting tips, and growth mindset resources. Our resources are now used in over 10,000 homes, schools and counseling offices! Visit the shop here.  

Resources You’ll Love

Our shop is filled with printable resources to help you calm the chaos and assist your amazing little humans to believe in the amazing little humans they are!

Calm Down Corner Bundle.

Calm Down Corner Bundle

Mindful minute.

Mindful Minute

Feelings fun kit.

Feelings Fun Kit

Social stories bundle.

Social Story Bundle

primary maths problem solving activities

Spring SEL Resources

Now available on tpt.

Splash into spring with these spring-themed social-emotional learning activities

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primary maths problem solving activities

  • Grades 6-12
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100 Last-Day-of-School Activities Your Students Will Love!

28 Free Hands-On Addition Activities and Online Games

They all add up to fun!

Collage of addition activities and games, including fingerpainting addition clouds and racing canoe puppies online

1 + 1 = 2. It’s the basic foundation for every child’s math education and the building block to a whole world of learning. Addition is usually the first of the four operations that kids tackle, and mastering it is key to success for years to come. Try these fun addition activities in the classroom or at home to help your students become math wizards in no time!

Hands-On Addition Activities and Games Online Addition Games

Hands-On Addition Activities and Games

Math links cubes stacked on top of a printable worksheet of simple addition equations

Build math block towers

Lay out flash cards, and then use blocks to create towers that answer the problems. Addition activities like this incorporate visual and hands-on techniques, honoring a variety of learning strategies.

Learn more: Math Block Towers

Two upside-down cups with the bottoms cut out mounted to a board. Student is dropping dice through them into a box below, and a math equation is written on the board

Make a dice calculator

This is bound to be a ton of fun! Kids drop a die through each cup, then add up the numbers that fall through. So simple and so enjoyable.

Learn more: Dice Calculator

Construction paper tree with a sliding number strip and red and yellow pompoms

Create an addition apple tree

Hands-on addition activities really make learning stick. Learn how to make and use this adorable addition apple tree at the link.

Learn more: Addition Apple Tree

Child using colorful dot stickers to practice addition facts on a wall chart

Use stickers for hands-on practice

Sticker dots are inexpensive—you can usually pick them up at the dollar store. Little ones will really get a kick out of using them to answer a series of addition problems.

Learn more: Dot Sticker Addition Activity

Toy cars lined up in rows to represent addition problems

Park and add with toy cars

Roll out the toy cars and trucks! Use them as math manipulatives as you work on addition facts.

Learn more: Parking Lot Addition

Two pipe cleaners with beads at each ends, twisted into loops, with addition equations written next to them

Thread beads onto pipe cleaners

You can use pipe cleaners and beads for a variety of addition activities. In this one, put beads at opposite ends of a pipe cleaner, then bend them together and solve the equation.

Learn more: Pipe Cleaner Addition

Child using UNO cards and math cubes to represent addition facts

Deal Uno cards

Use Uno cards or a regular deck with the face cards removed for this addition game. Simply lay out two cards and add the numbers together!

Learn more: Uno Addition Game

Child gluing petals to a paper flower. The petals have addition facts printed on them, with the matching sum in the middle

Cut out addition flowers

This pretty math craft gives kids a chance to work on addition activities like number bonds and mastering math facts. Get the free printable at the link.

Learn more: Flower Addition Activity

Child fingerpainting raindrops under clouds with addition facts written on them

Finger-paint addition clouds

What a sweet idea! Write addition problems on clouds, then use finger paints to add the correct number of raindrops underneath. 

Learn more: Addition Clouds

Brown paper with the words

Use sticky notes to make 10

Sticky notes have so many uses in the classroom. Write individual numbers on them, then use the notes to “make 10” or any other number you choose.

Learn more: Make Ten With Sticky Notes

LEGO bricks laid out on a worksheet, used to demonstrate addition with regrouping

Practice regrouping with LEGO bricks

When you’re ready to move on to slightly more advanced addition activities, use LEGO bricks to help kids understand the concept of regrouping. ( Find many more LEGO math ideas here. )

Learn more: LEGO Addition

Child holding a beach ball with numbers written on it in permanent marker

Toss a beach ball

Jot numbers all over a beach ball using a Sharpie. Then, toss it to a student, and wherever their thumbs land, have them add up the two closest numbers. Ready for trickier addition activities? Add up all the numbers their fingers are touching!

Learn more: Beach Ball Math

Pool noodle cut into slices and placed around a pole. Numbers and symbols are written on each slice to represent addition facts.

Twist up pool noodle equations

Who knew you could use pool noodles for so many cool things in the classroom ? We love this interchangeable equation maker, perfect for practicing addition facts.

Learn more: Teach Simple Equations Using Pool Noodles

Ball of playdough turned into a slider with wiggly eyes and pipe cleaner legs. One side has purple legs and the other are green. An addition fact is written on a card in front of the spider.

Assemble Play-Doh addition spiders

Nothing scary about these little spiders! They’re just here to help kids practice their math facts. Insert pipe cleaner legs and find the total.

Learn more: Play Dough Spider Addition Game

Wood craft stick with colorful clothes pins clipped to it, and a plus sign written in the middle. Above is a card with an addition fact written on it.

Try mini-clothespins and wood craft sticks

This idea uses wood craft sticks and mini-clothespins. It’s a nice way to work in some fine motor skill practice too.

Learn more: Clothes Pin Addition

Addition worksheet with two dominos placed to represent addition facts

Pull out the dominoes

Here’s an easy one! Just turn dominoes sideways and they become math problems to be solved. Say them out loud, or write the equations for more practice.

Learn more: Domino Addition

Two paper bags with small toys inside each. A number have been pulled out each bag, and a paper below shows the addition equation they represent

Grab a handful of toys

Kids will like the mystery element in this addition activity. Fill bags with small toys or mini erasers, then have them grab a handful from each and add them together.

Learn more: Grab Bag Addition

A printable color-by-number worksheet showing a picture of a pirate made by coloring in the answers to addition facts

Color by number

Pull out the crayon box—it’s time to color by number! The twist? Kids have to solve the equations first to learn the right colors to pick. Get the free printables at the link.

Learn more: Color by Code Addition

Child lining up dominos based on the numbers they add up to

Add and sort dominoes

You can do a variety of addition activities with dominoes. For this version, lay out a number line, then sort the dominoes by the sum of their two sides.

Learn more: Domino Line-Up Math Activity

Two large translucent dice with smaller dice inside

Battle it out in Double Dice War

Have you ever seen dice-in-dice? They’re so cool, and kids can’t get enough of them. Play addition war by having each student roll a die and add the numbers together. The one with the higher sum wins. Got a tie? Break it by looking at the number on the outside die.

Learn more: Dice Games and Activities

A piece of paper with two small circles and one large one. The small circles each have several pom poms in them. Also shown: two dice and a pile of colorful pom poms.

Pick up some pom-poms

Use double dice or regular ones along with a package of pom-poms for this easy addition activity. Or try it with goldfish crackers for a tasty way to learn!

Learn more: Pom-Pom Addition

Circles of cardboard with addition problems written on them, with a spatula being used to flip one

Flip a flash card pancake

These pancakes aren’t very tasty, but they’re definitely a clever take on traditional flash cards. Kids will have fun flipping them with a spatula to check their answers.

Learn more: Addition Pancakes

Printable worksheet for playing First to Fill addition game, with pencil, dice, and crayons

Be the first to fill your grid

Get the free printable game boards for this fun addition game at the link. Kids roll the dice and try to be the first to make sums that fill in their grids.

Learn more: Fill Your Grid

Free Online Addition Games

Online math game with a grid of numbers. As each correct answer is selected, it reveals part of a mystery picture.

Addition Puzzle Pics

Click and drag the puzzle pieces to answer the math questions, revealing a cool picture at the end. There are multiple versions for different skills and levels, and you can change the target sums too.

Play it:  Puzzle Pics

Pacman board with ghosts that have addition sums printed on them

Math Pac-Man

Classic arcade game meets math! You’ll have to think fast to solve the equation and eat the right ghost. Try this one in pairs with one student solving and the other moving Pac-Man as fast as they can.

Play it:  Math Pac-Man

Screenshot from Canoe Puppies online math game

Canoe Puppies

Can your puppy-filled canoe beat the others to the finish line? Solve the equations quickly to paddle your way to victory. Students practice two-digit addition with this game.

Play it:  Canoe Puppies

Plus 10 online math game showing columns of colored blocks with numbers in them

What if the ever-popular game Candy Crush was educational too? Wish granted! Match two squares to make 10, and they disappear from the board. This one will keep kids clicking (and practicing math facts) for hours.

Play it: Plus 10

Screenshot of online math game showing spiral of numbered beads and a central number ball shooter

Number Bonds

Choose a target sum between 10 and 20. Then, aim and shoot the center number ball at one of the balls circling the track to make the target sum. Repeat until all the balls are gone.

Play it:  Number Bonds to 20

Looking for more smart ways to teach addition? Check out Number Bond Activities To Help Kids Develop Number Sense .

Addition skills pave the way for years of math learning. Find fun, free hands-on and online addition activities, games, and printables.

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primary maths problem solving activities

40 Subtraction Activities That Are Nothing Less Than Awesome

Your students will love these hands-on ideas. Continue Reading

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Cambridge University Faculty of Mathematics

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Number and algebra

  • The Number System and Place Value
  • Calculations and Numerical Methods
  • Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion
  • Properties of Numbers
  • Patterns, Sequences and Structure
  • Algebraic expressions, equations and formulae
  • Coordinates, Functions and Graphs

Geometry and measure

  • Angles, Polygons, and Geometrical Proof
  • 3D Geometry, Shape and Space
  • Measuring and calculating with units
  • Transformations and constructions
  • Pythagoras and Trigonometry
  • Vectors and Matrices

Probability and statistics

  • Handling, Processing and Representing Data
  • Probability

Working mathematically

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For younger learners

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Published 2018

The Problem-solving Classroom

  • Visualising
  • Working backwards
  • Reasoning logically
  • Conjecturing
  • Working systematically
  • Looking for patterns
  • Trial and improvement.

primary maths problem solving activities

  • stage of the lesson 
  • level of thinking
  • mathematical skill.
  • The length of student response increases (300-700%)
  • More responses are supported by logical argument.
  • An increased number of speculative responses.
  • The number of questions asked by students increases.
  • Student - student exchanges increase (volleyball).
  • Failures to respond decrease.
  • 'Disciplinary moves' decrease.
  • The variety of students participating increases.  As does the number of unsolicited, but appropriate contributions.
  • Student confidence increases.
  • conceptual understanding
  • procedural fluency
  • strategic competence
  • adaptive reasoning
  • productive disposition

primary maths problem solving activities

Math Playground

Tug Multiplication

primary maths problem solving activities

Pony Pull Division

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Canoe Penguins

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Kangaroo Shapes

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Pizza Pandas

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Puppy Decimals

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Hungry Decimals

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Space Multiplication

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Drag Race Division

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Penguin Jump

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Swimming Otters

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Number Puzzles

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Thinking Blocks

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Deep Sea Math Mystery

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Treasure Quest X

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Tug team multiplication.

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Musical Mixup

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PEMDAS Exhibit

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Monster Mischief

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Multiplication Trails

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Tape Diagrams

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Meteor Multiplication


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Far Out Functions

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Division Derby

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Math Surpass Remainders

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Mach 10 Multiples

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Demolition Derby

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Monster Stroll X

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Math Surpass Factors

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Math Word Problems

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Math Surpass Prime

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Multiplication Chart

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Candy Challenge

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Missing Digits Subtraction

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Canoe Puppies

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Addition Puzzle

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Addition Video

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Commutative Video

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Equivalent Fractions Intro

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Bingo Fractions

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Adding Fractions

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Adding Fractions Intro

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Decimal Patterns

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Tug Team Fractions

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Draw in Code

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Locate Coordinates

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Identify Coordinates

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Reflection Painter

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Triangle Pro

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Triangle Decimals

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Triangle Integers

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Undercover Pro

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Undercover X

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Undercover X Pro

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Pyramid Pro

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Pyramid Integers

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Pyramid Double Pro

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Decimal Chart Pro

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Duck Life 4

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Spatial Rescue

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Jon Lightning

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Zippy Boxes

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ClickPLAY Time 6

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Jelly Collapse

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Tube Master

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Overlap Sums

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Number Sequence

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Jelly Slice

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Brain Trainer

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Block Turns

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Crazy Balls

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Math Playground


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  2. Math Problem Solving Worksheets #4

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  3. FREE Math Problem Solving Activity Cards

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  4. P5-7 Problem Solving

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  5. Simple Math Problems Worksheet

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  6. Primary Problem Solving Poster

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  1. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#65

  2. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#207 (Indices

  3. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#50

  4. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#106 (Coordinate Geometry

  5. Maths Shapes TLM/ Maths Shapes Project/ Maths Shapes Activity/TLM for primary school/TLM ideas easy

  6. A Collection of Maths Problem Solving Questions:#95 (Geometry


  1. Problem Solving

    Problem Solving. This feature is somewhat larger than our usual features, but that is because it is packed with resources to help you develop a problem-solving approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Read Lynne's article which discusses the place of problem solving in the new curriculum and sets the scene.

  2. Problem Solving Activities: 7 Strategies

    When students participate in problem solving activities, it is important to ask guiding, not leading, questions. This provides students with the support necessary to move forward in their thinking and it provides teachers with a more in-depth understanding of student thinking. Selecting an initial question and then analyzing a student's ...

  3. Primary Students

    Thinking Mathematically. The Nrich Maths Project Cambridge,England. Mathematics resources for children,parents and teachers to enrich learning. Problems,children's solutions,interactivities,games,articles.

  4. Building Problem-Solvers: Engaging Maths Challenges & Playful Games for

    Building Problem-Solvers: Incorporating challenging maths puzzles and games into primary education is a powerful strategy for developing problem-solving skills in young learners. We recognise the importance of engaging pupils with interactive tasks that not only stimulate their mathematical abilities but also build their confidence in tackling complex challenges.

  5. 5 Ways to Include Problem Solving Activities

    Open-ended math problem solving tasks: promote multiple solution paths and/or multiple solutions. boost critical thinking and math reasoning skills. increase opportunities for developing perseverance. provide opportunities to justify answer choices. strengthen kids written and oral communication skills.

  6. Problem Solving Games for Key Stage 2 children

    Play these fun Maths Games for 7-11 year olds. ... Problem Solving Games. These resources provide fun, free problem solving teaching ideas and activities for primary aged children. They will help children to reason mathematically, a vital skill if they are to learn to solve problems.

  7. Primary Resources: Maths: Solving Problems: Investigations & Puzzles

    9 Teddies & 3 Boxes Problem (Chris Duffy) Nim (Palmz) PNS Problem Solving (Chris Duffy) The Magic Carpet (from NNS) (Max Smith) Magic Carpet Lesson Plan (Katy Hebblewhite) DOC. 'The Red Express' Investigation (Fiona Venus) DOC. Solving Puzzles (Melanie Braithwaite) DOC. Tricky Word Problems (Hayley Kushner) DOC.

  8. 100+ KS1 Maths Problem Solving

    Primary Resources on Problem-Solving . Perfect for KS1 students, our maths problem-solving primary resources test a range of skills, from addition and subtraction to remainders and number order! We've included challenging topics like negative numbers, using inverse numbers, and remainders, to ensure these primary resources on problem-solving test your students' maths knowledge.

  9. Maths Problem Solving KS2: Strategies & Resources

    If your Key Stage 2 pupils are still struggling with reasoning and problem solving in Maths, here are some problem solving strategies to try with your classes; all aligned to Ofsted's suggested primary school teaching strategies. Reasoning and problem solving are widely understood to be one of the most important activities in school mathematics.

  10. Problem solving

    Problem solving is a skill that involves a variety of mathematical skills that will help children in real life. From addition and subtraction to fractions, decimals and percentages, we need problem-solving strategies to solve day-to-day problems involving time, money and measurement. Problem solving is an integral strand of the KS2 maths ...

  11. 60 Elementary Hands-On Math Teaching Ideas

    Just when math starts getting a little harder is when kids start to tune out. Keep it interesting with creative multiplication and division teaching ideas. 48. Multiplication Grid Game. 49. Target Number Card Game. 50. Count the Dots Multiplication Game. 51.

  12. Problem Solving

    Primary mathematics classroom resources. Quality Assured Collection Category: Mathematics Publisher: Association of Teachers of Mathematics. This selection of 5 resources is a mixture of problem-solving tasks, open-ended tasks, games and puzzles designed to develop students' understanding and application of mathematics.

  13. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving in primary maths

    Develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving in Maths with the mastery approach. The skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving are well-known to all primary Maths teachers, and in mastery teaching they play an essential role. To help you develop your mastery approach, we have hand-picked this selection of Maths resources, with ...

  14. Topics in Mathematics

    These activities are all about measuring different things, including time! Can you try and make a sensible guess about the size of something before you measure it? The Nrich Maths Project Cambridge,England. Mathematics resources for children,parents and teachers to enrich learning. Problems,children's solutions,interactivities,games,articles.

  15. 25 Exciting Hands on Math Activities for Elementary

    Math Board Games: Learning Through Play. Source: Engage elementary students in the world of board games that are designed to teach and reinforce mathematical concepts. Games like "Monopoly," "Chutes and Ladders," and "Uno" can be adapted to incorporate math challenges. Students roll dice, draw cards, or ...

  16. Authentic tasks

    Authentic tasks are designed to help students see mathematics as worthwhile and important. When students understand the purpose of a given problem in mathematics, they are more likely to persist when challenged. Authentic tasks generally have an 'open middle' which means that students can use different representations and solutions to ...

  17. Maths Problem-Solving for kids. KS2 Primary Resources

    Problem-solving key stage 2 primary resources for children. We have tons of maths problem-solving activities for kids, and resources available to help your key stage 2 students practice their problem-solving skills. There are lots of themed resources too. This includes things like sports-themed investigate puzzles, or code cracking problems.

  18. Level 1 Math

    1st grade math games for free. Addition, subtraction, place value, and logic games that boost first grade math skills. Level 1 Math Games ... Logic and Problem Solving Games Two Friends. Paint the House Blue. Number Path. Find the Differences. Liquid Sort. Animal Memory. Monsterjong. Rainbow Tower. Squirrel Hop. Pingu and Friends.

  19. Maths Problem Solving Booklets

    Age range: 11-14. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. pdf, 424.8 KB. pdf, 353.5 KB. Maths problem solving booklets covering a wide range of mathematical problems designed to improve problem solving strategies as well as numeracy and mathematical ability. Designed to be printed as A5 booklets.

  20. Developing Excellence in Problem Solving with Young Learners

    Stage 1: Getting started. Stage 2: Working on the problem. Stage 3: Digging deeper. Stage 4: Reflecting. Although the stages are numbered, problem solving is not necessarily a linear process. We might, for example, reflect on what we have done so far and return to working more on the problem before digging deeper.

  21. PDF Problem-solving activities: ideas for the classroom

    problem-solving club pilot scheme, with the aim to set up a new mathematics or computing focused problem-solving club for their students. Each club developed its own programme of activities, and teachers were encouraged to explore opportunities to embed the problem-solving activities they ran into the curriculum. We asked the teachers involved ...

  22. 10 Helpful Worksheet Ideas for Primary School Math Lessons

    Addition and Subtraction within 10 or 20: Using visual aids like number lines, counters, or pictures can be beneficial. Word Problems: Simple real-life scenarios can help students relate math to ...

  23. 44 Powerful Problem Solving Activities for Kids

    By honing their problem-solving abilities, we're preparing kids to face the unforeseen challenges of the world outside. Enhances Cognitive Growth: Otherwise known as cognitive development. Problem-solving isn't just about finding solutions. It's about thinking critically, analyzing situations, and making decisions.

  24. 28 Free Hands-On Addition Activities and Online Games

    28 Free Hands-On Addition Activities and Online Games. They all add up to fun! 1 + 1 = 2. It's the basic foundation for every child's math education and the building block to a whole world of learning. Addition is usually the first of the four operations that kids tackle, and mastering it is key to success for years to come.

  25. Logic Games

    Math Playground has more than 500 free, online math games, logic games and strategy puzzles that will give your brain a workout. Play Bloxorz, 2048 and all your favorite games. Logic Games and Puzzles ... Problem Solving 3rd Grade Math Visual Math Tools Model Word Problems.

  26. Developing Mathematical Thinking

    Exploring, questioning, working systematically, visualising, conjecturing, explaining, generalising, convincing, proving... are all at the heart of mathematical thinking. The activities below are designed to give learners the opportunity to think and work as mathematicians. For problems arranged by curriculum topic, see our Primary Curriculum page.

  27. Level 5 Math

    5th grade math games for free. Multiplication, division, fractions, and logic games that boost fifth grade math skills. Level 5 Math Games ... Logic and Problem Solving Games Icy Super Slide. Arcade Golf. Rabbit Samurai 2. Duck Life 4. Icy Purple Head 2. Duck Life Space. Doctor Acorn 3. Doctor Acorn 2. Purple Mole. Fox Adventurer.

  28. The Problem-solving Classroom

    The Problem-solving Classroom. This article forms part of our Problem-solving Classroom Feature, exploring how to create a space in which mathematical problem solving can flourish. At NRICH, we believe that there are four main aspects to consider: • Highlighting key problem-solving skills. • Examining the teacher's role.

  29. Level 2 Math

    Addition, subtraction, place value, and logic games that boost second grade math skills. Level 2 Math Games Game Spotlight: Canoe Puppies Multiplayer Math Games Jet Ski Addition. Money. Time. Tug Addition. Ducky Race Subtraction ... Logic and Problem Solving Games Squirrel Hop. Pingu and Friends. Cake Topping. Two Friends. Katana Fruit. Mila's ...

  30. Level 4 Math

    4th grade math games for free. Multiplication, division, fractions, and logic games that boost fourth grade math skills. Level 4 Math Games ... Logic and Problem Solving Games Icy Super Slide. Arcade Golf. Rabbit Samurai 2. Duck Life 4. Icy Purple Head 2. Duck Life Space. Doctor Acorn 3. Doctor Acorn 2. Sophia's World. Purple Mole.