speech oral communication examples

The Importance Of Oral Communication

The South Korean film Parasite made history at the 2020 Oscars when it became the first non-English language film to…

683. 10 Behavioral Interview Questions To Prepare For

The South Korean film Parasite made history at the 2020 Oscars when it became the first non-English language film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. For his acceptance speech, director Bong Joon Ho said, “Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”

Bong was trying to change the way people perceive foreign language films. And he did. His words resonated not just with the South Korean audience, but with moviegoers worldwide.

Not every speaker leaves a lasting impression on their audience. But imagine if you could always speak with impact in your professional setting.

Strong oral communication is one of the best skills you can have in the workplace. Not only can you move, persuade and encourage others to think and act differently, your speaking skills also help you stand out among your co-workers.

Let’s explore the importance of different types of oral communication you need to become a competent professional.

What Is Oral Communication?

Importance of oral communication, types of oral communication.

Oral communication is communicating with spoken words. It’s a verbal form of communication where you communicate your thoughts, present ideas and share information. Examples of oral communication are conversations with friends, family or colleagues, presentations and speeches.

Oral communication helps to build trust and reliability. The process of oral communication is more effective than an email or a text message. For important and sensitive conversations—such as salary negotiations and even conflict resolution, you can rely on oral communication to get your point across, avoid misunderstandings and minimize confusion.

In a professional setting, effective oral communication is important because it is built on transparency, understanding and trust. Your oral communication skills can boost morale, encourage improved performance and promote teamwork .

Here are some benefits of oral communication:

It saves time by letting you convey your message directly to the other person and getting their response immediately.

It’s the most secure form of communication for critical issues and important information

It helps to resolve conflicts with face-to-face communication

It’s a more transparent form of communication as it lets you  gauge how others react to your words

There are different examples of oral communication in a business setting. You need several oral communication skills for career advancement. Let’s look at different types of oral communication:

Elevator Pitch

Imagine you meet the CEO of your organization in the elevator. Now, you have 30 seconds to introduce yourself before they get out on the next floor. This is your elevator pitch. It’s a form of oral communication where you have to succinctly explain who you are and what you want from the other person.

Formal Conversations

These are common at work because you have to constantly interact with your managers, coworkers and stakeholders such as clients and customers. Formal conversations are crisp, direct and condensed. You have to get your point across in a few words because everyone has only limited time to spare.

Informal Conversations

These are conversations that you have with your team members or friends and family. They are mostly without an agenda. You can talk about your day, what you’re going to eat for lunch or discuss weekend plans. These are friendly conversations peppered with light banter.

Business Presentations

This is where you need to make the best use of your speaking skills. Public speaking is an important skill to develop if you want to command a room full of people. For this, you need to leverage Harappa’s LEP and PAM Frameworks as well as the Four Ps of Pitch, Projection, Pace and Pauses.

Speeches are important in businesses like event management or community outreach. In a corporate setup, speeches are reserved for top management and leaders.

Arming yourself with effective oral communication skills will boost your confidence, prepare you for challenging tasks like meeting and impressing clients.

Harappa Education’s Speaking Effectively course is carefully designed to teach you how to improve your communication skills. You’ll learn about both oral and nonverbal communication with important frameworks like the Rule of Three and Aristotle’s Appeals of logic, credibility and emotion. Persuade your audience, deliver well-crafted ideas and connect with others with advanced speaking skills.

Explore topics & skills such as Public Speaking , Verbal Communication , Speaking Skills & Oratory Skills from Harappa Diaries and learn to express your ideas with confidence.

Reskilling Programs

L&D leaders need to look for reskilling programs that meet organizational goals and employee aspirations. The first step to doing this is to understand the skills gaps and identify what’s necessary. An effective reskilling program will be one that is scalable and measurable. Companies need to understand their immediate goals and prepare for future requirements when considering which employees to reskill.

Are you still uncertain about the kind of reskilling program you should opt for?  Speak to our expert   to understand what will work best for your organization and employees.



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10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Few are immune to the fear of public speaking. Marjorie North offers 10 tips for speakers to calm the nerves and deliverable memorable orations.

Marjorie North

Snakes? Fine. Flying? No problem. Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking — routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears — can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech.

In part one of this series,  Mastering the Basics of Communication , I shared strategies to improve how you communicate. In part two, How to Communicate More Effectively in the Workplace , I examined how to apply these techniques as you interact with colleagues and supervisors in the workplace. For the third and final part of this series, I’m providing you with public speaking tips that will help reduce your anxiety, dispel myths, and improve your performance.

Here Are My 10 Tips for Public Speaking:

1. nervousness is normal. practice and prepare.

All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform poorly or make a fool of yourself. Some nerves are good. The adrenaline rush that makes you sweat also makes you more alert and ready to give your best performance.

The best way to overcome anxiety is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Take the time to go over your notes several times. Once you have become comfortable with the material, practice — a lot. Videotape yourself, or get a friend to critique your performance.

Communication Strategies: Presenting with Impact

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2. Know Your Audience. Your Speech Is About Them, Not You.

Before you begin to craft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words, level of information, organization pattern, and motivational statement.

3. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose.

Create the framework for your speech. Write down the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, and main points. Make sure to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds.

4. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It.

Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners.

5. Let Your Personality Come Through.

Be yourself, don’t become a talking head — in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

6. Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use Effective Language.

Inject a funny anecdote in your presentation, and you will certainly grab your audience’s attention. Audiences generally like a personal touch in a speech. A story can provide that.

7. Don’t Read Unless You Have to. Work from an Outline.

Reading from a script or slide fractures the interpersonal connection. By maintaining eye contact with the audience, you keep the focus on yourself and your message. A brief outline can serve to jog your memory and keep you on task.

8. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures.

Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction.

9. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End.

Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.

10. Use Audiovisual Aids Wisely.

Too many can break the direct connection to the audience, so use them sparingly. They should enhance or clarify your content, or capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

Practice Does Not Make Perfect

Good communication is never perfect, and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, putting in the requisite time to prepare will help you deliver a better speech. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them.

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About the Author

North is a consultant for political candidates, physicians, and lawyers, and runs a private practice specializing in public speaking, and executive communication skills. Previously, she was the clinical director in the department of speech and language pathology and audiology at Northeastern University.

Why Gender Equity in the Workplace is Good for Business

Research indicates a correlation between gender equity and organizational success, yet it also points to obstacles for women in leadership.

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Oral Communication: Definitions, Importance, Methods, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

speech oral communication examples

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Oral Communication?
  • 2 Definitions of Oral Communication
  • 3.1 Clear Pronunciation
  • 3.2 Brevity
  • 3.3 Precision
  • 3.4 Conviction
  • 3.5 Logical Sequence
  • 3.6 Appropriate Word Choice
  • 3.7 Use natural voice
  • 3.8 Communicate With Right Person
  • 3.9 Do Not Get Guided by Assumptions
  • 3.10 Look for Feedback
  • 3.11 Allow to Ask Questions
  • 4.1 Face-to-Face Conversation
  • 4.2 Telephone
  • 4.3 Presentation
  • 4.4 Public Speech
  • 4.5 Interview
  • 4.6 Meeting
  • 5.1 Speak in a Clear, Confident Strong Voice
  • 5.2 Be Coherent
  • 5.3 Avoid Using Filler Words
  • 5.4 Be an Active Listener
  • 6 Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication
  • 7.1 Quickness in Exchange of Ideas
  • 7.2 Immediate Feedback
  • 7.3 Flexibility
  • 7.4 Economic Sources
  • 7.5 Personal Touch
  • 7.6 Effective Source
  • 7.7 Saves Time and Increases Efficiency
  • 8.1 Unfit for Lengthy Message
  • 8.2 Unfit for Policy Matters
  • 8.3 Lack of Written Proof
  • 8.4 Expensive Method
  • 8.5 Lack of Clarity
  • 8.6 Misuse of Time
  • 8.7 Presence of Both the Parties Necessary
  • 9 Oral Mode is Used Where
  • 10.1 What is oral communication in one word?
  • 10.2 What is oral communication according to different authors?
  • 10.3 What is the importance of an oral communication essay?
  • 10.4 What are the methods of oral communication?
  • 10.5 What is oral communication according to the authors?
  • 10.6 What is the importance of oral communication?
  • 10.7 What are the six types of oral communication?
  • 10.8 What are the advantages of communication?
  • 10.9 What are the disadvantages of communication?
  • What is Oral Communication?

Oral communication implies communication through the mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, and discussions are all forms of oral communication .

Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter is of a temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face-to-face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant so as to build rapport and trust.

What is Oral Communication

In other words, Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by talking. It is predominantly referred to as speech communication.

  • Definitions of Oral Communication

These are the following definitions of oral communication :

  • Importance of Oral Communication

The following are the importance of oral communication :

Clear Pronunciation

Logical sequence, appropriate word choice, use natural voice, communicate with right person, do not get guided by assumptions, look for feedback, allow to ask questions.

Importance of Oral Communication

The message should be pronounced clearly, otherwise, the receiver may not understand the words of the sender.

A brief message is considered the most effective factor since the receiver’s retention capacity is limited in oral communication . The sender should be as brief as possible.

The sender should ensure the exactness of the message. The only relevant issue should be included in the message and that too with accuracy.

The sender should believe in the facts that are being communicated to others. The oral presentation should evince the confidence of the sender.

The sender should present the message logically. The points to be spoken first and what should follow to convey the meaning and motives of the sender effectively to the receiver need to be looked into.

Words are symbols. They have no fixed or universal meanings. The meanings of words at that moment are in the mind of the sender. Therefore, the sender should select the words which are suitable and understandable to the other party and those which convey exactly the same meanings as the sender wanted.

A natural voice conveys integrity and conviction. It is advised to use a natural voice in oral communication .

It is essential to know with whom to communicate. If you communicate the right message to the wrong person, it may lead to a lot of problems. Be sure in recognizing the right person to communicate with.

Never assume that your listener has knowledge already of the subject matter. You may be wrong many times in such assumptions. You can be good only when you are confident in your message without any omission.

When communicating, if you are smart enough in collecting feedback verbally or non-verbally, you can quickly alter the message, if necessary.

It is important to give freedom to the receiver to rise questions whenever he feels ambiguity or confusion. In a way, the communicator should encourage the receiver to ask questions. Such questions are opportunities to clarify doubts.

Types of Oral Communication

These are the types of oral communication discussed below in detail:

Face-to-Face Conversation

Presentation, public speech.

Oral communication is best when it is face-to-face . A face-to-face setting is possible between two individuals or among a small group of people in an interview or in a small meeting; communication can flow both ways in these situations. There is always immediate feedback, which makes clarification possible.

Telephone talk depends entirely on the voice. It does not have the advantage of physical presence. Clarity of speech and skillful use of voice is important. There can be confusion between similar sounding words like pale and bale or between light and like.

Names and addresses communicated on the telephone are sometimes wrongly received. It is therefore customary to clarify spellings by saying C for Cuttack, B for Bal sore, and so on.

A presentation has a face-to-face setting. It is a formal and well-prepared talk on a specific topic, delivered to a knowledgeable and interested audience. Visual aids are used to enhance a presentation. The person who makes the presentation is expected to answer questions at the end.

It is the responsibility of the presenter to ensure that there is a clear understanding of all aspects of the topic among the audience.

A public speech or lecture, with or without microphones, has a face-to-face setting, but the distance between the speaker and audience is great; this distance increases as the audience gets larger, as in an open-air public meeting.

The purpose of a public speech may be to entertain, encourage and inspire. Much depends on the speaker’s skill in using gestures and using the microphone. Feedback is very little as the speaker can hardly see the facial expressions of people in the audience. A public speech is followed by applause rather than by questions from the audience.

An interview is a meeting in which a person or a panel of persons, who are the interviewers, ask questions from the interviewee. The purpose is, usually, to assess and judge whether it would be worthwhile to enter into a business relationship with the other.

Each side makes an assessment of the other. An interview is structured and is characterized by the question and answer type of communication .

Usually, a meeting involves many persons; there is a chairman or a leader who leads and guides the communication and maintains proper order. There is a fixed agenda, i.e., a list of issues to be discussed at the meeting.

Meetings are of many types, from the small committee meeting consisting of three or four persons to the large conference or the shareholders’ meeting. This type of oral communication is backed up by note-taking and writing up minutes.

  • Methods to Improve Oral Communication Skills

These are some methods to improve oral communication skills :

Speak in a Clear, Confident Strong Voice

Be coherent, avoid using filler words, be an active listener.

Methods to Improve Oral Communication Skills

one should speak in a confident, clear, and strong voice so that it is audible to everyone in the audience. Keep the pace of your speaking average, not very slow not very fast. While speaking, face the audience.

One should speak coherently with a concentration on your subject only. Try not to be distracted from your subject, try to prevent other thoughts at that time.

It is better to pause for a second rather than using filler words, such as “Yeah”, “So”, “Um”, and “Like” frequent use of filler words disturbs coherence and distracts the audience.

Verbal communication is a two-way process; you should, therefore, be an active listener too. Try to understand a question/query quickly, because it looks odd to ask to repeat the question.

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

These are the following advantages and disadvantages of oral communication :

Advantages of Oral Communication

Disadvantages of oral communication.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Following are the advantages of oral communication :

Quickness in Exchange of Ideas

Immediate feedback, flexibility, economic sources, personal touch, effective source, saves time and increases efficiency.

Advantages of Oral Communication

Quickness in Exchange of Ideas : The ideas can be conveyed to distant places quickly because this medium does not require the message to be written.

Immediate Feedback : Oral communication helps in understanding the extent to which the receiver has understood the message through his feelings during the course of the conversation.

Flexibility : Oral communication has an element of flexibility inherent in it. Flexibility means changing ideas according to the situation or changing ideas according to the interest of the receiver.

Economic Sources : It is an economic source of communication because the message is communicated only orally.

Personal Touch : Oral communication has a personal touch. Both sides can understand each other’s feelings, being face to face. The conversation takes place in a clean environment, which increases mutual confidence..

Effective Source : Oral Communication leaves much impression on the receiver. It is said that sometimes a thing can be communicated more effectively with the help of some sign. The use of signs or gesticulation can only be made in oral communication.

Saves Time and Increases Efficiency : This communication consumes less time and the superiors can utilize the time saved for some other more important work. As a result of this the efficiency of the sender increases.

Let’s discuss some disadvantages of oral communication :

Unfit for Lengthy Message

Unfit for policy matters, lack of written proof, expensive method, lack of clarity, misuse of time, presence of both the parties necessary.

Disadvantages of Oral Communication

Unfit for Lengthy Message : Oral communication is profitable in having a brief exchange of ideas only. It is not possible for the receiver to remember a long message.

Unfit for Policy Matters : Where policies, rules, or other important messages are to be communicated, oral communication has no importance.

Lack of Written Proof : In the case of oral communication no written proof is left for future reference. Therefore, sometimes difficulty has to be faced.

Expensive Method : When less important information is sent to distant places through telephone, etc. oral communication proves costly.

Lack of Clarity : This is possible when there is little time for conversation. Sometimes wrong can be uttered in a hurry, which can lead to adverse results.

Misuse of Time : Oral communication is considered a misuse of time when during meetings the conversation is lengthened unnecessarily. Parties involved in the communication waste their time in useless talks.

Presence of Both the Parties Necessary : In oral communication, it is essential for the sender and the receiver to be present face to face, it does not mean in the physical sense. But in written communication , one party is required.

  • Oral Mode is Used Where

These are the following points where we used oral mode :

  • Personal authentication is needed. e.g., between an officer and her personal secretary; a journalist and her source (“I heard it from a reliable source”)
  • Social or gregarious needs must be met. e.g.,’ speaking with a visiting delegation
  • Warmth and personal qualities are called for. e.g., group or team interaction
  • Exactitude and precision are not vitally important. e.g., brainstorming for ideas I
  • Situations demand maximum understanding. e.g., sorting out problems or differences between individuals, or between two groups such as administration and students.
  • An atmosphere of openness is desired. e.g., talks between management and. workers
  • Added impact is needed to get the receiver’s focus. e.g., a chairperson of an organization addressing the staff; a presidential or royal address to a nation
  • Decisions or information have to be communicated quickly. e.g., officers issuing officers during natural disasters such as floods or an earthquake
  • Confidential matters are to be discussed. e.g., exchange of positive or negative information about an organization or an individual. In the process of appointments or promotion or selection of individuals, a period of open discussion may precede the final decision that is recorded in writing.

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Oral Communication

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FAQ Related to Oral Communication

What is oral communication in one word.

Oral communication expresses ideas through the spoken word.

What is oral communication according to different authors?

Oral communication takes place when spoken words are used to transfer information and understanding from one person to another. BY S. K. Kapur

What is the importance of an oral communication essay?

The following are the importance of oral communication: Clear Pronunciation, Brevity, Precision, Conviction, Logical Sequence, Appropriate Word Choice, Use of natural voice, etc.

What are the methods of oral communication?

Following are some methods to improve oral communication skills: Speak in a Clear, Confident Strong Voice, Be Coherent, Avoid Using Filler Words, Be an Active Listener, etc.

What is oral communication according to the authors?

Oral communication expresses ideas through the spoken word. By  Bovee

What is the importance of oral communication?

Following are the importance of oral communication: 1. Clear Pronunciation 2. Brevity 3. Precision 4. Conviction 5. Logical Sequence 6. Appropriate Word Choice 7. Use a natural voice 8. Communicate With Right Person 9. Do Not Get Guided by Assumptions 10. Look for Feedback 11. Allow to Ask Questions.

What are the six types of oral communication?

These are the six types of oral communication: 1. Face-to-Face Conversation 2. Telephone 3. Presentation 4. Public Speech 5. Interview 6. Meeting.

What are the advantages of communication?

Advantages of Communication given below: 1. Quickness in Exchange of Ideas 2. Immediate Feedback 3. Flexibility 4. Economic Sources 5. Personal Touch 6. Effective Source 7. Saves Time and Increases Efficiency.

What are the disadvantages of communication?

Disadvantages of Communication: 1. Unfit for Lengthy Message 2. Unfit for Policy Matters 3. Lack of Written Proof 4. Expensive Method 5. Lack of Clarity 6. Misuse of Time 7. Presence of Both the Parties Necessary.

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Oral Communication: Examples, Importance, Types & Features

Table of Contents

Among the various forms of communication, oral communication stands out as a fundamental and powerful tool. In this guide, we will explore its definition, importance, and various forms, while providing practical tips, examples, and strategies to enhance your oral communication skills.

Definition of oral communication

“Oral communication is the process of sharing information and creating meaning through the use of spoken language, including both formal and informal interactions.” Author: Julia T. Wood Reference: Wood, J. T. (2012). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Cengage Learning.

What is oral communication? 

The process of exchanging information, thoughts, and ideas through spoken words is commonly referred to as oral communication. It is a fundamental form of human communication that allows individuals to interact, express themselves, and convey messages directly to others using speech.

Oral communication covers various aspects, including speaking, listening, and understanding. It is a dynamic process involving both verbal and nonverbal cues such as tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.

Nature of oral communication 

The nature of oral communication is essentially dynamic and interactive. Unlike written communication, which relies on written words, oral communication involves direct interaction between individuals through spoken words. It allows for real-time exchanges, immediate feedback, and the ability to respond to the needs of the situation and audience. Alongside spoken words, oral communication incorporates nonverbal cues, including facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.  These cues can greatly enhance the message being conveyed. 

Purpose of oral communication

Oral communication aims to effectively convey information through clear and concise vocal words. It fosters interaction, and relationship building, and facilitates collaboration among individuals. Effective oral communication skills are vital in personal, and professional settings as they enable individuals to express themselves, listen actively, and respond appropriately to the needs of others.

Characteristics of oral communication 

Several key characteristics of oral communication shape how it is used and understood. Understanding these characteristics is essential for developing effective oral communication skills and successfully navigating interpersonal interactions in various settings.

These characteristics include:

1/ Dynamic and interactive: Oral communication involves a two-way exchange of information between a speaker and a listener. It is an interactive process that allows instant feedback and clarification.

2/ Verbal and nonverbal cues: Oral communication includes the use of spoken words as well as nonverbal cues like facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language.

3/ Less formal: Oral communication is often less formal than written communication and may involve informal language. However, the level of formality can vary depending on the context of the communication.

4/ Spoken Words: Oral communication relies on spoken words as the primary medium of conveying messages. It involves the use of language, including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, to express thoughts and ideas. 

5/ Contextual and Situational: Oral communication is highly dependent on the context and situation in which it takes place. Factors such as the audience, purpose, and cultural background influence the language, tone, and style used by the speaker. 

Further Reading: What are the characteristics of oral communication

Types of oral communication 

Oral communication can be categorized into several types based on different contexts and purposes. Each type has its own specific characteristics and purposes, and being proficient in each type of oral communication is crucial for effective interpersonal interactions. Here are some common types of oral communication:


1/ Group Discussions: Group discussions involve multiple participants engaging in an exchange of ideas, opinions, and perspectives on a specific topic. This type of oral communication enhances collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making within a team.

2/ Public Speaking: This type of communication involves one individual speaking to a large group of people. Public speaking is often used for informative or persuasive purposes, such as delivering a keynote speech or presenting a proposal.

3/ Interviewing: This type of communication involves one individual asking questions of another individual. Interviews are often used in job interviews, media interviews, and research interviews.

4/ Video Conferencing: This form of communication is similar to face-to-face communication but takes place over video conferencing software. Video conferencing proves beneficial for remote teams and individuals unable to meet in private.

5/ Telephonic Communication: This type of communication involves two or more individuals communicating over the phone. Telephonic communication is useful for situations where face-to-face communication is not possible or practical, such as in long-distance relationships or business negotiations.

6/ Informal Conversations: Informal conversations occur when individuals engage in casual and Unplanned discussions with each other. Informal conversations occur in everyday settings such as social gatherings, family interactions, and friendly conversations.

Examples of oral communication 

Examples of oral communication channels 

  • Oral Reports
  • Interpersonal Conversations
  • Speeches and Lectures
  • Customer Service Calls
  • Team Huddles
  • Radio Broadcasting

Oral communication tools examples 

  • Voice Assistants: Virtual assistants activated by voice commands, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, offer convenient and hands-free interaction.
  • Voice Recorders: Portable voice recorders or smartphone voice recording apps.
  • Video Conferencing Tools: Video conferencing platforms like Zoom or Google Meet.
A demonstration of how we use Google Meet for day-to-day oral communication for remote working.
  • VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): VoIP services, such as Skype, or Nextiva.
  • Telephones: Traditional landline phones and mobile phones.

Elements of oral communication 

1/ Speaker: The speaker is the individual or source who initiates and delivers the oral message. They are responsible for formulating their thoughts, organizing the message, and selecting appropriate language and delivery style to effectively communicate their ideas to the listener(s).

2/ Message: The message refers to the content and information intended by the speaker for communication. It combines both verbal and nonverbal components, such as words, tone of voice, facial expressions, gestures, and body language.

3/ Listener: The listener is the recipient of the oral communication. They receive process, and interpret the speaker’s message. 

4/ Feedback: Feedback is the response given by the listener(s) to the message conveyed by the speaker. It can be verbal or nonverbal and helps the speaker understand the effectiveness of their communication.

5/ Channel: The channel refers to the medium or mode of communication used to transmit the oral message. It can include face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, video conferences, presentations, and more.

6/ Context: The context includes the environment in which oral communication occurs. It includes factors like physical location, cultural norms, social dynamics, and the topic of communication.

7/ Noise: Noise encompasses any form of interference or barriers that affect the smooth flow of effective communication . It can be external noise like distractions or internal noise like language barriers .

8/ Purpose: The purpose of oral communication is the objective or intention behind the communication.

What are oral communication skills? 

Oral communication skills refer to the abilities and competencies that enable individuals to effectively convey their ideas, thoughts, and messages through spoken words. These skills involve using language, tone of voice, body language, and other forms of nonverbal communication to engage listeners and convey messages clearly and persuasively.

1/ Active Listening skills: Active listening is a crucial skill in oral communication. It involves fully focusing on and understanding the speaker’s message, responding appropriately, and providing feedback or clarification when necessary. 

2/ Presentation Skills: Presentation skills involve effectively delivering information to an audience in a well-organized manner. These skills encompass organizing content, using visual aids effectively, maintaining audience engagement, and delivering a confident and impactful presentation.

3/ Flexibility and Adaptability skills: Being flexible and adaptable in oral communication allows individuals to adjust their message, language, and approach based on the needs and preferences of the audience. It involves being open to different communication styles, cultural differences, and unexpected changes in the communication context.

4/ Conversation Skills: Conversation skills refer to the ability to engage in meaningful and productive conversations with others. This involves initiating and maintaining conversations and showing interest in others’ contributions.

5/ Discussion Skills : It involves participating in structured group discussions. It involves contributing ideas, listening to others, and providing feedback or responses. Effective discussion skills can help facilitate group decision-making, resolve conflicts, and promote collaboration and teamwork.

6/ Telephonic Communication Skills : Telephonic skills involve the ability to communicate effectively over the telephone. It includes speaking clearly and audibly, using appropriate language and tone, and being attentive to the listener’s needs and concerns.

Techniques for improving oral communication skills 

  • Practice Active Listening: Actively listening to others is a fundamental aspect of effective oral communication. Practice focusing your attention on the speaker, avoiding distractions can help you improve your oral communication skills.  Active listening encompasses three key aspects : 
  • Cognitive: This involves actively paying attention to all information being communicated.
  • Emotional: This aspect involves remaining calm and compassionate during the conversation.
  • Behavioral: The final aspect of active listening involves conveying interest and comprehension both verbally and nonverbally.
  • Expand Vocabulary: Enhancing your vocabulary can improve your ability to express ideas accurately and precisely.
  • Use appropriate tone and pitch: Adapt your tone and pitch to match the context and audience.
  • Seek Opportunities for Conversations and Discussions: Engage in conversations and discussions with others as much as possible.
  • Use Visualization Techniques: Before important presentations or conversations, visualize yourself speaking confidently and effectively.
  • Seek feedback and practice: Actively seek feedback from trusted individuals, such as mentors or colleagues, and work on areas that need improvement.

Benefits of improving oral communication skills 

Improving oral communication skills can bring a range of benefits to both personal and professional environments. For instance, it can enhance one’s ability to express ideas clearly and effectively, which can help in building strong relationships, both at work and in personal space. 

Moreover, clear communication can also help in avoiding misunderstandings, reduce conflicts, and promote collaboration and teamwork. Additionally, it can improve one’s public speaking abilities, which can help in presentations and speaking engagements. 

Importance of oral communication 

Effective interpersonal interactions rely heavily on oral communication. It allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas and enables us to understand others more deeply. Strong oral communication also fosters positive relationships, builds trust, and facilitates collaboration.

  • Clarity and understanding: Through oral communication, individuals can effectively express complex ideas and information with clarity. It promotes better understanding and minimizes confusion or misinterpretation.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: Effective oral communication is crucial for successful collaboration and teamwork. It enables individuals to exchange ideas, provide feedback, and work together towards common goals.
  • Enhance Customer Service: In customer-facing roles, oral communication is essential for providing exceptional service. Clear communication helps understand customer needs, address concerns, and provide solutions.
  • Persuasion and influence: Oral communication is a key tool for persuasion and influence. Through effective speaking skills, individuals can convince others to adopt their viewpoints, take action, or change their behavior.
  • Problem-Solving: Effective oral communication is crucial for problem-solving and decision-making processes. It allows for effective sharing of information, active listening, and collaborative discussions.

Significance of oral communication at the organization level 

Oral communication holds immense significance at the organizational level as it impacts various aspects of operations, leadership, decision-making, and external interactions.

Effective oral communication ensures smooth information flow and coordination, improving productivity and collaboration within the organization. It plays a critical role in leadership, allowing leaders to articulate their vision and inspire teams.

Decision-making processes benefit from clear communication, facilitating informed discussions and consensus. Externally, effective oral communication builds relationships and satisfaction with stakeholders.

Role of oral communication in a professional context 

In a professional context, oral communication plays a pivotal role in several aspects. It is essential for effective presentations and public speaking, allowing professionals to convey their ideas, and influence decision-making.

In fact, the Corporate Recruiters Survey indicates that oral communication skills are at the top of the list of abilities and skills that employers seek in their candidates.

Furthermore, oral communication is crucial in meetings and discussions, enabling effective collaboration, brainstorming, and problem-solving. It facilitates clear and concise instructions, and delegation, enhancing management abilities. Overall, oral communication in a professional context is the cornerstone of effective teamwork, leadership, client interactions, and career advancement.

Methods of oral communication 


The mechanical channels include:

  • Telephone conversations: Communication using telephones, where spoken messages are transmitted electronically.
  • Voicemail: Leaving voice messages on an answering machine or voicemail system for others to listen to later.
  • Conference calls: Communication between multiple parties in different locations through a telephonic connection, allowing for group discussions.
  • Television broadcasting: Transmitting spoken messages along with visual content to a wide audience through television channels.
  • Automated phone systems: Interactive voice response (IVR) systems that use pre-recorded prompts and voice recognition to provide information to appropriate destinations.

Non-Mechanical Channels 

  • Debates: Structured discussions involve participants presenting arguments and counterarguments on a specific topic in an organized manner
  • Interviews: Verbal exchanges between an interviewer and interviewee(s), often used for research or employment purposes.
  • Speeches: Prepared and structured presentations that convey a message or express thoughts and opinions, often delivered at public events.
  • Conferences: Organized events that bring together experts, and professionals in a specific field to share information, discuss ideas, and network.

Modes of oral communication

Understanding the various modes of oral communication can help individuals effectively adapt their communication strategies based on the context, purpose, and audience involved in a given interaction.

There are two broad modes of oral communication: 

1/ Intrapersonal communication: Intrapersonal communication refers to the mode of communication that occurs within an individual’s own mind. It involves the internal exchange and processing of thoughts and ideas. While it may not involve direct interaction with others, intrapersonal communication is essential for self-reflection, self-analysis, and decision-making.

2/ Interpersonal communication: This mode involves communication between two or more people in a face-to-face interaction, with each person taking turns to speak and listen. Interpersonal communication can be either formal or informal, and it is used in a variety of contexts, including personal relationships, business transactions, and social interactions.

Different styles of oral communication

There are several styles that individuals can employ when communicating orally, depending on the context, purpose, and audience. Here are a few common styles:

1/ Formal style: This style of oral communication is characterized by a structured and professional approach. It is commonly utilized in formal scenarios such as business meetings, presentations, or public speaking engagements.

2/ Persuasive style: This style of oral communication aims to influence or persuade the audience. It is often used in sales presentations, debates, or negotiations.

3/ Interactive style: The interactive style of oral communication involves active participation and engagement between the speaker and the audience.

4/ Storytelling style: This style involves the art of interactive storytelling to captivate and engage the audience. It is often used in presentations, speeches, or public performances.

5/ Assertive style: Assertive style focuses on expressing thoughts, opinions, and needs confidently.  These are just a few examples of different styles of oral communication. It’s important to note that individuals may employ a combination of styles depending on the specific communication context. 

Media of oral communication 

In oral communication, the term “media” denotes the various means or channels through which information is transmitted. Vocal communication can be conveyed through various media, which can impact the message’s effectiveness and reach. Here are a few common media of oral communication:

  • Broadcasting: Broadcasting involves transmitting oral communication through mass media channels such as television or radio. It allows for the spread of information to a large audience, but it is typically a one-way communication channel.
  • Video conferencing: Video conferencing combines audio and video to enable communication between individuals or groups in different locations. It allows for visual and verbal communication, which can enhance the effectiveness of communication in remote settings.
  • Press Conference: A press conference is a media event where a spokesperson or organization addresses the press and journalists to make announcements, provide information, or respond to questions. It allows for oral communication between the spokesperson and the media. 
  • Teleconferences : Teleconferences involve audio communication between multiple participants who are located in different places. It allows individuals or groups to hold meetings or discussions remotely, using telephonic connections or audio conferencing tools.
  • Grapevine: Grapevine refers to the informal and unofficial communication network within an organization or community. It involves the transmission of information, rumors, or gossip through oral channels among individuals.

Principles of effective oral communication 

The following principles serve as guidelines for enhancing the effectiveness of oral communication, allowing speakers to deliver their messages clearly and achieve the desired communication outcomes.

1/ Preparation: Effective oral communication requires proper planning and preparation, including understanding the audience, and determining the topic, timing, and other relevant factors.

2/ Clarity of Pronunciation: Clear and correct pronunciation is crucial for ensuring that the oral message is understood by the receivers. As communication can become confusing when there is a lack of clarity in the message being conveyed.

3/ Natural Voice: Using a natural voice helps maintain the authenticity and effectiveness of oral communication. Avoiding artificial or unnatural tones enhances the overall impact.

4/ Logical Sequence: Organizing ideas logically and sequentially enhances the communicative and appealing nature of the message. 

5/ Use of Suitable Words: Choosing appropriate and familiar words is crucial in oral communication. A simple and common language helps ensure that the receiver can easily understand and respond to the message.

6/ Courtesy: Demonstrating courtesy while addressing listeners creates a positive impression and fosters effective communication. 

7/ Emotional Control: Effective oral communication requires the speaker to maintain emotional control. 

8/ Control of Gesticulation: Conscious control of gestures is important in oral communication. Avoiding excessive or distracting gesticulation ensures that the focus remains on the message. 

Further Reading: Guidelines for effective oral communication

Similarities between principles of oral communication and written communication 

Both oral and written communication share fundamental principles that contribute to effective communication. Starting with clarity which is essential in both forms, emphasizing the need for clear and concise messages. Understanding the audience which ensures that the message is tailored to the needs and interests of the receiver. Effective communication in both forms requires careful planning and preparation. Additionally, the use of appropriate tone and style enhances communication in both oral presentations and written documents. 

Related Reading: Similarities of Oral and written communication

Barries of oral communication 

  • Technical barriers: Problems with equipment, technology, or software can interfere with good oral communication, especially in remote or virtual settings.
  • Semantic barriers: Misinterpretation of words, phrases, or symbols due to ambiguity, double meanings, or lack of context can hinder the clarity and effectiveness of oral communication.
Related Reading: What are Semantic barriers of communication 
  • Language barriers: When the speaker and the listener don’t share a common language or when the speaker uses jargon, technical language, or unfamiliar words, it can create communication barriers.
  • Physical barriers: Factors in the environment, such as noise, distance, and unfavorable conditions, can pose challenges to mutual understanding between the speaker and listener.
Related Reading : What are physical barriers in communication 
  • Lack of attention and active listening: When listeners are distracted, disengaged, or not actively paying attention to the speaker, it can hinder effective communication.
  • Lack of feedback: Feedback plays a crucial role in oral communication as it allows the speaker to gauge the listener’s understanding and adjust their message accordingly. When there is a lack of feedback it can hamper effective communication.

Difference between communication and oral communication

Oral communication vs aural communication

Oral vs purposive communication

Oral communication vs public speaking

Advantages and disadvantages of oral communication

Allows for instant feedback and clarification from the receiver, promoting better understanding.
Verbal cues such as tone of voice and facial expressions enhance the emotional impact of the message.
Enables real-time interaction, discussion, and collaboration between participants.
Facilitates the rapid exchange of information, particularly in face-to-face or live settings.
Allows for adaptability and adjustments based on the audience’s reactions and comprehension levels.
As oral communication doesn’t offer a permanent record of the conversation, it can be challenging to recall specific details at a later time.
Communication relies heavily on verbal cues, which can lead to misinterpretation if not expressed clearly or understood correctly.
Oral communication is restricted to the immediate participants, making it challenging to convey messages to a broader audience.
The effectiveness of oral communication depends on the speaking skills, clarity, and delivery of the speaker.
Environmental factors, background noise, or distractions can impact the clarity and effectiveness of oral communication.
Further Reading: Strength and Weakness of oral communication

Advantages of written communication over oral communication 

Written communication has several advantages over oral communication. Firstly, written communication is permanent, which means that the message can be revisited, reviewed, and referred back to if needed. Secondly, written communication is more precise and accurate, as it allows the writer to carefully choose the words and phrasing they use to convey their message.

Further Reading: Advantages of written communication over oral communication

Advantages of oral presentation 

The oral presentation has several advantages that make it a powerful communication tool. One significant advantage is the ability to provide the opportunity for speakers to use body language, and tone to engage with the audience and create a strong emotional connection. Additionally, oral presentations allow for immediate feedback from the audience, which can help speakers to adjust their message in real-time.

Importance of audio visual aid on oral communication 

Audiovisual aids are essential in oral communication as they enhance the effectiveness of the message by making it more engaging and memorable for the audience. It plays a crucial role in illustrating complex ideas and reinforcing key points, enhancing the overall verbal message. By using visual aids, the speaker can also maintain the audience’s attention, reducing the likelihood of distraction and increasing their engagement with the message.

Related Reading: Audio-visual communication advantages and Disadvantages

What factors to consider while choosing oral communication 

When choosing oral communication as a means of conveying your message, there are several important factors to consider:

  • Purpose and Audience: Clearly define the purpose of the communication and identify the target audience.
  • Clarity: Focus on clarity and simplicity in your message.
  • Content and Structure: Determine the key points and information to be delivered. 
  • Delivery Style: Consider the appropriate delivery style based on the nature of the message, audience, and context.
  • Timing: Consider the appropriate timing for your communication. 
  • Technology and Visual Aids: Assess the need for technology or visual aids to enhance your oral communication. 

Frequently Asked Question

Q1) what is oral communication and examples.

Ans: Oral communication involves communicating thoughts or concepts using spoken language. Examples include face-to-face conversations, phone calls, presentations, and group discussions.

Q2) Why is oral communication important?

Ans: Oral communication is important as it allows for immediate feedback, clarification, and personal connection, facilitating effective understanding and collaboration among individuals or within a group.

Q3) What is oral information?

Ans: Oral information refers to the transmission of knowledge or data through spoken words or verbal communication rather than in written or visual form.

Q4) What is oral communication in business communication?

Ans: Oral communication in business communication involves the verbal exchange of information, ideas, and instructions within an organizational context, such as meetings, negotiations, presentations, and interpersonal interactions.

Q5) What is another name for oral communication?

Ans: Another name for oral communication is spoken communication.

Q6) What is oral language?

Ans: Oral language refers to the ability to communicate effectively using spoken words. It encompasses vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and fluency in a particular language.

Q7) What is an oral presentation?

Ans: An oral presentation involves verbally conveying findings to an audience through spoken delivery. It often involves the use of visual aids and aims to inform, persuade, or entertain listeners.

Q8) Short note on oral communication?

Ans: Oral communication encompasses the interactive sharing of information. It allows for immediate interaction, feedback, and emotional connection, enhancing understanding and collaboration.

Q9) What is visual communication?

Ans: Visual communication refers to the conveyance of information or ideas through visual elements, such as graphs, charts, images, and videos, to effectively communicate and engage with an audience.

Q10) What is written communication?

Ans: Written communication utilizes written words as a means to effectively convey messages. It includes emails, reports, memos, letters, and other written forms of expression.

Q11) What is verbal communication?

Ans: Verbal communication is the use of spoken words to convey messages, ideas, or information between individuals or within a group. It includes face-to-face conversations, phone calls, and oral presentations.

Q12) What is non-verbal communication?

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Chapter 1: The Speech Communication Process

The Speech Communication Process

  • Listener(s)


As you might imagine, the speaker is the crucial first element within the speech communication process. Without a speaker, there is no process.  The  speaker  is simply the person who is delivering, or presenting, the speech.  A speaker might be someone who is training employees in your workplace. Your professor is another example of a public speaker as s/he gives a lecture. Even a stand-up comedian can be considered a public speaker. After all, each of these people is presenting an oral message to an audience in a public setting. Most speakers, however, would agree that the listener is one of the primary reasons that they speak.

The listener is just as important as the speaker; neither one is effective without the other.  The  listener  is the person or persons who have assembled to hear the oral message.  Some texts might even call several listeners an “audience. ” The listener generally forms an opinion as to the effectiveness of the speaker and the validity of the speaker’s message based on what they see and hear during the presentation. The listener’s job sometimes includes critiquing, or evaluating, the speaker’s style and message. You might be asked to critique your classmates as they speak or to complete an evaluation of a public speaker in another setting. That makes the job of the listener extremely important. Providing constructive feedback to speakers often helps the speaker improve her/his speech tremendously.

Another crucial element in the speech process is the message.  The  message  is what the speaker is discussing or the ideas that s/he is presenting to you as s/he covers a particular topic.  The important chapter concepts presented by your professor become the message during a lecture. The commands and steps you need to use, the new software at work, are the message of the trainer as s/he presents the information to your department. The message might be lengthy, such as the President’s State of the Union address, or fairly brief, as in a five-minute presentation given in class.

The  channel  is the means by which the message is sent or transmitted.  Different channels are used to deliver the message, depending on the communication type or context. For instance, in mass communication, the channel utilized might be a television or radio broadcast. The use of a cell phone is an example of a channel that you might use to send a friend a message in interpersonal communication. However, the channel typically used within public speaking is the speaker’s voice, or more specifically, the sound waves used to carry the voice to those listening. You could watch a prerecorded speech or one accessible on YouTube, and you might now say the channel is the television or your computer. This is partially true. However, the speech would still have no value if the speaker’s voice was not present, so in reality, the channel is now a combination of the two -the speaker’s voice broadcast through an electronic source.

The context is a bit more complicated than the other elements we have discussed so far. The context is more than one specific component. For example, when you give a speech in your classroom, the classroom, or  the physical location of your speech, is part of the context  . That’s probably the easiest part of context to grasp.

But you should also consider that the  people in your audience expect you to behave in a certain manner, depending on the physical location or the occasion of the presentation  . If you gave a toast at a wedding, the audience wouldn’t be surprised if you told a funny story about the couple or used informal gestures such as a high-five or a slap on the groom’s back. That would be acceptable within the expectations of your audience, given the occasion. However, what if the reason for your speech was the presentation of a eulogy at a loved one’s funeral? Would the audience still find a high-five or humor as acceptable in that setting? Probably not. So the expectations of your audience must be factored into context as well.

The cultural rules -often unwritten and sometimes never formally communicated to us -are also a part of the context. Depending on your culture, you would probably agree that there are some “rules ” typically adhered to by those attending a funeral. In some cultures, mourners wear dark colors and are somber and quiet. In other cultures, grieving out loud or beating one’s chest to show extreme grief is traditional. Therefore,  the rules from our culture  -no matter what they are -play a part in the context as well.

Every speaker hopes that her/his speech is clearly understood by the audience. However, there are times when some obstacle gets in the way of the message and interferes with the listener’s ability to hear what’s being said.  This is  interference  , or you might have heard it referred to as “noise. ”  Every speaker must prepare and present with the assumption that interference is likely to be present in the speaking environment.

Interference can be mental, physical, or physiological.  Mental interference  occurs when the listener is not fully focused on what s/he is hearing due to her/his own thoughts.  If you’ve ever caught yourself daydreaming in class during a lecture, you’re experiencing mental interference. Your own thoughts are getting in the way of the message.

A second form of interference is  physical interference  . This is noise in the literal sense -someone coughing behind you during a speech or the sound of a mower outside the classroom window. You may be unable to hear the speaker because of the surrounding environmental noises.

The last form of interference is  physiological  . This type of interference occurs when your body is responsible for the blocked signals. A deaf person, for example, has the truest form of physiological interference; s/he may have varying degrees of difficulty hearing the message. If you’ve ever been in a room that was too cold or too hot and found yourself not paying attention, you’re experiencing physiological interference. Your bodily discomfort distracts from what is happening around you.

The final component within the speech process is feedback. While some might assume that the speaker is the only one who sends a message during a speech, the reality is that the  listeners in the audience are sending a message of their own, called  feedback  .  Often this is how the speaker knows if s/he is sending an effective message. Occasionally the feedback from listeners comes in verbal form – questions from the audience or an angry response from a listener about a key point presented. However, in general, feedback during a presentation is typically non-verbal -a student nodding her/his head in agreement or a confused look from an audience member. An observant speaker will scan the audience for these forms of feedback, but keep in mind that non-verbal feedback is often more difficult to spot and to decipher. For example, is a yawn a sign of boredom, or is it simply a tired audience member?

Generally, all of the above elements are present during a speech. However, you might wonder what the process would look like if we used a diagram to illustrate it. Initially, some students think of public speaking as a linear process -the speaker sending a message to the listener -a simple, straight line. But if you’ll think about the components we’ve just covered, you begin to see that a straight line cannot adequately represent the process, when we add listener feedback into the process. The listener is sending her/his own message back to the speaker, so perhaps the process might better be represented as circular. Add in some interference and place the example in context, and you have a more complete idea of the speech process.

Fundamentals of Public Speaking Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Speech Research

Using examples, types of examples: brief, extended, & hypothetical.

Brief, extended, and hypothetical examples can be used to help an audience better understand and relate to key points of a presentation.

There are many types of examples that a presenter can use to help an audience better understand a topic and the key points of a presentation. These include specific situations, problems, or stories designed to help illustrate a principle, method, or phenomenon. They are useful because they can make an abstract concept more concrete for an audience by providing a specific case. There are three main types of examples: brief, extended, and hypothetical.

Brief Examples

Brief examples are used to further illustrate a point that may not be immediately obvious to all audience members but is not so complex that is requires a more lengthy example. Brief examples can be used by the presenter as an aside or on its own. A presenter may use a brief example in a presentation on politics in explaining the Electoral College. Since many people are familiar with how the Electoral College works, the presenter may just mention that the Electoral College is based on population and a brief example of how it is used to determine an election. In this situation it would not be necessary for a presented to go into a lengthy explanation of the process of the Electoral College since many people are familiar with the process.

Extended Examples

Extended examples are used when a presenter is discussing a more complicated topic that they think their audience may be unfamiliar with. In an extended example a speaker may want to use a chart, graph, or other visual aid to help the audience understand the example. An instance in which an extended example could be used includes a presentation in which a speaker is explaining how the “time value of money” principle works in finance. Since this is a concept that people unfamiliar with finance may not immediately understand, a speaker will want to use an equation and other visual aids to further help the audience understand this principle. An extended example will likely take more time to explain than a brief example and will be about a more complex topic.

Hypothetical Examples

A hypothetical example is a fictional example that can be used when a speaker is explaining a complicated topic that makes the most sense when it is put into more realistic or relatable terms. For instance, if a presenter is discussing statistical probability, instead of explaining probability in terms of equations, it may make more sense for the presenter to make up a hypothetical example. This could be a story about a girl, Annie, picking 10 pieces of candy from a bag of 50 pieces of candy in which half are blue and half are red and then determining Annie’s probability of pulling out 10 total pieces of red candy. A hypothetical example helps the audience to better visualize a topic and relate to the point of the presentation more effectively.

Communicating Examples

Examples help the audience understand the key points; they should be to the point and complement the topic.

Examples are essential to a presentation that is backed up with evidence, and it helps the audience effectively understand the message being presented. An example is a specific situation, problem, or story designed to help illustrate a principle, method or phenomenon. Examples are useful because they can help make an abstract idea more concrete for an audience by providing a specific case. Examples are most effective when they are used as a complement to a key point in the presentation and focus on the important topics of the presentation.

Using Examples to Complement Key Points

One method of effectively communicating examples is by using an example to clarify and complement a main point of a presentation. If an orator is holding a seminar about how to encourage productivity in the workplace, an example may be used that focuses on how an employee received an incentive to work harder, such as a bonus, and this improved the employee’s productivity. An example like this would act as a complement and help the audience better understand how to use incentives to improve performance in the workplace.

Using Examples that are Concise and to the Point

Examples are essential to help an audience better understand a topic. However, a speaker should be careful to not overuse examples as too many examples may confuse the audience and distract them from focusing on the key points that the speaker is making.

Examples should also be concise and not drawn out so the speaker does not lose the audience’s attention. Concise examples should have a big impact on audience engagement and understanding in a small amount of time.

  • Examples include specific situations, problems or stories designed to help illustrate a principle, method, or phenomenon.
  • Brief examples are used to further illustrate a point that may not be immediately obvious to all audience members but is not so complex that is requires a more lengthy example.
  • Extended examples are used when a presenter is discussing a more complicated topic that they think their audience may be unfamiliar with.
  • A hypothetical example is a fictional example that can be used when a speaker is explaining a complicated topic that makes the most sense when it is put into more realistic or relatable terms.
  • Examples are essential to a presentation that is backed up with evidence, and it helps the audience effectively understand the message being presented. An example is a specific situation, problem, or story designed to help illustrate a principle, method, or phenomenon.
  • One method of effectively communicating examples is by using an example to clarify and complement a main point of a presentation.
  • A speaker should be careful to not overuse examples as too many examples may confuse the audience and distract them from focusing on the key points that the speaker is making.

hypothetical A fictional situation or proposition used to explain a complicated subject.

abstract Difficult to understand; abstruse.

phenomenon A fact or event considered very unusual, curious, or astonishing by those who witness it.

  • Types of Examples: Brief, Extended, and Hypothetical. Provided by : Boundless. Located at : https://www.boundless.com/communications/textbooks/boundless-communications-textbook/supporting-your-ideas-9/using-examples-46/types-of-examples-brief-extended-and-hypothetical-191-4191/? . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Communicating Examples. Provided by : Boundless. Located at : https://www.boundless.com/communications/textbooks/boundless-communications-textbook/supporting-your-ideas-9/using-examples-46/communicating-examples-192-4190/? . License : CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike

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Writing Speeches

Quick links, keeping focus: the central point, main supporting points, introductions, conclusions.

Writing a speech consists of composing the central point or thesis, the main-point sentences, the introduction and conclusion, and planning effective oral style.

Since the organization of a speech is critical to the writing process, consult our organization page.

The central point is the message you attempt to communicate to your audience. Keeping focus on the central point is fundamental to speech writing.

Sometimes the central point is a thesis; sometimes the central point is a hypothesis. Sometimes, there is no stated thesis or hypothesis, but there is always a central idea and purpose that keeps you and your audience focused.

The Student Resources information on purpose is useful if you’re unsure about the central point.

For an additional resource related to writing for speeches, use The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , especially the “What’s your purpose?” section.

A thesis is a concise statement of your central point, normally included in the introduction and conclusion of a speech. However, your speech doesn’t have to be an argumentative to include a thesis statement.

A purpose statement is a clear statement about the objective you hope to accomplish. Whenever you write a speech, you have a purpose statement, although the purpose statement isn’t always explicitly stated—and it can get confused with a thesis statement. For help with the differences between a thesis and a purpose statement, we recommend “Thesis and Purpose Statements” by The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

If a thesis is necessary, the thesis section of the thesis section of the written rhetoric page may help as well.

There is no formula for success, but this video covers the essentials on speech thesis sentences.

The thesis is what you argue, and the main points are how you argue it. Because they’re so intertwined, you should carefully consider the main supporting points as you write your thesis. In other words, figure out what you intend to say before you try to capture it in a thesis.

Below are a few suggestions that experienced speech writers use when writing thesis statements:

  • Use a declarative sentence; not a question.
  • Use a complete sentence.
  • General thesis : “We honor Elie Wiesel for his noble characteristics and his campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • Specific thesis : “We honor Elie Wiesel for his determination, consistency, and for his faithfulness to Yahweh throughout his life-long campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • General : Foreign policies in the Middle East.
  • Focused : An analysis of the ways the United States has reacted to economic changes due to the oil industry in the Middle East.
  • Example 1: If you’re speaking to elementary schoolers, it would be inappropriate to use graduate level vocabulary.
  • Example 2: If you’re talking about architecture at an electrical engineering conference, use the thesis to connect the expected topic to the unexpected topic.

Here are a few high quality thesis examples (though possibly obscure topics):

  • “The process the United States would go through to use a nuclear weapon can be broken down into two stages: the command from the president, and the official launch of the nuclear warhead by the crew.”
  • “We honor Elie Wiesel for his determination, consistency, and for his faithfulness to Yahweh throughout his life-long campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • “Salvador Dali’s surrealist artwork can be identified through its focus on illogical scenes and exploration of the unconscious.”

For further direction, we recommend the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) as an extra resource.

The main points support your thesis. The thesis is what you argue, the main points are how you argue it. Here are a few suggestions for writing main supporting point sentences:

  • If any of your main points don’t argue in favor of the thesis, either the main point or the thesis needs to be changed.
  • A main point should convey the purpose and focus of its respective section.
  • Use declarative statements and complete sentences to announce main supporting points.
  • Limit the number of main points for the audience’s sake. If you have more than four it will be hard for the audience to remember.

To reiterate, the main points of a speech are crafted as supporting evidence for the thesis .

If your thesis is: Typical characteristics of 1960’s Latin American fiction include non-linear narratives and magical elements.

The following would be satisfactory main point sentences:

  • Magical elements often appear in 1960s Latin American fiction.
  • Non-linear narratives characterize magical realism in 1960s Latin American fiction.

Additional resources related to main supporting points

  • University of Hawai'i Maui Community College Speech Department : general guidelines related to main points and other supporting material.
  • Calvin University—What Not to Do : a document about what not to do with speech main points.
  • Lumen Learning : a variety of topics relating to main points, from how many should you have to how to highlight them as main points. Start about half way down the page at the “How Many Main Points?” section. While Lumen Learning also covers different ways to organize your main points, we recommend using our organization page first.

It will help you to prepare the introduction after preparing the main points. Just consider how challenging it is to introduce a speech if you don’t know what the main ideas of your speech are.

The introduction has two main purposes: to capture the audience’s attention and to state your thesis. Introductions also preview the speech so that the audience knows where it’s headed.

There are many ways to capture the audience’s attention: quotes, statistics, examples, a short story, a fascinating topic, a gracious mention of the event that brings you together, or even a question.

Once you have the audience’s attention, state your thesis. Stating your thesis will inform the audience of the speech’s direction and will focus their attention throughout the speech.

For tips regarding introductions, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College . The tips are short, helpful, and if applied, will improve your introductions.

Finally, it’s also critical throughout the introduction to establish your credibility. For this reason, your introduction should be well practiced and should allow you to communicate confidence. In addition, if you have any expertise on the subject material that you believe your audience needs to know, inform them without being snooty.

Conclusions are the final remarks your audience will hear, so they’re the part that’s most likely to be remembered. So make sure you take the time to craft a clear and memorable conclusion.

In general, a conclusion should restate your central point, though in a new way. This is important because in speeches the audience can’t reread your message; they simply have to rely on memory. Restating your central point—and, depending on what your professor wants, reviewing your main supporting points--will help your message to stick.

Another way to make your speech stick is to use the conclusion to reemphasize your purpose. For example, in a persuasive speech, call people to action. In other words, be blunt about what you want them to do. If you want them to vote, tell them how they can register. If you want them to pick up painting as a hobby, then show them where they can buy painting materials.

Try to make your conclusion memorable.

By this, we mean it’s important to carefully consider your final remark to make sure it concludes on a strong note that fits your purpose. Speakers often trail off in the end, undermining their earlier work.

As a foundational resource, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College .

Style refers to the way words, sentences, and groups of sentences create tone and personality.

How is speech writing different than writing a paper?

Though they share many principles (ex: the preference for active voice verbs), they have different principles of style: people perceive style differently when listening than when reading.

The differences arise because the formats are different: written word and spoken word. For an analysis of the key differences between spoken and written language, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College .

This handout by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program contains fundamental public speaking tips. Luckily, it also contains an encompassing look at the basics of an eloquent oral style. Read the section titled “Writing for Speaking”; the list will be useful when creating sentences that sound better in oral rhetoric.

The following stylistic choices are particularly helpful with the spoken word :

  • Brevity. Be as brief as possible. This article by Judith Kilborn (The Write Place, St. Cloud State University) provides a few ways to reduce wordiness.
  • Prefer shorter sentences to longer ones. Long sentences are harder to follow.
  • First person pronouns are widely accepted in speeches.
  • Repetition helps the audience remember (ex: think of the repetition in King’s “I Have a Dream.” In a paper the audience can go back and reread; they can’t do that when listening to a speech, so repetition helps the audience connect ideas and follow the argument.
  • The audience doesn’t have a dictionary with them; use words that are more tuned for the vernacular ear.
  • Make sure you can pronounce every word you plan on using.
  • Use transitions or “ signposts ” to announce, signal, and recap. This allows the audience to know where you’re and what to expect.
  • Abstract : There are several possible outcomes that this decision can lead to.
  • Concrete : Our choice to intervene in the Middle East can lead to destabilized elections, political turmoil, and religious conflict.
  • Dry sentence : A family member was hit by an animal.
  • Descriptive sentence : Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
  • The use of contractions is generally preferred in public speaking; contractions are more conversational, which tends to be preferred in public speaking. Say these two sentences aloud and you’ll agree: “I do not think that is a good idea” or “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  • Parallelism and alliteration create rhythm in a speech; use them wisely.
  • Use inclusive language .

For further style advice, though not specifically for the spoken word, use our written style resource.

For further direction, please stop in the Rhetoric Center.

Additional resources and tips related to oral style

  • Stand up, Speak out (University of Michigan Libraries) : An extensive and comprehensive resource on effective oral communication. Pay particular attention to the following sections: “Imagery,” “Rhythm,” “Parallelism,” “Alliteration,” and “Assonance.”
  • Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College : A list of phrases to avoid for various reasons in oral rhetoric.
  • Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College : A list of characteristics that help make every speech successful. Warning: the article uses language to make it sound like a checklist for an A on every speech; this is not the case. However, the list is helpful nonetheless.
  • Oxford Dictionaries Blog, Avoid cliches : Evoking images for an audience helps them to understand and remember your speech, but using a cliché allows the audience to listen without visualizing. A creative example of effective imagery was when on the campaign trail Bill Clinton said “I will be with you until the last dog dies.”
  • Contrast, figures of speech, examples, and triads : How Winston Churchill spoke.

In the speech “Bridges should be beautiful,” Ian Firth demonstrates an awareness of oral style. For starters, his sentences are short and easy to follow. His opening is the perfect example, “The world needs bridges.”

Look at the following excerpt from Firth’s speech:

“In this case, this is in Peru. This is using grass which grows locally and is woven into ropes to build these bridges. And do you know they rebuild this every year? Because of course grass is not a durable material. So this bridge is unchanged since Inca times.”

This could’ve very well been two or three sentences in a written text, but Firth uses five short sentences. This makes him easy to follow. However, it’s not perfect. The phrase “In this case, this is in Peru,” could be shortened to simply “This is in Peru.”

At the same time, he limits the speech to three main points: bridges should be functional, safe, and beautiful. This ensures the audience won’t get lost.

Firth carefully chooses his words. He uses descriptive language to paint pictures for the audience: “Or sometimes up in the mountains, people would build these suspension bridges, often across some dizzy canyon, using a vine .” He also uses alliteration in an effective manner: “Or Robert Maillart's Salginatobel Bridge in the mountains in Switzerland —absolutely sublime .”

And he is able to easily pronounce the words he uses, even foreign phrases like “Pont Du Gard.”

Since Firth is an engineer who has designed bridges for years, this speech could’ve used highly technical language, but Firth used the vernacular to adapt to his more general audience. On occasion, when technical language was inevitable, Firth swiftly defined the technical terms.

In addition, Firth uses first person pronouns (“I firmly believe”). This makes him more conversational and personable.

This next example, a Boise State University commencement address, is more of a mixed result than Firth’s speech: it embodies both good and bad oral style.

Let’s start with what Tiara Thompson does well. In the beginning, she uses descriptive language that invokes images. The following are examples: “As my fingers fly over the keys,” and “spacebar still blinking.” She also uses parallelism, as you can clearly hear around 3:25.

However, the style can be improved (amongst other aspects of speech writing).

Towards the end of the speech, she uses more abstract language and seldomly gives examples. The speech would’ve been more effective if she kept using descriptive language and if more examples were used towards the end. Her language becomes vague and abstract when she thanks the teachers for their hard work, not recognizing any one of them individually. As an alternative, consider: how much more effective would it have been if she gave an example of a teacher working hard and afterhours to help her succeed on an assignment ? After that example, she could’ve generalized it to include all the teachers at her college.

In addition, the language she uses at the end of the speech gradually becomes more and more clichéd. For example, at 5:08, she says, “make this moment last” and “we are so fortunate to be where we are.” Clichés make imagery harder, as we mentioned in the oral style section.

Though not necessarily related to oral style, this speech focuses on the speaker more than the average commencement. If she focused on something else, her audience would’ve been able to connect with her more. (What works better: a political speech with a politician rambling on about themself or one where the politician identifies with problems larger than themselves, such as a Detroit congressperson sympathizing with the victims of the Flint water crisis?)

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12 Proven Ways to Boost Oral Communication

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Despite the fact that Professor Mehrabian set the misused statement, according to which professional communication consists of only 7% verbal and 93% of nonverbal concepts, a successful and self-respecting person can’t do without oral communication.

What is oral communication?

Oral communication is a means of conveying information through language. Oral communication is not just the ability to talk – it is the skill of delivering and receiving both oral and written messages.

Here, the emphasis is not on the meaning of your message, but on its form and ingenuity.

Correct speech is extremely important for building a career in the modern world.

12 Ways to improve oral communication skills Click To Tweet

Advantages of oral communication

  • Immediate feedback : oral communication is perfect for getting quick results or feedback
  • Personal touch : oral communication may take place between two people or a group of people, in both cases, it’s more personal than using a written communication
  • Flexibility : the speaker can express his thoughts in different ways, and correct what has been told before if that wasn’t understood
  • Individual or group communication is used at meetings and conferences to deliver messages to several people at the same time
  • Effectiveness of oral communication is higher than when using other types of communication

Disadvantages of oral communication

  • No records of the conversation for future reference
  • The time-consuming process if the meeting is not limited by the time it can take longer than expected
  • Misunderstanding by some parties if someone doesn’t make himself clear enough or makes his speech too long
  • Long messages when used in oral communication may distract attention and not be retained in the opponent’s memory

12 Life hacks to improve oral communication

  • Take Some Mental Notes
  • Use the mirror to practice speech
  • Read fiction literature
  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Get rid of filler words
  • Work on turning passive vocabulary into active
  • Take notice of your body language
  • Watch public speaking
  • Use varied dictionaries
  • Speak confidently
  • Become an active listener
  • Play word table-top games

1. Take some mental notes

Preparing and thinking over your speech in advance is always a good idea. Try to write down the thesis of your speech to structure it and highlight the main issues.

If you are planning to speak in front of an audience, make a communication plan for your speech on paper. For each item, I recommend writing down the main theses.

To make it easy, you can use note taking apps with stylus to record important information when preparing or just to memorize words.

2. Use the mirror to practice speech

One of the best ways to boost oral communication is just to spend several minutes a day standing in front of a mirror and talking. Pick a topic, set a timer for 2-3 minutes, and just talk.

The essence of this exercise is to watch how your mouth, face, and body move when you speak. You may feel as if you are talking to someone, so imagine that you are having a conversation with your workmate.

Talk for 2-3 minutes. Do not stop! If you stutter, try to rephrase the thought. You can always look up the word you forgot. Therefore, you will understand exactly what words or sentences you have difficulty with.

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3. Reading fiction literature

Do this not only to enjoy the plot and emotions but also to improve your speaking skills. It is important to read books written in ornate literary language, paying attention to grammatical constructions, new words, epithets, and metaphors used for description.

Careful text analysis and its further retelling will help better understand and remember literary techniques, use them more naturally in spontaneous speech, develop your speaking skills, and expand your vocabulary.

Considering the number of metaphors, epithets, and outstanding grammatical structures, I would advise reading books such as ‘The Blind Assassin’ by Margaret Atwood, ‘Cloud Atlas’ by David Mitchell, and ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ by Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

Note : In accordance with Statista research , almost 90% of graduates in Mexico stated that oral communication played a big role in their careers. This further emphasizes that your oral communication skills can boost morale and productivity, and promote teamwork.

4. Listen to audiobooks

In my opinion, this point could be combined with the previous one, but reading printed and listening to audiobooks is significantly different. While listening to books, you can not only learn to speak more competently and replenish vocabulary but also pay attention to intonation, pauses, logical stress, timbre, and tempo.

Professionally recorded audiobooks can be a real treasure trove of useful information for those who want to stop talking monotonously and inexpressive. After all, the effect produced depends not only on WHAT is said but also on HOW it is pronounced.

Intonation can convey mood, feelings, and thoughts. Don’t believe it? Try to pronounce one word with different intonation and feel the difference. You can also use free text to speech software to listen to audiobooks, which can help you improve your pronunciation and intonation. Intonation can convey mood, feelings, and thoughts.

5. Get rid of filler words for better oral communication

Filler words are very common and difficult to eradicate. They spoil oral speech and sometimes, instead of delving into the essence, you focus on “like”, “well”, “so”, and “believe me”.

Finally, you even begin to perceive them as literary words that are inherent in the speech of an educated person. Actually, it’s a pity that an interlocutor will associate you with remembering these extra words.

Filler words live in spontaneous speech not as separate units, but as “substitutes”. People use them when it is hard to choose the right expression and they need to immediately fill a pause.

They cover the “gaps” in the story, but they really interfere with listeners. To find and eradicate filler words in your speech, you can record your voice and listen to it.

However, thinking about how to improve oral communication skills in practice, you should start with thinking over a system of penalties, when for each uttered “ like ”, “ well ”, “ so ”, “ believe me ”, etc. you will need to do something useful (learn a new word or do 5 squats).

Pro tip: After getting rid of the filler words, you need to train constantly, coming up with a variety of tasks. Choose an object and try to give it the most informative and coherent description within 5 minutes. Come up with a topic and express your thoughts using properly built grammatical constructions, metaphors, and epithets.

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6. work on transitioning passive vocabulary to active.

Try to replenish your spontaneous speech with not only common words/phrases but also rarely used ones. Search in memory for terms, synonyms, and epithets.

However, make sure you are not misleading an interlocutor or bragging about your education. It lies in learning to speak clearly and coherently, using a rich vocabulary to clarify the wording, more capacious conveying of meaning, and avoiding misunderstandings.

Here is such a paradox – to expand the vocabulary and introduce new expressions into your speech, trying to simplify it.

7. Take notice of your body language

Although body language is a nonverbal communication method , it has a huge impact on how you convey information. Getting your audience interested in listening to you is not difficult – relax, keep your arms uncrossed, and your body at ease.

Other best ways to boost oral communication through body language involve making eye contact and maintaining good posture. To draw the audience’s attention to the necessary points, try to use gestures and facial expressions.

However, don’t go overboard, as excessive gestures can look comical and feigned, which means they will distract listeners from your message.

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8. Watch public speaking

On the way to improve your oral communication skills, it’s also useful to refer to other people’s lectures, as well as films and performances, and observe the use of nonverbal ways of communication.

It’s a good exercise to watch movies with the sound off when you need to understand without words the story presented and the character’s feelings.

I used to watch TED Talks , created by pro-level speakers. These videos are a great way to hone your skills, and with subtitles in over 100 languages, they are available to everyone. Thus, you can not only learn new words but also see how to hold your audience and be confident during the speech.

Pro Tip: To practice facial expressions and gestures, I recommend training in front of a mirror. It’s even better to record your speech on video and then analyze it. Typically we can’t see how others perceive us, so it will be useful to look at ourselves through their eyes.

9. Use varied dictionaries

Don’t forget about explanatory and spelling dictionaries . There is no shame in referring to them to find a good word or making sure that it is pronounced correctly. Nowadays all of them are mobile-friendly allowing you to find a word in just a couple of taps.

How to improve oral communication skills using different dictionaries? Make learning one catchphrase your morning routine, and try to use it properly throughout the day. This greatly contributes to the development of spontaneous speech.

Calendars with new words, dictionaries of epithets and metaphors, synonyms, and antonyms are no less useful. Try not just to learn new words but also to use them as often as possible.

Regular training will make you a confident and interesting speaker and your speech more competent and exciting. You will notice how easy it will become for you to speak in front of an audience, and controlling your speech will turn into a habit .

10. Speak confidently for good oral communication

None of the methods will work without your self-confidence. If you don’t believe what you’re saying, listeners feel it and don’t believe it either. Your listeners should trust you and be interested in what you dwell on.

To demonstrate your confidence, there are plenty of tricks. They relate to your perception of yourself, intonation, etc.

The most universal is to prepare the outline of your future speech. It can be both written and mental, as you prefer. It is not necessary to compose a whole scenario of a speech – just define the main theses.

With the help of such notes, you will define the direction of your interaction with the audience and the key aspects of a conversation.

11. Become an active listener

Being a good listener is just as valuable as being a good speaker. Listening is an integral part of synchronous communication . To get started, remember the five steps of active listening:

By following these simple rules, you will show your interlocutor that you are sincere and interested in what he is saying. By summarizing everything that has been said and asking clarifying questions, you will endear the interlocutor and achieve common ground faster.

12. Play word table-top games

I advise you to pay attention to those games that develop memory and replenish vocabulary. There are “ Hangman ”, “ Scrabble ”, “ Chalkboard Acronym ”, etc. allowing you to get wants and needs met.

During the game, each participant can learn many new words and their meaning, remember something from passive vocabulary, and show quick wit and ingenuity.

By downloading the game to your smartphone, you can have a great time while waiting or on the road. If a game is made for a team, involve your friends or even strangers to meet new people and practice communication.

Bonus: handy tips and exercises for improving articulation/dictation

To improve oral communication and spontaneous speech particularly, you can try various life hacks:

  • Read aloud and with expression to train a good rate of speech, correct intonation, and rehearse facial expressions and gestures.
  • Don’t be afraid to involve experienced teachers and attend public speaking training – a specialist can give good advice and correct mistakes.
  • Practice spontaneous speech more often – even if it is difficult and scary, nothing will work without practice. At first, not everything may be very rosy, but the voice, speech apparatus, and diction will develop gradually.
  • Sing frequently to improve your voice and develop intonation flexibility.
  • Get acquainted with interesting people with a well-defined speech, discuss new performances and books, listen to them, and communicate with them.

Where to start improving oral communication ?

The ability to speak vividly and competently is what distinguishes good from the best. By learning how to improve your oral communication skills and making strides in this, you will see how your personal and professional life will change.

By constantly honing your speaking and listening skills, you will open new doors. Good conversational skills will positively affect your relationships with your team, superiors, and clients. I think this article will come in handy for speakers, bloggers, actors, and just people striving to present themselves in all their glory.

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Speech Topics to Meet Oral Communication Standards

Use one of these fun ideas for an impromptu oral presentation topic

  • Classroom Organization
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Speech topics are a key element for impromptu oral presentation activities. Coming up with them can be a challenge for the teacher. You can use this collection of speech topics for oral presentations or use them to inspire your own variations.

Impromptu Oral Presentation Activity

Put all of the topics on slips of paper and have your students pick out of a hat. You can either have the student begin the presentation immediately or give a few minutes to prepare. You may have a student pick the topic just before the student before them presents so they have that time to think. In this case, give the very first student a few minutes to prepare.

Impromptu Oral Communication Speech Topics

  • You are an ant. Convince an anteater to not eat you.
  • Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo cookie.
  • Tell us about a nickname you have and how you got it.
  • Convince us to vote for you as president of the USA .
  • Explain three uses for a pencil other than for writing.
  • Read us a letter you might write home when you are staying at a circus training summer camp.
  • Tell us about your summer plans.
  • Convince us that homework is harmful to your health.
  • Tell us about your favorite pet and why it should win the Greatest Pet Ever award.
  • If you were an animal, what would you be?
  • You are a salesperson trying to sell us the shirt you have on.
  • Explain how a smart person might not be wise.
  • If you were the teacher, how would our class be different?
  • Tell us about the hardest thing you have ever done.
  • You are a mad scientist. Tell us about your latest invention.
  • You are a famous sports player. Describe your best moment of a game.
  • You are a famous rock star. Explain what the lyrics of your latest hit song mean.
  • Tell us about the best job.
  • Explain the benefits of drinking milk.
  • Tell us how to become a millionaire.
  • You are 30 years old. Tell us how you became a millionaire by age 18.
  • Tell us about the best dream you've ever had.
  • Create a myth that explains why pelicans have large beaks.
  • Tell us how to make a new friend.
  • Tell us about the most fun recess activity.
  • Tell us about your favorite holiday.
  • Tell us how to make your favorite meal.
  • Explain which came first: the chicken or the egg.
  • Explain the rules to your favorite game.
  • If everything in the world had to change to the same color, what color would you choose and why?
  • Explain how you would use a hat to catch butterflies. Be sure to identify the type of hat that is required.
  • You are a piece of paper. Describe how we should use you before you get recycled.
  • Explain how to make a pizza.
  • Explain four uses for a drinking glass other than for holding a liquid.
  • Convince our principal to give students their birthdays off of school.
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Examples Lab

40 Examples of Oral and Written Communication

The communication It is the conscious activity in which two living beings exchange information based on a shared code.

In the case of people, the communication process is not limited to the essential relationships for carrying out the minimum tasks, but rather communication schemes have been configured through different channels.

Comunication elements

The communicative circuit describes the way in which communication occurs. It is made up of different elements:

  • Message. The information that is transmitted.
  • Transmitter. Who sends the message.
  • Receiver. Who receives the message.
  • Code. Set of symbolic elements shared by the members.
  • Channel. Physical medium through which information travels.

oral communication

boys - communication with cans

When the message is received through the ear, it is said that there is a process of oral communication .

In oral communication, the channel is the air through which sound waves travel. In this case, the receiver (in addition to knowing the message that is reaching him) obtains some other things: the tone of voice, for example, is decisive for whether the sender is convinced of what he is affirming.

vices of orality

In many cases, the oral communicative process is carried out in the presence of both participants, so the sender can realize as he enunciates if what he wants to say is concretely reaching the receiver, or if the circuit is not taking place. successfully.

One of the most frequent reasons for the communication process to fail is that the sender and the receiver do not fully share the communication code: they do not know the same language or if the sender knows a much greater number of words than the receiver, for example.

speaking techniques

Although the process of sending messages orally is learned from the earliest years, when they reach adulthood many people choose to perfect it through some oratory techniques.

Some disciplines that need to spread messages to large numbers of people, installing in them some particular feelings, have the obligation to specially prepare the speakers for their task.

Examples of oral communication

  • A phone call.
  • The reading of the marriage vows.
  • A political discussion.
  • A meeting of parents in a school.
  • A radio show.
  • The presentation of a project.
  • Conferences.
  • A political speech in a campaign.
  • The dictation of a class.
  • A legislative debate.
  • A job interview.
  • A radio advertisement.
  • A motivational talk in an organization.
  • The narration of a story from a father to a son.
  • The mediation of a judge between two parties.
  • The presentation of a book.
  • A sermon in a temple.
  • The launch of a commercial product.
  • The presentation of a thesis by a student.
  • The presentation of a news.

Written communication

Written communication is the other example of a communicative process through words, in which people use a common code that is the graphic exposition of the morphemes used for words.

It happens on many occasions that the written communication is produced by a sender without knowing perfectly who the receiver will be, so the issues of shared codes are greatly reduced.

Literacy and improvement

Written communication is not learned by repetition or by growing up in a society that uses it, but, on the contrary, through a coordinated and organized process that is literacy: first you learn to read and then to write. In Western countries, the education system takes child literacy as one of its first priorities.

Like oratory, writing can be perfected in a much more complete way: the development of writing was oriented to various areas and people capable of choosing the right words are really recognized around the world.

Examples of written communication

  • A doctor’s prescription.
  • A grocery shopping list.
  • A car license plate.
  • Most of the social networks.
  • A graffiti.
  • A magazine.
  • A credential.

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Speech about oral communication [1,2,3,5 minutes], short 1 minute speech about oral communication.

Oral communication is a skill that people need to learn in order to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. It is a way of conveying information through speech, either verbally or in writing.

Oral communication can be seen as the most important skill for any professional. It is necessary for every person who works with people as they need to understand what they are saying and how they are feeling.

Oral communication is one of the most important skills that we have. It is not just about speaking, but also about listening and understanding.

A study by the University of California found that people who are good listeners are much more likely to be successful in their career. They tend to make more money and have more positive relationships with their colleagues.

Oral communication skills can be used in a variety of professional settings, including sales, customer service, management and teaching.

has been proven that the human brain processes information in a much faster way than it does with written communication.

The thing about oral communication is that it is not limited to a specific type of language or dialect, but rather, oral speech can be delivered in different languages and dialects.

2 Minutes speech about Oral Communication

Oral communication is the process of conveying information from one person to another through speech. It is a type of interpersonal communication and it’s the most common way to communicate.

Oral communication can be used for many purposes, such as delivering a presentation or teaching a subject. It’s also used in many different settings, including business meetings and social interactions.

Oral Communication is an important aspect of human interaction, but it has been overlooked by technology in recent years. There are some tools that can help improve oral communication skills and make it easier for people to learn how to use them properly.

Oral communication is a vital skill that every person in the workforce should have. It is also considered as a key factor for success in professional careers.

Oral communication skills can be learned and improved with practice. By practicing your oral communication skills, you will be able to improve your presentation, listening comprehension, and speaking ability.

Oral communication is better than other forms of communication because it has the ability to convey emotions and resonate with people.

In the digital age, written communication is becoming more and more prevalent. This has led to a lot of people forgetting how to communicate through speech. Oral communication is important because it can convey emotions and resonate with people.

3 Minutes speech about Oral Communication

Oral communication is a skill that is essential to all people in the modern world. It is a skill that is used in every imaginable setting and it has become much more important than ever before.

Oral communication has been around for thousands of years and it has evolved over time. In today’s society, oral communication skills are essential for success in many different areas of life, including work, education, relationships, and social interactions.

The most commonly used form of oral communication is speech. Speech can be divided into three different types: public speaking, speech-to-speech communications (such as phone conversations), and face-to-face conversation (also known as conversational speech).

Communication is a key skill in any work environment. It is one of the most important skills that an individual can have, and it is also an essential part of being a good leader.

Oral communication means speaking or listening to someone face-to-face, rather than through a phone or computer. It includes both spoken and written language and can be done in person, over the phone, or online.

Oral Communication is the most effective type of communication. It is how humans were able to survive for so long and it is how we are able to connect with each other.

Oral Communication is easy and natural for humans, but it can be difficult and time-consuming for people who have trouble speaking in public or in front of large groups. This article explains why oral communication is better than other types of communications, such as writing or texting.

Oral Communication IS BETTER THAN OTHER COMMUNICATIONS because it is more personal and human-to-human contact makes a connection. In 2018, we are using technology more often than ever before and this has created an increase in digital communication like texting and emailing vs oral communication which has been around since the beginning of time.

5 Minutes speech about Oral Communication

Oral communication is one of the most important skills in a person’s life. It is a skill that can be used in many different contexts and is also a skill that can allow people to communicate effectively with other people.

Oral communication has been studied, researched, and practiced for centuries. There are many different theories and models that have been created to help understand how oral communication works. For example, there are three types of oral communication: interpersonal, intercultural and intrapersonal.

Intrapersonal refers to the process of communicating with oneself such as thinking or planning. Interpersonal refers to communicating with other people such as talking or listening while intercultural refers to communicating with people from different cultures.

Oral communication is the most important form of communication. It encompasses the spoken and written word. In a study conducted by Pew Research, it was found that over 80% of adults in America prefer to communicate through oral means.

Oral communication is crucial for effective collaboration and understanding between people in different departments or locations. It also helps in building rapport with customers and stakeholders as well as maintaining relationships with other employees.

It is important for an employee to be able to speak confidently and effectively when communicating orally to their team members or customers.

The idea of oral communication is still a relatively new concept. It is not until recently that we have been taught to use our voice to communicate thoughts, ideas and opinions.

Oral communication is more effective than other forms of communications because it can be customized to the person who is speaking and the person who is listening. It also allows for a more natural conversation where both people are able to better connect with each other and establish trust.

There are many ways that oral communication can be used in the workplace. For example, one company uses it as a way to help their employees develop interpersonal skills by having them speak about their personal experiences in front of others. Another company uses it as a tool for engaging employees during meetings and presentations where they want people talking about what they want instead of just sitting there passively listening

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, speeches in english.

  • Speech on women’s empowerment
  • Speech on social media
  • Speech on environment
  • Speech on gender equality
  • Speech on poverty
  • Speech on Global Warming
  • Speech on Environmental Pollution
  • Speech on Earth Day
  • Speech on Discipline
  • Speech on Human Rights
  • Speech on Education
  • Motivational speech for students
  • 2-minute Self-introduction speech examples
  • Speech on Mahatma Gandhi
  • Speech on freedom fighters
  • Speech on APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Speech about friendship
  • Speech about Technology
  • Speech on Parents
  • Speech on Health
  • Speech on Health and Fitness
  • Speech on Health and Hygiene
  • Speech on Mental health
  • Speech on Yoga
  • Speech on Doctor
  • Speech about Life
  • Speech on sports
  • Speech on Racism
  • Speech on Population or overpopulation
  • Speech on Overcoming Fear
  • Speech about Family
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  • Speech on Honesty
  • Speech on Culture
  • Speech on Unity in diversity
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  • Speech on Success
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  • Speech on Nature
  • Speech on Career
  • Speech about Music
  • Speech on Democracy
  • Speech on Noise Pollution
  • Speech on Air Pollution
  • Speech on Gratitude
  • Speech on Time management
  • Speech on Dance
  • Speech on Climate Change
  • Speech on Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech on Cyber security
  • Speech on Teamwork
  • Speech on Goal Setting
  • Speech on Plastic Waste Management
  • Speech on Feminism
  • Speech on Bhagat Singh
  • Speech on Books
  • Speech on Laughter is the Best Medicine
  • Speech on Swami Vivekananda
  • Speech on Road Safety
  • Speech on Cyber Crime
  • Speech on Energy Conservation
  • Speech on Online Education
  • Speech on Quaid-e-Azam
  • Speech on Allama Iqbal
  • Speech about Rainy Day
  • Speech about Teachers’ day
  • Speech about Graduation
  • Speech about Love
  • Speech about Football
  • Speech about Money
  • Speech about Anxiety
  • Speech about Politics
  • Speech about Nelson Mandela
  • Speech about Kindness
  • Speech about Cleanliness
  • Speech about Deforestation
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  • Speech about Unemployment
  • Speech about Birthday
  • Speech about Patience
  • Speech about the Value of Time
  • Speech about Positive Thinking
  • Speech about Knowledge is Power
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  • Speech about Dreams and ambitions 
  • Speech about Confidence
  • Speech about traveling and Tourism
  • Speech about Corruption
  • Speech about the millennial generation
  • Speech about Success and Failure
  • Speech about Environmental Awareness
  • Speech about Life Goals
  • Speech about Stress
  • Speech about the Life of a Student
  • Speech about Social Issues
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  • Speech about Youth Empowerment
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  • Speech about Air
  • Speech about Change in the World
  • Speech about Quality Education
  • Speech about Dedication
  • Speech about Motherhood
  • Speech about Clean Environment
  • Speech about National Integration
  • Speech about Body Language
  • Speech about an Event
  • Speech about Healthy Habits
  • Speech about Listening
  • Speech about Humour
  • Speech about Memory
  • Speech about the Importance of Sports and Games
  • Speech about Happy Life
  • Speech about Growing up
  • Speech about Soldiers
  • Speech about Television
  • Speech about my Favourite Book
  • Speech about Mother Nature
  • Speech about Moral Education
  • Speech about Mathematics
  • Speech about Perseverance
  • Speech about Oral Communication
  • Speech about My Pet
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The Supreme Court ruled that Trump has immunity for official acts. Here's what happens next.

By Robert Legare , Melissa Quinn , Graham Kates

Updated on: July 2, 2024 / 3:41 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington — The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former presidents are entitled to immunity from federal prosecution for official acts, a landmark decision that has major ramifications for former President Donald Trump.

The ruling dealt primarily with special counsel Jack Smith's case against Trump in Washington, D.C. While the court's 6-3 decision made some specific determinations about what conduct alleged in Smith's indictment cannot be brought to trial, the majority left much of the decision-making up to U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing that case. Chutkan will have to decide whether much of the alleged conduct in the indictment was "official" or "unofficial" in nature. 

Trump faces a second federal case in Florida related to classified documents, and state charges in Georgia dealing with the 2020 election. He was also convicted on state charges in New York in May. The court did not address those cases in its decision, but the judge overseeing the New York case soon delayed Trump's sentencing to resolve a dispute stemming from the justices' ruling. The potential impact on the Georgia matter is less clear. Trump has pleaded not guilty on all charges.

Here's what the ruling could mean for each of Trump's criminal cases:

Trump's 2020 election case

The Supreme Court declined to dismiss the entirety of Smith's case against Trump in Washington, where he is charged with four counts stemming from his conduct after the 2020 election. Instead, the six conservative justices decided to send the case down to Chutkan's court and instructed her to review the indictment under the legal standard they established. This will all but certainly result in more hearings and legal briefs on each of the issues, followed by likely appeals that will further delay the start of the trial. The case has been on hold for months as the immunity issue weaved its way through the courts.

Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts divided presidential conduct into three categories: official acts that are part of presidents' "core constitutional powers"; other official acts that are outside their "exclusive authority"; and unofficial acts. Presidents have "absolute" immunity for the first category, "presumptive" immunity for the second and no immunity for the third.

Roberts wrote that the allegations in the indictment that accused Trump of working with Justice Department officials to push for investigations into certain state election results are off the table because they fall squarely under the umbrella of "official acts."

"The indictment's allegations that the requested investigations were 'sham[s]' or proposed for an improper purpose do not divest the President of exclusive authority over the investigative and prosecutorial functions of the Justice Department and its officials," Roberts wrote, essentially blocking Smith from introducing the allegations at trial.

As for prosecutors' contentions that Trump pressured then-Vice President Mike Pence to delay the certification of the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021, as Pence presided over the joint session of Congress, Roberts and the majority ruled Trump is "presumed" to have immunity and raised the bar for using evidence tied to that conduct at trial. The special counsel will now likely have to "rebut the presumption of immunity" to show that Trump is not entitled to legal protection.

The court wrote that Pence was acting at least in part as president of the Senate on Jan. 6, not solely as a member of the Trump administration. As a result, Smith "may argue that consideration of the President's communications with the Vice President concerning the certification proceeding does not pose 'dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch," the decision said.

The high court placed the burden on Smith to prove that prosecuting Trump for allegedly pressuring Pence would not "pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch." Chutkan will then have to make a determination on the matter.

The majority also pointed to "a broad range of conduct" that the lower court will have to examine, including Smith's claims that Trump worked with state officials, private attorneys and his supporters outside the Capitol to subvert the transfer of presidential power.

For example, Smith charged Trump with pressuring Georgia election officials to "find votes" and said the former president and his allies tried to organize false slates of presidential electors. That conduct occupies a gray area that "cannot be neatly categorized as falling within a particular Presidential function," Roberts wrote Monday. 

According to the opinion, each allegedly criminal act as described in the indictment is "fact-specific" and requires further briefing with the lower court. Chutkan will have to decide "whether Trump's conduct in this area qualifies as official or unofficial." The justices offered her a roadmap to weigh the conduct against the risk of "enfeebling" presidential power when deciding the issues.

Under the application of the new standard set by the high court, each argument at the trial court level will require numerous written briefs and even some oral arguments. In some circumstances, even after Chutkan rules, her decisions are likely to be appealed to higher courts for review. 

The same process is likely to play out with regard to Trump's public comments and social media posts leading up to and during the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Roberts wrote that while "most" public comments "are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities," a contextual analysis could prove otherwise in certain circumstances.

Trump called the ruling a victory. The special counsel declined to comment on the decision. 

The Trump documents case

A photo taken by the FBI included in a motion filed by special counsel Jack Smith on June 24, 2024, showing a blue box located in the

The other federal case brought against Trump by Smith involves his alleged mishandling of sensitive government records after leaving the White House in January 2021. Like in the D.C. case, Trump has argued that the charges should be tossed out on the grounds that he is entitled to sweeping immunity from prosecution. He pleaded not guilty to charges he willfully retained national defense information and obstructed the Justice Department's investigation into his handling of documents bearing classification markings.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida has not yet ruled on Trump's claims of presidential immunity. While it's not immediately clear how that case will be impacted, the former president's lawyers and Smith's team will likely submit additional filings to Cannon arguing their position is bolstered by the decision.

The special counsel has argued that the conduct alleged in the indictment — namely that Trump illegally retained national defense information — occurred after he left office, and therefore he is not entitled to legal protection.

But the former president has argued that he declassified the records at issue before leaving office. There are 32 separate documents that underlie the charges, and Trump could claim the broad power to declassify records is within a president's official duties. Trump has also claimed that he deemed the documents marked classified as personal and therefore could bring them with him after leaving office.

Notably, in a separate concurring decision on Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas waded into another legal argument currently pending before Cannon's court: whether Smith's appointment as special prosecutor was legal.

Trump has argued in various court hearings and filings that Smith's appointment was unlawful since he was neither appointed by the president nor approved by the Senate. The Justice Department has defended Attorney General Merrick Garland's decision to name Smith as special counsel, arguing legal and historical precedent supported the move. 

Cannon has yet to rule on the matter. 

In his opinion on Monday, Thomas said he wrote to "highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure." 

The justice questioned whether Smith's office was "established by Law" and wrote that further examination of the appointment should proceed before trial in the D.C. case.

"If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people," Thomas wrote. "The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel's appointment before proceeding."

Although his opinion was not binding, and no other justices signed onto his concurring opinion, Thomas' arguments have the potential to affect Cannon's ruling on the legality of Smith's appointment in the classified documents case. 

The Georgia case

In Fulton County, Georgia, prosecutors alleged that Trump and several of his allies engaged in a scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Much of the conduct alleged in the indictment returned by a Fulton County grand jury is similar to what Smith has accused Trump of doing.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges brought against him in Georgia. As in the federal prosecutions, he has argued the indictment should be dismissed on the grounds he is entitled to presidential immunity. The Fulton County judge overseeing Trump's case, Judge Scott McAfee, has not yet ruled on his bid to toss out the charges.

The case before the Supreme Court involved a federal prosecution, while the Fulton County case is a state prosecution. Still, it's likely McAfee will revisit the conduct alleged in the indictment and determine what actions are considered official or unofficial.

Some of the allegations in the federal indictment, cited by the Supreme Court, include Trump's interactions with people outside the Executive Branch, such as state officials, private parties and the public. The high court said it is now up to the federal district court overseeing Trump's case to determine whether that conduct qualifies as official or unofficial.

In Georgia, prosecutors have pointed to his conversation with Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and other high-ranking state officials to support their claim that he unlawfully plotted to overturn the election results, as well as his attempt to organize false slates of presidential electors to obstruct the certification of state electoral votes. Expect to see McAfee probe those actions and make a similar determination as to whether they qualify as official or unofficial conduct.

The New York case

The one criminal case against Trump to go to trial ended with a conviction. A unanimous Manhattan jury concluded on May 30 that Trump was guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in an effort to cover up reimbursements for a "hush money" payment to an adult film star. Trump signed off on falsifying the records while he was in the White House in 2017.

Sentencing in his New York case was scheduled for July 11. Shortly after the Supreme Court's decision was released on Monday, Trump's lawyers sent a letter to the judge saying they will seek to overturn the jury's verdict. Prosecutors responded that they wouldn't oppose delaying the sentencing while Justice Juan Merchan considered Trump's effort. 

Merchan decided on Tuesday to postpone sentencing until Sept. 18 and indicated he'll rule on the motion to overturn the verdict on Sept. 6.

Trump's letter to Merchan indicated his lawyers will cite a March 7 pretrial motion in which they demanded that certain testimony and evidence be barred, particularly pertaining to Trump's social media posts and public statements while in office that they said were made as official acts. 

"Official-acts evidence should never have been put before the jury," they wrote. 

"The verdicts in this case violate the presidential immunity doctrine and create grave risks of 'an Executive Branch that cannibalizes itself,'" they wrote, quoting the Supreme Court's ruling. The majority ruled that evidence about official acts cannot be introduced "even on charges that purport to be based only on his unofficial conduct."

The issue of whether the allegations in that case relate to official acts was litigated as part of an effort by Trump to move the case from state to federal jurisdiction.

In 2023, Trump and his legal team argued that the allegations involved official acts within the color of his presidential duties, and said a federal court was therefore the proper venue for a trial.

That argument was rejected by a federal judge who wrote that Trump failed to show that his conduct was "for or relating to any act performed by or for the President under color of the official acts of a president."

"The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the matter was purely a personal item of the president — a cover-up of an embarrassing event," U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein wrote. "Hush money paid to an adult film star is not related to a president's official acts. It does not reflect in any way the color of the president's official duties."

Trump initially appealed that decision, but later dropped it. 

Robert Legare is a CBS News multiplatform reporter and producer covering the Justice Department, federal courts and investigations. He was previously an associate producer for the "CBS Evening News with Norah O'Donnell."

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Reactions and Highlights of the Supreme Court Decision on Trump’s Immunity

The ruling makes a distinction between official actions of a president, which have immunity, and those of a private citizen. In dissent, the court’s liberals lament a vast expansion of presidential power.

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Charlie Savage

Charlie Savage

Here are some key excerpts from the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

The Supreme Court declared on Monday that former presidents have immunity for their official actions, upending the case against Donald J. Trump over his attempts to subvert his 2020 election loss.


We conclude that under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is also entitled to immunity. At the current stage of proceedings in this case, however, we need not and do not decide whether that immunity must be absolute, or instead whether a presumptive immunity is sufficient.

In the majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., the conservative supermajority explained that Congress has no authority to pass criminal laws regulating powers that the Constitution assigns exclusively to presidents. Where the two branches share overlapping authority, presidents may or may not have immunity depending on whether applying criminal law to those specific facts would dangerously intrude on the functions of the executive branch.

Taking into account these competing considerations, we conclude that the separation of powers principles explicated in our precedent necessitate at least a presumptive immunity from criminal prosecution for a President’s acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility. Such an immunity is required to safeguard the independence and effective functioning of the Executive Branch, and to enable the President to carry out his constitutional duties without undue caution.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by her liberal colleagues, wrote a vehement dissent , portraying the ruling as a sharp expansion of presidential power — not just for Mr. Trump but for all presidents. She cited the famous World War II ruling that upheld the internment of Japanese Americans in the West to invoke the fear that presidents may feel freer to abuse their power.

Justice Sotomayor dissent

Looking beyond the fate of this particular prosecution, the long-term consequences of today’s decision are stark. The court effectively creates a law-free zone around the president, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the founding. This new official-acts immunity now ‘lies about like a loaded weapon’ for any president that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the nation.

At earlier stages of the Trump case, lower court judges had ruled that Mr. Trump had no immunity from prosecution over the allegations in the indictment regardless of whether the acts were official or unofficial. The Supreme Court sent the case back to the Federal District Court judge who would oversee any trial, Tanya S. Chutkan, to conduct that analysis. The majority, however, declared that Mr. Trump is clearly immune from prosecution for his alleged interactions with Justice Department officials in trying to enlist their help in overturning the 2020 election.

Certain allegations — such as those involving Trump’s discussions with the Acting Attorney General — are readily categorized in light of the nature of the President’s official relationship to the office held by that individual. Other allegations — such as those involving Trump’s interactions with the Vice President, state officials, and certain private parties, and his comments to the general public — present more difficult questions. Although we identify several considerations pertinent to classifying those allegations and determining whether they are subject to immunity, that analysis ultimately is best left to the lower courts to perform in the first instance.

Even as Chief Justice Roberts wrote that a president talking to a vice president counted as an official act, he suggested that it might not qualify for immunity in the context of Mr. Trump’s pressure campaign on his vice president at the time, Mike Pence, to disrupt the certification of Electoral College votes. He noted that Congress has legislated extensively to define the vice president’s role in that task and that the president plays no direct part in it, suggesting that allowing a prosecution based on that act would not unduly impair executive branch functions. By contrast, the chief justice suggested that another context — a president talking to a vice president about casting a tiebreaking 51st vote in the Senate on legislation that is part of the White House’s agenda, for example — more likely would be immune. But he still left that issue to Judge Chutkan to consider.

Opinion of the court

It is ultimately the government’s burden to rebut the presumption of immunity. We therefore remand to the district court to assess in the first instance, with appropriate input from the parties, whether a prosecution involving Trump’s alleged attempts to influence the vice president’s oversight of the certification proceeding in his capacity as president of the Senate would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the executive branch.

During oral arguments, a Justice Department lawyer had suggested that even if the court were to rule that presidents are immune for official acts, prosecutors should still be able to introduce evidence about Mr. Trump’s official acts to help the jury understand the unofficial ones that would be the basis of charges. If so, a ruling that presidents have immunity for official actions would not have been particularly disruptive to the case prosecutors want to present to the jury. But in a major victory for Mr. Trump, Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion ruled out letting prosecutors use testimony or records about any official acts that are subject to immunity.

If official conduct for which the president is immune may be scrutinized to help secure his conviction, even on charges that purport to be based only on his unofficial conduct, the ‘intended effect’ of immunity would be defeated.

One of the court’s six conservatives, Justice Amy Coney Barrett, split from her colleagues on that issue. In a concurring opinion, she said she agreed with the three liberal judges in dissent that prosecutors should be allowed to use such evidence under certain circumstances. As an example, she pointed to a hypothetical bribery case, saying it would “hamstring the prosecution” not to be able to tell the jury about an official act that an ex-president had taken a bribe to perform.

Justice Barrett concurring in part

Yet excluding from trial any mention of the official act connected to the bribe would hamstring the prosecution. To make sense of charges alleging a quid pro quo , the jury must be allowed to hear about both the quid and the quo , even if the quo , standing alone, could not be a basis for the President's criminal liability.

In a footnote, Chief Justice Roberts addressed Justice Barrett, saying “of course” prosecutors could tell the jury that a president had taken an official act in a bribery case; they just could not present documents and testimony inviting the jury to scrutinize a president’s motivation and the legitimacy of that official action.

The five-justice majority’s declaration that official actions that are subject to presidential immunity cannot be used as evidence could matter for evidence about the inflammatory speech Mr. Trump delivered to his followers ahead of the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol or any of his postings on Twitter leading up to the 2021 riot. It is established that speech that is protected by the First Amendment can be used as evidence about a defendant’s related crimes. But while leaving the first crack to Judge Chutkan, Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion raised the possibility that Mr. Trump’s words may count as official actions; and so would apparently be inadmissible at trial.

He is even expected to comment on those matters of public concern that may not directly implicate the activities of the Federal Government — for instance, to comfort the Nation in the wake of an emergency or tragedy. For these reasons, most of a President’s public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities. There may, however, be contexts in which the President, notwithstanding the prominence of his position, speaks in an unofficial capacity — perhaps as a candidate for office or party leader. To the extent that may be the case, objective analysis of “content, form, and context” will necessarily inform the inquiry. Snyder v. Phelps, 562 U. S. 443, 453 . But “there is not always a clear line between [the President’s] personal and official affairs.” Mazars, 591 U. S., at 868. The analysis therefore must be fact specific and may prove to be challenging.

Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on X that the court has been “consumed by a corruption crisis.” She pledged to file articles of impeachment against the justices, though she did not specify which. The last time a Supreme Court justice was successfully impeached was in 1804, and it would require that she and her fellow Democrats win significant support from Republicans, who control the House, to even bring any impeachment to a vote.

Richard Fausset

Richard Fausset

The Supreme Court’s immunity ruling will also reverberate in Fulton County, Ga., where Trump and 14 of his allies have been criminally charged in a sprawling racketeering indictment. In January, Trump’s Georgia lawyers filed a motion arguing that the case should be dismissed on immunity grounds. But prosecutors have been waiting on the Supreme Court, and have said they will file a response to Trump within two weeks of the issuance of the immunity ruling.

The Georgia case has also been stalled by a pretrial appeal over the issue of whether the Fulton County district attorney, Fani T. Willis, should step down from the case because of her romantic involvement with a lawyer she hired to manage the prosecution. The state appellate court is not expected to rule on the matter until after the November presidential election.

speech oral communication examples

Read the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Immunity

The court rules that former presidents have absolute immunity for core constitutional powers, and are also entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for official acts.


Maggie Astor

Maggie Astor

Republicans responded to the ruling with triumph, and Democrats with dismay.

In reactions mirroring the ideological split of the Supreme Court justices in their ruling granting presidents immunity for official actions, Republicans expressed triumph on Monday and Democrats dismay.

Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio was the first of former President Donald J. Trump’s top running-mate contenders to weigh in, calling the decision “a massive win, not just for Trump but the rule of law.”

Other Republicans also praised the ruling as a rejection of what they characterized as Democrats’ using the government against Mr. Trump for political purposes.

Senator Steve Daines of Montana, who leads Republicans’ Senate campaign arm, said the Supreme Court had ended a “sad chapter of Joe Biden’s weaponization of the Justice Department.” Stephen Miller, a top Trump adviser, called the decision “another setback for the Democrat Party’s illegal and unconstitutional crusade to outlaw dissent, jail the opposition leader, impose authoritarian rule, replace democracy with the deep state and liberty with leftwing oligarchy.”

The Justice Department operates independently of the president, and there is no evidence that President Biden has had any involvement in its prosecution decisions.

Mr. Trump wants to eliminate the department’s independence and has called for prosecuting his political opponents, purging federal agencies of civil servants who might oppose his policies and greatly expanding executive power.

Democrats expressed fear for the future of American democracy, as Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson did in their dissenting opinion . “Simply frightening. May God have mercy on this nation,” Jaime Harrison, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, wrote alongside Justice Sotomayor’s quote: “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

Mr. Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Quentin Fulks, said on a call with reporters that the Supreme Court had “handed Donald Trump the keys to a dictatorship.” Shortly before that, the Biden campaign put out a statement saying that the ruling did not change the facts of Mr. Trump’s actions leading up to and on Jan. 6, 2021: “Donald Trump snapped after he lost the 2020 election and encouraged a mob to overthrow the results of a free and fair election,” it said.

“Our democracy has been gravely wounded,” Eric H. Holder Jr., who served as attorney general under President Barack Obama, wrote in a post on social media , saying the Supreme Court had given presidents free rein to commit crimes. “There is no basis in the Constitution for this Court constructed monstrosity.”

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said the Supreme Court had been “consumed by a corruption crisis” and pledged to file articles of impeachment, though she did not specify against which justices. Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas have been under scrutiny because a flag associated with the “Stop the Steal” movement flew outside Justice Alito’s house after the 2020 election, and Justice Thomas’s wife was involved with efforts to overturn the election.

Supreme Court justices can be impeached, but only one has been — more than 200 years ago — and Republicans currently control the House.

Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, called Monday “a sad day for America” and added , “Treason or incitement of an insurrection should not be considered a core constitutional power afforded to a president.”

The district court judge overseeing Mr. Trump’s trial in Washington will have to determine whether his specific actions are protected under the ruling. That will take time and very likely delay a trial past the election — at which point, if Mr. Trump wins, he could order the Justice Department to end the case.

“I don’t see how this case could go forward before the election,” Alina Habba, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, said on Fox News.

Outside groups focused on democracy also condemned the ruling.

“The Court has issued an instruction manual for lawbreaking presidents,” said Michael Waldman, the president of the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University. “Make sure you conspire only with other government employees. You’ll never be held to account.”

Michael Gold , Simon J. Levien and Mattathias Schwartz contributed reporting.

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

The Trump campaign has already sent two fund-raising emails off the Supreme Court decision, a now standard response to developments in Trump’s legal entanglements. “Official acts cannot be illegally prosecuted - BIG WIN FOR DEMOCRACY & OUR CONSTITUTION!,” one said.

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

Trump has moved on to what was an inevitable statement from him: saying on Truth Social that the Supreme Court decision “should end” all the other court cases against him, which he has falsely tied to President Biden and paints with the same brush. He includes his criminal conviction in New York and the separate successful prosecution of his company for a decadelong fraud by the state's attorney general, Letitia James.

Linda Qiu

Anticipation and family members of some justices filled the court for the momentous decision.

The tension and sense of anticipation was palpable inside the Supreme Court on Monday morning, as the justices delivered the remaining opinions and some of the most eagerly awaited decisions of the term.

“Sorry this is not the case you’re waiting to hear so I’ll try to be concise,” Justice Amy Coney Barrett quipped, before delivering the court’s first majority opinion of the day, in a case about suing over regulations .

It was indeed not the case that most observers inside and outside the court were counting down to: on the scope and limits of presidential immunity .

In the audience was Michael Dreeben, a former deputy solicitor general who argued for the government in that case. Mr. Dreeben was greeted by several people before proceedings began, and as the justices spoke on the immunity case, he took notes on a small pad and occasionally twiddled his pen. But he showed little emotion as Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. delivered the majority opinion, effectively ruling against him in deciding that presidents have some immunity from criminal prosecution.

The parents of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh and the wife of Chief Justice Roberts, Jane Roberts, were also in attendance. Justice Neil M. Gorsuch was absent.

Chief Justice Roberts preemptively addressed possible criticism of the ruling as he emphasized that the decision “does not protect any particular president, but the presidency,” and added that presidential immunity did have limits.

“Saying it so doesn’t make it so,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor sharply countered at the beginning of her dissent from the bench , a rare moment that underscored her profound disagreement with the majority.

Justice Sotomayor, who dissented on behalf of the other liberal members of the court, cut a note of exasperation through her lengthy speech, seemingly to sporadically add “imagine that,” “think about that,” and “interesting, history matters right?” as she read from her written words. When discussing and rebutting the majority, she looked several times to her colleagues on her immediate left, Justice Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice Roberts. They did not return her gaze.

“We fear for democracy,” she said in conclusion.

The court then turned to lighter matters, as the chief justice concluded the term and recognized retiring workers for their service.

“On behalf of my employees — colleagues” — he said, misspeaking to laughter. “On behalf of my colleagues, I thank the employees.”

At the sound of the buzzer and prompted by a staff member, the audience then rose as the justices filed out, concluding the last day of official business until the new term in the fall.

An earlier version of this article misstated the relatives of Supreme Court justices who attended Monday’s session. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s family was not there.

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In a call with reporters, the Biden campaign is using the decision to sound an alarm. “They just handed Donald Trump the keys to a dictatorship,” Quentin Fulks, the deputy campaign manager, said. “We have to do everything in our power to stop him.”

Senator John Barasso, who ranks third in the Senate Republican leadership, put out a statement heralding the Supreme Court decision as ending “weaponization” of the justice system.

Outside the court, there was little sense that the justices had issued a momentous decision on presidential power. TV cameras and reporters outnumbered the few protesters. A small contingent was calling to abolish the death penalty. One woman with anti-Trump flags was blasting jaunty music with the lyrics “shame on you.” And one Trump supporter wore a sign blaming Democrats for ruining his life.

A vehement dissent laments a vast expansion of power that makes the president ‘a king above the law.’

The Supreme Court’s three Democratic appointees railed in dissent against the conservative majority’s ruling that former President Donald J. Trump has some immunity for his official actions, declaring that their colleagues had made the president into “a king above the law.”

Writing that the majority was “deeply wrong,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor added that beyond its consequences for the bid to prosecute Mr. Trump for his attempt to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election, it would have “stark” long-term consequences for the future of American democracy.

“The court effectively creates a law-free zone around the president, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the founding,” she wrote, in an opinion joined by the other two Democratic appointees, Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Insulating the president of the United States — the most powerful person in the country and possibly the world, she noted — from criminal prosecution when he uses his official powers will allow him to freely use his official power to violate the law, exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, or other “evil ends.”

“Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” she wrote, adding: “Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably.”

Justice Sotomayor also wrote that how the majority had applied the new standard of immunity to official acts to Mr. Trump’s case specifically was “perhaps even more troubling.” Its analysis, she added, operated as a “one-way ratchet” — helping the defense but offering no help to the prosecution.

For example, she wrote, the majority declared that all of Mr. Trump’s actions involving Vice President Mike Pence and the Justice Department counted as official conduct but did not designate any actions in the indictment as falling into the non-“core” category of official conduct that it said could be prosecuted. Nor did it designate as clearly private actions any of several things that Mr. Trump’s team had conceded looked unofficial, like Mr. Trump’s interactions with a personal lawyer.

Justice Sotomayor railed in particular that the majority had declined to rule out immunity for Mr. Trump’s role in organizing fake slates of electors, pressuring states to subvert the legitimate election results, and exploiting the violence of the Jan. 6 riot to influence the certification proceedings.

“It is not conceivable that a prosecution for these alleged efforts to overturn a presidential election, whether labeled official or unofficial under the majority’s test,” would pose any danger of intrusion on the authority and functions of the executive branch, she wrote, adding that “the majority could have said as much,” but did not.

Sometimes justices conclude their dissents with a softening and polite qualifier, writing “Respectfully, I dissent.” Justice Sotomayor instead concluded this one harshly: “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

An earlier version of this article incorrectly omitted words from Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent. She wrote, “Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” not “Organizes a military exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

While joining her five fellow Republican appointees in declaring that former presidents have immunity from criminal prosecution for their official actions, Justice Amy Coney Barrett filed a concurring opinion that nevertheless reflected some flavor of dissent.

She disagreed with the majority’s holding that the Constitution does not permit prosecutors to tell a jury about an ex-president’s official actions that are relevant to some private action being charged. As an example, she pointed to a hypothetical bribery case, saying it would “hamstring the prosecution” not to be able to tell the jury what official act an ex-president took a bribe to perform.

In a footnote of the majority opinion, Chief Justice Roberts addressed Justice Barrett’s example of a bribery case. He disagreed that the court’s ruling meant prosecutors could not mention any official act, saying “of course” prosecutors could point to the public record to show that a president performed the official act in question. What prosecutors may not do, Chief Justice Roberts wrote, is admit testimony or private records that would invite a jury to scrutinize the president’s motivations for the act and second-guess its propriety.

In an interview with Fox News’s digital team, Trump heralded the decision as an absolute victory, although it falls somewhat short of that. He blamed Democrats for the prosecutions and said, “And now the courts have spoken.” He said he can now campaign freely. It’s worth bearing in mind that Trump is set to be sentenced in Manhattan next week on his criminal conviction for falsifying business records to cover up a hush-money payment to a porn star in 2016.

Adam Liptak

Adam Liptak

Reporting on the Supreme Court since 2008

Thomas and Alito took part in the case, despite calls for their recusal.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr., rejecting calls for their disqualification, participated in the decision on the scope of former President Donald J. Trump’s immunity from prosecution.

Experts in legal ethics have said that the activities of the justices’ wives raised serious questions about their impartiality.

Virginia Thomas, known as Ginni, helped shape the effort to overturn the 2020 election. “Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” Ms. Thomas wrote in a text message to Mark Meadows, President Donald J. Trump’s chief of staff, during the fraught weeks between the 2020 presidential election and the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Justice Thomas has not given a public explanation for remaining on the case, and he has taken part in other cases arising from the election and the 2021 attack. But he recused himself in October from a case concerning John Eastman, a conservative lawyer who had advised Mr. Trump. Justice Thomas, for whom Mr. Eastman had served as a law clerk, gave no reasons for his decision to disqualify himself from that case.

Justice Alito has been more forthcoming. He explained why he would not recuse from the case in a letter to Democratic lawmakers in May after The New York Times reported that flags that have been used to support the “Stop the Steal” movement had been displayed at his homes in Virginia and New Jersey .

The justice said his wife, Martha-Ann, was responsible. “My wife is fond of flying flags,” he wrote. “I am not. She was solely responsible for having flagpoles put up at our residence and our vacation home and has flown a wide variety of flags over the years.”

The court recently adopted a code of conduct for the justices . It allows individual justices to make their own decisions about recusal.

One provision of the code says that “a justice is presumed impartial and has an obligation to sit unless disqualified.”

A second provision says that “a justice should disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the justice’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, that is, where an unbiased and reasonable person who is aware of all relevant circumstances would doubt that the justice could fairly discharge his or her duties.”

The flags displayed at his properties, Justice Alito wrote, did not require him to recuse from the case. “A reasonable person who is not motivated by political or ideological considerations or a desire to affect the outcome of Supreme Court cases,” he wrote, “would conclude this event does not meet the applicable standard for recusal.”

Indeed, he wrote, he had an obligation to sit and hear the case.

An earlier version of this article misspelled the name used by Virginia Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas. She is known as Ginni, not Ginny.

There’s so far been no reaction on social media to the ruling from the three people in closest contention to be Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate: J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum.

Mattathias Schwartz

Mattathias Schwartz

The ruling is “absurd and dangerous,” a “monstrosity,” Eric Holder, who served as attorney general under President Barack Obama, wrote in a post on X. He argued that the Supreme Court is giving presidents free rein to commit crimes so long as they act within their “constitutional authority.”

Alan Feuer

Here’s one of the sleeper holdings in the court’s ruling: The decision finds not only that a president can’t be charged for any official acts, but also that evidence involving official acts can’t be introduced to bolster accusations made about unofficial acts. If I’m reading this right, Chief Justice Roberts has reversed himself from his position during oral arguments.

The Government does not dispute that if Trump is entitled to immunity for certain official acts, he may not “be held criminally liable” based on those acts. But it nevertheless contends that a jury could “consider” evidence concerning the President’s official acts “for limited and specified purposes,” and that such evidence would “be admissible to prove, for example, [Trump’s] knowledge or notice of the falsity of his election-fraud claims.”

Then, he posed a hypothetical situation about a president giving away an ambassadorship for a bribe. Roberts said that prosecutors should be allowed to introduce not only evidence about the bribe (a private act) but also the ambassadorial appointment (an official act) — otherwise, the jury would hear about only one side of the quid pro quo.

While the ruling cuts against what the Biden team would have wanted to see, they appear to be prepared to use the issue to highlight Trump’s conduct on and before Jan. 6, 2021, and the deluge of lies about the election he had lost.

One of the important findings by the court is this: The justices have given former presidents an expansive amount of protection against prosecution by ruling that there is presumption of immunity for acts that fall within “the outer perimeter” of a president’s official duties. That’s the same broad standard that protects presidents and former presidents against civil lawsuits. Whether the “outer perimeter” test holds up in Trump’s case remains to be seen.

While Trump’s lawyers requested immunity for anything he did while in office, during oral argument they suggested they would be pleased if the court set this broad “outer perimeter” standard.

Circling back to the court’s view of the specific allegations in Jack Smith’s indictment: Chief Justice Roberts's ruling expresses skepticism that Trump could be prosecuted for the speech he gave on Jan. 6 or any of his tweets that day. Roberts notes that “most of a president’s public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.” But he leaves open the possibility that Trump could face charges for his words if they were delivered as “a candidate for office.”

The President possesses “extraordinary power to speak to his fellow citizens and on their behalf.” Trump v. Hawaii, 585 U. S. 667, 701. So most of a President’s public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities.

There may, however, be contexts in which the President speaks in an unofficial capacity—perhaps as a candidate for office or party leader.

Several of the justices’ family members also attended the last day of the court's term, including Justice Kavanaugh’s parents and Jane Roberts, the chief justice’s wife. Michael Dreeban, a lawyer who argued on behalf of the special counsel in the immunity case, was also present. He took notes as Chief Justice Roberts delivered the opinion but showed little emotion.

Inside the courtroom, the anticipation and tension was palpable. Before Justice Amy Coney Barrett delivered the first opinion of the day — in a case about suing over regulations — she quipped, “Sorry this is not the case you’re waiting to hear so I’ll try to be concise.”

Trump posted a victorious message on his social media site, Truth Social: “BIG WIN FOR OUR CONSTITUTION AND DEMOCRACY. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!"

As Justice Sotomayor's appalled dissent makes clear, this ruling is a dramatic expansion of presidential power — not just for Trump but for all presidents. She cites the notorious World War II ruling that upheld the internment of Japanese Americans on the West Coast.

The Supreme Court majority ruling sets the stage for a new appeals fight if prosecutors continue to want to tell the jury about former President Trump pressuring former Vice President Pence to disrupt the counting of Biden’s Electoral College votes — a linchpin to understanding the fake electors scheme , according to the indictment.

Chief Justice Roberts says Trump’s pressuring of Pence was certainly official conduct, but leaves open the question of whether it counts as the core kind for which Trump has absolute immunity, or a lessor kind where he has only a presumption of immunity that can be overcome.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas questioned the legitimacy of the appointment of the special counsel, Jack Smith: “If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people.” That is an issue that the judge in the Trump classified documents case, Aileen Cannon, just held a hearing about . Notably, none of the other eight justices joined his concurring opinion.


If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people.

Chief Justice Roberts’s analysis suggests that Trump talking to Pence about the Electoral College vote might not be entitled to immunity because Congress has legislated extensively to define the vice president’s role, and the president plays no direct part in that process. Chief Justice Roberts suggests that another context — a president talking to a vice president about casting a tie-breaking 51st vote in the Senate on legislation that is part of the White House’s agenda — is more likely to be immune.

But despite telegraphing that likely result, the Supreme Court does not just say that. It instead sends the issue back to Judge Chutkan.

Reporting from Washington

Presidents are partly shielded from prosecution, the Supreme Court rules.

The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that former President Donald J. Trump is entitled to substantial immunity from prosecution on charges of trying to overturn the last election, a blockbuster decision in the heat of the 2024 campaign that vastly expanded presidential power.

The vote was 6 to 3, dividing along partisan lines. Its immediate practical effect will be to further complicate the case against Mr. Trump, with the chances that it will go before a jury ahead of the election now vanishingly remote and the charges against him, at a minimum, narrowed.

The decision amounted to a powerful statement by the court’s conservative majority that presidents should be insulated from the potential that actions they take in carrying out their official duties could later be used by political enemies to charge them with crimes.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the majority, said Mr. Trump had at least presumptive immunity for his official acts. He added that the trial judge must undertake an intensive factual review to separate official and unofficial conduct and to assess whether prosecutors can overcome the presumption protecting Mr. Trump for his official conduct.

If Mr. Trump prevails at the polls, the issue could become moot since he could order the Justice Department to drop the charges.

The liberal wing, in some of the harshest dissents ever filed by justices of the Supreme Court, said the majority had created a kind of king not answerable to the law.

Broad immunity for official conduct is needed, the chief justice wrote, to protect “an energetic, independent executive.”

“The president therefore may not be prosecuted for exercising his core constitutional powers, and he is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “That immunity applies equally to all occupants of the Oval Office, regardless of politics, policy or party.”

The alternative, the chief justice wrote, is to invite tit-for-tat political reprisals.

“Virtually every president is criticized for insufficiently enforcing some aspect of federal law (such as drug, gun, immigration or environmental laws),” he wrote. “An enterprising prosecutor in a new administration may assert that a previous president violated that broad statute. Without immunity, such types of prosecutions of ex-presidents could quickly become routine.”

In dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that the decision was gravely misguided. In a rare move and sign of deep disagreement, she summarized her dissent from the bench, making off-the-cuff remarks that underscored her frustration.

“Today’s decision to grant former presidents criminal immunity reshapes the institution of the presidency,” she wrote. “It makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of government, that no man is above the law.”

In her own dissent, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson wrote that “the court has now declared for the first time in history that the most powerful official in the United States can (under circumstances yet to be fully determined) become a law unto himself.”

Mr. Trump embraced the outcome on social media, celebrating the ruling. “Big win for our constitution and democracy,” he wrote in all-capital letters. “Proud to be an American!”

President Biden warned that the decision set a dangerous precedent. “The power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the Supreme Court of the United States,” he said, urging voters to prevent his Republican rival from winning a second term. “The only limits will be self-imposed by the president alone.”

The chief justice’s opinion recounted the events surrounding the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in an understated, almost antiseptic summary, while the dissents called them a singular threat to democracy. And where the chief justice stressed the importance of protecting all presidents, the dissents focused on Mr. Trump.

Chief Justice Roberts wrote that it was not the Supreme Court’s job to sift through the evidence and to separate protected conduct from the rest. “That analysis,” he wrote, “ultimately is best left to the lower courts to perform in the first instance.”

But he issued guideposts for Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, of the Federal District Court in Washington, who is overseeing the case.

Mr. Trump, the chief justice wrote, is “absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.”

He added that Judge Chutkan should determine whether prosecutors can overcome Mr. Trump’s presumed immunity for his communications with Vice President Mike Pence.

“We therefore remand to the district court to assess in the first instance, with appropriate input from the parties, whether a prosecution involving Trump’s alleged attempts to influence the vice president’s oversight of the certification proceeding in his capacity as president of the Senate would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the executive branch,” he wrote.

Other parts of the indictment against Mr. Trump, the chief justice said, require “a close analysis of the indictment’s extensive and interrelated allegations.”

That includes, he wrote, Mr. Trump’s statements on Jan. 6, among them ones he made at the rally on the Ellipse.

“Whether the tweets, that speech and Trump’s other communications on Jan. 6 involve official conduct may depend on the content and context of each,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote in a characteristically noncommittal passage.

He added, in a kind of refrain that ran through his opinion: “This necessarily fact-bound analysis is best performed initially by the district court.”

In all, the majority opinion was a broad defense of executive power and a detailed recipe for delay.

It was joined by the other Republican appointees: Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr., Neil M. Gorsuch, Brett M. Kavanaugh and, in part, Amy Coney Barrett.

In dissent, Justice Sotomayor wrote that “the long-term consequences of today’s decision are stark.”

“The court effectively creates a law-free zone around the president, upsetting the status quo that has existed since the founding,” she wrote, adding: “The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution.”

She gave examples: “Orders the Navy’s SEAL team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold on to power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.”

Chief Justice Roberts rejected the prosecutors’ arguments that evidence about official acts could be presented to the jury for context and information about Mr. Trump’s motives.

Mr. Trump contended that he was entitled to absolute immunity from the charges, relying on a broad understanding of the separation of powers and a 1982 Supreme Court precedent that recognized such immunity in civil cases for actions taken by presidents within the “outer perimeter” of their official responsibilities.

Lower courts rejected that claim.

“Whatever immunities a sitting president may enjoy,” Judge Chutkan wrote , “the United States has only one chief executive at a time, and that position does not confer a lifelong ‘get out of jail free’ pass.”

A unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit agreed. “For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant,” the panel wrote in an unsigned decision . “But any executive immunity that may have protected him while he served as president no longer protects him against this prosecution.”

In agreeing to hear the case, the Supreme Court said it would decide this question: “whether and if so to what extent does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office.”

The court heard two other cases this term concerning the attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6.

In March, the court unanimously rejected an attempt to bar Mr. Trump from the ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which makes people who engage in insurrection ineligible to hold office. The court, without discussing whether Mr. Trump was covered by the provision, ruled that states may not use it to exclude candidates for the presidency from the ballot.

On Friday, the court ruled that federal prosecutors had improperly used an obstruction law to prosecute some members of the pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6. Two of the four charges against Mr. Trump are based on that law. In a footnote on Monday, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that “if necessary, the district court should determine in the first instance” whether those charges may proceed in light of the decision last week.

The court decided the case restoring Mr. Trump to the ballot at a brisk pace, hearing arguments a month after agreeing to and issuing its decision a month after that.

The immunity case has moved at a considerably slower tempo. In December, in asking the justices to leapfrog the appeals court and hear the case immediately, Jack Smith, the special counsel overseeing the prosecution, wrote that “it is of imperative public importance that respond­ent’s claims of immunity be resolved by this court.” He added that “only this court can definitively resolve them.”

The justices denied Mr. Smith’s petition 11 days after he filed it, in a brief order without noted dissents.

After the appeals court ruled against Mr. Trump, he asked the Supreme Court to intervene. Sixteen days later, on Feb. 28, the court agreed to hear his appeal, scheduling arguments for almost two months later, on the last day of the term. Another two months have passed since then.

At the argument, several of the conservative justices did not seem inclined to examine the details of the charges against Mr. Trump. Instead, they said, the court should issue a ruling that applies to presidential power generally.

“We’re writing a rule for the ages,” Justice Gorsuch said.

The court’s announcement of that rule on Monday elicited some of the sharpest dissents ever by justices of the Supreme Court.

Justice Jackson, for instance, said the practical consequences of the majority opinion “are a five-alarm fire that threatens to consume democratic self-governance and the normal operations of our government.”

Before reading from her prepared remarks, Justice Sotomayor appeared to address the chief justice directly: “Saying it so doesn’t make it so.”

She quoted mockingly from the majority’s opinion on how criminal prosecutions would have an even more chilling effect on the ability of a president to take “bold and unhesitating action.”

“Think about that — that makes no sense,” she said.

In her written dissent, Justice Sotomayor, joined by Justices Jackson and Elena Kagan, said: “The relationship between the president and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law.”

Justice Sotomayor ended her opinion in unusual fashion. “With fear for our democracy,” she wrote, “I dissent.”

Chief Justice Roberts said the dissents were overwrought.

“They strike a tone of chilling doom that is wholly disproportionate,” he wrote, “to what the court actually does today — conclude that immunity extends to official discussions between the president and his attorney general, and then remand to the lower courts to determine ‘in the first instance’ whether and to what extent Trump’s remaining alleged conduct is entitled to immunity.”

Linda Qiu contributed reporting.

News Analysis

In taking up Trump’s immunity claim, the Supreme Court bolstered his delay strategy.

The Supreme Court tossed former President Donald J. Trump a legal lifeline months ago by making its original choice to hear his immunity claims, a move that substantially aided Mr. Trump’s efforts to delay his federal trial on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election.

By deciding to take up Mr. Trump’s argument that presidents enjoy almost total immunity from prosecution for official actions taken while in office — a legal theory rejected by two lower courts — the justices bought the former president several months before a trial on the election interference charges can start.

There is now only a slender possibility that Mr. Trump could still face a jury in the case, in Federal District Court in Washington, before Election Day.

Given the Supreme Court’s leisurely pace in issuing its decision and the amount of legal business left to conduct in the trial court, the odds are steep that voters will not get a chance to hear the evidence that Mr. Trump sought to subvert the last election before they decide whether to back him in the current one.

If Mr. Trump is successful in delaying the trial until after Election Day and he wins, he could use the powers of his office to seek to dismiss the election interference indictment altogether. Moreover, Justice Department policy precludes prosecuting a sitting president, meaning that, once sworn in, he could most likely have any federal trial he is facing postponed until after he left office.


Verbal vs Oral Communication

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speech oral communication examples

Dive into our comprehensive guide on Verbal vs Oral Communication. This guide illuminates the subtle nuances and distinct characteristics separating these two forms of expression. Through practical Communication Examples , understand how each method operates across different scenarios and their impact on personal and professional interactions. Enhance your communicative approach and embrace the power of words and speech.

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What is Verbal vs Oral Communication? – Meaning

What is Verbal vs Oral Communication

Verbal vs Oral Communication refers to the exchange of information and ideas through spoken words (oral) or both spoken and written words (verbal). While all oral communication is verbal, not all verbal communication is oral. Verbal Communication Examples include both speaking face-to-face and writing an email. Oral communication is speaking words aloud, typically in a conversation. Understanding these differences is crucial for selecting the most effective way to convey your message.

Difference Between Verbal vs Oral Communication

Difference Between Verbal vs Oral Communication

The primary distinction in Verbal vs Oral Communication lies in the form of expression. Oral communication exclusively refers to spoken content, heavily reliant on What Percent of Communication is Verbal ? Verbal encompasses both spoken and written mediums. Understanding Verbal Communication Techniques and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal Communication is key, as each form serves different Functions of Verbal Communication in various contexts.

Aspect Verbal Communication Oral Communication
Definition Involves conveying messages through words, spoken or written. Involves conveying messages through spoken words only.
Medium Can be spoken (like conversations) or written (like letters and emails). Strictly spoken, using voice and sound.
Recordability Spoken can be transient; written provides a permanent record. Generally transient unless recorded.
Formality Can vary in formality based on the mode (spoken or written). Often considered less formal, but can vary with context.
Precision and Editing Written allows for editing and precision before sending. Spoken is immediate. Immediate and spontaneous, with little room for editing.
Context and Usage Broad usage in both personal and professional spheres. Primarily used in personal conversations or informal discussions.
Non-Verbal Elements In spoken form, it can include non-verbal elements. Written relies on text alone. Accompanied by non-verbal cues like tone, facial expressions, and gestures.
Skill Set Requires a diverse skill set, including writing and speaking effectively. Focuses primarily on clear articulation, tone, and immediate feedback.

10 Verbal Communication Examples

Verbal communication is an integral part of human interaction that encompasses various Types of Verbal Communication . It’s crucial in expressing ideas, emotions, and instructions effectively. Enhancing Verbal Communication Skills can lead to better relationships and success, especially in professional settings like Verbal Communication in the Workplace . Recognizing and practicing different forms can significantly improve your ability to convey messages clearly. Here are 10 examples of verbal communication, along with what typically causes issues and how to fix them:

  • One-on-One Conversations : Face-to-face discussions are a primary form of verbal communication. Cause: Misunderstandings can arise from unclear speech or distractions. Fix: Focus on clear articulation and active listening.
  • Group Discussions : Involves multiple people sharing ideas. Cause: Can become chaotic without clear turn-taking. Fix: Implement and respect speaking turns and actively listen.
  • Public Speaking : Delivering a speech to an audience. Cause: Nervousness or lack of preparation can hinder message delivery. Fix: Prepare thoroughly and practice public speaking techniques.
  • Meetings : Formal gatherings in workplaces to discuss agendas. Cause: Lack of clear agenda or dominant speakers can sidetrack discussions. Fix: Set a clear agenda and ensure equal participation.
  • Phone Calls : Conversations where participants can’t see each other. Cause: Lack of visual cues can lead to misunderstandings. Fix: Use clear, concise language and confirm understanding.
  • Video Calls : Digital meetings where participants can both see and hear each other. Cause: Technical issues can disrupt communication. Fix: Ensure good connectivity and use visual aids if necessary.
  • Interviews : A formal conversation typically between an employer and a job applicant. Cause: Stress or lack of preparation can affect clarity and confidence. Fix: Prepare responses and understand the job role and company.
  • Teaching : Instructors conveying information to students. Cause: Ineffective teaching methods or lack of engagement can hinder learning. Fix: Use interactive methods and continuously engage students.
  • Negotiations : Discussions aimed at reaching an agreement. Cause: Emotions or unclear terms can complicate discussions. Fix: Stay calm, clear, and focused on objectives.
  • Presentations : Information is delivered to an audience, often supported by visuals. Cause: Poorly organized content or delivery can confuse the audience. Fix: Structure content clearly and practice delivery.

10 Oral Communication Examples

Dive into the dynamic world of oral communication with our in-depth guide. Explore 10 unique scenarios spanning various sectors, including Verbal Communication in Healthcare , Verbal Communication in Business , Teaching, Student Interactions, and Law Enforcement. Each example is a testament to the power and pitfalls of oral communication, offering insights into common communicative challenges and actionable strategies to enhance clarity and effectiveness. Enhance your understanding and skills in articulating ideas with precision and empathy across diverse settings.

  • Cause: Overuse of medical terminology.
  • Fix: Use simple language and confirm understanding.
  • Cause: Ambiguous language or assumptions.
  • Fix: Clarify terms with precise language and examples.
  • Cause: Not adapting to the students’ knowledge level.
  • Fix: Break down concepts and check for understanding.
  • Cause: Lack of active listening skills.
  • Fix: Encourage turn-taking and active listening exercises.
  • Cause: High tension and unclear questioning.
  • Fix: Use clear, direct questions and remain calm.
  • Cause: Stressful environment and unclear directives.
  • Fix: Standardize communication protocols and confirm messages.
  • Cause: Lack of engagement or monotone voice.
  • Fix: Use varied tone and interactive elements.
  • Cause: Focus on weaknesses without recognizing strengths.
  • Fix: Balance criticism with positive reinforcement.
  • Cause: Non-standard gestures or rapid instructions.
  • Fix: Use universally recognized signals and concise commands.
  • Cause: Fear of judgment or not wanting to interrupt.
  • Fix: Foster a supportive environment that encourages questions.

Comparison between Verbal vs Oral Communication

When discussing communication, the terms “verbal” and “oral” are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings that affect how we understand and engage in the exchange of information.

Verbal Communication refers to the use of words to convey a message. It encompasses both spoken and written forms of communication, making it a critical skill for everyone from Verbal Communication for Teachers to Verbal Communication for Students . This means that whether you are giving a speech (oral communication) or writing an email (written communication), you are engaged in verbal communication. Verbal communication is about the content, the choice of words, and the structure of sentences used to convey meaning.

Oral Communication , on the other hand, specifically refers to the spoken words in the communication process. It includes face-to-face conversations, speeches, telephonic conversations, video, radio, television, and voice over internet. In oral communication, the message is transmitted through the spoken words. Here the vocal tone, the pitch, and the speed of speaking also play a significant role in conveying the message. It’s particularly relevant in fields such as Verbal Communication in Law Enforcement where the clarity, tone, and immediacy of spoken word can be crucial.

  • Verbal communication can be both written and spoken, serving a broad audience from Verbal Communication for Autism where communication needs might be specialized, to general student and teacher interactions.
  • Oral communication is strictly limited to spoken words and can be heard and interpreted with immediate feedback.
  • Written verbal communication offers permanence and is easy to record and reference, a useful tool in educational settings for Verbal Communication for Teachers and students.
  • Oral communication is transient and can be easily forgotten or misremembered if not recorded, an aspect critical in law enforcement communications.
  • Oral communication often has immediate feedback, a necessary part of effective Verbal Communication in Law Enforcement.
  • Written verbal communication might not offer immediate feedback but allows time for thoughtful response.
  • Written communication is often more formal and structured, important in professional or academic settings for both teachers and students.
  • Oral communication can be formal or informal, and often includes informal cues such as tone and body language, crucial in understanding and teaching Verbal Communication for Autism .
  • Written communication allows for precision, editing, and clarity, advantageous for students and teachers alike.
  • Oral communication might result in immediate misunderstandings that can be instantly clarified or lead to rapid misinterpretation, a factor to consider in law enforcement scenarios.
  • Oral communication is often more convenient for quick, direct interaction, essential in classroom settings and on-the-field law enforcement communication.
  • Verbal communication, particularly written, can reach a larger audience and can be disseminated quickly with the aid of technology, beneficial for widespread educational materials and directives in law enforcement.

Relationship between Verbal and Oral Communication

The relationship between verbal and oral communication is nuanced and integral to understanding human interaction. Recognizing their interdependence and unique features helps individuals and organizations tailor their communication strategies for maximum clarity, efficiency, and impact, especially when considering Verbal vs Written Communication . Both are subsets of communication but each serves its unique purpose and context.

Verbal Communication is a broad category that includes any form of communication involving words. It’s the cornerstone of expressing thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Whether the communication takes place in written form like books, emails, and reports, or in spoken form like conversations, speeches, and announcements, it falls under the umbrella of verbal communication. This encompasses a wide array of interactions across various fields and is fundamental in settings requiring detailed, precise, and extensive dissemination of information, particularly notable in Verbal Communication for School settings.

Oral Communication is specifically concerned with spoken words. It’s a subset of verbal communication and is characterized by the immediacy and personalization of spoken interaction. Oral communication is vital in situations where quick feedback is necessary or where the personal touch of voice, tone, and emotion can make a significant difference. It’s predominant in everyday conversations, discussions, debates, oral presentations, and scenarios requiring immediate decision-making.

  • Verbal communication includes all forms of communication using words, making it a more inclusive category. Understanding the Importance of Verbal Communication is essential in fully grasping its breadth and depth.
  • Oral communication is specifically about spoken words, making it a more specific category within verbal communication.
  • Verbal communication serves various functions from recording history in written form to giving verbal instructions. It’s flexible and adaptable to many contexts, highlighting the Rules of Verbal Communication .
  • Oral communication’s primary function is in real-time interaction, offering a personal and direct form of communication. It’s often used in conversational settings, public speaking, and anywhere immediate response is advantageous.
  • Oral communication skills are part of broader Verbal Communication Skills . To effectively engage in oral communication, one must have a command of language and structure, which are part of verbal communication. This speaks to Why you need Verbal Communication Skills and how they can be enhanced.
  • Verbal communication often relies on the principles and practices of effective oral communication and Ways to Improve Verbal Communication Skills , such as clarity, conciseness, tone, and engagement, especially in spoken form.
  • Developing Verbal Communication Skills encompasses a wide range of abilities including writing, reading, speaking, and listening. Each skill enhances the overall ability to communicate effectively, illustrating How to Improve Verbal Communication Skills .
  • Improving oral communication specifically focuses on aspects such as articulation, pronunciation, voice modulation, and quick thinking. These skills directly impact the effectiveness of face-to-face and telephonic conversations.

In conclusion, the comparison between verbal and oral communication reveals their distinct characteristics. Verbal communication emphasizes spoken words, while oral communication involves spoken words and may include written components. Understanding their effects and recognizing signs of communication breakdowns is crucial. To improve both, fostering active listening, enhancing nonverbal cues, and adapting to the context are essential steps towards effective interpersonal interactions.


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  2. What is Oral Communication? Definitions, Importance, Methods, Types

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  3. Types of Communication

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  4. 15 Examples Of Oral Communication Skills

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  5. Speeches in Oral Communication

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  6. Public communication in Oral Communication

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  2. What is Oral Communication?

  3. Oral Communication in Context

  4. Oral communication speech 3

  5. Oral Communication Informative Speech

  6. Informative Speech- Oral Communications


  1. Speeches in Oral Communication

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  2. Types of Oral Communication

    Tone: Adapt your tone to suit the context, fostering a conducive communication environment. Nonverbal Cues: Be mindful of body language, gestures, and facial expressions, as they convey additional meaning. Active Listening: Engage in active listening, demonstrating attentiveness and understanding.

  3. Types & Examples of Oral Communication

    Examples of oral communication are conversations with friends, family or colleagues, presentations and speeches. Oral communication helps to build trust and reliability. The process of oral communication is more effective than an email or a text message. For important and sensitive conversations—such as salary negotiations and even conflict ...

  4. Oral communication skills

    30 Oral Communication Skills Examples. Embark on a journey through 30 key Oral Communication Skills, each uniquely designed to enhance your verbal interactions. This collection showcases a wide array of techniques, from persuasive speaking to empathetic listening, essential for various communication settings. ... Modulating speech pace The ...

  5. Oral Communication Definition, Skills & Examples

    Oral communication is the verbal transmission of information and ideas used regularly in many different fields. For example, a student may deliver an oral presentation to their peers, while making ...

  6. 10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

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    Informative speech. Informative speeches aim to educate an audience on a particular topic or message. Unlike demonstrative speeches, they don't use visual aids. They do, however, use facts, data and statistics to help audiences grasp a concept. These facts and statistics help back any claims or assertions you make.

  8. What is Oral Communication? Definitions, Importance, Methods, Types

    It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, and discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter is of a temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face-to-face ...

  9. Oral Communication: Examples, Importance, Types & Features

    1/ Dynamic and interactive: Oral communication involves a two-way exchange of information between a speaker and a listener. It is an interactive process that allows instant feedback and clarification. 2/ Verbal and nonverbal cues: Oral communication includes the use of spoken words as well as nonverbal cues like facial expressions, tone of ...

  10. The Speech Communication Process

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  12. 3.6: The Speech Communication Process

    Speaker. As you might imagine, the speaker is the crucial first element within the speech communication process. Without a speaker, there is no process. The speaker is simply the person who is delivering, or presenting, the speech. A speaker might be someone who is training employees in your workplace. Your professor is another example of a ...

  13. Public speaking in Oral Communication

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  14. Using Examples

    An example is a specific situation, problem, or story designed to help illustrate a principle, method, or phenomenon. One method of effectively communicating examples is by using an example to clarify and complement a main point of a presentation. A speaker should be careful to not overuse examples as too many examples may confuse the audience ...

  15. Verbal Communication Skills: Examples and 7 Tips

    Here are some tips for improving your verbal communication skills, both spoken and written: 1. Consider your message. Decide what you want to convey during your next conversation, presentation or written communication. This might involve brainstorming or outlining a list of key points you'd like to make. By reviewing the information you want ...

  16. Writing Speeches

    Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College: A list of phrases to avoid for various reasons in oral rhetoric. Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College: A list of characteristics that help make every speech successful. Warning: the article uses language to make it sound like a checklist for an A on every speech; this is not the case.

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    2. Use the mirror to practice speech. One of the best ways to boost oral communication is just to spend several minutes a day standing in front of a mirror and talking. Pick a topic, set a timer for 2-3 minutes, and just talk. The essence of this exercise is to watch how your mouth, face, and body move when you speak.

  18. Speech Topics to Meet Oral Communication Standards

    Impromptu Oral Communication Speech Topics. You are an ant. Convince an anteater to not eat you. Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo cookie. Tell us about a nickname you have and how you got it. Convince us to vote for you as president of the USA. Explain three uses for a pencil other than for writing.

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    Examples of oral communication. A phone call. The reading of the marriage vows. A political discussion. A meeting of parents in a school. A radio show. The presentation of a project. Conferences. A political speech in a campaign. The dictation of a class. A legislative debate. A job interview. A radio advertisement. A motivational talk in an ...

  20. Oral Communication

    Oral Communication Examples for Grade 4. For fourth graders, oral communication is a key part of their learning and social development. These examples are tailored to the experiences and educational needs of a fourth-grade student. "Sharing a favorite book with the class develops confidence and speaking skills.".

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    2 Minutes speech about Oral Communication. Oral communication is the process of conveying information from one person to another through speech. It is a type of interpersonal communication and it's the most common way to communicate. Oral communication can be used for many purposes, such as delivering a presentation or teaching a subject.

  22. The Supreme Court ruled that Trump has immunity for official acts. Here

    Writing for the majority, Chief Justice John Roberts divided presidential conduct into three categories: official acts that are part of presidents' "core constitutional powers"; other official ...

  23. What is Oral Communication?

    Key aspects of oral communication include clarity of speech, effective use of tone and volume, active listening, and the ability to adapt the message to the audience. This form of communication is essential in everyday personal interactions, educational settings, and professional environments, playing a crucial role in sharing knowledge ...

  24. Reactions and Highlights of the Supreme Court Decision on Trump's

    The ruling makes a distinction between official actions of a president, which have immunity, and those of a private citizen. In dissent, the court's liberals lament a vast expansion of ...

  25. Verbal vs Oral Communication

    10 Oral Communication Examples. Dive into the dynamic world of oral communication with our in-depth guide. ... This means that whether you are giving a speech (oral communication) or writing an email (written communication), you are engaged in verbal communication. Verbal communication is about the content, the choice of words, and the ...