Morning Dough

13 Best AI Assignment Generators

Yakov Itai Samelson

AI Assignment Generator

The surge in academic pressures and the quest for efficiency in education have led to the emergence of the AI assignment generator as an indispensable tool for students and educators alike. This innovative platform leverages artificial intelligence to craft assignments, essays, and research papers, significantly reducing the time and effort traditionally required for such tasks. The AI assignment generator is not just a testament to technological advancement but also a beacon of hope for those struggling to balance their academic and personal lives. By automating the process of generating assignments, these AI-powered tools are revolutionizing the way educational content is created, offering personalized and high-quality outputs that cater to the diverse needs of learners. The integration of AI assignment generators into the educational ecosystem marks a pivotal shift towards more accessible and efficient learning methodologies, empowering students to achieve academic excellence with unprecedented ease.

The Need for AI Assignment Generator

In the fast-paced academic environment, the demand for AI assignment generators has never been more critical. Students are often overwhelmed with the sheer volume of assignments, each requiring extensive research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. This is where AI assignment generators step in, offering a lifeline to those struggling to keep up with their coursework. These tools are designed to alleviate the burden of assignment creation, providing a streamlined process that generates comprehensive and coherent assignments tailored to specific requirements. Beyond just convenience, AI assignment generators are transforming the educational landscape by enabling a more personalized learning experience. They adapt to the individual’s learning style and preferences, ensuring that the generated assignments are not only of high quality but also relevant and engaging. This personalized approach fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter, enhancing the overall learning experience. Moreover, the use of AI in assignment generation opens new avenues for educators, allowing them to focus on more critical aspects of teaching, such as interactive discussions and personalized feedback. The AI assignment generator is not merely a tool for generating assignments, it is a catalyst for educational innovation, paving the way for a more efficient, personalized, and engaging learning environment.

AI Assignment Generators

  • AssignmentGPT.AI
  • AI-Powered Assignment Writing
  • ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator
  • Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit
  • AI Assignment Writer
  • Domyassignments.AI
  • Homeworkify
  • QuestionWell
  • Homework Assignment Answers
  • Satchel One

How does AI Assignment Generator work?

AI assignment generators are innovative tools designed to streamline the process of creating assignments, homework, and various educational content. These generators leverage artificial intelligence to automate the task creation process, making it easier and faster for educators and students alike. The working mechanism of an AI assignment generator typically involves inputting specific parameters or guidelines related to the assignment’s topic, complexity level, and desired format. The AI then processes this information, utilizing vast databases and machine learning algorithms to generate relevant and customized content. This process includes the creation of questions, answers, and even grading rubrics, depending on the sophistication of the AI tool. The beauty of AI assignment generators lies in their ability to adapt and learn from feedback, continuously improving the quality and relevance of the assignments they produce.

How to choose an AI Assignment Generator?

Selecting the right AI assignment generator requires careful consideration of several key factors to ensure that the tool meets your educational needs and objectives. First and foremost, the quality of content generated is paramount. The AI should be capable of producing assignments that are not only relevant and accurate but also engaging and challenging for the intended audience. This involves evaluating the AI’s ability to understand and interpret the assignment parameters you set.

Another critical aspect is the tool’s adaptability and customization options. The ideal AI assignment generator should offer flexibility in terms of content variety, difficulty levels, and formats, allowing you to tailor assignments according to different subjects, student capabilities, and learning goals.

Ease of use is also an essential factor. The interface should be intuitive, making it straightforward for users to input their requirements and navigate through the tool’s features. This ensures that educators can efficiently create assignments without a steep learning curve or the need for extensive technical knowledge.

The AI’s ability to provide feedback and grading assistance can significantly enhance the educational experience. Look for generators that offer detailed insights into student performance, suggest areas for improvement, and even automate the grading process to some extent. This feature can save educators a considerable amount of time and provide students with timely and constructive feedback.

Lastly, consider the privacy and security measures implemented by the AI assignment generator r. It’s crucial to ensure that student data and educational content are protected and that the tool complies with relevant educational standards and regulations.

By taking these factors into account, you can choose an AI assignment generator that not only simplifies the assignment creation process but also enriches the learning and teaching experience.

AI Assignment Writer & Generator



AssignmentGPT.AI is an AI assignment generator designed to assist students and professionals with various writing and homework tasks. It leverages advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide a suite of tools that cater to a wide range of academic and content creation needs. The AI assignment generator platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of generating high-quality, plagiarism-free text across different types of assignments, including essays, reports, summaries, and more. With its natural language processing model, GPT-3, AssignmentGPT.AI understands the context of user inputs to produce coherent and relevant content that aligns with specified requirements.

What does AssignmentGPT.AI do?

AssignmentGPT.AI is a AI assignment generator that functions as a multifaceted assistant, streamlining the writing process for users by offering real-time grammar checks, style suggestions, and content enhancement. It aids in the creation of assignments by providing instant answers to study questions, generating diagrams and charts, and even offering a photo-based solution finder for quick problem-solving. The platform’s capabilities extend to assisting with code generation for projects, detecting AI-generated content, and humanizing text to make it more engaging. For educators, it serves as a resource to create personalized practice problems and track student progress, thereby enriching the teaching and learning experience.

AssignmentGPT.AI Key Features

Assignment Expert : This feature acts as a virtual study companion, offering precise answers to a broad spectrum of academic questions, which is essential for students aiming to achieve high academic performance.

Grammar Guru : It provides instant feedback on writing, suggesting improvements in grammar, style, and punctuation, making it an indispensable tool for crafting polished essays and professional documents.

Diagram Maker : Users can effortlessly create diagrams and visual representations, which are crucial for explaining complex data and concepts in a clear and engaging manner.

Image to Answer : This innovative tool allows users to take a photo of a problem and receive an immediate solution, revolutionizing the way homework and studies are approached.

AI Detector & Humanizer : AssignmentGPT.AI includes features that not only detect AI-generated text but also add a human touch, producing content that is both engaging and relatable for the intended audience.

Creative Code Generator : For those needing assistance with coding, the platform can generate unique codes, facilitating seamless integration into various projects.

2. AI-Powered Assignment Writing

AI-Powered Assignment Writing

AI-Powered Assignment Writing is a sophisticated service designed to assist students and professionals in creating high-quality assignments, essays, dissertations, and more. Leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, this platform offers a unique blend of human expertise and AI efficiency, ensuring that each assignment is well-researched, well-structured, and original. Tailored to meet the specific academic needs of its users, AI-Powered Assignment Writing simplifies the process of assignment creation, from initial research to final submission, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to enhance their academic performance or professional output.

What does AI-Powered Assignment Writing do?

AI-Powered Assignment Writing serves as a comprehensive solution for tackling a wide range of writing tasks. By integrating advanced AI technologies with a team of experienced writers, the platform can generate assignments that are not only original but also customized to meet the specific requirements of each task. Whether it’s crafting a compelling essay, constructing a detailed dissertation, or providing homework assistance, AI-Powered Assignment Writing streamlines the entire writing process. It offers valuable support in aspects such as language correction, grammar checking, proofreading, and even content generation, thereby enabling users to submit high-quality assignments that are likely to receive favorable evaluations.

AI-Powered Assignment Writing Key Features

Personalized Assignment Creation : This feature allows the platform to generate assignments that are tailored to the individual requirements and academic standards of the user, ensuring relevance and quality.

Advanced Research Capabilities : AI-Powered Assignment Writing employs sophisticated algorithms to conduct thorough research on any given topic, providing users with well-founded content that enhances the overall quality of their assignments.

Grammar and Style Correction : The platform includes built-in tools for grammar checking and style correction, ensuring that each assignment is not only accurate but also adheres to the highest standards of academic writing.

Plagiarism Detection : With a focus on originality, AI-Powered Assignment Writing incorporates plagiarism detection tools to guarantee that every piece of content is unique and free from any form of duplication.

Deadline Management : Understanding the importance of timely submissions, the platform offers features that help users manage their deadlines effectively, ensuring that assignments are completed and submitted within the stipulated time frame.

Multi-Disciplinary Support : Catering to a wide range of subjects and academic disciplines, AI-Powered Assignment Writing is equipped to handle assignments across various fields of study, making it a versatile tool for students and professionals alike.

3. ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator

ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator

The ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator is an innovative AI assignment generator designed to assist educators, students, and content creators in generating unique and engaging assignment prompts. Leveraging the capabilities of advanced artificial intelligence, this platform simplifies the process of coming up with creative ideas for assignments across a wide range of subjects and disciplines. By inputting a few key parameters or topics, users can quickly receive a variety of assignment suggestions, tailored to their specific needs and educational goals. This tool is particularly useful in academic settings where the demand for original and thought-provoking assignments is high, and it serves as a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their educational content with fresh ideas.

What does ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator do?

The ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator streamlines the task of creating assignment prompts by utilizing a sophisticated AI model. Users can input topics, subjects, or areas of interest, and the generator will produce a list of assignment ideas that are both relevant and inventive. This AI assignment generator can understand the nuances of different academic fields, making it possible to generate assignment prompts for a diverse range of subjects, from literature and history to science and technology. It not only saves time for educators and content creators but also introduces a level of creativity and customization that can be challenging to achieve manually. The generator is designed to inspire users by presenting them with ideas that they might not have considered, thereby enriching the educational experience for both instructors and students.

ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator Key Features

Customization : The ability to tailor assignment prompts to specific subjects or interests is a standout feature of the ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator. This customization ensures that the generated assignments are relevant and aligned with the user’s educational goals.

Diverse Subject Coverage : The generator’s wide-ranging subject coverage is another key feature. Whether users are looking for assignment ideas in humanities, sciences, or any other field, the tool can accommodate a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.

Creativity and Innovation : By leveraging AI, the ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator introduces a level of creativity and innovation into the process of assignment creation. It can suggest unique and engaging prompts that might not be immediately obvious to human creators.

Ease of Use : The user-friendly interface of the ChatGPT Assignment Idea Generator makes it accessible to educators and students alike, regardless of their technical expertise. This ease of use ensures that generating assignment ideas is a straightforward and hassle-free process.

Time-saving : For educators and content creators under time constraints, the generator offers a quick and efficient way to come up with a variety of assignment ideas, significantly reducing the time spent on brainstorming and planning.

4. Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit

Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit

The Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit is an innovative AI assignment generator designed to enhance the way educators, online course creators, and instructional designers develop, organize, and deliver educational content. Leveraging artificial intelligence, this toolkit simplifies the course creation process, making it more efficient and effective. By integrating user-friendly features and AI-driven technology, it offers a comprehensive solution that caters to the modern needs of educators, enabling them to create high-quality, engaging, and impactful courses with ease.

What does Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit do?

The Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit serves as a multifaceted platform that streamlines the course development process. This AI assignment generator aids educators in generating innovative course ideas, crafting compelling titles, structuring courses with precision, and creating informative and appealing course descriptions. Additionally, it assists in defining clear learning objectives, designing interactive activities, suggesting effective module sequences, developing detailed lesson plans, and generating unique assignments. By automating and enhancing various aspects of course creation, this toolkit significantly reduces the time and effort required to develop educational content, while also ensuring that the courses are engaging, comprehensive, and aligned with learning outcomes.

Nation AI-Powered Course Creation Toolkit Key Features

Course Idea Generator : This feature sparks creativity by suggesting innovative course ideas based on current educational trends and the user’s expertise, helping educators to start their course creation journey with a strong foundation.

Title AI : It uses AI to generate engaging, SEO-friendly titles that accurately capture the essence of the course and attract potential students, ensuring that courses stand out in a crowded educational marketplace.

Outline AI : This tool aids in structuring courses with precision, ensuring a logical and comprehensive flow of content that enhances the learning experience for students.

Description AI : AI-driven course descriptions are crafted to be both informative and appealing, drawing in prospective students with compelling summaries of what the course offers.

Objective AI : It helps articulate concise and achievable learning objectives, aligning course content with desired outcomes and ensuring that students understand what they will gain from the course.

Activity AI : This feature suggests a variety of interactive and impactful activities and exercises that enhance student engagement and facilitate deeper learning.

AI Module Generator : By suggesting the most effective module sequence, this tool ensures a logical and impactful progression of learning, enhancing the overall course structure.

Lesson Plan AI : It assists in developing detailed and engaging lesson plans, customized to meet specific course goals, thereby saving educators countless planning hours.

Assignment Generator : This feature automatically generates unique, challenging assignments that align with learning objectives and stimulate student engagement, injecting creativity into coursework.

5. Testportal


Testportal is an online AI assignment generator platform designed to streamline the process of creating, distributing, and analyzing assessments. It caters to a wide range of users, from educational institutions to businesses, looking to evaluate skills, knowledge, or employee performance. The platform leverages artificial intelligence to generate questions, making the creation of detailed and insightful assessments quicker and more efficient. With a user base of over 2.5 million across the globe, Testportal offers a comprehensive suite of tools that facilitate not just the creation of tests but also the management of results and insights derived from them. Its emphasis on security and reliability, coupled with the ability to integrate with popular conferencing tools, makes it a versatile choice for conducting assessments in a professional and distraction-free environment.

What does Testportal do?

Testportal is an AI assignment generator that serves as a multifaceted online assessment tool that simplifies the process of creating, administering, and analyzing tests. It provides an intuitive platform where users can input their materials or select a topic to have AI-generated questions prepared in seconds. Beyond question generation, Testportal offers advanced proctoring and security features to ensure the integrity and reliability of test results. It supports a variety of question types and testing modes, from high-stakes exams to informal quizzes, making it adaptable to different testing scenarios. The platform also offers real-time reporting and analytics, giving educators and employers immediate insights into test-taker performance. With its ability to accommodate over 2.5 million users worldwide, Testportal stands out for its scalability, making it suitable for both small classrooms and large organizations.

Testportal Key Features

AI-Powered Question Generation : This feature allows users to quickly create a wide array of questions by simply providing the platform with relevant materials or topics. It significantly reduces the time and effort required to develop comprehensive assessments.

Advanced Proctoring and Security Options : Testportal ensures the authenticity of test results through state-of-the-art proctoring features, including emotion and gaze direction recognition, screen-sharing detection, and more. These measures help prevent cheating and ensure a fair testing environment.

Real-Time Reporting and Analytics : The platform provides detailed insights into test-taker performance, enabling informed decision-making and targeted training. This feature is particularly useful for educators and employers looking to identify areas of improvement or excellence.

Integration With Conferencing Platforms : Testportal’s compatibility with tools like Zoom, Webex, and Google Meet allows for live supervision of assessments, adding an extra layer of security and interaction during the testing process.

Customizable Testing Experience : Users can tailor the testing process to meet their specific needs, from setting the number of attempts allowed for a test to customizing the test access method. This flexibility ensures that the testing experience aligns with the goals of the assessment.

6. Arlinear


Arlinear is an innovative platform designed to streamline the process of creating quizzes and assignments for educators and trainers. With its AI-powered quiz generator, Arlinear offers a quick and efficient way to produce quizzes on a wide range of subjects including math, science, grammar, and more. The platform supports the creation of content in 95 languages, making it accessible to a global audience. Users can specify their requirements to receive detailed questions tailored to their needs. Additionally, Arlinear facilitates the sharing of quizzes with students and enables the monitoring of their grades, providing automatic grading and constructive feedback to help students improve their performance. This tool is designed to save time for educators by automating the quiz creation and grading process, allowing them to focus more on teaching and less on administrative tasks.

What does Arlinear do?

Arlinear simplifies the task of generating educational content by leveraging artificial intelligence. It allows users to create quizzes and worksheets in seconds, merely by specifying the subject matter. This capability spans a broad spectrum of topics, from mathematics and science to language arts, catering to the diverse needs of educators and students alike. The platform not only automates the creation of these quizzes but also the grading process, providing immediate, actionable feedback to students. This feedback is designed to guide students in understanding their mistakes and improving their answers. Arlinear supports both online and paper-based quiz formats, offering flexibility in how educators choose to administer their quizzes. The platform’s automatic grading system and the ability to view, release, and export grades streamline the assessment process, making it more efficient and less labor-intensive for educators.

Arlinear Key Features

Available in 95 Languages : Arlinear’s support for a wide range of languages makes it a versatile tool for educators around the world, enabling them to create quizzes in the language most comfortable for them and their students.

AI-Powered Quiz Generator : The core of Arlinear’s functionality lies in its AI-driven technology, which can generate detailed and specific questions on a wide array of subjects, tailored to the educator’s needs.

Automatic Grading and Feedback : One of the most significant time-saving features is the automatic grading of quizzes. Students receive not just scores but also written feedback on their answers, helping them understand areas for improvement.

Flexibility in Quiz Delivery : Educators have the option to conduct quizzes online or print them on paper, offering flexibility to accommodate different teaching styles and classroom environments.

Efficient Grade Management : The platform allows educators to easily view all student submissions, release grades at their convenience, and even export grades for further analysis or record-keeping.

7. is an artificial intelligence-based assignment generator designed to streamline the process of creating educational assessments. It caters to the needs of educators, exam administrators, and content creators by offering a tool that simplifies the generation of test questions. With its AI and machine learning capabilities, can quickly produce a variety of question types from provided content, making it a valuable resource for those looking to save time and reduce the potential for human error in test creation.

What does do? transforms the way educational assessments are created by utilizing advanced algorithms to generate questions and answers from uploaded content. Users can input text, documents, or even video URLs, and the platform will analyze the material to produce relevant questions. This process not only aids in the rapid creation of quizzes and exams but also ensures a level of objectivity that might be compromised by manual question generation. The platform’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of subjects and educational levels, providing a practical solution for educators looking to enhance their assessment strategies. Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform boasts a clean and intuitive interface that allows users to navigate and create assessments with ease, regardless of their technical expertise.

Diverse Question Types : supports the generation of multiple-choice questions, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and descriptive questions, offering a comprehensive range of assessment options.

Customization Options : Users have the flexibility to adjust the difficulty level of questions and tailor the assessments to fit specific learning objectives and student needs.

AI-Powered Analysis : The platform’s use of artificial intelligence ensures that the questions generated are relevant and unbiased, providing a fair assessment tool.

Multiple Input Formats : Educators can input content in various formats, including text, PDFs, Word documents, and video URLs, making it a versatile tool for different types of educational content.

Rapid Question Generation : significantly reduces the time required to create assessments, allowing educators to focus on other important aspects of teaching and learning.

Continuous Improvement : The AI algorithms are designed to learn and improve over time, ensuring that the platform evolves and remains effective for future assessments.

8. AI Assignment Writer

AI Assignment Writer

AI Assignment Writer is an AI assignment generator app designed to assist students and professionals alike in generating high-quality notes, assignments, and study materials. Developed by Efface Studios, this app leverages artificial intelligence to provide a seamless and efficient writing experience. With its user-friendly interface and a wide array of functionalities, AI Assignment Writer aims to enhance productivity and learning outcomes. Whether you’re struggling with tight deadlines or looking for ways to improve your academic performance, this app offers a practical solution by automating the creation of various educational content.

What does AI Assignment Writer do?

AI Assignment Writer is an AI assignment generator that serves as a versatile tool that simplifies the process of creating academic content. By inputting a few simple prompts, users can receive well-structured notes, detailed assignments, and comprehensive study materials across a broad spectrum of subjects. This app is not just about generating text, it’s about providing a personalized learning aid that can paraphrase, summarize, and even answer specific subject questions ranging from science and arts to mathematics. It’s designed to cater to the diverse needs of learners, making it an invaluable companion for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge base, improve study habits, and achieve academic excellence with minimal effort.

AI Assignment Writer Key Features

Search Anything on Any Topic : This feature allows users to explore a vast array of subjects and receive tailored responses, making it an ideal study companion for a wide range of academic disciplines.

Summarization And Paraphrasing Tools : These tools are designed to help users grasp the essence of complex texts and rephrase content while maintaining the original meaning, thereby aiding in the comprehension and retention of information.

Subject-Specific Answers : Whether it’s a query related to science, arts, or mathematics, AI Assignment Writer can provide accurate and detailed answers, supporting students across different fields of study.

Auto-Writing with Human Handwriting Simulation : This unique feature enables the app to generate text that mimics human handwriting on textured pages, offering a more personalized and authentic writing experience.

Export Options : Users can easily export their generated content as images or copy answers to the clipboard, with future updates expected to include PDF export functionality, enhancing the app’s versatility and user convenience.

Customizable Page Textures : This allows users to choose from various page textures for their auto-written content, adding a level of customization and personalization to the writing experience.

9. Domyassignments.AI


Domyassignments.AI is an AI-powered academic assistance platform designed to support students with their writing tasks. It leverages advanced algorithms to generate essays, research papers, and dissertations tailored to the user’s specific requirements. The service emphasizes originality and quality, ensuring that each piece of work is plagiarism-free and adheres to the academic standards expected in higher education. With a focus on customer satisfaction, Domyassignments.AI offers round-the-clock support to address any concerns, providing a secure and confidential environment for students to enhance their academic performance.

What does Domyassignments.AI do?

Domyassignments.AI provides a comprehensive suite of services aimed at easing the academic workload for students. It functions as a virtual assistant, capable of crafting custom-written assignments across various subjects and complexity levels. The platform’s AI-driven tools analyze the given instructions and produce content that is not only well-researched but also structured and formatted according to academic norms. This includes adhering to citation styles like APA, MLA, and Chicago. The service is particularly beneficial for those facing tight deadlines or struggling with the demands of multiple assignments, as it offers a quick and efficient way to obtain high-quality written material.

Domyassignments.AI Key Features

User-Friendly Interface : The platform is designed with ease of use in mind, allowing students to navigate and utilize the service without any technical hurdles.

Accuracy and Consistency : Domyassignments.AI prides itself on delivering precise and consistent results, ensuring that each assignment meets the required standards.

Multiple Re-Writing Options : The service includes features for editing and paraphrasing, enabling users to refine their assignments as needed.

Faster Content Generation : With the power of AI, the tool accelerates the content creation process, which is particularly useful for students under time constraints.

100% Success Rate : The platform aims for excellence, with a track record of helping students achieve better grades through its AI-generated assignments.

10. Homeworkify


Homeworkify is an AI-driven educational platform designed to assist students across a wide spectrum of academic disciplines. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, it aims to provide instant solutions to homework problems, thereby facilitating a more efficient and effective learning process. The platform is tailored to cater to the needs of students at various educational levels, offering a comprehensive suite of tools and resources that are accessible at no cost. With a user-friendly interface and a commitment to enhancing the educational experience, Homeworkify positions itself as a valuable resource for students seeking to improve their academic performance and understanding of complex subjects.

What does Homeworkify do?

Homeworkify operates as a multifaceted educational tool that simplifies the process of finding answers to homework questions. By allowing users to input direct links to their questions, the platform quickly scans its extensive database to provide accurate and detailed solutions. Beyond just delivering answers, Homeworkify enriches the learning experience by offering step-by-step explanations, thereby helping students grasp the underlying concepts more thoroughly. It supports a broad range of subjects, from mathematics and science to history and language arts, making it a versatile companion for students aiming to excel in their studies. Additionally, Homeworkify champions the idea that education should be accessible to all, reflecting this in its free-to-use model, which breaks down barriers to information and learning resources.

Homeworkify Key Features

Instant Homework Solutions : This feature allows students to receive immediate answers to their academic queries, significantly reducing the time spent searching for solutions and enabling a more productive study session.

Step-by-Step Explanations : Homeworkify goes beyond providing mere answers by breaking down solutions into comprehensible steps, fostering a deeper understanding of the material and enhancing problem-solving skills.

Wide Range of Subjects : The platform covers an extensive array of subjects, ensuring that students across different fields of study can find the support they need to tackle their homework challenges.

User-Friendly Interface : Designed with simplicity in mind, Homeworkify’s interface ensures that students can easily navigate the platform and access its features without any hassle, making the learning process smoother and more enjoyable.

Free Access : Emphasizing the belief that education should be freely available to everyone, Homeworkify offers its services at no cost, making it an accessible educational resource for students worldwide.

11. QuestionWell


QuestionWell is an innovative tool designed to assist educators in the creation of educational content. By leveraging artificial intelligence, it simplifies the process of generating questions and learning outcomes based on input material such as readings or videos. This platform is particularly useful for teachers looking to enhance their instructional materials with a variety of questions, from essential queries to multiple-choice options, all aligned with the educational goals they aim to achieve. The AI-driven system offers a seamless experience, allowing users to export the generated content to their preferred educational tools, thereby integrating effortlessly into their existing workflow.

What does QuestionWell do?

QuestionWell serves as a dynamic resource for educators, streamlining the task of question formulation and curriculum development. The platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze educational content and produce a range of questions that can be used to assess student understanding and facilitate learning. It generates essential questions that probe deeper into subjects, learning outcomes that help clarify educational objectives, and multiple-choice questions that are ideal for quick assessments or quizzes. This process not only saves time for teachers but also ensures that the questions are closely aligned with the material, enhancing the overall educational experience.

QuestionWell Key Features

Custom Question Generation : The core functionality of QuestionWell lies in its ability to create custom questions tailored to specific educational content. By inputting text or video material, educators can receive a set of questions that are directly related to the key points of their lessons.

Learning Outcomes Alignment : Another significant feature is the alignment of questions with learning outcomes. This ensures that the questions not only test knowledge but also contribute to the achievement of educational objectives, providing a clear path for student progress.

Multiple Choice Question Creation : For educators who require a variety of question types, QuestionWell offers the creation of multiple-choice questions. This feature is particularly useful for creating tests and quizzes that can quickly gauge student comprehension.

Export Functionality : Flexibility is a key aspect of QuestionWell, as evidenced by its export functionality. Teachers can easily export the generated questions to their favorite educational tools, making it a versatile addition to their teaching arsenal.

AI-Driven Efficiency : At the heart of QuestionWell is an AI engine that optimizes the question creation process. This advanced technology ensures that the questions are not only relevant but also crafted to stimulate critical thinking and deeper understanding among students.

12. Homework Assignment Answers

Homework Assignment Answers

What does Homework Assignment Answers do?

Homework Assignment Answers streamlines the process of tackling challenging science assignments by providing a user-friendly interface where students can input their questions. Whether by snapping a photo or typing out the problem, users receive immediate assistance. The app’s intelligent AI engine analyzes the question and presents a solution in a structured manner, enabling students to work through their homework efficiently. The emphasis on detailed explanations ensures that users not only get the answers they need but also understand the principles behind them, promoting a more robust learning experience and aiding in the retention of scientific knowledge.

Homework Assignment Answers Key Features

Smart Science Solutions : The core of Homework Assignment Answers lies in its extensive repository of science answers that are both accurate and reliable. This feature is the backbone of the app, supporting students across a spectrum of scientific subjects.

Instant Homework Help : The app’s capability to provide immediate solutions to complex problems is a standout feature. This is particularly beneficial for students who are pressed for time or require quick clarification on specific questions.

Detailed Explanations : Unlike some educational tools that focus solely on providing answers, Homework Assignment Answers places a strong emphasis on the ‘why’ behind each solution. This approach not only aids in problem-solving but also enriches the user’s understanding of the subject, which is invaluable for long-term educational development.

13. Satchel One

Satchel One

Satchel One is an educational technology platform designed to streamline the homework management process for teachers, students, and parents alike. This AI assignment generator offers a suite of tools that cater to various aspects of school life, from assignment tracking to behavior monitoring. The platform is accessible via iOS devices, ensuring that users can stay connected and organized on the go. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionality, Satchel One aims to enhance the educational experience by fostering communication and simplifying administrative tasks.

What does Satchel One do?

Satchel One serves as a multi-faceted educational platform that supports the entire school community. It allows teachers to set, grade, and provide feedback on homework assignments, while students can keep track of their tasks, submit work online, and engage with interactive quizzes. Parents are not left out of the loop, they can monitor their child’s homework and academic progress, ensuring they are part of the educational journey. The platform also includes features for managing timetables, attendance, and behavior, creating a cohesive environment where all aspects of school management are interconnected and easily accessible.

Satchel One Key Features

Show My Homework : This feature enables teachers to publish homework tasks, track submissions, and provide grades and feedback. It’s designed to do the homework process transparent and efficient for all parties involved.

Timetables : With this tool, both students and teachers can access their schedules, view class times, and stay updated on any changes to their daily routine, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Behavior Management : This aspect of Satchel One allows teachers to record behavior points, assign badges for positive actions, and monitor student conduct, promoting a positive school culture.

Attendance Tracking : The platform simplifies attendance recording, giving teachers the ability to quickly mark student presence and providing real-time updates to the school’s management information system.

Parental Engagement : Satchel One includes features that enhance communication between the school and parents, offering insights into student performance and homework completion, which helps to keep parents engaged in their child’s education.

Integration with Third-Party Tools : The platform’s ability to integrate with tools like Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams adds a layer of versatility, allowing for a seamless blend of Satchel One’s features with other educational software.

FAQs on AI Assignment Generator

What is an ai assignment generator.

An AI assignment generator is a sophisticated tool powered by artificial intelligence designed to assist in the creation of academic assignments. This technology leverages natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate content that aligns with specific prompts or topics provided by users. Essentially, it can produce essays, research papers, and other forms of written assignments based on a set of instructions or questions. The primary aim of an AI assignment generator is to facilitate the academic writing process, offering students and educators a resource to generate initial drafts or ideas that can be further refined and customized.

How does an AI Assignment Generator work?

The working mechanism of an AI assignment generator involves several steps, starting with the user inputting a topic or question. The AI then analyzes this input using its vast database of information and its understanding of language structures. By processing this data, the AI identifies relevant content and constructs a coherent response or assignment draft. This process is made possible through the use of large language models that have been trained on extensive datasets, enabling the AI to mimic human-like writing styles. The output is then presented to the user, who can use it as a foundation for their assignment, making necessary adjustments to ensure originality and adherence to academic standards.

What are the benefits of using an AI Assignment Generator?

Using an AI assignment generator offers several benefits, including time efficiency, as it significantly reduces the time required to draft an assignment. It also provides a starting point for research, helping users to quickly gather ideas and structure their work more effectively. Additionally, for those experiencing writer’s block, it can stimulate creativity by presenting various perspectives and information that might not have been considered. Moreover, it serves as an educational tool, enabling users to learn from the content generated and improve their writing skills by analyzing and revising the AI-generated drafts.

Are there any limitations to using an AI Assignment Generator?

While AI assignment generators are powerful tools, they do have limitations. One of the main concerns is the potential for generating content that may not be entirely accurate or relevant, requiring users to verify facts and adapt the content to their specific needs. Additionally, reliance on AI-generated assignments can hinder the development of critical thinking and writing skills, as it may tempt users to submit generated content without substantial personal contribution. Furthermore, ethical considerations arise regarding the originality of the work produced, emphasizing the importance of using AI-generated drafts as a basis for further research and customization rather than as final submissions.

How can one ensure the originality of assignments generated by AI?

Ensuring the originality of assignments generated by AI involves several strategies. Firstly, users should treat the AI-generated content as a preliminary draft or a source of inspiration rather than a final product. It’s crucial to add personal insights, analyses, and interpretations to the generated content to make it unique. Additionally, referencing and citing all sources of information correctly is essential to avoid plagiarism. Users can also utilize plagiarism detection tools to check the originality of the AI-generated content before submission. By integrating AI-generated content with personal contributions and adhering to academic integrity guidelines, users can ensure the originality of their assignments.

Utilizing an AI assignment generator can be a significant asset in the academic writing process, offering efficiency and a creative boost to overcome challenges such as writer’s block or lack of initial direction. However, it’s imperative to recognize the tool’s limitations and ethical considerations, particularly concerning accuracy, relevance, and originality. By leveraging AI-generated drafts as a foundation and incorporating thorough research, personal insights, and critical analysis, students and educators can maximize the benefits of this technology. Ensuring the originality and integrity of the final submission is crucial, making AI assignment generators a valuable complement to, rather than a replacement for, the human intellectual effort in academic writing.

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17 Best AI Tools for Students in 2024 (Mostly FREE)

Whether you’re a school student, a college fresher, or a research scholar, AI tools can boost your productivity and transform your academic life.

Wondering how?

From creating PowerPoint presentations to writing informative assignments or code, there’s an AI tool for everything! Today, I’ll introduce you to the Best AI Tools for Students.

In this article, we will begin by understanding what artificial intelligence is and what are its benefits for students. Then we will move on to discuss the 17 Best AI Tools for Students .

So, are you excited to enhance your skills and learning with the power of AI? Let’s dive right into it!

What is Artificial Intelligence?

  • 17 Best AI Tools for Students At A Glance (2023)

3) Grammarly

4) quillbot, 5) google bard, 8) natural readers, 10) doctrina ai, 11) tutor ai, 12), 13) askcodi, 15) kickresume, 16) bing image creator, 17) replika, 1) boost productivity,  2) enhanced learning, 3) improved research, 4) writing and language assistance, 5) greater accessibility, 6) skill development.

Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of a computer program to perform operations that require human intelligence . It can solve complex problems, make decisions, have conversations, and perform various operations on its own.

Best AI Tools for Students - What is artificial intelligence

Today, you can find a whole range of AI tools flooding the digital world. They are designed to accomplish specific tasks, like writing, idea generation, coding, image creation, building websites, and more.

Some popular examples of AI tools are ChatGPT , Copy AI , Google Bard, Midjourney, Synthesia, etc.

17 Best AI Tools for Students At A Glance (2024)

Below, we have handpicked 17 Best AI Tools that would be beneficial for students in their academic life.

AI Writing Unlimited 
AI Writing2k words/month
Grammar and Editing300 docs or 150k words/month
Paraphrasing 125 words at a time
Research3 PDFs and 50 Questions/day
Text to Speech4k characters per day
Text to Music25 tracks/month
LearningAccess Notes and Quizzes
Learning3 queries/month
Presentations50 tomes/workspace, 500 AI credits.
Coding50 credits/month
Website BuildingLimited customization
Resume BuildingNo downloads
AI Art100 images/day
Personal Assistance Unlimited chat

17 Best AI Tools for Students (2024)

ChatGPT is one of the most popular AI tools offered by OpenAI. It has revolutionized the industry and made AI accessible to everyone. With this platform, you can not only generate AI content but also have conversations, brainstorm ideas, solve complex problems, and write code.

It works through text-based prompts. The more detailed your text input is, the more relevant the output will be generated. Students can benefit immensely from ChatGPT . For example, here’s the result when I asked ChatGPT to explain the Theory of Relativity. 

ChatGPT usecase

You can use it for researching any topic, breaking down complex concepts, getting creative ideas, rephrasing and editing their assignments, etc. They can also write, debug, and get an explanation for code in any language. 

ChatGPT code

So, if you’re a student looking for an all-rounder platform to help you in different areas of education, ChatGPT is a must-have tool!

Pricing : Its free version allows generating unlimited content within seconds.

Use For: AI Writing

CopyAI is a renowned AI-writing assistant that is equipped with 90+ use cases and 8 content tones. Its extensive library of use cases has dozens of tools to help students. Students can create precise emails, case studies, short stories, quotes, rephrase or expand content, quiz questions, summaries, etc.

CopyAI Bullet Point to Paragraph Input

For instance, following are the results when I tried to expand the bullet points about ‘Steps to write an effective article’ into a paragraph. 

CopyAI Bullet Point to Paragraph Output

What makes CopyAI stand out is its long-form content generator. It can help you write high-quality content for your academic papers. Whether it’s a literature review, a leave application, an essay, or an internship report, you can get high quality and to-the-point content.

So, if you want to generate high-quality content for your essays, assignments, and creative projects, you should try CopyAI.

Pricing : The free version of CopyAI offers 2000 words per month , which would be sufficient for students.

Use Copy AI For: AI Writing

Grammarly is another popular grammar checking, proofreading, and editing tool. I’m sure you must’ve used it for editing your documents. 

It uses a powerful AI algorithm to offer real-time suggestions for improving your grammar, spelling, writing style, etc. It also detects your content tone so you can convey your message in the right emotion.

Grammarly Clarity Checking

It is quite accurate at analyzing language patterns, pointing out errors, and offering useful suggestions for correcting them as well.

If you’re a student who wants to improve their grammar and create error-free documents for school and college submissions, Grammarly is your best friend!

Pricing: Both free and premium plans let you create 300 docs or 150k words/month.

Use Grammarly For: Editing & grammar correction

Does your confidence waver while presenting your ideas in written form? Well, you need Quillbot. It’s a really impressive paraphrasing tool that uses AI to rephrase your content into a professional and refined language.


On the free plan of Quillbot, you get access to 23 languages and 2 paraphrasing modes – Standard mode and Fluency mode. You can also access additional tools like Grammar Checker, CoWriter (writing assistant), Summarizer, and Citation Generator.

However, it’s not limited to just that. To really help you learn, it also highlights the changed and unchanged words in different colors. Analyzing and comparing your writing style with Quillbot’s corrections can improve your writing style over time.

For students who struggle with expressing their ideas in a clear and concise manner, Quillbot can work wonders!

Pricing: Their free plan is limited to 125 words at a time.

Use QuillBot For: Paraphrasing

With access to real-time data, it can fetch reliable content around current affairs and, latest news from the web. This makes it ideal for research. It even allows voice input and multiple export options for more convenience.

Bard is a conversational generative AI chatbot designed by Google. Trained on 137 billion parameters, Bard has some incredible abilities. It is similar to ChatGPT and functions as an AI assistant for you.

Google Bard

If you are a student, you can use it for researching the latest data, generating concise content in easy-to-understand language, writing code, getting code explanation, and brainstorming ideas. I especially liked that it can summarize an entire web page from its URL!

Overall, if you need to enhance your research with the latest data, Google Bard is your best bet!

Use Google Bard For: Research

ChatPDF is an Artificial Intelligence tool specifically designed for PDFs . All you need to do is upload a PDF document on ChatPDF. It may be a course book, a novel, a research paper, an academic journal, or anything else.

ChatPDF will analyze the PDF and answer questions using that information in the chat window. Students can quickly resolve their doubts, understand complex concepts, and fetch important information from any books through this tool.


I find its best use case in academic research . Often, researchers need to go through dozens of books to find a simple piece of information. This consumes an unnecessary amount of time. With ChatPDF, they can simply ask relevant questions and get the information they need from any journals and papers!

Overall, if you’re a student or an academic researcher, you would be absolutely hooked on this innovative AI tool!

Pricing: Its free plan lets you upload 3 PDFs/day and ask 50 questions/day.  

Use For: Research

Upword is an AI-notes and summarization tool that is available as a Chrome extension for free. It basically speeds up your research by summarizing any web page or YouTube video you visit. The summaries generated are short and concise for easy reading.

Upword AI

Students can use it to summarize lengthy educational lectures and documentaries into easy, bite-sized content for saving time and improving productivity. The best part is that students can generate as many AI notes as they want for free.

But for accessing additional features like auto-highlighting, audio player, advanced editing, etc, you can opt for their free trial by entering your card details!

Pricing: Free Trial

Use Upword For: Summarization

Natural Readers is a platform that uses AI to convert text into speech . All you have to do is choose an AI voice and style, and add the content you wish to convert into speech. You can import text, documents, web pages, or images into the editor.

Natural Readers import website

At any point, you can switch to a different AI voice and experiment with different reading speeds. They even have a Chrome extension so you can easily listen to emails, ebooks, blogs, Google Docs, PDFs , and more on the go!

Natural readers text to speech

Its surprising ability to resemble a human voice, pitch and tone sets it apart. Natural Readers could be a really helpful tool for dyslexic or visually impaired kids , or kids struggling with learning disabilities .

Pricing: On the free account, you can use unlimited free voices and convert 4000 characters per day (around 500 words). They also do not allow downloading the audio files.

Use Natural Readers For: Text to speech

Mubert is an AI-powered text-to-music music platform that lets you create royalty free music and soundtracks. To begin with, you can either generate new music or search by reference to a YouTube video. It lets you generate tracks, loops, mixes, and jingles.

Mubert text to music

Then, you can either enter a prompt and a duration, or select your preferred genres, moods, and activities. However, you can only select one option from every category at a time. Mubert AI generates an AI soundtrack for you based on your inputs.

Mubert categories

Students would really find it helpful to create background music for presentations, video projects, reports , etc.

Overall, students who are more inclined towards music creation and production will find Mubert as a really interesting tool to experiment with!

Pricing: On the free plan, you can generate 25 soundtracks every month. It also integrates an audio branding of Mubert on the free tracks.

Use Mubert For: Text to music

Doctrina AI is a tool that revolutionizes students’ education by employing AI algorithms to enhance learning. It can not only summarize notes for you, but also generate essays, quizzes, and exams on any topic. However, you can only access notes and quizzes on its free plan.

Doctrina AI Notes

The Free Notes Generator can create notes on any topic of your choice by simply entering the class name and topics discussed. Going one step further, it also recommends books for further reading on the topic.

Doctrina AI Quiz

Whereas, its Quiz Generator requests give you insightful quiz questions on any topic you want. You can also set a difficulty level from easy, medium, and hard for your quiz. With this tool, students can maximize their learning outcomes. 

Pricing: Free/Paid

Used Doctrina AI For: Learning

Tutor AI is a personalized tutoring service that helps every student learn at their own pace and style. Students simply need to enter a topic of their choice and select a subcategory under it. Within a minute, you will have an entire course along with in-depth modules under each.

TutorAI modules

As you start with a lesson, relevant and informative content will be generated under it. And under the lesson, you’ll find helpful options like simplify, examples, quiz, and ask a question. All of these options are aimed at improving your understanding of the topic.

TutorAI additional tools

Pricing: The free plan of Tutor AI features 3 queries , which is pretty limited.

Use Tutor AI For: Learning

Presentations are an evergreen part of your academic life. Be it school, college, or even professional workspace, presentations play an important role in every stage. Tome is an intuitive way of creating presentations with the power of AI.

Tome presentation outline

You simply enter a text prompt for your presentation topic . It first generates an outline that you can edit. Then it generates full fledged presentations with relevant content and images within seconds! Once the presentation is generated, you can share it via links. PDF exports are not allowed, though .

Tome presentation

If you are a student who wants to save time on creating presentations or lack the skills to create beautiful presentations, Tome App could be your best friend on your academic journey!

Pricing: The free plan of Tome is limited to 50 tomes/workspace and 500 AI credits.

Use Tome For: Presentations

Coding can be quite difficult at times. And you cannot always approach your teachers for all your doubts. AskCodi comes in handy here! AskCodi is an AI powered coding assistant that simplifies programming and development for you.

AskCodi Code explanation

It helps you generate code in 50+ languages, translate it into a different language, and get code explanations as well. You get perform different processes like coding, testing, documentation, etc .

AskCodi Chat

But what I liked most was its coding chatbot. It lets you type in your query in conversational language and get code for it within seconds.

If you’re a beginner in the field of coding, AskCodi could be a game changing tool for your programming career!

Pricing: With the free plan, you get a total of 50 monthly credits , which is sufficient for most students.

Use AskCodi For: Coding

Want to build a website for your blog or college project? Hocoos AI Website Builder can help you set it up within minutes! You just have to answer a few questions about your website. This includes things like website category, services, purpose, address, USPs, etc.

Hocoos - AI website creation

Based on the inputs, it generates 3 demo website styles. Once you select your preferred style, font combinations, and color palettes, it generates a beautiful website for you. It is equipped with relevant content, design, and images as per your inputs. You can use the AI writer to edit the content if you need. 

Hocoos AI writing

I liked its quick website creation along with the blogging and eCommerce features. Overall, for students who want a beautiful and attractive website for their college projects, Hocoos could be an excellent choice!

Pricing: You get limited customization on the free plan with 15 image uploads and 20 AI content generations . The subdomain URL cannot be edited either.

Use Hocoos For: Website Building

Preparing for a job interview? A well-designed resume can help you leave a mark! To get started, you simply have to answer a few questions via chat, like your name, position, etc. Then you can choose a template from their library of 35+ resume templates.


Kickresume features an AI Writer that can help you rewrite your profile section in a professional language and tone.

Apart from that, you can also get questions for job interview preparation and insightful career advice by entering your position.

Kickresume job interview questions

I think Kickresume would be a valuable tool for college students who want to build a professional resume! Though it doesn’t allow you to download the AI template for free, you can still screenshot it or edit it on platforms like Canva or MS Word.

Pricing: The AI usage limit is quite low on the free plan. It also doesn’t allow you to download your resume for free if AI features are used.

Use Kickresume For: Resume Building

If you need some unique and catchy images for your projects, look no further than Bing AI Image Creator. You just need to describe the image you want in natural language. It’ll generate a grid of 4 images that you can download, share, or edit. It’s the easiest AI art generator ever!

Bing AI Image Creator

With Bing, students can help create flawless and realistic images for their assignments, presentations, posters, creative projects, infographics, etc. Its ease of use and unlimited image generation are quite impressive.

Pricing: Free 100 images/day, you can still generate unlimited images at slower speeds.

Use Bing Image Creator For: Creating AI Art

Student life can often be lonely and confusing with nobody to guide you through the difficult times. Here’s when Replika comes in handy! It’s a personal AI chatbot that can carry engaging and realistic conversations. Its ability to remember details from your responses makes it unique.

Replika AI

You start by selecting an avatar and specifying a few of your interests. Based on that, your replika can have interesting conversations with you. Every time you share a new detail, it stores it into the Memory Bank for further reference.

Overall, if you’re feeling isolated, stressed about academics, or struggling with mental health issues, Replika can help you lighten your mood. It can be a good AI-friend and offer an attentive ear to share all your worries.

Pricing: On the free plan, you can have unlimited chats!

Use Replika For: Personal Assistance

Benefits of AI Tools for Students

Incorporating AI tools in the educational journey can have many benefits. Some major benefits are listed below.

benefits of AI tools for students

The biggest benefit of using AI tools is to automate repetitive tasks and boost productivity. For instance, AI note taking tools, paraphrasing tools, and web page summarization tools help you save a ton of time and remain productive.

With AI tools, personalized learning experience can be provided to every student as per their needs and pace of progress. A tailored approach can help in ensuring that each student has an optimal understanding of the educational content. This leads to an effective learning.

AI-powered tools can even streamline gathering and analyzing data for your research. With their help, you can save time on exploring large amounts of data and get valuable insights along with relevant sources.

This is great for research projects, academic articles, and dissertations.

Artificial intelligence tools also offer grammar and spell-checking functionalities . They can provide suggestions for improving sentence structure and word choice.

Additionally, an AI writing tool can help in creating articles, essays, project reports, and creative content. All of this can help students enhance their language learning and develop stronger communication and writing skills.

For students struggling with visual impairments or learning disabilities, there are AI driven accessibility tools as well. Tools like AI text-to-speech help convert written content into voice speech for clearer understanding.

Thus, it helps make educational resources like online books, websites, blogs, and research papers more accessible for all students.

Extending beyond academic subjects, AI tools also help in skill development across various domains. You can find tools to create AI images, videos, and PowerPoint presentations out of simple text prompts! This helps students enhance their artistic expression and creative skills.

In this article, we looked at the 19 Best AI Tools for Students . If you’re a student, I hope these AI tools will help you learn better and stay more productive. I personally liked ChatPDF, Lumen 5, and AskCodi the most!

Which tools did you like the most? Do you currently use an AI tools as a student? Let me know in the comments section below. This is Kripesh signing off. Cheers and keep learning! 🙂

1) What are the productive AI tools for students?

An impressive AI productivity tool for students is Upword . It helps in speeding up your research by providing summaries of any webpages or YouTube videos you visit.

2) Can I use AI to help me study?

Yes. You can use TutorAI , which is a personalized tutoring service. On entering a topic you wish to learn, it will generate in-depth course lectures for you along with quiz, cross-questioning, simple explanations, etc.

3) Which AI is best for assignment?

If you need help with finding content for your assignments, you can use AI writing tools like ChatGPT or CopyAI .

4) What are the best AI tools for learning and research?

For better learning, you can use AI tools like Doctrina AI and Tutor AI . Whereas, if you want to conduct thorough research, Google Bard and Upword would be great options!

5) What is the fastest growing AI tool?

ChatGPT is one of the fastest growing AI tool that gained 1 million users within 5 days of its launch! It currently has over 100 million users.

6) What are the best AI tools for college students?

If you’re a college student, Kickresume can help you craft a professional resume. AskCodi can help you code well in various languages. Whereas, Tome can create quick presentations and ChatPDF can help with academic research.

7) Which is the best AI tool for article writing in 2024?

For writing long-form content, CopyAI would be the best option.

8) What is the best AI tool for making videos?

If you want to create beautiful and captivating videos from text content, like articles and blogs, Lumen5 could be a great choice.

9) What’s the best ai image generator tool?

If you want to generate AI images, you can use Bing Image Creator, Midjourney, or Leonardo AI . All of them are available free of cost.

10) Can AI tools replace human teachers?

No, AI tools cannot replace the connection and empathy that human teachers possess. However, they can make the work of a teacher easier by making all kinds of information readily available.

Photo of author

Kripesh Adwani

3 thoughts on “17 Best AI Tools for Students in 2024 (Mostly FREE)”

can you provide an ai tools for the interaction betwee students and teacher in online classess

Can I use this for exam prep in social work?

thank you, the insights, I now understand the different roles each AI tools play in delivering services to each client,

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Best AI Tools for Students: The 11 Free Tools We Recommend

best ai tools for students

Best AI tools for students are super important now—they help with writing better and getting instant feedback on students’ presentations.

The best thing? Lots of these are free AI tools for students! That’s great news for nonprofits and folks with tight budgets.

Study the top 11 AI tools of 2024 for academic success, whether it’s writing great essays or improving communication skills.

Table of Contents

Which ai tool is best for students.

Here is a list of free AI tools for school, college, and engineering students.

  • is to solve Math questions
  • Quizgecko AI is for creating and sharing quizzes
  • Upword is the best AI for studying and learning
  • TextToHandwriting converts typed text to handwriting
  • ChatGPT prompts for students
  • Tome AI is for creating PPTs easily
  • Duolingo is to learn languages with fun games
  • is to transcribe lectures and meetings
  • to chat with documents
  • Scholarcy AI summarizes long research articles
  • is for video explanations of questions

Best AI Tools for School Students

These are the top four best AI tools for students in schools.


Caktus AI turns your text into complete homework answers. With Caktus, students can write essays, solve Math, and code.

caktus ai - one of the best ai tools for students

This chart shows how good Caktus AI is for students.

It gets a rating of 4.2 out of 5. It costs $9.90 per month. It’s user-friendly, with a score of 4.5 out of 5. It has good features, rated 4.2 out of 5. The quality of its output is decent, at 3.8 out of 5. There’s no mobile app. Overall, it’s great for students. is similar to an AI answer generator for students.

Highlight Features

  • ✅ Free trial: 5,000 characters.
  • ✅ Features: Essay & code generator.
  • ✅ Easy to use: Input what you need, it handles the rest.
  • ✅ Semi-auto AI: Completes tasks, may need input.
  • ✅ History saving: Edit previous work or request new output.


  • ❌ Slow compared to different AI content generators.
  • ❌ No support/contact info is available within the tool.

Caktus AI Pricing

caktus ai pricing

Caktus offers a 5,000-character free trial, equivalent to 500-1,000 words. Their Premium plan costs $9.99/month and allows unlimited word generation.

Final Thoughts

Try out Caktus AI, a cool writing tool powered by AI . It’s the future, so give it a go!

We want to stress that this AI assistant can’t always do your homework alone. It can mess up and even copy content sometimes.

AI can’t think. It’s like a smart calculator, predicting based on what it’s learned online. It doesn’t know right from wrong, just guesses that often happen to be right.

2. Quizgecko AI

Quizgecko is one of the best AI tools for students making creating and sharing quizzes super easy with AI.

quizgecko - one of the best ai tools for students

It’s for teachers and students. It uses smart AI to make questions from any text, saving a lot of time and effort.

Quizgecko makes it easy for teachers to create tests and for businesses to assess their employees’ knowledge.

  • ✅ Chrome Extension
  • ✅ AI Question Generator
  • ✅ Analytics and Reporting
  • ✅ Flashcards
  • ❌ Free plan is limited
  • ❌ Limited question types

Quizgecko AI Pricing

quizgecko pricing

  • Student: $64/year
  • Educator: $89/year

Quizgecko stands out because it can turn any text, webpage, or video into quizzes. It pulls out the important details and makes quizzes way easier and faster.

3. Upword AI

Upword AI assistant to make finding information easier. With GPT-4, Upword speeds up learning by 10 times!

upword ai - one of the best ai tools for students

Upword’s AI tools make research easy for students, professionals, and researchers turning the content into useful knowledge.

  • ✅ Personalized ChatGPT
  • ✅ AI Copilot
  • ✅ Efficient Search
  • ✅ Summarization
  • ✅ Unlimited Storage

Upword AI Pricing

  • 7 days free trial
  • Paid plan: $12.50/month

Yes, Upword AI gives accurate summaries by extracting key points, so users get clear and useful information.


The problem is that we’re missing handwritten content nowadays. TextToHandwriting swapped pens for keyboards, making things feel impersonal. It’s time to bring back that personal touch we all love.

texttohandwriting - free ai tool for students

Today, let’s discuss TextToHandwriting —one of the best AI tools for students that transforms your typed text into a handwritten document!

You can add heading text and content text on the page. Pick from 8 handwriting styles and choose sizes for both headings and content. Also, choose ink colors: black, red, or blue.

Picking colors helps you customize content easily.

Once your document’s done, you can save your content as an image. Use it for cool article layouts on your site or send a special birthday note to someone you love.

  • ✅ Excellent conversion
  • ✅ New fonts
  • ✅ User-friendly

TextToHandwriting Pricing

This text-to-handwriting tool is fun and worth checking out. It’s an excellent way to generate fresh content for your users. The site is always free to use.

Best AI Tools for College Students

The four best AI tools for college students.

5. ChatGPT Prompts for Students

ChatGPT serves not only as an AI tool for business and marketing but also proves advantageous for students.

One of the best AI tools for students is ChatGPT using specific prompts. Let’s sort these prompts by topic to make them clear for every community.

A. ChatGPT Prompts for High School Students

If you want to write an essay with a specific topic, just type – Write a friendly essay about [topic] in 500 words and provide it in the correct format.

chatgpt prompt for student for specific topic - best ai tools for students

If you need project ideas, just ask ChatGPT by typing – Suggest some ideas on science projects and get started!

chatgpt prompt related to science project

If you struggle with Math and need help understanding a concept, just ask ChatGPT! Say – Explain [idea_name] with an example in Mathematics.

chatgpt prompt for math students

If you need help with a problem, just ask ChatGPT! Ask questions like – Can you show us how to crack a Geometry problem? and give space and write the question.

chatgpt geometry problem ask prompt

B. ChatGPT Prompts for Engineering and College Students

If you’re new to development and want to make a web app, just ask ChatGPT. Just type – Create an easy web app with JavaScript.

chatgpt engineering prompt related to java script

If you need to discover bugs in some code, just ask ChatGPT using the prompt – Process to see the bug in our sample code.

chatgpt prompt for debugging in the sample code

If you need help adding a feature like a button or icon to your project, just ask ChatGPT! Instead of searching multiple websites, ChatGPT can give you code ideas directly. Just give the prompt, like – Create a button using JavaScript.

chatgpt prompt to add button using javascript

You can make a web app RESTAPI with Express and Node.js . Just type – Create the RESTAPI endpoint with Express and Nodejs .

chatgpt prompt to create restapi endpoint

Tome AI makes creating PPTs easy. It improves presentations, making them better looking and more impactful, whether for showcasing products, sharing research, or impressing clients.

tome ai - one of the best ai tools for students

You can pick templates or create your own to match your brand. It helps make one-pagers or mood boards swiftly, conveying your idea elegantly.

  • ✅ Create presentations faster
  • ✅ Excellent customization
  • ✅ Collaboration
  • ✅ AI image generator
  • ❌ The free version restricts presentation sharing to PDFs. 
  • ❌ The tool only supports 4 languages.

Tome AI Pricing pricing

  • Professional: $16/month

This software is different from other best AI tools for students. Its user-friendly interface guides you smoothly. AI offers refined presentation tips. Easily drag and drop tiles and templates.

7. Duolingo

Duolingo is the top education app, making learning languages a fun game.

duolingo - ai tool for students

Playing games makes learning languages more enjoyable and keeps motivation high.

Every day, 5 million people use Duolingo. It’s a huge part of the app world, with more than 500 million downloads worldwide. 

It is free on Android and iOS, and there’s a website too, bringing in 5.5 million users/month.

  • ✅ The Shop: The Shop lets you spend extra gems.
  • ✅ Refill Health: In Duolingo’s free plan, you get five hearts as your “health.” Lose one heart for each query you miss.
  • ✅ Leagues: Duolingo boosts motivation and competition with its weekly leagues, where users compete against 30 players.
  • ✅ Speaks: When you travel and wish to learn about new cultures, being able to chat is key.
  • ✅ Listen: Something useful for people learning languages through audio.
  • ✅ Daily Quest: In addition to reaching your daily goal, you’ll also have daily quests to finish.
  • ❌ Encourages brief instructions to maintain the trend
  • ❌ Speech Practices Are Not Working

Duolingo Pricing

We liked how fun it was to learn with games. It helped us pick up new words without feeling like we were studying. 

Some language applications can be really serious, which is okay sometimes. But Duolingo’s streaks kept us interested. 

Watching our streak grow every day felt exciting. And competing with friends made it even more fun (most of the time). 

But when we lost our streak, we lost our motivation too. Later on, we used Duolingo to practice Spanish alongside other methods.


In today’s busy educational world, where classes and discussions happen quickly, having an AI tool for students to record and understand spoken words is super useful. - one of the best ai tools for students

That’s where comes in. It’s a high-tech service that uses AI to transcribe speech, making life easier for lots of students.

  • ✅ Transcribes lectures and meetings
  • ✅ Speaker identification
  • ✅ Searchable content
  • ✅ Platform integration
  • ✅ Custom Vocabulary
  • ❌ isn’t perfect.
  • ❌ Real-time needs a stable internet.
  • ❌ The free version has limits. Pricing pricing

  • Pro : $10/month/user is another one of the best AI tools for students, helping with lectures, and group work, and never missing a word spoken. It’s a must-have for any student!

Best AI Tools for Engineering Students

Here are the three best AI tools for Engineering students. is an excellent AI tool for students to chat with documents. People use it for study and work.

You can request the document queries to learn more without reading it. chats

This is one of the best AI tools for students when learning new things like skills, projects, theories, and more.

  • ✅ Accurate and fast
  • ✅ Saving chats
  • ❌ No ChatGPT integration
  • ❌ Price plan Pricing pricing - best ai tools for students costs $10/user/month. Unlimited access begins at $20, and there’s also a free plan with some restrictions.

PDF AI helps frequent users think smarter with PDFs.

This AI tool will be liked by students, lawyers, and professionals who want to save effort and time reading long documents and learn faster.

If you’re not excited about ChatGPT, try for all your PDF needs.

10. Scholarcy AI

QuillBot or Quillbot alternative tools help with short articles, and Scholarcy tackles long papers. It’s simple: upload, link, or paste text, and get a quick summary.

scholarcy ai - one of the best ai tools for students

The Scholarcy article summarizer quickly scans long research papers to pick out important details like facts, formations, and references. It then makes a summary card that you can easily save in Word or PowerPoint.

  • ✅ Extensive library
  • ✅ Rob-Highlighter
  • ✅ Reference Summary
  • ✅ Input and Export methods
  • ❌ No mobile app for Scholarcy.
  • ❌ Additional fees for Scholarcy Library access.
  • ❌ Generated output may lack important info at times.

Scholarcy AI Pricing

scholarcy ai pricing

  • Plus: $4.99/month

The Scholarcy summarizer makes summaries of research papers, articles, or reports. It saves you time by condensing important information for you, so you can get things done faster without having to read everything yourself.


Stuck? Socratic helps! This Google AI learning app helps with university studies and high school.

socratic ai

You can ask Socratic your questions, and you’ll find great online resources to help you learn school subjects.

Socratic App Topics

  • Science: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Environmental Science
  • Math: Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Precalculus, Calculus
  • English/Language Arts: Fiction, Non-fiction, Drama, Poetry
  • History: US History, World History
  • ✅ Useful Results: Utilize camera or voice for online resource connection.
  • ✅ All-in-One Learning Hub: Access videos, step-by-step guides, and more for self-paced learning.
  • ✅ Expert Study Guides: Visual explanations created by experts and teachers for comprehensive understanding.
  • ✅ Multi-Subject Support: Covers Algebra and more.
  • ❌ Web version is not available. Pricing

  • Free (iOS and Android)

The Socratic application is great with VoiceOver. We could do voice and text searches easily and get results that VoiceOver could read well. Equations are read aloud, but they missed a negative symbol once. We found the missing information elsewhere in the iOS and Android app easily.

Benefits of Using These Best AI Tools for Students

  • Personalized education
  • Immediate response
  • Increases in productivity
  • Engaging education
  • Insights based on data
  • Inclusivity and Accessibility

To Conclude

Your mission is to check out these top 11 AI tools!

The Main Takeaways from this Article:

  • AI in education targets teaching to students’ needs, making learning easier and personalized.
  • If you are in school, use to solve Math and essays for your homework, let Quizgecko AI help with creating and sharing quizzes, try Upword AI for studying and learning, and consider TextToHandwriting to upgrade your handwriting.
  • For college students, the ultimate AI tools include Tome AI for presentations, ChatGPT for writing help, Duolingo for language learning fun, and for transcribing lectures.
  • For engineering students, top AI tools like offer document chat capabilities, Scholarcy AI summarizes lengthy research articles, and provides video explanations for questions.

When choosing the best AI tools for students remember to focus on compatibility, effectiveness, reliability, and understanding limitations. These factors are key to making the right decision for your school or institution.

Don’t forget to consider these best AI tools for students in 2024.

Which AI is best for students?

The right AI tool depends on what you need. Upword helps with writing, is great for Math, and Duolingo is for learning languages.

Is there a free AI app for students?

Quizgecko is the top free AI app for students, famous for making and sharing quizzes, and lets you chat with documents.

What is the best AI tool for student assignment writing?

Upword AI is the best AI tool for student assignment writing in education. It’s designed to make research and writing easier for academics and students.

How can students use AI?

Teachers can assign Math problems for students to solve using a tool like After the AI answers, school and college students can work together in teams to make their own using the Math skills they’ve learned.

What type of AI can be used in education?

Different AI tools for education:

Adaptive learning Attention, empathy, and emotion measurement tools Virtual chatbots Automatic writing evaluation tools Personalized educational resources Apps for smart language learning Platforms for personalizing content

What is the best GPT for students?

Upword AI and Scholarcy AI are the best GPTs for students. They summarize files and extract text. Plus, Upword AI can answer your questions. Great study partners!

What is the AI writing tool for college students?

Upword AI is the best AI writing tool for college students. It automates writing and research for students and academics.

Is AI a good tool for students?

AI in education boosts student performance by giving more feedback. It evaluates progress, offers targeted advice, and spots areas needing improvement.

What is the best AI for engineering students?, Scholarcy AI, and are the best AI tools for engineering students.

What software do AI engineers use?

Common AI software includes, Scholarcy AI, and

What is AI used for in engineering?

Engineers are using AI in engineering for things like robots, materials, and designing with text. They see how valuable it is.

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10 Best AI Tools for Assignment Writing in 2024

AI tools for assignment writing have become essential for students in 2024. These tools use artificial intelligence to help students create high-quality assignments faster and more efficiently. AI-powered writing tools can offer grammar and style suggestions , research assistance , and even essay generation to help students succeed academically.

AI tools for assignment writing have become essential for students in 2024. These AI-powered writing tools use artificial intelligence to help students create high-quality assignments faster and more efficiently. AI-powered writing tools can offer grammar and style suggestions, research assistance, and even essay generation to help students succeed academically.


With these tools, students can get instant feedback on their work, helping them improve their writing skills and learn more effectively. AI tools for academic writing also save time by automating research and formatting tasks. In addition, they can provide plagiarism checks to ensure originality in academic writing.

This article will introduce the top 10 best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 that students can use to improve their assignments and enhance their learning experience.

Why Use AI Tools for Assignment Writing?

What to look for in an ai writing tool, top 10 ai tools for assignment writing in 2024,,, is it legal to use ai tools for assignment writing in india, best ai tool for assignment writing –

The Advantages of Using AI Tools for Assignment Writing:

  • Save time and effort.
  • Improve writing quality and accuracy.
  • Generate ideas and structure content.
  • Enhance research capabilities.
  • Maintain consistency and avoid plagiarism.

Key Features to Consider in an AI Assignment Writing Tool:

  • User-friendly interface.
  • Quality of content generation.
  • Plagiarism detection.
  • Multi-language support.
  • Customization options.
  • Integration with other tools (e.g., citation managers, research databases).

Here is the list of the top 10 AI tools that can help you write assignments in 2024. These tools make the writing process easier and more efficient, offering features like grammar checking , content suggestions , and more.

Jasper AI is a great tool that you can use to write your assignments and is among the best AI tools for assignment writing. It helps you overcome writer’s block and transform assignments to different languages, tones, formats, etc. If you have many tasks taking up your attention, you can definitely use Jasper AI to curate your assignments.

  • Write assignments in over 30 languages
  • You can generate unlimited words in each plan of the tool
  • It has a plagiarism checker powered by Copyscape
  • Integrated with Grammarly to help with spellings, formatting, sentences, etc.

  • Starter Plan – $24
  • Boss Mode Plan – $49
For current pricing, please visit the official website.

Rytr is an AI writing software for students that allows you to make high-quality assignments at minimal prices and really quickly. You have to choose your tone, section topic, and use cases, and the tool will start generating content for your assignments.

  • Rephrases different texts into catchy and engaging versions
  • Has AI text completer to finish paragraphs and sentences
  • Helps you summarize and shorten your assignment content.
  • Saver Plan – $9
  • Unlimited Plan – $29

AI-powered Yomu AI is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing that will let you write great assignments and academic papers. The tool is even trusted by labs and universities globally and has helped students complete their grants, assignments, essays, etc. on time. It also has a great citation tool to find and include citations in your assignments.

Yomu AI

  • Helps locate, format, and include citations properly
  • Allows you to transform the bullet points and lists into long-form text.
  • Great for brainstorming ideas, paraphrasing , refining, shortening, expanding, and summarizing content.
  • Starter – $7
  • Premium – $8.8

QuillBot is another AI tool for assignment writing through which you can summarize and paraphrase your texts. The tool also provides citation generation as well as a translator for your text. One thing is that the content generated by QuillBot does not pass AI-detection tools consistently.


  • Offers Word and Chrome extensions to check grammar and spelling
  • Supports nine paraphrase models to create simple as well as academic content
  • Ability to make citations in different styles.
  • Premium – $9.95

You can use the Writesonic Ai tool to write, edit, or summarize various forms of content, including essays and long assignments. The free trial has a 10,000 word limit and you must get the paid version to continue using it. It has a built-in plagiarism and spelling checker and even expands phrases and sentences into longer content. All this makes it one of the best AI tools for assignment writing.


  • Easy to summarize and paraphrase your writing assignments
  • Features Chatsonic, chatbot assistant powered by GPT-4
  • Even allows you to shorten content and make it accurate and precise.


  • Small Team – $13
  • Enterprise – $500+

For those who want to write long-form content and big assignments, can be a great AI tool for assignment writing. The tool generates content that is quite similar to human writing and one cannot easily differentiate from text written by humans. Its AI detector tool is also one of the best out there.

  • It has a unique option for AI Voice training
  • It can detect AI-generated content
  • Allows you to analyze natural language processing.
  • Starter – $499
  • Standard – $999
  • Scaling – $1499

AI Writer is an AI-based tool that helps in assignment writing. It generates relevant content for your assignments by choosing recommended keywords or manually providing your list. The tool suggests sections, sub-sections, etc. to develop and structure your assignment perfectly, also citing the used sources.

AI Writer

  • Features the capability to reword text
  • Great AI text generator and SEO editor
  • You can directly publish to WordPress
  • Basic – $29
  • Standard – $49
  • Power – $375

Anyword is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 and makes use of machine learning algorithms to create content. It is really helpful with long-form texts and assignments along with blogs , ad copies, social media posts , etc. It even analyzes previously done content to generate content that matches the voice and style.


  • Supports around 30 languages
  • It has more than 100 performance-driven templates
  • Easy Grammarly integration and Google Chrome extension.
  • Starter – $39
  • Data-Driven – $79
  • Business – $349
  • Enterprise – Custom Pricing

One of the best AI tools for assignment writing, helps you create long-form content , landing pages , long texts , web copies , and more. All this makes it one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024. You can add a tone and voice so that the generated content is consistent and reflects your ideas. Anyone can learn how to use quickly and use it for their assignments.

  • There are more than 90 copywriting tools
  • You can save and reuse information through Infobase
  • Features a chat feature to help you interact with the AI.
  • Pro – $36
  • Team – $186

Eduwriter.AI is another AI tool for assignment writing. It offers scripts and long texts to users to complete their assignments. Users can conveniently choose topics and the tool generates college-level content on demand. Eduwriter. AI generates high-quality essays using AI, analyzing inputs by the user as well as from websites.


  • Easy to edit content before submission
  • Create custom essays using its essay generator
  • Ability to create narrative, descriptive, and other types of content.
  • Premium – $20

There is no specific law that bans the use of AI tools for assignment writing in India. However, it depends on the rules of each institution. AI tools can speed up writing assignments, but they raise questions about originality and the student’s input.

Many institutions don’t allow AI use or plagiarism in assignments and projects. AI tools can be helpful when used properly, but students should check their college’s rules before using them for assignment writing in India. is a great AI tool for assignment writing in 2024, and it might be the best choice available. The best thing about this tool is that it creates content that closely resembles human writing, making it hard to tell the difference between AI-generated text and human-written text. It also features an excellent built-in AI detector that can identify AI-generated content. offers various tools for content optimization and supports natural language processing for users. However, the tool doesn’t have a free version, and the paid version can be a bit expensive. If you work on assignments often, though, it’s an investment rather than just spending money.

In conclusion, AI tools for assignment writing offer a variety of benefits that can improve your writing process in 2024. From grammar checkers like Grammarly and Yomu Ai to advanced tools like GPT-3 and Jasper , these tools can help you write more efficiently and accurately.

Additionally, plagiarism detection tools such as and Copyscape ensure your work is original and well-cited. Give these tools a try to enhance your academic writing experience and achieve better results.

Relates Articles: Top 10 Free AI Writing Tools for Content Creators – Free AI Writing Tool

10 Best AI Tools for Assignment Writing – FAQs

Which is the best ai tool for assignment writing. is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing out there. We feel that it is the best option which you can use. The best part is that this tool generates content that is almost the same as that written by humans.

Do colleges and universities allow the use of AI tools for assignments?

Most colleges and universities do not accept AI-generated or plagiarized content. Rather than using AI tools for writing assignments, you can use them to come up with ideas and structures for your assignment.

How do students benefit from AI tools for writing assignments?

AI tools for writing assignments help students save time by generating text, help with spelling and grammar, offer new ideas, and focus better on other tasks. It can take a long time to complete a long assignment on your own and AI tools make the job easier.

Are AI tools for writing assignments free to use or paid?

Many AI writing tools for students can be used. Most of them have both free and paid versions. Generally, the free AI writing tools have limited features and generate a limited amount of content. Paid versions of AI tools have many exciting features that you can use to generate better-quality content for your assignments.

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List of 29 Best AI Tools for Students (Free + Paid)

As a student in the 21st century, you have access to a wide range of AI tools that can help you learn more effectively and efficiently. These tools can help you with everything from organizing your notes and studying for exams to improving your writing and language skills. Here, we’ll be exploring 29 of the best AI tools for students that can help you take your learning to the next level. Whether you’re looking to improve your grades or simply want to make the most of your time as a student, these tools are sure to come in handy.

1. Grammarly


Grammarly is an AI-powered writing tool that provides real-time feedback on every assignment, helping students submit plagiarism-free essays with flawless citations. The platform offers grammar and spelling suggestions to help students proofread their work with ease. It also provides full-sentence rewrites to make ideas clear and tone detection to help students strike the right tone in their writing. Additionally, Grammarly offers a plagiarism detection feature to help students identify passages that may need citations and see sourcing information. 94% of students say Grammarly Premium helped improve their grades.

2. Scite AI

Scite AI is a tool that uses AI to analyze scientific literature and measure the veracity of scientific work. It offers a free browser extension that allows users to see how any research article has been cited on the go. Users can highlight any term or phrase on any page, right-click, and select “Search citation statements” to surface information from research articles that might support or offer some disagreement from those claims.

3. Caktus AI

Caktus AI

Caktus AI is an AI writing assistant designed specifically for students. It allows students to automate their school work so they can spend more time doing the things they love. Caktus AI offers a range of features including code writing, essay writing, paragraph writing, and even math problem-solving. All you need to do is give the tool some input and it takes care of the rest. Caktus AI is developing an AI-powered learning platform that can recognize the particular needs and learning preferences of each student and then adjust the learning environment accordingly.

4. WolframAlpha


Wolfram|Alpha is a computational knowledge engine that can be a useful tool for students. It can help students practice for exams, get help with homework, and do research that will impress their teachers. Wolfram|Alpha is famous for math and physics but is also a whiz at chemistry, biology, engineering, economics, astronomy, statistics, and much more. It also allows students to upload their own data and create stunning customized visuals. With Wolfram|Alpha Pro’s step-by-step solutions feature, students can get an instant automated tutor for their homework and more.

5. Socratic by Google

Socratic by Google

Socratic is a learning app powered by Google AI that helps students understand their school work at a high school and university level. The app supports most high school subjects and was built to support Science, Math, Literature, Social Studies, and more. With help from teachers, Socratic brings visual explanations of important concepts in each subject. By asking Socratic a question, the app will find the best online resources for students to learn the concepts.


Tutorly AI is an AI-based tool that assists students with their homework. Users can paste their question, assignment, or prompt into the app and get an answer. The app offers multiple choice, short answer, and other question formats. Elite users have access to additional features such as ‘Explain’ and ‘Show Steps’ for a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

7. Notedly AI

Notedly AI is an AI-powered tool that helps students save time by instantly generating notes from their assigned readings. It helps students to quickly and effectively comprehend complex material, freeing up their time for social activities instead of note-taking.

To use Notedly, simply upload a scientific publication such as a textbook chapter, news article, or research paper. Notedly will then scan the material and generate notes for the user in a matter of seconds.

The notes are produced in an easy-to-understand language that aids students in comprehending the material. Notedly also provides example summaries of news articles, academic papers, and textbook chapters, as well as the option to paste homework to automatically generate notes.

8. Doctrina AI

Doctrina AI

Doctrina AI is an AI-powered platform that helps students learn faster and have more free time. It offers three main features: an Essay Generator, Exam Generator, and a Book Discussion Generator. The Essay Generator can create a student essay on any topic, saving students time and effort in their writing assignments. The Exam Generator can effortlessly create high-quality exam study material. The platform is built on top of the powerful GPT-3 language model from OpenAI and is designed to help students study better and adapt to the new challenges of remote and online learning.

9. Roshi AI

Roshi AI

Roshi is an AI-powered tool that can be useful for students. It allows users to create learning material from anything online instantly. With Roshi, students can pick any news article from the web (or their own text) to use for a lesson and turn it into a lesson with a single click. The platform automatically simplifies the text to make sure it’s at the right level and can create questions based on exactly what is being taught.


Geleza is an AI-powered educational platform designed to help high school and college students simplify their learning and prepare for exams. The platform uses multiple AI models to analyze students’ study habits, assist with homework and writing tasks, and generate practice exams. Geleza also enables students to find and create lessons, connect with tutors, complete assignments, and ask questions anytime from anywhere in the world. Professional tutors are always available to provide assistance, and the platform’s user-friendly interface includes a classroom portal for easy access to all features.


Tute AI is an online tutoring platform that uses artificial intelligence to help students achieve better grades. It is trusted by students around the world and is free to start. The platform can concisely answer questions, summarize long texts, explain complex topics, provide feedback and ideas, assist with research, and generate written output.

12. Mindgrasp

Mindgrasp is an AI-powered learning tool that helps students save time by generating notes, summaries, and answering questions from any article, link, or file (pdf, png, docx, etc.). It can analyze multiple media types, including documents, textbooks, article links, or even video/audio lectures. Mindgrasp summarizes course material into key points to help students learn faster and understand more. It can instantly create notes and summaries for you and answer any questions you have about your uploaded material so you can spend less time reading and more time learning.

13. Kiwi Video

Kiwi Video

Kiwi is an AI-based tool that enhances users’ learning experience from videos. It enables users to ask questions and receive summaries of the content they are viewing. Additionally, users can test their knowledge on the video’s content by taking a quiz.

The tool is compatible with a wide range of video content, including TEDx Talks and educational videos on subjects such as engineering and science. Kiwi operates by analyzing the video’s content and utilizing natural language processing to comprehend the information presented.

Kiwi generates a summary of the video and formulates quiz questions based on its content. Users can interact with Kiwi through an intuitive interface that allows them to input questions or click a button to receive a summary or take a quiz.


Soofy is an AI-powered language learning tool that can be useful for students. It provides users with tools such as debates, discussions, translations, and AI writing tools to help them improve their fluency and accuracy in the language they are learning. With Soofy, students can train their tongue to speak fluently and learn how to use their new language effectively in everyday conversations. The platform also offers features that can help students expand their vocabulary and enhance their writing skills.

15. Unschooler


Unschooler is a personal AI mentor that assists you in discovering your new career. It eliminates the need to spend hours searching for answers and watching videos by enabling you to learn everything you’re interested in within minutes, 24/7. Unschooler recommends the most suitable career paths and helps you identify and address gaps in your skills. It customizes tutorials to match your skills and career goals and provides personalized AI insights to help you explore areas where you may need improvement.

16. TutorAI


Tutor AI is an AI-powered learning platform. Type a prompt of something that you want to learn and it will generate a personalized lesson for you to go through to better understand what you want to learn.

17. Scholarcy


Scholarcy is an online tool that summarizes documents such as articles, reports, and book chapters, allowing users to quickly evaluate their importance. It generates summary flashcards of any document in Word or PDF format and presents them in an organized and easy-to-understand format.

In addition to summarizing, Scholarcy offers features such as automatic extraction of references, linking to open access sources, and extraction of figures, tables, and images. This AI-powered tool is designed to help researchers, students, journalists, librarians, and others save time and quickly process large amounts of information.

18. ExamCram


ExamCram is an AI-powered app designed to help students study more effectively. It enables users to transform various types of media, such as lectures or textbook passages, into customized study aids like flashcards and practice tests. The app’s AI algorithms automatically identify key concepts and generate questions based on them, allowing students to concentrate on the most crucial information.

ExamCram also offers immediate feedback and a personalized study plan so that students can monitor their progress and enhance their grades. The app is exclusively available on the App Store for iPhone and iPad.

19. CareerDekho

CareerDekho is a free AI-powered career discovery tool that helps students and professionals find the perfect career fit. It provides AI-powered career suggestions in less than a minute. The tool is designed to enable career discovery for students and working professionals by providing personalized advice and guidance on potential career paths.

20. Huru AI


Huru is an AI-powered app that helps candidates and students prepare for job interviews by providing customized interviews, instant feedback, a database of over 20,000 questions, an answer guide, and other features. It can generate questions from any job posting on popular job boards and provides high-quality feedback on users’ answers, personal traits they exhibit, and tips for improvement. Huru also records interviews, offers advice on structuring answers, and assesses the user’s likelihood of being hired.

21. Ariana AI

Ariana AI

Ariana is a ChatGPT-powered AI assistant that lives within WhatsApp and helps you get answers on the go. It is specifically designed to help you with day-to-day tasks, such as answering questions or coming up with ideas. You can ask Ariana for help with daily tasks, homework, or work-related questions and get an answer immediately. Ariana can save you hours of searching for answers and watching videos, allowing you to learn everything you are interested in minutes 24/7.

22. myEssai


MyEssai is an AI-powered essay tutor that helps students improve the quality of their essays with regular, detailed feedback. The platform provides instant feedback that is specific, relevant, understandable, and timely. Students can use MyEssai to receive actionable suggestions and ideas for where to go next with their writing. The platform has been used by hundreds of students to boost their grades.

23. Aistote


Aistote is an AI-powered tool that enables learners to create quizzes and flashcards from their course materials in various formats including PDF, URL, and text. Compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows devices, Aistote makes it easy for users to produce effective study aids that enhance retention. The tool’s intuitive interface allows for the creation of personalized quizzes and flashcards tailored to the user’s learning style. Aistote’s engaging avatar adds an element of fun to the learning process.


Mathly is an AI-powered tool that helps students get unstuck with their homework. Students can take a photo of their math problem and Mathly’s AI will solve it and explain it in a way that makes sense The tool also answers follow-up questions and generates additional practice problems to check students’ understanding. Mathly generates personalized explanations adjusted to students’ learning styles.

25. LanguagePro


LanguagePro is an AI-powered language assistant designed to assist users in their language learning and usage. The app offers a range of advanced features, including translation and grammar correction, and supports six languages with AI technology.

26. Buddy AI

Buddy AI is an AI English tutor that provides a one-on-one speaking practice experience for children to become fluent in English. The app provides an engaging and interactive way for children to learn English with a virtual tutor. features personalized learning plans and a variety of games and activities to encourage children to continue learning. The app also utilizes advanced voice recognition and AI technology to enable voice-based interaction. delivers the same advantages as a live tutor, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and listening comprehension, with the added benefit of unlimited access.

27. Conch AI

Conch AI

Conch is an AI writing assistant that helps you write faster and more efficiently. It offers a variety of tools, including a Chrome extension, a citation generator, and an AI to human rewriter. Conch also has a proprietary algorithm that can help you bypass AI detection algorithms like GPTZero, allowing you to write worry-free.

28. GPTionary

GPTionary is an AI-powered dictionary that uses cutting-edge language models such as GPT and other advanced NLP technologies. You can search for words or phrases much quicker by describing them below. is developed by college students and aims to empower non-native English speakers, to improve their language skills.

29. Trellis


Trellis is an AI-powered education companion that can be useful for students. It is a custom tutor and textbook companion that helps students learn faster and with more depth. With Trellis, students can highlight any text and simplify it to an arbitrary level of complexity. The platform also provides a Socratic Guide to teach students the material and can even quiz them for their understanding. It can simplify and explain any diagram, helping students understand hard science, engineering concepts, code, and mathematics.

AI tools are revolutionizing the way students learn. With the help of these tools, students can access personalized learning experiences that adapt to their individual needs and abilities. The best AI tools for students that we’ve explored in this blog post are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential of AI in education. We encourage students to explore these tools and discover how they can help them achieve their academic goals. So why wait? Start exploring these AI tools today and take your learning to the next level!

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Table of Contents

Best AI Tools for Students

  • December 12, 2023

Best AI Tools for Students

Ever felt like you’re drowning in the complexities of academic life, wishing for a way to make your studying breeze? Well, we all have been there.

Let me share a story first. Imagine a student lost in the labyrinth of assignments, presentations and exams. 

Yeah, that was me not too long ago until I stumbled upon some cool AI tools that turned everything around. Suddenly studying felt less like a maze and more like a well-guided journey.  

What if AI boosts your learning capability, increases your productivity and reduces your wastage of time on nonsense things? 

Yeah, that’s possible. Whether you wanna increase your grammatical skills or solve your study problems, there’re AI tools for everything.

Curious to know which AI tool has helped me throughout my academic journey?

Buckle up then and join me in a journey because I am about to unveil the top-notch tools which will turn your study routine and learning skill from meh to magnificent.  

Quick overview of top 3 AI Tools for Students

Grammarly is a writing assistant which leverages advanced AI algorithms to analyze your writing for clarity, tone, and engagement. It goes beyond basic grammar and spell checking while improving your grammar, style and overall writing quality. 
ChatGPt is an AI chatbot which utilizes natural language processing to generate human-like conversation. Plus, users of ChatGPT can enter prompts to receive various written contents (media posts, articles, essays, emails, and code), images or videos which are created by artificial intelligence. 
Notion is an all-in-one workplace where you can not only think, plan, and organize, but also store all your ideas, notes, projects, assignments, personal documents,and business essentials.

There are hundreds of AI tools available on the internet. But all of them don’t have the potential to serve you as these following tools have. 

These following tools can help you in solving your grammatical mistakes, rewriting your content, creating new content, transcribing meetings, increasing your retention power, creating templates for your presentations and what not. 

Grammarly is a cloud-based AI typing assistant. It enables you to proofread and edit documents for spelling and grammar online on Outlook, MS Word, Google Docs, and pretty much everywhere you need to type. 

Look, no matter how careful you are, there will be grammatical issues in your assignments, documents, research papers, or presentations. 

In this case, Grammarly steps in as your own private writing wingman. It  has a built-in artificial intelligence system to analyze sentences which looks for potential improvements in your writings. 

Whether it’s about suggesting more appropriate synonyms for a word, correcting tense, fixing sentence structure, or offering a clearer sentence to increase the expression fluency, Grammarly is always there for you as your best AI mate.

Plus, It reviews clarity, engagement, punctuation, spelling, and delivery mistakes in your texts. 

Grammarly’s very own built-in plagiarism checker helps students to identify whether their contents are original or not.

And if you wanna make your writing sound like a professional one, Grammarly offers you different writing patterns to select from like professional, formal, academic, informal, standard and so on. 

Whenever you run a file on Grammarly or write with it, its cutting edge algorithms and AI system assesses each and every sentence and gives you proper feedback on how you can improve your piece of work. 

Thus, it becomes an amazing AI tool for students for tailoring their research papers, documents, assignments, presentations and improving their writing skills. 

  • Has a user friendly interface with fast responding design
  • Identifies most of the punctuation errors and misspelled words and suggests you corrections with detailed explanations
  • Allows you to select your audience, formality, domain, and intention for your writings
  • Highly accurate
  • Provides real-time checking
  • Offers diversity in writing styles such as creative, business, and academic writing
  • Seamless integration with most social media, browsers, and emails


  • Offline editing and proofreading not available
  • Suggestions are not 100% right sometimes
  • Built-in plagiarism checker is inefficient
  • Suggests wrong synonym suggestions for complex words at times
  • Limited contextual understanding
  • Slows down low-config laptop
  • Basic: Free
  • Premium: $12/month per user, billed annually
  • Business: $15/member/month, billed annually and $25 when billed monthly
  • Enterprise: Contact Grammarly to know the price.

Quilbot is an Ai-powered versatile and dynamic paraphrasing tool that helps you rephrase your sentences and paragraphs with ease. Consequently, you get a fresh perspective on your content. 

You can improve clarity, style or simply explore different ways to express ideas with Quilbot’s intuitive interface and powerful language processing capabilities.

With features like grammar checker, plagiarism checker, co-writer, summarizer, translator, and citation generator, you can elevate and refine your writing standards to another level while leaving the best impression on your assignments.  

Not only that, Quilbot lets you translate your writings in 45 different languages and there is more to come in the future. 

It also offers browser extensions which work perfectly with Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs. As a result, students don’t have to waste time on multiple applications for performing different tasks. 

  • Paraphrases writing and maintains the actual meaning
  • Offers synonyms for particular words during paraphrasing and summarizing different content
  • Identifies grammatical errors effectively
  • Summarizes thousands of words  in no time
  • Translates and paraphrases in multiple languages
  • Has a word limit of 125 words for paraphrasing and 1200 words for summarizing in the free version. 
  • Sometimes struggles rephrasing scientific and academic topics
  • Has a tendency to generate certain synonyms and paraphrases which may lead to vocabulary repetition
  • Character limitations on both free and premium version of Quilbot
  • Occasionally need manual intervention
  • Monthly: $9.95/month per user
  • Semi-Annual: $6.66/month ($39.95 billed for every 6 months) 
  • Annual: $4.17/month ($49.95billed for  every 12 months)

ChatGPT is a language model which is developed by OpenAI based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). It generates human-like text depending on the inputs that you provide through the command section.

ChatGPT uses GPT models (3.5 &4) and utilizes artificial intelligence to code computer programs, compose music, draft emails, summarize articles, presentations, or podcasts, script media posts, create blogs, quizzes for websites, create titles for your presentations, write video scripts and so on. 

You can also ask questions, seek clarifications or get explanations on different academic subjects. 

Planning for a project becomes hassle free as ChatGPT can provide you tips, guidance, and strategies such as how to study, how to proofread, what to practice, what  to include in your project, when to start , etc. 

Plus, by having a written conversation with ChatGPT you can improve your writing and communication ability.  

When working on a project or assignment, generating ideas, brainstorming and exploring various perspectives on a given topic becomes easier for you with the help of ChatGPT. 

It has the capability to handle tons of users simultaneously and access to vast amounts of data which is beneficial for providing insights and feedback.

However, You should not solely depend on ChatGPT, rather you must take advice from experts and advisors regarding your assignments, research papers or projects. 


  • Promptly answer your questions if you need immediate assistance with your writing
  • Provides you information while remembering your previous interactions 
  • Delivers follow-up answers and corrections until you are satisfied with the feedback
  • Can interact in multiple languages
  • Assists with coding, coding related questions, debugging, and explaining programming concepts
  • Limited knowledge
  • Biased responses based on what is fed into its program
  • Wrong data on complex and trending topics
  • Can’t understand the context occasionally
  • May provide responses which seem identical to the previous answer.
  • ChatGPT 3.5: Free
  • ChatGPT PLUS: $20/month for subscription is a tool that offers AI-powered transcription services. Primarily it converts spoken words into written text in real-time which makes it useful for various applications like note-taking, meeting transcription and content creation. 

Students can use for transcribing lectures, discussion or any spoken content so that they can review and reinforce the concepts later.

It is particularly beneficial for those students who can not cope up with the traditional note taking or have learning disabilities. 

Also, if you are done with manual note taking, this amazing AI tool can simply assist you to capture important information. can be accessible through mobile devices and web browsers. 

The tool supports manifold accents including American, Canadian, Chinese, Russian, British, German, Italian, Indian, Scottish, Swiss, Scandinavian, Irish, and others.

You can also connect Otter to your Microsoft or Google calendar and what it will do is it will automatically join your meetings and record your valuable collaboration on Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. 

  • Allows transcription for live meetings and media
  • Provides tools for your team collaboration to make the whole interaction efficient
  • Allows you to edit transcriptions to have a more accurate result.  
  • Sync files from Zoom cloud and Dropbox to keep your transcriptions organized
  • Can generate real-time summary 
  • Great support for calendar integrations
  • Occasionally struggles to recognize when a sentence ends
  • Inaccurate transcription of difficult audio assessments
  • Comparatively costlier than other transcription apps
  • Pro: $10/month per user
  • Business: $20/month per user
  • Enterprise: Contact for pricing

Knowji is an AI-powered vocabulary learning assistance which uses scientifically proven methodologies like spaced repetition to make you learn new words. 

With entertaining contents like cartoons, audio pronunciations, Illustrations, understandable definitions, instance sentences, etc, Knowji creates an efficient and engaging learning platform for students where they can enrich their vocabulary. 

In order to make sure you can keep each word and phrase in your long term memory, Knowji uses a built-in memory coach. 

It utilizes spaced repetition algorithms and brings back words that you often struggle to memorize. 

And ever heard of personalized learning experience? Yeah, Knowji also provides that to retain and learn information more efficiently. 

It can anticipate which word you are about to forget and trigger you to recall it so that you remember it for a longer period of time.

This is an excellent AI tool that increases your ability for long-term memory retention and ensures you remember everything without being bored.


  • Comes with multi-subject coverage such as mathematics, history, science, and more, making it suitable for all students
  • Provides interactive learning experience through games and activities to improve your learning and retention
  • Lets you learn at your own pace
  • Delivers data driven insights along with suggestions for potential improvements
  • No desktop version
  • Lack of diverse words list, particularly for specialized professional and academic usage
  • Depends largely on auditory cues and visual mnemonics, which may not be beneficial for students with disabilities.
  • May be a costlier option for some students
  • Apple Store: $9.99
  • Google Play store: N/A

Slidesgo is a website where you can get a variety of free PowerPoint templates and Google Slide themes for your presentations, projects, personal documents, assignments and so on. 

Moreover, downloading and using ready-made slides which cover a wide range of topics and designs is much more efficient with Slidesgo. 

Slidesgo might not be an AI-tool itself, but you can use its AI presentation maker and create eye-catching templates and slides. 

All you have to do is to think of a topic and select preferred style and tone. And that’s it. The AI presentation maker feature of Slidego will do the rest for you.

It lets you select between various design styles like simple, geometric, abstract, doodle, and elegant suitable for your slides and presentations. 

Also, you get to choose tones such as formal, professional, creative, and casual.

Slidesgo collaboration includes chatting, commenting and real-time editing and instead of starting from scratch, Slidesgo allows you to customize templates according to your needs. 

Thus, you can focus on the content of your presentation rather than being worried about the template’s design.

Moreover, Slidesgo offers 30 different infographics and its template is structured in a way that’s gonna help you in organizing content and saves you a lot of time.

  • Offers lots of amazing free templates to help you create content efficiently
  • User -friendly interface and straightforward integration 
  • Provides a Drag and Drop feature which makes the whole working process quick
  • Simplifies the process of exporting documents into various file formats like Audio, MP4, ONG, and JPG
  • 100% customizable templates
  • Limited number of free templates
  • Customizing may feel like a challenge for some users
  • Aggressive and unnecessary advertisement in the tool
  • Website may act slow occasionally
  • Basic: Free 5 downloads/month
  • Premium Plan: $23.99/year
  • Education plan: $13.99/year (available for education centres)

Fireflies ai

Use , a virtual meeting assistant to transcribe, summarize, analyze or search voice conversations. 

It is an AI-powered smart assistant which helps you take notes and complete actions like detect questions, tasks, metrics, commenting on certain topics, giving reactions to particular parts of the meetings and pinning out important quotes during meetings.

You can review hours of meetings in a few minutes saving your time for other academic works. 

You can also filter any key topic by its advanced AI powered system and find out any important topic that you might have missed during the meeting.

What about interacting with others? with its extraordinary integration with other platforms  like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, Team Webex, Ringcentral, Aircall, and many more,  lets you collaborate with your classmates seamlessly.

Plus, you can not only organize but also categorize information that has been discussed in the meeting by its sound bite feature.’s  tremendous conversation intelligence can track speaker sentiment, talk time, monologues,etc. But what’s the benefit? 

Well, this is particularly helpful for students when a complex concept or topic gets discussed by the speaker.

  • Allows you to  record meeting automatically at the exact scheduled date and time in the calendar
  • Provides transcription for audio files 
  • Can record calls, classes, and lectures in real time
  • Enables you to mark or highlight specific content from your lecture recording for later use
  • Transcription and recording issues for heavy files
  • May encounter complications during files and document search
  • Lack of translation options
  • Consumes much time for transcribing long conferences and calls
  • Pro: $18 per seat/month billed monthly and $10 per seat/month billed annually
  • Business: $29 per seat/month billed monthly and $19 per seat/month billed annually
  • Enterprise: Contact for custom one

Notion is an AI-powered versatile productivity tool where features like note-taking, collaboration with others, project management, transforming text, generating new content or templates, and automating simple tasks are combined into a single platform. 

It allows you to create documents, databases, wikis, and more, all within a unified workplace. Notion is basically known for its amazing flexibility where it enables users to customize their workplace based on their needs.

For  students like you and me, it is an extraordinary tool to organize notes in a hierarchical structure and create pages and subpages for different subjects, classes, or projects. 

As Notion supports various content types, including text, images, links, and multimedia, you can create rich and interactive notes. 

Also, working on group projects and sharing notes with your classmates, creating to-do lists, setting deadlines and tracking progress on assignments is much more efficient with the assistance of Notion and its roadmaps feature.

Notion has amazing integration capabilities with other tools like Trello and Google Calendar and you can access Notion  through desktop, web, and mobile app. 

Additionally, let’s not forget about its database features and Notion ai where Notion serves you as a personal assistant and knowledge base. 

You can ask any questions, create a database of resources, research materials and class information. 

But does it allow customization? Yep, it does. Notion’s flexible structure enables you to tailor your workplace. 

Whether it’s creating a dashboard or designing a special layout for projects, you have the freedom to customize in agreement with your requirements.

  • All In one workplace
  • Doesn’t require switching apps for your content update
  • Endless customizations for template creation
  • Lots of free templates for your project plans
  • Has a large community where you can share and gather new ideas for assignments and project plans
  • Lack of goal tracking option
  • Lack of reporting tool
  • Weak communication feature with other team members
  • No calendar functionality
  • Font customization unavailable
  • Plus: $8/user/month billed annually and $10 billed monthly
  • Business: $15/user/month billed annually and $18 billed monthly
  • Enterprise: Contact Notion for this one


WolframAlpha is not your typical search engine- it is an online computational engine which can answer factual queries, perform calculations, generate visualization, and provide access to vast amounts of curated data with the assistance of AI.

It is an excellent AI tool for students who want to enrich their learning capabilities and skills in solving different mathematical problems. 

To assist students, WolframAlpha’s built in algorithms, heuristics, and curated database helps to generate step-by-step solutions, analyze data, and create graphs for complex queries. This is specifically beneficial for students with a science background.

Not only that, it can provide information on a wide range of topics including geography, mathematics, chemistry, physics, history, music etc., students can use it as a quick reference tool to gather valuable info for their assignments and projects. 

WalframAlpha can also perform complex computations which includes data, algorithms, mathematical, and scientific concepts.

But can it solve coding problems? WolframAlpha might not solve your coding problems directly, it offers precious knowledge and information  by suggesting creators and official websites.  

You can explore manifold properties of programming languages through it and can compare different programming languages such as Wolfram language vs. APL. 

As Wolfram has mobile-optimized apps and also available through ChatGPT plus, it ensures user convenience. 

So, whether you are studying physics, chemistry, economics or other subjects, WolframAlpha is gonna help you throughout your academic year by providing computations, data analysis and relevant information.

  • Offers numerous topics for students and educators 
  • Step-by-step solutions for different complex topics.
  • Provides in-depth search tips to leverage your efficiency
  • Respond directly to your queries rather than suggesting you another source for the answers
  • Delivers visual representations (graphs charts) to help you grasp complex concept
  • Pro-level tools are inevident for use
  • Requires tricky phrasing
  • Can’t answer all of your questions due to the dependence on the in-built database
  • Pro: Per user $7.25/month
  • Pro premium: Per user $12/month

Google BARD

Google BARD with its AI-powered algorithms assists you in coding, getting new ideas, sparking creativity, solving different problems, translating languages, generating texts, writing content and more.

BARD is a conversational AI chat service by google which can function pretty similarly as the ChatGPT. It’s an experimental AI of Google. 

But whereas ChatGPt provides information from its vast in-built database, BARD delivers info from the web directly.As a result, you get much more accurate feedback from this tool. 

You can gather detailed information for your academic stuff, summarize articles or class notes to understand a bigger concept in no time,  manage your academic calendar and emails or even track any potential spelling and grammatical mistakes on your writings by operating this app properly. 

Plus, while generating unique titles for your projects and presentations or debugging or understanding a code, BARD can play a significant role.

That’s not all. For general support and motivation in maintaining schedule and  studies, you can ask BARD for study tips, time management tips and motivation to study or other stuff.

But you know what the fun part is? you can make BARD operate through voice command in 40 different languages and use it to collaborate with others. 

BARD also integrates with Google products like Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Search, and Google Maps which makes it more convenient for students and professionals. 

It is an extraordinary AI chatbot that helps any student to accelerate their productivity and overall academic well being.

  • Provides you accurate information through constant update
  • Delivers real-time information search for your needs due to internet access
  • Offers advanced generative capabilities (translation, coding, quick answering, and text generation)
  • Has better contextual understanding
  •  Provides human-like responses
  • Can analyze images and videos through integration with Google Lens


  • Less number of plugins
  • Biased responses depending on the prompts you feed it
  • Occasionally provide misleading and inaccurate information
  • As an experimental AI, sometimes give your incomplete responses
  • Can’t deliver detailed and comprehensive responses on complex topics
  • Free to use

Anki is a super smart flashcard app which helps you to remember stuff better with the assistance of AI and spaced repetition algorithms. 

Students who have lower memorization capabilities can use Anki to leverage their retention power. 

Anki is content-agnostic and supports different file formats such as JPG, PNG, MP3, MP4, GIF, etc. Plus, it provides free AnkiWeb synchronization service for keeping your flash card synced with multiple devices. 

Students can use this AI-tool for multiple purposes such as remembering geography, memorizing long poems, learning a language, recalling people’s names or faces, and studying for particular exams.

You can also make digital flashcards while customizing the card layout and  review timing. And as you evaluate those flashcards, Anki tracks your progress. 

If Anki thinks you are good at a specific card, that card pops up less than others. 

But, if you are not doing well with a particular card, Anki uses spaced repetition algorithms to show you that card at the right moment. 

As a result, your study time becomes more efficient. And you don’t just randomly cramp, rather you focus on what you actually need to learn.

However, excessive reliance on it may result in reduction of critical thinking and engagement.

  • Spaces out particular card reviews strategically and improves your memorization power
  • Offers active recall practice to improve retention and your neural connections
  • Provides adaptive learning based on your performance and focuses on concepts
  • Allows use of audio, video, scientific markup and images in flashcards for multisensory learning
  • Can handle 100000+ deck of cards
  • Syncing issues on multiple devices
  • Lack of contextual learning
  • Requires time to understand the interface and settings
  • Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android: Free
  • Ios: $24.99

What are the potential benefits of AI tools for students?

As you are well known of the best AI tools for your education and other purposes, let’s talk about the potential benefits of AI tools for students:

Personalized Learning

AI tools are like your personal learning assistants, getting to know your unique learning style, and learning pace. Artificial intelligence tools analyze how you learn best, whether it’s through visual, hand-on activities, or detailed explanations. 

And based on these preferences it provides you tailored content in the form of  practices, questions, or reading materials. It assists you as your study buddy who not only knows your favorite subjects but also understands exactly how you grasp concepts. 

This personalized touch to your learning experience can make you feel like all of these study materials are specially designed for you. 

Adaptive Feedback and Assessment

Imagine submitting a precious assignment, project, presentation, or practical and getting feedback in no time. Sounds impossible? No, it’s not. AI tools can make it happen seamlessly. They not just tell you how you are doing but also give you tips and tricks on where you can make possible improvement. 

For instance, you can take Grammarly. When you run your assignments or some type of writing in it, it instantly tells you about your grammatical errors, fluency, readability score, plagiarism, AI detection, and so on.

Time Efficiency

AI tools can be your time-management wizard, helping you make the most of your precious hours. How can they assist? Well, these tools can help you plan your schedule, sending timely reminders for assignments and tests, and even prioritizing tasks based on your preferences.

As a result, you have time for both your studies and activities that you enjoy. With AI tools, time management becomes a collaborative effort between you and your digital assistant. 

Data Analysis and Visualization

Artificial intelligence doesn’t just crunch numbers. It turns data into a visual story. Whether you’re dealing with scientific data, historical trends, or literary analysis, AI can transform your learning process by creating meaningful visualizations. 

Moreover, it can make the data more understandable and let you experience it in a way that you will feel like the complex concepts have to come to life.

Additionally, due to AI’s data-driven insights based on your academic performance, you can do better academic planning according to your strengths and weaknesses and achieve potential growth in a certain area. 

Collaborative learning

Picture yourself working on a project with your classmates, solving problems together, and sharing cool ideas. All these can also be possible with chatbots, virtual assistants, virtual collaboration, and interactive platforms which are powered by AI. 

Nowadays, with the help of AI tools the learning process is more engaging and dynamic which ultimately kibbles the indifference of consecutive study methods. 

Accessibility and Inclusivity

AI tools contribute to making education more accessible for students with diverse needs and disabilities. Text -to-speech, speech-to-text, and other assistive technologies like visual aids which operate with the help of Artificial Intelligence esure that educational resources are inclusive and cater to a wide range of learners. 

Innovative teaching methods

Virtual reality stimulation, interactive games, design thinking and so on are innovative teaching methods which are introduced to the students by AI. These immersive experiences make your studying not only informative but also enjoyable. 

With AI tools, education has become a dynamic journey filled with discovery and excitement that is ultimately transforming traditional learning into an engaging and interactive experience. 

Role of AI in the Future of Online Studies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is evolving day by day and today or tomorrow it will play a vital role in the platforms of online studies. It is  transforming the landscape of education in various ways. 

However, here are some key aspects of how AI is impacting and will continue to influence online education:

Adaptive Learning System

AI- driven adaptive learning platforms adjust the difficulty level of content based on your process. It is an evolving technology which will be more efficient in the future. 

As a result, you will be neither overwhelmed nor bored and online studies experience will be effective and engaging. 

Intelligent Tutoring System

AI can act like a virtual tutor while providing instant feedback, answering questions and offering additional resources to help you understand and master concepts. The day is not far when artificial intelligence will be added as your online tutor in online study programs.

Automated Grading and Assessment

With time the whole education process including the result publication, notice of any curriculum, form fill up of exams, etc are getting online. Here, AI powered systems assist in every part of the process. 

It automates the grading  of assignments and assessments, saving the educators time and allowing the institution for more immediate feedback to students. 

Also, the chatbots help you through the whole process and answer every question and provide explanations of terms that you are not acquainted with. 

Data Analysis for Decision Making

With the assistance of AI, it is now possible to analyze large datasets to identify trends and patterns in student performance through offline and online study programs. 

Using this information educators can make data-driven decisions like adjusting their teaching strategies or interventions for students who may be struggling. And this whole process will bring changes in the online and offline study programs in the future as well. 

Remote Proctoring

To stop students from cheating in online studies and exams, AI has provided remote proctoring during online exams. By doing so, Ai ensures the integrity of the assessment process by monitoring students for any sign of irregular behavior. 

Global Access to Education 

AI-powered online education can break down the geographical barrier. By contributing to more inclusive and accessible learning opportunities and providing quality education to individuals worldwide, AI can really make the future of online studies better and brighter. 

Final Words: Top 11 Educational AI Tools for College Students

That’s it for today, folks! Gradescope, Grammarly, Notion, Quilbot, ChatGPT, etc -aren’t just AI tools; they are the weapons of for acing assignments, improving your learning experience, staying organized, and unleashing your creativity. 

From personalized learning to amazing writing skills, AI tools can make your academic lives smoother and more exciting while assisting you in every step of your studies.

Look, I get that trying out new tools could feel like breaking out of the mold. But trust me, once you embrace the power of AI, there is no going back. It’s like upgrading your study game to the next level.


  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning (May 2023) by Office of Educational Technology
  • Role of Artificial Intelligence in Future of Education (January 2023) by Roopal Shrivastava
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education: Exploring the Potential Benefits and Risks (May 2023) by Mario Ayala-Pazmiño

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5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

1. ChatGPT - Best of Free AI Homework Tools

2. google bard - a great free ai tool for homework, 3. smodin - ai writing companion for students, 4. charley ai - proven homework tool for students, 5. air math - ai for math homework.

Are you tired of spending countless hours on homework only to feel stuck and frustrated? Well, say goodbye to those days of endless struggle because AI homework tools are here to revolutionize how you complete your assignments. These cutting-edge tools harness the power of artificial intelligence technology to provide personalized assistance, making your homework journey smoother than ever before.

Gone are the days of generic solutions and one-size-fits-all approaches. With the best AI tools, you'll receive tailored guidance that caters to your needs. Whether it's solving complex math queries or crafting compelling essays, these AI homework tools have got you covered.

Get ready to bid farewell to academic stress and embrace a new era of smarter studying with AI homework tools leading the way.

5 Best AI Homework and Assignment Writing Tools for Students (Free and Paid)

Google Bard

Regarding AI homework tools, ChatGPT is your new best friend. Need a quick fact check or explanation of a complex topic? No problem. It's like your own personal encyclopedia with an answer for nearly everything.

It's a user-friendly interface, and natural language processing with critical thinking capabilities are enormous for such a great AI content-writing tool. If you need help with any questions on academic subjects, ChatGPT will have detailed explanations for you in no time.

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

Why is ChatGPT one of the Best AI Homework Tools?

The Know-It-All: Need to know when World War II ended or why leaves change color in the fall? Well, ask anything to Chat GPT, and it will give you the best it can with the help of natural language processing.

Grammar Guru: Got an essay that needs a little polish? OpenAI’s ChatGPT can help catch any of those pesky grammatical mistakes and even help you find a better way to say what you mean.

Math Buddy: If numbers are your nemesis, don't worry. ChatGPT can tackle those math queries with advanced machine-learning algorithms. It can guide you through the steps and works as the best text-based answer generator.

Idea Incubator: If you're starting from scratch and need some inspiration for your essay or project, ChatGPT can help you brainstorm together until finding a topic that gets your creative juices flowing.

Language Companion: Trying to learn a new language? ChatGPT can translate phrases and even help you practice conversation in another language.

ChatGPT Pricing Plans

Free Plan: ChatGPT is a free version of the chatbot to get all your question answered.

Plus ($20/month): ChatGPT Plus plan does offer support for GPT-4 language model for better and faster output.

Google Bard is Google's public entry into the field of artificial intelligence chatbots, launched in early 2023 as an experiment based on a large conversational language model.

Unlike a traditional search engine, Bard is designed to be a "creative and helpful collaborator" that people may converse with using natural language.

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

How can Google Bard be particularly useful for homework?

Exploring Topics: Bard AI platform can help users explore topics or identify related items, books, or concepts, which could be beneficial in terms of research assignments.

Drafting and Simplifying Text: Bard can be used to draft emails, create outlines for various projects, and simplify, rephrase, or summarize the text. Bard could be useful for essay writing or report creation.

Problem-Solving: Google Bard has been updated to understand better and respond to prompts for multi-step word and math problems.

Logic and Programming: Bard's capabilities have expanded to include better handling of logic questions to improve academic performance and achieve higher grades.

Bard can be accessed from any browser while signing into a Google account. Once you've navigated to and signed in, you can use Bard by entering a prompt in the provided box and reviewing Bard's response.

Google Bard provides a wide range of options for any response, including the ability to follow up with an additional prompt, and offers a chat-like format for interactions. However, Bard is still a work in progress, and some logic questions have posed challenges for Bard.

Google’s Bard AI is currently only available in 180 countries, and adding some more periodically. Check this list of availability of Bard if you still need access to it via your Google account. Also, it only supports 3 languages now, which is a drawback of using Bard against ChatGPT.

Google Bard AI Pricing plan

Free Plan: Bard AI offers a free plan as its starting stage. But in the future, Google will introduce a paid premium plan to provide better services to its users. is an AI-powered platform designed to assist with homework completion. It is a comprehensive research tool, providing users with accurate and detailed information across various subjects.

The platform generates high-quality, structured text quickly, aiding in completing assignments efficiently and effectively. It can provide detailed answers to questions, making it a valuable study companion.

Over 3 million students trust Smodin AI across 30,000+ universities from 180+ countries.

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

How can Smodin help with homework?

ChatIn: The Smodin ChatIn feature is powered by ChatGPT AI technology and Google, letting you know precisely where this AI found the information.

Research: It can assist in research by providing complete and accurate results, which can help you quickly understand complex topics and save time.

Writing: You can write anything, anywhere, anytime. The tool provides high-quality, structured text complete with references and can generate any piece of text you need on any topic, making the writing process 10 times faster.

Answering Questions: can provide detailed answers to any questions you might have, which can be helpful when studying for tests or when you need to understand specific subject matter details.

Feedback and Grading: The platform offers instant feedback on improving any text, argument, or structure of a piece of writing. This feature could be handy for improving your writing skills over time and enhancing the quality of your homework.

Citations: Smodin Omni can automatically generate references in MLA and APA formats, making it easier to cite sources correctly in your assignments.

Plagiarism Prevention: The tool can help create original content and has plagiarism detectors to ensure the content is unique, which is crucial for maintaining academic integrity in your homework. Pricing Plans

Limited (Free Plan): This plan has limited words and a writing credit limit.

Essential ($10/month): You can write 20,000 words with 100 writing credits monthly. Smodin Essential plan is suitable for high-school students.

Productive ($29/month): Allows 100,000 words with 500 writing credits monthly. Best for long-from AI writing for any grade student.

Charley AI is an AI-powered application designed to assist with the writing process. It provides users with information to strengthen and make their sentences more relevant and engaging. Charley AI also has an editing feature to fix mistakes and improve essays easier, making it a valuable tool for writing better papers.

Over 250,000 students in academic writing trust this AI tool. It can generate plagiarism-free content in seconds with no grammatical errors.

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

What are the main features of Charley AI?

AI-Powered Essay Writing: Charley AI uses advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to create high-quality academic articles.

Customizable Templates: Various templates help structure complex questions based on specific writing needs.

Grammar and Style Suggestions: Real-time grammar suggestions and syntax offer well-written and polished academic compositions.

Research Assistance: This AI tool can identify the ideal topics for your academic writing and provides insightful information to get better grades.

Plagiarism Checker: A built-in plagiarism checker ensures the originality of AI writing and adherence to meet academic standards.

User-Friendly Interface: Charley AI's simple user interface is intuitive and easy for beginners.

Charley AI Pricing Plans

Mini Plan ($8.99/month): This plan is limited to 12,000 words per month and is suitable for occasional users.

Student Plan ($13.99/month): Allows 35,000 words monthly. Better for high-school students.

Ultimate Plan ($18.99/month): This plan is limited to 100,00 words per month and is suitable for professionals.

Air Math is an AI-powered, 24/7 math homework helper that assists students with math homework and test preparation. It can recognize and solve math problems, ranging from simple equations to complex words, by taking a photo on the mobile app.

The platform provides math solutions within seconds. However, it can only recognize and solve one problem at a time from a single image upload.

5 Best AI Homework Tools for Students in 2023

How complex math problems can Air Math solve with AI?

AI-Powered Solver: Air Math uses AI technology to recognize and solve math problems. This can include anything from simple equations to complex word queries. The AI can interpret a problem from a screenshot or photo, turn it into an equation, and provide a solution.

Wide Range of Topics Covered: It can solve a wide array of math problems. It covers topics from basic math to differential equations. The help with geometry, precalculus, and algebra has never been this easy.

1:1 Live Chat with Tutors: If the AI-provided solutions are insufficient, you can use the 1:1 live chat service with expert tutors. They can guide you 24/7 with detailed explanations for your math queries.

Convenience Across Devices: This AI tool is available as a mobile app and a Chrome extension. It allows you to switch between devices while working on their mathematical queries seamlessly. Questions and solutions can be linked automatically from the web to the mobile app, ensuring the user's study session continuity.

User-Friendly Interface: The design of this tool is easy to navigate. So you can screenshot or snap a photo of the math query, and the app or extension will take care of the rest.

Air Math Pricing Plans

Free Plan: This tool is free to use but has ticket-based transactions. They have Search, Question, and Writing tickets type. You can earn more tickets by referring to this excellent tool for friends, families, and the outer world.

Tickets: The tickets refill plans start from $19.99 a month if you have more queries to solve.

Pass: Pass for Air Math starts from $29.99 a month for unlimited search tickets and some question tickets.

To learn more about Air Math pricing, visit the AI:R Math app on Apple Store .

AI homework tools have the potential to revolutionize the education landscape. By leveraging artificial intelligence, these tools can significantly impact how students complete their homework assignments.

The future outlook for AI tools for homework is promising as they continue to evolve and shape the education landscape positively. With their personalized assistance, instant feedback, and time-saving capabilities, these tools can potentially enhance student's learning experiences. Educators can embrace AI tools as valuable assets in supporting student achievement by addressing concerns and leveraging real-life examples of success.

What is the AI app that helps with homework?

ChatGPT is a free revolutionary artificial intelligence tool that can help with homework like essay writing, solving math queries, and more. OpenAI developed this AI homework helper, and it's trendy. Many AI tools were developed over the same GPT language models, like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, that ChatGPT uses.

What is the AI tool for math problems?

Air Math is a great AI tool for solving mathematical queries. You can ask for help with your questions about algebra, geometry, precalculus, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, discrete mathematics, and finite mathematics.

Is Google Bard better than ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is far better than Google Bard as of June 2023, as Bard is still in the AI models training phase and generates wrong answers sometimes. But Google Bard is a lot quicker in generating responses to your queries than the GPT-3.5 version.

Check out Best AI Essay Writer for academic writing.

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Rishit Patel

Sun Jun 18 2023

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10 Educational AI Tools for Students in 2024

Senior Content Marketing Manager

May 14, 2024

AI tools for students are becoming indispensable, from harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to refining writing nuances to getting instantaneous feedback on presentations. 

And the best part? Many of these groundbreaking AI writing tools are not just reserved for the elite—they are accessible and affordable, making them a boon for nonprofits and individuals on a budget. 

Whether you’re looking to craft impeccable essays or master the art of communication, dive in as we explore the top 10 AI-powered tools of 2024 tailored for your academic success.

What Are AI Tools For Students?

How students can best use ai, 2. quillbot, 3. gradescope, 4., 7., 9. smart sparrow, 10. wolfram alpha.

Avatar of person using AI

AI tools for students refer to various software and applications that utilize artificial intelligence to assist, enhance, or streamline the academic journey. Unlike conventional digital tools, AI-driven tools adapt, predict, and personalize learning experiences based on each student’s individual needs and patterns.

Here’s a breakdown of what they offer:

  • Personalized learning: Every student is unique, and the best AI-powered tool can recognize this. They adapt to each student’s pace, learning style, and preferences to deliver tailored content, be it in the form of reading material, quizzes, or tutorials
  • Instant feedback: Artificial intelligence education tools can analyze assignments, presentations, and projects, providing real-time feedback. This immediate response helps students understand their areas of improvement without waiting for teacher evaluations
  • Productivity enhancements: From organizing study schedules to setting reminders for assignment deadlines, AI tools are equipped to aid students in time management and organization, ensuring they stay on top of their academic tasks
  • Interactive learning: AI tools often come with chatbots, virtual assistants, and interactive platforms that make learning engaging and dynamic, breaking the monotony of traditional study methods.
  • Data-driven insights: These tools collect and analyze data based on a student’s performance, giving insights into strengths, weaknesses, and potential growth areas, aiding in better academic planning
  • Accessibility and Inclusivity: Many AI tools now offer features that make learning accessible for students with disabilities. From voice-to-text functionalities to visual aids, artificial intelligence ensures that education remains inclusive

AI can potentially transform a student’s learning trajectory, but the key lies in effectively harnessing its power. Here’s how students can make the most of AI:

  • Setting clear goals: Begin with a clear understanding of what you wish to achieve using SMART goals . Are you looking to improve your essay-writing skills, seeking help with math problems, or aiming to organize your study routine better?
  • Blend traditional with technological: AI tools offer unprecedented advantages but’re most effective when combined with traditional learning methods. For instance, after receiving feedback from an AI-powered writing tool, discuss it with a teacher or peer for additional insights
  • Engage in interactive learning: Use AI-driven interactive platforms, such as chatbots or virtual tutors. These platforms provide real-time engagement, making complex topics easier to grasp and retain
  • Analyze and adapt: Many AI tools provide data-driven insights about your learning patterns. Regularly review these analytics to understand your strengths and areas needing attention
  • Ensure data privacy: While using any AI tool, especially those requiring personal data or academic records, ensure that the platform respects user privacy
  • Stay open to feedback: One of the hallmarks of AI tools is instant feedback. Critiques, suggestions, or recommendations provided by these tools aim to enhance your skills and understanding
  • Stay curious: AI is a fascinating domain with limitless potential. Dive deep, explore its intricacies, and stay curious about how machine learning, neural networks, or natural language processing can further bolster your academic journey

10 Best AI Education Tools in 2024

In 2024, the educational landscape has been transformed by a slew of advanced AI-driven platforms. Here’s a curated list of the 10 best AI education tools leading the charge and revolutionizing learning experiences for students globally.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital tools, ClickUp has emerged as a front-runner, not just as a conventional project management tool for students but also as an AI-driven powerhouse tailored for student success. Combining the best of organizational features with the prowess of ClickUp Brain , ClickUp is redefining how students approach tasks, projects, and group collaborations.

With ClickUp’s education project management software , students can break down assignments into individual steps, which makes daunting projects more digestible, and then rank those tasks based on urgency and importance so they can focus on what matters most.

ClickUp’s collaborative tools turn group assignments from chore to joy thanks to real-time editing, advanced commenting features, and ClickUp Chat. ClickUp’s AI tools offer productivity analysis that suggests areas of improvement and optimizes your study routine.

ClickUp’s AI Writer and AI Knowledge Manager can help students summarize key information quickly, which is great for analyzing research papers or learning new topics. Using the AI Writer, students can also learn how to write better. They can see examples of good writing and get intelligent tips on improving their own work.

In a nutshell, ClickUp isn’t just another project management tool; it’s a holistic AI platform tailored to fit the unique demands of student life. By leveraging its powerful AI Writer and the intelligence of its AI Knowledge Manager, students can pave the way for academic excellence and a future of seamless project execution.

ClickUp best features

  • With ClickUp Tasks, students can organize assignments, projects, and other academic endeavors into manageable chunks
  • Automate routine tasks and set up workflows to streamline processes
  • All ClickUp Docs , discussions, and tasks are in one place, eliminating the hassle of toggling between multiple apps
  • ClickUp seamlessly integrates with various other tools and platforms that students commonly use, like Google Calendar, Drive, and even note-taking apps
  • Depending on a student’s preference, they can visualize tasks and projects as a list, on a Kanban-style board, or on a calendar, offering flexibility in project management styles
  • Monitor the time spent on different tasks or projects to ensure efficient time allocation
  • Never miss a deadline with ClickUp’s robust reminder system. Plus, get yourself organized with the ClickUp Class Schedule and Time Study Template
  • With AI enhancements, ClickUp adapts to a student’s work pattern, offering personalized suggestions and insights

ClickUp limitations

  • Some users have mentioned that while ClickUp is robust and feature-rich, it can initially come across as overwhelming, especially for those new to project management tools
  • While ClickUp’s desktop interface is widely appreciated, a few users have pointed out that the mobile app experience could be more streamlined

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever
  • Unlimited : $7/month per user
  • Business : $12/month per user
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing
  • ClickUp Brain: Available on all paid plans for $5/Workspace member/month

ClickUp ratings and reviews

  • G2 : 4.7/5 (2,000+ reviews)
  • Capterra : 4.7/5 (2,000+ reviews)

Quillbot Dashboard

In an age where crisp, clear, and precise communication is paramount, QuillBot emerges as a beacon for students. A revolutionary AI tool for note-taking , QuillBot is specifically designed to enhance the quality and versatility of written content. 

Its intuitive interface and advanced algorithms make it a must-have for students striving for writing excellence. 

QuillBot acts as a second pair of eyes, helping students refine and elevate the standard of their written assignments and ensuring they make the best impression. Students can significantly expedite the editing and proofreading process with instantaneous suggestions and corrections, saving valuable time.

Knowing that their work has been reviewed and enhanced by a sophisticated AI-powered tool, students can confidently submit their assignments.

Over time, as students continually engage with QuillBot’s suggestions, they can organically improve their writing skills and internalize better writing habits. With its blend of advanced features and user-friendly design, it’s no surprise that many in the academic realm consider Quillbot an essential asset in their writing toolkit.

Quillbot best features

  • QuillBot offers a handy browser extension and integrates smoothly with platforms like Google Docs and Microsoft Word
  • Students can input sentences or paragraphs and receive alternative versions that retain the original meaning but use different phrasing
  • QuillBot offers many modes, including Standard, Fluency, Creative, and more, catering to various writing needs. Each mode provides a different spin on the content, allowing students to find the tone and style that best suits their work.
  • QuillBot can suggest synonyms for specific words, aiding students in diversifying their vocabulary and enhancing the richness of their content
  • Beyond restructuring sentences, QuillBot offers suggestions to correct grammar mishaps and enhance sentence fluency, ensuring that students’ work is both accurate and articulate

Quillbot limitations

  • Though QuillBot is adept at paraphrasing, there are instances where it might not fully grasp or retain the nuanced context of specific sentences, leading to suggestions that might be off-mark. For this reason, some people may prefer a Quillbot alternative
  • QuillBot offers both free and premium versions. Some students have noted that the free version, while useful, has limitations regarding word count and access to all features. This might necessitate an upgrade for those requiring extensive use.
  • On occasion, QuillBot might lean towards certain synonyms or phrasings more than others, leading to potential vocabulary repetition if not double-checked
  • For very intricate or specialized sentences, especially those related to specific academic or scientific topics, QuillBot might occasionally struggle to provide a satisfactory rephrase

Quillbot pricing

  • Premium: $19.95/month per user

Quillbot ratings and reviews

  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (100+ reviews)

Gradescope Dashboard

Grading and assessment, traditionally time-consuming and often subjective, have been given a 21st-century facelift with the introduction of Gradescope. This AI-enhanced platform has been specifically designed to streamline the grading process for instructors and provide valuable feedback for students.

With the detailed rubrics used in Gradescope, students clearly understand how they’re assessed, minimizing subjectivity and promoting fairness. Since instructors can grade similar answers in batches, students are ensured consistent feedback, even in large classes.

The efficiency of Gradescope means that instructors can grade assignments faster, leading to quicker feedback for students. The direct annotations on assignments allow students to see exactly where they excelled or where they need improvement, facilitating better understanding and growth.

Gradescope, with its blend of AI enhancement and user-centric design, is transforming the landscape of academic assessments. For students, it’s not just about receiving grades but gaining a clearer, more transparent insight into their academic progress and areas of growth.

Gradescope best features

  • Gradescope allows instructors to create detailed rubrics, ensuring that grading criteria are consistent and transparent. Once a rubric is set for a particular answer, it can be applied to similar answers, speeding up the process
  • The platform provides an easy-to-use interface where assignments can be scanned and uploaded. It supports various formats, making it versatile for different types of assessments
  • Instructors can provide specific feedback and annotations directly on the submitted work
  • Gradescope can analyze assignments to detect potential similarities with other submissions, helping uphold academic integrity
  • Gradescope can integrate seamlessly with popular LMS platforms, ensuring that grades and feedback are easily accessible to students

Gradescope limitations

  • For educators unfamiliar with the platform, setting up assignments and rubrics on Gradescope can take some time initially. It requires understanding the platform’s unique grading methodology and interface
  • If students’ written answers (for scanned assignments) are not clear or legible, the platform can struggle to identify and categorize them correctly, which can sometimes affect the grading process
  • While Gradescope’s AI-assisted grading is revolutionary, it works best for specific question types. More subjective or open-ended responses might not benefit as much from the batch grading feature
  • While Gradescope aims to integrate with many Learning Management Systems, occasional syncing issues or discrepancies might arise, requiring manual intervention

Gradescope pricing

  • Basic: $1/month per user
  • Team: $3/month per user
  • Solo: $3/month per user

Gradescope ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.1/5 (6+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (3+ reviews)

Check out these AI calendar tools ! Dashboard

In today’s fast-paced academic world, where lectures, seminars, and group discussions are the norm, having a tool to capture, transcribe, and analyze spoken content can be invaluable. Enter, a cutting-edge AI-powered transcription service that’s been a game-changer for countless students. 

By converting speech to text in real-time, doesn’t just transcribe; it transforms how students interact with auditory content. With, students can capture every word of a lecture, ensuring that no important detail is missed. Without the pressure of note-taking, students can be more present during lectures, focusing on understanding and internalizing content.

Transcriptions can be a valuable study aid, helping students review and revise their course content more effectively. For students with disabilities or non-native speakers, having a written transcript can immensely benefit comprehension. stands out as a stellar AI tool, perfectly poised to meet the multifaceted needs of students. Whether revisiting complex lecture topics, collaborating on group projects, or ensuring that no spoken word gets missed, is a student’s trusty companion in the academic journey. best features

  • can transcribe lectures, meetings, and conversations in real time, allowing students to focus on listening and engaging rather than frantic note-taking
  • Even in group settings, the platform can identify and differentiate between various speakers, ensuring that transcriptions are clear and organized
  • Transcriptions are easily searchable, allowing students to quickly locate specific topics, phrases, or sections of a lecture
  • can integrate with various platforms, like Zoom, to directly transcribe online lectures and meetings
  • The tool allows users to add custom vocabulary, ensuring that industry or subject-specific jargon is transcribed accurately
  • Transcriptions are securely stored in the cloud, ensuring that they’re easily accessible from any device
  • Students can effortlessly share their transcriptions with peers, making collaborative study sessions or group projects more efficient limitations

  • Even though is one of the best in its field, no transcription service is flawless. Mispronunciations, heavy accents, or background noise can occasionally lead to transcription errors
  • For real-time transcription, a stable internet connection is crucial. A weak or fluctuating connection could disrupt the service
  • While the free version is useful, it comes with a monthly transcription limit, which might be restrictive for students with heavy usage pricing

  • Basic : Free
  • Pro : $10/month per user
  • Business : $20/month per user
  • Enterprise : Contact for pricing ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.0/5 (100+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (60+ reviews)

Knowji Dashboard

In the domain of language learning and vocabulary enhancement, Knowji stands out as a shining star. This AI-driven app combines the strengths of cognitive science, pedagogical principles, and cutting-edge technology to offer a unique learning experience. 

Tailored specifically for students, Knowji seeks to transform the often daunting task of vocabulary building into an engaging and productive endeavor. Through visual mnemonics and spaced repetition, Knowji ensures that vocabulary is learned and retained for the long term.

The app’s interactive interface and rich visual and auditory content make vocabulary learning more engaging and less tedious. The AI-driven adaptability ensures that students aren’t overwhelmed or under-challenged, making their learning journey more efficient and rewarding.

With contextual sentences, students gain a deeper understanding of how each word fits into everyday language.

Knowji isn’t just another vocabulary app; it’s a holistic learning ecosystem. With its fusion of AI technology, cognitive science principles, and pedagogical insights, Knowji positions itself as an indispensable tool for students aiming to expand their linguistic horizons.

Knowji best features

  • The audio features instill confidence in students, ensuring they can pronounce new words correctly
  • The student progress tracking features allow students to set and achieve vocabulary goals, giving them a clear sense of direction and accomplishment
  • Based on individual student progress and performance, Knowji’s AI algorithms adapt to provide learners with tailored content, ensuring they are always challenged at the right level
  • To provide context, words are paired with example sentences, helping students understand their practical application
  • Knowji uses the principles of spaced repetition, presenting words at optimal intervals to ensure long-term retention

Knowji limitations

  • Knowji’s vocabulary lists are curated for certain age groups and exam preparations. Some users might find the need for more advanced or diverse word lists, especially for specialized academic or professional usage
  • The app heavily relies on visual mnemonics and auditory cues. Students who don’t resonate with these learning styles might find other methods more effective
  • The rich visual and auditory content, while beneficial for learning, might consume a significant amount of device memory, especially if multiple-word lists are downloaded
  • No desktop version

Knowji pricing

  • Varies by module. Visit the Apple Store or Google Play Store for pricing

Knowji ratings and reviews

  • Capterra: N/A

OpenAI Dashboard

In the bustling world of artificial intelligence, OpenAI emerges as one of the industry’s foremost leaders. With its commitment to ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity, OpenAI has released a suite of tools and platforms with immense potential for academic arenas. 

OpenAI’s offerings can be revolutionary for students, ushering in a new era of research, understanding, and knowledge dissemination. OpenAI’s extensive library of research papers and studies serves as a valuable reservoir of knowledge for students.

Language models like GPT can assist in drafting, editing, and even brainstorming, enhancing students’ writing and research capabilities.

OpenAI isn’t just a name in the AI industry; it’s a beacon of student progress, innovation, and responsible growth. For students, it presents a golden opportunity to be part of the AI revolution, ensuring they’re equipped, enlightened, and empowered for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

OpenAI best features

  • Natural language processing makes it easy for students to get answers simply by typing in a question
  • Students can use Dall-E to create artwork for their presentations
  • OpenAI can adjust its tone, language, and sentence structure to fit the level of understanding a student has of the subject

OpenAI limitations

  • Even though OpenAI emphasizes ethical AI, students need to be cautious and educated about the potential misuse of such powerful tools, especially in academic settings, to prevent plagiarism or misrepresentation
  • Some of OpenAI’s advanced models, like the larger versions of GPT, demand significant computational resources for training, which might be out of reach for the average student

OpenAI pricing

  • Depends on the model used and a number of words produced. Visit OpenAI for pricing

OpenAI ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.7/5 (300+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.4/5 (20+ reviews) Dashboard

Navigating the digital age, students consistently search for tools to streamline their learning process and enhance productivity. Enter—a groundbreaking AI solution that magically transforms voice notes into refined, publish-ready text. Whether you’re a student drafting a research paper, pondering over a challenging essay topic, or simply brainstorming ideas, is here to redefine your content creation experience. 

Using, you can draft papers, memos, and emails in a fraction of the usual time, enhancing productivity. The tool makes it easy to navigate from vague ideas to coherent, publish-ready text effortlessly.

The tool’s adaptability to individual writing styles ensures the output reflects your authentic voice. Whether you’re verbalizing an email, text, or a blog post, is your one-stop solution. best features

  • With tagging, your notes are always accessible and well-organized
  • The multilingual feature ensures non-native English speakers can equally benefit
  • Add in your specific vocabulary—perfect for proper nouns or academic terms
  • Whether you’re going for a casual email vibe or aiming for crystal clear precision, can adapt its writing style. There’s even an option for a customized style that mirrors your unique voice
  • The AI is designed to weed out filler words, repetitive phrases, and any incoherent segments, giving you concise and meaningful content
  • Web and mobile app availability ensures easy access from any device, anytime
  • It comes with a handy AI Chrome extension limitations

  • The transcription time for the free version can feel limiting
  • This is a very new app, so some bugs remain. However, the developer is responsive to feature requests and concerns pricing

  • Price: $75/year per user ratings and reviews

Brainly Dashboard

Brainly is kind of like academic Reddit. Powered by students, experts, and academics around the globe, its database now boasts more than 250 million answers to every question under the sun.

Developed in collaboration with OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology, Brainly’s latest AI capabilities employ its vast knowledge base to furnish a more vibrant, tailored, and efficient learning journey.

Brainly’s enhanced features make AI-powered learning tools conveniently accessible, empowering students to seek homework assistance, enrich their subject comprehension, and bridge classroom knowledge gaps.

Brainly’s mission is clear: to bolster understanding and accelerate learning in this dynamic digital age.

Brainly best features

  • Learners can now opt for a “Simplify” function for straightforward explanations or “Expand” for a more thorough breakdown of topics. This allows students to customize the depth of their learning based on their individual needs
  • Students can now ask follow-up questions or request detailed explanations on previous responses
  • To ensure the reliability of information, Brainly incorporates expert moderators who oversee content quality
  • Beyond just finding answers, Brainly provides a platform for students to discuss, debate, and delve deeper into topics with peers from around the world
  • To encourage participation and consistent learning, Brainly has incorporated gamification elements like points and ranks
  • Brainly’s search functionality uses AI to deliver the most relevant answers, making the quest for information efficient

Brainly limitations

  • Since a significant portion of Brainly’s content is user-generated, there can be occasional discrepancies in the quality and accuracy of answers. While the platform does employ moderation, the vast number of contributions can lead to some incorrect or suboptimal answers slipping through
  • Even though Brainly operates in multiple languages and regions, the quality of content can sometimes vary across these languages, leading to discrepancies in the information available to students from different countries
  • Some of Brainly’s premium features are behind a paywall, which might not be accessible to all students

Brainly pricing

  • Plus: $24/year per user

Brainly ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.0/5 (13+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (20+ reviews)

Smart Sparrow Dashboard

Rooted in the mission of crafting unparalleled digital learning experiences, Smart Sparrow specializes in adaptive, simulative, and gamified learning environments. They are your partners in bringing visions to life, offering services from strategic consulting to custom software development.

Smart Sparrow uniquely marries the power of AI with the elegance of design.The editable templates and an extensive component library ensure that designing visually-rich, interactive courseware is a breeze.

With granular user permissions, collaborate on courseware creation with peers, colleagues, and external vendors.

Whether you deploy through your preferred Learning Management System or use Smart Sparrow’s platform, there’s flexibility at every step. Plus, with gradebook sync, keeping track becomes easier.

Smart Sparrow isn’t just another eLearning platform; it’s a movement towards more personalized, engaging, and innovative education technology. With its myriad features and a strong emphasis on user experience, it truly embodies the future of digital learning.

Smart Sparrow’s best features

  • The platform boasts a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) authoring tool, allowing educators and students to create stunning and impactful eLearning experiences effortlessly
  • With rich text editing, high-fidelity media import, and custom CSS, the potential for personalization is boundless
  • The built-in Analytics and reports go beyond mere grades, offering deep insights into student learning patterns, pinpointing problem areas, and understanding how students navigate and interact with content
  • From dragging and dropping elements, choosing from a vast array of interactive components, and customizing lesson plans, Smart Sparrow ensures a seamless digital journey
  • Create personalized lesson plans that students love. Import rich simulations, tasks, and activities that propel students to lean in and engage actively

Smart Sparrow limitations

  • The vast array of features and customization options can be initially overwhelming for users unfamiliar with eLearning authoring tools. It might take some time for educators, especially those less tech-savvy, to get comfortable navigating and maximizing the platform’s potential
  • Although Smart Sparrow boasts LMS integration capabilities, users may face occasional hiccups or compatibility issues when syncing with certain Learning Management Systems
  • Depending on the institution’s budget, the range of features and advanced capabilities might come at a price point that could be challenging for smaller institutions or individual educators
  • While the platform is mobile and tablet-ready, the experience on these devices might not always be as seamless or intuitive as on a desktop, especially when accessing more complex simulations or activities

Smart Sparrow pricing

  • Up to 5 learners: Free
  • Up to 100 learners: $15/user per course
  • Up to 500 learners: $12/user per course
  • 500+ learners: Contact Smart Sparrow for pricing

Smart Sparrow ratings and reviews

Wolfram Alpha Dashboard

The education landscape has experienced a paradigm shift with the advent of digital tools. Amidst a plethora of online resources, Wolfram Alpha stands out as an unparalleled computational knowledge engine. 

Designed to serve both students and professionals, it goes beyond simple search to offer answers to complex questions across multiple disciplines. Wolfram Alpha’s unique approach to online search is what sets it apart. Unlike traditional search engines that pull up web pages containing possible answers, Wolfram Alpha computes answers on the fly. This means students get direct and precise answers to specific questions, ranging from mathematical equations to historical data.

Whether you’re a history buff, a budding physicist, or a math enthusiast, Wolfram Alpha has you covered. It spans mathematics, science, engineering, geography, history, and music. Instead of just offering answers, Wolfram Alpha often provides additional information and related topics, encouraging students to explore further and satisfy their curiosity.

Wolfram Alpha is more than just a search engine. It’s a student’s companion in the journey of knowledge. Its computational prowess and extensive knowledge base ensure that students are not merely searching but truly understanding.

Wolfram Alpha’s best features

  • The engine understands natural language, which means students don’t need to phrase questions in a specific technical format
  • With dedicated apps for both iOS and Android, this virtual learning assistant is not confined to a desktop. Whether on a bus or in a cafe, students can have the vast computational power of Wolfram Alpha right in their pocket
  • Numbers and data come alive with Wolfram Alpha’s dynamic visualization capabilities. Graphs, charts, and other visual representations help students grasp complex concepts more intuitively.
  • For students grappling with math problems, Wolfram Alpha doesn’t just provide the answer but can also showcase a step-by-step breakdown of the solution, aiding in understanding and learning

Wolfram Alpha limitations

  • While Wolfram Alpha can handle a wide range of questions, there’s a learning curve involved in phrasing complex queries to get the desired result
  • It might not be the go-to tool for subjective topics, opinion-based questions, or areas that require human judgment
  • For highly specialized academic or research-based questions, the platform might sometimes provide a more generalized answer, which might not delve into the nuances a student or researcher might be looking for

Wolfram Alpha pricing

  • Basic: Free
  • Pro: $7.25/month per user
  • Pro Premium: $12/month per user

Wolfram Alpha ratings and reviews

  • G2: 4.7/5 (3+ reviews)

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AI for Essay Writing — Exploring Top 10 Essay Writers

Sumalatha G

Table of Contents

Let’s admit it — essay writing is quite a challenging task for students. Especially with the stringent deadlines, conducting research, writing , editing, and addressing to-and-fro reviews — consumes a whole lot of time and often becomes stressful. Therefore, students are always on the lookout for tools that speed up the essay writing process.

And that’s when AI writing tools make their debut! Using the best AI for essay writing makes the lives of students much easier by automatically generating the essay for them.

The rise in the popularity of artificial intelligence technology and deep learning has paved the way for the numerous AI writer tools available today. To help you understand the different types of AI tools and their benefits, we’ve uncovered the features of the top 10 AI essay generators in this article.

Let’s explore the tools and learn how they are transforming the tedious task of essay writing!

What is essay writing?

Essay writing is a part of academic writing that emphasizes formulating an idea or argument. The main objective of academic essay writing is to present a well-reasoned argument or idea. Evidence, analysis, and interpretation are the three major components of essay writing . It should have a logical structure to support the argument or idea of the essay so that it communicates clearly and concisely.

What is an AI essay writer?

AI essay writers is a tool that is designed to help students generate essays using machine learning techniques. They can be used to generate a full essay or generate a few parts of the essay, for example, essay titles, introduction, conclusion, etc.

Why should researchers use AI essay generators?

There are infinite benefits to using AI tools for writing unique essays, especially for researchers or students. Here are a few of them —

1. Saves time

Using best AI for essay writing has its own benefits. Students can take care of the research process while these AI tools write the essays for them. Be it an essay topic or a full-length essay generation, it saves a bunch of students' time.

2. Boosts productivity

Writing is a tedious task especially when you want to write an essay about a novel topic, that writer’s block starts haunting and your productivity gets affected. But, with AI, it’s the other way around and increases productivity by quickly generating the essays for you.

3. Enhances writing skills — Vocabulary and Style

Adopting the best AI essay writing AI tool not only help with creating essays but also help us hone our writing skills by giving proper suggestions about grammar, sentence structure, tone, style, and word choice.

4. Reduces stress

Students often undergo a lot of pressure and stress because of deadlines and submissions. With the best AI essay generator, they help you write essays smarter thereby reducing stress and fear in no time.

5. Facilitates multidisciplinary research

AI essay writing tools foster interdisciplinary study through their ability to scan and combine knowledge from multiple domains. That way, it helps us quickly get a grasp of new subjects or topics without a heavy-lifting process.

6. Cost-effective

Most of the AI essay writing tools have lower pricing and also allow certain discounts for students. So, it is also a cost-effective approach to use AI writing tools.

The Top AI Essay Writing Tools and Their Features

Several AI essay writers are available based on the types of essays one would want to generate. Now, let's quickly understand the top 10 AI writing tools that generate essays within just a few minutes.



It is one of the best AI for essay writing that not only creates an essay but also comes up with advanced features including plagiarism detection, auto-referencing, and contextual analysis. As a result, it generates coherent essays that are well-researched and properly cited. It is best recommended for creating academic essays and essay outlines.

How does PerfectEssayWriter work?

  • Pick the right tool for your purpose — Go with an essay writer if you want to generate a full essay or choose the essay outliner if you want to create just the outline of the essay.
  • Enter your specific conditions and preferences. Add essay topic, academic level, essay type, number of pages, and special instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate” and wait for the result
  • Once you have the essay generated, you can review, edit, or refine it and then download it.
  • Generates a large chunk of data up to 2000 words
  • Output is provided within 90 seconds
  • Provides a plethora of other tools like Citation generator, grammar checker, thesis statement generator, and more
  • Comes with 10+ essay writing templates
  • Subscription-based and not a free tool
  • Human review is a mandate

2. Essaybot - Personalized AI writing


Essaybot is the product of a reputed online essay-writing service, MyPerfectWords. It is meant to enhance academic essay writing and streamline the tasks of students. Its user friendly website makes it an instant and hassle-free essay generation saving a lot of time and effort for students.

How does Essaybot work?

  • Enter the essay title or topic
  • Click on “start writing” and wait for it to generate a well-reasoned essay.
  • The tools come for free
  • No sign-up is required
  • 100% unique and High-quality output
  • Very limited features that lack advanced functionalities


FreeEssayWriter is an organization that provides essay-writing services to students worldwide. It has an AI essay typer tool — that helps you generate essays instantly. What sets this essay typer apart is its initiative to help students with their free essay writer providing the students with a 2-page free essay.

How does work?

It works similarly to Essaybot, input the title or the topic of your essay and wait for it to generate the essay. They also have an option to edit and download a free version of the generated essay instantly.

  • Provides high-quality essays and is considered to be one of the reliable and trusted sources of information
  • Students can improve their writing skills and learn more about essays by referring to their free essay database or sources
  • Priority customer support is available 24*7
  • The site is not optimized for mobile devices
  • The quality of the essay output could still be improved

4. MyEssayWriter


This AI essay writing tool is no exception in terms of generating a high-quality essay. You can generate essays for various topics depending on the background of your research study. Be it academic or non-academic essay writing, this tool comes in handy.

How does MyEssay Writer work?

Add your preferences and then click on generate. It will give you a high-quality and 100% unique essay crafted based on your requirements.

  • The tool comes for free — no subscription is required
  • Knows for its consistency in the quality and the tone of the essay output
  • Also has a paid custom writing service that provides human-written essays
  • Might not provide quality output for complex and technical-based keywords or topic

5. College Essay AI


College essay AI stands unique as an ai writing tool as it not only uses an AI-based algorithm to generate essays but it also backs up the output as it is reviewed and approved by a team of professional experts. It is the best AI essay writing tool for college and graduate students where the output adheres to the graduate students' essay writing guidelines.

How does the College Essay AI generator work?

  • Input the required information — essay topic, academic level, number of pages, sources, and specific instructions, if any.
  • Click on “generate essay” and wait for the output
  • Conduct plagiarism and grammar check
  • Download the essay
  • High-level output for academic essay writing
  • Pocket-friendly premium plans
  • Doesn’t provide multiple sets of templates
  • Not quite suitable for non-academic essay writing

6. Jasper AI


Jasper AI has been the oldest player in the game of AI content writing. Fast forward to now, its features have been magnified with the inception of natural language processing algorithms and that’s how they are helping students write their essays as well. However, Jasper is the best AI tool for non-academic writing projects like content writing or creative writing.

How does Jasper AI work?

  • Choose a template — if you are about to write an essay, go with the “document”
  • Add your preferences
  • Click “compose” and get the output
  • Generates the essays instantly
  • Provides well-structured output according to the tone and style of your preferences
  • Not quite suitable for academic writing essays

7. Textero AI


Textero AI provides a few writing tools for students that facilitate their various academic papers and writing projects. Its essay generator helps you generate ideas for a full-length essay based on the topic and also suggests new topic ideas or thesis statement ideas for your academic assignments.

How does Textero AI work?

  • Click on “Essay Generator” located on the LHS (Left-hand Side)
  • Input the title and description based on which you want to generate the essay
  • Pick the right citation style
  • Click “generate” and wait for the output
  • It also provides other tools like an outline generator, and summary generator and has an AI research assistant that answers all your questions relevant to the research
  • The output is 100% unique and plagiarism and error-free
  • Might fail to provide an essay focussed on complex or technical topics

8. Quillbot


Though Quillbot is essentially built for paraphrasing and summarizing tasks. It comes as a rescue when you have to revamp, improvise, or refine your already-composed essay. Its co-writer helps you transform your thoughts and ideas and make them more coherent by rephrasing them. You can easily customize your text based on the customization options available.

How does Quillbot Paraphraser work?

  • Import or copy the content
  • Click on “Paraphrase” “Summarize” or “Suggest text” based on your requirement
  • Make the required customizations and save the document.
  • Offers a plethora of tools required for students
  • Both free and premium plans are available
  • Enhances vocabulary and language skills
  • Limited customization options with the free plan
  • Only supports the English language

9. SciSpace Paraphraser


SciSpace is the best AI tool that helps you fine-tune your essay. If you feel your essay writing needs AI suggestions to improve the language, vocabulary, writing styles, and tone of your essay, SciSpace is at your rescue. It has more customized options than Quillbot and improves your essay by rephrasing it according to the required or preferred writing style, and tone. This is a very good alternative to Quillbot.

How does SciSpace Paraphrasing work?

  • Simply paste the content to the screen
  • Choose the length and variation properly
  • Select the language
  • Click “Paraphrase”
  • Has 22 custom tones and all of them are available even on the free plan
  • Supports 75+ languages
  • Comes with an AI-detection report for English paraphrase output
  • Delay in the output

10. ChatGPT


It would be unfair if we talk about AI tools and do not enlist ChatGPT. When it comes to automated essay writing tasks, ChatGPT is not trivial. With proper prompts, you can automate the essay writing process and generate a well-crafted and coherent essay. However, the quality and the accuracy cannot be trusted as the model hallucinates and doesn’t include sources.

How does ChatGPT work?

  • Create a prompt based on your requirement
  • Ask ChatGPT to write an essay about your topic, specify conditions and preferences
  • Click enter and wait for the essay
  • Comes for free
  • Cannot rely on the output as the model hallucinates
  • Lacks the upgraded features that other essay-writing tools have


Writing essays can be a real struggle. But, the inception of the best AI essay-generation tools makes the entire writing process a lot easier and smoother. However, you should be extra vigilant while relying on these tools and consciously use them only as a technological aid. Because over-reliance on these AI tools could diminish student's writing skills and the user can become more gripped by the tools. So, use it wisely without affecting your knowledge and skills.

You can explore the above tools whenever you need any help with essay writing, and reap the benefits of them without compromising on the quality of your writing.

And! If you're stuck exploring multiple research papers or want to conduct a comprehensive literature review , you know which tool to use? Yes, it's SciSpace Literature Review, our AI-powered workspace, which is meant to make your research workflow easier. Plus, it also comes with SciSpace Copilot , our AI research assistant that answers any question that you may have about the research paper.

If you haven't used it yet, you can use it here !

Choosing the best AI for writing long-form essays depends on your requirements. Here are the top 5 tools that help you create long-form and college essays —

1. Free Essay Writer AI

2. College Essay AI

3. My Essay Writer

4. Textero AI

5. Perfect Essay Writer

The Perfect Essay Writer AI and Textero AI are the two best AI essay generators that help you write the best essays.

ChatGPT is not specifically built to assist you with essay writing, however, you can use the tool to create college essays and long-form essays. It’s important to review, fact-check the essay, and refer to the sources properly.

Essaybot is a free AI essay generator tool that helps you create a well-reasoned essay with just a click.

Unless your university permits it, using AI essay generators or writing tools to write your essay can be considered as plagiarism.

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Free AI Writing Resources

Improve your writing with ai.

Improve your academic performance and write like a pro without cheating or jeopardizing your degree. Get access to free AI writing tools, useful ChatGPT prompts, the latest articles about AI, and more.

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Free AI Writing Resources

AI tools to help you write with confidence

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Paraphrasing Tool

Avoid accidental plagiarism and make your text sound better. Paraphrase now

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Grammar Checker

Get instant feedback on your writing. Don’t let typos bring down your grade. Grammar check now

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Read more in less time. Distill lengthy and complex texts down to their key points. Summarize now

AI detector

Detect AI-generated content

Detect AI-generated content like ChatGPT3.5, GPT4 and Google Bard in seconds

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AI Proofreader Scanning Document for grammar mistakes

And fix any mistakes with AI

Scribbr’s AI Proofreader checks your document and corrects spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes with near-human accuracy and the efficiency of AI!

Try the new AI Proofreader

ChatGPT prompting 101

ChatGPT prompting 101

ChatGPT can be a great study assistant, but the responses you get are only as good as the input you provide. Keep these four tips in mind to craft great ChatGPT prompts :

  • Give ChatGPT a role to play
  • Be precise and provide context
  • Test and improve your prompts

ChatGPT prompts

100% ethical ChatGPT prompts

Write a research question

  • Generate three possible research questions for an argumentative high school essay on the following topic: “The long-term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Brainstorm topic ideas

  • Generate 10 questions to help me brainstorm topics for my college admission essay.

Quiz yourself

  • I’m learning about [ insert topic here ]. Please create a practice test with 4 multiple-choice questions, each with 4 possible answers and solutions (show the solutions separately under the multiple-choice test).

Learn by metaphors and stories

  • I ‘m learning about [ insert topic here ]. Convert the key lessons from this topic into engaging stories and metaphors to aid my memorization.

Find limitations

  • What are some common limitations or critiques of research in the field of [ insert topic here ]?

Learn about a topic

  • I want to learn about [ insert topic here ]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it. Explain [ insert topic here ] to me without jargon and buzzwords, in the most simplified way possible.

Source recommendations

  • What types of sources can I use to write an essay on the following research question? “ [insert research question here] ?”

Overview of arguments

  • What are the main arguments or debates in the literature on [ insert topic here ]?

Develop an outline

  • Develop an outline for an argumentative high school essay with the following research question: “ [insert research question here] ?”The essay will be about 4 pages long.

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AI detectors detect text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT. We tested various example texts, including ChatGPT-generated, mixed AI–human, and fully human, as well as text generated by paraphrasing tools. Check out the best AI detectors

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Best Paraphrasing Tools

Paraphrasing tools improve your writing by automatically rewriting text. We tested seven popular free and premium paraphrasers to determine their reliability when it comes to producing correct, readable English. Check out the best paraphrasing tools

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Best summarizers

Summarizers are ideal for distilling lengthy and complicated texts down to their key points—but which summarizers are most accurate? We tested 11 summarizers to find out. Discover the most accurate summarizer

Universities’ policies on AI

Universities’ policies on AI

Based on our analysis of the top 100 US universities, it appears that the majority haven’t established clear-cut regulations concerning AI tools at this time. As a result, it is up to individual professors to determine what is permissible in their respective courses.

Check out policies in detail

Scribbr's stance on AI

Scribbr's stance on AI

We think educators should be open to the possibilities presented by AI-powered tools. Students should employ these tools in an honest and responsible way, using them to facilitate learning rather than to skip steps in the learning process.

You can use such tools in a responsible way that benefits your education during the research and writing process by relying on them for the following:

  • Brainstorming and explore topics in an interactive way
  • Assisting with programming and coding
  • Developing research questions and paper outlines
  • Asking for feedback on your own writing

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The 13 Best AI Writing Tools For Essays, Blogs & Content in 2024

  • Julie Simpson
  • June 13, 2024
  • 13 min read

Table of Contents

If you have recently spent time on popular social media channels such as Twitter or LinkedIn, chances are you have read all about the amazing benefits of artificial intelligence for writing — but you’ve probably seen the “will AI replace all of our jobs” looming around the web as well. All of the pros and cons of AI writing tools can be hard to keep track of. 

However, as a productivity platform whose ultimate goal is to help you work more efficiently, we believe that AI writing tools are here to stay — and here to help. As much as we can see the other side of the argument (not the machines taking over, but the stealing our jobs argument), AI can ultimately be used as a tool to help you do your job better, not completely take it over from you.

We are firmly in the camp that using AI writing tools for content creation can be highly beneficial. If you are also interested in how AI tools can maximize your content output, follow along to learn about the best AI writing tools and how you can implement them into your workflow today.

How to pick the best AI writing tools for your content

HiveMind and RyterAI and JasperAI, Oh my!

While it doesn’t have the same ring as lions, tigers, and bears, it still brings forth the same apprehension that Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz felt: the fear of the unknown and so many to choose from. So w here do you start?

If you are overwhelmed by all the AI writing tools on the market today, and their use cases are all blurring together, here are my top AI tools that are definite content contenders.

1. HiveMind

HiveMind is an AI-powered tool built into Hive’s project management product that automates tasks ranging from content writing to data extraction and translation. As one of the only AI writing tools built into a project management platform, this tool leverages NLP algorithms to generate summaries of long articles or documents quickly and accurately.

HiveMind was built to work seamlessly within the Hive project management platform, and can also help generate project outlines, next steps, and respond to emails.

HiveMind’s AI was constructed not to just write blogs and essays for you but to increase user productivity and efficiency across the board. More than just a content builder, it is an assistant, project manager, and editor all in one.

HiveMind Pros:

  • Free with Hive plans
  • Access OpenAI’s full suite of AI services
  • Integrates with Hive’s enhanced suite of project management capabilities
  • Creates project tasks based on simple inputs
  • Responds to emails automatically

2. JasperAI

JasperAI , formally known as Jarvis, is an AI assistant that helps you brainstorm, edit, and publish excellent content, and is at the top of our AI writing tools list. Powered by natural language processing (NLP), this tool can understand the context of your copy and suggest alternatives accordingly.

It can also provide insights on trending topics and keywords, giving you a better understanding of how to craft content that resonates with your audience.

Jasper AI is a popular tool among many writer demographics globally. For more information, check out this Jasper AI review article which includes a real example use case for applying this tool in today’s digital landscape.

JasperAI Pros:

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Integrates well with other writing platforms like SurferSEO and Grammarly
  • Excellent at writing long-form content like stories or essays

JasperAI Cons:

  • Can be pricy
  • Can significantly miss the mark, and the content output goes off the rails

RyterAI is a natural language processing tool that helps you create content faster, more efficiently, and more accurately than ever before, and one of the best AI content writing tools on the market. RyterAI’s usage of NLP algorithms will read through your text and offers personalized suggestions on how to improve it through grammar, word choices or by increasing clarity. It also identifies popular keywords so you can find the best ones to use for SEO purposes and rankings.

RyterAI Pros:

  • Excellent at grammar and spelling checks
  • Great at finding keywords to help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • User-friendly interface

RyterAI Cons:

  • It can be expensive if you plan on using it for all your content needs
  • The final content still needs some tweaking/editing
  • Does not offer additional SEO features or 3rd-party integrations

4. is a one-stop solution for all your writing needs, issues, and queries. From creating fresh content like articles, blogs, or essays to checking for plagiarism, and grammar mistakes, this website has you covered. Most tools are free to use and accessible from any device. offer applications for mobile users. Premium users get access to complex writing needs. Pros:

  • Sleek UI, easy to use, and offers free modes and features.
  • Users can create, check and finalize their content in one place
  • Excellent results that compare with other top paper writing services and free essay writing tools Cons:

  • People with limited knowledge of AI tools might face issues using it
  • Monthly or yearly paid subscription is required for complex writing needs

You can’t search the web these days without someone mentioning ChatGPT and how it is revolutionizing AI content. But, it is just the new AI kid on the block, with more “fancy” features and a deeper code algorithm that “understands language.” Essentially, ChatCPT is a conversation AI engine that enables developers to create chatbots and other conversational interface applications.

Unlike other AI writing tools, ChatGPT is an open-source tool with several useful features like text prediction, dialogue flow control, and natural language understanding. It’s crucial to note that while ChatGPT brings helpful advancements, there are inherent risks associated with generative AI. Vigilance and responsible utilization of such powerful AI writing tools are imperative to mitigate these risks.

ChatGPT Pros:

  • Open source platform
  • It can be used to build complex conversational applications
  • Easy-to-use API’s

ChatGPT Cons:

  • Lacks the advanced features of other popular AI tools on the market
  • Limited support for languages other than English

Byword is one of the most advanced AI writing tools for producing high-quality AI content at scale, built from years of experience scaling websites with AI-powered SEO. For example, the website Causal went from 0 to 750K/mo SEO traffic in 12 months by only using Byword’s AI-generated content.

You can upload 1,000s of keywords or titles and create SEO-optimized articles in a few clicks. Then publish the articles straight to your website using Byword’s CMS integrations. Simply enter a topic and click ‘generate’ to get started for free .

Byword Pros:

  • Best tool for producing AI content at scale
  • High-quality GPT-4 powered writing output
  • Publish straight to your website with CMS integrations
  • SEO features such as indexing, internal linking and more

Byword Cons:

  • Less suitable for small businesses or those looking to dip a toe into AI content
  • Slightly higher cost than other solutions ($2.50-$3.96 per article)
  • The quality of AI images generated could be improved

7. Quillbot

Quillbot is an AI writing tool that takes text input and assists you with paraphrasing, checking grammar, identifying plagiarism and more. The AI-powered assistant can make your thoughts and ideas more coherent and fluent by rephrasing them with changes to vocabulary, tone and style.

Easily customize your text using a slider feature along with a mode selection to adjust the output to your writing needs. You can save time using Quillbot’s summarizer and citation generator features and present your writing with confidence.

Quillbot Pros:

  • Can help improve vocabulary and language skills
  • Offers additional writing tools and features
  • Integrates with multiple platforms

Quillbot Cons:

  • May struggle with complex sentences
  • Limited customization options in the free version
  • Only available in English

Now that you have seen some of the top generative AI writing tools available today, let’s look and see which of the tools is best suited for your content needs. Of course, each tool has its pros and cons, and you might be more comfortable with one interface but like the output of another. For a more in-depth look, check out my winners below, as they might help you pick the right tool for your AI-generated content. 

8. Paraphraser  

Paraphraser  AI is an excellent paraphrasing tool that can improve all written works. Paraphraser can find the most suitable synonyms and phrases to craft a compelling and captivating message. The software can also modify sentence structure, expand your word choice pool, change your message voice from passive to active and improve the readability of your copy. Paraphraser offers a monthly and yearly plan and a student package with a special discount rate. 

Paraphraser Pros:

  • It’s easy to use, straightforward, and free up to 500 words. 
  • Offers plagiarism and grammar checks 
  • Students only pay $9 per week for the premium package. 

Paraphraser Cons:

  • Limited free package. The premium package costs $23 a month. 
  • Website is not user friendly 
  • Pop-us and many adds might make navigation confusing 

9. is an AI-powered content generator for social media, allowing entrepreneurs and businesses alike to create captivating posts tailored specifically to their audiences. With GPT-3 AI-designed brainstorming engine you can craft effective messages that engage your followers across multiple platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Pros:

  • Calendar prompts help your content planning to stay on top of celebration dates
  • Weekly design trends for Reels (audio and ideas)
  • Monthly content creation challenges to improve your content performance on social platforms Cons:

  • Pay version only after free trial
  • Limited languages (currently, only English and French)

10. Hubspot

HubSpot’s AI Content Writer is an AI writing tool that helps you and your business scale content output for your email, landing page or blog post. By inputting a simple prompt or topic, the AI-powered copywriter tools generate a first draft of engaging, researched, and tailored content for your use.

The AI content writer is designed to be user-friendly and work alongside any of your other HubSpot or external tools. You can provide additional details regarding your brand voice, customer persona, and additional entails to make your content exceptionally unique. Each content produced includes research, proofreading, and even SEO optimizations.

Hubspot Pros:

  • Excellent for grammar and proofreading
  • Content includes research and search engine optimization
  • User-friendly interface and sync with existing HubSpot tools

Hubspot Cons:

  • Still in the public beta phase
  • Content produced is a first draft which may require some additional tweaks and edits

11. Writesonic

Writesonic is an incredible AI writing software that offers a wide range of features on its platform. With its free plan, users can access 10,000 words on its optimized GPT 3.5 platform, while paid plans are powered by the even more advanced GPT 4. Writesonic also offers innovative products like Botsonic and ChatSonic, which provide customers with additional AI-powered tools. Thanks to Writesonic’s advanced AI technology, users can effortlessly generate high-quality written content in no time. 

Writesonic Pros:

  • Saves time and effort in researching and writing articles.
  • Helps in generating unique and creative ideas for your content.
  • Provides accurate and error-free content that is ready to publish.
  • User-friendly interface that is easy to navigate.

Writesonic Cons:

  • The AI may not always produce completely accurate copies and may require some human editing.
  • Some of the copy generated by Writesonic may sound robotic and strange, requiring additional modification to make it more human-like.

12. Flick AI Caption Generator

Flick AI Caption Generator has emerged as a game changer, revolutionizing caption creation, especially for social media. It leverages the power of AI and Natural Language Processing to generate high-quality and engaging captions. With Flick AI Caption Generator, you will never run out of caption ideas. Just enter a topic, and this tool will generate hundreds of captions within seconds.

Flick AI Pros

  • Boosts productivity by generating captions quickly
  • Crafts unique and highly personalized captions
  • Auto-generates hashtags based on your captions
  • Provides suggestions, brainstorming, and outlining support
  • Adapts the tone of voice and style of captions to sound like you

Flick AI Cons

  • No free plan
  • Limited contextual understanding
  • Learning curve

13. Simplified

Simplified is one of the top AI writing tools, known for its high-quality content, ease of use, affordability, and comprehensive templates. It uniquely combines GPT with features like image processing and data analysis, going beyond text generation. 

With options for personalization, such as training on custom data, Simplified adapts to users’ evolving needs, optimizing for speed, accuracy, or complex queries. Its AI engine accesses top language models from OpenAI, Google, Anthropic, and includes Simplified’s custom model, ensuring a balanced use of technology and reducing dependency on a single source. It is designed for business contexts like marketing and sales. 

Simplified Pros

  • Excellent user experience that is simple to utilize
  • A vast range of tools
  • Library of  designs and templates 
  • Excellent social media scheduling capabilities

Simplified Cons

  • The presentations are rather basic and need to be polished
  • Writer is not superior to Chat GPT

Which AI Writing Tool is best for you?

1. best ai tool for generating content automatically.

Winner: HiveMind

HiveMind beats out the competition in this category thanks to its free plan, seamless integration with the Hive project management platform, and ability to create project tasks based on simple inputs. This AI tool is perfect as a content assistant that works off of previous successes, and it can be integrated into your current Hive work process.

2. The Best AI tool for writing long-form content

Winner: JasperAI

JasperAI wins this contest, hands down. With its long-form content writing capabilities and integration with other writing platforms like SurferSEO and Grammarly, it gets the long-form blog content job done. It offers excellent prompts to input tone of voice and keywords, and you can also use protective text and suggestions to help write the entire blog for you. Long-form couldn’t be easier with the help of JasperAI.

3. Best AI tool for writing social media posts

Winner: ChatGPT

Will ChatGPT take over the job of a social media manager on the web? Probably not. But helping us create social media tags , posts, and captions is a great way to utilize ChatGPT for content creation in your everyday marking activities.

Furthermore, its open-source platform and conversation AI ability add to the reasons why it’s great for social media posts . And because it can ultimately help you quickly generate engaging content that resonates with your audience, this tool is an excellent addition to any content creator’s arsenal.

From some of my top picks for AI tools to their best use case scenario – you definitely have a lot to consider when picking an AI writing tool for your content. While each one of the tools mentioned will get the job done, some are better than others, and only you can decide what tool will work within your content workflow.

Considering the wide range of AI tools available, it’s essential to find the one that aligns with your specific needs. An AI detector can also help you assess the accuracy and reliability of these tools, ensuring you make an informed decision.

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Get ready to explore the intricate beauty of some of the world’s most famous architectural marvels. From the ornate carvings of Notre-Dame Cathedral to the stunning marble inlays of the Taj Mahal, dive into the artistry and craftsmanship that make these structures truly iconic. Which architectural wonder is your favorite? 🌍❤️ 

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Get ready to explore the intricate beauty of some of the world’s most famous architectural marvels. From the ornate carvings of Notre-Dame Cathedral to the stunning marble inlays of the Taj Mahal, dive into the artistry and craftsmanship that make these structures truly iconic. Which architectural wonder is your favorite? 🌍❤️ 

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Get ready to explore the intricate beauty of some of the world’s most famous architectural marvels. From the ornate carvings of Notre-Dame Cathedral to the stunning marble inlays of the Taj Mahal, dive into the artistry and craftsmanship that make these structures truly iconic. Which architectural wonder is your favorite? 🌍❤️ 

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📝✨ Unlock your creativity with unique blog post ideas! Generate endless inspiration and take your content to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, this tool will help you create captivating posts every time. Ready to transform your blog? Let’s get inspired! 

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📝✨ Unlock your creativity with unique blog post ideas! Generate endless inspiration and take your content to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, this tool will help you create captivating posts every time. Ready to transform your blog? Let’s get inspired! 

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📝✨ Unlock your creativity with unique blog post ideas! Generate endless inspiration and take your content to the next level. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, this tool will help you create captivating posts every time. Ready to transform your blog? Let’s get inspired! 

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Struggling to polish your content to perfection? Say hello to Content Improver – your secret weapon for enhancing the quality and readability of your posts! 🚀 Whether it’s a blog, social media caption, or article, this tool provides expert suggestions to take your content from good to great. 🌟 Unlock the potential of your writing and captivate your audience like never before! 

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Struggling to polish your content to perfection? Say hello to Content Improver – your secret weapon for enhancing the quality and readability of your posts! 🚀 Whether it’s a blog, social media caption, or article, this tool provides expert suggestions to take your content from good to great. 🌟 Unlock the potential of your writing and captivate your audience like never before! 

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Struggling to polish your content to perfection? Say hello to Content Improver – your secret weapon for enhancing the quality and readability of your posts! 🚀 Whether it’s a blog, social media caption, or article, this tool provides expert suggestions to take your content from good to great. 🌟 Unlock the potential of your writing and captivate your audience like never before! 

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Want to write news like a pro? Our tool, Write News From a Journalist Point of View, helps you craft compelling news articles with an authentic journalistic touch. Perfect for aspiring writers and seasoned reporters alike. Elevate your storytelling and engage your audience today! ✨🖋️ 

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Want to write news like a pro? Our tool, Write News From a Journalist Point of View, helps you craft compelling news articles with an authentic journalistic touch. Perfect for aspiring writers and seasoned reporters alike. Elevate your storytelling and engage your audience today! ✨🖋️ 

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Want to write news like a pro? Our tool, Write News From a Journalist Point of View, helps you craft compelling news articles with an authentic journalistic touch. Perfect for aspiring writers and seasoned reporters alike. Elevate your storytelling and engage your audience today! ✨🖋️ 

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Tired of using the same words over and over? Let our tool, List Synonyms, help you find fresh alternatives for any word! Simply type in the word you need a synonym for, and get a list of new, exciting options instantly. Elevate your writing and communication game today! 🚀✨ 

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Tired of using the same words over and over? Let our tool, List Synonyms, help you find fresh alternatives for any word! Simply type in the word you need a synonym for, and get a list of new, exciting options instantly. Elevate your writing and communication game today! 🚀✨ 

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Tired of using the same words over and over? Let our tool, List Synonyms, help you find fresh alternatives for any word! Simply type in the word you need a synonym for, and get a list of new, exciting options instantly. Elevate your writing and communication game today! 🚀✨ 

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🚀 Ready to write your next bestseller? Unlock endless inspiration with our new tool! Get instant eBook topics on any subject you choose. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out, we’ve got the perfect idea waiting for you. 🌟📚 

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🚀 Ready to write your next bestseller? Unlock endless inspiration with our new tool! Get instant eBook topics on any subject you choose. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out, we’ve got the perfect idea waiting for you. 🌟📚 

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🚀 Ready to write your next bestseller? Unlock endless inspiration with our new tool! Get instant eBook topics on any subject you choose. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting out, we’ve got the perfect idea waiting for you. 🌟📚 

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“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein 🌟 Embrace challenges as stepping stones towards growth and success. 💪 Let’s turn obstacles into opportunities and rewrite our stories with resilience and determination! 

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“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein 🌟 Embrace challenges as stepping stones towards growth and success. 💪 Let’s turn obstacles into opportunities and rewrite our stories with resilience and determination! 

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“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” - Albert Einstein 🌟 Embrace challenges as stepping stones towards growth and success. 💪 Let’s turn obstacles into opportunities and rewrite our stories with resilience and determination! 

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Best AI writer of 2024

Use the best AI writers to create written content quickly

  • Best AI writer overall

Best choice for marketers

Best for wordpress users, best for long-form writing.

  • Best free version
  • Best for short-form

Best for sourcing

  • Industry rankings

How we test

Person writing on computer.

1. Best AI writer overall 2. Best for marketers 3. Best for WordPress users 4. Best for long-form writing 5. Best free option 6. Best for short-form writing 7. Best for sourcing 8. TechRadar's AI writer rankings 9. FAQs 10. How we test

The word "AI" has been named the word of the year. ChatGPT has made waves since its introduction in late 2022. With every new iteration of this powerful tool, users have found innovative ways to use it to simplify and speed up their work.

Now, there are many AI writing assistants on the market, competing with ChatGPT to become the king of AI-powered writing tools. These new tools aim to simplify the writing process by generating long-form content, researching keywords, creating images from text, and more. Many bloggers are using these tools to improve their content and save time. 

However, there are some drawbacks to using AI writers. The content generated may require additional editing to ensure it's polished and accurate. AI-generated content may also lack the unique voice and style a human writer can provide. Despite this, the benefits of using AI writers, such as cost and time savings, often outweigh these minor drawbacks.

In conclusion, AI writers are an excellent solution for creating high-quality content without spending countless hours or breaking the bank. With numerous writing tools available today, content creation can be easily sped up and simplified. If you're interested in trying one of these tools, we've got you covered with our list of the best AI writers of the year. Check it out!

The best AI writers of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

See how our top picks compare in the following analysis and reviews as we discuss reasons to subscribe, reasons to avoid, our test results, and what we liked most about each cloud storage platform.

The best AI writer overall

Website screenshot for Grammarly AI writer

1. GrammarlyGO

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

✔️   You also need a grammar editor: Getting help from an AI writer is even better with one that also helps you with grammar, like Grammarly. 

✔️ Need to use it across multiple apps: With Grammarly installed on your computer, you instantly gain access to it across your favorite apps like Microsoft Word and other word processing packages. 

✔️ Want something that's easy to use — once you learn how to do it:  Once you understand how GrammarlyGO works, it's going to make your life easier and assist you in making your text better. 

❌  You're on a strict budget: No doubt, Grammarly itself is expensive, especially if you only want to pay for it on a month-to-month basis. 

❌  You don't need a grammar tool: Maybe this is overkill, depending on your situation. 

❌ You need social networking-specific tools:  GrammarlyGO doesn't offer these types of tools, at least for now. 

Even in beta, GrammarlyGO is an excellent addition to an already powerful Al-based writing tool. You can use it to become a much better writer in just a few steps. 

Check out our in-depth GrammarlyGo review for a closer look at the service, and see why it's our top AI writer pick for 2024.

Grammarly has been a reliable companion for writers, helping them polish their craft by providing suggestions that make their writing clearer, more engaging, or more effective. And now, they've taken it up a notch by introducing GrammarlyGO, a feature-packed add-on that comes bundled with the rest of the software.

To get the most out of GrammarlyGO, you must understand how Grammarly works, as the two are closely intertwined. When using GrammarlyGO, it's essential to remember the number of prompts available to you, which varies depending on the plan you choose. Whenever you ask Grammarly to improve your text, one prompt is used, regardless of whether you use the suggestion. Grammarly Free users get access to 100 prompts per month, while Grammarly Premium subscribers receive 1,000 prompts per month. For Grammarly Business users, the number goes up to 1,000 prompts per user every month.

GoogleGO AI features are classified into five categories: ideate, compose, reply, rewrite, and personalize. The ideate feature helps you generate article ideas that are exciting and thought-provoking. With Grammarly's assistance, you can develop topics like "Five ways to motivate employees" or "Name five great topics about fall" that can capture the reader's attention and spark their interest.

The compose feature is perfect when you want Grammarly to help you write something from scratch. For instance, you could ask Grammarly to help you write an announcement about your engagement or a cover letter for a new job. The more information you provide, the better the results, and GrammarlyGO can help you create a masterpiece with its advanced suggestions and insights. Adding details like the name of your fiancé and the engagement date can make your announcement even more unique. In contrast, information about the job you're applying for can make your cover letter more effective.

If you're unsure how to respond to a message, Grammarly's reply feature can save the day. You can ask Grammarly to answer questions like "What should I say to Brent about the new job?" or "How can I congratulate Tom and Becky on their upcoming nuptials?" With Grammarly's superior writing skills, you can craft an engaging, effective, and impressive response.

With these incredible features, GrammarlyGO can help you take your writing to new heights and unleash your creativity.

Please read our full GrammarlyGo review .

  • ^ Back to the top

Website screenshot for Anyword

✔️ You are a marketer: Anyword is the best AI writer for marketers on the planet. It helps you create content based on your company's "voice," and learns as it goes. 

✔️ You enjoy trial and error:  There's no "right" answer when it comes to AI text generation. Anyword makes it easier to tweak text once or unlimited times to help you get the text perfect for your needs. 

✔️ You need to generate unlimited words:  There are limits elsewhere, but Anyword doesn't limit how many words it will generate on a monthly basis. 

❌  You want app integration: You'll need to copy and paste text from your favorite word processor to Anyword, which can get annoying for some. 

❌ You want a free plan:  Once you exhaust your trial, you'll need to pick a free plan to continue. 

❌  You aren't a marketer:  The heavy marketing focus can't be avoided. 

Anyword offers a slick and easy-to-use interface. In mere moments, you'll be able to create excellent content that caters to your intended audience 

Check out our in-depth Anyword review for a closer look .

Are you tired of struggling to generate creative marketing copy or unsure how to optimize your existing content? Anyword is an innovative cloud-based writing tool that can help you overcome these challenges and achieve exceptional results. With Anyword's intuitive interface and user-friendly tools, you can generate, test, and optimize your copy in ways you never thought possible.

With unlimited words in each plan, Anyword gives you plenty of space to craft compelling content that truly resonates with your audience. Its advanced AI-powered algorithms can analyze your existing marketing materials and produce multiple variations of your copy, enabling you to compare and contrast different solutions and select the best option for your brand.

One of the key features of Anyword is its Brand Voice function, which enables businesses to establish a consistent identity across all their marketing materials. Whether you're refining your tone of voice, targeting your audience, or building out your messaging bank, Anyword can help you create copy that accurately reflects your brand's personality, tone, and style.

Additionally, Anyword seamlessly integrates with various platforms, from Hubspot to LinkedIn Ads, enabling you to use copy intelligence to enhance the quality of your future content. By analyzing the performance of your existing materials, Anyword empowers you to make informed decisions about optimizing your messaging for even better results.

But that's not all - Anyword's advanced algorithms can also analyze the performance of your competitors' marketing materials, giving you insights into their copy and enabling you to create content that sets you apart from the competition.

In summary, Anyword can help you unlock your creativity and produce exceptional marketing copy that resonates with your audience. With its range of user-friendly tools, advanced AI-powered algorithms, and seamless integration with various platforms, Anyword is the perfect writing tool for businesses looking to enhance their marketing efforts.

Please read our full Anyword review .

Website screenshot for Articleforge

3. Articleforge

✔️ You use WordPress heavily: Articleforge works great with WordPress; get started in just a few steps. 

✔️ You want package customization:  The more you're willing to pay, the more words you can generate each month. It's flexible. 

✔️ You need marketing-based tools:  Offers SEO optimization, content in bulk, and more. 

❌  You don't want to self-edit : Articleforge may require more post-generation editing than other options, which could slow you down.

❌ You don't want to deal with duplicates:  Yes, sometimes Articleforge repeats suggestions. 

❌  If you don't want to spend more for a monthly subscription: It's cheaper to buy this on a yearly basis, and that might not be a commitment you're willing to make. 

Articleforge utilizes deep learning and AI to improve content over time, though heavy editing and fact-checking are often necessary.

Check out our in-depth Articleforge review for more information.

Articleforge is a tool that can greatly help speed up the writing process for users. It is a valuable resource for those who need to generate content quickly but do not have the time or resources to do so themselves. However, it is important to note that it is not a replacement for an experienced writer or editor. While it can provide recommendations for titles and automate SEO and WordPress publishing, it is not designed to produce ready-to-publish content.

One of the benefits of Articleforge is that it is available in seven languages, making it ideal for international blogs or multi-language sites. Users simply need to enter a few keywords and the topic they want to cover, and the platform will generate content in under 60 seconds. This generated content will use the provided keywords and cover the desired topic.

In addition to its quick and easy content generation, Articleforge also offers various integrations, including MS Word and WordPress integrations. The platform also provides integrations with other software systems like SEO AutoPilot, CyberSEO, RankerX, SEnuke TNG, and more. These integrations are easy to use, thanks to the API key offered by the platform.

While the platform is a convenient tool for creating content, its output quality falls short of expectations. As with any automated system, fact-checking is necessary for the majority of the content offered by the platform. The platform does offer better output quality with customized input. However, extensive testing is required, which can quickly exhaust the "word meter."

Overall, Articleforge can significantly expedite the writing process and help overcome writer's block. It is advisable to test it out and find a balance between the platform and tailored input to yield superior results. While it should not be relied upon as a sole source of content, using it in conjunction with other resources can help users quickly generate high-quality content.

Read our full Articleforge AI writer review .

Website screenshot for Jasper

✔️ You want a great plagiarism checker: You want to create original content, right? This checker makes sure that's true. 

✔️ You need to create content in multiple languages:  Some folks are writing content in multiple languages and Jasper lets you do this. 

✔️ You want access to a lot of features:  The team behind this solution tends to add new features on a regular basis without raising the price. That's sweet. 

❌  You don't have time to learn: Any AI writer takes time to learn. Jasper takes a little bit more time. 

❌ If you don't want to spend a lot:   Some folks might not feel the Creator package is enough and the next one is expensive. 

❌  If you aren't willing to edit a lot: Some of the content Jasper creates is better than others. Some extra editing is key. 

Jasper is a platform that is highly customizable and comes with a user-friendly interface. All the necessary tools that you need are just a click away. The platform’s content generation capabilities are hidden behind easy-to-reach templates, making it an easy-to-use tool.

Check out our review of Jasper to learn more about the AI writer.

Jasper is a powerful platform that leverages natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to analyze data from various sources across the web. With this ability, it can generate content ideas based on the relevant data you input, such as keywords, topics, and more. Jasper can help create a wide range of content formats, including blog posts, social media content, emails, and much more.

One of the most significant advantages of Jasper is that it has a tone feature that allows you to assign a corresponding tone to the copy you create if you’re targeting a specific persona. This feature is incredibly useful because it helps ensure that the content you create resonates with your target audience. Additionally, Jasper can help you improve your content through optimization recommendations, which can be accessed through numerous templates available on the platform.

If you’re short on time and need to create content quickly, Jasper is the perfect solution. It can offer content in mere seconds with just a few clicks and some input. With Jasper, you can save time and increase productivity, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks.

Another unique feature that Jasper offers is the “Boss Mode” feature, which allows you to write 5x faster. With this mode, you can give commands to Jasper, and it will do all the work for you. You can even write a complete book using this mode in just minutes. This feature is incredibly useful for writers who need to create a large volume of content in a short amount of time.

In the Boss Mode, you can also use pre-built recipes offered by the Jasper team such as “Write about (keyword),” but you also have the option of creating your own, which can be incredibly helpful if you have specific requirements for your content. By automating your writing process, you can save time and focus on other critical tasks.

Read our full Jasper review .

The best free version

Website screenshot for CopyAI

✔️ You want a free plan for minor work:  If you're okay with only generating 2,000 words per month, there's a free plan for that. 

✔️ You need unlimited word generation: You can create unlimited words each month with all the paid plans. 

✔️ You want multiple tools:  New features are added often, making the product even better. 

❌  You are a marketer:  There are better options if you primarily need to write marketing copy. 

❌  You aren't willing to learn:  Here's another option that is a little bit harder to learn, at least initially. 

❌ You need app integration:  Expect to stay on the CopyAI website to get your work done, which requires copy and paste. 

CopyAI helps writers create high-quality copy with the power of AI, saving time and producing better content that resonates with your audience.

Check out our in-depth CopyAI review to see whether it's the tool for you.

CopyAI has been making waves in the world of AI writing tools, becoming a favorite among users who want to create high-quality content that can help them stand out in today's crowded digital space. The tool offers a wide range of options that allow users to get started and take their writing to the next level, from exploring various writing templates, settings, and features on the user dashboard to creating a compelling copy in minutes.

The user dashboard serves as the creative command center for CopyAI users, providing a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to navigate through different features. From here, you can quickly access various options that can help you create content that resonates with your audience, whether you need to write a blog post about travel or an email to a potential client.

The chat feature is the default option that acts as a blank canvas to help generate inspiration. The brainstorm feature allows you to create copy such as "ten catchy Twitter headlines on holiday shopping," "the best Facebook headlines for marketing professionals," and more. If you're struggling to come up with a topic, don’t worry. CopyAI’s chat function provides prompt templates to give you a head start. These templates cover various topics, including content creation, SEO, email marketing, social media, PR and communication, sales, and strategy.

Moreover, you can create custom templates that cater to your specific needs. Each template in the collection provides various options, so whether you need a headline generator, a step-by-step guide, or a product description, CopyAI has you covered. You can even use the "rewrite content" option to enhance your written content, making it more engaging and effective.

To fully personalize your experience with CopyAI, you should create one or more brand voices. This process involves providing text that accurately describes you or your company's unique voice. This text should be between 50 and 500 words and can come from various sources such as blog articles, social media posts, website copy, marketing emails, and more. This allows CopyAI to tailor its AI-powered tools to better suit your brand's needs, making it easier for you to create content that resonates with your target audience and helps you achieve your goals.

In summary, CopyAI is a powerful AI writing tool that offers a wide range of features and options to help you create high-quality content. From the user dashboard to the chat and brainstorming features, CopyAI provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to create compelling and engaging content. With custom templates and brand voices, you can personalize your experience with CopyAI and create content that resonates with your target audience, helping you stand out in today's crowded digital space.

Read our full  CopyAI review .

The best for short-form

Website screenshot for Writesonic

6. Writesonic

✔️ You aren't tech savvy:  It's one of the easiest-to-use solutions on the market. 

✔️ You need lots of languages:  Writesonic supports 25 languages and counting. 

✔️ You're a freelancer:  There's a package just for you.

❌  You want to pay a lower price:  Some have criticized Writesonic for being too expensive. That's true with the Smart Team options

❌  You need more third-party integrations:  It doesn't really place nice with other software tools, which could add some time to your work. 

❌ You don't like tackling a learning curve : Like others on this list, there's a slighter higher learning curve with this one

Writesonic is an expansive AI writing platform with an intuitive interface and versatile templates for all content creation scenarios.

Check out our in-depth Writesonic review to see if this is the AI writing tool for you. 

Writesonic is an innovative content creation platform that provides users with various features and tools to generate high-quality, engaging content. One of the most impressive features of Writesonic is its versatility - it supports over 25 languages, including English, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese, and more. This is a significant advantage for businesses that operate in multiple regions and need to produce content in different languages.

Another notable feature of Writesonic is its tone of voice customization tool. Users can choose from various tones, including "Excited," "Creative," and more. This feature adds a unique twist to the content, tailoring it to the user's needs. However, it's essential to note that the tone of voice feature may require additional editing to ensure the content is clear and coherent.

Regarding website copywriting, Writesonic provides users with an impressive range of tools. It can create landing pages, SEO meta descriptions, and feature-rich headers and subheaders. Additionally, it allows users to create social media ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google . Content creators can also benefit from Writesonic's blog writing, point expansion, and text analysis tools, which can rephrase the content and improve its readability.

The platform also offers e-commerce copy creation and popular copywriting formulas, such as the "AIDA" and "Pain-Agitate-Solution" formulas. These formulas are tried and tested approaches to writing compelling, persuasive content that resonates with readers.

However, it's essential to note that the content generated by Writesonic may require significant editing from the user. While the platform does an excellent job of generating content, it's essential to ensure it's clear, coherent, and tailored to the user's needs. If you're looking for a completely hands-off approach to content creation, Writesonic may not be the best option. However, for businesses that need to generate high-quality, engaging content quickly, Writesonic is an excellent choice.

Please read our full Writesonic review .

Website screenshot for Al-Writer

7. Al-Writer

✔️ You want a cheap package: You can get an AI writer for as little as $19/month. 

✔️ You need clear sourcing:  No better solution is available for providing sources for all text provided. 

✔️ You want an easy solution:  A very low learning curve exists. 

❌  You want app integration:  There's seamless integration with WordPress, but that's about it. 

❌  You need marketing-specific tools:  Sorry, this one doesn't have it. 

❌ You want unlimited word generation: If you need to generate more than 120 articles per month, this is a very expensive solution. 

AI-Writer is a unique word-generating tool that simplifies text creation and editing through an intuitive user interface. However, it may not be suitable for everyone.

Check out our in-depth AI-Writer review to see if it's the solution for you. 

AI-Writer is a word generator that is easily accessible and is popular among freelancers and bloggers. It may not be as extensive as Anyword or CopyAI, which are primarily aimed at marketing and sales, but it serves its intended audience well. 

One of the most significant advantages of AI-Writer is its unparalleled sourcing capabilities. It is the only AI content generator that cites sources for "everything it writes." Additionally, it updates its sources frequently, ensuring that any article generated by it sources the latest information on the subject. This is a significant advantage, particularly for those who are writing about current events or trending topics. With AI-Writer, writers can create content that is well-researched and accurate, without having to spend hours scouring the internet for sources. 

Another significant advantage of AI-Writer is that it recognizes that not all types of content require sourcing. For instance, op-eds or personal essays don't usually require sources. AI-Writer recognizes this and hides sources and links from the main results page, making it easier for writers to focus on their content and not worry about sources.

One of the drawbacks of using AI-Writer is that its extensive sourcing process can cause a minor delay in generating results compared to other AI writing tools. Although this may not be a significant issue, the noticeable delay should be mentioned. For instance, alternative tools like GrammarlyGO offer results without hesitation. However, it is worth noting that the issue with AI-Writer is primarily due to its thorough sourcing process. 

In conclusion, AI-Writer is an excellent tool for freelancers and bloggers who want to create high-quality content. It excels in sourcing capabilities, making it a go-to tool for writers who need well-researched and accurate content. Its ability to recognize when sourcing is not required is also an added advantage. While it may not be the fastest tool on the market, its thorough sourcing process is worth the wait.

Read our full  AI-Writer review .

TechRadar's AI writer rankings

Numerous AI writing solutions are already available in the market, and we can expect more to arrive in the future. Have a look at our rankings of popular services below, and also check out the honorable mentions that currently can’t compete with the top services available.

1. The overall winner
2. Best for marketers
3. Best for WordPress users
4. Best for long form writing
5. Best free option
6. Best for short form writing
7. Best for sourcing
8. Best for SEO
9. Best for bulk article updates
10. Best for image creation too

What is an AI writer?

An AI writer is a revolutionary tool, capable of creating text and content without human help; it utilizes algorithms and machine learning to generate various AI content. From data-driven, high-value pieces to conversion-focused content perfect for marketing campaigns, AI writers can easily create just about any content.

As AI writing assistants gain exposure to various forms of real-world information, they gain proficiency in generating natural-sounding output. With their data coming from human sources, the output created also has a human-like quality. Much like how humans rely on existing content to craft something new, AI content tools scour the web for relevant data to fulfill the user's instructions, thus creating original content.

This, in a nutshell, explains what AI writing is and how it functions.

How to choose the best AI writer for you?

Let’s get this out of the way. Whichever platform you choose, you will have to do some editing, if you want to create useful texts.

Here are some of the factors you should consider when choosing the right tool for you: 

1. Ease of use

Tools that don’t require technical knowledge or prior experience should be on the top of your list. Investment in good UI means that other aspects of the tool are also likely to be of a higher quality.

While this may not be popular with everyone, the price should play a major role in deciding which tool to go for. Some are simply overpriced while not offering much more than their lower-priced competition. Pay attention to the amount of content each price plan offers.

3. High-quality output

Despite the fact that, in the end, you will be editing the texts and images the tool creates, having a tool that creates high-quality content will mean less time spent on fixing mistakes and editing.

4. Integrations

If you’re running a blog or business and have been doing so for some time, you probably have your set of tools that you use for writing content. Making sure that the new AI platform syncs well with your existing toolbox can be essential for how long and how well you utilize the AI tool.

The list above is not exhaustive, but does offer a great starting point in your quest to find the best AI writing tool for your needs.

During our assessment, we’ve evaluated various aspects such as the number of writing templates, categories, recipes, number of languages supported, grammar checkers, etc. Our goal was to create an extensive list of AI writing assistants that offer much more than simple rewording features. 

We tested the overall capabilities of the AI software, the tool's interface and ease of use, monthly article limits, SEO optimization features, and pricing, among other aspects.

In addition, we gave each platform a test article to write for us (a simple topic) and checked its sentence structure and content relevance.

Read more on how we test, rate, and review products on TechRadar .

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Bryan M. Wolfe is a staff writer at TechRadar, iMore, and wherever Future can use him. Though his passion is Apple-based products, he doesn't have a problem using Windows and Android. Bryan's a single father of a 15-year-old daughter and a puppy, Isabelle. Thanks for reading!

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Join our community for the latest on AI tools like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. We share tips, tricks, and reviews on how these chatbots and technologies can level up your personal and professional life. Whether you're into writing, coding, or business, we've got your back. Discover the potential of AI and machine learning with us!

I’ve gathered a list of AI essay writing tools for students

I'm a student. I'm a modern student, so I'm constantly looking for ways to make my study process easier and not so stressful. Yes, I understand that learning is important, but I just want to make it more efficient. This week, I've gathered my own list of essay generators which I tried this year. They all help save time and improve writing, but they all have both advantages and disadvantages. Now, I'm ready to share this list to show that the world of AI is wider than ChatGPT.

One little clarification: This is my own experience, and I would be glad to explain my point of view if you ask questions. Also, I’d be grateful for more tools to explore.

-- Textero AI Writer --

What I liked : It generates texts very quickly and essays are of quite good quality. I used this tool more for ideas and reference search when I needed to make citations in my essay. The cool thing is that I can upload my own sources to the app and use them while writing an essay.

What I didn't like: A few errors happened while writing, maybe it was because of relaunching a newer version of the app.

-- Paraphrasing tool --

What I liked : This tool offers rephrasing or rewriting services for students for essays or other papers. It is a free rewriter and can really improve your text. You can also upload an audio to paraphrase.

What I didn't like: Very limited services and no customer support

-- Tinywow --

What I liked : It has a very simple website. You can use it without registration, so it saves a lot of time. The speed of essay creation was very fast, just a few minutes. The quality was not perfect but I used some paraphrasing tools to change sentences.

What I didn't like: 500 words limit and a limited amount of features

-- Humata AI --

What I liked : This is one more text generator that I used for essays. It offers quite a generous free plan - nearly 20 pages. There is also an online chat to help with prompts. \

What I didn't like: I wasn’t satisfied with text arrangement and formatting

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🤖 AI Homework Assignment Generator

Unlock the academic excellence you dream of with the power of AI! Streamline your studies with the Homework Assignment generator.

Do you remember those sleepless nights filled with stacks of books, research papers, deadline pressure, and nerve-wracking concern over how to get scoops beyond your peers? We all do. Say goodbye to academic pressure and utilize the power of technological advancement to make your homework assignments a breeze.

Let’s dive into the future with the remarkable Homework Assignment generator! An AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of homework, giving you more time to focus on understanding concepts and less on the reiterative task of writing. It’s not about creating a shortcut, but it’s about optimizing your learning experience and outcomes. Let’s explore more!

What Is a Homework Assignment?

A homework assignment is a task assigned by educators as an extension of classroom work typically intended for students to complete outside of class. Written exercises, reading and comprehension activities, research projects, and problem-solving exercises are a few examples of homework varieties.

However, the primary goal remains the same: to develop the learner’s understanding of a specific topic or subject, enhance their skills, complement their learning, and prepare them for subsequent class sessions.

Why Use a Homework Assignment Generator?

A homework assignment generator plays a crucial role in not only simplifying students’ academic life but also enhancing their learning journey. Here are a few reasons:

  • Efficient Time Management: Unlike students, an AI-powered generator doesn’t procrastinate. It helps quickly provide homework outlines, ideas, and solutions, leaving you plenty of time for other tasks.
  • Quality Content: Drawing from a vast database of resources, this generator assures top-notch content. It furnishes well-researched and factually correct information, ensuring your assignment stands out.
  • Ease of Use: No complex instructions. Just input your assignment topic, and behold the AI unfolds its magic, rendering high-quality content almost instantly.
  • Learning Aid: This tool should not replace learning but aid it. It brings clarity by simplifying complex topics, making them more comprehensive and easier to grasp.

In conclusion, the Homework Assignment generator aims to transform your academic life. Its primary objective is not to eliminate homework but to streamline it, making it less stressful and more rewarding. It is designed to support, not replace, the traditional teaching-learning method, highlighting what is essential for success: understanding, skill enhancement, and knowledge application. Embrace this new era of learning where technology complements traditional education, and step into the future of academic excellence.

How To Use This AI Generator:

  • Click “Use Generator” to create a project instantly in your workspace.
  • Click “Save Generator” to create a reusable template for you and your team.
  • Customize your project , make it your own, and get work done!

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I am scared of using AI because of plagiarism

Our tools do not give you answers. We focus only on giving guidance and feedback on what you have already written. The feedback you receive aims to give enough but not everything, for example: Hey, you did a good job introducing X but you didn't really criticaly evaluate X as required in your marking criteria.

Now imagine this example but across your entire assignment.

What happens with the assignments I provide?

Your assignments and assignment critera that you provide is processed through ChatGPT's APIs owned by OpenAI. The data given through their APIs is not used to train their models. We securely store your data on our servers until you tell us you want your data deleted. You can learn more about how your data is stored and managed by looking at our terms of use and our privacy policy.

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QuestionAI App, with AI Powered Answers for your Questions & Summarizer, instantly solve all kinds of problems and summarize all kinds of texts and help to answer your questions with concise solutions. Choice of more than 10 million users. A marvelous homework assistant!

Why Use Question AI Tool?

Our Question AI has unique features and all free, also known as Homework AI.

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Just take a picture of your math problems and then get the answers quickly! Wonderful Homework AI copilot.

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Provides you with professional and concise solutions 24/7! Question AI is your good AI copilot.

Respond to your needs quickly. You can also upload PDF files with Question AI.

We can help summarize textbooks from any subject to make it clear and easy for you to understand.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. can question ai handle complex or technical language.

Yes, it can. The AI has been trained on a big dataset, so technical or complex data won’t be a problem. Question AI can handle any academic or technical langauge.

2. Can Question AI be used on mobile devices, or is it only available on desktop?

Question AI is accessible on both desktop and mobile. Question AI supports Windows and Mac systems as well as IOS and Android.

3. How fast Question AI generate an answer?

Within seconds. Never doubt Question AI's speed.

4. How many questions can Question AI tool handle at once?

There’s no limit. Question AI can handle several questions at the same time.

5. Can Question AI make several versions of the same text, each with a different level of detail?

Question AI can give you a longer or shorter text, depending on your wishes.

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7 best mobile AI apps for iPhone and Android

Is that an LLM in your pocket?

ChatGPT vs Claude (logos for each bot)

The AI age is here, and while Apple’s finally hopped on board with its planned rollout of Apple Intelligence later this year , you don’t need to wait to start experimenting with it on your phone or tablet — and that includes Android, too.

There is already a whole host of apps with AI-powered features in them, but here we’re rounding up more Chatbot-style options for your mobile platform of choice, from Claude and ChatGPT to tech giant offerings like Gemini and Copilot.

Here’s our rundown of the best AI apps around right now.

Anthropic Claude


  • Pricing: Free/$20 per month 
  • Platforms: iOS 

Anthropic’s Claude app is currently iOS only after making its debut on the platform last month, and offers an AI assistant that can help with analyzing data, producing text, and pretty much anything else you can ask of it. 

It does a good job of remembering prior conversations, too, so you don’t feel like you need to start from scratch each time. 

OpenAI ChatGPT


  • Pricing: Free/$20 per month
  • Platforms: iOS/Android 

One of the trailblazers of generative AI, OpenAI ’s ChatGPT is free to use for users on GPT 3.5, but you’ll get access to 4 and 4o if you opt for the Plus plan. 

The chatbot itself is solid, but you also gain the use of custom GPTs and DALL-E image generation, as well as early access to new features as they arrive. 

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Focused on offering a boundless amount of knowledge at your fingertips, Perplexity feels like a Chatbot/search engine hybrid. 

You only get five Pro searches a day on the standard plan, but moving to Professional nets you 600, file analysis, multiple image generation options, and access to multiple LLMs. 

Character AI

  • Pricing: $9.99 per month 

If all of these feel a little impersonal, might be worth a look instead. Users can create and speak to AI-generated characters, with conversation more of a focus than providing quality information. 

Users can work on their translation skills, work on collaborative ideas, or play text games with the characters.

Google Gemini 


  • Pricing: Free/$20 as part of Google One 

Google has been pushing AI hard in recent months (a little too hard, some may say), but its Gemini Chatbot remains accessible - at least on a computer. 

On iOS and Android, it too often feels disconnected from Google devices around you, and it can take a while to get a response. 

Microsoft Copilot


  • Pricing: free/$20 per month 

Microsoft is putting Copilot front-and-center on Windows machines, and its companion apps on iOS and Android are solid, too. 

The premium version unlocks faster response times and app integrations with Office, but even without it the underlying tech is sound, leaning on OpenAI models to help with image generation and content writing.

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    AI Assignment Writer is an AI assignment generator app designed to assist students and professionals alike in generating high-quality notes, assignments, and study materials. Developed by Efface Studios, this app leverages artificial intelligence to provide a seamless and efficient writing experience.

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    10) Doctrina AI. Doctrina AI is a tool that revolutionizes students' education by employing AI algorithms to enhance learning. It can not only summarize notes for you, but also generate essays, quizzes, and exams on any topic. However, you can only access notes and quizzes on its free plan. Doctrina AI Notes.

  3. Best AI Tools for Students: The 11 Free Tools We Recommend is another one of the best AI tools for students, helping with lectures, and group work, and never missing a word spoken. It's a must-have for any student! Best AI Tools for Engineering Students. Here are the three best AI tools for Engineering students. 9. is an excellent AI tool for students to chat with documents ...

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    Anyword. Anyword is one of the best AI tools for assignment writing in 2024 and makes use of machine learning algorithms to create content. It is really helpful with long-form texts and assignments along with blogs, ad copies, social media posts, etc. It even analyzes previously done content to generate content that matches the voice and style.

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    By asking Socratic a question, the app will find the best online resources for students to learn the concepts. 6. Freemium. Visit is an AI-based tool that assists students with their homework. Users can paste their question, assignment, or prompt into the app and get an answer.

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    Premium: $12/month per user, billed annually. Business: $15/member/month, billed annually and $25 when billed monthly. Enterprise: Contact Grammarly to know the price. Quilbot. Quilbot is an Ai-powered versatile and dynamic paraphrasing tool that helps you rephrase your sentences and paragraphs with ease.

  7. Caktus AI

    Caktus AI is a platform built to get your word done. Trained with over 260 million research papers in almost every language, Caktus has built the first AI homework helper to get your work done. Write 10-page essays backed by real citations. Answer AI homework questions.

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    3. Smodin - AI Writing Companion for Students. is an AI-powered platform designed to assist with homework completion. It is a comprehensive research tool, providing users with accurate and detailed information across various subjects. The platform generates high-quality, structured text quickly, aiding in completing assignments ...

  9. Classway

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  13. Free AI Writing Resources

    Get access to free AI writing tools, useful ChatGPT prompts, the latest articles about AI, and more. ... AI Writing. Using ChatGPT for assignments. AI Writing. ... Using ChatGPT in your studies. AI Tool Reviews. Best AI Detectors. AI detectors detect text generated by AI tools like ChatGPT. We tested various example texts, including ChatGPT ...

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    10. Hubspot. HubSpot's AI Content Writer is an AI writing tool that helps you and your business scale content output for your email, landing page or blog post. By inputting a simple prompt or topic, the AI-powered copywriter tools generate a first draft of engaging, researched, and tailored content for your use.

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    2. Socratic Description. Socratic, a revolutionary app powered by Google AI, transforms how students learn and complete homework assignments. With its advanced artificial intelligence technology, Socratic offers step-by-step solutions to problems in various subjects, including math, science, and history.

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  18. HyperWrite

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  19. AI Assignment Writer

    Introducing the ultimate study companion: our AI-powered writing assistant! With just a few simple prompts, our AI will generate high-quality notes, assignments, and other study materials that will help you ace your studies and impress your teachers. Features: it's a Revolutionary App powered by Artificial intelligence because you can search ...

  20. I've gathered a list of AI essay writing tools for students

    This week, I've gathered my own list of essay generators which I tried this year. They all help save time and improve writing, but they all have both advantages and disadvantages. Now, I'm ready to share this list to show that the world of AI is wider than ChatGPT. One little clarification: This is my own experience, and I would be glad to ...

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    Let's dive into the future with the remarkable Homework Assignment generator! An AI-powered tool that takes the hassle out of homework, giving you more time to focus on understanding concepts and less on the reiterative task of writing. It's not about creating a shortcut, but it's about optimizing your learning experience and outcomes ...

  22. Mark This For Me: Your Free AI Assignment Companion Tool

    Assignment feedback is limited, so we've created a platform powered by AI to help students access personalised and instant feedback anytime to improve motivation and unlock new opportunities for success. Mark This For Me is a trusted go-to platform for students seeking feedback on assignments. Gain free valuable insights using GPT-3 and GPT-4 ...

  23. QuillBot: Your complete writing solution

    Write effortlessly and efficiently with QuillBot's suite of AI tools. Paraphrase, check grammar, analyze tone, improve fluency, and more. Start doing your best work. Upgrade to Premium Your complete writing solution. Get the free app ... QuillBot works across all of your favorite apps and websites, so you can always write your best. Google's ...

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    Question Answering & Homework Helper. QuestionAI App, with AI Powered Answers for your Questions & Summarizer, instantly solve all kinds of problems and summarize all kinds of texts and help to answer your questions with concise solutions. Choice of more than 10 million users.

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    (Image credit: Character AI) Pricing: $9.99 per month ; Platforms: iOS/Android ; If all of these feel a little impersonal, might be worth a look instead. Users can create and speak to ...

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