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113 The Kite Runner Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini, is a powerful and emotional novel that explores themes of redemption, betrayal, and the complexities of family and friendship. If you are tasked with writing an essay on this novel, you may be struggling to come up with a topic that is both original and thought-provoking. To help you brainstorm ideas, here are 113 Kite Runner essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • Explore the theme of redemption in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the relationship between Amir and Hassan.
  • Discuss how betrayal is portrayed in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast Amir and Hassan as characters.
  • Examine the role of Baba in the novel.
  • Discuss the significance of the kite-fighting tournament in the novel.
  • Analyze the setting of Afghanistan in The Kite Runner.
  • Discuss the theme of guilt in the novel.
  • Explore the motif of loyalty in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the character of Assef in the novel.
  • Discuss the role of women in The Kite Runner.
  • Examine the theme of sacrifice in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Amir and Sohrab.
  • Discuss the theme of forgiveness in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the symbolism of kites in the novel.
  • Discuss the theme of cultural identity in The Kite Runner.
  • Examine the role of religion in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Rahim Khan and Baba.
  • Discuss the theme of friendship in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the character of Soraya in the novel.
  • Discuss the theme of war in The Kite Runner.
  • Examine the motif of storytelling in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Soraya and Assef.
  • Discuss the theme of redemption in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the character of Sohrab in the novel.
  • Discuss the significance of the pomegranate tree in the novel.
  • Examine the role of guilt in The Kite Runner.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Baba and Rahim Khan.
  • Discuss the theme of betrayal in The Kite Runner.
  • Examine the role of Afghanistan in The Kite Runner.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Amir and Hassan.
  • Discuss the theme of loyalty in The Kite Runner.
  • Analyze the character of Rahim Khan in the novel.
  • Examine the symbolism of kites in the novel.
  • Compare and contrast the characters of Sohrab and Hassan.

These essay topic ideas and examples should provide you with plenty of inspiration for your essay on The Kite Runner. Whether you choose to explore themes, analyze characters, or examine motifs and symbols, there are endless possibilities for writing a compelling and insightful essay on this powerful novel. Good luck with your writing!

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The Kite Runner

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Discussion Questions

Throughout The Kite Runner, Afghanistan’s turbulent political climate is alluded to, often interrupting, intertwining, and sometimes totally upending the lives of the novel’s key characters. In what ways do Afghanistan’s political struggles, as shown in the novel, parallel or reflect the main conflict between Amir and Hassan? How would Amir and Hassan’s life be different if war had never come to Afghanistan?

The Kite Runner frequently makes use of symbols by way of important items. Three distinct watches appear in the narrative: the watch with the blue face and lightning bolt hands that Amir uses to frame Hassan; General Taheri’s pocket watch, which he winds every day as he waits for Afghanistan’s monarchy to be restored; and the watch Amir gives to Wahid’s starving boys. What might these watches symbolize? Support your answer with surrounding context .

The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell presents an ancient pattern of tropes that are ever-present in the themes and motifs of The Kite Runner . When Amir receives Rahim Khan’s phone call, he is literally answering the call to action, which beckons the hero of myth into adventure. What other heroic patterns of the hero’s journey does Amir fulfill?

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Critical Essays Themes in The Kite Runner

Betrayal and Redemption

Betrayal, which can be considered a form of sin, is enduring and ends up being cyclical in The Kite Runner. For most of the novel, Amir attempts to deal with his guilt by avoiding it. But doing this clearly does nothing toward redeeming himself, and thus his guilt endures. That is why he still cringes every time Hassan's name is mentioned. When Amir finds out about Baba's betrayal of Ali (and subsequent betrayal of Hassan), he realizes that everything he thought he knew and understood about his father was false. And Amir himself feels betrayed. But Baba has been dead for fifteen years, and there is nothing he can do about the situation. Neither feelings of betrayal nor punishment are enough to redeem Amir. Rescuing Sohrab from Assef is not enough either. Only when Amir decides to take Sohrab to the United States and provide his nephew a chance at happiness and prosperity that was denied to his half-brother does Amir take the necessary steps toward atonement and redemption.


Ideas about forgiveness permeate The Kite Runner . Hassan's actions demonstrate that he forgives Amir's betrayal, although Amir needs to spend practically the entire novel to learn about the nature of forgiveness. Baba's treatment of Hassan is his attempt at gaining public forgiveness for what he has not even publicly admitted to have done. Yet the person who speaks most poignantly about the nature of forgiveness is Rahim Khan. In his letter, he asks Amir to forgive him for keeping Baba's secret but also writes explicitly "God will forgive." Rahim Khan is confident that God will forgive all transgressions, and he encourages Amir to do so, too. Rahim Khan understands that it is God who readily forgives those who ask for forgiveness, but it is people who have a hard time forgiving. Thus, the only way complete forgiveness can occur is when one forgives oneself, and that will only occur when one has truly attempted to atone for the mistakes that one has made.

Every relationship in The Kite Runner is strained at one point or another, thus providing multiple examples of the complexity of various types of love. Hassan's love for Amir is selfless, while Amir's for Hassan is mostly selfish. The two relationships thus demonstrate — albeit unknowingly to the characters — the nature of brotherly love, a love that includes jealousy and insecurity. Ali, Baba, the General, Hassan, Rahim Khan, and even Amir demonstrate varying degrees of paternal love, each having expectations for his child and providing physical and/or emotional support. Amir and Soraya illustrate romantic love, and their relationship plays an important part in Amir's character development. Hassan's character comes closest to demonstrating selfless love towards all others, and the other characters are able to learn from his example. Most of the characters are living a life that includes a personal quest for love. And most of them realize that both forgiveness and love of self are necessary before you are able to love another.

Social Class and Ethnic Tensions

The socioeconomic conditions in Afghanistan demonstrate the disparity between the majority (Sunni Muslims) and the minority (Shi'a Muslims) and how people discriminate against each other based on physical features and religious beliefs. The socioeconomic differences are also explored in the United States, as Baba and many other immigrants give up lives of relative prosperity and security for manual labor and little pay. In addition to the differences between Muslim sects, The Kite Runner also alludes to the differences between European and Western Christian cultures on the one hand, and the culture of the Middle East on the other. And the conservative Taliban, which outlaws many customs and traditions, also demonstrates the differences within the same religious groups.

The Immigrant Experience

The Kite Runner effectively demonstrates that the difficulty of the immigrant experience begins when one attempts to leave his homeland. Baba and Amir are among many Afghans who struggle to leave — under cover of night, unsure of the next passage, taking calculated risks. Obviously, some immigrants die before they even reach their new homes. In addition to the difficulties of their lives in a new country, the immigrants also have to deal with the perception of them among those who stayed behind. Amir realizes this when he returns to Afghanistan. Finally, the adjustment to a new country is not just about learning a new language; it is about maintaining traditions and some semblance of your own culture. Baba loses his status and still has his old world prejudices, thus demonstrating the precarious balance between old and new. Soraya and her mother also demonstrate the difficult role women have balancing the expectations of an old world culture with the new world in which they are living.

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The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Essay

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The kite runner: summary of the novel, the main characters and themes of the narrative, personal opinion about the composition.

The Kite Runner is a novel written by an Afghan-American author Khaled Hosseini. When Hosseini was a child, his family moved from Afghanistan to France, and then to the USA. This experience is partially reflected in the narrative of the author. Hosseini has written three novels, and The Kite Runner “has sold millions of copies worldwide and been classified as one of a classic” (Khadawardi 2017, 88). In this essay, the summary of the story, information on the main characters and themes, as well as a personal opinion about the composition will be presented.

The story revolves around the life of a young boy from Kabul, Amir. He lives with his father, Baba, a wealthy man who never has time to spend with his son. Amir feels jealous when he notices Baba’s cordial treatment of his friend, Hasan, the son of their servant. To deserve his father’s love, Amir decides to take part in the kite competition with Hassan. Even though the two boys could keep their kite in the sky for a long time and won the first part of the competition, the event ended tragically. Hassan runs away, trying to find a place where the kite fell. After waiting for him for a long time, Amir decides to follow his friend and becomes a witness to the rape of Hassan by his enemy Assef. Amir is scared to interfere and help his friend and decides to go away and pretend he did not see anything. Feeling guilty for what he did, Amir stops talking to Hassan and does not want to be his friend anymore. He blames him for being a thief, and Hassan and his father leave their home.

Soon, the Soviet Union troops intervene in Afghanistan. To save their lives, Amir and his father immigrate to the USA. Many years later, after his parent’s death, Amir receives a letter from a family friend. From this letter, he learns that Hassan was his brother and that he knew about Amir’s betrayal but still loved him until the end of his life. Unfortunately, Hassan died with his wife during demonstrations in their country, but their little son, Sohrab, managed to survive. He was sent to an orphanage, and the author of the letter asks Amir to save the child and take him to the USA. Amir decides to go to Afghanistan and finds his nephew there. Even though it turns out to be difficult for Amir to adopt him, he promises Sohrab never to send him to an orphanage again. One day, when Sohrab notices that Amir is about to break his promise, he tries to commit suicide. Even though the boy survives, he starts to keep to himself being silent most of the time. One day, Amir buys a kite for Sohrab, and, for the first time, he sees a smile on his face. Thus, it is not entirely clear if the story has a happy ending or not. Even the protagonist of the story mentions that he does not know for sure if the story of Hassan and his nephew, Sohrab, ends happily (Hosseini 2013). However, the author gives readers the hope that the characters of the story will eventually find peace and harmony.

The protagonist of the story is Amir, a young boy who was born in a wealthy Afghan family. It is not possible to tell if the personage of Amir is positive or negative. On the one hand, his sneaky nature allows him to betray his best friend. On the other hand, he is capable of feeling guilty and admitting his mistakes. Trying to make amends, Amir uses “a chance to put to rest his tortured past” ( Summary and Analysis of The Kite Runner 2016, 8). He puts much effort into taking Sohrab to the USA and giving him a better life.

Baba, the father of Amir and Hassan, also feels guilty for his affair with a servant’s wife. He considers it the worst sin he ever committed, and, in his desire to redeem himself, helps other people until the last days of his life. In contrast to his son Amir, Baba is a very independent and decisive person. However, it turned out that he was not brave enough to tell Amir and Hassan that they were brothers.

It is evident that Hassan and Amir have many differences. Even being unaware of the fact that Amir was his brother, he loved him and considered his best friend. He forgave Amir for his betrayals and was always ready to spend time with him. Amir, on the contrary, “never displayed his feelings toward Hassan” (Hosseini and Zohdi 2016, 37). It remains unclear if it is caused by the lack of Amir’s love for Hassan or by peculiarities of his personality. Being a very kind person, Hassan also forgave his mother, who left him when he was a child and sheltered her at his house during the war in the 1970s.

The main themes of the book are forgiveness and friendship. The author shows that for friendship, it does not matter if people have or do not have much in common. Hassan and Amir are two boys from two different worlds. Amir belongs to the aristocratic part of the society, while Hassan is from a low-income family of servants. Baba is a handsome man, and Hassan’s father is miserable and limp. Hassan has an ugly harelip, while the deformity of Amir is not noticeable from the outside. Despite all these differences, the two boys become soul mates and real friends. Unfortunately, Amir’s weakness and villainy trigger the end of their friendship. However, nothing can make Hassan stop communicating with his friend, even Amir’s betrayal. Being aware of every harmful deed done by Amir, Hassan is still looking up to Amir, ready to forgive him for everything. Thus, the author shows that forgiveness is the main element of people’s lives that helps individuals to build happiness.

The Kite Runner is one of the rare novels that invite readers to feel all the mental experience of the protagonist. This novel evokes a strong emotional response of readers and teaches them to be braver in some situations to avoid regrets in the future. It also shows that sometimes people neglect those who are sincere with them, and when they realize that they made a mistake, it is sometimes too late. This book shows the weaknesses and vices of human nature and makes readers think about their behavior.

It can be concluded that the novel The Kite Runner contains many significant ideas about people’s relationships. It teaches how important it is to forgive betrayals, love despite all, and bring goodness to this world. It also makes readers think about protagonists’ emotions and feelings and involves them in the process of reflections on their life. The author created an engaging narrative that should be read by both youth and adults because it raises questions that are always topical for all generations.

Hosseini, Akram, and Esmaeil Zohdi. 2016. “ The Kite Runner and the Problem of Racism and Ethnicity.” International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, vol. 74, 33-40.

Hosseini, Khaled. 2013. The Kite Runner. 10th ed. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.

Khadawardi, Hesham. 2017. “Superego Guilt, Redemption and Atonement in Khaled Hosseini’s the Kite Runner .” International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education 4 (2): 88-99.

Summary and Analysis of the Kite Runner: Based on the Book by Khaled Hosseini. 2016. New York: Worth Books.

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IvyPanda. (2019, December 3). The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/

"The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." IvyPanda , 3 Dec. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini'. 3 December.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.


IvyPanda . "The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini." December 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-kite-runner-by-khaled-hosseini/.

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1. The Kite Runner: Exploring the Complexity of Human Relationships

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3. Analysis of Hosseini’s Use of Narrative Techniques in The Kite Runner

4. The Theme Of Betrayal And Redemption In The Kite Runner

5. Road To Redemption: Amir’s Betrayal In Hosseini’s The Kite Runner 

6. The Common Motif Of Betrayal In Kite Runner

7. The Presentation Of Betrayal In The Kite Runner

8. The Prevalent Themes in Fiction: The Chosen, The Kite Runner and Others

9. The Usage of Guilt as a Driving Force for Decision-Making in The Kite Runner

10. Analysis of The Issues and Themes in Khalid Hosseini’s Novel The Kite Runner

11. Depition of Harships of Living in Afghanistan in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

12. First Seeds of Classism in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner

13. Persistence of the Past and Present in “The Kite Runner”

14. “The Kite Runner”: the Story of Betrayal, Guilt and Redemption

15. A Portray Of The Protagonist Amir By The Author, Khaled Hosseini, In The Novel “The Kite Runner”

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The Kite Runner

By khaled hosseini, the kite runner essay questions.

Could the story of the novel exist without the class difference between Amir and Hassan? Make a case, using specific plot points and historical facts to ground your argument.

Examine the concept of circularity in the novel. What important cycles exist in the characters' lives and histories? How is circularity connected to redemption?

Explore the way in which courage is portrayed in the novel. What constitutes true bravery? What are the key moments when characters are brave and who is the bravest character, if any? Use specific examples from the text to support your argument.

Each character in the novel is shaped not only by his particular circumstances, but by the historical and political events that occur during his life. Consider Sohrab, the only character of his generation; how is he different from the other characters and how are these differences a function of what he has experienced?

Consider the idea of a homeland or "watan." How do you think the novel defines a homeland? Make sure to consider the opinions of Farid and Assef. Also, consider this question in terms of Amir and Sohrab, two characters who leave Afghanistan when they are still growing up.

Even though countless events occur in the novel, the title refers to kite fighting and kite running. What do these activities represent in the novel and why are they so important? To whom or what does the title, "The Kite Runner," refer?

Examine what it means to be American in the novel. How do different characters see America and is there one perspective that comes across most definitively? Some characters you may want to consider: Amir, Baba, General Taheri, Omar Faisal, Farid.

Think about the fathers in the novel. According to the novel, what does it mean to be a father? How can one measure one's success at fathering? Some characters to consider: Baba, Ali, Amir, Hassan, General Taheri, Farid, Wahid, Raymond Andrews.

"Like father, like son." "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree." "Monkey see, monkey do." Use one of these cliches as a starting point to consider the way characters in the story behave. Characters to consider: Amir, Hassan, Assef, Baba, Sohrab, Rahim Khan.

Make a list of instances in the novel where someone is forgiven. What constitutes true forgiveness? Why is forgiveness so important? You may want to consider moments between Hassan and Amir, Baba and Hassan, Hassan and Sanaubar, Amir and Sohrab, General Taheri and Soraya, and Amir and himself.

Think about acts of violence in the novel individually and as a whole. Why is violence so essential to the story? Could the story occur without so much violence? Using your answer from the previous question, explain what you think Hosseini is using violence to say. You may want to consider: Hassan's rape, Sohrab's rape, the stonings at Ghazi Stadium, Assef and Amir's fight, Sohrab's suicide attempt, the story of Kamal and his father, Hassan and Farzana's murders, Sanaubar's appearance at the house, and the activity of kite fighting.

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The Kite Runner Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Kite Runner is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini chapter 2&3

I'm not sure what your question is here.

Baba gets lung cancer. What has Baba been trying to teach Amir?

He wants to teach Amir how to be on his own.

What must grooms do before they ask a girl to wed?

Grooms must ask the father's (of the bride) permission first.

Study Guide for The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner is a novel by Khaled Hosseini. The Kite Runner study guide contains a biography of Khaled Hosseini, 100 quiz questions, a list of major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About The Kite Runner
  • The Kite Runner Summary
  • Character List

Essays for The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

  • Amir’s Quest for Salvation in The Kite Runner
  • A Journey for Redemption in The Kite Runner
  • Redemption in Kahled Hosseini's The Kite Runner
  • Assef: Why Is He the Way He Is?
  • Emotional Intertextuality Between Death of a Salesman and The Kite Runner

Lesson Plan for The Kite Runner

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  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to The Kite Runner
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
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  • The Kite Runner Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for The Kite Runner

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  • Plot summary

essay topics kite runner

The Kite Runner - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini delves into the intricate web of personal and societal relationships amidst the turbulent historical and political backdrop of Afghanistan. Essays could explore the complex themes of guilt, redemption, and the search for identity as experienced by the protagonist Amir. The discussions could also delve into the nuanced portrayal of father-son relationships, friendship, and the divisive social hierarchy depicted in the narrative. Furthermore, essays might examine the impact of historical and political turmoil on individual lives and societal structures as portrayed in the novel. The discussion could extend to the exploration of the narrative techniques employed by Hosseini, the cultural insights offered through the narrative, and the broader implications concerning ethnic tensions, diaspora, and the human capacity for both betrayal and redemption. The discourse might also touch upon the novel’s impact on the contemporary literary landscape and its contribution to creating a dialogue on Afghanistan’s history and culture. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to The Kite Runner you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Kite Runner Final

In the Kite Runner, the major underlying theme is the relationships between characters. These relationships grow and change through the events and conflicts in the story. The theme of sin and forgiveness is prevalent in the novel Throughout the first part of the novel, the character Ali is introduced along with his personality and his character. Two of his most predominant traits displayed in the text are the affection he shows towards others and his ability to accept and forget […]

Theme of Redemption in the Kite Runner

It is only normal for humans to make mistakes, but it is how the mistakes are resolved that will dictate ones’ fate. In The Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini, he describes the life of a young boy named Amir whose mistake haunts him for years, and his journey to find a way to relieve the guilt he had to live with. The author demonstrates how guilt can physically and psychologically push a person to search for ways to redeem […]

Amir in the Kite Runner

The Kite Runner takes place in Afghanistan, which is a very religious country. Most people in Afghanistan practice Sunni Islam. Sunni is one of the two major denominations of Islam; Shi'a is the other one. In the novel The kite runner, there is a discrimination of religion's differences, because Hasan is an ethnic Hazara and practices Shi'a Islam, therefore the Afghan people mistreat him because of his race and religion. They consider that Hazaras as a slave in their community.For […]

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Guilt in the Kite Runner

By not facing the past, internal conflict becomes prevalent in life and can prevent one from moving forward. In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amir lives in Kabul, Afghanistan with his father, Hassan, and Ali during 1963-1981. Hassan and Amir grew up with each other and were each other's best friends, but when the bully Assef raped Hassan, both of their lives changed. In his novel, Hosseini explores the internal conflicts of jealousy and guilt, ultimately portraying how neglecting […]

The Symbolism of the Pomegranate Tree in “The Kite Runner”

In The Kite Runner, written by Khaled Hosseini, there are several symbols throughout the text such as kites, the hairelip, and the pomegranate tree. These symbols represent the central concern of guilt and redemption which make up much of the novel's plot. More specifically, the pomegranate tree is significant because it reveals the true nature of Hassan and Amir's relationship. The changing depiction of the tree represents the changing connection between them throughout the novel. Pomegranates are traditionally seen as […]

The Kite Runner Redemption

 The Kite Runner is filled with many compelling characters that have struggled much throughout story and transform into their better halves by redeeming themselves into a better person. Amir is the narrator and the protagonist that is driven by his guilt caused by his desire to win over his father’s affection. Throughout the book, Amir is searching for countless ways to to deal with his guilt by redeeming himself. In the book, The Kite Runner written by Khaled Hosseini, Amir […]

The Kite Runner about an Afghan Boy

The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan boy, Amir, who goes from living in war-torn Afghanistan, to a successful writer living in America that faces many hardships throughout his life. The novel explores class consciousness, guilt, betrayal, and the complex nature of friendship. Characters in The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini are primarily motivated by their loyalty and desire for approval which reflects on their morals and values, those who seek redemption in the book are also heavily […]

The Kite Runner Loyalty

When choices become critical, make no mistake, one wrong move and everything will come tumbling down. Hassan, the protagonists' servant in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner, is a Hazara boy living in Afghanistan as a servant to his best friend Amir when a traumatizing event causes him to change. Mazikeen, the main character's ally in the Hulu series Lucifer, is a demon who holds the form of a young woman and the best friend of Lucifer and works alongside him […]

The Kite Runner Summer Reading

All of the characters in The Kite Runner are compelling and significant. However, Hassan is the most interesting and he stands out from every other character because of this. The audience was intrigued with Hassan because of his friendly personality and constant cheerfulness. He was always watching out for other characters and putting those around him before himself. He overcame struggles that no other character had to face, due to his ethnic background and the troubles within his relationship with […]

The Kite Runner a Novel Full of Betrayals

The Kite Runner, author Khaled Hosseini is a novel full of betrayals and people seeking their redemptions. The novel is based off a major betrayal but is surrounded by other betrayals. The main character Amir betrayed his best friend Hassan and later in his life he tries to seek redemptions for past deeds. After twenty-six years, Amir returns to Afghanistan in order to redeem himself but falls short of acquiring full redemption. Amir cannot completely redeem himself due to watching […]

Theme of Betrayal in the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

Firstly I would like to start by explaining what the difference between pashtuns and hazaras are in the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini’s in afrighanistan there are two different races and ethnics groups. The first group are called pashtuns and they are known for being the sunni mislims, they are also known for being rich, strong, and having a higher class than any hazaras. On the other hand there are the hazaras who are looked down upon, they […]

The Kite Runner Movie and Book Comparison

In the Kite Runner, there were some main differences that stood out in the movie from the book. One difference is that in the book Hassan had a cleft lip and for his birthday Baba pays for Hassan to get a surgery as a birthday gift. “It’s an unusual present, I know,” Baba said. And probably not what you had in mind, but this present will last forever” (Hosseini, 46). In the movie Hassan doesn’t have this facial deformity, so […]

“The Kite Runner”: Soraya’s Struggle for Independence and Identity

The Kite Runner: Depiction of Women in Afghan Society The book, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a story that follows the life of Amir. Living in Kabul, Afghanistan, during his childhood made him the person he is today. He lived in a nice house with his father, Baba, and their two servants, Ali and Hassan. Throughout this novel, women are depicted as objects and not humans. Due to long-held societal views, women who seek a profession are often […]

Deciphering ‘The Kite Runner’: SparkNotes’ Insightful Analysis

In the realm of literary wonders, few narratives enrapture the soul quite like Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner." Nestled within the tumultuous embrace of Afghanistan's history, this tale stitches together threads of friendship, betrayal, redemption, and the enduring weight of guilt. As readers journey through its pages, they're beckoned into a realm where the human experience is laid bare, resonating with universal truths. Amidst this literary landscape, SparkNotes emerges as a beacon, illuminating the depths of this masterpiece with its […]

Originally published :May 29, 2003
Characters :Assef, Rahim Khan, Sanaubar, Soraya, Sohrab, Amir, Hassan, Khala, General Taheri, Baba, Farzana, Farid, Ali
Genres :Novel, Drama, Historical Fiction, Bildungsroman, Literary realism

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How To Write an Essay About The Kite Runner

Understanding the kite runner.

Before starting an essay on Khaled Hosseini's 'The Kite Runner', it's important to have a comprehensive understanding of the novel. 'The Kite Runner' is a powerful story set in Afghanistan, spanning from the final days of the monarchy to the present, dealing with themes of betrayal, redemption, and the complex nature of relationships. Start by outlining the plot, focusing on the relationship between the two main characters, Amir and Hassan, and the pivotal events that shape their lives. Understanding the socio-political context of Afghanistan during this period, as well as the cultural and ethical dilemmas presented in the novel, is crucial for a deep analysis of its themes.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A strong essay on 'The Kite Runner' should be centered around a clear, concise thesis statement. This statement should present a specific viewpoint or argument about the novel. For instance, you might analyze the theme of redemption and its significance in the story, the impact of socio-political changes on the characters, or the role of friendship and betrayal. Your thesis will guide the direction of your essay, providing a structured and focused exploration of the novel.

Gathering Textual Evidence

To support your thesis, gather evidence from the text. This involves closely reading the novel to find relevant quotes, dialogues, and narrative descriptions that support your argument. For example, if discussing the theme of redemption, identify key moments in Amir’s journey that reflect his struggle and eventual redemption. Use these examples to build your argument and give depth to your analysis.

Analyzing Hosseini's Techniques and Themes

Analyze how Hosseini uses literary techniques to develop the novel's themes and characters. Discuss his use of narrative structure, symbolism (such as kites and the pomegranate tree), and character development. For example, explore how the shifting narrative perspective enhances the story's emotional impact or how the setting contributes to the overall mood of the novel. This analysis should demonstrate a deep understanding of the text and how Hosseini communicates his ideas.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main arguments and restating your thesis in light of the discussion. Your conclusion should tie together your insights into 'The Kite Runner,' emphasizing the significance of your findings. Reflect on the broader implications of the novel, such as its relevance to contemporary issues or its contribution to the genre of modern literature.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are coherent, your evidence is clearly presented, and your writing is free of grammatical errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers or peers to help improve your essay. A well-written essay on 'The Kite Runner' will not only demonstrate your understanding of the novel but also your ability to engage critically with literary texts.

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Literary Devices in Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner

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essay topics kite runner

The Kite Runner

Khaled hosseini, ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions.

Betrayal Theme Icon

The betrayal of a loyal friend by a wealthier, more corrupt “master” is a recurring motif in The Kite Runner , and Amir and Baba ’s feelings of guilt for their betrayals drive much of the novel’s action. The central betrayal comes when Amir watches and does nothing as Hassan , who has always stood up for Amir in the past, gets raped by Assef . Amir then worsens the betrayal by driving Ali and…

Betrayal Theme Icon

The quest for redemption makes up much of the novel’s plot, and expands as a theme to include both the personal and the political. Throughout his childhood, Amir ’s greatest struggle was to redeem himself to Baba for “killing” his mother during childbirth, and for growing up a disappointing son who was unlike Baba himself. After Hassan ’s rape, Amir spends the rest of his life trying to redeem himself for his betrayal of his…

Redemption Theme Icon

Fathers and Children

The most important relationships in The Kite Runner involve fathers and their children, usually sons. The central relationship is between Baba and Amir , as Amir struggles to win his father’s affections and Baba tries to love a son who is nothing like him. When Amir learns that Baba is Hassan ’s father as well, he realizes that Baba also had to hide his natural affection for Hassan – an illegitimate son who was also…

Fathers and Children Theme Icon

Violence and Rape

Rape occurs several times in The Kite Runner as the ultimate act of violence and violation (short of murder) that drastically changes the lives of both the characters and the country. The central act of the novel is Amir watching Hassan ’s rape by Assef . There are more peripheral instances of rape as well – it is implied that Kamal , one of Hassan’s tormentors, was raped by soldiers, and Baba saves a woman…

Violence and Rape Theme Icon

Memory and the Past

Throughout The Kite Runner , many characters are haunted by memories of the past. Amir is constantly troubled by his memory of Hassan ’s rape and his own cowardice, and it is this memory that leads Amir to his final quest for redemption. Baba is also haunted by his past sins of adultery with Ali ’s wife Sanaubar , and his memories cause him to be both strict with Amir and charitable and selfless with…

Memory and the Past Theme Icon

Politics and Society

The movements of history are constantly interfering with the private lives of characters in The Kite Runner . The Soviet War in Afghanistan interrupts Amir ’s peaceful, privileged life and forces him and Baba to flee to America. After the fall of the USSR, Afghanistan continues to be ravaged by violence, and when Amir does finally return to find Sohrab , the Taliban regime rules the country with violent religious laws. It is the Taliban…

Politics and Society Theme Icon

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Kite Runner Essay | Essay on Kite Runner for Students and Children in English

May 11, 2023 by Prasanna

Kite Runner Essay:  The Kite Runner is the debut fiction of Khaled Hosseini, who is an Afghan-American author. This heart-warming novel came in the year 2003, with the tale of a young boy, named Amir.

The story of Kite Runner is a story of family, friendships, betrayal and also admiration. The background of the novel is the devastating state of historical Afghanistan for 30 years.

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Long and Short Essays on Kite Runner for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with samples of essay on an extended piece of 500 words and short writing of 150 words on the topic “Kite Runner” for reference.

Long Essay on Kite Runner 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Kite Runner is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The protagonist of the novel, The Kite Runner, is Amir. Amir is much like the novelist Khaled Hosseini himself, as both of them were born in Afghanistan, both left their homeland as a youth, and returned long after.

The novel depicts the incredible friendship that forms between Amir, who is the son of a wealthy Wazir and Hassan, who is the son of Amir’s father’s servant. The novel derives its name from the fact that Hassan is Amir’s kite runner. Both the boys enjoy flying kites, and Hassan has an uncanny ability to understand exactly where a downed kite might land.

The theme of this tale is mostly a search for redemption. Amir’s mother gave away her life while giving birth to him. So the young boy tries to redeem himself in front of his father’s eyes. The entire plot is based on one particular line Amir heard from his father. His father once told him that someone who does not have the capacity to stand up for himself, as a man, he will fail to stand for anything. The theme of redemption is also portrayed through the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Amir fails to do anything when Hassan is sexually assaulted. This is the guilt that drives him to locate Sohrab, Hassan’s son so that Amir can have a chance at redemption. His journey to Kabul, his confrontation with Assef are all instances that show his guilt.

The complicated relationship between fathers and sons is another theme of this novel. The love that exists between a son and his father comes with tensions as well. Amir and his Baba share quite a complex relation. There are various instances when Amir felt the lack of love from his father. Amir’s father, on the other hand, has difficulties in connecting with his son.

The novel also depicts are many political events are intertwined with the private lives of the people. The storyline moves with Amir, but it also follows the transitions that Afghanistan goes through as a country. Amir’s childhood shows a memory of calm Kabul during the reign of the monarchy. The Soviet invasion is also visible in the later years and how it uproots the lives of the people is a central tenet of the novel. The republic that has been established now gives an excuse to harass people. The main reason for Amir to flee to California with his Baba is because of such destructive forces.

Another concept that is portrayed beautifully is male friendship. Male friendships are complicated, and Amir and Hassan’s friendship grows to be more involved when Amir learns that Hassan is his half-brother in reality. Amir’s superior societal status forms another barrier to his friendship with Hassan. There is a sense of jealousy on Amir’s part, while Hassan is symbolic of utmost loyalty. This novel is one-of-a-kind and a classic. It takes its audience through a rollercoaster ride of emotions and has numerous heart-wrenching points. Some instances depict morality. The Kite Runner can move the audience and creates a mixture of feelings among the readers.

Short Essay on Kite Runner 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Kite Runner is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The Kite Runner is the primary novel written by Khaled Hosseini. This novel tells the story from the view of Amir, a young Pashtun boy. His father is a wealthy Wazir, and his companion is his Baba’s servant’s son, Hassan. Both the boys have a knack for flying kites, but Hassan also has an exceptional ability to understand the point where a kite might fall. So Hassan is Amir’s ‘kite runner’, and therefore the name of the novel.

The novel traces the progress through the disturbing historical events in Afghanistan. There is a warmth in the depiction of Afghanistan’s culture. The traces of violence, guilt and consequent redemption can be found throughout the novel. The assault of Hassan on the hands of Assef, consequently Amir failing to do anything against it, which leads to his search of redemption, is the crux of the story. This heart-warming tale in a beautifully crafted novel also shows the pivotal role that a father has on the life of his son.

10 Lines on Kite Runner in English

  • Riverhead Books published The Kite Runner.
  • Hassan is Amir’s half-brother in the story.
  • The novel has received several reviews, of which the majority are good.
  • Amir adopts the role of a father for Sohrab.
  • For two years consecutively, The Kite Runner has been on the bestseller list in the New York Times.
  • Assef considers Pashtuns to be superior.
  • The name of Hassan’s mother is Sanaubar.
  • Kites play an essential role in this story.
  • Hassan was a kite runner for Amir.
  • The novel is believed to be bildungsroman.

FAQ’s on Kite Runner Essay

Question 1. Is The Kite Runner a Young Adult fiction?

Answer: In many ways, it can be considered as a YA fiction, but there is quite some number of disturbing events, like brutal beatings, that does not certify for it to be in young adult genre.

Question 2. Who is the main character in the novel?

Answer: The protagonist of the story is Amir as the story is told from his viewpoint. But Hassan is the one who is a kite runner.

Question 3. What are some other good books by Khaled Hosseini?

Answer: Hosseini has written some praiseworthy books, of which A Thousand Splendid Suns and The Mountains Echoed are very well known.

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What Really Happened Inside Miss USA?

Accusations of racism, sexual harassment and rigging have plagued the organization in recent years, but no reigning titleholder has ever quit. Then Miss USA and Miss Teen USA resigned in the same week.

essay topics kite runner

By Madison Malone Kircher and Callie Holtermann

The reporters spoke to over two dozen insiders, including Miss USA and Miss Teen USA contestants, parents and pageant directors.

Laylah Rose says she won her first pageant at the age of 2. With dark, glossy hair and a measured smile, she went on to enter many more. Yet, even as a girl, she dreamed of something bigger. Ms. Rose didn’t only want to wear a sash, as her mother and grandmother had done before her: She wanted to run Miss USA.

Last summer Ms. Rose, 45, whose legal name is Laylah Loiczly, finally achieved that goal. In an email, she said she saw “opportunities to improve, enhance and in many ways repair the iconic brand.”

Those repairs were sorely needed. In recent years, Miss USA has weathered allegations of racism and sexual harassment , and has passed from owner to owner — one of them being Donald J. Trump . The 2022 suicide of Miss USA 2019 sent the organization reeling. In 2023, Ms. Rose’s predecessor was suspended after accusations of pageant rigging .

In her first months in charge of the pageant, Ms. Rose got to work. (She bought the rights to manage Miss USA for an initial payment of $1.5 million, according to a preliminary deal document.) She helped secure a multiyear deal with the CW to broadcast the Miss USA pageant for the first time since 2016. In an interview, Renato Basile, a Hollywood producer she hired to work on the production, credited her with “bringing the luster back to Miss USA and Miss Teen.”

But less than a year into Ms. Rose’s tenure as the president and chief executive of the organization, the reigning Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, Noelia Voigt and UmaSofia Srivastava, stepped down within days of each other . In the pageant’s seven-decade history, no winner had ever quit.

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    Delve into the major themes of Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner. Set in Afghanistan, the novel deals with friendship, family, betrayal, class relations, loyalty, and atonement through the ...

  17. Kite Runner Essay

    Kite Runner Essay: The Kite Runner is the debut fiction of Khaled Hosseini, who is an Afghan-American author. This heart-warming novel came in the year 2003, with the tale of a young boy, named Amir. ... We are providing students with samples of essay on an extended piece of 500 words and short writing of 150 words on the topic "Kite Runner ...

  18. Kite Runner Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Kite Runner Marc Forster 2007. PAGES 4 WORDS 1216. Time passes, Hassan's family leaves Kabul and Amir's family also have to escape to Pakistan and then to unite States. Hassan however never feels hatred for Amir. Something unusual for a child, Hassan names his child Sohrab after the character in story told by Amir.

  19. The Kite Runner Criticism

    In this essay, Caballero-Robb interprets Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner as a work that intertwines the private and public realms of experience. Perhaps what garnered Hosseini's first novel, The ...

  20. 2024 junior world champion launching his F1D, total flight time 22

    I bet you will /r/BeAmazed! A place to find and share amazing things. 2024 junior world champion launching his F1D, total flight time 22 minutes. It being slow is already impressive. ikr!, my mind is glitching how's that possible. Those weigh in the vecinity of 5 grams.

  21. Miss USA Implosion: Resignations and Accusations Plague the

    In the aftermath of Ms. Voigt's and Ms. Srivastava's resignations, the once-coveted Miss USA and Miss Teen USA crowns have become hot potatoes. Savannah Gankiewicz, the new Miss USA, the ...

  22. The Kite Runner Summary

    The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a novel about two boys growing up in Afghanistan and how their friendship shapes the rest of their lives. As a boy, Amir witnesses the rape of his servant and ...

  23. What's a good thesis on "Redemption" for The Kite Runner

    Example thesis statements include: "Amir must endure both physical and emotional pain in order to find redemption." "By saving Hassan's son and enduring Assef's brutal beating, Amir finds ...