
How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay (Guide for Nurse Students)


If you are a nursing or medicine student, you are aware that you will come across or have already come across assignments requiring you to write a nursing reflection essay. At first, such a task always appears challenging, but given the understanding of the steps, things flat out, and you can write reflective essays and get better grades.

Reflective practice is highly encouraged in nursing. Reflection entails making sense of situations, events, actions, and phenomena in the workplace.

As a nursing student, you will be asked to write a reflective essay on your clinical placement, practicum, shadowing experience, shadow health DCE activities, personal nursing philosophy, why you want to become a nurse, nursing program, ethical dilemma, knowledge, skills, and abilities, systems, and processes.

The easiest way to complete the reflective essay assignment is by first determining what reflective writing entails, its significance, its steps, and some of the best tips that form the core of this ultimate guide.

Basics of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing is an analytical writing practice where the writer describes a real or imaginary event, scene, phenomenon, occurrence, or memory, including their takeaway. It entails the critical analysis of an experience, including recording how it has impacted you and what you intend to do with the new knowledge or how to act when such an occurrence recurs.

As you document the encounter, you can use first-person pronouns and write subjectively and objectively. This means that you can decide to either use personal experiences alone or support these experiences using citations from scholarly sources.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing, you must recount the events and give critical detail of how the events shaped your knowledge acquisition. Reflection helps nursing students develop skills in self-directed learning, which is directly associated with high motivation and improved quality of care .

In most cases, reflection occurs on what went well and what went wrong. It could be a successful operation, a thank you note from a patient, a patient who regained their health faster, or a new nursing care plan that worked. However, it can also be about adverse events such as death, postoperative complications, death of an infant at birth, dissatisfied patient, medical error, or a failed procedure.

As a nursing student, when you learn to reflect on situations, you grow to become a professional nurse who diligently does their noble duty.

When writing a reflective essay, you begin by setting the scene (explaining what, where, how, and who-the situation), detailing how you felt (emotional state), why it happened (making sense of the situation), critical review and development of insights, a note on what was learned, and strategies to address future recurrence.

Your professor may ask you to write a nursing reflective paper about various topics in your course or your experience working in a group, how you solved a problem, a healthcare issue, or clinical practice. Consider the following example of a reflective statement in nursing; in my clinical practices, I realized I focused more on the technical aspects but failed to explain what it was doing to improve their health. I would like to understand more about listening to patience and their concerns to better care for them.

As you will notice later, these reflective stages are structured into different reflective models and frameworks that we will explore in-depth. So, with the understanding of what comprises reflective writing and its importance in nursing, let's now get solid on the structure.

Related Reading:

  • Philosophy of Nursing Example.
  • Ideas and topics for nursing capstone or project papers
  • How to write a SOAP note paper
  • Top nursing debate topics
  • Nursing Theories and Theorists.

Structure of a Reflective Essay in Nursing

A reflective essay is an analytical writing piece describing and evaluating encounters or experiences. When asked to write one, you should know that an excellent reflective essay consists of different parts, just like a typical academic essay. It comprises the cover or title page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusions, and a references page.

The title page contains information about the assignment. If you are writing the reflective essay in APA, include these on the title page:

  • Title of the reflective essay
  • Course code and name
  • Instructors name
  • Name of your institution
  • Date of submission

When writing in Harvard format, the title or the cover page will consist of the following:

  • Title of the essay in title case and the page number (upper right margin),
  • Title of the essay in CAPS,
  • Name of class or course,
  • Name of the instructor,
  • Name of your school,
  • City and state where your school is located and,
  • The date of submission.


The introduction begins with an attention grabber or a hook sentence to attract readers' attention. It should then explain the essay's purpose and signpost the ideas that will come later in the essay. The introduction also has a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph- the last sentence. The thesis is concise, clear, and relatable and should reflect your position.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a reflective essay can be three or more, depending on the length of the essay. Essentially, the body comprises 80% of the total word count.

The first paragraph is where you describe the situation, including the events, why they occurred, how they occurred, and those involved.

The second paragraph entails your personal feelings or reaction to the situation and how it made you feel.

The third paragraph can include making sense of the situation. You have to think about why things happened the way they did. You should also critically review and develop insights based on the situation. Finally, think of the factors that could have influenced the situation.

The next paragraph should explain how the event or situation will change your practice, approach, decisions, perspective, or perception. This is where you evaluate the experience by detailing the knowledge and skills you took from the experience.

The last body paragraph should entail a critical reflection on the learning opportunities. First, describe the situation and what it made you learn. Next, elaborate on how you intend to make yourself better poised to address such situations.

Mostly, you should structure the body of your essay as per the preferred nursing reflective model.

After everything else falls into place, you need to summarize the information you presented in the essay. Then, finally, restate your thesis and have a call to action to bring a sense of closure to your readers.

Steps for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay � The Guide

When assigned to write a reflective essay for your nursing class, here are the surefire steps to get you to success.

Read the instructions

The first step after receiving an assignment is to begin reading the instructions. as you read, note what your instructor or professor expects in the paper you will submit for marking.

Reading instructions helps you to get informed on the scope of the paper, word count, number of references and pages, and the formatting style to use.

Besides, you also get to plan your paper with the deadline highlighted in the instructions.

You need to get a conducive environment where you can start writing.

The first step of writing is to brainstorm about situations during your clinical hours when you were shadowing a Nurse Practitioner or one you have read about.

Assess whether the situation or scenario you have thought, encountered, or chosen can help you write a reflective essay that meets the requirements.

Research and Plan

After choosing a scenario, the next step is researching the best reflective model.

You can use your class text, the instructions, the college library, course readings, and online nursing journals to get articles and resources with information about specific reflective models.

Select the best reflective model and take notes on the steps it entails.

As you research, write down notes on how to address your paper based on your selected framework or model of reflection . Additionally, research nursing journal articles with information you can use when critically analyzing a situation.

Plan how you will handle the paper as well. For instance, as you research, develop a thesis statement that grounds your entire paper, then draft an outline on how to develop the thesis.

Write an Outline

Outlining is a crucial aspect of writing. It helps you envision how you will meet the objective of writing a reflective essay. As an essential part of the essay writing process, outlining helps create a good flow of ideas and can come in handy in helping you overcome writer's block. Your outline should comprise the following:

  • The hook or attention grabber
  • Thesis statement
  • Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.)
  • Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action)

With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay. Writing with an outline helps avoid mistakes and also helps you write faster.

Describe the Experience

Once you have identified the relevant experience, begin describing it chronologically.

Describe the experience that prompted you to consider nursing your ideal career goal. Think of this experience's key elements, such as the setting, patient demographics, and significant events that impacted you.

Show how these events changed your perspective on life. Ensure you are as descriptive as possible to paint a clear picture for readers.

Consider the following questions to come up with a good description:

  • What happened?
  • Was there someone involved? If yes, what part did they play?
  • Where did the event take place?
  • What actions did you take?

Set the context of this experience by giving relevant background information. Ensure you are objective and pay attention to the facts.

Provide a Reflection

Talk about your feelings and thoughts concerning the particular experience you went through. You have to be honest and open up about your initial expectations and challenges you faced at each stage of the experience. The following questions can help you come up with a good reflection:

  • What was I trying to achieve?
  • What prompted me to act the way I did?
  • Are there any consequences for my actions? If yes, what are they?
  • How did I feel about this event as it was happening?
  • How did those around me react to it?
  • How do I know how those around me felt about it?

Analyze the Experience

Description of an experience is essential, but so is analysis. You have to move beyond the surface and give a critical analysis of your experience.

State your actions, and your overall experience will give insights into your experience. Think of how the experience has impacted your actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Give an Evaluation

Evaluate the skills and knowledge you got from the experience. Show how you can apply these skills and knowledge in your nursing practice. Also, state the actions and interventions you took during the nursing experience.

State whether you achieved the desired outcome and if there are any specific areas that you need to improve on.

Talk about how you built or improved skills like communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.

As you evaluate the experience, identify what you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses in the nursing experience. What have you learned from the experience? State the areas where you excelled and what abilities contributed to your success.

Talk about how those you were with during the clinical experience complimented you. Similarly, acknowledge your weaknesses.

What kind of mistakes did you make, and how did you improve them? Talk about the tasks that drain you most during the experience.

Illustrate Learning

Demonstrate elements of deeper thought and reflection levels. This is a great point to include nursing theories in your reflection essay to support analysis of your experience.

Relate your experiences to the theoretical frameworks you were taught in class. This is effective learning and will demonstrate your ability to apply knowledge to real-life nursing situations.

Doing this will also show that you can effectively deduce different things from observations made during the reflection process.

Ensure you also demonstrate a change in perspective, as this will prove that you learned something from the experience.

Write Your Conclusion

Conclude by summarizing your points and highlighting the lessons learned.

The lessons you reached as part of your reflection should support your overall conclusion.

Also, restate your thesis statement.

Come Up with an Action Plan

Now that you have learned from your reflection develop an action plan for future nursing practice.

This part should contain all the details you have learned and actions needed to improve when faced with a similar situation. Consider the following questions:

  • What would I change if faced with a similar situation?
  • How can I develop the necessary skills needed to face this situation?
  • How can I act differently in a similar situation?  

Ensure you identify areas to improve and set realistic goals to enhance your nursing skills. Discuss how you intend to seek additional education, training, or mentorship to address your shortcomings.

Finally, end the essay with a happy note so readers know you learned something from the experiences.

Proofread, Edit, and Polish

After doing your first draft, take a break to relax and get out of the writing mood - it helps you to become objective.

You can then resume reading out loud to yourself, make necessary tweaks, and ensure that every part you include meets the rubric requirements.

Edit for grammar, punctuation, tenses, voice, spelling, and use of language. You should also proofread the essay to adhere to the style, organization, and presentation requirements.

Ensure that all the in-text citations are accounted for in the reference list and are up-to-date. You are good to go when you have an essay that meets all the instructions.

Finally, you can submit the paper for grading.

Writing is not everyone's cup of tea. For that reason, you can hire a nursing reflection essay writer from our website to assist you in crafting a top-grade paper. In addition, we have nursing writers whose forte is writing various nursing papers.

Choosing the suitable Reflective Model or Framework

As you can see above, many reflective models are used for your reflective essay. We have not exhaustively listed and expounded on all of them. Other reflective models and frameworks you can also consider when writing a reflective essay in nursing include:

  • Bouds Reflective Model
  • Brookfield Reflective Model
  • Pender's Health Promotion Model
  • Roper Logan and Tierney Model
  • Driscoll Reflective Model
  • The Johari window model

Note that most nursing instructors will often suggest the models they prefer for you to use in your essay.

For example, in most nursing reflective essays. Whichever the case, readily available information expands on each model to make it easier to write a reflection essay on a specific aspect of nursing education or practice.

Read the assignment rubric and instructions to understand the specific model. If it is unclear, ask for clarification from your instructor early enough.

Tips for Writing a Good Nursing Reflective Essay

As you try to figure out how to write a nursing reflective essay, keep the following tips in mind.

Choose the Right Topic

If the instructions from your professors involve choosing a topic for the reflective essay, you must select one that is meaningful to you.

This will ensure you can easily write and easily develop relevant elements about the topic. Therefore, take time to pick a topic that you find interesting.

As you write, ensure you stay on topic, whether sharing a one-off event or a recurrent story.

Use the Right Tone

A reflective essay is more personal, unlike other types of academic essays. This means you don't need a strict or formal tone.

Since this is about your experiences, use personal pronouns such as I and Me.

Be Vulnerable

You must be extremely vulnerable to learn how to write a reflective essay in nursing.

Be open about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about something you went through that sparked an interest in nursing.

It's okay to share mistakes or things you did wrong that eventually led you to this career path.

Choose the Right Focus

A reflection essay is all about narrating your experience during the nursing experience.

While including other people in your experience is okay, please let them not be the center of your reflection.

This is your essay, so you should be the focus of attention.

Keep it Brief

A good nursing reflection essay should be between 300 and 800 consciously written words. Because of this length, you must only write relevant information about your reflection. Refrain from lengthy reflections, as they make it difficult to pass your points across.

Convey Your Information Wisely

Even though a nursing reflection essay is about your personal experiences, it doesn't mean you should reveal everything about yourself. Ask yourself whether something is appropriate before including it in your paper.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Reflection Essay in Nursing

A good reflection essay involves reflecting on your nursing studies and practices throughout school and career to demonstrate your competence. For this reason, there are certain mistakes you should be aware of when writing an essay.

Not including a Personal Story

Like food tastes bland without salt, so does a reflection essay without a personal story. At the center of a reflection essay is You. This means the essay should focus on your personal story that led you to want a nursing career. A lot of times, students miss out on this instead of talking about their story. You need more than just the personal qualities you think will be a great fit for the nursing program; you must also share a story that shows how well you contributed to nursing care.

Failing to Share Your Experience

You will lose points when you fail to include nursing-related experiences in your reflection essay. Mentioning that you want to be a nurse is great, but failing to show specific events that led to the desire will cost you a great point.

Plagiarizing Your Essay

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense because it is considered taking other people's ideas and using them as your own without crediting the author. So, provide relevant citations and references for any ideas that aren't your own. Also, an AI will not write your essay as a human writer would. 

Related Readings:

  • How to write a student nurse resume with no experience.
  • PICOT examples and guides

Sample of a Nursing Reflective Essay 

The following is a sample of a nursing Reflective essay using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Use this sample to guide you when writing your own.

Introduction  Communication is an important element in healthcare practice as it determines patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. This essay will focus on reflecting on an experience I went through with a 40-year-old diabetic patient who also had a foot infected with an ulcer. When I approached the patient to sign the consent form, I noticed that he wasn't happy because of the news given to him about his health. I concluded that there must be a communication dilemma. I will reflect on the experience using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Using this model, I will identify and discuss the actions taken to resolve the issue. Description  This incident happened a few months ago when I was working as a wound nurse in a Methodist hospital in my hometown. I was part of a care team handling the case of a 40-year-old male patient with diabetes and an infected diabetic foot ulcer. After careful examination, a team comprising various specialists concluded that his leg needed amputation below the knee. After making this decision, the team left, and I was asked to give the patient a consent form to sign. When I came back from retrieving the form, I noticed the patient looked sorrowful because of the news given to him. Feelings  As soon as I saw the patient, I knew what he was going through. He perceived the situation to be irreparable, but I wasn't sure whether to console the patient or not. I was powerless and couldn't imagine what he was going through. At the same time, I was startled that the team left without showing any compassion. They could have handled the situation more delicately. I, on the other hand, could have relayed the information better. I wasn't sure whether my approach would be acceptable or appropriate. Evaluation  I always go back to that particular situation and wonder whether I could have acted better. The situation helped me better understand the importance of good communication in patient care, particularly in therapeutic care. Before the incident, I didn't acknowledge the role of nurses play in caring for patient's emotional needs. I realized nurses must show compassion and console patients in their low moments.  Analysis  Most healthcare professionals do not know how to deliver bad news to patients. They find the process extremely challenging and always feel psychologically unprepared. This has a negative impact on patients and could lead to bad health outcomes. Furthermore, how information is relayed could impact a patient's adherence to treatment. Because of these effects, multiple protocols and approaches were developed to help with communicating bad news to patients. One of the approaches that was proposed is emotion-centered. This proposes that a healthcare provider acknowledges how sad the patient is and builds a professional relationship based on empathy and sympathy. Action Plan I now understand the essence of communicating bad news with compassion. The experience allowed me to look closely at different aspects of my professional development that needed more improvement. Thus, I plan to be more empathetic and speak up in support of patient's emotional and psychological well-being, especially when presented with traumatic news about their health. Additionally, I now understand I am not powerless when dealing with a sorrowful patient. I believe I have learned from my experience, and I'm not able to communicate well with patients any more. Conclusion  The experience allowed me to value good communication in nursing and the need to incorporate it into daily nurse-patient interaction. Nurses must learn how to deliver bad news and manage patient's sorrow. This has been and will continue to be my biggest priority in patient care. References Street Jr, R. L., Makoul, G., Arora, N. K., & Epstein, R. M. (2009). How does communication heal? Pathways linking clinicianpatient communication to health outcomes. Patient education and counselling, 74(3), 295-301. Buckman, R. (1992). Breaking bad news: why is it still so difficult? BMJ: British Medical Journal, 304(6842), 886. Ptacek, J. T., & Eberhardt, T. L. (1996). Breaking bad news: a review of the literature. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 276(6), 496-502.

Writing is not everyone's cup of tea. For that reason, you can hire a nursing reflection essay writer from NurseMyGrade to assist you in crafting a top-grade paper. In addition, we have nursing writers whose forte is writing various nursing papers. Just place an order , and we will get back to you ASAP.

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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay as a BSN Nursing Student

Picture of Jermaine Huey

  • November 29, 2023

Welcome to, your go-to resource for expert information and guidance on writing nursing essays. In this article, we will provide you, as a BSN nursing student , with a comprehensive guide on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay. Reflective essays are a personal reflection on your experiences in the nursing profession, and we are here to help you navigate this writing challenge.

As a busy nursing student, we understand that you may have limited time to spare. That’s where comes in, empowering you to excel in your BSN program by providing expert guidance on different writing and comprehension challenges you may face. Let’s dive into the world of nursing reflective essays and discover how you can effectively express your thoughts and insights.

Key Takeaways:

  • Reflective essays allow nursing students to reflect on their experiences and personal growth in the profession.
  • A nursing reflective essay is different from a personal statement, focusing on self-reflection rather than academic achievements.
  • Key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident, personal reflections, vivid details, and actions taken.
  • The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement.
  • The body paragraphs should delve into the writer’s reflections and emotions with specific examples and anecdotes.

What Is a Reflective Essay in Nursing?

A reflective essay in nursing is a powerful tool that allows nursing students to analyze their experiences, emotions, and actions related to their nursing practice. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, critical thinking, and personal growth. Reflective writing can help nurses develop a deeper understanding of their own practice, improve patient care, and enhance their professional development.

Reflective essays in nursing differ from personal statements in that they focus on specific experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development. These essays require the writer to critically reflect on their actions, emotions, and thoughts, and identify ways to improve their practice. By examining their experiences and applying reflective frameworks, nursing students can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing , it is important to follow a structured approach. This includes describing the incident or experience, analyzing personal thoughts and feelings, exploring the actions taken, and reflecting on the outcomes and implications. By structuring the essay effectively, nursing students can communicate their reflections in a clear and organized manner.

Key Takeaways:
– Reflective essays in nursing allow nursing students to analyze their experiences and emotions in relation to their practice.
– These essays focus on specific incidents or experiences and their impact on the writer’s growth and development.
– When writing a , it is important to follow a structured approach to effectively communicate reflections.

Key Elements to Include in a Nursing Reflective Essay

When writing a nursing reflective essay, it is important to include key elements that will make your essay comprehensive and impactful. These elements will help you convey your thoughts and experiences clearly, allowing the reader to gain a deeper understanding of your reflections on nursing practice.

Inciting Incident or Event

The first key element to include in your nursing reflective essay is the inciting incident or event. This is the moment or experience that triggered your reflection and made a significant impact on your practice. It could be a challenging patient encounter, an ethical dilemma, or a personal realization. By describing this event in detail, you set the stage for your reflective journey.

Personal Reflections

Your nursing reflective essay should also include personal reflections on the experience. This is where you delve into your thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to the inciting incident. Reflect on how the event made you feel, what you learned from it, and how it has influenced your growth as a nursing professional. Be honest and vulnerable in your reflections, as this will allow the reader to connect with your experience on a deeper level.

Vivid Setting and Descriptive Details

To create a vivid and engaging narrative, include specific details that paint a picture of the setting and the people involved. Describe the physical environment, the interactions between healthcare professionals and patients, and any other relevant details that contribute to the overall context of the experience. This will help the reader visualize the situation and understand the complexities of the event.

Actions Taken

Finally, it is important to describe the actions you took in response to the inciting incident. Discuss how you applied your nursing knowledge and skills to address the challenges or opportunities presented by the event. Reflect on the effectiveness of your actions and whether there were any areas for improvement. This demonstrates your ability to critically analyze your own practice and make informed decisions.

By including these key elements in your nursing reflective essay, you can create a comprehensive and impactful piece of writing that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Write the Introduction of a Nursing Reflective Essay

The introduction of a nursing reflective essay plays a crucial role in capturing the reader’s attention and setting the tone for the entire essay. It should provide a concise overview of the main points that will be discussed and create a sense of curiosity and engagement. Here are some tips to help you write an effective introduction for your nursing reflective essay:

  • Start with an intriguing opening line: Begin your introduction with a captivating statement or anecdote that relates to the topic of your essay. This will grab the reader’s attention and make them eager to continue reading.
  • Provide context and background information: Give a brief overview of the event or experience that you will be reflecting on in your essay. This will help the reader understand the context and significance of your reflections.
  • Present a clear thesis statement: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main purpose of your essay and the specific points or themes that you will be exploring. This will give the reader a preview of what to expect in the body of the essay.

By following these tips, you can craft an introduction that captivates the reader and sets the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay.

“As I walked into the busy hospital ward on my first day of clinical rotation, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Little did I know that this experience would become a pivotal moment in my nursing journey, shaping my understanding of empathy, communication, and patient-centered care. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the details of this encounter and explore the personal and professional growth that resulted from it.”

With an attention-grabbing opening, providing context, and presenting a clear thesis statement, your introduction will set the stage for a compelling nursing reflective essay that captures the reader’s attention and lays the foundation for your reflections.

Nursing Reflection Essay Tips and Examples

Writing a nursing reflective essay requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. Here are some tips to help you craft an impactful and meaningful reflection essay as a BSN nursing student . Additionally, we will provide examples to illustrate how these tips can be applied.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay:

  • Start by choosing a specific experience or event that had a significant impact on your nursing practice. This could be a challenging patient encounter, a critical incident, or a personal realization that transformed your perspective.
  • Reflect on the experience and consider how it affected your emotions, thoughts, and actions. What did you learn from the experience? How has it shaped your growth as a nursing professional?
  • Focus on the key aspects of the experience that were particularly impactful or meaningful to you. Avoid including unnecessary details or deviating from the main message of your reflection.
  • Use specific examples, anecdotes, or patient scenarios to support your reflections. This will make your essay more engaging and relatable to the reader.
  • Consider the ethical implications of the experience and reflect on how it has influenced your approach to patient care and decision-making.
  • End your essay with a reflection on the implications of your learning for future nursing practice. How will you apply the lessons learned to provide better care and improve patient outcomes?

Now, let’s take a look at two examples of nursing reflective essays to further illustrate these tips:

“During my clinical rotation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), I encountered a complex patient case that challenged my critical thinking skills and decision-making abilities. The patient was a middle-aged woman who had undergone a complicated surgery and experienced numerous post-operative complications. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration within the healthcare team and the significance of advocating for the patient’s best interests…”
“One of the most significant experiences during my nursing education was my time spent in the pediatric oncology unit. Witnessing the resilience and bravery of children facing life-threatening illnesses had a profound impact on my perspective as a nurse. It taught me the importance of providing holistic care, not only addressing physical needs but also supporting emotional well-being and promoting a positive environment for healing…”

These examples demonstrate how personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights can be incorporated to create a compelling nursing reflective essay. Remember to structure your essay in a clear and organized manner, ensuring that your reflections flow logically and coherently.

Key Elements Example 1 Example 2
Inciting Incident Complex patient case in the ICU Experience in pediatric oncology unit
Reflections Importance of collaboration and advocacy Focusing on holistic care and emotional well-being
Specific Details Complications post-surgery Resilience of children facing life-threatening illnesses
Professional Insights Importance of critical thinking and decision-making Promoting positive healing environment

By following these tips and utilizing examples, you can create a compelling nursing reflective essay that showcases your growth and development as a nursing professional.

How to Conclude a Nursing Reflective Essay

The conclusion of a nursing reflective essay serves as the final reflection on the writer’s growth and learning from the experience. It is an essential part of the essay that summarizes the main points discussed and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The reflective essay conclusion should bring closure to the essay by restating the thesis statement and highlighting the key takeaways from the essay.

To write a strong and impactful conclusion, start by restating the thesis statement in a clear and concise manner. This reminds the reader of the main focus of the essay and reinforces its significance. Next, summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, highlighting the most important insights and reflections. This helps to reinforce the main ideas and ensures that they are not overlooked in the final reflection.

In addition to summarizing the main points, a thought-provoking statement or future outlook can be included to provide a sense of closure and leave the reader with something to ponder. This can be a reflection on how the experience has influenced the writer’s future practice or a call to action for continued personal and professional growth. By ending the essay on a strong and meaningful note, the conclusion enhances the overall impact of the nursing reflective essay.

A well-crafted conclusion is essential for a nursing reflective essay as it reinforces the main ideas, leaves a lasting impression on the reader, and provides a sense of closure. By following these tips, nursing students can create a powerful and impactful conclusion that enhances the overall effectiveness of their reflective essays.

Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. Here are some helpful tips and strategies to guide nursing students in their essay writing process:

  • Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm ideas, reflect on your experiences, and write and revise your essay. Starting early will help you avoid last-minute stress and allow for a more thoughtful and polished essay.
  • Conduct thorough self-reflection: Before you begin writing, take the time to reflect on your experiences and emotions related to your nursing practice. Consider how these experiences have shaped your growth and development as a nurse, and what lessons you have learned along the way.
  • Organize your thoughts and ideas: Create an outline or a rough structure for your essay to ensure a logical flow of ideas. Group similar thoughts and reflections together to create cohesive paragraphs, and use headings or subheadings to further organize your essay.
  • Seek feedback: Share your essay with trusted peers or instructors and ask for their feedback. They can offer valuable insights, provide constructive criticism, and help you refine your essay to make it stronger and more impactful.

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the technical aspects of your essay:

  • Grammar and spelling: Proofread your essay carefully to ensure it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Use grammar and spell-check tools, and consider asking someone else to review your essay for a fresh perspective.
  • Coherent writing style: Use clear and concise language to convey your thoughts and reflections. Avoid excessive jargon or technical terms, and focus on communicating your ideas effectively.
  • Formatting guidelines: Follow any formatting guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. Pay attention to font style, size, spacing, and citation style if required.

By following these tips and strategies, nursing students can approach their reflective essay writing with confidence and produce compelling and insightful essays that showcase their growth and development in the nursing profession.

Reflective Tools and Models for Nursing Reflective Essays

Reflective tools and models can provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. These tools help organize thoughts and experiences, allowing for a more comprehensive and meaningful reflection. By utilizing reflection models , nursing students can enhance their reflective writing skills and deepen their understanding of their own growth and development as healthcare professionals.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model

“Reflective practice is both an art and a science that requires ongoing commitment and practice.” – Gibbs

Gibbs’ Reflective Model is a widely used reflection framework in nursing. It consists of six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. This model encourages a structured approach to reflection, allowing the writer to systematically explore their thoughts and emotions, analyze the situation, and identify areas for improvement or further development.

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” – Dewey

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model focuses on the importance of reflection as a tool for learning and growth. It emphasizes the need to actively engage with experiences, thoughts, and emotions, and to critically evaluate them in order to gain deeper insights and understanding. This model encourages nursing students to think analytically and develop a continuous learning mindset.

Kolb Reflective Model

“Knowledge results from the combination of grasping experience and transforming it.” – Kolb

The Kolb Reflective Model is based on the concept of experiential learning. It consists of four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This model encourages nursing students to engage in a cyclical process of learning, where they actively participate in experiences, reflect on them, conceptualize their insights, and apply their learning in real-life situations.

Schön Reflective Model

“Reflection-in-action is the heart of the learning process.” – Schön

Schön Reflective Model emphasizes the importance of reflection in the midst of action. It focuses on the ability to think and adapt in real-time, making decisions based on professional knowledge and experiences. This model encourages nursing students to develop a reflective mindset that allows them to learn and grow while actively engaging in their practice.

Name Key Concepts Stages
Gibbs’ Reflective Model Structured reflection, comprehensive analysis Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, Action Plan
Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model Active engagement, critical evaluation Experience, Reflection, Interpretation, Evaluation
Kolb Reflective Model Experiential learning, application of knowledge Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualization, Active Experimentation
Schön Reflective Model Reflection-in-action, adaptability Reflection-in-Action, Reflection-on-Action

Benefits of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing plays a crucial role in nursing practice, offering numerous benefits for nursing students and professionals alike. By engaging in reflective writing, nurses can enhance their self-awareness, develop their critical thinking skills, and gain a deeper understanding of patient experiences. This section will explore the advantages of reflective writing in nursing and its significance in healthcare.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

Reflective writing fosters self-reflection, allowing nurses to examine their thoughts, emotions, and actions in various clinical situations. Through this process, they gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This heightened self-awareness enables nurses to provide more effective and compassionate patient care, fostering a patient-centered approach.

Improved Critical Thinking

Reflective writing encourages nurses to think critically about their experiences and the impact of their actions. It requires them to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of their decision-making and problem-solving skills. By reflecting on past experiences, nurses can identify areas where they can enhance their clinical practice and make informed decisions based on evidence and best practices.

Increased Empathy and Understanding

Through reflective writing, nurses develop a deeper empathy and understanding of patient experiences. By reflecting on their interactions with patients, nurses can recognize the emotions, fears, and challenges faced by individuals in their care. This increased empathy enables nurses to provide more holistic and patient-centered care, improving the overall healthcare experience for patients.

Continuous Professional Development

Reflective writing is an essential tool for nurses’ continuous professional development. It allows them to document their growth, learning, and achievements throughout their nursing career. By regularly engaging in reflective writing, nurses can identify areas for further development, set goals for improvement, and ensure they are providing the best possible care to their patients.

Overall, reflective writing in nursing is a powerful tool that empowers nurses to enhance their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and empathy. By engaging in this practice, nurses can continuously improve their clinical practice, provide high-quality patient care, and contribute to the ongoing development of the nursing profession.

Nursing Reflective Essay Examples

Looking for inspiration for your nursing reflective essay? Here are some examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth in the nursing profession.

Topic Key Reflections
Providing End-of-Life Care The writer reflects on their emotions, challenges, and personal growth while caring for terminally ill patients. They explore the importance of empathy, communication, and self-care in delivering compassionate end-of-life care.
Topic Key Reflections
Leadership in Nursing The writer reflects on their experiences as a nurse leader, discussing effective leadership strategies, challenges faced, and the impact of their leadership style on the nursing team and patient outcomes.
Topic Key Reflections
Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas The writer reflects on a challenging ethical dilemma encountered in their nursing practice. They explore the ethical principles involved, their decision-making process, and the lessons learned from navigating complex ethical situations.

These examples demonstrate how nursing reflective essays can provide valuable insights into personal experiences, reflections, and professional growth. They serve as excellent references to help nursing students develop their own reflective writing skills and gain a deeper understanding of the nursing profession.

Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

A nursing reflective essay can be a powerful tool for nursing school applications. It allows applicants to showcase their self-awareness, critical thinking skills, and passion for the nursing profession. When writing a nursing reflective essay for a nursing school application, there are a few key tips to keep in mind.

Reflect on your passion for nursing

Start by reflecting on what drew you to the nursing profession and why you are passionate about it. Consider your personal experiences, such as volunteering or shadowing healthcare professionals, and how they have shaped your desire to become a nurse. Highlight your commitment to providing compassionate and quality patient care.

Share personal experiences in healthcare settings

Provide specific examples of your experiences in healthcare settings, such as clinical rotations or internships. Reflect on the challenges you faced, the lessons you learned, and how those experiences have impacted your growth and development as a future nurse. Discuss any significant interactions with patients, healthcare teams, or mentors that have shaped your understanding of the nursing profession.

Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

Research the nursing school’s values, mission, and educational philosophy. Ensure that your reflective essay aligns with these principles and demonstrates your commitment to the school’s mission. Use the nursing school’s prompts or essay questions as a guide to structure your essay and address the specific criteria they are looking for in applicants.

By following these tips, you can write a compelling nursing reflective essay that effectively conveys your passion for nursing, showcases your experiences, and aligns with the nursing school’s values. Remember to proofread your essay carefully for grammar and spelling errors and seek feedback from mentors or trusted individuals in the nursing profession to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and impactful.

Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application Tips
Reflect on your passion for nursing
Share personal experiences in healthcare settings
Align with the nursing school’s values and mission

(Table) Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay for Nursing School Application

Writing a nursing reflective essay can be a transformative experience for BSN nursing students. It allows them to gain valuable insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. Throughout this comprehensive guide, we have provided expert information and guidance on how to write a compelling nursing reflective essay.

By understanding the purpose of a reflective essay and the key elements to include, nursing students can effectively showcase their personal experiences and reflections. Incorporating reflection models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model or Kolb Reflective Model can also provide structure and depth to their essays.

At, we are dedicated to empowering busy nurses and providing them with the tools they need to excel in their BSN programs. Whether it’s writing a reflective essay or any other writing challenge, we are here to support and guide nursing students towards success.

What is a nursing reflective essay?

A nursing reflective essay is a personal essay where the writer reflects on their own experiences and how those experiences have shaped their growth and development in the nursing profession.

How is a reflective essay in nursing different from a personal statement?

While a reflective essay in nursing focuses on the writer’s personal experiences and reflections, a personal statement is more of a formal document that highlights the writer’s qualifications, achievements, and future goals in the nursing profession.

What are the key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay?

The key elements to include in a nursing reflective essay are the inciting incident or event, personal reflections on the experience, specific details to create a vivid setting, and a description of the actions taken by the writer. It is important to avoid including academic details and excessive focus on emotions.

How should I write the introduction of a nursing reflective essay?

To write an engaging and informative introduction for a nursing reflective essay, you can grab the reader’s attention with an intriguing opening line, provide context and background information, and present a clear thesis statement. Focus on the specific event or experience that will be the main focus of the essay.

How should I structure the body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay?

The body paragraphs of a nursing reflective essay should have a clear structure. Use the first paragraph to present the thesis statement and provide background information on the event. Use subsequent paragraphs to explore your reflections, emotions, and actions taken. Use specific examples and anecdotes to make the essay more engaging.

How should I conclude a nursing reflective essay?

To write a strong conclusion for a nursing reflective essay, you can summarize the main points discussed in the essay, provide a final reflection on your growth and learning from the experience, restate the thesis statement, and leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or future outlook.

What are some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay?

Some tips for writing a nursing reflective essay include starting early, conducting thorough self-reflection, organizing your thoughts and ideas, and seeking feedback from peers or instructors. Pay attention to proper grammar and spelling, coherent writing style, and adhere to any formatting guidelines provided.

How can reflective tools and models help with nursing reflective essays?

Reflective tools and models provide structure and guidance for nursing students when writing reflective essays. Models such as Gibbs’ Reflective Model, Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model, Kolb Reflective Model, and Schön Reflective Model can be used as frameworks for organizing thoughts and experiences in a nursing reflective essay.

What are the benefits of reflective writing in nursing?

Reflective writing in nursing offers benefits such as enhanced self-awareness, improved critical thinking skills, increased empathy and understanding of patient experiences, and continuous professional development. It promotes lifelong learning and helps improve patient care.

Where can I find nursing reflective essay examples?

You can find nursing reflective essay examples that showcase different experiences, reflections, and growth. These examples incorporate personal reflections, specific details, and professional insights into nursing practice. They demonstrate the diversity of topics and experiences that can be explored in nursing reflective essays.

How can I write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications?

To write a nursing reflective essay for nursing school applications, reflect on your passion for nursing, personal experiences in healthcare settings, and future goals in the nursing profession. Address specific prompts and align the content with the nursing school’s values and mission.

How can writing a nursing reflective essay benefit BSN nursing students?

Writing a nursing reflective essay allows BSN nursing students to gain insight into their own growth and development as future healthcare professionals. It helps improve critical thinking skills, self-awareness, and understanding of patient experiences. It also promotes continuous professional development.

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Nursing Reflective Essay: Example Outline & Guide

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Nursing Reflective Essays are a cornerstone in nursing professionals’ progression and personal development worldwide. It’s a dynamic tool that nurse practitioners employ to scrutinize and learn from their hands-on clinical experiences. The ability to discern insights and then apply this newfound knowledge to their reflective practice in nursing is a key skill that these reflective essays strive to foster in nurses.

Writing Nursing Reflective Essays

Indeed, crafting a reflective essay in nursing is no mere academic exercise. The process involves deep introspection and self-evaluation, drawing from personal statements and encounters in the healthcare environment. Nurses delve into their actions, choices, and feelings during specific scenarios, investigating their decisions’ underlying factors and results. This methodical review heightens the nurses’ self-awareness and comprehension of their role in patient care.

These type of essays contribute significantly to the nursing profession by enhancing critical thinking skills, fostering personal growth, and enabling the integration of theory and practice. These essays provide a platform for your career as a nurse in reflecting on the professional journey, understanding their experiences, and using those insights to improve your future patient care.

What Is a Reflective Essay?

A Reflective Essay, in the broadest sense, is a piece of scholarly writing that serves as a mirror to the author’s life experiences. This form of essay doesn’t just recount an event; it prompts the author to look inward, examine that experience, and explore how it has influenced their perceptions, emotions, and overall personal growth.

Reflective essays diverge from conventional academic essays, which often require an objective and detached tone. In contrast, reflective essays are deeply personal and subjective. The author is encouraged to venture into the labyrinth of their emotions and thoughts surrounding an event or situation, shedding light on their reactions and extrapolating the broader implications on their lives and perspectives.

What Is a Reflection in a Nursing Essay?

Shifting the lens to a more specific setting – nursing – a reflective essay assumes a slightly different yet equally significant role. Known as a Reflection in Nursing Essay , this form of introspective writing allows nurses to explore and verbalize their feelings, thoughts, and reactions to a particular incident or scenario they encountered during their clinical practice.

Nursing reflective essay topics don’t merely document an event; they serve as a critique of the nurse’s actions, digging deep into their clinical decision-making process, and revealing the thought mechanisms at work. They give nurses a platform to review their actions critically, glean learning opportunities hidden within the folds of everyday practice, and understand how they can better their future practices.

Analytical vs. Reflective Nursing Essay: A Comparative Analysis

In nursing essay writing, two prominent approaches stand out: analytical and reflective essays. While both serve as valuable tools for nurses to express their thoughts and analyze clinical experiences, their purpose, tone, and structure differ. Let’s explore the characteristics of each approach in more detail.

Analytical Essay

  • Introduction : The introduction of an analytical essay sets the context, presents the topic, and states the thesis.
  • Providing evidence: In an analytical essay, evidence supports the writer’s claims and arguments. This evidence may include statistics, research findings, or examples from clinical practice.
  • Practical use of evidence: The evidence provided is then linked to the essay’s thesis, demonstrating its relevance and importance in supporting the writer’s arguments, like in an argumentative essay.
  • The judgment of evidence: The writer then interprets and evaluates the evidence, weighing its reliability, validity, and overall significance in the essay’s topic.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the key arguments, reasserts the thesis, and leaves the reader with a final thought.

Reflective Essay

  • Introduction: The introduction in a reflective essay provides a brief overview of the writer’s experience and hints at the lessons learned.
  • Description of the situation: This is where the writer shares the event or situation in detail, allowing readers to understand the context and circumstances.
  • Sharing personal feelings: In this section, the writer delves into their emotions and thoughts during the experience, offering an intimate perspective.
  • Evaluation of experience: The writer then assesses the situation, discussing what went well and what didn’t and the factors that influenced these outcomes.
  • Reflection and Opportunities for learning: The writer reflects on the experience, drawing insights and identifying lessons learned that could guide their future practice.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the reflection, summarizing the key lessons learned and how they could be applied in future scenarios.

Approaches for Writing Nursing Reflective Essays

Writing a reflective essay in nursing involves a thoughtful process, often guided by various models that structure this reflective exercise. Here are some commonly used models:

Writing a reflective essay in nursing requires a thoughtful and systematic process. To guide this reflective exercise, nurses often employ various models that provide a structured framework. Here are some commonly used models in nursing reflective writing:

1. Kolb’s Model

Kolb’s Model of Experiential Learning is a widely recognized model that consists of a four-stage cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.

  • Concrete Experience: Nurses engage in real-life experiences, such as patient encounters or clinical situations.
  • Reflective Observation: Nurses reflect on these experiences, exploring their thoughts, emotions, and reactions.
  • Abstract Conceptualization: Nurses analyze and interpret their reflections, seeking patterns, connections, and underlying principles.
  • Active Experimentation: Based on their reflections and analysis, nurses develop action plans and test new approaches in future situations.

Kolb’s Model emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with experiences, reflecting upon them, and translating insights into action.

2. Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Gibb’s Reflective Cycle is another popular model of reflection used in nursing reflective essays. It comprises six stages: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan.

  • Description: Nurses provide a detailed description of the event or experience they are reflecting upon.
  • Feelings: Nurses explore their emotions, thoughts, and reactions during the experience, delving into both positive and negative aspects.
  • Evaluation: Nurses critically evaluate the experience, considering the impact on themselves, others involved, and the overall outcome.
  • Analysis: Nurses thoroughly analyze the situation, examining the factors contributing to the outcome and exploring underlying theories or principles.
  • Conclusion: Nurses summarize their reflections, draw conclusions, and identify key learnings from the experience.
  • Action Plan: Nurses develop an action plan outlining how to apply their insights in future practice.

Gibb’s Reflective Cycle offers a systematic and comprehensive structure that enables nurses to reflect deeply and identify opportunities for growth and improvement.

3. John’s Structured Reflection Model

John’s Structured Reflection Model is an approach that guides nurses through a series of guided questions. The model takes a cue-question approach, providing prompts to facilitate detailed introspection.

The questions may include:

  • What happened?
  • What were your thoughts and feelings at the time?
  • What were the positive aspects of the situation?
  • What were the challenges or difficulties you faced?
  • What did you learn from the experience?
  • How will you apply this learning in future practice?

John’s Structured Reflection Model prompts nurses to examine their experiences from multiple angles, encouraging a thorough analysis and reflection.

4. Borton’s Reflective Model

Borton’s Reflective Model is a simple yet effective model centered around three key questions: What? So What? Now What?

  • What? Nurses describe the event or experience, providing factual details and contextual information.
  • So What? Nurses explore the significance and meaning of the experience, considering its impact on themselves, others, and the overall practice.
  • Now What? Nurses identify and plan for future actions based on their reflections, outlining how they will apply their insights in their professional development and practice.

Borton’s Reflective Model is a concise and accessible framework that encourages nurses to reflect on their experiences and take proactive steps toward growth and improvement.

By utilizing these reflective models, nurses can structure their thoughts and reflections systematically and organized, enhancing the depth and quality of their nursing philosophy. Each model offers a unique approach, allowing registered nurses to choose the one that best aligns with their preferences and the specific competence requirements of their reflective writing.

Steps of Writing a Reflective Essay for Nursing Students 

A reflective essay requires a systematic and comprehensive framework for nurses to explore their experiences and gain valuable insights. Let’s look at the steps for writing a reflective nursing essay using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle:

Step 1: Description

In the first step of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle, nurses describe the event or experience they are reflecting upon. It is crucial to provide a detailed account, including relevant contextual information, to set the stage and clearly understand the situation.

By describing the event or experience as it happened, nurses create a foundation for further reflection and analysis. They should focus on the specifics, recounting what happened, who was involved, and any significant details contributing to the overall context.

Step 2: Feelings

In this step, nurses delve into their emotions, thoughts, and reactions experienced during the event. It is essential to be honest and open about one’s feelings, embracing both positive and negative emotions that arose during the experience.

By exploring their feelings, nurses gain insight into how the event impacted them personally and emotionally. They can reflect on the initial emotions they felt, any changes in emotions over time, and the factors that influenced these emotional responses.

Step 3: Evaluation

The third step involves evaluating the situation, assessing what went well and what could have been better. Nurses critically analyze their actions, decisions, and interactions during the event, considering the positive aspects and areas for improvement.

During the evaluation, nurses can reflect on their strengths, identifying the aspects of their practice that were effective or successful. Simultaneously, they should identify the challenges or limitations they encountered, acknowledging areas that could be enhanced or modified.

Step 4: Analysis

In this step, nurses engage in a deeper analysis of the situation. They draw upon their knowledge, theories, and other experiences to make sense of the event and its broader implications. Nurses may explore the underlying factors, potential causes and effects, and the connections between the event and their professional practice.

The critical analysis involves considering different perspectives, questioning assumptions, and critically examining the event from various angles. Nurses may incorporate relevant theories or frameworks to gain a deeper understanding and uncover new insights.

Step 5: Conclusion

In the fifth step, nurses draw conclusions from their reflections. They identify and articulate the key learnings gained from the experience. This could include insights into their own strengths and areas for improvement, as well as broader implications for their nursing practice.

Nurses reflect on the lessons learned, considering how the experience will shape their future actions and decision-making. They may explore the implications for providing quality patient care, collaborating with interdisciplinary teams, or navigating ethical dilemmas.

Step 6: Action Plan

Based on the reflections and conclusions drawn, nurses devise an action plan for similar situations in the future. This step involves setting specific goals and outlining practical steps to implement the insights gained from the reflective process.

The action plan should be realistic, achievable, and focused on improving nursing practice. It may include strategies for enhancing communication skills, further developing clinical knowledge, or seeking additional learning opportunities to address identified areas of improvement.

By following Gibb’s Reflective Cycle and engaging in each step, nurses can undergo a comprehensive and transformative reflective process. This enables them to extract valuable lessons from their experiences, enhance self-awareness, and continually improve their nursing practice.

Reflective Essay Outline

A reflective essay typically adheres to a traditional essay structure, consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This structure provides a clear framework for organizing the reflection and presenting the insights gained. Here are the sections of the reflective essay outline:


The introduction serves as the opening of the essay, providing a brief overview of the experience being reflected upon. It should engage the reader’s attention and provide context for the subsequent reflection.

  • Begin with a captivating hook, such as a thought-provoking question, a vivid description, or a relevant anecdote related to the experience.
  • Provide a concise background or setting to orient the reader.
  • Present a clear thesis statement that hints at the main reflection or insights that will be explored in the essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body of the reflective essay contains a detailed reflection on the experience. It is divided into several paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of the reflection. Commonly, the body paragraphs of a reflective essay include the following components:

  • Detailed Description: Start each body paragraph by providing a detailed description of the event or experience. Include specific details, such as time, place, people involved, and any significant actions or conversations that took place.
  • Feelings and Emotions: Delve into the emotions and thoughts experienced during the event. Express your honest and authentic feelings, exploring both positive and negative emotions and their impact on the experience.
  • Evaluation: Assess the situation, reflecting on what went well and what could have been improved. Evaluate your actions, decisions, and interactions, highlighting strengths and areas for growth.
  • Analysis and Insight: Analyze the experience in-depth, drawing upon your knowledge, theories, and personal reflections. Connect the experience to broader concepts, theories, or principles relevant to nursing practice. Identify insights gained and lessons learned.
  • Conclusion of Each Paragraph: Conclude each body paragraph by summarizing the main points discussed and transitioning smoothly to the next aspect of the reflection.

The conclusion provides a concise summary of the reflection and the insights gained from the experience. It allows you to leave a lasting impression on the reader and tie together the main ideas presented throughout the essay.

  • Summarize the key points discussed in the body paragraphs, emphasizing the most significant insights or lessons learned.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of the experience for your professional growth, future practice, or personal development.
  • End with a final thought or a thought-provoking statement that encourages the reader to contemplate the significance of the reflection.

Reflective Essay Outline Template

Here is a sample reflective essay outline template:

Reflective Essay Thesis

The thesis statement of a reflective essay serves as the central point that encapsulates the main insight or learning derived from the experience being reflected upon. It should be concise, clear, and thought-provoking, providing a roadmap for the reader to understand the focus and purpose of the essay. Here’s an expansion on the reflective essay thesis:

The thesis statement of a reflective essay often takes the form of a personal reflection or realization. It goes beyond a simple description of the experience and delves into the deeper meaning and significance that the author has derived from it. The thesis statement should address the “So what?” question and provide a clear answer to the overall reflection. It can include the following elements:

  • Experience: Briefly mention the specific experience or event that has influenced your reflection. This sets the context and grounds the thesis in a specific context.
  • Insight or Learning: State the main insight, lesson, or learning that you have gained from the experience. This is the core of your thesis statement and should encapsulate the main point you wish to convey.
  • Impact or Relevance: Discuss the impact or relevance of the insight or learning to your nursing practice, personal growth, or understanding of a particular concept. Explain how this realization has shaped your perspective, decision-making, or interactions within the healthcare setting.
  • Broader Implications: Consider the broader implications of the insight or learning for the nursing profession, patient care, or healthcare systems. Reflect on how this newfound understanding can contribute to improvements in nursing practice, patient outcomes, or the healthcare system as a whole.

How to Start a Reflective Essay

Starting a reflective essay can be a challenging task, as it sets the tone and captures the reader’s attention right from the beginning. There are several effective ways to begin a reflective essay, such as posing a question, citing a relevant quote, or sharing a surprising fact. Let’s explore these approaches and provide nursing examples to illustrate how to start a reflective essay effectively:

1. Posing a Question

One powerful way to start a reflective essay is by posing a thought-provoking question that engages the reader and sets the stage for your reflection. This question should be directly related to your experience and highlight the central theme or dilemma you will explore. For example:

Example: “How does one handle the immense pressure of making a split-second, life-altering decision for a patient?”

Explanation: This question immediately draws the reader’s attention and introduces the topic of high-pressure decision-making in nursing. It sets the stage for reflecting on the challenges, emotions, and ethical considerations involved in such situations.

2. Citing a Relevant Quote

Another effective way to start a reflective essay is by citing a relevant quote that captures the essence of your experience or reflects the broader themes you will explore. Choose a quote from a renowned nurse, a healthcare professional, or a notable figure whose words resonate with your reflection. For example:

Example: “As Florence Nightingale once said, ‘I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.'”

Explanation: By starting with a quote from the influential nurse Florence Nightingale, you immediately establish a connection to the nursing profession and emphasize the importance of personal accountability and dedication in your reflective essay.

3. Sharing a Surprising Fact

Sharing a surprising or intriguing fact related to your experience can also capture the reader’s attention and pique their interest in your reflective essay. Choose a fact that is not widely known but is relevant to the topic you will discuss. For example:

Example : “Did you know that nurses make an average of 5 to 7 critical decisions per hour during their shifts?”

Explanation : This surprising fact immediately highlights the fast-paced and demanding nature of nursing practice, setting the stage for reflecting on the challenges and decision-making processes you have encountered in your own experiences.

Reflective Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a reflective essay serve as the heart of your reflection, where you provide a detailed account of your experience, delve into your reactions and emotions, and explore the subsequent reflections. To ensure a well-structured and coherent essay, it’s important to structure your paragraphs around different aspects of the experience and maintain a logical flow of ideas. Here’s an expansion on how to approach the body paragraphs of a reflective essay:

1. Discuss the Event

Start each body paragraph by providing a detailed description of the event or experience you are reflecting upon. Set the context by sharing relevant details such as the time, place, people involved, and any significant actions or conversations that took place. Paint a vivid picture for the reader, allowing them to understand the situation as if they were present. Focus on the specific aspects of the event that are most relevant to your reflection.

2. Explore Your Reactions

After describing the event, delve into your immediate reactions and emotional responses. Reflect on the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that arose during the experience. Be honest and open in expressing both positive and negative reactions. Consider the factors that influenced your emotions, such as the nature of the event, your personal background, or the relationships involved. This exploration of your reactions provides insight into your personal growth, self-awareness, and the impact of the experience on you as an individual.

3. Reflect on the Experience

Next, reflect on the experience itself and its significance in relation to your nursing practice or personal development. Analyze the event in-depth, considering its impact on your understanding of a particular concept, your approach to patient care, or your professional growth. Reflect on the lessons learned and the insights gained from the experience. Consider any ethical dilemmas, cultural considerations, or other factors that influenced your decision-making. This reflection allows you to make connections between the experience and broader nursing principles, theories, or professional standards.

4. Draw Conclusions

In this section, draw conclusions from your reflection and synthesize the main insights or lessons learned from the experience. Summarize the key points discussed in the previous paragraphs and emphasize their significance in shaping your understanding or practice. Consider how the experience has influenced your perspective, decision-making, or interactions within the healthcare setting. By drawing conclusions, you highlight the personal growth and development that has occurred as a result of the reflection.

5. Maintain a Logical Flow

To maintain a logical flow of ideas throughout your body paragraphs, ensure that each paragraph builds upon the previous one and leads to the next. Use transitional phrases or sentences to guide the reader from one idea to the next. This helps to create a cohesive and well-organized essay that is easy for the reader to follow.

How to Conclude a Reflective Essay

The conclusion of a reflective essay serves as the final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the reader and summarize the key insights and lessons learned from your reflection. It should tie together all your thoughts and reflections, emphasizing the significance of the experience and its impact on your understanding or perspective. Here’s an expansion on how to effectively conclude a reflective essay:

1. Recap Your Reflection

Begin the essay conclusion by summarizing the main points discussed in the body paragraphs. Briefly restate the key aspects of your experience, including the event, your reactions, and the subsequent reflections. This recap ensures that the reader is reminded of the core elements of your reflection before moving on to the final insights and conclusions.

2. Reiterate Your Learning

Reiterate the main learning or insights gained from the experience. Reflect on how the experience has expanded your knowledge, skills, or understanding in a particular area of nursing practice. Emphasize the significance of this learning and its relevance to your future practice or personal growth. By restating your learning, you reinforce the central message of your reflection and highlight its lasting impact.

3. Discuss the Impact and Future Application

Reflect on how the experience has impacted your understanding, perspective, or approach to nursing. Discuss how this newfound knowledge or insight will inform your future practice. Consider the practical implications of your reflection and outline how you intend to apply this learning in your professional career. By discussing the impact and future application, you demonstrate the transformative nature of your reflection and your commitment to ongoing growth and improvement.

4. End with a Thought-Provoking Statement

End the conclusion with a thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. This statement should encapsulate the essence of your reflection and reinforce its significance. It can be a powerful quote, a thought-provoking question, or a final thought that invites further contemplation on the topic. By ending with a strong statement, you create a sense of closure and prompt the reader to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives.

“This experience has taught me the importance of effective communication in nursing, which I will carry into my future practice. It has reinforced the vital role of clear and empathetic communication in establishing trust with patients and fostering collaborative relationships with healthcare teams. I am now more aware of the impact that effective communication can have on patient outcomes and the overall healthcare experience. Moving forward, I am committed to continually improving my communication skills, actively listening to patients, and ensuring that their voices are heard. By embracing effective communication, I aim to provide compassionate and patient-centered care that positively impacts the lives of those under my care.”

Nursing Reflective Essay: Mistakes to Avoid

  • Not Including Your Own Nursing Story: Your reflective essay is about your experiences, so focus on your personal journey.
  • Not Sharing Your Experiences: Don’t hold back on sharing your experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It’s these details that make your essay relatable and meaningful.
  • Not Providing Sufficient Reasons to Support Your Intentions: When discussing what you’ve learned or how you plan to improve, provide clear explanations.
  • Plagiarizing: Ensure your work is entirely your own. If you reference other sources, make sure to properly cite them.
  • Repeating Yourself: Avoid repeating the same ideas or experiences. Each paragraph should offer something new.

Student Nurse Reflection Essay Example

Reflective essays written by student nurses can offer valuable insights into their experiences, growth, and the lessons they have learned. Here is a nursing reflective essay sample where a student nurse encountered a challenging patient and reflectively responded to the situation:

“One memorable experience during my first clinical placement was when I was assigned to care for Mrs. Jones, an elderly patient diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Initially, I felt a mix of fear and frustration as Mrs. Jones repeatedly forgot my name and the purpose of my presence. Communication became increasingly challenging as she struggled to remember simple instructions and engage in meaningful conversation. It was a daunting experience for a novice student nurse like myself. However, I recognized that it was my responsibility to provide Mrs. Jones with compassionate care despite the communication barriers. I made a conscious effort to slow down my pace, maintain a calm demeanor, and approach her with patience and empathy. I realized that technical skills alone were insufficient to address her needs. Mrs. Jones required holistic care that encompassed her emotional well-being and dignity. Through this experience, I discovered the profound impact of patience and empathy in nursing. As I dedicated more time to establish a therapeutic relationship with Mrs. Jones, I witnessed moments of connection and glimpses of her true self. It was during these moments that I saw the power of empathy in fostering trust and creating a safe environment for patients with cognitive impairments. This experience became a transformative lesson for me as a student nurse. It highlighted the importance of person-centered care and reminded me that each patient is unique, with their own struggles and vulnerabilities. I learned that behind the diagnosis lies a human being who deserves respect, understanding, and compassionate care. Now, whenever I encounter similar situations, I draw upon my experience with Mrs. Jones as a guiding light. I remind myself to approach patients with empathy, to truly listen to their concerns, and to advocate for their well-being. This reflective journey has helped shape my approach to nursing and has instilled in me a deep commitment to providing holistic and patient-centered care. My encounter with Mrs. Jones taught me that nursing extends beyond technical skills. It demands the ability to connect on a human level, empathize with the experiences of patients, and respond with compassion. Reflecting on this experience has deepened my understanding of the integral role of empathy in nursing practice, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned this valuable lesson during my early clinical experiences.”

Final Thoughts

Writing reflective essays is an invaluable exercise for nursing students and professionals, providing a platform for critical analysis, personal growth, and knowledge application. The process of reflection allows individuals to carefully examine their experiences, identify areas of improvement, and gain insights that can be applied to future practice. 

Don’t let your reflective essay be an academic stumbling block. Transform it into your success story. Click here to explore our expert essay writing services, and let’s make your thesis stand out. Act now and set the course for your academic excellence!

Reflective Essay in Nursing FAQs

What is a reflective nursing essay.

A reflective nursing essay is a piece of writing where nurses recount a particular event or situation in their practice and reflect on the experience.

How Long Is a Reflective Nursing Essay?

A reflective nursing essay length can vary, depending on the assignment’s requirements. Typically, they range from 500 to 2000 words.

How Helpful Is a Reflective Essay to Nurses?

Reflective essays are incredibly beneficial to nurses. They promote critical thinking, deepen understanding of professional practice, and facilitate continuous learning and personal development.

How to Write a Reflective Essay in Nursing

Writing a reflective essay in nursing involves describing an experience, expressing your feelings and thoughts, evaluating the event, analyzing it in depth, drawing conclusions, and developing an action plan.

How to Write a Good Reflective Essay

To write a good reflective essay, ensure it’s personal, introspective, analytical, and learning-oriented. Use a structured approach for clarity, and make sure to proofread and revise for coherence and correctness.

How to Start a Nursing School Essay

Starting a nursing school essay can be done with a hook – an interesting fact, a poignant question, or a compelling anecdote that would draw the reader’s attention.

To conclude a reflective essay, summarize your experience, your learning, and how this learning will influence your future practice.

What Is the Purpose of Writing a Reflective Essay?

The purpose of writing a reflective essay is to allow nurses to critically analyze their experiences, identify learning opportunities, and apply these learnings in their future practice.

What Makes a Good Reflective Essay?

A good reflective essay is deeply personal, insightful, structured, and presents a clear learning journey.

What Are the 3 Basic Parts of a Reflection Paper?

The three basic parts of a reflection paper are the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Can I use a first-person narrative in a Nursing Reflective Essay?

Yes, a Nursing Reflective Essay is a personal reflection, and it’s appropriate to use the first-person narrative.

What is a reflective model in nursing?

A reflective model provides a framework that guides the reflective process. It helps structure your thoughts and reflections effectively.

reflective essay structure nursing

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Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay: Unveiling the 4 Biggest Success Tips for Nurses

Reflective practice is a cornerstone of the nursing profession, empowering nurses to enhance their skills, knowledge, and personal development. Nursing reflective essays serve as a powerful tool for nurses to explore their experiences, emotions, and thoughts surrounding specific incidents or situations encountered in their practice. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of reflective essays in nursing, understand the reflective process, highlight the benefits of self-reflection for professional growth, and provide valuable tips for writing an impactful nursing reflective essay.

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1. Understanding Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is a deliberate process that involves critically examining one’s experiences, actions, and responses in various clinical scenarios. It is a cyclical journey that incorporates observation, analysis, and evaluation to gain insights into personal strengths and areas for improvement. Reflective essays provide nurses with a structured platform to document and assess these experiences, enabling them to identify patterns, evaluate their performance, and enhance their practice.

By engaging in reflective practice, nurses are encouraged to think deeply about their actions, decisions, and the impact they have on patient care. It allows them to question their assumptions, biases, and preconceptions, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities of healthcare delivery. Reflective practice promotes an ongoing process of learning and growth, ensuring that nurses continually strive for excellence in their profession.

2. The Reflective Process

A. description:.

In this initial stage of the reflective process, nurses provide a detailed account of the event or incident they wish to reflect upon. They describe the context, setting, and individuals involved, ensuring a clear understanding of the situation. This description sets the foundation for a thorough reflection.

b. Feelings and Thoughts:

Nurses delve into their emotional and cognitive responses to the event, expressing their initial feelings, thoughts, and reactions. They consider how their emotions may have influenced their actions and decision-making during the incident. This introspection allows nurses to recognize their own biases and explore alternative perspectives.

c. Evaluation:

This stage involves an objective evaluation of the event, considering the outcome, patient outcomes, and the nurse’s own performance. Nurses analyze their actions, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. They reflect on their communication skills, technical proficiency, and adherence to professional standards. This evaluation helps nurses acknowledge their achievements and recognize areas where further development is required.

d. Analysis:

Nurses engage in critical analysis of the event, seeking underlying factors, patterns, and relevant literature or guidelines. They explore the impact of personal beliefs, values, and ethical considerations on their decision-making. They may reference research, best practices, or theoretical frameworks to gain a broader understanding of the situation and identify potential areas for improvement.

e. Conclusion:

In this final stage, nurses summarize their learnings from the reflective process. They outline the key insights gained, identify changes in their understanding or practice, and explore strategies for future improvement. This conclusion serves as a roadmap for personal and professional growth, providing a clear direction for further development and enhancement of nursing practice.

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3. Benefits of Nursing Reflective Essays

A. enhancing critical thinking:.

Reflective essays foster critical thinking skills by encouraging nurses to question their actions, assumptions, and the evidence behind their decisions. This process promotes a deeper understanding of the complexities of patient care and encourages evidence-based practice. Nurses develop the ability to analyze situations from multiple perspectives and make informed decisions that prioritize patient safety and well-being.

b. Personal Development:

Nursing reflective essays promote self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. Nurses gain a deeper understanding of their own values, beliefs, and biases, which allows them to provide more compassionate and patient-centered care. By reflecting on their experiences, nurses can identify their strengths and weaknesses, reflect on their interpersonal skills, and enhance their ability to empathize and connect with patients and their families.

c. Professional Growth:

Nursing reflective essays provide nurses with a platform to reflect on their professional development, identifying areas for improvement and formulating strategies for advancement. Through self-reflection, nurses can assess their competence in various aspects of nursing practice, such as clinical skills, leadership abilities, and communication. They can set goals for ongoing learning and development, ensuring they keep pace with evolving healthcare practices, technologies, and research.

d. Improved Patient Care:

By engaging in reflective practice, nurses can improve the quality of care provided to their patients. Nursjng reflective essays enable them to identify and rectify errors, enhance communication and teamwork, and ensure patient safety and satisfaction. Nurses gain valuable insights into their own performance, allowing them to make necessary adjustments to their practice to deliver optimal patient outcomes. Reflective practice encourages a proactive approach to addressing challenges and continuously improving the care provided.

4. Tips for Writing a Nursing Reflective Essay

A. select an appropriate incident:.

Choose an incident or situation that had a significant impact on your practice or personal growth. It should be relevant, recent, and conducive to deep reflection. Consider incidents that challenged your assumptions, presented ethical dilemmas, or highlighted areas for improvement.

b. Use a Structured Approach:

Follow a reflective framework, such as the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or the Johns Model of Reflection , to guide your nursing reflective essay. This structure will help ensure a comprehensive and organized reflection. Start by describing the incident, explore your feelings and thoughts, evaluate your actions, analyze the situation, and conclude with key learnings and action points.

c. Be Honest and Self-Critical:

Reflect on your actions and decisions with honesty and self-criticism. It is essential to acknowledge any mistakes or areas where you could have performed better. Nursing reflective essays are not meant to place blame but rather to promote growth and improvement. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses and explore strategies to build on them.

d. Connect Theory and Practice:

When researching your nursing reflective essay, explore relevant theories, guidelines, or evidence-based practices that relate to the incident. Consider how these resources could have influenced your actions or outcomes. Integrating theoretical knowledge with practical experience enhances your understanding and enables you to make informed decisions in future situations.

e. Focus on Learning and Growth:

Emphasize the lessons learned from the nursing reflective essay writing process. Identify specific actions or changes you will implement in your future practice to enhance your skills and improve patient care. Nursing reflective essays should demonstrate a commitment to ongoing learning and improvement. Share your plans for continuing professional development, such as attending relevant workshops, seeking mentorship, or engaging in further education.

Nursing reflective essays offer a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and professional growth. By engaging in the reflective process, nurses can gain insights into their actions, emotions, and thoughts, leading to improved critical thinking, personal development, and ultimately, enhanced patient care.

Embracing reflective practice allows nurses to continually evolve and adapt to the ever-changing healthcare landscape, ensuring the provision of high-quality, patient-centered nursing care. Through reflective essays, nurses can unlock their potential, foster empathy and compassion, and become lifelong learners committed to continuous improvement.

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Nursing Reflective Essay Guide

Rachel r.n..

  • June 3, 2024
  • How to Guides

A nursing reflective essay is a detailed analysis describing an experience or event from your nursing clinical practice or classroom. Through reflection, you critically analyze the situation to gain new insights and identify areas for professional growth and development.

What You'll Learn

Key aspects of a reflective nursing essay

Detailed Description: Provide a vivid account recreating the experience, including the setting, those involved, Background information on the patient’s condition/needs, and the sequence of key events/actions. Self-Reflection: Thoroughly examine your thoughts, feelings, assumptions, beliefs, rationale behind your actions, and your responses to the situation at each step. Critical Analysis: Rigorously explore factors like your strengths/weaknesses, knowledge gaps, ethical issues, communication, problem-solving ability, and decision-making processes involved. Alternative Actions: Consider other possibilities for how you could have responded or additional measures you should have taken to achieve better outcomes. Key Realizations: Discuss the most significant conclusions about yourself, the situation, and patient care that you gained through conscious reflection. Future Application: Explain how you will apply these important insights and lessons to enhance your clinical practice, professional judgment, and patient interactions moving forward.

Why Write Nursing Reflective Essays?

Reflective writing provides a structured way for nurses to: Develop Critical Thinking: Analyze decisions, question assumptions, evaluate strengths/weaknesses objectively. Build Emotional Intelligence: Cultivate self-awareness, empathy, relationship management abilities. Enhance Clinical Practice: Reflect on effective communication techniques, demonstrate patient advocacy. Achieve Personal Growth: Become a more insightful, self-motivated, continuous learner. Demonstrate Professionalism: Show commitment to providing high-quality, ethical patient care.

Example: Sarah, a nursing student, described feeling overwhelmed when a patient’s condition rapidly deteriorated. She reflected on gaps in her knowledge about identifying symptoms, communication lapses with the care team, and how she froze instead of responding quickly. Her reflections allowed Sarah to research the condition more thoroughly, work on assertive communication skills, and devise a portable “code procedure” cue card so she could respond decisively despite anxiety in future emergencies.

How to Structure a Reflective Nursing Essay

There are three main components:

  • Introduction

Engage the reader by recreating the specific situation’s sights, sounds, and setting Explain why this experience was meaningful/challenging Provide relevant context like location, patient information, those involved

2. Body Paragraphs

Use a nursing reflective model or framework to deeply analyze the experience, such as: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

Description of the experience Feelings and thoughts Evaluation (assess what was good/bad) Analysis (make sense of the situation) Conclusion (what you learned) Action Plan (how you’ll apply lessons)

Driscoll’s Reflective Model

What? (Describe the experience) So What? (Analyze the significance) Now What? (Decide future action)

Each body paragraph should address one component, using:

Rich details to describe objectively “I” statements examining thoughts/assumptions Examples illustrating ideas Consideration of alternatives Discussion of broader issues like legal, ethical, cultural

3. Conclusion

Summarize the key points and personal insights Explain how this experience has shaped your professional nursing philosophy Discuss how you will apply these specific lessons going forward to improve clinical practice

Tips for an Insightful Reflective Essay

Use first-person perspective and honesty about your thoughts/mistakes Move beyond simple description to explore the deeper “whys” Don’t make judgments or assumptions; question and analyze them Maintain a respectful, compassionate tone about patients Incorporate ideas from nursing theory , philosophy, or research Use examples from experience to illustrate points Be thoughtful about including sensitive patient information

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Bass’s Holistic Reflection Model

Why use Gibbs model of reflection in nursing? In this qualitative study, it was demonstrated that the Gibbs’s reflective cycle is helpful in the clinical practice of MNS. It helps MNS reflect on clinical practice and translates clinical experience into a valuable experience for developing personal and professional development.

What are the six stages of Gibbs reflection? One of the most famous cyclical models of reflection leading you through six stages exploring an experience: description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan.

Why use reflective models in nursing? It allows you to recognize your own strengths and weakness, and use this to guide on-going learning. By reflection you will develop your skills in self-directed learning, improve motivation, and improve the quality of care you are able to provide.

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Nursing Reflective Essay: Examples + Useful Writing Tips [2024]

Nursing Reflective Essay: Examples + Useful Writing Tips [2024]

Do you need to write a reflective nursing essay? Whether you are a nursing student or already working, we know that you may be too busy writing papers. We’ve prepared information for you about reflection models and nursing reflective essay examples, writing instructions, and templates for the outline. This article will teach everything you need to make writing your essay easier.

So, how do you write an academic reflective essay?

What Is a Reflective Essay?

15 best reflective essay topics: nursing, nursing reflective essay examples, reflective tools and models, reflective essay writing tips, reflective essay body paragraphs, how to conclude a reflective essay.

In a reflective essay, you express your thoughts based on your knowledge, beliefs, reflections, and experiences. A reflective essay is best described as an exceptional and personal essay: you will have a lot to think about, comprehend, and explain. You have to demonstrate the feelings that you have experienced before. It should be honest. If you have any opposing thoughts and feelings about the topic, you should write them.

Criteria Reflective essay Analytical essay
Subject Reflection on previous experiences Analysis of a controversial topic
Writing style Free and relaxed Formal
Object Personal experience Depends on subject
Thesis statement Focus on the narrative Focus on the paper’s topic

The peculiarity of a reflective essay, unlike an analytical one, is in the expression of thoughts based on personal experience.

How long does a reflective essay last? It’s simple. It depends on your topic and how you express your thoughts. But you have to remember that this is a highly brief type of essay, and you can do it with a few pages.

You can check out the 100% free essay samples to see it all.

What Is a Reflection in Nursing Essay?

What Is a Reflection in Nursing Essay?

Nursing involves many aspects of work, and reflection is one of the critical tools for developing professional competence and personal skills. In nursing, reflection is important because it provides all the prerequisites for further personal growth. It is a reflection that will allow you to take a broader look at your strengths and weaknesses and assess your prospects.

Think of your nursing reflective essay as a chance to reflect on your career, skills, and personality, which will lead to further improvement.

  • Empathy and support in nursing.
  • Communication with patients is one of a nurse’s most important tasks.
  • Nursing is the art of caring for the patient during illness.
  • The key is not to cause harm but to help afterward.
  • Time management in nursing.
  • The Patient’s Interests Come First.
  • Why did I become a nurse?
  • Doctor- patient confidentiality in nursing.
  • The importance of enhancing soft skills for the nurse.
  • Nursing knowledge should not be limited to narrowly professional information.
  • Reflective essay on the internship .
  • Nursing culture and ethics .
  • Deontology of nursing and its synthesis with my personal experience.
  • Nursing clinical reflection essay.
  • Nursing issues for the elderly.

To better understand what reflexivity is, let’s look at examples based on these articles:

The author considered the best competencies that fit her current and future goals. She discusses the skills acquired and draws conclusions.
The author takes a reflection on the DNP course. Conclusions about specific skills support it.
The author reflects on DNP Essentials, which is the author’s course. Reflection occurs in terms of its contribution to the author’s professional development.
An example of the subject of leadership. The author took a course on reflective practice in nursing and discovered many new things.
In this essay, the author reflects on her experiences and skills in the context of Capstone’s professional practice. The reflection occurs about oneself and concerning others involved in the practice.
The author discusses the skills he learned while creating and launching his course for nurses.
The author reflects on the experiences nurses have had due to taking his course and what is vital in nursing.
The author reflects on her personal experience with the patient. Great for students who already have experience in the specialty.
The author discusses the challenges nurses face and the ways to solve them.
In this paper, the author discusses the goals, strategies, and other aspects of implementing artificial intelligence in nursing.
This essay examines nursing philosophy and its relationship with individual values.
In this essay, the author breaks down the benefits and disadvantages of introducing case management into nursing.
The author explains how the Civil War in America changed the role of women in nursing.
The author discusses the issue of bullying and violence in nursing and provides suggestions and reasons.
This paper examines the functions such as hospital premises and toilet cleaning, which initially are not the responsibility of nurses, and other staff is to fulfill them.
This evidence-based project presents data that aims to evaluate the efficiency of team-based anti-stress therapy sessions and compares it with standard self-care practices in a hospital setting.
The author discusses the ways to reduce the pressure on nurses and reflects on personal experience.
This paper breaks down the responsibilities of RNID.
The author explains three strategies to create a well-developed portfolio for nurses.
This short paper aims to discuss specific challenges and risks that nurses experience in work environments.

Scientists from different fields of science invented many models to simplify the process of reflection. Below are reflection models you can use in your essay nursing writing practice.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model.

Gibbs’ Reflective Model

In 1998, Graham Gibbs introduced his reflexive model to the world. Gibbs’ model is a cycle and, therefore, excellent for analyzing repetitive experience.

It covers 6 stages:

  • Description. What happened? Don’t judge or try to conclude yet; just describe.
  • Feelings. What were your reactions and emotions? Again, don’t begin to analyze them yet.
  • Evaluation. What was good or bad about the experience? Make value judgments.
  • Analysis. Were different people’s experiences similar or different in importance?
  • Conclusions. What conclusions can you draw in a general sense from this experience and your analysis? What conclusions can you draw about your particular, unique personal situation or way of working?
  • Personal action plans. What steps are you going to take based on what you have learned? What are you going to do differently in this situation next time?

Dewey’s Reflective Thinking Model

John Dewey believed that reflective thinking is the active, persistent, and careful evaluation of a belief or assumed form of knowledge, the grounds for that knowledge, and the additional conclusions to which knowledge leads.

John Dewey’s Reflective Model was one of the first and has been the foundation for many other models. He identified five steps of reflective thinking:

  • Step 1: Identify the problem.
  • Step 2: Investigate the issue.
  • Step 3: Generate several possible solutions.
  • Step 4: Evaluate the options and select the best answer from the combination of solutions.
  • Step 5: Test and implement the solution.

Kolb Reflective Model

The Kolb Reflective Model or “Kolb cycle” focuses on transforming information into knowledge. The basic four steps of the Kolb model are as follows:

  • Concrete experience. Anyone should already have experience in the field or area they want to learn.
  • Observation and reflection . This stage implies analyzing the person’s experience and knowledge .
  • Forming abstract concepts . A model describing the information and expertise is built at this stage . Ideas are generated, interrelations are made, and new information is added concerning how everything works and is arranged.
  • Testing in new situations . The last stage implies experimentation and testing the model’s applicability and concept . The result of this stage is a direct unique experience. Then the circle closes.

Schön Reflective Model

Donald Schön’s reflexive model was described in the book ‘ The Reflexive Practitioner .’ He explained how professionals solve problems with a kind of improvisation that is perfected through practice.

Schön’s reflective model , like his writings, is based in many ways on the Dewey we already know

  • Action reflection involves reflecting on an experience you have already had or an action you have already taken. It involves considering what could have been done differently and the positive aspects of that interaction.
  • Reflection in action involves reflecting on your efforts as you make them and considering issues such as best practices throughout the process.

Bouds Reflective Model

David Bouds paired with Schön to explore the limits of reflective practice. This model is based on learning by doing. By analyzing his own experience, the practitioner begins to understand better how to improve certain things.

Bouds suggests that by reflecting, a person may be unconsciously learning. In reassessing the events of his life, he systematizes and classifies emotions, ideas, and results, as well as results, and compares past goals with results.

Past experiences, experiences, and ideas require constant analysis attention to feelings. This leads to new perspectives, commitment to action overall positive changes in behavior.

Driscoll reflective model.

Driscoll Reflective Model

John Driskoll proposed a simple model of reflection at the beginning of the 21st century. It involves reflection through extended answers to questions we are already familiar with. The scholar linked the three basic questions to the stages of the experiential learning cycle and then added trigger questions that must be answered to complete the process of reflection.

Step 1: What? Sets out to recall what happened as objectively as possible, without criticizing anything that happened

  • What exactly happened?
  • What exactly did you do?
  • Was anyone else involved?
  • Was it a good experience? Or a bad experience? Or both? And why?

Step 2: So what? It requires you to slow down and start looking for patterns or meaningful moments. The key here is to bring in concepts that help shed light on what is going on.

  • How did you feel at that particular moment?
  • How did you react?
  • Why did you react that way?
  • Did you feel the same way about the situation then as you do now?
  • Did you experience conflict with your values?
  • Do you think past cases influenced your experiences in this situation?
  • Who else was involved in the situation? How did they feel? And how did they react? And why did they react that way?

Step 3: Now what? Encourages beginning to transfer new knowledge into future situations and other contexts.

  • What did you learn from reflecting on this situation/experience/incident?
  • Could you have prevented the negative consequences?
  • And how might you have done so?
  • What would you have done differently if a similar situation arose in the future?
  • What could you have done to better prepare for it?
  • Where did things go wrong last time, and what would you focus on now?

5R Framework

The 5R Framework was developed in 2002 by a group of scientists as a universal system of reflection, later modified.

It focuses on five basic steps, each addressing one aspect of reflection. Thinking through the five stages, an individual will engage all of the major reflection components, allowing you to create a critically meaningful review based on your experience.

  • Report. What do you see and hear? Write it all down.
  • React. What do you think is happening? What works well and what doesn’t? How do you feel about the situation you are reflecting on? What is it about this situation that makes you feel this way?
  • Relate. How do my perceptions of this situation relate to my personal and professional experiences? How do they relate to my knowledge and skills? Through what “lens” do you view this situation? From the perspective of classroom management or collaborative learning? Do you need professional development in terms of content knowledge?
  • Reason. Do you relate your point of view to someone else’s and how it affects the situation? Does sound practice support your strategies, or do you use different approaches? How does your point of view affect how you understand the problem? Could another point of view be helpful?
  • Reconstruct. What did you learn from this observation, and how will it affect your practice?

CARL framework

The CARL framework of reflection involves going through four stages: context, action, results, and learning. The vastness of this model gives a lot of information, and even at the first stage, you can already get a lot of valuable data. But this is also its main disadvantage because it makes the model more complex.

The framework has four steps:

  • Context : Description of the context of the experience.
  • Action : Explanation of the action taken.
  • Results : Explanation of what your actions led to.
  • Learning : Identification of the experience and knowledge gained.

Now that we’ve covered the basic concepts let’s write a reflective nursing essay.

Reflective Essay Outline

How to make a reflective essay? First, write an outline.

Any reflective essay is a statement of thoughts about something, and the outline acts as a sketch in which you write them down. Creating it is the first step to creating high quality and vivid essay.

What would make a good outline structure for a reflection essay? Structure all your knowledge. Write what you want to see in the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Here is the reflective essay outline template:

  • Hook: Use a catchy statement to set the tone and introduce the article.
  • Mention the main points.
  • Thesis statement: Include all the important points and ideas in one statement.
  • Topic sentence: Carefully explain the first idea in one sentence.
  • Proof of topic or idea: Use authoritative sources to support the idea.
  • Idea analysis: Apply logic and rational thought to the idea and information from the source.
  • Topic sentence: Carefully explain the second idea in one sentence.
  • Topic sentence: Carefully explain the third idea in one sentence.
  • Repeat the statement of the thesis.
  • Review the main ideas
  • Final, concluding sentence

Reflective Essay Thesis

A thesis statement is a condensed version of the paper in which you must briefly explain your position. The point is for your audience to read it and understand your work.

To make a good thesis statement for a reflective essay, you need to formulate your thought on paper. To begin with, think well about the problem, and develop your attitude toward it. That’s why the thesis statement should be created after writing the outline. It is unnecessary to give everything out in advance to the reader because later, you will unfold this thought more broadly.

After successfully developing the thesis statement, you can proceed to the actual writing.

And so, below, you can see examples of the reflective essay introduction and conclusion. Learn what its body of it is.

How to Start a Reflective Essay? Examples

You need to start any paper in the right way. How to write a reflective essay introduction? Check these examples:

  • Practice and theory do not always agree. Not all of the medical reference books that I have been able to study are fully applicable in practice. John Kimble’s case is a testament that it is often necessary to rely on them and consider the specific situation. He complained of dizziness, and the doctors advised him to get a blood iron test. The test showed that there was nothing wrong. But as it turned out later, this was an erroneous result because Kimble had eaten redfish rich in iron the day before, which temporarily raised the iron in his blood.
  • I had always dreamed of becoming a nurse, but my fear of blood robbed me of all desire to study. But still, my passion and ambition made me pull my will into a fist. I had to change and forget what fear of blood was. I lived my dream, which helped me overcome one of my fears.
  • A few years ago, I went through a severe emotional crisis. I had always dreamed of going to the University of California, as it is one of the most prestigious medical universities in the United States. But unfortunately, I failed my entrance exams, so I had to study at the university in my hometown. My failure seemed like a disaster, but now I realize it was a real blessing.

The essay’s body carries arguments, explanations of the topic, and the main body of information.

Each paragraph should begin with short introductory sentences, and the body of the sections should be divided into several parts. This will help you better structure what you have written and help the reader navigate through the text.

It is worth remembering about argumentation. There should be several things that you rely on in your position. Describe each of them in detail in a separate paragraph. Observe the semantic sequence. A mistake, in this case, will be to repeat twice the same argument in different words. It will give the reader the impression that there is nothing to say.

You should also remember about transitions in a reflective essay. Move smoothly from one aspect to another and take your time.

How to end a reflective essay? In conclusion, you should focus on pulling together all of the material, summarizing all of the points made and what you have learned. Try to include a few moments about why and how your attitudes and behaviors changed. Here are some examples:

  • Was the practice of volunteer nursing helpful to me? Absolutely! I was grateful for these weeks because I learned a lot. But most of all, I have learned my Soft skills, which will help me get used to my professional activities.
  • At that moment, I thought about who would be the priority in that situation, and I still believe it was the patient. If the same problem were to arise again, I think I would do nothing but speak up and justify my decisions. I recognize and know that time management and prioritization are essential skills in nursing, and I hope that my skills will improve with practice.
  • I reflected on how personal values can affect professional practice from the incident. Still, it is crucial to consider that the organization has its own set of values to follow, regardless of personal values. Finally, in reflecting on the incident, I was able to discuss the importance of quality assurance monitoring and health care evaluation both in general and during the incident, which allowed me to consider what conclusions were drawn from the incident and how to prevent similar situations occurring again.

So, now you have examples and an idea for writing a reflective nursing essay. Writing your paper will become many times easier and faster.

If this article was helpful, share it with your friends and colleagues!

❓ What Is the Purpose of Writing a Reflective Essay?

A reflective essay aims to express one’s thoughts about a previous experience, including how one changed in the process and what one learned. It is often described in a diary entry; they are intended to demonstrate how the author’s thoughts have changed over time.

❓ What Makes a Good Reflective Essay?

A reflective essay is a combination of both objective and subjective elements. We mix scholarly analysis with personal experiences. This type of paper should explain to readers how our experience influences our behavior and what lessons we learned.

❓ What Are the 3 Basic Parts of Reflection Paper?

An essay should have a clear structure and must contain three parts. It should have a clear introduction reflecting the problem, then the central part with an analysis of the causes, and the conclusion with possible solutions to the problem or how it affected the author.

❓ What Is the Best Reflective Model to Use in Nursing?

One of the best options for nurses is the Gibbs model. The model is accessible and extremely simple. Therefore it can be operated without any problems in any situation.

  • Reflection toolkit: The University of Edinburgh
  • Essay Conclusions: University of Maryland
  • Thesis Statements: UNC Writing Center
  • A short guide to reflective writing: University of Birmingham
  • Outlining: Harvard College Writing Center
  • Reflective Practice in Nursing: ZU
  • Critical self-reflection for nurse education: NCBI
  • Essay Structure: Harvard College Writing Center
  • Essay Structure: UAGC Writing Center
  • General tips for academic reflections: The University Of Edinburgh
  • Reflective essays – ANU
  • Writing An Essay Title – Illinois Valley Community College
  • Nursing Essay Help: Medical Essay Writing Service in UK
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How to Write “What Nursing Means to Me” Reflective Essay

How to Write “What Nursing Means to Me” Reflective Essay

The “what nursing means to me” reflective essay is something often asked of students entering an accelerated nursing program, a master’s level course for nursing, or some other specialized program. Unlike a nursing school letter of intent or nursing school application cover letter, the “what nursing means to me” reflective essay gives you a chance to state and defend an argument regarding something you feel deeply about, namely, being a nurse. It can detail professional setbacks or successes. It can be a venue to express opinions and criticism of the profession. You can also write about important personal events in the past, before you became a nurse, which had some impact on why you chose this profession. This article will explore the nature of the reflective essay, its essential elements, the structure of an excellent reflective essay and provide examples.

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What is a reflective essay.

A reflective essay is like a regular essay, but the subject matter is you. You must state a thesis about yourself and choose a specific event from your past or something similar on which to build an argument supporting your thesis. The main impetus of a reflective essay is to get you to reveal growth and how a particular event in your life changed you, your perceptions, beliefs, and so on.

But there are other things a reflective essay can reveal about you. In the context of writing a reflective essay connected with a nursing school application resume, you can also use the essay to state your larger career goals and ambitions as a nurse and how you see the role changing and evolving.

How does the “what nursing means to me” reflective essay differ from a nursing school personal statement? Part of the answer is that a personal statement can include many different details from the past and does not have to take the form of a standard essay – introduction, thesis statement, supporting arguments. You can write a personal statement without including anything about your professional achievements or anything directly related to nursing. But a “what nursing means to me” reflective essay is the complete opposite. It is aimed at exploring how being a nurse or nursing student has directly impacted your worldview.

Depending on where and why you are asked to write a “what nursing means to me” reflective essay, there may be certain content and style guidelines you must follow, based on that program’s requirements. Some reflective essays use prompts or questions about nursing to give you a starting point for what to write. In these cases, how you write is up to you, but there are certain elements that are key to every outstanding reflective essay that you should incorporate into your writing. Here, we list elements you can include in the body of your essay to create a template of what your essay should look like.

The Inciting Incident 

In university, reflective essays tend to revolve around coursework and materials to show how you’ve interacted with them. But according to many nursing essay writing services , a “what nursing means to me” reflective essay can structure itself around a catalyzing event. A traumatic injury. A death in the family. Moving to a new country.

If you haven’t been given instructions on what to write about in your “what nursing means to me” reflective essay, then you can choose a specific, life-altering event in your past that had and continues to have an impact on you. Many reflective essays take this path, but you do not have to, especially if you are asked to write about something else.

If you do write about a specific incident, be as specific as possible. Who did it involve? Where did it take place? What was the lead-up like? Of course, if you have word limits, then you can cut out unnecessary parts in your second draft, but for your first draft, you should be as detailed as possible and then make cuts later.

Personal Reflections 

The most obvious point of a reflective essay is to reflect. Nursing school admissions officers want to know how you interpreted, compartmentalized, and dealt with an extreme situation related to being a health care worker, since everyone knows that being a health care worker exposes you to things most people never see. You can talk openly about what you’ve experienced in the nursing profession or during your schooling and, finally, express emotions you were not able to at the time. However, those emotions must also connect with an action you took later on to show that they led to some deep-seated change in your personality or outlook.

Specific Details 

The topic of your essay should focus on a specific time, place, or incident and not stray into generalities. You want to place your readers in a setting they can understand, so that they can see the story as it unfolds. Remember: show, don’t tell. This is your personal story, so enrich it with specific details, like the time of year, the weather outside, some important event that happened at the same time, anything that makes the universal personal.

Your Actions 

After you set the scene with vivid descriptions and a concrete location, you can start to bring yourself into the narrative. Take a step-by-step approach to write about how the specific event unfolded – before/during/after – and make sure to detail as much as you can about each step.

You can write about what your expectations were beforehand and what happened afterward. What was the aftermath like? What did you feel, physically, emotionally? What did you do? Were you in any danger? You can talk both about your physical and emotional reactions but remember that a reflective essay should walk a fine line between being a subjective and objective retelling of a major event so do not go too far either way.

Academic Details/Achievements 

The reflective essay sits apart from other documentation like a nursing school recommendation letter and is not a place for you to recite your professional or academic CV. All the information about your academic achievements (GPA, transcripts) has already been reviewed, so the audience is not interested in hearing about it again.

Your reflective essay is a space for you to encapsulate something about yourself in a calm, measured tone. Of course, you can mention things about school that impacted you personally or an event that took place during your education, but reciting your CV looks boastful and misses the point of the reflective essay.

Too Many Emotions 

The “what nursing means to me” reflective essay can contain many powerful emotions, but the language should always remain coherent and precise. You do not want to dwell on positive or negative emotions but instead, use them to push along your overall narrative. You can explain about how something made you feel, but then transition to what actions those emotions made you take.


The introduction of any essay should present the topic about which you are going to write and hook the reader with an intriguing line. Afterward, you can briefly mention where you are in your career (registered nurse, nursing school applicant, grad school candidate) for context, but most of your introduction should be about the subject matter at hand, like the event you want to talk about or the general themes you want to explore.

You can also present your thesis in the introduction or keep it for a later paragraph if you want to structure your essay that way. After the introduction, you can begin to narrow your focus down to the inciting incident and move closer to finalizing your argument. You can also begin inserting background elements of your narrative like when and where it happened.

Thesis Statement/First Paragraph 

If you put your thesis in the introduction, you can begin positing your arguments supporting it in the first paragraph of the body section. But you can also put your thesis here and begin expounding on your arguments in the proceeding sections. If you are writing about a specific event, this is where you would set the stage for what happens next.

Build your narrative toward a climax by describing where you were, what you were doing, and what expectations you had. When you reveal what happened, use that as a springboard to talk about the aftermath – how the event affected you and what you began to understand about it – which is what will lead you to your second paragraph.

Second Paragraph 

The second paragraph can contain the “reflective” part of your essay, where you unpack the event and examine how it impacted you. You want to mention how you changed and how you began to see things differently while also expounding on the potential growth that this moment presented for you as a person and as a health care professional.


The end of your essay should tie into the thesis and summarize the best argument supporting it. You can draw from the body section to make the connections between your thesis and the other sections and ultimately land on a conclusion. It should reveal something significant you learned or realized because of that event and how it continues to shape you.

“What Nursing Means to Me” Reflective Essay Samples

“what nursing means to me” reflective essay sample #1 .

Things came into focus when I started coughing up blood. Up until then I was sure things would get better and that the danger would pass. Even though a doctor had told me I needed to be hospitalized, I thought nothing was wrong and that I would be okay. I told him to give me some antibiotics and send me home. But from one minute to the next, in the space of a heartbeat, something gave way, and I would not be the same again.

I have been lucky most of my life. I had never been seriously ill or broken anything. I had family members succumb to illnesses, but I hadn’t so much as scraped an elbow. I never thought about my fragility and vulnerability until I was forced to reckon with them when I was hospitalized with pneumonia.

Going to the hospital in an ambulance for the first time was nerve-wracking. I lay in the gurney with an oxygen mask over my face as the paramedics looked at my vital signs. I was feverish, short of breath, and still coughing, so there was barely any time to think or reflect. Things had progressed so fast that I had left my house still in my pajamas.

One of the first things that happened when I got to the hospital was that the attending nurse took my hand and told me, “You’re in good hands now, darling.” It was such a small gesture. She must have done it for everyone who came in, terrified, scared, and lonely. She knew what they were feeling, which is why she said it to everyone.

I spent almost two weeks in the hospital recovering, but that nurse came to see me every day and spent time with me, even with her busy schedule. She made the time. It was after one of her visits that the thought of being like her one day came into my mind. I was in my first year of undergrad and still hadn’t thought about my future.

The experience of being seriously ill made me realize how much we depend on the strangers who have committed their lives to helping the infirm. It is a vital role that nurses play in helping the ill feel whole again, often more so than doctors, because nurses spend more time with patients than any other health care professional.

The nurse who greeted me at the hospital entrance also helped me bring things into focus. Seeing up close the damage an illness like pneumonia can cause was one wake-up call, but the nurse who comforted me when I felt like the world was ending also woke me up. She met my fear and anxiety with compassion and understanding. She created the mold that I now wish to fill with my career and advancement in the nursing profession.

It was bright and sunny the day my mother died. She died in the early morning, and when I looked out the window of her room – she died at home – I could see people waiting for the bus, going on their way to work, completely unaware that I had lost the most important person in my life.

I wanted to go outside, tears streaming down my face, and tell everyone my mother had died. I wanted to spread my grief. I wanted the world to stop and acknowledge my loss. Grief was something new, and I didn’t know how to manage it.

I went on anti-depressants and began to self-medicate as well because I couldn’t stand the pain. I was going down a self-destructive path, and no one in my immediate family knew what to do. It was only through circumstance that my path was corrected before it led farther into darkness.

One afternoon, months after my mother’s death, I was at her house, arranging and organizing her belongings, when the palliative care nurse who had treated my mother at home came by to collect the medical supplies that had been left behind. It was pure luck that I was at home when she came.

I answered the door and invited her in. I explained what I was doing, and she told me why she was there. We went to the kitchen because she said she had some papers for me to sign. I don’t know why exactly, but between putting the kettle on for some tea and signing the papers, I started to cry. It was something I had been doing regularly, breaking down in public or suddenly, without warning. But that day, I showed my vulnerability to the right person.

The nurse, named Sylvia, rose immediately and gave me a hug. She held me as I wept and then began to tell me that she still mourns her sister. Her sister had died from the same illness as my mother and, according to Sylvia, had suffered just as much. Sylvia told me that she had dealt with her sister’s passing by pushing herself through nursing school. She wanted to memorialize her sister’s memory through the work she does every day as a nurse. Instead of letting her sister’s death tear her apart, like my mother’s death was doing to me, Sylvia took motivation from it and committed to becoming a person who helps people transition from life to death.

Sylvia told me that the pain never goes away, but it does lessen and when you are helping save lives and taking care of the most vulnerable people, it lessens even more. That day, Sylvia showed me the heights nurses can reach through their empathy and knowledge, not just as nurses but as human beings. Sylvia’s strength was my scaffold during an unsteady time, in addition to being the light that inspired me to become a nurse myself.

The thoughts in a reflective essay are your own, so you should not shy away from saying as much as possible, like the fact that you were afraid or felt negative emotions like anger, hatred, or despair. This is what the reflective essay is all about. If your essay is about a specific event in your past, then you should write about it in detail. You can allude to it in your introduction and build up to it through your main paragraphs, or not mention it at all in your introduction and reveal it later.

Being any kind of health care worker is demanding and stressful, but it can also be rewarding and humbling. The “what nursing means to me” reflective essay is the perfect way to talk about a moving or troubling incident in the past if you hadn’t had the chance to explore it before. It is not always possible for nurses and other health care professionals to express the emotions that come with the job, and working with a nursing essay writing service can help you craft a truly impressive account of an event that marked you deeply. 

This essay is meant to help you express what is most important to you about being a nurse and reveal how you stay motivated. 

The purpose of the essay is to let nursing school admissions officers know how you understand and interpret the nursing profession and what aspects of it appeal to you the most.

You can structure your essay around a specific event and then describe what happened before, during, and after this event. You can also talk about why this event means so much to you or what about it reflects the best aspects of nursing.

You should think about the reasons you wanted to become a nurse and what about your character or personality will sustain you throughout your career.

The length of your essay depends on the requirements of your particular program or school, since they all have different requirements.

A personal statement is a general background story of why you want to pursue a degree or get into nursing school, but a reflective essay specifically asks you to pick a particular moment and think about how it affected your career. So, a reflective essay is the reverse of a personal statement: rather than relating how personal experiences have shaped your personality, you write about how being a nurse has changed you personally.

A letter of intent looks at how your education, work experience, and anything else related to the nursing profession has prepared you to become a nurse, and also asks what you plan to achieve. A reflective essay does not focus on academic achievements but asks you to interpret a moment in the past. 

Not all nursing schools or graduate programs will ask for a reflective essay. Admission requirements are different for every school, so make sure you know what they are before you apply. 

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Nursing Reflective Essay: Tips for Successful Writing


A reflective essay is an introspective first-person narrative describing the writer’s experience in a course or specific learning material. A nursing reflective essay is slightly more complex, requiring students to illustrate the skills gathered through the unit or material. It requires nurses to identify, question, and assess their assumptions against recently gained knowledge. Thus, writing a reflective nursing essay requires a thoughtful analysis of the course material against the learning objectives while challenging inherent beliefs and norms about the subject of interest. Since nurses are supposed to apply theoretical knowledge in clinical practice, this type of writing creates an opportunity to demonstrate skills and abilities enhanced through the course.

Steps for Writing Nursing Reflective Essay

A nursing reflective paper is an opportunity to share your experience in a specific course or about a learning material. With that in mind, the reflective writing process implies having sufficient information about the said event, document, or unit. It means having the necessary skills to contextualize the knowledge gathered and illustrate its usefulness to the nursing practice. Hence, one should adopt a systematic essay writing process to write a good reflective nursing essay.

Make an outline

A nursing reflective essay is structured and detailed. Despite having a simple definition and often minimal instructions, the paper should be informative and captivating to the reader. The audience should easily comprehend your intended message without research or knowledge of the subject of reflection.

Reflective writing adopts a typical first-person perspective. Since a reflection essay is a type of creative writing, the writer must demonstrate creativity and organization. In that case, one should adopt the basic essay format, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. One should consider using rhetoric and stylistic devices to make the story more appealing to the reader. A captivating introduction that starts with a hook and ends with a compelling thesis statement is essential. However, the body can be broken into smaller sections to use white space better. Consider reviewing a nursing reflective essay example from a reliable custom writing entity.

Read the required material

When writing nursing reflective essay about a book, journal article, or any other material, you are expected to have understood the content from a nursing perspective. Your professor challenges you to express your understanding of the said document, provoking your ability to conceptualize information. In such a case, the reflective paper acts as a critical thinking exercise whose purpose is to nurture professionally required skills and abilities.

Seek professional assistance

When you experience challenges conceptualizing a research paper, book, or any other working document, you should consider seeking professional assistance. Experts from nursing essay writing services by CustomWritings , specializing in academic essays and research papers, provide expert-level assistance to students and educators across the globe. With experienced writers and adequate educational resources, these entities assist learners in developing unique and high-quality papers. Whether writing from scratch or editing and proofreading an existing document, they have experts suited to your preferred service.

Their experts will help you write a good reflective nursing essay and provide additional services to perfect your essays. They also offer examples and templates you can rely on to develop a working outline for your reflection. Their services include research papers, dissertations, book reviews, and other personalized assignments.

Identify a suitable personal experience

A nursing reflection essay is a creative piece about one’s experience relating to a specific event, document, or scholarly work. It implores the writer to creatively express their conceptualization of a case and relay their worldview to the reader. Hence, one should select a memorable experience by analyzing the material or attending a class session. The best approach is to identify a scenario that the nursing student mostly resonates with and use it to contextualize the material. Select the best experience you enjoy or have experienced in real life. This way, you can describe it better, connect it with course content, and integrate it with nursing principles.

Review the course objectives

The selected scenario should help you achieve the course objectives. Choosing an experience that aligns with the aims of the class you are attending will help you write a good reflective essay for nursing. Particularly, the incident or incidents should focus on concepts already covered in the course to make your professor’s work easier. Note that the tutor may be more knowledgeable in the subject of interest than the student. Hence, a reflective essay should focus more on personal experience with minimal details about academic materials. If scholarly sources must be used, one must integrate them into the writing to avoid unnecessary deviation from the primary objective of the assignment.

Write your paper: Write a good reflective nursing essay

The actual reflective writing for nursing students is relatively straightforward and enjoyable. It has little research compared to other academic papers, especially case analyses and capstone projects. However, the nursing student must always abide by the rules of academic writing, especially concerning structure, organization, and content. Most institutions of higher learning use written work to analyze students’ capacity and progress. As a result, students must use this opportunity to demonstrate their comprehension of the basing writing requirements and expectations. Quality written work is always part of the instructions, even when not explicitly stated.

The reflective writing should start at the body section, documenting the critical points to articulate the issue and demonstrate a clear understanding of the subject. Including theoretical underpinnings from research and nursing theories is an added advantage as it communicates academic prowess. The nursing student should also structure the section into small captivating paragraphs with clear topic sentences and concluding remarks. The sections must flow flawlessly with adequate transition and connectedness.

Once the body is complete, one should summarize the content in a small concluding paragraph before writing the introduction. Although it’s essential to have an idea of a good thesis statement when developing the outline, the final one is best prepared after the conclusion. At this point, you have all the information in your paper, with the important sections at your fingertips. This information is critical when generating a suitable thesis statement as it hints at the document’s contents. Combine the thesis statement with a captivating hook, and you have the essential parts of a good introduction paragraph.

Proofread and edit

The final step in any type of writing always involves proofreading and editing. The best academic essays must be free from grammatical errors and typos. They must have correct punctuation, diction, and presentation. You can hire a professional editor to review your nursing reflective essay and help improve the face value of the document. Proofreading also helps improve the sentence structure and the general organization of the paper.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Good Reflective Nursing Essay

A good reflective nursing essay is pretty easy to write if you have all the information needed to compose a creative piece on the topic. However, mistakes often arise when students confuse a reflection paper for an informal assignment. While reflective essays allow you to use the first-person perspective, the instructions do not exempt you from other rules of academic writing. You must always adhere to your institution’s regulations.

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How to Write a Reflective Essay for English Nursing

Nursing requires creativity, and reflective writing helps in developing these skills. Nurses write reflective essays as part of their assignment. Reflective essays describe an experience or event, analyzes the meaning of experience and the lessons. An essay becomes reflective because a writer analyses a past event from the present.

Reflective essays require a writer to open up about emotions and thoughts to paint a real picture of their personality, individual traits, and history. They should carry a vivid summary and describe an experience in a manner that makes the reader feel like he experienced it. A reflective essay in nursing should focus on the clinical and medical expertise with the potential of contributing knowledge to their discipline as well as helping to serve a greater good to humanity.

Topics to write a reflective essay for English nursing

Ideas for reflective essays start with guided reflections. Nurses listen to stories and experiences of patients then convert them into an essay. This kind of writing does not just rely on hearing, recording and writing about the incidents. A nurse must be conscious about experiences during training and practice. They should know how to identify the right metaphors when writing the essays.

Many subjects can fit into a thoughtful essay for nursing, but they should be something about the field or anything that created an interest in joining this profession. Some of the subjects to use for a reflective essay include:

  • An imagination
  • A real-life experience
  • Something from information got after reading, watching, touching, tasting, smelling or hearing
  • A place or special object

Structure to Write a Reflective Essay for English Nursing

Organizing a reflective essay should be in a similar format of writing other types of essays. The layout below is a great outline for a nursing reflective essay.


Introduction/introductory paragraph

The first paragraph is the point to identify the subject and give readers a general overview of the impression it makes to the writer. An introductory paragraph should include a thesis statement that serves as a focal point of the paper. A reflective nursing essay is patient-centered. The writing should begin with a brief introduction to the first condition of a patient. The introduction of a reflective essay gives the writer freedom for describing the patient regarding age, illness and brief case history.

Example of a Thesis for a Reflective Essay for English Nursing

"I was looking forward to a quiet moment after finishing my shift, but it was not going to happen. The elderly patient who came in the morning was having breathing difficulties. He had contracted pneumonia during a holiday trip. I quickly called our supervisor about the patient's condition before rushing to the bedside to check on him while waiting for the doctor to rush in."

Writing the Body of a Reflective Essay for English Nursing

The first of body paragraphs should start with explaining the reason why the subject in the essay made a significant impression. A follow up to the first statement the first paragraph should be the "why." A reflective essay allows speculation hence there is no right or wrong answer. Other reasons are for the subject to make an impression to the writer should follow up the first. The next paragraph can explain the condition and feelings that the nurse observed on a patient such as the physical state. A writer can also make some assumptions about the patient after an evaluation and might note any doubts. The last paragraph should present the most important lesson for the writer after an experience with the patient.

Writing the Conclusion of a Reflective Essay for English Nursing

A reflective essay for nursing should end with the reflections got during interaction with a patient. It recaps the thesis statement and reasons in the body of the essay but a few concise words. A nurse might also include a view on the future care that the patient requires before summing up the article with the final thoughts on the subject and closing reflective thoughts.

A reflective essay for English nursing should be in the first person narrative to make it personal and is better in chronological approach.

Best Nursing Writing Services For Nurse Students is a reputable online platform that provides top-notch nursing writing services to students and professionals in the healthcare industry. The website is dedicated to offering high-quality academic and professional writing services to meet the unique needs of individuals seeking nursing-related help.

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Nursing Reflective Essay: Example Outline and Guide

Are you a nursing student? Then, you will definitely have an assignment to compose a nursing reflective essay. This task might be quite tough and challenging. But don’t stress out! Our professionals are willing to assist you.

First and foremost, let’s figure out what’s reflective writing. In a few words, such essays are based on your experiences, feelings, views on something, etc. For nursing students, reflective papers help to practice their skills and expand their knowledge.

In case you are wondering how to master nursing essay writing, you are on the right page. This article will provide tips that will help you write an outstanding student nurse reflection: examples of what to include in it, what to avoid, and what reflection ideas to use.

  • ✒️ Analytical Essay
  • ✒️ Reflective Essay

⭕ Outline and Draft

  • ⭕ Revise and Edit
  • ❓ Reflecting
  • ❗ Essential Parts
  • ⚠️ Mistakes to Avoid
  • 💡 Additional Tips

🔗 References

🆚 analytical vs. reflective nursing essay.

Basically, nursing essays can be divided into different types.

The most common ones are analytical and reflective essays. These two styles are the most suitable for nursing papers. They either argue a particular perspective (analytical) or base the narration on previous experiences (reflective).

This focus is what differentiates one type of essay from another, as both analytical and reflective nursing essays can be quite similar stylistically.


✒️ Nursing: Analytical Essay

Speaking of structural parts, the basic outline for an analytical essay on nursing can look like this:

  • Introduction. The introduction is your first paragraph, which usually consists of two parts. First, you have to capture the reader’s attention. Then, you aim to create a clear thesis statement to demonstrate your position.
  • Providing evidence. Each of your arguments should have at least one piece of evidence. If you have more to share, it’s even better. However, you have to keep the word count in mind. So, make strong points to keep your essay concise.
  • Practical use of evidence. There’s no point in providing evidence that wouldn’t have any real use in practice.
  • The judgment of evidence. Here, you’ll demonstrate your critical thinking abilities. Prove that your evidence is indeed strong and valid.
  • Conclusion. First, summarize what’s been said in your essay. Then give your own opinion on it.

✒️ Nursing: Reflective Essay

A reflective nursing essay usually consists of the following elements:

  • Introduction. It explains the whole purpose of the essay and tells readers what to expect. The most crucial part of the introduction is the thesis statement. Usually, it’s the last sentence of the intro. Your thesis should be concise and clearly reflect your position.
  • Description of the situation. Since a reflective essay is based on previous experiences, describing those events is the core part of the paper. Again, this section should contain only the most important and valuable details.
  • Sharing of personal feelings. The section demonstrates how you react to situations and how you’re able to gain control over those emotions.
  • Evaluation of experience. This part is a summary of what skills and knowledge did you get from experience.
  • Reflection and opportunities for learning. The part is closely connected to the previous one. While previously you were just giving a summary, here you’ll describe what this situation made you understand. Also, elaborate on your future path of self-development.
  • Conclusion. This one is simple. Just summarize all the information you discussed in your essay.

What is a reflective essay.

We’ll now tell you about the writing preparation process.

✍️ Reflective Nursing Essay Writing Guide

Creating a nursing reflection essay is a long and challenging journey that requires total concentration on a task. That’s why it is essential to turn your “study mode” on and devote yourself to the essay writing process.

No doubts, you might get too overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to get done. But don’t worry! We know how to avoid anxiety. Just follow out tips and write an outstanding nursing reflection paper!

⭕ Remove the Distractions

Yes, it’s as simple as that. Ironically, most of the major problems usually happen at this initial stage. So, you just need to know how to overcome them right away.

  • Turn all the gadgets off (yes, even your cell phone).
  • Make sure to get rid of anything around you that could potentially catch your attention and distract you from writing.
  • Get earplugs if necessary.

Then, get in your “ study mood .”

  • Go through all your pre-game rituals — visit the bathroom, eat, drink, meditate, etc.
  • Get fun out of the way. Dedicate some time for yourself so that you won’t have the temptation later.
  • Prepare the essentials — open your notebook or create a Word document and make sure you have all the necessary notes and resources ready.

After you create perfect conditions, make another significant step to start writing. Research is an essential part of any academic work, even if you’re telling your personal story.

Here’s where you can start your search for brilliant ideas:

  • your college library;
  • your course readings;
  • ;
  • online nursing journal articles;

And no matter what topic you’re going to discuss, don’t forget that most nursing essays use a similar pattern:

Excellent Reflective Essay in Nursing.

You still need to remember what we talked about in the very beginning—your story has to be unique. Use these questions as a framework, and fill the essay with unique content. If you’ve answered most of these questions, you’re halfway to your excellent grade.

No wonder outlining is a vital part of the essay writing process. It helps to reach the logical flow of ideas and organize all the arguments and examples in the right order. Also, you can easily edit a well-developed structure if something seems wrong. It’s always better to change the part of an outline rather than rewriting the entire paragraph.

Your reflective essay outline should look approximately like this:

  • Point 1 (evidence, examples, other supportive details)
  • Point 2 (evidence, examples, other supportive details)
  • Point 3 (evidence, examples, other supportive details)
  • Restatement of thesis statement
  • Final memorable statement

After creating an outline, it would be a great idea to write the rough draft of your nursing reflective essay. This step will help you to avoid all the possible mistakes before submitting the paper.

⭕ Proofread and Revise

Polishing your essay is the last but not the least step of the writing process. So, take it seriously and don’t waste your chance to submit a flawless work. Revise your rough draft, make sure your ideas are coherent and supporting evidence is logical, and then create a final version of the essay.

We created the checklist of what you should take into consideration while revising your nursing reflective essay. Don’t hesitate to use it!

  • make sure you meet the writing style requirements;
  • check whether all in-text citations have the corresponding reference list entry;
  • make sure you followed the proper structure (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion);
  • get rid of all grammar and punctuation mistakes;
  • double-check whether your ideas are clear and the supporting details are logical.

📝 Reflective Essay: Nursing School Application

Although people say there is a lack of nurses in the United States and a high demand for good specialists with a stellar education, it is not that easy to pass a nursing school admission.

What’s the reason for this?

It seems like nursing schools are looking for outstanding students, who have made a firm decision to become a nurse and will contribute to the community of the school and the field of healthcare in general.

Total US nursing population is almost 3 million. 690 038 - Licensed Practical Nurses in the US.

You need to showcase this capability in your nursing application essay, where you reflect on your goals or experience. In the following sections, we’ll explain how to write it.

❓ Reflecting on Your Goals

Here’s a question you should ask yourself.

“Why do I want to become a nurse?”

As curious as it may sound, some students do not have that answer. If you are one of them, you might want to reconsider your decision.

Being a nurse is stressful. It requires dedication, a strong philosophy, and stable mental health. And if you’re unsure about your choice — try to make up your mind as soon as possible. Getting a nursing education is a serious step in your life. So, be confident about your choice not to regret it later. The video below will give you an idea of what a day in the life of a nurse is like.

If your intentions are firm and you’re sure about your career goals, then we’re here to help you cope with all those “Why I chose nursing” essays.

  • Know where to begin with your nursing essay. A good idea would be to find several nursing essay examples first. You will see that many students do not try to be creative. The same boring stories can be found in numerous essays. And it seems that those stories are taken from the same articles. This does not sound impressive at all. Repeating familiar stories is quite a critical mistake, and you should avoid it. We’ll talk more about common errors in nursing essay writing later, so keep on reading. Look through nursing paper examples and try to make your essay on nursing career different. Make it stand out from the crowd.
  • Base your essay on a true story. Think about any situation from your clinical placement, which your reflective nursing essay will be based on. Describe what happened, who was involved in the case, why it impressed you, etc. By doing this, you’ll demonstrate a complete understanding of the situation. Your essay will show that you’re able to comprehend what’s happening and make the right decisions, even in critical cases. These are skills that every nurse should have.
  • Write a personal essay. Now, proceed to describe your feelings. Follow these three questions: How did you feel in that situation? Why? What were your actions, actions of other personnel? Be sure to tell how much you care about what happened. It’s a great way to show how sympathetic you can be.
  • Evaluate the event. Another stage of writing the reflective nursing essay is an evaluation of your experience. Why do you think it is a valuable experience for you? How did it contribute to your personal and professional development? Self-development is among the most important aspects of professionalism for a nurse. And you must not forget to show that you have this capability.
  • Choose the right focus. It’s common for students to concentrate on a story that deals with the nursing profession. This is a strategy that you too can follow when writing your nursing essay. Make sure that the narrative focuses on you instead of other nurses or patients. It is your essay, so be sure to write about your personal experience. You have to tell the reader about all the lessons you have learned and explain how it helped you come up with a decision to become a nurse.
  • Allow yourself to fantasize. There’s another critical subtopic you should cover in your nursing essay. Tell what other actions you could take and whether you would repeat them if you are to face the same situation.

Next, we’re going to talk about the parts that make up a well-written nursing essay. So, stay with us!

❗ Essential Application Essay Parts

You probably know that competition in nursing schools is especially severe compared to other educational institutions.

Your paper should be outstanding if you want to be accepted. Below, you’ll find a list of the most significant parts of any nursing admission essay. These parts contain all relevant info that the admission officers want to know about an applicant.

  • Is there someone who influenced your decision?
  • Was there an event that had an impact on your choice of a career?
  • Do you know what particular kind of nursing you want to do?

These are essential questions to answer in the nursing school essay. You do double-duty by responding to these questions. Not only will you explain how you decided to become a nurse, but you’ll also make sure that your intentions are truly firm.

  • Show what you’re worth. You need to tell about your experience in the nursing field. This is a job where you need at least some background experience. If you have never seen a syringe in your life, your nursing essay will hardly convince anybody. So, make a personal statement. And make it strong.
  • Prove that you’re ready. You need to show that you are prepared to be a nurse and ready for all nursing hardships. Nursing is emotionally and physically exhausting. That’s why you need to demonstrate the best of your personal and professional values. Prove to the admission counselors that you are capable of completing the nursing job.

⚠️ Nursing Reflective Essay: Mistakes to Avoid

As we have mentioned before, the competition is going to be tough. It is not easy to enter a nursing school even with the best scores and a high GPA. So, your essay should be of the highest quality!

One of the best ways to ensure your works’ flawlessness is to learn the most common mistakes and avoid them in your paper. Below, you will find the list of the most critical errors for a nursing application essay. Investigate them here:

  • Not including your own nursing story. Without a real-life story, a nursing application essay seems very weak. Listing personal qualities that a nurse should possess is not enough. Tell a story that will show the admission officers how helpful you were while providing care to somebody.
  • Not sharing your experiences. Your nursing application essay will undoubtedly lose a couple of points if you do not mention some nursing-related experiences. A strong intention to become a nurse is great, of course. However, if you have no idea what nursing is all about, your essay will not be convincing.
  • Not providing sufficient reasons to support your intentions. It is ridiculous to remind about that, but some students still fail to mention why they want to enter a certain school. Make sure to avoid this mistake in your nursing application essay.
  • Plagiarizing. Plagiarism can cause you to fail your paper or be rejected by the schools you’re applying for. More importantly, plagiarizing isn’t ethical. To avoid any potential issues, make sure to cite all your sources and provide an authentic and unique story.
  • Repeating yourself. This problem is widespread in the introduction and conclusion. If you need to connect the first and the last paragraphs, don’t just rewrite the info from the introduction into a conclusion. Rather synthesize your thoughts and finish your essay dynamically.

💡 Nursing Reflective Essay: Additional Tips

We’ve come to the point where you can go ahead and start writing your nursing essay. But there’s one more thing…

The process of writing a nursing essay has its own tips and tricks. So, we simply couldn’t let you go without sharing a few of them.

Hopefully, you’ll find these nursing school essay tips useful:

  • Always start working on your student nurse essay with studying assignment instructions. It is the best way to find out what exactly will be assessed in your paper.
  • Do not hesitate to ask your tutors for help and advice. Whether you believe it or not, but they do not want you to fail student nurse assignments and essays.
  • To prepare a good student nurse essay, you will have to find and read quite a lot of nursing literature. Mind that it usually takes a lot of time. So, start researching early.
  • Student nurse essays have a standard structure. Thus, make sure you have all the necessary paragraphs. Do not forget about specific terminology that should be used in your works. Also, remember about the proper formatting of your paper (e.g., MLA, Chicago, or APA format).
  • How to summarize an article without plagiarizing ? Keep your text balanced. When looking through your draft, pay attention not only to the logic of your narration. Also, check how much of the paper consists of your own thoughts and what percentage is a review of other people’s work.

With these tips in mind, it’s now your time to shine!

Nursing Reflective Essay Topics

  • Strengths and weaknesses of nursing professionals.
  • Analyze the methods clinical nurses use to deal with moral distress.
  • Examine the types of errors in nursing.
  • Describe the role of technology in nursing care.
  • The role of the nursing professional in patient advocacy.
  • Peculiarities and importance of nursing interventions in the pre-op period.
  • The crucial role of communication in nursing.
  • Is MSN course worth studying?
  • Examine the importance of cultural competency in nursing practice.
  • What is the best nursing recruitment strategy and why?
  • The critical role of QSEN competencies in becoming a better nurse.
  • Collaboration and communication issues in nursing practice .
  • Personal integrity and accountability in nursing practice.
  • Describe the aims and key concepts of nursing care delivery model.
  • Analyze the basic nursing theories.
  • Discuss the occupational health and safety risks of practicing nurses.
  • How to reduce the rate of workplace burnouts in nursing profession.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of becoming a clinical nurse leader.
  • Analyze the main reasons for nursing shortage.
  • Describe the challenges of family nurse practitioner and the ways to overcome them.
  • The importance of nurses providing care for elderly at home .
  • Examine the elements that the nurses should take into account to improve the care of diabetic patients.
  • Why knowledge and application of psychological theories are vital for nursing practice.
  • Why is it necessary to integrate cultural competence in nursing practice?
  • Do Christian values play an important role in nursing practice?
  • Discuss the significance of evidence-based practice to nursing.
  • Explain how a nurse can use a personal digital assistant to enhance performance.
  • The challenges of language barrier and cultural diversity in nursing practice.
  • Cultural sensitive approach in nursing and health care.
  • Describe ethical and moral dilemmas of nursing.
  • Why strategic management is important to a trained nurse.
  • Discuss the issues of combining a nursing job and Jewish traditions.
  • The issue of aging of the nursing population.
  • Analyze the peculiarities of Cuban-American culture and its influence on nursing practice.
  • The role of nurses in healthcare delivery.
  • The issue of applying theory to practice to manage stress in nursing.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different leadership styles in nursing.
  • Examine the specifics of women’s nursing.
  • The leadership role of nurses in the healthcare system.
  • Explain how a nurse can be a cultural broker of the community.
  • Why do people choose to become nurses?
  • The types and benefits of technologies used in nursing profession.
  • Analyze why a mandatory overtime in nursing profession is a controversial solution.
  • Describe the reasons of burnout in nursing profession.
  • How to resolve the nursing shortage problem.
  • Discuss the effective strategies to improve nursing ratios.
  • Psychological effects of COVID-19 that result in hospital nursing shortage.
  • Compare and analyze the specifics of the community virtual ward model with the inpatient nursing care model.
  • The importance of clear vision to nursing leaders.
  • Discuss whether the use of social media can violate ethical nursing practices.

Writing a nursing essay doesn’t have to seem so difficult anymore. So, go forth and do it. Make it flawless because it’s your very first step on the way to success.

Also, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts! Did we miss something? Want to add more helpful info? Write about it in the comments below!

Further reading:

  • How to Write an Expository Essay in Simple Steps
  • Essay on Dengue Fever: How to Write + Free Examples
  • Objective Essay Writing: How to Write, Topics and Examples
  • French Essay Writing: How-to Guide and Examples

🤔 Reflective Essay in Nursing FAQ

A good essay of this kind is a reflection of personal feelings, impressions, and motivation. It should be based on a real-life example. Describe an unusual situation you’ve faced during the clinical placement program. Analyze the emotions it provoked, what could have been improved, etc.

Before you start writing, focus on your personal impressions provoked by a certain event or topic. Then put them down and organize cohesively. Do not forget about an appropriate introduction and a memorable conclusion.

If you are to write a good application essay to progress your career as a nurse, start with formulating your personal motivation to pursue this occupation. Draft the arguments and relevant examples, and then distill the right wording to make your paper persuasive and impressive.

It is a good idea to read some examples of reflective essay conclusions, but make sure that your own version is personal and sincere. A reflective essay is all about your own thoughts and perceptions, so you may simply paraphrase and summarize them.

  • Ten Terrific Tips for New Nurses Dealing with Difficult Patients
  • Volunteer Nursing Abroad
  • Ten Ways How to Get in and Gain Experience in Nursing
  • Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students
  • Learning Opportunities in Adolescent Nursing
  • Clinical Nursing Resources
  • The NHS Constitution for England
  • The National League for Nursing Core Values
  • Reflective Writing: About Gibbs Reflective Cycle
  • Nursing Reflection Essays
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Structure of academic reflections

Guidance on the structure of academic reflections.

Term How it is being used
Academic/professional reflection Any kind of reflection that is expected to be presented for assessment in an academic, professional, or skill development context. Academic reflection will be used primarily, but refer to all three areas.
Private reflection Reflection you do where you are the only intended audience.

Academic reflections or reflective writing completed for assessment often require a clear structure. Contrary to some people’s belief, reflection is not just a personal diary talking about your day and your feelings.

Both the language and the structure are important for academic reflective writing. For the structure you want to mirror an academic essay closely. You want an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

Academic reflection will require you to both describe the context, analyse it, and make conclusions. However, there is not one set of rules for the proportion of your reflection that should be spent describing the context, and what proportion should be spent on analysing and concluding. That being said, as learning tends to happen when analysing and synthesising rather than describing, a good rule of thumb is to describe just enough such that the reader understands your context.

Example structure for academic reflections

Below is an example of how you might structure an academic reflection if you were given no other guidance and what each section might contain.  Remember this is only a suggestion and you must consider what is appropriate for the task at hand and for you yourself.


Identifies and introduces your experience or learning

  • This can be a critical incident
  • This can be the reflective prompt you were given
  • A particular learning you have gained

When structuring your academic reflections it might make sense to start with what you have learned and then use the main body to evidence that learning, using specific experiences and events. Alternatively, start with the event and build up your argument. This is a question of personal preference – if you aren’t given explicit guidance you can ask the assessor if they have a preference, however both can work.

Highlights why it was important

  • This can be suggesting why this event was important for the learning you gained
  • This can be why the learning you gained will benefit you or why you appreciate it in your context

You might find that it is not natural to highlight the importance of an event before you have developed your argument for what you gained from it. It can be okay not to explicitly state the importance in the introduction, but leave it to develop throughout your reflection.

Outline key themes that will appear in the reflection (optional – but particularly relevant when answering a reflective prompt or essay)

  • This can be an introduction to your argument, introducing the elements that you will explore, or that builds to the learning you have already gained.

This might not make sense if you are reflecting on a particular experience, but is extremely valuable if you are answering a reflective prompt or writing an essay that includes multiple learning points. A type of prompt or question that could particularly benefit from this would be ‘Reflect on how the skills and theory within this course have helped you meet the benchmark statements of your degree’

It can be helpful to explore one theme/learning per paragraph.

Explore experiences

  • You should highlight and explore the experience you introduced in the introduction
  • If you are building toward answering a reflective prompt, explore each relevant experience.

As reflection is centred around an individual’s personal experience, it is very important to make experiences a main component of reflection. This does not mean that the majority of the reflective piece should be on describing an event – in fact you should only describe enough such that the reader can follow your analysis.

Analyse and synthesise

  • You should analyse each of your experiences and from them synthesise new learning

Depending on the requirements of the assessment, you may need to use theoretical literature in your analysis. Theoretical literature is a part of perspective taking which is relevant for reflection, and will happen as a part of your analysis.  

Restate or state your learning

  • Make a conclusion based on your analysis and synthesis.
  • If you have many themes in your reflection, it can be helpful to restate them here.

Plan for the future

  • Highlight and discuss how your new-found learnings will influence your future practice

Answer the question or prompt (if applicable)

  • If you are answering an essay question or reflective prompt, make sure that your conclusion provides a succinct response using your main body as evidence.  

Using a reflective model to structure academic reflections

You might recognise that most reflective models mirror this structure; that is why a lot of the reflective models can be really useful to structure reflective assignments. Models are naturally structured to focus on a single experience – if the assignment requires you to focus on multiple experiences, it can be helpful to simply repeat each step of a model for each experience.

One difference between the structure of reflective writing and the structure of models is that sometimes you may choose to present your learning in the introduction of a piece of writing, whereas models (given that they support working through the reflective process) will have learning appearing at later stages.

However, generally structuring a piece of academic writing around a reflective model will ensure that it involves the correct components, reads coherently and logically, as well as having an appropriate structure.

Reflective journals/diaries/blogs and other pieces of assessed reflection

The example structure above works particularly well for formal assignments such as reflective essays and reports.  Reflective journal/blogs and other pieces of assessed reflections tend to be less formal both in language and structure, however you can easily adapt the structure for journals and other reflective assignments if you find that helpful.

That is, if you are asked to produce a reflective journal with multiple entries it will most often (always check with the person who issued the assignment) be a successful journal if each entry mirrors the structure above and the language highlighted in the section on academic language. However, often you can be less concerned with form when producing reflective journals/diaries.

When producing reflective journals, it is often okay to include your original reflection as long as you are comfortable with sharing the content with others, and that the information included is not too personal for an assessor to read.

Developed from:

Ryan, M., 2011. Improving reflective writing in higher education: a social semiotic perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 16(1), 99-111.

University of Portsmouth, Department for Curriculum and Quality Enhancement (date unavailable). Reflective Writing: a basic introduction [online].  Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth.

Queen Margaret University, Effective Learning Service (date unavailable).  Reflection. [online].  Edinburgh: Queen Margaret University.

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Gibbs Reflective Cycle Example

One of our expert writers has created this bespoke sample nursing reflective practice that shows the quality that is guaranteed with every nursing paper ordered. Secure your academic success and place an order today or view our services .

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Critically reflect on an encounter with a service user in a health care setting

This essay aims to critically reflect on an encounter with a service user in a health care setting. The Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle will be used as this is a popular model of reflection. Reflection is associated with learning from experience. It is viewed as an important approach for professionals who embrace lifelong learning (Jasper, 2013). In general terms, reflective practice is the process of learning through and from an experience or activity to gain new understandings of self and/or practice (Bout et al., 1985; Jasper, 2013). This method is viewed as a way of promoting the personal and professional development of qualified and independent professionals, eventually stimulating both personal and professional growth (Jasper, 2013). Dating back to 1988, the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle encompasses six stages of reflection which enable the reflector to think through all the phases of an activity or experience (Gibbs, 1998). The model is unique because it includes knowledge, actions, emotions and suggests that experiences are repeated, which is different from Kolb’s reflective model (Kolb, 1984) and thus, the model is wider and a more flexible approach in examining a situation in a critical light to enable future changes (Zeichner and Liston, 1996).

1. Description

The incident I will be reflecting on occurred whilst I was placed on the oncology ward during my first year of qualified nursing. We had an elderly service user on the ward, who had been admitted due to stomach cancer. Upon his arrival, we read his notes which highlighted that he had significant learning difficulties, meaning that he also had problems with verbal communication. The main areas of reflection are how both myself and the other nurses used communication to calm the patient and show compassion, as well as how we adapted our care to address their individual needs. A nurse came onto the ward with three members of the public, who were viewing the ward as part of a job advertising process. When the nurse entered the patients bay, she informed the members of the public that the service users in that bay were currently receiving radiotherapy treatment. Upon hearing the nurse’s words, the service user became overtly distressed and began crying, shrieking and hitting his head backwards against his pillow –it took time; however, another nurse managed to calm him down by talking in a soothing manner.

2. Feelings

Prior to the incident occurring, I was mindful that the nurse was showing the three members of the public around the oncology ward, as part of a job advertising process. At the time of the incident, I had only been working on the oncology ward for six months so still felt slightly unsure of my position within the team. Ultimately, I did not feel confident or experienced enough to deal with this situation independently. I think that my increased level of anxiety meant that I struggled to intervene, however it is still clear that both my colleagues and myself should have intervened more quickly to ensure that the patient was dealt with effectively. Moreover, I was very surprised when the nurse failed to take into consideration the individual needs of the service user during the visit of the ward, as the distress caused to both the service user and the members of the public was very unnecessary.

3. Evaluation

In hindsight, the experience had both good and bad elements which have led to an increased understanding of the service user experience and my role as a nurse practitioner within the oncology team. My role was to give physical examinations and evaluate the service user’s health, prescribe and administer medication, recommend diagnostic and laboratory tests/read the results, manage treatment side effects, and provide support to patients – this includes acting in their best interests. I feel that I did not fulfil the latter responsibility completely. This duty to protect service user’s full confidentiality and ensuring that the nurse who was showing the members of the public around the ward was aware of the service user’s communication difficulties and resulting anxiety was not fulfilled. Our failure to act as a team, by sharing information and stepping in before a situation escalated, shows that there was a low level of group cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and Romer, 1983).

4. Analysis

According to the Nursing Times Clinical (2004), people with learning difficulties often have a struggle with adapting to new situations, which means that there is a potential for problematic behaviour when dealing with something outside of their comfort zone. Nevertheless, as suggested by the Nursing Times Clinical (2004), healthcare staff should be aware of how to effectively interact with people who have a learning disability and this can be aided through regular and valuable reflection. Prior to admission into the hospital, it is advised that professionals find out about the patient's communication and their likes and dislikes; address any potential fears either through discussion or by allowing the patient to visit the ward to meet the nursing staff (Nursing Times Clinical, 2004). Moreover, the day to day communication towards patients with learning difficulties should involve patient-centred/holistic care in addressing patient needs, which incorporates both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Therefore, professionals should make eye contact, look and listen, allocate more time for the patient, be interactive and communicative, remain patient and in some cases, enable any professionals who may have had experience with people with a learning difficulty to care for the patient (Nursing Times Clinical, 2004).

If you need assistance with writing your reflective practice, our professional Reflective Practice is here to help!

MENCAP states that one of the most common problems when accessing healthcare for people with learning disabilities is poor communication (n.d). This can be aided by offering the service user an advocate to communicate on their behalf and by providing information in a variety of ways including visual. They further this with the notion that healthcare professionals should equally value all people, adapt their service so that it meets different needs and understand that each individual will have different needs (MENCAP, n.d). The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2015) further this in 'The Code', which states that all registered nurses and midwives must abide by the professional standards which are to: prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust. Therefore, the incident whereby another nurse did not take into consideration the individual needs of the patient does not abide by the professional code of conduct; ultimately, they did not recognise when the patient was anxious or in distress and respond compassionately, paying attention to promoting the wellbeing of the service user and making use of a range of verbal and non-verbal communication methods (NMC, 2015). Compassion is one of the '6cs' introduced in 2012 - which are the values and behaviours that are viewed as the quality markers of a health and care service - these being: care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment (Department of Health, 2012). The 6Cs carry equal weight and should be a part of all service delivery - ensuring that patients are always placed at the heart of the provision (DoH, 2012).

5. Conclusion

From this experience, I am now more mindful of the importance of being assertive and exert professionalism in practice (and not feel as though I cannot do something because of my position within the team or length of experience) if similar situations were to arise in the future. The insight I have gained from this experience means that I am now more aware of the implications of not acting immediately and the importance of acting in the best interests of the patient, even when this may take courage. Strong working relationships between healthcare professionals should also be given a greater emphasis within the oncology ward, so to increase levels of group cohesiveness (Rutkowski, Gruder and Romer, 1983).

Action Plan

In the future, I aim to be more proactive in dealing with a situation face on regardless of my role within the team or level of experience; this includes dealing with a stressed service user, ensuring that information is passed on to the relevant staff and intervening when I believe that is a risk to a service user’s health or mental wellbeing. Moreover, I will address the needs and alter how I approach a patient with learning difficulties in the future by ensuring that I use the different methods of communication and undertake some independent research on their specific needs; the information of which I can use in my nursing practice.

I will not assume that other members of staff will always be aware or mindful of the individual needs and/or triggers of a service user, and I will not presume that other members of staff will always act in a wholly professional way. I will continue to undertake regular professional reflective practice, using the on-going model proposed by Gibbs (1988). I also aim to consistently and confidently implement the principles and values as set out by the National League for Nursing, relating to the individual needs of service users, these being:

  • To respect the dignity and moral wholeness of every person without conditions or limitation.
  • To affirm the uniqueness of and differences among people, their ideas, values and ethnicities. (National League for Nursing, 2017, n.d).

These are furthered by the National Health Service (NHS), which was created out of the ideal that quality healthcare should be available to all and should meet the individual needs of everyone.

Reference List

Boud, D., Keogh, R. and Walker, D. (1985) Promoting reflection in learning: a model. In D. Boud, R. Keogh and D. Walker (eds.) Reflection: turning experience into learning. London: Kogan Page.

Department of Health (DoH). (2012) Compassion in Practice. London: Department of Health.

Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford.

Jasper, M. (2013) Beginning Reflective Practice. 2nd edition. Andover: Cengage.

Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential learning: experience as the source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

MENCAP. (n.d) Communicating with people with a learning disability. Online. Available at:

National Health Service (NHS). (2015) Principles and values that guide the NHS. Online. Available at:

National League for Nursing. (2017) Core Values. Online. Available at:

Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). (2015) The Code. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Nursing Times Clinical. (2004) Managing the needs of people who have a learning disability, Nursing Times 100 (10) pp. 28-29.

Oxford Brookes University. (2017) Reflective writing: About Gibbs reflective cycle. Online. Available at:

Rutkowski, G. K., Gruder, C. L., & Romer, D. (1983). Group cohesiveness, social norms, and bystander intervention, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(3), pp.545-552.

Zeichner, K. and Liston, D. (1996) Reflective Teaching: an introduction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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Reflective Nursing Essay

Reflective nursing essay generator.

reflective essay structure nursing

Have you ever written a diary where you keep accounts of anything you want to say? May it be in the form of a reflection. Like say at the end of the day, you had done this and done that. It could be work related or personal. A lot of people often keep or write down a reflection paper not because it is necessary or to be used in school or class, but to be able to reflect on the day’s events and be able to release the tension that they may have hid while going about their day. For nurses, this may seem more common than you think.

These reflective essays that nurses do practically helps the majority of them to see how they settle with issues within their work and how they may be able to assess their work or their patients with it. In a way it also helps them take up a way to write what they please and find a way to reflect on it. In general, it is a helpful tool. But how helpful is it you ask? Why is it important? Head on over to the examples and the definition to see. While you’re there, take a sneak peek at the tips to write a good reflective nursing essay.

8+ Reflective Nursing Essay Examples

1. nursing reflective essay template.

Nursing Reflective Essay Template

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2. Reflective Nursing Leadership Essay

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3. Reflective Nursing Essay Example

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4. Reflective Nursing Scholar Essay

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5. Simple Reflective Nursing Essay

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7. Reflective Nursing Organization Essay

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8. Reflective Nursing Process Essay

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9. Reflective Nursing Student Essay

Reflective Nursing Student Essay

Size: 38 KB

What Is a Reflective Nursing Essay?

To start off, we know what a reflection essay is or what a reflective essay is. We know that a reflective essay is a kind of essay that a person writes to reflect on either a topic they are told to write it for or to reflect about either their work, their school or their personal life. In this case, a reflective nursing essay works the same except this is mainly for how nurses are able to reflect on their job , and to be able to use it as practice for their careers. The purpose of a reflective nursing essay is to be able to let nurses be comfortable with their work. To have a good chance to understand and to explore who they are and what they do. They are also able to write about their patients and how they may reflect on that experience. In addition to that, writing a reflective nursing essay gives them good practice from their course and work. Of course when you write your reflective nursing essay, there are also things you need to consider. Watching how you write and what you write would be the most important thing to consider.

How to Write a Reflective Nursing Essay?

Are you planning on writing a reflective nursing essay? Either for practice or for work. As we know that making reflective essays are necessary, they can also be a bit of a challenge especially if you have no idea where and how to begin. However, there is a solution for that. Just as with any problem, there is always a solution and this one is no different.

1. Begin With a Simple but Concise Introduction

The first tip we have is to begin your introduction with a simple but concise paragraph. This is the beginning of your reflective essay. This is the first thing your readers are keen on knowing what you are going to be writing about. Make sure that you do not divulge too much information nor the lack of it. Simple introductions are there to keep your readers’ curiosity.

2. Make It Personal for Your Readers

Another important thing to remember is that when you write your reflective nursing essay, make sure to make it personal. This is one way of getting your readers to sympathize or to empathize with you. The more personal you are to reflecting about your work, patient or personal life, the more your readers are able to understand you.

3. Reflect on What You Have Gone Through

Aside from making it personal, give yourself a short reflection on what you have learned and gone through. From your experiences at work, to your experience with a patient or even from your personal life. Reflect and write them down. Reflect what you have learned and write about it.

4. Assess and Evaluate Your Reflection

In addition to the three tips, it is also good to try and assess and evaluate what you think of your reflection. This means that do you know how far you have gone through, do you understand why you felt this way. Basically comparing your past notes to help you with your full assessment on your reflection.

5. End Your Essay With a Happy Note

Lastly, end your essay on a happy note. In a way that your readers would know that regardless of how you may have felt, you learned something worthwhile. Hence it is best to end on a happy note. But if your reflection may cause you some hurt, end it the same way but with a positive and hopeful mindset.

What is a reflective nursing essay?

A kind of essay that is used by nurses to reflect on the events that may trigger something from them. This essay helps them in a way they are able to understand and be able to write it down and reflect on it.

How long is a reflective nursing essay?

A reflective essay could be as written a page long or as short as three paragraphs. Depending on the one who is writing it.

How helpful is a reflective essay to nurses?

A reflective nurse essay is helpful as it helps them practice taking notes. Either for their patience, for themselves or about their work. Having this as practice not only helps them, but it also gives them the opportunity to open up from their surroundings by reflecting and observing.

It goes without saying, writing reflection essays do help. A nurse’s job is not considered the easiest nor is it considered the sweetest job in the world. They have to go through a lot of emotional turmoil and a lot of emotional stress. A reflection nursing essay is simply a right tool for them to let it all out and still be able to reflect on what they have learned through their days or through the moments of work.


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Sdcb-yolo: a high-precision model for detecting safety helmets and reflective clothing in complex environments.

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1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. data acquistion, 2.2. experimental environment, 2.3. yolov8 model, 2.4. squeeze-and-excitation networks, 2.5. distance iou loss function, 2.6. carafe: a lightweight and general upsampling operator for computer vision, 2.7. bidirectional feature pyramid network, 2.8. sdcb-yolo network, 3. results and discussion, 3.1. evaluation indicators, 3.2. comparative experiment, 3.3. ablation experiment, 4. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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CPU12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12490F @ 3.00 GHz (Intel, Santa Clara, CA, USA)
GPUNVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 (Nvidia, Santa Clara, CA, USA)
accelerated environmentCUDA12.1
operating systemWindows 11 64-bit system
compiler languagePython3.11
initial learning rate0.01
ModelPrecision (%)Recall (%) (%) :0.95 (%)
ModelPrecision (%)Recall (%) (%) :0.95 (%)GFLOPsModel Size (MB)
Recall (%) (%) :0.95 (%)
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Yang, X.; Wang, J.; Dong, M. SDCB-YOLO: A High-Precision Model for Detecting Safety Helmets and Reflective Clothing in Complex Environments. Appl. Sci. 2024 , 14 , 7267.

Yang X, Wang J, Dong M. SDCB-YOLO: A High-Precision Model for Detecting Safety Helmets and Reflective Clothing in Complex Environments. Applied Sciences . 2024; 14(16):7267.

Yang, Xiang, Jizhen Wang, and Minggang Dong. 2024. "SDCB-YOLO: A High-Precision Model for Detecting Safety Helmets and Reflective Clothing in Complex Environments" Applied Sciences 14, no. 16: 7267.

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    The correct wearing of safety helmets and reflective vests is of great significance in construction sites, offices, and civil engineering sites. Aiming to address the issues of low detection accuracy and high algorithm complexity caused by complex background environments in the small target detection of safety helmets and reflective clothing using existing algorithms, an improved algorithm ...