

Meta-analyses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): a literature review

  • Open access
  • Published: 18 March 2021
  • Volume 72 , pages 627–675, ( 2022 )

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corporate social responsibility dissertation proposal

  • Patrick Velte   ORCID: 1  

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This paper addresses quantitative meta-analyses on corporate governance-related determinants and firms’ (non) financial consequences of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Legitimacy theory as our theoretical framework assumes that, through a social contract, a company must fulfil the respective society’s values and expectations and gain legitimacy. We also rely on the business case argument, assuming a positive relationship between CSR and financial outcomes of the firm. This analysis focusses on 54 quantitative meta-analyses on CSR and includes a structured literature review in order to increase our knowledge, which corporate governance variables and proxies of firm’s (non) financial outcome have been heavily included in archival research, and if there is an overall impact of these variables. Prior meta-analyses indicate that board independence, board gender diversity, and board size have a positive impact on CSR performance. Moreover, both CSR performance and environmental performance increase financial performance. This literature review makes a useful contribution to prior studies by summarizing the overall impact of corporate governance variables on CSR and their (non) financial consequences and by deducing recommendations for future research.

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1 Introduction

Since the financial crisis of 2008–09, public interest entities (PIEs) are very active in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies in line with the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental goals). In view of various (inter)national frameworks, e.g., the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and their voluntary character in many regimes, stakeholders criticize the reliability of CSR reports and included CSR performance measures due to greenwashing policy and information overload (Huang and Watson 2015 ). CSR performance measures and reports are connected with increased managerial discretion as a potential self-impression tool (Huang and Watson 2015 ). According to the famous business case argument for CSR (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ), successful CSR strategies should lead to better firm’s (non) financial performance and increased firm value. A proper corporate governance system is needed to decrease greenwashing and information overload (Ortas et al. 2017 ) and to increase firm reputation. Especially, monitoring duties of non executive directors and the implementation of incentive-based compensation systems for top managers should strengthen substantial CSR management systems and avoid symbolic CSR activities (Guerrero-Villegas et al. 2018 ).

In line with the increased relevance in business practice, CSR represents a key topic in empirical-quantitative research. Next to numerous literature reviews on the business case of CSR (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ) who focus the variation of different theories, research methods and CSR proxies within this field, quantitative meta-analyses on CSR research become important during the last few years (e.g., Majumder et al. 2017 ; Cafri et al. 2010 ). As there are very different results in empirical-quantitative CSR studies, meta-analyses statistically summarize the existing research and increase the validity of CSR research and its implications. Another main goal of meta-analyses is the implementation of relevant moderator analysis across multiple studies (Velte 2019a ; Friede et al. 2015 ; Parmigiani and Rivera-Santos 2011 ). As we notice an increased amount of CSR-related meta-analyses during the last years, we are surprised that no literature review on CSR meta-analyses exists so far. In more detail, we just identify four literature reviews on meta-analyses in business administration: a literature review of meta-analyses on accounting (Khlif and Chalmers 2015 ), auditing (Hay 2019 ), finance (Geyer-Klingeberg et al. 2020 ) and accounting, auditing and corporate governance (Velte 2019b ). We see a major research gap on conducting a literature review on prior CSR meta-analyses in view of the following reasons: First, archival CSR research has been increased during the last decade and show heterogeneous results, leading to increased use of meta-analyses on CSR. Prior meta-analyses have used different methods, variables, and moderators, stressing the need to structure the results with the help of a literature review. Second, in line with legitimacy theory and the business case argument for CSR, it is questionable whether prior CSR meta-analyses reported a positive impact of corporate governance on CSR and whether CSR is connected with positive (non) financial consequences. We thus question whether corporate governance as a monitoring and incentive tool is needed for top managers to decrease opportunistic behaviour and strengthen their CSR efforts. Third, as CSR proxies are also very heterogeneous in practice and research, we know very little about the overall impact of corporate governance on different CSR proxies and their consequences, based on meta-analyses. We thus differentiate between the most used variables in prior research: CSR performance, reporting and their related subpillars (e.g., environmental or carbon issues), board gender diversity, Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) and Socially Responsible Investments (SRI). Fourth, one of the main goals of meta-analyses is to include relevant moderator and mediator analyses . Significant results may be related to moderating and meditating variables, so that it increases our knowledge on factors that may have an impact on the business case for CSR. Therefore, the goal of our study is to evaluate 54 quantitative CSR meta-analyses by addressing the following main research questions:

What are the main corporate governance-related determinants of CSR?

What are the key firms’ (non) financial consequences of CSR?

Which moderator and mediator variables have been included in prior CSR meta-analyses?

Our literature review on CSR meta-analyses indicates that the majority of included studies has focussed on the CSR-financial performance-link. In view of the key corporate governance-related determinants, we note that board independence, board gender diversity and board size have a positive impact on CSR performance. Thus, corporate governance tools can fulfil a main incentive and monitoring tool for top managers in order to increase their CSR efforts. Moreover, in line with our business case argument, CSR (environmental) performance leads to increased financial performance according to our literature review. Thus, shareholders and other stakeholder groups include successful CSR strategies in their decision-making and this may lead to an increased firm value.

The following review provides useful information for researchers, regulators, and practitioners, which may stimulate future researchers to conduct more quantitative meta-analyses on CSR. Furthermore, business practice and regulatory bodies should be aware of the great need to strengthen the comparability of CSR performance and related CSR reporting tools. Regulators may be encouraged to implement stricter regulations on sustainable corporate governance in order to decrease greenwashing policies and lower information overload with regard to CSR.

This article is structured as follows: after introducing our legitimacy theoretical framework and our research framework (Sect.  2 ), we portray the main results of our literature view on CSR meta-analyses (Sect.  3 ). Then, we stress main restrictions of existing research and present selective recommendations for future research activities (Sect.  4 ). A summary of our results will be focussed in Sect.  5 .

2 Legitimacy theoretical foundation and research framework

2.1 general remarks.

Legitimacy theory has established as one of the most important organizational and management theories. This theory assumes that an organization has an implicit social contract with the society in which it operates. This social contract (Shocker and Sethi 1973 ) should motivate managers to comply with a society’s specific values, norms and boundaries by implementing adequate structures and processes (Dowling and Pfeffer 1975 ). Thus, the long-term success and survival of a firm is subject to its ability to meet society’s expectations through suitable systems. If a legitimacy gap arises or is detected, organizations adopt legitimating strategies (Fernando and Lawrence 2014 ).

However, societal values are dynamic (Deegan 2002 ), especially with regard to CSR. Therefore, legitimization is a continuous process, which is supported by effective tools for communicating organization’s legitimization actions. CSR efforts therefore enhance an organization’s image as a good corporate citizen (O'Donovan 1999 ). Such legitimization strategies improve an organization’s access to resources, their image and their customer, employee and investor relationships, which will subsequently enhance their competitive position. If society suspects a lack of transparency, its legitimacy suffers (Aguilera et al. 2007 ).

Heterogeneous stakeholders’ information needs can only be fulfilled by the implementation of substantial CSR management systems, e.g., by SRI policy, SSCM, CSR reports and precise CSR performance measures. CSR reporting and the communication of CSR performance represent major challenges in order to gain legitimacy of main stakeholder groups. As greenwashing policy and information overload (Mahoney et al. 2013 ) are major risks in business practice, stakeholders expect reliable CSR information. Related managerial discretion in CSR and opportunistic behaviour of top managers may be reduced by proper corporate governance systems. Corporate governance is related with internal and external incentive and monitoring tools in order to strengthen CSR strategies in line with stakeholder demands (sustainable corporate governance). Legitimacy theory assumes that CSR strategies can be both symbolic or substantive (Mahoney et al. 2013 ). Substantive CSR strategies imply a careful implementation of CSR into the firm’s business model and risk management system (Brown and Fraser 2006 ). An integrative view of economic, environmental, and social goals is required in order to prevent a symbolic use of CSR. Symbolic CSR activities are intended to meet stakeholders’ expectations and enhance public image and financial outputs as offensive greenwashing policy (Maroun 2020 ). As there is no integration of CSR within the business model and risk management, financial and non financial performances are analysed separately in this context. This also refers to the separate publication of traditional financial statements and CSR reports as a simple marketing tool. Thus, it is not clear, whether corporate governance mechanisms are needed in order to stipulate CSR and whether CSR strategies lead to positive firm’s (non) financial performance (Byron and Post 2016 ). In this literature review, we rely on the business case argument for CSR. The business case argument for CSR proposes that top management follows an “enlightened self-interest” by achieving financial goals while considering CSR aspects (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ) and vice versa. In more detail, management evaluates a trade-off between CSR and financial success. In line with firm’s (non) financial performance as a consequence of CSR activities, the business case argument also assumes that corporate governance-related pressure may mainly influence this direction.

Effective corporate governance should put pressure on top managements to implement substantial CSR strategies. Corporate governance can be classified as a legitimacy tool toward stakeholders’ demands regarding the reliability of CSR activities. The following two main subgroups can be found: internal corporate governance (board composition), and external corporate governance (ownership structure) (e.g., Velte et al. 2020 ). As internal and external corporate governance represent different concepts, a clear differentiation is justified. This differentiation is also very useful to characterize corporate governance regimes. Countries with a clear focus on internal corporate governance (insider systems), e.g., Continental Europe, strengthen their regulations on board effectiveness, e.g., by audit committees. Regimes with a focus on external corporate governance (outsider- or market systems) increase their regulations on shareholder rights and on enforcement to monitor firms and put pressure on top managers to conform with shareholders’ interests.

2.2 Internal corporate governance

Internal corporate governance is mainly linked to board composition. Management should act in line with stakeholders’ interests in their investment and strategic decisions. The board of directors, at the apex of internal control systems, advise and monitor the management (executive directors) and has to duty to hire, fire, and to compensate the senior management (Gillan 2006 ; Shleifer and Visny 1997 ). Research on corporate boards has concentrated on the links between board structure and firm value. Legitimacy theory assumes that board effectiveness leads to increased CSR activities (e.g., performance and reporting) to improve firm reputation and gain social legitimacy. As CSR strategies are linked with restricted objectivity and thus increased managerial discretion, greenwashing behaviour and information overload may threaten stakeholders’ interests. In our literature review, we assume that board composition as board effectiveness will have a positive impact on CSR outputs.

2.3 External corporate governance

In line with Shleifer and Vishny ( 1997 ), shareholders use monitoring mechanisms to ensure that they will gain a return on their investments. Shareholders, as the residual claimants, elect board members and boards owe a fiduciary obligation to shareholders. In line with shareholders, other stakeholders have information needs which have to be addressed by executive directors (Gillan 2006 ). Normally, shareholder do not just rely on the monitoring by the board of directors. They implement individual monitoring mechanisms to put pressure on the top management to fulfil their goals. Say on pay voting is a major example for active monitoring by shareholders. The degree of monitoring is mainly dependent on the individual ownership structure within a firm. Corporate governance research mainly stresses the monitoring role of institutional investors and blockholders in view of their increased power and influence on senior managers (Gillan 2006 ; Shleifer and Visny 1997 ). From a traditional perspective, investors’ goals mainly rely on financial performance. During the last decade, social responsible investors with long-term and non-financial preferences have entered the capital market (Velte et al. 2020 ). These investors are normally part of institutional investors and blockholders, leading to an increased influence on firms’ CSR strategies, e.g., climate change policies. Legitimacy theory assumes that strong monitoring by shareholders as (non) financial shareholder activism will put pressure on senior management to increase their CSR efforts.

2.4 Firms’ (non) financial consequences of CSR

We stated in Sect.  2.1 that both internal and external corporate governance are connected with increased CSR activities of the firm. But all corporate governance elements, both the board of directors and shareholders, are not only interested in an appropriate CSR performance and reporting. They also demand an adequate level of financial performance to guarantee going concern of the firm. Legitimacy theory assumes that the senior management increases their efforts to reach legitimacy of the society. Firm reputation can only be reached by a conglomeration of financial and CSR-related success of firm strategies. CSR efforts can be classified as “pre-financials” and they will be transferred into financial outcome if the market will honour the management activities. Moreover, as CSR strategies include a bundle of different aspects, an increase of a specific CSR variable, e.g., CSR performance, may also related to future changes in CSR reporting or supply chain management.

According to the business case argument for CSR, firm value, shareholder trust and other stakeholder demands are dependent from each other and gain legitimacy for firms (Dowling and Pfeffer 1975 ). There may be both intrinsic or extrinsic motivation of the top management to implement CSR management systems. Firms with better CSR tools can mainly influence their financial benefits in the long run (e.g., increased cash flows, liquidity) and thus gain better stakeholder reputation (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ). Stakeholders use CSR measures, e.g., CSR performance or CSR reporting quality, in order to analyse the reliability of CSR management and related firm risks (Velte et al. 2020 ). If stakeholders assume a low risk of greenwashing policy and information overload in a specific firm, they may not leave the firm or may increase their engagement with higher firm value as a financial consequence (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ). But certain CSR measures could also increase overall CSR performance as a consequence of professional CSR management, stressing the interlocks between various CSR efforts (e.g., the promotion of gender diversity in boards and their impact on CSR performance) (Byron and Post 2016 ). As successful CSR efforts should be linked with better stakeholder relations and firm reputation, CSR should also be value relevant for the capital market (Velte and Stawinoga 2017 ), especially for sustainable investors. Thus, we differentiate between financial performance and CSR performance as firm’s (non) financial consequences of CSR strategies .

2.5 Research framework

Figure  1 presents an overview of our research framework. In line with the business case argument for CSR and legitimacy theory, CSR (and related subpillars) will be connected with better firms’ (non) financial performance. Furthermore, an appropriate corporate governance is needed as a firm-specific pressure for executive directors to increase their CSR activities and lower the possibility of greenwashing behaviour and self-impression management. Indeed, corporate governance as a monitoring mechanism should lead to higher substantial CSR efforts and thus increased CSR performance and reporting in line with stakeholders’ needs. Thus, the goal of our literature review on prior CSR meta-analyses is a detailed analysis of the corporate governance-related determinants of CSR and their (non) financial consequences with a clear focus on financial performance. As CSR variables are heterogeneous in empirical-quantitative research, we differentiate between the most used variables in our review: CSR (and related subpillars) performance and reporting, board gender diversity, sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) and socially responsible investments (SRI). We are also interested in moderator and mediator analyses in this research strength.

figure 1

Research framework on CSR meta-analyses

Based on legitimacy theory and the business case argument, our analysis focusses on the impact of corporate governance on CSR. We assume that greenwashing and information will be decreased by strict monitoring by the board of directors and shareholders. Then, we assume that successful CSR strategies should lead to increased (non) financial performance. The board of directors and shareholders will put pressure on the management to implement substantial CSR management systems. These substantial CSR efforts will strengthen (non) financial performance from a long-term perspective. Firm reputation and legitimacy by the society include both financial success and CSR performance. However, we are aware of the fact that the research on these two topics is very complex and linked with many interdependencies. Researchers include possible moderator and mediator variables to address those interdependencies. The implementation of moderators and mediators represents one of the major goals of meta-analyses. We like to incorporate prior findings on CSR meta-analyses whether certain moderators and mediators drive our two relationships. Thus, as a summary, the following three research questions are stated:

Which corporate governance determinants influence CSR in a positive way?

Does CSR lead to increased (non) financial performance ?

Which moderator and meditator variables influence the link between corporate governance and CSR on the one hand and firms’ (non) financial consequences on the other hand?

Our analysis is based on established papers on conducting high-quality structured literature reviews (Torraco 2005 ). We identify a major research gap in meta-analyses on the business case for CSR, leading to a closer look on the determinants and consequences of CSR. While CSR-related meta-analyses have increased during the last years, we do not find any literature review on prior meta-analyses on that topic. In more detail, we stress that only four literature reviews on meta-analyses in business administration exist so far: a review of accounting (Khlif and Chalmers 2015 ), auditing (Hay 2019 ), finance (Geyer-Klingeberg et al. 2020 ) and accounting, auditing and corporate governance (Velte 2019b ). We see a major research gap on the business case research on CSR, as regulators, practice and research currently controversially discuss whether corporate governance-issues are related to better CSR and whether a stricter regulation on sustainable corporate governance is needed. Moreover, we like to stress top managers’ incentives to increase CSR activities as it may lead to higher financial and CSR performance in the long run.

We use several international databases to the end of December 2020 to select our sample of included studies (Web of Science, Google Scholar, SSRN, Ebsco, Science Direct). A targeted search was conducted using the keyword “meta-analysis” in connection with “CSR”, “Sustainability”, “Corporate Social Responsibility”, “CSR Performance”, “CSR Reporting”, “Sustainability Reporting”, “Sustainability Performance”, “gender diversity”, “socially responsible investment”, “sustainable supply chain management” and related terms. We also included broad terms such as “Corporate Governance” and “firm value”. A temporal restriction on the included CSR meta-analyses was not necessary because of the relatively young research tradition. We begin with an initial sample of 71 meta-analyses.

As exclusion criteria, we only recognize quantitative meta-analyses on CSR as our goal is to analyse economic determinants and consequences of CSR. Thus, 5 studies were dropped. In line with other literature reviews, we only include meta-analyses published in English in peer-reviewed journals. Working papers were excluded. This step leads to a reduction of 12 studies. Thus, 54 studies represent the final sample of our literature review.

3 Main results of CSR meta-analyses

3.1 content analysis.

Prior CSR meta-analyses are characterized by a heterogeneity of collected data, study designs, theoretical approaches, and analytical techniques. Literature reviews have become a relevant research method for scholars, practitioners, and regulators seeking to increase our knowledge about a complex research topic (Webster and Watson 2002 ). For scholars, a literature review should create new knowledge about CSR using existing meta-analyses that covers the selected topic. A literature review should also contribute to theory development and may close research gaps and revealing precise research recommendations. For practitioners, a literature review gives useful information and insights into effective organizational developments for future business strategies and guidance for policy-making and implementation. As many regulators currently discuss stricter regulations on CSR, sustainable corporate governance, and sustainable finance, our literature review should guide regulatory bodies in these issues. We present a structured literature review in line with our theoretical foundation and our research framework. We mainly focus on our key research questions, addressing corporate governance-related determinants of CSR, the impact of CSR on (non) financial performance, and moderator and mediator variables on these links.

Table 1 gives an overview of the papers per publication year (Panel A), journal (Panel B), content (Panel C) and CSR variables (Panel D). According to Panel A, we note an increased research activity during the last few years (2017–2010) and a rather young research discipline (first study in 1997). Moreover, referring to Panel C, most meta-analyses in our review have been published in Business Ethics and Sustainability journals, e.g., Business and Society , Business Strategy and the Environment , Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management , or Journal of Business Ethics . Management and corporate governance journal are also included to a higher amount. Most of the meta-analyses address the consequences of CSR, especially the impact of CSR performance on financial performance (Panel C). Determinants of CSR are of lower attraction yet. Panel D stresses that CSR performance represents the most important CSR variable included in prior meta-studies.

Table 2 gives an overview about included moderator and mediator variables. One of the main advantages of meta-analyses is to identify possible moderator and mediator variables. With few exceptions, most papers include moderators (51). Methodological moderator variables are recognized in nearly every meta-analysis, while the differentiation of measures of independent and dependent variables is rather common (29). Moreover, firm-specific variables, e.g., industry, and country-related governance factors, e.g. cultural aspects, are important in our literature review. In contrast to this, accounting and corporate governance-related moderators are rarely included yet. We also note a very low amount of mediator variables in prior CSR meta-analyses (3).

3.2 Corporate governance determinants

We already noted that many meta-analyses relate on determinants of CSR as dominant research topic. In line with prior literature (Velte 2019b ), we differentiate between internal corporate governance (board composition) and external corporate governance (ownership structure) with a focus on board composition measures. The average number of included studies within the meta-analyses is rather low (24–158). In our literature review, we mention those studies with a relatively high and low amount of included studies. A possible reason for this is the restricted amount of single studies on the link between corporate governance and CSR. All of our included studies with a specific description of the applied procedures included random-effects models, assuming the variability between effect sizes is due to sampling error in addition to the variability in the population. Most of prior meta-analyses on the link between corporate governance and CSR included bivariate meta-analyses. A bivariate meta-analysis is a special type of meta-analysis that summarises the results from separately performed diagnostic test studies while keeping the two-dimensionality of the data.

3.2.1 Internal corporate governance (board composition)

The main duty of the board of directors is to monitor the executive directors in line with stakeholders’ interests (Byron and Post 2016 ; Maroun 2020 ; Wintoki et al. 2012 ). During the last decade, many different board characteristics were implemented in order to analyse board effectiveness. Board effectiveness should lead to increased executives’ incentives to rely on CSR activities. In this literature review, we note a research intensity on board independence, board gender diversity, board size, board activity and CEO duality as main determinants of CSR performance and reporting.

Board independence represents one major requirement of board effectiveness, as non executives should conduct their monitoring tasks without major conflicts of interests in line with stakeholders’ needs. There are clear indications that board independence significantly increases both CSR performance (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Ortas et al. 2017 ) and CSR reporting (Lagasio and Cucari 2019 ; Velte 2019a ; Guerrero-Villegas et al. 2018 ). However, Majumder et al. ( 2017 ) found insignificant results, based on just 29 included studies. During the last decade, board gender diversity also gets main attraction in CSR research. A greater range of board diversity, especially with regard to gender, should lead to increased awareness of CSR strategies. Thus, prior meta-analyses state that board gender diversity is linked with better CSR performance (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Byron and Post 2016 ) and CSR reporting (Lagasio and Cucari 2019 ; Velte 2019a ; Guerrero-Villegas et al. 2018 ). Again, Majumder et al. ( 2017 ) did not find any significant results. Board size and board activity are our next internal corporate governance determinants in our literature review. Literature assumes that an appropriate board size and board meeting frequency are necessary to guarantee board effectiveness (Endrikat et al. 2020 ). With regard to board size, there are indications of a positive impact on both CSR performance (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Zubeltzu-Jaka et al. 2020 ) and CSR reporting (Lagasio and Cucari 2019 ; Guerrero-Villegas et al. 2018 ; Majumder et al. 2017 ). However, Velte ( 2019a ) did not find any significant impact on CSR reporting. Board activity is of lower relevance yet. According to Majumder et al. ( 2017 ), board meetings and CSR reporting are positively related, while insignificant results are also available (Lagasio and Cucari 2019 ). Heterogeneous results can be stated for CEO duality . From a theoretical perspective, CEO duality can either contribute to better board effectiveness and CSR activities or may be linked to a reduced monitoring activity with regard to powerful and opportunistic CEOs. Most of the included meta-analyses stated a non-significant relationship between CEO duality and CSR (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Lagasio and Cucari 2019 ; Velte 2019a ; Majumder et al. 2017 ). According to Guerrero-Villegas et al. ( 2018 ), CEO duality decreases CSR reporting. Le et al. ( 2015 ) is the only study in our review with a focus on top managements’ values and demographic characteristics . The authors just included 29 studies and found that stakeholder values and diversity in experience of top managers are related with increased CSR performance. However, CEO ethical leadership, age and tenure are not related with CSR (Le et al. 2015 ). We also identify one study on the determinants of board gender diversity ( Halliday et al. 2020 ), based on 158 included studies. The authors found female CEO, female chairperson, CEO duality and board independence to have a positive impact on board gender diversity, while board age decreases it.

As the key goal of meta-analyses is to identify and analyse possible moderators and mediators of CSR, we also stress the key results. In this context, we note a very low attractiveness of mediator analysis in prior meta-analyses. One exception is Endrikat et al. ( 2020 ), who found a significant mediator influence of CSR committees on the impact of selective board composition variables on CSR performance.

With regard to moderators , board independence and code law regimes strengthen the positive influence of board size on CSR performance (Zubeltzu-Jaka et al. 2020 ). This is in line with the moderating impact of civil law regimes on the link between board independence and CSR performance (Ortas et al. 2017 ). Majumder et al. ( 2017 ) found that the differentiation between developed and developing countries impacts the positive relationship between board size and CSR reporting. Other country-related aspects as significant moderator variables are the degree of shareholder protection (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Velte 2019a ; Byron and Post 2016 ), legal enforcement (Velte 2019a ), country-related gender parity (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Byron and Post 2016 ), low country commitment to sustainable goals (Guerrero-Villegas et al. 2018 ) and market conditions (Ortas et al. 2017 ) with an impact on the relationship between corporate governance variables and CSR. Moreover, country-related gender parity weakens the link between a female CEO and board diversity (Halliday et al. 2020 ). Finally, different CSR proxies represent important moderator variables in the included meta-analyses (Endrikat et al. 2020 ; Ortas et al. 2017 with regard to self-reporting proxies; Le et al. 2015 with regard to social performance).

3.2.2 External corporate governance (ownership structure)

External corporate governance is linked with external stakeholders’ monitoring. Prior corporate governance research heavily relies on shareholders as key stakeholders of PIEs. In this context, ownership structure can have a major impact on management strategies. Certain groups of shareholders, mainly sustainable investors, may put pressure on top management to increase CSR strategies in line with other stakeholder interests. Until now, a low research activity on external corporate governance determinants can be found. Canavati ( 2018 ) stated a positive influence of family ownership on CSR performance. This contrasts the results by Lagasio and Cucari ( 2019 ) and Majumder et al. ( 2017 ) who stressed insignificant results on ownership structure in general and on government, foreign and institutional ownerships in particular.

With regard to moderator variables , according to Canavati ( 2018 ), private family firms and weak labor and corporate governance frameworks positively contribute to the impact of family ownership on CSR performance. Moreover, big four audits have a positive and managerial and concentrated ownership have a negative impact on CSR reporting (Majumder et al. 2017 ).

3.3 Firms’ (non) financial consequences of CSR

In line with the business case argument, most archival research on CSR relies on firms’ financial consequences . Literature states that both CSR performance and CSR reporting may lead to positive financial developments within companies in the long run (e.g., Busch and Friede 2018a ). As stakeholders’ demands on CSR-related information and successful CSR strategies increased since the financial crisis of 2008–09, high CSR performance and CSR reporting quality may be connected with increased firm reputation, better stakeholder relations and thus higher firm valuation. Next to firm’s financial consequences, CSR performance and reporting may have a significant impact on other CSR-related consequences. This strength of research addresses the connectivity between various CSR measures. Thus, in our literature review, we separate between financial performance and CSR performance on the one hand and between CSR and related subpillars (e.g., environmental performance) on the other hand.

In comparison to Sect.  3.2 , we note a higher average amount of studies included in prior meta-analyses on (non) financial consequences of CSR (18–437 studies). This can be explained by a relatively long tradition of studies on the CSR-financial performance-link and the increased amount of meta-analyses on that topic. In line with our results in Sect.  3.2 , random-effects models were dominantly used. One major exception is the use of fixed-effects models on the impact of environmental (green) supply chain management on (non) financial performance. Fixed-effects models in meta-analyses assume that there is one true effect size that underlies all the studies in the analysis. While we stress a variety of different methods (uni-, bi-, and multivariate meta-analyses), bivariate meta-analyses are mainly used in this research topic. This is line with our remarks in Sect.  3.2 . However, we note a relatively high amount of included meta-analyses with a lack of transparency on the applied procedures. This reduces the validity of the analyses.

3.3.1 Financial performance

Most of the included meta-analyses on the consequences of CSR address the CSR performance-financial performance-link . In this context, a differentiation between accounting-based (e.g., ROA) and market-based (e.g., Tobin’s Q) measures is common. Some researchers also separate between accounting-, market- and perception-based proxies of financial performance (Orlitzky et al. 2001 ). There are several indications for a positive significant impact of CSR performance on financial performance (Vishwanathan et al. 2020 ; Busch and Friede 2018a ; Plewnia and Guenther 2017 ; Hou et al. 2016 ; Lu and Taylor 2016 ; Friede et al. 2015 ; Wang et al. 2016 ; Quazi and Richardson 2012 ; Allouche and Laroche 2005 ; Orlitzky et al. 2003 ; Frooman 1997 ). More specifically, Busch and Friede ( 2018a ) included 25 prior meta-analysis and state a bidirectional link between CSR and finanicial performance. According to Hou et al. ( 2016 ), the impact is stronger by including environmental performance and operational performance. In a recent study, however, based on 437 included studies, no significant results between CSR and financial performance can be found (Huang et al. 2020 ). Orlitzky and Benjamin ( 2001 ) stated a positive bidirectional link between CSR performance and firm risk.

A great variety of moderator variables have been included on this link. Vishwanathan et al. ( 2020 ) included 344 studies and have identified firm reputation, stakeholder reciprocation, firm risk mitigation and innovation level as relevant moderators. Plewnia and Guenther ( 2017 ) come to the conclusion, that time lags, region (US-settings), continuous time horizons, controls for advertising intensity and public ownership control moderate the CSR-financial performance link. According to Lu and Taylor ( 2016 ), referring to 198 CSR studies, long-term effects, environmental performance, non US-settings, pre-2000 studies and multi-industries are relevant moderators. Moreover, journal quality (Busch and Friede 2018a ), SMEs, private firms and developing firms (Hou et al. 2016 ), environmental performance and developed countries (Wang et al. 2016 ) and sample size (Quazi and Richardson 2012 ) moderate this relationship. Orlitzky ( 2011 ) referred to 388 CSR studies and stressed that, in comparison to different publication outlets, economics journals concentrate on positive significant results. This might be a main argument for a problematic publication bias. The different measures of CSR and financial performance also represent major moderators in the included meta-analyses with a significant impact (Busch and Friede 2018a ; Hou et al. 2016 ; Lu and Taylor 2016 ; Allouche and Laroche 2005 ; Orlitzky et al. 2003 ; Orlitzky and Benjamin 2001 ). In his main research objective, Orlitzky ( 2001 ) concluded that firm size does not moderate the CSR-financial performance relationship. Huang et al. ( 2020 ) addressed two main challenges of prior business case research. Economic fluctuations and endogeneity concerns limit the reliability of archival CSR research. The authors found that the elimination of confounding effects of economic fluctuations and the recognition of proper estimation methods due to endogeneity concerns lead to a positive CSR-financial performance link.

Environmental performance represents one major subpillar of CSR performance. In view of the current climate change discussions from an international perspective, it is not surprising that many prior studies focus on environmental performance as CSR proxy. There are also indications that environmental performance leads to better financial performance (Hang et al. 2019 ; Endrikat 2016 ; Endrikat et al. 2014 ; Albertini 2013 ; Dixon-Fowler et al. 2013 ). In more detail, Hang et al. ( 2019 ) stressed a short run (1 year) one-way link and a long run bidirectional link (after 1 year). Endrikat et al. ( 2014 ) also reported a partially bidirectional relationship. Furthermore, according to Endrikat ( 2016 ), market reactions are stronger negative for negative events than positive for positive events. In a current meta-analysis by Tsai et al. ( 2020 ), environmental management also leads to better financial performance. Busch and Lewandowski ( 2018b ) included just 32 studies on carbon performance and found a positive impact on financial performance. Horvathova ( 2010 ) is the only meta-analysis in our review with insignificant results on the impact of environmental performance on financial performance.

We identify a variety of moderator variables on the environmental-financial performance link: employees’ age, gender and culture (Wang et al. 2020 ), event windows related to event studies (Endrikat 2016 ), proactive strategic approaches, sampling, addressing endogeneity and financial risks (Endrikat et al. 2014 ), performance measures, regions, industry, time frame (Albertini 2013 ) and the differentiation between small firms, public firms and US-settings (Dixon-Fowler et al. 2013 ). Tsai et al. ( 2020 ) stressed that financial performance proxies, the year of data collection, industry, economic development and cultural aspects moderate the environmental-financial performance link. Moreover, according to Busch and Lewandowski ( 2018b ), specific performance measures (relative emissions, market based financial performance) influence this relationship.

Next to environmental performance, we note that one meta-analysis also states a positive link between social performance and financial performance (Lopez-Arceiz et al. 2018 ). Size criteria for financial performance and social performance based on stakeholder criteria moderate this relationship.

As board gender diversity is controversially discussed with regard to the business case argument, some meta-analyses refer to the impact of female directors on financial performance. Hoobler et al. ( 2018 ), based on sales performance, and Post and Byron ( 2015 ), based on accounting returns, stated a positive impact. However, Pletzer et al. ( 2015 ) did not find any significant relationship. Cultural aspects (Hoobler et al. 2018 ), the degree of shareholder protection (Post and Byron 2015 ) and employees’ perceived CSR and employees’ perception of organization performance (Wang et al. 2020 ) can be qualified as main moderator variables on this relationship.

During the last decade, SSCM has gain main attraction in CSR research. The main goal of SSCM is the integration of environmentally and socially viable practices into the full supply chain lifecycle, from product design and development, to material selection, manufacturing, packaging, transportation, warehousing, distribution, consumption, return and disposal. Govindan et al. ( 2020 ) and Golicic and Smith ( 2013 ) found a positive impact of SSCM on financial performance. Moreover, the branch of industry (manufacturing) (Govindan et al. 2020 ; Golicic and Smith 2013 ), measurements of SSCM, region and time (Golicic and Smith 2013 ) represent relevant moderator variables.

SRI are investments that are considered socially responsible due to the nature of the business the firm conducts. Common themes for SRI include green and socially conscious investing. SRI can be made into individual companies with good green and social value, or through a socially conscious mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF). Kim ( 2019 ), Revelli and Viviani ( 2015 ) and Rathner ( 2013 ) analyse whether SRI perform better in comparison to conversional funds. The authors state a non-significant relationship. As main significant moderators, the economic crisis, control groups, the SRI measure, sampling and methodology (Kim 2019 ), survivorship bias and US focus (Rathner 2013 ) are recognized.

3.3.2 CSR performance

Next to financial performance, CSR strategies or subpillars can improve future CSR performance , stressing the various interlinks between CSR variables. This assumption was stated by Gabriel and Nathwani ( 2014 ), while this link is more pronounced by proactive CSR strategies. With regard to the link between CSR reporting and CSR performance, Gallardo-Vazquez et al. ( 2019 ) did not find any significant results. However, region, firm size and CSR disclosure type were included as significant moderators (Gallardo-Vazquez et al. 2019 ). There are also indications that green supply chain management and CSR performance are positively linked (Fang and Zhang 2018 ; Qorri et al. 2018 ; Geng et al. 2017 ). The authors used fixed-effects models as research design. The most important moderators in this context are industry, ISO, export orientation, culture (uncertainty avoidance) (Fang and Zhang 2018 ), region, industry or firm size (Qorri et al. 2018 ; Geng et al. 2017 ).

Doan and Sassen ( 2020 ) reported a weak negative influence of environmental performance on environmental reporting . The different proxy variations represent a main moderator variable. According to Erauskin-Tolosa et al. ( 2020 ), environmental management practices lead to better environmental performance , moderated by mature certification and environmental innovation. Finally, CSR performance leads to better brand loyalty (Aljarah and Ibrahim 2020 ), customer relationship quality (Aljarah et al. 2020 ) and increased employees’ attitudes and behaviour (Zhao et al. 2020 ). The innovation level and the manufacturing industry weaken the link between CSR and brand loyalty. Cultural collectivism, experience product types and online survey designs strengthen the link (Aljarah and Ibrahim 2020 ). The relationship between CSR and customer relationship quality is even stronger by customer relationship proxy trust (Aljarah et al. 2020 ). Organizational justice, trust and identification mediate the link between CSR and employees’ attitudes and behaviour (Zhao et al. 2020 ).

3.4 Key results

With regard to corporate governance determinants, we find that board independence, board gender diversity and board size have a positive impact on CSR performance . These results are in line with the assumption that corporate governance and CSR represent two dependent disciplines (sustainable corporate governance). As CSR activities can be used for greenwashing policy and self-impression management, corporate governance attributes strengthen monitoring quality, and incentive alignment and put pressure on top managers to include substantial CSR strategies. Moreover, according to our literature review, both CSR performance and environmental performance lead to increased financial performance . Thus, firm can follow the business case argument for CSR and may increase their firm value. Other relationships in this literature review are inconclusive. The amount of meta-analyses are either too low or these studies found insignificant results (e.g., CEO duality, SRI out-performance). This leaves room for many research recommendations in the next chapter. Figure  2 summarize our key results and Table 3 gives a detailed overview of included meta-analyses on CSR.

figure 2

Key results of our literature review

4 Research recommendations

4.1 internal corporate governance.

Due to the lack of standardization of CSR, we stress a high degree of managerial discretion (e.g., by the choice of CSR reporting frameworks or performance measures), leading to a low comparability of CSR proxies over time and between PIEs (Mahoney et al. 2013 ). Furthermore, greenwashing and impression management mainly influence CSR activities and may be connected with symbolic use of CSR. Our literature review on prior CSR meta-analyses indicates that the majority of included studies concentrate on CSR performance as main proxy, financial performance as major consequence of CSR and variations of CSR measures as moderator variables. We recommend to conduct future meta-analyses on other corporate governance determinants, e.g., sustainable board expertise, on CSR reporting and subpillars of CSR, e.g., carbon reporting. As current discussions heavily rely on carbon performance and disclosure, we know very little about the overall effects of corporate governance on carbon-related issues (Doan and Sassen 2020 ). Moreover, as mediator analyses are very low in amount (Endrikat et al. 2020 ), other corporate governance variables may mediate the impact of CSR on financial outputs. In this context, future moderators should be more linked with the separation between symbolic/substantive and extrinsic/intrinsic motivations of senior managers in view to CSR strategies. Interestingly, the reliability of CSR performance and reporting by voluntary CSR assurance services, e.g., by professional accountants, is not included in meta-analytical research designs yet (Velte and Stawinoga 2017 ). Next to classical content analysis and scoring method, advanced methods of textual analysis (e.g., by the use of artificial intelligence, recognition of social media) can mainly impact the future empirical business case research on CSR e.g., by including readability measures or by analysing tone management. The current focus on archival (secondary) studies with regard to CSR research and their recognition in quantitative meta-analyses should be complemented by experimental designs in order to include individual preferences of various stakeholder groups.

Furthermore, individual manager characteristics and traits, e.g. by the CEO and other members of the top management team, should be included in meta-analytical designs. In line with upper echelons theory (Hambrick and Mason 1984 ), behavioural corporate governance aspects might also influence CSR strategies. CEO, CFO or other Chief officers characteristics, e.g. education and professional backgrounds, personality and preferences, as well as sustainability-related attitudes, should be addressed. In line with the monitoring role of corporate governance mechanisms, incentive alignment between managers and stakeholders can be mainly achieved by sustainable management compensation systems. As Winschel and Stawinoga ( 2019 ) conduct a literature review on the determinants and consequences of sustainable CEO compensation, we do not find any meta-analysis on this important topic yet.

4.2 External corporate governance

Interestingly, external corporate governance factors (ownership structure) are rarely used in comparison to board composition. We know very little about the impact of different types of investors on CSR in view of their time horizon and their (non) financial interests. However, traditional corporate governance research has a main focus on ownership structure and their impact on financial performance. In line with the portfolio theory, shareholders’ investment decisions are linked with considerations of risk and return (Cumming and Johan 2007 ; Hoq et al. 2010 ; Faller and Knyphausen-Aufseß 2018 ). While institutional investors are primarily focused on financial results and investment risks, SRIs explicitly consider ESG aspects in their investment decisions (Clark and Hebb 2005 ). The time horizon of institutional investors plays an important role in this context (Cox et al. 2004 ). Thus, long- and short-term investors on the one hand, and active and passive institutions on the other hand, realise different investment strategies (Soliman et al. 2013 ). Future meta-analyses should include the impact of institutional ownership on CSR due to the increased amount of studies on that topic.

Other stakeholder groups, e.g., customers or suppliers, are rarely included in prior empirical-quantitative research on CSR (Winschel and Stawinoga 2019 ). We know very little about the impact of other stakeholder groups on CSR strategies and a possible moderator influence. In line with corporate governance, many researchers analyse the impact of country-related governance on CSR, e.g., shareholder rights or cultural aspects. Thus, there are many research gaps in view of conducting meta-analyses on possible determinants of CSR, if the amount of single studies on that topic reaches an appropriate range.

4.3 (Non) financial consequences of CSR

We already mentioned that most of our included meta-studies focussed on the impact of CSR performance on financial performance. But other (non) financial consequences also important in recent CSR studies, e.g. the impact of CSR on earnings management or tax avoidance, indicating heterogeneous results. Literature assumes that intrinsic motivations of managers may lead to a negative impact of CSR strategies on both earnings management and tax avoidance (Velte et al. 2020 ). Opportunistic manager behaviour (greenwashing policies) may lead to a positive relationship between these variables.

In many ways, we know very little about reversed causality in CSR meta-regressions (Endrikat et al. 2014 ). A bidirectional link between corporate governance-related determinants and CSR on the one hand and firms’ (non) financial consequences of CSR on the other hand may be more realistic (Endrikat et al. 2014 ). Increased CSR activities may be the consequence of higher financial circumstances and successful CSR management may also lead to increased corporate governance mechanisms in the future. In view of these important endogeneity concerns, future meta-analyses on CSR should explicitly include moderator variables whether included single studies have used “advanced” regression models, e.g., two or three stage least squares (SLS) or generalized method of moments (GMM) models with instrumental variables (Wintoki et al. 2012 ). While the amount of meta-analyses on firm’s (financial) consequences of CSR has increased during the last years and recent studies increased their number of included studies and samples, we recommend to increase the transparency of explanations of applied procedures. Some meta-analyses do not explicitly include whether they conducted a uni-, bi- or multivariate meta-analysis or whether they have chosen a random- or fixed effects model.

Stakeholders of PIEs demand an appropriate CSR management system that includes diversity concepts, CSR reporting and performance measures (Maroun 2020 ). During the last decade, firm valuation is not only dependent on financial performance, but also on environmental and social strategies and successful management strategies on these issues. As a main challenge, greenwashing policy and information overload are main risks in business practice, which have been criticized by many stakeholder groups (Mahoney et al. 2013 ). With reference to the business case argument for CSR (Schaltegger et al. 2019 ), it is not clear, whether CSR-oriented firms will have better (non) financial performance in the future. Thus, the impact of corporate governance as key determinants of successful CSR practices might be crucial. During the last decade, massive research has been conducted on the corporate governance-related determinants and firm’s (non) financial consequences of CSR activities (e.g., Endrikat et al. 2020 ). We also recognize many literature reviews (e.g., Velte et al. 2020 ) and meta-analyses on CSR. However, no literature review on CSR-related meta-analyses exists so far. Prior literature review of meta-analyses only address accounting (Khlif and Chalmers 2015 ), auditing (Hay 2019 ), finance (Geyer-Klingeberg et al. 2020 ) and accounting, auditing and corporate governance (Velte 2019b ) without any focus on CSR. We see a major research gap on focussing CSR meta-analyses, as it is questionable, which corporate governance determinants are most important in prior research and will positively influence CSR efforts. Moreover, we are interested whether CSR strategies will lead to positive (non) financial consequences for firms. Meta-analyses are more suitable for inclusion in literature reviews as single studies because their aggregation of information leads to an increased statistical power (Cafri et al. 2010 ). It increases our knowledge about archival CSR research because the overall effect of various single studies on CSR can be included. Thus, we offer the first comprehensive, legitimacy theory-based framework on the business case of CSR meta-studies. In this context, we systematically include empirical-quantitative meta-analyses on CSR and differentiate between in- and external corporate governance drivers on the one hand and (non) financial performance as main firms’ consequences on the other hand. We are also interested in prior moderator and mediator analysis within meta-analytic designs.

In contrast to narrative literature reviews and single studies, quantitative meta-analyses as an alternative research method become important in CSR research during the last few years. This literature review includes 54 meta-analyses on CSR and states that the majority of quantitative CSR research concentrates on the CSR-financial performance-link. In line with the business case for CSR, board independence, board gender diversity and board size as key corporate governance factors have a positive impact on CSR performance. These corporate governance determinants seem to be most relevant in prior CSR research and significantly promote CSR strategies. Moreover, with regard to firms’ (non) financial consequences, both CSR performance and environmental performance lead to increased financial performance. There are clear indications that the business case argument for CSR does exit in business practice. However, prior meta-analyses do not mainly address the challenges of symbolic or substantive use of CSR efforts. Mediator analyses are rare and moderator analyses mainly rely on methodological aspects and classical firm-related attributes (e.g., industry). We propose research recommendations from a methodological and content-related perspective in this literature review in line with our main research questions.

Our analysis is not only useful for researchers, but it also makes a main contribution for regulatory bodies and business practice. First, based on our first research question, corporate governance mechanisms may promote successful CSR management strategies as an incentive and monitoring tool in line with our business case hypothesis. Executives should be aware of stakeholder pressure in conducting substantial instead of symbolic CSR in order to prevent information overload and greenwashing policy. Firms should clearly integrate CSR issues into their business model and their risk management processes. Second, based on our second research question, a positive link between CSR and financial performance includes a proper integration of different firm departments and a dynamic dialogue (e.g., finance and accounting department, IT, marketing, and sustainability) and sustainability expertise in the board of directors. Increased sustainability expertise by managers will strengthen CSR management and a more balanced view of both risks and chances (future value drivers) of intensive CSR investments and reorganization of business strategies. CSR efforts as “pre-financials” may be transferred into financial outputs from a long-term perspective and increase firm reputation and legitimacy. A stricter link between CSR and financial performance may be realistic, if firms switch from classical financial reporting and CSR reporting to an integrated report. A clear connectivity between financial and CSR information as integrated thinking may have a positive influence on substantial CSR strategies. Integrated reporting can be also most useful for external valuation by capital market participants and other stakeholders. Thus, a long-term transformation from CSR management to integrated thinking processes as a clear interaction of financial and CSR aspects is favorable. Finally, based on our third research question, the impact of corporate governance on CSR and their (non) financial consequences are most complex and heterogeneous in business practice. Corporate governance may only be related with increased CSR efforts if a specific environment is existent (e.g., other firm-related or country-related aspects as moderators or mediators). Similar aspects may be most important due to the CSR-financial performance link.

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Velte, P. Meta-analyses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): a literature review. Manag Rev Q 72 , 627–675 (2022).

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Received : 06 December 2020

Accepted : 10 February 2021

Published : 18 March 2021

Issue Date : September 2022


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Dissertation topics, corporate social responsibility dissertation topics.

Corporate Social Responsibility Dissertation Topics

If you’re concerned about social or environmental justice, consider writing your dissertation on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a strategy used by companies to take control of their relationships with various stakeholders. A CSR approach asks questions such as, “Who are we harming and how can we help?” by managers. Rather than focusing on interactions with specific stakeholders, some companies may choose to support broader social-environmental issues. CSR, on the other hand, aims to make the world a better place. Right? There are opposing views on this subject, as there are with most others. These critical viewpoints make for a fascinating dissertation. Is corporate social responsibility, for example, always sincere? Is it risky to implement CSR programmes? What are the possible mediating factors between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance? Here are some hot CSR dissertation topics to get you started.

Editingarsenal  has compiled a list of some of the most popular and common dissertation topics from a variety of academic disciplines, so you can pick and choose what to write about. If you need  dissertation editing assistance  , don’t hesitate to contact one of our qualified and experienced editors and proofreaders.

Covid-19 and Its Effect On CSR

  • From automobiles to ventilators: A Tesla and Ford case study
  • Risk analysis of reactive corporate social responsibility responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Has the COVID-19 crisis resulted in a decrease in corporate social responsibility spending? A quantitative analysis.
  • The retail sector’s CSR crisis since COVID-19 is examined.
  • Combating child malnutrition by 2020: Analyze the responses of small and medium-sized businesses to Marcus Rashford’s social activism.

CSR Threats and Challenges Topics

  • Identifying impediments to the shipping industry’s CSR implementation.
  • Conducting research into the practical and ethical barriers to CSR disclosure.
  • Implementing CSR across borders: The United Kingdom vs. Kenya.
  • How can CSR be integrated into the value chain?
  • How critical is innovation in terms of CSR implementation?
  • Acquiring responsibility: Developing CSR competencies at the organisational level.
  • A qualitative approach to instilling social responsibility in the culture of an organisation.
  • rsted as a case study for analysing employee resistance to CSR.
  • Is CSR a possibility in the gambling industry?
  • Is it authentic or is it a case of greenwashing? Conducting an analysis of senior management’s perceptions of corporate social responsibility.
  • Analyze the contribution of intellectual capital to CSR implementation.

Sustainability and CSR

  • To what extent does Starbucks’ corporate social responsibility programme align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
  • To what extent does Coca-social Cola’s responsibility programme align with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations?
  • Was corporate social responsibility instrumental in rsted’s transformation from a black to a green energy company? An exhaustive investigation.
  • What effect does corporate social responsibility have on corporate sustainability? A quantitative analysis.
  • CSR in the food industry: A case study of a vegan restaurant.
  • To what extent is corporate responsibility for resolving the climate crisis? A qualitative investigation of stakeholders’ perspectives.

CSR Contribution and Impact

  • Corporate social responsibility and the environment: A case study in the energy sector
  • Are luxury fashion customers concerned about corporate social responsibility? A qualitative investigation.
  • What factors contribute to consumer interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes?
  • Corporate social responsibility: What role does it play in marketing strategy?
  • Examining the financial impact of corporate social responsibility: A comparison of Marks and Spencer’s Plan Before and after images of a scheme.
  • Can corporate social responsibility be used to gain a competitive edge? A case study analysis of health and wellness small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  • To what extent does corporate social responsibility affect the value of a business? Is there any way for this association to be mediated?
  • What effect do volunteer days sponsored by employers have? A multi-stakeholder survey-based approach.
  • A secondary analysis of the business benefits of volunteerism among employees.

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Corporate Social Responsibility: the institutionalization of ESG

Anderson, Erika (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility: the institutionalization of ESG. PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Understanding the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on firm performance as it relates to industries reliant on technological innovation is a complex and perpetually evolving challenge. To thoroughly investigate this topic, this dissertation will adopt an economics-based structure to address three primary hypotheses. This structure allows for each hypothesis to essentially be a standalone empirical paper, unified by an overall analysis of the nature of impact that ESG has on firm performance. The first hypothesis explores the evolution of CSR to the modern quantified iteration of ESG has led to the institutionalization and standardization of the CSR concept. The second hypothesis fills gaps in existing literature testing the relationship between firm performance and ESG by finding that the relationship is significantly positive in long-term, strategic metrics (ROA and ROIC) and that there is no correlation in short-term metrics (ROE and ROS). Finally, the third hypothesis states that if a firm has a long-term strategic ESG plan, as proxied by the publication of CSR reports, then it is more resilience to damage from controversies. This is supported by the finding that pro-ESG firms consistently fared better than their counterparts in both financial and ESG performance, even in the event of a controversy. However, firms with consistent reporting are also held to a higher standard than their nonreporting peers, suggesting a higher risk and higher reward dynamic. These findings support the theory of good management, in that long-term strategic planning is both immediately economically beneficial and serves as a means of risk management and social impact mitigation. Overall, this contributes to the literature by fillings gaps in the nature of impact that ESG has on firm performance, particularly from a management perspective.

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Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
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Supervisor's Name: Fear, Professor Jeffrey and Koutmeridis, Dr. Theodore
Date of Award: 2023
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Copyright: Copyright of this thesis is held by the author.
Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2023 10:28
Last Modified: 18 Apr 2023 12:25
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113 References

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“Sharing is caring”: Corporate social responsibility awareness explaining the relationship of information flow with affective commitment

Employee participation in csr and corporate identity: insights from a disaster-response program in the asia-pacific, consumer‐oriented csr communication: focusing on ability or morality, corporate responsibility: the communication challenge, corporate social responsibility communication: stakeholder information, response and involvement strategies, related papers.

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CSR Dissertation Topics


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  • Jan 10, 2023

CSR Dissertation

Writing a dissertation ? Why not choose a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) topic? CSR is the way businesses take responsibility for their stakeholders. While looking at corporate social responsibility managers tend to ask the question “Who are we harming through our actions and how can we reduce it?” For this reason, some businesses will try to focus on broader social-environmental issues to lend their support.  As a result, topics from CSR are a great choice for your dissertation.  

This Blog Includes:

Csr encourages client loyalty, csr competitive advantage , csr enhances the happiness of employees, csr sustainability, sustainability csr dissertation , role and impact of corporate social responsibility, coronavirus and csr, on the challenges of csr, csr general topics for discussion, corporate social responsibility from ethical perspective , importance of corporate social responsibility.

CSR is a self-regulating business model that helps a company to be socially accountable to its stockholders and the public. The importance of corporate social responsibility to society is as follows.

To retain customers businesses need to pay attention to what the customers care about.  When customers feel like they are expressing their belief in support of a particular business they are likely to continue with the brand. When they purchase from the brand they would feel a sense of pride. As a result, they are likely to recommend it.

Customers are loyal to companies that share their beliefs. Although the same products are offered by other companies. They will purchase the product of the company that they share their beliefs with. This is the Corporate social responsibility competitive advantage.

80% of employees feel a higher sense of purpose when they believe that their employment has a positive impact on the world. Employees who are personally fulfilled are less susceptible to stress and are more likely to stay with the organization.

When a business prioritizes corporate responsibility it has to be imaginative and creative. It compels the company to remain relevant and adapt to the client’s needs. Such adaptability is critical for the sustainability of an organization

CSR Dissertation Topics for Discussion

Below are the CSR thesis topics that you can take up for discussion 

  • A quantitative examination of the effect Corporate Social Responsibility has on company sustainability
  • To what extent does Coca-Cola’s CSR program coincide with the UN sustainable development goals?
  • To what degree dealing with climate issues a corporate responsibility?To what degree does Starbucks’ corporate social responsibility pro
  • Does gram coincide with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals?
  • What effect do employer-sponsored volunteer days have based on a multi-stakeholder survey?
  • To what extent is CSR is linked with business values?
  • Examine whether customers in the fashion sector care about CSR
  • Find out the environmental impact of CSR in the energy sector
  • Find out the financial impact of CSR: A before and after comparison of Marks and Spencer’s Plan 
  • Can enterprises use CSR to gain a competitive edge? Do a case study of small and medium-sized companies from the health and wellness industry
  • Examining the dangers associated with reactive CSR approaches to the coronavirus problem.
  • Has the COVID-19 situation resulted in a reduction in CSR spending?
  • Examining the retail sector’s Corporate Social Responsibility dilemma after the coronavirus pandemic
  • Responsible education: Developing organizational-wide CSR competences
  • Analyzing the pragmatic as well as the ethical challenges to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure
  • How can businesses incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility across the value chain?
  • Conducting a study of top executives’ attitudes toward CSR Is it real or is it greenwashing?
  • Developing a culture of social responsibility inside an organization: A qualitative method

These are the CSR general topics that you can take up for dissertation discussion.

  • Gender diversity impact on the BOD (board of directors) and foreign ownership on CSR performance
  • The importance of voluntary CSR reporting and gender diversity on the board of directors
  • Is there any sort of connection between CSR and equity finance?
  • Impact of CSR on brand value and company performance
  • The impact of financial limits when it comes to corporate social responsibility
  • Does CSR have varying value consequences for different shareholders?
  • The influence on company performance of CSR and business irresponsibility 
  • Institutional structures at the country level, the role of CSR initiatives, and corporate values
  • Earnings Management and the CSR practices
  • Efficient Use of Investment Capital and CSR
  • CSR and conflict Among Shareholders

CSR and business ethics are different concepts but are used interchangeably when referring to the same topic. Businessmen may violate the established moral norms while conducting business. Hence, Corporate Social Responsibility is a price paid by businesses as a penalty for breaching some of their rights. It explains why the revenue gained is used for restoring public health and the environment.

CSR stands for corporate social responsibility. It means a company should play a positive role in society and consider the environmental and social impact of their business decisions.

The four main types of CSR are- environmental, ethical, philanthropic, and economic responsibility.

Working conditions, human rights, corruption prevention, gender equality, corporate governance, consumer interest, taxes, and occupational integration are some of the current issues of CSR.

Corporate social responsibility has been a part of ethical business behavior. Hence, corporate social responsibility has to be ingrained in an organization’s strategy. Need assistance in studying abroad ? Call Leverage Edu at 1800 572 000 and book our free 30-minute counseling session today.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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CSR Dissertation Topics

If you are interested in social or environmental justice, then why not write your dissertation on corporate social responsibility (CSR)?

Put simply, CSR is a way for businesses to take responsibility for their interactions with stakeholders. When adopting a CSR approach, managers ask questions like ‘who might we be harming through our actions, and how can we alleviate this harm?’ Some businesses might also look beyond stakeholder interactions and instead choose broad social-environmental issues to lend their support to. In other words, CSR tries to make the world a better place.

Sounds good, right? Well, as with most topics, there are always critical perspectives to consider. Incidentally, these critical perspectives can form the basis for a great dissertation. For example, we might ask, Is CSR always authentic? Are there risks to implementing CSR programmes? What factors might mediate the link between CSR and financial performance?

That said, here are some topical and critical CSR topics which could form the basis of your dissertation!

Analysing the role and impact of CSR

Covid-19 and csr dissertation topics, the implementation challenges of csr, sustainability csr dissertations.

  • Analysing the impact of CSR on the environment: A case study of the energy sector.
  • Do customers in the luxury fashion sector care about CSR? A qualitative investigation.
  • What are the antecedents of consumer interest in CSR programmes?
  • What is the role of CSR within marketing strategy?
  • Analysing the financial impact of CSR: A before-and-after case study of Marks and Spencer’s Plan A scheme.
  • Can CSR create a competitive advantage? A case study analysis of SMEs in the health and wellness sector.
  • To what extent is CSR associated with firm value? Are there any mediators to this association?
  • What is the impact of employer-sponsored volunteer days? A multi-stakeholder survey approach.
  • Business benefits of employee volunteering: A secondary analysis.
  • From cars to ventilators: Responding to urgent societal need: A case-study of Tesla and Ford.
  • Analysing the risks involved in reactive CSR responses to the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Has the COVID-19 crisis resulted in a scaling-back of CSR programmes? A quantitative analysis.
  • Analysing the CSR crisis in the retail sector since COVID-19
  • Tackling child food poverty in 2020: Analysing SMEs’ response to Marcus Rashford’s social activism.
  • Analysing the barriers to CSR implementation in the Shipping sector.
  • Exploring the pragmatic and ethical barriers to CSR disclosure.
  • Implementing CSR across borders: UK vs Kenya.
  • How can CSR be integrated into the value chain?
  • How important is innovation for the implementation of CSR?
  • Learning to be responsible: Developing competencies for organisation-wide CSR.
  • Fostering social responsibly within the organisational culture: A qualitative approach.
  • Analysing employee resistance to CSR: A case study of Ørsted.
  • Implementing CSR in the gambling sectors: A possibility?
  • Authentic or Greenwashing? Analysing senior managers’ perceptions of CSR.
  • Analysing the contribution of intellectual capital to CSR implementation.
  • To what extent does Starbucks’ CSR programme align with the UN sustainable development goals?
  • To what extent does Coca-Cola’s CSR programme align with the UN sustainable development goals?
  • Did CSR catalyse Ørsted’s shift from a black to green energy company? A critical investigation.
  • What is the impact of CSR on corporate sustainability? A quantitative analysis.
  • CSR in the food industry: The case of veganism.
  • To what extent is dealing with the climate crisis a corporation’s problem? A qualitative investigation of stakeholder perspectives.
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept of self-regulation where businesses make positive contributions to society or communities. CSR can include donations, voluntary work, environmentally friendly commitments, and more.

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Working conditions for factory workers in the garment sector are often appalling, with extensive use of overtime, unsafe working environments, low presence of unions, union-hostility, weak (or no) contracts, and wages being held back, to name a few challenges. The idea and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has received increased attention, as an approach to mitigating some of these challenges. With CSR, it is proposed that businesses ought to take on voluntary social and/or environmental responsibility because it is morally right. Some suggest that part of this responsibility should include ensuring decent working conditions for workers throughout global supply chains. Critics argue that this responsibility rests with local governments, law-makers and unions, and not with corporations in the Global North. The purpose of this study is to explore how three Norwegian organizations perceive and approach some of the central challenges in improving working conditions for factory workers in the garment sector in the Global South. A case study design is applied, and information is retrieved both through document-analysis and through qualitative interviews to triangulate data, resulting in a cross-case analysis. Framtiden i våre hender monitors and puts pressure on retailers to act responsibly. Initiativ for Etisk Handel works with corporations to assist them in implementing responsible polices and practices. Stormberg is a clothing company balancing between profits and social responsibility. It is found that the regime of social auditing for compliance with ethical standards is ineffective (and even counter-productive), and that it is mainly being used by retailers for branding, legitimacy, and reputation management. It is further found that retailers’ procurement strategies can have significant impacts on suppliers, and some measures to mitigate negative impacts are identified. Responsible procurement can include long lead times, stability in industrial relations and contracts, and avoidance of last minute cancellations in orders. Furthermore, wages are depressingly low for factory workers in the garment sector. Weak contracts and workers not being properly remunerated often lead to excessive use of overtime. So-called living wage, covering basic needs for the worker and the workers family, has proven challenging to implement top-down. It is argued that wages must be lifted through transnational and sector-wide institutionalization of so-called “wage floors” – established levels which wages are not allowed to drop below. There is also an emerging consensus that unions or similar mechanisms will have to play an instrumental role in improving working conditions and increasing wages for factory workers, and that the process ought to be “owned” by the workers (bottom-up). Lastly, it is found that the voluntariness of CSR is understood to be a major barrier for further improvement, and it is called for stricter legal codification of CSR – bringing it out of the voluntary dimension in which it originated, and into hard law.

Henry Kamara

The key aim of this study was to critically examine stakeholders' perceptions about how multinational corporations (MNCs) in Sierra Leone can use Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives to contribute to sustainable development and in so doing address the ideals of sustainable development goals (SDGs). This thesis focuses on Socfin Agricultural Company Ltd. (SL), Addax Bioenergy and Goldtree (agricultural) as well as Sierra Rutile Ltd. and Koidu Holdings (mining), which are the largest MNCs operating in Sierra Leone. These two sectors are the largest in Sierra Leone and constitute the bulk of the country's GDP. Also, given the huge presence of these MNCs in Sierra Leone, they are considered to contribute to sustainable development and CSR. Additionally, in comparison to other developing countries, there is paucity of research in Sierra Leone addressing the relationship between CSR and sustainable development. Accordingly, this research examines CSR practices and ini...

tawaziwa wushe

Dilan Wijerathna

The aim of this exploratory study is to capture the current status of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awareness, commitment and practices level of tea manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka and assessing the socioeconomic impact of company CSR on employees and smallholders. The study provides an overview of company CSR practices as well as of employee and smallholder experiences and perceptions of CSR practices of tea manufacturing companies. The research study is based on Kandy district and three perspectives factory owners, employees and smallholders were used in exploring the CSR level and its socioeconomic impact. To achieve the research objectives tea manufacturing company’s CSR practices are studied in three domains: CSR to employees, smallholders and environment. There is appositive relationship between tea manufacturing company CSR level and the socioeconomic condition of employee and the smallholders. The CSR awareness among factory owners, employees and smallholders are not in satisfactory level and should be improved. When it consider about the overall situation, current CSR practices of tea manufacturing companies have not made a positive impact on socioeconomic development of employees and smallholders. Satisfying all stakeholders of the company, the many socio-economic benefits can be achieved and, that contribute to the sustainable development. Tea manufacturing companies should consider CSR strategies that are in the interest of all stakeholders and relevant to the business.

Corporate Community Engagement (CCE) in Zimbabwe’s mining

nesbert mashingaidze

Roy Gandawa

Albert Dhafana

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Sibusiso T. Dube

Anthony T Mazikana

Contributions to Finance and Accounting

Imad Feneir

Sipho Manana

Nashrah Rafique

Dr Martina Topić , Ilaria Gualtieri

Mark Camilleri

Theodore Metaxas

Ovidiu I Moisescu

alya hegazy

Dr. Darren Bednarski


Caven Masuku

Abdul Moyeen

Texila International Journal of Management

Texila International Journal

ibrahim kikwiye

Juha-Matti Katajajuuri

raed kanakriyah

Dr Susith Fernando

Juha-Matti (Juhis) Katajajuuri

Lambert Publishers

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elvis Munyoka

tshoane mogaladi

Biggie James

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Maimunah Ismail , roziah mohd rasdi

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Heather Stewart

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Pasi Heikkurinen

Moneera Alwahaibi

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