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Published by Charlene Clarke Modified over 9 years ago

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Types of Bridges: An Overview

types of bridges powerpoint presentation

Bridge is defined as a rigid structure that spanning horizontally between the supports built to provide a passage over an obstruction. The obstruction may be roadway, railway, river or valley. Here is a list on the types of bridges which are classified based on various categories as follows:

  • Structural form of Superstructure
  • Construction Materials Used
  • Interspan Relation
  • Service Period
  • Movement of parts of the bridge
  • Navigation facility
  • Position of bridge floor relative to the superstructure
  • Submergence Condition
  • Level of Crossing
  • Bridge Span
  • Alignment of the Bridge

Types of Bridges based on Structural Form of Superstructure:

Type of Bridges based on form of superstructure

Beam Bridge

Beam bridge is the oldest type of bridge ever used by man. It can be defined as one or more horizontal beams which is/are supported at both the ends. The load over the beam is directly transferred to piers at the end of span. This type of bridge may be simply supported or continuous. It is also less expensive to construct. Beam bridges are constructed using steel or reinforced concrete.

Example of Beam bridge - Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, Louisiana

Truss Bridge

Truss is a structure of connected elements to form triangular units. The bridge deck is supported by means of steel trusses. This type of bridge is economical, efficient and is most commonly used in railways. Truss bridges can be easily prefabricated in factories and can be erected at site.

Example of Truss Bridge - Calapooia River Bridge

Arch Bridge

It is one of the oldest forms of bridges. The arch is located below the deck slab. The load on the deck slab gets transferred through the arch by compression to the abutments. The abutment (i.e., support) provided at each end of the arch prevents the bridge from spreading out. Arch Bridges use masonry, stone, concrete or steel as construction material.

Example of Arch bridge

Tied Arch Bridge

Tied Arch Bridge is similar to arch bridge. But, the arch lies above the bridge deck. The cables suspended from the arch, support the deck slab. Also known as “ Bowstring Bridge “

Mississippi River Dubuque-Wisconsin Tied Arch Bridge

Suspension Bridge

In suspension bridge, the cables support the deck slab which are in turn attached to the suspenders. The suspenders are the curved cables running on either side of the bridge and throughout the length of the bridge. The suspenders are connected to two towers and must be firmly anchored into the ground at its ends. This type of bridge is suitable for longer spans. Also, suspension bridge provides an aesthetic appearance.

Example of Suspension Bridge Clifton bridge

Cable Stayed Bridge

It is similar to Suspension bridge. But, the cables supporting the deck slab are connected to tall vertical towers called as pylons. The height of the pylon is much greater than that of towers in suspension bridges. Cables are usually connected to pylons in two different ways as follows:

  • Harp design – The cables are connected to the pylon at different heights.
  • Fan design – All the cables are connected at a particular height of the pylon.

Millau Viaduct, France - Cable stayed bridge

Types of Bridges based on Construction Material used:

Types of Bridges based on construction materials used

Wooden Bridge

It is one of the known earliest type of bridges. The material used for the construction of this type of bridge is timber. It is suitable for small and medium span enabling the movement of pedestrians, low weight car transport or livestock; commonly used for temporary purposes.

Example of Wooden Bridge

Masonry Bridge or Stone Bridge

Stone Bridge or Masonry Bridge uses Stone or Bricks as construction material. This type of bridge is comparatively durable than wooden bridges.  It is suitable for shorter span enabling the movement of pedestrians and livestock. Usually, arch bridge will be of stone or masonry structure.

Example of Stone Bridge - Seimon Ishibashi Bridge,Tokyo

Reinforced Concrete Bridge

Reinforced Cement Concrete(RCC) Bridge uses Reinforced Concrete as construction material. RCC bridges are more stable and durable. It is most commonly used for constructing highway bridges and flyovers

Example of Concrete Bridge - Confederation Bridge, Canada

Steel Bridge

Steel bridges are constructed using steel bars, steel trusses or cables. It can withstand heavy loads and are suitable for longer spans. Steel bridges are commonly seen in Railways.

Example of Steel bridge

Prestressed concrete Bridge

Prestressed Concrete Bridge uses Prestressed Concrete as construction material. These types of bridges are suitable for shorter span to longer span. This type of bridges are either cast in site or factory made.

Example of Prestressed Bridge - Adam Viaduct, United Kingdom

Composite Bridge

The bridges constructed by the combinations of more than one of the above discussed materials are called as Composite Bridges. RCC Deck slab resting on prestressed girders is an example of composite bridge.

Example of Composite Bridge - Hindmarsh Island Road Bridge

Types of Bridges based on Usage:

Types of Bridges based on function

Pedestrian Bridge (Or) Foot Bridge

The Pedestrian Bridge is the bridge which enables only pedestrians to pass over the obstacle. No vehicles move over the bridge other than bicycles.

Example of Foot bridge - The Halfpenny Bridge, Dublin

Highway Bridge (or) Roadway Bridge

The bridges constructed for the purpose of movement of vehicles over an obstruction is classified as Highway or Roadway Bridge.

Example of Road Bridge

Railway Bridge

This type of bridge enables the movement of trains over an obstacle. Steel (Truss) Bridges are most commonly used for this purpose .

Example of Railway bridge - Riga

Pipe Bridge

Pipe bridges are bridges that support pipelines for gas, oil, water, communication cables, etc., Pipe Bridges include walkways which are utilized only during maintenance. Also, the public movement is restricted in walkways.

Example of Pipe Bridge - Roseville Pipe Bridge, Sydney

Aqueduct is a structure used to transport water from one location to another over an obstacle.

Edstone Aqueduct

Road cum railway Bridge

Road cum Railway bridge enables both railway and road transport. It can have either single deck or multi decks.

Bogibeel Bridge - two rail tracks and three road lane

Based on Inter span relation:

Types of Bridges based on support condition

Simply Supported Bridge

Simply Supported Bridge is similar to a simply supported single span beam which has supports at its ends. the bridge deck is simply supported at both its ends. It is suitable for shorter spans.

Simply Supported Bridge

Continuous Bridge

If a bridge is continuous over more than one span (i.e. bridge spanning over more than two supports), then it is called as continuous bridge.

Example of Continuous bridge - Bridges of Prague

Cantilever Bridge

It is similar to cantilever beam which is fixed at one end and the other end is free. Cantilever bridge is adopted when the supports cannot be placed in specific locations. The two cantilever portions of the bridge are usually joined together. In general, Cantilever beam will have three spans. The middle span of the bridge is constructed as a cantilever.

Example of Cantilever bridge - Forth bridge, Scotland

Based on Service Period :

Types of Bridges based on utility

Temporary Bridge

The bridges constructed for short term usage are classified as Temporary Bridges. These bridges can be dismantled after the purpose of construction have been served. Temporary Bridges are usually low cost bridges. An example of temporary bridge is that a bridge constructed during floods for evacuation. 

Permanent Bridge

These bridges constructed with a view to be used for longer duration are called as Permanent Bridges. Steel and Reinforced Concrete Bridges comes under this category .

Based on the movement of bridge parts :

Types of Bridges based on nature of bridge parts

Fixed Bridge

The bridge which is fixed in a particular location is termed as Fixed Bridge. This type of bridge remains in the same location until its failure . Mostly, the fixed bridge does not contain any movable parts. The bridge deck is at a higher level enabling clearance for water transport under them.

Movable Bridge

This type of bridge contains movable parts. The bridge deck moves to permit the passage of boats underneath them. This type of bridges may be dismantled and assembled in other locations.

Based on Navigation Facility:

Types of Bridges based on navigation facility

Swing Bridge

This type of bridge can rotate horizontally with respect to a vertical support provided at the center of the span. The rotation of the bridge deck enables the movement of ships to pass through them.

Example of Swing bridge - Grand Trunk Railroad, Maine

Bascule Bridge

This type of bridge can lift its deck upwards allowing the movement of ships. The counterweights provided at the end of the span provides stability of bridge deck during lifting.

Example of Bascule Bridge - Tower bridge, London

Traverser Bridge (or) Draw Bridge

The bridge deck moves over wheels or rollers. The bridge deck can be moved towards or away from the shore. The extended part of the bridge acts as cantilever.

Lift Bridge

The bridge in which the bridge deck moves up and down is classified as lift bridge. The vertical movement of bridge deck enables the movement of ships vertically from one water body to another.

Example of Lift Bridge - New Galveston Causeway, Texas

Based on position of bridge floor relative to the superstructure :

Types of Bridges based on bridge floor position

Deck Bridge

In Deck Bridge, the Bridge floor is provided at the top of the superstructure. Also, the bridge deck lies between High Flood Level and Formation Level.

Example of Deck Bridge

Through Bridge

In Through Bridge, the superstructure is completely above formation level. But the bridge floor is at the bottom of superstructure.

Example of Through Bridge

Semi Through Bridge

In Semi Through Bridge, the superstructure is partly above and partly below formation level. Also, the bridge floor is provided in the intermediate level of superstructure.

Example of Semi Through Bridge - Harbour Bridge, Sydney

Based on Submergence Condition :

Types of Bridges based on submergence condition

Low Level Bridge (or) Submersible Bridge

The superstructure of the bridge is below the High Flood Level of the water body. So, the bridge deck will submerge in water during the periods of high floods. These types of bridges becomes unusable during the periods of heavy rain.

Example of Submersible Bridge

High Level Bridge (or) Non Submersible Bridge

The super structure of the bridge is above the High Flood Level of the stream or river. So the bridge deck will never submerge in water even during the periods of heavy rain.

Example of High Level Bridge - Old L&N Bridge (Nashville, Tennessee)

Based on level of crossing :

Types of Bridges based on level of crossing

Over Bridge (or) Fly over

The bridges passing over an existing route are classified as over bridge. The route over which the bridge passes can be either a roadway or a railway track.

Example of Over Bridge - Bishton Flyover

The tunnel passing under an existing route is termed as an Under pass. While constructing an underpass, considerations like drainage facilities and vertical clearance for vehicles must kept in mind.

Example of Underpass

Based on Bridge Span :

Types of Bridges based on span of the bridge

  • Culvert Bridge – The bridge of span less than 6 m is termed as Culvert Bridge.
  • Minor Bridge – The bridges whose span is between 6 m and 60 m is classified as Minor Bridge.
  • Major Bridge – The bridges whose span is between 60 m and 120 m is classified as Major Bridge.
  • Long Span Bridge – The bridge of span greater than 120 m is termed as Long Span Bridge.

Based on the Alignment of the Bridge :

Types of Bridges based on alignment of bridge

Straight Bridge

When the alignment of the bridge is perpendicular to the center line of the obstacle (like roadway, railway track or river), then it is called as Straight Bridge.

Example of Straight Bridge

Skew Bridge

The alignment of the bridge is not perpendicular to the center line of the obstacle. Such bridges are called as Skew Bridge.

Example of Skew Bridge

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Jul 22, 2014

1.43k likes | 3.65k Views

TYPES of BRIDGES. Beam Bridge - Consist of a beam/girder spanning the gap between two pillars. Beam Bridges.

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  • confederation bridge
  • river severn
  • arch bridge arches
  • burrard inlet
  • most truss supports
  • beam bridges


Presentation Transcript

Beam Bridge- Consist of a beam/girder spanning the gap between two pillars

Beam Bridges The 26-mile Jiaozhou Bay bridge, which was built over the course of four years for $1.5 billion, links China’s eastern port city of Qingdao to an offshore island, Huangdao, It is supported by more than 5,000 pillars, is expected to carry more than 30,000 cars per day. The Confederation Bridge spans the Abegweit Passage of Northumberland Strait. It links Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick, CA. (Span 12,900 m)

Arch Bridge- Arches are curved and carry weight outward along the curve to the supports at each end called abutments

Arch Bridges The Garabit Viaduct is a railway arch bridge spanning the River Truyère near Ruynes-en-Margeride, Cantal, France, in the mountainous Massif Central region. (Length 565 m) The Iron Bridge crosses the River Severn in Shropshire, England. It was the first arch bridge in the world to be made of cast iron, a material which was previously too expensive to use for large structures

Trusses and Struts-Truss bridges are similar to beam bridge, but much stronger- Connected by members that support the load. - Most truss supports consist of members interconnected in triangles, a strut connects these trusses together

Truss Bridges The Forth Bridge is a cantilever railway bridge over the Firth of Fort in the east of Scotland, 9 miles (14 kilometres) west of central Edinburgh. It was opened on 4 March 1890 and spans a total length of 8,296 feet The Quebec Bridge is a road, rail and pedestrian bridge across the lower Saint Lawrence River to the west of Quebec City, and Lévis, Quebec, Canada. The project failed twice, at the cost of 88 lives, and took over 30 years to complete. (length 979 m)

Suspension Bridges-Cables support bridge from above the pillars and are secured at either end at points called anchorages

Suspension Bridges The Lions Gate Bridge, opened in 1938, officially known as the First Narrows Bridge, is a suspension bridge that crosses the first narrows of Burrard Inlet and connects the City of Vancouver, British Columbia. (Length 1823 m)

The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate strait, the mile-wide, three-mile-long channel between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean (Length 2737 m)

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  12. PPT

    Bridges. Bridges. By Matt Shaw. Types. Beam bridges : are horizontal beams supported at each end by piers. Arch bridges : are arch-shaped and have abutments at each end. Suspension bridges : are suspended from cables. Truss bridges : are composed of connected elements. Examples. 515 views • 9 slides

  13. PPT

    Types of bridges By Lauren Arnold 1~8~13 Principles of manufacturing. Types of bridges By Lauren Arnold 1~8~13 Principles of manufacturing. Beam. A beam bridge is one of the easiest types of bridges It is also very common it could be used in making highways/freeways . A beam Bridge is made of concrete or steel maybe even both . Arch .

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    Arch Bridges The Garabit Viaduct is a railway arch bridge spanning the River Truyère near Ruynes-en-Margeride, Cantal, France, in the mountainous Massif Central region. (Length 565 m) The Iron Bridge crosses the River Severn in Shropshire, England. It was the first arch bridge in the world to be made of cast iron, a material which was ...