
225+ Action Research Topics In Education (Updated 2023)

Action research in education offers a powerful tool for educators to actively engage in improving their teaching practices and student outcomes. By combining research and action, this approach encourages teachers to become reflective practitioners and agents of change within their classrooms and schools. Action research topics in education encompass a wide range of issues that educators can investigate to address specific challenges and enhance their instructional strategies.

From examining the impact of technology integration to exploring innovative assessment methods, action research empowers teachers to develop evidence-based solutions tailored to their unique educational contexts. By conducting small-scale studies, educators can gather data, analyze it, and implement targeted interventions to make tangible improvements in student learning.

In this blog, we will delve into a variety of action research topics in education, exploring how they can empower educators to drive meaningful change and foster a dynamic and effective learning environment for their students.

Format of action research paper in education


Please note that this table provides a general outline and can be customized based on the specific requirements and guidelines of your research paper.

300+ For College Students (Updated 2023)

What to consider while selecting action research topics in education

When selecting action research topics in education, it is important to consider several factors to ensure that your research is meaningful, relevant, and feasible. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Personal Interest

Choose action research topics in education that genuinely interests you. When you are passionate about the subject matter, you will be more motivated and engaged throughout the research process.

Educational Context

Consider the specific educational context in which you work or are interested in. Reflect on the challenges, needs, or areas of improvement within that context. Your research should address a problem or issue that is relevant and impactful within the educational setting.

Research Gap

Review existing literature and research in your chosen area to identify any gaps or unanswered questions. Select action research topics in education that contributes to the existing knowledge base and fills a research gap.


Evaluate the feasibility of conducting the research within the available resources, time frame, and constraints. Consider factors such as access to participants, data collection methods, ethical considerations, and potential support from colleagues or institutions.

Relevance and Impact

Choose action research topics in education that have practical implications and can lead to positive changes in teaching practices, student learning, or educational policies. Aim for research that can make a difference in the educational field.

Collaboration Opportunities

Consider if there are opportunities for collaboration with colleagues, researchers, or educational organizations. Collaborative research can provide additional support, expertise, and diverse perspectives.

Ethical Considerations

Ensure that your research topic aligns with ethical guidelines and regulations. Consider the potential impact on participants and ensure their rights, privacy, and confidentiality are protected.

Remember, selecting an action research topic is an important decision, so take the time to thoroughly evaluate and choose a topic that aligns with your goals and the needs of the educational community you serve.

200+ Action research topics in education

  • The impact of technology integration on student engagement in the classroom.
  • Strategies to improve reading comprehension in elementary school students.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in student learning and academic success.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategies in promoting peer interaction and collaboration.
  • Addressing the achievement gap in mathematics between different student groups.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive education on the academic and social development of students with disabilities.
  • Enhancing critical thinking skills through project-based learning.
  • Implementing differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of students in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of homework on student learning and academic performance.
  • Promoting positive classroom behavior and reducing disruptive behaviors.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of teacher feedback in improving student writing skills.
  • Strategies to promote a growth mindset and enhance student motivation.
  • Examining the impact of physical activity on student concentration and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher-student relationships and its impact on student engagement and achievement.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement.
  • Strategies to support English language learners in mainstream classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of peer tutoring on student learning and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration and its impact on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of inquiry-based science instruction in promoting student understanding.
  • Promoting gender equity in STEM education.
  • Examining the impact of mindfulness practices on student well-being and academic success.
  • Strategies for reducing test anxiety and promoting test-taking skills.
  • Investigating the effects of the classroom environment on student learning and engagement.
  • Enhancing student self-regulation skills through metacognitive strategies.
  • Promoting multicultural education and inclusivity in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of flipped classroom models on student learning outcomes.
  • Strategies for integrating technology effectively in early childhood education.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing teacher professional development programs to improve instructional practices.
  • Promoting environmental education and sustainable practices in schools.
  • Examining the impact of social-emotional learning programs on student behavior and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with ADHD in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic performance.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in early childhood education settings.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of peer assessment on student learning and achievement.
  • Strategies for fostering creativity and innovation in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of inclusive literature on promoting empathy and cultural understanding.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment in the classroom.
  • Promoting critical media literacy skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor learning on student engagement and academic achievement.
  • Strategies for promoting positive social skills and reducing bullying in schools.
  • Investigating the effects of flexible seating arrangements on student behavior and learning outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology in special education settings.
  • Promoting student self-efficacy and academic motivation.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills.
  • Strategies for promoting positive school climate and student well-being.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student homework completion and academic performance.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student learning and achievement.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Examining the impact of arts education on student creativity and academic success.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning disabilities
  • Investigating the effects of gamification on student motivation and engagement.
  • Enhancing collaborative learning in online education settings.
  • Promoting effective study habits and time management skills among students.
  • Examining the impact of parental involvement on early literacy skills development.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in high school settings.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing stress and anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing student self-esteem and self-confidence through targeted interventions.
  • Promoting gender equality in science education.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional learning communities on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in mathematics.
  • Enhancing cultural competency among educators to meet the needs of diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative justice practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and promoting a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for integrating social justice education across the curriculum.
  • Investigating the effects of parental involvement on student transitions from elementary to middle school.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective interdisciplinary instruction.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding in the classroom.
  • Examining the impact of music education on student cognitive development and academic performance.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of cooperative learning strategies on improving students’ social skills.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with diverse learning needs.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-led professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for promoting positive classroom behavior in early childhood settings.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student resilience and academic achievement.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for improved student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor play on children’s physical and cognitive development.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties.
  • Investigating the effects of mindfulness practices on reducing test anxiety in students.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning disabilities.
  • Promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills in mathematics education.
  • Examining the impact of peer mentoring programs on student academic and social-emotional development.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with hearing impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student ownership of learning.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction.
  • Promoting positive classroom discourse and student participation.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student environmental awareness and action.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral disorders in inclusive settings.
  • Investigating the effects of teacher self-reflection on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Enhancing the use of assistive technology for students with physical disabilities.
  • Promoting media literacy education to develop critical media consumers.
  • Examining the impact of service-learning on student civic engagement and social responsibility.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with specific learning disabilities.
  • Investigating the effects of inquiry-based science instruction on student scientific inquiry skills.
  • Enhancing teacher-parent partnerships for collaborative support of student learning.
  • Promoting cultural diversity education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language disorders.
  • Investigating the effects of flipped classroom models on student engagement and learning outcomes in social studies.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student writing skills in English language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in the arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with executive functioning difficulties in the classroom.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting early literacy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with physical disabilities in physical education classes.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student attendance and classroom behavior.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing social isolation in middle school.
  • Investigating the effects of drama-based pedagogy on student engagement and understanding in literature studies.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in computer science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in content area classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in history education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online information consumption.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards fitness and physical activity.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyslexia in reading instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental attitudes and behaviors.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Promoting career readiness and employability skills in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led reading interventions on early literacy skills in kindergarten.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in online learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in science education.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-teaching in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global perspectives and intercultural understanding in social studies education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social skills and peer relationships.
  • Strategies for supporting students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer science.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations.
  • Promoting digital citizenship and online safety in digital media literacy education.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing disciplinary incidents and fostering a positive school climate.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective student support and academic success.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) interest and career aspirations.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with visual impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-evaluation and goal setting.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in physical education.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in foreign language education.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in mathematics.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student oral communication skills in language arts.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in high schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in technology education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive science classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in social studies.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting numeracy development at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with sensory impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and reducing bullying in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in mathematics education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in science education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in elementary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in music education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in mathematics classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social-emotional learning.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in language arts education.
  • Examining the impact of inclusive physical education on student attitudes towards physical fitness and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dyscalculia in mathematics instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainability practices.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with hearing impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in middle school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led science experiments on student interest and learning outcomes in science education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive teacher-student relationships in virtual learning environments.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in foreign language education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in adaptive physical education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in engineering education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in social studies.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online research and information evaluation.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in middle schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in language arts.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in mathematics education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in primary schools through cross-curricular integration.
  • Examining the impact of outdoor experiential learning on student ecological literacy and environmental stewardship.
  • Strategies for creating inclusive classrooms for students with cognitive impairments.
  • Investigating the effects of student-led conferences on student self-reflection and goal-setting in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of formative assessment for personalized instruction in social studies.
  • Promoting positive classroom management strategies for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices for students with speech and language difficulties in inclusive classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and learning outcomes in language arts.
  • Enhancing teacher feedback practices to improve student presentation skills in communication studies.
  • Promoting social-emotional learning through mindfulness-based interventions in middle schools.
  • Examining the impact of project-based learning on student creativity and problem-solving skills in fine arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning difficulties in inclusive social-emotional learning programs.
  • Investigating the effects of differentiated instruction on student motivation and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing parental involvement in supporting STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education at home.
  • Promoting inclusive practices for students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms.
  • Examining the impact of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and academic achievement in music education.
  • Strategies for promoting positive peer relationships and fostering social-emotional development in high schools.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student motivation and academic achievement in physical sciences.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with learning difficulties in social studies education.
  • Promoting character education and ethical decision-making in secondary schools.
  • Examining the impact of teacher self-efficacy on instructional practices and student outcomes in physical education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with English language learning difficulties in science classes.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in physical education.
  • Enhancing family-school partnerships for students with special educational needs in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting critical digital literacy skills for responsible online communication in social studies education.
  • Strategies for supporting students with dysgraphia in writing instruction.
  • Investigating the effects of outdoor education on student environmental knowledge and sustainable practices in science education.
  • Enhancing the use of educational technology for students with visual impairments in inclusive classrooms.
  • Promoting career exploration and development in high school education.
  • Examining the impact of parent-led math activities on student interest and learning outcomes in mathematics education.
  • Investigating the effects of arts integration on student creativity and academic achievement in social sciences.
  • Enhancing teacher collaboration for effective co-planning and instructional delivery in inclusive physical education settings.
  • Promoting global citizenship and cultural competence in history education.
  • Examining the impact of cooperative learning on student social-emotional development and well-being in language arts.
  • Strategies for supporting students with physical disabilities in inclusive arts education classes.
  • Investigating the effects of project-based learning on student problem-solving skills in computer programming education.
  • Enhancing cultural competence among educators for working with diverse student populations in mathematics education.
  • Promoting digital literacy skills for responsible online communication and information sharing.
  • Examining the impact of restorative practices on reducing conflicts and promoting positive relationships in high schools.
  • Strategies for supporting students with emotional and behavioral challenges in inclusive language arts classrooms.
  • Investigating the effects of growth mindset interventions on student academic resilience in social sciences.
  • Enhancing parent-teacher communication for effective collaboration and student support in science education.
  • Promoting environmental sustainability education in elementary schools through interdisciplinary integration.

Tips to write appealing action research paper in education

Here are some tips to write an appealing action research paper in education:

  • Select a Relevant and Engaging Topic: Choose action research topics in education that is relevant to the field of education and aligns with your interests and goals. Select a topic that has practical implications and can contribute to improving educational practices.
  • Clearly Define the Problem: Clearly define the problem or issue you want to address through your action research. Provide a concise and focused problem statement that highlights the specific area you aim to investigate.
  • Set Clear Objectives: State clear and measurable objectives for your research. Identify what you want to achieve through your study and how you plan to measure your outcomes.
  • Conduct a Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing literature related to your research topic. Identify gaps in current knowledge and highlight how your research will contribute to filling those gaps.
  • Use a Rigorous Research Design: Choose an appropriate research design that aligns with your research objectives. Consider whether a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approach is most suitable for your study.
  • Collect and Analyze Data: Collect relevant data through appropriate methods, such as surveys, interviews, observations, or document analysis. Use rigorous data analysis techniques to derive meaningful findings from your data.
  • Reflect and Take Action: Reflect on your findings and consider their implications for educational practice. Based on your findings, develop actionable recommendations or interventions that can be implemented to address the identified problem.
  • Write Clearly and Concisely: Present your research in a clear and concise manner. Use appropriate academic language and structure your paper logically. Clearly explain your methodology, findings, and conclusions.
  • Support Findings with Evidence: Use evidence from your data analysis to support your findings and conclusions. Use graphs, charts, or quotes from participants to enhance the credibility of your research.
  • Discuss Limitations and Future Directions: Acknowledge the limitations of your study and discuss areas for future research. Address any potential biases or challenges that may have influenced your findings.
  • Consider the Audience: Keep in mind the intended audience for your research paper, which may include educators, researchers, or policymakers. Write in a way that engages and appeals to your target audience.
  • Revise and Edit: Proofread your paper for any grammatical or spelling errors. Revise your content to ensure clarity and coherence. Seek feedback from peers or mentors to improve the quality of your paper.

Remember, an appealing action research paper in education is one that not only presents valuable findings but also offers practical insights and recommendations for improving educational practices.

In conclusion, action research topics in education provide a powerful framework for addressing real-world issues and improving teaching and learning practices. This research approach empowers educators to take an active role in identifying challenges, implementing interventions, and evaluating their impact within their own classrooms or educational settings. 

By engaging in systematic inquiry, educators can generate valuable insights, evidence-based strategies, and meaningful changes that positively influence student outcomes. Action research promotes a reflective and collaborative approach, encouraging teachers to continuously refine their instructional methods, adapt to diverse student needs, and create inclusive learning environments. 

Ultimately, action research in education empowers educators to be agents of change, fostering innovation and improvement in education while enhancing student engagement, achievement, and well-being.

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21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

Dave Cornell (PhD)

Dr. Cornell has worked in education for more than 20 years. His work has involved designing teacher certification for Trinity College in London and in-service training for state governments in the United States. He has trained kindergarten teachers in 8 countries and helped businessmen and women open baby centers and kindergartens in 3 countries.

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21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

what is a good topic for action research

Action research is an example of qualitative research . It refers to a wide range of evaluative or investigative methods designed to analyze professional practices and take action for improvement.

Commonly used in education, those practices could be related to instructional methods, classroom practices, or school organizational matters.

The creation of action research is attributed to Kurt Lewin , a German-American psychologist also considered to be the father of social psychology.

Gillis and Jackson (2002) offer a very concise definition of action research: “systematic collection and analysis of data for the purpose of taking action and making change” (p.264).

The methods of action research in education include:

  • conducting in-class observations
  • taking field notes
  • surveying or interviewing teachers, administrators, or parents
  • using audio and video recordings.

The goal is to identify problematic issues, test possible solutions, or simply carry-out continuous improvement.

There are several steps in action research : identify a problem, design a plan to resolve, implement the plan, evaluate effectiveness, reflect on results, make necessary adjustment and repeat the process.

Action Research Examples

  • Digital literacy assessment and training: The school’s IT department conducts a survey on students’ digital literacy skills. Based on the results, a tailored training program is designed for different age groups.
  • Library resources utilization study: The school librarian tracks the frequency and type of books checked out by students. The data is then used to curate a more relevant collection and organize reading programs.
  • Extracurricular activities and student well-being: A team of teachers and counselors assess the impact of extracurricular activities on student mental health through surveys and interviews. Adjustments are made based on findings.
  • Parent-teacher communication channels: The school evaluates the effectiveness of current communication tools (e.g., newsletters, apps) between teachers and parents. Feedback is used to implement a more streamlined system.
  • Homework load evaluation: Teachers across grade levels assess the amount and effectiveness of homework given. Adjustments are made to ensure a balance between academic rigor and student well-being.
  • Classroom environment and learning: A group of teachers collaborates to study the impact of classroom layouts and decorations on student engagement and comprehension. Changes are made based on the findings.
  • Student feedback on curriculum content: High school students are surveyed about the relevance and applicability of their current curriculum. The feedback is then used to make necessary curriculum adjustments.
  • Teacher mentoring and support: New teachers are paired with experienced mentors. Both parties provide feedback on the effectiveness of the mentoring program, leading to continuous improvements.
  • Assessment of school transportation: The school board evaluates the efficiency and safety of school buses through surveys with students and parents. Necessary changes are implemented based on the results.
  • Cultural sensitivity training: After conducting a survey on students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences, the school organizes workshops for teachers to promote a more inclusive classroom environment.
  • Environmental initiatives and student involvement: The school’s eco-club assesses the school’s carbon footprint and waste management. They then collaborate with the administration to implement greener practices and raise environmental awareness.
  • Working with parents through research: A school’s admin staff conduct focus group sessions with parents to identify top concerns.Those concerns will then be addressed and another session conducted at the end of the school year.
  • Peer teaching observations and improvements: Kindergarten teachers observe other teachers handling class transition techniques to share best practices.
  • PTA surveys and resultant action: The PTA of a district conducts a survey of members regarding their satisfaction with remote learning classes.The results will be presented to the school board for further action.
  • Recording and reflecting: A school administrator takes video recordings of playground behavior and then plays them for the teachers. The teachers work together to formulate a list of 10 playground safety guidelines.
  • Pre/post testing of interventions: A school board conducts a district wide evaluation of a STEM program by conducting a pre/post-test of students’ skills in computer programming.
  • Focus groups of practitioners : The professional development needs of teachers are determined from structured focus group sessions with teachers and admin.
  • School lunch research and intervention: A nutrition expert is hired to evaluate and improve the quality of school lunches.
  • School nurse systematic checklist and improvements: The school nurse implements a bathroom cleaning checklist to monitor cleanliness after the results of a recent teacher survey revealed several issues.
  • Wearable technologies for pedagogical improvements; Students wear accelerometers attached to their hips to gain a baseline measure of physical activity.The results will identify if any issues exist.
  • School counselor reflective practice : The school counselor conducts a student survey on antisocial behavior and then plans a series of workshops for both teachers and parents.

Detailed Examples

1. cooperation and leadership.

A science teacher has noticed that her 9 th grade students do not cooperate with each other when doing group projects. There is a lot of arguing and battles over whose ideas will be followed.

So, she decides to implement a simple action research project on the matter. First, she conducts a structured observation of the students’ behavior during meetings. She also has the students respond to a short questionnaire regarding their notions of leadership.

She then designs a two-week course on group dynamics and leadership styles. The course involves learning about leadership concepts and practices . In another element of the short course, students randomly select a leadership style and then engage in a role-play with other students.

At the end of the two weeks, she has the students work on a group project and conducts the same structured observation as before. She also gives the students a slightly different questionnaire on leadership as it relates to the group.

She plans to analyze the results and present the findings at a teachers’ meeting at the end of the term.

2. Professional Development Needs

Two high-school teachers have been selected to participate in a 1-year project in a third-world country. The project goal is to improve the classroom effectiveness of local teachers. 

The two teachers arrive in the country and begin to plan their action research. First, they decide to conduct a survey of teachers in the nearby communities of the school they are assigned to.

The survey will assess their professional development needs by directly asking the teachers and administrators. After collecting the surveys, they analyze the results by grouping the teachers based on subject matter.

They discover that history and social science teachers would like professional development on integrating smartboards into classroom instruction. Math teachers would like to attend workshops on project-based learning, while chemistry teachers feel that they need equipment more than training.

The two teachers then get started on finding the necessary training experts for the workshops and applying for equipment grants for the science teachers.

3. Playground Accidents

The school nurse has noticed a lot of students coming in after having mild accidents on the playground. She’s not sure if this is just her perception or if there really is an unusual increase this year.  So, she starts pulling data from the records over the last two years. She chooses the months carefully and only selects data from the first three months of each school year.

She creates a chart to make the data more easily understood. Sure enough, there seems to have been a dramatic increase in accidents this year compared to the same period of time from the previous two years.

She shows the data to the principal and teachers at the next meeting. They all agree that a field observation of the playground is needed.

Those observations reveal that the kids are not having accidents on the playground equipment as originally suspected. It turns out that the kids are tripping on the new sod that was installed over the summer.

They examine the sod and observe small gaps between the slabs. Each gap is approximately 1.5 inches wide and nearly two inches deep. The kids are tripping on this gap as they run.

They then discuss possible solutions.

4. Differentiated Learning

Trying to use the same content, methods, and processes for all students is a recipe for failure. This is why modifying each lesson to be flexible is highly recommended. Differentiated learning allows the teacher to adjust their teaching strategy based on all the different personalities and learning styles they see in their classroom.

Of course, differentiated learning should undergo the same rigorous assessment that all teaching techniques go through. So, a third-grade social science teacher asks his students to take a simple quiz on the industrial revolution. Then, he applies differentiated learning to the lesson.

By creating several different learning stations in his classroom, he gives his students a chance to learn about the industrial revolution in a way that captures their interests. The different stations contain: short videos, fact cards, PowerPoints, mini-chapters, and role-plays.

At the end of the lesson, students get to choose how they demonstrate their knowledge. They can take a test, construct a PPT, give an oral presentation, or conduct a simulated TV interview with different characters.

During this last phase of the lesson, the teacher is able to assess if they demonstrate the necessary knowledge and have achieved the defined learning outcomes. This analysis will allow him to make further adjustments to future lessons.

5. Healthy Habits Program

While looking at obesity rates of students, the school board of a large city is shocked by the dramatic increase in the weight of their students over the last five years. After consulting with three companies that specialize in student physical health, they offer the companies an opportunity to prove their value.

So, the board randomly assigns each company to a group of schools. Starting in the next academic year, each company will implement their healthy habits program in 5 middle schools.

Preliminary data is collected at each school at the beginning of the school year. Each and every student is weighed, their resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol are also measured.

After analyzing the data, it is found that the schools assigned to each of the three companies are relatively similar on all of these measures.

At the end of the year, data for students at each school will be collected again. A simple comparison of pre- and post-program measurements will be conducted. The company with the best outcomes will be selected to implement their program city-wide.

Action research is a great way to collect data on a specific issue, implement a change, and then evaluate the effects of that change. It is perhaps the most practical of all types of primary research .

Most likely, the results will be mixed. Some aspects of the change were effective, while other elements were not. That’s okay. This just means that additional modifications to the change plan need to be made, which is usually quite easy to do.

There are many methods that can be utilized, such as surveys, field observations , and program evaluations.

The beauty of action research is based in its utility and flexibility. Just about anyone in a school setting is capable of conducting action research and the information can be incredibly useful.

Aronson, E., & Patnoe, S. (1997). The jigsaw classroom: Building cooperation in the classroom (2nd ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Gillis, A., & Jackson, W. (2002). Research Methods for Nurses: Methods and Interpretation . Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Lewin, K. (1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of SocialIssues, 2 (4), 34-46.

Macdonald, C. (2012). Understanding participatory action research: A qualitative research methodology option. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13 , 34-50. https://doi.org/10.33524/cjar.v13i2.37 Mertler, C. A. (2008). Action Research: Teachers as Researchers in the Classroom . London: Sage.


  • Dave Cornell (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/dave-cornell-phd/ 23 Achieved Status Examples
  • Dave Cornell (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/dave-cornell-phd/ 25 Defense Mechanisms Examples
  • Dave Cornell (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/dave-cornell-phd/ 15 Theory of Planned Behavior Examples
  • Dave Cornell (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/dave-cornell-phd/ 18 Adaptive Behavior Examples


  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 23 Achieved Status Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 15 Ableism Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 25 Defense Mechanisms Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd/ 15 Theory of Planned Behavior Examples

2 thoughts on “21 Action Research Examples (In Education)”

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Where can I capture this article in a better user-friendly format, since I would like to provide it to my students in a Qualitative Methods course at the University of Prince Edward Island? It is a good article, however, it is visually disjointed in its current format. Thanks, Dr. Frank T. Lavandier

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Hi Dr. Lavandier,

I’ve emailed you a word doc copy that you can use and edit with your class.

Best, Chris.

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  • What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples

What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples

Published on January 27, 2023 by Tegan George . Revised on January 12, 2024.

Action research Cycle

Table of contents

Types of action research, action research models, examples of action research, action research vs. traditional research, advantages and disadvantages of action research, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about action research.

There are 2 common types of action research: participatory action research and practical action research.

  • Participatory action research emphasizes that participants should be members of the community being studied, empowering those directly affected by outcomes of said research. In this method, participants are effectively co-researchers, with their lived experiences considered formative to the research process.
  • Practical action research focuses more on how research is conducted and is designed to address and solve specific issues.

Both types of action research are more focused on increasing the capacity and ability of future practitioners than contributing to a theoretical body of knowledge.

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Action research is often reflected in 3 action research models: operational (sometimes called technical), collaboration, and critical reflection.

  • Operational (or technical) action research is usually visualized like a spiral following a series of steps, such as “planning → acting → observing → reflecting.”
  • Collaboration action research is more community-based, focused on building a network of similar individuals (e.g., college professors in a given geographic area) and compiling learnings from iterated feedback cycles.
  • Critical reflection action research serves to contextualize systemic processes that are already ongoing (e.g., working retroactively to analyze existing school systems by questioning why certain practices were put into place and developed the way they did).

Action research is often used in fields like education because of its iterative and flexible style.

After the information was collected, the students were asked where they thought ramps or other accessibility measures would be best utilized, and the suggestions were sent to school administrators. Example: Practical action research Science teachers at your city’s high school have been witnessing a year-over-year decline in standardized test scores in chemistry. In seeking the source of this issue, they studied how concepts are taught in depth, focusing on the methods, tools, and approaches used by each teacher.

Action research differs sharply from other types of research in that it seeks to produce actionable processes over the course of the research rather than contributing to existing knowledge or drawing conclusions from datasets. In this way, action research is formative , not summative , and is conducted in an ongoing, iterative way.

Action research Traditional research
and findings
and seeking between variables

As such, action research is different in purpose, context, and significance and is a good fit for those seeking to implement systemic change.

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what is a good topic for action research

Action research comes with advantages and disadvantages.

  • Action research is highly adaptable , allowing researchers to mold their analysis to their individual needs and implement practical individual-level changes.
  • Action research provides an immediate and actionable path forward for solving entrenched issues, rather than suggesting complicated, longer-term solutions rooted in complex data.
  • Done correctly, action research can be very empowering , informing social change and allowing participants to effect that change in ways meaningful to their communities.


  • Due to their flexibility, action research studies are plagued by very limited generalizability  and are very difficult to replicate . They are often not considered theoretically rigorous due to the power the researcher holds in drawing conclusions.
  • Action research can be complicated to structure in an ethical manner . Participants may feel pressured to participate or to participate in a certain way.
  • Action research is at high risk for research biases such as selection bias , social desirability bias , or other types of cognitive biases .

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

Action research is conducted in order to solve a particular issue immediately, while case studies are often conducted over a longer period of time and focus more on observing and analyzing a particular ongoing phenomenon.

Action research is focused on solving a problem or informing individual and community-based knowledge in a way that impacts teaching, learning, and other related processes. It is less focused on contributing theoretical input, instead producing actionable input.

Action research is particularly popular with educators as a form of systematic inquiry because it prioritizes reflection and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Educators are able to simultaneously investigate an issue as they solve it, and the method is very iterative and flexible.

A cycle of inquiry is another name for action research . It is usually visualized in a spiral shape following a series of steps, such as “planning → acting → observing → reflecting.”

Sources in this article

We strongly encourage students to use sources in their work. You can cite our article (APA Style) or take a deep dive into the articles below.

George, T. (2024, January 12). What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 7, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/action-research/
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2017). Research methods in education (8th edition). Routledge.
Naughton, G. M. (2001).  Action research (1st edition). Routledge.

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200+ Action Research Topics for B.Ed Students [Updated 2024]

Action Research Topics for B.Ed Students

Starting your B.Ed journey is exciting for future teachers. One crucial aspect of this academic pursuit is action research – a dynamic process that bridges theory and practice, allowing students to delve into real-world educational challenges. In this blog, we will explore the significance of action research topics for b.ed students, shed light on the criteria for selecting engaging topics, and provide a comprehensive list of actionable research ideas.

Understanding Action Research in B.Ed

Table of Contents

Action research is not merely a theoretical concept; it’s a practical approach that encourages educators to actively engage in systematic inquiry to improve teaching and learning. In the context of B.Ed programs, it serves as a bridge between academic knowledge and the challenges faced in actual classrooms. 

This methodology empowers future educators to become reflective practitioners, constantly refining their teaching strategies based on evidence and experience.

How to Select Action Research Topics?

Selecting action research topics is a crucial step that can significantly impact the success and relevance of your research. Here’s a simplified guide on how to choose action research topics:

  • Identify Your Passion and Interests:
  • Consider what aspects of education or teaching excite you the most.
  • Reflect on your own experiences as a student or any challenges you’ve observed in educational settings.
  • Align with B.Ed Curriculum:
  • Ensure your chosen topic aligns with the curriculum of your B.Ed program.
  • Examine your course materials and note any places where you can put theoretical ideas to use in practical situations.
  • Address Current Educational Issues:
  • Keep informed on contemporary issues and developments in education.
  • Choose a topic that addresses a relevant and pressing issue in the field, contributing to ongoing discussions.
  • Consider Feasibility:
  • Assess the feasibility of your research topic within the constraints of time and resources.
  • Ensure that the scope of your research is manageable and can be realistically implemented.
  • Potential for Impact:
  • Evaluate the potential impact of your research on teaching and learning.
  • Aim for topics that have practical implications and can bring about positive changes in educational practices.
  • Consult with Mentors and Instructors:
  • Seek guidance from your mentors, instructors, or advisors.
  • Discuss your ideas with them to receive valuable insights and suggestions for refining your research topic.
  • Brainstorm and Research:
  • Make a list of possible subjects that fit the above-mentioned requirements and correspond with your interests.
  • Conduct preliminary research to ensure there is enough existing literature and resources to support your chosen topic.
  • Narrow Down Your Options:
  • Evaluate each potential topic based on relevance, feasibility, and potential impact.
  • Narrow down your options to one or two topics that best meet the criteria and align with your goals.
  • Ensure Personal Connection:
  • Select a subject that speaks to you personally. Your passion and commitment to the subject will enhance the quality of your research.
  • Get Feedback:
  • Share your shortlisted topics with peers, mentors, or classmates.
  • Gather feedback to ensure your chosen topic is well-received and has support within your academic community.

200+ Action Research Topics for B.Ed Students: Category Wise

Classroom management and discipline.

  • The impact of positive reinforcement on student behavior.
  • Strategies for managing disruptive behavior in the classroom.
  • The effectiveness of peer mediation in resolving conflicts among students.
  • Creating a culturally responsive approach to classroom discipline.
  • Investigating the influence of classroom layout on student behavior.
  • Implementing restorative justice practices in schools.
  • Examining the role of teacher-student relationships in classroom discipline.
  • Assessing the impact of mindfulness practices on student behavior.

Teaching Strategies and Methods

  • Differentiating instruction to meet diverse learning needs.
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in enhancing student engagement.
  • Exploring flipped classroom models in B.Ed teaching.
  • Investigating the impact of cooperative learning strategies.
  • Adapting teaching methods for students with diverse learning styles.
  • The use of educational technology in improving learning outcomes.
  • The impact of inquiry-based learning on critical thinking skills.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of outdoor education.

Student Engagement and Motivation

  • Investigating factors influencing student motivation in mathematics.
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting student engagement.
  • Strategies for fostering a growth mindset in students.
  • Enhancing student motivation through gamification in education.
  • Investigating the impact of teacher enthusiasm on student motivation.
  • The role of peer collaboration in increasing student engagement.
  • Examining the impact of culturally relevant teaching on student motivation.
  • Strategies for motivating unmotivated students in the classroom.

Assessment and Evaluation

  • The impact of formative assessment on student learning outcomes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of self-assessment in student evaluation.
  • Strategies for reducing bias in assessment and grading.
  • Exploring alternative methods for assessing student creativity.
  • The impact of standardized testing on student stress levels.
  • Designing authentic assessments for real-world application.
  • Investigating the role of feedback in student performance improvement.
  • Strategies for promoting self-regulated learning through assessment.

Inclusive Education

  • The effectiveness of inclusive classrooms in promoting diversity.
  • Strategies for supporting students with learning disabilities.
  • Investigating the impact of inclusive education on peer relationships.
  • Creating an inclusive curriculum for students with diverse needs.
  • The role of teacher attitudes in promoting inclusive practices.
  • Strategies for addressing unconscious bias in the classroom.
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social-emotional development of students.
  • Designing inclusive assessments for all learners.

Parent and Community Involvement

  • The role of parental involvement in student academic achievement.
  • Strategies for enhancing communication between teachers and parents.
  • Investigating the impact of community partnerships on student success.
  • Creating a positive home-school connection for student support.
  • Strategies for involving parents in students’ homework and study routines.
  • The role of community resources in addressing student needs.
  • Examining the impact of parent-teacher conferences on student performance.
  • Strategies for involving parents in school decision-making.

English Language Learning (ELL)

  • The impact of language immersion programs on ELL student outcomes.
  • Strategies for supporting ELL students in mainstream classrooms.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of bilingual education programs.
  • Creating a culturally responsive approach to teaching English.
  • The role of technology in supporting ELL students.
  • Strategies for promoting language development in ELL students.
  • Exploring the impact of teacher attitudes on ELL student success.
  • The effectiveness of language support programs for ELL students.

Special Education

  • Strategies for promoting inclusive practices in special education.
  • Investigating the impact of assistive technology on student learning.
  • Creating individualized education plans (IEPs) for student success.
  • The role of teacher collaboration in supporting special education students.
  • Strategies for addressing behavioral challenges in special education settings.
  • The impact of inclusive classrooms on students with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of speech and language therapy in schools.
  • Creating sensory-friendly environments for special education students.

Educational Leadership

  • The impact of distributed leadership on school culture.
  • Strategies for fostering teacher leadership in schools.
  • Investigating the role of school leadership in teacher retention.
  • Creating a positive school climate through effective leadership.
  • The impact of professional development on leadership skills.
  • Strategies for promoting shared decision-making in schools.
  • Investigating the role of emotional intelligence in educational leadership.
  • The effectiveness of mentorship programs for new teachers.

Classroom Environment

  • Investigating the impact of classroom aesthetics on student well-being.
  • Strategies for creating a positive and inclusive classroom climate.
  • The role of flexible seating arrangements in student engagement.
  • Designing a culturally responsive classroom environment.
  • Investigating the impact of classroom lighting on student focus.
  • Strategies for promoting a sense of belonging in the classroom.
  • The effectiveness of incorporating nature in the classroom.
  • Investigating the role of classroom layout on collaborative learning.

Technology Integration

  • Strategies for integrating digital literacy skills into the curriculum.
  • Investigating the impact of virtual reality in educational settings.
  • Creating a responsible approach to social media use in education.
  • The role of online platforms in promoting student collaboration.
  • Strategies for addressing the digital divide in schools.
  • Investigating the impact of blended learning on student outcomes.
  • The effectiveness of gamified learning apps in the classroom.
  • Exploring the use of artificial intelligence in education.

Professional Development

  • Strategies for promoting ongoing professional development for teachers.
  • Investigating the impact of peer mentoring on teacher effectiveness.
  • The role of teacher collaboration in professional growth.
  • Designing effective workshops for teacher skill enhancement.
  • Investigating the impact of reflective practices on teacher development.
  • Strategies for addressing burnout and promoting teacher well-being.
  • The role of action research in teacher professional development.
  • The effectiveness of online professional development courses.

Literacy Development

  • Investigating the impact of reading interventions on struggling readers.
  • Strategies for promoting literacy across subject areas.
  • The role of parental involvement in promoting early literacy.
  • Exploring the impact of storytelling on language development.
  • Strategies for addressing literacy challenges in diverse student populations.
  • The effectiveness of using technology in literacy instruction.
  • Investigating the impact of library programs on student reading habits.
  • Promoting a love for reading through innovative literacy initiatives.

Mathematics Education

  • Strategies for promoting conceptual understanding in mathematics.
  • Investigating the impact of real-world applications in math instruction.
  • The role of formative assessment in improving math performance.
  • Designing effective math interventions for struggling students.
  • Investigating the impact of technology in mathematics education.
  • Strategies for promoting a growth mindset in math learning.
  • The effectiveness of collaborative learning in math classrooms.
  • Investigating the role of teacher enthusiasm in math engagement.

Science Education

  • Strategies for promoting hands-on learning in science classrooms.
  • Investigating the impact of outdoor education on science understanding.
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in science education.
  • Designing effective science experiments for student engagement.
  • Investigating the impact of STEM programs on student interest.
  • Strategies for promoting environmental education in schools.
  • The effectiveness of science fairs in promoting scientific inquiry.
  • Investigating the role of teacher modeling in science instruction.

Social Studies Education

  • Strategies for promoting critical thinking in social studies.
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning in social studies.
  • The role of cultural sensitivity in social studies curriculum.
  • Designing effective field trips for social studies education.
  • Investigating the impact of current events in social studies instruction.
  • Strategies for addressing bias in social studies textbooks.
  • The effectiveness of using primary sources in social studies classes.
  • Investigating the role of debate in social studies learning.

Arts Education

  • Strategies for integrating the arts into STEM education.
  • Investigating the impact of arts education on overall academic achievement.
  • The role of arts education in promoting creativity and innovation.
  • Designing effective arts programs for students with diverse abilities.
  • Investigating the impact of music education on cognitive development.
  • Strategies for promoting inclusivity in arts education.
  • The effectiveness of drama and theater in enhancing student communication skills.
  • Investigating the role of visual arts in fostering cultural awareness.

Physical Education

  • Strategies for promoting lifelong fitness habits in students.
  • Investigating the impact of physical education on academic performance.
  • The role of technology in enhancing physical education classes.
  • Designing effective physical education programs for students with disabilities.
  • Investigating the impact of outdoor activities on physical and mental well-being.
  • Strategies for promoting teamwork and cooperation in physical education.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness practices in physical education.
  • Investigating the role of physical activity in reducing stress among students.

Health Education

  • Strategies for promoting health literacy in schools.
  • Investigating the impact of nutrition education on student habits.
  • The role of mental health education in schools.
  • Designing effective sex education programs for diverse student populations.
  • Investigating the impact of mindfulness practices on student well-being.
  • Strategies for addressing substance abuse education in schools.
  • The effectiveness of peer-led health education programs.
  • Investigating the role of physical activity in promoting overall health.

Environmental Education

  • Strategies for promoting environmental literacy in schools.
  • Investigating the impact of outdoor education on environmental awareness.
  • The role of sustainability education in the curriculum.
  • Designing effective environmental science programs.
  • Investigating the impact of school gardens on student learning.
  • Strategies for promoting eco-friendly practices in schools.
  • The effectiveness of community-based environmental projects.
  • Investigating the role of technology in environmental education.

Early Childhood Education

  • Strategies for promoting play-based learning in early childhood.
  • Investigating the impact of parental involvement in early education.
  • The role of early literacy development in overall academic success.
  • Designing effective transition programs for kindergarten readiness.
  • Investigating the impact of technology in early childhood classrooms.
  • Strategies for promoting social-emotional development in young children.
  • The effectiveness of inclusive practices in early childhood education.
  • Investigating the role of outdoor play in early childhood development.

Higher Education

  • Strategies for promoting student engagement in college classrooms.
  • Investigating the impact of online learning on student outcomes.
  • The role of mentorship programs in supporting college students.
  • Designing effective study skills programs for university success.
  • Investigating the impact of student support services on retention.
  • Strategies for addressing mental health challenges in higher education.
  • The effectiveness of peer-led tutoring programs.
  • Investigating the role of technology in higher education.

Educational Policy and Reform

  • Strategies for promoting teacher involvement in policy development.
  • Investigating the impact of standardized testing on educational equity.
  • The role of teacher evaluation systems in promoting professional growth.
  • Designing effective professional development policies for educators.
  • Investigating the impact of inclusive education policies on student outcomes.
  • Strategies for addressing school funding disparities.
  • The effectiveness of school choice programs in improving education.
  • Investigating the role of community involvement in educational policy.

Global Education

  • Strategies for promoting global citizenship in classrooms.
  • Investigating the impact of international exchange programs on student perspectives.
  • The role of technology in connecting students globally.
  • Designing effective multicultural education programs.
  • Investigating the impact of global issues in the curriculum.
  • Strategies for promoting cultural competence in teacher education.
  • The effectiveness of language immersion programs in promoting global awareness.
  • Investigating the role of service learning in global education.

Teacher Well-being

  • Strategies for promoting teacher well-being and mental health.
  • Investigating the impact of work-life balance on teacher effectiveness.
  • The role of professional development in reducing teacher burnout.
  • Designing effective stress management programs for educators.
  • Investigating the impact of school leadership on teacher job satisfaction.
  • Strategies for addressing teacher turnover in schools.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness practices in reducing teacher stress.
  • Investigating the role of supportive school environments in teacher well-being .

Steps to Conduct Action Research in B.Ed

To embark on a successful action research journey, B.Ed students should follow a structured process:

  • Formulating a Clear Research Question: Clearly define the problem or challenge you aim to address.
  • Conducting a Literature Review: Explore existing research to inform and contextualize your study.
  • Designing the Research Methodology: Plan the research approach, including data collection methods and analysis.
  • Collecting and Analyzing Data: Gather relevant data and analyze it to draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Drawing Conclusions and Making Recommendations: Synthesize your findings and propose actionable recommendations.

Benefits of Action Research Topics for B.Ed Students

Engaging in action research offers numerous benefits for B.Ed students:

  • Professional Development Opportunities: Action research enhances educators’ professional growth by fostering a reflective and iterative approach to teaching.
  • Enhancing Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills: Students develop strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills as they navigate real-world educational challenges.
  • Contributing to the Improvement of Teaching Practices: Action research enables educators to actively contribute to the continuous improvement of teaching practices within their classrooms and beyond.

In conclusion, action research is a powerful tool that empowers B.Ed students to bridge the gap between theory and practice. By carefully selecting relevant and engaging topics, students can embark on a transformative journey that not only enhances their academic experience but also contributes to the broader field of education. 

As we encourage B.Ed students to explore and engage in meaningful Action Research Topics for B.Ed Students, we pave the way for a future generation of educators committed to continuous improvement and excellence in teaching.

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The Cautiosly Optimistic Teacher

Action Research Guide and Examples for Teachers

Action Research guide

Every educator enters the world of teaching with a spark – a desire to make a difference, ignite minds, and shape the future. Yet, like any journey, the education path is strewn with challenges, uncertainties, and countless moments of self-doubt. At a point in my teaching career, I felt the weight of stagnation, wondering if I was truly making a positive change. That’s when I stumbled on action educational research. I thought that this was important enough to provide my version of an action research guide.

This research method became my compass, guiding me through the intricate landscape of teaching and learning. It challenged me to be both the researcher and the subject, to question my practices, and to continuously evolve. No longer was I simply “teaching” – I was engaging in a dynamic dance of inquiry, reflection, and growth. And in this dance, I wasn’t alone. My students, often the silent recipients of teaching methodologies, became active partners, collaborators in this shared journey of discovery.

In this article, I hope to share the magic, challenges, and profound revelations of my experience with action research. But more than that, I aim to inspire you, my fellow educators, to see your classrooms as living laboratories, where every day presents a new opportunity to learn, evolve, and shine brighter. Join me as we delve deep into this transformative journey, exploring the boundless potentials that lie within each of us, waiting to be discovered.

What is an Action Research Guide?

At its core, action research is a reflective process that allows educators like you and me to investigate and improve our practices within our very classrooms. Think of it as a magnifying glass, honing in on specific aspects of our teaching, allowing us to see in detail and to understand more deeply. It’s not just about identifying what works and what doesn’t, but about understanding why certain instructional strategies succeed while others falter.

So, why is action research so pivotal in our teaching journey? The beauty of an action plan lies in its immediacy and relevance. It centers on real-world challenges and tangible solutions within our own contexts. While theoretical knowledge and external research studies offer valuable insights, action research empowers us with findings directly rooted in our classrooms. It bridges the gap between theory and practice, ensuring that our teaching methods are not just sound in theory but effective in real-world application.

In essence, embarking on action research is like setting sail on a voyage of enhanced self-awareness, with the following steps guiding the way:

Identifying a Problem: This is our starting point, our compass direction. What challenges or uncertainties are we facing in our teaching? What are we curious about?

Planning: With the problem or question in mind, we chart our course. How will we gather the information needed? What changes might we experiment with?

Action: With a plan in place, we set sail, implementing the strategies or changes we’ve identified.

Observation: As we navigate, we’re constantly watching the waves and the skies – in our case, gathering data and feedback from our actions.

Reflection: With data in hand, we drop anchor for a while, taking the time to think deeply about what we’ve learned.

Revision: In the final step, with fresh insights, we might adjust our course, refining our strategies based on our reflections, and begin sailing once again.

This cyclical process isn’t just about problem-solving. It’s a commitment to continuous growth, a promise that we make to ourselves and our students to be the best educators we can be. Through action research, we’re not just teaching; we’re evolving, learning, and rediscovering the joy of our profession every single day. That is what I want to share in this action research guide.

1. Charting the Course: The Art of Identifying a Problem

Finding the problem

The first and arguably most crucial step in the action research voyage is identifying a problem or pinpointing a question. This is where our journey truly begins. It’s akin to realizing there’s a distant shore we’ve not yet explored, a place where new discoveries await. But how do we find this shore? How do we articulate what we’re looking for?

Types of Problems to Explore

Start by looking at everyday challenges in the classroom. These problems can range from tangible issues like decreasing student engagement during specific subject matter or time of day, to more complex concerns like understanding why a specific subgroup of students struggles more than their peers. The key is to select a problem that’s significant enough to warrant investigation but also manageable given your resources and time frame.

Remember, your chosen issue doesn’t always have to stem from a negative challenge. Perhaps you’ve noticed an unexpectedly positive response from students during certain activities and want to explore why, aiming to amplify that success elsewhere.

Framing the Question

Once you’ve identified an area of interest, the next task is to articulate a clear and focused research question. This question should be open-ended, steering clear of simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. For instance, rather than asking, “Does using visual aids improve student understanding?” you might frame the question as, “How does the use of visual aids influence student understanding and engagement during history lessons?”

By framing our question in this manner, we’re setting ourselves up for a deeper dive, one that considers the nuances and variables at play.

Transitioning to Planning

With our problem identified and our question framed, the horizon is in sight, and it’s time to set the sails. But before we do, we need to gather our navigation tools. This means taking stock of the resources at hand and considering preliminary ideas about potential strategies or changes to implement.

To transition smoothly into the planning phase, start by:

Documenting Initial Observations: Make notes on the current scenario. This will give you a baseline against which you can compare post-action results.

Engaging Colleagues and Students: Share your observations and research questions with fellow educators or even your students. Their insights can often shed light on aspects you might have missed and can guide your planning.

Reviewing Existing Literature: While action research is primarily about your own classroom, drawing on existing studies or theories can provide foundational knowledge and inspiration.

With these transitional steps, you’ll find yourself better equipped and more confident as you step into the planning phase. Identifying a problem is not just about acknowledging a challenge or a question; it’s about reigniting our curiosity, remembering why we became educators, and setting forth on a transformative journey with renewed vigor and purpose.

2. Navigating with Precision: Crafting a Thoughtful Plan

After pinpointing our problem and framing our research question, we arrive at the pivotal phase of planning. Like a captain ensuring every instrument, map, and crew member is in place before setting sail, an educator’s plan is their beacon, illuminating the path ahead and minimizing unforeseen challenges.

Elements of a Robust Plan

Objective and Clear Goals : Start by defining what success looks like for your action research. Whether it’s an improvement in student achievement, better participation, or more positive feedback, having a clear goal will guide your every step.

Methods for Data Collection: Decide on the tools you’ll use to gather information. This could be student assessments, student surveys , observation notes, or even video recordings. The method should align with the research question and be practical to implement.

Timeline: Construct a realistic timeline for your research. Define when you’ll start and finish the action, when you’ll collect data, and when you’ll analyze and reflect.

Resources: Identify any additional resources you may need. This could include technology, external expertise, or supplementary teaching materials.

Feedback Mechanisms: Plan for periodic checkpoints where you can gather interim feedback, either from students, peers, or through self-reflection.

Ensuring Success in Planning

Collaboration: Engage with fellow educators, seeking their insights or feedback on your plan. A second set of eyes can often identify potential pitfalls or areas of improvement.

Flexibility: While planning is essential, rigidly adhering to a plan without room for adjustment can be counterproductive. Be prepared to tweak your approach based on ongoing observations.

Alignment with Broader Curriculum: Ensure your action research plan doesn’t divert too significantly from the curriculum or educational goals. It should complement and enhance the broader educational objectives.

Knowing When the Plan is Ready for Action

Clarity and Vision: You should be able to succinctly explain your plan and its purpose to a colleague or even a student. If you can articulate it clearly, it’s a good sign you’ve thought it through.

Feasibility Check: Ensure that your plan is realistic. Do you have the resources, time, and support needed?

Positive Anticipation: If, after all the drafting and redrafting, you find yourself excited and optimistic about implementing your plan, it’s a good indicator that you’re ready to move forward.

Remember, a plan isn’t just a roadmap; it’s a promise – a commitment to our students and ourselves. It represents our dedication to enhancing our teaching practices and ensuring our best student outcomes. When the planning phase is executed with thoroughness and passion, the subsequent steps in our action research journey become more manageable and incredibly rewarding.

3. Setting Sail: The Vital Phase of Action in the Classroom

Action Research Guide

With our compass set and our maps drawn out, we step into the heart of our action research journey: the Action phase. This is the stage where our planning comes to life, our theories meet reality, and our classroom becomes the laboratory of educational innovation. Here, the rubber meets the road.

What Does Action Look Like in the Classroom?

Implementation of Action Research Guide: At its core, the action phase involves bringing the planned strategies or changes into the classroom. This could mean introducing a new teaching technique, using a different form of technology, adjusting classroom seating arrangements, or integrating new types of learning materials.

Active Observation: As these strategies unfold, it’s vital to maintain an active observation stance. This means not just teaching but keenly watching and noting the students’ reactions, participation levels, and engagement.

Openness to Feedback: The action phase isn’t about getting everything right on the first try. It’s about learning and adapting. Be open to feedback, both from students and peers, and be prepared to make minor adjustments along the way.

Maintaining Consistency: While flexibility is crucial, it’s equally important to give your strategies enough time to truly take effect. Consistency ensures that the observed results are genuinely a product of the changes you’ve implemented.

Specifics of Implementing the Plan

Start with Clear Communication: Before diving in, communicate your intentions to your students. Let them know that you’re trying something new and that their feedback is crucial. This not only sets expectations but also fosters a collaborative environment.

Document Everything: Maintain a journal or a digital log to document daily observations, challenges, successes, and any unexpected occurrences. This documentation will be invaluable during the reflection phase.

Seek Peer Support: If possible, invite a fellow educator to observe a class session. Their external perspective can offer invaluable insights and provide an objective viewpoint on the efficacy of your strategies.

Stay Adaptable: If a particular strategy isn’t working as anticipated, don’t be disheartened. Remember, the action phase is as much about learning what doesn’t work as it is about discovering what does.

Maintain Student-Centricity: Always prioritize the well-being and learning experience of your students. Ensure that any adjustments made during the action phase align with the best interests of the learners.

In essence, the action phase is where our dedication, passion, and commitment are truly tested. But it’s also where we, as educators, experience the profound joy of discovery, the exhilaration of innovation, and the satisfaction of seeing our plans come to life. As we navigate the waters of our classrooms, every challenge encountered and every success celebrated enriches our journey, making us not just better classroom teachers but lifelong learners.

4. Observing with Intention: The Critical Lens of Data Collection

The canvas of our action research becomes vibrant as we immerse ourselves in the action phase, but the true depth of our insights emerges through the lens of observation. Observing is more than just watching; it’s a meticulous process of data collection, allowing us to gather evidence of our action’s impact. In this intricate dance of teaching and learning, observation is our spotlight, shedding light on both the expected and the unexpected outcomes of our efforts.

How Teachers Should Gather Data

Stay Organized: Organize your observation tools in advance. Whether it’s a digital tool, a journal, or a structured survey, having them readily available ensures you capture data efficiently.

Consistent Timing: Choose specific times for your observations. Consistency will help you understand patterns and changes over a period.

Diversify Data Collection Methods: To gain a holistic understanding, use a mix of observation tools and methods. This ensures you’re capturing a well-rounded snapshot of classroom dynamics.

Types of Data to Collect

Qualitative Data

Anecdotal Records: Keep a journal where you note down specific incidents, conversations, or behaviors that stood out during the lesson. This offers insights into individual student experiences and reactions.

Student Feedback: Collect feedback from students about their experiences. This can be done informally through discussions or formally through structured feedback forms.

Peer Observations: Invite fellow educators to your class and ask for their feedback. Their perspective can offer new insights or validate your observations.

Reflective Journaling: End each day with a personal reflection. How did you feel the lesson went? Were there surprises? What went well, and what could be improved?

Quantitative Data

Assessment Scores: Track students’ performance on tests or quizzes. This provides measurable evidence of learning outcomes.

Attendance and Participation Rates: Monitor if there’s a change in attendance or participation. Increased engagement or attendance could be a sign of positive reception to your strategies.

Time Tracking: Measure the time students take for specific tasks or the time spent on certain activities. This can show if students are becoming more efficient or if they are more engrossed in particular activities.

Surveys with Scaled Responses: Use surveys where students can rate statements on a scale (e.g., 1-5). This provides quantitative data on students’ perceptions and feelings.

Additional Considerations for the Observation Phase

Maintain Objectivity: As invested as you are in the outcome, strive for objectivity. Your aim is to understand the genuine impact of your actions, whether positive, negative, or neutral.

Ensure Confidentiality: If gathering feedback or noting specific student behaviors, ensure that data is kept confidential. Respect privacy and use data ethically.

Stay Open-Minded: Be prepared for unexpected outcomes. Sometimes, the most unexpected observations lead to the most profound insights.

Observation, when approached with diligence and intention, unveils the intricacies of our classroom dynamics. It offers us a mirror to see the results of our actions, a window into our students’ experiences, and a telescope to envision the future course of our teaching journey.

5. The Harbor of Insight: Delving into the Reflection Stage

As our action research guide begins to reach its crescendo, we find ourselves anchored at the reflection stage—a moment of pause, introspection, and insight. Like a traveler pouring over the pages of a travel journal, the educator now sifts through the collected data, seeking to understand, interpret, and ultimately chart the way forward. The reflection stage isn’t merely an endpoint; it’s a springboard for future journeys, a compass recalibration, ensuring our teaching sails are ever aligned with the winds of effective pedagogy.

Data Analysis

Descriptive Analysis : Begin by taking a broad view of your data. Lay out all the qualitative research and quantitative information and look for obvious trends, patterns, or standout points.

Comparative Analysis: Compare the data from different points in time. How have things changed from the start to the end of your research? Look for improvements, regressions, or constants.

Pattern Recognition: Especially with qualitative data, search for recurring themes or sentiments. Are students consistently expressing a particular feeling or opinion? Do certain topics or methods evoke similar reactions across the board?

Statistical Analysis: For quantitative data, employ basic statistical tools (mean, median, mode, standard deviation) to get a clearer sense of your results. Tools like spreadsheets can assist in visualizing data trends.

What to Do with the Data

Document Your Findings: Craft a comprehensive report or journal entry detailing your findings. This not only helps in organizing your thoughts but serves as a valuable resource for future reference or sharing with peers.

Evaluate Against Objectives: Revisit the goals you set during the planning stage. Have these been met, exceeded, or not reached? Understanding this alignment helps in measuring the success of your action research.

Seek External Perspectives: Share your findings with fellow educators, mentors, or even students. Their insights can offer additional interpretations or validate your conclusions.

Consider the Broader Implications: Think beyond the confines of your classroom. How might your findings impact the wider school community, curriculum planning, or even educational theory?

Guiding Questions for Deeper Reflection

  • How do the results align with my initial expectations?
  • Were there any surprises in the data? What might have caused them?
  • What were the challenges encountered, and how were they addressed?
  • How have my students truly benefited (or not) from the implemented changes?
  • What have I, as an educator, learned about myself, my teaching style, and my students through this process?
  • Given another opportunity, what would I do differently? What would I retain?

Reflection is a potent tool, transforming raw data into actionable insights. It challenges us, reaffirms our beliefs, or offers a fresh perspective. But, above all, the reflection stage celebrates the spirit of action research in education—the relentless pursuit of betterment, the unwavering commitment to growth, and the heartfelt dedication to our students’ success. With every cycle of reflection, we don’t just become better educators; we amplify our impact, one classroom at a time.

6. Recharting the Course: Embracing the Power of Revision

With reflection complete, the map of our action research is fully sketched, brimming with insights and discoveries. But like any map of uncharted territories, revisions are inevitable, even welcome. The revision stage is the alchemy of action research, where past learnings are transmuted into the gold of future strategies. It’s not just about identifying what went wrong, but more crucially, about envisioning how things can be even better.

Revising with Purpose

Identify Areas of Improvement: Using the findings from the reflection phase, pinpoint specific areas that did not meet expectations or had unintended outcomes. Highlight these as primary candidates for revision.

Revisit Goals: Sometimes, it’s not the strategy but the goal that might need reconsideration. Ensure your objectives remain relevant to the ever-evolving classroom dynamics.

Integrate Feedback: Take into account the feedback from students, peers, and your self-reflections. Feedback is the cornerstone for any revision process.

Seek External Resources: Dive into educational literature, attend workshops, or collaborate with fellow educators. Bringing in external insights can provide fresh perspectives for your revisions.

Feeding Back into Another Round of Action Research

Starting Anew, Armed with Knowledge: The revision essentially kickstarts a new cycle of action research. But this time, you’re not starting from scratch. You’re armed with past insights, making your next cycle more refined.

Refined Questioning: With the data and reflections from the previous cycle, you can frame more specific research questions, addressing nuances you might have missed earlier.

Iterative Process: Understand that action research is iterative. Each cycle of revision and implementation brings you closer to an optimal strategy. It’s about continuous improvement, not instantaneous perfection.

Building a Repository: With each iteration, you’re essentially adding to a repository of teaching strategies, observations, and reflections. This becomes an invaluable resource, not just for you but for any educator looking to embark on a similar journey.

Important Considerations for the Revision Stage

Embrace Change with Positivity: Revision isn’t an admission of failure. It’s a celebration of growth. Approach it with optimism and view it as an opportunity.

Maintain Student-Centricity: Always keep the students at the heart of your revisions. Any changes you introduce should foremost benefit their learning experience.

Pace Yourself: While the enthusiasm to correct and implement can be overwhelming, ensure you’re giving yourself ample time for revisions. Hasty changes might not yield the desired results.

Document the Process: Just as with the initial action research, document every step of your revision process. This creates a trail of your evolution as an educator and can be insightful for future reflections.

Revision, in essence, is the heartbeat of action research. It embodies the spirit of adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning. Each revision is a testament to an educator’s unwavering commitment to excellence, a nod to the belief that while perfection might be elusive, the next step is always worthwhile. And as the cycle recommences, each iteration, informed by the last, pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in our classrooms, one revision at a time.

10 Types of Action Research Projects That Might Interest Teachers


  • Differentiated Instruction: Research how implementing differentiated instruction strategies affects student engagement and understanding in a mixed-ability classroom.
  • Incorporating Technology: Explore the effects of integrating technology (like tablets or specific educational apps) on student motivation and comprehension in a particular subject.
  • Mindfulness and Student Behavior: Investigate the impact of daily mindfulness exercises on student behavior, attention span, and emotional well-being.
  • Homework’s True Value: Study the correlation between the amount/type of homework given and students’ academic performance and stress levels.
  • Effects of Outdoor Education: Explore how outdoor education can improve student confidence, behavior, and overall demeanor.
  • Peer Tutoring and Collaboration: Research the effects of peer tutoring or cooperative learning structures on students’ academic achievements and social skills.
  • Reading Strategies for Struggling Readers: Investigate the effectiveness of specific reading interventions on improving the fluency and comprehension of struggling readers.
  • Feedback Methods: Explore the impact of various feedback methods (written comments, grades, peer feedback) on students’ academic performance and their perceptions about learning.
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching: Research the outcomes of implementing culturally responsive teaching methods on the engagement and achievement of students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Classroom Environment and Learning: Examine how changes in the classroom environment (e.g., seating arrangements, use of visuals, ambient noise) influence students’ concentration, participation, and overall learning experiences.

Each of these projects can help educators better understand their students, teaching methods, and overall classroom dynamics. By analyzing and reflecting upon the results, teachers can refine their practices to better meet the unique ways our students learn.

An Example of Action Research Project for Differentiated Instruction

Action research project plan: differentiated instruction in social sciences.

1. Introduction:

Purpose: To enhance student learning and engagement by tailoring instruction to meet individual needs.

Rationale: Observations indicate a range of abilities and learning styles within the classroom. A differentiated instruction approach may better cater to this diversity, ensuring all students are given an equitable opportunity to succeed.

2. Research Question:

How does the implementation of differentiated instruction strategies impact student engagement, understanding, and achievement in a mixed-ability classroom?

3. Data Sources:

Pre-assessment Surveys: Administer surveys to gauge students’ prior knowledge, learning preferences, and interests related to the topic at hand.

Lesson Observations: Use a checklist or journal to record levels of student engagement and participation during differentiated activities.

Student Feedback: Use informal discussions, suggestion boxes, or structured feedback forms to gather students’ perceptions of the differentiated activities.

Assessments: Compare performance on standardized tests or assignments before and after the introduction of differentiated strategies.

Teacher Reflection Journal: Maintain a daily or weekly journal to record personal observations, challenges, successes, and unexpected outcomes.

4. Differentiated Strategies to Implement:

Content Differentiation: Provide materials at varying reading levels, offer video/audio resources, and use graphic organizers.

Process Differentiation: Introduce tiered assignments where students can choose tasks based on complexity, conduct group activities tailored to different skill levels, and offer choice boards.

Product Differentiation: Allow students to showcase understanding in various ways (e.g., presentations, written reports, art projects, group projects, project-based learning, research paper).

5. Implementation Timeline:

Week 1: Administer pre-assessment surveys and conduct baseline observations.

Week 2-4: Gradually introduce differentiated strategies, starting with content differentiation.

Week 5-7: Incorporate process differentiation while continuing to monitor and adjust content differentiation based on feedback.

Week 8-10: Introduce product differentiation. Continue all forms of differentiation, making adjustments as needed.

Week 11: Administer post-assessment tests and gather student feedback.

Week 12: Analyze data, reflect on findings, and start drafting the research report.

6. Analysis:

Compare pre and post-assessment scores to gauge academic growth.

Analyze observation checklists to determine patterns in engagement and participation.

Use student feedback to understand their perceptions and experiences.

Reflect on teacher (the action researcher) journal entries to identify challenges, successes, and areas for future exploration.

7. Conclusion and Future Steps:

Summarize key findings, insights, and implications of implementing differentiated instruction.

Outline actionable steps for further refining and expanding the use of differentiated strategies based on the findings.

Consider collaborating with colleagues or attending professional development workshops for additional strategies and insights.

8. Share and Collaborate:

Present findings at school meetings or professional development sessions.

Collaborate with other educators to expand on successful strategies and brainstorm solutions for challenges.

Consider publishing findings in educational journals or sharing on teacher platforms to contribute to the wider educational community’s knowledge.

By following this plan, teachers can systematically investigate the potential benefits of differentiated instruction in their classrooms, allowing them to tailor their teaching methods to better serve all students.

Concluding the Action Research Guide: Refining Education One Cycle at a Time

The realm of education is in perpetual motion, driven by an unyielding quest for methods that can uplift, inspire, and catalyze effective learning. Action research emerges as an invaluable instrument in this quest. By weaving an intricate tapestry of questioning, planning, action, observation, reflection, and revision, action research empowers educators to actively sculpt their instructional practices, honing them in response to real-time classroom dynamics.

From the initial stages of identifying pertinent issues—be it the challenges of differentiated instruction, the integration of technology, or the nuances of classroom environment—to the iterative cycles of revision and reimplementation, participatory action research is a testament to educators’ proactive and adaptive spirit. It’s not merely about identifying what works but understanding why something works and how it can be improved.

Every phase, from the clarity of planning to the meticulousness of observation and the introspection of reflection, fortifies the foundation upon which educators build their strategies. The revision phase, integral to the cyclical nature of the action research process, underscores the philosophy that education is not static; it evolves, mirroring students’ dynamic needs and aspirations.

In essence, action research topics in education is both a journey and a destination. As a journey, it offers educators a structured pathway to navigate the intricate corridors of pedagogy, seeking betterment at every turn. As a destination, it culminates in classrooms where both teaching and learning are optimized, where educators, armed with insights and refined strategies, are better equipped to steer their students towards success.

In wrapping up our exploration, it’s clear that the action research cycle is not a mere academic exercise but a potent catalyst for transformative change in elementary schools, middle school, and secondary schools. It beckons educators worldwide to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement, forever striving, forever refining, and forever reimagining the horizons of what’s possible in our classroom practices.

For more on action research, consider  Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher  by Geoffrey Mills.

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Action Research: What it is, Stages & Examples

Action research is a method often used to make the situation better. It combines activity and investigation to make change happen.

The best way to get things accomplished is to do it yourself. This statement is utilized in corporations, community projects, and national governments. These organizations are relying on action research to cope with their continuously changing and unstable environments as they function in a more interdependent world.

In practical educational contexts, this involves using systematic inquiry and reflective practice to address real-world challenges, improve teaching and learning, enhance student engagement, and drive positive changes within the educational system.

This post outlines the definition of action research, its stages, and some examples.

Content Index

What is action research?

Stages of action research, the steps to conducting action research, examples of action research, advantages and disadvantages of action research.

Action research is a strategy that tries to find realistic solutions to organizations’ difficulties and issues. It is similar to applied research.

Action research refers basically learning by doing. First, a problem is identified, then some actions are taken to address it, then how well the efforts worked are measured, and if the results are not satisfactory, the steps are applied again.

It can be put into three different groups:

  • Positivist: This type of research is also called “classical action research.” It considers research a social experiment. This research is used to test theories in the actual world.
  • Interpretive: This kind of research is called “contemporary action research.” It thinks that business reality is socially made, and when doing this research, it focuses on the details of local and organizational factors.
  • Critical: This action research cycle takes a critical reflection approach to corporate systems and tries to enhance them.

All research is about learning new things. Collaborative action research contributes knowledge based on investigations in particular and frequently useful circumstances. It starts with identifying a problem. After that, the research process is followed by the below stages:


Stage 1: Plan

For an action research project to go well, the researcher needs to plan it well. After coming up with an educational research topic or question after a research study, the first step is to develop an action plan to guide the research process. The research design aims to address the study’s question. The research strategy outlines what to undertake, when, and how.

Stage 2: Act

The next step is implementing the plan and gathering data. At this point, the researcher must select how to collect and organize research data . The researcher also needs to examine all tools and equipment before collecting data to ensure they are relevant, valid, and comprehensive.

Stage 3: Observe

Data observation is vital to any investigation. The action researcher needs to review the project’s goals and expectations before data observation. This is the final step before drawing conclusions and taking action.

Different kinds of graphs, charts, and networks can be used to represent the data. It assists in making judgments or progressing to the next stage of observing.

Stage 4: Reflect

This step involves applying a prospective solution and observing the results. It’s essential to see if the possible solution found through research can really solve the problem being studied.

The researcher must explore alternative ideas when the action research project’s solutions fail to solve the problem.

Action research is a systematic approach researchers, educators, and practitioners use to identify and address problems or challenges within a specific context. It involves a cyclical process of planning, implementing, reflecting, and adjusting actions based on the data collected. Here are the general steps involved in conducting an action research process:

Identify the action research question or problem

Clearly define the issue or problem you want to address through your research. It should be specific, actionable, and relevant to your working context.

Review existing knowledge

Conduct a literature review to understand what research has already been done on the topic. This will help you gain insights, identify gaps, and inform your research design.

Plan the research

Develop a research plan outlining your study’s objectives, methods, data collection tools, and timeline. Determine the scope of your research and the participants or stakeholders involved.

Collect data

Implement your research plan by collecting relevant data. This can involve various methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, document analysis, or focus groups. Ensure that your data collection methods align with your research objectives and allow you to gather the necessary information.

Analyze the data

Once you have collected the data, analyze it using appropriate qualitative or quantitative techniques. Look for patterns, themes, or trends in the data that can help you understand the problem better.

Reflect on the findings

Reflect on the analyzed data and interpret the results in the context of your research question. Consider the implications and possible solutions that emerge from the data analysis. This reflection phase is crucial for generating insights and understanding the underlying factors contributing to the problem.

Develop an action plan

Based on your analysis and reflection, develop an action plan that outlines the steps you will take to address the identified problem. The plan should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART goals). Consider involving relevant stakeholders in planning to ensure their buy-in and support.

Implement the action plan

Put your action plan into practice by implementing the identified strategies or interventions. This may involve making changes to existing practices, introducing new approaches, or testing alternative solutions. Document the implementation process and any modifications made along the way.

Evaluate and monitor progress

Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of your actions. Collect additional data, assess the effectiveness of the interventions, and measure progress towards your goals. This evaluation will help you determine if your actions have the desired effects and inform any necessary adjustments.

Reflect and iterate

Reflect on the outcomes of your actions and the evaluation results. Consider what worked well, what did not, and why. Use this information to refine your approach, make necessary adjustments, and plan for the next cycle of action research if needed.

Remember that participatory action research is an iterative process, and multiple cycles may be required to achieve significant improvements or solutions to the identified problem. Each cycle builds on the insights gained from the previous one, fostering continuous learning and improvement.

Explore Insightfully Contextual Inquiry in Qualitative Research

Here are two real-life examples of action research.

Action research initiatives are frequently situation-specific. Still, other researchers can adapt the techniques. The example is from a researcher’s (Franklin, 1994) report about a project encouraging nature tourism in the Caribbean.

In 1991, this was launched to study how nature tourism may be implemented on the four Windward Islands in the Caribbean: St. Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, and St. Vincent.

For environmental protection, a government-led action study determined that the consultation process needs to involve numerous stakeholders, including commercial enterprises.

First, two researchers undertook the study and held search conferences on each island. The search conferences resulted in suggestions and action plans for local community nature tourism sub-projects.

Several islands formed advisory groups and launched national awareness and community projects. Regional project meetings were held to discuss experiences, self-evaluations, and strategies. Creating a documentary about a local initiative helped build community. And the study was a success, leading to a number of changes in the area.

Lau and Hayward (1997) employed action research to analyze Internet-based collaborative work groups.

Over two years, the researchers facilitated three action research problem -solving cycles with 15 teachers, project personnel, and 25 health practitioners from diverse areas. The goal was to see how Internet-based communications might affect their virtual workgroup.

First, expectations were defined, technology was provided, and a bespoke workgroup system was developed. Participants suggested shorter, more dispersed training sessions with project-specific instructions.

The second phase saw the system’s complete deployment. The final cycle witnessed system stability and virtual group formation. The key lesson was that the learning curve was poorly misjudged, with frustrations only marginally met by phone-based technical help. According to the researchers, the absence of high-quality online material about community healthcare was harmful.

Role clarity, connection building, knowledge sharing, resource assistance, and experiential learning are vital for virtual group growth. More study is required on how group support systems might assist groups in engaging with their external environment and boost group members’ learning. 

Action research has both good and bad points.

  • It is very flexible, so researchers can change their analyses to fit their needs and make individual changes.
  • It offers a quick and easy way to solve problems that have been going on for a long time instead of complicated, long-term solutions based on complex facts.
  • If It is done right, it can be very powerful because it can lead to social change and give people the tools to make that change in ways that are important to their communities.


  • These studies have a hard time being generalized and are hard to repeat because they are so flexible. Because the researcher has the power to draw conclusions, they are often not thought to be theoretically sound.
  • Setting up an action study in an ethical way can be hard. People may feel like they have to take part or take part in a certain way.
  • It is prone to research errors like selection bias , social desirability bias, and other cognitive biases.

LEARN ABOUT: Self-Selection Bias

This post discusses how action research generates knowledge, its steps, and real-life examples. It is very applicable to the field of research and has a high level of relevance. We can only state that the purpose of this research is to comprehend an issue and find a solution to it.

At QuestionPro, we give researchers tools for collecting data, like our survey software, and a library of insights for any long-term study. Go to the Insight Hub if you want to see a demo or learn more about it.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s)

Action research is a systematic approach to inquiry that involves identifying a problem or challenge in a practical context, implementing interventions or changes, collecting and analyzing data, and using the findings to inform decision-making and drive positive change.

Action research can be conducted by various individuals or groups, including teachers, administrators, researchers, and educational practitioners. It is often carried out by those directly involved in the educational setting where the research takes place.

The steps of action research typically include identifying a problem, reviewing relevant literature, designing interventions or changes, collecting and analyzing data, reflecting on findings, and implementing improvements based on the results.



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Action research

A type of applied research designed to find the most effective way to bring about a desired social change or to solve a practical problem, usually in collaboration with those being researched.

SAGE Research Methods Videos

How do you define action research.

Professor David Coghlan explains action research as an approach that crosses many academic disciplines yet has a shared focus on taking action to address a problem. He describes the difference between this approach and empirical scientific approaches, particularly highlighting the challenge of getting action research to be taken seriously by academic journals

Dr. Nataliya Ivankova defines action research as using systematic research principles to address an issue in everyday life. She delineates the six steps of action research, and illustrates the concept using an anti-diabetes project in an urban area.

This is just one segment in a whole series about action research. You can find the rest of the series in our SAGE database, Research Methods:


Videos covering research methods and statistics

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what is a good topic for action research

What is action research and how do we do it?

In this article, we explore the development of some different traditions of action research and provide an introductory guide to the literature., contents : what is action research ·  origins · the decline and rediscovery of action research · undertaking action research · conclusion · further reading · how to cite this article . see, also: research for practice ., what is action research.

In the literature, discussion of action research tends to fall into two distinctive camps. The British tradition – especially that linked to education – tends to view action research as research-oriented toward the enhancement of direct practice. For example, Carr and Kemmis provide a classic definition:

Action research is simply a form of self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own practices, their understanding of these practices, and the situations in which the practices are carried out (Carr and Kemmis 1986: 162).

Many people are drawn to this understanding of action research because it is firmly located in the realm of the practitioner – it is tied to self-reflection. As a way of working it is very close to the notion of reflective practice coined by Donald Schön (1983).

The second tradition, perhaps more widely approached within the social welfare field – and most certainly the broader understanding in the USA is of action research as ‘the systematic collection of information that is designed to bring about social change’ (Bogdan and Biklen 1992: 223). Bogdan and Biklen continue by saying that its practitioners marshal evidence or data to expose unjust practices or environmental dangers and recommend actions for change. In many respects, for them, it is linked into traditions of citizen’s action and community organizing. The practitioner is actively involved in the cause for which the research is conducted. For others, it is such commitment is a necessary part of being a practitioner or member of a community of practice. Thus, various projects designed to enhance practice within youth work, for example, such as the detached work reported on by Goetschius and Tash (1967) could be talked of as action research.

Kurt Lewin is generally credited as the person who coined the term ‘action research’:

The research needed for social practice can best be characterized as research for social management or social engineering. It is a type of action-research, a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action, and research leading to social action. Research that produces nothing but books will not suffice (Lewin 1946, reproduced in Lewin 1948: 202-3)

His approach involves a spiral of steps, ‘each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action and fact-finding about the result of the action’ ( ibid. : 206). The basic cycle involves the following:

This is how Lewin describes the initial cycle:

The first step then is to examine the idea carefully in the light of the means available. Frequently more fact-finding about the situation is required. If this first period of planning is successful, two items emerge: namely, “an overall plan” of how to reach the objective and secondly, a decision in regard to the first step of action. Usually this planning has also somewhat modified the original idea. ( ibid. : 205)

The next step is ‘composed of a circle of planning, executing, and reconnaissance or fact-finding for the purpose of evaluating the results of the second step, and preparing the rational basis for planning the third step, and for perhaps modifying again the overall plan’ ( ibid. : 206). What we can see here is an approach to research that is oriented to problem-solving in social and organizational settings, and that has a form that parallels Dewey’s conception of learning from experience.

The approach, as presented, does take a fairly sequential form – and it is open to a literal interpretation. Following it can lead to practice that is ‘correct’ rather than ‘good’ – as we will see. It can also be argued that the model itself places insufficient emphasis on analysis at key points. Elliott (1991: 70), for example, believed that the basic model allows those who use it to assume that the ‘general idea’ can be fixed in advance, ‘that “reconnaissance” is merely fact-finding, and that “implementation” is a fairly straightforward process’. As might be expected there was some questioning as to whether this was ‘real’ research. There were questions around action research’s partisan nature – the fact that it served particular causes.

The decline and rediscovery of action research

Action research did suffer a decline in favour during the 1960s because of its association with radical political activism (Stringer 2007: 9). There were, and are, questions concerning its rigour, and the training of those undertaking it. However, as Bogdan and Biklen (1992: 223) point out, research is a frame of mind – ‘a perspective that people take toward objects and activities’. Once we have satisfied ourselves that the collection of information is systematic and that any interpretations made have a proper regard for satisfying truth claims, then much of the critique aimed at action research disappears. In some of Lewin’s earlier work on action research (e.g. Lewin and Grabbe 1945), there was a tension between providing a rational basis for change through research, and the recognition that individuals are constrained in their ability to change by their cultural and social perceptions, and the systems of which they are a part. Having ‘correct knowledge’ does not of itself lead to change, attention also needs to be paid to the ‘matrix of cultural and psychic forces’ through which the subject is constituted (Winter 1987: 48).

Subsequently, action research has gained a significant foothold both within the realm of community-based, and participatory action research; and as a form of practice-oriented to the improvement of educative encounters (e.g. Carr and Kemmis 1986).

Exhibit 1: Stringer on community-based action research
A fundamental premise of community-based action research is that it commences with an interest in the problems of a group, a community, or an organization. Its purpose is to assist people in extending their understanding of their situation and thus resolving problems that confront them….
Community-based action research is always enacted through an explicit set of social values. In modern, democratic social contexts, it is seen as a process of inquiry that has the following characteristics:
• It is democratic , enabling the participation of all people.
• It is equitable , acknowledging people’s equality of worth.
• It is liberating , providing freedom from oppressive, debilitating conditions.
• It is life enhancing , enabling the expression of people’s full human potential.
(Stringer 1999: 9-10)

Undertaking action research

As Thomas (2017: 154) put it, the central aim is change, ‘and the emphasis is on problem-solving in whatever way is appropriate’. It can be seen as a conversation rather more than a technique (McNiff et. al. ). It is about people ‘thinking for themselves and making their own choices, asking themselves what they should do and accepting the consequences of their own actions’ (Thomas 2009: 113).

The action research process works through three basic phases:

Look -building a picture and gathering information. When evaluating we define and describe the problem to be investigated and the context in which it is set. We also describe what all the participants (educators, group members, managers etc.) have been doing.
Think – interpreting and explaining. When evaluating we analyse and interpret the situation. We reflect on what participants have been doing. We look at areas of success and any deficiencies, issues or problems.
Act – resolving issues and problems. In evaluation we judge the worth, effectiveness, appropriateness, and outcomes of those activities. We act to formulate solutions to any problems. (Stringer 1999: 18; 43-44;160)

The use of action research to deepen and develop classroom practice has grown into a strong tradition of practice (one of the first examples being the work of Stephen Corey in 1949). For some, there is an insistence that action research must be collaborative and entail groupwork.

Action research is a form of collective self-reflective enquiry undertaken by participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social or educational practices, as well as their understanding of those practices and the situations in which the practices are carried out… The approach is only action research when it is collaborative, though it is important to realise that action research of the group is achieved through the critically examined action of individual group members. (Kemmis and McTaggart 1988: 5-6)

Just why it must be collective is open to some question and debate (Webb 1996), but there is an important point here concerning the commitments and orientations of those involved in action research.

One of the legacies Kurt Lewin left us is the ‘action research spiral’ – and with it there is the danger that action research becomes little more than a procedure. It is a mistake, according to McTaggart (1996: 248) to think that following the action research spiral constitutes ‘doing action research’. He continues, ‘Action research is not a ‘method’ or a ‘procedure’ for research but a series of commitments to observe and problematize through practice a series of principles for conducting social enquiry’. It is his argument that Lewin has been misunderstood or, rather, misused. When set in historical context, while Lewin does talk about action research as a method, he is stressing a contrast between this form of interpretative practice and more traditional empirical-analytic research. The notion of a spiral may be a useful teaching device – but it is all too easy to slip into using it as the template for practice (McTaggart 1996: 249).

Further reading

This select, annotated bibliography has been designed to give a flavour of the possibilities of action research and includes some useful guides to practice. As ever, if you have suggestions about areas or specific texts for inclusion, I’d like to hear from you.

Explorations of action research

Atweh, B., Kemmis, S. and Weeks, P. (eds.) (1998) Action Research in Practice: Partnership for Social Justice in Education, London: Routledge. Presents a collection of stories from action research projects in schools and a university. The book begins with theme chapters discussing action research, social justice and partnerships in research. The case study chapters cover topics such as: school environment – how to make a school a healthier place to be; parents – how to involve them more in decision-making; students as action researchers; gender – how to promote gender equity in schools; writing up action research projects.

Carr, W. and Kemmis, S. (1986) Becoming Critical. Education, knowledge and action research , Lewes: Falmer. Influential book that provides a good account of ‘action research’ in education. Chapters on teachers, researchers and curriculum; the natural scientific view of educational theory and practice; the interpretative view of educational theory and practice; theory and practice – redefining the problem; a critical approach to theory and practice; towards a critical educational science; action research as critical education science; educational research, educational reform and the role of the profession.

Carson, T. R. and Sumara, D. J. (ed.) (1997) Action Research as a Living Practice , New York: Peter Lang. 140 pages. Book draws on a wide range of sources to develop an understanding of action research. Explores action research as a lived practice, ‘that asks the researcher to not only investigate the subject at hand but, as well, to provide some account of the way in which the investigation both shapes and is shaped by the investigator.

Dadds, M. (1995) Passionate Enquiry and School Development. A story about action research , London: Falmer. 192 + ix pages. Examines three action research studies undertaken by a teacher and how they related to work in school – how she did the research, the problems she experienced, her feelings, the impact on her feelings and ideas, and some of the outcomes. In his introduction, John Elliot comments that the book is ‘the most readable, thoughtful, and detailed study of the potential of action-research in professional education that I have read’.

Ghaye, T. and Wakefield, P. (eds.) CARN Critical Conversations. Book one: the role of the self in action , Bournemouth: Hyde Publications. 146 + xiii pages. Collection of five pieces from the Classroom Action Research Network. Chapters on: dialectical forms; graduate medical education – research’s outer limits; democratic education; managing action research; writing up.

McNiff, J. (1993) Teaching as Learning: An Action Research Approach , London: Routledge. Argues that educational knowledge is created by individual teachers as they attempt to express their own values in their professional lives. Sets out familiar action research model: identifying a problem, devising, implementing and evaluating a solution and modifying practice. Includes advice on how working in this way can aid the professional development of action researcher and practitioner.

Quigley, B. A. and Kuhne, G. W. (eds.) (1997) Creating Practical Knowledge Through Action Research, San Fransisco: Jossey Bass. Guide to action research that outlines the action research process, provides a project planner, and presents examples to show how action research can yield improvements in six different settings, including a hospital, a university and a literacy education program.

Plummer, G. and Edwards, G. (eds.) CARN Critical Conversations. Book two: dimensions of action research – people, practice and power , Bournemouth: Hyde Publications. 142 + xvii pages. Collection of five pieces from the Classroom Action Research Network. Chapters on: exchanging letters and collaborative research; diary writing; personal and professional learning – on teaching and self-knowledge; anti-racist approaches; psychodynamic group theory in action research.

Whyte, W. F. (ed.) (1991) Participatory Action Research , Newbury Park: Sage. 247 pages. Chapters explore the development of participatory action research and its relation with action science and examine its usages in various agricultural and industrial settings

Zuber-Skerritt, O. (ed.) (1996) New Directions in Action Research , London; Falmer Press. 266 + xii pages. A useful collection that explores principles and procedures for critical action research; problems and suggested solutions; and postmodernism and critical action research.

Action research guides

Coghlan, D. and Brannick, D. (2000) Doing Action Research in your own Organization, London: Sage. 128 pages. Popular introduction. Part one covers the basics of action research including the action research cycle, the role of the ‘insider’ action researcher and the complexities of undertaking action research within your own organisation. Part two looks at the implementation of the action research project (including managing internal politics and the ethics and politics of action research). New edition due late 2004.

Elliot, J. (1991) Action Research for Educational Change , Buckingham: Open University Press. 163 + x pages Collection of various articles written by Elliot in which he develops his own particular interpretation of action research as a form of teacher professional development. In some ways close to a form of ‘reflective practice’. Chapter 6, ‘A practical guide to action research’ – builds a staged model on Lewin’s work and on developments by writers such as Kemmis.

Johnson, A. P. (2007) A short guide to action research 3e. Allyn and Bacon. Popular step by step guide for master’s work.

Macintyre, C. (2002) The Art of the Action Research in the Classroom , London: David Fulton. 138 pages. Includes sections on action research, the role of literature, formulating a research question, gathering data, analysing data and writing a dissertation. Useful and readable guide for students.

McNiff, J., Whitehead, J., Lomax, P. (2003) You and Your Action Research Project , London: Routledge. Practical guidance on doing an action research project.Takes the practitioner-researcher through the various stages of a project. Each section of the book is supported by case studies

Stringer, E. T. (2007) Action Research: A handbook for practitioners 3e , Newbury Park, ca.: Sage. 304 pages. Sets community-based action research in context and develops a model. Chapters on information gathering, interpretation, resolving issues; legitimacy etc. See, also Stringer’s (2003) Action Research in Education , Prentice-Hall.

Winter, R. (1989) Learning From Experience. Principles and practice in action research , Lewes: Falmer Press. 200 + 10 pages. Introduces the idea of action research; the basic process; theoretical issues; and provides six principles for the conduct of action research. Includes examples of action research. Further chapters on from principles to practice; the learner’s experience; and research topics and personal interests.

Action research in informal education

Usher, R., Bryant, I. and Johnston, R. (1997) Adult Education and the Postmodern Challenge. Learning beyond the limits , London: Routledge. 248 + xvi pages. Has some interesting chapters that relate to action research: on reflective practice; changing paradigms and traditions of research; new approaches to research; writing and learning about research.

Other references

Bogdan, R. and Biklen, S. K. (1992) Qualitative Research For Education , Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Goetschius, G. and Tash, J. (1967) Working with the Unattached , London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

McTaggart, R. (1996) ‘Issues for participatory action researchers’ in O. Zuber-Skerritt (ed.) New Directions in Action Research , London: Falmer Press.

McNiff, J., Lomax, P. and Whitehead, J. (2003) You and Your Action Research Project 2e. London: Routledge.

Thomas, G. (2017). How to do your Research Project. A guide for students in education and applied social sciences . 3e. London: Sage.

Acknowledgements : spiral by Michèle C. | flickr ccbyncnd2 licence

How to cite this article : Smith, M. K. (1996; 2001, 2007, 2017) What is action research and how do we do it?’, The encyclopedia of pedagogy and informal education. [ https://infed.org/mobi/action-research/ . Retrieved: insert date] .

© Mark K. Smith 1996; 2001, 2007, 2017

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4 Preparing for Action Research in the Classroom: Practical Issues


  • What sort of considerations are necessary to take action in your educational context?
  • How do you facilitate an action plan without disrupting your teaching?
  • How do you respond when the unplanned happens during data collection?

An action research project is a practical endeavor that will ultimately be shaped by your educational context and practice. Now that you have developed a literature review, you are ready to revise your initial plans and begin to plan your project. This chapter will provide some advice about your considerations when undertaking an action research project in your classroom.

Maintain Focus

Hopefully, you found a lot a research on your topic. If so, you will now have a better understanding of how it fits into your area and field of educational research. Even though the topic and area you are researching may not be small, your study itself should clearly focus on one aspect of the topic in your classroom. It is important to maintain clarity about what you are investigating because a lot will be going on simultaneously during the research process and you do not want to spend precious time on erroneous aspects that are irrelevant to your research.

Even though you may view your practice as research, and vice versa, you might want to consider your research project as a projection or megaphone for your work that will bring attention to the small decisions that make a difference in your educational context. From experience, our concern is that you will find that researching one aspect of your practice will reveal other interconnected aspects that you may find interesting, and you will disorient yourself researching in a confluence of interests, commitments, and purposes. We simply want to emphasize – don’t try to research everything at once. Stay focused on your topic, and focus on exploring it in depth, instead of its many related aspects. Once you feel you have made progress in one aspect, you can then progress to other related areas, as new research projects that continue the research cycle.

Identify a Clear Research Question

Your literature review should have exposed you to an array of research questions related to your topic. More importantly, your review should have helped identify which research questions we have addressed as a field, and which ones still need to be addressed . More than likely your research questions will resemble ones from your literature review, while also being distinguishable based upon your own educational context and the unexplored areas of research on your topic.

Regardless of how your research question took shape, it is important to be clear about what you are researching in your educational context. Action research questions typically begin in ways related to “How does … ?” or “How do I/we … ?”, for example:

Research Question Examples

  • How does a semi-structured morning meeting improve my classroom community?
  • How does historical fiction help students think about people’s agency in the past?
  • How do I improve student punctuation use through acting out sentences?
  • How do we increase student responsibility for their own learning as a team of teachers?

I particularly favor questions with I or we, because they emphasize that you, the actor and researcher, will be clearly taking action to improve your practice. While this may seem rather easy, you need to be aware of asking the right kind of question. One issue is asking a too pointed and closed question that limits the possibility for analysis. These questions tend to rely on quantitative answers, or yes/no answers. For example, “How many students got a 90% or higher on the exam, after reviewing the material three times?

Another issue is asking a question that is too broad, or that considers too many variables. For example, “How does room temperature affect students’ time-on-task?” These are obviously researchable questions, but the aim is a cause-and-effect relationship between variables that has little or no value to your daily practice.

I also want to point out that your research question will potentially change as the research develops. If you consider the question:

As you do an activity, you may find that students are more comfortable and engaged by acting sentences out in small groups, instead of the whole class. Therefore, your question may shift to:

  • How do I improve student punctuation use through acting out sentences, in small groups ?

By simply engaging in the research process and asking questions, you will open your thinking to new possibilities and you will develop new understandings about yourself and the problematic aspects of your educational context.

Understand Your Capabilities and Know that Change Happens Slowly

Similar to your research question, it is important to have a clear and realistic understanding of what is possible to research in your specific educational context. For example, would you be able to address unsatisfactory structures (policies and systems) within your educational context? Probably not immediately, but over time you potentially could. It is much more feasible to think of change happening in smaller increments, from within your own classroom or context, with you as one change agent. For example, you might find it particularly problematic that your school or district places a heavy emphasis on traditional grades, believing that these grades are often not reflective of the skills students have or have not mastered. Instead of attempting to research grading practices across your school or district, your research might instead focus on determining how to provide more meaningful feedback to students and parents about progress in your course. While this project identifies and addresses a structural issue that is part of your school and district context, to keep things manageable, your research project would focus the outcomes on your classroom. The more research you do related to the structure of your educational context the more likely modifications will emerge. The more you understand these modifications in relation to the structural issues you identify within your own context, the more you can influence others by sharing your work and enabling others to understand the modification and address structural issues within their contexts. Throughout your project, you might determine that modifying your grades to be standards-based is more effective than traditional grades, and in turn, that sharing your research outcomes with colleagues at an in-service presentation prompts many to adopt a similar model in their own classrooms. It can be defeating to expect the world to change immediately, but you can provide the spark that ignites coordinated changes. In this way, action research is a powerful methodology for enacting social change. Action research enables individuals to change their own lives, while linking communities of like-minded practitioners who work towards action.

Plan Thoughtfully

Planning thoughtfully involves having a path in mind, but not necessarily having specific objectives. Due to your experience with students and your educational context, the research process will often develop in ways as you expected, but at times it may develop a little differently, which may require you to shift the research focus and change your research question. I will suggest a couple methods to help facilitate this potential shift. First, you may want to develop criteria for gauging the effectiveness of your research process. You may need to refine and modify your criteria and your thinking as you go. For example, we often ask ourselves if action research is encouraging depth of analysis beyond my typical daily pedagogical reflection. You can think about this as you are developing data collection methods and even when you are collecting data. The key distinction is whether the data you will be collecting allows for nuance among the participants or variables. This does not mean that you will have nuance, but it should allow for the possibility. Second, criteria are shaped by our values and develop into standards of judgement. If we identify criteria such as teacher empowerment, then we will use that standard to think about the action contained in our research process. Our values inform our work; therefore, our work should be judged in relation to the relevance of our values in our pedagogy and practice.

Does Your Timeline Work?

While action research is situated in the temporal span that is your life, your research project is short-term, bounded, and related to the socially mediated practices within your educational context. The timeline is important for bounding, or setting limits to your research project, while also making sure you provide the right amount of time for the data to emerge from the process.

For example, if you are thinking about examining the use of math diaries in your classroom, you probably do not want to look at a whole semester of entries because that would be a lot of data, with entries related to a wide range of topics. This would create a huge data analysis endeavor. Therefore, you may want to look at entries from one chapter or unit of study. Also, in terms of timelines, you want to make sure participants have enough time to develop the data you collect. Using the same math example, you would probably want students to have plenty of time to write in the journals, and also space out the entries over the span of the chapter or unit.

In relation to the examples, we think it is an important mind shift to not think of research timelines in terms of deadlines. It is vitally important to provide time and space for the data to emerge from the participants. Therefore, it would be potentially counterproductive to rush a 50-minute data collection into 20 minutes – like all good educators, be flexible in the research process.

Involve Others

It is important to not isolate yourself when doing research. Many educators are already isolated when it comes to practice in their classroom. The research process should be an opportunity to engage with colleagues and open up your classroom to discuss issues that are potentially impacting your entire educational context. Think about the following relationships:

Research participants

You may invite a variety of individuals in your educational context, many with whom you are in a shared situation (e.g. colleagues, administrators). These participants may be part of a collaborative study, they may simply help you develop data collection instruments or intervention items, or they may help to analyze and make sense of the data. While the primary research focus will be you and your learning, you will also appreciate how your learning is potentially influencing the quality of others’ learning.

We always tell educators to be public about your research, or anything exciting that is happening in your educational context, for that matter. In terms of research, you do not want it to seem mysterious to any stakeholder in the educational context. Invite others to visit your setting and observe your research process, and then ask for their formal feedback. Inviting others to your classroom will engage and connect you with other stakeholders, while also showing that your research was established in an ethic of respect for multiple perspectives.

Critical friends or validators

Using critical friends is one way to involve colleagues and also validate your findings and conclusions. While your positionality will shape the research process and subsequently your interpretations of the data, it is important to make sure that others see similar logic in your process and conclusions. Critical friends or validators provide some level of certification that the frameworks you use to develop your research project and make sense of your data are appropriate for your educational context. Your critical friends and validators’ suggestions will be useful if you develop a report or share your findings, but most importantly will provide you confidence moving forward.

Potential researchers

As an educational researcher, you are involved in ongoing improvement plans and district or systemic change. The flexibility of action research allows it to be used in a variety of ways, and your initial research can spark others in your context to engage in research either individually for their own purposes, or collaboratively as a grade level, team, or school. Collaborative inquiry with other educators is an emerging form of professional learning and development for schools with school improvement plans. While they call it collaborative inquiry, these schools are often using an action research model. It is good to think of all of your colleagues as potential research collaborators in the future.

Prioritize Ethical Practice

Try to always be cognizant of your own positionality during the action research process, its relation to your educational context, and any associated power relation to your positionality. Furthermore, you want to make sure that you are not coercing or engaging participants into harmful practices. While this may seem obvious, you may not even realize you are harming your participants because you believe the action is necessary for the research process.

For example, commonly teachers want to try out an intervention that will potentially positively impact their students. When the teacher sets up the action research study, they may have a control group and an experimental group. There is potential to impair the learning of one of these groups if the intervention is either highly impactful or exceedingly worse than the typical instruction. Therefore, teachers can sometimes overlook the potential harm to students in pursuing an experimental method of exploring an intervention.

If you are working with a university researcher, ethical concerns will be covered by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). If not, your school or district may have a process or form that you would need to complete, so it would beneficial to check your district policies before starting. Other widely accepted aspects of doing ethically informed research, include:

Confirm Awareness of Study and Negotiate Access – with authorities, participants and parents, guardians, caregivers and supervisors (with IRB this is done with Informed Consent).

  • Promise to Uphold Confidentiality – Uphold confidentiality, to your fullest ability, to protect information, identity and data. You can identify people if they indicate they want to be recognized for their contributions.
  • Ensure participants’ rights to withdraw from the study at any point .
  • Make sure data is secured, either on password protected computer or lock drawer .

Prepare to Problematize your Thinking

Educational researchers who are more philosophically-natured emphasize that research is not about finding solutions, but instead is about creating and asking new and more precise questions. This is represented in the action research process shown in the diagrams in Chapter 1, as Collingwood (1939) notes the aim in human interaction is always to keep the conversation open, while Edward Said (1997) emphasized that there is no end because whatever we consider an end is actually the beginning of something entirely new. These reflections have perspective in evaluating the quality in research and signifying what is “good” in “good pedagogy” and “good research”. If we consider that action research is about studying and reflecting on one’s learning and how that learning influences practice to improve it, there is nothing to stop your line of inquiry as long as you relate it to improving practice. This is why it is necessary to problematize and scrutinize our practices.

Ethical Dilemmas for Educator-Researchers

Classroom teachers are increasingly expected to demonstrate a disposition of reflection and inquiry into their own practice. Many advocate for schools to become research centers, and to produce their own research studies, which is an important advancement in acknowledging and addressing the complexity in today’s schools. When schools conduct their own research studies without outside involvement, they bypass outside controls over their studies. Schools shift power away from the oversight of outside experts and ethical research responsibilities are shifted to those conducting the formal research within their educational context. Ethics firmly grounded and established in school policies and procedures for teaching, becomes multifaceted when teaching practice and research occur simultaneously. When educators conduct research in their classrooms, are they doing so as teachers or as researchers, and if they are researchers, at what point does the teaching role change to research? Although the notion of objectivity is a key element in traditional research paradigms, educator-based research acknowledges a subjective perspective as the educator-researcher is not viewed separately from the research. In action research, unlike traditional research, the educator as researcher gains access to the research site by the nature of the work they are paid and expected to perform. The educator is never detached from the research and remains at the research site both before and after the study. Because studying one’s practice comprises working with other people, ethical deliberations are inevitable. Educator-researchers confront role conflict and ambiguity regarding ethical issues such as informed consent from participants, protecting subjects (students) from harm, and ensuring confidentiality. They must demonstrate a commitment toward fully understanding ethical dilemmas that present themselves within the unique set of circumstances of the educational context. Questions about research ethics can feel exceedingly complex and in specific situations, educator- researchers require guidance from others.

Think about it this way. As a part-time historian and former history teacher I often problematized who we regard as good and bad people in history. I (Clark) grew up minutes from Jesse James’ childhood farm. Jesse James is a well-documented thief, and possibly by today’s standards, a terrorist. He is famous for daylight bank robberies, as well as the sheer number of successful robberies. When Jesse James was assassinated, by a trusted associate none-the-less, his body travelled the country for people to see, while his assailant and assailant’s brother reenacted the assassination over 1,200 times in theaters across the country. Still today in my hometown, they reenact Jesse James’ daylight bank robbery each year at the Fall Festival, immortalizing this thief and terrorist from our past. This demonstrates how some people saw him as somewhat of hero, or champion of some sort of resistance, both historically and in the present. I find this curious and ripe for further inquiry, but primarily it is problematic for how we think about people as good or bad in the past. Whatever we may individually or collectively think about Jesse James as a “good” or “bad” person in history, it is vitally important to problematize our thinking about him. Talking about Jesse James may seem strange, but it is relevant to the field of action research. If we tell people that we are engaging in important and “good” actions, we should be prepared to justify why it is “good” and provide a theoretical, epistemological, or ontological rationale if possible. Experience is never enough, you need to justify why you act in certain ways and not others, and this includes thinking critically about your own thinking.

Educators who view inquiry and research as a facet of their professional identity must think critically about how to design and conduct research in educational settings to address respect, justice, and beneficence to minimize harm to participants. This chapter emphasized the due diligence involved in ethically planning the collection of data, and in considering the challenges faced by educator-researchers in educational contexts.

Planning Action

After the thinking about the considerations above, you are now at the stage of having selected a topic and reflected on different aspects of that topic. You have undertaken a literature review and have done some reading which has enriched your understanding of your topic. As a result of your reading and further thinking, you may have changed or fine-tuned the topic you are exploring. Now it is time for action. In the last section of this chapter, we will address some practical issues of carrying out action research, drawing on both personal experiences of supervising educator-researchers in different settings and from reading and hearing about action research projects carried out by other researchers.

Engaging in an action research can be a rewarding experience, but a beneficial action research project does not happen by accident – it requires careful planning, a flexible approach, and continuous educator-researcher reflection. Although action research does not have to go through a pre-determined set of steps, it is useful here for you to be aware of the progression which we presented in Chapter 2. The sequence of activities we suggested then could be looked on as a checklist for you to consider before planning the practical aspects of your project.

We also want to provide some questions for you to think about as you are about to begin.

  • Have you identified a topic for study?
  • What is the specific context for the study? (It may be a personal project for you or for a group of researchers of which you are a member.)
  • Have you read a sufficient amount of the relevant literature?
  • Have you developed your research question(s)?
  • Have you assessed the resource needed to complete the research?

As you start your project, it is worth writing down:

  • a working title for your project, which you may need to refine later;
  • the background of the study , both in terms of your professional context and personal motivation;
  • the aims of the project;
  • the specific outcomes you are hoping for.

Although most of the models of action research presented in Chapter 1 suggest action taking place in some pre-defined order, they also allow us the possibility of refining our ideas and action in the light of our experiences and reflections. Changes may need to be made in response to your evaluation and your reflections on how the project is progressing. For example, you might have to make adjustments, taking into account the students’ responses, your observations and any observations of your colleagues. All this is very useful and, in fact, it is one of the features that makes action research suitable for educational research.

Action research planning sheet

In the past, we have provided action researchers with the following planning list that incorporates all of these considerations. Again, like we have said many times, this is in no way definitive, or lock-in-step procedure you need to follow, but instead guidance based on our perspective to help you engage in the action research process. The left column is the simplified version, and the right column offers more specific advice if need.

Figure 4.1 Planning Sheet for Action Research

My topic of research is about …
Why do you wish to research this topic
Are your plans realistic, doable, and/or supported?
Write down a working title. What is your research question or aspect you are intending to study? What do you know and not know about your topic of study?
Who will be involved in the research? What is the timeline? What ethical procedures do you need?
Where will I search for literature?
What data do you need to collect? Why do you need each of them?
What are the possible outcomes of my research?
What is your research question?

Action Research Copyright © by J. Spencer Clark; Suzanne Porath; Julie Thiele; and Morgan Jobe is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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what is a good topic for action research

Research Topics & Ideas: Education

170+ Research Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Topic Kickstarter: Research topics in education

If you’re just starting out exploring education-related topics for your dissertation, thesis or research project, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ll help kickstart your research topic ideation process by providing a hearty list of research topics and ideas , including examples from actual dissertations and theses..

PS – This is just the start…

We know it’s exciting to run through a list of research topics, but please keep in mind that this list is just a starting point . To develop a suitable education-related research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , and a viable plan of action to fill that gap.

If this sounds foreign to you, check out our free research topic webinar that explores how to find and refine a high-quality research topic, from scratch. Alternatively, if you’d like hands-on help, consider our 1-on-1 coaching service .

Overview: Education Research Topics

  • How to find a research topic (video)
  • List of 50+ education-related research topics/ideas
  • List of 120+ level-specific research topics 
  • Examples of actual dissertation topics in education
  • Tips to fast-track your topic ideation (video)
  • Free Webinar : Topic Ideation 101
  • Where to get extra help

Education-Related Research Topics & Ideas

Below you’ll find a list of education-related research topics and idea kickstarters. These are fairly broad and flexible to various contexts, so keep in mind that you will need to refine them a little. Nevertheless, they should inspire some ideas for your project.

  • The impact of school funding on student achievement
  • The effects of social and emotional learning on student well-being
  • The effects of parental involvement on student behaviour
  • The impact of teacher training on student learning
  • The impact of classroom design on student learning
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The use of student data to inform instruction
  • The role of parental involvement in education
  • The effects of mindfulness practices in the classroom
  • The use of technology in the classroom
  • The role of critical thinking in education
  • The use of formative and summative assessments in the classroom
  • The use of differentiated instruction in the classroom
  • The use of gamification in education
  • The effects of teacher burnout on student learning
  • The impact of school leadership on student achievement
  • The effects of teacher diversity on student outcomes
  • The role of teacher collaboration in improving student outcomes
  • The implementation of blended and online learning
  • The effects of teacher accountability on student achievement
  • The effects of standardized testing on student learning
  • The effects of classroom management on student behaviour
  • The effects of school culture on student achievement
  • The use of student-centred learning in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on student outcomes
  • The achievement gap in minority and low-income students
  • The use of culturally responsive teaching in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher professional development on student learning
  • The use of project-based learning in the classroom
  • The effects of teacher expectations on student achievement
  • The use of adaptive learning technology in the classroom
  • The impact of teacher turnover on student learning
  • The effects of teacher recruitment and retention on student learning
  • The impact of early childhood education on later academic success
  • The impact of parental involvement on student engagement
  • The use of positive reinforcement in education
  • The impact of school climate on student engagement
  • The role of STEM education in preparing students for the workforce
  • The effects of school choice on student achievement
  • The use of technology in the form of online tutoring

Level-Specific Research Topics

Looking for research topics for a specific level of education? We’ve got you covered. Below you can find research topic ideas for primary, secondary and tertiary-level education contexts. Click the relevant level to view the respective list.

Research Topics: Pick An Education Level

Primary education.

  • Investigating the effects of peer tutoring on academic achievement in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of mindfulness practices in primary school classrooms
  • Examining the effects of different teaching strategies on primary school students’ problem-solving skills
  • The use of storytelling as a teaching strategy in primary school literacy instruction
  • The role of cultural diversity in promoting tolerance and understanding in primary schools
  • The impact of character education programs on moral development in primary school students
  • Investigating the use of technology in enhancing primary school mathematics education
  • The impact of inclusive curriculum on promoting equity and diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of outdoor education programs on environmental awareness in primary school students
  • The influence of school climate on student motivation and engagement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of early literacy interventions on reading comprehension in primary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student achievement in primary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of inclusive education for students with special needs in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of teacher-student feedback on academic motivation in primary schools
  • The role of technology in developing digital literacy skills in primary school students
  • Effective strategies for fostering a growth mindset in primary school students
  • Investigating the role of parental support in reducing academic stress in primary school children
  • The role of arts education in fostering creativity and self-expression in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of early childhood education programs on primary school readiness
  • Examining the effects of homework on primary school students’ academic performance
  • The role of formative assessment in improving learning outcomes in primary school classrooms
  • The impact of teacher-student relationships on academic outcomes in primary school
  • Investigating the effects of classroom environment on student behavior and learning outcomes in primary schools
  • Investigating the role of creativity and imagination in primary school curriculum
  • The impact of nutrition and healthy eating programs on academic performance in primary schools
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on primary school students’ well-being and academic performance
  • The role of parental involvement in academic achievement of primary school children
  • Examining the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior in primary school
  • The role of school leadership in creating a positive school climate Exploring the benefits of bilingual education in primary schools
  • The effectiveness of project-based learning in developing critical thinking skills in primary school students
  • The role of inquiry-based learning in fostering curiosity and critical thinking in primary school students
  • The effects of class size on student engagement and achievement in primary schools
  • Investigating the effects of recess and physical activity breaks on attention and learning in primary school
  • Exploring the benefits of outdoor play in developing gross motor skills in primary school children
  • The effects of educational field trips on knowledge retention in primary school students
  • Examining the effects of inclusive classroom practices on students’ attitudes towards diversity in primary schools
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on primary school students’ academic achievement
  • Investigating the effectiveness of different assessment methods in primary school classrooms
  • The influence of physical activity and exercise on cognitive development in primary school children
  • Exploring the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting social skills in primary school students

Secondary Education

  • Investigating the effects of school discipline policies on student behavior and academic success in secondary education
  • The role of social media in enhancing communication and collaboration among secondary school students
  • The impact of school leadership on teacher effectiveness and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of technology integration on teaching and learning in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of interdisciplinary instruction in promoting critical thinking skills in secondary schools
  • The impact of arts education on creativity and self-expression in secondary school students
  • The effectiveness of flipped classrooms in promoting student learning in secondary education
  • The role of career guidance programs in preparing secondary school students for future employment
  • Investigating the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student autonomy and academic success in secondary schools
  • The impact of socio-economic factors on educational attainment in secondary education
  • Investigating the impact of project-based learning on student engagement and academic achievement in secondary schools
  • Investigating the effects of multicultural education on cultural understanding and tolerance in secondary schools
  • The influence of standardized testing on teaching practices and student learning in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic engagement in secondary education
  • The influence of teacher professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of extracurricular activities in promoting holistic development and well-roundedness in secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models on student engagement and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of physical education in promoting physical health and well-being among secondary school students
  • Investigating the effects of gender on academic achievement and career aspirations in secondary education
  • Exploring the benefits of multicultural literature in promoting cultural awareness and empathy among secondary school students
  • The impact of school counseling services on student mental health and well-being in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of vocational education and training in preparing secondary school students for the workforce
  • The role of digital literacy in preparing secondary school students for the digital age
  • The influence of parental involvement on academic success and well-being of secondary school students
  • The impact of social-emotional learning programs on secondary school students’ well-being and academic success
  • The role of character education in fostering ethical and responsible behavior in secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of digital citizenship education on responsible and ethical technology use among secondary school students
  • The impact of parental involvement in school decision-making processes on student outcomes in secondary schools
  • The role of educational technology in promoting personalized learning experiences in secondary schools
  • The impact of inclusive education on the social and academic outcomes of students with disabilities in secondary schools
  • The influence of parental support on academic motivation and achievement in secondary education
  • The role of school climate in promoting positive behavior and well-being among secondary school students
  • Examining the effects of peer mentoring programs on academic achievement and social-emotional development in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student motivation and achievement in secondary schools
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning programs in promoting civic engagement among secondary school students
  • The impact of educational policies on educational equity and access in secondary education
  • Examining the effects of homework on academic achievement and student well-being in secondary education
  • Investigating the effects of different assessment methods on student performance in secondary schools
  • Examining the effects of single-sex education on academic performance and gender stereotypes in secondary schools
  • The role of mentoring programs in supporting the transition from secondary to post-secondary education

Tertiary Education

  • The role of student support services in promoting academic success and well-being in higher education
  • The impact of internationalization initiatives on students’ intercultural competence and global perspectives in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of active learning classrooms and learning spaces on student engagement and learning outcomes in tertiary education
  • Exploring the benefits of service-learning experiences in fostering civic engagement and social responsibility in higher education
  • The influence of learning communities and collaborative learning environments on student academic and social integration in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of undergraduate research experiences in fostering critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills
  • Investigating the effects of academic advising and mentoring on student retention and degree completion in higher education
  • The role of student engagement and involvement in co-curricular activities on holistic student development in higher education
  • The impact of multicultural education on fostering cultural competence and diversity appreciation in higher education
  • The role of internships and work-integrated learning experiences in enhancing students’ employability and career outcomes
  • Examining the effects of assessment and feedback practices on student learning and academic achievement in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty professional development on instructional practices and student outcomes in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty-student relationships on student success and well-being in tertiary education
  • The impact of college transition programs on students’ academic and social adjustment to higher education
  • The impact of online learning platforms on student learning outcomes in higher education
  • The impact of financial aid and scholarships on access and persistence in higher education
  • The influence of student leadership and involvement in extracurricular activities on personal development and campus engagement
  • Exploring the benefits of competency-based education in developing job-specific skills in tertiary students
  • Examining the effects of flipped classroom models on student learning and retention in higher education
  • Exploring the benefits of online collaboration and virtual team projects in developing teamwork skills in tertiary students
  • Investigating the effects of diversity and inclusion initiatives on campus climate and student experiences in tertiary education
  • The influence of study abroad programs on intercultural competence and global perspectives of college students
  • Investigating the effects of peer mentoring and tutoring programs on student retention and academic performance in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effectiveness of active learning strategies in promoting student engagement and achievement in tertiary education
  • Investigating the effects of blended learning models and hybrid courses on student learning and satisfaction in higher education
  • The role of digital literacy and information literacy skills in supporting student success in the digital age
  • Investigating the effects of experiential learning opportunities on career readiness and employability of college students
  • The impact of e-portfolios on student reflection, self-assessment, and showcasing of learning in higher education
  • The role of technology in enhancing collaborative learning experiences in tertiary classrooms
  • The impact of research opportunities on undergraduate student engagement and pursuit of advanced degrees
  • Examining the effects of competency-based assessment on measuring student learning and achievement in tertiary education
  • Examining the effects of interdisciplinary programs and courses on critical thinking and problem-solving skills in college students
  • The role of inclusive education and accessibility in promoting equitable learning experiences for diverse student populations
  • The role of career counseling and guidance in supporting students’ career decision-making in tertiary education
  • The influence of faculty diversity and representation on student success and inclusive learning environments in higher education

Research topic idea mega list

Education-Related Dissertations & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a research topic in education, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses in the education space to see how this all comes together in practice.

Below, we’ve included a selection of education-related research projects to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • From Rural to Urban: Education Conditions of Migrant Children in China (Wang, 2019)
  • Energy Renovation While Learning English: A Guidebook for Elementary ESL Teachers (Yang, 2019)
  • A Reanalyses of Intercorrelational Matrices of Visual and Verbal Learners’ Abilities, Cognitive Styles, and Learning Preferences (Fox, 2020)
  • A study of the elementary math program utilized by a mid-Missouri school district (Barabas, 2020)
  • Instructor formative assessment practices in virtual learning environments : a posthumanist sociomaterial perspective (Burcks, 2019)
  • Higher education students services: a qualitative study of two mid-size universities’ direct exchange programs (Kinde, 2020)
  • Exploring editorial leadership : a qualitative study of scholastic journalism advisers teaching leadership in Missouri secondary schools (Lewis, 2020)
  • Selling the virtual university: a multimodal discourse analysis of marketing for online learning (Ludwig, 2020)
  • Advocacy and accountability in school counselling: assessing the use of data as related to professional self-efficacy (Matthews, 2020)
  • The use of an application screening assessment as a predictor of teaching retention at a midwestern, K-12, public school district (Scarbrough, 2020)
  • Core values driving sustained elite performance cultures (Beiner, 2020)
  • Educative features of upper elementary Eureka math curriculum (Dwiggins, 2020)
  • How female principals nurture adult learning opportunities in successful high schools with challenging student demographics (Woodward, 2020)
  • The disproportionality of Black Males in Special Education: A Case Study Analysis of Educator Perceptions in a Southeastern Urban High School (McCrae, 2021)

As you can see, these research topics are a lot more focused than the generic topic ideas we presented earlier. So, in order for you to develop a high-quality research topic, you’ll need to get specific and laser-focused on a specific context with specific variables of interest.  In the video below, we explore some other important things you’ll need to consider when crafting your research topic.

Get 1-On-1 Help

If you’re still unsure about how to find a quality research topic within education, check out our Research Topic Kickstarter service, which is the perfect starting point for developing a unique, well-justified research topic.

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?


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Ngirumuvugizi Jaccques

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You can find our list of nursing-related research topic ideas here: https://gradcoach.com/research-topics-nursing/


Write on action research topic, using guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school

Samson ochuodho

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I learned a lot from this site, thank you so much!

Rhod Tuyan

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Mercedes Bunsie

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Abshir Mustafe Cali

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Karen Joy Andrade

How about School management and supervision pls.?


Hi i am an Deputy Principal in a primary school. My wish is to srudy foe Master’s degree in Education.Please advice me on which topic can be relevant for me. Thanks.

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Nkwain Chia Charles

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Kelvin Kells Grant

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Sulemana Alhassan

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Research Defense for students in senior high

Kupoluyi Regina

Kindly help me with a research topic in educational psychology. Ph.D level. Thank you.

Project-based learning is a teaching/learning type,if well applied in a classroom setting will yield serious positive impact. What can a teacher do to implement this in a disadvantaged zone like “North West Region of Cameroon ( hinterland) where war has brought about prolonged and untold sufferings on the indegins?

Damaris Nzoka

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I wish to get help on topics of research on educational administration PhD level


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Afriyie Saviour

I am a student of undergraduate, doing research on how to use guidance and counseling to address unwanted teenage pregnancy in school


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I am a graduate with two masters. 1) Master of arts in religious studies and 2) Master in education in foundations of education. I intend to do a Ph.D. on my second master’s, however, I need to bring both masters together through my Ph.D. research. can I do something like, ” The contribution of Philosophy of education for a quality religion education in Kenya”? kindly, assist and be free to suggest a similar topic that will bring together the two masters. thanks in advance


Hi, I am an Early childhood trainer as well as a researcher, I need more support on this topic: The impact of early childhood education on later academic success.


I’m a student in upper level secondary school and I need your support in this research topics: “Impact of incorporating project -based learning in teaching English language skills in secondary schools”.

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Action Research

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what is a good topic for action research

  • David Coghlan 2  

559 Accesses

Action research is an approach to research which aims at both taking action and creating knowledge or theory about that action as the action unfolds. It starts with everyday experience and is concerned with the development of living knowledge. Its characteristics are that it generates practical knowledge in the pursuit of worthwhile purposes; it is participative and democratic as its participants work together in the present tense in defining the questions they wish to explore, the methodology for that exploration, and its application through cycles of action and reflection. In this vein they are agents of change and coresearchers in knowledge generation and not merely passive subjects as in traditional research. In this vein, action research can be understood as a social science of the possible as the collective action is focused on creating a desired future in whatever context the action research is located.

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what is a good topic for action research

Action Research As an Ethics Praxis Method

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Coghlan, D., & Shani, A.B.. (Rami). (2017). Inquiring in the present tense: The dynamic mechanism of action research. Journal of Change Management , 17, 121–137. https://doi.org/10.1080/14697017.2017.1301045 .

Coghlan, D., Shani, A.B.. (Rami), & Hay, G.W. (2019). Toward a social science philosophy of organization development and change. In D.A. Noumair & A.B.. (Rami) Shani (eds.). Research in organizational change and development (Vol. 27, pp. 1–29). Bingley: Emerald.

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Trinity Business School, University of Dublin Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

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Coghlan, D. (2022). Action Research. In: Glăveanu, V.P. (eds) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90913-0_180

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-90913-0_180

Published : 26 January 2023

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what is a good topic for action research

Action research in the classroom: A teacher's guide

November 26, 2021

Discover best practices for action research in the classroom, guiding teachers on implementing and facilitating impactful studies in schools.

Main, P (2021, November 26). Action research in the classroom: A teacher's guide. Retrieved from https://www.structural-learning.com/post/action-research-in-the-classroom-a-teachers-guide

What is action research?

Action research is a participatory process designed to empower educators to examine and improve their own practice. It is characterized by a cycle of planning , action, observation, and reflection, with the goal of achieving a deeper understanding of practice within educational contexts. This process encourages a wide range of approaches and can be adapted to various social contexts.

At its core, action research involves critical reflection on one's actions as a basis for improvement. Senior leaders and teachers are guided to reflect on their educational strategies , classroom management, and student engagement techniques. It's a collaborative effort that often involves not just the teachers but also the students and other stakeholders, fostering an inclusive process that values the input of all participants.

The action research process is iterative, with each cycle aiming to bring about a clearer understanding and improvement in practice. It typically begins with the identification of real-world problems within the school environment, followed by a circle of planning where strategies are developed to address these issues. The implementation of these strategies is then observed and documented, often through journals or participant observation, allowing for reflection and analysis.

The insights gained from action research contribute to Organization Development, enhancing the quality of teaching and learning. This approach is strongly aligned with the principles of Quality Assurance in Education, ensuring that the actions taken are effective and responsive to the needs of the school community.

Educators can share their findings in community forums or through publications in journals, contributing to the wider theory about practice . Tertiary education sector often draws on such studies to inform teacher training and curriculum development.

In summary, the significant parts of action research include:

  • A continuous cycle of planning, action, observation, and reflection.
  • A focus on reflective practice to achieve a deeper understanding of educational methodologies.
  • A commitment to inclusive and participatory processes that engage the entire school community.

Creating an action research project

The action research process usually begins with a situation or issue that a teacher wants to change as part of school improvement initiatives .

Teachers get support in changing the ' interesting issue ' into a 'researchable question' and then taking to experiment. The teacher will draw on the outcomes of other researchers to help build actions and reveal the consequences .

Participatory action research is a strategy to the enquiry which has been utilised since the 1940s. Participatory action involves researchers and other participants taking informed action to gain knowledge of a problematic situation and change it to bring a positive effect. As an action researcher , a teacher carries out research . Enquiring into their practice would lead a teacher to question the norms and assumptions that are mostly overlooked in normal school life . Making a routine of inquiry can provide a commitment to learning and professional development . A teacher-researcher holds the responsibility for being the source and agent of change.

Examples of action research projects in education include a teacher working with students to improve their reading comprehension skills , a group of teachers collaborating to develop and implement a new curriculum, or a school administrator conducting a study on the effectiveness of a school-wide behavior management program.

In each of these cases, the research is aimed at improving the educational experience for students and addressing a specific issue or problem within the school community . Action research can be a powerful tool for educators to improve their practice and make a positive impact on their students' learning.

Action research projects

Potential research questions could include:

  • How can dual-coding be used to improve my students memory ?
  • Does mind-mapping lead to creativity?
  • How does Oracy improve my classes writing?
  • How can we advance critical thinking in year 10?
  • How can graphic organisers be used for exam preparation?

Regardless of the types of action research your staff engage in, a solid cycle of inquiry is an essential aspect of the action research spiral. Building in the process of reflection will ensure that key points of learning can be extracted from the action research study.

What is action research

What is an action research cycle?

Action research in education is a cycle of reflection and action inquiry , which follows these steps:

1. Identifying the problem

It is the first stage of action research that starts when a teacher identifies a problem or question that they want to address. To make an a ction research approach successful, the teacher needs to ensure that the questions are the ones 'they' wish to solve. Their questions might involve social sciences, instructional strategies, everyday life and social management issues, guide for students analytical research methods for improving specific student performance or curriculum implementation etc. Teachers may seek help from a wide variety of existing literature , to find strategies and solutions that others have executed to solve any particular problem. It is also suggested to build a visual map or a table of problems, target performances, potential solutions and supporting references in the middle.

2. Developing an Action Plan

After identifying the problem, after r eviewing the relevant literature and describing the vision of how to solve the problem; the next step would be action planning which means to develop a plan of action . Action planning involves studying the literature and brainstorming can be used by the action research planner to create new techniques and strategies that can generate better results of both action learning and action research. One may go back to the visual map or table of contents and reorder or colour-code the potential outcomes. The items in the list can be ranked in order of significance and the amount of time needed for these strategies.

An action plan has the details of how to implement each idea and the factors that may keep them from their vision of success . Identify those factors that cannot be changed –these are the constants in an equation. The focus of action research at the planning stage must remain focused on the variables –the factors that can be changed using actions. An action plan must be how to implement a solution and how one's instruction, management style, and behaviour will affect each of the variables.

Developing a model for action research

3. Data Collection

Before starting to implement a plan of action , the researcher must have a complete understanding of action research and must have knowledge of the type of data that may help in the success of the plan and must assess how to collect that data. For instance, if the goal is to improve class attendance, attendance records must be collected as useful data for the participatory action. If the goal is to improve time management, the data may include students and classroom observations . There are many options to choose from to collect data from. Selecting the most suitable methodology for data collection will provide more meaningful , accurate and valid data. Some sources of data are interviews and observation. Also, one may administer surveys , distribute questionnaires and watch videotapes of the classroom to collect data.

4. Data Analysis and Conclusions

At this action stage, an action researcher analyses the collected data and concludes. It is suggested to assess the data during the predefined process of data collection as it will help refine the action research agenda. If the collected data seems insufficient , the data collection plan must be revised. Data analysis also helps to reflect on what exactly happened. Did the action researcher perform the actions as planned? Were the study outcomes as expected? Which assumptions of the action researcher proved to be incorrect?

Adding details such as tables, opinions, and recommendations can help in identifying trends (correlations and relationships). One must share the findings while analysing data and drawing conclusions . Engaging in conversations for teacher growth is essential; hence, the action researcher would share the findings with other teachers through discussion of action research, who can yield useful feedback. One may also share the findings with students, as they can also provide additional insight . For example, if teachers and students agree with the conclusions of action research for educational change, it adds to the credibility of the data collection plan and analysis. If they don't seem to agree with the data collection plan and analysis , the action researchers may take informed action and refine the data collection plan and reevaluate conclusions .

Making insightful classrooms observations

5. Modifying the Educational Theory and Repeat

After concluding, the process begins again. The teacher can adjust different aspects of the action research approach to theory or make it more specific according to the findings . Action research guides how to change the steps of action research development, how to modify the action plan , and provide better access to resources, start data collection once again, or prepare new questions to ask from the respondents.

Teachers developing professional judgements

6. Report the Findings

Since the main approach to action research involves the informed action to introduce useful change into the classroom or schools, one must not forget to share the outcomes with others. Sharing the outcomes would help to further reflect on the problem and process, and it would help other teachers to use these findings to enhance their professional practice as an educator. One may print book and share the experience with the school leaders, principal, teachers and students as they served as guide to action research. Or, a community action researcher may present community-based action research at a conference so people from other areas can take advantage of this collaborative action. Also, teachers may use a digital storytelling tool to outline their results.

There are plenty of creative tools we can use to bring the research projects to life. We have seen videos, podcasts and research posters all being used to communicate the results of these programs. Community action research is a unique way to present details of the community-related adventures in the teacher profession, cultivate expertise and show how teachers think about education , so it is better to find unique ways to report the findings of community-led action research.

Final thoughts on action-research for teachers

As we have seen, action research can be an effective form of professional development, illuminating the path for teachers and school leaders seeking to refine their craft. This cyclical process of inquiry and reflection is not merely a methodological pursuit but a profound professional journey. The definition of action research, as a systematic inquiry conducted by teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders in the teaching/learning environment, emphasizes the collaborative nature of improving educational strategies and outcomes.

Action research transcends traditional disciplinary practices by immersing educators in the social contexts of their work, prompting them to question and adapt their methods to meet the evolving needs of their students . It is a form of reflective practice that demands critical thinking and flexibility, as one navigates through the iterative stages of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The process of action research is inherently participatory, encouraging educators to engage with their learning communities to address key issues and social issues that impact educational settings. This method empowers professionals within universities and schools alike to take ownership of their learning and development, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and participatory approaches.

In summary, action research encapsulates the essence of what it means to be a learning professional in a dynamic educational landscape. It is the embodiment of a commitment to lifelong learning and a testament to the capacity of educators to enact change . The value of action research lies in its ability to transform practitioners into researchers, where the quest for knowledge becomes a powerful conduit for change and innovation. Thus, for educators at every level, embracing the rigorous yet rewarding path of action research can unveil potent insights and propel educational practice to new heights.

Action research process

Key Papers on Action Research

  • Utilizing Action Research During Student Teaching by James O. Barbre and Brenda J. Buckner (2013): This study explores how action research can be effectively utilized during student teaching to enhance professional pedagogical disposition through active reflection. It emphasizes developing a reflective habit of mind crucial for teachers to be effective in their classrooms and adaptive to the changing needs of their students.
  • Repositioning T eacher Action Research in Science Teacher Education by B. Capobianco and A. Feldman (2010): This paper discusses the promotion of action research as a way for teachers to improve their practice and students' learning for over 50 years, focusing on science education. It highlights the importance of action research in advancing knowledge about teaching and learning in science.
  • Action research and teacher leadership by K. Smeets and P. Ponte (2009): This article reports on a case study into the influence and impact of action research carried out by teachers in a special school. It found that action research not only helps teachers to get to grips with their work in the classroom but also has an impact on the work of others in the school.
  • Teaching about the Nature of Science through History: Action Research in the Classroom by J. Solomon, Jon Duveen, Linda Scot, S. McCarthy (1992): This article reports on 18 months of action research monitoring British pupils' learning about the nature of science using historical aspects. It indicates areas of substantial progress in pupils' understanding of the nature of science.
  • Action Research in the Classroom by V. Baumfield, E. Hall, K. Wall (2008): This comprehensive guide to conducting action research in the classroom covers various aspects, including deciding on a research question, choosing complementary research tools, collecting and interpreting data, and sharing findings. It aims to move classroom inquiry forward and contribute to professional development.

These studies highlight the significant role of action research in enhancing teacher effectiveness, student learning outcomes, and contributing to the broader educational community's knowledge and practices.

what is a good topic for action research

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Classroom Practice

Suggested Topics for an Action Research Project

Scott wolfenden, 28 jun 2018.

Suggested Topics for an Action Research Project

Action research isn't about searching for information or digging into library research books, but it involves teachers systematically searching for ways to improve their skills, techniques and strategies, how things can be done better and more effectively in the classroom or school. Teachers and schools need to periodically ask what can improve the level of teaching and close gaps. This research can be done on an individual level, by a team with a group of teachers, as well as with administrators. Action research can also be initiated on a school or district level.

Explore this article

  • Personalizing Instruction
  • Parental Involvement
  • Electronic Devices in the Classroom and School

1 Personalizing Instruction

One topic for action research that can be initiated is how to personalize instruction to match the diverse needs of students. Each student has unique skills and needs in education. Howard Gardener's theory of multiple intelligences considers the idea that every child learns differently. Some are visually oriented; others are auditorily adept; and some do better with hands-on projects. A research project might be a fine way to instruct one student, but building a model or putting together a poster might be a better way of reaching another student. By discussing the distinctive needs of individual students at team meetings or after school within grade levels between teachers of various disciplines, a consensus on how to help individual students can be achieved.

2 Parental Involvement

Another action research project can be what can be done in the classroom or on the school level for parents to be more involved with their children's education. You can ask if you as the teacher are able to communicate with parents easily, and are the parents comfortable communicating with you. Do you have access to phone numbers and addresses of all parents, and, if not, how can that situation be rectified?

Another topic for action research is homework. Are students completing their homework, and if a significant percentage are not, what can the teacher or grade level team do to help parents better oversee and help with their children's homework routine? What can be done to increase the quality of their homework? Communicate with the parents to see if they are involved with the children's homework, and if they know whether or not their children are doing their homework regularly.

4 Electronic Devices in the Classroom and School

Some classrooms and schools have strict policies on the use of electronic devices during the school day, in the classroom, in the hallways and on school property in general. Other schools and classrooms are more liberal and adopt the attitude that as long as the student doesn't "get into trouble" and finishes his work, it isn't of importance. One grade-school principal stated that the school had declared a figurative "war on electronic devices" for texting and listening to music in the school, because these proved to be distracting to students, infringing on their ability to concentrate and do meaningful schoolwork. Examination of school and classroom policies on electronic devices, music media units and hand-held video games, then, is a potent topic for an action research activity for individual teachers, schools and even school districts.

  • 1 Indiana University: Human Intelligence - Howard Gardener

About the Author

Scott Wolfenden began writing in 2006 on the subject of mental health. He has written a book on ADHD, children's mental health, education and parenting partially based on experience teaching in public schools. He blogs for Learning Things, an educational products website. He graduated from Thomas Edison State College with a Bachelor of Arts in social science and additional coursework in psychology.

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Reading Fluency

  • Reading Fluency in the First Grade Classroom

Reading/Language Arts

  • Phonemic Awareness Instruction as a Response to Intervention Strategy for Kindergarten Students without Preschool Experience
  • Improving Reading Fluency and Comprehension With The Daily Café Program

Reflective Thinking Routines

  • Reflective Thinking Routines and Their Impact on Teachers’ Rates of Positive to Directive/Corrective Interactions with Students

Speech Production Targets

  • Non-Words Used as Speech Production Targets

Student Goal Setting

  • Student Goal Setting to Increase Academic Achievement in Math

Middle School (6-8)

Chronic absenteeism.

  • Impacts of “Internal” Mentoring Program on Chronic Absenteeism
  • Student Recognition and Goals: The Effects of Student Recognition and Goal Setting on Motivation and Achievement among At-Risk Opportunity School Students

Student Behavior and Academics

  • An Investigation into the Impact of Extra-Curricular Activities on Student Behavior and Academic Success

Restorative Justice

  • Restorative Justice Prevailing Over Suspension

High School (9-12)

Ability grouping in mat.

  • Maximizing the Benefits of Grouping by Ability in Math

Credit Recover Programs

  • Effectiveness of Online Credit Recovery Versus Face-to-Face Credit Recovery Programs
  • Increasing English Learner Assessment Scores with Software Intervention Programs

Full Inclusion

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Instructional Approaches for Developing Spanish Fluency

  • The Effects of Comprehensive Input Through Storytelling in High School Spanish Students

Mastery Grading

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Action Research Topics - Help with Topic Ideas for AR

  • Ensuring that the topic meets the project's requirements
  • Choose a topic that's interesting and amusing to make the process much more fun and engaging
  • Consider the capacity and ease of defending the research topic

Action research topics for students involve conducting research with the primary goal of bringing about practical changes or improvements in a specific educational context. This approach allows students to actively participate in problem-solving and understand the impact of their efforts on real-world issues within their educational environment. Some potential areas of exploration include studying study habits and time management, enhancing peer collaboration and group work, addressing bullying and cyberbullying, promoting environmental awareness and sustainability, evaluating the impact of technology on learning, assessing the effectiveness of teaching methods, exploring the influence of extracurricular activities, reducing academic stress and exam anxiety, improving parent-teacher communication, and cultivating a culture of reading. Through action research, students gain valuable insights and contribute to the enhancement of their school community.

Most Recent List of Topics for Action Research - Sample Ideas

  • The development of critical thinking is the primary goal of the educational process students need to be much more decisive in every step of their studies to be successful in their future careers: 

Various educational institutions globally are currently identifying the relevance and the need to develop critical thinking in students. Since we are in an information age, every person has tons of data in their fingerprints, courtesy of the internet & computer devices. Critical thinking is one of the skills that enable people to discern between false & correct, irrelevant & relevant, and unbiased & biased information. Creative thinking is a reliable skill that's necessary to excel in this competitive world. In a nutshell, critical thinking that people are born with, however, can also be developed with proper training from teachers.

  • The education evolution approaches throughout history and how their benefits affect the learning industry: 

Education is a relevant process of facilitating learning. Education is used as a relevant tool for the acquisition of expertise. Civilization in Mesopotamia & Egypt has led to the accumulation of a large body of skills over time. The bundle of knowledge becomes too heavy & complex to be transmitted to future generations orally. The concept of formal education in classrooms came into existence due to the investment of knowledge. Regarding various cultures worldwide, the idea of kids not learning in schools appears to be a foolish move. It is collectively accepted that institutions are suitable to impart knowledge to help students fit into society. 

  • The negative & positive impact of technology in education & modern technologies as a tool for development: 

Education is no more based on the rote learning technique, and the education space has gradually witnessed the change. The future of good education regards personalizing learning while allowing students to learn at their pace & learning design. Personalized learning can equally be done without necessarily using technology. However, the use of technology makes learning procedures fun and fast. Even though technology has been professed as a hindrance to a student's studying, it's good to understand that there is no way to escape it. It would help people accept that technology will always be a part of education and strike a balance between the two. The advantages & disadvantages of technology in education are; Technology is addictive, Technology is a tool, & Technology makes students more dependent

  • How do students from diverse cultures and countries fit into the world of virtual reality education and research rooms? 

Various educational centers have begun introducing powerful technology-based tools that can help meet the demands of the diverse student population. Over the last few years, virtual reality has moved to professional development from being merely a gaming purview. Virtue reality plays a vital role in the teaching expedition by offering an exciting & engaging approach to acquiring relevant information. VR provides new opportunities by putting together the most amusing & recent applications suitable for education. VR relates to education in areas such as engineering, general, and health-related issues. VR has future directives, which potentially improve the learning experience. 

  • Best way to teach sex education in schools in regard to the student’s age and academic level: 

The art of informing the younger generation about everything they need to understand regarding sex is referred to as sex education. This is an area that's controversial in education and has been hovering over educational institutions for ages. Sex education is not only about sex, as it includes other sensitive issues such as sexual reproduction, sexual health, sexuality & other areas that parents are uncomfortable discussing with their children. Often, sex education in learning institutions is seen as a recreational course instead of a solemn issue. To ensure that every student is well informed, schools should embrace sex education.

  • The education and gender set-ups that favor students in both same-sex and mixed-sex schools: 

It is believed that mixed-gender schools are much better & more beneficial for students, as they are young & schools are the prominent place to attain the knowledge to develop their social skills. A same-sex school helps students quickly adapt to various kinds of environments that could occur in their present and future lives. Co-education provides room for comradeship feeling; therefore, advocacy for both genders in the same school without discrimination is necessary. In a mixed-gender school, students can easily express diversity within the institution, which demonstrates equality. 

  • The relevance of introducing the same kind of education to students in different countries and origins: 

There is a robust model in people's minds that education means securing a great job with a good salary. Therefore, this translates to high living standards, showing the purposes, meaning, and benefits of education. The education system is different in various countries, and the research done varies too. Private tuition is an area of the researcher's analysis, where the precedence, meaning, and reason for taking private tuition. There is a relevant link between academic performance and private tuition. Education revolves around the acquisition of skills and skills attainment. 

  • The Knowledge & social skills to be introduced to students at the preschool education level and when to advance to much more complex education: 

In various countries, early childhood programs seek to implement academic programs to prepare children more efficiently for elementary school. In accordance with critics, direct instructions and academic content are emphasized at the expense of enhancing relevant learning-related expertise. Recent confirmation provides suggestions for a narrow focus on academics in preschool education. This may be a mistake, as children may not be fully prepared when the demand for creativity, comprehension, and independent work becomes necessary. A preschool's readiness includes relevant learning-related skills, which include a child's aptitude to express wants, thoughts, and needs verbally.

Action research in the classroom setting empowers educators to be proactive problem-solvers, continually improving their instructional practices for the benefit of their students. The list of topics for action research above represents a diverse range of areas where action research can lead to meaningful insights and improvements in teaching and learning. By engaging in action research, teachers can foster a culture of continuous improvement and create an environment that nurtures the growth and success of all students.

Different Subject Areas

  • B.Ed . |  B.A . 
  • B.Com  |  BSc  
  • BSN  |  DBa  
  • DNP  |  Doctoral
  • Ed.D  |  M.Ed  |  RN  
  • Masters  |  MBA  
  • MBus  |  MCom
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  • MSN  |  PhD  
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How to Choose & Settle for an Action Research Title

Action research is a powerful tool that empowers educators to bring about positive changes in their classrooms and teaching practices. One of the essential elements of a successful action research project is a well-crafted title. The title serves as the gateway to your research, capturing the essence of your study and generating interest among readers. Below is an outline of the key steps to consider when choosing and settling on a title that effectively communicates the purpose and significance of your study. Our aim as Research Topic Help is to support students with their research.

  • Clarify Your Research Focus: The first step in crafting a research title is to clarify your research focus. Determine the specific problem or challenge you wish to address in your classroom. Whether it's related to student learning outcomes, classroom management, technology integration, or other educational aspects, having a clear focus will guide you in selecting a relevant and meaningful title.
  • Be Concise and Descriptive: An effective research title should be concise and descriptive, providing readers with a glimpse of your study's main objectives. Avoid lengthy or vague titles that may confuse or deter potential readers. Aim to capture the essence of your research in just a few words.
  • Use Clear and Captivating Language: Choose language that is straightforward, yet captivating. Your title should be easy to understand and should spark curiosity in your audience. Consider using action verbs and strong adjectives to make your title engaging and compelling.
  • Ensure Alignment with Research Objectives: Your action research should align closely with the objectives of your study. It should accurately represent the research questions you seek to answer or the outcomes you wish to achieve. A well-aligned title helps maintain focus and prevents your research from straying off track.
  • Avoid Jargon and Acronyms: Keep your title accessible to a broad audience by avoiding jargon and acronyms that might be unfamiliar to readers outside your field. Use language that educators, parents, and stakeholders can easily understand, fostering broader interest in your research.
  • Once you have drafted a potential title, seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or fellow educators. Constructive feedback can help you refine your title and ensure that it effectively captures the essence of your research. 
  • Revise and Refine: Don't be afraid to revise and refine your title as you progress in your research. As your study evolves, you may gain new insights that lead to a more fitting and impactful title. Be open to adapting your title to reflect the refined focus of your research.

Crafting a compelling action research title is an essential step in the research process. By clarifying your research focus, using concise and descriptive language, aligning with research objectives, and seeking feedback, you can create a title that effectively communicates the purpose and significance of your study. Remember that the title serves as the gateway to your research, enticing readers to explore the valuable insights you have gained through your action research journey.

 Action Research Title Examples for Students 2023 & Beyond:

  • " Unlocking Creativity: Investigating the Impact of Creative Writing Prompts on Students' Imagination and Expression"
  • " From Apathy to Engagement: Exploring the Effects of Gamification in Mathematics Learning for Middle School Students"
  • " Digital Literacy in the Digital Age: Assessing Students' Proficiency and Navigational Skills in Online Information Retrieval"
  • " The Power of Peer Collaboration: Investigating the Benefits of Cooperative Learning on Science Understanding and Teamwork Skills"
  • " Beyond Rote Memorization: Analyzing the Efficacy of Mnemonic Devices in Enhancing Vocabulary Retention among High School Students"
  • " Cultivating Compassionate Citizens: A Study on the Impact of Social-Emotional Learning Programs in Reducing Bullying Incidents"
  • " Multilingual Minds: Examining the Cognitive Advantages of Bilingual Education on Information Processing and Cognitive Flexibility"
  • " Reading in the Digital Age: Assessing the Influence of E-books vs. Print Books on Reading Comprehension and Engagement in Elementary Students"
  • " The Inclusive Classroom: Investigating the Effects of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) on Academic Performance for Students with Diverse Learning Needs"
  • " Screen Time and Sleep Patterns: Analyzing the Relationship between Device Usage and Sleep Quality in Adolescents"

In the pursuit of educational excellence, these action research title examples aim to shed light on various aspects of modern education, emphasizing the importance of student-centered approaches and evidence-based practices. By undertaking action research in 2023, students and educators can collaboratively contribute to the advancement of knowledge and foster a positive impact on the learning experiences of generations to come. 

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what is a good topic for action research

Teaching Action Research

Action research entered into software engineering as one of the responses to the software engineering research crisis at the end of the last millennium. As one of the challenges in the crisis was the lack of empirical results and the transfer of research results into practices, the action research could address these challenges. It is a methodology where collaboration and host organizations are the focus of knowledge discovery, development, and documentation. Although the methodology is often well received in industrial contexts, it is inherently difficult to learn as it requires experience and varies from organization to organization. This chapter describes the pillars of action research as a methodology and how to teach them. The chapter includes examples of teaching action research at the bachelor, master and PhD levels. In addition to theory, the chapter contains examples from practice.

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0.1 Introduction

The epistemology of action research is rooted in knowledge being a product of collaboration and context. It stems from doing rather than observing or testing. The knowledge developed in action research studies is about improving existing practices by combining these practices with new interventions. When engaging in action research projects, we intend to introduce changes to operations of the host organizations; we want to observe what these interventions (actions) have for consequences and we want to learn from them.

With this epistemological stance, this research methodology is quite unique as it combines constructive research with observational participatory studies. Action research is defined by Reason and Bradbury as a participatory, democratic process concerned with developing practical knowing in the pursuit of worthwhile human purposes, grounded in a participatory worldview which we believe is emerging at this historical moment. It seeks to bring together action and reflection, theory and practice, in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people, and more generally the flourishing of individual persons and their communities reason2001handbook . It emphasizes the source of knowledge as originating from contemporary problems and the collaboration between participants of the research study.

This is a view that has evolved over the last three decades from the definition of Participatory Action Research argyris1989participatory : a form of action research that involves practitioners as both subjects and coresearchers. It has been adopted in information systems by baskerville1999action in the end of 1990s. It is also the same definition that we use in software engineering staron2020action .

Action research is a methodology that complements experiments, case studies, surveys and design science research methodologies in software engineering. It has its own merits in its flexibility of the design and learning as well as intervening in practitioners’ work. Scientists appreciate the ability to be part of host organizations while conducting their studies, getting the ability to understand the details and peculiarities of the host organizations. Practitioners value the applied nature of the research conducted with their academic partners.

Action research is also flexible, as it allows the action research team to adjust to the situation in the host organization. The flexible nature of action research allows research projects to adjust over time and therefore sustain collaborations over years sandberg2011agile . As the host organization evolves, the action research teams can change the pursued research questions and learn new things, taking advantage of new opportunities. As the research field evolves, the host organizations can try novel solution to existing problems, taking advantage of the established trust in the action research team and within the organization.

However, the advantages of action research are burdened by certain risks. Since the research studies are embedded in organizations, the action research team needs to understand the generalizability of their findings. The results must be transferable to other organizations and contexts. The transparency of the results must be balanced with their generalizability and the security of the company.

It is because of the flexible nature of the action research that we have inherent problems in understanding it, teaching it to new researchers, and applying it in organizations that operate in highly competitive markets (like AI, telecom, defense and automotive). First of all, it is difficult to theoretically explain how a good collaboration looks like. Concepts like trust, access to infrastructure, management commitment or company politics are inherently difficult to explain in theory. One needs to have a first-hand experience to personalize the theoretical knowledge about it. Second, a good action research project is done in cycles, which require time. Long periods are better than short as they stimulate building trust and commitment, but are also difficult to achieve as reorganizations, promotions, and changing jobs is frequent in our field. Finally, teaching action research is difficult because every organization, collaboration and country are different in their context, prerequisites and legal frameworks.

In this chapter we learn about action research studies which cross boundaries of academia and industry. Our focus is on collaborations where at least a part of the action team is not employed by the host organization. In practice, this means that in such set-up, the action team is composed of both academic and industrial researchers understand and practitioners, as opposed to an internal action research project where the researchers and practitioners come from within the organization.

This chapter is structured as follows. First, we explore the pillars of action research, where we focus on the iterative nature of action research and the interaction between organizations and researchers. In Section 0.3 we define each phase of action research and explain what the expected outcomes from these phases are. Since the interaction is done as a team, we then move towards the action research teams themselves in Section 0.4 . Then, in Section 0.5 we discuss characteristics of a good host organization and how to interact with it. The teams are responsible for making interventions which are the pivotal element of any action research project. We focus on the interventions in Section 0.6 , where we discuss what is a good intervention and what is not. We also dive into the question of ethics of action research in Section 0.7 . Finally, we conclude the chapter with a set of guidelines on how to teach action research in Section 0.8 .

Let’s dive into the topic and define the pillars of action research – what makes it so specific? But before that, let us start with the first teaching guideline.

Action research’s practical and industrial nature means that we need to teach it in a specific way. I recommend using the case-based approach advocated by Harvard business school.

To introduce the action research I recommend reading and discussing one of the existing articles where action research has been used, e.g., dittrich2008cooperative . The following aspects should be discussed:

What is the goal of the study?

What is intervention/action in the study?

How is the collaboration between the researchers and the host company organized?

Which data collection methods are used in this article?

The discussion should focus on the connection between research and practice; it should be about how the knowledge is produced and where state-of-the-art research meets industrial practices.

0.2 Pillars of Action Research

Action research is centered around the interventions or actions 1 1 1 In this chapter I use the term action and intervention interchangeably. Although action research has action in the name, I often prefer the term intervention to emphasize that the action must have an effect on the host organization. I do this to avoid confusion between actions in action research with other types of actions that do not necessarily are interventions. – see Figure 1 . The interventions are the part where we do something in order to learn from it. Without the intervention there is no knowledge production, but the interventions are not the only element that is important for the action research project – we need to prepare for our intervention.

Without actions/interventions, there is no action research as we do not make any changes or adjustments to how the organizations work. In action research, knowledge is derived from observing the effects of these actions/interventions.

Refer to caption

Actions/interventions must be done in situ and therefore the host organizations are equally important. The host organizations must be prepared for entering the action research projects and they must understand the consequences of it. The consequences being that there are inherent risks in changing processes, methods, tools or operations of the host organization. Without them, there is no action research, because we must conduct our actions somewhere.

Finally, the action team is a special kind of team that includes both researchers and practitioners with distinct roles. They must be part of one team and they must see this team as ”their” team in the sense that both the researchers and the practitioners are inside the team.

The researchers must be an internal part of the team in order to be able to assist in conducting interventions at the host organization. If not possible, they can take peripheral role when taking the intervention (e.g., when it is not possible for the researcher to directly participate in such activities as programming, designing, etc.). They must understand and experience the host organization with its decision structures (formal and informal), processes, products and customers. Only then the researchers can understand which actions can be ethically conducted and which should be ceased.

The practitioners must also see the action team as part of their organization as they must conduct the interventions. Planning, conducting and evaluating interventions must be included in the work of the practitioners in order to be effective.

Action research is not the only research methodology that focuses on collaboration with industry and introduction new tools. Design science research wieringa2014design is another one.

Although these two methodologies share certain characteristics, their epistemological stance on the knowledge creation is very different.

In action research, the focus is on the three pillars in Figure 1 : intervention, action team and the host organization. In design science research, the focus is on the artefact that is being designed, its function and usability.

When teaching action research, it is important to contrast these two methodologies and explain that the knowledge produced in the action research projects does not have to be in form of new designs or artefacts, but can be about processes, organizations, tools and many more. When teaching action research I provide my students with the following rule of thumb:

If you can pivot on the solution, you are doing action research; if you can pivot on the organization, then you are using design science research.

In practice, this means that in action research, we are not bound to a specific tool that needs to be used or evaluated. We can change the focus on an action research cycle and focus on the ways-of-working rather than tools used at the host organization. However, if we must focus on the artifact, then we cannot pivot (change) the focus, but we can change the organization which we collaborate with in order to evaluate our tool, which makes it a design science research cycle.

0.2.1 Knowledge produced during action research

In action research, the knowledge that is produced during the project can be of three different types (mainly):

Process knowledge – development of new methods for developing, testing and designing software and ways of working at the host organization dittrich2008cooperative ; dittrich2002doing .

Organizational knowledge – development of new ways of organizing work at the host organization ferreira2012agile .

Construction/tooling knowledge – development of new ways of designing or evaluating software using tools ochodek2022chapter ; calikli2018measure .

Artefact/models knowledge – development of new artefacts or models that improve the organization’s ways of working.

In action research studies, the introduction of new methods and tools provides two different opportunities. The first one is the ability of the researchers to test new ideas in practice. The second is the ability to have custom-made methods introduced to the industrial practice.

The latter – custom-made methods – allows us to bridge the gap between academic software engineering and the industrial practice dos2011action .

When teaching the epistemology of knowledge in software engineering, I find the best tactics to be by example. We take different types of knowledge that is produced from literature. For example, we take the examples of creating methods from Dittrich et al. dittrich2008cooperative while we take examples of creating products from Staron et al. ochodek2022chapter .

The most important for the students is to understand that we can create different types of knowledge in action research. We must explain that action research is flexible, but that knowledge production must be planned in advance, otherwise it is not systematic and can be prone to problems with quality, replicability or reliability.

0.3 Phases of Action Research

Action research is a cyclic methodology with several phases in each cycle. The number of phases can differ, depending on different schools of action research. In software engineering, the most common is the five phases cycle, depicted in Figure 2

Refer to caption

In the diagnosing phase we start with addressing the question of What is the real problem that we should address in this cycle? Although the question is often partially answered when initiating the project (or from the previous cycle), it’s important to specify which part of the problem should be addressed in each cycle.

The first phase of each action research cycle –diagnosing – is unique for action research. Instead of starting a project with a detailed problem formulation, action research recognizes the fact that one needs to be embedded in the context in order to elicit the problem correctly. Therefore, every action research cycle starts with a precise diagnosis of which problem should be solved. Action researchers should start by collecting opinions and symptoms which they need to explore in order to decide which challenge to address during the action research cycle. It’s important that the researchers focus on discussions with the practitioners when exploring the context and deciding what to do. The problem to be solved in each cycle should be limited in scope, and its effects should be measurable (or at least observable).

Melin and Axelsson melin2007action recognize two types of identifying research problems:

when an action researcher identifies the problems, i.e., research-driven initiation, or

the problems are presented to the action researcher, i.e., problem-driven initiation.

From my experience, the first type, i.e., research-driven initiation is more common for the diagnosing part, whereas the problem-driven initiation is more common for the overall definition of the research project. Avison et al. avison2001controlling recognize the possibility of both parties working together in recognizing the research problem, i.e., collaborative research initiation.

In my work, one of the first action research projects was initiated by the company – problem-driven initiation staron2012release . The company wanted to improve predictability of the release dates of their product. I was involved in another project, where my role was to design a measurement program.

Since the problem was relevant for my project and it was relevant for the company, we started working on it. We called it the Release Readiness project . The diagnosing phase led us, later, to a more detailed definition of the problem and solving it.

In the action planning phase, actions/interventions are planned in a single cycle is always done in a collaborative manner. Academic researchers, industrial researchers, and practitioners need to work together to decide who does the actions and when.

The collaborative nature of the action planning phase provides a unique opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to engage in discussions. The discussion are often aimed at finding ways to solve the problem diagnosed in the first phase and identify resources, products, and processes to be investigated and adjusted.

In the action planning activity, the action team (which is how I call the research team) discusses their plans with the reference groups and needs to get approval for the required resources from the management team. The plans need to be aligned with theoretical foundations of the work, i.e., the action team needs to identify theoretical or empirical work relevant for the diagnosed problem and plan the actions accordingly.

In this phase, the action team, together with the reference team, makes the plans for which data should be collected, from which objects, using which tools. The team also plans which analysis methods should be employed to assess whether their actions lead to solving the diagnosed problem.

Often, although far from always, the action team plans their actions using standard project planning tools, like Gantt charts and work breakdown structures. However, these are often lightweight and documented only internally for the action team to follow and use as a communication tool to management.

In my release readiness project, action planning was done in a form of a workshop. Together with the stakeholder (manager responsible for the release), the action team and the reference team, we brainstormed which metrics should be used for our predictions. During this workshop, we identified and discussed various relationships between the metrics in order to capture the relevant empirical phenomena that impact the release – e.g., test progress, current quality of the product.

In the action taking phase the team conducts the interventions – they change the processes, tools or methods of the host company in order to systematically collect data.

The phase is executed according to the plans laid out in the previous phase and is conducted by the action team. The reference group is involved on a regular basis to provide feedback and to help the action team to solve the challenges that they encounter antinyan2016validating .

The action taking phase is specific for action research as it is one of the research methodologies where making changes are allowed, midst in the operations. It’s called a flexible research design methodology robson2016real . For example, the action team is allowed to change the ways of working for software development teams and observe these changes. It is important to note that the action taking phase is both about making the change and observing its effect. As action research is a quantitative methodology, the data collection activities provide the possibility to reduce the bias of subjective observations and provide quantitative evidence. This quantitative evidence is used in the next phase – action evaluation –to assess the results of the action/intervention.

This phase of our release readiness project gravitated around collection of data, calculation of metrics/indicators, presentation to the management and adjusting resources in the project. We collected data weekly and presented them to the stakeholder. The stakeholder made the decisions about the potential re-allocation of resources to fulfill the organization’s goals.

In the evaluation phase the action team analyzes the data collected from the previous phase. The team uses statistical methods to make the analyses and presents the results to the reference team and the management.

In case when the data shows that the diagnosed problem is indeed solved using the actions taken, the outcome is straightforward. If the data is inconclusive, the action team either needs to plan for additional analyses and additional data to be collected or needs to pivot, i.e., finalize the current cycle, specify learning, and find a new diagnosis of the problem given the new data collected. Then the action team continues with the next cycle to address this diagnosed problem.

In the evaluation phase, the action team could either take the quantitative approach – use the same statistical methods as experimentation, i.e., descriptive and inferential statistics — or the qualitative approach – use grounded theory, thematic analysis or workshops. The action team also needs to assure that the analysis of their data is aligned with the theories used in the cycle. This is important in order to make the contribution to the theory-building in the next phase.

To evaluate the release readiness indicator, which is how we called the metric developed in the project, we collected statistics of decisions made during the project. We kept track of all changes that the stakeholder took and how they impacted the organization, the product and also the release readiness indicator (and the metrics used to calculate it). We conducted a workshop in the same group as for the action planning and complemented the quantitative metrics with the qualitative assessment of the results of the project.

In the specifying learning phase the documentation and generalization of learning takes place. It is done both as practical guidelines for the involved organizations and contexts and as theory-building for the research community.

The practical guidelines are often specified in terms of guidebooks, white papers, and instructions at the company’s web. For example, software development teams often use wikis to specify good practices and document good examples. That’s often when the results of action research cycles can be found.

The contribution to the theory-building is often specified as scientific papers, with the scientific rigor and relevance. It is often the case that these are documented as experience reports from industrial studies ochodek2022chapter .

In the case of our release readiness project, we presented the results to a larger audience on an annual conference of the entire company. We also published a paper and presented it on an international conference staron2012release . We prepared internal information for other stakeholders who adopted this method for other parts of the organization and other products.

0.4 The research team == the action team

Action research can be conducted by researchers within the host organization or the natural environment of the participants. In fact, this is how the concept of action research appeared lewin1946action . However, this is not how action research is conducted in software engineering. In software engineering, we usually combine academic researchers with industry professionals. In this context, we can refer to this group as the action team – which is the research team that includes (academic) researchers and (company) practitioners. I deliberately use brackets for academic and company, as the boundaries can be fuzzy. For example, an academic researcher may be employed by the company for the duration of the project in order to handle the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) in a simple way.

Here, we focus on the typical software engineering context – where the researchers and practitioners collaborate in a joint project. In this case, the action team consists of two roles and is surrounded by other stakeholders – the reference team and the management team, as presented in Figure 3 .

Refer to caption

In the action team , researchers and practitioners have different roles in the action team, despite the fact that they work in the same team.

The practitioners’ primary task is to work with the interventions. Since the practitioners are working at the host organization, they can conduct the interventions/actions. They can change their ways of working and provide data through these changes. They can (and should) participate in the action planning, evaluation and learning too, but their expertise is crucial for the interventions. The practitioners bring in the following to the action team:

Internal competence about the company’s processes, ways of working and decision structures.

Possibility to use tools and information from inside of the company, which can require employee-only access.

Historical knowledge about the company’s processes, products and strategies.

Possibility to internally champion the action research study, and in particular the action/intervention.

Possibility to invite others to join the relevant parts of the action research cycle, e.g., bring in additional software developers during the evaluation of the outcome of the intervention.

The primary task for the researchers is to prepare plans for the actions/interventions, observe how they are conducted, collect the data and analyze it. They can (and should) participate in the interventions, but since they are often not part of the host organization (at least not to the same extent as the practitioners), they cannot conduct the interventions alone. The researchers bring in the following to the action team:

External (to the host organization) competence about the newest research results, tools and technologies.

Possibility to test tools outside of the organization before the action team decide (during action planning).

Systematic planning of data collection – during baseline (action planning, before action taking), during the intervention (during action taking) and after the action taking.

Objective methods for analysis of the data collected during the action research cycle.

Possibility to replicate the study at other organizations (or even open source products/teams) to study the generalizability of the results obtained at the host organization.

The role of the reference group is to provide the possibility to get feedback on the progress of the project and to reduce biases. The reference group also helps the action team to diagnose the problems and therefore steers the project in the right direction. As the action team is conducting the research, they are biased toward a positive outcome of the project. The reference team is responsible to provide the action team with the feedback on how to reduce this bias and identify when the bias is jeopardizing the outcome of the study.

Finally, the management of the company is important as they decide upon the resources needed for the project. The resources, in turn, determine the scope of the project. The product and process management are important as they help to support the project in making the right impact of the results of their actions.

Teaching team dynamics is beyond the scope of this chapter, but it is crucial for long-term collaboration.

When teaching collaboration, it is important to consider both academic and industrial perspectives. From the academic perspective, we must discuss the quality of research, including publication venues, targets, and academic goals. This involves understanding how to produce high-quality research that meets academic standards and contributes to the body of knowledge in the field.

From the industrial perspective, it is essential to discuss the practical implications of implementing technology. This includes understanding how to scale a studied technology from a small-scale application within the host team to broader use in other teams and organizations. It is important to differentiate between research prototypes and fully-developed software engineering tools and methods. This discussion should cover the challenges and strategies for transitioning from experimental research environments to real-world applications, ensuring that technologies are robust, scalable, and ready for industry adoption.

0.5 Host organization

Selecting the right host organization has a crucial effect on the success or failure of action research studies. Although there is no universal template for a suitable organization, there are several characteristics that are important for successful action research collaboration.

The first and foremost condition for the success of the action research project is the organization’s willingness and ability to implement interventions . Even the best research result is not very useful if it is not implemented at a company, which is the core of action research studies. In the context where the collaboration happens across borders of two entities – university and company – we can achieve this in a few ways:

Researchers spend a significant time at the company. They are part of the host company operations regularly spending from two to five days a week at the company. This creates the possibility to create a real team spirit and create an atmosphere where questions can be asked (and answered) directly and immediately.

The practitioners who are part of the action team are communicating daily with the researchers (and vice versa). In the post-pandemic times, online collaboration tools can be a great ways of quick communication. Daily, quick, and agile check-in meetings help to both move the project forward and to create the atmosphere of transparency, trust and being one team.

The action team has weekly meetings where the project is discussed and followed up. The stand-up meetings are a bit orthogonal to the previous two, but they are the least that should be done in the project to ensure that things are moving forward.

Naturally, the best option is the first one, where the researcher can participate in the operations of the company. Let me provide an example why this was important in my career.

When I do action research studies, I aim for the first option – being part of the host organization’s operation. Let me bring up one experience where I worked with one company on developing measurement systems staron2009using ; staron2018industrial . In this collaboration, the host company asked me to spend 50% of my time on their premises. Although it sounded strange at the beginning (and foreign to my academic colleagues), this turned out to be a great way of co-creation of research and innovation.

During the time of my stay, I could immediately ask my industrial colleagues about the practices which we focused on in our research, and they could learn what kind of research questions and methods are important. One example of my question was What’s the difference about a defect found in a system test vs. a defect found in a unit test? . An example of my colleague’s question was Why do we need to formulate our research question ”To which degree can we predict defects?” and not ”Can we predict defects?”

Although the above questions seem trivial, we needed to ask them to learn. Only sitting together for a significant part of our work enabled (and encouraged!) us to ask these kind of questions to one another. In the long run, asking questions leads to increased trust and to more fruitful collaboration.

The organization provides the research team with access to the information which is needed to conduct the action research study. The action team must be able to collect data about their interventions from source systems and therefore the access to the information should be unrestricted. In practice, this means that everyone in the action team should be able to have the same access, for the information relevant to the project. There are a few ways to enable that:

The researcher uses company’s infrastructure for the project in terms of the computer equipment and IT accounts. The researcher must sign the relevant Non-Disclosure Agreements and other legal documents. The same is true for her/his university. The information that is stored at the company’s infrastructure is legally under the company’s jurisdiction and therefore the researcher does not have to consider additional security. Analyses, notes and pre-published materials can be safely stored at the company until they are assessed to be made public. This option allows the action team to work unrestricted until they need to prepare a publication, then the relevant management at the company can provide the team with the feedback on what can (and cannot!) be published. It is also easier for the researcher to understand what is possible to published based on the daily work, which often leads to a smooth approval process at the company side.

The host company agrees up-front which information is relevant for the project and shares that information. If information cannot be publicly shared, then the practitioners (who are part of the action team) must actively analyze it, discuss in the team and then get it approved. This can be achieved when different participants of the action team have different roles in the team – the practitioners must take more responsibility for the research part. In practice, this means that the analyses are done on the computers of the company, but the researchers can provide an open version of the toolkit, for example by receiving mock-up data in the right format.

The ways of accessing the information is not as important as the information and collaboration itself. {subtitleenv} In my work I usually try to ask for the company’s infrastructure for my action research projects. When being part of the company’s team (as I mentioned in the previous box), this is both easier for the company and for me. I’m ensured to be able to use the information when I prepare for actions (diagnosing and action planning) as well as after the action (evaluation and learning).

My colleagues do not have to constantly consider the information’s security class and when we prepare our publications, we can keep the managers informed and ”in-the-loop” so that we know which information can be sensitive. I also prepare a so-called open replication package where we create a mock-up data (or collect it from a relevant open source repository at GitHub) in order for others to use our research.

The organization has trust in the action team and is therefore transparent in the collaboration. Trusting someone is naturally harder than it sounds. It is a combination of both the skills and the so-called personal chemistry. Not everybody can be a good action researcher and not everybody can be a good action research practitioner. However, there are a few good practices that help to develop trust in the team.

The action team is the researcher’s priority. They should consult the team before seeking academic advice. They should also communicate frequently and openly with the team, even about minor issues. Asking questions shows curiosity and builds trust, even if the question seems simple and silly.

The team should honor their commitments. They should follow through with the agreed activities and report on their outcomes or deviations from the planned outcomes. Sometimes trying is worth as much as succeeding, as we are in the context of research and knowledge production. Sometimes, learning that something does not work is even more important than forcing a success.

The team should respect the reality of the host organization. They should acknowledge the diversity and complexity of the people, products and processes involved in the action research project.

The team should learn from their mistakes. They should not hide or ignore errors, but rather discuss them openly and constructively. Transparency and accountability are key to effective work in the action team.

The team should treat everyone with respect. They should recognize that working with companies means working with human beings, not abstract entities. They should appreciate the goals, schedules and abilities of the people in the organization, and not impose unrealistic expectations or demands.

Learning from mistakes is crucial. How we admit and fix them matters most. As a senior researcher, I still make errors sometimes. For instance, I once left an index column in the analyses, which gave great results. But when I checked them, I realized my mistake and told my colleagues. It was hard because they trusted my skills and the results. But when I confessed and showed the worse results, we became more trusting, published the paper and still collaborate.

We must know and respect the people in the organizations, as they have their own goals, schedules and abilities. Part-taking in an action research study means interest and willingness to collaborate, not a legal contract to deliver.

When teaching the aspects related to the host organization, we need to focus on selecting the host organization. In particular, discussing the criteria for when a collaboration can be profitable for both the academia and industry. In order to do that, we can study guidelines for industry-research collaborations staron2011factors ; wohlin2021guiding .

We also need to teach how to conduct daily communications and meetings. For example, we can simulate this by conducting these meetings during every course meeting. We can ask each of the participants to report on their activities, related to the course, during the past week.

We must discuss the integration of the research activities into the operations. In particular, we should explain that action research must contribute to the industrial practice; we should also discuss methods for identifying problems to study at the host organization.

0.6 Interventions

Although the research team and the host organization are extremely important, it is the intervention (also called action) that is in the core of action research projects. The intervention is important as it is what gives origin to the knowledge that we generate through evaluation and learning later on. We need the interventions in order to understand how the organization reacts to the changes that are introduced in the project, as well as to collect data to analyze. This could indicate that an intervention could be any kind of activity involving the host organization, but it’s not that simple.

A good intervention is when we introduce a change in the host organization in a systematic and planned manner which has impact on its operations . The key elements of this definition are:

Planned intervention, which means that the action team must prepare the action and the host organization must be prepared for that action. We must also choose the right timing for the intervention.

Systematic intervention, which means that we need to establish infrastructure for collecting data from the intervention. The action team must collect data before, during and after the intervention. Before the intervention, the team must establish a baseline which is used for comparison with the data collected after the intervention. During the intervention, the action team must collect the data about the impact of the intervention on the operations.

Impactful intervention, which means that it has observable effects on the host organization. The impact can be in terms of change or the ways of working, introduction of a new tool or using new type of data in decision-making processes (for example). The key is that it is part of the processes in the organization, not alongside.

Although it becomes clear what a good intervention is over time, we can provide a few good and bad examples of interventions.

Good examples:

Using a new tool to the company operations. When we introduce the tool, we make change in the host organization’s processes. We can establish a baseline before the introduction of the tool, observe the introduction itself and observe the effects of the introduced tool afterwards.

Using new information in a process of making a decision. When we use the new information, we change the process of making the decision. We can establish a baseline before, observe how the new data is used in the process and observe the effects of the decision afterwards.

Changing the process of handling tickets – migration from e-mails to JIRA tickets. As it is a clear change, we can establish a baseline before, observe the change and then observe the effects afterwards.

One example of the intervention from one of my studies is using analysis of the source code to improve coding guidelines ochodek2022chapter . The analysis of the source code was the preparation for action taking and the actual action taking was the use of the results in the organization. The effect was the improvement of the coding guidelines at the company.

Bad examples:

Presentation (but not use) of results for the host organization. It is a bad example because it does not guarantee that the presentation has impact (presentation is not the same as using the results).

Development of a new tool for the host organization. As long as the tool is not used, it is not an intervention.

Analysis of data at the host organization. Just like developing a tool, analyzing the data is not an intervention until the analysis is used at the host organization.

The two lists above indicate the trend that is important to take note of – a good intervention introduces a change. The action team must prepare for such an intervention by establishing a baseline.

The baseline for each intervention has to be related to the intervention itself. The action team must plan for collecting data that can be compared to after the intervention. Since the intervention cannot be undone, the action team can collect the data for the baseline only before the intervention.

The data collected during the intervention should also be related to the intervention, and it should be complemented with interviews and observations. The latter are important for capturing such effects that the action team did not plan for. For every intervention there can be unpredicted consequences and these need to be captured; the best methods for capturing them are interviews and observations.

Finally, after the intervention the action team must collect data that related to the baseline, consequences identified during the intervention and finally the effects of the intervention. The latter must be done in order to prepare for evaluation and learning from the intervention itself. Oftentimes, the lessons’ learned from the intervention go beyond the initial expectations – that’s the power of action research!

In one of the projects, we introduced a new defect prediction model as a means to prioritize testing and development resources staron2010defect ; staron2010method . In order to evaluate the model, we collected data about resource allocation before the model was used. We interviewed program managers and integration specialists about their work with resource allocation and defect management. We also collected data about the weekly (and monthly) trends of defect inflow.

During the introduction, we met with the stakeholders (program manager and integration specialist) once a week to follow up on their activities and the impact of the action. We showed them the defect predictions and asked whether these predictions deviated from theirs. We also asked about which actions they take to ensure that the defect inflow does not get out of control.

Once the introduction was complete, we collected new data in the same way as the baseline data – trends of defect inflow and interviews.

I often use the following checklist when designing the intervention (yes/no answers only):

Is the plan of the organization to adopt the intervention as part of their operations if it is successful?

Does the intervention/action make a change in the host organization?

Can we collect data (quantitative or qualitative) about the baseline situation before the intervention?

Can we be part of the intervention to collect the data?

Do we have mandate to adjust the intervention in case of unpredicted events?

Can we collect the data after the intervention to observe the effects of the intervention?

If I can answer at least four out of these six questions positively, then I know that I can proceed with the intervention. The other two usually fall into place once I start.

Action research is a cyclic methodology that allows us to repeat series of phases several times. We diagnose the problem, plan for the intervention/action to address the problem, conduct the intervention, collect and analyze the data and learn from it. Therefore, we often have the possibility to make relatively small interventions in each cycle, but accumulate changes over several cycles. In one cycle we learn from the intervention and plan for new ones. The small interventions in each cycle have a number of advantages, in particular they do not require radical changes in the host organization. They also allow to adjust or pivot between one cycle and another if we discover and learn new facts.

Since interventions are the most distinct characteristics of action research, we need to spend a significant effort to teach them.

I recommend to have a workshop-based approach to teaching interventions. First, start with the definition of the concept of the intervention, then focus on aspects related to the impact of the intervention and then focus on how to behave in such a project – explore existing codes of conduct at the companies, conflict management and expectations management.

This can be achieved by a set of exercises:

Discuss the definition of an intervention/action – focus on discussing the contrast between making an intervention and studying a case (case study); discuss the difference to participatory observations from the perspective of the impact and bias in the organizations.

Take up one of the examples of good interventions and one counter-example; discuss their impact on the organization and the scientific community.

Take up a case of a conflict at a workplace (from literature) and discuss how to handle conflicts; it is particularly important for younger researchers who need this kind of training for their future careers.

0.7 Ethics of Action Research

The main principle of ethical research should always be to do no harm . Our actions as researchers should always have the goal to improve our society and not to harm it. In action research projects, we must protect both the individuals who take part in the research and their organizations. The host organizations invite researchers to become part of them and they trust them that they will bring no harm to their employees or management. Therefore, it is very important that open climate, questions and discussions are the best way to address ethical issues in the action research projects.

Since action research projects are based on interactions with its context and software engineers, we need to provide ethical considerations for the project, in particular, how we will select the participants, how we will store their personal data, and how we anonymize the data so that it does not lead to any harm to individuals and organization.

An interesting aspect is the legal part of the collaborations with the companies. We need to make sure that we have all the agreements in place and that all intellectual property rights are handled according to the regulations specific to the countries where the research is conducted. Avison et al. avison2001controlling refer to this as a formalization of the research project.

Selection of participants in our studies must be done using ethical principles. First, we must recognize and understand bias in this process. Although we may be given initial team to work with, we should strive to increase diversity in the project overall. For example, if we have male-only action team, we should find female colleagues in the reference team to capture a diverse set of view, opinions and experiences in our research project.

Handling conflicts of interests must also be recognized and monitored during the entire progress of the action research project. Despite the best efforts to be unbiased, there is always a risk of the researcher bias and the Hawthorne’s effect. The researcher bias is the inability to objectively scrutinize research results. The action team’s stake in the project is often to improve and therefore the action team is inherently positively biased and must use reference teams and the management team to counter-balance it staron2020action .

Handling confidentiality can be seen as conflicting the principles of academic freedom and the science’s ability to serve greater good. However, in practice, this is not the case. There are two levels of confidentiality – within the company and externally to it. Internally, the team should be open as they are part of contractual agreements. The external confidentiality refers to what we are obliged to keep confidential about the company, its processes, products and intellectual property rights. We can always generalize our observations, evaluate their validity in other contexts (e.g., open source communities) and discuss on a general level. We must remember that the scientific community is not interested in so-called ”whistle-blowers” from the companies, but in new knowledge. This is also what all host organizations are interested in. Whenever we are in doubt, we can always consult company’s management, legal team, university’s legal team or even university’s ethical boards regarding confidentiality.

Overpromising is also one of the aspects which is important to take into consideration when conducting action research projects morton1999ethics . It is easy for the researchers to overpromise to deliver in an action research project and then continue to try to push too much to deliver on that promise. However, the action team should define their deliverables upfront and should be prepare to adjust the plans over time.

Quality of research is sometimes seen as being in conflict to delivering to the company morton1999ethics . The action team may feel pressure of delivering new value to the host organization on the cost of quality of research. The quality of research is very cost-intensive as it requires validations, checking for confounding factors and replications, which are often not as value-driving as diagnosing, addressing and validating new problems. Involving other organizations is often much more demanding and time consuming, but increases the quality of the research.

In addition to these ethical concerns, there are others, which the action team needs to discover themselves. The fact that they are embedded in the host organization means that they are inherently biased and therefore then need the reference team and the management team to discuss and vet ideas and results. I strongly encourage the action teams to discuss potential conflicts of interest based on their specific context.

The best way to teach the ethics of action research is to start from studying ethical guidelines that apply. Every country, company and university operate in a different legal space and therefore the action team must:

Study and understand the contract between all parties in the collaboration.

Identify and operationalize the ethical guidelines applicable, e.g., for using human subjects in case studies.

Engage in discussion about the legal aspects of ownership of research results – include company and university legal advisors.

Just by reading, exploring and asking critical questions about the meaning of clauses in legal documents, NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements), and ethical review boards guidelines, we raise awareness of these issues. The students can be asked to identify and explain some of these principles for their project or a project that they find in a literature.

0.8 Guidelines for teaching action research

Engaging in action research is a very rewarding way of conducting research studies. It allows us to be more embedded in the reality of software development organizations, products, processes and markets. Getting to the point when the action team understands the intricacies of action research requires training. Teaching action research, therefore, should revolve around learning the following elements.

Epistemology of knowledge in action research. First, and the foremost, new action researchers needs to understand what kind of knowledge is produced in action research and therefore what to expect from it.

Interventions. Once we introduce the type of knowledge that is created in action research, the researchers need to learn what a good and bad intervention is. They need to understand how the knowledge is produced and therefore what we are expected to do in the action research projects.

Action team. The interventions need to be conducted by the team and therefore the team needs to learn about the roles and responsibilities of each member of the action research. The action team must learn about the differences in roles and the expectations. This makes the team understand how the knowledge is created in action research.

Host organization. Once the team understands what kind of knowledge is created and how, in action research, the team needs to understand their obligations towards the host organization and how to navigate the challenging balance between operations and research.

Planning and executing action research cycles. Now, the action team is ready to learn about the phases of the action research. Each phase needs to be explained and discussed with the action team.

Deliverables. Providing new knowledge has to be done in some form. Therefore, the action team needs to be educated in what kind of deliverables are expected and how to assess if a given deliverable has a good quality or not.

Collaboration. Since the action research is collaborative in nature (at least the one that we describe in this chapter), the action team must understand how to collaborate. Models and methods for assessing team maturity are very useful for it, e.g., meding2021meteam .

Ethical aspects of action research. In order to understand what the action team can, could, should and should not do, the action team must learn about the ethics of action research. They need to understand how to include diverse perspectives in research, how to cause no harm and how to balance academic freedom with the obligations towards the host company and the research project.

Contrasts to similar research methodologies. Finally, the education in action research should include learning about the contrasts to other, related, research methodologies. The action team must, in particular, understand the differences between the action research and case studies, experiments and design science research.

Naturally, action research studies can be conducted with different focus in software engineering. Some studies can be more focused on the technology development, e.g., understanding how to use generative AI to create tests, while some studies can be focused on social aspects of software engineering, e.g., how to create a better performing team. Therefore, it is important to recognize the focus, the context, of action research studies and to complement the education in action research with the education in that context.

0.9 Summary and conclusions

Action research is an applied empirical research methodology which focuses on direct interventions, actions, conducted at industrial partners. The methodology has been been successfully used in medicine, nursing, education and social sciences. However, its adoption in software engineering is just starting to take off.

In this chapter, we learned what action research is and how it is conducted. We have also learned about the pillars of it – the action team, the host organization and the interventions. We also learned about the ethics of action research and the way in which we can provide value to both the academic community and the industry. Finally, we finished up this chapter with guidelines on how to teach action research.

As further reading, I recommend to read the newest research studies using action research in software engineering, as this is the kind of research methodology that is on the rise.


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  • (22) Staron, M., Meding, W., and Palm, K. Release readiness indicator for mature agile and lean software development projects. In International Conference on Agile Software Development (2012), Springer, pp. 93–107.
  • (23) Staron, M., Meding, W., and Söderqvist, B. A method for forecasting defect backlog in large streamline software development projects and its industrial evaluation. Information and Software Technology 52 , 10 (2010), 1069–1079.
  • (24) Staron, M., Meding, W., Tichy, M., Bjurhede, J., Giese, H., and Söder, O. Industrial experiences from evolving measurement systems into self-healing systems for improved availability. Software: Practice and Experience 48 , 3 (2018), 719–739.
  • (25) Wieringa, R. J. Design science methodology for information systems and software engineering . Springer, 2014.
  • (26) Wohlin, C., and Runeson, P. Guiding the selection of research methodology in industry–academia collaboration in software engineering. Information and software technology 140 (2021), 106678.

Research paper topics for elementary school

Research paper topics for middle school, research paper topics for 7th graders, research paper topics for 9th graders, research paper topics for high school, research paper topics for college students, research paper topics for university students, research paper topics on modern education, special education research paper topics, edtech research paper topics.

Very often, those papers are so long that students may need extra help or guidance, and applying to writing services is a good choice for them. They may help them analyze the task better or lessen the burden on students’ shoulders. If you need extra help, you should apply to Writing Metier.

Professional research paper writers may ensure that your paper will meet all the requirements and help you save time and energy for other important tasks. 

The scope of research papers for college students may vary according to their study area. For example, they may be asked to write about environmental issues, the impact of social media on their mental health, AI, and many others.

The main of providing those topics is to encourage students to do more research and make their conclusions about a certain topic, thus checking their understanding of key concepts and developing their critical thinking. 

The Impact of Online Learning on Academic Performance

Research Question: How does online learning affect the academic performance of college students compared to traditional in-person classes? Overview: Explore the effectiveness of online learning platforms, considering factors like student engagement, accessibility, and performance outcomes. Analyze data from various studies to compare with traditional classroom settings.

Mental Health Challenges Among College Students

Research Question: What are the most prevalent mental health issues among college students, and what strategies can be implemented to address them? Overview: Investigate common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress. Discuss the role of campus counseling services, peer support groups, and institutional policies in mitigating these challenges.

The Role of Extracurricular Activities in Student Development

Research Question: How do extracurricular activities influence the personal and academic development of college students? Overview: Examine the benefits of participation in sports, clubs, and volunteer organizations. Analyze how these activities contribute to skills development, social connections, and academic success.

The Effects of Part-Time Employment on Academic Achievement

Research Question: How does part-time employment during college impact students’ academic performance and time management? Overview: Explore the balance between work and study, focusing on the benefits and drawbacks of part-time jobs. Discuss strategies for effective time management and the role of financial necessity.

The Influence of Social Media on Student Life

Research Question: How does social media usage affect the social interactions and academic performance of college students? Overview: Investigate the positive and negative effects of social media on students’ lives. Discuss its impact on communication, mental health, and study habits.

The Effectiveness of Study Abroad Programs

Research Question: What are the academic and personal benefits of participating in study abroad programs for college students? Overview: Analyze how studying abroad enhances cultural awareness, language skills, and academic performance. Include case studies and testimonials from program participants.

The Role of Technology in Modern Education

Research Question: How is technology transforming teaching and learning processes in higher education? Overview: Examine the integration of tools such as online resources, educational apps, and virtual classrooms. Discuss their impact on student engagement, accessibility, and learning outcomes.

The Impact of Student Loan Debt on Post-Graduation Life

Research Question: How does student loan debt affect the financial stability and career choices of college graduates? Overview: Explore the long-term effects of student loan debt on graduates’ financial health, career decisions, and life choices. Discuss potential solutions for managing and alleviating debt burdens.

Gender Disparities in STEM Education

Research Question: What factors contribute to the underrepresentation of women in STEM fields, and how can colleges address these disparities? Overview: Investigate the barriers that women face in pursuing STEM education and careers. Discuss initiatives and policies aimed at promoting gender diversity and inclusion in STEM programs.

The Effectiveness of Academic Advising on Student Success

Research Question: How does academic advising influence the academic performance and retention rates of college students? Overview: Examine the role of academic advisors in guiding students through their educational journey. Analyze the impact of effective advising on course selection, academic planning, and overall student success.

Meanwhile, if you need assistance with your university essays , Writing Metier is here to land you a hand.

Unlike college or university students who may be asked to write mostly about specific topics related to their discipline , high school students must write about more general topics that may help teachers analyze their thinking and their ideas and approaches to a topic.

For example, they can be asked to write whether they should be required to wear uniforms, or whether giving a lot of homework is a good way of teaching, etc. 

The Effects of School Uniforms on Student Behavior and Academic Performance

Research Question: How do school uniforms impact student behavior and academic performance in high schools? Overview: Investigate the pros and cons of implementing school uniform policies. Analyze data from schools with and without uniforms to assess their effects on student discipline and achievement.

The Role of Extracurricular Activities in High School Education

Research Question: How do extracurricular activities influence high school students’ academic and personal development? Overview: Explore the benefits of participating in sports, clubs, and arts programs. Discuss how these activities contribute to students’ social skills, time management, and academic performance.

Cyberbullying and Its Impact on High School Students

Research Question: What are the psychological and academic impacts of cyberbullying on high school students? Overview: Examine the prevalence of cyberbullying, its effects on victims, and the role of schools in prevention and intervention. Discuss strategies for creating a safe online environment for students.

The Influence of Parental Involvement on High School Student Success

Research Question: How does parental involvement affect the academic success and well-being of high school students? Overview: Analyze the different forms of parental involvement, such as homework assistance and attendance at school events. Discuss their impact on students’ academic performance and emotional health.

The Effectiveness of Homework in Enhancing Academic Achievement

Research Question: Does homework contribute to improved academic performance in high school students? Overview: Investigate the role of homework in student learning. Analyze studies on the amount, type, and effectiveness of homework assignments in various subjects.

The Role of Technology in Modern High School Classrooms

Research Question: How does the integration of technology in classrooms affect high school students’ learning experiences? Overview: Explore the use of digital tools, online resources, and educational apps in high school education. Discuss their impact on student engagement, understanding, and academic outcomes.

The Impact of School Start Times on Student Health and Performance

Research Question: How do school start times affect the health and academic performance of high school students? Overview: Examine the relationship between early school start times and student sleep patterns, health, and academic success. Discuss potential benefits of later start times.

The Effects of Peer Pressure on High School Students’ Behavior and Choices

Research Question: How does peer pressure influence the behavior and decision-making of high school students? Overview: Investigate the positive and negative aspects of peer pressure. Analyze its impact on academic choices, substance use, and social behavior.

The Role of Arts Education in High School Curriculum

Research Question: How does arts education contribute to the overall development of high school students? Overview: Explore the benefits of including arts programs in the high school curriculum. Discuss their impact on creativity, critical thinking, and academic performance.

The Effectiveness of Anti-Bullying Programs in High Schools

Research Question: How effective are anti-bullying programs in reducing bullying incidents in high schools? Overview: Evaluate different anti-bullying initiatives and their implementation in high schools. Analyze their success rates and the factors that contribute to their effectiveness.

Middle school students are mostly teenagers, who may have more limited general awareness about global problems, and they are supposed to write more general topics such as health, sports, education, friendship, etc.

They may be asked to write more about their feelings or attitudes rather than make specific analyses and conclusions since it may be challenging for their age. 

The Benefits of Reading Programs in Middle School

Research Question: How do reading programs impact the literacy skills and academic performance of middle school students? Overview: Investigate various reading initiatives and their effectiveness in improving reading comprehension and fostering a love for reading among students.

The Role of Physical Education in Middle School

Research Question: How does physical education contribute to the physical and mental well-being of middle school students? Overview: Explore the importance of physical activity in the school curriculum. Discuss the benefits of regular exercise on students’ health, concentration, and academic performance.

The Impact of Social Media on Middle School Students

Research Question: How does social media usage affect the social skills and academic performance of middle school students? Overview: Examine the influence of social media on students’ social interactions and learning habits. Discuss strategies for managing screen time and promoting healthy online behavior.

The Effects of School Lunch Programs on Student Health

Research Question: How do school lunch programs affect the nutrition and overall health of middle school students? Overview: Investigate the nutritional value of school meals and their impact on students’ health and academic performance. Discuss potential improvements to school nutrition programs.

The Role of Group Work in Enhancing Learning in Middle School

Research Question: How does group work in the classroom affect the learning and social skills of middle school students? Overview: Explore the benefits and challenges of collaborative learning. Analyze how group projects and activities contribute to student engagement and teamwork skills.

The Impact of Homework on Middle School Students’ Academic Achievement

Research Question: Does homework improve academic performance in middle school students? Overview: Investigate the role of homework in reinforcing classroom learning. Discuss the appropriate amount and type of homework for this age group.

The Influence of Music Education on Middle School Students

Research Question: How does participation in music education programs affect the cognitive and social development of middle school students? Overview: Explore the benefits of music education, including its impact on creativity, memory, and social skills. Discuss the role of music in the overall school curriculum.

The Effects of Bullying on Middle School Students

Research Question: What are the psychological and academic impacts of bullying on middle school students? Overview: Examine the prevalence of bullying and its effects on victims. Discuss strategies for prevention and intervention within the school environment.

The Role of Technology in Middle School Education

Research Question: How does the integration of technology in the classroom affect middle school students’ learning experiences? Overview: Investigate the use of digital tools and online resources in middle school education. Discuss their impact on student engagement, understanding, and academic outcomes.

The Importance of Environmental Education in Middle School

Research Question: How does environmental education influence the attitudes and behaviors of middle school students towards sustainability? Overview: Explore the inclusion of environmental topics in the school curriculum. Discuss how environmental education fosters awareness and responsibility in students.

Elementary-level students may be asked about healthy and unhealthy eating habits and their favorite seasons, animals, or toys. The topics mostly relate to them personally, and the main aim of asking them to write is to encourage them to learn more about themselves. 

The Benefits of Early Literacy Programs in Elementary School

Research Question: How do early literacy programs impact reading skills and academic performance in elementary school students? Overview: Investigate the effectiveness of early literacy initiatives. Discuss their role in developing foundational reading skills and fostering a love for reading.

The Role of Play in Child Development

Research Question: How does play influence the cognitive, social, and emotional development of elementary school students? Overview: Explore the importance of play in early childhood education. Discuss various types of play and their benefits for child development.

The Impact of Nutrition on Elementary School Students’ Learning

Research Question: How does nutrition affect the cognitive function and academic performance of elementary school students? Overview: Examine the relationship between diet, health, and learning outcomes. Discuss the role of school meal programs in promoting healthy eating habits.

The Effects of Classroom Environment on Student Learning

Research Question: How does the classroom environment influence the learning and behavior of elementary school students? Overview: Investigate the impact of factors such as classroom layout, decor, and teacher-student interactions on student engagement and academic success.

The Role of Parents in Supporting Elementary School Education

Research Question: How does parental involvement affect the academic achievement and social development of elementary school students? Overview: Explore different forms of parental involvement, such as homework assistance and participation in school events. Discuss their impact on student outcomes.

The Benefits of Art Education in Elementary School

Research Question: How does art education contribute to the overall development of elementary school students? Overview: Examine the cognitive, emotional, and social benefits of art programs. Discuss how art education fosters creativity and critical thinking.

The Impact of Physical Activity on Academic Performance in Elementary School

Research Question: How does physical activity influence the academic performance and well-being of elementary school students? Overview: Investigate the relationship between regular physical activity and academic outcomes. Discuss the importance of physical education in the school curriculum.

The Effects of Bullying on Elementary School Students

Research Question: What are the psychological and academic impacts of bullying on elementary school students? Overview: Explore the prevalence of bullying in elementary schools. Discuss strategies for prevention and intervention to create a safe school environment.

The Role of Technology in Elementary School Classrooms

Research Question: How does the use of technology in the classroom affect the learning experiences of elementary school students? Overview: Investigate the integration of digital tools and educational software. Discuss their impact on student engagement and learning outcomes.

The Importance of Environmental Education in Elementary School

Research Question: How does environmental education influence the attitudes and behaviors of elementary school students towards sustainability? Overview: Explore the inclusion of environmental topics in early education. Discuss how teaching about the environment fosters awareness and responsibility in young students.

education reserach paper topics

The topics may greatly vary depending on the academic area that university students are mastering. However, most topics require analyzing the topics deeply, comparing and contrasting different sources, and making conclusions based on the facts.

Through writing research papers, they develop critical thinking, enhance their research skills, improve writing skills, do in-depth learning, and contribute to the scientific world with their ideas. Thanks to that hard work, they may become more knowledgeable and efficient in their future careers and promote integrity in all life aspects, not only at university. 

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Education

Research Question: How is artificial intelligence transforming the educational experience for university students? Overview: Explore the integration of AI technologies in teaching, learning, and administrative processes. Analyze their effects on student engagement, personalized learning, and academic performance.

The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education

Research Question: How do diversity and inclusion initiatives impact the academic and social experiences of university students? Overview: Investigate the implementation and outcomes of diversity programs on campuses. Discuss their effects on student interactions, academic success, and institutional culture.

The Influence of Student Loan Debt on Career Choices

Research Question: How does student loan debt influence the career decisions and financial stability of university graduates? Overview: Examine the long-term effects of student debt on career paths, job satisfaction, and economic well-being. Discuss strategies for managing and mitigating debt burdens.

The Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in Higher Education

Research Question: How effective are online learning platforms in delivering higher education compared to traditional classroom settings? Overview: Analyze the benefits and challenges of online education for university students. Evaluate student performance, satisfaction, and engagement in online vs. in-person courses.

The Relationship Between Campus Facilities and Student Satisfaction

Research Question: How do campus facilities influence student satisfaction and academic success in universities? Overview: Investigate the role of libraries, laboratories, recreational centers, and other facilities in enhancing the university experience. Discuss their impact on student well-being and academic outcomes.

The Role of Internships in Career Development for University Students

Research Question: How do internships contribute to the professional development and employability of university students? Overview: Explore the benefits of internships in providing practical experience and networking opportunities. Analyze their impact on career readiness and job placement rates.

Mental Health Services and Their Effectiveness in Universities

Research Question: How effective are mental health services in supporting the well-being of university students? Overview: Examine the availability and utilization of mental health resources on campus. Discuss their impact on student mental health, academic performance, and retention rates.

The Influence of Social Media on University Students’ Academic Performance

Research Question: How does social media usage affect the academic performance and social interactions of university students? Overview: Investigate the positive and negative effects of social media on students’ study habits, mental health, and peer relationships. Discuss strategies for balancing online engagement with academic responsibilities.

The Impact of Study Abroad Programs on Personal and Academic Growth

Research Question: How do study abroad programs influence the personal development and academic achievements of university students? Overview: Explore the benefits of international education experiences. Analyze their effects on cultural awareness, language skills, and academic performance.

The Role of Research Opportunities in Enhancing University Education

Research Question: How do research opportunities contribute to the academic and professional growth of university students? Overview: Investigate the availability and impact of undergraduate and graduate research programs. Discuss their role in developing critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and career readiness.

Doing research in 7 th grade helps learners learn how to gather reliable information, evaluate it, and organize it according to its relevance. Moreover, they learn how to analyze tasks, synthesize ideas, and develop reasonable arguments. Moreover, they may improve their critical thinking and promote curiosity, which are important skills for survival in the modern world. 

The Importance of Recycling in Protecting the Environment

Research Question: How does recycling help protect the environment, and what can students do to contribute? Overview: Explore the benefits of recycling for reducing waste and conserving resources. Discuss ways students can participate in recycling programs at school and home.

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Research Question: What are the stages of a butterfly’s life cycle, and how does each stage contribute to its development? Overview: Investigate the process from egg to adult butterfly, detailing each stage: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. Discuss the importance of each stage for growth and survival.

The Effects of Global Warming on Polar Bears

Research Question: How is global warming affecting polar bears and their habitat? Overview: Examine the impact of climate change on polar bear populations and their Arctic environment. Discuss the challenges polar bears face due to melting ice and changing ecosystems.

The Role of Bees in Pollination

Research Question: Why are bees important for pollination, and how does their activity benefit plants and humans? Overview: Explore the process of pollination and the crucial role bees play in it. Discuss the importance of bees for agriculture and the production of fruits and vegetables.

The History and Significance of the United Nations

Research Question: What is the United Nations, and why was it created? Overview: Investigate the founding of the United Nations and its primary goals. Discuss key functions and the importance of the UN in promoting peace and cooperation among countries.

The Life and Achievements of Martin Luther King Jr.

Research Question: What were the major achievements of Martin Luther King Jr., and how did he impact the Civil Rights Movement? Overview: Explore the life, key events, and contributions of Martin Luther King Jr. to the fight for civil rights. Discuss his legacy and the lasting impact of his work on society.

The Importance of Physical Fitness for Young People

Research Question: Why is physical fitness important for young people, and what activities can help them stay fit? Overview: Investigate the benefits of regular physical activity for health and well-being. Discuss various exercises and sports that promote fitness and how students can incorporate them into their daily routines.

The Science Behind Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Research Question: What causes volcanoes and earthquakes, and how do they affect the Earth’s surface? Overview: Examine the geological processes that lead to volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Discuss their impact on landscapes, ecosystems, and human communities.

The Role of Nutrition in Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Research Question: How does proper nutrition contribute to a healthy lifestyle, and what are the key components of a balanced diet? Overview: Explore the importance of essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Discuss how making healthy food choices supports growth, energy, and overall health.

The History and Evolution of Space Exploration

Research Question: How has space exploration evolved over time, and what are some of the major milestones? Overview: Investigate the history of space exploration from early telescopic observations to modern-day missions. Discuss key achievements such as the Moon landing, Mars rovers, and the International Space Station.

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what is a good topic for action research

9 th graders mostly have enough experience and general knowledge to write about more complex topics such as the history and impact of the Internet, the effects of climate change on marine life, renewable energy sources, etc.

Writing those papers may deepen their general knowledge of the surrounding world and help them better understand what they love and want to learn more about their career path. 

The Impact of Renewable Energy on the Environment

Research Question: How does the use of renewable energy sources affect the environment compared to fossil fuels? Overview: Explore the benefits and challenges of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power. Discuss their potential to reduce pollution and combat climate change.

The Role of Genetic Engineering in Medicine

Research Question: What are the potential benefits and ethical concerns of genetic engineering in medicine? Overview: Investigate the applications of genetic engineering in developing treatments and cures for diseases. Discuss ethical considerations and the impact on society.

The Causes and Effects of Teenage Depression

Research Question: What are the main causes of depression in teenagers, and how does it affect their lives? Overview: Examine the factors contributing to teenage depression, such as social pressure, academic stress, and family issues. Discuss the short- and long-term effects on mental health and well-being.

The History and Influence of the Internet on Modern Society

Research Question: How has the internet transformed communication, education, and entertainment since its inception? Overview: Explore the development of the internet and its impact on various aspects of life. Discuss both the positive and negative effects on society.

The Importance of Cybersecurity in Today’s Digital World

Research Question: Why is cybersecurity essential in the digital age, and what measures can individuals take to protect themselves? Overview: Investigate the growing threats to online security, such as hacking and identity theft. Discuss strategies and best practices for maintaining cybersecurity.

The Effects of Climate Change on Global Ecosystems

Research Question: How is climate change affecting different ecosystems around the world? Overview: Examine the impact of climate change on forests, oceans, and wildlife. Discuss the potential consequences for biodiversity and human life.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life

Research Question: How is artificial intelligence being integrated into daily activities, and what are its implications for the future? Overview: Explore the applications of AI in areas such as healthcare, transportation, and home automation. Discuss the benefits and potential risks associated with AI technologies.

The Influence of Ancient Civilizations on Modern Culture

Research Question: How have ancient civilizations, such as Greece and Rome, influenced modern culture and society? Overview: Investigate the contributions of ancient civilizations to art, architecture, government, and philosophy. Discuss their lasting impact on contemporary life.

The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Identity Formation

Research Question: How does social media influence the development of identity in teenagers? Overview: Examine the role of social media in shaping self-perception, peer relationships, and personal identity. Discuss both positive and negative aspects of social media use among adolescents.

The Role of Vaccinations in Public Health

Research Question: How do vaccinations contribute to public health, and what are the challenges in promoting vaccination programs? Overview: Explore the science behind vaccinations and their effectiveness in preventing diseases. Discuss public health strategies and the challenges of misinformation and vaccine hesitancy.

Modern education dramatically differs from what it used to be. Current education systems are more for student-centered curriculums than the previous ones that used to be teacher-centered. Although there are undeniable benefits to such systems, there are some grey areas, and it is difficult to claim whether they have had beneficial or unfavorable impacts. 

The Impact of Online Learning on Student Engagement

Research Question: How does online learning influence student engagement and academic performance compared to traditional classroom settings? Overview: Explore the benefits and challenges of online learning platforms. Analyze studies on student engagement, participation, and performance in virtual vs. in-person classes.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Learning

Research Question: How can artificial intelligence be used to create personalized learning experiences for students? Overview: Investigate the applications of AI in education, such as adaptive learning technologies and personalized tutoring systems. Discuss the potential benefits and ethical concerns.

The Effectiveness of Project-Based Learning in Modern Education

Research Question: How does project-based learning impact student outcomes and skill development in modern education? Overview: Examine the principles and practices of project-based learning (PBL). Discuss its effectiveness in enhancing critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

The Influence of Gamification on Student Motivation and Learning

Research Question: How does the use of gamification in education affect student motivation and learning outcomes? Overview: Explore the concept of gamification and its implementation in educational settings. Analyze its impact on student engagement, motivation, and academic performance.

The Role of Social-Emotional Learning in Modern Education

Research Question: How does social-emotional learning (SEL) contribute to student success and well-being? Overview: Investigate the components of SEL and its integration into school curricula. Discuss the benefits of SEL for student mental health, academic achievement, and interpersonal skills.

The Impact of Technology on Teacher-Student Interaction

Research Question: How has technology changed the dynamics of teacher-student interaction in modern education? Overview: Examine the effects of digital tools and online communication on the teacher-student relationship. Discuss both positive and negative impacts on instructional quality and student support.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Inclusive Education

Research Question: What are the key challenges and opportunities in implementing inclusive education for students with diverse needs? Overview: Explore the principles of inclusive education and the strategies for accommodating students with disabilities. Analyze case studies and best practices for promoting inclusivity.

The Role of STEM Education in Preparing Students for the Future

Research Question: How does STEM education prepare students for future careers and technological advancements? Overview: Investigate the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in the modern curriculum. Discuss the skills and competencies that STEM education fosters in students.

The Influence of Parental Involvement on Student Achievement

Research Question: How does parental involvement in education impact student academic achievement and behavior? Overview: Examine the different forms of parental involvement, such as homework support and participation in school activities. Discuss their effects on student performance and attitudes toward learning.

The Future of Assessment: Beyond Standardized Testing

Research Question: What are the alternatives to standardized testing for assessing student learning and achievement? Overview: Explore innovative assessment methods, such as formative assessments, portfolios, and performance-based assessments. Discuss their potential to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of student skills and knowledge.

A large number of learners need special education, and unlike in the past when they were taught separately, they are not only partially integrated with all education institutions without any discrimination. However, they receive special attention from educators, and their requirements are more relaxed than for others. 

The Effectiveness of Inclusive Education for Students with Disabilities

Research Question: How effective is inclusive education in promoting academic and social development for students with disabilities? Overview: Investigate the principles and practices of inclusive education. Analyze studies on its impact on academic performance, social integration, and overall development of students with disabilities.

Assistive Technology in Special Education: Benefits and Challenges

Research Question: How does assistive technology enhance learning outcomes for students with special needs? Overview: Explore various types of assistive technologies used in special education. Discuss their benefits, such as improved accessibility and independence, and the challenges related to implementation and training.

The Role of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in Student Success

Research Question: How do Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) support the academic and personal growth of students with special needs? Overview: Examine the process of developing and implementing IEPs. Analyze their effectiveness in addressing specific educational needs and promoting student success.

Parental Involvement in Special Education: Impact on Student Outcomes

Research Question: How does parental involvement influence the educational outcomes of students with special needs? Overview: Investigate the various ways parents can participate in their child’s special education. Discuss the impact of parental support on academic achievement, behavior, and emotional well-being.

The Role of Early Intervention in Special Education

Research Question: How does early intervention impact the development and learning of children with special needs? Overview: Explore the importance of early identification and intervention for young children with disabilities. Discuss the benefits of early intervention programs in improving developmental and educational outcomes.

Behavioral Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Research Question: What are the most effective behavioral interventions for supporting students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in educational settings? Overview: Examine various behavioral intervention strategies, such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and social skills training. Analyze their effectiveness in improving communication, behavior, and social interactions.

The Impact of Teacher Training on Special Education Outcomes

Research Question: How does specialized training for teachers influence the quality of special education services and student outcomes? Overview: Investigate the importance of professional development and training for special education teachers. Discuss the correlation between teacher preparedness and student success.

The Challenges of Transitioning from School to Adulthood for Students with Special Needs

Research Question: What challenges do students with special needs face when transitioning from school to adulthood, and how can they be addressed? Overview: Explore the obstacles related to transitioning from school to work or higher education. Discuss programs and strategies designed to support this transition and promote independence.

The Role of Speech and Language Therapy in Special Education

Research Question: How does speech and language therapy contribute to the development of communication skills in students with special needs? Overview: Examine the role of speech and language therapists in special education. Discuss the impact of therapy on improving communication abilities and overall academic performance.

The Effectiveness of Social Skills Training for Students with Special Needs

Research Question: How effective is social skills training in enhancing the social interactions and relationships of students with special needs? Overview: Investigate various social skills training programs and their implementation in special education settings. Analyze their effectiveness in improving social competencies and peer relationships.

Educational Technology Research, or EdTech, studies how technological advancement has influenced modern education. It also studies how they can be used to enhance the learning outcome and save valuable time for teachers and students, making a lot of work automatic. The interdisciplinary field combines education, psychology, computer science, and information technology insights. 

The Impact of EdTech on Student Engagement and Learning Outcomes

Research Question: How does the integration of educational technology affect student engagement and academic performance? Overview: Explore the use of various EdTech tools, such as interactive software and digital classrooms, in enhancing student participation and learning outcomes. Analyze studies comparing traditional and technology-enhanced learning environments.

Research Question: How can artificial intelligence be utilized to create personalized learning experiences for students? Overview: Investigate the applications of AI in educational settings, including adaptive learning platforms and AI-driven tutoring. Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of implementing AI to cater to individual student needs.

Gamification in Education: Benefits and Challenges

Research Question: What are the benefits and challenges of incorporating gamification into educational curricula? Overview: Examine the principles of gamification and its impact on student motivation, engagement, and learning. Discuss case studies and best practices for effectively integrating gamification into the classroom.

Research Question: How effective are online learning platforms in delivering higher education compared to traditional classroom settings? Overview: Analyze the advantages and limitations of online learning platforms. Discuss student performance, satisfaction, and engagement in online versus in-person courses.

EdTech Solutions for Special Education: Enhancing Accessibility and Learning

Research Question: How can educational technology enhance accessibility and learning outcomes for students with special needs? Overview: Explore various EdTech tools designed for special education, such as speech-to-text software and interactive learning apps. Discuss their impact on accessibility and individualized learning.

The Role of Virtual Reality in Enhancing STEM Education

Research Question: How does the use of virtual reality (VR) in STEM education impact student learning and interest in science and technology? Overview: Investigate the applications of VR in teaching complex STEM concepts. Analyze its effectiveness in improving understanding, retention, and student enthusiasm for STEM subjects.

EdTech and Teacher Professional Development: Improving Instructional Practices

Research Question: How does educational technology support teacher professional development and improve instructional practices? Overview: Examine the role of EdTech in providing professional development opportunities for teachers. Discuss the impact on teaching strategies, classroom management, and student outcomes.

The Influence of Mobile Learning on Student Academic Performance

Research Question: How does mobile learning impact the academic performance of students? Overview: Explore the use of mobile devices and apps in education. Analyze their effectiveness in supporting learning, enhancing flexibility, and improving academic outcomes.

The Challenges of Implementing EdTech in Underserved Schools

Research Question: What are the main challenges of implementing educational technology in underserved schools, and how can they be addressed? Overview: Investigate the barriers to EdTech adoption in low-income and rural schools, such as funding, infrastructure, and training. Discuss potential solutions and successful case studies.

The Role of Data Analytics in Improving Educational Outcomes

Research Question: How can data analytics be used to improve educational outcomes and personalize learning experiences? Overview: Examine the use of data analytics in tracking student progress, identifying learning gaps, and informing instructional decisions. Discuss the benefits and ethical considerations of using student data.


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Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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Scrivner Institute of Public Policy

Civil discourse in action: du’s colorado project addresses sustainable economic growth, the colorado project is setting its sights on strengthening colorado’s economy through inclusivity and unity..

denver skyline with rocky mountains in the background

The Colorado Project seeks to reduce polarization, strengthen democracy and find solutions to the tough issues facing Colorado by harnessing the power of civil discourse. This year-old initiative is housed in the Douglas and Mary Scrivner Institute of Public Policy at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. In early March,  the Project released a report proposing a strategy for sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Colorado, addressing topics like water, energy, jobs and housing.

“The Colorado Project is an effort for us to bring all Coloradans together to take on the most important questions of our state while committing to the hard work of listening and learning even when we may disagree,” said Dean Fritz Mayer, Korbel School of International Studies who launched the project as a flagship effort for the school based on work he previously led in North Carolina. 

Starting in July 2023, the Project’s 33 members met eight times, virtually and in small groups, to develop recommendations for an economy that lifts all boats when the Colorado economy grows. 

“On the surface, our economy looks good but historically our economic growth hasn’t benefitted every segment of the population the same, particularly people of color and people living in poverty,” says Rebecca Montgomery. She is the former director of democracy and civil discourse initiatives within Scrivner and was the staff facilitator for the Project. “Rural communities haven’t recovered since the recession of 2008. Up until now, leaders have worked on these issues in silos but there is potential for political alignment we are not seeing if we can break out of these silos.”

Landon Mascareñaz believes the group succeeded in doing that. He was a committee member and has been brought on as a consultant to replace Montgomery, who has since left the Project. He currently serves as the chair, State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education and is the co-founder of The Open Systems Institute. The civil discourse process used by the Project left him enthusiastic about the Project’s potential and results.

“I had a really incredible experience,” he says. “I loved the partnership, the facilitation and really great ways we could take the content and move it to the next level.”

The group’s members were selected to ensure diverse viewpoints were represented through geography and backgrounds: industry, business, non-profits, rural, urban, racial, water, energy, workforce, housing, land use and others. Only a couple held elected office.       

While civil discourse was the rule of the day, the conversations weren’t easy. The group adopted four rules to keep talks civil:

1. assume positive intent 2. come to every meeting and engage meaningfully 3. keep all conversations confidential 4. base all your contributions in facts, research or practical experience

“We held each other to these values on those constructs we made at the beginning,” says Lisandra Gonzales, one of three co-chairs and chief executive officer of Rocky Mountain Partnership.

These points kept discussions on track, especially when talks became tough, as they did the first day. Ideas about equity and inclusion provided a tall first hurdle.

“How do you deal with racial issues in parts of the state where race is not a prominent issue?” says Steve ErkenBrack, co-chair and chief executive officer of the Buell Foundation. “That was very tense for a bit but we worked through that because we realized it’s all about inclusion. Parts of rural Colorado also feel they have not always been included.”

Gonzales says that talk revealed something else. Definitions are shaped by people’s personal experiences, giving language shades of meaning beyond the dictionary. In the end, she says people generally agreed on what something meant but used different words to describe it.

“Even if you hear something that is off-putting,” ErkenBrack says, “rather than react immediately, make sure the person is really saying that. We all have biases. These biases we all bring to the human experience are not inherently negative, but you have to face them and recognize them in yourself. We ended up with a candid process and there was a unanimity of where we wanted to get.”

Questions were not left to fester unresolved. “If something felt off, we connected to make sure we had real conversations,” Gonzales says. “We didn’t lose anyone for the sake of not having those accountability conversations.”

The issues often emerged from smaller working groups, were introduced to the larger group, discussed, sent back, reworked, reintroduced and accepted, or not, usually by consensus.

“Can you live with this in the end? That’s where we had the ultimate buy-in,” Gonzales says. “Are you comfortable with your name being associated with this? That is the question we were asking.”

ErkenBrack says that the diversity of the group was its strength, especially as the participants came to realize all the issues were interrelated. Water affects business which affects housing, education, land use, etc. Any single issue brought up others, and the commitment from the group was to create a plan that would benefit the entire state, not just part of it.

“You wind up realizing whatever your own background and expertise is, you have to access other expertise,” ErkenBrack says. “You realize the importance of listening to other people’s expertise.”

Gonzales says the group spent a lot of time “sitting in the dialogue” and listening before decisions were made. “What was most inspiring about this process and gives me the most hope, even for the country,” she says, “by bringing together this vast array of people, what we all committed to was the end result. We were respectful of other opinions.”

“You can’t assemble people from all these diverse backgrounds and expect everybody to think like you,” says ErkenBrack. “We live in an environment of policy that is increasingly contentious and emotional. Bringing together several dozen leaders from different fields and reaching a result and consensus document inspired us to take this back to our day jobs and communities - listening to make progress.”

“We built relationships across ideas and differences. That was so powerful,” Mascareñaz says.

The focus now is on getting the report into the hands of thought leaders. Eventually, a new group will be convened for the Colorado Project to tackle a new topic, yet to be identified, certain to be tough, but the discourse civil. 

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