• Life Orientation Task Project 2022



1 23  
3 24  
4 0.7  
TOTAL 90  


4 - 6 weeks
Activity 1: 19 April 2022
Activity 2: 29 April 2022
Activity 3: 06 May 2022
Activity 4: 13 May 2022


  • The project would require research and extensive reading
  • Read all questions carefully.
  • All sources used in this activity must be acknowledged
  • Complete Activity 1 to 4 by making use of relevant sources and the knowledge you have gained in class.
  • When compiling your project use your own words, to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding and application of skills and values.
  • The completion of the project as a formal assessment task for Term 2 should be done on your own and completed under the supervision of the teacher during the Life Orientation period.
  • The project is divided into FOUR activities which should be submitted according to the stipulated dates.
  • Questions should be answered in full sentences and presented in paragraphs.
  • The mark allocation per question indicates the required length of your answer.
  • a completed cover page with learner and task details
  • correctly numbered answers to correspond with the questions
  • each activity should be answered on a new page.

INTRODUCTION Overpopulation or overabundance is a phenomenon that occurs when a species’ population becomes larger than the carrying capacity of its environment. This may occur from increased birth rates, less predation or lower mortality rates, and large scale migration, according to Wikipedia. According to Fin24 user Glyn Morgan, there is one subject that is NEVER broached and that is overpopulation. The Chinese had their “One Child Policy” from the 60’s till it was amended recently. It was a very heavy-handed policy that was started just after the “Great Leap Forward” (A five year Chinese economic plan) which caused the deaths by starvation of around 30 million Chinese. What would China be like if they had not had that policy? What would the Chinese population be now? What would be the state of their economy? I believe that South Africa is showing the effects of overpopulation now. There should be checks on “un-earned income” for the super-rich (The rich giving themselves huge bonuses while the economy is going down. Government politicians acting like they actually earned their fat incomes) as well as efforts to raise the level of the poor. If the poor had only as many children as they could afford it would help immensely in reducing poverty. What would be the effect of the government offering incentives to people to have fewer children? I am not saying we should have a “One Child Policy” but we should have as many children as we can afford. Maybe offer a once-off cash incentive for people to have “the snip” after full consultations? This is NOT a race thing but an economics thing. There will be objections by people saying that if or when we can up-lift the poor they will naturally have fewer children so there is no need for a family planning policy. Which comes first, prosperity or smaller families? I say both must be seriously worked on at the same time. One will aid the other. What are your views on this contentious issue? Right now it is being swept under the carpet. Just for interest sake, I have been to China numerous times and have spoken about their population policy. Mostly they seem to be positive about it but acknowledge that it was heavy-handed. They welcome the changes.

  • Predation – the killing of one living organism by another for food.
  • Broached – to raise a difficult issue/matter for discussion
  • “The snip” – to remove or cut off something (sterilization)
  • Heavy-handed – overly forceful.
  • Legal immigrants – foreign born-born people, legally admitted to the country.

ACTIVITY 1 QUESTION 1 Write paragraphs on population growth in South Africa and the roles and responsibilities of government on managing population growth. Use the following as a guide. 1.1 Define the following concepts:

  • Overpopulation
  • census process (2x1) (2)

1.2 Explain the aim of Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) (1x2) (2) 1.3 Differentiate between National and Local government. (2x1) (2) 1.4 Describe TWO social and TWO environmental responsibilities of local government. (2x2)+(2x2) (8) 1.5 Research the Statistics Act no 6 of 1999 and write short paragraphs in which you analyse each of the following:

  • Purpose of the Act (1x3) (3)
  • Duty to answer questions (1x3) (3)
  • Access to premises (1x3) (3) (9)

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ACTIVITY 2 QUESTION 2 Write paragraphs on roles and responsibilities of different levels of government. Use the following questions as a guide. 2.1 Explain FOUR causes of overpopulation in South Africa. (4x2) (8) 2.2 Assess FOUR impacts of overpopulation on the delivery of basic services. (4x3) (12) 2.3 Discuss FOUR activities local governments can engage in to minimise overpopulation across South African communities. (4x2) (8) 2.4 Explain FOUR positive impacts of legal immigrants on the South African economy. (4x2) (8)

ACTIVITY 3 QUESTION 3 Write paragraphs on outcomes of campaigns and events in relation to laws, regulations, rules and the role of the media. Use the following questions as a guide. 3.1 Discuss TWO purposes of the Protection of Personal information Act (POPIA). (2x2) (4) 3.2 Critically discuss the refusal/unwillingness of some individuals to answer questions put to them by authorized Stats SA officials. (1x4) (4) 3.3 Evaluate the impact of personal values on the success of the census campaign. (1x4) (4) 3.4 Recommend FOUR practical strategies that the media could apply to discourage negative perceptions/behavior among communities towards immigrants. In EACH recommendation provide a possible outcome. (4x3) (12) SUBMISSION DATE : 06 MAY 2022


  • A cover page (attached to the task)
  • Main headings are written in capital letters and sub headings inn small caps.
  • Page number correlates with the content of the project
  • Page numbers should be written on the right hand side.
  • The project should be bound or stapled (4)

4.2 Bibliography

  • You will only be awarded ONE mark per references/bibliography if it is correctly written according to Harvard Method of Referencing attached; it means the correct rules of writing the bibliography are applied or followed. (3x1) (3) SUBMISSION DATE: 13 MAY 2022 GRAND TOTAL: 90 MARKS

HARVARD METHOD OF REFERENCING BOOK Smith, A (2010). Grade 7 Life Orientation. Johannesburg: Oxford University Press. p. 26-28.

JOURNAL ARTICLE Smith, A. (2011). Environmental Issues. Green Earth. 5 (2), p. 179-314.

WEBSITE Smith, A. (2009). Pollution!. Available: http://www.greenearth.com/. Last accessed 10 June 2014.

EMAIL Smith, A. water@love_our_earth.co.za. Cleaning Up. 22 March 2014.

HARVARD METODE VAN VERWYSING BOEK Smit, A (2010). Grade 7 Life Orientation. Johannesburg: Oxford University Press. bl. 26-28.

JOERNAAL ARTIKEL Smit, A. (2011). Environmental Issues. Green Earth. 5 (2), bl. 179-314.

WEBWERF Smit, A. (2009). Besoedeling! Beskikbaar: http://www.greenearth.com/. Laaste besoek 10 Junie 2014.

EPOS Smith, A. water@love_our_earth.co.za. Cleaning Up. 22 Maart 2014.

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lo assignment grade 12 term 1 2022


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Life Orientation(Grade 12)

Past year exam papers.

(updated 2024/07/04)

NSC 2023  Question Paper and Memo  below



KZN  TEACHER  Document

Life Orientation NOTES

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lo assignment grade 12 term 1 2022

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lo assignment grade 12 term 1 2022

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lo assignment grade 12 term 1 2022

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Exemplar papers.

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Modern Classroom

Life Orientation Grade 12 for 2022, 2021, 2020 Exemplars, Past Exam Papers and Study Guides

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Life Orientation Grade 12 Subject Exemplars, Past Exam Papers and Study Guides 2022, 2021, 2020: Learning Resources, Revision Notes, Revision Videos, Past Papers and Memos Pdf for download, Free Study Guides, and Textbooks.

Past Exam Papers for Life Orientation   Grade 12   include February/March, June, September, and November the following years: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016. Papers in English and Afrikaans languages for Paper 1, and Paper 2.

How Past Exam Papers Can help you pass Grade 12 in 2022 -2023?

Passing Matric with great marks requires an incredible great effort combined with different strategies available for learners today. One of the best strategies is to use past exam paper exemplars which are available on Modern Classroom website.  Previous exam papers for grade 12 assist you to:

  • Get used to the way exam papers are structured, as well as the language used to assess learners .
  • Learn how to manage your time in the exam room.
  • Helps identify key subject areas to focus on in revision.
  • Understand the way in which marks are allocated for different types of questions and section from the provided syllabus
  • Practice writing skills

On this page, you will find previous exemplars preparatory exam papers for: Gauteng, Limpopo , Western Cape , Eastern Cape , Northern Cape , Kwazulu Natal , Mpumalanga , Free State , and North West Province for CAPS curriculum.

Some of the useful resources on this page include: Exercises, Class Assessments Plans, Assignments and Answers, Research Tasks, Essays Topics and more. Resources are for all terms: Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4.

Modern Classroom is here for you Modern Classroom has plenty of examination preparation free resources for   Grade 12   Learners, as well as info about primary and secondary schools available in South Africa.

Have you explored what Modern Classroom can offer you?

Hello Learners? Don’t leave your studies until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute cramming, it’s generally accepted that this is not the best way to approach your exams and tests. To help sort out your study time management, set up a proper timetable for your study. Write down how many tests, assignments, and exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them. Then organise your studies accordingly. You may want to give some exams more study time than others, so find a balance that you feel comfortable with.

Modern Classroom has plenty of free exam preparation resources for all   Grade 12 subjects. We also have other free resources for learners in other grades as well, including Grade 11 , Grade 10 , and other grades.

List of Life Orientation Grade 12 Subject Exemplars, Past Exam Papers, and Study Guides 2022, 2021, 2020

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Life Orientation

Most of the exam papers are available in English and Afrikaans

Summaries for Gr 12 LO

There were no June exams, due to Covid

All videos and live-demonstrations on our course were performed in ‘Surgeon’s view’ (Fig.  1b ). This reduces cognitive overload as the student is able to directly emulate the steps of the skill rather than needing to mentally invert the process prior to task execution. Several authors have discussed the benefits of ‘Surgeon’s view’ camera angle for teaching of surgical skills and procedures [ 11 ,  14 , 15 , 16 ]. Co and Chu [ 11 ] placed their camera device behind the instructor when demonstrating the skill live. Out of the 30 students who participated in their study, 21 rated their view of surgical knot tying demonstrations between 7-10 out of 10 (Likert scale). Bizzotoo et al. [ 14 ], Nair et al. [ 15 ] and Chao et al. [ 16 ] discuss the utility of a head-mounted, commercially available camera device for teaching surgical procedures (GoPro®). Bizzotoo et al. [ 14 ] and Nair et al. [ 15 ] used their device to record surgical procedures and then edited the videos for the purposes of teaching. Both reported head-mounted camera angles as ideal for teaching, as the field of view of the surgeon was reproduced in the video recordings. A downside however, was that when the surgeon changed positions, for instance bending or stooping, the view could be compromised [ 15 ]. Chao et al. [ 16 ] utilised live-streaming of surgical procedures to create a virtual elective during the pandemic. Students were able to interact with the operating team during the procedures, promoting learning through engagement.

Our study has some limitations. Firstly, our results are based on the online delivery of an ophthalmic surgical skills session delivered to a small student cohort. We did not directly compare online delivery with face-to-face delivery of surgical skills teaching to see if one method is superior to the other in terms of gaining skills competency. Due to the pandemic, the majority of the teaching delivered was virtual, synchronous and didactic teaching and so a virtual interactive practical skills session may have been rated more favourably by the students. To account for this, we collected pre- and post- session questionnaires. We were also not able to formally assess student competency in the skills taught to provide a more objective measure of skills attainment. The majority of students in this cohort are pursuing an ophthalmic career and therefore may be more motivated to acquire surgical skills than a more generalised audience. However, the skills taught ranged from basic (tying a reef knot) to advanced (trabeculectomy releasable suture), indicating that online delivery can be utilised to teach a range of skills to students of varying levels; including those in postgraduate ophthalmic residency training.

In conclusion, we demonstrate the successful delivery of a virtual ophthalmic surgical skills session in terms of attainment of skills and student satisfaction. Detailed preparation of teaching and high instructor-to-student ratios are required for success. By conducting this session online we were able to widen accessibility and participation, which has future implications for surgical skills teaching and its reach.

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LO Grade 12 Revision Booklet Term 1 2023

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Life Orientation Grade 12 2022 Common Assessment Task (CAT) NSC and Memo September

Find all term 4 Life Orientation (LO) Grade 12 September 2022 Common Assessment Task (CAT) NSC and Memo. These past papers will be useful for your Life Orientation revision studies. As a grade 12 learner, this is your last year of demonstrating that you are capable of achieving greatness in High School. More especially considering that in the following year, you will be doing your 1st year at a university or a college.

Do you know that South African universities and colleges will use your grade 12 final marks to decide if they should consider your application for studies?

List of Life Orientation Grade 12 November 2022 Exam Question Papers and Memos

More questions and answers from previous question papers.

What is more useful for a grade 12 learner than actual exam questions and answers from previous question papers? We have collected 100s of grade 12 questions and answers for Grade 12 subjects from all South African Provinces: Limpopo, Gauteng, Free State, North West, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, KZN, Western Cape, and Mpumalanga. The questions and answers are for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4, for the following years: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018. Take a look at the links below , or search for more.

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  18. LO Grade 12 Revision Booklet Term 1 2023

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