Master's Thesis

Information for thesis students (2024-2025) .

  • Possible domains and subjects  
  • Choice form  (deadline 14/04/2024)
  • Assignment of the supervisors ​ : expected early May 2024

Information for thesis students (2023-2024) 

  • Assignment of the supervisors ​ : see Toledo (Master Mathematics/wiskunde)

General information

  • Information in the syllabus
  • Form and products of the master's thesis
  • Regulations (PDF)
  • Timeline (PDF)
  • Correct Referencing (PDF)
  • Information about the master's thesis on the web site of the Faculty
  • Scientific integrity at the faculty of science  

In the spotlight

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All programmes

  • English-language programmes of study
  • Programmes en français
  • Programa en español


Required in stage

Master's Thesis Economics (B-KUL-D0C34A)

master thesis ku leuven feb

Previous knowledge

Identical courses, is included in these courses of study.

Learning outcomes are evaluated for the master’s thesis in the field of the selected programme and the chosen subdomain (major/specialization), if applicable.

  • The student purposefully collects and selects relevant information from the scientific literature.
  • The student reflects critically on (findings from) existing research.
  • The student integrates information from existing research in function of the question.
  • The student presents the described scientific findings correctly.
  • The student refers adequately to sources used, both in the text and in the reference list.
  • The student formulates clear and defined research questions and indicates their relevance.
  • The student draws out a meaningful, feasible and verifiable research design with appropriate research methods and analysis techniques.
  • The student motivates the methodological choices made.
  • The student carries out the research design consistently.
  • The student provides a clear, accurate description of the results.
  • The student formulates an answer to the research questions.
  • The student reflects critically on the own research, links back to findings from previous research and formulates suggestions for further research, for practice or for the government.
  • The student reports, both orally and in writing, in a clear and correct manner on the research conducted.
  • The student takes initiative, works independently and conscientiously on the master's thesis.
  • The student deals constructively with the feedback obtained

The master's thesis can only be selected if the master's programme can be completed in the same academic year. The student may be granted permission to deviate from this general rule upon reasoned request and after advice from the study career consultant .

This course is identical to the following courses: D0C10A : Masterproef economische wetenschappen

master thesis ku leuven feb

18 ects. Master's Thesis Economics (B-KUL-D0C34a)

Course material, format: more information.

The master's thesis aims to have students conduct and report (both written and oral) a scientific research project. The student works independently (individually or in group) but under the supervision of a supervisor.

The following general rules apply with regard to the subject of the master's thesis:

  • The topic is consistent with the field of study of the programme and the chosen subdomain (major/specialization), if applicable.
  • The research assignment should be in line with the research or areas of specialisation of the supervisor (who supervises the approach and completion of the work).
  • In developing their research, students have the opportunity to collaborate with the field (but this is not guaranteed for every topic or with every supervisor).

Toledo is being used for this learning activitity  

Compulsory study material

The compulsory study material depends on the chosen topic for the master's thesis and can be discussed with the supervisor.

Additional recommended study material

The optional study material depends on the topic chosen for the master's thesis and is to be discussed with the supervisor. Students should make use of relevant scientific articles and literature that they search for themselves via e.g. electronic databases (e.g. LIMO or Google Scholar).

The master's thesis consists of two components:

  • Writing a scientific article
  • Oral defense of the master’s thesis

With this ECTS file there are supplementary master’s thesis regulations. Students are required to take note of these Regulations and appendices: everything is available online on the FEB master's thesis portal . If there are interim additions, announcements and/or updates during the academic year itself, these will be communicated to students via Toledo.

Points of Attention:

  • Possible promoters, topics and information on how to choose them will be made available at the start of the academic year or in the 2 nd semester (depending on the programme). If necessary, students may submit their own topics.
  • Students who re-register for the ‘Master's thesis’ never automatically transfer their choice of subject and supervisor at that time. In principle, with the written agreement of the supervisor, the started master's thesis will be continued. These students make this known no later than the start of the academic year. The procedure for making this known will be communicated at the start of the academic year.
  • Students moving abroad as part of their master's thesis must give at least 2 weeks' written notice. See FEB master's thesis portal for the procedure. If the planned itinerary and dates change afterwards or during the trip, this must be communicated again.
  • Students can work on the master's thesis in groups or individually. More information can be found on the FEB master’s thesis portal .

Evaluation: Master's Thesis Economics (B-KUL-D2C34a)

Explanation, information about retaking exams.

Evaluation Features

In order to successfully complete the course unit Master’s Thesis the student must fulfil the conditions listed below in a timely manner (see deadlines and procedures on the FEB master’s thesis portal ):

  • be fully in order with the choice and (re)start of the master’s thesis with a supervisor, incl. any project administration
  • register for the oral defense (or apply for an early graduation);
  • submit the master’s thesis and related documents via KU Loket (in case of group cooperation, specific guidelines apply);
  • be available on campus on the scheduled defense dates. The student will receive a call no later than 1 week before the defense date with details about the specific defense time.

Only for weighty reasons (proven force majeure) can the Ombuds Service grant exceptions to the above conditions and corresponding deadlines. 

Determination of final result

The evaluation of the master's thesis is based on various aspects (see Master's thesis regulations on the FEB master's thesis portal):

  • Each master's thesis is assessed before the oral defence by an assessment committee using the table of assessment criteria (see FEB master's thesis portal ).
  • The student defends the master's thesis orally before an assessment committee and is assessed on this defence.
  • The final score on the master's thesis is calculated as follows: paper (70%), defence/presentation paper (20%), attitude during the master's thesis process (10%)
  • The student must be at least successful on the paper to pass the master's thesis.
  • If the student is not successful on the paper, the grade of the paper is the final score for the master's thesis.
  • To receive a final score, all evaluation activities must be taken. When the master's thesis is not submitted or submitted late or when the student is not present at the defence, the final score is ‘NA’ (=not taken).
  • For sanctions regarding the non-submission or late submission of other compulsory documents, please refer to the FEB Master's thesis portal .

The evaluation at the 2nd examination opportunity takes place in the same way as at the 1st examination opportunity. For master's theses involving group collaboration, the supervision team determines the reworking of the master's thesis.

Verplicht in fase

Master's thesis

Plagiarism policy.

All literary arts students and researchers are proficient in original source research. They treat scientific sources with great integrity and do not commit plagiarism. Under plagiarism policy on our website, you can see the precise definition of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Faculty provisions and guidelines for your master's thesis (Leuven)

Read the rules and guidelines , which cover everything from subject choice to evaluation of the work you submit.

Dates and deadlines

Submission deadlines for 2023-2024.

This academic year, the deadlines for submitting your master's thesis are:

  • JANUARY EXAM PERIOD   (*) Submission deadline: Thursday, 11 th of January 2024 at 2PM Defence: during the last week of the examination period​​​​​​
  • JUNE EXAM PERIOD Submission deadline: Thursday, 6 th of June 2024 at 2PM Defence: during the last week of the examination period
  • AUGUST EXAM PERIOD Submission deadline: Monday, 12 th of August 2024 at 2PM Defence: during the last week of the examination period

(*)  Students can apply to graduate in January on the condition that, next to the master's thesis, only a maximum of two first semester courses must be completed. These students will have submit an electronic application form  before December 15 at the Faculty of Science. 

The deadlines above apply to both the physical and digital submission of the master's thesis.

Digital submission: The master's thesis must also be submitted digitally in KU Loket. The instructions for this can be found on the faculty website . This electronic copy is processed by the Faculty of Science and is archived at the University Library.  

Plagiarism and exam fraud

When submitted, the faculty runs all theses through professional detection software for a plagiarism check. When plagiarism is detected in your master's thesis, this is considered a form of exam fraud. It is the examination committee who determines these matters, not your supervisor! 

How can you avoid this?  The university has elaborated a sanction policy concerning plagiarism and exam fraud. You can find information, like the definition of plagiarism and how to use methodological correctness in citing and referencing, on this  webpage . 

Thesis defences

The master's thesis defences are planned on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday before the deliberation period . Exceptions are possible in certain cases.

Graduation Ceremony Faculty of Social Sciences - 14 September 2024

[ Dutch version ]

Professor Luc Sels, Rector of the KU Leuven, professor Peter Lievens, Vice-Rector of the KU Leuven, Professor Reine Meylaerts, Vice-Rector of the KU Leuven, Professor Steven Eggermont, Dean, and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences are pleased to invite you to the Graduation Ceremony for the students receiving a Master's degree on Saturday,  14 September 2024 at 2 p.m.  Venue: Aula Pieter De Somer , Charles Deberiotstraat 24, 3000 Leuven.


  • Welcome by prof. dr. Peter Lievens, Vice-Rector, on behalf of the University
  • Speech on behalf of the international students
  • Proclamation of the graduates
  • Closing speech by prof. dr. Steven Eggermont, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences

The ceremony will feature a musical performance by  Is Mark Mark? , a five-member band performing songs from the mind (and heart) of frontwoman and songwriter Marthe Lagae, anthropology alumna of our faculty. Central are strong melodies, catchy lyrics and a warm authentic sound, carried in part by young drum talent Linde Van Mol, lead guitarist Jonathan De Pelecijn, experienced jazz bassist Hugo Antunes and keyboardist/vocalist Laura Van Der Elst.

After the ceremony and the group photo of graduates and professors, we look forward to welcoming you at the reception, offered by the Faculty.  At the reception you’ll receive your examination results upon providing identification.  This year, the reception will take place in/at Alma 2 (45 Parkstraat).

The graduates of Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives are welcome at the graduation ceremonies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Arts. Their names will be announced during both ceremonies.

Why register

Given the large number of graduates this academic year, we ask everyone to be accompanied by a maximum of three people. That way, all graduates will have a chance to attend the graduation ceremony. In addition, we also ask you to arrive on time and bring proof of your registration. 

  • Business attire - academic gowns to be worn by academic staff.
  • The duration of the graduation ceremony is around one and a half hour, the reception max. two hours.
  • You can park in parking Servotte, Parkstraat 45 in Leuven and walk to Aula Pieter De Somer, Charles Deberiotstraat 24, 3000 Leuven. Exiting the parking lot will remain possible until 11 p.m.
  • Check our webpage about the examination period for the publication of the examination results.

Welcome, first-year alumni!

In mathematics it is called a collection. In biology, a kingdom.  In KU Leuven, it is an invaluable network. 

Almost graduated? As a first-year alumnus of KU Leuven, you are in good company. Worldwide, you are in contact with some 280,000 bright minds who have a lot in common: an open mind, unwavering ethics and a curious mindset constantly driven by wonder. 

But you can also meet your fellow alumni in person and virtually, worldwide, at select events, fascinating trips and instructive lectures which will be enjoyable but also useful. Because a network is just as valuable as a diploma. 

Stay in touch with other alumni and your alma mater via the online community KU Leuven Connect.  Have you activated your account yet?

The ceremony can be also followed digitally on this webpage .

For questions concerning accessibility, please contact [email protected] or + 32 16 32 01 82.

 Our photographer will take photos during this event. If you would prefer not to be photographed, please inform the photographer.

(c) Photo: Dennis Van der Haegen

Master's thesis at campus Antwerp and Brussels

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Master's thesis

On this master's thesis portal you will find all information about the master's thesis at the Faculty of Economics and Business on our Antwerp and Brussels campus. These pages are considered the master's thesis regulations. Please go through all the information in detail while conducting your master's thesis.

Quick access

  • Templates and documents for your master's thesis
  • Dates and deadlines 
  • Questions or problems with your master's thesis

Information for staff

Phase 1: the master's thesis and a master's thesis topic.

Find out exactly what a master's thesis entails and how to choose a topic for your master's thesis.

Phase 2: Conducting and submitting your master's thesis

Find out what you need to know while working on your master's thesis, what to expect from the master's thesis supervision and how to submit your master's thesis.

Phase 3: The defence and evaluation of your master's thesis

Find out what is expected of you during the defence of your master's thesis and how and by whom your master's thesis will be evaluated.

Phase 4: The final grade and storage of your master's thesis

Find out all about the disclosure of your final grade and the storage and consultation of your master's thesis.


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    master thesis ku leuven feb

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    master thesis ku leuven feb

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    master thesis ku leuven feb

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    master thesis ku leuven feb

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    master thesis ku leuven feb


  1. Master's thesis

    Master's thesis. The Master's thesis is a scientifically underpinned research project that is carried out independently by the student and of which its development is supervised by a supervisor. Through the Master's thesis, the student demonstrates analytical and synthetic competences and/or his/her independent problem-solving ability at ...

  2. Submission deadlines and procedure: FEB campus Leuven

    Master's thesis submission. Master's thesis defence. 1st examination period. 18 January 2024, 11.59 p.m. 31 January and 1 February, 2024. Each student individually makes an appointment with his supervisor to establish time and location for the defence. Master's thesis in one semester agreement. 2nd examination period.

  3. My master's thesis

    You can find all the info on our updated master's thesis page. Select the campus where you take classes and you will be directed to the pages that can provide answers to your questions. If you still have a question, you can contact the master's thesis coordinator of your programme or major. You can find their contact details below.

  4. Submission Deadlines Master's Thesis

    From Monday 15 July 2024 till Monday 5 August 2024 before 12.00 pm (midnight). Attention! If you want to submit your Master's Thesis in the September exam session, make sure you also register in time via your study progress file. Step 3 - Oral defence. Wednesday 31 January 2024.

  5. Master's Thesis Portal

    Submission and defence of Master's Thesis. This section is for students who want to submit their final Master's thesis. For students in a two-year programme it concerns Master's thesis, part 2. Arrangements about Master's thesis, part 1 can be made with the supervisor. Submission procedure and information about defences .

  6. Master's thesis regulations and official documents

    Master's thesis in one semester agreement. Students who only need to complete the master's thesis (which you take up for the second time), or the master's thesis combined with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art ...

  7. Submission Procedure Master's Thesis

    Students submit their request to graduate in January via this form, by 1 December at the latest. Attention! if you want to submit your Master's Thesis in the September exam session, make sure you also register in time via your study progress file. This is possible after the announcement of the results of the June exam session.

  8. Master's Thesis

    General information. Information in the syllabus. Form and products of the master's thesis. Regulations (PDF) Timeline (PDF) Correct Referencing (PDF) Information about the master's thesis on the web site of the Faculty. Scientific integrity at the faculty of science. Last update: Feb 09, 2024.

  9. Master's thesis

    Use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Follow the next steps: 1. fill out METADATA 2. upload Master's thesis 3. extra files. When you 'save' your master's thesis, a pop-up screen will appear. When you see all green checks, your master's thesis was uploaded successfully. You will NOT receive a confirmation e-mail.

  10. Master's Thesis Economics

    Explanation. Evaluation Features. In order to successfully complete the course unit Master's Thesis the student must fulfil the conditions listed below in a timely manner (see deadlines and procedures on the FEB master's thesis portal):. be fully in order with the choice and (re)start of the master's thesis with a supervisor, incl. any project administration

  11. Master's Thesis

    Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-Y70956) Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period. Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours. Type of questions : Open questions. Learning material : None. Explanation. Information about retaking exams.

  12. Guidance

    Surveys with fellow students or KU Leuven staff for your master's thesis. Surveying fellow students or staff is in no way facilitated by the faculty. Staff members of KU Leuven should never pass on contact details (e.g. e-mail addresses) of students to other students, nor to third parties.

  13. Master's thesis

    Faculty provisions and guidelines for your master's thesis (Leuven) Read the rules and guidelines, which cover everything from subject choice to evaluation of the work you submit. Last update: Jun 14, 2024. Comments on the content and accessibility: Faculteit Letteren. Everything you need to know about your master's thesis at the Faculty of Arts.

  14. Dates and deadlines

    The deadlines above apply to both the physical and digital submission of the master's thesis. Digital submission: The master's thesis must also be submitted digitally in KU Loket. The instructions for this can be found on the faculty website.This electronic copy is processed by the Faculty of Science and is archived at the University Library.


    KU LEUVEN FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES TEL. + 32 16 32 30 40 [email protected] ... FEBRUARY 2024 2 Fr Candlemas: KU Leuven Patron Saint's Day (1) ... 28 Th Submitting start note master's thesis for students who wish to defend in September (until 4 PM)

  16. Master's Thesis Regulations

    1.1 Description. The Master's thesis is a research study in which students demonstrates their ability to compile a state-of-the-art literature review on a research topic in a particular discipline, to apply the discipline-specific research method and to formulate relevant and research-based conclusions.

  17. Templates and documents

    Content is the most important thing, but form can help determine how the content of your master's thesis is received and evaluated. Therefore, always keep in mind the form requirements and use the correct templates and documents. Timely preparation of the master's thesis administration is also important to succeed on your master's thesis.

  18. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis (B-KUL-N0A39B) Master's Thesis. (B-KUL-N0A39B) 18 ECTS English 30 Both terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract. Raube Kolja (coordinator) | N. | Hajto Vera (substitute) | Tuerlinckx Stefanie (cooperator) OC Master European Studies - Letteren. Aims.

  19. Master's Thesis Regulations Master of Economics, Master of ...

    Students who only need to complete the master's thesis, or the master's thesis combined with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester. Students must hand in the form "Master's thesis in one semester agreement" by the 15th of ...

  20. Graduation Ceremony Faculty of Social Sciences

    Professor Luc Sels, Rector of the KU Leuven, professor Peter Lievens, Vice-Rector of the KU Leuven, Professor Reine Meylaerts, Vice-Rector of the KU Leuven, Professor Steven Eggermont, Dean, and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Social Sciences are pleased to invite you to the Graduation Ceremony for the students receiving a Master's degree on Saturday, 14 September 2024 at 2 p.m. Venue ...

  21. Templates

    Templates. Template MT ENG Antwerp. Template MT ENG Leuven. Template MT ENG Brussels. FEB Template ENG. MIBEM Literature Review. Last update: Jul 25, 2024. Comments on the content and accessibility: Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven. Disclaimer.

  22. Dates and deadlines

    The available master thesis topics can be consulted from the start of the academic year. ... 31 January and 1 February 2024; 2nd examination period: 29, 30 and 31 May 2024; 3rd examination period: 4, 5 and 6 September 2024 ... Follow KU Leuven on. Faculty of Economics and Business KU Leuven STUDY; RESEARCH; COLLABORATE WITH FEB; ABOUT FEB ...

  23. Form requirements

    Language help and guidance is available through the FEB student platform. In Dutch-language programmes, the master's thesis is normally written (and defended) in Dutch. ... KU Leuven has issued university guidelines around the use of artificial intelligence as a tool for working on papers and master's theses. ... Master's thesis length ...

  24. The submission procedure of the master's thesis

    In this guide you can read step by step how to submit your master's thesis online via KU Loket. If you complete 2 course units in the same academic year, upload each paper in the correct section. Some specific points of attention while uploading: Make sure you have filled in all fields correctly (especially the title).

  25. Master's thesis at campus Antwerp and Brussels

    Master's thesis. On this master's thesis portal you will find all information about the master's thesis at the Faculty of Economics and Business on our Antwerp and Brussels campus. These pages are considered the master's thesis regulations. Please go through all the information in detail while conducting your master's thesis.