The Importance of Respect in the Military Essay

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Importance of respect.

The feeling of remorse that is bestowed upon a soldier during the playing of the Taps is derived from nothing other than respect for each other. Although in the army most occasions end with sad events, most feel a sense of respect for the fallen soldier who pays the ultimate sacrifice for the country.

Most of the military customs and traditions are not held to this regard. However, we need to uphold our traditions and customs so that we do not lose the sense of pride and duty. This paper seeks to discuss the importance of respect in the military.

Being a soldier in the army means understanding the Seven Core Army Values and living up to them. Some of these include respect, loyalty and honor. Having respect means treating someone as he or she should be treated.

The people in the army are expected to treat each other with respect. They do this since they also expect others to do the same. Another ingredient for respect is self-respect. You cannot respect another if you do not respect yourself. This allows someone to put forth his or her best effort since the Army is a team and each member contributes to the greater goal.

Respecting your fellow soldier means protecting him in all situations, covering his backside when required and clearing the path in order for him to complete the mission. This is because when that person completes the task, it equally means that you have completed yours. Therefore, respect in the army ensures that the jobs of both the seniors and the subordinates are done.

Lack of respect in the Army may hinder development of effective leaders. This is usually accompanied with the lack of proper communication. Disrespect is observed when the seniors in the Army (such as the NCOs) fail to do what they were tasked to do and force other (subordinate) officers to micromanage tasks.

This is where seniors loose the trust of the subordinates. The best way to maintain relationships and respect in the Army is to focus on your task and maintain communication in all situations. This way there would be mutual respect and friendships that last for a lifetime would be fostered.

Another reason why respect in the military is important is that it would ensure that the juniors (subordinates) are informed about the missions and its activities. This would empower them with responsibilities and show them that they are equally important to the team.

Respect is also important because it instills confidence that the mission would be successful. This is especially the case when there is the respect of the soldiers of all ranks. The soldiers need to respect their peers, subordinates and seniors.

This would require one to listen and pay soldiers the proper courtesy. This should be the case even when one does not like the other for any particular reason or the mission as a whole. This would ensure that the tasks are done and missions completed successfully.

The seven Code Army Values govern the soldiers in the Army. Respect is one of the values and it is important since it ensures harmony within the Army. Respecting the peers, subordinates and seniors is important to ensure that the work is done and that missions are completed successfully. Without respect in the army, there would not be any success.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 1). The Importance of Respect in the Military.

"The Importance of Respect in the Military." IvyPanda , 1 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Importance of Respect in the Military'. 1 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Importance of Respect in the Military." April 1, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "The Importance of Respect in the Military." April 1, 2019.


IvyPanda . "The Importance of Respect in the Military." April 1, 2019.


Voice for the army - support for the soldier, treating others with respect is a core value.

“Mission first, people always” is a motto that rings true and cuts to the heart of what the Army is about. The Army exists to deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars, yet every aspect of operations remains a human endeavor. A soldier is behind every weapons system, tank, aircraft, computer and decision made in order to accomplish the mission. It is a soldier, an American son or daughter, who takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution, who stands ready and courageously on point for the nation and who understands the sacrifice involved in being part of a purpose greater than self.

Soldiering is more than a job. It is a lifestyle, a calling, a labor of love and a great privilege. Respect, both for oneself and others, is a value required of leaders and soldiers at all levels to build cohesive teams and allow mission accomplishment.

In order to accomplish the mission, the Army requires soldiers and leaders of character and competence committed to living the Army Values and performing their duty in accordance with the Army Ethic anytime, anywhere. The Army Ethic is the heart of our shared professional identity as honorable servants to the nation. It defines our guiding moral principles and embodies our values, ethos, creeds, oaths, standards and laws within the Army profession. To violate the Army Ethic is to break our sacred bond of trust with each other and society.

Respect, a core Army value integral within the Army Ethic, is fundamental to people’s lives and mission success. Respect begins within oneself and stems from dignity, a basic human right. Dignity comes from a place of value, worthiness and sense of self-respect. People are hardwired for belonging, connection, contribution and purpose. Although hardship, loss and struggle are realities of the human experience, stripping a person of dignity will always lead to suffering. Dignity allows human beings to persevere, engage, remain resilient and courageously strive in the world.

The Golden Rule

Respect in its purest form is the Golden Rule, to treat others how we want to be treated. As soldiers, we pledge to treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. The Army Ethic calls on us to recognize the dignity and worth of all people, treat them with respect and compassion, and place others’ needs above our own. Respect leads us to give our best effort for the team, expect the best in others and humbly realize we are part of a greater mission: defending America’s freedom.

The most respectful thing a leader can do is create a climate of accountability to ensure actions and behaviors align with the Army Values and standards for team and mission success. Just as a parent corrects a child they love or a pilot makes course corrections to stay on a glide path, leaders must ensure a healthy team climate for high performance.

The Army Values and standards live or die in the small moments, and when it comes to respect, we must treat the person in front of us, right now, in the right way. Any disrespectful interaction strips dignity and leaves people feeling oppressed, humiliated, ignored, belittled and de-energized. Disrespect is dangerous and can spread like a disease if tolerated. Any form of disrespect must be corrected promptly as every misdeed left unchecked will erode the organization, placing the mission and people’s lives at risk. Leaders must keep a finger on the pulse of the organization from the center to the furthest end to determine true health and promote a climate of respect and accountability in order to accomplish the mission.

Compassion Toward Others

Leadership is paramount to the profession of arms. When it comes to accomplishing the mission and caring for people, leaders must do both. Then-Gen. Colin Powell demonstrated that service is about people and every person’s contribution matters for the mission. As a leader, he emphasized that kindness toward others is an overall attitude, a sign of confidence, not weakness. Leaders should show compassion to others and expect nothing in return, as people need it more than we realize.

Powell was known for engaging with the lowest-level soldiers, greeting everyone by name, taking care of subordinates, listening and learning about others. He taught that respect is earned by leaders through care, competence, honesty, sacrifice, personal courage, being an inspiration and never being abusive. Respect is also earned by remaining tough but fair, communicating clear expectations and creating a climate of accountability for mission success. His leadership proved that if subordinates respect you, they will never let you down.

Gen. Omar N. Bradley observed, in part, “Leadership means firmness, not harshness; understanding, not weakness; generosity, not selfishness; pride, not egotism.” His perspective aligns with guidance given by Maj. Gen. John Schofield regarding leading soldiers in 1879:

The discipline which makes the soldiers of a free country reliable in battle is not to be gained by harsh or tyrannical treatment. On the contrary, such treatment is far more likely to destroy than to make an army. It is possible to impart instruction and give commands in such a manner and such a tone of voice as to inspire in the soldier no feeling but an intense desire to obey, while the opposite manner and tone of voice cannot fail to excite strong resentment and a desire to disobey. The one mode or the other in dealing with subordinates springs from a corresponding spirit in the breast of the commander.

Respect, how we treat others, is ultimately a condition of our heart. Character is who we really are: our innermost thoughts, motives, attitudes and moral qualities. Who we are on the inside matters most because who we are on the inside influences what we do on the outside. Our inside development and victories must always precede our outside ones. As one legacy leader put it, “To win once takes talent, but to win again takes character.”

Following Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf told West Point cadets: “To be a 21st century leader you must have two things, competence and character. … It is not what a man or woman is doing when they are being watched, it is what they are doing when they are not being watched that demonstrates true character.”

respect essay army

The Army requires leaders of character who display respect for others, and who can withstand adversity and resist temptations to negotiate when it comes to living the values and doing what is right for soldiers and the Army.

A good measure of character is how an individual treats others regardless of status or power. The military rank structure is necessary for maintaining good order and discipline along a clear chain of command. This is a defining characteristic and vital to mission success, especially in combat.

However, with rank comes power, which at any level can be abused and change people for the worse. A leader must be self-aware, continuously reflect upon the condition of their own heart, and realize it is easy and dangerous to prioritize position over people. The best leaders close the power gap, get their egos out of the way, and respectfully and selflessly serve their followers and mission first.

A “kiss up-kick down” approach to people is often on display throughout military culture. Toxic leadership is a combination of self-centered attitudes, motivations and behaviors, while lacking true concern for people or the mission. This type of leadership is delusional and ineffective and has harmful effects on people, the organization and mission performance. Toxic leadership at any level must be eliminated as soon as it is identified to preserve the health of the force. When people feel disrespected by self-serving leaders, they will disengage, look for other opportunities, or give the bare minimum in an effort to self-protect due to lack of trust.

A Servant’s Heart

Servant leadership is the only kind of leadership the Army can afford with the mission and lives of soldiers at stake. In every formation, a sergeant is often the most influential leader for a group of soldiers. It is important to understand that the word “sergeant” comes from the French word “sergent,” meaning “servant,” which in turn derives from the Latin word “serviens,” which means “servant” or “soldier.” The goal of a servant leader is to serve, nothing more, nothing less.

Humility is one of the most powerful leadership traits, found in servant leaders, who place the mission and those who accomplish it above self. A servant leader enhances the health and performance of an organization. Soldiers deserve leaders with the heart and strength of a servant.

Our professional obligation to respect everyone applies both in peacetime and in war. The Geneva Conventions encompass standards for humanitarian treatment in combat and recognize the basic human rights of everyone, including enemy noncombatants, the disarmed, wounded, prisoners of war and civilians. Soldiers are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect and are responsible for the safety and welfare of enemy persons captured during combat.

Any act of violence, outrages upon personal dignity, insults, intimidation, or humiliating or degrading treatment are strictly prohibited. Compliance with these standards may be difficult after experiencing the harsh realities of war, but that never excuses our obligation to do what is right. Even in the worst conditions, the Golden Rule applies, and we must treat our enemies as we want to be treated.

Combat medics accompany the infantry into every combat mission to provide immediate lifesaving treatment and evacuate casualties under fire. A medic’s job is to be there, to put the needs of others before self, even at the cost of their own life. “Angels of Mercy” are how combat medics have been portrayed on the battlefield because of their lifesaving presence for others in the worst and most vulnerable moments. Medics triage and treat combat casualties, including friendly forces and enemy noncombatants. Combat medics risk their lives to save others and demonstrate dignity and respect for all of humanity in the worst possible conditions.

Mission first, people always. The Army’s mission and the life of every soldier demand the utmost respect. Respect originates from within and must be given freely to others. When respect is present in all our actions, it strengthens the health of teams, the Army and the nation.

Ultimately, sacrifice is at the heart of the profession of arms, and there is no greater form of respect than a soldier willing to lay down their life for the freedom of another.

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The Importance of Respect and Integrity in the Army

The Importance of Respect and Integrity in the Army essay

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Home — Essay Samples — Government & Politics — Army Values — Military Respect: The Cornerstone of Discipline and Camaraderie


Military Respect: The Cornerstone of Discipline and Camaraderie

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Words: 666 |

Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 666 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Table of contents

The essence of military respect, the manifestations of military respect, the importance of military respect.

  • Superiors: Respect for higher-ranking officers and leaders is a cornerstone of military discipline. This respect is demonstrated through salutes, adherence to orders, and deference to their authority.
  • Subordinates: The military values the dignity and worth of every service member, regardless of rank. Leaders must treat their subordinates with respect, recognizing their contributions and addressing their needs and concerns.
  • Peers: Respect among peers fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie. It includes acknowledging each other's expertise, supporting one another in challenging situations, and upholding the honor of the unit.
  • Traditions and Values: Military respect extends to the customs, traditions, and core values of the armed forces. These traditions are honored and upheld as a source of pride and identity.
  • Rules and Regulations: Military members show respect for the rules and regulations that govern their conduct. Compliance with these standards ensures order and safety within the ranks.
  • Saluting: Saluting is a symbol of respect and recognition of higher rank. It is a gesture that signifies acknowledgment of authority.
  • Following Orders: Promptly and efficiently executing orders from superiors is a demonstration of respect for their leadership and the chain of command.
  • Active Listening: Respectful communication involves active listening, where service members attentively hear and consider the perspectives and concerns of others.
  • Mentoring and Training: Senior military members take on mentorship roles, guiding and instructing junior service members to help them grow and succeed.
  • Integrity and Honesty: Upholding the military's values of integrity and honesty is a form of respect for the institution and one's comrades.


Camaraderie:, moral and ethical foundation:, leadership and mentorship:, unit cohesion:.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Army Values Essay | Sample Essay on Seven Army Values in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Army Values Essay: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Honor, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage are the basic values of the army. On the off chance that these qualities can be imparted in us, we will have all we require to make a phenomenal fighter yet in addition an extraordinary individual.

The army values additionally become possibly the most important factor when you are sent downrange on the grounds that you need to have great individual fighters who will consistently have your back no matter what the circumstance you wind up in. The military qualities likewise characterize our character attributes personally and they instruct us discipline. The Army Values are a major piece of our lives and the youthful troopers need to figure out how to look after them.

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Pioneers have the enthusiastic acumen to give direction to troopers when they are battling with private matters. Carrying out activities that show compassion and join relational politeness will permit officers to trust in you as a pioneer. An incredible pioneer will go past the hierarchy of leadership to foster officers and endeavor to impact people around them, paying little heed to rank. Being receptive and open as a pioneer will cultivate the relationship you have with your fighters.

Army Values Essay Example 800 Words in English

Every day in life it is a fight, not really a fight between great or insidiousness, but rather a fight between deciding, pretty much decisions. We are continually given decisions in our lives and whether we settle on the set in the stone decision is dependent upon us. Since people are not amazing we frequently settle on some unacceptable decisions and some unacceptable choices. Frequently when we settle on some unacceptable decision it brings about outcomes that regularly influence individuals around us.

At the point when a future warrior chooses to devote their life to joining the tactical, they promise to satisfy everything the tactical represents, including the seven-armed force esteems. The seven-armed force esteems are dependability, obligation, respect, selfless help, honor, uprightness, and individual mental fortitude. Unwaveringly is continually staying loyal in the mission and to your kindred fight amigos. A dependable officer will consistently uphold their administration and support their fight mates.

Obligation is continually satisfying your commitments to the mission, your country, and your kindred troopers. Performing your responsibility implies continually having the option to achieve the errand collectively and never taking “easy routes”. Regard is continually treating your fight amigos how you need them to treat you. Regarding others permits us to genuinely see the best in others and confidence permits us to invest our best energy in all that we do as warriors. Benevolent assistance is understanding that as a trooper you need to put the government assistance of the country, the mission, and your fight mates before your own. The essential structure square of caring assistance is the responsibility of each colleague to invest more energy into adding to the groups all out exertion. Honor involves doing, acting, and living the upsides of regard, obligation, dependability, caring help, trustworthiness and individual fortitude in all that you do as a trooper in the Armed forces.

Trustworthiness is continually making the wisest decision both lawfully and ethically 24 seven. Respectability is a quality you create by sticking to every single good standard. The more decisions you make dependent on trustworthiness, the better the result of the entirety of your decisions you will make. Individual Courage is the capacity to confront your apprehensions and face difficulty whether it is physical or mental. Confronting moral dread or difficulty might be a long, moderate interaction of moving ahead on the correct way, particularly if making those moves isn’t famous with others. Building individual mental fortitude is just about as straightforward as defending others and following up on things you know are noteworthy. Every one of the seven of these qualities is critical to making better officers who settle on better decisions.

Since honor is the solitary armed force esteem that has genuinely typified the other six-armed force esteems, it must be the main armed force esteem. There are numerous definitions for the word honor, where a few groups have an unexpected definition in comparison to the military. The word reference has three definitions for the word honor. The principal definition is the quality or actuality of being straightforward; uprightness and reasonableness. The subsequent definition is honesty, genuineness, or bluntness. At last, the third definition is the point at which an individual is liberated from trickery or misrepresentation.

Notwithstanding, a great many people simply accept that trustworthiness is simply making the wisest decision and conceding when you are accomplishing something incorrectly or bad. At the point when you vow to join the military and become a piece of an option that could be greater than yourself, so as an officer you should maintain the worth of genuineness. Frankly, it is a presentation of reality, and current realities are only an outcome of being straightforward. In straightforward terms, trustworthiness isn’t just to come clean, yet additionally to live reality. Trustworthiness depends on reality, and the most broad indication of this isn’t lying. Indeed, even the most straightforward and “harmless” untruth could get dangerous. Genuineness incorporates not exclusively being straightforward to others, yet in addition being straightforward to ourselves, by not denying what our identity is and what we feel and accept.

Caring assistance implies that you don’t settle on choices or make moves that help your picture or your vocation, for a group to work, the individual needs to surrender personal circumstance to benefit the whole.The necessity for benevolence doesn’t diminish with one’s position; it increments. Pioneers who exhibit magnanimous assistance put the government assistance of the country, the Army, and subordinates before their own. They Sustain camaraderie while giving acknowledgment for progress to other people and tolerating duty regarding disappointment themselves. Honor Live up to all the Army esteems. What is existence without honor? Debasement is more regrettable than death.

Maintaining honesty has three sections, isolating what’s directly based on what’s going on, Always acting as per what you know to be correct, even at the individual expense, Saying straightforwardly that you’re following up on your comprehension of right versus wrong. Pioneers who show honesty consistently Do what is correct lawfully and ethically and Possess high close-to-home good guidelines. They Are straightforward in word and deed and Show reliably great good judgment and conduct.

Essay on Army Values

FAQ’s on Army Values Essay

Question 1. Why are army values important?

Answer: At the point when Soldiers learn and apply the military qualities, it advances solidarity and individual status. The qualities structure the establishment of a culture of cooperation, greatness, and regard. Hence, adds to a solid and prepared Army that can make do, adjust and survive.

Question 2. What are the seven army values?

Answer: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Honor, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage

Question 3. What do army values mean to you?

Answer: In the Army, regarding implies perceiving and liking the intrinsic pride and worth, all things considered. This advises you that individuals are the Army’s most prominent asset. Officers ought to consistently respect everybody’s individual worth by treating all individuals with nobility and regard.

Question 4. What is the importance of the Indian Army?

Answer: The Indian Army is a fragment of India that guarantees public safety just as the public solidarity of individuals of this country. India is an assorted nation as are the issues that India faces. The Indian armed forces assume a significant part in controlling the issues of this country and this is the explanation harmony can win in the country.

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    Respect. While the Army Values define respect as treating others the way you would treat yourself, for the sake of establishing discipline, it represents a form of inherited credibility (Department of the Army, n.d.). This pays homage to the phrase respect is earned, and as leaders, they should always try to earn the respect of those they lead.

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    The Respect For Military Authority Philosophy Essay. The United States Army is structured on several values and principles that it upholds, among these are military bearing, discipline and respect. These principles represents what the organization strongly believes in and governs the most basic customs and courtesies that all its members should ...

  20. Army Values: Treat others with dignity

    "Army Values" is not merely a phrase for how members of the Army should act. These words are who we are. We embody the seven Army Values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor ...

  21. Sample Essay on Seven Army Values in English

    Army Values Essay: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Honor, Selfless Service, Integrity, and Personal Courage are the basic values of the army. On the off chance that these qualities can be imparted in us, we will have all we require to make a phenomenal fighter yet in addition an extraordinary individual. The army values additionally become possibly the ...

  22. Respect in the Military

    Respect in the Military. Respect, especially in the Army is a very important value to live by. It is much more than just talking kindly and listening to someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone's emotions, feelings and needs. You must also focus on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences.

  23. Military customs and courtesies: a Soldier's perspective

    Although, some of the ranks, ceremonies and personnel do not demand a hand salute, a Soldier must always display good manners. These are some of the customs and traditions the Army has adopted: 1 ...

  24. Catalyst Papers: A Practical Writing Style for Army Leaders to Share Ideas

    The Army University Press - the US Army's premier multimedia organization - focuses on advancing the ideas and insights military professionals need to lead and succeed. The Army University Press is the Army's entry point for cutting edge thought and discussion on topics important to the Army and national defense. Through its suite of publication platforms and educational services, the ...